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No. 114373>>114375>>114380>>114385>>114389>>114404>>114496>>191013
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If the primary reason why you're upset over being ugly is male attention, cut that shit out. Unless you're looking to manipulate men to achiece questionable ends that end up not being worth it, spending resources to keep yourself beautiful for them is like a pig seasoning its own ribs.
No. 114376>>114377
>>114375nta, but what kind of psychological impacts? I'm courious
I'm average looking but never gotten any male attention irl or online really and it hasn't really impacted me
No. 114377>>133933
>>114376Obviously this isn't true for everyone, but for me it makes me afraid to even show my face in public. Makes me feel absolutely worthless like I failed at life because I can't even lose my virginity like a normal person. I feel stunted emotionally and I get paranoid that people know I'm still a virgin. I think it has contributed to my depression and possibly body dysmorphia but I know I have other underlying problems that also factor into things. Basically it makes me feel like I'm less than a whole person.
Just wanted to add that I'm not saying being wanted by men is the main goal in life, but I'm getting too old to have children and it makes me extremely sad that I won't ever get to fulfill my dream of having my own family.
No. 114417>>114425
>>114414strongly agreed.
I'll say more. People who whine about not being hot, people whose problems are "not getting compliments in public from strangers", disgust me. How can they not realize how idiotic that sounds? And how
toxic it is? Instead of wallowing in self-pity over stupid shit, work on not giving a fuck. That's how you cope.
No. 114428>>114434>>114438>>123839
>>114425>You are not even considered a real woman.I want to go a step further and say we're not even considered real human beings. I can see a clear difference in the way people used to treat me when I was a very ugly teen compared to how they treat me now that I know enough about makeup and skincare to make myself look average (I'm still ugly without makeup, though).
It really stings to realise that my own parents are much nicer to me now that I can make myself look ok, whereas they used to scrutinise everything I did as an ugly teen and constantly insult my appearance. I don't blame them for it because I understand that it puts everyone in a nicer, more forgiving mood to look at a pretty face than at a disgusting one. I just wish human beings would acknowledge their bias and try to be more objective, but whenever I try to discuss this with anyone, they virtue signal about how they're not shallow and totally don't care about beauty.
No. 114434>>114438>>123839
>>114428I went through something similar as you, anon. I was a fat kinda ugly teen, then lost weight and somehow grew out of it. There is a whole world of difference how people treat you and what they expect from you.
I was always envious that guys can be just ugly and still live normal lives, not be reminded of it all the time. People would always expect me to be nice to them as if i was supposed to be grateful for their attention. Strangers would give out to me if I bumped into them and the list goes on.
People who grew up average/pretty will always say shit like "beauty is on the inside" and "be confident" since they have always had it easy.
No. 114438>>114447>>123839
>>114428>>114434Similar experience to you two (was a young fat frumplet with acne), but I feel like what I usually got was either sympathy or being ignored. Every once in a while I'd get the "can't be assed to speak with you bc I wouldn't fuck you" vibe from men, but no abuse. Maybe it's a result where I live and the fact that I was gnc at the time so some strangers assumed I was a young boy with my deep ass voice lol.
big thing I remembered was people would treat me like I was stupid more often than they do now. Not sure what that was about.
I'm not a model or anything in my current state, but after losing weight and dressing up every day I do get treated differently. People assume I'm intelligent and capable now and I get positive attention from some men (somehow they're also my type and not intrusive). People are also more eager to let me cross the road…the real privilege.
Also, to first anon, I disagree that being ugly is an excuse for your parents to have mistreated you. Parental love should always be unconditional and what they did was wrong.
No. 114447>>123839
>>114438The same happened to me. People just ignored me most of the time, nobody was mean but nobody was nice. I had bushy brows, short hair and hairy arms (I'm Mediterranean and looked a lot like my dad… People thought I was just a boy with a squeaky voice). I looked the same throughout my teens until I turned about 20 and then I hit a weird growth spurt and learned how to take care of myself, now that I grew into my face a bit there's a specific subset of people that coo over me all the time and it feels weird.
I'm strangely bitter about it because those same people wouldn't have looked twice at me back then. I try to be as nice as possible to everyone, and I did back then too because that's how my dad raised me, but I always expected the same of others and that is not how others acted before.
No. 114785
>>114720She’s beautiful. I never would’ve thought she was self conscious about her nose. It’s very perfect in a neo-classical painting kinda aesthetic. I unfortunately have a hooked big bumpy nose ridge that looks more like a witch’s as opposed to her nice straight picturesque nose.
>>114762My Asian side is half japanese half Chinese. The bump def comes from there but my white side of the family has larger noses. I just got the worst of both sides. My sibs all have lovely petite noses they got from my grandma (the type Korean idols have post plastic surgery) and it makes me jealous and angry that I lost the genetic lottery looking at them
No. 114786>>114788>>114790
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>>114683Im half Korean/half German and I feel like I got the worst traits from each side. I got my dad's square German jaw/chin but the rest looks Asian but Im like 5'10". Honestly thinking of saving up and going to Korea for surgery.
No. 114791>>114793>>114794>>114797>>114815>>115272
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Jumping on the mixed train, I'm not actually mixed but many people from my country have very… Odd facial features (pic related) for a white person. At home it's fine and people don't pay attention but since I'm an Eastern Europoor I live and work abroad where I constantly get asked where I'm from and people straight up refuse to believe me when I tell them and will argue with me about it.
I feel like shit because I never thought it was that big of a deal. Also since my eyes are really weird, I still can't figure out how to apply normal makeup and Asian makeup makes me look like a weird weeaboo and doesn't suit me either.
No. 114793>>114818
Speaking of being mixed race, although I posted earlier about being pretty average atm, I feel like a few traits definitely didn't work out. My hair is the biggest since my mother has curly hair and my father had thick straight black hair, so I have this dark brown abomination that is only curly around my ears. But it also won't fucking curl anywhere else even with heavy hair spray. I really like the vintage look but it either falls out within an hour or just turns into a frizzy mess depending on the curling technique I use.
I also generally have features that resemble my father's side, but I'm pretty pale. Not full white person sort of pallid, but light olive. I feel like it looks dumb idk, just makes me look racially ambiguous. I am grateful that I got curves from my mom's side (father's family has fridge women), but I think my leg-to-torso ratio takes after my father. So I have big hips but also a long torso and stubby legs. At least I got his tendency towards quick muscle gain lol.
These aren't things other people notice I guess, but it's annoying for me to style myself sometimes.
>>114791>don't believe you when you say where you're fromLmao anon.
Where do people tend to think you're actually from? I'm sorry you also struggle to style yourself in some way.
No. 114794>>114815
>>114791I have small, hooded lids (not quite as small as the man in your picture, but still smaller than average and weirdly asymmetrical) and what works best for me is to draw a really thin line of brown eyeliner on my top lid, very close to my lash, with a small upward tail. I can't use most eye shadows because they'll smudge where the skin above my lid goes over it, but using concealer as primer and then a light brown powder shadow has worked so far. Any other colours, even just black eyeliner, make my eyes look way too small.
Curling your eyelashes and using a good mascara also really helps with making your eyes look bigger, rounder or more even.
No. 114797
>>114791Kinda reverse of your situation
My family is Pakistani and we get mistaken for eastern European a lot
were actually Balti(a very small ethnic group originating from Kashmir)
No. 114800>>114811
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I feel like it's really easy to look "conventional" if you have a narrow nose. Big lips, thin lips, big eyes, small eyes, V jaw, square jaw, whatever are more versatile.
Wide noses have never been attractive. Ever. Even hooked noses get credit every so often.
All of my sisters have proportionate button noses and I'm salty. My shit is wide AND hooked.
I cope knowing that I live in a day and age where I can pay someone to get this tumor off my face.
No. 114811>>114813
>>114800I get what you're saying but its not exactly that simple. For example, a lot of asian girls have broad, flat noses, but they're not too large and they kind of blend into their somewhat flat faces, so they still look just fine or even cute as a result.
Most facial features can either look good or bad depending on their surroundings.
I'd agree that those other things are 'more versatile' though.
No. 114813>>114823>>114826
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>>114811I'm assuming you're referring to EA and SEA.
>but they're not too largeIf they're considered small and narrow enough to be "passable" then they aren't what I'm referring to. I don't think most would say West or Sub-Saharan African noses are "not too large" or "cute."
Still, I don't believe the beauty standard in the majority of these Asian countries have ever portrayed the noses you're referring to as attractive or remotely flattering on the face, even if they can blend in with the other features. They just consider the nose unattractive alongside the features that accompany them. There are near ubiquitous filters that automatically narrow the nose and their populations have high rates of rhinoplasty.
Even in the west, Asian actresses will have square jaws and small eyes but not wide noses. Same with black actresses who get rhinoplasty. Same with Latinas, who are mostly represented with thinner, European noses.
Also, no one in the world even draws character designs with wide noses by default if they're supposed to be conventional looking. Even if they're "of color." It's pretty much universally accepted that bulbous noses just ain't it.
You are right though, that it isn't that simple and people find different things attractive. But when it comes to beauty standards, wide noses have never been a part of that, not even marketed as an "exotic" feature like other traits have been.
No. 114815>>114819
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>>114791>>114794Japanese/Chinese/Norwegian anon here. I have the same issue with applying eye makeup too. I inherited both hooded eyes (white fam) and Asian epiphanic folds but with double lids. It’s impossible to do winged liners and apply eyeshadow cause it turns into a smudgy mess. The double lid actually extends farther than my lash line so I can’t even do a sharp wing that flicks up because it becomes distorted with the hooded skin fold. Also when I smile my eyes disappear or one eye is bigger than the other.
Makeup problems aside, my eyes are definitely one thing I like about myself and I think they look pretty, especially with my double lashes condition (distichiasis I think it’s called). My eye colour is also a nice forest green. Idk why but I find a lot of mixed people with Norwegian ancestry have weird coloured eyes, like that Ghost girl from Ant man and wasp movie. She’s half Nigerian and Norwegian I think
No. 114823
>>114813>If they're considered small and narrow enough to be "passable" then they aren't what I'm referring to. I'd argue that they only have to be small or narrow enough, not necessarily both. If its broad and flat, but kinda small and really quite flat, its totally inoffensive. And sometimes a little upturned snub-nose is pretty cute looking. Im looking at some Japanese school photos as a reference here, although ive seen a few black girls with noses that have that 'upturned snubnose' effect in the past too.
But I guess you're right about beauty standards either way. I cant think of any examples of it being culturally valued in comparison to straight narrow noses, even when in one of the forms I mentioned.
And if its big and stands out then rhinoplasty is probably the best option if you can afford it(and if care about it obv.)
No. 114826>>114848
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>>114813That just ain't true. Wide noses are feminine feauture.
No. 114833>>114834
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>>114819Pics? I’m curious lol.
>>114683Should’ve added a reference pic in original post, but my nose legit looks like this but more prominent and protruding with a larger bump. It ruins an otherwise (imo) attractive face. I like everything but my beast of a nose.
No. 114848>>114849>>114853>>114855>>114920>>114970>>115231>>124771
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>>114826IMO they are jarring, especially if they are bulbous and have an undefined tip. I hate how it's disproportionately massive and unavoidably the loudest thing on the face.
No. 115050>>124686
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>>114970You ask that like botched rocket noses are the only rhinoplasty available for black people. Nice. Wendy and Michael aren't known for making rational, non short-sighted decisions in their lives.
>>114986Final Fantasy characters lean toward the realistic end of the anime style and they have high nose bridges. In China, there is a trend of using a specific wax to make the bridge higher. And Korean idols will have their bridge raised during rhinoplasty.
No. 115163>>115200
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sage for blog but
>tfw pretty enough to get hit on regularly
>but ugly enough that it's always by 40 y/o men and creepy manlets
I'd get it if I dressed weeby like some farmers or was more of an altgirl, but I'm normie-passing. I'd rather be ugly or pretty and just KNOW where I stood but instead I'm in this weird realm of almost-pretty and almost-ugly. I've come to terms with my uglier features and just consider them to be something that makes me unique, at least I'm not average-looking. But it sucks knowing if I was just born with a better nose or thicker lips I could've been a solid 10.
Don't know if I'll ever get plastic surgery. I'm okay with my appearance most days, it just sucks knowing with a little bit of tweaking I could actually be gorgeous and instead I'm just kind of endearingly weird-looking.
No. 115200>>115213>>115214>>115228>>115240
>>115163Lose enough weight for people not to give a fuck
Most models are ugly at a normal/high weight
No. 115213>>115225
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>>115200>mfw took the skinny is beautiful meme>went from 115 to 93lbs>everyone tells me I look like shit including my bf but I can't bring myself to gain weight and keep trying to lose morefuck my life
No. 115225>>115293
>>115214>>115213Not trying to
trigger you guys back into ana but maybe Pilates? Or other type of elongating exercise would help
Skinny as in dancer/ muscularish long body not malnurished
No. 115231>>115253>>115459
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>>114848Big noses only work on people with big lips, if someone has barely any lips it looks bad but Rihanna has big lips so it looks well positioned on her face also I don't want everyone to look the same there are different types of beauty. If we went by the stereotypical big lips, small nose and large eyes combination barely anyone would be considered beautiful.
No. 115232>>115237>>115265
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>>115230pic related, like i know not lot of people would consider middle aged women hot but i like how the teacher character's(? i haven't seen the show just pictures and gifs) actress from the new sabrina series looks and since i have similar features like her i am hoping i end up looking like her when i am old.
No. 115240
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>better nose or thicker lips
>"lose weight"i'm 10 pounds soaking wet my hooked nose receded lips swelled and crops watered thanks
No. 115253
>>115231This is true.
I'm biracial (Half black and white) and my nose is similar to hers, a bit smaller and uppity and my lips are thick/plump. I love my features though. But I will say if I had smaller lips my face would look weird as fuck.
Sometimes bigger features can be good, just as smaller ones are too.
No. 115272
>>114791Rest assured in the United States, no one would question your European ethnicity, as everyone here is weird looking as shit and mixed with everything.
Off topic, but guy you posted is really attractive and not weird looking to me at all… t. amerimutt
No. 115317>>115362
>>115284Well done anon this is a really good step! I had this realisation too a few years back and it's slowly paving the way for me to be much more realistic and kind to myself.
My mum never intended hurt me and would always try to reassure me that there was nothing wrong with me but it didn't match up to the body dysmorphic things she said about herself, and now I've grown to look the same as her I have to rewire the internalisation of her self-hatred. Of course I ended up with unhealthy ideals after she was always comparing her adult body against my preteen size!
I hope we can break this cycle.
No. 115363
(forgot to sage last post, sorry!)
>>115318anon, I'm so sorry that you've encountered some frankly disgusting sounding men in your life. I wish I had something more encouraging to offer here
No. 115375>>115409>>115449
>>114320Definitely not a woman's entire worth, but God if it doesn't determine a lot of shit in your life.
My dissatisfaction with my looks is a (pathetically) huge part of my life. Even as a little girl I remember wishing so badly to have the same ending as the "duck" from The Ugly Duckling.
No. 115409>>115420>>115450
>>115375> My dissatisfaction with my looks is a (pathetically) huge part of my life. Even as a little girl I remember wishing so badly to have the same ending as the "duck" from The Ugly Duckling.Same. I'm mostly afraid of how it will affect my future work prospects. I have already resigned that I'll never have a guy be interested in me.
On the topic of ugly duckling, I really hate how in such movies they put an obviously beautiful girl to play an ugly girl, so when her transformation is due, there's little difference. But at the same time, it gave me hope that my moment might come. The moment never came. My features never fit into their place and I'm still hideous long after puberty.
> inb4 lose weight, learn 2 makeupI absolutely hate those comebacks. No, it's not weight and makeup doesn't solve everything. It sucks because in my case I've been treated poorly due to that. It doesn't matter how much of a nice person I was or how much effort I've put into being le decent human bean, it boils down to looks, at least for women. It would be fine if I were ignored but people constantly remind you that they find you ugly. It's not always outright direct, it is direct enough for me to notice.
And I hate that I care that much. I've used to think that I have the smarts to make up for that, but to my bitter realization, I'm not particularly bright either. I wish my parents have aborted me, and I'm being serious here. I wish I wasn't a coward so I could go through suicide. I don't even think I deserve being outside because I constantly think about how I'm uglifying the place if that makes any sense.
Of course, people are keen to say how that's not true, there's happiness for everyone, something something inner beauty and blah blah blah. Euthanasia should be available for people like me.
No. 115420
>>115409To be completely honest with you anon, as someone who has gone through a fairly painful ugly duckling process, it's not easy but it's not hard either. The most painful thing about it is witnessing on your own skin the difference in treatment from other people.
I wasn't a monster as a kid, but my parents were always too busy fighting and using me as a divorce bargaining chip to give me the life skills I needed. Grooming, amongst other things.
After my 20s I started taking better care of myself due to leaving shitty conditions and having freedom to look however I want. This is what I learned:
-Makeup, hair and clothes worked a decent amount, but they only do if you find the right style/colour/technique for your face and body. Building a wardrobe is hard and takes forever. I still don't know how, but I can manage to dress pretty nice a lot of the time.
-However, makeup, hair, weight loss etc can only do so much. If you don't have a lot of money or don't want to spend a lot, it's going to be really hard because you'll have to waste some money on experimentation and you'll make mistakes at first.
-I could look decent but I was always homely until I got 3 moles removed from my face and had a nosejob. It wasn't even a drastic one, most people can't tell, but it made a huge difference. Having massive changes to your bone structure is bound to make you look weird but if you get work done bit by bit it's better.
-I got rid of my glasses. I still wear them around the house but they can make any outfit look frumpy so I just wear contacts outdoors.
Honestly the most depressing thing is how when you're frumpy and awkward you don't even have to do much, people will just naturally be annoyed by you, especially women. All of a sudden people got way friendlier since my looks changed, salesladies no longer scowl at me and are super sugary sweet now. Call me names all you want but boys never gave me a second glance back then, to them I didn't exist, but for girls it was open season to pick on me for shit I couldn't help like my ears or nose, and staff usually treated me as an annoyance and were kinda rude always. Back then all I wanted was a friend to rely on and talk to, now I couldn't care less. You can't exactly go back in time and undo the emotional damage, and now I know that how nice people are to me hinges on my physical attractiveness, which makes me bitter as hell.
No. 115448
>>115436That's absolutely beautiful anon, this needs to be on a plaque.
Although it would need a disclaimer that thousands of years of science have taught us that hygiene is important too, since I could imagine smelly teenagers using it as a reason why they don't need to shower!
No. 115449
>>115375Well for the never finding an interested guy thing, it really depends on a whole bunch of factors including and aside from appearance. Most people with average to below-average appearance can still find someone, from what I've seen anyway (that someone probably won't be drop-dead gorgeous, but yeah). I'm sure there are people who are physically "hideous" but I think they're incredibly rare. Still, it fucking sucks feeling ashamed and humiliated bec of appearance even if no one's literally throwing tomatoes at you. I relate to that heavily.
> moviesYeah that trope really bugs me too. It's a bit insulting to be pandered to like that. I like British actors bec they're a bit more regular-looking compared to Hollywood types.
Well I have to say I agree with the right to die (this is… off-topic) for, like, persistent psychological suffering. I don't think there's happiness for everyone. Do I think both of us are for sure hopeless in getting to a better place emotionally? No. I guess I'm still trying even if I don't think the odds are in my favor. I hope you try your best, anon.
No. 115475>>115494
>How to cope with being ugly
I wish I knew.
There's literally nothing that I like about my body, there's nothing that could be even remotely considered attractive.
>too tall, but short-legged + big feet + cankles
>bulky legs (especially my calves look like a man's), littered with stretch marks and very visible veins
>ghostly pale, but dark and thick body hair, loads of moles
I'm so hairy, even on my toes fingers and lower stomach, my legs and arms are worse than a man's.
>too wide violin hips/hip dips, saggy chest, wide shoulders, manlike wrists and hands
>big head, double chin, quare jaw a la Kelly Osbourne, saggy jowels, thin and downturned lips, fat cheeks, nasolabial folds, hook nose + big hairy nostrils, deep and nearly black undereye circles, small hooded eyes, manly brows and forehead, m-shaped hairline + flat hair at the top, dry at the bottom
My face manages to look too fat and gaunt at the same time. I could easily pass for 10 years older than I really am.
So yeah, like others already pointed out, muh perfect diet/skin care/makeup is of no use. Most of those things couldn't even be changed with surgery. I'm just very, very unlucky.
No. 115506>>115514
>>115455For starters I doubt things are as bad as you say, hooded eyes and a flat ass and chest are normal things. He won't be a perfect human specimen irl either, you're probably hupercritical of yourself.
But that aside let's be real, probably found him on tindr in the first place because he wants either a fuck buddy or a girlfriend, and refusing to ever meet him is stringing him along.
Maybe the two of you are now good friends, but in that case then you should be able to trust him to explain this situation, because you should be able to explain your feelings to friends. If he wants to meet up with you then do it, because postponing it isn't going to fix anything. If he drops you, he was no friend.
No. 115529
>>115528ok let's assume there is a "normal default for all body parts. next time you're outside at a bus stop or like a shop and you see a normie couple, try to observe the woman as critically as you would observe yourself. is her hairline "normal" or her wrists "manly" etc. maybe even try this with the workplace's/school's stacy. can more than guarantee that the women will always deviate from your "normal" on multiple accounts. however, this is not to enable you bitching about how "ugly beckies everywhere steal all the chads, so unfair" but rather to understand that you are perfectly within the norm and not a legitimate cave dwelling being. as a woman, your appearance will always be important (unfortunately), however, confidence can honestly do
a lot.
No. 115675
>>115665>>115666(I'll assume you're 2 different anons, my b if I'm wrong.)
Why be ashamed of looking your age, anons? Maybe you still don't even look your age, but 22-23 and that's enough not be carded anymore. And maybe it's not even your physique's doing, maybe you changed your clothes/makeup to a slightly more mature style without realising.
Looking younger than you are is flattering but it also comes with its disadvantages, like not being taken seriously in the workplace, being creeped on by pedos, etc.
Looking your age is more than fine, it's normal. Hugs to you both.
No. 115914
>>115665It could be a coincidence. I've always gotten carded, I grew up with my mom always getting carded too. I had the same thing happen to me a few months ago. Every time I went out, I didn't get carded. But recently I went down to Florida and I got hazed twice by two different people. Literally made me stand there and recite the information on my ID because they believed it was a fake and I was lying to them. Partially I was relieved because I too had been questioning why I wasn't getting ID'd back home, lol. Sometimes people are just awkward about it. When I was a server, honestly if someone was pretty or made me feel awkward I wouldn't ask, because I'm not confrontational. You could just be getting people like that. Also, if you dress professionally for work this makes a huge difference. My husband and I both wear business formal at our day jobs and NEVER get carded at dinner when we are dressed up. But on the weekend we sometimes get carded.
