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No. 443146

Post men who are shilled as attractive but you think are ugly/overrated.
prev thread

No. 443164

he looks like a human manifestation of a poop

No. 443166

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No. 443192

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His fans are delusional

No. 443194

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No. 443205

Thought everyone forgot about him 2 year ago?

No. 443217

nah he's dating Doja Cat now so there's more attention on him

No. 443264

He’s nothing special , he’s literally an average dude kek

No. 443378

File: 1731038568037.jpeg (485.33 KB, 1170x690, IMG_1729.jpeg)

why they put this dweeb who barely looks like he could lift an ottoman in a gladiator movie?

No. 443381

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God my brain is so fucking rotted that I thought his head was coming out of a toilet

No. 443382

You've got me snort laughing til my face turns red with this one nona you're giving me inspiration for a photo edit kek

No. 443467

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No. 443468

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His pictures alone make me feel uncomfortable I don't get what women see in him. He looks like someone who would betray Jesus.

No. 444417

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I just don't get it.

No. 444453

fuck. FUCK i hate this fucking man. I hope he dies. I want him to fucking die. Ugly son of a bitch. Old getriatic FUCK. I need to watch him be slowly tortured. How dare he, I saw my crush thirst for him and call old men hot and I think that was the worst day of my life, worse than all the times my mother beat me on Christmas. I felt so depressed and defeated. I won’t ever be happy until he dies. He better fucking die soon. Sorry I don’t usually participate in this thread I just saw his face and it sent me into orbit. Thanks. I was having a really good night too.

No. 444454


No. 446992

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I will never understand the hype surrounding him. He's so average

No. 446995

I'm so tired of this 70s sex offender style that every man does now

No. 446996

I get cerebral palsy vibes from him amd I don't know why, there is something about him that would not surprise me in the least if he was slightly physically disabled kek.

No. 446998

I think the attraction is similar to Adam Driver, he's a large person but he's ugly.

No. 447002

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No. 447004

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i wanna sock his ugly mug

No. 447067

He is so fucking ugly and it makes me MAD.

No. 447277

Walt Jr. is cuter than that disgusting frankenstein
ugly black dot eyes

No. 447307

accurate threadpic

No. 447693

File: 1733021982772.jpg (203.76 KB, 1920x960, Tenoch-Huerta-as-Namor-in-Blac…)

He used to shilled as hot when BP2 was released.he is absolutely hideous and I remember retards on Tumblr saying if you call him ugly you're instantly a racist.Im glad I don't have to see his busted face anymore on Tumblr and the fanart that drew him conventionally attractive kek.I hate the stupid ship between him being Namor & Shuri,it's predatory.he was too fat and ugly as Namor.

No. 447695

People need to remember that just because a character exists you don't have to find them fuckable, he is objectively ugly, I don't know if he was meant to be attractive by the directors but I doubt it, what a dumb thing to be mad about. Ig if Mexican people called him ugly (nobody here would deny he is) then it would suddenly not be racist anymore

No. 447699

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How were women in the 80s falling head over heels for this very obvious gay man. His face annoys me so much

No. 447708

Please leave my dad alone.

No. 447750

he should've had long hair at least

No. 448596

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Literally the ugliest moid in classic Hollywood. How they had the gall to cast him with beautiful women like Vivien Leigh and Marilyn Monroe I will never comprehend. He supposedly raped one of his co-stars and I absolutely believe it.

No. 448609

No literally. The first time i was old enough to understand that he was considered “one of the handsome old greats” akin to GREGORY PECK(???) or Marlon Brando or the others. I hate this fuckers hideous inbred looking frog face and I’m glad you posted him so I could sperg kek

No. 448611

Totally agree, I find him really ugly. I don’t understand the hype with him. Gregory Peck and the others nonna above me mentioned are actually handsome

No. 448614

looks like the middle aged, pot-bellied moids my father hangs out with in the pub in our village

No. 448615

he looks better in motion, but he's not as handsome as some claim he is. he's just tall and young

No. 448616

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let's just say he was not made with love

No. 448617

I don't understand how any woman could date or want to be involved with him. What is wrong with celebrity women?

No. 448618

>>447004 I like him and the work he's done but I agree. He kind of just looks like an average Latino uncle.
>>448616 that Tommy Shelby hair he has does him no favours.

