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No. 341574

A thread for any questions you may have in regards for your breasts
>any health concerns, bumps, lumps, dry spots and etc.
>breast surgery such as reduction, lifts or implants
>insecurities with breast size and more
And anything else you can think of.

Previous thread: >>>/g/135394

No. 341576

nooooo not a new thread!

No. 341593>>341594>>351458

Just a reaction to the boob massage thing from last thread: I've seen that shit a lot on 4chan, anons claiming they could make anyone a "hu-cow" with massages and the right diet. Of course it's massive bullshit, but if any man brought up shit like that, I'd be very worried where he got that bullshit from in the first place.

No. 341594>>341599

like induction of lactation specifically for mondo tits? and then what? it's not like you can just not express it out on a regular schedule. i hope these ugly losers like mastitis and get bacterial infections from influencing their poor deluded ekittens into this shit all for weeb fantasies. it's true that you can massage your way into lactation though. also the male imageboards need to be nuked forever.

No. 341599>>341601

Nah, not lactation- enlargement. Harmless but useless tit enlargement massages.

No. 341600

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oh so hes a 4chan scrote

No. 341601>>341602

oh yeah that's not going to do anything unless you start beginning to lactate. i suppose you could stop periodically before lactation but it's still retarded. i can guarantee your self esteem would go up by 100% if you dumped this loser though. so what if you've been together for years? stop living by a sunk cost fallacy when you have an idiot like this in your life

No. 341602>>341608>>341796>>341806

We who?
It's not sunk cost fallacy. He is not just an endless spewing fountain of dumb shit. Take in mind I am an anonymous person who asked a question involving one dumb thing a person did. It's not an all encompassing failure. If I were to abandon people over them doing a few annoying things I'd never speak to anyone again.

No. 341608

Nta and I wasn't involved with any of the discussion so I don't really have a bone in this but you did phrase it like this in your original post
>Boyfriend is pressuring me to do retarded breast enlarging massages
which obviously gets interpreted as
>bf is pressuring/forcing me to get bigger boobs
and that's not really a silly harmless dumb annoying little thing. Maybe you just worded it in an unfortunate way that doesn't reflect reality but you can't really blame anons for responding the way they did after putting it like that.

No. 341796

i don't see how you can't see that everything you've said are huge red flags. even if he's not an endless fountain of dumb shit, why do you want to date someone who still visits 4chan in 2023 and encourages his girlfriend to take coomer advice from there? this is nuts.

No. 341806

See you in the vent thread in a few months when he dumps you after finding a girl with bigger tits, or when he wants you to change something else about your appearance. But keep being protective over a man who wants you to squish your lymph nodes to the point of pain so he can get his coom on

No. 342988>>343014>>343063>>343232

Would wearing a bra help lessen sagging over time? My boobs are already sagging but I feel like not wearing a bra at home is probably exacerbating aging because there's no support/lift. Otherwise my breast tissue/fat is just pulling the skin down all day. Does that make sense?

No. 343014>>345595

No it won't lessen sagging. That's all genetics/lifestyle. The best thing you can do is hydrate,not smoke, avoid sugar, not gain weight. Some chest strength exercises can help a little bit.

No. 343057

How do I tell the difference between lumps and normal gland tissue? Maybe I’m just doing it wrong. I keep thinking I’ve found a tiny lump but then when I try to find it again at the doctor’s office I can’t find it anymore. None of my doctors have ever showed me how to check for breast lumps…

No. 343063>>345595

I think losing weight is what usually causes sagging unless it's genetic. Also sagging is normal to an amount and most women don't have perfectly perky breasts after their thirties.

No. 343232>>345595

I wore bras for most of my life, stopped wearing them for like a year and there was 0 difference in the sagging. Wear it if you want to, if you don't, it won't make a difference
I wear standart t-shirt bras, no pushup or sports bras

No. 344831>>344833

So I'm guessing bad posture has an affect on how your boobs look, huh? I've always had shit posture growing up and my mom would always nag me about it, sometimes bringing up the fact that I'd have saggy boobs when I'm older, but I'd always brush it off assuming she meant when I'm much older and carry on slouching. But I'm not even 20 yet now and my boobs are saggy sacks of shit. To make things worse the sag stretched the bottoms of my areolas and now those look weird too.

No. 344833

No one your age has boob sag from anything like posture or undergarments or similar stuff that moms love to warn you about. It’s not true. It’s like saying “your face will get stuck like that” to a kid making faces. Posture doesn’t affect areolas.
Not to say standing up straight won’t make you look better (it probably will) or that bad posture isn’t bad for you (it is bad for you) but it’s not stretching out your areolas or making the skin on your breasts lose collagen etc.

No. 345595

I see. It might just be genetic for me then, my mom's side of the family all have bigger busts. My breast tissue is kind of dense, and they're on the bigger side, so even though I'm 22, they're already pretty saggy and sad. If I slouch they go past my bellybutton. I can't imagine how they'll get as I get older. I have started working out recently, mostly for posture issues so I'll see if it makes a difference.
Same with me. But I do wear a proper bra when I'm out otherwise my boobs swing about and it feels uncomfortable to me going outside like that. I guess it's just inevitable in my case.

No. 347077>>347079

Help… I had a medication abortion (6 weeks along) - my breasts did get quite swollen and large, I’m a B cup and probably could have fit a C cup during the pregnancy. Well… I feel like my breasts are a bit saggier 2 weeks post abortion. Is this in my head? Is there anything I can do to reverse this? I didn’t carry a pregnancy to term, I never lactated, never breastfed. I’ve had no children. I’m 29. Is this all in my head? I’m so insecure right now

No. 347079>>347097

Your breasts can grow during pregnancy and go down in size, the sagginess will probably get better and not be noticeable at all, you should consult a doctor to see if there are any ways you can help the process. Wishing well for you, anon. It's a hard process and you should consult every worry of yours like this knew with a doctor, if you feel psychologically weak please also consult a therapist. Get well soon.

