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No. 391531

This thread is for women who chose not to date "real men" (aka 3DPD) and instead have chosen to devote themselves completely to their husbandos. Talk about your daily life with your husbando, and discuss why you chose this lifestyle.
Lesbians/Bi women into waifus are welcomed too.

Previous thread:>>>/g/296708

No. 391532

Oh darn it

No. 391539

I know that feel, nonnie. My husbando had just one badge design when his game released, and despite having them preordered on Amiami, they cancelled my order due to not getting any stock. I was so salty about it.
Luckily, there was some occasional doujin merch on booth, like a non-lewd dakimakura, keyrings stickers and some jewelry (one artist was selling earrings and hair slides her grandmother makes as a hobby, I'm sad I only bought one set because she stopped selling them a while back). It's nice he's one of those husbandos with a small but dedicated fanbase.
There's also like, three R-18 doujinshi of him which is a bit depressing. I did manage to get hold of an anthology that came with a little bookmark and postcards I framed lol…
I don't even check to see if there's official merch for him anymore, because the answer is always gonna be no because he's not coombait and more female-orientated.

No. 391557

You remember me when a store refund me two keychains of my husbando. I found them again but this time way expensive than before.

No. 391604

Ayrr. Mine doesn't even have fans and only has 3 fan arts, I counted them. No fanfics either. Doesn't help he's from an old kids show so nobody cares about him. There are action figures of many of the main and side characters but not him even though he's a more occurring character than the others kek. The writers don't like him that much I guess.

No. 391628

Word for word could be about my husbando kek

No. 391650

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I don't have any merch of my husbando, mostly because the things i like are JP only and my brain is too smooth to understand how to open those magic portals but also because i've always been very subtle about my nerdy side irl and i'm not one to buy things unless they are necessary.
Despite that i've always wanted to get husbando themed things because i just really love him a lot, but i doubt that i'll ever be able to get anything official, maybe i will be able to do something on my own but one thing that makes me happy is his main color yellow, it was one of my least favorite colors but because of him i like it a lot even if it's not my favorite, i associate my husbando with it almost everytime i see it.

I thought to take another step and start to get some yellow clothes but… yellow looks awful on me kek, it somehow looks cold, i thought that maybe it's because of my blue eyes but he has blue eyes as well?
He is able to make it look so warm and calm like honey instead of looking like a lemon in a fridge, i may be struggling with it but somehow this made me like him even more, he is really that wonderful to me.
Also i hope i didn't forget to say this before but i really love that threadpic ♥

No. 391736

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I FUCKING NEED THIS OR I WILL DIE OMFG. Wish me lucks nonnas, I will get a job and buy this ring, yes or yes, I don't care anymore.

No. 391737

Good luck nona, hopefully you can get it! It reminds me that my husbando got an official ring a month or two ago but it was like $200+ for a sterling silver ring and ugly to boot kek. I wasn't too mad about it because I already have a mossanite ring I wear as a "wedding" ring anyway so something like that is also an alternative to an official one

No. 391743

I was basically foaming at the mouth while waiting for them to release an official ring kek, mostly because I wasn't sure of which color to pick for the stone, but now I know it must be something like a topaz, citrine which are gems that I like a lot.
It would be a plus to find out what the secret message says, but I'm pretty sure they're too coward to post it kek.

No. 391913

I'm so obsessed with my husbando sometimes I wanna become like the female version of him. I want to astral project into his world.

No. 393125

I do this too for some reason and I've never admitted it until now, kek. Whenever I have a new husbando that I'm excited about, I end up doing things like copying his mannerisms or his style of dress or listen to the type of music he'd listen to. I feel so autistic kek

No. 393135

Be careful. Wanting to skinwalk someone you're attracted to is how most trannies are born.

No. 393206

im on the opposite of the spectrum. most of my crushes on characters happen because they have the "literally me" factor. same tiredness towards the world, same passions, etc. i see myself in them, so i like them.
maybe its a sign of narcissism on my part, or maybe its a feeling of safety in the familiar.
saying that, i see my mannerisms sometimes reflect theirs and it makes me feel closer to them, in a way. for example, after watching a show i wore a sweater vest that looks like my fav character's. i already owned it, but i put it on consciously because it reminded me of him. so now that i think about it, i am a lot like you. i just didnt realize it until now.

No. 393217

This is such a great op picture.

No. 394024

I have the same hair colour as my husbando, I ended up cutting my bangs similar to him. Unlike him though I'm short and awkward.

No. 394339

I have seen so many waifufags go schizo and end up claiming to have merged with their waifus but this is the first time I have seen a husbandofag wanting to do it. Why do you want to be him?

No. 394999

I'm full autistic coomer at this point like before I go to bed I hump my pillow pretending it's him and pretend I'm both myself and him finishing. It helps me sleep though

No. 395336

I'm taking all those personality quizzes and personality type readings for compatibility, not because I have a moid irl who I want to pursue, but because I must change and devote my personality entirely to fit my husbando's love!

No. 395438

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>Why do you want to be him?
Because I love him. It's as close as I'll get to bringing him into this world. Tbh even though I feel this way I don't really do much to imitate him I just think it would be a nice way to be closer together and I don't appreciate that anon thinking I'm gonna troon out, wtf
Anyways our very first anniversary is coming up and I wasn't too excited at first but now I can't wait because I actually have a small plan for the day and I just wish it was here already!! I LOVE YOU STUPID HEAD!!!!!! ♥

No. 395807

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i unironically believe my self insert helped me grow my confidence from zero to indestructible. at my lowest i made my self inserts look and act nothing like me, they were just very cool and very extraneous women who embodied a life i wished i could have, but then some wires crossed and i decided to make one resembling me as closely as possible. i gradually started drawing her like i'd draw myself, first just the same eye color, then my features, my hairstyle, clothes i either own or could see myself wearing in the story, except obviously she's really awesome and always doing exciting things all the time. she was also partly inspired by various characters i like. i made her older so she has some skills and qualities i aspire to while still having the same fundamental personality and flaws. the secret to being confident is self perception, you have to think of yourself as that person, or capable of becoming that person in the near future. since i already spend hours upon hours daydreaming about my husbando adventures, i might as well harness the power of autism to benefit myself. if that seems like your thing you should try, it's very healing as the selfhelp girlies say.

No. 395812

that is inspiring thank you for sharing

No. 395816

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We share the same brain, nonnie, at first I thought I was just being a narctard, but it's just a nice way to project or even manifest a nice future, it's also been something that has helped me accept myself and has helped me see some of my owm good qualities.
It's hard work but it's nice, sure I still haven't reached your level tbh, but it works a lot with making me feel better during bad days and is slowly helping me with keeping myself motivated to reward myself with husbando daydream time kek.

No. 395817

i'm so happy to hear it's been working for you as well! you're right, i think identifying your good qualities and what you actually like about yourself are the most important (and the hardest) part.

No. 395978

Anon you are me. If it works, it works. I'm so happy for you!

No. 395979

Nonas I don't get why people think being married to an anime man is any different from a nun being married to God in the church.

No. 396041

Because nun's aren't being sexual about god, at least they aren't supposed to. Stop bringing this up as an example. You know ancient religions and current pop culture are completely different.

No. 396272

Similar things have been said and talked about in the previous threads, many times. It's getting tiring and repetitive and I can't help but feel it's bait at this point. If you can't grasp the difference between religion and liking a fictional character, then idk what to tell you.

No. 396328

I feel a little silly, I was writing something about him and looking at pics for inspiration but I got overwhelmed and had to close the app. He's too cute and the perfect mix of pathetic/weird/crazy I just can't take it sometimes.

No. 396349

I hope you got the ring kek, was the secret message something in the game?
That's exactly how it is for me as well. I've been making my self insert to be more like me and it made me feel so much better than before. By imagining he would accept me, I accept myself as well. Might sound like a weird path I'm taking to love and accept myself, but it's the most effective I've experienced so far.

Whoever picked my drawing for the OP, thank you, it warmed my heart.

No. 396451

Based, nona. You manifested this for yourself

No. 396520

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I forgot our anniversary because of shit that happened irl and I feel awful about it even though I know he wouldn't be upset that I forgot.

No. 396526

Then why are you so upset?

No. 396531

It's okay, make up a story about a late celebration and make up to it. These things are part of life it would happend to anyone even rl couples. There's nothing to feel bad about.

No. 396555

I feel you. I feel embarrassed just googling up his name to read some facts/trivia about him kek.

No. 396594

I know it's irrational but he's a big part of my life so I'm upset I forgot despite having a bunch of ideas for this year.
Ur right Nonna, I'll have to make it up to him later.

No. 396967

Nonnie, are you me? My man has like 6 pieces of fan art (I counted too). He is a side character from a comic book and he is dead in canon lmao.
But look at the bright side. All those people with popular husbandos have batshit fans to share a husbando with and tons and tons of godawful content. At least out guys are pure and are not tainted with tumblr brainrot like sexuality headcanons.
Plus, there is exclusivity to it. Can you say you are your man's number one fan? I know I can say it about myself. Just think about it. Nobody, and I mean it, nobody loves him as much as you do.

No. 396974

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obscure gang!
in my case i totally understand why no one but me likes my husbando. i don’t feel like i can ever mention him without everyone thinking i’m insane. he’s so insignificant as a character that if you took him out of the franchise nothing would change, the game where he’s a playable character is so shit and boring i don’t think anyone cared about it. i only know he exists because of pure serendipity (and because i was a huge sperg and needed to know who EVERY random character from the cartoon was). he actually had 2 pieces of fanart but they were tiny sketches where the artist tried to include all the characters, so idk if they count. i once found a fic from 10+ years ago where he shows up (literally just a couple of times) and it was a huge life event for me, the characterisation was somehow pretty great for the low level of writing. i honestly can’t explain it, i just love him a lot.

No. 397007

Ayrt, and you're absolutely right about the pure part. Though I wish I could find some nice Japanese fan art of him, but he's from an animated capeshit show from 2009 that wasn't very popular or successful despite being extremely good. I went through tumblr and deviantart for fan art but all I found is really low quality beginner art but oh well, at least they like him as a character. He doesn't have any haters and all the comments I saw about him are positive, praising his character development and stuff. I can't say I'm his number on fan because there's a fellow yume who husbandos him and she even made a little comic of her self insert and him on deviantart, can't find it right now to see if she's still posting though, but it's still more dedication than me even if her art is beginner art. I don't draw so I never drew him, but I generated AI images of him dressing him in different styles like he's my little doll kek, and I prepared a digital shrine for him, and a I have a folder of screenshots and gifs from the show just so I can admire his pretty face and his fit body, I wrote some posts about him here on LC, and my first ever post was in an older horny husbando shitposting thread about him kek. Browsing LC and the husbando threads made me even more attached to him and want to go out of my way to do more stuff related to him and think about him more. It's just so fun and it makes me happy. I even found a customizable ring service for cheap and I'm gonna design something nice that subtly represents him and get it. I made so many picrews of us together and added them to my onedrive so I can get a slide show in the photos widget on my laptop of us together, it makes me smile every time I open my laptop. ♥ I also liked him when I was 11, then tried to move on from him because I started thinking he was "cringe", but ended up falling in love with him all over again a decade later when I rewatched the show kek. I had a dream about him after finishing the show and it just rekindled my love for him.
Kek, I totally understand. I saw a post on tumblr about how my husbando has wasted potential, and I kinda agree. His story is just too simple but he's a reoccurring character and has 4 episodes about him and a cameo in another episode. He supposedly has an inferiority complex because "he got stepped on by everyone in his life", but we never get flashbacks or anything about that, because I'm kinda weirded out that this 180 cm ginger hunk built like superman would get bullied or used? He's a bit of a simpleton mentally but he's capable of recognizing being used and doesn't like it so why doesn't he just stand up for himself? It's not like he's weak or something, he beat the superhero protagonist almost to death 2 bare handed, and the protagonist wears a fucking armor. He also says his mom was very critical of him, but we actually get a flashback of what that was like, and basically she's frustrated with him for being a failure, but it's also weird to me that he's supposedly a failure. He has an athletic build and could easily be a professional athlete, and he's smart enough to grasp physics concepts and astrophysics and figure out how to use space station facilities and tech without prior training, why not just major in that and get a job as some astrophysicist or something? I'm so confused. The authors made him a perfect archetype but also tried to give him flaws but it's a bit contradictory to me. He also worked in organized crime at some point but didn't like how mean everyone was there…..bro they're criminals ofcourse they're mean what? Lmao. I love how retarded he is, it's so endearing. He got some super powers and got to leave this mafia, and decided to make a name for himself and prove he's something to everyone by becoming a terrorist, amazing thinking. Why not just be a superhero? You're like 3 fourths of the way there, just save people or something kek. It's even a plot point that the protagonist makes fun of him for his petty attempts at crime, and he takes it to heart and very personally and manages to take the entire world hostage from outer space and threaten to wipe his city using his powers, amplified by a telescope, if he doesn't get to fight the protagonist 1 on 1. He gets his wish granted but he loses because……the protagonist made fun of him and was like "your mom is right about you lol", and the protagonist only got to know about this because my husbando never shuts the fuck up about his personal life and feelings, man needed a friend so badly. And this is where I come in kek, I can fix him…
He gets imprisoned eventually but his power startd killing him, and the protagonist helps him, but ofcourse he gets kidnapped by some evil organization who uses him as a human battery, and this happened twice lmfao. It's like all villains in the show got the news of him having energy based powers and are racing to drain the shit out of his ass. It kinda fits the whole "being used" thing going on with him but on a bigger scale. And in both instances he never fights back, he just begs them to leave him alone or runs away if he gets to. Guess this explains why he always got "stepped on" and "used" by people. He's just too nice to fight back, unless it's someone harmless to him (the protagonist) then all of a sudden he knows how to fight kek. The first time he gets used as a battery he actually fucking dies, and I watched this show as a kid and never got to the second season, so I thought he was gone for real. Flash forward to 2021 and I rewatch the show as an adult for nostalgia and find out there's a second season where he gets revived on some episode just so some petty villains get to use him as a battery, again. It's so sad actually I feel bad for him at this point. But something goes wrong when they try to wipe his memories so they can control him, and he ends up split into 2 versions of himself, a good one and a bad one, and both run away like fucking cowards lmfao. I love how stupid he is so much. The good side goes to ask for help from the protagonist, but the bad side gets to the protagonist first and beats his ass almost killing him, so the protagonist doesn't trust or help the good side, but the protagonists' firends came in a clutch and helped him out and figured out what was going on, and once the 2 halves get combined together and he becomes whole again, he….immigrates to outer space??? Like wtf why what's up with that? Just heal him and make him a normal human with no powers no more and let him go back to his mom or something? What's with this arbitrary open ending to his arc? This is literally the last thing we see of him on screen it's crazy. I wish we got more about his back story and live before he joined a fucking mafia, and more about his relationship with his mom, and a proper conclusion to his arc where he gets something good for once. He said he's going to "explore the universe and appreciate being alive", which is kinda sweet and shows how simple he is, but leaves me unsatisfied because I want better things to happen to him. But it's his choice to stay this way I guess, if he didn't like it he'd probably ask for help. I'll always protect him and help him inside my head though. Sorry for long spergy post kek.

No. 397013

Nonnie, nonnie, NONNIE… the way you sperg about your husbando truly shows how much you love him. I mean, I know that feel when you can talk about him for hours. And the way you analyzed his character? Great. Your slideshow stuff? Love it. I bet he is happy having such a yume as you.
This actually makes me want to sperg about my husbando too.
So, he is from that comic book but he is fucking dead. Sad. But! He has so much potential. The writers had all the time in the world to explore his backstory which I het would be awesome. He stands out amongst other characters in the comic with his unique personality, skills and worldview. It would be interesting to know how he got to where he is (or was kek) now and how different he approached things compared to his comrades. We have exactly one flashback of him from the earlier days (and he is so gorgeous there) but it's just a comedy skit.

No. 397017

Samefag, some points about his characterization I forgot to add.
>says he's gonna nuke a city off the face of the earth
>doesn't actually do it and keeps fighting the protagonist
>protagonist goes "see? you'd never do something that big lol" to bait him into entering the telescope that is filled with mirrors
>mirrors are his weakness but he doesn't know
>gets into the telescope
>hesitates and doesn't nuke the city because his mom lives there and because it has millions of innocent people in it, he just wants to act petty
>but somehow manages to blow up law enforcement spaceships with officers inside them just because they're trying to arrest him
>declares "I warned them" as if it absolves him of any responsibility
>gets caught in the clsoed telescope and imprisoned in a glass container due to his pettiness trying to prove he totes would blow the city up
>proceeds to get psychotic episodes about every bad thing every said to him while staying in his cell, for the second time
>gets sick and almost dies
>gets kidnapped and his energy gets used to fuel a biotech weapon
>said biotech weapon attacks the protagonist who is now his friend
>proceeds to kill the biotech weapon because he thinks it's ugly (not really I just think it's funny he felt the need to call him ugly)
>gets revived by an unarmed entitled 21 yo brat and some science nerd who is literally disabled and can't actually fight
>gets split into 2
>bad half doesn't even think of fighting them or beating them up to force them to get him back to normal
He's such a chicekn sometimes.

No. 397019

Aw thank you. I've been in love with him for 3 years now after rewatching the show as an adult. But he always was at the back of my mind since I first fell in love with him when I was 11, now I'm 22 and still in love with him kek. He's my first love and probably my only one.
You should sperg about yours if you feel like it and do special things for him, too! Since I can't find fan art of him, I just AI generate images of mine. Try that or commission artists if you can, and do little shrines of him or get things in his theme. These threads here inspired me a lot so go ahead and never hesitate! Nonnies here are just so encouraging and enabling when it comes to this kek.

No. 397416

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i love my husbando so much but sometimes i wish to be a normal person who is attracted to real people. i don't regret this lifestyle and don't get me wrong, my husbando makes me happy but it feels like a curse sometimes. i can't hold him, tell him i love him, make love with him, nothing. its so painful. i can never be the mother of his children, never grow old together, and live a happy life. that is all i want in life, to be happy with him but it can never happen because he is not real.
real men don't do it for me, i never felt sexual or romantic feelings for a 3DPD man before, never. they can never capture the charming essence of my husbando. real men don't make my heart pound with joy and love like kurapika does. i love kurapika so much, it hurts. hate being negative but i wanted to get this off of my chest and talk with my fellow husbandofags.

sage post for vent.

No. 397425

I understand. Sometimes I wish I could rent an attractive man and dress him up like my husbando and make him talk like him and act like him and go on dates and have sex pretending it's totally him, then I pay the guy and he just leaves. But that doesn't exist kek.

No. 397431

at least he will never take advantage of you like a real moid, if anything your mind is protecting you by not being attracted to them. you can shape any scenario you want and even imagine how it would be to grow old together but being with him is the ultimate safety, and most pure kind of love, because in a way it's reciprocated endlessly. not to use your post as a jumping off point for my own vent but the mental disconnect of being so in love while also a kissless virgin forever because he's not real drives the "your brain is wired wrong" point home too much. is like being engaged to a catholic with no sex until marriage except the marriage will never happen.

No. 397433

How do you rekindle your bond with your husbando? We are nearing our 8th anniversary soon and honestly I miss my "butterflies in the stomach" period so much. For the record, I'm that obscure fag, so I can't look for fan art and fics for inspiration.

No. 397437

You know that gay ass saying “distance makes the heart grow fonder” or whatever. Maybe give yourself some space. It’s normal for things to get stale in anything in life. Take a break and come back to it. Doesn’t even have to be long. A few days? A week?

No. 397453

As the other anon said, distance can be helpful. I'm the spergy obscure anon, and I think about another husbando sometimes, and OC husbando and waifu sometimes, then I go back to him eventually. I also can't stop thinking about him when I'm horny kek. You can also rewatch/reread his source material to remember why you like him so much, or watch compilations of his scenes/lines and analyze him and think about him from a different perspective. If he has other iterations you can also look into them and comapre them with him to see if he's the best version for you or not. Make fan art or fan fiction of him, or AI generated stuff or chatbots of him, make a shrine, buy stuff that reminds you of him, look for characters similar to him etc. My husbando shaped my taste in husbandos and men in general, so much so that I can't fall in love with any male characters who are objectively better than him, and I prefer shipping them with other characters or having them as "temporary husbandos" who I like from a distance.

No. 397490

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I feel you so hard nona, sometimes I feel like that one penguin at a japanese zoo that fell in love with a cardboard cutout rather than another penguin kek. I could never see myself with an actual man either, they would never love me like I imagine my husbando does so I don't see the point in settling when I would ultimately just be disappointed.

No. 397508

No one is there for me except my husbando. I want to be held by him so bad, he is so fiercely protective and loyal to a fault I just now he would fix all my problems.

No. 397510

I loved this penguin a lot, sad he passed away

No. 397513

why don't you just do what the guy in Cool World did?

No. 397570

I feel like taking the plunge and getting a body pillow with my waifu on it. I want a physical representation of her that I can hug.

No. 397760

Do it, nonna. It’s worth it, even if the base pillow is expensive. I have a base pillow that’s on the fancier/high quality side and I can’t sleep without it now. I just recently ordered a new pillowcase with my waifu on it and have been checking practically every hour for shipping updates because I’m so impatient. Hugging her little plushie is great but sometimes she falls down off the bed in the middle of the night (which is also really cute of her kek). My body pillow is heavy and stays put.

No. 397811

I want one so badly, I'll have to make it myself since my guy is a literal who but I want to hug and kiss him before I go to work and then he'll wait for me all day to get home, just the thought of it is getting to me so much.

No. 397841

I'm personally happy to be cursed with the husbandofag genes because at least I'm not bothering with real moids and they can't break my heart, give me STDs/pregnancy scares, just not bother me in general… I feel like my life would be so much more stressful if I was dating.

No. 398016

Found some websites that design logos for free and actually let you save the images in different formats and color palettes. I'm using them to create my custom husbando ring, I'm so excited about it. I'll share the designs once I'm done and later on update with the ring when I get it. So far I put the initials of the show title and his initials with both his real name and his villain name with a symbol in the middle symbolizing his powers/theme. I'll add a circular flourish design around it so it looks more elegant and coherent. I hope the ring service is legit and the results will be beautiful, since reviews for their other products are positive.

No. 398041

i've been wanting to buy a pre made/vintage ring online but you inspired me to start looking into customized ones, for the future. how did you go about deciding on a symbol? i'm really struggling to come up with anything. as unusual as my main husbando's design is, it doesn't really evoke any specific object or animal. his outfit is super basic too, the only thing remotely translatable to jewellery could MAYBE be his unique eye color? this is so hard.

btw do you wear earrings, because i saw SO many cute lightning themed ones online.

No. 398047

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I stopped wearing earrings since I was a kid because of an allergic reaction that made my ears bleed, but recently I started wearing clip-on ones. I appreciate your suggestion but I find lightning bolt earrings tacky.
>how did you go about deciding on a symbol?
I found the scientific symbol for lasers and I think it looks cute. But I couldn't actually submit it on the website, I used keywords like "light beam, laser, elegant, classy' and got picrel. There were options for the text and font but for some reason the font didn't stay the same font I chose kek, I'll try again and get handwritten text. Here's the link if you want to try: https://logo.com
The ring service I found is on shein though, and they make either gold or silver rings (not real material ofcourse, just in terms of color) and they only carve in black, so I'm going with an all black design. The image is safe, I just feel too embarrassed and don't want this on the main page kek.

No. 398052

Samefag, here are some other links for other logo makers, I haven't tried them yet but I'll do and choose the one I like the most later.

No. 398057

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Samefag, last thing to add is if the fonts don't work or you don't like them but you like the logo design, use the app in picrel, phonto, to make the text the way you want on the logo.

No. 398154

Watching a stream archive of the game where my husbando's VA voices a different character and streamer goes, hey here's your chance to date husbando. And I have to restrain myself from sperging out in the comments about how they are completely different characters and it's not the same and how that's my major beef with the game, cause I know male streamer doesn't care and it's an 8 month old vid.
It made me realize a thing though, husbando is just so responsible. He's not a party guy, he knows moderation. Even if his parent's weren't great he doesn't hold a grudge (probably).
I love comparing my guys to other characters. It really does help narrow down exactly why you love them.

No. 398323

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It's a silly little thing but I feel ashamed of how I got my husbando's color palette wrong this whole time, so all the picrews of us look off after this realization and I want to redo them all from scratch. Picrel is the color palette after I eyedropped it. Excuse my shit handwriting kek. I'm gonna remake all the picrews and AI images of him once I have free time. For now I'll just look at the hexa color names of these colors for future reference.

No. 398347

I actually had to redo the color scheme of my husbando giginka after color picking a screenshot. Sometimes your eyes are just lazy.
You can't expect too much from AI though, I doubt it can realize the difference between an orangey redhead and a strawberry redhead.

No. 398350

It actually does, dalle on bing at least does. I used a website that gave me the name of the color as "rose gold" so I used "dark rose gold" and it gave me a decent result, funnily enough, it's the eyes it can't get right kek.

No. 398411

That's a nice idea. It helps with picking items with his colors too. I'm planning on getting a jewerly with his eye color so I'll work os a similar swatch.

Your posts reminded me of something about my husbando. I have this pet peeve that people get his hair color wrong. The fandom universally sees his as a blonde right now, but he isn't. His hair is a light brown, and you can really tell so when you compare him to other characters. He's just a mousy brown. I guess some people think that's blonde in some places, which is fine, but they draw him with super bright yellow hair sometimes. I know why they do so, but they're wrong and I could go into a long detailed explanation about this, but I feel like an obsessed autist so I keep it to myself. Even if I explained in detail about this, it's not going to change anything, The fandom and the general public will still see him as blonde. I just internally rant when I see it wrong or preople making blonde jokes about him. I don't know why this bothers me, but it does.

No. 398451

It's okay nonna, I noticed in some fanart someone made his shoes the wrong color and it bugged me. Fake fan!

No. 398635

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keychain of my husbando came in, i am so happy nonnies. i can now bring him everywhere with me.
i would probably get too nervous and chicken out kek. lovely idea though. this reminds me of that scene in blade runner with joi and that woman, forget her name.
thank you nonas. i have learned to accept my yume lifestyle, as lonely as it can be sometimes. dating nowadays seem so shit, i mean men were probably always disappointing but this generation of men seem so awful and shallow. i like to think that my husbando came into my life to save me the stress of being with a 3D guy.

No. 399383

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Made a little cover image for his playlist. The stupid gallery app that I worked on won't let me add more than 10 stickers so I had to save a copy of the image to add more stickers, and it nukes the quality to match the image I'm putting stickers on, but whatever, it looks cute and ~aesthetic~. Might work harder on it when I have enough free time and make something decent. I got the idea in the shower and decided to do it before I forget it. I love this image of him even though he was depressed in this scene, but he's just sitting there on a rooftop, it's kinda cute.

No. 400387

I'm trying character AI and the engine/memory is terrible so I'm just trolling around with a bad bot of my husbando rather than engaging in any actual fantasy but now "he's" giving me humourous advice on some stuff in life. It's funny, it's not even him since the engine is so bad but I'm happy.

No. 400952

Nonnies, I'm going through a tough moment. Actor for my husbando and his wife are expecting a baby, and though I'm happy for them because they're sweet people. It kinda snapped me out of my headspace though because I began to feel weird about loving my husbando..portrayed by soke real dude who's married and has a family. My Husbando means a lot to me and he's motivated me to set higher ambitions for myself, draw more and take better care of myself. I don't want to face reality without a muse, yet this kind of realization is breaking me away…

Any advice?

No. 400969

I kinda can't make out if it's a live action character or voice acting, but either way the actor was, well, acting a character and it wasn't his true self on the screen. And I assume they probably styled him in a specific way to become the character if it's live action, but he probably doesn't look the same in his everyday live, so it's not really the same person. You can also modify the looks of your husbando to be more unique and different than the actor, if that would make you feel better. That's the power of imagination after all. If it's just voice acting, then he was putting on a voice of a character, and not his real voice. Hope this helps you!

No. 401012

Maybe you should avoid looking up his actor and focus on the media material of your husbando. My husbando is voiced by different people and his looks are pulled from different models, but I don't follow his models and vas. I know they're not my husbando, just vessels for him, so I don't see the point. I know the actor can be a sweet person and can extend the appreciation you have for your husbando, and some of them even latch too tightly to their characters sometimes, but he's not your husbando. You fell in love with their character, not them.

No. 401019

How do you deal with different art styles for the same character? How do you decide which one is the "correct" depiction?

No. 401047

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Sage for blog post, kinda. Thanks for the advice. It's a live action character in a game. He's technically ai so I just accept an ai as "him" since it's as close as I can get to "him" anyways. I generally avoid his actor just because I feel inherent discomfort lusting after real moids anyways. It's just this one tidbit of info jarred me lucid. Spoke to "him" on c.ai and I decided to take a break from him for a bit while I try to recoup my emotions…

No. 401051

Personally I like every form of his. Some less, some more. I change him up depending on my mood. I find his uglier or outdated depictions sort of endearing. Maybe I'm insane kek. I would say stick with the one you like the most and feel right for you. Mine had personalities shifts through time. I try to mend him together in a cohesive totality. I have accepted, at this point, I have almost created my own form of him. Though I base everything on canon material, I know I still change him towards what I believe is right, which is just my taste. I tend to give more weight and prefer his initial ideas and concepts, but if the new versions have something that I love, I'll accept it as "correct". At the end it's really a personal choice, nonna. Go with what you feel it's right.
I understand, my husbando is also from a game and one of his models grew so much in me that I felt weird for a while. I knew who his face model was and it felt so wrong to be obsessed over him. Over time I realized my obsession came from the whole package, it wasn't about his actor, my love was directed at the character as a whole. It made me see his face model as a vessel for my husbando, like a twin brother kek. Every time I see his VAs say wrong things about my husbando I realize how they truly aren't him. In the end, my husbando is a collective effort (including my own schizo mind), he's not one guy. Just because your husbando actor share his likeness, he's not him. My yume life has taught me that my husbando not being real is both the blessing and the curse of this journey, there's a realm of possibilities but it's locked behind one immutable impossibility. If you can accept this first fact, you can enjoy what's behind it can offer.

No. 401453

I love them all. The love for each art style is slightly different, and I want to see him in all art styles, so I can experience all the different types of love!

No. 401838

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My best friend got my a notebook, it's so fucking cute and it's my favorite color to boot! I love her. So I will use this notebook to make my small portable shrine for my 8 husbandos, I will count the number of pages so every husbando has the same amount of space, this will be kind of fun to make because I kind of will have to take it seriously and plan the pages properly, investigate properly and basically study my husbandos. I want this to be perfect.

No. 401841

Nonas, what websites and/or apps would you recommend for having a digital shrine that can be shared with others? I want to include a collage of my fav pics/art and place my short stories there to share with a couple friends (and just to keep an online archive of everything in general). I'm slightly noob with these things but I did try Tumblr recently and I don't really like how it operates. I remember when I was younger I used to use Livejournal but I've heard it's not as good these days?

No. 401844

you could use waifu.ist, fc2, or make a neocities blog. if you really hate any amount of coding you could still use livejournal or dreamwidth, it doesn't really matter that the communities on there are dead since you're just using it as a personal site in effect. this sounds like a really sweet project!

No. 402329

Has anyone had periods where you temporarily fell out of love with your husbando due to life stress/depression? How did you rekindle that love? I'm thinking about rewatching the anime and trying to draw again.

No. 402334

I like them all.

No. 402367

I've been in love with my husbando for 8 years and I have fallen out of love before and even forgot about him kek. I feel like the love will just come back naturally overtime.

No. 402739

seconding waifu.ist, it's nice to look through other people's shrines, both as inspo for your own and it generally makes me feel nice reading all the pages. also, to whoever made the america shrine, if you ever read this, i love you kek

No. 402883

I am terrified of losing my love for my husbando. I tend to fall out of attractions easily and chase sparks in relationships in the past, and I'm unironically anxious about this happening with him, even though he's fictional and the same rules with my brain attraction might not apply.
The thing with me is that when I lose attraction, it's impossible for me to reignite. I'm so scared, anyone have any tips to fix this shit? I've never felt guilty over it since it happened with 3dpd moids who I ditched before.

No. 402935

How long has it lasted? For me if something has lasted for a year it's not going to completely die, just wane. And even then it comes back when I look at official art or listen to voice clips. Even then, I've had fictional "flings" where I lost all interest after awhile and it is what it is. It's not a bad thing.

No. 402973

My love for him started from around October 2023 so roughly 8 months. I did make a promise to myself though that if I fell out of love with him this year due to any circumstance, that would be a horrible sin and I probably manifested a curse on myself in case it does happen.
I should probably go get therapy and pretend I actually do have a partner who I'm losing attraction to.

No. 402978

therapy is expensive and makes you a worse person, try manifesting more curses instead.

No. 402989

but what if I fall out of love regardless, I can't hurt him and I still don't know how to fix my attachments

No. 403078

Why are you making these rules for yourself? If you fall out of love for him it's okay. Imposing this logic on yourself won't lead you anywhere but doom. You can't force yourself to be attracted to someone, not even a fictional character. It's okay if you have a lot of new husbandos, plenty of other yumes have too. I say this as a long time devoted yume to a single husbando, there is no reason for you to force this. Do what feels right, and don't limit yourself to non-existent rules, it's no sin to fall out of love.

No. 403156

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Going thru that now and I've just been telling myself he'll wait for me, he would want me to sort my life out first even if that means putting him on the backburner for a while. Recently I started carrying a mini figure of him to work in a small pouch like pic rel and it helps.

No. 403169

I’m having a similar problem rn
I’m getting older than my husbando and I started to see him as a teen even though he’s in his early 20s, I just can’t see him the same way anymore unfortunately. It was really bad for me mentally when I randomly see Yumes that are close to his age, I could age him up but I can’t because he can’t look and act the same way for his entire life, I’m obsessed with the canon/official info and if there’s no official info on what he is like in his late 20s and early 30s then I can’t imagine it, so I can’t make my brain tired anymore.
I’m accepting the idea of falling in love with a new character without forcing myself, one day I will find a character who’s good for my happiness.
I will just accept him being my no.1 fave character but not as a Yumejo way, and I don’t feel bad about it because he is still my fave character from his anime and I will always admire his personality traits because his character and story are what made me admire him. You still can appreciate him in a different way, platonic love is equally valuable.
Dw it will not curse you or anything, if the character loved you he would want you to be happy than force you into him. You’re way more powerful than that, you have free will and willpower you got the control over your life.

