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No. 292054
>>291879I get smelly discharge after sex too (which is to be expected, your acidic vagina is not happy with having alkaline sperm inside so it flushes shit out) but the severity depends on who I've been with. I'm guessing it has something to do with how (non)compatible our skins' micro biomes are. With my first bf it smelled disgusting, like the shit you clean out from underneath your toenails. I started douching with plain lukewarm water and it solved 95% of the issue. With my current bf the smell isn't bad at all but I still douche after sex because I don't like the feeling of cum running out of me for several hours afterwards.
I know douching is supposed to be bad for your vagina but I've never had any issues but YMMV
No. 292261
I'm thinking that I might have pelvic floor disease. For as long as I can remember, I've been having these awful painful vaginal spasms. They came out of nowhere and they hurt. Is hard to talk about them to physicians because everytime I say "my vagina has cramps" they asume I'm mistaken and talking about my uterus. Recently due to hormonal issues my periods are getting worse, like HELLISH worse. I've had started to use adult diapers, cause pads don't make it for me, and I don't want to use a cup (see, above). And since my periods are worse, the vaginal pain is worse. I get up, it spasms and hurts. I start having sex, it starts spamming and hurts. I come and stop having penetrative sex, it hurts and I also get cramps after it. Last time it came out of nowhere when I was doing the dishes and I couldn't even stand properly. Had to ask my husband to come and carry me to the bed, and the pain went on for a lot of time. I ended up finding pelvic disease after YEARS of looking on the internet, but I'm afraid that if I tell my gyno he will argue "self diagnosis" or something, and even if he agrees it is pelvic floor disease, its not as if the treatment is any better (one of the treatments involves injecting Botox so the vagina doesn't spasm).
No. 292288
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My calendar is full of fun stuff this week for the first time in months and I can’t even fully enjoy it because I’ve been having insane PMS
No. 292529
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>>292520Stupid autocorrect. Maybe instead I often visa?
No. 292631
>>291804Not sure if this fits in this thread but I don't want to bump the PMS/PMDD thread. I've always had terrible depression, boob pain and swelling, bloating, acne etc starting about 10 days before my period. This last month I've started on a bit of a health kick. Nothing crazy, just eating more vegetables and whole foods instead of takeout, swimming a few times a week and drinking less. Now I'm two days away from my period and the only PMS symptom I've had is mild cramping and maybe less motivation to work. Was the answer really just taking better care of myself? Why was I pushed to take birth control and antidepressants for treatments without any consultation about my actual life habits first? Mad shit. Its only been a month so maybe its a once off or I'm pregnant lol.
>>292508About once a month. Sometimes if I'm having a frisky dream but not always. I am sexually active so its not only a frustration thing, I think it just takes less stimuli to orgasm in your sleep so rubbing on your blankets or lying on your side can be enough to stimulate it.
No. 292685
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>>292659I'm just talking about an elimination diet in general. You cut out certain well known
trigger foods to see if they were personally affecting you. If they weren't then you reintroduce them. Might be dairy, might be sugar. The hormonal acne diet and the pms diet are pretty similar.
No. 292817
>>292797I love a milky coffee but a few years ago I caught a bug like norovirus, for 2 whole years afterwards I couldn't have milk without bloating and having an upset stomach. Around my period I had to be extra mindful not to indulge and add to the monthly swell. It eventually stopped being an issue. Temporary lactose intolerance is sometimes a thing after bugs but looking into it there's things in milk (not just lactose) where if you have any existing inflammatory condition it can add to the inflammation. Can affect women with endometriosis.
I'm glad I can stomach again but it would mess me up for a while there. A latte would leave me looking pregnant.
No. 293010
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Don’t judge me but how exactly do you guys wash your vulvas? I mostly use a bidet with medium intensity water flow. I can’t imagine using my hands or a washcloth because it would feel too rough. Even shower heads feel to rough because of the high pressure water flow. Is my vulva just weirdly sensitive? Not mentioning that I can’t imagine how these methods can get rid of smegma in small folds
No. 293083
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im genuinely convinced i dont have a clitoris at this point. i literally havent been able to find it at all for every year ive been alive. have i been FGM'd or something?!! i was born to a muslim family after all, but how come? even if it was small enough for me not to be able to see you'd think i'd be able to feel it at least? but no. literally nothing, neither the organ or a sensitive sensation. it just feels like idk touching my elbow or something. even when im in the mood which happens once every like 7 years ( and obviously it goes without saying ive never orgasmed due to this ) i cant find it at all no matter where my fingers wander in any direction you can imagine. it came to a point where i unemotionally exploring for the sake of it and i still can never find anything. i seriously feel so juvenile not knowing how it feels. and like i said i genuinely never feel horny because nothing does it for me but this post isnt about that.
my point is is it possible to be born without one? honestly its looking like the only possible answer. im so frustrated and i dont even like masturbating and ive not had sex either but at least id like to have the option to enjoy those like everyone else…
No. 293102
>>293083I'm so sorry to hear about this,
nonnie. I hope you're in a position to seek for a gynecologist, preferably a woman. I can't think of any other way you could get all the answers you're looking for.
No. 293543
>>293136I had a slow journey with it. I was 19 when I realised there was an issue. I was 28 when it stopped being an issue. It would get worse whenever I was in a relationship because the pressure was on, even if he wasn't being vocal.. it was still pressing on me. While single I decided to tackle it in my own time. That was when I made progress.
I used a dilator kit (calexotics inspire) and I had 2 years of single time to see how I got on by myself with nobody in waiting. I used the kit, bought beginners toys after that and I think the fact that I knew I was doing it by and for myself was what helped more than anything. Not having a deadline. Not having someone waiting on me. Concentrating on just the small toy in front of me and not thinking too far ahead to 'but wait I need to take average dick size' I got to know my body and once I was past dilators and buying actual toys it felt like fun and less like a task.
With bfs there had always been this lil bit of buried resentment in me that I was fighting this thing more for him than for me. I was half in denial of those feelings and just trying to rush through it. Consumed by this feeling of obligation and secretly bitter about it. I would worry about them dumping me over it and then that'd just feed into the pressure. Sex became associated with everything you don't want it to be. Like a burden or a hurdle to overcome just to hang onto a relationship or keep up with everyone else. Those worries kept the issue going. Not knowing who I was ultimately doing it for. Him or me. I lost a serious relationship to it and att I beat myself up but stepping back I don't think it was such a great loss. If anything I'm glad he wasn't the one I overcame it for. It was strange going from NEEDING to make progress to make us whole and to prove I love him.. to feeling like it was for the best that we split up anyway.
Another underlying issue for me was that I had pregnancy worries (and no abortion in my country) so I realised that probably played a bigger role than I'd considered before. Not being 100 percent at ease when it comes to BC working. I started dating someone who was already considering getting a vastectomy. We waited til he got one (used toys and did other stuff in the meantime) I thought that once he was healed from the vasectomy that my problems might return (cos its pressure time) But I was able to experience a fairly typical sex life for the first time pretty soon afterwards. I'd done the work to get to know my body in advance. He'd done something that took one of my main niggling worries away. We'd great sex after.
No. 293769
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I'm sorry if this is ot but i can't find a period thread. do any other nonnies get vaginal pain, and constipation/diarrhea before they start their periods? And how do you cope?
Every time before i start my period it catches me off guard and I mistake it for UTI/dehydration. The pain just makes it hard to work, it's so annoying
No. 293779
>>293769>do any other nonnies get vaginal pain, and constipation/diarrhea before they start their periods? And how do you cope? period poops is pretty common. I used to get messy diarrhea in the first couple days along with cramps, but it hasn't been so bad lately. I also experience vaginal pain/soreness, or in my crotch area. That seems to be a consequence of period cramps.
I honestly don't know what to recommend to deal with the diarrhea or constipation, in my case the results seem random when my habits change (more/less exercise, better/worse sleeping and eating habits). maybe try doing more exercise and eat healthier if you haven't tried that already. For the pain I just try to get distracted and do some sort of activity while singing my favorite songs, instead of lying on my bed waiting for the pain to go away. It may not get rid of the cramps but at least I'm less bothered by them. This way I can ignore the vaginal pain easily
>Every time before i start my period it catches me off guard and I mistake it for UTI/dehydrationUse a period tracker app or just a normal calendar (what I do) to track your symptoms and menstrual period for a few months and you'll start to have a more accurate picture of how your cycle affects you, what to expect and when to expect it.
Things I take into account are: start of my period, last day of bleeding, spotting between periods (happens rarely but it's normal), mild cramps, first day of strong cramps, mood changes such as depression, lack of motivation, and just for fun, the days I have more intense and frequent sexual fantasies or feel more easily aroused than normal (signs of ovulation).
I've realized that tracking my period has helped me cope with some of the more annoying symptoms and even with my depression and motivation issues, because I know for sure how long they last and I'm always keeping in mind that it's just hormonal and it'll go away soon. It also helps to notice how your habits are affecting your health. You could try different things to alleviate your symptoms and use your calendar to know what works and what doesn't.
No. 294311
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>used to be moderately horny as soon as puberty started
>would get wet when horny
>never had sex because of crazy religious upbringing
>lives abroad in 2020 because of shitty timing
>got very sick for three months, it was very likely covid but I couldn't get diagnosed with anything because of hospitals being crowded with people who were even more sick
>went back home to live with my family until I get a job and my own place
>didn't have a lock on my door until months after that so no intimacy whatsoever
>as soon as I recovered fully from whatever I had I can't get horny at all
>learned right before that that men can get ED from covid, no idea if it's temporary or if women can be affected, too scared to google it
>still a virgin
>no idea if there could be a medical reason for this, or just because I'm always tired, the few times I went to see a gynecologist after that was because I suspected I had breast cancer but it's a harmless tumor I'll get removed soon
>don't know how to ask the gynecologist if I go once more to get more info because she's respectful and open-minded (I think?) but she was completely shocked I'm still a virgin at 28 and I'm bad with explaining this kind of things specifically
What should I do? Do you think I could be "cured" from actually having sex with a man? Do you think I should give up on masturbating or doing anything at all forever? Should I see my gynecologist for that or would that be a waste of time because there's no proper exams to check what's going on? Could all of this be caused by me using my laptop like pic rel very often?
No. 294513
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Good evening nonnas. I have just started weight lifting again 4x a week and eating on a deficit (but not a harsh one and still having treats and not feeling hungry) but my period is nowhere to be seen.
I'm not pregnant, it's impossible, but every time I start working out and eating right my period is always so delayed. I have a normal length cycle but I'm on day 39 now.
I have also been PMSing for longer because of this and it sucks.
Wonder if any sporty nonnas experienced the same thing? I do know that if you starve yourself or train like an athlete it can mess your period but im not doing either of those so it's strange.
No. 294655
>>294617I manage to meet both my fat and carbs macro with no problem every day
>>294651I am overweight yeah and previously was on-and-off exercising with no consistency. I will try and get a blood test sorted
No. 295994
>>295730Maybe try a handheld mirror and have a look that way?
>>295983Sounds like it might be a Bartholin's cyst? You should get it looked at. Meanwhile a warm clean washcloth might help with the pain.
No. 296184
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>>296180def buy a vibrator. i was always terrible at getting myself off with my hand and would give up out of boredom before finishing and wondered if i was doomed to fantasize a lot but never orgasm, but i can come in like 2 minutes with even a no frills cheap vibe and it's helped my relationship to my sexuality so much.
No. 296302
>>291804Nonnas I'm really worried, I've been spotting for the past week.
It's normal for me to get some brown blood once around the time I ovulate, but this has been going on since Friday, mostly brown blood but a few days have had bright red blobs as though I was on my period. Not enough for a full pad but I've needed to wear a liner.
This is when I should be ovulating, I think, so I wasn't worried at first, but it's gone on for long enough that I am now. I'm not on bc and can't be pregnant because I've only slept with my gf. Are my hormones fucked this cycle or something?
Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but my periods used to be really regular, and ever since I got the covid vaccine last year they've been irregular with a longer cycle on average. I didn't get the booster recently or anything, but I did get a flu shot just before my normal period started on the 9th, and I've been wondering if that affected it somehow…? I'm in my late 20s and I've never spotted like this before.
No. 296337
>>296302It's not a conspiracy nona, there was just a major study showing slightly over half of the women responding (to the study) had irregularities to their periods after covid shots,'t know if your particular problem fits though
No. 297647
>>296302Anon from this post…about a day after I posted this, the spotting stopped and it hasn't started up again.
I'm going to consider it a wonky ovulation thing for now. I just hope I get my period in a semi predictable timeframe.
No. 298216
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>>298215yeah it's a thing. some people call it period flu. they think it happens because your immune system is mistakenly treating shed uterine lining as foreign pathogens in your system. i think it happened to me once but because it was only once i can't rule out that it was an actual temporary illness during my period
No. 298501
>>293769I'm a month or so late but I hope it helps someone out there.
I suspect I have pcos and on some bad days I get awful PMS. I pretty much swallow pain relievers (my go to is ibuprofen every 4 hours but mefenamic acid is ok as long as you've eaten before, paracetamol is the safest but also very weak.) as soon as I realize it's almost that time of the month.
I honestly have no idea how I did it when I was still working at an office, though to be fair I heard walking does help ease the pain because you're moving muscles around.
I recently bought this electric heating water bag. Warm compress in general is great to place on my lower back/womb when I'm working and sandwich in my crotch if I'm lying down.
If it's really painful, I find that scalding compress ironically takes my mind away from my period pain but probably don't rely on that.
If you can, lower your intake of high inflammatory food like white bread, white rice, sugar (I'm guilty of this one) etc.
PMS is a bitch, good luck
Nonny No. 299840
>>298812Yes, and can be clear, white, and sometimes it will be brown for no reason. It can be very runny or a bit viscous.
If it's ever very chunky, yellow/green, or just smells horrible, you might have an infection.
You don't need to wear panty liners. We all have little bleach spots in the crotches of some of our panties.
No. 300268
>>300261Anon you're not fucking loose, that's a misogynistic myth. Vaginas all vary in size and also our menstrual cycles change the shape and depth of our vaginas - the cervix moves around which shortens and lengthens the vaginal canal.
Your friends were probably exaggerating because they are also afraid of being 'loose'. Or maybe it's a freakout situation where they're too tense to insert a tampon or they think it's being sexual and you're in a country where women are shamed for their sexual behaviours.
Tampons are tiny and the vaginal canal is spongy and malleable. Unless you have like vaginismus or another condition you shouldn't have a problem. It's fine.
No. 300563
>>300512Men are irrationally disgusted by periods and menstrual products, this seems more like being
trigger happy to call women pick mes.
No. 300565
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>>300563The focus isn't period products kek it's about proving their vagina isn't loose.
No. 301612
>>300638If a woman finds wearing a tampon uncomfortable she either has something physically wrong with her vagina or she is putting tampons in wrong. If you have 10 friends and 7 of them are having problems with tampons the most likely explanation is that one of them has vaginismus, another one is using tampons wrong, and the other 5 are aware of or have experienced how women are shamed for having a loose vagina even though noticeably loose vaginas are rare, and those 5 say that they also have problems with tampons because they're afraid of being shamed.
Also I never called anyone a pickme. I hate that word.
No. 301641
>>301576Don't any of you guys know how to do a google search?
It's such common knowledge that you don't need to clean inside your vagina!
Just give the outside a scrub over with some soap and you're all good!
No. 301739
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I’m really embarrassed to admit this but this year I started getting yeast infections mind you I never got them as an adult and then suddenly this year I had it like 3x once back to back. When I realized it was the pads, wipes and feminine wash I was using I got so paranoid that I stopped washing my vulva with anything other than water. My yeast infections never came back once I did that but I noticed my vagina had a weird smell even when I just got out the shower. It never felt clean and never smelled good. I really thought I was defective. Yesterday I saw a thread on LSA about feminine washes and they kept mentioning how you need to clean your vulva because so much sweat, dead skin and other gunk builds up and just water isn’t gonna cut it. I felt dumb because it finally hit me that my punani never felt clean or smelled clean no matter how many showers I took because I had months of dead skin and sweat just accumulating. My sister has this sweet spot gentle cleanser she uses and I did a Hail Mary and used it and BITCH my pussy finally feels like mine again. I don’t feel sore or anything anymore either. I’m so embarrassed that I was really going to go my whole life not washing my vulva properly. Today I tried the dove unscented soap everyone swears by and I’m so excited to report that it didn’t give me a yeasty either!! It just so embarrassing to realize I wasn’t cleaning myself properly at my big age. But I can’t be too mad at myself because my vulva is really sensitive and burns easily. I’m just happy my vagina feels normal again.
No. 301745
>>301647Tiny white dot always in the same place sounds like one of your glands (Bartholin or Skene) is accumulating gunk. If you're able to clear it every time it's probably fine but the glands can get clogged/infected if you don't.
>>301742If you're not having problems like bad smell/feeling or infections then you should just keep doing whatever you're doing.
No. 301765
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No. 301784
>>301739>>301742Half the human population didn't have to wait for centuries until 21st century chemists developed vag soap. Warm water, a washcloth and maybe soap if you really want to is good enough.
>because so much sweat, dead skin and other gunk builds up and just water isn’t gonna cut it. This in particular is just not true. Warm water + friction washes all that away. Think about it, sweat is water soluble and dead skin, oils and other gunk will wipe away with the friction from a washcloth after being exposed to warm water.
Don't fall for smart marketing trickery, women didn't need to wait for money hungry business people to find a way to take care of our bodies.
No. 301805
>>301800Nayrt. Use soap on your vulva if you want to, I do so myself, you'll probably be fine. But this
>Ehh a lot of people also died prematurely before the invention of soap so looking to the past isn’t always helpfultake is a false equivalence and retarded. You're not gonna die from not washing your vulva with water only unless you have a fucking gaping wound or are severely immunocompromised and someone introduces mrsa on your vulva or something.
No. 301807
>>301784I know you mean it well
nonnie but by your logic we don't need deodorants either. Sure we don't, but I don't feel like washing my armpits with warm water every three hours either, even if it's a healthier option. If water alone is enough for you to achieve feeling as clean as possible then I'm honestly jealous. For me friction does more harm to my sensitive skin than a quick rinse with a basic soap, especially during that time of the month.
No. 301976
>>291804'it's common knowledge not to use soap'
Yes on the inside i.e. the vagina. I think you'll find I said the outside (the vulva) is fine to wash with soap, or do you just have a smelly unwashed groin and taint?
No. 302099
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>>301907tbh i think you just have to experiment until you find a product that works. Personally what made me stop washing my vulva was the fact that honeypot products kept giving me the worst yeast infections of my life and it traumatized me. I have a very sensitive vulva even certain baby wipes will upset it. However recently i tried my sisters Sweet Spot Labs. and its been the only thing that hasn't irritated my vulva so far. Even the dove soap i tried i had to stop because i felt a small sharp pain that i didnt experience with the sweet spot. I found out that honeypot uses essential oils so i think thats what was irritating me and giving me yeasties but sweet spot doesnt have that. I hope you can find a cleanser gentle enough for your vulva
nonnie! Pic related is what i used but if your scared of using a scented one they have unscented versions too! And you can use it as a full body wash. It also lasts a long time if you just use it on your vulva, so the price is worth it. (i sound like an ad but i swear im just so happy that my vulva feels normal again!)
No. 302307
>>302291If you feel sexually attracted to people than you have sex drive. I don't know anything about you, but I might suggest exploring your sexuality and try to have good time while doing so. You might don't know what Rea turns you on and how to get off, I noticed there is some anons here who have trouble orgasming during sex or masturbation, I think there is nothing wrong with them per se, they just don't know how their bodies work. Like there is woman in this world who deadass don't know how their clitoris works.
Try to see what works for you and don't let it become something performative, it's okay to have a low sex drive, and if you don't want to do anything sexual at the moment it's okay too.
Also I might suggest that you have some obscure ass fetish that you don't know about yet and can't get your rocks off without it. Idk, try figuring it out too.