No. 347097

This was a really kind response, thank you

No. 349918>>350026>>350134

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>got surgery to remove a huge fibroadenoma in November so nearly a year ago
>impossible to tell if it was potentially cancerous or not until after the surgery because of how big it was
>results are that it wasn't cancerous
>everything is fine after surgery except for my left nipple having an ugly scar
>two weeks ago my breast starts hurting even more than usual because of my periods
>no more pain once my period starts, but now it hurts again
>no way of knowing if it's because I'm ovulating, because of something suspicious going on again or if I'm being paranoid
>can't feel any bump when touching my breast, unlike last time when it was super obvious
>on top of that I'm most likely at risk of breast cancer because my great grandma and grandma died from it
What do? Besides hoping that I can get a gynecologist appointment soon enough, I'm scared now. I don't know what's supposed to be normal or not anymore at that point.

No. 350026

I still haven't called my gynecologist, I can only call her when I'm at the office at my job or she's not available and I'm scared of trying to call her there and someone eavedropping and getting me in trouble by spreading rumors that I'll be on sick leave again like last year when I got surgery. There's this faggot piece of shit at my job who tries too hard to befriend me and who sometimes implies shit about a coworker of ours who got pregnant and was on sick leave for months before and after being on maternity leave as if her condition wasn't something to worry about by itself so now I'm wary, especially since she's been absent for nearly a year so whatever she has must be severe but nooo, better spread rumors that she's slacking off and looking for another job. God I hate my life, I'll call when I'll work at home on Wednesday to get an appointment. I'm scared.

No. 350134>>350283

I think you should call your doctor if you're worried. The same thing happened to me and the breast pain before my period didn't go away until almost two years later. I didn't contact my doctor though.

No. 350283

I tried to call my surgeon's secretary but she wasn't there but her coworker said I won't have an appointment until the end of january… I'll see with my gp if there's anything she can do for me but yesterday my big sister told me she also just found out she has a lump as well and asked me a bunch of questions on what to do and the health issues in our family, so I want to check when she'll get her appointment with the doctor because we go to the same one. Anons who are at risk of breast cancer because of your shitty genes please do NOT have daughters.

No. 350721

I managed to get an appointment for Tuesday somehow, maybe because my case seems like an emergency. I'm still scared shitless and can't sleep properly from the stress, I hope I'll get all the exams done as soon as possible.

No. 351191>>351239

Sorry for spamming but good news, my surgeon told me that the pain most likely comes from a harmless cyst that grew while my scars were healing from the first surgery to remove the fibroadenoma. I'm so relived!

No. 351239>>351382

What a relief!!

No. 351382

That's even better actually, I got some ultrasound done today at the hospital and I don't have a cyst. It's just the internal scar that hurts and that's normal even if it's very inconvenient. Now I just have to wait until it doesn't hurt anymore, if it will ever stop hurting but I'm not in danger at all. I wish my surgeon told me that was a possibility earlier so I wouldn't have panicked for several weeks.

No. 351458>>351836

Nononono. A lot of this is traced back to NBE, a subreddit that was banned because it was filled with moids bragging about how they demanded their girlfriends to take a bunch of snake pills fucking her shit up, blamed her for having "hormone problems that caused her tits to be small" because she wanted to have sex with her boyfriend, lots of shit hormone understanding, etc. Macromastia fetishists and men wishing their girlfriends had like 50 lb boobs. Of course it didn't work at all and moids continued to blame women and hate on small breasted women for not 'trying hard enough "

No. 351802>>351804>>351810>>352058

my breasts have always been saggy. I remember being 11-12 them growing and immediately sagging. My mom was so confused, she made me sleep in bras and shit, made no difference. Hers are perky asf despite her age. My aerola are huge as fuck too like pepperonis. And i keep getting rashes under my boobs due to sweat despite showering every day + using powder + breathable bras. I honestly consider faking to be a fakeboi to just get them chopped off, i hate them so much. I am so jealous of average women with normal boobs.

No. 351804

Nah don’t chop and don’t compare yourself to anyone even your mom it’s a losing mindset. You’re fine nonna.

No. 351810>>351836

I think it has something to do with the strength of your tissue, I forget what it's called but I think I saw something recently about genetically some are more dense than others, your elastin production may have been bad. Were your parents smokers? Were you exposed to any sort of carcinogen?

No. 351835

why is this unbelievable? Other than the fakeboi part, which is actually why I think a lot of women troon out because of breast insecurity

No. 351836

if it happened to her since she developed breasts it's likely just the shape of her breasts. Some women just have saggy breasts since they develop them, there's often no outside force causing it

No. 352058>>352188

I'm always confused when people talk about "sagging" breasts because it always turns out that they just have normally shaped breasts that happen to be bigger than average. A friend of mine showed me some before/after surgery pictures because she planned for a breast reduction surgery and she said the before picture was like hers, very saggy and they looked completely normal to me, like to me that's how breasts are supposed to look like. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something?

No. 352188>>352670

mines are flat like pancakes and i get rashes between the skin all the time. are they “normal” as in natural? i suppose so. but most people i see around me have round breasts unless they are old. My aerolas are also super big like the half of my boobs. I knoe my boobs are weird, people have commented on them before and I hate it when people try to gaslight me into thinking they are “fine” when they are just not lol

No. 352604>>352612>>352636

Breastfeeding anons - are there truly not any other ways to built milk supply outside of excess pumping? Everytime I go to an LC I just get hit with power pumping + unrealistic pumping schedules

No. 352612

I’m exclusively pumping bc my nipples aren’t long enough and nipple shields only work about half the time for baby and I.
I pump every two hours. Get a wireless/cordless one. I didn’t and I regret it.
I use lactation vitamins. A fellow mom in the peds unit had a premie and had to induce lactation early and said this worked for her. It works well for me too:
But if you can’t get it just find something else that has the same herbs or whatever.