At 25, you don't look OLD at all. My mom STILL gets carded and she's 40. It all depends on where you're going, what you're wearing, etc.
No. 116243>>116569
>>116237If you met him on Tinder, he might not be interested in just being your friend, anon. I understand your fears, but I think you should still go for it. I also look better on selfies than I look irl and no matter what angle I use, I can’t really catch my awkward real self on camera. I usually tell guys that while I am not a total catfish, I might not be as attractive irl when I do online dating. I have had guys telling me that they were really happy when we finally met because they thought I was beautiful in reality, too. Maybe it will be the same for you! I also matched with a really hot soccer player once who insisted on meeting me. He loved my pictures, but I could tell that he wasn’t into me when we hung out. It was still a nice day though! Even if a date is not a success in terms of hooking up/starting a relationship, it can be a positive experience and help you gain confidence. And if your teeth really are a problem, why don’t you get them fixed? Good luck, anon!
No. 121919>>132940
>>115436comforting until you realise that half of women of childbearing age are childless and there have always been rejects and spinsters. you just don't know about them because they're alone.
not to be a debbie downer, but these are things that keep me up.
i don't want to be pretty for men, i want to be pretty enough that people pay attention to what i have to say or for them to care about what happens to me.
i secretly dream of a happy marriage and being swept off my feet/finding real committed love with a kind man but i have known it wouldn't happen for me since i was about 7 or 8. idk if it's because dating culture is different, or there are no nice men, or if it's purely down to my looks. realistically, probably a combo of bad looks, low self esteem, and a shy personality.
No. 122797>>122829>>123343
I wish I could easily just stop existing in my body. Not quite die, but just. stop.
I'm just gross. bumped nose, fat gains in weird places on my face, small beady eyes too far apart, fat lower lip and no upper, hooded deep eyes with very little lash, two different cowlicks in my bangs so I can't hide my massive 5 head, pasty as shit, constantly red nose and inner cheeks, weird rough patch under my chin (keratosis pilaris, cant be fixed.)
im short and fat too, no matter how nice I try to dress I look like a mid-western mom taking their kid to a parent teacher conference, not a cute 23 yr old girl.
People treat me like I have some sort of handicap, overly friendly, in the way you know they're doing it out of pity.
I hate it. Sometimes I can be moderatelyy okay with my face (with a wig, contacts, heavy makeup/contour/facial taping and shapewear) but the second it comes off I feel like im about to have a mental breakdown.
No. 122839
>>122829someone didnt read the post
my issue isnt that im not interested in it. its that im constantly reminded that im lesser while im trying to just live my life. in big and small ways
unintentionally rude comments from store clerks, girls talking about me behind my back while im at concerts, guys saying they wouldnt date me and doing that cringey backpedaling thing because they realize they just said something shitty, going to stores with a friend and everything fits them perfectly and I look like a sack of potatoes.
When I play open world games with customization, I
do spend a long time dressing my characters up.
I'm also /cope/ with depression and going to therapy already, on medication etc etc, so telling me to 'just go enjoy it' isn't going to do shit. Life when you're a woman is heavily dictated by your looks, from how others interact with you, to just being able to do something as simple as going for coffee and a croissant while you do some work.
People are ruder- or they act like they pity you. Both suck.
Being pretty gives you a sort of halo to most people. My cousin is probably one of the most gorgeous people I have ever seen IRL. She looks like a photoshopped insta model but in real life. Hanging out with her, I'm constantly in her shadow/people ignore me, avoid me, etc. (Not her fault, because she's also probably one of the nicest people I know, despite being like, model-level gorgeous and talented as fuck)
We'll go shopping or hang out and dudes consistently approach her- only talking to me to get me to be their 'wingman' or get info from me. Normally she just ignores it bc she has a boyfriend, or we'll both leave.
TLDR: im trying to 'enjoy life' as you so simply put it. Life sucks anyway.
saged for blogpost
No. 123353>>123356
>>123344I've kept my hair very short for years as a way of avoiding male attention
I'm happy for them to assume that I'm gay or too boyish to bother with
No. 123393
>>123362 has a point. I don’t think no one would care if she got hurt, but of course men will prefer spending time with the cute girl and help her. That’s just how it works, not just in those situations but also in school, at work… Anon can adapt to that by losing weight and working on her looks or learn to not give a fuck that men will always will judge your looks and treat you accordingly.
No. 123416
>>123392My point was that they don't like me as much and that I am aware they would like me more if I was thin. That was just one example but there have been many times when people put her above other people and not just me, to the point of whiteknighting her when someone calls her out on her bullshit and she starts crying crocodile tears. All because they think she will fuck them.
I'm aware it isn't a healthy mindset but mental illness is a bitch
No. 123418
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>>123392>>123392let us not. you're almost blaming anon for this bullshit. the men are shallow. even if it were her attitude (doubtful), good people aren't just like, "oh, dark alleyway where people have been raped and mugged? well, you're a little snarky, so peace!". your post is namalt tier.
No. 123419>>123423
>>123396>sugar daddiesWell, yeah, it's no secret that men aren't too picky about who they
fuck, if you offer them the puss then they'll take their shots regardless.
Do the Chads go out in public with you, take pictures with you that they share openly, and ever express wanting to get into in a long-term romantic relationship with you and actually doing so?
If not, you're the ugly side chick.
No. 123423>>123427
>>123419>Do the Chads go out in public with you, take pictures with you that they share openly, and ever express wanting to get into in a long-term romantic relationship with you and actually doing so?>If not, you're the ugly side chick.This happened to me. I knew it was happening, and even called the guy out on it, but he kept assuring me he liked me, so I was in a weird flip flop of whether or not to trust him because he seemed genuine. I was in denial hard. I told him I wouldn't put out until I got to know him better because something just felt "off." Sure enough, he ghosts me. I regret being as intimate as I did.
why am i such a dumdum
No. 123427
>>123423Don't feel bad anon, he lied to you about his intentions like what a lot of scumbags do.
I wasn't so lucky.
Back in grad school I lost a large amount of weight (80+ pounds) but I was still an overweight weird chick. I had very low self-esteem even with the weight loss and I was quiet. One day a semi-cute ultra Chad who was the ~*~vice president~*~ of some stupid fraternity cornered me alone in a library study room and started hitting on me. I foolishly fell for it because I had lost the weight and had a hope that maybe I was becoming somewhat attractive to men. Ngl it made me feel a little validated at first.
Turns out he was more than happy to hang out with me and fuck me in private, but he had a huge problem when it came to anyone finding out. Had a rule that I could be friends with him on fb but I wasn't allowed to tag him in any pictures or statuses. That was probably so he could get away with keeping me as a side chick among others he had, and not letting anyone publicly know he was with me. Anytime we hung out in public it had to be very low key, like at a frat house party or late night with his mates because there'd be plausible deniability that I was just a thirsty slut he was pity porking.
He was never going to take me seriously.
Then I met my ex and started dating long term. Chad bro quickly deleted me off social media and ghosted me because he knew I wouldn't be fucking him anymore, and so my usefulness was up.
My only consolation was that this Chad had a tiny dick, and was probably fucking someone like me to compensate for his own low self-esteem as I think even Stacies would have laughed about his pathetic bedroom performance.
No. 123455>>123460
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You are beautiful
Every single one of you
No. 123755>>123758
Here's some thoughts nobody asked for: I don't really have the incel mentality of 'beautiful people have everything and ugly people have nothing and will get nothing' (I think that's rather black and white), but I'm still obsessed with my looks relative to others'.
Like, I know being a universal sex symbol doesn't necessarily make for a euphoric life (people like Marilyn Monroe and Hedy Lamarr were unhappy for arguably most of their life, so you can be beautiful and yet troubled and feel empty). So at this point I think it's just an emotional/subconscious thing I have with looks. I didn't really want to bang as many Chads as possible or be a VS model and have people jack off to me, it's more like I just wanted to be exceedingly beautiful so I wouldn't feel shitty about myself, because anything less than that would be losing. Or my subconscious thinks that's the key to confidence and being accepted. I did desperately want to be accepted.
So anyway, I do think that lookism exists and that average-looking people get ignored in favor of pretty people, at least at first, and have less opportunities/chances. And I agree that it sucks. Women are constantly bombarded with how important it is to be beautiful, to an extent that men aren't, and I don't agree with the 'everyone is beautiful' campaigns in terms of physical beauty. But then again, do the Chads even really care about "Stacies" beyond wanting to fuck them? Super-hot women get objectified and creeped on a lot. And if you want to have a successful career but you're a hot girl (in "serious" fields), you won't be taken seriously. So anyway, life sucks as a woman, period.
No. 123758
>>123755I was raised in the fashion industry arguably the most self absorbed place ever
>do think that lookism exists and that average-looking people get ignored in favor of pretty people, at least at first, and have less opportunities/chances. And I agree that it sucks. Women are constantly bombarded with how important it is to be beautiful, to an extent that men aren't, and I don't agree with the 'everyone is beautiful' campaigns in terms of physical beauty.Yes but we also live in a world where men prefer women to be seen not heard
>But then again, do the Chads even really care about "Stacies" beyond wanting to fuck them? Super-hot women get objectified and creeped on a lot. And if you want to have a successful career but you're a hot girl (in "serious" fields), you won't be taken seriously.But if you are ugly then you aren’t even spoken to in any industry and get shoved in the worst possible way
We can’t win
No. 123839
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>>114428>>114434>>114438>>114447I’m on the same boat. I was buttfucking ugly from my early middle school days all the way until after high school. I was (still am) super insecure and had bangs that did not suit me at all, but kept them because an old friend told me I looked less ugly with them. At least she was honest with me. The only compliments I would receive from friends were for my personality.
Anyway, cut to after high school - I finally found a hairstyle that suits my face, learned how to decently do makeup, and am currently exploring my fashion taste.
When I visited my family I haven’t seen in a while, I got compliments on how pretty I looked for the first time ever. Instead of that making me feel good I felt like shit instead. I honestly wanted to cry. I’m still ugly without makeup. I don’t think I could ever let anyone else (besides my parents) see me without it since I got that reaction.
>>115412Same with me. I cannot leave the house without filling in my brows and putting on eyeliner. I feel naked without them.
>>123794If it makes you feel any better Anon, Angelina Jolie, Margot Robbie, and Lucy Liu all have square jaws and they’re absolutely beautiful in my opinion.
No. 124098>>124100>>124134
my ability to cope has been getting a lot worse lately. to the point that im afraid of going outside where people might look at me. i just really hate the idea of existing in a body that an be perceived
im below average. i posted about this before, but my mom permanently fucked up my scalp when i was a kid so i grew up with large bald spots that i cant hide for my whole life
it doesnt help that natural black hair isnt really considered attractive when the curls arent loose and thick. people made fun of me in school for having a dark upper lip/mustache, looking like a guy, being chubby
i got my dads very large/wide nose, a big and round forehead, long face, sparse eyebrows, an overbite, a man chin, small eyes, really bowed legs and small tits, im shaped like a frumpy exaggerated pear
most of the time i dont feel like im human. i feel like no one else would accept me as human either. like others have said, catching a glimpse of myself can ruin my whole day. I just feel like a goblin hiding away in its cave
No. 124120>>124128
>>124100chemical relaxers repeatedly burning my scalp + tight hairstyles. Some of my earliest memories are of crying about how much it hurt then being yelled at for being “tender-headed” lol
itried that years ago and it made me feel better than cause it was less obvious at a distance, but theyre too large to go unnoticed if youre looking right at me unfortunately
No. 124685
>>124684ive blocked her basically everywhere, another friend of ours (mutual) dm'd me bc she had been bitching abt me to them.
It just sucks. she's very petite, big warm gold/brown eyes, cute disney princess type nose and wavy blonde hair.
I'm much broader (wide shoulders, muscular legs) with dark brown hair and grey-blueish eyes. It feels like shit to find out how she viewed me, and the fact that she likely ENJOYED it makes it so much worse, and now I'm wondering if she was talking me down when I wasn't right there to hear it…
No. 124771>>126037>>126042>>126043>>126102
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>small breasts, like A cup, even though i'm not even skinny but average (170 cm/58 kg, feeling a bit fat…)>flat ass>bad teeth from years of bulimia (yes i managed to quit but i did irreplaceable damage)>bad nails (ugly shape)>manly sausage hands>literally no eyebrows, they're fucking light grey, i have to dye them for them to stand out (makes me look even more bald and ugly)>thin ugly light brown flat hair (grows so slowly and just hangs off my head, always looks dirty, i try to do highlights but i still look like shit)>bad skin (not acne, zits and blackheads though, fine lines…)>extremely pale, uneven skin tone with red splotches, burn easily and never tan (this makes me feel super fucking ugly especially, i lather myself in sunscreen and still i burn and look so hideous and trashy)>HUGE NOSE, i have been bullied so much about it, it is wide and bulbous and the profile is awful, it makes me suicidal that i can't even afford surgery>hooded eyes, i look like steve buscemi
>no friends, female or male>have a boyfriend but that's it, i'm constantly paranoid he finds someone better, it would be so easy for him>bf is the only man i ever dated>no other man has ever seriously tried to hit on me, instead i got bullied by girls and boys alike all my life>never talk to anyone about my appearance issues of course, try not to self-pity too much but it's killing me>if my boyfriend left me i honestly think i'd be alone for the rest of my life>>114720god, if her nose is considered big, i can only imagine what people think about mine
>>114848that nose fits them and they look very cute. i think that wide noses can fit black/very tan mixed race women but on white people it's just ugly as hell. i am very pale, round features and my nose is like that and i'm fucking hideous
No. 126037
>>124771This hurts anon cause you are basically describing me.
Drawing on your eyebrows really makes a difference though. I go from 2 to a 4/10 easily.
No. 126043
>>124771Honestly anon there's a lot "fixable" here
>small breasts, like A cup, even though i'm not even skinny but average (170 cm/58 kg, feeling a bit fat…)Excersise, build muscle
>flat asssame thing
>bad teethif you have the money and are willing to spend it, the dentist can fix a lot
>bad nailsso grow them out. The shape of the nailbed is hardly noticeable if you grow them out and file the tips into a nice shape. Also keeping them neatly polished helps a lot
>manly sausage handsagain growing out nails will make your hands appear more feminine
>thin ugly light brown flat hairdye it. Use products to create more volume and experiment with hairstyles
>extremely palethis is not a bad thing anon. One of the most prettiest girls I know has a skin with 0 pigment and she's stunning. Wearing the right colors makes a world of a difference. Also you can wear foundation or tinted moisturizer/bb cream to even out your skintone
>no friendsthat's not a permanent state, you can totally get yourself friends and a social life if you're willing to work for it
>i'm constantly paranoid he finds someone betterso improve yourself and have a little bit trust in your partner
No. 126102
>>124771improve your diet
good skincare
hair care
nail care
learn makeup
No. 126109>>126120
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When I look in the mirror I generally like what I see. I feel pretty to myself. I even looked in a flipped version of the mirror image at a science museum (supposed "true mirror") and I still felt okay with what I saw. My bf calls me beautiful all the time.
But whenever I see photos of myself I don't know what happens. Whenever I take group photos from far away everyone looks more or less like themselves, but I look completely different, in the worst way possible.
My face is round like the moon, my hair looks thin and limp, my lips do a disappearing act, I have unfortunate fat distribution so that when I laugh my mouth area looks like it completely separates from the rest of my face and I look like an old, fat baby. Closeup photos aren't as bad but I still look busted a lot of the time, especially on photos taken by others.
Recently I started working with these two guys and we were browsing some pictures I took on my phone. They saw one of my profile photos for WhatsApp and were really surprised because I looked "nothing like myself".
Then, as we kept looking, they kept pointing out all my worst photos, usually taken from a distance with my eyes closed and a stupid look on my face, and saying I look "a lot more like myself" there. They didn't know which ones I prefer so they weren't doing it on purpose.
I also noticed that people ignore me a lot of the time and just won't talk to me. I've never been flirted with except for a few random African immigrants on the street, nobody but the people who are "supposed to" tell me I'm pretty does so, I'm not fat or smelly, I don't dress poorly (just kind of average), I'm not mean or weird socially. A few times others have noticed the same, so I made a joke about how I'm just not the best looking, which usually makes people go "nooooo that's not true, not at all" and it just sounds like very hard work to spare my feelings and I always feel lied to. Sometimes I wish people would just tell me honestly what they think.
No. 126147>>126155>>126158>>126163>>126274
>>126120seriously this. People have straight up told me they thought I was a cold bitch before they got to know me. Apparantly my neutral face is perceived as very cold and bitchy by others, especially if I'm minding my own business. (which is annoying because I can't go around smiling 24/7)
Anyway you might be giving a total different vibe off to others than you're thinking and be completely unaware of it.
No. 126155>>126163
>>126120>>126147Thirding this rbf point.
Just last year I was checking out a guy who I saw around uni and he approached me and asked if I "have an issue with him."
Perhaps anon has that problem + has a tone of voice that adds to it? I'm also monotone when nervous and it makes me sound annoyed even if I'm not.
It is unfortunate but she already has a bf so it's nbd in the end.
No. 126163
>>126120>>126147>>126155>>126158It's possible, I do have legitimate, professionally diagnosed assburgers so it could be that. Around strangers I'm slightly anxious 90% of the time and I always think that everyone considers me a weirdo.
But I've worked so hard to practice small talk, mind my body language, not stutter and not feel overwhelmed in public and "blend in" that it just feels very unfair that no matter how hard I try people still won't talk to me because of my face.
Thanks for the responses anons, I don't really know what else to say.
No. 126268>>126273
>>126252I was extremely unfortunate looking until 16, so I noticed the BIG difference in the way you are treated. Suddenly my male teachers (gross) acted surprised and told me I was getting prettier, also my classmates saying "wow you look pretty today". You suddenly stop being a zero in the left, they start to invite you out, when they take pictures I usually leave, but suddenly I NEEDED to be in the picture.
Also fuckboys and jocks chasing you without even knowing you, the ones who used to bully me, wasn't the most pleasant thing. Women too.
I also started to get harassed in the streets and public transportation. I hated feeling objectified, like a piece of meat.
I didn't even changed the way I dressed, using baggy and masculine clothes, but that didn't stop anything. Even when I got a pixie cut,nothing changed.
Really don't know how pretty girls go around dressing like actual women without fear.
No. 126274>>126280>>126288
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>>126147Same. It doesn't help that I'm actually super empathetic and instantly pick up on negative vibes. If people don't like me, I don't want to bother them, which in turn reinforces their perception that I'm an arrogant bitch who doesn't want to talk to them.
I even had friends tell me they thought I wanted to be left alone in situations in which I wanted a hug.
The only situation in which I enjoy suffering from resting bitch face (or being a sperg, or both) is when me or my friends get unwanted male attention.
How do my fellow RBF anons feel about "anti-resting-bitch-face" surgery? No. 126280
>>126274[Samefag] Now that I think about it, I don’t think it’s my face as such. When guys hit on me (rarely) their faces slowly turn from cheerful to kinda uneasy within the first 60 seconds of the conversation, even if I’m responding positively. I know that I subconsciously furrow my brows a lot, so maybe botox would help (or maybe I have a very weird voice or it’s my general autism or all the above kek).
The only time this doesn't happen is when I'm on MDMA, which incidentally is also how I meet the guys I end up dating…
I use my new, public facing job as an opportunity to study why some people come across as arrogant/mean even though they didn’t say or do anything offensive. Maybe it’ll help me figure out what’s wrong with me. I noticed that some people look really fucking weird while they’re listening to others talk. They frown and clench their jaw like you just insulted their entire family or they furrow their brows and leave their mouth open, looking like they didn’t understand a single word you said. I’m pretty sure most of them don’t realise what they’re doing with their face.
No. 126284>>126285
>>126138I think there's a relationship between eating disorders and body hair. Good luck, anon.
I'm keeping watch over my sister because she has unhealthy tendencies with her food. She was overweight as a kid and seems terrified about being fat again, but she doesn't have the proper knowledge to maintain herself properly. She just does the typical "I guess i'll just eat crackers today lel" that so many dumb fuck girls do.
No. 126286
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>>126283Pretty girls will be able to call out fellow pretty girls. Same with unattractive girls.
No. 126558>>126570>>126574
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I feel like no matter how much I 'improve' my appearance, I'll never actually look good because of my nose.
I can't wear make up any more because it just makes my nose more obvious. I know this is gonna sound cringy but I'll often jealously watch outfit and make up videos wishing I could try stuff like that without coming across as 'polishing a turd'.
Obviously I have other imperfections but I see those other flaws often enough in those types of videos that to me they don't seem to matter as much.
No. 126570
>>126558Nosejob anon?
A shitty nose is one of the most easily corrected ugly features.
Yeah it a bit pricy but insurance may cover it if you have even the slightest breathing issues, i have chronic sinusitis and if i wanted all abroad nosejob train choo choo
No. 126594>>126603
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I honestly don’t know how long I can take living in this body when I constantly compare myself to other women. This is torture. Other people on this planet are going through worse shit and here I am crying over the way I look. Can someone please beat me to death with a giant stick.
No. 126603
>>126594Stop complaining and do the same things those girls have to do to look like that
It’s like having a computer in pieces and complaining you can’t connect it to wifi
Fix yo shit
No. 126617
>>126611height and weight?
might just be bone structure, which you should learn to embrace and enhace through styling
No. 126625
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>>126611Camera lens and lighting can change how people look in pictures compared to real life.
And "cute" is better than nothing lol. How is that an insult?
No. 126641>>126666>>126668>>126684
>>126638How do you feel about your children not looking like you? What message will you be sending them by doing PS?
I feel like that is the key question, not have you betrayed yourself or are others tricked.
No. 126684
>>126638People won’t notice if the result looks natural. I went from a crooked nose with a small beak to a straight, but natural nose and I didn’t have to deal with any comments or rumours. I told everyone that I was getting surgery for health reasons (partly true) and that was it.
When I showed pictures of my old nose to my friends they were shocked and said they never noticed how crooked it was. I feel like most people don't pay attention to individual flaws and look at you as a whole. If you suddenly have a straight nose, they just assume you always looked this way. "You look different, but I can't quite put my finger on it," is a comment I got a lot. Plastic surgery only registers with them in the form of Kylie Jenner lips and huge bolt ons.
Chin surgery would probably be even less noticeable, especially if it balances out the changes from the nose job.
Look at before and after pics from different surgeons and try to find one who goes for a natural look. Avoid surgeons who give all their patients the same cookie cutter nose, no matter if it suits their faces or not.
None of what I said applies if you want drastic, exaggerated changes. However, you should only opt for extreme results if you have the confidence to deal with the reactions.
>>126641I think it’s highly unlikely that your child is going to be a miniature version of yourself. My mom has a tiny, upturned nose, so who knows how my hypothetical spawn would look like.
