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No. 436453
>>436445Is this for the BV study? It sounds like it could help lots of women, I'd do it.
>>436450Yes you should. It decreases your chances of getting cervical cancer. Literally no reason not to do it.
No. 436867
>>436450Yes nonna. Get it. It will protect you from the strains that are commonly associated with cervical cancer.
The HPV vaccine is honestly a life saver, all women should get it, given that checking for HPV is tricky , it’s a very common infection that many have without even knowing it and that you specifically have to ask for it in order to check. Be proactive nonna.
No. 437521
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A couple months ago I had a real bad yeast infection, and it's come back twice now - both times right before ovulation. These flare ups aren't nearly as bad as the first round but still unpleasant and I sure would like them to stop.
Since it seems to be linked to my cycle and I have a decent idea of when it's going to come back, is there anything preventative I can do rather than wait until I'm suffering?
I'm wary of overmedicating by using a proper antifungal when I don't have symptoms, but would something gentler like picrel be worth trying?
No. 437523
>>437521Beware of homeopathy
nonnie, there's literally no active ingredients in that. If you really wanna do all natural, search for boric acid suppositories instead
No. 438104
>>438102My hygiene is A) good and B) unchanged. Daily showers, clean underwear, etc. I'm not prefect, like I don't change my towels every three days like you're supposed to but I'm washing them as frequently as I always have and until three months ago I'd never had a yeasty in my life.
First doctor I spoke to was completely unphased, ran some tests to confirm there was nothing more to it and just told me to keep using the same antifungal whenever it comes back.
I went to a different doctor today who was also very "yeah this happens sometimes" when I told her it was three months in a row but at least prescribed me some fluconazole for the next 6 weeks to hopefully flush it out properly.
No. 438439
>>438369dude WHAT? Stop reading what incels and
femcels say . I have NEVER EVER heard anyone talking about clit size in a demeaning way. Well except when the clits are as big as little penises… but small clits? Never.
No. 438523
>>438369Imma be real people demean others for having a big clit too. Or for having “roast beef.”
Bitches be miserable, don’t let it get to you nonna your bits are fine
No. 438944
>>438929It differs from one person to another. I understand what you mean with the stinging sensation, that happens to me when I'm not aroused or wet enough. I masturbate only with my fingers and never had sex, but I know the sensation you're talking about because that's when it happens. But when I'm really horny and into it after my period is finished and during the time leading up to ovulation, I get super aroused and the stinging disappears completely and I can fit more fingers and it feels so good from start to finish, even the opening itself getting anything touching it is pleasurable. Inside my vagina, I find it most pleasurable when I angle my finger upwards towards my abdomen whether a bit further inside or in the beginning of the canal, and raising my hips upwards really helps tightening it in a pleasurable way and it feels so intense, it's a bit overwhelming at times, so I still haven't orgasmed from it because I chickened out and gave up half way through leading up to an orgasm, lol. But I know that if I keep doing it that way and get used to it, it will be amazing.
No. 439082
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Can a nona recommend some masturbation strategies? I only know how to masturbate by flexing my lower body really hard and tbh it’s not that good and hardly worth the effort. I’m a virgin but I worry that once I have sex I won’t be able to enjoy it because I just do not understand my anatomy. I stuck a finger up my vagina once out of curiosity. I barely got past the first knuckle, and it was painful.
I don’t really get horny except in my sleep. I only really get off sexually while dreaming. I blame this on not having the right man in my life but idk. Anyone relate? Is something wrong with me
No. 439809
>>439082I can’t put anything inside me either nonna. I just masturbate on the outside and I do get pretty good orgasms so I’m satisfied kek. I managed to have sex the only time I did it, but I can’t put anything in on my own and when I got fingered I didn’t really like it that much.
Anyway relax yourself on your bed and just be patient, spread your legs and caress your thighs. You can either use lobe or spit if you aren’t wet enough and then just caress and play with yourself slowly, starting from the outside and then slowly reach for your clit and just rub it from side to side or in a circular motion. You just need to be patient. When you’re close you can also stop and resume again , more than once, it’s more satisfying when you end up orgasming that way.