But talking about boobs and breastfeeding. Idk if it’s hormones or the sexualization of breasts or both but dude why THE FUCK does pumping/nursing feel “dirty” for like half a second?! Fuck the coomer patriarchy.

No. 352636

How many weeks PP are you?
Anyways, try a HaaKaa on the side opposite your baby and drink at least 6 quarts of water every day.

No. 352670>>353397

Do you have tuberous breasts?

No. 353323

Any anons here have experience with surgery or any sort of correction for inverted or flat nipples? My nipples aren't completely inverted but they're flat and have trouble "coming out"? I don't mind how they look, but the process of cleaning them feels a lot more complicated than it needs to be and I'm worried about not being able to breastfeed in the future.

No. 353397

nah, just saggy

No. 357356>>357426

Nonnas over the past few weeks or so my left boob has gotten noticeably saggier, my nipple is slightly redder than the other, and sometimes it feels warm. It doesn’t hurt though. Should I be concerned? I feel concerned.

No. 357426

You should get that checked for your peace of mind, nonna.

No. 357495>>357501

my boobs always used to be the same size but now one looks to be a little bit smaller than the other? I'm 22 so I don't think they're still developing. I do believe I've lost some weight recently (don't have a scale, but judging by appearances + healthier habits) so maybe that's it?

No. 357501

Most likely they have always been very slightly different sizes but when they’re larger it’s harder to tell. I used to have larger breasts and when I got very thin, I noticed that one is a little bit bigger. Nothing to worry about typically!

No. 359139

small vent, my boobs have been hurting for months now. at times it's like flashing pain but at others one of my boobs and my armpit area feel so "congested" and uncomfortably/painfully heavy i can't find a position i can relax in at all and it even keeps me up at night. at first i assumed it was because of my period nearing since my boobs always get sore but it's still going months later and only getting worse (but it comes in flare ups usually, not really the flashes though that's always happening albeit not that intense) it's especially painful around the time my period is nearing i maybe get about a week or less of lessened pain and soreness. i don't know what that could mean but it's freaking me out and i'm too poor to afford getting a check up so i've been hoping i would suffer through this a temporary amount until the pain is gone. it's so annoying. i almost don't want to know if it's dangerous because i know i wouldn't be able to do anything about it anyway

No. 359146>>359405

I want to go braless but my nipples HURT from the friction a lot. I can put bandages over them but I'd prefer if that was only a temporary solution. Other people with sensitive nipples: did it get more tolerable as time went on? Did you get used to it? And if not, how do I make my nipples less sensitive?

No. 359387

I had a pea sized hard lump under my boob for the past couple weeks and was freaking out. Yesterday I just decided to randomly squeeze to see what would happen and a bunch of pus squirted out and now it’s flat again. Turns out it was just an infected cystic pimple. False alarm.

No. 359405>>359414

In my experience it becomes more tolerable which can affect erotic sensation from nipple play if ur into that, but you can't have it both ways I guess. Sensitivity returns to normal when you start wearing bras again.

No. 359414

Thank you for letting me know

No. 361459>>361461>>361474>>361515

Hi! I'm here to ask about boob size and advice for it. I'm 18, undergoing puberty still and I feel like my boobs are not developing and are stuck in a B cup. I tried asking my mom and she says I would complain if I had bigger ones but I just want them to grow since it's my biggest insecurity. I healed from an ED and really bad eating habits so I thought it was just that, my body still recovering from it, but still no changes. Can anybody help?

No. 361461>>361462

Most women's chests have stopped developing by 18. Another growth burst in your early 20s isn't completely unheard of but I wouldn't bet on it. Some women just have smaller chests, it doesn't have to have been caused by your ED.

No. 361462>>361490

I have heard of that. Do genetics play a big role on this? My family has all a really big chest size and one had to get a reduction for it, it runs in the family. Am I just unlucky?

No. 361474

As far as i know, an ED does not influence your genetics, Anon. It's important to love yourself for who you naturally are!

No. 361490

Genetics can play a role, but it's not completely determinative. For example, I'm 25, I have two sisters and they're both pretty busty but I'm still a B cup and have been since I was 13. I used to be really insecure about it as well, but now I love how I look and I wouldn't want to look any different. Women who have bigger breasts have their own insecurities as well, so I think it's a case of the grass always being greener. There are lots of advantages to being smaller-chested as well:
>we never have to worry about tops/dresses fitting us right
>button-ups and low cut tops always look professional and appropriate on us
>can sleep comfortably on stomach
>no back pain
>can exercise more comfortably
>no underboob sweat
>no trouble finding bras that fit
Try to focus on the upsides, and also keep in mind that even the people who have all the traits you wish you had have their own insecurities and anxieties. I know it's hard to get to a place of acceptance, but you'll be much happier in the long run if you learn to love what you have. The fact that you had the strength and courage to recover from an ED tells me you can absolutely conquer another body-focused insecurity. Small breasts are normal, natural, healthy, and beautiful. Good luck nona.

No. 361515

I recovered from an ED at 19 and was a 34B. Fast forward 8 years and I'm a 34D. Idk, growth can happen

No. 361542>>361899

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i got a semi-botched breast reduction and at first it didn't bother me but now i cant stand it. functionally everything is fine but the surgeon fucked up my nipples.

No. 361899

i want a reduction so bad, but I’m scared i’ll get botched. Maybe they will settle in time nonna?

No. 364416

I've lost and gained weight a couple of times over the last 15 years, and while my breasts look good while I stand up straight, they have quite a lot of excess skin that looks especially horrifying in certain lighting because of the stretchmarks. Like I can pinch my tits and pull the skin quite far granny style. When I wear any underwear that pushes breasts down, all the skin wrinkles up and it look awful. It doesn't bother me enough now to go under the knife anytime soon, but it makes me sad sometimes.

