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No. 44561
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Your fiance belongs in the trash. Get out ASAP. I guarantee if you stay with him, he will cheat on you. Save yourself the grief.
No. 44563
Oral I can do and is fine. I can't even masturbate atm so my sexual frustration is off the charts. I told him if he wants to sleep with someone else, then you can have the ring back and I'll move out.
Ended that pretty quick, but we'll see.
I wish this fucking cyst could like, be operated on or removed - it gets in the way of regular sex when I'm not recovering, so I can't go at it like I want to. I dunno where everything went wrong anons, but don't follow me. I know I did this to myself, but it still hurts.
Sounds like depression, guys can show weird signs of depression because they don't want to show weakness, so they channel it into anger and jealousy and shit like that. Wish you could get him some help, mentally. Therapists might be $$$, but I'm on anti-depressants, would those be easier to get?
Might also be low testosterone? Just throwing things out there.
No. 44571
With choking, a little pressure from the palms is good, but most of the good sensation is from the pressure in the fingertips/wrist, so it feels like he's pressing, but he's actually not restricting air flow much at all.
Also, all these stories about shitty BFs and bad Fiances, man, you could just move one and meet the right person, and suddenly 1 year feels like 5. Doesn't matter how long you've been with someone, moving on is not a waste of your time. Most of you are in your early-mid 20s, like, you seriously have a looooong time to date and find the right guy.
No. 44579
Men don't want to raep you, so encourage him to take two steps forward, one step back. If you're insecure about your body, you can either get over it, or not blame him for exploring that area. A top-tier guy will feel around your bodeh and let you dictate when you want to keep going. Personally, I'm a footfag, so instead of engaging her logic, asking if I can suck her toes, I make my way to that, and see if she'll go along with it, or not. Sometimes they're into it, sometimes not. I like exploring fetishes/kinks with women. The psychology is pretty interesting.
Failing that, I guess you could just tell the dumb bastard to take it slow, but if you have to tell him, he's a low-quality shitter.
No. 44589
So I started dating this guy I met through an online dating website. First date was alright, I thought we got along well enough, but we didn't kiss or anything (I was to awkward for that since this was my first 'online' date). We agreed for another date the following week but didn't set a place or time (is that to long of a wait?). Then we both got busy (and I was out of state) so we didn't text much for a few days. I texted him tonight asking him if he was still up for another date on Tuesday and he said sure and to tell him the time.
Now let me preface this with something, this guy has sent me multi-paragraph texts since we started talking online. I don't mind it and I know it's unusual but he's and English teacher who loves his job, so I figured he loves writing. So he replys once to my text with some follow up to some of the topics I brought up, then he ended it with…
"Hope you have a good rest of your night, and we'll talk at some point before Tuesday I'm sure :)"
I guess I'm not used to the whole 4 paragraphs per text thing (maybe he sees it as more like a letter writing thing), or maybe I'm just retarded/insecure by trying to over analyze it. It just gave me a bad vibe, as if he isn't interested in me anymore.
At the same time I don't understand why I feel insecure about it. I don't (or shouldn't) feel very invested in him yet (which is why I wanted to set up a second date, to see if I could be) but I still kind of like him.
Anons, please tell me I'm just being insecure/retarded.
No. 44601
I've been dating this fuckboy since June and while i like most things about him i feel like we're not that compatible, but i don't want to break up with him.I met him online, i am a part of a Facebook humor group and he posted le funny memes XD there.He added me on FB and after chatting with him for a few weeks we went to a meetup and i met him in person.We started dating but i simply cannot live with him for more than 8 hours at a time, he's very tiring and i feel like he drains my energy.He's like the complete opposite of me, he's hyperactive, flamboyant, talks too much and too loud and is obnoxious.Think Milo Yiannopoulos but much shorter and swarthier.He's smart, very knowledgeable about a lot of things so he's not a complete idiot, has a good paying job and comes from a good family and is funny but sometimes it is too much for me, i am an introvert and it is simply tiring to be next to him.I've been on a 3 day trip with him and his friends and my favorite part of the trip was when we left.Last week we were out in town and he got a text from his 'friend' and proposed to join them, them being a group of 5 girls that were openly flirting with him, which is something i absolutely hate since i do not like competition.I honestly don't know how he gets so much female attention, my previous boyfriend was much more conventionally attractive and usually got nothing, whereas this swarthy manlet is always with some chick.I doubt he cheated on me so far but i don't know if i should break up with him or not, he makes me feel insecure and is a very tiresome person.
No. 44615
ok, does anyone else not have the urge, or interest in being in a relationship? i'm not asexual, i have sex frequently, but a friend of mine finds it completely bizarre that all i am interested in is sex or friendship (or both). he believes that everyone has a soulmate, and that there's someone for everybody, but i don't believe that at all. i find guys attractive, then i fuck em if they're into me. beyond that, i have no urge to do or be anything more with them. personally, i like to believe that i don't really get lonely, but i do seldomly. it's not enough for me to settle down though lol. this guy i know of used to fuck girls and then he caught feelings for one (and now they're together), and i don't want that to happen to me. it actually scared me when i heard that lol.
people don't really need relationships, right?
