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No. 291804

previous thread >>187179

No. 291879

ok first one to post.. but I've been having trouble with my nigel cumming in me (we usually have sex 2-3 times per day when we see each other) and my vagina getting stinky and it starts to hurt. Sometimes my discharge will turn into cottage cheese texture. I've tried using boric acid suppositories and drinking cranberry juice, which do help after a day or two, but I'm wondering if there are any other solutions. Is there any way to clean the cum out? I'm able to "suck" water in & push it out while I'm in the bath but I'm not sure how hygienic that is. I really like it when he cums in me so I won't stop it completely but I know I should probably ask him to finish on me or in my mouth more.

No. 292054

I get smelly discharge after sex too (which is to be expected, your acidic vagina is not happy with having alkaline sperm inside so it flushes shit out) but the severity depends on who I've been with. I'm guessing it has something to do with how (non)compatible our skins' micro biomes are. With my first bf it smelled disgusting, like the shit you clean out from underneath your toenails. I started douching with plain lukewarm water and it solved 95% of the issue. With my current bf the smell isn't bad at all but I still douche after sex because I don't like the feeling of cum running out of me for several hours afterwards.
I know douching is supposed to be bad for your vagina but I've never had any issues but YMMV

No. 292163

You guys are really putting me off the idea of ever having sex lol. I had no idea it has these consequences.

No. 292166

Sometimes I forget to wipe properly and get it stuck in there, I just wish there was a better way.

No. 292167

Sometimes, I'm not feeling so fresh, you know, down there.

No. 292261

I'm thinking that I might have pelvic floor disease. For as long as I can remember, I've been having these awful painful vaginal spasms. They came out of nowhere and they hurt. Is hard to talk about them to physicians because everytime I say "my vagina has cramps" they asume I'm mistaken and talking about my uterus. Recently due to hormonal issues my periods are getting worse, like HELLISH worse. I've had started to use adult diapers, cause pads don't make it for me, and I don't want to use a cup (see, above). And since my periods are worse, the vaginal pain is worse. I get up, it spasms and hurts. I start having sex, it starts spamming and hurts. I come and stop having penetrative sex, it hurts and I also get cramps after it. Last time it came out of nowhere when I was doing the dishes and I couldn't even stand properly. Had to ask my husband to come and carry me to the bed, and the pain went on for a lot of time. I ended up finding pelvic disease after YEARS of looking on the internet, but I'm afraid that if I tell my gyno he will argue "self diagnosis" or something, and even if he agrees it is pelvic floor disease, its not as if the treatment is any better (one of the treatments involves injecting Botox so the vagina doesn't spasm).

No. 292272

Does anyone else have problems with weird smells when they wake up in the morning?

No. 292288

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My calendar is full of fun stuff this week for the first time in months and I can’t even fully enjoy it because I’ve been having insane PMS

No. 292508

Anyone else get pleasurable vaginal spasms in their sleep? I don't know if there's a name for it but they feel really good. Just happens completely randomly in the middle of the night a few times a month and I can't control it.

No. 292513

I do! They feel really nice. I'm not sexually active and I don't really Mastercard often either. I feel my body does them to get release but I've never asked a doctor before about it. It also happens during sleep paralysis or when im in between awake and asleep.

No. 292520

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>I don't really Mastercard

No. 292529

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Stupid autocorrect. Maybe instead I often visa?

No. 292546

Just teasing, anon. I love these silly little autocorrect duds hehehe

No. 292549

Oh my god. You're me. I never masturbate and I haven't been sexually active in a while and I have the exact same hypothesis. I feel like it's the bodies way of dealing with unresolved sexual frustration Lol. Mentioned it to my friends before and they don't experience it.

No. 292556

It's either that or my paranormal explanation that somethings going on with a spirit lol. But yes, I think its a natural phenomena because we are not sexually active. The body looks for release somehow.

No. 292562

It is spiritual.

No. 292589

i can confirm that douching with regular water (i usually boil it beforehand just to be safe) and using boric acid suppositories has kept my vag pretty happy. some guys' sperm is really nasty.

No. 292597

Um I’m also someone who isn’t sexually active and doesn’t masturbate who experiences this phenomenon and I’ve had weird suspicious about being molested by demons or something like literally it feels like I’m having sex in my sleep?? It scares me honestly I don’t enjoy it

No. 292613

I think I have a thick hymen, do you need to get it surgically removed ? I can put 2 finger max and it's inconfortable, and I can clearly feel there is a narrowing at the bottom of my vaginal canal before the actual end connection to the vulva. I don't have PIV sex so it's not a huge issue but I wonder for the futur if it's not better to get it removed when I'm still young.

No. 292625

I noticed I would have dreams resulting in orgasm if I hadn't had any release in a while. It's pretty nice but I haven't had one in a while, or at least not one that I remember.

No. 292631

Not sure if this fits in this thread but I don't want to bump the PMS/PMDD thread. I've always had terrible depression, boob pain and swelling, bloating, acne etc starting about 10 days before my period. This last month I've started on a bit of a health kick. Nothing crazy, just eating more vegetables and whole foods instead of takeout, swimming a few times a week and drinking less. Now I'm two days away from my period and the only PMS symptom I've had is mild cramping and maybe less motivation to work. Was the answer really just taking better care of myself? Why was I pushed to take birth control and antidepressants for treatments without any consultation about my actual life habits first? Mad shit. Its only been a month so maybe its a once off or I'm pregnant lol.
About once a month. Sometimes if I'm having a frisky dream but not always. I am sexually active so its not only a frustration thing, I think it just takes less stimuli to orgasm in your sleep so rubbing on your blankets or lying on your side can be enough to stimulate it.

No. 292636

I've known women who changed their lifestyle, ate better, gave up meat and dairy, played around with changes like that.. and reported a noticeable improvement in pms. Dunno if I could commit to all month long changes to ease mine but for women with more severe symptoms its worth a try.

No. 292647

meat and dairy are good for you, the only exception would be lactose intolerance

No. 292652

I'm not vegan or preaching here, I'm just sharing experiences that friends have had. There is research that shows cutting down on dairy in partiulcar can help with pms symptoms.
>For many women (not all), stopping dairy can dramatically improve period pain, heavy periods, endometriosis, acne, and PMS
>during your period, your body is particularly susceptible to inflammation. The saturated fats in dairy products can trigger inflammation, which can worsen your menstrual pain

No. 292659

Ok, but was the meat/dairy the actual problem? Or did they start eating more fruits/veg and exercising more and that might have solved some deficiencies they had?

No. 292685

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I'm just talking about an elimination diet in general. You cut out certain well known trigger foods to see if they were personally affecting you. If they weren't then you reintroduce them. Might be dairy, might be sugar. The hormonal acne diet and the pms diet are pretty similar.

No. 292797

I am a milk and yogurt guzzler and have no face acne, since becoming a guzzler I’ve finally started to get a little stronger with exercise. I like Americans but they have very sus food regulations, their standards of meat and produce are kind of far from nature, my friend hated the food there. Maybe plant based works better for you though.

No. 292817

I love a milky coffee but a few years ago I caught a bug like norovirus, for 2 whole years afterwards I couldn't have milk without bloating and having an upset stomach. Around my period I had to be extra mindful not to indulge and add to the monthly swell. It eventually stopped being an issue. Temporary lactose intolerance is sometimes a thing after bugs but looking into it there's things in milk (not just lactose) where if you have any existing inflammatory condition it can add to the inflammation. Can affect women with endometriosis.

I'm glad I can stomach again but it would mess me up for a while there. A latte would leave me looking pregnant.

No. 292832

nonnas i cant stop having urinal leaks nowadays, like i wanna pee twice every night and it makes my sleeping schedule fucked. i tend to think that its maybe because its getting cold outside but overall idk.. also i feel like my uterine bladder hurts a lot now, i might have cysts ? also adding the fact that i never had my periods in my entire life (maybe 6 time in total of 7 years..), i may have pcos too. i def should see gynecologist but theyre so incompetent in my country idk what to do anymore

No. 293010

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Don’t judge me but how exactly do you guys wash your vulvas? I mostly use a bidet with medium intensity water flow. I can’t imagine using my hands or a washcloth because it would feel too rough. Even shower heads feel to rough because of the high pressure water flow. Is my vulva just weirdly sensitive? Not mentioning that I can’t imagine how these methods can get rid of smegma in small folds

No. 293034

In the shower i just use warm water and my fingers. Doesn't hurt/feel too rough for me but everyone is different.

No. 293069

Do you have extremely high water pressure? I just use the showerhead to clean it. Some women even masturbate with them so I think it being too rough for you isnt too common.

No. 293083

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im genuinely convinced i dont have a clitoris at this point. i literally havent been able to find it at all for every year ive been alive. have i been FGM'd or something?!! i was born to a muslim family after all, but how come? even if it was small enough for me not to be able to see you'd think i'd be able to feel it at least? but no. literally nothing, neither the organ or a sensitive sensation. it just feels like idk touching my elbow or something. even when im in the mood which happens once every like 7 years ( and obviously it goes without saying ive never orgasmed due to this ) i cant find it at all no matter where my fingers wander in any direction you can imagine. it came to a point where i unemotionally exploring for the sake of it and i still can never find anything. i seriously feel so juvenile not knowing how it feels. and like i said i genuinely never feel horny because nothing does it for me but this post isnt about that.
my point is is it possible to be born without one? honestly its looking like the only possible answer. im so frustrated and i dont even like masturbating and ive not had sex either but at least id like to have the option to enjoy those like everyone else…

No. 293102

I'm so sorry to hear about this, nonnie. I hope you're in a position to seek for a gynecologist, preferably a woman. I can't think of any other way you could get all the answers you're looking for.

No. 293103

Are you sure you know what you're looking for and where? Just asking to be sure considering your conservative background. Have you looked with your eyes and not just felt around with your fingers?

No. 293136

Is there no quick way at all to hack vaginismus? Honestly even if i gotta inject horse tranquilizer up there i would it’s getting really annoying

No. 293175

have you tried using lube when exploring? it can make you feel more sensitive and receptive to sensations

No. 293233

my experience was not quick at all, but it can be overcome. i never thought it would. wishing the best for you, it truly sucks but is worth the effort to conquer, even if its something that rarely comes up afterwards.

No. 293270

How long did it take you?

No. 293282

i was 28 when it no longer impacted me. if i hadn't spent my early 20s feeling super stressed/pressured to get over it now now now (which of course just makes it worse), i like to think it would have happened sooner but i'm in a good place now and that's what matters. a few times a year i have an off day, for whatever reason, but they always pass so long as i dont get worked up or discouraged about it.

No. 293413

What are the best probiotics to take to restore flora after a round of antibiotics? I just finished a course for a chest infection and it’s turned my vagina into a wasteland.

No. 293422

Has anyone been prescribed duphaston for cycle regulation? Did you have any side effects? When did your period come back?

No. 293543

I had a slow journey with it. I was 19 when I realised there was an issue. I was 28 when it stopped being an issue. It would get worse whenever I was in a relationship because the pressure was on, even if he wasn't being vocal.. it was still pressing on me. While single I decided to tackle it in my own time. That was when I made progress.

I used a dilator kit (calexotics inspire) and I had 2 years of single time to see how I got on by myself with nobody in waiting. I used the kit, bought beginners toys after that and I think the fact that I knew I was doing it by and for myself was what helped more than anything. Not having a deadline. Not having someone waiting on me. Concentrating on just the small toy in front of me and not thinking too far ahead to 'but wait I need to take average dick size' I got to know my body and once I was past dilators and buying actual toys it felt like fun and less like a task.

With bfs there had always been this lil bit of buried resentment in me that I was fighting this thing more for him than for me. I was half in denial of those feelings and just trying to rush through it. Consumed by this feeling of obligation and secretly bitter about it. I would worry about them dumping me over it and then that'd just feed into the pressure. Sex became associated with everything you don't want it to be. Like a burden or a hurdle to overcome just to hang onto a relationship or keep up with everyone else. Those worries kept the issue going. Not knowing who I was ultimately doing it for. Him or me. I lost a serious relationship to it and att I beat myself up but stepping back I don't think it was such a great loss. If anything I'm glad he wasn't the one I overcame it for. It was strange going from NEEDING to make progress to make us whole and to prove I love him.. to feeling like it was for the best that we split up anyway.

Another underlying issue for me was that I had pregnancy worries (and no abortion in my country) so I realised that probably played a bigger role than I'd considered before. Not being 100 percent at ease when it comes to BC working. I started dating someone who was already considering getting a vastectomy. We waited til he got one (used toys and did other stuff in the meantime) I thought that once he was healed from the vasectomy that my problems might return (cos its pressure time) But I was able to experience a fairly typical sex life for the first time pretty soon afterwards. I'd done the work to get to know my body in advance. He'd done something that took one of my main niggling worries away. We'd great sex after.

No. 293672

that's really good to hear. I'm currently going through the same feelings and it gives me hope. I got prescribed some stuff to numb it down there, but I chose not to use it as I was afraid I'll get used to it and depend on it. My boyfriend is very patient and understands so I'm gifted in that sense that he relieves some of that pressure. I'm a bit resentful some women don't have this problem and I've stopped pegging for the time being because I'm jealous that my bf can fit something in and I can't but SOON hopefully it will change!

No. 293686

Don't have any OTC recs but every time I have to go on a round of antibiotics I devour as much greek yogurt and fermented foods as possible. Yogurt-based dishes like korma are also pretty good for restoring flora (and it has turmeric which helps with yeast imbalance). I like garlic because it's antifungal but it's also antibiotic so don't snack on just garlic all day. Feel better soon nonichka!

No. 293769

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I'm sorry if this is ot but i can't find a period thread. do any other nonnies get vaginal pain, and constipation/diarrhea before they start their periods? And how do you cope?
Every time before i start my period it catches me off guard and I mistake it for UTI/dehydration. The pain just makes it hard to work, it's so annoying

No. 293777

Earlier this month I was trying to get pregnant with my husband and timed doing it pretty well, I had what I thought were early symptoms of pregnancy but unfortunately now that I'm 22 days post what I think was my ovulation date all my pregnancy tests are still negative. My period is almost a week late and I've been trying to trigger it with a bunch of herbal remedies but all I have is white or clear discharge running down my leg. Is this a sign of something?

No. 293779

>do any other nonnies get vaginal pain, and constipation/diarrhea before they start their periods? And how do you cope?
period poops is pretty common. I used to get messy diarrhea in the first couple days along with cramps, but it hasn't been so bad lately. I also experience vaginal pain/soreness, or in my crotch area. That seems to be a consequence of period cramps.
I honestly don't know what to recommend to deal with the diarrhea or constipation, in my case the results seem random when my habits change (more/less exercise, better/worse sleeping and eating habits). maybe try doing more exercise and eat healthier if you haven't tried that already. For the pain I just try to get distracted and do some sort of activity while singing my favorite songs, instead of lying on my bed waiting for the pain to go away. It may not get rid of the cramps but at least I'm less bothered by them. This way I can ignore the vaginal pain easily
>Every time before i start my period it catches me off guard and I mistake it for UTI/dehydration
Use a period tracker app or just a normal calendar (what I do) to track your symptoms and menstrual period for a few months and you'll start to have a more accurate picture of how your cycle affects you, what to expect and when to expect it.
Things I take into account are: start of my period, last day of bleeding, spotting between periods (happens rarely but it's normal), mild cramps, first day of strong cramps, mood changes such as depression, lack of motivation, and just for fun, the days I have more intense and frequent sexual fantasies or feel more easily aroused than normal (signs of ovulation).
I've realized that tracking my period has helped me cope with some of the more annoying symptoms and even with my depression and motivation issues, because I know for sure how long they last and I'm always keeping in mind that it's just hormonal and it'll go away soon. It also helps to notice how your habits are affecting your health. You could try different things to alleviate your symptoms and use your calendar to know what works and what doesn't.

No. 294311

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>used to be moderately horny as soon as puberty started
>would get wet when horny
>never had sex because of crazy religious upbringing
>lives abroad in 2020 because of shitty timing
>got very sick for three months, it was very likely covid but I couldn't get diagnosed with anything because of hospitals being crowded with people who were even more sick
>went back home to live with my family until I get a job and my own place
>didn't have a lock on my door until months after that so no intimacy whatsoever
>as soon as I recovered fully from whatever I had I can't get horny at all
>learned right before that that men can get ED from covid, no idea if it's temporary or if women can be affected, too scared to google it
>still a virgin
>no idea if there could be a medical reason for this, or just because I'm always tired, the few times I went to see a gynecologist after that was because I suspected I had breast cancer but it's a harmless tumor I'll get removed soon
>don't know how to ask the gynecologist if I go once more to get more info because she's respectful and open-minded (I think?) but she was completely shocked I'm still a virgin at 28 and I'm bad with explaining this kind of things specifically
What should I do? Do you think I could be "cured" from actually having sex with a man? Do you think I should give up on masturbating or doing anything at all forever? Should I see my gynecologist for that or would that be a waste of time because there's no proper exams to check what's going on? Could all of this be caused by me using my laptop like pic rel very often?

No. 294486

Look up clitoral phimosis

No. 294487

>Could all of this be caused by me using my laptop like pic rel very often?
Ngl I've had thoughts like this, too, because I always heard from my family that I'm frying my ovaries when sitting like that lmao.

No. 294513

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Good evening nonnas. I have just started weight lifting again 4x a week and eating on a deficit (but not a harsh one and still having treats and not feeling hungry) but my period is nowhere to be seen.
I'm not pregnant, it's impossible, but every time I start working out and eating right my period is always so delayed. I have a normal length cycle but I'm on day 39 now.
I have also been PMSing for longer because of this and it sucks.

Wonder if any sporty nonnas experienced the same thing? I do know that if you starve yourself or train like an athlete it can mess your period but im not doing either of those so it's strange.

No. 294516

Could be related to nutritional deficiency. Make sure you're getting enough protein because your body breaks down protein into the amino acids needed for hormone synthesis. When lifting on a deficit it's better to cut carbs and some fat while eating more protein because you need to eat enough protein for both normal bodily functioning and to build muscle. A rough guide is 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass. You can use online calculators to give a guide as to what macros you need to aim for.

No. 294518

Thanks nonna, I am eating 110-120g of protein and already checked my macros which I am achieving pretty well. I'm also eating lots of meat vegetables and generally nutritious foods to meal prep anyway. It just happens every time I go on any sort of deficit even if I'm watching and tracking everything to make sure I'm getting vitamins etc…would it be unreasonable to ask my GP for a hormone test do you think? I have always suffered with bad pms and bad hormonal acne too.

No. 294617

You need fat and carbs to have a healthy cycle.

No. 294651

It would be worth having a blood test. If you're overweight, carrying visceral fat can cause hormonal imbalances. Fat cells produce estrogen which can result in heavier periods, as you loose fat you should find that your periods become lighter and PMS become less intense. Another possible cause is that if you've gone from not to exercising to suddenly lifting four times a week, this can cause the hypothalamus to block the regular cycle because it perceives the body as being under increased pressure.

No. 294655

I manage to meet both my fat and carbs macro with no problem every day
I am overweight yeah and previously was on-and-off exercising with no consistency. I will try and get a blood test sorted

No. 294759

Before I lost my virginity I could only get one finger in. Actually did think that was abnormal and that I have vaginismus but on actually losing my virginity I realised that is perfectly normal. I’m sure you are too.

No. 295730

Was coming to this thread to ask something similar. I always feel like shit seeing all the "lol men can't find the clit even tho it's right there" because I can't even find my own to the point that I don't know if I have one. I can not physically see or feel it with my fingers it in any state, it's just nothing there. I'm also practically never horny. I can't tell if I've had an orgasm at all, or if I've had incredibly weak ones. I've always been told "you know if you've had one" which make me think I haven't had any. The only thing that makes me think I've got one somewhere deep is that it sometimes hurts if I try to masturbate. We don't have regular gynecologist appointments here and I'm too afraid to seek one out myself so I don't think I'll ever know what's wrong with me or if I could have it get better. Only good thing is since I never get horny I'm not inclined to seek out a partner so no one else will get disappointed in me lmao

No. 295983

I got a lump on the inside of my outer labia. It was sore and tender. I’ve been panicking about genital warts, even though I’m a virgin and not sexually active. It doesn’t feel like a wart, more like some kind of cyst. Wtf.

No. 295994

Maybe try a handheld mirror and have a look that way?

Sounds like it might be a Bartholin's cyst? You should get it looked at. Meanwhile a warm clean washcloth might help with the pain.

No. 296023

What are your honest thoughts on squirting? I want to finally have a conversation about this without men around to poison the well.

My thoughts: It’s pee. It comes from the bladder and out of the urethra. I believe most cases of it (porn) are women purposefully peeing. The other cases are women who involuntarily lose control of their bladder during sex. I have never squirted and I don’t think I ever will. I find it hard to pee even after sex and it takes some coaxing to relax enough. I don’t like it when people imply that this means I’ve never had a great orgasm.

No. 296044

Absolutely pee. I have had some come out during sex when the guy was pummeling my bladder and really had to go.

No. 296045

Samefag to add that this is why all advice on how to squirt is "really really relax yourself and let go" Because otherwise you won't accidentally pee yourself unless your bladder is super full and the dick pushes it out

No. 296059

This kind of thing tends to go away by itself, give it a few days and if it doesn't, go see a gyno

No. 296070

>Maybe try a handheld mirror and have a look that way?
I've tried lol there is no sign.

No. 296071

Like everyone has said, it's just pee. Women generally can't pee when aroused though, so unless your bladder is really full and gets pressured a lot you most likely can't do it even if you tried. Funny that men think they're good at sex if a woman does it when in reality if a woman squirts it just means she's not really that aroused because the man sucks in bed kek

No. 296180

I feel so frustrated, masturbation doesn't satisfy me at all. I wonder if I'm doing it wrong. I need to buy a vibrator.

No. 296184

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def buy a vibrator. i was always terrible at getting myself off with my hand and would give up out of boredom before finishing and wondered if i was doomed to fantasize a lot but never orgasm, but i can come in like 2 minutes with even a no frills cheap vibe and it's helped my relationship to my sexuality so much.

No. 296231

Never ever been able to get off using a vibrator. Hand only.

No. 296246

same like, what a huge hassle. imagine if it were the other way round and women were the ones who ejaculated. men would NOT be putting up with shit like that

No. 296248

I use the warm shower water, mild dove soap (but never inside the vag, obviously) then before I'm ready to get out I turn the water temp down and the pressure and point the nozzle between my legs for a 3 seconds. maybe you are extra sensitive, not weirdly so, everyone is different and it's about what works for you. as long as you're clean nona

No. 296265

make him wear a condom, problem solved

No. 296269

is.. it normal for discharge to color white underwear yellow or do I have a medical condition? It doesn't look yellow when 'fresh' , does it just dry like that and it's especially noticeable on white fabric? Or should I be concerned? even though I don't have any other symptoms of infection? This is such a stupid question i'm sorry

No. 296272

Jesus christ, think of blood drying it changes color too. Yeah it's normal.

No. 296302

Nonnas I'm really worried, I've been spotting for the past week.
It's normal for me to get some brown blood once around the time I ovulate, but this has been going on since Friday, mostly brown blood but a few days have had bright red blobs as though I was on my period. Not enough for a full pad but I've needed to wear a liner.
This is when I should be ovulating, I think, so I wasn't worried at first, but it's gone on for long enough that I am now. I'm not on bc and can't be pregnant because I've only slept with my gf. Are my hormones fucked this cycle or something?

Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but my periods used to be really regular, and ever since I got the covid vaccine last year they've been irregular with a longer cycle on average. I didn't get the booster recently or anything, but I did get a flu shot just before my normal period started on the 9th, and I've been wondering if that affected it somehow…? I'm in my late 20s and I've never spotted like this before.

No. 296337

It's not a conspiracy nona, there was just a major study showing slightly over half of the women responding (to the study) had irregularities to their periods after covid shots, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/15/well/live/covid-vaccines-periods.html

Don't know if your particular problem fits though

No. 296352

I know, I've read the press reports on the study, but it always emphasizes how the changes observed were temporary and that women's periods were generally only a day or two late (ha!). My 30~32 day cycle (I didn't track it as well as I do now but I could always predict around when it would start) is now anywhere between 30 and 40 days. And it's been like this for over a year. Maybe it was something else, or I'm supremely unlucky and they're just not reporting outliers (because of course they wouldn't, right?)

No. 297647

Anon from this post…about a day after I posted this, the spotting stopped and it hasn't started up again.
I'm going to consider it a wonky ovulation thing for now. I just hope I get my period in a semi predictable timeframe.

No. 298215

Is it normal to have flu-like symptoms as part of PMS? I thought I was coming down with something nasty because I was feeling lightheaded, oddly cold then oddly warm, and extremely fatigued but nope, just my period.

No. 298216

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yeah it's a thing. some people call it period flu. they think it happens because your immune system is mistakenly treating shed uterine lining as foreign pathogens in your system. i think it happened to me once but because it was only once i can't rule out that it was an actual temporary illness during my period

No. 298261

Yes, that happened to me for years. I'd have a temperature and feel sick. It resolved eventually.

No. 298501

I'm a month or so late but I hope it helps someone out there.

I suspect I have pcos and on some bad days I get awful PMS. I pretty much swallow pain relievers (my go to is ibuprofen every 4 hours but mefenamic acid is ok as long as you've eaten before, paracetamol is the safest but also very weak.) as soon as I realize it's almost that time of the month.
I honestly have no idea how I did it when I was still working at an office, though to be fair I heard walking does help ease the pain because you're moving muscles around.
I recently bought this electric heating water bag. Warm compress in general is great to place on my lower back/womb when I'm working and sandwich in my crotch if I'm lying down.
If it's really painful, I find that scalding compress ironically takes my mind away from my period pain but probably don't rely on that.

If you can, lower your intake of high inflammatory food like white bread, white rice, sugar (I'm guilty of this one) etc.

PMS is a bitch, good luck Nonny

No. 298576

Nta but how did you get it to resolve? I have the same symptoms as OP plus with diarrhea and occasionally vomiting, it's getting worse to a point where I almost passed out last time. It only goes away once my period ends.

No. 298812

Is it normal to have discharge in your underwear daily?

No. 299818

Over the last week I've been peeing like 6 times a day. It started suddenly, I didn't increase how much I was drinking or anything. When I pee it's always a lot but it has no odour or colour. I have been waking up at 4am daily just because I need to pee so bad even though I don't drink anything after 6pm. There's no pain so I don't think it's a UTI? Anyone know what it could be?

No. 299839

…yes. Duh.

No. 299840

Yes, and can be clear, white, and sometimes it will be brown for no reason. It can be very runny or a bit viscous.
If it's ever very chunky, yellow/green, or just smells horrible, you might have an infection.
You don't need to wear panty liners. We all have little bleach spots in the crotches of some of our panties.

No. 299856

Only thing I can think of is check your blood sugar? Beetus makes one piss a lot sometimes. But more than likely you might be having overactive bladder? Sometimes I do when I am stressed. Its like I am so on edge I keep feeling that any piss in my bladder means it is full and then if I dont go ill piss myself, especially at night, then the cycle kinda solidifies into routine and I end up pissing 3x at night at the same time. Dumb. Good luck though sounds real annoying to deal with.

No. 299935

I've had UTIs without the burning symptom. Maybe blood sugar related too, yeah. May be worth testinh. Truly annoying problem.

No. 300010

Thanks for the advice, it did indeed turn out to be a UTI.

No. 300261

My friends and I were talking about period stuff the other day and most of them were saying how they don't like using tampons because they're too big/ their vaginas are too small to fit even one finger. It sounds stupid but that made me wonder if I'm just loose? I've never had issues with tampons whatsoever and I can easily fit multiple fingers even when I'm not aroused.
I'm kind of traumatized too because when I was 16 my first ever boyfriend told me I was loose while we were having sex and that he couldn't feel anything.. Should I be worried?

No. 300268


Anon you're not fucking loose, that's a misogynistic myth. Vaginas all vary in size and also our menstrual cycles change the shape and depth of our vaginas - the cervix moves around which shortens and lengthens the vaginal canal.

Your friends were probably exaggerating because they are also afraid of being 'loose'. Or maybe it's a freakout situation where they're too tense to insert a tampon or they think it's being sexual and you're in a country where women are shamed for their sexual behaviours.

Tampons are tiny and the vaginal canal is spongy and malleable. Unless you have like vaginismus or another condition you shouldn't have a problem. It's fine.

No. 300269

They're exaggerating or straight up lying. If they genuinely can't fit one finger in they couldn't possibly be sexually active and would get diagnosed with vaginismus. You're vagina is fine anon, don't be dumb.

No. 300280

Lol wat. They probably aren’t using the tampons correctly. They need to be pushed all the way inside where you don’t feel them.

No. 300292

This, they’re absolutely exaggerating. I’m a fair bit older now but when I was high school age a lot of girls used to spew bullshit like this out of internalized misogyny and also low key trying to show off to guys. It’s so weird.

No. 300300

Jesus calm down. Her friends might not lie at all but simply be too tense to insert a tampon because their vaginas are tight when not properly aroused. Vestibulitis and vaginismus are also extremely common. Why did all go straight to them being lying bitches for male attention?

No. 300302

Tbf I’m a virgin and my vagina is extremely tight. I don’t have vaginismus, putting a finger up there is manageable but it’s still uncomfortable and nearly fills it up. It is possible her friends were telling the truth. I haven’t stuck my fingers in any other womens vaginas so I’m not sure what the average size of one is. But I’m sure some women have very tight ones and others have very loose ones and there isn’t much you can do about it. I think nonnies screeching that it’s impossible is dumb too.

No. 300314

I recently turned 30 and my vagina hasn't been the same. I think after my period everything down there is out of whack and I think I get bartholin's cysts it feels like they don't do away until my period starts over again. Has this happened to someone else and if so what did you do? (also I'm taking welbutrin and lexapro if meds have anything to do with it)

No. 300316

I'm 28 and I've been having this same issue. The cyst is recurring and it doesn't hurt but it does make me uncomfortable and itchy. No idea what causes them, I'm doing everything the same as always.

No. 300318

It's weird to assume this. Vaginas vary from person to person. Just because you're able to insert tampons without pain doesn't mean others can. Yes, things are meant to go inside but at the same time many women experience pain/discomfort despite that, even without vaginismus.

No. 300333

It's not common enough for it to be statistically likely that anon has a group of friends who all have it.

No. 300336

Haven't had sex in almost 2 years and my inner labia are beginning to sag outside my outer labia. Funny how that works. Can't tell if it's inactivity or getting older. I plan to remain celibate for probably the rest of my life but I almost wish I could tell some retarded scrote this to disprove whatever incel science about sag goes around.
That said it's really fucking annoying because it keeps touching my panties, chafing, and I'm more prone to cysts now.

No. 300392

NTA but just to add - the too tight to insert tampons or even a finger is a very common meme online among pickmes with a special flavor of internalized misogyny. I'm sure a part of it is young women not knowing how to safely insert tampons and being uncomfortable and tense but it's something that gets repeated quite often in certain circles. To be clear, I don't have anything against these women. Societal shame is a powerful thing. I pity them more than anything.

No. 300416

Wow, I guess I'm blessed in the weirdest way for being born in a country where tampons are nowhere as common as pads and only somewhat recently have started becoming more common, so I've been spared from this pickme witch hunt.

No. 300445

nta but what do pickmes and internalized misogyny have to do with any of this unless they're specifically saying it around men? this whole discussion is weird

No. 300512

If women could just turn off their internalized misogyny when there are no men around, things would be a lot simpler, wouldn't they

No. 300563

Men are irrationally disgusted by periods and menstrual products, this seems more like being trigger happy to call women pick mes.

No. 300565

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The focus isn't period products kek it's about proving their vagina isn't loose.

No. 300638

Still don't get this, is it really that hard to believe that some women simply find it uncomfortable? The "proving their vagina isn't loose" sounds tinfoily, the easier explanation is more believable.

No. 301011

one of my favourite feelings is when I shave my public hair and afterwards I like to stroke the skin on the mound and I find it relaxing, not in a sexual way or anything just as kinda like a comfort thing kek

No. 301576

How do I properly clean under my clitoral hood if direct touch is extremely uncomfortable and slightly painful? I'm pushing through it but I'm literally gritting my teeth to do so every time

No. 301612

If a woman finds wearing a tampon uncomfortable she either has something physically wrong with her vagina or she is putting tampons in wrong. If you have 10 friends and 7 of them are having problems with tampons the most likely explanation is that one of them has vaginismus, another one is using tampons wrong, and the other 5 are aware of or have experienced how women are shamed for having a loose vagina even though noticeably loose vaginas are rare, and those 5 say that they also have problems with tampons because they're afraid of being shamed.
Also I never called anyone a pickme. I hate that word.

No. 301615

I've put in a tampon wrong on several occasions. Agree with this theory.

No. 301641


Don't any of you guys know how to do a google search?
It's such common knowledge that you don't need to clean inside your vagina!
Just give the outside a scrub over with some soap and you're all good!

No. 301671

I used to think it's normal but this thread has me a bit paranoid now. I pee around 11 times or so per day. To my defense though I also drink a gallon or more of water every day. A few years ago I was having some itching and it turned out to be a UTI - but I was a virgin and I drink a shit ton of water so to this day I have no idea how that happened. Recently some of my discharge is looking similar to how it was back then, but back then I was less knowledgeable about discharge so I thought anything white around my folds was an infection and I may have subconciously kept that association. I have no itching and nothing changed about my lifestyle. Am I just paranoid? Do any of you pee so much too? I literally don't remember a time of my life when I didn't pee so much kek

No. 301677

Yeah, I got a bladder the size of a pea, I go pretty much every or every other hour or more often when I actually drink the recommended two liters a day. I'm scared of how bad it'll be once I'm old lol.

No. 301681

I don't like tampons because it just feels weird. I think I might have a short vaginal canal or maybe it's angled in a weird way because I just always feel it and it irritates me. OR maybe I just have a normal vagina and I don't like the sensation of a cotton stick being stuck inside me.

No. 301696

>it turned out to be a UTI - but I was a virgin and I drink a shit ton of water so to this day I have no idea how that happened
Uhh you can get UTIs without ever having sex, women get them all the time its normal.

No. 301728


This happened when I was a teenager and I think my gyno was being weirdly confrontational to me because of that. So basically she just told me its either lack of water, from sex or from public toilets (???) and nothing else. Since the first two options were out and I rarely/never use public toilets and am anal about hygiene I was left confused to this day kek sexual education is absolutely rock bottom here. I'm still wondering how I got it to this day, mostly so I can prevent it

No. 301739

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I’m really embarrassed to admit this but this year I started getting yeast infections mind you I never got them as an adult and then suddenly this year I had it like 3x once back to back. When I realized it was the pads, wipes and feminine wash I was using I got so paranoid that I stopped washing my vulva with anything other than water. My yeast infections never came back once I did that but I noticed my vagina had a weird smell even when I just got out the shower. It never felt clean and never smelled good. I really thought I was defective. Yesterday I saw a thread on LSA about feminine washes and they kept mentioning how you need to clean your vulva because so much sweat, dead skin and other gunk builds up and just water isn’t gonna cut it. I felt dumb because it finally hit me that my punani never felt clean or smelled clean no matter how many showers I took because I had months of dead skin and sweat just accumulating. My sister has this sweet spot gentle cleanser she uses and I did a Hail Mary and used it and BITCH my pussy finally feels like mine again. I don’t feel sore or anything anymore either. I’m so embarrassed that I was really going to go my whole life not washing my vulva properly. Today I tried the dove unscented soap everyone swears by and I’m so excited to report that it didn’t give me a yeasty either!! It just so embarrassing to realize I wasn’t cleaning myself properly at my big age. But I can’t be too mad at myself because my vulva is really sensitive and burns easily. I’m just happy my vagina feels normal again.

No. 301742

I just use water and soap, do you (and other nonas) think it's not enough? Should I start using soap specifically made for that?

No. 301745

Tiny white dot always in the same place sounds like one of your glands (Bartholin or Skene) is accumulating gunk. If you're able to clear it every time it's probably fine but the glands can get clogged/infected if you don't.

If you're not having problems like bad smell/feeling or infections then you should just keep doing whatever you're doing.

No. 301765

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No. 301774

I've never washed my vulva with anything other than water (aside from one time as a little kid when I used soap but I got this burning sensation and complained to my mom who told me to use water only). I've never felt like I stink. I thought washing with water only was the norm but maybe it doesn't work for everyone.

No. 301784

Half the human population didn't have to wait for centuries until 21st century chemists developed vag soap. Warm water, a washcloth and maybe soap if you really want to is good enough.

>because so much sweat, dead skin and other gunk builds up and just water isn’t gonna cut it.

This in particular is just not true. Warm water + friction washes all that away. Think about it, sweat is water soluble and dead skin, oils and other gunk will wipe away with the friction from a washcloth after being exposed to warm water.

Don't fall for smart marketing trickery, women didn't need to wait for money hungry business people to find a way to take care of our bodies.

No. 301800

Ehh a lot of people also died prematurely before the invention of soap so looking to the past isn’t always helpful. Your vulva is not self cleaning and water alone doesn’t clean anything otherwise everyone would just use water and a sponge to wash the dishes

No. 301801

I feel like a little unscented soap if it doesn’t burn or cause irritation does more good than harm. I was using just water and my washcloth and still never felt as clean as when I added soap the equation again.

No. 301805

Nayrt. Use soap on your vulva if you want to, I do so myself, you'll probably be fine. But this
>Ehh a lot of people also died prematurely before the invention of soap so looking to the past isn’t always helpful
take is a false equivalence and retarded. You're not gonna die from not washing your vulva with water only unless you have a fucking gaping wound or are severely immunocompromised and someone introduces mrsa on your vulva or something.

No. 301807

I know you mean it well nonnie but by your logic we don't need deodorants either. Sure we don't, but I don't feel like washing my armpits with warm water every three hours either, even if it's a healthier option. If water alone is enough for you to achieve feeling as clean as possible then I'm honestly jealous. For me friction does more harm to my sensitive skin than a quick rinse with a basic soap, especially during that time of the month.

No. 301808

> Your vulva is not self cleaning
I wish women knew their anatomy better. We're told vaginas are self-cleaning that is true! But the vulva isn't the vagina and women conflate the two due to poor education/lack of so things can get a little funky.

No. 301836

Virgin here. Nonnies how come whenever I think of lewd stuff to excite myself my vag suddenly starts to hurt a little? As if it's contracting/closing itself? Google isn't really answering me kek.

No. 301842

Don't know what it is but I get the same. It's kinda similar to the pain I feel in my vag during my period lol.

No. 301907

Washing my vulva with soap always gives me a UTI even when I try to prevent the soap from getting in certain areas idk why

No. 301915

Same here. Even alot of products that claim to be suitable for intimate areas.. do more harm than good for me.

No. 301971

My discharge is yellow (unusual yellow, not bright but deeper than should be normal) even before drying, but i dont have any itching or pain, nor does it smell bad.
I want to go to get checked and take medicine for it (i think its probably a lighter case of bv), but i have a week-long trip tomorrow and im scared it's going to get worse if i wait. Should i put the trip off or wait a week?

No. 301976

'it's common knowledge not to use soap'

Yes on the inside i.e. the vagina. I think you'll find I said the outside (the vulva) is fine to wash with soap, or do you just have a smelly unwashed groin and taint?

No. 302000

Love how you're acting all high and mighty as if you didn't assume up there that the clitoral hood is part of your vagina kek

No. 302001

Scrote claws typed this post.

No. 302044

It's safe to get tested but sometimes as gross as it sounds, sometimes you'll have droplets of pee leak and it mixes with discharge to be light yellow. You're likely fine

No. 302045

How do you guys get rid of smegma/dry skin? It seems like no matter how much I wash and scrub dry skin and sweat collects around my clitoral hood area and nothing gets it out unless I use a small amount of soap

No. 302057

I just pick at it/scrape it

No. 302058

Calloused fingertips and warm water. Maybe check that you don't have a yeast infection or something though, idk if you're exaggerating the asking if smegma but it doesn't sound ok

No. 302059

amount of* sorry

No. 302062

are you retarded? having vaginismus is pickmeism? retard

No. 302071

Tbh I've only ever pulled back to clean and seen visible white build up once in my life. I'd been sick and hadn't had the energy to bathe for way too many days.

No. 302079

help what is normal threshold for period pain— i feel like mine have gotten worse since covid.
>cramps that wake you up in the middle of night
normal or not?
if i take advil and the cramps go away, its normal pain right?

No. 302089

I am in the same situation and it doesn't seem too bad to me, I'm just happy painkillers exist.

No. 302091

Seems normal to me.

No. 302099

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tbh i think you just have to experiment until you find a product that works. Personally what made me stop washing my vulva was the fact that honeypot products kept giving me the worst yeast infections of my life and it traumatized me. I have a very sensitive vulva even certain baby wipes will upset it. However recently i tried my sisters Sweet Spot Labs. and its been the only thing that hasn't irritated my vulva so far. Even the dove soap i tried i had to stop because i felt a small sharp pain that i didnt experience with the sweet spot. I found out that honeypot uses essential oils so i think thats what was irritating me and giving me yeasties but sweet spot doesnt have that. I hope you can find a cleanser gentle enough for your vulva nonnie! Pic related is what i used but if your scared of using a scented one they have unscented versions too! And you can use it as a full body wash. It also lasts a long time if you just use it on your vulva, so the price is worth it. (i sound like an ad but i swear im just so happy that my vulva feels normal again!)

No. 302108

thats normal! personally i have to take at least 3-4 advils in order to not experience intense cramping no matter the time of day. but for me i have to take the advil the second i know my period is here because if i wait its like my uterus knows and im immediately wishing for death to take me

No. 302120

I have been on pill birth control (triphasic) for about 7 months now, and I had a bout of breakthrough bleeding around month 3 and it went away after about a month. My bf came in me maybe twice within this week? Yesterday going to the bathroom, I had red/brown spotting which has basically turned into a mini period halfway thru my birth control packet. Is this time for a visit to change the pill to monophasic? I even had normal period symptoms like cramps and good old period shits.

No. 302121

Some womens bodies can override birth control hormones. You should definitely switch to a different pill.

No. 302122

That looks really good but dammit I hate how expensive all American products here in the UK are. That should cost 15 dollars but it costs 45 dollars here.

No. 302291

Hey everyone, posting this to see if anyone else relates or has any advice. I'm 22 years old and have never had a sex drive. Never masturbated growing up but once I learned what it was I tried multiple times with no luck. I've had sex multiple times with both men and women and felt nothing every time. I experience sexual attraction to people, I like reading erotica, sex scenes in movies, I even like the act of sex just for the intimacy of it, but I don't feel any physical pleasure from any of these things. I would like to experience an orgasm or just know what it feels like to experience pleasure. Any idea what could cause this? I've always been this way. I don't want to give up and live my whole life like this. Seen a gynecologist and they couldn't find anything wrong. Talked to doctors about it and all they can think to suggest is that I should change my diet or something equally as uncomforting and useless.

No. 302307

If you feel sexually attracted to people than you have sex drive. I don't know anything about you, but I might suggest exploring your sexuality and try to have good time while doing so. You might don't know what Rea turns you on and how to get off, I noticed there is some anons here who have trouble orgasming during sex or masturbation, I think there is nothing wrong with them per se, they just don't know how their bodies work. Like there is woman in this world who deadass don't know how their clitoris works.
Try to see what works for you and don't let it become something performative, it's okay to have a low sex drive, and if you don't want to do anything sexual at the moment it's okay too.
Also I might suggest that you have some obscure ass fetish that you don't know about yet and can't get your rocks off without it. Idk, try figuring it out too.

No. 302317

Thank you, I appreciate the response. I guess what I should clarify is that I really have never felt physically aroused. I like to think about sex but I don't get turned on or anything like that. This is what I'd like to change. I'd like to feel something when my partner touches me. When I touch my clitoris it has the same sensation for me as touching any other part of my body. Regarding the fetish part, I don't really like that idea but I guess you could be right. I hope that's not the case and I don't have to spend the rest of my life relying on something weird to get me off.

No. 302327

Are you stimulating yourself enough anon? It can sometimes take women way longer to orgasm or for being touched to even start feeling good. It's a little hard for me to wrap my head around absence of pleasure, but since you say you've never had an orgasm I don't want to say you have sexual ahedonia just yet. Do you use your fingers? Have you tried maybe seeing if a vibrator can help you out and also pinpoint where it feels best for you? You're really going to have to spend some quality time by yourself experimenting. Be patient and persistent, and good luck anon! I hope you can be able to experience it all.

No. 302331

Have you ever taken or are currently on birth control and/or certain medications (antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc.)? I've known some girls who have that problem because of one or the other. Pelvic floor dysfunction is also something that affects sensitivities down there. If not, I do think you may not have found your "thing" yet, and I don't mean a weird fetish or anything. I used to feel broken because I didn't like touching my clit and have trouble feeling aroused the typical way, and my gynecologist shrugged it off. But I realize arousal manifests in me different when I think about sex (usually in a mental/emotional way, I notice other erogenous zones get more sensitive, and I feel tight in my chest) I find doing stuff internally more satisfying. I also don't find touching my clit satisfying, but vibrators are nice, I tried different kinds but the Vibratex is the strongest.

