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No. 342397
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I want to deeply inhale an older women's fur coat and rub my face against it.
No. 342534
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I want to be in picrel as one of the rabbit masks and the rest of the masks are also women. I want to please my queen and she can order me to do whatever she wants. Even better if all the women and me are dressed just like picrel but anything works
No. 342620
>>342477anon this is wild, we have the exact same fantasy
i've also had another one for years where i catch my college roommate masturbating, film her then blackmail her with the film unless she does what i want. she acts so embarrassed but secretly loves it. i also like the idea of making her watch the recording while playing with her pussy & telling her what a naughty, dirty girl she is for enjoying it.
No. 343166
>>342893same, this is really degenerate but i commonly get off to imagining
watching a woman pee using one of those asian-style squat toilets. The cute squatting pose and unobstructed view of the act makes me crazy horny. I also fantasize about her letting me pat her dry and feeling the warmth of her genitals through the paper I do not know why i'm like this.
No. 343369
>>343358I don't like a full shaved look, but i would love to do a limited version of what you mention to a woman even if just once. You're right, it is super intimate. But I wouldn't know how since I don't do it myself kek.
Dark, wavy or straight pubes are super hot to me. Especially the look of them
around down either side of the vulva idk why but that type of hair in that spot is "cute" to me.
No. 343579
Read through the last thread and accidentally unlocked a new fantasy that I can't stop thinking about. I was a TIF for years (pre-everything, just short hair and a binder, although came dangerously close to T arc), and even though I have since stopped identifying as such, the "terfy lesbian who fucks a TIF and makes her realize she's a woman" thing has been keeping me up at night. I just think it'd be stupid hot to have a crypto gf who pretends to be supportive, but once we're in bed she can't stop pointing out how feminine my waist is, how wide my hips are, groping my breasts, talking about my pussy while she fingers me, telling me to ditch the stupid larp and be her cute little girlfriend instead, etc. I feel insane. Kill me.
No. 343642
>>343579fuck you nona i wanted to post the exact same shit itt today too, maybe then i'll finally learn to love and accept myself as a woman
i also think that the typical ftmtf fantasies tifs have are fucking stupid since they involve a chauvinistic moid who only abuses them unlike a
terf lesbian who (maybe) would have much better intentions.
No. 343646
I work in recording studios and my biggest fantasy is specifically for an older female composer or musician to catch me during a smoke break, reach into my pants and make me cum while anyone could walk in. Staying clothed is a major part of it, it loses all interest to me if I were to unbutton anything.
>>343565damn nonna I'm so insecure about freaking out other women because of mine that I never thought anyone could find it hot. Maybe I'll start dating again
No. 343652
>>343651The irony is that I can't get anywhere remotely close to orgasm without clit stimulation. The first time someone actually sucked it properly the orgasm struck me by such surprise I threw the pillow across the room.
Tbh having another woman take a long time playing with it
in kind of a pussy worship way is a huge turn on I've never admitted to myself.
No. 343655
>>343565>>343650I am so happy to see that I'm not the only one into this. One of my biggest fantasies is a woman with a
large clit telling me to get on my knees and give her head, only opening her trousers a bit instead of removing them
Bonus points if she grabs my hair and pumps into my mouth No. 343656
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>>343655nona you're putting extremely impure thoughts in my head
thanks. Your fantasy is exactly the same as mine too except the trousers go down to around thigh/knee level and and just
face fucks me like your fantasy while my fingers dig into her legs as I try to maintain my balance.
Sucking, licking and worshipping is great but even better when she takes charge like I said earlier. Absolutely peak if she's dressed all smart and classy like a suit and we're somewhere nice like a cityscape rooftop or outside her office, where she uses/needs me for a quick 'release' during her smoke/coffee break before getting back to work or clocking off. Aaaaghhh I'm never going to find something like this where I am!
No. 343682
>>343579not directed at you but your fantasy but i would love to be that for someone
i had a tif ex and i don't want to think of her specifically like that anymore because it's kind of creepy but the idea is still really hot to me. i wish she detransed/desisted, she is still to this day the handsomest butch i was ever blessed to see let alone get close with. i think she made me kind of a chaser kek since ever since being with her i've only been attracted to her type most (if not all as a zoomer) of which are tifs wishing you well nonita
No. 343694
>>343642Nona you get me…I had heard of the male ones but they gross me out. I mean I don't like men to begin with, but those scenarios are always so misogynistic and self-serving and disrespectful, whereas my imaginary crypto gf would love me so much she'd put up with me being retarded because she knows I just have body issues to work out, which she is more than happy to assist with kek.
Although I do think it would be hot if she was kind of manipulative and maybe a little evil, just not in a moid way. It's for a good cause!! >>343682Prayer circle you find what you're looking for, I get why it feels creepy but I personally
would be flattered if I knew I contributed to my ex becoming kind of a chaser though kek No. 343757
>>343565when I had learned women could have
bigger clit than average it drove me nut. Since then I always think about
how good it would be to suck on a big clit, making it move between my lips, putting a finger in her vagina to feel her contract and help her to cum harder. My fav fantasy around it at the moment would be an nlog borderline tif who think she is better than other gils because she dress masc and is tall, but hide the fact she almost was never a bottom. She would be on her back and
I would get her trousers and underwear down enough for me to see her bush and sun deprived thighs, then snuck my head in between, and start to lick and kiss her most inner thighs until I start to go at her labias. She would be so embarassed because she is not used to it and stare at me the whole time, when I start to suck her clit and get her going, she would thrust her pelvis in my face instinctively. She would even try to grab my hair but would open back her hand before grasping when she would feel her pleasure spiking. I would even slightly press on her lower belly so she could contract her muscles stronger against it.>>343756Same, feel and
taste the wetness on the labias, wrap my lips around each millimeter of it, leaving little pecks on her clit No. 343819
>>343670Everyone in these last few posts has managed to terribly turn me on, just knowing some women love bigger clits makes me feel a lot better about letting someone go down on me again.
Also being an ex-tif, in the couple years my hormones took to bounce back I was pretty bashful and awkward. Being confidently feminine now, it'd be so hot to help another detransitioner in that stage love her body and explore her sexuality, reassuring her I know what she's going through and she's no less of a desirable woman.
No. 343838
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>>343664If you saw me delete and repost multiple times to fix things. You didn't. Mono fonts are hard to read… Glad to help KEK. And to expand on that, the second runner up in that fantasy of mine would be the same setting but instead of standing, she's seated. Wearing the same clothes and pretty much mostly clothed, but her pants and panties would be down to her ankles, it looks so good on top of her dress shoes (but heels work too). She'd preferably be seated on a black leather chair or a slightly fuzzy red sofa next to a fireplace of some sort. I thought about how it'd be great if I was
eating her out from under a desk in those high rise pricey CEO offices with glass windows that showcases the night city, which is while fantastic, I think it's even better without it. Because I want to be able to look up and see her
bush and her face
twist slightly in pleasure and all the light grunts and moans coming out of her. Due to the nature of her position she can't comfortably or easily move against me but instead I'm pulling the weight, I would hungrily
flick my tongue against her big clit and roughly suck on it in intervals and it would be
peak if she has
big lips too and I'd be able to feel them rub against mine as her body involuntarily jerks and twitches and my lower face would be
soaking wet and slick with pussy juice. My fingers would be digging into her thighs (in my head they're thick enough to have that 'indentation') while she one of her hands clutching the side of my head or pulling my hair, the other clawing at the chair's armrest. Every now and then between the
gasping, moaning and wet sounds she'd bark orders at me, telling me to
go faster, slower, or do something else. And depending on my performance, she'd
either chide me and demean me verbally or praise me like a good girl. If I perform horribly enough,
she'd grasp my cheeks, roughly pulling my face up and lean forward-downwards to be face to face with me with pure rage and lust in her eyes before threatening me to do a better job with a ton of insults alongside it before flicking/flinging my head back roughly to her pussy and sternly yelling at me to continue. I can only hope she's okay with me
reaching down my pants and masturbating (But most of the time I fantasize that I'm allowed to because kek my own clit would definitely be diamonds at this point too and I'd be itching to touch myself). Usually this is where the fantasy stops but sometimes I would go further and think about
how after she climaxes, she'd shove me to the ground and start unbuttoning her shirt and stripping off her clothes (optional, she could be just taking off her pants proper) before tearing off all of mine. And then she'd
grab my thigh and force my leg open in a slightly angled towards the ceiling way and start
grinding her big hard clit against mine. The friction and motions would
send bursts of electricity throughout my body as I get closer and closer to the edge. The room would be completely silent except for
moans, grunts, heavy breathing and wet flesh rubbing against one another. Her fingernails would be digging into the flesh of my thigh that she's holding up so hard that it draws some blood, and she'd lean over at some point to
claw at one of my boobs with her other free hand while muttering insults at me to herself.
Anyway when she's done she'd just get up, get dressed and get out. At least her perfume smelled really nice too.
Sometimes I pretend that I'm her, I just swap between both of the positions depending on my mood. Unfortunately I am neither tall like her in my fantasy or have a big clit. Feels bad>>343708KEK
>>343819if it helps to boost your ego even further, I
actually like T-clits but honestly any big one would do too.
No. 343861
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How do other nonas deal with having fantasies that will never come true? For me that unfortunately applies to all of my fantasies because the type of woman I like is ultra-rare and would never be into me. I realize this is my own problem but it's just how I am and I can't change it.
Do you think that maybe it's better to repress or try to ignore fantasies? Idk if it's possible but I'm thinking I might try. Get into a monk mindset or something? Because for me it's starting to get really, really painful and it only hurts worse the more I fantasize. I know people say "it's unhealthy to deny yourself basic human desires" like intimacy and romantic love, but for those of us for whom those things are not in the cards (for whatever reason), what is the best way to cope? This is a genuine question btw, I really could use some insight.
No. 343892
>>343861I don't think repressing your fantasies is the right idea, but I think you should try to explore other fantasies. I get where you're coming from btw. In my default fantasies, I'm a man fucking a woman. It's clearly the result of internalized homophobia and sexism. I want to be dominant, in control, rough and not fall over whenever anyone gives me pleasure (side note: does this happen to other women? it's so annoying)
I don't know about your fantasies, but this is entirely unachievable. It also was making me feel bad about myself. But trying to repress it made it taboo…which got me off more. So it wasn't a good idea. I started trying out other fantasies instead where I'm a woman. It's taken a while and I'm not perfect, but this thread helps a lot. I fully believe you can retrain your brain in this area. I also quit porn a few years prior to starting this.
You could keep your initial fantasies around if they aren't totally unachievable, but it sounds like they're impacting your life and making you feel like shit. Exploring new things can be exciting too! Best of luck to you anon
No. 344115
Kinda fucked up. Spoilered because blood and injury. I've been imagining a very deliberate scenario where my gf is not really human. Elf, werewolf, vampire, whatever. The important thing is, she has a crazy healing factor. All her wounds close up in minutes, so when she loses her virginity, the hymen just heals back to normal. And she likes it broken, again and again, with my fingers or strap on.
Sometimes I imagine myself in her place. A bunch of girls running a train on me and taking my virginity every time, blood and all, while I moan like a masochistic slut and beg for more.
No. 344310
>>344294how? the fantasy doesn't involve any males or in general about anything about attraction to males, don't be retarded.
"damn i wish a woman forced me to act out my lesbian urges"
"this is about attraction to males obviously"
like sorry for not being the perfect radfem lesbian but to me being lesbian and being attracted to women just still feels like a forbidden thing i am not supposed to be doing like i am a pervert or something but i guess that is not girlbossy enough or whatever
No. 344339
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This is really dark, so I will spoil all of it, but if I'm being honest with myself this is my biggest most intense fantasy. Just thinking about it gives me such a rush of bliss that it's like nothing else. I've had this fantasy for almost 10 years.
my fantasy is about being in deep, heart-and-soul love with another woman who happens to be just as suicidal as me, and we decide after some happy years together to commit suicide together. In my fantasy we spend the day in bed just cuddling and kissing and gazing at each other, and at some point we have sex, really loving and passionate but also zen sex, and after we're both satisfied and basking in the afterglow we both take an overdose of some drug like heroine or something (idk anything about drugs, but just a drug that feels amazing to take and knocks you out) and as it's hitting we hold each other close and relax until our consciousness fades for the last time. Variations of the end of this fantasy include imagining being found holding each other by someone else afterwards, or me somehow not taking enough and coming back to consciousness to find my partner already gone and kissing her forehead and crying happy/sad tears for just a little while before I take another dose that actually kills me.
As it is right now, I have no plans in real life to kill myself, but if I ever happened to have the luck to fall in love with another passively suicidal woman I'd be as good as dead, kek.
No. 344343
I started having these fantasies about starting a secret office affair with a coworker. she's this kind of nerdy, smart, quiet woman, older than me (30s?) but shy enough to come off as comparatively submissive and inexperienced. in my fantasy, she's into women, insanely horny about it, but too buttoned-up, shy, and repressed to ever make the first move… and maybe seeing me being out in a very casual way has made her a little curious about me. I picture a group of us being sent to a conference out of state where there's nothing else to do but spend the whole day attending conference things and then get shitfaced with coworkers after. we've all spent a little too much time drinking in the hotel dining room after a very long day, and me and a gay male coworker are talking about our life and gay friends and exes. he mentions a friend who left his boyfriend for a woman or something, and he makes a throwaway joke like "I think everyone's a little bit bi, you know?" The Coworker, being super drunk and uncharacteristically outspoken (and maybe having gay sex on the mind after hearing us talk), blurts out something like "I totally agree, I mean… all women are at least a little into other women, right? haha!" (from the sort of girls who usually say these things, this would be annoying, but it's different here.) I protest, "I don't know about that, really." she's insistent: "no, ever since my [ex-boyfriend/ex-husband/whatever] I don't know if I could ever date another guy. I've always gotten along better with women, after all." I say, "you're just a little broken hearted." she says, "no, I'd rather sleep with someone like you than like any guy I could think of." gay coworker laughs this off as silly banter, and I roll with it and teasingly ask: wow, you'd really have forbidden office sex with a coworker, _____? she replies, god yes. direct eye contact. prolonged pause. it was a little too sincere. a little lightheaded after that response, I say I'm getting up to get some water and step away. on my way out, she intercepts me and says, "I am so sorry if I crossed a line, I've been drinking, I'm an idiot." I look directly in her eyes, touch her forearm, and ask: "do you wanna come back to my hotel room?"
I lead her there by the hand after she nods. we are very casual and discreet on the walk over, but I have been absolutely dying, from the second we left the dining room, to suck on every part of her, and my lips have been tingling in anticipation of placing them against willing skin. as soon as we get the door closed, I push her against the wall and just completely let go: pull her close to me by the waist; pass over her waist, chest, back, butt with my hands; kiss her lips, neck, ears, shoulders; suck her tongue; suck her neck. I gently pull her (modest and work-appropriate) skirt up while backing her up against a big armchair, sit her on the edge of it, spread her legs wide, and bury my face in her pussy. I breathe her in and kiss her all over her pussy and thighs and bush and stomach and I'm throbbing by the time I pull her underwear down. I lick and suck her lips and clit completely without reservation, not even trying to play it cool or work up to it slowly, just absolutely lost and hypnotized by her pussy on my face. in this fantasy, she is an absolutely amazing lay with enough moaning and completely involuntary trembling to let me know that she's enjoying it as much as I am, and when she comes, I'm throbbing and dripping and spent along with her. she tells me it was amazing and shyly asks if she can try going down on me. I say, well… okay, but you can stop any time you want if you're not into it, since you don't even know if you really like women and all. she makes me come and it turns her on so much to eat pussy that I have to get her off again. I fuck her with my fingers and mouth at the same time and make her squirt a little. obviously, I lick every drop from every fold of her red and swollen pussy before crawling back up to the pillows.
I wanna make it clear that I'm not some delusional clingy lesbian expecting this to be anything but a one-time fantasy fulfillment for some random straight girl, so I tell her she's free to stay or head back to her room as long as she promises not to tell any of our coworkers, but she tells me it was amazing, she could do this every day for the rest of her life, etc. we both admit that it's been a while since our last relationship and we're really, really horny people, so we make an agreement to have some fun while we're both single. I picture us secretly fucking (and going out on the town and making out in public and having adventures) for the rest of the conference, on the plane, in the office in a private conference room during working hours, in our home city, etc but I'm getting pretty self conscious about the length of this post so I'll stop here
everything about this is a huge departure for me because I've never been into no strings attached sex or secret relationships or straight/questioning women and literally the least attractive thing in the world to me is a woman who isn't out… but I got out of a long relationship last year and I just miss eating pussy so much. so much.
No. 344488
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I fantasize so much about the one moment before sex where I'm spreading her legs. stock photo illustration included to make this post more journalistic feeling
No. 344589
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I'm going feral. I need (and with need I mean NEED) a tomboy switch gf with a nice deep voice.
I would run my fingers through her soft short hair, get on my tiptoes to kiss her, cuddle on the couch after a long day, give her a massage.
She would whisper degrading things in my ear while plowing my pussy into the next dimension and immediately go back to her sweet loving self after climax, hugging me and telling me how much she loves me.