No. 44634
He's not going to dislike it, and oral always feels awkward for people who haven't done it before, in my experience it was at least.
Obviously shaving is important for it though, no-one likes getting hair in their mouth, but apart from that, just tell him you're nervous about it, or even wait until after you both are more comfortable with each other sexually first.
You want to be comfortable with anything sexual you're doing to be able to enjoy it, that's true for anyone, and it sounds like he'd respect that.
Why are you so upset about people in relationships with an age gap? You don't have to like it, but she does, and it's pretty stupid to claim that older men are predatory, he could just legitimately have feelings for her.
It's a decent sized age gap, but it's not like it's huge or anything, he's not a 60 year old guy with a history of dating and dumping younger girls.
No. 44637
Not to be rude (though this probably comes across that way) but you sound like you are legit 15 years old. Then again, that might be because of my own personal experiences at that age, so take that with a grain of salt.
I've been in a very similar situation, but I do want to say first that if he's making some kind of sexual advance, and you are uncomfortable with it (not just shy or insecure but you know, upset about) then you should tell him. If he gets mad about it then leave his ass because that's not good for you. If you think you can overcome your insecurity enough to do it, and you are comfortable with him, not just doing it because he says, then absolutely. I also think that you two are very early in a relationship, and this is also your first (perhaps his first too, who knows) relationship, so things can be exciting/new and move too fast (again, speaking from personal experience). I suggest not just going right into sex, maybe start with some small stuff. Making out a lot, maybe he can squeeze your breasts/your butt a bit, stuff like that. It might help with you getting comfortable with him sexually. If he can't do that for you and just wants to go straight into it, like I said before, leeeave his ass. You don't have to do that stuff for long either, like maybe a few weeks, or however long it takes for you to be comfortable with him.
I suggest also taking advice from >>123696 cause they are right about the hair, it is not fun girl.
No. 44642
I used words like "typically" and "generally", repeatedly, for a reason. I didn't say he's for sure a predator. It's worth acknowledging that many older men seeking out younger women ARE predatory, which is what I said. You guys were dismissing the gap because she's no longer 16. I didn't "go off" on anyone. I pointed out that most cautious families would have good reason to ask questions and that not asking questions shouldn't be normalized because most families would be concerned, and because it is something worth questioning. As far as "personal experiences" go, I've never been with an older man. I have, however, seen how it has affected young women around me that were convinced that they were with intelligent, mature, men when later on down the road they revealed themselves to be shallow manchildren with an agenda and an inability to impress those within their age bracket. More often than not, they seem to consider younger women to be disposable, as well. There are also notable power dynamics at play that people seem to disregard because older m/young f relationships are so normalized. I didn't say she shouldn't date him. I said it's still a significant age gap and we shouldn't dismiss the gap just because she's not 16.
No. 44647
Not sure if I should post this in this thread since the relationship is already over, but anyway… I really need to hear somebody's opinion.
I moved to another country last year at age 22. I met a guy 20 years older than me when I was there. I knew he was attracted to me when we began talking, but I wasn't attracted to him anyway. He was much older than me and said he had a daughter almost my age, so I thought I'd never feel anything for him. He said he was divorced.
Well, we had a lot in common. We both paint, create art, like the same authors and books, etc. Our personalities also matched. So in the course of three months we became very close and I started a relationship with him. Until then I didn't think anything weird was going on. He was a very private person, that was all.
Well, long story, short story… our relationship kept going for months until I found out the cunt was married when he let me use his laptop and forgot he had left his facebook open (I'm not on FB and he said he didn't have an account either).
I kept blaming myself because obviously I could see signs everywhere, but I was so blind and needy in a distant place that I couldn't realize they were there. I texted to let him know I knew about his secret and left. After that he basically disappeared. I don't have facebook, twitter, etc so he just blocked my number.
He stopped attending the place where we met. I decided I didn't want to say anything back then and just let it go.
I'm in another country now but still think about him often. Not because I want to come back with him, but because I obssess over the thought of letting his wife know what he was doing. He has a popular art blog (which I designed for him) and I read it sometimes just to start thinking about stupid plans to tell her he is a fucking cheater. Reading his blog after all this time I can see I was basically fuel to his fetishes: I was younger, a virgin, and thought I was only into women until I met him.
I just want someone to tell me I have to let this shit go. Or if any of you ever ended up in a relationship with a guy like this, what did you do to heal/cope/etc? Anything is welcome.
Sorry for the long post, btw.
No. 44652
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please help. how do you politely turn someone down for good? I'm >>123629 and he IS coming on to me. When I had written this he had subtly asked me if I wanted to go out with him, and since it took me by surprise and I had to respond quick because we were chatting live, I said "i'll consider it". I know, huge fucking mistake, i'm so stupid. Well today he asked me very directly. He's a very good friend and I love talking to him, so I don't want to make things awkward or mean. But under no circumstances am I going anywhere with him. I don't want to come up with a temporary excuse like "oh I have a cold, sorry" because obviously he'll just wait and ask again. But I also don't want to say something as dry as "no i'm not interested". he wants to go out this saturday.
i would tell him i'm a lesbian, but i've already told him i had an ex bf.