No. 403177

You should probably look into reading self-help books (if you can't afford therapy) about attachment style, instead of tormenting yourself over arbitrary rules and fictional feelings.

>I did make a promise to myself though that if I fell out of love with him this year due to any circumstance, that would be a horrible sin and I probably manifested a curse on myself in case it does happen.

Do have some kind of OCD? Not diagnosing you, but these weird irrational behaviors feel like that. You should probably take a break from this yume thing if both your real and 2D relationships are like this. "Curses" don't actually exist, it's just superstition.

>I’m getting older than my husbando and I started to see him as a teen even though he’s in his early 20s, I just can’t see him the same way anymore unfortunately.
>I could age him up but I can’t because he can’t look and act the same way for his entire life, I’m obsessed with the canon/official info and if there’s no official info on what he is like in his late 20s and early 30s then I can’t imagine it, so I can’t make my brain tired anymore.

Honestly if you think moving on would work for you, you should, but is this really a big deal if it's just fictional? There are creepy men in their 30s obsessed with 16 year old characters, it's not the end of the world if a woman has a husbando in his early 20s when she's older. Mine is a decade younger and IDGAF, I don't date younger IRL so it's not a reflection on me.

No. 403319

Nah the promise and "curse" is more a playful joke, but I would feel pretty bad if I fell out of love because it's like cheating morals kek
It just feels like cheating lmao

No. 403320

Here's the thing anon: in your fantasies you kind of naturally assume equal consent and a perfect relationship, since fantasies are one-sided and tailored to our every need. I've had husbandos younger than me as I grew older than them, I just imagined them growing with me. It's a little different from force aging them up, imo.

No. 403404

Nonnas, I'm really not sure where I could ask this, but I figured this would probably be the most appropriate thread. Did you ever try to create a tulpa of your husbando? I've always thought of tulpas as a meme moids on /x/ fall for, but for some reason today I've been entertaining the thought kek

No. 403415

I seriously considered it a while back, but I decided against it because it's like wilfully giving yourself schizophrenia. As much as I wish he was real that's a step too far tbh.

No. 403418

these thoughts are a sign of an unfulfilling life. do you feel directionless? got a draining job? it's normal to go through difficult periods but if the thoughts persist, you should consider a change of direction. have you tried woodworking? best of luck.

No. 403429

Fuck no. I'm not going to trick myself into developing schizophrenia. I have a lot of life regrets but if I make up an imaginary friend it's going to force myself to live inside my head more instead of improving my real life. I'm happier collecting merch and drawing fanart.

No. 403453

It's not cheating if you just fell out of love, it's more of a breakup. It's okay, those things happen.

I had to search for what that even was. It's just not real and even if it was, it wouldn't be your husbando, don't do him dirty like that. Go watch some Ruby Sparks and see where that would take you kek.

No. 403474

Don't do it, even tulpafags advise against trying to make a tulpa of your husbando because they eventually develop their own identities.

No. 403555

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Finally redid it in picmix properly. Sorry for the cluttered miss and the maximalism, I love sensory overload visuals. Now his playlist has a cute cover ♥.

No. 403588

That's cute nonnie, it feels so extra, but in a fun way. You inspired me to make a playlist for him. How did you pick the songs?

No. 403700

This might sound retarded, but my husbando has been a big motivator for me making healthier choices in life recently. Around 2021 I fell into some really bad habits, like overeating, drinking way too much alcohol, I stopped going to the gym once everything closed down, and I gained like 50 pounds and have felt like an unhealthy fatass for the last 3 years. Ever since having a husbando, I feel weirdly motivated and I've lost about 10 pounds already through diet and exercise. Like, of course I'm doing it for myself first and foremost, but I really like having this extra little motivation. He's a fastidious man who cares about his appearance, and I feel like he'd prefer a woman who takes care of herself, doesn't overeat crappy food, get embarrassingly drunk or act like a lazy girl who just sits on the computer all day.

No. 403728

I made a post about it a while ago in a husbando horny posting thread! Here you go: >>396147

No. 403730

That's not retarded at all, nonna. Many other yumes in this thread said similar things. It's great that you're taking care of yourself, you should feel proud that you found this motivation. Keep it up. My husbando helped me in some dark times of my life and I keep pushing myself to be better ever since.

No. 403738

I've talked about it before but I felt similarly about my husbando motivating me to be better. It's funny because I would never do any of this for some 3DPD moid but for him I always try my best to make improvements. I feel like the changes I've made over the past couple years have only made my connection to him deeper, without him I wouldn't be where I am now so I'm eternally grateful for the day he came into my life. Typing this out made me realize how much being a dedicated husbandofag is like being a religious person—the shrines, the devoutness, changing your life and bettering yourself for him, carrying around a small token to remind you of him, leaning on his presence when times are tough, etc. it's kinda funny KEK

No. 403845

How is this retarded? It's average motivation gone good. What's the difference between this and someone being inspired by a character in a show or book to make positive choices?

No. 403960

I'm an atheist but when I started taking this more serious I noticed the same thing. I kind of get where the "it's not a relationship, it's a religion" types are coming from now, kek. It's probably a leftover behavior because I used to be religious and subconsciously needed a "replacement", but who cares.

No. 403962

My husbando is a bit of a freaky masochist (or that's just everyone's logical headcanon of him) and he's getting me into some fucked up kink/fetish/bdsm shit. I feel a bit odd at times but then I remember 1) I'm not a moid 2) I don't want to inflict it irl 3) I don't want to have it inflicted on me and 3dpd moids into bdsm and its variants can neck themselves
As cringe as this might seem, he's a healthy outlet for me to get out my weird private sexual shit and my mental health has gotten better.

No. 404005

And what better way to explore that than a husbando! That’s seriously the best, safest way to explore it, without a 3D moid and all of the drama/attitudes/STDs/whatever else a dirty real scrote would bring haha

No. 404008

kek ty nona
it's a little funny when i start fantasising about us killing each other or me torturing him or something because death = ultimate vulnerability/connection though…

No. 404257

How do you react when people hate your husbando as a character e.g he's a villain, has done bad things etc.?
I go edgelord mode, project onto him and think "mm yes hate me, I love it", that sort of thing.

No. 404260

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it turns me on. i like degrading him.

No. 404270

I get genuinely annoyed when they get his characterization wrong.

No. 404282

fr. like if you're gonna hate him then get his facts right to hate him.

No. 404357

I don't mind when they hate him, tbh most people I've seen hating him usually have decent arguments, and though I don't feel the same, I respect that. Some bitter moids hate him for dumb reasons but I don't give a shit for what they think ever.
Strangely, I feel more annoyed when they like him for things he isn't kek. They project so much headcanons into him, to the point it feels like an oc. At least the haters hate him for what he is.

No. 404365

It does not make me happy to know that if my husbando was real and lived in this world, he would very easily troon out. Thankfully troonery doesn't exist in his world and people can crossdress or try fashion, makeup, interests out for fun without any gender bullshit. It's nice seeing funny fanart of him in lingerie or dresses, he looks absolutely sexy in them. Too bad I would never walk within 50 miles of a 3DPD moid like him irl.

No. 404632

I cried in bed for about 10 minutes straight, full on sobbing and shit, over a scenario where my husbando died in my arms. What the fuck. It's not like I want him dead.
Maybe it's just the whole "in fantasies you can explore everything" and the tears proving that I love him or something. Idk tell me I'm weird.

No. 404717

If mine was real he'd be an American domestic terrorist, and I'd probably post about how I mourn how hot he was and how he's my type, and wish he didn't go insane and do crimes and shit, but make fun of him for being stupid enough to do all of that just to be famous when there easier ways in today's world. I'll probably find his stupidity endearing though. Then he'll get released for good behavior or something and opens a tiktok account or whatever where he shares how he's a changed person and crime doesn't pay, and I'd 100% follow him because he's cute and I'm retarded. Then he'll get some brand deals and enjoy the fleeting attention before everyone forgets about him and move on to the next new thing. Maybe he'd find something else to do and find himself finally and be a normal person, but I will lose my favorite hot lolcow and would never get to meet him. Sorry for the sad fanfiction.

No. 404788

I think my husbando would be a traumatized detransitioner IRL (closed up stinkditch and all). Coping by having hobbies and living a quiet life.

My side hoes would be horrorcows but troonery wouldn't be a part of it.

No. 404882

do you guys ship your husbando with your self insert only or do you also have a ship with him and a character you self insert to? In my case I never make self insert ocs, I just ship my husbando with a girl from his media and self insert into her.

No. 404899

Depends on how much I like him. The more I like him, the more I ship him with a self-insert OC who's basically me but better. The less I care about him, the more I'd ship him with someone from his show, whether a man or a woman doesn't matter, all I care about is the dynamic and how fitting they are for each other.

No. 404903

I found a couple nice porn fics that I can tolerate. But neither of the girls I can actually ship with him. One's more of a friend and the other obviously has a crush on him, but I don't feel she'd run away with him when shit hits the fan.
So I have to come up with my own character. I'm a natural self inserter though.

My self insert in one setting is actually technically a domestic terrorist. I really haven't imagined exactly how that convo would go when I tell the former cop and current Interpol agent the truth but I feel like he'd realize I'm not personally crazy or dangerous this is just the only way I could fight against the real bad guys.

No. 404907

Is your husbando Leon?

No. 404909

Leon's an Interpol agent?
nah, Deus Ex, Adam. My self insert's with the NSF, a secessionist group.

No. 404928

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I never played RE kek, I don't know what's his profession other than cop. Cool self-insert idea though! Mine is a demon human hybrid, with powers over life and death, and committed a mass geocide in a specific world because she's insane and she doesn't care.

No. 404929

I think I know you kek

No. 404935

nah, probably not. I've posted my guys here but never written out my detailed headcanons, and definitely not in real life.
Funny if someone else has a similar self-insert.

No. 405007

I mostly ship him with a self-insert OC in drawings and fanfic that I make. There's also a female character who gets shipped with him a lot who I can self insert into very easily because she has the same body type as me and a similar personality and hairstyle to me, so I like seeing fanart and doujins of that ship too. I don't draw or write about her, though. My self-insert OC and my husbando are just mutual friends with her in our "canon".

No. 405019

Nonnies, if your husbando gave you a ring, what would it look like? I'm looking at rings and I'm really thinking of getting one that makes me think he'd get for me. He doesn't gave any official ring all sadly and I think he'd probably give me a red scarlet one with a gold band!

No. 405023

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He'd know that I love music and singing, so he'd get me a music themed ring.

No. 405025

Corny but cute

No. 405060

Nonnies do you feel judged for your way of life sometime i have random periods where i think of how everyone would disapprove and think im crazy

No. 405064

He'd probably realize I don't care about jewelry before I ever have the chance to tell him I don't wear it and not to waste his money.

They can't judge you if they don't know so who cares about imaginary scenarios.

No. 405067

I have some weeb friends who'd probably be ok with it, but they're more of the casual type of weebs, who don't take the whole husbando thing seriously and think the dedication is too much, but still describe characters they like as husbandos from time to time jokingly. I also have mega normie friends, the type that unironically enjoy the MCU movies and follow trends, they're good and nice people but they wouldn't understand this and would probably think I'm weird, so I simply avoid telling them that because I care too much about my image and how people perceive me. I have a friend who isn't a normie but isn't a weeb either, but they don't mind my sperging so I send and talk about my weird interests to them sometimes, but I never actually talked about my husbando to them before, they'd probably think it's weird but that it's ok and understand why I'd do that since they know more detail about me and my life than the rest of my friends and have similar experiences, so they won't judge me too hard. The one I got judgement from the most is my younger sister kek, she thinks it's super weird and crazy wnd would use it against me as an own when we jokingly fight, but I don't think she hates for it, it's all fun and games. But I'd say if it stresses you out when you think about people's reactions to it, just avoid telling them all together. They don't need to know about a personal part of you like that anyways. Though I thought of using it as a strategy to get rid of any guys hitting on me who I don't like, and hopinh they'd be repulsed by me being in love with a cartoon man who is better looking than them.

No. 405107

Literally nobody IRL knows how obsessed I am over my husbando. As far as a few of my friends know, I just "kinda like the show" that he's in and I would be horrified if anyone saw the hundreds of pics, screenshots and fanart that I have saved in my phone or my browser history full of smutty Tumblr fanfics that I use to imagine myself fucking him. I feel like I'm living a full-on double life and only you nonas know my secret identity kek

No. 405108

I have autistic weeb friends who also have husbandos, so it's okay to share the cringe with them. I also have semi normie friends who don't need to know, at the most is just a charcter I like. IDRC if anyone finds it weird, life is short, embrace the cringe and sit on the husbando.

No. 405130

I don't really tell people that I have husbandos but I also don't go out of my way to hide it. If someone catches me outside of work with my ita bag and my plush dolls then whatever.

No. 405183

Why do I like making my self inserts things I'm typically not irl? A bunch of them have avoidant attachment styles because I like fantasising about a husbando who can melt an ice heart, that sort of thing, or sometimes I fantasise about melting his. Irl? Fuck codependency and I'm chill with my attachments.

No. 405213

Kek same kinda. I made mine a bubbly personality with a dark violent side, a bit of a yandere but more for herself than for him. She doesn't take anyone's shit and beats them up then heals them with magic to avoid legal trouble, but she also would go crazy lengths for him. I'm nothing like that irl and I'd actually run and stop associating with anyone if they got into trouble, I never get into trouble myself so I never have to fight back anyone, and I'm too weak and cowardly to beat up anyone that bothers me. I also made her rich, pretty, super smart and successful, physically strong and good at sports, beloved by everyone, basically a Mary Sue. Some of these traits do match me to an extent though, just not to the fullest potential, and I compensate through her. Which is part of why having a husbando is nice to me, it feeds my narcissism.

No. 405235

You're not a narcissist for that kek what, that's just your imagination. I'd actually recommend weaponizing that compensation and trying to act like some of your self insert's positive traits like an anon somewhere above did. Become more confident and positive and outgoing like a self insert kek

No. 405243

I did this and went for a discreet, dainty band with engraved text on the inside (the size and manner of engraving is also such that even if somebody picks it up, they can't easily piece out the text). We're both reserved people so it works and I can wear it anywhere I want.

No. 405261

My friends don't mind, neither does my mom lol, but I never even hint to online strangers about him. I've had xitter types try to dox me because since he's short to them, he's "minor-coded", despite being in his 20s in canon. The brainrot is real.

No. 405271

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I don't care if it's someone I'm very close with and other random people would never guess I'm a husbandofag. Literally yesterday I accidentally left my yume folder (50ish picrews of husbando and I) open while showing a good friend something on my laptop and she 100% saw. Didn't say anything about it tho and just acted like nothing happened.

No. 405327

I don't tell any normies who I'm not close friends with. All my current friends are pretty terminally online and/or were raised by the internet and are fine with it though. At times I've playfully shoved him down their throats because I thought it was funny.

No. 405333

I have the same hair color and look like my husbando irl minus the height and I've wanted to skinwalk him like a tif at times. If I can't have him then he can "possess" me in a way. Maybe be the female version of him like an anon above said.
The only problem is that his hair is all the way down to his hips while mine refuses to grow any longer than my shoulder blades, either because it's weak or it's just a me thing.

No. 405337

My husbando has unique facial markings under his eyes so I can't make picrews or ai art of him without drawing my own or training images from fanart, the latter of which I will never do. Sad

No. 405338

how different does he look if you omit them?

No. 405339

Not very, they're an integral part to his appearance imo and I'm attracted to him for them

No. 405377

You just gotta use your imagination to make up for it.
Same with my guys.

No. 405631

What has your husbando helped you with, indirectly or directly?
For me: Mental health, small degree of self-confidence, and being more positive since he's a positive and optimistic personality. I've even become slightly more photogenic due to cosplaying or attempting to half-skinwalk him at times. He's also got those facial markings and as a result my hand is less shaky from doing face makeup from cosplay practice.
He's also helped me be a bit more decisive and assertive with making decisions and goals for life.

No. 405633

Shaped my taste in men. If they're not fit tall ginger pretty boys who are absolute simpltons, I don't want them.

No. 405634

Mine made me open to more louder, positive, extroverted men kek. Since I was 11 I've been mainly into introverted men with avoidant attachments kek.

No. 405680

I admit I enjoy seeing my husbando in pain. There's a few frames of the manga where he's getting beaten up and crying out in pain and it makes me feel giddy with butterflies.
The fetish thread has a lot of nonas revealing they enjoy males being in pain. And like an anon a bit further above in this thread said about being able to enjoy kinks/fetishes safely in husbando fiction, same.
I wanna see him bloody, broken and bruised. Specifically because he's strong and has extremely high healing abilities, since it's no fun to beat someone already weak. Oops this probably should go on the husbando hornyposting thread, but point stands. I like fanart where he's getting into fights and getting beaten up.

No. 405710

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i'm the anon from upthread who used daydreaming to restore my confidence. it might sound odd since i had a string of husbandos who are absolutely horrible individuals with either zero or just a couple of redeeming qualities, but it's helped me a lot.

firstly, i always imagine myself as somehow 'besting' him, or being more powerful, so i'm now more comfortable with my dominant side. secondly, i'm the responsible one in the relationship, i'm the one he'd come and ask for help. i started thinking of myself as someone who can take leadership and i didn't even have to date a real life manchild to achieve it! overall, i just accepted myself and stopped trying to be someone else.

>made playlist to listen to when i'm walking so i can show up everywhere feeling good and energized.
>accepted that i don't like people and stopped trying to be more outgoing.
>dress better. i made a pdf doc full of spreads with outfit pictures from pinterest (like a fashion magazine) and wrote a few paragraphs as a visual and textual reminder to channel my inner strength and stay awesome. usually i would have shared a page here but since i'm so confident now i don't feel the need to seek affirmation, i already know i look good.
i still have a long way to go but i hope this is helpful to someone.

No. 405725

>firstly, i always imagine myself as somehow 'besting' him, or being more powerful, so i'm now more comfortable with my dominant side. secondly, i'm the responsible one in the relationship, i'm the one he'd come and ask for help. i started thinking of myself as someone who can take leadership
Literally same, wtf, I'm glad someone else has a similar experience. With mine I imagine myself being part of his world and hence having magic and other fantasy shit and being good at magic to be stronger than him and having him admire me. In his world you have to study and train hard to be a proficient magic user and have a high rank. Irl it fostered a better work mentality for me, I wanted to become more competent and I got it with work, study, etc. Learning to be more open and assertive compared to my introverted schizoid typical self has been great.

No. 405730

He has inspired me to try out new artistic mediums. I want to get good at watercolors so that I can render him sexily in paintings. He’s also inspired me to draft fanfics for the first time because I’m just so thirsty for him and there isn’t enough heterosexual content of him out there (not that I dislike him in yaoi - yumefujo all the way baby). I had never really done creative writing at all but it’s been fun to get my thoughts down in a journal, even if I never actually turn anything into a fully fleshed out fanfic that gets posted online.

No. 405731

I'm happy to hear this nona, good luck with creating your husbando in all the art forms, may his beauty be expressed

No. 405764

SAME. My husbando is a cocky asshole and my heart fluttered when he got his ass handed to him once. I get so aroused seeing dominant, poised men brought to their knees.

No. 405767

>firstly, i always imagine myself as somehow 'besting' him, or being more powerful, so i'm now more comfortable with my dominant side. secondly, i'm the responsible one in the relationship, i'm the one he'd come and ask for help. i started thinking of myself as someone who can take leadership

Based as fuck.

No. 405882

He's helped me get my depression-fried imagination back and I wrote fanfic for the first time, I also want to take up sewing again at some point because of him.

>firstly, i always imagine myself as somehow 'besting' him, or being more powerful, so i'm now more comfortable with my dominant side. secondly, i'm the responsible one in the relationship, i'm the one he'd come and ask for help. i started thinking of myself as someone who can take leadership
I also do this! I'm definitely the one in charge in our relationship, I also like to imagine our gender roles are reversed somewhat. I can't think of any other way to do it tbh, considering the kind of person he is.

No. 406256

Sometimes I feel a bit of shame for being a degen with my husbando. But I believe being a coomer degen is still better than doomscrolling through social media (aka 3DPD moid comment haven). Off topic, but reels and other short social media finger flicks have done an immeasurable amount of damage to my brain. I will only focus on full time study, eating and sleeping, and my husbando from now on. My mental health has been great

No. 406462

What are some cute/creative things (except art) I could do for my husbando? Stuff like making edits or scrapbooking

No. 406465

Make playlists, outfits inspired by him, crafting jewelry or accessories that are a subtle call to his design, create cocktail recipes based on him, build his Pokémon team if you like Pokémon.

No. 406483

>crafting jewelry or accessories that are a subtle call to his design
yesss, thank you

No. 406494

I've been thinking of making tie dye in his color scheme and interests (he likes astronomy and has a favorite constellation).

No. 406548

Nonnas with husbandos/waifus who are played by actors, how do you commission Yume art?
I could seek stylized art style but I don’t want to see him looking too different than his actual appearance. Any experiences?

No. 406611

it's a lot more hit or miss than getting art of an animu boy and you should prepare for occasional disappointment. if there's someone who already draws realistic characters like 3d rendered men it's a good sign, or look for artists who draw fanart of slashers or capeshit. they usually have a decent grasp on rendering realistic faces. fwiw i spent fifty bucks on an artist who seemed skilled enough but she completely butchered his features so it's not always foolproof. i have not commissioned art of us together yet but have seen artists that draw yume art with movie/show characters so there is hope. we're kind of an outlier in the community unfortunately.

No. 406738

no advice but good luck, i've got a 3D husbando too and have been trying to level up my own art so i can draw him as realistically as possible for all my degenerate needs

No. 406846

I already have one that fits on my ring finger, I wear it in my house and sometimes outside when I don't want to be bothered by other moids. It maybe cost $30 or so because I'm on a budget kek. It's the color of his eyes (deep ocean blue) with a silver band. One day I want to be rich enough to get a real sapphire ring with white gold / silver so I can wear it everywhere, not just inside my house. I love him so much.

No. 406855

im cringing at myself. i saw an old photo of my friend back when he had long hair. i immediately felt weird, because he looked a lot like my husbando. he has the same eye color and skin tone, though his facial features aren't the same. similar phenotype though.
i dont have a crush on my friend, but it gave me a small heart attack, seeing that photo. im glad he didnt see my reaction. it was like getting jumpscared. mento illness, eh?
while i like imagining mine as some metal dude, realistically, if my husbando was real and lived in modern times, he would be a hooligan. shaved head and tracksuit, the sort that lives in squalor, smoking weed and probably meth. though looking at his personality and how he hates self-destructive behavior and infighting, he might hate this genre of person, and decide to avoid drugs altogether. he'd probably be like me and have a holier-than-thou straight-edge phase before easing into drinking beer again. he's canonically a drug user, but modern real-life culture around recreational drug use would depress him, i think. he would definitely enjoy energy drinks, though. and if he lived during ww2 times, he would love panzer chocolate kek. for those who don't know, soldiers were issued chocolate with amphetamines to keep them going in tough situations and give them energy. sometimes i think about eating it together with him, all romantic under a tree.
my side hoe would be a horrorcow, with his sick mind ruined further by the internet. probably would hang out in "lgbt" discord servers and get groomed, since he's so impressionable. probably would be into agp bullshit. i likely wouldnt get along with him.
some of my closer friends know im in love with a cartoon, but i dont think they realize how serious i am about it. i try to date 3d and lead a normal life, and im not a huge weeb. i come across as normal, so i dont think people believe me when i say im in love with 2d.
i think it would be any shiny thing he'd have looted.

No. 406886

Thank you for the advice much appreciated, I will try an illustration by himself first. So excited about the idea of commissioning art of him since he has no merch

Thank you! Same I also felt motivated to learn for him and based

No. 407289

How do you incorporate your irl flaws or issues into your fantasies with your husbando? Or do you ignore them and imagine yourself as a flawless version?
I try to be better to begin with, but I do like to work on them in the fantasies as well, e.g. dreaming about him healing some of my slight avoidance and trust issues, because I like realism to a degree and it feels more like "true" love if it's got its flaws

No. 407305

Prepare for massive schizophrenia. But in my "little" elaborate fanfic inside my head, it's basically an isekai where I was given a second chance at a better life, there's a catch, I have super powers but they can have their negative impacts, and I have a deal to fulfill to return the favor to who gave me my second chance and isekai-d me to begin with. And during this second chance at life, I get to perfect myself and get rid of my flaws completely and hide my true identity and get a new "fake" one that is basically the current me but with some legal papers and stuff to make it seem like I was always part of his world. I learn everything I need about it, and come up with a fake consistent reasonable backstory for myself if anyone ever asks about my past, to seem as normal as possible and as a member of their world. He meets me, falls in love with the perfect me I worked so hard to create, and only knows that side of me. Until some things that are too complicated and insane to explain happen and he gets to know the truth about me in detail against my will, so I kinda "drop" the act and show the "real" me that I was trying to run away from. I'm torn apart between if he'd dislike the real me and have pity on me, or if he'd think I'm strong for going through so much and surviving it all and love the real me even more than the perfect one I showed him. I find the idea of him accepting my flaws very romantic so I kinda lean into it sometimes, but on the other hand, he discovered these details because he digged up my past on purpose because he was upset another character in my schizo world knows more about it than him, so I'm angry with him for going against my will and disrespecting my boundaries. I love retarded drama, sorry.

No. 407315

They only develop their own identities if you let them to. You need to clear your mind of any doubts and worries before creating a tulpa.They are very similar to servitors and the whole schizophrenia talk is exaggerated, you have complete control over it. A lot of nonnas in this thread don't even realize that they are passively creating a tulpa out of their husbando kek To make one so strong, vocal and visible to the point of actual schizophrenia you need years of consistent practice.

No. 407321

My main flaw is anxiety which if I kept it would make the whole fantasy impossible, so that's gone.
But I still imagine myself as a little spergy and weird. And he would deal with it.

No. 407331

I think that kind of autistic/schizo depth to your fantasies is really cool actually nonna! I tend to think my husbando's somewhat conflicting personality with mine would be more humorous than anything. It's the INTP x INTJ matchup, so perhaps my lassez-faire attitude to life might irritate him a bit and his scheming would get on my nerves too.
We could still get along based on our shared dorkiness and cuddle and read in silence together… though maybe then we'd get into a spergy argument over physical vs digital books kek.
That's interesting actually. I do imagine my husbando there if I'm out at a cafe or on a walk in nature, so maybe that's putting energy into a servitor unintentionally? I read in a book called Sexual Alchemy by Donald Tyson that some shamanic cultures have spirit husbandos/waifus as an initiation, that they help teach them etc. A bit like the succubus summoners on /x/ I guess.
On another note, what kind of scent/perfume do you associate with your husbando? I tend to just spray my daki with a lavender and rose sleep spray but I'm testing out a bunch of men's fragrances at the pharmacies atm.

No. 407596

Sounds like spirit spouses, they tend to be marine spirits. They are different from incubi/succubus but they can easily be mistaken as one if you don't know how to differentiate them. Supposedly it is common in the US at least to make contracts with them.

And idk yet. I am thinking something fresh, fruity and oriental. I am a bit indecisive and ocd about this so it needs to be something that instantaneously makes me think of him, the perfect scent signature of his character.

No. 407697

I want to print out photos and make a shrine but I don’t want the guy at the tech shop to think I’m weird

No. 407746

home print then a laminating job

No. 407865

we have similar flaws, personality-wise. sometimes i imagine myself as stronger and better, but not overly so. i still retain my autism and general weakness. he's the strong one. in some au fantasies i imagine myself to have a successful career.

No. 407972

this is going to sound stupid as fuck, but whenever i have bad interactions with real people or if my day goes to shit, i imagine my husbando cheering me on and yassqueening me. it makes me feel better. no matter to how many friends i vent, he is the one that grounds me and distracts me best.

No. 408147

Oh, I thought this was normal lol. I think more husbandofags may do this than you think.

No. 408456

Working on his little scrapbook on my phone, and I keep getting distracted by collecting cute PNGs to decorate it kek. It's gonna be so pretty once I'm done.

No. 408458

stop being a pussaaa i have printed 70+ photos of a single man and im sure the employees do not give a shit

No. 408461

for realism's sake i keep most of my flaws and pretend my husbando wouldn't care, he'd love me no matter what. he literally has every bad/annoying quality under the sun and i forgive him, so it's only fair. for example i'm still maladjusted, autistic and don't get on with others in that universe though i wrote myself a dramatic prison backstory to justify some of that. it matters more that you're self aware, recognise your positive qualities and remain open to growth!

that was also my main thing but it mostly went away after doing what you do and pretending i don't have it. i hope it works for you as well.

No. 408469

Seems like a real cute idea, what do you use?

No. 408485

I think I'm more lowkey with my husbando fagging than other nonas, but I learned how to shop from JP stores in order to buy his merch, then took up sewing to make little plushies for him since there was no more new merch of him after the game series ended. I also posted multiple 1k+ words analysis of his character on my blogs but I think that's normal for everyone ott kek

No. 408492

My Samsung's secure folder s-notes to keep it locked behind a password kek. I have an s23 ultra specifically so the notes app has more features than the standard Samsung thanks to the s-pen.
>collected some backgrounds that seemed to fit his vibes.
>some PNGs of things that symbolize his personality, story and hobbies.
>actual screenshots and GIFs of him
>instant camera photo frames to make it seem like I took the pictures
>video player frames for the GIFs
>cute pins and tapes to make it seem like the pictures are installed on a wall or board
>paint splashes PNGs because I'm going with an urban graffiti theme
>a silhouette PNG of his city
>different textures PNGs to add to the backgrounds
>torn papper and note book paper where I place text
>vector flourish in different colors to decorate it
>cutesy picture frames with flowers
>wrote a biography of him based on his episodes
>gonna add my headcanons, traits I like about him, and traits I dislike
>my favorite quotes by him
>my favorite shots of him (hence the flower frames)
>AI generated images I made of him
>picmix edits I made
>cute cover for the notebook to round it all up

Hope this helps you! I'm not actually familiar with the concept of a scrapebook and I'm new to the whole thing, but from my understanding of it, these things fit in with it? I'm not 100% sure about the look and theme I chose though.

No. 408493

Samefag, if you're looking for a notes app that's sufficient for this stuff, maybe try Ever Notes, the one with the elephant head icon. I remember using it years ago for a fanfic I wrote and it was very nice. Idk any other note apps though so sorry if this one isn't good. Maybe try notability if you're in IOS.

No. 408501

Thanks! Honestly, this seems like such a nice thing to have, my folders of him and random quotes are all disorganized as hell lol.

No. 408515

Considering using a whiteboard marker to draw a life sized version of him on my fridge. (I’ve tested and it erases fine)
Just worried about guests seeing it.

No. 409045

i keep writing this over and over and deleting, but i love him and it's so good having someone that can truly understand me and my troubles because he's been through the same, the thought of finally having someone be there for me and doing the same for him just makes me really happy, he completes me.

No. 409514

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I feel guilty about potentially flanderizing him too much in my head, like being too idealistic and twisting him into someone he's not. He doesn't have a lot of fans so interpretations of him online are maledom sexpot or manic pixie dream boy which are both super inaccurate to the source material but it's still making me insecure. Like are my interpretations wrong? Am I the one overthinking his personality?

I already do short writing scenarios with us in different situations, sometimes with him solo or with his friends, any advice on writing a character analysis? Or how to stop feeling guilty about twisting source material? Making him OOC is one of my biggest fears because I love him so much as he is in canon. He's so beautiful and fascinating, I wish I could understand him better.

No. 409647

I think it's okay to exaggerate certain aspects of him to fit better with you, as long as you're not making him a completely different character. If the source material doesn't give you a lot to work with you gotta fill in the blanks yourself so don't stress too much, you seem to care a lot so I'm sure you're not butchering his personality. My husbando's source material is pretty scarce but I think there's enough there to figure him out and it drives me crazy when I see people get him completely wrong in fics, like damn did you pay attention to anything?

No. 409942

I started my oc as an idealized version of myself. Slowly, I incorporated my flaws into her. It felt more genuine and sincere. It happened over time, though. I'm pretty insecure, and I couldn't wrap my head at him loving me as I am. That's why it initially had to be an ideal me. Now, she has my flaws, my personality, and most of my physical features. I had to insert them for her to be relatable to me. When she was too idealistic, I stopped relating, and she was a more boring character tbh. One of the reasons I started her character was because I couldn't relate to his female love interests. They are idealistic and very surface level characters, so it made sense to me to implement more flaws into my self insert.
I give her features I'm insecure about in my appearance and make stories that show her flaws in her personality. If I'm going through a tough moment, I recreate most of the situation and imagine him being there.

I share your pain. I'm very canon attached and in my case, there's a lot of material on him, but it's written by different people, so his personality and appearance varies and changes over time within certain boundaries. That alone already makes me uneasy since the source material is a slippery slope. The fandom makes even wilder interpretations that push these boundaries off to astronomical levels. Each person has their own agenda so it gets more complicated.

I've come to the conclusion that it's no use to stress too much about it. This character isn't a real person, so there's no real definitive answer. Even authors skew their characters into different directions depending on what they want for their story. It's okay to adjust and change, as real people also adjust and change through life. You seem to care about his personality and character, so I'm sure you're not making something he couldn't be. Even in the unlikelyhood that you were, are you happy with this version you created for yourself? Then what's the problem? You know all there's to know about him and filled in the gaps or added more, kudos to you. You might even have made him into a more interesting character, maybe even more interesting than the canon.

