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No. 369903
A thread for discussing hair care, hair problems, hair styles, and hair product recommendations.
Previous threads:
>>>/g/272194>>>/g/194587>>>/g/142100 No. 371379
File: 1704532174777.jpg (97.73 KB, 736x981, new style.jpg)

So I really want to dye my hair but I've gotten stuck on whether I want a flattering color or something funky regardless of being flattering. I have light medium skin, with olive yellow undertones. I kinda look sickly green a lot of the time. My natural hair is deep dark brown and I have brown eyes. I was thinking of something lie pic rel but it would probably make me look even more sallow. In the past, I had jet black hair that looked harsh and awful. Literally drained all of the color from my face. Green, magenta and purple were my best colors imo.
No. 371760
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What hair color is this?
No. 371794
>>371379Sageblog but I dye my hair with that color. It doesn't get brighter like that, but it gives you a cool cooper reddish brown. I have your same skin tone, except I don't look sickly green.
I would use an app to change your hair color, but remember that the color changes with natural or artificial color, so the result might vary in that sense as well.
Good luck.
No. 372370
>>372369>>372365Not the same nona but my scalp itches like fuck after using shampoo bars for six months.
I use anti-psoriasis shampoo, but is there any permanent fix? I used to be able to go without washing my hair for a week if I could get away with it (I do not do this anymore), but now I have to wash every other day!
No. 372411
>>372365I second with>>372389. Everyone else has good recommendations but don't try a bunch of random things on your scalp if it might actually be something requiring medication.
I have seborrheic dermatitis and it took me forever to recognize what it was. My face usually has small patches so I never thought it could get worse than that. During a really intense stressful time of my life I had an intense sb breakout and all of a sudden my scalp was the same. It scabbed and itched like fucking crazy, it was also embarrassing shedding everywhere. I tried so many products and absolutely nothing help and some just made it worse. I'm not entirely sure what helped my scalp return to normal but a pharmacist gave me steroid cream for my face and after 2 weeks of using it my scalp seemed to clear too. SB is a fungal thing technically, so maybe my face was a
trigger. See a dermatologist!!
No. 372416
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>>372365I shampoo my hair twice a session, 3 times a week and while it's shampooed I use a wide teeth comb like picrel to scratch my scalp. I had the same problem and replacing just using my fingers with combs helped me a lot especially when I wash it twice. Don't comb your hair or anything, mine gets super tangled when I comb it while shampooed, but I stick this in my hair and scratch my scalp, take it out and move it to the next part and so on. This got rid of the itch completely for me. Hope this helps, sorry if this was common knowledge that everyone does.
No. 372426
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My hair looks like this in color and appearance. It's very straight, I have to wash it twice a week. What hairstyle should I get? This one I have right now looks so ugly, I wanna change it
No. 372531
>>372426Any specifics on what you don't like about it? You can consider getting some layers cut in, getting bangs, or getting highlights to make the color more multidimensional.
>>372454>>372499some people just have straight hair too, I don't use any special products and mine naturally hangs directly down. It can look limp or flat like that, I sleep with my hair rolled in a bun so it gets some subtle waves during the day.
No. 372632
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Is split dyed hair hard to maintain?
No. 372647
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Any ideas on how to modernise hair that has this kind of texture and colour, but not as puffy. I feel as though it makes me look old and retarded.
Tried doing the no poo method in hopes that it would get rid of the frizz, but it just made it look oily and gave me ringlet curls (another autistic look that I don't want).
No. 372670
>>372657Good to know.
I my self have bleached blonde hair to begin with and I'm thinking about dyeing half of it black or brown, so I guess that wouldn't be too tough to maintain?
No. 372935
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>>372929I have the same kind of issue kek I have a super long butterfly cut now but I used to swear by my Scully season 3-4 bob cut. It worked really well for my very rounded heart shaped face and works nicely for true round as well imo. It blows out gorgeous but looks nice natural texture too if you’re wavy/curly! I had it this length and also a few inches longer than this in this style. Am actually considering going back bc it’s so nice and also very easy. Always looks chic.
No. 373597
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Apologies for potential a-log.
Nonnas, please tell me if there is a way to fix this male baldness pattern type of shit.
I had this type of empty space since forever, which is inherited from my father. At least he still has hair in his 50's and last year got his first grey hair so I don't worry as much for now.
I fucking hate my hair to the point of wanting to go bald but oh wait, this shit string grows at the speed of a snail so I will look like an oompa loompa for the next 3 - 5 years. And I got the worst of all worlds - curly, frizzy, fine and almost non-existent volume hair. I met more grandmas with healthier hair than mine and I'm 24 for fuck's sake, my hair looks like a fucking broom with no shape.
I tried castor and rosemary oil everytime I'm about to wash my hair to see almost no results for almost a year. Doesn't help that my iron levels are fine when I do the treatment for a month and afterwards it goes back to abysmal levels.
Is kms a good solution kek?
No. 373607
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>>373597I'm cursed with AGA myself, if your hairline looks like the left it looks great, I'd kill for mine to look like that, it looks similar to picrel ob both sides now and it's not slowing down
how old are you? my honest advice is to go to a good endocrinologist, get ALL the hormonal shit tested, androgens, DHT, thyroid hormones, iron, vit D and if the doc confirms it's AGA your best bet is going to be spiro+minox especially. If it's PCOS it won't nearly as bad as with AGA.
for myself idk if there's anything I can do to undo the damage, I just want my hair not to fall so much and for that fucking pattern to not advance more. I'm mid 30s and the hairloss skyrocketed in the last 3 years, my hairline wasn't that bad in 2019 and I still had a lot of hair.
>>373606go to another doc, my endocrinologist specifically told me you can have regular periods, hell, your ovaries can even look fine (no cysts) but your body can still act like you have PCOS, you need to take some blood tests
best case scenario is u only got some vitamin deficiencies/gut issues that can be fixed via diet/supplements
No. 373611
>>373597I have this and whenever I use bioxcin or other hair loss shampoos it lessens and gets worse whenever I'm off them and I'm stressed. Idk why it happens, I don't have any other hormonal stuff and all my blood tests are ok. Maybe it's just genetic. You can try minoxidil like
>>373607 said if yours isn't caused by a health issue
No. 373614
>>373607I had way worse hair falling at ages 7 - 10 so idk what it is at this point. I remember it being from stress and calcium deficiency. When I was 14 - 16 I used to fry my hair since I hated my curls and that's when my hair was slightly healthy so this frying contributed to it but it's been around 7 years since I touched a hair straightener.
>go to another docI have been to 4 docs in the past year and they all told me "welcome to women's world" when I told them about my severe period pain (all women btw). They rarely give birth control or other hormonal treatments and they generally steer away from giving hormonal medicine to unmarried and childless women in my country.
No. 373663
>>373606>>373614Ayrt, and the doctors you went are literally bullshitting you. I fucking hate how dismissive they are of women's health. I had to go to many,
many doctors before one would take me seriously.
blog but one time one doctor even laughed at me saying they could tell I had PCOS because I was full of acne and body hair. Never went back My periods are regular 90% of the time (and when they aren't, it's because of external stuff like meds) and I am a poster child for PCOS. If you can, get a better doctor. Many doctors, especially older ones, think PCOS is a womb-only thing, when it's actually a metabolic syndrome. Exactly what this anon said
>>373607I wish more people used the Stein-Leventhal Syndrome name for PCOS because then it's not misleading as if it's a uterus thing only, it affects your whole body.
No. 373783
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where can I get a pair of black clip in bangs? I'd like for them to be thick and straight, like the bangs the girl in the pic has. synthetic hair is fine as well. most the ones I find when searching seem to be too thin to achieve this look.
No. 373866
I want too fucking DIE when I see 50+ yr old women with a full head of hair, it's so unfair it makes me cry.
>>373614>I have been to 4 docs in the past year and they all told me "welcome to women's world" when I told them about my severe period pain (all women btw).jfc I never realized how lucky I was that the docs I've been to were decent and actually took time to explain me shit, I'm so sorry to hear that,it fucking sucks, to me it was the opposite: my derm tried to put be on b/c when I was 21 but I declined
>>373647can't you pay out of pocket and have labs done? It's possible here and quite cheap (eastern europe) but I know it can be hell for USA/Canada anons
>>373648both those hairlines are normal and there is NOTHING wrong with them
>>373450Seconding ketoconazole, I had folliculitis and it was the only thing that kept it at bay until I got to a derm
>>373663it fucks up your entire body,brain and mood, it SUCKS
>>373783I'd recommend japanese brands since I know the quality is good
No. 374075
>>374026this was more than 10 years ago, I was rec'd because of acne, took for few days, felt like absolute shit than threw them away, not to mention it gave me some cysts in that short span of time
I have PCOS without the cysts, the acne thankfully went away on its own about 1-1.5 years later, I was really lucky.
I really don't want to take b/c unless as last resort for AGA.
No. 375610
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i want to dye my hair blue or something crazy like that, but i'm afraid it'll get all over my nice baseball caps, like it does with towels.
No. 375624
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>>373223I'm the OP. My hair is like this naturally. I only use shampoo and conditioner (sometimes). It's straight and whenever I finish a shower I brush it so it won't get tangled. It's a LITTLE bit frizzy, only at the top. But it's not that noticable. It used to be curlier when I was younger but around puberty it changed shape, same happened with my sisters. I use picrel.
>>372531It looks good the first days but it can look flat sometimes. I'd like it to be a bit more wavy. Do you have any more advice to make it wavy aside from using a flat iron? I'll use your advice with the bun. Also I'm not sure what hairstyle I want. I'm thinking of getting curtain bags. And thanks for the suggestions!
No. 375735
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>>375706I have long hair like yours and when I get my hair tangled I try to brush it with picrel with a wide tooth comb to then use my hair brush, from the tangle to the tip, slowly and trying to not pressing hard. When the tangle is gone, I use a scrunchie to keep my hair in order.
Hope that helps.
No. 376034
>>376006Meh…I didn't notice any damage at the time, my hair is super thick and curly and back then I straightened twice a week.
>>376020My hair wasn't bleached or dyed before using the black box dye but my hair is a dark blonde color if that could be the case
No. 376774
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I have thick bangs that have randomly been really prone to being greasy for the past year and if I shower in the morning it becomes greasy in the evening. No shampoo and conditioner helps here in the states and I saw that Asian hair care is good quality. I believe I'm going to try ichikami oil control shampoo unless a nonna has better suggestions. My hair is very straight with ever so slightly waves. As well as I believe it's coming from my scalp since it's most greasy there then what touches my forehead.
No. 376811
>>376774Do you use dry shampoo
before it gets greasy? It's a big help
No. 377565
>>377339How did your hair turn out nonna? I´m using store bought oils, one from Fable & Mane and one from Yves Rocher (eurofags probably know).
I finally tried the porosity water glass test today but I´m not sure? At first the hair stayed on the surface for probabyl 5 minutes until I pushed it under the surface and then it very slowly sunk. So is it low or high porosity kek I have no curls btw.
No. 377707
>>377339Pick an oil based on your hair type. My hair is super thin and fine and using olive, coconut or shea makes my hair super greasy and brittle, so I stick to thin oils like jojoba or argan. If you've got thicker, dry hair, then go for thicker oils. Imo doing a regular oil treatment that suits your hair is the most important thing, mixing different oils won't change your results too much but it can be fun to make your little concoction.