No. 440647
i’ve had a recurring yeast infection for like almost a year now that will go away for about 3 weeks after i take some flucan and then come right back, usually either when i’m ovulating or if i have sex with my bf. i have changed all my habits to try to avoid it but nothing is working! i don’t take baths, i got a ph balanced, unscented soap to wash my vulva with, i stopped letting my bf finish in me, make him wash his hands and brush his teeth before we do anything, and we’re barely doing anything beyond kissing at this point because i’m so anxious about getting another infection so i don’t think it’s his fault, only wear cotton underwear, and i’ve been using boric acid and probiotic suppositories. nothing is working and i am losing my mind and it also feels like it can’t be healthy to be taking an antifungal medication this often, like i’m scared i’m creating some fucked up evil super-yeast.
i’ve never had this happen before, the only time i’ve gotten yeast infections in the past is from taking antibiotics but those always cleared up quickly and easily but then last year my ex cheated on me and i think gave me bv and ever since then my microbiome has been FUCKED. i have a doctors appointment with my gp in a couple weeks and i’m going to ask him to run some bloodwork because i’m worried i could be pre-diabetic or something as uncontrolled blood sugar is the only thing my gynecologist has suggested could be the cause but as far as i’m aware my blood sugar has always been normal. i’m just reaching the end of my rope tbh, i can’t even enjoy sex anymore because i’m so stressed out about getting another infection that my head is somewhere else the whole time and i just want my bf to eat me out in peace goddammit
No. 441242
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Found a great in-depth resource on how much vaginas can differ externally, thought it'd be worth sharing here No. 441724
>>440798Seconding this, I've had one before and it felt like a hard round ball inside of the labia minora skin, scared the hell out of me. I ended up using a hot washcloth on it
until it sort of ended up "popping" like a zit and it hasn't happened again.
No. 442264
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I had a rough time today.. Today was the day I was supposed to change my copper IUD for the second time in my life. I knew the pain would be excruciating, but I was mentally prepared and ready for what was to come. The very nice midwife starts the procedure and SHE COULDN'T GET IT OUT!! The threads were visible but it wouldn't budge, she even called in a second person to try but still nothing.. She referred me to a gynecologist at the hospital who's gonna try and remove it with the help of ultrasound in 2 weeks. I have no doubt in my mind I'm in for the worst pain of my life and I'm super fucking scared.
No. 444617
>>444607thank you
nonny, i will look into it, just having some sort of light as to why this is happening is very helpful already, thanks!
No. 445875
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sorry nonas if this sounds retarded but do these brightening soaps actually work? i’ve always been insecure about my vagina (specifically the hyperpigmentation around it) and i’m just looking through options.
No. 445877
>>439082Im in the same boat the masturbation method I use is just touching the exterior part (and I used to masturbate only with panties/clothes on because I felt uncomfy) but today I tried to put my finger inside my vagina and it was a different experience, I have vaginismus and this feels like progress honestly.
Was any nonna able to cure this at home? I think going to the gyno could be worse because they apparently stick metal things up vag and I don't want that
No. 445911
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>>445883this made me giggle thank you nona
No. 446834
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Guys can I post my punani here because I need to know if it's normal or not, or am I limited to describing it
No. 447174
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>Wow, research on women's pleasure! Science is finally beginning to rectify medical misogyny-
>Orgasms triggered by penile-vaginal intercourse
>Perpetuating male worship and the benefits of penis
One step forward, two steps back…
No. 447294
>>447293If your vagina smells bad that means you have some sort of infection. Perfume is not medicine. Normal, healthy vagina doesn't smell strongly of anything unless you're right up in it with your face, and even then what it smells like is just pleasant.
Go to the gynecologist.
No. 447334
>>447293Spraying perfume is only going to make it worse.
Go to your gyno if you have bad odor, might be an yeast infection.
Only use non irritating soap, neutral ph, no added fragrances, don’t just was the outer part, but between your lips too, you actually have to clean your whole vulva, just don’t wash inside your vagina. Avoid synthetic underwear, cotton is your best friend.
No. 449904
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I feel like my pussy is closing, it feels much tighter than normal, and when i finger it i feel the top part kinda down? Is it because i stay too much time sitting? Am i fucked forever?
No. 453272
>>453226I missed this nonna. Congrats and wish you well on your recovery!
How did you realize you had it? I mean how did it feel?
No. 453339
>>434949I solved this problem by never having sex, ever
Ugh I hate viruses and bacteria
No. 453374
>>453272I was never able to use tampons or have vaginal intercourse.
At 17 it felt like a wall, I couldn't get anything in past a certain point. Then I found a good gyn, started going to pelvic therapy and got the muscle tension under control. I was still tearing and having searing pain near my posterior fourchette.
For me it was this ripping sensation. I tried gabapentin cream for a while but it didn't help. So I visited a prof who told me a surgery was my best bet.