No. 302408
>>302377Idk, I'm against changing meds all the time especially because of minor inconveniences like lowered sex drive or packing a few pounds or whatever drives people crazy when they start taking their schizo pills.
I still can get off, it's just a very rare occurrence. Especially compared to how I was before cause when I don't take my meds I become sex obsessed weirdo who spends her time looking for the most degenerate hentai our there. So, maybe it's not a bad trade-off.
I kinda envy nonnas out there who don't masturbate or their idea of kinky sex is mundane shit like biting or dirty talk kek. Oh, to be this innocent…
No. 302538
>>302408AYRT. I'm confused, I thought you were
>>302291 who reported having no sex drive and never orgasmed. If you personally don't mind it, then you don't have to change that, then.
Personally, I used to be into kinky fictional stuff (never actual porn), but I lost the majority of interest in it after a while, because it stemmed from trauma and low self-esteem. I'm not saying that might be the case for you, but it's my experience.
No. 303000
>>302990Basically, you have two types of nervous systems in your body, sympathetic and parasympathetic. They have different functions but basically it's an autonomous system that controls your many bodily functions, like increasing hearth rate or activating or constricting bowel movement (that's why people feel nauseous when they are stressed). Anyway, parasympathetic nervous system affects smooth muscles in your body so that the vesels can dilate and blood would freely flow to a particular organ. On opposite side, sympathetic nervous system shoots down the blood flow in certain organs (although it dilates bronchioles and blood vessels in skeletal muscles and such). Basically, your nervous system starts acting up and starts alternating your blood flow and sensory function, so you would feel weird sensation or contractions in your body when stressed, like nausea, sweet dripping (a reaction of sympathetic system) or numbness I'm certain body parts.
My neurology is junky, so take it with a grain of salt.
No. 303001
>>303000Samefag, but if you wonder, feeling weird in your vagina in stressful situations is normal.
Men experience similar stuff hen they are in extreme situations. That's why some soldiers say that they get hard ons during combat, they blood starts flowing like crazy, including the dick.
No. 303172
>>294759Sorry did not checked the thread, thanks for your answer !
I'm probably never gonna have PIV/ penetrative sex since I'm a lesbian and I'm not sensitive in the cervix/ only one spot within the vagina . If I have kids from sperm donor in the futur I would not want to have to be in imaculate conception mode lol. Honestly if I could get it riped open without blunt force it would be good because it's so painful.
No. 304016
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TMI but for some reason when I have a yeast infection it has an odor reminiscent of dried oregano, like a pasta-and-oregano dish my relative used to make. I've never seen anyone else describe a yeast infection smelling like that before, so I'm wondering if it's normal or something unique to my microbiota.
No. 307587
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just want to warn against honeypot pads + liners (another nona already advised against the wash, which i never tried). i didn't realize it when i bought them about a month ago in a bind, but didn't notice that they are "infused with mint." let me tell you that these things are the goddamn worst and that mint essential oil does not belong in or around your vagina. it burns like hell, nothing like the "cooling" or "tingling" sensation that is advertised.
they're supposed to soothe your cramps, but i get cramps in my uterus, not my labia. which is what is actually touching the pad, so what is that advertising? basically this is the wrong way to set your loins aflame, try something else. and let my foolishness be your reminder to read the packaging carefully and figure out what's scented and what isn't before buying it!
No. 307611
>>307603I think some skepticism is good since natural ≠ safe, but I think organic cotton pads like Cora are a safe bet (unless they're laced with a
toxic "natural" pesticide in the name of "organic").
No. 307614
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>>307587I honestly am surprised that a women made these pads and not a man. I was looking reviews of this and literally after typing up honey pot pads I have gotten numerous complaints about this and I found a report from the Food and Drug Administration of America with one event reported from three years ago despite the numerous reports online telling me other wise
No. 308067
>>308025How’s your glutes? Your pelvic floor is like a trampoline that supports everything there. It needs to be level. If you have weak glutes and over tighten your pelvic floor you can “tilt” the trampoline which could be the pee leak. Try adding in some squats and hip thrusts a few times a week. Think 12 in sets of 4 and see if it’s better.
It could also be over tightness on the inside of thigh can you sit criss cross applesauce
No. 311953
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>>311952Sorry to hear that, anon.
Smear tests suck, I find them extremely uncomfortable myself.
Who said that you were being dramatic? The nurse shouldn't have said you were sensitive, it might be a common and simple procedure that shouldn't be painful but she should have been more empathetic. Not everyone will be comfortable with the process, the nurse should be aware of that and try and make you as comfortable as possible.
I know this might not be helpful but I know quite a few women who find them extremely uncomfortable and/or painful, everyone is different. Although it really shouldn't be extremely painful, that might be something you might want to get checked.
But you shouldn't feel embarrassed, everyone has a different pain tolerance and with different things.
I guess just try to remember that it's a necessary check up, maybe next time mention it to the nurse that last time was really painful, hopefully they will be more understanding and try to be a little more gentle.
No. 312020
>>311952I've had smears and then I've had further exams in a colposcopy clinic after they found cell changes. Lots of follow up exams and personally never felt anything that I'd even call uncomfortable. It was my results that stressed me rather than the exams themselves. Sometimes when I see nonnies stressing out about their upcoming first pap I want to tell them I didn't feel a thing to help calm their nerves but tbh.. it varies alot so nobody can make the claim that its always fine or always awful. I've heard of women finding it painful and others being like 'oh is that it?'
I might be in the 'wait is that it?' group myself but I don't think anyone is being dramatic if they had a harder time. The important thing is you went and got through it. Catching cell changes early on can save you from having alot more invasive procedures done in the long run. If you ever feel like staff have a bad bedside manner at appts avoid those people but don't get discouraged from finding a better professional to perform it. If staff make these exams any more unpleasant than they have to be (if they pass comment or shame you for your reaction) then they're only putting women at risk by scaring them away from getting screenings.
No. 312968
I'm female, or at least marked so at birth. I have a uterus and ovaries, but something is very clearly wrong with my vagina.
I'm 19, I was never allowed to see a gynecologist and still have not seen one due to other problems. My mom refused to get karotype testing done due to her fear of being forced to abort when one, we're in America, and two, that's delusional. Despite the doctor strongly recommending doing it due to some anomalies found.
When I was 16, I was prescribed estradiol without a doctor seeing me, due to period cramps so severe it made me bedridden, and bleeding so heavily I have to make a makeshift diaper. I was quickly taken off due to my body feeling alien and me trying to kill and mutilate myself, my emotions were completely fucked, and so on. The doctor laughed and said I was overreacting despite my parents being right there and wrestling the knife away from me.
Physically, I do not have a visible clitoris, nor can I find one by feeling around. I have never felt "turned on," I have a very childlike voice and my birth canal is malformed to the point I can't wear even the smallest tampons, because it hurts and doesn't fit. Even clumps of blood is painful, because I cannot pass it as well as other women. There are hairs internally that itch and burn and I have taken a picture of my vagina at one point, within the past couple months, to see what it looked like out of curiosity, and no visible labia, even when spread.
Nonnas, I'm getting my first ultrasound soon, they put me on the list and from there I'll learn when it's scheduled. My doctor wants to see what the Ultrasound says is wrong before potentially making me see a gyno or getting a karotype test.
I'm scared of what's wrong with me.
No. 313080
>>312968All of your signs are consistent with being female, though. I have vaginismus and also couldn't get penetrated for a long time. I don't have labia minora and my clitoris is seemingly non-existent. My periods were also painful to the point that I have passed out at work from them (the doctor said I literally just passed out due to pain overloading my brain). Now I'm on birth control and I don't ever let myself get my period on the pill, that's the best decision I've made.
Unfortunately, being a female is rife with physical pain. When you say you don't have labia, what do you mean?
No. 313081
>>313073Really? If so, that's relieving
>>313080Thank you! My reaction that was extremely bad to estrogen of all things is mainly why I questioned if I was female, because most female bodies don't reject estrogen in any form that hard. Which essentially means, I cannot go on birth control, not that I have ever had any interest in sex. The bright side, is that the ultrasound will reveal if I need a hysterectomy or not, and the pain should stop that way.
When I say I don't have a visible labia, I mean that externally, my vagina looks like two folds of flesh with a gaping hole, nothing else internal is visible, and the hairs go internally. No lips, just a vulva.
It's funny to me despite the pain, that I was basically given a biological stinkditch. Where they got the vulva right and nothing else
No. 313179
>>313073 and always get severe, stabbing-like cramps when the clump passes. Once it's actually out then the pain is gone or at least diminished a little.
No. 313622
>>306820>>306865thank for your opinions nonnies, sorry for late answer. Lucky for me the blood was probably from my period since they came 2 days after. Obviously will not try do it with a moid but it's still akward af when I have sex with anoter woman and they try to finger me…
Maybe I'm stupid and I don't understand how vaginimus work because even with finger in I can do kegle movements and relax or contract my muscle, so like it does not seem to me that it's a muscle contraction issue ?
>>312968Be strong nonna, I had horrible mental side effects from some birth control too.
If you have your period you are female, even if someting unusual is going on. I'm sure everything will be good on your ultrasound.
No. 314196
>>314195No, never heard of that.
Maybe it's squished pubic lice
Or maybe not squished if the dots jump around
No. 314655
>>314195I know what you're taking about. I've always had that and gynos tell me I'm healthy so it's probably normal. Gross but
my theory is that it's just the lint from your pants/shots/skirt, especially if they're in a dark color, your thighs chafe and the lint gets into your crotch. Either that or it's collected discharge that's dried and turned a darker color. If you're worried about it anyways, going to a doctor wouldn't hurt.
No. 314805
>>314790could it be a bartholin cyst? can’t hurt to get it checked out by a female GP or gyno, even just for your own peace of mind. for what it’s worth, i have a small permanent bump slightly inside/at the interior edge of the entrance of my vaginal canal, and no gyno or GP has ever commented on it or suggested that it warrants concern, even while doing internal exams and pap smears.
deleted to edit and say, there are probably low income clinics, walk in clinics, or a planned parenthood you could go to for things like this who shouldn’t charge too much for basic check ups for uninsured people
No. 317863
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help me nonas I have an ingrown hair/zit on my outer labia and it hurts like a bitch. 99% sure it's related to shaving because I just trimmed a couple days ago and then this happens. What can I do to make it go away faster/be less irritated? (I work a job walking around all day so unfortunately my legs keep rubbing on it and irritating it)
No. 318720
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I kind of want to know what it's like to finger myself vaginally/try self penetration
Problem is, I'm a virgin, terrified of tampons and haven't really touched myself there apart from finger painting with my menstrual blood during a psychotic episode. And it was still hard to get in! Should I bother exploring this uncharted territory? Would I enjoy it? Is it going to hurt? Any advice appreciated ♥
No. 318739
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I'm very worried right now. It's been a while since it started but I wonder if I definitely lost sensation down there. I barely feel anything when I masturbate. I never had sex so I have a hard time understanding if that's normal or not. I could feel horny and before and feel things but now, and ever since like mid-2020 when I recovered from covid not really. I'm not sure if it's because of age (I'm in my late 20s), because I'm not having sex at all (not really by choice), because the idea of having sex is very stressful to me for many reasons, etc. but it's scarring me and I can't see a gynecologist just for that because of how difficult it is to get an appointment, and the last time I had tests done in late 2020 the gynecologist didn't find anything noteworthy anyway. I'm so worried I still haven't tried to look it up online. Do you think it could be just that I can't get in the mood because I'm a kissless virgin and I need some action to feel anything? Or it could be from a medical reason?
No. 318745
>>318744>I don't think age has anything to do with it unless you were post menopauseMy mother had her menopause when she turned 40, more or less and I thought it was because of her health issues and meds with a lot of side effects but she told me recently it's just like this in her family. I shouldn't have any issues with this until a decade later if that also applies to me.
>if you have a hormonal imbalance that can contribute to loss of libidoI'm not sure if it counts, I was born with hypopituitarism, received treatment when I was a kid for like 7 or 8 years which made me taller than I was supposed to be
still a womanlet though but I still have some issues like fatigue, hypoglycemia and low blood pressure, though way less than before. But it didn't prevent me from having a libido before, and without that medical treatment I wouldn't even have went through puberty at all. So I'm not sure it's a possible cause, but I won't exclude it just yet.
>Feeling stressed out, depressed etc. can also kill your sex driveI'm constantly stressed and depressed and just like the example above, it didn't prevent me from having a normal libido. I'm also suspecting covid from being a possible cause exactly because of what I read about erectile dysfunction but just the idea of looking that up online makes me even more stressed.
>a "use it or lose it" situation.>if I'm trying to masturbate when I'm not really horny the sensation isn't as goodI agree with you there but it's tricky. I'm still masturbating from time to time but as you said, it doesn't feel all that good, but I wonder if not masturbating at all would make it even worse. I don't really force myself though.
No. 318747
>>318745Yeah if you previously had a normal libido then it’s not suddenly going to disappear just because you’re in your late 20s, but factors like health changes, life situation etc. may play a part. I’m assuming you haven’t started any new medications that could affect your sex drive, but I’m mentioning it as a possibility just in case. You could also get blood work to rule out any vitamin deficiencies.
It’s possible that it is a post covid thing, but I think other possibilities that can easily be ruled out should be explored first. I wish I could give more helpful advice as to sparking it back when it’s just not there. Normally I agree you shouldn’t force yourself, but maybe this is a case where it could actually be beneficial. Wish you the best of luck anon!
No. 318751
>>318747I haven't started any new medication at all so far except some shampoo that was prescribed to me for some scalp issues. I don't think I have done any blood work since then now that you say this. I had many appointments for many issues but no blood work needed iirc.
>but I think other possibilities that can easily be ruled out should be explored firstI'm not sure where to look first though. But you're right. Maybe I literally just need to get laid, in that case I'd feel stupid as fuck kek but I really hope it's just a consequence of me being a sexually frustrated kissless virgin raised in a shitty religion with crazy restrictive parents. I think if I somehow manage to get laid someday and I notice I can barely feel anything at all, I'll immediately seek advice from a gynecologist.
No. 319081
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What is the secret for trimming pubic hair? I feel like everyone knows a cheat code and is keeping it from me. Every time I try to trim it, I get unbearably, horrifically itchy for days afterwards. I have to summon the willpower of a spartan warrior not to violently paw at my crotch in public all day long. Please don't tell me "just shave it /wax it" i cherish my bush and don't want to evict her, just give her a little haircut. I've tried:
>using a copious about of conditioner on pubes
>Wearing looser underwear
>using proper professional hair cutting scissors
>trimming a lot
>trimming just a little bit
>begging god to forgive me for whatever sin i committed to make me so itchy
I can't figure it out, help me nonnies
No. 319094
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>>319081What kind of scissors are you using nona? If they're dull/not specifically for hair it might be leaving a dull edge that may cause irritation. Honestly though I don't use scissors anymore I have an electric moid beard trimmer/edger like pic rel specifically for my pubes and haven't had any more irritation. I mainly use it on my bikini line but I keep my hair on the top and occasionally run it down with the grain to keep it neat. My pubes would also curl if I let the jungle overgrow so this is what I do to keep it controlled
No. 319100
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>>319099The pill that saved my vagina from permanent disfigurement. If you can try to avoid getting it drained by a doctor half of the time the doctors don’t even drain it right it’s painful and it ends up coming back anyway
No. 319204
>>319154The bumpy fleshy bits are wat remains of the hymen! I didn't realise this myself until I once had a gyno remark that I had quite a bit of hymen tissue left, even after giving birth
As for sex, I'd go with slow stretching rather than just getting it overwith and ramming it in. Yeah it would be quick but you also risk tears and possible infection. And might put you off sex for a while. I was very tight before I became sexually active, up to the point that inserting a second finger burnt like hell. It took a lot of patience but I slowly worked my way up to I think 4? Anyway, it turned out to be enough to have sex the first time with only the slightest of discomfort. Definitely worth the effort
No. 319211
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>>319209The hymen is a tissue that surrounds the vaginal opening. It is possible for the hymen to cover the vagina completely (imperforate hymen) but it's very rare and may require surgery.
>And how can you tell if you broke it or not?I can only speak for myself. I had problems inserting more than one finger into my vagina. I went the route of "breaking" it by having sex, and afterwards I could insert things into there no problem. Like other anons said though, breaking it by force might lead to tearing and infection. My hymen actually left a small hyminal "bridge" (a bit like the one at the second to top right in pic related), which caused some issues such as tampons getting stuck in there lol. I had it surgically removed later on.
No. 319214
>>319209I broke my hymen the second time I used a dildo not even meaning too. For me it just pinched a little like a quick sharp pain and then it bled enough I thought my period started for a second. It was a good thing I was over the toilet for some reason.
But I never had problems sticking little things up there before that like when I was a dumb kid going through puberty. Or tampons for high school swim class.
No. 319218
>>319216According to wikipedia
>Normal variations of the hymen range from thin and stretchy to thick and somewhat rigid.It's likely that you have one but that yours is on the more stretchy end
No. 319235
>>319209I bled bright red when I broke mine (while masturbating, surprisingly, before my first time). I switched from my fingers and much smaller toys to a larger dildo, and it snapped. Got easier with time, eventually lost my virginity!! but damn, at the time I was scrambling around scared and my pussy ached for like two days
I remember googling "does your hymen bleed" and freaking out when it didn't stop immediately.
No. 319733
>>319728I wish I could help you out, but mine hurt like a mf until it was over and done with. Maybe vaginal dilators can work?
>>319695I'm glad it was mostly enjoyable for you anon! I hope you have fun getting to know yourself that way.
No. 319856
>>319844You probably still have a hymen
>>319849Yes. After I burst my hymen with a bidet, I realized when I get horny I can feel my vagina widening, yawning almost, and tingling towards the depths of my abdomen. Very different feeling than before. You don't have to get rid of your hymen but it's likely still there. That's just my guess
No. 321102
>>321067Good. If a guy can't handle bush, he shouldn't be near a woman's crotch.
>>321097Do you not shave anything, including legs and bikini line? Just curious. I usually shave that but it's a bother.
No. 322236
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Hi, so to the point…what is happening with my vajayjay?
I'm ovulating rn, and every day I wake up on a fricking slip n slide, I will think one lustful thought a little too hard and BAM I'm snail trailing through my day, there is literally no break from this.
Also, my uterus is twinging? Twitching? Like there's some muscle in there that's moving a bit. I'm a virgin and in good health, so I don't' know what's up with that. Should I be concerned?
also im really grateful there's a space on the internet where i can be tmi about my feminine health problems, appreciate you all, cheers ♥
No. 322247
>>322236As long as there's no weird odours or colours, I think there's nothing to worry about. You're just super horny
I get this occasionally as well when I'm ovulating. Last month it got so bad to the point where I was actively lusting after my boss' boss who's a gross old narcissist. But he had me soaking none the less. Thank fuck this month it's just ovary pain, and no inappropriate horniness
No. 322796
>>322783OHO! I have the copper coil too.
Well, the bleeding was pretty bad for me for the first month, then I spotted a lot between periods for a while. But, once those months have passed, periods are totally back to normal, aside from some heavier than before cramps, but nothing terrible.
Hang in there nonna and get plenty of sanitary pads. It'll pass before you know it, even though it's super annoying right now. Just think of all the joy of not having to use condoms or use crazy making birth control pills, to remind yourself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
No. 322881
>>322796Thanks nonna, I'm looking forward to raw sex with the hubby even though I know it will be underwhelming. It's just a little annoying bleeding this much when I plan to go on a trip soon. I'm glad to know it gets better eventually, I'll stick it out.
Curious, how long have you had yours? Would you say most of the worse symptoms went away after a month or did it take longer?
No. 322886
>>292597Demons? Plural?
I’m fucking dying!
