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No. 369903

A thread for discussing hair care, hair problems, hair styles, and hair product recommendations.

Previous threads:

No. 370033

What do you guys think of triple barrel hair wavers? I know they're just hair crimpers but how do they compare to just using a curling iron?

No. 370663

Wish I could wear retro fashion without coming off as weird

No. 370672

You're just not based enough for it.

No. 371196

Boar bristle brush PSA: pretty much all of the cheap, widely available brushes, even the ones advertised as having "100% boar bristles" actually have mostly nylon bristles cut to resemble boar bristles, with only a small amount of real boar. I suspect it's because nylon is cheaper and bristles made of it do a better job of detangling hair than ones made of boar (if it feels more like you're grooming a horse's mane than pulling something rigid through your hair, then you probably have the genuine article). Cheap boar bristle brushes also have terrible build quality and shed a lot, so you really have to read reviews and be willing to pay more to not get scammed if 100% boar is what you want. It's like that here in burgerland, not sure about other places.

No. 371210

is it possible to further lighten hair I already darkened? I had a faded red color then dyed it black. I’ve washed it and it’s been a couple months now and it’s lightened but I want it to be even lighter without bleaching it. Do I just keep washing more often? Use purple shampoo? How do I get more of the black dye out?

No. 371213

Next time i cut my hair i want to try this for fun, i felt like a kid watching "science experiments" when i saw this video, the woman in it seems so chill and nice so i want to check her other videos too in the future
>inb4 promo
i'm just shy about the fact that i watch cosmetics/aesthetics stuff to talk about it with friends, but i still wanted to share this

No. 371225

Have you tried color oops?

No. 371312

No. Does it work on hair that’s been dyed for months?

No. 371352

As long as its not semi permanent hair dye or plant dyes color remover should work

No. 371379

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So I really want to dye my hair but I've gotten stuck on whether I want a flattering color or something funky regardless of being flattering. I have light medium skin, with olive yellow undertones. I kinda look sickly green a lot of the time. My natural hair is deep dark brown and I have brown eyes. I was thinking of something lie pic rel but it would probably make me look even more sallow. In the past, I had jet black hair that looked harsh and awful. Literally drained all of the color from my face. Green, magenta and purple were my best colors imo.

No. 371382

Also to add I had warm burgundy hair and a brighter, wine burgundy color before and the wine shade really washed me out.

No. 371385

I'd stick with flattering. I have olive undertones too and I've noticed wearing the wrong colors can make me look extremely sick rather than just being kinda 'meh'. It's such a tricky undertone to get right and it kinda sucks the joy out of doing something funky when it makes you look awful kek. Maybe try pink or purple hair?

No. 371390

Yeah, you describe it perfectly. Off colors don't just look bad, it goes straight to jaundiced. I never used to care, and I've had all of the colors of the rainbow but I think I want to look healthy for once kek. Pink and purple are good ideas, but I don't want to bleach my hair. It's finally long and somewhat healthy.

No. 371408

it should, it’ll turn to a red color. It smells very bad though.

No. 371594

Try using one of the hair color filters in apps. I was gonna go blond but figured dark brown looked better using those softwares and went with brown instead. You can't guess how it looks unless you can photoshop a color or try a wig and even then it's hard to get that exact tone with dye.

No. 371760

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What hair color is this?

No. 371762

No. 371766

Strawberry blonde or copper, hard to tell with the lighting

No. 371794

Sageblog but I dye my hair with that color. It doesn't get brighter like that, but it gives you a cool cooper reddish brown. I have your same skin tone, except I don't look sickly green.

I would use an app to change your hair color, but remember that the color changes with natural or artificial color, so the result might vary in that sense as well.

Good luck.

No. 371803

Warm hazelnut blond

No. 371837

anyone ever gotten their hair straight permed before? i just got it done and idk if i like it (i had curly hair before)

No. 371842

I did a keratin treatment before, if that counts. The results were lovely but it didn't last long.

No. 371917

I have fairly curly haor I have been working on (for years) keeping healthy and growing it out. Its in pretty good shape. I flat ironed it for the first time in maybe 2 years the other day, because I botched my at home layers trim and wanted to even it out which is easier on straight hair. Fixed the layers and had long straight hair for a couple days. I washed it and then used a deep conditioner. But after washing and conditioning it, it dries with straight ends. Ive never had this happen before, and I used to straighten my hair quite frequently in a past life. It doesnt seem damaged,no splits or weakness. Washed it again and same thing! What is happening? Like someone used a curling iron but left the last 6 inches out of the iron so it's straight.

No. 372365

My scalp is CONSTANTLY itchy. I can’t take it anymore. I’ll scratch until my scalp bleeds.
Only washing it fixes it but I can’t wash it that often. It’s thick and curly so it becomes like sticks if I wash it more than twice a week.

I’ve tried changing shampoos, idk what to do. I do get dandruff but it’s not that bad, I think it’s a normal amount. I think the itching started around a year ago?

Has anyone had this problem? What can I do?

No. 372369

I have an itchy scalp and the only thing that's been able to reduce the itching is using clarifying shampoos with tea tree oil. Ngl, it's extremely drying and it's kind of tough to find one that isn't drying. Any kind of antifungal should help, but i've also heard that shampoos with salicylic acid can help too.

No. 372370

Not the same nona but my scalp itches like fuck after using shampoo bars for six months.

I use anti-psoriasis shampoo, but is there any permanent fix? I used to be able to go without washing my hair for a week if I could get away with it (I do not do this anymore), but now I have to wash every other day!

No. 372389

lame answer but you could consider seeing a dermatologist, if it's that severe you might have a skin condition that would need medical help. There are several issues that can cause intense itching and they'd benefit most from prescription products rather than cosmetic/OTC products

No. 372411


I second with>>372389. Everyone else has good recommendations but don't try a bunch of random things on your scalp if it might actually be something requiring medication.

I have seborrheic dermatitis and it took me forever to recognize what it was. My face usually has small patches so I never thought it could get worse than that. During a really intense stressful time of my life I had an intense sb breakout and all of a sudden my scalp was the same. It scabbed and itched like fucking crazy, it was also embarrassing shedding everywhere. I tried so many products and absolutely nothing help and some just made it worse. I'm not entirely sure what helped my scalp return to normal but a pharmacist gave me steroid cream for my face and after 2 weeks of using it my scalp seemed to clear too. SB is a fungal thing technically, so maybe my face was a trigger. See a dermatologist!!

No. 372416

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I shampoo my hair twice a session, 3 times a week and while it's shampooed I use a wide teeth comb like picrel to scratch my scalp. I had the same problem and replacing just using my fingers with combs helped me a lot especially when I wash it twice. Don't comb your hair or anything, mine gets super tangled when I comb it while shampooed, but I stick this in my hair and scratch my scalp, take it out and move it to the next part and so on. This got rid of the itch completely for me. Hope this helps, sorry if this was common knowledge that everyone does.

No. 372426

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My hair looks like this in color and appearance. It's very straight, I have to wash it twice a week. What hairstyle should I get? This one I have right now looks so ugly, I wanna change it

No. 372428

My face shape is oval btw

No. 372453

Get a shampoo with ketoconazole from the pharmacy. I think it's called Oronazol in Europe and Nizoral in the US. Follow the instructions and don't over use it. It's an antifungal and anti dandruff. I had the same issue as you and it's the only thing that has ever worked for me.

No. 372454

I always wonder how people get this kind of hair. No frizz. Do you have to style it or use products?

No. 372499

It's styling, products and straightening (probably chemical).

No. 372501

I now have too many early onset white hairs to ignore and decided to dye my hair. I won’t go lighter because I’m still recovering from years of bleach damage. I could do something as close as possible as my real hair colour (ashy medium brown) but I feel like that’s not the most flattering for me. However I’ve got no idea what would suit me and quizzes and apps all suck. Please help an idiot out with some recommendations (pale skin, neutral undertones, dark hazel eyes).