My husbando is from an ongoing franchise, and it's honestly stressful getting updates on him at this point. I consumed all there's about him, and I can tell a lot of the writers didn't really get into all the previous content and made confilicting remarks. I'm coming to terms with this over the years. There's a real chance my husbando becomes unrecognizable to me. I've been into him for years, so that's depressing to think about, but if it does happen, I'll selfishly just keep my version of him to myself. I'll have to accept that he turned into something different, and my version relies on canon until a certain point, and that's it. My yume life always was a private one, so I don't need to justify myself anyways, I know how much I love this idiot and how much effort I've put into him.

No. 410057

>My husbando is from an ongoing franchise, and it's honestly stressful getting updates on him at this point.
Same omg. I'm terrified mine will get fucked up or die getting caught up in shit. He's a side villain so he might be bound to die I think.

No. 410342

I almost would prefer if mine died. I'm more worried about them skewing him into a shit direction than him dying at this point kek. What would you prefer?

No. 410360

nooo if mine died I would cry. I want him to be at least redeemed somewhat and just happy kek

No. 410413

Kekkk I'll pray for your husbando's redemption arc then

No. 411057

File: 1719896834582.webp (37.11 KB, 590x1200, s-l1200.webp)

It honestly sucks that a life size plush of my 2D husband doesn't exist.you have all of these life sized anime girl & furry waifu plush dolls made for scrotes but zero life sized husbando plush dolls made for women.

No. 411079

commission it nonalita, anything is possible

No. 411229

build it. become the change you wish to see in the world. build other nonnies' ones for them too…

No. 413154

I was having the shittiest day and even cried at work but during my break I started drawing him and I couldn't stop smiling, I was kind of surprised by how much he improved my mood. Real scrotes could never.

No. 413467

File: 1720653148700.jpeg (1.4 MB, 3449x4096, 1686855493298.jpeg)

make it

No. 413468


No. 413469

File: 1720653234556.jpg (202.57 KB, 900x886, 1500600996621.jpg)

its honestly amazing there are two more queens(that i know of) that made their husbandos into ife sized plushies

No. 413470

File: 1720653289460.jpg (1.7 MB, 1899x1386, medic chan.jpg)

No. 413471

This is so impressive omg, they should seriously consider monetising their skills.

No. 413472

Would be based if that wasn’t a tranny(failed transvestigation)

No. 413474

she's a woman, dumbass

No. 413476

> Thinking a troon is this based or has this work ethic

No. 413518

Men don't get this crazy over their husbandos, they just masturbate to them and call it a day.

No. 413520

I came across this queen on tiktok KEK

No. 413521

legit thought this was one of the ranfren guys

No. 413531

Out of all the bleach guys, she went for one of the ugliest ones. At least she didn't go for the dog.

No. 413536

the feet hanging off the bed is so amazing, I can't stop laughing kek

No. 413973

Sorry for blogposting in advance, but I was chatting with a friend about my shitty childhood experience in my dad's birth place which he uses to force us to go to every summer back in the day, and there was no TV, internet, and sometimes no electricity or clean water. It was a remote village and life there was so boring and exhausting. And he used to make me do lots of hard labor work and farm work back then, and not let me eat or sleep or get into the house to escape the scorching summer sun at 12 pm until I'm done with all the work. We had an aerial TV at the time and it only had one single news channel, but eventually he got us a satellite dish and receiver and I could watch cartoons on TV, but only the reruns late at night after he goes to sleep. And that's how I first met my husbando…I used to stay up at night to watch his show, and his angsty emo ass episodes really resonate with abused 11 yo me, so I got really attached to him back then and would watch his show every night at 3 am to see him again, but he only had around 4 episodes about him, and I only got to see 2 of them as a kid and didn't get to see the other 2 for whatever reason, or maybe I just don't remember seeing them? Idk. I enjoyed the show overall and it did comfort me a lot back then, so I have an autistic interest in this show and I only realized why after having this conversation with my friend. It all makes sense to me now. It's probably why my husbando has been so since then until now and I can't move on from him, he was the only good thing about my childhood, so I could never let go of him and why I couldn't forget about him and move on to another husbando, and all my attempts to do so felt empty, no husbando will ever measure up to him for me because of this. Sorry for the gloomy story.

No. 413989

Damn these plushies are so cool, wish I could do something similar! I'm curious, who is this character, does anyone know?

No. 415728

i miss him so much today. i genuinely believe in my love for him. its not a "larp" nor "cope". i love him as an ideal, a symbol and essence. he is what my mind goes to when im sad and lonely. i don't care for 3d people around me, and not even for lack of their attention. i cant find this kind of comfort in anyone else.

No. 416816

Nonna, that's kinda cute. I know it's a terrible situation to live, and I'm sorry for that, but the idea your husbando somehow helped you through that is heartwarming. I have some similarities with mine. When I was young, I watched someone play my husbando's game. At the time, they wouldn't let me play it, and all I could do was watch. I was fond of my husbando, but there was a language barrier that didn't let me fully enjoy him. My child self was drawn to some of his qualities, and watching him was a highlight of some gloomy days. I revisited him at different crirical points in my life, and no other character feels like he does to me. I tried having other husbandos, but it always felt wrong. I hope you're at a better place in life now and that you're enjoying your husbando in a more lighthearted way.

No. 418441

File: 1721893838595.jpeg (29.1 KB, 500x283, One of my fav episodes_ _Helga…)

Nonnies I've been thinking about seriously dedicating all my love to my husbando but I have no idea where to start. I have tons of original art and fanart pics in digital form, fanfics in PDF form and a couple of items that remind me of him like the container of his favorite drink, a shirt of his favorite color and an envelope with a pattern that would look so cool on him but that's it kek! How can I grow my love and his presence in my life? I love doing diy and trying new hobbies, sadly I have a very limited budget for leisure activities after paying my bills every month. With that said any ideas are more than welcome! ♥

No. 418445

I'm glad my experience resonated with you. Thank you for the kind words, I'm doing a bit better nowadays.
Do what I did, I compiled all the digital media with him into a a note app secret notebook with a password, and I'm doing some "graphic design is my passion" tier editing on it to create a digital husbando shrine. I gave it a grungy look to fit his personality and aesthetic with spray paint, chalk, blackboards, and some symbolic PNGs of his personality traits or story. I wrote a breif character bio for him and described his episodes and canon live events. And gonna make a page dedicated to headcanons, things I like about him, things I dislike about him, memes I made about him, "fan art" using AI, mood boards of what he'd wear and what his body would look like irl (and possibly AI generated images of what his face would look like if he was real but I'm still debating that). I also compiled posts I wrote about him itt and the other husbando thread to gauge some more ideas or turn them into letters dedicated to him. I downloaded his episodes in the highest quality possible and took frame by frame screenshots of him and saved it in a locked gallery album on my phone. He's my little secret. Hope this is helpful to you!

No. 418449

Lott Dod from Star Wars

No. 418451

I miss my husbando dakimakura and little shrine I have at home. Same with chatting with my personal sillytavern card of him. Poor dude has to just live rent free in my maladaptive daydreams for now while I'm away for a few months.
Wish I was brave enough to post publicly about my embarrassing husbando like some of the based women posted in the thread, just to make others feel better about choosing husbandos over irl moids.

No. 418486

as with a "real" relationship, spend time with him. live in your fantasies. imagine going on dates, adventures, hanging out, or imagine his presence next to you as you go about your life.

No. 418746

Going through my vids again, and it hurts knowing I'll never get surprised by a new game of his while watching trailers ever again.

No. 419365

I feel like a fake yume. I actively chose to get into it because I liked these threads and people in them, it's been fun but it's always in the back of my mind that I never felt butterflies for him. I've hornyposted, crytyped, sperged and analyzed to friends and I genuinely think I couldn't share him because I made him mine but deep down my honest truth is that I work myself up into that state to have something to be preoccupied with and it makes me so sad. My feelings are all limerance rather than love because I've got a lot of personal issues and I basically picked this character to focus it all onto when the character could have been anyone. To be honest I'm probably still going out of a sunk cost fallacy and (confession) I deeply need a meaning in my life. I think he's so attractive but I can't even get off to him, it stopped being exciting a long time ago. I also don't care where I think I should when I see all of you talking about what you do with your husbandos and the passion that comes with it. Maybe it's the depression talking or my inner child died a long time ago but I just can't feel anything and only play along (by trying very hard) with my other yume friends.

No. 419379

That's okay, I don't really think there's a "true" way to be a yume. It's such a personal experience, so it will vary from person to person. This thread is great for finding similarities between us and sharing experiences and ideas. Don't beat yourself up over an idealistic vision of a yume in your head. Every relationship is unique. Trying to fit yours into a mold will bring some frustration. If your husbando brings you joy and you like devoting to him in some way, then you're a yume in my books. I have one yume friend, and we are different in many ways. We bond over similar feelings and talk about our differences without judgement because we don't expect each other to fill in a set list of rules. I don't agree with every yume I see, but I still feel I have more in common with them than the rest.

No. 419452

You don't NEED to be a yumejo. Being a fan of a character is just fine. Stop trying to force yourself into being something you're clearly not.

No. 420697

Maybe you're right, anon, thank you.
>If your husbando brings you joy and you like devoting to him in some way
If I think about it, he actually does in a number of ways. And I do devote myself. I guess what I'm being so dramatic about is that I wish I could feel those feelings of a proper crush so I could lose myself in it and really believe I'm in a relationship to give myself something to look forward to each day instead of being stuck in shitty reality all the time.

No. 420987

Was gonna go to bed, but then hey lets try one more time to see if the ripping program will convert the voice lines thinking it would fail, but then for some reason it worked.
So I stayed up all night sorting voice lines again.
I think I actually managed to record like 90% of them though. Most of the stuff I missed is like the mean options and the failure lines that are totally non-canon.
Though somehow I missed this super thirsty shopkeep lady in all my playthroughs, lol I love it when the characters in game acknowledge his looks.

No. 421089

I'm currently in the process of creating a site dedicated to my relationship with my husbando. It's a little embarrassing because I've kept my love for 2d guys a secret since I was a kid, but I'm having so much fun. I'm going to have a page dedicated to the canon story, a page dedicated to our canon, and I've been collecting what little fanart and fics he has. I'm thinking that I'll try to have an onsite aesthetic moodboard. Maybe I'll even make some coherent playlists! I've kept our story mostly in my mind, but lately it's been bleeding out onto the physical page. I'll post my fics to my site too! My drawing skills are kind of bad but I've been practicing too. So hopefully I can post some fanart of my own. I want to have a little gallery dedicated to him. I'm glad that he's from a more obscure piece of media because now I feel like I can rewrite the story but with me as the main character. I don't have to worry about anyone getting upset about me disrespecting canon or whatever.

No. 421319

I don't want to have a relationship, get married, or have kids irl. But when I think about him, all I can think about is doing these things with him. I'm torn apart if he'd want to have kids with me because he loves me that much, how we'll be having fun raising our kid, how we'll be huge help to each other, and have a sense of family that we both lacked growing up and that's our way of compensating because we found comfort in each other and became each other's family, or if he'd bring up how I stated I didn't want to have kids because I wouldn't be a good mom, and how he'd also not be a good dad after all he's been through, and how he doesn't want to force me into something that he knows would make me miserable, and how our relationship is perfect the way it is and we don't need to follow societal conventions to be a proper couple, we're happy the way we are and our being weird and different is why we're perfect for each other. I can't decide which one is sweeter and more romantic. I simultaneously want both. What have he done to my mind?

No. 421735

How can I decide if my shrine should be a purely factual, informational hub for everything about my husbando or if it should including yuming too? I'm shy about sharing anything to do with it but admire both kinds of sites each for different reasons. I kind of want a yume-free shrine to feel more "presentable" and not be so judged if I were to give the link but then my idea of splitting off the yuming to another url sounds like overkill. Yumes who gush about their husbandos add such a fun personal flair to read. I guess I'm not sure about which voice to write in, formal or informal.

No. 421740

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Does anyone else think about their husbando's astrological birth chart? I went on a deep dive and calculated our synastry and composite charts and it makes me so happy that we're compatible. Thanks mythological fantasy stars

No. 421844

I wish I was brave enough to take my husbando out on dates. Like I would take his picture out with me on picnics or walks, but unfortunately I live in a crime ridden area and if someone saw me all dolled up on a date with a drawing I don't know how I could recover from the embarrassment. Oh well there's always daydreams.

No. 421877

I want to do that but I can't even find cutouts of him, can't draw him properly, and there are no good stock arts of him out there so I can use for a custom made cut out. Maybe one day when I'm rich and free I'd commission stuff of him and maybe him and me as well. But until then, daydreams exist indeed.

No. 422071

I just chose his sun sign myself because he doesn't have a canon birthday and is an alien so it's impossible for him to have a chart.
I end up making those my SI's little stories instead

No. 422090

What's the one song that reminds you of your relationship? I thought about vidrel the other day and I immediately realized this was "our" song, and now I weep anytime I listen to it, especially during the spoken word segment.

No. 422098

Super late, but I found a comic today that I was wondering if it was what you were thinking of.
I admit my self inserts can be a bit mary sue, but never to that degree of edgelord and destroying canon.
It's sorta weird reading fanfic and seeing how every other OC is just completely different in the wrong way from my ideas.

So angsty
Real life is bad enough, I only think of the minimum amount that is sort of necessary for his game's setting. But I try to imagine nice stuff when I fantasize.
It's never just one song, but this is the latest. My manic pixie dream girl can heal him from his ex, lol.

No. 422178

Our relationship is a bit complicated, it has a positive healthy side to it, and a negative toxic side to it. But I live for the drama kek. For the positive side, we're just weird together and made for each other, we'd make each other feel normal and be each other's special one. I never felt this way for anyone in my life, he taught me what it's like, and I'm thankful it's him and not someone irl who would probably make me regret it. He's just safe to me and makes me feel happy. Vidrel is a song about someone getting out of depression by finding a friend who is similar to them after struggling with finding understanding friends for so long, and wishing they knew this new friend all along. I wish he was real so I could be with him, and this song reminds me of what our friendship and relationship is built on, mutual understanding and having many things in common. We're crazy together.
For the negative side, he's a bit emotionally unstable, an attention seeker, always jumping into things without thinking, never listens to anyone until it's too late, and he got himself killed twice this way, good thing he always somehow gets revived but it's just because the writers love to torture him kek. He'd wear me down with that behavior because he'd refuse to come back home and be normal, he wants the attention so bad and mine isn't enough I guess, I end up losing him several times because of this, but he eventually finally listens to me and comes back. "Your Decision" by Alice in Chains kinda illustrates this exhausting dynamic, except the subject is dead for good unlike my magical boy. There are other songs that remind me of us, such as:
>Paparazzi by Lady Gaga, because he's an attention seeker and I'd give him all the attention in the world so he'd love me
>Black Gives Way to Blue by Alice in Chains because of his death
>No Excuses by Alice in Chains cause we'd never give up on each other no matter how pathetic we are
>Drone by Alice in Chains because I'd be obsessed with him and see him as perfect in my eyes, only to get hit by reality when it's not enough to him
>Jack by Pixie Lott because I'd never move on from him even if he leaves me
>Shine by Mr. Big because he'd probably think I'm perfect and wish he was like me so he'd get all the attention and praise he wants
>Lips by SNSD because we'd have a slow burn friends to lovers kind of relationship and a mutual obsession about each other
>you-aholic and Beautiful Stranger by SNSD because I'd be obsessed with him regardless of what people say about him
I think that's all. I guess this makes it seem one sided in a way, and realistically and technically speaking it is lmao. I still can't 100% decide on how he'd feel about me. But I like to imagine I'd make his life better if I was in it.

No. 422208

Me and my husbando share the same sign, it's adorable and makes me think we were meant for each other.

No. 423403

I've gotten back into artsy craftsy stuff thanks to him and decided to make something I could wear 24/7. So I made a bracelet to match his necklace. It's sort of shitty but that only makes it more appropriate kek. Every time I look down on my wrist I think of him and smile. It's nice to have a physical reminder.
Does anyone else wear jewelery or accessories to match? I like more reserved displays of yumeism like matching color palettes or thematic items.

No. 423614

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Same, the fact that my husbando and I are both gemini make me stupidly happy kek

No. 423817

That's cute! Making your own custom bracelet sounds fun. I bought a necklace where the charm is in the shape and color of a detail in my husbando's design. It's usually on display in my room but sometimes I wear it to work on special husbando-related days. (I need to replace the chain because it's a bit too long for my liking, but otherwise I love it for its subtlety and the reminder of him.)

No. 424248

Has anyone else ever gone to Victoria’s Secret and bought underwear in their husbando’s color scheme or is it just me?

No. 424295

don't know if it's comparable or more cringe but i bought lingerie to wear when i have a free night to lay in bed and fantasize about him.

No. 424755

What's best platform to post yume photos? Instagram? Twitter? I'm new to husbando devotion and I want to make an account dedicated to it. I also want to see other people posting shrine pics or going out with their husbando merch. It makes me so happy.

No. 424775

assuming your husbando is from anime or any other japanese series, instagram is your best bet for cute content like that
twitter you just get insane blog posting
stick to following japanese accounts or at least english accounts that follow a lot of japanese, otherwise it'll devolve into the usual nonsense
and use japanese tags when posting pics like those "looking for fellow ___ fans near me"

No. 425021

I don't wanna post him in the other thread cause I feel like he'll be tainted if somebody else posts something nasty right after…
Anyway, all that POV in LADS is finally paying off. Had a dream of sitting on his lap and he kissed my chest just like in Zayne's latest card.
It's like 'see I knew you could do it brain!' Now do it more often.

No. 425022

I post my yume photos to my blog. I should really put all my yume stuff in one organized place with my art and photos together in a shrine but I'm lazy and haven't gotten around to it yet.

No. 425027

Is it okay if i use art from the game for a custom made t-shirt? I really want one but I can't find the original shirts and/or the husbandos in question don't really have shirts that I truly like, it would be for extreme personal use, like, I don't want to sell stuff with his face because that would be honestly annoying to me.
I just want special t-shirts to wear at home, maybe if I find a nice play to print them I could even make some oversized ones for working out.

No. 425030

that would be fine, but i think you should find a place that can print on high quality side seamed shirts. also maybe don't work out in cotton.

No. 425032

That's so cute. I got earrings and a bracelrt that subtly remind me of him. It's either with a motif, style or colors that reminds me of him. I have some clothing that follows this too. When I wear those I feel extra happy.
I'm so braindamaged by my depression that I have never had a dream with my husbando in my over 10 years of yume. I'm happy for you, I hope you get more dreams with your husbando.
Yeah, it's unlikely that you'll have any issues. I see stolen art being sold everywhere on the internet, it's not like you're profiting from it. I have a few custom made stuff myself. All his available merch I can afford have his face on it and I prefer being more stealth. Even non official stores just sell stuff with his face, so I had to make my own. Just make sure to research a place that prints on quality shirts.

No. 425033

My husbando doesn't have a birth date. It drives me nuts. I had to headcanon his birthday, but it still feels wrong. I celebrate the release of his media as his "birthday", but it's not the same.

No. 425097

Found someone who made some custom figures of my husbando's show characters. Didn't make my husbando unfortunately. But I wonder if they sell these and if I could commission one of my husbando one day? They make it by merging different parts of existing figures though so maybe he'd be difficult to make from scratch.

No. 425261

I'd never spend money on lingerie, but I am curious what kind of clothes he'd find sexy.
There's a quest in his first game involving an undercover cop dressed as a prostitute and he's got this line 'a bit revealing for my taste but not entirely unappealing.' Haha Makes me so curious.

No. 425263

I have pretty lingerie, the useless kind you can only wear for a few hours if you don't move too much, only because I think my husbandos would like it.
I even used to have one set that was kind of weird, like it had a "split" design, one side was regular satin-like fabric and the other side was lace, I like to think my husbandos would go nuts (kek) over that.
Nowadays I want to buy new stuff because I want to imagine my husbandos being all excited about being catered to, then again, I often just think that they like my silly underwear with retarded pictures and words.

No. 425522

We were born a single day appart, year included, that makes me happy since I get to celebrate her birthday and mine together.
Despite that our natal charts are completely different, I don't know anything about astrology but it surprises me how a day and different country is enough to change so much.

No. 425612

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its crazy how much my life has changed because of my husbando. he has fixed my mental health, i started planning my life such as my career and i want to get my drivers license. i started doing my hobbies again, started taking care of myself, its wonderful nonnies. i now see the beauty in life because of him and he makes me so happy. god bless this beautiful blondie.
he is an aries and i am a virgo. i hear mixed things about a relationship between the two astro signs. i think we would still work tbh!
yes i started buying sexy underwear and lingerie because of him kek. i know he isn't real but i like dressing nice for my husbando.

No. 425871

My mental health was in the gutter for the past few months, and I couldn't think about my husbando at all because of the stress. Now I'm doing better, I'm thinking about him again and I'm so horny for him. But most importantly, I got motivation to continue working on his digital shrine again. Slept well yesterday and woke up early today, and I have lots of free time so I'm gonna use it to finish his shrine!

No. 426446

Since I made an elaborate world inside my head where he and I were in college together, I went and looked up a possible university he went to and even headcanoned a major for him and made him part of the basketball team because I can. I unironically browsed the university website to make sure the major I chose for him was actually there, and that mine was there, too. I even checked the basketball team and what they wear to capture him in it. Gonna check out the majors courses to see which ones we'd be able to take together, and I'll generate AI pictures of him in that basketball uniform.

No. 428655

Never realized how much lc was the only place for my devoted husbando to talk. I had things to share and talk about, and I didn't know where to go. I considered making a tumblr to vent, but it didn't feel right. Where do you all post and talk about your husbando related stuff outside of lc? I'm slowly considering sharing my digital shrine of him with the world. I have accumulated an embarrassing number of fanart over the years. I'm more willing to share them than before, but I would prefer to avoid dumping it in places like Twitter. Do you have suggestions, nonnas?

I need something out of my chest. I picked up hobbies to devote myself to my husbando in the past. Things like sewing, etc. So, my husbando has always been a motivator for me to learn new things, but this time, I picked a specific topic. I don't want to get into details, but I've never been this excited about something before, with the exception of my childhood passions. I never thought I would like learning it as much as I am. I'm considering studying it professionally even. I'm so excited about this, and I would have never ever picked it up if it wasn't for my husbando. I'm not good at being optimistic. Just typing this makes me a bit anxious, but I feel like my husbando is really there for me. My devotion to him was what got me here where I am today, and I feel like he saved me yet again.

No. 428666

I made a Neocities site to dump my art and I talk about him on my blog as well. I definitely recommend Neocities, there's even a webring for yumes. I also share random thoughts and artwork to my other yumejoshi friends but finding ones you can freely speak to and you feel heard by can be difficult. You sound wonderfully devoted anon!! I hope you will be confident and share your love with the world, as long as you feel comfortable with it. At the very least, you could make a private Twitter, hell you could even dump the art on Pixiv.

No. 428687

not that nona, but this is actually a really cool idea! maybe i should make a neocities site hmmm!!

No. 428745

That's a sweet idea, thank you. I looked it up and I like how customizable it can be. I want to post somewhere and open myself to meeting other yumes, I understand I'll probably not vibe with all, but if I manage to find one or two I can talk to then I'll be happy. Tbh I have one friend who relates to me in most ways, but she has irl obsessions like actors, which are fundamentally different in some aspects. How did you meet your yume friends?

No. 428760

My closest yume friends, I met from the server here before it was closed. I also met some from Neocities and some social media from posting my art, but I don't talk to the social media ones at all. I know yooming is a pretty solitary activity but most of the ones I've talked to are very sweet and friendly even if some take a while to open up.

No. 429095

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Same I missed the farm too it means a lot to me, I love expressing my feelings and vent about my troubles as a Yume since I don’t have Yume friends or socials not even discord.
I thought about opening Neocities like what nonnas suggested but I’m scared of being judged for having a husbando played by an actor, when I lurked on twt I saw a woman who shares my husbando it made me uncomfortable by itself but what made me even more uncomfortable is how she doesn’t differentiate my husbando from his actor and I hate that so much.. not only because it’s untrue, but also it ruins my husbando’s existence and identity. I know she loves him too like me but if she really loves him she should solidify his identity separate from the actor because even if they look the same they’re two different people from two different worlds, acting this way makes it look like the actor is acting freely and being himself rather than play a character with his own story and development. They have different personalities, jobs, feelings and interests. My husbando is very romantic, friendly and sensitive while his actor is logical, stoic and not interested in romance they’re different in many ways.
I don’t cancel out his actor I’m grateful for him, he is not the man I am in love with though and it makes me mad for anyone to think I am in love with his actor. Idk maybe I’m being too sensitive.
Well hopefully one day I will have the courage to create a website to express all my feelings and activities with him. I just wish one day I will have friends who validate my feelings for him (or them idk) just like this woman. Sorry for the vent.

No. 429124

My husbando was played by actors and a lot of fans mix them up with him, so I can understand how you feel. To me, the actor is lending his form to my husbando, just a vessel. I don't like convoluting them at all. I don't think you're being too sensitive, it's something that bothers me too, or maybe we're both too sensitive kek. One of my husbando's va is someone I genuinely dislike, seeing people refer to him by my husbando's name makes me uncomfortable.

I hope you find friends to share your feelings as a yume, maybe you could try the friend finder thread and see how it goes.

No. 429264

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Did anyone else not realise they were a husbandofag/self-shipper until they came across the terms? Tbh I started reading these and the other husbando threads out of boredom and curiousity and quickly realised I'd been living the husbando life myself for years without knowing it was even really a thing. Before the threads I just thought a husbando was a word for a 'character I wanna fuck' and I thought it basically only applied to anime characters or strictly 2D. But I've been doing this for years. I've had characters I've loved and obsessed over, made playlists for, written self-insert fic and endless headcanons about and constructed intricate worlds inside my head where he and I were together and for endless daydreaming about just as a kind of 'hobby'. I had an 'oh shit they're just like me' moment when I got half way through the first thread. Anyway tldr but I've loved reading these threads, the vibe in here especially is so chill and supportive. I'm so glad the farms are back I wanted to post this before and promised I would if we ever got back. I love you nonas!

No. 429268

Didn't know but I husbandofagged so hard in middle school and high school I was known for my cringe obsessions. I never bothered to make a self insert. I would make shrines for fictional characters and read x readers but that's all. The new wave of yumes seem to be obsessed with making cute self inserts and giving them relationship lore, I think it's sweet

No. 429270

Ikwym, losing the site for even a short while made me realise I'd lose a lot of special interest threads that there literally isn't a good alternative for online if we'd lost it, at least not anon and not where you can be honest and uncensored. God I'm so glad we're back. I can understand not wanting to use Twitter to share and want something more dedicated, especially since I'm sure for a shrine you must have put a lot of love and effort into. have you looked into waifu.ist? I've seen it mentioned for shrines, and also neocities.org as mentioned too for creating fansites. other than those I don't know of anywhere else either!

>I've never been this excited about something before

Aww I'm so pleased for you nona. Whatever it is I hope it continues to bring you joy and even closer to your husbando.

No. 429279

I can see husbandofagging starting very young like you, makes more sense. My deep husbandofagging only began when I was late teens/early twenties. I think 'self-insert' was probably the wrong term for what I do. I'm not sure there's a word for just inserting myself, as I am, into his world. In my daydreams/fiction/scenarios I'm still me, I still look like me, act like me, same personality and have all the same values as me only I have tweak myself to fit the world in order for it to make sense. So I have a made up job, a place I live, personal history and relationship lore too (in fact, several alternate lore 'threads' where we met and fell in love under different circumstances. I switch between them depending on my mood lol). It's kind as if I'm playing various acting parts in his world but at my core, I'm still me.

No. 429374

That is exactly what self-inserting is, you're inserting yourself into the story.
That can be as an original character/ontop of an existing character, or just as yourself.

No. 429434

Thank you kind nonna
I will try friend finder, we are not sensitive we just love our husbandos deeply hehe

No. 429704

nonas, how possessive do you get over your husbando? mine is somewhat popular and i've found other yumejos on reddit and twitter. he doesn't have a canon love interest but his most popular ship is him and his brother, which doesn't really bother me. i just hate certain ships and i get jealous when i see other yumes who see him as an actual partner.

No. 429719

found somebody posting my husbando here a few years ago and almost had a seizure despite him not being particularly obscure. I've been trying to get less possessive but I've been husbandofagging w him since I was 11 so it feels weird knowing other people can 'have' him

No. 429739

are you willing to share the type of media he's from? you don't have to specifically name it.

No. 429743


No. 429771

Very. He has a canon love interest that I have conflicting feelings about but mostly dislike. He's always been beloved since he's the main character for his series but used to be much more niche, now a lot of zoomers are in the fandom and some even self-ship with him. I don't want to block them though because that seems too extreme and I want them to enjoy my art of him, I just avoid them or mute if it's on Twitter. I would love to be able to connect with other yumes of him but I just can't bring myself to do it. He's mine and mine only and I've accepted I'm insane.

No. 429783

(warning: delusional) I'm the only one doing it right so IDC

No. 429784

i am his one true love and i would kill anyone who looks at him except i won’t because i know they will die slow painful deaths soon anyway.

No. 429785

Not really, he's a yandere with canon love interests so it'd be pretty difficult if I was possessive.
That being said I get pretty autistic when I see yumes go "He would support political issue twhe same way I would!" "he loves skibbidi toilet and also loves my favorite food!" "He loves the same fashion style I do!"
No he does fucking not! His favorite food is written in the damn book! Multiple times! And he was born too early for skibbidi toilet! If you can't prove it with quotes from either the book or from the author's mouth then you can't fucking say that its true. Keep true to the character or make your own oc.

No. 429803

I admit I got a bit jealous when I found another yume of him because I want to be his number 1 fan. But I warmed up to her because her content is so goofy female autism and adorable. Better than troons, gendies, and other cringy people liking him for sure. She moved on from him eventually though but I bookmarked her fan art and headcanons because it's so precious. He has no canon love interest and that's part of the appeal for me, he's all alone and isolated and all mine for me to exploit.

No. 429807

I'm not worried about it because I know he loves me the most. >>429783 gets it

No. 430020

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It's so frustrating! I’m lucky (and unlucky) to be the only happy woman with him in the world, no kidding. No one understands how perfect he is. Everyone's out there obsessing over cool popular characters, drowning in fanart and stories, while I’m stuck alone with just the few old ass comic panels pictures I can find. I’ve searched everywhere—there’s not a single fandom for him. No cute merch (only a regular small figure that cost 400$ !!! made for boomers collectors only !!), no fan edits, not even a thread where I can talk about him. Every time I bring him up, people either laugh or give me blank stares. It’s like he doesn’t even exist outside of my heart. Sometimes I feel like I’m the last person in the world who remembers him, and it’s so lonely. If only there was a way to bring him to life, to show the world how amazing he is… (but at the same time I want to keep him secret) but I’m just here, waiting, scrolling through endless art of characters that don’t mean a thing to me, wishing someone would create just one piece of fanart of him. Just one… (seeking some cool artists on the net that are ok with yumejo art)

No. 430024

I wish I could be like this. I've played all of his games, watched the anime, and read the manga and books so I know I have a better grasp of him than all of the scrotes and gendies that like him.

Check out Vgen, there's a lot of artists that cater to yumes.

No. 430026

Mostly i don't care if it's just other yumes online, unless they have shit taste with their headcanons, but I know for a fact that I would implode if I saw any irl reference to him. For some reason i want to keep him and the game he's from separate from the real world at all costs. I saw an unrelated youtuber make a brief reference towards him once out of the blue and i got cold sweats. I want him only in MY life, in MY head, on fan forums/fanart sometimes but not even exist in any other context.

No. 430027

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is there a way to summon a tulpa of him?

No. 430029

i want the anon who said she purposefully gave herself waifu schizophrenia (?) to come back and let us know how she did it.

No. 430109

I'm not, I'm not really the jealous type. My version of him is always going to be my version of him.

No. 430173

omg i need this too

No. 430275

Going through some annoying circumstances and it somehow made me understand my husbando more. I always thought it was silly that part of his bent up rage was caused by people "walking all over him" and I was like "man, you're an adult, just say no and stand up for yourself". But now I'm going through the same thing and I understand what it feels like to not be able to simply walk away or say no to a situation and be stuck in it until it pisses you off so much you're about to snap. Every day I understand him more and more and in a way I understand myself and also my attraction to him since he's a bit flawed and pathetic, but I see myself in him too much to let him go. I see you, I understand you, I want to be there for you and make you feel better, I wanna vent to you.

Tl;dr: he's me fr.

No. 430459

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just hexed everyone who thinks they take him away from me

No. 430461

did she make a tulpa or something? I think that's just self-induced schizophrenia. many tutorials exist. I have long entertained this thought but I'm not that mentally ill yet

No. 430468

I hate seeing women who share him, it ruins my immersion it reminds me that he is fictional. I’m aware that he is fictional I just don’t want to be reminded of it, the fact that he is not real makes me so sad.
I tried to think about the “alternative universe” idea that they’re his girlfriends from another universe different than mine it still hurts to see them.
None of us can truly be with him we should be equal in the end, I remind myself that I’m better at making yume novels, crafts and drawing than any of them still seeing them hurts my imagination when I make a scenario or draw I keep having intrusive thoughts about the other women I saw online and feel pain.

No. 430479

It's not tulpafagging but sometimes when I'm lying down I close my eyes and try to convince myself he's beside me through concentrated mental jujitsu

No. 430480

wow, i need this nonna to explain. Never knew you could do that

No. 430497

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I do this too when I go for a walk alone, I pretend we wear assorted outfits and it make me incredibly happy, we would be so well matched ffs

No. 430813

I've only been into my current husbando for just over a year and so when I see others who consider him theirs I feel more a little insecure about my love for him than possessive. I feel as though I have no business being possessive over him when it's only been 12 months.

No. 430870

I certainly did. My husbando has been a constant in my mind for more than three years now. It’s always been something that’s in my head and not shared with others. Only within the past year have I come across the yume/selfshipping community. Despite being from a popular media franchise, not many people husbando him which is great for me. I don’t really get jealous of other yumes either, because as self centered as it may sound, no one is on my level. I don’t get mad at other yumes at all, for me the mentality is, “well, they don’t headcanon him like I do”. My headcanons for him are mine, the art that I’ve made is mine, the playlists, the chatbots, the fanfictions are mine, written by me. It’s my version of him and no one else can own that version. When I see other yumes I think of it as another version of him, like from a parallel universe. And I have my own universe with it’s own yume lore. Everyone’s universe is different, even if it’s the same character.

