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No. 44411
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Ok this is silly but balaclavas, ski masks, you know that shit you wear that only leaves the eyes visible. I've literally watched ISIS videos for this sole reason and I'm probably on some kind of a list (or ten) by now. Got so desensitized to gore just because of this, I sure hope that doesn't become my new fetish, this is embarrassing enough as it is
No. 44412
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>I'm really into grotesque monsters and guro. The thought of being in a snuff film really gets me off. I want to be used as a limbless fuck doll.
Oh God, me too. I keep hoping I'll just outgrow it
No. 44413
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>>44411y-you're not the same anon who became addicted to listening nasheeds, right?
No. 44415
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>>44413How many of us
are there?
Yes, I'm the same anon. I'm really just a timid neet who happens to be autismally obsessed with edgy shit I swear, pls no bully authorities No. 44419
The reason why you guys have these crazy, freakish, edgy fetishes with guro, rape and fucking dead people is basically INTERNET. Seriously.
If you don't like your kink/fetish, try an internet detox. for real, try it.
People start watching stuff they shouldn't when they're super young and when they're 18-20 year olds, things like rapists and cannibalism look normal. It's just so sick.
I grew up on the internet too but I wasn't really interested in porn during my teen years, which is probably why I'm pretty much only into "normal" stuff.
I fear for the sanity and sexuality of the younger generation of kids.
Sage because no one cares about this comment and samefag
>>44416Just warning you I'm not that anon in case you read this and think so.
No. 44424
Same, OP.
I also really enjoy the idea of being violated in public transport tbh, I sometimes wonder if I'd even react negatively if it happened for real considering how much I've fapped to it…
Rape is a staple as well, but still embarrassing. Luckily I managed to tell my SO I liked it and he sometimes fucks me from behind and gets really quiet or does nothing but moan (he usually asks me if I'm enjoying it or tells me he loves me) and it feels like it's so selfish of him in the best possible way.
>>44419I'm not so sure, I've been om the internet from a very young age but never watched porn because it freaked me out and to this day i can only do my own imagination or 2D at best. It still grew weirder.
No. 44425
>>44419>>44420I agree to some degree with you guys about this, I was hugely into really messed up guro years ago because I was browsing chans way too much. Some time after I stopped going there guro started to disgust me and while it still doesn't freak me out, I don't find it arousing or pleasant at all. Most gross fetishes are just the result of being desensitized.
But some fetishes just seem to be rooted deeper. I've always been into BDSM and mind control, even as a kid. As messed up as that sounds, I just didn't realize until my teens that it was arousal/excitement that I experienced whenever I came across the subject matter or anything resembling it the slightest. Like a character in a cartoon being tied up or forced to act under someone's power.
No. 44428
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I love homemade trap porn. I'm not talking about old/fat/ugly/gross crossdressers or trannies, but small, cute, naturally effeminate/androgynous traps. I don't mind if they don't show their face or are wearing a mask on the lower half of the face, just as long as their body is small, slim, and somewhat feminine/non muscular. Big bonus points if there's handsfree cum. I'm actually very sexually attracted to big, masculine men (think Gronkowski) and prefer to get fucked hard by those dumb meathead jock types, but idk traps are just so cute, sometimes I really wish I could find a cute trap to penetrate via fingering or pegging and make him squirm…ugh… my boyfriend, a jock type, has no idea. He doesn't rifle through my computer or anything, but I'm still meticulous about covering my tracks with this trap porn thing.
No. 44429
>>44428Dude are you me? I normally
love huge jocks but also have this weird urge to pin down a feminine trap and do him.
No. 44432
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Hands. No joke. I get turned on whenever I see an attractive guy with big hands.
Oh, and priests.
Well, at least is not scat/ddlg/guro/loli/piss stuff
No. 44433
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My weird as fuck fetish is fish people. I don't know why, I just find a lot of them sexy as hell.
Started with zoras from Zelda as a kid and has branched out to a ton others. Something about the idea of scales and sticking fingers in gill slits and all kinds of shit.
No. 44439
>>44432I also like hot-but-innocent-looking priests. And hot nuns in latex. And guys in military uniforms.
Oh god why.
No. 44441
>>44439>>44440seconding priests, nuns, and military uniforms. hnng.
I'm really into xeno stuff and robots, but that's probably because of the games I play lol. it's weird because I feel like I'm one step away from being a furry, but anthro dogs etc just don't do anything for me (thankfully).
as for the really shameful kinks, I'm into watersports and emetophilia. the latter idk why because I'm terrified of vomiting irl.
No. 44444
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holocaust shit. like being raped in the camps and knowing i'll be murdered afterwards, the guards torturing me, ect ect.
No. 44445
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I'm not ashamed of being a furry and into vore, but I am ashamed that sometimes vore where the eaten character actually dies instead of making it out intact in the end turns me on. I have an inordinate amount of sympathy for fictional characters, it seems, and usually can't think of characters who murder innocents with reckless abandon as anything other than monsters who should be vanquished by a hero
unless I'm really horny. :(
Like if I'm not super horny the attached image makes me a little angry, and only slightly less disgusted than a normal person. And then the self-loathing kicks in when I catch myself masturbating to this kind of filth.
No. 44447
>>44445Whew anon. If you want to stop with these fetishes because you feel bad may give have an internet detox? See
>>44419I agree with another anon itt that some things are rooted super deep like some kinds of bdsm and rougher sex but i don't think that pic related would apply in that case.
No. 44449
I always thought being a sub was embarrassing, but I guess there's worse lol. However I still think my own fantasies can be pretty fucked up. As for the internet being an influence though, not really in my case, since I'm a 90s kid, and BDSM themed shit seemed to be pretty common, also in mainstream (Madonna, George Michael). The only thing I still don't get about myself is why my subconscious got interested in being a sub from watching that rather than a dom. The latter would have been way less embarrassing to admit. That typed, at least I'm still picky, because I only like the whole getting forcefully getting pleasured type of domination. If it's pure torture or only pleasing for the dom (e.g. blow jobs) I'm out lol.
>>44437I'd almost wish you could hold my baby then, cause I really want children, but I hate the feeling of having to carry a baby inside me for so many months. Oh well, hopefully it's not as bad as I think when it actually happens.
No. 44457
>>44455Yeah, necrophilia, scat and bestiality are perfectly sane fantasies. That's what
real women are into! xD
No. 44461
>>44460how do you stab someone
No. 44467
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I'm not really ashamed of any my fetishes but they're certain things I can't tell a lot of people.
Some of them are necrophilia, being stabbed/burning alive, dying violently, violently murdering or stabbing someone else, being impregnated or invaded by insects, having sex with inanimate shit like trees and statues, cannibalism, being vomited on, etc.
Most of my fetishes are weird (like fapping to cartel and ISIS videos bc death & dudes covered head to toe like
>>44411 said), but I think the ones I listed are the worst offenders and not something I'd tell most people.
In my case, I agree with
>>44419 somewhat. I started getting off to guro when I discovered 4chan back in the early 2000's. I already had issues from being emotionally abused for most of my life, but looking at violent porn desensitized me a lot. I feel like there's almost nothing I wouldn't try in real life except scat.
No. 44471
>>44437I have this very fetish. No violence, no sexual slavery.
> I'm ashamed of this because I'm not sure if I want children and I'm a borderline radfem who frowns at the idea of being a housewife.Sames. It sucks.
Btw are there any good sites for such niche porn?
No. 44475
>>44419I agree with this 1000% and have noted the increase in violence and revolting shit every step of the way. I feel disgusted that I internalized and adopted weird "fetishes" (it's just violence tbh).
My bf only likes watching solo girls wank it and he's never introduced anything past vanilla. I'm glad he's "normal."
No. 44476
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Yeah, I have a transformation fetish or kink? Idk, i only get off then I think about that. Some other stuff is mind-control, breast/ass expansion, dick growth and other weird body alteration. I blame that one episode of spongebob where he turns into a snail.
No. 44479
The truth is that most of you need fucking help. Not trying to be offensive or anything but when your kink has anything to do with murder, necrophilia, guro and the like, you really need to stop and ask yourself what is going on with you. Don't buy the "you shouldn't be ashamed of your kinks" shit sold by Tumblrinas and SJWs. Of course there are shameful fetishes; they show you have problems and maybe need some help.
>>44475Not many guys are "normal" anymore. So crazy. Good luck with him, just the fact he's like that is a bonus. Also, you're probably right with what you said about violence and revolting shit. I love muh internet <3 but damn, it can be a tool to destroy people
No. 44483
>>44482Stupid question so I'm saging: is "chocking" meant to be "choking"? Lol I'm pretty sure that's just a typo but I don't wanna google to find out since the topic is crazy, shameful fetishes.
(English is my 2nd language, k?)
No. 44486
>>44432Im pretty sure the priest thing is common, same with hands, I love guys with elegant boney hands ugh
I really like medical stuff, especially nurse's, its just the uniforms that get me. Sometimes I fantasise about being a nurse just so I can wear a cute short uniform with thigh highs and look after hot guys. But I got to taste it a little when I was a nurse for halloween last year
What really turns me on more than anything else is dentistry, even as little kid. I haven't been to the dentist in a long because honestly im scared, but its also kind of exciting. I really like the gloves, the taste and feel of them in my mouth, and the slapping sound they make. also the chair. I watch videos of people at the dentist all the time and ive read so much hentai about it, I think ive read them all. I dont know why, like I said even as a little kid I would look up 'dentist' in the dictionary and stare at the pictures to go sleep. When I see a good looking guy, if he has gross teeth he becomes ugly to me. I think its maybe because im little ocd about germs spreading from mouth to mouth.
Ive never told anyone all that, it feels weird to just type it all out. Please tell my im not the only one?
No. 44487
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I lust after tall, muscular guys, bonus points if they're tanned. The Gatsu type, to explain it better. The taller, the better. It seems "savage" to me.
It could be from the fact that they would be the opposite of me (small frame, skinny, pale skin) so I would feel like a frail thing in their hands they could overpower easily (yes, it involves a dom/sub thing) and the sole thought of it drives me crazy.
Whenever I meet someone that looks like that I can't think straight even if they're fully dressed, I just start fantasizing about that rough hands on me ugh. I looked it up and it's called a size kink apparently, does anyone here feel the same way?
No. 44494
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>>44493>All girls>Chadshmm..
No. 44502
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>>44499> Human pet to an alien/robot/supreme being > Having sex with a fully sentient and caring robot that is fully devoted to me and naive at timesSame. Pic related was my first AI crush as a kid.
No. 44504
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Mine's gonna seem super vanilla compared to everyone else's in here, but my biggest kink is role reversal/dominance. I don't like traditional visual porn at all so I usually listen to erotic audio (like drama cds) and listen to guys moaning and whimpering and not only do I get off to the moans themself but I imagine like I'm dominating/fucking them so yeah. It's embarrassing as hell for me
No. 44505
>>44503T-turian master race? Pls tell me turian master race.
I get so fucking wet over turians it's not even funny
No. 44506
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>>44499>Having sex with an alternate human species like orcs, lizard men, goblins and such saaame kinda. I'm an avid dark souls fan and I constantly fantasize about being fucked by any of the humanoid creatures while my bf and I have sex. it's pretty embarrassing. pic related is actually from bloodborne, but it's fromsoft so it counts
>>44504anon are you me. I used to listen to drama cds and imagined myself exclusively as the top lmao. I want to dom a dude with a strap-on, but the bf isn't into pegging sadly
No. 44507
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>>44505FUCK. YES.I was the one who posted that I'd fuck every single turian in the franchise in some husbando threadThe drell and asari are nice I guess, but they're a little too much like humans. There'd better be turian romance options in Andromeda, or I'll fuckin cry.
No. 44509
>>44508If you hate yourself, wean yourself off it. Go no-porn for ages and reset.
It's a really well documented problem and fix.
No. 44511
>>44508My boyfriend was a virgin until age 21 because of an asexual ex-girlfriend and was mad addicted to porn because of it. It stopped him from enjoying sex when we first got together, but he has gone cold-turkey from porn and it's sorted himself out. Honestly, just stop watching it, you'll thank yourself.
I don't watch porn anymore either, because it stops me getting as turned on by real life, as I'll never see the stuff I see online IRL. Don't even think I'd want to tbh… it'd be weird.
No. 44514
>>44479I think it depends on how far your fetish goes. If it's purely a fantasy inside your own head, I don't see the problem. That would be like saying people need help for having daydreams. If it's to the point where you post about it all over the Internet, can't enjoy "normal" sex, build your entire life around your fetish, become addicted to fetish porn, or are considering doing something illegal - then yeah I would agree that's the point you need to consider getting help.
Otherwise, I am going to pull the stop kink-shaming people card, thought police. We don't all have to agree with what gets other people off, and some of these kinks are pretty common.
No. 44518
>>44517honestly, no it doesn't. people (understandably) don't realise that being a paedo goes way deeper than just having a fantasy about someone underage. Like, true paedos would literally date and get married to 10 year olds if they could - it's a legitimate, if really fucking wrong, attraction. It's like being heterosexual or something.
I think a lot of people fantasise about sleeping with their partner as a younger teen or whatever because doing sexy things when they felt like new and naughty territory was hot AF.
The time to start worrying is when you see a real-life 11 year old and you're like damn yes pls, and really want to act on it. A lot of paedos never act on their desires because they don't want to be child abusers for the sake of something they don't need to indulge.
No. 44521
>>44425tbh, as an ageplayer, my interest started when I was around 11 years old. I was always carrying around stuffed animals, pretending to talk to them, ect. All of the other girls in my class had moved onto other things by then. It turned sexual when I discovered anime and, more particularly
"Lolita" fashion, I put Lolita in quotations because it was literally just dressing like Misa from death note lmao kill me I don't think it's too much of a problem. I hate irl kids, and I would never have one of my own. Sure, it's cringe, but it's not something I would share outside of close friends/partners.
besides, I've been almost completely sex repulsed lately because depression, which makes it almost impossible to find a play partner. I can't see what a daddy/mommy would get out of the situation besides, well, sex. No. 44522
File: 1485466181698.png (199.53 KB, 1175x551, sleep-paralysis-documentary-th…)

Getting forced gang banged by those shadow dudes that people w sleep paralysis see is a huge kink of mine. Like being woken up at night and getting all my holes drilled by BSDs (big shadow dicks). Also blow gangs and crossfires are a huge turn on for me and it has to invole large penis. Now don't get me wrong I'm one monogamous bitch and I really don't want anything to with larger than average dicks irl so I feel pretty square after scrolling through this thread. Also occasionally I'll get off to futa and 3d video game porn but in all honesty I think I do that out of boredom.
No. 44523
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>>44522>Getting forced gang banged by those shadow dudes that people w sleep paralysis see is a huge kink of mine. Like being woken up at night and getting all my holes drilled by BSDs (big shadow dicks)Hell yeah. This is a big fetish of mine as well, ever since I saw a shadow person when I was younger.
No. 44525
>>44521So ageplay isn't a sexual thing for you? Just a kind of comfort thing?
I find ageplayers/ddlg repulsive but mainly for the fact that it fetishizes children and is borderline paedophilic. But I read your post and I relate a lot to it. I collected and played with dolls with a friend of mine right up until we were 15 and I've always dreamed of having a huge dollhouse. I'm always drawn to the dolls section of toy stores and I just spend my time looking at all the pretty dolls that I can't afford. I kept all of my porcelin dolls from childhood and they're in my attic.
I too developed an interest in Lolita, I just find the whole "Lolita lifestyle" adorable and I wish I had a Lolita squad. My boyfriend got me into building gundam models which I really enjoy. I've also gotten into any childish trends that came about over the last few years (colouring for adults, loom bands, silly bands, scoobies…). I don't think I'd feel comfortable imitating a child but I do feel like I'm really immature. I'd rather stay inside and make crafts than stress myself out with "adulting".
Could I be classed as an ageplayer? omg I'm so disgusted with myself.
No. 44526
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Getting kidnapped, tied up, kept in a basement, beaten up and killed
No. 44528
>>44525I agree with
>>44527. I'm really into silly kids crafts, playing with play do and some kids toys/games, and watching funny kids shows but it ends there, so I don't really consider it ageplay. It's more something I just do when I'm having a hard time. It's a relief from my depression to go back to a simpler time when I was happy and carefree.
No. 44530
>>44527oh phew, I'm glad. I'm still not comfortable admitting it in public though haha.
>>44528Yeah! That's exactly it. I suffered from depression really badly in my teens and I never really figured out who I was as a person. It's easier to just go back to a time when I was happy than to take up "adult" hobbies.
No. 44533
sometimes ppl just like things in a strictly fantasy manner but ok.
i dunno im probably just using the lesbian label personally bc it's so much easier than explaining my convoluted attractions but lol i ain't gonna explore that shit it's too much effort
No. 44534
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>>44533Do you look like this?
No. 44535
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>>44419I've been browsing the internet for 20 years and see everything the internet can throw at you, and my only "fetish" is girls with exaggareted sexual characteristics. Big Hips or Thighs or Boobs etc.
And every g/f I've ever had has become disappointed in me because I've not been interested in one or more of their following fetishes.
Bondage, Physical Abuse, Scat, Bestiality, Rape Roleplay, Exhibitionism, Online Shaming, Gang Rape Roleplay.
So I found out that in this day in age if you vanilla as fuck, you are basically considered a fucking freak.
No. 44536
>>44499> Being embarrassed/adored by my current fat body. I love manga where the fat girlfriend is trying to lose weight and the boyfriend helps her and loving tugs on her fat and teases her a bit to encourage her weight loseanon that's exactly something that is happening in my life and it feels so good, my boyfriend is tall and has a nice figure while im chub so of course i wanna match with him but he goes all nice about it and now that i think about it we do end up making out everytime.
i used to get turned out by guro but after college i just enjoy being taken care of guess i went vanilla after the internet detox
sage for diary
No. 44538
>>44525OP here, label yourself however you feel comfortable with. Just because you like childish things, does not mean you nessasarily have to identify as an age player, or any of the other millions of terms floating around out there (chire, ect.) Theres no real need to label yourself unless your trying to find like-minded people imo. Just do you lmao.
As for myself, I rotate between hypersexual and completely nonsexual. The ageplay term came from a desire to distance myself from the mostly teenage ~uguuu daddy why don't you spank your kawaiiu bb~ crowd.
No. 44540
>>44539Forgot to mention i wanna fuck em while i wear my cute everyday clothes,
Curled hair and pink skirts etc.
i dont wanna crossdress or make myself out to be masculine, I wanna be ultimate trap and just fuck em in my sunday best.
No. 44544
>>44539>>44540I sometimes have this fantasy as well.
But I guess its more in a sort of girl taking the lead.
Oddly enough I always imagine it like being a houseparty despite being way too reserved to go to many.
No. 44545
>>44529this, even since I was 8 years old. I used to hold my piss as long as possible and then piss on the floor lmao even know just holding my own piss gets me fucking horny, I start tearing up and trembling until I go to the bathroom and touch myself a little since my clit becomes really sensitive.
Also, incest between mom-daughter, dad-daughter has been my jam also since I was probably 8 or 9, I even had fantasies with my mom at age 5.
Maybe all I ever wanted was a little bit of normal affection from my parents ;)
No. 44547
>>44539we are kindred spirits in kink. google 'gentle femdom'. you're welcome
p.s i got a vibrating buttplug for my beautiful boyfriend and the look on his face with it in was a revelation. i highly recommend pursuing this interest.
No. 54093
>>44539Im the 'plow a guy' anon and thanks for all the positive remarks omg,
Seriously guys in my group joke about me being 'Alpha wife' and i dont have the heart to tell them that while im in these pink clothes, with my lashes on and giving them hugs and calling them cute names i also wanna destroy them lmao.
I legit read trap yaoi where the trap is the seme just because i relate so hard hahah,
Keep being great tops you sexy motherfuckers!
No. 54139
>>54112>>54124Me too, I'm obsessed with teeth and everything to do with them - sexually and non-sexually. For me, I don't think there was anything that caused it, I was just always fascinated by teeth (especially "messed up" ones). I was like 14, I think when it became sexual for me, though.
