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No. 378181

Not everyone can be beautiful, and for some, even "average" is out of reach. If that sounds like you, how are you coping in this looks-obsessed world?

I'm reviving this thread series since the last one has long since closed and I think it's a topic a lot of women could use a place to vent about.

Previous thread: >>>/g/114320

No. 378188

I’ve learned to hide my rat face with my hair and glasses

No. 378191

Just wear a mask and if anyone asks why your wearing it just say you have a weakened immune system

No. 378199

Healthy coping mechanisms would include minimizing screen time and developing hands on hobbies like crochet or woodworking.

If you still feel an surge then write down what parts you hate the most and then what I am be changed and what can’t. Make peace with the immutable and slowly develop a looksmaxxing plan

No. 378201

I just learned not to expect much in life. In a sea of pretty girls who can know how to do makeup and afford profesional haircuts and plastic surgery I will always be a rat faced swarthy bitch who goes against every beauty standard, and I'm fine with that, maybe my look will be "in" one day or someone will truly love me for more than my fuggo face who isn't as ugly as me!

No. 378202

All you can really go for is acceptance… Even if you were a 10/10 beauty there would always be someone better to compare yourself to, and you'd still have nagging insecurities about your nose or your weight because finding flaws in your appearance is just the human experience. We all end up old and wrinkly in the end anyways kek.

No. 378225

Honestly, in terms of internal valuation I actually like how Iook and feel good about myself. I know I'm nowhere near conventionally attractive, but I think how I look suits my personality and who I want to be. That should be enough. The part that gives me endless grief is the obvious unfairness that we all have to strive for conformation to a narrow standard in order to receive basic respect and consideration in life. I have to go against my self-confidence and instill nitpicky insecurity if I want success in a workplace. It's so unnatural, it's so messed up. It makes me feel like self-acceptance is an utterly futile achievement because it means nothing in the eys of a world that will crush you underfoot regardless of how you feel about yourself, if it itself does not find you beautiful.

No. 378260

I've been ugly since…forever.
My present day copes are the following
>I'm being a crybaby: there are worse problems than being ugly. Grow up and stop being a little bitch.
>Sour grapes. Most of the interactions I've seen between normal people dont interest me that much as they used to. Then again socializing on the internet is still socializing.
>When I hear what my social attractive/normal-looking peers have to put up with, my quiet boring ugly girl lifestyle doesn't sound so miserable.

No. 378261

I stopped taking selfies and looking into the mirror unless I have to. Wearing whatever I want helps too since no one gives a shit thanks to being ugly

No. 378264

I 100% relate to wearing whatever I want because I'm hideous anyways. I look put together, Im undesirable. I look messy, Im gasp undesirable. Same difference. I do the bare minimum and nothing else.

No. 378267

I try to distract people from my ugliness by wearing cute outfits and making sure I look put together. At least that way I'll get the occasional compliment about my appearance. Best I can hope for is that round moon faces come into style after the hideous buccal fat removal craze kek

No. 378273

My biggest problem with my looks is how unphotogenic I am, part of it is my camera not capturing my looks properly (samsung s24 ultra) and the other part are my features aren't good enough or stand out enough to look good on camera. My lips look too small and round horizontally but good enough vertically, and I hate that so much, I wish they were wider a bit. I don't think theres a surgery for that, right? My nose has a deviated septum and my right profile looks different to my left profile. My right being the better side and seems to be what I'm supposed to look like if my nose didn't have that issue. It looks huge and hooked on the left but slim and straight on the right? Weird af. I also have a receded chin which makes the nose issue even more accentuated. My teeth are weird as well and make my smile looks toothy and hosre-like. Only good thing about my looks is my eyes. My eyebrows also add to the issues because they're too round they give me a stupid mannish look to me, like I'm some indian dude or something, I hate it so much. My body is also an issue because of how squre and skinnu fat it is, it's all so frustrating. My skin is fucked because my hormones are fucked, and my diet isn't the best but I'm trying to improve it, but my digestive system is broken so it's like I'm not putting any effort at all. Can't afford surgery right now or to get any medical help for my digestive system and dieting issues either.

No. 378296

I have the same problem where my features are super unphotogenic in third person photos, and I absolutely hate having my picture taken for that reason and have since I was a teenager. I used to take a lot of selfies during my vain years, but I've significantly dialed back as my self esteem has worsened more and more. Also have terrible skin as well

No. 378525

Women always give me dirty looks to me because I'm too boyish and different from them and also ugly.men just simply ignore me.

No. 378688

Realizing that women usually only want to befriend other women who are attractive was very eye opening as a teenager

No. 378697

There’s so many cute outfits I want to wear but I’m too afraid to because my face is ugly and I’m scared it will draw even more attention to me. I end up not making any effort and dressing like Jesse Pinkman.

No. 378700

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I have an incredibly long philtrum and no lips and a 6 head and I am completely hideous. Other unconventional traits individual people might still find attractive, like a big nose, or thick eyebrows, but absolutely no one is attracted to someone with an grandma-level upper lip. In school people would harass me by pretending to ask me out and then laughing in my face in a mob. I know that I will never find love because there is no woman on earth who could want to kiss my face. I feel like I’m living in a level removed from the world of others. I don’t make any friends because I can’t relate to normal people who have partners or go out clubbing. Their relationship woes and adventures just make my eyes glaze over. That sort of thing is not in my realm.
I used to think I could live with this for life, but after I feel for someone hard for the first time, I realized what I was missing and now I can’t fathom continuing to live much longer. Sometimes I find myself wishing the world would end so I wouldn’t have to kill myself and upset my family who loves me very much (unfortunately).

No. 378780

I got all the of the worst physical features from both my parents and none of their good ones. I was even an ugly baby, I never stood a chance. I miss being a little kid when I didn’t understand I was ugly yet.

No. 378801

Of course being made fun of and gawked at hurts, but to be honest, women who go out of their way to show you pity hurts worse somehow. The look on their faces makes my stomach turn. I get it, you feel like lying to me is charity. I get it, you clearly feel bad for me for being repulsive to look at. Just stop it, the kindest thing you could do is treat me normally. No normal looking person gets near-strangers and vague acquaintances coming up to them to say “you’re a nice girl anon, I’m sure you’ll find someone someday.” Like just be fucking normal. So damn infantilizing.

No. 378804

Aw nonny, I'm pretty ugly too especially with my hooked large nostrils and I personally am much more attracted to uglier women because I feel like they're much more genuine to be around with. I know that there's a larger amount of people who are trusting of attractive people but non attractive WOMEN are the very best to me. You are very loved and inevitably everyone's looks will fade so there's no need to solely latch on to that idea. What's helped me was watching love on the spectrum kek to give me some fuel that both ugly and mentally impaired people can, so can I.

No. 378822

I already draw a lot of attention because I'm 5'10", sometimes 6'0" in certain shoes. I know people are going to give me looks so I'm not that worried about standing out. I think of it as a way to bring my appearance up a couple points—I'd rather be ugly but well dressed than ugly and wearing sweats y'know? People are less judgey if they perceive you to be putting in more effort imo. Of course there are still some times when I wear some frumpy comfy outfits too, I just know I'll mostly be invisible that day kek

No. 382508

I know I was being extremely dramatic in >>375519 but I've been thinking about the girl who recoiled from me every day since it happened. I've seen some ugly people and I've never had the urge to recoil from them, wtf.

No. 382905

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it's hard to accept that no one is ever going to be genuinely attracted to you, in the same way you would not be attracted to anyone who looked like you. The common advice is to "date your own level" but when you get to a certain point on the ugliness scale, it's kind of impossible to feel actual attraction to your ugliness-level peers. If I could just make myself be attracted to fellow ugly people I would, and it seems like a lot of people are able to do that, or else maybe they're just in cope relationships where there's no real attraction but at least they won't be lonely. I can't do that though.

When normal-looking people talk about how great it feels when you experience mutual attraction, it makes me want to tear my face off because I know that is a feeling I will never experience.

No. 383058

Am I the only one who for some reason always expects to see myself differently THIS time I look in the mirror? Logically I know I’m ugly, I’ve been told my whole life, and I can clearly see it too, but for some reason I still stare at myself in the mirror hoping to see myself as at least average, maybe from this angle, maybe if I think about this feature differently, maybe if I squint, etc. Of course no matter how many times I stare at myself in the mirror I will never magically turn out to have been average all along. So why do I keep doing it?
Tangent, but I would take any other ugly feature over the one I have. You can work with most ugly features, or there may be someone who likes that feature, but not with the one I have. It’s universally considered ugly, it’s how all old or ugly characters are drawn. It’s a characteristic of the elderly— and I’m already ugly enough as a young person, I am scared to death of his this feature will inevitably get worse and worse over time.
I wish I had never woken up to the harm of the plastic surgery industry as a teen— if I hadn’t, I would have gotten plastic surgery by now and been so much happier, a totally different person.

No. 383099

If it's the feature I think you're talking about, I have it too and it fucking sucks. I've even been told the surgery to fix that feature wouldn't work on me because of my facial anatomy. If I didn't have that feature I'd look almost average.

No. 383107

Is it because it would give you too much teeth/gum show? Tbh I wish that was the case for me so I didn’t have to agonize over this— I’m actually a perfect candidate since I have no teeth show right now. But I just can’t bring myself to do it because I’d feel like such a vain hypocrite, I’m always preaching about how evil the plastic surgery industry is, I can’t just ignore or go back on that. It just sucks so much because I know it would completely fix my appearance. That, and it would feel fake to me, like anyone who became attracted to me would never have been attracted to my natural real self, which feels fucking awful.
The other reason stopping me is the fact my mom has the same feature and would take serious offense if I got it fixed. But the thing is it doesn’t look as bad on her due to her nice nose, mine is upturned an only makes it look worse and more animalistic. If you have what I have then I’m sorry. It’s really the worst, no redeeming qualities at all.

No. 383158

Hurts extra bad because I actually had a taste of beauty before, but I didn’t appreciate it. I used to be a beautiful teenager with zero effort. I had clear skin despite not showering often, I was thin despite eating junk, my hair was short in a tomboyish way. I wasn’t even taking advantage of this beauty, I was seen as “mysterious” when in reality, I was a socially anxious mess who only dressed in baggy clothes and hoodies. I turned 22, and it all went bad. My face got super bloated, my metabolism slowed down, and my hormones started giving me acne, stretch marks, and joules. I gained weight because I was used to eating whatever and nothing happening, but my fat distribution is weird, I don’t have fat arms or legs, my chest and butt are small, but I’m getting a belly that sticks out, my proportions are terrible. I’m currently trying to reverse the effects of my years of bodily destruction, but it’s harder than I thought it’d be. I’m waiting for my hair to grow out, so my joules are better hidden. I have a skin care routine, and I’m losing weight, but I used to be in the 110 pound range, and I’m currently in the 150 range. This is an improvement though, 4 months ago I was 170

No. 383159

Trying to make myself less ugly with makeup only to have the makeup get into the corners of my eyes and start stinging. Phew weeeee ouchie

No. 383161

imo, if you're actually really ugly, like not just "a little plain" but truly ugly, wearing makeup just makes it worse, like putting lipstick on a pig. I stopped wearing it because it projected a humiliating image "look how hard she's trying to not be ugly, but oh dear, she's still ugly"

No. 383164

not trying to hate on you but just as a vent, it makes me really frustrated when fat people complain about being ugly. You can and should lose weight, and then you will look normal. "I used to be pretty" yeah, must be nice. No matter how much weight I lose (i am thin) I will always, always be ugly due to how my face is formed. I daydream about being someone who is just fat but has a normal face, i would be so fucking motivated to work out. If that was me, I would cry with joy. You have the ability to make yourself not ugly just by effort. I don't have that. Be grateful and get to work, in my opinion.

No. 383169

I don't know at this point my body dysmorphia automatically tells me I'm a pig and nobody ever flirts with me anymore so i guess i project quite ugly even if im not

No. 383171

if you were actually ugly you wouldn't "not be sure". People let you know when you are ugly. You are likely just average, like most people.

No. 383179

I don't understand why you're gatekeeping the feeling of being ugly in a thread literally designed for us to vent about our ugliness? Unless you're an avid r/vindicta idiot who thinks we all are objectively rated 1 to 10, the entire scale of attractiveness to ugliness is fluid to begin with. I was active in the other thread too jesus crikey

No. 383182

I’m simply saying that if you were “ugly” ugly, people would have told you, and you wouldn’t have to guess. Most women who think they’re ugly are really just average with too high of standards for themselves. I’m trying to be encouraging— if you were never mocked for your appearance, if you’ve never received unsolicited comments or advice about how to improve your face, and especially if you’ve been regularly flirted with in the past like you say, you are not ugly, just a bit neurotic like most women and maybe need a style or weight change. It’s just further isolating to come into a thread for actual ugly people and read stories about not being flirted with as much, when you’re someone who has literally been assumed to be disabled based on what your face looks like. It’s a totally different experience imo.

No. 383295

On repeated occasions, I found out a bunch of beautiful people happened to be ugly on the inside. That has change my perception quite a lot. Now I value myself more.

No. 383358

kek i'm ugly on the outside and ugly on the inside

No. 383364

Yep that's the reason. Got that horseface phenotype in the worst way possible. I don't have an upturned nose, but it is short, so my face proportions are very awkward. I'm really sorry there's lots of factors that play into this for you. It's easy for me to say do what makes you happy, but I know it's not that simple. I hope you can either find happiness within yourself or do whatever you think is best for you eventually. From one longface anon to another

No. 383370

ayrt– I see, yeah long face + short nose is an unusual combo. I often wish there was a procedure just to stretch the nose down a little bit. Of course that doesn't make any sense anatomically, but you know, I just wanna nudge the thing down a couple clicks or twenty on the mii maker interface.

No. 383375

lately I've stopped being able to fantasize, because I realized that my crushes would think i'm disgusting irl and would probably barf at the thought of kissing a face like mine. Knowing that takes me out of it, so I don't even escape to fantasy anymore. How are you supposed to live a celibate life while also not being able to fantasize? Being ugly really ruins so many aspects of your mental and physical health

No. 383376

Honest question to everyone. How do you even know if you're also ugly on the inside? Is there some "intra-uglyness" quiz or something?

No. 383377

because i dislike pretty much everyone and my soul is rotting

No. 383378

I've had the same exact thoughts before, haha. Yeah I honestly wanted to see if there was such a thing as a nose lengthening rhinoplasty but you're right, it doesn't make any sense and I'm sure most surgeons would be confused as to why I'd want that. Honestly the only way I could look normal would prolly be double jaw surgery, but that's not in the cards

No. 383439

I understand how you feel anon. It’s the worst when people have to make you aware of how repulsive looking you are. I’ve told this story before, but when I was a senior high school two freshman cheerleaders came up to me out of nowhere to tell me “we just wanted to tell you that you’re really pretty” and it was the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me. Everyone sitting near me looked down at their desks trying not to cringe. The girls were probably too young to see how they came across and why that was not a good idea to do, they were just earnestly trying to take pity on me, which is the worst feeling ever to know that you’re not just a little unfortunate looking, but so outstandingly ugly that random people you’ve never even talked to pity you to the point of going out of their way to try to comfort you. A part of my soul died that day even though it’s been almost a decade.

No. 383456

I used to not care about being ugly because I decided I didn’t want a boyfriend, and when I realized that, all my insecurities from my teenage years melted away and I was pretty happy. But for some reason, I had a really late bisexual awakening, and the futile desire to date women I have crushes on has yanked my self esteem all the way back down to the depths of my high school years.
Suddenly I’m thinking all the time about things I was sure I’d never think about again, like plastic surgery and even makeup (even though the latter makes no sense for my style, I try to come across as gnc), and it feels so pathetic and horrible to be back here, especially because neither of those things would even help me, I’m unfixably ugly due to my bone structure and feature placement. Feels so, so bad. I thought I was over this. I’m ashamed of myself and mourning the romantic life I could have had if I had been born with a different face. Because it’s like, men are shit so I don’t care and it never felt like a loss, but this feels like a loss. However nonsensical that might be.
My life would be so much better if I never had that awakening. It’s caused me so much suffering, when before I was getting by okay. Now I’m suicidally depressed like I haven’t been in years. Life just keeps throwing me curveballs that hit me right in the stomach.

No. 383514

I'm just not a good person in addition to being ugly. I know I'm not a good person, I've done terrible things and am too mentally fucked to ever qualify as one

No. 383605

Untrue lol I know I'm ugly because I have an actual jaw deformity noticably offsetting my jaw and jutting it out that I've been told by multiple orthos to get surgical treatment for and I have shit skin but I've never been told to my face that I'm ugly. You can be ugly and lucky enough that people aren't overt assholes about it.

No. 383608

I’m bi but I feel like impressing and dating women is really hard. I date men simply because it’s easier.
Most moids don’t care if you’re a loser or kinda ugly they’ll just take anything they can get. Women have higher standards for a partner (and rightly so) I feel like I don’t meet their standards at all. I remember going on a date with a very high flying career woman power lesbian type and as soon as she found out I wasn’t earning over 100K a year she just left the date because she wasn’t interested in someone not on her level.

No. 383699

How do you cope with feeling like a genetic failure? Both my parents are beautiful people, but somehow I got all of their worst physical traits combined. On a very basic, evolutionary level, others reject me as a mate due to my appearance (no hate, I would too) and in that way I am filtered out of the gene pool like a deformed rat. It makes me feel like I was a mistake of nature destined to be cast aside as a genetic fluke. It makes me wonder, why am I still living when nature is giving me such a clear message?

No. 383720

ngl you may be able to get it covered with insurance if your orthos are suggesting surgery. i had a friend who had a cute upper half of his face but he had some extreme underbite that i'm 90% sure he'd qualify for some surgery insurance coverage for (and i don't mean braces) it made his jaw look huge. i don't know if anyone ever made fun of him for it. if the top half of your face is cute enough it probably counteracts enough of your jaw issue that people don't care

No. 383721

Both my parents are shilled as beautiful. They don't even try. My mom, for most of her life, didn't even use conditioner on her hair. She would just shampoo and let her hair airdry. It would form the most beautiful curls at the end with no frizz. She never used makeup, and all she did was moisturize, and that's it. People commented on how pretty she was all the time. Meanwhile, not only I look ugly, I barely look like them. I know I'm their daughter, but I kid you not, I thought my mom cheated on my dad because I have a nose that nobody in the family has. I can see I'm a mixture of them, but a mixture in the sense that someone put them in a blender and added some abhorrent slime with it, and it resulted in me. My family knows I'm ugly and tries so hard to make me feel better by saying shit like, "At least you got hazel eyes!". As if hazel eyes would fix the vile bone structure of my face kek. I honestly coped by seeing how fucked up in the head they are. Being beautiful didn't shield my parents from bad things, neither did it help them achieve the important stuff they have. They still cheated on each other with way uglier people too. It sucks being ugly, but being beautiful doesn't guarantee as much I thought it did.

No. 383726

It's weird, I have the totally opposite experience. People always say dating men is easier but men have always picked apart my looks and most of my bullying came from men. I've been rejected and ignored by them completely. Women seem to like me though, and while relationships never worked out I never felt like it was my appearance that was the issue. This would make more sense if I were butch but I'm actually pretty femme, I think. Maybe that's what angers men? idk

I moved away from my family and try to avoid them as much as possible. There are other reasons for doing so but this is an added benefit. Sorry, that's probably not terribly helpful. Are they cruel to you about it?

No. 383727

Oh same, and I have a sibling who won the genetic lottery to be compared to too, on top of him being male and being more valued in our culture. The only solution in the long run is to just leave and seek your own value. It's there, but you'll never know it until you get out of the environment that constantly tells you you were born not enough.

No. 383728

I feel like dating women is definitely harder in the sense that we're generally more wary of being used or getting into a bad relationship situation whereas men just want to score at any cost (and the classic dilemma of how women HATE making the first move or putting in effort to get things started). but the flip side is that it's more common for women to be seriously into features that aren't conventionally attractive, and women are more likely to be looking for love as opposed to just finding a hot girlfriend to impress their friends. so I guess it could go either way.

No. 383790

ayrt, that’s so rough. My younger brother (21) isn’t super handsome or anything, but he looks normal and is decently attractive. I feel really lucky he’s too lazy and mentally ill to have had a girlfriend yet. He went on a date once in high school and I internally seethed so hard, and was glad when it didn’t turn into anything. I know that makes me a terrible person. But when he gets his first girlfriend I’m going to be despondent. Because he’s such a piece of shit (lazy, messy, ungrateful, egotistical) compared to me (not that I’m an amazing person, but at least I function and groom myself) so it will prove that looks really are everything. And it will also sting watching my parents be happy for him, see the relief on their faces that at least one of their children was good enough to find a mate. They don’t ask me or talk to me about dating at all, probably because even they can see that I’m way too ugly to have any success. In turn, I act like I’m not interested in dating because to admit otherwise would be even more humiliating.
I don’t want to move away from my family, they’re very nice to me actually, and are the only people I can socialize with since I lost touch with all my friends. Which makes me feel more pathetic, no partner, no friends, no admirers, no social life— just an ugly 25 year old woman paying her parents rent to live in their house like a failure of a child. When I look at my situation objectively it fuels my suicide plans. My birthday is coming up and I will be 26, the age my mom was when she had me, still living like this, with no achievements, career, social, or romantic, to my name. I will feel terrible doing that to my parents, but it’s clear that I am not meant to exist and it’s excruciating to live as a genetic and social anomaly and feel the judge mental eyes of society and extended family.

No. 383799

i hate that i have a short neck. all the chubby girls i see still have slim faces because they have long necks and i don't. this shit makes me rounder than i originally am. even when i was thinner, i was still insecure how my short neck gives me an extra chin, just by looking down. i also hate my short fingers, they're already fat looking, my weight gain just made it obvious. it doesn't help i have thinning hair like the rest of my dad's side, especially the men.

its really unfair how my cousins from both sides of the family inherited all of the good features and i ended up getting the ugly parts of the family. we'd all gather around and i just be the ugly cousin. everyone tries to cheer me up but it just makes me hate myself even more.

No. 383807

Okay here is a few things I use to cope.

>Stop caring, I know it is not easy in this superficial society. But there is nothing wrong with being ugly. Not everyone needs to beautiful.

>Find something else to feel good about. Maybe you are good at your job, hobby or sports? Maybe funny, smart or caring?
>If there is absolutely nothing you can think of, maybe the problem is low self esteem instead of ugliness
>Try to find a style that you feel comfortable in, emphasize any good features
>Quit social media, it will make anyone feel ugly

Hope this helps at all, I know this is "just be yourself" tier stuff but if you manage to internalise it can work.

No. 383824

Thinking back on when I worked in public facing jobs and customers would always ask me where my other coworkers were if I was there instead, commenting on how cute they are. Or in another job, people favoring my coworker's registers over mine because they're cuter than me, even if my awkward ugly ass tried my best to be nice to everyone. Like ok I get it, you'd rather talk to them than me, fucking creepy ass moid. I shouldn't be jealous of my coworkers and be thankful that I never had to deal with creeps in my life (unless they were drunk enough), but just being told to your face that they don't wanna be served by you stings so much.

No. 384272

I just saw a video of me talking. Holy shit, I had no idea I look even worse while talking. My upper lip hangs down completely over my top teeth and my cheeks bunch up into grandma-level droopy nasolabial jowls. Gutting revelation that I’ve been looking like this when I talk to people this whole damn time, oh my god. And there’s nothing I can do about it. And it’s only going to get worse from here! The fucking horror

No. 384411

It’s so impossible to cope with being ugly in this day and age where you’re expected to use Zoom for meetings and classes all the time. Your ugly face is always right there staring back at you reminding you what you look like and what everyone else is seeing.

No. 384460

This but also mirrors being everywhere in your daily life, and when taking group pictures with friends.

No. 384473

When I used to have friends that was the worst. Always the ugliest one, and everyone knew it. They’d pick photos I wasn’t in to post online, like I never even was at the get-together. Too ugly to even be acknowledged as a part of the friend group.

No. 385256

I was feeling pretty confident in myself at work today, walking with confident strides, and then I went into the restroom and caught sight of myself in the mirror and I deflated like a balloon. I look so fucking ridiculous, when I’m walking around all confident it’s like my subconscious tricks itself into thinking I’m normal looking even though in reality I’m extremely abnormal looking. I’ve always wondered why it seems like no matter what I wear, my clothes always look “off” on me in a way they wouldn’t on anyone else, like I’m a developmentally disabled adult prancing around in a costume of a normal person, and I realized that it’s got to be mostly due to my face, i don’t know how, but it’s like it gives an air of incompetence to the rest of my body just by being connected to it. I feel like an awkward clown, and I’ve tried so hard for so long to “fix” my impression with fashionable clothes and a haircut that suits me (as well as any haircut can, so it’s a low bar) but I think it’s actually impossible. My face and head will always throw everything off. It’s incompatible with the impression of a put-together adult woman, no matter what I wear. What do I even do? Is there seriously nothing I can do to not have a freaky retard impression?
Why did I have to be born with this skull and face?

No. 385383

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I find it really difficult to try to stay happy when I know I'm one of those people that others see and think
>"oh wow, poor thing. I'm so glad I'm not as ugly as her. Things could be worse."
Because everywhere you go, that is people's first gut-level reaction to you. How are you supposed to cope with that knowledge? That you can never go anywhere without immediate negative or pitying judgement from anyone who sees you? This is a heavy emotional weight that average-looking people just don't understand when they tell you
>it doesn't matter how you look, all it takes is some confidence!
No matter how confident I act, this will always be my reality.

No. 385385

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Was anyone else not a horrifically ugly child, but then puberty hit and your face changed beyond recognition? I wasn’t always as ugly as I am now, it started around middle school when I hit puberty. My face got too long, my fat distribution got fucked up, and my nose almost completely changed shape. I’ve been compared to Fuchi from Junji Ito’s universe, but without her height and bad fat distribution. It’s over for me.

No. 385394

i was a cute young child then mouth breathing and braces (made my mouth smaller/harder to breathe) ruined my face.

No. 385395

Not really, I was ugly from the time I was a born, literally. Do you ever see someone's baby and are like oh damn that's an unfortunate looking baby? That was me. I never had a chance.

No. 385396

I was apparently very beautiful as a child but after I hit puberty my nose grew humongous and I developed something of an underbite

No. 385399

I showed a picture of myself when I was 7 to a friend (I'm 22 now) and she was like "wow you haven't changed that much!" That shattered my world. My mom told me that when I was a baby, people would tease her about my looks and how I look like a monkey and ask her if I'm really her daughter and there wasn't some mix up in the hospital or something. I look more like my dad than my mom so that explains why people were shocked, but to call me a monkey……I will never recover from that. Sad part is, I kinda see it when I look at the mirror or a picture of myself.

No. 385400

Ayrt, my friend saw a pic of me as a baby and immediately compared it to a famously ugly old man in my country

No. 385436

Braces also ruined my mouth. The doctor insisted on two rounds and I ended up with gum recession. I was an okay looking kid and puberty and braces turned me into a hideous spore

No. 385975

It’s so jarring to have to put my face close to a mirror for grooming purposes because all I can think about is how dog-like and ugly I am this close up, and that this is the view someone would see if I leaned in to kiss someone. I’d run screaming for the hills. I look bad enough from farther back, but the way the close distance exaggerates my worst features is so revolting and it makes me want to kill myself. No one will ever be drawn in to kiss me, they’d regret it as soon at they got close even if they were able to get over the idea from afar. God damn. Why do I look like a damn bull dog. Why do other women get to look normal and I get to look like a fucking downsy ape chimera. It’s just not fucking fair, like I didn’t do anything to deserve to be born looking like this but I was and it ruins my entire life before it ever started. What is the god damn point?

No. 386102

two entirely separate people said extremely hurtful things to me about my face today out of nowhere, I was in a rare good mood too until those comments. It makes me feel like god is real and using his powers just to hurt me. Like what are the odds? I really feel like I'm being pummeled to death by god and he is laughing at my pain. It all feels purposeful that I'm knocked down every time I manage to lift myself up.

No. 386544

There’s a woman who works the front security desk at my job who compliments every woman who checks in on some aspect of her appearance, and it’s laughable how it goes:
>”Chelsea, you have BEAUTIFUL eyes honey!”
>”Sarah, hello you gorgeous gorgeous girl!”
>”Anon, good morning.”
>”Bella, how are you today you pretty little thing?”

No. 386557

Could be worse, men are already considered ugly if they're just average looking or below 6ft. It's way easier to be attractive if you're a female, but you bitches only want Chads to commit to you, instead of going for your looksmatch.(moid)

No. 386558

do y’all resent your parents for having you? i do very often

No. 386566

I look so troonish, like the euphoria fag. I also have the height, so I'm scared of people thinking I'm a moid.
I wish I was short and cute so badly, I'm unironically the "old white girl seething about pretty idols" header.

Sometimes I want to yell at them, when they talk about their relatives/friends' kids and their relationships too much (vs me who obviously can't find a partner). But my parents aren't really ugly, I somehow just got all their negative traits combined.

It's insane just how important being attractive is, it's not just about finding a partner, studies show that even babies are already treated according to their looks.
I also remember being kindergarten age and some old relatives praising how pretty a cousin of mine had gotten. When they caught me looking at them they quickly added "You too, anon" but even back then at that young age I immediately understood that this was a lie.

I don't know how to cope, I basically just daydream about being a gorgeous celebrity 24/7.
On top of that very recently I suddenly aged so quickly, it's like my terrible lifestyle caught up with me overnight. So now I can't even cope about at least being young anymore…

No. 386569

I would if they had any indication their daughter would be ass-ugly, but they’re both decently attractive so there’s no way they could have known they’d spawn a dog-faced girl. I do resent the universe though because I can’t come to terms with the fact that I miss out on so much in life due to the face I was born with. It’s so massively unfair it just makes me rage inside. Other people can find a partner they’re attracted to, while I get yelled at on the street about how ugly I am. What did I do to deserve this life? I just can’t cope with the fact I did nothing to deserve this and yet still the only life I’ll ever have is this one. I get so unspeakably jealous of normal looking people, it makes me so angry inside that I struggle to function at times. I’m so mad at the universe for the hand I got dealt, I can’t deal with living at all. I definitely wish I was never born.

No. 386586

Anon I am the same, constantly daydreaming in an effort to forget my real face. I keep praying some god will listen to my prayers and I'll wake up in a different body, one that I actually like.

No. 386596


I remember being in a university party that had photographers. I noticed the table I was sitting in was photographed multiple times. Later I heard one chick that was taking photos talking to her friend "sad that I cant post some otherwise nice photos because people dont look good in them." When I looked at the the photos online, only pictures where I was missing or backwards to camera were included. Everyone that was sitting next to me had multiple pictures of them.

>tfw so ugly I got censored

No. 386598

Also I studied fucking electrical engineering, so its not like I was compared to insta model stacies either.

No. 386615

how would you want your friends to talk to you about this is issue whenever you bring it up? i can imagine that fake gaslighting „nooo, you‘re so pretty“ would depress me even more. does it hurt you when your friends talk about looks in general, even if it‘s just about what moids look like for example?

No. 386656

I don’t have friends, but I wouldn’t want to talk about it at all. Everyone knows, no need to verbalize it

No. 386685

Male friend told me I'm average or slightly above average compared to the rest of the people of my country since incest and malnutrition runs rampant in it, but I think he's just being nice. While my female friends do the gaslighting thing and say shit like "love yourself", they're no lookers themselves and they're nice so I let it slide. The only pretty one also told me the same thing. I wish they'd just be honest with me.
On the topic of looks, I looked at my old ID picture from when I was 16 and weighed 36 kgs (I was ill at the time), and I looked HORRIBLE in that, then I looked at my most recent ID picture where I weighed 42 kgs and I'm 21 in, and I still had some things off but looked better face shape wise with more developed bone structure and less skin issues. Still look messed up though and it makes me sad. And I'm still ill and stressed out with imbalanced hormones, so I'll probably never escape this hell.

No. 386687

I also look like a tranny. I’m not that tall or broad, I just have a very masculine face.

No. 386689

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Who? Why do I get the feeling it’s Wagner?
Did you look like Wagner nonna?