No. 448619

oh blessed be my days, when Sabrina first blew up, everybody was dickriding her and him that also blew up because of his faggotry in Saltburn(which also made him uncriticizable to sabrinatards) and every response to calling this shit scrote ugly was just "you're ugly yourself that's why you're so bitter", "you guizz what if he reads these comments and feels bad about himself", "literally what are you talking about, he's so hot, he's got blue eyes and brunette hair and abs and tanned skin", even just calling out that he left his son behind with his ex wife to orbit some popstar was just met with "omg they were already divorced before they started dating", "he posted a photo with his son, he obviously takes care of him", "he probably does take care of his son, what do you know". i am going to absolutely indulge in the Barry slander that's going to happen.

No. 448620

As someone from Dublin, Barry Keoghan has been a known asshole for years here. I remember hearing the rumours about him being a piece of work in like 2017.
And most Irish people have dark hair and blue eyes, he's not special. I'm surprised Americans think it's fascinating, I thought a large amount of them were ethnically Irish.

No. 448621

They're probably mostly WASPs who assume every Irish or Irish descendant guy has red hair like Cameron Monaghan. But Ireland only has a slightly higher concentration of them. Tbh most Irish look no different to the average Bong.

No. 448623

did you mean 2022? he got arrested in Dublin for public intoxication then, though i wouldn't be surprised if there was more shit linked to him, considering he was released without charge for that.

No. 448625


No. 448626

Ur dad gay

No. 448627

NTA but there was some other incident where he trashed a hotel in rage and rumors about him abusing prostitutes

No. 448634

Someone really looked at this face and thought "I bet we'd have really good BED CHEM!!" vom

No. 448636

Vivien famously said she hated filming their kiss scenes because his breath stank. Also he refused to cry for the scene where he thinks Scarlett may be dying after practically pushing her down the stairs because it might negatively reflect on his macho-man Hollywood image. Olivia de Havilland had to convince him to cry and that people would like it and not call him a sissy fag for crying in a movie. What a retard kek

No. 448643

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I'd read that Vivien didn't get on with Leslie Howard (Ashley Wilkes) on the set. Doesn't surprise me that Clark had halitosis and was too cowardly to cry for a film set in a famously sentimental era. Poor Viv. Imagine putting up with not only bipolar disorder and TB, but also ugly leading men.

No. 448890

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Can't believe this ugly fent addict looking thing won Model of The Year over the gorgeous fairytale princess Anok Yai.

No. 448892

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i'm going to become america's next famous shooter

No. 448954

she will be remembered for decades to come as a pure example of female beauty - troon will be forgotten in the next 3 years after his rapidly aging male body becomes more and more decrepited. God, she is so beautiful.

No. 449024

Loool. He isn't even a good looking man.

No. 449192

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I was an emo kid i loved their music, but yeah, never ever found him cute.

No. 449193

I was gonna say- That's gotta be a man right, before I saw the thread title.

No. 449195

This is getting shilled as attractive????

No. 449211

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I only found him cute in the Knives and Pens music video because he looked like Jeff the Killer. But other than that one time, he's not attractive at all.

No. 449239

he literally has a soyboi face. the only thing hes got going is being tall. the rest is fugly as fuck

No. 449249

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always found him hideous. i hate his stupid nose. i dislike supernatural but at least jensen ackles looks good

No. 449288

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Cute in HSM. Now he looks like a washed up Mexican uncle on Telemundo.

No. 449294

I'm guessing that's a tim and they're far from attractive yes but Anok Yai is the definition of someone average shilled as attractive.

No. 449295

worst bait ever posted

No. 453273

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No. 455728

lmao I didn't think anyone knew of this guy. I thought he was attractive (I used to follow him on ig) but I also got called an ugly moid lover before, so take that as you will.

No. 457059

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he was never hot

No. 457063

Calling him shilled is a bit of a stretch since he's a niche YouTuber that people just decide to thirst over. I'll admit I had a crush on him at one point though kek. It's more his deep voice and the fact that he comes off as a smooth talking cowboy than his looks though. Also to see he's with a woman his own age now. Back earlier this year he was dating someone way younger who looked like she could be a student then she just disappeared never to be seen or mentioned again

No. 457073

he was cute in donnie darko but hit the wall right after

No. 457074

his face looks like he has aids
honestly if this isnt racism idk what it is

No. 457144

>tfw misogyny is so bad theyre even letting men steal the already few public titles they could get

No. 457541

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I don't think he was hot even back then, he just looked like Toby Maguire with a longer face to me. He's only gotten worse