No. 453380
>>453372Here you go
nonnie. If you're a popper, you'll enjoy what's coming next (look up "lancing a cyst"). Interestingly enough, this is the duct "squirt" comes from, in the event it actually happens No. 453759
>>453583If you don’t mind me asking, what are your symptoms?
I will say I was able to have penetrative sex at 20 ( very slowly and with entry pain). But and the pain did diminish slightly with regular sex but the entry pain and tearing always kind of stayed. I am also able to use tampons.
This kind of condition I have is generally called dyspareunia and/or vestibulodynia (which is the term for provoked pain). Vulvodynia would be unprovoked pain which I had no issues with. A vestibulectomy works best for provoked pain according to studies.
No. 454256
>>453759I have a gyno appointment on February , it’s my first!
But I’ve also always had problems with fingering or putting tampons , it just feels uncomfortable and I never even managed with the tampons kek. I had sex only once and I honestly didn’t have that good of an experience, the guy I was with fingered me with no problem, but I really didn’t like it at all. And when it came to PIV I was really tight and it really hurt despite him being slow, but once I got more relaxed I managed and it started being good. He tried putting me on top but it couldn’t really enter kek.
Despite having sex that one time I still can’t put more than one finger without feeling discomfort and I can’t put tampons either.
No. 464523
Anyone else had vaginal problems caused by sex for seemingly no reason? Did you ever find a solution aside from no longer having sex with that person? I keep getting problems with my boyfriend and he is my first sex partner, so I can't tell if it's just related to him. We are also long distance and are only together irl twice a year for a month at a time, so the only time we have sex is during these visits, unsure if this could be relevant.
>First met and had sex with my boyfriend in summer of 2023, I was his first and he was also my first
>I was on the pill and we did not use condoms, he also finished inside
>After the first time we had sex, I noticed that I had yellow discharge, but I assumed it was probably just leftover semen, so I wasn't really concerned
>Yellow discharge ended up never going away even after the visit ended, but I kind of got used to it and didn't think much of it
>Visited and had regular unprotected sex with him again in winter of 2023
>Yellow discharge continued, but no new symptoms
>Visited and had regular unprotected sex again in summer of 2024
>Started getting symptoms of a UTI shortly after, but when tested the results came back negative
>Assumed it could possibly be BV given the yellow discharge, used treatment gel but my symptoms didn't improve
>Symptoms continued on and off for a couple of months, seemed to only be getting worse
>Started getting spots of blood in my underwear so I got a vaginal swab, came back positive for staph bacteria
>Hospitalised for pelvic inflammatory disease a month later, November 2024
>Also tested at hospital for STDs, results all came back negative
>Was given a two week course of antibiotics that ended up giving me both vaginal and oral thrush
>Decided that I wouldn't let him finish inside of me after this experience, stopped taking BC anyway so it wouldn't be possible regardless
>Visited him again in December 2024, first had sex almost immediately after treatment ended
>First time was without condom but he pulled out
>Yellow discharge appeared to restart almost immediately after
>Due to the fact that the time between finishing treatment and having sex again was super short, and that I was on my period during the second week of treatment, I honestly don't know for sure if the yellow discharge did ever truly go away
>Do however know that even if it didn't go away, it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it was after I first had sex
>Started mostly using condoms after that, did go without a couple of times but he always pulled out
>Around a week and a half after the first time, I started having terrible shooting pains in my vagina which has never happened before, but this only lasted a couple of days
>Fast forward to now, starting to get a constant burning feeling in my vagina again and have noticed an odor a couple of times, scared it could be PID again
What the hell could be causing this? He showers at least once a day, often twice. He isn't circumcised but he washes his dick in the shower and I can visibly see that it is clean. He definitely doesn't have any STDs either. Are our microbiomes just incompatible or something?
No. 464572
>>464523>Are our microbiomes just incompatible or somethingMost likely. I’ve read reports/studies that some people are just sexually incompatible on the molecular level, with a higher chance if both partners are of a different race (kinda racist when I first read it but it also sort of made sense).
Are you and your bf interracial?
No. 464618
>>464523Why are you having unprotected sex with no BC? Your luck will finish one day kek.
Your problem is with your scrote anyway, I’d test it out by not having sex and maybe getting him to test himself. If nothing comes out you’re simply incompatible I guess.
No. 469052
>>469045Sounds like a nightmare honestly, I’m sorry nonna. At that point isn’t the surgery worth it?