No. 372531

Any specifics on what you don't like about it? You can consider getting some layers cut in, getting bangs, or getting highlights to make the color more multidimensional.
some people just have straight hair too, I don't use any special products and mine naturally hangs directly down. It can look limp or flat like that, I sleep with my hair rolled in a bun so it gets some subtle waves during the day.

No. 372632

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Is split dyed hair hard to maintain?

No. 372647

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Any ideas on how to modernise hair that has this kind of texture and colour, but not as puffy. I feel as though it makes me look old and retarded.
Tried doing the no poo method in hopes that it would get rid of the frizz, but it just made it look oily and gave me ringlet curls (another autistic look that I don't want).

No. 372657

Depends. If one side is light and the other is a color prone to bleeding (like some pinks or reds can be awful for that) it's hard to keep them seperate, but if you check the reviews of the dye you're using before hand it should be okay.

No. 372670

Good to know.

I my self have bleached blonde hair to begin with and I'm thinking about dyeing half of it black or brown, so I guess that wouldn't be too tough to maintain?

No. 372929

What haircut should I get if I want to look more mature/hide my babyface? I have a big forehead and full cheeks. I can't get bangs because my face is already pretty short and bangs just shortens it even more.

No. 372935

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I have the same kind of issue kek I have a super long butterfly cut now but I used to swear by my Scully season 3-4 bob cut. It worked really well for my very rounded heart shaped face and works nicely for true round as well imo. It blows out gorgeous but looks nice natural texture too if you’re wavy/curly! I had it this length and also a few inches longer than this in this style. Am actually considering going back bc it’s so nice and also very easy. Always looks chic.

No. 373176


Nonna, box black is so hard to get out. Please go with a brown first before a black, if you change your mind you can dye over it with another color (red, purple) to refresh it but you're stuck with black for years, BUT ymmv.

No. 373223

what kind of products? I tried three products this far and none of them worked for me.

No. 373430

I just got this, will see how it works. I also got a shower filter because the water is very hard where I live and this started when I moved place. If it doesn’t fix it I’ll go to the derm. My mom gave me some steroid cream for another issue right on my hairline which fixed it immediately and it hasn’t come back (and nothing else worked for weeks). So I can try that too

No. 373450

I would be careful with steroids. Only use them if a doctor prescribes and even then be extra careful Steroid dependency and the aftermath is horrible. Good luck with ketoconazole! It took a few weeks to fix my dandruff and keep itchiness at bay. It completely fixed my scalp over the course of a couple of years.

No. 373597

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Apologies for potential a-log.
Nonnas, please tell me if there is a way to fix this male baldness pattern type of shit.
I had this type of empty space since forever, which is inherited from my father. At least he still has hair in his 50's and last year got his first grey hair so I don't worry as much for now.
I fucking hate my hair to the point of wanting to go bald but oh wait, this shit string grows at the speed of a snail so I will look like an oompa loompa for the next 3 - 5 years. And I got the worst of all worlds - curly, frizzy, fine and almost non-existent volume hair. I met more grandmas with healthier hair than mine and I'm 24 for fuck's sake, my hair looks like a fucking broom with no shape.
I tried castor and rosemary oil everytime I'm about to wash my hair to see almost no results for almost a year. Doesn't help that my iron levels are fine when I do the treatment for a month and afterwards it goes back to abysmal levels.
Is kms a good solution kek?

No. 373598

Do you wear a lot of ponytails?

No. 373599

I don't and last time I dyed my hair was in September 2022 with some semipermanent stuff. I also hate that I was too cautious with coloring my hair, only for it to be just as horrible.

No. 373600

Anon, do you have PCOS? Cause this sounds like a hormonal thing. Taking antiandrogens medicine helped me a lot in that regard.

No. 373606

I was suspecting that, but the doctors I went to told me that I can't have such issues because my periods are regular so no treatment for me in that regard, unless I smuggle something from the pharmacy kek.

No. 373607

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I'm cursed with AGA myself, if your hairline looks like the left it looks great, I'd kill for mine to look like that, it looks similar to picrel ob both sides now and it's not slowing down
how old are you? my honest advice is to go to a good endocrinologist, get ALL the hormonal shit tested, androgens, DHT, thyroid hormones, iron, vit D and if the doc confirms it's AGA your best bet is going to be spiro+minox especially. If it's PCOS it won't nearly as bad as with AGA.
for myself idk if there's anything I can do to undo the damage, I just want my hair not to fall so much and for that fucking pattern to not advance more. I'm mid 30s and the hairloss skyrocketed in the last 3 years, my hairline wasn't that bad in 2019 and I still had a lot of hair.
go to another doc, my endocrinologist specifically told me you can have regular periods, hell, your ovaries can even look fine (no cysts) but your body can still act like you have PCOS, you need to take some blood tests
best case scenario is u only got some vitamin deficiencies/gut issues that can be fixed via diet/supplements

No. 373611

I have this and whenever I use bioxcin or other hair loss shampoos it lessens and gets worse whenever I'm off them and I'm stressed. Idk why it happens, I don't have any other hormonal stuff and all my blood tests are ok. Maybe it's just genetic. You can try minoxidil like >>373607 said if yours isn't caused by a health issue

No. 373614

I had way worse hair falling at ages 7 - 10 so idk what it is at this point. I remember it being from stress and calcium deficiency. When I was 14 - 16 I used to fry my hair since I hated my curls and that's when my hair was slightly healthy so this frying contributed to it but it's been around 7 years since I touched a hair straightener.
>go to another doc
I have been to 4 docs in the past year and they all told me "welcome to women's world" when I told them about my severe period pain (all women btw). They rarely give birth control or other hormonal treatments and they generally steer away from giving hormonal medicine to unmarried and childless women in my country.

No. 373647

Ntayrt but I am having that hairline as the pic you posted, although there is still some hair on the sides it will be a matter of time before it progresses to that state. I am trying to do something about it but it's difficult to see a specialist where I'm from (Canada). For now I am on topical minoxidil but it's not doing much.

No. 373648

If its always been like that, thats just your hairline, and nothing short of hair transplant will change that. Welcome to the fucked up hairline club sis, learn to love a middle part.

No. 373659

Yeah I’ve read a lot about that, not gonna risk it, the eczema like shit on my face wasn’t going away tho so it was worth it considering it didn’t come back.

No. 373663

Ayrt, and the doctors you went are literally bullshitting you. I fucking hate how dismissive they are of women's health. I had to go to many, many doctors before one would take me seriously. blog but one time one doctor even laughed at me saying they could tell I had PCOS because I was full of acne and body hair. Never went back
My periods are regular 90% of the time (and when they aren't, it's because of external stuff like meds) and I am a poster child for PCOS. If you can, get a better doctor. Many doctors, especially older ones, think PCOS is a womb-only thing, when it's actually a metabolic syndrome. Exactly what this anon said >>373607

I wish more people used the Stein-Leventhal Syndrome name for PCOS because then it's not misleading as if it's a uterus thing only, it affects your whole body.

No. 373783

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where can I get a pair of black clip in bangs? I'd like for them to be thick and straight, like the bangs the girl in the pic has. synthetic hair is fine as well. most the ones I find when searching seem to be too thin to achieve this look.

No. 373866

I want too fucking DIE when I see 50+ yr old women with a full head of hair, it's so unfair it makes me cry.