No. 322910
>>322883Lmk if I’m misinterpreting but it sounds like you’re failing to angle the tampon correctly. Our vaginas are further back than we assume + they’re angled toward our backs so it can be tricky to insert standing. Try spreading your labia with one hand and inserting with the other. A mirror would probably also help but really just keep trying till you get it, you will.
For your hymen though, I’ve read that you can gently stretch it by yourself, like just using your fingers. Though for most women, it naturally thins over time with physical activity so yours might be too thick or rigid if it hasn’t. A gyno could snip it for you if that’s an option you’re open to.
No. 322914
>>322120The gyno will definitely get you open regardless lol. Virgin or no, you should ask them for the smaller speculum, numbing cream, and to go slow. You don’t have to do a pap smear till you’re ready tho, like they can’t and shouldn’t force you just cause you’re “due for one”. You can schedule the gyno just to look on the outside and check if there’s a physical blockage.
For exploring on your own though, try looking with a mirror first and getting comfortable. If you see something weird, don’t freak out cause it’s most likely normal. Jot it down for the gyno if you’re worried. If you want to try penetration, it’s a lot easier if you’ve just masturbated since you’ll be wet and relaxed. Stick to one finger and kinda trail it in, touching the wall and going back and forth inching further as you get comfortable. You might still feel some pressure but you won’t injure yourself by pushing past it.
No. 322943
>>322883Nona you may have a tilted pelvis +/ tilted uterus. I do and because of it I can easily feel my own cervix without much finger reach. Unless I do a…sorta sideways up-n-over method of tampon insertion (I use OB, gives me better control in the shallow zone) it feels bad, just bashing in. And it concentrates all of my reproductive pain toward my back.
BTW it's considered a totally normal ''anatomical variation', it has no effect on fertility and giving birth can often correct it.
No. 323068
>>322881I've had mine since January 2020, so a while. I remember that the first few months were annoying with the random bleeding and some cramps, but it never got worse, only better, and a pad and ibuprofen generally would sort me out. After it settled,I pretty much never had any trouble with it. One thing though, I was going to get a menstrual cup but then read that the suction could potentially dislodge an IUD.
Also, my partner says he can feel the strings when we're having sex sometimes. I think that you can get them trimmed down, and they do tend to sort of settle and wrap around your cervix over time. Still, it can be a weird sensation, so it's good to tell him about it.
I'm afraid that your trip will require wearing some sort of blood absorber, unfortunately. I hope it doesn't affect your travels too much and you have lots of fun.
No. 323071
>>322881I've had mine since January 2020, so a while. I remember that the first few months were annoying with the random bleeding and some cramps, but it never got worse, only better, and a pad and ibuprofen generally would sort me out. After it settled,I pretty much never had any trouble with it. One thing though, I was going to get a menstrual cup but then read that the suction could potentially dislodge an IUD.
Also, my partner says he can feel the strings when we're having sex sometimes. I think that you can get them trimmed down, and they do tend to sort of settle and wrap around your cervix over time. Still, it can be a weird sensation, so it's good to tell him about it.
I'm afraid that your trip will require wearing some sort of blood absorber, unfortunately. I hope it doesn't affect your travels too much and you have lots of fun.
No. 323895
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Nonas im wondering if anyone has similar anatomy to me or knows why it is this way? Sry if diagram is unclear. Basically my labia minora is very small up near my clit, then stops and becomes thick + rigid and protrudes more around my vagina. I assume this is my labia minora still but it might be that mine is just super recessed (only the part near clit) and this is actually the hymen or vestibule tissue. I've had one pelvic exam/pap smear done and the gyno didn't say anything so I don't think it's worrisome but I just want to understand my vulva if anyone can help.
No. 324362
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I'm gonna have to go back on the pill after more than two years off it. I had an implant for about six months to try and save a bad relationship, but once we were done I had it removed and took some time for myself.
Idk what's changed but since Novemeber I've been battling schizo-level breakdowns in the leadup to my period. I get insanely paranoid, I have angry outbursts, I pick fights with my friends and coworkers, I make incredibly stupid impulsive decisions that it feels like I'm bearing witness to instead of deciding on myself, I have vivid nightmares that wake me up at 2-3 in the morning, and sometimes it gets so bad I want to anhero. I really don't want to go back on it because I have a genetic predispostion to blood clotting but I can't take the crazy anymore. I just want to be normal and the pill is the quickest cheapest way to getting there.
No. 325918
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So horrifying that women used to be told to shove lysol up their cooch
No. 326213
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Can't remember if it was already mentioned itt or another one but I've been dealing with phantom cramps in my asshole during my period(??) It's only been happening the last two days since I've started and it's freaking me out bc it happens randomly like a stabbing pain in the region. Is this a common experience? And no I don't put things near my bunghole
No. 327140
I have 3 kinds of pain during sex, but only one requiring immediate cessation. The others are just vaginismus pain around the opening that lasts a day later that I get burning from, and then i get sore on my cervix, but i cant ignore these two and it's worth the trade off.
The worst pain is new, I got it a week after I had an ultrasound confirming I had no ovarian cysts or fibroids or anything, and that all of my hardware was normal. Recently while my man was gently thrusting,I'd get this terrible, stabbing pain inside to my right, as if it were inside my stomach and not anywhere closed to the cervix. It nearly brought me to tears after the fourth time anddd we had to stop.
I looked it up and it said it had to be a cyst, but there's just no way. What else could it be?? days later, that spot is still sore.
No. 327150
>>327140I had cysts and that's exactly what it felt like. I also noticed it from penetration just like you describe, and the pain persisted into daily life afterwards, just like you describe. I'm 99.9% certain you have a cyst. I'd say get a second opinion, but it wouldn't really matter since unless they get HUGE, doctors think it's not worth the risk of operating on since they usually go away with time. Mine took a few months but eventually went away naturally and now I don't have that feeling anymore.
Until then you'll just have to tell your nigel to be gentler or keep his dick out of you.
No. 329173
>>329123I gotchu. I got the nexaplon implant in October and adjusting has been… not fun.
I spent the entirety of November on my period before I reached out to my doctor and was prescribed birth control to clear it up. I took a week or two of pills before it righted itself and I stopped taking it.
It went away for awhile, but then I spent two months having spotting and full blown period quantities of blood. (I kept telling myself the spotting was gonna stop any day, only for the period to come back)
I took the rest of the pack and asked my doctor what I should do, and was prescribed 3 months of BC packs to end the cycle again.
After a month and a half straight of BC, it righted itself again, and I haven’t had my period in a month or two at this point.
Nexaplon is a nightmare because it will either fully stop your period within a year, or you’ll have inconsistent bleeding with it forever, lmao
No. 329248
>>329178…are you actually serious? do you wear the full mormon underwear when bathing, too? no wonder your cat is a swamp if you never go naturale.
>>325918you should always ignore anything a marketer tells you. if they stand to make a dollar off you, assume they're lying.
No. 329264
>>329199Sleeping naked is fine. Not wearing underwear under pjs is disgusting.
>>329248Who says my cat is a swamp? I only just joined this conversation and you made that assumption after one post. Anyway, as I said, going commando is gross as shit.
No. 329279
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>>329264Do you not have access to a washing machine? If you wash your PJs after wearing them they won't accumulate vag juice and won't be disgusting. You can get mini washing machines like picrel for like $50, if you've never had clean PJs before you're really missing out
No. 329284
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>>329279Ever used a bidet? Sorry you're walking around with piss puss.
No. 329492
>>329173Wow. I'm gonna give it a couple more months and see if the irregular heavy bleeding happens again, if so I may ask the doctor for the pills to end the cycle. I honestly don't mind managing the period itself when it happens, my worry is more what's going on inside. Does the bleeding mean I was fertile at one point? I'm behaving like I'm completely unable to get pregnant and I don't ever wanna take plan B ever again in my life.
I have to say for any nonnas reading out here, no one ever told me plan B would be so mentally and physically heavy. I prefer any light side effects I might get from the subcutaneous implant than ever going through plan B again.
>>329411I don't think it works in women, my ex and I tried and while I found it was somewhat different for him, he didn't taste anything different with me.
>>329284I just got one of those japanese ones. It's so good before going to bed, and during heatwaves. So fucking worth the money.
No. 329601
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I recently had a cervical smear and told the nurse about some itching, redness and weird discharge issues I was having. So she did some swabs. Then I found out that she only tested for 2 STDs despite me already saying that I haven't been sexually active in years. I'm really pissed off, considering penetration is very painful for me even the smallest speculum and the only swabs she did were completely irrelevant.
I tried bringing up the fact that I had these problems again and she just said I might be "too clean" down there like using the wrong soaps. I don't wash inside my vagina obviously, and I only use unscented very mild soap on the vulva. My issues persist even if I don't use soap at all. And it's only my vulva and inner thighs that is itchy and red, nowhere else.
Sometimes the weird discharge gets quite stinky, but not in a rotting way or a fishy way. It's like a normal vagina smell amplified x10, I cannot describe it properly, but it's annoying, and it only happens around day 9 and then also around day 25 of my cycle. It's really strange. The most accurate way I can describe the look of the discharge is like the clumpy yeast discharge you get, but sometimes it's clumpy and watery at the same time (like, there's clumps but it's quite wet and slimy sorry tmi)
I wonder if any of you nonnas have experienced something similar. I had thrush many years ago and got it properly treated. I'm considering just buying a yeast pessary and seeing if that works or not. Would probiotics for thrush help at all? Is there even any soap out there that won't fuck up your vulva?
No. 329636

>>329601You make an appointment with a different doctor right now. During the time you have to wait document how often discharge occurs, thickness, color and smell. If that means writing down it was like ugly crying snot or cottage cheese that was neon yellow you put it down. If it hurts when you sit in certain positions make a note of it. Also take note of soaps you use on your body and clothes. If you feel like you have the flu, cramps, funky poop. Time and date with everything. I'd suggest only washing with water for both body and clothing. Avoid any type of fabric softener. Run a wash in your clothes washer with baking soda. Ig you have built up cleaning product in it, this can help release and neutralize it. If your machine can't handle that vinegar or hot water can help. limit your exposure to things that may be an irritant.
What happened at your last visit was not acceptable. I'm so sorry that happened. I had something similar but when i told the nurse practicioner she did all the things. She said, i'm not seeing or smelling anything abnormal. Came back I had a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and a uti.I had just passes a kidney stone and it seemed to have
triggered a melt down. She was surprised.
Nonny please get a second dr to take a look.
No. 329891
I am unsure which thread to ask about this in but I really would love some info from any nonas who have had a surgical abortion. I don’t have anyone in real life to ask about this and am so unsure and nervous about what is going to happen. For context, my boyfriend had a year long contract overseas so when my bc ran out, I didn’t bother getting it refilled because I wasn’t having sex whatsoever and even months after he returned (I have been really depressed and we don’t live together currently because I just feel so depressed and closed off) we still weren’t having sex until ONCE recently and guess fucking what, I missed my period. I am 34 and have never had even close to any sort pregnancy scare. Now I just feel stupid, have no one for advice and to top it off, my boyfriend is going to be out of town during the only available time for the procedure so I will have to find a ride (once again don’t know anybody) so am seriously depressed about having to do this alone since I don’t know what to expect. I don’t want any judgment please, but I have never ever wanted a child, this decision had no hesitation but I am afraid my body could potentially be different after? I just have no info on this as it has never come up in my life. I also don’t have a phone so had to set up the appointment sort of hurriedly so couldn’t ask questions really and am borrowing a phone to quickly and paranoidly type this out. Not sure how far along, (the pill option only had an appointment that would put me outside of the 10 weeks) but by the time the procedure is I will likely be around 10-11 weeks. Just really need any info on what to expect physically mostly. I live in CA and also don’t have insurance and am ‘technically’ unemployed bc the dog rescue I worked at full time for the last 8 years retired but I have still been working for the incredibly nice people who were associated with it (training to train and groom, dog sit and other outdoor physical labor) I am by no means lazy and have never had any financial assistance in my life but this is all paid cash so I ‘look’ unemployed and am a little worried that I could be judged for that (by the clinic maybe?) I just have been too depressed even before this stupid shit to get my life together because life feels so aimless not having dogs to rescue everyday even though I have six of my own dogs. Last week my 14 year old dog unexpectedly had to be put to sleep and my long term foster of 2 years was adopted. I know this is all just a garbled mess of info but I guess I needed to vent. I don’t have any friends at all (outside of the folks that I do work for who are even older than my parents would be) who I certainly do not want to talk about this with. I don’t want my body to be messed up from this bit if it will be I want to know. And I have scheduled work very soon after. Does anyone else have any experiences they could share? Or helpful advice to prepare, and any words of comfort. I know I am stupid and too old to be making such dumb mistakes but I’m in a sort given up but can’t completely give up era right now.
No. 329898
>>329894>he is very upset that he has to be away for work for the procedure but it’s not in his handsYes it is in his hands. It’s not that hard, he just has to not go to work. He has to tell his job he has a family medical thing he has to be there for, sorry. Don’t go alone, you sound stressed as fuck about it.
You didn’t specify so I have to ask, did you get a pregnancy test done by a doctor? You can’t assume you’re pregnant from a missed period alone. No offense you just seem really frantic so just wanna make sure you didn’t skip that step
No. 329928
>>291804Need some advice nonas.
I don't use my fingers when I masturbate, when I try to I can get a finger or two in. In a month I'm going to be losing my virginity to someone with, what I consider to be, a large penis. I'm a huge baby when it comes to pain and I'm straight up terrified of doing it. How can I prep myself?
No. 329992
>>329891Hey nonna, I had a surgical abortion in 2021 at 31 years old. I am also in CA but I do have Medi-cal insurance. I was only 5 weeks along but I can share my experience to the best of my ability.
I had to wait for a very, very long time in the (Planned Parenthood) waiting room on the day of, even though I was scheduled. I'm not sure why that happened but it was stressful because I wasn't expecting it. It took about 5 hours before they saw me, it was insane. I'd like to think that's an outlier experience though, but just something to possibly be prepared for. There were other women in the waiting room(s), as well as a few bf's and parents in the front, general area waiting for their daughters/gf's. I was kinda just ready for it to be over with but when I got onto the operating table, it was jarring and kind of scary so I cried. (Not trying to scare you, there was nothing to be afraid of in the end, it was just a little freaky to go into the room and lie on the bed where other women had just had their own abortion procedures (obviously it was cleaned in between patients), idk it was just a little upsetting. Then I woke up in the recovery room in a little closed-curtained bed next to the other women who were also in their own curtained areas. The anesthesia made me retarded so I immediately started crying again (I was fine though, like this wasn't an emotional experience for me it was more like taking care of any other bodily malady, I was just loopy af from the anesthesia. [that's not to say that I didn't take this extremely seriously, I wasn't flippant or anything]). I also loudly asked if I would be able to smoke weed that night. Cringe. But the most amazing thing happened, I mean obviously I was on drugs but the woman next to me reached her hand through the curtain and squeezed my hand, I swear we reached out to each other at the same exact time even though we couldn't see each other. There was very little pain in the hours following the procedure (when the anesthesia wore off). It felt like period cramps and I had some bleeding but I was fine the next day. I rested to be safe, but I was just fine, if not a little emotionally/physically drained from the experience.
Anyways my body's been the same since then. I didn't notice any changes in my period during my next cycle or anything. I realized you asked more about physical stuff and I wrote mostly emotional details so I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you have.
One more thing for others who may read this and find themselves in this situation: I first opted to have the abortion at home via prescribed medication for this purpose, and I GREATLY regret doing this and really, really wish my doctor had explained to me how traumatic it would be. I really thought it would be a very heavy period-type situation but it was so much worse than that. I do not recommend this to anyone. I had to go in anyways and get the surgical abortion because all of the tissue (?) hadn't been expelled.
Also, I got my fallopian tubes removed last November via Medi-cal, completely covered– may be something to think about in the future. I feel so fucking free. More than I thought I would.
Who will be driving you home though? They require the person to be there the entire time. Is there possibly a chaperone service in your area where you can find someone to be there for you emotionally on the day of? I know that's a thing in some places. You'll be okay
nonnie, your body is amazing and will persevere. I wish I could go with you for support ♥
I'll check back tomorrow to see if you have any questions!
No. 329994
>>329907same anon as
>>329992 but I didn't see this post of yours until after I posted. You're actually pretty strong to push through your feelings of weakness in order to post here. Don't be so hard on yourself! You're not alone in this, women have been going through this since forever. Ask your backup person to go with you. Sometimes you have to advocate for yourself, TO yourself, when feeling depressed and small. I know all about that. So advocate for yourself and your well-being and ask your other support person for support. It's okay! Everything will be okay and this will be in the past soon enough. I'll be thinking of you nonna and sending loves your way for the foreseeable future
No. 330016
>>329992Wow, thank your so much for all the details I was looking for. Also thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I do feel like all my emotions have been amplified lately and wasn’t sure if I sounded well, as
>>329898 anon said, a bit frantic. I kept thinking about that after I had posted and realized I was and am a bit frantic. Don’t know why I said I wasn’t. One of the things i am more tense about is that I’m not positive exactly how far along I am but by the date of the procedure, it will likely be 10-12 weeks..? And that’s like the cutoff for potential complications during the procedure.
So the person I was going to have give me a ride is unfortunately my
abusive roommate and since I was being overly emotional earlier and in a shit mood, I stupidly snapped at him, thinking he would let it go because I’ve been in such an alarming rut lately but instead he was insanely mean and hurtful and out of the blue ended the fight telling me I could just take myself to my ‘procedure’ (sometimes I think he knows what I’m having done and sometimes I feel like he doesn’t….)but we weren’t arguing about the ride, he just that in my face out of nowhere me. I was really upset by it because even though we don’t get along it doesn’t extend to things like emergencies or important rides, especially for medical stuff. I’ve given him plenty of rides and I hate driving places I’ve never been before. (For his colonoscopy) I would never imagine telling him to fucking drive himself. That’s low. But I might fucking do it just in case I crash and die he can have that on him. Well I also read that you can opt out of anesthesia if driving yourself..? Or maybe I’ll just sleep in my car. Like I said, I don’t have a phone so I don’t have those apps for Uber…I honestly haven’t come up with any ideas yet, i had so much to do today from my depression neglect, I couldn’t focus enough.
Um this is also embarrassing but is there any chance they would be able to detect drugs in my system? And not just weed..I’m already planning on not using 24 hours before but I’m already dreading it and unsure if I can even manage that. So that’s is another anxiety of mine. Also read it’s going to be around $600 because no insurance. Ugh. I’ve been in a full blown downward spiral for a few years now and the things I’ve let go are piling up bad. This situation is by far one of the worst things I’ve done to myself lately (although I haven’t even begun to come out of this spiral yet, so who knows. I was almost not going to check the thread again but I’m glad I did. It’s almost like having friends. Thank you for understanding and not being harsh, I appreciate it!
No. 330085
>>330016>Can I opt out of anesthesia so I can drive?>Do I need to be forthright about my drug use?>How much will it cost without insurance?>Can the clinic help me with transportation?You must to address these concerns with the clinic, nonna. 100%, otherwise you might just make more problems for yourself! You must know what to do on the day of, lest they refuse to do the procedure because you are not properly prepared. You have to be honest about your drug use. Anesthesia is no joke, it is a delicate process, and the anesthesiologist must know things like this or it can be very bad. I'm sorry to hear about your moid roommate… Is there absolutely no recourse for your man to get a day of leave from work? Can he just… do it anyways and claim medical emergency? I really strongly believe he should be there with you, and if he won't be getting fired for it, he should take the disciplinary consequence he may face for missing a day of his required duty to the Navy. Or conversely, you must make up with your roommate and ask for his help again. Or maybe you can schedule an Uber in advance? I would almost guarantee the clinic will allow you to use their landline telephone, if needed. Also, have you looked into getting a LifeLine cell phone from the state? I had one of those completely free of charge years ago before I got on my feet. It was like a regular, low-end smart phone back when I had one, capable of everything I needed (maps/navigation, texting, email, apps; even a camera) I know you must be feeling so, so overwhelmed. But just, one thing at a time. Everything will be okay. Call the clinic and ask those questions I outlined above. You can probably remain anonymous just to ask those questions, if you'd like. I guarantee they will understand.