No. 302342

Yep, that's might be too. I'm not sure about antidepressants and birth control, but I take antipsychotics. Before them I was a porn addicted horndog but know I barely think about sex at all and don't enjoy being touched or anything like that.

No. 302377

Yeah, raised prolactin can cause sexual issues, but I know for some conditions you can't just taper off them willy-nilly. Can you talk to a psychiatrist about it?

No. 302408

Idk, I'm against changing meds all the time especially because of minor inconveniences like lowered sex drive or packing a few pounds or whatever drives people crazy when they start taking their schizo pills.
I still can get off, it's just a very rare occurrence. Especially compared to how I was before cause when I don't take my meds I become sex obsessed weirdo who spends her time looking for the most degenerate hentai our there. So, maybe it's not a bad trade-off.
I kinda envy nonnas out there who don't masturbate or their idea of kinky sex is mundane shit like biting or dirty talk kek. Oh, to be this innocent…

No. 302436

I feel a small bump around my labia minora, near my clit. It feels hard (almost like a white head stuck under the skin on you face?) And it doesnt feel like anything. Im googling what it could be but im not seeing anything that could be what my labia minora has. What could it be?

No. 302450

Fordyce spot?

No. 302538

AYRT. I'm confused, I thought you were >>302291 who reported having no sex drive and never orgasmed. If you personally don't mind it, then you don't have to change that, then.

Personally, I used to be into kinky fictional stuff (never actual porn), but I lost the majority of interest in it after a while, because it stemmed from trauma and low self-esteem. I'm not saying that might be the case for you, but it's my experience.

No. 302562

Is unscented lotion okay to use around your lips? I always put on lotion after a shower and go around my areas with it just cause I like keeping my skin smooth, honestly never thought about it causing issues and it hasn't yet, just like to know if it could though

No. 302580

I sometimes do it too and never had problems. If I know I'll be going more inwards, not touching lips, but very close - basically those parts of pussy that grow hair - I'll use 100% coldpressed grapeseed or apricot kernel oil instead.

No. 302876

My doctor's want me to have a well woman's appointment. The problem is I'm scared of being touched by strangers especially in intimate places. I do have concerns about my health, because my period hasnt been regular since I was 15. At one point I went a few years without it and even now it's just a couple times a year. I asked a doctor if I could have someone with me that I trusted and she said no, so I went with another doctor that said yes. Even in those circumstances it's going to be awkward because the friend is a guy. My lady friends don't live close to me at all. Any advice on getting through this and getting whatever help it is I need? I'm used to doctors who seem uninterested in helping or accommodating. I'm 29 now so if anything was egregiously wrong I'm worried that I'll be judged for not getting help a decade sooner. Sorry if this isn't the right thread.

No. 302968

has anyone ever scratched a little too hard when their vulva itches? i did 3 days ago and it felt like a match getting struck against lighter strips for some reason. now i have some skin swelling there and it hurts whenever i cross my legs. this is day 3 and idk what to do to make it better faster. it's just skin swelling + maybe some fluid buildup without any open wounds. idk wtf to do about it other than wait

No. 302981

Irregular periods are often from hormonal issues or endo which is easily testable with no need to touch your downstairs, ask if you could get tested for those

No. 302990

Does anyone know the science behind how some women feel emotions in their vagina? Maybe it's similar to how you can feel nervousness or giddiness in your stomach? Like when you are angry or disgusted or irritated, you can feel your vagina twitch or clench in disgust? I don't know how to explain it exactly but it clenches in anger, not in a sexual way but exactly in an angry/irritated. Any anon here also experience that?

No. 303000

Basically, you have two types of nervous systems in your body, sympathetic and parasympathetic. They have different functions but basically it's an autonomous system that controls your many bodily functions, like increasing hearth rate or activating or constricting bowel movement (that's why people feel nauseous when they are stressed). Anyway, parasympathetic nervous system affects smooth muscles in your body so that the vesels can dilate and blood would freely flow to a particular organ. On opposite side, sympathetic nervous system shoots down the blood flow in certain organs (although it dilates bronchioles and blood vessels in skeletal muscles and such). Basically, your nervous system starts acting up and starts alternating your blood flow and sensory function, so you would feel weird sensation or contractions in your body when stressed, like nausea, sweet dripping (a reaction of sympathetic system) or numbness I'm certain body parts.
My neurology is junky, so take it with a grain of salt.

No. 303001

Samefag, but if you wonder, feeling weird in your vagina in stressful situations is normal.
Men experience similar stuff hen they are in extreme situations. That's why some soldiers say that they get hard ons during combat, they blood starts flowing like crazy, including the dick.

No. 303016

Thanks a lot, this was super helpful and interesting. I guess your vagina feeling bad emotions is just the consequence of these systems. Also makes sense that men have a similar reaction. Crazy stuff, not gonna lie. I have pretty bad misophonia so I imagine it contributes to that because I go into a fight or flight response hearing chewing sounds… very interesting, thanks again.

No. 303172

Sorry did not checked the thread, thanks for your answer !
I'm probably never gonna have PIV/ penetrative sex since I'm a lesbian and I'm not sensitive in the cervix/ only one spot within the vagina . If I have kids from sperm donor in the futur I would not want to have to be in imaculate conception mode lol. Honestly if I could get it riped open without blunt force it would be good because it's so painful.

No. 303176

I recently tried to have sex with a moid for the first time (I'm bi)and it was excruciatingly painful, we couldn't get anything done. Never had PIV before but the deeper he went in the more painful. I'm not sure if it's vaginismus or endo because I do have a lot of endo symptoms, or both.
Worst part is he thought I had to get over it and the pain would go away, he tried to force it in and it hurt like hell like someone stabbed my vagina, I actually screamed kek.

I can't even get tampons in without some level of discomfort, do you think it's vaginismus?

No. 303288

same anon giving an update. turns out it's ingrown hair cysts right on my vulva. rip. for now i'm applying warm washcloths to it 3 times a day for 10 mins and i'll call a healthline about it tomorrow coz its embedded pretty deep…

No. 303307

I was prescribed some cream for my vulvodinia, applied it yesterday for the first time, and one of my inner lips got very inflamed. But I didn't apply it correctly after checking, could that have been why? It's actually helping so I don't want to stop using it.

No. 303316

stop having sex with men

No. 303319

If he could get it in then it's not vaginismus. Was the pain more of a burning sensation? I've had that when I've tried to masturbate with penetration, and I've just come to the conclusion I don't like it and I don't force myself to do it. Also holy shit, your moid should be killed for not taking it slow with you.

No. 303321

You're not broken you just had bad sex with this moid for whatever reason it happens. I've been aroused enough to take a dick over 6 inches and too anxious to let a 4 incher get in. There's a lot of emotion involved in sex regardless of what anyone tries to tell you. If you're not into it the body can show signs before you've figured it out. Sex is best enjoyed when you're comfortable and trusting of the person you're with. Also the first time in general can be uncomfortable, but this sounds more like you didn't click with the person.

No. 303322

I just reread properly he was forceful and told you to get over it and he kept going deeper. Yea you had bad sex with a shit moid don't fuck him again

No. 303357

He could get only a little more than the tip in, not fully because it was seriously painful when he tried, it wasn't a burning sensation i could put up with but intense pain. I'm not sure how vaginismus is supposed to feel like so I'm just guessing but yeah, regardless if i have it or not it seems he had no idea what he was doing. Thank you nonnas

No. 304016

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TMI but for some reason when I have a yeast infection it has an odor reminiscent of dried oregano, like a pasta-and-oregano dish my relative used to make. I've never seen anyone else describe a yeast infection smelling like that before, so I'm wondering if it's normal or something unique to my microbiota.

No. 304021

Maybe it's because people generally won't associate an infection with food they like. Also I was fucking eating, thank you.

No. 304069

How does one 'freshen up' before sex?? Like going into the bathroom for a minute before stuff happens. I'm completely inexperienced and all but I hate even masturbating if I've had a really long day (especially if sweaty), I just feel icky so I take a shower, I'd feel even worse with a partner… but that's not always possible to hop in the shower.

No. 304083

In a pinch you use a wet wipe or something to fresh up down there and perhaps your pits if needed and swipe some deodorant, but it all depends on what bathroom your in or what you have on you. Nothing wrong with taking a quick shower beforehand too, really it just depends on the situation and how spontaneous it is

No. 304084

don’t listen to the other anon, wipes are bad for your cooch. you could use a wet cloth to make sure there’s no discharge clumps though

No. 304092

The wet wipe thing completely depends on the woman whether she will be sensitive to it or not but I use those unfragranced baby wipes you can get. Sensitive baby wipes seem to work way better than any sort of "feminine hygiene" wipes which are bs anyway. You can just wipe yourself down, brush your tongue, re-apply deodorant, that's it really.

No. 304107

Get over your insecurities; I bet you don't make your moid "freshen up" before sex and he needs it more than you do.

No. 304111

Everyone should freshen up before sex, why would you want to be musty for the person you're having sex with

No. 304112

Was just about to say the same thing do anons not wash up/make their partner wash up before sex? I do the same so as to not transfer alot of germs between, seems better to make both people do it than just one person and pray you don’t get a UTI tbh

No. 304114

Fair enough. But from her wording it sounds like she doesn't make him freshen up. And for the sake of her health, let's be real, she doesn't need to freshen up, but he does so he doesn't give her infections.

No. 304124

has anyone heard of VP (Vestibular papillomatosis)??

I got a scare a while ago bc i felt irritation from rough sex and noticed a weird cluster?? I thought i had HPV and went to the doctor and everything came back good. My partner and I are only seeing eachother and been with maybe one other person?

anyway the irritation felt the same was when i have my period and its heavy so pads make me feel irritated and weird. Googling it just seems to have brought up this thing called VP. 30% of women have it and its not warts or cancer but no research is done on this :// Women with VP are disproportionately misdiagnosed with HPV and stressed for something they dont even have. I just wish there were more resources on womens health outside of “doesnt kill u idc”( :// )

No. 304199

This, i always smell my Nigel’s dick before sex and tell him to wash it if it stinks. He got weird about it at first but then i explained that it’s for my vaginal health, which ultimately affects our sex life.

No. 306797

Anon with hymen hurting like hell if I even try to put 2 fingers in. Tried to slowly stretch it out will being preped over some time and last time and I bled a bit. How does straight women even can handle that pain by a moid's penis, like I was in full control and it felt like 7/10 pain how does TiM can dilate not even skin, but scar tissue, over month and months? It torture

No. 306820

you probably have vaginismus, nonna.

No. 306865

That sucks anon. I also had a hymen before I lost my virginity. I would try inserting even small things but it hurt so much. Honestly I just got a bit tipsy and had sex with a scrote. Not very glamorous and I'm not advising you to do the same if you're not into sex with men, but after that first time it didn't hurt any longer and I could insert things.

No. 307038

I did not have a good mother figure in my life so I have not cleaned properly down there EVER. How do I clean smegma down there? I feel so nasty when I looked at the mirror and I didn't even know I had any. It is hard to have the mirror face me and i dont know how to clean properly. Does anyone know any tips to clean the build up? Should I just go to the doctor?

No. 307106

Im sure there are plenty of hygiene yt videos to walk you through it, but nonna stop and consider to just google “how to clean (whatever area on body) best.” Sure, you didnt have a good role model to show you, but now youre a grown ass adult with modern day access to info. So use it.

No. 307229

Thank you. I panicked and posted to make sure if there was any disinformation or anything I should look out for. I'm concerned about contrasting informations so I like getting different perspectives. I actually cleaned it and feel muuuch better.

No. 307241

i hate how pornbrained this question is but anyone here ever safely bleach their labia?
i’m white and turned 25 and honestly it’s getting ever darker and i dont like it. when i look at it it looks like i haven’t wiped enough
i’m in europe so i doubt i can do anything unless with an aesthetician

No. 307247

I would go against bleaching your labia regardless but especially if it's at home because that shit is dangerous. Please don't do it, its pornbrained indeed and women's vulva area is meant to be darker anyway. It's not something you should even consider fixing because well, there's nothing "wrong" in the first place.

No. 307250

Everyone has darker labia that’s normal same with penises. Even if your skin is paper white having a brown butthole or darker labia is perfectly normal it’s to do with endocrine and hormonal factors, literally just a sign of sexual maturity. The only people who have a problem with it are pedophiles who you shouldn’t be dating anyway.

No. 307251

I would also like to know this, I was inspecting my vagina in the mirror and noticed some whiteish stuff among the folds that seemed to be smegma. I scrub myself quite thoroughly down there with ph wash but it seems I missed those areas. Maybe you should use a toothbrush or something? You might have to lift the flaps up (sorry) and brush between them more thoroughly.

No. 307258

Do not bleach your labia wtf. Most adult women will have theirs darken as they age. Don't bother rationalizing it to yourself saying it's for "you" either, you wouldn't have an insecurity around your own body part if the society you live in didn't put ideas in your head about the inadequacy of the color of your pussy.

No. 307324

I always found light labias weird looking. Unless your gonna be spread eagle on a porn centerfold why bother ?

No. 307337

A toothbrush? seriously what are you thinking, just use a wet wipe or a rag with warm water. It's just lint/dead skin and sweat nothing to get all worked up about.

No. 307587

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just want to warn against honeypot pads + liners (another nona already advised against the wash, which i never tried). i didn't realize it when i bought them about a month ago in a bind, but didn't notice that they are "infused with mint." let me tell you that these things are the goddamn worst and that mint essential oil does not belong in or around your vagina. it burns like hell, nothing like the "cooling" or "tingling" sensation that is advertised.

they're supposed to soothe your cramps, but i get cramps in my uterus, not my labia. which is what is actually touching the pad, so what is that advertising? basically this is the wrong way to set your loins aflame, try something else. and let my foolishness be your reminder to read the packaging carefully and figure out what's scented and what isn't before buying it!

No. 307603

These things are in marshalls for a reason, i've heard many bad things about these pads and tbh i am very weary of most of these holistic sounding companies that make women's hygiene products.

No. 307611

I think some skepticism is good since natural ≠ safe, but I think organic cotton pads like Cora are a safe bet (unless they're laced with a toxic "natural" pesticide in the name of "organic").

No. 307612

>mint infused pad
I just can’t wrap my head around this being a real product, it looks like a joke. There is no way they got any real women to test this.

No. 307614

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I honestly am surprised that a women made these pads and not a man. I was looking reviews of this and literally after typing up honey pot pads I have gotten numerous complaints about this and I found a report from the Food and Drug Administration of America with one event reported from three years ago despite the numerous reports online telling me other wise

No. 307616

I've heard so many women say these are good, so I was planning on trying them. I get labia pain so I think it would feel nice. I remember there was a lot of controversy about them sneakily changing the formula of their wash and apparently having bad ingredients, but I honestly don't know if that was just miscommunication and confusion.

No. 307899

how the fuck can they put "no fragrances" right below "mint, lavender, aloe" like what the fuck is a fragrance anyway?

No. 307960

How did any of you escape PCOS hell? I'm taking metformin and drospirenone and I feel like it's finally working. I might finally make it out and have a normal period cycle again. At the end of the day, I feel like I should have seen a fucking gyno at the earliest possible opportunity. I just want to stop being skinnyfat. I work out regularly, take multivitamins, eat well, stay on a calorie deficit, and go easy on the sugar. I feel like I'm doing everything right but nothing seems to change, and I haven't had my period in a whole ass year.

No. 308025

Have any nonnies had incontinent issues with doing kegels? I think I have pretty weak muscles there so I want to strengthen them for better orgasms + I heard they should be stronger when I want to have a baby in the future. Anyway, whenever I do kegel exercises, I think I tire the muscles out and then am no longer able to hold in my pee. I have to literally run to the bathroom or else I won't make it. Am I doing something wrong? Or is there something wrong with my body?

No. 308067

How’s your glutes? Your pelvic floor is like a trampoline that supports everything there. It needs to be level. If you have weak glutes and over tighten your pelvic floor you can “tilt” the trampoline which could be the pee leak. Try adding in some squats and hip thrusts a few times a week. Think 12 in sets of 4 and see if it’s better.
It could also be over tightness on the inside of thigh can you sit criss cross applesauce

No. 308294

Nonnas, I every once in a blue moon get little cysts down there, I've had it checked before and it's all okay, maybe sensitive? Well now I've got one right on the inner lips and it kills. Any advice?

No. 310836

Nonnas, I've got my second pap smear in a few days. My first time was horrible and I was really struggling, any tips to help it feel less painful and tense this time around? My friend said drink before but it's first thing in the morning.

No. 310843

Not sure if this is the right thread, but is bleeding after sex normal? I only lost my virginity about a month ago so I don’t have a great sense of what’s normal for me in this regard, but it has never happened before. It was enough blood that if I hasn’t just finished my period I would have thought it was just beginning (I don’t have very heavy periods though). What is going on??

No. 310856

Tranny hands wrote this

No. 310859

It’s not super common but it’s usually nothing to be concerned about especially within the first few months of losing your virginity.

No. 311535

Nonnies I'm so embarrassed and googling is fruitless so I just wanted to ask here as a last resort before going to a gyno…I itch on and off right at like the "end" of my vulva, sort of where the perineum starts. It's not an std, it's not a yeast infection, I wash there regularly. Everything looks ok too when I use a hand mirror; nothing's discolored. It just started happening around December. I thought it was because of new underwear I got that were a hip hugger cut and not breifs, so I got rid of them and went without underwear as long as I could until my period started, then I wore cloth pads and everything seemed to irritate it. Sex irritats it a lot. It seems that if I go without underwear and occasionally put Vaseline on the area, it's mostly fine. It doesn't even itch 24/7 when it does itch, it just itches SUPER bad when it does get itchy. I just can't figure out why this is happening, is it just suddenly contact dermititis? A year from sex that just hasn't healed and keeps getting annoyed? I can't really tell if that place is rubbing together when I walk but it's possible? Am I doomed to just put Vaseline there until I die??

No. 311623

Do you have vaginal dryness in general? Could be a hormonal imbalance or maybe medication causing you to be more dry and therefore itchy.

No. 311730

You know I do…it gets worse when I'm on birth control, but I've been on it again for almost a year. I am thinking it might have to do with me working out more? I'm consistently doing cardio & squats and stuff like that, getting sweaty then cleaning up with a wash cloth afterwards. Maybe that's also drying me out. I'm going to buy some of this monistat anti-chafing cream next time I'm at the store to see if it helps

No. 311952

i had my smear test yesterday and it was painful as hell, but I’m being called dramatic. I don’t know whether I was anxious or what and the nurse said I was sensitive. Looking around online I see countless others who didn’t even care and I’m embarrassed as hell.

No. 311953

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Sorry to hear that, anon.
Smear tests suck, I find them extremely uncomfortable myself.
Who said that you were being dramatic? The nurse shouldn't have said you were sensitive, it might be a common and simple procedure that shouldn't be painful but she should have been more empathetic. Not everyone will be comfortable with the process, the nurse should be aware of that and try and make you as comfortable as possible.
I know this might not be helpful but I know quite a few women who find them extremely uncomfortable and/or painful, everyone is different. Although it really shouldn't be extremely painful, that might be something you might want to get checked.
But you shouldn't feel embarrassed, everyone has a different pain tolerance and with different things.
I guess just try to remember that it's a necessary check up, maybe next time mention it to the nurse that last time was really painful, hopefully they will be more understanding and try to be a little more gentle.

No. 312020

I've had smears and then I've had further exams in a colposcopy clinic after they found cell changes. Lots of follow up exams and personally never felt anything that I'd even call uncomfortable. It was my results that stressed me rather than the exams themselves. Sometimes when I see nonnies stressing out about their upcoming first pap I want to tell them I didn't feel a thing to help calm their nerves but tbh.. it varies alot so nobody can make the claim that its always fine or always awful. I've heard of women finding it painful and others being like 'oh is that it?'

I might be in the 'wait is that it?' group myself but I don't think anyone is being dramatic if they had a harder time. The important thing is you went and got through it. Catching cell changes early on can save you from having alot more invasive procedures done in the long run. If you ever feel like staff have a bad bedside manner at appts avoid those people but don't get discouraged from finding a better professional to perform it. If staff make these exams any more unpleasant than they have to be (if they pass comment or shame you for your reaction) then they're only putting women at risk by scaring them away from getting screenings.

No. 312948

is there a way not to piss yourself a lil when you sneeze?

No. 312963

>me minding my business in 2020
>suddenly develop weird symptoms that feels like thrush at the time
>it clears up within a few days. Ok no big deal I guess
>it comes back again next month on the exact same days of my cycle (around day 8-10 after my period)
>my vulva and underwear straight up smell acidic almost like piss or ammonia with watery or small amounts of pale yellow discharge
>fast forward to 2023 and I still have these symptoms. I go to the doctors for my first smear
>nurse says it looks like I have an infection as my vulva is red and theres discharge, she does swabs as well as a smear
>it comes back completely clear and theres no bv/thrush/std/abnormal cells

What the fuck is going on nonners? I don't even know what step to take next given that my tests came back negative. It's itchy, sore and it smells like sour pee every single month and it's annoying as fuck. I even took some extra STD tests for things like trich and those were negative too. I'm losing my mind. It feels like every month I become allergic to my own discharge or something. I'm having some blood tests done next month too as my periods are getting heavier and more painful. It's getting scary out here.

No. 312968

I'm female, or at least marked so at birth. I have a uterus and ovaries, but something is very clearly wrong with my vagina.
I'm 19, I was never allowed to see a gynecologist and still have not seen one due to other problems. My mom refused to get karotype testing done due to her fear of being forced to abort when one, we're in America, and two, that's delusional. Despite the doctor strongly recommending doing it due to some anomalies found.
When I was 16, I was prescribed estradiol without a doctor seeing me, due to period cramps so severe it made me bedridden, and bleeding so heavily I have to make a makeshift diaper. I was quickly taken off due to my body feeling alien and me trying to kill and mutilate myself, my emotions were completely fucked, and so on. The doctor laughed and said I was overreacting despite my parents being right there and wrestling the knife away from me.
Physically, I do not have a visible clitoris, nor can I find one by feeling around. I have never felt "turned on," I have a very childlike voice and my birth canal is malformed to the point I can't wear even the smallest tampons, because it hurts and doesn't fit. Even clumps of blood is painful, because I cannot pass it as well as other women. There are hairs internally that itch and burn and I have taken a picture of my vagina at one point, within the past couple months, to see what it looked like out of curiosity, and no visible labia, even when spread.
Nonnas, I'm getting my first ultrasound soon, they put me on the list and from there I'll learn when it's scheduled. My doctor wants to see what the Ultrasound says is wrong before potentially making me see a gyno or getting a karotype test.
I'm scared of what's wrong with me.

No. 313002

That's stress incontinence and you should see a gyno for that, it's not natural. Stress incontinence can be caused by many factors such as pregnancy, birth, obesity, etc.

No. 313014

Nonna, I'm sad you're going through this but no matter what happens… you were born this way. Nothing you could have done about it. I'm hoping the docs have some positive news and solutions for you.

No. 313030

I'm the anon, and thank you! I read through this thread and noticed that others have had the same, or similar, problems. It's weird to me because, while I'm sad I have these problems, I'm relieved to know I'm not alone in this. Thank you!

No. 313073

>Even clumps of blood is painful, because I cannot pass it as well as other women
those jelly blood clot things? I thought it was common for those to be painful when they pass..

No. 313080

All of your signs are consistent with being female, though. I have vaginismus and also couldn't get penetrated for a long time. I don't have labia minora and my clitoris is seemingly non-existent. My periods were also painful to the point that I have passed out at work from them (the doctor said I literally just passed out due to pain overloading my brain). Now I'm on birth control and I don't ever let myself get my period on the pill, that's the best decision I've made.

Unfortunately, being a female is rife with physical pain. When you say you don't have labia, what do you mean?

No. 313081

Really? If so, that's relieving
Thank you! My reaction that was extremely bad to estrogen of all things is mainly why I questioned if I was female, because most female bodies don't reject estrogen in any form that hard. Which essentially means, I cannot go on birth control, not that I have ever had any interest in sex. The bright side, is that the ultrasound will reveal if I need a hysterectomy or not, and the pain should stop that way.
When I say I don't have a visible labia, I mean that externally, my vagina looks like two folds of flesh with a gaping hole, nothing else internal is visible, and the hairs go internally. No lips, just a vulva.
It's funny to me despite the pain, that I was basically given a biological stinkditch. Where they got the vulva right and nothing else

No. 313106

The clumps passing are not painful whatsoever for me- interesting. I can't tell when I am passing one unless I see it in the toilet.

No. 313111

Most women's bodies don't react adversely to estrogen, but an anomaly is just a deviation from the average, it doesn't mean it's unheard of. Many women have adverse reactions to hormonal birth control. Estrogen especially can cause very serious neurological issues in some women myself included. It can be dangerous or even fatal. Not being able to take it does not make us any less female! Our bodies still produce estrogen but we can't tolerate too much. You can still use non hormonal birth control if you ever choose to have sex with a man, but I know you were on it to make your periods feel better and maybe have a little control over them. I had the same problem and periods got worse on the non estrogen pill… No hormonal bc for me. My vulva is also similar to your description of it's appearance, including hair that appears to "go inside" and can cause some discomfort around the opening if I don't shave it often enough or don't just let it get long and soft. It's nothing like ballsack hairs growing in the depths of a tranny double anus kek! Our anatomy is female, it's just not the average. Now I'm not saying it's for sure totally healthy, you may have a health issue or it could be a developmental issue or something genetic. Your doctor will soon shed some light on why you are this way and whether anything can be done to improve your life. So do your best to calm your nerves nona and don't hate your body just because it's different from others. It's the only body you get and you're doing the right thing by trying to keep it healthy.

No. 313113

same for me, but I'm not sure if I've ever passed one that would be considered big.

No. 313128

Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words & am hoping for the best

No. 313133

I sometimes have pain before passing a clump but I figured it's due to some tissue detaching and not the clump itself.

No. 313179

I'm >>313073 and always get severe, stabbing-like cramps when the clump passes. Once it's actually out then the pain is gone or at least diminished a little.

No. 313234

It only hurts in my vagina when it passes.

No. 313622

thank for your opinions nonnies, sorry for late answer. Lucky for me the blood was probably from my period since they came 2 days after. Obviously will not try do it with a moid but it's still akward af when I have sex with anoter woman and they try to finger me…

Maybe I'm stupid and I don't understand how vaginimus work because even with finger in I can do kegle movements and relax or contract my muscle, so like it does not seem to me that it's a muscle contraction issue ?

Be strong nonna, I had horrible mental side effects from some birth control too.
If you have your period you are female, even if someting unusual is going on. I'm sure everything will be good on your ultrasound.

No. 313669

Does anyone else have really strong-smelling discharge? Like strong enough that you smell it throughout the day no matter what kind of pants or underwear you have on? Is there any way to change or at least contain it besides just keeping your legs together all day?

It's so embarrassing, I feel certain that anyone who comes near me can smell it too. I change my underwear at least once and sometimes 3 times a day, not due to the amount of discharge but just the smell becoming noticeable. I don't think it's an unhealthy smell, I wash during every shower with warm water and don't douche or anything, and I've never tested positive for any kind of vaginal infection. I use cotton underwear 90% of the time but they don't seem to do much tbh. I've tried waxing a few times too and I think it might help a little having less hair to trap sweat etc but it's not a massive difference. It's been like this as long as I can remember. Could it be a diet thing?

No. 313680

I hope this is the right thread for this. When having sex it greatly varies how much I actually feel. I really like piv and can regularly orgasm from it, but it's like one time I can feel it very clearly whereas the next I can barely feel anything inside me at all. It doesn't seem to be connected to how aroused I am or the position or my cycle or anything, just completely random. My nigel is pretty well hung too so that isn't it either. What's going on? How normal is this?
It's just a letdown when things are leading up to sex and I never know beforehand whether my vagina is going to go numb on me or not.

No. 313689

I don't fuck men but I do enjoy penetration and this happens to me too, idk why either. Usually it's a couple days so I just abstain from doing anything when i'm not sensitive because yeah it gets frustrating if you get mentally into it but can't feel.

No. 313729

I think it might have something to do with your menstrual cycle. For me, some positions feel uncomfortable during certain parts of my cycle and then fine during others.

No. 314195

Anyone else ever have black dots in their underwear's crotch? I heard some discharge can bleach undies, but I never really saw what I'm experiencing. I'm clean and I don't smell, but it almost looks like mold..?

No. 314196

No, never heard of that.
Maybe it's squished pubic lice
Or maybe not squished if the dots jump around

No. 314327

I got a letter today telling me I'm old enough to start getting cervical smear tests. I will get them done because I know it's good for me but I'm still kinda dreading it. Just the thought of the speculum makes me cringe

No. 314332

My doctor told me if I’ve never been sexually actively I probably don’t need one because my risk is so low. Voluntary celibacy for the win!

No. 314655

I know what you're taking about. I've always had that and gynos tell me I'm healthy so it's probably normal. Gross but my theory is that it's just the lint from your pants/shots/skirt, especially if they're in a dark color, your thighs chafe and the lint gets into your crotch. Either that or it's collected discharge that's dried and turned a darker color. If you're worried about it anyways, going to a doctor wouldn't hurt.

No. 314790

Nonnas please help, Im not entirely sure what to do but I have this bump in the entrance of my vaginal canal and i’m not sure if it’s serious trying to look up stuff I only get information about bumps on the labia or the pubic area which is not where this is. It’s smallish and feels like those hard pimples you get on your face right before your period, I squeezed it a bit to see if it’d pop but it didn’t budge so I stopped, it’s itchy when I touch it and slightly painful but only when I touch it too. I’m not sexually active at all and don’t masturbate and have generally good hygiene so i’m not sure what could’ve caused this, do I have reason to be worried? I really can’t afford a doctor since i’m in the US and i’m uninsured so. Is it just a pimple or cyst that’ll go away on its own? Has anyone here had anything like this before?

No. 314805

could it be a bartholin cyst? can’t hurt to get it checked out by a female GP or gyno, even just for your own peace of mind. for what it’s worth, i have a small permanent bump slightly inside/at the interior edge of the entrance of my vaginal canal, and no gyno or GP has ever commented on it or suggested that it warrants concern, even while doing internal exams and pap smears.
deleted to edit and say, there are probably low income clinics, walk in clinics, or a planned parenthood you could go to for things like this who shouldn’t charge too much for basic check ups for uninsured people

No. 314885

thank you for the answer nonna this really eased my mind and was very helpful! i’ll see what i can do

No. 314972

just want to vent and warn nonnas about Jesse liners. I wear a liner when I know I'll be out the whole day. I've always had healthy discharge and I hate the feeling of damp underwear. So today I wore underwear that are kind of like a thong/tanga, but comfortable and seamless. I used a Jesse brand string liner. I go to remove it this evening, see a small amount of discharge, nbd. Remove it, and the fabric underneath is wet. Nonnies, it wasn't even that much! And what if i had been worried about starting my menses? Fuck Jesse string liners.

No. 315165

I have a weird bump on my labia minora, I don't know what it is. It's probably just a cyst (though it doesn't look like it) but I'm a bit paranoid about it being a tumor or something. I kind of want to go to the doctor but I feel embarrassed for having my doctor look at my vagina when it's probably nothing serious.

No. 317863

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help me nonas I have an ingrown hair/zit on my outer labia and it hurts like a bitch. 99% sure it's related to shaving because I just trimmed a couple days ago and then this happens. What can I do to make it go away faster/be less irritated? (I work a job walking around all day so unfortunately my legs keep rubbing on it and irritating it)

No. 317864

if you have a bath tub take a hot bath for ~30 minutes and then try to pop it. Alternatively use a hot compress on it. if it doesnt pop easily, leave it alone and just wear loose undies for a few days

No. 318240

Here's the deal, esl so i hope i got the terms right: I got a yeast infection before christmas for the first time in my life. I didn't do anything differently and i don't have sex at all. Went to the doctor, and he gave me vagina pills and an ointment. I had the infection just on the outside of the vagina, the inside was just fine but anyway i treated it but it came back right away, only on the outside again. I called the doctor and the nurse told me just to buy it again but different brand. So i did.
In the meantime my stomach started to hurt like crazy on the right side so i thought i have an apendix, i didn't. Then it strated to hurt everywhere, different spot every time but mostly on the right down and up- like on my liver, in the middle sometimes as well… I had blood tests, pee tests, ultrasound of the stomach and everything is in the norm but my stomach still hurts. I don't have the shit test back yet but is it possible that the yeastinfection has something to do with it? It's strange that i have these 2 illnesses at the same time. Before christmas the gynecologist did an ultrasound and said it's all fine and the inside of my vagina feels still normal. I'm thinking of going to the gyn again but it's far away.

No. 318370

Not sure what to do, I have a little scratch/cut on the inside of one of my lips, I'm not sure if it's from shaving (its like in the first crease so that doesn't make sense)or if I accidentally scratched myself but its been a week and it hasn't healed and I'm not sure what to do besides keep it clean and dabbing a bit of Neosporin on it. It just hurts whenever I shower and I touch the area to rinse. Do I need to go to a gyno?

No. 318720

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I kind of want to know what it's like to finger myself vaginally/try self penetration
Problem is, I'm a virgin, terrified of tampons and haven't really touched myself there apart from finger painting with my menstrual blood during a psychotic episode. And it was still hard to get in! Should I bother exploring this uncharted territory? Would I enjoy it? Is it going to hurt? Any advice appreciated ♥

No. 318728

It was hard for me to do it until I lost my virginity, as I had a hymen and it was painful to insert more than one finger. I was already a skilled masturbator tho, so after losing my v-card I quickly learned how to orgasm vaginally using my fingers lol. I've heard of women who broke their own hymen using dildos and think it's kinda based. As you probably know not all women are into vaginal penetration or able to cum that way, so whether you'll enjoy it or not is impossible to say until you try. The way I see it there's no harm in experimenting with yourself and you'll be better prepared if you ever wanna try PIV one day.

No. 318739

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I'm very worried right now. It's been a while since it started but I wonder if I definitely lost sensation down there. I barely feel anything when I masturbate. I never had sex so I have a hard time understanding if that's normal or not. I could feel horny and before and feel things but now, and ever since like mid-2020 when I recovered from covid not really. I'm not sure if it's because of age (I'm in my late 20s), because I'm not having sex at all (not really by choice), because the idea of having sex is very stressful to me for many reasons, etc. but it's scarring me and I can't see a gynecologist just for that because of how difficult it is to get an appointment, and the last time I had tests done in late 2020 the gynecologist didn't find anything noteworthy anyway. I'm so worried I still haven't tried to look it up online. Do you think it could be just that I can't get in the mood because I'm a kissless virgin and I need some action to feel anything? Or it could be from a medical reason?

No. 318744

I'm sorry you're struggling with this anon. I don't think age has anything to do with it unless you were post menopause, but if you have a hormonal imbalance that can contribute to loss of libido. Feeling stressed out, depressed etc. can also kill your sex drive, and speaking for myself if I'm trying to masturbate when I'm not really horny the sensation isn't as good. That said, a lot of different neurological long-term complications has been reported from covid infection, among them erectile dysfunction in moids, so even though it's rare I would not discount it. No matter what it is though, I think it's possible to recover. Your brain and nervous system is plastic, but you might need to train yourself to regain sensation, a "use it or lose it" situation.

No. 318745

>I don't think age has anything to do with it unless you were post menopause
My mother had her menopause when she turned 40, more or less and I thought it was because of her health issues and meds with a lot of side effects but she told me recently it's just like this in her family. I shouldn't have any issues with this until a decade later if that also applies to me.

>if you have a hormonal imbalance that can contribute to loss of libido

I'm not sure if it counts, I was born with hypopituitarism, received treatment when I was a kid for like 7 or 8 years which made me taller than I was supposed to be still a womanlet though but I still have some issues like fatigue, hypoglycemia and low blood pressure, though way less than before. But it didn't prevent me from having a libido before, and without that medical treatment I wouldn't even have went through puberty at all. So I'm not sure it's a possible cause, but I won't exclude it just yet.

>Feeling stressed out, depressed etc. can also kill your sex drive

I'm constantly stressed and depressed and just like the example above, it didn't prevent me from having a normal libido. I'm also suspecting covid from being a possible cause exactly because of what I read about erectile dysfunction but just the idea of looking that up online makes me even more stressed.

>a "use it or lose it" situation.

>if I'm trying to masturbate when I'm not really horny the sensation isn't as good
I agree with you there but it's tricky. I'm still masturbating from time to time but as you said, it doesn't feel all that good, but I wonder if not masturbating at all would make it even worse. I don't really force myself though.

No. 318746

Thanks for the advice skilled masturbator! I guess I won't force myself if it hurts, I'm not that curious.

No. 318747

Yeah if you previously had a normal libido then it’s not suddenly going to disappear just because you’re in your late 20s, but factors like health changes, life situation etc. may play a part. I’m assuming you haven’t started any new medications that could affect your sex drive, but I’m mentioning it as a possibility just in case. You could also get blood work to rule out any vitamin deficiencies.

It’s possible that it is a post covid thing, but I think other possibilities that can easily be ruled out should be explored first. I wish I could give more helpful advice as to sparking it back when it’s just not there. Normally I agree you shouldn’t force yourself, but maybe this is a case where it could actually be beneficial. Wish you the best of luck anon!

No. 318751

I haven't started any new medication at all so far except some shampoo that was prescribed to me for some scalp issues. I don't think I have done any blood work since then now that you say this. I had many appointments for many issues but no blood work needed iirc.

>but I think other possibilities that can easily be ruled out should be explored first

I'm not sure where to look first though. But you're right. Maybe I literally just need to get laid, in that case I'd feel stupid as fuck kek but I really hope it's just a consequence of me being a sexually frustrated kissless virgin raised in a shitty religion with crazy restrictive parents. I think if I somehow manage to get laid someday and I notice I can barely feel anything at all, I'll immediately seek advice from a gynecologist.

No. 319081

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What is the secret for trimming pubic hair? I feel like everyone knows a cheat code and is keeping it from me. Every time I try to trim it, I get unbearably, horrifically itchy for days afterwards. I have to summon the willpower of a spartan warrior not to violently paw at my crotch in public all day long. Please don't tell me "just shave it /wax it" i cherish my bush and don't want to evict her, just give her a little haircut. I've tried:

>using a copious about of conditioner on pubes

>Wearing looser underwear
>using proper professional hair cutting scissors
>trimming a lot
>trimming just a little bit
>begging god to forgive me for whatever sin i committed to make me so itchy

I can't figure it out, help me nonnies

No. 319085

I get itchy when I shave because the new hairs growing in, but why would just trimming it make you itchy? It doesn't bother me at all.

No. 319087

I don't know!! My only theory was that because it's curly, the freshly trimmed "sharp" ends curl back onto the skin, which is why I experimented with different lengths, but it didn't work.

No. 319094

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What kind of scissors are you using nona? If they're dull/not specifically for hair it might be leaving a dull edge that may cause irritation. Honestly though I don't use scissors anymore I have an electric moid beard trimmer/edger like pic rel specifically for my pubes and haven't had any more irritation. I mainly use it on my bikini line but I keep my hair on the top and occasionally run it down with the grain to keep it neat. My pubes would also curl if I let the jungle overgrow so this is what I do to keep it controlled

No. 319099

ATTENTION ALL NONNIES WITH BARTHOLIN CYSTS ON THEIR LABIA…TAKE TURMERIC PILLs. I was dealing with a bartholin cyst for a month I tried every online treatment and the only thing that worked was buying turmeric pills. It is now my life’s goal to tell all women to buy turmeric pills and keep it in their house at all times. It is anti inflammatory but only works if it’s activated by black pepper. As soon as I took those pills 3x in a day my cyst drained on its own and my vagina went back to normal. No amount of sitz baths or prid helped me it just made the cyst bigger and harder. I was just lucky it never abscessed. PLEASE BUY TURMERIC PILLS 1000mg

No. 319100

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The pill that saved my vagina from permanent disfigurement. If you can try to avoid getting it drained by a doctor half of the time the doctors don’t even drain it right it’s painful and it ends up coming back anyway

No. 319106

I don't have these but you're adorable, anon. Keeping this in mind for my friends.

No. 319130

I never knew this until 2 weeks ago, but apparently you snip your hairs open and they turn into drinking straws for bacteria. Fun

No. 319137

Nice advertisement.

No. 319138

>I've heard of women who broke their own hymen using dildos and think it's kinda based.
I broke my own hymen with a flute
Don't tell anyone lolcow

No. 319141

It’s not an ad I swear I literally was dying for a month and nothing online worked until I saw a random Filipina tik Tok from like 2021 and she steered me in the right direction. You don’t understand how many forums I read and how much random goo I put on my hooha to stop this hell. Thank me later is all I will say. Cuz bartholin cysts come for every snatch one day.

No. 319142

I used highlighters although it was more like slowly stretching rather than breaking/tearing

No. 319154

Kind of in the same boat except I think my hymen broke while exercising. But I don't see anything open when I look, just a bumpy and fleshy area? And the one time I tried having sex it really hurt trying so we just gave up for now. I was really nervous too though. Not sure if I need to bite the bullet and it will hurt less with time:C.(C.)

No. 319204

The bumpy fleshy bits are wat remains of the hymen! I didn't realise this myself until I once had a gyno remark that I had quite a bit of hymen tissue left, even after giving birth
As for sex, I'd go with slow stretching rather than just getting it overwith and ramming it in. Yeah it would be quick but you also risk tears and possible infection. And might put you off sex for a while. I was very tight before I became sexually active, up to the point that inserting a second finger burnt like hell. It took a lot of patience but I slowly worked my way up to I think 4? Anyway, it turned out to be enough to have sex the first time with only the slightest of discomfort. Definitely worth the effort

No. 319209

Sorry if it's a stupid question, but when your hymen is intact does that mean that when you look into your vagina, there's no opening? Like there's a wall covering up the entrance to the inside? And how can you tell if you broke it or not?

No. 319211

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The hymen is a tissue that surrounds the vaginal opening. It is possible for the hymen to cover the vagina completely (imperforate hymen) but it's very rare and may require surgery.

>And how can you tell if you broke it or not?

I can only speak for myself. I had problems inserting more than one finger into my vagina. I went the route of "breaking" it by having sex, and afterwards I could insert things into there no problem. Like other anons said though, breaking it by force might lead to tearing and infection. My hymen actually left a small hyminal "bridge" (a bit like the one at the second to top right in pic related), which caused some issues such as tampons getting stuck in there lol. I had it surgically removed later on.

No. 319214

I broke my hymen the second time I used a dildo not even meaning too. For me it just pinched a little like a quick sharp pain and then it bled enough I thought my period started for a second. It was a good thing I was over the toilet for some reason.
But I never had problems sticking little things up there before that like when I was a dumb kid going through puberty. Or tampons for high school swim class.

No. 319216

Can you be born without a hymen? I never had to "break" it or anything, it's like I never had one. I know they say you can break it through sports but I was not a sporty kid, plus it bleeds when you break it and I never had a drop of blood outside of my periods. I had no idea that struggling with breaking a hymen was a real thing, I thought it was a myth kek.

No. 319218

According to wikipedia
>Normal variations of the hymen range from thin and stretchy to thick and somewhat rigid.
It's likely that you have one but that yours is on the more stretchy end

No. 319233

It's entirely possible to just be born without one, I'm pretty sure I was too. I remember hearing about them for the first time when I was like, 8, feeling around and getting confused that there was no semblance of any sort of membrane

No. 319235

I bled bright red when I broke mine (while masturbating, surprisingly, before my first time). I switched from my fingers and much smaller toys to a larger dildo, and it snapped. Got easier with time, eventually lost my virginity!! but damn, at the time I was scrambling around scared and my pussy ached for like two days

I remember googling "does your hymen bleed" and freaking out when it didn't stop immediately.

No. 319333

it's possible you had a fragile hymen and managed to break it when you started self exploration as a very young child, kids can be surprisingly rough

No. 319596

I always thought what i had going on down there was pretty normal, but I was reading a study on perineum length after falling down a wikipedia rabbit hole (yes i learned about childbirth tearing today and am horrified) and I have discovered I am an extreme pussy outlier. Apparently the average perineum length is 1.5 INCHES (3.81cm) and anything 1cm or below was like 0.5% of the population… which is what I measure. I already never wanted to give birth but now i'm certain about it, holy shit. I wonder what it feels like to have skin between your pussy and your butthole? Most women could get a damn tattoo down there. Amazing. I learn new things every day.

No. 319607

I think I might be similar but I am not getting out a mirror and measuring tape to check… I wonder what causes that, long vag? small butt? ???

