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No. 87606
Last Thread:
>>44407I know others posted about their nazi fetishes in the last thread, but I want to BE the nazi. I've become interested in Irma Grese lately, just because she was so much of a sadist. It would be nice to come home and beg your nazi husband after a long and hard day at the camp.
No. 87609
i hope y'all know what I meant
No. 87674
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>>87606hickeys. i know they aren't really that weird, and kind of a trashy middle-school tier ~uwu pale blog kinda thing. but i love the idea of leaving your mark on someone after being intimate. i really enjoy giving and receiving intense, sensual kisses on the neck and elsewhere, and seeing what they leave behind is also intoxicating.
i had a guy friend a few years ago who's gf gave him a huge one on his neck while they were in an elevator. afterward he kept bragging about how passionate the kiss was and how big the mark was and it made me super jealous. i still try to give my bf even just little nibbly marks around his collarbone but he won't let me (cause like other people he probably thinks it's trashy, meh)
No. 87708
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I'm really ashamed of this one, but
>be brown girl (mixed black and latina)
>want to dominate and bully a cute model Aryan boy while wearing a Nazi uniform to mock and make fun of him
>want to be completely dominated and treated like a cum dumpster by an adorable femboy or trap
It's pretty tame compared to what some anons posted in the previous thread but boy do these two actually make me feel bad.
No. 87711
>>87705if anything the concept of "it's enough to feel good" applies way more to women regarding to PIV sex, since a lot of us genuinely enjoy the way it feels, but having an orgasm from just that and not clit stimulation is really rare.
PIV sex is VERY effective for males to finish.
No. 87740
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I've been watching gay amateur vids of one guy basically molesting a sleeping guy. I really want to body worship and fuck a comatose guy. Any anons relate?
No. 87742
Strip him, take pictures of his body, feel him up, then when I begin inserting something into him he wakes up and gets very upset. Maybe crying a bit.
Alternatively, he could wake up and be disoriented, but also really into it.
I'm not sure, the waking up part is big for me, I could never understand why people are into necro because of this.
No. 87761
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medical/scientific fear play
No. 87791
I don't know if anyone else will even know what I'm talking about, but a few years ago I came across a blog about a very specific fetish. The owner called it "Not really cheating" or "almost cheating" or something like that, I wish I could remember what it was called. The blog had gifs, videos and macros of people grinding, humping, barely touching, using objects, etc to simulate sex without having full on PIV…the captions were always about the 2 people saying this doesn't count as cheating, it's not sex if it's not [insert excuse] and trying to hold back….
For some reason, that REALLY did it for me. And it still does, but I can't find the blog or anything similar to it online. What makes it worse is that I'm ashamed of being into it and I hate that it even turns me on, but I'm dying to find anything related to it again. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
No. 87833
its one of my go-tos for watching porn. its kinda confusing though cause it doesnt fit with any of my other fetishes. oh well, the vagina wants what it wants.
No. 87851
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Cuts, bruises, boys looking sad. Not like extreme guro. Being mentally broken and disheartened is cool too.
I have no idea how to find more of this stuff though. What are the right sort of tags?
No. 87889
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>>87842i love my teen shota boys.
Tfw no 14 yr old shota bf to game with.
No. 87905
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>>87851Anon are you me.
Also the cuter looking the better but not overly fem
No. 87921
>>87851Oh my god, me too. My boyfriend doesn't understand but will point it put in movies and games when he spots it, lol.
I'm like "please let me put bruise makeup on you…"
No. 87925
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>>87905>>87921We need a tag for this if only to make finding this content easier. I can't ever seem to find the right word combo for this, I don't want to see gross guro. More like just scuffed up the right amount you want to cuddle and comfort them.
If there was anything like Suicide Boy with older looking characters I'd be all over that. Its a manhwa about a teen that gets bullied but they're drawn all shota like :/
No. 87928
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i fantasize about being a MILF seducing a younger (but of course legal) guy. specifically that i'm a bored housewife in the suburbs in the 50s/60s/70s. xanaxed out and wistfully looking out the window doing dishes, sunbathing and drinking by the pool in my sunglasses, etc. i'm into the hot boy across the street who mows my lawn, or someone's son who is visiting home from college for the summer. my husband has been neglecting me & is having an affair, so i too have an affair. and this younger guy is virile yet inexperienced, so i invite him in for lemonade & offer him my sexual wisdom.
No. 87966
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>>87928Same… I also fantasize about being a hot professor having an affair with one of my students that admires me. Kind of makes me look forward to being older and settled. I've also been talking to younger guys recently, most of them so-called fuckboys, and I love intimidating them by being older and successful.
No. 87967
>>87925It is called whumping, and if you search whump on tumblr you get thousands of pics of guys looking hurt and beaten.
You're welcome
No. 87972
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>>87967not that anon, but THANK YOU.
Also, Connor from Detroit: Become Human (and I guess androids in general) Lawd help me
No. 88001
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i think native american men are cute especially in the past when they’re fit and have long hair. he should go in the men you’re ashamed to fuck thread, but quanah parker is my historical husbando
No. 88007
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i want to sneak into one of those big furniture showrooms or warehouses at night when no one is there and have sex on the beds. specifically one full of really gaudy, outdated looking shit. bonus if there's a canopy bed in there.
in general i've always been aroused by canopy beds because of their old world charm. i hope in the future my spouse and i have this bad ass medieval looking bedroom with a canopy bed in front of a fireplace covered in like animal pelts or whatever.
No. 88014
>>87967Based anon is the hero we need, thank you!
>>87972I also like androids, and am only interested in Detroit Become Human because of Connor
No. 88025
>>88001>>88016(More for second anon since op seems to know what's up)
irl Native girl (Coast Salish) here, obesity is an epidemic on reservations due to alcoholism/bad diet/shitty lifestyle. Sad 2 say.
And most functioning Natives (the ones you'd actually want kek) are pretty average looking, just like anyone else. A good chunk of guys also cut their hair, for functionality (I even cut my own short in the past).
We're also only 2% of the population and most of us are mixed.
No. 88037
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>>88025Well, that sucks. I hate racial fetishization but i want to dom a native dude so bad and pull his hair. All nonwhite male/white girl porn is cuck fantasy bbc bullshit, so I might need to resort to romance novels…
>>88018Give me his number, lol
No. 88042
>>88037sorry i can't, he's married with children :P
oh and i too hate racial fetishization
and think most interracial porn is shit, but as a halfie american girl i've always been drawn to guys who are different than me. my first crush in like preschool was a navajo indian boy, and my second in elementary was a boy who moved to the states from australia.
No. 88082
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>>87606>>87708I want to raise a hot Nazi zombie boyfriend from the dead and attempt to dom him while he struggles to devour my warm sensuous flesh,
but I fail and then he literally eats my pussy No. 88178
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decided to share this since someone said it on the "cute girls" thread and i found it relatable:
>this is fucked but imo a lot of mugshots, passport photos, drivers license photos, etc, have a weird sexual tension about them if the person is already somewhat attractive. something about the sterile institutional setting contrasted with the vitality of the person makes the person look intriguing in a certain way.
beautifully said, and i admit that this is something i am into. a few years ago i recovered the lost student id of a guy at my school i found attractive. tbh i held onto it for a while to admire his photo before turning it in (and mind you i had our yearbook and his social media to look at, but chose the id instead). i also thought that austrian pastafarian guy looked super hot in his passport photo and couldn't stop looking at it when that story was going around. there's just something about that dead on look right into the camera that's super intense and alluring. (hybristophiles, you might know what i'm talking about)
No. 88190
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I get really turned on by guys who are so possessive and jealous, to the point of dangerous. Every guy I've been with has been more chill than anything, so I've never had a jealous boyfriend. I know it's massively stupid to want that though since the chances of him being abusive towards me would be high. I just play otome or read manga to get my fix.
No. 88225
>>87755I wish I could find more authentic chikan/public noncon stories. I once accidentally stumbled on an underground imageboard for it and to this day I remember one guys story of being in a heavy crowd at a festival, rubbing his dick against a girl who was moving around to the music, whipping it out quickly and cumming on her and then seeing her later with the cum still on her leg. It might have been fake but the idea it could have been real was so hot.
Even if its just fantasies of guys who are really genuinely into chikan/public noncon and perving on girls in public, I wish I knew where to find some online. Staged videos and manga are cool and all but the real stuff gets me going so much.
No. 88295
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Guy's necks are sexy. I encounter guys that want to put their hands on my throat (bc porn I guess) which doesn't appeal to me at all. But reverse the genders and its appealing. That or any other sort of implied or potential injury to the neck.
I also like feet. The aren't exactly hot but more cute in a cozy way. I guess I associate being barefoot with being comfy with a person and chilling out at their place so bare feet register as sexual in a convoluted sort of way. I don't like images or artwork that is in your face with the feet though, more like the person is incidentally barefoot.
No. 88309
>>88295>feet are cute>incidentally barefootHff, I feel exactly the same. I love looking at a cute guy's feet (especially if they're narrow and bony) but I'm not into toe sucking or anything, so I've never counted it as a legit fetish. Although lately I have been watching toe-wiggling videos and I feel as if that's crossing a line into sexual territory. Accidental foot fetish.
I've also always had a thing for hands…and bellies…
Overall I just want a bf who will be fine with me fondling non-sexual parts of his body very often.
No. 88315
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>>88295Image related. Wew when Alex sings this it always got me feeling some type of way.
No. 88328
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My biggest turn on are cute, feminine, meek/shy guys who once in the bedroom will take the lead and become forceful/violent. I don't know, I find the whole idea of feeling superior and then finding out I'm actually no match for a guy incredibly hot.
No. 88419
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>>88405like nuts/psychotic. Fucked up but I want him to have a manic episode and then fuck
No. 88421
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Male tears, the look of disappointment and sadness on their faces. Those really get me going.
This World Cup final is going to be great since I like some players from both teams. Their pained faces when they get fouled are also great.
No. 88425
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>>88421Griezmann is such a cutie, I loved seeing him cry.
He also sound really dumb and shy in interviews, he made me realize how much I love talented but socially awkward guys. Just want to protect him and scare away the mean journalists.
No. 88429
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i was raped and beaten until i almost died, and now i have an unshakable desire for my partner to violently murder me during sex. even worse, the idea of him violating my dead body is hotter. obviously there's no way to fulfill it without dying. the closest we get is dirty talk about how he's going to kill me, choking until i pass out, and some knifeplay. i'm grateful he's even gone that far. i want to up the ante by bringing (unloaded) guns and maybe some sleeping medication into the mix but i don't want to scare him off.
having the one i love take my life with his own hands is romantic as hell to me. i think it's the idea that he loves me so much that he'd want to claim me forever. an example of this logic is Dahmer's (funny how he keeps coming up in threads like these lol)–i'm not attracted to him at all, but his desire to have somebody all to himself and the way he kept parts of their bodies speaks to me. i want the man i love to do that to me. it's fucked.
i hate that i have this fetish even though it's probably just a coping mechanism thing.
No. 88431
>>88429Its absolutely supposed to be a coping mechanism to 'take back' the experience. You might be more mentally scarred if not for this, who knows.
It might be possible to wean yourself off this though with the right therapy. Sometimes the coping mechanisms our brains concoct may work
at the moment or for a
specific frame of time but that doesn't mean they will just stop when outside conditions change nor do they continue to be beneficial necessarily. GL anon you have been through enough.
No. 88476
>>87906I'm lesbian but I have an impregnation fetish too. I desperately want a gf who will fuck me softly or ferociously with a strapon and pretend along that she might or even will knock me up. It's about the mental part, not the physical (there are strapons made for it, fluids and all, but that would be a bit disgusting for me). It's about being hers, submissive to the point of giving up myself and my body to her babies, or even being used by her for that. I'll never admit this to anyone except a future gf who might do it well into a relationship, I don't even like talking about enjoying strapons with some people thinking you're straight in denial for doing it.
I also have this fantasy about sleeping with a female priest for a night. Her succumbing to worldly lust or something.
No. 88482
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>>87708I'm mixed race and I want my boyfriend to tease me whilst wearing an SS Officer's outfit.
He could tie me up and refuse to let me pleasure myself until he saw fit.
>Literally just want to be dominated and bullied (nicely) desuAlso, does impregnation count as a fetish?
No. 88503
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>>88482are you me?
one of my shameful fetishes is having sex with someone who turns out to be a distant relative. not intentional or memey pornhub-front-page tier incest. but accidental incest. like i get intimate with someone, then later we discover that we are distant cousins or something. it's nasty but i feel like i'd get off to having that additional bond with them. i used to think about this a lot when i was younger, after my grandma showed me some photos of my distant cousins i'd never met. they were all really tall, blonde and handsome and i figured if they met me in real life they wouldn't even suspect we were somewhat related.
No. 88505
>>88476I' a little scared to tell my partner about my impregnation thing, but I think he'd go for it if I wanted that. Really not sure how to bring it up.
>>88482Yes, impregnation counts as a fetish.
No. 88506
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It's pretty basic but i just want to choke a cute guy and maybe tie him up and peg him until he has tears in his eyes from the pleasure and the humiliation. Remind him who's boss. Preferably a cute twink looking guy. Also good if it's one of those "alpha male" types who thinks he's the shit. On the opposite side of the spectrum i'd love to be dommed by an older woman (30s, i know it's not OLD but older than me) with kind of an 80s look (pic related) who seemed all sweet and nurturing on the surface but turns on the sadism in the bedroom.
Less vanilla is that i want to ride a guy and then just carve into his chest with a knife and lick up the blood afterwards.
No. 88513
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>>88506>Remind him who's boss.>Also good if it's one of those "alpha male" types who thinks he's the shit.Hnnng, are you me? Taking an overly smug, handsome man and binding his cock up in restraints as he kneels at my feet, forcing him to admit he's always wanted to be dominated by a woman, and now I own him.
Later I'd prop my heels on his back like a footstool, while I smoke a cigar and ash on him.
No. 88535
>>88503So glad to meet another Anon of taste!
Have you ever played crusader kings?
No. 88797
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>>87606I want to force a guy to cum inside me against his will. Preferable if he's a virgin, or gay like
>>88178 pic related (oops doubly fucked up lol)
I wonder if there's any femdom porn with that in it, most of it is boring strapon stuff.
>>88718this, those box car videos where you can only see in from the inside are so hot, so you can look at others while you fuck and not get arrested
No. 88827
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>>87925You may be into gyaku ryona (逆リョナ). Enjoy.
No. 88833
>>88692I love it too. The idea of going into heats and ruts, several days of sex until they are over, alphas and betas becoming overly caring and protective, omegas leaking a lot, bounding, everyone having a particular smell.. it's so animalistic, so primitive.
As a plus, I also like when the ABO roles doesn't fit they character or physical appearance. Ex. The smaller and shy one being the Alpha, the one who has status and money being an omega, etc
No. 88855
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Unfulfilling and awkward sex. Especially if the person giving is pissed off and getting nothing out of it the entire time while the person taking is trying not look disinterested.
No. 88884
>>88872I was going to pull an "are you me?" but you're actually lucky enough to have a small bf.
For me I prefer them because I'm into GFD (+sadistic stuff if the partner permits) and having the size/strength advantage would make me feel like I'm truly in control. A protective sort of control, if that makes sense.
And they are cuter. Geez.
No. 89163
I'm this post
>>77758 OP and since this message gained a lot of traction I'm just here to say ;
Recently met a really hot sub with a cute face, he's a little older than me but he's exactly how I wanted him to be, giving, smart caring, not just a dead corpse in the bedroom that I have to pleasure.
So don't lose hope guys!
No. 89241
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I want a hot, fit, intelligent, cocky "chad" like guy I can absolutely and completely break sexually. I want him to appear totally normie to everyone else, but tear him to sheads in the bedroom, which he would grow to enjoy. Slowly making him realise what a total sub he is and how he only lives for my pleasure. Cane and claw at him unil he bleeds, pagging him, making him lick my boots. Allowing him to please me whenever I want it.
I am not ashamed of it, but it feels like I should be considering how taboo it is for a woman to want to be in control.
No. 89384
So considering this and the other thread, basically main fetishes are about being massive slut, soft violence, trespassing some silly taboos and domination. If so, this place is pretty tame for Internet standards, which leads me once more to speculate that the average age here is somewhat low. I'm not even going to share my fetishes here, can't relate with you all.
>>89167Female version of cuckcold is cuckquean.
No. 89416
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>>87606None of these things might inherently be shameful on their own, but I think it's the combo of things that makes it bad.
On men:
>Long hair is attractive, especially grey hair. I want to run my hands through it all the time. >Indulge in femme things like dresses and stockings. >Middle aged men 40's-60's are in their prime. Stocky builds; aka built fat. Rugby players are incredibly attractive to me. I have a thing for age and size differences. For reference, I'm a petite 19 year old. >I have a feeder fetish. Watching a guy eat is a huge turn on; now that, I'm a little embarrassed of. Going to restaurants fucking sucks for this reason. >I love it when a guy noticeably gains weight; I love bellies. Jesus fuck, it sucks! I want to rub a guy up and down all day but I know none would let me. F this one in particular. >Brown or hazel eyes. I know preference for eye color is not a fetish, except I literally cannot be attracted to a guys eyes if they aren't dark and eyes are one of my favorite things. I have no idea why this is. Light eyes are creepy and give off uncanny valley feelings. I hate my own.Also, despite being a total sub, I like modest and fem personalities. Assertive/narc guys who are proud of their masculinity are totally repulsive to me. A lot of guys I had crushes on were gay. They had flaming voices/personalities paired with the "bear" appearance. Why couldn't I have been born a dude? Lmao
No. 89421
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>>89416i love long hair on men, young and old. i too want to run my hands through it, especially during sex. as a kid in the 2000s when shaggy hair was popular, i used to fawn over long haired guys and even characters from fantasy stuff like lord of the rings. i thought damn, when i'm older i want a boyfriend/husband like that.
fast forward to the 2010s when i'm sexually mature, and every guy is getting an undercut. weep. i hope that long hair on men makes a comeback for a bit as it was in the '70s. some anons from earlier were discussing the charm of retro porn and that's one of the things i miss, hairier men.
No. 89494
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I guess it's more goofy than shameful, but I adore colorful riding suits + helmets on men. It'd probably be impractical af but I wish someone would screw me in the full getup. I tried to find porn of it but it's all naked people on bikes
No. 89513
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>>89494I have the same fetish and there's plenty of porn of it. It's easier to find porn on sites like xtube where there's a lot of amateur stuff rather than pornhub or something. Try searching for "mx gear".
No. 89524
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>>89494>>89513I've always had a thing for Daft Punk for this same reason (minus the bikes of course). Biking gear is especially sexy and masculine to me. Then the helmets add this additional element of mystery, which is like super erotic.
No. 89526
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>>89517Happy to help!
>>89524I have a thing for Daft Punk as well for the same reason (plus robots are pretty hot too).
The element of mystery is definitely my main reason. It's hard to read someone when you can't see their expressions, so they're pretty much reduced to their actions. It's also hot to imagine "someone" who is basically nothing more than their base desires, or like just a fuck machine basically.
Daft Punk in their Lotus F1 suits just about put me in my grave.