No. 457547

He really is so unattractive, there’s something really wrong with his mouth/jaw area idk what to call it but it’s quite bad to the point where I’m surprised normies don’t notice. When he was younger his facial fat kinda padded the area out but now it’s unignorable his face hinges like a floppy muppet whenever he speaks

No. 457633

>Tobey Maguire with a longer face
That’s exactly it, you put it into words ty nonna kek. He’s always been ugly and retarded looking. Nightcrawler is the height of his hideosity

No. 464270

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Wow he somehow managed to get even uglier kek

No. 464300

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They just take a bunch of inbred rich kids and pick the least fucked up looking one. That's all Jake Gyllenhaal is and when you come to terms with it, Hollywood makes a lot more sense. The fact that his sister looks like this and she can't act, kind of gives it away

No. 464359

I'll never understand how Maggie used to be shilled as one of the world's sexiest women back in the day. She's cute in a way but if we're talking about conventional attractiveness she's kind of below average. The average soccer mom has better bone structure and facial features.

No. 464374

This may surprise you, but people are attracted to different facial features.

No. 464376

You can't convince me that most people in the 2000s actually thought she was on par with the other women considered the sexiest women in the world like Angelina Jolie and Adriana Lima and that it wasn't just magazines shilling her because she's a rich nepobaby, sorry nonna. Yes people are attracted to different traits but the amount this woman who is not particularly attractive by conventional standards was promoted as a worldwide sex icon was not natural.

No. 464441

this is her older, very poorly kept self. she was hot in Secretary.

No. 464449

Arguably she isn't conventional beautiful, but sometimes people have a very attractive charisma. She definitely had this. In french she'd be called jolie laide

No. 464472

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I can answer this: she had a cute little baby face and a ski slope nose. she's definitely older now but I still see the cuteness.

No. 464479

How did she age so poorly? Is it the horrible nosejob? I was shocked to find out she's only 47, my mother looks younger than her and she's in her 60s and spends a lot of time outdoors.

No. 464481

Her nose looks a bit piggish now. Her original nose was one of the best features she had on a face that was otherwise quite average (along with her nice eye colour). She should never have messed with it.
I think the kind of roles she was cast in helped a lot. Like in Secretary she was an unassuming and shy girl next door in a who's secretly super kinky (a type of character moids go nuts over, especially because she was in a subordinate position in it). She also had really nice outfits and flattering angles in that movie which helped a lot.

No. 464485

Most people are "cute" when they're very young. I'm just saying that neither of these siblings have the talent, attractiveness or charisma to justify their status in Hollywood. I'm using the Gyllenhaal ghouls as an example but there are countless others. People have been saying for years random people in their cities and towns are more magnetic or beautiful than any celebrity, it's becoming painfully obvious

It's always been obvious that people feel sorry for Maggie though. I can remember people wk'ing her when that Batman movie came out, saying it was sexist to notice that she was too ugly for the love interest role

No. 464498

File: 1736048492333.jpg (500.38 KB, 971x2228, Screenshot_20250105-033901.jpg)

Damn I looked this up and you're not wrong. Putting her name in Reddit gives results of either scrotes posting her nude scenes or scrotes seething about how she was too ugly to be Bruce Wayne's love interest. No wonder people feel bad for her.

No. 464500

No everyone noticed, not just the scrotes. People empathize with her more because she's below average and relatable, like the average consoomer. That was during "The Fappening" era, it was bad all around. I don't think you would have survived, anon

No. 464775

File: 1736109210851.jpg (85.44 KB, 1280x720, 000_36Q62GJ.jpg)

I'm sorry but I do not understand why so many people are wetting their pants over Luigi. He's ugly, especially when you consider the fact that Italian men are known for their style and handsomeness. I think people just support his cause and have become blinded by it.

No. 464781

No. 464784

Thank you, I thought I was crazy.

No. 464786

Caracalla looking ass

No. 464792

because he killed an evil moid in cold blood. That kind of male on male violence is sexy and should be encouraged in society.

No. 464793

You're not disproving anything I said

No. 464795

He looked cute in that one CCTV image of him which caught him at a good angle. My theory is that people are just pretending he's incredibly handsome because they'd feel embarrassed about admitting the guy they'd been lusting over like crazy turned out to be an average looking guy who needs to wax his brows

No. 464796

he is extremely mid

No. 464799

>italian men are known for their style and handsomeness
do burgers really believe this shit kek

No. 464801

Where do you live

No. 464803

i'm the second anon and live in southern europe. i have interacted with loads of italians, the moids are always balding or have receding hairlines

No. 464804

He looks like a monkey.