No. 386695

I think I'm average in terms of my face but my hair is falling out. Im balding like a man. I feel very alone in this experience. Especially since I'm a woman. My mom/dads family dont have a history of balding. I guess I just got unlucky. My heart sank when I was at a family gathering and seeing all my aunts and cousins walk around with their long hair. I remember them even complimenting on one of my cousins hair. I felt so sad. Ive never been that pretty. I grew to accept that at a young age. Ive always felt very unwomanly in general. Even before my balding arc lol. Didn't help that most of my relatives are short and petite. This must be a joke. My family is full of beautiful women. I got to make being a weird bald bitch my thing now. I remember when I started opening up about this with one of my friends, she said, "Thats just gonna make you more unique." LOL

No. 386699

Not to make this a competition, but I’m also losing all my hair at 24, AND my face is ugly as fuck (everyone tells me) so just remember, it could always be worse. I genuinely want to die.

No. 386703

42kg is still too low. I was severely thin too and i looked much uglier back then than I do now. When I gained weight to the point I'm healthy I kept getting compliments on my hair, face and figure which all got better once I stopped being sick.
I was never anorexic but I always ate little, i had to force myself to gain weight but i dont regret it.

No. 386707

Honestly I wish it was him, I could be salvageable.
I once did that AI face thing that finds your celebrity lookalikes, and all my top results were 55+ year old ugly scrotes. I am really that ugly. I’ve never even once been complimented on any aspect of my appearance, and people go out of their way to let me know I’m ugly. People who cry about being average and not supermodel level attractive make me furious, they are so incredibly lucky and yet they have the nerve to complain about it? I would do anything to be average.

No. 386710

Ai lookalikes are super inaccurate though. Dont take the seriously.

No. 386713

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No, it was accurate. One of the results was even the same scrote I was compared to as a baby.
I literally feel ridiculous sometimes just walking around with my face. It’s like I’m wearing a cheap Halloween mask that would be inappropriate to wear in most settings, except it’s my actual face so I can’t take it off. It feels like a joke to do my hair and wear professional clothes when in the center of it all is a ridiculous face

No. 386715

this might sound ridiculous but why won't you start dressing as a goth? if you look like a gremlin then dressing like one would just suit it i feel like certain alt-styles suit ugly people better like certain gothic styles (not the tiktok instababe mall goth stuff) or crust punk or something.

No. 386716

Well, I mostly look like an old man, and I am short with very short legs so there is no style that would suit me. Tryhard styles would look especially ridiculous on my frame imo. My closet is very safe and boring because there isn’t anything fun I could pull off with dachshund legs and pear fat distribution (despite being skinny).

No. 386719

by alt-styles what i really mean isn't like, styles copied straight from tiktok or internet because obviously if there's a certain look you copy people are always going to compare you to the attractive people they see in social media, but actually like dressing in the old school way, using your grandma's funeral dress and old clothes kind of deal. thrifting and taking inspiration from alt-styles without copying. i know some ugly people who dress in genuinely unique ways and honestly their ugliness kinda adds to their vibe, when they really manage to dress in a way that can't be compared too much to anyone else and especially fashion influencer types.

No. 386721

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like this guy. you obviously can't look this flamboyant in everyday life, but honestly them not having the most attractive face out there only adds to their look and has way more street cred in a sense compared to prettier people.

No. 386723

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or here, the dreaded hook nose that everyone wants to rhinoplasty away becomes part of the aristocratic vampire look. it elevates her style. it doesn't necessarily have to be gothic style, it is a fashion that isn't convenient for every day life, but some unique style where no one could say that hey you have to look like all those influencer babes on the internet because looking like them isn't even the point in the end if you dress freaky.

No. 386727

I do get what you’re saying, but I’ve really got the face of a wild pig, chimpanzee, and German grandpa combined kek, that guy is a top super model compared to me. When you have a very long distance between your snub nose and thin upper lip + no cheekbones, just flab at the bottom of your face, heavy caveman brow, and small weird eyes, there’s just not anything that can salvage that and I’d prefer to just blend in clothes-wise so that less people go out of their way to look at me. If I could dress how I really wanted, I’d go for a 60s or 70s look, but it’s too hard to find items for it.

No. 386731

>If I could dress how I really wanted, I’d go for a 60s or 70s look
it's a fun coincidence you say that because one of the most stylish less attractive person i know dresses in 70s prog rock style, she's overweight and doesn't have a model's face but her style is so unique it fits her. if she tried to look like anyone else no one would never compliment her but because she really knows how to dress well an in a unique way people always compliment her looks. she usually gets her clothes second hand and often modifies them herself. i think that's also why it works, because she doesn't go for store bought look but matches second hand things with stuff she modifies herself so her outfits look more "real" compared to those who just copy it straight from some online personality. like you don't need to start dressing in eye-catching way and just go ahead and blend in, but if you're so ugly anyway, honestly, what's there to lose? if you think you look so horrible then why not look horrible looking the way you want to look like, at least. is it going to make much difference in the end if people are going to treat you like shit anyway?

No. 386733

I literally look like that picture lol it's over.

No. 386814

not the anon you're replying to but i love your attitude nona, you rock

No. 387150

i dont know how to cope. i hate the sunken in skin below my eyes, my fat nose. my boyfriend avoids saying anything nice about my appearance. its just too much to handle

No. 387227

sometimes i forget how ugly i really am and trick myself into thinking i look okay, even good sometimes. then i glance at the mirror and get a candid view of my shrimp posture, leafy side profile, and freakishly long neck. was supposed to go out to dinner with my mom but im on my period and my skin is so gross and shitty. i just cried and told her im not going. there will always be a part of me that wants to be viewed as beautiful regardless of how hard i try to live in a vacuum where "i dont care how i look, its fine if nobody ever thinks im attractive" but thats just not how it works. i can never fight it in the end, can i? there will always be days where i look in the mirror and remember people can look at my face and body and there's nothing i can do about it. I played sallyface when i was younger and still to this day i have times where i fantasize about just being able to hide my entire face. i just want to be good enough to not feel the need to hide myself away from humanity. their eyes burn into my skin, i hate people so much.

No. 387237

DAE feel guilty about going outside? I want to take walks because I know it'll make me feel better but then I feel bad that people are being exposed to me. Sunny days are the worst because the sun somehow makes me feel guilty for being alive.

No. 387253

>my boyfriend avoids saying anything nice about my appearance.
Honestly? Kill him.

No. 387277

Recently I started to get hyperfocused on how my face "pulls off" when I smile, especially from the side, and how my teeth would project so hard and make my lips looks flat and small and just give me a ghoulish look. I hate it so much.

No. 387413

My old photo on my drivers license is so ugly 1. I felt the need to edit the photo with FaceApp before sending it somewhere and 2. FaceApp recognized it as male (I don’t have short hair or anything actually I look exactly like a Native American chief in that photo)

No. 388315

How do I know if I'm ugly or not? I've never had anyone make fun of my looks but I've never gotten a compliment from anyone except my mom.

I've had alot of friends growing up and still do so I know people don't find me repulsive, but at the same time no one finds me pretty. I've never had a boyfriend or anyone who even attempted to hit on me except old creepy men on the street.

No. 388323

You're not ugly. If you're ugly, people let you know. A car of teenage boys stopped next to my car at a red light and when I turned to look at them they all started laughing and yelling about how ugly I was. The week before, someone told me I look much better with a mask on. I was bullied growing up for being ugly. People would pretend to ask me out as a joke and then laugh in my face. If you are actually ugly, you don't have to wonder.

You are average. Be grateful.

No. 388536

i have no idea if i am truly ugly or have body dysmorphia. it's hard to rate and judge my face. people have rated me as an 8-9/10 but i genuinely can't tell if they're pitying me or not.

No. 388540

like i had some moments which some strangers and family members told me i am ugly directly and i got hit on once. i feel like i am in an endless cycle of feeling normal to feeling like i am too disgusting to look at.

No. 388541

you've gotta be kidding me. Go brag literally anywhere else, please.

No. 388548

They are definitely pitying you.

No. 388549

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If you're never hit on, consistently ignored, and people use your appearance first when insulting you, you're ugly. If you've never experienced this in your life then you're most likely normal. 8-9? Give me a break lol

No. 388552

i got my face compared to a fat fish, so i know now lol

No. 388556

I'm just seeing your double post now though. I'm sorry that happened to you and feel for you. On the other hand: look at the cow threads here. There are plenty of average to above average looking cows who consistently get called ugly or insulted for minor details about their faces, and it's just because anons hate them. So who knows, really. If you get treated differently compared to other female peers though it may be a sign

No. 388590

8-9 would be like model tier looks, you'd know if you were attractive if you were one unless you had major body dysmorphia. You're probably just average or a little above average.

No. 394617

I remember once when i was 14 and walking home from school, two guys walked past me and one of them said something along the lines of "jesus christ you're ugly" straight to my face while the other one just laughed. This experience still haunts me today, kinda funny though.

No. 394622

Am I the only one who genuinely enjoys being gross? I love having lengthy monologues about how all men should wax their body hair while airing out my rainforest pits. I have a big jaw so in my mind I'm just a female gigachad. I love chatting up any guy I find to be really cute in front of his buddies and they're always super upset someone wayyy below their league would think they have a chance. I make fun of chinlets and tower over them with my tall stature. I never put on a bra and have never been sexualised about it. I walk around completely free, triggering moids to hell and back on my way. Why do you girls care so much?

No. 394643

Honestly, being ugly does have it perks. I don't really shave my body either, but at the same time i hate super hairy men and i don't feel a shred of guilt about it. I know this is a controversial take, but i do credit my ugly looks for saving me from getting harassed by men. Imo, if you are truly gross, men really leave you alone and most of the women who say otherwise are at least average looking enough to be palatable to moids. Even though in theory i should cake my acne scar ridden face with makeup, i rarely ever wear it because it's pointless to make myself uncomfortable to please anyone. I also see putting makeup on as putting glitter over shit, i don't see how it's really changing my face, if anything it's making my situation worse by clogging my pores. I don't really pluck my eyebrows or make an effort to dress nice or at least in a way that's palettable. I feel like this is the kind of idgaf energy can only arise if you were born ugly. It does makes me depressed sometimes when all i have phases where all i want to do is fit in, don't get me wrong, but if i was more attractive then i would have to worry about aging or losing my looks. I have no looks to lose, i'm already as bad as it gets.

No. 394649

Kek I genuinely enjoy your apparent zest for life.

No. 394677

kek well most nonas want to eventually find a partner who isn't grossed out by them

No. 394694

I wish we had a discord server for this topic

No. 394697

Why do a bunch of pointless expensive beauty rituals just so a moid who can barely wipe his own ass properly won't find you "disgusting" though? Self confidence is going to attract someone who loves you for you, not because your whole body is hairless and that you're wearing a pushup bra.

No. 394700

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99% of males are hideous so there's not much difference between what a 6/10 and a 3/10 will pull. There are too many gorgeous women so the majority of them will have to date males WAY under their league. Not even beauty can save you. Males are never truly disgusted by women because their whole purpose is to chase us and settle with any woman who will take them. All of the looks-shaming is for show. You could approach a 10/10 and he'd still fuck you if he's horny enough. It's all about timing. Unless you've got supermodel looks we're all stuck in the same hell hole. And even then you'd probably be getting raped by Harvey Weinstein. You should prioritize your education as having a high income will permit you to date wealthy moids and hire gorgeous whores. Or you could pay for your ugly scrotes' plastic surgery. Usually rich people only marry other rich people and looks don't matter too much. At the end of the day, uglies win. Men have liberated themselves from beauty standards by collectively being hideous and doing nothing to fix it. Life is unfair, one can only accept it or kill herself. Acceptance doesn't mean awaiting your demise like a sacrificial lamb, it means doing whatever it takes to achieve your goal. It's a fighter mindset. It's not the 1800s anymore and you're not being sold to the highest bidder. Believe it or not, you're still more beautiful than any given male. Women have neoteny and males don't. Our futures are inherently loveable and God's light shines through our eyes. Think about it like this, an "ugly" cat can still be cute. Because it's a kitty cat! This is also true of "ugly" women. Don't see yourself through the eyes of someone else. Look into the mirror and see this:

No. 394745

nta but I love you for this post.

No. 394754

not trying to be an asshole but moids that go after average looking women are often plagued with issues worse than the average chad or normie moid. If some average moid doesn't care about your looks you still end up in a shit situation. Everyone is fighting for the 1 in 1000 moid who has a good education, looks presentable, and has a properly balanced life. If you are ugly you are less likely to get that moid, and if you are less attractive than your moid be ready for every homewrecking retard to be tempting your moid 24/7. Looks matter but not for the reasons people think they do, the true benefit of being attractive is being able to be more selective.

No. 394857

>Our futures are inherently loveable
This was truly sweet, nice post nonna

No. 394860

This post was such a wild ride and ended on a surprisingly sweet note, thank you anon

No. 396080

being attractive isn't gonna stop other women from trying to get your nigel to cheat on you. Whether or not they feel threatened by your appearance, there will still be an incentive to be a homewrecker because moid attention is their life force and they think it's something to brag about

No. 396403

Unfortunately true. I think there was even a study that showed most men consider the woman they cheated with less attractive than their wife. Rich men frequently bang their ugly 40 year old third world maids despite having a beautiful wife.

No. 396404

i was really hot when i was in my 20s but now i am so frumpy and ugly. it's like im looking at a different person. what the fuck is this? does anyone else feel this way? am i mentally ill? people say i look so young for my age but i feel like a hag

No. 396405

This thread is for actually ugly people, not women complaining about not looking 20 in their 30s. Jfc.

No. 396406

it's a good thing beauty standards and caring about how you look goes away at midnight on your 30th birthday right? :) i am genuinely ugly now, i aged like shit and now i am here(no emoticons)

No. 396410

newfag, integrate and stop being retarded. Enjoy your ban.

No. 396414

The route of female body dysmorphia is knowing how much your looks will destroy your dating prospects. When you stop caring about moids in any capacity, then you stop caring so much about the way you look and you can be free. Looks are the only thing that men care about from women and i don't think anyone should settle for a moid who doesn't think they are hot as fuck without engaging in expensive beauty rituals.

No. 396464

This is just not true. Body dysmorphia is way more complicated than just being afraid no one wants to date you. For me at least, it's anxiety that no one will value you in any capacity- as a friend, as a family member, as a coworker, etc. because you are shamefully ugly. It's anxiety about going outside and having every single passing stranger judge you and think you're revolting. I wish it was a simple as just learning to not care about what moids think.

No. 396618

Not really true I feel very insecure in front of other women too, not just men

No. 396627

I’m definitely still well below average in looks, but something I was not expecting at all was that aging is actually making my face look a lot better and less weird. I’m 25 and I feel like I’ve finally arrived at my “full adult” face, no more of the teenagery look, it looks less soft and more defined in a subtle way I can’t put my finger on. I have the first hints of smile lines, which on one level disturbs me because I’m not used to having any permanent lines in my skin, but on another level I kind of think they suit me somehow. It’s weird to look in the mirror and finally think “oh, that’s a fully grown woman” and not a kid, so that’s something I’m getting used to. But I think woman-me looks… more purposefully sculpted, like my features (while still not beautiful) seem to go together as a set now whereas before they seemed like random aimless letters floating in an bowl of alphabet soup. I’m probably not making any sense kek

No. 396658

like other anons said, it's not always about men or dating. Ime most people who called me ugly were other women and family members.

No. 401491

I am angry about it today. No matter how much effort I put in to look neat and clean and well-groomed and dressed and physically fit, I still always look repulsive due to the face I was born with. If you’ve ever met someone who is so ugly that you have an immediate and involuntary disgust reaction, that is me. I make everyone’s day just that little bit more unpleasant just due to having to look at my face when they speak to me. And there’s not a single fucking thing I can do about it. I am angry at all the people in the world who look normal. They don’t even appreciate it. They’re busy wishing they could look like bella hadid or some shit while taking for granted the fact that peoples’ first reaction to seeing their face isn’t automatic disgust.
As I get older, it gets even worse. The fact that my current repulsive face is the best I will ever look and it will only deteriorate further the longer I live is outrageous. I think it’s unfair that I’d get any uglier than I already am, isn’t this enough suffering?
The beautiful people I love to look at were born with those features and I love them more just because I like looking at them. Everyone is this way. Everyone likes to look at beautiful thing, and avoids looking at unpleasant things. I am the unpleasant thing.
Also, I already have, just naturally, so many mental issues that I can’t fit in with any group. That causes me enough suffering. But on top of that, I also have to have a hideous outer appearance? It’s like a cruel joke. Why was I born this way? What did I do in a past life to warrant being born with so much wrong with me in every single fucking way? I want a do-over. I want to be able to roll the dice before my birth again and come out different. My existence is intolerable to me.

No. 401494

Your anger is valid nona. The world is horribly cruel and dehumanizing to unattractive women.

No. 401498

It is, but that’s not even really what I’m talking about. Even well-meaning, kind people have that instinctive disgust reaction to ugly things. Even ugly people have that reaction to other ugly people. It’s how good people are at hiding it thar determines if they’re “nice” or not, but the base internal reaction is still the same. I hate being an object of knee-jerk disgust and revulsion. I hate it so much that I wish I did not exist because being aware of it is torture.

No. 401511

This is why I feel horrible about fantasizing about my crushes. They would be beyond disgusted to know that someone who looks like me has those thoughts about them. But I can’t switch to fantasizing about other ugly people on my own level because well, we’re ugly. Not even ugly people fantasize about ugly people. Basically if you’re this ugly, you’re doomed to never experience the natural mutual attraction that nearly everyone else in the world gets to at least once in their lives. It’s all I want and it will never happen. I’m bored with life without love. I think I’ll tap out in a few more years once I’ve gotten a chance to do some bucket list items.

No. 401551

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I often wish to get in some accident that slightly disfigures my face so that I have a “good reason” to be as ugly as I am. So that people might feel a bit of compassion towards me because the ugliness won’t be my natural fault anymore, and instead just bad luck, or a sign of strength to overcome. Does anyone know what I mean?

No. 401582

it's pretty easy to get used to a face. i had a couple of friends with whom i had that initial reaction of 'oh geez, your face' and felt really bad about, but as i grew to enjoy spending time with them i genuinely enjoyed looking at them, they just became normal girls who looked as cute to me as any other girl. haven't you ever met anyone you had that first reaction to?

No. 401586

Same, I have some pretty unattractive friends, because misery loves company, but I am used to their faces and enjoy them. I once worked with a very unattractive woman that looked slightly like one of my friends and I felt automatic warmth towards her because of that association.
That said maybe that's the uggo in me talking kek. My ugliness tolerance is quite high. I feel like average/attractive people have a very low tolerance for ugliness and have the automatic disdain for them. Look at how many anons here seethe about women in videos games becoming uglier, the same way moids do. And the same who think conventional looking Chad men belong in ugly man psy op.

No. 401587

I mean… not really. I guess I "got used to" the faces of some people though. It reminds me, I had a lot of ugly friends in high school– for some reason we were all ugly, and even they all decided I was the ugliest of all of them. That was saying something. To be the ugliest one in a group of uglies, to the point that even they tell you you're unsalvageable.
I didn't quite realize just how ugly I was until that moment. I knew I wasn't pretty, but I had no idea I was hideous. I even delusionally thought I was better looking than a couple of them, just on the logic that they were basically as ugly as you could get, so nothing could be underneath them. Hearing them get rated much higher over me was a harsh awakening.

No. 401632

it drives me fucking insane how one side of my face is almost average, but the other side is easily -10000/10. I'm an artist and I am trained to spot spatial relationships and subtle differences in proportion, and even I can't figure out what exactly is different about one side vs the other. From the front I look relatively symmetrical. But from the sides it's 2 different people. How can it be so subtle that I can't even put my finger on it but simultaneously be so devastating a difference? One side literally looks like an ogre, I am not joking, and the other one looks "normal"(comparatively). It makes me feel like I'm tricking people if they are sitting to my left, I don't actually look that normal from the other side, and it's like a fucking jump scare. I even shock myself in the mirror when I turn to check the other side of my hair and see the ogre I forgot about.

No. 401636

I'm like this when constipated for too long
One side starts drooping

No. 401642

I struggle with the same thing. Right side and right wise 75% angle I could easily be a model, left side looks like the mouth breather meme because of my crooked gigantic nose that is only that way from the left, making my chin and jaw look receeded when all dentists I went to told me it's not and my teeth are perfect, my wisdom teeth all grew and found space in my mouth and I didn't need to remove them because I have a big enough but still elegant and feminine jawline, but my nose HAD to ruin everything. It has potential to look good if it was just in the center, even the shape and size is perfect from the right, but it's like a totally different nose shape from the left. I hate it so much.

No. 401718

I hate when my parents do the “oh anon you’re such a cute girl, you’re very cute” thing if they sense my self esteem is low because it is so pathetic to be lied to like that. Or maybe they’re blind to reality because they made me. But I never want to kill myself more than when I, at 25 years old without a single person ever being interested in me or even received a single compliment, is obviously ugly and suffering because of it, everybody knows it, everybody sees it, many people say it, has to sit there and listen to my parents, AS A GROWN ADULT, try to make me believe I am not ugly, like they expect that I’m a child who will take “who’s mama’s prettiest girl????” cooing at face value. It’s just humiliating. So fucking humiliating.

No. 401748

It's very depressing to think that everyone thinks they look better than they actually do in the mirror. That means if I think I am a 4/10 I must actually be a 2-3. Ouch.

No. 401749

I don't know if you'd find this flattering but Lazael from BG3 has a very, very long philtrum and she is very cute. A popular waifu regardless, more so with women than men.

No. 401756

ime this is true. I thought I was a 5/10 but got consistently rated by others 2 points lower than that.

No. 401765

I thought mirror reflections were the most accurate way to see how you looked? Photos tend to distort your appearance and so do videos.

No. 401839

Not even close. Mirrors often make people think they are more attractive than they actually look and completely diffuses flaws when you look in entirety without focusing on one spot

No. 401842

>when you look in entirety without focusing on one spot
but that's how you perceive other people in real life? If I'm talking to you i'm not looking at your left nasolabial fold only. Unless you're a no-eye-contact austist I guess

No. 401845

My bf has a thing for women with long philtrums and thin upper lips. He kind of makes fun of my thick upper lip and short upturned philtrum. There’s truly no winning with these things, so might as well just embrace your features nona.

No. 401862

lol I’ve been wearing a mask at my job everyday for 2 years now and nobody knows how horrific my actual face looks
It’s just a grocery store so it’s whatever, I still see some customers wearing masks.

No. 401864

>Mirrors often make people think they are more attractive than they actually look
>be at store
>buying some clothes
>look at myself on the mirror while looking how some pants fit me
>glance at my face
>I look like a deformed rat/pug woman
>feel miserable throughout the rest of the day
If that's me making myself look more attractive, then now I get why everyone is either pity complimenting me or straight up saying that I'm hideous, this also explains why children hate me as well.

No. 401866

kek, I've had multiple people tell me I look much better in a mask.
LMFAO me the other day in DSW looking in the full-body mirror trying to see if I could look cool in men's dress shoes. The answer is no. But to be fair the answer is no nomatter what I'm wearing so I'm still going to get the shoes.

No. 401875

I get you. Ugliness can feel like a moral failing.

No. 401924

I think I feel the most upset about my body and proportions. I am built like Gru, but really short so its exaggerated. I have a really wide back and a little square butt, and square buttcheeks. I don't think anything can ever change that.

No. 401930

File: 1717065864190.jpg (297.08 KB, 1628x532, allsmall.jpg)

What? That's not true at all. Mirrors are a reflection of you in real life, just flipped. If you want to see what you look like for real, get a true mirror. Cameras distort your features and aren't reliable measures of beauty.

No. 401944

I think this is why people like mirror selfies so much. I only look like myself in a phone picture if it was taken in the mirror, or from a large enough distance to negate the lens distortion. I always look like the far right photo when I try to take normal selfies kek

No. 401949

Look at other people's mirror reflections and compare them to how they look to you directly. Mirror reflections look closest to how people actually look, they're just flipped. Meanwhile cameras can seriously distort a person's face.

No. 401978

People like mirror selfies because they’re used to seeing mirrored reflections of themselves. To another person you look the same in the mirror and irl, they can’t tell the difference. Thinking mirrors make you prettier or uglier is wrong, they only make you think that way because only you look at your face so often. In reality, you look how you do in the mirror, but if you saw your true reflection you’d still think you’re hideous even if you think your mirror image is nice. But it’s just you, other people can’t see the difference.

No. 402335

File: 1717212049181.jpg (28.98 KB, 474x575, th(16).jpg)

Is your bf into whos

No. 402354

hilarious. here's your reddit gold

No. 402496

How do you guys respond to other women casually mentioning how ugly they are? I never know what to say to that, I'm not sure if they expect me to tell them that they're actually beautiful or something, I always feel awkward when they do that and just kinda try to change the subject (I might be a little autistic kek). I also feel like me trying to reassure them would be pointless anyway since I'm always much uglier than them.
Anyways, I don't mind being ugly most days since it keeps the moids away, but sometimes it does sting a little when I show up in a group photo and see how fucking ugly I look compared to everyone else. I wish I could save those pictures and cherish those memories but I look even worse in pictures than I do irl and it makes me feel so bad that I just delete them as soon as possible. I always joke to my mom that if I ever go missing they won't have any pictures of me to put on the posters kek

No. 402512

It depends who's saying that. If it's someone I care about I'll reply with something nice. I don't think it's pointless, people are insecure and tend to need support even in obvious issues. My pretty friend "feels" ugly sometimes and I'll reassure her, because she's a genuinely good person and friend. As for people I don't care about I'll just change the topic or comment on something else. Idk what they expect me to say and I certainly don't feel like discussing appearances with strangers or people I don't like.
I also don't have pictures of myself. The ones I do are out of obligation. I tend to take pictures of things or the location for memories. They won't make me depressed to look at and I'll still have the memory from that moment.

No. 402909

I had my haircut almost perfect, there was just a bit I needed someone to get in the back, so I asked my mom to just take off the tiniest bit…. Anons she created a straight up shelf halfway up my head. The only way to fix it was to do a really close shave up to the bump of my skull in the back. I tried to fade it but I’m not a barber. Of course then the front had to change to match. I decided on really short fringe in the front and I actually did a great job and I love the style, just… not on me. I have a long bulldog face with no strong mid face bone structure, and without more hair framing my face, it really highlights my ugliness front and center. I know I don’t have the face type to pull off this hair cut, and it’s so frustrating that when i go out, other people will also be thinking that. Of course the hair will grow out, but it just sucks. I wish I had a normal looking face. I don’t have a single attractive facial feature to comfort myself with. Not my eyes, not my lips, not my cheeks, not my eyebrows, nothing— the best it gets is “boring and homely”, and most of my features don’t even achieve that.

No. 402911

File: 1717380480869.webp (20.93 KB, 499x561, C93430DA-997C-4E19-BEA4-9C9B20…)

Picrel, it’s this, but imagine it on an woman with a face like a deep sea blobfish stretched over the skull of an inbred Hapsburg.

No. 403293

How do you develop swagger as a terminally nerdy (in vibes mostly) ugly woman

No. 403906

File: 1717666481680.png (93.53 KB, 275x225, image_2024-06-06_023436462.png)

how can i cope with the fact i'll never have a skinny face? im bmi 17 and i feel like absolute shit seeing fat retards with a skinnier face than me. i've tried doing jaw exercises and massages but nothing works. even at my lowest weight at bmi 15.6 my face was fat as fuck fml.

No. 403913

Facial fat makes you look younger. Right now this may be an issue to you, but when you get older it will be an asset.

No. 404721

I hate seeing cute cloths and wantinh to wear them so bad, then remember I'm ugly and I will look stupid in that. I don't have the face, body, or height to pull off anything cool. And it doesn't help I'm too hairy and people will give me a hard time for my armpit hair, but I'm too stubborn and lazy to shave. I wish I was just naturally hairless sometimes, and pretty and tall with a banger body. I wish I looked like I think I do inside my head.

No. 404751

>im bmi 17 and i feel like absolute shit seeing fat retards with a skinnier face than me.

No. 404756

Are you bulimic

No. 404762

The average fashionfag is ugly, anon. "Ugly" women in cute clothes are everywhere if you go outside, no one is going to notice you.

Unshaven women do get shit sometimes, that's just the time that we live in, but again most people have their own lives to deal with. And you can just cover up anyway if it bothers you that much.

No. 404806

I feel you. I really like jfashion, but when I posted pics of myself in some, I got comments talking about how they “love seeing transfemme’s being comfortable enough to wear these clothes!!!” But I’m not trans, I’m just an ugly woman. I never wore those clothes again.

No. 404817

Exactly that, they look goofy in the fashion they like to wear because they're ugly. Hot people look cool in those same exact outfits because they're hot. I don't want to look stupid and dumpy in the cool fashion I like, I want to look hot and captivating. I don't mind showing my body hair despite how thick it is, I just don't want to get annoying comments and looks about it.
That's so brutal, I'm so sorry you got told that. I never upload pictures of myself online because of this. I look like an unwashed grandma who's trying to fit with the youngesters, but I'm just 22. I just look way too old and a bit manly, and look like I'm dirty 24/7 no matter how clean I am because it's the nature of my weird skin, and probably caused by all the health issues I have out of my control, and my genetics. Which all add to the soul crushing experience of being ugly. I would've had potential if it wasn't for certain factors, but those factors beem there for too long to reverse the damage now. Might actually kill myself over this. On a related tangent, I also avoid taking selfies at all because of this, and hide my face with my big phone whenever I want to take a picture of an outfit. All the tips on how to take a nice picture don't work with me because I'm that unphotogenic. The only "good angle" I have is impossible to capture and I only did capture it once, but my nose looks way bigger than it actually is in that picture, it's so frustrating. My lookd are so jumbled and weird that I forget what I look like sometimes and decided to pretend it's whatever I think I do look like in my head, until a mirror or camera shatters that illusion. I especially hate when I hang out with my friends and they take pics and videos of us together and I just look so off compared to them all. Sorry for the rant kek.

No. 404818

people like you are the one buccal fat removal actually works for. like selena gomez.

No. 404863

That's so nasty of them wtf, are you sure they weren't just being a bitch?

No. 405667

I hate my face so much. I literally have no good features. Most people, even the ugliest people, have at least one or two attractive features, like long eyelashes, nicely shaped lips, nice eye color, silky hair, nice skin etc. Somehow I got the ugliest genetics for every single feature possible. Ugly dull eye color, ugly eye shape, ugly thin shapeless lips, ugly chin, ugly huge crooked nose, bad skin, ugly frizzy hair, etc etc. Not only that but I have an uglybod, am mentally ill and also have a bunch of autoimmune conditions so I can’t even say ‘at least my body/health/brain is good’

No. 405687

it hurts true. practice gratitude, remember you're no objective whatsoever, you definitely DO have features others covet, things you completely take for granted and will continue to it happens to you, like get a persistent fungal skin infection and then you'll be looking back at old pictures thinking if only i appreciated what i had. this is the tune everyone sings eventually, so it is nice to begin restructuring your inner negative critic into a voice that has a habit of practicing gratitude. practice joy and whimsey nona, and be grateful you were forced to develop a personality outside of your looks and haven't been plagued with sociopathic moids your whole life wanting to get their dick wet and lying the entire time about how they view you as a person.
also nona, i have autoimmune issues and it affects my skin. the months i stick to cutting out all inflammatory things from my diet (research aip) and sleeping well my skin is transformed and i get a massive confidence boost (that is to say i feel less repulsive and more normal). maybe look into it, do you have sensitivity to gluten, dairy, soy, etc? it can be empowering for me when i manage to dedicate myself to healthy eating and sleep, anyone ugly who lives well still has a glow that is attractive to people subconsciously on a biological level (and my nose shrinks which really rebalances a person's face) (trying to say here that i'm sorry you're feeling horrible about your face, i relate, either practice gratitude and get over it, or commit to living a healthy lifestyle that will inevitably improve your looks a bit)

No. 405719

I'm so sorry that happened to you anon. With all the troon pandering happening nowadays I feel as though if you're a slightly masc woman you're just fucked. These people try to be "inclusive" but they're just insulting us.