No. 44663
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>I love him and I just want to be perfect for him.
>I just want to be perfect for me.
No. 44665
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It's only weird if you make it weird.
Also, would you want to wait for him to propose?
No. 44667
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1 cute
2 he tries to shift the blame to himself because he knows your mom is protective
3 its exactly like he said, he thought it was important
from my perspective it seems like your mom is very protective and seeing things that ain't there
No. 44672
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I met J in the summer with her friends C&L at my sisters uni. We had a really nice time together and after they went home to Spain I kept contact with her. (nothing really happened though, I really enjoyed her company)
Fast forward to last weekend, I went to visit her. She did make the effort to come and see me, hang out with me. But I felt she was really distant, which confused me. We had so much fun during summer.
I did have fun with her friends C&L. Didn't feel awkward with them at all.
How do I ask her what's wrong without coming over as desperate/pushy/creepy?
No. 44673
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oh and before I visited, we talked every day on whatsap. Haven't recieved or send a message to her since I got back.
I just want things to go to normal again.
No. 44676
My boyfriend's ex and him had a pretty bad falling out/break up, and on the day they had a deep conversation and said they'd never get back together, he asked me out. However, months later, he still talks to her. He found out she cheated on him while in the relationship (confronted her about it, was extremely harsh), and a few weeks ago he messaged her on facebook to explain why he acted "a certain way" while they were dating. I guess he was sort of a dick or something for personal reasons. She completely blew him off about it.
Anyway, this bothers me. He told me he didn't want to cut her out completely not because he supposedly doesn't love her but because he invested a lot of time and emotion in her. He says he doesn't want to have a friend relationship with her and etc. But to be honest, I don't really buy it? I mean, if your ex cheated on you, if they wouldn't listen when you tried to be honest about stuff, the only reason you would keep them around is because you still care, right? I dunno. It makes me feel really bad and I'm pretty sure he knows it and I need some insight because I've never dated anyone before.
No. 44685
They don't talk daily. From what he's told me, he's only spoken to her twice in the 5 months: once to confront her about cheating on him while in the relationship and the second time was to "absolve himself" as you put it. I have spoken to him about it and he told me recently because he put so much emotion and time into her, he doesn't want to totally cut her out but at the same time doesn't want to be friends or have friendly banter or anything like that.
But I fucking hate it. I seriously hate it. He tells me how he wants to be with me forever, that he wants me to live with him, that he's proud of me, afraid of losing me, gets jealous, etc - but then he's still attached to his ex? Because in my opinion, if you're still talking to someone who obviously doesn't give a shit about you, you still care/have some attachment. Not to mention she came around at a time when he was really low and suicidal. So I just..idk.
Also, yea I know, that was a warning sign for me in the beginning. I think I'm gonna talk to him about it soon. I'm going to visit him soon and I'm telling him that I'm not doing it anymore if he continues to talk to her. I typically play the shoulder to cry on, mainly because I care, but it makes me feel cucked and I'm sick of it tbh.
Nah I don't think so. I think he's still attached to her/cares for her but for some reason refuses to cut her out completely…which is worrying to me. Unless things get really bad, I'm not breaking up with him.
No. 44710
I've been fucking the guy I lost it to about 2 months ago. Every weekend or 2 he'll hit me up at a weird time when at least one of us is drunk, walk for half an hour to get to me, smoke, talk, make out, have not very successful sex (he's never come - I'm not broken, have had successful penetrative sex with not-him, I think it's a combination of him being quite big, afraid of hurting me, and not able to come from head), make out, talk, smoke, sleep/cuddle in my single-bed until noon the next day, then go home and not contact me until next time.
We met outside a club, was instantly attracted/endeared to him. He's pretty and silly and we have niche interests in common, both decently impulsive and open (read: dysfunctional), both with poor self-esteem but find one another really hot. I don't know why he keeps doing this. Either: a) he's desperate and lazy and he knows I'm up for it so is willing to make another attempt (seems unlikely, pretty sure he wouldn't have much trouble hooking up with someone both more convenient and fuckable), or b) he wants to be with me, but only in this particular weird context (seems unlikely, why? Pretty sure it's obvious to him that I'd love to be around him more. What's so scary about talking, smoking and making out in the day, or somewhere else? I'm also pretty certain he's not cheating on anyone.)
We're away for vacations now. If he does it again next term I guess I'll ask him, but it's quite scary. I really don't want him to go away. I don't care that we're not exclusive or anything of great significance, and he's not my only option either. I just like him.