No. 330288
>>330283yes that's normal
>>330284I disagree, if there are no negative symptoms and it's just a couple days early it's not any cause for concern. That's just natural variation. Your body isn't an atomic clock
No. 330799
>>330797Pap smears shouldn't hurt at all, definitely not enough to make you cry. I think you might have a shitty OBGYN. Also you don't need them every year (unless you do for some reason specific to you?) Every 3-5 years is plenty.
What part hurt? Did the doctor ask what was wrong when you cried / how was their bedside manner? Was the speculum too large or inserted too suddenly? If the doctor isn't just shitty then you could have a medical problem that needs to be addressed or another reason for the pain that they should have explained and tried to mitigate.
Common things that make it painful:
>Cervical ectropion/cervical erosion>Tilted uterus>Vaginismus or Vulvodynia No. 330800
>>330797Seconding this poster
>>330799. Pap smears are not supposed to hurt.
No. 330839
>>330799>>330800Had no clue they weren't supposed to hurt. Looking at the link, I think it might be vaginismus. Anything and everything I've ever had near my vagina has hurt like fuck. Couldn't even use tampons for swimming so I had to quit.
Glad I'm a femcel then
No. 330844
>>330831sounds like an infection. I'm concerned about the pain in your stomach and the multiple symptoms at once. could be a sign the infection is worsening or a sign of kidney stones or any number of things. I would go to the doctor sooner if I were you and be honest you didn't take the medicine. untreated infections in your body can have life threatening consequences. I don't know how an infection could go on for two years but weirder things have happened.
Just out of curiosity, what is the medicine and what did they diagnose you with when they prescribed it? Why didn't you take it?
No. 330867
>>330831You've got an apointment and that's great. Stay hydrated. If it is an infection UTI or other, this will help move things out of the area. It sounds like you are feeling presure on your bladder or something along your urinary tract. The pain around your stomach may be reffered pain or discomfort due to inflmation. Keep track of your urinary freequency. If you experience this regularly around menses and it isn't showing as an infection you may want to ask your gyno about things like endometriosis.
If you are having piv sex, pee afterwards.
No. 330899
>>330613Sorry I’ve been nervous to check the thread. My appointment is June 7. So nothing but stress until then. Honestly I don’t feel as much attachment to my boyfriend as he does to me. It is complicated and I feel guilty that I don’t because he is literally the most supportive and accepting person but I just feel so detached. As far as claiming a medical emergency, they would take care of it within the navy so they would know if he lied. It’s right in the middle of an out of town training drill that is like an entire week long. Honestly though, I feel so down about life (not just this) I haven’t really felt like being around anybody but at the same time feel so alone. I’ll probably have to suck it up and ask my dickbag roommate but have also thought about an Uber. Although it’s already going to be a lot. I just wish it was over with, I’m so stressed and have so much work literally set up before and after that I’m also stressed about (I freelance dog sit, clean and train but mostly with the same set it regular clients). I think I am most worried about them refusing the procedure for any reason, the day of. And it’s already going to be uncomfortably far along (in my opinion) I was going to try and not use 24 hours before. As far as weed, it’s going to show up if they test regardless…not sure about that. I just feel so hopeless and really can’t believe I have to deal with this. I literally haven’t had sex since because it’s all I can think about and before it had been over a year. Like what the fuck kind of shit luck. I already just want to give up. This really has made everything so much worse and I don’t want to tell anybody, which makes it even harder. I don’t really have any family, I moved to CA by myself with dogs and cats with no ambition. I have thought about the phone thing but I have been in such a rut for years now, I literally stopped opening my mail when my lifelong dog companion died years ago, my car registration expired in 2019 and I still drive it, haven’t my paid my taxes for a few years, I’ve just let everything go.
No. 330947
>>330835I'm a virgin and I did some tests already, it's not an UTI. Supposedly. The meds I need to take aren't antibiotics so it's hard to really understand what's going on.
>>330844I thought about an infection too but looks like that's not the case. A lab checked my urine and had ultrasounds done (though the doctor who did it half assed it). I'll check the name of the med once I'm back home. Could be neurological as well according to my doctor, she asked if ever got pregnant which is not possible because I'm a virgin. If that's the case I'll need to work out while supervised by a specialist for that's just to help me pee more and do it less often.
>>330867Having an appointment at the gyno is very difficult here but my GP is specialized in that stuff so I should be able to ask her anything. I hope it's not that bad. My periods are very regular and not too painful, that hasn't changed. But yeah my period stopped a week ago so maybe this could be linked somehow.
No. 332436
>>332418I’m not a doctor but that sounds like a fungal infection (google “jock-itch”, superficial not serious just unpleasant). You could get over-the-counter anti fungal cream and clear it up. Maybe use some powder during the day.
Shaving won’t help and will make things worse if it’s what I think it is. Unless you are a chinchilla your hair is wicking moisture away from your rash which is good.
No. 332645
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>>329601Samefag and a small update: I've stopped using all unscented soaps and went back to just straight up water to wash my vulva with. But still, like clockwork, these strange discharge symptoms and smell are back around the same point in my cycle. Additionally my pelvic area hurts a little bit towards the end of my morning pee, but no other times throughout the day (it's not a UTI and the pain is very mild). I'm in the UK so I tried making a regular GP appointment - couldn't get through to them after ringing for ages. I rang 111 and spoke to different nurses described my symptoms and concerns, they did nothing except update the symptoms on my patient file and just told me to ring the GP again. Tried contacting a different GP and got the same "keep an eye on it" dismissive response. They simply don't care despite me saying it's interfering with my life by making my vulva and inner thighs sore. Every time I ask them for help they just don't care, even when I asked for an ultrasound for my period/penetration issues that interfered with my life they didn't give a shit either and denied my request despite there being evidence for concern.
Really annoying and I don't have the time atm to sit about and be stuck on hold for up to an hour for the doctors, so I arranged to get some Metronidazole through a legit pharmacy for BV/trich symptoms and I've also bought a Canesten pessary too. If the pessary works then I know it was yeast, if the antibiotics work then I know it was bacterial. I've had yeast in the past and it doesn't feel like this but I guess every case is different. It would have been nice if the professionals could have listened to my concerns and swabbed me for the bare minimum in the first place but I'm tired of running in circles with them so I'm just gonna take matters into my own hands. If neither of these things work then I am going to mention it at my appointment in August and complain about all of this. Anyway I will update after I've tried the Canesten/Metronidazole, hopefully this will help another unfortunate nonner out there with similar symptoms.
No. 334555
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>>334542What about right around the opening of your vagina? Picrel might be …rel…. kek
No. 334908
>>334736I just trim it now and then with scissors and it's mostly around the bikini line and also where the labia starts (like the opening idk how to explain it). Nothing wrong with having a little more pubic hair
nonnie, it's there for a reason after all and chances are they also trim in the photos you've seen.
No. 335070
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Why do I smell so terrible when I don't shave despite cleaning the area daily (no fragranced soap)? I even wear cotton underwear. People say it's more hygienic to leave the hair alone and let it grow, but I honestly feel so much more disgusting and smelly when I leave it, I guess it's like a really musty smell. I used to shave daily (for comfort) but due to depression stopped, but this is almost motivating me to shave again. Is this normal when having pubic hair or what? How tf do you control the smell, since cleaning daily isn't enough??
No. 335125
>>335070Nonny are you sure it’s not just in your head, like you’re more self conscious about the smell when you haven’t shaved?
If you’re washing with a gentle soap, eating well (lots of produce, minimal meat products), wearing cotton undies and clothing that’s not too tight in the crotch area then I would check to make sure there’s not something medical going on or try switching to a different soap (un scented dr bronners or dove are the ones my doctor suggests) I haven’t shaved in probably 5 years (LTR and i hate the itchy stubble phase plus it’s so much work) and I don’t have a strong or “terrible” scent.
No. 335342
>>335070nta but just adding on, i notice my discharge smells really bad depending on what i eat (i found ice cream is a really big
trigger for me). can anyone confirm if diet affects how you smell down there to a significant level? cause sometimes it gets really bad, musty like nona says. sometimes ill just be sitting in the chair and i'll be able to smell myself.
the only time i was able to fix it was when i went to the doc and was prescribed some cream to insert, but it was only temporary, as it seemed to return like a month later. it is possibly an infection but im not sure how im even getting it in the first place? i wear cotton underwear and dont have sex (ik you dont need to have sex to get an infection down there). its just annoying to have to keep using cream if the infection just comes back. right now it feels like i smell worse certain days of the month than others. before a few years ago, my discharge never smelled like anything, so i dont know why it permanently has a smell now (from mild to pungent)
No. 335811
>>335519Hey nonnies. Everything went ok actually. As a previous nona mentioned (I don’t know how to link more that one reply?) there was a lot of waiting. I opted for the ibuprofen for a painkiller because I just didn’t want to deal with an iv. It did hurt though. And I have been on my period ever since even though I asked for and was given birth control pills. I read having your period is normal for up to two weeks but I typically have a very light and short period and also never wore underwear before this and it’s been such a pain. I typically work outside in southern California so it’s been extra miserable. I guess I thought I would be more relieved once this was done with but I think it was just the biggest one foremost of stressing factors and all I could really focus on. All my other problems are still here just having to deal with them while wearing a gross bloody diaper. It’s almost just as depressing actually. I do get a tiny bit anxious checking the thread because it just feels like such a dumb mistake I made and I should just take care of it all myself but I really had no idea what to expect about a lot of it and not being able to get the procedure done was a big fear. I was 9 weeks. Don’t really have any feelings on that portion, I didn’t even really consider myself ‘pregnant’ because I never would have a kid in a million years and never for one second considered keeping this one or anything. I don’t particularly like children nor know how to act or care for them and have never been around babies or even held one. Baby animals are completely different, I am compassionate and work in animal rescue as a career, I just don’t know what a human child needs and I am way to depressed and reclusive to have to be around another being 24/7. Fuck all my posts turn into such tedious novels and I hate type-texting and also have never really put anything about myself online or out there at all before. I am grateful how nice nonnies have been and that no one has complained about me shitting up the thread. It’s honestly so weird seeing replies and stuff directly at me (well at my posts). I have never had social media so interacting with strangers is such a foreign thing for me. (I just don’t care what anyone thinks and don’t have the urge to type out every thought to post online, it seems so time consuming and lame, I’ve been finger typing this post alone for like 30 minutes). But once again, the genuine seeming concern and niceness and also sharing of experience and advice has really been uplifting and very appreciated. Even the sex traffic joke I found comical, I guess people could take it the wrong way but whatever, I don’t give a shit. Thank you for the input (especially with the pill option not being completely effective) and for the anonymous general support. Oh also the bf did offer to set up a ride in any way I could have wanted, I just really didn’t want to have to talk about the situation more than really necessary form because I am just that way. I sadly haven’t felt as attached as he is and anyone who knows him thinks I’m crazy because, really he is a great and selfless person you typically only dream about these days (he would do anything I asked at the drop of a hat) but I just don’t feel that towards him and don’t think it’s fair to him. I sort of wish he would find someone else that shared a little more about his interests. I don’t know, he’s a great person but it doesn’t mean we are meant to be together or that I don’t like him, just not romantically really which makes me feel like an asshole and I would love to be in a physical relationship (pissed I had sex once in like over a year and this was the result) but I just don’t feel that for him. In fact the reason I did sleep with him was that he has always done so much to help me and considers me his girlfriend even though we don’t even live together, he’s always been faithful and likely is frustrated and horny but not really a guy friend who talks to his buddies about pussy or not getting it. And also never pressures me at all whatsoever or says anything about me not being physical but I can tell it bums him out so I finally (even though I never jerk off nor have ever owned a sex toy and get horny thinking about sex and have someone right there that would answer the call if I wanted, i never feel inclined to and it’s frustrating to me as well) but I gave it another chance just to see if maybe I should start calling him up for that….
So I clearly have no one in my life as it’s now after 2:30 am and I’m venting out the ass about this and that. I have a bunch animals I better go take care of. They’re my life line. It’s been real (or maybe unreal). Thank you all again for taking the time to respond to my minute issues and reading my fucking manuscript of thoughts.
No. 337142
>>337134Are you getting TP crumbs under your hood maybe? You need to clean better
nonniePee and wash yourself after every time you masturbate or have sex
No. 337145
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>>337134This is what I was talking about, it’s disappeared and I don’t feel it, it’s been hours
No. 337171
>>337169Do you think I'm the original "it dissapeared!!1!" anon or something? Follow the reply chain,
No. 338455
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>>338433…your cervix? (cervix isn't typically described as "right at the opening" but it can feel that way depending on where you are in your cycle, how aroused / not aroused you are, etc. – it's actually all the way at the back.) It feels round and (I guess it depends on the person but) it's big enough to swirl your finger around. Is not really sexually stimulating it's just there.
sorry for the cancer research drawing but picrel shows it pretty clearly.
If you're talking about something else you're gonna have to be more clear.
No. 338459
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>>338433>>338455Sounds to me like it's the area where the gspot is located. It's not ball per say, but can feel curved. If you apply pressure it can feel awesome, but if you have to pee it may feel more urgent because it's located near your bladder. My skin there is kind of more textured than the rest of my vagina and the "ball" can become engorged when aroused.
No. 338583
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>>338499Sorry for the late reply! I can only speak for my own anatomy, so it might be different for other women. It can help if you are already aroused like you said, but not all women are erogenous there so either way you are completely normal. I don’t usually stroke/rub there, but kinda press on the spot rhythmically, for lack of better words. I read someone describing it as inserting your fingers into your vagina and doing a “come hither” motion kek (pic related). I prefer using my middle and ring finger because they are longer and have more strength than the index finger.
No. 339152
Sorry for the late replies!!
>>339092 Maybe I do have a weirdly positioned cervix, because the 'ball' seems to be against my vaginal canal, not at the end of it or anything.
>>339096 I'm doubtful of this because I usually poop before I masturbate and it's a very spherical shape. It feels the same every time. However, when I masturbate a lot, it seems like my vaginal canal kind of seems wider in a sense? Like it's contracting against, so maybe it hugs against my canal and I'm feeling my poop? It just doesn't feel 'irregular', but like an organ or something.
No. 340373
>>340369not really. much like how we contract our vaginal muscles when we orgasm there is a physical change in the penis right before they come which is detectable as sort of an expanding sensation. the liquid cum itself is not really noticeable during the act.
so you can feel the penis change shape momentarily but not the liquid cum. if he could stop himself from cumming at the last second I wouldn't know the difference.
No. 340744
>>340738Yep, I'm very careful. Pee right after, shower before and after, make sure he is showered before, wash his dick myself, drink a lot of water anyway. Don't do any butt stuff or even allow fingers or mouth south of the clit. If I use a dildo I wash it immediately before. I try to take d-mannose regularly as a preventative but sometimes I do forget about that.
>>340740Nope I haven't been on BC in ten years. I actually was on hormonal BC at the time when I was previously having way more PIV without this issue.
It's confusing because I absolutely wasn't so careful about hygiene and UTI prevention before, I rarely washed right before or after sex, I never thought about peeing after, and I wasn't dealing with this shit.
No. 340760
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I don't know where else to ask this but I feel like I have the ugliest looking vulva or there's something wrong with me. My inner lips are very long and turn a dark brown around halfway down. They hang down really low too, as does everything else. Even when I hold my legs tightly together it all hangs down around an inch below my outer lips. I don't really know how to explain it, but my stuff looks way longer and bigger than any other woman's that I've ever seen, both in porn and from other nudes Ive seen women share online. I've tried to google if it's normal but I'm really sick of this constant "ALL vaginas are normal and beautiful" shit because what if something about me IS actually abnormal? All those charts of various looking vulvas don't ever look like mine. I'm really skinny, I don't know if that has anything to do with it. My whole crotch area is really dark brown (I'm white) even though I practice good hygiene. It's seriously affecting my ability to be sexually active. I was active with this POS a few years ago who never wanted to do oral on me (he did it once and never again) but never told me why. After I cut him off I know he was spreading rumors around about me to our other friends. I'm terrified he went around telling everyone I have a gross vag. I guess I'm just asking if anyone else has a pretty long vulva, or if they've seen any like this?
No. 340761
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>>340760Your description sounds absolutely normal, you've just been brainwashed by porn.
Porn actresses do surgeries to cut their labia and they bleach their pussies and anuses just to fit in with a prepubescent aesthetic ideal of pornsick pedo moids. Your question kinda reads as: "is it normal to have pubic hair? I've never seen it in porn or onlyfans". And there's a reason for that, it's all fabricated
Your mood was also probably pornsick.
Picrel is long labia minora pics.
No. 340766
>>340760Yeah they're long. It happened during puberty. For a while one was way longer than the other that kinda freaked me out haha.
You honestly sound normal. Like the other nona said, women in porn get labiaplasty and bleach their genitals/assholes so the color is more uniform and visually appealing or whatever. Having a darker color at your asshole and vag is normal (think about knees, lips and armpits – skin isn't the same all over the body). I don't know what nudes online you're seeing but women don't usually send pictures of their pussy if it doesn't fit the current beauty standard, they'd be too self conscious like you so they're probably self-selecting out of the sample pool there.
If you think something is wrong you can ask a doctor but nothing sounds wrong from your description. The only issue I have with mine is I can't go commando in denim pants without risking a nasty pinch
No. 340769
>>340761>>340764>>340767Ty nonnies, this makes me feel a lot better. I hate that moid but I guess he did a lot more damage to my self esteem than I thought. And he was definitely pornsick, I knew that for a fact. I hate porn and don't watch it super often, but even when cows get their nudes leaked here I'm always wondering "why does hers look so much nicer than mine?" Some self-love is in order, I suppose.
>Porn actresses do surgeries to cut their labiaHoly shit, I did not know this. That is so fucking depressing. Jfc I hate men so fucking much for forcing women to do this to themselves.
>>340766>women don't usually send pictures of their pussy if it doesn't fit the current beauty standard, they'd be too self conscious like you so they're probably self-selecting out of the sample pool there.This opened my eyes. It makes a lot of sense. Thank you, my long labia sisters.
No. 340774
>>340752Actually it could be the lube. I never used lube before and that's one risk factor that has changed in this period of sexual activity. Besides that I can't think of any change that would increase risk, only stuff that would seriously lower it. We do oral to PIV (both me and him) but I always did that before and we both have impeccable oral hygiene. But maybe we just have incompatible bacteria kek. Actually no since it happens from dildos too. Definitely not soap since I'm so careful about that and I don't use lotion. The pubes I don't think so, I don't notice any irritation or pain apart from when peeing and deep pelvic pain. I definitely feel a lot more sensitive to this stuff as I'm older, but I have way more hang-ups about sex now so I wonder is there a psychological issue. But IDK how psychological peeing blood can be. Thanks nona, I will report back if I figure things out!
>>340748Thanks, I will look into it. I know this stuff can present weirdly and differently for every woman, but the only symptom of yeast I can see is painful urination while I have pretty much all the classic UTI symptoms (foul smelling urine, sitting on the toilet for hours with a single drop of pee coming out every few minutes, waking in the night to pee (not normal for me), peeing blood (sometimes I pee straight blood that looks like period blood, sometimes it's urine tinged with blood), pelvic pain). The only thing I'm not sure about being a classic UTI thing is that I seem to get rid of it so quickly and without antibiotics. For example when I made the post I was sitting on the toilet for hours after waking up in massive discomfort after having sex 2 days ago, peeing blood, feeling generally physically sick, and I feel fine now (8 hours later) and typically I will be fine until I have sex or insertion again? The fuck. I didn't even drink loads of water or do anything except take some d-mannose today. I don't have discharge, itching, vulva pain or swelling, or anything like that which I associate with yeast. But yeah this stuff is cryptic so it's worth looking into anyway.