No. 371601>>371608>>371620

Started taking ssri meds a week or so ago and my boobs hurt a lot today. I've started having gastrointestinal side affects the first days so I don't think it's too early for this to be related to the drug either. Did anyone else on ssris have similar issues? Saw other women talk about it online as well.

No. 371602

Samefag, I doubt it's because of my period, my boobs never hurt during my period.

No. 371608

Isn't it common for SSRIs to mess up permanently your digestive system? An old friend got a Crohn's disease diagnosis and another severe strange complication related to her stomach (not her bowels) at 21-22 after 7 years on depression and BPD meds. No family history of such digestive diseases. Even some migraine medication (not mental health related but it acts on the brain as well) increases your chances of getting Alzehimer's.

No. 371620>>431079

Never heard of that side effect (gastrointestinal issues yes but not boob pain). Maybe. One year I had a lot of breast pain and my doctor told me it was from excessive caffeine use. It was just a guess after she asked me a few questions, not like there was a test for that, but she was right. Do you drink a lot of caffeine?

No. 430928>>431075>>431084

I have large breasts for my frame, I used to never feel insecure about them until I discovered porn and saw these women had large gravity defying breasts. I know it's not real but it does make me insecure about my own breasts. They don't point down but they do sag and I wish they were more full. My bf likes them and prefers larger breasts anyway but I still get insecure looking at them naked.

No. 431075

Natural big boobs with sag look way better than porn basketballs. Typically men who prefer large breasts have gotten with women with large breasts in the past and know what they look like, unless he's seriously porn sick

No. 431079

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>too much caffiene makes breasts hurt
Holy fucking shit. I was looking for this thread because my breasts and nipples have been super sore lately, and I have absolutely like tripled my caffiene intake lately. What the fuck!!!

No. 431084

You’re fine nonni! Honestly only porn-addicted (and for some reason in my very personal experience, black) moids prefer bolt-on fake tits anyways. You have nothing to be insecure about. As someone with above-average sized breasts myself I do a lot of chest exercises (bench press, push-ups etc) and they do help to make my boobs firmer and less saggy

No. 431102>>431108>>431130>>431133>>431162>>431166>>431207

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What's the best bra type in your opinion? Pic unrelated because I have no idea if these are just made up marketing or not. I need new ones and I always picked them randomly. The only ones that I know I hate are push up bras. Please share your bra experience and knowledge.

No. 431108

As someone with small boobs who has no desire to make them look bigger, I always go with t-shirt or demi. They look the nicest imo, and don't interfere much with clothing. I do plan on getting a strapless bra to wear with clothing that usually exposes bra straps though.

No. 431130

Strapless bras are the best, I can wear them with basically anything, but bralettes are super cute and I always feel cute when I wear them.

No. 431133

tshirt that are wireless for sure.

No. 431162

sports bras with minimal compression or bralettes

No. 431166

Large boobs
Full cup or sports bra

No. 431190>>431206>>431210

taking spironolactone for severe hormonal acne, it works well but my tits gained at least 1 cup size. i truly hate it.
i recently bought some minimizer bras. anyone else skinny but have disproportionately big tits? i seriously despise them and am thinking of breast reduction surgery, saying it's giving me back problems or something. i don't have gender dysphoria but i want them to be at least 2 cups sizes smaller.

No. 431206>>431210

Also on spironolactone for acne and I went from a small C to a small D on it. Which isn't big enough to cause problems for me but definitely was not a side effect I expected. Apparently trannies would get spironolactone prescriptions back in the day pretending they had kidney problems or some shit just so that they could use it to grow moobs.
Off topic but I hate that I can't take ibuprofen when I'm having a bad period because of it.

No. 431207

I have teardrop shaped boobs which naturally point downwards. It's just the shape and they've been like that before they even finished growing, but they're still an insecurity of mine so I like balconette and demi cup bras because they make them look round rather than prematurely droopy.

No. 431210>>431249>>431252>>431339>>431558

What mg of spiro are you guys on? I'm thinking of taking it as well but I'm worried about the side effects and messing up my cycle

No. 431249

Wouldn't it regulate your cycle because it's an anti androgen?

No. 431252>>431271>>431339

I'm not any of those anons but I'm on 100mg spiro for hair loss (for 2 years now) and my boobs did not grow at all. It's not a definite side effect. But I have severe brainfog, or what trannies call "girl brain" (medication side effect).

No. 431271>>431273

Did it help with your hair loss? I'm thinking of taking it for that
exact reason but the brain fog sounds like the worst side effect to have

No. 431273>>431537

It didn't make anything grow back, but I believe it has slowed the loss. I have become a different person though due to brain fog. I have had to completely change the way I think about my capabilities and the way I live my life. When I was new to it, I embarrassed myself a lot by continuing to assume I was quick-witted when really I am always going to be 2 steps behind everyone else in any situation. When something didn't make sense, I used to assume "who fucked this up?" and be right, now I have trained myself to instead ask "what am I missing about this situation?" and think deeply and thoroughly before making any move.

Is it all worth it? For me, I am extremely ugly and I really can't afford to lose my hair because I would basically have to become a circus freak, with my face. If you are not ugly, you can probably pull off a shaved head. Well, if it were me, I would do that instead if I was normal looking. But in any case it doesn't hurt to try it. You may not even have this side effect. But yeah also keep in mind this is the "girl brain" trannies talk about getting with HRT. Literally clinical brainfog. They think women are this stupid.

No. 431339

50mg. it's the only thing that's cleared up my cystic hormonal acne after trying every topical you can think of. but i'm jealous of >>431252 for not having breast growth. i'm afraid to go off it since i don't want my horrible acne to come back, but i don't think my boobs would get smaller again anyway.