No. 89532
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>>89421Long hair is definitely a fetish for me. Whenever I see long or medium lenght haired guys I immediatly find them 10x more attractive. I don't like rocker types tho.
I've embarrased myself many times staring at them in public places, it's like I'm hipnotized. Once I saw this gorgeous, effeminate man in the subway and I had to stop myself from taking a picture. tfw when you'll never see him again or date someone like him.
>>89416Beefy long haired asian guys in an apron is my new fetish, ty for that anon. Kinda hilarious, since I'm asian myself
No. 89577
>>89532>Kinda hilarious, since I'm asian myselfPlease make cute, long haired asian sons and keep the apron master race alive. Thank you.
>>89540>then realized he's an old asian manIs it bad that would make me even more excited?
No. 89579
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>>89532I could've written this post myself anon. I'm strictly attracted to feminine kinda guys with long hair and I'm scared I'll never be with someone with that kinda look lol.
No. 89580
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>>89421Ugh you come in here and share one of my fetishes and post one of my biggest celeb crushes. Ugggghhh.
No. 89648
>>89642I have no idea what the technical term is for the fetish, but if there isn't one we should name it. The post-apocalyptic romance sub-genre already exists though.
What I find most appealing, personally, is the rustic elements of survival in the countryside. The man teaching you how live off the land, keeping you safe, and later trying to repopulate the earth with you. It's so primal.
My bf follows a lot of survivalist/prepper channels on YouTube and always wants to watch them with me and I'm like hell yeah.
I want to do it in in real life though. No. 89916
Sex with a dog.
I keep trying to put this fetish down, but whenever I'm too horny it becomes uncontrollable and I end up in some beast site with beast stories or vids (I prefer stories though). I never acted on it, and I don't have a dog, but sometimes I wonder whether I'd already have done it if I had one. I get out of control when I'm horny. When I'm not horny I feel ashamed and disgusted, "wtf was I thinking last time I masturbated?", but then it all comes back when I'm preparing to enjoy myself. I've been trying to replace this fetish for years now, but it seems that the more I repress it, the more forbidden and trespassing it feels, and the more I fantasize about. I blame the Internet, be very careful about what you read and watch on the Internet, anons. The Internet is the devil.
No. 89919
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>>89590>>89916love yourselves
No. 89973
>>89965The internet can definitely exacerbate fetishes, but I don't think you will seriously get into it unless you do have a tendency for it OR are a child when it's shown to you. Anon didn't say she was a child when she got into this.
Although I could be projecting a bit, since I'm into similar things to you (male mutilation/suffering/rape/murder) but I've always had a preference towards it. At ten I used to fantasize about soft male pain, like emotional distress and being beaten by their parents or peers. And I had no internet access then, just the news and things other people had said.
Perhaps it's just a combination of things in the end. Nature and nurture.
No. 90033
>>89961>>89964>>89965>>89973>>89974>>89976>>89977It's obviously a learned fetish. To me all fetishes are learned, you might have inclinations to some things that might lead to some fetishes, but fetish to me is about fantasizing, not merely about some impulse, and fantasies require thinking in detail about a subject, which means you must have had some contact with it. Say a nymphomaniac wants to date a guy seriously, but her urges to sleep around with other guys are always present, so she develops fetishes about cheating, swinging, etc. In this case, the urge is just an urge, and the fetish is the outcome of it. Specially when it comes to beastiality, it makes no fucking sense that such desire should be natural.
I stumbled on beast content by chance on the Internet, and was surprised that many women seemed to enjoy a lot having dog sex. I don't think I gave it a thought before, but if you asked me I would have guessed that the women who do this kind of stuff are mostly doing it because of their boyfriend's wishes, maybe some would also be doing it out of desperation and/or insanity, and maybe some were also from rural parts of the world where this kind of stuff is somewhat common; regardless I'd certainly have looked down on it. But reading stories made by women describing what they liked about it, the fetishes that they developed from it, made me realize that there are many girls out there who just genuinely enjoy it and do it on their own (granted, they still seem to be not "normal people", a good deal of them seem to be girls with high sex libido, such as bisexuals). And this is why I became curious about it. But for me personally I think it has a good deal about the sense of forbiddingness, the taboo, the trespassing. I am sexually frustrated, and I think this is what led me to develop fetishes about daily stuff that could be turned into big sexual adventures, something that is right under everybody's eyes but no one sees it because nobody thought about it. My main fetish, for example, is exhibitionism, male and female (sadly when it comes to male stuff there's only amateur), I just love the thought or sight of men or women being naughty in public but without anyone noticing it. And I think that my fetish with dogs has much of the same, dogs are everywhere but nobody thinks of them sexually, my fantasies about sex with dog are usually about having sex with family dog, or our own dog behind my bfs/husband's back, etc. And this is why I said that the more I try to shun it down, the more forbidden it feels to me. It's that kind of secret that could be kept under everybody's nose with a family dog, and this is what makes me crazy about it.
But there's also the purely physical side of things, the things that those women describe make me curious, but honestly I don't want to talk about it.
No. 90038
>>90033>To me all fetishes are learnedNah. Also, dog rapists should all be put down. Cleanse the world of the dog rapist gene.
This isn't a derail. That's my fetish, genocide of animal abusers.
No. 90111
>>90033Anon, you at least have to take partial responsibility here. It isn't just the internet, your sex drive, and your interest in the ~forbidden~. Certainly those ingredients contribute, but you decided to think with your genitals and go down the rabbit hole of dogfucking. You could have just been disgusted, avoid it, and call it a day…but you didn't. I'd also believe it realistic to say that most people who are into exhibitionism are not also into literally raping animals.
If we're going with your thinking then it isn't a pedo's fault they saw cp once, got curious and read what other pedo's wanted to say, then got addicted to cp/may molest a kid. It's just the internet and the fact that they have a kink for being in control!!1
>comparing being bisexual to bestialityDon't bring us down with you. Please see a therapist.
So as not to derail, I really want a short bf to lift up while giving him oral. I've seen some "amazons" do this in porn and it's both impressive and hot. Wish she were me.
No. 90116
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>>90033I was playing with my dog today when I suddenly remembered you post and it made me want to barf. I'm not going to condemn you as long as you never act on it. Sexually abusing animals is worse than CP in my book.
As for my fetish, I'd like to turn into a ladies men (I'm a tiny girl). There's something powerful about being able to fuck whoever you want being a man that is just isn't the same when you're a bombshell. Funny thing is I'm not even a lesbian or bi, I'd even like to attract gay men too. Just imagine how awesome it would be being a Chad surrounded by whiny incels complaining they don't get pussy as easily as you. If I had to choose, I'd want to be pic related kind of man.
No. 90126
>>90118I'm not putting animals above humans, my reasoning is different.
Whenever I look at a cat or a dog I think of them as just that, animals. They aren't capable of thinking like we do or communicate with us, they act based on instinct. And obviously apart from apes, they are nothing like us visually. So being attracted to them that don't even resemble human beings in the slightest is worse to me. But both are innocent, really, I'm not trying to excuse anything. I get disgusted at both.
>>90121They're not capable of giving consent. Taking advantage of that is horrible.
No. 90130
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>>90116I want the same thing but femdom style, with me still as a chick and a harem filled with my choosing of men. Sucks that there is no group of men/female type of porn that isn't rough gangbanging with the woman being dominated. I just want my harem of sexy sleazy men that aren't totally submissive bitch bois, but are exciting, titillating, brainwashed male sex kittens. IDK how to describe it, but I hope other anons get what I mean.
Bonus points if I'm some sort of conquerer who has enslaved previously violent/crazy men like dictators or mass murderers/serial killers who are now mindbroken enough to be apart of my harem. I'm the same anon who posted about domming Bundy.
No. 90133
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>>90130also i might be in the minority but i have a thing for 70s/sleazecore wear on guys. maybe it's the carefree air of it? It's how I imagine all men in my harem would dress.
No. 90135
>>90130God, me too anon. Although I'd prefer the men to be very submissive, I'd want it to be in a confident way if that makes sense. As in they'd be proud of their bodies and would basically objectify themselves for me (giving me a nice strip show, giving me lapdances, sending me pictures of their asses, etc.). I literally want a role-reversal Chad dynamic. I'd want it to be normal for men to be the ones enticing us and for them to be the ones calling me "mommy" and wanting me to spank and choke them.
It just seems that even most femdom stuff is mainly objectifying the woman, worshiping her or whatever. Which I also like, but what I really desire is a vanilla-straight-role-reversal-with-the-man-on-the-bottom sort of situation first and foremost.
>tfw even 70s sleazecore is more classy than men's popular fashion today No. 90140
>>55655I find this compilation much more interesting. would be also my reply to this thread but I'm not ashamed.
No. 90145
>>90143Yeah, I'm sure there are definitely some guys who would be delighted to have someone appreciate them though. Since it doesn't seem to be a big thing that happens often.
I'm aiming to score a bf who likes being objectified, too. Hopefully he'll get the message by me being otherwise assertive and taking the initiative.
No. 90149
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>>90135I'm glad others feel the same way as me. I like some elements of "regular" femdom like the leather whips and haute couture mistress look, but at my core I want to be a woman like olga of kiev who fights for her men, just like men fight for their women.
Like I said, being the conquerer or even the wife of one would be ideal for me. I'd like to try the whole inverse thing of "hoe into a housewife" but with turning a smug barbarian into my sex slave.
>>90138not really into his music, but harry styles is doing a good job of bringing back some elements of the style. I just hope that it catches on a little bit, but not so much it becomes hypebeast-tier level of inescapable.
No. 90177
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I just want a fine ass t girl to choke me with her cock. Anon from last thread mentioned something similar but only showed adoration towards "crossdressers and not actual transgenders." I'm just so turned on by chicks with dicks.
No. 90281
>>90265my boyfriend worships my feet and i worship his. we often kiss each other's feet and suck each other's toes. we don't even have to ask each other to do it, it's just instinctive. and it feels sooo fucking good.
i had really terrible cramps the other day so my boyfriend gave me a massage. the next thing you know we were "foot 69ing", meaning his feet were by my face and mine by his, and we just went to town with foot worship.
No. 90327
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>>90177I just wish more trannies looked like carmen carrera and not chris chan. Even in porn shemales look like men with bolt ons. Like, get ffs and fat transplant before tits.
No. 90679
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Native Americans. Indigenous people from various countries as long as they have long hair. And of course their stoic faces.
No. 90715
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>>90679are you me anon? we talked about this before in the thread earlier.
>tfw you will never time travel and get a cute native husbando No. 90999
>>90991same anon omg.
also when I used to watch orange is the new black it made me want to fuck a prison guard, even though I know it's disgusting and prison guards rape women in prisons all the time
No. 91126
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honestly, markus or jesse williams just angry fucking me during some damn protest. love a woke, angry man.
No. 91167
>>90177Seconding. Actual passing transgirls are hot to me. Especially because they tend to be what i look for in a (cis) woman: deep voice,tall,kinda mature features.
Now,neo vaginas? That's another thing…but hey you can't have everything although as said previously a cute girl with a rock hard cock is super hot to me
No. 91221
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I want to mommy dom a guy, preferably someone who's my height or shorter.
too bad I'm 5'3 so it'll only be a dream. I'm also worried about ever bringing up the mommy thing, as I'd imagine it's seen as a red flag to most guys.
No. 91244
>>91133I have the same fetish. No pain or instruments either, just an inspection sort of thing. There’s some good stuff on literotica for it.
It’s weird how these fetishes start I guess.
No. 91259
>>91221Me too, anon. Although I'm more ashamed by the fact that mdlb, just like ddlg, is diet pedophilia. I'm not attracted to underage people by any stretch, but I know fetishizing childlike behaviour and imagery, even in adults, is fucking skeevy.
I don't even know why it turns me on, tbh. It must be some fucked up crossed wires in my head that now associate maternal feelings with my romantic/sexual feelings for men. What went wrong?
No. 91306
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i wanna take a typical fuckboy who has fucked a bunch of girls and use a strapon to cocktrain him so hard that he never fucks anything ever again. i want to alter his mind so that he can't even get off without me fucking him roughly, and i want to make sure that his cock never goes near another pussy/asshole or even a fleshlight.
No. 91475
>>91261I'd rather not do anything with a footfag, I find feet gross, and I wouldn't like to kiss someone who was just sucking my toes or some shit. How do you even find submissive guys? There's a guy at my work who I'd love to fucking cuddle and all, but I've no idea if he's a sub, and any conversation dies quick even though we have similar interests. fuck me I just want to loving cuddle and fuck a guy while having him call me mommy
>>91259That's another aspect of it for not even mentioning it, but for me I'm comfortable knowing I'll never be fucked enough to do that, even if it is diet pedo shit.
No. 91737
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Loveless, soulless relationships where neither person is happy but they only have eachother is my kink. Hate sex is okay but frustrating sex which ends in neither person being satisfied is 10/10. Trying to have sex with someone who is so depressed and dead inside they can’t do it is also golden.
No. 91964
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I’ve been super into impossibly hot girls like that Demi Rose. I get crazy turned on just by looking at her. I recently made a video playlist on YouTube that feature girls who looked similar to this so that my bf thinks it’s just my sex playlist but I’m actually fantasizing about them while he fucks me.
It’s pretty much against everything I publicly claim to stand for so I feel really badly about it.
No. 92062
>>91964Holy shit, are you me?
My bf is pretty open minded when it comes to sex but I don't think I'll ever tell him about it.
No. 92385
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I love the idea of fucking with (and just fucking) a deranged vulnerable drug addict who is so skinny he is barely alive, covered in not just bad but trashy tattoos. I want to coax him into trusting me, and then have him get a slutty tattoo like pic related to remember me by before I walk out of his life.
No. 92627
I have a lot of weird, and unrealistic fetishes.
One is mind control, both in the zombie-like/fried brain way, the almost possessed and physical pain is obvious whenever a command is spoken, and just the casual do whatever you say kind of way, bonus points if they're not even conscious of their actions later.
Yanderes are also a massive turn on for me, like in the I can't live with out way. Bonus points if they're murderous and have killed others in a jealous rage. Obsessiveness in terms of literally having a shrine dedicated to you (there's so few male ones though so it's a massive bummer, inb4 "Oh anon here's a great thing I recommend!" I've probably already seen it)
Stockholm Syndrome, the idea of locking someone up in a basement and forcing them to love you is kind of hot to me.
Robot husbandos/waifus are great, specifically developing a genuine relationship with them then ruining it all by reminding them they're nothing more than a useless machine is really hot.
Something normal-ish would be hooking up with a slightly sociopathic/psychotic guy that is super cheerful, friendly, popular etc. but when he's with you he's either super fucking sarcastic, mean/rude, cold, or uncaring. I just like the idea of snapping back and being a brat towards someone like that and having little moments where they slip up and show affection towards you or they make it a game to try and make your life a living hell.
Men badly cross-dressing as woman is hot to me. Like Tequilla Joseph, and the entire cross-dressing contest in Persona 4 tier.
Dominant muscle women are also a turn on, bonus points if she has a dick or is a trap.
Typing these out really makes feel ashamed at how stupid/degenerate they are.
No. 92640
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Lying down in bed and not giving a fuck when having sex.
I like to imagine the guy is making an effort to please you while you make a face like you don't care‚ cold and silent as if you're judging him. He'd get embarrassed and disappointed while doing it but doing the deed anyway. I always imagine like in a scenario where the man, generally an disgusting beta has to pay for sex.
I just love girls being expressionless. Maybe it's because I was teased about it at school?
No. 92646
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>>92514I sound like a
horrible person saying this but I probably wouldn’t want a boyfriend with a high self esteem. Guys with lower confidence tend to be clingier (which i like, because I’m always the clingy one). I was disgusted by my ex when he gained weight but he was clingier, asked me not to leave him, etc. which… was affirming especially after he almost cheated on me earlier on in the relationship.
I even have started to find less conventionally attractive features attractive because of this, like dark circles, acne, paleness. I can even find a receding hairline cute if it’s scruffy looking and he tries to hide it. Hoooooo am i a bad person?
No. 92675
>>92646Yeah, I love petit guys with big noses and always have, but that aside I feel like I've come to fetishize other "unattractive" features (acne, crooked teeth, big ears, receding jawline) as well and can't find 10/10 men attractive at all. I have a cute guy folder and a majority of them are average with awkward features lmao.
For me it's also because I'm a bit counterculture with my sexuality anyway, plus I look kind of funny myself. But at the same time I've never been turned on by the aforementioned 10/10s (or even 7/10s), so perhaps my interest is more genuine than I think? idk. I even prefer looking at imperfect people in day-to-day life, so maybe I just lack aesthetic sense.
I'd never date a fat guy for femdom reasons, though. Can't toss him around. Skellies 4 life.
No. 92798
>>92793It is a good question! For one thing, I only masturbate to gay porn. I think straight porn a lot of the time seems too demeaning to me. I think with gay porn guys seem a lot more tough and can handle rough sex better. I also feel less bad for sexually demeaning guys. Guys seem much more sexual in general to me.
I'm not really into the idea of rough sex at all. Or horses.
No. 92849
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when males self harm. nothing is more adorable then a boy with cut marks on his wrist. one of my ultimate fantasies is watching a cute boy cut himself and me licking his cuts right after. doesnt have to just be cutting either, i love watching a cute boy inflict any pain on himself. burn yourself, gag yourself, taze yourself, hell! jump in front of car!!! i adore it all. gotta say cutting is my absolute fav though!
in general though i think i really like depressed… well. depressed isnt the right word but i dont know what is. self depreciating guys? those types of guys tend to be the most loving and dedicated. even in a nonsexual context, i really genuinely am attracted to guys like that. all i need is a cute self loathing boy whos obbsessed with me and will degrade himself for me. is that too much to ask?
oh and… acne. i think acne is super cute!
No. 92854
>>92832Not that anon but I once watched this gay jewish drama film once and ever since then… I'm not even jew myself and this is so fucking random. I'm tired of these reocurring thoughts. I don't get it.
>>92801I think it's cause mainstream porn is mainly a fantasy for men, so the way it treats the women is inherently not gonna be appealing to us. I like gay porn too occasionally but if I'm in the mood for m/f I have a better time reading a trashy erotic novel cause they're written for women
No. 92861
>>92832Yeah, some Jewish guys can be super qt although I generally prefer desi men.
>>92834This is definitely true, but I find awkward/disproportionate noses more endearing.
>>92849Fuck, same. I think it's both due to my sadism and savior complex, sometimes I masturbate while crying thinking about a man being so mentally low (due to emotional/sexual abuse from others) that he ruins his body. Just scars and open wounds everywhere. But I'm there for him and help him get stable, even if it means supporting him for the rest of our lives. Sometimes in this fantasy I also begin abusing him myself after convincing him I'm safe. Depends on my mood.
It may partially be because
I used to cut as well and it's a sexually degenerae coping mechanism since I quit. I'd also never date another SHer irl, it's just fantasy. In my experience most of us have pent up rage and I'm not dealing with someone like me in that regard.
Although one could argue that sexual masochism itself is SH.
No. 92893
>>92791I feel you anon. Me too, but with big dogs. It just seems more plausible to take a dog dick than a horse dick and live to tell the story.
