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No. 307634
>>307565skinny medium brunette
it's more detailed than that but essentially the type of guys I like, when I see who they have dated it's always girls who look nothing like me
No. 307647
>>307536Kinda curious what op looks like. Or if she's not their type for other reasons.
>>307625>A bit of chub can be fine if he's got a good frame and it's nicely distributedNo.
>Skinny-fat is the most unappealing male body type, though.Yes.
No. 307685
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I’m a white girl who used to live in the Bay Area near lots of Silicon Valley tech bro types. At the time, I was very attracted to the skinny, computer nerd/engineer type of guy - must have been easy pickings, right? NOPE! NOT AT ALL. The vast majority of the ones I was attracted to (and all of their friends!) seemed to exclusively date Asian girls. Even the Asian women I knew used to joke about easily securing rich white tech husbands there, too. I was definitely jealous and seethed about that for a long time, kek
No. 307687
>>307685that's my situation
the guys I want are asian girl only
No. 307744
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i feel like i'm too mean and retarded to get any type (because i don't have like one type, i just like men sometimes, and sometimes not, no matter how conventional they look it's random features i like)
but that's ok because if someone can't stand the fact that i have problems and i don't better myself then it wouldn't end well for either part and it would be a waste of time
have any of you anons attracted the opossite of your type? or found it physically but not mentality/personality wise?
No. 307749
>>307720going for nerdy men in this day and age
nonny? you are braver than the troops, hope he doesnt troon out, become a sex offender, murders you, or all three
No. 307765
>>307744yes, both. i have a clear type i am very attracted to.
boyfriend 1: when i met him, he looked weird to me, not completely ugly but not attractive either. his personality was a match made in heaven for me, that gaslit me into thinking he was super hot time after time, i loved him.
boyfriend 2: i saw him at a bus stop and asked a new friend who seemed to know him who this perfect creature was, he really was my type. i was infatuated with his looks for about one year before i made him my boyfriend (had to break up with the first one)
boyfriend 3: was attractive, but i wasn’t crazy about his looks. he was a pretty manlet, kind of ezra miller face. a cocky fun one who turned out to be a pathological liar and a narc. i can’t even remember how i fell for him. ezra miller is not exactly my type and i usually only liked guys who were at least 6ft tall.
boyfriend 4: until him i thought i will never be more attracted to someone than i was to boyfriend 2. but this moid was the EMBODIMENT of my ideal type. lookswise. every single feature he had was perfect and how they were mixed together… i saw him standing about 10 meters away from me in the subway and fell in love immediately. couldn’t forget him and searched for him the following 6 months until i found him and made him my boyfriend. i could never judge his personality so well because i was so blinded.
boyfriend 5: never really recovered from the high of boyfriend 4 but met this really ugly moid, imagine a pudgy, uglier trevor moore with paul mccartney eyes and a small dick who was so charming that it didn’t even bother me. great personality but the sex was disappointing and it turned out to be unhealthier than with boyfriend 3.
- my sex life was better with the ones that were my type and i was attracted to physically from the beginning, even when i became unhappy, i could never stop fucking them
No. 308266
>>308168Moids are super picky about who they will bestow the dignity of being treated as a human being upon
Moids are not picky about who they will use as a human fleshlight
It IS easy to let yourself be fucked and chucked, I would know. The trick is they have to feel like they can get away with it and nobody would know, behind closed doors men will sleep with literally anything
They will do this resentfully and punish you for not being Stacy though. They will take the opportunity to abuse the absolute fuck out of you, see Shayna
No. 310556
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I think my type goes into the golden retriever nerd bf territory with some additions: doesn't watch porn, taller than me, conventionally attractive (no guys from the countryside, they all have a weird look), and in a good shape.
As for my shortcomings, I am 5'10 (not really a disadvantage, i know, but moids are so insufferable about it), have a slight hunchback, swear a lot, kinda lazy at times, I have big trust issues, therefore I am cold and distant and I refuse to make the first move as I think the guy has to first.
So yea, might be my high standards kek.
What I've attracted so far were alcoholics, out of shape tech bros, stalking creeps, alt right weebs and complaining misogynistic fucks who refuse to change their lives for the better.
No. 310592
>>307636Fuck. Yeah.
Nonnie. Admittedly I like them to be hairy as well. I'm 5'10", getting pounced on by some wolverine dude is my thing. Plus if I wear heels and can bury their face in my boobs, added win. Problem is a few of these manlets I've tried to pursue were put off by MY height or so insecure it was annoying as fuck. One of them wanted me to mommydom them. Fuck that. I want a self confident burly manlet who ain't afraid to climb Mount Pussy. 5'11" is max height kek.
No. 310665
>>310620yeah for some reason all the hot brown hair guys are with blondes, thought I was the only one noticing. It's almost like it's illegal to date people with the same hair colour as you
same for guys with brown eyes wanting blue eyed girls
No. 310667
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>>310620>not wanting a pasty vampire with a name like Pádraig O'Sexy who has freckles on his penis and doesn't wear anything under his kiltYou have shit taste
nonnie No. 310797
>>310775Wtf me too, I hesitated to post it because I didn't want it to be racebait-y, but I've noticed the majority of guys I attract are black too. The guy that had the longest crush on me for like 4 years was a weeby black dude (who I just remained friends with even though he really pined for me for the longest time) I don't really get it either because I'm short super pale and have shortish hair and mainly wear oversized pants and boots. I guess I don't really fit the beauty standard of other white girls in my area (longer hair and more makeup and jewelry) Very rarely a white guy will flirt with me and they usually are bible thumpers or druggy country guys and I hate it.
None of that matters though because my type is rough alt looking women but every time I've seen one in the wild she is already in a relationship (rip)
No. 310982
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>>310665ayrt, when I had a few brunette guys actually be into me they ended up having something horribly wrong with them. is it like considered freudian? seemed like it used to be more commonplace that brunettes would date brunettes. I hate the blonde epidemic. I'm not going to roach my scalp and have the ugliest hair color shade with my skin tone, it's just not happening. I'll do black, I'll do redhead, but I will never go blonde. there's a lot of ugly or mid blonde women with light eyes I see with attractive brunette guys and it just pisses me off because those women would be considered so much uglier if not for their coloring.
>>310667ironically my sister's only ex is a ginger and we've always been opposites
No. 311240
>>310775black guys want white girls
white guys want asian girls
everyone wants a white man
No. 311252
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I'm into artsy feminine women but I'm a chubby corporate normie. I wish I could have more style or… a penis.
No. 311267
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Goth/Metalhead. Any hair color, preferably black/blonde/ginger. No greasy hair or body. No BO or slouchy posture. Basically any guy with a nice face shape(cheekbones and jaw) and fit body.
I'm 5'2 pale, ghostly pale mixed Latino, 40 pounds overweight but still have my body shape. People either think I'm timid or intimidating at first (have a ""rbf"", to use that sexist term). My major interests are video games, music, nature.
I attract loser nerd men with everything I hate just because I talk about games too and hang around gamer spaces. Fuck anxiety, fuck awkwardness, FML
No. 311288
>>311267>metalhead>no greasy hair/body>no BO>no slouchy posturesorry nona but that's impossible
also in my experience metalhead dudes will like you if you're gothy and RBF is a plus. a lot are racist though so be wary of the ones who will fetishize you or say racist/misogynistic shit about you behind your back.
No. 311965
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i like sketchy crackhead looking skinnyfat guys. if they're funny. there, i said it.
not that it matters because the only ones that ever acknowledge my visibly autistic existence are the desperate immature moids that share my nerdy interests and/or nationality. they seem to think we'd have a connection because of it. we do not. i hate things that resemble myself. also all men who are into cartoons are rancid and i'd rather be alone. i want a loser but not that kind of loser you know?