Somewhat related, there's a video of my crush (who I think is the most attractive man on this earth tbqh) on Youtube with him getting one of his teeth knocked out of his mouth and blood going down his chin and just thinking of that video is something that can get me off everytime without fail. I think my teeth fetish might play into my sadistic side a bit, actually…
Anyways, teeth are the #1 thing I notice about a person and I love when a person has crooked or chipped or overlapping teeth and hell, even when they have a tooth or two missing…
No. 54510
>>54124sorry for the days late reply. if you're still interested;
when i was very young, 7 or 8 i had to have an incisor pulled and it didn't traumatize as much as i feel it should have, pain wise.
then shortly after that i learned that stabbing and poking my gums felt really really nice. that rush of pain/pleasure silently hung around for a long time. a little over a decade ago it resurface when i had my wisdom teeth extracted. i was under the whole time and i was in pain thereafter but it was like "man this sucks but i can kinda dig it maybe?"
after that i played around with the idea of brushing, flossing, teeth pulling; rituals, procedures, surgeries. i started getting genuinely turned on by these thoughts! it's a small community with little caches of content, but odontophilia really struck a pleasure point with me and is a big part of my life.
haha, kinda embarrassing now that i think about it.
>>54139it's always a rare treat to run into ppl with the same predilections as myself~
No. 54696
>>54510>>54139>>54112Im so glad to say other girls who the feel the same ( im
>>44486 ) its oddly comforting
No. 54717
My current bf is kinky as fuck but.. LDR. We've talked about kidnapping (just play, of course) so that's something to look forward to
No. 54718
>>54710Thank you anon :)
Will he at least agree to softer forms of domination play? Like pinning you down?
No. 54720
>>54717Sorry for samefagging, just saw this post
Good luck anon! It sounds like you're into a "strangers" scenario. What I'm into is not a roleplay, just being ourselves and me allowing him to indulge whatever dark fantasy he has (presumably rape), knowing that I'm the only one he'll ever be with that will accept them. I hope that makes sense. It's dominant in its own way I guess. And I've never heard of anyone else being into it.
No. 54816
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>>54815Same, except only if he dresses up like Trex first. Too bad he's actually a huge douche to women.
No. 54817
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>>54816I knew I wasn't alone
yeah he's a huge piece of shit, but i love him so much.
No. 54824
>>54815haha dude i honestly think sam hyde is so hot
i thought i was the only one
No. 54827
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>>54824yeah i think it has something to do with how masculine he is
it also helps that he's like 6'4
he looked so good in kstv
No. 54835
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>>54817I was honestly surprised when I learned he's actually dated a lot of women. Objectively, I don't think he's that good looking by most people's standards, but there's something about him.
>>54827Yeah, I think it's that he's confident and a pretty masculine "alpha" guy. Being super tall and funny definitely helps.
>>54820Why do you think that's hot? Serious question, just curious about it.
No. 54851
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>>54828>pretendI don't actually participate in any of my fetishes so it stays strictly in 2D. So there's no pretending in the bedroom, it all stays in my mind or in images.
>>54835The idea of filling someone up with baby batter is sexy. Visually seeing someone pumped up is like insuring that they'll get pregnant. The look on the person's face getting it is hot too; confused but turned on, submitting to their fate, describing to themselves how they can feel it, etc.
Even though I'm a girl, I find myself self-inserting as the one with a dick. Something about forcing another to carry offspring is a turn on. Sorry if I'm bad at explaining it.
No. 54857
>>54851>submitting to their fate>forcing another to carry offspring is a turn onNot to kink shame or anything because I get that it's just your fantasy but but if anyone ever admitted that to me irl, it would be a red flag on the same level as hurting animals. Impregnation or cumflation is fine but forced impregnation is essentially destroying/owning someone's body for a whole 9 months, it's so cruel and reeks of god complex.
It makes me think of Onision.
No. 54861
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>>54857That's the fetish you comment on as being cruel and reeking of a god complex? Not all the other fetishes above where people fantasize about murdering people?
Anon, it's a fantasy for a reason. Let them have their fetishes. Unless someone is a fucking mega autist, fetishes like that are just fantasies and not acted on in real life.
No. 54878
>>54857Ahaha I would never tell anyone these things unless they are into it themselves, hence why it's in this thread. It's shameful. This fetish is more common among men I think as it's one of the tamer ones in /d/ and /h/. Once again, these are all only attractive in 2D form which is very different from real life. Never would I want these things to actually happen to people.
>hurting and animalHell the fuck no. Animals are precious babies that need love and protection. Hearing an animal cry switches on my maternal instincts to go save it.
>>54861I think thathe anon is just desensitized to the idea of rape, and guro and maybe just never seen this type before. Or they are mostly vanilla.
Other anon, if you're curious about strange fetishes scroll through /d/ and have a laugh/be grossed out. Has anyone here mentioned fart, diaper, babyfur, transformation into inanimate objects, skin-suits, petrification, or scat yet?
No. 54885
>>54696>>54139>>54112>>54510Hey there fellow tooth fairies.
I recently had to get one wisdom tooth pulled, and it's been quite an experience. Apparently my entire bottom jaw is busted, and I may need to get some more teeth pulled and replaced. My weird kink is a nice consolation for the ridiculous amount of money it's going to cost. Never skip your dentist appointments, kids.
I just want a kindhearted sadist to playfully care for my swollen mouth in a half-evil way, poking around to make sure everything healing correctly, and pining me down as I try to squirm away when they clean the wound for me.
No. 54895
>>44407I was never a chan user ..
And reading this thread does scare me a bit lmao.
My most shameful fetishes tho are
1. Being fucked while I'm crying
Idk why pretty sure it was bc I read a lot of "fanfics" at an early age that had guys kiss or have sex w girls to stop them from being upset? Now I rarely cry as an individual irl but when I do infront of my boyfriend, it makes me really horny. Am I the only one?
I'm only ashamed because it kind can lead to some odder cases in… my experience
2. Art
I always loved art were and I love the sexual side. So much so it's embarrassing. Boys who were in my art history class… made me fantasies in class. I get off at the idea of having sex in a museum. Or my naked body covered in paint rubbing all over a guy.
Meh I guess mine are pretty vanilla.
No. 54901
>>54861>>54878I'm pretty familiar with /d/ and the weirder or harder stuff actually, but forced pregnancy/breeding just freaks me out WAY more than any other kind of noncon or even forced TF, can't explain it.
Again, I get that it's just a secret fantasy, but I still would find it more difficult to trust a partner that had that kind of kink in the same way that I couldn't trust a lolicon even if I knew they would never touch a real child
I don't like any kind of noncon in general though. I'm into really rough and violent but consensual situations which is pretty vanilla but still difficult to find online. Tfw every hot bdsm gangbang scene or doujin is suddenly ruined with noncon dialog
No. 54915
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I have a major hypnosis fetish. Mainly the induction part of it. The idea of someone slowly bringing you under their control just through words and gentle suggestion is extremely erotic to me. It's not even that strange, just kind of embarrassing since it arouses me so easily.
No. 54932
>>54915 you can thank me later lol. but theres a ton of great content on here.
>>54918one of us! one of us!
i literally have all of those kinks…. its a hard time huh…
No. 54934
>>44539Are you me? My current fantasy is to make a guy
cum without touching his dick.
And I want to fuck a guy while my bf sees us, like in the same bedroom. Also, I love giving rimjobs, idk if that is a fetish, in this thread my fetishes are so vainilla lol
No. 55015
>>55011seconded. I'm turned on by the guys but the porn itself is usually meh. Too hammed up. I know it's aimed toward other men but I wish I had an easier time finding m/m porn that I really like.
Does anyone remember that one romance movie where the actors actually fuck? I want to say that it was produced by Naked Sword studio but that can't be right.
No. 55119
It's so hard to find that kind of porn, like with standard masculine guys. I don't really like twinks and bears are too much.
I've posted before but I just wanted to add this: I really like the idea of my bf fucking with one of his best friends. They both are pretty masculine (beard, kinda chubby, deep voice) and none of them had gay experiences before.
sage for blog
No. 55390
>>44499I god I wish I was a pet to aliens, too.
My two biggest fantasies are being abducted by aliens, that are tentacle beings that use me as a breeding pet.
Exploring my body, finding out what makes me orgasm and making me cum over and over again so I can easily accept the eggs they're planting deeply inside of me.
The other fantasy is being kept and tied in the lab of a rogue scientist that wants to make studies on my body. Revolving mostly around how to make women cum. So I'm tied up in a cyberpunk-esque, dark laboratory attached to a lot of machines of different kinds. Soft, silicone-like tentacles or warm metallic robot attachments that vibrate a lot, while having my nipples in tubes that get sucked and massaged with a oil-liquid the entire time.
No. 55397
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I know this is really juvenile and I should have outgrown it already but catboys are just… unf. Admittedly, they're more pure than lewd for me, but sometimes I get really deep into this fantasy of having a catboy not being able to control his lewd urges around me and just going from light, soft touches to clumsy groping and awkward stammering as he tries to behave but at the same time is getting too excited to rough manhandling as I'm forced to try and keep up with his fast and all-over-the-place rhythm.
Like, it was okay back when I was 15 (it really was not, but there's no helping it now) but now I'm 22 and still into catboys and the worst part is that I'm not even a furry! I've tried furry porn but… squick. I try not to bring it up with any potential date but one guy kinda guessed it somehow and it was so weird. Hopefully it's just a fantasy, I don't wanna be like those obnoxious anime fangirls who make their boyfriend wear cat ears on the bedroom, I really don't.
No. 55400
>>55397Oh Anon. I had those feelings too, well I was 16 I have to add. Your post made me think back, Haruhi and Lucky Star was still a thing and I waited hours with my shit internet to download thousands of thousands of catboy pictures. Thanks for bringing back this memory.
Not to be that obnoxious weeb, but have you tried to put cat ears on a boy? I know it sounds off-putting at first. But I have a bf that is rather dom and likes when I wear cute stuff in bed, so he got me one of those pixiv meme keyhole cat underwears, along with cat ears. Now we were playing around and I made him wear the cat ears. And suddenly this made something deep inside me tingle.
It was all just fooling around but seeing someone that is on the one hand rather dominant having this cute, but also a bit "wild" detail.. unf.
Maybe you're just half-furry. You know, if there's a Kinsey scale but just for furries, maybe a 1 or 2. I really reccomend. And if you're ashamed to ask that and make things weird, start off by wearing them in bed. And afterwards during cuddling and playing around put the cat ears on him and see how this makes you feel.
Everyone deserves to have a catboy at least once.
No. 55412
>>55400>Everyone deserves to have a catboy at least onceOmg anon that's the sweetest thing I've seen in a good while.
It's not that putting cat-ears on a guy is off-putting at first… quite the contrary, but I'm afraid that the other party would be too weirded out and not pull it off well and I'm too much of a coward to actually try.
I didn't know about this furry scale, I guess I'll have to look it up. I'm somewhat biased against furries in general because of bad experiences with some of them, which is why I'm reluctant to identify with any such group, but I guess it can't all be that bad… hopefully.
No. 55531
>>55471It would be cool if a giant guy stepped on me, too, I guess.
I also have a weird sort of specific fantasy where a guy is hurting me, like I'm on the floor and he's wearing those shiny black nazi boots and kicking me in the ribcage and easily breaking my bones, but then he realizes I'm not even worth his attention and walks away leaving me bleeding and broken.
No. 55542
>>55517>embarrassed blushing guysespecially if in daily life they seem pretty respectable or even dominant, so reducing them to a pile of embarrassment and cute moaning is all the sweeter
>>55523>>55469>shy cute nerd guy scientistsBut weirdly also
>A room of disinterested scientists what Disney film do i even blame for this
No. 55576
>>54918I agree with this whole comment.
It might, definitely, have something to do with my fantasizing fucking incel/NEET dudes. Shame.
No. 55577
>>55576Oh Sis, no. Please love yourself just a little bit more.
Welp, I guess fantasy is okay but please never do such a thing in real life.
No. 55620
>>55619>>55612I am super vanilla and have these both fetishes. Those uniforms always get me wet. But I think most girls like them too.
And I'm horny for Greek accent lol. Let it be known my first language isn't English, but I get wet over any language I hear a Greek guy speak. It's so weird.
No. 55624
>>54918>>55618I feel you but yeah, only works with someone i'd be crazy attracted to, first of all. My ideal scenario is someone abducting me and locking me in their appartment/house.
>>54921I did all of this besides the written stuff and while I'm not exactly ashamed, I'm tired of being the one to ask for it in a relationship. Ex was definitely spooked by me wanting bruises and marks after sex. God the awkward silences :/
At this point I wonder what doesn't turn me on (besides the scat and piss stuff)
>Uniforms>Biting and being bitten>Brat taming (being the brat)>Tying up a tough guy (ie military guy) and teasing him for hours>Choking>Fucking a girl with a strapon>Huge girl orgy>Tempting someone to fuck me (priest, teacher, etc) >>55619Honestly I'd rather be vanilla because fucking without involving any kinks is crazy boring nowadays. And not many guys want to handle some mild pain.
No. 55703
>>54918Im kinda into this to be honest
also Im into men hands… sometimes they're more hot than their penises…
No. 55723
>>55625Brat is an unfortunate word due to the ageplay connotations (which I also hate), but that sort of power struggle is my ideal dynamic too. I generally prefer a sub role (very masochistic), but I hate the idea of unconditional obedience and surrender. If I'm gonna let you tie me up and smack me around, you better show me you're worth it.
>>55628Nice taste. Sexual-tension filled rivalries are my weakness too.
No. 55915
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>>55896Fuck off, robot. Go fap somewhere else.
No. 56406
>>56397The only reason I'm not telling you to dump him is because I have a humiliation fetish too but it's just a bedroom thing.
Are you sure it's just a sexual thing for him and he won't actually abuse you or do those kinds of things against your will? If he's a good boyfriend he'll understand if you tell him you're uncomfortable with him liking your scars.
No. 56424
>>56413Maybe you're into it because you lack self-esteem/respect, anon.
Seriously, leave him. He's a piece of shit.
No. 56462
>>56441sounds unhealthy
>>56461honestly i wouldn't doubt it
No. 56536
>>56535Yeah, I had a bloodplay thing for years. Mutually beating the shit out of each other etc. I'll still do rougher things like we'll start out play wrestling and it'll get pretty rough, and then it'll turn into the best sex. Very healthy in comparison to what I used to do.
I'm glad I stopped entertaining all of that. It's just so unnecessary lol.
No. 56545
>>56516>>56489kek I always think this whenever I see something about rosebudding
I don't get it at all, anal prolapses are life destroying and hemorrhoids are no joke, why would you want to risk anything to do with that?
>>56535Me too, I grew on up 4chan and doujins and I think it messed me up but after years with a sweet vanillafag and avoiding hentai/porn it's mostly faded. I don't know how anyone can deny the negative effects of porn on youngsters.
No. 56626
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>>56609>Lately, I've been pretty into being a demon lord that would create new demons to fuck me and, if they made me cum hard enough, I'd grant them wishes.Sorry, but I can't help but laugh at how retarded that is, and yet that's probably something I'm going to eventually fap to now that it's in my head.
No. 56632
Idk if this is weird or not, but I usually masturbate while reading an educational news article/wiki page or watching an informative youtube video. The most recent thing I fapped to was also an article about the steps of buying a home? I've never taken that drug and am not looking to buy a house, so I guess this is all for future reference.
No. 56638
>>56632Well, it's quite weird if you're getting off to it specifically. It's only slightly weird if you're just multi tasking for convenience.
I used to masturbate while thinking about really mundane things like dinner etc, but it was to prove a point to myself that female orgasms are not all mental like people claim. I was getting so sick of people talking about how you have to get the atmosphere/mood/romance right or it won't happen, it's a dumb untrue meme. In the end it's just men being lazy and not spending enough time on the basic physical movements, not a lack of fucking candles. I guess that was weird of me too.
No. 56651
>>56632I dunno, it is kinda weird, but I've gotten off while watching documentaries about stuff (ex. Katyusha rocket launchers, military parades, NASA), so I guess it's not like you're the only one.
Why do you think you do it, anon? It's not multitasking for me like
>>56638 suggested. I guess I just genuinely think some of the shit in these documentaries are hot, even if it's not at all sexual/erotic.
No. 56719
>>56638>>56651I sometimes did something similar to this but it was more about keeping my brain busy enough with mindless flash games, tv or reading so that my internal anxious monologue didn't ruin the sex.
Word related games worked the best, tv was more difficult because you never know if there's going to be something uncomfortable or even a child in a scene to turn you off. We don't do it anymore though because it meant he was the one doing all the physical effort
No. 56771
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I'm really into being choked/man handled. I would totally be down for a dude to rough house me/yell in my face about how fucking worthless I am and then take complete advantage of me. Also blood, the thought of someone stabbing me and then rubbing blood all over my naked body turns me on too much.
No. 56787
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I'm a massive fucking dacryphile–especially for men doing an ugly cry. I fapped so fucking hard to Yuri on Ice episode 7 I can't even remember the big kiss scene.
Right now I'm watching American crime story and all I want to do is lick up David Schwimmers cute tears. Fuck my life.
No. 56981
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No. 57392
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Idk if this is normal but I develop crushes super fast I mean totally sexual. The second I bond with a person and share the same interest and sense of humor I get really horny like panty wet horny. But that sensation last 1 week then I lost complete interest.
No. 57504
>>57392I'm basically the opposite, it takes me a while to feel like that about someone and then it lasts for a while and is intense as long as there's physical/emotional attraction.
It's kind of lame but sometimes I get a little turned on when my boyfriend is talking intellectual/nerdy with me or when I'm really mushy and lovey-dovey it gets mixed together with "lol I wanna fuck."
I'm one of the anons with a scientist fetish so maybe that's why… ;____;
No. 57908
i'm reasonably open and unapologetic about my many fetishes, chiefly bdsm. but somehow i never could bring myself to admit that i love haircutting and headshaving. i love watching women get their long hair chopped into short bobs with shaved napes and have their heads buzzed and razored to the skin. i don't want it to be forced, i like it better when they silently submit. the best part is, this type of videos can easily be found in youtube since they're not traditionally sexual. if i'm particularly horny, i'll go into porn sites and find ones involving bondage or cumming on shaved heads.
about the "internet made you kinky" discussion; i had very intricate fantasies about women being forcibly contained, experimented on and being fattened to be eaten alive from a very early age (like 8-9) and i didn't have access to internet well into my late teens. i didn't actually know cannibalism was a kink until 4-5 years ago, so i don't think all of it can be blamed on the internet. some people are just wired that way i guess? only thing i can blame on the internet is my newfound attraction to crossdressers and drag queens. i'm into feminine/androgynous guys and drag queens started to turn me on in a big way. i hope to meet a bi/straight drag queen or a meticulous crossdresser one day. not much of a fetish though, more of a turn on.
btw, i'd like to compliment anons on their taste in kinks, i found a lot of new, nice stuff to fap to.
No. 57998
I am into submissive men that I can humiliate.
>>57978I always forget that americucks are all cut. Can't even imagine having to be ok with that shit. Uncut dicks are way more sensitive, look better and feel better.
Cut dicks are pretty fucking disgusting to me.
No. 58135
>>58001I'm a bit sad because boyfriend is cut and he's always yanking on his dick like crazy when he masturbates. My friends told me cut guys are less sensitive and need more pressure but that seems like such a pain.
Plus I had no experience with cut guys prior and jacking him off is basically impossible without lube so … ? Why do people still defend that shit ?
Cut dicks are cleaner, are you kidding me ? Just hop in the shower and wash it there. I don't need to chop off my labia to clean my pussy properly.
No. 58169
>>58135People suck, and genuinely think there is something wrong with letting a baby keep his entire penis.
Parents freak out about how to clean it, because some medical associations say that you have to retract the baby's foreskin to clean it. I reality, it's much easier to properly clean a baby's penis when there is not an open wound.
No. 58180
>>58173Oh it's not impossible, it's just much more difficult and less fun (imo).
Phimosis is the healthy state of a penis before puberty. The foreskin isn't supposed to retract until puberty.
No. 58210
>>58202he definitely doesn't have a yeast infection, we've been together years and his foreskin has always just been really tight.
thank you for the advice though! i shall relay it to him. after a lot of phemosis googling that's definitely what it is.
No. 58262
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Prosthetic legs. This is not horrible but little bit unusual so I haven't told anyone except my bff.
I'm not attracted to prosthetics as objects alone, but if a person has one, the person becomes 5000000x hotter.
Prosthetic arms are super hot too. But legs rule.
I don't like prosthetics that try to mimic real shape or color of the limb. Metallic ones are the best. Especially if they're fairly thin.
Needless to say I love watching paralympics.
No. 58265
>>58262are you me
sage for ableist fetishism uwu
No. 58308
Chikan/general exhibitionism is a big one. And rape, particularly monster/xeno rape (but only humanoid monsters, not animalesque monsters). And bondage/not being able to move. Nun play (priest play, if the priest is a younger man) or anything surrounding religious imagery. Cow petplay (the community is called "hucow", but I don't associate with it because it's largely based in degradation and livestock play and treating your sub like shit, along with breeding, which I'm not into).