>>92799this is absolutely it for me. The degradation and objectification of the man.
No. 93375
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War in general is hawt as fuck. Whenever I would learn about things like WW2 I would imagine fucked up sexual situations that would arise from it. One of the worst ones was two nazi soldiers getting caught by the opposition and instead of killing them, using them for extra labor until they find out the captured nazis are crippled and just use them as sex slaves for their soldiers instead
No. 93428
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Fundamentalist Christianity with reversed gender roles. I want to live in a Mormon commune out in the desert where women are religious leaders, and have 3 or 4 sweet submissive husbands who believe that obeying me like my word is God's word is the only way for them to get to heaven. They all wear cute prairie dresses, do all the cooking and cleaning, and get a little too excited when I have to discipline them for being sinful.
No. 93502
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I want a hindley/brady relationship but with the woman leading the crime. I don’t have any homocidal urges, but the thought of two of you trusting each other so much to get away with murder is comforting.
No. 94151
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>>93375any fetish that humiliates and degrades Nazis is fine in my book!
No. 94154
>>93375this stuff is really fucked up considering the stuff that happened in asia in WW2…
i still agree…
i'm so fucked up.
No. 94164
>>87606This is completely insane but lately I have been plagued by the thought of being raped by an (attractive) arab guy while he calls me a "western whore" and berates me even more when I can't help but cum under him.
No. 94172
>>88450Yes!! I blame it on romance mangas and dramas but I want this as long as he secretly has a thing for me and isn't being an asshole just to be an asshole. Kind of like he'd be in denial that he likes me or something but not in a tsundere way, I can't describe it.
I guess my worst fetishes are rape, chikan, and peeing (which I only discovered recently). A guy who has complete control over me and I have to pee but he wont let me go and makes me do it in front of him is so embarrassing and hot. Blah…
No. 94180
>>94172Only porn I watch is chikan. But only if it's the japanese kind where weirdly, nobody around notices and the girl isn't crying, upset or overtly trying to get away (but not enjoying too much, still)
Last time I talked about it to a guy, he made me feel ashamed about the fact that it was rape and all that.
No. 94185
Funny thing is I also hate beards and circumcision, but yeah for some reason I have this kink
No. 94187
>>94186well that's my other weird ass fetish is violating super religious men and eventually having them give in to the pleasure and renounce their god
i actually did a lot of looking into abu ghraib but as far as i can tell there was no female-on-male rape.
No. 94188
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>>94187Yeah, that is a bit disappointing.
Do you also find yourself getting off to articles describing female-on-male domestic abuse/rape (especially forced anal)? In the past I've felt guilt over it, but in reality men are barely human and deserve it lmao.
This case in particular was really nice: No. 94193
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>>94188>>94186You chicks are starting to scare me
Anyway: When I was younger I disproportionately formed crushes on dead guys. Don't know why. I think something about the impossibility of it made it appealing. Tfw no cute zombie bf.
No. 94196
>>94188No, tbh I'm much more into the emotional torment than directly inflicting pain. One example I can think of is the scene from AHS:Asylum where Sister Mary Eunice rapes Monseigneur Howard.
Also nice pic
>>94195Yeah I never thought about a clone gangbang before seeing her post but it makes a lot of sense
No. 94210
>>94195Yeah, idk but the idea of being completely filled/smothered by my bf in every hole sounds like heaven. Only if it's him though, I can't stand the idea of a gangbang of just random strangers or even friends/siblings of his.
Him and only him. Weep for me girls. This is one thing I can never experience and it sucks.
No. 94250
>>94186i wish we had more domming of psychopathic men, they're the perfect sex slaves
No. 94466
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>>90679I have this one as well but not necessarily with long hair, just any indigenous often oppressed minority of an occupied country - including (maybe somewhat mixed) Australian aboriginals like pic related. In theory I know the racial fetization stuff is off and yuck, which is why I’m ashamed of it, but I’ve realized a lot of them subconsciously lean that way for me. Hopefully saying it can help me shake it, because I’ve never talked or even thought about it to myself too much in depth.
>>94164>>94171>>94186>>94187Ugh, these too. For the latter I’ve read up a lot on the subject but couldn’t find anything blatantly implied either. I guess all of these kind of connect to the previous one though. I’ve always had a thing for swarthy non-white/non-black men with sharp features, (usually Native Americans, Latinos, Arabs, sometimes Indians,) especially in a historical setting, where it’s forbidden and they are especially vilified, even if (especially if) they aren’t the main characters love interest. Thankfully at least 25% of the historical romance genre is dedicated to this subject, which is embarrassing as it is, but at least I know there’s something I can resort to.
No. 94483
>>94471Sounds weirdly hot
It's a bit like cucking, I like the idea of a guy having to jerk off alone and then watch someone else get his fun
No. 94529
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this doubles as a shameful fetish AND a retarded crush but: I have a crush on my drill sergeant. I'm on leave for an injury right now and a few nights ago I wound up having a vivid sex dream about him where he fucked me and forced me to say "yes/no/faster/harder/etc., Drill Sergeant" the whole time while he choked me with my ID tags and called me degrading names and I wound up orgasming myself awake. Now I have a fetish for being dominated but only within a military context. I probably won't be able to look him in the eye when I get back.
No. 94619
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I watched that nun movie today and I was really turned on.
I just want a demon bf/gf. I guess I should be ashamed.
No. 94631
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Physical and verbal abuse, I want to degrade my partner and reduce them to nothing more than a submissive play thing, I feel horrible whenever I get off to the idea but it's been with me ever since I can remember, also like uniforms and knife play(not actually cutting someone but like putting a knife up to their neck or slowly running the tip over their skin without causing any cuts)
what is wrong with me
No. 94723
>>94620Nothing sad about it anon, you just happened to have a sex dream about him. Didn't make any allegations about him irl.
It could be a little awkward next time you see him, lol. Did you know you were into this type of fantasy?
No. 94761
>>94723I guess "sad" is the wrong word to use, I just feel (irrationally) bad for having such a violent and rapey dream about someone who I know is an advocate against sexual violence.
>Did you know you were into this type of fantasy?nope lol I'm pretty vanilla.
No. 94775
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having sex with a gay man (well i guess now a very male-leaning bisexual man). i want him to feel disgusted and degraded that's he's fucking me, and want to be done with it as quickly as possible. ideally i force him to cum in me or eat me out as he calls me a perverted slut for making him do this.
No. 94777
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>>94758go fuck yourself, Im a woman, I just like that casual bondage look.
No. 94784
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Basic bitch vampire fetish. I can get off just reading the blood sucking scenes.
No. 94810
>>94755Same tbh. I love that bulky soldier gear too with the helmets. Russian unis really seem to do it for me.
>>94779Idk what that anons problem is, there's other posters itt who wrote about their rape fantasies.
No. 95134
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I'm disgusted with my kinks, because I'm all for independence and about powerful women… But my kinks on another hand include light spanking with hand (probably comes from my Catholic background) and just being pinned down in general but not with too much power. I'm not to keen on aggressive people.
And the most shameful of them all is light somnophilia. Is there any other anons that lean towards sleeping beauty syndrome.
No. 95165
I have a fantasy of breaking my boyfriend completely and entirely, until he's a perfect slave who only exists to serve me in every way possible. The sexual part would be training him to get me off with his mouth multiple times a day. He could be in the middle of doing something, but I would push him down to his knees, press myself against his face, and he would accept it with a smile and do his hardest to please me. Also, I would want him to endure pain in the same way. Often I would get the urge to beat him for a prolonged period of time. He would accept anything I would do to him: slapping him in the face, punching him in the stomach and jaw, stepping all over him. He would have a headstrong, stubborn attitude at first, but the constant abuse would chip away at his will to the point where he would break down in tears. I would also do scary things like tying him up and blindfolding him, and running a knife over his skin while I watch his terrified and panicked reactions.
In our normal every day life if he disagreed with me or did something against my wishes, I would slap him hard across the face, knee him in the balls until he dropped to his knees, and he would gracefully accept it, apologize, and beg me to do what I want to him as repentance. He would actively put me first no matter what. Eventually it would get to the point where he got so good at anticipating my needs where I wouldn't need to discipline him physically anymore, and he would become extremely doting and lovey-dovey (I know this isn't how abuse works, it's a fantasy). There would be no resistance by now, because he realizes that making me happy is his true life's purpose. He is genuinely happy from the bottom of his heart knowing he belongs to me, that I broke him down and shaped him into my property.
It's a pretty impossible fantasy, obviously abusive, and extremely edgy, but it's all I think about recently.
No. 95168
>>95165Relatable, anon.
That's the ultimate goal in life, to have a bf like that.
No. 95237
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>>95236>uwu>some men deserve itgirl…
No. 95244
>>95165i have never related so hard in my life
>>95225this is exactly right, as a 12 yr old i thought that women having rape fantasies was just a meme and a weak argument men would use against them, and also remember seeing on some shitty 'help' show (maybe it was doctor phil) women complaining their husband is too passive and too 'nice' and just thought maybe they were crazy bitches that no actual woman is like that. for a long time i thought my feelings were the norm and wondered why shitty shoujo manga where the guy was forceful was so popular. sometimes i wish i was into being submissive so i wouldnt feel so alienated trying to self insert into mainstream romance movies/books.
>>95241hey where might these 'right places' be anon?
No. 95250
>>95244I identify with your second point here, I thought it was an exaggeration when people said women prefer dominant men. It was disappointing to find out that most women are sub af and therefore most men are doms.
I grew up in a household where my mom was pretty socially dominant and she's currently the sole breadwinner of our house. My bio dad was an awful guy but she dealt with that strongly after he showed his shitty side, she was never a passive woman. So maybe it is socialization, since my expectations were shaped by the relations my closest female role model had with men.
Any other dommes with similar experiences? Or is it innate?
No. 95255
>>95231>>95236It is not entirely a fantasy, some of it is real. However, the difference being is that it's not to that extreme degree, and he always consents to whatever we do. I do love him from the bottom of my heart and I treat him very well, I am not abusive.
>>95241Not really. A lot of men into femdom really just want women to rough them up in the overly specific ways that gets them hard. They don't actually have any interest in submitting, doing what the woman wants, or making her happy, it's all about them. Men who are submissive in relationships are extremely rare.
Look at femdom porn. It's all focused on the "submissive" man. I do like stuff like pegging, CBT, orgasm denial, etc, but femdom porn gets it all wrong. It ends up being only different ways to get men off. There's never any mutual pleasure. The women never enjoys or gets off from it.
>>95244>wondered why shitty shoujo manga where the guy was forceful was so popularThat stuff is awful but made me realize how common it is as well. It actually makes me sad how much rape is prevalent in manga for young girls, when you would expect innocent bubbly romance. Quite strange.
No. 95494
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>>95488relatable. scenarios like this were one of the first things that ever turned me on. i don't like it when the girl is obviously upset or when the other person is in frame, it's mainly when the sexualization seems "by chance" "accidental" or "from the universe." crowdsurfing or creepshots work too because they appear anonymous in a sea of people. it used to make me feel guilty af but i think it's just an early development relic from when i wanted to see naked/sexy women but didn't want to fully admit my desire and was too intimidated to witness someone else's desire, so i liked these detached scenarios where the girl isn't being sexual on purpose, and aggressor is unidentified or nonexistent. it's not the only or main thing that turns me on anymore so i'm not too concerned, but damn does it work.
No. 95569
>>87606Not too crazy but I do have a thing for very very very light femdom.
I just want a guy to call me "mommy" while I call him "good boy" and stroke his hair and stuff.
No. 95673
>>95250I've experienced this! My mom definitely wears the pants in her relationship with my dad. She's pretty shitty and abusive and I try really hard not to emulate her example, but it's undeniable that I grew up watching a woman leading her relationship. But I don't like to think that I got my sexual preferences from my parents, so I tell myself that it's innate.
>>95165I like this to a smaller degree. Stockholm syndrome is pretty hot, but I'm too soft to really abuse someone. I think I'd be nice to him 99% of the time, and occasionally I'd snap just to freak him out, but it would always be followed by holding and comforting him, going "you don't think I'd really be mean to you like that, do you sweetie? I'm sorry you imagined something so horrible, let me make you feel better". Obviously I'd never do this in real life.
No. 96374
>>96370Big mood. Do you also get the urges to act on them? It's gotten serious for me in the past.
Rape is just the ultimate form of sexual dominance.
No. 96383
>>96378surprisingly wholesome, it
is weird but I can't hate this.
No. 96400
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>>96385Anyone else have a hard time fantasizing about real people? Unless it is someone I'm currently sleeping with I just can't get into a fantasy involving a real person because I get too caught up in wondering what they would think. Like it is almost disrespectful somehow lol, "No no I'd never do it like that, very unrealistic".
I pretty much exclusively fantasize about imaginary men, 2d anime guys, or someone I am actively sleeping with. With exception of the last, them not being real is a benefit. Who cares what the fantasy is if they're not real? As a concept I don't think hentai or doujinshis are
that weird but I do feel embarrassed by it. I just can't make my brain shut up enough to fantasize about people that actually exist!
Written erotica is fine too.
No. 96404
>>96384The hardness is part of what I like about it I guess. I've tried tomatoes and stuff but they're too soft to really feel anything.
The shapes are attractive to me, for some reason my mind can relax knowing that they're not shaped like actual penises. Guess I have issues lol
No. 96406
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i just want a man to seduce me, and be the object of the desire. even in fucking femdom porn the guy is completely nonsexy and passive while the woman is doing all the work. doesn't even matter if he's dom or sub, i want him to laugh, smile, go redfaced, and stick his tongue out me. why the fuck is this so hard to find.(robot)
No. 96407
>>96404when you say it like that it doesn't seem very weird. you like penetration but are intimidated or turned off by actual dicks.
but why veggies specifically and not just an undetailed dildo? i guess the taboo thing?
No. 96421
>>96407It's not just veggies, mentioned sausage above. Yeah it's mostly driven by the taboo feeling I guess
>>96408Roma lmao.
>>96410It feels better without a condom, but wearing one is the wiser thing to do. Of course I thoroughly wash all the produce, before and after, but I can never bring myself to eat them.
No. 96445
>>96406>tfw knew a guy who flirted with me by making self-objectifying statements like this but then he ended up not wanting to take the relationship furtherPain.
They're out there though.
No. 96473
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You know when you're playing a video game and the male character you're playing as gets hit and makes sounds? Yeah.
No. 96490
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Pretty vanilla, but domming from time to time the top in your lesbian relationship feels so great. Especially if she's a cute tomboy who's very protective of you and usually in charge.
With and without a strap-on, of course
No. 96685
I really want to know if "mutilation fetish" posters would get off to this.
Posting rebbit link just to avoid direct video link. No. 96696
>>96685>tfw it's actually one of your kinks to amputate all of a man's limbsBASED ANON
He even has the body type I find fuckable. Too bad it wasn't in an actual femdom setting where he would be made into a sex doll.
Also probably a criminal in life, although I know there are girls here who are even more excited about that prospect.
No. 96767
>>89526this is me! something about the helmets, especially when the guy turns his head but you can't tell if he's looking at you or not shiver i think there's something machine-like about it that i like too. someone help me, its such a random and bizarre thing to like
(reposted because replied to wrong person)
No. 96768
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>>96696>although I know there are girls here who are even more excited about that prospect.literally me, i have a super obscure fetish for conquering/“taming” previously dangerous or psychopathic men into a harem. i’m a hybristophile so i’ve already chosen the ones i like the most lel.
>that femdom bundy greentextideal tbh
No. 96778
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the thought of kidnapping uniformed men and humiliating them is my ultimate fetish
No. 96817
>>96808sorry, I guess I should elaborate I was honestly drunk and tired posting that.
I despise daddy shit, and especially after grtting into radfeminism, but something about treating like those ddlg tier (people called good girl) and feeling little and holding on to "daddy" while being fingered.
Basically, feeling guilty because of my feminism beliefs but I still get off of that
No. 96870
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>>87606pretty tame but the veins in guys necks when they breathe heavy
No. 96880
A weak helpless person getting exploited is probably my creme de la creme. I like the idea of an average person who’s living a semi succeful like, preferably starting collage or higher education and then suddenly being humiliated publicly/physically assaulted/fucked with so badly they develop extreme agoraphobia and all that success goes down the drain. They would isolate themself for a while, maybe a few years, and barely talk to anyone. They would be socially stunted and extremely vulnerable, and that’s when I would walk into their life.
I would come of as the perfect partner, caring, a good listener, someone who they think would be trying to help them improve their life and get better. And I would, they would slowly and steadily get back to a point in their life where they have a chance at success. Right at the point when they would finally start going back into society, I would make my long awaited move, walking out of their life completely. Without me their entire facade of a chance of success would crumble and I would leave them broken. They would try and contact me but I wouldn’t respond. I wouldn’t need to hear the cries of them begging for me to come back, I wouldn’t even want to see them years later in passing and see how truly broken they had become. I would be self satisfied enough knowing what I had done.
Whew, feels good to get that off my chest.
No. 96887
>>96880Love it, I've had fantasies like that although instead of leaving I start physically and sexually abusing [him].
I'm not sure at what point you get off on yours. Is it just an emotionally fulfilling thing? Were you also into cheesy hurt/comfort fanfics as a tween?
No. 96998
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I know this is pretty tame compared to a lot of stuff on the net but I've developed a serious GFD/role-reversal fetish. Ashamed because I made fun of it for being cringy for a long time only to realize the power dynamic gets me pretty hot.
>>96995Anon plz admit
No. 96999
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>>96880This is probably one of the worst things I’ve ever written. One of my fantasies is similar to yours. I would go for a guy with low desirability (deformed, disabled, disfigured, etc.) and nuture him, tell him how cute he his, tell him I love him, etc. He would feel indebted to me for loving someone like him and beg me not to leave him and be super sweet and romantic in order to compensate for his flaws. I wouldn’t do anything sadistic, I’d just want him to be clingy towards me. I’d never target an individual to fulfill this, I’m aware how terrible this sounds.
>>96995Same with black shoes. Except instead of dress shoes, combat boots. They look so hot to me, idk.
No. 97000
In a similar vein to
>>96880 … I think it would be so hot if he got gangraped. Bloody, violent injuries. I'd come meet him in the hospital, and he'd be crying in my arms, I'd tell him everything would be okay, and afterwards, hold him in bed as he lied there depressed and processing the trauma for days… And every time something
triggered him I'd know exactly what to do and make it all better. He'd be damaged forever and I'd be his rock.
Probably came from reading too many h/c fanfics… I'm honestly kinda sad that this will probably never happen.
No. 97006
>>96995You have to tell us now, anon
>>96999>that picOh no… I never knew I needed that until now…
No. 97015
>>96998Why did you find it cringe? Because it's not natural or whatever?
Women can be bigger you know. It doesn't have to be comical and unbelievable.
No. 97030
>>96999i felt this way too, until i started a relationship with someone on the spectrum
it wasnt like i thought it would be for a plethora of reasons, but the idea of it is still kind of nice i guess it just depends on the person
No. 97043
>>97042That sounds nasty but…is he innocent and vulnerable or something? That would be very endearing and appealing.