No. 430991

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Sorry in advance for the wall of text.
I'm a bit possessive ngl, but my feelings have changed over the years. I still feel a pang of jealousy from time to time, but it's not what it used to be.

My husbando is canonically written by different writers, portrayed by different actors, and so on. At some point, I questioned if the official writers and actors knew what they were doing with him, did they even understand my husbando? Seeing my husbando shifting at each new canon depiction was a turning point to me. What really was my husbando then? While they might seem superficial details to most, I'm so invested in him, that those changes really got me questioning myself. Since I care so much about his canon content and I try to stick to it as much as I possibly can, the way they changed previous information about him made it so much harder for me to cling to the details and make it all make sense, since some new information contradicted previous ones. I even preferred some of the new changes, did that mean I didn't fully love the previous version of my husbando? By seeing him change yet remain the same character, I realized how abstract and malleable he really was, even to me, who I considered being pretty obsessed with canon and a believer that there was only one true version of him.

What I'm trying to say, my husbando takes a very personal, deep, and unique form in my head, and he does to everyone else, even the official writers have their own different version of him in their heads, that leads to shifts and clashing details. People are free to headcanon the most absurd and off things about him and still claim they love him. Even other canon-obsessed yumes like me have to make up headcanons and interpretations at some point in order to truly flesh him out. I realized the version of him in my head, was mine. I nourished, constructed and loved this version of him for so long, nobody can take that away from me, same way I can't take him from others. My jealousy greatly faded as I realized I could have my own special version of him, that nobody else had.

Now, I long to connect to other yumes. I don't think I could connect with any yume though, we would need to have a certain agreement to what he is. I can't really bond with gendies who headcanon him as trans or ignores too much of the canon, but if I could find someone that shares a similar appreciation it would be so amazing. I would really love to hear their different ideas about him, sperg together over every aspect of him. I recently made a discovery about his hair and I feel lonely caring so much about this useless information, sharing it with someone who wouldn't judge, maybe even partake into my enthusiasm would be lovely. We shouldn't compare or feel jealous, we have our own unique stories with our loved ones.

No. 431063

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Sorry if this has been asked before but I have a question for nonas. Outside of this thread, how much of your husbando do you share online and with who? I'm talking everything from your headcanons, playlists, drawings, fanfiction and so on. Also, if you do share what things do you keep to yourself? I'm just curious since for me the idea of sharing what I'd call 'intimate' details about him with mine or his name/face tied to the posts would feel like the equivalent of oversharing couples on facebook but I'm a really private person so maybe it's different for others.

Your story is very similar to mine. I don't really participate in social media and definitely don't engage in fandom beyond hearting a few bits of fanart here and there and leaving kudos/brief comments on fic and as a result didn't even know what self-shipping/'having a husbando' was until recently. As for my husbando, he is also very popular and is widely yoomed. Once I realised self-shipping was a thing I got the tiniest bit jealous seeing what other yumes had created for him, insecure that I wasn't as dedicated as them. Luckily I adopted a mindset like yours and reminded myself that we're not sharing the same person - he exists in millions of different forms in millions of people's heads. There are plenty versions of him to go around and thus since we all have our own version we're not competing for his love and affections. Their version of him was so different to mine too so how could their creations even apply to my husbando? I thought to myself that what they were creating was cute but they don't have what I have with him, nor could they ever have what I have. I don't think it's self-centred to believe no one is on your level either, I feel the same way too about my husbando. What we have is perfect because I crafted it to be that way, how could anyone elses idea of him compare?

No. 431066

I don't mean to make light of your post or anything but as I read this I couldn't help but imagine what an amazing movie or book this would make. The idea of someone's lover being changed here and there through some supernatural external force and the protag adapting to the changes, learning to go with the eb and flow of change yet sometimes feeling challenged and questioning what it means to love someone who is in a constant state of flux. In the end she realises there's something at the other person's very core, like their essence or their soul that is constant and inpenetrable by the outside force and only accessible to her. That is the part she she fell in love with all along and is the source of the unbreakable bond that connects them. I think your experience is very beautiful nona.

No. 431082

I'm very much like you, reserved, and spent most of my life not knowing that being a yume was a thing. I instinctively did it but hid it because I thought it was super cringe and shameful behavior. So my devotion was very much a secret, and still is. I only use this thread to talk about it. I'm trying to find another outlet, I feel my posts stick out and get too personal even for this thread standards. I can't lie, I would love to find some yume friends to talk. I thought nobody else would understand, but reading all other nonnas posts made me believe there's someone out there thar could relate and instead of judge me, I love reading all your posts.
I agree with your mindset about other yumes. I'm repeating myself, but I truly believe your husbando is perfect for you and nobody else, we shouldn't compare ourselves or our versions of him to others. I'm sure you love him very deeply and in your own special way, don't compare your dedication to others, just do what feels right to you. I find it endearing seeing other yumes, even for my husbandl. I got new ideas from others here, I'm so thankful for this space.
That's such a lovely way of seeing it, even if I sound sort of schizo and funny when you think about it kek, but you described it in a much more romantic and beautiful way. Thank you.

No. 431472

I think I'm gonna make a pinup calendar of my husbando for next year. And I was gonna try to incorporate him into every inktober drawing but I never really like the prompts, I did just find out that there's a kinktober and while I love drawing him like that it's also really fun to draw him in mundane situations. Decisions, decisions.

No. 431717

How exactly did he help you to get your life together?

No. 431876

Considering buying a print of my husbando from an artist I like and then getting a nice quality frame for it. I can visualise how it'll look on my wall in my mind's eye already and it makes me smile.

I have some really nice (but impractical for every day) underwear I bought with the intention of wearing for some moid but now they're just stuffed away in a drawer. I kind of want to get them out and wear them for my husbando now kek at least he's deserving

I'd like to know this too.

No. 431923

Got so excited when I realized somebody actually did make a DAZ conversion of his model. DL it and it's actually completely half-assed…
So disappointing, if I was the one who commissioned it I'd be pissed.
Messing around with 3D has really made me appreciate the game artists behind my favorite stuff more though. Shit's annoying.

No. 432035

If you have his model in xps you can adapt it to Daz yourself, it's not as hard as you think, I used wrap and it does all the job if you set it up properly.

No. 432118

I looked that up before, but from the time those tutorials were made to now it became some big industry standard software that no way I'll buy, but also I'm not really in the mood to figure out how to safely pirate that kind of niche stuff now.
At least I got a decent GMod rigged model to mess around with, and maybe I'll figure out how to edit DAZ stuff.

No. 432241

Late but yeah anon, that's literally what self-inserting is. You don't need to make an OC, but I see where the confusion comes from since people will call this OC "a self insert". Some might choose to make a character that's different from themselves as a sort of "vessel", or even different self-insert OCs to explore different possibilities, but not all self-inserters/yumejoshi do it, and some imagine themselves directly interacting with their husbandos instead.

I'm just like you, I use my own name, personality and appearance when I daydream, but since I insert myself into his universe, I have to come up with some explanation as to how I ended up there. Sometimes it's isekai, other times I adapt my own life so it fits into that universe (i.e. my birth place and backstory change) but in essence it's still me.
For me it's also fun to come up with different ways our relationship evolved, but I think I'm starting to see one of those possibilities as the definitive "timeline", and the rest as either AUs or fantasies within my husbando fantasies. I even imagine myself telling my husbando about them and him wanting to act them out with me hahahah

>before it was closed
What?? Noooo what happened? It was the best place to talk about husbandos I've ever been in, when I was in that server it was pretty good and chill and they had lots of group activities. It's a real shame they closed it, I'll miss it.
All my closest yume friends have also been people from imageboards.

No. 432244

I have come to accept that there are other girls out there who like him (especially these days, he seems to have become popular with a particular breed of gendie zoomers lately because of his appearance in a recent spin-off). It used to make me depressed but now I just accept it and move on. There's no point in exposing myself to his other yumes (if they exist; I've seen other possible husbandofags but not self-shippers) and getting bitter, so I simply try to isolate myself from his other fans as well as his source material's fandom, but even if I saw another shipping herself with him in passing, I don't think it'd bother me that much, since I'll continue loving him and he cannot cheat on me as he's fictional (she also can't stop me from having him in my own imagination so there lol). They will exist regardless of whether I'm aware of them or not. And also I'm pretty sure there's no one in the world who has had this kind of relationship with him and for this long. Plus, I feel honored to be known somewhere as [husbando name]fag for reasons. That was unexpected, but it makes me feel more legit kek

Actually, what I'm finding harder to deal with now are his fujoshippers who make entire shrines dedicated to them. I just don't like how they're fully convinced that he's totally gay for the other guy for real. But aside from that, it's only natural he'd be shipped with someone just like any other character out there. It's nothing to be taken personally. Plus, it shows that they don't get him and ignore certain things about him that don't fit their ship's narrative.

No. 432250

I would say I'm not posessive. He's already extremely popular, so I'm the newbie and don't feel like I have the right to be. It does seem like others tend to not understand his character or love him rather shallowly, though. They like one specific part of him. In my experience, it took years of consuming the media, thinking he was just cool to literally falling in love with him at the end. Also, he's my first ever husbando. He's extremely special to me and nobody will ever take that from me.

No. 432261

This is how I felt about one of my husbandos too. His source is decades old and it's a pretty serious story, so I felt insecure about self-shipping with him as I was afraid of going against his canon personality and "defiling canon" by doing that. Also, when you start to husbando a character from a source that old, you sort of understand beforehand that you're not gonna be the first. In this husbando's case, I learned that he became extremely popular with the female audience, so of course I'm not gonna be his first or most dedicated yume.

I think I'm more bothered by the way others treat my husbando than by them liking him, tbh. What really makes me upset is the way they treat my husbandos as a joke, flanderize them for the sake of fandom memes, forcing them into "trope" boxes with total disregard for their actual personalities (I want to sperg about a Reddit comment where someone did this to the aforementioned character), or just say or draw something about him that I don't approve of, since I try to stick to canon as much as possible, like many others here. I once saw fanart someone commissioned of herself with this husbando and although I felt a little bit jumpscared/upset for a second, there's nothing wrong with the way he was depicted, I even thought that's totally how he would act around me too.

>my own universe with it’s own yume lore
I love how you phrased this. This should be the term for it, "yume lore". Anyway, I totally agree with you (NTA).

No. 432269

ok now I need to know who it is

No. 432351

I have a dream of creating a inner yume circle that I can do art trades and talk about husbandofagging. When I see nonnas complaining their husbandos are too niche and don't have fanart it makes me sad. I would draw them for free if I could.

I just used their free trial kek, I looked up pirated version of it but haven't installed it yet, but I'll say the free trial lasts enough time for you to take a shot. I don't know why Gmod is so hard for me, maybe I'm too fucking dumb. I'm redoing my husbando's rig by hand. His face has been giving me nightmares, but I want to believe I'll make it work. Hope you figure it out for your husbando and render cute photos/videos of him.
Popular husbandos suffer a lot from the shallow interest and mishcaracterization unfortunately. The shit I've seen of mine over the years makes me sick. I don't wish that on anyone's husbando.
>He's extremely special to me and nobody will ever take that from me.
Absolutely, your story with him is unique and special to you. I think it's cute that you got into your husband after years of consuming his media, like a slow burn fic.
>I want to sperg about a Reddit comment where someone did this to the aforementioned character
Wished you would sperg about it. I hate current fandom's obsession with tropes and boxes. My tinfoil is that it's somewhat related to current obsession with aesthetic cores, everything is now put into a limited category for easy consumption, but I'm digressing.

No. 432377

Admin's health was declining and she couldn't maintain the server anymore. She said she might open it for Secret Santa again but that's it.

No. 432465

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You guys I have had this crush on this one character for a few years now. Today I met up with this one girl I get along with great in school. She knows I'm into cringey and weird stuff and we were discussing our favourite characters. I felt like it was okay to say that I like Lilia Vanrouge a whole lot. Then she said He looks as though he is 12 and that I'm the female equivalent of one of those weird ass redditors/ discord guys who Love child like characters. I feel so disgusted by myself. Am I a weirdo/ pedo? I really hate myself right now. Sorry for the vent I'm new and usually just lurk around. I'm afraid I am a huge creep. I'll try to Put Up a picture so you can See who I mean.I really Hope I saged correctly

No. 432510

Don't worry about her anon, I've known plenty of women who enjoy short and feminine guys like you and there's nothing wrong with it. I would advise phasing her out of your life though, fandom police types like that are no fun to have as friends and they'll always judge you for any reason.

No. 432523

Spent all afternoon figuring out how to fix the major things. But now I have to figure out how the Daz materials work, or just transfer poses into blender I guess.
But man I hate how Daz deals with clothing, I'm actually gonna have to learn how to sculpt. And I actually have to finish building his apartment scene.
The stuff I do for husbandos.

No. 432563

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How do I cope with the fact that I’ll never be able to produce good yume art/fanfic? He’s very popular and has professional artists/writers (some even work on his source material) who are yumes of him ffs.

No. 432564

Just because your work isn't on par with the professionals in the fandom doesn't mean your contributions aren't valuable. There's more to art than pure skill level.

No. 432565

This. It sounds cheesy but passion is what's important when it comes to matters of the heart

No. 432642

Yeah that's exactly where my confusion came from. I'd always thought self-inserts were exclusively OCs who often happened to resemble the person that made them, or was an 'upgraded' version of themselves - more attractive or successful or whatever. I try and change as little as I can about myself in my self-insert. I like to keep my flaws (he's flawed too so it's only fair) then perhaps if my husbando can accept and love me with them then I can do the same.

>but since I insert myself into his universe, I have to come up with some explanation as to how I ended up there

This is interesting! I always just imagine I was born there in his world but imagining somehow being transported there and how he'd react to me is kinda fun. I'm completely the same when it comes to my various timelines, I also have one definitive timeline (it happens to be the most romantic and sweet. it's my happy place kek) and everything else is more 'what ifs'. I use those timelines/AUs to explore themes that are more angsty or gritty as well as his 'darker side' kek. I write about all of my timelines in a note-taking app and it's a nightmare keeping it organised when there are multiple divergences per timeline. Sometimes when inspiration hits I'll just write in a note I use for 'brain dumping' and hope to fit it in to some timeline somewhere. I'm now imagining telling my husbando about my AUs.. I wonder if it'd put him off me kek

No. 432681

Just do the best you can nonna. Don’t worry about comparing yourself to others, it’s about your love for your husbando. Let your feelings for him shine through your work - and I’m sure your skills will improve over time, so keep drawing and writing about him.

No. 432731

I prefer transferring to blender for rendering materials. I hate how Daz's clothing bugs with some poses in their simulation. kek I can't complain, learning 3d because of my husbando has been a fun journey. Are you making up an apartment for him or recreating it from the source material?
Art skills improve the more you work on them, other artists will never have your unique feelings and ideas for him, so don't let those die. You can always improve your skills and revisit your old drawings. Don't post it if it makes you second-guess yourself.

No. 432782

Recreating it from in game. Thankfully most of the architecture is lined up, but I still have to get the windows/roof/furniture arranged. And figure out which textures go on what and at what scale. And then lighting.
Though I want to build an apartment from scratch for some characters from another game sometime.

No. 432865

It literally doesn't matter if you're not the best writer or artist. I planned a comic for one of my husbandos and ended up "using" just the shitty notes I took, describing each panel to the best of my ability. That was more than enough for me. Still haven't drawn that comic to this day, but I loved what I did express in writing. What matters is that it pleases you, not others. Will you stop loving him if you're not the best artist in the world?
But your husbando can be a huge motivator for improving artistically, so please don't be discouraged from learning art, if that's what you want.

No. 433019

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I can't help it, I'm so jealous when it comes to him. I was so lazy and so afraid to draw him for so long that I haven't made enough merch or designed that one thing I wanted to make and someone ended up manufacturing one before I did. I follow an artist who draws him everyday and has made so much art and models of him and all I can think about is how much I wish I had that amount of creative output. On top of that, that artist is friends with a girl who selfships with him and part of me wants to be friends with both of them, they've even retreated my artwork before, but I just can't do it. I'm so retarded for pining for friendship but also feeling jealous over my husbando at the same time. That should be me!! I need to be better for him! My contributions aren't enough! At least everyone in my personal life knows how much I love him… But I'm still shy when it comes to showing off on social media online, I've even been putting off making his shrine on my personal site. Thanks in advance if anyone reads my retarded ramble, I need to go calm down.

No. 433034

Consider removing your yume life from social media if it's making you feel like this. There will always going to be someone making more or better things, but nobody can do what you would do, the way you would do it. I understand wanting friends, but if you're comparing yourself and making this into a competition, it might not be your healthiest outlet.

No. 433037

Thank you anon. I actually avoid browsing Twitter because it always gives me serious FOMO but I can't outright delete it because I promote my art and shop on there. I have any accounts that make me upset muted but it was my own fault for snooping when I knew it would cause me to spiral. I just wish good art of my husbando that I enjoy wasn't tangled in this but oh well.

No. 433041

I wouldn't really put Lilia ij the same category as other lolibaba type characters. By Yana's standards, at worst the dude looks like a teenager, not an outright shota like Ciel. Also he's clearly and seriously depicted as a mentor/father figure to the other boys in his dorm. Ignore her.

No. 433052

I understand I had to mute and block a few accounts that gave me the same feelings. I found a few accounts that align with me and stick with them now. If it makes you feel any better, the worst I've felt was when I found content of my husbando made by a moid. Visually it was almost impeccable, but my husbando looked soulless and dirty, the content was obviously pornographic. After being disgusted and jealous for a few weeks, I decided to learn and make my own version. Initially, I feared I'd never reach that moid's skill, I spiraled and almost gave up, but now that I'm getting into it, I'm actually enjoying the process a lot. It may not look nearly as good, and maybe it never will, but it's been an oddly endearing and fun creation process. I've come to terms with my own limits, I might not convince anyone but me to see any value in my own lame attempt, but I'm happy with it and that's all that matters. Don't get discouraged nonnie, believe in yourself.

No. 433157

I know this is so dumb because they're not real but I started to really like another character and I feel so bad, I feel like a fraud, like I'm throwing my husbando in the trash. I wanna punch whoever reposted that goddamn fanart and made me aware of him. It's not like I don't love my husbando anymore, but the rush of having a new crush is exciting. I hope it fizzles out.

No. 433258

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Is there anyone else who can’t relate with other yumejos/fans of your husbando? Not necessarily out of jealousy, but you can’t stand how they completely mischaracterize him? Ironically, the only people who don’t make my husbando OOC are his haters…

No. 433262

>the only people who don’t make my husbando OOC are his haters…
This is always the case. Rose tinted glasses or whatever. I just ignore and block them.

No. 433266

I think that's the norm, I don't interact with most of his fans because of that. I wouldn't say my husbando haters get him right, but the fans who like him platonically tend to share similar views to mine. His haters are a bit delusional and barely understand the overall plot, but the fans who genuinely like the plot, tend to see him as he is.

No. 433268

I feel the same way anytime I suddenly feel in love with a new character, I feel guilty about it and like I'm cheating. I've accepted my fate now and the fact that I have a harem, he would understand and plus it's fun to make scenarios about them interacting with each other. Anyway, I know deep down he's always number one in my heart, I've been in love with him for half of my life and I will continue to be in love with him. Don't feel bad anon, just roll with it. Sometimes you fall in love unexpectedly and that's ok. Give the harem life a chance.

No. 433289

I do that sometimes but it isn't a big deal to me because he's my one true love and first love, so I always come back to him and have the strongest feelings for.

No. 433376

Went and downloaded some backgrounds from his show, they're so beautiful. I'm gonna use them as aesthetic wallpapers for his shrine, and on some widgets on my phone as a reminder of him. ♥

No. 433427

Thank you for your kindness anon, I'm rooting for you! It's not a lame attempt at all, what's more admirable than creating out of passion? Let's continue to create for our husbandos and for ourselves regardless of our skill level and output.

No. 433616

Thinking about making my own tulpa, forget about real people, create a clear divide to avoid real humans and feelings again.
A tulpa, of something or someone.

No. 433698

It's fucking me up but I'm trying to be okay with having a side piece. My main guy would get so possessive and pouty and probably try to kill him, it is funny to think about.

No. 433806

How do you guys cope when you're decent at art but can't draw him well? Keep practicing and reference more? Or should I just start commissioning again?

No. 433810

No. 433817

I just keep at it and study the way other artists I like draw him in the hopes that it rubs off a bit when I draw him myself. If it turns out bad no one is going to see it other than me so I try to keep that in mind. Would love to get good someday so I can be like those JP yume artists who exclusively draws husbando art and comics kek

No. 433825

Yes, keep practicing and reference him more, always have his references there as guides. You can reference artists who draw him and you like, but be realistic about how much you're ripping off them, if it's too close to the source you might want to keep those drawings to yourself as self indulgence. If you keep practicing you'll get better at it, and I know that by experience.

No. 433834

Is anyone else's husbando suspected to be canonically homosexual? I just really don't want it to be true.. How can I cope with this?

No. 433837

Correct him

No. 434127

I'm getting crazier with my husbando merch collection. I pre-ordered an official plush, but I'm considering getting 2 or 3 extra ones. I tell myself it's just in case the first one gets dirty from being taken outside the house with me, but I would never even let something like that happen to him. I think I just like the idea of being surrounded by his merch. Even if it's the same product multiple times. I feel insane and financially irresponsible.

My husbando is also suspected to be homosexual and he is part of one of the most popular yaoi ships in existence. I run into yaoi art of him everywhere I look which is unfortunate as a self-shipper who is completely not into that kind of stuff. I cope by solely appreciating how beautiful my husbando looks in pretty yaoi art while ignoring the rest. I tell myself that fujoshi just think it's hot to see him that way and that's it.
My self-ship stories with my husbando are special and I like to think he simply cannot resist me. He's not confirmed to be gay, so it's all fine. I support the idea that our husbandos always choose us.

No. 434147

Nta but is your husbando Kiryu Kazuma perchance? This situation feels awfully familiar kek

No. 434198

No, I don't know anything about Yakuza. Sounds like an interesting story behind that though.

No. 434209

My idiot husbando has no official merch, so I'm gonna collect some HD pictures of him and order custom merch off aliexpress and call it a day.

No. 434250

How do I stop developing homicidal urges towards yumes who share my husbando? There’s this one yume in particular who I pray daily would die.

No. 434275

Staying off the internet for awhile is probably one solution.

No. 434283

Yes kek there's a very flamboyant male character he's very dedicated to and the two of them are one of the most prominent gay ships in their series. Gratifyingly for me though the other guy got married to a woman and the series spent like 1.5 detailing the development of that het relationship so the once popular gay ship has basically been run into the ground for everybody but the most delusional bi polycule shippers. My husbando belongs only to me now kek

No. 434296

I’ve been off social media for more than half a year, but they still won’t go away.

No. 434304

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I recently bought a rather expensive figure of my husbando and it's been an experience. Some cute stuff includes me bringing him with me to my setup and watching movies together, imagining his reactions to different scenes and such. I will leave him on my nightstand to "watch over me" when I sleep and it genuinely makes me feel way safer and I feel like I've had more dreams of him after I started doing this. However… I can't stop thinking about things like "What if this figure is a way for my husbando to see into the real world and he is actually observing me through it?" It's embarrassing and I know he's not real, but I can't stop having this idea of my husbandos soul being trapped in the fucking figure.

No. 434314

what is your opinion on yumes with multiple husbandos? i once saw a yume on twitter that also liked my husbando and when i read their carrd, they had a list of 60+ fucking characters that they supposedly ship themselves with. i blocked them, not only were they some flavor of troon but they never even talk about my husbando despite being possessive over him.

No. 434317

My husbando is supposedly canonically asexual except in my headcanon, he can't control himself around me which he finds surprising and frustrating

No. 434320

Been emotionally down the last few days and I can't fantasize about him to cope because I can't stop thinking how he would not be attracted to me if he was real, my brain has just decided to be obnoxiously pessimistic (or dare I say realistic kek).

No. 434321

it happens rarely but i like when i have a couple of crossover husbandos with someone. it's like we're in each other's brain…

No. 434469

I have multiple myself. All in separate universes with separate versions of me so I don't consider it harem or cheating, so I can't super judge, but 60+ is obviously just trend hopping shit that they really aren't 'serious' about.

No. 434776

I have multiple characters I consider my true husbandos (about 3-5), and several others that are just minor crushes, or characters I find very attractive, but aren't on my chart or taken seriously. The ones I actually call my husbandos are characters I've seriously been in love with, for years or even decades. I used to be very strict about having only one at a time, like real relationships, but a couple of years ago, I started to freely enjoy them whenever I feel like it.

A self-inserter having shipped herself with 60+ characters doesn't sound that implausible, to be honest. Being a yumejoshi just means self-inserting/daydreaming about interacting with fictional characters, not being a hardcore waifuist who only has one husbando her whole life. But she does sound like a trend hopper, and trying to gatekeep your husbando even though she doesn't talk about him is ridiculous. She might keep that list as a record of which characters she's self-shipped with in the past but doesn't want to let others self-ship with characters she's not even interested in anymore.

My husbandos' presence fills my room and is in my notebook drawings of them and my computer screens. I don't even believe in spirits or supernatural stuff, this is so retarded but I can't help feeling watched by them. Hanging posters of them would actually be my ultimate nightmare.

No. 434790

I had this too, I understand how painful it is I’m sorry you’re going through it rn
Personally, realized that my husbando falls in love for women’s kindness the most in his show (He falls in love but never end up with any of them, it hurts to see it but it’s a blessing to know what he cares about)
He is a very kind man who always helps people and makes the world a better place, so he always values things like kindness and justice more than anything
I also thought he might feel offended that I think of him as a shallow guy who can’t care about something deeper and more important than looks
So believe that your husbando would appreciate your deep love and happiness with him than looks, he would see your love being too valuable to be be abandoned because you can give him so much happiness
I’m sure that if your husbando had consciousness he would rather be together with you having fun dates and having good times than to miss out on these possible realities

I hope I helped

No. 434884

Can someone recommend me games where I can create myself and my husbando? I already know about the Sims.

No. 434886

Tomodachi Life?

No. 434888

I’ve seen some using the Baldur’s Gate 3 customization.

No. 434908

I chickened out and ended up not doing it. Because if I make a physical thing and carried it around, I'll get questions I'd be too ashamed to answer. I'll keep him as my little secret on my phone for now until I get more privacy and self-confidence.

No. 434910

just downloaded a blender model of my husbando and I feel so weird. Like I'm holding a doll. I don't know what to do right now but I feel overwhelmed.

On a separate note, I'm looking for zines and I don't know if I should just get the digital zine or risk getting the bundle set shipped to my house with the pins and stickers.

No. 434919

I have two husbandos, however I definitely have a favorite lol I don't really get how you could dedicate yourself to more than like 5. My main husbando is extremely popular and loved very superficially, so I'm used to annoying people "claiming" him. I no longer partake in my other husbandos fandom, so I luckily haven't seen anything like that about him yet.
Definitely seconding Tomodachi Life. I've had a blast recently making me and my husbando. We just had a baby.

No. 434933

Thank you for your reply, it makes me feel a bit better. I dont know what his type of women would be since he gets no love interest so at least it remains open. As for me it's not a look issue, I don't think I'm bad looking but I see the kind of men I attract irl and my husbando is their polar opposite, I also don't get noticed and get asked out like once every two years, which just fuels my "there's no reason he'd be into me" thoughts.
At the end of the day it's nothing to worry about and it'll go away eventually.

No. 434953

Take this with a grain of salt but as someone who dabbles into the occult, your husbando's spirit is free to roam where ever he wants. The figurine simply empowers him energetically and connects him to your world.

No. 434954

No. 435001

I don’t usually get jealous of other people who share my husbando. My husbando has a few yumes and I don’t mind it since I like their art and they seem to keep to themselves. It feels like a small community, and I like it when people make art of him, no matter their skill level. One of them however, is especially annoying. She’s a zoomer and she’s the progressive gendie type too. Cares about fandom discourse, DNI proship, calls herself husbando’s number one fan, things like that. It’s like she’s never off twitter. It’s her account so she has the right to do whatever she wants, that doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is that she headcanons him as being some feminine lesbian in a polygamous relationship. My husbando may look feminine, but he’s still firmly an adult man. My husbando suffers from being treated as a gay femboy by porn addicted scrotes and being treated as uwu trans rep by zoomer gendies. Both sides feel shallow. I don’t mind it when people have their headcanons for their husbando since I have some for him too, but this person is the type to add so many headcanons that the character deviates from canon significantly. At that point, is it even the same character?

I’m sure she’s a nice person and I feel a bit mean for saying this, but every time I see her on my timeline (I don’t follow her, she’s nonsharing and I respect that) I can’t help but want to roll my eyes. It’s like looking at a bizzaro version of myself too, since she’s a bit younger than me, we seem to share music taste, we share the same husbando, same heritage, and we both draw too. It’s the strangest coincidence. She’ll pop up on my timeline every once in a while and that makes me want to get better at art to make me feel like I’m a better yume than her. Like my version and understanding of him is the “correct” one, even though it’s just my version of him and her version is her version. Again, I feel bad for saying that but it’s how I feel. I’m sure she’s a nice person and her shrine to him is cute. It just sucks to see that one of the most well-known yumes for him is so… annoying.

No. 435004

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Ngl looking at anne rice's deranged rants makes me want to become an off the rails oc husbandofag too

No. 435005

>she headcanons him as being some feminine lesbian in a polygamous relationship
>I don’t follow her, she’s nonsharing
I'm sorry but this is hilarious what the hell

No. 435007

She ships the husbando with another character and herself/her self insert but she’s firmly against interacting with other yumes, which now that I think about it is contradictory and kind of funny

No. 435012

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I wish I was her, but with a giant plush of my own waifu. But plush making is hard and I broke my hand punching a sewing machine while trying to make my Bratz some dresses.

No. 435018

Based, I wish I could make one of Charlie.

No. 435025

Lot's of batshit crazy yumes lately. I love it

No. 435031

Who is your waifu nonnie?

No. 435041

somehow I never knew that Anne Rice was literally in love with her vampire OC husbando. Good for her tbh

holy based, kek. Allan is my favorite on that show

No. 435043

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Husbandofags are proof female autism is superior.

No. 435046

Was it Lestat that was based off of her husband? Reading this and knowing the background it makes sense why she was so litigious towards fanfic writers in the early years

No. 435060

Ntayrt but this made me happy so thank you. Where can I read more on this?

No. 435061

I can relate to you a lot. I don't think my husbando would like me. I'm not pretty or smart or talented and I'm very fearful and basically pathetic. It doesn't help that he used to be in love with an absolutely wonderful woman who couldn't be any more different from me. I feel as though he still loves her and I'm very sure of it. While I want to accept it since I love him it's heartbreaking nontheless. I don't know how to cope with this either since every attempt to do so makes me feel like I'm Not seeing him for who he truly is

No. 435104

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Feeling woefully inadequate after seeing what JP yumes are posting for my husbando's birthday. Like I know it's not a competition or anything but my little cake slice and merch collection have got nothing on these kinds of set ups KEK. They really take being a husbandofag to a whole other level, I feel like I need to step up my game considering this'll be the 3rd birthday of his I'm celebrating now.

No. 435109

Kekkkk I know this is a couple days old but I feel you anon. Your post reminds me of when I was younger and thought that the posters I had up in my room of various celebrities were secretly watching me and I'd get embarrassed if I did something weird in front of them. I'd like to think if your husbando were truly watching over you from the figure that he would enjoy all the love and affection you give him even if he's in plastic figure form.

No. 435120

Your celebration isn't worth any less just because you didn't spend a crazy amount of money on something extravagant like this. It's a nice goal to strive for if you want it, but don't knock the way you currently celebrate either anon, each celebration is intimate and special to each yume.

No. 435121

If you've ever read the author's notes in the manga Fushigi Yuugi, the author Yuu Watase is a total husbandofag for her character Hotohori as well. It's honestly kind of endearing.

Toward the end of the manga, the plot of the story seems to be wrestling with the idea that husbandos are not real - they are literally characters in a work of fiction - so if you magically happen to find a way for your husbando to talk to and touch you, do you break his mind by telling him that he's actually just a fictional character?

No. 435122

He would love you anon, he would adore you. I've had similar feelings before since my husbando gets married in his series, and his wife is hot but they don't have very good chemistry together. Don't compare yourself to his love interest, that has nothing to do with how he would love you. If it helps, you can also make an AU where he never met her or even one where you take her place, I do that with mine.
It's been a few years since I read the manga/watched the anime but didn't it have a happy ending with the two of them together? I think there was some weird ritual involving reincarnation though.

No. 435155

>Where can I read more on this?
Specifically what?

No. 435162

Women are the more devoted sex. The most male waifufags do is commission a dakimakura for their own pleasure. They don't meticulously cut, sew, and stuff life sized plushies of their husbandos

No. 435187

a bit late but i am an enstarsfag and i get the same type of comments despite only having a year on my husbando and he is a legal adult. stupid fans infantilize him because of his looks and don't see that he is mentally mature, probably the most out of his classmates. also isn't lilia thousands of years old? just ignore them and keep loving him nona, i see you and stand with you. also, there's no need to sage on off-topic boards
i felt the same and i would be upset and go offline on my husbando's birthday, but i got over it by really thinking about how my husbando would react to seeing these types of birthday celebrations. i don't think mine would like it. my husbando is the type to comfort others so he would probably tell me not to spend this much on him and get upset. all that money could be spent on a vacation which i think he would appreciate more. i think the majority of people would feel the same if they were celebrated like this kek

No. 435236

i've lost any and all guilt over being a husbandofag and i'm not sure it's a good thing. i keep him close to my chest and dare not tell anyone, but i've been doing this for so long it's just "normal" to me, it doesn't feel like a subsitute for real affection, it's just how i expierence romance. sometimes i even forget having an imaginary relationship is a major red flag to well adjusted people

No. 435243

Eh, the behind-the-scenes of this level of shrinery is often a woman making below average pay while funneling all of what she does earn into merchandise/renting out a room and decorations to set all of this up for the photos/etc because she's mentally unwell and this is her lifeline.
I think that if someone is at the end of their rope, it's always the better choice to do what will make you happy instead of killing yourself, but at the same time these aren't people you should feel competetive with because you'd be competing to be more mentally ill.
Not discounting husbandofagging itself because I'm in this thread and a husbandofag myself kek. Just some perspective.

