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No. 439792

What are some trends, fashion choices, and outfits you hate, and why?

previous thread: >>156715

No. 439796

File: 1729701547401.webp (111.62 KB, 640x640, Sanrio-Clothes-Hello-Kitty-Pat…)

this is the gen z equivalent of being a Disney adult to me ngl. its so tacky and devoid of personality at the same time

No. 439801

I for one hate those giant eyelashes that are popular right now. So tacky and cheap looking.
Filler is atrocious too. Big overfilled sausage lips and puffy moon faces do not look, why is this a trend

No. 439866

File: 1729706603475.webp (208.28 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_6972.webp)

why did this have to become the most popular piercing of our time? Never met a normal non-annoying person with this

No. 439928

Zoomer fake y2k. Fast fashion fake "90s minimalism" revival which barely looks like original thing and misses the point entirely. They all are disgrace to actual good cuts from this era and zoomers think these badly revived random ass items are like how fashion looked back then. fashion forward types looked good, runways had ton of well fitted clothing and talioring was still a thing, how it was specific to certain cuts and fit trickling down to high street sphere and there also were people still perpertually stuck in the 80s and early 90s…

No. 439935

File: 1729712201944.jpg (3.46 MB, 4096x2730, GridArt_20241023_223532841.jpg)

these fucking things

No. 439989

they're cute

No. 440046

how would you style them

No. 440053

File: 1729723309645.jpg (55.01 KB, 541x1000, 71xDyMeIWHL._AC_UY1000_.jpg)

Cropped hoodies/sweatshirts. There are grown women attending my college who wear these to class and even on very attractive ones it looks bizarre and trashy.

No. 440054

They look like a tripping hazard.

No. 440055

Exactly. This piercing is a warning to the rest of us.

No. 440062

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when did yoga/sweat pants started getting this scruntched stitching on the asscrack? sure it enhances your cheeks but it looks you have an infected asscrack.

No. 440063

File: 1729726238059.jpg (1.24 MB, 3000x3364, updated-crocs-collection-photo…)

I've always hated crocs but they're in "style" rn, with useless plastic garbage to decorate your crocs in. That will end up in a landfill within a year.

No. 440065

Don't women get embarrassed wearing these?? Everyone knows their entire function is too make your ass look better than it is, and you can't hide it. It's like advertising that you're wearing a padded bra or spanx, you're broadcasting your insecurities and vanity to the world. I'd die before letting people know I'm so desperate for them to be impressed by my ass that I'm willing to fake it.

No. 440073

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Louboutins and other luxury heels known for being super uncomfortable. I've been seeing them a lot online lately and even women admiring(?) them for being painful to wear. Maybe I'm just old and not the target audience but I cannot imagine spending that kind of money for shoes that you can't even wear for a few hours

No. 440078

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This is so specific hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about, but the uniform in my neck of the woods is an ugly, ill-fitted graphic tee from some unremarkable overpriced brand with either unflattering jeans, (older women) or tiny little running shorts that makes them almost look like they have no bottoms on (the younger girls) usually paired with an immaculately done loose curl hairstyle with beautiful color and highlights that looks like they spent both $$$ and hours doing, and a face full of makeup, all that work to wear with jeans and a man's tee, I seriously hate it. These women have a lot of money and time to both groom and they do, so I don't get the fixation on the t-shirts. They would look genuinely so stunning in some of the dressier clothing sold in the trendy boutiques around here.
She looks genuinely awful in that kek but as an early weeb it's endearing because it's so nostalgic.

No. 440082

anon I understand you this is how everyone dresses where I live. back in the day it was with vera bradley and sperry's, now it's lululemon and crocs. I hate it. so much emphasis on brands but it's still so boring and casual. other requirements for this style is the blond balayage beachy waves and white or french tip ONLY acrylics kek. christian suburban mom-core

No. 440086

File: 1729731777735.webp (22.31 KB, 1091x1430, 10596367.jpg)

i fucking hate these they look so retarded

No. 440088

I hate these too, part of what upsets me is the raw edge. I don't get why it's desirable to look like your top was accidentally sawed across the bottom at the factory, it irks me that stores will sell stuff like this because then you're out of luck if you just want a normal shirt whereas if you wanted this look for some reason you could DIY it in 10 seconds with some scissors

No. 440089

I use these because i am short with a short torso so they just look regular length on me

No. 440091

What are they called again? I want some but without the beading

No. 440092

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Cutecore is trashy

No. 440093

I want to make a large autistic post detailing all of the trashiest temu shit clothes and accessories. It's always the greasiest people who wear these.