I've recently considered trying to date guys with higher-functioning autism since I think they'd appreciate my straightforwardness. I'm not autistic myself, just socially inexperienced so I state my expectations and thoughts too bluntly for most people. I also hate crowds and like schedules, and apparently people on the spectrum tend towards those traits as well.
Does your bf hate physical touch, though? I've heard that's common and I'd hate that. I want to cuddle.
No. 97060
>>97043innocent, vulnerable, naive, even a little bratty.
i've dated other people on the spectrum but not like this. it's like i'm livin' the dream.
he does hate physical touch but not with me. we started living together after he realized he can sleep in the same bed with me, he can't sleep in the same room with others. prolly gonna get married tbh. he gets really sensitive in the morning tho and sometimes when he feels sick, but other than that it's great, you just gotta know where to touch.
No. 97061
>>97060 and i don't have that problem luckily. he's doing a masters program. he's got that autist savant power. best of both worlds i guess. you just have to find the right one.
No. 97125
>>97035his family didnt want to accept that he had autism
they raised him to be narcissistic and money obsessed but his autism caused him to be so socially inept and scared of everything that he's on anti depressants and has absolutely no emotional connection with anyone, refuses to get a real job, can barely be assed to go to therapy and his government assigned welfare job
he constantly lashes out and thinks his opinions and thoughts are the only way including things that dont even pertain to them such as his mom choosing a car and the kind of shampoos i purchase
its a mix of how his parents raised him(never being around he was raised by nannies and au pairs and all his parents cared about was money, and they STILL travel constantly almost never home) and their refusal to see him as autistic, especially his father who just thinks hes a loser who sits around the house all day and is very verbally if not physically violent
he just gets very upset when things dont go his way and is extremely needy to the point where i cant do ANYTHING without him or he's convinced i hate him and hes scared im going to leave
yet there are times when i have cried and he just laughs at me like a sociopath like he feels nothing
idk its a lot but its definitely not JUST the autism
im sure some autistic people can be very good mates
No. 97174
>>97006 and a lonely straight woman, did I come off too creepy? I thought it was alright in the "fetishes you're ashamed of" thread of all the places
No. 97202
>>97166I’m the anon who wrote
>>96999 I am also just a lonely straight woman too but it does look like robot bait… if there are robots in this thread, I’m pretty sure it’s the anon who wrote this
>>92849 No. 97210
>>97166saying this is robots is really ridiculous, anon.
some women are fucked up, just accept it.
No. 97217
>>97216nta, but some women are just into gfd and have a bit of a care-fetish.
It's not that farfetched since women are often more predisposed to being parental (and no, I know it's not all of us before you say anything). There's always a chance it can get mixed up with our sexuality.
t. my fantasies were like hers before getting more into mutilation and torture
No. 97228
i can't believe some anons are so fucking insecure that they need to homogenize a fucking shameful fetishes thread.
my shameful fetish is i actually like those hairless clamshell vags in hentai. i'm not sure why but i do.
No. 97233
>>97226Just, the way it was typed. There are a lot of exclamation points and it reminds me of those “teehee!” incel posts. I just feel like it looks like it was typed by a male. Especially when they said
>oh and… acne. i think acne is super cute!it seemed like they were mocking the other anons who said they found acne cute.
>>97217Sorry, what does gfd stand for? I’m the anon who wrote the “nurturing” post. Is there a specific name for this care/nurturing thing? I need to know.
No. 97246
>>97242Other fetishes weren't so obviously robots.
If someone says they have a fetish for beating mwn and cutting them with knives, it's pretty safe to assume that's probably not a man role playing to indulge his fetish somehow by pretending to be a woman who's into it.
But if someone says they want to take care of some weak pathetic man it's probably a weak pathetic man saying it.
No. 97248
>>97241>all women are the sameI think I found the real robot
Also gfd does not automatically mean wanting a "ugly manchild"
Why do you think all the maledom suggestions in this thread are real but femdom suggestions are "robots"
No. 97249
>>97239She used the gender word! it's so cold, so analytical!
if you can't even relax on a female imageboard you should shut off your PC
No. 97251
>>97248i'm an anon who was talking about having an autistic shota bf, and he is in no way ugly (or really a manchild) i just have a thing for emotionally needy slightly insecure hot guys.
my bf is 6ft 135lb asian with high cheekbones and an 8in dick.
he's needy and cute and lets me lick his nipples and whimpers like a virgin. then he cuddles on me after sex and falls asleep.
it's really hot.
No. 97254
>>97246or..maybe just maybe.. some women have a desire to be maternal that extends past just having children
its not rocket science even if its not common
No. 97265
>>97251>likening him to a shota>he's not shortsmdh anon you ruined the fantasy.
But he's thin at least.
No. 97273
>>97267>>97265i don't think she's talking about a literal shota.
she mentioned earlier ITT she likes how shotas act, not their bodies.
No. 97322
>>97316Yeah that was my understanding as well. Having the mental and behavioral characteristics associated with shota archetypes but having a very adult look is probably best described some other way. Tbh it's one of those things I have a hard time imagining irl. Anime shota characters are a weird blend of boyish stereotypes that don't map neatly into reality.
>>97287Discussed in past threads, kindly anons said this was usually tagged as 'wump'.
No. 97325
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>>97246is it so really that unreasonable to be attracted to your man, who just lost a fight, covered in blood, and… okay, okay, i'll stop.
No. 97430
>>97422what are some dirty-talk things to say in arabic? (i'm
No. 97539
>>97533yes especially the smoking and the low class feeling of how they act.
>>97534yeah I think I'm the same, more so if they do it just to bully but point out or make me admit I like it.
I kinda of like it if im clearly more attractive but they still act like their better
No. 97551
>>97546Are you the same anon from the men you're ashamed to say you'd fuck thread?
You're having a thirsty day, it seems.
No. 97768
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>>87606i have the weirdest frequent fantasy, it’s so specific and i have NO idea how it came about.
i’m in an abusive controlling relationship with a really soft, sweet angelic boy (i usually think of park jimin in pics related) everyone loves him, but with me he’s so cruel and horrible, like a full on psychopath. during sex he’s cruel and gets off on torturing me and making me squirm, also calling me degrading words etc. he’s so horrible but so angelic that i can never leave him, but one day i run away and go to a oddly specific cute “aesthetic” like victorian type hotel and for a few days i feel safe, then suddenly i’m about to leave with all my stuff packed ready to run away forever and he walks through the door and he kind of just stands there with this dark look in his eyes and walks toward me and i’m in shock and back away and then he pushes me down and beats me up and starts fucking me really roughly and throws me around from the bed to the floor and the whole time he talks so softly while he’s calling me a whore and shit like that and his face is so gentle even when he’s choking me out and punching me and beating the fuck out of me and then when he’s finished he takes advantage of how vulnerable i am and convinces me to go back home with him and then i do because he’s so sweet and angelic and because i need him so badly that i can’t say no
it’s so weirdly specific but it’s so hot and i think about it way too often lol help me
No. 97777
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I think I have a daddy kink. Recently older guys turn me on so much, that I think every single second about it… (of course only if they have a somewhat handsome face and a fit body). I would never call him that, but I would like him to refer to himself as that.
My ultimate fantasy would be him, sitting, dressed in a fancy suit with only his cock out and me riding him. I would also like him to be rough with me.
But I don't think I will ever act out on that, out of self respect lol. And even if I would want to, I think that most men - despite there being a lot of old creeps out there - wouldn't actually get together with somebody half their age.
No. 97778
>>97768Anon I love you and I wish I could read more of whatever the fuck goes on in your weird head.
I have similar fantasies but instead of me taking the abuse from the softboy I only enjoy it if it's from a voyeur POV. As in, for example, cruel yet angelic looking Jimin × a girl or a guy × me watching or encouraging it. Oddly, though, I also have fantasies of cruel softboys like jimin or yoongi getting the same treatment you just described but from me. Something about degrading and ruining guys like them turns me on so fucking much.
No. 97794
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>was into twinky gay men who are sub freaks
>also likes girls with a little chub
>now my own reflection turns me on and I’m the girl with a little chub
I can never really stick to one fetish and I hate them all
No. 97842
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Guys getting tied up to chairs and getting and fondled/fucked. I would like to do this IRL but I am not sure how it would work. For one, it needs to be a specific type of chair. The chair itself isn't sexy but it needs to be plain enough and there are lots of granny looking chairs out there. Secondly would I need to bolt the chair down to the ground? I can't imagine personally doing it because my brain won't let me fantasize without worrying we would lean wrong or something and end up falling over on the chair.
Anyway I think if I wanted to make this fantasy happen I'd have to build the chair myself I can't find one I like.
No. 97843
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teeth. it's kind of weird but i often have dreams where everything is normal but everyones teeth are like pic related. idk how it came about tho lol.
No. 98078
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i have a serious fetish for really fucked up faces. primarily injured but also deformed in a way. i realized it when i first saw this series of images when i was younger (i saw them on some site that was detailing what inspired the "splicer" enemies in bioshock.) i was fascinated but also, for some reason, aroused.
i feel really bad about it, kind of like admitting you want to fuck a severe cripple due or mentally handicapped person due to their problem.
No. 98082
>>98079i would think he actually got better than these pics over time. facial reconstruction in those days was actually really impressive for the time and often ended up making the victim look fairly normal. i figure they eventually smoothed over the eye areas at least.
damn though, if you put him in front of me i'd kiss him all over and ride that dick for hours
No. 98089
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>>98078i normally dont judge in these threads but jesus, anon
No. 98119
>>98115lmfao! i'm glad. i like dead bodies too and all the nastiness that comes with them, it's my dream to have sex with a corpse but sadly there's no really easy way to go about that
No. 98122
>>98119>necrophiles on our good Christian lolcowSMDH
You should be as ashamed as the doggucker from a few months ago.
No. 98132
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specific softboy fantasy anon again, i’m also obsessed with the idea of fucking a guy with multiple dick piercings. they look so fucking hot. i blame noiz from dramatical murder lmao
No. 98140
File: 1539377323928.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.41 KB, 600x460, gameover.jpg)

I love when guys get beat up or hurt. I think the link's voice and game over animation in Ocarina of Time imprinted on me as a child and now I'm a sadist. But even though I'm bi I'm not really turned on by women being hurt, just attractive men.
No. 98154
>>98082This is really endearing to me anon. I hope you find a qt disfigured boy <3
>>98140Agreed, but less out of sadism and more so I can imagine comforting him afterwards. Also, the sound of a guy’s voice getting choked up before he starts to cry is really hot too
No. 98157
>>98156I can see your argument, but for my case I believe it to be disrespectful to their families/loved ones especially if it's soon after their passing. I'm personally pretty mortified (kek) by the thought of some rando fucking my mother's corpse when she passes. That's extremely uncomfortable.
>inb4 I don't care about their families, it's not their business, and mourning is retardedI don't expect to change your mind if that's the case.
Maybe the line for me is arbitrary, since I'm into doing violent shit to men and reducing them to nothing (but not killing them). Necrophilia, incest, and scat are just too far for me.
Pretty subjective and almost hypocritical morality I guess.
I dig your thing for guys with deformities, though. They need love too.
No. 98165
>>98158yes that would be a huge shame for me
>>98157agree to disagree then but i really don't think it's at the level of raping an animal, since it's just a body.
No. 98166
>I have a serious fetish for really fucked up faces>saw images detailing what inspired the bio shock splicersOh man, I thought I was the only one with this issue. That game made me develop a lust for deformities too. I started seeking out stories about nurses helping disfigured soldiers and even fantasized about being a war nurse and helping a soldier who hated what had happened to him and sought to kill himself recover and learn to love life again.
Have you read “The Men With Broken Faces” anon? It’s an excellent book about the World War I soldiers who suffered terrible disfigurements and the science behind the medicine that treated them.
No. 98168
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>>98166no but i'll have to check it out. thanks for the rec!
tfw never going to be a ww1 nurse treating a soldier
No. 98210
>>98202i love it too and i feel like its natural to
i dont JUST like the actual cum though, its the whole thing of a guy having an orgasm and the moans and heavy breathing and the dick twitching too
i basically only watch solo male porn because all i want to see and cum to is a guy cumming
No. 98221
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>>98166I have had this exact same fantasy WTF
How is lolcow collecting together so many fucking weirdo women???
No. 98246
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>>98192he's pretty hot, i like it
>>98221>>98222reminds me, i didn't like bioshock 2 much but i loooved this new splicer model. i have pretty intense teratophilia too (which makes me feel bad, again, that a deformed face could be considered "monstrous"…)
No. 98277
>>97842Holy shit anon are you me? I have a fantasy where i tie a guy down to a chair, feet and hands bound, and rub his dick teasingly, occasionally sucking on it and kissing my way around his body, and sitting in his lap too and making out with him, grinding against his lap. Basically anything that would have him gasping and moaning and begging me to let him cum. It's not a humiliation thing, that's not what i'm into, but it's sort of like I want to the be the only one to make him feel really good? Like I wanna let him know i'm the only one who can do this to him and i wanna give him so much pleasure, also because it's such a fucking turn on to see guys moan and beg unabashedly and squirm around wanting badly to be touched, voicing how much they need you, and tying him down will make him all the more needy for me. Also sometimes I kinda fantasise about doing it in front of mirror, putting him in front of it and getting behind him and stroking him from behind and whispering how good he looks.
>>98140I think I sorta have this thing too, but it's not a sadist thing lol. I actually don't like seeing them hurt or beat up exactly, but just their reactions to being hurt, like all the crying and whimpering and moaning, all their body language like trembling and stuff. I also like the idea of holding them and making them feel better. Honestly i think this goes back to my childhood, like all those movies where the good guys would get beat up in a scene and their reactions to it, lol idk
No. 98329
>>98210>>98202Same hat.
I get off on them getting off. Then again, I love degradation, to an extent. If my boyfriend wants to use me as a toy, then by all means I’ll let him do almost anything he wants to me so long as the safe word is respected. Cum in my face, cum down my throat, sure if it means it makes him moan.
No. 98356
>>98140100% same, except I like Devil may cry.
Nero gets his arm ripped off in the new game btw.
No. 98390
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I'm into soft femdom, I love to see boys get flustered and embarassed. I'm into cum denial, also I like the idea of not letting my sub go to the bathroom to pee until he begs me, the idea of watching a guy pee himself while sobbing is really hot.
No. 98393
>>98390>men peeing themselvesANON ME TOO AHH
I blame being exposed to omorashi at a young age. It doesn't feel right saying I have a piss or vomit fetish since I'm not into the fluid itself, just the embarrassment. It's so cute.
I fear someday I'll get into scat, though.
No. 98409
>>98390>>98393im the opposite i want my boyfriend to not allow me to pee and force me to pee all over myself and then laugh at me
even better if he will tickle me knowing i have to pee and im begging him to stop but he doesnt care
No. 98411
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abusive/violent/bdsm yaoi. i've been fapping to it since i was around 14. best part is the communities for this are filled with the sweetest girls, my heart bursts whenever i make friends to talk about it with.
No. 98415
>>98390>the idea of watching a guy pee himself while sobbingfuck yes
women too tho
No. 98417
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>>98411>sweetest girls>abusive yaoiIs the violence level proportional to the niceness of fandom members? Like the wholesome Yuri on Ice or Haikyuu stuff has an insufferable fandom of petty, crabby sjws, meanwhile Gengoroh Tagame and other violent bara fans are usually chill as shit… The game is afoot!
No. 98419
>>98417That def isn't true about male fans of violent media, they are generally shitty human beings all around.
YoI is very mainstream and also attracts a lot of wanky smol softbois so that could be part of why.
No. 98525
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>>98524I am with you, anon.
Not sure about the rarity thing though, I've been in the SU fandom and whenever a pic of Jasper (literally a giantess character) is posted you get a crowd of drooling women, much more than men, even talking about wanting to be crushed and all No. 98545
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I’ve always had a thing for older men, like mid 40s-early 60s. There’s just something so attractive about them, both physically and mentally. I know this fetish isn’t super uncommon (especially now with the daddy trend), but I’ve always been ashamed of it because I’ve felt this way since I was a young teen while all my friends had normal crushes on guys our age. It’s kinda messed up though because I don’t like old people, so I wouldn’t want anything to do with an older guy once he turns mid 60s and above kek.
No. 98601
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>>98543I didn't know I liked the idea of this, huh
No. 98638
>>98601it started as a kid when i was getting horny thinking about fucking priests and preachers lmao
one time i went to a greek orthodox funeral and all i could think about was sucking the priests cock, especially being the first one to do it because he was so pure and wasnt married so i imagined being the first one to make him cum like that
i was only like..16 i think so it was a formative time to develop fetishes lol
No. 98693
I wonder if it’s the same for any other anons, but my fetishes are usually the opposite of what I like in real life.
In real life, I am very controlling (a bad trait that I’m working on, stems from losing parents early and having to do everything by myself) but in bed, I want to be completely and utterly dominated. I love the feeling of having so much power over a guy that they want to have me, just have me and completely use me to their wishes.
Also, big, big thanks to the anons who taught me about the “whump” genre. I love me some big build guy getting completely wrecked, beaten, bleeding and broken. The bigger and stronger they are, the better the whump. Nose bleeds, broken ribs, losing consciousness, crying etc. I love the idea of this big broken stoic guy only trusting me for help. Then destroying me in bed lol.
Also, as it fits the title, I am shamefully turned on by chikan. Had a similar “is this really happening?!” kind of thing happen to me irl and it was the nastiest thing, I was so scared. But hey, my mind follows its own rules I guess. Whenever I open a porn site, I find myself searching chikan.
Please, dear anons, post as many bruised guys as you can. I’ve just found about the genre so I don’t have an archive.
Also, like the anon up above, can’t fantasize about real people. Only 2D husbandos and fictional guys. Real dudes are too gross for my taste lol.
No. 98701
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Lotta girls thirsting over Nazis in this thread, where's the love for Soviets? I'm as far from a communist as possible but for some reason I really want to be fucked into the interrogation table by a sexy commie calling me a capitalist pig and degrading me in his accent. Urrgh.
No. 98709
>>98703>>98708Where on Earth are you getting bfs to whore out?
Where on Earth are you even getting sub bfs in general?
No. 98710
>>98708gonna regret this but just email
goes for anybody in this thread i guess
>>98709college classes
No. 98713
>>98712i'm assuming webcam stuff or something similar. obviously if people live nearby then we can work something out like that.
idk. if you're interested or whatever just email the email i posted earlier and we can talk there. best to do it now when i'm impulsive lmao.
No. 98721
>>98719i sent myself a test message and it worked, i'm just gonna type the email out again just in case i fucked something up
but hes more into humiliation and being made to do emasculating/humiliating stuff. i myself just like the idea of him doing whatever you say, it's more about what domination you like/your pleasure anyways
No. 98747
>>98734Dammit, back off! I asked first! lmao
>>98709I usually have an eye for switch and sub guys, it's like I attract them or sniff them out or something. Obscure hobbies and niche communities usually attract the types, too. You need to know what/who to look for, not just where to look for it since they're everywhere. Also, if you naturally give odd a more domme vibe then you'll attract them.
No. 98754
>>98701Political fetishes! A new one!