Maybe they’ll invent something to reverse these conditions once the troonism simmers down.
No. 469065
>>469045Have you been checked internally by a pelvic floor therapist or osteopath? If you have pelvic pain they might help.
I'm not sure if nerve pain medication can help with the pain, but it might be work looking into it. I take it for nerve pain in the vulva.
No. 469148
>>469052 doing everything I can to mitigate the pain without surgery, including pelvic therapy like
>>469065 mentioned. Really don’t think it’s helping but we’re trying. Right now things suck but are stable. Genital surgery is not something to take lightly. They’ve suggested topical numbing creams but maybe a nerve medication could help? Thanks for the thought.
>>469061Thank you, but unfortunately testosterone’s effects are mostly irreversible even when your levels drop. Voice, hairline, vaginal atrophy if you get that far, and clitoromegaly. Not impossible to improve things but impossible to revert, which is also why you see more females talking about trans stuff since the process hurts us more either way. active participant or not
almost didn’t even include an emoticon so boo, good luck and non-emoji love if you also have a fucked up vag No. 469501
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I'm gonna have PIV sex for the first time soon and I need advice. I'm super attracted to the guy and want it badly so that's not the issue. My problem is that I'm scared not only of how it will feel, but also over him possibly not fitting inside. I have vaginismus as well as a microperforate hymen. The opening of my vag is tiny and sticking only two of my own fingers in feels like too much. And my bf is tall and "well endowed" so to speak. The thought of him not only entering me but also thrusting for however long it takes him to cum scares me a little. Can he injure me? Is there anything I can do to prepare myself for it? Pelvic exercises? I never masturbated with a dildo but now I'm considering starting a pussy bootcamp to get ready, would that be a good idea? Anything else I need to know before my first time? Appreciate ya, nonnies.
No. 471848
>>469501You sound similar to me nona, I am
>>471809 I have very small anatomy and my Nigel is big, long, curvy so I get pain sometimes like the weird popping noises if I am not “warmed up” with fingering
When I first tried to lose my virginity to him he literally couldn’t put it in and we had to do a bunch of fingering to break my hymen before he could finally put it in, which took about a week. It hurts at first but if you keep doing it and relax it doesn’t hurt and feels okay to pleasurable depending on how good the foreplay is , just make sure to tell him to go slow and shallow and if it’s painful tell him to stop or go slower
>>471810You can’t get zits in your vagina wth, at least I’ve never had any inside there
No. 471859
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>>471809>strange popping>The dick is passing a fleshy ring of some sort inside my vaginal canalSounds like he's hitting your fornix.
No. 471874
>>471864Nta but did you click on the wrong reply link? She was responding to
>>469501 , I don't see how what she said was irrelevant.
No. 471918
>>471829Nonnie pls, 4chan scrotes are the lowest of the low, complete misfit losers who do nothing but watch porn and spew hate online all fucking day. Caring about what moids think is already dumb, but caring about what 4chan retards think? I also used to browse 4chan as a teen and it did give me a lot of internalized misogyny. But when you get off the internet, you realize how pathetic and miserable they are.
All their hate is a coping mechanism and projection. In reality, they are dying to have sex with a woman and would put their ugly disgusting dicks in the first pussy they could find.
No. 472318
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>>472292No that's completely normal and it freaked me out too. There are so many completely typical yet undocumented weed symptoms, especially with quitting or low tolerance users. The first time I tried weed I remember how bloated it made me feel which still happens if I haven't smoked in a while. Shrooms makes my "groin area" feel weird too but more horny, whereas weed makes you feel like you've just become aware you have ovarian cancer and didn't notice before, for some reason (paranoia + bloating). If you're anxious about cancer in general try to keep a low sugar/low meat/dairy diet since the 3 are cancer's favourite foods (not a homeopath-fag, you should still get checked out regularly)
No. 472466 "problem". They do experience a pathogenic (reduction in l.crispatus, introduction of penile anaerobes) change after each intercourse, it's just that it does not always produce short term symptoms. Diagnosable BV that makes you smell foul and causes pain, iirc, is found in 30% of women, subclinical BV-liks microbiota is more common, and restoration of original l.crispatus microbiome is possible if you don't have sex for X amount of time. It's fair to assume that the initial penile microbiome transfer/reintroduction will cause your vagina to hate you unless some sort of immune tolerance is involved eventually, which could explain the vague "BV may be caused by a change in sexual partners" idea. Interestingly, female chimps and bonobos all have BV-consistent microbiomes, while humans don't. The native "healthy" microbial makeup of a vagina is also mildly spermicidal kek.