I would cuff her wrists behind her back, maybe blindfold her as well, and eat her out until my jaw's sore. I would kiss every inch of her and make her feel good.
I need this and I need it NOW. This is not a drill.
No. 344655
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I keep trying to block this thought out, and for good reason. I have wronged this person’s friends, and I think I have wronged her. And, she’s taken. I need to fucking forget. I’ve forgotten for like 10 days at this point but I’m only transferring the addiction so now I’m just trying to tough it out. That’s all I’ll say.
I imagine one day I walk into her apartment and she’s just kind of standing there. I can imagine the exact outfit she’d be wearing. I don’t know why exactly she’d have this on around the house, but maybe she’d just gotten back from an event or something. She’d have on black heeled boots (short ones), pants that cover just the top of the boot, a black belt, and some kind of blouse or tanktop. She’d be angry at me about whatever, telling me she hates me and that I’m a terrible human being, to the point where I’m literally on the floor begging and crying for her to forgive me like an asshole. Then I’d just slowly get up from the floor and stare at her the whole time in silence. Then she’d just fucking grab me, very very forcefully, not even asking for my consent or anything and start making out with me. I don’t even know what we’d do after, but I’d enjoy the foreplay and her girlfriend finding out somehow.
I’m totally sane guys. Totally don’t have a thing for homewrecking and degradation at the same time, which doesn’t even make sense.
No. 344668
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Two hours later and I’m still being horny about her. I wish I could type in all caps. God fucking damm it I need to have rough, hard sex where we rub pussies. This girl is such a loser, it’s unreal, but she turns me on so much. Kill me.
No. 344974
>>344804>I wanna have casual sex with some bihetUH-OH the moralnonfags are gonna have a field day with this o- -!
>literally the next postshut the fuck up we went through this at the last thread
No. 345032
>>345031i've packed with a sock and it wouldn't work like that, sorry nona. the sock would just slide off and migrate to somewhere else in her pants since it's not attached to anything, and they're also thin unless she'd stuff something into them.
there are packers that are glued to the skin though, they're silicone and they very well could work for that, but would a cross-dressing woman and not a full-on TIF even need them? they are expensive
No. 345056
can we keep it to fantasies and not logistics here thanks
>>342477this inspired me and now i basically have a whole roster of scenarios to imagine whenever i need. female athletes with high sex drives who spend a lot of time together and share locker and hotel rooms, what could possibly happen…
i had a big erotica addiction so sorry if some of these are coomery • the cute pussy thing evolves into a whole orgy and there's some playful bullying at the end where the ace player who's known for riding everyone's ass, rides her face as she eats out our exhausted protagonist (I'l call her A). she keeps goading and edging that cute pussy until she feels A spasm one last time and A's rapid, almost hyperventilating breaths and moans on her vulva. Ace player is so turned on she barely grinds into A's face before she comes as well - so hard her vision goes white, and when it returns she sees A's pussy slick pooling and dripping off the locker room bench
• the ladies are training up on flexibility and endurance for a state championship. someone brings up tribbing and scissoring, and now the whole team is doing pair exercises and each woman is trying to out-scissor the other for longer. a popular tactic has been to wrest control of the tempo by locking her legs and using the momentum of the bouncing motion to make sure she's drowning in pleasure too much to recover her own pace (cue a whole scissor/trib competition bracket, if you want more sillyness)
• the captain is graduating next year! the team needs a new captain, and since the top 2 candidates are so neck-and-neck, the captain has decided that whoever lasts longest in her own challenge will be her successor. cue a threesome where one of the positions is the candidates scissoring in a 90° angle (like |_, they're flexible now, whatever) while the captain messes with them both with a vibrator as she presses up against one of them from behind and plays with both their boobs. bonus points if the captain also has a vibrator on her pussy thats linked to the one she's tormenting the candidates with, so their speeds and other settings are the same. bonus bonus points if one of the tech-ier teammates helped set up the whole system and is playing with herself with another linked up vibrator, imagining what could be going on and wishing she was in that challenge instead
• ace player can't get enough of A's dripping wet pussy that twitches at the slightest stimulus. everyone's been playing with her and that only heightened her sensitivity. she almost begs A to let her eat A out, and right after A agrees, crowds A against the nearest wall and drops to her knees until A's slick is running down her jaw and onto her lap and A is trembling, red-faced, barely staying upright and balanced. bonus if ace player scoops up some of the slick that got on her lap and sticks that hand down her pants to get herself off too
No. 345341
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Each time I see Lucinda with her natural hair it drive me nut. I have this fantasy of her finishing her spooky bonespo era and going into her fit king era. She would find a career in a loony bin for ED and be a caretaker there ( or whatever the ppl manhandling you there are called ).
I would be a short chubby girl in the ward in terrible need of attention. Would create all type of useless drama.
Lucinda would be wearing tomboyish light sport wear to be able to work, her slim toned body would be tan, her old scars glistening. Her dark curly hair would brush against her cheekbones in a simple shag cut.
I would always try to get her attention by acting frail but be tough in front of the other patients. I would make her shifts miserable by doing everything in the attention whore book, from faking fainting to refusing meds. Each time she would loom over me with her knee bent and hands on hips saying :
" okaih nonna stop beinh a chivkgrn, your an unicirn princess remember "
One day were the patients would be let out to roam around in the facility exterior yard with a few care takers, I would be abnormaly calm. The sun was shining, I was slowly walking through the warm breeze. We finally have to get back in, I don't even protest, just calmely go through the doors, last in line. Luci count us, everything is good. Oh no. She made a mistake. Not wanting to be in trouble with the other workers she let the other patients go into the building calmely, than rush out. She know my fat ass don't have the cardio she has now that she is king of gains. Her eagle eye spot me running toward the yard's back wall, she shout
Lucy is closing in on me, she appear to my right, turn her head to look at me and leap on me like a Ballerina. She let out a short and strong athletic scream. She then savagely pin me to the ground, carefully stoping my noggin' from bouncing on the hard soil. I used the adrenaline left in me to crawl out of under her put I get stuck against a tree. While I try to get back up by using the trunk as support, Lucinda swiftly kabedon me. Towering over my scrawled down body, her bouncy curls hide her face. Like a moment stoped in time, each of us trying to figure out our next move, I see the light breeze making her locks sway against her fit arm, firmly pressed on the tree. A pump was travelling all through her heavily breathing body. As I try to side step she slam her other palm on the tree's bark next to my head. I let out a little squeal. She grunt ounce and sway her hips and lower body to stabilise her footing. I can feel her breathing in my face.
-" your z princess not a chicken remember ? ".
I try to say a thing but I can't make up even a word, her sparkling brown eyes are staring at my face and slowly panning down my body to see if I got hurt. My clothes were a bit torn, and my body all sweaty and red from the action that just went on.
All of a sudden I feel the intense shame from what I put her through during the whole stay, I shield my own body with my arms and tell her :
-" I'm sorry Luci, I should not have put you in such situation, I'm so selfish ".
She look shocked and want to babble out a few words but took back her composure.
-" it's alright Nonna, princess sometime are a bit slefish " .
I let out in a high pitch cry:
She calm a bit down.
-" YOur are jsut in q difficult place and need care and attentiond "
Lucinda got her face a bit closer to mine to hear what I was trying to say.
-" But Luci, you are so confidant and hot. I'm a loser next to you..You are magical and strong…like…like a.."
-" Like a unicorn ? "
-" yeah…would… Would you be my unicorn ? Since I'm your princess… "
-" Whatt ? "
I stucked my cheek against her's and put a hand on her shoulder. She jumped a little, but slowly started sliding her hands down my arms. Her spooky hands grabed the fat on my sides, as she said to me
-" We dont have much time princrdss, what do you want to do ? "
-" just play me like a jazz aman"
Lucinda would jump in 5th gear and kiss me all over and binge on my pussy like its dulce de leche.
But no need to purge,
its carbs free.
Toot toot
No. 345836
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I’m sorry for liking toxic relationships, and I’d never want this irl, but I’d fucking love for a crazy older lady to take interest in me, kidnap me, and keep me hostage in her home as a little pet/plaything. I’d resist like crazy, but she’d be dominating and forceful, and leave me a wreck afterwards. I slowly become attached to this dynamic, and she gives me more freedom as I grow more attached to her. Eventually, we are married, I’ve thrown away my old life, and I’m in love with the kidnapper mommy of my dreams
No. 345860
>>345856Uh, no. Fellow virgin
who only realized I liked women 6 months ago and wanting to lick pussy was one of my first fantasies
No. 345915
>>345856>is eating pussy just something you have to experience in order to fantasize about it?no. i'm also a virgin and don't watch porn, and it's all or most of what i ever think about in a fantasy
sometimes i put myself to sleep thinking about it i can't imagine it any other way. i think i have an oral fixation though, and i'm pretty
smell oriented so that might be why it's my favorite thing to fantasize about, and i love the way pussy looks most of all. anything else comes
kek second if at all as it's not nearly as hot to me
No. 347127
>>346959So glad other women out there love happy trails and untrimmed bikini lines. I'm naturally hairy because of my race and also PCOS, and for so long I shaved my happy trail and trimmed my bush down to almost nothing. I really love women in their natural state; pits, legs, stomach, pubes, everything. Seeing all that hair just makes me primal, but a lot of my exes waxed everything. I'm so happy my wife is like-minded. Now I get to eat beautiful, hairy, natural pussy all the time, and I also leave my happy trail as it is and don't trim my pubes so much. I've really started digging my body now, can't believe I ever denied myself this confidence because of stupid trends.
No. 347156
This could theoretically go into the lesbian general thread, but I need people to match my energy.
GOD I know rambling about it makes it worse but I’ve learned to accept the fact that this can’t be real. She’s gone offline for good and also has a girlfriend. Whatever. Life happens.
I’ll write whatever comes to mind.
This woman (college age, a year older than me) is in a lot of “cringe” male-dominated fandoms, but it somehow makes her more endearing, especially with how dedicated she is. I wish she would talk about me the same way she does her weird muscular anime crushes. She begged me once to watch a certain series and her pleading turned me on so much. She also does similar quirky things. For example, she told me that she collects yellow clothes. She always admits that what she does is “cringe”, and it just makes her more adorable with how bashful she gets. She’s super fucking talented. She puts so much work into what she draws. I would easily call her the most talented person I know. It’s insane to me how much time she puts into everything, even if she’s having a slow period. She just has this energy about her where she radiates confidence. Most of the jokes she tells make me laugh. She will debate about things a lot, but is also so polite that I’ve only ever seen her actually get angry for a split second (when her sister was being a huge pain in the ass). She has a cute voice. It’s slightly low, kinda tomboyish in its inflection (pretty sure she mostly hangs out with guys irl). She posted a voice note of her reading a chapter of a book and it unironically made me feel horny, especially when she read over a really wordy part or messed up and laughed at herself. I’ve seen pictures of her before, and she’s exactly my type. She has long black hair, usually wears a beanie, is around 5’2 and 130 lbs. God, she’s a bit of a loser, but she’s MY loser that I choose to have an obsessive crush on. I sometimes fantasize that in some other reality where we know each other irl, she snaps and cheats on her girlfriend, or gets so pissed at me that it ends in us fucking somehow. I need to grab her by her weird layered egirl-esque striped shirt thing and strip it off her.
Her name is also extremely hot and sounds like something out of a steamy romance, but it’s extremely rare, so I won’t say it. It’s the feminine form of a name from Greek mythology.
Please help me. Oh god.
No. 347248
>>347156Oh that was so cute to read anon, since she has a gf it'll stay a fantasy but
kek I relateTo keep things on topic, I want to smell a girl who hasn't showered for a full day after spending all the time in bed. She's probably smell like light sweat and just like
her. I would cuddle her to death while she tries to playfully get away because she wants to finally clean herself up.
No. 347264
sorry this is super long hopefully someone likes it. my current fantasy is that i work in an office with a very intelligent yet stand-offish woman as ceo. since she's so cold and physically imposing, i find her intimidating to start with. one day she sees one of my male coworkers chatting to me. that makes her see red, so she comes to me and offers me a job as her personal assistant… at a desk secluded from everybody else. cue me working as her cute, cheery PA that reminds her not to overwork herself or stay too late. eventually she starts giving me rides home, saying she's worried about me taking the bus home in the dark. we start spending more time together - when she stays late, she'll call me into her office to "keep her company" aka work companionably in silence. one night we're the only ones left in the office; she gets me to sit on her desk while she shows me something on her laptop. i'm not paying attention since i'm so flustered and trying to look away from the undone top buttons her blouse… she can tell i'm not paying attention and smirks, saying she knows just why i'm here. she pulls me in close and kisses me hard, murmuring about how i'm all hers and she doesn't want anyone else to see me. she gropes my tits through my blouse and gets me to grind on her thigh until i come, shaking. she drives me home, big hand on my thigh the whole time, and kisses me at the door, fingers tangling in my hair and making me feel weak at the knees. after that night she moves my desk into her office. she uses me throughout the day. she has me eat her out under her desk while on phone calls with clients, having to muffle her moans as i make her come. she sits me in her lap and makes me come in her desk chair. not long after she convinces me to quit my job and stay home being her little housewife, she can take care of me anyway. she's rich as hell and while she takes me to fancy work events and flies me around the world, i'm her kept girl for the most part. every day after work she beelines to couch where she eats me out, growling that she missed my pussy and she'll have to take a day off soon where we won't leave the bed…
No. 347528
>>347236Kek that was me mentioning that in the lesbian thread. Patrician taste, nona.
>I think maybe it's the contrast of an extremely refined article of clothing vs the visual signs that we're just animals underneath it allYES! That's exactly what makes it so sexy.
No. 347952
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this is obviously just a fictional fantasy so don't kill me… but I want to put a collar and chain on a submissive androgynous woman who is much taller than me who gets horny when I make her wear it totally naked and gently pull on the chain. I'd reach down and barely stroke her pussy (to tease her) while she's on her knees and make fun of her for getting wet just from me pulling on her collar a little. This would just make her more horny because she's getting off on the humiliation and she eventually winds up putting her butt up in the air and begging me to take care of her like a cat in heat. I'd either eat her out or strap her, and pull a little on the collar whenever she moans too loudly and tell her to have some self respect (which she loves).
No. 348263
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>prone bone her
…huh? Did you mean something else, perhaps?
No. 348374
>>348327they didn't specify it was strap sex and not moidshit. also, /fit/izens know about lc and they could be one due to mentioning being muscular.
i reported them but farmhands didn't delete their post instantly so i thought they were a woman, but i guess not.
No. 349008
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i read this story from the mabinogion and now im stuck on the fantasy of being some middle welsh lady who is taking a quick piss in the woods, and then a lady knight of an enemy house holds me at knifepoint and exploits me for sex in my vunerable position.
idk whats so addictive abt it except the thought of thinking im entirely alone, suddenly being caught off guard by sensing her presence, but im only able to sense she's there because she puts her sword to my neck…and also my skirt would be already lifted and i wouldn't be allowed to move to pull it down with her sword at my neck and it'd be so humiliating but… damn??…
now that i think about it, the scene where arwen catches aragorn in the lord of the rings movie with her knife might have inspired this knife kink so that's on that
No. 349103
>>349051I'm not but I understand her, although I do like the aspect of using my body on her aswell like
nonnie >>349053 say, being fused to the object of your love
>>349071thank you nonna, tbh I'm too shy to picture myself receiving like that but that hot to know women are into it. To me there is also a huge texture, shape, scent and taste appeal to it. Smelling and tasting her sweat, fragrance and
pussy is mind wrecking
No. 349336
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i want a strong horsewoman to sweep me off my feet to fuck like wild animals in nature
>conceptualize the fragrance
No. 349425
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>>349336>ywn be the beloved companion of a historical Scythian amazon with a dope hatSigh.
No. 350460
i wanna elope one day with my wifey!!
>>350203agree anon. it would be so cool to see a tall lanky sea nymph or a buff warrior woman or something. i'd love a story about an average woman breaking through the cold exterior of some powerful female creature (yes i'm basic lol)
No. 350800
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I want to fuck my older married female boss. Every time I see her she gives me eye contact that had me questioning what was going on in the beginning but now I'm almost certain I know. She always takes my calls, when I said "thanks for calling me back," about something urgent at work while she was on holiday she said softly "of course." She signs things off with an x sometimes which is not cutsomary here like it might be in the UK. I have qualms about sleeping with a married woman. Her scrote sounds like a deadbeat loser but still. Anyway the Christmas party is in November so my fantasy is I will be able to peel off the group and pull her aside and that we will do an Irish goodbye from the party, find a hotel and fuck all night. I want people to speculate at work but never outright say it to me or know for sure. I dream about her all the time. This has been going on for two and a half years but things are only escalating now.
No. 352384
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She’s a terrible person but I still want to kiss her boobs through her pajamas. God please cure me of this lust for what I should not want for I am powerless against my subconscious. I am fighting the pink elephant battle and losing.