>>377565The porosity water test is not reliable. Go from your own experience : if your hair takes a lot of time to dry, to get fully wet, and doesn't seem to take moisture in easily, it's probably low po. If you're the opposite, and your hair tend to absorb moisture, but then gets frizzy and dry after some time, you may be high po. If you've bleached your hair, treat it as high po too. There's also medium porosity which is normal, balanced hair, so maybe you don't even have to ask yourself that question. Also be careful of yves rocher oils, they're advertised as jojoba, argan, etc., but they're all mostly scented sunflower seed oil. You'd better go with a 100% pure oil that you can find in a pharmacy, some are not even that expensive, or if you're broke just buy sunflower oil at the supermarket but don't get scammed
No. 380171
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I was just gifted this, does anyone have any good video demonstrations and/or product reccos?
This is my first endeavor into haircare and styling.
No. 380396
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Nonnas I just made and did a henna gloss mask for my natural ginger hair and it turned out SO GOOD?! All I did was add about 1/4 cup maybe 1/3 of a very basic organic conditioner (my hair is big n long) with a little dash of a nice leave-in treatment and left it on freshly washed, damp hair for 3 hours. I did a lil cheeky blowout and I could cry at the softness and shine. My hair is normally pretty coarse but it looks like a 90s hair product commercial rn. The color is really nice too, I bet it would be pretty as a color wash glaze over blonde hair.
No. 381613
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I got a haircut that's similar to picrel; my problem is that I can't style it to save my life. It also turned out a little too short but I'll just suck it up and wear a cap until it grows out. What should I do to make it look nice once the length is where I'd like it to be? I know close to nothing about styling and the like; I do have a jar of styling clay, which the barber told me is a good way to get more texture.
No. 381626
>>381619Maybe let it grow out a bit and then get more of a textured cut and it might be easier to style. I dont have straight hair so I’m sorry if that’s something that doesn’t work kek
I have wavy hair and if I don’t get a textured cut, it just lays flat and lifeless. Getting it textured makes it easier to have that “effortless” style.
No. 381629
>>381613Got the same cut and am also masc most of the time. My hair at this length is also straight.
I just scrunch some curl gel in while it's specifically halfway dry and it gives it more body. Smells good too. Scrunching in mousse later when it's almost or fully dry I find gives it even more fluffiness. The label says to do it wet but this works for me.
No. 381632
>>381626I was thinking of extra texture or layers, good call.
>>381629That answers my question excellently, thank you. Do you comb it when blow-drying? I need to do that for my fringe anyway because of a cowlick.
No. 385204
>>385120Check if your hair needs moisture or protein. Seconding
>>385139 except I'd advise you to sleep with a bonnet or silk scarf every night until your hair goes back to normal.
No. 388756
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Any nonnies with very long hair? I want to grow out mine and I want it to reach my mid thigh, by now it grazes my butt and I don't understand why it won't grow more….I take care of it, frequent masks, I only use conditioner on my ends and never on my scalp, I use a scalp massager and I avoid the blow drier. I have 1a hair on the greasy scalp side, it's very resistant to treatments (I dye it bimonthly, it's not super healthy but it looks nice and feels heavy and smooth).
I don't use straighteners/curlers, I barely wash it but only my bangs grow out, not the rest…please help a failed princess achieve her long hair dreams, which is to have braids like picrel…..
No. 388820
>>388756hair is dead protein so i make sure it has less chance of breakage by eating the right foods like eggs/fruit/meat/veg (calorie (protein) restriction will thin the hair so i don't diet), and then put it up into protective styles as i wait for it to grow half an inch every month (the fastest hair will grow is 6"/15cm a year so it's just a waiting game + breakage prevention). before washing i brush it with olive oil so it passes through the brush without catching, i use conditioning masks and hair oil so it remains smooth and doesn't tangle. and if i blowdry i use protective spray and the coldest/luke warm setting. it's at the top of my thigh now and continuing to grow well. according to
chemical and physical behavior of human hair by clarence r. robbins, hair generally grows to a max of 3ft. i also read that dyes may contribute to weakening hair and causing hair splits (when the hair splits as far as 4cm up from the end) leading to breakage, but it would not affect the anagen phase (hair growth).
No. 388961
>>388756This anon
>>388779 is probably right. It's just like how the hair in your eyebrows/armpits/crotch only grows to a certain length. The hair grows for an amount of time (for the hair on your head it's several years) and then it stops growing and after a few weeks to a few months, it falls out and gets replaced by a new hair. The rate of growth and the amount of time your hair grows is mostly genetic. If you're taking good care of it and it's noticeably not growing any longer, it's because it can't.
No. 391609
I feel like having curly hair is so limiting sometimes. Are there any other cuts besides, bob, lob or unflattering pixie cuts? I like the low maintenance of curly hair but I do feel like there needs to be more options. Sometimes I do feel like a troon walking around because low maintenance to me means not trying and having extremely frizzy hair. I kinda want to straighten it without heat or at least make the curls more manageable without a shit ton of product (I can’t afford more hair products or expensive curly specialist cuts). Ugh what should I do, nonnies?
>>390379I have the same hair,
nonnie. Every time I try growing it out I think it looks like garbage so I cut it off.
No. 391620
>>391609>>391616fr when i started embracing my curls my hair routine went from wash -> air dry to a multi-step routine + diffusing lmao i’ve never been higher maintenance in my life
that being said i’ve found that the cut that works best for me without having to do my whole hair routine (but still looks good when i do) falls about an inch below my collar bone with medium-length layers on top, hitting between my earlobes to about an inch below my jaw. it gives me decent movement and volume while still allowing for more elaborate updos and air dries pretty long with waves and a few ringlets (for reference, when i diffuse at this length the shrinkage ends up leaving my hair around shoulder length)
of course this is all dependent on hair texture, density, and curl type. i have very very fine hair, medium density, low porosity, with big s-waves and loose-to-medium ringlets depending on what part of my head you’re looking at, so if you have a drastically different hair type take this with a grain of salt! if you are ever interested in doing a more elaborate styling routine though i have found some really lovely budget products i swear by that i’d be happy to yap about as someone who has spent most of her life refusing to do anything more than air-dry with no product
No. 391662
>>391619I started getting greys in my early twenties as my mom did. I think it has to do with genetics.
>>391620My hair is a combo of ringlets and S-waves too while the back of my head has a slight wave but very straight overall. It’s thick, heavy and like
nonnie >>391659mentioned hair products specifically with conditioning makes my hair super heavy from lack of porosity. The products I currently use is a hair gel applied after a wash. The haircut you have is similar to mine as well.
No. 391865
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What results can I expect if I mix MM Vampire Red with volume 20 developer? It's going to be my first time going for an unnatural color like this and I don't want to go overboard and fry my hair but I also don't want to end up with a burgundy brown instead of a more vivid color. My natural hair color is roughly like picrel. I've only used box dyes before.
No. 391944
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>>391865are you bleaching beforehand? if you do you'll get that neon red (speaking from experience, i used vampire red on bleach yellow hair all through high school kek) but if you put it on your natural color it will end up closer to picrel, maybe slightly brighter since that's a fairly light brown. Also you don't need to mix developer into it, that won't do anything. manic panic is actually pretty kind to your hair and I've never felt any damage after using it, it's the bleach that'll fry you if you use a high volume or leave it on too long.
No. 392064
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I fucked up cutting my own hair, and I had to go to a hair salon which I never do. Ended up with a haircut like in picrel but with short bangs. I hate it, and I feel like my whole identity is in shambles now kek. I don't even want to outside now, partly because how short the hair is and partly because styling this haircut is such a pain in the ass. With long hair you can just brush it and go, but with this cut I have to straighten it and use hair wax to look decent. Bought some hair vitamins in the hopes of making my hair grow faster, doubt they will work though lol.
No. 392066
>>392064I once asked for a short hairstyle that went down to my chin all around (I had a pic) and ended up with a style similar to your pic, I was so devastated. I didn't want to look in the mirror at all for weeks.
>styling this haircut is such a pain in the ass. With long hair you can just brush it and goAs someone who's had both waist length and super short hair I always tell women short hair is harder and takes more work, but people don't believe me and still make the mistake of cutting it short because they think it's "easier". No you HAVE to style it every day or it's gonna look like shit, you also lose the natural femininity that comes with long hair so people treat you worse if you don't look put together at all times. Women just don't get away with rolling out of bed and having a badly combed over bald spot like men do. Long hair I could just leave in a braid for days and people would compliment me on how cute it looked, or like you said brush for 1 min and then it looked great. After my bad haircut I decided to grow my hair really long so I didn't cut it for years, I'll never get a short hair cut again.
No. 392069
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Nonnas, I have a face like picrel and I know it's awful. I've been thinking if I maybe style myself a little better I might not feel like such an ugly duckling. Right now I have a fringe and long plain hair that I pin up or braid sometimes, and I'm not sure if it makes my nose stick out more. Are there any hairstyles anyone could recommend that might minimise my giant honker? Thanks nonas.
No. 392089
>>391944>>391976Thank you anons, I'm very new to this stuff. In this case I think I'll use a low volume developer to lift my hair and when it's done apply Manic Panic.
>>391956I did that once before and the end result was a burgundy brown like picrel
>>391944 and I wanna go brighter this time. I use a natural no poo shampoo and I only have to wash my hair once a week thanks to it so I think the dye will not wash out too quick.
No. 392232
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>>392064weird, I have a hairstyle like this and get complimented on it constantly, even though i just do it by blindly clipping away at it with thinning shears kek. Maybe it's because I don't have the "middle aged mom" highlights and just stick with my natural mousey brown color. I guess also my glasses give it a different vibe. I'm ugly so I used to never get compliments on anything, but since cutting my hair a couple years back, people are always telling me how cute my hair style is.
Anyway, why don't you try styling it like this? I think it can look cute and retro.
No. 392320
>>392233nta but I have a fairly chunky nose. I recently got some subtle, airy side bangs and I feel like it actually makes my nose look less prominent compared to when I had a completely bare forehead. I think it's because of the volume, most of my forehead is still visible and instead of sitting flat, there's some airiness where my bangs are sticking out a bit. This way, there's some added dimension that balances out my nose. It sticks out less because it's not the only point of forward projection on my face anymore.
That being said I do also have a fairly strong jaw/chin, maybe if you have a receded chin airy bangs would make the lack of volume in the lower half of your face more obvious, idk. Of course, either way
>>392069 should wear whatever she likes, I used to have blunt thick bangs years ago and even though they weren't flattering my face I loved them a lot.
No. 393651
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I hate the sleek, clean, defined curls trend. Lately I've been giving myself picrel (but bigger) with the blowdryer and I love it. It's so soft and fluffy and I'm addicted to playing with it. I don't need to stress about humidity because it's already ruined. Don't need to sleep in a cap to protect it. I just tie it back whenever I need to leave the house and I'm done.
No. 394519
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Nonnies what do you think of “natural” blonde highlights like this? I have long darkish-brown hair and I was thinking of getting something like this done for the spring/summer, but it would be expensive, so I wanna be sure it’ll suit me. However, I’m not sure about the vibe it gives off. I’m from the southern US and there’s a certain style here of white women (like myself) dying their hair blonde, like the “southern belle” style that I don’t really like. I’m a bit masc and mostly date other women if that helps describe the image I want to reflect
No. 394549
>>394520Yeah that’s exactly the vibe I was worried about kek
>>394523I know it’s so expensive… I’ll have to think about this some more
No. 394620
>>388756Late but I have knee-length hair and I don't do any weird gimmick stuff. I just use a lot of conditioner, sleep with a cap, and keep it tied up in a bun most of the time. I'm inclined to say that you should probably not dye it so much?
sadly although my hair is very long, my whole family has genetically thin hair and low hair count so although I'd also love braids like picrel, my hair isn't thick enough even for one of her braids…
No. 394663
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How long is too long? I've been growing my hair out of laziness, now it's almost at my waist. I thought about letting it grow longer and selling it. But I can't help but feel like it's too long. It's not nearly as long as picrel, but that's how I feel like. I usually braid it or tie it up, but sometimes I let it loose and I feel weirded out by it. What would you say it's the limit for long hair?