No. 319695

i had penetrative sex for the first time a few days ago at the age of 23 with my boyfriend of 3 years. it's definitely something i was generally insecure about. i tried not to stress about it too much, but now that i've done it it's hard not to feel relieved. especially because other than the first few minutes it was enjoyable.
nothing much else to say other than there is hope fellow (possible) vaginismus anons….

No. 319728

Tips on breaking your own hymen gently with minimal pain/blood? I don't like penetrative things so I never had reason to explore that, but I bought a menstraul cup. I want to masturbate on my period without getting all bloody and I don't want to let the $30+ go to waste.

No. 319733

I wish I could help you out, but mine hurt like a mf until it was over and done with. Maybe vaginal dilators can work?

I'm glad it was mostly enjoyable for you anon! I hope you have fun getting to know yourself that way.

No. 319735

It took me multiple tries, and it hurt for a while. I bled a lot. don't think I had vaginismus but I happened to be cursed with a thick hymen. I just kept increasing the size of the things I penetrated with, but I had to penetrate.

No. 319756

Wasn't that gentle but mine tore after I decided to point a bidet's stream at my pussy hole. I don't know if the blood amount was minimal compared to other hymen tears but it was okay. Can use bidet to wash the blood. It hurt for like one second.

No. 319844

Is there a certify way to know you have vaginismus without going to a gynecologist? It feels completely closed off in that area for me an I can not get my finger trough. it's like there isn't even a hole there

No. 319847

Did you try rubbing on your clit? Does it not open even when you're aroused?

No. 319849

… is it suppose to?

No. 319856

You probably still have a hymen
Yes. After I burst my hymen with a bidet, I realized when I get horny I can feel my vagina widening, yawning almost, and tingling towards the depths of my abdomen. Very different feeling than before. You don't have to get rid of your hymen but it's likely still there. That's just my guess

No. 319933

Getting a mirror and looking down there so you actually see what's going on is a good start.

No. 320729

is it normal for your vagina to smell like a pool after masturbating. inb4 "swimming in that pussy" but i can smell the chlorine straight up

No. 320835

Is trimming as bad for your vag as shaving is?

No. 320975

Any nonnas who used to get BV or YI all the fucking time but then it stopped once you got off BC?

I have chronic yeast infections, and no matter what I try, it doesn’t fucking go away. I’m at my wits’ end. I have tried tons of different prescriptions (both pills and gel), it clears for a week then comes back. No STDs either. It smells yeasty and has a grey-yellow ish discharge.

I have been on the pill for the majority of my life, because I have endometriosis. But I have decided to stop, and see if that helps. Anyone have experience with this? I’m just so tired of the constant discharge.

No. 320977

take some probiotics

No. 321067

I hate that every moid literally expects you to shave everything off so you look like the naked mole rat from kim possible down there. It is as if they are terrified by the hair. I already had a few bad shaving accidents and I just won't bother anymore. It is way more comfortable to not shave.

No. 321097

I stopped shaving years ago and no moid even mentioned it in a negative light. Some said they liked it without prompting, most just said nothing. Still initiated oral and all that too.

No. 321100

genuinely makes me glad to hear this, however, it probably means you're not very hairy to begin with. i'd be surprised if you are.

No. 321101

I guess you got me there, I have a full bush but I admit it's rather tame. But still, it won't be as bad as you think! One time a moid did kind of a V finger motion to brush it out of the way during oral kek so I know there are probably ways around it if your future moids are enthusiastic enough. Be bold and bushy!

No. 321102

Good. If a guy can't handle bush, he shouldn't be near a woman's crotch.
Do you not shave anything, including legs and bikini line? Just curious. I usually shave that but it's a bother.

No. 321106

I use a depilator on my legs when I feel like it, mostly in the summer. Sometimes on my underarms too. I pluck my eyebrows, I shave my pits and nothing else.

No. 321112

This is gonna sound so dumb but sometimes I forget I have a vagina. You pee and poo daily right, if you have your period you think about the uterus, and maybe if you use a tampon you are reminded of it but when you just live your daily life never seeing your own marianas trench, you just forget it's there. I am also having some celibacy these days, when I am not in a relationship I do not have sex.

No. 321286

vaginismus is making me so depressed, I've been trying for months and it feels like nothing is making much of a dent. i feel like my body is broken

No. 321388

does anyone have any tips on lightening the labia majora skin ?

No. 321390

You can't, wtf would you try to?

No. 321442

Anyone had a hymenectomy?

I'm a lesbo and have only had nonpenetrative sex, but I've never been able to insert a tampon and couldn't get a pelvic exam done even with just fingers without experiencing extreme pain. I though I just had vaginismus but I know it's rare in actual lesbians. Last time my gyno during another failed pelvic exam attempt said she felt resistance, but I couldn't let her examine it more closely because of the pain. She said that it's probably a very thick hymen and said that on my next appointment she's going to refer me for a hymenectomy.

What's the procedure like? How's the healing time, is there a lot of pain?

Sidenote: I hate that when I look up 'hymenectomy' on Google Scholar there's a shit ton of publications by scrote doctors from Muslim countries about 'virginity-preserving' 'hymen-sparing surgeries' for girls and women with septate or imperforate hymens.

No. 321445

I've had one years ago, it was under anesthesia, there was some bleeding and pain following the surgery, but it was well within bearable. It's basically just a snip with a pair of surgical scissors, don't worry nonna

No. 321460

That’s a bit silly innit

No. 322021

I had my first pap smear today, the doctor said I'm healthy even before having the results of the test.
But it was painful as hell. Not unbearably, but still pretty damn painful. The speculum was lubed and all. I've only had sex twice and that was a few years ago, and I remember it kind of hurt too. It also hurts when I use a tampon, usually. Is that normal? Should I be worried? What can I do to prevent the pain

No. 322022

My p word is, like, hermeneutically sealed even with lots of foreplay kms

No. 322120

is going to a gynecologist necessary? I have been avoiding it for years, mostly because I'm a virgin and I have never been able to penetrate myself. I know that they have special procedures to help virgins but I genuinely think I have some issue(either physical or psychological) that prevents my vagina from opening. This of course would make seeinf a gynecologist difficult but maybe it can help me? There are also other issues they look for and k think it's important to keep myself updated on those

No. 322236

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Hi, so to the point…what is happening with my vajayjay?
I'm ovulating rn, and every day I wake up on a fricking slip n slide, I will think one lustful thought a little too hard and BAM I'm snail trailing through my day, there is literally no break from this.
Also, my uterus is twinging? Twitching? Like there's some muscle in there that's moving a bit. I'm a virgin and in good health, so I don't' know what's up with that. Should I be concerned?
also im really grateful there's a space on the internet where i can be tmi about my feminine health problems, appreciate you all, cheers ♥

No. 322247

As long as there's no weird odours or colours, I think there's nothing to worry about. You're just super horny
I get this occasionally as well when I'm ovulating. Last month it got so bad to the point where I was actively lusting after my boss' boss who's a gross old narcissist. But he had me soaking none the less. Thank fuck this month it's just ovary pain, and no inappropriate horniness

No. 322265

Ah, so this is what being horny is like. Ovulation got us acting unwise. I hope your pain eases up, those twinges can hurt.

No. 322339

OBGYN exams are still useful even if you are not sexually active. Cervical cancer screens are important and the ob will do a breast exam and if you ask them they will show you how to give yourself regular exams. It sounds like it might be worth it to mention your issues with the doctor, not just because sex but because vaginal issues can sometimes be a 'canary in the coalmine', esp regarding pelvic floor health

No. 322684

Is it normal for kegel weights to feel like they're hitting my cervix or something? I feel like I can't hold it in place, it just slides right up and bumps something and it gives me the worst cramps ever. I'm trying to fix my incontinence issues

No. 322702

I refuse to consent to medical torture. I got the
HPV vaccine in school, I will not get a pap smear as long as I live.

No. 322783

I just got the copper IUD two days ago…hurt like shit but the cramps went away after a few hours. I'm still bleeding though. It's not just spotting, it's a lot of blood like I'm on my period, when tf does the blood go away.

No. 322796

OHO! I have the copper coil too.

Well, the bleeding was pretty bad for me for the first month, then I spotted a lot between periods for a while. But, once those months have passed, periods are totally back to normal, aside from some heavier than before cramps, but nothing terrible.

Hang in there nonna and get plenty of sanitary pads. It'll pass before you know it, even though it's super annoying right now. Just think of all the joy of not having to use condoms or use crazy making birth control pills, to remind yourself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

No. 322852

I'm 29 and I swear in the last year or so I'm getting way more prone to cysts after masturbating and it tends to be when I'm due as well. What gives? My smears come back clear and I appear perfectly healthy, any other nonnas have experience with this? I'm just embracing the vagisil and salt bath life every few months I guess.

No. 322881

Thanks nonna, I'm looking forward to raw sex with the hubby even though I know it will be underwhelming. It's just a little annoying bleeding this much when I plan to go on a trip soon. I'm glad to know it gets better eventually, I'll stick it out.

Curious, how long have you had yours? Would you say most of the worse symptoms went away after a month or did it take longer?

No. 322883

I've had issues uses tampons my whole life and because of it my period hygiene routine consists of using oversized pads and old towels under my butt when I sleep or sit. The tampon gets stuck to the side of my labia and doesn't just slide up the normal way. I don't have enough of an opening to use a cup and I'm terrified of it getting stuck. I just want a less messy period that doesn't bar me from going out in public and living a normal life. Anyone have the same issue of having a weird/difficult vagina?

No. 322886

Demons? Plural?

I’m fucking dying!

No. 322889

>gets stuck to the side of my labia
what do you mean? like you can't actually push it into your vagina? Have you held a mirror up to yourself and looked at what is obstructing it? I've been using tampons since I first got mine at 12 with no issue, but I have been informed that most girls/women have hymens that can prevent this if they haven't broken them yet. Although I don't recall ever having ever having to do that (idk why), maybe some others can chime in with what they did if you determine that it's your hymen blocking the entrance.

No. 322898

Sounds like the tampon doesn't have an applicator and is dragging your labia when you try to insert? Trust me I have a tilted vagina and uterus and vaginismus but I still found a way to comfortably use tampons. The opening is the only part it ever feels uncomfortable, especially if I angle it wrong. Once you push it in all the way it feels like nothing. I make sure the labia isn't getting pushed in, you may have to just pull it away a bit to prevent that. I hold the tampon and go around my ass to insert with my right hand, I have to do it this way or the angle is wrong and it hurts. I do it standing while leaning slightly forward. Applicators suck for the environment but until you get used to this they help a lot. Good luck

No. 322910

Lmk if I’m misinterpreting but it sounds like you’re failing to angle the tampon correctly. Our vaginas are further back than we assume + they’re angled toward our backs so it can be tricky to insert standing. Try spreading your labia with one hand and inserting with the other. A mirror would probably also help but really just keep trying till you get it, you will.
For your hymen though, I’ve read that you can gently stretch it by yourself, like just using your fingers. Though for most women, it naturally thins over time with physical activity so yours might be too thick or rigid if it hasn’t. A gyno could snip it for you if that’s an option you’re open to.

No. 322914

The gyno will definitely get you open regardless lol. Virgin or no, you should ask them for the smaller speculum, numbing cream, and to go slow. You don’t have to do a pap smear till you’re ready tho, like they can’t and shouldn’t force you just cause you’re “due for one”. You can schedule the gyno just to look on the outside and check if there’s a physical blockage.
For exploring on your own though, try looking with a mirror first and getting comfortable. If you see something weird, don’t freak out cause it’s most likely normal. Jot it down for the gyno if you’re worried. If you want to try penetration, it’s a lot easier if you’ve just masturbated since you’ll be wet and relaxed. Stick to one finger and kinda trail it in, touching the wall and going back and forth inching further as you get comfortable. You might still feel some pressure but you won’t injure yourself by pushing past it.

No. 322943


Nona you may have a tilted pelvis +/ tilted uterus. I do and because of it I can easily feel my own cervix without much finger reach. Unless I do a…sorta sideways up-n-over method of tampon insertion (I use OB, gives me better control in the shallow zone) it feels bad, just bashing in. And it concentrates all of my reproductive pain toward my back.

BTW it's considered a totally normal ''anatomical variation', it has no effect on fertility and giving birth can often correct it.

No. 322946

Is it possible for a period to come over 2 weeks early? Like, a little over a week since the last one ended? There’s no other explanation for what’s happening to me rn

I took a Plan B pill earlier this week if that helps explain anything

No. 322959

Plan b is known to reset your cycle. Early period very normal. Keep an eye on your dates because it might take another month to even out (as in your next period may not be exactly 4 weeks away) you're ok

No. 323068

I've had mine since January 2020, so a while. I remember that the first few months were annoying with the random bleeding and some cramps, but it never got worse, only better, and a pad and ibuprofen generally would sort me out. After it settled,I pretty much never had any trouble with it. One thing though, I was going to get a menstrual cup but then read that the suction could potentially dislodge an IUD.

Also, my partner says he can feel the strings when we're having sex sometimes. I think that you can get them trimmed down, and they do tend to sort of settle and wrap around your cervix over time. Still, it can be a weird sensation, so it's good to tell him about it.

I'm afraid that your trip will require wearing some sort of blood absorber, unfortunately. I hope it doesn't affect your travels too much and you have lots of fun.

No. 323071

I've had mine since January 2020, so a while. I remember that the first few months were annoying with the random bleeding and some cramps, but it never got worse, only better, and a pad and ibuprofen generally would sort me out. After it settled,I pretty much never had any trouble with it. One thing though, I was going to get a menstrual cup but then read that the suction could potentially dislodge an IUD.

Also, my partner says he can feel the strings when we're having sex sometimes. I think that you can get them trimmed down, and they do tend to sort of settle and wrap around your cervix over time. Still, it can be a weird sensation, so it's good to tell him about it.

I'm afraid that your trip will require wearing some sort of blood absorber, unfortunately. I hope it doesn't affect your travels too much and you have lots of fun.

No. 323163

I'm having vaginal twitching and I don't have vaginismus insofar as I know. How do I relax my pelvis and stop my vagina from twitching without paying crazy amounts of money for it (no insurance life no insurance death)

No. 323895

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Nonas im wondering if anyone has similar anatomy to me or knows why it is this way? Sry if diagram is unclear. Basically my labia minora is very small up near my clit, then stops and becomes thick + rigid and protrudes more around my vagina. I assume this is my labia minora still but it might be that mine is just super recessed (only the part near clit) and this is actually the hymen or vestibule tissue. I've had one pelvic exam/pap smear done and the gyno didn't say anything so I don't think it's worrisome but I just want to understand my vulva if anyone can help.

No. 324228

I just saw a tiktok about a woman being able to smell herself down there when she uncrosses her legs after she's been wearing jeans all day at the office. I go to the comments and every lady agrees it's a common experience but then some girls say THEY SMELL LIKE TAKEOUT/FRIES/MCDONALDS?? Mine smells like that TOO after wearing jeans, I thought I was just weird. IS THIS COMMON, I feel like I'm losing my mind????

No. 324362

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I'm gonna have to go back on the pill after more than two years off it. I had an implant for about six months to try and save a bad relationship, but once we were done I had it removed and took some time for myself.
Idk what's changed but since Novemeber I've been battling schizo-level breakdowns in the leadup to my period. I get insanely paranoid, I have angry outbursts, I pick fights with my friends and coworkers, I make incredibly stupid impulsive decisions that it feels like I'm bearing witness to instead of deciding on myself, I have vivid nightmares that wake me up at 2-3 in the morning, and sometimes it gets so bad I want to anhero. I really don't want to go back on it because I have a genetic predispostion to blood clotting but I can't take the crazy anymore. I just want to be normal and the pill is the quickest cheapest way to getting there.

No. 324376

I don't notice it on an average day but if I've been sick for a few days and at home showering less/wearing the same pjs for too long yeah McDs fries is pretty much it

No. 324379

The breakup was probably stressful and I don’t know but could you have other stressors going on right now like moving or job or family stuff? When I have a major life change the stress combined with menstruation hormones sends me over the edge and I do what you are describing (and I barely have periods because I have an IUD but I still get some sort of cycle). When you get the source of stress under control it should get better. I suppose you could temporarily take the pill to medicate it though

No. 324503

WTF. My pussy never smells like that. Sure, in jeans on a hot day I can smell something, but not fast food!!!! WTF!!!! Have I just not eaten enough mcdonalds to recognize it or what?? I just smell kind of musky (not in a bad way)

No. 325083

My vagina and clitoris were aching yesterday an very sensitive. Today my vagina feels irritated and I feel pressure from the inside. It is very uncomfortable and I'm scared it is a prolapse or something of that nature. I had a heavier period than normal with lots of clots a week ago and washed thoroughly with shower water.

No. 325085

im not a doctor but have you stuck your finger in there deep and felt around? I feel like if it was a prolapse you could feel if something wasn't in the right spot.

No. 325118

Are you constipated? Do you need to shit?

No. 325207

Personally if I don't insert anything into my vagina for more than a couple of months every "first" insertion is going to make me really sore no matter what kind of insertion it is. I didn't have sex for 6 months, bought a menstrual cup and I was sore for the whole first week of using it. There's nothing I could do to prevent it sadly besides regularly fingering myself/having sex or using tampons/cup every period.

No. 325211

I have vaginismus and i want a child. I know it doesn't affect conception or birth itself but how will i be able to withstand pelvic ultrasound, cervix checks etc when i cant insert a single finger painlessly

No. 325918

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So horrifying that women used to be told to shove lysol up their cooch

No. 325923

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>means greater spreading power which reaches more deeply and more effectively into folds and cervices to search out germs

No. 325938

How worried should I be about changes to my period symptoms/flow? Usually my symptoms have been mild cramping and mood changes and my flow has been dark red/brown and moderate, but this week I got nausea for the first time and cramping so severe I almost called in sick, and my flow has been lighter, thicker, and a fleshy colour. Should I see a doctor or is this normal hormonal stuff? I’m 22 and not on bc

No. 325942

are you sexually active? if yes, you should definitely see a doctor in the event of a missed miscarriage or worse.

No. 326213

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Can't remember if it was already mentioned itt or another one but I've been dealing with phantom cramps in my asshole during my period(??) It's only been happening the last two days since I've started and it's freaking me out bc it happens randomly like a stabbing pain in the region. Is this a common experience? And no I don't put things near my bunghole

No. 326221

Yeah that’s normal I’ve had that my whole life. I once heard some britbong ladies call is “javelin arse” kek

No. 327135

Late reply, but tysm nona! You were right on all counts. I got my period again today, which is the regularly scheduled date — ie the date I would have gotten it normally if I didn’t take plan B. Is it safe to say that my periods will regulate and be normal again from here on out?

No. 327140

I have 3 kinds of pain during sex, but only one requiring immediate cessation. The others are just vaginismus pain around the opening that lasts a day later that I get burning from, and then i get sore on my cervix, but i cant ignore these two and it's worth the trade off.

The worst pain is new, I got it a week after I had an ultrasound confirming I had no ovarian cysts or fibroids or anything, and that all of my hardware was normal. Recently while my man was gently thrusting,I'd get this terrible, stabbing pain inside to my right, as if it were inside my stomach and not anywhere closed to the cervix. It nearly brought me to tears after the fourth time anddd we had to stop.
I looked it up and it said it had to be a cyst, but there's just no way. What else could it be?? days later, that spot is still sore.

No. 327150

I had cysts and that's exactly what it felt like. I also noticed it from penetration just like you describe, and the pain persisted into daily life afterwards, just like you describe. I'm 99.9% certain you have a cyst. I'd say get a second opinion, but it wouldn't really matter since unless they get HUGE, doctors think it's not worth the risk of operating on since they usually go away with time. Mine took a few months but eventually went away naturally and now I don't have that feeling anymore.
Until then you'll just have to tell your nigel to be gentler or keep his dick out of you.

No. 327178

Yes it's common. Something to do with a nerve there being aggravated by regular menstrual cramping and bloating.

No. 329097

im a SA survivor and know people say to sleep without underwear but it causes me to be anxious and restless does anyone know any alternatives / advice?

No. 329103

Dunno, I sleep in my underwear and have zero problems.

No. 329106

sounds like some random tik tok bullshit, sleep with your underwear on

No. 329108

realized that wasn't clear I mean the idea of people needing to sleep without underwear, not your anxiety, sounds like bs

No. 329123

I got the nexplanon implant in early December. Everything's working well and I'm not feeling any side effects, but my period's acting weird. It's not there but sometimes there's bleeding - not spotting, proper bleeding, sometimes to the point of having to wear my cup again for 2-3 days. Is this to be expected? My gynecologist said spotting would be normal, but this is just a pissed off period every 2ish months.

Also did full STD testing and came back positive for BV. The doctor called and said to take antibiotics for a week. Things is I have absolutely no symptoms, things feel, look and smell normal. Not a fan of resorting to antibiotics. Should I take them anyway?

No. 329173

I gotchu. I got the nexaplon implant in October and adjusting has been… not fun.
I spent the entirety of November on my period before I reached out to my doctor and was prescribed birth control to clear it up. I took a week or two of pills before it righted itself and I stopped taking it.
It went away for awhile, but then I spent two months having spotting and full blown period quantities of blood. (I kept telling myself the spotting was gonna stop any day, only for the period to come back)
I took the rest of the pack and asked my doctor what I should do, and was prescribed 3 months of BC packs to end the cycle again.
After a month and a half straight of BC, it righted itself again, and I haven’t had my period in a month or two at this point.

Nexaplon is a nightmare because it will either fully stop your period within a year, or you’ll have inconsistent bleeding with it forever, lmao

No. 329178

People sleep without underwear? What the actual fuck

No. 329197

Getting a sound restful nights sleep is going to be much beneficial for you than whatever the supposed gains of sleeping without underwear are

No. 329199

People even sleep…gasp…naked, anon.

No. 329248

…are you actually serious? do you wear the full mormon underwear when bathing, too? no wonder your cat is a swamp if you never go naturale.
you should always ignore anything a marketer tells you. if they stand to make a dollar off you, assume they're lying.

No. 329264

Sleeping naked is fine. Not wearing underwear under pjs is disgusting.
Who says my cat is a swamp? I only just joined this conversation and you made that assumption after one post. Anyway, as I said, going commando is gross as shit.

No. 329267

that's kind of a bizarre opinion

No. 329279

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Do you not have access to a washing machine? If you wash your PJs after wearing them they won't accumulate vag juice and won't be disgusting. You can get mini washing machines like picrel for like $50, if you've never had clean PJs before you're really missing out nonny.

No. 329284

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Ever used a bidet? Sorry you're walking around with piss puss.

No. 329292

My underpants are always full of white discharge. It doesn’t smell. Its a yeast infection right? I have this forever and it never stops.

No. 329309

Discharge is completely normal, everyone gets it. If you're not experiencing any itching or discomfort then it's probably not a yeast infection

No. 329314

Do you get horny a lot? If so, that's just slick.

No. 329317

sex toys thread hit bump limit so i'm asking here because this qualifies as vag stuff.
is satisfyer sugar rush a good choice for the first sex toy?

No. 329350

I don’t think so. I always have had that, I think it’s just regular discharge. Snail trail

No. 329411

Has anyone actually tried the pineapple/cranberry thing to see if there's a difference in coochie taste? I know cranberry juice helps prevent UTIs and staying hydrated in general helps with everything, but I always wondered. Pls no bully

No. 329492

Wow. I'm gonna give it a couple more months and see if the irregular heavy bleeding happens again, if so I may ask the doctor for the pills to end the cycle. I honestly don't mind managing the period itself when it happens, my worry is more what's going on inside. Does the bleeding mean I was fertile at one point? I'm behaving like I'm completely unable to get pregnant and I don't ever wanna take plan B ever again in my life.

I have to say for any nonnas reading out here, no one ever told me plan B would be so mentally and physically heavy. I prefer any light side effects I might get from the subcutaneous implant than ever going through plan B again.

I don't think it works in women, my ex and I tried and while I found it was somewhat different for him, he didn't taste anything different with me.

I just got one of those japanese ones. It's so good before going to bed, and during heatwaves. So fucking worth the money.

No. 329493

Might be yeast, might just be natural. You can try only wearing cotton underwear and going without as often as you can, and reducing sugar intake, and see if that changes anything.

No. 329501

>I don't think it works in women
Not sure about pineapples specifically, but what you consume definitely affects the taste. Smokers taste worse, so do the women who like greasy and smoked food.

No. 329502

I knew I loved ham and full-fat cheese sandwiches for a reason!

No. 329505

my ex said my pussy smelled like pizza after eating garlic

No. 329530

Yes, it's true I should've added that the other way around I do think there's something. Greasy/fast food and sushi made it worse for me.

No. 329548

I got a flora imbalance once and my vagina smelled exactly like a cheese pizza. Pulled down my pants and it was like I'd just walked into the pizza shop.

No. 329549

I don't think you should, it's not worth messing up your natural balance. Some people just have more bacteria than others, and an inexperienced tech can label that as infection. Since you have zero symptoms, just hold on to the antibiotics. That way, if you develop them, you can take them.

No. 329554

How do I know if it’s an orgasm or not? And after having what I think are multiple orgasms in a row, I pee uncontrollably when I stand up/start walking.

What is this and why does it happen??

No. 329586

If you have an orgasm, you know.

No. 329601

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I recently had a cervical smear and told the nurse about some itching, redness and weird discharge issues I was having. So she did some swabs. Then I found out that she only tested for 2 STDs despite me already saying that I haven't been sexually active in years. I'm really pissed off, considering penetration is very painful for me even the smallest speculum and the only swabs she did were completely irrelevant.
I tried bringing up the fact that I had these problems again and she just said I might be "too clean" down there like using the wrong soaps. I don't wash inside my vagina obviously, and I only use unscented very mild soap on the vulva. My issues persist even if I don't use soap at all. And it's only my vulva and inner thighs that is itchy and red, nowhere else.

Sometimes the weird discharge gets quite stinky, but not in a rotting way or a fishy way. It's like a normal vagina smell amplified x10, I cannot describe it properly, but it's annoying, and it only happens around day 9 and then also around day 25 of my cycle. It's really strange. The most accurate way I can describe the look of the discharge is like the clumpy yeast discharge you get, but sometimes it's clumpy and watery at the same time (like, there's clumps but it's quite wet and slimy sorry tmi)
I wonder if any of you nonnas have experienced something similar. I had thrush many years ago and got it properly treated. I'm considering just buying a yeast pessary and seeing if that works or not. Would probiotics for thrush help at all? Is there even any soap out there that won't fuck up your vulva?

No. 329612

I think you need to go back to the doctor, but a different one. That's not normal.

No. 329636

You make an appointment with a different doctor right now. During the time you have to wait document how often discharge occurs, thickness, color and smell. If that means writing down it was like ugly crying snot or cottage cheese that was neon yellow you put it down. If it hurts when you sit in certain positions make a note of it. Also take note of soaps you use on your body and clothes. If you feel like you have the flu, cramps, funky poop. Time and date with everything. I'd suggest only washing with water for both body and clothing. Avoid any type of fabric softener. Run a wash in your clothes washer with baking soda. Ig you have built up cleaning product in it, this can help release and neutralize it. If your machine can't handle that vinegar or hot water can help. limit your exposure to things that may be an irritant.
What happened at your last visit was not acceptable. I'm so sorry that happened. I had something similar but when i told the nurse practicioner she did all the things. She said, i'm not seeing or smelling anything abnormal. Came back I had a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and a uti.I had just passes a kidney stone and it seemed to have triggered a melt down. She was surprised. Nonny please get a second dr to take a look.

No. 329641

I heard that asking doctors/nurses/etc to write down on your file that they refused your request to test for specific stuff, helped pressure them into actually listening to you coz they want to avoid being caught in a paper trail. I hope your next visit is soon and much more helpful nona!

No. 329702

Thank you for your responses nonners. I have previously tried to track down the symptoms on my Clue app and I even mentioned it to the nurse that it only pops up at certain points in my cycle but even then she didn't seem that concerned and seemed more focused on getting my cervical smear done and getting me out the door. Luckily I have some blood tests coming up in a few months so I'm going to record everything and mention it to them again. If they don't help me, I will complain officially. In the mean time I will try and cut down on the soaps and irritants. Thank you!!

No. 329761

Try only cotton underwear or some made from light fabric, nothing that's super tight or sexy like a thong, or lycra for example. Try using a larger size,eg if you're an s use m; and keep these panties only for sleeping, don't use the same pair during the day. It's important to let the skin breathe. Ultimately, it is a choice, though.

No. 329891

I am unsure which thread to ask about this in but I really would love some info from any nonas who have had a surgical abortion. I don’t have anyone in real life to ask about this and am so unsure and nervous about what is going to happen. For context, my boyfriend had a year long contract overseas so when my bc ran out, I didn’t bother getting it refilled because I wasn’t having sex whatsoever and even months after he returned (I have been really depressed and we don’t live together currently because I just feel so depressed and closed off) we still weren’t having sex until ONCE recently and guess fucking what, I missed my period. I am 34 and have never had even close to any sort pregnancy scare. Now I just feel stupid, have no one for advice and to top it off, my boyfriend is going to be out of town during the only available time for the procedure so I will have to find a ride (once again don’t know anybody) so am seriously depressed about having to do this alone since I don’t know what to expect. I don’t want any judgment please, but I have never ever wanted a child, this decision had no hesitation but I am afraid my body could potentially be different after? I just have no info on this as it has never come up in my life. I also don’t have a phone so had to set up the appointment sort of hurriedly so couldn’t ask questions really and am borrowing a phone to quickly and paranoidly type this out. Not sure how far along, (the pill option only had an appointment that would put me outside of the 10 weeks) but by the time the procedure is I will likely be around 10-11 weeks. Just really need any info on what to expect physically mostly. I live in CA and also don’t have insurance and am ‘technically’ unemployed bc the dog rescue I worked at full time for the last 8 years retired but I have still been working for the incredibly nice people who were associated with it (training to train and groom, dog sit and other outdoor physical labor) I am by no means lazy and have never had any financial assistance in my life but this is all paid cash so I ‘look’ unemployed and am a little worried that I could be judged for that (by the clinic maybe?) I just have been too depressed even before this stupid shit to get my life together because life feels so aimless not having dogs to rescue everyday even though I have six of my own dogs. Last week my 14 year old dog unexpectedly had to be put to sleep and my long term foster of 2 years was adopted. I know this is all just a garbled mess of info but I guess I needed to vent. I don’t have any friends at all (outside of the folks that I do work for who are even older than my parents would be) who I certainly do not want to talk about this with. I don’t want my body to be messed up from this bit if it will be I want to know. And I have scheduled work very soon after. Does anyone else have any experiences they could share? Or helpful advice to prepare, and any words of comfort. I know I am stupid and too old to be making such dumb mistakes but I’m in a sort given up but can’t completely give up era right now.

No. 329894

Sorry to samefag an already long as fuck post but just want to reiterate my boyfriend is incredibly supportive (and faithful etc). I honestly feel like he is too good for me and deserves a non depressed girlfriend who is just more interested in life and happier in general. I just feel like I am dragging down an incredibly rare nice ass person but he refuses to believe that and reassures he loves me and I make his days brighter etc etc. he is very upset that he has to be away for work for the procedure but it’s not in his hands. Don’t know why I felt that necessary to add but yeah. (He would 100% support me and child if that was the route I wanted to go) but animals are my only passion. If not for my animals I would seriously have killed myself by now. Just have no interest in life to be honest. Rescuing dogs was the most amazing part of my life and the owners were like my family but retired and moved away. They would have left me the rescue but I am not social enough to maintain the social contacts it requires.

No. 329898

>he is very upset that he has to be away for work for the procedure but it’s not in his hands
Yes it is in his hands. It’s not that hard, he just has to not go to work. He has to tell his job he has a family medical thing he has to be there for, sorry. Don’t go alone, you sound stressed as fuck about it.
You didn’t specify so I have to ask, did you get a pregnancy test done by a doctor? You can’t assume you’re pregnant from a missed period alone. No offense you just seem really frantic so just wanna make sure you didn’t skip that step

No. 329905

He is a rescue swimmer in the navy, sadly they own you and there is nothing you can do. I know he will still try and ask and I could tell even was considering the possibility of if he skipped out on a scheduled contracted but the government can fuck your life up forever. I took two different pregnancy tests, a digital and a regular, both positive. I could also just sort ‘tell’ as much as I really wished it wasn’t so… but if I showed up and they were like no you aren’t actually pregnant, that would be amazing but I know I am. Stress usually makes my period come early and it still hasn’t come. I just want to know what is going to happen in the procedure. I looked up and read every single thing I could on line but nothing compares to personal experience.

No. 329907

Samefag also want to add that I don’t go to a doctor regularly and haven’t been in like 7 years. I hate these kinds of things and have been ‘seemingly’ healthy enough to get by without. I wouldn’t say I am frantic, just overwhelmed with depression to the point that I procrastinate things. Put off getting a test but knew I really had to confirm ASAP after around two weeks past. I texted my BF at like two in the morning asking if he would pick one up and he went and got me one and dropped it off right away. He seriously is one of the most decent people I have ever met. When I get depressed I let my car completely run out of gas and he will come and take it to be filled, wash it and the other day did all that and had the oil changed because I was putting off even more stuff because I knew I was out of gas. I do have a backup person to ask but I have always been a loner a push through shit alone. I know it sounds stupid but I felt weak even posting about this as I have never posted before. I just want to KNOW the real life facts because we all know real situations are never exactly like the basic procedural facts since every ones body is different. I feel like I am currently at my lowest point and that is making me handle this less confidently.

No. 329928

Need some advice nonas.
I don't use my fingers when I masturbate, when I try to I can get a finger or two in. In a month I'm going to be losing my virginity to someone with, what I consider to be, a large penis. I'm a huge baby when it comes to pain and I'm straight up terrified of doing it. How can I prep myself?

No. 329958

You don’t prep. Just make sure you’re incredibly turned on when it happens. Go slow. If you’re nervous and dry do not proceed. Do not use lube if you are dry (not your first time anyway unless you have a medically dry vagina or something) you will be super sore afterwards if you do that just to make it go in. He should be slow and considerate. If he’s pushy, do not proceed.

No. 329992

Hey nonna, I had a surgical abortion in 2021 at 31 years old. I am also in CA but I do have Medi-cal insurance. I was only 5 weeks along but I can share my experience to the best of my ability.
I had to wait for a very, very long time in the (Planned Parenthood) waiting room on the day of, even though I was scheduled. I'm not sure why that happened but it was stressful because I wasn't expecting it. It took about 5 hours before they saw me, it was insane. I'd like to think that's an outlier experience though, but just something to possibly be prepared for. There were other women in the waiting room(s), as well as a few bf's and parents in the front, general area waiting for their daughters/gf's. I was kinda just ready for it to be over with but when I got onto the operating table, it was jarring and kind of scary so I cried. (Not trying to scare you, there was nothing to be afraid of in the end, it was just a little freaky to go into the room and lie on the bed where other women had just had their own abortion procedures (obviously it was cleaned in between patients), idk it was just a little upsetting. Then I woke up in the recovery room in a little closed-curtained bed next to the other women who were also in their own curtained areas. The anesthesia made me retarded so I immediately started crying again (I was fine though, like this wasn't an emotional experience for me it was more like taking care of any other bodily malady, I was just loopy af from the anesthesia. [that's not to say that I didn't take this extremely seriously, I wasn't flippant or anything]). I also loudly asked if I would be able to smoke weed that night. Cringe. But the most amazing thing happened, I mean obviously I was on drugs but the woman next to me reached her hand through the curtain and squeezed my hand, I swear we reached out to each other at the same exact time even though we couldn't see each other. There was very little pain in the hours following the procedure (when the anesthesia wore off). It felt like period cramps and I had some bleeding but I was fine the next day. I rested to be safe, but I was just fine, if not a little emotionally/physically drained from the experience.
Anyways my body's been the same since then. I didn't notice any changes in my period during my next cycle or anything. I realized you asked more about physical stuff and I wrote mostly emotional details so I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you have.
One more thing for others who may read this and find themselves in this situation: I first opted to have the abortion at home via prescribed medication for this purpose, and I GREATLY regret doing this and really, really wish my doctor had explained to me how traumatic it would be. I really thought it would be a very heavy period-type situation but it was so much worse than that. I do not recommend this to anyone. I had to go in anyways and get the surgical abortion because all of the tissue (?) hadn't been expelled.
Also, I got my fallopian tubes removed last November via Medi-cal, completely covered– may be something to think about in the future. I feel so fucking free. More than I thought I would.
Who will be driving you home though? They require the person to be there the entire time. Is there possibly a chaperone service in your area where you can find someone to be there for you emotionally on the day of? I know that's a thing in some places. You'll be okay nonnie, your body is amazing and will persevere. I wish I could go with you for support ♥
I'll check back tomorrow to see if you have any questions!

No. 329994

same anon as >>329992 but I didn't see this post of yours until after I posted. You're actually pretty strong to push through your feelings of weakness in order to post here. Don't be so hard on yourself! You're not alone in this, women have been going through this since forever. Ask your backup person to go with you. Sometimes you have to advocate for yourself, TO yourself, when feeling depressed and small. I know all about that. So advocate for yourself and your well-being and ask your other support person for support. It's okay! Everything will be okay and this will be in the past soon enough. I'll be thinking of you nonna and sending loves your way for the foreseeable future

No. 330016

Wow, thank your so much for all the details I was looking for. Also thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I do feel like all my emotions have been amplified lately and wasn’t sure if I sounded well, as >>329898 anon said, a bit frantic. I kept thinking about that after I had posted and realized I was and am a bit frantic. Don’t know why I said I wasn’t. One of the things i am more tense about is that I’m not positive exactly how far along I am but by the date of the procedure, it will likely be 10-12 weeks..? And that’s like the cutoff for potential complications during the procedure.
So the person I was going to have give me a ride is unfortunately my abusive roommate and since I was being overly emotional earlier and in a shit mood, I stupidly snapped at him, thinking he would let it go because I’ve been in such an alarming rut lately but instead he was insanely mean and hurtful and out of the blue ended the fight telling me I could just take myself to my ‘procedure’ (sometimes I think he knows what I’m having done and sometimes I feel like he doesn’t….)but we weren’t arguing about the ride, he just that in my face out of nowhere me. I was really upset by it because even though we don’t get along it doesn’t extend to things like emergencies or important rides, especially for medical stuff. I’ve given him plenty of rides and I hate driving places I’ve never been before. (For his colonoscopy) I would never imagine telling him to fucking drive himself. That’s low. But I might fucking do it just in case I crash and die he can have that on him. Well I also read that you can opt out of anesthesia if driving yourself..? Or maybe I’ll just sleep in my car. Like I said, I don’t have a phone so I don’t have those apps for Uber…I honestly haven’t come up with any ideas yet, i had so much to do today from my depression neglect, I couldn’t focus enough.
Um this is also embarrassing but is there any chance they would be able to detect drugs in my system? And not just weed..I’m already planning on not using 24 hours before but I’m already dreading it and unsure if I can even manage that. So that’s is another anxiety of mine. Also read it’s going to be around $600 because no insurance. Ugh. I’ve been in a full blown downward spiral for a few years now and the things I’ve let go are piling up bad. This situation is by far one of the worst things I’ve done to myself lately (although I haven’t even begun to come out of this spiral yet, so who knows. I was almost not going to check the thread again but I’m glad I did. It’s almost like having friends. Thank you for understanding and not being harsh, I appreciate it!

No. 330085

>Can I opt out of anesthesia so I can drive?
>Do I need to be forthright about my drug use?
>How much will it cost without insurance?
>Can the clinic help me with transportation?
You must to address these concerns with the clinic, nonna. 100%, otherwise you might just make more problems for yourself! You must know what to do on the day of, lest they refuse to do the procedure because you are not properly prepared. You have to be honest about your drug use. Anesthesia is no joke, it is a delicate process, and the anesthesiologist must know things like this or it can be very bad. I'm sorry to hear about your moid roommate… Is there absolutely no recourse for your man to get a day of leave from work? Can he just… do it anyways and claim medical emergency? I really strongly believe he should be there with you, and if he won't be getting fired for it, he should take the disciplinary consequence he may face for missing a day of his required duty to the Navy. Or conversely, you must make up with your roommate and ask for his help again. Or maybe you can schedule an Uber in advance? I would almost guarantee the clinic will allow you to use their landline telephone, if needed. Also, have you looked into getting a LifeLine cell phone from the state? I had one of those completely free of charge years ago before I got on my feet. It was like a regular, low-end smart phone back when I had one, capable of everything I needed (maps/navigation, texting, email, apps; even a camera) I know you must be feeling so, so overwhelmed. But just, one thing at a time. Everything will be okay. Call the clinic and ask those questions I outlined above. You can probably remain anonymous just to ask those questions, if you'd like. I guarantee they will understand.

No. 330209

I read all your replies after this and Jesus Christ you have a lot going on, I’m so sorry. Not one man that can be there for you, tale as old as time. (I know you love your bf and think he’s an angel but you didn’t actually do this to yourself, he is a participant… Why doesn’t he arrange a a ride for you or know anyone who can take you — parent, sibling, friend, comrade in arms etc. ?? Why doesn’t he marry you so you can get on his government insurance? Is he helping financially with this? So many questions about him that probably have complicated answers but that’s a different issue at this point because you actually have a pressing issue). I wish I could help you, you really just need a driver. I will literally drive you if I can get there in time for your appointment (I live in southeast United States) —don’t have an anonymous email but I can make one up tomorrow if you wanna reach me

No. 330283

I think period has come 4 days early, I noticed a spot of blood in my underwear and when i wiped there was blood + I’m feeling cramps. Is this normal? I always get my period a few days or even a week late, I’ve never had it early before. That means it’s been like a 20 day gap between my period, should I be concerned, is this normal pls help

No. 330284

Once is an isolated occurrence. If it happens 2 or more times in a row, you should go to the doc.

No. 330288

yes that's normal
I disagree, if there are no negative symptoms and it's just a couple days early it's not any cause for concern. That's just natural variation. Your body isn't an atomic clock

No. 330290

Could be something wonky going on with hormone levels.

No. 330613

Checking in with you again. Did you find something / someone to help you? I’m not joking I will drive you

No. 330787

This is very kind but this is also how you get murdered nonna

No. 330797

Pap smears hurt. Especially when they get to the cervix. I cried right there in the ob's office. I have another coming up in a year or so. Anything I can do to make them hurt less?

No. 330799

Pap smears shouldn't hurt at all, definitely not enough to make you cry. I think you might have a shitty OBGYN. Also you don't need them every year (unless you do for some reason specific to you?) Every 3-5 years is plenty.
What part hurt? Did the doctor ask what was wrong when you cried / how was their bedside manner? Was the speculum too large or inserted too suddenly? If the doctor isn't just shitty then you could have a medical problem that needs to be addressed or another reason for the pain that they should have explained and tried to mitigate.
Common things that make it painful:
>Cervical ectropion/cervical erosion
>Tilted uterus
>Vaginismus or Vulvodynia

No. 330800

Seconding this poster >>330799. Pap smears are not supposed to hurt.

No. 330803

it's funny I'm not sure which of us should be more worried we'll get murdered. but she didn't take me up on it which honestly I wouldn't have either. I was just frustrated she couldn't get help with such a simple thing. if her navy swimmer ass boyfriend had the mental fortitude to go through some of the most difficult training in the military you think he could arrange a fucking ride for the woman he impregnated. maybe all the diving starved his brain of oxygen one too many times. reeee i hate him so much

No. 330831

Maybe not on topic but whatever. I've had issues when peeing for like 2 years now, I've seen doctors and need to take meds but I haven't started yet. I feel like it's cyclical, sometimes I'm fine but right now I need to pee all the time yet almost nothing is coming out despite me going to the bathroom very often, and my lower stomach hurts on the right. And I'm spotting I think? Which is way too early because I'm not ovulating yet. My discharge is brown and looks weird compared to usual. I have my next appointment next month, I'm worried, I'm going to start taking my meds now after slacking off but I can't guess where the problem is from.

No. 330835

That sounds like a UTI. Some women are very predisposed to them and get them regularly especially if they have regular PIV sex. Try incorporating cranberry juice into your diet and make sure you take the antibiotics properly.

No. 330839


Had no clue they weren't supposed to hurt. Looking at the link, I think it might be vaginismus. Anything and everything I've ever had near my vagina has hurt like fuck. Couldn't even use tampons for swimming so I had to quit.


Glad I'm a femcel then

No. 330842

how is it you've been going to a gyno and a terrible pain in your vagina has never been addressed by them??

No. 330844

sounds like an infection. I'm concerned about the pain in your stomach and the multiple symptoms at once. could be a sign the infection is worsening or a sign of kidney stones or any number of things. I would go to the doctor sooner if I were you and be honest you didn't take the medicine. untreated infections in your body can have life threatening consequences. I don't know how an infection could go on for two years but weirder things have happened.
Just out of curiosity, what is the medicine and what did they diagnose you with when they prescribed it? Why didn't you take it?

No. 330853


It's only when things try to go up there, you know? I didn't think it was a big deal.