No. 352838
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I have a such an admiration and deep love of women's body, especially things related to our reproductive system. The little lower belly fat most have like picrel is simply adorable. I want so badly to kiss someone there, in the inward curve between the end of the belly and the start of the mont pubis, kissing repeatively, just slowly laying my lips on it. To think I'm making pressure travelling down to her uterus is so hot. Softly circling my finger on her cervix, especially during her period, using my other hand to dig my finger in the curve, moving them slowly to give her something to push against while I suck on her clit. Seeing her lower belly and vagina spasm and contract after cuming… Heaven
No. 352872
>>352864I can feel my cervix very easily when I'm on my period, as it's much lower down.
>>352846Your English vocabulary is fine, but it is unusual to want the cervix fondled!
No. 352984
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bit long but: i have a huge soft spot for fujoshis
Maybe it's because i'm one, was friends with them irl/online, or because i associate them with a kind of eccentricity/awkwardness that i love.
anyways, i daydream about being close to a perverted fujo who is not shy about sharing her degen fantasies. i picture us cosplaying cute anime boys together and doing all kinds of scenes, getting off to the feel of each other and our respective scenarios for the characters. i imagine her treating me into a proxy of her 2D husband, humiliating me, turning me into a toy for her pleasure.
on the other hand i also love the idea of a pouty, repressed woman who puts up a front of sanctity but is actually a hardcore fujo. id push her buttons and see her melt in embarrassment before kissing her everywhere, smelling her skin, her sweat, eating her out relentlessly, reveling in her expressions of pleasure. for some reason it's even hotter to me if i picture her as an older kissless virgin.
I even get aroused just by pausing to think i read fanfiction/media made by women (the nonna who described this earlier in thread is SO real for it)
No. 353025
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>>352984oh nona, if only our paths had crossed back when I was still a fujo larping as a boy online. Picrel. Though back then I was super repressed about my same sex attraction, and I guess being able to finally admit that to myself shifted my fantasies more towards women.
Now I've grown out of it, and although I still like to dress in nice men's clothing and stuff, pretending to be just like da yaoiz like in the good old days of 2013 just doesn't do it for me anymore.
No. 353110
>>353019Yes she’s sooooo weird. Such a big freak! Yucky yuck! Eewww! Weirdo! We get it.
>considering most women hate it,As we’ve already established, not all women hate it, and you automatically assuming anon is fantasizing about doing it to some unwilling woman who would hate it is 100% your own invention.
No. 353224
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>>352984oh Nonna, are you me? I made a similar post about exactly this in some other threads before. I'm in a small niche community and there's another fujo I'm obsessed with, I think about what It would be like to be with her. There's something about being a fujo or neet-adjacent girl that I'm so drawn to, maybe it’s the relatability? My childhood best friend was my first love and she was my first introduction to yaoi so that might be it lol.
No. 353442
>>353441Tbf I went through that myself due to too much hentai/porn before, so you're not alone.
Once you sever yourself from that type of content and the weird glamorization of it (because in those media forms the woman is pretending to enjoy it like it's the best thing since sliced bread, and as if it's the most easy and natural act ever, which it isn't), you slowly move away from fantasizing about having it done to you.
It'll pass, nonna. Especially once you'll come to the realization that IRL sex and porn/hentai is like comparing apples to oranges.
No. 354095
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i definitely have somnophilia. i want to wake up and a woman is going to town on my pussy. ive heard some couples wake each other up with oral and i NEED that
No. 354518
>>352984Nonna this reminded me of my first gf who I would RP yaoi with. In reality I never was a fujoshi but I enjoyed it so much, we even cosplayed 2 male characters from a famous ship.
Nowaday I love to crossplay and take pictures with other female crossplayers, and having girl fawn over your cosplay of their fav
No. 354926
>>354518 yes! i'm not too into cosplay but women cosplaying bishies just gets me kek. (especially the angsty kind, like Litchi Hikari Club characters)
anyhow i'm really glad you guys relate
No. 355249
>>355181ofc and I can prove it
leave contact
No. 355595
>>355590>>355502 here it is
>>355515I will, nonnalalita
No. 355786
>>355434Usually I'm on the receiving end but the past few days I've been more focused on giving. Her orgasm in the fantasy lines up with mine IRL even though fantasy-me is totally untouched. Maybe it's just a phase but I'm having fun.
>>355773Very nice
nonny No. 357025
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I want to care for her when she's sick in bed, I'd get her anything she needs and try to make her as comfortable as possible and make sure she drinks lots of fluids and cuddle her and stroke her hair and kiss her head without caring if I will get sick. But then if I do get sick I also fantasize about her doing the same for me. I have a thing for injury/sickness fantasies, maybe because it kicks my affection instinct into overdrive. I don't have any maternal instinct for children whatsoever, but it seems like I do have it in abundance for lovers… I wonder why
No. 357178
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i want to have access to her football or soccer should i say for the americans jersey right after she's done playing. i'm going insane. I NEEEEED IIIIITTTTTTT
No. 358627
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i'm ovulating and reading all of these posts is like torture. i want to yell. especially the posts about wanting to smell a woman's underwear - if i was dating someone and found her doing that to my clothes i think it would make me so horny i'd explode
No. 358776
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i am going to die thinking about small boobs and the way they look outlined by shirts when they're braless. there is probably nothing more erotic to me i feel like i'm going to have a heart attack. oh my fucking god
No. 358839
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I want to sit in a bathtub with a woman and bathe her. I’d caress every single part of her body until we can’t take it anymore and go fuck.
No. 358980
My dream is to date a woman who is much taller than me but super submissive in bed.
>>358839Yesss. I have a similar fantasy, but it involves a shower instead.
No. 360042
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What is even the point of living if ill never get to fuck her
No. 360089
>>342326kind of messed up but i really want a girl to
rape me. preferably someone i know like a friend in my sleep or something. i want someone to want me so much that they become fucked up in the head. (wouldn’t want this with a male though.)
another one i’ve been obsessed with lately is the thought of a skinny tomboyish girl with a lot of stamina tribbing on top of me. the though of
her hips gyrating while becoming increasingly desperate is so hot to me. there’s something so erotic about
women’s hips thrusting in general. i want her to thrust her pussy over and over again in my mouth while she orgasms. i’m thinking of one person specifically with this fantasy too and it kills me because it will never happen. i’ve never wanted someone so bad. so horny i’m basically feeling suicidal at this point
No. 360113
>>360112Kek samefag but I made this post and didn’t even read
>>360089 but
> i’m thinking of one person specifically with this fantasy too and it kills me because it will never happen. i’ve never wanted someone so bad. so horny i’m basically feeling suicidal at this pointI’m in the same damn boat exactly, fml. Life is pain, life is suffering
No. 360266
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>>355893Same nona. She fucking hates me. I think she feels hurt and thinks I don’t like her but the opposite is actually true. I can’t chase after her and tell her I’m actually in love with her because there’s a chance she really does hate me because I’m cringe or creepy or whatever the fuck. Anyways I want really rough sex with her and then afterwards to tell her I’ve loved her all along. I feel like crying and throwing up and throwing plates because there’s nothing I can do about any of this FUCK
No. 360810
>>360792Sometimes nona but I also feel empty and uninspired without any fantasies. On balance I think they help because otherwise life does just feel gray and boring. I think it’s a natural part of being human, especially if you are creative. I know mine are (mostly) impossible, definitely improbable so they take on a supernatural element (another life, going back in time, being someone else etc). Dream on my
nonnie, and don’t feel bad about it.
No. 360824
>>360792Sorry to hear you've been feeling depressed nonna. I also used to cry a lot over fantasies that wouldn't come true, or at least seemed far away. I think it's important to know the difference between things that are actually impossible and things that just haven't happened yet, like attaining an unattainable person vs being loved in general. Maybe ywnb with that woman in particular, but one day you can be with a different one. Not sure what your hangup is so I'm speaking from personal experience. Bottom line is that it's normal and healthy to want love, affection, sex, and companionship. What you're desiring, at its core, is beautiful. Try to just accept the present moment, including how much it hurts, and find some real things that you already have to be grateful for.
No. 361044
First one: Gynecologist appointmments make me nervous (uncharted territory) so i picture the doctor as a smug older woman who verbally educates me on my anatomy as she brings me to an orgasm. She'd act like it's an innocent explanation while i'm writhing and wetting myself under her
Second one: I really, really want to feel female ejaculation, preferably on my face. I fantasize about a reunion with my first (mutual) crush (nerdy, shorter than me). I want to hold her, the two of us facing a mirror, as i figure out her sensitive spots and note them out loud to embarrass her a little. I want to play with her big, easily gorged clit, until she can clearly see it peeking from under her pubes. I'd finish her off by eating her out, mouth fused to her vulva, not even moving (especially not moving) when she starts to facefuck me without realizing it, before squirting and drowning me. I'd wonder if it's actually urine on me and not care because i want her scent so bad This is the most coherent string of images i can muster. Usually i get so horny it feels like oxygen is leaving my brain and i picture us cannibalizing each other kek
No. 362908
>>362895Taller than me, so 5'7" at least, and darker skin than me, so anywhere from medium brown to blue-black, with natural hair cut short, maybe shaved on the sides, but otherwise hairy and unshaven. Full bush is a must. I want to spread her labia and see how cute and pink she is inside, the contrast with dark skin drives me crazy. Medium-small breasts, visible collar bones, strong biceps, fleshy thighs. I want to eat her out and hold hands over her tummy. Kiss her neck, nibble her earlobes. She runs her fingers up into my afro while we make out, and hugs me tight against her soft, slender body when she fucks me. The other day I fantasized so hard it was like I could see her in my bed. I know she's out there somewhere and I'm willing to wait. I love her already.
No. 362919
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>>362895My sexual awakening basically. Very feminine face, medium length black hair, rather masculine clothing and mannerisms. My biggest irl crush was very pretty with delicate features and quite low 'bitchy' voice, she didn't wear much makeup and often came to school without it. In terms of the body I have very typical taste, I'm drawn to big boobs etc., but I like the female form in general and I don't pay that much attention to specific body type in real life.
No. 362931
>>362895i really like it when women are either noticeably taller than me or slightly shorter. i can't choose between tall, lanky women (even better when they're gauche, it's adorable) and chubby women with delicate, fleshy, arms and shoulders. small breasts, puffy nipples, wide, strong thighs and
huge ass. moid-tier but i've always adored them. older. intelligent and driven
No. 362995
>>362931>tall, lanky women who are gaucheYessss, my ultimate type.
>small breasts with puffy nipplesYESSSSS they are so cute.
puffy nipples make me want to suck on them so badOne thing that I like is a beautiful neck, which to me means long but sturdy (not too thin). And soft supple skin. One that looks like you could really sink your teeth into it. I also think long torsos are cute.
No. 363007
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>>362895"straight"-ish shaped androgynous edgy women with little boobs
i prefer them when they are small enough to be unfit for any bra but not so much those that are flat all the way but they're okay too. and like the other anons i'm also team puffy nips kek and nicely shaped legs and (fore)arms if not just lanky. unshaven everywhere with a hairstyle no longer than like, the jaw at the longest (unless she's a metalhead). MUST have a tall nosebridge and i'm really into women with longer midfaces. dark hair and eyes and similarly the other anon above i've never been attracted to anyone who had (a majority of) lighter features. i don't really like women who require a lot of upkeep, i'm not into like super "clean" delicate and prim people whatsoever
not to be a scrote but girlsmell and musk……. i just want to be able to shove my face in her neck or bush and inhale her natural scent, not sterility plus those people happen to be uptight so we're incompatible. speaking of which as for personality i know MBTI is a meme but INFJs and ISTPs are a favorite of mine… OH and nice long hands and fingers.
No. 363027
>>363007I fit all the parameters! Hey nonna.
>>362895I have a thing for brunette or dark-haired women in general, unshaven
(who doesn't love a nice bush). Preferably shorter than me, but don't really mind. Either pixie cut or nice long hair. I have a thing for tan skin and red lipstick specifically. My mothertongue is Spanish, and I go CRAZY for Sonoran Mexican accents for some reason. I think moles are really cute. Don't really have a breast preference tbh, but I do like a perky butt.
No. 363095
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Every day I get closer and closer to following her footsteps
Anyone who doesn’t know, this girl has severe life and self issues and she hires a female lesbian sex worker just to have some intimacy and gOD DAMN IT I AM UNDERSTANDING HER MORE AND MORE EVERY DAY I NEED THIS TOO!!!!
No. 363103
>>363095same, I secretly relate to so much of her books. Even the bit about her mom made me say "oh shit, oh gross, but isn't that sort of me too?" iykyk…
But it was the manga equivalent of a hororcow experience though reading the volume where she almost kills herself via damaging her organs permanently form alcoholism, then relapses after such a long recovery in the hospital… I seriously wonder if she is going to make it.
No. 363134
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There's a really hot woman I saw at a gay bar a little while ago. just oozed confidence, sex and fun. I'm such an awkward shit and not raised in the culture here but she did a performance and then afterwards sorta singled me out a couple of times to get close to me. She touched me and I didn't know what to do so I honestly just sorta froze up looking at her but I'd like to imagine a world where I had more confidence and knew how to reciprocate and just did it and kissed and got closer, ideally held her really beautiful ass like she ended up doing with another girl lmao. I can't stop thinking about it and kinky things I'd love to do with her in bed though it feels so moid-like. Especially cause I looked her up later and it turns out she's actually a stripper by day kekkk. but also I can't pretend the degenerate side of me isn't getting more thoughts from the things she can do… nonnas help, am I becoming a moid? it feels disrespectful to indulge in the fantasies of a stranger but…
No. 363155
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>>363095Literally when I first read it I was like “maybe I should”. I’m too scared to actually hit on anyone, and none of my dates really go anywhere (I think because I’m too awkward or just haven’t found anyone I’m actually interested in)… I don’t want to use sw path because I hate this system and how it exploits women, of course, but ideally I just want a more experienced woman to break me out of my reservations about having sex ToT
(ToT) No. 363308
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Speaking of feeling like a moid, lately I've been fantasizing about high school girls. Not like actively grooming them or anything, but I just imagine a scenario where such a girl likes me, what would I do? (please note that this is due to age gap yuri overdose) Would I be able to reject her if I find her attractive? Honestly I have no idea, probably not because I doubt I would go to jail in my country, but on the other hand I would feel extremely paranoid and would wonder if I'm like traumatizing her and shit. Good thing it's just a fantasy, I don't interact with women irl so I'm harmless. Also I try to imagine the sexual aspect of it and it just feels awkward, so probably I'm not a pedophile thank god. I need to lose my V-card already, I don't want to spiral into weird shit out of loneliness and desperation.
No. 363312
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>>363311Read chapter 19 of Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels to be enlightened. But anyway, I read before a girl that mentioned always getting off like this with her gf and since then I believe it's possible and also incredibly hot.
No. 363315
>>363314Itsuki Kuro is a woman and that manga is good.
>I thought you were a lesbian sex chad imparting sacred knowledgeNo, unfortunately I'm a permavirgin. But missionary tribbing does look easy and pleasurable.
No. 363328
>>363314lesbian sex chad here to confirm that this is in fact possible. i don’t think chubby women could do it easily though, plus you can’t have bad stamina if you want to get off that way. total normal fantasy by the way - when you’re making out with a girl on top of her it’s really easy to go from just making out with her to
humping each other through your clothes. once you remove the clothes, well, that’s the intuitive way it progresses. it just happens.
No. 363721
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It's messed up, but I fantasize about a closeted bully sexually harassing me. She would tease me about how pathetic I am for enjoying being touched by someone who is cruel to me and pretend she was doing it because it's fun to embarrass me, but the truth is she is secretly in love with me.
No. 365152
>>344804>>344974>>345060>>354675>>354952>>355734>>363312why are there so many trannies in this thread? it's like an especially unhinged meta complaints post. this is not /tttt/, return from whence you came
>>363308this doesn't sound like a fantasy, it sounds like you're having consistent panic attacks over it kek. get off the internet for a bit
No. 365722
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Please god im just need to be her service top and spoil her and eat her out please GOD
No. 365979
>>365974I was just thinking about this. if more handsome women embraced it instead of trying to fit straight men’s standards, I’d probably be lesbian instead of bi.
I’d probably have no reason to be attracted to men anymore, the only reason I am occasionally is because I like “masculine” presentation too, and more men present like that. but I think handsome women are hotter. something I’ve realised is that bisexual women and lesbians have a wider appreciation of women’s beauty than men do. the straight man’s idea of an attractive women is so limited. I’m glad I can see the sexiness they can’t, there’s so much more than that.
No. 365990
>>365981ehh, I don’t think there is anything that biologically induces attraction to a specific gender in humans. if it were just about androgens vs estrogens, most people would be some degree of bisexual, plus women with PCOS would be hella gay. also there are definitely lesbians who only like femmes. the idea just doesn’t make sense to me, anyway, what kind of gene or receptor could
trigger an attraction to specifically shaped genitals?
No. 365998
>>365994sage for sperging, but surely children/teens can have PCOS? and of course it can change your brain but my point is how would the brain have a mechanism to ensure opposite sex attraction? androgens affect the brain in a way that causes you to be aggressive, reduce empathy and increase spatial awareness etc, but gay men don’t have less T and I doubt they did during puberty, and they still have these androgenised behaviours.
anyway my main thing is that I think homosexual attraction is inherently interruptive of gender stereotypes in society, so people attracted to the same gender are more likely to appreciate those traits. but there are lesbians who only like femininity, and lesbians who only like masculinity on women. if it was supposedly the lack of testosterone causing this, you’d think they’d be attracted to men too. but sorry for dragging on. it is an interesting topic though.