No. 394671
>>394663I love long hair nonita and regretted cutting my waist length hair to a fuck ass bob kek. But I agree with
>>394668 I have a friend that has really long hair, I think it’s almost to the back of her knees but it grows to a point the end strands look stringy since it isn’t a straight across cut. I think it can go into little house on the prairie/amish looking after it gets longer than that. Also, nona do you have thick hair or bit on the thinner side?
No. 394672
>>394663When I need to move it out of the way to use the toilet, no joke
For me hip is perfect, with classic being the absolute longest I'm willing to get to. I've had it down to my fingertips before and that was a whole ass workout, it was so inconvenient and it didn't look great.
>>394671>I think it’s almost to the back of her knees but it grows to a point the end strands look stringy since it isn’t a straight across cutThis makes a huge difference too, it's night and day when you have stringy hair that just grew through neglect and when you have a nice haircut.
>I love long hair nonita and regretted cutting my waist length hairAlso I really relate to this, I went to a bougie salon like a couple of weeks ago and the guy cut my hair wayyyyy too short and very uneven, it's gonna take several years to grow out, I'm so bummed
No. 394674
>>394668yeah I always thought about it, I would be afraid of getting my hair stuck in my pants, if that makes any sense.
>>394671Wow, that's surprisingly long, my poor ass is thinking she could sell that for a lot kek. My hair is thick, I have to cut it in layers otherwise it's going to look too full and blocky, it's one of the reasons that it makes me feel like cousin itt sometimes.
>>394672>move it out of the way to use the toiletMy biggest fear atm is that, how is the shower? Does it feel heavy when it's all wet?
No. 394690
>>392064Many hairdressers just half-ass anything short. I have asked for a variety of short haircuts in my life and every time ended up looking like this until not even a couple years ago.
>>394525It's cringe but I'm a high twintail supremacist. From the ages of 12 to 23 anytime my hair was long enough I tied it in twintails. I have thick curly hair which needs to be layered a lot, so they look quite big and fluffy without teasing, and somehow it happens to be the most flattering hairstyle on me (along with the shoulder length 70s nonsense shag that I currently have because I started an agriculture job and wanted something easier to maintain… I showed up with my stupid twintails on the first day of work though)
It keeps your head cool in summer and you can lay down without being bothered by a ponytail, it also weighs a lot less so no headaches, and you don't need a fuckton of bobby pins to keep your top layers from escaping the tie, it all stays put all day long. I had to style my bangs every day though which could be a downside for someone else but I have to do it with every other hairstyle anyway due to my hair texture, so it didn't change much. Minimal hassle for maximal swag. The only real problem is that men consider twintails to be a sexual thing and a shady guy tried to scout me to do porn once. Shayna wishes she was me
No. 394719
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>>394690>It's cringe but I'm a high twintail supremacistNonnie that is actually so nice, i also love high twintails but they don't fit me at all, i wish it was more popular though and i hope that the loser moid who had no brain is rotting.
>>394525I have a looot of straight long hair and my fringe is naturally bobby for some reason. I mostly keep a hairstyle like picrel and sometimes i avoid curling my hair just for safety, i like when they are wavy but it's not like they last much either.
I like it because it keeps my hair out of my way without wearing ponytails or braids for a whole day, somehow i get to feel too cold and get headaches when i do that.
No. 394830
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is early 30s too old to have a fun hair color? i was thinking of getting a lavender balayage like pic related, keeping my dark roots intact for a more natural lived in look instead of an all over anime appearance that comes with pastel colors. it's either this or chocolate balayage, can't decide.
No. 394856
>>394525It was an asymmetrical bob for a long time, but then I went to a new hairstylist and told her to do whatever she wanted and ended up with a short shag that really flattered me, so I'm planning on sticking with that for a while.
I avoided bangs for such a long time because I guess I associated them with my cringe preteen years but they actually do a lot for my face.
No. 394868
>>394830Dark brown looks so pretty with purple. If you're afraid to go straight for the balayage maybe do a few highlights to see if you like it ?
I want to dye my hair again too, but I am seeing my first gray hairs so I want to enjoy my natural color while it's still even. semi/demi permanent dyes are tempting but I don't want to stain everything or end up with pigment sticking to the tips. The reviews are always so mixed and unreliable.
No. 394886
>>394830Isn’t too old. Carry it with pride.
The thing with vivids that I learned the hard way was maintenance was a bitch and pricey. If you live in a place with harder water, be sure to get a shower filter and get the right color preservation products (i.e; color depositing mask, dry shampoo as you won’t want to wash as much).
No. 394959
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>>394690aww I love high twin tails especially with the right outfit. I stopped wearing them when I got older but I may have to bring them back- they can look really cool with flowier fabrics, almost magical rather than just juvenile.
>>394719This style is so pretty! Reminds me of a siren lady or something.
No. 395221
I am having a really hard time with hair products. Idk when they changed but most of them are now giving me a weird reaction when in contact with hot water or sweat when they didn't used to. I get red itchy skin with little bumps, they disappear after I wash it all away but it's really annoying because this happens even in contact with sweat! And a live in a very hot country, I can't just stop sweating kek, it's making me so mad I am fucking paying money for that poison and idk what to do or where to ask. I looked up on the internet and couldn't find anything that helps me and I feel like I'm going crazy. What component could be causing it? Will I have to completely ditch conditioners and combing creams? I don't think I can survive that.
>>393651I wanted to wear my hair like that for the longest time but I've been bullied for having a big hair and it looking "unkept" despite me actually spending time and money caring for it (and all these hair products suck so much and smell weird), it did shit to my confidence when it comes to my hair. I'm trying to resist the urge to cut it short again because it is so frustrating taking care of it, I really want to grow it long, but God I am so tired of the time consuming perfect little curls, especially when my hair is a freaking mess with different types of curls mixed with straight hair… I might just go "fuck it" and wear it like that, this is what freedom looks like, I can legit "wake up like that".
No. 395225
>>392064>>392232>>394690Hairdressers just don't know how to cut short hair, I've yet to meet one who can do it properly. I had to learn how to cut mine at home so I don't end up with the Karen special. I used to get unintentional bowl cuts as a kid because they especially failed at cutting thick hair with lots of volume.
What one anon said about some people suiting a certain length is also real. I love long princess hair but I've had short hair since my mid teens because long hair looks terrible on me. It grows into an unkempt mane of Indian hair that's painful to brush through and impossible to style because it's so heavy, so it just ends up being messy Hagrid hair with no volume on top and too much volume below the chin. It makes me look dowdy and matronly whereas short hair on me is cute, playful and flattering.
No. 395230
>>395225I have the same kind of thick, heavy (but healthy) hair, though I'm not Indian. I wore it long, to my waist until around 25, then I had someone cut it into an Audrey Hepburn-style pixie. It's so much more flattering for me than long hair (though I also don't regret having long hair).
You need to find the right person to cut it and then never leave that person. That's all i can recommend. idk I think short hair on me looks much cuter than long hair. I did have to change how I posed for pics though, just needed to understand how my profile looked if that makes any sense. I think I was so used to draping my hair around my face that I didn't really know how to pose in the right way for my profile.
No. 396671
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>>391865>>392089Same anon, I finally got to do it and it went well. The color is vibrant and my hair didn't get damaged but I'm disappointed with how pink it looks. Vampire red was out of stock so I used vampire kiss and it's waaaaay more pink than what I was going for… I really don't like pink on me and I still have one and a half dye boxes left. I literally just have magenta hair now, I'm really not happy with the results.
No. 396686
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>>394690I hate that cute hairstyles like twin tails/braids, space buns etc. are so sexualized. I just can tell when I'm wearing them that I get more looks and weird encounters. I let my hair grow to be able to try different styles but I haven't been able to go outside with fun hairdos without feeling self-conscious. Also, anyone remember that golden period where youtube hair tutorials where all the rage and everyone was rocking unique hairstyles? Fishtail braids, dutch braids, waterfall braids, that gaga bun, half updos, the poof… Luxy Hair taught me everything, I was so jealous of her hair
No. 396695
as someone with AGA I just wanna say that if you have a head full of hair LET IT GROW, try fun hairstyles and hair accessories. I would fucking kill to have my old hair , so many things I never tried and now I regret it. It started to get really bad just after I learned how to frenchbraid and do fancy braided hairstyles.
>>394663no limit as long as it's healthy and no split ends.
No. 396727
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When you girls say that you get backne from conditioner, is it because you have long hair? Back acne has never been a problem to me even though my skin is sensitive because I have short hair. But I do notice some blemishes appearing from time to time on my forehead (I have bangs). I just am curious if there's a correlation between longer hair and acne caused by conditioner
No. 397121
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Do you use oil for your hair? I've tried in the past but it makes mine feel so heavy, I tend to stick to shampoo and conditioner only
No. 397222
>>397121I oil my hair whenever it's dirty so it's a prewash treatment.
>>397218Moroccan oil is not even an arab company, it's an israeli company kek I wouldn't give them a cent.
No. 397325
>>397121I tried products from them years ago , worst stuff ever honestly, that famous oil is full of silicones and made my hair stringy and dry
>Israeli companynever ever, I'm gonna bash my friend for using this shit, she's a normalfag that doesn't understand haircare and swears by their shit oil
No. 397504
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I just got my hair highlighted and I think I hate it. It’s chunky with big blonde streaks at the front right next to my natural hair color which is super dark. Will washing my hair help the disparity in color? Please help anons.
I’m working with something like picrel but just image a bright blonde streak at the front of your bangs and then brown right next to it.
This has me considering whether I need to change my hair stylist because I feel like her style is so dated compared to other hair people. My family has been going to her for a long time and she gives me a friends & family discount so I feel really guilty trying to find someone else.
No. 397572
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>>397335Just like anything else it's a trial and error thing. The very first hair oil that I tried was Hairmed 01, but no matter how I used it, it still felt too heavy and made my hair stringy. The next one I got was Schwarzkopf Rose oil, and it works great for my hair.
No. 397593
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>>397504Okay to follow this up, is there any way that I can make my hair less brassy or do I have to go back to the salon and have it dyed? I feel like one of the biggest issues is that the blonde is way too warm-toned and it doesn’t match my skin because I have a pink undertone. Should I have just dyed my hair altogether? It’s hard to explain but I feel like my natural hair color (the brown) doesn’t really suit my skintone either even though it’s my natural color.
I can’t reply to everyone’s comments rn but I appreciate all of your advice and will personally thank all of you later.
No. 397594
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>>397593I realize that this picture isn’t that bad so I’ll show the streaky highlights for those of you who are gonna say “it’s not that bad!!!!” Regardless the coloring isn’t flattering on me at all and I need to do something about it.
No. 397604
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>>397593>>397594Maybe using a shampoo for gray hairs will tame the brassy tones? maybe you could dye it at home with henna to achieve a warm light brown color
No. 397610
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>>397604Thanks anon. I was thinking something more cool toned like picrel. I’m technically a soft summer color season so cool and muted are
what looks good on me. I’m a walking disaster and don’t trust myself to dye my hair on my own so I think I will probably have to shell out another $200 dollars for this.
No. 397623
>>397611Yes unfortunately because I have too many horror stories of trying to do my hair and fucking it up completely
>>397613I thought I was a soft summer but idk. Maybe I am a spring. Is there a good color that could work for soft summer AND a light spring? Aside from going blonde because blonde does not suit me at all.