The weirdo things I'm into is probably omorashi, and I can pinpoint an experience that might have influenced that, so it's just a shameful secret.
I had a fantasy as a teen of being a german cihld soldier and being found injured on the battlefield by a group of russian soldiers and being tortured for weeks. I'm a non-aryan race, so I have no idea where that came from.
I'm into traps/shotas/very small and non-threatening, cute men. But I'm into loli, too. I think I just have a fear of people and my mind reacts with making them non-threatening for me.
But I also listen to Yandere Heaven drama CDs, and those are anything but non-threatening. I don't know.
Also into ageplay in the whole "let me nurture you and help you grow" non-sexual sense. I think I just want to be a mother, but with no chance of messing up the person, and that's how I fulfill that.
I know a lot of mine are stupid, but I think it's because of being raped throughout a three year period during my formative years, so I'm not just an edgelord.
No. 58309
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>>58262Boy I hope you're a lesbian, 'cause you're gonna love this
No. 58312
am actually. Thank you!
No. 58322
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>>58312Katawa Shoujo is some good stuff if you have a disability fetish.
Too bad you can't romance best girl, though.
No. 58409
there’s this giant centipede or prawn, or a cross between the two, crawling into me head first, my legs being really wide apart to accommodate him. As he crawls into me, his thousands of fuzzy legs fall off onto the sheets around me. He tickles and excites me as he undulates and wiggles from side to side getting further and further in, and he becomes drenched with my nectar, which he licks up and is strengthened by. He goes on up and up. This all takes hours as he is ten thousand feet long, but I like every inch of it …
The next morning, happily exhausted, I begin the ritual of carefully gathering up the thousands of orange fuzzy legs that surround me, and take them in a wicker basket to the kitchen. There I dump them into my blue enamel jam making pot, and add sugar, orange peel, lemon, nutmeg, banana peel scrapings, and a bit of hash when available (very optional). At the hard-ball, or so-called crack stage of cooling, I pour the orange mass into penis-shaped molds (can be bought in your nearest sex shop), and allow them to cool and harden. To be sucked later when desired, but I usually give mine away to my friends, as the penis-shaped mold itself is far more satisfying and I share him with no one. You’d be surprised how many of my friends drop by for their sucks.
No. 58544
>>58508Yeah you got me anon. The Japanese have a real problem with public molestation, they call it chikan. Of course this means that's usually my go-to search word for porn. I can only get off to it if it's obviously staged and lit, I don't see how I would enjoy watching somebody actually be attacked..
(What I find funny about these videos is that obviously they have to get in a ton of extras to be the other passengers on the bus/train and they all have to completely ignore what's going on. Sometimes they even film on an actual bus driving around which is amazing)
No. 58589
>>58544Oh dw I know all about that hahaha. Yeah it's one of my top searches also. I take comfort in knowing that it's fake but at the same time when I watch them, I pretend it's me and that it's real and then I imagine the same things when I'm on the train or at the pool all the time bleh. I've seen some really shit ones made by westerners that were just made in someone's house and I'm like ??? who do you think that's fooling?
>>58545I'm glad I'm not alone! :)
No. 58591
>>58508As someone who was "molested" in transports, I get how it's a fantasy (heck, I love chikan too especially if that ends up in gang bangs) but in real life it's just plain disgusting ahah
It didn't surprise me when that happened, but you definitely DON'T want that to happen in real life when you're not prepared for it. I had a dude touch my thighs and another sort of rub his half chub against me. I wish I did more at the moment but I simply froze up and moved away quickly. I wish I could have shamed the bastard but in the moment you're always second guessing yourself and then the scum is gone !
Plus he was obviously disgusting, a chubby balding man with an uggo face.
No. 58665
>>58591I'm so sorry that happened to you anon ❤️, I'm the type to freeze in awkward situations too.
See, I'm so disgusted as I read that, like it angers me so much and I want justice for girls who have to suffer this. But then when I'm standing on a packed train, I'm wishing for it to happen in my head. It's the most confusing feeling I've ever felt. Then when I kind of snap back into reality, I'm really disgusted with myself again.
I guess they make porn very visually appealing and you always imagine the most idealised thing in your head but in reality, sex and fantasies are nothing like real life.
>>58597Yeah from what I see online it's very common but obviously I've never heard any woman admit it in person lol.
No. 58687
that's gonna sounds lame, but my fetish is love and being wanted. Like, a guy wanting me so much, that he can't think clearly, he's super passionate, lots of hot, frantic kisses and touching, I'm like a drug for him. He can't resist me, he's crazy about me, but it isn't just a fling; he wants to wake up next to me, and if he's the first to open his eyes, he watches me sleeping and thinks about how incredibly lucky he is. Bonus points to the fantasy - I'm the first and only one he loves so much, like he's good-looking and popular, he'd had girlfriends but he never really felt anything like this before.
I can sense from where this comes from. Dudes always go after my looks, I feel like no-one ever will really take time to actually get to know me. So, someone who's crazy about me as a whole, is someone i get off to lol
No. 58706
i have to think about something really gross in order to cum and i always feel so disgusted with myself afterwards. i make an active effort to avoid porn because i will go into a rabbit hole of filth every single time. it always starts off with something i wouldn't be embarrassed about, like three ways or gang bangs, but then at some point nose dives into depravity. i wind up making some fucked up collage with like 20 videos running at once, finally cum, and then immediately want to go outside and dig a hole to bury my sick ass in.
the types of things i am ashamed to be aroused by: rape, frotteurism, huge age gaps, incest, bestiality, water sports, crying, throat fucking, voyeurism, the victim being immobilized somehow like asleep or unconscious, necrophilia…
i was sexually abused as a child and teen so i figure that's where most this comes from. i've admitted a few of these fetishes to exactly 2 partners and both then used them to abuse me so, yeah, i won't be making that mistake again.
No. 59461
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>>59415kek, tbh I wouldn't even run
No. 59636
>>59634Forgot to add, I'm ashamed of it because I feel like it's scummy to just want a temporary GF and then move on because I eventually wanna get married to a guy and have kids and stuff.
Like I'm the stereotypical bisexual girl who just wants to experiment with other girls and will just leave when she gets bored, but I guess that's what I am… But at least I'm not actively not imposing this on anyone?
No. 59637
>>59634anon I feel the same way, I wish I could be this kind of unicorn although from the bi thread a while back i think it's a common wish
For me the ultimate dream is to be the unicorn girl who joins in with a loving hetero couple. I would just love become part of an already caring scenario where there's lots of love and no pressure. We all go on nice dates and have big spooning sessions and then when they don't need me anymore there wouldn't be hard feelings, it would be as easy to part as it was to meet.
No. 59778
I discovered that I am into being
degraded, used, tied up professionally (shibari) from my sexual interaction with my current sexual partner. It's also a thing for me to sleep on the floor wearing a collar, etc… but this only lasts till I have you know, been able to get off. After that, I want to go home and sleep. I am afraid it lingers more now. I also have such high testosterone levels atm. It scares me that I, who LOVE control, gets off by being controled by someone else. I think that it is a thing though, that those who are normally in control, like real controlfreaks, workaholics and/or leaders, who are seemingly proper, innocent looking people to societys eye- loves to be pinned down. It's a relief to them. So I guess that is it, really. I do have a sadistic side aswell, but this guy I'm with is much more sadistic than me so I can do nothing but submit, and willingly so. He was also my first ever (by choise) sexual interaction when I was 16, so maybe it's a thing. I knew what sex were at 8 however, and my best friend introduced me to it by doing things to me thag didn't want to, but I always said yes.
What I watch porn of is what I am most ashamed of, but it really varies.
Its everything from vanilla to not-so-vanilla :
Lesbian facesitting.
Lesbian watersports.
Ass worship (women).
Anything with womens asses.
Anything with two or many men.
Underwear grinding.
Deepthroat/ Throatfuck.
Frail men being pushed down by overweight women.
Insulting words written on bodies.
BDSM to some extent (Absolutely no blood,shitting and all that, so I guess this goes under the "milder" BDSM, like being tied up, hit, gangbanged while tied up, spit on…etc)
3D beasts/ monsters.
Humans raped by animals. And NO I do not think this is okay IRL or get off to the thought of this actually happening IRL. It is is the thought of being used by any living spieces of earth and just being a breeding toy/tool to anything and anyone who can put their seed inside me. To become nothingness and just a toy for someone elses pleasure is a BIG turnon.
A more realistic, and irl thing I get sexually aroused by is the thought of men and women who dress well, have high paid jobs, are older and taller than me, intelligent, proper, BUT are secretly sadistic masters/dominatrixes in private. I am just getting into the real adulthood so it feels comforting with the thought of it being an older,experienced person I am with, rather than that of a teen who just has learned to tie somebody down with the risk of ropeburn, veinpoppin' etc.
Another thing, in some fckn way I don't really like bodyfluids anywear near my mouth, spec not dicks, but I still imagine and watch things involving it. And it does not for the love of god work for me irl.
Some fantasies are fantasies to some extent, maybe meant to be disgusting and to you in reality, I guess. Related to that: all these inhumane imagination/ sexual fantasies people have (necrophilia,gore etc) it must be some kind of way to cope with trauma? This does not make them disgusting people, but rather copers, in my opinion. What are you peoples thoughts?
English isn't my first language, btw, in case you find things misspelled.
No. 59870
>>59790Same. I also love submissive men and extensive bondage stuff done to guys. Bonus points if they're wearing thigh high socks and skirts while being tied up.
I feel like it's really hard to find guys who are into this too without being sissies or expecting me to be like a full-on dominatrix.
>>59634I know your feel, anon, even though I wouldn't mind settling with a girlfriend like this eventually. I just want the carefree, no pressure best friend thing. Having a really close bond and sharing every thought and also doing lewd things without the expectations or pressure that comes with a "regular" relationship.
However I feel that if this dream of mine would come true chances are I'd get too attached.
No. 60249
>>60248It can be really hot.
A really experienced partner would kind of intimidate me, but I'm sure I'd get used to it, and it's really just kind of hot.
No. 60337
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I have a terrible teratophilia fetish. I really want to get fucked by a big monster.
And maybe cuddle afterwards
Pic related
No. 60354
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I have an extremely huge thing for creepy, shut in, dorky, perverted, bitter, cute but shy girls. Tomoko is an example of this, but not just her. I fall in love with any character with this type, though I prefer girls way more than boys. I want a girl who thinks the world is against her, and who is bullied and unpopular. I have this fucked up fantasy that when we become friends, I mean everything to her and she will only think of me to the point of obsession. And that escalates to her being my gf ofc.
Unfortunately, it's extremely unlikely for several reasons. The first being that I'm a girl and most girls are not into girls. The second being that this personality type would 99.9% of the time translate awfully into irl and the girl would just be insufferable. Girls like that irl are basically just PT or asherbee
It's really vanilla, but I know it comes down to the fact that I want to be the """better"""" one, who's prettier and confident, and I want to monopolise attention and love from people. It's more mentally fucked and I don't think I could purposely manipulate someone like that irl
No. 60367
>>59791This is pretty true actually. Idk I just assumed that other bi chicks would either be with dudes or be the type that wants to settle down with a woman.
>>59870>I just want the carefree, no pressure best friend thing. Having a really close bond and sharing every thought and also doing lewd things without the expectations or pressure that comes with a "regular" relationship.This is exactly what I'd want in a relationship with a woman. But I'd want to be still friends with her after everything is done. Like if she eventually found a guy I'd back off but we could still do regular girl things, ya know? I don't think that's likely though…
>However I feel that if this dream of mine would come true chances are I'd get too attached.I've managed to stay just friends with male exes, so I'm hoping it's the same for women but it'd probably be super messy.
No. 60372
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>>60354You pretty much described my perfect relationship. I wish I could find a gf that was my better half and would let me be her shy, obsessive shadow in exchange for love.
On the flip side, I doubt many girls are looking for girls like you described and we're too socially awkward to approach girls ourselves anyway. I can barely make a phone call ffs
No. 60390
>>59425I just want to be treated like a cute little puppy and make my master happy… which sounds gross af and embarrassing typed out jesus. At least it's doable irl unlike some of the other stuff itt haha
>>60354> want a girl who thinks the world is against her, and who is bullied and unpopular. I have this fucked up fantasy that when we become friends, I mean everything to her and she will only think of me to the point of obsession. And that escalates to her being my gf ofc. >I want to be the """better"""" one, who's prettier and confidentI'll be your obsessive gf anon :( All girls I've ever crushed on are close friends who are way more popular/attractive/better than me
No. 62418
I want to piss on my boyfriend (not that i have one lmao)… its so embarrassing. Not even to degrade him, but in a way that humilates me. Like I tell him I need to piss and he tells me how im being so silly and childish, should of gone eariler etc, and keeps teasing me and holding me, preventing me from going, untill I can't hold it in anymore and I just… pee on him and he just makes fun of me and says its my fault. (but ofc he is enjoying it and helps me clean up after). I know its not that uncommon but I feel really gross and weird about it. Especially the humilation part of it. Why I am I like this.
>>62335Try looking up latex inflatable suits anon. When I first saw the whole 'Inside in a gaint ballon challege!!' or whatever trend on yt I just kept thinking… do these girls know this is a fetish and someone is getting off to it? lmao
No. 62437
>>62295Damn, just thinking about that gets me wet. As a catholic priest he'd be irresistible. Subsmissive Mads is my favourite Mads and there's one short film where he's kissed roughly by a taller guy. The thought of him as a priest getting seduced or raped…
Never understood bitches who want to be dommed by him, he kind of seems like a guy who'd let his woman take charge. I mean, the guy was a ballet dancer, he's not the big bad wolf Hollywood likes to typecast him as. Fucking loved how vulnerable he was in The Hunt. Sorry for the thirsty ramble.
No. 62452
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>>62437OP here, I'm guilty of being a sub, lol. I can't help it, esp when I watched Hannibal he was so fascinating. Even in the scene where he choked Miriam Lass from behind I was like "God I wish that were me".
Anyway, it seems we all agree that priest Mads Mikkelsen needs to happen
No. 62490
When I was 13 , I was into bestiality. I didn't even know what furries were, I barely used the internet except to go on YouTube and a kids MMO I was obsessed with. For some reason, animals having sex turned me on. Also, I really liked hentai for some reason. And people roleplay as monsters, like witches, zombies, ghosts, werewolves, etc.
And I was a pegasister/MLP fan. So yeah.
And incest.
>>62460 And this. Still get off to it, but still.
Everything grosses/squicks me out now. I'm into futa, and I can't look at it because it feels weird, but it turns me on.
Other fetishes:
>hypnosis>BDSM/femdom/lesdom>interacial>Gay porn (Even though I'm a girl. I don't know why two guys having sex turns me on)>Sex machines> monster people/humanoid monsters/monster porn in general No. 62499
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>>62468Same, but with the additional aspect where I'm better at being a man than her bf, an actual man (in emotional ways, not as in a reverse trap)
I'm also into incest, pic related. My bf is into incest too but not as far as his own family is concerned. I have a thing for my dad and had a dream last night about my grandpa which was weird
No. 62551
>>62547Just like he thinks you'd laugh in his face, or worse, if he told you some of his fantasies. Tbh, you definitely would at a lot of them.
So go for it. Tell him. If he's of any worth, he'll either try, or pass on it politely.
No. 62707
>>62589I hate the fucks, can't stand their hypocritical company that is ran under the guise of religion. Catholics are like the herpies flare ups of faith.
That still doesn't mean I wouldn't want to get fucked in a priest's office with a picture of Mary looking at us with a horrified expression.
No. 62726
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>>62713Yes! One step closer to my dream coming true!!
No. 62735
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>tfw i have a fetish of being a female conqueror who mindbreaks her male native sex slave
>pic somewhat related on top right but i'm not a futa
also this is really bad but i'm jealous of that woman who kidnapped a qt mormon boy.
No. 62780
>>62735Spoiler that picture man, gross
>also this is really bad but i'm jealous of that woman who kidnapped a qt mormon boy.okay but i agree with this mormon boys are cute as hell i'd kidnap too!
No. 62834
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You could say I'm an ''alpha'' female. I am politically active, very dominant and assertive in general life. I'm also aggressive.
So personally for me it is fairly shameful that I love nothing more than being used as a fucktoy by my boyfriend. But he just doesn't go far enough for me. He spanks me a bit and does some choking, but I want him to be way more rough. I want him to throw me around and actually choke me hard, or make me choke on his dick. I want to be degraded and marked. And to be honest I like it when he asserts his dominance over me in public as well, when he randomly gropes me because he cannot help himself and needs to show everyone I'm his.
At the same time I actually want to fuck sometimes like it's a fight. I want us to be both very angry and take it out on each other. Hit each other in the process. Choking. Kinda like in 300 rise of an Empire between Artemesia and Themistocles
No. 62850
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>>60318Me, too anon. pic related.
No. 62861
>>60318Anon, are you me? I used to do that in my spare time in some part-time job I had a few years ago. Was a combination of boredom and feeling great because I was -for sure- the only sexual intercourse for those neckbeards.
Do you recommend any forums?
No. 62864
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No. 63522
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I don't actually know for sure, but I think I have a super mild Somnophilia? Like, since I was younger I liked the idea of being kissed while sleeping because I thought it was romantic, or something along the lines of "she's so cute and vulnerable while sleeping, I just can't resist", but not in a rapey way, just like super romantic (?).
I don't know if it has evolved to sexual things tho. Maybe caressing.
I just super confused.
pic unrelated.
No. 63611
>>63534Yes! When I was younger I would often fantasize about my crush (that in my fantasy would also have a secret crush on me) kissing me while I was asleep and then I would wake up after it and they would be super close and get very embarrassed. Kek
Funny enough, I don't think I have this dream so much now that I am dating? I think I like the idea better if it's from a guy who has a crush on me and can't help since it's the only time he can kiss me or something like that.
I don't know how I would react to my boyfriend fondling me while I am asleep. Like, I literally don't know if I would like it or not.
No. 63693
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I want my boyfriend to piss on me
But how can it be done without it being awkward?
Just like sit in the bathtub and let the awkward streak of piss barely hit my face?
How can it be done without it being awkward?
Pls help
No. 63695
>>63611>>63534I had this when I was younger too. I guess its popular because of anime and also it holds the same appeal as ravishing fantasies like they do it because you're just so desirable and that makes you innocent etc but also you could just pretend it was all a dream afterwards.I used to pretend to be fall asleep near my guy friends just to see what they would do which is so cringey. It finally lost it appeal after I did actually date someone who would just do whatever he wanted when I was asleep.
Being gently consensually cuddled awake by someone you love is the dream
>>63693The both of you could have a few drinks before? Light some candles so that it's not so exposing for him when he gets shy pee
No. 63716
>>63693Shower sex. Get on your knees in the shower and try to talk dirty or something. Or like
>>63695 said get some drinks in you beforehand. In fact, that would probably be better since his bladder will be nice and full too. After you get your golden shower proceed with normal shower sex and the piss will just rinse off.
No. 63787
>>63693He might have to be open to the idea to start. My ex asked me to pee on him before and honestly no amount of being drunk or shower sex or pissing in the toilet in front of each other ever made me comfortable enough to do that.
But most guys more open to kinky stuff/peeing on shit in general. If your bf is the type of guy to pee on snow you're probably a-ok.
No. 63848
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Same anon as
>>63522 and
>>63611 and I forgot something (Not sure how, but I just didn't think about it lol)
I also reaaally like the idea of being asleep in the same room as some guy (for example this guy that I know has a crush on me/want to do me) and start moaning in my sleep and the guy gets a boner. Sometimes I fantasize that I either would accidentally show some nipple or bum (pic related) while sleeping or the dude would very very gently do it. He either would jack off it on the same room (but far from me) or go to the bathroom or something.
But it's funny tho, because it's the kind of thing I would never know if it truly happened IRL. Unless a guy said that to me - which can threaten our friendship so I don't see why he would-, I can never know for sure, but it's still a fantasy of mine.
>>63695Sorry about this, anon. But yeah, I love being cuddled while awake yes lol Indeed, the dream.
No. 63857
>>63848>>63534 and
>>63535 anon again, this is also a fantasy I have ughh
I have no clue where it comes from, and if it happened irl I don't know how I would react, I mean obviously you would have to catch them in act or have them tell you or you wouldn't know about it, I think its one of those things that doesn't translate real into real life and is it better just to look at in hentai or something.
