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No. 383685
I’m a Taurus: the signs I like most are
>Aquarius: I feel like this is the hottest sign. My friends and bfs have almost always been Aquas. I’m not sure why but we seem to get along very well. I like their don’t give a fuck attitude and self confidence. Sexiest sign in men, hands down.
>Leo: Leo women have always been very warm and nice towards me. Leo men can be annoying but they’re kind of lovable too. I like how out there they are. Again, supposed to be a clashing sign, but I have a fair bit of Leo in my chart so maybe that’s why.
>Aries: I like how untricky they are. They’re not really manipulative, fake or mean, I love Aries women, they’re so down to earth and I find their sensitive crybaby nature under the girlboss shell very cute. Aries men seem hard to pin down.
I also like Virgos, other Taurus, Scorpio a lot. They’re cute, reliable and mentally ill in a fun way.
>Pisces: I absolutely despise Pisces men. Covert narcissism as a zodiac sign. Pisces women seem to like me a lot but I’ve had bad experiences with them being incredibly two faced and mean behind my back.
>Libra: My mom; brother, grandma and grandpa are all Libras, nice people and I love them. But every single other Libra I’ve met was absolutely awful. No idea why this is. Libra men seem to be very sleazy and shallow, Libra women seem to be incredibly stubborn and judgmental.
>Geminis: very annoying sign especially the men.
>Sags: can be very evil
No. 383701
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I need the worst stories of pisces men in this thread nonnas. There is a pisces male in my life right now that I absolutely get bad vibes from but I'm not a big zodiac believer so I need to know if I'm just being dumb or I'm right after all.
No. 383756
>>383753I've had bad experiences with them. They try to sound higher than life, think their intuition is always correct, can have a big
victim mentality and pretend to be nice in your face but can be extremely fake. Think Pixielocks and her fake posi shit, she's a pisces
No matter if male or female just do things very cautiously around pisces, they will remember everything and if they have a weird inkling about you they will never let go no matter if they're wrong (they are wrong most of the time). Also they pretend to be strong but are pretty emotionally weak
No. 383771
>>383713True. Next partner needs to be a Scorpio.
Or maybe a sagittarius or capricorn since I like people of those signs, too. The cycle must end.
No. 383835
>>383833I find tauruses to be boring, even though our signs are supposedly compatible (leo). But I definitely don’t dislike them or anything, and I’ve never thought of taurus as an actively hated sign. The only earth sign I really like are virgos, even though some of them are insane
my favorite and most hated sign is probably sagittarius. I generally like sags because they’re fun and interesting, and I hate them because they’re disloyal bastards who don’t give me the kind of devotion I crave
No. 383859
I'll start positive and get rude as I go on. I tend to get along best with gemini, scorpio, virgo, and fellow leo. Love how willing to explore ideas gemini can be, all my conversations with them have been stimulating and full of twists and turns. They really keep up intellectually. Love how there's never TMI with a scorpio, you can go as macabre or socially unacceptable as possible and they'll be unfazed. Love the neurotic virgo, something about how much they give a shit about everything to the point of obsession is really fun to me. With other leos it's always easy to hang out, there is a mutual understanding. I don't have to tone myself down, we get to hype each other up.
Aries is another sign I get along with although I hate how they operate around others, unlike the playful leo aries takes the ME NUMBER ONE thing actually seriously which is crazy. I'm kinda intrigued by pisces and cancer but their vibes are inaccessible to me almost. Something pushes me away every time. Ick factor for no reason.
Haaaate taurus, although taurus women are almost always beautiful… just feels like they are super boring. I used to like capricorn and aquarius but thinking about this topic made me realize I've basically cut out the individuals with this sign IRL so I guess something went wrong there. Sagittarius, despite being a fire sign, seems to have no personality to me. How do they do that. Libra is annoying, why are they so proud of being people pleasers.
I don't think astrology is real, I'm playing along because I don't hate fun!
No. 383872
>>383833Taurus woman here, I have to say the thing I hate more on other Taurus, specially women, is how stubborn we can be. I swear is like arguing with a wall, but at least the wall can change its pov.
I think that's why our sex can be boring at first, we are quite unwilling to try stuff out of our comfort zone.