I didn’t hate my nose as such, I only hated it
on me. It could have been beautiful on a woman/man with bigger eyes, lips and just bigger features in general, but on me it looked
off. I feel more like myself post surgery than I did before. If my future child inherits my nose, maybe they can pull it off? And if it makes them unhappy, I’d be completely fine with them getting it fixed at the appropriate age, though I wouldn’t actively encourage it.
No. 126732>>128987
>>126711Same. Also, my nose wasn't an exact replica of my dad's – it had some of my mom's potato-y features. It was a Slav-Middle-Eastern Frankenstein nose.
I look more white/less ethnic now, so I do feel kinda bad for getting rid of a feature that signified my father’s side of the family. But on the other hand, nobody would have guessed my background before the surgery either. I just looked like a white girl with a weird nose.
No. 126956>>126960
>>126946No one here wants to shoot up men for not finding them attractive.
So less incel than thought
No. 126960>>126961>>126962>>126984
>>126956Y'all are equally superficial.
Wah wah, I'm not Chad, wah wah I'm not Stacy.
Men typically direct their frustrations outwards, women inwards.
That is the cause of the difference between them shooting up others with guns, and you shooting up yourselves with silicone.
No. 126970>>126993>>126999
>>126962>plastic surgery>improving oneselfNo, improving oneself would be working through their self-esteem issues and not mutilating their body.
Of course it's nothing in comparison to murder but men often do hurt others before themselves while women tend to hurt themselves the most.
No. 126984
>>126960What an utterly nonsensical comparison. I mean, to start with women being insecure about their looks doesn't indicate they're a virgin. And externalizing blame is the defining factor of being an incel and why they are shitty people, the concept literally means being celibate 'involuntarily'. Anyone who doesn't hold other people responsible for their virginity is just a normal virgin. You said yourself that women don't do it so… they have nothing in common, your post was pointless, the traits that make incels human garbage are not present in anons who want to get surgery so why make the comparison?
Incels aren't even particularly superficial with regards to themselves anyway, they think their looks shouldn't have to matter at all and resent women for having any physical standards at all. Their main issue is just how it limits their access to sex. Women just accept that men have standards and feel bad about not meeting them, and it runs so deep most of us feel the urge to improve our appearance even if they aren't consciously trying to impress men or get sex.
No. 126993>>126999
>>126970not only is comparing pc to murder completely ridiculous, as other anons have pointed out, incels dream of plastic surgery, too.
No. 126999>>127017
>>126970>>126993Incels and people who choose plastic surgery come from the same place.
Feelings of inadequacy brought on by perceived societal standards.
They're both bad ways of coping with the same issue. You can argue which way of coping is worse, sure.
But it would make more sense to adress the underlying cause.
No. 127014
>>127013So you're making fun of people who believe that.
1) Care to explain why they're wrong?
2) Why do people who are wrong deserve ridicule? They don't. Say what you will replying to the first question, none of it makes it ok to ridicule people with different beliefs.
No. 127075
>>127017It's you who tries to draw a false line between two related issues.
>actual, realized societal standardsare exactly why people seek plastic surgery. And turn to inceldom.
Fight the boogeyman scaring people. Don't fight the people.
No. 128729>>128747
>>128728Ime most of the people who said not to change something were doing it to seem polite and out of fear that they would offend me. None of my friends have been mean or wished me ill after I graduated from high school and left such people behind, and even then it was super obvious that those people had their own problems to resolve so they were feeling insecure.
The only one who's honestly come the closest to being a "frenemy" was my ex, which is why he's an ex.
No. 128973>>128978
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>>128967I honestly wonder how people get plastic surgery without being afraid the surgeon is going to butcher them, even if you do a lot of research, every surgeon has bad reviews. And it's hard to tell which reviews are fake and which aren't. I think that's the only thing stopping me from getting a nose job.
No. 128978>>128980
>>128973If it makes you feel better, I got a nose job and I look like myself but better.
If à surgeon is good, he won't butcher you. You'll look similar to how you did before but better.
No. 128980>>128985
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>>128978How did you research your surgeon? What country did you do it in? Do you think most of the RealSelf reviews are real and how did you feel reading the 1 star reviews?
No. 128987
>>126732I'm a month late but I also have a sort of Slav-Middle-Eastern Frankenstein nose (potatoe tip from my dad and convexity/projection from my mom) so I'm happy to see someone who used to be in the same boat. I've been thinking for years about whether a nose job would be a good idea or not, but I'm far from having the finances for one so it's not a priority at the moment.
Are you happy overall with your nose job? How did people react ? Like you I look like a white girl with a weird nose so I wonder if people think you've white-washed yourself or something like that.
I'm rather pretty overall despite my nose so it doesn't bother me much but I'm afraid that with ageing I'll end up looking like an ugly witch, kek.
No. 128992
>>127013this aynon typed it with a smirk of course.
Plastic surgery rarely looks good on average people btw, so if you're average and above don't ever do plastic surgery.
t. ugly
No. 128995>>128998
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Plastic surgery is peak pickme behavior in many cases, in my humble opinion, as it pertains to things you would do to please other people at any cost
No. 129386>>129393
>>129385Then love all the people.
Take pride in walking among them.
No. 129439>>129457
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i dont want a bf or gf i just want to be left tf alone and allowed to work on my career / hobbies in peace w out getting treated like dog shit by everyone
i wish i had the courage to off myself
>>129376>Jerk off 5 times a daywhy are u so horny are u ok
No. 129496>>129500
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>>129461go read the suicide circle manga now
No. 129498>>129549
>>129497You sound like a scrote. Yes, ugly girls can get a quick pump and dumo behind the gas station but a loving, fulfilling relationship with a male who will not treat you like worthless shit and cheat and watch degrading porn? Impossible as an ugly girl. Get the fuck out of here with your "just lower your standarts sis :)". I will not be fucking doing that because the bar is already on the floor for males. I'm not going to date an
abusive asshole just so I can say I have a bf.
No. 129543>>129550>>129560>>129587>>130554
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Fellow uglies, have you created a fake/pretend bf to cope? I thought of making a man up in my mind and pretending I have a boyfriend so that I can feel cared for. I was going to write love letters to him, go on cute dates by myself while imagining he is there, and imagine him saying sweet things to me. I was trying to think of the traits my bf would have and I was stumped. All I want is for him to be caring, romantic, and respectful of me. I'm afraid to make him attractive because attractive men would rather hang themselves than talk to me and it just reminds me how ugly I am. Now I'm more depressed
No. 129550
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>>129543tbh this is literally why otome games exist
try hakuoki
No. 129587
>>129560>>904787>>904788Good timing, anon
>>129543, you don't need a boyfriend to be happy. Build up your self-confidence. Self-confidence is very attractive in itself. Sounds cliche, but you need to love yourself before you can love someone else.
No. 129612>>129623
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Has any of you seen this Swedish movie from last year? liked it very much and the main characters are very far from normal beauty standards.
No. 129623>>129628>>129672
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>>129612How much has Hollywood fucked up people's standards of beauty when normal, average looking people look "very far" from normal standards of beauty?
No. 129628
>>129623Umm the movie is literally about trolls lol.
I haven't seen it yet, I want too.
No. 129666
>>129624Naahh, I disagree. I mean … Sex and relationships and attraction are important, but they're about 10% of "what it's all about," imo.
Making art and music and having good friends who make you happy. You can have good friends even if you're ugly, HELLO … doing something good for the world … Enjoying your family, etc.
Just cuz you can't find someone to have sex with you right now doesn't mean your life is being wasted. Not at all.
No. 129672
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>>129623The actors look of course very normal, but i was meaning their prosthetics makeup in that film.
No. 129779>>129782
>>129759Men think we come off a conveyer belt somewhere in the Lady Factory, but these posts made me think of something else.
If they like objectifying and considering us as only made for sex, a girl which doesn't fit their idea of beauty disproves the hypothesis. She's clearly a human and not a sex object made in a factory for their pleasure. She's a person. A "pretty" girl proves their hypothesis and a, in their mind not "pretty" girl disproves it.
She must be a human. Made for another purpose than cummies.
Then they get angry.
No. 130426>>130458>>130497>>130501
>>130073omg I literally feel the SAME exact way
I will buy new clothes or makeup in attempt to feel like myself again and then I'll think "why'd you even spend money on that when you should save it to fix your teeth"
but my teeth problem is gonna cost so much money and is so out of control that I just keep spending what little extra I have to try to make myself feel better temporarily… a whole mess
I hope things get better for you!
No. 130458>>130497>>130501
>>130426Nayrt but I had to read this three times because I thought I wrote it and forgot.
I just need braces so bad but in the meantime I keep fixating on other random things that I think will make me look nice. It's futile bah
No. 130516>>130776
>>130501I'm not any of those anons but I've gotten braces three times in my life and my teeth are fucked again. The last ones I got taken out like five years ago and I had them on for two years.
This time I'd rather splurge on invisible ones if I'm going to have to wear braces my entire life.
And no I don't have any weird condition, just normal crooked teeth.
No. 130538>>130560
>>130530I had something similar to you, anon. Small jaw, super crowded teeth, adult teeth coming in wrong because baby teeth wouldn't fall out, etc. Looked terrible and made me never want to smile.
Most orthos have payment plans. I didn't have insurance and wound up paying a couple hundred every month (US, about 6 years ago). If you can cut out other stuff and reasonably afford it, just do it. It's worth it.
Don't worry about the food getting stuck, there's special floss for braces. Wear your retainer after braces to keep your teeth from getting crooked again.
No. 130748>>130751>>130760
>>130741damn, anon, are you me? i'm always the ugly, undesirable friend and it just hurts so much to see people i'd be interested in flirt with my friends simply because my friends hand them a piece of paper in class. apparently i have a nice personality, i'm funny and great to hang out with, so it has to be that i'm ugly. i already lost a lot of weight and now i'm only a small fatty, no longer a beached whale, but i guess it's still a turn off. i'm trying to lose the rest as well, i take care of my appearance, i dress well and i sometimes get compliments for my clothes. i just never get compliments for my appearance. i wish at least once someone would smile at me or tell me i'm pretty. i know it's stupid and i shouldn't be so superficial, but if just one person made me feel that i wasn't ugly, my sense of self-worth would be so much better. i'm in my late 20s and i feel so sad that i'm going to die alone because nobody wants me. i think i'd be a great gf/wife honestly but it's so painful that nobody wants to give me the chance to prove it because my face is so ugly.
No. 130750>>130777
>>130745I'm actually Mexican, but there's a lot of similarity between Asian and Mexican mothers I think. Similar pattern of putting up with misogyny and "macho" behavior only to then turn around and lash out on the daughters.
I don't know if my mother wishes I were a son, but she definitely stopped being loving and protective when I stopped being a cute little toddler. It hurts and it makes me desperately want to get surgery and lose more and more weight so I can be frail and helpless enough for her to re-form protective/loving feelings for me or something.
No. 130751
>>130748Sorry to hear that you're also the designated ugly, undesirable friend like me. We're like the edible but unwanted piece of lumpy, imperfect fruit left behind in the fruit bin. All that 'looks aren't everything, personality goes a long way' is a total BS! Science already shows that attractive people have tremendous advantage over ugly people. Plus, Iif you're an ugly women, you're doomed.
I'm glad to hear that your making an effort to lose weight and dress properly. I wish I still have the energy to give a damn. I've already tried for years to do everything I can to make myself at least average looking but now that I'm 31 and still an ugly loveless loser, I'm slowly giving up on trying to make any effort to change my looks. I'm just so tired and bitter.
I sincerely hope that you will find a suitable partner for yourself though anon. You're still young and based from your post, you seem like a nice person.
No. 130760
>>130748It's not stupid or superficial to worry about appearance, it's something only pretty or at least decent looking people say I think. It plays a great role in our self-worth and is a problem if it stops you from leading a happy life.
It's great you make an effort to lose weight and dress nicely. I'm trying my best to mask what I can with clothes and makeup, but I just wish someone would like me, not my makeup, not my clothes, just my face and body the way they are.
I used to take pride in my hair, but recently it turned way darker and grey hair appeared (I'm 26). My first reaction was to start dyeing, which caused massive hair loss and I had to cut them short. Here comes my only nice feature…
I'm ashamed to wear anything more revealing because of scars from surgeries on my chest and around my neck. Also, my veins are super fragile, which makes my legs and arms always bruised.
About dating, I've resigned myself to a lonely life, because at this point if someone tried to get into a relationship with me, I would seriously question their judgment and doubt their motives.
No. 130776>>130818
>>130516Anon…. If you had braces 3 times and your teeth did not stay straight then you did not fix the main problem and getting braces again will have the same results.
I know from experience, I had an awful tongue crib (I think that's the name in english) put when I was really young to correct how I placed my tongue (spoiler : it didn't work in the long term). After a few years they replaced it with braces. Then I was finally free of everything but hah my teeth became crooked again. This september, so like after 8 years, I decided to go back and have straight teeth or die trying. I was actually told it wouldn't fix anything to have braces again because the problem was my tongue and my jaw. They said I'll have to do jaw surgery (lower jaw will be moved forward a little) then speech therapy and braces to have and keep straight teeth.
So for any anons who had braces and your teeth moved a lot again after, you probably have an underlying problem that braces alone can't fix.
Speaking of this surgery I'm not sure I'll do it. One of the reasons being what if I became uglier ? I know jaw surgery will change my face, like not completely of course but it will be noticeable. I would regret it for ever if it looks worse though. I hate that I have to make that choice.
Have any anons done that kind of surgery ??
No. 130812>>130833>>130838>>130906
>>126252i'm not super attractive, probably 7/10. being pretty is a double edged sword. some aspects of life are easier, others are shittier.
to this day my mom only comments on/compliments my looks despite me doing well in my schooling and career. after my most recent job interview (i did get the job) my coworker told me they overheard the supervisor saying i'm really pretty. but i overheard the supervisor after interviewing someone else and they were calling them smart and articulate, etc. it was a guy and he wasn't very good at the job tbh. also i get unwanted advances from men at work even when i say im not looking for anything but friendship. which then makes some other women at work dislike me.
i have an attractive bf but i've been hurt/betrayed by him multiple times in the past. i chose to forgive him cause i love him and he has the means to take care of me financially. i know that other men are much worse, he really does love and care for me. also other guys ive dated focused almost soley on my looks and wanted to have sex all the time and brag to their friends. in high school i was bullied by a group of boys and their jealous gfs/friends who were obsessed with me…so i developed social anxiey and i don't use social media. it takes me ages to trust people.
i will say that strangers approach me often for directions or other mundane questions. and i can make friends at work or school fairly easily. i get attention from men. but people are still shitty to attractive people. you aren't exempt from being treated badly, but you get treated badly in different ways. maybe super super attractive (9/10 or 10/10) people have a easy ride, but i wouldn't know.
No. 130817
>>130779Jesus, this is pure mood.
Man I really feel cursed. In terms of my looks, I am probably just a couple of steps above being completely deformed. My face is very asymmetrical and in pictures it's extremely noticeable and looks like on part of my face is melting off. To top it off, I've had horrible hormonal acne when I was a teen which has left with horrible acne scars and hyper pigmentation on my face, back shoulders and a little on my chest. The idea that I will still have these scars when I am 30 is my greatest nightmare and I am deeply ashamed to wear anything that shows off my shoulders or back because of how disgusting I look.
To make things worse, I haven't been taking care of myself very well. My teeth have yellowed and I am so insecure about people seeing my teeth. I also allowed myself to balloon to 80kg and I feel even worse about myself. I am so ashamed at how much I destroyed my own body, but going through the effort to reverse the damage also seems so not worth it.
I'm lucky that I don't really fall in love or develop crushes easily because holy shit, only the most desperate man would fuck me, never mind date. It sucks because I will never experience even a average looking man look at me lovingly or wanting me. My brother who is 6 years younger than me has already had a girlfriend (and probably had more girls who liked him too), it's pretty cringey and embarrassing how I've never been close to such a thing.
Every time I try to talk about my disdain for my appearance to people, I always get told I'm stupid, I'm over exaggerating or being negative, or they try to give my a make over that makes me feel uncomfortable.
No. 130833>>130837
>>130812>to this day my mom only comments on/compliments my looks despite me doing well in my schooling and career. My mom never complimented me on anything.
>i have an attractive bf but i've been hurt/betrayed by him multiple times in the past. Ugly guys aren't any nicer. At least you're not a virgin loser like most of us here.
>he has the means to take care of me financially…he really does love and care for me.You're lucky.
Sorry for sounding bitter but on the other hand, you went out of your way to reply to a 2 month old post just to write about how everybody likes you (but only because your sooo attractive) and
>some other women at work dislike me.>wanted to have sex all the time and brag to their friends.>jealous gfs/friends who were obsessed with meYeah every guy wants to fuck you and all girls are jelly harpies…
No. 130857>>130859>>130861
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>>130853I have Gal Gadot's weirdass sloping forehead, caveman browbone, huge face and small rest of the head. A manly m-shaped hairline, my nose is thankfully not hooked but still very big from the side, deepset + hooded eyes, gigantic dark circles, small lips, huge cheeks, square jaw, jowels, double chin. Also large pores, wrinkles, moles and sickly skin colour. And of course a rbf.
The upper part of my face looks witchy but my lower part is fat, so I guess a mix of that.
Maybe I also resemble Lady Gaga a bit, but I'd like to believe that I'm still a tiny bit better looking than her (or at least I wish so…)
I still look pretty similar to how I looked at 12, but that's because I resemble a 40-year-old mom since forever. I'm also very tall and my body has a lot of imperfections too (e.g. lots of body hair, pimples and veins showing), so that adds just to my general unattractiveness. My teeth and hair are ok but that alone also doesn't matter or change anything.
I've been told I'm ugly all my life, so yes, it's definitely true.
No. 130863>>130870
You're all obsessed with men but the hardest imo is being despised by straight women, employers, staff, family…etc. It crushes your soul.
However I realized confidence is also soo important. One friend told me: when you feel ugly it shows and makes you unappealing.
She was right. At one point of my life I was happy, careless, thought I was the shit and guess what? Met a lot of new people, someone fell in love with me, had a boyfriend, hooked up with some fucking beautiful girls (I'm bi). I was not afraid to approach people or be approached and it paid off. Now that I'm depressed again I'm alone and ignored.
Of course being pretty is a lot easier, everyone kisses your ass. But if besides being average (I'm sure nobody itt is a <4/10), you're a killjoy and absorbed by your own insecurities don't be surprised if nobody wants to be near you.
No. 130874>>130875>>130876
>>130870Women always undervalue their looks and are generally very insecure. Look at this anon>>130857 saying she looks better than Lady Gaga but is ugly? Ok
So yeah anons itt are prob average except obeses and those with fucked up teeth
I know this scale is retarded and eurocentred but it gives a perspective
No. 130879>>130881
>>130876Average-ugly still isn't enough for women. The bare is so hight for us!
When you don't meet these expectations it hurts because you have to accept you will never be treated like a beautiful woman. To have a normal social life, you have to be very active and aggressive in your social interactions…so the contrary of what women were taught to do.
Look at films (modern propaganda): the nerdy guy gets the Stacy without improving anything about himself. Whereas the nerdy girl always has a makeover before getting the Chad. Or all these couples where the female>>>>>male. How can an Homer get a Marge?
Society tells to ugly-average men that they can still be seen as attractive if they're rich/funny/nice enough but an ugly-average woman would still be unattractive no matter how funny/rich/nice she is.
No. 130906>>130909
>>130812How conceited and self-absorbed do you have to be to come into a thread about self-image struggles and say THIS?
Do you also wave money in homeless peoples' faces?
No. 132940>>133932
>>121919I haven't been on here in a while, but am anon you replied to. Most women are having children late in life, and having children is not a measure of sucess. Maybe in some scientific terms it is, but I value community more. The reason we have children is to ensure survival of the tribe. There are many ways to fufil this evolutionary need that does not require biological children. Working "spinster" women provide labor: teacher, mediator/spiritual conselor, farmer, CEO, you name it. Adoption is also an option. Our culture places too high of a value on a picket fence family. It's not bad to want, but it's just one of many options. You're allowed to find out it's not for you.
I get the not being paid attention to thing. Humans are biased to be kinder to those they find better looking, but even Albert Einstein who is no model was highly respected as a person and listened to (as well as had his naysayers). No matter who you are, what ideas you have, there will be admirers and oposition. There is this fantasy that being attractive means life is easy, well that is something sold to you by celebs and the beauty industry. Only a fraction of the top 1% can ride this, and they're the ones selling you those products to improve your appearance in order to be "swept off you feet." Everyone has to work to establish their place in life. You'll see very attractive women who are also alone and may feel like you, women who are high on the social ladder. There's a level of assertion you need to have, and it takes time to develop.
No. 133888>>133935
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my body image is going shit again and the suicidal thoughts are creeping back in, I'm unmotivated to do anything because I'm so ugly I won't get anything in life. I just wanna die.
No. 134135
>>133966>>133971I seriously thought I wrote this, you just said what I go through every day for all of my life. I avoid going out and speaking with people, making and eye contact makes me hyper-aware of myself so I avoid it at all costs. norhing is enjoyable because wherever you go you only see attractive people and online especially people get successful because they're attractive and whatever you will do or say will be better if it was from someone attractive.
Living is a constant reminder that you're ugly and will never be happy.
No. 134518>>134527>>134531
>>134512This is similar to my experience.
I've always liked myself, and even though I was never destined to be a model I made sure I had hobbies and was educated. That I could be funny and have things to talk about. I mean we're all gonna be old and unappealing one day anyway right?
Yet no matter, people will always treat me a certain way because I'm unattractive and there's little I can do to change their treatment towards me despite my efforts. It's so hard for me to accept. I wind up hating myself because I'm hated by the herd and that hurts.
I'm actually looking forward to being a cute little old lady if I can make it. At least then the expectations about looks won't be as ruthless…hopefully. I'm fucked if society expects us to get plastic surgery and fillers in our 60s and onwards.
No. 134527>>134528
>>134518Ahh true, I guess I also look forward to that.
But I can't help thinking about all the things I won't be able to experience, the relationships I won't develop, the many ways I won't express myself. You fill your life with pretty things, but your beauty will always be lacking, especially in the eyes of others. Even the small compliments and kind smiles beautiful people receive can make life so much brighter.
Those who say looks don't matter truly have no idea what kind of humiliations one can go through because of them. But again, it's useless to think about it too much.
No. 134531
>>134518A long, miserable life and a long, beautiful and fulfilling life are not the same.
Also, I want to die young, it would make me feel more… not pretty, but worthy tbf.