No. 431537

brain fog is such a horrible condition. are hair transplants/treatments/wigs not an option?

No. 431558

I've been on 25mg since January. Haven't experienced any effects other than my acne clearing up and boobs growing. The older I get the worse my period cramps are so I still just want to be done with it as ibuprofen and spiro don't mix well.

No. 431567>>431587>>431597>>431604>>431939>>432025

I cried today taking a video of myself naked, my breasts are so damn saggy even though I'm only 22. I'm considering getting a breast lift but to be honest the scars are so ugly I don't even know if it's worth it. My ex bf made fun of my breasts for sagging and I am so self conscious of them now. I am worried about my next relationship, I have a high libido but I'm so ashamed of my breasts, I don't know if I will ever feel comfortable exposing them in front of a man, especially nowadays that men are so porn rotted and expect a womans tits to be perfectly perky and feel like rocks. I remember reading about women who would always keep their bras on during sex when I was younger and couldnt really understand it but now I can.

No. 431587

You need to work on deprogrammming yourself. Sex is for your pleasure to satisfy your lust, your own attractiveness doesn't even matter. You're not having sex with yourself. You need to understand this. You also need to stop caring about the preferences of the dog-fucking demographic. They are subhuman and get off on making you miserable. People who think saggy tits are bad are simply not intelligent enough to see past beauty industry gayops, and that isn't your problem. Find men who worship you because you're willing to fuck them and dump them if they're ungrateful. You need to learn these things, for your own happiness.

No. 431597

Are your breasts even genuinely saggy? I always see women get called saggy and then most of the time their tits just look like normal big boobs

No. 431604

men are weird, naturally saggy boobs are hot (I realise this doesn’t help but, you know.) I do think the deeper issue is comparing yourself to porn standards. It is completely normal anatomically for breasts to not be able to stand up kek, they’re bags of fat. You need to know how to not derive your worth from things like this.
I really think cosmetic surgeries are degrading to women but especially when it comes to breasts. Makes me really lose respect for someone. The only natural things that will affect your boobs is weight loss and muscle, but I’m guessing you wouldn’t want the size loss kek

No. 431939

>My ex bf made fun of my breasts for sagging
that's a pornrotted little boy. a real man doesn't care what pussy or breasts look like. he wants them.

No. 432025>>433168

I feel ya. I also have saggy boobs despite being young (24, but they've been this way since I was a teenager). What's worse is that they're small, so I don't even have the excuse of big boobs sagging because they're heavy. I'm like a small C cup with boobs that point downwards despite never having breastfed. What made them worse is that they have stretch marks now because I lost a lot of weight too fast a couple of years ago.
I know logically that most people are just happy to see boobs regardless of what they look like and that most men my age have probably seen at least five pairs of titties that couldn't have been all perky and perfect, but I just can't help but feel insecure about them. I've considered getting a breast lift or small implants, but I don't want to deal with scarring and don't like the idea of having foreign objects in my body, plus that shit is expensive. I feel like I might just give up and do it one day though, because I've literally been considering saving up for a boob job since I was a teenager.
I wish we could go back to the pre porn era when boobs were just seen as a source of food for infants and nobody cared about how they looked.

No. 433142

1. my breasts have been very sore for weeks now, should I see a doctor?
2. why do people think massages increase size? is it worth it to take spiro for a few weeks to increase breast size?

No. 433164>>433190

My breasts are D-cup and look great from the front but from the side they're pancakes. Is this due to me going braless for years now? I'm in my twenties and I assume I'm done developing. Is there anything to be done? Do massages work?

No. 433168

oh man having small but saggy boobs is the worst. im barely a b cup but my boobs look like empty triangles of skin when i lean over, i hate it.

No. 433190

Breasts are never gonna be like perfectly bobbing oranges so “flatness” from the side is normal. BUT if you want to add some dimension? Upper body exercise! Push-ups are a good place to start, different hand positioning for different parts of your chest. There are a lot of exercises that you can do to build up your pecs which then creates a better shape for your breast tissue to lie on top of. It’s how I was able to go from a D to an A with weight loss and they’re still very perky and rounded for small ones. I like the firmness that a developed pec situation creates too, I feel like I have little implants but they’re natural kek

No. 435343>>435370>>435427>>435512

I’ve always never quite filled out an A cup, like 3/4ths full, but recently I lost about 25 pounds and now my bras feel ridiculous. I’m not upset that my breasts got smaller, I’ve always liked my small boobs, but I find it so annoying that my fucking bras ride up all day long to my collarbones and are basically empty bubbles on top now. I hate wearing bras, I wish I could go to work braless, especially now that I don’t even fit into the smallest size, like REEEEEEEE my boobs aren’t even big enough to need a bra for any functional purpose and yet I’m bound by social standards to have the dumb uncomfortable thing on any time I go outside (at least to work).

No. 435370

Chain stores like Walmart now sell pasties and bra pads that you can stick directly on your skin nowadays, if you want to try those. I haven't used them myself.

No. 435427

Have you tried wearing sports tops? I have tiny breasts and don't really need a bra for other purposes than to cover my nipples also because I dislike the feeling of shirt fabric on them, and I've always worn these stretchy tops that are like a sports bra but without any cup structure. They look like sports bikini tops (I might've worn one to the beach when I forgot my bikini top once kek) and they come pretty cheap in sports stores.

No. 435512>>440518

Why not just wear a bralette instead anon?

No. 437313>>437319

File (hide): 1728888495376.png (1.17 MB, 1108x1002, parade.PNG)

Are these bras worth the hype? I'm barely a B cup and my boobs are widely spaced. I hate the feeling of underwire and I usually just wear raggy old sports bras. Would be nice to have lift while being comfy

No. 437319

Use silicon instead underwired bras

No. 440518

Can't you see nipples through bralettes? They're just lacy fabric right? I need something I can wear to work

No. 440551>>441213

i'm technically a 28c but i typically just settle for wearing 32a because its a sister size but i wanted to try to find a 28c bra and see if it actually feels more comfortable. where's the cheapest place i can find small bras? i haven't done too much research but all the sites i've looked at with specialized sizing are alot more expensive than normal.