No. 330859

It’s not really a big deal unless you think it is, but if you are in serious pain during routine gyno visits they should have brought it up as a possible cause and offered you painkillers or used the tiniest speculum they had, stuff like that.

No. 330867

You've got an apointment and that's great. Stay hydrated. If it is an infection UTI or other, this will help move things out of the area. It sounds like you are feeling presure on your bladder or something along your urinary tract. The pain around your stomach may be reffered pain or discomfort due to inflmation. Keep track of your urinary freequency. If you experience this regularly around menses and it isn't showing as an infection you may want to ask your gyno about things like endometriosis.
If you are having piv sex, pee afterwards.

No. 330899

Sorry I’ve been nervous to check the thread. My appointment is June 7. So nothing but stress until then. Honestly I don’t feel as much attachment to my boyfriend as he does to me. It is complicated and I feel guilty that I don’t because he is literally the most supportive and accepting person but I just feel so detached. As far as claiming a medical emergency, they would take care of it within the navy so they would know if he lied. It’s right in the middle of an out of town training drill that is like an entire week long. Honestly though, I feel so down about life (not just this) I haven’t really felt like being around anybody but at the same time feel so alone. I’ll probably have to suck it up and ask my dickbag roommate but have also thought about an Uber. Although it’s already going to be a lot. I just wish it was over with, I’m so stressed and have so much work literally set up before and after that I’m also stressed about (I freelance dog sit, clean and train but mostly with the same set it regular clients). I think I am most worried about them refusing the procedure for any reason, the day of. And it’s already going to be uncomfortably far along (in my opinion) I was going to try and not use 24 hours before. As far as weed, it’s going to show up if they test regardless…not sure about that. I just feel so hopeless and really can’t believe I have to deal with this. I literally haven’t had sex since because it’s all I can think about and before it had been over a year. Like what the fuck kind of shit luck. I already just want to give up. This really has made everything so much worse and I don’t want to tell anybody, which makes it even harder. I don’t really have any family, I moved to CA by myself with dogs and cats with no ambition. I have thought about the phone thing but I have been in such a rut for years now, I literally stopped opening my mail when my lifelong dog companion died years ago, my car registration expired in 2019 and I still drive it, haven’t my paid my taxes for a few years, I’ve just let everything go.

No. 330900

I am actually very relieved though that all the replies in relation to my situation have been understanding and somewhat comforting. I’m pretty hard on myself because that’s just how my life has been. I feel weak and embarrassed to have let my depression and life get so out of control and have always felt like I could and should be able to fix it all myself but I can’t even find the motivation to start. It fucking sucks. Thank you for info and advice and support nonas, it’s much appreciated.

No. 330901

Also frustrating, the phone I’ve been able to use to set up the appointment apparently has something wrong with the speaker, it can only be used on speaker and the poor worker at the clinic could barely hear/understand me. I felt so fucking bad. It was so shitty that we couldn’t even go over the financial part (which I’m stressed about) so she said I will receive a call before the appointment but the only number I was able to give was for the phone that apparently can’t hear me from. I feel like my boyfriend would set up an Uber or something if I asked but I haven’t. I am just unsure and my way of coping is to not think about it so I have been just sleeping for fucking days straight to not deal with life. (I know, I know)

No. 330911

Don't give up

No. 330947

I'm a virgin and I did some tests already, it's not an UTI. Supposedly. The meds I need to take aren't antibiotics so it's hard to really understand what's going on.

I thought about an infection too but looks like that's not the case. A lab checked my urine and had ultrasounds done (though the doctor who did it half assed it). I'll check the name of the med once I'm back home. Could be neurological as well according to my doctor, she asked if ever got pregnant which is not possible because I'm a virgin. If that's the case I'll need to work out while supervised by a specialist for that's just to help me pee more and do it less often.

Having an appointment at the gyno is very difficult here but my GP is specialized in that stuff so I should be able to ask her anything. I hope it's not that bad. My periods are very regular and not too painful, that hasn't changed. But yeah my period stopped a week ago so maybe this could be linked somehow.

No. 330948

I forgot to add that I'm not sure I can drink cramberry juice because my blood pressure is already a bit too low, I don't want to risk passing out again from it.

No. 330955

It can be bacterial even though the tests came back negative. Can you try d-mannose? Whenever I have the feeling of an uti coming I take that and it goes away. Its a sugar the bacteria binds to and gets flushed out, its usually very safe.

No. 332123

Anyone else get a weird buzzing/vibrating sensation in their vagina at times? It’s very faint but it makes me anxious. Feels like I sat on my phone while it’s ringing. I am using scented toilet paper atm so I’m wondering if it’s causing a reaction. My period ended and I also masturbated a lot today so I wonder if that could be it.

No. 332124

You feel the bloodflow. Completely normal. All those random twitches, vibrations, etc., is literally blood rushing south. Oftentimes for no reason.

No. 332125

kek i just think you jilled off too hard nonnie

No. 332130

Not since I was a horny teenager.

No. 332395

I have a bartholin gland cyst that's gotten swollen and angry as of yesterday. Can this resolve on its own/with home treatment or should I get some antibiotics?

No. 332400

I took a sitz bath a few times a day for about 3-4 days when I had a bartholin cyst, that cleared it up and I haven’t had problems with it since. That said I was in college on semester break at the time so if you’re on a strict schedule or working in-person I’d recommend seeing a doctor.

No. 332417

Was it infected? That's my main concern tbh

No. 332418

I dont shave. I wax my legs amd pits occasionally. Havent waxed my cooch in over a year but trimmed it with scissors when it gets long enough to curl up under my various folds kek. But I am on meds that make me sweat a lot at night now. Started getting rashes under my bush… manageable though. But now its really really hot and I work outside, so sweating a ton every day and frequent night sweats.
I think my bush is never really dry anymore. My blowdryer I use on it after a shower died too recently kek. I have a horrible itchy painful rash now…like pieces of my skin are missing like a burn victim from scratching at it in my sleep. I need to get rid of all the hair I think. If therr is any pube length I seem to be breaking out these days. Im very uncomfortble. I dont want to shave. I could wax again but that really sucks plus my skin is fucked. I dont have an electric trimmer. I do have scissors but it weirds me out to use them near there plus the loose hairs being cut give me anxiety bc what if one gets stuck under my clit hood or folds or inside of me… barf. I hate this. I do all the usual breathable cotton, sleep w/o panties, try to stay dry. I wish I could just let it grow and not give one shit but i am approaching misery at this point. Might buy a buzzer soon. I hate this. I feel nasty too, despite being a pretty clean person. I sweat a lot but I keep very clean otherwise. Ill get awful body acne if I dont seriously scrub down everyday.

No. 332436

I’m not a doctor but that sounds like a fungal infection (google “jock-itch”, superficial not serious just unpleasant). You could get over-the-counter anti fungal cream and clear it up. Maybe use some powder during the day.
Shaving won’t help and will make things worse if it’s what I think it is. Unless you are a chinchilla your hair is wicking moisture away from your rash which is good.

No. 332437

Samefag to add: If you have any monistat or something laying around from treating a regular yeast infection, it’s basically the same thing as jock itch. You can apply it to the rash.

No. 332549

Please update I’m so worried you will shave. You think you’re itchy now… you will be crying if you shave or wax yourself on top of a fungal problem. Even if the hair isn’t helping, your skin is too fucked up to handle shaving or waxing right now. (If I’m right.) if you’re really raw and pained shaving isn’t the answer! Athletes foot cream is also an anti fungal if you have that.

No. 332645

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Samefag and a small update: I've stopped using all unscented soaps and went back to just straight up water to wash my vulva with. But still, like clockwork, these strange discharge symptoms and smell are back around the same point in my cycle. Additionally my pelvic area hurts a little bit towards the end of my morning pee, but no other times throughout the day (it's not a UTI and the pain is very mild). I'm in the UK so I tried making a regular GP appointment - couldn't get through to them after ringing for ages. I rang 111 and spoke to different nurses described my symptoms and concerns, they did nothing except update the symptoms on my patient file and just told me to ring the GP again. Tried contacting a different GP and got the same "keep an eye on it" dismissive response. They simply don't care despite me saying it's interfering with my life by making my vulva and inner thighs sore. Every time I ask them for help they just don't care, even when I asked for an ultrasound for my period/penetration issues that interfered with my life they didn't give a shit either and denied my request despite there being evidence for concern.

Really annoying and I don't have the time atm to sit about and be stuck on hold for up to an hour for the doctors, so I arranged to get some Metronidazole through a legit pharmacy for BV/trich symptoms and I've also bought a Canesten pessary too. If the pessary works then I know it was yeast, if the antibiotics work then I know it was bacterial. I've had yeast in the past and it doesn't feel like this but I guess every case is different. It would have been nice if the professionals could have listened to my concerns and swabbed me for the bare minimum in the first place but I'm tired of running in circles with them so I'm just gonna take matters into my own hands. If neither of these things work then I am going to mention it at my appointment in August and complain about all of this. Anyway I will update after I've tried the Canesten/Metronidazole, hopefully this will help another unfortunate nonner out there with similar symptoms.

No. 332663

Ayrt I am greatful for the concern. I havent done anything about it yet kek too busy. Yeah I think some topical antifungal is a good idea. Nasty to think about fungus…. I will probably trim with scissors some to reach the skin better. I try really hard to keep my clothes sanitized, I got an additive to the wash that is supposed to kill bacteria but isnt bleach based. Idk if it does anything since the issue is there still… I dont think I can bring myself to shave. Gonna be honest, having a vulva/vagina is infuriating sometimes. Went to Mexico on vacation a couple years ago and the humidity/swim suit gave me awful yeast infection the whole time. I rarely get those luckily. Like an internal one. Peeing after sex and being dilligent to avoid bv, avoiding/treating yeast infections, getting the same skin rash every month during my period trying to keep up with the blood, being very sensitive inside and out so I am anxious during any type of sex bc I know it is guarunteed to hurt at some point….at the very least be uncomfortable….I just wish it were easier.

No. 332681

If it makes you feel less grossed out about it there's fungus living on us pretty much all the time, it just gets a little too powerful sometimes or you run into a mean one.

No. 333966

On my way to the appointment now. The asshole roomie is taking me, being a fucking dick. I’m actually incredibly worried about my blood pressure because my anxiety makes it spike insanely and so does being around this asshole. God. So anxious.

No. 334296

My vagina has very suddenly started smelling like oatmeal cookies. Is this a yeast infection? I’ve never had one before. I’ve had some irritation the past few months or so but it was just one dry spot close to the clit. Nothing significant has changed for me health wise and I haven’t had sex in months. I have the Mirena IUD and the only thing abnormal I’ve felt recently is like my uterus fluttering? It happens when I’m stressed and isn’t painful, just feels like weird muscle spasms down there.

No. 334316

Does anyone else get hot flashes/night sweats during their period? I googled and it said it might be a sign of early menopause but I've been getting them every month since my late teens and I'm 25 now. My gyno said everything looked normal during my last exam so I don't know if I should be worried.

No. 334336

Night sweats can be indicative of a serious issue like cancer, you should definitely go back to a doctor about this.

No. 334338

I've always gotten that during my period too. But I also get really anxious during my period, I always thought it was because of that.

No. 334362

I'm also around your age and suffer from night sweats during my period. It's only been a few years since it started happening, but it does happen every month. I thought it was normal for your body temperature to rise and fall during your period so I was never too concerned.

No. 334366

I've had a transvaginal ultrasound, a pap smear last year, and a bunch of other things and all was clear. I've had these for years exclusively around my period so if it was cancer I'd have known by now.

No. 334389

You should probably get a blood test with a hormone pannel to make sure everything is alright and it's not cancer or early menopause.

No. 334390

Samefag to add it could be a thyroid issue also.

No. 334405

Of all those things, this is most likely since I've had anxiety/heart palpitations too. Thanks for the concern nonna, you've convinced me. Praying it's nothing bad.

No. 334463

Has anyone tried evening primrose oil to help with bleeding while on bc? I've been having a lot of dark brown discharge since a few days after my period ended and if it doesn't stop on its own soon I might try it out.

No. 334542

Is there any reason why a vagina can seemingly not feel pain? I don’t think mine does, it also doesn’t feel any pleasurable sensations it just feels like any other part of my body. Except I can feel pain everywhere else, TMI but I know even my vulva can from accidentally cutting it shaving and also my rectum from painful poops. But if I were to dig my fingernails into my vagina wall or insert something large dry… nothing it just feels like a painless pressure. I feel like an alien trying to describe this and sometimes I wonder if it’s all in my head somehow, I’m just pretty certain it’s numb but i’m not going to test any further by shoving knives or some shit up there.

No. 334555

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What about right around the opening of your vagina? Picrel might be …rel…. kek

No. 334557

nta but this was enlightening, i always wondered why it felt especially nice at the entrance during penetration when the penetrating thing would slam it a bit with every thrust.

No. 334572

Does he friction of the peen not provide the most pleasure though? I've never actually considered that the slamming (kek) feels good but I think you're totally right. To a degree, of course, I don't want it to leave bruises on my thighs lol. This actually happened to me as a teen when I hooked up with a skinny guy kek.

No. 334736

I’m just curious what anyone here does for pube maintenance. I normally trim the hair down with scissors and shave where it kinda goes down my leg under the labia area, but the last time I did was last year. I guess I felt a little awkward recently because I noticed I have a lot more pubic hair compared to some other women I’ve seen in photos (maybe they trim or shave idk), and it can sometimes be annoying buying shorts if it turns out the inseams are really short

No. 334740

Never did anything

No. 334753

Same as you. Shave where the underwear doesn't cover it, trim the rest with scissors. I tried shaving everything once and regretted my decision when it started growing back. The itch was unreal kek.

No. 334754

I don't anymore because it really fucking itches the first week or so of it growing back in and epilating just tears up the skin and left my skin discolored for a literal year

No. 334755

yes, and that's also why I don't ever put anything in my vagina, I'm scared I'll accidentally tear the walls. It always seemed weird to me how people gushed about penetration as this epitome of pleasure, when for me it has always been just a very uncanny sensation, like touching a limb that has fallen asleep from laying on it.

No. 334761

I shave completely 1-2times a week

No. 334766

Nothing really. I just let it go. There’s a long lock of hair (literally like 8 inches long when stretched out) that I used to cut but I don’t even do that anymore it curls up on its own anyway

No. 334767

Nothing really. I just let it go. There’s a long lock of hair (literally like 8 inches long when stretched out) that I used to cut but I don’t even do that anymore it curls up on its own anyway

No. 334779

I do the same as you, when summer comes I shave the area that sticks out of my swimsuit/shorts every few days. I don't understand why I only have this much hair in this specific area but less than average everywhere else.

No. 334908

I just trim it now and then with scissors and it's mostly around the bikini line and also where the labia starts (like the opening idk how to explain it). Nothing wrong with having a little more pubic hair nonnie, it's there for a reason after all and chances are they also trim in the photos you've seen.

No. 334952

I trim everything very precariously with electric hair clippers. And I wax or shave the couple of hairs that stick out from my underwear on the sides. Glad to see lots of nonnas not going bare. That shit creeps me out.

No. 335070

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Why do I smell so terrible when I don't shave despite cleaning the area daily (no fragranced soap)? I even wear cotton underwear. People say it's more hygienic to leave the hair alone and let it grow, but I honestly feel so much more disgusting and smelly when I leave it, I guess it's like a really musty smell. I used to shave daily (for comfort) but due to depression stopped, but this is almost motivating me to shave again. Is this normal when having pubic hair or what? How tf do you control the smell, since cleaning daily isn't enough??

No. 335121

It's what you're eating.

No. 335125

Nonny are you sure it’s not just in your head, like you’re more self conscious about the smell when you haven’t shaved?
If you’re washing with a gentle soap, eating well (lots of produce, minimal meat products), wearing cotton undies and clothing that’s not too tight in the crotch area then I would check to make sure there’s not something medical going on or try switching to a different soap (un scented dr bronners or dove are the ones my doctor suggests) I haven’t shaved in probably 5 years (LTR and i hate the itchy stubble phase plus it’s so much work) and I don’t have a strong or “terrible” scent.

No. 335137

anybody else's vagina bipolar? Sometimes I'll be horny and things will feel great, and other times I'll be horny out of my mind but I can't feel any pleasure down there at all. I really hate those times because it's like I'm trapped with horny inside that I have NO WAY of relieving bc my pussy decided it didn't want to feel anything today. I'm really stumped, because obviously the nerve endings are the same as always, but they just don't feel properly every once in a while. I am on SSRIs, but if those were the problem, wouldn't I be numb all of the time and not just every now and then?

No. 335141

Aaand my hormones are perfectly fine. I do feel silly for worrying now.

No. 335147

Gentle blow dry the bush, flaps, and bootyhole before putting clothing on after a shower. Any moisture left helps bacteria to grow quickly when enclosed even in cotton undies.

No. 335188

sounds like a question for a doctor but personally I would still blame that on the SSRIs. I've only ever experienced that lack-of-sensation because I was too drunk.

No. 335201

That sounds like an SSRI thing to me, yep

No. 335342

nta but just adding on, i notice my discharge smells really bad depending on what i eat (i found ice cream is a really big trigger for me). can anyone confirm if diet affects how you smell down there to a significant level? cause sometimes it gets really bad, musty like nona says. sometimes ill just be sitting in the chair and i'll be able to smell myself.

the only time i was able to fix it was when i went to the doc and was prescribed some cream to insert, but it was only temporary, as it seemed to return like a month later. it is possibly an infection but im not sure how im even getting it in the first place? i wear cotton underwear and dont have sex (ik you dont need to have sex to get an infection down there). its just annoying to have to keep using cream if the infection just comes back. right now it feels like i smell worse certain days of the month than others. before a few years ago, my discharge never smelled like anything, so i dont know why it permanently has a smell now (from mild to pungent)

No. 335500

Nona was everything ok in the end? I hope you’re okay.

No. 335516

I'm wondering too! I hope she's doing well.

No. 335518

She got sex trafficked by the roomie.

No. 335519

I still feel like I should have given her my contact info as a backup, everything sounds precarious in her situation and it’s very relatable. I really hope she’s okay.

No. 335520

Nonnie! No…

No. 335521

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No. 335811

Hey nonnies. Everything went ok actually. As a previous nona mentioned (I don’t know how to link more that one reply?) there was a lot of waiting. I opted for the ibuprofen for a painkiller because I just didn’t want to deal with an iv. It did hurt though. And I have been on my period ever since even though I asked for and was given birth control pills. I read having your period is normal for up to two weeks but I typically have a very light and short period and also never wore underwear before this and it’s been such a pain. I typically work outside in southern California so it’s been extra miserable. I guess I thought I would be more relieved once this was done with but I think it was just the biggest one foremost of stressing factors and all I could really focus on. All my other problems are still here just having to deal with them while wearing a gross bloody diaper. It’s almost just as depressing actually. I do get a tiny bit anxious checking the thread because it just feels like such a dumb mistake I made and I should just take care of it all myself but I really had no idea what to expect about a lot of it and not being able to get the procedure done was a big fear. I was 9 weeks. Don’t really have any feelings on that portion, I didn’t even really consider myself ‘pregnant’ because I never would have a kid in a million years and never for one second considered keeping this one or anything. I don’t particularly like children nor know how to act or care for them and have never been around babies or even held one. Baby animals are completely different, I am compassionate and work in animal rescue as a career, I just don’t know what a human child needs and I am way to depressed and reclusive to have to be around another being 24/7. Fuck all my posts turn into such tedious novels and I hate type-texting and also have never really put anything about myself online or out there at all before. I am grateful how nice nonnies have been and that no one has complained about me shitting up the thread. It’s honestly so weird seeing replies and stuff directly at me (well at my posts). I have never had social media so interacting with strangers is such a foreign thing for me. (I just don’t care what anyone thinks and don’t have the urge to type out every thought to post online, it seems so time consuming and lame, I’ve been finger typing this post alone for like 30 minutes). But once again, the genuine seeming concern and niceness and also sharing of experience and advice has really been uplifting and very appreciated. Even the sex traffic joke I found comical, I guess people could take it the wrong way but whatever, I don’t give a shit. Thank you for the input (especially with the pill option not being completely effective) and for the anonymous general support. Oh also the bf did offer to set up a ride in any way I could have wanted, I just really didn’t want to have to talk about the situation more than really necessary form because I am just that way. I sadly haven’t felt as attached as he is and anyone who knows him thinks I’m crazy because, really he is a great and selfless person you typically only dream about these days (he would do anything I asked at the drop of a hat) but I just don’t feel that towards him and don’t think it’s fair to him. I sort of wish he would find someone else that shared a little more about his interests. I don’t know, he’s a great person but it doesn’t mean we are meant to be together or that I don’t like him, just not romantically really which makes me feel like an asshole and I would love to be in a physical relationship (pissed I had sex once in like over a year and this was the result) but I just don’t feel that for him. In fact the reason I did sleep with him was that he has always done so much to help me and considers me his girlfriend even though we don’t even live together, he’s always been faithful and likely is frustrated and horny but not really a guy friend who talks to his buddies about pussy or not getting it. And also never pressures me at all whatsoever or says anything about me not being physical but I can tell it bums him out so I finally (even though I never jerk off nor have ever owned a sex toy and get horny thinking about sex and have someone right there that would answer the call if I wanted, i never feel inclined to and it’s frustrating to me as well) but I gave it another chance just to see if maybe I should start calling him up for that….
So I clearly have no one in my life as it’s now after 2:30 am and I’m venting out the ass about this and that. I have a bunch animals I better go take care of. They’re my life line. It’s been real (or maybe unreal). Thank you all again for taking the time to respond to my minute issues and reading my fucking manuscript of thoughts.

No. 335813

Oh my god. I get a one inch window in the phone to type in and when I just posted this I saw how fucking long that shit was! I am a little embarrassed but I stand by it. Similar to my life - odd, some parts suck, but I won’t change it or delete because it’s done and over with and I am who I am.

No. 336937

Anyone actually tried the plain yogurt thing for a yeast infection? I really dont want to have to use monistat

No. 337074

The little ball thing in my clit disappeared after masturbating what does that mean

No. 337108

Help pls

No. 337110

No idea what you mean by “ball thing in my clit” sorry nona

No. 337112

I’ve been searching about it idrk how to describe it? It’s like a little bean I that you can feel when you squeeze your clit

No. 337117

that's your clitoral erection. clit gets harder and slightly bigger when aroused.

No. 337120

The blood flow that comes with arousal changes your anatomy so it’s normal for your clit to feel different pre- and post-orgasm. It’s not exactly the same as a male erection but maybe imagining that will help you draw parallels that make it make sense? We are able to orgasm multiple times so the changes in physical state of the external part of the clit don’t mean we can’t cum again like with men’s parts, but it definitely feels different to the touch (to me anyway)

No. 337123

Dont do it does nothing and is disgusting lol

No. 337131

damn you guys have clits big enough to feel with your fingers? jealous…

No. 337133

Most women do.

No. 337134

Yeh it feels non existent when I was younger (before ik about jerking) I think I pulled out something white under my hood and I literally thought I was gonna die but it grew back but now it’s disappeared?

No. 337135

>something white
Please someone tell her, I'm too old for this shit.

No. 337136

How old are you?

No. 337137

You know how guys get smegma aka dick cheese under their foreskin? Well, women get that too. Please remember to wash your pussy daily.

No. 337138

I’m lost again. I don’t know what she’s saying

No. 337142

Are you getting TP crumbs under your hood maybe? You need to clean better nonnie
Pee and wash yourself after every time you masturbate or have sex

No. 337143

ITS NOT THAT I PROMISE LMAOOO, Idk what it wasssss but now I feel no bean down there, just the clit hood idk how to explain ittt damn this is why I can’t go to my gyno I can’t explain stuff for shit

No. 337145

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This is what I was talking about, it’s disappeared and I don’t feel it, it’s been hours

No. 337147

you have to be 18 or older to use this site.

No. 337149

Is your clit literally the size of a cell

No. 337162

Your clit didn't fall off, jfc. The absolute state of sex education…

No. 337163

it's like sesame seed size, and not really raised at all. It's small enough that I can't physically feel it with my fingers. I had to break out a mirror to determine if I was clitless, kek. I guess i visually am for the most part, although (I think) it functions normal. But I think clits are cute on others so I just always wished I had a visible one, plus it seems like it would be fun to play with.

No. 337169

Stop looking at vagina pictures. Normally I wouldn’t say this but you’ve got a weird idea in your head for sure. Come back when you’re older. You don’t have a problem. Go to the gyno if you’re worried.

No. 337171

Do you think I'm the original "it dissapeared!!1!" anon or something? Follow the reply chain, nonny.

No. 337172

I did, yeah.

No. 338433

Does anyone else have this ball right at the opening that you have to move your finger around when fingering and has trouble fingering because it feels too fucking strange? Even when I go in as deep as possible I still feel that my finger is going around this ball and I can't stand this weird feeling. I think it's normal because I can't see it on the outside and saw it a couple times on reddit but I need more comfort. Do I just keep doing it and maybe I'll get used to it?

No. 338455

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…your cervix? (cervix isn't typically described as "right at the opening" but it can feel that way depending on where you are in your cycle, how aroused / not aroused you are, etc. – it's actually all the way at the back.) It feels round and (I guess it depends on the person but) it's big enough to swirl your finger around. Is not really sexually stimulating it's just there.
sorry for the cancer research drawing but picrel shows it pretty clearly.
If you're talking about something else you're gonna have to be more clear.

No. 338459

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Sounds to me like it's the area where the gspot is located. It's not ball per say, but can feel curved. If you apply pressure it can feel awesome, but if you have to pee it may feel more urgent because it's located near your bladder. My skin there is kind of more textured than the rest of my vagina and the "ball" can become engorged when aroused.

No. 338499

Ntayrt but I had no idea that was the g-spot, that textured area. That seems to be it position-wise but I don't seem to feel much there. I can rub it with my fingers but it doesn't do much? But I also have trouble generally getting (and staying) aroused so it might be that. Do you need to already be a little aroused for rubbing it to feel good? Or is it just no bueno for some women?

No. 338583

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Sorry for the late reply! I can only speak for my own anatomy, so it might be different for other women. It can help if you are already aroused like you said, but not all women are erogenous there so either way you are completely normal. I don’t usually stroke/rub there, but kinda press on the spot rhythmically, for lack of better words. I read someone describing it as inserting your fingers into your vagina and doing a “come hither” motion kek (pic related). I prefer using my middle and ring finger because they are longer and have more strength than the index finger.

No. 338610

>can often lead to squirting
In other words, pressing the bladder can lead to peeing.

No. 338619

Kek, right? I've never squirted in my life, but gspot orgasms are next tier

No. 338634

I have this too but not to an extreme degree, I do not think this is in your head. It doesn't smell BAD necessarily but it is definitely more pungent when I have a full bush. Mechanically it does make sense; the barrier of hair would prevent moisture from evaporating as quickly I think. I just keep it trimmed close to the skin because shaving with a razor is irritating.

No. 338693

Don't apologize at all! This was helpful. I've had a suspicion that maybe my finger might be a bit short? I usually use my pointer finger to insert. But there is a place I can reach if I use my middle finger really far in, kek, and pressing it feels good but it's deeper in so I never thought of it as the g-spot since I've read it's more closer to the entrance. I might give it a go again or maybe finally look into sex toys. Thanks anon, you've been awesome, mwah

No. 338694

Spunch Bob in my pussy. Feels good!!!!

No. 339065

Why does it feel like there's a hard ball like thing against my vaginal wall after I masturbate many nights in a row? If I stop for a while, it goes away. But it's really annoying and turns me off. It's not painful, but it feels very weird that it's so hard and spherical. I had a thought that it was my spine and it freaked me out. Wtf is it???

No. 339092

The only thing hard and rounded in your vagina is your cervix, but that should be pretty far down unless you have an oddly positioned one.

No. 339096

noña, are you maybe feeling a lump of poop in your colon? all the clenching can make it easier to feel through the vaginal wall when normally you wouldn't notice.

No. 339152

Sorry for the late replies!!
>>339092 Maybe I do have a weirdly positioned cervix, because the 'ball' seems to be against my vaginal canal, not at the end of it or anything.
>>339096 I'm doubtful of this because I usually poop before I masturbate and it's a very spherical shape. It feels the same every time. However, when I masturbate a lot, it seems like my vaginal canal kind of seems wider in a sense? Like it's contracting against, so maybe it hugs against my canal and I'm feeling my poop? It just doesn't feel 'irregular', but like an organ or something.

No. 339175

Its probably the tissue in the front of your vagina towards your urethra, its spongy and engorges with blood

No. 339238

Hmm, okay this sounds possible. Thank you anon.

No. 339254

Is it located towards your pubic mound or towards your ass? If it's the latter, it is possible to feel your pelvic bone at the very entrance of your vagina. I can feel mine, it's covered by thicker tissue (your hymen, contrary to the current zeitgeist it's a thing) which feels kinda weird. I imagine when you masturbate a lot your entrance could expand, making the bone easier to feel. Though it's kind of unmistakable when you are touching bone, so maybe that's not it.

No. 339577

I'm sorry for making a scene, it was poop. But thank you to everyone!

No. 339580

kek, anon

No. 339586

lmao no worries

No. 339647

i've been wondering about this..is it normal to not feel yourself getting wet or aroused down there? Sometimes it feels comparable to stroking one's arm.

No. 339743

idk. maybe trace a photo of it in paint or something and slap a spoiler on it and let us take a look? not to be weird kek but it's always hard itt when people try to describe their anatomy and no one has any clue if they're picturing it properly enough to give advice

No. 339746

ok i get it. Mine is like yours too, totally smooth, only even smaller than your example. I thought I didn't have a clit for a long time because I legit couldn't find a "bump". I'm not sure if it's "normal" technically but you are not the only one.

No. 339753

Massage your breasts to increase lubricant (and the sensations of lubrication!) also, weirdly, massaging the sides of your pinky finger also does this. I have yet to hear a rational Western medicine explanation for why, but Chinese medicine seems to be aware of the pinky thing. Also tapping the top of the hand. Bodies are weird.

No. 339755

Beautiful art anon

No. 339773

I have a flat mole on my vulva but it's right on the inside close to my vagina where the skin is more like gum or like the inside of your lips. It alarmed me when I first spotted it years ago. All I want to know if there's a single anon out here who has one? I spent ages googling to see if it was normal and all I could find were pages about melanomas. I've just never heard of moles on that type of flesh.

No. 339781

Mine is like this too. I know it's there because I can rub it and orgasm but, visually, it's pretty… invisible.

No. 339884

anons who have struggled with vaginismus, how long approximately did it take you to get past it? i just want to know a general timeframe to look to

No. 339887

my discharge is a reddish color and it kinda smells, is it an infection? i havent had sex

No. 339899


I have several moles on my vulva near my vagina where you described. Idk if it could be melanoma because I've had them my entire life but at least you aren't alone nonna

No. 339902

Stupid question but can you be too rough masturbating and cause bleeding even if it's all external? I know the vaginal wall can bleed from scratches but for real… I just dry humped something and there was some blood.

No. 339903

I still struggle with it, but I didn't exactly follow through with the therapies and such. It's been about 3 years now and it's gotten a lot better. I also generally struggle with arousal, which hasn't helped. Maybe it wouldn't take long if that isn't a problem you face? Good luck!

No. 339909

Yeah, you can if you're insanely rough. Hump something less abrasive next time.

No. 339943

Do most women need to trim their pubes or else it presses on their clitoris? Is it just one of those things that's normal but never mentioned?

No. 339944

No? The clit is supposed to be hidden under the hood. Maybe your pubes just grow that way, or maybe you're extra sensitive.

No. 339946

No. 339947

Yeah definitely, happened to me many times especially when rubbing against something.

No. 340021

What kind of beaver dams are yall growing

No. 340023

Holy shit nona, yes! I'm surprised everyone is saying no, but maybe we have unique situations going on down there? Usually twice a month I'll get a sharp pain on my clit and have to retreat to a bathroom or somewhere private so I can pull back my clit hood and remove a tiny pubic hair that somehow materialized under there. It gets stuck and becomes super uncomfortable to the point where it hurts to walk / sit in certain angles if I don't remove it. I trim my pubes once a month and keeping them shorter does help reduce the problem, but not always 100% successful.

No. 340369

I'm a virgin and most of my knowledge on sex comes from fanfic so idk what's true and what's not but can you actually feel when a guy cums in you? Like actually feel the liquid rather than feel that he has come because of his body language and stuff.

No. 340373

not really. much like how we contract our vaginal muscles when we orgasm there is a physical change in the penis right before they come which is detectable as sort of an expanding sensation. the liquid cum itself is not really noticeable during the act.
so you can feel the penis change shape momentarily but not the liquid cum. if he could stop himself from cumming at the last second I wouldn't know the difference.

No. 340379

Thanks anon, that makes sense. I always figured it was just an exaggeration.

No. 340736

Why do I get a UTI pretty much every single time I have PIV or masturbate with a dildo? I don't do either of things things very often (maybe every month or two months) but it's every time. I don't take antibiotics, I use d-mannose, drinking a lot of water, cytospurin, and it feels better in a few days. Is it the same infection the whole time that is getting better and then worse? This has been for about a year. I had PIV way more regularly (pretty much every day) about ten years ago, and I never had this issue, although I did have one really bad UTI that turned into a kidney infection and I had to get hospitalized for it at that time period. In the years between then and now I experienced a violent sexual assault so I am worried in case there was trauma to the area that caused this.

No. 340738

Do you piss RIGHT after either of those things? Do you clean the vulva with a damp cloth/wipes/shower right after?

No. 340740

are you on birth control? that gave me chronic utis

No. 340744

Yep, I'm very careful. Pee right after, shower before and after, make sure he is showered before, wash his dick myself, drink a lot of water anyway. Don't do any butt stuff or even allow fingers or mouth south of the clit. If I use a dildo I wash it immediately before. I try to take d-mannose regularly as a preventative but sometimes I do forget about that.
Nope I haven't been on BC in ten years. I actually was on hormonal BC at the time when I was previously having way more PIV without this issue.

It's confusing because I absolutely wasn't so careful about hygiene and UTI prevention before, I rarely washed right before or after sex, I never thought about peeing after, and I wasn't dealing with this shit.

No. 340748

Maybe it's not a uti. Maybe it's a yeast that flares up after sex and causes similar symptoms.

No. 340752

Hmm. Using lube that might be contaminated or getting pushed into urethra? Lotion from earlier that might be sitting on skin and getting pushed into the urethra? Yeast infection can sometimes feel like a uti too. Are you guys using spit on each other, like bj to piv or eaten out to piv? Might need to mouthwash and brush first, but nothing too minty or flavored kek. Maybe some leftover dry soap that gets reactivated and pushed around? His pubes too rough causing abrasions? I cant have my guy trim or shave anything at all or else I get micro tears all over and it can absolutely feel like an awful UTI for a few days. Im sorry nonna I have been there too where it just seems like sex equals a sacrifice of pain for a few days. As I got older it seems to have gotten much better but every once in a while it goes back to being really sensitive to whatever and pain afterwards for a bit, like maybe my own chemistry or his has something to do with it, maybe ate a slightly different diet or something that week. I hope you find relief. Imo all the dumb sexual issues that come from female anatomy is my maybe 2nd biggest complaint about being female kek, societal/moid treatment of us is number 1 kek. (Not that I am saying being female is bad, just complicated). Good luck, if you figure it out post it here to help others who might have that issue!

No. 340760

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I don't know where else to ask this but I feel like I have the ugliest looking vulva or there's something wrong with me. My inner lips are very long and turn a dark brown around halfway down. They hang down really low too, as does everything else. Even when I hold my legs tightly together it all hangs down around an inch below my outer lips. I don't really know how to explain it, but my stuff looks way longer and bigger than any other woman's that I've ever seen, both in porn and from other nudes Ive seen women share online. I've tried to google if it's normal but I'm really sick of this constant "ALL vaginas are normal and beautiful" shit because what if something about me IS actually abnormal? All those charts of various looking vulvas don't ever look like mine. I'm really skinny, I don't know if that has anything to do with it. My whole crotch area is really dark brown (I'm white) even though I practice good hygiene. It's seriously affecting my ability to be sexually active. I was active with this POS a few years ago who never wanted to do oral on me (he did it once and never again) but never told me why. After I cut him off I know he was spreading rumors around about me to our other friends. I'm terrified he went around telling everyone I have a gross vag. I guess I'm just asking if anyone else has a pretty long vulva, or if they've seen any like this?

No. 340761

File: 1689704384702.jpg (Spoiler Image,345.44 KB, 1080x1644, 73939384738.jpg)

Your description sounds absolutely normal, you've just been brainwashed by porn.
Porn actresses do surgeries to cut their labia and they bleach their pussies and anuses just to fit in with a prepubescent aesthetic ideal of pornsick pedo moids. Your question kinda reads as: "is it normal to have pubic hair? I've never seen it in porn or onlyfans". And there's a reason for that, it's all fabricated
Your mood was also probably pornsick.
Picrel is long labia minora pics.

No. 340764

I have very big labia too, I rarely see similar in pictures and none of my female sexual partners had even close the size. So it is not super common, but that doesnt mean it is not normal. Like if you have big feet most people have smaller ones but big feet are still normal? Having darker skin on genitals is also normal, I actually think this is pretty common? And if your ex goes around talking about your vag, any sane person will think he is being a bitter freak. Sounds good that you got rid of him.

No. 340766

Yeah they're long. It happened during puberty. For a while one was way longer than the other that kinda freaked me out haha.
You honestly sound normal. Like the other nona said, women in porn get labiaplasty and bleach their genitals/assholes so the color is more uniform and visually appealing or whatever. Having a darker color at your asshole and vag is normal (think about knees, lips and armpits – skin isn't the same all over the body). I don't know what nudes online you're seeing but women don't usually send pictures of their pussy if it doesn't fit the current beauty standard, they'd be too self conscious like you so they're probably self-selecting out of the sample pool there.
If you think something is wrong you can ask a doctor but nothing sounds wrong from your description. The only issue I have with mine is I can't go commando in denim pants without risking a nasty pinch

No. 340767

It's all fine anon, mine is like that too. I also struggle with being insecure about mine, but we gotta tell ourselves that normal people literally do not think like that, it's only the pornsick weirdos. As long as it functions fine and is healthy.

No. 340769

Ty nonnies, this makes me feel a lot better. I hate that moid but I guess he did a lot more damage to my self esteem than I thought. And he was definitely pornsick, I knew that for a fact. I hate porn and don't watch it super often, but even when cows get their nudes leaked here I'm always wondering "why does hers look so much nicer than mine?" Some self-love is in order, I suppose.
>Porn actresses do surgeries to cut their labia
Holy shit, I did not know this. That is so fucking depressing. Jfc I hate men so fucking much for forcing women to do this to themselves.

>women don't usually send pictures of their pussy if it doesn't fit the current beauty standard, they'd be too self conscious like you so they're probably self-selecting out of the sample pool there.
This opened my eyes. It makes a lot of sense. Thank you, my long labia sisters.

No. 340770

I only follow cows who are just really weird whose looks aren't at all emphasized so take this advice with a grain of salt, but maaaaybe you should avoid following cows whose bodies are regularly roasted if you at all take it personally? I checked out some like that years ago and I learned about dozens of flaws I wasn't even aware were a flaw to people - especially with the instagram reality type content - and I regret it a lot. I'd probably be in a much worse place if I continued looking at such content, however.

No. 340773

Nah that's fair advice. It's really just the nudes themselves, what anons say never bothers me/I don't pay attention to it. They mostly have pretty normal looking vulvas so there's not much to tear apart aside from the usual retard nitpicking. But like, tf am I doing comparing myself to cows. I am limiting my time in most cow threads since it seems like a lot of them these days are overrun by idiots and moids in disguise.

No. 340774

Actually it could be the lube. I never used lube before and that's one risk factor that has changed in this period of sexual activity. Besides that I can't think of any change that would increase risk, only stuff that would seriously lower it. We do oral to PIV (both me and him) but I always did that before and we both have impeccable oral hygiene. But maybe we just have incompatible bacteria kek. Actually no since it happens from dildos too. Definitely not soap since I'm so careful about that and I don't use lotion. The pubes I don't think so, I don't notice any irritation or pain apart from when peeing and deep pelvic pain. I definitely feel a lot more sensitive to this stuff as I'm older, but I have way more hang-ups about sex now so I wonder is there a psychological issue. But IDK how psychological peeing blood can be. Thanks nona, I will report back if I figure things out!
Thanks, I will look into it. I know this stuff can present weirdly and differently for every woman, but the only symptom of yeast I can see is painful urination while I have pretty much all the classic UTI symptoms (foul smelling urine, sitting on the toilet for hours with a single drop of pee coming out every few minutes, waking in the night to pee (not normal for me), peeing blood (sometimes I pee straight blood that looks like period blood, sometimes it's urine tinged with blood), pelvic pain). The only thing I'm not sure about being a classic UTI thing is that I seem to get rid of it so quickly and without antibiotics. For example when I made the post I was sitting on the toilet for hours after waking up in massive discomfort after having sex 2 days ago, peeing blood, feeling generally physically sick, and I feel fine now (8 hours later) and typically I will be fine until I have sex or insertion again? The fuck. I didn't even drink loads of water or do anything except take some d-mannose today. I don't have discharge, itching, vulva pain or swelling, or anything like that which I associate with yeast. But yeah this stuff is cryptic so it's worth looking into anyway.

No. 340780

Mine looks like that, and with a long thick hood too. Nobody has said anything to me, and I've had men comment negatively on every other body part of mine, so most men really do not care.

No. 340782

I don't want to alarm you but you need to go to the doctor and harass them into running multiple tests and not just for a possible UTI. Peeing blood is not ok. It could be complications from your kidney infection or something serious like that.

No. 340816

>Thank you, my long labia sisters.
kek, we need to be here for each other!

No. 340836

File: 1689756124117.png (Spoiler Image,1.66 MB, 1369x843, vulvas.png)

To you and all the nonnies who feel self-conscious about how they look: Check out this project with vulva casts. You can see the sheer variation of what real women look like. Although i heard a few are by troons, which would explain the lack of inner labia in some of them.

No. 340842

What are these spots in top third from left?
Also some women don't have inner labia/they are small and hidden so don't call them troons okay?

No. 340851

>women don't usually send pictures of their pussy if it doesn't fit the current beauty standard, they'd be too self conscious like you so they're probably self-selecting out of the sample pool there.
This is very true and often overlooked. I used to go to mixed nude spas every so often and would be a bit surprised that I saw almost no women there with vulvas or breasts that strayed far from the typical beauty norm, because it felt a bit removed from the average. It was only later on that I realized that women who deviate from those standards are more likely to be insecure about their bodies and therefore maybe don't go to nude spas as much.
Of course thankfully there's plenty of women who don't give a fuck about being nude in those places regardless of beauty standards, but it does explain why you don't see as many longer labia around despite how common they are.

No. 340852

The bumps are likely piercings.
I'm saying that apparently some troons participated, so just be aware of that. The majority are women.

No. 340864

"Their age range is from 18-76 and include sisters, mothers and daughters and trans men and women."
It really fucks up the "vulvas are naturally diverse, all these vulvas are normal" message when you mix in some that are surgically constructed out of a penis or deformed by steroid abuse. It's a cool project otherwise.

No. 340910

Im going to guess piercings

No. 340918

Thanks a lot for looking out nona, I actually have a doctor's appointment anyway next week so I will mention it to her. I wouldn't have made an appointment just for this, but she wanted me to come in anyway for something else. My Dr is normally accommodating and has an interest in women's health so I'm sure she will do whatever is appropriate.

No. 341170

I have a persistent wart looking spot around my genitals. around my anus and vagina, not directly on one or the other. I haven't had sex in years and I swear I got the HPV jab, so how could I be HPV+? It's been a couple years, but I was also STD free last time i went to the gyno. There is no way in two years without sex that I randomly contacted HPV, but I also can't afford to go to the doctor to check if that's the case.

so I'm 99% sure it's either a plugged follicle or a hemorrhoid. The problem is nothing seems to treat it, fucking thing lingers there like a bad habit. I don't seem to be getting more of them either, nor does it always hurt, it's just that one, pesky zit looking mass. I know this is embarrassing nonas but how the fuck do I get rid of this thing cheaply and with no prescriptions

No. 341337

have you ever felt self conscious of them? I forgot mine existed until I had a recent checkup and ever since I've been thinking about it (this is 90% because I've never been sexually active).
There's more than one of these, this isn't the one by the moid who included MtFs is it?

No. 341341

If it was a hemorrhoid it would be right at the opening of your asshole. You could try treating it like an ingrown hair and see if it reacts like one. https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Ingrown-Pubic-Hair apply a warm compress, take a hot bath and massage it, apply a retinoid, etc. to see if a hair comes out or becomes visible through the skin. You probably shouldn't tear into it with tweezers since you don't really know what it is… (I would absolutely tear into it, I'm a horrible picker.)