No. 311967
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Is there actually a correlation between how you present yourself and what kind of guys you attract? Because the only guys that express interest in me are ugly losers or dumb rednecks. I like conventionally attractive men, physically fit types who wear cologne and are friendly. Basically well adjusted normies. I'm good enough looking myself, but for years I've been dressing like a slob and not doing my hair/wearing makeup. I guess I kind of just expected decent men to look past that but in all fairness I'm also a huge autist and I have some issues communicating with strangers. Do I just need to put in a little effort? I feel so stunted kek
No. 311978
>>311967maybe you just live in the south and you got poor pickins'
move like i did anon
No. 311981
>>311967also you can dress good and smell good and do all your make up and shit but you can still attract rancid scrotes
anyway taking care of yourself is probably a good start idk i feel like it's just nice to treat yourself nicely
No. 312021
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I'm into manlets. Like to the point where I'm completely unable to be attracted to a guy who's more than 10 cm taller than me. I'm 170 cm myself which is slightly above average for a woman where I live and guys that height are not super rare, but the thing is I'm also quite masculine in my mannerisms and style and I've noticed short guys especially are more into feminine short girls. Usually when I'm interacting with moids they keep asking why I'm so angry and saying I'm aggressive even when I'm not.
I won't even get started about women because finding a tomboyish (i.e. my type of) SSA woman who's not some kind of a troon or gendie is impossible these days.
No. 312052
>>311970what's your hair and eye colour ?
the fairer white men (light hair and eyes) don't go for white women unless they have no other options. most societies are multiracial nowadays so they have plenty of asian women to choose from
darker white men (brown hair, eyes) prefer blonde white women or asians/latinas
If you attract east asian men, chances are you are slim. you might not be attracting black guys if you're skinny; they like white women with blonde hair, blue eyes and curves
No. 312061
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My type are introverted nerds with black/dark hair and glasses.
I developed a crush on a cute guy I have a class with who is just what I described, but he always sits next to this girl with flawless makeup and kempt brunette hair. I asked my friend about him and her and she said that they appear to just be buddies, so there's a good chance they're not dating, but it's likely at least one of them have feelings for the other.
We also happen to volunteer at the same place and we found out we have shared interests, being mainly vidya, and we warmed up to each other, but we only ever interact in the volunteering place where it is less awkward and makes more sense, but I don't know if I am even his type. Maybe his type are kempt brunette haired girls, and he doesn't give a shit that we share the same nerdy interests since I am not a kempt brunette haired girl, so he doesn't even consider me potential gf material. I still have hope though.
No. 312486
>>312052ITA and you’re right, I’m white with mousy hair and blue eyes, and pretty noticeably skinny. I’ve never seriously attracted a black guy or been the first choice of a Latino guy in my life, and my type are white European-looking men.
I think another explanation is that I’m so heavily entrenched in the good girl/girl next door look. I don’t think I could ever assume the “baddie” look, which doesn’t bode well for me as a burgerfag.
>>312053I heavily attract East Asian men, but ofc the occasional South Asian guy. The fetishization of us from the latter really does suck!
No. 312524
>>312492it used to be the creeps going for them
now it's the hottest young guys out there picking average ones
No. 312600
>>312571How the fuck do you wake up in the morning and talk about yourself like a rape ape and not become a complete loser in every aspect of your life?
You don't really have to, nobody's making you, you just do it for the pure irredeemable faggotry of it i guess? Idgi is it your goal to be an insult to your your family, you're gender, other women….?
Grow the f up it's fucking pathetic.
No. 312604
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>>312600..she just said she has dark brown eyes nonna
No. 312610
>>312604* diarrhea brown eyes
I know its not donned on you yet (maybe youre 12, naive, maybe you do any cringy pathetic thing for male attention) It sounds like you crawled out of a trailer park dumpster and said it purely for social points.
I know you can't hear how cringe and sad it sounds now, but you will someday and you will be fucking embarrassed for yourself.
No. 312696
>>312451yeah for real
it's damn near impossible to make someone your boyfriend unless they're already very into you and being passive about it. If you're not their type they'll just ignore you
No. 312819
>>312642This is delusional. I think
>>312805 is right. I like red hair on women but usually women like red hair more than men.
No. 312827
>>312805I'd say the hierarchy of men's preference for white women's hair colour is:
1. blonde
2. ginger
3. black
4 brown
Some men do hate ginger hair though.
the darker a man is, the more
he will fetishise blonde hair. Generally brown hair + brown eyes is seen as generic, plain, boring and you'd have to be exceptionally good looking to be considered more than a plain jane
No. 312832
>>312052Black/dark brown hair and green eyes.
All types of men have found me attractive, but esp men with light eyes and light brown hair, which is my type as well so it works out.
No. 312833
>>312819It's not delusional. Most men like
natural redheaded women even if they make "no soul" jokes (which if they are, they aren't men anyways). And yes, they can tell the difference between dyed and not. There's other traits redheads have outside of hair color as well.
No. 312842
>>312827>>312833i think there's trends to what type of girls a lot of guys like with hair & eye color (just like body types)
the red hair thing was popular during like the 2000s or 2010s?
a lot of men would say like shit like "redheads are freaky" and reddit moids loved them but i don't see guys talking about them at all anymore
No. 312858
Emily Rajatakowski
Bella Hadid
Kylie Jenner
Kendall Jenner
Hailey Bieber
Megan Fox
Madison Beer
Ana de Armas
Olivia Rodrigo
Ariana Grande
Do I need to go on? Tan skinny and brunette is very in right now.
No. 312859
>>312705Also sorry about your idiot boyfriend anon.
But you can’t judge yourself by how a guy treats you. Plenty of men will treat even the most beautiful women like trash
No. 312861
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I don’t know if it’s me not being their type or if there are just not many men of my type where I live. I’m short and hourglass with pale skin green eyes dark hair freckles. I get called pretty a lot and people think I go to the gym for some reason probably because I have big thighs and ass. I mostly see gym bros in my area and the nerdy guys around here are just ugly, like unwashed long greasy hair. I’m unfortunately having better luck meeting younger guys who fit my type which is just normal weight or skinny, a good hairstyle and a cute face, coupled with a nerdy personality like being into games and wanting to chill at home rather than go out to bars and clubs. I fucking despise that kind of atmosphere because I love being comfy at home, but for some reason the only men I meet are party bros + gym bros + dumb as fuck, when I’m really attracted to intellectual types bordering on a bit pretentious but a goofy sense of humor and able to toss out some witty banter here and there.
I guess the problem is where I live there’s just genuinely a lot of dumb motherfuckers and drug addicts + stoners, I might be doomed unless I move to a big city.
Where is my non-murderous Joe Goldberg or Logan Lerman in Perks of being a wallflower?
I don’t really want to date guys in their early twenties since I’m in my late, but they seem to be the only dudes with any sense of style, guys my age put no effort into their damn appearance or they’re on that hypermasculine gymbro aesthetic where they wear tanks and workout shorts and buzz their head…. Ugh
I also find blue eyes and blonde hair legitimately ugly on 99% of men so that cuts out a lot of options
Also I have a theory that nerdy guys might actually be most attracted to party girl types because they want someone to spice up their boring lives
No. 312869
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>>312858not a single one of these dark haired tan white women is with anyone attractive
this is the kind of woman beautiful white men go for
No. 312870
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>>312705Why would you stay in a relationship with a guy who's not sexually attracted to you and didn't even bother to do anything for Valentine's Day? You sound very insecure, anon. None of these features are conventionally unattractive and you shouldn't try to change to please moids. I hope you learn to love yourself anon and break up with your bf because it sounds like he only makes you feel worse about yourself. Do not ever stay in a relationship with guys who are open about not finding you attractive or/and don't put effort for you. It will only make you feel worse, it's basically psychological self harm. Get a grip and respect yourself, love yourself, work on your mental health, learn hot to not depend on some worthless scrote. Good luck anon.