No. 440602>>440607>>440620

Can I get mastectomy for aesthetic reasons?

No. 440606

Why are my nipples always erect nonnas? They always protrude , even if it’s not cold.

No. 440607

You can, but it will be cosmetic so you’ll most likely pay it yourself

No. 440614>>440627>>440982

Anyone else has very sensitive nipples? I’m getting more horny when they are touched than my pussy kek

No. 440620>>440625

What do you think TIFs get every time they get a titchop?

No. 440625

I thought it's considered part of "gender affirming" care. Would any aesthetic surgeon take the risk of cutting tits solely for aesthetic purposes? Like I know what TiF's get isn't medical surgery but they have to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria first to get that. I thought the reason for that is most aesthetic surgeons wouldn't be willing to perform it because it's harder to get away with scars. But on the other hand, how many women wants to chop off their breasts? So it makes sense

No. 440627>>440638

I’m jealous, my nipples feel like nothing to me, might as well be touching my elbow. I can only sometimes feel a brief twinge of something if they’re pinched through fabric, i don’t know why but the fabric seems to be critical kek. But even then it’s barely anything

No. 440638

That is the worst pain in the world

No. 440982

Yes and I can't tell if it's because I used to have big boobs and they shrunk down and never came back or if they've always been that sensitive. It kinda makes wearing bras or shirts hell though because they tend to perk too much

No. 441213

Boux Avenue carries 28c bras. It's a British brand that will ship for free to the US at 50 USD with free returns. I buy from this brand specifically for the 28 band size and usually wait for sales but I don't think it's too badly price at regular price. I never have had a problem returning either. I think they have the most options too. I looked around and found Dillards carries a 28c bra by b.tempt'd by Wacoal Future Foundation. Most likely would have to buy it online. Another possibility is to find the 30 band size and take it in by sewing. If you live near a Nordstrom Rack, you can check for the one size up sister size. I use to find bras with 30 band sizes there like Natori. You can try them on at the store which helps. I'll link the guides to how to take in at the end. The Little Bra Company carries 28c but they're expensive. I heard it runs small and has a not so great return policy but I never tried it. I hope it helps and good luck in your search. Smaller band sizes are a pain to find and brands like to overlook smaller cup sizes with smaller bands. Links to the shortening guides: https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/qoynp2/guide_altering_a_bra_band_shorter_30ddd_to_26ff/ and https://jourbra.wordpress.com/2018/05/23/how-to-shorten-a-bra-band-without-a-sewing-machine-like-it-was-made-like-this/

No. 444608>>444620>>444623>>444775

Would anyone else find this uncomfortable?
I’m scheduled for a breast cancer screening but they do it in a big truck in the car park of my local store, the truck says “breast screening” all over it. I feel really uncomfortable knowing people I know are probably going to see me enter it and then I have to get my naked boobs squished in the store carpark. Feels really embarrassing

No. 444620>>444622

What the fuck. Is there no other option? Where do you live?

No. 444622

I live in the UK, I can ring them up and ask for an appointment in the hospital instead but then they treat you like a massive pain in the ass

No. 444623>>444625

I would just not go if that was my only option. do you not have a hospital in your town or within driving distance?

No. 444625

Hospital 40 minutes away by car

No. 444629>>444772

To be honest, I'm starting to question if my boobs are even small. Apparently, before bmi started fluctuating, the average bra size in the US was 34b. I'm underweight and tall with a long torso btw. I've worn an a cup, but I realized that they fit into a when B I scoop them into the bra. Maybe because they're side set, so most of my breast tissue lays on the sides, making them appear smaller. Hmmmm

No. 444772

Most women who think they have small boobs are either influenced by porn addicts or fatties. I've even seen women like emrata get called flat even though she has massive boobs for her body

No. 444774

Is anyone else scared of touching/massaging their boobs in fear of feeling lumps?
I dont want to touch them cause what if theres a lump?? It scares me!

No. 444775

Going by your logic you also feel uncomfortable when the people you live with or coworkers see you enter the bathroom?

No. 444850

I just looked her up and wow. No way people call HER flat… Also update on the bmi thing, I came across a statistic about cup size. basically every country with a low BMI (20 or less) has an AA-A cup average. That's insane to me. C cup is the average in countries with an average 24-30 BMI. I can't believe I thought that I was flat this entire time, feels like some brainwashing has been undone rn

No. 444851>>444854>>444858>>444872>>446218>>446276>>446277>>446299>>446504

File (hide): 1731721562745.jpg (472.75 KB, 1080x6603, Screenshot_20240809_184616_Fir…)

One time I was using one of those websites where people post unsexualized photos of their breasts to feel less insecure. You have to be actually evil to look like picrel and post to a page that's supposed to make people feel better about their unattractive breasts

No. 444854>>444859

they look normal to me, and I do think it's interesting to see the follow up. Isn't that site just supposed to be normal women posting their breasts? I don't understand why you're angry

No. 444858>>444859

why, because she has perky breasts?

No. 444859>>444872

Idk i know I'm seething. I just use those websites because I wanna feel better about my boobs, helps me feel more ok about them if i see ones that r also imperfect. I feel like having above average looking ones defeats the purpose of the site.

No. 444872>>445187

She said she used to be self conscious about them being "too far apart". Even if you wish you had her boobs, I think it goes to show even women who have "nice" boobs have been made to feel something is wrong with them

No. 444876>>444878>>444924>>445186>>445777

Anyone have tuberous breasts? I wanna kill myself most days

No. 444878

Not tuberous but mine are definitely underdeveloped, I always feel disgusting if anyone ever sees me shirtless.