No. 383875
Like: Pisces, Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo
Neutral on: Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius
Mixed feelings: Aries, Gemini, Leo
My big three are Pisces, Libra, and Leo
No. 383879
>>383644I feel like astrology and it’s adjacent spiritualality has become a modern religion that’s also women friendly. Every single female mutual I’ve had in the past few years has posted something in favor of astrology. I get it to some extent but it sucks if you don’t want anything with it.
I’m sick of the discussion and I try to avoid it. All this nonsense on vibes, genetic blueprints, divine femininity, Wicca, etc. I get if many people want someone bigger than themselves to believe in but it shouldn’t be immune to criticism.
No. 383885
>>383644>Worst zodiac signs for males?Scorpio or Taurus, feel like they all have anger issues for some reason kek
>Worst zodiac signs for women?Virgo, most virgos I've known turned out to be the most scheming backstabbing people ever
No. 383937
>>383914Yeah I did and it’s nonsense. Astrologically speaking, I’m supposed to be a loud party girl with a roster of lovers. In practice I’m a reserved computer analyst. Waste of $20
>>383884Wanted to vent. Thought this was a real Astro hate thread
No. 384086
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I absolutely adore Aquarius and Gemini women, i’m a Cancer sun. I know it goes deeper than sun signs, but I have always been surrounded by them at various points in my life, they are extremely loyal and I love conversing with them. I have learned so much from them. I don’t like how they’re misunderstood when they are actually the most open. Thank you for always making me laugh ♥
>worst zodiac signs for women
An underdeveloped Leo, you’re not the worst I love you I really do, but your extremes are very extreme. I love you luminary sister, but take a breather. It’ll be okay I promise.
>worst zodiac sign for moids
Scorpio get entirely fucked. Here’s the bed you made, I’m happy you’re laying in it.
No. 384109
>>383835Leo and Taurus signs are square to each other, that means hypothetically they aren’t supposed to get along btw.
(Haven’t found it to be true personally, I’m a Taurus and get on extremely well with Aquas who are also square to my sign, but it’s a general rule in astrology)
No. 384110
>>384108Weirdly, I’ve never met a Cancer man in my entire life, but I’ll take your word for it nona. I generally dislike delicate, prissy men and find them very annoying. And men who are insecure. So I feel like I would strongly dislike them. I barely ever meet Cancer women, either.
The sweetest girl I ever met had a Cancer moon, so maybe their sign isn’t all bad.
No. 384113
>>384110Cancer men are terrible and
abusive in my experience. Massive fussiest with almost zero emotional control and will become aggressive if you won't coddle them like a devoted mother who loves unconditionally. My vagina sealed shut to a cancer man that we believe I had that vagimisis or whatever the fuck. Dated an aquarius after him and my vagina was basically weeping anytime I saw him. Cancer men are massive turn offs usually have shit dick, have a bunch of women they keep in the shadows for ego and self esteem boosts because they've all got massive mother issues.
No. 384159
oo virgos are so annoying and neurotic well perhaps SOMEONE has to be. maybe some of us control freaks are right to seek to have the control because others are retards who do not give a shit, and by their non-shit giving habits mess up shit for other people too, for example me who gives a shit. maybe dealing with you guys is what drives us insane. ever thought about that huh.
>>384118 >Virgo women I have found are some of the most shallow insecure women >They will cling to the image of Marilyn Monroe and will delude themselves into thinking they have similar features and blame others from being shallow yet make passive aggressive jabs at other women's appearance yourself, by making this comment about virgo women "deluding" themselves into thinking they, we, have similar "features and beauty" like marilyn monroe (why this woman, how does she relate to virgos at all? where did you get this from)
what is this if not pretty much implying that virgo women are actually ugly, not only ugly but pathetic uglies who are delusional about their looks. isn't this kind of shallow way to talk about women? why making this comment at all if it's not about having a go at other women's looks?
>They would be the women in a private women's only group that would take screenshots and show the people being talked about. who's having a chip on their shoulder with this specific ass scenario? there's a certain virgo on your mind? discord experiences are not universal
No. 384205
>>384145I know right. What did that anon mean by saying all virgos will at some point become obsessed with Marilyn Monroe. Where does it say that in the stars?
