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No. 91537
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>>91535Im a leo! I can relate to the boisterous, center of attention, entertainer stereotype but not this "uwu sensitive little lion cub that needs validation" stuff. Im also a sag rising and taurus moon though so maybe that has something to do with it.
No. 91540
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>>91537leo here bumping again, i just want to say that i am addicted to validation so i may have contradicted myself in the last post, i crave validation like a fish craves water. I'll literally throw myself under the bus, give away stuff i own, sacrifice my time, energy, money etc. just to please others while simultaneously being a really egotistical, self-absorbed piece of shit, no shade to myself. Honestly i feel like a walking stereotype except for the fact that im not really sensitive or needy, i just… really like being liked. Oh yeah and im gonna keep liveblogging until this thread gains some traction.
Question: any geminis here? All the people i like the most are geminis for some reason, do yall like leos as much as we like you guys?
No. 91548
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>>91540I love Leo's and almost exclusively date them. When you look at the planets, we get along because Leo's are the center of attention being a sun planet and Gemini are carefree and mercurial. We don't care about Leo mood swings/drama/ego like other signs do or feel threatened by them. Leo's can really thow their weight around if they want to, but they're also fucking sensitive if you hurt their ego or heart and I feel like a lot of signs don't see that.
If Leo likes being an egotistical number 1, then Gemini are so content in being "2" all the time because they don't see 2 as competition. I know I'd rather love finding a buddy or partner in crime. I think that's why Mercury and Leo can synergize really well. Leo is also a fixed sign and Gemini is mutable.
No. 91549
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keeping my eye on this thread as it seems interesting! some of my friends are really into astrology, but a lot of it i find hard to understand because sometimes i feel like the type descriptions are just so generic. i've always been more into mbti, but i think they're both probably equally pseudosciences so i'd be willing to learn about astrology as well. how do your sun signs, moon signs, and rising signs fit into your personality exactly? i'm a taurus sun, virgo moon and rising libra, i believe. (maybe if an anon could be so nice as to point out which parts of my signs would contribute which parts of my personality? inb4 im too lazy to do it myself lol)
No. 91557
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Can any astrology anons help me with a potentially stupid question, I’ve always thought I was on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp but different resources seem to have different information regarding when/how to determine this. Is there a specific date range or way to tell if I am/am not? I’ve never had a full chart worked up before it’s always been just a passing curiosity because I never really felt I had the traits of full Aquarius.
No. 91590
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Honestly, Leo season always fucks me up but I'm glad y'all are thriving. Other people have posted their charts (or at least part of it), so: I'm a Gemini moon with a Cancer sun, and rising in Capricorn.
I seem to be drawn to Scorpios, Pisces, Aquariuses, and Virgos. My least favorite signs are Leos, Capricorns, and Aries. Leos tend to back-stab me; a Capricorn abused the fuck out of me as a teen; Aries are too intense. Leo risings in particular grate on my nerves the most. I date a lot of water signs, specifically Pisces and Aquarians.
Has anyone else ever gotten a chart reading? I got one a few months ago and the lady basically told me that my Gemini moon makes me long for adventure and travel (true) but that my Cancer sun conflicts with that, making me also long for stability and to settle down (also true!). It was very eye-opening.
No. 91595
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I'm scorpio sun, gemini moon and cancer rising, I identify more with my gemini moon, but I think it's because my grandma, dad and uncle are gemini sun and I wanna be like them lmao.
My favorite people tend to be taurus, capricorns and geminis.
I also love shitty astrology memes.
No. 91599
>>91551OP here! And don't talk to yourself like that anon, there's no such thing as a stupid question if you're trying to learn something new. I don't really see cusps as a thing because you're either one sign or another. Like, I'm a 0 degrees Pisces Venus, but I don't have an Aquarius-Pisces cusp for my Venus sign. There is nothing Aquarian about my Venus. I recommend to look up decans instead of looking at the cusp B.S.
You should make a chart! It'd be fun and I wouldn't mind picking at it. I recommend if you're going to make one.
No. 91601
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I'm a Libra rising, Pisces Sun/Venus/Mercury, Aries Mars, And Cancer moon. I'm a giant crybaby and vain as all hell.
No. 91616
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I’m a cheesy romantic and think I’m low key better than everyone in terms of morals, but I don’t act ~holier than thou- or belittle others for not going the extra mile. I just know that I do a lot of good and am a really kind person naturally. Im told consistently that I have a good heart and genuine presence and am a good host. I identify strongly with my Libra sun and Leo rising but the rest of my chart is still accurate.
No. 91632
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Have you all heard of the Celtic animal zodiac? Here's a great example why I like it: It's hard to grasp what the personality of "scales" (Libra) are supposed to be or a literal goat-mermaid (Capricorn). However, if I explain to a non-astrology person they're "cat-like" it's a lot easier to understand than "you're like a waterbearer", whatever that infers.
What combo did you get, since it doesn't line up directly with the other zodiac? I'm a Gemini/Seahorse. Something I like in this astrology is that it explains my extreme love of learning money and things pertaining to law that most people find difficult to chew on. I always assumed it was only because I was like half capricorn in other parts of my zodiac, but it's a characteristic of gemini born around my time.
> No. 91634
>>91608I'm a Scorpio and I love Leo's. My soulmate was a Leo before she left. I really think Scorpio and Leo's are a secret force. We get a long so well. Also as a Scorpio my other closest friend has been a Capricorn sun.
My other placements are Leo moon Aquarius rising.
No. 91639
>>91634I'm aqua rising too! Sag moon. Libra sun in 7th house with venus and mercury in Virgo.
I'm trying to learn about the 7th house and my placements
No. 91657
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>>91651Sorry, Leofish anon. I guess you're a Leo born past Aug 5? The Horse sign is closer to Leo.
No. 91832
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I'm a leo sun with scorpio moon and ascendant. I never felt like the leo sign really fit me until I learned about how the moon and rising signs etc make up the whole of your personality. Feel free to analyse and/or roast me based on my chart.
Chart is from No. 91846
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Would anyone know what this charts dominants are?
No. 91848
>>91846There are two possibilities that I know of.
One would be on, where you fill in the chart info and select "pullen/astrology" -> "simple chart delineation by Walter Pullen". Scroll down and you'll see planets, signs and elements ranked by procents.
The second one is to calculate manually, using a site like
No. 91853
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>>91832Sorry for piggybacking on you, can someone explain mine too? Total noob at this but it looks cool
No. 91855
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>>91853Uploading a more visible version since that one is ass
No. 91862
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i'm sag sun, pisces moon, capricorn rising.
>>91595edgy bitch with depressed thot moon and edgy bastard rising. absolutely cannot dispute that one lmao.
a lot of aspects of my chart weren't relatable to me until i got a bit older.
does anyone know much about lilith, eris, and ceres? i've done a lot of research into karmic interpretations of lilith but i can't find much for eris and ceres in the context of astrology. mine are all in aries and i feel like that explains a lot lmao
chart is from and the exact type of chart is on the image
No. 91884
>>91883oh in that case i need some help too haha. i'm guessing the degrees represent the angle between the geographical point you were born on and the celestial body, but i have no idea if and how that number influences the astrological interpretation of your chart.
>>91862also samefag but does anyone know what might cause my chart to be so bunched up in one corner with nothing from taurus to libra? i'm guessing it has to do with how the earth was tilted that morning but i can't think of how to go about finding out more. a lot of other people's charts look so well balanced compared to mine. i want to find out what it means in both in plain astronomy and astrological interpretation.
No. 91948
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Never really knew much more than being a Saggitarius sun sign. If I'm reading this correctly, my natal chart says I'm Sagittarius in sun, moon, and ascendant. Is there anything interesting about that?
No. 92000
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Taurus sun, Gemini moon, Virgo rising here. I definitely identify more with my moon sign than my sun and ascendant. I attract a lot of Aquariuses (seriously, everyone in my life outside of immediate family are Aquariuses except for my two best friends), which has had an effect on my relationship with the sign. I know you shouldn't judge people based on that but man, I've known way too many shitty Aquariuses. I really get along with Virgos though!
No. 92027
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Sagittarius sun, Leo Moon, Virgo rising. So glad this thread was made. I grew hearing all about this stuff because my grandma is super into it. Its always just been a normal thing in my life, my bf thinks I'm weird.
>>91948Woah, it does. That's so cool, I've never seen that before.
No. 92028
>>92000I'm a Taurus sun, Aquarius Moon and Capricorn rising.
Taurus description does little for me but the Aquarius moon is deadly spot on.
I also get along with Virgos but also Scorpios. It's instant friendship or romance with them.
No. 92074
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This is mine, it looks like shit because it was ant sized but I resized so this should do.
No. 92124
>>92112Mercury rules gemini and virgo. I have my mercury in Virgo and Mars in Gemini. There's like 6 planets in retrograde at the moment and current eclipse energy.
Communication style is usually influenced by what sign mercury is in. With mine being in Virgo I'm analytical. However at the moment I'm really struggling to be critical.
No. 92127
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God, this looks like a total mess
No. 92131
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i'm a taurus sun/cancer moon/libra rising. venus and mars dominant
all of it is pretty spot on for me–hardworking, social skills, (too much) empathy, c o m f y, but also shallow, materialistic, and hard-headed. absolutely love scorpio and aries, they usually push me into having fun
the things i dislike about my chart are having mars in the first house because i get injured all the damn time, and having venus in gemini because i get bored easily and have a hard time actually nurturing relationships.
No. 92188
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You guys need to stop using Placidus and look into ancient/traditional Astrology instead, which is what Astrology is based on and what was has been used for over 2000 years.
Modern Astrology has really watered down almost everything and changed a lot of meaning, for example original Astrology had "bad" planets and "bad" houses meanwhile in modern Astrology people just try to make every single thing good or neutral.
The 12th House is originally called the Place of Misfortune, Enemies and Self-Undoing suddenly became the House of Meditation and Dreams in modern Astrology… another thing is that traditionally Astrology wasn't used to mainly describe your personality. It was used to describe your life circumstances, your health, your fortune, your destiny and people around you.
It makes sense because do you really need Astrology to tell you what kind of personality you have? Obviously not. You are you. But it can tell you about your fortune and events/people etc.
No. 92189
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I have six planets in scorpio… My chart is so unbalanced is that why my life's a mess?
No. 92196
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I'm interested in learning astrology, but I can't find any good resources. Most site just give you the generic astrology bs and that's it.
Do any of you have good resources for it? How did you go about learning it?
>>92188This is interesting, do you have any links for it?
Also here's my birth chart
No. 92231
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Sag sun / Taurus moon / Virgo rising. Earth dominant chart.
I always fall for smarmy Virgo men with drinking issues.
No. 92250
>>92245I'm still learning so take what I say with a grain of salt. But I've heard Mars described as encompassing ambition/drive, anger, and raw sexuality. Venus is more so related to romance, love, and beauty.
My experience with people with an Aries Venus has not been so much that they're impulsive, but more bold and straight forward. They seem to really want to initiate flirting and not want to beat around the bush. Idk if that applies to you, but I think it's possible to be that way and still have taurus qualities as far as sexuality. Taurus is super sensual and very in tune with sensory inputs. So they might like to take things slowly and really soak up the moment during sex as opposed to just bangin one out real quick lol.
It would also decribe your drive and anger. Taurus Mars would likely be very slow and deliberate in their actions, and probably pretty resistant to change. These don't seem like the type of people to anger quickly, but they will not budge during an argument and I can def see them holding grudges (though not as bad as a Scorpio lol)
No. 92284
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>>92249Back again. So after getting confirmation on what my time of birth was (which actually altered a couple houses. A 10 minute uncertainty can apparently change that), can any of you help me figure out what might make me a more introverted/socially cautious and/or awkward person when a lot of my chart kind of points to the opposite? Or is it all just internal and I’m really not as inept as I perceive myself to be?
It’d be really appreciated!
No. 92290
>>92284I would def look at your aspects. You could have something aspecting one of your placements that's "supposed to be" confident, thus dulling it's effects.
Also check out decans, especially in regards to your sun sign. For example, a Libra born in the first third of the sign (Sept 23-Oct 3) is going to be a lil different than one born in the second third (Oct 3-14), since the second one is influenced by Uranus.
That being said, I do think ppl take the sign stereotypes too seriously sometimes. For example, your Libra sun. A lot of ppl think Libra = social butterfly. But I actually know a few shy & nervous Libra's. Their libra-ness comes out more in their passivity, avoidance of conflict, indecisiveness, and need for balance. They may be people pleasers and conflict-averse to the point of putting themselves in inconvenient positions. The type of person who has a hard time saying no. Might play the role of mediator in their friend groups or family. Very polite.
For your moon, you might see the Leo and immediately think confidence. But I think of it more as Leo = ego. If they're insecure, or there has been some sort of blow to the ego, many of those bold & bombastic leo qualities won't be present. Especially wrt the moon since the moon is representative of your inner world and emotions. A lot of Leo's in general are "shy extroverts" in the sense that they don't say much but generally enjoy being in other ppls company. They like to be the center of attention within their friend group especially & that might not necessarily transfer over to groups of strangers/acquaintances.
Your Scorpio Mercury could also make you seem introverted. Mercury rules communication and self expression and ppl with Scorpio here may seem quiet. They're likely very observant and secretive, & this might be off-putting or even shady seeming to people. Like how alot of ppl see quiet ppl as rude/aloof. A Scorpio Mercury would probably really dislike small talk, which could also make them seem awkward in social settings.
I also have a Sagittarius rising and am kinda quiet. Though I think that has more to do with some of my other placements affecting that so idk what to say about that for you.
Also look at what houses your planets are in. My Mercury is in the 12th house, which makes communication difficult and stressful for me for example.
No. 95464
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my chart is a mess: sagittarius sun, sagittarius moon, & gemini rising. i have NO water in my chart except for a venus in motherfucking scorpio.
basically the stars are telling me that i’ll probably crash and burn within the next decade or so
>>92074>sag sun, gemini moon, aries risingwe could do great and terrible things together
No. 95485
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not feeling that ascendant gemini tbh
No. 95604
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Apparently I'm a Cancer sun, Taurus moon, and Gemini rising. I'm going to assume that this is the dumb idiot combination because I'm such a dumb idiot. Also I'm deeply afraid of crabs, which is more proof that my existence is a cosmic joke
No. 96752
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Pisces sun, Aquarius moon, don't really understand the rising sign thing? I did a chart on and it says that my ascendant sign is Cancer? Is this the same thing?
Anyway, I've never vibed with the characteristics of a Pisces and feel like maybe I'm more like my moon sign.
No. 97067
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>>92039technically you're one or the other, which your exact birth time will tell. cusps do make sense though lol (e.g. Lana Del Rey - born June 21 and a Gemini, but has a lot of heavy emotional Cancer-like qualities too)
No. 123180
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No. 123192
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I bet you couldn't find someone pay to have sex with you even if you tried, sad cuck.
On to the topic at hand, astrology is bullshit lol don't you guys have something better to do?
No. 123202
>>123183>>123182lol i dont even personally believe in astrology, but let the other anons have their fun you bitter ass bitch. what is it about astrology that gets people like this so
No. 138652
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What do u think?
No. 139360
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Why are astrology people like this
No. 139375
has co-star been whack for anyone else lately? i used to like it but lately it's been saying shit like "why are you aiming realistically high?" and a lot of "tough love" critique every single day nonstop when i'm actually in a good place right now despite the pandemic and i've been very productive without being manic about it. i feel like i'm being negged! normally i'm the one who doubts my own progress and now i feel fine and an astrology app is telling me to doubt myself? lol dgmr i don't want astrology apps to just blow smoke up my ass 24/7 but damn.
>>123183imagine living your life based on what the worst misogynists might think of you. wish a man would go into r9k boards like "stoooopppp you're embarrassing me you're going to make girls think we're all gross incels i hate you!!!"
No. 139743
>>139717sure, buddy.
No. 139833
>>139823That sounds like your bf's problem to rein in his crazy mom.
You could look around some astrology websites to find one that shows how you can be compatible, or see if your Chinese zodiac sign works better. Even the least compatible signs have some leeway.
No. 139835
>>139823looking into your moon and rising signs to see how terrible you truly are
No. 139836
>>139823You can´t convince someone like her, at least not through words so don´t try. You can't reason with anyone who believes in something as irrational as astrology (sorry astrology-anons).
The only thing that might work in the long-run is showing through your behaviour that you are compatible with your bf/her son and that you don't have the personality traits you're supposed to have as a gemini.
No. 139871
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>>139859My chart is a bit of a mix.
People's first impressions of me are almost always good, perhaps libra is working overtime, but after that until people get to know me well, it sucks. I often seem chaotic or cold. That mercury in virgo is a fucking curse when combined with capricorn moon. Mars in cancer, I don't even wanna fucking go there…
No. 139891
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What does having signs in your chart in retrograde mean?
No. 139899
>>139897Nice try, I'm a Libra (not that it matters.)
Google "Barnum effect."
No. 139954
>>139844I'm a Virgo sun, Gemini rising. Supposedly those with flipped sun/rising signs get along really well. The one person I got along with shockingly well was a gemini sun, virgo rising.
Oh also I've always wanted to be a leo or scorpio too bc of the sign. I'm a Venus & Saturn Scorpio, and if I weren't born premature I'd have been a Scorpio.
No. 139984
So what's the best sign in your opinion?
I actually like geminis despite the hate. They have a lot to talk about. I think my favorite is Sagittarius though. Always seem to be cheerful and enthusiastic.
>>139979I love em, they're sexy
But I love dark mysterious dramatics
No. 139992
>>139896lmao not surprised you're a libra, they're insufferable assholes who try to purposefully be pedantic (I've also seen geminis act this way unironically tho lmao). if you don't believe in astrology, good4u. please relax and realize that most people into astrology don't actually believe it and just do it for fun. those who do believe it in a sense don't usually see it as "if you're a gemini you HAVE to act this way and I'll judge you just based off of that" and more like "if you're a gemini you probably have a tendency to act this way or behave negatively this way, so just be aware of it and use it to be a better person".
>>139968i love capricorns. im an aries and even though sagittarius is our bestfriend sign i definitely feel like capricorn is a close second but maybe im just biased since my bestfriend is a cap.
>139984best signs in my opinion:
aries (biased but also i feel like all my favorite people/closest friends are aries or fire signs. aries just seem to be very adaptable and despite gemini being the 'fake bitch' sign, i feel like aries is better at wearing a mask than a lot of signs)
sagittarius' and virgos are also very nice. taurus' are OK but think they're smarter than they are. geminis are very fun and I don't get the hate they get (most of the time) but definitely very…iffy.
No. 140008
>>139992Oh yeah I forgot to include Aries in my list. I love em. All my female family members are virgo and married an aries. It's a running joke.
In men, they're the sign that never grows old. I like their silliness and determination.
No. 140032
>>139968I love capricorns tbh. Both of my best friends are capricorns. In my experience they're always down to discuss something in a level-headed way and they're reliable. Boring people and can lack introspection but I don't mind that.
Personally hate sagittarius, gemini, aries, cancer, libra.
My fav sign is aquarius.
No. 140033
man I wish this thread wasn't so full of one dimensional gemini/ capricorn hate. I don't think astrology is always 100% true but I do believe in most of it and think it's a fun way to find out more about yourself and the people you know, and when it's accurate it reveals a lot of interesting shit. I love talking casual astrology with other people especially because having so many different placement combinations is what makes it multifaceted rather than when it's sun sign focused, but there's a way to have signs you prefer over others without dismissing a whole entire sign as bad?
idk maybe I'm more sensitive about it because of the uhhh persecution (lol) that comes with being a fucking gemini, I've had to learn to not take it personally anymore because some people be bored and just want a sign to shit on and that's fine, idc, gems have more fun! but I guess also from personal experience, like for example my cap friend is that typical extremely driven/ success motivated person but the bigger part of her personality is how fun she is? once you're her friend it's kind of like, an honor almost because you know she doesn't have much tolerance for shitty people so not only do you feel cool, you also are protected from getting into bad friendships because caps have higher standards whereas my pisces moon has me over-empathizing with people that sometimes don't deserve it, so I appreciate our differences because they work well together and make us both better. on the other end, a lot of friends I've made turn out to be signs I personally am not at all into (aries, libra, sag, aquarius come to mind) but their charts are varied so the sun sign traits I wouldn't have meshed with aren't the only thing about them.
also a HUGE part of people's perceptions about signs being "good" or "bad" that gets overlooked is whether someone is an immature or undeveloped person, which would make all the negative aspects of their sign overpower the good ones and give you the impression that that's just how everyone with that sign acts forever. I feel like a big stereotype is that "all pisces men are toxic softbois" and like, YEAH, they are for sure out there, because some men are just toxic and the typical pisces artsy idealism makes it worse than a normal fuckboy because the soft side of them seems fake/ manipulative when they burn you. whereas pisces men who are decent people or mature into decent people, will show majority good pisces traits. or another example (again) with my cap friend, when we were more immature high schoolers she had such an overly intimidating energy/ superiority complex that scared people off, but she like learned from that and grew up into a more approachable person. it seems fucking obvious but when all you're used to is being annoyed by the underdeveloped, unhinged scorpio bitches in your life or super narc leos or whatever, it's so easy to just be like "oh okay throw the whole sign in the trash". when I think about how aries is def my least favorite sign (and they are, no offense) it's not the same as HATING them, cause that would mean I'd hate my cool aries friends, and also Gerard Way, and who tf would hate Gerard Way?
ok lmao sorry I could go on and on about nuances and shit forever, I just find it really interesting, especially in an introspective way where I realize how a certain combination of signs has given me the weird range in personality that I have. I don't think your chart permanently shapes you into who you are forever, but it's a nice reference to gauge why you have certain tendencies or prefer certain traits in others.
No. 140034
>>140033also sorry samefag but another interesting thing, this could just be me but I noticed that all of my favorite signs are all of the exact signs in my chart, and the ones that I find too boring or unappealing are not in my chart at all, and it was a total subconscious preference at first until I started paying attention to my entire chart.
also for the longest time my chart would come out as me being a cancer rising, but I'm actually a leo rising (i have no idea if it's just that my birthtime was slightly wrong or if it changed/ even can change, but it's only like one or two degrees in leo so it's right on the border) and I used to think leos were fucking annoying… but now that I basically am one I understand and empathize with their clownery and need to be validated, lol. on the other hand I like cancers a little less now? or like, idk, I see why people don't like the super whiny ones that come off as emotionally manipulative, but my venus is in cancer so naturally I pick up more on the ones who nurture their friends and romanticize shit like I do
No. 140439
>>139968Dunno but I hope they keep their promise and end us this year. I'm a capricorn sun and rising, aries moon. My chart is almost all capricorn except for maybe 3 planets.
Yes, I am boring and I still don't believe in this but the memes are fun.
No. 140559
>>140006The cap and scorpio energy puts a damper on the usual bright and cheery sag. Those placements can add a lot of tenacity and determination though, providing more focus for the mutable sag who's usually more scattered, always ready to pursue the next new thing, leaving so many unfinished tasks behind.
Back to scorpio, all the fire sun signs I've known with scorpio moons had unusually deep and brooding personalities underneath their extroverted fire personas. Scorpio moon is in its "fall". Any planets in fall (or in detriment) are very difficult to deal with. With Scorpio moon, it's real easy to express all the worst aspects of scorpio energy. It's a difficult moon that takes a lot of work to handle.
No. 140717
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>>140711Gasp. Another Pisces anon.
My sun sign is Pisces and my moon is Taurus.
No. 140791
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Generous anons, tell me what’s up with me because I absolutely hate interpreting for myself.
Using whole signs and I don’t usually give much stock to Uranus - Pluto.
No. 140796
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>>140711Fellow pisces, what signs have your friends and SOs been? Two of my female friends are libras and my first bf was a sagittarius. Our relationship ended quickly because of family issues, but I feel like it would've ended soon anyways. Screenshot from seems accurate, our relationship was short and sweet.
No. 140812
>>140796I’ve had another fellow Pisces, Virgo, two Sagittarius’, Capricorn, Tauruses, and a Scorpio. My bf is a Libra. My most
toxic friendship was with one of the Sagittarius’.
No. 140883
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>>140812looked up libra and pisces compatibility and the first site was brutal lmao, though other results are more positive. No. 144511
Just recently figured out that I’m a Virgo sun, Sagittarius moon, and Scorpio rising. Idk what that truly means but me having a fire sign kinda makes sense lol
>>144491Really? I would think Geminis are the lolcow sign lmao
No. 146445
>>146429look I don't believe in astrology (just happened to scroll past and read your post) but I do believe that your beliefs largely determine your future. Believe you're worthless and destinied for a shit life? Then you're just setting yourself up for that. Believe that you can be happy and change your life through hard work and planning? Then you're setting yourself up for exactly that.
Believing that you're pre-destinied for failure is a nice coping moment in the moment, but it's breaking you down on the long term.
No. 146456
>>146429no one has an all positive or negative chart and no aspects are all positive or negative. saturn can fuck you up but it has a purpose. how old you are, if you've been through your return and the aspects of these placements matter just as much as the aspects themselves.
with a heavy saturn placement you gotta buck up because that's what saturn is for. recognize your limitations and make them work for you.
No. 148397
>>147762may be biased on this as i'm a leo moon but tbh agreed – love my fellow leo moons but other leo placements get tiresome quickly. every leo rising i've met has been a full-blown narcissist i swear
>>146457cafe astrology ( was where i started out when i was learning astrology. they give you a deep breakdown of your chart, aspects, houses, etc. just make sure you have your time of birth handy bc without that you won't get much info
No. 149195
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Roast me. I don't understand half the shit there but that much capricon can't be good…right?
No. 149265
>>149195Bullheaded, rational, materialistic (as in caring about the material world so not necessarily an obsession with money), grounded. You might be magnetic to some people if you've manifested the positive traits of some of these signs but if not then you're absolutely unbearable to be around. Seems like you're not a great communicator, with a tendency to sound too harsh or unwilling to be playful. You might be self-centered. Seems you're good at knowing what you want and are good at going for it, but might leave people in the dust in the process.
I personally love capricorns if they have some non-earth in their charts.
No. 149266
>>148397I'm a leo sun with libra rising and venus so not a whole lot of room to talk shit but… Leo rising is a terrible placement imo. You don't want that energy in the first house.
Leo moon seems comfy, mine's in capricorn and it makes the ruthless side of leo sun really pronounced.
No. 149269
>>149266i'm leo sun libra rising too!
i hate leo in all placements frankly. it really sealed it when i learnt that vicky shingles has a leo stellium.
No. 149270
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>>148397confirmed. I am a raging narcissist
No. 149283
>>149269I'll be honest I kind of hate leo lol, at least only my sun.
>>149270>mercury in virgoIt's not even just your leo asc, your mercury is perfect for being
No. 149293
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aww ye
not sure how normal/weird I am
can be kinda selfish and childish, I like being doted on but also doting on others
I’m marrying an aquarius rising capricorn sun guy. weird but stable, it’s perfect
No. 149294
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The only thing I've ever known is that aquarians are weirdos
No. 149298
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Can someone translate it to me because I know nothing about it
All I know about this kinda stuff is
>1. I am capricorn, whatever that means and
>2. people make a "ewww" face when they find it out or say that I don't look like one and they'd never imagine it. Usually both.
No. 149299
>>149242I actually consider myself pretty chill and not unyielding at all but I'll admit the stubborn on some things part
>>149265I used to attract people like mad when I was young and had a
toxic mindset. They seemed to enjoy my spergouts but I grew tired of it.
I do have a communication issue but I assumed it was because of my rbf and being introverted. Even my dumb jokes sound like banter and I hate that. Aside from that what you said is pretty accurate.
No. 149302
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I'm new to this. What kind of person do I seem like based on my chart? I've got a lot of Capricorn in me…
No. 149309
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can someone please explain to me if this is a good thing or not.
No. 149385
>>149298Your sun sign is your core, your ascendant is your social engine so usually your ascendant will be what people see you as. your moon sign is the emotional foundation upon which you act and connect to people. Moon also signifies your relationship with your mother. Mars is your aggression, sexual energy as well as the way you take initiative. Mercury is communication, jupiter is positive transformation. Saturn is for your father, and the structural side of your life. It's responsible like the sign it rules (capricorn). Venus is your love life as well as general pleasures in life. It determines what draws you in.
Houses are a bit more nuanced, I'm not gonna type that shit out you can just google a bit.
Aquarius ascending is quite nice, they're interesting people that tend to talk about cool shit that you'd wanna hear about. They tend to make principled, good friends. They're quirky but aren't so in a way that purposely hurts others so while they come across as individualistic they're not grating. That being said capricorn is a harsh sign that acts rational but comes across as boring and autistic to a lot of people. I've said it many times in this thread, I love capricorns usually. You might be intellectually engaged, sounds like you're capable of carrying out an eclectic conversation unlike some people with very narrow interests. Your career is a big tension point, it's valuable to you to attain self-actualization through it. A failure in this realm is probably really devastating to you. Capricorn is an ambitious sign as well as a tendency to be conservative but you've got some interesting influence from signs like sag, scorpio, and aquarius so I think that probably counteracts some of the stillness you'd find in a cap.
Anyway that's what I've got for ya.
>>149302As multiple people pointed out before, leo ascending is garbage and you're probably a narcissist. You seem like a very good worker, good attention to detail and are dedicated. Your relationships might end up a bit all over the place, seems you're prone to having your eye wander particularly if you're not experiencing new shit. Might have commitment issues specifically in romantic contexts. Your chart seems rather heavy on your home life/family. If there's something negative or positive about your life it's prob gonna go through there.
>>149309Alright I'll try
Sun AND asc AND fucking mercury virgo, you're fucked bro. That's a disgusting amount of virgo energy that nobody wants to fuckin see in that first house, no thank you. Virgo is a sign I like but you've got a lot of it in really key positions where it's not giving other influences enough of a foothold so it's too much. Virgo is critical, intellectual, and hardworking.
However your venus in leo placement is potentially gonna give you a lovable flare if you've manifested the right traits. On the flipside if might make you seem self-centered or materialistic. Moon in aquarius is not great, they have a tendency to be distant emotionally but they are quite good at connecting at arm's length. Aquarians are usually the people you crush on but they don't feel as invested in you back, they seem amazing and likeable but if the right influence isn't there on the chart then they're solitary in their innermost realm. Sagittarius is an impulsive and intuition-driven sign so your aggro energy might be spotty but damn good when it's good. You have good attention to detail but you might lack the correct "vibes" to express your findings in a way that doesn't sound shitty towards others. Might have family that lives away from you in a way that impacts you. It looks like there's a certain restlessness on your chart, potentially links to that long distance family or maybe the distance is more symbolic and you're having trouble connecting to places/people that you ordinarily would be expected to feel like you belong with.
No. 149390
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Okay bitches roast me
No. 149485
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I don't really get it but I want to know what anons think. Only thing I do know is that people shit on geminis all the time
No. 149491
>>149298 and thank you so much! I didn't expect someone would actually give such an in-depth reply, thank you. I can definitely relate to a lot of what you said.
I tried to read whatever was in that site before posting here, or even a few others, but it's usually either too long that I find it boring and confusing, or too short and generic.
>Your career is a big tension point, it's valuable to you to attain self-actualization through it.I'm really ashamed to say that, but even though I'm still in my mid-to-late 20's I'm still struggling with "NEETdom" because I can't really find anything that interests me enough… Sometimes I feel like it's too late for me and I should just get any job and deal with it, finding any job at these times and with my lack of experience and specialized studies at a "late" age is already hard enough. Meh, enough of that tho, not gonna derail the astrology thread with that haha
No. 149531
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This is my chart (Melancholic, Flighty Bitch Who Never Lets Things Go: The Chart) and my friend who's deeply into astrology has a theory that everyone has a differing sun sign they've always aligned more with.
She's a Pisces with a Cancer moon and Capricorn rising and oftentimes feels that she was meant to be a Taurus. I've always felt that I was supposed to be a Leo (realistically, a Libra — I was born at 24 weeks), and she expanded upon that by saying "a Leo sun with a Scorpio moon and Aquarius rising," which makes sense.
No. 149536
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>>149533I haven't, but I just did and this was my result.
No. 149623
>>149390After reading through the thread, I'm actually really curious for a more in depth reading, if any anon wants to have a go at it. The report I posted is from Cafe Astrology and most of what I've read seems good, but idk if they just try and put a positive spin on things to make everyone feel better kek.