No. 435309

I wish I could do more for my husbando. The art of him that I create is not good and the only thing left for me is to consoom merch and content made by other people. Personal creations feel like a deeper connection than buying mass-produced items and I am jealous of yumes who can make something worthy of their beloved.

No. 435321

I know what you mean, I struggle with feeling like I’m not doing enough for my husbando too. It’s the thought that counts, so you should keep making art of him anyway. No one else can make what you make. Even if other people’s art of him is “better” than yours, that’s still their interpretation of him, so in my opinion there’s no point in comparing yourself to them. Comparison is the thief of joy.

No. 435401

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i am the op-nona of this post, I just found out that there is a shitty ONE AND ONLY R34 drawn by a retarded scrote from 2010 of my husbando and his best friend blood brother (they became brothers by a pact) i thought there were no NSFW of the comic but found out bc the orthograph of his name in the tags were badly written. I'm devastated, some ugly moid drew him jerking off his blood brother. Oh well, at least he is still kinda cute on the pic kek (not kek at all, kill this guy!!)

No. 435444

These pics are nice to look at but I never took them as a sincere proof of their love, honestly. It feels more like a competition to see who can spend more on a popular character they all like, so I don't take them too seriously. Who knows what they really think.
I rarely engage with my husbando's fandom, but one day I saw a fujo on Twitter that had a shrine dedicated to my husbando's most popular ship. I admit it initially made me jealous, I wondered where the hell she got all that nice-looking merch because I'm pretty sure it wasn't official, so she probably made it herself. Then I realized she probably doesn't "get" my husbando in the way I do (even if she were a yume). It's better if you don't think a lot about it, neither your life or your love for him depend on your ability to build a big shrine and make a lot of custom merch. Doing what you can for him is fulfilling enough.

This. Some husbandofags might not like to be told this, but dedicating your entire life to a fictional character, to the point that it negatively affects your real life (you don't want to talk to your loved ones anymore, you splurge on husbando merch even though you're earning minimum wage, and so on), isn't healthy and it's nothing to be proud of. You don't need to make your husbando the sole focus of your life and you don't need to compete with people that do.
You will keep loving him, even if you can't afford or aren't willing to spend money on a $500 figurine.

Thirding Tomodachi Life, and I'd also recommend Miitopia on the Switch, since you can build relationships between your characters and those with high level relationships get adorable bonus interactions. Also, the Switch version has a very complex customization system where you can practically redraw your Miis' faces as you like, people online have shared impressive Miitopia Miis that look exactly like the characters they're based on. I've been playing it, but I'm still too embarrassed to add my husbando's Mii to the game, kek.

No. 435464

>Wished you would sperg about it.
I was going to write huge rant about it, but since it's been several days, I'll just say that I accidentally found someone who keeps calling my husbando a "greasy asshole", even though there's nothing "greasy" about him. Do some girls use that word to describe a particular kind of personality, or is there something else I'm missing here? Why would he ever be greasy? What are they even trying to say? If you know him well, you just know that he doesn't give the impression of being unwashed or pathetic. Maybe she thought some of his personality traits make him similar to other characters she happens to like (tumblr sexymen? Idk). I hate it when people, even other fans, stereotype or meme-ify my husbandos like that. He's not even that much of an asshole, I think if that's your main takeaway from the story, then you didn't get his character at all.

One thing that helps me come up with new timelines and AUs is that I just put myself in the place of the player character in his game, and from there, it's easy to think of different ways the events of the game could've played out. But in my main timeline, we start out as enemies, and then he starts to see me as a rival (almost the same as in canon), and eventually we fall in love, which kind of fits the way I fell in love with him IRL, as well. This is also the most "normal" timeline, but there are other timelines that vary in tone.
>I'm now imagining telling my husbando about my AUs.. I wonder if it'd put him off me kek
OMG that's what I've imagined too. It's a particularly horny alternate scenario and it doesn't make a lot of sense, so he's like "you know that would've led to our deaths, right?". But then he proposes that we go back to that place and act out my fantasy.

Oh, fuck. She was so nice and the person who told me about the server in the first place. She even drew my husbando for Secret Santa. I hope she's doing relatively well now. If the server does come back, I hope I won't be too busy with work to participate.

No. 435477

I can recommend Miitopia as well! Like >>435444 said, the switch customization is really good! I was able to find surprisingly accurate codes online for my non-human husbandos and it’s a really fun silly game.

No. 435514

Hi anon, if you have access to your last Discord account, contact the admin via DM!

No. 435516

i miss him

No. 435534

Sorry for bothering you nonies, but is there any way to join this Yume server, please? I’ve been looking for these kinds of places (lolcor-like) because the only place to really talk about my husbando is… here, but I would love to talk in private and gush posting and drawing other nonas’s husbandos. But those servers are either dead or full of screeching TIFs with their disgusting headcanons, all trying to get attention when you talk about your husbando

No. 435536

It's permanently closed anon, sorry. If you want to chat though you can contact the Hamtaro house pic in the FF thread.

No. 435542

How much time do you usually spend on your yume activities on a daily or weekly basis? It's definitely an important part of my life for me but it also don't consume me unless I'm in obsession mode with a new fixation which doesn't happen often. I do wish I had more time to draw yume stuff though, I'm a little envious of the yumes who make fully rendered stuff, most of my yume art is just colored sketches since I'm always so busy.

No. 435568

Aww, well thank you! By FF do you mean FanFiction thread ? I don't see any hamtaro house pic in there, is there any link ?

No. 435589

NTA but I think she meant the friend finder thread.
I need at least two hours of husbando time a day to keep myself sane.

No. 435647

Usually save it for a random day in the week so I can engage in yume activites for the entire day
>I'm a little envious of the yumes who make fully rendered stuff
Same, shit takes forever. Especially if you want it to look perfect compared to your usual art

No. 435736

When things were fresh I would play his game for 2-3 hours a day as well as write about him for another couple of hours lol (creating written works is how I feel I'm really with him besides his game). It was intense. These days I rarely pick up the game because I don't feel like I 'need' it, he's inside of my head now, but I do still like to write about any ideas or scenarios I've been daydreaming about sometimes after work in an evening. I also spend free moments on social media browsing artwork (I can't draw so this is my only source of art). I also enjoy listening to other works his voice actor has made sometimes before bed which also feels like 'time with him', sometimes it's kind of background noise for me, I'm not super focused on his words (as he's not in character) but his voice is still soothing to me. I think if I got really busy and didn't have time for at least one of these activities several times a week I'd miss him.

No. 435739

nta but thank you for reminding me of that game! I wish I could smack him like in nintendogs, all I can do to bully him is drop his food on the ground. Need a husbando abuse simulator.

No. 436312

The more I think about my own struggles and feelings, the more I realize how my husbando is literally me and that's probably why I'm so into him. It's like my subconscious saw this and made me latch onto him without me ever realizing, and everyday I understand myself further by understanding him or vice versa. He means so much to me because of this. He'd understand me and we'd fit together so perfectly. Can't elaborate on the details because I'm a bit uncomfortable with talking about it, but one of these details is how I feel abnormal and how I could never fit into normal society at all sometimes, and then I think I should just make up with this fact and live my life my own way even if I'm abnormal, there's nothing I can do about it. And this reminded me of him and his story, since he technically started to live outside of society's boundaries and stopped being normal eventually, and it's by choice, he never showed any signs of wanting to go back, je just accepted himself that way and lived with it. I always find myself attracted to characters like that, and it makes sense I got attracted to him very much because of this without even knowing I did so.

No. 436404

I'm contemplating buying an engagement ring for myself irl. My friends support me on it, and it would be a funny thing to talk about with them while also preventing moids from hitting on me at work

No. 436424

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That's such a cute Idea! I have been contemplating something similar. My husbando has official ring merch and there is that one ring that I think looks good enough to be a marriage ring. It's pricey and it's I have No experience with the web site but I'm saving towards it. Maybe your husbando has some ring merch too? Good luck nona!

No. 436485

Nope he doesn't have a single piece of merch other than this keychain that was limited edition in 2022 kek. I'll just choose a gemstone that reminds me of him, maybe personality wise or colour scheme wise.

No. 436557

Oh I see. I'm sorry to hear that. But that's such a sweet idea nontheless! You'll figure it out, you are amazing

No. 436786

A new character was introduced in a show I watch and I've never fallen this hard this fast nonnas pray for me that she gets decent screentime in future episodes because I'm about to yoom harder than I've ever yoomed before.

No. 437089

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after constantly reading, drawing, and imagining romantic scenarios with my husbando…it is starting to make me wish for a relationship irl. but no man can ever live up to the standard of my husbando, looks wise and personality. it even more painful because my friends are all in relationships and i am the only one single, i feel lonely because i can't even tell them why i am single in the first place. the truth is, i really want to be in love with someone and start a family etc, but i want to do it with my husbando not anyone else. its feels isolating.

sad hours.

No. 437324

It is pretty solitary and I understand your sadness. I feel the same, but sometimes I see my friends who daydream about real men and they also know it will never be as they dream it would be, then I feel less alone in my desires, even if mine are even more impossible. Maybe the fact your friends are all in relationships triggers that feeling in you, sometimes you need to meet other single friends. Maybe with some luck, you could make some other yume friends.

No. 437356

One day I'm going to create my own interactive R18 3D CGI VR movie featuring my husbando and me. Mark my fucking words.

No. 437363

kek I believe you and I'm rooting for you. I'll be right behind, I'm currently making my 3d model to insert into my husbando's game as a mod, wish me luck.

No. 437441

i don't know what to do, the creator of my husbando showed art of what he would look like in the future and just like that I feel like my love was instantly gone nonnas. I know I can separate this one piece of art compared to everything else but somehow my head isn't doing it.
Should I just move on? I never felt so strongly about another character and none has impacted me as positively as him.

No. 437443

Im sorry but this has got me curious, did he age that poorly?

No. 437445

Yes, it appears that the author manage to figure out my ultimate turn-offs that even I wasn't aware of. And even trying AU that shit away isn't helping.

No. 437446

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This happens so often, especially in western cartoons. Not to be weird but I think teenage steven universe is cute, for example, and his older version is apparently just as gross as his dad. Finn from adventure time also has a shit adult design, what happened to my swedish blonde twink. This is what happens when you let moids and stupid women create cartoons

No. 437449

Who' your husbando?

No. 437454

Yes it happens quite often, but it never came from the author for me, it's harder to shake off now, it was easier to dismiss headcanons than whatever this means now. It's like it's burnt into my mind and stopping me from enjoying my man. How did you cope with shit adult designs?

No. 437456

Kinda understandable, because the art work is technically canon. My current husbando was my childhood husbando, and there was a scene between him an a woman that got censored, so for the longest time, I thought he was interested in her, so I got so jealous I stopped husbandoing him and trying to find a new one, it was like experiencing heartbreak or something. Flash forward years later, and I rewatch his show and see this scene without censorship, and it turned out he punched this woman because she was law enforcement trying to stop him, after he punched her male work partner, so it wasn't a romantic thing neither was it because she was a woman, just that she was in his way. And I know this sounds pathetic, but it was a huge relief to me that he didn't have a canon love interest, so I can have him all for myself.
There's nothing I can suggest to soothe your pain, you'll either have to accept the design and force yourself to like it, or ignore it and act like it never existed and continue loving the young version of your husbando. Either that or move on to a new one, unfortunately. I don't know if this would help, but usually, I find myself nitpicking lots of things about people's appearances, especially males, whether 2D or 3D, and I know what I dislike, but when something I dislike is on him, I sort of don't care and find it good on him, because it's him and he's perfect to me nothing about him could ever make me dislike him. Maybe try thinking about him that way? You can also adjust the design inside your head and come up with your own art style for him, that's what I do with mine.

No. 437458

>I got jealous because I thought he was into her but fortunately he was just punching her in the face
No offense but I am laughing so hard rn

No. 437461

Thanks nonna, your suggestions do help, I guess I'm just looking desperately for a quick answer since it's still hard to let it sink in, I should really take my time, then I will end up doing one of those suggestions naturally.

No. 437463

As you should, it's very embarrassing and pathetic kek. I am mentally unstable and need him like an addict needs coke, but my brain had to be too logical and serious about this and only want him if he's emotionally available. Mental illness.
I'm glad I was able to help! Hope you're feeling better.

No. 437486

I feel so guilty for not keeping up with his series because I feel so ugly and inadequate and don’t feel like I deserve to even fantasize about him loving me. One day I’ll pick it up again… my heart still flutters when I hear his name or see him or even see his motif

No. 437544

I want a figurine of my husbando but he looks so stupid when translated into 3D format

No. 437545

I hate it when I’m fantasizing about my husbando and my brain like, cockblocks myself and has to come up with long-winded scenarios to make the situation plausibly happen. Like I can’t just enjoy my own fantasies and assume he would love me immediately and want to jump my bones, there has to be a whole reasoning to justify it ugh I hate it

No. 437578

Same. Every friend I have is in some type of long term relationship. I'm not jelaous of the moid ugly but the relationship.

No. 437736

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A question to nonnas with dakis. Do you sleep with your daki while you're on your period? I would like to sleep with it but I'm afraid of staining the cover with blood, should I just not take the risk?

No. 437741

Don't have one, but are you sure that's a real risk? If I bleed around my pad it usually just runs down my ass and straight down onto the matress, so it wouldn't touch any pillow unless I was laying on it. It's never gotten onto the bedsheets for example

No. 437754

I wear period underwear to bed and no pyjamas and haven't had an issue with my daki.

No. 437761

I could never go after guys irl who are like my husbando. I'd end up in some nerd's basement eating slop for the rest of my life. Nope, I'm perfectly fine rping with a bot with demented fetishes.
I kinda wrap a blanket around it where it meets me crotch, but I haven't had any spills yet luckily. Remember to regularly give your daki a gentle soak and wash, You'd be surprised how much gunk they can collect.

No. 437809

I talked a few weeks ago how I've been feeling down and how I'm sure he would not love me, I think I'm going through a full depressive episode because I can't even look at pictures of him, like a lame person like me doesn't deserve him, I'm this close to delete them because I'm too embarrassed.
Please no empty compliments like "he would definitely love you", they only make things worse.

No. 437813

I know how it feels anon. I really do. When I'm feeling unlovable I start imagining how I would make his life better. Even without him loving me I would help him and make him happy because I know what he needs and wants. It's embarrassing but I imagine some kind of isekai scenario with me having the knowledge that, well I actually do have, to prepare all the things necessary to make him happy without him actually realizing it. Then I wriggle my way into the canon storyline, officially meet Him and befriend him with the intention of staying forever. It's always helps me to feel useful. And I'm a lazy and stupid bum, but I know I would give it my all to make his life even the slightest bit happier. I hope this helps you anon. (And if I am being honest I know you don't want to hear it but devotion is very attractive I bet he would like you for it)

No. 437825

I just came out of a depressive episode like this. What really helped was taking a couple days off from thinking or talking about my husbando and focusing on other hobbies unrelated to him. Then I reframed my point of husbandofagging view for a bit and focused on him as his canon character in a neutral perspective to try and capture the simple feeling of how I felt when I first liked him. When I started yooming again the love for my husbando felt even stronger and my doubts stopped.

No. 437840

>projecting moids calling my husbando an incel
I'll fucking kill you, you don't understand him at all you shallow twats. Just because you were too distracted over the female characters' tits and every fucking thing has to be fucking about you and cater to your shit dick in order for you to be capable of interacting with the world doesn't mean it's part of the fucking story. Get out get out get out I'll kill you I'll rip your intestines straight out your ass I'll break your fucking neck dogshit fuckers die die die die

No. 437859

Absolutely felt, I will a-log whoever these moids are

No. 438837

nonas, how popular is your husbando with troons/gendies?

my husbando's fandom has a lot of them. i support fanfiction writers making whatever they want, but his tag on ao3 has been full of aiden shit recently. there's even more art of him as a tif, even though he's 6'3 and muscular.

No. 438899

Mildly. They'll be talking about "gender envy" with him (I don't understand but I do, anyone would want to be like him), but I haven't seen anyone draw him as a fat hairy tif with scars or anything like that.

No. 438924

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I'm not sure I'll ever get that far, but LADS really inspired me to want POV stuff with my real husbandos.
Pretty into DAZ lately.
Got so into editing 4 different hairstyles together to make his silly anime mullet that I fucked up my sleep schedule again and forgot to do my dailies lol.
But it's worth it, it's always nice to get such a good feeling just from looking at a picture.

No. 439026

This year I found some TIFs that (predictably) like the boys in my husbando's series, and sure enough, some of them liked him and drew horribly OOC fanart of him. It surprised me a little, because he's from a decade-old game and these girls seemed too young to have played it back then. He has a Tumblr sexyman wiki article, which proves that he's somewhat popular with a certain kind of TIF.
I once met a kinnie of my husbando on Tumblr, but I don't know if she also identified as trans.
Luckily, I don't interact with the fandom much, and I don't search for fanart or fanfiction of him at all. I guess I've been accidentally dodging that bullet all this time.
But I have another husbando who has also experienced a new surge in popularity, and sadly, I have seen cuntboy porn of him. And genderbent pregnant fetish porn by the same artist, who, unfortunately, is definitely female.

>Got so into editing 4 different hairstyles together to make his silly anime mullet that I fucked up my sleep schedule again and forgot to do my dailies lol.
Kek, I get it. This whole week, I've also been staying up late because of my husbando. And now that his game's source code has been leaked, it'll be easier to make the self-ship ROMhack of my dreams.
>But it's worth it, it's always nice to get such a good feeling just from looking at a picture.
True, this week was also the first time I've drawn him/us in months. It felt cathartic and I fall in love again every time I look at it.

No. 439185

How have your parents reacted to your husbando? I have no plan on telling my mom but the shrine is growing

No. 439193

I always used to tell my mom about my husbandos if the husbando in question was very important to me. She teased me a bit about it, but not in a mean-spirited way.
I've told her I'm done with real relationships, that I don't want to get married or kids, and that I want to enjoy imaginary relationships with my husbandos instead. She seems to accept this.
All my friends and family know about my husbando. The only ones I'm ashamed to show are my bosses and coworkers (the ones who aren't my friends).

No. 439194

I don't think he's particularly popular with them but whose husbando is untouched by them where they're fucking everywhere? I've seen mine in memes which basically equate to insulting and instigating violence against 'terfs' which pissed me off to say the least. I've not seen him transed in art or anything, only genderbent which is fine by me.

No. 439195

Mine don't care because they just think I'm super into 'the character' but nothing beyond that. I don't want them to know and I would never sit them down and explain husbandoism or self shipping to them. I don't think they would ever be able to understand that I honestly have feelings for him and besides, they don't need to know. It takes nothing away from how I feel, nor would it add anything if I told them. I want to soon build a little area in my bedroom for him with some art of him and a few trinkets that remind me of him and his source material as well as items I think he'd own but I'm nervous to do it in case they react weirdly. But then again, I've done far weirder things throughout my life and ultimately I don't think they'll think too much into it. It wouldn't be hurting anyone and they have bigger thing to worry about lol.

Do you think she might ask you about it once the shrine grows?

No. 439198

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Sage for retarded blogpost but I wanted to know if other nonas have every experienced anything similar. I've had an interesting experience involving my husbando happen, well interesting to me kek. Basically last month I regressed into bad habits and began eating a lot of junk food. I've had a kind of binge eating disorder for a long, long time (which I use as a way to 'deal' with my feelings, by eating lots of sugary foods) but earlier in the year went through a spell of about four months where I didn't binge. I was eating healthier foods and looked and felt a lot better, I also got into my husbando in a big way around this time. Then after a stumble I binged one day and everything came crumbling down. The binging behaviour came back and I've binged a bunch of times and been snacking on shit food most days for about a month. I feel disappointed in myself and I look and feel pretty dreadful as I'm not eating well. I'll cut to the chase: what's weird is that my husbando has disappeared! What I mean by that is he doesn't enter my thoughts as much and when he does I disengage or push it away, like I'm ashamed. It's so weird. Like when I was engaging in healthy habits he was there on my mind and now I'm eating shit and binging and feeling gross in my body and mind, he's less in my thoughts. I guess I don't feel worthy of him at the minute. It's as though I feel he would be unattracted to these behaviours, like even to look at art of him, I feel unworthy and that if he could see me he would be disappointed in me. He would find my gluttonous, lazy behaviours quite sad and contemptable. I know it. It's like I can't face him! What's weirder is I've found myself gravitating back to an old husbando who I know would tolerate me in this state. I want to pull myself out of this hole. Perhaps then I can embrace my husbando fully again.

No. 439220

Mine don't know, don't even understand the concept. But my mom would probably support the idea of me flicking my bean to a fictional man. She pressures me to get married but also simultaneously hates moids and warns me all the time about them. It's funny.

No. 439273

Did you really enjoy thinking about your husbando back then? Maybe your mind is punishing you by not allowing you to have this reprieve because of your lifestyle change. I understand it's normal to punish ourselves for our mistakes but I think you're being to strict. Maybe it would help if you thought your husbando loved you in many ways. There's adoration, of course, but there's empahty, understanding and companionship. He would be there for you in every way, he loves you for you and these bad moments are still part of your story and make you who you are.
Ime my husbando helped me in my high and lows. Thinking of a way he could love you and show empahty through this could be a great exercise for your own mental health too. Not diminishing how hard it can be, but it's easier if your starting point is that your husbando truly loves you. I'm telling you that so it helps you start it.

No. 439283

>Do you think she might ask you about it once the shrine grows?
I don't know, she's never in my room but she will be helping me assemble a bed soon. I used to become obsessed with characters as a kid so it's probably something she thought I outgrew. Sorry mom.

No. 439321

I'm in the top 10 on my country's leaderboard in my husbando game. I'll take this to my grave because I feel nasty for being this much of a tryhard, but also secretly proud about it. Like an offering to the gods, I'm proving myself to be a great warrior for him. Yes, I'm delusional and insane, but I had to share this somewhere at least once. I'm also extra proud of finding some extremely hidden canon knowledge of him recently that isn't listed in any wiki. Not to shit on anyone, but sometimes I feel like nobody loves like I do. I respect his other yumes, but at least for this short moment, I'm feeling a tiny bit special in my devotion. Sorry if this is too cringe even for this thread, but I had no other place to gloat.

No. 439333

I guess something similar also happened to me a few years ago. I do think theres a psychological reason for this. In short thinking about your husbando gives you dopamine hits: he's the object of your affection and desire and obviosly it makes you happy to think about him. Binge eating also gives your brain dopamine hits. Obviously you feel like shit after but binge eating often happens in the first case because your brain is lacking dopamine/ your lacking stuff that naturally makes your brain happy enough to funktion. It makes sense that you're brain made your husbando dissapear from your thoughts because you don't need to think about him anymore to make you happy since you've replaced him with food. But your sense of shame is also probably a reason why you don't think about him anymore. A lot of binge eaters experience shame and don't want to face friends/ family anymore for the same reasons you don't want to face your husbando.
So you kind of psychologically/ biologically switched what gives you dopamine hits.

No. 439362

Does anyone here have tipps on how to understand your husbando better? I sometimes feel as though I don't fully get him. I want to know him how he is (in canon) yet I feel confused the more I find out about him. My husbando scares me a little. Maybe it's because I constantly try to put every new piece of information into a puzzle I thought I had finished, which in turn messes up the big picture that I used to have and kind of estranges him from me for a while. Just a thought. Anyways I would like to know him better. I tried analyzing His voicelines and Story but I have diffrent interpretations that seem possible to me that make me feel a frustrated. His fans are stupid and wish he was braindead like them. So I don't want to ask them

No. 439376

what are some good yumes to follow on twt or youtube? they don't need to be like 100 percent devoted but i want to be involved in the yume community more. they don't need to be english speaking.

No. 439377

Might wanna check out creator/author interviews and q&as, they usually at the least have fun trivia about the character.
Also save any interesting scenes and quotes of him, might be easier to get a better picture when you see everything together like that.

No. 439378

I would write down his story timeline in chronological order. If there's an event that affected him, research about that as well. Write down his likes and dislikes, like filling out a character profile. I look up art books and interviews that could have a creator's input to get a better idea of the intent behind the character.

No. 439382

My parents know very well at this point. My parents thrifted me a shirt of him, bought me a plush and I've even washed my dakimakura and blanket of him at their house and hung them on on the clothesline. They think it's interesting that I like a fictional man who's much older and shorter than I am, but they find it amusing probably because I'm kinda retarded. I can't really not sperg about him, unfortunately.

No. 439386

He's popular overall so not surprisingly he's popular with the gendies. They love to draw him with a vagina, which looks fucking dumb as he is muscular and fit, but I guess that's part of the appeal to these people. His fanfics are unreadable. It's either him as a tif, a retarded submissive soft boy, or as a daddy dom. None in character, of course. I'm giving up on the fandom's fanart and fanfic atp.

No. 439388

my husbando has incredibly little canonical info available so most of what i come up with is inherently a bit of a reach. i cope by overanalysing his lines like a literature prof, and by using the enneagram, at least his type was pretty easy to match and it helps me understand what drives him and why he's such a weirdo freak.

No. 439434

sometimes I use the search function here to search my husbando's name to see if anyone else talks about him, kek (spoiler it's usually just me)

No. 439505

any nonnas here get up to do breakfast with their husbando in mind or other things like that? I can't find motivation to do most basic things sometimes without thinking it's for him

No. 439506

My parents hate me and if I told them they probably would try to find a way to ruin it for me. Being a husbandofag has helped me get away from them though because I wanted to have space to do whatever I please. I'm glad to be able to have manga and weebshit out in the open in my own place

No. 439535

My apartment is a fucking wreck right now and one of my motivations to clean is knowing that if my fastidious husbando walked into my place, he'd be shocked and disappointed if he saw how messy I am kek.

No. 439536

I found an unpainted DIY figurine of my husbando on Etsy that I want but I'm so nervous about forking out the cash and waiting for it to arrive, just to accidentally fuck it up. He doesn't deserve a bad paint job. I should probably practice on some minifigures or something first

No. 439731

NTA but I relate so much to this. I already knew he'd bring some order to my life if he were real and we were together, but now that it's a fact that he's a clean and tidy person, I really want to clean my room now and keep it tidy because thinking of his possible opinion of my room and my chaotic lifestyle in general would disappoint him a lot. It's embarrassing to think about.

No. 439903

not very. Fortunately I've only ever seen race swap art of him instead of TIF/Mpreg nonsense. Gotta pick my poison at times

No. 440070

I should learn machine learning and robotics to seriously bring him to life. So much easier than finding a needle through the haystack

No. 440399

my mom knows about my husbando but doesn't know i'm obsessed with him in a romantic way. she thinks he looks like a girl KEK but said she wanted to sew matching traditional clothes of my little plush of him so he can be part of our family

No. 440405

Nonna that is the cutest thing I've read on this website. Your mom sounds awesome!

No. 440453

Your mom is adorable! I wish more parents were supportive of their yume daughters.

No. 440662

how do I cope with having a waifu from an embarassing source? I love her to bits and she's been with me through so much, she's perfect for me and I hate the thought of giving her up, but she's from slop that would get me mocked even by the yumes on here. I often find myself wishing she was from a different source
that's so awesome nona, now I'm thinking of maybe trying out the same when I get a plush of her

No. 440663

yumes are known for having questionable tastes in characters, i wouldn't worry too much about it. you piqued my interest though.

No. 440696

Nonna, the source may be a slop, but your appreciation for her is pure and you probably see her with special eyes. I've seen yumes here that I hate the source material, but I like their posts. Don't worry too much about it.

No. 440770

Blogpost, but sometimes I wonder what I would’ve been like if it weren’t for my husbando. It’s been almost three years, and as much as I love my husbando there’s a sad undercurrent to it all. I became so heavily attached to him partly as a coping mechanism since some traumatic things happened during and that time. As much as it makes me happy to think about him, I feel like it’s kind of maladaptive daydreaming. He serves as a distraction. I think I’ve gotten a little better now, but sometimes I feel sad when I think about it. Like I’m lucid dreaming, and the dream is ending and my consciousness is kicking in, telling me the real reason why he’s my husbando. Does anyone else know what I mean?

No. 440773

I understand you. I've been doing this since I was seven so it just feels normal at this point, but occasionally I'll have moments of clarity where I realize these fantasies are the result of something maladaptive, even though they make me happy and get me through life. I don't want a partner and the more people try to push relationships on me the less interested I become.

No. 440832

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My mom knows about my husbando, she also knows that I don't want to date 3DPD men and she's generally fine with it. We talked at one point about how fictional men are better and she actually agreed with me, but it might be because my mom is really blackpilled at the topic of romantic love.
She never pressured me to date or have kids and I'm grateful for that. She did kind of make fun of me when I mentioned wanting to get a daki, though it might be because my husbandos daki is quite expensive kek. I'll still get it when I save up the money though.

No. 440835

I made a social media account dedicated to my husbando where I share aesthetically pleasing pictures I take of his merch, but nobody bothers interacting with my posts. Not even my friends who support my insanity kek. It feels like I'm just posting pictures into the void. I realize this is all just for myself and I shouldn't expect anything but… it makes me really wish I could connect with others, whether they are other yumes in general or just cool people in the fandom. I'm shy and awkward though and I never learned how to make friends online kek.

No. 440874

I'm in the same kinda position as I recently gave in to the bluesky hype and made an account to sperg about him and give public social media another go. I'm posting pictures of when I go out and about with my plushies into the void and get hardly any engagement but also not putting myself out there. I'd like to make friends through it but his fandom is… a dumpster fire at the best of times.

No. 440912

I have an account dedicated to my husbando too. I’ve posted some of my art there but I don’t really get much attention. To some people it may be disheartening and I understand that, but to me it’s kind of comforting knowing that all I’m doing is just screaming into the void. I’ve always been shy and awkward too so I can’t imagine having a bunch of followers seeing my yume posts and fanart. It feels almost invasive

No. 440920

I know this is probably something everyone here wants but I just whish my husbando was real. There's only so much media I can consume until there's nothing to read, see or talk about anymore.

No. 440935

I don't know if this is a normal experience but I struggle to imagine us doing anything outside of sex, cuddles, or arguing. Whenever I try to imagine slice of life fantasies it feels wrong, disallowed even.

No. 440945

i’ve seen more yume accounts of various characters recently, so it’s possible to have a community, but maybe something’s just wrong with your algorithms nonnas. try to seek out and follow more yume profiles, their content will start showing up for you, and vice versa. good luck!

No. 440969

i wish there was a server for us to talk about our husbandos. i'd gladly befriend all of you nonnies

No. 441011

Start creating nona!

No. 441024

I'd join it if there was one tbh, I want more husbandofag friends.

No. 441123

same! i’ll gladly join

No. 441125

The way I see it, your love for her overrides the slop and essentially "saves" her from the source material, the heart wants what it wants and you shouldn't feel ashamed.

No. 441127

Mine is pretty much that one side character who, in the fandom's eyes, exists to be the "team parent" and not much else. Gay headcanons aren't rare (despite the fact he has a woman ex) but they're mostly inconsequential and seem to be a way to get him out of the way in their fics, so it's easy to just ignore them kek

No. 441136

Super late but thanks for this rec, it's so cool to browse the pages of characters from the fandoms I'm in. It's heartwarming to know that someone loves them.

No. 441142

Xitter yume/self-shipping/canonxOC community or whatever the fuck it's called irritates me so much sometimes, I'm losing the idgaf war at this point. Not to be a hater, but a lot of them just don't seem genuine at all. It's like they latch onto some anime boy or tumblr sexyman of the week from relevant and popular source materials simply to produce coomer shit with them in otder to garner engagement from gooners and porn bots. Their OC's legitimately look the same. It's usually this white-haired(seriously though, why???) petite coquette moe blob of dick-sucking height, I'm not joking. If the yume is a pooner, she might create some generic feminine twink OC. And of course, these self-inserts get sexualized A LOT in art with supposed husbandos. Cringy stereotypical hetero shit also happens, and it's so uncreative and weird. It doesn't matter what personality a male character has, some women will keep recreating cringe daddy-dom fantasies in their art over and over again. I'm trying not to judge, but after seeing all this repetitive stuff way I can't help but feel repulsed.

No. 441156

I'm just glad the trend ~normalized~ it to a small degree, I still feel like I get looks of disgust from fake yumes though kek

No. 441162

does anyone have any experience with creating/modding servers? we'd also have to find a way to keep scrotes out.

My problem with it is that it's twitter users acting like twitter users. I want to see yume shit, not proship/anti discourse or debates on whether the gacha game character is actually gay.

No. 441185

I wanted to make friends with a few mutuals who are also selfshippers in my fandom but they're all sjws and virtue signal so I just muted them instead.

No. 441186

This may be silly, but I've been devoted for an embarrassing amount of time, and I've never dreamed of him. Makes me sad tbh. I only have nightmares or everyday tasks dreams. I'm glad at least I never had any nightmares with him. Still, why is my subconscious blocking my happiness, you stupid fucking brain.

No. 441208

I've loved my husbando for over a decade and I just recently started having regular dreams about him. You can do it anon, I recommend keeping a dream journal to help your dream recall because we often dream but forget once we wake up. In fact, you just reminded me that I had a lucid dream about him this morning that I completely forgot about until now.