No. 341342

Probably going to try a compress, and I also tried a bath the other night, which made it hurt. thanks anon

No. 341396

Can your period pause mid bleeding due to stress? I know stress can cause a late or missed period but this has never happened to me. On day two of bleeding, had a massive panic lastnight and stopped bleeding completely for the night and the next morning, now it seems to be starting up again.

No. 341459

I don't know in general, but mine has. I usually bleed for four days, but I got so stressed that it completely stopped on day two. Then I had nothing for a week before it came back and it was like it restarted because I had super heavy bleeding on day one and then three more days of bleeding.

No. 341625

This exact thing happened to me this cycle, the day before yesterday was my day 2 and usually heaviest, and I got no blood for a whole 24 hours before it started again. Now it's as usual. Nothing stressful happened in my case though.

No. 341778

Why am I 29 and suddenly in the last year getting vaginally cysts every month nothing changed in my routine am I normal nonnas

No. 341785

vaginal cysts? no that's not really normal you probably have something that needs to be treated. have you been to the doctor?

No. 343474

try a different one.

No. 343504

period is 6 days late, I'm travelling in 10 days, I'm also supposed to start the birth control patch this month exactly because of shit like this, pray for me

No. 343668

I had my first pap smear today. It was super uncomfortable and a little painful and my GP couldn’t find my cervix, so she left the room to refer me to a gyno. Maybe I have a tilted cervix or something? Anyway, I passed out while she was gone. I feel like such a pansy. I did pass out in seventh grade sex-ed so I guess I’m not too surprised, kek. It’s so embarrassing. There’s an area around the opening of my vagina (it kind of looks like a hymen? I should have stayed conscious during sex-ed) that also makes me feel like passing out if touched directly. It’s very weird. I should have communicated more, I feel so stupid, but I was just so nervous. Oh well. I hope the next appointment goes better.

Good luck nona! Is the heart unicode symbol allowed? Pretend I’m doing that.

No. 343675

>I should have stayed conscious during sex-ed

No. 343680

Don’t worry, I’m caught up on the vagina lore. I’ve searched about it in the past and I’m pretty sure it’s a bit of the ol’ hymen, but I’ll ask the gyno when I see her.

No. 343876

File: 1691560315740.jpeg (296.26 KB, 1170x873, IMG_9728.jpeg)

Is this why an anon in another thread said that women don't cum? I thought discharge when orgasming was common, only 10%?

No. 343877

Pretty sure this is about what most call squirting. Also pretty sure it really is pee, maybe pee combined with vaginal lubrication.

No. 343878

That clear fluid is pee, its pee with a tiny bit of other secretions lol

No. 343879

Yeah picrel is conflating squirting with female ejaculation. Squirting is basically watered-down pee. "Female ejaculation" is milky secretions from paraurethral glands, which comes out through ducts next to the urethra when you orgasm.
Squirting is less common than ejaculating but I don't think there's actual percentages. I feel like every or majority of women ejaculate

No. 343882

I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding, but this 'female' ejaculate', are you just talking about how you get a bit more wetter when you orgasm? After I cum, I am a bit wetter but I don't know if it's milky or something, it seems to be the same texture to me as when I'm just wet due to arousal. Or that is what you're talking about? There's not a lot of it either..

No. 343883

I actually asked this question on lc once too (with a whole drawing and all, kek) and it seems to be hymen remnants, I don't like it to be touched directly either. But please, if you remember to, post what the gyno says, I'm curious too. Good luck with your apt!

No. 343938

So I feel like, when you orgasm your vagina clenches and pushes out more lubrication (and cervical discharge if you're ovulating). In addition to that, a little ejaculate secretes from nearby your vagina. It's normal for any fluid down there to vary in amount/consistency by person and depending on like how long you've been aroused for or where your cycle is at. It could be that you don't ejaculate (so you're just feeling more lubrication) or it's just feels too similar to tell.

No. 344127

My posterior fourchette (the v-shaped nib of skin on the rear of the vagina opening) keeps being painful during sex and masturbation. I don't think it's a problem of lubrication (I use coconut oil) nor being turned on (it also happens while I'm masturbating and already hit several orgasms before attempting penetration.) I've tried using a labia balm for a while now and it isn't improving. It's been happening for a over a year and i think scar tissue is forming on it even though sex is infrequent.

Has anyone had success solving this problem?

No. 344364

For one to two days right after my period, my vagina always ends up getting so dry and itchy. Like if I touch my inner labia it’s completely dry and irritated and it gets so itchy because there’s no moisture or anything. Does this happen to anyone else? Is there anything I can do to fix this? Honestly the first night or so after my period goes away is always so uncomfortable because of this.

No. 344379

Do you use tampons? Maybe the string causes irritation? Just a guess

No. 344380

Nope, I only use pads.

No. 344385

are you trimmed or shaved? blood is harder when it dries compared to other fluids. i tried wearing depends once for sleeping on my period and it clearly wasn't for period blood because the blood just fused my pubes to the diaper like glue lmao

No. 344407

Kek. I’m not shaved at all so maybe that has something to do with it? When I’m on my period I have no issues, but just for the day or two after my vagina is dry as hell and it’s so annoying.

No. 344437

I get this too, I've heard that it's due to the shift in hormones and is relatively common. Dryness is often caused by low estrogen levels, and estrogen levels drop during your period. It can take a day or two for the estrogen levels to rise after the period ends and start lubricating normally again, hence the brief dryness/itchiness. I don't really know what to do about it though, I just put up with it since it only lasts 1-2 days and then goes away, but if it really bothers you then maybe use a vaginal lubricant? Some menopausal women use them for dealing with dryness.

No. 344717

Why do I always get itchy and painful infections every time I masturbate? I just rub the clitoris through the hood and I wash my hands before I do it, but I always get itchy, smelly, and pain-ridden for a couple days after

No. 344732

have you ever thought about giving your v a quick wash in the shower after? I assume you pee after

No. 344752

do you put lotion on your hands after you wash them? that'll do it. or not rinsing the soap off, or using hand sanitizer – basically anything on your hands except skin.

No. 344827

Do you have a weak immune system? Easily get sick/other kinds of infections?

No. 344991

That’s something I don’t do often after masturbating, I’ll try to do that more often. Do you think a wash cloth would work too?
Nope, I always run to wash (practically scrub) my hands, but I touch my phone, so that could probably be the cause too, since phones are always limitlessly dirty.
I don’t think so? I might have pretty poor vaginal health, though. Even peeing makes it stink and itch for a while. I’m thinking all of this is telling me to invest in a bidet, since paper isn’t doing much to clean it.

No. 344992

You should see a doctor. You might have a urinary tract infection or something that's there all the time but gets worse after you masturbate.

No. 345897

File: 1692695213659.png (652.8 KB, 694x614, Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 11.08…)

I just read that I shouldn't be feeling a bump on the side of my vagina, like in picrel. Does anybody else have something similar, or should that really not be there at all? I thought it was only during my period but now I'm not sure, it might be that I only noticed it during my period because I use tampons.

No. 345900

it's you again wtf

No. 345902

This is the 1st post I've ever made about it.

No. 345903

I don't know what you read, but you are completely normal. Most women have it.

No. 345904

Ever since I entered my 20's pads have been causing irritation and itchy dryness around the opening of my vagina, no matter the brand. I tried everything, only Kotex didn't cause it but it's not available in my country. Didn't matter if I swapped them every two hours, if I washed myself multiple times a day, if I had a full bush or was shaved completely, I'd get irritated for a week straight after my period which made everything painful. Maybe it was the fragrance, I don't know.
I ended up swapping to a menstrual cup and now the problem is finally gone. Sucks because pads are so convenient.

No. 345905

Is there a name for it so I can look more into it? I was worried it was a urethral diverticulum because I have chronic uti like pain without having an uti, and read that a UD can cause that.

No. 345906

Go to your doctor and ask her about the chronic pain.

No. 345907

I've been seeing doctors for 3 years nonnie. That's why I'm trying to get more information.

No. 345909

Yeah and we are much more knowledgeable than the doctor. If you suspect the diverticulum thing, you could corner your doc and make her check for that issue specifically.
All I know is that the uneven, bumpy landscape is normal. Usually there is a small bump right behind the clit. Source: I've had lots of homo sex.

No. 346075

Not entirely vag related but I'm not sure where else to post. Over the past few months I've noticed my piss smells, well, very pissy. I never used to be able to smell it from being sat upright but now I do most of the time, it's gross. I don't think it's dehydration, is this just aging? Or should I have more serious concerns?

No. 346076

No. 346077

Anything specific that can cause this? Nothing has really changed with my diet lately, I am an omnivore and eat a lot of vegetables and very little processed food or added sugars.

No. 346078

Could be more protein or less water (or same amount has become insufficient due to hot weather).

No. 346080

If it only happens during your period, you could have endometriosis. If it's usually there, not endometriosis. Also endometriosis also causes pain so if you feel pain there only during your periods, also could be endometriosis but unlikely.
Do you have depression or other issues? Those can cause chronic pain as well.

No. 346148

My period is almost over now and it's still there, but it's much smaller. I was thinking it could also be endometriosis in/near the bladder. The entrance of my vagina has been hurting more since I started touching it.
I do have chronic depression but it's from the chronic uti like pain. When the pain gets better, I go back to normal.
I did make an appointment with a gyno so we'll see.

No. 346153

There are several plant foods that make your pee smell more/different. ex: asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, garlic, and cranberries.

No. 346165

Whats the best app for tracking my period?
I just got off BC after a few years on it and i wanna just go natural for a while to focus on my health.
I used to use clue back in the day but i read some stuff (long ago) about them being pro troon shit? Idk.

What apps do you guys use?

No. 346168

you don't need an app, they're overkill and they all sell your data. just write down the date when you start your period on a piece of paper. make a note of unusual symptoms or whatever next to it. when you have a list of dates you can calculate the number of days between them to predict your next period or to see if you are having irregular cycles.

No. 346170

Wait, so is it possible to have random internal pains just from stress or depression? Sometimes I get a pain in one of my ovaries, when I'm really really stressed out or having a bad episode of depression

No. 346185

Yes. Check out somatoform disorders or the likes. You can always discuss this with your family doctor and ask for help for this. This is very common, especially if someone can't properly cope with their traumas or mental instabilities. This was most commonly seen in women in the 1900s because they'd get abused very often but had no ways of relieving their stress or escaping the abusive relationships they found out themselves in.

Although I'd like to note that this diagnosis is only given once you've tested the patient for every single health issue and found out that they're completely healthy.

No. 346186

I hope itll get better for you soon, anon. If it's endo, the treatment should be rather easy, if its caused by depression please do consult a mental health professional, you deserve to be listened to and helped. Take care.

No. 346361

Oh wow. I've been experiencing this too for the past couple periods I've had. I'm pretty physically healthy though and had a check up recently so I figured it was just a weird symptom.

No. 346751

I likely have vaginismus. Can I just ignore this if I think I want to be celibate? I'm a pad + period underwear user so tampons aren't an issue for me, and I can't really think of any situation where I'd want to put something up there. Is anything bad going to happen if I just accept that my vagina hates penetration and leave it alone?

No. 346752

>I can't really think of any situation where I'd want to put something up there
pap smears (although they're usually mandated for older women since they're at greater risk of cancer)
never got a pap smear myself and all the gynos i've been to refused to look inside since my hymen is intact

No. 346757

Nothing bad will happen. Forcing yourself to engage in penetration when you don't want to is more damaging, mentally and physically.

No. 346761

Why do I sometimes become hyper-aware of my vagina while doing something completely mundane? It makes me feel threatened, especially in a public space and it's extremely uncomfortable, I feel too perceived, like everyone can see that I have it and they are actively seeing me as a potential sexual crime victim. Not in a fetishist "teehee im such a silly small little girl" way but in a scary, paranoid way.

No. 346762

Doubleposting but sometimes it's related to my period (my vagina literally opening up to let blood flow) and I can see how it's supposed to be like this but when I'm not on my period and this happens I have no idea what's going on.

No. 346780

I'm near 30 and I've never been to an obgyn because I'm an autist and I fear it will feel like sexual assault and no amount of "it's normal and they'll only check your health" talks have ever made me feel like sexual assault is worth it to know my health. People are trying to talk me into going and I'm still very hesitant. Can you give me detailed expectations of what it's like to go? Maybe things you wish you had known beforehand?

No. 346800

no worries nonnie! i went through SA a couple of times myself and was super freaked about the idea of somebody looking up there myself too. i’ll give you a detailed walk through of how it went for me.
>be me, coming in for weird bleeding after sex
>nurse is super sweet, tells me she’ll give me some privacy to take off my bottoms and leaves the room
top tip, wear a skirt/dress! you’ll feel more covered up/protected that way, because you only have to take off your undies then.
>nurse comes back in, tells me to hop on the bed thing, pulls out the stirrups and i put my feet in them
>she gives me a warning for the lubricant as it will be cold (it was)
>lubricant+gloved fingers go inside your vagina (very strange sensation as it’s from a medical professional and not a sexual thing)
>warning for speculum, mine was plastic but it could be metal, usually cold but not painful
>nurse takes a look up there, gives me the all OK, leaves the room to let me get dressed again

i did have a very good relationship with this nurse as she was my college medical center nurse, so i would recommend getting to know your doctor/OBGYN pretty well. i had seen her about once a month for unrelated things (i’m a medical anomaly kek)
it will be okay nonnie! there’s no shame in asking if you can wear headphones and listen to music, or watch youtube on your phone. rooting for you!

No. 346806

I had a very similar experience (in student healthcare, EU country), though I was a virgin and I went there due to amenorrhea (no period for 4 years). The gyn also did an ultrasound of my ovaries, which hurt like hell to be honest, but she explained the procedure as it went on which made it more tolerable. It probably doesn't hurt that much for everyone but for me it did. I think you should explain that you feel uncomfortable or unsure about the check up and ask them to tell what they are doing so you can get a better idea of what is going on and ask them to stop if you need to. I think you'll be fine. Also if you ask about the procedure beforehand and they seem annoyed or dismissive, you can go to someplace else (if that's affordable).

Looking back it was kinda funny that I was there literally cursing under my breath, my eyes watering from the pain, and the obgyn just cheerfully goes
>look! there is your left ovary! it seems to be alright!
and shows it on the monitor for me

No. 346979

I'm gonna sound like a moid but are you supposed to be able to see your clit? I've never successfully stimulated it and I can't see anything where it should be, I thought it being "invisible" was why all the jokes are like "can't find it hurt durr" but all the diagrams show it like a small dot and I just don't have that.

No. 347024

Maybe you have a large clitoral hood or larger labia minora that block it? Some women with the former have a harder time retracting the hood, but I think it's often easier if you're aroused.
I mostly have the generic shape that most diagrams depict and I can see mine if I spread open. But it's not usually just exposed like a button at the top, it's more like a downwards facing turtle head if that makes sense? You might have to move things around to see the glans itself.

No. 347028

Your ultrasound tech seems funny and sweet. It's so weird hearing stories of women who get denied ultrasounds like crazy or can't even see the screen. I've heard stories of pregnant women who didn't have the right insurance who's ultrasound tech hid the screen rather than revealing that she had twins

No. 347246

It might just be too small? Some anons above were talking about this too. If you rub the general area where the clit is suppose to be when you're horny, can you orgasm or feel something?

No. 347744

File: 1694103875316.png (454.88 KB, 640x533, 317F8854-A860-459A-8904-CA307A…)

>completely unable to orgasm from penetration in any form in the 10+ years i’ve been masturbating
>finally have piv, think it’s going to feel like nothing again
>orgasm easily, multiple times

No. 347755

Feels great doesn't it

No. 347840

i'm a little jealous, glad you had a good time! was it something in particular that did it?

No. 347959

Im going to see my doctor next week to beg him for more endo tests. I can't take it anymore. Pray for me that he listens to me. I have every symptom and I'm so so done.

No. 348007

i think it’s psychological, at least for me. it’s different when it’s someone you love and who you can enjoy it together with instead of just your hand or a toy. i’m surprised most women have the opposite problem, where masturbation is fine but they can’t orgasm at all from sex

No. 349002

I just got something in one of my inner labia. I can feel it through my fingers, but it's microscopic and it doesn't really feel like anything. No color change, looks fine and no pain except slight discomfort when I push on it. Never had any problems. I think I might have got it from chafing as I recently fully shaved for the first time in years and the regrowth was a bit of a pain having long labia. What do you think nonas, should I go to the gyno or just wait? Doesn't seem serious to me but I'm retarded.

No. 349116

I've been flagged with HPV and high grade precancerous cells. Now, I've seen professionals who have been very reassuring and the treatment I'm due is very standard, they'll be surgically removing the cells and my doctor sounded very calm that the risk of them developing further is very low. But I'm so, so worried about it. About it becoming worse. My aunt died of cervical cancer when she was 28. I'm 28. I know it's nothing to do with genetics but I've always been aware of this possibility and now it's like a surreal nightmare. God I wish I wasn't a woman, please can someone just tell me everything is going to be okay.

No. 349818

Just an update on this. I had an ultrasound and a cystoscopy (putting a camera up your urethra into your bladder) and everything was completely fine. The urologist who did my cystoscopy was really very nice but didn't have much of any explanation of what is going on for me. She basically said that I get a UTI every singe time I have sex, and I clear it very quickly on my own. She offered me a prescription for antibiotics as a preventative to take every time I have sex but I declined. That sounds insane to me. What if a woman with this issue has sex every day, she takes antibiotics every day of her life? What the fuck? I am very cautious about taking antibiotics and only when there is no other option. She said she could not tell what my kidney was like but she didn't seem at all concerned or offer more tests. She said I had a very tight urethra and a tight pelvic area probably due to sexual assault trauma, but she didn't explain how this could be related at all. I asked could there be scarring due to trauma that would make this more likely and she couldn't say, she only said the muscles would tighten up and make sex painful. She spent a while talking about D-mannose and how it works but I already take it and I know how it works. I would rather have some explanation for what is personally happening to me than something I can google. Overall it was pretty disappointing, but mostly because of the extreme expense for me in getting this test done. She never mentioned anything about hygiene or different sexual practices, which I find strange since clearly if you do something like anal to vagina this could be an obvious explanation. It was a very catholic hospital so maybe that had some factor in what type of things she felt she can say. Anyway in the end I know it isn't anything serious or threatening at least, so that's a big relief, but it's a little disappointing since I already guessed that I was getting a UTI every time I had sex and I was more looking for some explanation or actionable advice than spending my entire weekly income for someone to tell me "yeah, what you already thought is probably true, good luck with that".

In the end I suppose a UTI is a minor issue and most of her patients are probably people who are dying of bladder cancer or whatever so I can understand, it's not so important and she probably can't/doesn't want to share some random personal theory she has of what is specifically going on and has to stick factually to "yes you are getting a UTI and the treatment option is to take an antibiotic".

No. 350209

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I think I might have vulvodynia. My entrance flares up from time to time and it's never a yeast infection. It's been happening since after I started menstruating and it goes away easily but then if I'm stressed out or taking hormonal medication it flares up again. Anyone else here has it? What are your symptoms?

No. 350211

Do you use condoms? May be a latex allergy

No. 350220

Sorry for the late reply nona, but it's going to be okay

No. 350583

That's okay I really appreciate it!

No. 350590

Sorry if this is off topic kek but it’s been on my mind. I recently stopped shaving because I realised I think pubic hair is actually quite nice and aesthetically pleasing on women. I used to be disgusted by my own body hair as a teenager and it was for no other reason than that I was afraid of womanhood and I feel a bit sad about it. It’s also much nicer to have hair than to have irritated shaved skin or stubble down there and I can’t actually believe that moids would rather a woman have that

No. 351478

Not exactly a vagina question, but a groin question. Has anyone here had a hernia (or a groin pull)? What was it like and how did you know? I think I have either hernia or groin pull, but I’m not sure. About 3 months ago, I went on a 10 mile hike and my right groin area and thigh were hurting by the end of it. I thought at first maybe I was sick and it was a swollen lymph node (I had just gotten over having Covid) because it felt similar to that. I don’t feel anything in the area, there’s no swelling or bump or heat. Often times I only feel the discomfort in my thigh and not my groin. The sore, uncomfortable feeling comes back during and after prolonged exercise. It’s never a sharp pain, or even very painful at all, but definitely feels like something is wrong there and it is affecting my physical ability. The things I’ve read online said my symptoms aren’t severe enough to warrant going to a doctor, but I’m not sure what to do except be careful not to make it worse.

No. 351523

I love having a bush too, I think it's cute. It's crazy how much we are taught to hate our natural bodies and alter them…

No. 351549

Agree, I love having a bush and love my wife’s (hers is extra cute to me) but I shave bare every one to two months bc I work out so much and bush holds sweat and makes me self conscious at the gym even if I’ve been reassured it doesn’t smell noticeable kek I use Lume sometimes but I don’t think it works as well on the bush as it does on the pits.

No. 351615

just curious, why shave bare and not trim? wouldnt trimming just be a slower but more comfortable way of "cycling out" (sorry cant think of how to phrase it better) pubes? i shaved bare a few times before but all the stubble was intolerably itchy and nowadays i just shampoo my pubes if i get conscious abt my sweat amts

No. 351726

agree as well. When I was a teenager I felt bad about it because I saw surveys/statistics saying that only a small minority of moids are partial to natural hair, and it just seemed like all women were removing theirs. Now I'm much more confident about wanting to keep mine, and my bf tells me he likes it too so it all worked out in the end.
It's still dumb that it's culturally expected to shave though, my tinfoil is that razor companies and other hair removal companies artificially manipulate public opinion. Some of their ads about "beautifying" yourself by removing hair are pretty gross. Obviously men don't face nearly as much pressure but I also once saw a pubic hair removal product ad targeting men that brought up "sooo many women prefer shaven" and basically strongly insinuated that they'll be loveless incels unless they buy their shit. I feel like nobody promotes just leaving your body alone because that's free and doesn't generate sales.

No. 351728

Honestly you’re right I probably should just trim but I do enjoy the week or two of ~smooth labia~ esp closer to my vaginal opening for sexy reasons (oral feels extra good to me) and tbh I don’t get too bad of itch with growout since I use a lot of soothing lotion on the area when it’s shaven. Perhaps it’s time to buy a trimmer tho kek prob would save me some time.

No. 351770

Every guy I’ve dated love pubes and can’t get enough of the ole bush tbh. I also have an innie so I assumed most men are pedos who like shaved little girl looking vaginas but actually most of them seem to really enjoy when I just would let it grow au naturale. My ex really liked sniffing my bush before he went down on me lol he would literally just put his nose on my bush and breathe in and out really deeply for like 10 minutes kek. It actually felt very nice, like the sensation of his breath was kind of like a mini vibrator and would get me really horny, he’d always get rock hard after inhaling the pheromones too. I honestly think most moids love bush, and yeah public opinion is manipulated by porn and by razor companies. I also hate shaved ballsacks they look so gross to me.

No. 353612

I've had a bush all my life and no problems ever, but in the past month I somehow always get hair stuck between the lips and it feels disgusting, but the thought of going near my vag with some scissors is even worse. Not looking for any serious replies, it's just that the anons in /ot/ have been weird lately, so I'm venting? here.

No. 353615

You know the solution

No. 353625

Sounds like a clothing problem (did you get new underwear etc recently? Or even if you didn’t get new clothes recently they may have worn out or you may have gained/lost weight and the clothes fit different) happened to me too once when I gained weight and needed new clothes.

No. 353673

I'm almost 30 and a virgin and I inserted a tampon for the first time in my life today. I feel like a real adult now lol. On a side note I still can't fit more than one finger, or maybe a finger and a pinky without it feeling like my vag opening is going to literally snap

No. 353860

So sometimes after sex I get really bad pain in my urethra. Occasionally I get it too if I wipe too hard (I'm retarded I know). Usually when it's after sex, it's like 12-24 hours after the fact. It's almost like UTI symptoms, but they generally go away within a few hours. It burns to pee, I have to pee a lot, it's cloudy, sometimes there's a discharge like substance. It feels like I can't relax my pelvis, like my body is trying to pull away from itself because it's scared of the pain. Usually if I take my bottoms off and sit with my legs spread, it'll go away fast. Other times I'll take a warm bath and that usually solves it. My question is, why does this keep fucking happening? It's gone on for a while now, I was just too retarded (and scared) to really look down there and figure out what hurt and why. I'm wondering if maybe I bruise my urethra during sex or I'm not wet enough? The guy I'm seeing can't finger a woman for his life so that might be it too? I always clean up after sex and pee and whatnot and like I said it's not a real UTI it just feels UTI-like. I don't really know how to stop this from happening but when it does happen it hurts so much I want to cry.

No. 353861

He's bad at sex and gives you an STI so painful that you cry? Dump him.

No. 353868

Kek I know nona. It's not an sti and I guess I should have clarified it's happened before with other people not just the shit at fingering guy. I wanted advice beyond the scope of dump him because that doesn't really fix the problem or explain why it happens. I've been tested a billion times and recently and it never comes up as an sti, UTI, nothing, I'm just told "use more lube!" And maybe that's the answer, idk I just was hoping someone with a similar experience could chime in.

No. 353888

Are you on birth control? That gave me interstitial cystitis.

No. 354854

I think the same thing happens to me, or at least something similar, so I will start by saying I am so sorry. It sucks so bad. Ice packs after sex, long baths, crying not knowing what is wrong with you, burning when you pee but it isn’t a UTI.. Sex is supposed to be awesome and fun, what the hell.
What happened to me is that one day I was having sex normally, but for some reason I wasn’t as wet as usual, and I could tell that I was in a bit of pain. I powered through. I did this multiple times because I thought I was just being a pansy. (Mistake.) Burning pain, hurt to pee, sometimes I think I did end up with bacterial vaginosis, or something like it, anyway my vagina was Fucked Up.
Then, I was expecting pain each time during sex, so it became even harder. Expecting pain made even more pain happen.
Lube really does help. It seems like a solution too simple to even work, but having rug burn on your insides is brutal, and easily avoidable. No shame in needing it, either. Stress, birth control, and being at different stages in your cycle can suddenly make sex a bit more difficult. Please don’t push yourself too hard, things will be okay in time, you have your entire life to learn how your body reacts and how to navigate the atrocities that penises commit.

No. 354866

Ok this is a REALLY weird thing but…sometimes after I’ve worked out if I also have masturbated that day, my vagina smells like musk but also like chocolate??? It’s very distinctive, and partners have commented on it how when I come sometimes it smells like cocoa butter almost, but not obnoxiously so, just a strange note in addition to my normal smell. Does anyone have any experience with like, different smells that are not horrible kek I wonder if it’s something dietary or?? I’m healthy afaik (get regular checkups and paps, live a fit lifestyle and eat well). It’s just really really weird

No. 355533

Nonnie pls go to the doctor to make sure it's not a uti that's flaring up with sex. I left my uti like symtoms untreated and I'm in chronic pain now. Every single day it hurts to pee and exist. Please go to the doctor.

No. 355840

Is anyone else’s discharge slightly yellow a majority of the time? I know it’s normal for me, but people seem to usually say theirs is clear or white. Why do I have a Simpsons’ Cervix..
>>354866 That’s a cool smell to have. Mine smells like a nice chicken soup sometimes.

No. 356793

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What to do about vaginismus? Self-diagnosed as I suppose not being able to fit more than one finger in my vag for the last ten years means somethings up. I’m a virgin btw—and get myself off only by friction if that matters. Would it take more than a month to finally be able to fit an average dildo in my canal?

No. 356801

use lube

No. 356802

>I’m a virgin btw—and get myself off only by friction if that matters
I do this too i cannot even insert a single finger on me, maybe this is a common problem for virgins? i wouldn't rule out vaginismus tho

No. 356807

I'm not saying it can't be vaginismus, but lately I've seen so many women saying they are virgins who think they might have vaginismus and I think the "hymens don't exist" narrative may have meemed a lot of girls into thinking they have this, when in reality they might have a thick hymen like I did. Back when I was young you learned that first time sex might be painful, you might bleed a little etc. but the narrative these days is it shouldn't hurt ever and if it does ur not aroused enough or you're being abused. I used to not being able to insert more than one finger without intense stinging pain that made me afraid to proceed because it hurt so much. Had sex one time where I just gritted my teeth and got the insertion over with, the pain was over in 10 seconds, there was some blood, and it hasn't been a problem since. If I had been young today I would probably have thought my body was rejecting sex or something. I'm not saying you should jump on a dick if that's not your thing, but I think you can't know for sure whether you have vaginismus until you've inserted something larger or at least know whether you have a thick hymen (because it's true that some don't). If the pain persists after you've had your hymen tear then you might have it.

No. 356815

nta but I think that's a good point. I remember looking at myself before and seeing that I had an obvious ring around the opening, and I later had a lot of trouble trying to have sex for the first time.
It took many attempts but after we got it in, I felt physically different afterwards, like rearranged or opened? I feel awkward saying so since it's widely considered outdated coomer logic that sex changes a woman, but that's really how I felt. So I think I did have a hymen that played a significant role.
I think I still do have vaginismus since it still hurts a lot, but it's different from when it physically could not fit. I am able to accommodate more width than before, just not yet enough that sex with my bf is okay.

No. 356817

Ayrt, thank you for sharing. It kinda frustrates me. We’ve known about the hymen probably since the dawn of humanity. Scientists know everything about it, how it develops in the fetus etc., but suddenly it doesn’t exist any longer because it’s not politically correct. You see this with a lot of gender related issues these days where reality about sexual dimorphism is being denied because it makes people uncomfortable. I agree 100% that the cultural significance which the hymen has held is oppressive, but that doesn’t mean it ceases to exist. I think it’s important that people are being given correct information about their own bodies while simultaneously dismantlig outdated attitudes regarding virginity. All women have a hymen, thickness and elasticity varies so some women experience pain while others don’t, some bleed while some don’t. That’s what I learned when I grew up.

I think women not knowing they might have one can lead to some issues down the line. Like, in my case I always knew the pain I experienced was because I hadn’t “broken” my hymen yet, so I had the expectation that if I had sex it would hurt a bit but then it would be ok. Which I admit sucked in its own way because why does sex have to be like that just because I’m a woman, but at least I knew I was completely normal and it would pass. If I had grown up today, thinking first time sex was not supposed to hurt at all, and if it did I was doing something wrong, I probably would have felt like ..something was wrong with my body. Of course your mileage may wary, which you are an example of!, but I think it’s important that we have the correct information about our own anatomy. Experiences varies from woman to woman, but we are so quick to say that because it happened this way for me it means it should be the same for everyone else. There is a wide range of normal. According to wikipedia about half of women self-report bleeding during their first intercourse and that doesn't mean they were all being violently raped, it's just that some of us have thick hymens lol.

No. 356819

The original claim was that hymens come in many shapes and sizes, some are perforate etc. Which is true, and your case confirms it. But somewhere along the line, "your hymen may have broken on its own" and "you may not have a hymen at all" got turned into "you're an incel for thinking hymens exist", which sucks. I am genuinely so tired of only women's bodies being politicized to this extent that a young woman may not be able to get objective information about her own anatomy without offending someone.

No. 356830

This. My first two boyfriends were not big enough to fully break my hymen and couldn’t use tampons until I was probably 23 so by the time I met the man who abused me (and unfortunately had a very large penis) I felt like I was a full on virgin when we had sex. It took probably 5 separate tries to even get him in and it hurt a lot. Now I’m hymen free and can have sex without pain if I’m aroused but still have a girth limit.

No. 356831

I don’t think I have vaginismus, because I’m relaxed, I think my vagina is just weirdly tight or something

No. 356859

Nobody is this retarded oh my god

No. 356860

Well another myth is that the hymen should break, its a ring of tissue, its supposed to stretch, not be torn open by an impatient moid shoving his dick in. My hymen tore years after I first got sexually active bc I got raped by a small dicked loser, not from losing my virginity despite the guy being way above average size.

No. 356892

Sounds like two unrelated things. You lucked out on having a thin/elastic hymen, and you got raped years later (you can bleed from sex despite not being a virgin, especially if you're not aroused or if it's violent). I'm sorry that happened to you.

No. 357031

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same! im completely relaxed and i still cant fit more than a finger. im a virgin so it might just be a hymen thing like the nonnies say.

No. 357063

The hymen isnt a barrier, its a ring. My hymen tore from being raped, you know you can literally see it if you take a hand mirror to your pussy right?

No. 357116

>The hymen isnt a barrier, its a ring
Idk how you interpreted my post this way. Anyway..

>another myth is that the hymen should break, its a ring of tissue, its supposed to stretch, not be torn open by an impatient moid shoving his dick in

How in the hell am I supposed to gradually stretch my hymen using an entire dick if I literally couldn't fit more than one of my own fingers in, no matter how horny I was, because the pain was too intense? You know 99% of dicks are larger than a finger right? I was a chronically horny and curious teenager, so it's not like I didn't try on several occasions to do it on my own. I would have probably had to buy a dilator set, and even then you don't actually know whether I would have bled or not because your body is obviously different to mine. In my case enduring 10 seconds of sorta intense pain was preferable to gradually dilating myself for idek how many weeks which I imagine would have been more painful. In the end I don't really care how other women do it, I just think that having a thick/rigid hymen is a possibility they should be aware of before self-diagnosing vaginismus on themselves.

No. 357192

Ever since my pregnancy, now postpartum, it smells bad down there. No amount of (gentle) cleaning helps. My hormones entirely changed. My husband won't go down on me anymore. I hate it. Sometimes it smells bad just being in proximity to me. I don't have an infection.

No. 357194

Thats weird? Could it be diet? How postpartum are you? I've had multiple kids and this has never happened to me

No. 357204

i keep getting ezcema on my vagina and scratching it. i think i have a vaginal version of trichotillomania because i keep aggravating the area by scratching it when i shower

No. 357227

Hormones shouldn’t make your coochie smell like ass. Sounds more like there might be some debris or a wound that isn’t healing from the pregnancy inside. I would double check and get a biome culture of your vagina again, bad smells almost always mean a bacterial disorder

No. 357247

Why does my coochie hurts when I think of lewd things. It feels like it's constricting/closing. Christ, I can't even fantasize peacefully.

No. 357253

Because blood is rushing to the area.

No. 357284

hurts like actual pain? the constricting is normal, like the vagina squeezing and such.

No. 357306

I get that too if I get turned on too suddenly/quickly. It’s like a tightening feeling, like the skin is being stretched before it’s relaxed and ready.

No. 357316

Really I feel like things loosen for me, or maybe I'm not processing the feeling right. It is a very strange feeling in my vagina hole in particular. Maybe it's lengthening or something.

No. 357894

Maybe this goes here?? Correct me if I'm wrong. But suddenly in the past 3 months I've been getting chronic UTIs after intercourse. I've pinned it down to it happening near the end of my periods. But the doctors are starting to not be helpful? They prescribed fosfomycin which didn't work at all.

Any advice? It's been 3 weeks now that I've been dealing with symptoms, my tests are coming up negative for e.coli and all they can do is keep asking for tests and samples

No. 357899

Look into embedded/chronic UTIs. You might have one that is flaring from sex.
If you're in the UK there are clinics that test for it.

The usual bacteria tests coming back negative is normal, they need to do another kind of test.

No. 357962

I haven't had a period in like 10 months… They've never been particularly regular but usually I get one at least every 3 months. Pregnancy tests negative. The weird thing is I will get all my usual PMS symptoms (bloating, tender boobs, etc) for a week but then not bleed at all. Is this concerning enough to go to a doctor over?

No. 357975

Are you on birth control? That gave me chronic utis

No. 358036

Are you using condoms?

No. 358100

I have a yeast infection and it fucking sucks. I had one before, after my wisdom teeth removal. I was on antibiotics, and they induced a yeast infection in my mouth and then in my vag. But I dealt with it quickly, and it was over in no time. This one is longer, and it fucking sucks! I hate this cotton cheese looking gunk, I hate the feeling that something is oozing/falling out of me, and most of all I hate the treatment. This time I chose to go for a cream (I used suppositories before), and in my naïveté I thought that I would have to apply the cream around/on the vulva. Apparently, no, there are 6 syringe-looking devices coming with it, and I have to put the cream inside them and shoot it way way up. I feel like I’m violating myself with a bad quality plastic funnel-type thing. I wish I went for suppository… I’m too chickenshit to stop the treatment now and changing it to another.

No. 358292

>>357899 Thank you so much, I never knew that standard GPs urine tests weren't testing a wider spectrum

>>357975 yeah, I've been on the implant for 3 years, first year I had issues and my first run in with UTIs but I put that down to my ex being a dirty scrote who never showered. Now that I'm going through it again I'm wondering if its more than that.

No. 358365

The implant is what gave me neverending utis, didnt stop until I got it removed. The 3rd year of the implant was hell for me uti wise, no problems the first two years and then bam, a year of constant utis and some kindey infections.

No. 358381

I've been masturbating with nail polish on and I'm scared that my vaginal fluid is slowly 'dissolving' the nail polish and absorbing it into my body. That's why I haven't actually masturbated by penetration. Is it dangerous to masturbate with nail polish?

No. 358382

I’m just assuming but even if it is I doubt it’s more dangerous than inhaling the fumes while you paint your nails or eating food with your hands while wearing polish.

No. 358390

Just letting you know you are not the only one suffering from this shit

No. 358412

It's not only a spectrum issue, it's also that the infection could be embedded in your bladder so standard tests that only measure the amount of bacteria are not realiable. They do a urine microscopy to diagnose it.
Hormonal issues can also cause UTI like symptoms.

No. 358518

Oh, sorry to hear that, nonnie. Good luck with your treatment!

By the way, are you staying on the diet to heal faster or no? I know it’s not good to eat sugar during this but everything is too miserable to restrict myself.

No. 358650

You are the first person telling me about the diet kek. I’m cutting out sugar now because this fungus son of a bitch just won’t go away. I was told stress lets these fungi thrives so we also gotta relax.

No. 362403

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Im ESL so sorry if this is worded weirdly but my labia (minora) is itchy and dry. The pharmacies sells a special sort of cream for the labia that should make the itching go away. Should I get it or is it bullshit? I was taught that the vulva is able to restore its own PH value so i shouldnt use soaps or creams on it, even if its specialized soaps and creams made for the vulva.
I read on a website made by doctors that cold water helps with the itching and it does temporarily make the itching go away. It was also the same website that recommended the labia cream from the pharmacy. I figured since the information is written by a doctor it must be true but on the other hand doctors are known for lacking research when it comes to female anatomy.

Basically what I'm asking if anyone has any experiences with pharmacy products to combat itchiness in the labia

No. 362482

I don’t know if I’m fucking stupid for this, and I swear I’m not a TiF, but I am really self-conscious about the size of my clitoris. It’s so small, and while I can orgasm and everything, I wish I could just even see what I’m touching. I know there are women out there who have taken small doses of testosterone for libido purposes or to grow it a little, but I’m paranoid that if I talk to a doctor and do that, any future woman I’m with will think I’m crazy or had a gendie phase. I know how stupid it is, but it’s always bothered me.

No. 362511

If it makes you feel better most of the clitoris is inside your body and that’s true for every woman. The part that’s external is a very small part of the whole thing.

No. 362531

i've never been able to see my clitoris. my labia majora covers a lot and i did not know it was a thing to be insecure about lol. i don't orgasm from penetration but i don't struggle with it otherwise.

No. 362539

I would personally never think twice about this if I saw it on another woman. On the list of things that might temper my attraction to a girl, 'small clit' is not even something I'd consider. That said, if it really keeps you up at night, I don't think taking testosterone (I wonder if topical would work well here?) would be a red flag as long as you were transparent about your intentions with it if it came up, i.e. "I used testosterone for a brief period of time to help with sexual function". You don't owe anyone more explanation than that. You don't have to tell anyone at all, actually.
I don't think you should take testosterone though. I think you are worried about a non-issue.

No. 362541

Aww having a small clit is like having a small nose. There's nothing ugly about it. Like a little cat nose poking through!

No. 362543

anon DO NOT do it… sorry for TMI but I also had an invisible clit but after a year on testosterone (most retarded decision I have ever made) it got grossly large. Luckily it shrunk down to a more normal size once I quit the hormones but it's still on the bigger end of normal. Nobody's ever told me it's weird, but still I hate it so much. Every time I see it I cringe. It's ugly and it's much less sensitive, sticking with what you're born with will always be the best option. The hormones are not worth it

No. 362545

Aww having a big clit is awesome for suckling on it like a newborn calf! I'm sorry about the sensitivity problems tho. Still think it looks cute as hell

No. 362589

Honestly you all made me feel better. Ty.

No. 362650

No. 362768

Nta but did you have any other side effects you regret, out of curiosity?

No. 362905

there's a detrans thread where this might fit better but whatever. I injected testosterone for one year, from 17-18. Here's some of the side effects that stuck around after I stopped. and yes a discord tranny got it for me when I was underage kek
>never been particularly curvy but testosterone makes you collect fat around your midsection and turn brick-shaped, had to dip into underweight BMI and regain while working out to get my "normal" shape back
>froggy voice, I can sound female enough when speaking thanks to practice but my singing voice is irreversibly damaged. Also can't shout very loud
>dark beard and chin hairs that grow back super quickly, darker and thicker body hair overall
>irregular, long and painful periods
>T turned me into a pizzaface and no amount of skincare has fixed it

mind you most of these changes were positives at the time when I was taking the hormones but I was also a mentally ill self-harming teen

No. 362906

Yesterday it felt like a uti was coming, woke up today and it fucking sucks.
Sent the husband to yet me some tablets for it and cranberry juice.
I have a plane to catch is 19 hours, not looking forward to it.

No. 362929

Drink tons of water. I know airplane bathrooms are gross, but stay hydrated on the flight so you can flush it all out.

No. 364100

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Have any nonnas here had a severe UTI and lived to tell the tale? I’ve have mild symptoms that come and go (pain in urethra, frequent urge to urinate)over the past week but haven’t seen a doctor yet because I had food poisoning during the first sign of my symptoms and assumed they were connected. Now I’m feeling really run down, having spells of lethargy and trouble regulating my temperature. I’m going to try and see a doctor this week, what will the signs be if it’s bad enough that I need to go to hospital?

No. 364114

Right now. If you are still having issues regulating your temperature and are even at the point asking if you should go to the hospital please go. I had an my first and only ever UTI and played down the severity and pain until I could physically not move. It ended up spreading to my kidneys and cause permanent damage. If your immune system was down from food poisoning and trying to fight that, that’s more leeway for bacteria to spread.

No. 364138

Go the the doctor oh my god. You can actually die of kidney infection.

No. 364286

Me again, uti is still here. I've been drinking ural 3x a day and today is the best it'd felt all week. I hope I'm on the tail end of it.
Super random but I was holding tp to my urethra because it was itchy and the pressure helped (probably not great for me tho) and when I pulled it away I noticed there was a hit of clear mucus or something on it.
I googled and apparently it's normal to have discharge out of your urethra when you have a uti, I've never noticed it the handful of times I've had one before though.
It's meant to help flush everything out.
Women's bodies are amazing.

No. 365232

When I have a uti or my vagina feels inflamed I just rub a little bit of natural plain organic on my vag because it has a lot of lactobacillus in it. Seems to do the trick for me.

No. 365233


No. 365256

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fingered myself for the first time in the bath at age 25(geriatric i know, i had issues with penetration for a long time). felt very weird. both feeling the finger inside me and the sensation of fingering my vagina. i was very dry it felt like i was fingering my asshole tbh only difference is i could squeeze my vagina. it wasnt straight either i had to go up and down i didnt know where i was reaching. and there was just this mass pressing on it which i later realised was my bladder. i kept thinking about how my vagina was pressed down inbetween my colon and bladder like a sandwich. it felt uncomfortable overall i am going to continue to avoid putting anything in my vagina.

No. 365257

I’ve been having this weird problem for the past couple weeks of my clit being super sensitive, like I always am aware of feeling it whereas usually you’re not. This is very embarrassing but I keep getting horny when I drive to work because the bumpiness/slight unevenness of the road is like stimulating it just against my labia!I started a new medication a little while ago, but if anything it’s supposed to make you LESS sexually sensitive, and the timeline doesn’t exactly match, so I don’t think that’s it. Wtf is going on? This is making me feel like a retard or an animal.

No. 365298

Not to be 2deep but you are an animal and so is everyone else, it’s probably just something with your hormones and/or cycle. Don’t worry about it. Wear different clothes if it helps and try to not let it bother you.

No. 365313

This has been my exact experience as well. The last time I tried to put anything other than a menstrual cup in me was like 4 years ago, and it felt like stroking a limb that has fallen asleep. Very weird and not something I'd like to repeat.

No. 365330

Doing in the bath is horrible, water makes it feel dry and shitty. I love penetratiom but under water makes me feel sick. If you ever change your mind, try doing it in your bed instead

No. 365545

Yeah I know I should see a doctor but I can't right now. What does it mean if I'm getting severe uterus pain a week after my period? Has anyone else been through this? It feels way worse than period cramps and like my organs are on fire. It's not even cramp like pain (but it's in the same area that it occurs) idk how to describe it. Like inflamed? and an extreme ache. Also having some slight lower back and knee pain with it.