No. 440098

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I'm Japanese with grandparents in Japan, and my daughter loves Mezzo Piano. They always bring her mezzo piano clothes and they're always her favorite outfits to wear. It's so fucking disgusting to see these age play ana-chans squeezing into the exact same clothes my eight year old wears. My daughter owns the outfit in picrel, and it's her favorite too. For this reason, I despise Jojifuku/cutecore/any aesthetic that wears Japanese kids fashion. I don't even feel comfortable selling the clothes she outgrew, cause I'm afraid some DDLG fetishist is gonna use an actual child's old clothes to live out some creepy age play shit.

No. 440099

this is only tacky if you're like over 19 and still dress like this.

No. 440102

the worst part is they probably prefer used clothes so that can tell their pedophile scrote followers it was previously worn by a real life japanese child.
you shouldn't be wearing children's clothes past the point of being a child because that's mentally ill. even a 16 year old knows what they're doing when they buy clothes designed for elementary schoolers.

No. 440105

I hate cutecore because it's just a bunch of zoomer retards posting pics from loli eroge they didnt play under the guise of it being harmlessly cute and somehow feminist or progressive

No. 440106

kek they love claiming that lolis are 'representation' for short women too, as if short women don't undergo puberty or something.

No. 440128

The worst part is you're right. I always see second hand mezzo piano of fb marketplace and I can't help but feel queasy at the idea that some sellers are just trying not to be wasteful by getting rid of childhood clothes, only for some degenerate to sexualize their childhood.

No. 440181

i dont know… im real plane jane and im not much of a fashionista.. id just wear them with some skinny jeans and whatever top, or with a jumper dress
without the beads though, the beads look revolting, but for example the purple shoes of this chart are cute to me

No. 440182

imo it's not even the faking part that's embarrassing, i feel like it's more embarrassing that it's basically saying "PLEASE LOOK AT MY ASS"
you can't even pretend you're not shamelessly begging for male attention in these

No. 440203

i am so tired of basic bitch/walmart basics tier clothes. Would it kill you to wear something that isnt being for once?

No. 440212

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women who dress like this

No. 440213

Why has this boring beige trend lasted for so long? Usually trends last for one season, this trend has been going on for what feels like forever. I can't wait for it to end but for some puzzling reason there is no end in sight for it

No. 440214

this looks cute

No. 440215

She looks like a sped wearing her mother's hand-me-down to church.

No. 440217

women who dress like that are highly likely to be nitpicky catty assholes

No. 440223

Please do it nona. I'm begging you.

No. 440224

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I agree it's gross but Mezzo Piano don't produce clothes like that anymore kek

No. 440231

How the fuck do people work out in these for real? It looks so uncomfortable I’d be pulling them out of my ass the entire time.

No. 440250

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No. 440256

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it's horrible, they're always into ddlg sort of stuff. her purposely writing in child's handwriting… mental illness

No. 440257

Holy shit. It went deeper than I thought. My mind initially thought the Hello Kitty pages on the first picture were from a genuine child. Of course it's from the ageplay/DDLG/autopedophile girlfriend.

No. 440348

Of course it's fucking compsci too. Makes me want to drop out.

No. 440363

seconded, I wont be happy until all this trashy harness-adjacent crap is finally considered completely gauche and universally embarrassing to wear

No. 440365

what's more revolting to me is how she's dressed all cutesy while her professor bf is wearing… sneakers with an old man sweater?

No. 440368

dude vera bradley bags are so ugly.. they have major old lady vibes. and i mean, if an actual old lady has one it looks fine. but sometimes i see men my age with them??