>I have been to 4 docs in the past year and they all told me "welcome to women's world" when I told them about my severe period pain (all women btw).
jfc I never realized how lucky I was that the docs I've been to were decent and actually took time to explain me shit, I'm so sorry to hear that,it fucking sucks, to me it was the opposite: my derm tried to put be on b/c when I was 21 but I declined
can't you pay out of pocket and have labs done? It's possible here and quite cheap (eastern europe) but I know it can be hell for USA/Canada anons
both those hairlines are normal and there is NOTHING wrong with them
Seconding ketoconazole, I had folliculitis and it was the only thing that kept it at bay until I got to a derm
it fucks up your entire body,brain and mood, it SUCKS
I'd recommend japanese brands since I know the quality is good

No. 374018

>my derm tried to put be on b/c when I was 21
One doc I went to long ago tried to put me on b/c at 12, but I thank my mom for declining it since my retarded ass would take the b/c kek. Those 4 docs I mentioned did explain me shit, but it was a more of "well, it's normal, deal with it and suck it up" type of thing.

No. 374026

You might have pcos if they tried to put you on bc. I hope you didn't refuse treatment because pcos can cause insuline resistance and diabetes if left untreated.

No. 374035

BC wouldn't have treated the PCOS though, it'd just make symptoms like acne more manageable. PCOS is a metabolic disorder.

No. 374075

this was more than 10 years ago, I was rec'd because of acne, took for few days, felt like absolute shit than threw them away, not to mention it gave me some cysts in that short span of time
I have PCOS without the cysts, the acne thankfully went away on its own about 1-1.5 years later, I was really lucky.
I really don't want to take b/c unless as last resort for AGA.

No. 374146

Has anyone here experienced hair loss at the center area of the hairline?
My hair is very long and it's always been thick and voluminous, except over the past year or so I've noticed that it's been thinning specifically in the area right at the center front of my hair. It's only really noticeable when my hair is tied back, there's just way more of my scalp visible there than there used to be. I kind of ignored it up until my friend mentioned it and told me she noticed that my hair in the front and up top had become a lot thinner.
The thing is, I'm in my mid 20s, healthy weight, varied diet, not particularly more stressed than a few years back and no hormonal birth control or irregularities that I know of. Hair loss doesn't run in my family at all. I wear my hair down most of the time so I don't think it could be traction alopecia or anything either. I never dyed it or used heat on it. My friend recommended a dermatologist who helped her but that's going to cost me way more money than I can spend right now, and Google isn't helping much so I'm hoping to get some nonnas perspective.

No. 375610

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i want to dye my hair blue or something crazy like that, but i'm afraid it'll get all over my nice baseball caps, like it does with towels.

No. 375624

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I'm the OP. My hair is like this naturally. I only use shampoo and conditioner (sometimes). It's straight and whenever I finish a shower I brush it so it won't get tangled. It's a LITTLE bit frizzy, only at the top. But it's not that noticable. It used to be curlier when I was younger but around puberty it changed shape, same happened with my sisters. I use picrel.
It looks good the first days but it can look flat sometimes. I'd like it to be a bit more wavy. Do you have any more advice to make it wavy aside from using a flat iron? I'll use your advice with the bun. Also I'm not sure what hairstyle I want. I'm thinking of getting curtain bags. And thanks for the suggestions!

No. 375628

Yes, that’s female pattern baldness. It will progress unless you’re one of the lucky majority that responds to treatment. First line treatment is a prescription for spironolactone and over the counter minoxidil liquid or foam. You should start now because it will only get worse the longer you wait.

No. 375648

>You should start now because it will only get worse the longer you wait.
Can confirm. I wish I took my hairloss more seriously 5 years ago when I started noticing it instead of trying to "deny" it for so long.

No. 375706

Any tips for hair that tangles easily? I have a lot of hair even if it's very thin and it's kinda annoying how even a gentle breeze can tangle it.
Sorry if it's a retarded question but i don't know a lot about these things and i don't trust guides or that sort of stuff because they seem like useless promos.
I have very straight hair that goes past my back, maybe the lenght is what troubles it too, but i like it

No. 375710

The length is the biggest contributor, I can't keep my hair that long and tangle free even with products/regular trims/no damage. Best thing for detangling are sprays imo, something like Revlon Uniq Ten in One treatment, Schwarzkopf BonaCure Mosture Kick or L'oreal Elvive Detangler.

No. 375735

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I have long hair like yours and when I get my hair tangled I try to brush it with picrel with a wide tooth comb to then use my hair brush, from the tangle to the tip, slowly and trying to not pressing hard. When the tangle is gone, I use a scrunchie to keep my hair in order.

Hope that helps.

No. 375736

This is also a good technique.

No. 375772

Nonnies does anyone have any experience with the Dyson Airstrait? I bought it because I like my hair straight (it’s naturally kinda straight but I have a lot of it and has a lot of volume and I don’t like that) and was drawn in by the idea of straightening with minimal damage. it’s max temperature is 140C (285F). I have a week or so to return it and while im very happy with the results im still super paranoid about heat damage (i do use good heat protectants though) would my hair get really damaged if i used it at 110C (230F) ~3 times a week? Not every week though

No. 375974

I dyed my hair black can I make it go back to brown?

No. 375975

If you used permanent dye, get Color Oops or any of the similar color removers on the market. It works really well, but you absolutely have to rub it thoroughly into your hair and rinse while rubbing for at least 30 minutes. It reverses the dyeing process but the dye molecules are removed by mechanical agitation. Meaning - follow the instructions and really rinse the shit out of your hair.

No. 375987

I know some people will probably say not to or say it doesn't work but when I was in high school I used box black hair dye and hated it lol. The method I used was crushing vitamin c tablets and mixing it with head and shoulders shampoo and then I would sit out in the sun for an hour. I did this once a week for a month and it lightened from black to a darkish burgundy color (?) not sure why cause I never previously dyed it but it was something at least.

No. 376006

This is very drying and damaging to hair, while color removers don't use any ingredients that are actually lightening/bleaching.

No. 376020

Your hair turned red because you bleached it. The dye you used was probably a purple based black.

No. 376034

Meh…I didn't notice any damage at the time, my hair is super thick and curly and back then I straightened twice a week.

My hair wasn't bleached or dyed before using the black box dye but my hair is a dark blonde color if that could be the case

No. 376100

Nonna…vitamin c (l-ascorbic acid) and sunlight is the bleach I'm talking about.

No. 376112

I see the nonnies above were talking about female pattern baldness but has anyone had experience with stress-induced hair loss/telogen effluvium? I lost 5.5kg between mid-september and december and noticed about a month ago my hair was falling out A LOT, and its now really thin all throughout especially my temples+hairline. Does anyone know how long until the shedding stops?

No. 376119

Are you sure your weight loss didn't mess with your nutrition, hormones or thyroid?

No. 376151

>I'd recommend japanese brands
sorry late reply but would you mind suggesting a few brands or some sites where I can buy japanese brands? aside from etsy and amazon I'm not even sure where else I should be looking

No. 376163

am i supposed to air dry or blow dry for best results with a volumizing spray on damp hair?

No. 376216

Kek okay sorry for my retardedness

No. 376761

Another thinning receding hairline anon checking in. My hair has always been frizzy and brittle, I could live with that but I'm in my 30's now and the thinning has made it look absolutely hideous. I can't use minoxidil since I can only find it in ethanol where I live, and while it worked really well for hair growth, it eventually irritated my scalp to a degree where it looked like psoriasis and obviously undid all the progress. Hormones are all normal, it could be low iron since my ferritin is on the lower end but honestly I'm not sure I have a lot of hope of fixing it.

Anyway, I use volumizing mousse and hair fibers, and shade my scalp a bit which works alright. I keep my hair pretty short so it'll at least fluff up. I was wondering though if you guys know any ways to style slightly longer hair that might work instead of just accepting a grandma cut forever? I think stuff like braid crowns could look pretty nice with my face shape, I have a wide jaw too (fml) so to balance it out I want to keep most of the volume above my ears if that makes sense. But my temples honestly look so bald, I don't know how to make it work or what other styles could be worth trying. Pls post any styling advice you have nonnas I'm desperate.