I'm also manly in the face, deep voice, ungainly posture, narrow hips and broad shoulders etc and I'm terrified of being clocked as one. I don't like dressing feminine because lipstick on a pig so I dress andro and plain by default but I fear that just makes me more like a man. I'm too afraid to have long hair because instead of a woman I just look like a troon or Slash.

No. 405934

My ugliness has made me extremely bitter and jealous of others. I have a friend. She is also pretty unattractive. But she’s always so nice, happy, bubbly and good natured that everyone likes her. She’s even had people simping for her despite being a solid 4 simply because she’s such a sweet person. Then there’s me. Lmao. Constantly bitter, petty, envious, negative and pissed off (I can hide it for social situations okay, but it’s obvious imo that I’m still miserable) I wish I was pretty on the inside at least. But it’s clear I’ll always be ugly inside and out.

No. 407031

Just got back the professional photos I had taken for job applications and I want to kill myself lol. Does anybody else feel like their face is a major nerf in the hiring process. I'm both ugly (I have an actual jaw deformation that I've been informed I need surgery to fix, but don't have money for yet) and look like a massive bitch.

No. 407033

And the no.1 thing is my acne. My skin looks dirty and pulpy IMO and I feel like it makes me look both immature and unreliable. I want to die kek why do some people just get dealt shit cards.

No. 407036

>I dress andro and plain by default but I fear that just makes me more like a man
Dressing feminine doesn’t always help either. I wear fitted clothing and have very long hair. No makeup or light makeup, I’ve been called a “he” by some women at the store/restaurant. I’m thin and I’m short, but I have a large nose, prominent brow, and strong jaw bone. I think maybe I should dress androgynous and cut my hair short, but that’s not my style. I get that I shouldn’t feel offended, but when it happens so many times you feel discouraged.

No. 407211

You might be able to get insurance to cover it if it's medically necessary. Just takes awhile

No. 407214

There are so many times I see women in public and I just want to cry because I imagine how good it must feel to wear revealing clothing and be attractive. Summer must be such a fun and free time of the year where you get to show off your flat stomach and nice boobs meanwhile I'm fighting to hide as much of my skin and body as usual. I'm so fucking envious sometimes.

No. 407220

>show off your flat stomach
tbh I see more people with potbellies and flab wearing crop tops and revealing clothing than women with flat stomachs. I think it's more of a confidence thing if you want to wear revealing clothing. Some people do not care about letting it all hang out and no one says anything to them.

No. 407250

Ayrt and honestly there's not a ton of fat people where I live, especially not young people. I'm nowhere near overweight but my fat distribution is fucking unfortunate on top of medical conditions that are out of my control.

No. 407425

Honestly if you can afford it or get it on insurance Accutane can do wonders for acne

No. 410201

Not sure if this belongs here but i used to be bullied about being ugly alot and getting bulimia which makes me looks dehydrated plus a nosejob, and showing my underweight legs made moids actually like me. It is fucked up but honestly i only get treated well when i am underweight

No. 411173

I am hilariously ugly so even women will gleefully point that out to me. Some were prettier and younger than me, some were fat, older or both and they still wanted to kick me down. No solidarity even amongst other ugly women.

No. 411182

Tbh I think ugly women can be the most judgemental. I know I am. Every once in a blue moon I’ll actually see someone uglier than me (very rare) and in that moment instead of feeling solidarity I think “I have it bad but at least I’m not her.” Of course, I can only assume I’m frequently that person for other people. Everyone’s always looking for proof that they aren’t as ugly as they think and so for ugly women who find very little proof, they’ll jump on you like a drowning sailor to a piece of scrap wood.

No. 411188

>>411182 so you've thought that but you've never actually said it to their face? People will think what they think but they didn't have to make a performance out of it.

No. 411228

Of course not, I'm not mentally unstable like those people you mentioned. But what I'm saying is I think a lot of ugly women can have such huge painful feelings about their own ugliness that they take it out on others.

No. 411250

no cope and no judgement, but I actually enjoy being ugly. Although I admit that if I weren't so anti social, I might not feel the same way.
For those of you who hate being ugly, would you really want to be attractive if it meant that you would be sexualized and harassed by moids?

No. 411255

yes because then it would mean women would actually like me too. I'd just be a cold bitch to the moids idgaf about them.

No. 411259

>would you really want to be attractive if it meant that you would be [..] harassed by moids
I already get harassed by both moids and other women for being ugly and had to deal with them taking photos of me, bullying and insulting me. At the very least, other women wouldn't treat me like that if I was attractive.

No. 411274

I get harassment anyway, usually racist harassment like someone yelling konnichiwa or nihao in the street.

No. 411303

question for the entire thread, what kinds of shitholes are you nonnies living in? i've hung around some rough places in my slavic country of origin, but a bunch of you seem to be describing a literal inescapable dystopian hellscape that's simultaneously so deprived that you're constantly harassed by trashy moids and women, as well as so beauty obsessed that every woman automatically hates you for being ugly. it's expected that you'd occasionally get shit while walking in a bad neighbourhood but surely there's no society on earth where you wouldn't be able to make any friends just because you're ugly?

No. 411336

I couldn’t care less about being ugly now that I know beautiful women will also end up with uggo males. I’m not losing anything of value

No. 411343

if anything, i've seen more ugly women with himbos instead of the other way around. literal recessed chin, crooked nose and some mentally ill sparkles there and there, with men above 7/10, every. fucking. time.

No. 411355

It's hard for me to believe people who claim to enjoy being ugly are truly ugly. You're most likely just kind of average. Being truly ugly and in my case having a medical deformity doesn't come with any upsides at all. It's not just dating that's hard, it's moving throughout the world and realizing that at worst people are outright cruel to you and that even kind people are uncomfortable being in your presence and would prefer you not exist in public.

No. 411368

>surely there's no society on earth where you wouldn't be able to make any friends just because you're ugly?
I wish. I'm the AYRT and I live in the US, in what's considered a good place but I still get harassed and have barely had any friends my entire life. It might just be that you're not as ugly as the rest of this thread.

No. 411383

my fat distribution is my biggest genetic lottery loss. It's so weird, because im not actually overweight at all, and yet the lower part of my stomach is sticking out in such a weird way. my calves are also weirdly fat, they are bigger than my thighs. im not joking. so that makes me look quite fat.. fml

No. 412243

In my most insane moments I've thought of cutting my face, slash some parts so I'd still be ugly but another type

No. 417640

I seriously hate being ugly, the least I interact with people, the better I feel about myself, but once I go out and interact with people outside my very small trusted circle, I spiral back to feeling miserable because I'm hideous.
I have only 1 friend who has genuinely told me that I look pretty and I cling to her desperately because I think she's so pretty.
I have a really retarded body because I'm fat, which makes my face look like shit because I'm not a cute fat girl, I'm a hideous fat woman with a permanent double chin because of my retarded chin that I seriously want to get fixed, with a droopy nose because as a kid I had lots of issues with allergies, so I would constantly just push it down (I didn't pick my nose, I thought that was gross and nasty even back then) which makes my nose look like a weird beak, my eyes are clearly asymmetrical, and it shows clearly on pictures, specially pictures taken by others, I have scars all over my legs from skin picking and now I even have lots of cellulite.
No matter how much I workout and diet I never stick to it because I just feel miserable whenever I have my period, I get sick monthly and it makes me lose any sort of motivation I could have mustered up to workout.
I look like shit in any outfit because being skinny is probably the only way for me to look decent, so it's like I'm always dressing a pig with silk, but in this case I'm the pig, the worst part is that pigs can look cute, I can't.
I've always been told that in hideous by anyone who is my age, younger or older, specially from anyone from my country, it's like they consider me a lesser being for daring to exist and not look pretty.
My hair isn't long enough to be considered special or pretty, it's just right at bra strap length, but if I cut it I look even more obese than with my long hair.
The worst part is that I look myself in the mirror or using my phone camera, and I don't think I'm ugly enough to be hated this much, specially by moids, but everyone except my one friend and my family keeps assuring me that in really fucking hideous.
I just wish I could just always stay locked in my house, not interacting with anyone but my family and my friend, living happily in delusion land so I don't have to feel this shitty.
And yeah, I don't use social media other than pinterest for art references which yeah, makes me wish I was at least skinny, and WhatsApp to talk with my family, that's it. I never even check stories and shit because I know I will just feel like shit.
I really hate being ugly, I know, I know that being pretty isn't any better but hell, I would like to have pretty people problems sometimes too, instead of feeling like anywhere I go, everyone looks at me with disgust, disdain, anger and pity.

No. 417641

Sometimes I just wish I had bone cancer or skin cancer so I could at least get pity compliments like the ones people give to anyone that's morbidly sick.

No. 417677

How do you deal with knowing you’ll likely never find a bf or get married? I used to be fat and ugly now I’m just ugly. Loose skin from weight loss. Boobs sag down to my bellybutton, arms have batwings. It would probably cost at least 50 grand in surgeries to fix my body. Even then I’d be covered in scars. I don’t think I will ever be able to be in a relationship, not that anyone has shown interest anyway. I was given shitty genetics and made them even more shitty through bad lifestyle choices earlier in life.

No. 417691

Read what kind of moids women have to deal with or look up any pretty woman's husband and see how 99% of the time he is pretty damn ugly. Or honestly just give it a shot yourself and experience their vain and shallowness first hand

No. 417695

I'm not particularly ugly in fact i'd call myself pretty attractive but had to chime in.
Moids are fucking trash, you dont want one. Your bf will disappoint you. staying up late at night worrying about what other girl your bf is texting or lusting after is mentally draining and the kowledge he might be a porn addict in secret takes a huge toll on your psyche. You're constantly on edge and feel the need to watch his every move like a hawk cause modern men are unfaithful porn addicts who will cheat on you and then gaslight you. I miss the single life, yeah I cry and get all sappy cause I crave male intimacy when i'm single but then find out this shit is not fucking worth it without fail whenever I enter a new relationship even if things seem good on paper. Fuck why do I keep doing this to myself.

No. 417703

>I'm not particularly ugly in fact i'd call myself pretty attractive but had to chime in
Of course you did.

No. 417706

What does an objectively ugly woman even looks like? You will almost ALWAYS mogg a moid just by the fact you splashed water on your face or brushed your teeth.

No. 417709

I'm trying to highlight the problem. It's not your attractiveness or lack thereof, it's men. You don't want to strive for a relationship or commitment in this day and age, it's futile.

No. 417710

This was a crazy realization for me. I remember stalking this famous instagram girl because I thought she was so beautiful, probably one of the most gorgeous girls on the planet tbh, objectively. I was like holy fuck if I looked like her I would have my pick of nay hot guy I wanted, endless simps etc etc. a couple years later she did a boyfriend reveal and holy fuck he was the most ugly Neanderthal looking scrote I’ve ever seen in my life, AND he treats her horribly. I started noticing that every other gorgeous woman I followed had an equally ugly moid. Like holy shit even beautiful women truly waste themselves on hideous awful men, it’s actually crazy and sad

No. 417711

That anon who responded to you wasnt the OP of that post (me) btw.

No. 417712

I look like the wife in The Twits

No. 417745

I wish this was true. I don't have a point of reference to compare my ugliness to, but my facial features just don't play well together and it makes the asymmetry of my face stand out more than it should. I am also hairer for somebody my race thanks to being part Italian and that's practically the only trace of european that I inherited for some bizarre reason. I've always been told i was ugly by a lot of people and some people straight up get disgusted by me and if that doesn't serve as a good demonstration of how ugly i am, then idk what does. How people react to your appearance is just as important than the actual objective aspects of it. All that and i have acne scarring and keratosis pilaris that has left a lot of scars on my back and shoulders, forcing me to cover up so i don't look more repulsive than i already do. I am practically the perfect candidate for facial reconstruction surgery. I know for sure if i was to post my face on this website, anons would be roasting the ever living shit out me and posting photo shops as to how they would fix me. Maybe you are trying to be nice anon, but i just find women who have been average/attractive all their lives are completely oblivious to how it's like for ugly women.

No. 417760

personally my teeth are way worse than most moids (although that's kind of my fault)

No. 417770

Fucking always, kek. We really can't vent in our own designated threads or forums without women like you coming and shitting on our wants. Yeah, we know most if not all men are slimy or just straight up awful. We're ugly enough to learn that early on about them. it still does not change the fact that getting no positive interactions with them fucks with you, especially when the media loves to parrot how easy it must be for any woman to get into a relationship.

No. 417774

Anon i'm sorry, believe me I hated that too when I was fugly and identified as a femcel, but anon asked how to deal with that so I wanted to give her personal insight now that ive "glowed up" and have more experience dating. It's just overrated plain and simple. Being ugly is way worse tho I agree, I'm not trying to take away from that because ive been there so I know the struggle.

No. 417791

girl ok.

No. 417797

I'm really ugly, even after weight loss and taking care of my skin/hair. Even makeup. But I'm happy because I have everything going for me except looks and money (working on that currently). I don't really care if that sounds narcissistic or something, society already thinks ugly women don't deserve anything so I don't give a fuck. I prioritise myself, my family and my friends and my only fear is that I will never find a good moid to have my own family with. Other than that I'm happy with myself on a spiritual level.

No. 417800

If you had a glow up to a point you consider yourself pretty attractive then you weren't ugly to begin with. You have plenty of other threads to whine about your relationship.

No. 417804

This. x20000000. “Glowing up” = had decent features, but wasn’t taking care of herself until now. Nothing I hate more than “glow up” people trying to speak as if they were actual ugly people. I’m actually ugly. I spend a lot of time grooming myself, I carry myself with confidence, and am always well-dressed. These things don’t result in a “glow up” for me because I am actually physically biologically ugly. So I don’t want to hear about anyone’s “glow up” and how that means they’ve “been on both sides”. Delusional.

No. 418975

God I am impressively hideous and my BDD is rearing its ugly head again. Doesn't matter what I do, the canvas is flawed. I wish I got surgery when I had the chance.
I got a medical scan done earlier this year for unrelated reasons and when I looked at the details I saw that my entire skull is just skewed and warped to one side which explains why one of my eyes is bigger than the other. What the fuck happened to me as a baby? I have legit deformities, and it doesn't help I look like a man, but it's not enough to warrant reconstructive surgery, just plain bad genes. Wish real women could get tranny face surgeries covered. At least we'd use them

No. 420348

If you’re really ugly, I recommend trying a completely different hairstyle. I was looking through old pictures of myself and was in shock about how hideous I was when I had long hair (had shoulder length hair most of my life). To use the crude numbering system, I was at BEST a 2/10, and the only reason I can’t say I was 1/10 is because I wasn’t like medically deformed or obese kek. A couple of years ago I cut my hair into a pixie in a moment of “fuck it”ness, and it’s improved my appearance so much, like some sort of optical illusion that makes my face not so incredibly hideous. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still ugly, but I’d say I moved up to a 3.5/10 now and that actually makes a huge difference.
2/10 is “everyone who sees you pities you for being so ugly, you are hard to look at”, while 3.5/10 is “very homely but most people just look past you” which is a miracle for me. I never would have expected a haircut to cast such a powerful illusion and tbh I don’t understand it, but I’m so glad I discovered this.

No. 420353

I can second this haha, I went in to a hairstylist and told her to do whatever she wanted and the hairstyle she gave me actually changed my face so much. It boosted my self-confidence a lot. I wouldn't call myself pretty by any measure but now I feel like my appearance at least reflects the effort I put into grooming it.

No. 420354

Samefag, also inb4 some nonna tells me I don't in this thread if just a haircut helped that much: unlike the nonna I replied to, I actually do have a medically recognized facial deformity that will require eventual surgery to correct.

No. 420416

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>TLDR; Style your hair and wear sunglasses kek

experimented this week since I visited a touristic city and realized I've gotten a whole lot thinner. During the day I dolled myself up.
>curled my hair
>wore something summery..shorts and a top. decently simple but classy.
>no makeup, but my skin is well taken care of.
>i do not shave. i am very hairy everywhere.
>bought sunglasses that suit my face shape and compliment skin tone.
I got stares in the street. Pointed at. Eyes following me from all sorts of people (ages, sex, races, from average looking folk to even 'pretty' people). Got catcalled passing through an alleyway and when I hit the town square. Strangers struck up conversation with me and hovered around. It's fascinating how obscuring the majority of your face with sunglasses just makes you more 10x more alluring to people. Must be the mystery or 'cool' factor.
During the night.
>wore biker shorts
>jacket similar to a leather jacket
>hair braided back like those female mma fighters
>my regular glasses
The treatment from men was night and day. Women on the other hand only really waver and remained for the most part polite but it was still evident that they're kinder (some get bitter tho kek) if you're prettier. Minimal glances, ppl avoiding me on the street, annoyed and impatient attitude if I interacted. Planned on getting a bite to eat, narc father was pissed about my appearance since he has this hang up with hair. It's fucking hot idgaf about styling my hair especially since he only gives a shit about how he's perceived by strangers. Meaning I better make him look good. Got called cute by a drunk guy at 3 am though.

I also kept the same facial expressions throughout and wasn't any more smiley or pouty in either cases.
Now I know that if I give 5% more effort and perform this feminine shit…I'll get treated better. I hate this game. fixed sth..posted again

No. 420418

The only physical thing I'm ever complimented on is my hair, when I have it grown long and I'm wearing it down. For me personally I don't think it detracts from my face being hideous but I do get a lot of comments on my hair especially ever since I got balayage done.

No. 420419

yeah..as a teen it was that way for me. my hair and my clothes got complimented on. that's all.

No. 420421

Calling Janis ugly is such a psyop. She wasn't beautiful, but she was far from ugly.

No. 420424

I agree. I chose picrel because I one day hope to embody her carefree attitude. She's so cute imo

No. 420443

I think when you wear sunglasses people just tend to stare at you slightly longer because they can't meet your eye. I noticed that happening when I wore sunglasses, but I can't say I look much better (or worse) in them.

No. 423997

The state of the world right now hits hard because I’m an extremely unattractive woman, and now everyone’s offering support for me because my face and build are mannish enough for them to think I’m a TiM. It’s bad enough that I got pity from people thinking I was a tranny before, but it’s worse now that I have people saying “you’re a real woman” I fucking know that. I get periods, I have a womb, I can reproduce (never will cause I don’t wanna spread this), I’m just really fucking unpleasant to look at.

No. 424012

I've been called he/him/sir by other women and I don't know if it's been out of spite or what. I have a large nose, small lips, strong cheekbones, pronounced browbone (that I hide with bangs), and sharp jaw. Deepish voice. Not super masculine, but not hyperfeminine. At best, people compare me to younger Anjelica Huston. I know it shouldn't matter but it stings sometimes to be called "sir". Just because I don't have a pig button nose doesn't mean I'm not a biological woman. I'm not ever going to get plastic surgery though. I'm thinking maybe if I wear eyelash extensions or something people will stop calling me sir.
I feel you. I've been to the damn gynocologist, I have a womb and have a menstrual cycle. I'm a woman. I hate how troonery affected how people see masculine women.

No. 424101

Having harsh features like the lady who plays the nun in the conjuring

No. 424164

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i actually honestly like looking at her face. she's ugly but she looks so interesting she is genuinely kind of pleasing to look at.

No. 424166

I agree. I also think she's a great example on how attitude and confidence can make up for features that are considered ugly. She carries herself well and honestly just looks elegant and unique to me. I think it's worse if you're completely plain and have nothing interesting going for you at all other than a weak jawline and frumpy looks.

No. 424178

I don’t even think she’s ugly, I find her very elegant looking and even beautiful in a unique way. But I can see how someone could give her the wrong makeup and hair and make her look ugly or scary.

No. 424192

I wish looking like this was my problem. Instead I look like a droopy bulldog with no facial bone definition to speak of despite being thin

No. 424198

If you look at her and see an ugly woman that’s the reflection of your own soul.

No. 424278

How do you guys deal with strangers mocking you or saying rude things about your appearance? How do you not let it get you down? Certain encounters just live permanently in my head. One in particular because it was a day that I was dressed and groomed nicely for work and despite that it turned out to be the cruelest one so far (involved a whole group of strangers).
Because even if I decide not to care personally about being ugly, it’s still excruciating to know that strangers upon seeing you for the first time all have a knee jerk reaction of disgust at your face before anything else. You can’t get around that.

No. 424351

I don’t really have any advice beyond trying not to dwell on it. I try to ignore it, and I remember that it says a lot more about them that they’re mocking someone for their appearance. There’s nothing wrong with me, there’s something wrong and rotten about them and their shitty attitude. Why care about what some jerks think?
I’ve been called “witch” and the like before for my nose, although that doesn’t bother me as much anymore because witches are awesome. Most recently I overheard a group of douchebags at work calling me “bangs”. I was so confused what that could even mean, I have bangs because it’s the most flattering haircut I’ve found. I don’t work at that job anymore and I chocked it up to them being the assholes they usually are, probably mad that I wouldn’t do any work for them during MY lunch break. I’m ranting now but anyways, try to hold your head up high. Shitty people’s reactions shouldn’t matter to you.
She looks classy and regal.

No. 424365

I got that kind of comments a lot since I was a literal baby. People would to go my mom -according to her at least- and say "wow yoir daughter looks like a monkey, should've let her die in the hospital or something". I find this hilarious tbh, can't get angry at it because they're kinda right. In school, other girls would constantly tell me I need to trim and brush my eyebrows because they're too thick and ugly, nowadays that is in style so I get compliments about it but they still say I should brush it and fill it in with make up because, get this, it's not thick enough??? And as a kid, they'd point out my crooked nose a lot, I didn't believe them at first until my own family members started noticing and making fun of me for it, then I started to see it and how I have 2 different side profiles because of this. Way to escape law enforcements I guess? I got too used to it that I find it funny when it's pointed out to me, but they also laugh at me if I ever say I'm gonna get it fixed so idk what are they trying to achieve exactly? But eventually, I just learned what I actually dislike about my looks and what I like, so people's comments don't get to me if I think they're wrong, and it's funny when I do agree and I'd be like "yeah that's true, gonna fix it once I make enough money because I'm aiming for a high paying job and I'll be rich enough to afford it.", idk why but it works to shut them up about it. I stopped coming across people who make comments about my looks with age, except my family ofcourse, and my current friends are very accepting and nice so I rarely hear that kind of commentary these days, other than inside my head when I look at the mirror lmao. I wonder sometimes, if I never got those comments since childhood, would I be more accepting of my looks? Because all those "pretty" girls in media and social media never got into me and I always found them either ugly and too unnatural, or just mid, so I never bothered comparing myself to them and getting upset about my looks, so I imagine maybe without that part of my childhood I'd be more confident. My rejection of makeup also stems from this, because girls at school and family members sometimes would tell me wearing makeup would cover up my ugliness, so I ended up associating makeup with being ugly and not fixing it permanently but temporarily by covering it up, so I refused to waste money, time and effort on such a non-solution. But I gotta say, I prefer natural bare faces over makeup-ed faces in general, and think my face looks decent already without makeup, I just need to fix my nose and lighten my lips and get healthier because my 22 yo ass is already losing my buccal fat and looking very gaunt.

No. 424366

Ayrt, I can’t really relate because if anything I get more insults from strangers as an adult than when I was a kid for some reason, and my family was never mean to me and instead try to convince me I’m not hideous which is somehow more annoying imo. And to me, responding to people who call me ugly with “yes I’m going to give up thousands of dollars to fix my face” is probably the most pathetic thing to say back for me personally. I just want to be able to mind my own business without being constantly reminded about how offensive other people find my face.
Yes I mean I agree they’re jerks but what gets to me is that even the nice people who don’t make comments about my face are still just as disgusted by it internally. It feels bad to inspire a natural negative reaction in people and make their day just that much more unpleasant for having to have looked at me or interacted with me. It’s not a matter of self esteem really because I like who I am just fine, I’m just tired of inspiring such negative reactions in others just by existing.

No. 424592

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I wish there was a plastic surgery that could move your nose placement down your face. I legit look like picrel.

No. 424594

uh, upper lip filler maybe?

No. 424605

No, that would just make me look like an ape that got stung in the lips by a bee kek. And my nose base is so high that any attempt to move the lips up would look almost equally ridiculous (plus my nose is a bit upturned so a lip lift scar would be super visible anyway).

No. 424606

that sucks

No. 424614

Nta but I understand. I have a long space in between nose and lip and while some people suggest to get a lip flip, it would look so ridiculous. There's too much space to fix it by just moving the lip or filling it.

No. 424618

There actually are surgeries that do that, but it's a pretty extreme surgery and the risks are not worth maybe looking better.

No. 424622

It's my dream to get a lip lift but my midface is long skeleton-wise and my nose is short so I'd still probably looked fucked up in my proportions if the surgery even worked to begin with. People who have good canvases for plastic surgery are so lucky, vs us with ngmi deformities

No. 424624

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remember that moids only want hole(off-topic)

No. 424650

Incredible, I saved this to my favorites btw

No. 424939

Grow a mustache

No. 426186

Today I talked to my therapist about being ugly and how awful it feels to be pitied by everyone, and she really didn't have anything to say. She just was like "that's hard." Like, duh, which is why I'm talking to you about it. IDK what I expected but it did leave me feeling worse to have gone in and bared my heart about how hard it is to go through life as a very ugly person and the therapist just not even know what to say. I wish there was a way to make this pain go away, but even when I try to forget it, someone is always there to make a comment that reminds me how hideous they find me while I'm just going about my day.

No. 426217

Sure mean comments hurt too but the things that bother me the most are overt pity and transparent platitudes. IDK why.

No. 426239

You know you were born ugly when you didnt even get interest from older men/pedos as a teen girl kek. Not saying that's a bad thing, but its clear even pedos have standards.

No. 426261

I haven’t worn makeup in years and I found some old makeup in my room. I put it on in the way that I used to wear it, maybe I’ve lost the skills for applying it. It made me realize how wonky my features are. It was like applying makeup to a pig.

No. 426339

Same, makeup just makes me look more ridiculous. I look better without it. Plus it’s such a hassle for no real benefit.

No. 426352

Would anyone else be considered attractive if not for 2 features that completely fuck up your face, or even just 1? I have high cheekbones, full lips, almond eyes, full eyebrows but because of my dad I have a giant fucking nose tip that completely ruins my facial harmony along with a cleft chin and weak jaw that makes my nose looks even bigger. I think I would be average if I didn't have at least one of these features

No. 426353

i don't necessarily have specific bad features but i'm cursed with a shitload of asymmetry. one half of my face/head literally looks like someone moved it upwards making me look like a weird psychonauts character. i think our facial features do 'blend in' for other people more than they do for us though.

No. 426355

Big/nicely shaped eyes on women can do a TON of heavy lifting in the looks department though.

No. 426360

This is me with my malnourishment and skin issues, eyebags, and broken nose. Also dark lips that look smaller than they actually are because the dark edges blend in with my facial skin tone. My teeth could also be an issue because, despite my prominent chin, I still look like I have an overbite. My jawline isn't bad but could be better. I think if I start with my broken nose, the rest will fall into place on its own. My eyebrows shape could use some shaping, if it was more angular it would've looked better, but it's super round and flat/straight and gives my face an undesirable "soft" look that is more on the retarded side, idk how to explain it. It's a bit masculine as well so I don't like it that much. Lightening my lips using some skin treatments or laser treatments even could help a lot, since this darkness seems natural and not from dryness, biting or anything else that can be reduced or reversed. Idk what I can possibly do for my eyebags though, they say caffeine works if it's just hyperpigmentation, but if it's something you're born with then there's no way to get rid of it. And I can't tell which one is it kek. Ofcourse, improving my health can go a long way and fix most of this, but I can't do it currently because of my shitty circumstances that caused these issues in the first place, and it will only get worse with time.

No. 426370

Anyone else lowkey have an adam's apple? My whole thyroid (?) bulges out and makes me feel like a troon. I don't even have a deep voice. I'm also tall so I'm always afraid to be sir'd (hasn't really happened since I was 14 though.)

No. 426374

My chin ruins my entire face I think. Scarred as hell from acne and the acne still keeps coming back despite treatment. It is also very dimpled. I tried botox on the area once and I don't think it really helped. I had some cosmetic surgery done there years back to help make my chin less receded and it still looks like shit.

No. 426389

No. I don’t have a single attractive facial feature.

No. 426506

Same. Crazy thing is, I see other 'ugly' people with a randomly beautiful feature like pretty eyes, nice silky hair, long lashes, nice full lips etc. Yet I literally don't have a single good feature. All of my features are considered failos by society.

No. 426507

I'm not a jew but I have a massive fucking jew nose that ruins what might have been a half decent face. Oh, and fucked up teeth too.

No. 426511

big noses are sexo

No. 426526

That's a gross thing to say

No. 426638

I just wish I could be average. Average people spend all their time whining and moaning about not being supermodel 1% tier like it’s some huge unfair tragedy, meanwhile they have no appreciation for the fact that they can go out in public and not be insulted by random strangers or even friends and family. It pisses me off.

No. 426641

Agree. I would love to have 'average', boring, even, standard features instead of the strange proportions and weird exaggerated or too small, jarring features I have. Irony is most 'average' looking girls look like supermodels when they apply makeup.

No. 426658

A stranger on the train once said I looked like their friend and then they showed me a pic and the friend was fucking ugly, she was a frumpy hard faced woman. I can’t tell if he was trolling me or just clueless but it ruined my self esteem kek

No. 426729

Certain interaction will truly never leave your psyche. I’ll always remember when an entire car full of men rolled their windows down to cat call me and when I turned to face them, all unanimously and instantly started laughing and yelling about how ugly I was, that they’d never seen such an ugly faced woman, how I should be forced to wear a paper bag on my head.

And this was a day I had dressed up nicely for a job interview.

No. 426811

honestly though why would you trust the judgement of men like that

No. 426883

Do you think that’s the only interaction where people have called me ugly? I wish.

No. 426915

Like 90% of people are ugly in general.

No. 426916

theres no such thing as an ugly race

No. 426930

nona, my thyroid bulges out too, very visibly, looks like an adam's apple and i don't have a deep voice, but what i do have is a hormonal thyroid illness ( that also made me into a fatty, so i'm ugly AND fat). even if you're skinny i recommend going to an endocrinologist to check it out, just to be safe since there are a lot of variations of thyroid issues, some don't necessarily make you fat. i don't want to worry you, but it's better to rule it out.

No. 426932

That’s not a thing.

No. 427048

Yes, but there are ugly ethnicities(racebait)

No. 427316

no there isnt, theres uggos and beauties in every ethnic group on the planet, unless the ethnic group is less than 100 people and they all happen to be part of the same ugly family or something

No. 427329

examples?(responding to bait)

No. 428071

Hey nona thanks for the reply! I'm sorry to hear that, I don't really have any symptoms BUT my father does have hypothyroidism and I saw that it can be genetic, so I'll get it checked out in the future

No. 428273

One side of my face is decent, so I do this stupid thing where I always keep people to my left when we're talking, walking in public, etc. I know that the difference isn't as stark as I've convinced myself it is, and to others my face is just an aggregation of my features no matter what the angle. But I can't stop focusing on my posturing whenever I'm around people.

No. 428363

I do the same thing. I wonder what we'd do if we met each other kek.

No. 428688

For some reason the new thing on here seems to be mocking people for having long philtrums and calling people with them inbred. It's always been my biggest insecurity, and the rest of me is not good looking either so I have nothing to make up for it. It sounds dumb maybe but all these posts are making me really want to kill myself or at least hide away from other people or get plastic surgery. But I scar easily so it would be more embarrassing to have the obvious scar I think. Which brings me back to the rope. I'm tired of going through life looking like this. I wish I could just look normal.

No. 428715

whats worse, being born ugly or being disfigured due to some external incident and as result turning ugly?

No. 428769

Born ugly. People are at least are sympathetic if you’re obviously disfigured. I often wish I was disfigured. If you’re just naturally ugly, people feel justified in being cruel to you for it. I think it’s a function of evolution to shun those who are born ugly to make sure they are eliminated from society and the gene pool. I am a genetic failure and it’s evident by my face. No one will ever be attracted to me, and worse, people don’t even like looking at me because my face is so unpleasant. I’m tired of going through life being the person who is seen on the street and people think “wow, things could be worse. I could have been born looking like her.” I want a redo at life, but since that’s not possible, I’d rather just end it as soon as possible. I think it’s cruel the universe creates people like me who are born just to suffer their whole lives.