No. 440386

maybe anons 80 year old grandparents always buy overpriced second hand clothes online? also anons daughter would have to be fat as fuck to wear that outfit when it still fits the woman in the picture. what a weird thing to lie about. adults buying childrens used clothes is inappropriate no need to make up a fake story.

No. 440419

I hate the bows in her hair. Styling yourself like a child is creepy

No. 440426

pretty please nonnie, that would be a pleasure to read

No. 440442

People still wear them?

No. 440464

My mom kek

No. 440465

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The Trumpian era was the worst era for US fashion and I live by that

No. 440617

yes, and the checkerboard thrasher hot cheetos.

No. 440653

File: 1729873791975.png (66.46 KB, 615x918, image_2024-10-25_102824232.png)

are you actually retarded? you realize sizing exists, right? ana-chan adults can fit into xl/l kids clothes but those kids clothes also come in sizes for 8 year olds.

No. 446547

Clothes with the word "fashion" in it. It immediately turns the item tacky

No. 446552

File: 1732559563578.webp (28.19 KB, 800x800, A5AC56DF-F97A-489F-BE8F-FDD8C4…)

i hate these ugly, cheap belts and the grating jingle they make.

No. 446822

same omg people be like "i love my crocs can't leave home without my crocs!1!1!!! i have four pairs !!!!1" i find it so annoying. i really don't care about your ugly UGLY rubber slippers

No. 446823

aw come on bows are cute, im not into coquette aesthetic or wahtever the fuck but a simple hair bow can be adorbz when you're not doing ddlg with your pedocompsci prof

No. 446833

I wore that once in 2019 and it kind of slayed with my outfit ngl.

I would never wear that again though. It does look cheap

No. 446835

I have a pair of underwear with the stitching at the crack and it surprisingly isn't uncomfy, I hardly notice it's even there.

No. 446847

Every greasy polyamorous "bisexual" temu goth with an onlyfans has this belt I swear.

No. 446849

For fucking real I hate all these cheap looking harnesses belts garters etc with the fugly pleather and flimsy tacky hardware… it sucks because I think leather and metal accents can be super cute they just have to be nice high quality pieces not temuslop

No. 446858


No. 447071

File: 1732766875043.webp (13.59 KB, 239x600, shopping.webp)

If i was 12 i would have bought such a belt and thought i was so cool. But they do look really bad.

On the topic of fake leather, i hate these so much. They remind me of bin bags.

No. 447266

Agreed, I think it's a weird paradox where the DIY belt-with-chain looks are always superior to the intentionally made goffic ones.

No. 447866

i second this. my mom has a cropped maroon pair and they make a swishing noise when she walks. she thinks they are elegant and wears them to church.

No. 448231

I see these all the time with girls who are into 80's metal which is annoying. Nobody wore these tacky ass belts in the 80's along with the tacky cheap looking sword in hoop earings.

No. 448285

What are some examples of high quality or handmade leather or chain accessories? It's hard to find inspiration.

No. 448375

i tried to imagine the reason one would need so many o-rings and the only thing i could come up with was owning a bunch of those sanrio gacha keychains and not knowing what else to do with them
i know at least one anon is gonna be like 'you should be in jail for that thought crime' but now i really want to bring this into the world purely for my personal amusement goddammit

No. 448397

you're a genius, that could actually be so cute… I want to try it now

No. 448950

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High socks on top of leggings with sneakers, especially like picrel with a poofy jacket. It looks ridiculous so just stop.

No. 448953

Please, I need the largest, most autistic post possible about this

No. 448955

THANK YOU for adding this here. It annoys me so much, purely because of the fact that there seems to be quite a specific type of teenage girls who wear this and i just hate talking to them lol. (I'm trying really hard not to go on a huge autistic tangent about these right now omg)

No. 448962

Everyone at college dresses like this. Barf. Is it a fucking uniform?