No. 398733
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Don't know why but this hairstyle… Half up half down pony with hair in the front always gets me compliments and I never gets compliments. If somebody was deseperate this is the hair I'd recommend lol
No. 399010
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I am so mad at myself, I shaved my head last year and decided to grow my natural hair color out for her first time since middle school but I already caved and dyed it an unnatural black color, I’m so pissed off. I wanna look like pic rel
No. 399018
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>>399010thank you goddess for these signs so that I don't fall into my own temptations and dye my hair black (again)
No. 399461
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>>399457Does that include these?
No. 399473
>>397218i'm morrocan and i use it, it really is some of the best products i have owned. Argan oil does not hydrate your hair, it's an oil. It does not replace a shampoo or a curl defining cream.
Let me break few misconceptions
> Oil can not hydrate or moisturize your hair, because it does not contain any water
> Silicones are not bad for most hair either, most shampoos can remove them, they create a protective shield on surface of the hair.They are an anti humectant so they retain hairs moisture while creating a barrier to external moisture finally, they also are friction reducer- will prevent breakage from brushing, and blow dry brushing
> If you have curly hair, always make sure to remove entirely creams, or oil you put on your scalp because it clogs it and will impair hair growth No. 399476
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>>399475like picrel nonna?
No. 399478
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>>399471Do you have any tips for styling it? I have never done anything with my hair besides washing and brushing it, though it's extremely thin and the hairstylist recommended using volume powder. Picrel from the fakeboi alignment chart is how I often look kek
No. 399479
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>>399475like picrel nonna?>>399475
No. 399483
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>>399478Sure, I used to not do anything to my hair either, but I realized just a couple of minutes with a purposefully angled hair dryer can make a huge difference in the amount of lift. Picrel is a traced pic of my hair, I keep it a bit longer on top so that I can get a rounded look, I used to put a little mouse in it but eventually realized my hair doesn’t really need it as long as I blow dry it in the right way. I don’t do anything fancy, I usually just take one hand and hold the little sideburn pieces down to the side of my face (so they don’t get blown the wrong direction) and then on medium to high heat, blast the rest of my hair directly upwards (for bangs, upwards and sideways) for a while so the roots dry facing up-ish which gives the hair the lift I’m looking for. Then I blast downwards for just a half second or so to make sure pieces don’t stick out at weird angles/make sure everything is laying approximately the same direction.
Also, I realized I like this hair cut better with a tiny eency weency bit of extra length at the back of the neck, which you can see in picrel. I think it makes it look more fun and youthful. just imo
No. 399568
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I want to get hair extensions for a month long trip I'm taking in October. My hair has failed to grow fast enough and I really want a long layered haircut to go with them. Im not cut at putting on clip ons and I honestly just want stomething that will stay there and look decent while I'm traveling. Are microlink extensions any good for this? How do they do with up-do's? How much do they usually cost and how do I even look for a stylist that does them? (How can I tell if they're good?)
Pic related is the haircut I want with them.
No. 401535
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I naturally have medium/dark-ish brown hair (closest to 5 on picrel) that I have since dyed really dark brown that almost resembled black when fresh. The color has since faded and the last time I dyed my hair was October. I tried to lighten my hair with the strongest at-home bleach but the color didn't lift at all. (I only did a test strip)
I'm assuming this means I can't bleach hair at home? Do hair dressers have stronger stuff that would be able to lift the color? I'm currently in a hair crisis but I am thinking of a light brown color that wouldn't be possible without bleaching.
No. 401541
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>>401538Just picked the first package that promised "up to 9 levels of lift" kek
No. 401996
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Does anyone have any experience using cassia? It's also known as senna or colorless henna (although it's not the same plant as henna). You can't dye your hair with it but it works well as a hair treatment for volume and softness, and if your hair is very light it may give you golden highlights. I'm thinking about buying some but pic related is almost 13€ for only 100 grams, it's not that cheap.
>>401558I think the only problem with a balayage is that you'll need to maintain it with specific products or even going back to the salon every other week to get it touched up so it doesn't look fried. If you live in the northern hemisphere your hair tips may become very dry on summer.
>>401607It doesn't sound like that product was in proper conditions at all, nona. Would you consider using other methods to lighten your hair that don't involve conventional bleach? I know most of them could take you up to a month to get actual results but maybe that's good. A lot of women lighten their hair in a two or three week span, taking some time to moisturize deeply the hair before applying any chemicals again.
No. 402661
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Do these lighter hairs in my hair look like gray hair? I've never noticed them before. I did used to have a balayage and cut off the bleached part of my hair a year ago, and sometimes notice random bleached light brown hairs sometimes, but these hairs are light from the tip. I'm 24 and feel stressed out often, but I've been under stress for my entire adult life and never noticed hair like this before. Am I being retarded and it's just a remnant of bleached hair?
No. 402890
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Bought this on a whim because I saw a girl with insanely shitty hair get amazing results using it. My hair has very high porosity and it's thick, so that's the best profile to use it by the reviews I saw. Hopefully it will work
No. 404858
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Is a haircut like this destined to fail if you have thick hair? I love this cut but I've only seen women with relatively thin hair having it
No. 405994
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I've been trying out curtain bangs inspired by korean hairstyles lately and am learning to style them. I clean them everyday, blow dry then put on a hair roller, wait and fix with some hairspray, then brush it with a comb with some more hairspray to separate the strands. I really like the airy/wispy look like picrel, but even if I can kinda achieve it with styling it clumps almost as soon as I go out and I have to fix them nonstop. Does anyone have a tip to keep the wispy look ? Should I just always have a brush with me and brush them out often, change the cut, or find a better hairspray?
No. 406174
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anyone has experience with underlayers? is it worth the hassle, and risk of ending up with a mess
No. 407890
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What extensions should I use for my bleached blonde hair?
My hair is really damaged from bleach and I had keratin ones in the past. Besides clip ons cause i cant install myself. I can't cope with having short hair the way people would treat me actually nicely and like a person when I had long blonde extensions is something I need . Idk what to do honestly
No. 408277
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im at a loss of what to do with my thick, curly/wavy hair. i was bleaching and straightening for a while which looked best on me but obviously damaged it terribly. its to my armpits now and ive been growing out the brunette/using no heat for a while but even with products and styling i still feel i could look better sometimes and its all my hair
would it be possible to achieve this look with clip in extensions or tape ins? what kind is best? that way i can maybe keep my hair natural but add some length. ive considered wigs but im terrible at applying them. and ive used clip in/tape in extensions before and straightened my hair but it doesnt hold against humidity or rain and its so damaging. though it did elevate my appearance quite a bit. i hate to be so vain i just wish to be more presentable
No. 408358
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I have very healthy waist long hair but I actually prefer chin/shoulder length hair. I especially love bobs. I’ve had bobs in the past and loved every moment of my bob experiences. I also have a vintage leaning style and long hair makes me look too modern. The only reason Im hesitant to cut it again is because I constantly get complimented on my long hair and I’m incredibly desperate for validation kek
No. 408435
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>>408358Maybe you can try a faux bob? (there's hundreds of other tutorials I just went with the simplest examples) So that way if you change your mind you can unravel the hair. Or if it doesn't have to be waist length levels of long, maybe Veronica Lake type of hairstyles? depending on which time period you're into.
No. 408436
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>>408435Samefag, some long vintage styles
No. 408452
>>408358I think you should try shorter hair at least once in your life if you've never had it! feeling happy with your own hair feels a lot better than having other people be happy with your hair, and you know you've got the genes to grow it back out when you change your mind. I've always had waist length hair and went up to a few inches past my shoulders for the first time and I love how cute my braids and ponytails look now. but then, I'm still working up the bravery to go all the way to bob length and Chappell Roan music videos make me wanna grow it back out so maybe don't listen to me.
>>408435I genuinely cannot imagine this working for more than 2 minutes before falling out from the weight of the hair but I'm definitely going to give it a shot.
No. 408847
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>>408822Nonna this is very easy you can absolutely do this! I've done it by accident before (the tiny sheer bangs part) it doesn't suit my face but I think it's a really cute look. Just start by cutting the tiniest amount of bangs like literally taking just a few hairs especially if you have thick hair. You're just cutting like baby hairs essentially. Do it about mid eyebrow length and you can trim more if you want after. Then part your hair all to one side and pull the bang pieces out, stick a clip in it you're done
Ryoko shinohara has her hair in that exact style in the drama Last Cinderella, for some reason I can't find a good pic of it but it's worn that way several times in the movie
No. 409512
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How colorfast is the Casting Creme Gloss range ? I have virgin hair and I'm interested in the deeper brown shades. But I'm worried about the color bleeding everywhere like semi-permanents. I'm especially worried about getting dye all over my forehead and my clothes when I sweat. I have a physical job and summers are hot.
No. 409523
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how do i get my bangs to stay in the style of top left and bottom? it always ends up flat and to the side like in pic 2, no matter what i do. i know i have a cowlick and widows peak but there must be some way to get the style to stay?
my routine:
blow dry front pieces from side to side and then flatten with a brush and point blow dryer to tip (my attempt to get the hair to stay forward)
then i spray it with some kenra hairspray.
No. 409975
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Anybody have success finding shampoo and conditioners without heavy fragrance that aren't crunchie hippie brands? I use the basic red Tsubaki set and it makes my hair soft but the smell always makes my migraines worse. High end brands like Oribe seem to be even more offensively smelly than cheap Pantene or Herbal Essences so I don't know where to start searching. Yes I have tried opening and smelling bottles at the pharmacy before.
No. 410066
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nonnas i need help so bad. please. nobody replied to my hair post and i cant even go on reddit because i cant get enough karma bullshit for advice. ive hated my hair since i was a little and its making me obsessive lately.
naturally my hair is a dark brown and looks like this. however i assume from bleaching it again and straightening it more (i think its more so the straightening without a heat protectant when i forgot one on a week long vacation that really fried the fuck out of my hair because even with bleaching or highlights i still maintained a decent amount of curl)
its not stringy but just frizzy and so dead and dry on the ends. i even cut a bunch off and it wasnt enough. i havent been touching it with any heat or bleach and im just at a loss.
id really like to dye it all a lighter brown and trim more and wear some curly clip in extensions until it grows out. does this sound like a good idea? i love it straight and i love the blonde on me i just feel like i need to take a new route. i can still straighten it sometimes but i just want to feel pretty in my natural hair and not have it in a frizzy low bun that makes me look fucking homeless. i cry so much over it. and im not good with wigs and theyd be awful in the heat. if i ever want blonde i figure i can just try out a wig in cooler weather but i dont think the bleach damage is worth it anymore.
my hairdresser is also out until september so im just at a loss. do i find a new one for now?
tldr my naturally brown curly shoulder hair length has been drier with less curls lately and i have stopped heat and bleach (the bleach is grown out i have about 2-3 inches of fresh hair regrowth) i look homeless so im thinking to trim, dye an all light brown, and grow it out…probably need to see a hairdresser
No. 410136
>>410066Anon I don't think you need to panic like this is some super horrible problem unique to you, bleach damage is incredibly common. You shouldn't have trouble finding info on reddit if you just search key words.
I have the same issue except my hair isn't curly. I'm going to dye it back to my natural colour, keep getting trims, wait til it grows out. Not much else for it. Go see a different hairdresser, who tf wants to wait months for a haircut out of loyalty to a stylist?? And I don't think you need extensions or a wig unless you're cutting your hair ridiculously short. Maybe you should use olaplex too (I cbf but it supposedly works).
No. 410667
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Anons idk what to fucking do. I literally showed the hairdresser the above picture, and I ended up leaving looking like a slightly redder version of the below one.
We both admitted it wasn't what I was looking for, but since I'm 1. awkward, 2. it is a really good color and it admittedly DOES look good on me. But as the evening went on the more I hate it because it's not what I wanted.