No. 44715
I was on OKC looking for hookups, friends, and just plain horsing around talking to guys. at one point all my friends joined and we were liking each other's profiles and stuff. anyway, there was one guy that shared the same music taste I did, and i didn't mind messaging him, so I gave him my Snapchat since I was done with the app (so so many boring people). we tlaked more via snap and it was a constant thing everyday. he sent selfies with captions usually and that always makes me uncomfortable because i don't care for seeing people's faces when they snap me. it rubs me the wrong way, idk why for sure, but he did it constantly and it made me think he genuinely liked me? I was right because he did admit to how he deleted the app because he found someone with potential and I was curious as to who it was and he said that it was obviously me.
this guy bought me a phone case, a makeup brush set, and a baking sponge for Christmas. he tried to play it off as the Christmas spirit but c'mon. he talked about how he feels it's time for him to spoil a girl (he's fucking 22 lmao) and I'm really hoping he doesn't think this is going to be some type of relationship in the future. I mean, I made it pretty obvious that relationship related things make me super uncomfortable, borderline anxious. when he called me bae and made a joke about us dating, it took me almost 20 minutes to reply because I was having a panic attack? I could be wrong but I was sweating, trembling, hyperventilating and it felt like someone was wringing my neck.
I said that if he ever comes to the city near mine that we could go out for a night on the town, specifically to concerts cuz I've never been to one because he's cool. he said he prefers taking things super slowly cuz his past girlfriends were…crazy. his last one wanted to get married and have a kid not even 5 months into the relationship apparently. he's easy on the eyes but his selfies make him look horrible. I'm a vain person so that bugs me a lot. i know he isn't ugly but his selfies are. I saw a video of him laughing and he looked like a different person.
generally I don't feel anything for any guy. it's either they're sex material, friendship material, both, or neither. my brain sifts guys between these categories instantly and he fell in friendship. I just don't want him to expect anything even though I've stressed stance enough. boys are retarded when it comes to interpreting NO.
No. 44718
My boyfriend is from Ukraine. We started dating 2 months ago after going on a date together. He's generally nice, though sometimes he's offensive when he doesn't intend to be (isn't perfect with english) but he's not unintelligent. He's very jealous and possessive, worries about me with other guys, etc. He has both of his exes added on Instagram, Facebook, and his ex's number on his phone. I always ask him why he keeps his exes on Facebook but he always says things like, "It's not like I can help that I'm friends with them, I have them unfollowed so it's hardly like I'm friends with them in the first place, If I didn't have to be involved with them then I wouldn't because I don't like them, etc" but these girls are constantly liking his shit and are in group chats with him so it's not like they don't interact on Facebook. Also, a month after we started dating, he picked his ex up in his car and dropped her off at college.
My main concern is, last week or so, I asked him to delete his ex's number from his phone. It only seemed fair because I'm not in contact with any of my exes and I'd just prefer to not deal with the stress. He deleted her after I asked. This week, though, he asked me to put my number back in his phone because he wiped his entire phone memory. That means all of his contacts were deleted. I typed my number in and when it went back to his list of contacts, her number was back in his contacts, meaning he intentionally added her back.
I don't know what to make of this. We have a lot of other problems as well, he can be pushy with trying to get me to have sex with him when I'm not ready (I'm still a virgin, he is too), always nagging about whether or not I got my birth control, etc. I have severe OCD and I have a big problem with seminal fluids. Even if we do sexual things, no penetration, I worry that I'm pregnant and my entire month is miserable until I get my period. I was also molested as a child, don't know if that's part of it.
What do I make of this? Is it cultural differences or is he just being an asshole? Aside from these problems he's nice to me and he cares about me/my health. Am I blind or something?
No. 44721
>>44718The fact that he's forcing you to do it, yet he himself didn't do it without you having to say anything then saying "oh we're friends blah blah"
Yeah no. He's just sending up huge red flags. Dump.
No. 44724
>>44718I'm friends with my ex and no way would I remove his number from my phone, or do so if I was asked. But we are friends, nothing more. If they're only friends, it's fine - it can show he's mature enough to do that and when you one day become an ex of his, you'll understand it. There is nothing inherently toxic about being friends with an ex.
Now if he's fucking them, that's a whole different story.
No. 44726
>>44722Everyone does dumb shit at that age, if your potential partner thinks that makes you horrible they're not worth dating anyway.
You just need to get over personal hang ups.
No. 44728
>>44548There is a difference between taking good care of you, providing financially, and lavishing you with presents.
It is understandable in looking for a marriage partner to want financial security, but that goes hand in hand with fiscal responsibility and if you want to be stay-at-home that is definitely a conversation you need to have with someone.
No. 44730
Anons, how do you know when a guy friend likes you as more than a friend for sure?
I recently moved back home where my good friend of 6 years lives. He also has a girlfriend. Let me also mention that before they got together, we would cuddle a bit but have never kissed. Apparently it was nothing since he got together with said girlfriend. Ever since he got together with her, nothing weird happened between us and then I moved. I keep writing things off as nothing but I really don't know what's what because I think I'm fucked up now from guys treating me like shit and calling things "just friends". I'm not even sure what is considered wrong if he has a girlfriend.