No. 376774

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I have thick bangs that have randomly been really prone to being greasy for the past year and if I shower in the morning it becomes greasy in the evening. No shampoo and conditioner helps here in the states and I saw that Asian hair care is good quality. I believe I'm going to try ichikami oil control shampoo unless a nonna has better suggestions. My hair is very straight with ever so slightly waves. As well as I believe it's coming from my scalp since it's most greasy there then what touches my forehead.

No. 376811

Do you use dry shampoo before it gets greasy? It's a big help

No. 377339

I'm going to wash my hair and do the ACV rinse after applying the following oils and leaving it to rest for 1h:
Will my hair smell weird after washing it? We'll find out soon! Seriously, I hope these worked well, I'm not using them for perfume because they smell vile for some reason. I read they were all good for treating hair so I gave it a go just to not throw them into the trash. Do nonas use any specific oils in their hair that aren't olive, cocnut or shea butter? I'm not fond of almond oil for this purpose for example.

No. 377565

How did your hair turn out nonna? I´m using store bought oils, one from Fable & Mane and one from Yves Rocher (eurofags probably know).
I finally tried the porosity water glass test today but I´m not sure? At first the hair stayed on the surface for probabyl 5 minutes until I pushed it under the surface and then it very slowly sunk. So is it low or high porosity kek I have no curls btw.

No. 377707

Pick an oil based on your hair type. My hair is super thin and fine and using olive, coconut or shea makes my hair super greasy and brittle, so I stick to thin oils like jojoba or argan. If you've got thicker, dry hair, then go for thicker oils. Imo doing a regular oil treatment that suits your hair is the most important thing, mixing different oils won't change your results too much but it can be fun to make your little concoction.
The porosity water test is not reliable. Go from your own experience : if your hair takes a lot of time to dry, to get fully wet, and doesn't seem to take moisture in easily, it's probably low po. If you're the opposite, and your hair tend to absorb moisture, but then gets frizzy and dry after some time, you may be high po. If you've bleached your hair, treat it as high po too. There's also medium porosity which is normal, balanced hair, so maybe you don't even have to ask yourself that question. Also be careful of yves rocher oils, they're advertised as jojoba, argan, etc., but they're all mostly scented sunflower seed oil. You'd better go with a 100% pure oil that you can find in a pharmacy, some are not even that expensive, or if you're broke just buy sunflower oil at the supermarket but don't get scammed

No. 377993

This may be a retarded question but is there any way to preserve curly hair overnight? I’ve just gotten started with curly hair and I take aprox 20 minutes to deal with it plus air drying, which is hours long. I wish I could do this at night and have my hair be beautiful in the morning but it wakes up like a mess.

No. 378012

I find sleeping in a silk bonnet helps with frizziness, and in the morning I'll spray some water/leave in conditioner mix to refresh it. But honestly I've just started planning my washes on the mornings I want my hair to look the best kek. Maybe try blow dryer with diffuser to cut down on drying time?

No. 378060

The human head weighs about 10 pounds. Unfortunately for us curly hair nonas we're stuck with perpetual hinderings to our hair when we sleep. I use a silk bonnet like the nona above me mentioned but it doesn't completely save your curls. You will need to wet your hair a little bit and refresh the curls. Much less time consuming though.

No. 380171

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I was just gifted this, does anyone have any good video demonstrations and/or product reccos?
This is my first endeavor into haircare and styling.

No. 380280

Any nonnies have suggestions for good hairstyles when you have to wear glasses? I’m starting to feel dated with my side part and straightening my hair but I was told that bangs + glasses can be an overkill combo. Though I could also go back to having a bob I guess.

No. 380337

What sort of shape are your glasses frames? My suggestions are dependent on the shape of the frames as well as the shape of your face.

No. 380346

Any anons here struggle with oily scalps? For context, I have straight Asian hair and my scalp are quite oily after a day of not washing my hair. My bangs and the top of my head tend to be super greasy, I've tried using shampoos for oily scalp and it does somewhat remedy the problem but overall the oiliness is still here. Do you guys have any solution to fix this problem?

No. 380388

It probably sounds obvious but have you tried using dry shampoo? I struggle with an oily scalp too and I have to wash it every other day unfortunately.

No. 380396

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Nonnas I just made and did a henna gloss mask for my natural ginger hair and it turned out SO GOOD?! All I did was add about 1/4 cup maybe 1/3 of a very basic organic conditioner (my hair is big n long) with a little dash of a nice leave-in treatment and left it on freshly washed, damp hair for 3 hours. I did a lil cheeky blowout and I could cry at the softness and shine. My hair is normally pretty coarse but it looks like a 90s hair product commercial rn. The color is really nice too, I bet it would be pretty as a color wash glaze over blonde hair.

No. 380415

Ive tried using dried shampoo a lil while ago but tbqh I don’t wanna rely on them too much

No. 381613

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I got a haircut that's similar to picrel; my problem is that I can't style it to save my life. It also turned out a little too short but I'll just suck it up and wear a cap until it grows out. What should I do to make it look nice once the length is where I'd like it to be? I know close to nothing about styling and the like; I do have a jar of styling clay, which the barber told me is a good way to get more texture.

No. 381618

I think just brushing it and leaving it to its nature is enough. But if you wanna go fancy, hair clips seem like a good option for this style if you have bangs, either put them on one side and clip them, or split them in half and clip each to one side. I think headbands and hair bandannas would look super cute on it as well, so would colorful and jewelryed up bobby pins.

No. 381619

I have really flat and straight hair, so I unfortunately can't just go the usual moid route and let it stay as it is when I get out of the shower. I should've mentioned that I'm masc and not a whole lot into accessorising beyond jewellery, though, whoops. I still really like your ideas, thank you!

No. 381625

No problem! I hope you find a style that fits you. Try googling images of pixie haircuts to see the different styling options.

No. 381626

Maybe let it grow out a bit and then get more of a textured cut and it might be easier to style. I dont have straight hair so I’m sorry if that’s something that doesn’t work kek
I have wavy hair and if I don’t get a textured cut, it just lays flat and lifeless. Getting it textured makes it easier to have that “effortless” style.

No. 381629

Got the same cut and am also masc most of the time. My hair at this length is also straight.
I just scrunch some curl gel in while it's specifically halfway dry and it gives it more body. Smells good too. Scrunching in mousse later when it's almost or fully dry I find gives it even more fluffiness. The label says to do it wet but this works for me.

No. 381632

I was thinking of extra texture or layers, good call.
That answers my question excellently, thank you. Do you comb it when blow-drying? I need to do that for my fringe anyway because of a cowlick.

No. 381720

I've been growing out my hair for 6 years and it's down to my hips, besides my bangs. I don't think it looks good because my hair isn't thick, but I also am worried about getting it cut and hating the result. I'm not sure what I could do to make it look better besides hair extensions for volume. I've tried layered cuts in the past but it's not great for my hair type since it's so fine and straight it kind of just makes my hair look damaged.

No. 383281

Update: After a few weeks of using this my hair feels sooo much more fluffier and soft it's insane. I leave the shampoo scrubbed in my hair for about 6-7 minutes and it lasts around 3-ish days plus washing my bangs in the sink before it gets noticeably greasy.My bangs get very voluminous plus with the nonna suggestion with dry shampoo it can last a 9-5. I heavily recommend if you're looking for a cheap but high quality option and have straight hair that's struggling with grease. It's Ichikami smoothing shampoo and conditioner 480 ml set costs around 24 us dollars.