Is there anything I can do on my own (other than emailing the salon)? I'm kinda freaking out atm and considering going ham on it with head & shoulders and hoping for the best.
No. 410675
>>410671I guess, I just hope it fades into something decent…
>>410673But the issue is that I _HATE_ it. The more I see it every time I pass by a mirror the more unhappy I am with it.
No. 410686
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I can’t get a single hairdresser to give me straight flat bangs like picrel. They always make mine look super voluminous and wispy and curtain-bang-ish which is simply not what I’m going for. But bangs are bit of a rare sight in my country so maybe that’s why
No. 410691
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>>410686Samefag, this is the result I usually get and I’m not happy with it at all. I’m not into the messy casual french girl look or whatever it’s called but they just don’t get it. Sigh.
No. 410698
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>>410686it's scary the first time, but get some hairdresser's scissors and do it yourself. you'll need them anyways since keeping these bangs means trimming them every few weeks. the bangs in your picture are a staple in jfashion but if you ask a hairdresser for it outside of japan they'll assume you want either thin bangs or the super wide zooey deschanel fringe.
make an even n-shaped part like picrel. if they're too wispy, add more hair into the top of the part (from further back on your head). also if your hair isn't stick-straight it may just need some styling tbh
No. 410700
>>410698Thank you
nonny this was very helpful
No. 411157
>>411143They require root touchups every 3 months or so (how often you go in for touchups depends on if you want them looking extremely neat at the root or if you are okay with the roots growing out a bit) and they do need a deep vinegar cleanse once a year. Obviously, you shower as normal with them provided you have a clarifying shampoo (you don't use conditioner or it creates buildup).
To me, this is so much easier than my old routine. You already are saving so much time in terms of not needing to style your hair daily. If I tried to wear my hair naturally in the past, the curly girl "routine" after I'd wash my hair took hours to complete when I didn't have dreadlocks. For me, it wasn't worth wasting a whole weekend (okay, I'm exaggerating a little, it would take about a whole day at least since my hair does NOT dry. It takes 7-10 hours to dry on average when I used the curly girl method). If you learn to do root maintenance yourself, it's nice because them you also don't need to pay someone to do your maintenance for you. I guess the only other consideration is that you'll want silk pillowcases at least to avoid lint buildup.
if you work out, you can spray your scalp with a mild vinegar/distilled water mix to keep your scalp fresh. I've never had to do that since I don't sweat that much in general.
Again, it's all about perspective. If you like your hair the way it is and it looks neat, that's obviously the easiest method of all. I just find it far easier to have dreadlocks than to have to style my hair to avoid it looking frizzy.
No. 411534
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Does anyone have product recommendations for texturizing short, straight, thick hair? Right now I'm looking into texturizing sprays and sea salt sprays but I wonder if there's any specific product that anyone has had a good experience with. I'd prefer products that can be bought in person rather than online to prevent any shipping problems.
No. 413956
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Bob appreciation
No. 414037
>>413963Aren't "trendy zoomer looks" basically vintage mullets, wolfcuts and the like anyhow now?
It might be me being old now but I don't see a lot of difference between what zoomers' hairstyles look like and pictures of what rock stars and people on old pictures or retro tv footage looked like in the 80s.
No. 414044
>>414037My hairdresser is mainly doing older vintage looks
nonny. Like full on granny. Think of the ones depicted on this thread cover, Priscilla beehives and 20s flapper bobs. I didn’t even know that the 80s were considered vintage now kek. I assumed zoomers took their hairspo from anime and final fantasy but now that you mention it, could be rockstars too!
No. 414099
>>413963I absolutely hate hairdressers
>>414047Not surprising since most hairdressers are trailer trash
No. 414118
I'm gonna go insane, I haven't changed anything to my hair routine but for the past few weeks it's been getting bad. It started feeling waxy/sticky, heavy and gross at the back after washing, now it's spread to more of the lengths and almost the whole back of my head. It's so embarrassing that I have to tie my hair all the time, when I usually have nice, thick wavy hair with sort of ringlets at the ends. Now it looks all dull and disgusting. I asked for help at a beauty store and they gave me a light, natural, silicone-free shampoo I've been making the switch to but it's getting even worse. Tried putting on less shampoo, more, rinsing abundantly, it's not changing. Anyone ever had this happen?
No. 414126
>>414122I moved here about 7 months ago and though the water is known to be hard here, this only started about a month ago.
>>414124I've thought about it, not sure which one to pick. I kinda put the shampoo budget I had in the new gentle one I was suggested, but I'm open to ideas. My hair is the classic oily roots/dry ends type
No. 414417
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my hair's become a lot more frizzy recently, even though I don't think I'm doing anything differently?
is it the shampoo I'm using? I've tried applying vinegar to my hair, my mum tells me that helps, but it hasn't.
No. 414540
>>414422not in particular, but it is summer after all, so that would line up.
have you found anything that helps you?
No. 414828
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What length looks best on long faces? Short medium or long?
No. 416257
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Any light haired nonas that dye their hair black? I've been considering it for a few months but I'm worried about the upkeep, is it too much work to keep up with lash/brow tinting and all that to make it look somewhat natural?
No. 417078
>>416257don’t do it, I had healthy looking brown make but then I dyed it black and it only looked silky/shiny black for the first week and now after a few washes it looks dull and like it’s life a black color stained on my hair if that makes sense
you should go for a rich dark chocolate brown, it’ll look natural and it fades into a natural color too.
No. 417089
>>416257root upkeep can be annoying. the roots in comparison to the black kinda makes a illusion of your hairline look really thin lol… that's the worst part
in between dyes sometimes i use stuff thats like hair makeup made to cover roots a bit.
try out a "glaze" first. it fades out in a few washes. if you like it you can move to semi-permanent.
No. 418488
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So… I’ve never dyed my hair and I’m tired of how plain it looks. How much damage can honey highlights cause on dark brown hair? How easy it is to go back to natural if I regret it? Also idk if it looks cool only when stylized, my hair is a 2b wavy btw.
No. 418562
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I hate my hair so much it's unreal, on a good day right after a wash it looks like picrel but shorter and dark brown. i've sunk so much time and money into "curly girl" methods but I can never get those perfectly defined curls. it's so messy and frizzy I hate it. I'd kill for straight hair so I could try some of the trendy styles like wolf cut or the 70's blowout layers. Every hairdresser I've tried only knows how to do straight hair and I pay $200 for some fuckass frizzy triangle bob
No. 421252
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>>421113idk how long your hair is but slicked back updos are really popular right now and you can easily hide your damaged hair that way. For hair accessories I really like either a scrunchie that has a bow or these decorative kind of claw clips.
No. 424093
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wtf can i do with my hair if it naturally dries like picrel? i absolutely hate how the bottom parts are always curling upwards especially the shorter i cut it.. i always had wavy hair but about a year ago it completely changed and now i don't know what to do with it anymore. i know hormones can change your hair but i don't want to style it every day from now on.. is there some sort of short hair style that could minimize the appearance of this weird ass pattern? my hair is thin and fine so i can't do layers. should i just let it grow out? or just take the L and start styling it every day? the problem is my lifestyle doesn't really allow me to style my hair because i either travel or spend a lot of time in the water so it would just dry in this stupid way every time. is there maybe a mousse or some sort of leave-in product i could use?
the pattern is actually so strong that even keratin treatment didn't work, it just curls up regardless what i do with it (even if i straighten it, by the end of the day it goes back even if my hair didn't get wet). i'm absolutely losing my mind, i was never this frustrated with my hair..
No. 424103
>>424093Keratin treatments will loosen waves but they are more for managing frizz, it probably wasn't the right sort of treatment for your hair and you will need Japanese straightening or Nanoplastia or some other chemical service.
>>422133have you tried brushing your hair before you get it wet? If your hair is tangling a lot overnight you probably need to trim off the damaged hair (sorry). I also take mini elastic hair ties, split my hair into two sections and secure the end of each section with the mini hair ties. Its like a super super low ponytail. A bit silly but it helps with tangling a lot.
No. 424240
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I recently moved from a very humid place to a very dry hot place. My hair used to be so voluminous and frizzy, which I tamed with jojoba oil but now my hair is very lifeless, thin, and straighter. How do I make my hair look like picrel again?
No. 424289
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>>424241>>424243>>424259Ty nonas, will try this out my next hair wash day
No. 424733
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One thing I’m having a hard time with is I’m very tall, have broad shoulders and dark curly hair. I get worried about troon allegations because a lot of trannies have the curly bob cut with fringe. Should I go for heatless curls to smooth them out or go for a different hairstyle/colour?
No. 424745
>>424733Tbh I think it's unlikely someone would mistake you for a troon. You'd have to have a really masculine face for someone to mistake a biological woman for a man, even with broad shoulders or a hairstyle popular with troons. If you've ever read the Shayna threads, she's tall and broad and actively dresses like a troon but still is clearly female.
Plus trannies always have greasy and poorly cared for hair, and I assume you wash yours regularly.
No. 425427
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Found out my holy grail hair oil was unfortunately reformulated. It was the perfect medium thick consistency and great at soothing itching spells before bed. Fellow itchy/dry scalp nonnies who oil, which do you swear by? I'm currently trying the new Shea Moisture Rosemary oil and it's just ok
No. 425509
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How do u call these?? How do you STYLE THEM to make them sit like this??? Please nonas
No. 425933
>>425514Thank u nona, ive been doing this for the past two days thanks to u!
Though they come out exactly like the video, im not sure how to make the perfect wave like the pic that i posted
>>425509 they're very similar, and ur vid helped greately, but i want the perfect shape as the pic…is it possible without a stylist? Lol
No. 426063
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When it comes to brown and darker hair does anyone have experience with this dye? Does it work? I was reading too much about how splat stains and how manic panic will only stay in 4 washes and wondered if this brand was any good for vibrant color on dark hair
No. 427574
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How does one achieve this hairstyle?? I love the curls, the thickness, the volume!
No. 427764
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Nonnies help me pick a haircut, I'm going to the hair salon today
I have a face shape sort of like Rachel McAdam's (I'm far from pbeing as pretty lol but I have a high forehead and square jaw like she does)
I thought of doing hairstyle 7 since I think she looks beautiful in mean girls. I have wavy hair but I straighten it most of the time anyways. What do you think?
Also if you know of any other celebrities with similar face shapes I'd love to know their names
No. 427766
>>427764Depends on how much hair you have, wavy hair gives volume and balances your face, if you have thin hair and make it flat straight, it looks ugly. Since you have a square jaw I think that a flowier haircut would make your features more soft and cohesive, maybe with curtain bangs to frame your forehead.
But it's your head at the end of the day, pick what you like.
No. 427772
>>427769I honestly think that n.7 looks the ugliest on her, n.3 is the best look, even the color.
Don't do bangs if it makes you have acne then.
No. 427847
>>427846Tiering it for me it goes like…
High: 3, 4
Mid: 5, 7, 6, 8, 1
Low: 2, 9
No. 428705
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i really want to go for the mia goth light eyebrows/dark hair look… it serves sickly victorian vampire and i'm just all for it for at least the upcoming fall/winter. i just don't know how to do go about it? i already did my eyebrows very thin, i just don't know if i should go for 3% or 6% bleach or something higher? i don't want to burn my face
No. 429386
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I’m trying to find a haircut that will look like this when teased. What would the hair look like without the styling? I’m getting a haircut and I need a reference.
No. 429856
>>419396hey nonna, idk if you're still around, I was on topical for a while, the 5% one, and saw some new baby hairs, but stopped so the progress went away.
I don't really have hair on my body and I don't think oral minox is an alternative here (I'm from Europe) but I don't know if I'd be able to deal with body hair that much. If it would however slow down shedding I might try it, I am mentally exhausted by this disease.