No. 444924>>444945

Yup. Makes me wanna die every time I think about it. Never have let anyone close to me largely because I’m afraid they’ll find me disgusting. I feel robbed of my womanhood. Never felt like a real woman. Why couldn’t they just be this tiny but normal? Sorry you’re also feeling like this nonnie. I don’t think anyone “normal” could even fathom how painful it is to grow up with breasts that are labelled as “deformed”. Sending you hugs.

No. 444945

File (hide): 1731769746845.jpg (1.47 MB, 1534x2048, Tumblr_l_919769229897360.jpg)

Everything you said 100%. It doesn't help how sexualized women's breasts are either. And when you try looking up info about it, it's always plastic surgery or trannies upset their diy hormones gave them tuberous breasts. I just want to be able to have sex naked with my partner without having a mental breakdown. It's so unbelievably unfair. I consider getting surgery without a implant but that also freaks me out. I wish they could just magically grow normally.

No. 445186

No but I have saggy breasts, saving up for d mastectomy. Wish I didn't have any instead shit ones, at least they're small so I can hide them

No. 445187

No. 445777>>446273

Yeah I got surgery to fix them. I don't like big boobs and wish I didn't have any, but it was either tuberous breasts or slightly big more normal looking breasts.

No. 446205>>446220>>446274

Does anyone have oval shaped nipples-mainly when they get hard? Kinda feel like the oval shape makes my boobs look more saggy and splayed.
Also, one of my exes used to make fun of my nipples, whereas the ex that came after him absolutely worshipped my boobs. Thats just to say that if a man makes fun of your appearance, it means nothing and there will be someone else who loves it so please don’t feel bad about your exes calling your boobs saggy or whatever.

No. 446218

My boobs look like this when I don’t have pec muscles and I always felt self conscious of them too im also tall like that poster but my nipples are bigger and I hate them because of it. This person has objectively perfect ones and was insecure it’s laughable how we are all affected by male standards on us.

No. 446220>>446465

>Does anyone have oval shaped nipples-mainly when they get hard?
Are you me? I've always been insecure about my oval nipples, this is the first time I hear about another woman having them, thank you nonnie. Also fuck that asshole, bet if you made fun of his dick his fragile ego would crumble.

No. 446273

How much did it cost and did you get implants or just a lift? Please tell me everything about your experience.

No. 446274>>446465

High chance they are a narc and it gives them dopamine to put someone else down

No. 446276

There's absolutely nothing wrong with her breasts, but in the second picture doesn't she have a lump?

No. 446277

I don't get it. Mine look like that and it makes me want to blow my head off with how far apart they are

No. 446299

I remember that site (and those boobs) from like more than a decade ago! what you have to remember is that big boobs were a part of the beauty standard around that time. victoria’s secret push up bras with mango-sized foam pads were ubiquitous. I had friends with breasts like that who were legit depressed that they couldn’t create cleavage to show off with a v-neck.

No. 446465>>446841

Yep I have naturally oval shaped nips too! They’re actually round when soft but my nipples get hard really easily so they’re oval shaped like 24/7z I can’t find any pictures of anyone else with them except TiFs who have them as a result of their top surgery. So weird. I feel like when they get hard they also get really small which makes my boobs also look smaller.
Thanks for the response. My ex bf definitely had some narcissistic characteristics and my nipples definitely weren’t the first or the only thing he negged me about.

No. 446504

>You have to be actually evil
You need to chill out.

No. 446599

Why do I have shitty pepperoni nipples!? Fuck this bullshit.

No. 446603

This is extremely random, but does anyone else have, like… weirdly pale nipples? Mine are that as well as being puffy kek, it's so weird.

No. 446841

I have the same nipple type. They look round and large when soft but oval and long when hard

No. 446904>>446913>>446963

i recently started zoloft and my breasts started leaking milk…? i was very shocked and confused to come home and see myself in the mirror. ive also noticed my boobs are kinda bigger now too. idk what its doing to my hormones but i am weirded out.

No. 446913

Go get checked, may be something else entirely. Have you had this problem before? Do you have kids?

No. 446963

See a doctor, I’ve heard of this happening with various medications

No. 452859>>454432

I'm very concerned. I can feel this hard spot on my left breast just bit above my nipple, but can't quite tell if it's a lump or not. Yesterday it only hurt when I press down on it, but now it's a consistent dull pain in that area. When I touch the underside of my breasts and the outer sides it also hurts but they're still squishy and soft unlike that particular spot.

It's not period pain, but on my last period, which ended a week ago, my breasts hurt more than they ever have in the past, like a stinging stabbing pain. I cried all night last night because I'm afraid of the worst. My family has a history of cancer. What's making me panic now is when I came home from work I noticed a faint redness around my left nipple. I am so, so sad.

No. 454059>>454063

File (hide): 1734466211631.jpg (190.95 KB, 1017x584, 1716259780983 (1).jpg)

i lost weight and my boobs are a little saggy, i don't mind but the texture is wrinkly, can i fix the skin somehow at least?

No. 454063

Maybe tretinoin?

No. 454432

I'm so sorry, this must be incredibly scary. You should check it out as soon as you can. The sooner the better, if it's nothing then you'll be relieved sooner, if it's the worst you have a better chance to treat it in less invasive ways. I'll be praying that it's nothing serious.

No. 461816>>464150

I hate my breasts so much. I'm in my twenties and have no children, yet I have the nipples of a pregnant woman. Huge, dark, weirdly oval shaped especially when they're hard. My boobs themselves aren't pretty. They naturally hang low despite being small. I hate hearing women with small boobs humble bragging about how their boobs may be small but at least they're also perky. When I have not only small boobs but ones with huge pepperoni nipples that have looked saggy since before I even finished puberty.