No. 312891
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>>312890they're trying to cope
he's very much above average, maybe one in 300 guys looks as good as that
and she's not average, she's a bit below average
No. 312915
>>312913When a man is better looking than the woman it’s ALWAYS an arrangement like this tbh.
Think about it, even hideous incel moids want a 8/10 Japanese girl or a 7/10 college age white girl at minimum.
So imagine how devious above average looking moids are and how many ulterior motives they have when dating women below their own attractiveness level.
I’m telling you now, attractive men don’t settle for average or ugly women, unless there’s some serious other side perk at play (like she gives him money, she supports his lifestyle, lets him fuck her friends or family members etc etc)
Men are shallow as fuck and these relationships are never based on wholesome factors. Men don’t give a fuck about a woman’s personality or character, they can only love and simp for beautiful women.
No. 312956
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unfortunately i'm into tifs ( formerly known as tomboys ) and in this zoomer age, especially within my age range - they're definitely NOT into girls. i'm not even feminine naturally but i just know it's not my anatomy they're after. this is of course on the condition that they haven't gone on hormones or beyond that
No. 312967
>>312638I think I'm ugly but I also have hellish body dysmorphia and posts like
>>312827 don't help, I'm more of a reddish brunette naturally but I'm about to leech the black out of my hair and pay the piper to get a pro dye job because I feel like this makes me look generic and awful
Blonde dye looks awful on a lot of white women though, just being honest, there's a lot of ugly dye blondes or women who dye their hair an ugly blonde and then men drool over it anyway. I hate blonde as a color so no matter how prominent the blonde disease is I refuse to pick a color that clashes with my skintone. Fellow women with midtone skin please dye your hair any color but blonde, it looks awful on us
No. 312981
im still not buying into idea that liberal men are categorically worse than conversatives (whatever opinion you have on this either way i promise ive heard and agreed with on at least some level, its just not the conversation im trying to have), but hippy, crunchy men… jesus.
i garden and volunteer and im cute as a button for reals and the type of lazy, self centered, therapy speaking, psuedo spiritual wook this draws in drive me to distraction. i dont even buy into most of this, i just like going outside, but the Terrance McKenna wannabe ass, weird pointless kinetic hobby having, jam band liking moids this draws in is almost enough to make me smarten up my look.
almost. because i dont tailor anything i do to appease or repel moids, but even bluntly making fun of the things they believe or the profundity they think they have doesnt seem to register.
addicted to weed, convinced their screen induced lethargy is spiritual malaise, thinks hes working class because he had a shitty cook job or two, claims to have anxiety, claims to be bisexual. claims to have read up on every relevant religion, philosophy and social science to the conversation, lacks the raw IQ to have retained any of it. owns a housecoat.
No. 313028
>>312981I've gone on dates with men from altright conservatives all the way to sjw tier (white guilt / loving troons etc) liberals and at the end of the day they're all awful. About a two yrs ago when I was in my "idgaf, I'm single" phase I went on dates with whoever asked me out on the dating app and the conclusion was I'm done wasting my time - no amount of "free" dinners / drinks will ever make up for my precious lost time (+ multiple occurrences of them sexually harassing me, boring me to death, and/or using me as a therapist). Now I just focus on my hobbies like lifting and studying languages and hang out with friends & am much happier.
Also from my experience liberal dudes don't offer to pay for the first date but will still expect sex from you. Conservative dudes will pay for dates then get mad if you don't want to go back to their place (for sex). I'm just really done entertaining moids in any shape or form
No. 313038
>>312869tbh idk why everyone is losing it over this post.
tbh i noticed wmaf couples are hardly ever a looksmatch. and i never thought about this or noticed it with other interracial couple pairings
but i'd say that it goes both ways…
at least in america since the beauty standards here are different than asia, it seems like a lot of white guys will go for an asian girl that is "below" them on just cause she's slightly "thicc" and tan or whatever even tho they have an really unfortunate face. but a similar girl of a different race, they would not date her.
where for asian women who fit more of the asia beauty standard (pale, skinny, wear asia style makeup, etc) and a pretty face they'll be with the most mid white dude or a straight-up ogre. in these though you can at least assume money is the answer, but i don't think it always is.
No. 313042
white men have such high standards for white women
but if you're an asian woman, you can get a very desirable white man just by being asian
It's a massive advantage and as a white woman you can't compete, no matter how pretty you are
No. 313053
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>>313042autosage for blogpost / no1curr but as an asian woman who's trying to date somewhat normal man while trying to avoid men with yellow fever / fetishization I'm actually sick and tired of white men (+ all non asian men who fetishize "muh oriental waifu").
I also think 'beautiful' white men will date whatever race but still end up marrying a beautiful white women, at least around my area. It's all the average / ogre looking white dudes looking for an 'ethnic' wife hitting me up on apps and DMs and I'm sick and tired of it. Anime was a mistake and I hate that ethnicities simply a commodity for pornsick men ('asian' / 'ebony' / 'latina' etc)
especially white men
No. 313123
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>>313038Completely agree and the reason is cause white people with yellow fever have low standards for Asian beauty (since they have yellow fever, so just having stereotypically asian features already is more attractive to them) and Asians with white fever have low standards for white beauty.
An asian girl who is pretty but likes white men will think any white dude with thinning blonde hair, a big honker nose and colored eyes is handsome regardless of the fact that she could do better.
An attractive white man with an asian fetish will think any girl with monolid eyes tan skin and a flat nose (things that wouldn’t be attractive to her own race) is hot, and often won’t even be attracted to the “kpop” type of girls since they don’t look as exotic, they border on looking more half white half Asian due to surgeries.
In the end it works out for both of them though so who cares if everyone’s happy, just don’t date moids with yellow fever if it bothers you to always be second best compared to average looking Asian girls.
While it does seem like most men have yellow fever sometimes it’s not really true it’s mostly the terminally online men, I’ve had some good looking guys irl straight up say they don’t find Asian women attractive at all
Same goes for white girls into Asian guys too. I used to be a weeb and I dated some ugly motherfuckers I wouldn’t look twice at now that the yellow fever has thankfully exited my body. Picrel I guarantee some anons still in their Korean drama phase will think these two are a looksmatch
No. 314082
>>313573Didn't anon say average/ugly Asian girls are more likely to get hotter white men if the white man have yellow fever? Anyway I think that's not exactly true, in my experience I've usually seen ugly white people who fetishize a certain race usually end up with an ugly person of that race who the white person in question thinks is super hot.
Not all interracial relationships are built like that, you can have a white guy with an Asian girl without either of them choosing one another solely because of their race, choosing depending on race is more common alongst incels/femcels/chronically online weebs.
No. 314096
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Goofy silly guys that can skate, or are big into this subculture. The really friendly types where their personality really helps their looks. I'm not particularly into Axel but him and Lizzie have such a cute relationship
I used to sleep with a guy that was literally that exact type but I'm pretty sure I was a rebound so that kills me inside. He was so fucking hot
No. 314114
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No. 314123
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>>314117he is a catch considering this is typically what the average/above average white woman's boyfriend looks like
No. 314148
>>314124>She is a woman. Of course she’s more beautifulDisingenuous. She's visibly ugly, not every woman
has to be beautiful y'know? She's probably rich anyway, she doesn't need to be pretty
>>314126Whites are so sad. Imagine having such shit genetics your cutest moids are allegedly all teenagers, to the point you even assume he's younger just because he's attractive. Wtf man
No. 314156
>>314153I'm not even white, most
poc simply age slower, it's not my fault your dudes look terribly by the time they hit 24, other races would keep their looks far longer and nobody would assume they're teenagers neither
No. 314159
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>>314114I found the tiktok and this is how the underage boy anon lusted after looks without filters. Like a literal teen.
No. 314162
>>314156I'm not white either, kek.