No. 64008
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I have a fetish for medical stuff. Bandages, scalpels, scissors, syringes, etc. Anything with a red cross on makes me weak, especially those little hats. Dressing as a nurse isn't actually that hot to me, but a box of plasters or a doctors toy set makes me really horny? Especially if they have cute characters on. Similar to
>>56632 anon I can find reading articles on arousing, in particular looking at the section on what it's used for? Idk it's weird to explain.
I don't know why I'm like this. I've been to hospital a few times in life, but never anything too serious. Despite loving scissors, scalpels, even box cutters (I really fucking love looking at box cutters?) I have no inclination to cut myself either. Blood doesn't squick me out at all but I don't wanna see my own lmao. I really don't know where my fetish comes from.
Idk how to tell my bf without making him think I wanna dress up as a nurse or wanna injure myself? I literally just like looking and touching these things.
No. 64025
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Unlike most of you guys, I've never really been into guro or vore or anything like that. I've always been way too grossed out by that side of the chans. My fucked up internet kinks have never really changed since I was a kid on the wild internet.
The one I'm most ashamed of is being into fat women (like, really fat women, but not immobile tier, more like just on the cusp), feederism, and weight gain. In my fantasies I'm never the one gaining any weight of course, and I love to imagine it happening to traditionally hot girls. I'm pretty sure it stemmed from a combination of a childhood eating disorder and how many weight gain jokes were in popular cartoons (…fucking Totally Spies cookie episode…). TBH I think a lot of children's cartoons give people fucked up fetishes later in life, but that could also just be me being paranoid.
Other than that, I'm a fujoshi and much less ashamed about that. In particular I really love femboys, cute boys getting mindbroken and addicted to cock, traps, crossdressing, etc. Along with a small side of cum inflation, humiliation, cock comparison, large insertions, mpreg, double penetration, TSF, and other similar stuff.
My super vanilla boyfriend actually knows all about my weird fantasies and teases me relentlessly. I honestly recommend most anons talk to their SO about their kinks if you trust them enough/think they aren't too normie to understand. It's pretty liberating tbh.
No. 64105
>>64025I agree with you about children's cartoons influencing fetishes, actually. For example, some episodes of Teen Titans Go! on TV today are fucking weird. One I can remember off the top of my head is the Belly Bros one. Also the ones about Lady Legasus and Robin's obsession with his buns.
I had a furry/borderline bestiality fetish as a kid because I worshiped all the animated cartoon animals. They made them way too appealing. I wanted to boink Mufasa pleasekillme. These days I'm into totally vanilla sex so I don't know what changed.
No. 64155
can get pregnant with an IUD, anon. It's not common but it can happen.
No. 64230
>>55517Update: it happened! A few days ago I made my boyfriend cry while teasing him during non-PIV sex. It was a lot of touching/licking/etc. on his erogenous points and edging him during handjobs/blowjobs and even slapping. He hid his face so I didn't realize what was happening at first, but once I did realize I started comforting him, and he loved it. It was a couple of tears so it was perfect. He couldn't believe I "broke him" and he looked super cute so I really want it to happen again.
He also got me to cry a few days later as well. Tears during sex is pretty gr8 everyone.
No. 64234
>>64230thanks for introducing me to a fetish I didn't know i had
is the crying from sexual frustration or what?
No. 64235
>>64230thanks for introducing me to a fetish I didn't know i had
is the crying from sexual frustration or what?
No. 64283
>>64274Its pretty a common kink anon, don't feel ashamed! your bf just sounds like a really vanilla guy, it does sounds a little shocking to someone with no experience, try talking about it with again, i'm sure he must have aleast one kink he thinks is 'sick'
>he got me to cry a few days laterfuck I want that.
No. 64306
>>64237Thank you thank you :)
>>64235For him I think it was. When I would pull away he would get visibly frustrated. He got submissive to the point where he would thank me if I gave him any bit of release. For me, it was because of physical pain, especially the slapping.
No. 64339
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I've recently developed a thing for albino people. I think it started after reading this korean GL manhwa "White Angels Have No Wings".
There's something about pale skin + white hair + red eyes that I really like.
No. 64883
>>64864Dam I totally feel this and didn't even realize it lol
I like it when a guy is able to be touchy with other guys and not worry about his masculinity I guess. But he can also show that similar affection to a girl. It's kinda refreshing and definitely hot
No. 64891
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>>64864Same, but damn, my bf is bi (I am too, just for the record), but he's so uncomfortable about talking about it. I hate it, because he knows I would never judge him and actually think it's hot to imagine him with a guy, but I can't even get him to really admit that he finds dudes attractive. He can only admit that he finds dicks hot.
No. 64929
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In this thread I learned most women want to be Fritzl's daughter.
No. 65090
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>>65067Kek, I read it the same way at first too.
>>65040Hey I hear you anon. Can't wait until they start mass assembling these things. There's already some study going on where men and women have sex with robots.
No. 65114
>>65112does anyone remember that reddit redpill thread where some poster brought otome games to their attention and all the guys started raging out of jealousy that girls were playing dating sims too? one guy literally commented "women who play these games should go to jail" but its totally okay for thousands of dating sims marketed towards guys to be made. how extreme and hypocritical can one be.
talk about being overemotional.
No. 65196
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I, for one, welcome our new sex robots overlords.
Have you guys watched a British tv series called Humans? There are these robot servants that have an "adult mode". I can't wait for that to happen.
For those of you who like that idea, I recommend this visual novel, Sakuya (, and the Love U Bung drama cd series (one of those lewd dummy head mic stories).
>>65114I love otome. I'll be sure to tell that whenever I meet one of those losers.
No. 65198
>>65196Yeeees humans was a great show! I heard the original Swedish show its based had loads more sexy robot scenes, gonna have to watch that soon.
I think the robot brothels they had should become reality in the future lmao
No. 65200
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>>65114>>65196ugh, yes, i love otome, especially the 18+ CDs! imo theyre so much better than looking at porn because instead of just witnessing you can imagine it which is a lot more fun.
what's your fave ones btw? i like the doujin ones but namidame vol. 3 is one of my favs. No. 65233
>>65196Damn, thanks, anon. I've been super into robots since I first saw that movie, Artificial Intelligence, and am always on the lookout for similar stuff.
This scene in particular always drives me crazy
No. 65244
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I have a thing for manipulation, humiliation, and torture, but only for those I love to hate. If they're reasonably attractive and a total insufferable tool, then I love to see them suffer. I'm not too big a fan of blood or gore, so I love to see creative ways of making someone break down. Starvation, killing others they care about, waterboarding, force-feeding until vomiting, tickle torture, phobia exposure, sleep deprivation, rape, bladder holding until they can't, you name it. Seeing pricks get whats coming to them is so hot. I especially like it when I can insert myself in the situation and do this stuff to them myself. I can only fantasize about this stuff to characters, since seeing it in real life would be an instant turn off. Plus I feel really ashamed in general.
Pic related cuz he's my favorite to fantasize about, plus dat ending he got was so fucking hot
No. 65329
>>65233I want a robot bf so badly!!! When can we finally have them?
>>65196Thanks, farmer! I'll have something to readn & watch before going to sleep :3
No. 65374
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>>65198>I heard the original Swedish show its based had loads more sexy robot scenes, gonna have to watch that soon.Thanks, now I know what to watch next!
>I think the robot brothels they had should become reality in the future lmaoYeah, it's most likely. Too bad for human prostitutes, they'll have to find some other line of work.
>>65200I don't watch porn either ever since I found about these drama cds. Exactly, you can imagine whoever you want! It's weird I can't find a term for a lewd sounds fetish… I love listening to fapping and moaning recordings, it's simply the best porn material for me.
>spoilerMy current favorite is Love U Bung vol. 3
I used to be into yandere, and I was obsessed with the second volume of the YanEro series. But I got tired of that trope quickly…
Damn, that Namidame cd sounds great, thanks.
And thank the heavens for Soundcloud!
>>65233I loved that movie as a kid! That scene is quite something…
>>65329I'd say pretty soon, anon. At least in our lifetime. So, until we can have our robot bfs, let's keep searching for some good material. For research purposes, of course.
>tfw I still can't have my qt broken robot to take care of ;_;>pic related, it's Odi, from Humans No. 65383
>>65374> I'd say pretty soon, anon. At least in our lifetime.I sincerely hope so. I always had a thing for robots, this thread just reminded me. In fact, having a robot bf would be ideal.
> pic related, it's Odi, from HumansHe looks so adorable :3 I'm looking forward to watching the series.
No. 65385
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>>65382I just torrent all my stuff, including series. I just checked rarbg and eztv and they both have the series with decent seeding.
I googled the Swedish cast and it legitimately scared me. They look like store mannequins with super wide eyes and creepy smiles… So I think I'll pass on the Swedish version.
>pic related original Odi vs Brit Odi>>65383I hope you like it, it's a pretty good underrated sci-fi drama series. Plus, good looking synth humans.
No. 65387
>>65382>>65385Samefag but decided to include the links to reliable mirror sites because there are a lot of sketchy mirrors out there. (this one just opens tabs sometimes, I have to find a better one soon) No. 65394
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>>65196Yes, I need a robot bf now.
Have you seen the black mirror epsiode Be right Back?
Not quite robot, but its deals with a relationship between a woman and a artificial A.I., but its a bit sad.
No. 65418
>>54112You reminded me that i fantasize about being slightly drugged up so i can barely fight back. I like to put up a fight since i'm more of a spitfire type that doesn't let herself get dommed easily but i just love it.
Oh and also uniforms. Whenever I see female teachers,doctors,nurses,… i get really shy and bothered because I'm attracted to that. I kinda want to be fucked by one while wearing one myself. Also clothed sex is so much more attractive than entirely naked to me.
I'm not into ddlg/cgl/… (i don't like it at all) but i like to feel "small" sometimes or intimidated (by a stern woman,a really pretty and strong woman). I'll deseperately try to hide it but I'll struggle to not stutter or look away and feel my head getting all hot.
>>58687>love and being wantedseconding this
>>55390> kept and tied in the lab of a rogue scientist that wants to make studies on my body. Revolving mostly around how to make women cum. So I'm tied up in a cyberpunk-esque, dark laboratory attached to a lot of machines of different kinds. Soft, silicone-like tentacles or warm metallic robot attachments that vibrate a lot, while having my nipples in tubes that get sucked and massaged with a oil-liquid the entire time. sign me the fuck up oh my god.
>tfw no intimidating scientist grill to experiment on me and eventually get sweet with me No. 65421
>>65394I have, it was a very interesting concept, as usual. There is actually a project (or was, haven't been keeping up) trying to achieve that.
Black Mirror is great, one of my favorite series.
>>58687That's the main thing that attracted me to yandere guys (fictional, of course). But then they had to ruin it with the super possessive behavior, abuse and murdering heh…
No. 65425
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No. 65432
>>65428They're delusional and stupid honestly.
Also I think it's quite hypocritical how some of them want pure virgins when most if not all are disgusting perverts and have done it several times already. Or they're virgins, which is honestly no surprise given how some of them are absolute manbabies or incels.
>>65425Yeah I made this face several times too in this thread anon, don't worry.
No. 65436
>>65432t. can't stop giving it up when she's drunk.
>its quite hypocriticalNo it isn't. Women don't like virgins, not even virgin women.
Sexually successful men can demand whatever they like, and its not hypocritical, because there is no justice or morality in sex, and if you think otherwise you are lying to yourself, like most women.
>Or they're virginsIn which case its pretty reasonable for them to want a virgin, you are just trying to make them out to be as bad as you possibly, because like most women, you intuitively dislike virgins, lol.
Also, there is a nine out of ten chance that you are an adult baby, granted that you post on an imageboard.
No. 65454
>>55390> being kept and tied in the lab of a rogue scientist that wants to make studies on my body. Revolving mostly around how to make women cum. So I'm tied up in a cyberpunk-esque, dark laboratory attached to a lot of machines of different kinds. Soft, silicone-like tentacles or warm metallic robot attachments that vibrate a lot, while having my nipples in tubes that get sucked and massaged with a oil-liquid the entire time. W-Well I know what I'll be thinking about tonight in my bed now.
I don't know if I should thank you or damn you for giving me more shameful fetishes.
No. 65471
>>65456>>65455Your thinking is wrong, because they want women who will do those digusting things, but they don't want a long term relationship with her.
Also men would rather teach then have some other man teach her in the past.
Women think men are liberal open minded like themselves, but it's pretty rare. Men just pretend, men are not accepting, and love isn't enough for them.
No. 65498
>>65474L-LEWD. No but seriously, having someone who tells me how much they love me/want me is such a big turn on. Once I heard a sexy audio where the person is masturbating to you and at the end they say "i love you, i love you so much, i want you, i want to do so many things to you, i love you" when they're about to come and that made so flustered oh my god.
I just wanna be abducted by a tall,voluptuous woman in a uniform (nurse,scientist,teacher? Any) who's become obsessed with me and slowly mindbreaks me to make me hers and hers only.
No. 65500
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>>65498Hey anon, have you ever watched Nurse? It's a B horror movie but Paz de la Huerta pretty much tries to do what you're talking about.
No. 65507
>>65385>>65387Hey anon, I just wanted to thank you! I started watching the series and I love it.
>>65500>>65503I thought I'd just join the conversation and recommend this french movie: The acting is so-so but it gave me lots of material for late night thinkings, if you catch my drift. Basically, it's about a family friend that is obsessively in love with a young pianist who has to move in with her.
No. 65523
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School uniforms. I'm going to go in a bit deep but I know it stems from being single all throughout my school years (Britfag, we wear uniforms here ofc) and feeling unwanted whilst everyone else was experiencing their first 'relationships'. So I guess seeing that type of content I can put myself in that position and pretend like I haven't been single all my life. I love the pleated skirt, long sleeved white shirt and thigh high combo the most. In fact wearing any kind of over knee socks and skirt turns me on a lot
No. 65529
>>65505you should check out r/gonewildaudio!
all of yall should! its gr8!
No. 65566
>>65529Thanks, didn't know about this subreddit. I used to go on literotica and there are a few good YouTube channels like that too.
>>65534It's okay, I'm sure I'll find something similar!
No. 65591
>>65570Oh my god that sounds really hot. I'm not into degradation (or very light, being called names isn't my thing) because i'm kinda too proud for that but now I'm daydreaming about getting told "you're all mine" and things like that while they toy with me when i'm on the edge of cumming after trying to resist (i love resisting a little and being arrogant, saying things like "oh,is that so?" "make me" make things so much better for me)
>>65529I wish I could listen to some sexy audios but i get overly flustered listening to any of this kind of audio especially with a deep voice (i'm not attracted to guys,and this thing had me questionning my sexuality, but deep voices touch something in me i can't explain. Also females with a raspy voice send shivers down my back and make me do the same thing, i had shivers watching Steven Universe because of Jasper. I hide behind my hands and do little kicks with my legs and get some weird feeling in my stomach.)
No. 65599
More seriously, I wish I had a gf, it's been years because i'm too shy and nervous for another relationship/sex in general.
No. 65601
>>65385ahhhh no I didn't know the Swedish robots look like that fuck!
Too rubbery and uncanny valley for me, I prefer either extreme realism or subtle parts (like screws and gears) on my qt robot boys thanks
Also off topic but just in general humans is great underrated show and pretty much all the characters are good looking, I recommend it to all farmers
No. 65606
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This is fucking stupid but dudes with really strong hook/roman noses are a huge turn on for me? I don't know why I think it has something to do with me having a little flat azn nose and being really self-conscious about it, it's fucking weird.
pic related i have a dumb fantasy of andy samberg holding my thighs open and eating me out while his nose rubs against my clit
No. 65658
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>no fetish vs. kink wank in the threadthank god.
As for me, I have…a lot. tf+mind alteration/hypnosis, monsterboys and monstergirls, multiple limbs, light expansion, BDSM, and tentadicks are the big ones. I find it really hot when a character is in some situation in which they're slowly transforming into something else (preferably a qt monster) and have to deal with the mental and physical consequences of their body becoming less human. Bonus points if they end up preferring the new body to the old one.
If any farmers know of series (or even fanfic, I don't care anymore and I'm sick of reading the same shit over and over again) that involve something like this, even super tangentially, I would really appreciate recommendations.
>>65507>>65524I started watching it too, thanks so much.
No. 65680
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>>65595Nice! It would be even better if they added realistic body/slapping sounds.
One thing that I'm very salty about is how scarce porn is to women. Men get porn of every single fetish in the world (as in: it's obviously in a man's perspective). Even lesbian porn most times seems to be aimed towards a man audience. Example: I would like to see a POV video of a cute guy fucking you. Of course there isn't any, while you have 1 million of POV videos with girls getting fucked. There are also POVs with guys taking the d, so it's gay videos. So, still for men.
No. 65685
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>>65663I'm dying to know what happened to these crazy bitches. OG internet lolcows. Supposedly "Jenova" is into the Hannibal fandom now and narrator-chan is now a trans boy
No. 65749
>>65710Are you me? I'm not technically flat but i do have a small chest (and it's flat when i lay down). And I'm not really tall either. I always think about that when I touch myself
>>65717You sound so dreamy anon. I really hope my future gf is going to be like you. It's making my heart race just to think about the things you mentionned.
No. 65752
>>65685I think the vice article goes into that a bit? Not sure though, haven't read it in a year or so. Someone might know in that otherkin thread on /snow/
>>65710Me too aside from the bullying. Sideboob a best
No. 65786
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>>65717>tfw no tall, busty careerwoman gf to smother me with her heaving bosom and make me call her mommy while I suckle her titties as she plays with my clit>tfw all lesbians in my country are bony butch women with mustaches who like other bony butch women with mustaches, or fat 50 year old tranniesdeliver me Jesus
No. 65792
>>65749bruh everybodies chest is flat when they lay down.
i'm a 28a cup and i also want a busty gf. not like… instagram thicc. hate that lmao. just big honking knockers.
No. 65865
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Does anyone else have a DILF/GDILF fetish?
I had this teacher-crush thing happening during College. We used to flirt around, chat about politics and philosophy.
No. 65886
>>65884>i think it's mostly the feeling of power, it not being able to fight backdamn why not just tie the person up or something then anon.
>i also really enjoy the thought of taking a life during sex, seeing the life pour out of themyour post is actually unnerving and statements that notable serial killers have made.
No. 65927
>>65884Same here, anon. I actually do like them to fight back though (at first…) and struggle as much as possible before they finally die or give in. Seeing their eyes turn dull, feeling their skin turn cold, I love it even more if there's insects involved like maggots…It's weirdly hot. That and the angel's kiss. I remember reading a Q&A this actual female necrophiliac did and found it pretty relatable lmao.
>>65886>damn why not just tie the person up or something then anon. Can't tie someone up forever.
No. 65933
>>60337Me too. I'd personally love to be fucked by Ainsworth when he's transformed on all fours and what not. I also like size kink, so a massive monster towering over me while fucking me. UUUUNGH.
I need Jesus.
No. 65966
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>>65907I love tall guys sexually, but I'm probably even more turned on by tall females.
I adore the Game of Thrones actress who plays Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie).
These women are so rare in real life but since I've been around 11 years old I've dreamed of being pushed around, fingered or being facesit on by a tall, strong woman who is pretty.
I don't consider my sexuality that fluid, I don't even think I'm bi. I just like really tall strong women a lot. I've never seen one in real life though.
No. 65969
>>65965>Also, guys getting sick turns me on. Not the vomit itself per se, just seeing them throw up and looking really ill is hot to meoh thank god i thought i was the only one. wtf even is this fetish, i'm actually afraid of vomit/vomiting. for me i think it might have something to do with the implied aftercare involved, like they're weak and in a vulnerable position, and it's up to me to make them feel better…idk
also this isn't a shameful fetish per se, but it's really difficult to find porn where someone's getting a rimjob & getting their genitals licked at the same time, which generally makes me come in .5 seconds if i do come across it
No. 66034
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>>44407i love motorcross/motorbike/etc gear, the whole getup.
can't figure out what it stems from but every time i see a guy in motorbike gear [especially the helmet] gets me. [its horrible, but i was crossing the street when this guy pulled up beside me and nodded his head, i fucking wet myself]
No. 66165
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Damn I got hard reading this shit.
I would fuck the guts of every woman that wants a rough sex or even rape.
Although, it's not easy to find one like that in life. If I just knew you girls…
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Again, not sure if a fetish per se, but I really fancy pic related kind of attire. Breeches and long hair in low ponytails, yes. (I don't dig wigs very much, however. Black to light brown hair is god tier)
Today I was reading a book and this particular part featured a young general in the brink of defeat all bloody, muddy, clothes partially destroyed, all pumped up with adrenaline asking for an honorable death to his enemies. It got me all hot and bothered.