Someone once told me that having a moon in pisces and a sun in aquarius was a bad thing, but they didn't specify why. Is it because the two signs are somewhat opposite of each other?
No. 149629
>>149573I'm back after deliberating on my sidereal vs tropical charts and it's been a weird ride. My chart's overall vibe stayed consistent imo (all planets in the same houses in both so the tension points are consistent) but some key things that didn't quite sit right in the tropical were resolved by the sidereal but I wasn't ready for the amount of fire that the sidereal would breathe into things. When I consider it, makes a lot more sense than the heavy earth and water of my tropical chart.
>>149533I've been reading on how interpretations work and it's difficult to shake off the western astrology knowledge.
No. 149652
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What does all of this say anons? I wanna get into astrology but have no idea what to make of it
I wanted to do the sidereal chart too, but there's many options to choose from, which is the "standard"?
No. 157635
>>157584From what I have experienced, undeveloped scorpios can be terrible and
toxic, especially scorpio moons.
No. 157650
>>157584I’d be more concerned about why he felt the need to lie about something like his star sign?
As a Scorpio who married another Scorpio, it’s the best relationship I’ve ever had.
No. 157720
>>157635I don't know what it is with scorpio moons but I've personally yet to meet one that wasn't
toxic! It's probably the most difficult moon next to capricorn - both are considered horribly challenging placements.
No. 158137
>>157590Kek as a Capricorn I love Virgos, both guys and girls. From the Earth signs it's Taurus I can't stand and never was able to make good friends with.
I've been told I'm not the usual Cap tho, I'm more chill and don't give a fuck about ambition or status so maybe that's what gets in your way?
No. 158144
>>158140I think it's still only a stellium, they just have a Scorpio-heavy chart. You can look up what each planet represents and how scorpio placement affects that if you're interested, but generally speaking, Scorpios have a bad rep but are awesome (imo). They're personally one of my favorite signs. They're very loyal, intelligent, mysterious, determined, sexy, general badasses, etc, which some people can read as dishonest, manipulative, clingy, things like that. Do you happen to know any of your chart or even just your sun sign?
No. 158164
>>158158That's not bad, Cancers and Scorpios are both water signs, so although different, you'll probably get along quite well, and if anything, your Scorpio beau might feel very protective of you. Gemini is another controversial sign, and it's your rising meaning it's what you project/how other people often perceive you. Gemini is a mutable sign ie easily adaptable to situations. Venus is the sign of love, so having that in Gemini indicates that you take Gemini traits, like mutability, into your courting, ie want to playfully impress them with your knowledge of things they or you know well, tease them, things like that. I hope this isn't too spergy or presumptuous kek.
No. 158166
>>157718this. scorpios are either my very best friends or cut out of my life from being
toxic as hell, no in between. it’s always later I learn they’re a scorpio too so I’m not judging them at the time for their star sign, it’s such a weird trend.
No. 158438
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>>158285There are 12 houses. The first 6 are "personal houses" having to do mostly with your inner world personal development, the last 6 are "public" pertaining to the world at large, minus the 12th house which has more to do with the subconscious/deeply hidden aspects of the personality. The placements of the planets in each house is determined by your time of birth.
>>158308Yeah cusps aren't real. If you're on a "cusp" the only way to know for sure is to use the time you were born and cast a chart. This site offers free electronic charts (not made by a person): No. 158465
>>158439I have an Aries moon but none of the others (Lilith can suck my ass). I posted my chart here before, it's
No. 158603
>>158465I'm surprised to see all those earth placements, plus a stellium in Cap and Cap rising lol. Saturn rules your chart. Lilith is an asteroid, I don't look into those much unless they're heavily aspected. Cap/Aries are both cardinal signs giving good leadership capability and personal drive. I can't imagine you being anything but driven, if not towards a career then towards your own personal goals and interests.
You might have a lot of hard aspects (square/opposition) to your sun/Asc and possibly to Saturn, which could throttle the usual Cap ambition. Unless your Aries moon is poorly aspected, it might be your saving grace from the famous Capricorn melancholy.
I would double check your birth time to make sure it's accurate though.
No. 159554
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Just got into astrology
No. 159871
i did a chart and it seems that mine's all over the place and contradicts itself?
what I got was
>Sun is in 17 Degrees Pisces.
>Extremely sensitive and emotional, you absorb the emotions of others (whether positive or negative) like a sponge. Emotionally vulnerable, you are easily upset and tend to cry readily. – Shy, dreamy, romantic in nature, you delight in retreating into your private fantasy world.
>Moon is in 03 Degrees Aquarius.
>Very freedom-oriented, you must always be able to do what you wish, no matter what. – You appreciate emotional self-control,you practice it yourself and you look for it in others. You solve problems, including emotional ones, with your brains and intellect, not your feelings. Try to be tolerant of those who have powerful and obvious emotional responses – not everyone is as objective, cool, dispassionate and detached as you are.
how am I both extremely sensitive and emotional but also dispassionate and detached? should I be reading this differently?
No. 160877
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Does anyone want to drag my chart? lol
No. 161843
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I’m a Pisces and every time I tell my boyfriend I’m having a good day, he sends me this kek
No. 169185
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I still fail to understand how come I have so much Aries in my birth chart, including sun sign, yet I'm the furthest thing from the typical Aries. i'm a n00b, pls eli5
No. 171211
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>tfw virgo and liked pisces girl
>looked all astrology sites
>basically as they are opposite signs so they are either a match made in heaven or completely a failure depending on who you ask
>well, opposite do attract
>she likes me
>we date four years
>break up
>perhaps not meant to be with romantically, but completely sure i found my soul mate.
opposite signs gang where you at !?
No. 171504
>>171500that's adorable, anon
I'm a Scorpio / Scorpio rising and I have always found fall to be an energizing time. I like winter too. Hate spring/summer.
No. 171949
>>171482December cap and I fucking hate winter, it never snows where I live and it's really a very cold autumn.
I do love the Christmas part of it though.
No. 172169
>>171482September Virgo here
I hated it when I was a kid because it was around the time school started plus 9/11. But I like it now. Summer, my birthday, then Halloween, then Christmas is a good combo.
No. 175932
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Okay nonnies here's my chart, would love to hear your thoughts, i'm deadly curious about what you think.
I have to say I love Leos and Sagittarians and I have a great time with others who have fire signs in mercury, its a lot of fun.
I can't stand Scorpio suns but Scorpio moons are fucking self destructive bpd psychos who will try to bring you down with them and drown you in the bottomless depths of their misery, and you'll always have to walk on eggshells around them because they're so hypersensitive, they'll throw a fit for the slightest thing and attempt to destroy you for it (especially those with scorpio pluto). Really vindictive and vile.
Capricorns are boring, Venus Geminis are absolute whores (the men are STD ridden community dick) and anyone with a Capricorn sun, Scorpio moon, Aquarius Venus, Scorpio Pluto combined in their chart, is the literal devil.
Aquarius moons are just fucking autistic, they can't navigate emotions especially the emotions of a relationship, they're so detached. All of the air moons are emotionally retarded, except for Libra moon, maybe.
No. 175943
>>175932It do be that cancer making you into this whiny
victim, every cancer i have known has this odd "i am so emotional, an empath mayhaps, others are just selfish and naive" when in reality it's just martyr cancer games year around. They can be cool but there's always even a hint of that behind there.
No. 175950
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Anyone see anything interesting in this chart?
No. 175955
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I've been able to check what the individual placements on my chart and even the relationships mean but I'm having a bad time trying to put all the parts together into a whole other than "Hmmm… big triangle…"
No. 175991
still whining omfg
No. 176037
>>175991Girlll, you're literally sat there whining over other anons whining like stop whinging already and post astro shit? You're whinier than the other anon.
So anyway, does anyone know about the houses and how to figure them out in a chart? I have no clue about them.
No. 178423
>>175932>and anyone with a Capricorn sun, … Scorpio Pluto combined in their chart, is the literal devil.Gee I wish. We share the Aries moon
nonnie, how's lashing out at anyone when you're not ok going?
>>175998Cap according to most astrology books.
>>177747According to my
littleknowledge in astrology and men I will try to sum it up
Aries: dirtbags who go head first into anything but never settle
Taurus: the most prone to cheating
Gemini: manipulative manwhores
Cancer: manipulative manwhores who hide it under a layer of uwu softboy
Leo: flashy scumbags
Virgo: perhaps the least bad in the bunch, still manipulative if you let them under your skin
Libra: dumb airheads, make great himbos but never expect commitment
Scorpio: alcoholic 3edgy5u types
Saggitarius: fucking crybabies istg they act proud but they whine more than cancers
Capricorn: stubborn scumbags, emotionally stunted
Aquarius: either stoner dgaf types or sjw types
Pisces: manipulative crybabies
No. 179297
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I think astrology is bullshit but it's fun at the same time
People seem to be comfortable around me but inside I am a judgemental bitch with low self esteem
No. 182458
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My birth chart is pretty one-sided, apparently. Anyone else?
No. 182568
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>>182458I am quite the opposite, mine is all over the place but I really like the shape.
No idea to what it means, though.
i like scorpios hehe No. 182573
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>>182458Hehe I have no idea hehe
No. 182936
>>182928I'll never contact him first.
I just ghosted him without explanation. He deserved it. But it's fun to ghost his ass
No. 184260
>>184147Based on your moon signs, I'd say learning and understanding each other's emotional nature will be important. Scorpio moons are super moody, they have intense spikes and dips and like to stew in their feelings for a while before moving on. The sag sun might help cause sag don't tend to stay on one thing for too long but there will be occasional angsty 2edgy4me time.
Aries moon is like a lil kid, they're are quick to burn through whatever they're feeling maybe have a shouting match and like "ok whats next". Aries moon also tend to be super impatient, nothing ever happens fast enough. So if the scorp moon is brooding over whatever and taking too long it can get frustrating. Libras are air signs and don't like to dwell too much in their feelings so really try to communicate the differences in a neutral setting so when shit hits the fan, there will already be an understanding established beforehand.
No. 184267
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I don't take astrology that seriously, but if there's one stereotype I do believe in it's that geminis are indecisive and fickle as fuck. Anytime a gemini friend makes plans to hang out with me they forget or reschedule, it's very rare that they'll actually do what they said they will do when they said they would do it.
And gemini moids are the absolute worst when it comes to mixed signals. They shy away from commitment but will still expect you to always be there for them when it suits them. If you decide to cut them off romantically due to their inconsistency they'll resent you because they can't have their cake and eat it too. It's the type of behavior that makes you lay awake at night analyzing the situation because you can't figure out what he wants, until it dawns you that it's because he doesn't know what he wants.
No. 184284
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I need a good laugh today
Anyone wanna roast my Chart?
No. 184563
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Taurus sun, Scorpio moon and rising - ik I'm satan apparently but what are other typical characteristics of this combo? Any opinions on someone with it?
I've also been told that my natal chart is terrible, like cursed actually kek. I don't think too much about it but it'd be helpful if someone could tell me whether or not my chart is actually screwed up. Afaik the main thing I remember was my moon and sun are opposing and they're Taurus and Scorpio of all signs which makes it worse for some reason.
No. 184636
>>184588This was the most relevant article I found that wasn't just the 12 animal zodiacs: might be of your interest:
>In Korean before the western method of time keeping, each day was broken down into 12 two hour segments. Each of these was named after a Sibijisin or guardian animal, as in the zodiac. So for example the time between 11 pm and 1 am was Jasi as it was believed the rat/mouse was most active at this time. No. 185151
>>184565Thank you anon, that's super helpful
>>184567I actually think mine might be due to the moon and sun and their houses because it's oddly specific, like your parents being polar opposite people and it causing extreme childhood trauma. Tbh I've wondered why it is that my sister went through the same trauma but it isn't in her chart at all.
No. 185696
>>184147Aries and scorpio are both ruled by Mars so fights will be explosive. The scorpio moid will try to dominate and control the Aries woman and the Aries woman will fight back as she should and will not be dominated. She demands respect. Aries moon is confident and aggressive, the trailblazer, and isn't one to play mind games or manipulate and is usually very honest and blunt. Aries is the most powerful sign and is in charge of all the other signs, remember, Aries is first. Which also makes them the baby of zodiac. They possess a child-like innocence. Scorpio moons are more scorpio than scorpio suns so expect extremely manipulative behaviour and nastiness, especially if they take to heart Aries moon's blunt words because the scorpio is so fucking sensitive they get hurt by the slightest thing. Think Onision, a scorpio sun and scorpio moon, jfc. Aries moon anger is explosive and frightening but is short lived then moves onto the next thing, acting like nothing happened and things resume normalcy. Aries doesnt tend to hold grudges whereas scorpio moon will hold a grudge and plot against you and weaponise everything you ever told them, against you. They are seriously insidious and vindictive and scorpio moon is a placement for bpd. It's also a fixed water sign, so they'll be stubborn. Very black and white thinking. Whereas Aries is cardinal fire, they adapt and keep it moving.
Scorpio moons are weak and pathetic, they lash out against you when they can't deal with their own shit and Aries moon hates weakness.
I knew of a sag sun, scorpio moon scrote and he beat his girlfriend. He broke her teeth and gave her a black eye, then lied about it, said immigrants beat her up one night she was out alone. Manipulative and
abusive. Both physically and emotionally.
No. 186377
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>>186374The free ones don't break down the houses, planets and signs and elements and all the aspects etc.
No. 186397
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anyone ever met someone with a very similar chart?
last year i dated someone and we had the exact same birthday! neither of us knew the exact hour we were born, but it was fucking weird anyway.
things got super intense super fast. but the relationship was very short. i like know that their first girlfriend was tragically murdered (only people from his hometown know this because they knew her, but when they moved to my city they decided they not to tell anyone about her because of how traumatic it was) and every gory detail about the situation. but like… we were together a very short time and we havent spoken ever since. feels like we are a complete strangers again. we had an intimate connection and it was quickly gone. maybe it could have lasted longer but he went back to his hometown and ended it. he's back in my city but i ignore their texts (he didnt want to do long distance even though it was obvious to me he was going to come crawling back to live in my city).
oh well, i thought it had to be destiny lol. it wasnt.
No. 186467
>>186447>I got dizzy reading your shit.Bullshit. Nobody is THAT stupid. You understood all well. You just have a problem with pronouns.
I don't care about your ideology, think what you will, but don't try to dictate how other people write.
No. 186469
>>186467NTA but step off. i have 2 english degrees switching up pronouns is confoundingly stupid and frustrating.
who gives a shit about snowflake pronouns
No. 186476
>>186474This anon does enough to derail about it
>>186447This anon does enough to defend it and look like an idiot for doing it
>>186469This anon does enough to post her non-contribution
>>186474You do. You care. I don't.
No. 193186
>>171482Virgo, born mid September. I like it, it feels like that's when the new year starts for me. Probably something to do with school starting around then, harvest, etc. Lots of nice celebrations around autumn too like the other anon said.
But I love July/August much more. I feel "at home" at the peak of summer.
No. 193441
>>193129I'm a Sagittarius rising. Cancer sun.
A ridiculous amount of my friends are born in Aquarius, it might be my favorite sign for that reason. I really like air signs in general.
No. 193557
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Anyone else here have signs that just don't seem to fit them whatsoever?
>supposedly cunning social butterfly who easily makes superficial friends
But I'm a naive social disaster who will feel anxious around anyone except my few really close friends
>taurus rising
>patient realists who dislike change and like to work in groups
But I'm always dreaming, love change and variety, prefer solo work, etc
>capricorn moon
>aloof or seemingly cold, ambitious, goal oriented
But I'm super emotionally open, incapable of hiding my feelings, and a lazy unambitious fuck to boot
I know astrology isn't really something to take seriously and I don't especially mind, but I do think it's funny how I tend to relate more to almost any other sign description.
>'as a gemini you love change and exploring new things'
>'as a taurus rising you dislike changes and prefer to stick to the status quo'
Which is it supposed to be reeee
No. 194728
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I looked up Megan Thee Stallion's birth chart out of curiosity and was surprised to see that we have a lot of major placements in common. Sun Moon, Mercury, and Venus. Any other anons have a celebrity twin?
No. 194740
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Can someone please explain my chart, why am I so impulsive and prone to sadness
No. 200078
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for the anon that asked in /ot/, here's my birth chart
how do i go about interpreting it?
No. 200102
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>>200078Okay so here's a quick breakdown for birthcharts. I might come back to give a more detailed descrip later but in the meanwhile look through what I wrote and do a little google research.
The basics is that when we are born, all the planets are in a specific sign in the sky. You can think of the oribit of a planet as a circle, and that circle is divided up into twelve sections corresponding to the twelve signs. In the exact moment you are born, the birthchart is a snapshot of the sky and where each planet is, hence the circular birthchart. It is believed that the energies from these planets provide a sort of blue print for you personality.
Now, when it comes to interpreting it. Every planet is representative of a different aspect of your personality. The sign that everyone (non astrology ppl) seems to know is the sun sign, which represents the ego or the overall essence of you being. But the moon, mercury, venus etc correspond to more specific parts of your personality and can differ for people even though they might have the same sun sign.
Look at the line chart under the circle chart. This tells you where all your planets were when you are born. You sun is in libra, your moon is in aries, your mercury in virgo etc. (you may want to learn the glyphs for each sign and planet in order to read this better). See pic related for what each planet represents.
For example then, your moon (represents emotions) is in Aries. Now you want to look at the characteristics of Aries and apply it to what the planet represents. Simply google "moon in aries" traits and you should be able to find many resources with a description. In my experience, moon in Aries tend to be very impatient, nothing ever happens fast enough for these types. They are also kids at heart and can be emotionally impulsive.
Now you do this for the next one, mercury in virgo, venus in leo, so on and so forth. As a beginner, I recommend you start with the following planets: Sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars and the ascendant (yours is in sag). Do a online search for these descriptions and see what sticks. Not everything will be true and this is just a surface level interpretation. When you are more comfortable with this, you can move on to the remaining planets.
Some extra info: There are four elements in total, fire, earth, air and water. Each element has three signs and they're own set of characteristics. Fire (aries, leo, sag) is enthusiastic and passionate, Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Cap) is stable and practical, Air (Gemini, Libra, Aqua) is cerebral and communicative, Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) is sensitive and emotional. Check which sign belongs to which element, it will help you familiarize with their traits.
There are other more advanced insights (aspects, modality, houses etc) but leave that out for now it will only confuse you. Just start with the planets I've listed and see how it goes. I'm always happy to answer any questions, this is a hobby I'm passionate about and I love to teach others.
No. 200113
>>200112I will read 3 birth charts first, it's going to be a little bit time-consuming because I'm going to type out a whole paragraph like
>>200102 does so please be patient and id love some feedback pls.
No. 200124
>>200112Op here, currently not taking any more readings except for these ones!
>>200117>>200120>>200119>>200078 (Use anon)
I'm currently very busy at the moment so remember to check back on Monday or Tuesday-ish for your reading. If there are any problems along the way id report back so you don't have to wait for me.
No. 200126
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nonny. ty for the reading
No. 200130
>>200108All the energies of your chart are working together and when there are contradicting signs/energies, you may feel tension in that area of your life or personality. To put it more technically, there are energies that harmonious and energies that are opposing. This area is covered under "aspects" in astrology and it talks about the angles the signs make with one another and how they affect each other.
I know you're just starting out so I won't go too much into detail about the aspects but I'll give you an example of how this works.
From your chart, I see you have a libra sun and an aries moon. This is what's called an opposition. Libra and Aries are opposites (or what's called sister signs), Libra is all about partnership and harmony and keeping the peace, Aries says I'm going to do what I want and I don't give a fuck what you think about it. So, this creates an internal struggle because while your general essence wants to be paired up with a partner or bff, emotionally you crave the freedom to just do your own thing without compromise.
Your chart tells me you're quite sociable and extroverted, so try to think of a time where you had to choose between pleasing those around you at the expense of giving up something you want OR having a "fuck it" moment to be selfish at the expense of hurting the feelings of others. This should be a common and reoccuring theme in your life and is a good example of how these conflicting energies play out.
No. 200150
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From what I gather almost everything on my chart is in some form of conflict (Pisces Sun, Virgo Moon, Sagittarius ascendant). I'm an outgoing introvert who finds happiness in small things while harboring grandiose aspirations. kek.
If some anon has the time to explain the details to me I'd be very grateful, but no pressure.
No. 200286
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>capricorn moon
>scorpio venus/mars
No. 200323
>>200286You are worthy of love anon, the right one will come soon, focus on yourself for the time being.
>>200226Pisces moon can be very manipulative sometimes anon, and i can see they can use it to their fullest potential if they can. On the flip side they can be very kind and artistic too.
No. 200707
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So I know jackshit about astrology but apparently I'm a Cancer Sun, Libra Moon, Cancer Rising, what does it mean anons?
No. 200820
>>200754>>200808I have the same placements and I'm also an awkward ugly neet. Which weird because libra rising are supposed to be attractive, popular, and very social people.
My mars is in virgo and venus in gemini.
No. 200879
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>>200876do you mean my natal chart or the website? either way here's both
No. 200880
>>200874Your jupiter is retrograde
It's in the 4th house so you might want to focus on home life, family, comforts, or resonate moon-like energy to find your luck
No. 200887
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>>200822Ikr, wtf is going on. Still learning astrology but right angles are bad right? It looks like I have some. Could someone smart pls look?
No. 200938
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Aries sun, moon, mercury with Gemini ascendant, Venus and Mars checking in bitches. What it say astroanons?
No. 200944
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>>200112Here's my chart, I think you might find it particularly interesting. Eager to know your thoughts anon.
No. 201050
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Atrsologyfags, what are your thoughts on the 4 humors in regards to astrology and food? I barely know anything about it, but I personally find it interesting. I don't know how my sign fits into this (I'm a Taurus) since some sources say Tauruses are melancholic, whilst others say Sanguine
No. 201267
>>200880Thank you for the read nonna!
>>200893Pisces sister! I hope your luck picks up eventually.
I know not everyone believes in past-lives, but I also think our lives now are here to teach us something, especially from a life we may not remember. At least that's how I try to cheer myself up when things don't go well.
No. 202676
>>202674Found the Gemini
>ScorpioKek aren't there just as many stereotypes with that one?
No. 205260
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what does this mean? am I supposed to be hungry or something?
No. 208315
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anyone else cannot relate to their sign (nearly) at all ?
i freaking hate my goddamn sign so much. literally the worst one probably, doesnt fit me whatsoever. everytime i look up stereotypes its something like extroverted flirtatious indecisive megawhore who is super into justice or whatever. so not me at all quite literally opposite in fact… i am not interested in love at all or socializing or anything. i love being on my own and i would prefer it if i never had to interact with anyone in real life/social media that requires an account ever again. i am much more into peoplewatching. i dont care about my appearance and if there's one thing i absolutely hate its being the centre of attention. i am always the one making decisions for others by force since everyone else cant. my charm is completely non existent and ive never had an even slightly "romantic" situation in my life (understandable so). i am very plainfaced at best or straight up genuinely hideous if you asked me. i am not hardworking at all unless i have a new fixation on something. the only thing i can relate to is perfectionism as sometimes i'll even spend more than 15 minutes editing a screenshot so it looks nicer/neater, maybe its the only example i can think of right now but i am a mess in every single other domain i can think of.
i am a libra, chart if you're interested in my other placements, im not an astrology girl just interested to know if there are people out there like me and gave details as to why i cant relate
No. 208355
>>208317 said, it might be from your scorpio placements. The perfectionism can be found in virgo too. What is your ascendant? The ascendant can give people a whole different vibe too.
No. 208472
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I'm seeking a second opinion on my chart. I'm not an experienced interpreter, but looking at my aspects (especially the tough ones), conjuctions and getting familiar with Chiron positioning, I found myself able to recognize and relate to the things it suggests. Red lines are squares, Greens are trines.
I feel like I'm spiritually irresponsible when exposing people to unconventional ideas and I also know I have a traumatized femininity. I feel the safest out of limelight but I always end up being a fucking spectacle. I'm not suicidal but I've always had this thing in me telling that's my existence was a mistake. I'm afraid of even trying to capitalize on my ambitions and ability, my ego has been fragile in the past, still somewhat is and I'm easily ashamed and guilty. One good thing though is that I've managed to be there for others and made some beautiful friendships. I just overall want to do better in life and in relationships, I know I can/could but I just freeze.
No. 211210
>>211209i'll also add
No. 211357
>>211356most of my husbandos are gemini so yeah you're right
No. 211448
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>>211356>>211357>>211368>>211388idk shit about astrology, is he or isn't he an accurate depiction of gemini males?
No. 211472
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Where does one look on their chart to find out about careers and maybe even timelines for careers? I'm stuck in a rut working the same few hours for an old boss and I'd love to know if my chart has something more in store for me and how does one go about deciphering that area?
No. 211767
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>>211649The stereotype is being two-faced or bipolar.
No. 211933
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>tell person who asks about it my sign
>'oh…. no way that doesn't fit you at all, I'm never compatible with those, whats your rising and moon signs???'
>name 2 signs completely at random
>'omg that explains everything lol that's perfect for you, no wonder you don't seem like a [actual sign] at all, you have a super strong rising & moon influence!'
I've had a reaction like this multiple times, each after naming completely different signs.
No. 212194
>>211767lmao iggy azealia and azealia banks are both geminis why is that hilarious to me
for real though that is basically cherrypicking, you could pick enough terrible famous figures of any star sign and do that
No. 212709
>>211760>>211796I've got six planets/things in Scorpio, including rising and sun sign. I have had a total of two partners, each committed relationships, and I was a virgin when I got married (not recommend. I'm pretty much asexual. Sex is absolutely unimportant to me, even boring, pointless. I just want occasional positive attention and admiration.
So, there's that. Before you ask, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter all in Scorpio. I forgot what else. Mars isn't. Most of my planets are in the first house.
No. 212880
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i wish the anon who explained zuck's placement would explain mine but anyone else is welcome, I'm completely clueless and the explanation provided by the site is for each element individually and I'm seeking a reading for the chart as a whole and how elements affect one another.
No. 212913
>>212892capricorn, second house
i wouldn't mind any other insights, if you have them. Not too concerned about sex, having rough time with larger life picture things.
No. 221198
>>202008I'm a Scorpio moon and rising and in my opinion Scorpios are just super intense so we're either staunchly committed or we're hoes. There's no in-between.
Personally I think it's because of our intensities as lovers/partners; either we see 'enjoy' it and can give it away to everyone for the fun sex or we recognize the harm in being so deeply attached and therefore are 'prudish' unless it's a committed LTR.
No. 222271
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What's your favorite books on moon placements specifically? I only read Donna Cunninghams Moon Signs about that specific topic so far.
No. 222357
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Can someone explain how dominant planets/signs/etc work? I can post my chart if necessary, all I have in Leo is my MC.
I used this calculator below: No. 223643
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I feel like this year I really have to manifest more of my capricorn sun energy. I have a lot of water signs in my chart, particularly pisces, that lead me to being an empathizing doormat to people who really did not deserve it. I've been trying for a long time to be less of a judgemental bitch but I've gone too far in the other direction. I've given people the shit off my back and they've left me out in the cold.
I want to manifest being more choosy with people who are my friends, and give off more confident energy. I'm tired of wasting time, and pouring a lot of love and energy into people who don't respect me or think about me ever.
Here's to a more capricorn 2022 nonnas. I'm going to be successful out of spite.
No. 223747
Just to add my 2 cents about sag males, I have been dating one for many years and I will say that while a lot of the confidence and monologuing may be true, I do find that he showed a lot of the 'bad traits' at the start, but as I got to know him and he actually let down his guard, and he is the most loyal, caring and selfless person. His confidence has made me more confident as a person, and maybe he is just a well put together sag, or maybe its his taurus sun, but he is quite responsible and always puts me and my cat first.
I am a libra with a cancer moon so maybe I just see the best in people a lot. But I too hated sags before I really got to truly know one.
I do however really dislike other fire type males, aries and leo. I dated a leo for years and he never changed once and was emotionally abusive towards me. An aries man I dated was straight up explosive and wanted things to be 'his way' all the time.
I do apologise if this may have come on as bragging, that wasn't my intention, I guess having dated all the fire signs now I can say that sag man seems quite misunderstood, I believe they are quite loyal on the inside.
No. 223770
>>223747my ex was loyal but also belittling and controlling, obsessed with gender role BS. It actually got worse as time went on. So did the mansplaining and endless monologues.
I don't know his other placements, though. I was with that loser for far too long. He also got massively fat.
No. 225173
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i need some advice as to how to approach love and romance. i have struggled to connect to others. does anyone have advice based on my natal chart ?
No. 231995
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why are gemini men so beautiful and irresistible. They're my kryptonite. It starts off very well, we hit it off and then they pull back out of the blue
No. 232128
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has anyone ever paid a "professional" for a chart analysis or something similar?
I am familiar with my houses, and signs in each house and planets as far as what they are and what they do to a limited degree (im not super familiar with the terminology though clearly) and I don't really get other aspects like transits, trines/squares/etc, what any of it means beyond how it manifests through my personality.
i've seen people advertising that they do live readings/recorded readings of your chart and I feel like it might give me a better idea of how things apply to me specifically, but not sure who to go with… I feel like some people are just scammers. the only astrologist I have come across that I like and am not suspicious of is alice bell whose sessions are expensive and book up instantly
so, I guess does anyone have suggestions for who to work with? or any other insight into the experience if you've done it before. thanks anons
No. 250694
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It's been like a month but I'm curious if anyone can tell me what my chart means exactly.
No. 259606
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>>234854Sagittariuses are too cool to believe in Astrology and horoscope.
Anyway what does my birth chart mean?
No. 261363
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Kind of necro but what the hell this means? Every site tells me that i'm a dreamer and i kinda agree but otherwise eh.
No. 270385
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This is spoonfeeding but do any knowledgeable anons have anything to say about an Aries sun / Taurus rising / Scorpio moon? Am I fucked up?
(as an Aries I've noticed I instantly get along well with sags but also that they fuck me over lol)
No. 270474
>>270385My husbando is aries sun scorpio moon, let's get married!
I am virgo sun, aries moon, scorpio rising, I think we could get along
>>270471Please concur.
No. 270619
>>270471My 12th house is Aries if that's what you mean? Thanks I need all the prayers I can get
>>270490Interesting! I never fully identified with Aries so it makes sense
No. 270777
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>spend months not dating or talking to any guys
>that whole entire time costar tells me I have power in sex & love
>go on a date and sleep with a cute guy bc he really likes me and I need to let off some steam
>browse costar a few hours later
>today I have trouble in sex & love
I defy you stars. Why are you trying to cockblock me?
No. 270812
>>270752Kek, many such cases
thanks for the honesty
No. 271070
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I recommend the app astromatrix I have it on android. I was very much resonate with my rising description. I'm a libra sun too, but I struggle with intimacy. I've been single neatly 2 years and while I seem confident in group settings I haven't let a date progress to anything intimate or more than platonic. I read that you become more like your rising as you age and that terrifies me because I don't want to be single lol
No. 278451
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nonnas wth does this mean? I got super freaked out. important? dismissable? all other placements aren't like this
No. 279061
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Can anyone give me a basic reading of whatever my chart means?
How do i relate the planets and the signs? Like if the sign is on one planet do i relate the qualities of the sign with the aspects in the planet or?
>>200102sorry for bumping No. 287330
>>287324I've been seeing number sequences for years, repeating numbers. I'm not schizo. Or if I am then theres a large community of people who are this flavor of schizo too because theres alot of talk online about it where people want to know what it means. Some people think its angel related, some think its your 'higher self' talking to you. I think years ago it was associated with 'lightworkers' and now the latest thing its being connected to is twin flames.
I always thought twin flame relationships sound
toxic rather than romantic. The whole runner part bothers me because chasing exes and thinking they'll come back sounds like obsession and setting yourself up for a world of pain. People say you learn from these relationships but it all sounds like wishful thinking to me. A way to explain away rejection without it being personal. Oh hes just the runner!
Idk a whole lot about them but any time I look up my lil number thing now I get told muh twin flame must be about to enter my life. I've been seeing the numbers for like 15 years now but ok lol
No. 287335
Twin flames are
toxic. I don’t know why in the last 10 years they’ve become something people seek out. Twin flames are the worst parts of yourself reflected. They’re the lessons you need to learn and you’re meant to leave and outgrow them. Soulmates are different and what I think most people mean tbh.