No. 365559

I'm on bc again to regulate my periods/hormones, I started taking them on the first day of my period but it's been two weeks and I am still bleedings heavily. I can't deal with this mentally my mood is shit and I'm constantly irritated and sad. How stupid would it be to stop taking them now?

No. 365566

>stroking a limb that has fallen asleep
This is so real. It feels like this for me, too. I've learned that as long as it's not my own fingers, I can handle penetration, but the weird unfeeling sensation of my own insides against my fingertips stresses me out to even think about.

No. 365581

Are you two straight? I'm a lesbian and even though I don't like to finger myself, I love the feeling of the inside of my vagina. It's so soft. The sensation is not sexually pleasurable as much as it is aesthetically and existentially awesome. It feels like magic in there. But of course I just love pussy in general, so I wonder if that's the difference.

No. 365587

I'm straight and I don't know what they're talking about. The only negative feeling I ever experienced was some disappointment that I didn't instantly cum the first time i fingered myself but that was my bad lol, expectation versus reality problem.

No. 365638

Not straight, it's only my own vagina that stresses me out to feel with my own hands. Every time I've fingered another woman it has been great and normal. I love pussy that isn't my own. I don't know what's wrong with me.

No. 365818

I'm bi but I don't think it has anything to do with my sexual orientation. I don't care for penetration of any kind because as I said, I can't feel anything, but feeling the nothing touching my fingers feels especially creepy.

No. 365838

what does sexuality have to do with this?

No. 365850

I don't think it has anything to do with it (straight nona here who enjoys self-penetration lol), but it's ok to wonder about things sometimes

No. 365878

I asked because I believe that my love for my own vaginal texture is related to my enduring fetish for vulvas and vaginas AKA my homosexuality. It never even occurred to me that other women would not feel the same way about their own bodies. My immediate thought was "oh right, most people are straight AKA not nearly as invested in vulvas and vaginas as I am. Could there be a connection?" That's all. Hopefully this adequately explains my thought process.
And to everyone else who responded, thanks for your insight!

No. 365891

it just feels either like nothing or painful

No. 365965

this is interesting anon, I had a very late bi awakening in my mid twenties and ever since then I feel the same way you do, I suddenly started to appreciate my own vagina at like, a deeper sexual level kek. Not that i'm sexually attracted to my own junk or anything, but idk, it's hard to describe so I won't try since you said it best.

No. 366087

Fucking me again, it was nearly gone but right now it's like doubled what I was feeling yesterday. I don't understand. It's 3am now and depending on how I feel when I wake up I'm going to do a phone Dr appointment to see what they recommend. I think ural was what was helping but I finished the box and it said not to take for more than 5 days or something.. wish I kept taking it now.
I'm trying to get preg so worried about antibiotics for it. Hindsight 20/20, wish I went to a Dr a week ago.
I got my mirror and had a look, my urethra looks swollen and super red. Granted I don't usually take note of what it looks like, but if I pull my labia I can kind of see into it which I don't recall ever being able to do. Tmi but whatever I'm feeling miserable on the couch

No. 366089

Man I just peed and it felt like a few days ago when it was clearing???
I don't understand

No. 366090

Nona, not to be mean but you're a fucking idiot. Go to the doctor.

No. 366092

It was getting better!! I'm going to go tomorrow if it isnt better

No. 366099

Honestly I was kinda judging you last week but I thought "what do I know, it's only been bothering her for a week" but it's too much now kek. If you had a baby and she got an infection would you wait this long to see if her body beat it on it's own? Of course you wouldn't. Be nicer to yourself. Get in front of things, especially if you're gonna be a mom.

No. 366103

I put it off because the previous 2 times I've had ones it went away after a week or so and I was avoiding drs because of the antibiotics.
But youre right, I'll see how it is in the morning and go from there, I was visiting fam so I put it off because of that too

No. 366702

I tore really bad after I had sex last week. I’ve been to an obgyn but the pain is unbearable. I don’t even understand how I tore like this (both folds of labia minora, and a big tear going up and down my clitoral hood) and some towards my perinium. It hurts really bad to sit or go to the bathroom and it’s really swollen and there two little blister/pimple like things that I just saw when I was trying to check if it was healing, even though the obgyn said I don’t have any stds/stis. I feel like I’m dying. Actually. I can’t function at all whatsoever. I’m basically bedridden because it’s less painful if I’m just asleep.

No. 366704

Holy shit anon, that sounds so painful and scary. I haven't experienced tearing, but I know in the past when my ex went at it from the wrong angle (he was a lot taller than me) it would put strain on me, so we had to accommodate by using a pillow underneath my butt. Not gonna lie I'm mind boggled as to how this happened to you, were you not sufficiently aroused or was he manhandling you? It's probably not much of a comfort at this point, but in the grand scheme of things it sounds like a 1st degree tear, and I think most women who experience it heal just fine afterwards. I'm really sorry this happened to you, I hope you feel better soon

No. 366716

for peeing, try aiming a gentle stream of lukewarm water at you crotch and then pee (like from a shower head). It will dilute the urine immediately so it won't sting as much.
Maybe also check out any other post-partum care like sitz baths and ice pads. If you tore that badly might as well treat it the same as after giving birth

No. 366812

Thanks for the support I really appreciate it. I wish I knew how quickly it will heal, because it’s been almost a week and it only seems more painful. I’ve been putting the ointment the obgyn prescribed on it 3x a day. I was pretty aroused when I was having sex, although I hadn’t had sex in a little over a month, I’m on birth control (the pill) right now so I’m not sure if that effected my elasticity down there? The guy was definitely pretty rough but I’ve never had tearing this bad before. My obgyn said to give it about a week from when I saw her but I’m really losing hope about it. I got my period today because I forgot to take the pill early enough yesterday.

No. 366848

File: 1703120099267.png (Spoiler Image,11.22 KB, 390x423, 1702784075110.png)

I asked this in the TMI thread but didn't get a response, so reposting here… does anyone else have 3 labia minora? (picrel) What kind of deformity is this? They're all pretty normal in size, although the third one is a little longer than the others.

No. 366915

why don’t I have discharge

No. 366918

I mean, I have plenty of extra folds. Not an actual third labia though, just extra skin

No. 366924

>thinks it's somehow her fault when the guy was "pretty rough"

No. 366982

My sister came to me with a similar story and I told her if a guy is not listening to you during sex to the point he gets so rough he tears your vagina that’s just rape. You should report the guy that did this.

No. 367107

He sounds like he was way too rough, but its definitely the birth control making you tear that badly. I'd tear constantly when I was on birth control, my vagina had no elasticity. Had to use estrogen cream ment for old women to get some elasticity back when I was on bc. normal sex on birth control made me tear badly, but being raped off birth control didnt tear me at all

No. 367123

Is this a common side effect of birth control? Is there one that doesn’t cause this? And if I go off it will the elasticity go back to normal or do I have to use the cream for that?

No. 367149

is it normal to not be able to insert anything in there unless you're really, really aroused? it's like it's blocked or something and i can barely even get the tip of my finger in there. i'm a virgin if that's relevant at all. this could be so stupid to ask, i swear i'm not underage just terribly inexperienced

No. 367175

Not sure if its common but its definitely not uncommon. I could only use progesterone based bc so I have no idea if the estrogen ones do the same. For me it went back to normal pretty quickly, after a few weeks I never had tearing again.

No. 367238

going to the ER because my vulva hurts so goddamn much after I pee. They will probably tell me it's nothing again but wish me luck nonnies

No. 367242

Why do I bleed, sometimes a lot, the very few times I trim my pubic hair or masturbate even though there's no penetration at all and there's no way I'm accidentally cutting myself. I'm worried but allegedly there's nothing wrong with me.

No. 367269

File: 1703253781578.webm (Spoiler Image,514.11 KB, 480x714, 1703251597841143.webm)

how is this shit even possible?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 367274

That's a man and it's probably in his ass. I saw this type of videos of anorexic gay men before

No. 367279

Holy ouch

No. 367429

I just checked and it could be because I'm ovulating but now I bleed so much more than usual that panty liners aren't enough. I had to use a pad aftef staining my pair of jeans with blood because I thought a panty liner would be enough. It's clearly not period blood that could have been there 2 weeks earlier than it's supposed to because there's not enough of it for that and the texture and color are very different. I'm worried it's getting worse and worse with time and my lower stomach hurts sometimes too.

No. 367430

Maybe you have that thing where blood builds up behind a membrane (?) and it's spilling out because of the position you're in when you masturbate or trim. can't remember what it's called I know I saw a nona on /g/ somewhere talking about getting it fixed.

No. 367434

I never heard about that, I have to look it up. Do you remember which thread you're talking about?

No. 367446

Sorry, I found it! >>>/g/354101 I thought it was in this thread but it was in the menstruation thread. She was basically bleeding a little bit all the time so it might not be the same as what's going on with you but you must have something going on because masturbation and especially trimming hair does not normally cause one to bleed. Hope you at least have good luck getting medical advice from the gyno like she did.

No. 367548

See a medical professional, you might have clotting issues.

No. 369196

I have crabs i have crabs i have crabs i have crabs i have crabs ew ew ew ew ew ew

Does regular head lice treatment work against them??? I can't find anything specific for them where i live

No. 369221

Yes regular lice lotions and shampoos are how you kill them. I guess there are cases where that doesn't kill them and you should go to a doctor at that point, but the lice treatment will most likely work.

No. 369326

^ same poster as before, I went back to the obgyn because I wasn’t feeling better and she suspects I have herpes, I have to wait for the tests but I’ve started medication for it. I know it’s fairly common but the fact that if I’m positive I’ll have it for life is scary.

No. 369340

Maybe not the right thread for this, but does anybody know if those “get antibiotics online for UTIs” websites are legit? Is there one reputable one? I have a UTI, my own dumb fault for taking hot baths last week since I had the flu and the steam helped my congestion + I was chilled and the water helped. Trying to flush it out with lots of water and those little cranberry supplement gummies but I’m getting worried

No. 369344

Just shave your pubes off and they'll go away, no need to do more than that. Fun fact, pubic lice are endangered bc humans started shaving.

No. 369345

Is there no community health clinic in your area?

No. 369419

I talked to a telehealth dr to get antibiotics. They didnt explain how long to take them but thankfully my pharmacist did.

No. 369483

fully convinced myself i was pregnant and spent the day in work researching pregnancy symptoms and abortion care in my country. got pregnanacy tests on my break, came back all clear.
what a day. now i just need to figure out why my period is a month late. i'm still going to test again in a few days to be sure

No. 369906

File: 1703915556914.jpeg (19.46 KB, 500x500, 2D3E1ABD-0211-43B1-8DB7-38B083…)

So, I bought my first sex toy since I’m tired of humping a pillow, or my hand.
>picrel, lelo gigi 2
And I also bought water based lube. Um, so, I just got done with my testing it out and I gotta say…it’s not bad.
>but the vibrations could be a bit stronger for €100+…just sayin’
Anyway, the reason why I came to this thread is because I legitimately think the circumference of my vaginal canal is that of a nickel coin or something. I have ONLY been to insert my index finger for like—what— the last ten years?
>very embarrassing
I tried pushing in the toy and the tip could not even enter. It hurt, then stung, and started to feel sore as I tried to gently force the toy in. Mind you I used a teaspoon amount of lube at this point…yet I could just feel how small the canal is…it’s as if I kept hitting the exterior of a “wall opening of a cave” made of bone or muscle. Like two internal arched pillars of…whatever…refused to let the toy through. And the hole couldn’t be stretched any further. Fucking sucks man. I really wanted to explore myself more pleasure-wise and “penetrate” myself. Should I keep trying to push the toy in more a little each day? More lube? Argh, it hurts though.. :(

No. 369910

hopefully you found a solution but they're mostly legit, but for the love of god don't use nurx. k health has been a great experience so far. chat-based appointments on-demand, you speak with an actual doctor, there's no low-literacy chat agents, they ship your medication to the correct address (if you ever needed that option)…

No. 369918

Probably should have got something smaller and cheaper if it's your first toy and you still have your hymen.
Just go slow and relax, use more lube, make sure you have the right angle, and sit on a towel or in the bathroom just in case you do break it and it bleeds.

No. 369922

Thank you for the advice. I bought the toy thinking it was on the smaller side (and it’s kind of smaller than you’d expect) I thought my hymen was thinner and already broken hence why I could put a single finger through. Then again I dunno much about hymens.

No. 369923

A finger can be small enough to just stretch it.
I was a dumb kid who stuck pens and other small things up there during puberty and it was still there to pinch a bit and bleed a noticable amount the second time I used a dildo.

No. 369929

I think finger sized hymen is normal, blood needs somewhere to flow out when you're on your period. When I was younger I could stick one finger in but could not for the life of me get two fingers or anything bigger than a finger until my hymen "broke" during first time sex. The toy you bought looks great, but I think for first time exploration it would be more comfortable to use something with a smaller circumference at the end which gradually widens. If you have the means for it, you could try a silicone dilator set + lube to slowly ease things in.

No. 369930

>dilator set
Oh good idea. Haven’t thought of that.

No. 369932

I hope it works out for you anon! I saw you have already bought water-based lube which is great. If you haven't already, you should also buy a cleaning product for your toy. I agree with the other anon who said that the angle of penetration is important, or you are gonna hit your pelvic bone. I find it easiest to do when I'm lying down on my back (you can have a towel underneath your bum if you want to), but your mileage may wary. Good luck exploring!

No. 370704

Is thick pubic hair supposed to grow on the inside part of the labia majora? Like is that normal?

No. 370762

I guess, that happens to me. I grow hair everywhere.

No. 370927

I know I sound stupid but I’m really insecure about the coloring on my vagina. I want to at least lighten it a little bit, I hear some talk about yogurt as a remedy? Like applying yogurt onto your vagina. Has anyone done that?

No. 370974

Sure if you want a yeast infection. Don't do anything to your vulva and don't apply any bleaching creams that could give you permanent nerve damage and chronic pain.

No. 372006

So about three weeks ago, I got this…what I think is a pimple…on my inner labia majora lip. Online sources said it'll go away on it's own, but it hasn't. Started small and sort of painful. It began to get a little smaller and wasn't painful to the touch anymore. Then this week, any progress was ruined because my period arrived and the pimple grew huge in size and now it's really painful.
I've never had this happen before so I don't know what to do. It's not a sweating issue, because I always go commando when I'm at home. What can I do to help get rid of this thing? Is there a medicine I can use that would be sage for the inner labia majora? Not sure if I should see a gyno or not, I hate going.

No. 372023

I had an ingrown/pimple that was so bad down there I got panicky even tho at that time I was a virgin kek. I used hot compress towel to draw it out and then pierced it w a sterilized sewing needle to drain the pus. After the pus was out I could tweeze the ingrown out and then I just tended to the little wound left behind and it healed in under a week. It was pretty painful at its peak but thank god I haven’t had another like that.

No. 374765

I'm having so much trouble getting wet??? I masturbated a lot like last week so I stopped this week because I could feel my body struggle to keep up with creating lubricant but I just tried masturbating and it took so long to even get a bit wet, and when I was it wasn't like normal, super dry. Pushing against my vagina rven hurt, and when I put my fingers in I literally got immediately dry. I don't have a yeast infection or anything btw. I'd have thought that after I took a break from masturbation my body would return to normal but it didn't.

No. 374823

It could be related to your hormonal cycle. Sounds like you were in the horny part of your cycle and it's mellowing out now. I have less lubrication/hornyness before my period. I wouldn't worry too much about it or force something, it ebbs and flows.

No. 374992

Do you drink enough water? Are you on birth control?

No. 375985

I think I might have vaginismus but I don't know. I had a bf that I would try having sex with, and it was always horrible and painful so we concluded that I had vaginismus, but now I'm wondering if it's not my fault and it's just that he didn't get me even a little aroused. I don't really like inserting anything in general though, it's not horribly painful like that but just unpleasant.
I'm not sexually active and don't plan to be for a long time. But I'm just kinda worried because I don't want it to be agony when I do it again, it'd suck for my first experience with someone to be bad and have to work at it then. Should I talk to a gyn about this? It just seems awkward to me because I'm not interested in sex or masturbating and if a problem exists, it literally isn't affecting my life at all. I just don't want to have to cross that bridge when I get to it and would like to feel confident that nothing is wrong by next time.

No. 376004

Yes you obviously should see a doc about it. It might be something else that's easily treatable.

No. 376005

4 days till my cystoscopy! I've been waiting since like November last year. Hopefully they find something that can explain my pain.

No. 376010

Trust your instincts. If he didn't get you aroused it's more likely that was the problem then that you have a condition.

No. 376899

Well they cancelled my cystoscopy without prior notice cause the doctor wasn't there.
But the good news is that due to that, the next day I went to another doctor and she did other tests that my original doctor refused to do. She also said he was a bad doctor and shit talked my ex. Very based lady. Hope the tests come back positive!

No. 376932

I’m glad the cancellation ended up being a blessing in disguise for you. It’s fucked up that your previous doctor wouldn’t order tests that you needed. It’s just more evidence to me that men shouldn’t be in women's medicine

No. 377207

It took me an embarassingly long time for me to realize there were different vagina types because I've only ever seen my own. I've been curious but a little hesitant to ask.. for those who have longer labia minoras, is there a sensation if it's stimulated/pulled/sucked/etc? Mine aren't long enough to even slot between my fingers (and for a long time I thought I just didn't have a labia minora) so I want to know just in case anyone I'm with in the future have it.

No. 377240

I would consider myself to have average, mid-sized labia minora and they don't have much sensation at all, but it feels good to pull on them since it sort of like… stretches/pulls your clit at the top.

No. 378425

I have pretty long labia minora, among the longest you would see in one of those charts of a bunch of vulvas, and they feel nice if touched gently. For me the sensation is almost exactly comparable to having my nipples touched.

No. 378454

My quality of life has suffered so much because of my labia to the point where i'm seeking labiaplasty in the near future to address what is my biggest scourge and anxiety: its a mix of both practical discomfort issues/dysfunction caused by my anatomy as well as now self esteem issues, really hoping for some advice from women who have gone through the same and preferably took the route of labiaplasty and can advise me.

I know i'll get replies trying to talk me down from my decision, and theres definitely some bad influences that have dogged me that i've tried to disregard -for reference my hood/labia are rather big/long, pigmented brown and stick very much out of my outer labia majora, nothing 'visibly' outrageous other than obviously not fitting into the pornsick beauty standard - that have affected my self esteem (preventing me from being sexually active, eg. i've never had sex w lights on so that moid could scrutinise my vulva..) But its honestly only become an issue causing me depression because of corresponding objective issues w my anatomy that mentally justifies the minor cosmetic dissatisfaction.

OK Warning i'm about to get real…
It's just harder to keep clean, of course I wash my vulva carefully (theres just a lot more surface area where smegma builds up) but after urinating its a struggle to make sure my labia has been wiped off thoroughly without causing irritation (cant pat dry as its insufficient to clean), and i need to use unscented wetwipes or face regularly removing bits of TP from my labia. And then hygiene is a different beast altogether when you add my period to the equation, I find cups/tampons unbearable to wear most of the time so am forced into wearing pads where my labia are sitting in my own blood requiring constant runs to the bathroom to freshen up.
I get irritated a lot by even gentle cotton panties, getting chafed or even needing to reorganise how theyre sitting. Sex and masturbation are also badly affected with them being chafed and pulled w penetration or just very much obstructing my vulva. I've also been getting painful zits/cysts on both inner and outer labia despite my best and excruciating hygiene efforts.

All of this everyday is causing grief that I can only compare to extreme tranny dysphoria and despondence, I've thoughtspiralled and considered even DIY surgerying myself because saving for the surgery might take me years (if I, most likely, get rejected for surgery referral by the NHS in the UK) Considering all the practical day to day grief im having, with sexual dysfunction/insecurity not in the question, i'm not crazy to consider this right? I'm very wary of mutilating myself out of depression for the male gaze but it truly is causing me all that discomfort. I can only think of the moid equivalent of circumcising the prepuce/foreskin to address similar chronic discomfort and hygiene issues - done as a medical rather than cosmetic procedure in adulthood. If anyone has had labiaplasty for similar reasons please please please give me an insight on whether its worth it and I'm doing it for the right reasons, I'm really at my wits end…

No. 378456

This is not the reply you're looking for, but I have outie labia minora and no one has ever commented negatively on them (I had a slut phase so I've slept with upwards to 20 guys). I know it can sometimes be a struggle to get the penis inside but I just use extra lube in those cases.

As for the hygiene issues. The inside of your vagina is self-cleaning, which leaves the outside. I think a lot of modern day hygiene practices are largely exaggerated. If you think about hygiene, it's original purpose was to prevent spread of diseases. Unless you have some sort of tear going on around your vulva, your vagina can't become diseased from you peeing. Fecal matter has the potential to spread disease, which is why hand washing is important after going to the bathroom. I usually just wipe with toilet paper after peeing, and use wet wipes when I do number 2. In the shower I clean with water on most days and sometimes a bit of pH neutral soap, but not too often because even this can cause issues such as fungal infection. Beyond this I only freshen up if I know I'm gonna have sex. It's normal to have some odor down there after a long day, we're humans. I think the amount of cleaning you are currently doing is exacerbating your problems by drying out the skin and causing a bacterial imbalance to your skin, which may be why you are now getting cysts. I recommend the book Clean by James Hamblin for a different perspective on what too much cleanliness can do. I'm sure you are aware of this, but surgery to your labia minora can worst case lead to loss of sensation to your clitoris because the veins are connected. I'm really sorry for the distress this is causing you, but I hope you find another way to deal with it other than surgery.

No. 378462

Remember that surgeons(and drs in general) arent taught where the nerves in the female reproductive system is so when they do labiaplasty they are just hacking away without any knowledge. Just be aware of that. They are literally taught where every single nerve jn the cock is and what they do, but there is ZERO teching about the vulva. Which is why complications and sensation loss is so common bc they literally have no idea what they are cutting up.

No. 378470

Fuck that is depressing

No. 378654

You didn't say whether you shave, but if you do, you should consider growing a bush. It'll protect you from friction with clothes and prevent your labia from sticking to pads. The hair also directs the flow of the pee so that it doesn't get your labia wet.
You're overdoing the wiping too, your labia doesn't have to be completely dry, as long as you shower regularly and wear cotton underwear. In fact it's natural for it to be a bit wet because of discharge anyway.
The issues you're facing are not because of hygiene but because you're causing irritation to the skin.
And as for self steem issues, the bush might help too? I like the look much better for myself, and a few men have told me that hairless vulvas are off putting to them because they look child-like.

No. 379017

Last night I woke up to what felt like an orgasm. I don’t even remember if I was having sex dreams. I’ve since deduced that it was probably because my bladder was full and was pushing on my clitoris or something? It was kind of cool, I felt good and then fell back asleep before waking up a few minutes later to pee. I’ve never felt anything from my bladder being full and was always confused by the “horny or have to pee” thing but I guess I get it now

No. 379023

Don't do it, body dysmprhia is a bad thing

No. 379030

Sleep orgasms for women are real too! I used to get them all the time, I kind of miss it kek

No. 379038

I’m so jealous of you. For some reason I’m incapable of having orgasms in my sleep which becomes so damn frustrating and inconvenient when I have a long wet dream because I never get to the sex part in the dream and I wake up to my 6am work alarm horny as fuck with no time to take care of myself kek. Rage inducing.

No. 379040

I get them when I'm pent up. I can't be bothered to masturbate sometimes.

No. 382042

I keep getting pimples (?) on my outer labia, what can I do to stop this? I already don't shave or have sex.
They aren't really that painful and are pretty similar to facial pimples, where there's a bump and some pus inside that can be popped. It just annoys me.

No. 382052

if your mental health has been affected by this then you need therapy, not this unnecessary surgery. only get surgery if you really need to due to discomfort. why'd you get one of the most delicate parts of your body be cut like that without a real physical need? my labia is so small that i was concerned about it being "ugly" when i was a virgin. we're never happy with whatever we have because of these stupid beauty standards. in reality nobody is going to care if you have long, small, fat, skinny, pigmented vag or labia. if people care they're immature and pornsick and this means you shouldn't be sleeping with them anyway

No. 382112

I had a really weird dream last night that I wanted to try for a baby, so I had sex. I've never had a dream like that before and it's so weird because I definitely don't want children. I woke up feeling quite horny so I started wondering if I was ovulating or something. Can ovulation affect dreams? It was really strange. The weirdest part was that the dude was Michael Cera, but that might be because I've been binging the show Life & Beth lately. I don't even find him attractive.

No. 382131

File: 1709152699245.jpeg (33.27 KB, 423x366, 742F1A00-CD6B-405E-80C4-00D2F2…)

Maybe. I know I always start craving A-spot orgasms (picrel) like a rabid animal when I’m ovulating, and I’ll have dreams about being mounted by literally anything kek, before it’s been
>a tree (like the ones with faces from the wizard of oz)
>a bull statue
>various inanimate objects or structures that magically become animated

Somehow it never manifests as being railed by my husbando or waifu. Or even a human being at all. It’s always some weird shit like I’m taking shrooms or something (I have never done a drug). So Michael cera is relatively normal compared to that kek. I don’t have the baby part, though. All my baby dreams are nightmares about being forced to have a baby and raise a child.

No. 382132

I always have irritation on the skin outside of my vagina and around the perniuem. Is there a way to avoid this? I don't wear underwear and I usually wear soft yoga pants. I am sure I am wearing the right size.

No. 382133

I'm not a doctor but it can be a yeast issue. Wash the area with warm water and maybe try using a hand mirror and take a look at it to see if there's any white build-up. Make sure to wear real cotton breathable pants and underwear to prevent any yeast growth, check the soaps you use if it has anything irritating in it like fragrance and the such. Your best bet ofcourse is to see a doctor.

No. 382141

Ok nonnies I went to a doctor in the UK and they diagnosed me with an embedded infection. Gave me 3 months worth of antibiotics to start, might have to take even more. Idk if this is the cause of my chronic vulva pain but god I hope so, we'll see if it gets better.
Never leave an UTI untreated like I did, it destroyed my life.

No. 382154

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>I’ll have dreams about being mounted by literally anything kek, before it’s been a tree (like the ones with faces from the wizard of oz)
fucking dying at the thought of you have a hormonally induced sex dream about something like picrel KEK

No. 382199

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KEK it literally was a tree just like that though. I've also been humped by a giant red block of bricks like picrel. I never get to have sex with an actual human, it's so frustrating. You can imagine how unsatisfying it is to be mounted by a stack of bricks. And it feels like it goes on and on, too, I wake up exhausted from trying to cum in the dream but obviously i can't because it's just a fucking stack of bricks.

No. 382202

What the fuck

No. 382204


No. 382205

>mounted by a stack of bricks
My sides, what the fuck? Kek this is killing me. Does masturbating/having an orgasm help stop this insanity?

No. 382206

KEKKK trees and bricks, what a life you live nona. Does this still happen if you regularly masturbate before sleeping?

No. 382217

i seriously can’t stop having raw sex with my nigel because i love not only laying on my back after he releases inside of me to see how long i can hold it inside for but also standing up after we’re done and feeling it squeeze out of me kek(not the right thread for horny sperging)

No. 382219

stop posting this in every fucking thread all over the site you weird sperg. go start a diary or something where you can write an entry every day about how your worship your nigel's cum and spare us.

No. 382223

Post this in the TMI thread or something you Freak

No. 382226

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she already fucking did, picrel, which is exactly what i meant by saying she spams this in multiple threads every day

No. 382229

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Sorry, I deleted to add the cap. Here's another of her sperg sessions, she's already been banned before.

No. 382230

I see, so it's just a weird pervert then. I delete too anon kek

No. 382253

sorry to be retarded but how do nonas get off without a toy or penetration? rubbing my clit doesn't do much anymore after using the we vibe tango, even if i take a break it's like the vibes down there (sorry for the stupid pun) have just changed and any o i get isn't as satisfying as it'd be with the tango

No. 382266

Youre just desensitised/used to hard stimulation from using a toy. Go a few days without it and your clit will be sensitive again.

No. 382270

Is it normal to be triggered into like mega ovulation for a cycle after two years without sex and even attraction? I met someone who turns me on in ways I never dreamed possible and is so physically attractive to me it hurts. When we were flirting today I got so wet it soaked through my underwear to my leggings and I’m currently ovulating, so I’m having these cramps and literally walking around w a pad on because I’m leaking. I feel insane and like an animal and on the one hand it’s nice because I was afraid I could never be horny again for a real person but on the other I feel like a sex-crazed mess and we haven’t even kissed yet. I have been promised a smooch tomorrow and the thought is making me crazy I’m so over nonnas

No. 382302

KEK bless you nona for making me feel normal. I have had so many dreams about being pregnant which always freak me out, but that was the first time I had a dream about actively wanting a baby. So strange.

No. 382307

>ew gross don’t post in the vent thread take it to TMI
>ew gross don’t post it in TMI take it over to /g/
>ew gross why are you posting in /g/? take it back to /ot/
I don’t know where to go anymore especially considering how there’s not any rules against posting about your sex life. What’s the big issue?

No. 382312

Shut up perv-chan.

No. 382329

KEK. Has she considered not speaking? We get it, you love cum. Your point has been made. I could spam about how much I love praline pecans every day but I don’t because I’m polite.

No. 382386

I have vaginismus with some exceptions. I can have PIV if I'm ovulating but that's it. This makes my sex life kinda frustrating. I want to be able to do it more often. Is there any way to relax more down there?

No. 382578

I’m 27 and only got my very first Pap smear today out of pure nerves and intimidation and I am so glad it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. My doctor was really nice and she explained everything before getting it going and tbh that’s a big weight off me since I know it’s important to get done

No. 383409

i assume you have tried the usual stuff like dilating?
there is also a lot of youtube videos on how to relax your pelvic floor, yoga for it etc.
getting fingered for a while (like 30 minutes) before trying PIV helped me a lot

No. 383412

You don't dilate for vaginismus. wtf. did a doctor tell you that?

No. 383413

what? yes you do

No. 383424

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I believe you that people do it but that sounds like a terrible idea to me. It was a gut reaction on my part – intuitively I think that would be bad and not fix it. Slowing forcing the vagina to open wider does not solve the pain issue of vaginismus, and I would only accept it as a solution if my goal was to have utilitarian penetrative sex for reproduction.
Having never sought help for my vaginismus I had never heard this was an option but of course it is. And of course I've heard of women doing that with fingers and dildos without calling it "dilating" so it makes sense but I think it is an overly simple solution, and kind of a non solution. Like sure it would help you get something in there but would it really solve the issue? I'm reading more about it now, it's interesting.
This particular study is really interesting. it has a lot of quotes from the participants.
There is some debate about whether dilation is even backed by studies as an effective treatment, and when it does work there's debate about whether it's actually good for women or merely giving "performance" based results and not female comfort and pain, let alone pleasure. But maybe it could be a useful tool if used properly.

No. 383428

>"performance" based results and not female comfort and pain,
sorry, meant to say the concern is dilating would give only "performance" based results as in you could technically physically insert something, but it might not necessarily give good results on female comfort or reduced pain. I'm having trouble phrasing it. Hope I make sense.
Just on the surface it sounds wrong to me because it's attacking the problem with force, which never worked for me. It would have to be used in conjunction with other things.

No. 383451

You explained exactly why I find this "treatment" so wrong. If your body doesn't want penetration you shouldn't force yourself to endure it.

No. 383454

While I was reading I saw that it is recommended for women after getting radiation treatment and might be required just to make follow-up pelvic exams possible (because the radiation is apparently damaging to the vaginal tissue), and that makes sense but that’s a totally different specific situation. Interesting reading but dilating doesn’t seem right to me as a cure for vaginismus.

No. 383457

thank you for sharing this, i tried treating my vaginismus on my own with dilating for over a year and although it did allow me to 'move up' on the dilators it never increased the ease or pleasure of PIV sex.
>There is some debate about whether dilation is even backed by studies as an effective treatment, and when it does work there's debate about whether it's actually good for women or merely giving "performance" based results
this is the most depressing part of all, that many women go through the pain of dilating but to no actual end.

No. 383632

i'm so fucking sick of having a female reproductive system. i had the copper iud for 8 years and it was pretty cool but towards the end of having it i was spotting every time i had sex and had recurring infections that wouldn't go away that the doctor told me could be my body rejecting the iud/infections clinging to it, so i got it removed and started taking the pill. i've been bleeding since february 2nd, got switched to a different BC and immediately became so suicidal that i considered putting myself under a psychiatric hold, stopped taking that but i'm still bleeding. i only got on the pill in the first place because my periods were two weeks long and excruciating but honestly this has been worse than my periods ever were and now i have no solution and no protection.

i called and scheduled a consultation to have my tubes removed so at least i can have some peace of mind from pregnancy but that does nothing to make my periods less agonizing and life-ruining. i feel so disconnected from my body, i never used to feel scared or anxious about sex or my vagina and now it's just like this evil entity attached to me, ruining my whole fucking life. this is fr the first time i've really understood where fakebois are coming from kek, i would give anything in the world to just have been born without this garbage body.

No. 383636

When you put a foreign object in your body, there are always risks of complications. I've even heard of cases where the IUD perforated the uterus and ended up in other organs. It fucking sucks that women have to risk their health and sanity just to prevent pregnancy when it's so easy for men to just get a vasectomy with barely any side effects. Anyway, don't be too harsh with your body, BC is extremely unnatural and it's no surprise your body is reacting poorly. You're not the only one.

No. 383642

I had a sex dream and 100% sure I had an orgasm because I woke up from the cramping they sometimes gives me

No. 384616

Not vagina but vagina adjacent. Is it normal to have some of your pubic hair crawl up your butt crack? Apparently mine started extending to my bum and asscrack, I never noticed and I'm afraid to shave it kek

No. 384663

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Slight TMI warning.
During a routine checkup for uni a gyno told me that, essentially, i had problems with my pussy, wasnt afraid to comment on the smell and how easily my cervix bled. I paid for some tests - pap blood and urine - and I couldn't get a freaking appointment to save my life (or hooha for that matter). I tried for a month straight, but couldn't get any answers.
I think I have garden variety BV but it has been just sitting there for a month at least, and I can tell it has gotten worse by the discharge and, again, the smell. I take a shower every day but by like 3 p.m I smell it through my clothes. It lowkey makes me want to kms.
I have an appointment friday, hopefully when I'll be fully honest with her she can just tell me to shove some antibiotics down my throat and this mega embarrassing problem will go away.
I also have some kind of pain on my right side where my ovary should be, it happens when im not ovulating or menstruating, too. Anyone know what it might be? Totally not scared that It's cancer haha.

No. 384666

I once had a decidual cast rotting inside me and the gyno didnt notice it and told me i had a bv. I passed it a dy later luckily, could have gone septic.

No. 384684

I’ve never had BV so no advice for you there, but the pain on one side near an ovary is 99.99% an ovarian cyst. I get them regularly and they go away on their own after a while I’m almost all cases. If it persists for more than a few months, then maybe consider an ultrasound (that’s how they diagnose it), but if you’re a burger like me, ultrasounds even with insurance can be $600+ And they have to stick a probe in your vagina and they basically will try to impale your cervix with it so it’s not something I would recommend unless it doesn’t go away. My ultrasound tech was pushing the probe so hard up into my cervix like she was trying to punch through my body and turn me into a hand puppet, I was tearing up and lowkey hyperventilating from the pain and wound up farting on her from the pressure in that area KEKKK

No. 384685

My gyno gave me one for free once I will forever be grateful to her she is an angel. She had such a conspiratorial look when she asked me if I wanted one kekkkkk

No. 384691

Yes it's normal. You can shave that, just be careful

No. 384705

I'm glad someone else said it. I hate transvaginal ultrasounds, they hurt like hell.

No. 384725

I had nagging ovary pain and had the same probe scan anons are talking about. Was told it was a cyst mid-scan. Cool, at least that's an answer. I had paiin when the probe was tilted slightly to one side. Then got led into a room to discuss the scan and was told they didn't find anything?? I wanted to say wait does the cyst not count as something but choked. I let her talk and got nothing. It's hard to speak up or even think straight in the moment when you've just had to grit your teeth through all that poking around. And you're sitting there with excess lube from the exam still seeping out of you.

If you're going down the route of looking into the ovary pain my advice would be to have questions prepared in advance. In a notebook even. Practiced beforehand lol. But I've friends who've had confusing no result giving transvaginal appts too. Were referred for, had paid for, waited on a list for the transvaginal scan and then were told that the thing they're looking for doesn't really show up on a transvaginal anyway so they dunno whats up. Why only tell them that afterwards.

No. 384728


I've had pain on one side for so long! I've seen gynos and I had ultrasounds, blood tests and other shit done but nothing ever shows up. It's disheartening, especially when drs act like you're out of your mind insisting that something is wrong when "everything is normal". Always go to the Dr but remember sometimes they won't find anything and you'll have to live with it until you die or something terrible happens to you. I wish doctors would take female reproductive health and female pain more seriously.

No. 384748

Ask for an MRI. Hell, all women should get one anyone to rule out endometriosis and there are other masses that an ultrasound may not find as you've experienced.

No. 384752

ntayrt but new fear unlocked

No. 384753

>transvaginal ultrasounds hurt like hell.

Oh fuck me, do they really?? I have a referral for one because I have a similar issue to the other nona, random weird pain in my abdomen and I asked for a pelvic ultrasound just so I can get some peace of mind. I absolutely HATE pap smears, they hurt and I tend to bleed but I figured an ultrasound would be easier or have a thicker 'wand' that wouldn't scrape or poke me like the pap brush does. FML.

No. 384755

They have to use quite a bit of pressure to get accurate readings, I think. The worst is when they twist the wand to the left or right side or press up against your cervix because normally you're naturally never have that much pressure continuously applied to those areas. Feels bad man. Although I have endometriosis, it may not be nearly as bad for women who don't have it.

No. 384773

Mine didn’t hurt at all. I felt it obviously but it wasn’t painful, not even uncomfortable.

No. 384774

I have been shaving, carefully but I have a huge deep butt so it's hard to actually get to the crack. God it sucks kek

No. 384776

>I have a huge deep butt
Now what made you incline to share this lol

No. 384786

ayrt, I was surprised how much it hurt. I've had it done twice. But I will say it doesn't feel sharp like the scraping you describe (my gyno told me I don't need to get pap smears) but it really was a huge amount of pressure directed solely on my cervix. It's like if a dick or dildo hits your cervix wrong x100 and prolonged. Don't eat anything that could make you gassy because ime the technician WILL manipulate farts out of you. I never thought a medical procedure would have me simultaneously crying and farting until I experienced the joy of a transvaginal ultrasound.
It could also be that my technicians were rough, or that my ovaries are tucked up in my abdomen in such a way that makes them hard to get at with the wand. So it might not be as bad for you. But still don't go getting taco bell beforehand.

No. 384830

They used to hurt for me too, then I switched to a different doctor. idk if it was the machine or how she did it, but I finally did a transvaginal ultrasound that didn't hurt, even when I had a decent sized cyst on one side that usually really hurt.

No. 384848

I might have a numb cervix cos I've had all sorts of paps and then colposcopy appointments and never felt much. Always eye opening to see other anons discussing pap experiences and how much it varies. Having my transvaginal ultrasound sucked even tho it wasn't a cervix issue. I'd pain on one side which had me seeking out the scan in the first place. They were angling the probe in that direction and it took everything in me to stay still.

No. 386394

I just fingered myself and when I took my fingers out they were covered in a white cottage-cheese-y kinda substance. I know that's a sign of a yeast infection but it didn't smell, I have no pain, itchiness or irritation like when I've previously had thrush. Any nonnas got any ideas as to what's going on? It's also my ovulation day today but I've never noticed this before.

No. 386415

sometimes the wetness kind of starts drying and the friction makes it ball up, could that be it?

No. 386416

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I really hope this doesn't sound like I'm bragging or something because that's a moid mentality but I am so so fucking sick of having a really tight vagina. Anything wider than 2 fingers hurts like hell, I've had my vagina and cervix checked by a doctor during pap smear and that hurt but they said they couldn't see anything wrong. Ironically I didn't even feel a single thing as the swab touched my cervix but having a child-size speculum shoved up there burned like hell.
I recently had sex and the dick was a little bigger/wider than average and it burned so fucking much for like twenty minutes until it felt like my body finally "relaxed". Even then I had some light bleeding and I assume tearing from it which has now healed fast. This was AFTER being very prepared and mentally aroused too.
It's always been this way from as long as I can remember and I hate it so much. It feels like my body is broken or there is something wrong with me. The pain tends to go away after a few times of having consistent sex but if I ever have a break from anything like that it's like I have to start all over again with the pain.

I thought this could be vaginismus but unfortunately to even get diagnosed for it it would mean I'd have to have more speculums inside me and more invasive exams I think. I turned down a vaginal ultrasound for this same reason too. I don't know if it's a subconscious fear thing because my body is so used to being in pain that it just associates any penetration with pain now and tenses up but I really try to relax. The man I also had sex with said that it felt like there was a "wall" of tightness that wouldn't move, which I think lines up with vaginismus.
I have a dilator set that I can use and it does seem to help a bit but even then something feels so sterile, medical and depressing about doing that. It feels like I just can't be a normal woman with a functioning vagina and that I have to shove it up there every night just to even try and feel normal and in control of my body.

Sorry for the vent but if any nonners have same issues I would love to hear how you manage it.

No. 386422

Hey I don't know much about anatomy but I used to have that "wall" too but when I masturbated with a shampoo bottle instead of the good ole' fingers for the 1st time it opened up immediately and sucked in the bottle lmfao. Too much information I know sorry but maybe it's a hymen problem? They sometimes cut it for more openness. Also why do you let him penetrate you if it's painful? Is he forcing you or do you feel like you have to let him?

No. 386456

>Also why do you let him penetrate you if it's painful? Is he forcing you or do you feel like you have to let him?
Not at all, neither of these, if anything it's me pushing for penetration because the few times that it has gone painlessly I really enjoy it. I personally don't just like sticking to oral or things and enjoy it. It just sucks because mentally I'm desperate for it but then my body feels like it's working against me.

No. 386459

>I personally don't just like sticking to oral or things and enjoy it.
And you don't like penetration either so why force yourself to do it, when it doesn't feel good? Why do you mentally want something that feels like shit? Penetration is risky for women while men get none of the risk or complications, your body is trying to protect you. The answer is not pushing through it and torturing yourself anyway, but finding ways to enjoy sex that don't include you being in pain. It doesn't mean you're broken or something is wrong with you. Lots of women have this issue because PIV isn't meant for female pleasure, it's meant for procreation.

No. 386462

One of my friends had this issue and she had a surgery to fix it. No idea what surgery specifically but I do know it helped her.

No. 386600

i’ve had/have this issue. for me it’s most likely vaginismus that’s caused by stress/anxiety. i used a dilator set a couple of years ago and it made things much better. i had a vaginal ultrasound for another issue at that time and it went great because the gynecologist was amazing. however, i later ended up getting a pap smear done by a different one and it was terrible. that experience unfortunately brought my anxiety back so i had to go back to dilating lol. i am sure that this somehow is linked to my fear of dentists, like i cannog stand medical procedures that might hurt me and i’m not in control of.

my issues have made me avoid piv, but i recently realized it’s mainly because i’m not into the piv i imagined? which is the stereotypical piv that you see everywhere. after i learned that i like to be the dominant one (kek sorry if this is cringe) and the one in control my issues lessened. so for me it’s a combo of not feeling like i’m in control and getting anxious because of it. i’ve worked with my dentist anxiety and it has helped me challenge myself when it comes to these issues too. kek i hope this doesn’t come off as too schitzo.

No. 386861

should i be worried about a marble sized lump near my vagina? it's only painful if i touch it really. i can't really tell if it's some kind of ingrown hair but it's bigger than my usual ones and it isn't discolored (though that's hard to discern because of the hair). it feels hard and, i'm not sure what other information to give…can i just let it chill because i can't afford to go to a doctor so i'm hoping that's the case. it's not on my actual lip more like on the crevice at the start of the inner thigh/pubic bone area(?)

No. 386865

It's probably a subcutaneous cyst. Don't fuck with it and it'll go down, though it'll likely recur eventually. Speak with a dermatologist if it doesn't go away after a few weeks of you not messing with it.

No. 387680

Has anyone had any experience with pompori / vaginal weightlifting/ pelvic floor exercises?

No. 388227

it feels so degrading, but for some reason i get vag spasms when doing dishes

No. 388249

Damn that's crayzee

No. 388781

anyone dealing with itchy labia with no obvious cause? i've taken monistat and been screened for stds. i'm wondering if it's just dry skin or something at this point. i bought some vagisil, ig we'll see if it helps, and i also bought an antibacterial body wash to use specifically there.