I really like Russian accents but I don't hear much good about Russian men (collectively as a group) and their mortality rates are kind of grim. The accents are hot af though, guy in your pic is very cute too.
No. 98765
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>>98754I don't usually froth over accents but Russian is my exception. Too bad Russian men are notorious for being violent misogynistic drunks, and aren't considered that attractive. But I like slav features and am kinda into the gopnik look -> (I recommend this site for anon who likes soviet boys, also a gold mine for military qts).
Actually I guess that fits this thread- I have a thing for… poor guys I guess? Like low class, low socio economic status, whatever, as long as they're reasonably young. Maybe because I'm solidly upper middle class and I like the contrast? On the other hand I associate rich guys with boring old men I feel no attraction to. I don't even particularly care for suits on men, which I know is probably the most unpopular opinion in the world, I'm more into casual urban fashion.
No. 98776
>>98775That stereotype is about domestic violence, not harassing women in public. It's Russian women who talk about it being commonplace so I'm not inclined to assume they're liars…
True, men from many other cultures can be accused of the same. SK men also have a reputation for domestic violence, I see it discussed on here often so idk who is saying they're gentlemen. Must be in the kpop thread.
No. 98813
>>98783I was sexually assaulted as a child and I feel the same. I told my bf I'm just a sub but I think I might even have a full-on rape fetish, as gross as I find them. I don't really like giving head unless the guy is super aggressive with it, and then I'm VERY on board and turned on. I wish my bf would lie on me or stand up and hold my head down but he's such a pillow princess now compared to how he used to be that I've started to hate giving it. I don't know why but I need a pseudo-rapey roleplay element just to enjoy sex most of the time.
I don't think its uncommon, but I'm ashamed of it because of how it's looked down upon for sure.
No. 98815
>>96995wow, this is so much like me it's ridiculous. especially with the argyle socks, goddamn.
I also have a fetish for dehner and wesco motor patrol boots specifically. I'm not crazy about feet but I am crazy about certain kinds of footwear. I just want to worship someone's boots, I tear up at the thought.
No. 98818
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i like femdom, but only if it's to the extreme it goes to in hentai/doujinshi. like, chastity belt and "i say when you can and can't cum" and all. i don't know what it is about having a guy be so, so turned on, but unable to do anything about it that he just cries, begs, whimpers, etc. i wouldn't go this far irl, the most i do is a lot of teasing. when i rub myself over my bf and pull myself away when he gets too close so he whimpers, mmm. gets me going real fast.
pic is from my favorite manga.
No. 98823
>>98821There are some
The issue is that the amount of that some that aren't creepy or ugly is like a blue moon
No. 98825
>>98774>>98786>>98802None of you made it so here it is:
>>98824Hope we all like Sachiko, I know I do.
No. 98872
>>98795russian (and in general slavic/other east european) men dont get enough appreciation.
soviet uniform >>>>>>> nazi uniform
No. 99137
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>>94471C… Cute
>>98525>>98524Ugh me. I'm really into hurt/comfort and I love the idea of gently dominating a tall muscular woman with a tough exterior and a soft personality and showing her what it's like to be pampered and fucked well
>not that into SU but using a pic because it's hard to find art of this dynamic No. 99160
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It’s embarrassing but I’ve only started getting real fantasies since I’ve been with my boyfriend and they always seem to take place in a marriage scenario where we’re newlyweds and we have a home together. I think I gravitate towards it because we’d have complete freedom to try new things and be sexual with each other and also because it feels so mature, like the ultimate end goal of a relationship, we just have full confidence with each other. I’m also the dominant one in our relationship but only in a mostly gentle or motherly way, I only seem to like femdom in a romantic setting where both people enjoy it, like I think imagining pegging him in a loving way (almost how a guy would do it with a girl) sounds so nice. I’d never tell him about this though cause he’d probably get freaked out that I’m just looking to marry him too soon.
On top of that the more fucked up thing I notice is I like sexual scenarios in a sleepy sort of setting, like when we’re sleeping together and I start fondling or getting them off while they’re sleeping (I don’t like this in the rapey sort of way, just the implied consensual way). Like once I started doing this to him once when we were sleeping with together and I assumed he was awake from how he was breathing only to find out later he was asleep for the first half of it and woke up to me taking advantage of him and something about that thought really turned me on.
No. 99254
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i have a sort of fetish for fat guys. im not attracted to people made up of 200 kilograms pure fat who have trouble leaving their bed, but a strong body with plenty of fat, fat enough to not see the muscles underneath would be my ideal body type.
its funny because i want to be really skinny.
No. 99448
>>99445OH FUCK, same taste anon. I love men and women at the opposite sides of the spectrum. Glad I'm not alone since bis I know who like chubby girls usually also like chubby guys or vice versa with skellies.
Although I can be into skinnyfat, soft-tummied guys if they're very short.
No. 99627
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>>87606for a gross, sweaty slightly hairy guy to sit on my face and choke me to death inbetween his thighs. super fucked up but apparently that's how gary ridgeway killed one of his victims, and i kind of get off to other serial killers/cult leaders doing the same thing to me. sucks because i'm mostly dom but my male sexualization fetish and hybristophilia made me get into this.
No. 99705
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I have the tastes of a deviantart autist, I love bizarre body horror and sexual transformations, including inflation, extreme weight gain, and fruit transformation. I wasn't even exposed to porn early on, so I don't know what went wrong. The ultimate fantasy would be a shapeshifter gf.
No. 99711
>>99707>>99709Bit of a blog, but I didn't really figure it out until I was 17, when I honestly thought I had no fetishes other than very large breasts. I think a probably birth control-induced depressive episode and SSRI use put my sexual development on hold during my earlier teens, so I had very little solid concept of my own sexuality for a long time. That's when I finally understood what being horny was, which was a horrific realization because I discovered that I had been sort of masturbating to really weird shit since I was around 6-7. I have always had a very strong, clear imagination, and transformation scenes in children's books made me feel 'tingly inside'. I would replay the scenes in my head many times at night while feeling a "good ache" in my "stomach", which I thought was funny. I just thought it was a special thing I did, and it helped me not be as afraid of the dark and go to sleep at night. Along the way I was showing signs of being a lesbian, and as I became older I subconsciously attached things I found sexy about women like breasts and wide hips to these fantasies, which as I learned more about sex, expanded to all kinds of organs and orifices. As for fruit specifically, the most autistic fetish I got from reading and watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I wore the tape out from replaying the blueberry scene, something about it just imprinted in my child mind and was a night time obsession for a long time. I found /d/ after I figured it out at 17, and the rest is history.
Analyzing it, I think it boils down to a very strange bondage scenario, since the woman transforming is helpless and unable to function normally or sometimes even move and I am never the one transforming in any way, just controlling or observing. Her confusion at how something like that is even possible is another layer of control I would have. I also like the idea of how heavy and soft someone would be post-transformation/expansion, and the idea of the sensation of being engulfed or surrounded by her taking up a whole room. My fantasies always end in them also becoming aroused by their condition. There would also be different interesting ways of having sex with someone, with say, three pairs of breasts and sensitive tentacles coming out of her mouth. I like a single vagina, so I also like the idea of several more sprouting to play with. Thinking about new, elaborate scenarios is very exciting to me, but the porn selection is terrible and too embarrassing to masturbate to 99.9% of the time with rare gems that just hit something just right in my head.
I don't have any kind of trauma and have a stable STEMfag career, with my only mental health issue being well-treated ADHD. I guess some wires just get randomly crossed in people early on, wrong stimulus at the wrong time or something.
No. 99916
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>>99711wow your description of the "good ache" is really relatable. i was the same age and would just call it "nice" lmao. i remembr telling a few (female) friends about it a few years later and some of them seemed to know what i was talking about but who knows how vague my description was. i remember there were a lot of beer billboards in my neighborhood with sexy women that would make me feel tingly lol. it was an extremely underdeveloped sexuality and i never actually wanted to do anything about it other than keep fantasizing, but it was there. also at this age it only happened with women, then i got some fujo tendencies in middle school, and later on started feeling attracted to irl men as well as women.
pic related OG beer waifu
No. 99921
>>99711 Holy shit, is this me? I also have bizarre and specific fantasies almost identical to yours. Like you, I didn't begin exploring things until much later either, so idk how it even happened. I definitely remember also having a "thing" for that blueberry scene in Willy Wonka.
I used to also dry hump my childhood blanket while having fantasies as well. Something has to be wrong with me.
I will literally never tell a soul about this. I got close by admitting to my SO about my "feeder fetish," but boyyyyy is that only the tip of the iceberg. Last year I discovered some freaky amputation drawings on deviant art and this is probably the fetish I feel the most ashamed of. If anyone ever found out I would kill myself.
No. 99929
>>99916FUCK, my sexuality developed similarly to you, anon. Mainly women to yaoi boys (and girls in secret) to just being a fully fledged bisexual. I remember seeing women in revealing clothes on TV or in comics would always be pleasant for me, cleavage especially was a favourite of mine (and I'm still a boob person lol). I have many good memories of drawing women around age 9-12 in bikinis and underwear just for my own enjoyment. Like you said, I didn't want to do anything about it (until I hit 13) but it was aesthetically pleasing and gave me that "good" feeling.
And although it took me a while to see men sexually, I do remember having a fixation when I was in that age range on frail boys getting hurt and abused. I didn't take interest in the male body the way I do now (I just liked cute faces and didn't care much for getting them as naked as possible in my head like with ladies), but I just remember pouring over scenes depicting shit like this in kid's novels. One specific book I loved was part of a series about a hypnotist girl where she found her long lost brother in the future and the descriptions of how weak, sickly, and fragile he was really did it for me at age 10. I reread one section multiple times it was so great to me lol.
>>99921>freaky amputationI want details. It's fine, there's no judgement here.
No. 99932
>>99916Reminds me of when I went to Colonial Williamsburg with my family as a kid, and sneaked glances at the costumed women's lifted cleavage. I love the shape of boobs on top of a busk or a corset.
>>99921I would seriously consider suicide if anyone irl found out too. The only person I might tell would have to be a long term SO who was into similar things. I only told my ex gf about my breast expansion fetish and definitely not the full extent of it. She was chubby and I think it was obvious that I was really into her big belly, but it made her very uncomfortable so I didn't go any farther with that. That's funny though, I'm not incredibly into amputee but I like some of the quad stuff, I think it plays into that helplessness thing and it's somewhat similar to onahole tf which I really like.
I use Deviantart sometimes too, and other women are pretty rare, with lesbians being even more rare. Most of the women I've come across are subs that are into the idea of being transformed. I wish there were more female writers because I've read some good stories that were ruined by terrible, confusing descriptions of what the author thinks female arousal or orgasm feels like. I know it's straight fantasy but it breaks the immersion.
Somewhat related: I remember when everyone was freaking out about trypophobia and that hentai with the girl gradually becoming covered in holes that she was compulsively filling went around as a gross cringe thing. I would probably place that as the strangest thing I have been into, too bad there isn't any more.
No. 99979
>>99944yeah i'm
>>99916 and now i'm seriously wondering how many other women, i guess bisexual women in particular?, have a story like this secretly. i'm a drawfag and i would also draw hot girls that would get progressively more scandalous looking and i would have to stop because i was so flustered lmao. in my fujo days i had no idea if i was gay or bi but as i got older i developed a taste for men. i'm not much of a domme but most of what i like involves objectifying men more than the other way around, which i guess makes sense.
No. 99985
>>99944>>99979This is Artsy Bisexual culture.
Glad to find girls with similar experiences haha. I wonder if the earlier interest in women is due to how sexualized women are in media/the sense of comfort in regards to a body similar to our own.
No. 99989
>>99979you are actually me
>>99985Wondered about this too but I for sure know 10 year old me didn't see my body as anything even remotely similar to the sexy adult women I liked and the busty half naked ladies I was drawing
No. 100109
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Reading the other anons’ confessions made me brave enough to admit this. I have never actually typed this and am disgusted with myself …but I have a feederism kink. And I like fat guys, like 400lb+. I tried for years to repress it but it hasn’t gone away. Literally no one else knows this and I’d actually consider killing myself if anyone found out. Fuck.
I love you degenerates ♥
No. 100111
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>>99985>>99989this is such a bizarrely specific clan but i find it kind of heartwarming.
>how sexualized women are in mediadefinitely this somewhat. i remember as early as preschool some of the disney princesses gave me a feeling that i was pretty sure was not the intended reaction i was supposed to have.
i used to wonder if it was something leftover from muh past life as a perverted man but it's probably all me No. 100149
>>100111Funny youbpisted fairies because my child drawfag self used to only draw curvy, sexy fairies for some reason.
I'm pretty sure this whole sexual development thing is what contributed to one of my secret shameful fetishes: bimbofication.
No. 100157
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>>100149one time i found a girl on DA who drew really depraved poorly drawn bimbofication and hypnosis stuff of girls and then i saw her selfie and she was genuinely cute and normal looking. she had a sweet face and curly red hair and even good cleavage. i daydreamed about how if i was her gf i would let her act out her bimbofication fantasies on me and let her hypnotize me and make me wear stupid slutty outfits and shit. it's only fair considering how much i sexually objectify other girls. she could give me a taste of my own medicine. but then i figured she's probably a lot more unstable than me if she's brazenly posting this stuff publicly next to selfies lol.
but yeah the neopets faeries were too much. they didn't even need to be there wtf.
No. 100173
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I really get turned on by the idea of "TrashBagging". There is only one website I have found with any relation to the fetish. It's basic idea is: getting some, being tied up, put in a trashbag, and then thrown out with the trash. Sometimes resulting in a trip to the dump.
Website in question: any anon has any other links, please do share.
No. 100175
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>>100173I never knew how this could be hot to me…absolute SHAME!
No. 100181
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>>100175Shame on me for introducing you to a fetish? Or on you for liking it?
No. 100185
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I can only get off if I fantasize about my tulpa mocking and berating me. The usual dream is him laughing that I am getting off to his voice, then afterwards being disgusted because I went through with it.
I have to focus on hearing him and having his permission to nut and if I don’t get it I physically can’t orgasm. If I do get it I will do it almost instantly. This rarely happens. Never delude your mind with Tulpa shit thinking it is a suitable alternative for loneliness, all it does is make you an insane sexually frustrated degenerate.
No. 100186
>>100185This is hot and funny at the same time. I remember when I was younger, I tried going through with the whole tulpa thing and trying to create a man for my loneliness but I felt too embarrassed and reminded myself of an edgy rper like those DID people.
>permission to nutYour fucking post with that picture though lmao.
No. 100246
This thread is a gift.
>>99705 in particular made me howl but the trash bag fetish is p good too
No. 100253
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I've read too much Victorian porn and now I've got a teacher spanking fetish and my domme fantasies are outweighing my sub fantasies.
No. 100255
>>90150>>99705I just got into inflation and I'm so fucking embarrassed by it. I'd like the weight gain more if it just centered on the belly, but most of what I could find on it that didn't resort to feeding focused on the whole body gaining and not just the belly. Thankfully I'm not big on the fruit transformations, as the scene from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory scared me when I was younger.
Shamefully though, I've tried inflation on myself, both with air pump and eating certain combinations of things (mentos/soda, pop rocks/soda, baking soda/vinegar), and I didn't enjoy it that way so I just prefer being spectator to it. On the other hand, I've tried padding instead. It's become a habit now, and if anyone in my family finds out about it and the inflation, death would be imminent.>>98543>>100199…Make room in the confessional for me, please.
No. 100272
>>100259It could be worse anon, I have a fetish for mpreg. I just wish I could impregnate a man (seahorse style) and continue fucking him for months afterward even when he's heavily pregnant.
Although yours seems to be interfering with your life so it might even out.
No. 100702
>>87606reposting this here since someone accidently posted a picture of jimmy saville in the turn on thread when it was supposed to go in shameful fuck thread, but it reminded me of my weird fantasy.
i want to make a truly evil man cum in me, to feel power knowing that i dominated him and will give birth to children of his tainted blood. doesn't matter if it's a dictator, serial killer, cult leader, ect. as long as he's reviled by society for being notoriously awful.
No. 101462
This is something I don't talk about with anyone anymore since I brought it up and the other person made me feel like shit about my kinks/fantasies
the one I tend to go back to a lot is that there's a hot guy, who is closed off to everyone but me. He's snarky and hot, and completely into me. (I'm short, chubby, with a decent face, but the guy is out of my league, basically) It's a mutual 'he's too good for me' and he thinks I'm too good for him (bc he thinks im sweet/cute/talented and whatever else, I never go into it that deep bc it feels egotistical.) And in public he's possessive/a little jealous but not in a scary way.
Then in the bedroom he's super domme. Pins me down, whispers a bunch of naughty shit, etc etc, ties me up with my own underwear, tears my clothes and bruises me with how hard he manhandles me. Usually has a lot of bondage variants, and sometimes the scenario changes and I'm dom-ing him, while he tries not to show how turned on he's getting by it because he's normally the one in charge. Usually in this situation I tease him a lot and try and embarrass him.
This is the one I get embarrassed about because I told two (at the time) close friends, and they criticized it and made it seem like they were just being logical (ie, a 6'4 hot/cute skinny guy with a bit of muscle wouldn't want a 5'3 chubby girl who liked nerd shit) and it made me feel like a complete moron for getting off to it, and it's made it harder for me to imagine it without that memory popping up.
The other is something that IRL I'm ethically opposed to,v but i'm in a school, with a very proper uniform (plaid skirt, button up, blazer, knee socks, etc) and I'm doming the hot teacher (can be a man or a woman) and I'm basically threatening to get them in trouble unless they do what I tell them, but they're into it/consenting, and I sit on the desk, and have them take off my panties and eat me out, still in my skirt/rest of the uniform, and just order them to do stuff like I'm in charge. Usually has some exhibitionist element in it, like another teacher catching us (and joining in when I order it), or ordering them to open my blazer/blouse and undo my bra, then have me lean my chest into a window and they fuck me/eat me out/ finger me in front of the window with other students/teachers watching.
A variant of this one is being the student and when we get called in to talk to the principal/dean I basically seduce them and they both fuck me at the same time/I cuck one of them and I end up being able to do whatever I want. It's never a set age, but the elements always feel like a mix of HS and College.
No. 101473
>>101462I feel you anon, in the being embarrassed about an unrealistic fantasy thing.
Often in my fantasies I'm the sugar momma to one or several men, which is ridiculous since I'm a student irl and I doubt I'll ever be a millionaire. But it's not worth it to dwell on it being silly; there's girls out there fantasizing about women transforming into gross, body-horror abominations. It's fine.
No. 101581
>>101502Yeah, I have some more out-there fetishes but weirdly enough I'm not as ashamed of them as that one.
I guess they just don't 'get it' since they're both conventionally attractive/cute? I still can't think of a reason.
No. 102045
>>91221depends on the context. if it's diet pedoshit where the guy is acting like a child…good luck. but if in the middle of fucking him you say, "do you like it when mommy fucks you?" that might be pretty hot.
>>91259most fetishes have something to do with repression. so if you want to be maternal toward a guy sexually, it might suggest you never get to be maternal toward anyone or anything. i knew a girl who liked to text RP as a giantess and use small men as dildos and then snuggle them in her breasts.
and she was constantly having to be super serious and spend shitloads of time at work and college.
tbh, if you can't find a man to satisfy you, try caring for a plant.