No. 366003
>>365995But you never become 100% heterosexual or 100% homosexual during these cycles. Also if you're suddenly really into someone of the other sex during these cycles you usually break out of it, so I think for bisexuals which sex they are attracted to at the moment is due to their everyday experiences. The thing is you never truly stop being bisexual, hence you "cycle", because that's something biological of you.
>>365998The best we have about homosexual attraction in females at the moment is that pre-natal androgenization seems to have a role in it, so even if you were androgenized in your teens it likely won't have any effect on your sexual orientation.
No. 366009
>>366003there are so many bogus studies like this that I wonder how people still believe them kek. how would androgens make a foetus gay? and why would pre-natal exposure have more impact than pubertal since sexual desire increases then? just doesn’t make sense. didn’t they also try to say males have one finger longer than another due to pre-natal testosterone and lesbian women were more likely to have that too? It ended up being unreliable and the results couldn’t be replicated.
and that still would mean women with PCOS would give birth to more lesbian children and that would be a pretty demonstrable phenomenon. and once again would probably make most people some degree of bisexual, not straight, and it wouldn’t explain how occasionally some people’s sexualities change.
No. 366115
>>366112I mean I’ve noticed this IRL too. short and skinny is not most women’s type. it’s cool though, because luckily there’s more than type to attraction. sorry if it came across like I was whining kek.
funnily enough my ideal girl is probably an imageboard loser like myself so I wouldn’t say this thread is necessarily the least accurate place to assess my dating chances (lol)
No. 366221
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>>366183omg I thought I was the only one that gets turned on knowing someone has a high sex drive. funnily enough I also like a TiF (why are they all the hotties nonas…), she’s a pervy fujo and I’m absolutely certain she has the dirtiest nastiest thoughts FUCK. she’s such a weirdo so I bet she has some stupid kinks. I saw her hornypost memes on an alt account about masturbating a lot and getting head and i almost cried. it was something like poking fun of the face you make when you get oral sex and I was so unhappy that people have gotten to see it and I haven’t. (I bet one is that pretty girl that’s always up in her comment section… urgh.) she has the tism (got diagnosed like a year ago) and sometimes makes funny faces, I bet she’d have such a cute squirmy face when you go down on her. anyway I’m kind of retarded because comprehending the fact she’s a sex-haver and is probably having lots of stupid college sex despite being such a loser (a really hot loser) drives me insane and makes me angry as fuck but also kinda horny. she’s straight up kind of a whore. like I bet people just listen to her talk and don’t give a fuck about what she’s saying but just smile and laugh because they totally just wanna get in her pants and I get it.
anyway mine is thin too but kind of the inverse, very narrow hips but also tiny shoulders, but tall (5’10). I think her frame is so beautiful. her tummy is really tight and sexy and her hipbones jut out in such a hot way, I can’t imagine how good she must look with her boxers pulled down.
I want to bury my mouth in her vulva while she’s standing up with her legs apart leaning on a desk or something with her hand in my hair. I wanted her to get off T before it ruins her beauty but my brain short circuited after I learned about
the tranny clit thing and now I can’t stop imagining how her enlarged clit would feel in my mouth and me sucking on it. I bet she’d be really sensitive. she also flushes really easily, not in an ugly, angry red way - just the apple of her cheeks go pink - just from being warm even. so I bet if she gets worked up her face and neck go so pink. I really want to see it. she probably tries not to moan to seem more masculine but gets all whiny and breathy and high pitched when she’s close. and nonnies I swear she’s so beautiful I’m not even just saying that, like whatever you’re imagining it’s not even close.
gonna sperg about her looks now because I love her and have no friends haha. she’s both handsome and cute at the same time. her face is heart-shaped and long and elegant. her jaw is sharp but delicate and narrow. she usually has some degree of brown hair, I’ve seen anything from gingerish light brown to dark brown on her - but right now it’s black. it’s really dense, wavy-curly, shoulder length and messy. sometimes she wears those rectangular glasses nerdy moids do. her skin has hardly seen the sun and is sort of luminously pale kek. her eyes are pretty and dark, and they’re really deep and gently smouldering. like they turn you to mush. her eyelashes are really pretty and long, they sweep downward and give her a hazy sort of sweet look when she’s smiling. she’s quite narrow and lanky - her legs are really long - and wears masculine attire. her hands are so pretty, slender and long and soft. oh and she’s Italian by the way. she’s gotten quite a few people comparing her to Dazai from bungou kek, she hates it (never watched it) but she really does look like him honestly. but with lighter hair she looks a little goro akechi-ish to me (plus the hairstyle is closer) so maybe she just has anime boy looks.
she pulls these trans-hating straight girls despite being a freak weirdo (in a funny way, and I’m exaggerating). they turn into pick-mes for her and everything. sigh. I don’t think she quite comprehends how hot she is either. she definitely attracts some lesbian girls who only put up with the trans shit because she looks that good.
heck if I’m here I’m going to rant about the weird fetishises she’s
triggered in me. sorry. (is this blogposting…?) I was one of the anons the other day who said I’m really attracted to any weirdness but also kind of grossness when I really like a girl. the weirdness makes sense to me because weirdness is almost vulnerable and also just very… real. but the grossness thing is definitely because I’m so fucking mentally ill about my obsessions for people. Like I literally can’t just be heavily attracted to people in normal way. I know my hot loser TiF crush has had some month long shut-in depression phases (like me!) and she definitely was not practising proper hygiene during some of these times. but the idea of her unkempt stringy hair and
accumulated body odour I KNOW IM SO GROSS I’M SORRY
is very hot to me. I’m so curious as to what it smells like? especially her vulva. I don’t really know what it is specifically that is attracting me with this but I guess I’ve always had a thing for smells. I always instinctively want to shove my face in someone’s armpit when we’re cuddling. I remember an anon here talking about having a
period blood fetish and I sort of had a eureka moment like “oh, I guess I, as a woman, can also have weird fetishes for women like moids do! I mean not that that specifically turns me on but that kind of unlocked some weird suppression thing I had going on.” but then I thought about my TiFfy love’s
period blood and now the fetish has developed. Sigh.
i want to smell it and potentially taste it and maybe get it on my fingers?? Also the idea of period sex feels so intimate and vulnerable honestly and I’d want to show her love during that time. I feel like maybe she’d feel particularly sensitive about it because she’s trans kek. I just want to love her as a woman. kind of related, but I’ve never had a thing for boobs, like I was never attracted to them. I’ve always seen them as kind of neutral, chests with fat stored in them that get needlessly sexualised. probably in part because I come from an african family and in the house topless female family members around me were just considered normal (although to be fair my family are quite small chested anyway, I’m flat kek). but when I realised Tiffychan had breasts it really intrigued and perturbed me because I was kind of ignorant to the whole transitioning thing and thought that since she had started at a young age she wouldn’t have boobs. I started to fixate on how soft they look. like… they look so soft. I’m not sure if she binds or it’s a matter of her weight fluctuating and the clothes she wears, I think it might be the latter two. when she’s extremely skinny they almost disappear. but regardless, all the times I’ve seen the outline of her breasts through fabric she never has had a bra on and they look so. fucking. soft. I’ve never wanted to touch boobs more in my life, I don’t know what it is about them. I now have an established non-sexual attraction to boobs, a sensual attraction specifically, especially hers. sensual attraction is so strong for me in general. just to glide my fingers along the curvature of her waist, gently caress her ribs, and cup her soft breasts and glide my fingers across her nipples
watching them harden when I softly pinch them. she can pass as so masculine but she sometimes looks so soft and vulnerable… she has these pretty legs and really soft skin. again I know I’m so retarded for this but in the end she’s a fujo who probably gets off on the idea of being a guy who’s fucked by another guy and the idea of that haunts me a little. the thought of an undeserving moid defiling her pretty body with his hands all over her is so upsetting to me. I feel depressed now.
but to be honest, in a dumb moidy cuck kinda way it also turns me on to think of her enjoying sex with a man. I’ve masturbated to the thought, while sobbing a little. like, she likes men so much she wanted to be one, kms.anyway, last fetish/turn on. I want her to be so pervy and fucked up that she gets uncontrollably horny and
sexually assaults me. she’s definitely stronger than me (she’s a string bean but so am I and shorter, plus no steroids…) so she could definitely
pin me face down and force her fingers inside of me. she’d be desperately fingering me hard while so shamelessly getting off on it, humping my leg not so subtly, moaning. oh and she’d flip me around and suck on my vulva, licking my labia and watching me squirm while gripping her pretty fingers on my thigh, nails digging into my skin and leaving pink marks. I want her to latch onto my clit and aggressively make out with my pussy, hard, getting stickiness on her face. she’d look me straight in the eyes with this cockiness and do that thing that drives me crazy - it’s like she knows how to put sex into her eyes and gazes it into you. it’s so seductive in a cocky way and it makes me so horny, how does one go from loser to so confident? I wonder if she even realises that she’s doing it. it’d be like she was taunting me. and telling me how much I like this, teasing me about how wet and shaky I am because I’ve been wanting this for so long. I can get off in 5 minutes just thinking about her while masturbating so I’d probably last like 1 minute and be mortified with embarrassment but still so aroused. and then she’d grind her hips down and rub her big clit against mine. hnng. I bet her body would look so sexy on top of me. help.
sorry for the long post nonas, I ended up typing for over an hour. but getting that out felt good, thank you for being the audience to my frustration kek. sorry if I broke some kind of rule I was unaware of, I’ve never made a post this long before on here.
No. 366296
>>366102This is one of the main types I'm interested in (I am taken by the other type right now, a cute short curvy woman). I have been feral for such women in the past.
But we're out here, I promise.
No. 366372
>>366302I’m glad someone appreciates it haha. I was on no sleep and passed out immediately after writing it. felt ashamed of myself when I woke up but if you think it brought something to the thread I thank you nona.
>>366345what do you mean, this is absolutely a completely normal and sane level of being attracted to someone. kek no I admit I can be a little insane about people, but funnily enough now that you mention it, I only seem to attract the obsessive types actually. luckily it’s mostly obsessive women and not men, but it’s fucked up some friendships.
No. 366390
>>366221lord what a reply,
I love to know another women as high sex drive
Your like a super freak and you sound pretty hot too nonna, wonderful blogpost.
I think there is something extremely hot about period sex, the vulnerable aspect on the end of the one who is offering, the stickiness of the blood…
also tribbing must feel so strange but the idea of it make me ravenous No. 366763
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>>366689dirty talk is nothing, i have this fantasy/need to cringe retard cutesy talk to a woman i want it so badly. it's embarrassing, it's stupid, but i just wanna tease a girl and tell how cute her boobsy boobs are, i want to snuggle her buttsy butt-butt and kiss her puss-puss while she cringes and squeals at me to stop while giggling and secretly liking it. i'm frothing at my mouth thinking about it but at the same time i know i will never experience this because holy hell i will neverbe able to actually take part in such embarrassing behavior, oh my god. i will die unwhole.
No. 367133
>>367129>but does anyone ever get the urge to draw sexy female figures?Yes and I do because ultimately I'm attracted to other women.
I hate this rhetoric on here that lesbians and bi women shouldn't be sexually attracted to women, or we shouldn't express it. (Not saying you're perpetuating this, nona. I mean anons who call other anons men.)
Personally my gf and I are horny for each other and it's awesome.
No. 367254
>>367129I get that urge so often, I just use a whiteboard so I can erase it. I love to draw women so much
>>367224>Also they get super drunk and probably fuck like five more times but I don’t show that.Weak
No. 368791
i was at work and this woman who looked to be in her 60s winked at me, i'm 80% sure it was sexual, she wasn't
that old to be a jolly old lady winking. she was silent not overly nice or anything, just winked and smirked while i was taking her payment. i swear to god she being sultry.
>>368738so ~2 years ago i discovered this sheep shearing channel "right choice shearing," which is ran by married lesbians and it ignited a similar fantasy of being a lesbian rancher
No. 369480
>>368970I don't think so
nonnie. Whenever the hot female boss of the company I work with shows up in our meetings, I fantasise endlessly about her completely eviscerating me with her arguments. The way she debates everyone's points makes everyone in the room want to be railed by her.
No. 372118
>>371996>>371992it could just be a kind of fucked up fantasy, like I said. I understand how the fantasy is “heteronormative,” but I’m not too concerned about that because I’m still fucking another woman regardless. I don’t actually consider her virgin, if it matters
anyways, I’m seeing her tonight. wish me luck nonnies!
No. 372119
>>372118Don't worry nona, this is a thread for self-indulgent hornyposting, not a thread for arguing about the sociopolitical implications of
problematic lesbian sex. Have fun and good luck!
No. 372335
>>372256Same, nona. I used to hate the idea of being dominated, but once I hit my stride with bodybuilding and got my dream body, the confidence changed me and how I view sex. When I met my wife, I was so turned on by her softness and the size difference between us. I still take the lead most of the time, but she's dominated me in ways I never thought I'd allow to happen. When she strapped me the first time, I think I met God when I came. There's just something so intensely hot about the fact that I
could use my strength and size to flip the script and ravish her at any given moment, but I don't. She's got this intense power in how she looks at me, this "don't you fucking try it" look. I'm rambling here and my mind's wandering… but yeah, AAP's a helluva drug.
No. 372384
>>372256me too, nonita. Me too… GOD! I’m 5’7 ish and all my previous partners have been significantly smaller than me, and it definitely did something to me. I like being bigger and in control, it makes my dumb monkey brain go crazy.
Anyway. I recently started seeing my now girlfriend AND GOD. THE TABLES HAVE TURNED. I think I died and saw god when I saw her for the first time. She’s 6’2, and naturally muscular… She’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen in my life and for some reason it’s like a flip switched in my brain. Like, yeah, I want her to throw me like a rag doll and do whatever she wants with me. I used to think I was like, “untoppable”, like I loved being the dominant one too much to ever even consider not. The last few times we had sex my heart was beating out my chest because I was so… just absolutely loosing it over the fact she had so much leverage over me. I think I weigh like, half of her (not being an Ana chan i swear I have a chronic disease) and she kept man handling me (gently, of course, god I’m so wrecked for this woman) into what position like, was needed. At one point she physically like, picked me up and dragged down to her face my by my waist during oral and I think that alone made me come in like 30 seconds. Anyways. Yeah.
I didn’t realize how much I’d enjoy the size thing the other way around. It’s really exciting and also makes me want to explode.
No. 372444
>>372437i've had that kind of fantasy, kind of like gentlewomen's club where rich butches in suits gather to smoke cigars and drink whiskey and there's escorts working there sitting naked on their laps etc
also a rich woman sex toy tupperware party fantasy about women gathering at the party hostess's home where she shows and demonstrates different sex toys on some girl kek like she'll show how they can please their own girls with the toys and are welcome to try them on her too and then they can buy whichever toys they like
No. 372446
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>>372444double post part of the fantasy is that they are these old timey women gathered in a nice old timey living room, sipping tea while they watch the hostess using different vibrators, straps, whatever on the model girl
No. 372545
>>372444oh my god are you me. i have the same fantasy except it's a powerful woman introducing her gf/'pet' (i don't have a better word for the dynamic lol) to her also powerful, mild-mannered, distinguished friends. older women in flapper style. they'd play with her; use toys on her, casually talking with each other as her (repressed) moans fill the room. the gf is obviously a self-insert, so i imagine myself eating out her friends while they praise me. the gf would look at her lover, vying for approval, a sign of pride on her face as she's tormented by mildly amused women. i sometimes go a little further with the 'object' aspect of it, imagining the self-insert being discussed like she's some shiny new toy, available to be taken home for more fun behind closed doors.
i have this theory that this was inspired by being stuck in older women's groups when i was younger. i was bored to death and a little creeped out by their constant talk abt appearance/wife goals, describing each other's bodies.. but it is hot if you bend it a little
No. 372605
>>372582I love neck kissing too, it’s sensual and I never have a fantasy that doesn’t involve it. I like the idea of kissing the body in general - I’m so touch starved so I think about it all the time, someone holding me while we’re naked embracing in bed and taking her time working her way down and kissing the space under my jaw and chin, across my collarbones, ribs, hip bones, inner thighs, just savouring my body. I want to do this to someone else too, I like someone right now and honestly she has a really nice body, I want to take in every inch of it and love her.
I also imagine having a close friend I’m physically affectionate with but we’re secretly very attracted to each other, one night we’re lounging in bed sleepily cuddling and she kisses my cheek, I kiss her’s back, then she decides to kiss my neck first just once which gives me butterflies, then I panic as she does it more and more before she frantically tries to kiss the parts hidden under clothes, peeling the collar of my shirt down. I just crave that moment where you desperately want someone and can’t hold it back anymore. Making eye contact and for the first time seeing that blatant lust in her eyes that she can no longer suppress. There’s those few seconds where no one is saying anything but you both know. Everything feels oppressively hot, it’s like your entire body is aroused.