No. 134536>>134538>>134539>>134559>>135118
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This probably sounds insensitive but DAE feel there's something awful about resting in this place of middling ugliness - not overtly deformed, perhaps not even HIDEOUS, but certainly not attractive. Just vaguely ugly or off looking. I feel like if you have an overt deformity any decent person will try to look past it and even be overly nice to you, you'll get a lot of "yass queen"s and "YOU'RE GORGEOUS" in response to anything you do and you're encouraged to go out and live despite your deformity. Maybe get a modeling gig like pic related or do a TED talk like Lizzie Velásquez. It's like the weird kid in school vs the kid with special needs. Most people won't outright make fun of a kid with a disability because you just come off as a dick, but they'll totally make fun of the kid who's a little bit unusual because it's fair game. I'm not saying living life with a deformity is enviable, I'm sure it's very tough and I wouldn't want it for myself, but I feel by being just kind of unpleasant looking there's something of a different judgment cast on you. Almost like an "ew why are you trying to be normal" sort of vibe, because you're so close yet fall so short. Idk if I'm wording this right but hopefully someone gets what I mean.
No. 136432>>136434
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>>136419>>136430Maybe it's just me but I prefer pic related over most models
No. 137397>>137468
>>137348> Yet there are some negative personal traits she has developed due to her physical uglinessWhat do you mean by that?
I'm pretty sure she realized but since there's nothing she can do about it (unless surgery) she moved on
No. 137468>>137480>>137508>>137549
>>137397She has a tendency of unfairly criticizing and undermining her siblings whom from a social stand point, have treated her far better. The irony is, she even tries to pick apart their looks, as tho to compensate for her 'problem'. She likes to exaggerate physical flaws of attractive people where there is few to none. Anyway, her 'problem' is, she can identify that she's unattractive although not remotely to the fullest extent, and she had to grow up around her traditionally attractive siblings. To describe her in the most negative way, she can be bitter, vengeful and delusional. She's like this mainly due to her ugliness but not exclusively. For example, if she possessed more humility and self-perception, I do not think she would be outwardly mistreating others like this.
No. 137508
>>137468Your sister probably knew people were making fun of her if they made fun of her to you. You don't think other people have said shit to your sister?
You sound insane that your sister can't criticise you and your other siblings because she's the ugly one lol? Like you're on here calling your sister ugly and explaining it's annoying she doesn't think she's as ugly as you think she is. Mental
>>137480This. She's probably fed up with her conceited sister.
No. 137555>>137577>>137592>>137632
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Was never seen as attractive to the other sex but women call me cute. It's nice but I'd like to hear some men say it to me. I have shit skin especially around my legs and back. I have those dark spots left by scars and they won't go away no matter how hard I try and it's an ugly contrast to my pale ass legs. Ever since I was a child I'd pick my scabs and not to mention I have arm hair and it's hairier than my dad or my guy friends. It's not thick but its long and sometimes I can see the shadow of the strands. It's making me insecure because my mom is practically hairless just like my dad. Guess I got the hairy arm gene?
I want to shave it off but my mom says that it will grow back thicker. Aside from that I have shit jaw line. My last resort is losing weight. The only thing I like is my nose. It's sharp with a bump.
No. 137577
>>137555Shaving doesn't make hair grow back thicker, that's a myth. The angle of the cut at the end of the hair just makes it look different.
I use hair removal cream on my arm because I don't wanna keep up with shaving it. I've also waxed before. If it's that bad for your self esteem just get rid of it, it's no big deal.
No. 137592
>>137555I am the hairiest girl you'll ever meet in your life, but I just do full body waxing. Forget nipple hair. I even have forehead hair! The lady who does my eyebrows also takes care of my forehead hair and mustache for me. I've been waxing since I was a teenager, so I'm pretty used to the pain. It won't hurt as much as you think it will but it will still hurt, so prepare for that. I've never bothered to take pain killers or anything beforehand- seems a bit crazy to me to do that every 2-4 weeks or however often it is that you go in for waxing.
Dark spots, scars, cellulite. Everyone has them. That's not going to automatically make you feel any better about yours, I know, but I want you to know that even the most beautiful girls have something like that they will never be rid of on their body. It's society that makes us feel like freaks for this stuff that's out of our control. You don't have to be one of those hippies who loves all of the imperfections of their body- just don't HATE your body over it. It's normal. You're normal.
Lose weight if you want to do it, not to impress others. I think if there's something you hate about yourself and it's in your control to change it and you want to change it, do it. If there's something others are trying to make you hate about yourself and you're considering changing, ask yourself who you're changing for. I've got a big nose. I like it. It's my father's nose and the nose of everyone on his side of the family. It's a nose with history. I'm not getting plastic surgery just because it's not a conventionally attractive nose. Flipside, I've always been skinny so if I gained weight, I'd probably be uncomfortable with that and want to go back to the body I'm used to ASAP. I'd lose weight and that's for me. You see the difference?
No. 138740
>>138704find people you respect that have similar features to you and idealize them instead.
i think this really helps if the issue is body type. like, find a fitness person with a similar body type to you who has improved themselves in a way that you want to look like.
No. 138885>>138896>>138898
>>138877>What's the worst that could happen? NTA but getting used for sex by a guy who thinks you're ugly but an easy lay, which ends up eroding your self esteem and dignity while he benefits off it with zero effort…?
How naive could you be to think the worst case scenario is being rejected by a man? That's a kindness. They're waaaaay too willing to fuck girls they don't find attractive and their lack of feelings for you will be obvious.
No. 139002>>139056
>>138989femcel or radfem
place your bets guise
No. 139012
Read MariKondo, clean your room, buy things you need and can improve your life, self care, then buy extra things that you want but not important: clothes you like,makeup,decor your room etc. Hit the gym or work out a little bit, organize your life, reflexion…
Building up your confidence will make any nasty comments about you hurt significantly less if not not at all. If you don't like your hair experiment with haircare and conditioners, if your don't like your eyes or face try color correcting, concealing, remember less is more. Learn color theory btw you have warm skin cold pink won't suit you best even if that's your favorite color. You don't need plastic surgery nor to straighten your hair or heavy makeup.
Youre happy you look happy bam, best impression. Also don't care abt sex or relationship
Enjoy life I know ppl are pure shit but that's sad and infuritaing to let them put you down while you're just living in your own peace
No. 139056>>139064>>139088
>>139002Oh, a Pick Me.
>femcelAs if this isn't a thread about women whining because Chads won't give them attention
No. 139064>>139083
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>>139056NTA, but this was a remarkably low effort post and I pity you
No. 139084>>139240
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>>139035NTA but nah, Gaten Matarazzo has cleidocranial dysostosis.
PR is Melanie Gaydos, model with ectodermal dysplasia.
No. 139912
men aren't worthless, you're just being conditioned by echo chambers like this full of miserable women who love company poisoning the well for other women who aren't ruined by years of making shit dating decisions and still have a chance at a happy life. you should take what you consume via imageboard culture with an extreme grain of salt.
meant for
>>114375 No. 139914
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>>139911you said you were going to leave smh
>>>/g/139908 No. 140091>>140094>>140095>>142087
I was doing fine the past couple of days, actually pretty happy, but being made aware of how I look has shot my confidence and happiness back to zero. My own boyfriend said I look 'inbred' and his friend didn't insult me, but he did say 'I just don't like her face' behind my back to him. But then 2 other people I showed my face to said I was a '10/10' ? It's so confusing. I know the simple answer is 'beauty is subjective' and that I shouldn't care but I do. I wish I was perfect, and that beauty was a 'one size fits all' so I could just change myself into a girl that everyone would find pretty. I'm pathetic. Even while typing this I feel like crying and throwing up, hah.
It doesn't matter how many compliments I get, I know there are people out there who won't like my face, so that makes me never want to show it. I know it's stupid, but it's so deeply ingrained in me that I'm sure I need actual therapy. I just hate how differently people treat me based of off how I look. I remember when I was younger, as a joke with my friends I came into school with a blonde wig one day and every single boy treated me 10x nicer than usual. Just because I had blonde hair. Fucking wow. I hate how much of a difference hair makes. I just can't take compliments anymore because I think they're lies. I hate this lookism world and I wish I could walk around wearing a mask 24/7, but I know I'm giving into lookism by being insecure of my looks. When I get like this, I feel like I can't go on the internet at all for a couple of days because if I see a pretty girl, it'll just shoot me right back into being sad. I don't know what to do or how to stop caring. I want to rip my face off and hide in a hole where no one can see me.
No. 140094
>>140091First of all anon
>My own boyfriend said I look 'inbred'what the fuck. Therapy will definitely help and you should look into it but please start with leaving that piece of shit person.
No. 140285>>140286>>140788
>>139819>>139851also in the "ok looking but would be pretty with a smaller nose" camp.
what makes me feel a lot worse is the fact that I've noticed a lot of women making a point of showing off hooked noses and noses with bumped bridges to show that ~all noses are beautiful~, but these women always look normal/pretty from face on. my nose has a wide nose bridge (I'm very white so it looks really off) so I look fine in profile but from face on I look horrendous. and I don't see anyone trying to make a point of wide noses being acceptable.
No. 140596>>140605>>140613>>140616
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>>114320I'm honestly super ugly but the fact that I dress well and put makeup on kinda saves me
I get complimented on my outfits and hair, but at the end of the day, I'm still an uggo who looks like a young version of Yzma from Kuzco kek.
My biggest cope is that most people will look like wrinkly meat bags by the age of 65, so who cares in a way. Can't wait to be a grandma and look like a big meanie with white hair and a fake fur coat
No. 140643>>140644
>>140642Sorry anon but I seriously have no idea what you're trying to say. Like, wtf does
>it's still considered a meme to be into memean?
You say you get called attractive and you get male attention, what else do you need? To be reassured that it's normal to not be completely perfect in every way and be exclusively pursued by equally perfect men?
No. 140649>>140650
>>140644>It was a meme between a group of guys at my school because they all to a degree found me sexy but it was like a guilty, r/trashyboners thing where it's like oh, you must be into some weird shit if you like her.Literally my exact experience.
A bit personal, but I’m mixed race
half white/half black, and although there were guys who told me they liked me/found me attractive, it never went farther than that. Like I didn’t fit into the right box for them, therefore I wasn’t worthy of their respect, nor was it socially acceptable for me to be seen in public with them, etc..
No. 140715>>140728
I realize this might not be the thread to post about this and if so sorry, I just don't know where else it would fit and I kind of just want one person who relates. I'm definitely not ugly, just average. I make myself look nicer by being interested in fashion, maintaining a good weight, and wearing natural looking makeup. Despite all this, I can't help but feel like people just see me for the things I do to advance myself rather than me as a whole. Someone earlier said they get commented on their outfits, etc. That happens to me, and although I will be told I'm pretty on instagram if I post something, the comments are never from boys. I hate that I'm seeking male attention for approval. I think it's because there's a constant belief that men will fuck anything that walks, so sometimes I wonder why I'm not experiencing that type of behavior. I think it has to do with my insecurity showing on my face. I'm socially anxious and although I manage conversation and have a personality, I have a hard time showing it. I think it's a case of being very average and not having the personality to compensate for it. Kind of like joji lmao. He's average but he makes up for it. I don't make up for it.
No. 140788
>>140285a wide bridge? i also think thats a cute feature. personally i think any noses are cute as long as they're fairly flat. but i know that likely means little to someone unhappy with their features.
noses truly haven't had their "beauty moment" yet and at this point i don't think they will. even the small amounts of appreciation for hooked noses doesn't begin to match the comments men have about them. and i barely see any support for wide noses outside of black twitter. it's really odd. unfortunately i think the current beauty standards regarding noses will persist.
also when you have a really bad hooked nose you can tell from the front and it casts a really strange and noticeable shadow.. i would say my profile actually looks better than my front in certain lights lol
No. 141323>>141324>>141325>>141334>>151010
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I can't tell if I'm ugly or not. A lot of my family members constantly tell me that I'm ugly. But then people at school and on social media always compliment me for my looks. So, I can't tell if people in school and sm are being fake or my family members are saying the truth. ( the family members that always call me ugly are my own grandma, and my aunts )
No. 141334>>141342
>>141323Sis do you
>shower every day>wash your hair at least once in two days>wash your face and brush your teeth every morning and night.If you do all of this you're family is being petty because there's no reason to mock someone unless you're trying to help with hygiene. (meaning it's their problem, not yours)
If you don't do most of these…your aunt and grandma might just be uncomfortable with lack of hygiene.
I'm just saying but personally, lack of hygiene is the ugly thing that makes me avoid people, not having whatever features. bit of acne, longer nose, receeding hairline don't matter…
No. 141342>>141355>>141360
>>141334>wash your hair at least once in two daysWashing your hair that often isn't good for it. Who becomes unpresentably greasy in two days anyway?
>>141335This tbh. People seem to find it hard to accept that they're average, they want to be top tier gorgeous and when they fall short, they want to wallow in self pity about how unfortunate they are.
No. 141355
>>141342Nta but I have straight and fine hair and they're a greasy mess my end of day 2. I can't then use dry shampoo to buy myself a day or look umkempt and greasy and day 3. My hair clumps together and it's very visible a the root.
I've been washing way less during quarantine (1/4days) but the pattern is still here and I ended up being a greasy goblin 2 days out of the week.
No. 141383
>>141337You're right. I think people on here tend to overestimate how much the average person nitpicks other peoples looks. Especially on a site that's at least partially dedicated to judging/nitpicking others it's easy to forget that real life doesn't really work like that.
I do think that if you browse here a lot those tendencies can kind of slip into real life as well though. I've caught myself thinking stuff like 'oh that nose is really unfortunate' before when looking at strangers on the bus who actually looked perfectly fine. To me it's a sign that I should probably spend less time scrolling through /pt/ and /snow/ threads for a while.
That being said, you'd be surprised at how judgmental people can be. I've heard my grandma of all people comment on random stranger's looks before even if they were totally normal looking. It happens, and it can be difficult to accept that other people might have these thoughts about us, even if we're most of the time our own worst critic.
No. 141391>>141393
>>141387I know, I shower daily since I'm naturally greasy.
I once experimented with washing less to "~retain natural oils since washing is so unhealthy uwu and you'll be less oily in the long run!~" but it just gave me bad dandruff and scalp acne.
Some people are just greaseballs. Maybe it works for dry people or people with certain hair textures, but for other grease-chans…please go into showering less with caution.
No. 141393>>141395>>142060>>142081>>158568
>>141391I think i'm becoming a grease-chan. I used to have normal hair and shower every other day, but now I'm greasy af after 24 hours.
Why would this happen to someone?
No. 142081
>>141393Nta but in addition to hormonal changes and/or new products, it could also be your diet and lifestyle. I used to have a shitty restrictive diet and box dye my hair so I only had to wash it once or twice a week, now I can hardly skip a wash because it's so long and healthy (not dying + incorporating avocado, fish, some dairy into my diet)
You could also look into different conditions that affect your scalp/hair follicles, my bf has uhh sebhorric (?) dermatitis or some shit and he gets super greasy literally overnight. It's crazy
No. 143292>>143301>>143345
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I just realized how small my eyes are and how wide my face is I look like Doris from Shrek without makeup
No wonder I hide my cheeks with my hair bangs
No. 143326
I've been feeling progressively worse and honestly, I don't have anything going on for me except for ass maybe but it has dimples and it isn't the best shape ever… I hate my face so fucking much, I have flap small lips and hyperpigmentation everywhere including huge big dark circles, my nose is big and wide, my eyes are small and round and my overall face is hideous, my breasts are saggy and have always been like that since I was 13, my personality is rotten, I'm broke and unpleasant to be around, I don't niche interests like books or anything and I'm not good with words my speech and language skills are subpar I don't know what I've been doing all this time that I spent alive, 'it gets better' is just a statement that gives you false hope leaving you more devisated. I don't even have the guts to kill myself and I have to live through the suffering until fate gives me the mercy of death, but until then I'll live every day hating myself and knowing that it will bever get better.
No. 144963
>>144871Hey anon, I have lordosis and a couple of crooked fingers on one hands too!
Other than that I’m quite attractive.. I’ve learned to hide my crooked fingers in photos and since last year I’m getting physical therapy. It helps with the occasional back pain.
No. 145557
>>145182 this video would be a good eye opener that basically explains what you are going through
My experience throughout my life has been the same as yours so I can relate highly
No. 145606>>147707>>147856>>156704
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Maybe it's just a cope but I genuinely don't mind being ugly. I'm gay so it's actually kinda nice being invisible to men. My hair is already graying and I'm kind of excited to rock a swamp hag aesthetic.
The only thing I'd change is my body hair. I have hirsutism and it's a bitch to deal with, and lately I've been really paranoid about being mistaken for trans because of it.
No. 146859>>146863>>146889>>146989
>>146858My sister is way hotter than me. I'm not bitter or resentful because a) I love her and want good things for her, even if I don't have those things myself, and b) there are an infinite number of better looking girls out there - it doesn't really matter if some of them are people I know. And tbh I'm not 100% sure of this, it's just my assumption - I kind of differentiate my appearance hoping that guys who are into my ~type~ are less into hers. Eg she is tanned and blonde and outgoing, I'm pale and brunette and nerdy. Chances are we attract different types of guys, and even if I attract fewer of them ideally they would specifically prefer my style.
I can't say the concern that a bf might find them more attractive isn't a real one, it's something I consider as well. But any bf will come across better looking women than you in his lifetime and I guess it's an easy way to filter out the shitty ones early on.
No. 147700
>>147479Am I the only one who feels hotter around my hot friends? I feel like they lift me up (easy enter at clubs, free drugs or drinks by scrotes who want to fuck them…etc) and people always assume I'm particularly out-going/funny for girls like that to be friend with me. It's an ego boost.
And I'm not concerned about boys at all, because the few interested in me have NO fucking chance with my friends.
No. 147856
>>145606>>147707This reminds me of these two women I constantly see tearing up my small town together; they're older (40's), disheveled, and one has hirsutism.
It recently hit me that they might be gay (since it seems they shop and live together), which made them all the more charming.
This could be you guys…I'm rooting for it.
No. 148483
>>148445Why would you listen to what a bunch of deformed misogynists think? If you're ugly it's okay to feel bad about it but don't take
their word for anything.
No. 152455
>>152437I'm naturally small on bottom (don't have big hips) tbh I liked my body shape before this trend and I don't feel any different during it.
Maybe sexuality plays a role though, I'm attracted to women and I've always found bottom heavy figures unattractive (just personal taste, not bashing) Maybe if I were straight I would view it through a different lens and be more vulnerable to trends?
No. 152463>>152465
I had this online friend I feel envious of, she has the perfect small cute doll face and nice hair which perfectly matches her pastel kawaii dolly aesthetic, she also has achieved a lot in life and has a fun personality, overall she attracts a lot of people both girls and guys
I'm a college dropout with no money at all, still stuck with my parents at 24, no driver license, got some really bad mental issues and am just mentally slow like I struggle with opening doors and windows already
But the worst thing is that I'm also ugly.. I have a huge square head, huge wide potato nose, I have a weird tiny droopy bunny mouth because of shit teeth (deformed, crowded, all out of place, missing small bits, weak and discolored) and a huge "diagonal" overbite which makes people ask me if I've had a stroke. I'd like to hide my huge acne forehead with bangs but my hair is also super thin and oily so I just end up with stringy sparse wet looking hair barely covering my forehead. If I at least looked like this girl I could dress up cute and still attract people somehow but I've got so many issues I will never be like that, I will never be attractive in any way.. Can't even dress slutty and get thirsty attention instead because I also have a flat chest and flat ass and no hips which guys have all made fun of before yay me
No. 152490
>>114320Keep up basic things like hygiene and maintaining a moderate weight, maybe do some hair or skin care, and you're good. Perhaps I just have a warped sense of reality from all the time I've spent online, but after all these years of seeing people praise homely girls or being generally desperate for any human affection at all, I don't think others really give a shit what you look like.
But who knows, maybe I am just coping with being hairy.
No. 152575>>152576
Do anons really think getting strangers' attention means you aren't ugly?
This isnt a humblebrag, I genuinely live on a rollercoaster of "Im ok how i look" to "Im an abomination who should kms." Pretty much any time I notice my looks in a pic or whatever, it's the latter. I can't get a good read on what I look like. I just know I have a big nose, weird smaller mouth, yellowish teeth, and my hips/thighs are too wide with small boobs. The nose, but also the pear shape bothers me the most. I feel embarrassed especially to sit, so wide like a frumpy mom. Im trying to improve what I wear, but it always comes back to me. Not underweight but i guess skinny fat, and it gathers there
I'm asking because in this thread, some say "Men dont pay me attention so I must be ugly." There could be other reasons? And, isnt it possible to be average/ugly even if they do? Ive had guys approach before and such, but I thought scrotes were just desperate? Maybe they see a homely girl and feel secure enough to do so, actually.
I guess I am hoping it may be true that I'm not ugly, but I highly doubt it. The features I described tear me apart every time I get ready for the day
No. 152576>>152581
>>152575It's hard to tell without pics but pear shape is the second best after the perfect hourglass imo, wide hips will always be considered attractive by anyone who's into women, I much prefer it to the wide shoulders and big boobs + no ass body type, also ages much better.
I relate to how you feel though, I was bullied for my looks when I was young (tall and lanky, pale as a ghost with acne and dark hair) and I still feel like that dorky kid even though I look ok now I guess? I have some really good pictures of myself but they are the ones that people look at and say "wow I wouldn't recognize you there!" so it's hard to know what I look like when photos make me look like a different person.
Back to your post, I don't think men would approach you if you were ugly (unless they're also ugly). You can definitely be average and get approached, but average doesn't equal bad/unattractive. I think most ugly people would give a limb to be average.
No. 152581
>>152576Oh man, im ayrt and it bothers me you were bullied for that. Other than the acne (which is normal) I see those qualities as beautiful, it's a shame you still have to feel the effects. I am sorry that just sounds so harsh.
Thank you for your input, I appreciate it. And I know people say pear shape is good but for me it makes my head look small and is hard to dress. (aside from feeling freakish) Im slowly assembling better outfits but its such a chore to redo your closet. Feels like pants in general aren't flattering to hips(if the top's too tight they look big, if it's loose head small) but Im trying to find ways
No. 153977
>>153976The actual problem is that you date men who compare you to other women. And of course those same men would be the types attracted to Venti, her exes have been as pathetic too.
Don't think there's an objective standard at play here at all. It's scrotes trying to connect vague dots to tie you to the appearance of a chick they got a boner for once, regardless if she's actually attractive by conventional standards. You probably don't look anything like her, you just come off to them as lacking the self-esteem to shut their fantasy shit down.
No. 153980
>>153976I think Brittany is really pretty, she's just a thirsty dumbass.
I bet a lot fewer people would screech about her being ugly and call her Sid the Sloth if she wasn't a retard and they didn't hate her.
No. 153987
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>>153976by the way you described it i thought she looked like this. Brittany looks like a normal girl with wide set eyes.
No. 153989
Brit's cute though. Also nothing wrong with being 6/10 since it's above average.
Maybe you've been memed into thinking men ""require"" us to be perfect, in which case just stop caring about coomers. It's truly not worth trying to please them at the expense of your own wellness. They will never be satisfied.
As long as you're not far below average or fat, it shouldn't destroy your life or anything. Randoms won't mistreat you just for your appearance.