Of course, it has to be a young handsome man, no old farts reenacting the revolutionary war, please.
No. 66315
I've had a huge thing for shotas since I was in middle school. When I first got into h-manga so much of what I found featured gross old fat faceless guys that I started seeking out straight shotacon since I knew it would feature a cute boy of my own age. It's something I tried to break for a while, but I could never get rid of the feeling. I kind of accept it now, but I'm honestly rather ashamed of sharing it.
>>65902I know that pain ;-;
Gentle femdom is my biggest kink I'd ever have any possibility of enacting irl. I just wanna have a cute boy squirming and moaning in pleasure underneath me while I tease him and give him kisses.
No. 66348
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>>66303>>66314I gonna look into both of your recommendations anons, thanks! I wanted to watch Turn - Washington Spies for this sole reason, but everyone saying it's shit made me rethink it lol Specially because there isn't anyone in the cast that I think is super hot. Maybe I'll do it eventually.
Has anyone here played ACIII? Or Tyranny of King Washington? It also got me interested, I also like American (and french) Revolutionary History aside from the clothing lol
>>66308>>66313The guy in the Middle is Alexander Hamilton, or the 10 dollar bill dude, he's famous for having a big humped nose. The other two, it kinda depends on the artist's depiction (I mean, the first artists that painted them back in the 1700's), but I think the artist also like that type of nose kek
Pic related, another piece by her.
Also, I am happy the Hamilton play got super huge. Not only because I like it, but now I am hoping to see more movies/series/games/whatever based on that period. Speaking of musicals, I also like the period that Les Mis is based on, but I think it's more common in media anyway.
No. 66430
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>>66390>What do?I'm not sure, what other options are there really? Is fetlife even good for this stuff, or is it full of creeps?
No. 66472
>>66390>>66315Gfd isn't really a thing you find on fetlife because fetlife is more for harder bdsm whereas you want someone a bit more 'normie'. I've found that if you want a gfd partner then it's easier to just find someone that has the right kind of mindset and seems to be attracted to your dynamic (teasing them a bit etc) then introduce them into the things you want to try with them, or ask if they will do things.
Most people are into light bdsm play now anyway, so you don't need to go on fetlife. You just need to act out the dynamics outside of the bedroom and see if it they bite.
No. 67412
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>ctrl+f "robot"
>30+ results
I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants to fuck a hunk of metal lol
>tfw no vengeful cybernetic bf
No. 67434
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>>67414he's…hm…not really how i thought he'd look. why does he look like this cat without dramatic heavy shadows?
No. 68160
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I would love for a guy to lick all over my body. Well, not every area, mostly my neck, arms, and face. I want to feel someone's mouth and tongue against my skin.
No. 69251
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>>55469Not the scientist but the highwayman who grabs you out of the coach and rides off with you to sort-of rape you is a huge fantasy for me. It's something to do with the clothing, too, I think. Corsets and laces and buckles. Seventies romance novels are great spank fodder for this stuff, haha!
My real fetish is gerontophilia. Ever since I was a little girl, I've wanted to be with men who are much older than I was. When I was four and five I was crushing on people like Harrison Ford and people like that. Now that I'm an adult, I'm attracted to men who are at least sixty. I don't have a problem with eighty, even, as long as they're still fit. Which is maybe slightly different than most people's definition of fit, but…
I was a fixture at a local bar, and there was a guy there who was a daytime regular. He would always bring a book and drink one screwdriver. He had to drink one because his liver was bad, so he would nurse it all day long. Anyhow, I became friends with him as fast as I could, we actually became close, he was a widower and gorgeous and sweet and he had this great, gravelly voice. On his 73rd birthday we all threw a party for him and at this point I was completely in love with him. I jokingly asked him if I could sit in his lap and sing him happy birthday. He had to have known, I think I must have been really obvious but I did and it was so exciting that it was almost torturous. I was just snuggling into him and smelling this great pipe and bay rum smell, he always wore this cologne, anyhow, I was wriggling around and hugging him and he didn't get hard but he was holding my waist and I was super wet and it was amazing. My boyfriend at the time had no clue that I was getting off on it so bad.
He knew what I wanted, I'd gotten drunk because I was too scared to tell him otherwise, and I told him and he wasn't disgusted by it at all. He was an amazing kisser. I could practically come from that alone.
The horrible thing was that he died. It was out of the blue, he just stopped coming in one day it wasn't his liver but his heart. I was a wreck. I would have happily been with him.
It's sort of screwed me up in a way. This was six years ago, and I can't look at young men anymore. I miss him all the time, but the only people who even remotely catch my eye are all old men, like him.
Pic pretty much related.
No. 69296
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>>55469>>69251Wow, I'm sorry anon.
I have a pretty hardcore scientist/medical fetish, a professor fetish, and… maybe slight gerontophilia? Definitely mesophilia. I find certain 60+ men completely irresistible (Ben Horne!), but my preferred age range is 40s–late 50s. I can't look at men my own age either.
My boyfriend is a professor and medical scientist who is 30 years my senior. So I feel like I hit the jackpot, but I'm embarrassed to admit—and would
never admit to him—how much I fetishize these two aspects alone. Sometimes when I'm horny, I look up his talks on YouTube or one of his Coursera courses in lieu of porn. Pretty sure I would be more embarrassed if he caught me wanking to those than if he walked in while I was watching
actual porn.
No. 69312
>>69296You are so lucky. I envy you. If I could talk to you for a second?
It's hard because it was beginning to go somewhere. I broke up with my boyfriend for him.
He was so handsome. I know it sounds impossible–though you clearly get it–but he was. He had this big lion's mane of red and white hair and bright blue eyes. He had glasses. He smiled funny because his teeth were a tiny bit crooked and he was still vain about it, so he had this tight lipped smile. He dressed to the nines. I'm 5'6", and he towered over me. He was interested in people, loved to get to know everyone, had so many stories. He was amazing. He painted. I have one of his paintings. I like pears, and he did a still life of pears for me.
I was in love, and I know he cared about me and could have loved me, but his wife had passed away only two years prior to a horrible cancer so I was being respectful of that, thinking there was all the time in the world, right? I don't think he was able to know, inside, that yes, I was twenty six, and I genuinely saw him as funny and handsome and sexually viable. But he was getting there. He took a lot of pride in me, towards the end. We would go to dinner and he would be beaming at me, and he would say that he couldn't believe it was happening, or that he didn't understand why he was getting such a gift.
He was there one day and he wasn't the next, and it was just at the point where everything could have happened, and then he was gone. I went to the funeral and his family had no idea who I was or why I was there. I lost it for a long time after that.
I sometimes think of going into elder care in the hopes of meeting someone again but that feels predatory and wrong to me and I always change my mind. I don't want to hurt anyone. Part of me wants to care for older men, I don't know if that's sick, this is why the whole thing makes me feel so ashamed. That wasn't a part of this relationship, I didn't have to care for him, he was healthy until he wasn't.
Maybe I could do volunteer work in a place where older men congregate? I have no idea, but the thought of guys my age is gross to me.
I miss him so bad. Talking about this is fucking me up. I haven't told anyone this, ever.
No. 69317
>>69312I sort of know that feel anon. I have found it easier to befriend old men than men my own age. Why do old men appeal to you? For me, there are two main reasons I enjoy them. The first is their good manners. I was raised by conservative parents who taught me to always say please and thank you, never swear, and to keep my composure when others are irritating me. This has made it difficult to find a young man who acts similarly in today’s rude and raunchy culture. The second reason is that a lot of my favorite entertainment is old like Fred Allen’s radio show, the Honeymooners, swing music and old movies. I often think “if you were 20 years younger and I was 20 years older, we might have something” when talking to old men.
I think it’s a great idea to volunteer in a place with older people. It’s a good blend of being friendly with people while remaining task focused and somewhat businesslike. I volunteer at a local senior housing complex that offers group trips to the art museum, zoo, and history museum by helping get them on and off a handicap accessible bus and pushing a wheelchair around while having memorable conversations with them.
I’m glad you were able to bring happiness to that man’s life in his last years and you both enjoyed one another.
No. 69360
>>69251>>69296I don't have too much of a thing for older men, but I do have a thing for really intelligent people and esp. STEM people. I've had little crushes on professors before and don't think age is a big deal to me, but tread carefully.
My bf is an engineer and it's embarrassing how hot and bothered it can get me thinking about crossing that over with sex. Sometimes it feels like talking about our shared technical interests and hearing how smart he is just makes me want to bed him. We've both taken photos for each other that were sexual and involving that fetish. "Sapiosexual" stuff is cringey as fuck but tbh maybe I have a taste of that in me lel
I've thought about volunteering at an old folk's home because I like older people a lot. They're underappreciated and have a lot to teach us and tell us about.
No. 71150
Shit, more like what DON'T I have… God, I'm so fucked up. Here's an incomplete list.
Mind control, corruption, ganguro, futanari, tentacles, rape, monsters, cumflation, cock transformation, more standard transformation, overstimulation, biting and clawing, pred/prey, asphyxiation, collars, degradation, hard petplay, restraints, brain drain, impregnation/oviposition/breeding, human cattle, cannibalism, public teasing, cross-species, specifically turning into a feral beast-thing (like werewolves)… Help.
No. 71229
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>Breeding, creampies, gangbangs/multiple penetration or a combo of two or more
>Lesbian tribbing. Just anything involving lesbianism (I'm bisexual)
>Gay porn/shemale/futanari
>Montsers (especially if they look humanoid)/tentacles
>BDSM/hardcore (no gore/snuff)/Femdom/Lesdom
Things I'm into non sexually:
>Mind control/brainwashing
>Corruption is kind of a gray area (it depends on what type of corruption it is and what it's in).
It doesn't sound as bad as a lot of the other posters, but I may have a problem.
No. 71257
>>44496I laughed out loud
Holy shit
No. 71259
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I have a serious medical-play fetish. Im not super ashamed of it. My mom was one of those sick mothers that liked to exaggerate my medical problems, so I went to the doctors office a lot. I also had two broken bones, and a ton of dental problems, so yeah. Spent a lot of time under a surgeon light getting poked and prodded. The fetish started when I was about 10 and I broke my arm, and when the doctor was putting nodes on my chest and the gloved hand grazed my nipple. I started to get a little obsessed with gloves in all aspects, and I would go crazy over the 'mad doctor' in all movies, cartoons, shows, video games (Old World Blues in Fallout New Vegas, anyone?)
My boyfriend is pretty accommodating and finds it quaint compared to other fetishes, and does 'check ups' in bed on me. It's really cute actually. He'll ask me medical questions and give me a feeling up, we need to get proper latex gloves though.
No. 71268
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I have a lot of vanilla fetishes, but one thing that stands out (and I know this is so wrong) is I'm really really into the thought of corrupting little boys, especially the really super cute innocent ones. Right now it's just fantasies but when I was 16-17 I used to help out with kids and babysit a lot so I would make happy "accidents" where I would stumble onto them or get super close or put them in other awkward situations with me. That uncomfortable look on their face where they're like ":o wtf is this hag doing?????" is just PRICELESS.
I definitely (probably) wouldn't go so far as trying anything seriously with them but even hugging a kid tight or putting them on my lap in a motherly sort of way and patting on the head makes me excited for the rest of the day.
I need help.(get help)
No. 71285
>>71268…what the fuck is wrong with you.
I feel bad for the parents who trusted you with their sons, not knowing that some gross cunt was coming onto them.
Kinksters need to be put down.
No. 71299
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>>65902Same feel, I just want to buy things for him, tie his shoes, and cook for him. But unfortunately there are only a few cute femboys that are actually straight.
No. 71355
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There's just something so masculine and prim about military uniforms, especially the jet-black SS uniforms.
No. 71636
>>71625Maybe I'm kink-shaming but I don't advise you going through with this. Keep it as a fantasy. It can seriously damage your relationship. Seems fine when you think about it or watch it in porn, but translates poorly into real life, simply because people are such complex creatures … We often forget how many things happen in others' heads and how everything leaves an impact on them.
Sorry for this mild sperg, just wanted to warn you, in the end you'll do what you want.
No. 71668
>>71625I have the same kink, except I don’t have a boyfriend and have never had sex. There’s just something about being forcibly taken by a man who is bigger and stronger than you and who desires you so much he refuses to take no for an answer. Because you’re forced into it, are completely helpless and have no say at all, no one can blame you or call you slut or whore because it wasn’t your fault. I suspect this last part has to do with why I got into it when I was still young, because I genuinely thought that perversion was wrong and having sex makes you gross and dirty. It’s super irrational and any adult knows rape doesn’t work like that, but little me deluded herself into thinking that way. Now I can’t get out of it.
I can pretty much only get off to reading non-con stories/having rape fantasies and it’s been like that since I was a preteen (fantasizing about kidnapping and being forcibly touched by older men, being tied up and gagged etc even before I knew what sex was). Makes me wonder if I was sexually abused as a child and just can’t remember it.
Apologies for spergy rant. It’s weird to try to put into words.
No. 71784
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i want to choke out a native american man and make him cry (yes i know, dont post that highway trash advertisement). maybe because they're so stoic? i can't get off the same way with white guys
No. 71786
>>71625I admitted this to my bf and we've done it a few times, down to the beating/bruising and all that extreme stuff.
Problem is he uses it against me now. He trolls me about the whole 'if women say they hate rape, why do you all etc etc?'
No. 71796
>>71668>>71674Another anon, I have the same fucked up sexuality. It made me feel like shit cause real rape, kidnapping etc. are horrifying and I want justice for women who went through them.
A few times I looked for hentai djs with rape and stuff and I ended up crying so hard after reading them. I came, but they made me feel like I should be raped and abused. I think this might have been my self-harm tendencies hijacking my sexuality.
Since I have a loving boyfriend 've lost most of those fantasies, so idk. I mean they still appeal to me, I just don't have them anymore. I feel relieved. Tho I lowkey would still like to roleplay with my bf someday, though neither of us could be serious about it.
No. 71799
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I've always viewed human skeletons out of fascination but as of late it's become a bit more addictive than before and being someone that has seen a lot and becoming sexually dead i ended up masturbating to the though of a male skeleton doing me and it got me off like nothing else, of course it comes off as a drawing instead of a real human skeleton but i've never though it would come down to me fiddling myself to a fucking skeleton, should i be worried?
No. 71823
>>71786First of all, dump him. What the fuck.
Then consider reflecting on why you're having rape fantasies and maybe try working on yourself. Not trying to bully you or anything but preferences do change, believe me.
No. 71962
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Being dominated by a drag queen or tranny. Not like super aggressive/BDSM sex but more like gentle dom/sub stuff.
No. 71965
>>71960Same tbh, but does this count as a fetish?
it feels like my type doesn't get old, ya get me? Somehow it might got stuck in my teenage years.
It's not like I'm attracted to teenagers, because if a guy wears "teenage fashion" I can tell his age and my brain is like ok lol nope, and I feel nothing. But when he dresses more ambiguous or aren't with loud idiotic friends, my brain can't tell if it's a boy or a delicate man I guess.
Like, my friends lust over Chris Evans or Tatuum and I like Asa Butterfield more.
No. 71984
>>71796chances are, it's basically the self-harm talking. Self-harm has a tendency to do that.
That said, my "shameful" fetish is ageplay and ddlg. I don't mind mdlg either but they aren't something I'd admit to a partner. My current partner knows and is fortunately very accepting but I don't think I'd tell any future partners because they might think that I want to fuck kids/that my partner wants to fuck kids. I hold no attraction towards nor have I ever considered doing something like that towards a kid. I'm only interested in adults (and I personally have a preference for older men and women) yet people constantly equating ageplay and ddlg/mdlg = pedophilia makes me wonder sometimes if my attraction to adults is somehow pedophilic.
No. 71997
>>71268I speak on behalf of 99% of men and boys everywhere, it's literally ok when attractive women do this.
There is no "psychological trauma" this will cause.
Quite the opposite, it will be nostalgic to them. For men, sexual childhood memories are usually some of the happiest memories many of them have.
It's only women who make everything over-dramatic, and want victim status for life, and all the perks that come with being a victim.
i see so many anons get upset that a partner is watching porn. like it may actually not be about the actress but about the fact that people are fucking in general. watching porno while having sex with my fiance makes for some really great sex.
we all know we watch it but it still remains so taboo. since doing that, he has even sheepishly admitted that if i suggested pegging he would let me. omg yes… ive always wanted to peg a guy and now i may have a chance.
>>72021ung yes! ive had super amazing orgasms with a full bladder or letting go during.
No. 72326
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I'm turned on by the thought of being raped, humiliated, verbally abused and tossed in the gutter by a strong man, which shouldn't be too unusual for this thread.
The thing is, though, I'm one of the co-leaders of my university's feminist society and every year we get invited by the student union to talk to freshers about serious issues like campus rape.
The cognitive dissonance seriously fucks you up.
No. 72364
I don't know if I'm exactly ashamed of my fetishes, I just see them as a reflection of psychological issues.
90% of the time when I'm driven by pure arousal and wanting to get off I'm into body horror, transformation, forced pet "play", degradation…to summarize it, being on the receiving end of things depriving me of humanity, both in a physical and emotional sense.
And then, the remaining 10%, I'll be into pet play (proper one this time), sweet words, gentle domming (receiving), all that kind of mushy stuff.
In both cases though, it seems to be all about losing control and having someone piloting my strings. Something about the thought of not being responsible for my own actions and having to please a dom as my only job feels arousing and reassuring at the same time.
No. 72369
>>72326Two separate things.
You want to engage in 'consensual' non-consent with a man you find attractive, in a setting you like, during a mood you want to be in, with securities like knowing he doesn't have an STD.
You don't want to be raped by a stranger who you may not find attractive, in a setting that scares you, during a time when you're not turned on, when you don't know if you could get an STD/pregnant, without your consent to do so to begin with.
There's really no cognitive dissonance. They're completely different things.
No. 72371
>>72369there clearly is dissonance. we want to prove that women don't want to be treated badly by men we love
this thread should be nuked
No. 72386
>>72381why do you think i'm insecure? were you under the impression that i want to fantasize about rape but am not letting myself do it?
your whole argument is pretty retarded, because the trend of sexualy degrading women clearly comes from men. it is not liberating, it is comformist behaviour. speaking of the need to be dominated as being "a primal sexual urge" for women is also retarded as heck, because fetishes are socially constructed. this is why sexual practices and preferences vary immensely depening on the geo-historical location
No. 72466
>>72369I don't know about her, but if your fetish happens to be of the non-consensual variety then thinking about it along those lines completely kills any arousal you might have had.
Some people are better than others at getting into character, but the reason many people don't even try to act these out with an accomodating partner is that there's no hotness to be had in a badly acted farce.
It doesn't only go for rape, pretty much every kink of the forced variety will be pretty much impossible to experience in a safe environment without obliterating 90% of the fun. Which is why you keep it a fantasy.
No. 72487
>>72476Right? I'm the original anon she replied to but I haven't bothered responding because I don't know if I can help someone who doesn't know the difference between foreplay and real life.
Sounds autistic.
No. 72509
>>44407I'm really into
>full body liquid inflation>inanimate transformation>body horror>extreme weight gainI want to somehow do these to another girl, like a bizarre dom/sub thing. I absolutely can't tell my partners, it's all too embarrassing and bizarre, my ex gf was put off by my fat fetish, and I didn't even tell her how extreme I like it. I've been masturbating to this since I was little before I even knew I had a vagina or went on the internet and I've never been abused so who knows why. Things that scared other children turned me on.
No. 72569
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>>72562yes! When my mental health was bad I had so many fantasizes about being degraded into an object, having control taken away from me, being helpless and things like that. I was even into ageplay for a while before I knew what it was (it was mostly called infantilism back then). Of course if you would have told me at the time it was rooted in trauma I would have argued to death why you were wrong, but after lots of therapy and figuring myself out I feel much more mentally well and those things don't appeal to me anymore. I feel stronger in myself and the things that I wanted (feeling worthless, helpless, needing to be taken care of) don't appeal because I feel like I can do those things for myself now. It's hard for me to find the fantasies sexy anymore because they just remind me of the voids I was trying to fill, instead of something that I liked or wanted.
No. 73002
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>>44407Well yours is pretty intense OP but I'm sure you can find the right person to tell one day. Pic related is mine. Basically for really ugly men. I'm ugly as hell myself btw.
No. 73003
>>73002And I had it before I even used the internet. I personally didn't have access to the internet till I was 19. But when I was a kid I was obsessed with the Hunchback of Notre-Dame (Disney movie version); and later as a teenager around 14 The Phantom of the Opera book and The Elephant Man.