Basically what's happened,
We hang out, just the two of us.
Girlfriend has stopped talking to me, could be nothing, not completely sure why.
One night invited me over, he drank, we played video games, watched movie, got up to leave, seemed like he wanted me to stay so talked to him more, sat back down and he kind of nuzzled my shoulder.
Wrote it off cause he had been drinking
He asks me if I want to go out for my birthday. Took me to a nice fancy bar, then a cheaper one, I beat him to paying for my drink from the first bar and then he bought my drink and food to share at the second one.
We drink, I get drunk, go back to his place, watch movie together on his bed (not touching, nothing happened).
After movie kept talking until about 3:30am, sat in dark on his bed side by side on pillows.
Had one arm over my waist over the blanket.
Do you think something is going on, or nothing at all? Is he being unfair to his girlfriend? I do nothing to provoke this, btw. I play dumb and act as I would with any other friend. I also have no fucking friends where I moved back to anymore so I don't want to stop being friends with him.
No. 44738
>>44732I feel you. For some reason I always end up with whiny bitches. At first I try to help them but at some point I can't help but find them pathetic. The worst part is that it's really hard to get rid of them because they think they need us to function.
>>44737Nah I'm currently dating a 30-year old man-child. Meanwhile I know mature 21-year olds. In the end it's the attitude not the age that matters.
No. 44739
>>44737My baby-ish looks coupled with a past of sexual abuse make dating older men very weird for me. I'm 19 and I could still pass as 13-14. I guess it's just something I have to get used to.
The most pitiful part for me is that I've had a strong preference for women all my life but I don't know where I'm going to find young queer women that want long term relationships in my relatively small, religious, southern town.
>>44738Man, I dated this kid for ~6 months, dumped him in September, and he still sends me super emotional messages begging me to take him back. That behavior is so pathetic and SO childish but it breaks my heart that I broke peoples' hearts.
They are like lost puppies without a loving family so you bring them home and then they chew on all your shit and jizz on your nice bedsheets.
No. 44743
>>44740reading this it seems like you're mutually stalking just a little bit too?
It'd be best for your state of mind to not check any of his social media and detach.
No. 44747
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So, I never really knew what sexuality I was for most of my life (Currently 26)
I just went by what people called me, gay. However I dated everyone from cross dressers, men, women, lesbians, gay, you name it. I do PREFER men, however most men actually gross me out. What always moved me was how someone made me feel.
I'm still a virgin, though I did master foreplay to satisfy lovers. I just could never bring myself to date or have sex with someone unless they made an emotional bond with me. Someone suggested that I might not be gay, but instead panromantic.
I dunno, it's stupid I know but… I always thought it was just so tumblr? If you understand what I mean. I mean, there was one person I was willing to give myself too, but alas they are no longer with us.
I'm just finding it hard to open myself fully to someone. I tried, but eh… forcing emotions just doesn't work. I was wondering if there are any other like panromantics or other weird peeps out there?
I didn't want to make a new thread on this topic alone. So sorry
No. 44748
>>44747I don't think that's necessarily a sexuality, you just aren't comfortable with sex yet, for whatever reason.
You just sound like a bi person to me, not some special sexuality that only really exists in Tumblr rhetoric.
Not being able to open up easily isn't a seuxality.
No. 44749
>>44747> I do PREFER men, however most men actually gross me out.You're picky and have a "type."
>What always moved me was how someone made me feel.This is normal. For most people, how attracted they are to someone is very influenced by the person's personality.
It's also the only way for long-term relationships to survive once both partners get all saggy and gross, unless they're both into GILFs. People that think physical sexual attraction is the most important aspect of a relationship are going to have a tough time when age catches up to their SO.
>I just could never bring myself to date or have sex with someone unless they made an emotional bond with me.Though it's much more socially acceptable nowadays to sleep around, personality still plays a huge part. Few people will willingly fuck someone they hate unless they're getting something like money out of it.
And as for not wanting to date someone unless you have an emotional bond with them, that's because you, at least on a subconscious level, understand that romantic partners aren't the same as exclusive fuckbuddies, which is something some people never quite figure out, and then they wonder why their relationships always crash and burn as soon as the other person gains 5 pounds or gets an ugly haircut.
>I'm just finding it hard to open myself fully to someone. I tried, but eh… forcing emotions just doesn't work.So you're not comfortable with sex. There are a million possible reasons for this, ranging from religiously or socially enforced guilt, to trust issues, to a low sex drive, to just naturally being kind of averse to physical intimacy. Fake tumblr sexualities aren't one of them.
tl;dr You're a non-slutty bisexual. Stop overthinking it.
No. 44753
>>44752I mean, I don't necessarily agree it reflects on them now, but lets not act like they were kids, they were adults when they did it.
And it's not like saying that, it's like saying that people who knowingly are part of any adultery are shitty people, which they are.
She might not be anymore, but it's absolutely something worth being bothered about, and it doesn't make someone a bad person for being bothered by it. It's stupid to say that anyone who gets a bit concerned about that isn't worth dating.