No. 383293

After washing my hair, I stopped brushing it around two months ago. It's a common tip, but I always thought my hair needed to be brushed after showering. The hair is so much better, most times it's straight and soft. Before, it used to have days where it was a mess. I hope by continuing this I can grow my hair very long and not have as much breakage. I'm excited for it.

No. 383704

Can anyone recommend a dye that actually covers up grey hairs? I started getting my first grey hairs immediately after having a baby and it is starting to bother me. I tried some box dyes from Walgreens but they didn't actually cover up the grey hair at all (despite what the box says). Any advice?

No. 384341

My hair has developed some kind of sticky film on it and I'm bordering on panicking. It's been like this for a week, I woke up some day last week and my hair was sticky. I was really confused but I assumed I just didn't wash out the shampoo and conditioner enough so I tried to wash my hair extra good that night but when I ran my hand through or over top of my hair there was this rubbery sound, like a fucking tire. I was SO confused, there was like a film on my hair making it feel all rubbery. I spent like an hour in the shower before getting out because I gave up. The next morning it was okay, still not as soft as my hair used to be but I was just thankful it wasn't sticky to touch. But again in the shower it felt rubbery. Then I chalked it up to maybe it having to do something with my hair dryer, because coincidentally the day my hair was sticky was ths day I started to use a hair dryer to dry my hair instead of letting it air dry. I'm afraid to stop using the hair dryer because I'm afraid of my hair going back to the sticky state, it's as though drying my hair with heat combats it. I also really want my hair to go back to normal, though. What do I do?? I'll be thankful for any information on what's going on with my hair.

No. 384351

Try applying diluted vinegar, leaving it for like 5 minutes and then rinsing out. Might be hard water, that makes my hair waxy.

No. 384359

I'll try nona, thanks for the suggestion.

No. 384664

Well, I fell for the rosemary oil trend, at least it was cheap I guess.

No. 384673

Nonnies help I'm balding at my hairline, it looks so disgusting. You can even see it in pictures taken from far away, I'm going to the doctor soon but does anyone else have experience with this?

No. 384681

You need to go to an endocrinologist, maybe you have hormonal issues.

No. 384689

I didnt know it was being advertised as a hair growth option for people with alopecia, thats kind of weird to me because it seems like trying to scam people with a condition like that and i only ever heard rosemary makes your hair a bit shinier or something

No. 384698

I wish I knew. I've shed so much hair last year. I went on minoxidil again and fixed my iron deficiency and now I don't shed so much whenever I brush my hair. Don't know if it was the minoxidil or fixing my iron levels.

No. 384795

What features make someone look particularly bad as a blonde?

No. 384796

Almost everyone looks bad blonde, even natural blondes usually look better with a different color

No. 384797

The wrong shade, most commonly it’s cool toned women going for a warm golden or vice versa. Also weird and subjective anecdote but I find people with darker eyes look nicer with blonde hair.

No. 384801

I completely disagree. Light eyes are better for blonde hair. Dark eyes can appear beady with blonde hair. Maybe balayage could work.

No. 384804

I think my subconscious reasoning is that light eyes pop more with dark hair, and dark eyes take the focus with lighter hair. I’ve never thought they look beady with lighter hair, that sounds like more of a size related thing.

No. 384824

I accidently put too much castor oil on my scalp and now I have to wash my hair again

No. 385120

My hair is breaking off around my hairline and at the nape of my neck, now I just have random 10cm strands of hair around my face when I put it up. Is there a way to prevent this? My hair is healthy otherwise, never dyed and I don't use heat tools.

No. 385139

Maybe try sleeping with a silk scarf or bonnet every other night?

No. 385169

Is sulfate free shampoo really that bad? I feel like nothing else can really clean my scalp like sulfate-containing shampoo can.

No. 385188

If there's any other low porosity curlygirlies in here, I ABSOLUTELY MUST TELL YOU… amodimethicone is a FUCKING GOD SEND. My hair's seriously the softest and shiniest it's ever been, and any frizz I do get now is way more minimized than what I was getting before. Can't recommend it enough. I've also taken to putting argan oil in my hair every night and any time I have to slick back my hair into a bun, which also helps a ton.

No. 385189

Not sure if I'm misunderstanding your question, but I don't recall hearing anything bad about sulfate free shampoos besides them not cleaning that great. Sulfate shampoos on the other hand can be really stripping. I think it's best to find a shampoo that either doesn't contain a lot (lower on the ingredient list) or just limit your sulfate shampoo usage to maybe once every week/two weeks/month depending on how much build up you get.

No. 385191

Sulfates are totally fine if you don't have hair that's prone to being dry.

No. 385204

Check if your hair needs moisture or protein. Seconding >>385139 except I'd advise you to sleep with a bonnet or silk scarf every night until your hair goes back to normal.

No. 387702

Has anyone here ever gone to drybar? Or gotten a blowout? I don’t really know what to expect but I want to get one before a really important day, I’m shit at styling my hair but have stupidly had a wolf cut off and on for the past year and a half even though that needs so much styling. I just want to make a good impression, I have unruly wavy white girl hair.

No. 388278

There are lots of videos out there on how to style curly hair right after washing it, but what am I supposed to do with it the next day? I don't want to wash my hair every day, is there a way to keep it cute so I can let it hang loose?

No. 388749

I thought rosemary oil was a meme but I started using it after shampooing (no conditioner) and towel drying and my hair has never been happier. I have naturally oily fine hair that’s prone to break but it’s like shiny strong doll hair now and the oiliness is way down.

No. 388756

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Any nonnies with very long hair? I want to grow out mine and I want it to reach my mid thigh, by now it grazes my butt and I don't understand why it won't grow more….I take care of it, frequent masks, I only use conditioner on my ends and never on my scalp, I use a scalp massager and I avoid the blow drier. I have 1a hair on the greasy scalp side, it's very resistant to treatments (I dye it bimonthly, it's not super healthy but it looks nice and feels heavy and smooth).
I don't use straighteners/curlers, I barely wash it but only my bangs grow out, not the rest…please help a failed princess achieve her long hair dreams, which is to have braids like picrel…..

No. 388757

Do you take vitamins?

No. 388758

I take B and D supplements, should I try biotin and keratine?

No. 388778

No. 388779

You might have reached your terminal hair lenght

No. 388820

hair is dead protein so i make sure it has less chance of breakage by eating the right foods like eggs/fruit/meat/veg (calorie (protein) restriction will thin the hair so i don't diet), and then put it up into protective styles as i wait for it to grow half an inch every month (the fastest hair will grow is 6"/15cm a year so it's just a waiting game + breakage prevention). before washing i brush it with olive oil so it passes through the brush without catching, i use conditioning masks and hair oil so it remains smooth and doesn't tangle. and if i blowdry i use protective spray and the coldest/luke warm setting. it's at the top of my thigh now and continuing to grow well. according to chemical and physical behavior of human hair by clarence r. robbins, hair generally grows to a max of 3ft. i also read that dyes may contribute to weakening hair and causing hair splits (when the hair splits as far as 4cm up from the end) leading to breakage, but it would not affect the anagen phase (hair growth).

No. 388896

REEE I have a cowlick on the highet point of the back of my head making it look like I have a bald spot and my hair sticks out weirdly. My hair also dont hold heat shaping for shit so no point in trying to hide it with a straightener either. Wtf do I do

No. 388920

You can put a bit of eyeshadow on the skin to help it look less like a bald spot. I've battled cowlicks for years, there's no solving it I feel.

No. 388946

you need to shape it while it's wet

No. 388952

When you wash your hair aim the hot water on the cowlick and massage the spot deeply to work out the cowlick. I used to have a weird, flat hair pattern at the crown until I learned that trick. Then when it's wet I like to use a wide tooth comb to gently comb it out nicely. You can also try to put a barrette in it while wet until dry to keep the hair in place.