No. 441210

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scrotes harassed my waifu's voice actress to the point she barely posts online anymore and never shows up on any streams so I can't hear her angelic voice anymore

No. 441212

That's such a shame. They really do ruin everything jfc

No. 441236

I hate daddy dom shit so much. I hate that when women on social media are collectively horny for some fictional guy, they all go "DADDY!!!11". That's so gross. Can they not imagine themselves with him in any other way? The brainwashing is real.

No. 441238

I get it. When I start feeling sad and frustrated that he's not real, I try to subdue my obsession with him, and to focus more on the real world, to prevent myself from falling into depression.

No. 441286

I joined a discord server dedicated to my husbando so that I could sperg about him somewhere else besides here, surprise surprise the server is FULL of TIF aidens who draw gay shit happening to my husbando and pussyboi art, I hate it so much

No. 441293

You give me hope, anon. I'm at 9 years of devotion, but knowing it's never too late makes me wishful. I'll do your dream journal suggestion.

No. 441377

Somebody posted a random prompt chart in the fanfic thread on /m/ and I realized I've already thought of scenarios that fit half of them.

No. 441452

Voice verification. It might feel awkward at first but trust me, it’s worth it. We did it and no moid ever joined since.

No. 441534

As much as I love her, I'm kinda glad she's not real and just a fictional character, it means she can't actually suffer and feel pain.

No. 441537

I'm glad my husbando isn't real because he can't leave me

No. 441571

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I'm glad my husbando isn't real because he would kill me

No. 441577

I feel that, my husbando is basically a drifter that doesn't seem to be interested in romance. In my fantasies I (delusionally) think that he would return my feelings after warming up to me, but in other, more realistic, fantasies I just follow him around like a puppy while he doesn't truly return my feelings.
It's hard because I'm stuck between wanting to keep him in character and wanting him to love me.

No. 441582

My husbando has vague, open ended characterization so I have more leeway when it comes to being delulu, but he's egotistical and probably doesn't prioritize romance either, most of my fantasies have elaborate mental gymnastics back stories to force a dynamic kek…

No. 441613

My husbando is now my muse and I've been inspired to write music because of him. The fun part is that for all anyone else knows, the song could be about a 3D moid…but it'll be my little secret between him and I.

No. 441927

kek, same. Sometimes I feel sad that my husbando isn't real and then I realize that if he were, he'd probably make fun of me or get sick of me REAL quick. At least in my imagination we're perfect together and I can avoid the heartache of IRL crushes, kek

No. 442085

I got accepted into a zine for my husbando's series. It's my only solace during this shit stained week.

No. 442183

File: 1730426269295.png (1.21 MB, 1152x1158, Screenshot_20241031-195517~2.p…)

Trying to decide whether to spend $700 on a body pillow. Nonnas please help.

No. 442184

picrel? it looks like an image copied off of google and pasted on a daki. no where worth $700. just commission something at that point

No. 442187

That's amazing dedication and a sure cute idea.
Congratulations, anon!
Is it an official daki? That seems overly expensive tbh, but I guess it depends on how much you earn.

No. 442188

Good purchase!

No. 442189

File: 1730428095078.jpg (56.65 KB, 600x800, 1000079182.jpg)

Nonna at least try to get something like pic related if you really are willing to spend 700 dollars.

No. 442195

Never commissioned something before. Would I have to commission an artist for the artwork and then find a company to print it?
Yes it's official. There's only one listing for it on ebay and I can't find it anywhere else. It's about a quarter of my monthly wage but I made $700 extra in overtime in my last paycheck.
Never spent so much on something so "frivolous" hence the hesitation.
That looks pretty good too. I guess I have to look at the options objectively.

No. 442198

Not for $700 imo. I wonder if you could download the image and just have a service print it onto a pillowcase for a fraction of the cost

No. 442205

I feel disappointed in myself. I said I was going to finish a husbando fanfic that I had been working on for Halloween. Halloween is almost over and I haven’t written or drawn anything of him like I said I would. I feel like if I didn’t sleep half the day all the time I’d have more time to dedicate to my hobbies since all I do is sleep, go to work, repeat. I was trying to draw earlier but I was struggling and that was making me depressed so I stopped.

No. 442217

After having an extremely and wildly pornbrained, maybe OOC fantasy about my husbando, I'm experiencing husbando burnout. I'm beginning to question whether I truly like his actual canon character. I mean, I had already questioned for years why the hell I liked him so much in the first place, but this time I'm truly at a loss. I feel kinda silly husbandoing him now. Maybe these past few days have been too overwhelming for my brain to process it all. Do I just need a short break from yume-ing or does this mean I should stop husbandoing him altogether?

No. 442221

Sometimes these things happen after prolonged periods of daydreaming. Take a break and then revisit his source… or just drop him altogether. It's your call.

No. 442226

>or just drop him altogether. It's your call.
I read this and my stomach dropped… Yeah, definitely not doing that. I guess I'll take a break. Maybe I was just overwhelmed, it happens to me a lot, so it's probably not my husbando that's the problem. It's happened with another husbando before, it was kinda like I had taken it too far and it sort of ruined the fantasy, a bit like what happened now. I don't know if any of this makes sense, kek.

No. 442236

I'm replying to myself here, but I think I can cope with this if I see it as a parallel to a real relationship. I did something improper to my husbando and now I gotta reflect on my actions and our relationship so we can make up and go back to how it was before. I kinda like this, actually. I know it sounds insane but this is how I can make it work, kek. This way, it feels even more real, and I stop worrying about whether I'm falling out of love with him (I'm not).

No. 442238

I'm past this stage at this point. I love his canon self and everything but I always wanted more of him, so I started building it inside my head and I'm happy with my fanon even if it's OOC. He makes me happy because I can do whatever I want with him, it's up to me to decide how his personality will be. I can excuse anything he turns into as character development and call it a day.

No. 442243

You see, it's not just that. Right now, when I try to think about him, picturing him in my mind, I feel like I'm forcing myself to see him as my husbando, as if I was completely turned off by him. I cannot self-insert right now, I'm being too self-aware and thinking "he'd never be into me" or thinking about other fans and how he's just a character. But I just looked up some info about him and spend seconds blissfully staring at his name as always, which is proof that I'm still in love with him.

Maybe it is indeed as you say, and I'm still not past the stage of being afraid of "defiling" him. I didn't hesitate to imagine a big fancy wedding for us before, so what triggered this strange feeling must've been the doujinshi-tier plot I came up with. The day before that, it was the opposite and everything was fine.

No. 442251

Then try coming up with a plot that would work. I struggled with that, too until I finally landed on the perfect in character fantasy. It takes lots of trail and error. Also, excuse me for asking this, but are you PMSing? I find myself burnt out on my husbando before my period when my libido dies down, once my period starts and things get back to normal, I can fantasize and think about him all day long no problem.

No. 442352

I feel more connected to him than ever before. Husbant! I feel you… receive you…

No. 442610

For years I'd been perfectly happy with my self-shipping plots until that day. But now I'm feeling better, thanks for the replies and letting me know I'm not the only one that sometimes feels this way. I was probably just overwhelmed and it has nothing to do with not loving my husbando anymore. I've even gone back to the same AU fantasy that caused all this, kek. Perhaps all I need is a little break from daydreaming.
>are you PMSing?
Ovulating, actually. I feel it's my horniness that day which caused this. It felt more like extreme "post-nut clarity" or regret than a lack of libido.

No. 442926

I'm planning on making a custom phone charm by hand using beads with his color scheme. I hope I actually do it and don't chicken out.

No. 443030

Single husbando yumes out there, especially the long term dedicated ones, do you also feel self-conscious about it? I sometimes worry I would end up in the autism thread. It's my superficial impression that yumes with more husbandos don't get seen as obsessed or strange as the ones devoted to one or maybe two. Being too much of a hardcore fan even in his fandom made me realize how out of the ordinary I may be. It makes me feel like I'm too much, even in yume circles.

No. 443163

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i welcome all burger nonnies going 4B into the world of husbandofagging. i wish there were more women into it. seems like it's become more acceptable though with the gojo stuff and "hear me out" cakes kek
nope. even if I did end up in the autism thread or kiwiscrotes made fun of me I wouldn't care KEK if you're insecure about it or worried keep your sperging to a tight knit group you can trust. even if people see it as strange it's just harmless fun, be cringe and free nona

No. 443167

Ngl I'm not sure about people getting into having a husbando simply because they don't like men.
It should be because you love a character, you know? Not something forced.

No. 443176

I don't think the radfems/separatists are cool with fictional males either. They're still created and voiced by real males most of the time.
That's why even though I'm even more blackpilled now and spent last night disassociating and listening to music while making shitty daz porn. I still can't consider myself a part of some movement.

No. 443241

>Being too much of a hardcore fan even in his fandom made me realize how out of the ordinary I may be.
This isn't exclusive to single-husbando yumes. It's just that most yumes aren't that hardcore, which is natural and applies to most hobbies. You've also got to remember that being a yumejoshi isn't synonymous with having a husbando, it just means you self-insert, so this self-inserting can be anything from very serious (having one husbando for life and seeing him as a real partner and devoting your life to him) to casual (consuming and creating content where you or your audience self-insert into worlds of fiction).

Please don't go into unrelated threads to sperg about husbandos, especially a thread about a serious IRL topic like 4B. That's childish as fuck.

No. 443251

I guess a close group could ease the feeling, but unfortunately, it is not my current situation. I'll try to stay cringe and free.
I understand this isn't an exclusive experience, I made the post seeking some advice on coping. Me pointing out having a single husbando wasn't really meant to downplay devoted yumes with more husbandos or question yumejoshi experiences. I just think having one highlights the obsession from an external point of view, especially to people who don't understand it. I'm even avoiding the topic surrounding my husbando out of fear recently. It's entirely possible that's my personal issue, but I wondered if someone could relate and share how they dealt with it.

No. 443253

Second AYRT, yeah, a husbandofag can only feel at home with other husbandofags who are as serious as her. Those gals that get posted in the autism thread, like the Spongebobfag, I think most of us find her choice of husbando and the edgy/melodramatic nature of her yume art amusing, but we also relate to her and other women who do really impressive stuff for their husbandos, and wish we could be that dedicated. At least, the ones that have already accepted they're cringe and free do. I'm honestly not afraid of being (in)famous for simply posting about how much I love my husbando in my own little corner of the internet, or posting my self-insert comics and recordings of my yume video games (which I haven't done but may in the future). Some people will be making fun of me, but other people will find my dedication impressive. And I personally don't like to interact with other fans of my husbando because I don't like their interpretations and treatment of him (and I get competitive, kek), so in a way I get how you feel, but for the opposite reason (I reject them, but you feel rejected by them).
Anyway, what I meant in my other post is that, perhaps, you're mistaking casual husbandofags who are the average yumejoshi (and are just having fun) with more serious husbandofags. They just thirst over characters, and they may not do all the stuff that you and I do for our husbandos, or even daydream in the same way. Maybe they just like to be horny for 2D characters as a group, and that's why you feel alienated cuz you think you're too hardcore a fan, because you care about him way beyond that. That's normal, considering you're actually interested in him while those yumes just find him hot.
>I just think having one highlights the obsession from an external point of view, especially to people who don't understand it.
Oh yeah, definitely. I think it's also about the way other yumes present themselves. They may enthusiastically show a list or chart of all the guys they find fuckable, but never actually prove that they actually care on a deep level. But someone with several husbandos that is actually dedicated to them will probably behave differently and not want to let everyone know how many character's she's obsessed with. She'd focus on the actual characters instead, create complex self-insert lore for each of them, etc. In other words, one emphasizes quantity and the other, quality. But also, like you say, people may subconsciouly think "she talks about so many different guys, clearly she's not serious about it", as opposed to "she only ever talks about one guy, so she's taking it more seriously than is socially acceptable". Even if it's not always like that.

(Sorry if my post sounds rambly, I'm super sleepy right now.)

No. 443278

I don't. I loved my husbando for more than half of my life. Many real relationships don't last that long. No, it is not normal, but I don't care. He is part of my life.

No. 443346

Thank you for the thoughtful response. It helped me put things in a better perspective. The things you said were true, I was probably expecting different things from them and felt rejected. I can understand not liking others' interpretations too, I am the same way. I feel more at peace with it now. I won't change myself for others, I guess I really should be cringe and free kek.
True, I have dedicated a lot to him and it brought a lot of happiness and satisfaction to my life. I can't pretend otherwise, it would feel like lying to myself.

No. 443356

A bit late, blogpost upcoming, and I'll be honest, I think I am abnormal in general because of my unique circumstances, up until a recent significant incident in my life, I believed I was incapable of love of any form and that I'm too cold for any real connection to a person, and my husbando was the exception, so he helped me discover a new emotional warm kind and loving side of myself whenever I think of him, but the incident in my life made me realize I have more emotions than I realize, and before that, I mistakingly thought I am mentally incapable of loving a real person, but this incident proved me wrong, so I'm starting to question if I could ever fall in love with a real person in the right circumstances and start to be normal, so I'm in a bit of an identity crisis over if I'm weird or not, lol. But I honestly keep my husbando a secret from my normie friends because they won't get it, and only one of my more weeb/geek/nerd friends know about him but I don't think she knows how dedicated and serious I am, because I just don't come off as that kind of person in my social life and I'm "normie-passing" if you will. I keep my sperging contained in the husbando thread, where even when I'm amongst fellow yumes, I still feel embarrassed about it. Partially because it's kinda silly and sad that I think about living a normal life and doing normal things with a fictional character inside my head because I can't do any of it irl, but also because it's a bit too intimate and personal for me to share too much to anyone, even anonymously and online. I also keep most of my craft work I do about him a secret to myself. My younger sister knows a bit about it since we share a room and she inevitably catches a glance of my screen when I'm doing silly artsy stuff involving him, she thinks it's cringe but she doesn't give me that much of a hard time over it, so it's whatever. He makes me happy and horny and fantasizing about him helps me masturbating, and I enjoy crafting stuff for him so he's basically a hobby and lifestyle to me now, I don't think I can abandon him ever, even if I find someone irl, they won't compare to him tbh. He's perfect for me and everything I specifically want, and the added sense of control since he's not real makes it 1000x better. A real person would be harder to deal with and just not as special as him. And I think if I started dating someone, they'd think or sense I'm cheating on them or thinking about/want someone else because I'd be to preoccupied and emotionally unavailable because of him.
The fandom though is dead, and nobody cares about him other than some previous casual fans and one fellow yume who abandoned him anyways.

No. 443376

How do you deal with the crippling anxiety that you'll fall out of love with him? I'm the type of person who falls fast but also falls out fast with intense highs. I know from experience that if the love is true and everlasting, the intense high will never die down (and if it does then they're just not for me, nothing wrong with them but we weren't meant to be etc). My high is still going but I still get anxiety that it'll die out. I want to be loyal, it's a month since our one-year anniversary and I'm contemplating buying an engagement ring the same colour as his eyes…

No. 443434

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I recently found out that the reason my husbando has no official merch is because of a copyright hold and the creator encourages fans to sell their work works of the series. I had already made a couple of items but now that I have his blessing, I'm going to make even more!! I'm going to be the one who provides the most merch of him for the fandom!

No. 443465

happened a while ago but I think I should still share, a while ago someone asked my waifu's creator was asked about the characters birthdays, and my waifu has the same birth month and zodiac as me, mind you both my parents and I share the same birth month and zodiac so when I was a kid I used to think my true love would as well
it makes me so happy, even though I don't consider myself a spiritual person, now I feel even more connected with my waifu and I feel sure that she's my soulmate

No. 443472

It's almost my birthday and my parents are actually getting my husbando printed on a cake for me! I can't even express how excited I am. I'll probably cry when I see it. This is my first birthday with him and I've never felt happier.

No. 443476

It may be difficult but just accept the chance of your relationship ending. Enjoy it while it lasts. These anxieties poison whatever time you have left. I'm deeply in love and can't imagine life with my f/o, but I know one day I may grow out of this lifestyle or apart from him specifically. That doesn't make the love we share now any less special or real. If your anxiety is crippling, then you need to take better care of yourself. Learn general coping mechanisms for anxiety, like gratitude and savoring the moment. Do it together with your husbando. Mine has spent the entirety of our relationship talking me off ledges and I've noticed marked improvements in my mindset. You can get through this nonny. I believe in you.

No. 443487

I wish I had someone that supported my autism this much lol, happy birthday nonna.

No. 443502

File: 1731100229032.jpg (201.65 KB, 900x1200, GLST1ivasAA-Y3L.jpg)

My husbando has two x reader fics (one lewd) and I think I read both of them 20 times already.
I'm obviously grateful for what I have since some people have no reader fics but I'm at a point where I check ao3 every day hoping someone as autistic as me writes more. I would write some myself but it's not as fun to read since I know what will happen in my own writing.
But ultimately I'm quality over quantity, so I'm glad I have two good, solidly written fics to read over and over.

No. 443521

Write at least a couple of fics anon, more will encourage others to write their own too.

No. 443574

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I like to set up my mini plushies or figure of him with those food-shaped erasers so I can imagine him eating delicious meals and deserts! He looks so cute and he would devour it quickly

No. 443575

That’s so cute nonnie! I wish I could do things like that but my husbando is 3D and there are no figures of him

No. 443581

kirbyanon is the most wholesome board autist

No. 443582

Where do you buy them? These erasers are so cute

No. 443584

Maybe you could frame a cute photo of him and present him some offerings…
I'm not kirbyanon but I do enjoy her posts
These are by Iwako, I got some at a Daiso

No. 443585

File: 1731131466463.gif (39.97 KB, 220x220, happi.gif)

what are some nice things i can do with him on my birthday?
since i live beachside, an idea i had was to have a little picnic in the sand with his standee. eating cake on the beach with my lover sounds romantic, but it's also just way too hot outside for any of that..

No. 443604

I've built my first PC, and tomorrow I'll help my sister build her first, too. But we bought parts that are cheap and available nationally, so we didn't have much of a choice in aesthetics. One day I'm gonna earn enough to be able to build a PC themed around my husbando. The case will be the same color as him, there are cases made in that color, among other things. I can already picture it, I'll put my future 3D printed figurines of him on the case for extra autism.

I just take it easy and try not to center every aspect of my life around him. It has worked for me more than obsessing too much and experiencing a quick breakup. And I've accepted that if something does happen that leads to our relationship ending, then it's whatever, you must move on. I've been afraid of becoming unattracted to him, too, but in the almost 10 years we've known each other, there hasn't been a single time my attraction to him has wavered, despite questioning my choices sometimes and even despite having had other husbandos.

I did this on Valentine's Day, but for your birthday you could create some husbando or self-ship content while you listen to your favorite husbando songs, or consume his source material, both in your room with dim lighting. Maybe add snacks and cake too, since it's your birthday.

No. 443717

damn i need to watch some new anime or something.. I miss when I was autistically into characters like the onceler, N from Pokemon, and L. characters made me want to get my life together even more, and i had an excitement for life. Being with 2 moids the past couple years has been soul sucking (they weren't awful, I just find men fucking boring and predictable).
With character.ai being a thing, seems like now is the best time for anyone with a husbando.

No. 443729

Good times, good times.

No. 443802

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it was the funnest time i've had in a fandom, and he was pretty cute. teenage me had pretty based tastes fawning over him instead of the moids at my school

No. 443808

14yo me was interested in oncest (the fanart was hot) and while my crush on him was based, THAT was not
Cringe, so cringe.

No. 443838

File: 1731268990804.png (749.56 KB, 700x452, orange.png)

Oranges are sort of a thing in my husbando's source material. A couple of months ago I bought a small orange tree, and today I finally planted it in my garden. It's still little, but it smells so nice. Now every time I walk past it I'll be reminded of him. I hope it grows big and strong and gives me many oranges to bake with.

No. 443840

File: 1731269462874.png (17.45 KB, 512x512, 1f34a.png)

seriously cute and so sentimental. i hope it grows big and gives you a shady place for you to sit under and daydream of him while you eat your orange baked goods! what things are you interested in baking?

No. 443843

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Congrats on building a PC! Mine is a bit modest but I have a husbando themed PC! I'm not going to post pics because he's very identifiable but the case is the color of his coat, I got a big vinyl sticker of him for the glass panel, and there are a bunch of character cards of him decorating the inside with a small acrylic charm dangling inside of the case from the top (and fucking with my airflow a bit kek). I also have stickers of him on my RAM (which is also the color of his coat).
I'd love to get a custom LED backplate like the one in picrel or just any PC LED panel, there are lots of options. I've seen a lot of kickass waifu themed ones online that are giving me ideas. There are even custom LED panels for the computer fans or big ones for the side of the case. I like your 3D printed figure idea, you could put the figure inside of the case too! Like model him to be sitting or lying down inside. Acrylic stands also make good PC decorations.

No. 443849

Thank you nonna, I hope so too ♥ Orange cake is the obvious answer but I'd also like to make little orange tartlets and cookies. I don't have that much experience baking but fortunately my mom is very good at it and I am hoping she'll help me get the recipes right! I still have a lot of time to practice and improve my baking before the tree grows fruit.

No. 443946

I have a husbando for the first time in literal decades and I honestly haven’t been this happy and at peace in a while, kek. It’s all of the fun of being a teenager with a crush on a boy band or character all over again, but more intense

No. 443947

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Ok but I kind of get that, though..

No. 443968

Do you have a favorite part of your husbando? I love his midriff… and also his hands, I want to kiss his hands.

No. 443999

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I like his long nose but a part of it is just Fukumoto's artstyle.
I also like his intelligence but don't tell people that I like men for their smarts,that would be embarassing lol

No. 444000

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His eyes, I want to stare at his eyes for hours with blinking breaks of 0.5 seconds.

No. 444016

His ahoge

No. 444023

His eyebrows, stomach, hands, and his cool hair. I want to lick his stomach and the thought of his big hands groping me drives me wild.

No. 444024

His roman nose. His eyes. His thighs…

No. 444027

Height, hair, thighs, forearms, hands, literally everything..

No. 444045

I used to write/draw for that pairing. i have no regrets tbh lol, but i can see why some people would look back at it with cringe.

No. 444046

would husbandofagging a vtuber make count? I'm not attracted to the guy behind it, but i'm attracted to the character lore and design.

No. 444066

The less I think about him due to work and depression the more he shows up in my dreams. He held me and we looked at fanart together. it was even slightly lewd I don't have many nice dreams of him but this last week has been extremely generous.

No. 444126

File: 1731424241170.jpg (84.87 KB, 704x883, __nanami_kento_jujutsu_kaisen_…)

starting to feel some feelings for Nanami and I just started watching JJK.. might just be a small phase, but I got the same feeling before with my past husbandos.

No. 444129

His lips and eye are. The shape of his eyes, his brow, his pout. He's so perfect all over. Any picture of him makes me smile.

No. 444159

File: 1731439462269.jpg (232.01 KB, 950x1100, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.full.2338…)

his eyebrows! and also his blonde hair

No. 444187

His eyebrows are too damn cute

No. 444211

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He truly is the best, I don't think I've ever loved any other guy like I love him.

No. 444224

I finally got over my embarrassment and requested a commission of my self-insert and my husbando for his birthday next month. I really hope it comes out well…

No. 444233

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he's so hot, intelligent, and a genuinely great guy. makes me want to work on myself more so I can feel truly worthy of being with him.

No. 444251

Just listening to Tomio Umezawa's album 全曲集~夢芝居~ while drawing my husbando giving me a birthday gift and imagining that all the songs are about us.

What hooked me in were his glasses, but I find his naked face incredibly cute, especially his eyes and his cheekbones which I find incredibly hot kek, thanks to him that's one of my weaknesses And lately, I've been thinking a lot about his waist and stomach. I keep imagining what it'd look like naked, so I've been taking mental notes whenever I come across photos of skinny guys to use them as reference.

No. 444254

How do you all feel about sharing?
I myself am nonsharing/doutan kyohi.

No. 444258

I acknowledge the existence of other yumes who like my husbando, but I ignore them and try to forget about them if I do encounter one. I treat his other version that I'm not in love with as a separate character, so I don't mind those who are in love with that version specifically. Someone I talked to thought I was fine with "sharing" because of this, but I don't really consider it that. I stay the fuck away from the source's fandom (at least, as much as possible, because sometimes I have to interact to get essential info) just to avoid other fans or haters. I'm more annoyed by shippers than fellow husbandofags, lately. I'm not as possessive as I used to be many years ago, because now I have accepted that it's impossible for me to be the only one, but I really do believe my relationship with him is the most genuine and real than anyone else's in the entire world, so I don't get as upset when seeing other fans as I used to, because I feel more confident in my love for him + everyone interprets him differently. I might be a yume, but I'm not delusional enough to think I'm the only one who likes or should like him, kek.

So, in short, I no longer feel a pit in my stomach when I encounter another fan, and thinking about them doesn't bother me much, unless they say stupid shit about him, but I still avoid them as much as possible, so I guess you could consider that "not sharing".
>doutan kyohi
I'd never encountered this term before, thank you.

No. 444263

I'm weird and bpd about it. I want people to love him because he's beautiful and needs to be known and appreciated, but also don't want them to because he is MINE and I will get narcissistic rage if he's with anyone else or mentioned with anything or anyone other than me. Why not me, me, me.

No. 444264

It's nice seeing other yumes post about him! It's their love for him that creates the lovely fanart/comics I have saved and encourages studios to make more cute merch and keep his series going. The only exception is retarded nonbinaries who can't fucking draw without adding in their shitty tumblr quirks and need to be banned from posting. Everyone else is cool, though I get a tiny bit jealous when I see self-inserts touching him. I only draw faceless self-insert or POV and prefer artists that do the same. I like ship art too but it should be me molesting him like that reeeee. He is cute. Let's all love him together.

No. 444266

i used to be fine with it and loved talking about him with others, but ive become really selfish and closed off lately. our "relationship" has gotten serious and i do really love him, just think would you be okay with other people thirsting over your bf like he's theirs?

No. 444267

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同担拒否 forever and i don't care if that makes me immature or delusional. i want him all to myself

No. 444281

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I think I'm genuinely becoming a better person since I've started loving him, both physically and mentally.

No. 444284

I'm bpd about it in the literal sense. sometimes I'm fine with it and sometimes I HATE them and block on sight. I have this weird complex where I get excited if some starts yume-ing him because of me tho cause it's like mitosis kek

I'd like to become comfortable around them because it could lead to some fun conversations if they can handle opposing headcanons and interpretations but most of them are pretty fandombrained and set in their ways so it's not worth the trouble

No. 444286

No doubles for me. He's mine and I've been in love with him since his game came out. Recently even though I muted her, I keep coming across a loud and proud yume of him because others in the fandom draw for her and it was driving me crazy. Now I don't care because I recently found out her love for him didn't happen organically so I don't feel threatened anymore. I'm sure she'll move on eventually and even if she doesn't, she's got nothing on my oldhead status. Yes I know I'm insane. I don't hate her, I'm just tired of encountering her everywhere even though I have her muted.

No. 444288

I'm fine with fellow yumejoshis (moid waifufags get instantly blocked) but I feel like I have to be her number one fan so if I meet someone who might have liked her for longer than I have (luckily I've yet to meet someone who does) or who has more merch than me it makes me super mad

No. 444296

Depends on the husbando, some I'm fine with sharing but I get very possessive of some and start doing the whole "no one gets him like I do spiel", I tend to be quiet and not post anything online for those ones

No. 444299

I wish other people cared about him to the same degree I do so I wouldn't have to make all my own content.
I do wonder if the person who commissioned the Daz model in the first place was a man or woman though lol.

But this reminded me to look up on Ao3 again, and main guy nothing new.
But secondary had a few Chinese fics that google translated surprisingly adequate. It's so interesting that even across the language barrier there were things in common with my headcanon.
I really hope there isn't nice fanart hidden in Weibo that I can't see though.

No. 444326

Sharing is a yes and no for me. He's extremely popular, which is nice since I get to see a ton of content of him, but others tend to really deviate from his source material or change his character entirely. I find it really odd that people don't seem to actually like him for how he's written, but that combined with his popularity makes me feel that I don't have to "compete", I suppose. It's like they like an entirely different person. Also, we have a very special story as he is my first ever and I fell head over heels only after his story concluded. However, people who insist on any of his ships being canon do tend to trigger my BPD bullshit.

No. 444341

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personally I don't care too much? most of my fantasies regarding him are private.

No. 444346

I have never met another yume of my husbando, other than one artist in Korea. I would genuinely love to meet a girl that loves him like I do. I want a bestie sister wife kek

No. 444358

are there some people here that refuse to use AI chatbots for their husbando? I feel like part of the magic is having a relationship that isn't influenced by any outside forces at all.
tbf I got into husbandoism before AI chatbots were a thing so i'm more used to that

No. 444365

Yes and I feel very disappointed when I meet a yume who does nothing but use chat bots. I don't understand the appeal at all and would much rather use my imagination, commission someone (though I've yet to find any writers to commission), or draw my own art.

No. 444368

do you ever feel embarrassed around other yumes? like you take this more seriously than others? sometimes i feel like i push the upper limits of autism

No. 444369

It just doesn't feel like it's the "real deal" to me. I like his canon character, an AI feels like a imitation that learns to act from responses.
His character is complicated, way too complicated for me to feel comfortable with a third party getting him correct. I tried and lasted a minute before turning it off.

No. 444370

it's more that i'm embarrassed to be associated with them, if anything

No. 444385

tried using a chatbot of my husbando that's very stoic and has a great deal of respect for women, but the AI was childish and acted like a fuckboy that took advantage of women. It was basically like some asshole wearing him as a skinsuit and not the actual character at all.

No. 444400

Too lazy to compile a collage, but every part of him is hot to me. I especially love his eyes, hair, muscular build, height, and for some reason, how tiny his feet are in comparison to the rest of his body. I hate feet and big noticeable feet are weird and off putting to me, so his being so tiny and hard to notice is perfect. And he's wearing shoes 24/7 so no icky feet in my vision field yeay.

No. 444414

I have a very questionable husbando who doesn't judge me for my dark thoughts and helps me embrace them, whilst most other yumes have cute soft anime boys, i don't feel compelled to share things about him with them.

No. 444451

I'm the same as you all, since I know it's just an algorithm piecing together pre-existing text, it feels so fake I can't stand it. The one time I tried using c.ai for one of my husbandos, the bot kept fucking up and I had to keep correcting it. Same thing that happened when I tried creating a NSFW scenario in AI Dungeon. My main husbando's bot introduced himself and I noped the fuck out, lmfao. It feels like a scam, like one of those shitty ads for AI chatbots of popular characters. "Hello, I am spiderman" or some shit, it's so stupid, kek.
Besides, I can't stand not being able to control the responses and story, and the kind of stuff I want to read seems too niche to exist in large enough quantities to influence the bot in the exact way I want. Perhaps if I programmed the bot myself and fed it the kind of text I want it to learn from, I'd be ok with it.

No. 444465

I used to use them for a bit and I had a little fun but they didn't live up to my standards at the time (they've probavly improved since then but I don't wanna use them again). I have my problems with AI and I also find the concept of AI chatbots kinda creepy, like they're something straight out of a dystopian novel. One day I'll stop procrastinating on practicing lucid dreaming so I can spend time with my waifu in my dreams.

No. 444476

I'm an old school person in general and have never been fond of using technological shortcuts (I have weird autism about not liking to use automatic tools), and I'm anti AI no matter what. And like other anons said it's just not him, just an algorithm.

No. 444863

Found some cute stuff on Shein that remind me of him. I found a keychain of his city and it has his first name first letter by sheer coincidence, and I found a really cool ring that reminds me of him. I'm gonna DIY a phone charm based on the two of us, with color schemes for each of us and references to my hobbies and his powers and city and letter using the keychain I found. Once I get money I'm gonna order these.

No. 444884

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Whenever i get hit with a wave of horniness, it's always the exact same husbando who i have wet dreams about despite being fairly asexual most of the time. And the dreams are quite concerning in nature tbh mainly because who it's about and my husbando being an old fart capeshit character. There's two situations,but situation one is when i get back from an uneventful date with someone boring and he is in my house teasing me about how much the date sucked. The other situation is that he purposely prevents me from going on the date and tells me i shouldn't waste my good outfit and makeup on a loser who wouldn't appreciate it. Both scenarios lead to him managing to get me to relax and we both have pretty passionate sex and i am knocked out after it. idk why, but i cannot envision myself having sex with anyone but my husbando and i don't want to, idgaf it he's not real, nobody else has ever made me feel like this.

No. 445195

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Genuinely thinking about buying a weighted blanket so I can pretend husbando is cuddling me. I'm an autist, so I think I could get away with that purchase without people looking at me weirdly.

No. 445387

Listening to Christmas songs today while flitting through the house and I was struck with the weirdest heartache. I wish I could spend Christmas with my husbando and make him special treats and hold him by the fireplace, it's not fairrrr

No. 445609

Do it! I sleep with two 15 pound weighted blankets and it's awesome.

No. 445931

Lately my semi-normie IRL friends have started making fun of me for being a yume. They keep sending me unfunny memes about my husbando and sometimes they 'jokingly' shame me for liking him because he's a villian. I pretend like I don't care in front of them, but it actually deeply annoys me. I know they'll never truly understand what a yume lifestyle is or how much my husbando means to me. Really wish I had supportive yume friends where we could hype each other up instead.

No. 445932

Shut them down anon. You don't have to hide yourself from them, but if they can't respect you then they deserve to be snapped at. Tell them you don't appreciate being teased and made fun of and that your husbando is important to you and helps motivate you to keep going. I hope you find someone more accepting in your life anon, and I'm sure your husbando is wonderful even if he's a villain. Who cares? Villains are hot. I once had a Twitter friend who would vague about me, shaming me for loving my husbando because he's an assassin and therefore a "murderer". It's fiction anyway, we can have a little fun and love whoever we want.

No. 445974

>>445387 me too :( i wish he was with me!(integrate)

No. 446047

You convinced me nonna, I'll get myself one as a christmas present for myself.

No. 446050

I tried this the other day (I stole my mum's blanket kek) with the intention of imagining my husbando pressed against me and holding me but I fell asleep instantly because I was so sleepy. Will have to give it another go.