No. 44754
>>44753What the anon was trying to say was that if it bothers someone, he's not worth dating
for the OP, not everyone else. Also, 18 is legally an adult but holy shit no you are not mature enough to be making certain decisions. Most 18 year olds are just kids.
Sorry if I sound like my jimmies are rustled. Irl I'm the go-to person for everyone's confessions. They're mostly good people with skeletons in the closet and so I don't judge.
No. 44755
>>4475418 is not a kid, at that age you're absolutely capable of knowing right from wrong. You might still be immature, but immaturity isn't really an excuse for making bad decisions, a 40 year old could be immature.
And it comes down to what she did being an incredibly shitty thing. Personally, I wouldn't date someone who I'd known had cheated, ever, because it is inexcusable to me, regardless of what justification you come up with. I think any of her partners absolutely have a right to know and make decisions off that, a history of cheating is a huge dealbreaker for lots of people.
No. 44756
>>44750if youre so fond of him, you should be more open and honest. better sooner than later. youre still young and i am one to believe that before settling, people should spend some time understanding themselves and the world more. im not trying to discourage you from chatting with him, but make sure you aren't just blinded by youth.
i once had a thing for a guy i met in an mmo over 10 years ago and we talked every night and some nights about 10 hours. i was IN LOVE with him and wanted to be with him forever. but we eventually lost contact, i was going through some shit, fast forward to now and he's been with his girlfriend for about 7 years and i have been with my partner for about 8. and a friend of mine was dating a guy in finland online for a few years and were engaged. she traveled to see him and same him to her but his jealousy and pushiness eventually drove them apart. it's really touch and go when youre in a relationship and there is not much time to really understand how someone lives and what they are like outside of the allotted time you get to chat.
No. 44760
>>44747I just think you have a really specific type. I'm the same way.
>>44757I'm not demisexual because I have been attracted to strangers who have fit that "type", but that has been about 3 people so far in my entire life. I'm in my late twenties, but have had no attraction to anyone except a very very specific sort of person that I can't describe too well. Hell let's just say picky as fuck.
No. 44762
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>>44761Because people on average are not special or interesting. How else do you suggest they compensate, shitlord?
No. 44769
>>44768I've known people that have, and it's always just been that they were doing it because they wanted a relationship but both couldn't handle the stresses at the time and just ended up dating once they moved in together, or one developed feelings after they did and it ended up miserable and awkward because the other partner didn't feel the same.
Wouldn't recommend it unless you're absolutely sure that there's no way that either of you could get feelings for the other.
No. 44770
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Is it worth waiting for someone to figure out their stuff?
Basically, we both like each other and would have started a relationship immediately if he was ready.
We had a bit of a rough patch in the past three months but we talked things through in NYE, saying we liked each other. Then I brought up the idea, that if he wasn't ready, we could just try things slowly and see how they go. He said he would think about it. I just got news today that he wasn't ready yet to try anything because he doesn't have the time or the energy for a relationship and so, doesn't want to do anything halfassed.
I asked him if I should just move on or wait, and his response was "if you want someone asap just forget about me". I don't really want anyone else either..
Thanks y'all. If I don't make sense I can clarify as well.
No. 44771
>>44770That's kind of a question only you can answer. Do you feel like the guy is worth waiting for?
Don't let yourself get dragged along by someone who's not interested either, people sometimes have issues saying no.
But if it's not that, and he is just too busy to date or needs to sort himself out first and you feel it's worth the wait, why not?
No. 44773
>>44772In that situation, then yeah, I wouldn't recommend moving in together at all. It's not like it's a certain situation where you're both sure what's going on, it sounds kind of uncertain and confusing, so I'd at least wait until you get it more.
Up to you though, of course.
No. 44774
>>44771He's never lied to me or lead me on, which I am grateful for. He told me straight up that he wasn't interested in anyone else which was nice to hear.
To me, yes. My friends would disagree with me but they also don't know him like I do.
I guess the real question is when is it time to move on? When he takes too long?
No. 44775
>>44774Also agh I'm really sorry. I've never had relationships complicated like this.
Does he just want me to stay away and forget about him if he says to not have any expectations?
No. 44776
>>44774Well if you feel it's worth it, then it probably is, your gut's usually worth trusting when it comes to relationship stuff I find.
And I suppose the time to move on is when you start having doubts that he's interested or that you are. Tell him about them, and if nothing changes, that's the time to move on.
Some people wait a year and it ends up being worth it because they very clearly did want to be together, and some people wait a year and just make themselves miserable stressing about it and then it doesn't work out anyway.
There's no one size fits all answer for relationship stuff honestly.
>>44775Hard to say really, he might, or he might just get the impression that you're interested in dating someone in general, not him in particular. Could be anything, there's no way to actually say without knowing the guy though.
No. 44777
>>44776My gut says it's worth it but my head is telling me no. It'll be an interesting few months. I need to stop googling stupid articles about this because I'll go crazy.
Thank you.