No. 388961

This anon >>388779 is probably right. It's just like how the hair in your eyebrows/armpits/crotch only grows to a certain length. The hair grows for an amount of time (for the hair on your head it's several years) and then it stops growing and after a few weeks to a few months, it falls out and gets replaced by a new hair. The rate of growth and the amount of time your hair grows is mostly genetic. If you're taking good care of it and it's noticeably not growing any longer, it's because it can't.

No. 390366

For the nonas with short-med hair, do you not get jealous of women with longer hair or wish you could have longer hair? I'm doanting my mid-thigh length hair on friday and I'm curious about the whole having "short" hair experience. This is such a 'tism question I feel like this is only place where I can ask this kek sorry

No. 390370

Most people don’t want to hear this, but hair length is 100% genetic. My hair is well past my butt and I have a shit diet and am vegetarian yet it still consistently grows longer and longer. I don’t take any vitamins or anything either, I just wash it once a week and that’s all I do

No. 390379

Honestly I do sometimes, yeah. My hair is short, thick and curly. Max length is just above my shoulders, even if I don't cut it for years it stays the same. it rarely even gets long enough to put in a ponytail. I think long, straight hair is really feminine and pretty and I've always wished I could grow it longer. But on the other hand, short bobs or pixie cuts suit my face much better and I know not everyone can pull that off. Plus I'm more free to experiment with cuts and colors because I don't have any emotional attachment to my hair's length, and if my hair was the same texture but waist-length taking care of it would take so many hours kek

No. 390408

No, probably because I was already used to having long hair for most of my life (parents wouldn't allow me to cut it for religious reasons) that I ended up hating having it. It also took hours to comb.

No. 391609

I feel like having curly hair is so limiting sometimes. Are there any other cuts besides, bob, lob or unflattering pixie cuts? I like the low maintenance of curly hair but I do feel like there needs to be more options. Sometimes I do feel like a troon walking around because low maintenance to me means not trying and having extremely frizzy hair. I kinda want to straighten it without heat or at least make the curls more manageable without a shit ton of product (I can’t afford more hair products or expensive curly specialist cuts). Ugh what should I do, nonnies?
I have the same hair, nonnie. Every time I try growing it out I think it looks like garbage so I cut it off.

No. 391616

>curly hair
>low maintenance
on what planet

No. 391619

slightly older nonnas, when did you start going gray and how do you manage the new texture? i’m 29 and otherwise aging well enough that every liquor store owner looks at me like i’m a fed but i’ve noticed in the last ~6 months or so that i’m getting a LOT of grays. i don’t really mind but it’s also not a trait that runs in my family (my dad is in his 60s and only started graying a few years ago) so i’m a little worried there’s some underlying health issue y’know? if it makes a difference i am also in recovery from a 15 year long restrictive ed and have had a huge amount of new hair growth now that i’m not constantly malnourished so i’m wondering if it’s related to that. tbh though it looks kinda cute, for whatever reason it is concentrated heavily around my face so i have a pretty significant silver chunk in my bangs that is frankly a little bit of a Look if you ask me

also though my hair texture is wavy/curly and i’ve noticed the gray hairs don’t really match the texture of the rest of my hair when i do my curl routine and idk how to integrate it better

No. 391620

fr when i started embracing my curls my hair routine went from wash -> air dry to a multi-step routine + diffusing lmao i’ve never been higher maintenance in my life

that being said i’ve found that the cut that works best for me without having to do my whole hair routine (but still looks good when i do) falls about an inch below my collar bone with medium-length layers on top, hitting between my earlobes to about an inch below my jaw. it gives me decent movement and volume while still allowing for more elaborate updos and air dries pretty long with waves and a few ringlets (for reference, when i diffuse at this length the shrinkage ends up leaving my hair around shoulder length)

of course this is all dependent on hair texture, density, and curl type. i have very very fine hair, medium density, low porosity, with big s-waves and loose-to-medium ringlets depending on what part of my head you’re looking at, so if you have a drastically different hair type take this with a grain of salt! if you are ever interested in doing a more elaborate styling routine though i have found some really lovely budget products i swear by that i’d be happy to yap about as someone who has spent most of her life refusing to do anything more than air-dry with no product

No. 391659

Your hair type sounds very similar to mine and I have given up on styling products because most of them are way too heavy, so I'm interested in hearing about the ones that work for you. I've found that using a hair/scalp oil (homemade, super autistic quasi-ayurvedic recipe) the night before I wash my hair and using a ton of conditioner helps a little with frizziness, but my go-to method is a TINY amount of argan oil smoothed over the fly-aways.

No. 391662

I started getting greys in my early twenties as my mom did. I think it has to do with genetics.
My hair is a combo of ringlets and S-waves too while the back of my head has a slight wave but very straight overall. It’s thick, heavy and like nonnie >>391659
mentioned hair products specifically with conditioning makes my hair super heavy from lack of porosity. The products I currently use is a hair gel applied after a wash. The haircut you have is similar to mine as well.

No. 391865

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What results can I expect if I mix MM Vampire Red with volume 20 developer? It's going to be my first time going for an unnatural color like this and I don't want to go overboard and fry my hair but I also don't want to end up with a burgundy brown instead of a more vivid color. My natural hair color is roughly like picrel. I've only used box dyes before.

No. 391944

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are you bleaching beforehand? if you do you'll get that neon red (speaking from experience, i used vampire red on bleach yellow hair all through high school kek) but if you put it on your natural color it will end up closer to picrel, maybe slightly brighter since that's a fairly light brown. Also you don't need to mix developer into it, that won't do anything. manic panic is actually pretty kind to your hair and I've never felt any damage after using it, it's the bleach that'll fry you if you use a high volume or leave it on too long.

No. 391956

I get a lot of compliments on my hair color, and my natural hair is darker than your picrel. Since my hair hasn't been dyed before I just bought schwartzkopf Vintage Red and slapped it on my hair and it lightened about a level or two and my hair is now a dark burgundy that looks EXTREMELY red in direct light. I use vampire red in my conditioner and it helps maintain how vibrant it is. If your hair is the color of picrel, you could prob get away with slapping a bright red permanent dye on that bad boy, and it will look even more red than my hair.

No. 391976

Sorry if I'm being dumb, but did you mean Manic Panic Vampire Red? Don't mix that with a developer. The developer will just dilute it, it's a direct dye not meant to be activated.

No. 392064

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I fucked up cutting my own hair, and I had to go to a hair salon which I never do. Ended up with a haircut like in picrel but with short bangs. I hate it, and I feel like my whole identity is in shambles now kek. I don't even want to outside now, partly because how short the hair is and partly because styling this haircut is such a pain in the ass. With long hair you can just brush it and go, but with this cut I have to straighten it and use hair wax to look decent. Bought some hair vitamins in the hopes of making my hair grow faster, doubt they will work though lol.

No. 392066

I once asked for a short hairstyle that went down to my chin all around (I had a pic) and ended up with a style similar to your pic, I was so devastated. I didn't want to look in the mirror at all for weeks.
>styling this haircut is such a pain in the ass. With long hair you can just brush it and go
As someone who's had both waist length and super short hair I always tell women short hair is harder and takes more work, but people don't believe me and still make the mistake of cutting it short because they think it's "easier". No you HAVE to style it every day or it's gonna look like shit, you also lose the natural femininity that comes with long hair so people treat you worse if you don't look put together at all times. Women just don't get away with rolling out of bed and having a badly combed over bald spot like men do. Long hair I could just leave in a braid for days and people would compliment me on how cute it looked, or like you said brush for 1 min and then it looked great. After my bad haircut I decided to grow my hair really long so I didn't cut it for years, I'll never get a short hair cut again.