No. 388806

i have had an extremely itchy labia for the last 6 months. i thought it was because i detransitioned a couple years ago and i was experiencing dryness? but when i went to the gynecologist she couldn’t find anything wrong with me. try anti-itch cream or just sitting on an ice pack to relieve the urge

No. 388933

I feel so glad that my mum didn’t tell me certain things she tells me now when I was younger and impressionable… She’s literally told me that girls don’t have wet dreams (I have them all the time), that girls don’t have sex drives, that girls don’t masturbate and I’m just like k knowing full well all of those things are normal which I experience… it’s not even like we’re a conservative family or anything either, but if she had discussed those things when I was younger it could’ve been so damaging to me thinking I wasn’t normal or whatever

No. 388939

Have you ever told her… Momnonna, that's not true. Or, like, that's fine if it's true for her but she knows that's not universal right? Maybe that's what her mom taught her. I'd be afraid of unzipping her emotions on the topic.

No. 388947

Maybe you're allergic to the material in your underwear?

No. 389540

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What causes really disgusting yellow/green, chunky discharge? Google tells me it's an STD, but I'm not sexually active, I don't even masturbate. Could it just be a yeast infection?

No. 389746

Sounds almost certainly bacterial, but both BV and yeast infections present in very diverse ways (yeast is usually chunky, but white, and bacteria are usually grosser in color and smell). Please see urgent care or a gyno asap. I know it's the most embarrassing thing in the world but I'm with you nona.

No. 393716

I always thought I had vaginismus. Turns out that I just didn't want to have sex with my ex boyfriend.
I bought a set of dilators and lube and was surprised when I was able to fit 4 out of 6. The fourth one was uncomfortable but if I do it regularly I believe I'll manage. I always thought that there was something wrong with me because I wasn't able to have sex with my ex boyfriend. With him I wasn't able to even take two fingers and he always got frustrated and then I cried because everything just hurt.
If I keep it up I might be able to have intercourse in a few months.

No. 395168

My vagina is numb. I haven't penetrated myself before because I come from a culture where women are shamed for being promiscuous very often. When i tried it a few times i realized I'm completely numb. I can cum from anal and clitoral stimulation feels good but I can't feel anything from vaginal penetration.

No. 395169

>I can cum from anal
I hope you're a scrote because that means you've never came at all before.

No. 395171

Nta but this is pretty common for women with vaginal trauma. I don't think she means anal-anal but probably just a small toy. I knew a lot of women who thought they liked anal because of fingers or toys then when they get down to the real thing they end up injuring themselves or end up with a disgusting poop mess

No. 395177

She said cum. ORGASM.

No. 395180

Why is it so hard for me to cum? Did I permanently ruin my ability to orgasm by being pornsick for a majority of my life until a few years ago??

No. 395212

Are u stupid?
Yes i like toys, i have been sexually assaulted in the past and wonder if that combined with the stigma about being nonvirgin is why I can't enjoy piv.

No. 395263

I have an incredibly hard time cumming from just PIV sex, I always need to rub myself in order to actually get off. I feel like it wasn’t always this way, when I was younger I’d get off from just using toys or having sex with someone but now it’s like my vagina just doesn’t care and I need clit stimulation or nothing at all. Is this weird??
I also wonder if I masturbated too much when I was younger because it takes me a million years now

No. 395264

It could be anything from dryness to irritation from your laundry detergent or body wash/soap. I had a similar issue and I had to switch to the “free and clear” laundry soap with no fragrance and that seemed to help

No. 395267

At least 75% of this thread is women using "cum" in place of orgasm, there's a reason why you chose that anon specifically for your scrotefoiling

No. 395298

my nails are cut, and I've been masturbating for years but whenever I use my two fingers, I bleed. Am I just being too rough? What is causing the bleeding?

No. 395350

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Has anyone had surgery to remove (large) ovarian dermoid cysts? I'm terrified of possibly losing my ovaries.

No. 396969

This might be a weird question but how do I stand my ground on not shaving? I am now in a new relationship and things might end up sexual in a few weeks. I have a lot of extreme anxiety regarding this because my vagina is not clean shaven. I have super sensitive skin and tbh I am really hairy down there and it is such a hassle and takes over an hour to get every hair and to make sure that every hair around my vulva is getting removed. And it itches like hell every time it grows back. I hate doing it and it is such a chore to do it every week. I tried waxing it before but that just hurts really bad and I once burned myself. Best I can do it to trim the hair. I am almost crying right now because I am so fucking scared that my new boyfriend is going to freak out if he sees that I have hair down there. My ex boyfriend always demanded that I shave every little hair off and if there was something down there he would just stop and refuse to touch me any further. What do I do? Please help me I really like this new bf but I am so scared that he is going to leave or be disgusted by me.

No. 396972

>I am so fucking scared that my new boyfriend is going to freak out if he sees that I have hair down there.
If your supposedly healthy and not mentally fucked adult male sexual partner is disgusted by what a woman’s natural pussy looks like, you realize how creepy that would be, right? Have you heard of that incident where the males of a certain species of beetle became more attracted to discarded beer bottles than the female beetles and nearly went extinct? If your bf would rather fuck a beer bottle, he’s broken and you don’t want a broken-minded man anyway. Don’t turn yourself into a beer bottle, it makes no sense to cater to broken minded males. Simply move on until you find a healthy one.

No. 396975

I'm so serious when I say that if your boyfriend is disgusted by your natural body hair then there is something seriously wrong with him. For pretty much all of human history apart from the late 20th century, women's body hair, especially pubic hair, was seen as very sexy and attractive to men because obviously it's a signal of fertility and puberty and being a grown woman. Look at some of the retro erotica magazines - they're very bushy for a reason.
Pubic hair is very beneficial to keep because it keeps your vulva and vagina safe from bacteria and like you said, it's more comfortable to have and doesn't get itchy. Do not remove something so natural and healthy for you as a woman for some sick scrote who doesn't understand the female body. Really keep a hard stance on this nonna because overall you are doing your body a favour by keeping the hair there and keeping yourself more comfortable.

If your bf really has a problem with it then he's very immature and his brain has been corrupted by paedophilic porn standards. Then you'd have to ask yourself - is this what you want out of a male partner? Someone who thinks your natural form is a bit gross, or that you should be constantly altering yourself or else he won't be turned on by you? As someone with a bush who has dated a few men I can promise you that there are plenty of moids out there who won't even look twice or think anything of you having pubic hair, many of them actually prefer it because they aren't nonces and think it looks better natural.

Social media might be telling you that you need to wax or shave or whatever and that men don't like it but this is far from the truth irl. And if he does happen to be one of those weirdos that spergs out over you having pubic hair, you really need to get rid of him because you know fine well that he wouldn't hold you to the same standard whenever he decides to grow out a beard.

No. 396976

Tell him you'll consider shaving if he shaves his balls and arse crack to shut him up. Though other anons are right that maybe he isn't a catch if he actually has a problem with your unshaved vagina.

No. 397448

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Hello, I'm the anon from >>396969
I am here to inform you all that you guys were completely right and I am very thankful for your kind messages. I have good news, because yesterday I discovered that men actually like vaginas. I think my ex bf might have been gay or severely porn sick like you guys suggested. Yesterday I went on a date with my new bf and things became sexual really quick. I didn't plan anything at all, we just had a very casual dinner (I ate a lot of pungent garlic sauce) and I haven't showered for two days or shaved. It ended with him eating me out that evening and then again in the morning just after I woke up. I don't think I have ever seen someone be so enthusiastic about this. He did not seem to care about the hair down there. It was a sight to behold my face looked like pic related the whole time. I was worried about the smell since I didn't even shower but that guy was like a starving mad man. My ex bf always seemed grossed out while going down on me. This was very surprising. I am very glad that I now have the confirmation that I am the normal one.

No. 397639

i could cry tears of joy

No. 397926

Uuuhm guys I had unprotected sex with my partner a week before next menstruation date. That should have been this past saturday, but it didn't came. I was worried sick, my breast were very painful. I was waiting to this wednesday to take a pregnancy test to not risk a false positive, but now I started to lightly bleed. Could it be an embryo that didn't implanted? Could it be stress delay on my menstruation? Should I take a test anyway even if I'm bleeding?

No. 397930

Sounds like you got your period. Don’t have unprotected sex if you don’t want to go through this again. If he’s pushing for it dump him.

No. 397936

>If he’s pushing for it dump him.
Yeah I'm considering it right now. We're due to a serious talk. I was considering getting my tubes tied prior to this and now I've made my mind.

No. 397949

Please dump him I promise he’s not worth it.

No. 397952

ayrt, congratulations nonna, and for sure your ex was severely pornsick - pornsick scrotes only tend to like vagina when it's hairless and pink and even then they'll rarely go down on you. I'm glad this experience was the opposite though, and that he was enthusiastic to please you even if you didn't shower. A lot of the same men I described above have also said they prefer it when she doesn't shower or has just been working out, it's something to do with the pheromones I think. Good for you, I hope he treats you well!

No. 398021

If you ovulated later in your cycle then you typically menstruate around that many days late too. So could be that before you ever had unprotected sex and before you ever were stressed out about that.. you were already set to be 'behind schedule' this month due to later OV

If he was pushing you on the no condom thing and it wasn't just a mutual 'not thinking in the moment' thing.. I would get tf out of that relationship so fast.

No. 398397

Incoming sexually frustrated rant:
I’m pretty sure that I have vaginismus. I’m 21, still a kissless hugless vigin, never been in a relationship and I’m probably not going to get in one anytime soon (I’m a shut in). I don’t know if it’s just bad luck, shit genes, or if god refuses to let me procreate or what but I hate it. I can’t even use tampons because they hurt. I know this sounds silly and vaginismus is common, but I feel like a failure somehow. Like I’m less of a woman, even though I know it’s not true and I literally have a vagina. The worst part is, I desperately DESPERATELY want to. I have a sex drive and I get horny. Sure, I can get off just fine by playing with my clit but I’ve done it for years and I’m getting bored. I can get one finger in there, but it’s like my vagina doesn’t stretch properly or something. Whenever I try to get another finger in there I just can’t. Even if I’m wet and want to REALLY bad, I just feel really tight. Like yes, I know that sex doesn’t equal penetration, but I fucking WANT penetration, at least to try on my own. Not for a moid or anyone else, but for myself. It’s not even a me not liking it or being scared of it thing. I like masturbating and it feels good. Sometimes I’ll use my vibrator which works great on my clit, but whenever I try to put it in I can’t get anything other than the tip of it in. When I can do it with a finger in there it feels good, not as good as the clit but it’s decent.

So I’m at a complete loss of what to do, and naturally, I agonize over it. What if I get with a moid someday and I want to have sex and I can’t, and then he gets disappointed and he leaves me or something? What if I end up with a girl and she tries to use a strap on or something and then I just can’t, I ruin it and then she leaves? What if I need to get a pap smear done someday and I can’t, and I end up traumatized because of the pain? What if I want to have kids and I can’t? Am I just defective? Why me of all people? Like if I were asexual it would be okay but I’m bi and it’s not fair! God is a fucking sadist by making me horny and then not even letting me get fucked by anyone or even be able to get any penetration because pussy too small. It feels so embarrassing. Please help.

No. 398410

Hi nonna, I have a very similar issue to you and understand you so much especially the part where you said you feel like less of a woman. It really sucks to have something that should be naturally pleasurable be associated with pain instead. I can insert a tampon and 2 fingers but anything beyond that burns like hell and takes a long time to "loosen up". Even for my first cervical smear they used the child-sized speculum and it burned so much and took ages to get in.
I don't know what country you're in but most countries have dilator sets that you can buy to train your pelvic floor muscles to relax upon insertion. However even I found the smallest ones of these quite painful to insert, so I would honestly recommend you try an inflatable dildo if that stuff is even available to you. I'm in the UK and got mine from Lovehoney. I know it sounds retarded and funny but this was literally the only thing that would help me break through that "tight wall" feeling that you get on insertion. The bonus of the inflatable ones is that you can sort of insert the thing when it's soft/semi-soft so your vaginal walls aren't stretching as much and you can squish it around and just insert a tiny bit at a time.

Ofc I would also recommend speaking to a good gyno or doctor about this but I understand that many of them are very dismissive or just pull the "have a glass of wine/use lube" shit so if you fancy taking it into your own hands instead I would recommend and see if you can get what I mentioned above. For the first week of using it I would literally just insert like a tip of the deflated dildo around the entrance of the vaginal canal and have it sit there while I'd watch a Netflix show or something kek. It was soft enough to not push against the walls or stretch them at all yet I could still get something up there. Of course this is just my experience and yours may differ but in my experience they are much better than trying to train your muscles with hard objects like tampons/dilators etc.

Also try to constantly remind yourself that vaginismus is both a physical and mental condition. Your brain knows from previous experiences that penetration = pain so before you've even inserted anything, your muscles have already tensed up in anticipation of pain, thus causing even more pain. It's like getting ready for a football to hit your face or something. If you do give any sort of training a try, try and make it in a comfortable setting where you can be as relaxed as possible and ideally have something to distract you a little bit like a movie or tv show.

I've also heard that depending on your country, some procedures like pap smears/vaginal examinations can be done under general anaesthetic for women who are in extreme amounts of pain with insertion. If you feel like you want to go to the doctor for this issue then that's something I'd definitely discuss with them.

No. 398904

Wait so where can I buy a inflatable dildo where the material isn't toxic for my vaginal health?
I also can only fit ONE finger!

No. 400388

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I think I might have phimosis… I was reading about the clitoris the other day and saw a pic of an aroused clit, with it peeking out of the hood, and I don't think mine has ever done that. Like, there's never been a little circle in the middle of my clit, it's just always smooth, It doesn't hurt and I can orgasm normally, though i've heard from partners that I take too long (assumed it was just retarded lazy moids who got their nut and then wanted to leave)
Do any nonas have/had this? Does it hurt? Do I ask my gyno? What's the treatment like?

No. 400390

Wtf me too. I don't even know what's normal and not. I just have a little bean with a hole on top. J wonder what the physicians of lolcow have to say about this.

No. 400391

By hole I mean a needlepoint

No. 400393

I looked up pics of clitoral phimosis….. do not do that…..

No. 400395

I was just about to do that, thanks for saving my life I guess

No. 400397

FYI it's not because the thing itself is gross. Most of the pics are of surgery and infection.

No. 400398

Oh ok so I can still have it! Awesome!

No. 400399

Ok here's the deal: I think my clitoris is extremely tiny and flat. It's almost as flat as my lips and completely covered. It's never too sensitive and there's just no opening, but no pain either. Almost like it doesn't exist. Fuck its so weird posting about this. Please give advice I want to have a cool clit like everyone else

No. 400411

Shamelessly triple posting: I definitely have clitoral phimosis. Why did I have to talk to myself on lolcow like a crazy person to find out about this? WTF!

No. 400413

I think this can also be called clitoral adhesion, if the skin has sort of fused over the clit. I had this and have mostly fixed it by myself, imo only really extreme cases need surgery.

No. 400423

This is honestly such a relief, would you like to share how you achieved that?

No. 400433

Please tell us how!!! I'm imagining you pulled on it? That sounds so painful

No. 400445

doubleposting, why are you so sure?

No. 400452

Ok, this is embarrassing to talk about but I tried gently pulling on my "hood" and the needlepoint hole got bigger. It was much more sensitive inside there, and for the first time I felt a bit too sensitive just directly touching my clit. There's definitely something deep inside there, but right now it looks exactly like the clitoral adhesion photos posted online by medical magazines. There's no head at all. Just a little bump and thats it. There's no complex anatomy. I heard that it can get more severe over time so I thought about my past experiences analysing my vulva, which admittedly happens very rarely and my memory isnt the best BUT I do think I used to have more "folds" down there as a girl. I belieeeeve it was a bit more open. I do remember feeling that "oh, that's a bit sensitive" sensation without having to pull things apart.
I'm currently reading stuff on Reddit and fixing it seems possible with daily exercises, but idk how severe mine is.

No. 400462

Can you share what you're reading? I'm gonna try to pull on it while looking with a mirror. Did you feel any pain when pulling? Gross ahead: Was there dead skin or anything nasty?

No. 400497

Yep, I just pulled on it. I actually did one side by accident the first time while cleaning myself in the shower. The way my adhesions manifested, they created tiny little openings (like needle-point fine) on either side of my clit that would get clogged up with dead skin. It would just look like two white dots and it always really bothered me because it looked weird so I’d always try to manhandle the area in the shower to push out the dead skin. This was always really hard and not always successful so I’d try basically any technique, and one day I decided to pull the skin instead of squeeze. I noticed it seemed to be working better that way, so I just kept firmly pulling, and to my shock, the entire adhesion of the left side just popped apart. I didn’t know I had adhesion at the time (I just thought I had weird anatomy) so I was shocked. It stung pretty bad, but nothing intolerable, and there was no blood at all, just tender skin where it used to be fused. It was pretty sensitive off and on for a day or so afterwards, but healed quickly so I did the other side the next week. Now I have an actual locatable clit, it’s awesome. I think I have just a little more adhesion “deeper” in between the hood and clit, and I’ll pull that apart eventually too, but it looks pretty normal now so I’m not in a huge rush and I’m giving the area a break.
The important thing to remember is that your adhesion can come back if you don’t manipulate the area enough (which caused it in the first place, probably in childhood when you don’t pay attention to that stuff). So I make sure to clean thoroughly every day in the shower and get between all the folds.

No. 400909

I have the same shit, tiny holes that fill with stuff. I'm sure it's an adhesion. There's like two very defined lines on my clit in a triangle like shape and the holes on each corner. But it looks completely fused, there's no way it'll break on its own.

No. 400919

ayrt, looks can be deceiving. Mine looked totally fused too, but it wasn't. Gentle but firm pulling can't hurt imo, you'll know if it's working because it will start to sting a little and if you look closely at it you'll see it slowly start to separate bit by bit.

No. 400922

I'm the anon who started the convo about clitoral phimosis/adhesion and I'm glad to see that the conversation is being productive and other anons are recognizing it on themselves and working on fixing it.

No. 400924

Just a question, I think I may have had my first orgasm today (at 23 years old) and I did it by squeezing my legs together and just grinding on a pillow I guess. The thing is, I don't know if it actually was an orgasm or just more than usually happens. My clitoris has never had any sensitivity to it so I really have no reference for how it's supposed to feel. How do I know if I've had an orgasm or not? I feel silly.

No. 400926

I recently went off my birth control and I finally noticed that I can get wet again. Thanks video game husbandos.

No. 400928

please don't feel silly nonna, I'm 23 and I feel the same, I don't know if I've ever climaxed or not. It's hard out here!

No. 400935

There are different types of orgasm ime. As a kid I had tons in the way you described, humping the pillow. As an adult, when I started having sex, I started having penetration orgasms and they feel different.
I think if your breathing was accellerated, you felt a peak, then stopped wanting to stimulate yourself, that's a good indicator. Some orgasms are amazing, others are ok and others are lackluster.

No. 400986

Thank you, it's good to know I'm not the only one.
This makes a lot of sense. I guess for me since it had never happened before I was kinda like 'That's it?'…Like I don't know what I was expecting, it was nice, sure, but I thought it would be something bigger at least. I've never experienced one through penetration but now that I've at least had one by myself we'll see. Thanks for the advice!!

No. 400996

This is something I’m really scared to talk about because I’m worried that I won’t like the answer. I used to have INSANE orgasms as a child (I started masturbating very young by humping pillows) but now they’re mid. Not bad, just mid. Did I ruin my body? Will I ever go back? I don’t use vibes or anything either but I have a clitoral adhesion so I’m hoping it will get stronger with time. I’m working on fixing it and I came super easily yesterday, but it was still mid. I get very anxious when I read about women who never came for 20+ years and it ruins my mood, so I’m too scared to google it. Can you spoon feed me hope, anons. Pleaaase.

No. 401026

Double posting but I’ve been seeing great improvement in just 3 days with my adhesions. By day 2 it was obvious something was folded over and going inside like the letter Y. Similar to the way one would fold a pair of socks into eachother so they don’t get lost. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my clit head before and that my clit itself is quite small (does this imply I would’ve had a small dick as a scrote? I hope not) BUT I feel like the whole area is a lot less flat than it used to be 3 days ago. I might be tripping but it looks mountier to me. There seems to be more “flesh” also. The hole started as a needlepoint, now it’s clearly a Y. The medical advice of farmers has never failed me!

No. 401097

> I used to have INSANE orgasms as a child (I started masturbating very young by humping pillows)
Oh 100% same. When I was a kid (like 10 years old), they were so strong that the roof of my mouth tingled. I think it's normal.

No. 401315

Can moles grow on labia majora? It's been years since I shaved completely down there and I noticed 3 moles (2 on a side and 1 on the other). They're very tiny, dark brown, flat like every other mole on my body. When I search on google all the results lead to vulvar cancer and I thought that whew, that's a bit extreme, always listing them as some sort of cancer or melanoma but they look like my regular moles, just on the labia majora, where the hair grows. It's not a "go get checked by a doctor" situation, I already get my skin check once in a while but the base question is: can moles grow there? They aren't itchy, painful, nothing else than a tiny dark dot and if I didn't shave, I wouldn't have probably notice.

No. 401318

The skin on your labia majora is normal skin, moles grow on skin. People can even get moles on the ehite of their eyes.

No. 401481

I've had a small white thing grow on my clitoris, near the clitoral hood, some months ago. It feels pretty solid and reminds me of a milia. I've looked it up and thought it could be a keratin pearl, but those apparently hurt and I'm mostly unaware of my thing unless I'm looking at it. I'm a complete virgin too so no clue what caused this. Does anyone know what it could be and how to get rid of it?

No. 401493

>nonas clam produces pearls
Damn, kinda jelly

No. 401544

I posted here a few days ago about having an orgasm for the first time. Well I went to the gyno for the first time this week and turns out the reason penetrative sex has always been unpleasant for me is because I have a literal septum dividing my vagina into two parts. Only way to remove it is surgery. like wtf. Is there anyone else here who has this.

No. 401556

the pearls look like boogers

No. 401561

I've heard of that but never experienced it, I don't think it's very common. You have a septate hymen right? Even though it's somewhat rare it's not really a problem is it? Just harder to break your hymen and you might want it removed by a doctor instead.

No. 401574

No no, ntayrt but there’s another thing where it’s like just this little bridge of skin all the way inside the vagina. I think that’s what she’s talking about.

No. 401575


No it's a septum of vaginal tissue that separates the vaginal canal in two, it's something I was born with. It's called a longitudinal vaginal septum.

It can fuck up some people's uterus'/period but for me, the only symptom was painful vaginal sex. It goes pretty deep and I will probably have to get it removed if I want to be pregnant in the future. Also if I want to not feel pain during penetrative sex.

No. 401581

Oh, wow. I'd never heard of that. That's even more rare. I hope everything works out okay if you want it removed.

No. 401585

Wtf that's horrifying. I'm sorry anon. Are you gonna do the surgery?

No. 401588

Thank you, that's sweet of you nonna!

No. 401596

>Do you think I could be "cured" from actually having sex with a man?
Yes (but maybe for reasons other than any medical ones tbh) (though do it with somebody who really cares for you)

No. 401605

Having sex with a man will cure you from having sex with a man. Most of them are absolutely hopeless at it.

No. 401798

Hello anons. I have some troubles. I've been on birth control for the past two years, have been taking it religiously and have a new boyfriend. A week ago we were fooling around and he rubbed his dick on my vagina. Nothing further happened, he didn't put his dick in or ejaculated but fingered me.
I am kind of beating myself up right now that we didn't use a condom for further protection like we usually do while he was rubbing himself on me. I am now going insane that I might be pregnant from that. Could I be pregnant? I feel like I am slowly going insane, reading different internet articles. I am doing a pregnancy test every day to see if there ever is a faint line (there never is) and I feel kind of nauseous, but that might be because of the stress.

No. 401802

No. You’re not pregnant. You should examine why this made you so paranoid. Logically you should not be worried about this. Do you need more sex education? Do you have a fear of pregnancy? Is it an OCD thing? Was he crossing a boundary/violating you in some way? Don’t ignore your feelings but do know you are not pregnant.

No. 401803

Please tell me exactly how you know that I am not pregnant. I am sorry but I need to know. I think this might be because of a fear of pregnancy. The thought of ever getting pregnant terrifies me so much and I've been thinking about getting my tubes tied because it bothers me so much and I cannot fully enjoy anything intimate without worrying about the possibility of a pregnancy because it will literally ruin my life. But this time I feel like it is getting out of control. My period should only start on June 16th and I already took 4 pregnancy tests this week. I feel like I am slowly going insane.

No. 401808

You said he didn’t ejaculate only had his penis rub up against you. There is no sperm involved there. No sperm no pregnancy. Religiously taking birth control for two years makes it so unlikely it’s almost impossible even if he ejaculated directly inside of you. What you described was not something that could get you pregnant.

No. 401809

If it makes you feel better by all means take a pregnancy test to put yourself at ease until you menstruate or whatever makes you 100% sure you’re not pregnant. But you’re not pregnant.

No. 401815

Thank you so much for this, anons. You don't know how much I needed to hear this. Yes, we didn't have full on intercourse, he wasn't inside me and he didn't ejaculate. I AM NOT PREGNANT. I think I should just never have sex ever again so I don't have to waste so much money on all of those stupid pregnancy tests. The people who collect the trash cans with those negative pregnancy tests must think that I am a complete lunatic. I have so much fucking stress because of work and uni I think if I had to deal with a pregnancy I would kms. I could never ever deal with having to raise a child or giving birth to one. I sound like one of those asshole fuckboys but I am terrified of the responsibility. I am already going insane with only myself.

No. 401817

I think you’re being paranoid but also I think you should do whatever makes you not panic about being pregnant. It’s not worth the stress. You can use hands. Don’t touch genitals if it makes you freak out. I took out my IUD and stopped having penetrative sex, never felt better honestly.

No. 401834

File: 1717019888001.webp (31.42 KB, 560x560, shopping.webp)

I don't know who needs to hear this, but stop wearing pads, stop wearing tampons, buy this shit! They can hold an entire day's flow and they're infinitely reusable and comfortable! If you buy 2, you can just alternate washing the other one every day until your period is over. Two period underwear costs $20 max. Cheaper than a box of maxis or tampons over time.

No. 401868

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Does any nonny have any experience with removing IUDs themselves at home? I live in a shithole part of town and it's just impossible to get an appointment, and the walk-in sexual health clinic won't do IUD removals, so I've been trying to do it myself. It's very difficult to grab the strings with my hands, so I may have to get my Nigel to do it for me kek, which he is not pleased about. I've just bought sterile gloves and forceps. I'm getting worried because it expired almost a year ago (yes, this is how difficult it has been to get an appointment). I'm very nervous because I didn't have a good time getting inserted, and I'm scared it's going to really hurt. Honestly, I've hated having it in the whole 5 years, and wish I never got it to begin with and just kept using the pill.

No. 401882

Whoa, if it's not too personal, are you even capable of using tampons?

No. 401929

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Probably not in the near future. It's a hassle and right now it's not affecting my life.
I think technically yes? However I never liked tampons or used them so I'm really not sure. I remember trying to insert one for the first time as a teenager and being struck by a lot of pain, so I never tried again. I attached a diagram of what it looks like inside (although it may not be exact)

No. 401933

If it's a copper iud don't worry about it being "expired", likely nothing can go wrong. My mom had her extended for almost double the amount of time it's allowed because she's entering menopause soon and her gyno said it's fine to have it in until her periods stop completely. I'd be scared of removing it myself because it's so painful. Be safe.

No. 401937

Do not remove it yourself you could seriously hurt yourself. They last longer than five years, all of them that I know about are good for 8 years minimum even if they were only approved for five years when you got it. it’s not doing anything bad in there because it’s “expired” unless you’re like that one woman a nonny talked about who got copper poisoning, but she was extremely sick from it so I think you’d know. Wait for the appointment. I also hated mine after a while and couldn’t wait to remove it so I sympathize but don’t do it yourself.

No. 401948

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(replying again sorry) I still don't think you should do it because of the risk of complications and the fact that if you do have complications it sounds like it would be hard for you to get an appointment to fix anything that goes wrong, but here's a pdf with some info

No. 402058

Samefag, I cut the thing open and it popped out in the shower, looked like layers of dead skin.

No. 402229

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Getting a Brazilian wax. Will update with my experience

No. 402323

It didn't hurt (I do have a high pain tolerance though) and it looks cute. The lady was so nice.

No. 402423

Off topic but the random shots of the cat being tortured in this always freaked me out. I don't know what the hell they were thinking including that footage. Just look at 0:42 and 1:15 it's actually crazy; at 0:42 you can see the cat is being choked by something around its neck but it's green-screened out. Disturbing.

No. 402424

I have always wondered if I have this because when I use tampons, I feel them go into one "side" and one side always comes out almost entirely dry/clean

No. 402914

i got a mirena iud put in tuesday. it was incredibly painful and something i was extremely anxious about. i had sex with my boyfriend four days after which was yesterday. today randomly i got extremely sharp painful cramps that have lasted almost all day. more painful then the cramps i had day of. did something happen did it get moved out of place? did me having sex have anything to do with it and is it just like out of place ?

No. 402917

That happens to me a lot. I don’t have that but I do have a tilted uterus. Not sure if it has anything to do with that though, always assumed it was the angle I inserted it.

No. 403512

If you don't mind, what does it feel like? Whenever I've fingered myself I feel like I can go either side of a wall sort of thing, I've always though it was weird but also didn't have anything to compare it to so I'm not sure. Had no idea this was a thing though.
I don't think I could work up the courage to try period underwear. I have a heavy period and sometimes bleed through super tampons in an hour or 2 and the fall out of failed period underwear would be devastating kek.

No. 403635

Any success removing genital warts at home? I have some on my labia and my next obgyn appointment is a month away

No. 403748

I just had a horrible experience at a waxing place. I wanted to get my bikini line done for vacation. When I get on the table, I feel the wax on my lips, and I’m like, oh god what’s happening. It was too late, though. It hurt so bad unlike anything I’ve felt before. I kept it together during the appointment the best I could but now I’m home crying. She took all of my public hair. It looks like a child and it makes me uncomfortable and upset. I didn’t want it all gone and maybe I should’ve said something beforehand but I’ve never heard of that happening during a bikini. Is this normal and I’m just an idiot?

No. 403760

she must have thought you were getting a brazilian? did you pay the same amount?

No. 403763

That’s what’s weird, she asked me before if I was scheduled for a Brazilian and I told her it was just a bikini. I paid for just a bikini, too. And she didn’t do my butt or any other regions (which I think is included in a Brazilian)

No. 403926

any nona actually manage to "learn" to cum from PIV/gspot who spent years not being able to? i can't do it with fingers, and 3 long term partners over the years haven't done it either. only clit works. i know this is supposedly the norm for women but other women i know irl make me feel like i'm the odd one out. i've googled it for years and always find dumb shit like "you need to learn about chakra/energy orgasms" or "just stop cumming with your clit and it'll happen" so just wondering if anyone here has any anecdotes about this

No. 403927

only after a weeklong period of abstinence, extreme arousal and foreplay that involves absolutely no touching below the belt. honestly I don't worry about it, I'm not spending a bunch of time and energy on achieving an orgasm in a different way.

No. 403938

You’re probably just not built that way. Internal orgasms were always easy and natural to me as well as the most satisfying, I think if you’ve worked that hard for that long and felt nothing, your nerves just aren’t wired that way.

No. 404481

I recently shaved my pubic area and after that a large fucking boil appeared, popped and now its just a hard lump on my mons pubis. What the fuck do i do im scared is it just an ingrown hair? Or something else

No. 404523

Most likely an ingrown hair anon, I would get huge and painful ones when I used to shave that hurt like crazy. Now that you popped it, just baby the hell out of it. Keep it washed with plain antibacterial soap and don't poke or prod at it anymore. Should go away within a week or so, probably less.

No. 404529

The Njoy Pure Wand has a hell of a reputation for it but it's an investment (pricey) and still not a guarantee. It's the only thing that's gotten me there when I was convinced I couldn't.

If you can get off other ways though it's worth weighing up where the pressure is coming from. I still get off clitorally 95 percent of the time even after finding out I could.

No. 405507

Ok so this is gonna be a suuuuper gross post, but I need help. So recently I noticed my vagina has been secreting a lot of discharge, but it's not the usual clear discharge. It's super thick and viscous, and is straight up green. It legit has the consistency of snot or boogers. And there's been so much of it that it's literally seeping through my panties and onto the inside of my pants. I'm being forced to wear panty liners now even tho I never used to do that unless I was on my period. And before anyone asks, there's no weird smell, or any kind of irritation or pain down there so idk if it's an infection. Could it be a hormonal thing? Cuz I know discharge can change consistency depending on where you are in your cycle. But like I said, it's never been this consistency before.

No. 405508

Most important question is have you been with a man? It could be a sexually transmitted thing

No. 405510

just my nigel, but the last time we had sex was over a month ago!

No. 405512

Is he the Mucinex mascot?

No. 405514

lmao nona. no, but I wish he was cuz then at least I'd have an explanation for wtf is going on with my damn vagina!

No. 405517

I recently started taking birth control a month ago and I just had my first period since starting and it sucks ass, first of all I had actually DEBILITATING cramps the first day, I had to call out of work, I almost threw up from the pain and I couldn’t leave my bed, and I’ve never had cramps like that before. And what’s also weird is that now I’m on the 8TH DAYY of my period and they normally only last 5 days for me. Is this normal and also will they go back to normal as my body gets accustomed to bc??

No. 405555

I would say this is normal, it's only been a month and it will take time for your body to adjust. Most women eventually experience less pain and shorter or lighter periods after being on bc for a while. If you're still getting painful cramps and irregular periods after 3-4 months, you should try another form of birth control. Be open to non-hormonal methods, too.

No. 405560

Thick green discharge is doctor time. There's nothing it could be except some kind of infection. Possibly BV.

No. 405619

Why the fuck did I get a random one-day, painless period smack in the exact middle of my cycle. Like what gland in my body snorted cocaine at the start of her shift and doled out random period hormones for one day and then clocked out? My white underwear is so ruined. God damn it.

No. 406014

i’m 22 and had sex with my bf for the first time and it was actually enjoyable and i felt really comfortable and happy!! my only issue is it did hurt a lot when it first started and i bled then / a few drops here and there since (it’s been about two days). i’ve always had issues with inserting things in myself (never wore tampons because they made me uncomfortable) but i’ve heard that it shouldn’t hurt or bleed if you’re aroused enough. i felt like i was totally prepared so idk, i’m still very very sore after the fact so i’m worried if i should be concerned. if anyone has any insight i would really appreciate it! sorry if it’s a really dumb question but i’ve never had actually informative sex ed and the internet is telling me heaps of conflicting info

No. 406042

Nonas I figured it out! I did a urine test and turns out I have some kind of bacterial infection! I'm gonna get a culture done tomorrow

No. 406048

It's normal ! You should only be concerned if it keeps on hurting after a while, but the few times might hurt and leave you sore. It's a first after all, your body has to adapt. My first time was with someone I loved who took his time and did everything right, but I still bled a bit and it did hurt afterwards, not painful enough to keep two horny teens to keep going at it though. Take your time and don't be too rough the next times, also don't be afraid to add lubricant if needed.

No. 406051

Probably just broke your hymen.

No. 406067

that could be a sign of early pregnancy nona. look up implantation bleeding

No. 406151

>>406048 aaaa im glad! i’m very inexperienced with these sorts of thing and i’ve been having a bit of an anxious brain moment ahahaha. i’ll definitely keep your advice in mind, thank you so much!!

No. 406157

i am 23 and have had around 4-5 female sexual partners + have been masturbating a few times a month since I was 12, and I’ve never had an orgasm. i still very much enjoy sex but I’ve never felt it come to a head/what other women describe, I always feel like sex can keep going. I always thought it might be because I’m on a bunch of psychiatric meds since I was about 12, is that consistent with other nonas on meds? I desperately want to wean off them but I work full time and am worried about the withdrawal period affecting work/having to take time off. I have no mental health problems/pyschatric issues as an adult but I went through trauma as a child that manifested in my teen years and have since been resolved. I’m just frustrated now that I’m in a relationship and not experiencing sex as it ‘should be’

No. 406166

absolutely yes, SSRIs in particular are well-known for causing issues with orgasms. I've also been on psychiatric meds since that age and I was functionally asexual, no attraction or arousal ever until I stopped taking them as an adult. It took about a year after quitting them for me to want sex for the first time, but I noticed changes as soon as I started lowering the dosage. I'd say wait to wean off until you'd be able to take a couple days off if needed.

No. 406300

I don't use tampons but I usually use tissues for extra soak. This time, I rolled one up and put it in. In the morning, it wasn't in the toilet OR the pad OR inside.

Idk if it went in deeper somehow. I've had to pull those out by hand, but this time it either went deeper or feel out and I missed it somehow. I keep FEELING like it's there.
It's only paper, so it should dissolve and make it out on its own soon, right? It's only the second day.

No. 406302

Huh? You put tissues in your vagina?

No. 406334

my period cramps improved a fuckton once i switched to organic pads with no perfume or bleach. like as soon as i switched it went from 8/10 stabbing pain in my uterus that would literally cause me to yelp out loud at some points throughout the day to 2/10 slight ache. i swear always, kotex etc pads are evil and toxic especially the scented ones.

No. 406343

this is why you use tampons and not toilet paper, so you have a string to pull it out. wtf anon

No. 406347

idk whats gonna happen but you're probably fucked sorry anon

No. 406352

Vaginal douching, while usually bad, might not be a bad idea here. Just to make sure the tissue is all flushed out.

No. 406385

I have some kind of irritation near my urethra that's in the shape of a round lump. I went to my doctor and she gave me hydrocortisone to use on it because I've had it for about 3 weeks. It was really large, tender, and painful back then but now it's the size of a small pea. I'm not really sure what it is, and neither is she. Has anyone ever had a problem like this before? I've already used bv gel and thrush cream, neither worked.

No. 406400

Is it possible that tampons might aggravate cramps too?

No. 406418

ntayrt but I stopped using tampons and went to pads only (not organic unbleached or whatever though I want to try them) and my cramps reduced by 90%. I went from wanting to call off work during my first 2 days which are always the worst, to just feeling a dull ache. I bring this up on here every chance I get because the people need to know. what's strange is if you google it, there's nothing but gaslighting and all the results say there's absolutely no way tampons can cause cramps, and although many women report that tampons do cause them cramps, that's impossible so we'll be disregarding it. it really makes me mad that I could have been spared from years of hurt. anyway definitely try going without for a whole cycle and see for yourself.

No. 406434

Some women won't use tampons because of the TSS risk but the risk attached to what you're doing has to be insanely higher with tissue dissolving like you said. Even on the occasions when it comes out you don't know what lil bits might've stayed behind and how long it's staying there. It's been sepsis russion roulette even on the times when you thought you removed it.

If you still have enough of a flow atm that might be a good thing for it being able to pass with the aid of your flow, pushing down hard like you're having a bowel movement might help (or actually having a bowel movement) But if you start to feel sick or have flu like symptoms that's a really time sensitive emergency.

No. 406722

is it normal for your vagina to be kinda of flat and spread out (the outermost fatty folds) after masturbating quite often? it doesn’t hurt and there’s nothing wrong with any other part of my vagina afaik and i only ever use my fingers this just makes me feel used up lol, like if you left a book open for too long or something and there was a permanent opening there. should i just lay off for a while ;/(;/)

No. 407088

Do you nonnies have discharge daily? Just like white small stains in your underwear? I have read it is normal but I just wanted to know if anyone else does

No. 407094

I did, but it happened randomly so I'll try to give you as many details as possible, and I still can't do it with my fingers, I need a real penis. For some background, I've been in a relationship for 8 years, and I had previous partners too. I started thinking I just can't orgasm from piv because I tried everything, I was relaxed, I never had issues with orgasming in front of my partners and the men I had sex with weren't dicklets and could last long in bed. I still need a very specific position to do it, missionary with my back angled up as much as possible, but I'm glad it finally happened. What helps is focusing on myself as much as possible, and sort of clenching my muscles more than I would usually when having sex.

That said, while I enjoy orgasming vaginally, I think I still prefer clit orgasms so I'm glad I wasn't missing out too much.

No. 407102

Yea I do. The amount varies but after a full day of wearing the same underwear there's always at least a little bit there.

No. 407110

Duh. also does anyone else compulsively smell their discharge-y underwear

No. 407324

So i just lost my virginity and it was super painful no matter how much lube we used or how slow we went.
Now it still kind of hurts although it's almost been a week, i can see the torn hymen when i look at the inside of my enterance. Will it heal? Will it always be torn looking? Is extreme pain during this normal?

No. 407330

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Hi nona I had a similar experience (very very painful no matter what we tried, and had excessive bleeding to where I had to wear a pad afterwards) and it took about 2 weeks for the pain to go away. I think it will always look torn. When I go to the gynecologist she always makes sure to say "yep, there's the torn hymen"… However it should heal with time and not hurt you. A lot of people say it's not "normal" to have pain when you lose your virginity but honestly I think it really depends on how thick/covering your hymen was to begin with? Picrel is what I mean. Is your current pain kind of an aching feeling or is it sharp? If it's still currently a sharp pain, I don't think it would hurt to call up the gynecologist. However with aching, that is how mine was afterwards and like I said it stopped about 2 weeks after the act.

No. 407889

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Can vaginismus be cured? Penetration has always been non pleasurable at all to me. Told gyno he said it is stress or something that causes the muscle to tighten which I get it mean vaginismus most likely. He told me to buy this which he says it also has a numbing effect but I find no source of this anywhere. Havent tried it yet. I feel so defective piv penetration is so hyped up and it is literally what men want yet to me I get nothing from it

No. 407912

This feels stupid to ask, but is it supposed to be normal to not bleed after having sex for the first time and afterwards? Does that just mean the hymen wasn't ripped?

No. 407915

Ugh nonna your GYN is a man???? Go to a different one ASAP

No. 407918

Yes it's normal to not bleed, but it's also normal to bleed. Hymens differ. Some women's are more elastic or not as thick so they're easier to stretch and avoid tearing. Some are rigid and will tear despite any amount of lube/foreplay, as mine did. There are even accounts of women having tore their hymen just by doing the splits or riding a bike. Both variations are common.

No. 407984

Ugh this posts sounds like it could've been written by me. I don't have any advice for you, nona. But I feel your pain. PIV also does absolutely nothing for me. It's either tolerable at best, or painful at worst. And I hate how it's seen as the end all, be all of sex. It's literally destroying my sex life and my relationship with my partner.

No. 407991

Eventually you'll see it as a good thing. Most men just want to use women as fleshlights. Not having PIV sex filters out all of the trashy selfish men who only want to use you. So many women don't find this out until they get pregnant or get some sort of illness where they can't have PIV sex anymore. Then the man abuses them, cheats on them, and/or leaves them. Enjoying PIV sex does nothing for us, it's a disadvantage in a world where we bare the most risk for doing it.

No. 408012

>Then the man abuses them
>and/or leaves them
Yeah this happened to me kek.

No. 408187

Vaginismus can be cured through dilator training but the length of time this takes/difficulty totally depends on your body. You can buy very small dilators to start with for example, if you want to go down that route nonna. I am also someone that suffers with painful penetration from anything larger than very small thin tampon.

Keep in mind that sometimes vaginismus can be brought on by hormonal issues or imbalances too e.g vaginal dryness and sensitivity from hormonal imbalance -> your brain associates penetration with pain because of it -> the vaginismus cycle starts. I'd recommend getting a hormone blood test panel done if you can afford it just to rule out anything like excess prolactin or estrogen etc.

No. 409340

why do gynecologists ask "have you ever had sex" when they really mean "has anything ever been inserted in your vagina" no i didnt have sex yes i have put stuff in there and you can put stuff in there too just get it over with already. and what if i had sex but without piv????? ask direct questions jfc

No. 409363

she refused to look at me because i didn't have sex with a penis. even though i told her several times that i have torn my own fucking hymen ages ago and will be ok. this is retarded i am so mad

No. 409366

She refused to do the exam?!