No. 102047
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not ashamed of:
>deep gravely voice or baritone
>young or old
>dresses well, or lets me dress him
>appreciates nice bedroom atmosphere.
ashamed of:
>he's shameless
>seems like he could cut me off at any second and not give a shit.
>long hair
>fat, has kind of an orson welles thing going on.
>cocky. think cartman, but not malicious.
>not malicious.
>deep-seated emotional issues and secretly wants to be nurtured and cared for.
tfw i basically want to screw smug comic book guy.
No. 102054
>>102045kek at you replying to a months old post; thanks, though.
I do actually have outlets for my "maternal instincts" in the form of pets, although I do struggle in expressing affection towards other humans (I would never in a million years be considered a "mom friend") so maybe that's something. It's also all a bit funny to me since I don't have any desire to be an actual mother.
In the end I don't
need to act on this fantasy, I'm fine with just a gfd relationship. It's probably a combination of issues, since I want to be the leader in the relationship + I like short men + I enjoy caring for things so now I'm here.
Also not sure how your friend's life repressed her urge to…be a giant woman? I was expecting you to reveal she was 5'1" or something lmao.
No. 102058
>>102054her size kink (macrophilia) was focused on the guy being not just small, but handheld. i won't say i understand why exactly she felt that way, but i wanna say she was tired of being subby sexually, constantly focusing on school/work, generally feeling like people would ignore her or dismiss her feelings. hence, her fetishes became a way of expressing herself and she'd express herself in writing. her height was average.
>>102055i hear a lot of people say that. the repression theory isn't an outlandish idea. it's been confirmed by professional dommes time and time again if you care to youtube it/research it. maybe the issue you have is the word repression can suggest psychobabble.
No. 102745
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i have a huge corruption kink that i recently discovered (i’m
>>97768 anon) and i can’t stop fantasising about it involving the characters in pic related. sometimes i’m the one being corrupted and then it’s me corrupting more submissive characters or people rip
the feeling of shame mixed with pain/pleasure added with dirty talk/being teased is amazing, something about being overpowered and forced to accept a certain fate is such good shit for me but i could never talk about it publicly
(from top left to right is vanitas from kh birth by sleep, sho minamimoto from twewy, virus and trip from dmmd and saeran in his “unknown” stage from mystic messenger kek)
No. 102865
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Having a man suck on my breasts for hours. Bonus if he’s crying/sad/stressed out. I just think it’s so sweet
No. 103322
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what is it that make this unattractive?
No. 103740
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Kind of vanilla, but it riles me up when my bf says he wants to tie me up and fuck me for hours and put a baby inside me. I don't really like kids, I have no desire to have any and neither does he. The thought of being pregnant even freaks me out but I guess its a natural instinct kind of thing?
No. 103951
>>103939Me too, anon!
I want it to reach a point where the man is so overwhelmed and humbled by my presence he gets teary eyed when I allow him to touch me. It doesn't get much kinkier than that, though, I just really like the worshipping aspect and having a man on his knees begging to please me.
No. 104051
I have a thing for older men (45-65), which isn’t really that odd, it’s better if they have children older than me (im in my early 20s). But I love to fantasize about getting married to a traditionally masculine older man, doing all the cute housewife shit for him while he works way too hard at his job, and letting him fuck me silly whenever he wants… and letting his friends fuck me (vaginally, orally, anally), and strangers.. pulling off my clothes, in private or public, to show off my young body, letting everyone know what a insatiable slut I am.
This is a fantasy I’ve pursued parts of, I like ‘preying’ on unsuspecting older men at my dumb retail job and letting them know how desperately horny I am. Like the first time I go out with these men, I mention that I don’t wear bras and grab their hand to make them feel my tits as proof, just right at the bar with people watching. I like asking them when they last fucked a girl in her 20s and these men aren’t usually very attractive so it’s always been a long time.. And on top of it, when we finally do fuck, I make them cum in me (I’m on birth control). I alternate between telling them ~how badly I want to be filled~ and just not letting them pull out.
Lately I’ve been thinking about going to bars in skirts or dresses without any underwear and letting some lucky guy find out n fuck me against my car.
Couldn’t tell ya where these fetishes came from butttt oooohh boy I’m in them DEEP
No. 104058
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I’ve been obsessed with the concept of sick people/people dying from illness/medical procedures for as long as I can remember and it eventually developed into a full blown fetish. Somebody slowly wasting away and getting more and more delirious. Vomiting, shallow breathing, fevers, fainting, more physical stuff like people breaking bones or needing surgery/amputations. I have this horrible thing for munchausen's by proxy. As a child I’d get really fixated on mystery and horror stories where someone was being slowly poisoned or stuff where a healthy person is given unneeded surgery. I only like these as fantasy scenarios but that doesn’t make it any less crazy. It’s less of a guro thing and more of a “helplessness is attractive” thing. I’m a huge closet control freak.
No. 104076
>>104074Obviously extremely low self esteem
>attractive men my age won't want me that badly >better go for decrepit nasty old losers I mean, she even specifically says they aren't attractive and don't usually get to fuck young girls. Seriously, sadly low self esteem.
No. 104079
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>>104071what a wild ride. tell us more.
No. 104091
>>104076I do still see guys around my age, I have a harder time actually liking them though? But I actually do settle down into monogamy when someone really catches my attention and typically it’s someone in my age group.. Plus while I said the old dudes I go after aren’t
very attractive, it’s always something about their personality that gets me. Younger guys are the same way, I don’t need to find them super hot as long as they’re a little funny.. maybe it’s low self esteem, maybe it’s a dumb fetish/ego boost?
>>104081Not that I know of. 95% of my sex life is protected, I get tested regularly. What I’ve mentioned on here doesn’t happen like, all the time. It’s just when it DOES happen, that’s how I go about it (I kind of wish I had it in me to do it more). I generally spend weeks deciding if I’m gonna get with someone or not so it’s just a lot of flirting + teasing. And if I’m in a relationship, I stop entirely.
>>104089No money. I reject the notion of even going out to a nice restaurant, a man can buy my drinks all night but nothing more.
No. 104104
>>104103>>104102I agree with both of you. For some reason I always had a thing for airhead bimbo types, but I think it's tied to sympathy for them as well as being drawn to their extroversion and…vivaciousness? Confidence? A lot of things I guess, although mostly the fact that they're so different from me.
Also like the idea of having an openly sexy girlfriend whose looks appeal to men but she's only into women/me. Unlikely? Definitely. But it's a fantasy.
Extra shameful: I also have a thing for chubby/fat women and so had a brief crush on Trisha Paytas.
No. 104174
>>94775T h i s
I love the idea of a gay guy not being able to control himself and fucking a girl or trying pussy for the first time and becoming obsessed. There used to be tons of tumblrs dedicated to this and I miss them dearly.
I guess I have a fetish for all things I find morally reprehensible? It ranges from mild stuff (like the gay thing) to really fucked up. I stick to the milder end but there have been times where I stumbled upon some bad shit and it still makes me feel terrible.
No. 104211
>>104180same anon, my only problem is that I don't trust men enough to be that dependent. one day they could just put all my stuff at the door and say "times up, I want a hotter, younger gf now. get out"
we can dream though :'(
No. 104250
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Mine is just being a big guy or a strong guy and having a dick. I know I'm sounding just like a reverse tranny but it's just the thought of women having dicks is weird for me (and disgusting too to be fair) so I just imagine myself being a guy. I'd totally use that strenght to beat people up, specially men
>pic related is the ideal type for me
Deep down it's just my disturbed self wanting to exercise violence on people but I'm just a small and powerless girl, sob
No. 104257
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>>104250>but I'm just a small and powerless girl, sobJust get fit gurl
No. 104265
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>>104250i feel you so much. i just want to be a big strong buff guy with a penis and just be the ultimate alpha. this is a very stupid desire and obviously im not actually a tranny nor would i ever be, but damn if i dont just want to be a "chad" and fuck dudes and girls all day and beat the shit out of people. i guess its just my ultimate power fantasy. i daydream about it a lot, its stupid but its so fun i wont stop
No. 104266
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>>98393>I fear someday I'll get into scat, though.This happened to me, although I'm very selective about what kind I'm into and it's all fantasy/fictional stuff rather than IRL.
Other stuff I'm into is men pissing their pants (sry), menstrual blood (like bleeding into panties/fingerfucking/eating), incest roleplay (bro/sis and pregnancy fantasy >>>>>) and lactation.
No. 104315
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>>104226it is now apparently because the rising popularity of mgtow makes men think they're the prize to be proposed to and sought after. we should sacrifice everything for them while competing with realdolls and porn 24/7, but if we want even a morsel of security we can fuck off for being hypergamous golddiggers
No. 104405
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>>87606i want to make a guy die from an overdose (preferably a speedball), especially if he's famous. I kinda have weird daydreams where i become a groupie to some man and purposely let him die, taking advantage of his corpse before i leave.
No. 104464
>>104315The internet is not representative of real life, anon.
Most men and women just want a traditional marriage, peaceful family life and a bunch of kids to care for.
I am willing to bet 90% of all men don't even know what MGTOW stands for, just like regular girls don't know the intricacies of feminist doctrine.
No. 104529
>>104524Maybe not full-fledged with pacifiers and weird shit, but it is common for young women to call hot guys "daddies" or "daddy af."
Bring back "hot mama" 2k19.
No. 104796
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>>104795should've included an image, she's so tragic and beautiful
In Bioshock 1 she had obvious self-harm scars but they're gone in the sequel.
No. 104875
>>104411What the fuck, I hope this is a troll
This is the wrong thread too.
No. 105023
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i want to get gangbanged by a k-pop group, get a video of it leaked and get death threats by their psycho fans
No. 105182
>>105181Make sure to lay down rules, even for really obvious stuff!
Good luck and report back
No. 105183
>>105181Oh… Well, good luck
You’ll need it
No. 105212
Inspired by an anon on /ot/'s confession (in case she sees this) since I feel the same.
I'm not super good looking by any means (just average-cute and well dressed), but have a real thing for "undesirable" men with certain traits. Things like weak chins, non-prominent cheekbones, acne, huge noses, etc. just really do it for me. I also have a thing for super short men, but that's more to do with my femdom thing and being able to toss them around heh.
I also like how certain disorders manifest, like marfan syndrome and grave's disease.
I think it might partially be an ego thing because I would like to be marginally more conventionally attractive than my partner so that he appreciates me. I also have fantasies of not only being a bit cuter, but showering him with gifts and shit once I settle into a job in the future as well. Just want to spoil a boy who doesn't think he'll ever be spoiled haha. But I also am just genuinely interested in such men. When looking at "high tier" guys I just can't see them sexually, only men with average or below faces.
Not into fat guys though, just tiny "ugly" men with no social skills.
No. 105375
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>>105318>masksYes. I don’t know why, but I’ve always had a thing for ski masks. The anonymity makes it hot for some reason.
No. 105395
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>>105375Ugh yes. I have a genuine rape fetish (no not just rough sex like some dumb bitch upthread tried to claim girls "really" have) so sometimes when I fantasize, it's about a man wearing a ski mask or one of those russian soldiers in a balaclava all decked out in gear. Not being able to see their face and the curiosity of who the hell is dominating me makes it so hot.
No. 105459
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>>105375I'm into ninjas so I definitely relate. I think it'd be hot to be saved by one while escaping a dangerous situation and then going off somewhere safe, like a cave or little house and having sex with him.
That reminds me I'm also into samurai. I'm pretty sure it's because I play too many video games, but the sound of samurai armor turns me on, mostly because samurai are trained well. The thing is I hate extremely beefy, muscly looking guys, but knowing a guy is at least a bit toned gets me good.
God, now I want to have these scenarios with my boyfriend. I've never role-played before either.
No. 105481
>>105478How am I treating her like a retard? I was just wondering how it fits in with her moral code.
It's more common in men, but some people let their kinks and shit run into how they view others and the world. With the whole "understand" bit I meant more if she can empathize with the issue, probably should have said that instead.
Sorry if it came off as insulting, rape fetish anon.
No. 105892
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>>104837tfw I have a fixation with sickly, scrawny boys for real as an adult
No. 105898
>>105892Where did I imply my taste left me, anon? Now I just draw them which is marginally less spergy (maybe).
We're sisters in arms. Strong arms to support weak bfs.
No. 105925
>>105212omg anon
I used to be kind of obsessed with marfan syndrome. i do have a thing for really tall really skinny guys but I even find the chest indentation they sometimes have sexy too. I had no idea about this until I met a guy at the beach that had it and all of a sudden I was into it, even though I wasn't attracted to him. You could even see his heart beating between his ribs, it was fascinating. I like grave's too. Can't believe I found another person with the same interest/opinion, my friends would call me crazy.
I also love big noses, especially ones that are narrow but look bird-like from the side.
For me it's not really about me being more attractive than him tho, i just really like people with interesting faces who aren't too conventionally attractive, I find those boring.
No. 106689
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>>87606I have allotriorasty which is a long word for an attraction to people from a different race, nationality or ethnicity. To clarify, I'm white and I am attracted to Finns.
I'm ashamed of it because
>people calling it racist>afraid I'll creep out my preferred partners>it's oddly specific and kinda interfering with who I actually want to put effort in talking toBut at the same time I don't want to try to fix it, I've been managing just fine.
I'm also bi so no Finns are safe
No. 106690
>>106689lmao I have a thing for Finns too (but I'm straight so just men for me, Finnish girls are beautiful too though), idk where it even came from since I'm from the states and I don't even know any Finnish people in my personal life
I always saw people thirsting over Swedish guys but I never got the hype. Finns are hotter than Swedes fight me
No. 106691
>>106690I want to meet people as they are, but I'll be damned if the "stereotypical" Finn isn't ridiculously cute to me. Reserved, direct, brutally honest, probably drives in a rally every weekend, and goes swimming in the frozen lake. Plus that accent
I think this attraction extends to Fenno-Ugric people in general too, because I sometimes feel similarly about, say, the Sami or Estonians. But there's something special about Finland
No. 106693
>>106689Lmao finnshaming
Wait are you saying finns aren't white? I'm so confused with western definitions of race, not to say you guys are wrong, it's just kinda strange
No. 106737
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>>106689I didn't know this was a fetish, but I guess I have it. I've never been attracted to my own ethnicity. I always felt like the odd one out because my mother and friends would point out guys they found attractive to me growing up, and I thought they were bland or even ugly. Very nordic/celtic faces; typical Brit. Far-apart, large blue eyes; perfectly straight greek nose or a large bulbous one; grossly pale skin. Never understood the obsession with Harry Styles or related.
What I find attractive is the opposite: close-together, narrow hazel/brown eyes; crooked, flat, or hooked noses; any skin tone really but generally not pinkish or veiny. Every guy I've ever been attracted to has been some sort of Asian or Levant, and I've only ever dated this. I don't even go out of my way to find these guys, I just end up friends with them by complete coincidence (ex. bump into each other at the mall, compliment each other's shirt, end up conversing for hours), and then get asked out. This shouldn't be common; these people are complete minorities and hard to find crossing the street, let alone becoming friends/dating partners with them. I'm not even consciously aware of their ethnicity unless they bring it up. I'm subconsciously drawn to it and it's so fucking bizarre.
(Pic semi related of a Turkish guy who has features I like.)
No. 106741
>>106693>>106725It has nothing to do with race, read her post again.
>different race, NATIONALITY, or ethnicity She was clearly referencing her weird attraction to a very specific nationality. That's what the whole post is about.
>>106735Stop your baiting.
No. 106746
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>>106689Lmao as a Finn I'm flattered, but also kinda confused, I didn't think we would seem so special to someone.
I kinda have the same thing, but towards people from English-speaking countries, especially Canadians for some reason. I'm ashamed of it because I feel like my attraction is only based on stereotypes. But I can't help it, I think it's attractive when someone speaks English to me and I find Canadian stereotypes (especially the way they talk) really cute.
No. 106839
>>106837I always assumed the hand fetish was just the female equivalent, but I agree there are more of us than one would expect.
Men are also more likely to be creepy about it which is probably why a stink is made.
Also upset that pepper anon deleted her post. Rip in peace. No. 106849
>>106840Fuck, yeah I've always liked male legs too (specifically bony thin ones) and have always been upset men don't wear shorter shorts in the summer kek.
I think I've just gradually grown to fetishize every part of the male body.
No. 106852
>>106849Mmm short shorts.
BTW if you know of any good feet/legs focus material that isn't gross autistic deviantart stuff or for gay guys please inform me.
No. 106895
>>106852Not easy to find, but an anon here had luck with Japanese foot worship videos and another with toe wiggling vids. I don't know if that works for you. Most stuff will be made for gay men and their preference in presentation is more akin to what straight men like in porn. I think the interest is still niche enough you're not gonna find a lot of this being made for women.
Your best bet might be fanfiction if you like written erotica, I've had luck there.
No. 106956
>>106877Saaame. Not ashamed of it at all though lol. Man thighs are amazing, especially when they're thicc.
My favorite thing is when my bf face fucks me while I'm laying down and he's straddling my face. and then just kind of crushes my head between his thighs with his dick down my throat.
No. 107155
>>107138How is your relationship with your actual dad, anon?
Also you can't scream while being strangled, it's an assassin's method of murder for a reason.
No. 107240
>>107155I feel dumb for writing that now that you mention it lol. My relationship with his is normal other than the fact that I don't live with him, but we talk often and he buys me most of my cool shit.
>>107181Not sure, it just does. I can assure you I definitely don't think of my actual dad when I say it. I kinda feel like I've just been conditioned to like it since a lot of my weird ass friends are into it too and I'm sort of easily influenced.
No. 107425
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>>107414How does this even happen
>>107294Kind of disappointing tbh how most men don't take care of their feet tbh
No. 107817
>>107800>getting a rise out of some imaginary scenario with some ugly internet losers online in a chat room that won't even remember you in a week once you stop talking to themI'm masochistic too but c'mon…
>>107808I usually just say hard-on in reference to my clit.
No. 107849
>>107846lube leak
panty puddle
torrid torrent
No. 107850
>>89241>>88513>>88506I actually tried doing on this once
found a normie fit guy and tried slowly turning him to a sub,ended pissing him off when I put my finger up his butt and he kneed me in the face and then started screaming at me
No. 107854
>>107851I thought he would enjoy it,listen I regret doing that and now only get into relationships with guys who are confirmed to be subs
Normie guys somewhat scare me now
No. 107855
>>107849>torrid torrentHa!
There is this sensation where you don't neccesarily feel wet but can feel the vulva area swell, harden and tingle/pulsate. AFAIK there is no word for that, there should be. It's not the same as a dude getting a boner.
No. 107899
>>107876>>107880As I said I avoid normie men at all times now and only date guys who are confirmed subs
femdom is a nice fantasy but the fact is I am 5'3 scrawny woman and I have no Idea how to fight and defend myself
No. 107911
>>107907I know what you're talking about
but what I am trying to say is that femdom erotica often depicts women easily overpowering males and making them cocksluts and thats a nice fantasy but the fact is in real life you need a lot of mutual consent for this fantasy
No. 107912
>>107891Most of my life I was only ever into extremely tall, skinny pale dudes with long hair; the whole emo/scene look. I thought they were very "pretty" in a way; like looking at drawing of angels or faeries.