No. 44778
>>44770Obviously there is no correct answer to this as all relationships are different, but I was in a similar situation a few years ago.
We dated for a few while and had a really great time, but about 6 months in I started to get kind of anxious over what we were. We had a long conversation about it and he told me he was incredibly sorry, that he thought I was amazing, but that he wasn't over his ex-girlfriend. He told me candidly that it wasn't fair to me to keep pursuing him when his emotions were so tangled up. Kind of the same thing with your situation, he didn't want to do anything half-assed because that was a shit thing to do someone he cared about.
I was fucking devastated. He wanted to stay friends, but I absolutely couldn't since I liked him so much.
A few months and some drunk "I fucked up, I miss you" texts on his behalf later and he messages me. We meet up and absolutely nothing had changed. That night we had a long talk about where he was at emotionally, how he felt like he had figured his shit out, and how much we missed/wanted to be with each other. (He even adamantly refused to have sex with me that night because "that's not what it's about".)
Things are really good between us now. I've honestly never felt happier or more fulfilled with someone in my entire life. I'm really happy that I waited for him… But I also was prepared to let go if he hadn't figured his shit out. The anxiety of "what if" is too much to live with. I also definitely would not have tried again with him if he wasn't straight-up with me and a good communicator. Those two things are really key when it comes to transient relationship bullshit in the way.
Does he foresee himself having more time or energy to pursue a relationship in the future, or do you think that this is his way of just saying he's not emotionally ready?
No. 44779
>>44777I'd say go with your gut for now then. If it starts to hurt you, drop it, for sure, same as if you feel he's just using you or whatever, but it does sound like you're over thinking stuff, which really doesn't help with relationship stuff, it has a tendency of just making you unhappy.
And yeah, definitely stop googling stuff, there's always an article that'll support whatever side you want it to with this stuff, and one situation isn't comparable to others, because it's obviously so individual.
Good luck, I hope you guys do work out eventually.
No. 44780
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>>44778Mm I forgot to mention that we're just going to be friends. For now or forever, I'm not too sure.
Anyway. I'm glad things worked out for you two. The anxiety is definitely going to kill me.
He is pretty clear when he communicates… but only irl conversations and we haven't had a lot of those because we're living in nearby but eifferent cities. During the past three months, he dropped off a lot of conversation online because he thinks that online conversations don't have the same nuance as irl convos. Which, to be fair, is true but it was very disheartening because we would talk whenever we had time then getting short responses in return.
>Does he foresee himself having more time or energy to pursue a relationship in the future, or do you think that this is his way of just saying he's not emotionally ready?Both.
He's kind of starting his own company (he's still in school. His school has alternating work and study terms) and he told me that the work never stops and he'a always doing something for it.
He'll be back in his final term at school this May and I would guess that he would have more time and energy. He said the last term would be relatively chill.
He just got out of a long-term relationship just last year where he was the dumpee. When he looked a bit tense when I held his hand (I had asked him if that was ok – he said yes), he said he was still a bit on the defensive side. He's also a bit depressed, so there's that.
One thing that confuses me a lot is that he says that he doesn't care about anything and anyone equally… but he was the one who asked me if I wanted to hang out with him on NYE. He was interested in what I had to say and tried to guess answers to questions that I didn't answer to. His actions and his words contradict each other. I do think he cares about me though…. but ….?
No. 44781
>>44779Thanks anon for listening, and for the luck.
Good luck to whatever is going on in your life as well.
No. 44784
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>>4475218 is technically a teenager, yes, but 18 is by no means a child. At 18 you're legally an adult and society deems 18 year olds to be able to make educated and smart decisions. I would be making the same argument if she was 15 at the time. She was young, yes, but not young enough to use her age as an excuse. There's a difference between having an affair with a married man and 'stealing candy from the checkout aisle'. People need to start taking responsibility for their actions, when you make adult decisions like fucking a married man, you're going to get judged as an adult, even if you're going to argue that 'most 18 year olds are just kids'. Sorry, but that isn't an excuse. Most sane, normal people who don't dodge responsibility would agree that 18 is a perfectly fine age to be held accountable for such things like this. I really fucking hate this culture lolcow and other internet communities have where people here constantly try to excuse their shtitty behavior. If she doesn't think what she did was wrong, then whatever, that's a different argument and I can't change someone's morals, but let's not make excuses here and pretend that she was some innocent child.
No. 44785
>>44784If you're 18 and drunk driving, you're culpable when you run someone over.
Destroying a marriage/family and sleeping with a married person, knowing they are married, you're culpable as well.
Old enough to fuck someone's husband is old enough to know far better. There's no excuses for homewreckers. If they can't admit to being trash it's on them as well.
No. 44786
>>44784I agreed up to this point
>I would be making the same argument if she was 15 at the time. She was young, yes, but not young enough to use her age as an excuse. Physical age doesn't equal mental age. A lot of people have stunted mental growth. They're not mentally retarded, but they have trouble grasping social queues or responsibility usually because of a traumatic event.
No. 44787
>>44786Look anon, the developmental age thing is important, until you remember that people act their developmental age all the damn time.