>>287324I think I do. There’s some people I just clicked with in ways that didn’t really make sense.
No. 289414
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Has anyone used the app The Pattern? It’s an alternative to Costar and I think it’s fun because you can see your ‘bond’ level with celebrities. My friend and I were cracking up matching ourselves with different celebrities and seeing that apparently her bond level with Conan O’Brien would be extraordinary. It also tells you what your ‘ideal partner’ traits would be. I’m curious what other people have gotten because mine was super generic ‘oh your ideal partner is someone who is loyal, protective, and monogamous’ kek. My friend got ‘fun and spontaneous’ which sounded a lot more fun. I was curious what the other options are.
No. 289432
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>>289414I downloaded the app just to try it out and I got the same ideal partner reading. I get it sounds generic to you, but after reading the "go deeper" portions it's actually spot on for me and exactly what I want/need! What I am disappointed by, though, is that they say my destiny essentially is to fall in love… Do you have something more fitting/less generic there? I hope other anons will give this a try, and let everyone know who their best celebrity matchups are. I haven't tried many yet but apparently Gillian Anderson and I would have an epic friendship.
No. 290108
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How am I in my love life in my chart?
No. 290175
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>>289414I think those readings are based on your Sun house and the Venus and Mars aspects. So no, I would not say that they are completely generic. From what I got and understand the first part generally relates to my Sun&Moon being in the 1st house (+Pluto in between but idk if they count that) and sexuality part is 100% from my Venus and Mars being conjunct. So I would say that based on these planetary aspects everyone can get something ‘unique’ since it is a mix and match. Maybe if you don’t have any strong aspects, the reading will be more underwhelming?
No. 290222
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>>289414>don’t really believe in astrology since all the descriptions for my signs don’t really describe me>download the pattern app for a gaffe>put in me and some of my friends>they perfectly describe the relationships I have with my friends, particularly the grievances I have in them Well that’s interesting. I won’t spend money in any of these apps, but I might start using co-star
No. 290635
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I sent a very pointed, decisive text today that I’ve been putting of for days because there’s no way I can walk it back, and when I opened costar out of boredom five minutes later my day at a glance told me to have my phone turned off for as much of the day as possible.
No. 290650
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>>290640Ok anons, samefag, I need advice now. I dug deeper into the app and the "upcoming cycles" section for me pretty much suggests what I can imagine being the worst thing for my mental wellbeing; I know it's "just some horoscope", but I looked at past dates with certain significant events and they all aligned well with cycles described in the app for said past dates.
I feel really dumb, please don't bully, how do I stop caring about that future prediction? Or idk, persuade myself it's actually good or whatever
No. 290719
>>290674I'm definitely prone to catastrophizing, that's for sure. Now I've re-read what it says after seeing your response and it definitely could be interpreted through the lens of it being ultimately positive change; it focuses a lot on accepting big changes that may come there's no control over; and letting myself just go with the flow, but these ideas are really worriesome. I guess I can take my own reaction to this now as a lesson already, kind of? That there's a need to be more adaptable?
It's comforting to get your understanding nonna, I still feel silly but you helped me reframe the worry a bit
No. 291838
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Got 100% astrological chart compatibility with Keanu Reeves lol.
Usually I get like 9-13% or some shit with people I have a crush on, so this was a nice change. Keanu is my soulmate I guess!
No. 292207
Heads up for those of you who swear Co-Star is scarily accurate–apparently it uses Google Analytics and possibly your cookies to tailor the 'predictions'. I personally like The Pattern better and so do the people over at r/astrology that know astrology better than me kek.
>>292067>>292092It doesn't take your birth time and location but just your DOB so I wouldn't trust this
No. 293360
>>293356As someone who has dated a few aquariuses and has lots of aqua friends, I can tell you they hate people simping for them. The best way to get an Aquarius is to find something you’re really passionate about and concentrate on it, live your own life. Aquas like to gravitate towards others, not the other way around. I’ve also noticed a lot of Aquarius people have a social climbing or slightly userish streak, and they are also known to doorslam or drop people on a whim when they’re dissatisfied, so be warned. If an Aquarius is into you, you’ll know it, because they tend to get quite obsessed with the people they admire and want to date. If you find yourself simping for them constantly while they give you crumbs, you’re making a big mistake, and they’re probably using you to fluff their ego, don’t do that.
No. 293361
>>293356It doesn't sound like you'll have a fulfilling relationship if you have to work this hard to "make her" love you. You're setting yourself up for failure here by pursuing someone who you admit is confusing and cold, and quite possibly just using you. Here you are working overtime trying to win her, but if this was meant to be, your
natural personality would be irresistible to her. Imagine if you managed to change yourself enough, do all the right things, and now she's head over heels— but for who? Certainly not you. "You" disappeared when you started performing unnatural behaviours (i.e. it wasn't spontaneous; you needed anons in the astrology thread on a Mongolian basket weaving forum to tell you what to do) to try to control her opinion of you.
Sorry if I'm being harsh. Just give it up, or at least reevaluate what you want in this relationship with her.
No. 294445
>>293357>>293360>>293361>>293365This gave me lots to think about, thanks nonnies.
Update is I took your advice and kept my distance, and also focused on my passions and kept busy. This actually made her stick to me like a magnet lol it's crazy, she said she hadn't seen that side of me. I am obsessed with a few passions but I guess I kept it under wraps because it may be off putting to people. As soon as I stopped doting on her and switched to teasing and holding back, she got much more active and started reaching out to me out of the blue. Maybe it's manipulative but it was pretty satisfying ngl.
She still doesn't give me that wholehearted sense of being seen and appreciated though, more like I'm an interesting toy for her to play with, fun but replaceable. I'm still so attracted to her but some of the crush has faded now I see that she doesn't feel the same way. I think FWB is the limit of our relationship. As one anon said it's pointless to shape myself into someone I'm not, but at least I'm having fun while trying to keep my heart safe for someone who wants me just as I am.
Love you bitches on this Mongolian basket weaving forum
No. 295854
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having these planetary groupings in the 3rd and 12th houses seems kind of cursed. am I gonna be ok? my saturn/uranus/neptune are also all in capricorn.
libra sun / virgo moon, a couple more planets in libra
No. 296944
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can any kind nonas let me know what it is exactly i'm looking at? also does anyone have any recommendations for resources to learn about astrology/the history of astrology?
No. 298737
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Hi nonnies, I'm new to this. May I have a reading? Where does my potential lie? What are my strenghts and weaknesess and how can I work on them? If that's too much then any other comments are fine too.
No. 298752
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>>298749God fucking damn it
No. 298826
>>298737I'm not good at reading charts but that looks like a lot of Taurus, damn girl.
Taurus has a reputation for being the sign of stubborn & inflexible people but that can be a good thing if it makes you hard to push around. This might come across as being "chill" in your case with Pisces rising; you're probably not gonna be seen running around in a panic over little things. You may hold your beliefs very firmly and be confident in sharing them but not in a showboat way, more like a factual way which can make you a moral compass or an outcast depending on your social skills and environment.
Pisces moon & rising is a good compliment to Taurus sun, it can counteract the negative side of being stubborn by adding some of Pisces' empathetic and creative attributes to your inner self (moon) and outer expression (rising) which will warm your outer appearance to others (sun). Likewise Taurus attributes will ground your floaty Pisces mind so you can show some pragmatism.
You should have a good sense of style. Do you?
No. 298870
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any thoughts about my chart? i think i have a stellium, does anyone know more about them?
No. 307517
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Chris Chan's birth chart.
What do you think about it?
No. 309657
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First impressions? Aqua Sun, Leo Rising, Virgo Moon, Venus in Pisces. Thanks nonnies.
No. 309658
>>309654Things I noticed on my crappy lil astrology app
> My mom shares Venus trine Pluto with me and Venus trine Uranus with my younger sister> my mom and I both have Venus sextile Neptune, again not sure if that’s common> My mom and sister both have Saturn opp Pluto> I also notice that my dads grandma has Sun square moon (an unlucky aspect) but then my dad and my grandma (his mom) have sun trine moon which is a good omen and indicates good luck. I wonder if this generationally is a thing; I kinda view it as being luckier due to the challenges and sacrifices of your ancestors which makes sense considering ~muh American dream~ and stuff.Also I notice my dads side of the family has more positive aspects between the Sun and Pluto but neither my sister or I inherited our dad and grandma’s lucky Sun trine Pluto, sad. Neither me or my sister have any aspects between Sun and Pluto at all interestingly.
No. 325604
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>>184563i know this is a year old post but i just broke up with a Taurus sun Scorpio moon man and he was fucking insufferable. bless your soul.
anyway my moon is also Scorpio and if it wasn't horrifying enough it's also in the first house. is there hope nonas? should i isolate myself from people forever? i crave interaction but my god does it cause pain for everyone involved everytime i try
No. 330054
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why are scorpios and geminis always such pieces of shit
No. 330066
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Rate/roast this chart, hour is unknown btw
No. 330131
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>>330078>>330128Rate/roast mine? Any comments?
No. 330193
>>330070oh wow lots of planets in fourth. anyway, i think i see a combust venus. so some aspects of those planets, like beauty or communication maybe weak. maybe an over spender, little bit insecure about their looks, maybe weak relationships with other women. asc square moon as well which may come off as a misunderstood person, maybe mistaken for overly cold while being chaotic and emotional or complete opposite! i also see a sun and saturn opposition which may mean you fear responsibility? there can also be hits to your ego and sense of self, you may be critical of yourself as a person. especially when it comes to your communication and the way you think since saturn in gemini and maybe related to themes of status and career and public image. i think you might be scared of judgment or think others will judge you for the way you go about things. there is a narrowmindedness that comes with saturn in gemini, especially early in life. i think it might be tied to your south node (past life) conjunct mercury for example. there's a past where you held on to one specific type of thought stream that worked out for you that you carried on with into the current present that you refuse to let go. i think the main challenge in this life time is to let go seeing how the north node is conjunct saturn so it kinda ties in all together, to be life's student and not to overthink so much or limit your views. mars is in a favorable placement, sixth house so that bitch is not making any trouble but that bitch opposes your ascendant, i think it might mean youre always on the look out for the shit other people might pull. your parents or parental figures are both showing up as mentors and fun open minded people. maybe you moved a lot growing up? maybe that had a lot of transformation on your character through life. good jupiter placement in 11th, abundance in and comes from social circles and friendships. pls dont respond if this is completely off i will be humiliated i didnt sleep all night nona
No. 330544
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I don't know much about astrology but apparently I have 4 planets in Scorpio, is that why I'm mentally ill?
No. 330567
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What would you say about this chart? Again hour unknown
No. 330659
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op is a tranny btw
No. 332187
>>330193>like beauty or communication maybe weakI'm bad at both sis
>maybe an over spendersometimes, I have no issues paying a lot for something I like a lot but I'll fret about buying the cheapest groceries possible.
>little bit insecure about their looks I'm uggo
>maybe weak relationships with other womenweak relationships with most people to be honest, both men and women feel like they are from another planet to me most of the time.
>may come off as a misunderstood personI don't blame people for misunderstanding me because I already have a hard time understanding myself kek
>maybe mistaken for overly cold while being chaotic and emotional or complete oppositemost people see me as chaotic mess because of the way I communicate (I'm too direct and sometimes impulsive) but I find it hard to care what people think of me (to an extent it's good to care about what people think of you, otherwise you start to look and sound unhinged, not that I would know that haha), I already criticize myself enough to give a shit what other people have to say most of the time. I used to be neurotic as a teen though.
>you fear responsibilityI don't really fear responsibility, I fear routine and having a 8-16 job would literally make me want to kms. something about waking up in the morning and having to look presentable to people I'd rather kick on the face doesnt sit right with me. working is fine though I just have to do it on my own terms.
>there can also be hits to your ego and sense of self>i think you might be scared of judgment or think others will judge you for the way you go about thingsto sum up: yes
I have ADHD and I go around things in ways people think it's either dumb, not productive enough or just wrong. I basically learned ANYTHING I do is rather better done than perfect (even if doing shoddy things takes a hit on my self esteem) because sometimes shit's gotta be done and if I fret about details nothing is getting done ever. I've been judged by a lot of people I've studied or worked with about the way I go about life but I just want to get things done and have free time to do whatever I want.
>there is a narrowmindedness that comes with saturn in gemini, especially early in lifehonestly I can't think of something specific but I'm sure you're onto something, I just need to get more neurotic then I will find what you're talking about.
>not to overthink so much or limit your viewsfunny you mention that because it's very hard to not overthink, but that said I wish my views were more limited because save for hating trannies, I often fence sit on several subjects before taking a stance.
>i think it might mean youre always on the look out for the shit other people might pullpeople can be nasty, how does one NOT live sniffing out for bullshit from time to time?
>our parents or parental figures are both showing up as mentors and fun open minded peoplethey were fun but insane. esp. my father. my mother was actually BPD but when she wasn't being a bitch, she was good to me.
>maybe you moved a lot growing upI never moved as a child (literally, lived from the same house from birth to leaving the nest) but I moved country as an adult.
>abundance in and comes from social circles and friendshipsinteresting you mention that because I have no idea how it happens. most of the time I'm just doing my own thing but somehow still make friends.
sorry for the big ass greentext blogpost but I wanted to validate your mostly correct reading sis
No. 336983
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No. 336984
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No. 347552
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What astrology signs/placements/aspects are most likely to be liberal feminist handmaidens?
I was thinking maybe a lack of squares in the chart?
No. 351286
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can any nonnas better versed in astrology, particularly synastry, provide a 2nd opinion on this synastry chart?
me and my low-commitment (on both ends), on-and-off, long-distance-until-2-months-ago partner i've known for 2 years – and who is one of my greatest friends first and foremost – keep coming back to each other. we always lived ~3 hours apart until i fled an emotionally and verbally abusive relationship in mid-july, when my one of my closest friends and former coworkers picked me up. i'm now staying with her; she's lived in this area for 2 years but moved to this particular part of it in may. the man ("parking lot guy" and blue) moved to this city in december. so we're the closest in proximity we've ever been and have been seeing each other every couple of weeks, sometimes 2x a week, running errands together, watching movies or shows, and fucking for the past month and a half or so.
he and i met in late september 2021. my best friend was with me and she was paying the parking meter so we could go to the bodega. i saw parking lot guy from across the lot and hollered, "i like your shirt!" and he looked confused because one of his friends he was with was apparently talking to somebody else about their DMX shirt - he thought i was talking to the guy in the DMX shirt. so i went, "i love nick cave" as he was walking closer and we got to chatting. i bummed a cigarette from him and invited him and his friends to the bodega with my best friend and i after chatting, but he told me they were actually from upstate and were going to get something to eat before heading back up there. i took that as an opportunity to ask for his number, and we went our separate ways after that. he texted me about 20 minutes later, we talked nonstop and a couple of weeks later he came down to see me one-on-one for the first time. for the next 2 years, we'd alternate me taking the train up to see him or him coming down. he was my +1 to my good friend's wedding, and my circle liked him and us together. my grandmother who's met him many times adored him and asked about him every time she'd see me, even when i was with that other man for 14 months. i saw him when i was on a break with the ex i just left and it was like no time had passed.
he and i haven't left each other alone except for 6 months earlier this year when i sent his messages to the archive and cut him off shortly after getting back with the aforementioned now-ex i left - i already had parking lot guy's messages muted, etc. but i distanced myself due to stress with the job i had, problems with my ex, struggles with my meds, etc overwhelming me and i couldn't handle parking lot guy's problems on top of mine, especially when he would update me on his situation and then say he didn't want to "bog me down with [his] bullshit" despite my reassurances that his overarching problem (his mother's stage 3 blood cancer) wasn't "bullshit." he would occasionally text me from a new number that i eventually blocked back around march.
when i moved in july, i went to my archive and opened our chat to see ~60 messages from him, sent in the interim. i scrolled through them quickly, not really stopping to read any of them at length, but what stuck out to me was the number of "i dreamt about you last night"s. regardless, i've since asked him if he thinks those months of radio silence were beneficial for our individual growth, considering we didn't have the other's hindrance or influence, or if he thinks keeping in touch through it all would've brought us closer. he said it doesn't really matter what he thinks either way because it's all in the past now.
when i got a synastry reading in an astrology group chat last night, i was told:
>"There is a very strong and passionate sexual connection between you both. He does, however, irritate your emotional wounds. You have serious talks and discussions and he can sometimes put a damper on your communication/stifle your communication. He takes your day-to-day life seriously. There is definitely a potential that he could give you a child. There is also an indication of marriage/long-term relationship. You are beneficial for his public image and career."
>i responded: "neither of us wants children but i do know he's capable of impregnating someone. sometime in the months we were no-contact, he got someone pregnant but she miscarried. she was traumatized by it, as she'd been planning to abort, and they still speak occasionally. he said 2 years ago that he'd like to marry me, but in the time since we've both come to realize that marriage (at least traditional) isn't for either of us. doesn't mean we don't seem to have some red string of fate. we just can't leave each other alone."
>she said: "You’ll most likely get pregnant for him. There are indicators in both of your charts."
>i asked: "what are the indicators?"
>"His Jupiter is in your 5th house and your Venus is in his 5th house"
>"Of children."
>"Correction: your Venus is in his 4th house. Which still indicates family life"
>changing gears, i asked if that could indicate why my grandmother adores him
>i was told: "Could be. But Venus in 4th house means you would make his home a pleasant and beautiful place. As a couple, you would entertain there in the home. Family happiness."
aspects-wise, he has 2 t-squares and 1 yod. i have 1 t-square, 1 cradle, and 1 yod.
my big question is why can't be leave each other alone? we care so deeply about one another, but there's always some obstacle in the way. he's the most tender lover i've ever had. he's the only man i've ever been able to actually feel cum inside me, he's also the only person i've ever been intimate with where i can maintain prolonged eye contact during sex and not feel exposed and embarrassed. the other day, after a particularly stressful week on his end, i'm 98% sure he started crying a bit after we had sex. he had his head partially hidden by his pillow and sniffled. i looked at him and asked if he was okay because i've never heard this man sniffle before, and there's a cold going around. he said he was okay, jokingly-sobbed, i laughed, and about 30 seconds later he sniffled again. i went to go pee after that and he must've composed himself because i didn't hear him sniffle again.
No. 353383
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Hm. Thoughts?
No. 353403
>>353386What do you prefer? Do you follow one or both?
I slightly follow both sidereal and tropical but ever since I've discovered sidereal it's made things a lot more convoluted.
No. 353600
>>353577I’ve never purchased face to face consultations, but have purchased readings on Etsy, which have all been accurate and mentioned things about me which nobody would know unless they could actually tap into my energy. It’s crazy.
What’s nice about Etsy is that you can look through reviews of different readers. A lot of shite readers get rated 5 stars just because, so I recommend looking for reviews that specifically mention that the reader predicted things that came true with little to no context given.
I wish I could provide the shop names of a few of my go-to readers, but I don’t want to come across as a self-poster or a shill.
No. 353734
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thoughts about this birth chart?
No. 353760
>>353729For just a simple yes/no or timing question, $3-6.
For super in-depth advice where I’d like to give as much context as needed, or for really important decisions, I splurge and go to my favorite and it’s usually $10-20.
No. 355587
>>355444In my experience they’re very good looking but incredibly arrogant and think they’re gods gift (which turns me on too admittedly ugh) they also try to make you beg for their attention and make themselves emotionally unavailable so you’ll start pining after them because it validates their ego, gooooooddddd so annoying
But tbf I’ve gotten quite a few of them to open up and they actually became obsessed with me, which is weird because I’m a Taurus and Aquas are supposed to be my worst match but we seem to have insane sexual chemistry, terrible relationship material tho they’re so egotistical
No. 363614
What are your pet peeve Sun signs that you don’t get along with or find irritating?
> Cancer women: emotionally underdeveloped pickmes who live for male validation and are deeply insecure (Shayna and Ariana Grande are great examples).> Libra women: shallow, see male validation as the ultimate goal.> Scorpio men: depraved. They know the Scorpio stereotype and emphasize the most dark triad parts of their personality while also proclaiming they’re a Scorpio because retarded women go nuts for it. So many of them are loud and proud doms aka openly abusive with fluff to excuse it.Also not a sun sign but shoutout to water moon men because they are the fucking worst. I don’t know of a single one who wasn’t coddled by women growing up and are extremely manipulative with their “emotional softness”.
>>359702Anon you should look into your nakshatras. Mine are so accurate, I was shocked!
No. 363660
>>363614What is your rising nakshatra
nonnie? I noticed many Ashlesha women tend to have pickme tendencies.
No. 363934
>>363660I'm not much into Zodiacs (much less Vedic), but I did a quick Google search on Nakshatras and it sounds so interesting! For anyone else who is absolutely new to the concept, what I gathered was:
>Naksha is considered to be a map and Tara denotes a star, thereby making Nakshatra a star map. It is the term used for a lunar mansion in Hindu astrology and Indian astronomy. The 28 Nakshatras (sometimes 27) is the name devoted to the constellation of the moon as it lives in every constellation for one day.>In Vedic astrology, analysis of Nakshatra is very important. It is generally responsible to figure out how an individual thinks, understands, or perceives life.There's also, seemingly, a strong distinction between how nakshatras manifest in males and females? I looked up mine to read it in greater detail (Krittika) and it showed a drastic difference between the two sexes:
>A man having the Krittika Nakshatra is very intelligent, but at times he loses his patience that is required to achieve his goals and thus, requires a great deal of persistence.>Females are said to be sensitive and have jugs full of emotions, but that does not mean she succumbs to the emotional blackmail of others. Oh no! The female natives of the Krittika Nakshatra have all the feelings and who is strong from within, which some people misinterpret as arrogance.What's up with that? How do you anons interpret these distinctions and is it reasonable to discard the sexed approach and somehow take both these descriptions to heart simultaneously?
No. 363946
>>363934Same anon, a funny thing happened
>Krittika Nakshatra Female Characteristics>They will not share good family dynamics. They will lack compatibility with family members and relatives as they have their opinions and would not support any conservative belief that goes against women.And me being on LC complaining about women's description being not as favorable as men's. I also wanted to mention the article using "man" for men, and "female" for women, but I held myself together. I think this stuff is far more accurate than Western Zodiacs. Almost comical in its accuracy.
No. 365334
>>365332No, tbh I don't believe in souls or past/future lives.
If you don't relate to your normal tropical chart I suggest giving sidereal a try.
No. 365363
>>363664Mine is Hasta Nakshatra, I don’t know anything about Vedic astrology so I don’t know what that means
>>365332My draconic chart resonated with me, I also use sidereal instead of tropical
No. 365376
>>363660I found a nakshatra finder online, mine is Moola nakshatra.
Half of the things in the description of the website I found are accurate, for example that Moola nakshatra live a life of dichotomy between a spiritual and materialistic path, while the other half very far from the truth, like how they're supposed to be optimistic or positie thinkers, or that female of Moola nakshatra have a lack of knowledge to deal with things which often lands them into various problems (which might have been true in my early 20s but not now in my 30s).
It's interesting nonetheless because some of it shows a lot of the general antithetical descriptions I get on my astral chart which has a lot of Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn placements.
No. 365465
>>363614i feel like scorpio men are really hit and miss. of the two scorpio men i know, one of them is very kind and submissive/sexless, the other is literally deranged and ended up stalking me. what ive had a problem with is scorpio rising men. last one i knew literally was
abusive and bragged about being a narcissist and a psychopath.
also, i really cant stand most taurus men. they have the amplified moid traits of stubbornness and refusal to admit fault or accept any flaws or responsibility. terrible conversationalists.
No. 365962
In my observation all virgos are either crackheads or control freaks
>>365465Scorpio suns are the type to do unhinged shit and then say they’re “cute but psycho” like it’s a little aesthetic or quirk. I have some Scorpio placements and I reallllly dislike Scorpio suns. I feel like astrology stereotypes get to their head which influences their behavior. Also the Scorpio suns think they’re way better in bed than they actually are and flex their psycho behavior as something intense or sexy. It’s so cringe.
No. 365983
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>>365962The women are like picrel lol. And Cancer women too.
No. 366169
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one time a girl came up to buy tickets for priscilla and told me she’d been out celebrating her birthday. i told her happy birthday and that i had to check her ID, which her tipsy ass was happy to hand over. i told her my partner (att) was a scorpio and she told me her big 3 (scorpio sun, virgo moon, libra rising) and asked mine. when i told her i’m a cancer sun, gemini moon, sagittarius rising, she said, “girl, i am so sorry!” and i laughed about it because i actually get that quite often, at least online, but that was the first time i’d gotten it in person.
the closest irl comparison i have is my former best friend (capricorn sun, sagittarius moon, gemini rising) who works as a professional tarot card reader at the renaissance faire every year, and does chart readings on the side, telling me, “every gemini moon i know is bipolar.” she also believes in cusps and says i’m a gemini/cancer cusp since my birthday is june 22.
anyway. does anyone else have a big 3 that has gotten you “i’m sorry” responses multiple times?
No. 366318
>>366190taurus sun, cancer moon, sag rising, INFP lmao. i never get over anything ever which fits i guess?
>>366169not quite big 3, but my chart has 6 taurus placements and a lady i admire wished me luck and said if anyone has more than 3 taurus in their charts shes calling the police
No. 366398
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What are the zodiac signs who are more likely not going to post garbage like picrel because they feel secure in themselves? What about the opposite? I find that Libra women are obsessed with talking about how beautiful and desirable they are while Tauruses (the other Venusians) don't as often and kinda accept their status as stubborn and gluttonous more than they sperg out about how Venusian and feminine they are.
No. 366402
>>366398It might be because of my other placements but as a Scorpio sun, Sagittarius rising and Capricorn moon and I rarely ever repost or share anything zodiac related on social media (I used to when I was on Tumblr before the purge), cuz I have my work colleagues and/or friends watching whatever I share on WhatsApp and/or IG. I'd rather share some music I like or whatever pictures I took going somewhere instead.
I did one exception related to my Scorpio zodiac sign this year because of one IG reel with a song about "I'm so motherfucking tired all the time" cuz 2023 was rough.
No. 366479
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Can I get advice on my chart? Especially for general life goals?
No. 366481
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Thoughts on this chart? I'm new to doing birth charts and more extensive astrology related things. I'm an INFJ-A Leo if it matters.
No. 370723
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Hey nonas, I made a zodiac sign poll: No. 370779
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I have 0 astrology knowledge and honestly i don't believe in it, but i'm curious to know what people that are into it would think, i would always forget my other sign stuff when someone would ask that so here they are:
>Aquarius Sun
>Taurus Moon
>Capricorn ascendant
I think that's mostly what you need, right?
No. 371067
>>370779>I have 0 astrology knowledge and honestly i don't believe in itThen you are a bad person. Astrology has already been scientifically proven to be true
>Aquarius Sun>Taurus Moon>Capricorn ascendantOnly for gay Western astrology, not real Vedic astrology. Even so, here is your profile:
-strong desire to be a leader
-ultra individualistic with unconventional ideas
-obnoxious, left wing politics
-strong ability to detach from your own emotions
-calm, not a drama queen
-don't have a need to be nurtured by either family or a romantic partner, as you can do those things yourself
-difficult person to compromise with. Possibly due to your unjustified sense of moral superiority over others
-seen by others as practical and also you are regarded as being more serious/stern than you actually are on the inside
-reserved, responsible and hardworking
-you are regarded as a natural leader by others, further gassing up your already inflated opinion of yourself
No. 380643
>>380635No, I do traditional/hellenistic astrology. Asteroids are a modern thing in astrology. If you relate to them it can be explained by other things in the chart, too. That's kind of a problem with astrology, you can justify anything with it or force any explanation you want.
>>380636Air signs need intellectual stimulation. Be good at having a conversation, don't be boring, etc.
No. 382300
>>382299Samefag but it turns out my most
abusive insecure ex fell into this type and I can why Rahu dominant women like me would fall for these moids. Saturn men are the lesser form of Ketu—Saturn’s edginess and rebelliousness seems similar to Rahu’s nature as a rebel and a visionary. Imo a Saturn-Rahu relationship won’t work out because these men are especially emotionally stunted and questionably monogamous. I also feel like Rahu women are leaders while Saturn men are followers which we know creates insecurity on the man’s part. If anyone cares, imo the actual soulmate for Rahu would be Ketu, which fundamentally is like yin and yang between the north and south node, but Ketu men are usually very strange as well. Objectively I think Jupiter dominant men are the best partners to have.
No. 390783
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>bear hatred for 2/3 water signs since day 1 of reading their descriptions>western chart has exactly 1 water placement>it's thankfully the best one (Scorpio)>relief>look into vedic chart>vedic chart is almost 50% water signs>ascendant falls into Ashlesha>read >>363660Do I kill myself
No. 390989
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>>390798I mostly used hyperbole as an attempt at humor. But thank you for the recommendation, I got around to watching Nakti’s "Ashlesha Nakshatra In The Modern World" video. It did nothing but solidify my distate for my two Ashlesha placements (Asc and Jupiter, as expected neither one brings anything favorable to me). I don't think of all the 27 Nakshatras, that there is a worse one than Ashlesha. We did it girls, we found objectively the worst fucking Nakshatra.
Firstly, read picrel excerpt from The Book of Nakshatras by Prash Trivedi. Already sounds pretty bad, no? Especially hilarious is the paragraph which begins with
>On a positive level, their suspicious nature makes them good observersand then in the same paragraph listing an extra 4 negative qualities
>However Ashlesha's intuitive and psychic capabilities tend to function best in situations where an element of danger is there>their suspicion can turn into paranoia>Paranoid schizophrenia is a disease whose roots lie in Ashlesha>they also have a tendency to use their psychological perceptiveness to exploit othersLike, what the hell? I though this paragraph was supposed to point out its good qualities? The other paragraphs are all about how evil, deceptive
and butterfaced the Nakshatra is, can it not have anything good to it?
Regarding its association with seduction… I would never humiliate myself like that. I also don't like its association with the humiliation that is referred to as Female Sexuality (in reality, it's less of a female sexuality, and more of a patriarchal woman's coping strive for a smidgen of power in a system rigged against her).
I'm gonna transcribe a key point from the video that killed all and any respect I might've had for the energy of this Nakshatra:
>And this ties to a lot of the secrets of feminine nature that I discussed in my video on Venus dominant men that relates to the way that it's shown in research and the immense popularity of things like Fifty Shades of Grey all over the world. That female sexuality, which Ashlesha is the absolute base foundational essence of, craves to be conquered and dominated, and that's what truly satisfies the passively-oriented partner. Attaining someone who genuinely, passionately asserts on them. It relates to waiting for the right thing as the receptive element physically can't invoke what it wants to happen to it through action, like the active partner can. It waits for something to assert, even though it is oftentimes innocent and can't even understand that that's what it's doing. Ashleshas be like: here's a tutorial on how to be a perennial Slave to men's sexuality teehee. I'm so fucking butthurt about this placement. Get out of my Ascendant, persisting whore.
If there are any actual positives to it, please tell me, else I will just start ignoring the Vedic chart, and stick to the much more favorable Western placements.
No. 391284
I'm starting to highly consider sign compatibility in my dating search. I liked to think of it as silly woo woo, but the more I look into it, the more it rings true, especially with my past relationships. I'm a Scorpio and the past 3 men I've been with have been Aquarius and Libra men. My last ex was an Aquarius and reading through the conflicts we faced, it was like someone was watching us through a camera. I recently tried to date an Aries, but he couldn't commit to a second date and decided it wasn't worth the inconvenience, he was such a sweet guy on our first date.
Should I look for my ideal Pisces or Cancer man? And highly likely Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn men? I've always wanted to avoid Cancers because my mom and sister are Cancers and especially with my mom, it's been an emotional ride.
I don't know, do you think I'd find greater success?
My best friend's husband's best friend is a Cancer and I've had a crush on him in between my relationships, but he has stated previously to my best friend's husband, he has no attraction to me and I'm a bit older for his preferences. I think he's still single, but I guess only time will tell with him, I can't wait on him unless he initiated something.