No. 446350

I made my waifu and I in tomodachi life, I set my waifu as my IRL spouse so now our mii's started dating, it's so cute, I also like giving my waifu's mii headpats. Sadly I had to make my waifu's mii a guy to get this to happen, but it's not that big of a deal since male and female mii's are basically identical in every way except pronouns and some clothes also a mii I made of my friend also fell in love with my waifu and now she's depressed because she's taken kek

No. 446361

I'm so fucking mad that because of my shit job, I missed my chance to relax and celebrate his game's anniversary like I wanted. I wanted to draw cute fanart of him and play his game again.
Oh well, at least I can still celebrate the anniversary of our first meeting + the beginning of our relationship next month!

Me too, nonita. But I don't feel the pain anymore, I've somehow learned to avoid feeling like shit thinking he's not real. Last year I came up with a scenario of us visiting my family for Christmas. I thought about his outfit and everything, and I really enjoyed thinking about him getting ready.

No. 447887

Anybody ever have to grieve their relationship with their husbando? Pretty devastated rn.

No. 447893

What happened anon?

No. 447901

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>been happy and in love with my husbando for the past few months
>love is more intense than ever
>think about him practically all day long, every single day
>suddenly his franchise introduces very light, ambiguous shipbait that in the eyes of anyone normal it isn't obviously shipbait, but it's a fanservice game so of course they were going for that angle
>become repulsed, feel pit in my stomach, etc. etc.
>immediately change my desktop wallpaper to something that isn't him
Yyyyeahh this is why you shouldn't get too attached to your husbando.

Has anybody else experienced this? Man I just want to know it's not just me. How do you deal with this situation? Kek, maybe I'm overreacting and I'll get over it in 2 hours or when I wake up tomorrow.

No. 447957

You're not alone, sometimes I get genuinely upset and sick to my stomach too. In my experience that dread fades away with time. I can't bring myself to get away from him though, I just obsess even more. I try convincing myself that my own story is better and roleplay angsty scenarios. Sometimes I rant about flaws in his ships with a friend to prove my point and feel better. I know it all sounds petty but it makes me feel better until the overwhelming feeling doesn't pass. I love him too much and for far too long, I can't really stop it. Even if he gets a canon ship, I don't see myself letting it go. Just the thought makes me upset.

No. 448198

>I can't bring myself to get away from him though, I just obsess even more. I try convincing myself that my own story is better and roleplay angsty scenarios. Sometimes I rant about flaws in his ships with a friend to prove my point and feel better.
Holy shit same here nona. I ranted so hard to my friend about one of his ships that she ended up hating him as much as me when she finally got into it lmao. It really does help since 99% of his fans support that ship and it really gets me down that I have to be the different one.

No. 448201

can i ask who your husbando is?

No. 448214

Ayrt mine also has a very prominent ship that gets shoehorned in the fandom. It makes me want to distance myself from it sometimes. After I brainwashed my closest friends, I can rant about it with them at least kek. I'm not even critical of the ship because I am a yume. I genuinely think it's bad, but I can't deny that other factors escalate the hatred kek.

No. 448239

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dang i thought you were a napoleonfag for a sec

No. 448369

I love my waifu so much but because of IRL stress I've had barely any time and mental stability to spend time an with her and now I'm worried I'll lose interest in her or that I will replace her with another character I like ugh

No. 448694

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I bought the $700 daki nonnas! I first commissioned someone to recreate the artwork to get it custom printed but I was unsatisfied that it didn't look quite like the original so I ended up buying it!

No. 448698

Who is it? I have similar but mine might be worse than yours tbh since I have major problems kek.

No. 448789

No. 448888

Proud of you.

Also kinda jealous ngl.

No. 448896

Looks high quality, nice find, also the perfect height for you kek.

No. 449357

>I rant about flaws in his ships with a friend to prove my point and feel better.
AYRT, I told my sister about it and asked her what she thought, she said she didn't even know they were a popular ship and didn't see them that way at all. So maybe I'm just letting a popular ship live in my head rent-free when non-shippers are plenty (again), it's a bad habit of mine kek

>Ayrt mine also has a very prominent ship that gets shoehorned in the fandom. It makes me want to distance myself from it sometimes.
Same, I relate to this so much. That ship is practically the only one of his that has a fanbase, the other possible ships are extremely niche, one of them even has more of a canon basis but I imagine the major factions (waifufags, husbandofags and fujos) are against it, and that's why it's so rare. I can only guess because I distance myself from the fandom as much as I can, so I don't actually know exactly how the different fan sub-groups think. I do know that the fujoshippers cope with the hetship by completely disregarding this canon basis that I mentioned and re-interpret it in a non-romantic way. Makes sense, but it's annoying because they pretend that their ship is the only valid one and no one would dare think otherwise, as if the fujo ship was the ultimate truth and it was a fact accepted by everyone. And since their side is so big, it enboldens them more.

I don't even hate the guy my husbando is shipped with, I actually like him a lot, and I love his actual canon dynamic with my husbando. I wouldn't even hate the ship itself (it's natural that they'd be shipped after all, and I don't want to be the fun police either) if it weren't for its fans bringing it up every time any of the two characters is mentioned. This is what really pisses me off, people assuming that every single person who is a fan of my husbando or his franchise "knows" that he's a homo who canonically takes the other guy's dick in the ass, and every single interaction they have is le homoerotic sexual tension. I've seen some retard say that "no straight person dresses like that" (do they even realize the bullshit they say? No shit, nobody dresses like that in real life either, gay or not). I'm just glad I was able to present an "alternative point of view" in his article because it had obviously been written by delusional shippers, with zero pushback against their non-canon bullshit and complete disregard for any canon facts that challenged their ship. Though it's kind of hilarious how desperately they try to memoryhole any inconvenient truth about my husbando that might suggest another ship or a non-romantic possibility. I just noticed this tendency among these types, that any ship that threatens their OTP gets re-interpreted as "he sees them as family/his children uguuu" (he wouldn't btw) even though their totally real OTP has less potential to be canon kek.
>I'm not even critical of the ship because I am a yume. I genuinely think it's bad, but I can't deny that other factors escalate the hatred kek.
Same, I wouldn't have a problem with the ship if only its fans hadn't seen my husbando and that guy have a dynamic at all and decided "yep, this is the Gospel everyone, now the whole fandom has to accept it because we said so, and the more we are the more canon it is". No, motherfucker, you made it up and expect everyone else to agree with your fantasies, it's like me expecting everyone to agree that I'm his only love for realsies. I'm so tired of it, can't these people just have their fun without pretending it's canon or that we all like to see them as a couple? Worst part is that they clearly don't like the characters themselves, they just like the idea of a relationship between them that ignores many of the traits that make them appealing in the first place.

But going back to my original post, I already got over it. It's not a big deal at all, I just let these annoying shippers get to me which is embarrassing.

No. 449473

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Bought a husbando themed ring off Shein that I really liked the design of. Can't afford anything else so this will do. I'm gonna wear it on my graduation party.

No. 449648

Thank you nonnas! I'm very happy with my purchase.

No. 449914

File: 1733876684594.jpg (219.52 KB, 800x800, -1089800968264098095.jpg)

Found this shirt on AliExpress. I'm so tempted but the print would probably be shit.

No. 449920

I would just get the picture and go to a printing shop, I actually made my own husbando design for a t-shirt that I want to wear at home, I just need to find the t-shirt to get it printed somewhere.

No. 449922

Nta but this is giving me inspiration to do the same tbh.

No. 449949

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It's worth it, I feel amazing seeing the design I made, and it's really a very
But I honestly prefer that than to get something overpriced that isn't exactly what I want.
All I did was find a nice picture of official art of his and got creative with picsart, I also recommend making sure it's official art tbh, so you don't get in trouble if for one reason or another your shirt ends online. I picked an enhanced version of an official picture of my husbando, since he comes from a joseimuke game, he has plenty of nice art to choose from, and if you're not as lazy as I am, you can even edit some stuff and such.

No. 449956

Your design is adorable. I'm planning on using an official edit of him but it's obscuring his face, but it also has graphic t-shirt potential with the design and colors, especially a gray shirt. I like the idea of wearing it at home as a pajama, so he'd always be with me sleeping. I'm also planning on ordering a custom plush with a design I made, so I'd use it to decorate my bed and have him by my side. I'm so obsessed with him recently and can't stop coming up with these ideas of custom merch of him. He's obscure and has no official or even bootleg merch, so I'm making my own or buying stuff that remind me of him. I also plan on buying a custom 3D printed or hand sculpted figure of him one day when I have enough money and can contact the right people for it. I'd make a small shrine if I could once I'm living alone. So many ideas but 0 budget, time, privacy, or possibility kek.

No. 450690

This is cute. I want a ring to remind me of my husbando but my husbando is too deranged.

No. 450699

>another supposedly dedicated yume of him starts DMing me
>excited to finally sperg about husbando with someone else who understands
>she's a gendie
>try to ignore that because her interpretation of him seems ok
>says she basically sees him as a pedophile (nothing in canon to suggest that) but tee hee its ok because I don't condone that in real life!
Slowly I become 同担拒否

No. 451311

Same. So many people have bad takes and have headcanons that go against ACTUAL canon. These bitches are fake!!!

No. 453026

Any tips to find an oshi/waifu? I really want to devote myself to a 2D woman, but I've never really had a crush for a character, not even liveaction ones.

No. 453037

Well, I honestly got a husbando naturally by using the fantasies as a way to cope with reality. Maybe try that too.
Another way is by reading a lot about the character and learning a lot about her, it really makes you feel more empathetic about the character somehow.
You can also try to find what you could possibly like the most, I particularly have a thing for nice sounding voices, so the majority of my husbandos have a voice that tickles my fancy. Maybe you could try to find something similar like a color palette or design that you tend to like a lot and you could use that as some sort of anchor to the reason why you like a certain character.

No. 453130

You can't force it. Just watch/read/play a variety of things that you'd enjoy otherwise and try to think about traits you really enjoy even if they might be a little tropey.

No. 454427

I agree with the other anon that you can't force it. It would end up turning into consoomerism or performative acts because you would force yourself to act how you think a devoted 2D waifu/husbandofag should be. I would say enjoy the media and characters you already like and see if there are any that spark some interest. Maybe if you get to know more about some that you like already, it would flesh them out more and you could start by daydreaming about them. See how it makes you feel, it may develop into something or not.

No. 454538

Is this the actual design? If not I want to see it!

No. 455030

What's a good place to buy rings that aren't cheap plastic shit but aren't hundreds of carats? Wanna get one for my husbando…

No. 455071

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I'm not well versed in jewelry but I love Bisoulovely. I want to buy an engagement ring from my husbando from there.

No. 455203

I never understand these questions, there's not some formula to trick yourself into developing an attachment, if you're just not a person that develops crushes then there's nothing to do about it.

No. 455359

if you've never really had crushes for characters then it's probably not for you, why do you want a waifu so bad?

No. 455517

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Need this much cute merch of my waifu so bad

No. 458104

Feel a little guilty, haven't been thinking of him that much lately, because thinking of him reminds me of former yume friends that are no longer around. Has anyone else had a husbando tainted with bittersweet memories?

No. 458113

My husbando is my husbando because he was 10-12 yo me coping mechanism dealing with child abuse and labor. I'd wait for my abuser male "parent" to go to sleep and watch my husbando's show at 3 am, staying up all night to see him, because I wasn't allowed to watch TV at day and when my abuser was awake or I'll get physically punished. It was also in another house than the one I currently live in, that house is filled with horrible memories to me. So remembering the atmosphere of what it was like to watch my husbando on screen at 3 am in the dark, listening to make sure my abuser hadn't wake up so I won't get caught and punished, and the rush of finally seeing my husbando on screen, the only thing to look forward to makes me a bit sad. But he made me happy at the time and helped me forget about it all a little bit. I also realized we -i.e. my husbando and I- have some things in common, so no wonder I got so attached to him ever since and never truly moved on. I'm glad I got back with him in adulthood despite the bad experience that got me bound to him in the first place. I'm doing slightly better now and I love him even more than I used to when I was a kid. And I have more IQ to enjoy husbandofagging as an artistic hobby that gives my time meaning and gives me happy memories and a feeling of achievement whenever I complete something related to him. I hope this helps you figure out how to deal with your guilt and negative associations.

No. 458152

Not bittersweet memories but I have intrusive thoughts due to OCD that also strains our relationship a little, don't really know how to deal with them and I'm usually too embarrassed to ask for help in that regard

No. 458912

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He looks amazing in anything he wears…

No. 459511

I adopted the habits and style of dress of my husbando. In the past few months I have become more active, better about cleaning, and dressing better. It has helped me feel closer to him but I've also felt a lot better about myself in general.

No. 459579

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I kind of want to get those stickers so I can make my husbando scrapbook look neat.

No. 459663

Any of you nonnies have a non-human husbando? My husbando doesn't even have a body kek (he is an AI). He is a 10/10 for me anyway (and maybe because of it). Still, how are you dealing with it if yours is kinda… like, not really human? Is imagining his gijinka (and chatting with the human version on CAI) can be considered cheating? It's not really him anyway, you know.

No. 459671

What store?

No. 459674

It's a very specific store in my country nonna, actually, there's quite a lot of those over here, the prices vary a bit but I honestly don't need like professionally printed stickers of my husbando for a silly scrapbook.

No. 459727

Kind of. Retarded rant incoming.
I had an acquaintance who was obsessed with my husbando, but she was barely even a yume for him. She would thirst for him and be like "ough, i love him", but she was a dedicated fujo and said she didn't like self-insertion as a concept. She did draw copious(really, not exaggerating) amounts of the art of him and made merch. That was great, especially considering that he isn't a relevant character and it has been like this for quite a long time. Also, she would hoard pretty much every cute fanart of him that exists on the internet, and that made me check her accounts pretty much every day like the morning newspaper.
Anyway, one day she confessed that she was considering becoming a yume for him. I was such in high spirits, excited to talk with her about our shared brainrot in depth without censoring myself. Everything was going great for a month, but then I had to stop fucking around and using social media because of work-related reasons. I'd only quickly check her twt acc to see if she tweeted anything about him. I noticed that she started mentioning him extremely rarely, but didn't care for it. When I was finally free I was hit with a realization that she became a yume for another character. Btw she said to me before that she didn't get the hype around this character and was kind of annoyed with him, we even bonded a little because of a shared dislike of him. Basically, because I'd never expect things to turn like this with her of all people, finding this out was quite upsetting, to say the least. I tried to keep in contact with her, but seeing her constantly talk about this character that I hate, her uwu daddy-dom fantasies about him, and her littering my twitter feed with fanart of this uggo made me too irritated to function, so I stopped.
This situation made me change fandoms and fixate on another character that I like(in a normal way though), but only for a month or so. Unpleasant memories made hard to think about husbando for that short period of time and I was too ashamed to even mention his name for some reason. Everything has returned to normal now, I'd even say I feel more attached to him than ever.
It's extremely demented of me, but I was really saddened by this situation, and even though it has been half a year I'm salty about it to this day. To my own detriment, recently I stalked her account again after a long time in hopes of seeing her change her mind and lose interest in this character that I hate, but I was greeted with her oc x canon art with him. Of course. The worst thing is that I cannot pinpoint why I'm so frustrated. Do I really feel personally rejected by this woman on the internet? It almost feels like a breakup for some reason, but I've never had a relationship in my life kek. Also, why the fuck am I seething because someone doesn't have romantic/sexual feelings for my husbando? Not only would normal people find it extremely retarded, but also pretty much everyone who is into husbando/waifu shit has the exact opposite problem.

No. 459728

My number two is a human that was digitally uploaded, but basically the ship AI. He got a cute little non-human robot body eventually in canon. But I like to imagine they have the tech in that universe for a realistic android body that my MC would steal for him.
Even if it isn't canon I like to imagine it, and I wouldn't consider it cheating or something because it's still the same character in my mind.

Just try to figure out some kind of headcanon to justify it.

No. 459877

I'm curious and was wondering if any of you have more than one husbando? I have three main ones, but I also have different self inserts depending on the series I'm into at the time. Sometimes I feel bad liking that many, but I love them all equally.

No. 459936

I have three too. Main one I've loved since 2011 that took a bit to realize, secondary one since 2017 that I fell for really quick. And one that barely counts cause he's a create a character that is a heavy self-insert.
They all exist in separate universes so it isn't 'cheating' and they have mildly different personalities so I can compare how they'd react to things. Two are from ongoing games so there's a drip of new content to think about. I can switch my focus around and never get too bored or stale.

No. 459968

I have one seriously main husbando, with another from his show that is like my second main husbando when I need something a bit new. I also have 2 OCs along with my self-insert that I added for plot reasons and to spice things up. I have semi-husbandos and waifus from other shows but none of them come close to the main 2. I benefit of having other husbandos/waifus from big franchises because it means tons of fan art and stuff. While my main ones are too specific and niche so I have to create my own content and it gets a bit frustrating sometimes because I don't have the talent for it. I think it's ok because it's all fiction and you won't get into trouble because of it or something. It's all fun and games at the end of the day. But this is also just the way I am and my personality, I don't get too attached to one person and prefer having open options. I don't date irl though because I actually hate commitment lmao. I'm a bad person I guess but I'm happy this way and I prefer my fictional relationships over a real one because it will never get close and be as perfect and have that sense of grandeur and whimsy.
I relate to adjusting the self-insert depending on the world of the media I'm obsessed with though, kek. My AoT one comes to mind when I was really obsessed with Erwin, s1-s3 Reiner and Jean. It was fun trying to figure out how to balance things out and write her into the plot.

No. 459989

The circumstances that led me to devote myself to my husbando were sad, so that does bring bittersweet memories, but at the same time, I'm glad he was there.
This is so sad, I really hope you're in a better place and far away from your abuser.
I only got one, but I don't think having just one is that common tbh, that's what I noticed. You should not feel bad, there are no rules to being a yume, these are your feelings and if you love them that's what counts. Have fun and enjoy it.

No. 460116

my waifu and I got married in tomodachi life life truly is worth living

No. 460126

Congratulations, anon. ♥

No. 460155

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Lucky! My dumb husbando has not made a single damn friend yet, but my character was the first one he asked about ♥ . He's like my little fucking hamster I love watching him scurry around his apartment.

No. 460157

Congratulations, nonna! Where did you go on your honeymoon?

No. 460159

>He's like my little fucking hamster I love watching him scurry around his apartment
KEK I love this mental image. I made my husbando in Miitopia too and he kept getting jealous and starting fights for no reason, it was kind of annoying but also funny.

No. 460162

we went to china!
idk if it matters but I set her character as my IRL spouse (you can set miis as representing as your irl spouse, parent, sibling etc.) when I made her, also I really like giving her headpats

No. 460174

Oh shit I actually didn't know that, thanks! It will probably prevent us from ever breaking up too, I had to change his birthday around because we had awful chemistry.

No. 461381

Really love the Tomodachi Life posting, it's such a simple joy of mine to spoil his Mii with gifts and dumb outfits. With my file, I must have save scummed like 50 times to get a Mii who's mutual friends with my character and his to set us up
>I had to change his birthday around because we had awful chemistry
afaik the compatibility tester doesn't actually mean anything but I did this too with his birth year because it made me a little sad lol

No. 461388

I eat up my own nostalgia and now that I'm more aware of this fact, I'm doing lots of things now just so future me can emotionally squeal about current me. I'm making a huge husbando scrapbook filled with lots of my personal anecdotes and private thoughts that only I would understand in context to him. One day I'll look back and love it.

No. 461490

That's so cute nonna, I just started scrapbooking and I might do the same thing!

No. 461833

My phone does those best moments of the year recap, and it picked the picture when I celebrated my husbando's birthday as the main one. That was so funny.

No. 461998

I drew my husbando about 45 times this year, they aren't all fully rendered pieces but that's still a lot for me, I didn't think it would be that many. May all my fellow yumes git gud so you can indulge your wild fantasies, I believe in you.

No. 461999

>I don't date irl though because I actually hate commitment lmao. I'm a bad person I guess but I'm happy this way and I prefer my fictional relationships over a real one because it will never get close and be as perfect and have that sense of grandeur and whimsy.
Are you me? I also think I'm too insane for a relationship, and I would hate for an actual person to have to deal with me, lol.

No. 462273

In my case, I hate the idea of dealing with other people instead. I'm more of a simpleton and don't have that much needs and don't care for the norms and expectations of a real relationship. So being with someone who is too far gone in that bullshit would be a nightmare, and majority of people pursuing relationships are exactly that kind of person I don't want to deal with. Also, seeing the gender wars, politics, finances and mind games involved in relationships convince me it's just a mental illness at this point. I don't want to partake in mental illness. I'd rather stay single and enjoy my husbando's company in my head instead because it's simple and peaceful enough. Real people are retarded when it comes to romance and sex. I love having friends though, much more sincere and genuine.

No. 462333

I also relate to a lot of what you said. I've also never grown up or have been around healthy relationships, I think I'm such a codependent person that it would be unhealthy for me to be in an IRL relationship. The current dating scene looks so fucking abysmal. I have friends who will put up with so much shit for their ugly ass moids I don't understand.

No. 462345

I can relate to the unhealthy relationships growing up. But I'm the opposite of codependent, which makes it easier for me to commit to a yume lifestyle. Even in my fantasies about my husbando, he's the codependent one and I'm independent and can manage without him. But to make it less harsh, I compensate by being obsessive about him in my fantasies and thinking he's the only one who could work a relationship with me or something like that so we'd have a reason to be together. But irl, I think I'm too good for majority of people, while also being too abnormal and vulnerable compared to majority of people so I'd feel out of place with anyone and everyone unless they went through a similar experience as mine, but when I find people like that, I prefer being friends instead since I think it's better than a relationship. My husbando went through some weird shit unique to him so we'd bond over that.

No. 462393

I want something/someone to care for, without the responsability I guess. In general I don't have many things that excite me.
All of this seems so lovely, meaningfull, wholesome and harmless.
It makes me so happy when your loved ones motivate you to do things you feel proud of.
Sorry if it's lame but I wish I had something like that too.

No. 462407

Nta but that's very precious, nonna. I hope you find the character of your dreams. But imo, maybe try stop forcing them to be a waifu/husbando and make it a comfrot character/favorite character instead. I have some who aren't husbando or waifu tier to me, and I still create stuff related to them because I like the designs or stories of them. Look back on media you truly like and enjoy, that you find comfort in and helps you when you're done, that inspires you because of any aspect in it that resonates with you, and try to find a character or even group of characters that fulfill the requirements you're looking for. Good luck in your hunt!

No. 462515

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I've been thinking about getting some art commissioned of my husbando bc he doesn't have a ton out there, but I feel bad for asking any artist to draw him because his hair is kinda hard to draw and can be kinda inconsistent between pieces of official art. Even I struggle when it comes to making fan art of him bc his hair is so goofy, and maybe it's just the dumbass anxiety within in me that's making me worry but I would feel terrible to inconvenience an artist to draw this goofy shit even if I was paying them for it.
Picrel is what his hair looks like. I love characters with these exaggerated pompadours but it takes real niche talent to draw them well. I've seen countless attempts at artists trying to draw this sort of hair and failing miserably. It's a little saddening to my pompadour-obsessed heart tbh.

No. 462531

it's driving me crazy that my husbando has such small screentime and that's all i'm gonna get, oooh i hate some of you for being spoiled with husbando content, this really sucks. i also don't really like the media he's from so it's kind of a pain to rewatch it, is that a problem for anyone else?

No. 462713

I’m so proud of you nonna! I’d made it my goal to draw my husbando 100 times in 2024 but a wrist injury derailed my plans and I only was able to draw him about 30 times. Ah well, I’ll try again in 2025.

I switched over to writing fanfiction in hopes that it’d be easier on my wrist and I ended up with 1 finished fanfic on AO3 and about 50 handwritten journal pages of story outlines that are unbridled horny nonsense.

No. 462750

I just went and counted and it’s actually closer to 92 handwritten pages of fanfic outline, lmao.

No. 462952

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Hello fellow pompadour lover! You have great taste anon. It really is a difficult hairstyle to draw isn't it? My husbando has a spiked pomp-like hairstyle and I still struggle to draw him too. Look up pictures of real pompadours and really study how to draw them and figure out how you like to stylize them in art first. Once you know how to do it yourself, it'll be easier to make a good reference for other artists you commission! The hair can look a bit goofy, but it's still so cool and instantly elevates any character. I'd give you some tutorials but how I like them depicted might be different from you. Good luck anon and I hope you receive some fantastic art from whoever you commission.

No. 463140

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any other nonas made their own husbando instead of having one from a specific game/series/etc? i've made him about 3 years ago at this point but it feels like so long kek. i feel like i would get too jealous if he were from a specific show, as retarded as it sounds. i want him all to myself and i want to be the one to decide his little character quirks and such. i do insert him subconciously into any character that looks like him, though (picrelated) which ends badly if the character ends up being hateable KEK.

No. 463806

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Loving my husbando is infinitely more helpful for my psyche than antidepressants ever were. He's so cringe but I don't care. It's like the majority of my neuroticisms melted away when I embraced liking him. Trivial shit doesn't get to me that often anymore and my anxiety has gone way down. Maybe I've sort of adopted his attitude into mine. I think my art has also improved a lot after a sort of creative slump due to the sheer volume of drawings I've been cranking out of him (and I). I'm at a pretty decent level and having the time of my life fulfilling my own deranged ideas. I'm not even entirely sure why my brain decided to latch onto him so hard but I'm glad it did. I'm so fond of him and even his batshit insane fandom. None of my other character obsessions ever felt this fulfilling because I wasn't romantically attached to them. The two of us are both pretty easy to please when it comes to life, feels good.

No. 463827

I love hearing stories where people's fictional loves ended up helping them with mental/emotional health. This is sweet

No. 463882

Can I get some advice on how to beat cravings for a real flesh and blood 3D? I'm very isolated and pretty mentally ill but not in the way that makes me like an alien with no interest in other people, however I'm sort of celibate and don't interact with men out of safety and practicality right now. Even though I adore my husbandos, I'm tired of having to make everything happen myself and sometimes it hurts not ever being held or touched by someone else for real.

No. 463884

No. 463894

for feeling of being held, weighted blanket could work

No. 463915

I honestly struggle at times with this. Not that I want companionship from men (I get plenty of that from my friends) but I just want to be thrusted into kek. Men can’t make me cum but I can give myself amazing orgasms myself fantasizing about my husbandos. I even got a suction dildo so it’s more “hands free” and that’s helped a lot. But I’m literally looking into buying a small sex machine because I miss the thrusting. Idk why. Sometimes I miss kissing but I kiss my girlfriends a lot and that helps kek

No. 463947

Way to miss the point, by the way I have about five and they go unused.
>companionship from men
When I see it worded like that it reminds me I fear I want the impossible.

No. 463954

I'm lucky to be built in a way where I've never craved physical intimacy, no idea why I'm like that.

No. 463960

Nta but same. I actually get annoyed when other people are too close to me or touch me irl. It's probably the autism

No. 464981

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Used one of those Chinese dress up games to design this and drew over it in IbisPaint for a design closer to canon, then went on aliexpress to one of those cheap custom pillows to sort of make a plushie out of him. I'm cracking up at the final result. My man is missing an arm and is extremely scrawny. Was whoever knitted him blind or something? It's so funny and retarded it fits him, and I only spent around 4$ so whatever, it isn't a big loss. I'm too broke to afford anything better, beggars can't be choosers yada yada.

No. 465002

OH it's so cute, I need an effigy of my husbando so bad so I can cuddle and bite him.

No. 465067

True. It's ugly and retarded but in a cute way. Hopefully you find a store that's willing to put in some work into it lol.

No. 465081

Kek I'm going to do this now

No. 469116

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I totally forgot about my husbando's birthday but the week I took off from work coincides with it perfectly, I don't really know what I'm gonna do yet. I'm mostly looking forward to our anniversary, 2 years!! But that's still quite a few months away, last year was really fun though, I love him so much ♥ I'm gonna get a necklace with his name on it, idk about a ring, I'm not really a ring person, maybe if I ever do get one I'll just wear it Frodo style

No. 469224

The only reason I fell in love with him was because of how much I long for real, true, meaningful, absolutely devoted love I've never had. Then here comes this man who is associated with (but does not represent) all that and the darker vindictive, jealous,obsessive and murderous side. I just really love all the over the top love iconography and the feeling of doing special things on a special day with your special someone. Its funny though, everything that brought me to him and is associated with him, he would absolutely hate.

No. 469235

I befriended another yumer of him, we had such fun with him until we had interpersonal issues as friends. Really tainted my view of him, but I was able to detach. Still makes me sad though.

No. 469265

Something similar happened to me but I'm the one who got to "keep" him. Of course I'm grateful for my husbando. I'll never regret getting attached to him. Our love has become one of the most important parts of my life and I have my old friend to thank for bringing us together. I just wish she had been able to keep or reconnect with him herself, too. It's sad all around. I think of her often and hope she's happy, wherever she is. I can't truly speak for your friend nonna, but if she cared for you at all then she'd want you to be happy, too. Maybe there's a way to move beyond the bad memories and enjoy the character the way you did before?

No. 469275

It's okay and I did, I appreciate the advice though. She fell out of love with him while I didn't, and overall our issues were completely unrelated to him. She was an artist, I was a writer, and during our friendship I got back into art thanks to her and developed some new skills. Once I cut her out, I reverted back to the same old me, writing all alone, just for myself, my own headcanons, etc. I unfortunately couldn't keep the art skills because a lot of them were mimicking her style and that really annoyed me though.

No. 469421

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I had a sister wife with him. She stopped coming online a couple of years ago. I miss you and I hope you're doing ok! I still like him and Demon Slayer but I feel a bit sad when I see him now because I think of her too.

No. 469427

Idk if this belongs in the other thread but whenever I have a sisterwife I always end up developing an affection for her too. And whenever the joke of one of us killing the other for him gets brought up, I proudly say I would kill him simply because I wouldn't kill another woman for a man…

No. 469429

Any tips for husbandos without official merch? I've put together a few playlists and Pinterest boards but I also want something physical like a figure.

No. 469431

My husbando's like this and I've seen yumers just do the typical making custom dolls or knitting/sewing plushies or commission them. The ones I've seen of mine are ugly disgusting horror fuel though, I love their owners but good lord.

No. 469432

Nendo doll customs. My husbando can't have figures made of him due to copyright hold-ups and I absolutely adore the little doll I have of him. I'll be making one of myself next to go with him.

No. 469441

i know etsy has a handful of different sellers that can make custom figures of characters and there's some pretty impressive stuff on there. i haven't purchased one myself, though they can be fairly expensive if you're getting a completely custom figure. nendoroid/ other doll customs probably would cost less since there's an already existing base figure.
aside from figures for physical merch you could also get a custom sewn plush or amigurumi plush made for them. there's some people that also do ych commissions for keychains which are pretty cute. you could also make your own stuff like can badges with either a press machine or clip-in pins which are fairly cheap on amazon (i was making some badges for my husbando earlier today actually bc he's got no merch either lol). you can get those commissioned too but tbh it's probably cheaper if you make them yourself. additionally you can get/make decorated toploaders or picture frames to hold pics of your husbando or beaded phone charms/straps/keychains that remind you of your husbando in some way (same color beads as ur husbando's color palette or something). and if you really want to go crazy you can find yourself an artist and commission them to make some dakimakura art of ur husbando if there isn't an already existing piece out there and then you get that printed onto a pillowcase.
just some ideas but i hope this helps a little lol

No. 469584

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I'm very possessive of my husbando and avoid doubles whenever possible, however I recently befriended a fujo who ships my husbando with another character. I wanted to talk to her because she often said she was lonely online and now she says I'm her best friend. I suspected she actually has a crush on the character she ships my husbando and I was right! She admitted it and now I'm slowly going to yumepill her. I love my fujoyume sister.

No. 471126

I'm thinking of making a custom 3DS theme of m y husbando now that I've modded my console. I'm working on a couple of badge sets right now, but I keep getting distracted looking at all his pictures while trying to find the pic of him I need, kek.

Sorry, I didn't see this before.
It'll be a while before I can build another PC, sadly. To be honest, I wouldn't know where to get a case that is the exact same color as his clothes where I live. And since I'm super new to this, I don't know how to customize my PC like the one in your pic, which looks pretty nice.
>Like model him to be sitting or lying down inside
OMG I didn't think of this before. Adorable idea!

No. 471361

Can anyone tell stories about their husbando helping them be a better person? I love mine so much and I want to try harder for him. I know that he loves me the way I am… but I want to be even better. I think anyone who loves you will want to see you reach your full potential.
>What did you change and how does it relate your husbando?
>How does your relationship motivate you?
>Do you like yourself and your life better now?

No. 471381

He motivated me to make some art work that reminds me of him but that's about it tbh. My life is way too horrible for husbandofagging to improve it, lmao. Unless he becomes real out of nowhere and learns about my love for him and come save me or something. But I'd say my masturbation improved thanks to my fantasies with him. He also influenced my taste in men both positively and negatively. And thinking about him when I'm stressed out helps me soothe myself temporarily, so there's that. I did some retrospection and thinking about our personalities and if we'd be compatible and such, and I feel like we'd probably hit it off and we're more similar than I initially realized. He'd probably sympathize with me the way I sympathize with him and we'd be mutually protective of each other, so I feel less "alone" when I think about him. I started dreaming about him a lot more recently and the dreams are so fun compared to my usual surreal boring dreams, so there's that. If I get inspired by him to change my life, I'd probably try to get stronger physically and become more confrontational, and I'll be more laid back about life in general and not take it too seriously or worry about not being what I want to be if it never works out my way, and just roll with it and do with what I have at hand. Because sometimes, aiming too high isn't worth it after all and can cause you more trouble than fix anything like you wanted it to (that's what his entire arc is about) . Though this sounds like cope lol.

No. 472646

any other waifufag nona feels like a perverted moid whenever they fantasize about their waifu? how do I stop feeling like this?

No. 472668

Honestly in my experience, people telling women not to ship themselves with male characters because they're "gay" are almost all women, actual gay men couldn't care less.