I'm not normal in other ways. I was molested as a child and it was pretty bad. It gave me a pretty bad phobia/fear of most men and 'Chads'/normies.
No. 74113
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I'm really into humiliation and femdom i guess? I'm short so I'd like a tall, buff man to be forced into submission, slapped around, being dragged around by his hair. Sitting on his face while ignoring his dick or desires. pushing him up against walls and grabbing his cock and laughing at it. choking him during sex. pegging. making him blush and cry and whimper and beg for me to stop.
too bad every guy who is into femdom only means
>i want the woman on top
>i like when women aren't dead fishes in bed
>i secretly want to be pegged
No. 74121
>>74113>last paragraphWhat the fuck are you talking about Anon. A lot of guys into femdom would want exactly what you described and more.
Do you follow any submissive men/dominant women tumblrs? Submissive guys are an actual thing.
No. 74122
>>74121Lol yeah they exist, but they are rare. And many of them are weird sissy/leather/rubber fetishists as well if they actually are submissive.
Speaking from experience, many claim to like a dominant woman, but when you try to choke, spank and drag them around a bit, they whine about actually only wanting you on top to do all the work.
No. 74123
>>74122I guess I can't talk much about experience because I got super lucky and when I realized I loved femdom my boyfriend was super open to being submissive and now he absolutely loves getting shackled and pegged and he's super obedient.
Hope some time you find an actual submissive man who loves to get thrown around instead of fuckboys who don't know what they're in for, Anon.
No. 74168
>>74121i guess just in my personal experience, my encounters have been disappointing regarding femdom.. they assure me that they like dominant women, and when i'm even a little rough they feel emasculated and want to stop lol.
>>74134I think it's more fun for it to be a reversal of power, which imo means the guy is strong, looking tough on the outside, but not mentally strong. even better when he is physically restrained so he doesn't have the option to fight back.
No. 74335
>>72569>When my mental health was bad I had so many fantasizes about being degraded into an object, having control taken away from me, being helpless and things like that.Feeling this. When I'm going through my depressive episodes I'm really into petplay, lowkey abuse, noncon and mindbreaking. When I get better, I'm more into vanilla stuff.
>>72311even when being anonymous I'm ashamed of admitting to being like this too
That being said, I'm a huge fujoshit and it's made me like femdom. I like waching males get humiliated and degraded.
and I get a massive kick out of dressing up as a yaoi boi god i hate myself No. 74400
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I'm into femdom and I'm curious how much of it is related to my fear/sometimes hatred of men.
>>65606>>holding my thighs open and eating me out while his nose rubs against my clitgod yes
No. 74430
>>74356I would never tell anyone this but I used to lactate even though I wasn't pregnant and didn't have anything else going other than a boyfriend who loved sucking on my nipples. He did it so often and for so long that I guess it just started, though I'd heard about girls being able to lactate without being pregnant I didn't really think it was possible idkw?
Anyhow I broke up with him two years ago and it's kind of awful because my new bf doesn't care for it to the extent the old bf did. I miss it and didn't even realize I liked it that much, but now, wew.
It's still like that, I don't have to do much for it to happen. I've seen some scenes in movies where the guy is spending a lot of time on the girl's nipples and ugh I can feel it ready to come, it's crazy.
No. 74431
>>74430try inducing on your own! its a pretty fun process. you can always toss the resulting milk or donate it to mothers who arent producing enough for their newborns. I'm currently taking domperidone which is known to help increase supply without being dangerous to whoevers drinking the milk- the dose that comes through breastmilk is only a fraction of the dose they give to newborns for acid reflux and it hasnt been observed to have any negative side effects. there are a few studies showing that it may have a correlation with heart problems, but the studies were done on 70+ year olds that were already on a cocktail of meds with preexisting health conditions. overall pretty safe and low risk if it's something you enjoy!
sorry for the long post, it's a topic of interest :P
No. 74437
>>74431I still do produce milk! I guess I wasn't totally clear, it never stopped. Like I was saying, if I watch a movie where there's a lot of nipple play and I'm excited, I sometimes start lactating. I don't know, but I wish my current bf was interested in it. I think not having it done for a while sort of helped cement it as a fetish in my head?
I didn't know that I can donate to moms who need it. It's still nutritional? I guess I thought it wouldn't be as…I don't know what I thought. I guess I feel kind of weird about that. It's gotten so sexual for me that I would be really uncomfortable with the idea of breastfeeding my child. It's kind of sad in that regard.
No. 74440
>>74437I'm really squicked out by men sucking my nipples, it hurts and is uncomfortable. And reminds me too much of breastfeeding a giant baby. In that I understand why you wouldn't be comfortable breastfeeding an actual baby if you enjoy it with a man. In a sorta opposite way to my view. I think it's pretty cool that you
do enjoy it!
What do the guys think of the fact you are lactating?
No. 74455
>>74430omg, i love that you posted this.
i want to induce because i'm really into the idea of being able to lactate. i was able to get a few squirts of milk after a few days of trying to induce with a machine, but how easy is it to induce if he suckles for like 20 min a day a few times a day?
do you leak milk when you're turned on? that seems cool as hell. have you seen any difference in your breasts? a lot of women associate lactating/feeding with droopiness, but science seems to say that it's pregnancy that actually causes ptosis. would you agree with this? have you seen any major changes in them, aesthetically?
thank you in advance for answering any of these questions, if you do!
>>74440not that anon, but i told my fiance i thought it'd be cute if i started lactating and he could sometimes suckle from them during foreplay and whatnot, and eventually he started getting really into it. i think men are pretty receptive to it, generally, when it isn't associated with pregnancy, because the idea of like, grabbing your breast and seeing milk drip down/getting breasts wet during sex or foreplay, is kinda hot. the association with feeding your literal child might be a boner killer though, because i see a lot of dads weirded out about trying their wife's milk (idk why, it seems pretty cool to me). and think about it, it's like naturally oiling/wetting your breasts/body. imo, i doesn't seem too weird if you're like on top of him, straddling him, and he kisses and suckles/drinks some while you're straddling him, or riding him, imo.
shit would probably be weird if your bf wanted to put on diapers and have you cradle him while he suckles and drinks, though.
No. 74534
>>74463It was a three and a half year relationship, so there was a good two years of suckling, I guess. It seemed to be what he liked right away. My boobs aren't very big, I'm a 36b but he liked my body a lot. I have kind of a poochy stomach, but I'm slim and I have hips. I'm not trying to be self important but I think my breasts are nice looking. They're high up and firm, and the color and shape of them is good, I think. He said that he liked that his hands fit them perfectly. He could palm them, and he would slide the nipples between his fingers and press on them and then start suckling. I came a few times from it. It took a long time but it was so exciting. It's hard to describe.
He also let me peg him. I didn't like that so much but it made him happy, so I did it, because it was exciting to watch him. This might sound funny because it was a straight het relationship all the way, but when he was excited like that he looked so hot. So I didn't mind doing it. Eh, looking back I guess I really loved him.
>>74455I sometimes do leak when I'm really excited. When I'm watching porn where the man is really fixated on the woman's nipples I can feel it getting ready to come out and then I start leaking. It's not all the time, though. Once you start lactating it's very easy to keep going, or at least that's been my experience.
>>74528I had a microadenoma in my pituitary gland which caused it. It was very small and it spontaneously remitted, either that or it became too minor to be seen any longer on MRI's and other than lactation I am asymptomatic. At first I was scared I was pregnant, then they told me it was either a liver problem or the pituitary, it turned out to be the pituitary. Anyhow, the lactation never stopped.
tbh I miss having someone who wants or desires or w/e that part of me. It's kind of funny, I never cared about it before, and now I want it back all the time and fantasize about it. I keep trying to talk to my current bf about it but he doesn't care or it's just not his thing. I think that he thinks it's messy. So I keep it happening myself by playing with my nipples and watching porn or gifs of nipple play and honestly it's lonely haha.
No. 74535
>>74440Samefagging, sorry. The first guy I was with, the one I broke up with, he loved it. He liked the way it looked and tasted.
My new boyfriend could care less. I have a couple of guy friends I've told and they always ask a lot of questions about it and I think they think it's interesting, by that I mean to say that they'd prob be more into it than my current.
No. 75418
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I'm into Stepfordization. All I want is to find a guy who wants to be Stepfordized. For me, it's really hot for a guy to be feminine and do all the cleaning. I want a guy to comprehend that he can always use my credit card to buy all the clothes, shoes, bags, and makeup he wants to present himself in a way I love him. I can blame this for the profession I'm in. It's in a male dominated field and they are all incredibly misogynist. They all want trophy wives who would carry their brood only to dump them when they get older.
…I just want a drive a sportcar with Cardcaptor Sakura decal on my way home from work only to learn that he burnt the roast for dinner and to grow old with him.
No. 75421
>>75418Damn anon, same! I'm not really sure why you're ashamed, though. Unless you feel somehow like those coworkers who see their partners as objects. I think as long as love is actually involved it doesn't matter, regardless the gender of the breadwinner.
I hope we can both find sweet househusbands someday!
No. 75464
>>75418Same, Anon. I’ve never been into feminine men, but “Stepfordizing” a masculine, egotistical man in order to get him to submit to me is the ultimate shit.
I was ashamed of this I met my husband, who is lovely and manly and enjoys being stepped on by me; this isn’t a kink you gotta fret over.
>CardCaptor Sakura sportscarlmfao so cute <3
No. 75624
>>75547>submissive women are brainwashed into their sexual preference by men>being submissive = being treated like shit the manhating thread is leaking again. You know you can have sexual preferences without them having to be part of a gender war?
Anyway, my shameful fetish is being forced to hold my pee until I can't anymore, preferably in public or around people I know.
No. 75761
-Hypermasculine men.
-Pegging and men's butts in general.
-Tattoos. I once knew a guy with a cross on the back of his neck and it drove me absolutely insane.
-Men in bondage and bondage gear.
-Men with facial hair, especially handlebar moustaches, soulpatches, and goatees. Sideburns are love.
-Getting my feet licked.
-Big hands. Not yaoi-style, mind you, but calloused and sausagey dadhands, like he's been working outside all day.
-Dirty men. I went out with a mechanic once and I loved when he would come over stinking like diesel and covered in oil. I especially love washing them off in the bathtub.
-Men getting too fat to fit in their clothes, especially if my cooking is the culprit.
-I legit have this recurring fantasy of getting fucked by a giant, leatherbound, hairy, scary skinhead with nazi tattoos. So trashy, but so sexy. I honestly don't feel bad about it but I would never tell anyone unless it was a giant kinky skinhead who wanted to fuck me. I have to wonder if non-white people have this fantasy, and how many. Maybe a lot because it's taboo. Who knows???
-Big cocks. I feel bad because it's not like it's something you get to control, but my first lay had a big cock and I've been forever tainted by it. Your cock must be at least six inches to get on this ride, unless you have the body to back it up. I mean I'm legit so turned on by fat men's jiggly rolls and mantitties that I can get off just by humping their bellies or thighs. There is such a thing as too big though. When it comes to cocks that is. I don't think I'll ever lay a 750 pound behemoth of a man because hygiene, but I've been turned on by some pretty fat fucks before, even though I should probably be scared lest they try and eat my snack-sized self.
I expect people to call me a normie even after reading my fatassies lol, I'm not really into powerplay but if it comes into the picture I like to be the one in charge. Men begging me to fuck them and being made to crossdress is a definite turn-on, even when it's one of the big scary mofos I love so dearly.
No. 76886
>>76885as a feminist (not those sjw/tumblrina type and not "radical" either but y'know), same. I really feel you sis.
I just love being submissive. Or even better: trying to top only to miserably fail and get punished for it. Being treated like a pet or a doll is pretty hot too in some ways.
I am so fucked up and I hate myself.
No. 77059
>>76919It'll smell musky right after a man showers, but it'll be perfectly clean. Do it, but right after a shower?
No. 77061
>>77059Same. What do you love about it?
Mine is just when my SO says things about it (dirty talk like "i'm gonna breed you like a little bitch,my little bitch" or "i'm gonna impregnate you, cum deep inside your womb and fill you all up") while thrusting deep into me then shooting warm cum inside until it's dripping out. That and just losing control to the point where i'm just drooling from being fucked so hard and filled up.
I actually don't get off the pregnancy bit at all,it's actually scary but thank god we're both unfertile
No. 77153
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Basically same things as
>>74113 + fucking old men. When I was a child, I remember being attracted to judge Claude Frollo (pic related).
Always been sexually attracted to Alan Rickman too
No. 77399
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>>77061A lot of it is that I really do want children. I think he'd be a great father. I want to waddle around in a dress and call him over to feel it kick.
But what I really like is the primal aspect. He's big and strong. He makes me feel protected and safe. I like when he has his way with me. I love when he leaves me dripping with his cum.
No. 77400
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im not really ashamed of these, but i do think they are considered really weird for a girl to be into so im gonna post anyway.
traps (only crossdressers tho, not actual transgenders, pic related)
men crying
school uniforms
thigh high socks on men
i also like imaging myself with a cock and fucking a man/straddling a man's chest and thrusting into his mouth, so …yeah.
these things all probably came from me being a dirty fujo so i guess thats the shameful part, kek
No. 77429
>>77400S A M E
(except for maybe for the pegging since I don't think I have the stamina)
I get wanting to have a peen tho, they're a little bit easier to work with
No. 77437
>>77429yay, someone who shares my fetishes lol
i doubt i'd ever peg someone irl, most straight guys probably wouldnt be into it anyway
No. 77466
>>77400>>77429>>77438Samefagging after a few months, but damn same. Especially the idea of actually having a dick.
Although we'll never get to experience feeling inside a guys ass for real, there are strap ons that can at least simulate cum. That's one of the big reasons I'd want a penis myself, cumming on a guys stomach/face seems really nice. Toys made for trans men are also pretty realistic and apparently feel like the real thing for whoever is on bottom, even if the prices are steep.
In the end, straps are probably superior to having a real one since there's no chance of erectile dysfunction and actually deriving pleasure from a phallus may impede speed/technique, hypothetically. Variety is also nice.
>tfw no qt sub bf so I have no excuse to collect strap ons yetand sage bc I have no shame over this particular fixation.
No. 77470
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>cumming on a guys stomach/face seems really niceGURL
No. 77608
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being owned,mindbreaking (fighting against your dom only to eventually completely give in and cum again and again,saying lewd things),impregnation/breeding.
I just love fighting and being a brat only to be fucked in a mating press,with my collar tugged as i repeat obediently what i'm made to say until my tongue sticks out as i cum.
It's so lewd and shameful but my dom/SO makes me go crazy
No. 77611
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I love men in corsets so much, also I want to dominate a muscolar dude/deny him to cum until he begs me, rub my crotch all over his face while I stroke his dick and cum on his face over and over. Also stuffing my panties in his mouth when I finally make him come so he does not make too much noise, spank him, embarass him, make him piss himself etc…
No. 77618
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i hate hybristophiliacs so much, but the thought of turning a super crazy violent guy submissive is so hot to me.
No. 77652
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>>77608ughhh same!
I alway fantasize about being a human pet living in a huge, lavish house filled with expensive BDSM equipment with a bunch of other 'pets' and service subs with our own private rooms owned by a rich older guy master/daddy. At first being unsure about staying there and doing lewd things but broken/trained(!) into loving it. Doing whatever he says even if its not what im into. I think about being his favourite pet in secret too and sleeping curled up at the bottom of his bed. Its like a 24/7 lifestyle, I even think about going to the store with him to buy ingredients to make cute cakes and shit with a hidden vibrator, or wearing a locking collar whilst he has the keys around his neck on a chain. That plays into public humiliation too, people looking at us thinking 'what the fuck, is that her dad or something? hes so much older…'
Even non-sexual stuff like becoming friends with the other pets and staying in each others rooms doing silly sleep over stuff, Ive thought it through pretty deeply haha. Going to BDSM clubs/parties and being introduced as a guys pet and everyone fussing over how cute and obedient I am, asking if they can pet or play with and me, and having to go off with them because he says so. uggghh
No. 77656
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I want to be the owner of two masculine petplay puppy boys. Have them wear cute floppy dog ears, cute buttplug tails and collars. Have them sleep at the foot of the bed or in a dog bed. Have them live to please me, or play with eachother to amuse me and turn me on. Pamper them with pettings and grooming, and making them delicious meals (which they will eat from dogs bowls on the floor). Give them leashed walkies and feel protected by two big hot guard dogs.
(It just plays into all my kinks. Femdom, petplay, gay, humiliation, care taking, worship and anal play)
No. 77690
>>77652Replace that by a woman (and the fact that i already have a mistress/gf) and we're the same on this one.
I honestly thank heavens everyday to have a girlfriend who's dom af and into that. We definitely did the vibe thing once while i was doing chores and she was at work, u g h.
I sleep in her arms though even though she teased me about getting a cage and i told her to heck off.
No. 77755
>>77656All of them minus the petplay. I just want a dude that I can treat like a princess and bully him wherever I feel like it.
Man being a dom as a woman it's almost unattainable
No. 77758
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I wish I could meet a man who's okay with being called degrading names while I pleasure him and take care of him without him being a slimy sub male.
I want to hold a cute guy agains my breast and watch him squirm and moan with an ashamed look on his face but I've never met a real male sub who turned me on, they're always extremely entitled and creepy and they think being a sub mean laying around while I take care of them, no you also have to pleasure me and take some initiative…
Xiumin really bring out those feelings, he is so cute and precious and he seems kinda slutty. They way they do his makeup make his eyes look huge and feminine, such a turn on.
No. 77767
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>>77758I'm ashamed about liking this
>I want to hold a cute guy against my breast and watch him squirm and moan with an ashamed look on his faceespecially this oh my god, there's something really great about seeing a needy guy squirm and beg
No. 77780
>>77758>>77767I have the same sort of fetish but I also want to breastfeed a guy like that.
I really hate myself.
No. 77805
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>i've been into ddlg since i was 14, but it could literally be from the csa i was a victim to 4-9??
>anyway, my current bf is 26 to my 19 and he vehemently HATES ddlg. the closest we get to ddlg is him calling me "little one" and telling me i'm a "good girl" when he know i'm cumming.
>obviously i'm ashamed of this both because of his hatred of the kink and with how much half the internet hates ddlg as well.
>but there have been a couple times that i have almost called him "daddy" while cumming
>the ddlg community is also so fucking cringeworthy.
>i also have rape fantasies sometimes that i know he might fulfill if i asked him, because he's dommed/punished me before and seemed to like it.
>along with the rape fantasies, i love the idea of being pregnant. not forcibly, just getting pregnant by my bf and having him dote on me and kiss my belly and stuff. he even told me the other day that he can't wait til the day he gets me pregnant. and when i start to feel bad about gaining weight as a recovering ana, he just tells me that my belly is where our kid will be one day.
>very into public sex but my city is so densely populated that i'm terrified of getting caught and arrested.
>i love begging and orgasm denial but i always feel like most men want to get off and that them teasing me for that long would bore them. i want a bodywand for this exact reason, so that my bf wouldn't get carpal tunnel or anything.
>i love being smacked around, especially across the face, during sex but i know if it were ever done as hard as i'd like that there would be a bruise and someone would cry abuse.
>i've gotten off to the thought of my boyfriend fucking me while i'm fast asleep, though i know he'd never do it.
No. 77961
>>77948youre extremely lucky
i'm too self respecting enough to pay somebody/be a paypig/whatever but god it gets me mad seeing people go "i only just find subs who are lazy and don't like pleasuring me etc etc", i don't know how subs like that even find people. whatever though, it's my fault for hiding and not acknowledging that i'm a sub publiclyi sincerely hope you enjoy your guy and make a lot of money though anon
No. 78009
>>44407>>44412This, basically. I want to be kidnapped (by my husbando of course) and basically tortured and stockholm syndromed into loving him. Like the idea of him using pleasure specifically, being really sweet and nice and me falling for it because I've never been romantically loved. It's also about belonging to him and being his, specifically his one and only. Something that turns me on is having him chop/saw off all my limbs so I'd be totally helpless and nothing but an object for his love and desire… or having him kill me really soft and romantically ("I love you so much baby, so that's why I have to do this, I'm sorry" as he slits my throat) and then keep my body to use as a sex doll, kissing my cold lips and stroking my hair… mmmmm. Recently I was thinking about him starving me until I'm skinny enough for him and weak with hunger (cause I'm a landwhale).
I know all of this comes from my low self-esteem and desire to be loved, but whatever.
What I noticed recently is that when it comes to stuff I can do in real life, I'm actually pretty vanilla. I don't like anal, or deepthroating, or facials.