BV is independently
triggered by the male anaerobe-dominated microbiome (hence why you can get it from a virgin), but a specific strain can also be transferred by a male from another woman.
So in conclusion, women in long term relationships do have "problems" or a deviation from an objective standpoint, they just may not personally know, think it's a problem, or their microbiomes are made to be less hostile by BC. For example, if you were to decide to have regular sex with him, the natural state of your vagina would change and you would no longer experience symptoms after every intercourse. Also, uncircumcised dicks have
a lot more anaerobic and fecal bacteria, so your vagina is giving you the full "what the fuck did you just put in me I fucking hate you" experience. It will give up eventually.
No. 475868
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nonas.. i have a very specific problem and i wonder if anyone can help me. I often take the dead skin layer off my vulva (specifically the more sensitive/thin part between labia minora and majora) i kinda just scratch it and wipe off the dead skin layer that collects under my nail (the consistency of said skin is kinda mushy, not like dead skin anywhere else), and i do this very often to the rigth side of my vulva. Recently ive noticed that the rigth side has a lot more dead skin than the left and also my labia majora on the rigth now bends in such a way that makes its pinkish part more visible (rest of my pussy is pretty dark and the place between my 2 labias is pink), and im very confused i cant tell if it was always like this or if me constantly scratching it made it like this. It has really became a habit at this point and if i dont keep taking off the dead skin layer i feel like it'll feel uncomfortable, should i stop doing this? Would the production of more skin slow down when im not repeatedly taking it down? Also will it start looking normal on its own again because i genuinely didnt know vulvas could chance shape this easily. Dont make fun of me if the answers are obvious we dont have sex ed where i like, i know barely anything about my organs.
No. 476030
>>475882I feel like you essentially have to treat having sex with a man like you're sick for the next few days after kek. I was getting horrible recurring UTIs and yeast infections/BV until I started doing boric acid suppositories, cranberry pills, apple cider vinegar and kefir/a probiotic combined with at least a gallon of water a day for at least three days after sex (aside from the boric acid these are all fine things to do daily though).
Obviously get tested to make sure it isn't an STI first, but that helped break the curse of perma-yeast. I probably also just got used to my partner so my microbiome stopped freaking out.
No. 476207
>>476047>don't use a condom because we're marriedanon this is really bad for you. not just because you don't know if he's cheating/has secret STDs or not, but because males are immunoprivilege and are basically
toxic for your biome by default. strongly recommend wrapping it even if he is your 1 tru luv 5ever.
No. 476209
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>>476207Anon married couples don't use condoms (in general) and males have significantly lower and less adaptive immune function than females, by the very nature that they have a y (degrading) chromosome and produce cell/dna-deteriorating testosterone and die younger than women (or troon out, get withered bones and die younger than women). Couples in LTRs don't use condoms (in general) either, it's a gamble and risk people take and everyone is well-aware of it without you letting them know. It's why we don't fuck known-scrotes or befriend their pick-mes
No. 476219
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>>476212Well tbf that anon probably shouldn't. I'm just saying most married couples have sex without a condom. If every single woman got BV and a fucked up biome from it condoms in marriage would be typical. OTC yeast infection products are one of the most popular female-categorized items for women between the ages of 18-29 and that isn't really "marriage" years anymore. However the rising rates make me think there's a relation to hook up culture. But yeah, I agree that would be fucked up
No. 476225
>>476222I doubt it's a stroke, maybe tiktok ADHD since you can't scroll up and need this info spoodfed but
Anons having sex with their nigels with biome-destroying results>>476035>>476047Anons disgusted or posting medical mis-info about this>>476061>>476212^This anon didn't reply to anyone, in the middle of a discussion about the thing she's talking about. So maybe that part was confusing
No. 476252
nonnie. I'm a virgin and I never could understand why moids say vagina smells "fishy". My pussy smells amazing (to me) and always had perfect discharge as well. I'm actually terrified of having sex with a moid now, is he going to destroy my perfectly balanced microbiome? This is TMI but I actually love how my panties smell when they're dirty, not sure if other women can relate to that or not. I can't let any scrote ruin her. This is some Alien-esque nightmare fuel shit, men are rancid.
No. 476391
>>476371Perhaps. Or maybe you already have vaginal dysbiosis and weakened systemic immune function (like most women with T2D or GDM were observed to) hence the 0 immune response to being regularly diversified.