No. 461817

My boobs look perfect and I'm really happy about it

No. 462045>>464143>>464176>>478691

Is it weird for me to wish that I had no tits? I see posts and things in various places where girls talk about how they wish that they had bigger boobs, and I just always felt kind of confused because I never understood the appeal of them outside of appeasing the aesthetic desires of horned up dudes. I honestly kinda hate having boobs because they're so damn inconvenient and annoying in so many ways.
I've considered saving up to get breast reduction surgery, though when I look online at pics I never see images of women getting reductions which make them flat like I would want (I'm a D cup and would want to go down to like an A or something, but most things I see for reduction still look pretty big afterwards).
I just feel weird for wanting to make my tits smaller because I worry some ppl will think it's me wanting to become a tranny or something which is not my goal whatsoever. I just want to be less busty and curvy because I think it looks nice and male attention scares me.

No. 463926

My nipples get really itchy sometimes around the time my period is arriving or after it finishes, reading about it, it's due to hormonal fluctuations and whatnot. But how can I prevent it from ever occurring or at least stop it at the time being? It's driving me insane because how constant it is. It also started around the time my boobs got sore, which is another sign my period is approaching.

No. 464143

I was in a very similar boat in my early 20s so not super weird.

No. 464150

Nona, I know this probably isn’t any consolation, but I really think low-hanging boobs are attractive. I also have low-hanging, “saggy” boobs and I think they look great. I really admire them on other women too (I am gay kek). They suit every body type. The sway of them and the shape is just really beautiful and feminine to me. There’s nothing wrong with you or your boobs!

No. 464176>>478691>>478695

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I think it's really common. I feel the same way, mine aren't super big but combined with my body shape they make me look really top heavy, I hate it. The clothes I like look best on women with no boobs and even when I lose weight my breasts stay the same. I went through a phase where I really wanted to get the full tranny tit chop but I'm glad I never went through with it tbh, still thinking about other options though.
You probably won't see anyone with A cups after reduction because most women can't afford or don't care to get the surgery unless their breasts are debilitatingly large. Usually they do one of the incisions that's less invasive but can't drastically change the size. The "anchor" one has the worst scarring, recovery, loss of nipple sensation/ability to breastfeed, and complications (I will never forget the skin flaps and weird bulges some TIFs get under their arms when it doesn't heal right). But it's also the only way to go flat if you're above like a B cup. Unfortunately there is no easy way to get to the size you want afaik but it may be worth going to a consultation just to see what they can do. It's hypocritical for me to say but I hope you can find peace with your breasts even with the inconveniences and moids being gross and to be clear, moids will be weird creeps regardless of if you're AAA or DDD they just change their technique

No. 478538

Why are my nipples always erect? Is it normal? They always poke through no matter what, it doesn’t matter if I’m relaxed, cold, hot, aroused. They’re always erect.

No. 478691>>478699

File (hide): 1738296500281.jpg (226.26 KB, 864x864, 1491022807354.jpg)

The reason they still look kinda big afterwards is because if you can get them done through insurance, you're not allowed to choose what size they'll be when they're done. I got a reduction that was 100% covered by my parents insurance when I was 22 years old, so I went from a DD-H down to a C-D. I remember it was something like..it had to be half of what I already had, or some other really technical thing like that. Despite that though, hey, I'll be honest. I'd do that damn surgery again in every life I ever got. My back + neck pain disappeared immediately, I was able to sleep on my tummy comfortably which I still do to this day, clothes fit so much better, and it goes on and on and on. My life after breast reduction has been nothing but enjoyable. I'm not and never was trans either, I just hated having basically H cups when the rest of me was only 110 pounds. Being that thin with a big chest was just torture for me physically-not to mention mentally with how many fucking freaks would try talking to me. I faced a lot of pushback about "robbing men" and "self hating" but I didnt give a shit. I got those fuckers halved and lifes been great since.
Anchor isnt that bad, that's the one they did on me for my reduction. I was 22 when I got it, and I am now 35. I can say the scaring is very very light. I never see it at all, unless I lift both arms up and intentionally look at my underboobs to see if they're still there. Facing forward, you cant see anything around areolas, nor the line going downward anymore. Just the seam scar under the boobs themselves, which as said, with your boobs naturally hanging, the lines are always hidden.

No. 478695

Anchor and those TIF flap nightmares are two different things just btw.

No. 478699

damn that is the world's greatest humblebrag but knowing how disgusting men are i also understand your choice

No. 508952

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why the fuck are my boobs still growing?? STOP IT. NO MORE!!!

No. 508975>>508989>>509251

Anyone else got nipples that are literally the size of salami slices? My boobs aren't even that big, I'm a C cup

No. 508989>>509035>>509091>>509251

File (hide): 1742501785592.png (2.82 KB, 407x305, Screenshot from 2025-03-20 20-…)

yep big ass areolas and downward pointing nips. my nips are saggier than my mom's I used to be so insecure about it as a teen - I still am but less so. I wish I could wear cute braless tops but alas, cow udders. picrel is my artistic rendition

No. 509035>>509091

I think we have the same breast shape. Mine have always been pear shaped since puberty and I have giant areolas. I was very insecure about them as a teenager/early 20s, but now I'm trying to get to like them more. Concentrating on the aspects I like instead of the ones I dislike.

No. 509091

It's sad how common this is and how many young girls/women think their broken cause they don't have super round porn tits even when young. It makes me wish men were constantly shamed for having saggy balls or something that's completely genetic and out of their control, but no, they are allowed to just exist.

No. 509251

File (hide): 1742522869942.png (1.62 KB, 218x223, uneven_shits.png)

I only have salami areolas in one, my boobs are like this. I was scared growing up because i thought i had breast cancer.

No. 510552

I'm considering getting a reduction, I saw a nonna higher in the thread talking about it, but does anyone else have experience? The way I see it is I could get it covered by insurance or save up (for a very long time) and go abroad to get it done.

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