Also I just want to say I'm sick of reading shit like "it's totes normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day!" . No it fucking isn't.
I styled the hair of several young women recently. Nonnas, for most of them, not a SINGLE FUCKING HAIR fell out when I brushed their hair, all were tailbone length and had like 7-9x times the hair I have atm, I wanted to fucking cry and die, I felt physically sick and couldn't eat for the following days. Some women are blessed and they don't even know it.
No. 429945
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my hair is falling out. it comes out in clumps in the shower and it's starting to look really bad. I've talked to my teachers at beauty school and they all say to take bioten, but it's not helping.
Ive been thinking about doing minoxidil but I want to know if anyone else has tried it.
I'm getting married in August and I don't want to look like the crypt keeper. I've never felt so insecure.
the reason it's falling out is because I have an autoimmune disease, I don't have an appointment with my doctor until mid october.
No. 429953
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Guys, how do I dye my hair? I've always wanted to dye it but have no idea how or where to start.
Do I go to the salon or is it doable at home? How do I not fuck up and how would I maintain it? Are the drug store box dyes sufficient or should I splurge and buy ones from the beauty stores? I've never dyed my life and so I have not clue how to go about this. I'm kind of retarded when it comes to beauty products.
If it matters, I have 2b hair that's low porosity at neck length.
I've always been a tiny bit jealous of family members who were born with jet black hair meanwhile I got born with a boring brown which kind of makes me feel generic and ignorable. I think black just looks better and feel that it would make me pop out a bit more.
No. 430090
>>429945>>430036>minoxidilThat will just make more hair fall out faster because of how it works so the result would be a bunch of short hairs instead, if it works. It doesn't prevent hair loss, it speeds up hair turn-over. Also keep in mind it's deadly to animals even in miniscule amounts can kill your pets.
Have you tried red light therapy and microneedling?
No. 430098
>>429945aside from the autoimmune illness, do you take adderall or snri?
Iron deficiency can also increase hair loss.
No. 430298
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>>430098i’m not ayrt but i’m on adderall. is hair loss a side effect? i had no idea.
>>429885i use neutrogena t-sal ($8) for my first cleanse, which helps with the build-up of flakes on my scalp, followed with walgreens brand t-gel ($9) (neutrogena discontinued their t-gel last year) that alleviates the itchiness. i lather both with a silicone scalp scrubber and let both sit for 5 minutes before rinsing.
the only downside to these shampoos is that my curl pattern has suffered since i started using them 2 years ago, and they’re pretty drying. but every other shampoo gives me flakes and itchiness again. also, t-gel smells like coal tar.
No. 430376
>>430298It's an uncommon side effect at normal doses but taking higher doses (or just taking speed recreationally) will cause increased shedding due to stress on the body caused by release of adrenaline
I lost half of my hair while being on snri 2 years ago also which also affects adrenaline levels.
No. 430705
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Sorry nonnies for being somewhat retarded, but I have a hard time sussing out what might be fake/exaggerated in video form. I want to know if the video (3rd "frame" of the product pictures here but the first video) is realistic, the one where she starts by saying "I'm low maintenance with my hair, so I love using the twist and clip air dry method". Is it ever actually that simple? One product? Is it kind of "unspoken" that she has a ton of other products in her hair or maybe she blow dried it with a dryer and brush off camera? And would she finish this off with hair spray to keep the style, or is mousse the end of it?
I don't know enough about different hair products to know what the capabilities of mousse are so please help a nonna out who can only really register that still images are super nonrepresentative (probably)
No. 430826
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I probably have the worst hair of all, it's exceedingly thin and voluminous, every time a sigle drop of water touches it, I turn into the bastard child of the unholy threesome of Hagrid, your local crack addicted bum, and a teckel
plus it takes HOURS to even attempt to straighten it, and even spending your whole afternoon to can only ever hope to get meagre results due to the sheer volume of it all
No. 430865
nonnie, I have sebderm too and have had it for 10+ years, it's really important to know what
triggers it
for me stress, carbs, sugars and high fats are a big no, so diet plays a huge key in regulating it
I did notice that when I have gut issues, my scalp gets greasy real fast and I get dandruff, plus even more hair loss
secondly, you need a good shampoo that doesn't strip/irritate your scalp. I have had success with ketoconazole shampoos, those were a godsent when my sebderm degenerated
I highly recommend visiting a GOOD dermatologist if you can though
If your hair is super dry: coditioner and an oil to lock in moisture have worked for me.
No. 430866
sorry for double post
>>430705nonna don't buy into that expensive shit omg 50$??!?!
you can achieve the same effect with cheaper products or dry shampoo or rice powder!
No. 430913
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How to achieve this? I dont understand how to bend and tie the hair, please let me know friends!
No. 430917
>>430738tbh having sebderm kind of ruins having a buzzcut, i'm always paranoid people will notice any damage on my scalp because there isn't a lot of hair covering it. i'm still never going back to growing out my hair. the buzzcut just fucks that hard, and my shampoo helps a lot.
>>430865is it even considered as being "
triggered" if it never goes away?
No. 430959
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I unironically want my hair to look like this but I feel like it might make my face look long kek
No. 434342
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I cut my hair in a bob recently and now the ends of my hair curl upwards, even more than picrel, it looks kind of stupid and cartoony. How can I prevent that? I'd rather not use heat.
No. 434425
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I have wavy hair that I cut in an angled bob, short on the back, long on the front, with curtain bangs. It got long now and I'm thinking of cutting it, but I'd like to change my bangs because they're so inconvenient despite how cute they look, they get into my eyes, mouth and nose when I don't pin them back, whch just obscures their form. Should I get shorter bangs that cover my forehead? What kind of hairstyles can I do to still get to style my bangs but in a convenient way? I have a semi heart shaped semi diamond shaped face with prominent cheekbones and chin, and a long midface if that helps. Picrel is close to what my hair naturally looks like irl and the current length. I never use straighteners or hair blowers to style my hair, just a wooden comb, is there a way to style it with my usual tools? I also love using hair clips and sometimes use rubber hair ties to do that y2k look with my bangs and tie the rest of my hair in twin tails.
No. 435983
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I have very slightly wavy hair (1C or 2A, i can't tell) and i don't know if this is a bad idea or not, i wanna get a shaggy type haircut like picrel so the weight looks even and it frames my face better but i'm scared it's just gonna poof up and look horrible, is it hard to keep up a hair like this? Will i have to flat iron it if i get it? Someone that's more knowledgeable than me help me out
No. 435986
>>435983If your hair doesn't have problems with frizz and you can confidently maintain your waves it won't be a problem, just make sure you go to a reputable hairdresser and get the layers blended really well. You hair might sit weird unstyled for a week or two jsyk.
I have wavy hair, got a shag, and my biggest gripe is how I can't really keep it moisturized at the same time because the shorter layers are closer to my scalp and putting conditioner on my scalp means I will have greasy-ass hair on the second day. I really do not think shags are super beneficial towards growing out hair, but if you're happy with the length you're at then it's no biggie. They're really cute once you get the hang of it.
No. 435990
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>>435986Ayrt and my hair is super frizzy at times, thanks for the heads up
No. 436048
Hi Nonnas, I'm having some problems with my scalp recently. I've recently developed a stinky scalp after never having the issue before - the smell is like cat food or cheese I suppose. It's pretty gross. My bf also developed a stinky scalp around the time so I thought it might be fungal (gross I know), but nothing has managed to get rid of it for either of us.
What I've tried so far: replacing our bed pillows and washing the linens more regularly (pillow cases get washed twice a week), bleaching our towels, replacing and washing brushes, multiple rounds of dandruff treatment shampoo with ketaconazol, and generally increasing shampooing. I have really dry hair and I feel like it actually gets worse the more dry my hair is, which makes me feel like it's a sebum overproduction issue. I also considered it may be diet-related, however my boyfriend and I have very different diets with little overlap, so I don't think that could be the issue. I also drink a ton of water every day.
The only thing that has slightly improved the situation is using a few drops of tea tree oil in my shampoo and letting it sit on my hair for a bit, then shampooing again and absolutely slathering my hair in conditioner. However this only holds the smell off, as my scalp will still smell again as soon as I do any physical activity that results in sweating.
I typically use a rosemary clarifying shampoo and scalp brush when I wash my hair, and now sometimes the dandruff shampoo - though I don't have any "real" dandruff, and it really dries out my scalp which seems to make the smell worse. I also blow dry my hair after a shower. Any ideas?? I have a really strong sense of smell and it's absolutely driving me nuts. I can smell it as soon as I step out of the shower, and the smell becomes more noticeable if I sweat.
No. 436390
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Da have a haircut suggestion for thin fine 2B hair?
My face looks similar to Sevdaliza's, but not long as hers and a bit more broad. I cut it at collarbone length but it's still looks dull and flat
No. 438263
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where do i find this that isn't Amazon or the way overpriced refill on Yesstyle? i saw iherb but i'm not familiar with it and am worried about the same fuckery that Amazon has.
for clarification, vendors will mess with or flat out water down products on Amazon sometimes.
No. 438271
>>438269>$1 for every review, 5% off for just sending a referralI don't know about this but I placed a lot of orders from them in the past, the last one was last year, never had a single issue, and I got some products that were really hard to impossible to find anywhere else at the time
To me they're one of the safest retailers out there, you are talking about right?
No. 438272
>>438271samefagging, checked the shampoo
>This product is no longer available in your region. this is the one thing I HATE about yesstyle and iherb, the region locked products
No. 438279
>>438274thanks nona and i hope you find it soon
try looking for it at asian markets or those "Little Tokyo" type areas if you get the chance. it's very good and worth the money. only thing that leaves my ultrafine hair feeling hydrated but not heavy
No. 441029
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What color would you consider this to be?
No. 441386
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Where would be a good place to find moderately priced wigs that aren't awful quality?
(The wig thread seemed fairly dead so asking this here)
No. 441687
>>434342I have this problem
nonnie this is why I don't cut my hair short anymore. You are either going to have to heat style it, set it into wet set rollers or get a perm to reshape it.
No. 442882
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I really want bangs but I have thin, fine curls. Do you guys think it could work or no?
No. 443025
>>4429971. If you have an Asian beauty store nearby, check there.
2. AliExpress. My friend ordered some there and it fit her thick (straight) hair.
3. Worst case, you go to Asia or ask a friend who's going to Asia to get you some
No. 443158
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I have hair similar to picrel and a box of very dark brown semi-permanent dye in the bathroom calling my name. Would that be a bad idea?
No. 443171
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>>443118The opposite actually kek, I've always had some type of bangs. However, this is the first time in my life trying to embrace my natural texture without straightening the shit out of it. I failed to mention that my baby bangs have grown out to a side bang kinda length. Hair rn looks like picrel. I know the straightened side bang with curly hair is a VERY dated look, but I think it's cute and fits with my face. If I leave my bangs curly, it looks retarded because the curl pattern is so tight. I've tried brush styling the curls so they dry away from my face but they're so disobedient kek. Clips aren't an option because I get headaches from any sort of tension on my scalp. I think I may just have to accept that the flat iron is a necessary evil.
No. 443182
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This felt heavy on my wavy, fine, dense hair so I switched back to dove daily moisture. I like that it had lots of proteins but it was also heavy in oils. They must have changed the formula since I last used it.
No. 443305
>>443235Thank you
nonnie, I was planning on cutting it and getting it professionally colored in a month or two when i can afford it, just wondering if the semi permament would look fine in the meantime. My hair is only brassy where it's been bleached, about halfway down.