No. 391305
>>390989Okay anon, ayrt here and this is my second attempt at replying to you because my phone deleted everything I wrote initially. So first of all, you said that your Ashlesha placements are your Ascendant and Jupiter… Jupiter, really? Kek sorry but that's irrelevant. What's more relevant is that your Jupiter is possibly conjunct your ascendant which might make you Jupiter dominant. The key for planetary dominance or ruling nakshatras is to look at your luminaries, esp for any conjunctions to those. The moon nakshatra is most potent according to Vedic astrologers. You can also look at the first two houses to see if you have any planets there (sounds like Jupiter is for sure so I'd look into that).
Next, I understand your frustration regarding this nakshatra because you want something more than to be a temptress or whatever. I think this characterization is so limited because for a long time we have only valued women as extensions of men and for their looks–if you think about it, the descriptions of nakshtras do reflect that given how little they talk about our hobbies, intellectual pursuits, and other things that aren't men/looks focused. They, like everything else, are rooted in patriarchy. Given the information I have I'd say that Ashlesha isn't even your ruling nakshatra imo, however I can relate as a Swati native I recall Claire Nakti talking about how Rahu dominant women want men who "shape our minds" and can "lead" us. That description made me recoil in disgust. It was so inaccurate and borderline weirdly
abusive sounding but then I thought about it and I remembered how I've always had a problem respecting my spineless moid partners and how I've always wanted a man who embodies the good masculine qualities who doesn't make me feel like I have to do everything or speak up for the both of us. But definitely not someone who "shapes my mind" because scrotes are fundamentally limited in their perspectives; it should be the other way around imo.
Regardless of nakshtras, it seems like all of the descriptions describe women wanting to be conquered even if they are Saturn dominant femme fatale women who lay the trap, to of course be "conquered". I really can't relate because I've always been into female-centered femdom. I think the interpretations are are rooted in examples within Indian patriarchy where women were forced into marriages anyway. The best I've seen at predicting my preferences was in Western astrology where random astrologers could guess my sexual tastes by my chart.
Frankly I don't know if I prefer these newer interpretations of the nakshatras which seem to be oversimplifying them and trying to make them more palatable for young girls on TikTok with the "deer type of beauty" videos or if I prefer old school Vedic astrologers who aren't as exciting to watch and will tell you that if you have mangal dosha then you'll die in seven years of lung issues if you don't pray to a cow.
>>391302Just fucking ask him ffs kek. Moids are more than happy to share that kind of stuff and if he's into some weird shit then you can get out quickly.
No. 391672
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>>391305>What's more relevant is that your Jupiter is possibly conjunct your ascendant which might make you Jupiter dominant. The key for planetary dominance or ruling nakshatras is to look at your luminaries, esp for any conjunctions to those. The moon nakshatra is most potent according to Vedic astrologers. You're right, Jupiter is in conjunction with my Ascendant, although I'm not really sure if I'm the type to embody Jupiter. I always felt close in heart to women who embody Sun energy, since basically all my role models would boil down to some/most of the traits associated with Sun. Moon in Krittika and Sun in Uttara Ashadha (Uttara Ashadha's Mongoose said to be the "natural enemy" of Ashlesha's Snake, see a pattern?) has gotta do it for me. I was also interested in what Claire Nakti (seriously, good channel) had to say about Sun-dominant women and it confirmed it for me even further. Here's the link for those who want to check it out:
>I think this characterization is so limited because for a long time we have only valued women as extensions of men and for their looks–if you think about it, the descriptions of nakshtras do reflect that given how little they talk about our hobbies, intellectual pursuits, and other things that aren't men/looks focused.Noticed this, too. Especially obvious in sources that separate female and male natives of any given placement. Picrel – see perceiving women as lower status, more useless and more immoral. Also straight up lying because it's the male that has always been the ultimate spineless whore. Nothing short of infuriating imo.
>I really can't relate because I've always been into female-centered femdom. I think the interpretations are are rooted in examples within Indian patriarchy where women were forced into marriages anyway. Yeah, maybe I should just apply the male-targeted descriptions of the placements to myself, the nuance of female POV is lost only slightly. The more I read about it the more obvious it is that the female ones, when separated, always have a undertone of rushed placating like
No, no! This badass militant Mars-dominant babe will still totes be your cute housewifey, she's totally such a nurturer and a mother, in fact she lives for babies! Ffs, what is this build-a-bitch fiction?? At least male descriptions are more objective.
Thanks again anon. Your input was much appreciated and I relate to a lot of what you typed about your vexes with blatant sexism.
No. 391676
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Hey nonnas, I do free chart readings. Reply with your chart if you want a reading
No. 391678
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>>391676thank you kind nonna, hope this is okay
No. 391690
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>>391676Thank you! Hope this image is okay.
No. 391703
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>>391676Here’s my chart. My dob is April 10th 1994 at 5am and birthplace is Kelowna, Canada. Just adding that info in case it’s hard to read.
No. 391763
>>391703-worker bee
-have a fun side but are generally extremely serious and focused while working; resting bitch face
-ultra driven
-very blunt and to the point and this isn't always appreciated by coworkers and colleagues
-calculating; systematic; future minded
-no tolerance for whiners
-selective about the people you let into your life
-not petty at all; always let the small stuff go
-have a soft side, but it only comes out in relationships with people you love and trust
-stoic to the outside world but emotive with friends/family
-carry lots of secrets
-nurturing, even simpish to the man or woman you love
-home is utilitarian, more like a motel than a true home. Find romantic partner to turn your house into a true home
-lot's of workout equipment kept the home if you have the space for it
-tall, bony, prominent forehead, narrow face, clearly defined jaw and pointy chin
how'd I do?
No. 391773
>>391763some additions:
-inward learner, prefer to teach yourself things rather than being instructed by others
-overly active nervous system resulting in either allergies, depression, anxiety, dry skin, digestive/kidney issues or some combo thereof
-ultra empathetic
-place a very high premium on love and romance
-high emotional intelligence, great at reading facial expressions and body language
-highly creative
No. 391786
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>Rahu in the 7th
>Venus in Virgo aspected by Saturn
>Ruler of the 7th in the 6th house
>Navamsha chart is crappy as well
Why even bother trying for relationships at this point hahahhahaha
No. 391815
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Only because I'm a Taurus doesn't mean I am an angry person!
>notice my star chart
Ok, I might be an angry person when someone is an asshole with me, but is not because my sun is in Taurus, my moon is in Pisces and my ascendant is in Aries.
No. 391818
>>391815>your ascendant is the "mask" you present to peoplewtf is this shit? This is why nobody respects western astrology. Your ascending is who you fundamentally are. If anything is your mask, it's your sun.
Post your vedic chart and I'll give you a ~real~ reading
No. 391823
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>>391818in case of, here's in the first one I found.
No. 391826
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>>391824Ok, ignore
>>391823 (I forgot to censor some shit)
No. 391838
>>391826Pisces rising, Neptune (planet that rules Pisces) in Sagittarius, Moon in Aries, Saturn in Scorpio
-go with the flow
-artist, hippie type
-open minded
-personality varies greatly depending on the day
-extremely impressionable
-head in the clouds
-hates labels, probably is in a "situationship"
-improviser, not a planner
-highly sensitive to drugs; weak constitution overall
-soft, gentle aura
-unselfish; excessively so
-struggle to say "no"
-philosophical and wise
-excellent researcher and vociferous reader
-very into mysticism
-impulsive, very quick to react to things
-often hot tempered
-although you can get explosively angry in the moment, you never hold a grudge
-your Mars is in Taurus so when you do get mad you turn into a total psycho
-independent at heart, struggle to settle down
-go from 0 to 10 in an instant
-extremely impatient
-ADHD; can't work a desk job
No. 391843
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>>391838My God, it's like you've known me all my life!
thanks, nonnie No. 391911
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>>391763Thank you,
nonnie!! I’d say you’re mostly right I’m tall but unfortunately not skinny and I try to make my home very comfy.
No. 391931
>>391929Don't put yourself down
nonnie, I get that you want to improve but the anons aren't lacking anything from you replying because the person they asked can reply too, practise here if you want. I don't think it should be such a problem that you need to be called a retard and told to shut up.
No. 392048
>>391676Can you do mine
nonnie? When you'll have time of course!
>>391690 No. 392239
>>391843want to add a description of your appearance:
-average to slightly above average height
-long limbs and fingers
-very ectomorphic frame
-big eyes
-thin but prominent nose
-straight hair (if white)
-well defined jaw
other characteristics:
-like weird jewelry
-very unconventional fashion sense
No. 392240
>>3922392 more appearance details:
-expressive face
-youthful appearance
No. 392245
>>391703I screwed up on my reading for you. I misread some placements. I want to amend my initial reading. Here is what I have for your appearance:
-other worldly facial features, somewhat alien like, somewhat androgynous
-sharply upturned eyes
-small facial features (nose, teeth, mouth, chin, etc)
-you said that you aren't skinny, but your face shape should still be long and ovalesque
-don't care about fashion, just wear whatever
-your parents never got anywhere with you in your arguments and still never do. As far as you are concerned, you are right, they are wrong, end of discussion
-don't have deep emotional friendships. Friendships are formed for practical reasons and aren't seen as life long
-envious of people who are able to have lot's of friends
-to you, passion in romantic relationships = good sex; nothing else; like angry sex
-like for sex to last a looooong time
-relationships are about give and take, there is no "unconditional love" for you
-having your calves massaged gets you in the mood for some reason
-detached; aloof
-re your home: you say you like to make your house nice and comfy. That isn't what your chart says. It says that you will highly value having a lot of space. That you will decorate it in a very weird and eccentric way.
You are actually an Aquarius rising but Saturn is in your first house. Because of that, I assumed you would have very Saturnian features (Caitlin Clark has extremely Saturnian physical features due to Saturn being in her first house) but I guess the Gemini overruled it
No. 392736
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NTA but…
>>391690Sagittarius rising, Libra moon, Leo sun combust Venus
-bright and sunny disposition; very optimistic
-aversion to taking on responsibility
-broad forehead, attractive eyes, thick hair
-make lot's of dramatic hand gestures
-strong, athletic build although prone to getting fat as you have a tendency to binge eat
-spend a lot of time mulling over your emotions but don't really like to share them with others
-problems with back, hips or thighs
-love being around people and have a wide circle of friends
-seek balance and want "everyone to be happy"; peacemaker, conciliator
-very affectionate in relationships
-awful punctuality and you annoy friends with the way you change plans at the last minute
-regal bearing
-very hard worker when you actually get to work but when not working you tend spend a lot of time just lying around doing nothing
-very turbulent and painful love life
No. 393048
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Would anyone be willing to do a chart reading for me? I don't mind being a guinea pig for you to practice!
Also I looked at the results of the strawpoll that was posted a few months ago and it's pretty interesting that earth signs are pretty dominant in this thread.
No. 393055
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I honestly do not know anything about astrology other than basic things. Is there anything about my chart that jumps out at you or is interesting that I should know?
No. 393086
>>393048you came to the right place
Libra ascending; Venus in Aries; Venus opposition Moon; Sun Taurus/Moon Virgo; Sun combust Mars; Jupiter opposite Moon
-passionate about either art, music or dance
-expensive fashion sense
-baby got back
-dimples, full lips, great hair, symmetrical features; photograph well
-really love animals and have at least experimented with veganism or vegetarianism from a young age
-catch a lot of colds; kidney and/or back problems
-passionate, intense and dysfunctional romantic life
-very aggressive going after people you are romantically interested in
-very high sex drive
-have fallen in love at first sight… multiple times
-finding lasting love and romantic stability is a real challenge, even though it is something you desperately want
-physically active and health conscious
-not a bragger, play down your own achievements and can't stand people who brag about theirs
-take your time in things and enjoy the moment although you are also actually a pretty fast and efficient worker
-quick in calm in even the most difficult situations
-love to read
-need competition and responsibilities to thrive; otherwise you sink into sloth
-perfectionist and never truly satisfied with your work
-career focused
-excellent writer
-aggressive go getter
-explosive temper
-prone to inflammations, fevers and dehydration
-overly generous
your Western chart is actually somewhat similar to Hitler's Vedic chart
No. 393092
>>393055>Is there anything about my chart that jumps out at you or is interesting that I should know?Yes. You are a Cancer rising but your moon (sign that rules Cancer) is combust in Aquarius. So even though you really are a Cancer deep down, we would expect you to look and behave more like an Aquarius
Cancer rising; Sun combust Moon in Aquarius; Mars in Aries
-oval shaped but rounded and soft face
-huge, round eyes
-broad forehead, narrow jaw, face is attractive but also somewhat alien like
-long limbs with thin bones; very thick hair that is frizzy and hard to style
-quirky and eccentric; bit of a weirdo
-detached and aloof
-struggle to form deep romantic bonds; don't like commitments or labels
-don't like emotional conversations, prefer to keep things factual; solution oriented, not a shoulder to cry on
-rebel who pushes boundaries and thinks outside the box
-suffer from a lot of unique ailments that are difficult to diagnose
-phenomenal at resolving disputes between others
-moody; personality changes from day to day
-strong need to be loved
-nurturing and motherly although you don't come off that way
No. 393819
>>391690Sagittarius rising; Pluto in 1st house; Jupiter in Taurus; Sun combust Venus in Leo; Sun opposition Uranus; Moon in Libra; Moon box Neptune; Moon box Mercury; Jupiter opposition Moon
-penetrating eyes/gaze, to the point it sometimes freaks people out
-people either love you or hate you
-goth energy, whether you actually are goth or not
-have an opinion about everything and subject everyone who comes in contact with you to those opinions
-intense presence
-find humor in anything
-high spirited and adventurous; love to travel
-strongly value your personal freedom; avoid responsibilities and struggle to fully "grow up"
-never shut up
-good and loyal friend but not dependable
-focus on the big picture, not detail oriented
-oval face; almond eyes; beautiful eyelashes; strong eyebrows; thick lips, slim and strong but still curvy; high cheekbones but the cheeks themselves are somewhat low set
-over indulge in food and/or drink
-expressive face; wide smile; good posture; strong body
-attention whore
-can get along with anyone
-social butterfly
-materialistic; overspend on lots of crap that you don't need
-need a romantic partner who makes you the center of their world despite your own very strong need for independence
-overall bad at relationships
-high interest and skill in fashion, art and home decor
-image conscious; care a lot about how other view you
-awful, impulsive decision maker in matters of love and money
-need to often isolate yourself and escape into fantasy as a means of rejuvenation
-struggle with addiction (food, drugs, sex, all of the above, etc.)
No. 393831
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>>391676I would be grateful if you read mine
No. 393917
>>393831Libra ascending; Venus in Cancer; Venus box Mars; Venus box Moon; Moon in Pisces; Moon opposition Mars; Sun in Leo; Sun box Pluto
-easy, breezy look
-facial features are extremely symmetrical and harmonious
-make heavy use of your looks to get what you want
-very good conversationalist
-oval face; high forehead; face is somewhat bottom heavy; long neck; almond shaped eyes; slim but shapely, creating a sort of stretched out hourglass shape; cheeks are round and full; thin eyebrows
-glamourous and care a lot about how you look
-dimples; magnetic eyes; glowing skin
-very wide smile
-very style conscious and always look sleek and put together
-diplomatic and extremely conflict adverse
-quick witted
-iron will
-creative and pursue the limelight
-think that the world revolves around you
-passionate about using music and art to express your bullshit political beliefs
-literally have slight telepathic abilities
-effortlessly able to read people
-drama queen, especially in romantic relationships
-overactive imagination that inevitably ends up causing you distress when you spend any length of time alone
-endlessly replay events in your head where you were done wrong
-your imagination is dark to the point where it scares you and you wish you could tone it down
-frequently feel like nobody understands your inner turmoil
-bad relationship when young with your parents, particularly your father; mainly your parents just were withholding of love
-afflicted with nagging discontent, even when your life is going well
-insecure about your femininity
-volatile relationships due to your serious anger issues
-one of the cool kids in high school; still very popular and have an active social life
-want a healthy, harmonious relationship more than anything else
-use casual hookups to fulfill your need for affection, but it doesn't work at all
-highly competitive and driven to win at all costs
-completely lose your shit when you don't get your way
-extremely passionate and put your soul into everything you do
-overall a bit of a tortured artistic genius
(there are things you can do to help with that)
-get strongly attached to people you don't even really know
-strong fear of vulnerability and this causes you to hide your true self, even from those closest to you
No. 394153
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>>393917hi, nonita, i’ve really enjoyed reading your perspectives on other posters’ charts. if you have the time, i’d love for you to read mine. maybe there’s something in it that points to my disorganized attachment style, or being the black sheep of my family?
i’m surrounded by air signs (paternal grandmother [libra], no-contact mother [gemini], and my father [libra]) but feel the most comfort and am closest to earth (my 2 best friends are both virgos, as was my late grandfather, and my ex i loved the most is a taurus) or fire signs (close friend of 4 years; my older sister). i suspect being drawn to close to earth signs is due to my capricorn rising? but the problem is that scorpio suns are highly attracted to me and i’m forever wary of them.
No. 394170
>>394153Capricorn rising; Saturn in Taurus; Sun in Cancer; Moon in Gemini; Neptune in Aquarius; Moon conjunct Mars; Sun box Jupiter; Saturn box Neptune
-stoic, reserved, not flamboyant
-ice queen aura
-dutiful and efficient worker
-driven to achieve material success
-no nonsense but an effective communicator while working but shy and aloof when off the clock
-do everything yourself as you don't trust others to do it correctly
-natural leader; a boss; actually look like a scientist, doctor or lawyer
-pronounced cheekbones, well defined jawline, wide but not particularly wholesome smile, bony, pointy chin, big skull and teeth, fine and chiseled features
-you don't tan, you burn; acne/rashes/dry skin
-susceptible to pain/injury in the knees/shins/ankles/feet
-polished aesthetic and like dull colors, particularly black, white and grey when at work; when off the clock you wear weird and colorful clothing
-tatted and pierced
-like fancy lingerie
-into BDSM, a sub
-serious person who becomes more laid back with age
-the rock of your family and friend group
-horrible at setting boundaries and this is taken advantage of by others
-bossy; control freak; obsessed with doing things the way that you have them planned out
-self centered and not a very good listener; accidentally hurt others with your words
-like to wallow in self pity
-extremely practical; not philosophical at all
-vindictive; never forget the smallest insult or perceived betrayal
-paranoid of everyone
-keep a journal in which you document your paranoia and bizarre fantasies
-constant anxiety regarding financial security
-feel suffocated by your responsibilities to others and like you don't have true freedom
-fast learner; nearly photographic memory
-not introspective at all
-prone to being bullied in your romantic relationships
-relentlessly nag your romantic partners
-very high energy and can move small groups with it
-prone to overdoing things in general; susceptible to eating to much or abusing drugs/alcohol
-make big promises that you intend to keep, but then you don't follow through
-have flashes of genuinely psychic insight
-the line between fantasy and reality frequently becomes blurry for you, although you never fully lose your ability to distinguish between the two
No. 394171
>>394153>but the problem is that scorpio suns are highly attracted to me and i’m forever wary of themI hate Scorpios although I actually have my sun, my moon and 3 other planets in Scorpio in my Vedic chart.
Sun is sooooooo overrated. I look at rising first and then sun/moon ~combo~. The sun by itself doesn't tell you shit.
No. 394193
>>394171AYRT - i’ve had 3 scorpio venus exes, 2 of them with scorpio suns, and one was also a scorpio moon (he actually had a whopping
6 scorpio placements). all prone to love-bombing (although i was probably just retarded and naive) highly vindictive, paranoia-fueled over-analysis of everything, possessive as hell – and i’m not a polytard. i just can’t handle most scorpio placements,
especially if there’s air somewhere in their big 3.
i also had a scorpio sun best friend in high school and she’d drop everyone for no reason and come back crying later on about the guy in his mid-20s that knocked her up. up and disappeared whenever she felt like it, and got mad and defensive when you’d express annoyance or anger at her attempting to seamlessly reenter your life. she was also incredibly vengeful when she felt scorned.
scorpios should get the “chaos demon” stereotype that’s given to geminis imo.
No. 394197
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>>392239>>392240Except for the jewelry since I don't like to wear it, everything is spot on.
No. 394212
>>394197-I wanted to add two more thing for you: people frequently say that you look like or remind them of someone they know. And then when you eventually meet or see a picture of that person yourself, it turns out that you look nothing like them
-very pale by the standards of your race/ethnicity/family
No. 394255
>>394204the reading
>>394170 was really accurate, thank you so much! the only points i’ll dissent on are:
>you don’t tan, you burn>not introspective at alli have light olive skin so i tan really easily and it takes forever to fade.
like to think i’m introspective to my own detriment at times, in that i dwell on my mistakes and overthink almost every major life decision i’ve ever made.
i was shocked to see the injuries of the feet/knees/ankles point because i managed to sprain the same ankle 2x in the span of less than a year; i have knee pain and SI joint pain from walking on my toes my entire life.
the aloof/ice queen aura point was pretty spot on. all my life, i’ve gotten “you intimidated me when we first met” and “i thought you hated me at first” but i just have a major rbf and monotone voice. at least until i’m comfortable with someone.
>prone to being bullied in romantic relationships yeahhhh… especially when i’ve dated air suns with prominent fire placements - ironically my 2 most long-term relationships. millennial moids love telling me (i’m turning 26 in june) i’m weird, cold, mean, or telling me they “prefer thicker women” so they’re “learning to love” my body. and then they wonder why i dump them. which kind of ties into the physical features description –
howww did you know i have big teeth? my best friend sends me american girl dolls and says they’re me (prominent front teeth). i do have prominent cheekbones as well, so when i lose weight it shows easily in my face.
my journal is indeed always by my side.
i do prefer darker color palettes in my work wardrobe, and will indeed wear brighter colors on the weekends. i also wear more patterns outside of work, but stick to solids or the occasional textured fabrics at work.
again, thank you so much for the reading and how in-depth it was!
No. 394270
>>394268venus square moon
if the man is the venus, he might find himself constantly hurting the moon woman’s feelings, by making her feel unattractive because she isn’t his usual ‘type’ and generally being insensitive to her emotional needs until she withdraws from him. venus male might cheat or start talking to other women/using porn to look at other women which will cause the moon woman to be hurt and feel betrayed.
if the woman is the venus, she might find the way the moon male expresses his feelings an ‘ick’ and find it a turn off. the moon male will probably become withdrawn and depressive and the venus woman will likely get bored and leave.
mars square moon is generally just a very unpleasant aspect to have between two people, especially if it’s a close degree. the mars person will come across as brash, insensitive, sadistic, a bully and maybe even violent in some cases.
they will constantly hurt the moon person, even if the mars person doesn’t necessarily mean it. the moon person will become petty and vengeful and malicious towards the mars person out of hurt. the mars person will want to hurt and bully the moon person even more and finds their ‘
victim complex’ annoying.
this is a very painful aspect to have whether it’s friendships, family or romantic relationships. it can also cause extreme sexual tension in a romantic setting, but these two will likely end up absolutely hating each other by the end of it all.
No. 394372
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>>391676I really like your detailed analysis for each birth chart, thank you for your service, nonna.
Would you please read mine too? Thank you in advance.
No. 394383
>>394212The first one: Only happens with my relatives, but if they tell me I look like a famous person, I do not look nothing like them.
And the second one is totally true, I'm quite pale because I dislike to tan myself.
No. 394393
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>>391676hey anonnita, could you do mine too?
No. 394394
>>394372Libra rising with Mars conjunct Ascendant in first house (this is another chart that is similar to Hitler's. Are you Hitler?); Venus in Cancer (who cares); Sun in Taurus; Moon in Pisces; Ascending opposition Jupiter; Mars opposition Mercury
-big ego under your dreamy exterior
-bad at working with others; domineering
-really strong sex drive and you have a sort of "girl power" type sexiness
-good athlete; very competitive
-good work ethic; very driven
-gentle and affectionate, although you can also be a gigantic bitch if your massive ego is damaged
-love art, music and nature; you yourself a very talented artist and/or musician
-good manners; polite
-love of luxury and the finer things in life; expensive tastes; into really pretentious bullshit things like wine tasting (just an example, not that specifically)
-exceptionally good smile and an eye catching overall appearance; people simply notice you
-like your relationships to be very romantic
-elegant; like a ballet dancer
-shopping addict
-silky, thick hair; your hair is just phenomenal
-balanced and symmetrical features; photograph well
-great ass
-dimples and thick lips; good, clear skin
-natural diplomat; just want everyone to get along
-eat and drink too much; not fat, per se, but a bit overweight
-obsessive and jealous in relationships
-really into spirituality
-sensitive; you get hurt very easily
-extremely self conscious and deliberately put on a tough guy front to compensate
-when over stressed, you detach from reality and escape into an inner fantasy world
-in fact, you often prefer to just live in fantasy as opposed to living real life
-very sharp tongued when
triggered-very aggressive and threatening when engaged in an argument
No. 394396
>>394393Ayrt, I don't read charts anymore.
Stop responding to that post please.
No. 394412
>>394393Scorpio rising; moon conjunction Mars in Aries; Sun combust Mercury in Capricorn; Ascending opposition Rahu; Moon conjunction Mars; Moon box Sun; Sun box Mars; Sun opposition Saturn
Technically you are a Scorpio rising, but the Sun is burning up your Mercury in Capricorn, so you will likely have more Capricorn rising traits
-steady, down to earth
-high forehead, pointy chin, sharp features; deep set, intense, penetrating eyes; skinny
-stern disposition
-suffer from constant anxiety, but you effectively channel the anxiety into productivity
-want money but that isn't enough, you also want fame and power
-set long term goals and methodically go about achieving them
-dry skin/rashes
-mercilessly crush your rivals
-physically strong; good athlete
-quiet and intimidating presence
-hyper ambitious; want to become a member of the 1%; more ambitious than practically anyone
you know
-bossy and authoritarian; take charge individual
-frequently clash with authority figures
-low maintenance in your romantic relationships
-very confident and immediately call out any disrespect from others
-really need recognition for your achievements; feel like you don't get the recognition that you deserve
-petty and cause drama over even the smallest perceived insult
-although you are legitimately strong, tough and independent, you still have a very strong desire to be loved and cared for
-slow to make decisions but once the decision is made, that's it: you stick to it no matter what
-not selfish, per se, but rather self focused
-widely misunderstood by others
-even though you want love, you aren't much of a romantic
-like to try weird and kinky stuff in bed; need to constant novelty; high sex drive; selfish in bed
-have a tendency to get bored in your relationships
-get into a lot of unnecessary arguments with coworkers
-don't care about religion but highly interested in the occult
-financial difficulties
-very hard both on yourself as well as on others
-one of your parents either wasn't there or you just had a shit relationship with them
-no respect for the views of others
-lot's of ailments and/or setbacks, feel like your life is largely you swimming upstream
-very effective and charismatic public speaker
-shitty home life when young; still don't get along with your family
No. 394415
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Can any anon read my chart? All I know is my sun sign and moon sign are opposite each other.
No. 394419
>>394415Virgo rising; Sun in first house combust Ascendant; Sun combust Mercury; Sun opposition moon; Moon in Pisces; Ascendant opposition Saturn
-skinny; dainty features; small eyes; thin lips; long limbs; eyes are cat like; thin, straight nose that is bulbous at the tip; wide forehead; prominent cheekbones; rbf; look younger than you are; pointy chin; clear, soft skin
-extremely hard worker; don't like to relax
-not a procrastinator at all, get stuff done right away
-very organized
-you want and need love, marriage, children and friends, but that is not nearly enough for you: want to make money and acquire true wisdom
-very intelligent; clear thinker; near photographic memory; highly organized
-shy and reserved; can't make small talk
-frequently make a mountain out of a molehill
-charming and witty in one on one situations, not so much in group settings
-very critical of yourself, of others and even the world at large
-had some sort of major identity crisis early in life but you came out stronger for it
-plagued with insecurities
-in relationships, you tend to attract father figure types who are very critical of you
-fear of commitment
-late bloomer
-non confrontational
-avid reader
-not much of a talker but a great listener
-put the needs of other before yourself
-kind and gentle disposition
-talented artist
No. 394452
>>394412Thank you, nonna!
>Technically you are a Scorpio rising, but the Sun is burning up your Mercury in Capricorn, so you will likely have more Capricorn rising traitsMy sun is in Capricorn so I used to read horoscopes and descriptions for it, but it never fit me at all, the Scorpio ones were more accurate.
I’m not really workaholic and not athletic at all (I suck at every sport), I’m much more of a pussy, my home life was decent and I’m not a lesbian (bisexual), but the rest is fitting, especially the relationship stuff.
No. 394457
>>394452>I’m not really workaholic and not athletic at all (I suck at every sport), I’m much more of a pussy, my home life was decentWell that doesn't sound like it was very accurate, then
We can try again if you want. If you go here: can make a sidereal, whole sign chart. Those usually work much better. Underneath the "Calculate Chart" button there is a link to adjust the settings. Change the "House system" to "Whole sign" and the "Tropical zodiac" at the bottom to Sidereal-Lahiri.
Obvs don't worry about it if you don't want but I can do better than that first reading I gave you
No. 394460
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>>394457ARYT, tbh the personality you described is who I aspire to be (or who I could’ve become if I haven’t gotten lazy and retarded at some point) so I hope one day it’ll be accurate haha. Anyways, this is my chart with the settings you mentioned. Thank you again in advance!
No. 394469
>>394460Libra rising; Capricorn Venus conjunct Neptune in 4th house; Sagittarius sun in 3rd house; Pisces moon conjunct Mars in 6th house; Sun opposition Saturn
-oval, somewhat bottom heavy face; full and rounded cheeks; thin eyebrows; sharp, almond eyes; shapely but stretched out physique, long limbs; lips are either medium or thin; thick, shiny hair
-effortlessly attractive
-actually, your entire demeanor is effortless; you are sort of the anti Taylor Swift in that regard
-one of the cool kids in high school and even now you still have people kiss your ass and want to be your friend
-Machiavellian; use your looks to manipulate
-inherently restless and not always there for others
-many gifts but generally prefer to just take the easy way out when you are presented with a challenging situation
-dreamlike demeanor and don't always have a very strong grasp on reality
-very romantic and love/romance is extremely important to you
-passive, accommodating personality
-unhealthy romantic relationships where you are bulldozed by your partners are the norm for you
-love for learning and for travel as well
-excellent public speaker
-very hard on both yourself and others; also receive a lot of harsh criticism from others
-serious anger issues and you piss a lot of people off; passive aggressive
-have had your appendix removed; elevated blood pressure, digestive issues
-a wreck financially; really bad at managing your money
-have tried using shady ways to make money
-constant anxiety; overthink and can't shut your mind off
-many minor health issues; allergies/asthma
-tight bond with siblings, who you are nurturing and protective of
-very close with your mother, possibly your grandmothers as well
-don't like math and science and aren't any good at either, more of an artsy type
-really arrogant, think you're all that and that you are always right; shit talker
-talk a lot in general
-again I want to emphasize that you are absolutely terrible with money
-great family life but distant from your father; either he wasn't around much, was emotionally absent or died young
-especially close with your elder siblings who are always there to help you out when you need it
fairly different from the last one. Which was more accurate?
No. 394476
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>>394394>this is another chart that is similar to Hitler's. Are you Hitler?Of all birth charts and famous figures, why him? My god kek.
>Venus in Cancer (who cares)What do you mean by the "who cares" part? Genuinely confused.
It's mostly accurate, except some stuff like:
>love of luxury and the finer things in life; expensive tastes; into really pretentious bullshit things like wine tasting (just an example, not that specifically)>shopping addictNot a hard disagree, I love good quality things and details, but I'm more of a boujee on a budget person.
That's mostly because of my circumstances, been called stingy by some friends and extended family on some occasions. Although, I think I would've been a huge consoomer if I grew up in a first world country kek.>the big ego Also a half - disagree. I tend to bottle up a lot of things and explode when it gets to emotional abuse and I'll be extremely hurtful when it gets to that point. Goes hand in hand very well with "very sharp tongued when
triggered". But sometimes I can be prideful, not gonna lie.
>bad at working with others; domineeringNot necessarily domineering, but I'm almost never listened to (or let to talk) so I'd rather work alone tbf. Although I would like to be domineering in a healthy amount, maybe I'll be listened to that way.
>good athlete; very competitive>silky, thick hair; your hair is just phenomenal>elegant; like a ballet dancerGod I wish lol.