No. 428782

You feel pity and empathy for someone who has been disfigured by a disease or by an accident, but if you see someone who is otherwise healthy but just ugly you don’t have the same reaction. In fact people tend to treat you worse and act annoyed if you even speak to them when you’re unattractive, just look at how men treat ugly women.

No. 428813

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I can’t take being ugly anymore. I just can’t take it. I’m against plastic surgery but I’m getting really close to just throwing away my moral code and just doing it. But the thing is, it’s a lose lose situation because
>Option 1: don’t get the surgery, people continue to make fun of me, I never date, too jealous of other people to make friends
>Option 2: get the surgery, look better, people stop treating me differently, maybe even get to date, but will forever be beating myself up and feeling horrible and guilty and selfish for caving and getting surgery against my principles and at the expense of societal progress.
I’m at an impasse and there’s no good choice to make.

No. 428821


Just get it and get over yourself. You will likely not regret it. Just go for a heavy hitter that will change your facial balance the most like a nose job so you can have the most improvement in just one procedure. Small procedures tend to have underwhelming effects.

No. 428846

I really wish I could figure out how. But I’m someone who has written essays about the harms of the plastic surgery industry and I’m also very strict with making sure my actions align with my principles, I really never do anything that goes against what I think is right, and I don’t know how I could live with myself if I got plastic surgery. But at the same time, spending the rest of my life like this is equally unfathomable. I’m just so miserable. Im so ugly that even I am revolted by my own reflection or pictures, and I’ve had my whole life to get used to what I look like. I can’t imagine how severe the disgust is in people who see me for the first time.

No. 428854

It's your life nona. Fuck principles if they are making you so miserable then they have to go. It's not written in stone. You have only this one life. If you have the means and possibility to improve the thing that is making you miserable then there is no reason to not do it. There is no punishment other than the one you are giving yourself. You can change your mind. You don't have to keep growing in one direction that you decided on years ago.

No. 429161

Gee chill out, don't hang yourself for having long philtrum lol. Get surgery if you think it's bad enough to make you isolate yourself from people

No. 430215

It leaves a noticeable scar 100% of the time and to me that’s more embarrassing than just being ugly.

No. 430217

The only reason anons on this site even notice long philtrums is due to being chronically online enough to absorb looksmaxxer talking points. Unless it's cartoonishly long most people irl don't even take note of it.

No. 430222

>unless it’s cartoonishly long
Why do you think I’m itt nona

No. 430227

i disagree with the other anon. stick with your principles, you have them for a reason. especially when you have such a strong stance on it as well.
you would likely regret it. plastic surgeons are scammers and they want you to keep coming back and give you worse body dysmorphia. it's not worth it. it'd be better to try and accept the appearance you were born with, as hard as that may be.
>I’m also very strict with making sure my actions align with my principles, I really never do anything that goes against what I think is right, and I don’t know how I could live with myself if I got plastic surgery. But at the same time, spending the rest of my life like this is equally unfathomable.
i feel similarly about my own principles in that i am firm in them so i sympathize with you. if it is truly a damned if you do damned if you don't situation, think of it this way:
>you are miserable with yourself for going against your firm principles or you are to remain miserable with your appearance
so if you are miserable either way, if things stay as they are, then that is what you are used to. but if you go the plastic surgery route, things can go wrong. so not only did you go against your principles, you could potentially be stuck with a bogged surgery that needs to be fixed with more surgeries. or you get stuck with a surgeon who wants to rework your entire face with procedures you didn't even want before, or your filler keeps migrating and it's fucking with your perception of yourself even more. i think there's way more of a chance of things getting worse if you go the plastic surgery route, and it would be filled with regret. whereas you have been with your appearance your whole life. maybe it will always be bad, but i feel like it's important to stick to your principles especially when you feel so strongly about them. i think it's a good quality to have.
it would be better to try with every fiber of your being to fully accept yourself as you are (even if you cant) than to go to the option that you clearly are against. to go to a seedy surgeon who doesn't care about your well-being. i don't think plastic surgery would solve the issue, and it especially is not going to fix your self-esteem either. it's also risky. it's not something you can reverse. i hope you can some day be happy with your appearance without some butcher cutting up your face. i wish you well nona

No. 430231

Fully agree with >>430227, consider this: do you really want to tell everyone that you hate yourself? Because when you're doing plastic surgery, you're admitting to hating how you look to everyone around you. You're walking with a constant reminder of your self-loathing on your face. It's undignified and belittling. Changing your appearance this much will make you alienated and trigger further dysmorphic spiralling. Alienation begets alienation. You don't even have to look at it from the 'i must adore myself' angle, you can think of how to lead a life where your appearance is low in your priority list (i haven't fully figured that one out kek but being ambitious, even for silly things, helps a lot)

Yep. Unless you have a very noticeable crease or puffy philtrum it's negligible

No. 430236

>noticeable crease or puffy philtrum
This is my problem. I wouldn’t hate it so much if it wasn’t so prominent. It looks like that dead cow who pretended to be nonverbal (withasmoothroundstone?). If it was flat I could live with it I think. But whatever I drew the short stick on pretty much everything I guess and I’ll never know what it’s like to look normal.

No. 430253


lmfao if her appearance is stopping her from living a fulfilling life (not even being able to attempt friendships because of jealousy of physical appearance is crazy) then she should go for surgery. The principles are made up concepts- they are not real. Probably influenced by a caretaker or someone who did not have the possibility to change anything but oh boy, you know if they could, they would.
Also this is seriously stunting development in other areas of her life. Being so fixated on appearances, building entire immovable monoliths out of reasons why surgery and changing your appearance is bad, writing fucking essays about it? look how much energy and time went into tricking herself out of doing it. she could be putting this energy into something more valuable if this obstacle wasn't there. Not to mention how many experiences are being missed out on because of this.

>do you really want to tell everyone that you hate yourself? Because when you're doing plastic surgery, you're admitting to hating how you look to everyone around you. You're walking with a constant reminder of your self-loathing on your face. It's undignified and belittling.

Literally no1curr except for chronically online people who selfloathe themselves and project it onto others who had the guts to do it and if it's one or two procedures, you can't even tell lol If you go around nitpicking other people's faces and after seeing that someone had surgery you have thoughts like that, there is something very wrong with you.

No. 430262

Most based anon in this discussion.

No. 430408

you're projecting and you're talking like you know the anon when you clearly don't
>look how much energy and time went into tricking herself out of doing it
look how much time and energy you're spending trying to trick her into believing she should abandon her principles that she has stated multiple times they're important to her. you aren't even listening to what she's saying you're just aggressive and want this anon to get plastic surgery way too much. i actually couldn't fully read your post because its littered with seething. put this energy elsewhere or go get plastic surgery for yourself. obviously she's conflicted for a reason

No. 430486

There is a third option, maybe you should try therapy instead anon. Unless you are literally deformed (which is who plastic surgery was originally invented for, and honestly I support people with deformities getting it) there is no reason for you to have such significant hangups about your appearance. I'm objectively very ugly but I have a group of close friends, I am married, it doesn't really affect my life at all anymore (although it used to). A therapist can maybe help you change your perspective and lead a more fulfilling life. It's worth trying it rather than continuing how you are anyway

No. 430493

NTA but caring that much about whether or not a stranger got work done is weird. I want you to understand that a normal person does not care strongly one way or another, and male opinions don’t count because they will praise a girl to high heavens for being natural even if she has the most obvious filler in her lips and chin.
Either way, what are you gonna do except cry about it? Do you think a rando irl or online cares about your views on the morality of plastic surgery? If you’re seething that much about something that doesn’t affect you and that you cannot change, you should consider therapy.

No. 430528

There is no special reward or medal for sticking to principles that cause you to have a miserable life, especially when you have access to a solution that can improve it tremendously. I'm just going to assume you don't have access or fear judgement from others so you're just doing the crab bucket thing. In reality no1curr

No. 430632

nona i have no idea why you're replying this to me, i don't care nearly as much as the anon that i was replying to who was projecting and reeeing at me for telling an anon that she should reconsider the plastic surgery idea

>There is no special reward or medal for sticking to principles that cause you to have a miserable life
that's correct, and there's no special medal or reward for having principles that fufill your life either. no one has principles because they're expecting something out of it. it's fine that you don't have any principles nonnie, but the original nona does and she stated that hers were important to her. that's why i took that into consideration. when you want to give advice to someone, normally you'd want to pay attention to what they're saying.
you can assume whatever you want about me, i don't give a shit. we're on an anonymous website. it's extremely clear you like to jump to conclusions. i was offering advice to an anon who was conflicted, i replied and i told her how i felt about it. you come in and clearly just want to argue for the sake of arguing. if you love plastic surgery so much, there's a thread just for you, you can sperg in there about how many nosejobs you can get before it falls off

No. 430727

I fucking hate being back to college, among nothing but trust funded rich kids, every single one of these girls are just perfectly well put together
>perfect angelic faces
>perfect teeth and poster child smiles
>perfect discreet makeup
>perfect fucking skin, not a single one with the hint of a pimple, like how tf do they even pull this??
>perfect toned bodies, probably spend all their free time at the gym
>perfect fucking hair, sharp straight lean and thin, like they're all stepping out of the hairdresser every single morning at 7am
>perfect clothing, effortlessly looking both cute and approachable
>perfect natural nails
>perfect voice and mannerism
>never show any hint of annoyance, as if their lives is just this nevermind stream of fun and praise
they're literally the male gaze incarnate, they all fucking look and feel the same, makes me want to kms, like I could spend all my time, all my saving for years and probably wouldn't even look a 10th as good, they all make it look effortless as well, like it's all they've been busying themselves with from birth till now, looking perfect at all times is like their second nature
I'm literally seething all day every day, I feel like giving up and dropping out every single time I come across one, and they're literally everywhere
I'm not even really ugly and I still want to hide myself in shame and never look back
I think I'm starting to turn myso even

No. 430730

Can’t offer much support but I feel the same way. I’m sorry things are like this.

No. 430731

Same, i try so hard to be that girl but i just can't lmfao

No. 430737

>but its clear even pedos have standards
not really, there's some that will go after unconventional and fat girls on purpose because they think they're more vulnerable or think that no one will believe them. maybe you just got lucky

No. 430830

then try snooping on their conversations, and you'll be astonished by what you find, all I've ever catched them talking about was either about who's fucking who, or the latest cosmetic, like try this gloss this, check out my latest dry shampoo that!, like bitches, aren't I supposed to be the one having no life? do you even have hobbies besides getting ready to get fucked all day?
plus what really makes my blood boil is how they're only even here as a glorified womanchild daycare, they don't even need to pass, they know they've already made it anyway
that's what ivy league schools feel like to your average slaving wannabe phd candidate

No. 430831

You don't understand psychology. if someone is not allowed or cannot have something they really want a lot of the time they can build an entire philosophy around why it's wrong, it's harmful and people engaging in it are retarded, sick individuals when in reality almost all things are completely neutral. Then this resistance becomes integrared over time into the ego so it feels like you are acting against "yourself" if you do the thing. If the resistance to something is so strong then you can be sure that on the other side of that is a want that is equally strong. That's why she is conflicted about getting surgery but you are not.

No. 430832

>they all fucking look and feel the same
>i try so hard to be that girl but i just can't

Why tho

No. 430974

I really hate my front profile so much. My eyelids are uneven because I sleep on my side, I hate my eyeshape, they’re too round and look unflattering with my angular face shape. I kind of like my sharp nose but feel my eyes ruin the facial harmony

No. 431149

>I'm not even really ugly
Then gtfo. This is not the “boo hoo I’m not as stylish as rich girls” thread and it’s frankly insulting to come here of all places and complain about that.

No. 431154

>I think I'm starting to turn myso even
You deserve to look and feel like shit

No. 431211

blowing thousands every month on cosmetics and professional care isn't a grind I respect, it's just endgame pickmeism, and simply pushing the bar for everyone around them
but the gap is exactly the same, as brutally insurmountable, since it's not a matter of work you put in, it's just flaunting generational wealth and leasure

No. 431227

nope, not the same, the reason is different. Go to the vent thread or make your own thread.

No. 431230

Does every single women at your school actually spend every minute in the gym and dime on makeup? Or are you seething because they are not obese and unbathed? Consider that you are severely mentally ill, and might not be perceiving reality accurately.

No. 431233

They're probably like average weight, have a skincare routine and straighten their hair before school or something

No. 431238

it’s easy to lament something that feels unobtainable but it’s important to question if you’d really want to be that girl if you suddenly could. would you enjoy living under that identity? being the "male gaze incarnate"? would it make you happy? would you want to do the same perfect makeup that everyone else does and put on clothing that everyone else has? can you commit to the gym lifestyle?

i used to be jealous of them too, i actually came pretty close in highschool, grew out my hair, found less frumpy clothes, did minimal makeup until i felt about the same cuteness level with the other girls (suspend your disbelief, this was a british school lol). it was lame and gay. it wasn't my vibe. i suck at being a normie girl but normie girls would likewise suck at being me, because i’m my own person with my own talents and strengths, and so are you.

so do you genuinely want to do all that? personally gym & positive mindset are the only points important to me, that shit is life changing, i dont care about the other stuff.

No. 431247

it's not so much that I envy their appearance or the attention they get, but it's actually the lifestyle of self-centered "idleness" that they flaunt, that's what makes them attractive, it just screams "I have so much free time and disposable money just look at what I can afford to achieve"
while I literally have to work 60-hours a week just to secure my place in this hellhole, I don't actually have time for any of this crap, I'm lucky if I can hastly straighten my hair not to look like a complete dork once every other morning, before comuting for over an hour, and find a few hours to do some cardio every week not to die prematurely at age 40
and they either live on luxury campus dorms or in their nearby mcmansion
I could spend hours researching every little subject related to human physiology and cosmetic chemistry like an autistic redditor, but that wouldn't even come close to professional care, they probably don't even know the first thing about anything either besides knowing how to order them at the menu, so it's just served to them in a silverplate
that's what I seethe about, and there's literally nothing I can do

No. 431250

their status permeates every inches of their bodies
and they make sure it does, every single day, just go flaunt it in my face
while I get to look like a depressed and haggard waggie only getting woefully ignored at best or quick sneers at worst as I storm through

No. 431251

No one respond to the derailing sperg.

No. 431253

that hair treatment they're all on? just looked it up, it's a 3 hours session, every week, at an hefty $350 price tag
that one topical lotion? that'll be $70/oz please, and please make sure to plaster your whole face, let alone your whole body with it, 3 times a day

No. 431254

cute socks Stacy, where'd you get it from? oh that, only $120 at my personal tailor, it was a bargain really(spergy tripleposting)

No. 431281

>Literally no1curr except for chronically online people who selfloathe themselves
I don't notice subtle surgery, i'm not well versed in that. I wasn't even thinking about strangers, i was thinking of anon's friends, family, her coworkers, all the people she knows. They won't miss her appearance change, they'll know she hated herself enough to go under the knife. It's undignified and permanent, unlike her own struggle to make peace with her looks. She might keep getting surgeries and then everyone will know. Your response is disproportionate, did it strike a nerve or something? Dysmorphia is a mental illness, cope
Great answer. You get used to hating your looks but it isn't normal. It's just not. There are other, better things to do and plastic surgery doesn't treat the underlying issue.

No. 431414

>Your response is disproportionate, did it strike a nerve or something? Dysmorphia is a mental illness, cope
kek nona i thought the same exact thing, it definitely struck a nerve. she's way too aggressive and still has yet to say how plastic surgery actually helps anybody. i can only guess she's yet another example of someone who got plastic surgery and it didn't magically fix their self-esteem.

>There are other, better things to do and plastic surgery doesn't treat the underlying issue.
agreed. i think that nona gave good advice, there isn't only two options. therapy can help. plastic surgery has risks and it doesn't restore someone's destroyed confidence. often times it feels like the person will continue to keep fixating on more and more parts of their face they don't like and continue to get surgeries until they're unrecognizable or are straight up bogged. many such cases. that's why if the original nona already has reservations, i would suggest she stick to her principles because just one procedure can spiral her down a path of many other procedures that will lead her feeling unfufilled

No. 432350

>perfect voice
Huh? I think you need to chill out a bit. Women with good bone structure also have great skin and body. So they don't have to do much to achieve the ideal look.

Since they already have a great body and face, they don't have to spend much time on the makeup and dressing because they will look great anyway. I think it's halo effect. Even if you dress perfectly and do your makeup, you won't look as good as them.

You also said they're rich which means they can invest more money into beauty.

Same points being made. Beauty is everything if you're a woman. There's no point in denying it. Plastic surgery is the best investment you can make to yourself. What do you people think therapy is? Magic wand? Therapy won't do shit to you if you have real problems. Drugs can help you to function better. I don't think anyone in here who advice her to do the opposite of getting surgery have good intentions.

No. 434745

I used to struggle with body dysmorphia and depression. It is still a part of my life but during the last half a year I made tremendous progress. I managed to distance myself from a lot of triggers and I have been doing great really. Got a new job, moved houses, got a new wardrobe that makes me feel comfy. I stopped caring about my looks a lot, even coming to work without perfectly shaved legs and not caring (this is a lot for my obsessive ass). I am more vocal about my opinions and more open in general.
My issues stem from having a couple bad facial features. On their own they wouldn't be that terrible, very unconventional though, but having all of them together makes me look kinda ugly. Like I have a pretty big nose, both tall and wide and upturned so I look like a pig, long philtrum, pretty small lips, big forehead, bad hairline shape and cleft chin. On top of that I had very bad acne, that despite everything I did to treat it left a lot of scarring and discoloration that is still fading. So overall, that is pretty fucked. My body unfortunately is not earning me any points either.
Now there is the thing. I got hired at this place with this other girl. She is like three years younger than me, she is nice and of course she is prettier than me. I didn't really put much thought into it at the begining. We were both talking to the same people at the office, since we all sit with the same group. Both me and her got pretty close and we later made friends with the rest of people. I was feeling great about it all. Honestly the people were the best part of the job. I quickly learned that I have a LOT to talk about with our work friends, since me and the group have much more matching interests than the them and the girl. So even though she was prettier I thought I will do just as well socially since I'm talking with a lot of them so much, some days much more than she does.
Well it started slow I guess, but I did notice it. At the beginning it was just overly making sure that she is doing okay at work, checking if she needs help, and trying to help ease her struggles a bit. I was assumed sometimes to just "make it work" whereas she was worried about and helped. Then there were times where me and her were bantering and our work friends would assume that I said something fucked up because she is "too nice" to be able to have such a strong riposte. Essentially assuming that I must be the "mean one". At one point they straight up said it, that they would believe that I was being mean. Even though they hear her sometimes obliterating me when we banter. It's also annoying that they constantly ask her about herself, whereas I don't get the same treatment. She can also talk for long periods of time and everyone will listen without interrupting.
But last week was too much. So, I graduted nonnies. I got my degree, yay for me. So I have been stressing over that thing the entire two months and a half that I have been working there, venting to people at work and all. And last week I had my defence of thesis. The other girl on the other hand was starting university that week. Guess who got asked about their shit. Yeah, she did. No one fucking remembered to ask me. But they all ask about her schedule and classes and what not. It hurt nonnies.
At this point I believe it must be my looks. People immediately treat me differently. No matter how nice I am, how social I try to be and how good I'm meshing with people interest wise I still get worse treatment.
Now I'm back in this ugly spiral of researching plastic surgery and intensive facial treatments. If I had the money right now I would just do it.
I truly wanna come back to being a shut in and just isolate away from people. No matter how hard I try I guess it won't matter in the end and this is proofcof that. It's all so futile. I gave it my best shot and it's still nothing ffs.

No. 434746

I feel really lucky I've never worked in a job where I could have compared directly like that, that's really rough. I have had very good luck working in jobs where my coworkers are much older than me, maybe you could try something like that. My theory is people treat you nicely if you are the only youngster around and seem to be trying your best, because it reminds everyone of themselves when they were your age and when they are interacting with you from a place of nostalgia, your looks don't matter.

No. 436697

I avoid people I’m attracted to because I don’t want to gross them out by acting nervous in front of them which would make them realize I have a crush which anyone would be grossed out and disturbed by. I wish I could be invisible so I could still watch the people I’m attracted to instead of having to avert my eyes and avoid them completely.

No. 436737

jfc im repulsive

No. 436750

i look like a neanderthal reconstruction or something.

No. 436751

Getting thin and dressing nicer doesn't matter for shit because in the end it just jumpscares people more when they see my face. I feel like it also projects the message "hey, look how hard I'm trying because I know how ugly I am, and yet I'm still horrific to look at!"

No. 436782

Offices in my experience are full of the kids from high school who were more clique-y than intelligent and play the social game like high schoolers. I noticed that working office/pink collar type jobs that the ugliest women were the ones bullied most. They were determined to be more rude, less skilled, more annoying, so on. Working in a real field with educated people had less of this. Hopefully you won't experience this type of shallow mistreatment in the field you go into, but are rather valued for your intelligence and skill. I promise not everyone is as shallow as your coworkers.

No. 436787

I feel like getting nose job is the only way i'll feel good about my appearance.

No. 436813

same kek. i feel like i should just unga out and get ripped or something. forget the prospect of romance and tan hides in the woods.

No. 436988

Things that I wear that would look fine and normal on a normal looking person make me look retarded just because I have an ugly face. I basically look special needs no matter what I wear or how I style myself. Casual? I look like i live in a group home. Nice/formal? Special needs kid dressed up by caregivers for a school event. There's literally no winning.

No. 436989

I understand. I can't take selfies either because of how bad my face looks in them, literally inbred looking and like I'm on a 100 different kinds of drugs. So I always block my face with my phone which makes me so sad, I wish I could take cool photoshoots of myself with my face in them and do some artsy lighting and poses and backgrounds since I have so many ideas and an eye for that, but it's all in vain because the model is a monkey.

No. 436990

Honestly I dont' care about that sort of shit, I just want to walk down the street and not stick out like a sore thumb wherever I go. Yeah, being able to take pictures and do cool styles would be a nice bonus, but I can't even go grocery shopping without literally looking like a tard practicing basic life skills. Sometimes I think about getting a tattoo in some visible area just to serve as a visual indicator that I am a fully functioning adult with all my mental faculties.

No. 436997

>Sometimes I think about getting a tattoo in some visible area just to serve as a visual indicator that I am a fully functioning adult with all my mental faculties.
Nona I'm in the same boat and that's exactly what I did… I guess it's cheating because I'm actually a sperg but I'm trying to come across as white trash and not retarded, even if that means sacrificing the special treatment I receive from strangers kekkk

No. 437000

What did you get and where? I haven't done it yet because I actually don't like tattoos very much and I think i'd hate looking at it on myself, but yeah, it seems necessary.

No. 437003

I got a botanical piece on my forearm but I wear long sleeves so it was kind of pointless and having only one tattoo looks retarded so now I need to get more

No. 437025

Relate so hard. Fuck the halo effect for real anon, I'm so sorry you went through that. I'm also dealing with being sidelined in a work group because an attractive woman showed up one day and everyone is worshiping her for just existing. I really hate being stuck between that cope of wanting to be recognized for my work ethic and talents but also wishing I had the privilege of being pretty so I wouldn't have to rely on anything else. It's so shallow and I hate to think of it and compromise any integrity I have left, but I can't help it.
I haven't shown my face to some of my colleagues yet since this is a virtual job, and I'm so afraid their opinion of me is going to drop once they see how hideous I am and they'll take me less seriously. It's a wack line of thinking but it's stories like yours that convince me that this is all that matters in life. I'm back on the plastic surgery research spiral grind myself

No. 437227

What do you think of people saying femcels are not a thing because moids would fuck anything? I feel it's always coming from nigelfags who never had any issues with dating.

No. 437229

I think they’re right.

No. 437243

I have mixed feelings about it. I don't think relationships and sex are important enough to fuss about them so much and ruin your mental health over. My personal gripes with my looks is not being able to eyefuck myself in the mirror or taking cute photos, I'm narcissistic like that. But I don't mind the idea of being found attractive and getting people looking my way, but I would never let that define my value and worth as a person because it's stupid to base it all on another person's perception of you.
But on the other hand, saying moids fuck anything as a reply to someone not finding luck with it is sort of saying you're as ugly as those alleged chicken sandwiches they fuck or whatever, it's as if the nigelfags are telling you your looks and worth are equal to the most unsexual objects possible and that the degenerate males who fuck those objects are the only ones who'd approach you. I think it's a horrible advice/reply or whatever it's called and doesn't help at all. Really unnecessary to say to someone who struggles with their looks and self-worth because of it and having love/dating/relationships/sex problems. I advice you to ignore them, but also work on your sense of self-worth and how you view your looks, sex/relationships and make it less of a priority, or look at it as something you do for fun like a friendship rather than something you do to prove yourself. Good luck out there!

No. 437248

Its true, women cannot be involuntary celibate, only volcel.

No. 437257

I think men have way higher standards than they pretend to. Especially since porn became so mainstream. There are always gonna be drunk or absolutely mentally ill degenerate moids who will fuck anything once, but in general I think men are far more superficial and picky when it comes to looks than women are, despite claiming the opposite.

No. 437440

I am tired of being pitied everywhere I go.

No. 437457

From being ugly I've realized that women pity you and are extra nice to you, men treat you with utter contempt or just completely ignore you.

No. 437472

From how i see it, that incel/femcel stuff really only pertains to accessibility to sex right? In that case, then yes, femcels do not exist because there is always going to be a man who will have sex with you and it's not really an issue, it's just a matter of how desperate you are. I see it as the same for men and just think the overall idea of being an incel/femcel is retarded because of that. I think what's actually hard will be finding a man who actually is attracted to you and isn't just with you for access to sex. Even attractive women can't seem to get this right and it's very blackpilling. I do feel like nigelfags do love to gaslight people because they feel like the chosen ones and think everyone else who can't get a partner or is apprehensive about it is some kind of loser. They irritate me so much because there is zero way to communicate to them that it's sometimes better to be alone than to risk your mental health trying to interact with moids who think you are an ugly fleshlight.
Tell me about it, and when other women are constantly trying to force makeovers on you that are too high maintenance to uphold, whilst they can just wear vaseline and look cute. It doesn't make me feel good about myself.

No. 437473

I wish i was just allowed to be ugly like men. Its going to be summer soon and i want to go to the beach but i gotta shave to go or else everyone stares at you super weirdly. Like damn no wonder so many ugly women tif-out.

No. 437474

Ntas but the reply to the first anon is so real. You articulated it very well.

No. 437480

>femcels are not a thing because moids would fuck anything
The most supremely fucking retarded double-barreled question ever. Women can always get someone to fuck them, in the sense that there are men who hate women and want to use sex as a violent weapon against anyone who would let them. "Women have the privilege of getting someone to fuck them if they're not picky" is like saying "Women have the privilege of buying a gun and putting it in their mouth and pulling the trigger." It's not just "being too picky and thus voluntarily celibate" if you won't fuck men who would choke you, rape you, secretly record you, take the condom off without your permission, lie to you and give you STDs, or call you a whore when talking to all of their friends.

No. 437482

Heterosexual femcels cant exist but it doesn't mean it's a privilege or that it's them being picky and it's retarded to act like it's any of that. All scrotes are subhumans and some act like literal chimps, so of course heterosexual women aren't going to degrade themselves (or basically kill themselves) by putting up with nasty scrotes. I wouldn't be surprised if it's coming from those nigelfags though. I wouldn't be surprised at all if heterosexual women had much much more trouble finding long-term romance than losing their virginity. Lescels on the other hand, definitely exist, no debate, as the "moids would fuck anything" thought doesn't apply + ssa women are a minority so the amount fish in that sea is much less. Anecdotally as a lesbian i've met groups of celibate bi/heterosexual women and groups celibate lesbian women and their reasoning as to why they're celibate is always different. Plus the general culture in those groups tend to be different
I wonder if the stubbornness around heterosexual women calling themselves invcel originates from gatekeepy scrotes considering a woman created the original abbreviation to describe herself. Nowadays it seems like "incel" is more of a culture than it is an objective label. Which is why i like using "involuntary celibate" more than the abbreviation, causes much less seethe.

No. 437566

File: 1728981367821.jpeg (457.34 KB, 1347x1741, Fe-7wvbaEAANCXq.jpeg)

>fat Asian
>no makeup
>visible pores
>light acne
>big nostrils
>jacked up teeth
>body hair and light facial hair
>gross butt and pussy
I've always been this way since as a kid and I would easily give up on making healthier choices and to not give a crap about beauty stuff. Because fuck it. Beauty is pain and I'm poor. Eat whatever you like but don't go too overboard since it'll make you sick. Do what makes you feel good while you're still here. We'll all die in the end as rotting corpses or burned ashes.

Though as a fat woman, it's still possible to be pretty like showing kindness, having a friendly personality, good hygiene, a nice sense of fashion like wearing long skirts, etc. You'll still be beautiful than the average or below minimal effort moid no matter what. There's too many ugly scrotes nowadays since they are prone to balding and age like milk. Hell even some of them get Stacy gfs and wives for some reason. It's a sad society we live in. Been rejected by school crushes in the past. Now rejecting any guy who's interested in me unless they're attractive which will never happen even though having an actual relationship seemed scary. Rejected two mid moids in my life so far and I've always been into 2D/fictional men instead. As a kindhearted fat woman, some people would see you like a wholesome mother or a pug and as you get older, some people would see you like a sweet granny. It's corny but it's the inside that matters most. Even attractive people can be fake and ugly from the inside too. I've accepted my "ugliness" because I know that society brainwashed women into this unrealistic beauty standard to themselves especially to get the approval and attention from moids whereas the reverse is hardly done. Where are my chubby queens with handsome bfs and husbands? Though it's totally fine if you do it for yourself too. For me, I would just stick to my true self.

No. 437568

>but I would never let that define my value and worth as a person because it's stupid to base it all on another person's perception of you
Fuck off grandma, go back to bed. Why are you in this thread? Look is everything. Period(infight bait)

No. 437569

I have post acne and active acne pimples, a LOT of red dots from my previous pimples..
And when I put my makeup on my skin, it just won't stay on. Like it shreds, cakes up, flakes up etc. And if I cover up my pimples or post acne you can still see it through the layer. It's like I have to extremely carefully put my foundation on, I can't do it with a fucking brush either! You see those videos where someone just puts a decent amount of liquid foundation on top of a brush and then just starts caking it up everywhere and it's still SMOOTH? I can't do that. I hate this, ugh.

No. 437575

Did you miss the part where I said I want to look good for my own pleasure? Looks are great to have, but to dwell on it because of relationships out of all the other possible reasons is pathetic, sorry.

No. 437579

File: 1728986947884.jpg (158.27 KB, 736x736, 1000072551.jpg)

Actually, I've seen like two couples in my life where the guy is decent looking or even attractive and the girl is chubby or fat even. So that kind of gives me "hope" with the whole finding a qt 13.1416 bf thing.
But I honestly don't have it as a priority of any sorts and just live life knowing that I'm not the priority for others either, and that in the end, having 2D husbandos is better than having to deal with the trials and tribulations of having a 3D moid.
I just honestly wish people treated you with respect even if you're fat and ugly like in my case, I'm certainly not treated like I'm some wholesome woman, I'm mostly an annoyance by many.
It's honestly crazy how the difference between a fat teacher and a skinny teacher is so obvious, kids prefer listening to a skinny teacher while they are rude and get easily bored by a fat teacher, it's like, no matter how fun, quirky, attentive or nice you try to be, they just don't care if you're not pretty enough, specially moids and well, the freshly brainwashed girls that believe in shit like wearing makeup "because they truly like it" or cliques.

No. 437591

>I want to look good for my own pleasure
Nta but no one believes this bullshit. You also prove anons point
>Looks are great to have, but to dwell on it because of relationships out of all the other possible reasons is pathetic
Your look as a woman is what defines your value in society as well as your status. Other women would've killed themselves already if they had the face I have. No one in here genuinely cares about relationships either. They just want to be loved and there's nothing wrong with venting about it in here, why are you coming itt if you live in your own polyanna world?