No. 464805

central europe

No. 464807

Italian-Americans are just built different
I have doubts central Europe is full to the brim with hotties, though I can admit you have way less fatties

No. 464826

i have a fetish for huge eyebrows, huge noses, moles and curly hair so he ticks off my boxes basically (plus has a decent body and nice lashes as a bonus)

No. 464829

File: 1736120096029.jpg (73.8 KB, 520x438, planetoftheapes.jpg)

His biopic is a good addition to the franchise

No. 464843

He is a thousand times more good looking than what the anons on here thirst over usually, imo.

No. 464964

interesting. i'm not into italian men, but luigi is an exception. i don't know what's wrong with your vision or your taste, he's objectively beautiful

No. 465323

He objectively has giant flaring nostril on an upturned pig nose and slug eyebrows

No. 470662

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Ugly pig nose

No. 470692

One of my friends described her as looking like "a painting that was rained on" and I can't unsee it

No. 470712

File: 1736973597588.jpg (36.81 KB, 400x591, 4jo0g9ce3no91.jpg)

Idk pig noses can be cute and soften a face

No. 470714

how did he go from this >>470712 to this >>470662? white guys age like shit

No. 470715

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No. 470717

I think the first has been taken before the second. He looked relatively good until he got fake teeth

No. 470721

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No. 470724

Sorry for being off topic but I always thought she was really cute in a silent movie kind of way. She aged poorly because she has a bit of a recessive jaw, it makes your lower face age poorly. And she was never promoted as a sex symbol but as a more serious actress and as cute, although pervs liked her after Secretary but she was still never considered sexy or beautiful. She's nowhere near as ugly as her muppet looking brother, anyway.

kek he looks like a muppet too. Jesus.

No. 470733

so i'm not crazy after all kek i was about to ask, when has she ever been shilled as attractive but didn't want to get accused of being a zoomzoom. i remember many celebs pushed as beautiful, sexy, or popular during that time period but Maggie wasn't one of them, especially not worldwide

No. 470754

KEK MY SIDES. I actually can't believe this is a real photoshoot. I can't imagine ever letting anyone publish such an awful picture. Could you imagine any woman in Hollywood being allowed to be THIS fugly?
His mouth area has always been so strange to me I can't put my finger on why.

No. 470955

Both Maggie and Jake were cute (Maggie more so, Jake less so) in Donnie Darko but once 2002 rolled around, they got beaten with the ugly stick and Jake looks like a puppet that was put away wet and Maggie looks like a bad wax statue of Hilary Clinton.

No. 475904

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women who defend Justin Baldoni are embarrassing, but especially the ones who think he's "attractive".

No. 475908

this is what Bridgette Lundy pain thinks she looks like

No. 475952

>anok yai average
Always racist uggos getting pissed that a dark-skinned hottie is finally getting attention out of the millions of blockhead blondes, you already have your representation so shut the fuck up

No. 475953

He looks like a hairy monkey, if he was a turkroach/greek/middle eastern he wouldn’t be getting all of that fangirling because there’s nothing different between him and the appearance of those types of moids. Side profile is fucking disgusting and he looks as fucked as Cameron Boyce

No. 475954

Lemme guess, he’s estonian?

No. 475956

File: 1737744616147.jpg (31.92 KB, 770x513, 1000032037.jpg)

Lucifer really spent a whole season shilling this neckless uggo as an irresistible hottie who all the other guys were jealous of.

No. 475957

That boston bomber killer was middle eastern and had about the same amount of fangirls to the point of getting a Rolling Stones cover

No. 475958

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There are also lines implying these two are looksmatched.

No. 476082

Finnish and his mom is Hungarian, apparently.

No. 476277

An anon here claimed she'd fucked him and apparently he's bad in bed

No. 476355

anons can’t stop shitting on women’s looks even in the thread specifically dedicated to men, pathetic

No. 476357

File: 1737829533010.webp (13.43 KB, 540x657, IMG_5107.webp)

not very ugly, but European girls were crazy for him and he’s not all that. his eyes are kinda froggy

No. 476358

He looks like he's constantly going "uuuuuh…"

No. 476360

Yeah, he has that durrr face inbred euros have going on

No. 476380

Why do white men from outside of Europe look significantly better than their homeland counterparts? Is it the lack of sunlight?

No. 476381

I honestly think it's a genetic/outbreeding thing.