No. 448966

You're all going to hate me but this would be cute with pair of shorts and thights instead of leggings

No. 448967

I share your hatred, mainly because this is the outfit of choice for all the worst people I went to high school with

No. 448995

This is just athletic wear, I wear this on the way to the gym, it’s not supposed to look good

No. 449048

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This knock off version of Harajuku with giant fur boots

No. 449051

She's such a cutie though

No. 449052

She's pretty I just think her outfits are ugly

No. 449054

The way how the boots look is strange (almost cheap looking with how the laces sit on the sides), but the rest of the outfit is kinda cute, maybe its because the model is pretty. Wearing a different boot with legwarmers would look better imo.

No. 449079

i feel like she has a wonderful personal style. its seeing it copied that makes it obnoxious, it certainly doesnt need a wholeass "core"

No. 460682

God I hate this look. People used to put their leggings over their socks so why do people have a hard time doing it now? These bitches look stupid and dated wearing leggings as pants to begin with still.

No. 461195

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No. 461241

Can black leggings ever be fashionable? I'm seriously asking. It always looks like the frumpier, trashier version of black tights and something to cover the bum. It's worse than yoga pants and sweatpants.

No. 461304

How could you leave us hanging like this for two whole months? Please anon, we need you

No. 461307

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I used to love all-over prints with interesting patterns, now I see it all turn into Target "cool girl" slop. You see the same pattern: food item that is simple (eggs, avocado, candy, etc.) plus vibrant color pattern in a flat vector style. They might look fine as at home pajamas but not as going out party clothes for women.

No. 461309

This is so unbelievably hideous I can't help but sperg but there are no new "fashion trends" for the mainstream public, at least not the way anyone would want. All clothing is just synthetic/polyester trash and styles are created around using as few meters as possible to create these monstrosities. It's happened before in other eras (think 1970s polyester craze, recessionary period/high inflation) but never to this extent and for this long. People have to stop buying this shit for it to go away, there was a brief resurgence of high quality fashion in the early 80s, mid 90s and early 2010s so it will probably happen again. Seems to always follow a global recession

No. 461310

>Cheap looking pearls
>Unfilled acrylic alcohol cup
>The clothes she's wearing are already pilling
If I was the model I'd sue for workplace abuse.

No. 461311

Tbf this woman probably wouldn't be modeling otherwise

No. 461320

No that's why nobody wears them anymore except women who can't let go of 2010 and unfashionable girls that put the socks over them and look like total dorks

No. 461326

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Anything made with synthetic sherpa/sheepskin is so foul. I don't know how anyone can look at an item of clothing made of this shit and not have visions of instant matting, pilling, greying from picking up all the crud around you and stank lint. Truly the most irredeemable of synthetic materials. I cannot believe we waste resources on it.

No. 461330

I wear leggings but as a replacement for pantyhoses when I need to dress up for business matters since they don't tear so easily kek. I manage to hide the fact they're leggings though

No. 461337

Girl we can tell they are leggings and not tights

No. 461356

I don't go close to people enough

No. 461359

Everyone here wears that shit so idk if it's dated. Still ugly though, at least put a skirt or shorts on top of it, I don't want to see your ass

No. 461360

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I think any prints like this with characters should be left to actual children. I don't care if it's trendy or for some cutecore uwu kawaii aesthetic, they look retarded. It looks like pajamas for 5 year olds so you look like some Disney adult. Does anyone actually unironically wear these?

No. 461362

the fact that the fabric isn't cut to make the pattern fit/repeat properly really shows how cheap this outfit is, like it has been so obviously mass produced by slave labor in a third world country. those pants look horrible with weird coochie olive mitosis thing that's going on

No. 461364

>weird coochie olive mitosis thing
Kek I now love this outfit just because of this description.

No. 461365

We sell these at the shop I work at and people go absolutely apeshit for them, I never understood it or people who wear pajama pants outside.

No. 461368

It's now seen as trendy and quirky to show up to (some kinds of)work or your uni lectures in pajamas and holey fucking shit does it look so retarded. My poor mom would be horrified at the "utter laziness" of these people kek

No. 461370

The ones on her crotch look like a ballsack

No. 461372

Kek, I just assumed this was an exclusive thing to where I live (most people are into quirky shit like that here)
Interesting to find out that it’s more common than I thought I suppose.