>>372589I definitely have a thing for voices. Phone calls feel embarrassingly intimate to me (the ones where you’re just chatting with a friend while you’re both relaxing on the sofa or in bed) just the soft low-toned voice right in your ear, there always feels like there’s a bit of sexual tension there for some reason, at least in my head kek. Whenever I crush on someone with a nice voice and they call me all relaxed and sleepy I honestly always
get wet without fail. It gives me the worst butterflies and it gets me a little flustered.
No. 373310
>>372830Now that you say it, that is odd
>>372849Not a celeb, my friend i have a thing for but can’t have
No. 373568
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This is going to sound retarded and I apologize ahead of time, but I want her to wear cat ears and act like a cat in heat so I can come in and "help" her by pleasuring her with my strap-on. I also have stupid fantasies of being able to get her pregnant and getting to rub her belly and watch her boobs change and pamper her. I think I have a breeding fetish unfortunately. Nothing turns me on the same way as fantasies like this. I'm sorry feminism, I'm sorry women.
it also feels ridiculous because the woman i fantasize about is like a head and a half taller than me, I am a shrimp compared to her. I'm like a reincarnated anglerfish male
No. 373642
>>373619I don’t mean like meowing or something, Christ. Just like, putting her butt up and wiggling or something like that.
No. 373693
Monster girls are so hot. I like vampires the best but I’ve been on a werewolf kick lately. A woman who’s in the beginning process of transforming into a beast, she’s pushing me away and begging me not to come near, because she’s afraid she’ll hurt me, but I assure her that she’s not a monster and I’m not afraid of her. I’m not into the full werewolf form unless it’s humanoid, but fuuuck imagining her sharp claws digging into my back, she bites my shoulder, resisting the urge to rip me to shreds, just enjoying the taste of my flesh. Her urge to mate with me is strong, she’s extremely aggressive while giving me cunnilingus. She doesn’t bite on my clit hard enough to hurt, but the pressure from her sharp teeth is obvious. I love women who can murder me, but they know their limits and just okay rough with me?
No. 373770
>>373641this is so advanced
>>373693yess my heart longs for monstergirl f/f. i really like your description, i guess my ideal monster girl would be some creature with different forms (human, semi-monster etc). she'd have a kind of seal keeping her true nature at bay. she struggles to maintain a normal appearance/behavior when aroused, so foreplay would basically be a teasing game where she gets progressively more unhinged and agitated, before she inevitably turns monstruous and mindlessly fucks me
No. 374681
>>373568>I think I have a breeding fetish unfortunatelyI 100% do and when I'm super horny I get very turned on by thick women and imagine
I have a dick and can get them pregnant. Not a troon I swear I just have futa brainrot.
No. 374770
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I want to make a handsome stoic butch lose her composure by kissing and teasing her until she's all flustered and blushy
No. 374919
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I need to be absolutely ravaged by a butch girl. I’m not talking about tomboys, I’m talking about women who you need to take a second look at because she looks so masculine but on closer inspection, she’s definitely female. I’m also butch, but I need her to pick me up and throw me around like a rag doll
No. 374969
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No. 375276
>>375130I feel the same way, nonna. I would likely never do it irl but an only woman threesome would be like sexual heaven. I’m definitely big on giving so having two women I’m attracted to that I could pleasure would be so hot
I just want to go back and forth between kissing them both on the lips, between licking their pussies and teasing with my fingers while they sit or lay side by side and edging both women until they’re all soaked and sensitive and desperate to cum helppppp just a normal Tuesday kek
No. 375396
>event horizon fucking kek anon. That's seriously what it feels like, though. Like there's no way back out of this. I hate it so much. Other than her, there is no woman who appeals to me the way she did. I fell for her so hard I stopped being interested in men, too. It's like she re-wired my brain, and even long after she's gone, I'm still stuck chasing only her in my mind.
No. 375490
Back to dump my horny ideas here again lol. The first one is inspired by something in the bisexual thread. I also get crushes on people I know in fandom spaces but have never really shared fanfiction with anyone, tbh I grew out of reading it. But someone brought up how sharing it is a little intimate, especially finding out you’re into the same thing… I think it would be kinda hot if the girl I’m into sent me some really dirty smut. I also really enjoy the idea of discovering someone’s fetishises and them being all embarrassed about it. Or exchanging kinks and realising you have the same ones.
Second one sounds like some dumb made up coomer shit but I stumbled across someone describing it and liked the idea. Apparently it’s called a “sexfight” and the concept seems to be some sort of lesbian sex wrestling thing where you compete to make the other orgasm first (or give the other the most orgasms?). I’ve always thought wrestling was pretty erotic and when it comes to dominant or submissive dynamics the idea of being forced into submission is way hotter. Need to find someone to do this with me kek, or perhaps a couple women and we could have a tournament (I wish).
>>375379Nona are you me? I also have this fantasy. I was actually going to mention this here the other day and was too embarrassed about it, but I really like the smell of pussy.
>>375396Ntayrt but weirdly enough something like this happened to me. Ever since I realised I liked her my interest in men has completely vanished.
Anyway that’s me. Can you tell I’m ovulating?
No. 375999
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>>375976>eat her out under a waterfallim sorry but all i can picture is picrel
No. 376002
>>375991TA and yes, you get it. That raw and wild woman we really don’t get to see/be in modern society esp if you have a normie type job. Would love to see her face shining with pride after she successfully caught a big fish or managed to build/craft something useful. The romance and drama and fresh salt air of it all makes it so sexy.
>>375999 Kekkk maybe I mean behind a waterfall instead
>>375995 I love this variation a lot, I’ve thought about it primitive type stuff as well. Clan of the Cave Bear but lesbians kek
No. 376347
>>376328The air crackled with nervous energy as you and your friend sit cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by colorful fabric scraps and sewing needles. You are attempting to make your first cosplay together, characters from her favorite anime. Your conversations usually danced around anime characters and the latest episodes, but today, you felt something more intimate in the air. Your friend, oblivious to your inner turmoil, hummed excitedly, meticulously stitching her costume.
Every stolen glance sent your heart into a frenzy. Her hair, recently cut into a charming bob, framed her face endearingly. The glitter from her body spray shimmered under the lamplight, making her resemble a magical creature from one of her animes.
"You look beautiful." you said softly, interrupting her rambling about the convention you were planning to attend together. Shit. The words tumbled out of your mouth before you could stop them. "I mean, not that you don't always…" you trailed off, feeling your face burn.
She blushed, a shy smile playing on her lips. She turns her wrist towards you, her glitter spray catching the light. "Thank you… I got this because you said it would look nice."
"It suits you." How could you explain yourself? The longing to confess your feelings, the terror of ruining your friendship, the self-doubt whispering that you weren't good enough for her.
She holds up a fabric swatch. "This would look amazing paired with your eye color! What do you think?" Her obliviousness, usually endearing, now felt almost painful.
"Sure," you nod. You watch her hands move skillfully, her fingers delicately handling the materials. Every so often, she pushes a strand of her bobbed hair behind her ear, a habit that you've grown fondly accustomed to. The simplicity of the moment, sitting together amidst the chaos of fabric and threads, felt like a snapshot of something more profound.
"Are you okay? You seem… distant." Her voice pulls you from your reverie, her concern evident in her gentle tone.
You muster a small smile. "Yeah, just thinking about how fun the convention will be."
She half-smiles at that, and you wonder if she senses the unspoken words hanging between you. The room feels smaller, the silence louder.
"I'm glad we're doing this together," she says softly, her gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than usual.
"Me too. I always admire how passionate you are about the things you love." You said, feeling a warmth spread through you. "It's one of the many things I find beautiful about you."
Her eyes widened, lips parting in surprise. A flush crept up her neck, painting her cheeks pink. You can't read her expression; it's a mix of surprise, confusion, maybe… fear? Your heart races, a sinking feeling in your stomach.
"I find you beautiful too," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper.
No. 376564
>>376540Was gonna repost one of them and got too embarrassed even though she's the one who sends them, it was one of those dark and brooding x sunshine kek. Honestly this post
>>365808 has done wonders for letting me accept my overwhelming attraction to her. I want to be her Shadow the Hedgehog. Life is so fucking hard.
>>376360Thank you. I am taking this under advisement.
>>376561Maybe this is obvious and you've already considered it, but have you thought of going to the gym? It might help with your confidence and women seeing you as cool instead of cute.
No. 376596
>>376328This is adorable and she's absolutely flirting. Go for it, hold her hand, tell her, so you don't regret it later
>>376570It has the same effect on me but i also want to pinch/grab it (softly)
No. 377323
>>376929excuse my paranoia, i know there is no way you noticed it but i promise that i didn't read this when i went to ask for more proper synonyms in the stupid questions threadI thought i lost interest in women but i was struck by something degenerate so this is just a fantasy.
I would like the idea of two twin sisters with soft natural/cute style wanting to be together with me.
I'm not into poly relationships or incest so i have no idea, maybe i went insane.
Also sorry for blogpost, i used to have a crush on a friend of mine but once i met her sister she seemed to be the one having a crush on me but i didn't feel anything romantic towards her so it was a bit awkward. Maybe that's why i'm a bit into it, i'm too insecure to get close to women now.
No. 378947
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Having a rival and finally releasing the pent-up sexual tension after months of bickering
No. 378968
>>378427This post has been haunting me. I need this so badly it's not even funny. I cannot stop thinking about my imaginary
toxic cosplay gf.
No. 379176
This might be stupid, but I've always been a little enchanted by women in fandom who go absolutely insane over their favorite characters and shipping. I guess I've always wished I could be the object of that kind of obsessive love/lust, even (and especially) when it's fucked up, like those women who are into seeing their favs get beat up or fall sick. Over the years I guess this has morphed into wanting to make content that appeals to these kinds of women. I'd love to see women use my work as fodder to get off on, whether through art or fanfic etc. I don't write self inserts so it's not about seeing my Mary Sue get pursued, I just want a strange woman in her mid 20s/30s to get unhealthily obsessed with something I've written and create horny fanworks for it.
>>378427You get me
No. 379930
I want to be sitting at my desk focusing hard on some bullshit assignment and have my gf come up behind me and start putting her hands under my clothes and it kind of annoys me because I'm trying to focus but the more she fondles me the better it feels and the less I care. She's so gentle yet forceful like "you've been working on that for hours now, come take a break" but I'm stubbornly working anyway so she just does as she pleases and eventually tears my attention away.
>>379176A personal cow of mine is someone who writes dozens of thousands of words of depraved erotic fanfic about a streamer, and it's started to make me fantasize about being a streamer and a woman or even a few women obsessively psychoanalyzing me and writing deranged sexual stories about me. I'd do kind of weird but not really things to bait them or reference their fanfic.
No. 380930
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>>378427i can't even imagine being with a normal woman, like day-to-day relationship stuff. i need a woman like me who will talk about stupid online shit with me and we'll probably both be too nervous to kiss each other, let alone have sex. then i'll find out she uses reddit secretly and i'll have to murder her
No. 380990
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A nona posted this image and I’ve been going crazy since. I want to imagine her in a cute suit like this, and I would be wearing the prettiest white dress. We would get married and kiss and I would throw the bouquet and everything… and then after the wedding we would have sex in a fancy hotel. Not trying to be trad but I fantasize about saving my virginity just for her to take it after the wedding. I find it hot waiting for her reaction to my body and knowing we can finally have each other after so long. I would want to wear lingerie to impress her too. since I was young I’ve dreamed of my own wedding dress. This is my favourite lovelive ship as well
No. 381008
>>380990Kekkkk I imagine the same thing, I'm a kissless virgin
with my tongue and nipples pierced I don't want to be with anyone until I'm 100% sure about her and the thought of surprising her in bed and her being like ????? would be so funny. I hope she gets whiplash about me being dead serious and not lying
No. 381681
I (anxious, shy, quiet) dream about hooking up with her (big, tall, butch, confident, flirty, outgoing) and surprising her by taking control right from the start, directing the action completely, kissing her all over, exploring her body with my hands and topping her before she has a chance to even think about it and making her cum in my mouth and leaving her weak in the knees and speechless with pleasure.
No. 381998

I often imagine a woman; someone I'm "acquainted" with, a visually striking girl, bold makeup, red lips, winged eyeliner, piercings, promiscuously dressed. Tomboyish in nature, yet sultry and flirty, a bit mischievous. Obvious domme. She teases me and intentionally prods at me with her words, trying to fluster me, aware that I'm begrudgingly aroused and enjoying the attention despite acting annoyed. She's aware that I'm "heterosexual" and "don't swing for that team" but she still initiates a lot of oddly homoerotic/homoromantic interactions with me. She'll tuck my hair behind my ears, lingering touches, endearingly caress my cheek. Subtle exchanges of domestic intimacy, like sharing lipstick, braiding each other's hair, casually changing clothes around one another like we used to do at sleepovers. It's not weird because we're both girls, right? She takes pride in knowing how easy it is for her to affect me like this, I'll blush and avoid eye contact, all the while she smirks smugly, as if to ask "What's wrong? Does this turn you on?"
The lingering touches graduate to something more erotic, she'll start making more blunt innuendos, run a hand up my thigh, etc. After a few weeks of basking in the burgeoning sexual tension, she'll come onto me when she finally gets me alone, putting me in a vulnerable and erotic position; pinned up against a wall, leaning over me on a bed, finally making it clear it's time for her to take what she wants, and that she's going to get it whether I like it or not (and I do, we both know I do.)
I freak out, act a bit defensive, continue to say that I can't do something like this. It's out of character, I'm not into girls, I'm currently talking to a guy, etc. She'll continue advancing until I inevitably acquiesce and submit to her, a slave to my own sexual urges, in spite of all the taboo. As she eats me out, I can't help but moan and whimper a bit, involuntarily reacting to what she's doing, and she'll both tease and praise me, encouraging me to relax… to let go of all the nervousness, all my inhibitions, to abandon all my reservations. "Take your panties off for me… atta girl." She gets me to finally embrace it: I'm having sex with a girl and it's the best sex I've ever had, I can't help but melt under her touches, and I can finally drop the facade, and stop pretending like this is something I've been wanting and fantasizing about my entire life. Tinges of shame being swallowed by lust. She'll endearingly kiss the insides of my thighs, trace the outsides with her fingers: "Aw, that's it… it feels good, doesn't it? such a good girl for me… Just relax… let me take care of you."
It becomes the first of many hushed exchanges, where publicly, I still continue to assert that I'm straight. She's the only one that knows about my urges, my wants, how desperately I crave intimacy with another girl, and how guys just won't satiate my needs like she can. We're "just friends" that have explored each other's bodies and know how they taste. Just friends that shower together, fall asleep in the embrace of the other's arms, idly running fingers through the other's hair as their head rests on the other's chest. Just "girls being girls."
>t. a Catholic raised repressed bisexual
No. 382150
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That the most shapely fingers I’ve ever lusted after belong to the most unobtainable woman I’ve ever loved is driving me mad… I NEED them knuckle-deep..
>>382071Hope we both get fingered nona
No. 382619
>>382610ugh, you get it. I also have a small clit, I wonder if it's a condition caused by envy, kek. All I know is that
looking at the photos women post of their big clits on reddit (i know, put me in jail) is the 1 and only thing that actually makes me soak through my underwear without even touching myself, a phenomenon which I used to think was just an exaggerated myth.
No. 383383
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I need her like you wouldn’t believe.
No. 383546
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>>383522you’d get a kick out this book then anon. some of them are really out there even for me.
No. 384348
I have tons of fantasies about female athletes. So here's my go-to fantasy:
I'm in a long term relationship with a pro athlete. She's cool and charismatic in games and she's a tough intimidating competitor. But when she's not competing, she's a big nerd and an autist about sports and games and rules. She says corny things like "life is about dreaming big and working hard and holding friends and family close." And she actually believes that stuff with zero irony.
After every practice and every game, she is exhausted, in pain from lingering injuries, and horny. And it's my job to make her comfortable, help her relax, feed her, and fuck her. We have to try different positions depending on what injuries are flaring up. At work she's stoic and grimaces through the pain, but at home she complains about every little thing. I give her expensive CBD products that help with the pain a lot. Most nights she lays on her back while I eat her out for an hour. Then I have to put her to bed at a reasonable time so she can wake up and do it all over again.
This whole routine is very sleepy and domestic, but I have to work out and be in peak condition. Once or twice a year, she'll have time off and fly me to some resort. And she'll focus all her energy on fucking. And she has way more energy than the average person. I've got to be in really good shape to keep up with her in bed during those periodic vacations.
She's a tomboy and a heartthrob. Her female fans fantasize about her being aggressive. But I know she's actually a whiny autistic princess with beautiful muscles.
On a related note… someone should make a thread where we can post hot pro athlete women
No. 384535
This isn't really super sexual but it is intimate. I want a woman pick what I'm wearing for the day, maybe do my makeup (sorry, I feel a little insecure without it), brush my hair, dress me, take me on a date of her choosing, and take me in the shower when we get home and wash me off. I wouldn't want this all the time or even often, but it would feel nice.