Goes for anyone itt. If you're not actively suffering abuse because of your looks, wake up and try even harder to stop obsessing. You're just making yourself miserable over nothing.
t. trying to stop doing it myself because I'm wasting precious time by being a dumbass
No. 154008
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>>153976Seriously anon, you need to chill. Brittany is quite beautiful imo. Madison Beer looks like every other swollen, generic Insta-thot in existence and Megan Fox used to be pretty but her looks aren't particularly interesting, just mainstream attractive. Plus recently she took the bog pill and aged herself like 30 years lol. Brittany has features that are actually unique and nice to look at.
Who knows what it is about her these guys are relating to you, either. I find people tend to latch onto prominent features to the point of indifference to everything else. I have a friend with curly red hair who people have compared with Natasha Lyonne multiple times, but literally the only thing they have in common is the hair and a petite nose. Imo she has much prettier features than Natasha (less boxy face, more balance between her features and bigger, catlike eyes) but people just see the most blatant stuff and make sweeping generalizations.
No. 154604>>154659
>>154601Accutane cured mine too and it was the best decision I ever made. But the possible side effects are severe, it can fuck your shit up if you're unlucky and since anon had hair loss clearly that's the case.
That said I would never tell someone not to try it, the chance to fix your acne forever is worth it imo. The side effects exist because it's hardcore and it works, I would just recommend closely monitoring their health with a derm.
No. 154659
>>154604I knew someone who had a bad reaction to Accutane. Still had the acne and the treatment fucked up his bowels for good. He was always in some kind of pain.
The side effects are rare but they are brutal when they happen and most of them are for life.
It's gambling that the reduction of zits won't come with something as fun as hearing loss, anaphylaxis, cataracts or some seizures.
It could be worse it for painful disfiguring acne but I honestly don't get why they seem to give it for your run-of-the-mill teenage acne nowadays. It looks fucking dangerous to just cross your finger and hope for the best for what is a minor comestic thing.
No. 155238>>155242
>>155214Easier said than done but the only solution in my opinion is to accept that you're simply not CONVENTIONALLY attractive. Which doesn't mean that you're not attractive at all, because it's not only about bare looks. You can also draw attention to the features or parts of body that you like.
Also think about people in your life or celebrities that aren't conventionally attractive either but you and other people still like them, find interesting etc. Because as I said before it's not only about face.
There's a high chance that other people don't even perceive you the way you see yourself. They either don't notice or care about your 'defects' or you're just average and are comparing yourself to people who really won the genetic lottery.
No. 155242
>>155238Again with the personality bullshit.
Anyways you have a chance at being considered attractive if you meet someone who likes certain features that you have. Maybe as a fetish, maybe not.
No. 155280>>155283
kinda long, sorry.
at this point i can't tell whether i'm ugly or just ''weirdly attractive''
i usually only wear a little makeup when i go out like mascara and maybe some tinted lip balm, that's it.
i have a lot of girl friends and there's the girls in my class that i hear talking about how they got asked out at the gas station or some shit, but that's literally never happened to me.. like my friends have been asked for their snaps, ig's, numbers right in front of me but no one ever bats an eye at me.
the only thing i can tell is different from me and my friends is that i wear less trendy clothing, i just stick to dark skinny jeans and baggy clothes. i have a normal bmi of 20 and i don't have acne, i wear deodorant, perfume, i don't smell bad, i'm really quiet during classes and keep to myself, and i treat people how they treat me.
the only time guys have ever showed some interest in me is online. they'll see my face and not care much for it and we'll just.. talk. be normal. do americans just have lower standards?
i dunno. it feels hopeless at this point, will i have to repent to lesbianism?
No. 155301
>>155283>if you want to find a date then put effort into dating, ask out a guy, be bold, make it clear what you want.God thank you for saying this. I really loathe how it seems 99% of dating advice for women even from self-purported feminists is that "if a guy rly likes u, he will ask you out so just make urself available lol!"
I worked as an agency-represented model so I know I at least have a modicum of mainstream attractiveness, people (friends and strangers) told me I was pretty, etc. No one EVER asked me out my entire life up through college. I did have creepers hit on me like every woman in the world, but every half decent man kept their distance. I smiled a lot, expressed myself, made conversation and had/have male friends. Nothing.
Finally I joined a dating app, found the cutest boy I'd ever seen who wasn't a gross perv and asked him out. We've been together 4 years and are now engaged. I do believe the guy should reciprocate and step up after you make the first move, because otherwise yes, it shows he isn't interested and/or not really committed to a relationship. But so many men these days are either shy or terrified of asking women out because they worry about coming off as a freak. I also hate the waiting game and refused to continue playing a passive role when it came to something as important as a life partner.
No. 155423>>155449
>>155380What kind of stupid shit anon?
Growing up I was bitter about pretty people getting this treatment but now I find it funny how far people will twist themselves into putting pretty people in a good light.
No. 155449>>155461>>155463>>155947
>>155423>Growing up I was bitter about pretty people getting this treatment but Wow I find it funny how far people will twist themselves into putting pretty people in a good light.I know what you're talking about and I was fed up with it as well I kinda snapped and did my thing which ended up resulting in me finding my style and becoming more invested in my overall appearance and boosting my appearance from below 6.5 all the way to 7.5, I'm not a Stacy but losing weight+getting my skin problems resolved and knowing how to do my hair and dress in a way that makes me both interesting and cute gives the illusion that I'm pretty.
>What kind of stupid shit anon?When I looked more basic and sad I used to get judged and challenged for pretty much anything I said or believed in, I had an interesting personality but I looked basic as hell and quite frankly sad so people either dismissed me or thought I'm a tryhard/faking it but now that people find me more attractive they're more accepting and open to learning more about the nonsense I say , people don't seem to question me at all or give me weird looks, and if someone did people jump to defend me(???) it's a weird feeling. like my personality and jokes are now more offensive and weird than ever but I haven't been told once that I'm cold or stupid or that I don't get it, on the contrary people join and it's great fun for everyone, people tell me that they love me and appericiate having me on regular basis I'm so mad I didn't get to be surronded by this much positiviy when I needed it the most.
Not to toot my own horn but I now get compliments all the time which I used to never get and if I got them back then it was about something unrelated to my looks, so this is a proof that people find me more attracrive now.
That's another reason why I hate the whole "You just need to be confident BUT YOU DON'T CHANGE YOURSELF FOR OTHERS PEOPLE NEED TO ACCEPT YOU AS YOU ARE" shtick, because if you didn't look interesting enough or looked attractive enough they wouldn't even care to get to know you or learn anything about you as an indivisual, don't believe in that shit, don't go for darastic measures like plastic sugery unless you really need it otherwise there are countless ways to represent yourself to look better and generally more loveable, friend-able, and hireable.
People are shallow and basic and we need to acknowladge that, best thing you can do is to try to use that to your advantage.
No. 155461
>>155449>When I looked more basic and sad I used to get judged and challenged for pretty much anything I said or believed in, I had an interesting personality but I looked basic as hell and quite frankly sad so people either dismissed me or thought I'm a tryhard/faking it but now that people find me more attractive they're more accepting and open to learning more about the nonsense I say , people don't seem to question me at all or give me weird looks, and if someone did people jump to defend me(???) it's a weird feeling. And you don't find that absolutely patronizing? It's okay to admit that it makes your life more convenient, but I wouldn't say that people being more agreeable because you're easier on their eyes now is exactly the same as having genuine respect and understanding. It doesn't make you angry that fake people just go along with what you say regardless if they actually agree with you if it means they get your good graces or look good to others? That's what you want, a bunch of kiss asses who are liable to abandon you the next minute you get old, ugly, or fat?
You're only going to be able to take advantage of this up to a certain point anyway, and after that you'll be angry that you played into a system whose endgame is that you become as disposable as the ladies who aged out before you.
No. 155463>>155466>>155468>>155488
>>155449being an ugly woman is truly being old and invisible from the start. I'm thin and my skin is great but I'm 100% ugly. I've got the unfortunate facial structure. It doesn't matter how I dress up or how much effort I put into my appearance.
What angers me mostly is that it affects me in all areas of life. I can forego relationship with men as they've showed their true face many times even the so called nice guys, but I will be the invisible overworker ant and it won't matter what I do or try to do, all people see is an ugly woman in me. And I can't even say my achievements are enough to justify my ugliness.
So when I read experiences such as yours it depresses me deeply. I know that I could kill myself and no one would care. In fact, if anyone saw my obituary with my photo they would probaly think it's a good thing because it's one less ugly soul in the world.
I can only dream of being 4/10.
>>155462good for you anon!
No. 155488>>155706>>155709
>>155463Really sorry you're feeling like this. Of course I'm inclined to disagree on anon having an "ugly soul"…but I was reminded of this part in Parasite where one of the poor people says, rich people have the luxury of being kind, or something like that. Maybe that goes for beautiful people too, since they have to deal with less shitty, dismissive behavior. Unlike when you're ugly…
I remember feeling like a ugly duckling as a kid. It didn't help that my dad basically ignored me and only fawned over my older sister, praising her for being pretty and resembling my mother. That really hurt me a lot.
No. 155511>>155646>>155651>>155671
>>155508 >don't care if anyone else thinks I'm ugly. My brain seems to prioritize my looks way down at the bottom so I am either autisticIs that an autistic thing? Being on here has made me realise how little I worry about my looks or how other people judge my look. I remember caring more when I was around 19/20 but that was a short phase.
I know I definitely don't like to see myself in photographs but I don't sweat how I look day to day leaving the house. I have super short hair just because I can't be bothered drying it and all my trousers are long because I think leg shaving is BS. So I read discussions on here about obsessively removing all body hair or being upset when the hairdresser takes off more length than you wanted and I can't relate to any of it, honestly do question if I'm autistic.
I don't look amazing but it doesn't impact my happiness. Like you said it's just not a high priority in my head either.
No. 155646>>155651>>155671
>>155511Not her, but I wonder. My mother once cried because she said I must be autistic because I didn't care about my looks as much as she does (and she doesn't even wear makeup, just stylish clothes).
I think my face looks decent and my skin is nice, I just can't be assed to style my hair and go to the hairdresser often, so I just grow it out and either wear it down or in a pony tail. I use zero makeup and most of my clothes is just sort of "librarian" comfy. I don't mind being photographed at all, and I really can't understand women that go over every picture someone else takes of them and make them delete the less favorable ones, but I also don't share any pictures of myself on social media. I do have strong body hair though, even on my arms, which I was hiding with long sleeves as a kid, but nowadays I just can't be assed, even though I do think it has a negative impact on people judging me.
I think it'd be nice to have good looks, but I also really don't care enough to put effort into it. I really don't know if it's just autism or some kind of subconscious self-hate.
No. 155662
>>155654Adapting to each and every societal rule indiscriminately is not only crazy, it's impossible. Everyone chooses which rules to adapt to and to what level.
>>155655If you're clean and neat, you're good. Anything above that is extra, and it's fine if you enjoy it. It becomes pathological when worrying about it is negatively affecting the rest of your life.
No. 155706
>>155488>I was reminded of this part in Parasite where one of the poor people says, rich people have the luxury of being kind, or something like that. Maybe that goes for beautiful people too, since they have to deal with less shitty, dismissive behavior. Nta but definitely. If people have treated you in a nice way your entire life of course you'll feel less bitter, less defensive, less suspicious and so on, simply a warmer, more welcoming and trusting personality that in return invites even more people to approach you nicely. If you're ugly people will already let you feel that difference from earliest childhood onwards, so of course you will develop a much more negative outlook on humans and society. It's so unfair, like an endless circle. I'm lonely because I'm ugly and because I don't have friend my confidence decreases while my unhappiness increases and as a result I become bitter and unable of approaching others myself, resulting into me feeling even more lonely and bitter and invisible and so on.
>I remember feeling like a ugly duckling as a kid. It didn't help that my dad basically ignored me and only fawned over my older sister, praising her for being pretty and resembling my mother. I remember so many experiences like this. During family gathering old people would always praise other kids for being pretty, glance at me and then quickly add you too. But even when I was only around 8 I could already tell that this was only done out of politeness.
No. 156581
>>156039I hate mine too. I get jealous of plus size models who despite being 200+ pounds got chin lipo so their faces look really pretty.
I think I'm gonna go the surgical route.
No. 156895>>157696>>159052
>>156775I don't know about feeling the need to "compensate" for being ugly, but I do know it pisses me off how much it affects my prospects. I don't mean dating; I mean shit like getting hired and promoted and networking. Conventionally attractive and good-looking people have a much, much easier time with all of those.
I've made my peace with my looks mostly, but it does grind my gears that no matter how skilled, educated, accomplished, put-together, well-dressed, or well-spoken I am otherwise, being an ugly woman shuts a ton of doors in my face by default.
No. 157724>>157726>>158077
I was unattractive for my entire adolescents. Around college I got attractive, I didn't even notice it at first, I just thought people were being nicer to me. Honestly it was a huge relief, having good looks will get you far in this life. At the same time, I think it gave me a complex about it.
The difference between pre and post ugly duck phase depresses the fuck out of me. People used to talk over me, ignore me, think the worst of me, certain women viewed me as an inferior and I was basically invisible to men. Now men don't just pay attention to me, they go out of their way for me. My shitty behavior gets excused, I've gotten free stuff before. Mostly it just made me really bitter about men. I would say 70% of them don't even see worth in talking to a woman they don't want. It also made me horribly afraid of losing my looks, I didnt know it was such a big deal. I think being average looking is the best circumstances.
No. 157936>>157948>>157970>>157990
I just have to vent somewhere, so this post is tainted heavily by emotions:
I have developed an extreme complex surrounding my jaw and chin. In my youth I developed a poor posture and habits which lead to me having trouble breathing through my nose properly, drooling excessively and dealing with sleep apnea and all its consequences. My jaw is severely poorly defined and my chin rather recessed. I have all of the traits needed for an attractive face for the rest, but the size and slope of my chin and jawline destroys any semblance of symmetry and harmony in my face; the corners of my lips droop down, I have excessively fat cheeks regardless of weight because my jaws cannot support the fat properly, and as a result, my nasolabial wrinkles are disgusting, aging me. My palate, my bottom jaw, it is too small… Moreover, I have the tired eyes of such a person with a weak chin. Overall, it ages me and makes me look fat, dumb and ugly. I understand why nobody would take a second glance at me, and I understand that my parents both suggest and support plastic surgery. I want to get surgery so badly. I look up what I can do to fix this every day. I try mewing and eating more meat, and sleeping with tape over my mouth to practise breathing through my nose and resting my tongue on my palate subconsciously. I look into braces and fillers and jaw and chin surgery. Anything to fix this problem of my health and appearance. The surgeries are so expensive, I could never pay for it, and insurance doesn't cover a lot of things. I am considering going abroad to find a cheaper procedure. ANYTHING to fix my face. I hate myself and how I look so much. I don't let it get to me throughout the day, I simply focus on productive matters and try not too attach too much worth to looks, because it is pointless. BUT IT SUCKS. this is all the result of the way I was raised and the habits I obliviously developed as a kid. i could be pretty, it could all be easier. this is a pointless struggle. struggling with academics or sports is different, because i am able-bodied and it relies on practise on strength. but this????? this is completely outside of my control and inhumanely expensive to fix. I am sick of it, I am so sick of it. I just want it to end. thanks for reading lol k bye
sage for blogging
No. 158393>>158413
>>157948wdym?? i might unironically be migrating to the UK for other reasons, so do inform me.
>>157970likewise dear anon
>>158002I am actually only familiar with Dr. Mew and consider visiting him when I am in the UK. Everything you say is true and I alluded to it slightly in my OP. It is not solely a matter of aesthetics, it is simply the aesthetic result of poor health. I always compare it to poor posture of the back or shoulders. I will look into the link you posted here
>>157990 more, as it does not seem very effective judging off the before and after pictures.
No. 158413>>158442>>158449>>158467
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>>158393Here’s another photo of someone using the same device.
No. 158503>>158519
>>158449That doesn't prove much, considering people with a poor jawline/chin tend to lean forward unconsciously to create some kind of illusion of a jaw. Otherwise, if you stand straight with no chin/jaw, you emphasise your underchin and jawlessness. However, in the second picture he is standing straight
and has more jaw/chin, which is very indicative of improvement. Obviously everything should be taken with a grain of salt, but your point basically proves the opposite of what I assume you were trying to point out.
No. 158568>>158571>>158577>>158592>>159164
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Ugly anons, do you remember how many men are Grimes simps? Just pick up a hobby and some scrote will find you attractive.
>>141393Washing your hair everyday is terrible for it and is probably making it greasier. Look at onision who showers multiple times a day. You might be using shit products too. I generally recommend staying away from drug store brands. Also, dry shampoo is a life saver and will give your hair a bit of volume too.
I know this comment it old af, but relevant for any other anons having this problem.
>>158556You know, I'd say go to /soc/, but they'll probably just make you feel bad unless you have big tits. And being validated by a bunch of autists doesn't mean much.
No. 158577>>158587>>158593
>>158568grimes is pretty cute though, so not a great example. If that's what you think ugly looks like then you truly have no about the people who are in this thread.
Also, if you bothered to backread at all I think you'd find that there are hardly any anons itt who are whining about not having a bf. When you're actually ugly, the treatment you get for that bleeds into every area of your life. finding some scrote to fuck you is the least of your problems. Scrotes will fuck anything with a hole.
No. 158587>>158588>>158625>>158729
>>158577> Grimes> cuteWell she's far from being conventionally attractive. A lot of anons in this thread sound like they'd be fine if they got simple PS. Or even just tried with their appearances. I had really gross teeth from smoking heroin for years. I got them whitened and I'm way more confident now.
Is being ugly /that/ bad? It sounds like when fatties reee that they don't get correct medical treatment or job promotions, because of their weight. I'm sure it would suck, but
> bleeds into every area of your lifesounds really dramatic.
No. 158833
>>158827you won't get life threatening withdrawl symptoms from eating less. And anyway going back to the topic of the thread, being fat isn't a
valid reason to complain about being ugly when you can lose weight at no extra cost if you do it right and don't shell out for gimmicky diet products. Can't do shit about an unfortunate facial structure if you can't afford plastic surgery
No. 158932>>158940>>158950
>>158825So I'm guessing anon doesn't know about food deserts, how cheaper supermarket food is loaded with antibiotics and shit that cause weight gain, nutritionally depleated veg and fruit unless you get it at whole foods, having to slave away for most of your day to afford to live and not having the energy to cook homemade stuff, growing up in a family where you're not taught proper eating habits, becoming fat when you're a kid bc your parents fed you that way, using food as a comfort mechanism, women who were assulted and got fat in a way to 'protect' themselves, etc.
Nah, anon is just an asshole, or a self hating fatty. People just get more butthurt over fat people bc of lookism. No one gives a shit if a girl is doing heroin, as long as she's skinny. It was even an it girl thing back in the day, heroin chic.
No. 158939>>158946
You know how I cope with being ugly? By knowing how insufferable men can be.
Just read this fucking thing. No. 158946
>>158939IDC if it's
toxic, hating men has done wonders for my self esteem and confidence.
No. 158950>>158951
>>158940I'm not and never have been a drug user but I can see how you feel the need to project in order to convince yourself there's some deep, personal reason why I don't sympathise with the merciless fatphobia our brave chubby soldiers must fight on daily basis.
>>158932No matter the quality of food you have access to the laws of thermodynamics don't change, eat less calories than you burn and you'll lose weight! The secret doctors don't want you to know.
In the context of this thread weight is something very easy to cope with, lose it. Where's the simping for women with witch skulls? You can't perform plastic surgery on yourself, and anyway there's a paywall.
No. 158951>>158952
>>158950>I'm not and never have been a drug userOk. So you're the BPD who felt called out and started to stan for the heroin-smoking OP after this
You lack empathy as that anon suggested, no deeper psychoanalysis is required.
I hope you get your witch skull fixed.
No. 158952>>158953>>158990
>>158951Not really that interested in that bit, just when fatties started crawling out of the woodwork to demand muh empathy and absolve themselves of responsibility for their decisions.
Thanks I hope so too ♥
No. 158993>>158997>>158999
>>158588I mean, it's definitely true that ugly women are treated worse than ugly men. We can see that on media of any kind. I just thought it sounded dramatic.
>>158729Those fatties bitch that doctors tell them losing weight will reduce cholesterol, lower bp, less strain on joints and muscles, etc and call it fatphobic. Doctors told me to quit doing heroin, but I was like, "yeah, I probably would feel better". Also, this
But thanks for the diagnosis, armchair-chan.
No. 159011>>159019
>>158997Well, I've been clean from heroin for 7 years. I don't hate people for being fat. I think fatphobia isn't real and that HaES is retarded. Can you read?
>>158999 I mentioned it because I felt ugly with brown spots on my teeth from smoking black, but feel fine with whiter teeth now. I was saying something like a nose job might make one of you feel better. I was saying you're probably not as ugly as you think. The fucking bitterness in this thread is unreal.
No. 159059>>159068
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>>159052Merkel has always been average but badly-styled. She's chubby now, but had a good figure. Low WHR, big boobs. Far from ugly IMO.
Legitimately ugly women exist and they struggle in every domain. Choosing Merkel as your hideous woman example proves how high standards for women are.
No. 159068>>159071>>164501
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>>159052>>159059Yeah, I wouldn't call Merkel ugly at all, but she's had an "old lady" haircut since forever (pic related). Looking at the few youngish female world leaders, most of them are conventionally attractive, like Jacinda Ardern or Sanna Marin. The older ones aren't really "ugly," they're just old kek. Even Hilary Clinton was pretty back in her day.
If you're an ugly woman working in any normie industry, it's way harder to get noticed.
No. 159078
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>>158987>my mom doesn't have cellulite but my dad doesanon… w-what…?
No. 159081>>159084>>159088>>159171
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>>159071>>159079this is the controversial shoot. what a fucking bimbofied horror.
No. 159084>>159085>>159086
>>159080Lol you misread. I am a poor writer, so it is understandable, sorry lol. I didn't write "I am slightly prettier". Read back and notice the commas in my (admittedly) clunky phrasing. I said she's a slightly prettier version of the average (meaning typical) woman in my country. Pale oval face, light eyes, slim nose, dark hair, small lips, even featured. What I mean to say is: she looks normal, maybe a little prettier, sure, but the admiration she gets is excessive.
>>159081Is that it?! lol.
No. 159166
>>159165Meds shouldn't inherently make you gain weight, only increase your appetite. I'd risk them and try extra hard with diet and exercise (which should help with depression even more).
Though admittedly my opinion ain't shit on this because I've never had depression and the most miserable I've ever been in my life was specifically because I gained weight.
No. 159167
>>159165What antidepressant is it? I've taken all sorts of SSRIs and SNRIs and I never gained any weight
As far as I know the only psych meds that really will pile the weight on like that are antipsychotics. And when it comes to taking them people don't have a choice
No. 159171>>159178
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>>159081Lol, but can your politician do THIS?
sage for OT
No. 159296>>159297>>159304>>159305>>159316>>159318>>159319>>159325>>159333>>159864
File (hide): 1605082983135.jpg (Spoiler Image,266.84 KB, 1178x1731, 20201110_230822~2-1.jpg)

I'm pretty sure I have the world's worst side profile. Someone said Lisa Eldrige had the profile of a kidney bean and I think that's me too.