The thing that I felt called out the most was this:
>when over stressed, you detach from reality and escape into an inner fantasy world>in fact, you often prefer to just live in fantasy as opposed to living real lifeUnfortunately this was the thing that kept me sane at my lowest and it's got to a point lately that it prevents me from actually living life…
Thanks for the reading nonna, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
No. 394477
>>394476sounds like this one wasn't very accurate either. Do you want me to try a whole sign, sidereal reading? I don't think I'm going to do Western readings anymore, I'm just not satisfied with the accuracy. You can get a whole sign, sidereal chart here if you want me to try again:
>Of all birth charts and famous figures, why him? My god kek.Anytime someone is a Libra with Mars fucking it up, I immediately think of Hitler, although his was a million times more extreme than yours. Basically someone who was an artist at heart but their chart ends up being dominated by either the sun or Mars.
>What do you mean by the "who cares" part?That Venus isn't really don't anything in your chart. If it was combust or was in either Pisces or Virgo, then it may have had some impact. It's your ruling planet so I wanted to see if there was anything favorable or unfavorable about it, and there isn't. At least not in that chart.
No. 394478
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>>394477If you've got time, sure, you can read the sidereal version. Take your time though, you've got many stacked up from what I see. Thank you again.
No. 394482
>>394478Oh wow, now your ascending is in Virgo, albeit just barely
Virgo rising; Mars conjunct Ascendant; Ascendant opposite Jupiter; Mars opposite Mercury; Aries sun in 8th house; Saturn conjunct Mercury in Aries in 8th house; Aquarius moon in 6th house
-down to earth and wholesome
-natural looks, don't like makeup or cosmetic surgery
-not a fancy dresser, prefer more practical clothing
-asymmetrical hairline, short forehead, full eyebrows, gigantic eyes, low cheekbones, round chin
-bad teeth
-make friends with some very bad people
-like junk food and it causes indigestion
-love your family but feud with them often even though you really are close
-overthinker; bad anxiety
-shitty health; allergies/asthma or digestive issues
-really intense sex that is a sort of spiritual practice for you
-bottle up your emotions; don't trust anyone; get offended very easily
-your romantic relationships pretty much suck (other than the spiritual sex)
-strong fear and dislike of change
-have moved to a foreign country
-calm and rational temperament but then get angry out of nowhere
-really nasty when you get angry and you do have a quick temper
-not necessarily arrogant, but you frequently come across that way to others
No. 394487
>>394469This one is very accurate, some things are in-between these two, like love/relationship stuff. I don't have much experience though, in the only relationship I had I bulldozed him but the break up was very upsetting for me, so it depends how you look at it.
Some other differences:
- people are generally very nice to me, but rarely interested in actual friendship, I make good first impression and then fuck it up. I was an outcast in high school, but one of the cool kids in the first year of college
- I have good health, I don't have asthma, maybe some minor allergy I don't even remember. I have shit physical condition though and I used to be in hospital a lot when I was a kid, so this may be it
- I don't have any siblings, but I'm the way you described with my younger cousins
- my relationship with my mother is rocky, we are rather close but she is the family member I fight with the most, I'm close with my grandma though
- I'm not distant from my father, we are very close and always were
The 'terrible with money' is very true, same with anger issues and bad grasp on reality. I've had people describe me as 'thinks she's always right' too lol. The appearance description is also accurate, loved the anti Taylor Swift part because I strongly dislike her and her style. Other things also checked out, good job nonna!
No. 394546
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>>394482Whoa, this one is way more precise than the other one, thank you nonna for taking your time with this.
This one kinda spooked me a little bit, as in scaringly accurate:
>your romantic relationships pretty much suckAm I doomed for life kek?
Except for things like short forehead, asthma (thank God I don't have it), the sex thing
(virgin and sex repulsed) and gigantic eyes, everything is spot on.
No. 394594
>>394419Wow anon, other than my chin all of this is so accurate!
>>in relationships, you tend to attract father figure types who are very critical of youMy worst fear is being stuck with a man like this. I can’t stand them and they flock to me.
No. 394676
>>394546I want to add some things
-father either died when you were young or he was chronically absent
-like to wear rings and bracelets
-enjoy teasing your friends and romantic partners
-men always think that you are flirting with them, even though you were not
No. 394859
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>>391676Hi! If you’re still doing readings I would really appreciate one! I really just wanna know if I’m in the right spot right now education and relationship / family wise, will i be forever alone?
No. 394867
>>394859a transit chart would be better for your query.
>jupiter conjunct asc in cancerhuge tits
>sun conjunct uranus in aquarius strange personality. maybe obsessed with certain religious beliefs, philosophies or ideologies because it's in the 9th house.
>saturn square venusdifficulty expressing affection.
>chiron conjunct dscdifficulties being vulnerable with others.
>unaspected mercury in aquariusreserved, prone to mental illness.
>saturn in the 12th houseprone to depression.
>mars in the 11th house in Ariesmaybe a little bossy in friendships.
No. 394875
>>394859nta but: Cancer rising, first decan; Jupiter in 1st house; Jupiter conjunction Ascendant; Moon in Pisces; Sun in Aquarius; Ascendant box Moon; Ascendant trine Sun; Ascendant trine Venus
-lot's of emotional and even physical up and downs that are directly correlated with the moon's cycle (i.e. feel good when the moon is full and feel like shit during a new moon); moody; extremely insecure
-rounded face; curved and asymmetrical hair line; short forehead; hooded, roundish eyes, low cheekbones; oval chin; full lips; moon face
-soft body, not necessarily fat but definitely on the chubbier side
-very maternal
-need lot's of solitude
-huge simp for your romantic partners
-like marathon sex sessions
-have lot's of candles and pillows in your home; really value making your home comfortable; don't like having lot's of people in your home
-Career oriented mother who ruled the home and whom you had a volatile relationship with when young; you were more of a daddy's girl
-experience vivid dreams; religious
-not a great grasp on reality; tend to live in denial about things that are uncomfortable/inconvenient
-frequently criticize others for not doing more to help people and animals
-emotionally fragile and hurt very easily
-lot's of loneliness as a child
-passionate about using artistry/music as an outlet for your creative energies
-ultra non confrontational and you hate violence, or even arguments
-not much of a talker, more of an observer
-multiple career changes; indecisive in general
-unconventional views that you are very good at explaining
-gaudy fashion sense
-emotionally fragile, get hurt very easily
-avid reader and know things about a lot of subjects
-huge, not very realistic, dreams
-make a very good first impression
-vain and prideful
-laid back and not a very hard worker
-beautiful in a sultry way; high sex appeal
-many failed relationships
No. 394896
>>391684It sounds like you are looking for something more specific than just a general life reading. So here is your general life reading:
Taurus rising (2nd decan);Venus conjunct Mercury in 1st house; Sun in Cancer (12th house); Moon in Aquarius (7th house); Ascendant sextile Mars; Ascendant opposition Jupiter; Ascendant trine Saturn; Sun square Saturn; Moon opposition Mercury; Moon opposition Venus; Moon trine Mars; Moon conjunct Jupiter; Moon sextile Saturn; Venus opposition Jupiter; Venus trine Saturn
-natural, effortless beauty
-well dressed and manicured
-clothing style isn't particularly trendy but very well fitted
-large, almond eyes; strong, curved eyebrows; high, curved forehead; full lips; short nose; heavy jaw
-pragmatic and career oriented
-excellent posture
-lover of the good life; not a risk taker
-not jealous about your romantic partners, but extremely territorial about them
-suffocating presence in your romantic relationships, don't give them space
-scars/prominent birthmarks on the back or sides (can also be on the side of your arms)
-very distinct speaking voice
-not super shapely but not a built like a ruler either; body is above average but nothing special
-long and delicate neck
-cautious and methodical; slow and steady type
-do not enjoy meeting new people and have difficulty making friends
-impossible for others to change your mind about anything
-honest but gullible
-bad teeth
-really interested in religion and politics, although you yourself don't ascribe to any fixed belief system
-don't compromise, it's your way or the highway
-distant relationship with father
-sleep well; low anxiety; cool under pressure
-mother is a businesswoman
-difficulties early in life with low self esteem; heavily criticized by your father
-not good at expressing your feelings
-dogmatic in your views
-difficulty in accepting love from others
-highly driven
-mother is very joyful and tolerant
-get a lot of lucky breaks
-drama free personal life
-love of luxury
-big dreams
-very loyal and no problems with commitment
-good working relationship with authority figures
No. 394900
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nonnie Ive uploaded my transit chart, the first point with my jupiter conjunct asc in cancer made me kek
you really nailed it!! kinda freaky, appreciate it tho!
>>394875woah, that was pretty insightful, you got some details about me pretty right like the fact that i am pretty closed off/okay being in my solitude, the failed relationships and my maternal needs. my mom was not exactly a career woman but we do have a hard relationship. especially the part about art, spot on. other then the fact that my appearance isn't exactly how you described and i do have a considerable work ethic
i think the thing that's kinda tripping me up is am i gonna be lonely forever?
No. 395002
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>>391676if you're still doing readings, could you translate this one please?
No. 395031
>>395002She is no longer doing readings, but I am here to save the day
Cancer rising (3rd decan); MC in Aries; Sun combust Mercury in 1st house; Saturn conjunct Mercury in 1st house; Mars conjunct Ascendent; Moon in Virgo (2nd house); Moon conjunct Jupiter; Venus in 12th house; Sun trine Uranus; Sun box MC; Moon sextile Mercury; Moon box Venus; Moon sextile Saturn; Moon opposition Uranus; MC trine Mars
-wide face with heavy bone structure; face is rounded and oblong; large but not huge eyes; eyes are almond shaped, hooded and downturned; full lips; wide, rectangular chin; curved eyebrows
-gentle, selfless and maternal but also assertive
-strong sense of self and have a commanding presence
-fit but a tad on the chubby side; good figure
-people do take advantage of you but they use manipulation, as opposed to bullying, to do it
-growing up, your mother bulldozed you in conversations, either ignoring what you said, interrupting you or just telling you to shut up
-tend not to speak up about your needs and wants so the frustration just builds inside you at which point you violently explode
-asthma and dry skin
-great poet and writer although you are very selective about who you share this with
-prefer to work alone
-ambitious, entrepreneurial, career/money driven, highly competitive, high energy
-thrill seeker
-foodie; strong cravings for cold, sweet drinks (soda, smoothies, juices)
-vivid dreamer
-lot's of gratitude towards your parents
-suffer through lot's of emotionally unavailable romantic partners
-high need for validation from others
-strong fear of rejection and abandonment
-reserved, even boring, in social situations
-bad mood swings
No. 395048
>>394900you have a bunch of 11th house transits and i also assume it's your 11th house profection year, jupiter and uranus conjunct in taurus, sqauring your natal uranus in aquarius. maybe you're going to have some unexpected changes in your friend circle and community. you could use this chance to find a good, stable social circle. next year you'll have your 12H profection year (mental health and subconscious stuff surfacing), find a good, non-
toxic, calm and friendly social circle and use your intuition (not trauma responses!) to determine their nature and their intentions.
pluto is transiting your 8th house so this could be a pretty long period of transformation in your life. the 8th house relates to things that are hidden, like thinking patterns, secrets, sexuality etc.
with transit pluto conjunct your natal mercury you could be having a period of mental transformation, it could also mean changes in dynamics with siblings and close relatives. i'm afraid this could have something to do with inheritance, debts or shared resources since those are 8th house themes.
transit saturn conjunct MC, your saturn in your 12th house in gemini, which, again, relates themes of mental health, inner thinking patterns, siblings, and close relatives.
this has a pretty obvious theme i suppose but a different interpretation comes to mind, in case you're an artist, a writer or a musician, this could mean becoming more serious about it, gaining recognition for it and developing or exploring different mediums, styles and techniques.
anyways, i think you should focus grounding yourself in case you aren't yet. be mindful and take things slow because life might throw things at you unexpectedly. be calm, focus on your wellbeing and stay grounded.
No. 395051
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What does Mars conjunct Venus (especially since they're in separate signs and houses?) and their opposition to the Moon mean here?
No. 395070
>>395031the aspects really don't mean much by themselves, only in the context of the chart
Leo rising (2nd decan); MC in Aries; Jupiter retrograde conjunct ascendant; AC trine Venus; AC trine Neptune; AC trine Pluto; MC square Sun; MC square Mercury; MC trine Jupiter; MC sextile Saturn; MC sextile Uranus; MC trine Pluto; Sun combust Mercury retrograde in Capricorn (6th house); Moon in Taurus (10th house); Saturn retrograde in 11th house; Mars in 4th house; Sun trine moon; Sun sextile Mars; Sun square MC; Moon trine Mercury retrograde; Moon opposition Venus; Moon opposition Mars; Moon square Uranus; Mars square Uranus; Saturn trine Uranus; Saturn opposition Pluto
No. 395075
>>395051-cat like look and attitude
-long face; curved hairline and eyebrows; face is a petite oval; soft features; low cheekbones; upper lip noticeably thinner than bottom lip; large, almond eyes; round chin; slim, button nose
-naturally command attention
-excellent posture
-well endowed
-hold onto grudges forever
-slender body, long legs
-flawless skin
-entrepreneurial; much happier being your own boss
-control freak
-obsessed with social status and what others think of you
-high interest in acquiring money and power
-practical; strong work ethic
-highly organized
-excellent cook and keep a spotless and comfortable home, although you are not really interested in domesticity
-really interested in jewelry and hand crafted items
-never complain or feel sorry for yourself
-always see things through to completion; good professional stability; not a job hopper
-no interest in casual hookups
-supportive family
-lose your shit when you don't get your way and this causes severe strife in your relationships
-fall in love quickly but difficulty in sustaining relationships
No. 395083
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>>395075sorry for my deficient mercury but I hope you're still around.
No. 395099
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What does the mutual reception between mercury and jupiter mean here?
No. 395103
>>395083Aries rising (3rd decan); MC in Capricorn; Sun in Sagittarius (9th house); Moon in Gemini (3rd house); AC trine sun; MC conjunct Saturn; Moon opposition Mars; Moon square Jupiter
-heavy, wide jaw with long chin; triangle shaped face; narrow forehead; broad cheeks and nose; thin, almond eyes; low but prominent cheekbones
-self centered, fiery personality
-like to wear bright colors
-need to be the center of attention
-honest and blunt
-wear your hair long; hair is shiny and thick
-cruel and hurtful to others
-horrible temper but don't hold a grudge
-career oriented; methodically work on rising through the ranks; CEO type
-effective multitasker but tend to take on more than you can handle
-got in trouble a lot as a kid
-witty; really good story teller
-thrill seeker; spontaneous
-take yourself way too seriously
-unstable romantic relationships due to your narcissism
-interested in foreign languages/cultures
-self righteous; no respect for the views of others
-daddy's girl and you very much see yourself as "your father's daughter"
-constantly feuding with siblings/cousins
-fight a lot with your mother, too
-moody and can be a real bitch but a nice, even bubbly, person for the most part
-excellent writer and public speaker
-high energy and excellent health
No. 395113
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>>395103>heavy, wide jaw with long chin; triangle shaped face; narrow forehead; broad cheeks and nose; thin, almond eyes; low but prominent cheekbonesonly two of these are correct
>self centered, fiery personalityI've been called fiery before
>like to wear bright colorsthat's also true
>need to be the center of attentionnot necessarily because attention is not always for a good reason kek
>honest and bluntI'm trying to dial down on the bluntness
>wear your hair long; hair is shiny and thickaccurate, a classmate once brushed my hair and said she thought I wore extensions. I said "it's all me, baby" and we both laughed
>cruel and hurtful to otherstalk shit get hit
>horrible temper but don't hold a grudgeI blow up at the moment it happens but no grudges. if someone is constantly pushing my buttons I cut them out of my life though
>career oriented; methodically work on rising through the ranks; CEO typethat's so sweet nonna but I wish. I do what I can
>effective multitasker but tend to take on more than you can handle>got in trouble a lot as a kidI've been diagnosed with ADHD so yeah
>witty; really good story tellergod I wish. sometimes I can't get to the point
>thrill seeker; spontaneousI love a good time but I'm no big risk taker
>take yourself way too seriouslymy standard for myself is higher than anybody else because that's the one thing I can control 100%
>unstable romantic relationships due to your narcissismsurprisingly not. I choose my partners extremely carefully so I only had one mishap. I have ended relationships in a neutral/friendly manner
>interested in foreign languages/cultures>self righteous; no respect for the views of othersthese seem contradictory in a way but it's true. people are allowed to think whatever they want and so am I
>daddy's girl and you very much see yourself as "your father's daughter"he worked a lot and we didn't have a ton of time together. learned a thing here and there but his presence wasnt constant in my life.
>constantly feuding with siblings/cousinsI barely talk to most of my family anymore kek they're really not worth the effort or headache.
>fight a lot with your mother, toomakes it seem like it was 100% my fault but I did my best to avoid it. we're NC now
>moody and can be a real bitch but a nice, even bubbly, person for the most parttalk shit get it (2)
>excellent writer and public speakergod I wish that was me
>high energy and excellent healthif there is one thing I can brag about is that
No. 395120
>>395113I'm not too worried about getting the facial features wrong because that stuff is always a crapshoot.
I'm distressed about missing so bad on the career stuff cause I don't know what I did wrong
The chart actually didn't say that you were close with your dad, just that he was a major influence on you. Based on the rest of the chart I interpreted that as meaning you were a daddy's girl. I'll be more careful in the future.
The storyteller thing I got wrong because I elected to ignore your afflicted Mercury. That was a mistake
Thank you for the feedback. That was really helpful
No. 395130
>>395075>>395077This was an outstanding chart reading. I think you'd be interested to know that you got 24/27 (89%) correct, including many really specific ones. Especially regarding
>cat like look and attitudeGot this comment from multiple people in my life, in regards to both appearance and behavior. Even got this from online conversations with people that haven't met me irl.
>naturally command attentionWow! There have been so many instances in group settings when the group was in the midst of a heated discussion, talking over one another if not yelling, I'd start speaking — complete silence, everyone is an amenable baby lamb. I think it might be because I don't speak a lot, unless I've got something worthwhile to contribute, so everyone's expecting an instant solution from me. I'm happy to know that there's a more concrete way to explain this.
>high interest in acquiring money and power>practical; strong work ethic>highly organized>always see things through to completion; good professional stability; not a job hopperDefinitely yes to all of these, notably resourceful and efficient.
>lose your shit when you don't get your way and this causes severe strife in your relationshipsPlease, no need to call me out like that…
If you're curious, the ones you got wrong were
>long face; curved hairline and eyebrows; face is a petite oval; soft features; low cheekbones; upper lip noticeably thinner than bottom lip; large, almond eyes; round chin; slim, button noseMy facial features are all quite angular and well-defined, and eyes are round (but yes, big as well).
>well endowedBottom is heavier, but chest is really small.
>career oriented mother who was/is the boss at home and with whom you have some issuesThis one's partly correct, because I do have big issues with my mom, and simultaneously get along excellently with dad and brother (re: great relationship with father and siblings). It's just that my mom's not career-oriented at all and used to be a housewife for decades and now has a dead-end blue-collar job.
Thank you very much for your time, anon.
No. 395166
>>395099Please allow me to completely ignore your question and respond with a general chart reading
Scorpio rising (ah, Taylor Swift); Sun combust AC in 1st house; MC in Taurus; 3/4 Moon conjunction Jupiter in Virgo (11th house); MC trine Mercury; MC trine Venus; Moon square Mercury; Moon square Venus; Moon oppose Mars; Saturn retrograde in 9th house
-intense, dominating presence
-mesmerizing eyes; penetrating gaze
-sharp facial features
-sleek and attractive build; physically strong
-hypersexual and kinky; like angry sex
-digestive problems
-high school mean girl and you still have that same energy
-indecisive, impressionable and emotional
-detail oriented; perfectionist; set high standards for both yourself and others; don't tolerate any complaints
-not interested in the spotlight
-don't waste money on useless bullshit
-responsible and hardworking
-nationalistic/tribalistic views
-use casual hookups in a vain attempt to fill your lack of fulfilling relationship
-win at all costs mindset and this causes problems in your romantic relationships
-good relationship with mother who herself is very social and widely respected
-professionally successful
-delays in finishing your education
-crappy relationship with your father
No. 395170
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>>391676If you're still willing.
No. 395326
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I'd like a reading now that I found out my birth time
No. 395329
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I want a general reading too pls. Will do a read for read
No. 395340
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What do you guys think?
No. 395389
>>395326Ascendant in Sagittarius (3rd decan); Pluto in 1st house; Sun combust MC, Mercury and Moon in Libra (10th house); Venus in Libra (10th house); Jupiter in Cancer (8th house); Ascendant square Venus; MC square Mars; MC trine Saturn; MC trine Uranus; Mars square Sun, Moon, Mercury and MC; Pluto opposition Saturn
-glamorous, wild, carefree
-almond eyes; long, elegant nose with arrowhead tip; bombshell physique
-need your freedom and really like to travel
-no filter
-very optimistic
-bore of romantic partners quickly; lot's of romantic flings
-try lot's of different stuff in the bedroom
-say provocative things out of sheer boredom
-huge gossip
-manic depressive type personality; high energy for a few weeks and then sink into a lethargic stupor for some time
-low work ethic; like the "soft life"
-highly romantic; want a long term partner but you struggle with what do after the honeymoon phase wears off
-bad decision maker; make a lot of choices that are plain retarded, although you do learn from these mistakes and you don't repeat them
-one of the cool kids in high school
-arrogant and like to brag
-daddy's girl, look up to your father a lot
-old soul
-bad communicator; don't really listen to what others are saying; lose your cool in arguments
-generous family
-nurturing, "mama bear" energy
-wasteful and excessive with money; spoiled princess
-lot's of sex appeal; femme fatale type
-close relationship with father but bad relationship with your mother, who was/is often dismissive of your thoughts and feelings; not crazy about the most of the rest of your family either
-raised by your mother and your stepfather, who you hated
-iron will
-life of the party
-tumultuous romantic relationships, punctuated with lot's of rough, angry sex
-financially successful
-know influential people
No. 395395
>>395329Aries rising (3rd decan); Sun combust Mars in Leo (5th house); MC in Capricorn; Moon in Scorpio (7th house); AC opposition Moon; AC trine Sun; AC trine Mars; AC square Saturn; MC trine Mercury; MC square Venus
-small, angular, cat like face; short forehead with widow's peak hairline; low set but prominent cheekbones
-cat like demeanor to go along with your appearance
-confident and highly assertive
-indifferent to the opinion of others
-career oriented CEO type; methodically approach achieving your career objectives
-strong and secure family life from young age; even now you are highly emotionally dependent on your family
-energetic and passionate
-powerful and sexy aura
-respected by others
-have a quiet intensity
-love to flirt; many romantic partners
-great decision maker; good at anticipating future events
-professionally and financially successful
-love the limelight
-physically, mentally and emotionally healthy and strong
-always faithful in relationships; spoil your partners with lavish gifts and big parties
-the dominant partner in you romantic relationships
-highly emotional on the inside; stoic on the outside
-love children and will seek to spend a lot of time with yours and be very involved in their lives
-bold, aggressive, dominant and take the initiative
-prefer younger guys where you can take on a more maternal role in your relationships
-don't really like to share your feelings with others, even those closest to you; the only exception is with your mother, you tell her everything
-suffered verbal abuse from your father early in life
-good athlete; high interest in sports
No. 395399
>>395340Capricorn rising (3rd decan); Neptune, Mars, Uranus and Moon in 1st house; Saturn in Taurus (4th house); MC in Sagittarius; Moon in Pisces; Sun in Sagittarius (11th house); AC square Jupiter; MC conjunction Mercury; Sun trine Jupiter; Moon trine Venus; Saturn square Uranus; Mars conjunct Uranus (Aquarius); Neptune in Aquarius
-glamourous aura and end up in power couple relationships
-oval face; great cheekbones; small but full lips; straight, dark, silky hair; pale and flawless skin
-dreamy, head in the clouds
-into the occult
-not fixed in your ways: do anything, go anywhere; strong need to explore
-never satisfied with what you have
-charismatic, opinionated and persuasive
-good at public speaking although you don't particularly enjoy it
-can't work service oriented jobs
-not dependable; flakey and frequently late; a good friend, just not a reliable one
-dislike small talk
-passive; get walked all over
-lot's of crushes; you develop a crush on pretty much everyone you know
-more of a thinker than a do'er
-highly impressionable
-easily absorb information
-heavily influenced by your mother
-eldest child
No. 395439
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Nonna could you do a reading on mine too? I'm burning to know what things could be somewhat predestined.
No. 395441
>>395429nope, was emotionally neglectful when i was younger and intense which explains my scorpio moon and she’s also a scorpio sun but not really
abusive in any way
No. 395452
>>395439Gemini rising (3rd decan); Mercury in Sagittarius; MC in Aquarius; Sun in Sagittarius (6th house); Moon in Libra (5th house); AC opposition Mars; MC conjunct Jupiter; Sun combust Venus; Sun combust Mars; Mercury square Saturn
-overly curious
-carry a self satisfied smirk
-bored very easily; always looking to try new things
-Narrow forehead; downturned, large almond eyes; high, sharp cheekbones; sharp jawline with pointy chin; full lips
-artistic type
-really good sense of humor; sarcastic
-fashion conscious and take good care of your appearance; unique fashion sense
-arrogant and vain
-change your mind easily
-can practically read people's minds
-pretty, bordering on beautiful
-romantic at heart but struggle with commitment; lot's of situationships
-quietly elegant; sophisticated
-never outright delusional, but have a very fantasy prone personality
-not particularly interested in money
-when you feel neglected in relationships, you say nothing but then silently resent the shit out of your partner
-take a lot of stupid risks
-always on the move, can't stay still; lot's of nervous energy
-very passionate relationships filled with angry sex
-fun, friendly and unpredictable
-involved is some type of political/humanitarian activism
-lot's of heavy, dark thoughts that you feel unable to share with others
-interested in the occult
-bad or distant relationship with your father; your father either is dead or had very serious health problems
-very close with your mother, who you take after; mother strongly nurtured and encouraged your artistic inclinations
-excellent with children; very strong desire to have children of your own
-highly competitive
-interested in politics
-explosive temper tantrums
No. 395644
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This is my actual chart with my actual ascendent. Finally got it right.
No. 395693
>>395644Leo rising (1st decan); MC in Aries; Sun combust Mercury and Moon in Libra (4th house); Mars in 6th house; Saturn in 11th house; Ascending opposition Neptune; Sun opposition MC; Moon opposition MC; Mercury opposition MC; Mars square MC; Sun square Mars; Saturn opposition Pluto
-exposed to the dark side of human nature from an early age
-strict father who didn't give emotional support
-paranoid regarding authority figures
-shy, modest, self contained; not outgoing or friendly; dreamy and melancholy
-dislike the spotlight
-vivid dreams and psychic powers
-estranged from father; very close with mother; lot's of conflict with siblings
-lash out with great cruelty when angered
-soft, feline face; small and broad forehead; widow's peak; large almond eyes that are wide set; thin eyebrows; thin, button nose; low cheekbones; round chin; upper lip is thin but bottom lip is full; thick hair
-great posture
-aristocratic and intimidating
-very lazy
-high stung and draw to excitement; trouble maker and a shit stirrer
-moods and energy wildly fluctuate
-really interested in jewelry and fashion; good dresser
-lean on your mom for both emotional and financial support; run to them whenever things get difficult
-failed relationships with totally worthless partners who you try to "save"
No. 395694
>>395693samefag, also:
-angry person who makes a lot of enemies
-always in debt
-problems with either digestion or appendix
-use illegal/immoral means to make money
-very lonely
No. 395746
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Could anyone check this one?
>>391676Hi! Could you please read this one?
No. 395774
>>395746Leo rising (2nd decan); MC in Taurus; Scorpio Moon conjunct Mars in 4th house; Capricorn Sun in 6th house; Mercury in 7th house; Saturn retrograde conjunct Jupiter retrograde in 10th house; AC square moon; AC opposition Mercury; AC square Mars; MC square Mercury; MC opposition Mars; MC opposition moon; Saturn retrograde opposition Mars
-oblong face, soft and feline; narrow forehead; curved eyebrows and hairline; big almond eyes; slim nose; low but prominent cheekbones; round chin; thin upper lip, full bottom lip
-excellent posture; strong presence
-thick, luxurious hair; striking fashion sense
-difficult home life as a child, featuring frequent moves
-bubbly, sunny personality with sudden bouts of intense moodiness
-difficulty making romantic connections; you connect well at the intellectual level but not on the emotional level
-aggressive and intimidating
-strong need to fight for the underdog
-bad at romantic relationships; too arrogant and domineering
-bad at articulating yourself; struggle to find the right words and this causes people to misunderstand what you are attempting to say; this is especially true in professional settings or with authority figures
-mother had a powerful, not always positive, influence on you as a child and you still have serious mommy issues; still really love her though and are totally emotionally dependent on her
-quarrel a lot with your siblings although you remain close with them
-very possessive and jealous in relationships; always feel like you are not enough for them
-lesbian (maybe bisexual, definitely not straight)
-your birth was very difficult for your mother
-heavy struggles up to the age of 25 which include a nervous breakdown and/or suicide attempt; but then things gradually settle down
-education and career delays
-father died young and you did not get along with him while he was still alive
-major problems with authority figures
-anxious and impulsive; chaotic professional and personal life
No. 395818
>>395813>So sorry to ask but I am kind of officially "banned" from romantic relationships, right?That's more of an eastern way of looking at it. Your karma is your karma, but it can be overcome. In fact, pretty much everyone has at least some aspects of their karma that they overcome. My karma was to get married young and that never happened.
Regardless, in your particular case, there is nothing that indicates that you can't have good romantic relationships if that is what you want. People with Mars in the 4th house do often choose to forgo marriage, or even traditional relationships altogether, but there are plenty of Mars 4th housers who have strong marriages as well. Your Mercury is in the 7th so that bodes will for relationships in the long run.
I'd have to take another look for the career stuff. Do you mind telling me what I got wrong and what I got right?
No. 395819
>>395818Father is alive he was just absent. I really struggle connecting with people, I experience a longing and once I get it, I hate people for no reason, or real reason imagined. I wish my nose was slim haha.
That was it really.
No. 395828
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>>395774Can you do mine pls
No. 395845
>>395828Scorpio rising (first decan) w/ conjunct moon in first house; Pluto in 2nd house; MC in 11th house; Mercury conjunct Saturn in 5th house; Sun combust Mars in 7th house; AC square Uranus; AC square Neptune; MC square sun; MC square Mars; MC opposition Uranus; MC opposition Neptune retrograde
-"squircle" shaped face
-dark complexion
-paranoid; think everyone is out to get you
-very defined facial features with a penetrating gaze (think Taylor Swift)
-very high sex appeal
-lot's of financial ups and downs
-obsessed with acquiring material possessions, as they provide you with emotional security
-bad relationship with your parents when young but things have since improved; one of your parents was a major weirdo who was frequently absent; moved around a lot as a youth
-psychic powers; absorbed psychic energies from the time you were a child, only be to told by your parent(s) that it was all in your head
-lot's of long distance relationships and/or situationships
-bad with money
-something is fucked with your menstrual cycle
-trouble with the law
-inflammatory/auto immune issues
-skin has a reddish tinge
-aggressive and cruel
-mother was harsh and didn't provide emotional support
No. 395860
>>395854it doesn't say whether you are attractive or not
>Maybe I should go for the Cobain route Hahahhai would at least look at the full chart and see if things are gonna get better before you do anything drastic
No. 395876
>>395862>I’ve heard my Saturn placement in 6H Aries Venus in the same house aren’t good and I’m worried that I’m doomed for career success or love. Thanks.6th house is the weakest and you want your Saturn to be as weak as possible.
I don't think Saturn being in the same house as Venus matters, what is more of note is the Saturn conjunction with Mercury. Although that is a benefic conjunction so you don't have to sweat that one
re your career: basically you are supposed to be a lawyer, albeit a successful one
>Do you see anything particular regarding loveI mean, you got a combust Mars in your 7th. That generally indicates passionate and complex relationships that take a lot of work. It definitely doesn't condemn you to a life of singlehood, if that's what you're worried about
No. 395925
>>395845Okay I’m back so I fully respond now!