>>384200Leave my sister alone
No. 384207
>>384197you little shits never understand dry humor it's so exhausting. if you want to make a funny joke you have to spam KEK KEK KEK LMAO JOKE FUNNY HAHAHAHA so that retards will understand it
>>384200that's the joke
No. 384265
>>384118>>384159I've had two virgo friends. they were never on the same level with me, every conversation was them trying to one up me in some way. if I said something remotely unserious or tried to talk about something silly they would look down on me like I was retarded. any attempt at any sorts of jokes would be met with a frown of disappointment, any banter would be taken extremely personally. not to mention they were neurotic, jealous and envious. one of them literally told me to start wearing my hair up because she was jealous of mine because it was so full and hers wasn't and it made her
triggered. if I did something, either they did better or knew someone who did better. they both complained a lot and didn't take a word that wasn't complete enabling and being a yes woman. shot criticisms for the most asinine and unnecessary things but didn't like hearing any criticisms at all. I'd rather attempt shoving a pencil in my urethra than having a virgo friend again.
No. 384289
>>384118Strange. Every Virgo woman I know is a Stacy who isn’t aware of her true beauty.
t. Taurus
No. 384291
>>384201Hard disagree. Taurus are very emotional, fun loving and passionate when they like and trust you, but they can’t be bothered with 99.9% of people and therefore don’t bother trying to connect with others most of the time. Loyalty is the most important thing in the world for them and if you show even the slightest hint of disloyalty they wont want you in their life.
They use a boring default personality to get people to leave them alone, and basically like to ‘grey rock’ everyone around them. A Taurus will never open up to you or try to bond with you unless they trust you 100% and feel they have sussed you out. Likewise with dating, they won’t be passionate or demonstrative towards you unless they’re madly in love with you and think you’re the one, then they will shower you in a tidal wave of love, lust and emotional connection. It’s very rare that they will trust anyone enough to open up like that though, so most people get the grey rock treatment.
No. 384318
I don't know how many leos are in my life but based on my friend, they're are so FUN to be around and with. We're total opposites in our first impressions (t. Taurus) but get along like a house on fire. In a jokey non-serious way, I'm going to see which of the new people in my life are Leos and how well we mesh.
To stay on topic, Scorpio women can be weird about keeping the spotlight on themselves, and also devote their and other people's unwilling attention to things no one else cares about. I don't know about the men because I don't care about them, but the men are most likely worse.
>>384285Noooo nonnita, it's all in good fun.
No. 384384
>>384277I think it's a very useful tool for self-reflection and improvement, as well as understanding the way different personalities mesh or clash. It's like how tarot cards aren't magic but "consulting" them does make you sit down and think about your problems and imagine a path forward.
>>384248It's frustrating when you're close because you can be in total agreement on a fundamental level but still argue all the time because they are running what-if scenarios constantly that they want to run by you too. Just maintain your position and she'll come around… but if you never let her hem and haw or you're mean about it, she will stop telling you things and you'll have communication issues so be careful.
No. 384385
>>384277>>384326Yeah… I shouldn't believe in the >7000 year old study of astrology, but I should totally believe in the <200 year old study of radiology or the <100 year reign of plastic… Yeah if you don't like the truth you can hide this thread. Anyway.
>>383644>Who do you get along with more?I like Sagittarius, Cancer, and Libra. I find them easy to get along with, especially Libras just because they can shoot the shit about anything.
>What signs can't you deal with at all?I don't fuck with Aries anymore because I've had to cut 3 Aries out of my life before because of their actual retardation. Maybe the ones I knew were just actually speds but it was too coincidental for my liking so now I don't befriend Aries.
>Worst zodiac signs for males?Pisces. Pieces of shit. Once, my ex boyfriend and me had sex and then afterwards we were lying down and then he started actually weeping. I was so uncomfortable I was like "ummmm what's wrong…?" and he was like "I just can't say…." and I guess he thought I was going to comfort him but I just kissed my teeth and said something like "stop acting like a baby it's annoying" then he got mad and started crying quietly but it's like dumb fuck I still hear you sniffling you sound like you're actually weird.
>Worst zodiac signs for women?Any of the pick-me signs. I won't elaborate because we all know which ones they are.
No. 384424
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I'm a Capricorn (chart is mostly fire and earth).
>Who do you get along with more?
I love Scorpio women, they deserve to inherit this world because only they can fix it. Every single friend who I love/d dearly is a Scorpio woman. The intelligence, reliability and insight of these women is out of this world, and their schizorants actually make sense. Only issue I can find is how sneaky and stalker-y they can get, but it's seldom (if it all) targeted at people who are honest and upfront from the beginning. A non-issue, really. The little interpersonal powerplays they pull are really attractive on women, too.
>What signs can't you deal with at all?