No. 461373

>bimbo as fuck styling
>but also more mezzo piano ageplay garbage
I hate it so much

No. 461374

A lot of people both male and female show up to my uni lectures wearing bedroom sandals (fucking ugly and vile imo) and pajamas. I get it if they had to wake up at 6 to catch a train to a shitty 8am lecture but they'll show up to 2pm lectures wearing that shit. I tinfoil that some of them want to signal some kind of "all nighter dedicated student" aesthetic kek

No. 461440

Anon that's been on trend for over 15 years

No. 461478

Get the thick black tights, anon. 100 denier. They rarely tear.

No. 461673

I'm not from burgerland so probably not here

No. 461798

I hate overly colourful "kidcore" shit. A few bead bracelets and necklaces are fun but if youre covered head to toe in rainbow loom bands and Disney shit it's just attention seeking and makes you look like a 1) ddlgfag or 2) low functioning autistic

No. 461807

I mean…not sure what country you're from but young girls in Sweden have been wearing pajama bottoms outside for over a decade. Not everything is related to America kek

No. 461811

Not anywhere around there either kek

No. 461813

Nice to know murica lives rent free in your head then lel

No. 461863

Eagle noises play every day in my head, I can confirm that you are correct

No. 461894

Leggings are fine but at least wear enclosed shoes or boots with them. Something I find nasty is leggings with open toed sandals. Idk why, my brain says that leggings are tight on your legs which means you want to securely cover them so exposing your feet contradicts that or something. Or I just hate seeing people wear sandals anywhere but the beach or at home because I hate seeing their ugly dirty feet.

No. 461926

Kek, I’ve definitely been guilty of this look while popping out to get the mail but I know what you mean.

No. 461967

Why would you wear leggings inside the house though? They're a bit uncomfortable, no?

No. 461976

Imagine wearing clothes at home kek

No. 461979

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Agreed, same goes for scene and decora they just look fugly to me
Only time I don’t hate it is when it’s themed to a specific character like oshii decora

No. 461996

Scene is fine kek I like the hair. Anyone who can poof using hairspray has my respect since I'm too dumb to do it.
Currently walking around in underwear rn

No. 462000

I really don't like headbands as a fashion thing here. Unless you came from the gym and are sweating hard from your forehead, you just look retarded.

No. 462008

Like fabric headbands? They look very active to me like you'd only wear them if you haul ass at work or go hard at the gym. I like regular headbands for that pseudo 60's kind of look, looks cute to me.

No. 462030

Well yes anon. I'm only wearing them at home so i don't see what the problem is.
All the teenagers where i live seem to only wear pajamas nowadays, even to school it's unbelievable.
I love scene hair i am so sad it's out of fashion.

No. 471238

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Whatever this style is called, it usually focuses on expensive fabrics and handmade pieces but ultimately makes women look ugly or really uncool. Like wearing a toddler's hat but it's styled like high fashion

No. 471239

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another one

No. 471251

This is the shit they/thems obsess over.

No. 471279

I'm convinced women who go by they/them are the NLOGs of gen Z.

No. 471697

Maybe it is to be ugly on purpose to avoid being sexualised. They/themming can also be cope to deal with that. And yes I know there are ugly themlets who are also poly bdsmfags so doesnt apply to all.

No. 471779

I remember these from 2016/17
Can't believe they're still around, holy shit ew

No. 471786

I think this one is a really cute fit, idk

No. 471894

Her outfit is literally just a bunch of tasteless zoomer microtrend crap from shein all thrown together. I feel like the only reason why you guys are excusing it is because the model herself is pretty.

No. 472168

thats fucking ugly oh my goodness

No. 472171

File: 1737160297163.webp (9.62 KB, 500x500, ew.webp)

these incredibly tacky cheaply made platform boots it actually infuriates me when i see them now

No. 472385

Nona you understand me, this shit is awful. For some reason every person who has a blanket made out of that stuff has TOENAILS stuck in it. I wish I was joking. Whenever a friend has given me a blanket to use at their house there is always toenail clippings stuck in it

No. 472390

I genuinely love this outfit so much though. What's the brand ?