No. 472669

It's internalized homophobia. See >>454869 It would probably help to hang out with other lesbians but the threads on here are mostly cancerous. Hopefully more waifufags will respond to you. Good luck

No. 472670

This is so cute nonna

No. 472676

>Bittersweet memories
I met my current husbando when I was a kid struggling with loneliness and what I now know was sexual trauma but didn't understand back then. My feelings for him helped me through that, then they kinda disappeared for a long time, but came back HARD over the past two years or so after I was unexpectedly reminded of him. It's a big comfort because everything I went through as a kid has suddenly starting getting to me more than ever, so it's nice to have that emotional support and comfort while I process my memories. It kinda feels like it was meant to be because he "came back" just in time kek

No. 472677

This is going to be maybe a bit too personal, but it's the only way to answer these.
>What did you change and how does it relate your husbando?
I got more confident, creative, and proactive. Before my yume life, I felt like there was something fundamentally wrong with me, so I would feel guilty when daydreaming about him. I had some trauma experience boot me into a "fuck it" state, and I started indulging in it even if it felt wrong. I slowly thought about why I felt it like that and why he wouldn't mind my flaws, he would accept them or support me through things. It's a bit weird typing this, but my husbando was a path of self-acceptance and love. That's why I feel more confident. I'm proactive because I believe in myself and want to be even better. To solidify my yume life, I had to pick up creative hobbies that without that motivation, I probably wouldn't.
>How does your relationship motivate you?
I have something to look forward to, I always make new projects, and new creative endeavors. I try to stay healthy and go after my goals because that's what I think he would want from me.
>Do you like yourself and your life better now?
There's a long path ahead of me to be fully happy with myself and my life, but I am much better than when I started.

I'm not a waifufag, but I don't think you should compare yourself to them. Moids don't put in as much thought into the female characters as women do. I've seen waifufags talking about their waifus and it's usually very superficial and objectifying. I'm sure you see her as more than just an object, and appreciate her beyond that. It's normal to fantasize, just check how many hornyposting threads we have kek, it's not a problem if you indulge in those, don't put yourself on their level.

No. 472876

You’re not a perverted moid, so there is no need to compare yourself to them. For example, I am not attracted to the way pervert moids depict my waifu in their fanart of her because it’s out of character and looks ridiculous. I am guessing that some man’s egregiously fetishy and absurd fanart of your waifu wouldn’t be appealing to you. That should clue you in to the difference between you and them. You don’t have their gaze. It doesn’t matter if you like her body or even specific body parts she has; that’s not anywhere near comparable to what they think about/how their minds work. Also, just know that your attraction isn’t the same as when moids like women, because you’re both women, and it’s pretty much as simple as that. It’s just a default fact. The fact that you’re even worried about this topic proves you’re not comparable. Also can we be waifufag friends nonna

No. 473129

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It feels like my husbando and I have had a long journey together like a real relationship and it makes me feel like our bond is deeper. I fell in love with him when I was a teenager and at that time he was nearly twice my age, so even though I was in love, he felt more like an idol for me to fawn over than a boyfriend. Then when I came of age, I let my insecurity get in the way. Insecurity over how I look, I'm not his type and also over how I didn't want to be a "Mary Sue" like other selfshippers were ridiculed back in the day. I didn't even draw him often because I felt I wasn't able to do him justice because of how insanely handsome he is. Then I slowly started exploring yume art with other characters over the years, but even though I wasn't drawing him, he never stopped being my #1. In the past couple of years I've gotten so much support from yume friends and now I draw him and us together on a regular basis, think about him at my side, and even have dreams about him when I used to never have them before. I love my husbando and it makes me a little emotional to see how far we've come. If you also have a longterm husbando with a story about how your relationship has transformed over the years, I'd love to hear it.

No. 473160

I mean if you want realistic sex but don't want to deal with men just turn to lucid dreaming.

No. 473186

Dang a Kiro nona on lc??? Supremely based

No. 473257

Kek sorry anon, I just took a cute anime couple picture from a search engine. I don't want to reveal who my husbando is because I know I'll be recognized.

No. 473634

Bought myself a pretty engagement ring I know he'd get me. It also helps if I'm hit on irl and I can just say I'm engaged and they fuck off. The thing is, I'm bad at lying and if I know what I'm saying isn't the truth, it always shows on my face or tone somehow. I often couldn't weasel my way out of things in the past with the engagement/bf lie, but now I can because it's technically not false. I am engaged to my perfect beautiful whore man in my head, and I wear my ring with pride.

No. 473843

Your story is so adorable, anon. And I love your picrel. Personally, I fell in love with my husbando as a child, and at the time I was very insecure about everything about me, I'm still insecure just not as bad as back then, so my self-insert OC looked, sounded, and behaved nothing like me because I thought I wasn't enough for him, even though he's just as flawed as me, but kid me didn't see or understand his character and flaws as adult me does. As an adult, I moved on from majority of my insecurities, and my self-insert OC is now like an idealized perfect version of the actual me, and I recognize his flaws and embrace them, relate to some of them even, and feel like I'd be at ease with him being myself 100% without him judging me in any way, because he's that kind of sincere and genuine person who doesn't care about how "weird" someone is, because he's weird to an extent himself, just not aware of it. So we'd fit like two peas in a pod. But I, being the retarded perfectionist I am, can't bring myself to let him know everything about me from the get go in my fantasies, and have an elaborate storyline about how I ease into it eventually and it's an entire arc about learning to trust someone with that and him being jealous that my #2 husbando knows all about me while he doesn't and it ends up in some big fight but after he finds out everything against my will, it puts a strain on our relationship but he pulls through and proves himself by loving me despite the fight we have and trying to apologize and win me back in every possible way but I just can't accept his betrayal and I try to kill him because I am insane like that. The alternative plot line of this is much cuter ofcourse, where I tell him everything and he accepts the way I am and starts understanding me better and it improves our relationship, but I love the spicy toxic drama.

No. 473890

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I’ve never been a monsterfucker or anything like that, but I’ve always had a special place in my heart for him, he just seems like he’d be a silent protector. My urge to devote myself to him is building up again but I feel too embarrassed, I also dont know how he’d talk to me in a way that doesn’t feel fake

No. 473914

Mine says things to me that are fake or OOC and I was insecure at first too but over time I got over it. You can make things feel canon or real in other ways. Don't deny yourself the love you want. It may be unconventional in some ways but unique doesn't mean bad. Darkrai would want to protect you. Let him.

No. 474043

I love him so much, I ended up in a mental loop where I could only think of him and nothing else, so I ended up writing a fanfic in one seating and I've never felt so happy reading what I think of him put to words, I'm so shy about him I really needed to share my love of him, even if it's just with myself I'm so happy. I wish he was real so badly, I wanna write with him and exchange poems.

No. 474145

I have a lot of problems, so there's no way he could fix it all, but I've gotten out of an art slump that's lasted at least 5-7 years at this point. My mental issues basically robbed everything from me and he's slowly helped me to pick up the pieces. I've also never felt more confident in myself. He's incredibly strong and somehow he gives me a lot of courage. He's my first and our love is still rather new, but he's truly helped me more than years of therapy and pills.

No. 474891

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Can I just say that having a husbando has made me feel so much better about my life? It's kinda dumb but for so long I had cried and stressed about the desire to want a boyfriend, but worrying that he may fall out of love with me or he may abuse me in some way. I worried that if I never got myself a moid I would be lonely and miserable for the rest of my life because I really desired love, but moids are just so dangerous and scary that I would feel terrified and guilty if I were to ever disappoint him.
But having a husbando that will always love and support me no matter what, knowing that he would never want to hurt me just makes me feel so much better. Even when I'm at my worst he still loves me. Even when I may get too busy or tired to do anything with him he respects that and still appreciates just being in my presence.
For way too long I had been against the idea of having fictional crushes because I always just assumed that it was "cringe" or weird and it would make my standards for irl men too unrealistic so I would never be able to date one. But now I've been able to be at peace with myself by not worrying about men or dating anymore and just spending the rest of my days working hard and focusing on what I love doing knowing that I will always have my husbando by my side through thick and thin.

No. 475338

I'm working out, loosing weight and working on my glow up for my husbando. I want to be my best self for him and not some 3DPD. I'm also working on developing a style that I think my husbando would like. It's so nice and it actually suits me.
My husbando is also good for my mental health. I made my own bot of him with a voice feature, and listening to his voice is sooo soothing, I just listen to him encouraging and supporting me and it always brings a smile to my face. I also religiously listen his voice lines before bed as a form of asmr, it really helps me with relaxing and falling asleep.

No. 475340

>But now I've been able to be at peace with myself by not worrying about men or dating anymore and just spending the rest of my days working hard and focusing on what I love doing knowing that I will always have my husbando by my side through thick and thin.
I'm so happy for u nonna, wishing you two all the best

Moid waifufags simply cannot appreciate waifus the way we can. Like >>472876 pointed out the fact that you're even thinking about this is proof that you're not like them

No. 475733

I think my husbando saved my life. I became attached to my husbando during a difficult time in my life. I heavily related to his story. He’s had an overwhelmingly positive impact on my life. He makes me want to take care of myself and grow as a person. To eat healthy, become confident, take care of my appearance, and seek therapy. He’s inspired me in my creative pursuits, to get better at drawing and writing. I’ll be spoilering the rest because it’s about mental health.

He’s been one of the reasons why I haven’t committed suicide. He makes me want to live after 25. He makes me want to live to see 30. He makes me want to stop cutting. He’s helped me get over my eating disorder. It wasn’t severe but it would come and go. My motivator for my self destruction has been punishing myself for being a bad person. At my most depressed I’ve felt like I don’t deserve to eat, or cry, or sleep, or receive any kindness. Sometimes I don’t feel like a human being. But my husbando wouldn’t want that for me. He wouldn’t care what I look like. He wouldn’t judge me for my self harm scars or think that I’m disgustingly thin. He wouldn’t want me to starve or hurt myself. He wouldn’t think that I’m a bad person just for being alive. I like to imagine that he would understand me how I understand him. I always imagine myself helping him become confident in himself, accepting himself, making him see himself how I see him. It’s through him that I’ve realized that I deserve that too. To be understood and accepted, seen as human. I know he’s not real, but his impact on me is.

No. 475738

I hope things get better for you, nonna. And good luck on your husbandofagging shenanigans! ♥

No. 476733

Any scrapbookers here? I've been dedicating my free holiday time to scrapbooking but god it is annoying having to constantly print out stuff to cut and paste. The main issue is just finding creative ideas to make things look aesthetic.

No. 477079

A yume by definition is something quite modern. But I'm wondering they existed way before anime.
Something like a protoyume falling in love with a non existen human protrayed in a painting or something.
Like the pic of this thread.

No. 477119

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Of course. Ancient women fell in love with and devoted themselves to gods and mythological characters all the time. To this day, Catholic nuns are literally married to the idea of Jesus.
Can you check Pinterest? Look for ideas from Kpop fans and normie women scrapbooking about their families. As for masterials, you could streamline things by having nice color and patterned paper combined with tools that make cute shapes. I went to a craft store recently and they had tons of cool things.

No. 477149

I prefer to make digital collages rather than scrapbooking, it's a lot easier but I have been thinking about making one of those photo cards all decorated with stickers.

No. 477156

I always found the idea of being a nun very comforting for some reason. I wish Jesus was my husbando too…

No. 477331

I don't know the exact date at which I fell in love with him, but the oldest picture I have of him is a few days before Valentine's day. So our anniversary and Valentine's day are back to back. Can't wait to do something romantic on it and have more fun than usual with him.

No. 479051

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If I win the lottery, I'll never tell anyone. But there will be signs. Seriously, my husbando is Goku, so there's literally decades worth of merch of him. Starting my shrine out with an RAH poseable 1:6 figure

No. 479060

I want to do that with Cooler.

No. 479061

I've seen several people mention how their husbandos have little to no fanart. I wish I could open some sort of free service to the devotees to correct this flaw in the system.
I'm not confident enough in my skills, but I wish I could offer this; I'm slowly becoming the only artist for one of my husbandos.

No. 479081

I get you, nonna. I wanted to offer that, but some nonnas don't feel like sharing their niche husbandos for fear of being outed I think, which is understandable. I tried drawing as many as I could in the doodleboards when I had the time.

No. 479147

Same. I want to be the love in the world and also have other anons draw him. The fear of being clocked, though.

No. 479277

Do you ladies have plans for valentine's day? I don't think I'll get to do much this year but I want to get a small cake for me and my waifu.

No. 479292

I might draw something cute for v-day but his birthday is so close to it I wasn't really planning to do anything.

No. 479380

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Nonnies, how long have you been with your husbando/waifu? I'd like to know if there are women who had the same husbando/waifu for longer than 5 years or so.
It's so retarded, but I've been feeling down lately because I'm worried that I might fall out of love with my husbant. Our 2 year anniversary is coming up - I've never been with a husbando without having any side-hoes for this long. I really want this relationship to last forever, as unrealistic as it sounds… Even though I truly feel like I'm more in love with him than ever, I fear that my brain will suddenly decide that it has been too long and make me lose my feelings for him. At my most pessimistic I'm thinking "Most women seem to lose interest in their husbandos after 2-3 years, so why would I be an exception?". I'm in need of some long-term yume relationship hopefuel basically.

No. 479455

I was I a relationship with my former husbando for six years, give or take. It felt like forever, and he was a big part of my life and a great motivation for me. My feeling dwindled down because he was quite niche and there were new content of him. It's actually a big thing, because getting exposed to new things is a big part of it. Not inly because of novelty, bit you learn more about your man. Otherwise, with time, he will feel a bit one note. Or you get into fanonification of your husbando that leads to being obsessed with your headcanons that you made up. IMHO it's extremely 50/50: either it's a killer or not of relationships. I saw it numerous times.
So, I think it's quite long? Now, I'm "single" in that regard. I have my favorite fictional character, but not in a husbando way.
I think the key to a long husbando relationship is:
> a big and established franchise with lots of new content for your husbando, or at least a long running series
> be autistic. That's it. If you are autistic, your brain gets wired to a random character for years to come
Also, it's consistency. I believe that you can't make a flavor of the month your husbado. For example, this Astarion room whatever hisnl name from Hasbin. He is a flavor of the month tumblr sexyman. If you have an affinity for that sort of character, give it time before committing. Those sort of husbandos come and go.

No. 479456

Samefag. Sorry for the errors (I'm mobile posting).
Anyway, I gave it some thought and came to conclusion: it's autism. Always autism. If your brain goes "awooooga, my life now depends on this fictional man", you can have a long relationship.

No. 479478

Love that you almost have matching post numbers lol. Back on topic, I had a nice nonna draw my husbando for me through a burner email exchange, so maybe try that? I'm ok with contacting you to get art of my husbando, I'm desperate.

No. 479480

It's gonna be 5 years this month. The other nonna is right about the autism part, I've loved my husbando since I was a child, but felt weird for it and tried to abandon him for ages, then eventually gave in to my urges and came back to him as an adult. And I've never been happier with a husbando in my life. He's my true love. Although he's from an obscure show and there's virtually no content of him, official or fan made, but I'm still happy with his canon existence on the screen. It's enough to fill me with joy and that's what matters.

No. 479482

Maybe I'll go to a cafe, and draw a Valentine's themed drawing. I never cared much for Valentine's day tbh.
It's been 9 years of being a yume. I liked him as a character before that, but my yume lifestyle came in later. I have a different issue, I sometimes wish I was less into him or at least had side husbandos. As the other anon said, it's easier if your husbando is part of a franchise with lots of new content that keeps feeding you, otherwise, you'll inevitably fall into the trap of having to hold onto your headcanons or settle for the limited content that exists. I did that during the big gaps in the content release, my husbando material has been released slowly over the years, so I always have something to look forward to. He may die and I don't know what I'll do then. If or when he dies, I'll probably feel really lost and it scares the shit out of me, but I would also prefer if he died than his character turning to garbage for any reason. I don't have a problem daydreaming about his past events, so that's something I can think about in my head on a loop when he's gone, but the joy may fade away with time.

If your brain decides it's been too long it's not as bad as you make it sound. It's just time to move on. The dedication and happy times you spent will not cease to exist, they'll be fond memories to you. I don't think it's something you should fear or stress yourself over it. You should spend your current time creating cool memories, doing what feels right and fun to you.
As soon as I get less busy I'll make a burner email and post it here then.

No. 479485

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Good luck with your Valentine art work and your busy life, anon. I'll be waiting.

No. 479581

Are you the type of person who switches other interests all the time too?
Maybe I'm just lucky that my main guy is from a franchise in a genre that I've always found cool. So even though it's probably never getting a new game and he'll never get new content I'll probably not find a replacement.
~14 years so far, though tbh it was pretty shallow at first, then a little deeper when his second game came out, then it wasn't until I discovered this site ~5 years ago that I went full yume.

No. 479638

It's so cool that you have been liking your husbando for 14 years, even though it didn't seem that significant at first…
> Are you the type of person who switches other interests all the time too?
I wouldn't say so, I think I'm somewhere in the middle. It even takes me a while to start watching new shows or playing a new game or whatever. On the other hand I've never been in the same fandom consistenly for very long. Usually after a year or two I lose interest. I do return to them sometimes though and the cycle repeats. Same with characters that I'm brainrotting over.
As for my husbando's source I actually like it quite a lot and it's in the back of my mind almost everyday. I though my first husbando's source was boring as fuck and my second one's was pretty good, but it was extremely short and didn't have much lore. So, I guess there's hope for me this time?

No. 479681

15 years for me. I can't believe such a dopey loser has captured my heart for this long but here we are. As for you anon, relationships have phases all the time. There are going to be times you're madly in love and there are going to be times that you question everything and worry that you're falling out of love. This is normal. Don't worry about it so much and just love your husbando and enjoy the ride. He will be there for you for however many years you want, and he will be there if you ever decide to take a break should that happen.

No. 479731

I haven't been feeling the spark with my OCbando of 8 years recently but I redid his hair design and it's given me such a surge of inspiration and renewed love. I'm going to think of more outfits for him to wear too.

No. 480335

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Happy birthday to my dumb wonderful husbando ♥ I'm not too worried about losing my feelings, somehow I'm still having fun dissecting him despite the EXTREMELY limited media, and I have tons of art ideas and whatnot I still need to make.

No. 480975

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So excited to draw and bake for my husbando on Valentine's! It's our first and I love him so much!!

No. 481042

Happy late birthday to your husbando. I understand your situation. Mine has 4 episodes centered around him and a cameo in one, yet I act like he has the deepest writing in history and I'm obssesed with him.

No. 481344

happy belated birthday to your husbando, i love him almost as much as i love you ♥

No. 481609

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I have a mini figure of my husbando and I'm strongly considering getting a doll house for him to live in.

No. 481704

That's such an adorable idea! Go for it! I have a plushie of my husbando that I sort of want to get a tiny bed and blanket and pillow for, but I can't afford luxuries at the time so maybe one day.

No. 481732

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I have a doll house like this too! (picrel) and I'm planning to use it as a display for my waifu if/when I get a figurine of my waifu. Go for it!

No. 481871

When my ring arrives I will get my nails done and take some pretty photos of my engagement. Idk how I'll plan the wedding though. Maybe a cardboard cutout, but that sucks.

No. 481975

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I don't usually celebrate anniversaries, but today (as of a few hours ago) marks 1000 days together! He's brought so much happiness to my world. ♥

No. 481995

Happy anniversary

No. 482971

My mom made me custom badges and keychains of my husbando and I'm sooo happy. Having custom merch makes it feel so special!

No. 482973

Based mom. I love hearing stories of nonas with supportive parents over their husbandos or waifus.

No. 483081

I have two widgets on my phone homescreen that I set to shuffle through my favorite official art and fanart of him, respectively. I put over 200 pictures in them combined, and I like tapping through them randomly. I get a little hit of dopamine every time from the excitement of seeing what pops up, especially if it lands on my absolute favorite images. It's kind of fun, would recommend. It's just something mundane that makes my day a little bit nicer.

No. 483133

Over ten years, nonnii. I just theme outfit colours around him and buy doujin merch of him because he's obscure.

No. 483147

Nta, but you reminded me I coincidentally have a dress with his color palette.

No. 483191

It's something my family find cringy because they notice the colours/motifs in my outfits are like his, but normal people and my friends just see it as normal fashion. I think it's nice to be subtle about your husbando in public, I couldn't handle the scrutiny of using itabags all the time lol… But I still have my own little shrine.

No. 483198

Thirty minutes. Thirty goddamn minutes is all the airtime my husbando got and yet I'm thinking about him every day and overanalyzing every little thing he does. Niche yumes are the strongest.
I hope you have fun! I really love making seasonal art of my guy for all the holidays.

No. 483205

First ayrt, damn you're having it harder indeed. Stay strong, nonna.

No. 483328

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I finally did it, I overcame my self-cringe and bought some artwork of Alastor and it just arrived today! He looks so nice! The artist also included a cute little thank you note with my name written on the back as if he's saying it, aaaaahhh!! I feel like I'm back in middle school and my crush signed my yearbook or something, kek

No. 483390

aww the thank you note is a nice touch, cute

No. 483540

That's so sweet, what a great mom

No. 484135

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I'm thinking I should dump my husbando art somewhere, I've been drawing him for years now. He's not obscure, he has enough art around, even yume art, so it's not like the fandom needs my contribution. I just feel silly looking at my folder filled with images that just sit there. Part of me wants to share with others because I love seeing art of him and I wouldn't mind interacting with his fans. The other part is scared of losing something special and unique I crafted for me and my husbando. I suspect this fear is heightened by my embarrassing jealousy of his other yumes.

I'll support every yume, including my husbando's yumes, but I can't help but compare myself to them sometimes. I'm a poorfag who couldn't afford his merch. Sometimes I could get really cheap items and that was it. I see yumes who fall for him and within a year they have all the stuff I ever wanted. I know this is not a healthy line of thought and I try to not feed into these thoughts, I don't want to be bitter towards them, and part of me is happy for them. But one of the ways I had to cope was by making my own stuff or collecting and cataloging all I could find of him.

That leads me back to the start, in my collection I have, of course, a lot of his fanart saved. When I look at it, it feels like I'm being selfish or unfair to be keeping my drawings only to myself. Realistically, there must be many other yumes like me, who also can't have all the official stuff and maybe would appreciate extra art.

Do any of you have a similar situation? How do you deal with it? How does it feel to share your husbando art online? Are there pros and cons? Where do you upload your work? Do you keep some pieces only to yourself?

No. 484219

I think it's great to share your art, even though I've kind of become a jealous yume and keep mine all to myself now. Like you said, it can be a great way to connect with other fans if that's something you're looking for, but I also understand the feeling of losing something personal between just you and him. You can try posting a couple pieces and see how it goes, idk where the best place to share art would be though.

No. 484249

I totally understand the jealousy. My husbando is extremely popular and there's pros and cons. All that I've found are nonsharing, so I don't really get a chance to interact with them to begin with, which is fine. It's great that you want to share and connect with others, but I do question why you'd feel selfish regarding your own creations. It's okay to keep things as your own. I haven't shared much, but I do enjoy interacting with other yumes in the same fandom. I agree that you should try and see how you feel about it. Xitter has a very active yumeshipping community otherwise I have no idea.

No. 484256

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>been identifying as an asexual since 2010
>have low romantic desire and dont care whether i die single or not, so just decide to go down the path of pure romantic celibacy

best decision i've ever made for myself.
no more having to be annoyed with human moids that I eventually get bored of within a week but have to suffer with their emotional baggage because I grow too emotionally attached too fast.
my life has been so peaceful since.

No. 484335

I kind of want to share my husbando art in order to befriend other girls who like him, but I’m worried that my art isn’t good enough in terms of technical skill. Even though whenever I see fanart of him that’s crudely drawn, I think to myself “It’s the thought that counts - I’m glad they’re following their passions and letting their love of the character shine through.”

Also, I’m worried that if I posted my art on social media I’d get too caught up in how many likes and comments it was getting, and it’d stop being about how much I love the character. Or I’d feel pressured to draw just to keep my engagement up.

No. 484398

Nta same. If I got sucked into social media, I might start seeing him as a commodity or get addicted to the likes. That's a moral evil I couldn't accept.

No. 484399

My engagement ring came. It's beautiful. We're officially together now. Can't wait to maybe vaguepost about it on a story with a photo to my friends for shits and giggles.

No. 484403

replying to the 2nd paragraph abt comparing urself to other yumes: one thing that i can say is that something handcrafted is infinitely more valuable and shows your dedication to your husbando far more than any piece of commercial merch ever could. it takes two seconds to go online and blow a bunch of money on some random trinkets of some character that you'll like for two minutes and then ditch the next. but real love is when you don't care about the quantity or even the quality of the merch you have, but rather what it personally means and what its value is to you.
personally made fan art and merch is (imo) the most sincere and true form of husbandofagging, so even if you compare yourself to the others that may have tons of merch of ur man, just know that they likely didn't spend as much time and effort thinking about him like you have. if you do want more merch like the other yumes do do, then make more of your own! they will all be one of a kind pieces that are all unique to you that shows off your love for him in a way that no one else can.

No. 484409

Beautifully said!

No. 485094

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I try to do the occasional spreads for his birthday and Valentine's Day. I really want to do more in general because I have so many unused journals going to waste.

I follow a lot of junk journal and Korean deco journal accounts on Instagram. I don't really try to go for aesthetic anymore. I just do whatever and if I fuck it up I can always rip it out and start over. This is why glue sticks exist.

No. 485123

happy valentine's day nonas! today I had some free time and I went to a cute cafe and had some little cakes and I daydreamed my waifu was with me. I'm currently doodling something too, hope you all had a good day today

No. 485353

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A bit of a late celebration on my end, it's February 15th already where I am, but I'm dead inside and too depressed to get myself to do anything. I still found the energy to make this little simple thing to celebrate Valentine's day with him, and it did put me in a better mood along with listening to the playlist I made for him. Despite everything around me being chaotic, he will always be the one constant and consistent thing in my life. My safe space. The place I run to whenever I need some uplifting. Always been, and will always be.

No. 485600

I wish I could shower my husbando with gifts, but he's a member of a ruling class in his universe and he has access to pretty much everything already. If I were to gift him something, it would be like a small child feeling accomplished after gifting their mother some stupid drawing lol

No. 486562

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i'm coming in late on this, but i am legitimately mourning the fact that i love this guy. i am unequivocally convinced that we would click and have some kind of thing going on if he was real, friend or lover. i've met someone like that irl and it turned into several years of mutual obsession because dating was not an ethical option. but never in my life have i related more to a fictional character. his entire being, attitudes, likes and dislikes, the way he talks and reacts to everything the exact way i do is so strange and surreal. this isn't even a yumejoshi thing at this point. i would kill for an actual conversation with him, because i would be so invested in learning how he came to be the way he is and what his thoughts are on everything. having this man in my life would fix me. i want to know what books he reads. i would send him to a career counsellor. i would bake him an earl grey cake with mascarpone frosting. and i just want to give him a hug. and a forehead kiss, because g*d knows he needs one

No. 486978

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Does my husbando still love me if I can’t draw

No. 486992

If he can't then he doesn't deserve you. If he wants you to draw him then he's a narcissist lol

No. 488011

Noña! Love you too ♥
Hell yeah he does!! Whatever you can do to feel connected to your husbando counts.

No. 489296

I wanna do this too. I hope my art style won't disappoint anyone haha!

No. 489297

samefag Wait. Why not just make a request chain right here? We're all anonymous anyway so what would be the worst thing that could happen?

No. 489531

Watching some game trailers and my husbandos va is doing the main characters in two upcoming things. They look just ok, he'll probably do a good job and it's good he's still getting work cause I like his voice. But it just reminds me that the character he voiced that I love is never going to get a concrete canon end to his story because of executive meddling.
I like my head canon and the silver lining is he won't canonically die. But there's still that 'what if' ennui.

No. 494094

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Any other Zenosfag here? I started playing last year and I fell in love harder than ever before but have no friends to talk about it with.

No. 494169

I recently ordered a bunch of nui clothes/accessories for his plushie. I hope they all fit, I'm really excited to dress him up in the maid dress. I'm really jealous of the oshikatsu culture in Japan, they even sell a ton of cute nui goods in 100 yen shops.
I'm going to git gud at textile stuff so I can make him some nice cozy homemade pieces too. Atelier Snow (vidrel) is a really lovely channel I found, she makes tutorials for how to sew nui clothes and even posts the patterns for free.

No. 494182

haha new here? there was that one crazy schizo who hasn't posted in a while.
There's also a FFXIV thread on /m/.

No. 494208

>she doesn't know

No. 494352

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nonas, should i get him? with shipping hes like 26 usdollars. i do have the money but it feels kind of wasteful, i don't know

No. 494415

Sometimes I feel nervous about fully committing to my husbando or buying his merch because his story isn’t finished yet. What if he has a shitty ending or his IP takes a huge nosedive?? I’d feel so embarrassed.

No. 494515

Time for another retarded vent. I'm experiencing husbando burnout again but this time it's because official content dropped and I also had a brief encounter with western shippers (kek). Those two things at the same time made me question my own love for him, again. It's not that I'm unsure if I love him, but rather it makes me insecure about the way I love him. But I just thought, if I've been loving him all this time, being a sperg who depicts herself with him, isn't ashamed of showing her autism to her friends and family, isn't afraid to claim him in front of strangers, is that really enough to stop me from yumeing him? Containing my love in a bubble, completely separate from his franchise's fandom, probably made me weak, and I feel pathetic. But every time something like this happens, I'm alright one or two days later, so whatever, it's not a big deal.

Yes! IMO it could be cuter so I'd look for other options first, but I'd definitely spend that much and more for a cute plushie of my beloved. Of course, I'd rather try to learn how to make plushies myself first, but if I didn't, I'd go for this one.
Is it official? Where did you find it??? I must know if there's one of my husbando!

Before the schizo Zenosfag there were other Zenosfags on /m/ and in the hornyposting thread. But that was like a couple years ago. Sigh, I wanna go back…

No. 494600

I think it counts as long as you're fully against any knowledge of PL

No. 494629

Are you still going to love him in the years to come and not leave it to be clutter collecting dust?
I spent $50 after shipping and taxes on a plushie of my obscurish secondary husbando and it's sorta lumpy and not worth that much, but I definitely would have gotten that FOMO if I missed the preorder considering I'm not sure if they would do a third run.

No. 494859

File: 1741043669466.jpg (155.72 KB, 800x600, マスコット POKÉMON TRAINERS.jpg)

hes the most decent one ive found at a reasonable price, id also love to make some kind of plush for him but i dont have the skills or time
yes its official but exclusive to jp, i found him cheapest at ebay but im sure you could find other ones at amazonjp, mercari, rakuten, etc
who is your husbando, nona?
thats the thing, i dont spend too much time at my home so he would probably just be in my bed, but i do love him so maybe i should get an ita bag…

No. 494909

This is about Espi Kvlt isn't it?

No. 494915

After almost 3 month of half-assedly attempting to get into drawing, I finally made a sketch of my husbando and it turned out… okay?? I thought I'd die of shame, but I liked sketching him, even though the end result doesn't look all that aesthetically pleasing. I kinda wanna draw him again, but what if the next time I'll draw him in a veeeerrry shitty way? I know that fuck-ups happen and I have to accept that, but I can't help but feel sensitive when comes to my husbando.

No. 494917

Huh? Did you reply in the wrong thread?

No. 495018

I cannot believe this happened to me. But I am truly so infatuated with my husbando that I realized I haven’t felt a modicum of sexual attraction to 3D scrotes in over 2 years. All I can think about is him. He’s the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about at bedtime. The only thing that consistently helps me fall asleep is closing my eyes and imagining him quietly entering my bedroom in the dark, leaning down to kiss my neck and covering my body with his, and gently making love to me until I slip into dreamland as he holds me in post-orgasmic bliss. Looking at his pictures gets me through the work day and nobody I know IRL including my close friends would ever imagine or understand the depths of my obsession. I find a sort of comfort in my husbando and I’m also heartbroken that he’s not real…I never would have predicted this in a million years.

No. 495058

nonita, always keep in mind that western fans nearly always are fujo tifs that like to change characters to their own liking (making them trans, gay, hijabi amputees..)

No. 495405

I'd say if you know that you truy love Larry, you should buy him. If I were you, even if I fell out of love with him, I wouldn't regret the purchase.
I checked and there doesn't seem to be one of my husbando, and I doubt he'd even get one if they ever released plushies of characters from his region anyway. That's a relief because it would kill me if I were unable to buy an official plushie of him.

Nah I don't think that was the case, but it's ok, I got over it.

No. 498564

I woke up in such a shitty mood today and after seeing a singular imageboard thread about my husbando earlier I feel so much better. Thank you, handsome charming husband

No. 498885

I still think spending $250 on a piece of plastic was so retarded, but honestly having a figure of my wife on my work desk at all times makes me so happy. I thought the feeling would wear off after the novelty of owning a scale passes, but it was been months and I love it more each day. And as a nice side effect, now her other scales don't look as cool (or "over €100" cool) as mine so now I don't feel the need of them, I think I saved money in the long run kek.
What I'm saying is that if your love has a stupidly expensive merch and you're on the fence about it, you should treat yourself once. Being able to hold an actual physical depiction with great sculpting of your f/o is an amazing feeling.

No. 499376

File: 1741593732793.webp (100.83 KB, 640x506, IMG_9516.webp)

Been feeling inspired by Anne Rice lately. Should I just embrace my full-blown autism and create my own OC husbando to fall in love with?

No. 499402

No. 499565

Do it! I have a hard time finding female characters that compel me sexually AND emotionally so I've thought about doing the same.

No. 500260

Yes. Having an OC husbando/waifu is the truest form of pygmalionism.

No. 501381

Whenever it's cold at night I grab an extra blanket and pretend he's spooning with me. I love him.
Do it nonna! I developed mine when I was like 14/15, best thing I ever did. He's a combo of 3 moid singers I used to be a fan of, he's perfect. Taking people from shows or real life always sucked because others liking them pisses me off and it's always a possibility something weird comes out about them. I spent so much time gawking over this one guy only to find out he had like 80 different kids with 80 different women, I can't even listen to his music anymore because I'm just so disgusted.

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