No. 437593

i believe they are a thing. Case and point, me. Men don't even look in my direction

No. 437597

Oh fuck off. Sure there is privilege in being pretty but I for example am fugly but have a nicely paying job in engineering, a friend group and am dating a woman I like. Straight uggos can get bfs as well, yes moids wont worship you but even for pretty women the looks will fade and they will lose the status related to that. Not saying looks dont matter at all uwu but fix what you can and work on other areas of your life to get what you want.

No. 437598

Same with me, I'm invisible and I've never been considered someone's dating option.

No. 437615

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Looks are everything if you are a woman. I have multiple undesirable and masculine traits in myself, acne scars, big shoulders, ugly nose, ugly face with no harmony, hairy everywhere i have a mild stache and unibrow i need to shave every month, skinnyfat build, visible nasolabial folds and philtrum. It was over before it even began for me, i look androgynous and angry all the time and can pass as guy better than most tifs, it will take such a long time and money to fix all of this just to look at the very least acceptable in my own and other peoples eyes.

Based, manifesting a qt boyfriend for you

No. 437617

I'm still flabbergasted every time this gets posted. How did she do it?

No. 437618

Just get a cute fat chaser boyfriend, but good luck with that since most of them are ugly as sin scrotes and embarrassed of being out with you

No. 437621

I'm not fat though

No. 437626

>you can and work on other areas of your life to get what you want
That's not how anything works. So this is how you cope. You're not that ugly to begin with if women date you, of course I'm assuming she's a decent looking woman. Women's standarts are extremely high when it's comes to other women. It doesn't matter if they lose their statue at some point, they lived their prime years (teens to mid twenties) as pretty, I wouldn't care about aging if I was pretty in my youth either. Not to mention ugly women age worse. You can keep believe whatever you want to but don't come here and sperg about it "uwu just do whatever you want and find your inner value bla bla bla" these are useless retarded platitudes, there's no cope if you're an ugly women. There's also race factor play into it ofc

No. 437628

Does anybody else not care that men think you’re ugly, but women finding you undesirable and gross looking really bothers you? I struggle to even have a fantasy romantic/sexual life because I always know that the woman I’m fantasizing about would be horrified to know someone as ugly as me was imaging herself with her. It makes me feel a lot of shame and depression.

I dress nicely, keep myself well-groomed, an thin, and I have a better haircut than I used to which had made a bit of a difference, but I’m still dog-ass ugly. It’s a horrible feeling to know there’s nothing you can do to make yourself appealing to any other human just because of the face you were born with and the feelings you have for other people, no one is capable of feeling those things for you.

No. 437634

Of course you care what women think if you're into women, the fuck were you expecting? Or are you bisexual?

No. 437638

Chill out, the aggression is totally uncalled for. Yes, bisexual.

No. 437645

Sry, I use anonymous online forums to vent

No. 437649

I look so much like the chud meme its insane.

No. 437654

It's on you for not fathoming the idea of being so narcissistic and obsessed with myself that I want to be hot so I can ogle myself, it's my perfectionism speaking rather than a desire to date someone. I actually want people to pay attention to me just so I can reject them on the premise of being too good for them and above them, so they'd always worship me and never get me. I want to be unattainable. I want to meet my own standards for myself because I only care about my own opinion of myself, even if people around me found me hot/pretty, I won't be satisfied until I find myself hot/pretty. They could ask me out on 10000 dates and I won't be satisfied until I meet my own self image I created in my mind.
>it's not about relationships
>they want to be loved
Both are literally the same thing.

No. 437719

It’s actually a miracle from the universe every time a bislut is born ugly. Matches their appearance to their soul and keeps them from ruining other people’s lives. Amen.(bait)

No. 438136

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I usually subconsciously suppress all the memories of times when people have let me know how ugly I am, but every once in a while I will recall an incident and it hits me like a pile of bricks to the stomach every time. I’ve been called ugly on the street, in my car, and of course in school when I was a student, by total strangers and friends alike. Those are all hurtful but to be honest the one that makes me feel the most broken and the only one that actually makes me sob to recall to this day is when I was a senior in high school and two conventionally attractive freshman cheerleaders came up to me in class (I’d never spoken to them before), and said
>“We just want to tell you that you’re really pretty.”
These poor dumb 13/14 year old kids were not old enough to grasp how much their one transparent comment would forever destroy my self esteem.

At that time in my life, I was trying harder than ever before to counteract my ugliness. Doing my hair neatly every morning in the most flattering style for me, always wearing makeup, cute clothes, staying thin, trying to smile and be social, etc. And yet that comment revealed that when people looked at me, they felt so much pity for how ugly I was despite how hard I was obviously trying, that they felt like lying to me would be an act of extreme kindness. They looked at me, instinctively thought
>“oh my god, I couldn’t imagine going through life looking like that, this poor person must have no self esteem, what could I do to lift her up?”
That’s an indication that you are the ugliest of the ugly.

No. 438148

since my face in unfixable, i've always just wanted to act somewhat normal around people. not only being ugly, but being extremely socially awkward doesn't help. its one thing to be physically ugly but its made worse by not even learning basic standards of human decency and reading a room

women will stare at my face from afar like watching a train wreck. i don't know why its so much more from older women? there's this family friend who literally can't stop staring when i make a sound kek. i've told my cousins i can't stand to be around her because shes staring into my soul. thankfully the old bitch is losing her sight

i'm also handled with kids glove when women have no choice but to talk to me. i guess they think i look retarded or homeless so they have to exercise bedside manner around me?

i want to react to people and smile like a manic person or asskiss appropriately but i always isolated myself since i was young and never learned how to communicate. its tough being ugly and retarded

No. 438151

She has clout

No. 438160

Samefag. I’ve also noticed that I get the most street harassment when I’m dressed and styled nicely (once when I was on my way to a job interview, once after attending an event, etc) and feeling relatively good about myself. Maybe it’s that people see the contrast between my styling and my face and feel like they just have to say something about it to bring me down to my proper level.

Despite all of this, I didn’t used to be so incredibly depressed over this, I had sort of accepted it was my lot in life and thought I had come to terms with it. But then I fell deeply in love for the first time. It was the first time I experienced being so captivated by someone, of feeling so incredibly attracted to every inch of them, feeling so much love and affection when I looked at every feature of her face. It’s like being high. I didn’t realize what it was like. Of course, it was one-sided, but more than that, I realized— no one will ever, ever feel that for me. Even if somehow someone settled for me, they would never feel that overwhelming attraction and passion. Those incredible feelings I have would never be mutual. The human experience of burning, mutual attraction that almost everybody experiences at least once and holds as one of the prized experiences in life, I will never get to experience. And yes, it’s true, there’s “more to life” than that, but after experiencing the high of emotions I felt towards the woman I fell for, everything else seems dull in comparison. I can’t be satisfied the way I used to be, my eyes have been opened. I’ve tried to cope with fantasies, but the more I fantasize, the more reality hurts. I don’t know what to do with myself.

My natural human desires feel like a curse and a burden.

No. 438280

sort of random, but maybe it's a posture issue? If you carry yourself in awkward postures it can make you look mentally slow or autistic. Posture is fixable, even if your face is not. I'm ugly too and lately I've been working more on my posture.

No. 438372

As an uggo I feel less compelled to comfort the lonely and downtrodden, often times people feel WORSE if an unattractive person takes pity of them, so why should I bother? Suffer.

No. 438409

Does anyone know how to kill libido? It makes me really depressed and I honestly can’t deal with it anymore. I’ve heard birth control can do it, but I don’t want to fuck up my mood and weight etc. Are there some sort of herbs or supplements or something that do it as a side effect? Please help

No. 438419

Samefag, I’m already on a lot of antidepressants but unfortunately I don’t get the libido killing side effects from any of them.

No. 438422

There's no way to kill your libido. Best thing you can do is to distract yourself from it. Being cynical and bitter helps as well

No. 438426

Read a Radfem book

No. 438427

Don’t, just find something to get off to that is entirely detached from your own life (aka be a Fujo kek)

No. 438431

i think i’ll officially have to start accepting that it can’t get any better than this. ive always known that i’m pretty ugly or at best just plain but it still stings when other people point it out. i’ll look at myself in the mirror sometimes and think that i don’t actually look too bad, that i’m pretty cute but what does that matter if no one else thinks the same. men don’t look at me women don’t and while i’ve tried to delude myself into believing that i’m better off without anyone it just doesn’t work. i don’t think i feel incredibly lonely, i still don’t exactly enjoy being around other people but i want to experience being that pretty girl that everyone looks at. i thought as a kid that i’d have my glow up at some point in my life but i doubt that’s happening anytime soon. i’m 19 i have other more important things to worry about i don’t know why i’m so bothered by this

No. 438437

Anyone else used to just being resented by guys? I have this male coworker (we're in the same department and also the only people there in our age group) and he's actually engaging with me, talking to me, etc. The other day he pulled out his phone to show me a picture of something. It was a small gesture but it made me realize he's not just killing time until the conversation ends and he can get away from me. He doesn't like me or anything (he's still way out of my league) but I realized… this is what it's like when men treat you like a human being. Not an annoyance to be tolerated until it leaves, not a blight on their field of view, but an actual person. TBH he might actually hate me and just be extremely polite, but it's still way more effort than any guy has given in years.

Sage for blogpost

No. 438442

He's using you to boost his own ego

No. 438444

Your post doesn’t make sense. He’s not trying to flirt with her or get her number, just being friendly and treating her like a human as she said

No. 438661

definitely. i used to hate it but i've accepted it since realising that most men are disgusting degenerates who abuse women, even hot women they're proud to be seen with. distancing myself from male attention has done a world of good but now i worry other women look down on me for not trying to look hot like them.

No. 438662

I got called ugly by a small child talking to his mother today. I came home and caught sight of my face in the wall mirror and realized for the 5,000th time that I look like a pig nosed ogre. I’ve tried not to for a long time, but I’m thinking about killing myself, it’s not fair that I have to just grin and bear this life for the sake of my parents. But even if it’s not fair, I feel so incredibly guilty about how it would destroy them. But I just cannot take another 30 years of this waiting for them to pass away. I have no friends, obviously no hope for romance, no hobbies, a paper pushing contract job, an awkward demeanor, and strangers won’t stop reminding me how repulsive my face is. I am too lonely and too sad and too bored to keep going. It’s not a question of if but when. I just don’t know what I’m going to do about my parents. I can’t do this anymore. I just can’t.

No. 438697

just a reminder that if you feel you are ugly and you're fat there is absolutely hope for you, just lose weight and your face will look so much better. depending on how much weight you have to lose the change will be more dramatic, but it really changes everything.

No. 438714

Okay and I didn't say he does flirt with her. Men won't be nice to women they don't find attractive/fuckable, he's maybe gay but even then gay men, and in fact everyone only will treat a woman humanly if she's attractive enough. Op is probably not that ugly or the guy is using him for his ego boost

No. 438800

No one has ever expressed sexual interest in me or romantic attraction to me in my life. I'm pretty much invisible. The only way I will ever find someone is if I'm the one pursuing. My social anxiety is preventing me from making the first move because I know I'll take any form of rejection personally. Damn my low self-esteem.

I tried to become skinnier by changing my diet, and I lost some weight at first but all of it came back again. I've been eating the same balanced meals every week. None of my meals consist of processed foods. Whole foods only. If I snack, I try to snack on the least processed foods possible and avoid more than 30g of sugar a day. I'm always reading nutrition labels to make sure I don't go over my sugar limit for the day.

My meals are high in protein (like 90g a day) which I learned is good for weight loss but I'm obviously missing something.

I will work on adding more fiber to my diet and exercising more, but it all feels so useless and tiring for my ugly ass. Now I'm trying to look at weight loss from a body neutral perspective in that if I lose weight, it's going to save me from medical bills and broken furniture (lol) in the future.

When I see women on reddit and other spaces swearing off of moids/dating in general I can't but laugh bitterly. It never even began for me. I've been alone for pretty much all of my life except for my family and acquaintances here and there. I take care of my body–I moisturize regularly and I epilate (not so frequently anymore because why put the effort in when I'm invisible), but I do end up with keratosis pilaris no matter how well I exfoliate beforehand, and even with AHAs. This seems to be prevalent in some brown & black women. It makes my skin look so much worse than it should. I need to look into lasering, but professional laser costs so much here.

I've got crooked teeth, a hairy, fat body and thinning hair. I cope by not interacting with people outside of family. I do my best to not let it get to me, and it's getting easier as I visibly age. I'm so used to ignoring bad memories & making them disappear. And through maladaptive daydreaming, where I project my terrible self-image onto my OC who is able to navigate all of these issues and be badass at the same time. My OC is ugly, like me, but people still love & value her because she's really smart and contributes a lot to her community. She also has an awesome bf. Really cringey to admit it but that's my cope.

No. 438813

Samefag. I had gone out to a volunteer event to get out of the house since I usually just sleep all weekend, but after the kid asked his mom why i was so ugly, I just felt my soul evaporate out of my body. I just put down the shovel and drove home. I don't have anything left in me. Every time I try to better my life, I get mercilessly smacked down. Every time I try harder on my appearance, people seem to sense it and that's when I get the most comments about being ugly. It really, truly feels like the universe is trying to tell me something. If every time I try, I receive an electric shock, why would I keep trying? People say that if you try your best, that's always good, but no matter how hard I try, it doesn't matter at all. There is nothing I can do. I just have to take this, somehow, for the rest of my life. I am not that strong. I fantasize about dying in my daydream crush's arms and cry. I really only feel peace and calm when I envision that fantasy. I wish I could die like that so bad. I just want to go.

>I cope by not interacting with people outside of family.
Same. Aside from work.

No. 438828

>me reminding myself while being ugly

No. 439073

I consider myself plain looking but whenever I see candid pictures of myself I look 10x worse in them, although it could be due to the camera lens (my jaw/chin gets exaggerated). I know a lot of people feel the same way but it irks me knowing that’s how I look to everyone else especially since I look decent in selfies/mirrors.

No. 439094

Anon I could have written this word for word. I don’t have anything to say other than I feel the exact same.

No. 439106

I wish my problem was that I was fat. I’m 110 pounds and still ugly as fuck to the point people feel the need to comment on it. No amount of styling or fitness will make the comments stop. There’s literally nothing I can do. If you have something you can do, please just fucking do it and stop whining. It honestly pisses me off that people who’s only issue is not being able to stop at one donut are crying itt along with those of us who literally are born deformed or inbred looking yet are trying so fucking hard and will never see any benefit from it. I know this makes me sound bitter but it’s because I am. I really wish I was just fat and plain looking. The world would be my fucking oyster.

No. 439215

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I wish she was ugly because I'm in love with her but she just had to be perfect. It's hopeless. I'm cursed. If I was pretty I would ask her out, I know she likes women which makes it feel even more doomed. I actually believe she would be my soulmate if I was pretty.

No. 439222

Would you love her if she was ugly tho?

No. 439224

>how to cope with being ugly?
>I'm plain looking

No. 439225

I’m sorry anon, I’m in a similar situation. Only mine wound up marrying a greasy obese scrote. But he’s got a handsome face. Still though. Feels real bad. I try to put her out of my mind but she’s too perfect, she’s embedded in my heart forever now. It makes me feel so guilty and sick to fantasize about her but I can’t help it. Life is suffering.

No. 439240

Of course. Our interests and worldview align massively. I know people might think ' if you're so similar she would like you ' but I naturally repulse her, and she can't help being repulsed, because as wonderfully different as she is she is still human.
That is pretty awful.. sounds stupid but I really do hope you overcome it somehow. You don't have to feel guilty.

No. 439244

NTA but it’s retarded that ugly people are supposed to have a completely different sense of beauty than normal people to the point where when we’re attracted to someone attractive people like you try to “gotcha” like this. No, anon probably wouldn’t have fallen so hard if the woman was ugly. The same way everybody else on earth operates. Anon isn’t saying she “deserves” her crush or anything so I don’t get why the response to ugly people being sad about the impossibility of being with someone they find attractive is always “but you’re ugly, hypocrite!” Like yeah, that doesn’t mean our eyes and pussies function differently than non-ugly people. As long as we’re not doing the incel “I DESERVE SUPERMODEL PUSSY” type shit I honestly don’t think we deserve the flak, it just doesn’t make sense. No one can control who they’re attracted to.

No. 439246

Calm down autist, I asked because she said she wished her to be ugly.

No. 439667

I'm giving in and getting a nosejob. I can't keep lying to myself and telling myself my nose is fine, sorry radfem ideology you lose this time

No. 439683

I got my nose done twice and it was the best money I ever spent. Im sorry but a huge schnoz just isnt cute!!! I do get sad when beautiful Cleopatra noses get turned into tony barbie noses that dont fit their features. Just make sure it still matches the rest of your face

No. 439686

I'm really insecure about my nose base, that's all I really want done. It doesn't match my features and just ruins my face, it's too wide for my sharp faceshape. I think a surgery for making it more narrow would do me so many favors

No. 441094

I feel like a burden on this world, I feel guilty asking people for anything because I'm sure they're bothered with me. I love a guy but he's so handsome and I'm so hideous that the idea of us ever being together sounds like the plot of a mean joke. I feel stupid mentioning the guy but its situations like these where I really realise how many bad cards I've been dealt.

No. 441096

What the hell is Cleopatra nose

No. 441106

One of the ways I cope is by staying thin. Because people always have at least a little respect for someone who keeps themselves thin even if they have ugly features.

No. 441124

Fat copium, I don't where you live but as long as you don't live in fatland this doesn't apply

No. 441149

>say staying thin helps people's perception of you

No. 441159

…She's right, though. Dumb response.

No. 441225

Found the fattos. Most people are thin. So I don't know what thin privilege you're talking about. No one will treat an ugly women better because she isn't obese. There should be a different thread for fattos honestly. You're probably seeing being thin as a big thing but it isn't. You can be thin and still have a bad body shape and it will affect people's perception about you. Most people are thin so are most ugly people. Being fat is a choice bye

No. 441226

anon, be kind, most people on this site are from america or canada or uk and in those countries the average weight is OVERWEIGHT.

No. 441232

>I cope by staying thin
>”YOU’RE FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

No. 441233

Smells like anachans being triggered by the idea they're not the skinniest people itt kek

No. 441234

Why are you all acting up like fat people face discrimination? This is the only type of "discrimination" that you can choose not to face with.

No. 441235

Nobody said that, we're just talking about your unhinged mental gymnastics response kek

No. 441237

So it's fat people who dig other fat people's holes?

No. 441239

>people always have at least a little respect for someone who keeps themselves thin even if they have ugly features
People respect fattos with decent features more

No. 441244

As a (recovering) fatso with a pretty-ish face I don't think so. If you look like you have an active lifestyle people definitely like you more than a pretty fat person, generally. Being fat = lazy/glutton = bad, skinny = active/has self control = good.

No. 441245

Do you smell burning toast by chance? Kek

No. 441247

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>tfw I wear anything remotely feminine instead of a dark hoodie with baggy jeans

No. 441250

This is me but I can’t win because my body is super hourglass and I’m short so if I don’t wear form fitting clothes I look like a frumpy blob. What do I even do? If I wear feminine things, my ogre face sticks out. If I wear androgynous, looser clothes, my body looks like a wide blob.

No. 441252

…Nah, I'm thin. Thin people get treated better everywhere in the world. Cry if you need to.

No. 441263

That anon is proof that starving yourself makes you retarded kek

No. 441264

Kek that’s what I was going to say but I decided not to poke the bear

No. 441391

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I'm in a similar situation. I just wear maxi skirts and plain silhouette formed shirts. It looks religious but it's the most middle ground of choices to me. Ideal wardrobe is frumpy Hedy at the beginning of swf but alas…

No. 443349

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I'm just struggling so hard with coming to terms with my appearance. I've looked like this for so long, my whole life and i just cant accept it. I'm so angry, I feel like I've been robbed of something. I'll never get to experience someone genuinely finding me attractive. I'll never be able to get the person I want. I've had many crushes in my life, both in school and work, but they'd never look twice at me. I'm just so upset.

The worst part is, some unattractive people can kind of hide it by angles, makeup and filters in photos and they can at least look pretty online, or have the experience of being able to post a nice photo of themselves that they're proud of. I can't even have that. I'm too awful looking for even that.

I'm just gonna keep working hard at my studies and enjoying my hobbies. I'm so sick of being treated terribly.

I hope you're having a great day, nonas.

No. 443765

you sound really sweet i hope things look up for you. it may sound like cope, but people who treat others differently because of looks aren't worth your time because it shows they're fickle people who'd drop you over another trifling if not looks. it's a way to weed out two-faced people who can turn any time.

No. 443766

I’m the exact same. The only thing I have going for me physically is my small waist, but if I don’t emphasize it, my body looks as wide as my hips and my boobs. Oh well, it’s not like anyone is ever going to see me naked.

No. 443782

>people who treat others differently because of looks aren't worth
Duh that's like everyone on this planet

No. 443791

Depression does wonders nonna

No. 444044

The way I cope with being ugly is I gaslight myself into thinking I'm literally the prettiest girl ever and the beauty standard is just wrong and stupid

No. 444150

I keep going back and forth with deciding to do plastic surgery. What I want done would cost about 7k. I’ve literally been going back and forth on this for 10 years. How do I decide to either commit to it or lay it to rest once and for all? I feel like I can’t start living if I’m stuck in this limbo, I just want to be done either way.

No. 444162

Don't take this the wrong way, but are you truly ugly? Every person I met who was genuinely ugly didn't benefit that much from plastic surgery. At best, they looked a different type of ugly. I feel ps only has some effect on average looking people, and even then, it can be a gamble if they don't know what they're doing.

No. 444176

Yes, I’m truly ugly, even strangers tell me. With the surgery, I won’t magically become beautiful, so I’m not delusional like that. I just want to reduce a very exaggerated feature I have (extremely long philtrum, over 20mm, turtle-like non-existent upper lip). I’ve done many many edits to see what it would look like, and I do still look weird, but in maybe a cuter way. I’m one of those people with zero tooth show too so I would love to get some teeth visibility when I talk instead of having droopy old man lip. I used to worry about the scar, but I don’t care anymore (or so I tell myself). If I could know that it would look exactly like it’s supposed to I’d do it in a heartbeat, but I am scared about being botched because I can’t find any resources on vetting plastic surgeons, all the plastic surgery review websites are fake and biased and remove bad reviews.

No. 444177

go for it, you don't have much to lose

No. 444181

If you're okay with looking different, if the surgery isn't a high risk and it's something you've been considering for so long, you should do it. About plastic surgeons, ideally, you would schedule a meeting, and that's usually a good way of learning about the doctor. Meet a few so you have some basis for comparison.

No. 444190

imagine risking your life and risking getting botched jsut to appeal to male gazey beauty standards that change every other year
don't do it

No. 444198

I’m getting some mixed messages… but last anon, there are some features that are universally ugly. The one I have is one of those. It’s not like a big nose or thick eyebrows, it’s having the upper lip of an elderly person when you’re not elderly. I also am not interested in men or their gaze, I’m actually GNC. I think your advice would be solid in other contexts but not this one. Also, it’s not a life risking surgery at all…

I think I’m gonna do it, but I always go through phases of being 100% sure, and then a few months later, 100% against. But I think I do have to pull the trigger at some point. My parents are going to be really mad at me kek

No. 444200

>universally ugly
No such thing, thin lips used to be in ancient greece, in the 1870s, in the 1920s ( https://www.nenasterner.com/journal/its-all-relative-how-beauty-standards-have-evolved-throughout-history )

Lipstick and filler companies are makign millions off of making women with perfectly fine lips inject hazardous substances that we barely know and keep discovering new stuff about everyday (we just discovered fillers stay in your body your whole life)
Any surgery is a risk for infection, if you're jsut getting filler I'd say it's alright, but as soon as you're getting cuts into your skin, it's a risk and you could end up with an infection that'll ruin your face, and I'm not even talking about if you went for general anesthesia

Just don't do it, keep your money, and I'm sure you're not even as ugly as you say, but even if you were, risking a perfectly functional face to fit a beauty standard that's ever-changing just seems not worth it to me

No. 444228

You’re not even reading my post… the problem is the philtrum length, the thin upper lip is just a bonus issue. I dare you to find me any society in any era that has thought that an elderly-length philtrum was attractive in a young person. It’s as close to universal as you get.

No. 444304

>male gazey
No it isn't? Beauty is objective

No. 444306

>Every person I met who was genuinely ugly didn't benefit that much from plastic surgery
It depends on the surgery tbh.

No. 444388

sure it is
you can find even the most ridiculous features to be a beauty standard in a certain culture
stop buying into the psyop

No. 444541

Try a septum piercing first before unnecessary surgery. The scar is invisible if you want to take it out. There is lots of beautiful and ornate septum jewelery to match all styles and it is very normie nowadays and won't cost you a job. It makes the philtrum appears shorter. This is just my opinion but perhaps it will have the same affect as women with strong noses who get a nose piercing, it makes them seem confident of their noses and psychologically forces you to view the feature outside of your immediate brainwashed idea of what a beautiful nose should be and view it more subjectively and find it attractive because you see they find it attractive.

No. 444544

I've done this except with a medusa piercing. I always get compliments that it suits my face and as an added bonus I wear kinda large jewelry and the way it sits kinda gives me a lip flip. It's subtle but I definitely notice a difference

No. 444551

I think it draws attention to it more than anything and it wouldn’t match my style (corporate). I’m just praying the scar won’t be that noticeable to people.

No. 447617

Every feature on my face is unfortunate, and to top it all off I have the worst hairline ever. It literally starts on the top of my head. 5head doesn’t even begin to describe it. And it goes backwards severely at the temples like a balding man. I wear bangs which helps, but as soon as they get out of place they reveal my ridiculous forehead. Realistically, the big forehead isn’t even the worst of my problems, but it just baffles me how literally every single feature I have is ugly. I have never even once received a compliment on my appearance, while I can’t even count on two hands the number of time strangers have either hinted or straight up told me that I’m hideous. My parents are both attractive and tall, yet I look inbred and short. All of my cousins make and female look like models compared to me and to some extent my brother, although he’s not quite as ugly as I am. Both of us are mid 20s and have never even been on a date. It’s excruciatingly painful to know what a genetic fuck up you are. It’s like you shouldn’t even exist.

No. 448546

Has anyone dealt with random strangers being really mean about your appearance? I have multiple times, i've had some random women tell me i look a mess, some random boys who did not know ask me out as a joke and a bunch of random men just laughing at me profusely. I just want to be average looking so bad. I have acne, unfortunate facial proportions and i have been ugly my whole life. I try to hide myself as much as possible, stay out of the way. I don't feel like i deserve to dress nice and i feel so deeply insecure about having to dress nice. It brings me so much insecurity, i can barely look people in the eye because i know everyone i meet is overwelmed by how disgusting i am. I can't make friends or form any relationships because of this. I feel so guilty about feeling this way because society tells people that looks aren't everything and we should love ourselves, but i can't. Every life experience i've ever had indicates that looks matter more than anything. I feel like shit.

No. 448706

My boyfriend basically told me I'm not beautiful and that he settled with me. I wish I was never born. I will never amount to anything because I'm ugly. I don't want to go outside ever again, I don't want people to see me. I wish I could get into a horrible accident that left me bedridden for life or I wish I could slip into a coma and never wake up. I've been ugly and weird and incapable of human interaction since I was a child. It never got better, it will never get better. I don't want to do anything, I just don't want to live anymore. I'm an ugly woman, I have no worth or purpose, even my virginity (which I know is the only reason my boyfriend is with me) is completely worthless because of my ugliness. There's nothing left to do.

No. 448708

Come on nona… if he's settling for you, make his life hell. Take your frustration out on him instead of yourself. You're not the problem.

No. 448714

Dump him, its better to be single in your own company than in the company of man who hates you

No. 448716

As the other anon said, breakup with him. And excuse me for saying this, but you're being overdramatic. Being ugly isn't that big of a deal, you'll live.
t. Uggo who looks like a scrawny Indian scrote, I don't even look like a woman, no, but look like a scrote. The guy filter just makes me look the same but with a beard. But I learn to embrace it because it's kinda funny. And the funniest part is I'm not even Indian or southeast asian, I just look like one for some reason.

No. 448757

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how is this not common knowledge?
the only "issue" incels have is inflated expectations
plus all this talk about determinism is pointless, the "model" of beauty he referred to would be extremely plain and "mid" as well if not the social clout and inevitable makeup/editing influencers have to go through
actually most self-esteem issues based on appearances and "body image" is equally delusional

No. 448758

> most self-esteem issues based on appearances and "body image" is equally delusional
This thread is for actually ugly people. We exist, sorry to say.

No. 448759

Does he think he’s that much better looking or is just admitting you’re his equal when he says he “settled”? Anyway he’s an emotionally retarded idiot to say something like that but considering how many men are shallow morons I guess it’s not that surprising. I’ve heard from very beautiful women I know IRL that even their boyfriends make offhanded comments like “I can accept that you don’t look like an Instagram model” while following thousands of onlyfans girls. Honestly, there is no winning with most men, as guys will just exploit and emotionally neglect those pretty girls too if they’re that inept in their relationship, and I see that kind of thing happen around me IRL too.

No. 448761

point is if someone judges you from that point of view alone, they don't care about you, and neither should you
and even if you were "not ugly", you wouldn't want this kind of attraction anyway, because it's purely destructive in nature
and turns out most of time, it's not the only issue, but rather a cope to hide it under

No. 448769

Being ugly is tough but being ugly and having everyone lie to my face about my attractiveness is literally making me go insane. I have no jawline (the only people I’ve seen with a jawline as rounded as mine are Koreans girls who got their jaws shaved), a huge forehead, a big nose, long philtrum, long midface, narrow mouth and fucked up teeth but my friends and family are still trying to convince me I’m beautiful.
Worst thing is, sometimes I start to believe them just to get my ego SHATTERED by other people giving me a reality check or just remembering all the times I’ve been treated like an ugly freak

I would’ve accepted my face by now if they’d never gaslit me but now I have to go through a perpetual, terrible cycle of delusion and i feel like it’s gonna kill me

No. 448790

I think what happens is loved ones truly love your face because they love you. They feel joy and admiration when they look at your face because it’s YOUR face. The part of their brain that reacts to beautiful things like sunsets and stars lights up and they’re not lying—but they’re talking about something that isn’t facial harmony or proportions or what people want to see on TV or dating apps. I think that’s how the people who love me see me and why they speak so highly of me, and it’s how I see people I love who don’t look like models or actors, people who even get poked fun at or have been called ugly their whole lives. I know what they look like objectively but I see the beauty in it because they’re them. That’s what I think people mean about me too. I’m never going to look good in photographs or videos or anything like that, I can see everything that’s factually wrong with me, and sometimes I get caught up in what people say to me too, because the people I speak to seem so genuinely impressed by my looks. But I think it’s that they’re not really trying to refer to the same definition of whether someone is ugly or pretty, and that’s why there’s such a huge gulf between the two impressions.

No. 448792

I also get this.
Because my personality is decently compelling and my BPDfaggotry makes me a lovebomber I've been able to get into relationships, but I rarely get attention outside of them. When I hear women speak of getting sexually harassed I sympathize but it's not something I have ever or will ever need to worry about too much. If any male friends developed feelings for me they never felt compelled enough to confess.
So when whoever I'm dating calls me cute I accept that I've charmed them enough to want me, but I also know the reality is that I'm so ugly I feel as safe as a man walking home at midnight down dark alleys.

No. 448841

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I agree with you and I’m really, really glad to have been called pretty by the people close to me when so many women spend all their lives wishing for the same thing , without ever getting it. I remember my mother tearfully telling me about her mother never calling her beautiful , not even on her wedding day and it made me appreciate (to an extent) the compliments she gives me. But the issue is that I receive them DAILY by multiple people which only feeds my delusions and my need to appear attractive to others.
It gets even worse when my friends praise me in front of people, especially moids because they can’t help but correct them and comment on how mid or ugly I am. This happened several times with different people and it was deeply embarrassing and ego-crushing each time kek

I only get hit on when I’m wearing heavy make-up and I have to admit that i often felt bad about not being pretty enough to get harassed (and I’m not even attracted to men) of course you can’t say that in real life but im sure most deeply insecure women can relate to that sentiment
Though I have to say men who harass women are low IQ and porn addicted so their standards aren’t really representative of what beautiful truly is. I think they’d ignore any pretty woman who’s slightly masculine and more raw-looking like loli bahia (picrel)

No. 449010

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As I cope with the fact that I hate my phenotype, I am mixed but the only European trait I have is white skin, plus I am objectively ugly and with masculine features, almost all the only ones of beauty and the ones I find attractive are white or whitepassing like Adriana Lima. My Pinterest board is full of exceptionally beautiful women, I feel sad because I will never be like them. Plus I'm fat, even when I was skinnyfat I was still ugly.