Also - on the more vanilla side, something that turns me on is the idea of ritual sex. i.e., we are both young adults in a pagan/pre-civ community and we are married and must have sex, not even to conceive. Like the "hieros gamos", the idea that I am a representation of the Earth Goddess and he is the god-consort… I find pretty hot.
No. 78015
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I want to rape roleplay with my bf(I don't have a bf atm so probably future bf)
I mean rape is the most horrible thing that can happen to a woman and I don't want it to happen for real but just the thought of being in someone's absolute control and stripped by force makes me wet asf
No. 78392
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I have an animal crush fetish. I like it when people torture and kill cute animals like kittens.
No. 78430
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>>77758You're 100% right. Why are male subs out there always really tall, spindly and creepy? I just want a cute small sub to pamper.
If we're talking kpop, definitely 2012-2013 Suho, though. He's so awkward, imagining a guy like him just stuttering and asking for you to comfort him/pleasure him turns me on.
No. 78434
>>78430Yes, he is such a qt and it's endearing how straight edge he seems to be. He's giving strong
good boy vibes.
No. 78439
>>78434He's probably a huge pervert IRL lmao. Nut in every video I've seen, he's just so… earnest. Like, you can't fake that shit unless he's a really good actor. And I've seen his movie and Exo Next Door, he's really not good at acting.
My biggest fantasy is to edge a guy like this until he's crying with overstimulation. IDEK what's wrong with me.
No. 78458
Not a sexual fetish, but sometimes I fantasize about beating the shit out of a toddler. I just feel like hurting some helpless little shit would make me feel so good.
Personally I find this video SO satisfying, words can't describe it. I a monster lmao?
No. 78459
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No. 78464
>>78461Yeah, they're most likely incel robots thinking it's so funny to embarrass themselves.
Or maybe they have a humiliation kink because we all think they're pathetic little worms.
No. 78574
>>78531Don't feed the baiters, anon.
>>78522Please go, we don't want your kind here.
No. 79142
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>>77758>Xiumin really bring out those feelings, he is so cute and precious and he seems kinda slutty. They way they do his makeup make his eyes look huge and feminine, such a turn on.Lol, but i agree. He seems like he might be down for a lot.
No. 79196
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I guess this isn't that shameful but I had this really vivid sex dream once where this cute guy wanted to fuck me but we couldn't (specifically because we didn't have a condom and it was the apocalypse, so we didn't want to have a baby lol dream logic) so he fingered me while humping my leg and we both had to be quiet because there was a literal gray alien right outside the door and we couldn't alert him to our presence. First dream in years that made me orgasm in my sleep and I can't stop thinking about it.
>tfw your fetish is desperate apocalypse sex
No. 79207
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>>77758this is the good shit
I found one of those audio/x listener things with a dude getting hot and bothered over just being kissed and asking for you to sit on his face
was great but it is frustrating how a lot of recordings like these are directed to mostly gay men. Like, man I want to do this stuff too
I want a dude to whine about how he really needs to cum and how much he wants me lmao
I want to add cosplay which isn't that shameful, but with all those embarrassing videos people upload of them kissing eachother I can't help but feel guilty about wanting to make out with someone dressed as a character
No. 79226
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>>79196hot tbh. I want to be dominated by a woman that looks like the woman in the middle.
No. 79240
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rapeplay and necroplay is the shit. i've always wanted to rape a guy while choking him to near death, also slipping a bit of date rape drugs in his drink while he's not looking and throw him in an ice bath just to get the full dead body feel. now all i have to do is convince my bf to agree with this..or maybe not. it's feels good to be evil.
No. 79264
>>79240>date rape drugs in his drink while he's not looking and throw him in an ice bathProblem is the date rape drugs plus ice bath could kill him. That kind of drug can paralyze you/limit blood flow and movement. Combined with ice water which would limit blood flow and movement even more it could cause organ failure or cause brain damage
Sorry for the safety advice but I'm guessing you want your SO alive and well
No. 79268
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I'm one of the few people on this board who doesn't even hate men, yet I'm still into vore, more disgustingly into pred fantasies.
I'm glad my antidepressants got rid of my sex drive because of exactly that because honestly I hate my sexuality.
No. 79269
>>78021Yeah this is pretty normal. It's not rape if you consent to it with a person who you like, it's just domination. Struggling and acting doe-ish is fun, but it's still not rape
>>71268No matter what closet pedos may say, don¨t actually give in to this. I know a guy who was groomed in this way as a kid. Even if he did appreciate being called cute and getting attention growing up, realising how they had been used as an object of someone's fantasies makes them so mad they'd legit gut the person if they met them again.
So do yourself a favor and abstain, unless you want to experience seething hatred from those cute kiddos when they grow up.
No. 79282
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>>79264aw shit, i really do want him alive and not dead, i'll just have to use OTC pills now to avoid any accidents, but then there's an IceP voice in the back of my head saying "hehee fuck it dude"
>>79245ha, that's how the fetish all started just give it some time anon
No. 79295
>>79142He looks like he'd be into some kinky shit, tbh.
Tfw no cutie sub boyfriend to dom. Sage for being a retard.
No. 79296
And that's all I'll say. They have some nice comics/doujinshis.
No. 79396
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Just realized that I may have a foot fetish, not sure why though. I'm into licking the sweat off guys after they work out and rimming them too. Weird shit, and i'm not even remotely submissive.
No. 79400
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I'll jump on the aliens and robots train! And I'll add helmets (and racing suits) to the party!
No. 79407
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>>79400Another anon here with a robot and racing suit fetish. Daft Punk looks hot in anything, but I lost my mind when I first saw them in these Lotus F1 outfits. God, I wish real AI were this advanced. lol
On a side note, any outfit that obscures someone's features completely is crazy hot to me. Any kind of helmet and full body cover, really. Even Marshmello is kinda hot, just because I don't know who he is.
No. 81321
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bumping this because i really want peg ted bundy like hard until he cries
No. 82539
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>>65902ugh this. stretch that from gentle to not-so-gentle femdom in my case. too bad nearly no irl men are both as cute as 2d boys and not gay.
No. 82541
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>>67414>michael pittis it bad i thought he was really hot when he played Mason Verger in Hannibal?
No. 82645
>>82595I'm not into femdom but GOD the idea of a hot man being emotionally abused and manipulated, and acting like a sad, helpless puppy is great. Anger is good too but that resigned sadness is exquisite. Heartbreak showing on his face, pretending everything is fine while he's losing composure, etc. Dog bless fanfiction.
>>79407>any outfit that obscures someone's features completely is crazy hot to me Burglar clothes and SWAT gear look good. Sadlu anything involving these will be directed for men, what a waste.
No. 83126
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Incest. Had a dream about two of my siblings a couple days ago. My brain is fucked
No. 83398
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No. 83658
>>83653Are you me?
This is exactly how I feel.
No. 84291
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>>84263Now you've put it in my head to wear a cute costume or outfit too haha
Something super innocent and maybe white like this set. I'm putting way more thought into this than I should xD
No. 85704
>>44407This isn't really super weird, but I'd never feel comfortable telling a partner about it.
Being fucked against a window, preferably above or eye level with a busy street/plaza center.
No. 85713
Mommy Domme/little girl play,piss,breeding, rough sex, exhibitionism, anal, ballbusting and testicle popping.
Basically, if a guy is gonna be with me, he'd better be ready to have his balls busted, because its something I love doing. I know it hurts for them, and I know you cant go back from popping them, but I still hve this fantasy of stepping on each of a cute traps testicles with my Stilletto heels, with the actual heel, and slowly pressing down until the testicle pops and then doing it to the next one. It jut gets me going so fast and I even have a folder on my PC filled with hentai of it…
Piss was my first fetish, not suee when it started but I just love it. The smell, the warmth. Ive been meaning to try drinking it, but havent yet. I'm ashamed of it, but sometimes I'll sit on the toilet after peeing and just enjoy the scent of the piss…
Exhibitionism is probably my second one, Ive wanted to wear revealing clothes for a long time, but I dont have the body for it… I have this fantasy of covertly masturbating in public or for a friend while they watch… I also hike local washes in the nude and lay in the hot/warm sand, sometimes I'll masturbate out there too…
Breeding and Rough sex are often fantasies I have at the same time, usually a futa fucking me full of her cum while pressing me against walls and pounding me hard… And being kept to give her more and more babies, while also serving as her housewife…
Anal is a dark, subissive need of mine that I dont express often… Once a woman outs her strap-on up my ass, I know they own me, and I love it. I dont feel much from vaginal, and anal hurts, a lot, but I feel this calm and happiness when its happening that leaves me bonded to the other woman pretty much forever. My fantasy about this is going on a long, happy date with my Girlfriend or Wife, wonderful dinner, see some kind if a show or go somewhere intimate after; then she takes me home, and in the door she puts on her strap-on and forces it up my ass, shuts the door and fucks me into a clingy, happy, subby pool of joy…
Yeah, Im ashamed, but zeeing as they rest of you are sharing, I figured I might as well too… Also, it feeds into the Exhibitionism fetish
No. 85800
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piercings and big/weirdly shaped ears.
especially if someone’s ears compliments their face, i get so flustered around them.
i don’t want to fuck an ear or anything.
i just have a thing for ears idk.
i literally masturbate to normal photos of people with big ears and/or earrings.
also my ears are really sensitive.
my friend was braiding my hair once and she kept touching my ears. i was so turned on and at one point i pretty much whimpered.
is this weirder than having a foot fetish? kek
No. 86397
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>>81321wow fuck, yes. i assume most people with hybristophilia wasnt to be dommed but the thought of turning some asshole psycho killer into some crying, whimpering, submissive mess is like one of the hottest things i can imagine. bundy in particular is so arrogant that it would be so fucking satisfying.
No. 86405
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>>86397thank god anon, i never see hybristos with femdom fetishes. and yeah, making a crazy guy my sex slave is kind of my fetish.
No. 86425
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>>86397>>86423>ywn put your fingers in his mouthjust fuck me up
No. 86435
>>85708>Then slice up and burn his skin and face until he will never be able to lead a normal life again. Get therapy now.
>>85802Don’t sweat it. It’s fairly normal considering the whole point of sex evolved from breeding. It’s natural to want to “breed” (gag) even if you consciously don’t want children at all.
No. 86455
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>ywn have 1970s serial killer ted bundy at your mercy, handcuffed and furious about you slapping him around and treating him however you want, glaring at you murderously>ywn push him to the floor and onto his knees, roughly pulling down his pants while he protests angrily and tells you to stop, you cant do this, etc>ywn push into him mercilessly with your strap on, hearing his voice crack and give way to panicked sobs>ywn grab him by the hair and push his face into the floor while remarking how hard and dripping his cock is>ywn hear him unsuccessfully try to stifle his pitiful, broken sounding moans as he spreads his thighs to allow you in deeper>ywn tease him for cumming just from being fucked in the ass, without you ever even touching his dick>ywn turn him over so you can look at his crying, drooling, whimpering face No. 86472
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>>86455i fucking love this site
No. 86495
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>>86472elliot rodger is pretty physically attractive too imo. it's too bad about his personality.
what other true crime darlings are yall lusting for? richard ramirez looks like a supermodel in some pics. and then a homeless crack addict in others but still. and tbh i'm thirsty for jeffrey dahmer even though hes gay and awkward as hell, and ed kemper even though he looks like an enormous sloth.
No. 86504
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>>86495i just want to smooch jeff!
and choke him No. 86513
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>>86455I didn't know I had this fetish until now.
>>86495My serial killer fetish is about being killed by them. It'd be so hot if qt Ramirez stabbed me to death or if Pichushkin or Igor Suprunyuk caved my skull in with a hammer.
No. 86564
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>>86504god yes. he's always so stoic despite the emotional things he's said. i'm sad we never got to see him cry (or really emote much at all) on camera. choking him would be so hot. i'd love to see some fear in his eyes.
have this drawing i found.
No. 86576
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>>86564unf, that’s hot. Doesn’t help that I have a female on male rapekink, specifically for punishing evil/“bad” men. I really can’t get off any other way. I just want to choke him and see his dead eyes roll back.
I guess my fetish for fucking husks of men is kind of equivalent to dudes that want to fuck girls with severe daddy issues.
I’ve seen that photo before but still no source for it :(
No. 86577
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cuckqueaning, specifically the role of a vixen. I wont get a rush from it if I don't know the couple already. I've never done it, but I love when my female friends praise me and simultaneously put themselves down in front of their boyfriends, and even their crushes. Feelsbad but …feelsgood?
No. 86584
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>>86576oh boy its youre lucky day then. the source is they have a lot of serial killer art, especially of dahmer. its never explicitly nsfw though unfortunately.
also same to all of that.
when he would get super drunk it'd be so easy to do whatever you wanted to do to him.
No. 86585
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>>86584yeah i love that artist’s art. the japs are always on a new level with cute boy stuff.
where can i meet the dead eyed boy of my dreams who is not a serial killer/gay
No. 86591
>>86590Why were they so handsome?
I'm jewish so this feels extra kind of bad.
No. 86592
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>>86590>>86591On the topic, I have had a Nazi fetish since I was 11. We learned a shit ton about the Holocaust & Third Reich in school, and read and watched a ton of documentaries/movies/books about how bad they were. But all it did was make me wet. Even just hearing a guy speak German or have a German accent makes me melt. I started getting off to Nazi movies in middle school. Ever since I have been collecting a folder on my hard drive of pictures of handsome German men in era appropriate uniforms. I also bought a Wehrmacht jacket replica for my very Aryan looking boyfriend and yes, we have fucked in it.
No. 86603
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>>86597>>86598>>86599>>86600>>86601>>86602This is just the tip of the iceberg of my collection. I have… thousands more.
No. 86605
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>>86595Gurl, have you seen Das Boot?
No. 86607
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>nazis and serial killers
you guys have nice taste
No. 86609
>>86603Which movie is your favorite then?
Schindlers list?
Fhurers elite?
Unter mutter unsere vater?
>>86591Something about that clean, straight and raw appearance along with what lies inside that persons heart and mind.
No. 86611
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>>86609I can't decide, I love all of them. But I prefer German and European productions over the more recent Hollywood Oscar bait. But yes!! Fuhrer's Elite (or NaPolA, or Before the Fall) was a favorite of mine when I was younger because of the cute young school age guys. Also a lot of the '60's/'70s espionage war films that inspired Inglorious Basterds, I always got excited when they'd marathon them on TCM around Memorial Day because the vintage actors looked so chic and dominerring. Also I mentioned this in another post, but Das Boot… It's more of a naval drama than a Nazi flick, but there's just something that really turns me on about the idea of servicing a dozen sweaty, frustrated and sex-starved German soldiers who'd want to ravish me the moment they saw me.
No. 86636
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OK this is going to be sorta long because I've never admitted any of this to anyone and probably never will. My most shameful fetishes is mother/daughter incest. Absolutely disgusting to even consider in reality, and I'd fucking kill myself if anyone found out I masturbate to it. But FUCK do I cum hard to mother/daughter lesbian porn. Something about the taboo and the young girl/older woman dynamic? The idea of being gently dominated & fucked by a beautiful older woman being a fantasy of mine probably has a lot to do with it. I also masturbate a lot to lesbian chikan videos, something about the mixture of exhibitionism, humiliation, and once again it usually being a dominant older woman and submissive younger woman turns me on like nothing else.
Something else I feel fucked for being turned on by, but have been aroused by the idea of since I can remember is somnophilia. Not me having sex with a sleeping person, but someone touching and having their way with me while I'm drugged or mostly asleep has always been arousing to me. More embarasing than shameful, I'm a cosplayer and recently I've been really into the idea of cosplay sex. I've seen cute girls cosplaying as the other half of my otp and I've fantasized about having sex them and bringing my otp to life. I'm genuinely interested in hooking up with another woman at a con, but I have no idea how I'd go about it. Doesn't help that I'm very feminine/don't set off people's gaydar and I'm shy.
As far as purely fantastical stuff goes, I find monsters, tentacles and corruption really hot. It's a shame monster girl yuri is so hard to come by.
One last thing, not shameful by any means, but I wish anime had more reverse traps. Naoto from Persona 4 is the ideal. Something about beautiful tomboy girls makes my heart sing. Shame most butch women irl tend to be overly masculine and not ride that perfect line between masculine and feminine.
No. 86692
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>>86591I know exactly what you mean. I'm not Jewish but I'm half Slavic/half POC with a disability. The Nazis would fucking destroy me.Tbh I don't really have any fetishes outside of rough sex (but literally what woman isn't into spanking, choking, etc?) Just a lot of historical, or decade themed fantasies, mostly that involve hunky Ayran guys asserting their power over me. Like I want to get pounded by a Chad '80s teen movie bully (pic related). Say we are in high school and I'm a timid, homely girl and he's a snobby WASP Jock, my upperclassmen who's been intimidating me all year. And one day after school when there's no one around he catches me in the gym while he's working out. And then he pins me against a wrestling mat or a wall in the locker-room or something. Or I ended up at a house party and run into him upstairs and he yanks me into a room and just fucking obliterates my innocence to some shitty eighties hair metal song. Timeless.
No. 86693
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>>86692fellow halfie here
>tfw I thought I had dignity but that scenario is pretty hotgoddammit. the hair metal really perfects it ngl.
No. 86711
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>>86692> And one day after school when there's no one around he catches me in the gym while he's working out. And then he pins me against a wrestling mat or a wall in the locker-room or something. Or I ended up at a house party and run into him upstairs and he yanks me into a room and just fucking obliterates my innocence to some shitty eighties hair metal song. Timeless.HOT
No. 86739
>>86692>but literally what woman isn't into spanking, choking, etc?me
i also find myself disliking women that are into this and finding it very pathetic… i know they cant really control it but for some reason i just judge them hardcore
No. 86740
>>86715i think that's pretty normal anon. this isn't scientific but a lot of fetishes strike me as an expression of an underdeveloped or confused sexuality with nothing else to attach sexual attraction to, like if you're a kid and you can experience a very basic low-level form of sexual attraction (i know most children don't but i did as a child) and you've never seen porn or any other intentionally sexual content before nor do you understand what it is, so instead you subconsciously notice something vaguely sexual in the cartoons or movies you watch and it becomes a fetish.
it makes sense to me that certain weird fetishes either start in childhood or go away once the person develops a desire for some form of typical sex with and adult person. It also seems to me that the adults who are actively and notably still focused on their strange fetishes into adulthood tend to be emotionally and/or sexually stunted and never really developed a desire to do anything with another adult irl. I have no idea if this is statistically true though, it's just what I've noticed.
I think this all applies more to the fetishes that are very simple and surreal and almost seemingly non-sexual, like inflation, rubber gloves, balloons, very simplistic cartoon characters, cartoon-like situations, versus the kind of fetish that you see in porn-addicted adults who keep "needing" to go more extreme, but of course there's overlap.
No. 86741
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>>86739well that's fine if you're part of the percentage that doesn't like that, i just noticed a majority of females enjoy some elements of roughness/domination, either done to themselves or their partner(s)
>i also find myself disliking women that are into this and finding it very patheticwhy are you so quick to judge other women for being into something just because you don't like it personally or think it's cliche?
there are literally people on this thread who are probably into acting like toddlers or animals or dead bodies, or sodomizing male k-pop stars with strap ons, or sexualize random ass shit like feather boas and rolly chairs, yet no one is complaining.
No. 86747
>>86745I can't get into other women's heads to analyze why they behave a certain way, but I agree with what you said about men's expectations. Especially with their excessive porn watching (not that women don't look at porn, but you know what I mean). I personally get hurt when men assume most women are bi or bi-curious because they watch too much lesbian porn, and then use that to lure us into having threesomes with other girls.
>>86746I get what you mean. There's a lot of kinks other people have that make me cringe or roll my eyes. But I don't make fun of anyone, I just let them be. Plus I'm sure a lot of our fetishes are linked to some sort of character flaw or have other psychological undertones.
No. 86750
>>86745>I hate having to deal with a men disappointed by the fact that I don't want to get choked, spitted on or get a facial.Do you mind if I ask how many times this has happened to you? Or any other anons care to disclose how often they've had men suggest this stuff?
Reason I ask, I see these kinds of reports online and they honestly baffle me. It makes me wonder if certain ppl attract these kinds of dudes over others.
I'm probably an older anon (in my 30s) and have had around 15 partners. Not once have I ever come across a man who wants to dominate me, neither sexually nor in the relationship. Almost the opposite, actually.
I'm just legit curious how some women report these experiences so often while others (can't just be me) never come into contact with these men.