No. 340836
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>>340769To you and all the nonnies who feel self-conscious about how they look: Check out this project with vulva casts. You can see the sheer variation of what real women look like. Although i heard a few are by troons, which would explain the lack of inner labia in some of them. No. 340842
>>340836What are these spots in top third from left?
Also some women don't have inner labia/they are small and hidden so don't call them troons okay?
No. 340851
>>340766>women don't usually send pictures of their pussy if it doesn't fit the current beauty standard, they'd be too self conscious like you so they're probably self-selecting out of the sample pool there.This is very true and often overlooked. I used to go to mixed nude spas every so often and would be a bit surprised that I saw almost no women there with vulvas or breasts that strayed far from the typical beauty norm, because it felt a bit removed from the average. It was only later on that I realized that women who deviate from those standards are more likely to be insecure about their bodies and therefore maybe don't go to nude spas as much.
Of course thankfully there's plenty of women who don't give a fuck about being nude in those places regardless of beauty standards, but it does explain why you don't see as many longer labia around despite how common they are.
No. 340852
>>340842The bumps are likely piercings.
I'm saying that apparently some troons participated, so just be aware of that. The majority are women.
No. 340864
>>340852"Their age range is from 18-76 and include sisters, mothers and daughters and trans men and women."
It really fucks up the "vulvas are naturally diverse, all these vulvas are normal" message when you mix in some that are surgically constructed out of a penis or deformed by steroid abuse. It's a cool project otherwise.
No. 341337
>>339899have you ever felt self conscious of them? I forgot mine existed until I had a recent checkup and ever since I've been thinking about it (this is 90% because I've never been sexually active).
>>340836There's more than one of these, this isn't the one by the moid who included MtFs is it?
No. 341341
>>341170If it was a hemorrhoid it would be right at the opening of your asshole. You could try treating it like an ingrown hair and see if it reacts like one. apply a warm compress, take a hot bath and massage it, apply a retinoid, etc. to see if a hair comes out or becomes visible through the skin. You probably shouldn't tear into it with tweezers since you don't really know what it is… (I would absolutely tear into it, I'm a horrible picker.)
No. 343668
I had my first pap smear today. It was super uncomfortable and a little painful and my GP couldn’t find my cervix, so she left the room to refer me to a gyno. Maybe I have a tilted cervix or something? Anyway, I passed out while she was gone. I feel like such a pansy. I did pass out in seventh grade sex-ed so I guess I’m not too surprised, kek. It’s so embarrassing. There’s an area around the opening of my vagina (it kind of looks like a hymen? I should have stayed conscious during sex-ed) that also makes me feel like passing out if touched directly. It’s very weird. I should have communicated more, I feel so stupid, but I was just so nervous. Oh well. I hope the next appointment goes better.
>>343504Good luck nona! Is the heart unicode symbol allowed? Pretend I’m doing that.
No. 343876
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Is this why an anon in another thread said that women don't cum? I thought discharge when orgasming was common, only 10%?
No. 343879
>>343876>>343877Yeah picrel is conflating squirting with female ejaculation. Squirting is basically watered-down pee. "Female ejaculation" is milky secretions from paraurethral glands, which comes out through ducts next to the urethra when you orgasm.
Squirting is less common than ejaculating but I don't think there's actual percentages. I feel like every or majority of women ejaculate
No. 344991
>>344732That’s something I don’t do often after masturbating, I’ll try to do that more often. Do you think a wash cloth would work too?
>>344752Nope, I always run to wash (practically scrub) my hands, but I touch my phone, so that could probably be the cause too, since phones are always limitlessly dirty.
>>344827I don’t think so? I might have pretty poor vaginal health, though. Even peeing makes it stink and itch for a while. I’m thinking all of this is telling me to invest in a bidet, since paper isn’t doing much to clean it.
No. 345897
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I just read that I shouldn't be feeling a bump on the side of my vagina, like in picrel. Does anybody else have something similar, or should that really not be there at all? I thought it was only during my period but now I'm not sure, it might be that I only noticed it during my period because I use tampons.
No. 345904
>>344364Ever since I entered my 20's pads have been causing irritation and itchy dryness around the opening of my vagina, no matter the brand. I tried everything, only Kotex didn't cause it but it's not available in my country. Didn't matter if I swapped them every two hours, if I washed myself multiple times a day, if I had a full bush or was shaved completely, I'd get irritated for a week straight after my period which made everything painful. Maybe it was the fragrance, I don't know.
I ended up swapping to a menstrual cup and now the problem is finally gone. Sucks because pads are so convenient.
No. 345907
>>345906I've been seeing doctors for 3 years
nonnie. That's why I'm trying to get more information.
No. 345909
>>345907Yeah and we are much more knowledgeable than the doctor. If you suspect the diverticulum thing, you could corner your doc and make her check for that issue specifically.
All I know is that the uneven, bumpy landscape is normal. Usually there is a small bump right behind the clit.
Source: I've had lots of homo sex. No. 346080
>>345897If it only happens during your period, you could have endometriosis. If it's usually there, not endometriosis. Also endometriosis also causes pain so if you feel pain there only during your periods, also could be endometriosis but unlikely.
Do you have depression or other issues? Those can cause chronic pain as well.
No. 346148
>>346080My period is almost over now and it's still there, but it's much smaller. I was thinking it could also be endometriosis in/near the bladder. The entrance of my vagina has been hurting more since I started touching it.
I do have chronic depression but it's from the chronic uti like pain. When the pain gets better, I go back to normal.
I did make an appointment with a gyno so we'll see.
No. 346185
>>346170Yes. Check out somatoform disorders or the likes. You can always discuss this with your family doctor and ask for help for this. This is very common, especially if someone can't properly cope with their traumas or mental instabilities. This was most commonly seen in women in the 1900s because they'd get abused very often but had no ways of relieving their stress or escaping the
abusive relationships they found out themselves in.
Although I'd like to note that this diagnosis is only given once you've tested the patient for every single health issue and found out that they're completely healthy.
No. 346752
>>346751>I can't really think of any situation where I'd want to put something up therepap smears (although they're usually mandated for older women since they're at greater risk of cancer)
never got a pap smear myself and all the gynos i've been to refused to look inside since my hymen is intact
No. 346800
>>346780no worries
nonnie! i went through SA a couple of times myself and was super freaked about the idea of somebody looking up there myself too. i’ll give you a detailed walk through of how it went for me.
>be me, coming in for weird bleeding after sex>nurse is super sweet, tells me she’ll give me some privacy to take off my bottoms and leaves the roomtop tip, wear a skirt/dress! you’ll feel more covered up/protected that way, because you only have to take off your undies then.
>nurse comes back in, tells me to hop on the bed thing, pulls out the stirrups and i put my feet in them>she gives me a warning for the lubricant as it will be cold (it was)>lubricant+gloved fingers go inside your vagina (very strange sensation as it’s from a medical professional and not a sexual thing)>warning for speculum, mine was plastic but it could be metal, usually cold but not painful>nurse takes a look up there, gives me the all OK, leaves the room to let me get dressed againi did have a very good relationship with this nurse as she was my college medical center nurse, so i would recommend getting to know your doctor/OBGYN pretty well. i had seen her about once a month for unrelated things (i’m a medical anomaly kek)
it will be okay
nonnie! there’s no shame in asking if you can wear headphones and listen to music, or watch youtube on your phone. rooting for you!
No. 346806
>>346780>>346800I had a very similar experience (in student healthcare, EU country), though I was a virgin and I went there due to amenorrhea (no period for 4 years). The gyn also did an ultrasound of my ovaries, which hurt like hell to be honest, but she explained the procedure as it went on which made it more tolerable. It probably doesn't hurt that much for everyone but for me it did. I think you should explain that you feel uncomfortable or unsure about the check up and ask them to tell what they are doing so you can get a better idea of what is going on and ask them to stop if you need to. I think you'll be fine. Also if you ask about the procedure beforehand and they seem annoyed or dismissive, you can go to someplace else (if that's affordable).
Looking back it was kinda funny that I was there literally cursing under my breath, my eyes watering from the pain, and the obgyn just cheerfully goes
>look! there is your left ovary! it seems to be alright!and shows it on the monitor for me
No. 347024
>>346979Maybe you have a large clitoral hood or larger labia minora that block it? Some women with the former have a harder time retracting the hood, but I think it's often easier if you're aroused.
I mostly have the generic shape that most diagrams depict and I can see mine if I spread open. But it's not usually just exposed like a button at the top, it's more like a downwards facing turtle head if that makes sense? You might have to move things around to see the glans itself.
No. 347744
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>completely unable to orgasm from penetration in any form in the 10+ years i’ve been masturbating
>finally have piv, think it’s going to feel like nothing again
>orgasm easily, multiple times
No. 349818
>>340736Just an update on this. I had an ultrasound and a cystoscopy (putting a camera up your urethra into your bladder) and everything was completely fine. The urologist who did my cystoscopy was really very nice but didn't have much of any explanation of what is going on for me. She basically said that I get a UTI every singe time I have sex, and I clear it very quickly on my own. She offered me a prescription for antibiotics as a preventative to take every time I have sex but I declined. That sounds insane to me. What if a woman with this issue has sex every day, she takes antibiotics every day of her life? What the fuck? I am very cautious about taking antibiotics and only when there is no other option. She said she could not tell what my kidney was like but she didn't seem at all concerned or offer more tests. She said I had a very tight urethra and a tight pelvic area probably due to sexual assault trauma, but she didn't explain how this could be related at all. I asked could there be scarring due to trauma that would make this more likely and she couldn't say, she only said the muscles would tighten up and make sex painful. She spent a while talking about D-mannose and how it works but I already take it and I know how it works. I would rather have some explanation for what is personally happening to me than something I can google. Overall it was pretty disappointing, but mostly because of the extreme expense for me in getting this test done. She never mentioned anything about hygiene or different sexual practices, which I find strange since clearly if you do something like anal to vagina this could be an obvious explanation. It was a very catholic hospital so maybe that had some factor in what type of things she felt she can say. Anyway in the end I know it isn't anything serious or threatening at least, so that's a big relief, but it's a little disappointing since I already guessed that I was getting a UTI every time I had sex and I was more looking for some explanation or actionable advice than spending my entire weekly income for someone to tell me "yeah, what you already thought is probably true, good luck with that".
In the end I suppose a UTI is a minor issue and most of her patients are probably people who are dying of bladder cancer or whatever so I can understand, it's not so important and she probably can't/doesn't want to share some random personal theory she has of what is specifically going on and has to stick factually to "yes you are getting a UTI and the treatment option is to take an antibiotic".
No. 350209
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I think I might have vulvodynia. My entrance flares up from time to time and it's never a yeast infection. It's been happening since after I started menstruating and it goes away easily but then if I'm stressed out or taking hormonal medication it flares up again. Anyone else here has it? What are your symptoms?
No. 351726
>>350590>>351523agree as well. When I was a teenager I felt bad about it because I saw surveys/statistics saying that only a small minority of moids are partial to natural hair, and it just seemed like all women were removing theirs. Now I'm much more confident about wanting to keep mine, and my bf tells me he likes it too so it all worked out in the end.
It's still dumb that it's culturally expected to shave though, my tinfoil is that razor companies and other hair removal companies artificially manipulate public opinion. Some of their ads about "beautifying" yourself by removing hair are pretty gross. Obviously men don't face nearly as much pressure but I also once saw a pubic hair removal product ad targeting men that brought up "sooo many women prefer shaven" and basically strongly insinuated that they'll be loveless incels unless they buy their shit. I feel like nobody promotes just leaving your body alone because that's free and doesn't generate sales.
No. 354854
>>353860I think the same thing happens to me, or at least something similar, so I will start by saying I am so sorry. It sucks so bad. Ice packs after sex, long baths, crying not knowing what is wrong with you, burning when you pee but it isn’t a UTI.. Sex is supposed to be awesome and fun, what the hell.
What happened to me is that one day I was having sex normally, but for some reason I wasn’t as wet as usual, and I could tell that I was in a bit of pain. I powered through. I did this multiple times because I thought I was just being a pansy. (Mistake.) Burning pain, hurt to pee, sometimes I think I did end up with bacterial vaginosis, or something like it, anyway my vagina was Fucked Up.
Then, I was expecting pain each time during sex, so it became even harder. Expecting pain made even more pain happen.
Lube really does help. It seems like a solution too simple to even work, but having rug burn on your insides is brutal, and easily avoidable. No shame in needing it, either. Stress, birth control, and being at different stages in your cycle can suddenly make sex a bit more difficult. Please don’t push yourself too hard, things will be okay in time, you have your entire life to learn how your body reacts and how to navigate the atrocities that penises commit.
No. 355840
Is anyone else’s discharge slightly yellow a majority of the time? I know it’s normal for me, but people seem to usually say theirs is clear or white. Why do I have a Simpsons’ Cervix..
>>354866 That’s a cool smell to have. Mine smells like a nice chicken soup sometimes.
No. 356793
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What to do about vaginismus? Self-diagnosed as I suppose not being able to fit more than one finger in my vag for the last ten years means somethings up. I’m a virgin btw—and get myself off only by friction if that matters. Would it take more than a month to finally be able to fit an average dildo in my canal?
No. 356815
>>356807nta but I think that's a good point. I remember looking at myself before and seeing that I had an obvious ring around the opening, and I later had a lot of trouble trying to have sex for the first time.
It took many attempts but after we got it in, I felt physically different afterwards, like rearranged or opened? I feel awkward saying so since it's widely considered outdated coomer logic that sex changes a woman, but that's really how I felt. So I think I did have a hymen that played a significant role.
I think I still do have vaginismus since it still hurts a lot, but it's different from when it physically could not fit. I am able to accommodate more width than before, just not yet enough that sex with my bf is okay.
No. 356817
>>356815Ayrt, thank you for sharing. It kinda frustrates me. We’ve known about the hymen probably since the dawn of humanity. Scientists know everything about it, how it develops in the fetus etc., but suddenly it doesn’t exist any longer because it’s not politically correct. You see this with a lot of gender related issues these days where reality about sexual dimorphism is being denied because it makes people uncomfortable. I agree 100% that the cultural significance which the hymen has held is oppressive, but that doesn’t mean it ceases to exist. I think it’s important that people are being given correct information about their own bodies while simultaneously dismantlig outdated attitudes regarding virginity. All women have a hymen, thickness and elasticity varies so some women experience pain while others don’t, some bleed while some don’t. That’s what I learned when I grew up.
I think women not knowing they might have one can lead to some issues down the line. Like, in my case I always knew the pain I experienced was because I hadn’t “broken” my hymen yet, so I had the expectation that if I had sex it would hurt a bit but then it would be ok. Which I admit sucked in its own way because why does sex have to be like that just because I’m a woman, but at least I knew I was completely normal and it would pass. If I had grown up today, thinking first time sex was not supposed to hurt at all, and if it did I was doing something wrong, I probably would have felt like ..something was wrong with my body. Of course your mileage may wary, which you are an example of!, but I think it’s important that we have the correct information about our own anatomy. Experiences varies from woman to woman, but we are so quick to say that because it happened this way for me it means it should be the same for everyone else. There is a wide range of normal. According to wikipedia about half of women self-report bleeding during their first intercourse and that doesn't mean they were all being violently raped, it's just that some of us have thick hymens lol.
No. 357031
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>>356831same! im completely relaxed and i still cant fit more than a finger. im a virgin so it might just be a hymen thing like the nonnies say.
No. 357116
>>357063>The hymen isnt a barrier, its a ringIdk how you interpreted my post this way. Anyway..
>another myth is that the hymen should break, its a ring of tissue, its supposed to stretch, not be torn open by an impatient moid shoving his dick inHow in the hell am I supposed to gradually stretch my hymen using an entire dick if I literally couldn't fit more than one of my own fingers in, no matter how horny I was, because the pain was too intense? You know 99% of dicks are larger than a finger right? I was a chronically horny and curious teenager, so it's not like I didn't try on several occasions to do it on my own. I would have probably had to buy a dilator set, and even then you don't actually know whether I would have bled or not because your body is obviously different to mine. In my case enduring 10 seconds of sorta intense pain was preferable to gradually dilating myself for idek how many weeks which I imagine would have been more painful. In the end I don't really care how other women do it, I just think that having a thick/rigid hymen is a possibility they should be aware of before self-diagnosing vaginismus on themselves.
No. 357899
>>357894Look into embedded/chronic UTIs. You might have one that is flaring from sex.
If you're in the UK there are clinics that test for it. The usual bacteria tests coming back negative is normal, they need to do another kind of test.
No. 358100
I have a yeast infection and it fucking sucks. I had one before, after my wisdom teeth removal. I was on antibiotics, and they induced a yeast infection in my mouth and then in my vag. But I dealt with it quickly, and it was over in no time. This one is longer, and it fucking sucks! I hate this cotton cheese looking gunk, I hate the feeling that something is oozing/falling out of me, and most of all I hate the treatment. This time I chose to go for a cream (I used suppositories before), and in my naïveté I thought that I would have to apply the cream around/on the vulva. Apparently, no, there are 6 syringe-looking devices coming with it, and I have to put the cream inside them and shoot it way way up. I feel like I’m violating myself with a bad quality plastic funnel-type thing. I wish I went for suppository… I’m too chickenshit to stop the treatment now and changing it to another.
No. 358292
>>357899 Thank you so much, I never knew that standard GPs urine tests weren't testing a wider spectrum
>>357975 yeah, I've been on the implant for 3 years, first year I had issues and my first run in with UTIs but I put that down to my ex being a dirty scrote who never showered. Now that I'm going through it again I'm wondering if its more than that.
No. 358412
>>358292It's not only a spectrum issue, it's also that the infection could be embedded in your bladder so standard tests that only measure the amount of bacteria are not realiable. They do a urine microscopy to diagnose it.
Hormonal issues can also cause UTI like symptoms.
No. 358518
>>358390Oh, sorry to hear that,
nonnie. Good luck with your treatment!
By the way, are you staying on the diet to heal faster or no? I know it’s not good to eat sugar during this but everything is too miserable to restrict myself.
No. 362403
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Im ESL so sorry if this is worded weirdly but my labia (minora) is itchy and dry. The pharmacies sells a special sort of cream for the labia that should make the itching go away. Should I get it or is it bullshit? I was taught that the vulva is able to restore its own PH value so i shouldnt use soaps or creams on it, even if its specialized soaps and creams made for the vulva.
I read on a website made by doctors that cold water helps with the itching and it does temporarily make the itching go away. It was also the same website that recommended the labia cream from the pharmacy. I figured since the information is written by a doctor it must be true but on the other hand doctors are known for lacking research when it comes to female anatomy.
Basically what I'm asking if anyone has any experiences with pharmacy products to combat itchiness in the labia
No. 362539
>>362482I would personally never think twice about this if I saw it on another woman. On the list of things that might temper my attraction to a girl, 'small clit' is not even something I'd consider. That said, if it really keeps you up at night, I don't think taking testosterone (I wonder if topical would work well here?) would be a red flag as long as you were transparent about your intentions with it if it came up, i.e. "I used testosterone for a brief period of time to help with sexual function". You don't owe anyone more explanation than that. You don't have to tell anyone at all, actually.
I don't think you should take testosterone though. I think you are worried about a non-issue.