>>314158I think it's an asian pedophile woman instead of a scrote. She's been posting about how asian women can get any white man while she herself kept thirsting after underage boys. A scrote would probably spam cute Asian girls and tell us they're better while anon always posts ugly Asian women because that's what she is, an ugly asian woman who thinks dating a shitty white man will solve her self-esteem issues and thetefore she'll finally feel superior to other women.
(racebaity tinfoil, derailing) No. 314168
>>314164Where are you from? I'm guessing Philippines since pedophilia is accepted there.
>>314166The issue isn't men aging like shit, it's anon thinking she can score underage white boys because of her race. She's a pedo, that guy looks 16-17 max.
No. 314173
>>314168I'm latina, and yes, most men my age (22) look well, young, because they don't usually hit the wall unless overweight or severely ill. You deadass assume every attractive dude
has to be underage, I pity you guys
No. 314180
>>314176Okay I get it, he's actually a minor. I'm just saying that me finding him cute is not ~pedophilia~, I'm simply used to men looking young as adults because that's just normal for my race
>>314179>Didn't you say you weren't white? Latinos aren't Asian and they're not Black either so you're whiteWtf is this logic? Mestizos exists you know?
>Also the guy you thirst posted is Russian and an average racist Russian dude wouldn't ever love youI'm not op
(infighting) No. 314324
>>314114is that a mongolian/some other asiatic minority and a russian sitting in on some school ceremony in russian clasroom
>>314159oh shit i guessed right
No. 316427
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what a breathtaking young man, wonder what kind of girl he goes for
No. 316428
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No. 316429
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No. 317422
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>>306574Lesbianism needs a comeback this thread is bleak.
No. 317565
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>>317423>>317421its pretty gross how normalized it is
No. 317571
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>>317566vague recollection of reading something about that. it makes sense because attractive males are more likely to be sluts, and if an attractive female is seeking a relationship with someone of equal or greater looks, they're going to have a hard time because those men are more likely to not be looking for a relationship. so if one was in a relationship and with a female of less than equal looks, it would probably
trigger attractive females. it is the same for tall females. they get pissed off when midget women are dating tall men because they have a hard time finding a guy that a. isn't a little bitch about being smaller than his gf and b. one that is equal or taller in height.
No. 317580
>>317423I don't even have super light features aside from my skin, but I look foreign enough and the creeps know the eastern euro girl stereotype and think I'll meet it.
>>317565Yeah and the idea they can just fly over to some ee country, and immediately find a gorgeous model-tier woman who worships them and wants to be their maid. Because we're "traditional". They think we're stuck in the 50s. Eastern europe must be one of the most misunderstood places.
We're always in the context of "western woman bad bc she won't take our shit, eastern european woman good bc servant"
No. 317701
>>317658>>317666Can confirm. Am dark haired from the south. Attract lighter haired moids. The exact opposite of my type.
Now northerners, tell me, are all the cute tall puppy eyed brunette men abundant there? Are they a northern thing? Do I need to move the fuck up there or to a big city? I'm tired of all these ugly southern guys please
No. 317726
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I’m v into a certain type of British phenotype that I think is might be Scottish but I’m not sure?? Maybe Britfags can enlighten me on this. Stephen Hendry when he was in his 20s is an example. The potato nose, almond shaped eyes and bulldog like face just does something to me kek. This type of Brit is very cute to me in a normie, guy next door kind of way.
No. 317734
>>317658blonde men are into dark hair and eyes BUT ONLY when it's on an asian or native american (latina) woman. Latinas I'm guessing attract them because native americans look a bit like asians.
They're not attracted to dark haired dark eyed Mediterranean, middle eastern, black or indian women. Particularly the MENA women's look is something that both dark and light haired white men are not into, not sure why
as for blonde men being stuck up, it's probably because everyone wants them
No. 317750
>>317740can't relate
they consistently have the best features/are the hottest
and it's really hard to even get a date with them
No. 317786
>>317734this has been my experience. is it the same in nordic countries where almost everyone is blond? i guess over there they don't see their own hair color as too special?
>>317740let's switch places kek. personally i can't stand men with dark hair and eyes. i have those features myself so it's just weird to be with a guy that looks like he could be related to me.
No. 317788
>>317758Yes and yes
I attract a lot of middle eastern, Mediterranean or mixes of that sort and holy crap they are the most awful people alive. Extremely controlling, you could literally lock yourself in the room all day with no devices and they'd still find something to accuse you of cheating over even though they cheat themselves. They never want to work out issues maturely they just give silent treatment and they obsess over other women a LOT.i haven't been physically abused by them but it wouldn't surprise me if it was common, they're practically little minions of Andrew Tate
No. 317805
>>317788this is not true though. Im medit and most men that were attracted to me were blonde meanwhile brunette men rejected me and fetishized blonde women.
I guess men want the opposite of them, its like a weird animal thing. If theyre already blonde they see the nocelty of blonde girls way less and if theyre brunette or darker they tend to mostly go for the whitest of white.
No. 317817
>>317815oh yeah wrong reply i meant to reply to
>>317734 kek.
No. 317842
>>317786"can't stand" is a strong word and I don't really get the "could be related to me" argument
are you east or south asian ?
No. 317904
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Just found out the guy I like prefers tatted girls and I don't have any
No. 317905
>>317902Stop shitting up this thread, no one cares about your identity. I'm %99 sure you're the same anon who's been racebaiting and hating on Asian women and sperging about Latina women. You're probably the same anon who admitted to being latina and called a 14 year old child handsome
>>314180 upthread since this thread has like 5 posters and you're the only race obsessed Latin poster. You're disgusting and pedophilic. Get help.
No. 318146
>>318145Is there even such a thing as an attractive goth cowboy? Like cowboys can be attractive, yes, but when you add goth, the cowboy gets fat.
Is there even such a thing as a goth dude that is somewhere in the middle of
>rattle rattle skinny bones George>skinny-fat sad sack Samuel>?????? >chubby double chin Daniel>the big fat rat Adam No. 318152
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>>318146The names kek, but nona, please don't make me think about reality. I'm trying to dream here.
No. 318156
>>318093Literally had the same experience with an Arab man, hilarious
But my experience with East Asian men have been that they’re emotionally/physically
abusive and called me fat unfortunately (I’m not overweight, in that middle healthy area on bmi scale)
I’ve only seriously dated 2 of them but they were both incredibly cruel and heartless men who valued being “logical” over emotions
No. 318358
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>>318274Yeah its just the not fitting in kinda thing. It's too much work to tan, I remember once I used a spray tan that literally made me grey kek
>>318237Forreal like do you think with an obvious Mexican last name, and like a Mexican mom who remembers popping me out that I'm just lying for no reason.. and yeah Latinos come in all color, I've seen the whitest, blue eyed latinos to darkskin 4c haired latinos
>>318254The women are so pretty too with their super black hair and bold dark eyes, I used to be jealous of how small they are too lol
>>318245>shitskin manlets. Alot of them look so hot like picrel.
No. 318411
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Getting kinda tangential here, does anyone else feel like their type is just not common around you? I feel like the main reason why I don't suffer of not being my type's type is because I'd need to come accross them to start with. I don't even think I have absurd standards, I'm not too particular with race and I like some traits that are considered unconventional like larger noses, but I hate most men's bodies, I like skinny, in a non flabby way, to "ottermode" and nearly all adult men around me are skinny-fat or roided or roided while still having too much fat.
No. 318497
>>318411All men I pull are skinny and trust me skinny bodies feel absolutely disgusting when you hug or touch them, skinny men also tend to neg you about your weight so I wouldn't recommend at all. All thin guys I knew were obsessed with fat women in a negative way and it's really creepy, they're not that different from your run of the mill anachan.
I'm quite short and literally underweight but the skinny guys that I dated/flirted with still told me to lose weight and acted obsessed with the size I wore like telling me I was perfect because I wore XXS/XS. So creepy.
No. 318527
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Looks wise, I like tall slim men with longish blond/light brown hair.