No. 392069

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Nonnas, I have a face like picrel and I know it's awful. I've been thinking if I maybe style myself a little better I might not feel like such an ugly duckling. Right now I have a fringe and long plain hair that I pin up or braid sometimes, and I'm not sure if it makes my nose stick out more. Are there any hairstyles anyone could recommend that might minimise my giant honker? Thanks nonas.

No. 392078

AYRT, god this is all so true. I want to cover all the mirrors in my house and hide. And I'm also noticing the different treatment, I used to be cute-ish and ppl were mostly nice to me, now I get weird looks for looking like an aunt. Feels like I've aged 10 years.

No. 392089

Thank you anons, I'm very new to this stuff. In this case I think I'll use a low volume developer to lift my hair and when it's done apply Manic Panic.
I did that once before and the end result was a burgundy brown like picrel >>391944 and I wanna go brighter this time. I use a natural no poo shampoo and I only have to wash my hair once a week thanks to it so I think the dye will not wash out too quick.

No. 392232

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weird, I have a hairstyle like this and get complimented on it constantly, even though i just do it by blindly clipping away at it with thinning shears kek. Maybe it's because I don't have the "middle aged mom" highlights and just stick with my natural mousey brown color. I guess also my glasses give it a different vibe. I'm ugly so I used to never get compliments on anything, but since cutting my hair a couple years back, people are always telling me how cute my hair style is.

Anyway, why don't you try styling it like this? I think it can look cute and retro.

No. 392233

I feel like bangs will emphasize the nose in general, especially blunt thick bangs. Just pin your bang up and see if you like yourself better that way. Having nice, healthy hair is what's most important in my opinion and can elevate your look. Adding volume and curls can also help make the face and its features a bit smaller, but honestly you can't totally detract from your nose. The best way would be to act like Rossy de Palma, that is not giving a fuck and feeling yourself as if you were a painting. She did wear bangs and looked cool either way, so embrace your witchself and go all out with whatever style makes you happy.

No. 392267

nta this is a really cute hairstyle, I had a pixie cut from mid teens to early twenties and whilst I'm trying to grow my hair right now to as long as I can get this is tempting me to cut it back again

No. 392278

Same experience. Ever since I cut my hair short (and myself too so they're not perfect, but my hair is curly so I can get away with it), I keep getting compliments from girls. When I don't want to style it, I wear hair bands and other accessories and it works out. The constant trimming to keep the shape is annoying though.

No. 392320

nta but I have a fairly chunky nose. I recently got some subtle, airy side bangs and I feel like it actually makes my nose look less prominent compared to when I had a completely bare forehead. I think it's because of the volume, most of my forehead is still visible and instead of sitting flat, there's some airiness where my bangs are sticking out a bit. This way, there's some added dimension that balances out my nose. It sticks out less because it's not the only point of forward projection on my face anymore.
That being said I do also have a fairly strong jaw/chin, maybe if you have a receded chin airy bangs would make the lack of volume in the lower half of your face more obvious, idk. Of course, either way >>392069 should wear whatever she likes, I used to have blunt thick bangs years ago and even though they weren't flattering my face I loved them a lot.

No. 392322

Some people just look better with short hair. It's more work styling but if you trim your own hair between appointments it's not that bad. My mom keeps nagging me to visit the hairstylist but since I've moved to America I haven't found anyone that can do a good job on my curly hair. Last appointment I booked was going to cost me a total of $300. It's insane and I'm cutting my own hair again.

No. 393651

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I hate the sleek, clean, defined curls trend. Lately I've been giving myself picrel (but bigger) with the blowdryer and I love it. It's so soft and fluffy and I'm addicted to playing with it. I don't need to stress about humidity because it's already ruined. Don't need to sleep in a cap to protect it. I just tie it back whenever I need to leave the house and I'm done.

No. 393713

this looks really cute.

No. 394519

File: 1714412467406.jpeg (343.81 KB, 1229x824, FDFDC23C-AC3D-49BB-B6D5-453E29…)

Nonnies what do you think of “natural” blonde highlights like this? I have long darkish-brown hair and I was thinking of getting something like this done for the spring/summer, but it would be expensive, so I wanna be sure it’ll suit me. However, I’m not sure about the vibe it gives off. I’m from the southern US and there’s a certain style here of white women (like myself) dying their hair blonde, like the “southern belle” style that I don’t really like. I’m a bit masc and mostly date other women if that helps describe the image I want to reflect

No. 394520

anon I also live in the south and 100% associate these highlights with the vineyard vines white claw sorority girl type tbh. but of course it all depends on the rest of your style, I'm sure it will look good irl and people won't make that association if you don't dress like that

No. 394523

I really like highlights but don't think they're worth it for the price tbh.

No. 394525

what is everyone's go-to hairstyles? I've grown my hair out so I want to do cute things with it but not spend an hour braiding every day or anything egregiously time-consuming. For reference, I have straight hair with a very open wave but I'm curious about all kinds of hair types.

No. 394531

I have a bob so I just wear it loose. Can't do much with shortish hair. It's naturally wavy and tousled so there's some textural interest.

No. 394549

Yeah that’s exactly the vibe I was worried about kek
I know it’s so expensive… I’ll have to think about this some more

No. 394567

My hair is naturally dark brown, but I recently natural highlights that are brassy yellow next to my natural color. I like having lighter hair, but warm tones aren't flattering on me.
Should I try a blue toner in attempt to make the highlights cooler (example: Glaze Super Color Conditioning Gloss, Vanilla Lights)? Or would it be better to dye my whole head a cool brown shade to cover everything (Any product recommendations)?
The answer is probably obvious but I'm clueless about hair, any advice would help so I don't look totally awful on vacation

No. 394582

I have 1c/2a thick hair (shoulder length) and I wear a low ponytail daily because anything else makes my head look massive

No. 394620

Late but I have knee-length hair and I don't do any weird gimmick stuff. I just use a lot of conditioner, sleep with a cap, and keep it tied up in a bun most of the time. I'm inclined to say that you should probably not dye it so much?
sadly although my hair is very long, my whole family has genetically thin hair and low hair count so although I'd also love braids like picrel, my hair isn't thick enough even for one of her braids…

No. 394663

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How long is too long? I've been growing my hair out of laziness, now it's almost at my waist. I thought about letting it grow longer and selling it. But I can't help but feel like it's too long. It's not nearly as long as picrel, but that's how I feel like. I usually braid it or tie it up, but sometimes I let it loose and I feel weirded out by it. What would you say it's the limit for long hair?

No. 394668

waist length is perfect imo, if you sit on it it's too long

No. 394671

I love long hair nonita and regretted cutting my waist length hair to a fuck ass bob kek. But I agree with >>394668 I have a friend that has really long hair, I think it’s almost to the back of her knees but it grows to a point the end strands look stringy since it isn’t a straight across cut. I think it can go into little house on the prairie/amish looking after it gets longer than that. Also, nona do you have thick hair or bit on the thinner side?

No. 394672

When I need to move it out of the way to use the toilet, no joke
For me hip is perfect, with classic being the absolute longest I'm willing to get to. I've had it down to my fingertips before and that was a whole ass workout, it was so inconvenient and it didn't look great.
>I think it’s almost to the back of her knees but it grows to a point the end strands look stringy since it isn’t a straight across cut
This makes a huge difference too, it's night and day when you have stringy hair that just grew through neglect and when you have a nice haircut.
>I love long hair nonita and regretted cutting my waist length hair
Also I really relate to this, I went to a bougie salon like a couple of weeks ago and the guy cut my hair wayyyyy too short and very uneven, it's gonna take several years to grow out, I'm so bummed

No. 394674

yeah I always thought about it, I would be afraid of getting my hair stuck in my pants, if that makes any sense.
Wow, that's surprisingly long, my poor ass is thinking she could sell that for a lot kek. My hair is thick, I have to cut it in layers otherwise it's going to look too full and blocky, it's one of the reasons that it makes me feel like cousin itt sometimes.
>move it out of the way to use the toilet
My biggest fear atm is that, how is the shower? Does it feel heavy when it's all wet?