> extremely pale due to some eastern euro genes, i have a chiseled longish square face> i have large light eyes, not really feline looking> paranoid? probably> yeah probably some sex appeal but I’m awkward, I grew up a dancer and I feel like my stage performer side of myself is the sexy one> yes probably some financial ups and downs but I’m young so I’m mostly speaking on my family’s financial situation has been all over the place> not really a consumer or obsessed with materials, I’m assuming that observation is coming from Pluto in the 2nd house kek> never moved but my parents divorced, fought against each other constantly, and then scapegoated and blamed me in the process. my mom was negligent and would care more for her potential next husband than taking care of us.> not sure if I’m psychic, idk how to tell that> only ever had one LTR that was partially long distance and the other relationship I had lasted like 2 months > am fairly good with money, but I feel guilty spending and then sometimes go crazy with it when I need to buy things I’ve been waiting to buy> how did you come to the idea that my menstrual cycle is fucked? just curious. my cycle isn’t that bad, it lasts like a week which is annoying but I don’t have fibroids or endo thankfully> got in trouble with the law when I was in high school when I was lashing out against > no inflammatory/auto immune issues aside from one condition that I inherited from my family> I’m slightly pink toned but not really, more neutral > can be aggressive and cruel if I get extremely angry/upset> mother wasn’t that harsh but was a narcissist who was obsessed with changing my looks to be more like hers and also didn't provide emotional support>>395876Damn a lawyer? I fucked up, I work in finance. I actually liked studying economics and math so that’s why I gravitated to my current industry. In regards to my love life it would probably be better if I wasn’t such an anxious mess and could put myself out there. I am terrified of men and despite being a codependent, actual emotional intimacy. I carry deep shame about my past and who I am and I wish I was more normal.
Also sorry for the long post but I figured it would help to respond to everything you said because I assume you’re a practicing astrologer. Tysm for giving my chart a look.
Last question but if you had to say there was a placement that I should be utilizing more or any advice you could give based on my chart, what is it? I’ve been told that my birth chart gives dominatrix vibes with a lot of sex appeal for example but I don’t feel like I have the confidence to pull that off.
No. 395943
>>395925thanks for the feedback, that was really helpful
>I’m assuming that observation is coming from Pluto in the 2nd house kekVery good! Yes, and I would have ignored it if it wasn't for that fact that Pluto is ruling your chart
> not sure if I’m psychic, idk how to tell thatPrecognitive dreams; flashes of psychic intuition
>how did you come to the idea that my menstrual cycle is fucked? just curious. my cycle isn’t that bad, it lasts like a week which is annoying but I don’t have fibroids or endo thankfullyMars in the 7th means menstrual problems. I had assumed yours would be worse because your Mars is combust, although maybe that actually made it better in your case
>I am terrified of menThat is gonna make the dominatrix idea a tall order
>i have large light eyes, not really feline lookingYou're a first decan Scorpio, why would you be feline looking?
>Damn a lawyer? I fucked up, I work in financeI never take the career stuff too seriously
>I carry deep shame about my pastThe chart does say that but I didn't put that in the reading as I didn't know what it meant and I'm trying to get away from the more interpretive stuff
>I’ve been told that my birth chart gives dominatrix vibes with a lot of sex appeal for example but I don’t feel like I have the confidence to pull that offI'm assuming the domme stuff comes from the Saturn conjunct AC. Maybe the Venus in Aries but I don't really put much weight on signs other than for the ascendant, especially for whole sign, sidereal charts.
The only advice I can give is to have a whole life reading done so you can be conscious of your planetary cycles. The more you understand it, the better you can deal with the problems and take advantage of the opportunities
No. 396093
>>395943Thank you sm for your explanations! You know up until now I felt cursed because of my 6th house placements since I was told that the 6th house is the house of struggle and therefore my planets there would be in detriment. But you made me feel a lot better! I think the majority of struggle in my chart is probably that moon-Saturn opposition and that T-square with Neptune as the focal in my 4th house of family. I forgot to mention that me and my dad had a horrible relationship growing up and have been on good terms recently as you mentioned, but it is hard for me because he was physically
abusive when I was younger.
Also, do you have any recommendation for finding a good astrologer? I’ve found some cool astrologers through social media (mainly YouTube) and their readings are like $200 minimum. One of my friends got her chart done on Etsy and she had an issue where the person was clearly copying and pasting sections they had written for specific placements/aspects rather than looking at it and saying how it all came together and what was actually important. Do you have any suggestion of how to verify the astrologer before purchase or any recommended people/platforms? Do I need to expect to have to try multiple astrologers?
No. 396137

>>396093>One of my friends got her chart done on Etsy and she had an issue where the person was clearly copying and pasting sections they had written for specific placements/aspects rather than looking at it and saying how it all came together and what was actually important.Yes I have had the same thing happen to me. If you post her chart here I'll do a reading for her
>I’ve found some cool astrologers through social media (mainly YouTube) and their readings are like $200 minimumYeah, $200 is the lowest you will get a full lifetime reading from. I have had two professional readings done, both set me back $300. One was from the guy featured in the video. The other was by Dr. Dennis Harness: readings were phenomenally accurate. The second reading, the one with Harness, was the one that inspired me to start studying astrology myself and actually make positive changes in my life based on my readings.
>Thank you sm for your explanations! You know up until now I felt cursed because of my 6th house placements since I was told that the 6th house is the house of struggle and therefore my planets there would be in detriment. But you made me feel a lot better!Yeah. My 6th house is a mess too but 6th is actually a good place for Saturn because it is so weak there. Saturn in the 7th is the one you really got to look out for. OTOH, Caitlin Clark has Saturn in her
first and she's done alright for herself, so really everything needs to be interpreted within the context of the chart
No. 396380
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sorry for posting the 10 millionth chart in the thread, hopefully mine's weird enough that the novelty makes up for it
I've been going through some shit for a few years now and I have a few questions I'd really appreciate any anon trying her hand at
>I feel very stuck/lost in terms of career right now. Is there any guidance that could help me untangle it?
>Will I be transient forever? For a chart with so much Taurus, I've always been moving around (11 times in my life so far). Will I ever set down roots, physically or emotionally?
>What's up with my family? Is it fixable? Can I fix it or at least navigate it well? I read up a little on yods and what they mean, but I'm not sure how mine interacts with the rest of my chart.
No. 396387
>>396137Oh you would do that? I’ll try letting her know and see if I can get her chart. How have the changes he recommended helped? I’m curious bc a lot of people say that your chart is like your blueprint and that some of the stuff won’t be applicable due to deviation.
Also, sorry to ask yet another question but my Saturn is in 6th in my whole sign Western chart however it’s in the 7th house in my Vedic chart. Is that concerning? I am always so lost on how to reconcile the differences between Western and Vedic astrology.
No. 396391
>>396387>Also, sorry to ask yet another question but my Saturn is in 6th in my whole sign Western chart however it’s in the 7th house in my Vedic chartYou don't want Saturn in the 7th, generally speaking
>Is that concerning?Not in my book because I only go by the tropical zodiac. But even if the sidereal is right, you would need to take into account how strong the Saturn is, what it's aspects are and the rest of the chart as well
>How have the changes he recommended helped?Basically it was after my session with him I realized that my problems stemmed from my shit moon (not only is my moon combust but I was actually born on a full solar eclipse). I finally understood that I would never be "cured" of my depression so instead I would just need to manage the symptoms. That is what inspired me to start eating healthy, exercising and practicing good sleep hygiene (previously I wouldn't go to bed until 8 in the morning, would regularly eat over 3000 calories a day worth of junk food and do no exercise). The changes really have helped ease the depressive symptoms. More than I expected, even
No. 396468
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>>396386yes, thanks anon! I screenshot everything else too just in case.
No. 396473
>>396468Thank you. Whole sign would be better but I'll see what I can do with this.
Your Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Saturn are combust. If you've been having problems in your life, that is why. I haven't seen so many combust planets in a chart since… mine.
-rounded face with a heavier bottom half; curved eyebrows and hairline; large almond eyes; large jaw; full lips
-serious physical/mental health problems when young
-distant from your family
-strained relationship with your younger siblings; or you just don't have them
-not a boss type; hate telling others what to do and you aren't very good at it;
-chronic health problems
-major relationship struggles
-dad is dead or at least not doing well
-many clashes with authority figures; hate cops
-bad relationship with elder siblings, or you just don't have them
-poor romantic relationships
-have felt lost and isolated for most of your life
-really like to share your feelings with others; overly dependent on others for emotional support
-hardworking, persistent and materialistic
-risk adverse; place premium on career stability
btw, I didn't read any of your greentext until after I had done your reading, although I don't expect anyone to believe that. In the future, I would advise that when you are getting a reading you reveal as little info as possible before the initial reading is done, you can ask questions after
I'm not really much of an advice person but I'm gonna see if I can calculate the strength of your planets and then maybe I'll have more for you
No. 396479
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Hello, can I get a reading?
No. 396488
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>>396473omg, sorry anon, I somehow skipped over the whole signs part. I got them now in picrel if you'd rather use those instead! It's cool if not, I really appreciate the time you're taking to give me a reading either way.
These are all accurate. the appearances things, the relationships things (
oof). I'm emotionally distant with most of my family and have kept anything I share on a need-to-know basis because my parents (esp dad) wouldn't stop attacking me over random bullshit.
>not a boss type; hate telling others what to do and you aren't very good at it;Yeah… idk how to improve on this really. Currently I bring things up once in a blue moon and use 'I' statements the entire time so hopefully everyone feels like we're all looking for a solution that works for all of 'us'. I still get major adrenaline over it to the point of getting shaky sometimes. But the conversations ended well half of the time.
>chronic health problemsI guess lifelong ezcema and allergies count, as well as the mental stuff previously mentioned? Pretty sure I wouldn't survive long-term in Florida, and even short-term causes month-long flare-ups.
>dad is dead or at least not doing wellDad hasnt been doing well for over a decade pretty much, most of which he now blames on me as I seem to be the sunk cost he seems to have always feared. Also it's weird how fixated on death he and I are. His mom died when he was in high school and since then he was always worried over his father who lasted until shortly after I was born. I had recurring nightmares that my parents died, starting from elementary to high school, and they stopped happening around the same age as my dad was when his mom died. Also he gave me the most unsubtle but also most neutered death threats last time he visited me. Also he went through a phase where he'd give me predictions on how I'd die after he takes 1 chore I didn't do and extrapilates it to all my moral failings and flaws. My fixations on death for the most part was mental health-related that I try to be spiritual and mindful (DIY-CBT, etc) about now.
>bad relationship with elder siblings>major relationship struggles>poor romantic relationships>really like to share your feelings with others; overly dependent on others for emotional supportyo… am I going to be forever alone? Tbh I try to fill the void of not feeling connected enough by always keeping 2-3 different social groups on hand, so if some are less active I have the other ones to mingle in. As I get older though, I want to invest more into fewer people as steady cornerstones (I know) of my life.
>hardworking, persistent and materialisticI haven't emotionally felt like I've been very hardworking since like… so long ago. I'm always tired or stressed out. But I did graduate college so on some level this could apply, I guess. As for materialism, god I want a stable job so I can get a high-yield savings account, government bonds, and stock portfolio so bad. I want to be so stable and comfortable and so BORING. I wish the biggest problem in my life was figuring out which credit cards and banks offer the best rewards for my tax bracket and spending demographic.
>risk adverse; place premium on career stabilityGoddd I wish I could get some wageslave salaried job and free up my post-work hours to relax and do my hobbies guilt-free. Wouldn't even care if it's counting grains of rice for hours on end, whatever gets me a work visa.
No. 396490
>>396488>I guess lifelong ezcema and allergies countYeah that's it
>Yeah… idk how to improve on this reallyI'm the same way but in my case I don't care. I'm not even sure I want to change it
>yo… am I going to be forever alone?Combust lord of the 7th just means that you have major romantic struggles at first. People with this almost always find good relationships in the long run after at least one failed marriage/ltr
>As for materialism, god I want a stable job so I can get a high-yield savings account, government bonds, and stock portfolio so bad. I want to be so stable and comfortable and so BORINGThis is like the most Taurus rising statement ever. Technically you are a Sagittarius rising but your Jupiter is combust in the 2nd decan of Taurus so you are functionally a Taurus rising.
I'm gonna see if I can calculate the strength of the planets and do more
No. 396493
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My best friend said my chart sucked and I don't know why
No. 396495
>>396479-oval face with low set features that make the forehead appear larger than it really is; curved asymmetrical hairline; straight eyebrows and eyes are close together; eyes are small and hooded and not tilted either up or down; pointy chin
-high interest in foreign languages or culture; probably know at least one foreign language
-dad is either sick or dead
-not giving or generous
-there is some serious weirdness going on with you and a foreign country, maybe some kind of property dispute involving your father?
-lot's of family crises
-have spiritual/psychic powers (you knew I was gonna say that, didn't you?)
No. 396499
>>396493>My best friend said my chart sucked and I don't know whyYour moon is weak as fuck, your sun is combusting your Mercury and your Mars is all but raping your Venus. Your chart has some negative features too (kek).
Your sun conjuncts your ascendant and that is about as good as it gets, even if you do have some challenging aspects
-graceful, oblong face; curved hairline; thin, curved eyebrows; hooded, almond, downturned eyes; low cheekbones; rectangular chin
-major relationship troubles
-problems with authority
-depression and low self esteem on the inside; queenly, commanding and arrogant on the outside
-bad eyes and teeth
-make friends with some very bad people
-junk food addict; indigestion/acid reflux
-never forget a slight, very vengeful
-greedy and materialistic
-ambitious and you are willing to do absolutely anything to get what you want, even if it is immoral or illegal
No. 396502
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May I get a reading? I'm so curious about what LC nonnies have to say.
No. 396503
>>395166Thanks, nonna. Sorry for the delay, I've only saw your reading now.
The points about tribalistic views, never wasting money on what I perceive to be useless and not wanting to be in spotlight are very spot on.
Others have confirmed the intense/dominating presence and the penetrating gaze.
Probably will delay my education. I'm way more in the "reading fanfiction" rather than the casual hookup angle to fill my lack of a relationship though.
No. 396504
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Can someone figure out what should I do with my life from this?
No. 396554
>>396502-cat like, oblong face; short narrow forehead with a curved hairline; thin top lip, full bottom lip; thin eyebrows; large almond eyes; slim, button nose; low but prominent cheeks
-highly emotional and impulsive
-born with a feeling of greatness, that you are better than everyone else and belong at the top
-very competitive
-short tempered and aggressive, even (especially?) with those closest to you; this is because you are hypersensitive and easily hurt
-mama's girl
-good health
No. 396572
>>396490>Technically you are a Sagittarius rising but your Jupiter is combust in the 2nd decan of Taurus so you are functionally a Taurus rising.Oh that's really interesting! I didn't know "troubled" placements could get canceled out that hard. Do you have any resources you recommend for learning astrology? Right now I just cobble together knowledge here and there from online articles, online birth chart generators, and have started to keep an astrology journal using prompts from a gendie astrologer I follow.
>I'm gonna see if I can calculate the strength of the planets and do moreThat'd be lovely if you could!! Thank you for your analysis and answers so far anon. ♥
No. 396582
>>396504-elegant, oval shaped face; bright, almond shaped eyes; eyes are far apart (think Anya Taylor-Joy); round cheekbones that are neither high nor low; medium nose; smooth, oval chin; hourglass figure with childbearing hips
-aggressive; really make an impression when meeting new people
-sexy in a sporty way (think Aubrey Plaza)
-anger management problems
-lot's of enemies
-really high sex drive
-excellent athlete
-sickly as a child
-father was very successful and you are a devoted daughter
-lonely and alienated
-a boss; natural leader; dominant
-prototypical "bad girl"; wild, interested in taboo subjects; easily fall under the sway of bad people; extremely prone to addiction; it's very important that you make sure to surround yourself with positive influences as you are a sort of psychic sponge who absorbs the energies of others and of your environment
-even though it is cliche, you really do have an exceptionally strong "feminine energy". The real kind, not the tiktok kind and men are highly intrigued by you
>Can someone figure out what should I do with my life from this?any job that allows you to tyrannize others
No. 396705
>>396468okay, let's take a closer look at your planets:
Sun: decent in and of itself
Moon: on the weaker side
Mercury: fucked (combust)
Venus: slighty fucked (just barely combust)
Mars: fine
Jupiter: turbo fucked (REALLY combust)
Saturn: fucked (combust)
so we'd expect potential problems with the 5th, 9th and 11th houses due to your fucked Jupiter. Also problems in the 2nd and 10th due to your fucked Jupiter/Mercury/Saturn and problems in your 4th and 7th due to your Venus. And reduced problems with the 6th, 8th and 12th houses do to your fucked Saturn because we want those houses to be weak. The 7th house should be good for you because of your strong Venus.
direct impacts of combust Jupiter: atheism, dismissive of the guidance of parents and teachers
direct impacts of combust Saturn: hate father, laziness, procrastination and irregular working style. Money problems, poor reputation and just bad luck in general
direct impacts of combust Mercury: work poorly with others and really bad at analyzing data
direct impacts of combust Venus: legal issues; relationship problems; mommy didn't love you; betrayal by your community and other women
Now your Venus is in good dignity so everything associated with Venus should improve with time. Your Jupiter is also in good dignity so everything associated with Jupiter will improve as time goes on as well. You're Mercury, Sun and Saturn may or may not improve as time goes on. So if you're still following: everything relating to your 4th, 5th and 11th houses will get better as life goes on. Nothing is really going on in your 11th but Venus is in your 4th and your 5th has your Mercury, Sun, Jupiter and Saturn.
All in all, it's really not a bad chart. It outright predicts reconciliation with your mother and a great spouse who will be like a rock for you; although I don't take astrological predictions too seriously, particularly ones made by me.
btw, have you done some seriously immoral/illegal stuff? Because that is a recurring theme in your chart
No. 396712
>>396582Thank you nonna!
It's crazy how in terms of looks basically everything matches (other than far apart eyes)
>aggressive; really make an impression when meeting new peopleNot that much in real life, but before meeting me from online interactions people think I'm mean
>sexy in a sporty way (think Aubrey Plaza)I just wonder how does this coexist with >strong "feminine energy"
>egomaniacIt can show in excessive niceness and people pleasing right?
>anger management problemsWhenever I get angry it's likely I'll start to cry because if I let my anger loose I can say irreversible things
>lot's of enemiesDoes the chart say that I'm too naive to actually notice that they exist? I really don't know if I have enemies
>lonely and alienatedThis was very true when I was younger, now I do have many friend groups, but I know we are all ships sailing in our life and one day we may part ways
>a boss; natural leader; dominantEeeeh, I don't really see that in myself I feel like I'm more of a people pleaser, which may be connected to the egomaniac thing….
>sort of psychic sponge This is why I'm staying at a low paying job, just because coworkers are nice and overall work vibe is not stressful.
>any job that allows you to tyrannize othersAm I really going to find myself in that sort of job? My whole life I felt like I was doing everything to avoid conflicts, avoid hurting people, inability to defend myself or my needs (always felt like they ether didn't matter or I don't know what I want anyway) no skills of telling people what to do.
Maybe it's people pleasing-egomaniac side making me fear that people will hate and judge me if I come off mean and bossy.
No. 396723
>>396712this illustrates the danger of just looking at the planetary aspects instead of interpreting them within the context of your Sun/Moon combo. I didn't bother to do that for yours because A) it's boring and tedious and B) it doesn't directly result is specific predictions, which is what I'm most interested in.
But if you don't look at the Sun/Moon duo, you can't properly interpret the aspects. Lesson learned.
You are a Leo Sun and Libra Moon, but your Libra Moon dominates for the following reasons: 1. That Mars on your Ascendant is weak 2. Venus is mellowing out your sun somewhat 3. Your Libra moon is in your first house 4. At your core you are a Libra rising
-warm, energetic, joyful and optimistic
-get along with everyone, highly social; crave attention and admiration from others
-very romantic and need for your partner to do a bunch of gay romantic bullshit like candlelight dinners for you; expect your relationships/marriage to be like a romance novel
-vain; materialistic; care too much about what others think of you
-diplomatic, want everyone to get along; good at settling disputes between others
-there is a battle going on inside you between your brash nature and your diplomatic nature with your diplomatic nature winning out for the reasons given above
-whatever you look or act like on the outside, at heart you are a peace loving artist. No Mars on the ascendant or Leo sun can change that
-you have been dreaming of your fairy tale wedding since you were a small child
-high energy but a calm exterior
-very good dresser
-you are meant to do something involving mediation of disputes. It's true that you have Mars on the AC which would indicate that you are meant to dominate and tyrannize others (and your father probably was/is such a person) but that simply isn't you. Especially given how weak that Mars is.
No. 396733
>>396705fuuuuuuuuuck, everything you said about direct impacts is true. I started being an atheist around 10 and stopped really giving a shit about guidance long before college, and so on. I know you said to not take this too seriously but it at least gives me more food for thought on what I really need to keep an eye on.
>atheism, dismissive of the guidance of parents and teachersStarted being an atheist around age 10 while raised christian, stopped giving a shit about parental/teacher guidance around middle school
>hate father, laziness, procrastination and irregular working styleyeah… Nothing to add onto this because this is on the nose. I'm working on my work ethic though
>Money problems, poor reputation and just bad luck in generalIs there anything astrology-related about improving this? I'm guessing this is due to the 2nd and 10th getting fucked by my Jupiter/Mercury/Saturn. Either way, I've been meaning to start networking seriously and leaving less things up for chance.
>work poorly with others and really bad at analyzing datafml im trying to get jobs related to data analysis rn. Every so often I keep wishing I went into journalism instead (or… accounting? which is just data analysis again). I'm curious - is there anything in the chart that talks about good career matches for me?
>legal issues, relationship problems, mommy didn't love you, betrayal by your community and other womenI guess these all match up more or less with: resident alien/noncitizen/visa issues, mom is (or at least used to be) a hardcore boymom, bad at discerning good from bad friends until it's too late + being a lesbian in the current tq+ zeitgeist.
I can't believe this is still not too bad of a chart. I guess I can always feel better by checking out the Caitlin Clarke lady you mentioned upthread and see how much worse her saturn in 1st made things.
Does my chart say issues with the law/legal stuff, or issues with morals, or both? Does it specify whether I'm the cause, or just involved in some way? Are there other motifs around the recurring theme? I can think of a few things that might match, but it's kind of vague to give an answer to right now.
No. 396739
>>396732oops, my bad for deleting, I had a few typos I wanted to fix
>Your chart repeatedly indicates both. Particularly in regards to making money.I'm being pretty underpaid right now at my job that I need, and will probably be underpaid and underemployed at a different visa mill job, if I get it. That could be it. As for morals… I went almost no-contact with my parents for 2yrs after they coerced me into a bunch of unnecessary cosmetic procedures and surgeries. I think the stress of that shortened their lifespans and made their marriage worse. I also picked up a few bad habits during that like freeloading off of others, serial cheating (on assignments, not people), and stuff.
>from your chart I would have guessed bidoes astrology get that specific?? I've never been attracted to a man or had a husbando before, so I feel reasonably comfortable calling myself a lesbian.
>I'll take a look when I get to work (I don't actually work at my job, I just dick around on the internet)Much appreciated nona, thank you for indulging my questions as always. Have a good day at work!
No. 396766
>>396739>Have a good day at work!don't count on it, but thanks
>does astrology get that specific??Yes. Although there a multiple indicators. The only indicator I noticed on your indicated same sex attraction but didn't say anything about not being attracted to men, so I figured probably bi
>Is there anything astrology-related about improving this?1. the better you understand your karma, the less power it has over you 2. practicing virtue, not just honesty and kindness to others but sexual morality as well (no porn and no DiY, no sex outside of an LTR) 3. Clean, healthy living with a good sleep schedule 4. Faith in God and prayer; God created and karma and only God can overcome it (Abraham's karma was to never have any kids at all and he ended up having like a million) 5. Regularly bathe in the blood of virgins (just kidding, definitely don't do that)
>I can't believe this is still not too bad of a chartIt's a good chart because it has a strong Venus, a strongish moon (I know I said it was somewhat weak but it is actually solid) and your karakas are such that most of your bad aspects are set to improve with time.
>Caitlin Clarke lady you mentioned upthread and see how much worse her combust sun made things.Sun can't combust. I think you are thinking of her having Saturn retrograde in her first house. Although that is just in her whole sign, sidereal chart, currently I go by tropical placidus. And even in her case her Saturn did make her into an annoying, lanky bugwoman
>I'm curious - is there anything in the chart that talks about good career matches for me?MC is Libra but you have that combust Venus in Taurus so you functionally have an MC in Taurus. It says that you are supposed to work in nature (like gardening or flower arranging), art or design. But like I said I never take that shit seriously
No. 396817
>>396766I feel a bit relieved, I do half the improvement methods already. I'm turned off entirely on religion rn, but I do have some spirituality and mindfulness stuff inspired by Buddhism, so I think that would work.
I know I said it a billion times but thanks again for being so thorough, you answered all the questions I had. I hope your weekend (or the next week) goes well!
No. 396958
>>396911NTA but hopefully she will respond too and we can compare our readings
-that is a REALLY strong Mars
-strong sun, really strong moon, weakish Jupiter, strong Saturn, weakish Mercury, strong Venus; this is the strongest chart I've ever seen
-fiery, and a lot of people can't take the heat
-sharp and aquiline facial features, aristocratic; short, square face; small, curved forehead; angular eyebrows; thin, almond eyes
-CEO type
-frequently let down by those closest to you
-kind soul and hypergenerous
-psychic sponge; absorb the energies of the people and environment's that surround you
-can be really funny and very good at doing impressions of people but only close family and friends see this side of you
-highly interested in theatre
-artistic; your inner drama is your muse
-bold and courageous; highly confident; intense presence
-structured, disciplined and methodical; have big dreams but you approach them in a practical way
-very attached to your siblings and very nosy about their lives
-travel a lot
-wide variety of interests: politics, finance, fashion, etc.
-great communicator with a knack for marketing and sales
-helpful guidance and support from mentors
-make money from a lot of different sources
-everyone loves you and kisses your ass
-will establish a successful business that caters to women
-will inherit a shit load of money, maybe you already have
it's insane how good this chart is. You must have been some kinda saint in a previous life
No. 396981
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Maybe astrology can explain it.
No. 397006
>>396981-sharp, aquiline features; short square face; slim eyes; small nose; thin lips; low, prominent cheekbones
-perfectionist, fussy; difficult to work with
-highly confident but filled with anxiety about all the things that
could go wrong
-bad health problems when young involving hospitalization
-distant from family
-bad relationship with siblings
-not an effective boss/leader, your subordinates hate you because you are a short tempered bully with no respect for others
-bad relationships with authority figures
-financially prudent; good at saving; do extensive research before making large purchases
-mommy didn't love you; betrayal by your family/community and by other women
-nothing comes easy to you
-very tough life when young; gradual improvement after turning 22
-strong urge to serve your homeland/community
-hate your father
-health problems effecting heart/stomach/eyes
-dad wasn't around much as a kid so you were mainly raised by your tyrannical mother
-move to a lot of different locations; lot's of shitty, long distance relationships
-will ultimately live in a foreign country where you will finally achieve success; not sure if this has already happened
-mother was/is religious fanatic
-highly educated; receive quality guidance and support from mentors
tl;dr: rough at first but eventually you find success, including eventual reconciliation with your family
No. 397026
>>396981I'm a beginner but I made an attempt at a reading. Lmk if it's accurate.
Basic personality: Serious, hard-working, ambitious, reliable. Can be a mentor or leader. Might prefer to keep your life private and out of the limelight. Mature and might prefer the company of older people. Logical, methodical, skeptical; might prefer routine; prone to pessimism, or in more extreme cases depression; may be mean or critical and "take it out" on others when you're in a bad mood. You have an appreciation for beauty. Charismatic; you have a natural talent for communication, both verbally and in writing, as well as diplomatic and business skills. Tendency to force your beliefs on other people.
Family: childhood full of limitations/restrictions, strained relationships with the parents, may feel estranged or distant from them.
Relationships: Intense feelings and relationships; you express affection in a dramatic way . You might be attracted to people who are educated and well-traveled, possibly from a different culture.
Career: fields that involve communication and diplomacy (law, public relations, education, business); fields that allow you to express your creativity and appreciation for beauty (art, fashion). You may find yourself torn between cooperation and your more competitive and assertive side.
No. 397068
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Any insights on this guy I'm dating, nonas? Sorry that there's not a birth time but I'm willing to bet that he's a Capricorn ascendant.
No. 397397
>>397006this is pretty accurate except my features are more blunt and round
More of a defeatist
no siblings
I don’t really care enough to bully others, I only step up to lead if nobody else can
I’m kind of a shopaholic really
I think my mommy loves me too much actually, but I can’t get along with other women
No my dad was very involved with me and still is, I only hate that he probably set too high a standard for me
I hope I get to move, I’m very bored here
Thank you for the reading
No. 397480
>>396723Oooh this does sound more like me
>high energy but a calm exteriorThis is especially true
Thank you very much nonna!
No. 397532
>>397397your Venus, Saturn and Mercury are all combust and I was going off that, but I didn't take into account that all of those planets are in the 4th house which neutralizes the combustion. That was my mistake and I apologize. I also mistakenly thought that you had a weak sun. Here are some amendments:
-mother is descended from royalty/nobility
-it still shows that your mother acted as the father figure in your childhood so I don't know what's going on there
-parents were very strict; even if your mom loved you there should have been major clashes between the two of you
No. 397544
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Nonitas, please?
No. 397578
>>397544-1st decan Leo rising: soft, feline face; small and broad forehead; widow's peak; large almond eyes that are wide set; thin eyebrows; thin, button nose; low cheekbones; round chin; upper lip is thin but bottom lip is full; thick hair
-cat like movements and demeanor
-gentle soul but come off as a selfish bitch
-serious anger management issues
-really high sex drive
-will definitely have children; may already have some
-good athlete
-big eater
-great parents
-argumentative and rude and this directly leads to serious relationship problems
-believe in lot's of weird occult shit but keep that on the dl, not wanting to be thought of as a retarded weirdo
-daddy's girl
-start earning money after age 28; career starts to take off after age 30; fully begin coming into your own around age 32
-at some point in your life you were either on the wrong side of the law or got your ass beat
-interested in other cultures and will ultimately settle down in a foreign country (or at least really far away from home); your spouse will be from a foreign country and for a time you will be in a long distance relationship
-into weird stuff like chanting
-exotically decorate your home; like to light incense; lot's of flowers
-several failed relationships before you finally find your foreign prince
-achieve slow and steady success
-very close with elder siblings who are always there for you when you are in need
are you having problems? Because this is a really strong chart
No. 397702
>>397532Omg yes she is there were some German nobles in her ancestry
But no to the others, she’s very much the “maternal” one and traditional, and my parents also just let me be sort of free range, I think they didn’t give me any restrictions cause both their childhoods sucked
Thank you though I appreciate it
No. 397715
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Any thoughts, nonas?
No. 397761
>>397715I now hate sidereal and whole sign but I can still read it.
Your ascendant is on the cusp. That's really weird and I'm not sure what it means
-1st decan Aquarius rising: curvaceous sex goddess with great bone structure and an overall unique and interesting appearance
-bold, brash, daring
-bawdy sense of humor
-like heavy makeup and ultra feminine clothing, although your personality is more foul mouthed femme fatale than girly girl
-carefree on the outside, ambitious and determine on the inside
-lot's of sadness on the inside and put on a happy front to cope
-adventurous when young with a tendency to become increasingly goal oriented with age
-spend a lot of time thinking about yourself, Barrack Obama type
-not particularly concerned about the problems of others, mainly wrapped up in yourself
-witty in a dark way
-good arguer
-organized thought patterns
-deeply insecure in romantic relationships
-psychic sponge and absorbing the energies that surrounds you frequently becomes exhausting, at which point you need to completely isolate from the world for a period of time too recharge
-skin rashes/allergies/infections
-misdiagnosed illnesses
-use drugs and alcohol to cope with the pain; highly susceptible to addiction, PLEASE avoid all recreational drugs and alcohol
-have psychic powers although you wish you didn't; will get better at handling them with age
-talented entertainer
-good at deceiving people when you are inclined to do so
-eccentric; like,
really eccentric
-really pride yourself on uniqueness and want everyone else to know how unique you are, even though nobody actually cares
-always changing your appearance (makeup, hairstyles, fashion, etc.)
-have a prominent mole and/or dimples and/or freckles
-depression; chaotic life
-shit childhood; parents were emotionally
abusive and didn't show you much love; this abuse has made you hypersensitive to any perceived criticism (lot's of "What did you mean by that?")