No. 472391

File: 1737185416738.webp (18.45 KB, 550x550, New-Style-Square-Toe-PU-Sandal…)

I fucking hate flip flops,and I think flip flop-style heels are an especially heinous iteration. Can't wait until they go out of style again.

No. 472392

No one tell her. for her own good

No. 472393

Some people can't wear them without tripping me

No. 472394

This reminds me of that heinous shit Harry Styles was wearing for awhile before he suddenly stopped being talked about

No. 472395

>hey boomer women, remember that crazy cat Mick Jagger? well here is his bootleg plus a bunch of disorienting clothing and post-menopausal celebrity girlfriends. aren't you impressed?
>omg yes!!

No. 472495

I wore these in HS circa 2007. No idea what I was thinking bc they were horrendous then too.

No. 473322

Old post but it seems like big bows are back in style now. I see them everywhere.

No. 473343

These don't even look bad to me. They just look like regular heels. If I saw someone on the street wearing them, I wouldn't think twice but maybe it's because I look at high fashion all the time and see outlandish shit on the regular.

No. 473355

praying for the revival of high quality cotton clothes that can last 15+years nonnie

No. 473403


No. 473486

What the actual fuck these look nasty

No. 473561

NTA but I don't even believe good quality clothes will come back at this point. The only solution seems to be thrifting and learning to sew for yourself.

No. 473607

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Now I save up random Pinterest ads I get for this thread. The models and outfits are so bizarre and ugly, they want to go for a particular vibe but fail due to cutting every corner.

No. 473608

Those proportions have got to be shooped, right?

No. 473609

Everything is shitty mesh fabric and crop tops these days. It has to be a psyop for clothing companies to spend less on material trying to pretend it looks good.

No. 473617

It seriously must be, everything is such shit material and short, I don't get it.

No. 473619

Seriously kek, I wouldn't wear them personally but they're fine.

No. 473620

Those look like trousers I wore in the late 90's. Except the 90's ones weren't transparent. It's crazy how even cheap trendy items were better quality back then than most things today, even expensive clothes.

No. 473705

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Nose piercing: booger collector

No. 473940

i see lots of girls in my area learning how to make their own clothes lately so yeah, seems like it's our only hope

No. 474609

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Utterly hideous…
This falls into birthday "fits" I believe, very popular as going out eye catching outfits for clubs and parties in the US.

No. 474610

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I just don't get it, all the textures and clashing materials look like trashy plaster ceilings in Las Vegas

No. 474636

This looks super cute on her though ijs

No. 476725

memphis group inspired fashion/I grew up watching Nickelodeon in the 90s

The main piece is fine, but I hate that they mix that rougher looking fashion with the sweater and hat which has a more feminine feel. Bleh

No. 477621

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Another trend that used to be quirky and very fUn mOm frIeNd!! – now it's completely embarrassing to see, reminds me of a little girl's sparkly dress on her birthday or the T Swift friendship bracelets/ bad quality kidcore stuff. I love iridescent fashion but these dresses are cut like blobs and the plus sized models don't do them any favors ( it show who they are targeting with this).

No. 477777

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i hate wispy bangs, it always looks like balding or greasy hair

anyone know where her jacket is from?

No. 477824

Oh God I love this kind of material, it's mesmerizing to me. what is this effect called?

No. 477863

Looks like iridescent sequins

No. 478191

Thank you for saying this. Sometimes I want wispy bangs but you just saved me

No. 478428

3 months and I'm still waiting for you…

No. 478498

Not a fan, but wearing this type of stuff at home is one thing. I have some theories about this trend.

The moids at the top of the fashion industry dictating this stuff as trendy to wear outside, have to be doing this to humiliate women. That way moids who see women wearing this childhood stuff in public can use that to justify infantilizing us, even tho they do this no matter what we wear. Knowing moids, its probably a fetish thing too.

What is the intended psychological impact on the wearer, when wearing clothing with early childhood nostalgic imagery on it, in public? Do these outfits show a sense of power/having boundaries?

No. This is on purpose. Fashion moids dont have womens best interests at heart, just like all moids. Not saying all women have negative feelings/dont have boundaries when wearing this stuff. But the intention behind marketing this stuff is what Im getting at here.