I don't know what I like personality wise, I thought I liked nerdy/introverted guys with no friends but after interacting with plenty of them I found out most of them are either pornsick, depressed, insecure or all of the above.
As a chubby/curvy tallish girl with dark hair and pale skin, I don't get approached often, but when I do it's either disgusting old manlets or younger scrawny manlets with dark hair.
No. 318536
>>318411there's a good number of men around me that are my type but I attract anything BUT them. Even though I can't pull them, I still can't help only being attracted to them. It is frustrating and demoralising though and deep down I know I'll never end up with someone that's my type. They don't even look at me.
Of the ones I attract who are always not my type, some of them are conventionally attractive but the only ones that treat me well are repulsive looking
No. 318570
>>318156Where are you from anon? I've had nothing but good experiences with east Asian men even though I'm like 5 lbs overweight and I'm mostly muscle, the ones I met typically fetishize being thick but I also assume the ones who go for me are particularly into that sort of stuff. Can't speak for all Asian men though, I've only been called fat by ugly white men and insecure white girls when I was
underage and underweight
No. 318736
>>318411Yes 100%. My type is a wholesome and pure muscular himbo, the golden retriever types. I also like them tall (at least 5'11"). Too bad most muscular scrotes I know at the gym are lifting for weird, spiteful reasons ('I want the girl that rejected me to regret it', 'I want to get laid' etc). They're far, far from wholesome as far as I know. I have a few gym buddies and I don't interact them outside of the gym for that reason (we spot each other / push each other / share tips to grow muscle but that's it).
Also taller men don't lift or foster their personalities because they automatically get pussy just for being tall. I wish all women had higher standards so we can make men be better and make them feel insecure for once. I've gone on dates with a lot of men who are 6ft+ and it feels like I'm watching the paint dry on the wall. And they all act like they can take me home after the first date… No thanks bud, maybe have a hobby other than watching netflix and playing vidya.
No. 318742
>>318688i do! i'm admittedly not the best at approaching strangers but i do still try and whenever anyone starts a conversation with me i always engage (unless they're outwardly a creep lol), and any compliment i receive is met with a very enthusiastic, painfully sincere "thank you so much!! that is very kind!!" because i do not know what else to say but don't want to participate in that unfortunate thing a lot of women feel compelled to do where they receive a compliment and immediately respond with self-deprecation
tbh part of me wonders if a factor is that my hobbies and interests are just niche enough that i effectively always know more about them than anyone around me/that i meet. men are often so insecure about women knowing more about a thing than they do even if they aren't interested in that thing, and it's not like i even unleash my full autism on them smh i give them the most abbreviated version that conveys what i'm talking about but does not immediately get into all the spergy details; they have to ask about those bc i'm not about to be the bitch at the function talking, unprompted, about hit dreamcast game seaman kek
No. 323746
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No. 323748
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Mfw I realise that if I want a cute above average normie bf I have to be the type of girl an above average normie would want
No. 323762
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>>312571you might attract them but are you attracting the ugly ones?
this is a typical dark haired/eyed white woman, white man couple
No. 323763
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>>323762and this is the average asian woman-white man couple…
(stop) No. 346555
>>306574me: asian woman
my type: cute asian men who are family-oriented (i hate the mama's boys tho). actually listens to me and is willing to improve.
men who are attracted to me: coomer hairy white men. sometimes depressed and autistic. they think i will deal with their behaviour.
No. 346626
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Is it odd for a man to have a preference of for women that are basketball player height? Because I am nowhere near that. I never thought being average height could turn away men, but it turns away my type (193 cm and above.)
No. 346759
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As a black woman I want to date black man but black men do not like me and never have! Ever since I was a kid we are like oil and water lol. We always end up arguing kek. I want an alt black king so bad but he only likes Beckie’s and sue kims. It’s so bleak! I like Alt styles on black dudes so much but it’s also a dog whistle for strictly dating the nonblacks because “black girls never liked me uwu” as if alt black girls don’t exist and as if Becky and sue kim like you for you and not for your supposed Mandingo and making daddy mad YAWN
No. 346947
Me: american indonesian
My on-again-off again bf: the white guy as described in
>>318088The men i attract: the only reference I really have is high school because that’s the last time I was really interacting with others in a big social pool. Cute white dudes didn’t take much interest in me but i’m pretty sure it was my off-putting personality. My first boyfriend was black and he was basically a good guy. The worst thing he did was bug me for nudes. Lots of black men would ask me out when I was younger. They were short and geeky. Arabs and Pakistanis also take interest. I like an older scruffy guy who is put together and kind, from any race. What i really want is a male that is a true caretaker. Maybe they have a sister they care for or even a daughter. I wouldn’t even mind if he had female friends as long as he practiced proper bounderies; they would be around solely because he values the female opinion. Everything i want in a man is so broad and could apply to literally any male candidate, but almost all men are either fucking inexplicably retarded or predators in one way or another.
No. 346963
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I'm really into gnome-looking men (don't know how else to describe them but a bit chubby, wears sweaters and likes gardening, think Sam Gamgee). Somehow all I get are skinny tech bros, fat metalheads, and sweaty gamers who need help wiping their own ass. No I'm not Asian.
I just want a bf who looks like he'll evolve into Santa when he grows up.
No. 347150
me: east asian, STEM uni student. average looking? higher end of avg bmi (depression + snacking), trying to lose to be on the lower end
mia: pathetic moids (bitchless, have probably never dated or dated eons ago, don't know how women work, no ambitions, no or low confidence)
I give off the vibe of naivety and I'm generally very welcoming to people. I hate being excluded so I try to make people feel included.. guess that gives the STEM moids the wrong impression.
my type: confident, career-driven, teasing/playful, no yellow fever (hate moids like this bc you can TELL & the EA women that accept this and date them). intelligent, but can't be arrogant. cocky equals go pound sand.
No. 347506
>>347501We've never had even one black guy commit mass sexual crimes here but mena men do on the regular. Black people come from a ton of different countries, you can't generalize all of them but somehow %90 of mena men regardless of country will sexually harass women.
Inb4 gets banned for racebait, please check rape stats in any mena country to see im not wrong.
No. 348857
>>347566Yes kek they're unfortunately genetically fucked.
>>347596I do believe it. Most black people here are studying at prestigious unis or working good jobs, dressing very fashionably(aka good income). Those people aren't gonna commit crimes. Our people also love black people and they won't face the amount of racism they'd face in America. They're also from different countries than black Americans.
That being said, all black men I've seen here are dating black women and most of them are against dating outside of their race afaik, they don't have the same self-hatred black Americans unfortunately have.
Maybe the reason why black Americans get with white women is because of the same self hatred as a lot of ugly middle eastern men also chase white women and they'll openly tell you they don't want their kids to have brown features and that's why they're doing it. Yikes!
No. 348911
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>>347566>>348857>Yes kek they're unfortunately genetically fucked.Iunno, for inbreds the average pakistani ive seen still looks better than the average anglo american. Also you're retarded if you think there's a genetic reason for rape, almost giving the men an excuse like they can't help it since they're predisposed.
No. 348914
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>>347506Black men are minority in the US but statistically make up a big percentage of pimps. Ur free to talk bout ur country but u clearly dont know shit about other places.
>>323763 nahh, They usually look something more like this.
No. 348918
>>347566Btw Pakistan isn't in the MENA, tard. They're Desi/ South Asian. Muslim majority country /=/ MENA
Next thing u know americans gonna start classifying indonesians are middle eastern ..
No. 349739
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Every time I like someone he turns out to be GAY
No. 349789
>>348928Won't say it but my country now has 10 million refugees, Ukrainian, slavs, Syrians, afghans, etc included. Some cities are dominated by Russians and you cant even live there if you don't know Russian for example.
The black people in my country are people who came here to study while other immigrants are country traitors who had to come here because they were too broke for other better countries. That's why the educated and higher income black people obviously are welcomed here and loved by our people while white and brown refugees are highly disliked.