Or do you actually think instant "shock terror mode" is something that happens in low immunity? KEK
No. 476401
>>476391I actually don't, but keep fearmongering and being weirdly pushy with your narrative. Some women are totally fine after having unprotected sex, don't know why it's controversial to say.
>>476400That's crazy, I always air the cooch out after swimming so I guess I'm safe. But my vagina's still in tip-top shape after coming into contact with one penis.
No. 476413
>>476401It's not a narrative, it's a fact. You're simply choosing to see it as tantamount to being called a dirty stank pussy slut, which is unfortunately a common reaction. Perceived shaming and rejection of the idea of optimal vaginal health is partially why women are taught that their crotches are supposed to be in a perpetual state of disrepair, hence the need for this thread in the first place.
There are women whose microbiomes are near-instantly restored to default after a rare unprotected sexual encounter, that is the point of hostile acidic microbiome. But the chances of that happening with regular (think 3 times per week) re-exposure
and a chronic disease are probably near zero. Yours is likely not 70% l.crispatus, which is "optimal" but not common and therefore can't be called "normal".
No. 476421
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>>476416>>476417dw you guys I'm something of a scientist myself so have created picrel resolve this debate
No. 476424
>There has been debate about whether bacterial vaginosis can be classified as an STD as opposed to a sexually associated condition; however, the preponderance of evidence demonstrates that bacterial vaginosis can be sexually transmitted from women to male and female partners.44,45 Epidemiologic studies have consistently associated bacterial vaginosis with risk factors associated with STD.44,46 More frequent vaginal intercourse is associated with increased risk of bacterial vaginosis.30 Multiple, new, or increased number of male partners are strongly associated with bacterial vaginosis in multiple studies.34,44 Recent unprotected sex as evidenced by the presence of prostate-specific antigen in vaginal fluid has been associated with a more than twofold increased risk of bacterial vaginosis47 and recurrent bacterial vaginosis48 and is negatively associated with the presence and concentration of healthy Lactobacillus species.34 Additionally, there is a significant association between bacterial vaginosis and female sex partners,29 because women who have sex with women appear to be at increased risk when compared with women who have sex with men only.29,46 There is a strong inverse association between bacterial vaginosis and condom use.44 In one study, bacterial vaginosis–associated bacteria were detected more commonly in the urine and coronal sulcus of men with asymptomatic STDs than in healthy men.49 Finally, both bacterial vaginosis by Nugent scoring50 and detection of bacterial vaginosis–associated anaerobes29 are far less frequent in sexually inexperienced than in sexually experienced women. No. 476439
>>476431BV and dysbiosis can be asymptomatic and are clearly associated with sexual activity. Generally you need symptoms to pursue those meds, unless you're a recreational metronidazole enjoyer.
I'm glad you think women should keep having health issues so you don't "feel like a whore" or whatever it is that got you pussyblasted, but maybe try ignoring the stuff you don't like.
No. 476510
>>476507It just means some women have alkaline vaginas and it's
heavily related to diet. I posted the Alkaline Trio video but felt bad doing that to the thread but that's basically what it would be, or one neutral vagina and one alkaline (which means prone to yeast/bacterial infections)
No. 476552
>>476546No you or the other anon are correct too and that most moids
are manwhores who spread disease to women. I just have a lot of knowledge on the acidic/alkaline thing and think it's important enough to share with other women that I don't mind being annoying. It's pretty easy to change your diet to help your vagina lean more acidic and cheaper than buying tons of yeast infection products or blaming it on a moid and calling it a day
No. 476554
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>>476047 and i'm surprised every single answer to my comment has completely ignored the fact that I did actually go to a gynecologist and have been told this issue is probably due to the fact that I was severely ill with high fevers and on heavy medication right before I started being sexually active and it will eventually get better, lol.
>inb4 nigel cheating, wrap upThis is extremely unlikely, not everyone has a relationship with a crusty eboy with 4 discord kittens. He even did a course of antifungal and antibiotic medications just in case he was contributing to the issue.
No. 476592
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>>476554Are you a burgernona? If not, you can try pic related. No promises, but apparently this strain was studied for HPV and intended to be a prescription in the US. Years later, yuros seem to have it OTC and burgers don't have it at all.
(Most OTC "vaginal probiotics" you see in the US do not have this, instead it's other random lactobacilli like gasseri or rhamnosus.)
No. 476681
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How do I measure the pH of my vagina? Now I'm really curious.