No. 394690

Many hairdressers just half-ass anything short. I have asked for a variety of short haircuts in my life and every time ended up looking like this until not even a couple years ago.

It's cringe but I'm a high twintail supremacist. From the ages of 12 to 23 anytime my hair was long enough I tied it in twintails. I have thick curly hair which needs to be layered a lot, so they look quite big and fluffy without teasing, and somehow it happens to be the most flattering hairstyle on me (along with the shoulder length 70s nonsense shag that I currently have because I started an agriculture job and wanted something easier to maintain… I showed up with my stupid twintails on the first day of work though)

It keeps your head cool in summer and you can lay down without being bothered by a ponytail, it also weighs a lot less so no headaches, and you don't need a fuckton of bobby pins to keep your top layers from escaping the tie, it all stays put all day long. I had to style my bangs every day though which could be a downside for someone else but I have to do it with every other hairstyle anyway due to my hair texture, so it didn't change much. Minimal hassle for maximal swag. The only real problem is that men consider twintails to be a sexual thing and a shady guy tried to scout me to do porn once. Shayna wishes she was me

No. 394719

File: 1714490032803.png (323.19 KB, 650x812, half-up-fishtail-accent-braids…)

>It's cringe but I'm a high twintail supremacist
Nonnie that is actually so nice, i also love high twintails but they don't fit me at all, i wish it was more popular though and i hope that the loser moid who had no brain is rotting.

I have a looot of straight long hair and my fringe is naturally bobby for some reason. I mostly keep a hairstyle like picrel and sometimes i avoid curling my hair just for safety, i like when they are wavy but it's not like they last much either.
I like it because it keeps my hair out of my way without wearing ponytails or braids for a whole day, somehow i get to feel too cold and get headaches when i do that.

No. 394830

File: 1714530510459.jpg (67.63 KB, 474x710, Lavender-Balayage-Bob.jpg)

is early 30s too old to have a fun hair color? i was thinking of getting a lavender balayage like pic related, keeping my dark roots intact for a more natural lived in look instead of an all over anime appearance that comes with pastel colors. it's either this or chocolate balayage, can't decide.

No. 394832

Looks cute, i saw 2 old ladies in Germany with pastel pink hair, i think you'll be okay.

No. 394846

Nonna I firmly believe that as long as your hair is healthy and well maintained you can have any color at any supposedly more mature age. My mom says 30s are just spillover late 20s anyway so have fun bb

No. 394856

It was an asymmetrical bob for a long time, but then I went to a new hairstylist and told her to do whatever she wanted and ended up with a short shag that really flattered me, so I'm planning on sticking with that for a while.
I avoided bangs for such a long time because I guess I associated them with my cringe preteen years but they actually do a lot for my face.

No. 394868

Dark brown looks so pretty with purple. If you're afraid to go straight for the balayage maybe do a few highlights to see if you like it ?

I want to dye my hair again too, but I am seeing my first gray hairs so I want to enjoy my natural color while it's still even. semi/demi permanent dyes are tempting but I don't want to stain everything or end up with pigment sticking to the tips. The reviews are always so mixed and unreliable.

No. 394886


Isn’t too old. Carry it with pride.

The thing with vivids that I learned the hard way was maintenance was a bitch and pricey. If you live in a place with harder water, be sure to get a shower filter and get the right color preservation products (i.e; color depositing mask, dry shampoo as you won’t want to wash as much).

No. 394959

File: 1714596776098.jpg (51.11 KB, 597x1042, Sweet Serenity.jpg)

aww I love high twin tails especially with the right outfit. I stopped wearing them when I got older but I may have to bring them back- they can look really cool with flowier fabrics, almost magical rather than just juvenile.
This style is so pretty! Reminds me of a siren lady or something.

No. 395014

>My biggest fear atm is that, how is the shower? Does it feel heavy when it's all wet?
Yes, super heavy, I had to hold my neck down intentionally, also took like 2 days to dry completely.

No. 395065

I haven't had a natural colour in a decade and we're probably the same age. Bet you''d look great in it, fun colours really add a nice spice to brown hair. Hair with roots like that is very comfortable to keep. If I was to do a colour like this I'd mix a drop of Directions 'Plum' into a conditioner and slap that on once a week after shampoo, cheap and easy. With bleached hair just remember to use leave-in conditioners too.

No. 395221

I am having a really hard time with hair products. Idk when they changed but most of them are now giving me a weird reaction when in contact with hot water or sweat when they didn't used to. I get red itchy skin with little bumps, they disappear after I wash it all away but it's really annoying because this happens even in contact with sweat! And a live in a very hot country, I can't just stop sweating kek, it's making me so mad I am fucking paying money for that poison and idk what to do or where to ask. I looked up on the internet and couldn't find anything that helps me and I feel like I'm going crazy. What component could be causing it? Will I have to completely ditch conditioners and combing creams? I don't think I can survive that.

I wanted to wear my hair like that for the longest time but I've been bullied for having a big hair and it looking "unkept" despite me actually spending time and money caring for it (and all these hair products suck so much and smell weird), it did shit to my confidence when it comes to my hair. I'm trying to resist the urge to cut it short again because it is so frustrating taking care of it, I really want to grow it long, but God I am so tired of the time consuming perfect little curls, especially when my hair is a freaking mess with different types of curls mixed with straight hair… I might just go "fuck it" and wear it like that, this is what freedom looks like, I can legit "wake up like that".

No. 395225

Hairdressers just don't know how to cut short hair, I've yet to meet one who can do it properly. I had to learn how to cut mine at home so I don't end up with the Karen special. I used to get unintentional bowl cuts as a kid because they especially failed at cutting thick hair with lots of volume.

What one anon said about some people suiting a certain length is also real. I love long princess hair but I've had short hair since my mid teens because long hair looks terrible on me. It grows into an unkempt mane of Indian hair that's painful to brush through and impossible to style because it's so heavy, so it just ends up being messy Hagrid hair with no volume on top and too much volume below the chin. It makes me look dowdy and matronly whereas short hair on me is cute, playful and flattering.

No. 395230

I have the same kind of thick, heavy (but healthy) hair, though I'm not Indian. I wore it long, to my waist until around 25, then I had someone cut it into an Audrey Hepburn-style pixie. It's so much more flattering for me than long hair (though I also don't regret having long hair).

You need to find the right person to cut it and then never leave that person. That's all i can recommend. idk I think short hair on me looks much cuter than long hair. I did have to change how I posed for pics though, just needed to understand how my profile looked if that makes any sense. I think I was so used to draping my hair around my face that I didn't really know how to pose in the right way for my profile.

No. 395260

(Posted this in stupid questions thread because I forgot about /g)
I need advice and recommendations for what to do with my hair, it’s been a long time since I’ve had more then a trim. It’s down to the top of my butt and my appearance is an olive toned Jill (pixielocks). My only preference is that it be long enough for me to put up in a ponytail.
I’m looking for hairstyle and color recommendations, I have no idea what Im looking for when I google and everything I find looks the same, and treatment suggestions to keep an eye out for. Money is no object so throw whatever suggestions/recommendations.

What would you all have done if you could do anything to your hair?

No. 395308

I have a similar thing with my hair. Had it to my lower back till I was 23, then cut it into a short bob. I always worried short hair would make my round face look even fatter, but it turned out my doughy face actually needed the definition from short hair. I keep it around chin-length to just past my shoulders these days.

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