I want to go clothes shopping but not necessarily to buy anything, but rather to dress each other up. I want to pick the clothes that I think would look nice and take it seriously, I'd like her to seriously pick what she likes for me, too, but it would probably be a little embarrassing to wear what she likes if it's not the kind of thing I wear often. I'd pick a shirt or pants that are made of a really thin, sheer material, so I could see her bra or panties when she tries it on, and feel her up when she shows me her wearing it. Maybe she'd pick a skirt she knows is too short and run her hand up my leg and feel me up a little, but not go any further than that.
I want a woman to run her fingers through my hair while I eat her out. Kind of like a scalp massage, or like she's petting me.
No. 385144
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I fantasize about having an orgy in one of those (sex segregated of course) public bathhouses. I think I heard there are some Korean style bathhouses being opened in like California and other places like that, I wish one would open near me. Not that I think my fantasy would actually happen of course I’m not retarded. But I think I have a thing for just the concept of those places. I’d never admit this outside of anonymity though because it’s probably every woman’s worst nightmare to hear that there could be a woman there that is sexually excited in a place like that. Although to be honest in real life I’d probably be too nervous to even be horny kek.
No. 385163
>>385157This made me laugh kek
Mad scientist amongst us
No. 385223
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I have a hyper-specific fantasy of a tall shy androgynous woman with a short men’s hairstyle wearing cute, girly clothes and loungewear. I imagine her in a cute sundress, we’re standing on a balcony outside on a sunny but windy day and the breeze is making her dress and strands of her hair flutter. I’d get down and lift up the hem of her sun dress, she wouldn’t be wearing any underwear, and I’d start eating har pussy while she tries to stay upright and contain her sounds.
Another situation I fantasize about is her wearing super fluffy cute pajamas, like the ones that have hoods with little animal ears and shit, she’d be lounging on the couch and I’d be on top of her licking her neck and sliding my hands under her pajamas. She’s let out the cutest little sounds and I’d hold her hands that get lost in her fluffy sleeves.
Ugh this imaginary woman is so cute, I wish I could manifest her into reality.
No. 385658
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I want to be roughhousing and have her hold me down by my wrists, tease me as I struggle. I want to be spooning watching TV or whatever as one of her hands slides down my pants and the other around my throat. Also picrel would be nice. I spend so much time daydreaming about my fake gf…
No. 386397
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i have no irl examples but seeing off-shoulders jackets with visible bras like this makes me go feral, i've seen it twice but this is my clearest memory of it.
I'm not one who obsesses over breasts but they'd look so nice on women that aren't busty, god i want to bury my face in the middle of it.
No. 386490
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>>386485This is actually so cute. I hope you can make all of this come true.
No. 386592
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>>386563>I'd love one that stimulates the wearer's clit when she thrustsI have the non vibrating version of this and it sits right at my clit and feels really nice when pushing it in someone. Not to mention it stimulating the inside while thrusting. I didn't realise they had a vibrating version until now…
Now I can't stop thinking of myself using this on the woman I'm into slow and steady then surprising her by turning the vibe on and thrusting my hips into hers harder and pushing our bodies against each other so we feel the stimulations together until we climax together (maybe a few times)
No. 386611
>>386592Wow, does it actually work? Does it stay in? Do you finish when you're wearing it? This is even better than I was hoping for because it sits inside you, too. It's so frustrating yet hot at the same time, having this dumb piece of plastic in between us, but being able to cum together is unparalleled.
I can only imagine using it and not knowing it vibrates, the shock melting into overwhelming pleasure.
Somewhat related, but I love remote control vibrators. I want either of us to lose a bet and wear one to a bar and watch the alcohol and toy soften her up. I want her to grind her pussy on the edge of her seat, so subtle that you wouldn't notice unless you knew.
No. 386665
I love repressed women so much it's a little disgusting. I have this really old (like decade old) fantasy about being in a convent (works w/ any environment, but i like all female settings) with some strict, super-prudish superior. I'd make her go slowly insane, pushing her buttons, flirting 'innocently'. Observing her reactions, her blushing and anxious giggling as i rub my knee against hers or find excuses to be close to her. She'd become aggressive and preachy, chastizing me and calling me a temptress. I'd make a point of resisting, exasperating her as she becomes more explicit and painfully horny in her insults. She'd punish me for this but it'd be an excuse to give back some love, pinning me down as she watches me come, biting my flesh. She'd quarantine me because of the threat i posed to morality, only to devour me better and let out all her rage and desire.
Nowadays this fantasy is a little different. I really just want to make a nerdy cringe woman (think, horse girl/fujo type) orgasm so hard her mind goes blank. Massaging her, flirting but in a princely way. Showering her in small attentions, reveling in the glimpses of her rich inner world. Smiling at her embarrassment because she knows i've guessed she's a kind of pervert. Hear her voice go weird, stifling a laugh because she talked about something that arouses her, thinking she's slick. Mentally noting it so i can use it in dirty talk. Or get off to the idea she masturbates to this. The sillier/weirder the better. I picture her hiding her face and trying to tame her breathing as i eat her out and try toys on her. How she'd buckle under my mouth, my hands and whatever tools i'd use. I'd get to finally see her eyes as she climaxes for me, a pure look of want in them. I'd love it if it was spectacular, like female ejaculation or loud moans she can't control. Wish i was more evocative but i'm sleepy and it's quite simple, i want to ruin a shy woman.
No. 386682
I want to straddle her. SO bad. Whenever she sits languidly on a chair leaning back, legs slightly spread I desperately want to climb on top of her and
gyrate on her through her clothes. The thought of unzipping someones jeans and pulling them down a little to see her pussy poking out, aroused fucking turns me on so much. Oh and can I say how unfair the outline of a pubic mound is through boxers? It’s so tantalising and I want to
put my lips on it and mouth on her clit through her underwear. So embarrassing how wet I get around her, if only she knew kek.
>>386676You are disgusting but I’m the same when I’m into someone nona. I know people speak about sex as if men are the only ones unable to control themselves but I’ve fucked in places and at times I really have shouldn’t when I’m really needy over someone.
No. 386717
>>386611the regular kind definitely needs a harness or something so I'll assume the vibe would too. I've tried without but it's too unsteady and you end up worrying too much about it slipping, especially when first entering her. No need for something heavy-duty, I've got one cheap harness and once it's secure it's great. I like keeping it in until afterwards so we can kiss more body to body but I don't need to take it out to cum as someone who tends to struggle on her own. Tbh the psychological effect of watching a women cum from my work on her means I usually end up cumming when she does or right after even if she's just holding me in through it (with some mild grinding). Obviously I can't feel inside her in that moment but knowing we're both filled with the same toy and feeling her cum under me just deletes my mind for that moment of bliss. I find the front part that goes around your pubic bone also has the perfect shape to rest and grind against (for me at least) so you get really nice internal feeling from the internal part and also some clit stimulation from that. If your partner is someone who shakes when she cums you get to almost feel it inside and it's wonderful. Her moving at all moves it a bit inside you.
It's hard to describe the actual inside feeling but with the way thrusting works it I think feels most similar to when someone is curling their fingers into you since it's more front and back side/wall action than in and out which I really quite enjoy. I'm personally someone who prefers being ground into instead of being thrusted in ironically so my side of the toy is perfect.
No. 386866
>>386665your fantasy inspired a small story fantasy for me, about this really repressed woman working in a church or something, some religious place and she's just constantly horny for other women and tries so hard to repress it and usually succeeds until she runs into the new woman in town, who is this cliche biker butch handywoman who is at the church like, fixing their fence or roof or something i don't know. the repressed woman sees her working in the summer heat, wearing a tank top and blue jeans and she just gets so obsessed with this butch woman, she lusts her and hates her.
they have to spend time together since the butch is around fixing things, she's the one to go to in the small town they live in, she'll always be running into her at gas station where she's with her motorcycle etc. the woman sometimes berates the butch, about her "lifestyle" and so on but the butch obviously knows this repressed lady is just really into her. she just can't stay away from her. some time they are alone, they are arguing about sexuality issues and the butch mocks the woman about how obsessed she is about her, the repressed lady gets really flustered, the butch leans in on her and the repressed lady tells her to go away. the butch does, she starts walking away but this pisses off the repressed woman so much, she yells at her like where are you going, the butch just says "you told me to leave so" and leaves. the repressed woman is just so disappointed and angry, also angry at herself about wanting this butch lady to come onto her.
later repressed lady starts resolving her issues, and she goes to visit the butch lady and is honest about how she wants her and can't stop thinking about her how she just really wants to fuck her. the butch lady is like, who the fuck do you think you are just barging in here demanding sex, like in this mocking way not angrily. the repressed lady gets so pissy and flustered about it, but finally the butch just kisses her and finally gives the repressed woman what she wants. she'll just be this shy, horny mess of a wet kitten melting with the pleasure of just finally giving in for her lust and finally having another woman touch her and make her feel so much pleasure. she's so into the butch 's body, feeling her muscular arms and back with her short black hair with bangs hanging over her, her breasts pressing against her own when she pins her down. she just finally takes her and fucks her and makes love to her and she finally gets this release after years and years and years of running away from herself and this moment when she finally gives in.
she'll feel guilty about having an affair with a woman for some time, like her repression wont go away just like that but slowly with time she gets more comfortable and happy and grateful she listened to her feelings and let her body feel the pleasure it's been aching for.
No. 386900
>>386866you know what i've been thinking about this dumb scenario the whole day so i'm just gonna go ahead and write continuation:
after their first night together, the repressed woman wakes up next to the butch and gets all embarrassed about what she has done. she hastily dresses and tries to sneak away, but the butch wakes up and asks where she is going. the woman makes up some excuse and leaves.
she is so devastated she actually calls in sick the next day and just stays home. she feels so guilty but still can't help but think about their night together and how it made her feel and how now she just wants it more than ever. she goes to take a shower but something's wrong with it idk, when she hears someone at the door. with just wearing the bathrobe she goes to the door and the butch is there, the woman forgot some of her things at her place and she comes to return it.
they talk a little and then the repressed woman says that there's something wrong with the shower, so the butch comes in and fixes it.
the butch asks if the woman is all right, and how she feels about their night together. they talk some shit let's get to the funny part anyway they start making out, the woman's bathrobe falling open, the butch kneels down and starts licking her pussy. the woman is leaning against a wall and moaning, and then notices they're right in front of full length mirror where she sees herself like this, the butch kneeling down still wearing her boots and her jeans ass sticking out, eating her out and her moaning with pleasure, she literally has to face herself for what she is and she feels so embarrassed and horny and just has to give in, again.
later they would start experimenting, with toys and so on and the repressed woman would finally get to eat the butch out and she would be so horny about it she would be moaning into the butch's pussy the whole time she was licking her.
No. 388034
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>>387946me too, anon. I don't care necessarily if there's actual lactation or not tho, I just want to suckle and have her soothe-talk and pet me all over. mommy stuff is my most embarrassing ~kink~ but at least I'm not wanting to rp as a baby or something.
No. 388061
>>388060samefag…. after i'm too tired to go on, I want her to clean me with her mouth and then kiss me messily. Please.
I want her so bad even though I shouldn't, why couldn't it have been ANYONE else.
No. 388089
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im rly inexperienced n always wearing guy clothes, big pants n a zip up hoodie, have short hair, never wear makeup. keep fantasizing abt my older gf w experience dressing me up like a doll, putting makeup on me, making me wear revealing clothes that make me uncomfortable and then laughting at me. i get used to that and start dressing like a slut just for her even though my lack of confidence and boyish mannerisms look out of place with that attire. keep thinking abt my mean gf groping me in a rly tight dress that im rly uncomfortable in(learn2integrate)
No. 388156
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>>386335>>388144This thread is about passionate lesbian fantasies — no one wants to read your borderline homophobic, Richard Dawkins-induced neuroses — so post some or gtfo
No. 388181
>>388163>>sexual attraction is so fucking retarded like at least with het attraction>implying lesbian attraction is retarded >>also i could not make a baby with her even if I COULD have sex with her so that is even more ridiculous>implying only procreative (heterosexual) sex is worthwhile This is where you were homophobic.
Of course I empathise with you. I have anguished over my homosexuality, and doubtless many anons itt have too. But this is precisely why posting about this pain in a thread where women are
affirming their attraction to other women is not only off-topic (see the last sentence in OP), it is inconsiderate. We’re here to celebrate our desire, not condemn it as some genetic defect.
I wasn’t trying to cause an infight and I’m sorry if gtfo was too harsh; but there are more appropriate threads for you to post in if you think your own fantasies are ‘retarded’
No. 388182
>>388181I don't think homosexual attraction is bad at all, just that my situation of debilitating pining like an animal in heat (biological function of animal heat is to reproduce) for a person I cannot reproduce with is so goofy of my body.
sorry that I feel a different way from you, but thinking about things from an evolutionary perspective is what i was trained in, and I ponder about many aspects of life from this perspective. If you hate it, that's fine, you don't have to think the same way as me.
If you think my post is that off topic and homophobic then report it to farmhands instead of shitting up the thread with minimodding
(derailing) No. 388297
>>388166This is the ultimate fantasy. All the others are just sidebars and distractions.
>>388172That said I want this also but it should be homophobic bullying from a hot butch girl who's using my mouth while I'm on my knees. Calling me a pussy-obsessed dyke, using a fistful of my hair to control my head, etc. It's important that she's got a teasing, mocking tone and laughing and smiling through it all too
No. 388524
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I love gangly women so much. Gangly-ness is so cute to me. It sort of reminds me of those newborn horses or deer. That sounds insulting but I mean it with love and admiration. My crush has the cutest gangly arms, they are so long and awkwardly adorable, I want to wrap her up and hold her and kiss her on her cheeks.
No. 388527
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>>388524Gangly girls with freckles are my weakness. Oh to have a willowy, lanky girl with a million freckles to cover in a million kisses.
No. 388685
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I want to suddenly pin my closeted crush up against the wall when we have a moment alone, as our friends chat cluelessly outside. I'll lean in slowly then, giving her the chance to resist, but she won't, because she wants it too. we kiss and I slide my hand up her shirt, and she'll shiver, but then I pull away, realizing how carried away I've gotten. we walk back out into the other room and pretend like nothing happened, but she's still blushing
No. 389229
>>387331i’m not homophobic (maybe just some internalized homophobia towards myself) but the rest of the criteria applies, especially sexual shame and how flustered i get looking at other women and being only attracted to them even though i’m a bible thumper…
my ultimate fantasy is a cute girl noticing me at church and we end up being friends and realize we have gay feelings for each other and explore each other’s bodies after being so pent up, hyper religious and sexually repressed. and just embrace and accept each other and enjoy our secret. i feel so guilty about it i even feel gross and moidy typing it… it’s what i ache for, it’s all i want. it can only play out that way. hopefully it really happens someday and i get a reason to make my exodus.
No. 389289
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I'm not into feet but I can't stop thinking about putting on/taking off her shoes for her. She shouldn't have to lift a finger, even for the smallest things. I would worship her, if only she would let me. I want to give her the best orgasms of her life, I want her to think of only me, I want her to straddle me and choke me out.
No. 389467
>>389413my ultimate fantasy is a combination of this and
>>388166 this
No. 389624
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Time to write the most long winded post ever
I am actually going insane, like I’ve been so horny this past week. I need my mouth on her pussy 24/7. It’s never gonna happen, kill me.
I have a part time job and yesterday I was stocking body wash and shampoo and shit and just doing that made me horny as hell inside because (I’ve said this in the thread before so sorry if this sounds familiar) I wanna bathe her and feel ever part of her body and then suck on her clit until she comes. I am going insane like she likes weezer (awful i know) but like weezer reminds me of her so like some weezer music makes me kinda horny idk especially some shit on pinkerton even tho some of it is creepy as hell. Idk anymore I’m gonna go jump off a bridge probably. I’ve had a cough and PMS for like the past week so I’ve just been depressed as fuck and marinating in my horniness. It’s not healthy. I want her to see my fucked up pathetic state and get turned on. Also she sent me a video of her reading a book in the bathtub once and the way she enunciates certain words gets me going. Like towards the end of it she says the word “certainty” in her soft low register of a voice and I need to feel her breath on my face on god. I know that we’ll never have sex but I’d let her ruin me. She can take advantage of me all she wants. I don’t care. I need us to stay up all night talking about random shit and then out of nowhere she just kisses me. I want to taste her period blood. I need to eat her out and then work my way up to her neck and give her a hickey. I need us to destroy each other. Just fucking destroy each other. I need to be a productive member of society so I am getting it all out here. I need to feel the coldness of her wet pussy on my face. I need us to have sex and I need to hear her say “oh fuck…” under her breath. I’d be turned on even if she was fucking killing me. Somebody put me down. She can put me down if she wants to.