-move around a lot
-educational delays
-goldfish tier attention span
-bad communicator when young but this improves with age; although always better at writing than speaking; most comfortable interacting with people online
-distant or even estranged from your mother but you still have an emotional connection with her
-children love you and you will be a great mother
-the chart keeps saying that you are going to be famous
-particularly despise your mom's side of the family
-rule breaker and quite possibly a law breaker
-don't care much for your father and he wasn't around much anyway
-blood related health problems
-you will travel abroad and ultimately make your money in a foreign country
-terrible at planning/scheduling things
-job hopper, maybe even a career hopper
-don't like working in groups
-eldest child
-make friends with some very bad people who betray you
-intensely sexual
-men throw themselves at you
-due to your addictive nature, it is extremely important that you surround yourself with good people and develop good habits while avoiding the opposite
-lost your virginity very young
-minor bone operations when young
-have a venereal disease
-the chart predicts that ultimately you are going to be wealthy
No. 397766
>>397761Oh my, thanks so much nona. I won't respond to each one so as not to clog the thread but I'd say it's mostly accurate (can't say how accurate the wealth and fame part is yet, for obvious reasons…). I do know that I'm prone to hedonism so I think I'm definitely making the right choice by avoiding drugs and alcohol… Also I'm still a virgin and quite sexually-repressed so it's interesting that it says otherwise.
I think my mom could be considered emotionally
abusive, but the kind that is more manipulative and smothering rather than distant.
Everything about self-involvement, wanting to prove my uniqueness, being hypersensitive/psychic, and needing to travel was spot-on. Also the constant betrayals in friendships… Thank you nona, this is very enlightening.
No. 400069
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nonitas? pretty please?
No. 400093
>>400069Thank you! I've been so desperate for charts to read. Please refer anyone else you know to this thread as well
-effortlessly on top, almost like you were born as some sort of aristocrat; feel inherently superior to others
-rise to the top; any setbacks you experience you just see as speed bumps on the road to success
-go for power couple relationships; have no interest in a man who isn't at least your equal
-prefer fiery, passionate relationships
-not lanky, but svelte; oval face, strong cheekbones and beautiful jawline; sultry, old school Hollywood type beauty
-natural leader; highly intimidating
-romantic as a youngster and became a cynic with age
-hard worker; really need the finer things in life and you work hard towards accumulating wealth and luxuries
-skilled investor
-although intimidating, you intimidate in a calm way (Monica Bellucci) as opposed to an aggressive way (Rhonda Rousey)
-high premium placed on honesty and integrity
-somewhat paranoid; tend to catastrophize and spend a lot of time imagining ways that things could go horribly wrong
-father has major health problems or is already dead
-not into parties or doing much socializing; can come off as reclusive and weird
-highly educated and put a great premium on education
-high sex drive; maybe too high, if you know what I mean
-would be a great lawyer or politician
-overbearing bitch in your romantic relationships; bad girlfriend/wife
-menstrual problems
-will earn a lot of money in or from foreign countries
-destined for fame and power; major success will come after age 28
-pain in your private regions
-star athlete in when young but you had abandoned athletics by college
-asthma/allergies and/or dry skin
-somewhat inarticulate; when under stress you develop a distinct stutter
-very interested in the occult and your spouse will also be an occultist
-very impressionable when young, not so much anymore
-tough childhood; either you were poor or your parents had bizarre beliefs and weren't the most upstanding people; some type of massive family scandal when you were young (or one of your parents was just an overall embarrassment)
No. 400252
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>>400093Can I get a reading as well?
I've never looked too much into it, but I like my sun, asc and moon combo.
Thanks in advance!
No. 400265
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>>400093Could you do mine too,
nonny? I like your interpretations!
No. 400269
>>400252>but I like my sun, asc and moon comboYou are the only person I've ever seen being happy about having a Scorpio moon. Leo is a good rising though
-catlike in both looks and demeanor
-indifferent to the opinions of others
-live by your own rules and make no apologies
-1st decan Leon rising which normally means small, soft roundish oval face; small broad forehead; widows peak; large almond eyes; slim, button nose; large, almond eyes; low cheekbones; rounded chin; upper lip is thin…
HOWEVER: Saturn has such a strong influence on your chart that I have to believe that your features are actually a dramatically elongated version of what I listed above.
-you are a Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon, however Saturn is fucking with your sun and Pluto is fucking with your moon. Normally I sort of scaffold my readings off of the sun/moon combo however in your case that isn't going to work so this reading is going to be more improvised
-extremely intense emotions and you often struggle to control your reactions to things
-mood swings and you experience a lot of very dark moods
-physic: this shows up in both dreams as well as in intuition
-dreams are very vivid
-prone to extreme paranoia; always feel like people are trying to control and manipulate you
-haven't always had the greatest experience with other women; your mother really did in fact try to manipulate/control you and maybe she still does
-lazy and a procrastinator
-tend to overestimate your abilities
-father is/was a controlling POS
-rough childhood; had low self esteem as a youngster, also were shy and suffered from depression; things have gradually improved for you with age; things really improved for you when you left the home of your parents
-parents were shit, but you have a good relationship with your sibling(s)
-overly optimistic and too trusting of others, and you've been burned for both of those things
-high educational achievement
-highly spiritual
-generous and kind
-you are going to be very wealthy
-look like your mother
-natural leader, destined to be a position of authority
-get a lot of grief from your subordinates; people dislike taking orders from you
-excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
-occult practices which you keep on the dl; interested in black magic but don't actually practice it
-frequently travel abroad for work
-job hopper
-very close with one of your grandmothers
-maternal; a shoulder to cry on
-well liked and widely popular
-don't handle criticism or insults well; that stuff really wounds you a lot
No. 400292
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>>400093Thanks for doing this! I'd be really interested to see mine. I'll let you know how accurate you are. A lot of people say I'm a bit of a caricature of my big 3
No. 400307

>>400265this is a really strong chart. I say that despite my hatred for Scorpio risings (Taylor Swift)
-in your defense, you are a 3rd decan Scorpio rising and those aren't evil like the first two
-family oriented and protective
-can't hide your emotions
-prone to overreating
-take on your mother's physical features
-not composed; get flustered easily
-squircle face; large and round eyes that dominate the face; inside corner of the eyes is narrow and pointed; winged eyebrows; wide, round cheekbones; average thickness lips where the bottom one is fuller than the top; long torso with wide set ribcage (similar to the unfunny TikTocker linked above who keeps showing up in my feed and is almost certainly a Scorpio rising)
-intelligent and knowledgeable
-come about a great deal of money
-highly ambitious
-eccentric; obsessive behavior
-lot's of sudden upheavals and transformative events
-need to keep your mind engaged or you become jumpy, anxious and weird
-goal/career oriented; strongly identify with your achievements
-arrogant and rub a lot of people the wrong way
-not good at working with others and REALLY not good at working under others; need to be your own boss
-difficult relationship with siblings even though you do really love them
-professional success will come after age 32
-heavy smoker
-multitasker; lot's of energy
-like sex and have a lot of it, with many different men
-good athlete
-big home (maybe not yet, but someday); decorate your room/home in a vintage and regal way
-in your family growing up, your mother had the paternal role
-mother descends from royalty/priestly caste or some type of political elites
-mama's girl although you have had some extremely severe conflicts with her
-mother was successful businesswoman
-sex goddess
-shoot first, ask questions later
-father was/is emotionally distant
-lot's of disastrous relationships/situationships
-religious and very spiritual
-generous but also want to accumulate as much wealth for yourself as possible; love luxury items
No. 400328
>>400292-healthy eater
-slim, oval face; short forehead with curved hairline; curved eyebrows; large almond eyes; nose is slim through the bridge and wider at the nostrils; lips are small but full, in a Cupid's Bow shape; delicate, oval jaw
-massive superiority complex; feel like you were born to rule
-the queen bee in high school
-bad temper tantrums when you don't get your way; have a huge sense of entitlement and think that you have a right for things to be the way that you want them to be
-beautiful, especially your hair
-ultra stubborn
-deliberate decision maker; anti impulsive; feel like you can't trust your gut instincts
-born into a great family; great childhood
-need your space in romantic relationships
-healthy sex life
-mama's girl; mom was your main mentor and you take after your mother much more than your father; have an almost religious devotion to your mother
-artistic/creative talents
-problems with digestive system and/or appendix
-hyper competitive; win at all costs mindset; will do unethical/immoral things if needed to win
-religious and devout; like to perform religious/spiritual rituals that involve self isolation
-born wealthy, then you earn a lot of money on your own, then you inherit a shit ton of money/property
-enjoy writing short stories
-will probably become a politician and achieve a lot of power
-will earn a lot of money abroad
-professional success will start to come after age 30
-an empath; you can literally feel other people's pain
-practice tarot cards (you don't need it, switch to astrology)
-absorb psychic energies and this is often overwhelming and painful
No. 400333
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>>400093Nonnie please analyze me as hard as you can, I need to know how to better myself lol.
No. 400339
>>400333I can tell from first glance that this is a strong chart
-long, rectangular face; high forehead; thin, straight eyebrows; small, hooded, downturned, almond eyes (think Margarita Simonyan); low cheekbones; heavy jaw; lips are straight across and thin
-nurturing and maternal
-rolling gait/sailor's waddle
-high sex drive; no problem having kids if that's what you want
-high spirited; very interested in sports
-big eater; no digestive problems
-conflict mediator
-fighter for the underdog
-detail oriented about your work; perfectionist and critical of others for not living up to your standards
-mama's girl; good relationship with siblings
-lot's of health issues
-good at reading people
-interested in the darker side of life (crime, drugs, prostitution, etc.); not saying you are involved in that scene but you are highly intrigued by the criminal underworld
-private and mysterious
-have secret affairs/relationships; not saying you cheat on your partners but just that the relationships you do have you don't reveal to the world unless you have to
-said relationships tend to be pure chaos: you over idealize your partners and end up heartbroken; eventually you are going to find a good long term partner, though
-an occultist; especially intrigued with black magic but stop short of practicing it
-mom was nurturing but was also career oriented and was the boss at home, you were closer with your father
-strong need to win the approval of your mother
-obsessed with having power and authority, and you will achieve it (moon in 10th)
-another Jupiter in the 12th: simultaneously spiritual and generous while also being highly materialistic
-financial success comes with time
-although I'm certainly not recommending it, the possibility of earning money from underworld activities should be there
-good communicator and able to immediately build connections with total strangers
-mood is very up and down
-ambitious and career driven
No. 401700
File: 1716976404378.png (47.97 KB, 520x520, horoscope-chart4def__1-10-2026…)

I also do mundane astrology, that is, using astrology to analyze/predict world events. The attached chart shows that China will wage war on Taiwan in 2027.
If anyone has any questions regarding current events that they want an astrological perspective on, let me know which ones you want me to cover
No. 401963
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Nonitas, could I get a reading?
No. 402290
>>401963-sharp, angular facial features; eyebrows are likewise sharp and angular; wide and heavy jaw; slim, almond eyes; long chin; face is triangle shaped; thin forehead; broad nose and cheeks
-tall and lean (relative to race/ethnicity)
-negative thinker, lot's of anxiety
-procrastinator and indecisive
-isolated and painfully shy
-attract older male mentors
-stay tf away from bodies of water
-major financial losses
-stand out from the crowd; rebellious and ahead of your time
-several relocations for work and/or school
-unexplained muscles spasms (sometimes these don't start until well into your 30s)
-hyper empathetic
-unselfish and sexually submissive; very vulnerable person overall
-ironically, at your core you really are a fiery and domineering warrior
-career driven; successful professional in a leadership role in a field that requires you to utilize written and/or verbal communication; likely either you are some sort of diplomat or you ultimately will be
-your father was/is some type of political/economic bigshot; he was a hardass when you were growing up and wasn't always the easiest guy to get along with
-volatile personal life and romantic relationships
-begin to come into your own around ages 28-30
No. 403552
>>403531-oblong face; narrow forehead; curved hairline; curved eyebrows; low cheekbones with medium prominence; large, almond eyes; slim nose; round chin; thin upper lip and a fuller bottom lip
-high interest in astrology, spirituality and the occult
-have suffered major losses, these could have been either personal, financial or both; have suffered severe betrayals
-overly sensitive and moody; misjudge others' words and body language
-can't hide your true feelings for others; simp hard and it is cringe AF
-combust 7th house lord: major relationship problems
-gay or bi
-impulsive anger; always getting in either physical or verbal confrontations
-career and schedule oriented; going to make a lot of money if you haven't already
-physically look like your mother and take after her in general
-devoted mama's girl but you two have had some extremely severe fights; mother was a housewife and she was the boss at home when you were growing up
-lot's of struggles with sadness and loneliness; general feeling of not fitting in; I know you can say this about everyone but in your case it goes way beyond what is normal
-life is a struggle until age 25 after which gradual improvement starts
-you were a difficult birth for your mother
-educational and/or career delays
-lot's of support from other women
-home body
-high interest in genealogy and family history
-possessive of your loved ones and demand that they give you a lot of attention
-good researcher and investigator; would make a great cop or intelligence agent
-fighter for the underdog
-bad romantic partner: selfish, domineering and thin skinned; foul tempered bitch
-good at reading people
-struggle to form deep romantic bonds, although you are excellent at forming intellectual connections with people
-daydreamer; escape into fantasy as a means of coping (way beyond what is normal)
-very tight with your mother and siblings
-lot's of health issues
-secret love affair
-slow and steady progress on the professional front; career success will really pick up from ages 32-35
-overconfident, arrogant and egotistical
-high interest in other cultures
-excellent communicator, both written and verbal
-high talent for business
No. 403625
>>403552I'll confess, this is all too accurate. I'ts amazing. I like it, mostly.
Yeah, I'll admit to being batshit insane emotionally speaking, always feel alien to other people and actively work to get people to hate me. I am jealous of even internet attention.
I just have one question, two really.
Anything about fame and art? I wish to be famous, to be able to not be looked down by others.
No. 403695
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>>403694>>403694I am embarrassed about my birth place. Is there no other way? Some place I can use and post the result. I am just ashamed of it.
It's not fair you know. Everyone out there can connect with people everyone but me, everyone fits in with everyone else but me ill never have a romantic relationship i know it im not hot enough not rich at all not perfect for anyone to want to endure me
And people settle for less
I should be better
No. 403698
>I am embarrassed about my birth place. Is there no other way? Some place I can use and post the result. I am just ashamed of it need the key on the bottom right that gives all the fixed star conjunctions
you asked about fame and art. I don't see anything about art specifically but it does say you are gonna make a shit ton of money via your creativity
Jupiter in the 10th means success and high regard in society, the problem is that the Jupiter is debilitated and it is conjunct with a strong (but positive) Saturn retrograde and there is no way for me to determine exactly what that aspect means in your chart
>i know it im not hot enough not rich at all not perfect for anyone to want to endure meYou actually have a few aspects indicating high sex appeal. Not true?
>Everyone out there can connect with peopleThis is definitely not true
>ill never have a romantic relationshipYour chart says that you will eventually
>It's not fair you knowYou have one of the strongest charts itt. I wouldn't get too stressed about it. Especially since you have one of those "bad at first, good later on" type charts
No. 403707
>>403698>>403552I know the site and have a chart there,just at my job rn so will share it later, I can give feedback.
I don't believe I have sex appeal, never had a relationship or sex before. I like to elevate certain people into gods to me, so I fixate on some people a lot. My nose could be thinner I wont lie
Do I daydream a lot? I do, I really do. Curious you caught that. I invent whole new people to play as characters sometimes and truly live them.
I get so jealous of people. It feels like everyone hates me and only me.
Funny, I did ask my mom about it, and she told me out of all her kids my pregnancy was definitely the hardest one.
I am aware I am a bitch, I do demand attention even from people online. I am highly competitive and have no self esteem at all
I consider suicide at every single setback and obstacle. My childhood was weird, rough.
I dont know if i want to be just a soulless corpo thats why i like the odea of being an artist, i just have no talent whatsoever and no fucking money at all
Sorry for the weird oversharing post
No. 403715
>>403707How old are you? Your chart predicts good things for you but mostly after age 32
Pisces Venus in the 8th indicates you make money from creative endeavors
Venus in the 8th would normally indicate high sex appeal so I'm not really sure what's happening there
No. 403775
>>403715I am 23. So 9 years until it gets good? Maybe? I'd be too old, life is over. I shouldn't even live after 30. What's there left to enjoy.
I am having issues with making the chart to show you what you need. Is it the big excel looking chart with all the stars and a lot of numbers?
Well, I don't consider myself attractive at all, and trust me, people. I can't fit in with people, it takes me to such a degree of loneliness, people reject me everywhere.
No. 403781
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Finally got it, sorry took me so long I was a bit confused.
But I mean, my childhood had weird stuff in it, I'm a mentally deranged insecure person with no talent.
No. 403846
>>403825What do you mean exactly by injuries or sores in the face?
Lower part of my leg, I don't think so. I wouldn't be able to tell, maybe something with a nerve? I don't know.
No. 404213
>>403936I looked again and I can't find anything specific about art. I do want to stress again, however, that this chart does predict fame, financial success and that you will achieve said fame and success through some sort of creative field. It doesn't specifically say art, but it may very well be.
I'm sorry things have been such a struggle for you but you really do have a great chart. You may even want to consider having a reading done by a professional
No. 404581
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Any nonna who can help me understand this guy's chart?
No. 404631
>>404581-where tf is Chiron? This is a Virgo rising chart so it would be helpful to see where Chiron is placed
-As a Virgo rising with sun on the ascendent, we can expect his personality to be very similar to someone like Gregory House M.D.
-large thighs, wide waist
-presidential/kingly aura
-on the chunky side
-has artistic talents that he doesn't share with the wider world
-charismatic; high energy
-steady and stable mentally
-mother was/is successful businesswoman
-destined for a great and successful marriage where his wife will be his rock
-compassionate and generous
-extreme mama's boy
-career driven
-religious and spiritual
-trauma in childhood
-goal oriented; sets really big goals and achieves them
-highly educated; really good writer
-will ultimately settle abroad
-not a big talker and bad at verbal communication; gesticulates when speaking
-good athlete
-phenomenal at sex
-broken bone(s) as a youth
-some sort of major a daddy issues; definitely not close with his father
No. 404725
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>>404598> the 4b movement or relations between women and moids (particularly in the US but countries like Korea or China would be interesting too) - I know this one is so vague so it might be hard to deliver on it> the years 2025 and 2026 in the US (apparently a lot of people will die in this period?)The first one is too vague and as for the 2nd one, after the Great American Eclipse in 2017 we got Covid, the George Floyd Riots, the craziest election in US history and January 6th. I would expect similar stuff this time in the same 1.5 to 3.5 year period
As for the Presidential election, let's look at the solar return charts for each Presidential candidate. I will look at Trump's chart (attached) first:
-first thing that jumps out is that moon opposition Saturn. This is a brutal aspect which indicates emotional lows, pessimism and strong feelings of self pity. Many have commented that Trump seems much darker recently than he has been in the past
-sun in the 12th: legal troubles; generalized personal unraveling
-sun conjunct Capella: success, power, greatness
-combust lords of 4th and 11th houses: yeah, not sure what these could mean in this context but it's probably not a good omen
-Jupiter in 11th house: success and triumph
-Mars in 11th: boundless energy to achieve the goals he has set for himself and he will achieve them
-Saturn conjunct midheaven: final triumph of your life's work
-Saturn in 9th house: lots of traveling, to the point that it may damage health; turn to religion (this one seems EXTREMELY unlikely but I'm just reporting what the chart says)
-Rahu in 10th house: defeats enemies
-Moon in 3rd house: success in "marketing" (presumably campaigning)
-ascendant conjunct Sirius: glory, triumph, success
-descendant conjunct Vega: glory, triumph, success
pretty strong chart. Based on this chart alone I'd say Trump wins. But we will look at the Biden chart next and see what that says
No. 404728
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>>404598-combust 8th house lord indicates major loss or even death
-descendant conjunct Deneb Algedi: power and success
-moon conjunct Deneb Algedi: ~fall~ from power
-moon conjunct descendant: increasing dependence on a close female figure
-moon in the 7th house: strong and stable mind (err… I dunno; I'm just relaying what the chart says)
-afflicted Saturn in 7th house: marriage troubles; laziness
-sun combust Mars: feelings of entitlement and being above the law; fights; general selfish behavior
-sun in 4th house: major health problems
-Jupiter retrograde in 9th house: turn to religion; travel abroad; public admiration; the retrograde motion of Jupiter here likely reduces the benefits Jupiter normally brings
-first house lord (the sun) is afflicted; not a good sign (no pun intended)
-Rahu in 9th house: lot's of travel; strengthening of religious devotion
chart is pretty ugly. I've certainly been wrong before but the most straightforward interpretation of these charts is that Trump wins and Biden loses
No. 405395
>>404213I did that. I kind of, I asked someone. I was told bad things for me, for what I consider important.
My venus is in a dead house or position and therefore it would explain one thing.
I have tried so hard to be an artist, to learn art be it traditional, painting or 3D. Nothing worked, I never seem to improve, to the point I worry I have a learning disorder. Everyone improves faster than me, everyone seems to improve faster. I have never improved at anything at all, utterly talentless. Apparently that's Saturn delaying things, so my dream, the thing I love the most would take me longer, what? It would take me way more time to get to the level others can reach faster. Hah, hell. I'm not meant for Venus activities, I am rejected by them. What? You told me I am talentless at business and it might be true but that's not who I wish to be
I've cried over this all my life, I've cried as I remembered, why even live at all?
No. 405420
>>4053951. 2nd is not a "dead house". Who tf told you that?
2. Your Venus is in fucking Libra. That is about as good as it gets. And it's trining Mercury
3. That mega powered Saturn is indeed likely what is causing the delay in developing your artistic abilities. You just gotta give it time
No. 405497
>>405420How much time? I want to be good while I am young and can enjoy it
I am 23 now, to get good and have that take 10 years would be horrible
No. 405661
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>>400093Depressed hikkineet would appreciate a reading, not sure if you do whole sign?
Also do you use a reference book for your interpretations? Would love some insight into your learning process
No. 405674
>>405661>not sure if you do whole sign?Whole sign sidereal is how I initially learned how to read charts. I now hate both with a passion, but you can read them the same way that you read placidus tropical chart
>Also do you use a reference book for your interpretations? I have several books, the most extensive of which is Mathesis: Julius Firnicus Maternus. Usually I just refer to free online resources to help me with my readings but some questions I have to consult the books for
>Depressed hikkineet would appreciate a reading-Sun conjunct Markab: there's your problem. Bad luck, accidents, illnesses
-Also your moon is engaged in planetary war with Rahu: overthinking; crippling anxiety
-moon is on the cusp but this is a whole sign chart so it shouldn't weaken the moon
-oh yeah, you also have Pluto conjuncting your AC: OCD, bad at relationships, self destructive behavior; intensely influenced by one of your grandmothers early in life and this has resulted in problems with the opposite side of the family
-(bad) moon in 4th: mom was/is housewife with strong beliefs; you look like your mother; strained relationship with mother
-Pisces sun, Capricorn moon: compassionate and stoic, with quiet exterior; a practical romantic
-(really good) Saturn in 4th: late bloomer but good things are coming to you. I take it that you are still pretty young?
-sun in 6th: non confrontational, prefer to win people over diplomatically instead of going to war
-Mercury in 7th: desperately want to be in a relationship and feel incomplete without your other half
-(strong) Venus conjunct descendant: diplomatic; strong need to be loved
-(weak) Mars in 9th: like to travel; reckless; rigid in beliefs; self righteous and dismissive of the views of others
-Jupiter in 10th: good fortune and great success; I know it hasn't gone that way for you yet but this aspect (and your strong 4th house Saturn) indicate that things are going to improve for you with time
Then again, this is a whole sign reading and I don't trust whole sign at all
No. 405698
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>>400093No one has ever given me a reading that was accurate to my personality, even vaguely. Good luck. if anyone else would like to try, please go ahead.
No. 405699
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anynonny please, i'm suffering
No. 405742
>>405698>No one has ever given me a reading that was accurate to my personality, even vaguelyBecause you are technically a Sag sun and Pisces moon, but your moon is in planetary war with Mars so functionally your personality should be more like a Sagittarius sun, Aries moon.
-sensitive and maternal; rolling gait
-mental and/or physical health problems
-mother has serious health problems or has already passed
-put weight on easily; chunky
-impulsive, angry, argumentative and stubborn
-very strong beliefs
-vain; egomaniacal
-highly materialistic
-high interest in politics; will get a good government job
-think like a lawyer and would make a really good one
-dogged; overcome obstacles and never stop fighting
-calculating, analytical and critical, both of yourself and of others; driven by logic, not emotion or intuition
-love travel and foreign cultures
-go against the religious/cultural expectations of your family, resulting in severe clashes
-adventurous rule breaker
-charismatic personality that can attract a cult following
-hard worker; destined for wealth, success and a long life
-some hospitalizations or major medical expenses
-will settle abroad
No. 405745
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>>405674>I now hate both with a passionCan I ask why? When I tried very surface level interpretations of my trop & sid charts the sidereal one felt more accurate (e.g unrelatable cancer mars in tropical but accurate Jupiter 10th in sid with instances of weird, extreme luck in career matters i.e only ever sending 3 applications and landing a prestigious tech job..) but it might be because I’m ignoring aspects etc.
>MathesisThanks for the rec; hopefully it will be more enjoyable than the old jyotisha book I tried which the author peppered with his extremely misogynistic opinions
>Also your moon is engaged in planetary war with RahuKEK there’s something about the image this invoked, planetary fuckery happening on the astral plane meanwhile here’s little old me, sitting in the dark inhaling cheap chocolate pudding in bed as a doomed countermeasure to the cosmic depression rays frying my dopamine receptors…thanks for the laughs
(though where do you see this? Close degrees?)
>mom was/is…All very accurate except I’m the female clone of my father
>bad at relationshipsGood thing I’ve never been in one, but ‘bad’ in what way? I tend to turn ghost when I get a hint (sometimes w no evidence) of manipulative or controlling traits in people. Never experienced abuse yet hypersensitive to its markers, so the paranoia could be an avoidance technique.
That grandmother stuff is very mysterious, I’m curious about the kinds of problems it created? Might have to interrogate some people
>(bad) moonHow do you determine whether a celestial object is good/bad or its strength in a chart? Aspects? In a similar vein, how did you figure out sexual orientation from one of the charts upthread? Always been curious about that
>I take it that you are still pretty young?Fairly young. Interesting that this prediction has come up with other forms of divination
>desperately want to be in a relationshipYet I flee any time I experience a hint of attraction or perceive interest from someone, very pathetic. I know the obvious answer from the attachment theory contingent, but kind of bored of the lame ‘mommy hurt u’ explanations, some karmic clitblocking forces in action would be a far less embarrassing reason nonna, please confirm
>non confrontationalOverly conciliatory a lot of the time yes, but when it’s on I can barely hold back verbally especially when confronting teachers/professors/authority figures, it’s landed me in trouble many times. Catastrophically blunt. I keep seeing these “diplomatic” descriptions on my chart but I love to argue and provoke. Mostly divert this into bits of writing now, is there anything about this? (working on 2 books plus plans for several more but wondering how much energy is wise to pour into this very time consuming new hobby)
>Venus conjunct descendantReally? My venus always shows in 8th/taurus on the vedic charts, not Aries - is it some planetary cusp thing?
> Mars in 9thAll true except travel, endured a lot of it since young so prefer to stay home. Might tolerate it in first class… so when is that Saturn 4th money bag making an appearance exactly?
>I don't trust whole sign at allAgain, curious about this and the main difference with placidus? I only ever used the indian style chart in picrel as it’s easier to decipher
Thanks for the reading, I appreciate your insight; you provided new info + some paths for further research. I don’t know if the feedback helps at all on your side to calibrate your process or whatever but it’s intended this way, not in a ‘nitpicking + rambling about myself’ way. Won’t be offended if you can’t be bothered to answer all those questions either.
No. 405751
>>405699>Can I ask why? Whole sign just flat out sucks. It makes no sense. Sidereal is okay but tropical makes more sense and gives more accurate readings. Taylor Swift is a Scorpio rising in tropical and a Sagittarius rising in sidereal and her physiognomy and gaze are both unmistakably Scorpio. It's not debatable. She even has the Scorpio mole.
Sidereal can seem more accurate because people who use sidereal tend to base their personality readings off of the rising, whereas people who use tropical base it off of the sun/moon combo.
>e.g unrelatable cancer mars in tropical but accurate Jupiter 10th in sid with instances of weird, extreme luck in career matters i.e only ever sending 3 applications and landing a prestigious tech job..didn't you say you were a NEET?
>though where do you see this? Close degrees?They aren't "close", they are literally at the exact same degree. That's not a conjunction, that's war. And while the moon is cool with everyone, Rahu despises the moon
>All very accurate except I’m the female clone of my fatherI'm assuming this is Rahu fucking things up
>That grandmother stuff is very mysterious, I’m curious about the kinds of problems it created?It doesn't specify. Did you actually have a close relationship with one of your grandmothers?
>I tend to turn ghost when I get a hint (sometimes w no evidence) of manipulative or controlling traits in people. Never experienced abuse yet hypersensitive to its markersThat's probably it. The chart just says difficulty forming/sustaining relationships
>How do you determine whether a celestial object is good/bad or its strength in a chart? Aspects?is the planet in a good sign? Is it on the cusp? Is it afflicted by a malefic? What house is it in?
Your moon is in an okay sign for it but it is on the cusp which weakens it. It's also severely afflicted by a "planet" that hates it. It is in a good house, though.
>In a similar vein, how did you figure out sexual orientation from one of the charts upthread?certain planetary aspects indicate homosexuality. Most charts don't say anything about it one way or the other
>hopefully it will be more enjoyable than the old jyotisha book I tried which the author peppered with his extremely misogynistic opinionsthey aren't big fans of women on the subcontinent, no
>some karmic clitblocking forces in action would be a far less embarrassing reason nonna, please confirmI really think you're just a late bloomer. Plus your moon is so afflicted that we would expect you to have some serious mental/emotional issues. And that's on top of what Pluto and Markam are doing to you. The strong Saturn in the 4th and the Jupiter in the 10th would suggest that you will eventually overcome your issues, though.
> so when is that Saturn 4th money bag making an appearance exactly32
>I don’t know if the feedback helps at all on your side to calibrate your processIt helps a lot. The looking like your father must come from the Rahu conjunct moon aspect and these are the kind of exceptions you can only learn with feedback. Big thanks!
No. 405776
>>405742>so functionally your personality should be more like a Sagittarius sun, Aries moon.Never heard that before. Interesting. I will say overall your reading was the most accurate I've ever gotten, with some surprising guesses. These were all of the things that weren't accurate:
>sensitive and maternal; rolling gaitIs a rolling gait a waddle? I've never heard this before, but I'm not obese. I am however pretty clumsy and prone to almost falling over standing up. I definitely don't waddle. I have good posture.
I wouldn't say I'm maternal at all, I absolutely don't want children.
>mother has serious health problems or has already passedShe's actually pretty healthy considering her lifestyle, she eats a lot of junk food and smokes. One of my grandmothers died when she was 20.
>vain; egomaniacal? I'll disagree lol
>highly materialisticNot really. I only like high quality things, and don't tend to just buy a bunch of garbage. Things don't really have value to me like going out and experiencing things does. I probably own fewer clothes, makeup, items than the average woman or hobbyist, but what I do own is probably more expensive than average, so who's to say.
>put weight on easily; chunkyI'm average weight, but big with broad shoulders and hips. I think I lose weight easily as well, or at least did lose it easily when I was trying.
>high interest in politics; will get a good government jobNo interest in politics. I have a degree in a science field.
>charismatic personality that can attract a cult followingI have no charisma at all.
>religious/spiritualNot really.
>adventurous rule breakerIs this about following the law? Following deadlines? What rules? I don't really think this applies to me.
The stuff that seemed accurate was:
>mental and/or physical health problemsWell, this is an image board, so it's not a tough guess.
>impulsive, angry, argumentative and stubbornYes, but I think I've toned down arguing with people. It's rarely worth it. I try to keep to myself. It's not fun anymore, just exhausting.
>very strong beliefsVery.