No. 362905
>>362768there's a detrans thread where this might fit better but whatever. I injected testosterone for one year, from 17-18. Here's some of the side effects that stuck around after I stopped.
and yes a discord tranny got it for me when I was underage kek>never been particularly curvy but testosterone makes you collect fat around your midsection and turn brick-shaped, had to dip into underweight BMI and regain while working out to get my "normal" shape back>froggy voice, I can sound female enough when speaking thanks to practice but my singing voice is irreversibly damaged. Also can't shout very loud>dark beard and chin hairs that grow back super quickly, darker and thicker body hair overall>irregular, long and painful periods>T turned me into a pizzaface and no amount of skincare has fixed itmind you most of these changes were positives at the time when I was taking the hormones but I was also a mentally ill self-harming teen
No. 364100
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Have any nonnas here had a severe UTI and lived to tell the tale? I’ve have mild symptoms that come and go (pain in urethra, frequent urge to urinate)over the past week but haven’t seen a doctor yet because I had food poisoning during the first sign of my symptoms and assumed they were connected. Now I’m feeling really run down, having spells of lethargy and trouble regulating my temperature. I’m going to try and see a doctor this week, what will the signs be if it’s bad enough that I need to go to hospital?
No. 364286
>>362906Me again, uti is still here. I've been drinking ural 3x a day and today is the best it'd felt all week. I hope I'm on the tail end of it.
Super random but I was holding tp to my urethra because it was itchy and the pressure helped (probably not great for me tho) and when I pulled it away I noticed there was a hit of clear mucus or something on it.
I googled and apparently it's normal to have discharge out of your urethra when you have a uti, I've never noticed it the handful of times I've had one before though.
It's meant to help flush everything out.
Women's bodies are amazing.
No. 365256
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fingered myself for the first time in the bath at age 25(geriatric i know, i had issues with penetration for a long time). felt very weird. both feeling the finger inside me and the sensation of fingering my vagina. i was very dry it felt like i was fingering my asshole tbh only difference is i could squeeze my vagina. it wasnt straight either i had to go up and down i didnt know where i was reaching. and there was just this mass pressing on it which i later realised was my bladder. i kept thinking about how my vagina was pressed down inbetween my colon and bladder like a sandwich. it felt uncomfortable overall i am going to continue to avoid putting anything in my vagina.
No. 365878
>>365838I asked because I believe that my love for my own vaginal texture is related to my enduring fetish for vulvas and vaginas AKA my homosexuality. It never even occurred to me that other women would not feel the same way about their own bodies. My immediate thought was "oh right, most people are straight AKA not nearly as invested in vulvas and vaginas as I am. Could there be a connection?" That's all. Hopefully this adequately explains my thought process.
And to everyone else who responded, thanks for your insight!
No. 366087
>>364286Fucking me again, it was nearly gone but right now it's like doubled what I was feeling yesterday. I don't understand. It's 3am now and depending on how I feel when I wake up I'm going to do a phone Dr appointment to see what they recommend. I think ural was what was helping but I finished the box and it said not to take for more than 5 days or something.. wish I kept taking it now.
I'm trying to get preg so worried about antibiotics for it. Hindsight 20/20, wish I went to a Dr a week ago.
I got my mirror and had a look, my urethra looks swollen and super red. Granted I don't usually take note of what it looks like, but if I pull my labia I can kind of see into it which I don't recall ever being able to do. Tmi but whatever I'm feeling miserable on the couch
No. 366089
>>366087Man I just peed and it felt like a few days ago when it was clearing???
I don't understand
No. 366103
>>366099I put it off because the previous 2 times I've had ones it went away after a week or so and I was avoiding drs because of the antibiotics.
But youre right, I'll see how it is in the morning and go from there, I was visiting fam so I put it off because of that too
No. 366716
>>366702for peeing, try aiming a gentle stream of lukewarm water at you crotch and then pee (like from a shower head). It will dilute the urine immediately so it won't sting as much.
Maybe also check out any other post-partum care like sitz baths and ice pads. If you tore that badly might as well treat it the same as after giving birth
No. 366848
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I asked this in the TMI thread but didn't get a response, so reposting here… does anyone else have 3 labia minora? (picrel) What kind of deformity is this? They're all pretty normal in size, although the third one is a little longer than the others.
No. 367269
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how is this shit even possible?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 367446
>>367434Sorry, I found it!
>>>/g/354101 I thought it was in this thread but it was in the menstruation thread. She was basically bleeding a little bit all the time so it might not be the same as what's going on with you but you must have something going on because masturbation and especially trimming hair does not normally cause one to bleed. Hope you at least have good luck getting medical advice from the gyno like she did.
No. 369906
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So, I bought my first sex toy since I’m tired of humping a pillow, or my hand.
>picrel, lelo gigi 2
And I also bought water based lube. Um, so, I just got done with my testing it out and I gotta say…it’s not bad.
>but the vibrations could be a bit stronger for €100+…just sayin’
Anyway, the reason why I came to this thread is because I legitimately think the circumference of my vaginal canal is that of a nickel coin or something. I have ONLY been to insert my index finger for like—what— the last ten years?
>very embarrassing
I tried pushing in the toy and the tip could not even enter. It hurt, then stung, and started to feel sore as I tried to gently force the toy in. Mind you I used a teaspoon amount of lube at this point…yet I could just feel how small the canal is…it’s as if I kept hitting the exterior of a “wall opening of a cave” made of bone or muscle. Like two internal arched pillars of…whatever…refused to let the toy through. And the hole couldn’t be stretched any further. Fucking sucks man. I really wanted to explore myself more pleasure-wise and “penetrate” myself. Should I keep trying to push the toy in more a little each day? More lube? Argh, it hurts though.. :(
No. 369918
>>369906Probably should have got something smaller and cheaper if it's your first toy and you still have your hymen.
Just go slow and relax, use more lube, make sure you have the right angle, and sit on a towel or in the bathroom just in case you do break it and it bleeds.
No. 369923
>>369922A finger can be small enough to just stretch it.
I was a dumb kid who stuck pens and other small things up there during puberty and it was still there to pinch a bit and bleed a noticable amount the second time I used a dildo.
No. 376899
>>376005Well they cancelled my cystoscopy without prior notice cause the doctor wasn't there.
But the good news is that due to that, the next day I went to another doctor and she did other tests that my original doctor refused to do. She also said he was a bad doctor and shit talked my ex. Very based lady. Hope the tests come back positive!
No. 378454
My quality of life has suffered so much because of my labia to the point where i'm seeking labiaplasty in the near future to address what is my biggest scourge and anxiety: its a mix of both practical discomfort issues/dysfunction caused by my anatomy as well as now self esteem issues, really hoping for some advice from women who have gone through the same and preferably took the route of labiaplasty and can advise me.
I know i'll get replies trying to talk me down from my decision, and theres definitely some bad influences that have dogged me that i've tried to disregard -for reference my hood/labia are rather big/long, pigmented brown and stick very much out of my outer labia majora, nothing 'visibly' outrageous other than obviously not fitting into the pornsick beauty standard - that have affected my self esteem (preventing me from being sexually active, eg. i've never had sex w lights on so that moid could scrutinise my vulva..) But its honestly only become an issue causing me depression because of corresponding objective issues w my anatomy that mentally justifies the minor cosmetic dissatisfaction.
OK Warning i'm about to get real…
It's just harder to keep clean, of course I wash my vulva carefully (theres just a lot more surface area where smegma builds up) but after urinating its a struggle to make sure my labia has been wiped off thoroughly without causing irritation (cant pat dry as its insufficient to clean), and i need to use unscented wetwipes or face regularly removing bits of TP from my labia. And then hygiene is a different beast altogether when you add my period to the equation, I find cups/tampons unbearable to wear most of the time so am forced into wearing pads where my labia are sitting in my own blood requiring constant runs to the bathroom to freshen up.
I get irritated a lot by even gentle cotton panties, getting chafed or even needing to reorganise how theyre sitting. Sex and masturbation are also badly affected with them being chafed and pulled w penetration or just very much obstructing my vulva. I've also been getting painful zits/cysts on both inner and outer labia despite my best and excruciating hygiene efforts.
All of this everyday is causing grief that I can only compare to extreme tranny dysphoria and despondence, I've thoughtspiralled and considered even DIY surgerying myself because saving for the surgery might take me years (if I, most likely, get rejected for surgery referral by the NHS in the UK) Considering all the practical day to day grief im having, with sexual dysfunction/insecurity not in the question, i'm not crazy to consider this right? I'm very wary of mutilating myself out of depression for the male gaze but it truly is causing me all that discomfort. I can only think of the moid equivalent of circumcising the prepuce/foreskin to address similar chronic discomfort and hygiene issues - done as a medical rather than cosmetic procedure in adulthood. If anyone has had labiaplasty for similar reasons please please please give me an insight on whether its worth it and I'm doing it for the right reasons, I'm really at my wits end…
No. 378456
>>378454This is not the reply you're looking for, but I have outie labia minora and no one has ever commented negatively on them (I had a slut phase so I've slept with upwards to 20 guys). I know it can sometimes be a struggle to get the penis inside but I just use extra lube in those cases.
As for the hygiene issues. The inside of your vagina is self-cleaning, which leaves the outside. I think a lot of modern day hygiene practices are largely exaggerated. If you think about hygiene, it's original purpose was to prevent spread of diseases. Unless you have some sort of tear going on around your vulva, your vagina can't become diseased from you peeing. Fecal matter has the potential to spread disease, which is why hand washing is important after going to the bathroom. I usually just wipe with toilet paper after peeing, and use wet wipes when I do number 2. In the shower I clean with water on most days and sometimes a bit of pH neutral soap, but not too often because even this can cause issues such as fungal infection. Beyond this I only freshen up if I know I'm gonna have sex. It's normal to have some odor down there after a long day, we're humans. I think the amount of cleaning you are currently doing is exacerbating your problems by drying out the skin and causing a bacterial imbalance to your skin, which may be why you are now getting cysts. I recommend the book Clean by James Hamblin for a different perspective on what too much cleanliness can do. I'm sure you are aware of this, but surgery to your labia minora can worst case lead to loss of sensation to your clitoris because the veins are connected. I'm really sorry for the distress this is causing you, but I hope you find another way to deal with it other than surgery.
No. 378654
>>378454You didn't say whether you shave, but if you do, you should consider growing a bush. It'll protect you from friction with clothes and prevent your labia from sticking to pads. The hair also directs the flow of the pee so that it doesn't get your labia wet.
You're overdoing the wiping too, your labia doesn't have to be completely dry, as long as you shower regularly and wear cotton underwear. In fact it's natural for it to be a bit wet because of discharge anyway.
The issues you're facing are not because of hygiene but because you're causing irritation to the skin.
And as for self steem issues, the bush might help too? I like the look much better for myself, and a few men have told me that hairless vulvas are off putting to them because they look child-like.
No. 382131
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>>382112Maybe. I know I always start craving A-spot orgasms (picrel) like a rabid animal when I’m ovulating, and I’ll have dreams about being mounted by literally anything kek, before it’s been
>a tree (like the ones with faces from the wizard of oz)>a bull statue>various inanimate objects or structures that magically become animatedSomehow it never manifests as being railed by my husbando or waifu. Or even a human being at all. It’s always some weird shit like I’m taking shrooms or something (I have never done a drug). So Michael cera is relatively normal compared to that kek. I don’t have the baby part, though. All my baby dreams are nightmares about being forced to have a baby and raise a child.
No. 382141
>>376899Ok nonnies I went to a doctor in the UK and they diagnosed me with an embedded infection. Gave me 3 months worth of antibiotics to start, might have to take even more. Idk if this is the cause of my chronic vulva pain but god I hope so, we'll see if it gets better.
Never leave an UTI untreated like I did, it destroyed my life.
No. 382154
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>>382131>I’ll have dreams about being mounted by literally anything kek, before it’s been a tree (like the ones with faces from the wizard of oz)fucking dying at the thought of you have a hormonally induced sex dream about something like picrel KEK
No. 382199
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>>382154KEK it literally was a tree just like that though. I've also been humped by a giant red block of bricks like picrel. I never get to have sex with an actual human, it's so frustrating. You can imagine how unsatisfying it is to be mounted by a stack of bricks. And it feels like it goes on and on, too, I wake up exhausted from trying to cum in the dream but obviously i can't because it's just a fucking stack of bricks.
No. 382226
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>>382223she already fucking did, picrel, which is exactly what i meant by saying she spams this in multiple threads every day
No. 382229
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Sorry, I deleted to add the cap. Here's another of her sperg sessions, she's already been banned before.
No. 383409
>>382386i assume you have tried the usual stuff like dilating?
there is also a lot of youtube videos on how to relax your pelvic floor, yoga for it etc.
getting fingered for a while (like 30 minutes) before trying PIV helped me a lot
No. 383424
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>>383413I believe you that people do it but that sounds like a terrible idea to me. It was a gut reaction on my part – intuitively I think that would be bad and not fix it. Slowing forcing the vagina to open wider does not solve the pain issue of vaginismus, and I would only accept it as a solution if my goal was to have utilitarian penetrative sex for reproduction.
Having never sought help for my vaginismus I had never heard this was an option but of course it is. And of course I've heard of women doing that with fingers and dildos without calling it "dilating" so it makes sense but I think it is an overly simple solution, and kind of a non solution. Like sure it would help you get something in there but would it really solve the issue? I'm reading more about it now, it's interesting. This particular study is really interesting. it has a lot of quotes from the participants.
There is some debate about whether dilation is even backed by studies as an effective treatment, and when it does work there's debate about whether it's actually good for women or merely giving "performance" based results and not female comfort and pain, let alone pleasure. But maybe it could be a useful tool if used properly.
No. 383428
>>383424>"performance" based results and not female comfort and pain,sorry, meant to say the concern is dilating would give only "performance" based results as in you could technically physically insert something, but it might not necessarily give good results on female comfort or reduced pain. I'm having trouble phrasing it. Hope I make sense.
Just on the surface it sounds wrong to me because it's attacking the problem with force, which never worked for me. It would have to be used in conjunction with other things.
No. 383457
>>383424thank you for sharing this, i tried treating my vaginismus on my own with dilating for over a year and although it did allow me to 'move up' on the dilators it never increased the ease or pleasure of PIV sex.
>There is some debate about whether dilation is even backed by studies as an effective treatment, and when it does work there's debate about whether it's actually good for women or merely giving "performance" based resultsthis is the most depressing part of all, that many women go through the pain of dilating but to no actual end.
No. 384663
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Slight TMI warning.
During a routine checkup for uni a gyno told me that, essentially, i had problems with my pussy, wasnt afraid to comment on the smell and how easily my cervix bled. I paid for some tests - pap blood and urine - and I couldn't get a freaking appointment to save my life (or hooha for that matter). I tried for a month straight, but couldn't get any answers.
I think I have garden variety BV but it has been just sitting there for a month at least, and I can tell it has gotten worse by the discharge and, again, the smell. I take a shower every day but by like 3 p.m I smell it through my clothes. It lowkey makes me want to kms.
I have an appointment friday, hopefully when I'll be fully honest with her she can just tell me to shove some antibiotics down my throat and this mega embarrassing problem will go away.
I also have some kind of pain on my right side where my ovary should be, it happens when im not ovulating or menstruating, too. Anyone know what it might be? Totally not scared that It's cancer haha.
No. 384725
>>384663I had nagging ovary pain and had the same probe scan anons are talking about. Was told it was a cyst mid-scan. Cool, at least that's an answer. I had paiin when the probe was tilted slightly to one side. Then got led into a room to discuss the scan and was told they didn't find anything?? I wanted to say wait does the cyst not count as something but choked. I let her talk and got nothing. It's hard to speak up or even think straight in the moment when you've just had to grit your teeth through all that poking around. And you're sitting there with excess lube from the exam still seeping out of you.
If you're going down the route of looking into the ovary pain my advice would be to have questions prepared in advance. In a notebook even. Practiced beforehand lol. But I've friends who've had confusing no result giving transvaginal appts too. Were referred for, had paid for, waited on a list for the transvaginal scan and then were told that the thing they're looking for doesn't really show up on a transvaginal anyway so they dunno whats up. Why only tell them that afterwards.
No. 384786
>>384753ayrt, I was surprised how much it hurt. I've had it done twice. But I will say it doesn't feel sharp like the scraping you describe (my gyno told me I don't need to get pap smears) but it really was a huge amount of pressure directed solely on my cervix. It's like if a dick or dildo hits your cervix wrong x100 and prolonged. Don't eat anything that could make you gassy because ime the technician WILL manipulate farts out of you. I never thought a medical procedure would have me simultaneously crying and farting until I experienced the joy of a transvaginal ultrasound.
It could also be that my technicians were rough, or that my ovaries are tucked up in my abdomen in such a way that makes them hard to get at with the wand. So it might not be as bad for you. But still don't go getting taco bell beforehand.
No. 386416
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I really hope this doesn't sound like I'm bragging or something because that's a moid mentality but I am so so fucking sick of having a really tight vagina. Anything wider than 2 fingers hurts like hell, I've had my vagina and cervix checked by a doctor during pap smear and that hurt but they said they couldn't see anything wrong. Ironically I didn't even feel a single thing as the swab touched my cervix but having a child-size speculum shoved up there burned like hell.
I recently had sex and the dick was a little bigger/wider than average and it burned so fucking much for like twenty minutes until it felt like my body finally "relaxed". Even then I had some light bleeding and I assume tearing from it which has now healed fast. This was AFTER being very prepared and mentally aroused too.
It's always been this way from as long as I can remember and I hate it so much. It feels like my body is broken or there is something wrong with me. The pain tends to go away after a few times of having consistent sex but if I ever have a break from anything like that it's like I have to start all over again with the pain.
I thought this could be vaginismus but unfortunately to even get diagnosed for it it would mean I'd have to have more speculums inside me and more invasive exams I think. I turned down a vaginal ultrasound for this same reason too. I don't know if it's a subconscious fear thing because my body is so used to being in pain that it just associates any penetration with pain now and tenses up but I really try to relax. The man I also had sex with said that it felt like there was a "wall" of tightness that wouldn't move, which I think lines up with vaginismus.
I have a dilator set that I can use and it does seem to help a bit but even then something feels so sterile, medical and depressing about doing that. It feels like I just can't be a normal woman with a functioning vagina and that I have to shove it up there every night just to even try and feel normal and in control of my body.
Sorry for the vent but if any nonners have same issues I would love to hear how you manage it.
No. 386600
>>386416i’ve had/have this issue. for me it’s most likely vaginismus that’s caused by stress/anxiety. i used a dilator set a couple of years ago and it made things much better. i had a vaginal ultrasound for another issue at that time and it went great because the gynecologist was amazing. however, i later ended up getting a pap smear done by a different one and it was terrible. that experience unfortunately brought my anxiety back so i had to go back to dilating lol. i am sure that this somehow is linked to my fear of dentists, like i cannog stand medical procedures that might hurt me and i’m not in control of.
my issues have made me avoid piv, but i recently realized it’s mainly because i’m not into the piv i imagined? which is the stereotypical piv that you see everywhere. after i learned that i like to be the dominant one (kek sorry if this is cringe) and the one in control my issues lessened. so for me it’s a combo of not feeling like i’m in control and getting anxious because of it. i’ve worked with my dentist anxiety and it has helped me challenge myself when it comes to these issues too. kek i hope this doesn’t come off as too schitzo.
No. 388939
>>388933Have you ever told her…
Momnonna, that's not true. Or, like, that's fine if it's true for her but she knows that's not universal right? Maybe that's what her mom taught her. I'd be afraid of unzipping her emotions on the topic.
No. 389540
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What causes really disgusting yellow/green, chunky discharge? Google tells me it's an STD, but I'm not sexually active, I don't even masturbate. Could it just be a yeast infection?
No. 395212
>>395169Are u stupid?
>>395171Yes i like toys, i have been sexually assaulted in the past and wonder if that combined with the stigma about being nonvirgin is why I can't enjoy piv.
No. 395263
I have an incredibly hard time cumming from just PIV sex, I always need to rub myself in order to actually get off. I feel like it wasn’t always this way, when I was younger I’d get off from just using toys or having sex with someone but now it’s like my vagina just doesn’t care and I need clit stimulation or nothing at all. Is this weird??