I have disgusting skin. I have fat eyebrows/forehead. Not like amy slaton kind of fat, but like, saggy. And the rest of my face has saggy fat too. I think losing weight might make my face look even worse.
I also have hip dysplasia which gives me a severe "hip dip" and stops me from doing a lot of exercises. I have saggy downward pointing breasts and my body is covered in stretch marks. Oh and I have a gap in my two front teeth.
Some of those things can be fixed by surgeries but they're fucking expensive and some are dangerous too. And some things like my fat eyebrows just straight up can't be fixed.
No. 159333
>>159296I have a similar chin and I'm not even overweight (genes from my moms side) I remember I would obsess over my chins and side profile in my early and mid twenties and I knew that it'd take a small procedure to get rid of it. I seriously considered it but then at some point just stopped being bothered by it.
Stuff like that doesnt make you hideous, if you walk around in a busy area or people watch for any amount of time..those traits are just average. They make you look average. If your aim is to look above average then do what you need to do but I think you're being way too harsh on yourself.
No. 159358>>159398>>159433>>159450
>>159304Um, I guess this picture is dishonest then because I do have saggy fat eyebrows. Losing weight wouldn't really do anything bc both of my brothers are skinny af and they have the same forehead/eyebrows. Also, did people completely miss the part where I said I have a gap in my two front teeth? That also contributes to my ugliness
>>159325I think you're right, since my sister is skinnier than me and her double chin is just as bad as mine
>>159316Um no, its me
No. 159784>>159785>>159812>>166527
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I have times where I feel like i'm average to somewhat pretty, but then I feel like I'm literally the biggest pile of shit to walk on the face of the earth. I'm filipino, (Not the pretty filipino you see in Ms. Universe or something, the average troll faced, and musty nosed filipino) I'm constantly paranoid that people who compliment my looks are actually just pitying me or just people trying to hype me up, and I feel like my personality is the one of the only things that compensate people leaving me. I don't know whats genuine or not anymore, and I kind of wished i was white. Are people pitying me and only feeding my false sense of reality or am I just average. I feel like guys only talk to me because I'm oblivious to peoples intentions, and I'm afraid people who treat me too nice on the street are only doing it because I'm easy to kidnap or something. I will never know how I look like to other people and I'm afraid people are lying to me.
No. 159785>>159788>>159789
>>159784Okay anon there's a lot to unpack in this post but let me just tell you this
>I kind of wished i was whiteBeing white does not automatically
make you pretty. Being Filipino does not automatically make you ugly. Stop it with this incel-tier white supremacy garbage.
Your insecurity is what's going to drive you away from people, not your looks. I know this is the ugly people thread so I sympathize if you're genuinely ugly but it sounds like you're getting a lot of positive attention that ugly people normally wouldn't. It really sounds like you're just extremely self-conscious. Like you said you're probably just average and upset you don't look like a Miss Universe 24/7. You sound young, so I'm hoping you'll grow out of it.
No. 159847>>159848
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>>159841Lol, while people have been persecuted in the past, too. Example - Irish immigrants in America.
(racebait) No. 159851>>159872
>>159828I'm irish and I remember my mom would make me sit in the sun for hours in the summer and shout at me when I wanted to stop because I would burn.
All that really did in my case was make me reject alot of beauty standards as being BS. I'm now stubbornly against changing my appearance and I blame those arguments for setting that off in me. I was way too young to be having that shite pushed on me. I still don't tan, I dont dye, I don't do make up. And weirdly that was the one blip where a usually caring mom ripped my confidence to bits berating me over a load of nothing. It repeated every summer with her telling me she was embarrassed over how I looked 'sickly' FFS mam nearly everyone here is pale anyway. It's a non issue.
No. 159877>>159878>>159882>>159889
Being a white girl with a mother that forced you to get tans is almost the same as being a chubby girl whose mom puts her on a diet, it's abuse in the name of beauty standards that quite frankly most kids don't care about any ways but it can never compare to being brown and having being brought up to be taught that you're uglier than your more white-passing relatives and siblings, your parents, your grandparents, your aunties and uncles, your cousins, and everyone you know has the same mindset that you're ugly and evil, you'll never the bad treatment you'd get because of the deep-rooted self hate that they project on you, and the kids at school and strangers outside aren't any kinder either, the tv, magazines, comics, dolls… everything is telling you that you're ugly, the nicknames aren't snowman and vampire and stuff that can be twisted to be cool, you'd be called shit, slave, and all sorts of ugly names that no kid should deal with, and you can't fix this by just getting tanner or losing weight, even the skin bleaching creams your mom made you use at the young age of 8 don't don't fix it, it's a mentality that you can never fully heal from and it's painful to deal with because it is so deep down in your own self consciousness that formed in your early years of life.
It's okay if you don't understand but don't pretend that you have it hard too because you don't. people being racist against your people 100 years ago isn't the same as people being racist against you 100 years ago until today. Even with all the woke movements and campaigns you still can't compare, campaigns always reek of colourism and favouritism to those who are mixed or/and were brought up middle class and talk and behave like white people, brown people who aren't light skinned, aren't mixed, aren't middle class, and don't behave and dress white enough are still pretty much hated.
I'd like to pretend that I'm fully over it but I can only try, every now and then I'd have low moment and wish that I was a little less brown.
No. 159889>>159890
>>159877Nta but my mom was really hard on me growing up in this regard. She told me I had the fat genetics, and would have to work to stay fit or I’d look like my obese relatives.
I was hardly ever allowed to experiment with my own fashions, and when I did they were made fun of.
If we were going out in public, she’d make me change my face multiple times, as well as hair - “at least put on some mascara you look sick” “wash it off it looks awful” “wear some concealer” but then I’d get ridiculed for not applying it properly or not having the right shade. This started around 13yo and got progressively worse until I moved out.
She and my father insisted I attempted to tan, despite burning badly in the sun and they still ridicule me when I put on sunscreen at 25yo.
If I had snacks before dinner my dad and brother would ridicule me, dad calling me lunchbox and my brother would tell me I had jiggly thighs in shorts. I was never chubby or overweight, even.
I had a mole on my face that kids bullied me for, and so my brother started calling me the names they called me at home. My therapist had to push my parents to let me have it removed after years of bullying and trauma that continued even in my own home.
My brother, who’s 21 now, still “jokingly” tells me I’m hideous, makeup won’t help, and that I’m disgusting looking. Sometimes with a straight face he’ll tell me I’m worthless. My parents laugh this behavior off, always have
I’m at least smart enough to realize other friends and boyfriends have never thought that of me, and that he’s wrong, but he’s still
abusive towards me about my looks despite my not being bad looking at all (which took years of seeking validation in unhealthy,
toxic ways for me to realize)
All of this shit really stuck with me in adulthood, I still can’t leave the house without makeup, still struggle with disordered eating, and developed extreme body dysmorphia, anorexia, and OCD with things like skincare as a result when I entered adulthood, which landed me in the hospital a few times.
No. 159890>>159891
>>159889Oof, and I almost forgot one of the most influencing forms of bullying on their part.
My dad, who’s opinion has always meant the world to me, would tell me as a teen that I was going to age poorly, that I looked too old for my age, he’d make backhanded comments about my thin hair and how I’d be bald at 30, about how my skin would be like leather at a young age because my mom insisted I wear makeup, and so on.
As if all of the above wasn’t bad enough…
No. 159891>>159892
>>159890This is becoming such a diary post, but they really fucked me up and I wasted my youth feeling hideous as a result. I’m terrified of approaching 30, for gods sake, and felt too old at 18. As soon as 24yo my brother and father began insisting I’m basically 30.
For the record, my 21 year old brother has skin issues, is balding, and looks 35, but I’m the one who’s torn apart endlessly
No. 159960
>>159855 and i'm not even white i'm biracial lol. Just got the pale genes. But thanks for the education i guess…
No. 160246>>160429
>>160213Do your nose job first since it's covered by insurance. You don't need all those skin procedures jfc, do your skincare routine diligently and order a dermaroller online, then see if you still need them all.
And to all the dumb asses here thinking about fillers, have fun with autoimmune disorders, and ending up looking like taytay, in 10 years. They don't dissolve fully even when you get them dissolved, they shift in the face instead. Get a fat transfer instead if you want to fill undereyes.
No. 164453
>>164449>If you're really ugly, grow your hair to be super long that turns every ugly girl from a 2 to 5 real quick.No way, long hair requires proper care and maintenance in order to look good. If someone is ugly and not used to styling it they will look unkempt with long hair. And idk what you mean by 'super long' but the religious horse girl length hair is a horrible look on everyone.
But ia otherwise, those things should be sufficient to make most people look presentable. Clear skin, good teeth, fit/slim body and healthy hair should be priorities.
No. 164467>>164605>>164608
>>164449I wouldn't say good teeth is something everybody is capable of, do you know how expensive veneers/implants/braces are?
It's cheap to diet/shower etc. but good teeth is more than just brushing them for some people.
No. 164605
>>164467Nta but in my opinion good teeth isn’t straight super white teeth just teeth that don’t have visible decay and are brushed regularly.
On that note I honestly never felt bad about the crookedness of my teeth until I said I felt ugly one day and my friends mom said I look ok and would be beautiful if I just got braces. Like wow, thanks I guess. Literally was fine with my teeth before that
No. 166529
>>166520If you're not sure - and if you were sure you wouldn't seek the ways to confirm or deny it - it means you're definitely not ugly. Do NOT put your photo of any of these "rate me" places, people there go out of their way to be excessively harsh and mean; also beauty is subjective.
And also who gives a fuck what scrotes think; you know it's all scrotes in these places.
No. 170479
>>170463I hatewatch a couple of deathfats and follow their threads on other sites. I see people bashing those women and their double chins day in and day out. They just never get tired of a good chin joke. The same profiles are making the same chin comments on repeat for months so its weird to read and makes me question if mine is enough to knock about 5 points off my looks? ouch lol
I'm thin so just blessed with bad chin genes. I feel average overall but it sure is a flaw people love to get nasty about.
No. 170797>>170981>>170989
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My face is extremely asymmetrical. I know everyone has this at some level, but my one eye and eyebrow look like they're melting off my face. The corner of my mouth is also lower on that side. Can you have a stroke without knowing it cause ???? Why am I so droopy? I try to hide it with glasses and I guess it's not as noticeable in person, but I never ever take pictures. I look so deformed.
What can I even do? I guess I could shave the bottom of the eyebrow and fill in the top, but my eye? Not sure what I could do. It doesn't help that I also have hooded eyes. Fuck.
No. 170981>>170989
>>170797I have the same thing, it's caused by small palate/misaligned jaw/other imbalances in the body like one hip higher than the other. A stroke you would lose feeling in your face.
Wish I just had a straight up deformity, symmetry is THE universal beauty standard.
I wear glasses that start just below my eyebrows, and pluck my brows so they're more even, then fill in the top of the lower one to bring it up.
Have bangs on the higher side to make it seem more heavy, and hair that curls into the jaw to hide diff levels.
You can line your upper eye's waterline with white to make it seem lower. Conceal the eyebag of your lower eye only. I wouldn't do anything more for makeup because it just accentuates asymmetry no matter what style.
No. 170989
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>>170797>>170981i have something very similar but on a pretty mild scale, like pic related but a little more mild. idk how to even describe my eyes but my eyelids are unmatched, the left one is like triple eyelid creased and the right one is a normal double eyelid but it's very slightly hooded and gives it almost a boxier/ more basic round shape than the left one, which is the Chad Almond. literally only I ever notice it and makeup isn't an issue so i don't think they're like hooded hooded, but my right eye looks (to me) like its a millimeter lower than the left and it just gives me stroke vibes
I know some people have ptosis which could explain it, but the last dentist i had told me i had a slightly off bite/ malocclusion which one anon mentioned. she said I could get it fixed but there were a lot of extra steps and a whole other orthodontist involved and the crossbite was mild and not effecting my health so i was like fuck it, too much effort. now that I aged out of my insurance I couldn't get it done anyway but I wonder how much that kind of thing could potentially straighten my face or even out my features.
tbh i think the occlusion happened because my teeth have changed shape from all the years of grinding in my sleep and EDs. which makes me sad if this happened because of something i 100% could have prevented by being more responsible.
>>170985I want to respond to this with something along the lines of "you don't cope because it's fake" but i'm mid twenties so i can't exactly speak from experience
No. 171475>>171480>>171483
>>114320Would it be right to leave what I like to become more "feminine"? I hate female things, like jewelry, clothes, makeup, hairstyle, these things. I'm really sloppy, ugly, fat… I think i'm a horrible person, but… I like comfortable things and I don't care so much about my appearance, no matter how much I know this is a problem, but… I've been a
victim of "bullying" and this has been a problem for me. And i'm a adult… This thing doesn't hurt like when I was teenager, but… It's a little… uncomfortable.
So… Would it be right for me to forget what I like to be more feminine and the people stop annoying me?
No. 171480
>>171475I'm the same way, dressing up just feels like a chore and exercise in humiliation. It just looks cringey to put in effort in your appearance if you're ugly. But after a certain age you're seen as stupid and odd for not looking feminine, though.
You can just get around this by having a "uniform" at work/school. I wear black pants and any blouse, do an easy hairstyle (steam rollers every few days), and got thick glasses to hide my eyebags. There's plenty of low effort styles.
No. 171483>>171490>>171574>>171585
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>>171475There's no "right" or "wrong" in a situation like this. Try it out for some time and then reflect if you prefer to present yourself that way. Honestly, you don't need to go full on stereotypical feminine, wear baddie makeup, spend hours styling your hair, wearing dresses, etc.
If you want to be comfortable and maybe look more "put together" I'll suggest you to have a healthy and clean looking skin and hair with skin/haircare. As long as you hair isn't frizzy/dry/oily, you're more than good.
You don't need to wear a ton of makeup either, you can curl your eyelashes (carefully) and put on some transparent gel (like the one from Maybelline) on your lashes and brows. Maybe put on some cream blush, tinted lipbalm and a nude color eyeshadow if you want to, those types of products don't feel heavy on your skin at all. Or you can look up "natural looks" like picrel (skip the castor oil, ew)
And regarding clothes, the classic, minimalistic style always look good and it's very comfortable because the clothes aren't tight or short, anything like that. Just make sure they are well fitted on you and you'll look amazing.
Don't stress over jewelry, maybe try some small, classic, quality earrings and you'll be set. Also smell good, wear a perfume you enjoy, it doesn't have to be super strong and sweet. You can check the fragances, clothes, makeup and hair threads here! I'm kind of on the same page as you and this is what has worked for me but seriously, if you don't like this at all don't put yourself through such a misery and fuck anyone who tells you anything, just do you
No. 173380
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>>173339I dunno what you're talking about I've never seen that (except some delusional men). The truly ugly ppl know it and don't post photos.
No. 173710>>173728
>>173311Kek I love it when people treat ugly ppl like shit but then get personally offended when we show the mental illness they they caused in the first place.
I only do basic hygiene and wear baggy clothes, it's easiest to just not think about my appearance at all. Much better than agonizing over flaws, wasting money, and being made fun of for being delusional and try hard.
No. 173728>>173738
>>173710Wear ugly clothes if you want, the same "fuck others" principle applies. I was offering another perspective to the anon claiming that wearing nice clothes will make it worse since op seemed interested in putting effort for herself.
On another note, what do you think about an ugly and unkempt woman that abuses everyone around her, especially the one bleeding heart retard that tries to be her friend? Is it justified by previous bad experiences, or should she get over herself and seek therapy ASAP?
Have any of you also met such a person? I sincerely hope none of you are like this
No. 173738>>173767
>>173728Uh sounds like that's just your personal problem, most ugly women I know of just want to be left alone, or are desperate to have friends.
Anyone who uses their mental illness to be
abusive is a shitty person.
No. 173767>>173825
>>173738>Uh sounds like that's just your personal problemLuckily I have left this person in my past, but this thread accidentally reminded me of her. Mostly when the other anon said
>I love it when people treat ugly ppl like shit but then get personally offended when we show the mental illness they they caused in the first placebecause that's the kind of justification my ex colleague had for treating everyone like shit ('people bullied me in the past and I'm forever alone so I will take it out on everyone and if you don't like me being a cunt, that's YOUR problem'). She was a horrible person that should have gotten actual therapy, but I somehow doubt that.
Somehow I had managed to meet an actual female incel in the wild, and I don't even believe that they exist as a societal phenomenon kek.
Anyway I'm glad you don't think being an
abusive POS is the right cope for being (or feeling) ugly.
No. 176024
>>175355I don't even know if I'd say I'm truly ugly but I've always been low maintenence and kind of butch in my expression, which doesn't do me any favors. I'm read as gay sometimes and I know alot of people (esp men) view short haired women as almost automatically ugly. I've had two long term male partners though. I'm usually fine looking the way I do but when me and my last partner ran into his brother one day and I got spontaneously introduced… I panicked that the brother would be judging me or thinking my bf had shit taste in women. I know for a fact that when my bf was introduced to my family he wasn't panicking about purely being judged off appearances. I really felt it in that moment though and I hate how much I knew my value would be judged off of that.
I had the same with a previous bf, I dressed way more feminine when invited to events like his dads 50th. It wasn't very 'me' and I felt uncomfortable but again I thought it was my job as a woman to look nice otherwise they'd potentially talk shit to him about his choice of partner. That's the only time I really give in to those pressures, when meeting the family.
No. 177197
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Abi if you ever find this thread, know that we love you and that you've never done anything wrong.
No. 177416
>>177415Samefag but I need to vent. Aside from acne I have: small, deep set eyes with very dark pigment under (im white) mild rosacea, making my nose and cheeks red (wouldn’t be so bad on it’s own but I also have severe acne) a long midface, large forehead, thick masculine browbone, mono brow, huge nose (that is at least straight and thin but looks very rat-like from the side) no top lip, no shape to the Cupid’s bow. A large head in general. Chin sticks out like a witches chin. Thick heavy set masculine jaw. Dark hair meaning I get sideburns and a moustache that i bleach regularly. Inverted triangle figure, wide shoulders, fat arms, nice breasts and stomach (always appreciate the good) flat hank hill chicken bum, really severely ugly vagina with a huge vulva that looks like testicles and skin tags around anus, ugly crusty toes and feet.
I have nice long, thick light brown hair that I get compliments on sometimes, but it’s very difficult to manage and looks cavewoman-y. I looks max by wearing very gaudy patterned, feminine clothes with flowy a line skirts to hide my inverted triangle figure, lots of eye makeup to make them look bigger and always have hair done.
No. 177471>>177473
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>>177412I'm also a hairy brown girl with light skin and yet dark body hair. You gotta unlearn the pathologisation of your own body hair. It was a bit interesting for me to see that, during the Qajar dynasty's rule, monobrows (which I have) were considered pretty, alongside vague upper lip hairs, to my understanding.
No. 179603>>179607>>179609>>179892
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>normal sort of ugly
Is that a thing now? Lul
No. 179616>>179747>>184298
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>>179607>>179609You can lose weight and still look average-ugly in some cases…
No. 179636>>179849
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>>179615Melanie Gaydos is a great example of something like what you're saying, she inspires many artists with her look, I remember years ago when media started writing about her there were a lot of voices it's just a novelty people will soon forget but she's still working as a model. But I guess it kinda helps that even though her face is deformed her body is still very conventionally attractive.
No. 179747
>>179616And even if you do lose weight you're not guaranteed that you'll lose weight in the right places. Like apple shaped bodies, you need to work out constantly to have a very low body fat %, so your stomach doesn't get big.
In some cases being fat can make it better, people focus on the fat and not the ugly face, there's still an illusion of 'shes not totally ugly, she's just lazy'.
No. 179892>>179939>>184298
>>179603bottom right is considered ugly?? she's not gorgeous or anything but i'd consider her slightly above average and could possibly better with better makeup
damn if she's ugly how fucking ugly am i lol
No. 179939>>179970
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>>179892I think Instagram and filters are raising the bar for what is considered average or slightly ugly in general
No. 180041>>180045>>180047>>180048
>>180018more like it accidentally came out when we were joking around. She was bemoaning about not having a bf and how men befriend fat women only to get access to their hotter friends but she "doesn't even have any hot friends!". She noticed what she said after I started acting awkward and said "Not that I think you are ugly" and added right after "but you aren't that cute either". lol
But tbh I got over myself and now I think it's just a case of different tastes. She send me a photo of a girl she finds ugly, I think she is cute. She thinks Timothee Chalamet is the hottest guy around, I think he is a rat.
No. 180048
>>180041I'm glad you didn't let it hit your self-esteem, but you should realize her saying "you aren't that cute either" is a big asshole move on her part. Like
>>180047 said it sounded like she was trying to hurt your self-esteem, because how dare you even think for a second you might be cute? Idc if it's a joke, it's fucking disrespectful.
No. 180052
i slowly stopped wearing makeup after the quarantine, i was average, maybe slightly below average in highschool and hated my face and body in general, i started dressing more and more feminine in uni and got better at makeup, i started drawing more attention and getting compliments, since i wasnt used to this type of attention before i got super dependent on makeup to the point where i wouldnt go to the supermarket without winged eyeliner, i felt hideous barefaced and never took pictures without makeup, during quarantine i just stopped caring and rarely wore makeup outside, now for the first time in my life im starting to like my face and ive been taking pictures with no makeup, i still feel more confident with makeup/dressed up because i experience a drastic difference in how people treat me with and without it and i unfortunately internalize that, but i personally like my face as it is and feel more comfortable in my skin without makeup and that makes me happy
No. 183992>>184062
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thoughts on whatever happened here? i read this and tbh kind of surprised so many women agree with the "men will have sex with you no matter what" stuff
No. 184062
>>183992Someone else in there said it best, low quality men would. I don't know where I stand on this honestly since men see everything in such a sexual light (hatefucking, levying sex as punishment to those who personally offend him, being the majority perpetrators of sexual violence against women, animals, and other men) they can envision themselves penetrating anything with even active disgust fueling a temporary, taboo, attraction.
While I think men have no qualms expressing how unattractive they think a woman is, they aren't as put off to fucking her as they'd say. It's circumstance and men don't hold out as long. If the male friend was without for a long time it probably would've been a yes. Even average and attractive men sleep with ugly girls because they can easily denounce or mistreat them.
Leaning a bit to yes but the onus isn't on the women. Men would literally use anything as a fleshlight but that doesn't mean the woman is "pulling" here
No. 184298
>>179616The top right girl is so pretty. Calling her ugly or average makes no sense to me. Her skin tone, eyebrows, eyes and eyeliner, makeup application in general, cute nose, hair, face shape and even the little earring (so everything lmao) are someone with above average features/styling. The only flaw is she doesn't have plastic surgery I guess? What the fuck?