No. 449023

Do yourself a favor and stop obsessing over beautiful women. I stopped following models and saving pictures of them because it made me miserable. They'll already be everywhere, but at least filter your own space, like your Pinterest board. There's more to life than that and it won't help you focus on the other parts if you also feed into the thought. You can't help how the world is and can't help how people see you, but you can take some control and avoid falling into the trap of submitting to this torture.

No. 449032

friendly reminder that beauty is not objective and the only reason white people are seen as the beauty standard is because we have been living in a europe and america dominated world for centuries

No. 449042

I wonder if I’m actually ugly or just not white enough

No. 449159

youre probably just not white enough. its mindblowing how deep rooted colorism is in every race

No. 449167

yeah most people touted as beautiful tend to have white skin, light eyes, and light hair.
also disgusting is that you need to be a little neotenous. you're rarely if ever going to see a woman with a large nose be seen as a standard of beauty.

No. 449178

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>his type is pokimane
She would be posting in this exact same thread right now if there weren’t coomer moids donating to her to keep her career alive kekkk

No. 449182

No offense anon but she's the worst example you could use for this thread. Every woman looks "ugly" without makeup to moids. Her facial proportions are just fine, other than some slight eye asymmetry which is normal. There are some anons here, myself included, who have some very jarring facial deformities and bad features. This reads like a nitpick against a cow that's average at worse. Just makes the rest of us real uggos feel bad

No. 449185

I will never, ever understand why people seem to think this is an unattractive picture. She looks great, clear skin, pretty features, young looking, wtf else do people want? It's also the only picture I've ever seen of her (and the fact that I see it often enough as an example of an 'ugly' girl to recognize her is crazy), so I'm assuming she's slathered in makeup and looks different usually but it's a you problem if you think women need a mask over their already nice skin to be pretty.

No. 449265

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I don't really know what to do. I unironically cope by not going out, but whenever I go out, I'm reminded of how ugly I am, but also of how people are racist too, which is funny because everyone is mixed in this shitty place.
So I honestly don't know what to do, kind of, I know I need to lose weight and that I need to basically live at the hairdresser's to look decent, but I'm not white and that really affects a lot how you're perceived regardless of how you dress.
Like, I already am not allowed to look slightly off, imagine how it will be like when I lose weight, it's going to be a living hell because that means wearing makeup all of the time, wearing my best clothes anywhere I go, ditching denim anything and wearing high hells if possible.
I wish I didn't have to go out, I can just keep looking in the mirror pretending I'm pretty, my brain is great at telling me that I'm pretty, it's more than enough to me, I really don't want to hear people saying anything about me because it doesn't even matter if it's positive, it disturbs me a lot and unnerves me too.
I'm also so used to being mistreated because I'm fat, I know that I'm fat and that's it, but I don't know if I could handle being mistreated because I'm not white and because I'm ugly as well, I will probably kill myself.

No. 449287

>If that sounds like you, how are you coping in this looks-obsessed world?
I realized being uglier may actually make you safer from creepy men. Since I rarely show skin and don't wear makeup, as well as don't act, talk, or walk feminine I draw less attention than conventionally attractive women by default. I've been creeped on by mentally ill homeless dudes and I'm sure there are still ones that would be unhinged enough to do something to you just from being offended that you're not "hot" enough, but I think in general being ugly helps with gross moids staying away from you more and actually attracting higher-value moids because moids are alot faster in showing their shallowness than women. Just have a glaringly obvious physical feature they can't coom to and they'll stay away.

No. 449407

My eyes are ugly, my mouth is ugly, my face shape is ugly, my lack of any bone definition is ugly, I have extremely thin skin under my eyes which causes deep purple triangles that are so large they go down as far as my nose. I look like a bull dog mixed with a frog and i have zero good features. I try to dress nice but my face ruins it, and so do my weird body proportions. I have such short wide legs that I look dumpy and overweight even at a <20 bmi. I’m so jealous of average normal looking people. I was going to get plastic surgery, but realized it’s not worth it because there’s too many things to fix and just fixing one thing won’t really help. As I near 30 I have realized the only romance I will ever experience will be in my head. and I wish I was better at vivid fantasies, but I’m not that great at creating them, so it’s like I really have nothing. I don’t even have any friends outside of work acquaintances because I’m too jealous of other people, I get angry and resent them. I spend all my time alone aside from talking to my parents. This is what it feels like to be pushed out of human society as an unfit specimen.

No. 449441

Just ordered fillers and booked an appointment with a surgeon yay hopefully I’ll be able to look at my side profile without crying soon

No. 451579

Even in predominantly non-white countries, whites are seen as the standard of beauty. Moids claim that Ana de Armas is the most beautiful Latina (category invented by the French) when she is basically a European (Spanish) born in Cuba, far from being the average predominantly Amerindian Latina.

No. 451899

Have you tried facial massage? One of the few things that helps my eyes and sagginess. I found myself ugly until I started doing it. Maybe its a control thing? but 10/10

No. 453870

God I’m so tired of people lying to me.
A moid I was talking to hyped me up for hours, saying stuff like « you could compete in pageants » « you’re prettier than all of my exes » and of course since I’m extremely deluded and suffer from severe BDD I started believing him. The disillusion was so sudden and painful I wanted to harm myself.
I’m scared I’ll kill myself the next time something like this happens.

No. 453872

I know, as an ugly person it sucks so much when everyone everywhere I go says I could be a professional model. Ugh!

No. 453874

Are you stupid ? The guy was lying to my face in order to fuck me.

No. 453889

Ok he still wanted to fuck you. Wrong thread.

No. 453895

Men will fuck anything and I’m probably uglier than you.

No. 453899

If this were true he wouldn't have gone through the effort to begin with.

No. 453914

Well he did and it happened to me before as well. A dude rated me 8/10 to then call me ugly to his friends behind my back.

No. 453916

Sorry. You're probably just average.

No. 453917

I don’t think so. I’ve been mocked for my looks all my life and I don’t have conventionally attractive features + I’m not white so I’m definitely ugly

No. 453933

Moid still went through all that effort to sleep with you. Everyone has a couple unattractive features. You're average.

No. 453958

Please even obese women get hit on. I know I’m unattractive because I can’t even look at myself in the mirror

No. 453978

Everyone just stop responding to the attentionfag

No. 454023

Yeah but what kind of guys go for people like TiffMcIntosh

No. 454106

A lot of fat girls look good enough if they aren't exceeding 200lbs, have decent fat distribution, groom themselves well and tuck in their fupas. You know you are truly ugly if you are skinny and still get avoided by everyone like the plague and only plastic surgery can help you and not going on a diet. You can still kind of tell when a very overweight has the potential to be a stunner if they lost weight, so they have that going for them at least.

No. 454137

I'm skinny and I still don't get hit on.

No. 454600

I live in a country where getting hit on is extremely common (bc Muslim moids)

No. 454652

be grateful. if you're attractive and get hit on a lot you are aware of how objectified you are. men will not give a fuck about any of your interests/pretend to just to sleep with you. and once they've "conquered" you they move on to the next. i would rather be ignored.(bait)

No. 454660

Personally I don’t find male attention that flattering but I like how it makes other women seethe (i got mindbroken by moid obsessed females)(bait)

No. 458125

I can’t stop thinking about when I sent my face to a discord e-girl (thinking she was my friend) just for the pic to end up on a server where random dudes called me ugly and made edits of me. They praised other girls too so I know they just genuinely found me ugly.
This happened years ago but I can’t shake the feeling of humiliation off of me

No. 458237

That's really mean of them anon. Sorry that happened to you. Something similar happened to me but it was irl. It stays with you for life. Every time I get ready for work and think I look presentable, it plays in the back of my mind. And of course people say things to me to this day that reinforce that everyone who sees me and isn't mean to me is at least pitying me. It's just the worst.

No. 459412

I’m the sole ugly girl in an entire extended family on both sides of beautiful people. Do you know how humiliating it is to be the only ugly grandchild? The only ugly cousin? It doesn’t even matter that I’m skinny, everyone else is too, and for some reason my body type still looks bottom heavy and frumpy at an almost underweight bmi. I can’t explain it, but I saw myself in a video taken by a family member and I look like the virgin past of the virgin vs Chad meme but with mom legs. That’s not even my biggest problem, I have a hideous face. Every day I am so thankful that I don’t have a sister, if I did I probably would have killed myself by now, it would have been too brutal a direct comparison.

Anyway, I’m seeing some cousins I haven’t seen since they were younger, and now these girls are all teenagers and drop dead gorgeous popular girls, which I never was. They all have boyfriends, which I never have. I look like an ugly frumpy 25 year old loser despite my best effort styling myself. I straight up don’t even know how I’m going to manage to interact with them. I really don’t know if I can take it. Because when you as ugly and out of place as I do, you know you’re being pitied by people who meet you, even family, and maybe especially family.

I’ve volunteered to go into work for one of the days they’re here just to avoid them, but that won’t work for the weekend. The type of girls they are, I never ever was. I can’t relate to manicures and boyfriends and softball and high school dances. I look the best I ever have now at 25, and I’m still the ugliest, uncoolest person almost everywhere I go, especially at family events since everyone else is so beautiful. I know they all pity me as the ugly duckling of the family. Being pitied by a 15 year old girl is going to break me. I’m so preemptively triggered about their visit that I stayed up too late last night doing research on plastic surgery, but I only wound up reconfirming again that not only can I not afford it but it wouldn’t be able to fix my face. How do I get through this. How will I get through this?

No. 460177

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To top it off I have a huge angry red zit right between my eyebrows and on the tip of my nose now, despite being extremely hygienic I have adult acne and these TEENAGE GIRLS somehow have clear skin without a single blemish. I have the face of a British bulldog as it is but of course my acne has to flare up right now of all times to make me look slovenly in addition to naturally hideous

No. 460590

Signs you’re fucking ugly :

-Men ignore and dislike you OR they started giving a fuck about your existence in your twenties (when they realize that they’ll never get stacy and have to fuck mid to ugly women)
-You’ve been asked out as a joke in middle/high school
-People always disrespect you and never take you seriously
-You HATE taking pictures
-You’re chronically online
-Pretty women don’t acknowledge your existence, and when they do it’s to feel better about themselves
-You’re not white but live in a white country
-Not a single celebrity that’s considered pretty or cute looks like you
-People have a hard time complimenting you
-You have at least one of these features : long face, under-developed jaw, big nose

I check all of this and I’m so tired of living. Normal and beautiful looking people will never understand how life-ruining having an ugly face can be.

No. 460695

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yep, never been complimented on my features even once, the only celebrities i look like are old men (every time i tried those viral celebrity look alike things I get someone like fucking elton john or stephen king) and the only man every interested in me was literally legally blind and 20 years older than me. I will never date because the idea of subjecting other women to someone like me being attracted to them is nauseating and no one would ever genuinely find me even slightly attractive anyway so why torture other people by making them look at me for nothing

No. 461137

>Men ignore you
I fucking wish. I stopped going outside and part of it was because people, and especially guys, kept giving me shit for being ugly instead of leaving me alone. I don't care about dating but constantly getting shat on and treated like you're doing something wrong just by existing near others and then seeing normal and beautiful women act like being ugly is some kind of blessing because guys don't hit on you is painful.

No. 461245

This. Same, anon. Usually it will have been just long enough for me to have gotten over or half forgotten (you never really forget) the last time a stranger or group of strangers called my face ugly, and then it will happen again. and the tiny pathetic stack of blocks that is my minuscule self esteem that I’ve been working hard to rebuild from the last time gets kicked down again. For me the incidents usually occur in 3 to 6 month intervals. In the back of my head I’m always wondering when the shoe is going to drop again. Knowing no one could ever be attracted to your face because it’s so ugly people call it out in the street is soul crushing.

No. 461249

It’s almost 2025 and I still wear a mask to work kek it’s brutal out here

No. 461283

Wait, random men call you ugly in public? When most of them are facially challenged and struggle heavily at getting sex?

No. 461312

LMAO, this thread reminded of one of the most few things that happened to me.
Our teacher arranged a blind valentine's where the guys of our class gifted valentine cards to one girl each after classes. We were all there and the guys each went to a girl and gifted them a card. I was standing there like "what now?" because nobody approached me and the guy who was supposed to give me a card gifted it twice to other girls.
Another thing that happened to me was in college. A guy from my class came over to me and asked me "why are you so weird?", then pushed me down the stair of the podium (you know, those elevated area near the blackboard). I fell down on the floor and he was like "and why are you so clumsy?"
I want to be sad, but at this point I just find some humor in it. Like, fuck it, I'm such a joke because of my ugliness.

No. 461361

>-You have at least one of these features : long face, under-developed jaw, big nose
i have a big nose and everyone considers me beautiful.(bait)

No. 461497

>You’ve been asked out as a joke in middle/high school
thanks for the reminder

No. 461499

every single girl I see every day at uni looks beautiful and extremely well put together to me
I feel like I'm the only one standing out like a sore thumb and unironically don't even deserve to be here

No. 461653

You look fine, stop going on moid ass imageboards and getting brainrot. If anything just wax your stache and pluck your eyebrows.

Also delete this now wtf is wrong with you

No. 461656

you must be mind poisoned from racist 4chan moids. You look like an extremely normal, pleasant-faced woman, just ungroomed and perhaps overweight (or you could just have a round babyface, you look young). Don't go on 4chan anymore, and especially stop talking to incel scrotes, you're rotting your brain for no reason.

No. 461658

>I am HIDEOUS I am a beast unworthy to live
>absolutely completely average woman
every time

No. 461659

You look normal, and probably better irl because the camera lens angle is making you look weirder. Do your eyebrows and lose weight and I bet people would call you cute

No. 461660

Seriously. IB moids thrive on destroying women's self esteem. I've seen them say that objectively pretty models are 5/10s at best. They are brainrotted by porn and thrive off putting women down. Listen to this anon please and also stop posting yourself online for your own safety

No. 461666

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I posted on reddit (pretty pc) and they also told me I was ugly, also when I was in high school some ugly moids didn't want to do work with me and they avoided me, i'm actually neet. It's incredible how there are so many beautiful women in Soc, while I was one of the ugliest.

No. 461667

I Post on truerateme and amiugly

No. 461668

This is why I believe in demonic possession because ain't no way you're ugly kek. You're actually cute, and I could step outside right now and spot dozens just like you. You're pretty average, but definitely cute. Stop rotting your brain comparing yourself to insta thots and the like. I don't see no goblina phenotype kekkk. Just a cute, youthful round face. Cheer and stand the fuck up nonna.

No. 461670

These women have vacant, soulless eyes. You can tell they are miserable and empty. There's only so much being pretty can do for you.

No. 461671

Get mental help. Why are you posting your picture on rate me subs and imageboards? Have some self respect

No. 461672

Are you underage? Because this is childlike behavior.

No. 461674

According to the real scale of attractiveness I am a sub 5 or ltb.
Even with filters and makeup I look ugly, if I looked like theirs I would be happy.
I wanted to know why they always called me ugly in high school and I discovered the truth, my mom was just tricking me into believing I was pretty.
I'm 19 and a year ago I was diagnosed with Asperger's by a psychiatrist.

No. 461675

What a cope. This reeks of jealousy.

No. 461680

Idk if that's what I'd use

No. 461684

>I'm 19 and a year ago I was diagnosed with Asperger's by a psychiatrist.
yeah that explains it. Anyway, as someone who was rated at best a 3.5 on the same places you mentioned, it actually pisses me off to see average looking women like you moan about how ugly you are. Like it's seriously insulting. You're average, just ungroomed, and people are docking you points just because you're not white, which is nonsense. I literally get insulted in the street on a regular basis, that is how ugly my face is. I've lost all the weight I can without being a skeleton and am well groomed and fashionable, when you are as ugly as me, none of that helps. If you did those same things, you would actually see huge benefits. That's the difference, and that's why I get pissed off.

No. 461687

Same here anon. Really hope this other anon learns how to love herself and realize she's got a better roll than the most of us here kek

No. 461691

You just admitted having asperger's and as other anons said, your grooming needs work. High school moids most likely picked on you in particular for being an autistic weirdo if anything, and grooming second to that. Do not let it get to you. Learn how to take care of yourself and you will be fine. Will you be a stunning 10/10 model? No. But you will look average, same as anyone else, and you are not hideous with horrible deformities, asymmetries, or awkward facial proportions.

Please get off the damn internet. For your own sake.

No. 461709

You are not ugly at all, none of your facial features or proportions stand out as ugly, just average. All you need to do is groom yourself and lose a bit of weight. Combine that with the right styling and a bit of makeup, and you'd be above average.
These women are heavily filtered, wearing a ton of makeup, look incredibly offputting, and are honestly probably AI generated. Just look at the filenames kek, two of them literally say they are from facetune. You have enough potential to look as good if not better than them, you're just autistic. Stop posting yourself online or browsing 4chan, nothing good will come from it.

No. 461710

This is the makeup tutorial I followed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-Yx1e5oYkk What makeup do you nonas recommend to me?(learn2embed)

No. 461711


No. 461713

Just waxing your upper lip and plucking your eyebrows would make a world of difference.

No. 461721

File: 1735531232025.jpg (184.81 KB, 1075x1365, 068e4063b510e5480d6a455849cf5b…)

I am objectively ugly. I dream of being a blue eyes Stacy, I don't like my mutt race phenotype. I also like Lizlisa's style of clothing and dolly makeup but I'm poor, ugly and fat, it probably looks ridiculous.
I am neet so I don't leave my house, that's why I have a unibrow.(racebait)

No. 461726

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This is the type of clothing I'm talking about, not lolita which I think looks ridiculous.

No. 461728

Don't ever listen to what incels say because they all have severe low self esteem, body dysmorphia etc, and they wanna drag others down with them, especially women because they hate us more than anything.
I'm a mixed mutt too and latina, and i have brows bigger than yours, so heres a tip i always shave the middle so i dont get a unibrow, also bangs helped frame my face better due to me suffering from severe fivehead but not everyone likes them, i'd say try out different hairstyles if nothing works out.

You could pull off this clothing just by being skinny so focus on losing weight for a while.

No. 461729

Nonnies please stop responding to this attention whore. She is clearly baiting us

No. 461731

I mean it's hard to not fall for self pity when you're ugly as a woman

No. 461732

>I'm a mixed mutt
>I don't like my mutt race phenotype
Dear god you people are losers

No. 461737

You're not even ugly. Just fat and ungroomed. You look like the average woman, if she never did any beauty rituals. Just lose weight, pluck your brows and let your hair down. You don't even need makeup since you have even-toned skin. Lucky you, I have hyperpigmentation around my mouth that I can't get ever get rid of. You have it easy. Stop posting yourself on 4chan and stop talking like them. That's just pathetic

No. 461738

Why can't people be pissed off about the fact they are mixed race and ugly? Be happy that that's not your case, i relate to her, i also wished i had blue eyes as a kid and straight hair.

No. 461739

You can be but I'm just saying you're a loser for it

No. 461740

Jealous because I don't look like some fish-eyed 4chan e-whore? Please. You know actual beautiful women exist? There are cashiers at Walmart I'd prefer to look like over them.

No. 461741

All look like they would say the n word for scrote attention

No. 461742

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What makes you think I'm not being serious?
I have been involved in phrenology sites since I was 13 years old, I have been aware of other people's physiques for quite some time. I published my face on the internet recently.
If it were completely Iberian, it would probably be prettier. I base myself on my full spaniard cousins.
I'm below average, if that's what women who are a 5 look like.
Mixed people considered beautiful are those with predominantly Eurocentric features like Adriana Lima, mixed people with strong ethnic features like me are seen as ugly.

No. 461761

You sound like an idiot. I know you're autistic so you're susceptible to that, but I think the primary cause is you exposing yourself to the absolute most retarded corners of the internet since you were a literal child. You may not be able to tell that those corners sound retarded because you're autistic and the people making this stuff up are also mentally handicapped, so trust us when we tell you that the things you are repeating sound completely pants-on-head retarded to non-disabled people.
Everyone needs to stop replying to this retard, if she's too mentally handicapped to listen to our advice and remove herself from literal drooling retard scrote hangouts then that's her problem and there's nothing we can do.

No. 461774

Goddamn, even those supposed to be average are vastly prettier than me. I know they have make up on but I still could never get to their level even if I used make up myself. I still don't know how to fully accept and forget about the idea of finding love and a meaningful relationship, nobody will ever be attracted to me. I've looked into paying for sex recently because I know physical intimacy is something that will never happen organically to me even if it's something I've always wanted, so might as well pick a good-looking person that will actually get me off since I'm paying, but I'm pretty sure it will completely cause irreversible emotional damage to me because the connection aspect will not be there and I know the other person doesn't actually care about me.

No. 461789

This is fucking retarded. All of those women look like goddesses of beauty compared to any man ever, but they’re supposed to be “average?” And you fall for this bullshit? Grow up and see things for what they truly are. You are not some porn bimbo for scrote consumption. You’re a damn beautiful animal with brain too small to recognise it. Stop trying to spread your brainworms to healthy women, demon.

No. 461790

Just get your eyebrows done and lose weight dumbass, you have beautiful skin and a nice eye shape stop crying. If I could looksmax so can you, and let me fucking tell you I was HIDEOUS

No. 461814

I have a coworker who is several times uglier than you (way more "goblina-like" in 4moid speak) and she has been in relationships and I think she's currently dating, literally just stop taking such unflattering photos and stop being insecure kek

No. 461815

She cropped that from a retarded graph mande by an incel, stop making her same mistakes and falling for this shit. Go outside more.

No. 461905

You really overestimate how much either of those things would make guys more sympathetic to ugly women.

No. 462091

Men get a kick out of calling beautiful women « average », in real life they spend their whole lives chasing after women like this

I feel like that happens because we don’t humble men enough. I remember getting in trouble with (female) teachers for calling moids in my class ugly to their faces, when the same moids spent their time discussing the physique of girls (and these same teachers) but never got in trouble because we internalize men insulting our bodies as something normal.
That’s why incels discover at 20 yo that beauty is important and treat that knowledge like a secret kept from the masses (the whole « bluepilled » thing), something we learn at around age 6 kek

No. 462092

>Recessed maxilla
>Imperfect skin
Kekkkk shut up you seething faggot

No. 462108

The way none of the women in picrel have any of these flaws too.. god moids are RETARDED

No. 462120

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I know we care about ourselves and want to aspire to be beautiful. But the thinking guys are setting the standard is ridiculous. I mean look at her. If she could be in a relationship who can't. I mean guys would even jump a goat or a corpse, so nothing's Holding You back having some guy kissing the ground you walk on

No. 462124

Sadly I’m too low-iq to attract billionaires like Caroline Ellison.

No. 462125

Right? Moids are SO unserious, it's almost endearing watching them play scientist and pretend to have standards.

No. 462139

The fucking twist is guys, well male society in general pushes women to be beautiful not just for financial gain but also to lower womens self esteem basically all women are attractive to men they just pretend otherwise because they know most men are not attractive to women and have to somehow convince women to settle.

No. 462148

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Correct. Men are extremely good at negging women and their obsession with rating and demeaning women’s appearances, which starts at a very young age, has a purpose : lowering women’s standards and forcing them to settle for mediocre males.
Ever wondered why girls are the ones who are the most self conscious about their appearances, have the highest rates of body dysmorphia and eating disorders, buy beauty products, get the most plastic surgery etc… despite the average male objectively having way less value than the average woman?
Men use this graph as a dunk on women, but it just shows that moids have somehow found a way to convince us we’re ugly despite them being way uglier than we are.

No. 462150

Some of us aren’t aiming for men.

No. 462152

Sad this post was flagged as bait.

No. 462158

these godesses are ''average'' according to these subhuman scrotes?! i'm a-logging

No. 462235

I think another one to this list is that your well meaning friends/family attempt to give you a makeover and the process results in something that is unbelievably high maintenance and impossible to maintain, plus it took 1 hour. Also, their daily routine consists of combing their hair and moisturiser, while you need to be in full glam to look decent.

No. 462236

That hits too close home, ouch. Brings back so many memories.

No. 462241

My daily routine is more than 1 hour long kek but that’s mostly because I have curly hair. I don’t even look human without it

No. 463139

same nonas. every detail, down to the keratosis pilaris and the self-insert OC that's just me but cooler and with a big friend group. shit is tough

No. 463260

Last year, I made the mistake of befriending a girl in my class whom I thought was kinda pretty. Shit like this happened when we hung out
>she was getting cat-called every 5 minutes
>people stared at her
>got casted for a fucking movie
>people would compliment her without even excepting anything in return, men and women alike
All the while I was standing there like an idiot. Worst thing is she has a perfect life (intelligent + wealthy and loving parents) AND is still super ungrateful and somehow thinks she’s not beautiful or smart enough.
I try to cope by thinking about the time where she went out with me bare-faced and received minimal attention, but even then I know no amount of make-up can make an ugly girl like me stand out.

No. 463300

I have an important upcoming event where I might get my picture professionally taken, but I look like a goblin in pictures. What can I do to be less monstrous? I'll shave every inch of my face and rearrange my eyebrows and wear makeup, I'm also thinking of not smiling in the pictures because smiling makes it worse. What else can I do to reduce ugliness and unphotogeneicness?

No. 463305

If you don’t smile it will look like a mug shot. Just practice different smiles in the mirror and pick the one that looks least shitty. Ever since I started using a different smile in photos (I use different facial muscles), I look much much better (still ugly though).

No. 463312

I do have that kind of smile that is the least shitty but it's very obviously fake and too subtle

No. 463315

Personally I still think you should smile.
Ugly and friendly looking > Ugly and unfriendly looking.
You’re gonna look ugly either way, you might as well take the extra social points for friendliness.

No. 463318

Fair enough but I wanted to save the pictures for memory, and I don't want to look back on it only to think "wow, I look so ugly and deformed in it. Sad."

No. 463325

Maybe just smize you don't need to grin

No. 463670

Drink water, maybe use ice on your face so it doesn’t look bloated, apply false lashes (girls feel way prettier with lashes on usually) and lip liner + make sure your hair looks good

No. 466309

Nothing's worse than buying a cute outfit then not pulling it off because I'm too ugly and lanky to have a proper silhouette and look nice.

No. 466313

I hope this whole post isn’t seen as copium:
>seen as having model appeal to only women
>repeatedly been told I have model features only with my face since I’m way too short to be one
>if I was a few inches taller i would actually be insanely pretty and skinny
>instead nope born short, stubby at 5’4 with poor weight distribution somehow not entirely built like a fridge though
>throughout my life i’ve either either been entirely invisible to males
>just because a bunch of booger eating retarded males in middle school tried to ask you out as a joke doesn’t count sorry to tell you middle schoolers are always demonic and their pre-frontal cortex is literal mush
>only appeals to female gaze which is why women find me more attractive or women are just more nicer and wanting to be liked so they won’t be rude to me kek
>realizes a part on why males avoid you is because you don’t even try to dress up like a tranny trying to be a woman with a bunch of drag queen makeup, heels, big breasts, etc.
>white women getting catcalled and prioritized by the beauty standard is not something to be jealous of because they are still women who are attacked through sexism, misogyny and male ownership
>men literally just hate women no matter what they look like, in their minds scoring an attractive woman makes their torture/rape/negging/belittling/abuse even more “arousing” plus males think they’re entitled to attractive women
>same thing applies for asian women, latina women, etc. my eyes are very open on how these things work now that i’m not an insecure teenager now i’m a silently insecure adult with a little more knowledge kek
There are ugly women and then “ugly” women, either way I think it’s a true blessing to be ignored my males a good chunk of your life. You can tell the difference of an ugly woman who didn’t get entangled with distractions vs an attractive/ugly woman who was entangled with being validated through sex and relationships. Being “ugly” means you don’t dress up in a certain way that signals you as “fresh meat” to males and easy to dominate/intimidate which is why they like makeup, heels, revealing of the chest, anything to easily pick at, it has pretty much revealed to me how predatory males are in their ways of thinking. Muslim moids are the exemption, they will rape just about anything because they’re all unhealthy mentally disabled incest babies who come from extremely misogynistic communities (this applies to just about every male anyways so please don’t ban me for racebait ugh)

No. 466314

If you have the money, definitely get some of your clothes made/tailored for you. Most clothes only have a certain group of body types they appeal, nothing wrong with that but that’s just how it is unfortunately, plus what’s “cute” just might not inherently fit your body style especially ugly trendy crap that’s going to be cycled out anyways. Mix some classics with the new

No. 466317

Nothing looks nice on me other than like shirts and pants. But I'm going to an informal fancy big party so I wanted to wear a dress, and I look like an absolute sped in it. It looks simultaneously too baggy and too tight. How tf does that even happen? I look both fat and skinny and I hate it. I have the body of a middle aged man addicted to both beer and heroin. It's unfair that I have to overcompensate and work extra hard to look good in anything ever. At this point I should just pass away instead because I'm too ugly to be allowed to exist.

No. 466321

Reflecting lately on how I’ve never gotten a single compliment on my appearance that wasn’t just polite reciprocation. Except once a friend told me I have nice skin, but she wasn’t wearing glasses and she has a -5.00 prescription kek.

For what it’s worth to any nonnas feeling particularly hopeless you can build a very full life while ugly and I certainly love mine, but I just can’t seem to ever fully shake that little kid feeling of wanting to be pretty like “real” girls are, even just for a moment.

No. 466326

Gonna sound mentally ill with this, because I probably am, but I think if I excel in everything in life but I'm still ugly, then I didn't really succeed because I'm not 100% complete and perfect like I always envision in my mind. The inside never matched the outside, and with age, it just brings me more and more stress and anger. Could be BDD but I don't care, I don't want medication or therapy, I want the world to bend backwards for me and for physical reality to change and suit my fantasies and I want it NOW.

No. 466438

I have extensive facial scarring that draws my cheek, jaw and neck skin back, which makes me look skeletal and gaunt. It doesn't help that my nose is pinched and the tension on my lips draws my lips back when I talk. Before I had surgery to remove some scar tissue and graft skin, I was genuinely unnerving to look at for most people. Now I'm generally seen as unfortunately disfigured, rather than just ugly, as people can see my facial features and fill in the blanks to reconstruct someone pretty before the scarring.

I really just became totally disconnected from the physicality of myself and others. I stopped looking at faces, didn't touch or allow myself to be touched, refused to permit picture etc. and generally removed physical appearance from the human experience. It makes me look a little unbalanced in certain situations, but people just assume I have a touch of 'tism and gloss over it; even going out of their way to accommodate this presumed neurodivergence.

To cope and hide, I just wear bangs with a bob long enough to curl up under my jaw, tinted glasses to cover my eye sockets and cheeks and a range of cuts/accessories to cover my neck and chin. COVID was a mixed blessing that let me cover my whole face with pretty, socially acceptable masks.

To compensate, or cope even more I guess, I leaned into academics and government work because far fewer people really cared what I looked like. My first day of uni I saw a guy staring at my face and tried to block it out, but we were put into a group and he immediately just blurted out my condition's name and asked about my experience with it because he'd never seen it in person and was genuinely curious about how it affects me. It was the first time anyone saw me as a person with a rare condition that could offer insights, and not just the poor victim of some terrible accident or twist of fate. As for work, it's my experience that people who spend 8+ years in academia, and forego the higher pay of the private sector, to perform their extremely skilled work for an unappreciative government, are generally doing it because of higher ideals and are less superficial than the average person. It's nice to be valued and my accomplishments lauded without being eternally framed as starting from a disadvantage and the heights of my achievements always presumed to being constrained by my looks.

No. 466449

I thought you were talking about a burn contracture until I got to the end where you said it’s a rare condition. I’m really interested in medical stuff, are you comfortable saying what the condition is? It has me curious because it sounds localized.