No. 445197
>>444410ive heard only good things about a thermal brush, particulary babybliss
>>443931anything that is frizz-free. that loose, relaxed bouncy blowout is equivalent to a neat, glossy, frizz-free shorter hair i find. so invest in good smoothing hair mascara, lightweight gels, good hairspray and a styling brush to define your shorter hair
No. 445220
>>443848They both fade pretty quickly and I don't wash my hair often, but the initial color is usually too intense for me. It fades to a much duller natural red after a month and then that color sticks around forever. The indigo darkens hair weird imo, it's like kind of cool dark brown, but it lasts as long as the henna. I don't know if you can achieve a box-dye style jet black with them.
It doesn't thicken hair though.
No. 445394
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If asians have straight hair why do I always see people that look like this? so beautifully wavy n shit
I have bone straight hair and I'm finally growing it out after looking like Zoro for a couple of years, how do I make it look nice? I'm struggling really hard
No. 447224
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What is a good haircut for medium lenght curly hair? I am so tired of mine and am thinking of going back to short, long I simply don't know how to style it. Or should I just go back to short and invest in some better products? Am currently using some cheap ass combing cream + olive oil, aussie shampoo and conditioner cus it seems they're the only ones in that price range that don't make my skin itchy and red. My hair is very dry btw and get lots of knots, I wash it once every week.
No. 447336
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How do I keep my straight hair from turning into a horrible matted mess at the base of my neck? I wrap my hair up to sleep and that works but when I wear it loose, it mats up in just a couple of hours when I'm just walking around casually. It's extremely fine so I've struggled with leave-in products in the past because it tends to look greasy when I use them. So if it's a moisturizing product I need, how do I apply it evenly without applying too much?
Picrel from Google. Please help anons, it's so painful to untangle it
No. 449597
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>>447336anon i can only suggest maybe trying to get some hair serum that is like "anti-static"? or wearing in low braids might work
i feel like my frontal lobe just spontaneously grew and i'm not gonna dye my hair anymore. i have picrel to look forward to, until its grown out to at least chin length and i can cut off all the processed hair because i refuse to have a super short cut. i stand in solidarity with girls with shitty fucking hair for the next year and a half at least. mousy brown girls rise up
No. 449619
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>>447336My hair is also pin straight and that happens if im not putting conditioner in that area, with moisturizing products start very small, like the size of a corn kernel, im prone to dandruff and oiliness so i also dilute my conditioner with water using my hand like a cup before applying, im currently using picrel.
No. 452250
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>>4522262 step protein treatment from sally's. ask them there its 2 diff bottles you buy together and its kinda pricey but very worth it. read ALL OF THE DIRECTIONS when you do it. also if you have hard water try doing one of those malibu cpr things that removes mineral build-up like a week or two before you do the protein treatment. and no more keratin.
this is just what works for me personally but i have thinner irish type curly hair but a lot of it. idk about porosity i think that shits mostly made up tbh
No. 452309
>>371760Light chestnut.
If you want someone to color your hair that way save the image and show it to a reputable cosmetologist
>t. licensed but non reputable cosmetologist due to severe autism No. 452312
>>449597if you are gonna grow out your roots I'd recommend not going full cold turkey because it will drive you insane.
Get lowlights color matched to your roots. If your hair is like the red then you won't need anything that lifts the hair (which is where the damaged is caused) and you wont have that harsh line of demarcation between natural and colored hair that will drive you insane.
This way you will be able to maintain your length while growing out your natural color
>t. licensed but non reputable cosmetologist due to severe autism No. 452503
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How do i make my hair look as thin as possible? I'm serious about this btw, my hair is coarse and wavy and i just wanna fucking die, i'm so tired of how it gets poofy like a lions mane after i lay down for a few minutes or i go out and it's windy. Looking like i crawled out of a portal from the 80s
>>442882Go for it, looks very cute
No. 452601
>>452526Companies have gone cheap and use shit/less ingredients now. They also change the ingredients constantly. It's not just you
>>452595Alright kek
No. 454360
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I have really long and thick hair with a dogshit wavy-frizzy uneven texture that requires me to heat-style to make it look decent. Both straightening and curling take me about 40 minutes, but I've recently discovered this thing and it's saved my life. I use it right out of the shower and it takes me around 15 minutes to fully dry and straighten.
No. 454406
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this style for both men and women needs to die NOW. it has been like 6 years of this and it's so ugly that seeing it in the wild feels like i'm taking health damage in a video game. please stop. please fucking stop. and why are half of them dyed a garbage juice green on unbleached brown hair. You have to stop. I feel like i'm looking at what winds up in the salon dust bin after a busy day at a dog groomer. It's so bad. Oh god it's so bad. I maintain a 20 foot radius from these people in the street so i don't have to overhear their phone conversation about polycule drama and who started the pubic lice epidemic in the queer housing block. This hair looks like wet dog smells. please please stop i can't take this anymore
No. 454517
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Stole from the media thread but what is this style called, I’ve googled curly vintage updo, curly vintage short and none of them look like this, they’re all too long or the curls are in the back of the head. It’s also in the thread pick but I can’t think of the name it’s driving me nuts.
No. 454520
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>>454518Also I did some more digging and the official name is called the poodle cut. I’d say look up 1950s poodle cut and you’ll find styles similar. I hope that helps. Pic related is Lucile Ball wearing one. I feel like they pin and curl their hair and also use rollers
No. 454599
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>>454567You mean a scrubbing brush or scrubbing gel? I use a silicone shampoo brush which is good at getting shampoo deeper into the hair and lift up any gunk. Glycolic acid also works well as a chemical exfoliant to clear up gunk
No. 456273
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>>429386Why mullets died ? They looked so cool…
No. 456289
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>>456277The only time I've seen a woman wear her hair like this, was in old movies.
No. 456296
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>>456289well this just looks awful and makes her look much older than she is but people wear mullets, not this exact style. Some wolfcut styles are mullets
picrel is a mullet and I see variations of these every time I go out
No. 456303
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>>456296picrel called "mod cut 2.0" is also popular in 2024 in eu
No. 456310
>>456301I don't "call" it a mullet. It is a mullet. Don't get me wrong, I think
>>456289 looks even worse kek
>>456302same, try leave in hair gel and vidrel
sorry for samefagging
No. 456582
>>453811Oh noo we're the same, I've been growing out henna for 7ish months only to reveal my hair has become like 30% grey, I feel like it makes me look so old.
>>454365It doesn't fade full stop, if you want to change for whatever reason you'll fry your hair to hell before you remove the orange or you'll have to grow it all out, henna isn't something you should start using unless you're very comfortable with the commitment.
No. 456917
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>>456911>Ever since I got a job though, I started shedding hair like crazythis looks like you are stressed out and have high cortisol which causes hair loss. You could also have other hormone imbalances like hypothyroidism. Check your blood. Start doing yoga it helps usually for that and other relaxation techniques done daily.
Supplements with biotin and MSM. Iron deficiency will also cause hair loss.
Caffeine based hair growth serums are good, but if you have nutritional deficiencies and hormone imbalances the hair that grows will be weak and break easily.
No. 456918
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>>456917Get a hair bonnet or a satin/silk pillowcase so the hair doesn't rub off and break when you're sleeping.
No. 457033
>>456917Ohh what kind of caffeine based hair growth serums do you reccomend? its the first time im hearing about this. My mother gifted me this anti DHT Pei Wei shampoo. It's been doing wonders for me
>>456918I recently incorporated this! I love it tbh.
No. 457049
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>>457033I use picrel but it's a Hungarian brand so I imagine it's not available everywhere. I know Kaminomoto is also really good and I only stopped using it because it's a bit on the expensive side. You can also microneedle your scalp to speed up hair growth.
No. 457065
>>456911I agree with
>>456917 - my hair was significantly affected by my iron deficiency that I didn't know about. After taking my prescribed course of iron, I had baby hairs growing back. I have continued to take very low doses of all of my diagnosed deficiencies.
For breakage, I recommend the K18 hair mask. It's expensive but it works. But you have to use it exactly as written on the bottle. The first time I used it I thought it didn't work but I was actually using too much, using conditioner with it, not using a clarifying shampoo first etc. I also sleep with my hair in a braid every night as the friction from your pillow can lead to breakage.
For hair fall and growth, I add rosemary oil to my shampoo and use a scalp massager with my shampoo. Afaik rosemary oil prevents hair fall. Scalp massager helps improve circulation in the scalp which helps with hair growth.
No. 463780
>>454509are you sure it's not your hot tools retaining odor?
>>453811See a stylist for their recommendations. Certain colors might fade more gracefully for less upkeep.
No. 473315
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>recently discovered heatless overnight curling methods
>now going crazy
Is anyone else kind of addicted to overnight styling? It gives my hair the most BEAUTIFUL look, I have multiple tools and I typically use them most nights. I especially love a smaller sized flexirod for some really ethereal old-timey waves like picrel. My hair's shorter so a bit more voluminous and the overnight styling tools will make me feel like a mermaid/beautiful maiden/stylish newsreporter business woman/1940's heartbreaker starlet depending on the method. I just wanted to sperg about this kek.
No. 473582
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>>473315I’m black so I almost always have to over night style otherwise my hair will shrink to my scalp in my sleep kek. I do braids or twists and cocoon curl the ends like pic related . The more I do it the bigger my hair gets throughout the week until it’s time for my wash day. but it takes hours rip so I just let it shrink. I recommend cocoon curls especially if you have natural hair because it protects your ends and makes your curls/coils more uniform during take down. I find when I simply braid/twist my hair without cocooning it my ends look pointy and I feel like chuckie finster kek.
No. 473638
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I started losing hair years ago and it thinned to the point I had to get a buzz cut to stop myself obsessing over it. Even now if it grows close to 1cm I just stare at my hairline and mourn how thin and see-through it is.
Idk whether it's androgenic alopecia or something else. My scalp feels dry and I get dandruff super easy. It SHEDS whenever I use my clippers to shave everything down. In addition, once when I went to the hairdresser's to get my hair buzzed she said something about my scalp feeling a little different and recommended to go see a derm to check for psoriasis.
I feel so shitty even after all these years. I used to have such thick hair. I can't afford to see a dermatologist but I should go to get confirmation that it's not going to get better anymore. I would get closure at least.
No. 473848
>>473582This feels like a sign from God as I've been wanting to take better care of my hair but hadn't decided where to start. My scalp is very sensitive and I've got some kind of comb phobia so I need to get used to regular hair care. Picrel is very cute and I like the idea of my afro getting bigger and bigger kek.
>but it takes hours rip so I just let it shrinkDo you mean there's a way to prevent shrinkage during the wash that you skip because it's too time consuming?
No. 473927
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>>473848You should invest in good detangling products and maybe an unbrush if you are tender headed when it comes to combing. Wide tooth combs are our friends. And only brush from the bottom up. I know people ripped through our Afros growing up so I get the phobia as an adult smh lol. I have 4b/4c hair that is high porosity so it shrinks after a while no matter what I do if just left out in a bonnet. I normally do the braid out on wash day but because it’s when my hair soaks up the most water
it makes my hair day 1 hair sucks always. So I have to do it 2-3x throughout the week to get the volume I want. You can even try the banding method which is less harsh on your hair than rebraiding/twisting. Braids outs give the most elongation and definition but twist outs are faster and less harsh on your hair. Once you have a routine down caring for your hair will be easy. Wash day is the most annoying but most important part and if you treat it like a spa day it’s not bad. The more you take care of your hair and wash it the easier it is to manage.