Fuck Scorpio males in particular. Just not literally. Disappointments in comparison to their female counterparts, at best. At worst, they're hazardous. Stay away. Also males born in the years of the Dragon (1988, 2000) are baselessly arrogant and will try to prop themselves up at your expense.
>Worst zodiac signs for males?
Any water sign, but particularly Scorpio. Waifish passive-aggression reflects poorly on a male.
>Worst zodiac signs for women?
Gemini. Got backstabbed by Gemini women twice in my life. Never again.
No. 384503
>>384492nobody owes you anything, we aren’t your personal jesters
>>384494i attract nothing but bpd chans and narcs who are always trying to use me for emotional stability and a sense of supply. they get so mad when i dont fall for their thinly veiled pathetic manipulation tactics and don’t kiss their ass, then they throw a tantrum while im just chilling lol.
if youre a taurus be prepared to attract endless clusterbees looking for a stable parental figure.
No. 384519
>>384403Librans are extreme social climbers and users in my experience. They can also be very scheming and unpleasant but lie constantly and pretend to be the nicest person in the world.
The worst social climbers are Aquarius imo. Aquarius won’t give you the time of day unless you can improve their social status somehow. The mythology of Aquarius is basically a pretty twink that Zeus chooses to be a water/wine pourer and male prostitute for himself, but Aquarius is very arrogant and demands more than Zeus, the kind of the gods, gives him. That describes Aquas to a T. All air signs are social climbers and users unfortunately but Aquas are the most shameless about it.
No. 384521
>>384519All my bfs have been Aquas and this described them somewhat.
Bf Aqua 1
>Was a huge flirt, fuckboy and pathological liar, had an answer for everything. Wasn’t interested in women unless they were exceptionally beautiful or high status. Bf Aqua 2
>Was a covert narcissist, incredibly insecure and obsessed with his appearance, even got plastic surgery. Again, only really interested in an especially high status or beautiful woman who could make him look better by proxy. Also a huge liar.Aqua bf 3
>Had complete contempt for almost everyone around him and would literally refer to others as peasants kek, which is a red flag for narcissistic personality disorder. Treated me like I was lucky and privileged to be allowed into his inner circle. Was very boring once I actually got to know him, but pretended to be very mysterious, cool and deep. No. 384557
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If astrology was real you’d be able to tell a persons sign and moon just by their personality without asking them. It’s all confirmation bias, culture says way more about someone’s personality but even then there’s variations. Btw I lie about my sign whenever anyone asks and they always say “you’re such an x” lol.(shitposting)
No. 384636
>>384625I know they sound schizophrenic
>>384627See how you always have to make it about yourselves when anyone can see these are fairytales.
(if you don't like this thread, instead of shitposting just hide it, retard) No. 384644
>>384640Right, but astrology is the belief that the time you’re born determines which deity you’re most similar to/watched by, due to how strong their presence on earth was at that time. Astrologers believe that astrology was taught to us as a way to understand the blueprint of our destiny, life, personality and appearance. Every placement is essentially energy or influence from the gods, that’s the origin of astrology whether you believe in it or not.
The weekday associations are used by pagans and magic practitioners, not necessarily by people who use astrology.
No. 384647
>>384644I don't get why your sister reacted like that, doesn't seem that crazy to me.
>appearance That's a new one, how does zodiac impact appearance?
No. 384649
>>384647Your ascendant sign affects your appearance, 2nd house affects the face, any planets in or close to the ascendant, and sun, moon and venus to a certain extent.
For example Hades was describes as being pale with dark hair and eyes, and his eyes were very intense. People with Scorpio placements or Pluto on the ascendant can have those traits and it’s where the phrase “scorpionic gaze” comes from.
Diana was described as having glowing white skin, and her eyes and hair were usually described as black or midnight blue, and she has a round face with dimples, a small rounded nose, large round eyes, and full lips. So cancer placements or the moon can cause people to have similar traits.
Aphrodite had curly golden hair, a voluptuous body, large eyes and lips and a small nose, with even and proportional features. Taurus, Libra, and Venus placements can cause people to have these traits
No. 384669
>>384661Chinese people have a completely different belief system with different gods. Chinese astrology isn’t correlated with western astrology.
To answer your question though, people can have any of the traits associated with their placements so they might inherit the physical features aside from the coloring, like with Cancers for example- anyone of any race can have a round face shape, dimples, round eyes, full lips, and a small nose.