No. 349790
Double posting to reply
>>348934NTA but what I know is that a large majority of human traffickers are people who trafficked Eastern euro women and the traffickers are obviously eastern euro themselves because of that. Might be different in other countries but in Europe, i think eastern euro men make up the majority of human traffickers aka pimps.
No. 349829
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i like cute guys that have nice styles or something but seeing the type of girls they have around i'm clearly not it
No. 349840
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>>349766gay men can easily have sex with women as a "chore" and can get off the same as they get off into a fleshlight. You'll know if hes truly straight if he has a need to lick your pussy/armpits/doing anything resembling a man in heat as that stuff gay males reserve for their respective future grooming targets on grindr.
No. 349870
>>349840>You'll know if hes truly straight if he has a need to lick your pussyMhm
>armpitsLmao. But honestly I agree with you, it makes sense.
No. 355267
>>317658Is this a joke? I have brown eyes and attracted multiple scandi male model looking moids. I even had a literal stalker who was tall, skinny with blonde hair and blue eyes.
I also attract a lot of Asian moids for some reason. I don't even live in an area with a high Asian population. At least 6 Asian guys at my school are constantly trying to get with me, which is weird because I always assumed Asian men liked skinny girls and I'm chubby and have a kid
No. 355318
>>355316>best looking white guys are with really average basic blonde Starbucks kind of girlsThis explains
>>355267Female gaze vs male gaze is a real thing. Moids who are attractive typically pick women that other women find average/unattractive but moids find attractive. The Velma affect is real
No. 355341
>>355332A lot of halfies are just really insecure about their cultural standing and it reflects heavily in their dating lives. Knew a mixed fuy who would constantly argue with his Latina GF about her actual lived experiences because he was so insecure about his Whiteness, so it goes both ways. He was obsessed with opening up the relationship and they eventually broke up because he cheated (and yes the other girl was White)
Definitely sounds like somethung similar is going on with your guy.
No. 355351
>>355344It does, in a lot of ways. The guy I knew was the kid of a white woman and pacific islander man who immigrated to a very conservative part of the US from his father's country of birth. He had a really hard time being visibly not white and resenting white people, while also being too white to fully relate to a lot of American
POC. He had a huge chip on his shoulder about being half white because of it.
I say this as a
POC myself, but his parents were both really nice people and the trouble his general acting out caused made me feel really bad for his family.
No. 355397
>>318088I mostly agree with your experiences.
White guys I have a lot of experience living with, working with, studying with and hanging out with, they are very immature and self absorbed IMO. They’ve never really had to think about anyone else but themselves unless they had a hard life, so they tend to be fragile brats who are feckless with other peoples needs and feelings but cry like a bitch if you hurt them and get suuuuper offended over everything. Honestly I really can’t stand white men at all after being in a couple ldrs with them, they’re so whiney and pathetic lol sorry I hate them. And I think they’re all porn addicts.
Black men seem to live a completely different life path to me in general. I’m not interested in any of the stuff they like usually, unfortunately. I feel like we would be way too different and have trouble bonding over shared interests.
Arab men love me for some reason, probably because I’m pale with blue eyes and told I look very slavic. I’ve seen a few handsome ones but I feel like they’d probably be super misogynistic and expect me to do everything which I’m definitely not. Never dated one.
I’ve had the best and worst experiences with Asian guys. My Asian ex was the best bf I ever had but I couldn’t move to Asia to be with him full time so it fizzled out sadly. I really dont like Korean men, I’ve found they’re incredibly rude and perverted. Japanese guys are pervs too and usually short. Chinese guys seem to be the best of the bunch, my ex was tall and had a big dick too which was nice after hearing so many negative stereotypes. He was extremely caring and soft hearted and his skin was very soft. But I don’t really like China as a country in many ways so I would never wanna live there. I would like to date a non Muslim, central Asian guy next. I think they’re kinda sexy.
Honestly though I think all men are pretty shit lol. I have no expectations anymore really.
No. 355399
>>355397I forgot about Latinos, some of them are pretty hot as long as they are on the taller side, I think the more native looking ones are hotter than the Mediterranean looking ones. I’ve heard that they are very passionate and obsessive but can also be very laidback and tolerate a lot without getting stressed, which sounds great on paper. I’ve heard and seen from friends that they seem to like corny romantic things like writing love letters and making mixtapes which is kinda nice. I’ve never dated one. Would definitely consider it tho. I like the idea of a passionate obsessive relationship.
Would love to date a native guy as long as he’s a good person but there are zero where I live. Sad.
No. 355447
>>355341He has a hard time with knowing what he wants in general and this was just one of the examples. He also told me he was more into the laid back tomboy type but loved when I wore skirts and dresses on our dates. He also said he liked no makeup on girls but was always complimenting mine, he even liked watching me apply it. It was just very strange because all of the other moids I’ve dated who said they had strong preferences threw hissy fits when I didn’t fit into those exact things while this ex seemed to really actually like them. I think he just self sabotages a lot. We would have periods where everything was going really well and we were both having fun and then he’d make some stupid comment to undercut everything despite enjoying it the other day. He wasn’t ashamed of me persay as he went out of his way to have me around the important people in his life, but I think as time went on and things got more real a lot of old feelings of inadequacies rose up and this was one of them. Like tying himself to a white woman would fully negate his cultural identity. In a way I get it because there are still a lot of people who think that but it still pisses me off he ruined something so good.
>>355435I swear it feels like whenever someone brings up the realities of race relations today people either act like the mere mention of anything negative is insanely racist or they act like a /pol/ sperg. It feels very naive to act like true love can conquer systemic racism.
No. 355460
>>355399Latinos cheat often. Yes they are passionate and all that but that comes with machismo complexes.
>>355397My mom had similar thoughts about korean men lol. She said that korean men are not good people but the women are respectful. I grew up around many chinese people and the boys were mostly nice but some of them were really racist against black people which turned me off. Maybe it's because I'm white passing so they felt comfortable with being racist around me even though my father is black. Arabs are very giving and some of them are good looking but they are often controlling,
abusive and will try to convert you. I am friends with some of them but I keep them at a distance. My arab friend used to be in love with this hispanic black woman but ended up marrying a woman from his own ethnicity because his family didn't approve of his girlfriend.
No. 355525
>>355397I feel like I'm gonna get called a race larper or something for this post but whatever. I agree on the Korean men as a Korean woman. My mother always told me to never marry a Korean man growing up. One of my cousins recently started dating Korean guy too and the other girls in the family and I were all like… Alright, sure, good luck with that, kek. I'm a lesbian so ultimately it doesn't matter to me which Asian men are like what, but my mother always paid attention to couples in public where the men actually help out, and, wanting me to still get with an Asian man, would say that Chinese guys seemed like the best partners.
There are a lot of very Americanized women in my family's previous generation, and none of the ones who married Korean men were able to make the relationship last. Meanwhile those who married other Asians/white dudes are still pretty happily married.
I feel bad about it TBH because I am proud of my culture but our men are really just the worst. The guys who are actually good to their wives and helpful are always talked about as exceptions and it's just sad that such low expectations of Korean men are so normalized.
No. 355554
I’ve heard pretty white skinny girls who went to Korea and said it was amazing and stuff, and then you listen to black or Indian or overweight white people’s experiences over there and they’re often much more negative. Unless you are white and beautiful OR maybe a pale
poc who is very attractive, koreans are probably going to treat you like crap.
No. 355676
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Incoming doomer post so if you want to avoid reading this for your own mental health you can scroll.
Nonnies….I'm just done.
All through my life, people have told me how "pretty I am" and how "young" I look because I have baby-face, yet I can never seem to pull any attractive, stable good looking men.
I know there are some things I could work on, my stomach isn't flat and I can't afford nice clothes to coordinate good outfits all the time, but does that mean I deserve only the trash-tier men who keep approaching me?