I also only use a comb/brush on wash day and finger detangle throughout the week so it’s less abrasive. My biggest recommendation is if you have type 4 hair is to use grease as a sealant. I have scalp issues and grease is the only thing that stopped it. Do not fall for that no oils and butters myth. It will destroy your hair. Trust me. Beware of the Mielle brand and always read the ingredients list. Mielle gave me locs personally and I have beef with them
Kek. Our hair needs waters, oils, butters,
and moisturizing creams to thrive. Find which one your hair soaks up the best and stick with it. Imo Afros are a plant not hair kek. I hope this helps and good luck on your hair journey.
No. 474838
>>388756I also have type 1a hair and it’s right below my breasts length. I’m planning on trying to achieve terminal length to see where I am genetically.
Problem with 1A hair is that it’s fragile and I basically live in a dusty dirty desert, it’s so freaking dry here. My hair hasn’t been as bad as it is now. It requires constant upkeep otherwise it’s as dry as straw and tangles easily. Usually it’s so smooth and sleek in other climates. Sigh. Living here has been the worst situation for my hair ever. I condition before and after shampooing and I also oil my ends, wash my hair once a week, and sleep on a silk pillow case. No blow drying. No heat styling.
My biggest problem area is the hair at the back / nape of my neck. That’s where all the tangles happen. It’s the area with the most split ends. I suspect it’s because sometimes that area gets loose from my bun when I shower and it accidentally gets washed with my body soap.
Any suggestions on how to have moist hair in a dry climate?
No. 474943
>>474838washing once a week means getting it wet once a week?
probably adding a mask treatment would help
No. 476766
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I hate my hair so much, I feel like there's no way to make it looks decent. My hair texture is similar to picrel, problem is that I always get frizz, and every time I use products to control it or make it look less full, my hair ends up feeling oily/dirty. Also, I want a haircut but I can't figure out what to ask for, would layers make it looks worse?
No. 478999
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I get a lot of frizz on the top of my head. I have middle part and it always looks frizzy as hell, but when I pull all my hair back (no middle part or side part) it looks 90% better. I still have some frizz but the difference is big.
No. 479542
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if theres any indian nonnies browsing this right now is this hair oil that good? i really want my hair to grow thicker and longer again
No. 479575
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curly hair and fuck it. this lady's hair looked every which way of frizzy and dry and undefined her entire run on the show and it looked good and normal and cool.
my shit will look however it looks and you will deal with it. I havent touched my straightener in 2 months and counting and maybe I'll have the courage to throw the whole thing away.
I used to be a straighten every day type and the mental jail I was in…!!!
No. 479825
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I have thick “Irish hair” that’s 1C through the top and 2C everywhere else, almost exactly like picrel. I have a low hairline as well, and this gives my hair this unfortunate wiglike quality, like it literally looks like I have a wig on when I do certain styles or wear a baseball cap.
Would getting a Brazilian blowout or a keratin treatment help with the wiggishness? I’m slightly afraid of losing my natural texture, but also my natural texture is a pain so idk.
No. 479836
>>479825you just described having awesome hair, and you want to fuck it up… sorry, not to be a bitch but why? the hair treatments are at least as much hassle as dealing with your hair and they are expensive and will leave your hair worse off if you stop. they promise they will fix all your problems but they don't. plus you would still look like you have a wig, just a different textured one.
you'd be better off experimenting with the best washing style for you, air drying, some rosemary hair oil or something similar.
No. 479848
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>>479825Anon stop. Your hair isn't wiggish and the natural texture is beautiful. I have Scottish hair which is even more textured and I only use picrel + air dry. Sometimes I'll blow it out and straighten and then just use an argan oil or something. Women crimp and braid/unbraid their hair to fake this texture/appearance, any time I've had treatments it's looked awful. If you change your mind, you'll have two different textures for years while it grows out
No. 479889
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>>479575I've always loved hair like that on others, however when mine is like that (90% of the time) I look like shit kek.
No. 479916
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> 2b hair
> Low porosity
> Inverted triangle or diamond face shape, I can't tell the difference
Any haircut recommendation?
No. 482223
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rrRRRREEEEEEEEEEE just had to return this POS because I found out there was a formulation change (no more amodimethicone). Anyone have a good amodimethicone based conditioner I can replace this with? Ideally, where the amodimethicone is the main ingredient? Might not matter too much but I may as well mention I have low-porosity curly hair.
No. 482241
>>480413>>479889that lady's
>>479575 hair looked objectively bad but somehow good at the same time. I do think it helps to look intentional in your clothes styling to offset the hair. she had a cute women's menswear thing going.
No. 483442
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Please help. I want La La Land Demi Lovato brown hair. What exact shade of brown would you call this? Are those are wispy bangs?
No. 483448
>>483442I think maybe dark, chestnut brown? Of course google to check if you think I'm right, but it looks/sounds right to me.
I don't think the bangs are wispy, those are blunt cut bangs. Wispy tends to be more see through than that, don't be shy to show whoever cuts your hair a picture of her bangs though for clarity.
No. 487995
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I’m really sorry if this is gross, but I can’t figure out if this is dry scalp or dandruff. I shook my hair vigorously and collected what came out and this was it. My hair and scalp are both dry and not itchy at all. I’ve been dealing with this for years and everything I try fails to help.
No. 494272
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How would one achieve a texture of hair like this? Mine is curly and thick, ringlets almost, which always seem to change depending on the day, and even when I straighten it, it maintains that thickness and fluffs out a bit at the ends. I had picrel hair when younger but can’t seem to achieve it naturally now. Should I get some extensions?
No. 495798
>>487995try some shampoo with zinc oxide. before you shampoo try oiling and massaging your scalp, any oil works, something like almond, rosemary, grapeseed, whatever you can find/afford, I like using a mix of 90% almond 10% tea tree, as long as it's a natural oil without silicones. while washing, exfoliate using a scalp brush with the zinc oxide shampoo and right afterwards use a hydrating shampoo, in smaller amount. make sure you soap your entire scalp the first time and actually clean it, the second wash will remove anything left. the oil should protect your scalp from actually drying out. if your hair gets dry, use some mask. do this 2-3 times a week and comb your hair from the scalp everyday. I dealt with flakes for years and a routine like that is the only thing that helps me, I have almost no flakes nowadays.
No. 497317
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I have to wear my hair up for work but I have quite thick and wavy Mediterranean type hair. I get constant and unrelenting flyaways like picrel but the fly away parts are more curly so it makes for an odd look. What would the solution be to this? I kind of hate the cast hair gel leaves but if there’s any good brands you guys recommend I’d entertain gel again lol
No. 497341
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>>497328I haven't tried hair wax before but I don't think so, it's like a liquid that dries clear. They come with mascara wand applicators like picrel.
No. 497764
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>How it feels to finally quit CGM after 10 years
Went back to sulfates and silicones recently and "magically" I no longer have a chronically itchy scalp or thinning brittle hair that refuses to grow. I feel like such a dumbass for not connecting the dots sooner and could cry from how much healthier and longer my hair's getting after just 6 months
No. 497814
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I have wavy/curly hair. It looks wavy most of the time, but when I use conditioner it curls more. Anyway, conditioner and styling products make my hair super greasy, and shampoos for wavy/curly hair make my scalp itchy, all for what? For curls that don't look good on me and I have to be refreshing daily? Yeah, hell no. I prefer to have frizzy waves that at least feel clean than oily curls.
No. 498054
>>497898I have low porosity hair that's prone to buildup so for years I was using all these products with heavy butters/oils and not properly removing them because I thought sulfates were bad for hair. It sounds crazy but every time I scratched my head my fingers were covered in gritty wax that smelled fruity like my products. Since I started using sulfate shampoo, the itching's gone. As for the thinning, there's actual thinning in the areas where I would get the most itchy (either from scratching or buildup), but the strands themselves had a thin appearance from product weighing down the hair. Also I rarely used protein thinking I was sensitive to it so I ended up with strands that would stretch like cheap cling wrap.
Now that I use sulfates and silicones, my hair is getting back to how it was before I started CGM: less frizz/tangles, fuller looking with less weigh-down, no itch, and finally growing back out. My new routine is just regular Garnier Fructis shampoo, a L'Oreal conditioner with amodimethicone (big thanks to
>>385188) and a Curlsmith custard gel
No. 500425
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How do I ask for this without sounding like a retard
No. 501852
>>425514Nona pls post more curtain bang tips/vids! I’m growing out my blunt bangs to get curtain bangs.
Anyone know which curlers to use to get a cowlick volume with your curtain bangs?
No. 505662
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I recently got curtain bangs and my hair looks similar to picrel. I think it makes my hair look a bit more interesting and I love the bangs but my hair is the type to just naturally get oily as fuck 1 day after washing. It doesn't matter if I "train" my hair or what products I use, I've always had very oily hair since I was a child.
How the fuck do I manage having bangs with oily hair? Am I going to have to rely on dry shampoo or wash my bangs every morning or something? I hate slick hairstyles too so it's not like I can just scrape it into a slick bun most days, I think it looks bad on me. Are there also any alternatives for dry shampoo? I live in the UK and there's plenty of it here but it's not exactly cheap.
No. 505686
>>505662Many people need to wash their bangs daily given they’re close to skin.
Batisse dry shampoo is pretty great - there’s like a billion scents.. R&CO if you’re splurging.
No. 506912
>>506583I got 1A fine hair with high density (type III). I’m not exactly sure what hair type Velcro rollers would fit, I’ve heard curly hair sucks with it too. I was thinking of using them on my BF because he’s got thick coarse wavy short hair. I’ll still use the rollers for my bangs but damn I really paid $15 to fuck up my hair kek.
I really really really REALLY wanna curl my hair but I don’t want to go through another hair disaster again. What type of hair rollers should I get for long, very fine, straight high density hair prone to tangling itself because there’s too many strands? Are cozy curlers good? Sock curls with knee high socks instead of ankles? (These worked for me so far). Foam rollers? The TikTok sausage headband thing?
No. 509821
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I've been letting my hair grow after 2-3 years of decorations, short styles, and dye jobs with both natural and fantasy colors.
Any tips of how to promote healthy growth?
Picrel is a current length' reference.
No. 510103
>>507538Flexi rods destroy my hair with the plastic bits at the ends. I’ve seen a girl cover them in socks before rolling them up so I’ll try that. My hair is very fine and sleek and never holds a curl anyway so Idek why I bother (still nice for 2-3 h anyhow)
>>509124I’ve been doing that! Didn’t need a hair cut. Took me a while to chop off my split ends. I’ve saved my hair and am hoping for hip length before I get a trim again.
>>509821Exfoliate your scalp if greasy and prone to dandruff. Use a dandruff shampoo. You really want to focus your scalp to grow the next lengths of healthy hair.
Your hair is not long enough so you don’t need to oil the ends or use moisturizing masks yet (and imo is a waste on already damaged ends). I’d do that once it hits bra strap length. But if you are planning on keeping the dyed hair as long as possible I’d get conditioner that says damage rescue or strengthening split ends.
Don’t shower with extremely hot water, lukewarm is the hottest temperature you should go. What length are you aiming for? Tbh I’d probably chop off the dyed bits once it grows out because dyed hair’s structure is already damaged from the chemicals.
No. 512549
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working through my next fucking hair challenge: water hardness.
apparently where I live, the water is super hard. normally my hair is 3a/3b. I'm currently in a place with soft water and now my hair is fluffy 2b-3a mess. normally my hair doesn't like to keep straight and I need a long time with a flat iron, but now the curls just fall out and I can straighten so fast with a blow dryer. Crazy.
it's basically like my childhood hair texture (it curled more and got a bit coarse after puberty). now it's just soft and a mess. and apparently all my products are too much and I risk over conditioning it. What the hell!
has anyone ever dealt with this, and should I look into a water filter for my shower? I could apparently save on product with softer water. but at the same time, now it's a new texture I'd have to learn to deal with