No. 478500

Walmart has a brand of clothing aimed at young women called "No Boundaries". Might ask them about this. Theyll probably claim they mean no boundaries, as in feeling free to break the rules, or feeling free to travel. But it still could mean a more sinister message, saying its cool for women to not have boundaries.

Another thing I noticed is some stores have recycled plastic aka garbage with who knows what carcinogens or PFOAs or whatever in it, but mainly in the womens section, not in the moids section. I emailed them complaining about this, and no change months later. Later I emailed them claiming that men want this recycled plastic clothing too, as they want to help save the planet, etc. We should push this on all stores that do this to womens clothing.

If women are going to have wearable garbage marketed to them, so are moids.

No. 478513

You're onto something here

No. 480962

Pedo moids are attracted to actual children, not to adult women with adult female bodies and proportions who happen to wear something with a Hello Kitty print.
I think that at least some of the women who infantilize themselves and wear "childish" stuff, as long as it's not clearly sexual (with accessories like leather chokers, fishnet tights, etc), are doing that to escape sexualization and moid desire. Most moids actually dislike hyperfemininity as they see it as "too much" and the woman wearing hyperfeminine stuff as "high maintenance/vapid".
Young girls are also (temporarily, until puberty/adulthood) free of the societal burden of reproduction & sexual relationships as a whole, thus women designate themselves as girly (as opposed to womanly) because they dread the "settling down with a husband and raising children" phase imposed on them.
This is also somewhat related to anorexia nervosa and, more recently, "boy" female transgenderism.

No. 483216

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It's acceptable for men to causally wear nostalgic batman, pokemon,transformers type graphics tees and prints, but women's nostalgic media aren't considered serious enough compared to men's childhood or gender neutral stuff that men like. I still think the clothing are tacky though for both men and women.

No. 484646

I cannot even look at lug soles without immediately thinking they look cheap. Especially with the shaft of the boot being so skinny and pathetic and then the giant bulbous treads, hatred.

No. 488495

god my ankles hurt just looking at these, i used to wear shit like this in high school and they were just a nonstop blister/sprain factory

No. 506039

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This is incredibly specific but I hate dogtags worn as a fashion statement. And before you ask it's not because of some stolen valor shit, I don't care, it just looks fucking gay. Especially on men. I can't physically comprehend how some women find it sexy, I hate it to a point where I think it's lame when soldiers wear it on their off days but it's especially homosexual on a civie. And it's strange because I love military inspired fashion, I love boots, I love camo and army jackets, I have multiple. But I can't stand dogtags.
The only man that wears dogtags that I will tolerate is Scout tf2 and that's only because he's legally retarded and doesn't know any better.

No. 506041

It's worse when the man is fat.

No. 506053

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Real, it always gives off this energy. As a woman who's into tacticool /k/ shit, these scrotes are everything I'm afraid of becoming

No. 506080

You're in luck because I haven't seen dogtags worn in fashion since like old ps2 games from the 2000s like Tony hawk underground 2 kek. I think it was popular when punk rock was in vogue, the sum41, simple plan, blink182 y2k punkrock era. Now its only fat faggot military chuds wearing them in games like >>506053

The scout has a dogtag because its visually interesting when he runs to see it move with his fast movement physics, its a neat detail that helps identify the character by silhouette and role that the soft clones of TF2 failed to accomplish like overwatch and paladins. It also fits the scouts bombastic try-hard wimp personality because irony, the fat old military faggot on the other hand is just a fat old military faggot. The scout also has specific cycling shoes that are surprisingly missing from that picrel.

old post but children don't own bows as a fashion statement and bows can be styled nicely if you're not dressed like an lanky adult with arrested development like >>440256

No. 506101

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>Now its only fat faggot military chuds wearing them in games like
That is technically true, I'll be completely honest my rant about dogtags was inspired by the old, bearded fat guy at my shooting range. That guy still wears dogtags, never has been in the military and it makes me feel so much second hand embarrassment. I agree with you though, it's not that popular anymore but I'm not going to be satisfied until it is completely eliminated I'm kidding… mostly
>its a neat detail that helps identify the character by silhouette and role that the soft clones of TF2 failed to accomplish like overwatch and paladins. It also fits the scouts bombastic try-hard wimp personality because irony
I agree nonna, Scouts character design is amazing, all of tf2's cast's design are amazing. When I was complaining about him and calling him retarded I was mostly joking kek. I love that guy!