>>179892Some of the girls are just inserted for not being stick thin or having terrible makeup.
No. 184338>>184341
>>184294When Medusa was punished for being raped she was "stripped of her beauty" so that men would be repulsed by her and see her as unrapable. This is illustrated by how she had an appearance that would turn approaching men to stone.
Women, in the other hand, have a much easier time understanding that the "punishment" was a gift to help protect Medusa from men. This was bestowed upon her by a Goddess surrounded by moid gods she knew would be too stupid a male brained to understand that what she was doing was far from a punishment.
I often think about this when I read women posting about how changing their appearance saves them the trouble of having to deal with weirdos. I stretched my ears, which isn't by any means a big or noticeable thing, but one thing that did change for me is that less old weird men hit on me, and that's a win in my books
No. 190841
>>185182I have the same thing, I'm sorry, it sucks. Make sure you don't have tmj, maybe do some myofacial excercises. Haven't tried them yet myself bc I'm scared they won't work and I'd be trapped with the face of a f'ing stroke
No. 195597>>202163
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i have unusually long arms and a long neck. i feel like i either look like a giraffe or similar to those funny monkeys, see picrel. there's not much i can do about it, that's why it's pissing me off so much when i see a picture someone else took of me. when i ask my mom she says i look normal, but i just know my proportions are fucked
No. 195600
>>190834I have an “ugly” friend from college. She wasn’t even funny, a bit of an autist actually, part of why we got a long I suppose. It makes me feel at ease to be around someone who can joyously spergs about stuff. I always have a good time shooting the shit with her.
Though I could tell outside of close friends, she does have a people pleaser complex. Sometimes she’d get the treatment you get but sometimes she’s naturally well liked because people, for better or worse, let their guards down around her. It depends on how lucky you are with your environment I think.
No. 196624
>>190834I know quite a few, just in my class there's one who is funny and nerdy girls like her a lot, one has good fashion sense, is confident and dresses kinda edgy despite being a butterface, third one is nice and could be pretty if she tried but acts kind of autistic and doormat-y.
The third one is the only one people don't like, she legitimately either gets ignored or people are cold towards her. I can't explain it but she has severe Lillee Jean syndrome, she's not
that ugly on her own but her mannerisms, facial expressions and fashion sense make her look extremely home schooled and sad. I can tell she notices how people treat her, but that just makes her more desperate to be liked, which repels people even more.
No. 202163
>>195597Your proportions aren't fucked, you just haven't found your niche. You need to take up swimming, with those oars of yours, and streamlined torpedo neck you have a shot at the 2024 olympics! Go for gold
No. 205885
As someone who grew up ugly, and felt ugly in adulthood despite growing out of some parts of the ugliness… if it’s an option for you guys… Get plastic surgery.
I have gotten several procedures on the features that were holding me back, like my wide bulbous nose which was the worst offender. Also got blepharoplasty, started retinol, curology, lost weight, and enhanced some features with fillers. Also got lip blushing and micro blading.
It’s fucking life changing. I feel like I’m free. I finally feel cute. my real personality is finally out, which is confident and bubbly. Before, I felt like I was too ugly to have that big personality that I was restraining.
And people are so much nicer to me. I resent that people are nicer if you’re cute, but it is what it is. It’s a fact of life I can’t change, and I want to just enjoy the rest of my life. I’m tired of the suffering and just wanted to finally take shit into my own hands.
If you have any questions lmk. Everyone deserves to like what they see in the mirror.
No. 205895>>205909
>>204891I'm the anon you were responding too, and you just described me. I know i'm ugly and I know when I re-enter the world all the ugliness I spat at people because I'm ugly, depressed and didn't care about myself will come back to me. I do wish I couldn't care, as much as I rag on Shayna or TIMs, I admire the lack of "Not giving a fuck" they have.
I want that. I sometimes wish I could say shit and not care, I wish I could be one of those unattractive girls with a heart of gold who talked her shit but didn't let anything get to them.
I feel like I attract scrotes in particular who know I feel bad about myself and I know women who are unattractive but have such an amazing aura, they attract all kinds of people.
I just want to be a better person, I want to not feel happiness when something goes wrong for someone, because I feel like shit. I don't want to be what I am, I'm trying and I know it'll never be enough to undo the years of shit I talked about other women. I don't think I deserve anything good. It's hard to not go back into, "You are a bad ugly person who deserves nothing, because you've said bad ugly things"
I wish I could undo it all. I'm sorry.
No. 206015>>206021
>>206010I feel you. Common courtesy is too much for men when it comes to ugly women, they resent their presence and make it known.
I put effort into my appearance mostly because of it. It's kinda like a carrot/stick thing, I don't care about the carrot (male attention, validation, compliments etc) but I'm scared af of the stick (being treated like shit just because of my looks).
No. 206021
>>206015I was manning a booth at a job fair and the way some guy looked at me and said he doesn't want to talk to
me, he wants to talk to my male coworker instead, made me feel like shit. He looked so annoyed, like I was the most disgusting thing in the world. I don't care about that asshole but I do want a crumb of common politeness and courtesy instead of that.
The only thing that hurts more is when women look down on me in the same way. It feels like high school bullying all over again.
No. 206035>>206036>>206038
>>114320the realest answer is to try and get conventionally attractive yourself.
i have had 3 brain surgeries (3 big nasty ugly scars on my head) and had hairtransplants which fell out. so i rock a shaved head and got myself implants. i also lost weight and got into weightlifting.
i may not be the prettiest, but i damn sure look good. if theres anything good to patriarchy, its the fucking plastic surgeries. use it to your advantage.
No. 206084
I tried out photofeeler, was actually surprised that I rate lower than I thought I did. I always rated myself a 4/10, but the average of my photofeeler tests (used my best pics) was a 3/10. On one hand, Ouch. on the other, I already knew I was subaverage, now I just have confirmation so I don’t have to keep wondering. Also, I love statistics and graphs so the site is very interesting.
As for plastic surgery, as a teen I wanted it, but nowadays I can’t justify it for 3 reasons:
1) it costs insane amounts of $$$
2) it could easily be botched
3) if I have children, they’ll have my features through genetics anyway. Might as well just be authentic so they don’t feel like they came out fucked up for no reason, lol
I’m ugly, but I’m a valuable person in other ways. Beauty is certainly part of the equation, but it’s not everything. Look at how many ugly but successful scrotes there are out there who get their feet kissed by the masses all the time. I conduct & think about myself like one of those guys, even if society won’t ever grant me that treatment as an ugly woman. That’s not my problem.
No. 206105
>>202209Don't moids literally have a server dedicated to looksmaxxing called lookism where they all sperg out about what surgeries they need lmfao?
Nice try dipshit.
No. 207549>>207946
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>>207104I'm one of the anons who think she's cute, lol.
No. 208918>>208928
Being poor, depressed and fugly is truly a triple curse. I wish I was rich and depressed, but pretty, or simply keep being poor and depressed but at least pretty. I'm so tired of being ugly. I lost the genetic lottery: Huge forehead, huge witch nose and chin, yellow teeth, quite noticeable facial asymmetry due to my fucked up teeth and jaw, huge fat cheeks even though I'm skinny, and hairy as fuck. I'm scared anons, lately all I've been thinking about is suicide. I feel so disgusting and unlovable, I'm so sad and I don't know how to deal with these intense feelings of self hatred. Even looking at pretty girls on social media with small noses and slim, symmetrical faces triggers me, it makes me want to harm myself. I'm so sorry you just had to read this, I don't know how to cope with it. I don't think I could ever love myself or be loved by someone else. I'm lost.
No. 208928
>>208918I'm sorry you have to go through this, anon. Firstly, stop looking at "pretty girls on social media". You don't want to make your situation worse. Plus, a lot of them don't look quite like that irl, they either use makeup/editing or have actually had procedures to look the way they do. Secondly, start saving some money to actually fix your teeth and jaw. Make it a priority, give yourself a purpose! Thirdly, consider some therapy or at least buy some self help books, if you can't afford therapy. Fourthly, try to built a personal style - clothing, makeup etc - there's people who can teach you this things, either for free on YouTube, or you can pay someone. And make it a purpose, a goal to reach, it will help you immensely with your depression! Good luck!
No. 208956>>208970>>208979>>208993>>208999>>209007>>209011>>209052
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I have always wanted to be tall, slender, ethereal and elegant but instead my body is built like pic related due to Jew/Slavic genes and my face is similar to those old 1800s women too. Makes me depressed every day and I seethe with jealousy at beautiful models and actresses with the body and facial features that I desire.
No. 208999
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>>208956Anon those features are elegant imo and the fact that they were the beauty standard for quite the long time in our documented history should tell you as much. My profile looks like this and I was really insecure about it when I was younger, but with time I noticed how well represented it is in art from all kinds of periods and honestly it helped me not perceive myself as unusual and wonky. It's a normal humans face. And so is yours.
No. 209052
>>208956I have a similar body and while I relate to some of the things other anons are saying (I also wish I could come off more androgynous and elegant, and that I didn't feel so stocky and short and… dwarven??? sometimes), I really enjoy the fact that I have nice thick thighs, wide hips, and a small waist. it gives you an automatic nice shape that a lot of women strive for. similarly, I think it's a very feminine body shape, and you can still be slender with it; with a shape like this, as long as you're relatively slim, your shoulders are still small and your wrists and arms are slender and thin. I hope you can feel better about it soon, anon - it really isn't an ugly body type to have, and you're still perfectly capable of having the slender, ethereal, beautiful kind of vibe you want to have.
No. 209210>>209212
I'm not ugly anymore since I grew out of puberty, but I make me look bad/frumpy on purpose because, as dumb as it sounds, I can't handle the double standards and how people finally treat me like a valuable human being just for how much I changed, it makes my inner ugly child cry, its not fair and it fills me with sadness. My old self went through a lot for being ugly, i used to get heavily bullied from elementary to highschool, people went sometimes too far just to remind me I wasn't a supposed to love myself, even my parents hated how I used to look so they compared me to other kids, I was also getting beaten by them all the time, is like the whole world wanted me to kill myself. Now that i look good the difference is abysmal, is like everyone but me is happy that "ugly, frumpy and fat" girl died: my parents treat me with respect, they have more patience with me even when I don't deserve it, they barely ground me or punish me anymore and this true to most adults I interact with. People automatically assume I'm competent and stable (the later is far from reality, I'm very unhinged but they just ignore it for some reason), people casually talk to me and don't mock me for being awkward/goofy. My old self was very kind, innocent, less toxic and with good intentions, she deserved this treatment not me, tbh I'm not the best person but people treat me a lot better, is gross and I hate it. To see people that once wanted to destroy your self-esteem praising and loving you like nothing happened is surreal, to be aware of how many nice things you weren't allowed to be and how fast people changed their perception is heartbreaking. We truly live in a society.
No. 210502
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I wish I could sometimes just copypaste features or even the entire face into mine. I can't believe that I have lost in every single aspect in life like damn god couldn't even indulge one fucking thing in my life? I am ugly, I look compressed due to my height of 5'3 and even shorter due to my fucking fat distribution, had a horrible fucking childhood and was beaten and abused my entire life and shit like that.I wish I could have been a pretty slavic woman with graceful, delicate and elegant features like Dasha Taran (picrel), Natasha Poly or Irina Shayk but instead I look like a fucking slavic goblin with a potato nose and horrible facial features that are absolutely not harmonious and make me look retarded. I wonder how it feels like to be called one of the prettiest of the entire country. I would give everything to look like a model or atleast a fucking attractive person. I have an extremly asymmetrical face with a wide face structure and extremly chubby cheeks despite being BMI 19 and extremly small hooded eyes with a huge crooked nose and small lips adding to this already horrible list I am the most unphotogenic person in existance. There is truly no fucking hope for me because I would never undergo surgery thanks to my extreme anxiety and paranoia of being and looking botched. I have cried countless nights and days just because I looked into the fucking mirror not only because of my face but because of my horrible body. Its gotten even worse because my hair began falling out due to my ED and me being anemic which makes me look fucking bald. Nonnies I really want to kill myself. Why couldn't I just be born pretty and tall? Why did I have to be cursed being ugly and the ugliest out of the entire family? My parents used to fit the beauty standard back in the day and my mom was really pretty. My younger brother looks so handsome and has a perfect facial structure and makes fun of me for being ugly ass fuck just like my parents. Why did I have to be fucking cursed? I can literally see the beauty and appeal in almost every single person I know or see on the streets, just not in myself and it hurts so fucking bad to know that I am truly ugly. I am so pathetic, I am even crying while typing this fucking mess out. Why do some people win in life so fucking much? Like how can you be born looking like a goddess, be good in school/uni, have good skin, be model height at 5'9, have a slim/lean hourglass body without exercise, the tiniest waist in existence, long slim legs, wide and round beautiful hips, perfect breasts, an extremly small face and a perfect hairline while being 100% healthy and being popular? I am not making that shit up, I am literally talking about a friend of mine and I shit you not she is literally perfect. I cannot name a single flaw about her. She is super nice, talented, has the greatest body and looks like a goddess, while being super popular and healthy. Why couldn't that be me? The only thing that is not good about her life are her divorced parents literally nothing else but that is fucking nothing compared to her genetic lotto win. I have faced so much fucking worse and I couldn't be indulged one fucking thing while she on the other hand gets to be treated and look like a fucking princess.I know this is so fucking toxic but I really don't care I just want to be fucking pretty for once in my life.
No. 210664>>210679>>211916
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feel like pure shit all the time because of my hideous race but more like ethnicity at this point. i am probably the weirdest race or rather ethnic mix in the world. moroccan indonesian my mother looks white though, extremely pale skin, tall nose, big eyes… etc. it seems i havent inherited any of those beautiful features and instead look identical to my father ( flat face, disgusting yellowy tan skin, horrible sparse eyebrows, hideous nose, slight overbite i noticed in caricatures of southeast asians this is always something they accentuate. i literally dont even look mixed whatsoever, i dont think you could mistake me for mixed, though i have been told by a handful of people that i look "confusing" or like "nothing" ( as in alien-like ).
i feel even worse knowing that my brother inherited all the traits deemed beautiful by people, white skin thick eyebrows and eyes full lips straight teeth good jaw… and he has gotten compliments his entire life meanwhile i have had children ( strangers and non-strangers ) teenagers and adults come up to me and tell me that i am ugly or hideous completely unprompted. its like i came out of a sitcom to be people's punchline. moreover, i have an androgynous face/body. i am average height ( actually a bit tall in my country, 153cm ) but am insanely curveless. i wouldnt even mind this if it wasnt for my complete absence of hips and short torso, i literally feel like even trannies look more feminine than me. and from what i've seen, they are, i have seen some with more natural curves than me with long torsos and not only that but i have been told by multiple boys when i was younger that i was even hairier than them.
i was already getting bullied for a) being a gook and b) looking like a man/ftm dyke but for some reason in middle school i had the bright idea of hacking all my hair off which not only made me look hideous but made me more manly. everywhere i went NOBODY assumed i was a girl even though i put on girly accessories like hello kitty pink necklaces hairclips bracelets ETC. i think they just assumed i was a retarded faggot. my dad's boss even refused to call me a girl ( he outright said it ) i dont think he believed i was TBH. and so now when i wear cute clothes i feel like people see me as a tranny and sometimes i wonder if i was actually intersex and had some surgery as a baby and they just didnt tell me.
i wish i at least had cute full lips like beabadoobee or whatever her name is ( probably more examples but i dont go on social media a ton so i dont know any ) but mine are unflatteringly small.
the only thing i thought i had going for me was my short stature but i didnt go out a lot and now that i have to i noticed that i am taller than even some men.
i dont know what to do, i have 0 things going for me at this point i think i should just rope
sage for double posting i removed some stuff, i hope thats okay.
No. 211773>>211782>>211987>>211995>>212199>>273135>>273247
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anybody else the ugly sister/twin in their family? picrel is from a tiktok that highlights how the less attractive sister is treated like garbage next to the pretty one. my sister is skinny, well-liked and has beautiful facial features and I am an ugly lump that nobody notices.
No. 211782>>211918
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>>211773Imo is worse when you're the ugly twin because, even though you and your sister are essentially "identical" people still treat you worse which makes you think what tiny details people are seeing in your
face that causes that reaction, i used to be very obsessed about it, maybe we have the same features but not the same proportions? I've a a slightly larger nose and a wider jaw.
No. 211987
>>211773I have experienced many awkward and humiliating moments because of this. She's an extrovert 8/10 while I'm a shy (well, not anymore) 4/10.
Fortunately she is older, so we have different social circles, and I am the smartest. Each has her own personality and specificity, it avoids comparing.
No. 212199
>>211773i'm the skinny one but with hideous facial features and
darker skin and the differences in treatment, especially by family members, is very obvious.
No. 216305>>216307
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>kissless virgin
>spend entire high school career overshadowed by hot friend
>whatever, not really into dating at the time anyways
>graduate, she goes off to uni while i stay a community collegecel, friendship dissolves
>finally bring guy over to house
>show him some photos from high school
>"who's that chick in the photo, anon? she's super hot. like insanely hot. seriously."
will the pain and suffering ever end?
No. 221039>>221055>>221065>>221100>>221102>>221603>>221609
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>>221037She’s literally a walking exaggeration of all the worst Windsor features
No. 221076>>221106
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>>221065>she's ugly as sinWell think about it, missy
No. 221102>>221106>>221623
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>>221039I always think she's ugly as fuck, but the media make us to look at her like she's so special and beutiful.
No. 221106
>>221102That's why I picked her as the lukewarm, borderline type of ugly. Of course there's worse
>>221076 but her looks type is around the mark where you probably got bullied a bit growing up and overlooked by guys as a legitimate crush (and only talked to you to get their dick wet), maybe had hard insecurities, and only got insincere compliments. Her status of course changes things, but I was just drawing a line for where "ugly" treatment would begin due to my own experiences and observation.
No. 221777>>221791>>221795>>221814>>221815
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>>221773I saw the video on kendall jenner's transformation and it's fucking remarkable how much she improved
if only I was a millionaire with access to the best organic food, the best personal trainers, doctors and surgeons, mansions on tropical paradise islands with pristine air and a lifestyle full of pleasure adventure, sex and validation and barely any stress. She has one of the most euphoric lives a human being could possibly have
No. 222842>>222847
>>221980First time I see a man being so lucid about a woman's condition.
We notice it with the incels, each time they speak about the feminine condition they speak of beautiful or normal women. They can't even imagine an ugly woman.
No. 269950
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Any of you managed to end up in relationship with someone considered attractive? How do you cope knowing you're not in that person's league? I feel like the obvious answer would be to be proud that even being ugly I'm in some way this much better than anyone hotter but every time I'm reminded of that I just feel insecure and afraid of impending doom of being abandoned for one of these many better people. Any advice / similar story to share?
No. 269970>>269977>>269980

>>269964i feel the same way, especially when i was a teenager. it was to the point where i was overeating and taking herb powder mix number 35658365 meant to make you gain weight. iirc some was even from brazil. i am from north africa, so the "beauty standard" i guess you could say is very big and voluptuous with hips wider than the shoulders and breasts large enough to feed a village's worth of babies. even a famous song from here has lyrics saying "i want her to be a size 38" ( waist ). not hating on that body type in fact i was so incredibly jealous of it when i was younger especially seeing every girl in my class develop into a beautiful woman and me developing 0 curves looking the exact same as i did before puberty. this one is on me for being sensitive but one time my neighbor who was my age met me on the rare times i stepped outside and the moment she walked away i ran back to my house to cry because she looked so mature and womanly and i looked so ugly and doorlike in comparison. it sounds ridiculous and i wouldnt believe me either but i really was deeply insecure on top of already being a crybaby.
people were calling me a tranny or genuinely thought i was an effeminate faggot when i was younger because i had the bright idea of getting a pixie cut in the midst of that. to compensate i started wearing millions of layers underneath my clothes
specifically two pairs of thick leggings underneath my jeans. this was to make my legs look thicker and not skeletal. for the top, a camisole and a shirt then a turtleneck with longsleeves with a band tshirt over it because i was emo, and then an unzipped oversized hoodie to conceal my figure makes me feel insane when people not from countries who prioritize curvaceousness pretend like every single country is like them striving for the kate moss body type or whoever is in right now because it just is not true at all. and they adamantly refuse and accuse me of victimizing myself when it is very much a reality. i know it sounds silly to them and i understand why they think the way they do because cultures are different and they were brought up differently than i was but i wish they would at least consider…
i embedded a video of a country close to mine, in this video they are shown pictures of models in magazines and one of the women said the following:
>for us this is not nice, a woman needs to fill her clothes>this one is like a skeleton ( about a model )>a woman needs to be a little fat>a man should be skinnysorry for the mucho texto this post hit close to home so i felt like writing something back as well. im sorry if i am incoherent or if any of this is word salad, i am not really thinking straight at the moment.
have a good day anon and anybody else reading this
No. 269980>>273145
>>269970>>269964Not trying to discount your experiences or trying to really disagree with you, but I think in many western countries being skinny isn't the be all end all. The ideal is a skinny woman who still manages to have big boobs and butt. The second best is a chubby woman with big boobs and butt. However if you just can't get big boobs for the life of you or aren't at least pearshaped and dainty, it's over. You're supposed to be skinny, without having any bones showing, so you have to have a very dainty skeleton and you can't be inverted triangle and you have to still have fleshy chest, butt and hips. Female family members used to give me strange foods to try to get my boobs to grow, but they never really grew. Meanwhile I saw every other girl suddenly get a massive chest. I'm not even that skinny, just shaped unfortunately, look bony fast due to big bones and it's enough for people to ask whether I have a genetic abnormality or to accuse me of being MtF when I tried to be feminine. Some anons maybe think that having an "athletic" bodytype is attractive, but to a lot of people it looks trannyish and underdeveloped. I don't want to gain fat, because it doesn't go to my hips or chest anyway, so I forcefeed myself and try to gain as much muscle as possible to fill in my massive skeleton and cover up the boniness. That is still ugly to most people, but at least it makes me look less unhealthy.
No. 270159
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>>270143Men still like that shit, but SSA women don't ime.
No. 272631
>>271703My heart breaks a little reading this. I'm so sorry
nonnie, I'm sure you looked lovely. And honestly shame on her.
No. 272653>>272665>>272786
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>>272650I feel that, anon. My breasts look pretty much exactly like those of this titty skittle popping moid… Actually, they're smaller than his. kek I know you've seen how much anons shit on trans titties and it makes me feel bad about myself by extension because mine are actually more shallow and uglier than this. If I posted my own torso, everyone here would definitely assume I'm an uwu twans woman. I hate it.
No. 272665>>272669>>272786
>>272653AYRT Are we the same person? You described mine exactly. Smaller than picrel and I have a boxy torso. When I get fat I look like an overweight teenage boy. They look like lizard eyes and there's a huge space between them. No cleavage whatsoever.