No. 86753
>>86750I'm 23 and have never had this problem with guys either. The only issue I've had was my ex being fixated on having group sex with another woman. And my current serious boyfriend is not dominant at all, unless I ask him to be, and in all honestly I just mean being a little rougher with his hands. Also he has never incorporated any porn memes in the bedroom (i.e. facials, slapping his dick on my clit, pushing me into doing anal, etc.), and I'm not into any of that either. I've always had fantasies about dominant guys in my head, but seldom want my partner to be that way in real life.
Maybe it's a generational thing? Like younger guys who developed their sexuality through internet pornography are more likely to imitate shit from a Brazzer's video? Idk man.
No. 86761
>>85708> true dominance is non-consensual, and I know I'll never being able to experience it without doing something immoral and illegalgurl.
Seriously, talk to someone about that. Before you feel like you have to act on it.
No. 86773
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>Mfw I realize I was peak-PMS horny the entire time I posted on here and overshared some shit I wish I hadn't
No. 86775
>>86773What was your post anon?
I revel in the shame of others.
No. 86863
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>>65927>seeing their eyes turn dull>>65884>seeing the life pour out of themI can kind of relate. Never been into necrophilia myself, but I love that sort of dull eyed look corpses and unconscious people have. Explanation for pic related… When I was a kid I found it very hypnotic, almost arousing whenever Sailor Moon's eyes would "go out" (??) Like once she had used all her power at the end of the fight she would faint, and all the light would go out of her big moe eyes and they'd just be big and dark. A few other characters' eyes did this when they were in a death-like state. It was like I was watching them exit into another plane of consciousness, and found it very erotic, especially if they were laying back.
In general, I've always been fascinated by the human eye, and how pupils dilate to indicate attraction or arousal. For example back in the day, women used to put drops of belladonna in their eyes to make them dilate and look more beautiful. Whenever my boyfriend and I are having sex and it's bright enough in the room, I love gazing into his eyes and watching this happen. He has very light blue-green eyes, so it's easy to tell when they fluctuate in size. A few times I've seen them get up to almost 100% in size right as he's cumming (if his eyes are open of course), and it sends a fucking chill up my spine, especially with his last few thrusts and grunts, it' sooo primal. Makes me feel super powerful, as if he's so pleasured that I'm sucking the life out of him.
So it's no wonder they call orgasms "le petite mort" (the little death).
No. 86993
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Star Trek uniforms. Specifically the ones from TNG.
Bonus if my partner has alien prosthetic and '80s hair.
No. 87022
>>87019Thank you for sharing anon. Honestly this isn't even as weird as I was imagining. It's like fucking Plankton's computer wife or HAL, with some hentai inspiration thrown in. That seems reasonable enough. Between fucking a vibrator nightly and being tied to the internet, could I say with confidence that I would be immune to the seductions of a spaceship bf?! I don't know, and I like people who broaden my horizons.
You're a good writer too! Very descriptive and precise, if anything you sometimes included more details than necessary to describe what was happening, but a lot of classic scifi is the same way, and it's easier to edit down than to try and clarify more. I like the way you narrated it too. Distant enough to not be creepy and judgmental, but observant enough to keep it relatable.
No. 87082
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>>87059Oh my god I can't believe you guys are still tripping about this… it was a stupid assumption I'm sorry. But I read through this entire thread and saw so much borderline violent shit you guys wanted done to yourselves or others that I couldn't help but wonder. Chill tf out.
No. 87087
>>87081I have a few logistical questions here…
But that does sound like a hilarious time
No. 87115
>>87107It's a "stereotype" because it's true. Perhaps a small percentage of women are turned on by limp-wristed milquetoast soyboys who couldn't even pick them up, but the vast majority of women want, at the very least, a man capable of dominating them.
Show me a woman who doesn't love to be choked and spanked and I'll show you a lesbian.
No. 87126
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>>87019Have you ever read Evolution's Darling? You might enjoy…portions…
No. 87138
>>87115Honestly, I'm one of the women who adores weak boys and admit it's true that we're a serious minority. Most women do seem to enjoy at least being lifted to bed and being the one not in control, even if the sex is gentle.
I think you just
triggered people in your op by suggesting you arent a woman if you dont want to be dominated. It probably wasnt your intention, but was easily misread.
No. 87144
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>>87106>>87107>>87115>>87127>>87128>>87129>>87130>>87138>>87139>>87143Ok so as the author of the post that stirred up controversy
>>86692I feel dumb stereotyping women for liking dominance & I'm sorry, but I can't help but notice patterns in what has been said here and elsewhere. Even if it is influenced by porn and rape culture, and only if a certain percentage of females genuinely like it, submission exists and is a popular theme. I think it's ignorant to call girls and guys who don't like domination "lesbians" and "soyboys". But you're also ignorant for down talking sub women by calling them brainwashed bimbos, or assuming they don't want respect. (Also I never implied that women who don't like domination aren't real women, that
>>87115 post was from someone else).
Look, I can't control the fact that my little punk ass as a kid got aroused seeing heartthrob Billy Zabka being physically assertive, and that it was forever embedded into my subconscious sexuality. But I don't equate sex with being hurt, at all. Honestly 99% of the time I enjoy loving, sensual, and intimate vanilla sex with my boyfriend, and kissing and cuddling even more TBH. I expect nothing but love and respect from him, and that's what he gives me. Anything else I mentioned, the rough play, the fantasies, are just passing erotic thoughts, or elements we may incorporate in the bedroom every once in a fucking blue moon. But it's not something that defines me, or that I think I should be called pathetic over.
I have no desire to kink shame anyone on here, even after reading some things that genuinely disgusted me (I mean there's incest and necrophilia in the thread for Christ's sake). After all, this thread IS called fetishes that we are ASHAMED of, which means everyone on here is aware that what we shared is ~abnormal~ in some way. So I don't see the point in getting
triggered and arguing, otherwise you are talking in circles. Just enjoy the wild ride that is human sexuality.
No. 87148
>>87139>Just own up your fetishes.Why are you so insistent than all (or even a majority) of women have to like being hurt?
It’s disturbed. Have your own fetishes, fine, whatever. But don’t assume all women like abuse.
No. 87151
>>87139No. I'm so sick of this narrative being pushed on women.
There is nothing abnormal with a woman who doesn't want to be spanked, tied up or pretend to be raped.
No. 87173
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>>86636God tier taste anon, Naoto is so underrated.
I’m not gonna risk saying any degenerate kinks but I have a thing for formal work attire, specifically button down shirts, dress coats and ties. Bonus points if that person is getting fucked still wearing the clothes, or just the tie.
No. 87185
>>87148>>87151>>87155TL;DR I apologize for my assumption that started the argument. I don't equate sex with being hurt, it's just an occasional kink. Everyone on this thread is aware what they posted is strange or controversial. End of discussion.
>>87147I know right?
sploosh No. 87191
>>87185> End of discussion.kek ok mom
Other anons have responded since you did and taken it further.
>>87148 and I was responding to
>>87139>Women are more into BDSM and dom/sub crap than men. Just own up your fetishes. No. 87227
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I'm getting into femdom but I would feel so stupid doing it. Like there is the platonic ideal of what a dominant woman is like and personally that would be tall, beautiful, rich and super confident and I'm a short, plain, baby-faced poor chick with shitty self esteem. If I can't take myself seriously how would anyone else? Its not embarrassing to me because it is a shit fetish but because if people found out it would be like, "lol, YOU!?".
And I'm getting really into younger guys, but this might be because I dated two younger ones.
No. 87230
>>87227Are you me? I am also a short, baby-faced poor chick into femdom. I've also got a young sounding voice as well, which kind of works well for gentle femdom.
I've only done femdom sessions IRL twice but both guys were really into the unexpectedness of a "sweet" looking domme. You have to search a little harder to find a person who's into it without it being ageplay. Unless you're into that. I'm not, but whatever gets your motor running.
No. 87242
>>87227I'm in a sweet and lovely relationship with my bf but I also dom him. I'm much smaller than him and young-looking but he's said himself that the gap between how cute I look and the cruelty of what I do to him is really exciting. Also he's 6 years older than me.
I'm so happy I found out about femdom (I think it was actually thanks to an anon here mentionning gentle femdom like 9 months ago, thank you kind miss), I made my boyfriend discover it too and he turned out to be a huge sub with a humiliation fetish. He loves getting pegged, he wants to be locked in chastity… Whenever we play and I don't let him cum in the end he loves it, gets really cuddly and love-bombs me basically, it's incredibly sweet.
My only issue is, the humiliation is never enough lol. I'm not very imaginative and he admit he'd like me to say othee things than just calling him my whore/bitch/slut. But saying harder things tends to make me cringe, I once told him he's "just a hole for me to fuck" and he absolutely loved it but it's a bit awkward for me. I much prefer making him do embarassing stuff but we're apart currently so it's a lot of skype sex with lots of talking.
No. 87244
>>87130Thanks for linking that OP. Porn's adverse effects are widely known, but suggest to men (and it's mostly men) that porn is not great, you'll be called a feminazi and someone who doesn't like sex.
God I'm glad my husband only watches porn where it's one girl getting herself off. Says he doesn't want to see dicks lol
No. 87319
>>87144>I feel dumb stereotyping women for liking dominance & I'm sorry, but I can't help but notice patterns in what has been said hereThat's a shit defense
While yes a lot of women wanting to be dominated were in this thread,so was the opposite of them wanting to be dominant
You must have very selective reading
No. 87321
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>>87319can we please just move on from this already I've apologized multiple times for saying stupid shit and I know I'm a doodoo poopyhead just put a nail in the coffin.
No. 87446
>>87320>I would never allow my husband to actually like dicksKek how exactly does that work? If he likes them, he likes them. With or without you allowing it. It’s not like you have the power to turn it off or control it.
>>87327>doesn't really like sex with meOuch. What?
No. 87465
>>87446Yeah but he's not gay. I wouldn't be with a gay guy obviously…
As for the sex thing, I don't actually know if that's true, but I overheard him telling his best friend/roommate from college that he'd be okay if we never had sex again. During sex he cums at least 50% of the time which isn't horrible in my experience.
Is that an okay number? How often should men cum when they have sex? He says that it's normal not to every time.
>>87461Funny you should mention that. He actually asked me to once but I told him no because I think it's gay and, of course, he's not gay.
No. 87482
>>87465>He actually asked me to once but I told him no because I think it's gay and, of course, he's not gay.So this is your logic:
>a woman using an object to tease a man's g-spot is gay>a man who enjoys looking a dicks when he masturbates and doesn't enjoy penetrating a vagina isn't gayI'm guessing you don't want to peg him because you're afraid he'll want real dick? I peg my boyfriend all the time but he's as straight as can be and told me he wouldn't want to so this with anyone else (because I once drunkenly told him it'd be hot if he got fucked by a guy), if you boyfriend is actually in love and attracted to you this won't happen either.
As the others Anon said guys usually cum most of the times they have sex. Saying he wouldn't mind having sex anymore is pretty weird too. Honestly if you want to keep him from getting with a real dude you should go ahead and fuck his ass or he'll leave you as soon as he stops being "intimidated by you", whatever the hell that means.
No. 87525
>>87523Of course. Obviously sexual deviancy has existed for forever, but the availability of porn has made really dark shit really easy to find, and the fact that most people consume more porn now than they did before means that they get desensitized to their "normal".
Do you still watch porn regularly? I've heard stories about people who were into extreme stuff, abstained from porn for a while and it went back to whatever is normal for them. Do you feel like you discovered those fetishes in yourself or did you basically train yourself to like them?
I'm super vanilla, I don't look at porn with penises (toys only), and even drawn shit as soon as it gets in any way abusive I click away because I just can't lol
No. 87530
>>87525I'm somewhat porn-free, I don't watch/read anything awful anymore and only view solo videos once a month or so and just use my imagination every other time. Oddly enough my sexuality has reset in regards to women (I'm bisexual), I can't watch other girls get degraded at all anymore whereas I used to put up with it during porn binges before. Although that probably doesn't count since it wasn't a kink of mine in the first place. With men, my fantasies are tending more towards gentle femdom than before but the things I mentioned are still arousing.
I don't know how inspired by porn my fetishes are, tbh. Like I said I'm inherently drawn to male submission, but the violence was probably a result of escalation. I started out in a fujo phase, just enjoying animu men getting happily plowed without any realism, to non-con yaoishit, to drawings of men getting tortured, to videos/pictures of men self-harming, to videos of men getting tortured, etc. I needed to up the ante to get that rush from seeing a guy in a submissive position.
But on a base level, I think I just want to toss a guy around and make him feel good. Going as far as I've gone with this just makes me feel disgusting because I know this is all I actually wanted.
Anyway, your porn situation sounds sweet, anon. Did you start watching later in life/was your sex drive just not high? I partially blame my libido for this nonsense, too.
No. 87570
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my fetish is safe sex. i get really turned on by condoms. i like the way they look and feel and the sounds they make when you take them out of the wrapper and pull on them, and the smacky sounds it makes when a guy puts it on. i never really liked porn with dicks but if i did watch it would be a dick with a condom on. i love the way it looks when a guy is fapping into one and then watching the tip fill up when he cums. the first time i had sex with a condom i was more turned on by the rubber than the fact that i was about to have sex. i used to sneak free condoms and wear them on my fingers when i masturbated. i also like to blow them up with air or fill them with water and slap them around. idk it gets me off.
No. 87601
Just found my new fetish
I want to dominate this anon
>>87321 and make her call herself a doodoo poopyhead
No. 87608
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>>87601Sounds hawt to me anon, as long as you wear a sweatband while we do it
No. 87614
>>87473He insists he isn't gay and I find gay men unattractive so I don't get why you'd suggest that. Don't get me wrong I don't mind gay people and his best friend I mentioned is gay. He's very supportive of him too. I think my husband just isn't very sexual, not gay.
>>87482>I peg my boyfriend all the time but he's as straight as can beAnon, I have news for you. Your boyfriend is definitely gay.
>>87589I am so shocked to hear that you're supposed to cum almost every time. He says it's enough for most men to just "feel good" and move on.
>>87593 said her bf doesn't cum even as much as mine and he isn't gay either.
And as for 50% being normal (in my case) I was with on guy before him and he came here and there. Probably 40% so I thought my skills had improved for this one? I'm devastated because I thought this was normal.
No. 89537
>>87465>>8761499% sure you're a troll lol
but if you're not, then either he's a fag or you're shit in bed.
No. 89539
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I have this fantasy of a younger 18-19, fit, normally innocent, sexually frustrated boy using me to lose his virginity. The idea of him fucking me over and over bc
>first time seeing irl titties
>first time touching a pussy
>first time fucking a girl
makes him go mind numb and he just wants to keep humping me makes me SO hot and bothered. Extra points if he has a huge dick and cums a lot.
I also have an impregnation fetish.
saying a prayer that my boyfriend is babyfaced and well hung, I just need to get him back in shape kek
No. 89544
>>89537>>89539there is a newer thread you can post this stuff in guys
>>87606(But damn, that fantasy about taking a younger guy’s virginity was hot as fuck)
No. 101402
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i want a giant, obese demon guy to swallow me with his cock.
No. 108367
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spycam footage of guys pissing
No. 109080
I masturbate to pictures of young-looking women, that I imagine are me when I'm around 11-12, and imagining them getting pregnant by an abusive father figure that gives them fertility drugs to make their boobs bigger, and basically keeps them as a breeding slave once they start menstruating. Like boobs growing from flat chests, fat starting to accumulate on hips and butt, and slightly showing from being pregnant to the point where I can't hide it anymore, in a school atmosphere where the rest of the girls are still little kids.
Basically just a coercion and abuse fetish with a pregnancy element, I guess? I imagine it a lot with Muslim societies too, like I'm a little girl with a normal childhood suddenly forced into wearing a hijab and getting sold to marriage by a physically abusive dude that just knocks me around and makes me cook and bear his children. At one point I found a forum dedicated to posting pictures of pregnant women in public and I would just masturbate to these, imagining these details situations in my mind.
I'm also extremely turned on by the idea of having massive boobs because it makes you be seen like nothing but a sex object, and getting groped in public by random people. Or like you're trying to work, and a guy just comes up and starts fondling your tits. Just an object, not on the same level. Like the 'end point' of patriarchy.
I also imagine myself as the man a lot of the time, like I'll look at pictures of the girls and be like ugggh I want to knock her up and beat her. Wtf.
I NEVER thought about any of this before I started watching porn on Tumblr. I feel like I've got mentally sick off watching gross porn targeted at men. Now I masturbate to this bullshit multiple times every day.
No. 109101
>>109100>>109093This is a post about embarrassing fetishes, didn't feel the need to include the possible reasons behind them. But I'm pretty sure it's just a coping mechanism from being in an intermittently
abusive relationship with a guy that tried to knock me up to trap me. Don't know where the dad stuff comes from, though, my dad was gentle and supportive. I guess just due to the inherent power dynamic, being an innocent kid and being exploited is much more horrible and I suppose therefore more exciting sexually.
The only reason this is even a thing is from training myself to get off to it through porn. I used to just like watching gifs of two people passionately kissing and having missionary sex. The rest stemmed naturally from having a wild imagination and intrusive thoughts. From what I've read it's pretty common for fetishes to get more and more extreme with continued positive reinforcement through orgasm, and it definitely matches up with my experience.
Thanks for making me feel even more embarrassed about it, though.
No. 109106
>>109080>I'm also extremely turned on by the idea of having massive boobs because it makes you be seen like nothing but a sex object, and getting groped in public by random people. Or like you're trying to work, and a guy just comes up and starts fondling your tits. Just an object, not on the same level. Like the 'end point' of patriarchy.Ugh, as someone who hit puberty very early and started developing breasts at 7 years old, this is actually super fucked up, anon! Please seek therapy, I promise you those experiences didn't do anything but mentally ruin me for the next 20 years.
Stop watching porn. So many of these fucked up fetishes are clearly because you're watching porn catering to fucked up men and internalizing it.
I hope you feel even more embarrassed. You need help.
No. 109110
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>>109101What did you expect from writing incel fan fiction?
No. 109128
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Plague doctors
Something about the bird mask combined with the gloves really does it for me, bonus points if said plague doctor is completely silent as we fuck
No. 111137
>>111134Why did he ban it? As long as you're not secretly lying about not watching porn yourself or making the scenario have an exploitative undertone then I don't get how it's a problem. You should be able to talk about this stuff in a relationship, if he gets upset at you mentioning stuff then that might be a red flag. Be prepared to answer him why you like this fetish so much though.
Maybe you guys just aren't compatible sexually, I personally would be annoyed by that fetish, it would seem really contrived if my partner wanted me to lead everything whilst they played dumb, or if they wanted to pretend to be nonconsensual, but I would want to be with a partner that couldn't fulfill my kiks.
No. 111148
>>111134I don't think the subject of role-playing is bad or that it can't be seperated from porn. Just lose the fetish label and say you had a fantasy you'd like to try out.
I agree with other anons. Unless your bf is a prude Christian who only likes missionary anymore, you should be good.
No. 111152
>>111138>>111137>>111138You miss my point. I'd never leave him nor do I want to watch porn with him, I find it pretty gross too. He didn't "ban" it, we just share viewpoints on why it is bad and are mutually grossed out by it. I was just kind of demonstrating how we're usually pretty vanilla - we have really good vanilla sex. I think that part of this just stems from the fact that I want to make him even happier in bed, I don't know. He had told me about this and other fetishes in the past and I never really forgot about it.
I'm just so used to seeing dudes complaining about how their gfs don't perform enough in bed and it kind of makes me self-conscious even though me and my bf are already pretty satisfied and I love him. You're right though, I should be able to talk about this with him so I will
No. 111288
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I‘m really into tentacle hentai lately, even though until a few years ago I was quite repulsed by it. Unfortunately I’ve never generally been into hentai (or even anime) so I’m really having a hard time finding material that I like. But once I found something, it’s really turning me on.
Another thing I just developed recently:
Even though I’m generally not attracted to muscular men - at all - I every so often find myself fantasizing about licking some muscular man’s hairy armpit, like pic related. I don’t even think about fucking those men, it’s really just the hairy armpits that turn me on a lot.
I’ve heard about this fetish in gay men but never anyone heterosexual, much less women.
I’m really ashamed of both because one is the stereotypical edgelord fetish and the other one is just plain disgusting.
I need Jesus in my life obviously.
No. 111289
>>111288If it's any consolation I'm also a woman who found herself with the armpit licking fetish, although not with muscular men.
There's this one tiny Ecuadorian guy in two of my classes whose pits I'd kill to lick and suck. Rip.