>hard worker; destined for wealth, success and a long lifeHope so.
>some hospitalizations or major medical expensesAlready happened.
>will settle abroadIt's possible.
>think like a lawyer and would make a really good oneI've been told this many times.
>dogged; overcome obstacles and never stop fightingIt's either this or kill myself.
>calculating, analytical and critical, both of yourself and of others; driven by logic, not emotion or intuitionYes. I can't deal with emotional people at all. Even though I've tried to be less critical of others, I still see flaws in them. I want the best for myself and that means assessing everything I'm doing and doing it better tomorrow.
>love travel and foreign culturesYes. I love people watching, I like unusual cultures, even if it intimidates me a little, especially when I can't speak the language.
>go against the religious/cultural expectations of your family, resulting in severe clashesI've never agreed with my family, but it was about personal values, not culture or religion really. We don't get along, regardless.
I appreciate your effort to read my chart. I've never had my chart specifically read more in depth for me before and it was definitely interesting. I can tell there's a sort of methodology to it.
No. 405786
>>405776>I am however pretty clumsy and prone to almost falling over standing upI'm a cancer rising and I also have the same thing. It's really noticeable when I run. It can almost look like a strut. If you look down at your feet when you walk, you'll probably notice that they point slightly outwards when you take your steps
As for not being maternal, I also always knew that I didn't want kids but I am very sensitive and can be very "motherly" in my relationships with others. I was always the one who tried to include the social outcasts when I was a kid
>Nope.Jupiter conjunct ascendant indicates optimism, but that extremely afflicted moon indicates pessimism. I guess the moon is winning that battle
>No interest in politics.can't explain this one
>but big with broad shoulders and hipsyeah that's Jupiter alright
>I only like high quality thingsso expensive tastes. I think that counts
>I have no charisma at all.It's the afflicted moon. I shouldn't have put that in there
>Is this about following the law? Following deadlines? What rules?I should have been more specific: I meant in terms of social conventions/family expectations
>>vain; egomaniacal>? I'll disagree lolCombust Venus indicates vanity and egomania. You're Venus is definitely combust so I'm not sure what is going on there
>>religious/spiritual>Not really. Jupiter in the 12th, you should be religious. Can't explain this one either
No. 405795
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Could anyone give my chart a look, please?
No. 405814
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>>405751>didn't you say you were a NEET?Yes, obviously I haven’t been working the past few months but my point still stands
>Did you actually have a close relationship with one of your grandmothers?Might have been closer to one due to lack of language barrier and this indeed would’ve had a bigger impact then I realized. My family structure is peculiar and potentially recognisable so I don’t want to go into details but it would explain some weird tension I only noticed in recent years.
>They aren't "close", they are literally at the exact same degreeNever even noticed that
>Your moon is [weak and] severely afflicted>your moon is so afflicted that we would expect you to have some serious mental/emotional issuesSad to hear but I can only laugh
>I really think you're just a late bloomer. At this point me believing this would be a very sad delusional cope, I’ve just come to accept relationships are not for me. Can’t mourn what I never had in the first place i.e the ability to connect with 99% of people
>Sidereal can seem more accurate because people who use sidereal tend to base their personality readings off of the rising, whereas people who use tropical base it off of the sun/moon combo.Interesting. I’m personally interested in it because of extremely accurate event predictions a Vedic astrologer did with my chart a few years back but I’ve no idea about its accuracy for personality readings or physique when compared to tropical
>Scorpio moleMy face is 10% mole and I am indeed a Scorpio rising in tropical so you might have a point. Picrel if you feel like having a crack. Thanks for taking the time to answer and glad to know my Rahu affliction was at least educational
No. 405830
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Could any nonna look at my chart please? Am I destined to be a stupid NEET?
No. 405842
>>405786>If you look down at your feet when you walk, you'll probably notice that they point slightly outwards when you take your stepsThis is fucking crazy. It's true! I also have wide feet. Thinking back on it, I've been told I have a "runway walk," so overall still decent posture. I used to walk on my toes as a kid, and I think they brought me to a physical therapist to make me stop lmao. When I'm in a rush and not paying attention, I can definitely slip back into bad habits when walking. I don't know why this impresses me so much more than the personality stuff, but it's really true.
>I am very sensitive and can be very "motherly" in my relationships with othersYou know, I used to spend hours trying to coax my depressed friends into cooking and cleaning, so maybe there's something to it. I enjoy taking care of animals as well. Maybe it's just because I'm not really gentle about it.
>so expensive tastes. I think that countsThat was probably nitpicking. I really hate cheap or cheaply made things, like fast fashion clothes or gaudy mass produced Amazon Basics home decor. All of my furniture is real wood, my clothes are cotton and leather, etc…
>I should have been more specific: I meant in terms of social conventions/family expectationsI think this is true but it isn't usually intentional. I wasn't allowed to wear shorts in middle school because I refused to shave my legs, that's the first example that came to mind reading this. I don't go out of my way to be different, it just happens that a lot of my values and likes are different from normal.
>Combust Venus indicates vanity and egomania.Is there an example of this or something? I would never consider myself an egomanic lmfao. Like self absorbed, obsessed with image and projecting an image of greatness? I'm not really concerned with how other people view me. I'm only ever trying to make myself happy.
>you should be religious I'm not an atheist, I guess. I'm open to anything, but I think organized religion is total bullshit.
Your knowledge on the subject is impressive, you've convinced me there's more to it than the sloppy horoscopes people usually show me, or the excuses people make for their behavior, or the stereotyping of signs as a way to assert dominance. Reminds me of tarot reading in a way, how there's defined meanings but the subtext and context of the reading can change the meaning of the metaphors. Thank you for taking the time to look at my chart. It was specific and surprisingly accurate for the most part.
No. 405844
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Any insights, astrononnies? Particularly in regards to career.
I'm in medical school right now and passing fine but every day I doubt myself. I've wanted to be here for so long but now that I'm actually here I'm worried that maybe I'm not cut out for it.
No. 405846
>>405844Yes. Stop looking at astrology and get back to studying.
t. another med school nona
No. 405883
>>405795-oblong face; narrow forehead; curved hairline; curved eyebrows; slim nose w/button tip; big, almond eyes; low set, but prominent cheeks; thin upper lip, full bottom lip; rounded chin
-strong and robust build
-new moon: difficult childbirth; anxiety/depression
-mother was/is tradition oriented and expected the same from you
-mom was cold and distant
-have suffered intense loneliness
-heavily into the occult
-foodie; also really like cold, sweet drinks
-psychic powers and dreams that are so vivid that they disturb your sleep
-artistic talents and inclinations
-people pleaser and a doormat when young but grew out of that as you entered adulthood even if you still aren't the world's most assertive person; still suffer from low self esteem
-father works/worked for the government and was also a major foodie; your childhood home was patriarchal and your dad was unmistakably the boss
-have a lot of pride in your family lineage/status
-marks on your face below the lips, in the chin area
-from a wealthy family; collect jewelry
-gain success without much effort
-ear/mouth/teeth problems
-sex appeal that goes beyond what your looks alone would merit
-cheap bastard
-have a very distinct and sexy voice
-conflicts with siblings although a good relationship with them overall
-manipulative; a plotter
-travel a lot for work/school
-highly articulate
-photographic memory
-excellent communicator, both written and verbal; highly educated
-nervous breakdown(s) prior to age of 25, after which things start gradually improving
-professional success
-patient, economical and hardworking; always anticipating, and preparing for, the worst
-change really stresses you tf out
-will be a great mom and have great children who you closely bond with
-will inherit a shit ton of money
No. 405945
>>405830what the hell is going on in that 8th house? wow.
You do have Jupiter in the 12th, though. It's almost conjuncting the ascendant. And your moon is strong so you def have some things going for you.
-2nd decan Cancer rising; same stuff I said to the anon above: rolling gait, sensitive, maternal, strong build
-difficult relationship with elder siblings/cousins
-ultimately achieve fame, glory and success (you were born under fixed star Sirius, this is a good aspect that you share with Elon Musk and Michael Jordan)
-major relationship struggles
-poor health
-gifted artist and/or performer
-speak impulsively
-will make money and settle abroad
-communicate with characters that you just dreamed up and don't actually exist; learned early in life how to use fantasy as a means of escape
-super charged Mars in the 10th house: it really surprises me that you are a NEET and I doubt you will remain as such. This aspect indicates that you are a hard and effective worker and will achieve career and financial success. Mars does tend to work on a delay, though, so you might not see results from this until around age 25
-powerful but kind personality
-creative but maybe
too creative: don't have a particularly strong grasp on reality; are easily able to tap into unseen worlds which makes it difficult for you to focus on this one; some of these unseen worlds and the energies that inhabit them are not so nice
No. 405983
>what the hell is going on in that 8th house? wow.What does a number of planets in the 8th house indicate?It looks like a challenging placement, does it mean I will have many hardships and difficulties to overcome?
>major relationship strugglesI like the idea of a relationship but I also hate the idea of settling down kek I wonder if it is because my mind is too chaotic and emotionally unstable… I also prioritize fun and beauty above all.
>poor healthWhat indicates that? I do have a poor immune system tho.
>gifted artistLove drawing. One of my dreams is to get a side hustle as a popular smut artist.
>speak impulsivelyVery true. Read that Saturn in Gemini means issues with communication and I struggle with that dearly.
>will make money and settle abroadHopefully true.
>communicate with characters that you just dreamed up and don't actually exist>don't have a particularly strong grasp on reality;Oof the density of this world pains me.
>it really surprises me that you are a NEET and I doubt you will remain as such.I currently live with my parents and I work from home. I dislike it and it made me lazy but I am also lucky so will have to put up with it for now.
It's kinda scary how you read me to a tea kek Thanks for the reading!
No. 406019
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Hi, if anyone has time I'd be curious to see what my birth chart says about me. Sorry for clogging the thread but I've seen some interesting reads here that the websites don't provide in the same detail & I'd like to know myself better since my life is not great atm lmao. If you want, you can delete the post.
No. 406118
>>406019-your descendant conjuncts fixed star Castor: fame and a great life with lot's of wealth. It doesn't sound like things are going that way for you now and sometimes this star doesn't kick in until middle age. You are pretty or even beautiful. This star usually brings eye problems, either shit vision or cataracts later in life
-you are a Capricorn rising but you have an extremely strong Uranus in your first house, so you probably have a sort of alien like or otherworldly quality to your look
-another sun combust Neptune: sensitive, spiritual, psychic, imaginary friends
-very high and well defined cheekbones, small chin, flowing, shoulder length hair, bombshell physique, tall and slim
-commanding and regal; born regarding yourself as superior to others
-hyper individualistic; unorthodox in every way, starting with your fashion sense but you also have lot's of bizarre beliefs
-look young for your age
-have to fight men off with a stick: not only are you pretty/beautiful, you are sexy in a way that transcends your looks
-fitness freak; very vain and spend a lot of time and energy on your appearance
-love animals, especially dogs
-heavily into your cultural/familial heritage
-high sex drive
-will ultimately have a great marriage with lot's of kids if you want them; although the chart doesn't say anything about how the kids will turn out
-Saturn retrograde in 3rd house: there's your problem. Sadness, loneliness and delayed development. It's squaring your Uranus too so we would expect some pretty rough struggles in the early part of your life. It's in a good sign for Saturn though so it'll all work out
-your Mercury is re should severly afflicted so there should be some communication problems, like a stutter (may only really show up when under stress) or maybe you are just bad with words. I can't really be any more specific than that, though
-not a woman of many words
-severe self doubt
-great relationship with siblings
-one of the cool kids in high school; still well liked
-overly trusting
-good work ethic, a grinder although you do have a tendency to lose focus and allow yourself to get pulled in multiple directions
-unexpected financial and professional setbacks; possibly even some medical issues although overall you will always be blessed with good health
-have suffered injuries that caused substantial blood loss or burns
-can read people's minds; can't be fooled (which is unusual for an Aquarius sun, most of them believe anything)
-spiritual; into the occult; an empath
-mama's girl; mother is a very private person
No. 406167
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>>406118Someone above was saying that they'd like to see birth chart readings for famous people. I have shied away from doing them in the past for two reasons: 1. I don't trust the publicly available birth times and 2. we already know so much about them that it becomes subject to confirmation bias. And the stuff we don't know we can't verify
But it may have value as a learning exercise and as infotainement, so let's take a look at Caitlin Clark's chart:
-the first thing that jumps out to me is that she has no fixed star conjunctions on any of her angles or with her sun or her moon. Great and famous people usually have those. It makes me doubt the birth time
-although if you use 2 degree orbs for the big stars (which most people do), then she actually has angle conjunctions with 3 different stars that indicate greatness and worldwide fame, plus her moon conjuncting one other. This makes me think maybe I need to use larger orbs for the major stars
-technically she is a first decan Pisces rising, but Pisces is ruled by Neptune and Clark's Neptune is combust in the first decan of Aquarius, therefor Clark is a functional first decan Aquarius
-Clark certainly looks like an Aquarius: lean, alien like, straight hair, prominent forehead, pointy chin. Furthermore, her Neptune and Sun are being trined by Saturn which accentuates the Saturnian features. The trine with Neptune in particular likely explains her 3sd+ height
-She does have the liquid eyes that you'd expect from a Pisces rising. She really is a Pisces at her core, she just has a lot of Aquarius traits
-she's an Aquarius sun, Taurus moon and boy does she match the personality profile: an unapologetic, practical and purpose driven grinder who appears to others as smug
-She has a tremendously strong Mars in her first house. That's where the athleticism comes from
-combust lord's of 7th house indicates divorce/marriage problems. I guess we have to wait and see
-Mars squaring Jupiter and trining the Sun indicates good fortune from athletics
-good sun in the 12th house: lot's of money, including money made abroad; we would also expect her to ultimately settle abroad or at least really far from home
-Pluto on the MC: dominant in your career but ruffle a lot of feathers doing so
-Jupiter in the 5th means she will have great kids who she loves and is very close with
-moon in the 2nd: wealthy from birth
-Saturn in 3rd house: herculean work ethic; woman of few words
overall, I think the chart matches what we know about her pretty well. A lot depends on how big an orb you want to give for the fixed stars on the angles
No. 406187
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Any thoughts? I would love to hear your advice/opinion.
No. 406204
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Anytime I look at my chart explanations it makes me sound like I give off serial killer vibes, while also being really emotionally unbalanced. In reality I'm overly chill, if anything. What gives?
No. 406207
>>406002Imagine someone in the art thread asking anons for audio file descriptions of their ears then you get spammed for weeks with practice sketches of an ear all in the same drawing style and anons going “omg that’s totally my ear?!” “almost perfect but smaller and cuter irl”.
Personal chart reading the way its done here is solo work that benefits only the reader, if they even benefit trusting the dubious feedback from possibly lying or self-unaware anons. I remember weeks back someone posting a chart worried about her dearest friend who’d ghosted everyone, how it affected her and the family drama etc. Yeah this royals obsessive posted Kate middleton’s chart as Kate.jpeg couldn't even larp competently. And from an astrology discussion thread you would expect at least a reaction when someone states outrageously funny opinions like the anon upthread who dismissed the millenia old vedic astrology tradition as totally useless based on the existence of Taylor Swift’s moles. Even rehashing tired “outer planets
valid??” debates would be better just to read anons opinions and experiences rather than a bunch of lists. These exercises should be on a separate vent style thread (dumping ground for useless information where no reply is really expected) so people looking to practice chart reading can connect with bored navel-gazers
No. 406249
>>406225>For nonas getting into astrology (and to answer the recent complains itt) which sites/books/ressources do you recommend to start analyzing your birth chart?The best astrology book is Mathesis by Julius Firmicus Maternus. But more as an informational look up resource. For the basics of astrological philosophy, Radically Deep: Fundamentals of Astrology by Vic DiCara is a good one. For a practical introduction on how to get started reading charts, I would recommend The Art and Science of Vedic Astrology by Richard Fish and Ryan Kurczak
I think the best way to learn is to just jump into reading charts. First thing you do is look at the rising to see if you can gauge the basics of their appearance. Then look at the ruling planet (is it combust? is it in a good placement? what aspects does it have). Next, look to see which of the 15 Behenian fixed stars are conjuncting the angles and planets (2 degree orbs for the angles (3 degrees if one of the four royal stars), 1 degree orbs for the sun and moon and 30 minute orbs for the other planets). When you are first getting started on readings, you may want to just ignore the fixed stars completely. They aren't complicated, but they are another thing to worry about and you want to keep things as simple as possible until you get more comfortable.
Then look at the sun and moon combo for a basic personality reading. And here is where it gets tricky: the personality reading will not work if the moon is conjunct (using a 6 degree orb) with another planet because the moon absorbs the energies of the planet it is conjunct with. So if you are an Aries moon but the moon is conjunct with Venus, you will functionally be more like a Libra moon.
These are the planets that rule the signs: Aries: Mars, Taurus: Ceres, Gemini: Mercury, Cancer: Moon, Leo: Sun, Virgo: Chiron, Libra: Venus, Scorpio: Pluto, Sagittarius: Jupiter, Capricorn: Saturn, Aquarius: Uranus, Pisces: Neptune
My critics itt will argue with some of those and will feed you some bullshit about how Taurus is ruled by Venus and Virgo is ruled by Mercury, but they are all a bunch of retards so just ignore them.
Next you are going to want to look at the planets in the strongest houses: 1, 4, 7 and 10. Just see what planets are there, determine if the planet is in a good sign for it or not, and then look up what those placements mean. Next do the same thing with the remaining houses. You only do this for the visible planets, Rahu and Ketu, however. Ignore the placements of invisible planets and asteroids unless they are in the first house.
When it comes to aspects, use 8 degree orbs for the sun, 6 degrees for the visible planets, 3 degrees for Rahu, Ketu and the outer planets and 1 degree for the asteroids. The aspects you want to focus most on are the aspects with the ascendant, midheaven, moon and sun.
That should get you started. Just do your best and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Screwing up readings is actually the best way to learn and improve
No. 406572
>>406394any future readings I do will be in the chart reading thread
-natural leader but you don't like to lead, have leadership thrust upon you
-ruddy complexion with frequent acne breakouts
-strong body; good athlete; high energy
-intelligent and driven; destined for wealth and success
-your MC conjuncts fixed star Rigel so you are going to become famous in your career
-sun conjuncts Aldebaran, so again: greatness, fame
-mom is a businesswoman; you had major clashes with her when you were growing up, beyond what is normal for most girls
-mother will introduce you to your spouse
-quick and explosive temper but you get over things in an instant
-bad relationship with siblings
-good investigator
-will settle abroad
-starkly different religious beliefs from your father
-very loving person and love others unconditionally, even when they don't love you back
-strong desire for fame and power, and you will achieve as much
that's one hell of a chart. Are you a celebrity or something?
No. 407689
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so i've just started interpreting my chart because of this thread. i don't understand the reason why my 6th house is considered to be in virgo when most of it is in libra. i know it's a noob question but why is being on the cusp so significant
No. 407965
For those of you who are noticeably gender non-conforming in demeanor, speech, goals, worldview, and/or personality, what are the big boy masculine planets (Sun, Mars, Jupiter) doing in your chart? To start, I guess I could give my own chart as an example. Like 75% of my childhood/teenage years could be explained by just my Mars and Jupiter alone.
>Jupiter in first house, conjunct Asc, in its own decan in a friendly sign, 1 degree off from exaltation degree, retrograde;
>Mars is the only domicile, exact exaltation degree, with overwhelmingly positive aspects (111:8), highest degree in the chart, in 4th house.
I haven't done the calculations, but I am pretty sure Jupiter is my #1 strongest planet, and Mars makes it at least in the top 3. Sooo, to show how these two manifested in my personal life:
>insta-grabbing authority roles whenever possible
>authority positions have been a great source of ego boosts and joy since I was in kindergarten
>predisposition to imitating males despite not identifying with them physically (obviously)
>moidy hobbies
>mandatory "you are so boyish" comments in elementary to high school
>subordinate/follower roles make me extremely uncomfortable because I feel like I'm not doing enough
>respect was reserved only for other vigorous women
>struggle relating with gurrrls until I got older
>a complete inability to cope with penetrative sex
>quick to anger and properly violent reactions
And similar. My point is, I feel very strongly that these 3 planets determine how comfortable a woman is in fulfilling her assigned patriarchal/"woman's" role, and are the primary signifiers of gender-nonconformity (or NLOG syndrome in youth). I've been mulling over Nakti's vids and in her "Jupiter-dom women" video, she remarked that Jupiterian women feel constricted in their female bodies, in "Sun-dom women" she said that they have trouble with intercourse. I've yet to watch the Mars one, but you get the gist. Conversely, particularly weak masculine planets would imply pick-me like behaviors (think people-pleasing for one). Really curious to see if others' charts confirm this. Share your Sun, Mars and Jupiter placements and in what ways you noticed their influence.
Footnote: homosexuality can be considered a form of gender non-conformity as well, since the traditional concept of gender can only exist in a polar female/male dynamic. Would be worth a look in those charts as well.
No. 408061
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>>407965so what would we expect to see in the chart of someone like Lydia Litvak who was successful in the very masculine role of being a fighter pilot but was also a girly girl?
No. 408163
>>408061Possibly a strong Mars
and a strong Moon (or other mix and match predominantly male / predominantly female planets). Like maybe Mars and Moon in exaltation in the angular houses or one of them in the first and the other one strongly aspected. Would wanna see her chart and read some personal records about/of her, 'cuz making personality guesses about a person just from publicly available info is like shooting in the dark.
What about your own chart noni?
No. 409815
>>409807Are we talking about rising or sun? Because Hillary Clinton, Taylor Swift and Sydney Sweeney are all Scorpio risings and they are all pure evil and very annoying Scorpio way.
I hate Scorpio risings
No. 409817
>>409815I was talking about Scorpio suns. I’m biased towards Scorpio risings because I am one kek, thanks
nonny. I do hate Hillary Clinton and Taylor Swift out of this list though.
No. 409891

>>409861Yes, exactly. This girl started showing up in my YT feed and she is the prototypical Aquarius rising: broad forehead, shiny (usually straight) hair, boney, triangle shaped face and somewhat alien looking.
Caitlin Clark is technically a Pisces rising but her Neptune is combust in Aquarius, so she is functionally an Aquarius rising and her looks are very Aquarius except for her eyes, which are the big, watery and fish like eyes of a Pisces rising (Michael Jackson, Bruno Mars)
Aquarius risings are super impressionable, have a very unique fashion sense and have a weird tendency to look somewhat different every time you see them. Their personality can best be described as "autistic hippy"
Having said that, if you are using a tropical chart, the Sun/Moon combo will tell you more about the personality than the rising will. In a sidereal chart, the rising will give you a good personality read but won't be nearly as accurate in terms of physiognomy
tl;dr: There is nothing wrong with being an Aquarius rising. Unlike worthless Scorpio risings who are vermin
No. 409894
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Leo Risings always seem to have a 'light' or 'sunny' glow to them even when they are darker skinned or brunette. Striking wide-mouthed smiles, somewhat feline eyes, either tiny catlike noses with short kittenish faces, or strong straight lion-like noses and longer faces.
No. 409995
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Apparently cancer risings are known for having "sad" eyes and "soft faces". Someone also said prominent chins. wish I had fuller lips, but I guess I fit the phenotype kek
No. 412653
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>>412487Nta, I saw that you have Sun opposition Mars (out of sign), which also explains the rage part.
No. 414156
>>414145Not a single thing wrong, amazing
Yeah I have some issues with that but it's still unfair that others just dont click with me, no one at all Wait, wait until my Saturn Return to get into romance? I'll be 30 by it, why even bother by then? Meanwhile others get to feel human, all my life i've always felt different
No. 414160
I already feel old now, wait until 30? That's too long, I'll be old. I actually feel bad about this, life will pass me by. I haven't achieved anything and I can't even get people to tolerate me until I am fucking 30…woah, hah
I should end it honestly
No. 417977
>>4179751. no
2. did they give any reason for this?
No. 426379
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This post intrigued me. I want to learn spergy astrology facts about my own sign, I'm a taurus sun. Please make it autistic.
No. 428050
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>>426397I'm a Scorpio. Would you still love me if I told you I was Gemini moon Pisces rising
No. 430234
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Whoever’s born today is gonna have an interesting chart kek
No. 430332
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This is my crushes chart. I want to learn some more information about her, she’s also into astrology (but not as much as me I think.) I like her a lot (probably way too much if I’m being honest) and I hope we are a good fit. I’m a Pisces sun leo moon Aquarius rising, for reference
No. 430345
>>430332-youthful appearance with delicate features; neat dresser, not flashy; observant and expressive eyes; not tall or lanky
-dutiful worker
-measured and analytical; high attention to detail
-perfectionist workaholic; thinks she's right about everything
-excellent communicator
-major relationship troubles (7H Venus in Aries)
-early professional/financial success
-magnetic personality; respected and admired by others
-believes in astrology in the occult but plays down said belief in the presence of others; will marry someone with a high interest in the occult
-very close with her father; distant from mother
-will inherit a lot of money
-going to live a very long life
-strong willed and highly ambitious
-a bit out there, not fully in touch with reality
-ultimately settles far away from home, possibly abroad
No. 430947
>>366190Capricorn Scorpio ?NFJ?
Does fit with enneagram though
No. 430992
>>430972Yeah I am honestly in the INFP,ENFP,ENFJ,INFJ sphere I think
What's your ascendant?
No. 440831
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i've tried to search how to interpret a birth chart but idgi. what does it mean if i'm a scorpio with venus and lilith in scorpio too? and i find it funny it's associated with sexuality/being wild in bed so much since i'm sexually dysfunctional/avoidant my whole life and i'm genuinely kind of a prude. what's it mean for someone like me? i have a sex drive but it's really low a lot of the time and i avoid sexual stuff like 90% of the time.
>>440686oh, 22% scorpio atm. that's funny to me.
No. 468662
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Can I get some readings? Terrible chart regarding people, right?
No. 477051
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Nonnies, can any of you recommend a good astrologist who does chart readings? Someone on the more affordable side, I'm not from the western hemisphere.
No. 478870
>>468662>capricorn sun, Scorpio moon, Leo risingI'm already irritated
Do you have mommy issues and do people often think you're manipulative
No. 486596
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Thoughts? This person is bj-chan by the way.
No. 486774
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>>430989I hope you come back and post those descriptions… fire sign descriptions always seem lacking nuance, even from fire sign specific accounts lol.
I used to never relate to Aries descriptions, but the older I get the more I feel like I want to embody the (good) traits more. I felt closer to fellow Aries when I downloaded that social app Boo where they show ppls sun sign and all the Aries had 1 sentence profiles with shit pictures like me kek.
I feel like fire signs are so IRL, I don't come across them very much online. Like how certain MBTI is overrepresented on forums
No. 487767
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Nonnies, how can I start working with my Lilith? (Lilith in Capricorn, 6th house)
The book I'm reading suggests using your Moon to help with that (my Moon is in Cancer and in the 12th house) but doesn't offer any concrete examples/solutions.
Please help, I'll be forever grateful
No. 493814
>>468662Sorry for the question, samefag
Is there a way to see lifespan or am I misunderstanding charts? Is it fate or a might? not possible?
am i going to die from climate change? I want to use divination and astrology to find out
No. 493855
>>468662Leo rising with a 6th house sun and a 10th house saturn. You share this combination with Muhammad Ali, so you are likely a world class heavyweight boxer. Mars in the 4th on the IC so we'd expect that you were a difficult birth for your mother and that you had a difficult home life but also that you are a mama's girl. You should also be short, sturdy and a good athlete.
Natural leader with feline features who people instinctively defer to. Good work ethic.
Look young for your age
You have an 8th house Venus, just like Hitler (who also had the 10th house Saturn that you have). 8th house Venus generally means a long life (Hitler died in his mid 50's but his Venus was severely afflicted, yours is actually exalted with good aspects). Venus in the 8th also means that you will find true love and that he/she will be rich as fuck.
Jupiter retrograde in the 11th means you are extremely lucky
No. 493961
>>493855Thank you but this is my problem, it doesn't tie into what's going to happen. Climate extinction is 5 years away, we are all going to die, how can I have a long life there if I will be extinct
Astrology is either right or wrong but it's right on many things and wrong on others, I am confused and afraid
No. 493964
>>493961i know of no astrologer who predicts climate death for the world in the next 5 years.
I used to be convinced that a killer asteroid was gonna hit the earth so I know how you feel, but you are stressing about nothing
No. 494053
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Can I get a read, overall and perhaps some deep cuts on my chart? Thanks a lot
No. 494084
>>494053Gemini rising so talkative and outgoing and travel a lot. Youthful appearance. Aquarius sun so probably really annoying personality. It's a 9th house sun so you are a religious/spiritual person and a devoted daddy's girl.
Bull headed and never take no for an answer. Lot's of people can't stand you. You are able to achieve popularity due to great charisma which makes up for the fact that your personality really is unpleasant and you are simply unlikable. People don't like you but are drawn to you anyway.
6th house moon usually means a workaholic but I have a 6th house moon and I'm lazy as shit. Then again, my moon is combust so maybe that has something to do with it.
Mars conjunct Jupiter means strong and confident and with a sexiness that goes beyond your raw physical attractiveness. Maybe a bit of a femme fatale type. Good athlete and have/will have great career success.
Strong 8th house Venus means you will find true love.
8th house Mercury means you will have intense interest in the afterlife and the spiritual forces at work beyond what we see in the physical.
11th house Saturn in its fall indicates someone who makes a lot of bad friends and gets in trouble from hanging out with the wrong people. Make money from illegal or immoral activities. Parasympathetic nervous problems and frequently clashes with coworkers and colleagues
No. 494200
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>>494084Can I get a read for my chart too plz? All I know is that I have too much air.
No. 494215
>>494200cancer rising so you have a maternal nature and walk with a rolling gait.
Tremendous athlete, highly competitive, hyper energetic, excellent work ethic and good at working with parents/teachers/authority figures. Very ambitious and achieve your goals. Natural leader but not arrogant or overbearing. Devoted to your family and determined to provide them with financial security.
Loud but pleasant voice with the ability to light up a room. Joyful and happy person with very good luck.
Aqua sun + Gem moon: well traveled, dedicated researcher/learner, a natural journalist, struggle to build close connections with others even while having lots of friends. Unromantic but seen as exotic and mysterious by men.
Good at arts and crafts. Financial/career success delayed until after age 28. High interest in the occult
No. 494224
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>>494215Can you tell me something about my chart too? I already know it's not a good one so no need to sugercoat it
No. 494230
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>>494215nonnie thank you for doing this for everyone [and if you can do mine] – it's appreciated – sending you good vibes
No. 494234
>>494224Lot's of struggles and bad luck due to that nasty PKY yoga sandwiching your 1st house. Bad relationship with your father, or he died young. Natural leader with cat like facial features and mannerisms.
Will marry into money.
Very nurturing and nurturing others will be your career path. Gentle nature and look to solve problems non confrontationally. You are nurturing, but definitely not soft or weak, you're actually very strong and a natural leader, but it's just that you are more of a maternal type leader as opposed to a ball busting type.
Saturn in the 10th means that you will achieve career success through hard work but that it is gonna take time and is not gonna be an easy road, probably don't achieve career success until your early 30's
No. 494242
>>494215Thank you anon <3 My interests definitely align with what you mentioned.
>Financial/career success delayed until after age 28Is this because of the 8th house? I feel so behind in everything due to my financial situation.
No. 494462
>>494442The people who told you that are retards. They are seeing the exalted Venus and thinking that that equals hypersexual. But what those faggots don't take into account is that your Venus is in the 8th house so we would actually expect you not to be a very outwardly sexual person. 8th house Venus Hitler was known to hate being touched and to be very prudish (women wearing makeup or revealing clothing really
triggered him, for instance).
No. 494510
>>494462SO THAT MEANS that Ill never have sex, makes sense. People hate me for no reason, people hate only me. My chart also says I am very unattractive, right?
I just get mad because I see it as social competition, others are winning while I lose by default
No. 494646
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I keep seeing posts on social media about how 2025 will have drastic changes from an astrological point of view, but they are usually being cryptic. Is it bad? Are we going to witness shit like Covid again? I’m tired of this shit.
No. 494901
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>>494689Here you go. I hear it’s a bad chart or at best “challenging and dynamic” kek. Would really appreciate some advice or any insights on cycles I need to break out of