Then on my first day of high school, a guy I saw walking across from me caught my attention. He was shorter than me (I'm not tall 5'3; and I was probably 5'2 at the time), very stocky, his skin was golden, and had the most utterly cute baby face I'd ever seen in my life. He was probably only 14/15 but could grow a really thick beard, and it drove me crazy. He was starkly masculine in comparison to everyone I had ever been attracted to, but since then, I've only ever been attracted to dudes like him. He had that blue-collar DILF look, so now I'm strongly into middle-aged men, because I can't find anyone in my age group that looks like him.
No. 107913
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>>107912I'm having trouble putting together a mental picture of what that would look like.
Did you just describe a dwarf?
No. 107916
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>>107913Just because he's short doesn't mean he's not proportionate, lol anon. I don't know anyone who looks like him, so hard to give a comparison. Photo related can give a little idea of his overall appearance though.
No. 107924
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My bf having a harem of women I can abuse. But then also being forced to watch him fuck them?
Idk it’s fucked
No. 107925
>>107891I had a similar event happen to me. normally I prefer ottermode looking twinky guys but recently I had this workshop where this 5'6" (I'm 5'5") chunky Czech dude was partnered up with me randomly and not to be deep but it changed me. He had like brown deepset eyes and a bit of a prominent nose and some whiteheads and the really basic eastern euro haircut and he shouldn't have been cute but he was! It was one of those stupid mandatory career advancment workshops and we just discreetly made fun of it the entire time and whenever he'd laugh his cheeks would go really red, it was so cute, I wanted to touch them so much but instead I just tried to make him laugh as often as possible kek
he studies something completely different and is like 2 years younger than me so I doubt I'll ever see him on campus but eh those were good 2 hours!
No. 107930
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I hate myself for being so much into older men lol But nothing turns me on more than Mads playing an obsessive and aggressive criminal douchebag in this movie
No. 107931
>>107928Not the person you were replying to but I live in California as well and have seen plenty of ugly Mexican dudes in my life. However I only really find myself seeking Mexican guys out.
My current bf is Mexican American and honestly the culture of Mexican American families is astounding and I kind of hate it. I get that family is important to them but every Mexican kid my age I know is extremely coddled and they don't get pushed to grow up compared to other kids I know–including my bf. And if their family members are annoying then you're basically stuck with them because of the whole 'family is close' thing. Like my boyfriend has a 30 year old sister still living with his mom despite her having a stable job and having money to live on her own. Maybe it's a Californian Mexican thing but it is such a turn off.
But even resenting this 'family' dynamic, I STILL find myself insanely attracted to Mexican guys. And I'm dating my boyfriend now but even so, I still want to be with a Mexican dude if we were to break up. I guess it's partially a kink because I'm a white girl and I find it hot to get fucked by a Latino dude but then again my boyfriend looks straight up white.
I apologize for the tangent but I seriously know of no one who has the same racial preference or kink.
No. 107935
>>107912>>107925I'm glad I'm not alone lol. I've always been into super short guys regardless (as well as lanklets), and have understood why some women think chubby men can be "cute" but have never found one sexually attractive myself. Realistically the guy I saw isn't super chunky or anything (bmi 25-26 maybe?), just slightly soft with a baby face. But it's awakened something lol.
>>107931Is that family thing generally true? That sounds endearing as long as their family is nice.
Mixed latino guys are cute (although not into the white passing ones). Sadly not too many where I live in Canada.
No. 107941
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>>107938Charlie Countryman.
Mediocre at best, but he makes up for it lol
No. 107958
>>107931I understand where you're coming from, I just want to point out, it's not an exclusively Hispanic thing. It's very common in white Iberian/Mediterranean (Spanish/Portuguese/Italian) and Celtic (Irish, Scottish, Manx, Welsh, Cornish) families. 100% White, but I grew up Catholic with a very traditional home where men are distinctively given authority, women cook/clean/shop and are abused by the men. Gang violence is common among the poor. For hispanic families, just add white stained tank-tops and Takis, lol. Most families in Europe, and the rest of the world, stay together. Hell, prior to WWII, we did too. It was only because of the boom that people started buying houses for themselves very young, right when they became adults instead of waiting until starting a new family. I'd only see moving out as reasonable if your family is toxic, your job moves around, or you're in a serious committed relationship; why pay extra rent for no reason? That's an American cultural thing I hate, pushing your kids out the door as soon as they hit 18, especially in this economy.
As for Mexicans, I tend to be attracted to the blue-collar ones who are more integrated in American culture. I dated one who was very proud of his Irish side (He was not white passing, but he did look very Basque). Most Mexicans I know are illegal now, or have illegal parents, are extremely left leaning, and can barely form a proper sentence. "Viva la raza!" and they unironically stop classes, take down American flags, and put one up of Mexico. I can't fucking date that, or even want that as my neighbor, but here they all are.
I'm not attracted to Mexicans specifically, but I like Arab dudes, so I feel your pain. Almost every single guy I've been attracted to is an atheist with Muslim parents. I don't go out of my way to find them, it just happens.
No. 108017
>>108016Yeah, I kind of see it as a sign of good character though. Even if I never want kids I still respect and love children and want to protect them, so someone with similar values is desirable.
Also, kind and gentle guys in general are CUTE. Just like when men are good with animals. CUTE!
No. 108021
>>107931As someone with Mexican heritage I can't deny any of what you've written. I personally would not want to get in a serious relationship with a Mexican guy and a large part of it is the family dynamics.
Orphans only please.
No. 108032
>>107940Just go noporn or no(insert fetish here), then the rest is self control. It will always lay dormant, but you just need to be able to block the fantasies as soon as they start. Just think of something else when you get the urge. Start thinking of reverse birth or titty vore? Go eat an apple and think of exotic birds instead. Do a math problem. Anything.
Not masturbating to it (or anything) is already a step in the right direction.
No. 108114
>>108085i'm the same way anon. i need to be loved and treated gently most of the time, and also dislike porn, but at the same time i enjoy being submissive and being ordered around, slapped, choked, etc. i think part of it, for me personally, is taking back some power i felt i lost due to past situations by being a willing participant this time. i don't consider it loveless sex at all, as it's with the person i love. aftercare is a big part of it - my bf asks how it was, if i'm okay, and reassures me that the hitting or choking wasn't meant to be aggressive or anything. we cuddle afterwards and he comforts me, i feel like this whole process makes us closer. even if the sex seems violent or impersonal because it's not hold-me-close-in-missionary-position sex, it's still a very intimate, and emotionally/physically rewarding experience.
>Have I conditioned myself into this preference?i can't answer for the conditioned part, but unless it's causing you significant distress, or your boundaries aren't being respected, i don't see a need to worry. if it really bothers you you can always see a therapist for a bit. as for being too embarrassed to talk about it to your bf - is texting any easier? i was super shy at first and texting about it first made me more comfortable saying it out loud.
No. 108116
>>108114>choking wasn't meant to be aggressiveI'm really concerned about how normalized choking has become. Years ago, it wasn't even accepted as a part of BDSM due to the mantra "safe, sane, consensual".
It's very dangerous and can lead to brain damage. More than a few have been killed this way, during sex.
No. 108117
>>108085I was never a porn watcher. However, I know exactly the feeling you are describing. I love my bf very much and he is my one and only sexual partner. Through three years of having sex with him, I have realized what I like and what I don't.
It is not loveless sex because I think a large part of what makes the dominance permissible IS largely in part due to the love and trust you have in that person. I love submitting to my boyfriend because it is my gift to him, but it also makes me feel very desired by him, which is important.
I don't believe the desire for submission you are feeling is inherently loveless or conditioned. The only thing you described to me that seemed conditioned from porn is this:
>But even the idea of pretending to film some sort of porn with myself as the main focus is insanely hot. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting this. It's dirty, voyeuristic… but those things are very exciting. Exploring those feelings with the person you love/trust most is not loveless in the slightest. If he watches porn too, it's probably something he could get into too. Have an honest conversation about it… Keep things funny and light, no serious expectations, but ask him to give it a shot.
No. 108192
>>108116A guy tried this on me, stopped when I made a really confused face, "What are you
doing?". Don't know why he thought I would automatically find it sexy.
No. 108205
>>108201same. I posted it before ITT but it seems like such a taboo!
I don't want to have kids but I'd love to have ANR with another person.
No. 108207
>>108201I kind of want the same but reversed. I'd love a partner who would let me suck on their nipples for long periods of time, maybe while watching a movie or something.
(Very gender neutral, although I guess finding a guy who would accept this behaviour would be pretty ditficult)
No. 110674
>>89241Jesus Christ
you sound
abusive and I hope to God that people stay far away from you
No. 110689
>>110674>>110676Looks like a scrote found this thread and got
No. 110695
>>110689I'm not a male
I'm just saying you sound
abusive No. 110799
>>107930i know i'm late but this gif fucked me right up, thanks anon. i hate jealousy as a concept with my whole heart in my real life but in my
sexy time fantasies a man (who is handsome and fuckable enough to warrant it) being jealous of me and obsessing over me quietly and trying his best to live up to my standards is a big kink. yuge.
ironically, i have many kinks that could be considered more shameful (light bdsm, femdom, being submissive etc etc) this is the one i have a hard time grasping because i
hate any kind of jealousy in real life.
No. 111490
>>111480Is this what you watched, Anon?
If it is, I felt sort of the same, knowing that Mishima was a nutcase irl didn't help
No. 111534
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>>111533He basically had his sexual awakening as an adolescent from seeing a painting of St. Sebastian. Of course he was into that sort of stuff.
No. 111668
are pretty bara.
No. 111793
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Latex/nitrile doctor's gloves make me throb honestly, I remember being at the dentist as a kid and having their gloves touching my face just felt so incredibly nice and as a kid I was also always super tempted to take some of the doctor's gloves when they were stepped out of the room, like I've always had a minor fixation with them and would just stare at them trying to decide if I should go and grab a few pairs or not.
Its the only genuine fetish I think I have. The idea of someone "inspecting" me in a sexual way with gloves is hot. I also love the idea of using gloves on other people too. And I just love the feeling of them on my skin in general. Medical stuff as a whole doesn't turn me on though, just this. The only medical scenario that I find hot was one comment an alleged doctor made on reddit about having a fantasy where he would hook someone/a patient up to a heart monitor and hear the BPM increase as he was fucking them. Like
>>111673 said before if I didn't have that kink before I do now.
No. 111835
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I love statuary. The more traditional, classic sort, like muscled Greek god types. Marble is prettier than bronze imo but since I've never been able to climb up on one and get cozy it doesn't matter. It's not like the story of Galatea, where I want it to come alive, it's more like being aroused by something that doesn't care, or has no response to you at all. Literally cold, not just emotionally. I love mannequins, too, for the same reasons.
Until I was looking for pics I had no idea how cheap mannequins are, now I'm freaking out a little, haha.
I'm also super into the idea of sex androids, and I wish they'd start making them for women. It bugs me that most of the ones I've seen are so twinky, I'd rather they were masculine in an old fashioned way. If you could do interchangeable heads via old photos and a 3d printer I'd be happy with that. I'm fairly normie looking, so I think most people would be weirded out that I'd rather be in a fulfilled relationship with a robot, lol.
No. 111839
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>>111835We have the same fetishes, anon. I've considered buying a mannequin before and just slapping a strap-on on it or just cuddling with it in bed. I think it'd be pretty fulfilling tbh.
No. 112048
>>112042Do you fantasize about fucking them..? Or them fucking each other?
I'm curious since they're so big. Do you have a dragonsona that you imagine fucking them?
No. 112057
>>111856If you were really grossed out by incest and wanted taken care of then you would instead have just fantasized about relationships where an older man pampers his princess type girlfriend. It's a pretty traditional relationship dynamic.
Either you specifically want the incest bit, or you should expand your frame of reference and see that any particular kind of relationship dynamic doesn't necessarily only happen in one particular scenario. You can get that feeling of security and being cared for without the incest part.
No. 112084
>>112048I fantasise about one fucking me as a human and the size is a factor about it that I like. Its unrealistic that I would survive it but its like other unrealistic fantasy fetishes like vore I guess.
A few of the fantasies I have go like this
>Having a master who owns a dragon and makes me pleasure it (my main fantasy)>A dragon captures me and fucks me desperately to breed which continues on and on because humans can't breed with dragons>Being pinned down and ravaged by multiple dragons No. 112121
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I'm white and I don't have a problem with anyone of any race or any sort of racial preferences but my fetish is Neo-Nazi's having sex and falling in love with black women
Just something about the image of a skinhead with a SS Tattoo on his shoulder and Swastika T-shirt who has a beautiful black girl around his arms just makes me smile for some reason
No. 112149
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Pretty ashamed of this… Not exactly a fetish, but more of a fantasy. The thought of having an incel dominate me in bed really turns me on… Like I want them to fuck me so hard in bed and to keep doing it even after I'm tired of it. I don't know why but I guess the thought of not being able to get pussy until now and fucking his frustrations and anger out is kind of hot.
However, I would never go out of my way to date an incel since they have a hateful mindset. Plus I'm a virgin who doesn't want to give it up until I find someone who truly loves me.
No. 112159
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>>112150My Fantasy goes like this
he is Neo-Nazi but he still has a job that he goes to where he doesn't reveal his racial bigotry then one day a new employee is hired who is a black women
at first he tries to avoid her but slowly he has more Interactions with her and they find out they had similar experiences and similar interests and they became friends and this leads to love but he's afraid of actually having sex because of his racist Tattoo's he has on his body and eventually he does reveal who he is or who he was an she accepts him and then he cuts tie with his racist Neo-Nazi group
No. 112160
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Maybe I'm just feeling emotional in general, but I'm feeling guilty about this tonight.
I'm really into super short men, not guys with dwarfism but between 4'11" and 5'4". While I'm unashamed about this preference in that I'm vocal about it with friends and only pursue little men, I recently read some accounts of short men being uncomfortable with their partners fixating on it. This is an issue since what I have is genuinely a fetish, as in it would be fulfilling for me to verbally admire a man's small stature and features often and interact in a way that would put a focus on our size difference, sexually and otherwise.
But now I'm starting to feel bad about this because I don't intend to make anyone feel bad. I know it's individual and all, but the chance alone makes me feel guilty. Even if I'd be fine with someone fixating on a trait I have that I can't change (in an appreciative way, not insulting), I understand how it could hurt some people and that's the LAST thing I want to do to someone I'd love. But I also want to be able to point out traits that I'm attracted to, you know?
idk girls I've never felt ashamed of it until now, but this feels bad.
No. 112167
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>>112042I know this fetish. It’s a classic.
Patrician (Matrician?) taste.
No. 112170
>>112159write this romance novel anon that sounds cute
>>112160I can understand why a short guy would be uncomfortable but realistically men that short often just have a very hard time dating. I think you could probably meet one that is pleasantly surprised to find that his height was a large factor in your attraction to him.
No. 112171
>>112170I don't even know why I even have this fetish considering I am neither white man nor a black women but I wanna see them together
what is wrong with me ?
No. 112191
>>112121>>112159>>112170Basically you're a cuck. Disgusting trash.
But more likely you're are a larp man that tries to pretend there's balanced patheticness on both sides, in which case - fuck off.
No. 112249
>>112244She sounds sick and
abusive. Can't believe how edgy these femdom posts are getting this shit should not be encouraged lmao
No. 112292
>>112291But it
is a prank, and anons fell for it.
Well…tbh I'm not sure what's going on exactly. I'm guessing they're trollposting and fake banning themselves?
No. 112322
>>112296None whatsoever. I've had a relatively normal childhood.
I rarely seek out this content outside of my own fantasies. Sometimes even 2d is too impure for me.
I've just been spiraling deeper into degeneracy in my own imaginary world. Though, I've had these fetishes since I became sexually aware. Nothing new has sprung up.
No. 112446
>>112444may i suggest r/gonewildaudio? i just did a search for "doll" on there and there's some stuff, especially m4f stuff you might like lol. also, there's stuff on there for everybody, vanilla, bdsm, hypno, there's an audio for everything. i found out i'm into some weird shit from that subreddit lol.
also, since i'm here, i have a major humiliation kink. i just want a guy to call me cute and useless and make me suck his dick. it's weird because i get angry at people not taking me seriously in any other context but when its the tone between sweet, condescending and just a little bit cruel, i really like it. i don't like most bdsm tho, because hierarchy and being punished for arbitrary stuff makes me angry. i used to read bdsm stories and get offended on the subs behalf for when they got punished for silly things lmao.
i want to have a mmf threeway where me and a cute guy are being dominated by a man. like he's making us kiss each other at first while he watches, and then it escalates into a bi threeway. its very hard to find content for this.
No. 112455
>>112446>offended on the subs behalf for when they got punished for silly thingsOT but same anon, even if I managed to convince myself that any porn was ethically made this always made me turn it off kek. I get too distracted by throwaway dialog and what's happening in the background, and would just scroll to the comments to see if anyone noticed stuff too
Porn just isn't for me I guess
No. 112498
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Don't know if this is a fetish but i'm weirdly atracted to people who know their way around computers. Hardware and software alike. Why is this something so hot to me
I like to lurk imageboards about computer culture like and arisuchan even if i don't know anything about it
>tfw no programmer gf
No. 112648
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Getting stalked, abducted, and developing Stockholm Syndrome. Sometimes also being teased and denied explicit sex/ love, and getting sexually frustrated.
No. 112950
>>112648hhh yes strade is a god tier husbando.
i like the idea of being kidnapped, but in a chill sort of way. "kindnapping"? idk id be cool chilling out in a cage in some dudes basement while he does kinky, kinky things to me. as long as there's vidya and snacks down there and wifi so i can shitpost on here, i would probably be cool being someones abducted sex slave lmao.
No. 112977
>>112907I may have seen the exact video you're referring to, although there might be a few. It was transparent? Definitely into
that sort of almost/accidental homoeroticism, like friendly fire, or mutual masturbation between buddies.
No. 113070
>>89532Huge fucking mood. Sometimes when i spot a male head of long hair I immediately notice and have to ask myself "Is he actually hot, or does he just have good hair?". Yeah. Every time i see a guy with longer than average hair length i melt inside.
Please, god, give me a slightly effeminate, long haired guy for me to peg.
No. 113516
1. Zoophilia. Me taking an animal's cock or masturbating him, or watching a man fuck another animal, male or female. Possibly a threesome involving the three of us. Maybe more animals, an orgy. In my fantasy I'd rather think the animals are enjoying it, no sadism involved here.
2. I also feel very turned on watching scat and watersports porn videos but I'd find it absolutely disgusting IRL, the smell would be enough to put me off.
3. Fucking a very old man who can barely get it up, riding him limp dick and making he eat my pussy.
4. Loli x shota. Thanks to my my own experiences with an older male cousin (me 7 yo, him 12 yo). Every time we met we would touch each other, lick each other and things like that. For months we did this and it was exhilarating.