No. 476382

This hideous upwards turned piggy nose is nonexistent outside of Europe. Check yourself

No. 476383

He's just tilting his head upwards, if his nose went down any further it'd be hooked. And it isn't a pig nose, but he does have large nostrils. Unless I am misinterpreting what a pig nose is, but I usually see people with ugly "button" noses that actually do turn upwards and that reads as more porcine to me.

No. 476388

Upturned doesn’t necessarily mean ski slope, visible nostrils is the diagnostic criteria for it. He would’ve looked infinitely better as a west asian, at least he’d be less “piglike.” Only retards fetishise euro ancestry.

No. 476389

>he would look better if he were a completely different race
Confounding, but I like the way you think.

No. 476390

We need to make men race dysphoric to inflict maximum psychic damage.
(Not to nerd out but if he’s south italian he’s guaranteed to have some west asian genes in the form of anatolian neolithic farmer)

No. 476392

No. 476394

File: 1737834112575.jpg (221.83 KB, 759x1111, Benny_Blanco.jpg)

>doesn't shower every day
>doesn't believe in always shampooing and conditioning

We can tell, you absolute munter. I know Selena's appearance divides opinions here, but she absolutely mogs him even at her worst. If this is what is considered attractive, then the world is truly bleak.

No. 476399

I would rather kill myself than let this thing touch me. He represents the cruelest end to one’s life. His face rapes my eyes. Foul wretched monster. If CCTV didn’t exist I would stalk him like a predator and end him by repeatedly hitting the back of his head with a lead pipe. If he was my offspring I would cut his throat before his umbilical cord. No other society would let this beast live than our own. Monster monster monster

No. 476422

is there something else that is bad about him other than his looks?

No. 476433

nta but the fact that he admitted to rarely showering and just has an annoying personality in general. he also blatantly shit talked selena right before getting with her

No. 476462

He could put children in a blender and I'd still be hating on his looks first and foremost.

No. 476856

File: 1737921935107.jpeg (34.3 KB, 1024x576, IMG_2223.jpeg)

Anon, you’re an amazing shit talker. This was fucking hilarious. I need to hear your take on this uggo, please

No. 482487

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No. 482634

i'll never forget how his ugly twin brother was pushed as tumblr's new sexy man after riverdale premiered.

No. 483744

they made fun of him for riverdale. he was pushed as a sexyman when he had an account and interacted with people sarcastically

No. 486712

File: 1739820942728.jpeg (779.64 KB, 1170x1448, IMG_8079.jpeg)

He was never that attractive to begin with but as of late he's been looking like bloated skinny elon

No. 486714

File: 1739821046992.jpeg (751.37 KB, 1170x1439, IMG_8080.jpeg)

A bunch of dumb bitches really think this creature "aged like wine"?

No. 486751

I thought he was Elon when I scrolled by real quick

No. 493279

File: 1740696143642.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1224x1593, IMG_4097.jpeg)

I’m convinced majority of women who call this thing attractive are just jumping on the retarded ‘dilf’ train

No. 493280

I get even more confused when anons here post their love for him. He's a cheater. Soo hot amirite

No. 493282

Some women really show their true colours and fold under NO pressure by just simping for celebrity men and justifying their cheating, latest example is byung hun

No. 493293

Nasty. Reminds me of the normie women who think Jason Mamoa is hot despite him travelling to Thailand to rape prostitutes that are little girls.

No. 493295

No man in Hollywood is morally clean

No. 493297

Cole Sprouse pretends to be innocent but flies girls out to random hotels, promises he wants a relationship with them, then ghosts them the next morning kek. I hate his "I'm such a nice, adorkable guy!1!!" persona.

No. 493302

I started viewing men I don’t know irl as nothing but eye candy (if they’re hot) long ago. Didn’t even know who this nigga cole sprout is

No. 493303

And lmao the ‘adorable baby’ men are the fucking worst, speaking from personal experience

No. 493320

All actors are cheaters though, so that could be said for basically every guy posted on /g/ kek. They're probably only into his looks

No. 493328

File: 1740703734553.jpg (39.01 KB, 771x380, latvian-hg-breakdown-v0-ny1hqi…)

South italians, Maltese and Greeks have Legitimately have pre-neolithic West Asian genes but equating Anatolian farmers with modern West Asians is nonsense. It means that even Nordic people are part "middle eastern" according to this logic. Balts, who have the least Anatolian genes, are 1/3 Barcin.(derailing)

No. 493383

disgusting ape

No. 494506

Spoiler this, like no srsly

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