No. 389914
Sorry for long post in advance. I want a pathetic gf who kidnaps me because she's so obsessed with me and wants to keep me shielded from the outside world. She's a loser like, can't talk to anyone, her room's a mess with old dishes piled up, all she wears are hoodies and dark clothes. She's skinny from not eating enough because she spends all her money on stuff for me: snacks she knows I like, outfits she wants to dress me up in, cute hair clips and candles and other things to make my room in her tiny apartment feel more homey. She's so pathetic I start to sympathize with her because it's obvious she's 1) lonely and 2) incapable of hurting me physically because she's so obsessed with me. She likes when I talk, she could honestly listen forever as she stares at me with her big brown eyes. She gets turned on so easily by stuff I do, if I wear one of the short skirts she buys me and she gets a glimpse of my underwear she's breathing heavily and palming her crotch over her 2016 Forever 21 jeggings, telling me to keep modeling for her. She'd have all these ideas about my ~purity at the start though, doesn't want to besmirch me with her disgusting desires because I'm too perfect for her, so at the start I just sit in the room she's chained me up in and have to listen to her moaning as her $5 vibe buzzes loudly in the next room over. I imagine she writes all this crazy shit about me, I find her journal at one point and she's so embarrassed by her dirty fantasies (she'd probably be into it if I'm mean to her about it too). Really she just wants to serve me and she'd do anything for me. When we start having sex she doesn't care if she cums, she just stares at me the whole time, eyes wide and a little creepy because she can't believe she's got me underneath her. She'd eat me out for hours if she could and it's not a totally selfless act. I'm not sure whether to make her have a shitty part time job at a grocery store (that way she can hurry home after her shifts, smile so wide because she knows I'm at home 'waiting' - read: kidnapped - for her to come back) OR to have her work from home (that really ups the anti of her being an asocial loser who never leaves her apartment apart from groceries). I love this pathetic gf I've created, I would let her whine and hump her hand as she watched me read a book anyday.
No. 389963
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I’m honestly so grateful for this thread. I felt like shit for a little while but it’s good to know that other lesbians are just as deranged and horny as me.
No. 390252
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I want to trib while we're both menstruating, I want our blood to mix together even though I feel so shit on my period and orgasms make it worse but it would be so hot
No. 390305
>>390068Actually meant to include this one as the second one
>>388949I'm dumb
No. 391346
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>>391199I actually love you lescel-chan i hope you find a nice bi girl someday
ok this is really cringe but i have this fantasy where im an oracle and this noble woman comes to see me about some issue but I get really obsessed with her. She has such beautiful dark pink lips and downturned dark eyes,bronze sunkissed skin with freckles, an athletic figure, and this palpable desperation. I try to pay attention to what she is asking, but i just want that desperation to be for me. I tell her that ill have to do a ritual for her and she will have to stay in the temple for at least a week. She's mad about this since she needs to get back home, but doesnt argue with me since she needs me to do divination for her. I take her to the ritual baths, but i pour in a small amount of a love potion -something so subtle shell hardly notice.
It's lit by candles, we have incense going and the warm lighting hits her face in a very tender way. I tell her to close her eyes, undress, and ill lead her into the bath. as she does, I see her body is so perfect slightly thick and strong but still has this curvy elegance, but i just hold myself back for now. i hold both of her hands and lead her backwards into the baths. Once we are waist-deep the love potion starts working on her. I go through the motions of the cleansing ritual, but really im just teasing her. I take the annointing oil and start by lightly running my fingers along her cheek. I get a bit closer but she cant tell since she still has her eyes closed. my face is right next to her neck and I really want to bite it but i refrain, instead i lightly annoint her neck and collarbones and slowwly go down to her chest. shes now getting visibly turned on. I almost grab her boobs but have to force myself to hold back so quickly I put her hands on my shoulders and then wash her with soap to finish the bath. I grab both of her hands and lead her out backwards then tell her to open her eyes. The dress i was wearing was a thin white fabric which is now completely soaked and see-through. She is trying so hard to not look down at my body and its cute how red her face gets.
While shes at the temple I keep putting small amounts of the love potion into her food, drinks, on her bed, her clothes, until she's completely desperate for me. she has completely forgot why she's there in the first place. During the days anytime i pass her, she stares at me with this burning intensity. she thinks i dont notice, but i do and i know what shes thinking about. during the nights i do some magic to make her have wet dreams of me and i look through the crack in her door to see her sleeping calm face. one night i stealthily walk near her room and look through the crack of her door. under her covers i see her awake masturbating and trying not to moan. I watch her squirm a little more because im a creep, but then i make a noise and she sees me. At this point she's like an animal, but just barely holding it together. She nervously asks what im doing and tries to make excuses but i go in her room and lock the door. she grabs me against the wall and kisses my neck, then puts her hand on my lower back and pulls me toward her with this animal strength. im worried i might have used too much of the potion but she kisses me and roughly grabs my boobs and i realized i used the perfect amount. She puts me on her bed and rips off my dress starts kissing me everywhere while she slowly moves her hands to my thighs and then parts my legs. then i feel her mouth on my pussy she eats me out and i have to put my hand on my mouth to keep quiet so no one else hears, but with the other i grab her hair and squeeze her head with my thighs. we take turns eating eachother out and she stays there forever completely enamored.
sorry how embarrasing i didnt mean to type all that out but ngl its hot as hell sorry not sorry
No. 391691
>>390694Kek anon are you me? My awakenings as a child were the dark-haired mean girl villains.
>>391313I have so many fantasies like this (down to the women with bad hygiene part too) and ‘faux innocence’ is the best way to put it. Like you’re pretending this a completely platonic situation and you’re both not even sure if the gradually building sexual tension is just you or not.
It’s one experience I can appreciate about relationships with women being “platonic/straight until proven otherwise”, this can’t happen with men. I imagine having a sleepover with a friend and cuddling in her bed. We’re being a bit too touchy and pretending we don’t feel flustered until one of us quickly pulls away before it gets too hot. Neither of us really wanting to go to bed and subtly noticing that she’s giving me bedroom eyes and breathing a little heavy but “I’m probably just imagining it”.
>>391346Thank you nona, I need more long posts like this.
No. 391998
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I want a masc woman to be yandere levels of possessive with me. I want to be trapped in her bedroom, locked away like a prized treasure, where she’s the only one I ever interact with. But I don’t want it to be in a scrotey, abusive way. I want it to be in a loving way. She cares about me so much, she can’t stand the idea of me being hurt. But if I’m confined where she can always see me, I’ll be safe
No. 392097
>>389945anon the way you phrased this was so hot. i would 100% bring you over. she'd be so flustered in the presence of two beautiful women she wouldn't know what to do, but she's desperate to serve so you could really just push her around and tell her what to do
>>390265definitely not based off a yaoi but thank you! come to think of it i haven't really seen this trope with lesbian media which sucks. it's the female captor-female
victim dynamic that's interesting because a female captor will always appear less dangerous and more sympathetic. glad you enjoyed my loser gf anon
>>390863this is my type of thing too… i love the idea of her thinking you're amazing, you're 'pure' and perfect and the embodiment of light. that idolisation is so hot to me especially because it comes with that desire to keep the possessive desire all to herself. i love stalking too, i think it's so pathetic and cute to have her collecting you little trinkets, a dropped pen, a stray hairclip, just to treasure them.
No. 392430
>>391346>She has such beautiful dark pink lips and downturned dark eyes,bronze sunkissed skin with freckles, an athletic figureThis description perfectly matches the famous lesbian I'm obsessed with. I use my public blogs to obsess over her. I'm the only transphobic girlblogger who is obsessed with this particular woman. So I can't post about her on lc at all because I'd be way too recognizable. But I feel like you and I are imagining the same woman. Thank you for accidentally writing RPF of my special lady.
Part of the reason I'm obsessed with this woman is I want what she has. I don't care about the extreme career success but I want what she has in her personal life. An epic lesbian love story, a devoted strong marriage, even kids! I want it. I'm not just obsessed with her but also her wife and their love. It's sexy! There's nothing sexier than a great love story and being devoted to the same woman for decades. Imagine how good sex must be with someone who knows you so well.
I don't believe in the lesbian bed death meme. I think some lesbians rely on gender roleplay to initiate sex. And when they get bored of roleplaying, they call it lesbian bed death. That phrase isn't fair to the rest of us lesbians who aren't sexually dysfunctional larpers. I want sex with the same woman 7 days a week for 40 years.
No. 392536
nonny it fucking burns how much i need this. i saw this lesbian couple at the dispensary today with a butch in tie dye and her femme gf in a skirt, hair in a bow, ugh they were so cute together and they are probably going to have amazing stoned 420 sex later. not to seethe with jealousy or anything but I NEED THAT
No. 392778
Years ago, I met a woman and we became friends. She was going through something and I kind of helped her get through it. She would slowly start to get flirty with me and said she really wants to make out with me, but nothing of the sort happened. She got a new boyfriend and promptly decided to throw me out of her life, while keeping other mutual friends in her life. Suffice to say it felt personal and I took it to heart. I realized later on that I was falling madly in love with her (more like obsession but whatever) and would e-stalk her a lot to see what she was up to. No matter what happened in her life, she still kept her distance from me and eventually we became enemies when she realized that I actually do like women "in that way", and not some weird cutesy-porny way that she might've viewed me. If that makes sense.
It's been years since I've last seen her or talked to her, but even now, I still have this fantasy of eating her out and asking her things like why is she gushing down there if she's as straight as she claims to be, to dare her to keep proclaiming that she's straight while I fingerfuck her until she cums, and have her ride my face. I always get the best orgasms whenever I masturbate just with these fantasies now. I feel like I should be ashamed of having this convoluted reverse-conversion therapy type thoughts with her, but it's not like I'll ever see her again, so it's hard to stop.
Anyway, fuck you B. Both literally and figuratively speaking.
No. 392788
>>392778Wow! I had an identical experience with my college friend who always cuddled with me and wanted to make out. She'd always say "I wish I was gay but I'm so straight. But if I was gay I'd date you." After she saw me with a real girlfriend, she never spoke to me again.
She was hot and she had boyfriends and stuff. And of course I fell for her because we had strong chemistry and she led me on. I should've fucked her. She wanted it.
No. 393223
>>393194It’s okay anon. I have some minor kinks like that myself and I just keep in mind that there’s way more harmful, more scrotey fetishes out there. Feet aren’t my thing but it’s whatever. I do like shoes though but I’d say that’s pretty common.
Anyways I also have something shameful I wanna admit.
I found some messages in a group chat yesterday about her playing a shitty hentai game and being attracted to one of the girls in it and at first I was turned off. But then I started thinking about how horny/desperate she probably is and I fucking lost it. I bet her thoughts are disgusting ugh. I need to take her pathetic virginity. I’m so far gone in this that I can’t even get the ick from the most basic shit, kek.
No. 393461
Weird maybe but I want a fuckboy woman to lightly manhandle me around while being selfish about it. She gets me all keyed up then makes me eat her out on my knees while she's leaning against the doorway where I finally pounced on her. Better yet, she crowds me against the wall (still on my knees) and "traps" me so I can't go anywhere or move in any way that her hand isn't guiding me in. She doesn't even let me grab onto her hips or ass at first, I have to keep my hands behind my back or something and earn it. When she's satisfied, she uses her shoe/foot to grind the inseam of my pants against my clit until I come just once compared to her 2-4 times. She's an objectively shitty hookup partner, she tries to stick her finger up my ass during sex, she makes me call her mistress and other cringe shit in bed, she always plays with my nipples a bit too hard, etc. I whine or complain at least a few times each time we fuck and she makes a big deal out of calling me a pillow princess for it (fucking idiot hypocrite). She's an asshole with a killer rack that she's always pressing up against me to get me to do whatever she says and I've pretty much memorized all her erogenous spots that make her shut up and sound sweet for once.
Once in a while though, she gets into a weird competitive mood where someone called her incompetent in some other area of life and it gets under her skin. She overcompensates by calling me over to her place and fucking the life out of me to feel in control and competent again. I can't even walk to the shower by the time she's through with me, and it's the rare time when she fusses over me and we cuddle and she makes me breakfast in bed the morning after.
But the tone quickly returns to a more casual, disrespectful hookup buddy where I insult every single aesthetic and life choice she makes and she keeps pinching my ass or groping me every chance she gets no matter if she's even in the mood or not to piss me off and get me hot and bothered to start the whole thing all over again.
No. 393470
>>393194You're not alone! I love feet and shoes.
I really like the way feet look in heels, but i prefer flat open shoes where you can see toes. Heels really bring out the curve on the 'top' part of the foot.
I really want to kiss a woman's feet after massaging them (so i have an excuse to touch them kek). Or apply nail polish. Some people are really sensitive there, i dream of giving a woman pleasure from stroking her soles and toes, then climbing up her legs to eat her out after the massage
>>393161Love your spergouts, i pray she sees how much you want and love her
No. 393524
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So in my fantasy I'm sort of a high ranking military general in a fictional WW2 type setting and my country is at war, a spy from another nation is sent to get some information out of me but I know about this so I use that knowledge to toy with her.
She's shorter than me but is very muscular with deep tanned skin and short, shaggy, hair. She has a cold and grumpy personality and is usually very composed which makes it all the more better when I break her. She works as my assistant/secretary so I have her constantly at my disposition.
I make her do all sort of things and she grudgingly obliges for the sake of her mission, unaware that I know who she is.
I have my own private office and sometimes on work days I chain her up under my big fancy desk and make her eat me out all day long, she has her hands tied behind her back and isn't allowed to touch herself or ever stop. At points people walk into my office for different meetings and she has to keeps going in secret, other people unaware that's she's under there.
It's unbearable, suffocating, moist and her jaw hurts but she forces herself to keep going because upsetting me would compromise her mission. At the end of the day she's dripping wet and extremely sensitive so I finish her off with my fingers, I'm very aggressive doing this and it doesn't take long for her to cum.
Another thing I'd do to her would be shoving different vibrators deep inside and sending her to do her work while I control the intensity at which the toys vibrate. When I see that she's talking to someone I up the intensity and watch her try to keep her composure.
No. 393888
>>393874SAMMMMME (I was
>>393756 kek) in my fantasies I can never choose between getting the strap and giving the strap, my fantasies always involve both. Although I’d like to do it in the reverse order. I feel like I’d need collected concentration to do a good job strapping her that I wouldn’t have unless she fucked me to sanity first. I get crazy and loopy like a cat in heat when I’m craving penetration. Afterwards my head would be clear enough to concentrate and my clit would be sensitive enough to be really stimulated by thrusting.
yes I’ve spent far too much time fantasizing about this scenario No. 394097
I'm a control freak with one of those minimalist apartments that anons seem to hate, have very rigid routines, and high standards for everything. People often tell me I'm intimidating. So I often fantasize about a younger woman, maybe an undergrad who is my polar opposite. She is late everywhere and probably a loser pothead about to fail her classes, and has no respect for me and isn't intimidated by me. In fact, she often has her way with me and makes fun of me for letting her do it. She would derisively call my apartment an Ikea catalog, complain I have no instant noodles, and just generally bitch about me and my habits. She'd be tasteless and smart-mouthed, which is annoying most of the time, but would somehow be ridiculously hot in bed. She would try to touch me when I'm on the phone because she is reckless and doesn't take anything seriously, would skip her classes and have me call out of work to spend all day fingering me and making me eat her out until my jaw hurts (she would tell me I did a bad job and to do it again, and my ego would compel me to do it until she was forced to admit I was good). She would want to try weird sex toys and positions and I would complain but always end up giving in, which she would know to expect. She would frequently test my boundaries to see what I'll let her get away with and she'd get off on knowing I make exceptions for her because she probably has some sort of childhood neglect complex and likes being indulged. I also have a variation of this fantasy with a woman who basically one-ups me in terms of being a type A autist, but loser college girl has been especially appealing to me lately.
No. 394154
My crush is so fucking hot and I want to be with her so bad it hurts. She's such an accomplished, assertive and capable woman, short, dresses masculine, only hoodies and jeans and etc, never wears 'feminine' attire, not even in an intentionally 'masc' style, it's like she just doesn't care about her appearance and that's so so hot to me. Her hair is so gorgeous, it's thick and long and unstyled but still effortlessly beautiful. Every time she flips it out of her face it's basically like fanservice to me. She's so intelligent too, really puts effort into her studies and is such a nerd, which I find really cute. And her tone of voice is deep, her inflection is so confident. I'm taller than her and I want to spoon her in bed and wrap her in my arms, rubbing the inside of her thighs and hear her get all shy. I just want to be all intimate with her. I know it sounds scroteish but god I'd love to be the one that makes her lose her cool because I'm eating her out so good. In my perfect world we'd be at it all night and she'd look so beautiful under the warm light of a lamp with her hair clinging to her back and face from sweat. I wanna put my mouth over every square inch of her body and knead her thighs like a cat while I eat her out. Sorry for such a long sperge, I want her sososo bad oh my god
No. 394386
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i will sound insane but sometimes i really crave a genuine coquette girl that bullies me until i cry and beyond but they seem all depressed sugar babies
I love asserting and graceful women
No. 394410
>>394353I’m into the idea of playing with her asshole with a butt plug and I love the look of a woman wearing one, also I once had a really erotic dream about
sensually licking my crush’s butt hole and her really enjoying it but I don’t think I’d want to use fingers and I wouldn’t want any of it done to me at all. I’d get turned off instantly if anything went near my butt hole kek.
No. 394532
I want to eat her out while she's on her period and chew on her blood clots like they're tapioca pearls in a bubble tea.