I’m just born hideous, and sometimes I really wish I was disfigured instead because I find people seem to at least have “kind” pity for that issue, whereas you’re basically treated like youre inherently disgusting shouldn’t even exist if you are very ugly in a non-clinical way. I’m sure even the pity gets annoying though, even the times where I’ve received “kind” pity I didn’t like it and it felt condescending. Is that how it feels to you too?

No. 466565

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i really don't know what to do or how to feel about myself. whenever i tell people how insecure i am about how i look, how i'm sure i'm not pretty or anything, they tell me i'm being silly. i've seen pictures of myself taken by others and it horrifies me because that's not how i look in the mirror but others say i look normal. sometimes my friends and family say that they think i have a pretty face but why was i genuinely tormented for the way i looked growing up? by people at school, random people, some of those same family members? what was so repulsive about me that teachers wouldn't intervene when boys would push me and call me slurs and spit on me, even though they saw it all happen? if i was pretty, surely i wouldn't have been bullied so much over my face when i was a kid? it seemed to stop when i was in my teens - in all honesty, i haven't been insulted over my looks irl since i was maybe 14 or 15. i'm in my 20s now. i feel grateful that people have gotten off my back over certain features i can't control but i really don't know what to believe anymore.
men don't approach me, i'm invisible to them and have never been asked out besides 2 creeps in their 40s/50s. boys my own age always acted disgusted by me or made it clear to me that i'm not pretty. i know what pretty is, it's not me, it's not the way i look. i have a big long bumpy nose, an asymmetrical jaw, an unflattering smile, deep eyebags.
i want to develop a confidence in myself that extends beyond the way i look so badly. but i don't know where to begin. i can't fake it, i really can't. it feels so ridiculous. i've been to counselling over body dysmorphia, i spent years seeing multiple people, and i am doing better now but i still feel so awful.
i've tried my best to look flattering. i have thinner eyebrows, i wear light makeup that suits me, it's something other women do compliment me on. i try to dress well. my hair is extremely thin but i just do what i can with it. but that's all, everything else i'll have to work on internally. it's just so tiring! it's so tiring to have to invest so much of yourself in a fake kind of confidence so you can feel like an attractive person. i just don't want to be alone. that's what i fear the most. i wish i had something to tell me that i won't be alone. what do i do anons, where do i begin in feeling better? please help

No. 466814

Sometimes I'll do my hair, put on some makeup and a nice outfit, wear earrings, etc and just generally feel good and like what I see in the mirror. Then I'll go outside and be surrounded by girls who are prettier and skinnier than me and be immediately humbled kek

No. 466844

Anyone else have one gorgeous parent and one ugly parent and take after the wrong one?

For me it’s probably backwards from what most people expect, my dad is a manlet with a pretty face and my mom well…I inherited her crooked jaw so all my features sit wrong on my face, I have her severe cystic acne, crossed eyes, prominent brow bone, and linebacker build (broad shoulders, no hips or ass) as well. The only thing I got from my dad was a unibrow and general hairiness. I need jaw surgery medically and aesthetically but it’s not severe enough to be fully covered by insurance so I will probably be saving for the next decade. Obviously I know women don’t expire but I really resent not getting to experience young love, taking cute pictures, just having a normal social life in all these formative years. My dad is totally obsessed with my mom though, totally dotes on her and we have a good life so if I were a better person I would probably focus on that a lot more

No. 466867

Worse, two gorgeous parents. The rest of my family is all good looking. It's just me.

No. 466892

Same. My Dad was conventionally handsome when he was young and always had girlfriends. My mother was also very pretty, when I was little I witnessed complete strangers asking her out all the time, even with me in tow and often her friend too.
My parents have a large age gap so I think my Dad's expired sperm must be responsible for my general retardation and unimpressive appearance.

No. 466893

All I know is that someone absolutely hated me when they decided to shove me in such an ugly disgraceful body, I’m so tired of it

No. 466906

I feel you. My older sister is my dad’s clone and everyone is super endeared by everything she does, even during her concerningly sloppy drunk phase. I’m not a jealous person but it stings when my whole life, people are like “oh, that’s your sister?” and look at me like I’ve already disappointed them. We are super close but she never understands what feels like the greatest obstacle of my life, she gets all hurt and sad if I talk down on my looks because I’m identical to our mom.

No. 466976

Both of my parents are ugly to me, but my siblings still managed to look conventionally attractive. It's honestly tragic how much my siblings and other family members mog me in the looks department, i literally look like i have a physical disability compared to them, it makes me so ashamed to take pictures.

No. 467119

i'm fine now actually

No. 469543

I've spent so long pretending not to care both as pure cope and because I don't want to be shallow but I hate everything about how I look. I don't even want to leave the house because I know people will look at me and think about how ugly I am. My features are not only unsalvageably bad but also so masculine that if I cut my hair I could genuinely pass as a male from the neck up.

No. 470042

Has anyone ever called any of you nonnas beautiful? If yes, was it a stranger or someone you knew beforehand?
Personally, I’ve never been called beautiful. All the compliments I’ve ever received were about my make-up or clothing

No. 470094

Im dirt poor and i know it's a silly goal to focus on but I'm getting that fucking rhinoplasty. If there's a chance I'll be able to look in the mirror and despise one less thing about myself I'll work for it.

No. 470167

It's not silly. I've seen people genuinely improve in the way the feel about themselves and their lives, after getting such a major surgery

No. 470273

I've never seen a nose that was the culprit responsible for making someone hideous. Usually people think their nose is what's wrong, but it's actually some other element of their face. The nose is the anchor of someone's face and imo you should never mess with it because it will throw off the balance and not actually fix the problem.
>If you think your face is perfect except for your nose, then that's a sign you shouldn't touch anything and are being neurotic
>If you think your face is still ugly aside from your nose, you are probably actually ugly and you should fix the other feature(s) instead.

I maintain the nose is a red herring in 99.9999% of cases.

No. 470313

Having a big nose bump almost always negatively impacts your facial attractiveness and it’s pretty easy to fix too. I wouldn’t recommend anyone getting a rhinoplasty for another issue though

No. 470322

Agree to disagree, I guess. Maybe this is just my ugly woman bias but if your biggest issue with your face is a bump on the bridge of your nose, you really don't need to waste your money because it's never a make or break issue. I mean if you're swimming in money then I guess sure but as a cost benefit ratio for the average person, I think it's way off.
And this is unrelated to my general point, but I have never understood why nose bumps are considered unattractive. Well, I guess they're only considered unattractive in women. But I still don't get it. I think pretty much every single one of my crushes in life have had at least a little nose bump and it just suits their face.

No. 470330

I like my nose bump and other nose bumps I see. I didn't even know I had a nose bump when I was younger, and I still liked other nose bumps. I agree with other anon, you shouldn't drop money on a rhinoplasty if it's just to "correct" a nose bump. But I understand we all have different preferences.

No. 470334

Yes. Was called small and pretty by an old lady and she squeezed my shoulder so it felt nice. Nothing compared to the amount of people that whispered or screamed at me that I'm ugly although none of them were models themselves so I'll live.

No. 470337

No, no one has ever called me pretty, or even cute. I get compliments on my weight or my clothing or my hair cut, but only those things individually. As for if I've been called ugly? Yes, constantly, even by total strangers.
They insult me even more when I style myself nicely for some reason, so I can't even enjoy fashion, because I know the nicer my outfit the crueler the comments.

No. 470508

Only once by some fat old food delivery moid, the classmate I was with (a moid cs major) autistically replied “What? No she isn’t” like a knee-jerk reaction kek.
Otherwise, my female friends are big into reciprocating compliments so if I say they look beautiful they’ll tell me the same thing but I never get complimented first on my appearance, always just clothes (only when I’m at a low weight) or sometimes hair.

No. 473058

Hate my fat ass face. Even if I weighed 70lbs I'd still have a double chin.

No. 473088

Most men will NEVER get Stacy so why are they so obsessed with her? I swear, men always yearn for the prettiest woman around them, even when they know they have 0 chances of ever touching a girl this beautiful. Then they start resenting average and ugly girls for not being arousing enough, which leads to a significant number of women getting body dysmorphia and plastic surgery/fillers. I hate chad-worshipping women as well but at least I know they’ll end up falling with a mid dude and will never be as deluded as an ugly male.

No. 473090

Basically they want a trophy they can use to measure themselves against other men

No. 473091

Men's entitlement is hilarious. And then they wine about how lonely and miserable they are. They deserve it.
Men will go out of their ways to date women they are not even attracted to (because they all have weird and sick fetishes) just to parade them.

No. 473125

As other anons explained, Stacies are more of a show off to other men than for themselves. They're not yearning for women, they are yearning for approval.

No. 473277

Kek it was so satisfying to watch the only dude in my class realize that the gorgeous girl he wanted was in a relationship (with a dude 1000x better looking than him obviously) and only saw him as some kind of jester/pet. He ignored me and my friend for the whole year too despite trying to befriend ALL the beautiful girls in class. These dudes genuinely believe that ugly men are superior to ugly women and will ALWAYS shoot above their weight because patriarchy enforced the idea that ugly men are human beings while ugly women are just dysfunctional dolls

No. 473530

literally nobody at my workplace of 3 years knows what I look like because I still wear a mask lmao
it's kind of embarrassing because I'm sure theres some people who think I'm just one of those paranoid libbed up freaks who's still obsessed with covid, but it's actually just because I have deep nasolabial folds and a man jaw.

No. 473885

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I’d do anything for a man jaw tbh. My recessed jaw makes me suicidal

No. 473896

i have a coworker who still wears a mask every day but only over her mouth and not her nose because she's embarrassed of her teeth. trust me it just makes it more obvious and we stare more when the mask is down. just own it.

No. 473972

Disregarding the dumb community around it. Mewing really made a difference for me

No. 473988

Is mewing just holding the upper and lower jaws together or do you actually have to train biting hard stuff? That's the part I didnt get when I looked into mewing instructions

No. 473996

Nta, personally, chowing gum and being a healthy weight helped me. Chowing in general helps grow some jaw muscles and gives that developed jawline look, but it has a set potential and would stop growing eventually, and too much chowing can wear that muscle down and cause issues.

No. 474002

Mewing itself is about the right tongue posture. The tongue should rest against the roof of your mouth and your teeth should touch lightly. Mike mew does have good basic introduction videos.
And chewing itself is good, but shouldn't be overdone.

No. 474102

The realization hit me that I'm too ugly for both, men and women. Damn, nobody wants me. But that's ok, I'm thankfully not into relationships by default. But I'll miss out on sex, sad. Oh well, it can't be helped.

No. 475225

Man I remember in my 4th grade class we had a teacher's aide who liked to practice drawing cartoons on the side. He said he'd draw our class. I was in a phase where I tried to act and look traditionally feminine to fit in better. He drew me as this large, unkempt beast of a girl. I've had a lot of moments throughout life tipping me off that I was ugly but that I think was the big one for me kek

No. 475281

it's such an eye opening moment, a few years ago my friend and i saw a wall with little notes taped to it everywhere so we doodled each other and stuck it to it. we're both good at drawing and i drew her really cute and pretty but she drew me pretty ugly. like a side profile that looked kinda like a scrawny guy. or a witch. i just grinned and acted like i liked it

No. 475287

Honestly I think this is more about wheter they like someone or not. I can't imagine drawing someone on purpose looking bad. No one with decency and social skills would do that

No. 475310

I just want a pretty face. I am short and chubby but idc I just want cute and feminine feautures.

No. 475316

The same thing happened to me lol. I was in college and we were drawing on a chalkboard before the class. I was drawn as an extremely fugly stick figure lol.

No. 475317

I came to the same realization when I tried dating my looksmatch. Literally zero interest from men of my league, I specifically was sicking out guys who were out of shape/had unconventional features, but had similar interests and complementary personality with me. Nope, no luck. They still weren't interested even though they admitted to never getting matches or having zero luck on apps.
I'm not fat/unkept/deformed either.

No. 476984

How old are you nonna? I am 28, and now my friends do not even go out and bar culture/party days are over.

No. 477004

I am deformed and tried the same thing and couldn't even get a date. I realised I was going to be alone forever if I couldn't find someone at 30, and just gave up completely to throw myself into work. Less than a year later I just ran into a normal looking guy who was visiting my workplace and really liked me for my personality and our shared interests. He can completely look past how ugly I am and find some beauty in me. Life is just RNG bullshit and you never know when it can just turn around.

No. 477103

On tinder? Hopefully you didn't resign yourself to dating down

No. 477191

For me I have a very sharp chin but a very ugly shape that doesn't suit my features. All the women who have similar features to me outside of the jaw look vastly better with square jaws. I had to get stuck wth this ugly ass rounded jaw which only makes me look more deformed yay

No. 478412

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I hate how ugly face and body wise I am, especially because it's paired with a love for beauty and fashion and being a very visual person and a perfectionist. It's so annoying when I see an amazing outfit idea I want to wear and pose in and take pictures of myself in it so bad but I know I could NEVER pull it off with my disgusting body and face. Only fashion I can relatively pull of is ugly British man outfits because I look like an elderly skeletal male professor. Sad existence. Imagine having masculine features as a woman but not even looking relatively handsome with them. What's the point? What a cruel joke the universe played on me.

No. 478419

What kind of fashion do you truly like, that you think you can't wear?
I gotta say those guys are the most entitled ones. Ugly inside and out. They see few ugly rich man dating models and think they're entitled to the same

No. 478433

First ayrt, really anything that's sexy, cool, elegant, formal and classy, dressy etc. I can't wear crop tops or low raise jeans or shorts or mini skirts or mini dresses etc. I'm too short and fat for it, but also I have long limbs and torso so I look strange in that kind of fashion if I try it out. I look ok in frumpy looks or more tomboyish fashion but these are too boring for me. I want to dress in more fun ways but I'll look stupid if I do so. I believe that good fashion is for attractive people, and ugly people look weird and gross in it and it actually accentuate their ugliness, so I don't want to turn out that way when I try the fashion that I could never fit.

No. 478722

I'm low tier Beckie (4/10) and I'm fat. Only 4 times have men shown interest in me, when I was in puberty and two boys catcalled me, also when I was in high school and an autistic guy proposed to me and twice when two creepy men sub 4 twice my age I They said she was pretty. I showed my face on reddit, 4chan and discord and was told I was objectively ugly and that I am below average.

No. 478724

The worst thing is seeing makeup and clothing trends (aside from the fact that I'm poor) and knowing that they don't fit me because I'm ugly.

No. 478728

I'm really sorry about your experiences but given the way you talk, it seems you spend too much time around incels and don't see things how an average person does. Do you interact with other people at much at your work?

No. 478751

I'm neet

No. 478758

well stop it retard

No. 480363

Does anyone feel out of place on this site sometimes, or like you don't subscribe to the same brand of feminism as most anons? I feel like it's moid tier to continue perpetuating the idea that women should be judged by their looks and shunned if they don't fit into the perfectly feminine mold that we ought to look like. I see anons call women man faced, fridge bodies, not having wide enough hips, troonfoiling for being weird looking, etc. It's sad to know that your worth is measured by how feminine and attractive you are even by other women. If you don't subscribe to this you're an nlog pickme whatever and jealous of normal looking women even if you try to own it.
Women should be able to exist however they want, present however they want, and their worth shouldn't be judged by how they fit the feminine, attractive mold. Isn't this what we should be fighting against? I don't get it.

No. 480371

Anon have you ever been to /snow/? Nitpicking mostly female cows is what this site was founded on. In the last 5 or so years there has been a culture shift where more anons think the way you describe, yet because they still participate in /snow/, there will always be at least a little of that energy throughout the site. Not saying it’s good, but just saying it’s like you’re walking into a water park and asking why everyone is wet.

No. 480389

I think nowadays most users from ot/g/m feel the same way you do. Like some anachans in /g/ keep posting a picture of an incredibly thin woman as "inspo" and most people are just telling them they're delusional. Whenever I see someone do the things you're describing I just call them out on their moid behavior.

No. 480505

Yeah that's very fair. I first went on lolcow back when it was the earlier culture but didn't stick around. I came back the last few years as the culture shifted. I browse /snow/ out of guilty pleasure because I have a few cows I do like to follow because of their shitty behavior. I just find it weird that infighting will happen where anons will claim feminism, call another woman a pickme, and belittle her for not being womanly enough in the same breath. It seems like a major cognitive dissonance.

No. 481032

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I decided to completely change up my wardrobe and try to counter the ugliness with more crazy/maximalist clothing. A basic fashion style just doesn't go well when you don't have physical features that work on their own. Talking lots of jewelry, more interesting patterns/clothing pieces in general, basically trying to distract from my face.

I like this fashion, not forcing myself, just never felt confident enough to wear it - but now realizing that it may be better than to stick with being bland and the confidence may come with it.

Has anyone did that and did it help you cope?

No. 481108

Will you transition?(bait)

No. 481143

They would be considered average even in my neanderthal middle eastern shithole tbf

No. 481165

>YT algorithm playing up (probably after reading through this thread)
>get content titled "what it feels like to be the ugly friend in a friend group"
>mfw Im aspergers
>mfw I dont have a friend group

No. 481307

Somehow doubt that, beaky. Go pluck your monobrow.

No. 481387

The way this person writes is aggravating.

No. 481734

So I’m at an airport and this just happened, but I notice it happen regularly.

Does anyone ever see an objectively stunning girl in public, like one of those rare 10/10, and maybe you make eye contact or smile as your passing them.

And the stunning girl will look you up and down, give a rude smirk and start strutting off like she’s better than everyone around her? I’m so sick of running into these girls. They know they’re gorgeous. Why the rude interactions towards other women? It makes me unreasonably angry

No. 481738

Nta but they would be considered below average in most countries across the world. Im sure youre a browless chinlet, you may wanna draw those

No. 481746

For some reason I find that very attractive and put together women are generally nicer than the average person. The only people who have ever insulted me or acted rude to me because of how I look were unremarkable randos

No. 481747

>how to cope with being ugly
Become a lolcow.farm moderator

No. 481751

That’s strange because for me, it’s always been the opposite. Attractive and put together women are rude to me. Though I am not ugly, I am considered attractive to the majority of people in my life. Maybe it’s a competition thing? Still unsettling when I’m maybe an 8 and 10s are pure evil towards me

No. 481754

>I am not ugly
Why are you posting about it in this thread then? You'll get answers more accurate to your situation elsewhere

No. 481759

I was fine with being ugly until the pimples from stopping birthcontrol started hurting.

No. 481768

Apparently being attractive means you have zero reading comprehension. Now shoo.

No. 481782

The anachan body posts in the ideal bodies thread and anons worshipping that pic of Gracie Abrams showing her ribs in celebricows come to mind. I'm trying not to resume my eating disordered tendencies again you dumb bitches

No. 481783

They are nicer to you because they feel sorry for you

No. 482601

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When people talk about big noses, how they are beautiful, it is always the typical Roman/Greek nose, never a wide bulbous nose. I would give anything to have a narrow Roman nose rather than a wide one.

No. 482608

I'm all for acceptance of textured skin within reasonable bounds but acne is an actual ailment and needs to be addressed seriously, especially in adulthood, as potentially symptomatic of other issues. It's not something you have to learn to accept.

No. 482610

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At least hooked noses can be easily fixed and don't look ugly from the front. Even with the most experienced surgeon, wide noses are left with a botched appearance.

No. 482611

Same anon. Mine is not only that but a bit upturned and it's just not a very pretty shape. There are nice big noses but I don't have one.

No. 482613

>wide noses are left with a botched appearance
it depends, wide noses need a more conservative rhinoplasty, called an "ethnic rhinoplasty", narrows the nose bridge but not too drastic of a change.

No. 482616

i think the woman in your picrel looks nice because she's got other features that are more striking than her nose, she's got long wavy hair and lighter eye and hair colouration, can't imagine she'd look as good with black hair and eyes.

No. 482644

Yep. Even when pretending to accept "ugliness", they go for the pretty "ugly" features instead. Though I'd say hooked noses are hideous.

No. 482668

This is a hooked nose on a pretty woman. A hooked nose on an ugly woman is different.

No. 482677

Oh my, I really hit a nerve KEK. Pluck pluck.

No. 482682

she has both a wide nose and a hooked nose? i hate that kind of nasal bridge that suddenly goes from weirdly skinny to massive.

No. 482685

i think you all deserve your fate considering how psycothic you sound over other women's looks too

No. 482687

That makes us fair then. We judge others' looks and our own. I also just moids' looks all the time and even harsher. It's fun.

No. 482699

>How to cope with being ugly
>It's fun!

No. 482807

it's so subjective. i think she'd be prettier with dark eyes and hair but i might be biased because i'm always more attracted to those features

No. 482980

It's genuinely insanity inducing how I've done everything to look better and it's still worth nothing. I'm skinny so I never needed to lose weight, I fixed my crooked teeth, I keep my hair tidy and dye it, I do my makeup. And I'm still ugly.
Not having men interested in me hurts but what is worse is how everyone genuinely, as their default orientation, finds me annoying or bitchy. People I've previously gotten well with will say we aren't that close (despite me just making a joke??), I will be left in the dust after leaving a house together etc… it's like, I know I'm quiet (which is influenced by my looks as well btw, because if I was pretty everyone would want to listen to me much more) but is it too much to want to be treated with courtesy??

No. 482993

I feel like a lot of you just have severe body dysmorphia and aren't nearly as ugly as you think. I used to think I was ugly too and maybe I am but given the compliments I get I don't think it's true and I was just dysmorphic. I never really did fit the beauty standard so I can see how it affects a lot of you in similar cases. Hang in there nonitas.

No. 482997

I get compared to young Chlöe Sevigny like it's a good thing and it makes me want to kill myself because she's known to be a 5/10 or ugly cute at most. I hate that I look androgynous even though I just want to be feminine and cute, my moid father gave me his ugly nose and long face and I hope he goes to hell for this.

No. 483021

>but given the compliments I get
of fucking course someone like you wouldn't understand it. try never receiving compliments, being constantly told you're ugly to your face, getting compared to beasts, compared to men, and being treated with disrespect in general even when you try being nice

No. 483023

literally. Some people are so clueless about how little they understand.

No. 483108

It's not about fitting the beauty standards. It's about being the best version of our selves possible and reaching our full potential, looks included. Looking human and normal would be nice for starters.

No. 483121

Does Chloe Sevigny not look human and normal >>482997
Sorry but I'm with the anon you're replying to. Ooh I wanna kms for looking like a famous actress - yeah that's just body dysmorphia

No. 483125

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No, she doesn't. Definition of unfortunate looking. Can't blame that anon for feeling bad about being compared to her. If you pretend she looks average or is even remotely pretty, you're just baiting.

No. 483127

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ntayrt but anon said young, not middle aged. and no, she wasnt ugly

No. 483130

kek anon are you me

No. 483141

i'd kill to be compared to her, always thought she was very pretty. she was an it girl for a reason, there's just something about her. i've only ever been compared to a young queen elizabeth ii which i guess could be worse (she was the queen and all) but she wasn't really known as a looker. would've been nicer to be compared to margaret

No. 483144

Holy fivehead. She's a plain Jane at best. You're trying too hard.

No. 483153

She got famous for being willing to suck the director's dick on camera. She's ugly

No. 483217

I want to feel pity for a lot of you but you're all so bitter it's hard to feel bad. No wonder some of you have nobody and never get compliments whatsoever. If you're gonna be unpleasant to look at maybe try to be at least pleasant as a person or something instead of seething constantly. Leave that victim mentality behind, no one likes a whiny jenny.(bait)

No. 483219

With replies like these I gotta say it really does feel like most of you are just delusional and insecure because you're not Stacy level. She's plain average. If you call her ugly you are most likely average, too, because truly ugly people would wish to look like her. Also this reeks of internalized misogyny(infighting)

No. 483220

>If you're gonna be unpleasant to look at maybe try to be at least pleasant as a person or something
i did, and people still act afraid of me. it's like you ignored this part entirely
>being treated with disrespect in general even when you try being nice
it's not like we're all saying these things in front of random strangers anon. the people who said i looked like a monster, a man, etc were people i didn't even speak to yet.

No. 483228

>If you're gonna be unpleasant to look at maybe try to be at least pleasant as a person
Why do people always repeat this like its some secret no ugly woman has ever heard of or tried before? Every single ugly woman has done this and it never stops people from treating you like some freak.

No. 483232

>complain about our shitty situation (in our own thread btw)
>ackthully if you think about it you kind of deserve it for being negative about your shitty situation and daring to acknowledge it

No. 483240

Idaf about getting compliments or "having somebody", that's for pathetic losers. I wanna look pretty so I can eyefuck myself in the mirror and take aesthetic photoshoots in fancy clothing.
2 things can be true at once. She's ugly, and I'm ugly, too. Why would I wish to be ugly in a different font? Maybe she's average in your standards, but in mine, she's ugly. We can dream of being Stacy all we want.

No. 483862

How many of you have considered surgery? Will you ever do it if you get the money? Do you think you could be salvaged with it?

I'm saving up as much as I can to go to a good surgeon in Korea and transform into a new beauty in two years. Wish me luck nonnas

No. 483985

At this point im like terminator; im gonna punch anyone whos rude or hostile to me to death

No. 483986

I did, but I'm afraid I'd need too many procedures and it will start getting into uncanny valley territory. Plus the healing of surgery looks horrifying and I'm a coward.

No. 484580

I am genuinely considering this. I have an act planned in my head where I hit someone then immediately play victim when they challenge me. It could work since I'm small but at the same time it's probably not worth sustaining injury.

No. 484926

I had a rhinoplasty when I was 15 and it was worth it honestly. But if you’re not Asian you shouldn’t consider South Korea as their surgeons mostly cater to east-asian standards and tend to make Caucasian faces look kinda weird

No. 485189

Yeah gotta fix that title with "how to cope with your race being ugly?"

No. 485234

I don’t think there’s a single human race that’s devoid of conventionally attractive individuals

No. 485250

Nta but you haven't seen mine. Won't mention which one, but it's rife with a 60+% rate of incest, deformities, disabilities, and overall unpleasant ugly dysgenic features such as droopy big hooked and broken noses, droopy eyes and permanent eyebags, extremely small dark lips, gross skin tone due to chronic vitamin deficiencies and genetic health issues, crooked teeth and overbites/underbites because of the shit diet, hairyness that is monkey level. Everyone looks the same, too, so it's easy to spot someone from this race/ethnicity the moment you see them. Embarrassing. The only attractive people in my country are ones from Chinese heritage and other immigrants. While the natives/aboriginals (including me) are all hideous on top of being straight up mentally challenged that I wonder how did those fuckers even survive until today? They're like the missing link or something with their low intelligence, ugliness, and short height and permanent slouch/hunchbacks.

No. 485271

Sounds like cope. Countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan are incredibly inbred but still have lots of attractive individuals (even based on Eurocentric beauty standards)

No. 485275

Maybe some of the women, but not the moids for sure. How is it exactly a cope to acknowledge one's reality though? You don't live it so you don't get to dictate if it's true or cope.

No. 485546

I've met some beautiful Pashtun men.

No. 485603

They dont want us to acknowledge were ugly so they can keep the status quo and entartain themselves by looking at us deeming our ugly features such as: hooked asymetrical big nose, flat maxilla, sunken cheeks, protruding sunken eyes, small forehead, low set cheeks, flat downturned upper lips, big pores, sallow or olive appering skin, hyperpigmentation, short height, bulky short bones, sparse thick hair, skin problems and scar prone skin etc. as beautiful. Its fake

No. 485615

I will never forget staring at myself in the mirror after I tried plastering makeup on myself in a desperate attempt to see myself as anything other than ugly, and I just started grabbing & ripping at my face in a retarded rage. Like genuinely I get so pissed of at my genetics, my father's side for passing down such inbred ugly traits. & I'm a happa so I don't even have desirable body, just flat. I look like an amab tranny. And I thought my acne would go away when I got older but now I have acne & pigmentation. Fml

No. 486112

File: 1739706012503.webp (1.03 MB, 2967x2967, 281021d8-0d5d-4383-9d8f-79d905…)

You ever see your exact phenotype out in the wild and get startled by how disgusting and uncanny it looks? I straight up look almost exactly like this but a woman. Fivehead, thin hair, no lips, long philtrum, big ears, recessed jaw. Only difference is I'm not fat, but my face is. This guy at least has cheekbones showing, my face is just round, and more top heavy proportion wise. Whenever I look at photos of other women they don't even register as kin to me, I look more like a mutant rat than a woman. It's fucking exhausting.

No. 486114

if he weren’t fat, greasy, balding AND was a woman, he wouldn’t be that ugly. i would also assume you’re much better groomed and maintained looking than him, so it’s hard to fully compare yourself. also he’s a murderer and has the agp stare. even if you share features doesn’t mean you’re at all comparable to a scrote like that

No. 486115

Maybe shes an agp murderer too?

No. 486150

I support her murdering AGPs

No. 486151

Being fat is what makes most people unattractive. The guy in your pic wouldn't even be that gross, if he just wasn't fat. The other nona is right. As long as you keep slim and groomed, its pretty much impossible to be truly ugly, unless you have a genuine deformity.

No. 486171

How do I stop caring about the fact that I look mid as fuck? I want plastic surgery but because I have the emotional stability of a 16 year old I want it NOW even though Im broke and still living with my mom. I have downward growth but Im not dysphoriac enough to call myself outright ugly unlike a lot of average-looking people but I want to look hot

No. 486195

>im not ugly
This is not your thread. Go make your own.

No. 486216

No I belong here I have scoliosis and pectus excavatum
Pakistan really must have lots of uglies because every sixth person Ive met in looksmax communities is a middle-class or Western Paki. Pretty sure Qoves is run by a Paki too

No. 486597

every time i see a guy say his ideal gf is "beautiful" or that he wants someone "pretty" or talks about falling for a woman without even talking to her because she was "gorgeous" it feels like a stabbing pain in my side. i hate being like this & i hate being attracted to men. they're always men who seem stupid and annoying anyway though, not ones whose attention i'd want to draw, but it really sucks being unremarkable looking in an age where everything is based on appearances because people are too socially terrified to actually walk up and just make conversation with each other

No. 486610

I've been thinking about the same thing. I don't have downward growth but I want to change other things on my face. I think I won't be happy in life unless/until I get plastic surgery.

No. 486621

My parents did, but I don't think they believe it, they were just trying to make me feel better. But other than that yea from other people it was stuff about makeup, hairstyle etc.

No. 486648

I wish I met men who are honest like this. Every guy I talk to anonymously begins with the typical BS 'looks don't really matter' I hate when men are disingenuous like that.

No. 486654

Men rarely say that looks dont matter to them, anon

No. 486982

They do when they think it hurts their chances to get laid

No. 487739

I'm fat and I also kinda look like him, bulbous forehead and everything. I keep seeing males and AGPs that look less like a tranny than I do, honestly, it's been terrible for my self esteem.
But I also cannot be assed to try and lose weight. I was a fat child, I've always been fat, I have very little hair density and a 5 head and a nasty face full of blackheads (Which I've thrown everything at and keep clean, before the usual "wash your face nasty" literally everything I do makes it worse.) I wish ozempic was less regulated in my country.

Somehow I am married to a lovely, normal woman.
That's mostly what's stopping me from thinking of roping. Now that I'm in my mid thirties if I became single suddenly I think I would just kms.

No. 495441

Not only am I ugly but I am also a midwit. High-iq anons in this thread should be grateful about at least being able to develop amazing talents and achieve great lives. I genuinely think I wouldn’t complain about being ugly if I was a smart person

No. 495447

It's much more common for dumb people to think they're smart. Maybe you have other things, like ADHD, depression, medications or nutrient deficiencies hindering to reach your full your cognitive potential

No. 495844

Yes and it's even more blood boiling when the famous moid version of your phenotype has a successful career even if he's not attractive but you could never approach that level of fame or wealth because you're a woman with the same features. I blame my father's side for looking like this. I really do.

No. 495850

By dating ugly men, its easy to be happy when you know your place and I dont mean that in a derogatory way.

No. 495852

Dating is not the be all end all of existence.

No. 495854

Even better then, you have no real reason to feel insecure for your ugliness if you dont even want a partner to begin with.