No. 476683
>>476681>How do you do this test? You hold a piece of pH paper against the wall of your vagina for a few seconds, then compare the color of the pH paper to the color on the chart provided with the test kit. The number on the chart for the color that best matches the color on the pH paper is the vaginal pH number.A lot of women who have vaginal issues outside of moid relationships tend to have
more alkaline ph than semen, that's where it gets confusing. If you're wlw and one is prone to yeast infections/bv (etc) it's good to test so you can make small changes to your diet get closer to hers
No. 476694
>>476683Buying pH test strips right now.
>>476692And then what? What is basic/acidic vagina supposed to taste like?
Also PhD nonna needs to tell us what diet changes you should do to manipulate your pussy's pH.
No. 476695
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>>476694I think that anon is joking but the "Barbi twins" used to tell interviewers they tasted each others vaginas, to check their health or something. They had tons of mental issues and severe anorexia. I mean they're not wrong, acidic vaginas taste more acidic but who knows wtf they were looking for
>tell us what diet changes you should do to manipulate your pussy's pH.samefag coming just a sec
No. 476696
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>>476695>>476694A lot of fruits are listed as "alkaline" even though they lean acidic, because they're not taking sugar into account. It's more about what you remove or limit and that should be sugar or foods that are broken down by the body into sugars. Alcohol/drinking too much is a big one and really bad for vaginal flora. I apologize anons that my "evidence" is that shitty cap from some moid's health site but it's one of those things that studies are slower to catch up on, probably due to lack of interest in funding and billion dollar fem. hygiene industry (as tinfoil as it sounds). I'm used to mainstream opinion outdated though because of the troons
No. 476699
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>>476697kek probably, good point. It would make a lot more sense than the flavour of the pineapple somehow ending up in their balls. With a lower ph, the bacteria (bad smell/taste) would be more likely to be neutralized. Very alkaline semen (and vaginas) are more likely to smell fishy and unpleasant, due to bacteria overgrowth
No. 476716
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>>476713I'm totally guessing when it comes to diet, there's not much research when it comes to this (that don't consider fucking
lemons alkaline ffs).
>it tastes like unflavored yoghurt I think this has something to do with enzymes. The other way a ph neutral vagina has been described is fresh mango, which have high enzyme activity as they ripen (and obv. yogurt does too)
No. 476724
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>>476720It is a ripe mango cut in half, shot in bad lighting is another mango vagina, in poor lighting. As they ripen they resemble odd vaginas as the fruit separates from the pit (increased enzyme activity) No. 476995
>>476986I haven't ever had a pap smear specifically, but did have a pelvic exam and multiple cervical swabs taken while in hospital recently. 3 or 4 different women were standing in the room watching while it happened, and the one who did it was really kind and kept telling me to let her know if anything hurt or if I wanted her to stop throughout the whole process (she looked to be in her 20s, which may have made a difference regarding attitude). Having the speculum put in was the worst part, it burned really badly, but was still tolerable enough for me to let her continue. As for the swabs themselves, I don't think I really felt them aside from a bit of pressure. My vagina did burn a lot afterwards because of the speculum, but it didn't last for too long. I will say that the whole procedure did feel INSANELY invasive for me due to how intimate it was, multiple people being in the room, and the fact I'd never experienced it before, but I wasn't really bothered by it as no men were present and everyone was nice. Along with the doctor/s themselves, I think how well it goes really depends on if you are able to tolerate things touching your cervix. For some women it doesn't hurt, while for others it's agonising (I fall into the former category). Also, this is probably obvious, but I would insist you ask in advance for only a woman to do it if you hadn't already planned on doing so. I would have definitely been traumatised if a male doctor had done it or was present in the room,
although I do also have past sexual trauma and I am terrified of male doctors in general.
No. 477029
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>>476986The only pap smear I have ever gotten was so fucking painful I can't even describe how awful it was. I was crying on the table. Literally feels like they take a mascara spoolie and twirl it around in your cervix. I bled for over 2 weeks after even though they say "you should only spot for 2 days max" yeah okay that's bullshit. And just felt cramps inside of my body those 2 weeks where I assume my cervix is, it was awful. It was so retarded, she said I'm bleeding so much that she gave me a pad and told me I should get tested for fucking chlamydia (apparently that makes your cervix bleed) even though it was literally impossible for me to have an STI. Guess what, I did not fucking have chlamydia kek. I no longer even go to the gynecologist cause I'm over it, I know it's not good advice but I genuinely feel so traumatized from it and just gaslit about my own pain and dismissed as if I'm a retard who doesn't know my own body. I wonder if it's because I do have mental health issues (depression, anxiety, past suicide attempt, past self harm that required ER visit, past anorexia that I was inpatient for) that are recorded in my medical file so they just treat me like shit? I don't know. I know this isn't very positive and probably not good advice since it
is a test for detecting cancer and shit, but I feel like it's good to be honest about how shit some doctors are. Also there HAS TO BE a better way to screen for cancer. A spoolie? Twirled around in the cervix hole? There just has to be a better way, it's bullshit.