More seriously, the older i get, the more my taste 'reverses' in a way. I used to really like masculine women and dressing somewhat butch myself. I also really liked the idea of submitting to a feminine woman, since most women i liked then were the quirky/cold feminine type (alice glass). Now i occasionally dress fem with lots of efforts (by my standards lol), and i find myself daydreaming about approaching a cute butch in that attire and topping her. It all came to me after i traveled next to the most adorable butch woman. Toned, sunkissed arms with golden hair. A well-trimmed blonde short haircut. She had an extremely soft and charming face but a stocky body, and moved in an noticeably masculine way. Sitting next to her had me super flustered and nervous lol
>>393532Praying it happens to us fujofags someday. We all deserve it
>>394353Yeah. Feels retarded because i don't rly feel pleasure there beyond a tickle but still, i find it hot. I mostly want to try rimming and playing with another woman's asshole
>>394082I get you nona. I really do. Especially the 'Hojo to a Jen' part kek
>>393524Military/Police uniforms on women are so darling
No. 395521
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i've been wanting to pin a girl down and watch what she does about it. it would be cute to watch her struggle and think about what to do. the longer she takes the more i'll have to tease something out of her. we could wrestle about it
whoever wins get to ravage the other. ALSO just to be clear of course she has to be into it. really not sexy at all anymore otherwise, i mean duh… but right now i really just want a hug and a kiss.
i'm so touch starved i couldn't tell you the last time i've had anyone even greet me with anything resembling a hug or handshake kek>>395440i second this anon. we're picrel
No. 395553
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I want to be pinned down by a much stronger woman and have her get horny seeing me attempt to escape from her grasp before I succumb and start grinding myself on her thigh that she puts in between my legs. I just imagine her grip on my wrists getting tighter as she attempts to control herself from not absolutely destroying me; seeing my pathetic effort to make myself feel good when my hands aren't available.
No. 396465
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I keep imagining what it would be like to be experimented on and taken care of by a cold but caring mad scientist woman. She's a massive hermit and not particularly nice to most people, but very charming and intelligent. Her peers and the few people who know her on a personal level respect her greatly, although there is just something a little off about her to anyone who thinks that they can learn to read her personality and mannerisms easily, let alone get close to her.
I'm in need of cash so I apply to participate in some random study, not thinking much of it. I'm immediately drawn to her looks and the way she carries herself, but it was otherwise fairly uneventful. During the follow-up, she asks me if I would like to partake in some other upcoming studies of hers. It seems innocuous, and I had already developed a small crush on her by then so I agree. Somehow she likes me more than anyone else she's ever seen, so she lets me live in her facility and regularly does weird psychological trials on me and examines my body for her amusement. She is fascinated by my internal organs and gives me weird experimental substances to take for my health, sometimes making my mind go a little crazy and interfering with my pain tolerance levels. She uses the vulnerabilities she induces in me to her advantage, constantly. I'm aware that it's morally wrong for her to take advantage of me, but I don't oppose the way she treats me. She likes to be clinical but deep down she thinks I'm cute and fun to mess with, and occasionally I will get a vivid glimpse of her deep obsession and truly unhinged nature. She has a genuinely loving side, but she's suppressed it for almost her entire life since she dislikes it and would rather focus on her work; she prefers to view people from an objective, observational point of view, after all. It takes a while, but we slowly warm up to each other, becoming more personal. I see it when she checks my vitals, asks me if I'm comfortable, wondering about my life before she took me in, and starts giving me warm meals she prepared herself instead of prepackaged. She lets me pry into surface-level parts of her life bit by bit, although much of her still remains a mystery to me. I like to playfully challenge her when it comes down to wits, but I know that she will win every time. She realizes that she really loves having me around, but eventually I start thinking about leaving and one day I float the idea past her. She becomes really distraught, against how I thought she would react, essentially begging for me to stay. She almost never makes decisions by feelings over logic, but she desperately insists that she will treat me even better, offering me all sorts of promises. Still, I hesitate. She's insane enough to be injecting me with drugs that make me feel needy and hopelessly attached to her just to keep me, "for my own sake". Although the effect is temporary, even after it wears off, I've successfully been subjugated or "tamed" and don't feel like returning to the rest of the world where I don't have anything waiting for me anyways. I stay with her permanently, though I get to take on more of a devoted secretary/assistant/wife role.
No. 396639
>>396557Oh nona, I would gladly be your test subject any day…
>>396626I'm not much of a writer but the thought is tempting
No. 397726
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Some days I get really overcome with emotional pain and overwhelming love and longing. Most of the time I'm ok, but when I get like this, I can't concentrate on work or any of my usual distractions and hobbies and I wind up just wanting to curl up in bed all day and cry while fantasizing. Does this happen to anyone else, and if so, do you have any suggestions for dealing with it?
No. 397947
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I desperately want to role play a scenario where I'm in trouble in the army for lagging behind compared to the other soldiers, the commander figures out I've been slacking because I've been fantasizing about her too much. Having me grind on her boots as punishment before fucking me on her desk to get some pented up energy out.
No. 398186
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>>398038Constrained by the cruel nature of imageboards… we are unknown soldiers on a battlefield, horniness our biggest enemy.
And also the lack of DMs to slide into kek. No. 398346
>>398337>mine sticks out a bit when I’m arousedI’m imagining
No. 400059
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I just want a girlfriend with awkwardly long limbs and a goofy smile to cling to like picrel in bed please please please please it's all I want
No. 400186
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I fantasize about being a giant's/monster creature's little pet/sex toy, but that they also care about me as you would a pet. They keep me in my own room, feed me and spend time with me, but they also use me to their pleasure whenever they want. I don't care if it's a female or male creature, I just want a huge thing that could easily kill me take care and coddle me at the same time as they defile me in a loving way. Like they find me cute and endearing to play with and don't want to harm me because I'm their precious little plaything
Picrel is the only thing I found that had the same feeling(wrong thread)
No. 401731
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I need to fall in love with a very stern and serious doctor/professor/corporate business woman and be the only one she shows her soft, vulnerable side to.
She'd be uptight, matter-of-fact & powerful in her daily life but around me she's silly and girlish. She lets me eat her pussy for hours and reads the newspaper while I make her breakfast every morning. She's extremely knowledgeable in her field and teaches me new things all while making me feel a little inferior. We have long, interesting and fulfilling conversations and intellectual debates about any and everything, when she proves me wrong she sits me on her lap and edges my clit until I come.
She also has a jealous streak and is known in her field to be ruthless/cold/hot and unapproachable. I need this.
No. 401743
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i feel like such a moid for this but i found out that someone i thought was a guy is actually female and i can't stop fantasizing about sliding her pants down and eating her out and fingering her on my knees i've never felt this way about anyone i knew irl before and it's totally freaking me out. i feel like i'm violating her. i didn't feel any way about her when i was under the impression that it was a dude but she's totally my type ugh i really want to take her shirt off i'm a sick pervert. kms. it's not even ovulation like i thought (hoped) it was, i'm just like this. no post-clarity of any kind here unfortunately…
No. 401746
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>>401743Nonna, you are not like a moid just for experiencing sexual attraction. Straight women get horny too. There’s nothing wrong with you.
No. 401762
>>401761>>401759Apologies. I don't think it's shameful to like women as a woman. "Feeling like a man" for being lesbian or bi doesn't even compute to me but I see
>>401743 was literally saying that so I guess you picked up on her damage and I was just being autistic. I hope you all stop feeling ashamed of being attracted to women.
No. 401764
>>401762It’s ok kek
>I hope you all stop feeling ashamed of being attracted to women.Me too nonna, me too
No. 401778
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this episode of tales from the crypt was dangerous to me as a young girl. I thought I wanted to be her but I actually wanted to be the scarecrow and have her love me
No. 402317
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>>402299kek are you here to give a 10 paragraph essay about why she's
problematic like I saw on tumblr the other day? She's a train wreck but her drawings of herself being deranged are great because they fit the thread vibe perfectly.
No. 402442
I need to get face-fucked by pussy so bad
>>401546same, I wish I'd get double-teamed by women who want to ride me all day like a bicycle
No. 402456
>>401546In my high school there used to be this bi girl constantly teasing me, other girls
and boys. Just a group of horny teenage simps following her. I was so dumb for falling for it but kinda hot ngl.
No. 402704
>>402703samefagging and i’m so gross for this but there’s this
one TiF youtuber who passes and I didn’t feel anything for her when I didn’t know but when I found out I went feral it was so weird. So I definitely get you nona kek, I was actually going to post something like that in the fetishes you’re ashamed of thread - thinking someone’s a dude and then realising they have a pussy does something to me.
No. 404206
>>404204Samefag sorry I’m horny. I find dirty talking on purpose cringy and, well, difficult? But when it happens spontaneously or unintentionally slips out god that is so hot. This girl would sometimes blurt things out she wouldn’t normally say when she was close to coming, like “rub your pussy on me” (when we were tribbing) repeatedly, or “beg me to fuck you” and when I did her thighs would start to shake on top of me and I could feel her cum and that’s definitely the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me ever jesus christ.
Actually, reminds me of a thread I read on a lesbian subreddit asking about the hottest thing a girl has said to you. One of them said as someone was fingering her(?) and her body was reacting she told her “Oh, you’re so
easy” and I stopped reading after that one because it made me bitter and horny kek. I would pass out if someone said that to me.
No. 405092
>>393186this is still my ultimate fantasy. I want this so bad. And I want her to let me torture her afterwards by teasing her clit right after she cums.
alternatively I’d love to get her really turned on with foreplay and then use a strapless strap with her on top in cowgirl and I’d hold her down on me to get just the right spot inside her until she pees a little on top of me.
No. 405173
>>405147i'm morally opposed to pornography and feel pretty much exactly as
>>405164 put it. not only am i turned off by the knowledge i have about the industry but disregarding morals it also always sounds completely ridiculous due to its performative nature, nothing arousing about that.
my degenerate days i was referring to were during my adolescence so safe to say i didn't know any better No. 405456
I had a dream last night. It was a bit of a slowburn so buckle up.
For context, there was this class I attended in university, we'd have a practical assignment for the semester and the professor would review our projects individually each class, and so the class would often finish late at night, though you could leave early or leave the review for another day entirely.
Anyway in the dream my professor for this class was this stern beautiful woman that I had a small crush on, older than me by ten years or so. She purposely ignored me and left my project for last, and by the time it was my turn to review the other students had left, so it was just the two of us. She was very thorough with my project, and was mostly nice to me but sometimes she made unnecessary offhanded remarks about my temperament that apparently showed through my work, and to my mortification her assessment of me was as demeaning as it was accurate. She said that even though I wore this perfect facade "she knew my type well enough", and it felt like that was referencing a former partner of hers or something. It should have been insulting and a turn-off but instead it made me self-conscious wondering what else she might be figuring out about me.
We kinda lost track of time but her review of my project was insightful and it felt like she was warming up to me despite my personality flaws. By the time we wrapped it up it was close to midnight. We kept talking as we left campus, deep in conversation because she's so fucking smart I could listen to her talk forever. She walked me to the bus station on her way to the parking lot, but when we arrived the last bus had already left. She offered to drive me home so that I wouldn't have to walk alone late at night. She just needed to stop by a grocery store first, and that worked perfect for me because I needed to buy groceries for myself too.
In university it's not uncommon to hang out with professors after hours for networking, at least where I'm from. But despite her professional demeanor the whole situation and conversations were progressively getting more personal than it'd be considered appropriate, dancing on the line of plausible deniability that was driving me insane.
We paid for our groceries separately but it still felt as if we had bought groceries together, it felt weirdly intimate and domestic. We looked good together, reflected on the windowpanes. She seemed to be thinking the same, with a wistful look like this had been a bad idea after all. Then as we were loading groceries in her car I stumbled and she caught me by the waist. For a split second she almost called me by the wrong name, likely an ex's name, like she'd gotten carried away and both her words and her hands had slipped into a moment from the past. She immediately apologized, mumbling some nonsense about finding me another tutor for my project because this wasn't going to work out.
It became clear to me then why she had blatantly ignored me in class and had tried to be as mean to me as she could get away with. Apparently whoever this ex was that I resembled, it had not ended well.
This is the moment where any self-respecting person would have laughed it off and gone home, but instead I was emboldened by the momentary slip from her professional role. So in the midst of the long awkward silence, I cleared my throat, looked her straight in the eye, and coyly asked if we could stop by her place for a bit because I still had some questions about the assignment. Despite my attempt, it sounded a bit too insincere as to pass for an innocent request. I quickly tried to fix it by adding the word "professor" at the end but it had the opposite effect, made it sound almost dirty. She hesitated for a few moments, obviously picking up my tone, and she looked so angry for a second that I was sure she was going to ditch me right there and throw the grocery bags at my face. But then she curtly told me to get in the car and drove us to her place without a word. During the drive her whole demeanor had changed, now quiet and no longer nice, like something had snapped. It made me nervous but not as nervous as to quell my excitement, so I nuzzled my face into her gorgeous curls to test the waters, and she let me.
As soon as she closed the door to her apartment she pulled me roughly to her bedroom. Maybe for a moment it seemed like she still looked angry, or resentful, or perhaps it was a trick of the light, but she was shoving me down her bed and I was too thrilled to notice much else. I wanted to kiss her but she turned her face away, with some mean remark about what she called "my type". So I kissed and nipped all over her neck instead, and then her collarbone and her chest, trailing down to her legs, removing clothing as I went. And I was just beginning to eat her out like I was born for it, with my hands tracing all over her hips and legs, and her nails digging into my scalp pressing and pushing me around, rough and mean. But unfortunately I woke up then, with my mind running wild. I wanted her to be rougher and meaner and to grab hard onto my hair and push and pull for no other reason than she enjoys to feel the vibrations of my pained gasps against her clit. I wanted her to make me cry and to tell her how good she tasted, I wanted her to finger herself then make me gag on her coated fingers down my throat. I wanted her to punish me for trying to seduce a professor, and to make me eat her out under a desk while she graded tests, including mine, casually commenting on how fucked up I am mentally, or how much I look like her awful ex-girlfriend, or telling me mean and awful things not even meant for me. That when my tongue made her moan she would moan the wrong name. That she could gather all the resentment towards her past partners, or the anger and frustration towards any situation in her life, and take it all out on me like she wanted to fucking ruin me and I was loving every second of it.
The thing is, for a long time I genuinely thought that having some attraction towards women was just natural even for straight women, since it's the same body type as mine and I love my body so it's just natural to be attracted to bodies just like mine (I don't mean this to derail but I think it's necessary context for this recurring dream/fantasy). Anyway I thought I was just straight. It's easier to say I'm straight, I don't want people to think I'm the typical poser pretending to be bisexual for attention. Don't get me wrong though, I don't think bisexuals are fake, I fear I'm the one who's fake in particular. In my mind there's mostly guilt and confusion associated with it all so I just avoid thinking about it. But then sometimes I dream of an older wiser woman making fun of me for playing the facade of good vanilla straight girl for so long when in reality I'm so obviously desperate to have my face buried between her legs, and her being cruel about it and feeling glee at my distress and denial. I don't think my professor from my dream even caressed me or kissed me at all, she kinda just used me roughly, like she believed I'm a poser and it's nothing but what I deserve for being this way, for being a fake and a fucking pervert. Maybe it's the way I'm most comfortable with it, when I don't have to worry about misleading anyone, and at the same time I don't have to worry about people thinking I'm a fake because they already do. I'd even be relieved that I can't hurt her because it's not even me that she loves, I'm just an eager outlet for her anger and frustration.
No. 406834
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I NEED HER PUSSY ON MY FACE LIKE AN OXYGEN MASK GIRL YOU DONT UNDERSTAND PLEASE I NEED YOU I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU IM DYING I WOULD LET YOU DO ANYTHING TO MEEEEEEEE. i think she's straight though. but my big dumb fantasy is a straight woman falling in love with me so much that i am the exception in spite of her condition.
No. 407737
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>>407724>>407733>cummies REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 407740
>>407737I agree, this sounds like something a pedophile would come up with. Sorry, nonnas
No. 410366
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ashamed to admit it but this pic randomly popped up on my for you page because tumblrs algorithm is hopelessly broken and usually im always clicking “NOT INTERESTED” to all the random horny shit but I hate to say it this one did something to me. Can’t stop thinking about the woman I am into being in this position and watching her desperately rub her clit on the rope running between her legs until she’s glistening and wet and begging me to lick her and finger her.
No. 411828
>>411820>fat pussyFat, plump pussies are so attractive. Neuron activation
I love the idea of edging a woman. I want to overstimulate a woman so much she can't tell if she's orgasming or not. I want to slowly melt her defenses, i want to see a woman whimper from very slight caresses on her clit and on her body. I want to lick her all over, and hear her embarrassed cries of pleasure as i kiss her stomach or armpits or feet. For some reason the women in these fantasies are always skinnier and weaker than me, somewhat frumpy and boyish in looks but still very feminine. Whenever i got close to a nerdy woman who was less curvy and/or shorter than me (weak TiF archetype), i'd either develop a crush or have these sex dreams where i pleasured her so much she'd become completely incoherent. I guess i do have a type kek. It's always the same fantasy but these days i also picture this kind of woman in gentle restraints. Nothing too demonstrative, just enough to make her feel really at my mercy.