Reading this thread made me feel a little better about my shit, I often feel like it's only men who have perverse fantasies.
Lately I've been having thoughts and even dreams about fucking my "ex" psychiatrist who's about 35, fit, married and a father. This brings me more shame than the other fetishes combined simply because it screams daddy issues.
No. 113564
I have nothing to do so let me overshare my shameful journey to degeneracy with a completely unnecessary attention to detail.
Mine started with weight-play and branched out and from there. I don't think it was sexual to begin with. The idea of being under a soft warm heavy body just seemed comfy. In my teens I started looking for videos related to this and the closest thing I could find were videos of SSBBWs using their weight to dominate men. Usually the videos would involve facesitting, or some other form of smothering and so that too became something I looked for. One of the things I didn't enjoy was how sexually explicit a lot of the videos with men were. I wasn't watching these videos to see what was most often a ugly man getting his dick sucked. I didn't and still don't consider myself a lesbian so I was hesitant to watch porn which only involved women.
Once I got past my initial hesitation I found the female on female videos were much less vulgar. They mostly remained clothed and there was little to no sexual aspect to a lot of them. Instead they focused on the weight of the sitter and the smothering. The SSBBWs didn't slam themselves down on the women like they did to the men. They didn't smother them for as long either, but the videos felt far more dominant. I quickly became hooked and although I was ashamed I knew this was what I was into. I wouldn't watch any videos with men after this. The obese women radiated power as they sat on the petite women who were similar to me in size. They were in complete control of another person simply by resting their weight upon them. The only time they exerted any effort was when they would bounce, or lift their ass off their seats face to briefly allow her to breathe.
The seats entire existence was temporarily narrowed to what they were currently experiencing as all five of her senses were being forcefully focused on the woman on top of her. The sensation of her face and head being completely enveloped by the soft ass cheeks. The weight, heat, and the short bursts of relief as she felt the weight lift off of her for a few seconds to let her breathe. The anxiety as the colossal ass descends upon her again, and the darkness and isolation once it does. Not to forget the initial anxiety of the first sit as she lays down and is looking up at a woman four, five, or even more times her own weight. This might be the heaviest person she has ever seen and they're about to be sitting and bouncing on her face. I'm not sure how you would prepare yourself for this without any reference point.
Unfortunately there aren't many female on female videos of this type. I found myself eventually watching the more vulgar videos due to this lack of choice and even occasionally imagining women I dislike as the seats. This started evolving my tastes to include the more humiliating sides of these scenarios. I had previously only really considered two of the sensory sensations the seat would be experiencing. Those being the pressure and the heat, but I had overlooked one completely. I hadn't given any thought to the scent. Not until I was watching a video in which a BBW started spreading her ass whilst pressing her anus against the seats nose and demanding her to sniff it. I expect women of that size would probably be extremely sweaty even soon after a shower. That added bit of humiliation makes me blush just typing it out.
Fortunately sweat seems to be about as far as my degeneracy will take me in the direction of scent domination. I'm not at all attracted to average size women, or men who are even slightly chubby. I can't say I'm attracted to fat women either, but it would be a lie to say I'm not slightly curious about how it would feel to be beneath them.
tldr: Stay away from porn.
No. 113565
>>113564Did you turn yourself lesbian for obese women from porn?
Lmao and peopl say porn is harmless
No. 113567
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>>113565Suggest I'm a lesbian again bucko, and it will be you I'm imagining is getting sat on.
No. 113593
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Old asian men - I love watching old/young videos but only the Japanese ones I love how they feel and kiss all over the woman and really enjoy the experience. I fantasise about meeting an old Asian business man and spending the night with him in a expensive hotel room. I don’t like to think about why this turns me on so much - is it a race thing because I’m white or do I have some issues?
Either way even looking up an example image to use for this post turned me on
No. 113912
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>>94810Fug yeah you know it. Russian soldiers with gas masks are my thing… I just want one to sex me to keep me warm while its -15c° and were outside and fall on a pit of snow… I love the russian language too i just want him to speak in russian while doing the big sex while his mask makes his voice somewhat filtered… Were fully clothed but reach our hands inside eachothers clothes to feel the warm body temperature
No. 113926
>>113593You just have yellow fever and daddy issues anon
I get really disgusted by older men asian or not and that pic you posted makes me ashamed of my japanese heritage
No. 113963
>>113912Oh God I like this too. It's always men with helmets/masks. Not that Halloween ugly face mask stuff though. I like masks that don't really have human features.
I also don't want to see their real face at all. That ruins it. It's like they become these weird otherworldy creatures and I find it the hottest thing ever
No. 113976
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Do you think it's possible to get rid of a fetish? Have any of you tried?
No. 114105
>>113979Yeah, I "got rid" of mine in a similar fashion. If I think about it too much I'm sure it would be back, though.
>>114018Just general discussion, since we're all supposedly ashamed here. Wondering if anyone (else) has been ashamed enough to try to change.
Also I'd rather not say what it was.
>>114093I'm impressed that you bothered to have an explanation for him still being buff.
No. 114117
>>114093I respect you immensely tbh
no shame
No. 114126
>>114117can I ask why ?
>>114122In my fantasies when were having sex its vanilla penis in vagina so its not really femdom per-se as for how I got this fetish well
about 4-5 years ago in 2015 I read this horror comic online,I don't remember the comics name nor the plot but I remember in the first issue the main character is a psychologist whose taking care of patient whose in a catatonic state and he lives in her home so that she can better research and study him and I remember the guy being drawn fairly attractive with blue hair and a decent build and all I could think for the next couple days was that in those years he was with her she must have taken advantage of him at some point cause I might have and this evolved into my current fetish
No. 114139
>>114130>same anon complaining about dommes is a retard fetishistThis is a plot twist.
So I suppose you don't respect us because the men we fuck are of average mental capacity? Lmao.
This is amazing. I love lolcow.
No. 114166
>>114136>>114139I admit this is a
abusive fetish that I would never attempt to do IRL(I don't even know how it would be possible)
No. 114324
>>114323I’m a fan. Isn’t it insane she’s a free woman? She obviously enjoyed herself while playing out those fantasies.
While Karla and I might have similar jacked up fantasies, I’d never hurt a family member, and she helped kill her own sister.
No. 114330
>>114324>I’d never hurt a family memberOh, but other people are okay?
Also why have your bf as your proxy and not do it yourself. Bring home some young boys and execute in front of him, would be a great romantic gesture and very healthy wholesome fun.
No. 114334
>>114330It’s about the fact that he’d be willing to do those horrific acts in my honor, take a life in my name. It’s akin to being turned on by the mere idea that someone would make a sacrifice for me, and I suppose the younger, prettier girl concept is just a projection of my own insecurities.
In the fantasies I’d never want to involve a family member. Anyone else, sure. Obviously I’m not acting out these fantasies and never would.
No. 114397
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>>114379I need to try this
not because I think it's hot, because I don't, but because I need to see this for myself. I'm cackling anon, what an amazing description.
No. 114431
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>>114348Same anon, same. Even better if I'm a vampire or some other "dark" creature in those fantasies. Just corrupting those innocent (young) men. Never anything rapey though
No. 114474
>>114398Actually I have more specific kinks related to ageplaying that I didn't want to specify because it would be the most shameful thing on this thread and even anonymity isn't enough for me to talk about them, lmao.
But I prefer to repress this side of myself because I don't think anybody involved in the scene is sane. Might try just being a "common" sub.
No. 114505
I've really been into the idea of a cute boy being mentally and physically tormented by a demon lately.
Sometimes, it crosses into body horror and torture, including but not limited to
>Making him tear off his own flesh or otherwise self-harm against his will
>Alternating feelings of searing heat and bitter cold
>Giving him multiple body parts, and then taking them away
>Rendering him blind/deaf/mute at random repeatedly to disorient him
>Repeatedly giving him thousands of tiny cuts and then closing them up just before the blood loss kills him
>Making random parts of his body into intense erogenous zones whether he likes it or not
>Making him orgasm at random in daily life
>Making him piss himself or hold his bladder with increasing desperation
>Draining his brain, but leaving all the sexual parts in tact so he can't think of anything except giving or receiving pleasure
>Making him vomit when he cums, so every time he gets turned on, he suffers a panic/anxiety attack, worrying about whether he's going to puke (but the thought of puking has been mapped so closely to sexual exhilaration, that obsessing over it turns him on more, which horrifies him even more, effectively creating a loop)
Just about anything that would cause him suffering, while also giving him a boner. I don't like too much innocence. It's better if he's already sort of twisted, but the demon worsens it through conditioning, brainwashing or magic. The mental dominance, addiction, shame and loss of control are very important factors.
A good plot line would be a cute virgin guy with an addiction to hardcore porn coming across a sex demon who "punishes" him for his mishaps by putting him through the same things he's masturbated to, but much more brutal (and with supernatural elements added in), but leaving him just fucked up enough to want to crawl back for more. By the end, he's in a rabbit hole of hopeless addiction.
Besides that, I really like being submissive. I usually like being tied up, choking, and other rough things, but also sweet, comforting sex. I've never told a living soul the full extent of my tastes.
No. 114508
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>>114505Begone, Slaanesh.
No. 114536
>>114508Lmao Slaanesh's description is pretty fitting actually. I didn't know about this. I want to do some writing now, thank you anon
The weird thing is, when I'm actually in a dominant position, I strongly prefer being kind and making the guy feel all warm, safe and protected. Don't know why I fantasize about Satanic torture on the side.
No. 114565
>>114561I think this is a good idea.
Men value sex the most, so I don't know why most of them haven't just become sex dolls for women? Being real here, it's all they care about so they should just meet women and be comfortable being tied up in their girlfriend's/wife's home and only being used for sex.
It doesn't even have to be extreme like your fantasy here (with torture and everything), I just don't understand why men are still out there in the world. They complain about how "housewives had it made!!1" so why not just become a male bangmaid? I'm genuinely baffled.
No. 114570
>>114561I hope you're ashamed because you realize you're just as bad as those men you hate.
It doesn't make it ok just because the genders are reversed.
>>114565>so why not just become a male bangmaid?Because most women wouldn't want to have to support a guy.
Because most women aren't into gross submissives.
Because most men wouldn't want to be a sex slave. focus on slave.
No. 114591
>>114589isn't bdsm supposed to be about some vague amount of consent? I've got my weird fantasies about being dommmed in weird ways, but I want to obviously enjoy and consent to it
also the post seems to be more about the gist of "sticking it to the men" rather than enjoyment so where's the sexual pleasure in that? if you proclaim all men are rapists who should have their rapist tendencies "conditioned out of them" why would you even want to torment them, as if sexual torment is going to work?
unless you get off on unbridled amounts of sadism and are a total sociopath
ngl I mean even if I wasn't turned off by femdom it still is discomforting to read because of the idea that consent is purposely pushed out the window
I don't understand man hate anons in general, but I especially don't understand ones who let their hatred manifest into shit that sounds downright criminal and sadistic rather than a weird sexual fetish
No. 114616
>>114561Damn your post really
triggered people huh. Well poor poor men, they are all so oppressed because of some thoughts in some anon's brain.
I mean, this fantasy will never happen. (Call me if you start your brothel though, anon.)
No. 114632
>>114631I think most of the guys that do
abusive kinky stuff with their partner are usually just doing it for her sake, or for an easy chance to fuck her, especially with the whole dd/lg thing. You never, ever heard a guy bring up dd/lg until they found out lots of women were into it.
Of the guys that are genuinely into BDSM for sadistic reasons, many of them are clearly not functional and it's obvious to everyone involved, meaning they get ignored. I'm mostly basing this off my experience erotic roleplaying, but many 'sadistic doms' advertising for partners on discord are in the off-topic section venting about being socially anxious NEETs.
No. 115049
well, i had to come running to this thread after what i realized about an hour or so ago.
for some background, i live in a small town in the midwest. just had to go help one of my relatives rearrange some stuff in a storage unit at a place that's in an even smaller town about 30 minutes away from here. it's really trashy, 70% trailer homes, barely anything there, the biggest building is the bar.
one of the things we moved was a gun cabinet. when we were about to leave out, these two white trash dudes came up to my relative and started asking about it. one of them had a terrible tattoo of a gun on his ribs, which i could see because he was wearing one of those weird muscle tank top things. it was mostly in tatters. anyway, i realized at that moment that i have a thing for white trash dudes. i had to stop myself from staring at him because his basic ass shorts were hanging pretty low and i could see his boxers.
this is mostly weird for me because i'm a young black woman, who these types of dudes usually hate lmao. i also imagined a brief raceplay scenario with someone like that, which really turned me on, and is also extremely embarrassing. sorry for the blog.
No. 115064
>>115052I was still laughing from reading
>>115058 when I read yours and now both my smile and optimism is gone, forever. You're disgusting, an animal can't comment any more than a child can even if it goes through the motions, get therapy.
No. 115070
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>>115065Did he not get her spayed?! This is fucking weird regardless.
I feel like this thread can be goofy and fun sometimes but then the bestiality-chans, pedos and necro gals drop in and it feels sad.
But…men and women is the same, I guess. It gives me a balanced view after leaving the mh threads at least.
No. 115072
>>115058>>115069well, i'm not terribly attracted to actual racists/neo-nazis, but for some reason the white trash dude & raceplay thoughts just really got me going.
i was also reminded earlier of some dude i saw at the grocery store a couple days ago – he was wearing a lot of norse-pride type gear and had a long beard and combat boots with a black kilt-like thing. it was weird, because i usually don't see that type of thing here, but i have to admit he looked good (but he was also maybe probably a racist lol).
No. 115077
>>114093>i have sex with this retarded mani'm sorry i had a horrible fever for the past 2 days and this made me actually laugh out loud. thank you anon.
>>114317blair waldorf wrote this post
No. 115079
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>>115072Serous question would you ever be willing to date an ex-neo nazi not one of those /pol/ online racists but an actual skinhead with tattoos and has likely been in prison but is currently trying to reform
No. 115085
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If I like zombie makeup does that make me a necrofag?
pls no booly
No. 115114
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>>115083Absolutely same, anon. I want something like a pet bf to care for forever. Don't want him to be fit though, just eat healthy and stay small for me to lift, carry, and toss around.
It makes me feel like a bad domme because I want to do all the things I've seen other dommes complain about being expected to do, like the cooking and financial support. And I don't actually want to be on the receiving end of anything sexually either, I just want to play with a guy's body while he lies there and takes it.
How do you feel about mdlb things? As in him actually calling you mommy and acting little? I flip-flop on this a lot, mostly because I feel guilt for kind of being into it.
>inb4 those femdom hating anons call us cringe, abusive, or that femdom is impossible No. 115146
>>115136Thids,I'd have no problem with
>>115114 except for the need to frame it as "mommy". Why can't a women just be a strong but supportive type without the weird incest idea? It's like onision levels of what a woman or man can or can't be.
No. 115147
>>115146>>115136aybrt, and I mentioned it before in these posts
>>91259>>102054when I first admitted to myself it has appeal to me. It's really the only thing that I'm ashamed of, plus the "am I a fake domme?" thing. I'm otherwise vocal about wanting a flr.
I have considered that I'm not organically into it and have instead been memed into it by seeing posts by NEET sub men wanting "mommies." I'm really just into vulnerability and being needed.
No. 115153
> like the cooking and financial support. And I don't actually want to be on the receiving end of anything sexually either, I just want to play with a guy's body while he lies there and takes it.Same. Though I have to add, I like being a domme and engaging in proper femdom activities, so not just gentle femdom. I like being a bit rough however that would be something consensual.
> How do you feel about mdlb things? As in him actually calling you mommy and acting little?God yes, and I know how you feel because it's so embarrassing admitting this. I didn't bother mentioning it before thinking it would be too much. I'm so embarrassed that I don't even search the internet for stuff related to it. No. 115187
>>115114>It makes me feel like a bad domme because I want to do all the things I've seen other dommes complain about being expected to doYou really shouldn't, you can't be a "bad domme" for liking whatever you like, let others complain about what they don't like while you do what you want.
That said,
>inb4 those femdom hating anons call us (…) abusivenot you, but some of what
>>115083 said sounds a little unhealthy:
>I want to make a man completely dependent on me so that he would only seek comfort in me and he would only trust me.>He'd never leave my place On the other hand
>I'd also use a chastity cage with a lock to ensure that he never cheats on meYeah, that's pretty much a must.
No. 115249
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>>115107Bless you, anon. I’m from England and realised the well-mannered demeanour + the sort of clothing I like on a man is basically that stereotype, but my depressing reality is doughy, round-faced, charmless guys who have no idea how to dress themselves and they all have that annoying hitler youth haircut even if it doesn’t flatter them. The only things these normie local boys can talk about are work, TMI stories about their friends, football or FIFA. Really wish I could meet a total gentleman or even just a man who was raised right with a sense of self respect but I don’t have a chance with my background and 0 connections to places with upper class people. Sage for ot blogpost.
No. 115267
>>115249IATA and I hope you find yourself a gentleman, anon! This was such a cute message to come back to. My boy is a goofball but my American friends and family actually find him pretty reserved and proper, maybe a bit stuffy lol. He's not even truly upper class, he just comes off higher class because he's got that sort of posh southern accent and good manners. He's a looker and intelligent too, totally spoils me in bed.
Maybe you'd have more luck in an academic setting or online, that's how I met my bf, but I also feel like it was an incredible stroke of luck. Sage for sfw blogging in the fetish thread lmao
No. 115991
>>115267>he's not even truly upper class, he just comes off higher class because he's got that sort of posh southern accent and good manners.This is the best type imo. I don't care about money or status, I just like how polite/thoughtful a gentleman is and how elegantly he carries himself. Even better if he's normally serious and reserved but gets easily flustered and embarrassed by intimacy.
I feel kinda bad saying this but I wish my boyfriend was a little more like that. He is a huge goofball, very kind, and I love him to death but sometimes he acts too silly and without class.
No. 116018
>>115991My bf is really silly and he does do a couple of things that are less classy that would bug me in mixed company, but has way better manners than any other man I've dated and most of the men I know. I've had people describe him as a bit prissy/fussy tbh. He doesn't always dress up but if he does, most of his clothes are tailored.
On the sex thing, funnily enough he's pretty assertive intimately but very loving. I can't tell if people figured out we have plenty of steamy sex since he seems reserved to people until he's closer with them. My ex wasn't nearly as classy or good-looking so I appreciate what I have more.
>>115978I'm curious about how you feel about the cultural divide. I'm the first anon with an English bf and personally I've found it to be usually amusing and at worst just a little annoying, but since I enjoy the culture, I'm sure it's different for me since you do not. Most of the cultural misunderstandings I have to field are between him and my friends/family. We usually get along perfectly and rarely misunderstand each other.
I don't want to pry, but are you sure you guys want to be together? As in, for other reasons? It sounds like you have some serious misgivings about cultural stuff, and that can and will break people up…it sounds like you don't like US culture though either so it's not like American guys are necessarily any better, just different.
This thread is probably gonna close soon so if anyone wants to continue talking maybe we should move to a different one like relationship advice or dumbass shit that doesn't belong anywhere else since we're getting a bit off-topic anyway lol
I have to cut myself off too because I can gush about the bf forever since he might as well be my fetish