I look at all of the attractive guys on my campus, even this one attractive guy friend of mine who's even autistic but somehow pulls off the sexy not-bothered guy look, and his cute girlfriend and I'm jealous.
I'm neurodivergent with a nice face but the last guy I was literally with was an autistic gamer loser. And my ex before him actually looked like Shrek.
I'm just fucking done with men at this point, and I feel like my safest option, for my own sanity, would just to be to get the hell out of the current dating market because it's fucking trash.
Unless you're Stacy or Becky and can find the unattainable cheat codes to look impressive enough to get a good partner in society then you're totally fucked. At this point I'm ready to accept the meme reality of being a cat lady who's single because hot men are unobtainable pieces of shit unless you're the .01% who has the assets to be able to obtain one.
No. 355725
>>355676Tbh I think it's more being persistently hypersocial that matters, in my experience there are lots of average/plain girls who pull bfs easily while beautiful but autistic/introverted women don't have much happening. A lot of people tell me I'm pretty/youthful too and that I have good fashion sense, but I simply don't go out or talk to anyone irl and thus completely shut myself out from the "dating market."
Campus dating seems pretty shallow anyway, I don't think it's your fault. A lot of college guys are super immature and only care about sex and clout (being seen as the cool guy who pulls hot chicks) and are actively disinterested in girls with expectations.
I've only had one bf and I met him online through hobbies, and we formed a bond before he ever saw my face. I'm not "experienced" with dating as I've only known one guy but we've been together for a long time and I think meeting people in a non-dating context is the best play. You get to know someone on a more genuine level before putting yourself in a vulnerable position. So my two cents is just to disregard the awful "market" and try to meet people organically while enjoying your personal life.
No. 355942
>>355868Face - Anya Taylor joy with bigger lips
Body - Rihanna
No. 356191
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>>356063No. Asian men are least likely to be child sex offenders.
No. 356193
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>>356191Also interpol's job is to profile offenders from real CP images and videos. They found the vast majority of CP on the internet features white male offenders.
No. 356194
>>356191If we're talking about ratio to % of people, Hispanics are weirdly disproportionate considering how low the population of them is
Asian American culture doesn't value high body count for men so it makes Asian men less likely to try to fuck everything that walks even if underage, they also value success. It's also lesser known but Asian men typically prefer older women
No. 356215
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>>356179I agree about south americans and mediterraneans. But I don't think korean culture glorifies adult looking women. They strive to look as close to infants as possible. They're on the same pedo pandering aesthetic as the rest of east asia. Which is why the other big pedophile group (white men) has such an affinity for east asian aesthetics
No. 356227
>>356218south koreans tend to have the widest jaws compared to other east asians, so they're calling themselves violent and primitive? kek
>I think the world is becoming more and more ageist in general because ageing is associated with death and sickness and people really want to avoid any connotations of that nowadaysbut don't people live longer these days? i don't see as much death and sickness association as before. i feel like it's just porn or general media brainrot imo
No. 356229
>>356215I think east asian women's desire to look young is greatly overplayed by the west, one of the reasons being that white people/people of less neotenous races have trouble noticing signs of aging in more neotenous looking people. I get mistaken for a teen or get asked why I try to look younger even though I have normal signs of aging and make-up/hair that is appropriate for my age as well but just happens to fit my features rather than downplay them, because round face big eyes and bangs= childish.
And every time someone posts something about some older asian celebrity that says like "waaah why she is 40 but looks 14 that is so effed up" the woman in question just looks… Like a younger adult, like most celebrities who do age-preventing procedures and use a fuckton of filters.
The pedo is very present in anime and idol culture who are very obviously allergic to adult women, but saying the average asian woman wants to look like a teenager is quite the reach. Pedo white men will still fetishize the hell out of them though because they are retarded and a part of the demographic that can't tell their age.
>>356227Zoomers and anyone younger than that think they're going to drop dead at 18. It's not the only factor but I think it plays a role that they're basically the most weaboo generation, and like I said idols and anime are allergic to anyone over 20.
No. 356256
>>356227Koreans seem to be in denial about their natural features tbh.
A while ago I was reading comments about a Korean model who got scouted for western fashion houses. She was very typically Korean looking with a large squareish face, wide jaw, very slanted eyes and quite flat broad nose. In the west she’s considered stunning, however the Korean commenters seemed to be really upset that she was representing Korean beauty. I saw them saying stuff like ‘people in our country don’t even look like this!’ and ‘most people in our country have big eyes not small ones’ like yeah…because you get so much surgery, not because the new gen of Koreans are being born with huge eyes and tall noses or something ffs, kek. It was weird, like they were completely in denial that she IS how many Koreans naturally look. And they seemed to have a massive problem with that.
Other commenters were saying stuff like ‘there’s so many women with big eyes and v line jaws in our country, why choose such a masculine looking model?’ and even saying that representing natural Korean features by choosing a model like her was ‘racist’. It’s actually crazy. They don’t seem to realize western fashion houses don’t want some gangnam unnie type with obvious surgery, they like striking strong looks and bone structure. The fact they think showcasing a natural Korean face is ‘racism’ is honestly wild, and insulting her by saying she looked Chinese or like a ‘country bumpkin’ Koreans are just so weird man, and most of the people saying this stuff and bashing her were other women which is sad.
No. 356261
>>356229I know online and in dramas people only see the ulzzangs and idols but as someone who's actually studied in Japan and Korea, there's lots of perfectly normal looking people? Many of them Photoshop themselves into spooky 2D anachan baby ghosts, hell Purikura does it for you, but most people look like everyone else at the end of the day. You can tell just fine how old someone is. TV is TV and social media is social media, it's not real.
>>356256That's really sad.
No. 356286
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>>356256china is very similar in that regard. they've made multiple complaints about chinese models hired in the west "perpetuating harmful stereotypes about chinese people" because they had freckles or monolid eyes. it's like they can't tolerate that the world doesn't see them as these pale white, surged up 3DCG characters, or that not everyone's looking for that aesthetic. the most ridiculous is when they complained about a
native american model used on apple's website because she looked too much like a "typical Chinese person" during the Qing dynasty. they were demanding that apple remove the photo because it was "racist". this level of self-hatred is insane.
No. 356329
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>>356291It's actually a popular talking point with nationalist netizens. Picrel is from a Chinese animator and he got criticized for making the characters look like "colonialist stereotypes." Maybe the one on the left, but the middle two look like normal Chinese boys. The netizens also always make some weird comparison where they say drawing Chinese characters with Chinese features (as opposed to webtoon style) is worse than drawing a black character "eating watermelon and fried chicken".
The animator pointed out that the expectation for Chinese characters to not have any tilt to their eyes is in and of itself a racist expectation.
> For Zhang, this reflects an assimilation of foreign ideas, not the small eyes his film contains. The Global Times continues: "The response to “slanted eyes” of the character shows that we lack aesthetic confidence and our aesthetic view of animation has been homogenized given the huge influence of Japanese and American animation, Zhang said, adding that the selection of such an ordinary boy perfectly depicts his spirit of strengthen and resistance to life." No. 357205
I don't look alt or hipster enough for the cute indie boys. I think it's time to get some piercings or a tattoo. people say i give off lululemons vibes kek
>>356286people who think like this are so damn weird to me because other people of your race being attractive will not make you more attractive.
No. 357788
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How do I attract men and women who look like this without getting a septum piercing
No. 369152
>>312554As an Indian, I am a financial analyst. I cannot afford to exaggerate. Yes, Indians need the distraction of poop-smell and noise to avoid facing an existential crisis. That is why they create a Little India wherever they go. Their ecology is a symptom of their inner lives.
>>312563Exactly, we just have self-awareness, no one wants a Black Gay PoS Dirty Hindu men when you have better options.