With coloring, they can take on the traits without it being extreme. Let’s say that the members of a family all have tan skin with dark brown hair and eyes, if someone is a cancer rising she could have paler skin than the rest of her family (not necessarily pale, just paler in comparison) or black hair instead of dark brown, or blue eyes instead of brown. It’s not outlandishly different, but her appearance was influenced to some extent
No. 384772
>>384761That’s not really how astrology works though, not every single aspect of your personality is going to fit exactly. Any person with any chart can be emotional, if someone can’t experience emotions then they’re a psychopath
>>384679>phrenologyKek anon it’s just that you can take on physical traits from the deities you’re connected to, that’s all there is to it
No. 384785
>>384781The signs are just archetypes based on the Greek gods, if you fall under one your personality and life will be influenced in some way. So it’s more accurate to say “I was born in Scorpio season so my ego is influenced by Scorpio/Hades” rather than “I am a Scorpio” or “the moon was in Taurus when I was born, since the moon influences emotions that means that the way I feel emotionally is influenced by Taurus/Aphrodite”
Originally ancient Greeks and Romans believed that the deity they were born under was their divine parent who presided over their life, and may have passed down physical and mental traits just like biological parents do. They believed in fate and past lives so they thought that they could understand their destiny by studying the stars, because that’s what astrologers and priests and priestesses told them to do.
You don’t have to believe in astrology, if you don’t believe in the Greek gods then it doesn’t even make sense for you to believe in astrology, that’s fine. This thread is for astrology discussion though, no one wants to hear about how you don’t believe in it. We don’t care.
No. 384793
>>384792>spiritualityIdk, crystals or something?
Anyway people in this thread talk like it’s real so I wanted to know why they were so convinced.
(not the thread to argue with people about this) No. 384904
>>384903Replying to myself sorry
When you see a Libra they will always try to keep things chill as they're mediators. They don't like confrontation. They will try to amend things.
But then they drag things for too long and they will seek whatever is the most "balanced" for them and this is a detriment because sometimes the most "balanced" shit in their minds can simply and plainly be wrong.
No. 385023
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fuck it, do me lol
No. 385155
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Something I don't understand about my chart is my houses. My dad is a Gemini sun and I've read your parents signs can influence the 4th house and he very much provides me financial stability etc, but my mum is Pisces and I have nothing of significance showing in Pisces.
I'm an aquarius rising so my 7th house is Leo, but my Venus and Mercury are in Virgo in my 7th house, as well as my libra sun. Is it odd that my 7th house essentially spans 4 houses maybe I should post the chart lol and my first house is empty but sprawling. Any insights?(off-topic)
No. 385156
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>>385155*spans 3 houses, typo!
Sorry for posting chart I'm not wanting a reading
No. 385935
>>385226first time I hear this term
>>385439that's a mutable sign for you
No. 386228
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This made me laugh.
No. 386286
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do any of you feel like you're the polar opposite of your sign? I think zodiac is fun and all, I want to believe but even my full chart is nothing like me
No. 386301
t. the least aries aries
No. 386320
>>386286>>386301what is your moon sign?
i'm aries with virgo and i wonder if that's why i feel only somewhat like an aries
No. 386583
>>386582are you offended? i’m definitely not speaking from envy, i look at birth charts of people i know all the time and this is what i’ve noticed for people who have mostly trines.
honestly there’s not much to envy in astrology imo, i’ve seen regular normie people with anaretic degrees & incredibly patterned charts who are doing nothing with their lives and don’t seek any sort of greatness even though it’s right there in their chart. i’ve found that the most famous and influential people have less dignified charts compared to some of those i’ve seen from people living ordinary lives.
No. 386998
>Who do you get along with more?
Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius
>What signs can't you deal with at all?
Aries, Scorpio, Libra; Leos are hit or miss
>Worst zodiac signs for males?
Libra. Overbearing, arrogant, OCD, typically enmeshed with their mother. Quiet anger (if not outright silent treatment) or verbally abusing you at the top of their lungs - no middle ground. Selective empathy (it'll never be for you) or none at all. Shallow. Source: My father, my ex-best friend's husband, and my current boyfriend. All 3 need to cut the chord with their mom.
>Worst zodiac signs for women?
Scorpio. Prone to disappearing/blocking everyone for perceived slights, fragile sense of self, lash out, stalkers, make terrible life-changing decisions and then make it everyone else's problem.