No. 477031
>>476986Went for a post-op checkup (total hysterectomy). These doctors say "nobody has ever said it hurt before…" and surprise, I was the first person to say it hurts. Then again, my shit's totally busted or warped, which I'm guessing is some sort of birth defect I never bothered checking. The internal ultrasound hurt so bad I had to stop them.
I only went to them to get the hysterectomy because of heavy periods. Never going back.
No. 477035
>>477029A lot of women have zero negative experience with this but a portion of women have a painful one. It could have to do with how your gynecologist handled it, or something else. It might be worth looking around to try to find a new one with positive reviews regarding patient care and comfort and ask in advance about your bad experience with this procedure, and refuse to get it done if they aren’t receptive to working with you to make it more comfortable and less damaging. STIs are a reason that you can experience intense bleeding and pain afterwards though so they do have to screen for it (and patients often lie about if it’s possible, so they basically have to check anyway), but there are also other possible reasons like infections and some genetic conditions. Generally there’s an underlying reason for a negative reaction to the sampling that is causing the cervical tissue to be weaker, so a bad response is usually taken as a warning sign to begin with of possible pregnancy, illness, or cancer. But if it was none of those then you may have a genetic condition that gives you thinner tissue, so your doctor should be working with you to determine that.
>>477017False positives exist in pretty much all preliminary medical testing. Women shouldn’t just wait around to die of common cancer types.
>>476986My biggest advice is never go to men or to an older gyn. Find a woman who is fairly young and up to date, they usually have better practices. Also, driving a longer distance if you must to see a doctor in a better area is worth it imo.
No. 480858
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>>480850Sir yes sir, Major General Pussy!
No. 481010
>>480793I’d never put chemicals near my precious pussy. Hair and darkening is normal , you’re an adult.
Exfoliate with a light scrub and use neutral oh , fragrance free soap.
No. 485726
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Nonas, i really need advice for something. Around last year i had a really bad case of scabies for over 4 months (i literally learned what scabies was when i got diagnosed by the doctor, yikes) and since i went so long without treatment the bugs attacted me in the joint that connects my legs to my hips creating really nasty scars that were really itchy for days and left a bad hyperpigmentation and some interesting pinched skin look that it visible from the front when i am standing with my legs closed (similar to picrel). I know this question isnt really about the vagina itself but its in the general vaginal area and i dont know where else or how to ask this. The scars left are only on the very front of my joint, as a circle-ish area aligning with where my vulva starts and i can sort of pinch the swollen scar tissue with my hands (its not that much and not visible with my legs open), so the problem is i am extremely insecure and upset by this sudden change in how i look, and i dont know what i can do to get rid of or get over it. Its not even about the general appearance of my vulva but the idea that i am disfigured permanently by those little fuckers makes me really mad honestly, is this issue something anyone has heard of? Is there some surgery or technique i can do to get rid of it? If not how can i cope because i really dont know how to cope rn.(spoiler your shit)
No. 489918
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I may be using the word wrong but I believe I have a long refractory period for a female, whether its masturbating or sexing my girlfriend, it takes hours for me to do it again. Is that normal? Everything I see says women barely even have a refractory period, unless I'm experiencing something else…
No. 491056
>>485726I have the same issue but with inverse psoriasis, my armpits healed with Salicylic acid wipes and became visibly lighter but I'm terrified to use it around my private parts
It's never healed and flares up every 2 months so ther scarring and darkness is gonna be nasty
No. 491136
>>491113I know it does but when I am out for a day, my underwear will sometimes get sticky and uncomfortable if not.
>>491123Same. Now another thing to worry about oh god
No. 491220
>>491113NTA. Well, fuck.
Guess I’ll be wearing reusable cloth pads then. Any nons here have good brand recommendations?
No. 491275
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>>491113What about ones like picrel?
No. 494325
>>494262If it being noticeable over clothes is bothering you, you can put a drop of lavender oil on your underwear (dont put it IN your vagina just the underwear)
>>494275And i smell like fish!