(racebait) No. 374573
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Primary I really like tall dorky white/Asian guys. Idk they're just kind of quirky and I think it's cute. I guess Jerma is the example. My secondary thing is Mexican or Jewish guys. Idky, they just do it for me.
Dorky tall and lanky white/Asian guys are tough for me though but I've only dated on guy and have been with him for almost 4 years now, also I'm bad at flirting!
No. 374579
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I like guys who resemble phenotype in picrel (ignoring and personal lives or the characters, it's the way they look) and I tend to attract yee yee's with light hair and black nerds both of whom tend to have really shitty attitudes even when they're not ugly. Also I tend to attract fat men.
When I do attract a man who resembles my favorite phenotype he is usually hiding a terrible secret.
I'm really not the fugliest and I'm not fat so I ask myself if I just present too spergy. Attracting an average to slightly funny looking lanky guy with dark hair shouldn't be that hard.
No. 374622
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I used to not be my type’s type when I was younger, and it sucked. Lanky scene boys were not into me kek it used to kill me inside. Luckily my taste has changed and I don’t have that problem anymore (and scene guys, lmao ew) but I can’t shake the fat neckbeard weirdos who are obsessed with natural redheads. There is a very specific phenotype of the men who have a ginger fetish, and let me tell you it is not a hot man. This one unwashed fat animu lover who started coming to my gym needs to leave me ALONE I’m not there to give him “tips” while he salivates!!!!
No. 374654
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>>307685Image posting on this weeb ass board just to post this racist shit about how you’re jealous of Asians living as a literal white woman in the United States. Kek
(trying to infight with a year old post) No. 374706
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i'm very boyish, and i usually like average height males, who are always more insecure… it's okay since i'm too retarded for a relationship for it to matter
No. 374789
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>>374706>my type- shy tall twinks, nerds, stoners, blondes, women>what I attract- normie black men, white /pol/manosphere moidsI'm white but built like a plank, and not feminine at all so I truly do not understand kek. Also I feel like the type of guy I like is mostly out of reach, lost to either trooning out or terminal Asian/egirl fetish
No. 457447
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Has anyone dealt with this in a relationship? How do you cope?
I don't get rejected by them and it isn't lorded over me, but it is always obvious that I have never been any of my partners' ideal. I only date people who are 100% what I want so it hits me doubly.
My types are round-featured nerdy awkward women and scrawny short artist guys, and I lack attraction to white people (sorry, no offense). Anyway, regardless of who I date they have ALL preferred skinny (often) blonde women with blue eyes. I'm a curvy Native woman, I can never be that.
It always eats away at me and contributed to the end of one relationship already. My current partner likes me A LOT and is very attracted to me, but it fucks with me that I'm not his perfect ideal while he is mine. Fuck. And the thing is I'm my own type! The world would be a beautiful place if I could clone and date myself.
No. 467043
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How do I stop attracting women like this
No. 480224
>>307580Skinny are the best
Have you seen fat or roided moids
No. 496140
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>>347506Rape tends to be lower in those countries granted its underreported but so is every country
Sexpats and groomers in Asia is mostly white
No. 496141
>>312554Sad but true. They’ll even throw themselves at mid white guys
Incels call it jbw or white god factor
No. 496153
>>496140Are you being ironic about picrel? White men running pedo rings doesn't mean they rape more than non-white men from other countries, or that non-white men are better or less
abusive. It just means white men have more money and better resources, so it's easier for them to organize and run pedo rings.
No, most groomers/rapists/abusers in Asia are not white. That's a huge generalization. There are 48 countries in Asia, and white men represent a tiny fraction of all the men in Asia. By numbers alone it's obvious most rapists are in fact natives.
This is 100% NOT a race issue, it's a MALE issue. If they could, they would all offend at the same rate.
No. 496179
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I like: Hardworking, practical, grounded, hates social media, strong build or lean, handyman, realistic, down-to-earth, no nonsense man. Or tall big nosed, academic men who aren't annoying or pretentious, focuses on their career, they are realistic about their goals.
What I seem to attract: stick-thin, unemployed, clingy, very emotional, wannabe artist men. Or techbros who invest in crypto.
I'm done with the "I'll be famous one day" men. For some reason they are super annoying kek I used to think artistic types were nice and that is love them, until I had the chance of dating/meeting some.
No. 496210
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I want a thoughtful, sensitive, kind type of guy, but I only seem to attract fuckboys and creeps. I'm a NEET now but the few guys that liked me in school were all popular guys who were considered the most handsome in our area. The thing is that their personalities are crap. One of them was a 4chan user that used to send me shock videos to fluster me like a psychopath, and another one made rap songs on SoundCloud about gangbanging. Why can't any normal guys like me? My dream guy is a sweet boy-next-door or a shy gentleman.
No. 498471
The most influential factor in my "type" is men with (well groomed) long hair. For concrete examples, metal heads and goth men. Honestly, if a guy doesn't have at least shaggy hair I literally feel nothing. Body type is not as big of a deal, other then not too skinny, not too overweight, and not too roided. Balance.
I happen to also be into metal, and enjoyer of goth music and fashion (albeit without the budget to dress more like it). I look like a slightly overweight white woman with blonde hair that dresses like a casual nerd in flannel. I figure my interests align with guys that are my type, but I don't know what they're actually attracted to. I don't get out much so I rarely ever have guys try to talk to me. I suppose I attract socially awkward nerdy guys that have too much facial hair and are too chubby/skinny fat for my tastes. Like 20-something neckbeards.
I'm going to the gym because I want to be more fit, and thrifting to build a better wardrobe for myself. I'm wanting to get more band shirts to fill in my everyday clothes, so maybe aside from showing what artists I really enjoy, it could be a conversation starter if another fan takes note.
No. 498484
All I ever get are retarded metalheads, crypto conservative christians, and animefags. I don't even know at this point, maybe I look easy or plain. Most of them aren't even ugly, they're just so weak that it pisses me off. They start talking to you and get angry or submissive when they can't counter you. They're braggarts who get humbled easily. I know some of you nonas like this but it's disgusting to me. I'm not even that smart, it just feels like they don't even have one original thought.
I just want someone who will take care of me, I will take care of him, and we can take care of others together. Someone strong who doesn't fold and can support me, the type of person who can tell if something's wrong, who will be gentle and patient. I also want someone I can learn from. I don't like men you can order around or who order you around like tradfags.
I don't think I'm the sort of person this kind of man goes for, though, I'm not kind or understanding or even assertive enough. All I get are retarded incel subs but I guess like attracts like, kek.
>>498471 I got a lot of metalheads with good hair, we can exchange notes if you want nona, kek. They weren't too bad but they needed hardcore mommying, even during the talking stage, at least in my experience. They're not as initially agressive or disgusting as your average moid but can be deeply insecure, and a good amount treated me like shit once I rejected them.
No. 498557
>>498484Long hair anon here. You summed up my ideal relationship philosophy absolutely perfectly. I want a "partner", who will fight at my side while I have their back as well. That's corny, but yeah. I'm constantly trying to work on myself, with the expectation of wanting a man who does the same. Maybe that's nigh impossible, but I don't mind waiting. I spent so long in a relationship where I was never cared for even when I tried to be caring, that I won't settle for it again.
I definitely see past the veil that a lot of metalheads aren't as hardcore as their music tastes seem to show. But I also don't want someone who's meek/insecure either.
No. 498575
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I just want a cute introverted guy who will let me abuse him. He needs to be a virgin because I cannot have my first time with someone who also isn't. I may sound really Christian for this but whatever, I find it hot when we get to lose our virginity together. But its so impossible to find a guy im genuinely attracted to, and especially one that'd be ok with my weird fantasies kekk it makes me feel so awkward. I've found one guy im into like that that's a total kissless virgin and really catholic and I find that hot but as I get to know him more I realize hes probably gay kek. he kind of has that voice. I'm having such a hard time not being into him though its making me frustrated