No. 506516

Leather jackets. You either look like a wannabe rich influencer or a gopnik

No. 506533

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Any peace of clothing that has anime/manga printed on. I saw a grown white scrote wearing anime shirt on tram few weeks ago and I almost had allergic reaction. We all should have left it in 2020.

No. 506535

Samefag, it’s like when a poison dart frog is brightly colored in order to signal its toxicity

No. 510252

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Short wide squarish jackets, especially when combined with wide pants. This silhouette makes me mad. It's not flattering on anyone. What adds to my hatred is the fact that it's so hard to find normal-length and more fitted jackets nowadays.

No. 510256

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Same anon, these jackets are not the worst though, not as short as some others. It would look ok (but only on a woman) with some other kind of pants or a skirt. It's unsalvageable on a tall man though.
I also don't get why someone would wear oversized blazers, so big the shoulderpads are ill-fitted and lumpy. Why is it a thing? It's ridiculous.

No. 511822

Short isn't too bad when it's super short, like waist length or shorter. Ultra cropped and boxy jackets can be kind of cute because it adds some visual interest with volume and shape, but doesn't take over your entire body. When its like your pic or around high hip length it's awful. So ugly and unflattering, especially if you're short and have any curves whatsoever.

No. 511885

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I despise this stupid trend of heeled sneakers. Sure, some sneakers with higher platforms can be really cute but this garbage is ridiculous.

No. 511900

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Please clap for the stunning and brave, stylish and too hip for you fashionista wearing a 'Kewpie Clown Knit Top.' So many online fashion creators claim they are "maximalist" when really they just have really bad taste.

No. 511907

Kek these look like something the new Monster High dolls would wear.

No. 511925

G3 was a fucking mistake

No. 511954

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I hate how chunky and thick they are, I feel like the high top sneaker heel would look more palatable in the this shape and cut, though.

No. 512073

huh, it's almost like an inverse of the Eileen Fisher sport sandals

No. 512080

I actually like these

No. 512158

These are fugly. The wedge versions were cuter

No. 512164

These are so cute I need them immidiately!!! t. a millenial who experienced the trend of these years ago

No. 512321

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NTA but here's mine
>Fake corsets. Just because something has shitty plastic boning doesn't make it a corset
>Flimsy grommet belts
>Shiny patent knock-off mary janes
>"Y2K" rhinestones on tops (particularly egregious example in picrel)
>"Y2K" clothing with random stars on it
>Shirts/hoodies with anime girls on it
>Anything with the playboy logo
>Bell chokers (imagine the noise)
>Killstar-adjacent goffik clothing with pentacles all over
>Kneehigh socks with two stripes on the top
>Tennis skirts with two stripes on the bottom

No. 512351

This type of cut and heel looks 5000000 times worse. It's especially going to look retarded with a sneaker style.

No. 512366

Who is even checking for killstar. Did you time travel from 2010.

No. 512443

I actually really like her dress, wondering where she got it or if she made it herself

No. 512450

You would have an aneurysm if you went to the teen section in ross, kek.
She did say adjacent, not killstar persay. It could include cheap shein goth. Most ready to wear gothic stuff tends to be a rip off of the worst killstar items.

No. 512552

I'll admit I don't even know wtf "Y2K" is anymore because of TikTok and Pinterest slop

No. 512599

I hate mullets with shaved sides.
Mullets make the hair sit like a helmet on the head and shape it like a dickhead and makes women look like junkies meanwhile men use that mullet + moustache combo but it's not the 70s anymore so that combined with modern fashion look dirty. I always assume that men with moustaches are dirty so the combo with long, scruffy hair, to me is absolute trash.

No. 514200

This looks is giving Lena Dunham. Sadly, I think that color and pattern would be cute on a 1950s style pin-up dress or pinafore, but the trend is cropped fast fashion abomination atm.

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