No. 495902

Nta, why can't some of you get the concept of wanting to be beautiful to appeal to oneself? Idk about the other anon but I personally want the inside to match the outside, and I think I deserve to be beautiful because I'm a great person. It's unfair that I'm smart and a good, social person but ugly. Why can't I have the whole package? I want to be famous and beloved for being perfect in all departments. I want to take cute photoshoots and stare at myself in the mirror like the narcissist I am 24/7 and actually enjoying the sight. Not too much to ask for.

No. 495905

would you be willing to give up 25 IQ points if in exchange you would be beautiful?

No. 495907

Sure, not that my IQ is that high anyways. I'm bad at math so I always score low in IQ tests. Yet, I'm a software engineer and can grasp new concepts in numerous related or unrelated fields easily and in a short time. I'll probably be fine.

No. 495919

dating ugly men is not a good idea. generally ugly men have inferiority complexes, which can result in jealous and obsessive behavior but also cheating, negging and projection, while simultaneously thinking they deserve to date way above their league for some reason. I've seen numerous ugly moids negging their better looking gfs. never date ugly moids nonnies, unless their personality is flawless in every single way, but even then it might change when you start dating.

No. 495938

what if it meant you couldn't do software anymore or any brainy profession? Would you still take the deal?
Also, what if you were offered to be beautiful but in exchange you had to have narcissistic personality disorder? Still interested?

No. 495946

You're saying this as if you're a witch and can grant my wish…what do you know that we mere mortals don't. And the answer is yes. I never wanted to work in a brainey field to begin with, I wanted to be a singer worshipped for my talent and beauty. My voice is ugly though and I'd give anything to have a beautiful voice along a beautiful face and body.

No. 495958

Life's hard enough without that

No. 496022

Sadly no. I was just born a bit slow (probably because my parents, despite being intelligent, had me when they were old). I admire intelligent people like my older brother and being close to him makes me ultra aware of how limited my cognitive abilities are compared to him (especially my processing speed and memory). My parents also are doctors so not being able to be on the same level as them makes me deeply insecure

No. 496108

so they're just like most posters itt

No. 496157

Being beautiful has other benefits outside of dating though. Even from the way platonic relations (like family) treats you

No. 496158

I can understand why you'd feel that way. But confidence and charisma can take a person really far in life too, and they're things you can develop. Many highly intelligent people are autistic or struggle with emotional intelligence, which can end up costing them great opportunities. Honestly, just having street smarts can get you even further in life. Excelling as a genius depends much more on having a supportive environment early in life

No. 496161

I never heard a beautiful person say something like that too. I think that says it all

No. 496180

>I deserve to be beautiful because I'm a good person
>All I would do is stare at myself in the mirror bc NPD
>Fuck my intellect and good stable job
>I want people to worship me

Nona tbh I think you might deserve the body you got.

For whatever it's worth y'all should keep in mind that looks don't last and any career that relies primarily on the opinions of others instead of a skill set is only setting you up to chase external validation eternally.
If you really feel your looks are crippling you then ig do what you want, get the plastic surgery, but also by your 30's you'll be considered mid even if you do miraculously achieve filtered-influencer levels of pretty at some point now. Idk, it doesn't seem worth it to me and especially not with how creepy and rapey moids are getting IRL. Even if you aren't looking for moid attention you'll get chased down in the fucking street like a deer or followed to your car in parking lots. the grass may be greener in some parts on this side but the lawn overall is still patchy AF.

No. 496190

I have a decent face but if I tie up my hair I look like a fat moidlet

No. 496215

Don't care, I have the skill set already, I want the looks, and I want the looks I like, don't care about what others find attractive if it doesn't align with my idea of beauty.

No. 496219

yeah you definitely deserve the body you got. if you're this insufferable as a 4/10 then an additional ego boost is not what is needed here.

No. 496249

I wonder what it's like to want pictures of oneself on their phone. My phone is onlymfull of pictures of my pets, food, and places. Tried to brute force taking selfies and always deleted them mere minutes later.

No. 496298

but you are saying that you'd give up the skillset if it meant you could be beautiful. That's fucked up. Would you be willing to Freaky Friday with Casey Anthony if it meant that you'd be just as evil as she is?

No. 496304

I think being really attractive must be like living in another world. I was reading about a girl who was a Z-list non-celeb but had one of the biggest stars in her country ask her out just cause she was in a cafe and looked pretty.

No. 496326

Nah I'm great and I deserve the best. Get on my level.
She's ugly so no. I don't want to look like a specific person, just the ideal version of myself.

No. 496368

The real truth is that even other WOMEN, not just men, in real life/in person will treat you better if you're attractive. Why does everyone kerp bringing up men. Even some anons in confessions threads admitted to treating other women differently based on looks. Family and strangers treat you differently too, it's like night and day they way they act. It's not all about careers or dating

No. 496406

The truth is that if you're beautiful then insecure women will try to tear you down too. Even if there aren't any men to impress.

No. 496479

Such immature line of thinking, sorry. You could fantasize about anything but being pretty so you can be eye candy for someone else is what you're obsessed with? If I'm gonna dream about shit I can't make reality it's endless wealth and not having to work a day in my life again.

No. 496554

How does normies like you find this website in the first place. Are you fucking retarded? Its about self value and worth. No one is attracted to ugly people because they are fucking ugly. Every women has right to feel like one. Thats the thing

No. 496580

File: 1741304792603.jpeg (98.11 KB, 634x968, IMG_8850.jpeg)

do you nonnies see a much more attractive female phenotype version of yourself and then sperg about how you had to turn out so deformed and deflated by comparison

No. 496616

Nta, how do you know she isn't thinking of these things along with being pretty? You read her mind or something? Why are you in this thread if you don't like it anyways, just hide it.

No. 496733

If you go around saying things like 'I deserve to be rich, beautiful and worshipped' then I think you'll get torn down by everyone regardless of their sex.

Nobody 'deserves' anything. The world isn't fair. Goodness doesn't generally merit extra privileges and even if it did, bragging about what a good person you are doesn't exhibit a good personality, it exhibits entitlement. It's like that 'implying I'm not a 9/10' banner, do you really think that post would have been memorialized if it hadn't pissed other nonas off to hell and back because of how arrogant it sounded?

No. 496740

nta but i doubt anyone's saying that irl. most posts here are just personal vents

No. 496766

Don't care, I only care about my own opinion of myself.

No. 496785

File: 1741312382419.webp (45.87 KB, 447x701, thisisyou.png)

Then you are both ugly inside and out, congratulations, you win the whole thread!(infight bait)

No. 496816

I really wonder why is my confident attitude so triggering to you, kek. Seems like a crab in a bucket mentality, you're nothing both personality wise and looks wise and you don't like it when someone is doing better in one and is aiming for the other. Hope you get over your insecurities and stop being bothered by people trying to better themselves.

No. 496887

consistently proving my point about your nasty attitude, keep it up. if you were genuinely trying to better yourself then you wouldn't be ITT ranting about how you deserve to be pretty because of your personality and then showing us your best regina george impression.
nobody's saying 'don't better yourself'. go work out, get the rhinoplasty, learn2makeup. i'd be happy to encourage anyone who was discussing those subjects. you're just ranting about how you 'deserve' to be good-looking because then it would match your narcissistic ego.

anyways it feels like you're just trying to encourage infighting at this point so i'm out.

No. 496897

I don't believe in wearing makeup, that's for insecure uggos, actually beautiful people don't need it. I post itt a lot and discuss these topics with other anons occasionally, I just find annoying faggots who are like "ummm being pretty for moid attention is bad so stay ugly to own the patriarchy. UwU" annoying af. Not everyone has the same mindset as you about looks. Self-image is a thing. Don't come to this thread if you just want to moralfag about the correct and wrong ways to think about looks and attractiveness.

No. 497061

I’m a pretty ugly woman. I have the classic “witch-skull” with giant aquiline nose and uninteresting undesirable body type. I somehow got married to someone who genuinely loves me and we are extremely close because he is a deeply monogamous man and actually not a piece of shit. My experience has made me wonder if men like him are the men who are built for marriage because they are less interested in physical appearance and more interested in a strong bond with another human being. Maybe men who put so much emphasis on physical attractiveness are bad partners because of it because every woman ages and changes shape as time goes on. Men who put so much emphasis on looks must not be able to truly love a woman even if she is enchantingly beautiful.
I have been lucky in love but still struggle with all of the shitty things that come with being ugly. Not getting jobs easily despite being very skilled, women generally not liking me, general disdain from people when I know I don’t deserve it because I am kind . Things like that. My very pretty lifelong bff gets jobs that she is not even qualified for extremely easy right after her interviews. She’s a lush so she hops from job to job since she is constantly fucking up at work. Despite this she has never struggled to find employment like I have. She definitely struggles in love. Her boyfriends have dangled commitment over her head and eventually just use her for sex and not companionship. The boyfriends who have stayed and lived with her eventually quit their jobs and use her in that way and turn to porn instead of having sex with her. No wonder why she has become a lush I do not blame her. My beautiful cousin also has these problems in love. It makes me very angry for them. Being beautiful has not helped them at all in this aspect of life even if it has helped them in others.
So my cope/way of dealing with being ugly is believing that maybe it is better to be ugly or just plain if you care about having a monogamous and life lasting relationship. Maybe it is easier for uglies to find this type of lifestyle because the millions of men who prioritize the physical weed themselves out. No spending years and years on a man who is using you for your beautiful body and perfect smile because you don’t have either of those. It makes it easier to find a genuinely monogamous man who values a lifelong bond. Who knows maybe this is the cope of all time but I have not found any evidence to suggest that my husband has eyes or energy for anyone else even though I am ugly. He constantly showers me with affection and appreciation despite my looks. I couldn’t believe it for the longest time to the point of being paranoid and using spyware and gps trackers. I never found anything of note after doing this for years and he didn’t even know I was doing it.
My male bffs mother is ugly in the same way I am and she has had a successful loving marriage for 50 years now. It’s the most beautiful and healthy marriage I’ve ever seen. She found decades of success in starting her own business when she struggled with finding people to employ her too.
Growing up ugly and bullied for being ugly convinced me that I would forever be unlovable to the point of almost sabotaging my healthy relationship. My belief turned out to be totally false.
If you are also ugly please do not give up on love if that’s what you truly want in life. If it somehow found me with the ugly giant nose and missing crowded teeth I believe it can find you too. Other things will suck because of being ugly but I now believe this is the one thing we uglies can somehow attain easier than average and beautiful people. I will always be shocked by it because it doesn’t seem like it would make sense when first thinking about it.

No. 497149

Jesus just leave off the fucking thread already

No. 497200

I hate when successful attractive women say stuff like “nobody takes me seriously cause I’m pretty, woe is me.” When an ugly woman with the same skills would not only also be disrespected and not taken seriously (because men do that shit to all women). BUT she would also be mocked, shunned, hated, and harassed, and probably not have made it as far.

No. 497742

attractive women have their talents underestimated more than plain/ugly women for sure. I say this as an uggo myself

No. 497755

I hate the fact that I was a really cute kid that grew up into an ugly adult. Seeing childhood pictures of me makes me want to cry sometimes. Like, what the fuck happened to me?

No. 498352

Being ugly as a child has ruined my life. Other children (and teenagers/adults) treating me as a sub-human destroyed my ego forever sadly

No. 498504

I came out of the womb looking like Steven King. More than one person has commented that unprompted on my baby pictures kek. Never stood a damn chance

No. 498663

whenever pretty women complain about how they can't make friends because they're pretty it sounds the same as "I can't make friends because I'm so rich!" to me. I'm sure it feels bad but it's also genuinely hard to feel much sympathy

No. 498708

A pretty woman would also be mocked, shunned by peers, hated, etc. This happens because you're female, not because of your looks. You seem to almost understand this, if you understand that men treat all women the same.

No. 498719

How do lesbians treat their fellow ugly and beautiful peers?

No. 498765

Something started to go wrong when I was about 7. I began to take on a simil rodent appearance. Apparently as a child I was also very smiley and happy all the time (according to my mother, so I don't know how true it is) and then grew up into a brooding teen and adult (consequence of being bullied for my looks?)

No. 498768

>but also by your 30's you'll be considered mid
kys pedophile. women in their 30's are young and beautiful. it's the prime of our lives.

No. 498816

illiterate, ugly, and doesn't know how to sage(baiting)

No. 499268

nah even other women treat women differently based on looks. if you've been in highschool or middle school at any point it's basically the same mean girl behavior but in the workforce

No. 499416

I can’t tell if I’m ugly or just look like a retarded stud to people. I’ve never been actively approached my entire life, I’m honestly fine with that now since I’m way older and know more stuff now about men in particular but I don’t know. I remember going outside to the library and I looked in the mirror and I looked so good, like almost “androgynous model pretty” (I’ve had people in the past male comments about me looking like a model/I should be one) but it’s not enough to grab people’s attention and make them find me pretty. I don’t know, I just don’t like engaging in fantasy that “well ermm people are just rude!” no I just think I’m ugly and I’m not going to cope anymore.

No. 499628

sayrt, I don't want to derail but I don't even think this is debatable, you will get different social buffs from your appearance at 23 than you will at 33.
I think 30's are the prime of our lives when it comes to self-agency and financial independence + mental stability, but I'm definitely not getting any more modelling contracts now to bail me out of the months I can't make rent. Do I miss that? Not often, but sometimes. I agree with the anon upthread talking about how being less 'attractive'/being older also suddenly makes people realize 'ah, she must be here because she's a competent employee and not just because she winked and giggled her way into an office job', though. We shouldn't have to 'make the trade' of perceived beauty for perceived competency but let's face it, pretty faces don't last and aren't even that memorable these days. If you can choose, it's better to be known as a great person than a beautiful one.

No. 499691

File: 1741636127542.jpg (389.01 KB, 2828x2828, philtrum.jpg)

I see a lot of women posting here about philtrums. Is a long philtrum the worst negative feature a woman can have? There feels like there's this inherent angelicness to a short philtrum-having woman and it kills me inside. I'd do anything for a short philtrum.

No. 499744

>getting any more modelling contracts now to bail me out of the months I can't make rent
Get out. Go. You can be in any other thread.

No. 499747

Yes, it’s the biggest reason I am hideous.

No. 499752

Dang she went from a 9/10 to a 8.75/10

No. 499780

I dunno anon. I haven't exactly paid attention to this before but on the left side I see a woman who, yes has a short philtrum but also an oval face, striking eyes, cute nose and nice teeth. You're probably deceiving yourself into thinking it' matters a fuck ton when in reality she hit the genetic jackpot on all facial features. She's gorgeous on the right too.

No. 499781

See if you can get a lip flip.

No. 499795

Exactly my thoughts, a long philtrum won't break your face when you already have other good facial features. It will only amplify your other bad facial features.

No. 499848

guys am i going insane or is her jaw/chin smaller on the right

No. 499910

Yes because her mid face looks longer, which in return makes her jaw look shorter.

No. 500122

The mouth is pulled down

No. 500161

idk that you need to gatekeep this thread, like the photos posted kind of prove, ugliness is subjective, but if we start making comparisons then we're just going to end up in a misery competition. if a nona says she was ugly at one point or another (or just felt that way) then idk, take her word for it.
also plenty of people who model are very weird-looking and are considered uggos in adolescence or after they age past a certain point.

No. 500184

Yeah sorry, I am gonna gatekeep self-admitted models from the ugly thread.

No. 500303

File: 1741659814779.webp (139.51 KB, 1280x720, then-and-now.jpg)

you know that people's looks change, right?
someone can be hot in their 20's and age into conventional ugliness. unless you want to insist that only people with medical deformities are allowed or something, knock it off.

No. 500341

so while i get your point your attempt to make this thread inclusive towards ex-stacy/models crying about aging slightly but not getting hideous is a bit odd. >>499628 mostly lost pretty privilege but probably still looks conventionally fine. don't get me wrong, she actually tried to suggest something to cope with, uh, "ugliness" so that contribution is fine. but reminds me of that TED talk with the model waxing poetic about how looks aren't everything kek.

by the way your example is great. posting a normally aged senior chubby woman, perfect for the demographics for this thread clearly.

No. 500388

and we have posters like >>482610 and >>499691 whose complaints are just about the shape of their nose or the length of their philtrum. ugliness is subjective. i think this thread is more for anons who feel ugly than for us to compare about 'who has it worse'. by the standards of patriarchy we will all be ugly one day anyways ex: brigitte bardot who gets mercilessly shit on for her looks nowadays as a bonus whenever people mention her rancid political beliefs. sorry you got triggered, nona, but it's not worth arguing over.

No. 500443

>this thread is for those who feel ugly
>"how to cope with being ugly"
uh, ok. anyway, my point isn't that people with different experiences shouldn't post here…it's that grouping a conventionally ugly woman that has experienced most of her young years of being ugly, being ostracized, bullied, etc, into the same category as an famous beauty or a decent looking 30-something doesn't make much sense. there's different subsets and experiences here, they're valid…but not the same. it's also regressive to base this all around patriarchy because women also objectify women. aesthetics, fashion, dolls, social media, etc. not all of it is about men. plenty of women also find youth beautiful with or without men being involved.

me? i had a very brief time in my mid 20s i approached averageness in my entire life. not attractiveness, no. and NORMAL people treated me way better and wanted to talk to me. it made going out so much more fun and positive. maybe what you're saying would be more compelling if you started trying to get normies to judge less by the way other people look and to stop fueling the corrupt beauty industry.

No. 500550

Let’s leave this looksmaxxing BDD autistic shit to moids please. The model on your pic still looks perfect with a long philtrum and you need to stop analyzing your face and other women’s

No. 500574

Yeah, it's the same shit as middle-aged married women with 3 kids who cry that random moids don't buy them drinks or look at them anymore, it doesn't belong here.

No. 500669

since none of us know what the other person actually looks like, every post ITT is solely based whether that person would describe themselves as ugly or not…so yeah, it is about feelings. Lolcow is a place for chronically online women, there is no doubt that our population includes a bunch of nonas with body dysmorphia who probably look perfectly fine irl but are in this thread posting like they've experienced life as Quasimodo.

No. 500731

You need to stop. Let me remind you this is about a MODEL. That is objective proof that she does not belong in this thread, and proof trumps “feelings.” Let actual ugly and deformed people have one thing without a self-admitted model barging in pretending that because she’s 30 now that means she is ugly.

No. 500772

NTA but she wasn't complaining about losing her looks, she was just trying to make the point that looks don't last. That's a valid point to make in this thread

No. 500773

Is that really a huge disparity from someone who's posting 'I was cute as a child but then lost it when i grew up'?
it feels like you just crashed out upon hearing one person mention getting a gig as a clothes horse. maybe take it to the infighting thread instead.

No. 500783

Alright, seems it has been decided we are not allowed to gatekeep models out of the “coping with being ugly” thread. The next thread should be called “thread for everyone who has ever felt a little bit self-conscious.” For inclusivity.

No. 500832

>it feels like you just crashed out
Why does everyone keep misusing this phrase lol

No. 501075

nta it's become a stupid zoomer term that's come to mean breaking down/freaking out essentially
i feel your uggo seething anon i also don't think it makes a lot of sense to converse about your looks fading a little with age in a thread about being ugly. there's a big difference between the two imo, the latter doesn't always become "ugly" while the former has always been (or at least treated as such). actually ugly women never get their own space to talk about it, it's always a topic that's awkwardly pushed aside or women who are just a bit insecure will waltz in believing they can relate even though they can't, not completely (and will proceed to talk about how they were models once kek)

No. 501247

File: 1741746844571.jpg (36.13 KB, 703x628, sarah.jpg)

my worst feature is my jaw. like my chin is way too mannish but my jaw shape doesn't match it, so i just look like a retarded mouthbreather with a moid looking chin and a rounded more feminine jawline. i would rather just have a blockier jaw that doesn't manage to look totally masculine like picrel but balances out my ungodly lower jaw issues.

i had braces on for way too long and that's what fucked up my jawline in the first place. when i was a kid my jaw looked more normal, even though i had messed up teeth. one feature can really make or break you, it's my least favorite of all the features i can't stand, i'm trying so hard to figure out how to stop it from sagging or looking uglier now that i've gained a little weight, but nothing is working. i wish i just had a squarer jaw, something most people would never expect a woman to say. because at least having a more squared jaw balances out a heavy lower face.

No. 503520

This night I had a dream that I was normal-looking. I was getting ready in the morning, everything was as usual, but it was so peaceful

No. 505736

When I got raped people spent more time worrying about my pretty friend and trying to get her to hang out with them than they did checking in on me. That was when I knew I was ugly to the point of endangerment, I wasn't pretty enough for people to sympathise.

No. 508007

not to sound like a pooner or anything but it would be real great to be a scrote in this world. i have no empathy for those rapeapes nor do i ''internally feel like them'' but the treatment they dont deserve yet consistenly get every single second of their useless existence is mindblowing. I genuinely look like tophiachu and it is killing me from the inside out and it doesnt pair well with the fact i dont even have a lovely personality to cancel the ugly factor out. i am genuinely hideous and have always been treated like a little pet dog by other girls because i was alwyas too retarded to detect maliciousness. it is sort of tiring, both at home and in the workplace. i am treated like a gross pile of crap someone accidentally stepped on. though i lost 6kg (13 pounds) in a week i still feel immense despair. should i have plastic surgery to end it all? would it make me look better?

No. 508015

I think you should focus on losing weight before you even consider plastic surgery. Don't hurt yourself in the name of beauty nonna.

No. 508021

thank you for the motivation, nonna. i have consistently been told that i am 'perfect the way i am', whilst being on the brink of a heart attack at any given moment. i have never been able to lose any weight and in the last week had been my only ray of hope. i too think i really need to lose the weight for both cosmetic purposes and health concerns, but while it would affect my body greatly my face would not change because i am so grossly hideous with the oddest neanderthal proportions i feel like i could be mistaken as a troon.

No. 508037

That's ok. You're allowed look like a Neanderthal so long as you continue making an effort to improve your health. Looks may follow or maybe they won't, but it will help your confidence regardless. Don't give up!

No. 509489

My own personal perspective on this is as follows: no matter how attractive you are, there would always be someone more attractive than you anyway. Therefore, spending my life in pursuit of being beautiful is just not worth it to me. Of course, I take care of myself, I get my nails and hair done, I try to dress trendy for my age. But I work in the health industry where I see people with horrible ailments - cancer, grief, severe mental health/psychosis, missing limbs etc. and holy shit, it really puts things into perspective. I try to wake up and just be thankful for my health, the fact I have a warm bed to sleep in, food and don't live in a war-torn country. I know those are pretty standard things and I'm not invalidating being upset about appearance, because I'm very aware how physical appearance (especially for women) can have such an impact on how you are treated by the world and even affects your career success etc. But that being said, when I'm old, I don't want to fucking look back and think 'wow I wish I didn't spend so much time being upset about how I look' because by that stage, I will just want to be able to walk without my bones creaking. I hope everyone itt can try to put things into perspective this way. YOU ARE MORE than just your outward appearance, and there is so much more to life and things to be thankful for.

No. 509492

This is really well put nonna. I resonate with this as I do work in healthcare too.

No. 509521

I work in healthcare TOO lol, and I don't resonate with it at all.
Don't pull the "le starving Aftican children" fallacy itt.
Looks objectively matter, pretty privilege exists.
I was bullied mercilessly in my childhood bc of my looks and because of that I developed crippling AVPD.
There are more important things in life than beauty, but we live in a society(c), and looks (or lack of thereof) greatly impact your life.

No. 509563

>there would be someone more attractive than you anyway
Doesn't matter if I'm actually good looking and happy with the way I look. Even as an uggo, I don't get jealous or envious of others for being beautiful, I just admire their beauty. Although I have the occasional "wish I looked like that" thought that comes with being ugly.
>YOU ARE MORE than just your outward appearance, and there is so much more to life and things to be thankful for.
Idgaf, none of the good things matters if I'm not good looking. Beauty would add to all the things I like doing and make it better. Not that there's anything good in my life anyways, so why can't I at least have good looks? So I have to suffer AND be ugly through it? Unfair.

No. 509599

The whole cure for AVPD is getting enough therapy to understand and internalize what nonna is trying to tell you right here. Hope you get there someday.

No. 509619

Spoken like someone who never struggled with self-image and their own looks.

No. 509621

100%, my body is so good to me and I’m grateful for every sliver of it. My grasp on that got a lot better after dealing with severe health issues over the course of several years. Also think just the increasing experience and perspective that comes with age helps with that. I took my little niece to the mall recently and some teenage boy came up behind me and tried to pick me up. When I turned around and he saw my face he said “eewgh, no” and walked off. Even in my mid twenties that would’ve been so embarrassing to me, but these days it just made me laugh. Realizing that I can cultivate a sense of self-worth and compassion independent of the people and society around me was probably the most precious lesson I learned in my twenties.

No. 509629

I was bullied relentlessly inside and outside of home my entire upbringing. I was too tall, too pale, too fat, too weird, too ugly. Every one of my interests was wrong and worthy of mocking. I couldn’t express any of that pain or else I’d be told I was wrong to feel bad and that if I just performed better I wouldn’t be having these problems. I didn’t learn to trust other people enough to make friends until well into college. I’ve slowly chipped away at overcoming all that and it’s insane how much the world has opened up to me as I’ve progressed. I now have a much better understanding of how wrong I’d been treated and how worthy I really am. It takes time and compassion and love to get yourself moving forward. You do deserve that, no matter how much you may have been told otherwise all your life. There’s still things I’m not able to do yet; I’ve still got no desire/ability to have romantic or sexual intimacy, which my therapist claims isn’t uncommon for women with severe interpersonal trauma in adolescence. But who knows, maybe I’ll get there. I still love myself even if I never do, though.

No. 509649

>too tall
>too pale
Wish I had those problems, lmao
>I now have a much better understanding of how wrong I’d been treated and how worthy I really am. It takes time and compassion and love to get yourself moving forward.
Good for you, but some of us are perfectionist and want to be the best versions of ourselves and won't settle for mediocrity.
>You do deserve that, no matter how much you may have been told otherwise all your life
Nobody told me anything, I know for a fact I'm ugly, doesn't take a genius to point it out. I want to become what I'm truly meant to be, and it's certainly not an uggo loser.
>There’s still things I’m not able to do yet; I’ve still got no desire/ability to have romantic or sexual intimacy, which my therapist claims isn’t uncommon for women with severe interpersonal trauma in adolescence.
You're not missing out on anything lol. I guess that's the difference between you and me, you crave externals validation so you think looks are linked to people's opinions of ones only, while I want to be what I like so I only care about my opinion of myself even if others would lie and tell me I'm pretty.

No. 509670

I'm tayrt and I get that even if you have things to be appreciative for it doesn't exempt you from struggling. You are allowed to feel how you do. I did acknowledge that appearance really does affect how you're treated in society. It's a grim reality. But in the height of my BDD, I thought my looks were why I had no friends. In reality it was because I closed myself off to every opportunity that presented itself to me. I have a pretty good social life now just from being a nice person and smiling and appearing happy with people. Am I a Stacy? No and I never will be. But I am appreciative of what I have. It helps me to think of things from a 'it could be so much worse' perspective. I hope you find some sort of peace.

No. 509682

You don't get it, my face is deformed and I have a weird body composition. I know that BDD is though, but I'm dealing with a bit different problem here.

No. 509685

Well, good luck in your quest to be the first human being to achieve perfection. I hope you get there soon so you don’t have to spend years wallowing in misery on the journey. Doesn’t sound like a good way to live.

No. 509753

>beauty would add to all the things I like doing
it's like you installed Instagram into your brain kek.

No. 509901

Literally wtf are you talking about. You can be happy and have nice things without being attractive. Your mindset is what’s keeping you stuck

No. 509904

No you don’t, you’re just a terminally online loser addicted to narcissistic self-pity. I have a warm bed just fine thanks to my degree, and I have nice friends thanks to my decent personality even though I’m objectively homely as fuck. I don’t have or want a moid and in 2025 acting like you need to be hot to have a job and a bank account is delulu pick me brainrot.

No. 509997

Thank you thank you. Will inform you when I'm done.
Being a performer and an artist is 10000x better when one is beautiful. Ugly performers and artists are unsightly. The hot ones are the ones regarded as the best and as "aesthetic", who inspire and set trends and stay relevant for so long because they were so good on all planes. When a performer/artist is ugly and tries to be aesthetic, they just get mocked for it. Don't wanna be one of those who get bullied out of their hobby, although deserved because they do look so awkward trying to do things they're not fit for.

No. 510031

So what have you been sleeping in at night anon?

No. 510136

Bull-fucking-shit, you are coping.

No. 510212

How do you cope with people telling you you're "not ugly" to your face while seeing their actions contradict themselves? The expression they give you when you say something regarding your looks, only to try and water it down afterwards?

No. 510842

Copium. Dont come to the "how to cope with being ugly" thread if you dont have such problems. Gtfo with your feminist brainrot horseshit, some of us actually have struggles for the things that are beyond our control

No. 510861

Coping with your looks is the wrong way to go about things. Like it not, people will inherently dislike you more just for being ugly. Becoming attractive will open doors for you that will have been closed to you otherwise. So wallow in self-pity or save up to get your nose done so you no longer look like an ogre. Hmmm, which is the better choice…? Mind you, this ogre is told platitudes while those same people laugh at her behind her back-or even straight to her face if she's ugly enough. Plastic surgery does not always equal bad

No. 510865

If you want to believe that, go ahead, but there's no reason to make others more miserable with your own cope

No. 510872

Do you know what thread you are in?

No. 510876

The coping thread? The coping method you're providing is just "feel worse about yourself" when others are trying to uplift anons. Some people's looks just can't be fixed so why don't you let them find other outlets in their lives instead of insisting they dwell on it?

No. 510884

I'm not the OP. Plus, a face and a body are you're physical being that are the way you exist and are being perceived by and presented to the world, and that you have to live with your entire live and see in the mirror or pictures and realize it's you and what people see when they look at you. It's hard not to care about it and try to change it to the better.

No. 510885

That's fine. I honestly just don't like how the original anon is being so mean and downputting.

No. 510889

whenever anons post this kind of thing i wonder what their environment is like & who they're around because i've known plenty of people who are not pretty at all, who'd be deemed "ugly" but who just get on with life and are successful and liked by a lot of people and are even in good long-term relationships. often they're not even trying hard to "compensate" by being extra kind or extra funny, they're just regularly nice people. sometimes they even have traits that i find insufferable but don't seem to bother other people because they're very confident and charismatic on the outside. anyway this blackpilled looksmaxxing forum shit is so predictable it sounds like an ai that's been fed kpop stan tweets and "sage advice" from plastic surgeons

No. 510894

and samefag, i grew up being physically abused and told it was because i was ugly and my face was so annoying to look at it warranted me getting hit and kicked and spit on. i was repeatedly bullied in school and told all kinds of things about my nose and my teeth and my skin colour. to this day i'm relatively invisible to men. it took a long time for me to come to this point of realising i was just raised around very shitty people and that i can be happy the way i am. even before, when i was so bitter, i never wanted plastic surgery because i was so determined to accept myself rather than conform to the standard that brought me so much unhappiness in the first place. and i got there because i realised there's so much more to life than having a perfect little nose or whatever and attracting people who won't be appreciating you for yourself anyway, no matter how much they'd insist that they would be

No. 511145

I think I'm ugly in a weird way. My individual features are fine? Not inherently too big or too anything. But for some reason, on me, they look wrong, like a child was asked to draw a person in front of them and put everything on slanted or too high. Anyone else have this issue?

No. 511558

Yes I look like the retarded, deformed version of much prettier women

No. 512665

i just realized i need upper jaw surgery before rhinoplasty

No. 512796

Most people are like this. It’s just being average but you being yourself perceive it as different. On the other hand I’m quite beautiful but with some fucked up features. I look unique with some looking very striking and others looking strange. I’m hoping braces can fix some of it.

No. 512798

Most people are like this. It’s just being average but you being yourself perceive it as different. On the other hand I’m quite beautiful but with some fucked up features. I look unique with some looking very striking and others looking strange. I’m hoping braces can fix some of it.(learn2delete)

No. 514470

I cant think something worse than being an ugly woman in this world for real. Straight up suifuel

No. 514475

Ok, keep telling yourself you can’t get a job, a pet and a degree because you’re saaaur ugly kek(baiting)

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