>>395180I also wonder if I masturbated too much when I was younger because it takes me a million years now
No. 395350
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Has anyone had surgery to remove (large) ovarian dermoid cysts? I'm terrified of possibly losing my ovaries.
No. 396975
>>396969I'm so serious when I say that if your boyfriend is disgusted by your natural body hair then there is something seriously wrong with him. For pretty much all of human history apart from the late 20th century, women's body hair, especially pubic hair, was seen as very sexy and attractive to men because obviously it's a signal of fertility and puberty and being a grown woman. Look at some of the retro erotica magazines - they're very bushy for a reason.
Pubic hair is very beneficial to keep because it keeps your vulva and vagina safe from bacteria and like you said, it's more comfortable to have and doesn't get itchy. Do not remove something so natural and healthy for you as a woman for some sick scrote who doesn't understand the female body. Really keep a hard stance on this nonna because overall you are doing your body a favour by keeping the hair there and keeping yourself more comfortable.
If your bf really has a problem with it then he's very immature and his brain has been corrupted by paedophilic porn standards. Then you'd have to ask yourself - is this what you want out of a male partner? Someone who thinks your natural form is a bit gross, or that you should be constantly altering yourself or else he won't be turned on by you? As someone with a bush who has dated a few men I can promise you that there are plenty of moids out there who won't even look twice or think anything of you having pubic hair, many of them actually prefer it because they aren't nonces and think it looks better natural.
Social media might be telling you that you need to wax or shave or whatever and that men don't like it but this is far from the truth irl. And if he does happen to be one of those weirdos that spergs out over you having pubic hair, you really need to get rid of him because you know fine well that he wouldn't hold you to the same standard whenever he decides to grow out a beard.
No. 397448
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>>396976>>396975>>396972Hello, I'm the anon from
>>396969I am here to inform you all that you guys were completely right and I am very thankful for your kind messages. I have good news, because yesterday I discovered that men actually like vaginas. I think my ex bf might have been gay or severely porn sick like you guys suggested. Yesterday I went on a date with my new bf and things became sexual really quick. I didn't plan anything at all, we just had a very casual dinner (I ate a lot of pungent garlic sauce) and I haven't showered for two days or shaved. It ended with him eating me out that evening and then again in the morning just after I woke up. I don't think I have ever seen someone be so enthusiastic about this. He did not seem to care about the hair down there. It was a sight to behold my face looked like pic related the whole time. I was worried about the smell since I didn't even shower but that guy was like a starving mad man. My ex bf always seemed grossed out while going down on me. This was very surprising. I am very glad that I now have the confirmation that I am the normal one.
No. 398021
>>397926>>397936If you ovulated later in your cycle then you typically menstruate around that many days late too. So could be that before you ever had unprotected sex and before you ever were stressed out about that.. you were already set to be 'behind schedule' this month due to later OV
If he was pushing you on the no condom thing and it wasn't just a mutual 'not thinking in the moment' thing.. I would get tf out of that relationship so fast.
No. 398397
Incoming sexually frustrated rant:
I’m pretty sure that I have vaginismus. I’m 21, still a kissless hugless vigin, never been in a relationship and I’m probably not going to get in one anytime soon (I’m a shut in). I don’t know if it’s just bad luck, shit genes, or if god refuses to let me procreate or what but I hate it. I can’t even use tampons because they hurt. I know this sounds silly and vaginismus is common, but I feel like a failure somehow. Like I’m less of a woman, even though I know it’s not true and I literally have a vagina. The worst part is, I desperately DESPERATELY want to. I have a sex drive and I get horny. Sure, I can get off just fine by playing with my clit but I’ve done it for years and I’m getting bored. I can get one finger in there, but it’s like my vagina doesn’t stretch properly or something. Whenever I try to get another finger in there I just can’t. Even if I’m wet and want to REALLY bad, I just feel really tight. Like yes, I know that sex doesn’t equal penetration, but I fucking WANT penetration, at least to try on my own. Not for a moid or anyone else, but for myself. It’s not even a me not liking it or being scared of it thing. I like masturbating and it feels good. Sometimes I’ll use my vibrator which works great on my clit, but whenever I try to put it in I can’t get anything other than the tip of it in. When I can do it with a finger in there it feels good, not as good as the clit but it’s decent.
So I’m at a complete loss of what to do, and naturally, I agonize over it. What if I get with a moid someday and I want to have sex and I can’t, and then he gets disappointed and he leaves me or something? What if I end up with a girl and she tries to use a strap on or something and then I just can’t, I ruin it and then she leaves? What if I need to get a pap smear done someday and I can’t, and I end up traumatized because of the pain? What if I want to have kids and I can’t? Am I just defective? Why me of all people? Like if I were asexual it would be okay but I’m bi and it’s not fair! God is a fucking sadist by making me horny and then not even letting me get fucked by anyone or even be able to get any penetration because pussy too small. It feels so embarrassing. Please help.
No. 398410
>>398397Hi nonna, I have a very similar issue to you and understand you so much especially the part where you said you feel like less of a woman. It really sucks to have something that should be naturally pleasurable be associated with pain instead. I can insert a tampon and 2 fingers but anything beyond that burns like hell and takes a long time to "loosen up". Even for my first cervical smear they used the child-sized speculum and it burned so much and took ages to get in.
I don't know what country you're in but most countries have dilator sets that you can buy to train your pelvic floor muscles to relax upon insertion. However even I found the smallest ones of these quite painful to insert, so I would honestly recommend you try an inflatable dildo if that stuff is even available to you. I'm in the UK and got mine from Lovehoney. I know it sounds retarded and funny but this was literally the only thing that would help me break through that "tight wall" feeling that you get on insertion. The bonus of the inflatable ones is that you can sort of insert the thing when it's soft/semi-soft so your vaginal walls aren't stretching as much and you can squish it around and just insert a tiny bit at a time.
Ofc I would also recommend speaking to a good gyno or doctor about this but I understand that many of them are very dismissive or just pull the "have a glass of wine/use lube" shit so if you fancy taking it into your own hands instead I would recommend and see if you can get what I mentioned above. For the first week of using it I would literally just insert like a tip of the deflated dildo around the entrance of the vaginal canal and have it sit there while I'd watch a Netflix show or something kek. It was soft enough to not push against the walls or stretch them at all yet I could still get something up there. Of course this is just my experience and yours may differ but in my experience they are much better than trying to train your muscles with hard objects like tampons/dilators etc.
Also try to constantly remind yourself that vaginismus is both a physical and mental condition. Your brain knows from previous experiences that penetration = pain so before you've even inserted anything, your muscles have already tensed up in anticipation of pain, thus causing even more pain. It's like getting ready for a football to hit your face or something. If you do give any sort of training a try, try and make it in a comfortable setting where you can be as relaxed as possible and ideally have something to distract you a little bit like a movie or tv show.
I've also heard that depending on your country, some procedures like pap smears/vaginal examinations can be done under general anaesthetic for women who are in extreme amounts of pain with insertion. If you feel like you want to go to the doctor for this issue then that's something I'd definitely discuss with them.
No. 398904
>>398410Wait so where can I buy a inflatable dildo where the material isn't
toxic for my vaginal health?
I also can only fit ONE finger!
No. 400388
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I think I might have phimosis… I was reading about the clitoris the other day and saw a pic of an aroused clit, with it peeking out of the hood, and I don't think mine has ever done that. Like, there's never been a little circle in the middle of my clit, it's just always smooth, It doesn't hurt and I can orgasm normally, though i've heard from partners that I take too long (assumed it was just retarded lazy moids who got their nut and then wanted to leave)
Do any nonas have/had this? Does it hurt? Do I ask my gyno? What's the treatment like?
No. 400452
>>400445Ok, this is embarrassing to talk about but I tried gently pulling on my "hood" and the needlepoint hole got bigger. It was much more sensitive inside there, and for the first time I felt a bit too sensitive just directly touching my clit. There's definitely something deep inside there, but right now it looks exactly like the clitoral adhesion photos posted online by medical magazines. There's no head at all. Just a little bump and thats it. There's no complex anatomy. I heard that it can get more severe over time so I thought about my past experiences analysing my vulva, which admittedly happens very rarely and my memory isnt the best BUT I do think I used to have more "folds" down there as a girl. I belieeeeve it was a bit more open. I do remember feeling that "oh, that's a bit sensitive" sensation without having to pull things apart.
I'm currently reading stuff on Reddit and fixing it seems possible with daily exercises, but idk how severe mine is.
No. 400497
>>400423>>400433Yep, I just pulled on it. I actually did one side by accident the first time while cleaning myself in the shower. The way my adhesions manifested, they created tiny little openings (like needle-point fine) on either side of my clit that would get clogged up with dead skin. It would just look like two white dots and it always really bothered me because it looked weird so I’d always try to manhandle the area in the shower to push out the dead skin. This was always really hard and not always successful so I’d try basically any technique, and one day I decided to pull the skin instead of squeeze. I noticed it seemed to be working better that way, so I just kept firmly pulling, and to my shock, the entire adhesion of the left side just popped apart. I didn’t know I had adhesion at the time (I just thought I had weird anatomy) so I was shocked. It stung pretty bad, but nothing intolerable, and there was no blood at all, just tender skin where it used to be fused. It was pretty sensitive off and on for a day or so afterwards, but healed quickly so I did the other side the next week. Now I have an actual locatable clit, it’s awesome. I think I have just a little more adhesion “deeper” in between the hood and clit, and I’ll pull that apart eventually too, but it looks pretty normal now so I’m not in a huge rush and I’m giving the area a break.
The important thing to remember is that your adhesion can come back if you don’t manipulate the area enough (which caused it in the first place, probably in childhood when you don’t pay attention to that stuff). So I make sure to clean thoroughly every day in the shower and get between all the folds.
No. 400935
>>400924There are different types of orgasm ime. As a kid I had tons in the way you described, humping the pillow. As an adult, when I started having sex, I started having penetration orgasms and they feel different.
I think if your breathing was accellerated, you felt a peak, then stopped wanting to stimulate yourself, that's a good indicator. Some orgasms are amazing, others are ok and others are lackluster.
No. 400986
>>400928Thank you, it's good to know I'm not the only one.
>>400935This makes a lot of sense. I guess for me since it had never happened before I was kinda like 'That's it?'…Like I don't know what I was expecting, it was nice, sure, but I thought it would be something bigger at least. I've never experienced one through penetration but now that I've at least had one by myself we'll see. Thanks for the advice!!
No. 401315
Can moles grow on labia majora? It's been years since I shaved completely down there and I noticed 3 moles (2 on a side and 1 on the other). They're very tiny, dark brown, flat like every other mole on my body. When I search on google all the results lead to vulvar cancer and I thought that whew, that's a bit extreme, always listing them as some sort of cancer or melanoma but they look like my regular moles, just on the labia majora, where the hair grows. It's not a "go get checked by a doctor" situation, I already get my skin check once in a while but the base question is: can moles grow there? They aren't itchy, painful, nothing else than a tiny dark dot and if I didn't shave, I wouldn't have probably notice.
No. 401575
>>401561No it's a septum of vaginal tissue that separates the vaginal canal in two, it's something I was born with. It's called a longitudinal vaginal septum.
It can fuck up some people's uterus'/period but for me, the only symptom was painful vaginal sex. It goes pretty deep and I will probably have to get it removed if I want to be pregnant in the future. Also if I want to not feel pain during penetrative sex.
No. 401834
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I don't know who needs to hear this, but stop wearing pads, stop wearing tampons, buy this shit! They can hold an entire day's flow and they're infinitely reusable and comfortable! If you buy 2, you can just alternate washing the other one every day until your period is over. Two period underwear costs $20 max. Cheaper than a box of maxis or tampons over time.
No. 401868
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Does any nonny have any experience with removing IUDs themselves at home? I live in a shithole part of town and it's just impossible to get an appointment, and the walk-in sexual health clinic won't do IUD removals, so I've been trying to do it myself. It's very difficult to grab the strings with my hands, so I may have to get my Nigel to do it for me kek, which he is not pleased about. I've just bought sterile gloves and forceps. I'm getting worried because it expired almost a year ago (yes, this is how difficult it has been to get an appointment). I'm very nervous because I didn't have a good time getting inserted, and I'm scared it's going to really hurt. Honestly, I've hated having it in the whole 5 years, and wish I never got it to begin with and just kept using the pill.
No. 401929
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>>401585Probably not in the near future. It's a hassle and right now it's not affecting my life.
>>401882I think technically yes? However I never liked tampons or used them so I'm really not sure. I remember trying to insert one for the first time as a teenager and being struck by a lot of pain, so I never tried again. I attached a diagram of what it looks like inside (although it may not be exact)
No. 401937
>>401868Do not remove it yourself you could seriously hurt yourself. They last longer than five years, all of them that I know about are good for 8 years minimum even if they were only approved for five years when you got it. it’s not doing anything bad in there because it’s “expired”
unless you’re like that one woman a nonny talked about who got copper poisoning, but she was extremely sick from it so I think you’d know. Wait for the appointment. I also hated mine after a while and couldn’t wait to remove it so I sympathize but don’t do it yourself.
No. 401948
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>>401868(replying again sorry) I still don't think you should do it because of the risk of complications and the fact that if you do have complications it sounds like it would be hard for you to get an appointment to fix anything that goes wrong, but here's a pdf with some info No. 402229
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Getting a Brazilian wax. Will update with my experience
No. 403512
>>401561If you don't mind, what does it feel like? Whenever I've fingered myself I feel like I can go either side of a wall sort of thing, I've always though it was weird but also didn't have anything to compare it to so I'm not sure. Had no idea this was a thing though.
>>401834I don't think I could work up the courage to try period underwear. I have a heavy period and sometimes bleed through super tampons in an hour or 2 and the fall out of failed period underwear would be devastating kek.
No. 404529
>>403926The Njoy Pure Wand has a hell of a reputation for it but it's an investment (pricey) and still not a guarantee. It's the only thing that's gotten me there when I was convinced I couldn't.
If you can get off other ways though it's worth weighing up where the pressure is coming from. I still get off clitorally 95 percent of the time even after finding out I could.
No. 406434
>>406300Some women won't use tampons because of the TSS risk but the risk attached to what you're doing has to be insanely higher with tissue dissolving like you said. Even on the occasions when it comes out you don't know what lil bits might've stayed behind and how long it's staying there. It's been sepsis russion roulette even on the times when you thought you removed it.
If you still have enough of a flow atm that might be a good thing for it being able to pass with the aid of your flow, pushing down hard like you're having a bowel movement might help (or actually having a bowel movement) But if you start to feel sick or have flu like symptoms that's a really time sensitive emergency.
No. 407094
>>403926I did, but it happened randomly so I'll try to give you as many details as possible, and I still can't do it with my fingers, I need a real penis. For some background, I've been in a relationship for 8 years, and I had previous partners too. I started thinking I just can't orgasm from piv because I tried everything, I was relaxed, I never had issues with orgasming in front of my partners and the men I had sex with weren't dicklets and could last long in bed. I still need a very specific position to do it, missionary with my back angled up as much as possible, but I'm glad it finally happened. What helps is focusing on myself as much as possible, and sort of clenching my muscles more than I would usually when having sex.
That said, while I enjoy orgasming vaginally, I think I still prefer clit orgasms so I'm glad I wasn't missing out too much.
No. 407330
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>>407324Hi nona I had a similar experience (very very painful no matter what we tried, and had excessive bleeding to where I had to wear a pad afterwards) and it took about 2 weeks for the pain to go away. I think it will always look torn. When I go to the gynecologist she always makes sure to say "yep, there's the torn hymen"… However it should heal with time and not hurt you. A lot of people say it's not "normal" to have pain when you lose your virginity but honestly I think it really depends on how thick/covering your hymen was to begin with? Picrel is what I mean. Is your current pain kind of an aching feeling or is it sharp? If it's still currently a sharp pain, I don't think it would hurt to call up the gynecologist. However with aching, that is how mine was afterwards and like I said it stopped about 2 weeks after the act.
No. 407889
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Can vaginismus be cured? Penetration has always been non pleasurable at all to me. Told gyno he said it is stress or something that causes the muscle to tighten which I get it mean vaginismus most likely. He told me to buy this which he says it also has a numbing effect but I find no source of this anywhere. Havent tried it yet. I feel so defective piv penetration is so hyped up and it is literally what men want yet to me I get nothing from it
No. 408187
>>407889Vaginismus can be cured through dilator training but the length of time this takes/difficulty totally depends on your body. You can buy very small dilators to start with for example, if you want to go down that route nonna. I am also someone that suffers with painful penetration from anything larger than very small thin tampon.
Keep in mind that sometimes vaginismus can be brought on by hormonal issues or imbalances too e.g vaginal dryness and sensitivity from hormonal imbalance -> your brain associates penetration with pain because of it -> the vaginismus cycle starts. I'd recommend getting a hormone blood test panel done if you can afford it just to rule out anything like excess prolactin or estrogen etc.
No. 409372
>>409368sorry for samefagging but i need to vent my frustrations somewhere
why is the choice on whether i can or can't get an exam is made not by me but some hypothetical dick i
might get at some point in my life? i've lost my virginity by myself when i was like 12 or so because i didn't want to lose it to someone else. i saw women worry about pain during their first intercourse and heard women regret losing their virginity to some idiot moid who didn't deserve it and thought fuck it, why not, i'll just do it myself. i'm not religious, hymen was just an excess piece of skin to me that i saw no downsides to getting rid of. less discomfort during first PIV, gyno exam, using tampons etc. it's just common fucking sense. why would i go through unnecessary pain when i can easily avoid it?
if i knew i would just lie to her. instead i was honest and told her that i didn't have sex but am not a virgin. she was genuinely surprised and kept asking me stupid questions as if i was retarded. "how is thay even possible??" I HAVE HANDS. "even so, you might still have your hymen intact, it can stretch.. just so you know" I DO. "so you like, masturbated? you know masturbation can be clitoral and vaginal.." I DO AND I KNOW WHERE MY FUCKING FINGERS WENT!!! "did you even bleed" YES! "maybe you didn't rip it completely, what if i tear your hymen during exam" I KNOW FOR A FACT IT'S GONE! i looked at images of hymens, torn and intact, i looked at mine in the mirror, I KNOW IT'S LONG GONE. I KNOW WHERE A VAGINA IS. I KNOW WHERE A CLITORIS IS. I AM NOT STUPID. I KNOW WHAT I DID AND WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING FOR YEARS EVER SINCE THEN. I am standing here in front of you, telling you what i know about my own body, answering all these unnecessary demeaning questions and it doesn't matter because i didn't get dick? why interrogate me at all if you won't listen to me anyway?
and what if i did have PIV? what if i fucked a man with a 5 cm penis? it's smaller than the mirror or my fingers, yes, but it's still a penis so it's supposed to count, right? what if i was a lesbian getting strap from her wife of 5 years every night? you still won't look at me because that's technically not a penis?
No. 409387
>>409377>Now I’m wondering if this is a normal practice… she was really surprised and told me she's never treated anyone who wouldn't mind getting an exam before PIV so I guess it is? at least where i live (eastern europe)
>if you don’t mind my asking what are you trying to get the pelvic exam done for? Just routine or is there a problem you need them to look atjust a routine exam to confirm i'm healthy so i can attend public pool
>why can’t they just look and see yours is gone???i don't know. she just refused to
to be fair i can see her point. sex education is basically nonexistent here so it makes sense for her to doubt i even knew what i was doing. if she did give me an exam and ended up tearing my hymen - who knows, my parents might have turned out to be religious nuts who would sue her and she'd end up losing her career. she did say something like "i don't want to go to jail" so i'm sure she had her share of weirdos. it's still very frustrating though
No. 409991
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despite having a really weak/loose pelvic floor, the actual entrance to my vag is really small and i can barely get anything past it. this is really disappointing to discover because i just bought these kegel weights designed to help you strength train your pelvic muscles, only to find that i can’t get any of them past the initial ring (the hymen, i guess?) of my vagina. the weights are only about the width of two fingers but i can’t fit them in without feeling like i’m gonna rip myself open. i’m honestly pissed about this because i was hoping they’d be a miracle cure to my totally fucked up vagina. drawing attached to help visualize the issue
No. 410111
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>>409391>>409392>>409399>>409422>>409506update: i got sodomised anons. it sucked but at least it was quick. this experience just solidified my opinion on anal sex. it went from "never" to "NEVER EVER EVER". i'm just glad it's over. if i ever have any actual health problems i'm going to a different gyno 100%
No. 410148
>>410114it's not for school
nonny. i appreciate your concern
No. 410410
>>410154and what if i am from tajikistan nona. don't be mean i'm trying my best
>>410156eslchans do
No. 411382
nonny here, yeah that sounds exactly like adhesions. I’m starting to think this must be way more common than people think, I’ve been surprised how many fellow nonnies have had it too. Maybe it’s because female genital anatomy is so visually complex and variable that women don’t even know when things don’t look right.