No. 409368

yes, she said unless i've had sex before she can only examine me through the backdoor. i think i'll just go to another gyno and lie that i had PIV because i'd rather have something in my vag than up my ass

No. 409372

sorry for samefagging but i need to vent my frustrations somewhere
why is the choice on whether i can or can't get an exam is made not by me but some hypothetical dick i might get at some point in my life? i've lost my virginity by myself when i was like 12 or so because i didn't want to lose it to someone else. i saw women worry about pain during their first intercourse and heard women regret losing their virginity to some idiot moid who didn't deserve it and thought fuck it, why not, i'll just do it myself. i'm not religious, hymen was just an excess piece of skin to me that i saw no downsides to getting rid of. less discomfort during first PIV, gyno exam, using tampons etc. it's just common fucking sense. why would i go through unnecessary pain when i can easily avoid it?
if i knew i would just lie to her. instead i was honest and told her that i didn't have sex but am not a virgin. she was genuinely surprised and kept asking me stupid questions as if i was retarded. "how is thay even possible??" I HAVE HANDS. "even so, you might still have your hymen intact, it can stretch.. just so you know" I DO. "so you like, masturbated? you know masturbation can be clitoral and vaginal.." I DO AND I KNOW WHERE MY FUCKING FINGERS WENT!!! "did you even bleed" YES! "maybe you didn't rip it completely, what if i tear your hymen during exam" I KNOW FOR A FACT IT'S GONE! i looked at images of hymens, torn and intact, i looked at mine in the mirror, I KNOW IT'S LONG GONE. I KNOW WHERE A VAGINA IS. I KNOW WHERE A CLITORIS IS. I AM NOT STUPID. I KNOW WHAT I DID AND WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING FOR YEARS EVER SINCE THEN. I am standing here in front of you, telling you what i know about my own body, answering all these unnecessary demeaning questions and it doesn't matter because i didn't get dick? why interrogate me at all if you won't listen to me anyway?
and what if i did have PIV? what if i fucked a man with a 5 cm penis? it's smaller than the mirror or my fingers, yes, but it's still a penis so it's supposed to count, right? what if i was a lesbian getting strap from her wife of 5 years every night? you still won't look at me because that's technically not a penis?

No. 409377

Damn that’s crazy. Now I’m wondering if this is a normal practice… I didn’t go to the gyno until I was in my 20s and already had PIV so this had never come up for me. If you don’t mind my asking what are you trying to get the pelvic exam done for? Just routine or is there a problem you need them to look at, like you need them to use an ultrasound wand to diagnose PCOS cysts and they want to do it anally? This is so fucking bizarre of them. I didn’t know the hippocratic oath covered hymens and even if it does, why can’t they just look and see yours is gone???

No. 409387

>Now I’m wondering if this is a normal practice…
she was really surprised and told me she's never treated anyone who wouldn't mind getting an exam before PIV so I guess it is? at least where i live (eastern europe)
>if you don’t mind my asking what are you trying to get the pelvic exam done for? Just routine or is there a problem you need them to look at
just a routine exam to confirm i'm healthy so i can attend public pool
>why can’t they just look and see yours is gone???
i don't know. she just refused to

to be fair i can see her point. sex education is basically nonexistent here so it makes sense for her to doubt i even knew what i was doing. if she did give me an exam and ended up tearing my hymen - who knows, my parents might have turned out to be religious nuts who would sue her and she'd end up losing her career. she did say something like "i don't want to go to jail" so i'm sure she had her share of weirdos. it's still very frustrating though

No. 409391

Oh. Well pelvic exams for healthy women are kinda pointless anyway. All they do is basically finger blast you and confirm your organs are there. It’s really nothing. lol at her being willing to do it anally though, as if anyone wants that. Can she still give you a clean bill of health? Surely virgins are allowed to go to school too…

No. 409392

>she said unless i've had sex before she can only examine me through the backdoor
Thats straight up bullshit, go to another gyno

No. 409399

I had this done before too. I think it's just an outdated misogynistic practice. If you have used a tampon or your finger before it's absolutely unnecessary.

No. 409422

Yeah it definitely sounds like the gyno has some retarded idea about "preserving the hymen" or something. I've never inserted anything in my vag and had a normal pelvic exam with an ultrasound, don't even remember if the gyno asked anything about having sex. It did hurt like a bitch but she was able to do the exam normally. Honestly would be pretty funny if my hymen was torn by a gyno.

No. 409490

Nonnies can your vagina rip for no reason? I just wiped and it hurt really bad. There was blood on the tissue (not period blood) i think it’s a cut at the back of my vulva close to the perineum. I didn’t shave or have sex or anything though. How can this happen? Is my skin too dry?

No. 409504

Maybe you popped a secret pimple?

No. 409506

This is just insanity. “Hey, I want a man to feel happy about something pointless so I’m just going to sodomise you instead.” What a fucking retard gyno. Dump her ass

No. 409991

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despite having a really weak/loose pelvic floor, the actual entrance to my vag is really small and i can barely get anything past it. this is really disappointing to discover because i just bought these kegel weights designed to help you strength train your pelvic muscles, only to find that i can’t get any of them past the initial ring (the hymen, i guess?) of my vagina. the weights are only about the width of two fingers but i can’t fit them in without feeling like i’m gonna rip myself open. i’m honestly pissed about this because i was hoping they’d be a miracle cure to my totally fucked up vagina. drawing attached to help visualize the issue

No. 410017

Drawing is not helping me visualize, kek.

No. 410026

This sounds like me, some of my pelvic muscles are weak but some are hypertonic which contributes to a small and tense vaginal opening. You should start with much smaller dilators that are the diameter of a tampon or smaller, but longer

No. 410111

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update: i got sodomised anons. it sucked but at least it was quick. this experience just solidified my opinion on anal sex. it went from "never" to "NEVER EVER EVER". i'm just glad it's over. if i ever have any actual health problems i'm going to a different gyno 100%

No. 410114

Noooooo…. Nona, I’m so sorry. That’s crazy. Why do you need a pelvic exam just to go to school??

No. 410143

I've been bleeding after having deep penetrative sex/masturbation on and off for about a year now (not much, but when it happens it's spotting or a light period for a little while after sex, tops a day later). Not even rough stuff, my cervix just gets bumped from time to time and starts bleeding. My doctor said it sounded like an std since I'm young but my chlamydia and gonorrhea tests came back clean. Honestly I'm just scared it's cancer. I won't get to see a gyno for a while bacause the waiting time is horrendously long..

No. 410148

it's not for school nonny. i appreciate your concern

No. 410149

This used to happen to me when I started having sex and I never really looked into it, it stopped eventually. I got STD tests regularly with my checkups, always negative. I don’t know if it’s some understudied part of female reproductive health but having penetrative sex really wreaked havoc on my cycle for the first several years, it would bring on spotting and seemingly halt oncoming periods etc. If it wasn’t literally the sex it must have been something to do with stress or relaxation involved with the coupling? I don’t know.

No. 410150

It’s not? Then why did you reply to everyone who was talking to the other anon who said it was for school in this reply? >>409387
> just a routine exam to confirm i'm healthy so i can attend public pool

No. 410153

She's talking about a public pool not a public school…

No. 410154

That's even MORE idiotic. Where the fuck does anon live that that's required? Tajikistan??

No. 410156

I don’t think so. Who refers to going to a public pool as “attending public pool” lmao

No. 410277

quit being a retard, that anon is clearly ESL.

No. 410410

and what if i am from tajikistan nona. don't be mean i'm trying my best
eslchans do

No. 410419

Being a woman is the most degrading thing on planet earth

No. 410604

Nobody has to be sodomised at the gyno, dunno why anon didn't just go to a different one.

No. 411375

Where is the adhesions nonnie. I was checking today because I had a lot of vulva pain and saw a lot of smegma accumulated on 2 holes I have on my clitoris. I started popping it like a damn pimple until it came out on one of the holes, couldn't get much out on the other one. The biggest hole got even bigger, so I went and started scooping out the smegma with a needle head. I was shocked by how much of the needle I can insert, it's really deep. It pulled the skin and made the hole bigger. This isn't normal right? I think it really is an adhesion. I don't think I should have a hole in my clitoris, right? It's so big now, it looks like a hole from a piercing.
I have chronic urinary infections and I think all this trapped smegma is what's causing it. My clit is really close to my urethra.

No. 411382

Adhesion nonny here, yeah that sounds exactly like adhesions. I’m starting to think this must be way more common than people think, I’ve been surprised how many fellow nonnies have had it too. Maybe it’s because female genital anatomy is so visually complex and variable that women don’t even know when things don’t look right.
As for me, I’ve learned that adhesions can come back. Ever since I separated things many months ago, I’ve been diligently pulling back my hood and thoroughly washing the area with warm water every day, and assumed that was enough. Well, it seems to have slightly of re-adhered over time. I think the newly revealed skin from the undoing of the adhesions must be very prone to wanting to fuse again. When I have another lazy weekend I’m planning to repeat the process and just commit to regularly re-stretching and re-pulling the skin instead of just washing it. Hopefully I can keep it in-adhered for good after enough time of doing that, maybe after the adhered skin toughens up a bit like the rest of the skin in the area.

No. 411393

I'm going crazy. I've had a chronic uti since 2021 that has caused me horrible pain every single day, ruined my life, killed my relationship. And it could all just be a fucking adhesion that is sending bacteria into my urethra. I told a doctor about it and she said it wasn't an adhesion, but I've learned that most gynos can't identify them.
Have you thought about getting steroid cream to help with them?

No. 411647

Pls explain why do you need a pelvic exam to go to public pool

No. 412696

Does anybody else experience burning on the labia/outer region after having their period? This always happens to me and i want to know if this is normal.

No. 412807

This is all new to me and now I am worried. Can you guys post a pic of how it looks like? And what normal non-adhesion looks like?

No. 412809

Holy fuck. Is it possible you have adhesions if it hurts to pull back your clitoral hood?

No. 412816

When I was a teen and only wore pads yes, bc my blood is very acidic for some reason! My mom had the same experience. Sitting in your blood can make that skin raw.

No. 412825

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Update, I just went to a very sweet gyno and she said I definitely had adhesions. Nonnies I have showed my pussy to so many fucking doctors these past 3 years trying to find out what was causing me chronic pain, and not a single one identified my adhesions. One even said it was weird that I had holes, but didn't see anything else wrong.
Anyway, she prescribed me topical steroids but said that the adhesions were very severe and that I would likely need surgery.

It can be pretty confusing, but basically if your clitoris doesn't look pic A in this picture when you lift all the skin, you likely have adhesions. You should be able to fully visualize your clitoral glans and corona. On pic B and C you can see that the skin is glued to the glans, so you can only see the tip, and you can't see the corona. I added a pic of a normal clitoris with the name of each part.


No. 412826

What are my chances of being a lost cause if I've literally never seen my glans, ever?

No. 412829

You can try and see if surgery would be possible. Do you have any symptoms from it? I've had this most of my life and never had any pain until I started having sex, the adhesions started opening, and those openings became infected due to the smegma trapped inside.

No. 412830

There's no way I'm letting a whitecoat butcher my clit KEK but no I don't have any physical pain and am a virgin. But I wish I was more sensitive… I did the exercises and saw some improvement so I should probably settle for that. Thank you for the chart and explanation, I hope things get better for you

No. 412831


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No. 412838

I feel like my vagina has a whole different anatomy help

No. 412841

If it looks really different there might be something going on. If you mention adhesions/phimosis to a gyno they should be able to identify it. It's easier once they know what they're looking for. I'd help you check nonnie but I don't think you'd want to send clit pics to a stranger kek.

No. 412864

I’m the OG adhesions anon and that’s how I felt too before I realized it was adhesions. Just throwing that out there.
I’m glad you got a nice gyno. I’m having real problem with adhesions re-adhering, no matter what I try the skin just seems to meld back together like trying to keep two pieces of silly putty that are on each other separated kek. Could you tell me what kind of steroids you were prescribed, and if your gyno explained anything about how that treatment would work? I’m considering caving and seeing a gyno for some sort of prescription like that but idk I want to research first (burger with shit insurance… a 5 min check in appointment with my psych for a med refill cost me $208 dollars, to give you an idea)

No. 412888

She wrote down clobetasol propionate 0,05 % cream and the pharmacy gave me Clarelux Gé 500. It's costicosteroids. She only said to apply it twice a day for 1 month. And if there was no progress, that I would need surgery. I was so excited I forgot to ask for details, but from what I've been searching you just apply it and then try to massage the area or stretch the skin. I'm just gonna apply for a few days and then start stretching. I've read that vaseline might help avoid reattachment.

No. 415716

I am so scared to ask this, but I need help. Is it normal to have…skin, or a "piece of skin" coming out of the vagina? I've always had this worm shaped piece of flesh coming out of it, ever since I was a child. When i was a child it was as big as a grain of rice, but it seems it's grown with me, because now it's slightly longer and fatter, it's probably like 1,5 or 2cm long. I go months forgetting it exists because it doesn't hurt and i rarely feel it, i could even touch it and don't feel "it", only feel my fingertips touching it.
I don't see it drawn in any vagina illustrations.
I'm guessing it's nothing bad considering I've had it since i was a child, and doesn't hurt? It is one of the reasons I've never engaged in sexual activity even though I'm in my mid twenties.

No. 415782

>there’s a cut that stings alot inside the big outermost flap/lip of my netherworld. Don’t think it’s called the vulva. Its in the crease between the big lip and inner lips(vulva?)
I bicycled too hard and wore a pad. Everytime i ride this bike i get a boil or idk blister because of the pressure. But this time it’s def a small open wound. Do i leave it alone? How long will it heal? I gotta change my bike seat asap.

No. 415810

nonnas, i had unprotected with a moid around 6 weeks ago, when i was ovulating. i know its retarded, but i took the next-day (EContra EZ to be specific) pill. ive been feeling a lot of pain but i just associated it with the pill, since it was my first time taking it and ive been a few other girls talking about this pain on reddit. today, though, a LOT of blood came out and idk what to do. is this normal and bcz of the pill? i know for sure this isnt my period bcz even though i have a really heavy flow, it feels a lot different and the blood looks somewhat darker(?) than normal. idk how to explain this. im afraid of going to the gyno bcz i live in a small town in louisiana and pretyt much everyone whos older than 30 is a stupid redneck and would tell my parents how i had sex. please tell me this is normal and from the pill, i cant find anyone saying this is a normal symptom online. it smells kinda putrid and its lowkey solid like its a little clumpy.

No. 415812

Can someone describe how PIV feels to someone who's never had it? Does it feel physically pleasurable? Sorry if wrong thread, don't know where else to take this.

No. 415833

It sounds like you just have a skin tag? Those are totally normal and harmless, but if it bothers you enough to prevent you from having intercourse, they can be removed easily & painlessly. Go talk to you doctor nonners.

No. 415908

Does the skin have a mucous membrane feel to it, for lack of better words? I had a small hymenal remnant after first time penetration, I ended up having it surgically removed because it created some issues. It could be that. Some girls have their hymen tear from just doing normal physical activities, so it doesn't necessarily mean something happened to you as a kid. Mine was very small, but when you're just poking around there it tends to feel bigger than it really is. The skin inside your vagina becomes more elastic and stretchy once you hit puberty, so that could explain it having grown. I don't think it's too uncommon, I remember Nemu blogging about her hymenal remnants which she termed her tentacles lol. The surgeon who removed mine didn't bat an eye.

No. 415964

I finally bought a set of silicone dilators. I don't have vaginismus (I can insert tampons no problem, it's a little harder to take them out since they get trapped by my hymen) but I feel like my vaginal canal is unnaturally tight and it causes tension in my pelvic floor. But my god the last dilator (which is about as big as the average penis) is fucking terrifying. I can't believe some women go from being virgins to having that thing shoved inside of them, I am so glad I was a social recluse growing up and never had the opportunity to have sex.

No. 415971

I feel you nonnie, I was the same as you except I couldn't even insert tampons or menstrual cups. I went to the gyno to check for vaginismus and she said that my hymen was very stiff and had a somewhat narrow opening, and to come back if I experience pain during sex to check for vaginismus. I said fuck letting a man hurt me so I also decided to dilate and see what happens. After a bit of soreness for a while I can say I don't have any issues with the tightness anymore and can insert a normal-sized dildo without any issues now. The vagina is a pretty incredible muscle.

No. 415975

Which set did you go with? My physio had nothing but hard plastic sets that looked like something from the past, not even plastic in the middle and then coated with something softer, pure hard plastic rods. I said I'd shop around for a silicone set.

No. 415977

>menstrual cups
This was the worst thing I ever tried putting in my vagina. It didn't hurt going in, but it stuck to my cervix like a limpet causing non-stop cramps until I finally took it out.
Thanks for telling me about your experience, I feel more confident now about using these dilators and stretching out without excessive pain or discomfort. As you point out there is no way I'm letting a rape ape tear me apart when I can open my vagina comfortably and slowly with these toys.
The brand is called "bodyotics" and the product is the "dilator exerciser set". To be honest they were the only set of silicone dilators I could find on Amazon in my country so it's not like I had to shop around. But I think silicone is definitely the way to go, they bend slightly and have a soft feeling to them

No. 415982

If I have internal adhesions from endometriosis, is it possible to use dilators to break up the adhesions and help them heal? I never do penetration because it feels either painful or uncomfortable, but would it be better for my pelvic health in the long run?

No. 417038

Does anyone else not get wet when they're aroused? My vagina I'd always a little wet, the normal amount you know? But I don't get any better when I'm horny nor when I'm having sex. It's very embarrassing. I only ever gave sex with someone new in my own house because I have lube, and they always comment on it as if it's the weirdest thing ever that I have to use it. I know I shouldn't be,but I'm very ashamed of it.

No. 417039

Apologies for all the typos, I'm phone posting.

No. 417059

>went 20 years without knowing where my clitoris was
>thought my labia was my clitoris
>finally found it but hate touching it
>want to experience an orgasm
>found that most vibrators promoted are for clit and vagina
>mfw i have vaginismus too
>just realized my body has never let me naturally masturbate (and enjoy it) bc i always think too much abt it in the moment and fucking ruin it for myself
..is anybody else in the same boat?? i really want to have a good relationship with my body but it just seems to hate me

No. 417060

I can only touch my clit in certain ways. Side to side feels very weird and direct contact is a lot so I mostly prefer to make contact through the hood and go up and down, and that includes when holding a vibrator against it. If you hate touching it, you may want to experiment with how you do it.

No. 417079

I don’t like touching mine directly, I much prefer palpating the labia on either side of it. Unfortunately this is almost impossible to explain to my sexual partners

No. 417107

I posted a couple suggestions here >>417106 (my reply was off topic for this thread)

No. 417728

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Sorry, venting.
I just tried to penetrate myself because it's been a long time. I'm not horny and it's rare when I am, but I wanted to try. I have a bf but we last tried to have sex over 2 years ago. I remember it hurting and I felt kind of spicy down there, as if I had a yeast infection. Well after I just tried, the discharge on my dildo didn't seem smooth, but slightly grainy. What the fuck. Is it possible I've had a yeast infection still all this time? I went to the gyno last fall and there was no mention of it.
Also I feel broken because I could barely get it in and it hurts too much beyond like 2 inches. I don't mind being celibate at this stage of my life honestly, but I wish I at least had the option. I also have some nerve damage that triggers from masturbation so I just associate sex with pain. This sucks.

No. 418889

Yes none of that is normal. You should go to a doctor and insist that they explain your symptoms.

No. 421332

update: last night it was a gorilla. My brain is fucking with me because in the dream it was a choice between a doughy loser moid who was head over heels in love with me and bringing me gifts I didn’t ask for, and his roommate, which was inexplicably a gorilla. I was so disgusted with the doughy moid that i was fine with the gorilla. The doughy guy walked in on me and the gorilla and started sobbing.
My record for being mounted in dreams by anything and everything but an actual human male continues.

No. 421446

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This is embarrassing but I'm curious if I'm the only one. When I have a fever, my clitoris becomes permanently hyper sensitive until the fever passes. It's actually not fun at all. For example. today I was fighting the urge to puke with a terrible upset stomach and horrendously painful body aches, barely clinging to consciousness due to light headedness, and the whole time my clit is like BINGGGG. Every tiny little micro-movement is stimulating and my clit is throbbing like it's been played with for an hour despite me not touching it at all. Does this happen to anyone else??

No. 423295

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Maybe it's persistent genital arousal disorder?

No. 423675

I'm in the same boat nonna with my new bf, I find him insanely attractive and he touches me in all the right ways but I am not getting wet enough. Currently been trying to drink lots of water and practice not stressing about it when it happens but it seems persistent. I don't watch porn and haven't touched my vibrator in awhile but its very upsetting for me. I am also a bit on the tighter side and it feels like a lot of work to figure out. Am sad.

No. 424715

Has anybody ever had a bartholin cyst that wasn't super big? What did I feel like? I think I one. The area where they're supposed to be is constantly red/inflamed and painful.

No. 424730

spoiler for het sex talk I've been having trouble cumming during sex with my new bf. At first it was probably 70%, but now the last few times has been 25% or no chance of me reaching orgasm. He's also definitely trying, and he's definitely doing what I tell him to, and I find him attractive. But like after a few minutes, I start to have absolutely zero feeling in my clit and nothing we do works. I've tried the vibrator on the clit, on the inside, him eating me out, etc. I feel nothing. I have no trouble finishing (even fast) when I masturbate alone. It's causing me a lot of anxiety and sadness and he's kind of bummed out too. I grew up with a really bad porn addiction that I kind of kicked 5-6 years ago, but when I'm alone, my fantasies are still very clearly influenced by them. This is the first person I'm having sex with, so I'm wondering if it's a matter of trying to condition myself to get off to real, gentle, normal sex? I would appreciate any tips from others who've been in the same boat.

No. 424732

If you're relaxed, wet, the penis/dildo/strap isn't long, etc. It feels kind of like nothing for me unless it's around the opening or first couple inches. I used to be really scared and I thought it would hurt, but it feels really nice if you came beforehand or if you're stimulating your clit.

No. 424774

Have pcos symptoms and technically already being treated for it since im on bc + spiro to treat said symptoms, but for some reason asking for a formal diagnosis is like pulling teeth. "You don't have facial hair so there's no reason to test" twice now two seperate doctors. like at least make sure i don't have cysts on my ovaries? i hate womens health so much, even saying i want kids they're just like "just come back in 6 months if you aren't pregnant" is it even safe to have cysts on your ovaries and be pregnant? fuck im going to put on a fake stache

No. 424879

Yes you can have PCOS with cysts and be pregnant.
Pay for an ultrasound of your ovaries if you want to know if you have cysts, but be aware they're not gonna remove your cysts unless the cysts are massive or a cancer risk. Standard procedure is to just leave them. Removing the cysts won't cure PCOS, cysts are more of a symptom of a larger hormonal problem, not exactly the source of it… as I understand it. But I'm not a doctor.

No. 424916

I have PCOS and had multiple massive cysts while I was pregnant with my first, all on BIRTH CONTROL mind you. I'm a hairless cat and skinny. Drs literally do not give a shit about women

No. 425875

I have never gotten wet before sex or when anticipating sex from my partners. However, whenever I'm alone and I'm reading smut or something, I get soaked like crazy. Why is my brain like this??? Is this normal or is something wrong.

No. 426009

We might never find out, but requiring a pelvic exam to go to a public pool sounds absolutely bonkers.

No. 426536

occasionally when i've either had sex with my partner or used a dildo, i end up somewhat in pain. not enough that it stops me from continuing, but enough that it bothers me for a couple days while its healing. i know for a fact it's not my hymen, since it's outside (i believe it's called the frenulum pudendi or something similar?), and i don't really know what to do about it since the pain is kinda inconvenient, especially when i'm wanting to take care of myself…

No. 426539

I'm sorry this is a month old but this makes no sense??? Pelvic exams look at your cervix and stuff. You literally can't see any of that from in the rectum?

No. 426540

It's just ragebait

No. 426541

Summoning the adhesion nonas. Mine looks more like B except with no "hole" behind it… what are the chances my clit is so abnormally small that it just looks weird? I can have sex fine, vibrator on the clit feels good (I mean I can have an orgasm just fine from it and very quickly too). I actually was diagnosed with chronic utis which I've had even as a child BUT I haven't had a uti in years because I am subscribed to Uqora and take those pills daily and drink their "Flush" powder mix whenever I have sex.

No. 426552

I don't think there needs to be a "hole" for you to have adhesion. Ofcourse you could have a smaller than average clit. But look at its outline. Is there a well defined edge between clit and surrounding flesh like in A? Or is the transition more gradual, like B? Regardless, mild adhesion doesn't havr to be something that needs fixing. Especially if you can orgasm just fine, and don't get buildup of gunk.
Tldr: gurl you're good

No. 426553

It's to check for tumors/cancer. At least that's why they did it to me.

No. 426556

If it doesn't look like A, it's an adhesion. If it looks like that and you have a history of UTIs, please please go get it fixed. This can turn into something so much worse. You have no idea of the hell I'm going through right now because of the infected adhesions. I was fine for 26 years of my life, never had any complications, and then one day my hell began. It's been 3 years of chronic pain now.
You just need to apply some steroid cream and stretch the skin twice a day.

No. 426564

Can you point out the area in a vulva diagram? If I'm understanding correctly, it could be issues related to the bartholin glands or a pelvic floor issue.

No. 426625

I think you're confusing pelvic exams with pap smears. Pelvic exams are that part where the gyn sticks fingers into you and feels around (bleh), also pushing down on your belly while doing so. No idea what can they find out when examining someone through the rectum, it sounds very stupid - in my country, they are forcing you to do that when you haven't had sex though.

No. 426630

Are you the pool anon? How is checking for tumors related to visiting the public pool? It sounded that they were forcing you to do that in order to be able to swim there, which sounds very strange, to say the least.

No. 426631

The lore of lolcow goes deep kek

No. 426635

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No. 426785

File: 1724471838737.png (Spoiler Image,281.59 KB, 2352x1282, diagram.png)

heres a diagram nonnie, its kind of like a little piece of skin that gets torn if that makes sense?

No. 426804

File: 1724481035207.png (Spoiler Image,338.84 KB, 685x655, 468346_1_De_1_Fig2_HTML.png)

fuck you
she just poked around with her finger in there. basically what >>426625 said

it's been a month, are you ok nona?

nta but here's a better diagram because the one you posted sucks.. why is it blue kekkk

No. 426821

If you see a piece of torn skin, it's just that. You tore due to sex.

No. 427309

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I just started seeing someone for the first time, lame but i was really exited to finally lose my virginity (mid twenties virgin) but everytime we've tried i involuntarily tense up and he can't get anything in.

Beforehand I'd literally never stuck anything up there not even a finger/tampon. I've managed a full finger or two now but anytime we try PIV my legs start tensing up involuntarily and it seems like it clamps up. The two fingers didn't hurt at all and I could barely feel it go in but when I've tried PIV it's actually quite painful, doesn't slide in at all almost just feels like it hits a wall then won't go any further.

Idk what's wrong with me I don't have any trauma, does anyone have any similar experience to this or advice on how I can stop tensing up so hard? I tried using will power but my legs just kinda kept moving on their own, I thought maybe trying a better position (it was missionary so my legs were just on the bed or in the air) but that might not be the issue and I don't want to needlessly embarass myself if it's just really tight from lack of use and I need to focus on training myself into inserting bigger things up there before trying again.(spoiler your shit)

No. 427314

I've never had sex, never inserted anything into myself, never used tampons, never rode horses, dont remember ever bleeding, but I still can't see or find my hymen. There is a small piece of skin near the bottom of my vagina but it might be the frenulum labiorum I guess

No. 427318

I never had my legs tense up or anything but I just want to say, it's normal for it to take a couple tries. And I don't think it's just lack of use - you're probably nervous, which makes you less wet, which makes it more difficult to slide in and may cause pain which would stress you out even more. It may also gonna take a reasonably forceful push to tear your hymen, the first time is the toughest. Your hymen may be the "wall" you're feeling. (Unless your muscles are really tensing up that hard)

Just keep trying. Get used to being naked with each other, so you're more calm. Maybe try to use some lube. Be prepared that he might have to push a little hard. You could also check out your hymen in the mirror (it's right at the entrance, very visible) to see what shape it has and how much of the hole it covers.

No. 427388

There isn't such a thing as tight from lack of use. When you're tense and nervous, this will happen no matter what. If it's something that makes you nervous, it might take a few times for you to feel comfortable with. It seems like you were overthinking everything, and ideally, you should be relaxed. It's not easy, sometimes I do the same even with a longtime partner, don't blame yourself. Do check your hymen if you really feel a wall.

No. 427515

I was never was able to insert anything in my vagina, no tampon, no fingers, nothing. I tried but it just felt uncomfortable.
I dated this guy I met at the library for a couple of months and I went over his place one day since he invited me. I was okay doing only foreplay, but we ended up going all the way.
I hated fingering, it felt so uncomfortable since he was ramming his fingers like sonic, it did absolutely nothing for me. The asshole didn't even bother to eat me out, which pissed me off since I was looking forward to that lol. The foreplay was absolute shit.
When he tried to penetrate me with his penis I was too tense and it hurt like hell, we tried a couple of times more since I wanted to know how sex was like. He was fortunately reassuring me and telling me that I just needed to breath and he distracted me by kissing me while he pushed. We managed at the fourth try. I thought I would bleed since it was my first time, but I didn't.
It felt strange at first and it burned more than hurting, but when I got used to it it became quite pleasant and I even got more wet and relaxed as we kept going, which made everything even better somehow. I even orgasmed at a point.The sex was meh at the end of the day, but I enjoyed the PIV part quite a lot, which was something I didn't expect.

Anyway I got ghosted after this, so it ended up being the only time I had sex. I cannot place anything in there still. I tried putting a tampon but it wasn't entering. I wanted to buy a dildo and try again, maybe with some lube or I was even contemplating to find someone else to have sex with, but I hate dating apps and I don't want to bother with a man, I just want the dick.
Can you have vaginismus, but somehow manage to have sex but not insert anything alone? I'm going to the gyno next month for my first visit and I'll probably ask her if it's maybe psychological.

No. 427541

You need to use some pressure to put something in, it's not gonna slide in just like that. Also treat it like you're doing something normal instead of getting worked up. Personally I could never insert a tampon but stuff made from silicone like menstrual cup or dildo works fine

No. 427565

It sounds like you're just being neurotic. Get wet properly and it should work.

In the case of tampons, it might be hard to put in because it's dry. Wait a few minutes for your natural lubricant or blood to come out after washing and it should slip in more easily.

Btw in my opinion, real dick feels better than fake, in part because you don't have to move it yourself and also because of the mental stimulation of having sex with a guy you're attracted to. But that's something you'll have to figure out yourself.

No. 427570

Thanks! I’ll definitely try being a bit more proactive with the tampon then and also my fingers. I think that I just tense up when I have to push that small bit and give up immediately for some reason, hence why it was easier when I was with someone else who could do it.

No. 427603

Tilt your pelvis forward and insert your thumb and another finger (index or middle finger) joined at the tip at the entrance, like .5 cm deep and then start pulling them apart. There will be some resistance but you should be able to do it. If it's rock hard it can be vaginismus but I had that too it's just a stress response, relax and desensitize yourself to it

No. 428023

is it normal for my uterus to be tilted to one side inside of me…more specifically my cervix is pointing to the left. I’m on my period so it’s sitting a lot lower and I reached up there to check on my iud and it’s like completely decentered. I was having intercourse the other day and was on top and had to stop because I hit something wrong (???) and started having the most debilitating cramps I’ve ever had. I was completely paralyzed in pain until it eventually passed after about ten minutes. This was what prompted me to check on my iud. Can you knock your uterus out of place? Will it go back to normal after my period passes and my uterus pulls back up? I don’t have health insurance so I don’t want to go to the doctor. I’m fine otherwise just worried.

No. 428413

Any nonas have experience with vulvodynia/vestibulodynia?

I've had it for a while and while I don't really have hypertonic pelvic muscles, the entry of my vagina always hurts like a mofo when I have sex.

I got put on a gabapentin topical cream 15% and that's helped a bit but I have to get a vestibulectomy for my posterior fourchette which keeps tearing.

Have any of you had a vestibulectomy? If so please tell me your experience because i'm so nervous to have surgery there.

No. 428414


Do you have endo by any chance? I've heard that scar tissue from endo can actually pull your uterus to the left.

The pain could've been due to your partner hitting your cervix, some women experience pain when that is hit, and some don't.

It is normal for uterusses to not be perfectly straight though. Afaik my vaginal canal makes a weird bend too and my uterus is in anteroversion which means it's tilted forwards. Uterusses come in all shapes and sizes.

If I was you i'd keep an eye out for weird spotting, excessive cramping or unusual discharge, if you experience any of those please please please visit your care provider!

No. 428890

I have vulvodynia/pelvic floor issues after getting a chronic UTI. My pain now is almost completely in the entrance/vestibule. My therapist does internal massages and when she tries to stretch the vaginal entrance it hurts so fucking much, it's like someone is burning me.
I've read that a vestibulectomy has a very high success rate so I wouldn't worry.

No. 429932

I got a partial vestibulectomy several years ago (3 to 9 oclock) and recovery was a bitch, mainly because I have constipation issues. My first post surgery bowel movement was quite possibly the most physically uncomfortable thing I've ever experienced in my life lol. Ending up popping a stitch and now I got a rad lil dingleberry-looking fleshy scar tissue lol. If you get a vestibulectomy, would highly recommend joining facebook groups related to vestibulodynia and treating recovery exactly like how someone would post partum. Ended up taking 6 weeks off of work (sick leave+FMLA). I didn't do PT afterwards, but I made sure to dilate almost everyday for about 4-5 months. I was able to have my first pain-free PIV experience after 6 months.

I still have issues with anterior pain since my surgeon did not remove those nerves (I also have IC/painful urination idk why he didn't do a full removal), but the only thing this affects is my inability to do doggy and similar positions. Otherwise, as long as I dilate or do lots of foreplay beforehand, sex is now pain free! No issues at the GYN or pelvic exams either. >>428413

No. 430279

IC isn't real. It just means whichever doctor diagnosed you was too stupid to find the real cause of your chronic cystitis. Cystitis doesn't happen for no reason. That I know of, painful urination can be a chronic UTI, ureaplasma/mycoplasma infection, endometriosis, cytolytic vaginosis, pelvic floor dysfunction, oxalate issues. Sometimes clitoral pain also feels like urinary pain.
Stupid fucks tried to tell me I had IC too. It was a chronic UTI.

No. 430427

hysterectomy tomorrow morning. wish me luck nonas

No. 430462

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I wish you a speedy recovery nona

No. 430809


Oh that gives me a lot of hope. And yeah I already joined support groups for the surgery and stuff, I might be taking some stool softeners from the day of the surgery so I don't end up popping a stitch since I have the same issues.

I can do doggy and girl on top perfectly fine, for me it's missionary that doesn't work. haha

No. 431002

Oh I know IC is just a catch-all term, I've been to many useless urogyns. Generally most people go in thinking their symptoms are because of a UTI and then get shoehorned into the IC territory when treatment/diagnosis doesn't work. Is a chronic UTI any different than a regular UTI? I've been ruled out for most of the things you listed, except for pelvic floor issues which are primarily a result of my neuroproliferative vestibulodynia. Since my surgery was only partial, I can only assume some of the pain is from the nerves that were left behind. Luckily my urinary pain is infrequent, it happens sporadically and I've had them since at least puberty. The only correlation I've seen is it consistently happens during my periods or when I'm sick with a cold or allergies (not all the time, I'll still get "flareups" when I'm feeling healthy). Usually lasts 24-48 hrs, I can somewhat manage with azo and benadryl (which could be indicative of mast cell stuff according to my gyn). It's incredibly frustrating trying to find the root cause, but I'm glad you were able find out for yourself! I'll still continue to use "IC" as a generic term though so people will stop telling me to drink cranberry juice for the millionth time

good luck on the surgery! it has a very high success rate I'm sure you'll heal up fine! Stool softeners take about a week to work for me, so I recommend starting it even earlier? It doesn't hurt to get a jump start. Miralax might work even better

No. 431003

I think my laser tech burnt me at my last session.
Not too bad, no peeling skin or anything but I am real tender - even sitting down hurts.

Any advice? Do I just have to tough it out?

No. 431050

I thought I had some weird tumor or bump on my vagina for years but I decided to squeeze it out of curiosity and so much gross white shit came out and now it's gone. It was literally just pussy acne I didn't know you could get acne like literally on the labia and in the crevices. That's wild. So gross kek.

No. 431056

I am unfortunately part of the shaved pussy gang, but not out of my volition. When I let hair grow down there (I usually don’t bother shaving at all kek, I’m lazy and I’m not having sex with anyone anyway). But when my hair is long I get ingrown and then painful pimples since my hair is curly.

I could trim it, but I just put shaving cream and then relax for like a month.

No. 431077

You’re getting pimples not because the hair is long but because of it having to grow back in after you’ve shaved. The hairs get ingrown that way. I’ve had a bush for 10 years now and never had a single pimple. But when I used to shave off and on, I did. You just need to let it rest and grow for a while and the problem will resolve.

No. 431080

You thought you had a tumor on your pussy lips for years and didn't go to the doctor? Nona please… it was acne this time but don't fuck around like that.

No. 431104

jfc you can get cysts like that everywhere

No. 431107

>hair is long but because of it having to grow back in after you’ve shaved.
samefaghere. I’ve tried but I still got pimples. I’m black and my pubes are more coarse and quite curly. I’ve tried not removing anything and exfoliating under the shower but it still happened.

No. 431109

Ntas. I have coarse curly pubes and never shaved them in my life, and I never got any pimples. I exfoliate physically using a scrub with salicylic acid, I admit I don't moisturize after but maybe try that? Sometimes pimples are a result of dryness. Try wearing baggy cotton underwear like female boxers rather than panties which imo are just too tight and uncomfortable, the friction could be the cause. Also try wash your labia with antibacterial soap more often in the shower on a daily basis or twice-thrice a week, so the bacteria that might be causing the pimples disappear. And make sure all the products you use are fragrance free since it can cause allergic reactions and itchiness.

No. 431175

Thoughts on Christina piercings?

No. 431179

Nipple piercings can cause your nipples to become less sensitive, I would be fearful of a clit piercing doing the same.

No. 431180

also black with coarse curly pubes. i tried hair removal cream and the ingrowns grew in slower and were not as prevalent which was cool. when i went back to shaving that’s when the ingrowns were terrible. i’m gonna go back to the cream and try my best to see if i could maybe just eradicate ingrowns completely

No. 431182

Yeah, with a clit piercing there’s potential for nerve damage, but that’s if the piercing goes through the clit. Clit piercings go through the clitoral hood. But, the Christina is a piercing on the bottom of the mona pubis, so it’s not actually on the vagina

No. 431199

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I do that nonna. I scrub with a body scrub I have and then put a salicylic acid and I always use a ph friendly , no fragrance soap that I buy at the pharmacy and I like to splash with just water after peeing (perks of having a bidet, i highly recommend it).
I exclusively use cotton underwear too, because I smell so bad when I have anything synthetic, it doesn’t work well with me. I avoid tight clothing in the crotch area too, I’ve learned my lesson when I got a huge cyst after putting a pair of very tight skinny jeans kek.
I just think it’s the nature of the hair and my skin honestly. It’s like the beard on black men sort of, they get ingrowns a lot too. I don’t want to add a picture since it’s not the topic of the thread.

I used to shave with the razor before and I indeed got major problems with it since it was itchy as hell and I would get many more ingrowns than normal. The shaving cream is just perfect for me, as in I don’t feel pain and I don’t do it too often. It’s just that I wanted to have a bush and not keep up.

No. 431200

What’s even the point of getting a piercing there? Maybe for a cheeky surprise or to feel confident I guess, but for me it doesn’t make sense.

No. 431216

Ayrt, I use a bidet, too! Do you pat the water dry after though? Maybe that's where the problem is coming from. Either that or an allergy to something you use. Maybe the final solution is seeing a female dermatologist about this. I have a crazy suggestion though, maybe shampoo and condition your bush so it would be softer and more nourished? I never had to do anything to be comfortable with mine though so take this with a grain of salt. I'm just used to mine and never had issues with it, in fact, trying to shave it once caused me more issues than having it, so I never bothered removing it ever again and I've been happy with it.

No. 431229

Have you ever tried aloe gel immediately after shaving? I swear by it and I have the most sensitive skin on the planet and coarse thick hair, razor burn is a when not an if usually til I found this hack kek. It has to be the kind of aloe gel without alcohol in it tho, or it won’t work to soothe without stinging the potential bumps. I use the basic store brand after sun aloe gel from like Walmart or Walgreens and it works really well. I’ve eliminated 99.9% of ingrowns from both my legs and bush, I just have to make sure to moisturize w a vag friendly lotion in the first week after shaving and not wear anything crazy tight/polyester

No. 431260

I just personally think it’s cute. That’s all.

No. 431329

I got prescribed Metronidazole for BV (2 pills a day for 7 days) and I just realized that the pharmacy only gave me 12 pills, even though the bottle says 14? What do I do, I didn't notice this until 2 days after picking it up, will it not work if I only do 6 days? Also I feel like if I go back this late they'll insist that I lost the pills. Man I don't want to deal with this…

No. 431333

I assume you got it for BV? Has it made any difference in terms of odor?

No. 431334

Looks cute but is very porny and never a good idea to have an open wound near an area with so much bacteria. I've also heard that nipple and clit hood piercings tend to leak a bit/smell bad unless you clean them very thoroughly every single day.

No. 431337

That's another thing, I never noticed an odor. I actually thought I had a yeast infection but my doctor who did a test said that the results under a microscope look like BV and that it can be asymptomatic (havent had any other issues).

No. 431341

Piercings always have an odor, I clean my earrings’a hole everyday , but when I remove them and smell the earring it has a smell. Not bad I mean, it’s just the smell of sebum and dead skin.

No. 431498

My ex Nigels have never been able to make me cum and while I can get myself off with my hands I’ve never had the earth shattering orgasm I’ve seen in like porn (I know they’re acting I’m not stupid) or the way it’s written about in smut (I assume they’re playing that up because smut).

Am I broken from masturbating too much in my formative years, every orgasm is like mild at best.

No. 431511

You might be overweight or have bad circulation. Overweight and inactive men have famously soft dicks and ED usually. Same happens for women, you need to get those capillaries pumped with blood. Try exercising beforehand, I always get so horny after working out.

No. 431639

>Am I broken from masturbating too much in my formative years
I started flicking the bean when I was way too young (thanks internet). If anything I've only gotten better at it with time so I don't think there's any direct correlation, although from what I've heard some techniques seem more prone to cause desensitization or could make you overly reliant on that technique in order to get off. Edging is good for enhancing orgasm, so using light touch and trying to build/prolong arousal for longer stretches might help.

Incoming sperg but unfortunately I also think what you're born with can make a difference. I noticed that some TIFs, once they go on T, claim to experience enhanced ability to orgasm due to clit growth, some were even previously anorgasmic. On the other hand some become less sensitive and their orgasms become underwhelming, so there's probably a fine line in terms of what's optimal for each person. Conversely a study I read found that women on hormonal contraception have less clitoral "erections" and their clit shrinks, and as we know, loss of libido is a very common side effect of hormonal contraception. Finally, in recent years, it's become more common for gynos to treat perimenopausal women's complaints of loss of libido/sensitivity, by microdosing testosterone. That is to say female HRT was not enough for them to fully restore their sexual functon, microdosing T was the missing piece. It seems like female libido is also dependent on testosterone levels, though within the female range. I don't want to suggest women should start microdosing T on their genitals before we know more, but some are actually already doing that off lable. Who knows, maybe in the future it will be considered a treatment if it turns out microdosing T topically is safe and effective. In the meantime you could try working out more, particularly strength training, to boost testosterone and improve circulation. Also consider not using hormonal contraception if that's a safe option for you.

No. 432216

Is it normal/should I be worried if my vagina (specifically the folds, I forget what their proper name is) is incredibly sensitive after my period has ended? It's never during my period, always afterwards. Even slight friction causes little cuts that sting like crazy. I'm a virgin and I have very little sex drive so I only masturbate once or twice a month during ovulation. I'm worried this might be some infection, harmful period products or if it's just a normal occurance.

No. 432310

No you shouldn't be getting little cuts or feeling like you have them. Yes it could be an infection.

No. 432313

My only chronic UTI symptoms was chronic urethral pain, I had the other usual UTI symptoms when it first started but they disappeared soon after. This happens to a lot of people, only a few symptoms end up being chronic so that's why doctors think it's something else.
I eventually got pelvic floor issues too because of the chronic pain. Still have them now even tho the UTI is gone, but physical therapy is helping.
I also used to take antihistamines for the pain. I think they helped relieve the inflamation. I thought it was mast cell related too, but my tests for that were negative. Now that the UTI is gone I have no issues with histamine.

No. 432408

I have this weird reaction whenever I have sex where my vagina gets a little sore and itchy for a few days. I have a tendency to clench so I think it's just friction (I do always use lube bc if I don't it's worse). I don't think it's a latex allergy because there's no swelling or actual pain. Any nonas feel the same? Could it be a light latex allergy?

No. 432436

you're allergic to moids

No. 432437


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No. 432602

The man or the men you’re having sex with are dirty.

No. 432604

If you get fingered by dirty hands it can cause that or again getting eaten out by a dirty tongue, it’s not necessarily the penis if it has a condom.

No. 432631

For me, I noticed it makes a difference what I masturbate to. When I'm watching something, I seem to be somehow less focused on myself and the orgasms tend to be weaker. When I'm purely focusing on myself, they can be pretty earth-shattering.

No. 433603

My vulva has a one inch tear in it randomly? I was looking at myself with a hand mirror because I felt irritation down there and there was a tear. I haven't had sex in months and I got my copper IUD removed a few months ago. What could cause this? I've been itchier down there lately too. Should I go to the gyno?

No. 434937

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