I think on the bright side though our breasts naturally sit lower than man boobs which are higher, at least that's what I saw someone say
No. 272669
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>>272665Yes, oh, fuck. I'm simultaneously glad to have found someone that can relate, but I feel bad for you too. My mom basically instilled her insecurities (small breasts) in me from as young as I can remember, so that's why I'm so focused on it. I'm not, like deformed I guess, but I can't even look at myself without a shirt or bra. Mine look like this from the side, and yeah, my torso is so wide, my breasts so shallow and far apart, there's no way for me to have cleavage and I feel disproportionate as fuck. There's other things I should probably be more insecure about, but all of my hate is really focused on my ugly breasts. It seems like the only thing setting me apart from trannies at this point is my more "feminine looking" nipples.
No. 273145
>>269980>I saw every other girl suddenly get a massive chestThis ruined me in middle and high school until I was able to realize how many girls truly stuffed their bra or wore push ups/multiple bras
im a lesbian and also experimented with girls throughout high school It was only like one or two girls who had large boobs naturally while maintaining skinniness, but even then once the bra came off their boobs would never meet standards set by porn. I could imagine it's even worse for younger girls now since wearing multiple bras is the new normal now
No. 280934
>>280917Nta but this makes me feel better. I hope for my sake that some people are just much better looking in motion than in pictures, because I relate to seeing a picture of myself on a night I thought I looked cute and having my expectations deflated.
One of my high school teachers once printed a group photo from a class field trip, and when she posted it up in the classroom, everyone complained about how ugly they looked. She told us (more empathetically than I can express over typing) that how you look in pictures is how you really look, and that everyone should learn to accept it. I guess up until then I held onto some copium that I was just particularly unphotogenic.
No. 280958>>280960>>280962>>281769>>281858
I'm actually very content and believe I cracked a code in my brain to feeling this way. The closer I got to becoming 30, the more I was satisfied with being ugly. I was cute as a teenager, and while it feels nice to be conventionally attractive, it's also hell to be chased and stalked by creepy, old men. Especially when they're your teachers, your father or your weird uncle. I started working out, eating a lot and lifting heavy through my 20s. I'm now big, bulky and butch. I wear no makeup. I hide no flaws. I can't remember the last time I was catcalled or given unwanted attention, and while I can tell people find me off-putting because of my Trunchbull-looking ass, I'm much happier and confident now. I think there's a certain freedom to not being conventionally attractive once you embrace it. My own standards for beauty have changed completely, and I'm never jealous of beautiful women. I almost want to protect them, knowing the shit they must endure from creepy men. I have a good personality, good friends and a husband who adores me. He's not much of a looker himself either, but he's my best friend and we love spending every moment together. I used to hide inside my house because I felt bad exposing my ugly self to the world, but now I'm just happy if my looks offend a scrote or gives comfort to a woman who might not be as at peace with herself.
No. 281858
>>280958Same here but without the husband. I've dated and been accepted as I am, never had a guy neg me over any aspect of it. They know what I'm like when they meet me so that instantly weeds out anyone who wants a certain look or dynamic that's just not me. I think the reason why no designated word exists for a straight woman embracing 'butchness' is because society overall just refuses to acknowledge it as a
valid choice outside of being gay or trans. A lil girl can call herself a tomboy but where's my grown up word for it at 30? I can't think of words that embrace those qualities in grown straight women. For now I say butch too but a whole seperate word would be nice if it existed and wasn't heavily associated with trans shit.
The weirdest thing for me is that I'm so many years into not worrying about this stuff anymore and every now and then people still assume you're competing with pretty women everywhere you go.. I've more hair on my legs rn than on my head. If I were competing would I choose this or would I act a lil different? I'm not saying feminine women all compete either but it's just proof of how people imagine catfights and jealousy where there's none.
No. 289190>>290677
>>288256Yes, this realization recently hit me because I'd never looked at my childhood photos before until very recently when helping my mom clean house. I definitely got smacked hard with the ugly stick at puberty, I developed an incredibly unflattering body type and my chin got very masculine and my nose got wonky. It seemed immediate. 9th birthday pics very cute. 11th birthday, wtf what happened? By 12 and 13… Jesus christ. I guess I thought I was always ugly, it kinda feels worse knowing otherwise lol
It felt like I had finally gotten over my looks a few years ago, like so what I'm a cool person and who cares, but this year it's been bothering me again and I think I never really made my peace with it but just ignored it.
I don't know if therapy will help, I've tried it before a few times but they want to focus on other shit and refer me to psychiatrists for a thousand shit meds, whereas I believe my looks are my sole self esteem problem, thus depression, thus anxiety, etc. But I don't really know. Certainly not coping well with it lately.
No. 290677
>>289190I'm in the same position, with my looks being my main issue. If you don't want therapy you can try to manage on your own with free stuff online. I've been using the workbooks on this site for self esteem and tolerating distress. It helps, to a certain extent. They have one for body dysmoprhia which I haven't started yet. don't know if I will ever get over being ugly or learn to accept it but what do I have to lose by trying?
No. 290782
>>290744advice who literally was there in my college days: maybe phase away from photo taking and getting into situations where you show others your photos, and maybe ease off of meeting people that are that interested in your looks + rating you. you should be avoiding situations that encourage yourself to put your looks under a magnifying glass. think this: what if you got super lucky and found someone that didn't mind you? do you understand the likelihood it'd backfire on you because you'd be so relieved that you'd probably ignore certain red flags or be easier to manipulate–which I've seen constantly with other women that are extremely insecure yet seek out these situations…idk if they're romantic or what.
I deeply regret doing similar (none of the weird meeting shady people off the internet thing–I did get to know one person that started making me feel horrible about my irl looks) and it just filled my younger years with constant neuroticism and self-consciousness. I wish I just focused on what I actually loved.
No. 291809>>302389
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I married an ugly spergy guy and we've been living in ugly spergy marital bliss for years. Guys who are borderline incels (without mental illness!) are often sweet and have low standards.
>>291706What happened is the guy's fault, not yours. 10/10s in Hollywood get cheated on constantly. Picture related, poor Priscilla Presley went through hell.
No. 302132
>>302123I'm resting my tongue like that already, I just have fucked teeth because my mom didn't let me have braces as a kid. Ty for the rest
And yeah sorry guys I just felt so shocked I had to get it out somewhere. I am dumb. Dumb and ugly, genetically cursed. My front is even worse. But yeah ty and sorry
No. 302148>>302541
>>302142They just post them on r9k and sadly anon's picture has been posted already.
nona posted a screenshot in the things you hate thread>>302137Moid.
No. 302164>>302173>>302541
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good job fat retard now the leftypol saved your picture, hope you're happy !
No. 302192>>302248>>312888
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nonnies should i stop smoking? its usually social and all of my friends do, ausfag so its engrained in the culture
i’ve always had deep tear troughs and very noticeable under eye bags that never go away and smoking is definitely making my collagen dissapear.
also any tips on how to lighten your under eyes or rejuvenate weak skin?
resembles lady in attached
No. 312455>>312458
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I'm thinking of posing for art stuff when I've got my in-season body back. Realistically speaking I'm not ugly, like there are beauty standards in human history I'd fit before. It seems like modern women have gotten much smaller bone structures and a more sedentary lifestyle led to less musculature. I feel like I'm in the wrong era. I come across men who have narrower shoulders and smaller ribcage than mine. I'm not even tall for the area. I know it sounds insane to consider posing nude if I'm pretty insecure, but I think it could also maybe make me appreciate myself more? I've been asked before by art students I met off of HER, but I chickened out.
No. 312706>>312707
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>>312463excellent idea! like the previous nonna said, the best artist models are liked for the creativity of their poses and reliability (thought its very common and completely fine to only book for a session or two, or to only do it once in a long while). my current favorite regulars at a local studio are elderly and "apple shaped", respectively.
a couple tips:
Make sure its a pose you can hold for minutes at a time, so avoid standing with your arms over your head unless its for a very brief period of time. Some models bring a walking stick to lean on for standing poses.
The vast majority of posers will be sitting or reclined, however, so don't worry about doing anything crazy. That being said, make note of small details like where you've rested you're hands and feet, so you can replicate your pose as well as possible after breaks.
Bring a robe or coat to wear on breaks, it will make you feel more comfortable walking around and peeking at all the drawings.
Do NOT be shy to ask for temperature adjustments. You're the naked one, the room should be set a temp comfortable for YOU, the artists can deal.
And finally: while naked is preferable, I've seen models wearing panties and nothing else. I suspect this is to hide tampon strings, but it may also be a comfort level thing.
Some models can make up to 30 bucks a session. If you are frequently available, you're already head and shoulders over most models. Know the worth of the service you're providing!
Hope this was helpful, I love having a community of models and artists to belong to and my weekly drawing sessions are like church to me. You'll meet some fascinating and open minded people at these events, and also have time to yourself to zone out and just breathe.
No. 312716
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>>312463How good is your stamina, anon? And can you handle being cold? I'm an artfag and we typically draw models for poses that range from 10 seconds to 3 hours. Obviously the 3 hour ones are in a more comfortable position but you have to be strong enough to be able to be able to hold that, for at least 20 minute periods. You'll also have to get used to teachers placing painter's tape near your hands and feet to mark their positions and angles, so if you don't want people coming near you while you're nude, don't apply.
No. 312831>>312835>>312893
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I'm guessing this thread is for average girls who feel insecure in comparison to gigastacies. I kinda hate that this is how every discussion about being an ugly woman turns out. I'm objectively 1/10 kind of ugly. I used to be a 3/10 and then got very obese. I think it's why I relate more to the moids on imageboards despite their misogyny, because a lot of them are disgusting subhumans like myself. I'm literally 30-something virgin who used to be a NEET and still only goes outside after dark (I work a night job). There really is no acknowledgement that super ugly/subhuman women even exist, even in this context we are too grotesque to be included I guess.
>>312738Yeah, not being able to wear what you want sucks. I wish I could dress like a classy adult but even when I was only little overweight my apple bodytype made it impossible and I had to hide myself with baggy clothes. Now I just wear whatever fits.
No. 312835
>>312831Come on, anon, you're not a subhuman. I get that being ugly as fuck sucks, I feel that because I'm ugly too, but don't call yourself a subhuman, you will never reach the level of disgusting of the average moid because you're a woman and that makes you better in many ways tbh.
And to stay in topic, I've been feeling better about myself because I've been eating better, my skin is clear, I drink lots of water so that also has been helping me a lot too. Sure, I still have a bunch of spots that I surely won't ever be able to remove from my neck and double chin, and yeah, I'm still fat as fuck.
But I don't know, I stopped comparing myself with other women and now I feel better, because I'm not in a beauty pageant, I don't want to date any moids nor women so it's all fine.
Plus, it's kind of funny but taking really unflattering pictures of myself with the app "BeReal" has somehow made me stop trying to delude myself? Like I see one thing in the mirror, another in the pictures I take of myself in the pictures that others take of me and on full body mirrors. And now I just know how I look, it doesn't have any sorts of filters and the angles are always unflattering as fuck since the point is that you show what you're doing, and it's nice, I can be unapologetically ugly and my friends will still give me the serotonin boost of reacting to my dumb ugly pictures, plus, since it's only friends and I don't give a fuck about strangers' lives, I don't need to get flooded with posed and fixed pictures of random people, my friends and I can be frumpy in peace.
No. 312893>>312894>>312902
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>>312831i understand you nona, even though we have completey different struggles. i wouldnt say i have a particularly ugly face but im balding like picrel (stage 3) thanks to 7 years of being an anachan. i also have extreeemely textured skin which i had even during recovery. its just how my skin is. im basically 22, badly balding, skin falling off from how dry it is.
i hope you come to terms with yourself and love your body the way it is but still try to improve it. i know its hard, especially when you feel like the effort (to lose weight) will only make you love yourself 2% more. but i genuinely hope u find love within yourself and get love from others if thats what you need.
No. 312901
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my jaw literally looks like picrel except that my teeth are more crooked my top jaw is off-centre and I have an overbite so it is protruding and my whole face is deformed because of it looking at my old pics it seems like I had it my entire life but my parents never cared enough to take me to an orthodontist before my bones hardened and they still don't think it's a big deal, I'll have to pay for it and go through my mid-twenties wearing braces and possibly needing a jaw surgery.
I have many other flaws that are bothering me like my insane dark circles or blemished skin or saggy face, I have deep smile lines and I look way too old for my age but at the same time I'm too short I look like a gnome, my nose is big and meaty, my eyes are small and beady, I'm just an eyesore I don't like leaving the house or talking with people because people are never nice to me -for a good reason- and I hate this existence I don't even have money to get plastic surgery and get out of this and better paying jobs depend on looks.
I am overweight as well but I'm not really working towards losing weight because I'm actually built wide, I've been on the lower end of healthy weight nearing underweight and I still looked chubby and not too different from now, it's just my build.
but also what's the point of losing weight if my face is still gonna be this ugly.
No. 312904
>>312894My hair balding is the same as you, it's difficult to find a hairstyle that can reduce the look of it. Not because I care, but because everyone else does. I only complain about the appearance of my hair to my loved ones because other people notice. I've had coworkers suggest remedies to me because they know someone who's dealt with the same and now their hair is normal. Most of the hair loss is from PCOS, the rest is from losing 80lbs in 6 months when I was in High School.
I can pretty much cope with my hair loss, but it's others who feel compelled to fix it.
I've found a pixie cut to mask it pretty well back when my hair was so short. Now my hair is beyond my shoulders and I just layer my hair to keep the weight down.
I've been eating pumpkin seeds recently, just to test if maybe it's a vitamin deficiency, but even if my hair thickens or not, I don't care. I also remembered how much I like pumpkin seeds so I'm gonna keep eating them regardless lol. My hairline thickening is just a bonus.
No. 322589>>322611>>322640
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the funny thing is that I used to think myself attractive and had a lot of male attention, and not all the ones darting it at me were ugly, as I've gotten older, I've gotten more stubborn and I guess that's projected me ugly, because I realized the world doesn't actual value women with features like mine. Despite being white I'm the ugliest type of white woman and I will never live life on easy mode
>mother is an attractive narcissist and former model
>mother had blonde hair and arched brows neither of which I inherited
>father is where I inherited my looks from
>narc mother used and try and shop me and my sister around like she wanted us to be child models but was too possessive to go through with selling us to anyone
>only valued us because we resembled her as kids
>sister grows up to resemble my mother exactly, is attractive, is photogenic, sorority girl, unlike her has large boobs, lives life on easy mode
>parents also pitted us against one another and now we live in estrangement
>I grow up to be pale pasty goth eldest daughter who more resembles my mousy father and hangs out with social outcast art types, earning my mothers ire
>lives life on hard mode and even when I attract decent looking people they tend to be abusive and have something horrifically wrong with them
>narc mom subtly fat shamed me and called me ugly throughout my teen years, would try and push me towards looking and acting a certain way
>when I refused she would double down on abusing me
>develop ed for years that stunts my growth and completely fucks up my skeletal structure
>gained 2 inches in height after ed stopped
>mother abused me in other ways and is genuinely a psychotic mess
>move out of mothers house
>slowly earn back self worth
>male attention comes
>abused and assaulted and creeped on by men thus completely boiling my self esteem down to nothing
>no longer want to date
>think I'm getting it back when I start circulating around the party scene
>have some hookups with guys but nothing serious, at least someone finds me attractive again
>covid hits
>have to move back in with mother
>end up moving back into fathers house instead after she kicks me out
>father is vaguely sexist and I realize he's also ingrained bad thoughts into me and is covertly quite an ass himself
>I know he can't help it, he's a boomer male, at least he's less sexist and hateful than my mother
>still, nothing helps, my ego is shot
>have not dated or hooked up for over 3 years as of now
>extreme psychological damage has brought back my bdd full force and it fucks me every single day
>am very encouraging of and care for my friends who always call themselves ugly and are self deprecating but never feel better about my own appearance
>I barely wear makeup anymore
>when I do I don't follow trends and tend to do weird artistic eyeshadow that doesn't look hot at all
>my body and upper lip hair has gotten thicker and worse
>developed some kind of vitamin deficiency
>average height
>gained weight and it redistributed to wrong places
>uneven shoulders
>everything drapes off my left shoulder
>terrible proportions that show so much more when I don't wear certain types of clothing
>short legs long torso
>bony edges to my arms and knees but my actual limbs are fat and gelatinous
>undesirable body type somewhere between pear and inverted triangle
>my ass and thighs are all I have going for me
>average sized boobs that sag
>non arched masculine sausage eyebrows that are impossible to shape
>too much fat on my face
>nose bridge is too high and bumpy
>dry bowed lips
>nose and fat face makes my lips look much smaller than they are
>perpetually resting bitch faced
>looks underage in my 20s
>only interesting feature I have is freckles
>everything else pops in a bad way
>I used to like my eyes but now I hate their color
>barely looks white despite being a white woman, have had people assume I'm not white
>even had mixed friends who look more white than me
>blame partially jewish ancestry on the features I hate until the day the cows come home
my features I despise the most seem to have become synonymous with the "femcel" archetype that's meme'd so much and often considered ugly
>dark hair
>muddy brown deep set large eyes
>sickly ivory toned skin
>sometimes wears glasses
I am swarthy, even for a pale woman that makes me extremely insecure in the way I look when the type of men I'm attracted to go for blue eyed blondes. And i'm not swarthy in an attractive sharp balkan way, I have a round childish looking face that contradicts how sunken I look. my type, attractive dark haired men, even used to like me and now it's like I repulse all moids
In the last few years I've really grown to hate my coloring and phenotype even more seeing all the margot robbies and the sydney sweeneys rise to power. I don't even find blue eyes or blonde hair that attractive but I'm entrenched in this idea that white supremacy guarantees I'll never live life fairly.
the only dark haired and dark eyed girls who become prolific seem to be of non white, mixed or of jewish ancestry. They have a sharpness and a beauty to them that I don't. My features don't puzzle right together. I don't have exciting blue eyes or a lively skintone, my body is heinous, so I wonder why men ever found me pretty when I now see myself as this objectively ugly corpse.
I know why I am the way I am but it still hurts that I thought I was decent looking once, I had attention, and it only led me to abuse. If I were truly attractive, wouldn't have someone loved me right by now? All the relationships I've had are abusive and any alleged beauty I've had has been torn down by them. Any sense of self worth I have is torn down by abuse. I realize how little society truly values a basic bitch brunette women no matter how hard she tries. So she might as well stop. Embrace the ugly.
No. 322611
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>>322589oh also
>short neck>uneven eyelids>everything falls off shoulders>bruised and bitten by bugs easily >jack skellington looking hands>looks like a female uglier less gangly version of picrel>except unlike him I can't stay skinny>god I'm ugly>I want to vomit every single day of my life>why did anyone ever find me attractive>I shouldn't be here No. 322640>>322681
>>322589My mother also hated me for not looking like her and resembling my father instead but we're the opposite, my mother was a self hating brown woman and she was mistaken as a boy as a child whilst I'm pale with blonde hair which I inherited from my eastern european father, who's ugly as well. She only loved me as a child because I was super pretty - much prettier than she ever has been. She'd tell me how she had dreams of me being a beauty queen when she was pregnant to me and constantly tell me my beauty was my whole worth. She projected her insecurities onto me and even blamed me for not looking white enough as the foreign girls.
When I grew up, my mother started despising me as I resembled my father more and more, I was no longer as blonde as she'd liked and I had my father's nose. She'd have meltdowns over me not being pretty enough and constantly pick at my flaws while she'd strip me naked, tell me how many plastic surgeries I needed to look normal, etc. I got a few guys attention on highschool and she literally lost her mind, told me no one would ever love me because of how ugly I was.
She was terribly anorexic as well, enough to have multiple hypoglycemic attacks that I took her to hospital for - only to be yelled at afterwards for saving her life. She gave me her eating disorder along with body dysmorphia, I only recovered from that when she died a few years ago.
It hurts that I'll never have a mother that loves me. Hurts that in her eyes I looked so ugly that I was unloveable. I still cant take pictures of myself without feeling suicidal.
No. 322681
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>>322640>It hurts that I'll never have a mother that loves me. >Hurts that in her eyes I looked so ugly that I was unloveable.I wish there was a way to go back in time and have my parents never reproduce. My mom would in a matter of days fluctuate between screaming how I was an abomination who never should've been born and then a few days later said "I loved you when I first held you in my arms".
Then why did you do this to me?
When I was a child she would compare me to a doll and forcibly dress me and my sister in matching outfits, until us and our dad protested ourselves out of it.
I think my father and his income bracket were the only reason she didn't pimp us out, she pushed us towards vanity. Our looks and pleasing boys were all that mattered. My dad taught us to be smart, and I followed his example. I didn't want to be attractive, I wanted to be intelligent, funny, artsy, weird. Wanted to be recognized for my brains and not my face. I figure we also weren't talented enough to make it in hollywood. Thank god for small miracles and laziness I guess!
I feel the effects of being trapped with my mother post pandemic project hard onto me. I now frequently have panic and crying attacks, heart palpitations, I'm lethargic all the time. I regressed into a self harming teen again. So when on top of all the facial dysmorphia my body also looks like it was mauled by cats, why am I still here? Alive? Breathing?
For almost half a year I refused to speak to her. I only resumed contact because otherwise I'd never hear the end from the rest of my family about not inviting her to my graduation. Not like my sis is invited either. She bullies me over text with condescending emojis and punctuation like picrel. I end up crying because at her angriest she'll send me walls of rant. Run on emoji festivals of gaslighting.
Her main go to is "everything my family says I don't like is a childish fit" when she throws them constantly.
It's all a game, like she's actually aware and enjoys it. I'm tired of my father and sister saying how easy it is for them. My father diminishes me himself. My sister lives out of state. It sucks to be the ugly duckling knowing you'll never sing a swan song.
I find myself staring at mirrors wishing they'd shatter, actualizing if I'm real. Even selfies with filters have me sighing in contempt. I cant fake a smile and have my stained teeth show. I also can't afford without insurance legit dental care to fix my shifting bottom teeth now that my retainer fell out. Probably grind them when I fucking sleep.
The only decent third person photos in the last decade are the ones from my birthday last year where my face is caked. A friend who i no longer talk to took them, she did my makeup, she made me feel beautiful for a night. We had a falling out over her choosing men over me. I look like a completely different person, and I'll never look like her again.
Cried so hard today that my undereyes are swollen. Had COVID not happened and had I just had the meager ego to move away from my family and graduated earlier I wouldn't be here. Once I was so sociable and satisfied. What happened to me? My old self died crying on the kitchen floor, and she's never really left that musty morgue. I just continue to fester trying to resuscitate her corpse.
We're probably not objectively gross looking, but our abusers manipulated us into self hatred. It's easy for people who haven't experienced it to misconstrue. No matter what others say, we'll always memorialize those motherly words and actions, we'll always be ugly.
I'm sorry, nona, we didn't ask to be born.