As for me, I’ve learned that adhesions can come back. Ever since I separated things many months ago, I’ve been diligently pulling back my hood and thoroughly washing the area with warm water every day, and assumed that was enough. Well, it seems to have slightly of re-adhered over time. I think the newly revealed skin from the undoing of the adhesions must be very prone to wanting to fuse again. When I have another lazy weekend I’m planning to repeat the process and just commit to regularly re-stretching and re-pulling the skin instead of just washing it. Hopefully I can keep it in-adhered for good after enough time of doing that, maybe after the adhered skin toughens up a bit like the rest of the skin in the area.
No. 411393
>>411382I'm going crazy. I've had a chronic uti since 2021 that has caused me horrible pain every single day, ruined my life, killed my relationship. And it could all just be a fucking adhesion that is sending bacteria into my urethra. I told a doctor about it and she said it wasn't an adhesion, but I've learned that most gynos can't identify them.
Have you thought about getting steroid cream to help with them?
No. 412825
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>>411393Update, I just went to a very sweet gyno and she said I definitely had adhesions. Nonnies I have showed my pussy to so many fucking doctors these past 3 years trying to find out what was causing me chronic pain, and not a single one identified my adhesions. One even said it was weird that I had holes, but didn't see anything else wrong.
Anyway, she prescribed me topical steroids but said that the adhesions were very severe and that I would likely need surgery.
>>412807It can be pretty confusing, but basically if your clitoris doesn't look pic A in this picture when you lift all the skin, you likely have adhesions. You should be able to fully visualize your clitoral glans and corona. On pic B and C you can see that the skin is glued to the glans, so you can only see the tip, and you can't see the corona. I added a pic of a normal clitoris with the name of each part.
No. 412841
>>412838If it looks really different there might be something going on. If you mention adhesions/phimosis to a gyno they should be able to identify it. It's easier once they know what they're looking for. I'd help you check
nonnie but I don't think you'd want to send clit pics to a stranger kek.
No. 412864
>>412838I’m the OG adhesions anon and that’s how I felt too before I realized it was adhesions. Just throwing that out there.
>>412825I’m glad you got a nice gyno. I’m having real problem with adhesions re-adhering, no matter what I try the skin just seems to meld back together like trying to keep two pieces of silly putty that are on each other separated kek. Could you tell me what kind of steroids you were prescribed, and if your gyno explained anything about how that treatment would work? I’m considering caving and seeing a gyno for some sort of prescription like that but idk I want to research first (burger with shit insurance… a 5 min check in appointment with my psych for a med refill cost me $208 dollars, to give you an idea)
No. 415716
I am so scared to ask this, but I need help. Is it normal to have…skin, or a "piece of skin" coming out of the vagina? I've always had this worm shaped piece of flesh coming out of it, ever since I was a child. When i was a child it was as big as a grain of rice, but it seems it's grown with me, because now it's slightly longer and fatter, it's probably like 1,5 or 2cm long. I go months forgetting it exists because it doesn't hurt and i rarely feel it, i could even touch it and don't feel "it", only feel my fingertips touching it.
I don't see it drawn in any vagina illustrations.
I'm guessing it's nothing bad considering I've had it since i was a child, and doesn't hurt? It is one of the reasons I've never engaged in sexual activity even though I'm in my mid twenties.
No. 415971
>>415964I feel you
nonnie, I was the same as you except I couldn't even insert tampons or menstrual cups. I went to the gyno to check for vaginismus and she said that my hymen was very stiff and had a somewhat narrow opening, and to come back if I experience pain during sex to check for vaginismus. I said fuck letting a man hurt me so I also decided to dilate and see what happens. After a bit of soreness for a while I can say I don't have any issues with the tightness anymore and can insert a normal-sized dildo without any issues now. The vagina is a pretty incredible muscle.
No. 415977
>>415971>menstrual cupsThis was the worst thing I ever tried putting in my vagina. It didn't hurt going in, but it stuck to my cervix like a limpet causing non-stop cramps until I finally took it out.
Thanks for telling me about your experience, I feel more confident now about using these dilators and stretching out without excessive pain or discomfort. As you point out there is no way I'm letting a rape ape tear me apart when I can open my vagina comfortably and slowly with these toys.
>>415975The brand is called "bodyotics" and the product is the "dilator exerciser set". To be honest they were the only set of silicone dilators I could find on Amazon in my country so it's not like I had to shop around. But I think silicone is definitely the way to go, they bend slightly and have a soft feeling to them
No. 417107
>>417059I posted a couple suggestions here
>>417106 (my reply was off topic for this thread)
No. 417728
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Sorry, venting.
I just tried to penetrate myself because it's been a long time. I'm not horny and it's rare when I am, but I wanted to try. I have a bf but we last tried to have sex over 2 years ago. I remember it hurting and I felt kind of spicy down there, as if I had a yeast infection. Well after I just tried, the discharge on my dildo didn't seem smooth, but slightly grainy. What the fuck. Is it possible I've had a yeast infection still all this time? I went to the gyno last fall and there was no mention of it.
Also I feel broken because I could barely get it in and it hurts too much beyond like 2 inches. I don't mind being celibate at this stage of my life honestly, but I wish I at least had the option. I also have some nerve damage that triggers from masturbation so I just associate sex with pain. This sucks.
No. 421332
>>382199update: last night it was a gorilla. My brain is fucking with me because in the dream it was a choice between a doughy loser moid who was head over heels in love with me and bringing me gifts I didn’t ask for, and his roommate, which was inexplicably a gorilla. I was so disgusted with the doughy moid that i was fine with the gorilla. The doughy guy walked in on me and the gorilla and started sobbing.
My record for being mounted in dreams by anything and everything but an actual human male continues.
No. 421446
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This is embarrassing but I'm curious if I'm the only one. When I have a fever, my clitoris becomes permanently hyper sensitive until the fever passes. It's actually not fun at all. For example. today I was fighting the urge to puke with a terrible upset stomach and horrendously painful body aches, barely clinging to consciousness due to light headedness, and the whole time my clit is like BINGGGG. Every tiny little micro-movement is stimulating and my clit is throbbing like it's been played with for an hour despite me not touching it at all. Does this happen to anyone else??
No. 423295
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>>421446Maybe it's persistent genital arousal disorder?
No. 424730
spoiler for het sex talk I've been having trouble cumming during sex with my new bf. At first it was probably 70%, but now the last few times has been 25% or no chance of me reaching orgasm. He's also definitely trying, and he's definitely doing what I tell him to, and I find him attractive. But like after a few minutes, I start to have absolutely zero feeling in my clit and nothing we do works. I've tried the vibrator on the clit, on the inside, him eating me out, etc. I feel nothing. I have no trouble finishing (even fast) when I masturbate alone. It's causing me a lot of anxiety and sadness and he's kind of bummed out too. I grew up with a really bad porn addiction that I kind of kicked 5-6 years ago, but when I'm alone, my fantasies are still very clearly influenced by them. This is the first person I'm having sex with, so I'm wondering if it's a matter of trying to condition myself to get off to real, gentle, normal sex? I would appreciate any tips from others who've been in the same boat.
No. 424879
>>424774Yes you can have PCOS with cysts and be pregnant.
Pay for an ultrasound of your ovaries if you want to know if you have cysts, but be aware they're not gonna remove your cysts unless the cysts are massive or a cancer risk. Standard procedure is to just leave them. Removing the cysts won't cure PCOS, cysts are more of a symptom of a larger hormonal problem, not exactly the source of it… as I understand it. But I'm not a doctor.
No. 426552
>>426541I don't think there needs to be a "hole" for you to have adhesion. Ofcourse you could have a smaller than average clit. But look at its outline. Is there a well defined edge between clit and surrounding flesh like in A? Or is the transition more gradual, like B? Regardless, mild adhesion doesn't havr to be something that needs fixing. Especially if you can orgasm just fine, and don't get buildup of gunk.
Tldr: gurl you're good
No. 426556
>>426541If it doesn't look like A, it's an adhesion. If it looks like that and you have a history of UTIs, please please go get it fixed. This can turn into something so much worse. You have no idea of the hell I'm going through right now because of the infected adhesions. I was fine for 26 years of my life, never had any complications, and then one day my hell began. It's been 3 years of chronic pain now.
You just need to apply some steroid cream and stretch the skin twice a day.
No. 426635
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No. 426785
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>>426564heres a diagram
nonnie, its kind of like a little piece of skin that gets torn if that makes sense?
No. 426804
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>>426540fuck you
>>426539she just poked around with her finger in there. basically what
>>426625 said
>>415810it's been a month, are you ok nona?
>>426785nta but here's a better diagram because the one you posted sucks.. why is it blue kekkk
No. 427309
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I just started seeing someone for the first time, lame but i was really exited to finally lose my virginity (mid twenties virgin) but everytime we've tried i involuntarily tense up and he can't get anything in.
Beforehand I'd literally never stuck anything up there not even a finger/tampon. I've managed a full finger or two now but anytime we try PIV my legs start tensing up involuntarily and it seems like it clamps up. The two fingers didn't hurt at all and I could barely feel it go in but when I've tried PIV it's actually quite painful, doesn't slide in at all almost just feels like it hits a wall then won't go any further.
Idk what's wrong with me I don't have any trauma, does anyone have any similar experience to this or advice on how I can stop tensing up so hard? I tried using will power but my legs just kinda kept moving on their own, I thought maybe trying a better position (it was missionary so my legs were just on the bed or in the air) but that might not be the issue and I don't want to needlessly embarass myself if it's just really tight from lack of use and I need to focus on training myself into inserting bigger things up there before trying again.(spoiler your shit)
No. 427318
>>427309I never had my legs tense up or anything but I just want to say, it's normal for it to take a couple tries. And I don't think it's just lack of use - you're probably nervous, which makes you less wet, which makes it more difficult to slide in and may cause pain which would stress you out even more. It may also gonna take a reasonably forceful push to tear your hymen, the first time is the toughest. Your hymen may be the "wall" you're feeling. (Unless your muscles are really tensing up that hard)
Just keep trying. Get used to being naked with each other, so you're more calm. Maybe try to use some lube. Be prepared that he might have to push a little hard. You could also check out your hymen in the mirror (it's right at the entrance, very visible) to see what shape it has and how much of the hole it covers.
No. 427515
I was never was able to insert anything in my vagina, no tampon, no fingers, nothing. I tried but it just felt uncomfortable.
I dated this guy I met at the library for a couple of months and I went over his place one day since he invited me. I was okay doing only foreplay, but we ended up going all the way.
I hated fingering, it felt so uncomfortable since he was ramming his fingers like sonic, it did absolutely nothing for me. The asshole didn't even bother to eat me out, which pissed me off since I was looking forward to that lol. The foreplay was absolute shit.
When he tried to penetrate me with his penis I was too tense and it hurt like hell, we tried a couple of times more since I wanted to know how sex was like. He was fortunately reassuring me and telling me that I just needed to breath and he distracted me by kissing me while he pushed. We managed at the fourth try. I thought I would bleed since it was my first time, but I didn't.
It felt strange at first and it burned more than hurting, but when I got used to it it became quite pleasant and I even got more wet and relaxed as we kept going, which made everything even better somehow. I even orgasmed at a point.The sex was meh at the end of the day, but I enjoyed the PIV part quite a lot, which was something I didn't expect.
Anyway I got ghosted after this, so it ended up being the only time I had sex. I cannot place anything in there still. I tried putting a tampon but it wasn't entering. I wanted to buy a dildo and try again, maybe with some lube or I was even contemplating to find someone else to have sex with, but I hate dating apps and I don't want to bother with a man, I just want the dick.
Can you have vaginismus, but somehow manage to have sex but not insert anything alone? I'm going to the gyno next month for my first visit and I'll probably ask her if it's maybe psychological.
No. 427565
>>427515It sounds like you're just being neurotic. Get wet properly and it should work.
In the case of tampons, it might be hard to put in because it's dry. Wait a few minutes for your natural lubricant or blood to come out after washing and it should slip in more easily.
Btw in my opinion, real dick feels better than fake, in part because you don't have to move it yourself and also because of the mental stimulation of having sex with a guy you're attracted to. But that's something you'll have to figure out yourself.
No. 428414
>>428023Do you have endo by any chance? I've heard that scar tissue from endo can actually pull your uterus to the left.
The pain could've been due to your partner hitting your cervix, some women experience pain when that is hit, and some don't.
It is normal for uterusses to not be perfectly straight though. Afaik my vaginal canal makes a weird bend too and my uterus is in anteroversion which means it's tilted forwards. Uterusses come in all shapes and sizes.
If I was you i'd keep an eye out for weird spotting, excessive cramping or unusual discharge, if you experience any of those please please please visit your care provider!
No. 428890
>>428413I have vulvodynia/pelvic floor issues after getting a chronic UTI. My pain now is almost completely in the entrance/vestibule. My therapist does internal massages and when she tries to stretch the vaginal entrance it hurts so fucking much, it's like someone is burning me.
I've read that a vestibulectomy has a very high success rate so I wouldn't worry.
No. 429932
>>428413I got a partial vestibulectomy several years ago (3 to 9 oclock) and recovery was a bitch, mainly because I have constipation issues. My first post surgery bowel movement was quite possibly the most physically uncomfortable thing I've ever experienced in my life lol. Ending up popping a stitch and now I got a rad lil dingleberry-looking fleshy scar tissue lol. If you get a vestibulectomy, would highly recommend joining facebook groups related to vestibulodynia and treating recovery exactly like how someone would post partum. Ended up taking 6 weeks off of work (sick leave+FMLA). I didn't do PT afterwards, but I made sure to dilate almost everyday for about 4-5 months. I was able to have my first pain-free PIV experience after 6 months.
I still have issues with anterior pain since my surgeon did not remove those nerves (I also have IC/painful urination idk why he didn't do a full removal), but the only thing this affects is my inability to do doggy and similar positions. Otherwise, as long as I dilate or do lots of foreplay beforehand, sex is now pain free! No issues at the GYN or pelvic exams either.
>>428413 No. 430279
>>429932IC isn't real. It just means whichever doctor diagnosed you was too stupid to find the real cause of your chronic cystitis. Cystitis doesn't happen for no reason. That I know of, painful urination can be a chronic UTI, ureaplasma/mycoplasma infection, endometriosis, cytolytic vaginosis, pelvic floor dysfunction, oxalate issues. Sometimes clitoral pain also feels like urinary pain.
Stupid fucks tried to tell me I had IC too. It was a chronic UTI.
No. 430462
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>>430427I wish you a speedy recovery nona
No. 430809
>>429932Oh that gives me a lot of hope. And yeah I already joined support groups for the surgery and stuff, I might be taking some stool softeners from the day of the surgery so I don't end up popping a stitch since I have the same issues.
I can do doggy and girl on top perfectly fine, for me it's missionary that doesn't work. haha
No. 431002
>>430279Oh I know IC is just a catch-all term, I've been to many useless urogyns. Generally most people go in thinking their symptoms are because of a UTI and then get shoehorned into the IC territory when treatment/diagnosis doesn't work. Is a chronic UTI any different than a regular UTI? I've been ruled out for most of the things you listed, except for pelvic floor issues which are primarily a result of my neuroproliferative vestibulodynia. Since my surgery was only partial, I can only assume some of the pain is from the nerves that were left behind. Luckily my urinary pain is infrequent, it happens sporadically and I've had them since at least puberty. The only correlation I've seen is it consistently happens during my periods or when I'm sick with a cold or allergies (not all the time, I'll still get "flareups" when I'm feeling healthy). Usually lasts 24-48 hrs, I can somewhat manage with azo and benadryl (which could be indicative of mast cell stuff according to my gyn). It's incredibly frustrating trying to find the root cause, but I'm glad you were able find out for yourself! I'll still continue to use "IC" as a generic term though so people will stop telling me to drink cranberry juice for the millionth time
>>430809good luck on the surgery! it has a very high success rate I'm sure you'll heal up fine! Stool softeners take about a week to work for me, so I recommend starting it even earlier? It doesn't hurt to get a jump start. Miralax might work even better
No. 431199
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>>431109I do that nonna. I scrub with a body scrub I have and then put a salicylic acid and I always use a ph friendly , no fragrance soap that I buy at the pharmacy and I like to splash with just water after peeing (perks of having a bidet, i highly recommend it).
I exclusively use cotton underwear too, because I smell so bad when I have anything synthetic, it doesn’t work well with me. I avoid tight clothing in the crotch area too, I’ve learned my lesson when I got a huge cyst after putting a pair of very tight skinny jeans kek.
I just think it’s the nature of the hair and my skin honestly. It’s like the beard on black men sort of, they get ingrowns a lot too. I don’t want to add a picture since it’s not the topic of the thread.
I used to shave with the razor before and I indeed got major problems with it since it was itchy as hell and I would get many more ingrowns than normal. The shaving cream is just perfect for me, as in I don’t feel pain and I don’t do it too often. It’s just that I wanted to have a bush and not keep up.
No. 431639
>>431498>Am I broken from masturbating too much in my formative yearsI started flicking the bean when I was way too young (thanks internet). If anything I've only gotten better at it with time so I don't think there's any direct correlation, although from what I've heard some techniques seem more prone to cause desensitization or could make you overly reliant on that technique in order to get off. Edging is good for enhancing orgasm, so using light touch and trying to build/prolong arousal for longer stretches might help.
Incoming sperg but unfortunately I also think what you're born with can make a difference. I noticed that some TIFs, once they go on T, claim to experience enhanced ability to orgasm due to clit growth, some were even previously anorgasmic. On the other hand some become less sensitive and their orgasms become underwhelming, so there's probably a fine line in terms of what's optimal for each person. Conversely a study I read found that women on hormonal contraception have less clitoral "erections" and their clit shrinks, and as we know, loss of libido is a very common side effect of hormonal contraception. Finally, in recent years, it's become more common for gynos to treat perimenopausal women's complaints of loss of libido/sensitivity, by microdosing testosterone. That is to say female HRT was not enough for them to fully restore their sexual functon, microdosing T was the missing piece. It seems like female libido is also dependent on testosterone levels, though within the female range. I don't want to suggest women should start microdosing T on their genitals before we know more, but some are actually already doing that off lable. Who knows, maybe in the future it will be considered a treatment if it turns out microdosing T topically is safe and effective. In the meantime you could try working out more, particularly strength training, to boost testosterone and improve circulation. Also consider not using hormonal contraception if that's a safe option for you.
No. 432313
>>431002My only chronic UTI symptoms was chronic urethral pain, I had the other usual UTI symptoms when it first started but they disappeared soon after. This happens to a lot of people, only a few symptoms end up being chronic so that's why doctors think it's something else.
I eventually got pelvic floor issues too because of the chronic pain. Still have them now even tho the UTI is gone, but physical therapy is helping.
I also used to take antihistamines for the pain. I think they helped relieve the inflamation. I thought it was mast cell related too, but my tests for that were negative. Now that the UTI is gone I have no issues with histamine.