When a 23 year old is cognitively developed like a 15 year old you can tell. Those sort of things make themselves obvious within days of observing the person.
If someone's got much more of a developmental gap than that then it becomes an entirely different kettle of fish.
Tldr homewrecking is homewrecking, until it becomes assaulting a retarded person.
No. 44793
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I formed a crush on someone I met on a Christian RPG weeaboo forum shortly after my initial sexual awakening at the age of nineteen. I asked her to try an online relationship with me eventually, after working up the guts to message her privately about my feelings, and for about five years she said "maybe", then finally "no, sorry" when it was really clear I wasn't going to even look at or consider the possibility of other women until I'd gotten a no from her. She's actually still my friend, and the only non-furry I've ever had romantic feelings for.
Then one of the artists I knew on FurAffinity decided to be my girlfriend. She was constantly threatening to kill herself and blaming her fictitious kidney cancer (faked for attention) and the pain of treating it on any slight hiccup or dry spell in her ability to draw and upload fetish art. She had someone else tell me that she had committed suicide, and while I was posting a journal to tell everyone that she was gone and start grieving she just joined the site again with a different account. To their credit, most of the furries who had been her fans came to my defense and shamed her off the web (a few years later and I still sometimes get people telling ME to go apologize to HER).
While grieving, I threw myself into watching My Little Pony videos on YouTube and through that discovered Omegle. One girl there took a real shining to my writing style and we exchanged emails for a while, but it slowly became apparent to me that she just wanted me to write rape/bondage rule34 fanfictions of her favorite anime characters and nothing else. One day we were on Messenger, I asked her "What's on your mind right now?", she answered "Not much", and that was the last I heard of her.
A few months later I started trying dating sites - I figured if relationships never formed naturally as a result of normal interactions, the way I was always told through memes and pop culture, I would try a couple sites actually designed for helping people find relationships.
On OKCupid I got a lot of praise for my handsome face but nobody actually wanted to engage in conversation with me. Or after a couple messages they'd say "txt me" and give me a phone number, but I don't now and certainly didn't back then have cellphone.
One person I added to my Skype, and after an initially cold reception she reached out to me with a show of sympathy when I marked my status to indicate I'd come home from the hospital (I'd been in ICU for about a week with appendicitis).
Finally now that she'd opened up to me, we got to talking and it was pretty clear that we liked each other. I didn't know what the relationship status was really until she came into a chatroom where I was a regular and introduced herself as my girlfriend.
I wanted to save cybersex for marriage - in fact I look forward to it more than to the real version. But she kept begging me for it until I gave in, and I really enjoyed it. She soon became cold to me again, then asked for a breakup saying I was addicted to cybersex and she was uncomfortable offering it in the first place. We made up for a time, staying together for another year or so, during which she went back to pressuring me for cybersex whenever she wanted and shamed me for wanting it whenever she didn't. She also started begging for money and going a month or so at a time without messaging me at all, just asking monthly for 300 bucks to "borrow".
In October 2015, she asked me for $400 to buy herself a new iPhone instead of $300 to pay a monthly bill like phone or electricity payments like usual. I gave her $300, which was still more than I could reasonably spare that month, and she dumped me. She promised to pay it all back, but since she'd also promised to marry me for the cybersex and promised not to abandon me that shows how much her promises are worth. She also promised we could remain friends afterward, then removed herself from Skype.
The trauma of this breakup was enough that I started dreaming up a waifu. The character really confused me because she so convincingly played before my mind's eye what I wanted to have. However, she eventually realized that she was fictional and accordingly dumped me for my own good because pretend or not, she really cared about me (because I care about the truth more than I do about my own feelings).
Then after a few months of nothing, I decided to try a new dating site in its beta stage that I got linked to from one of my preferred porn sites. It's a hive of SJW douchebaggery with good people scattered here and there. One girl, ten years my junior, messaged me and despite my misgivings and fear of being manipulated again I warmed up to her quite well.
For four months we chatted and roleplayed things like kisses and cuddles. I was looking forward to her returning to Michigan (she spends summers here and winters in Canada), meeting her in person, introducing myself to her parents, and all that fun stuff I've never yet been able to do with someone. Then her OTHER guy messaged me telling me to "back off" because she was "his", and it turned out she'd been telling this other guy that she only saw me as a friend and I'd been creeping on her among other things. Other guy was her own age, that apparently being the deciding factor in her choosing him over me.
She gave the usual non-apology that amounts to "I wish things were different and I'm sorry I got caught" while imploring me to remain her friend. I basically said nuts to that, warned him that if she pulled this on me she was likely to pull it on him too down the line, and blocked them both from messaging me.
In theory, online dating should be the perfect venue for a sperg like me because being able to lay your desires and feelings out in text is so much clearer than relying on things like facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, etc. and less exhausting than listening to someone speak and trying to pay attention. In practice it's also a pretty terrible option because the very tools that make it easier to communicate truth in writing make it easier to lie and deceive as well.
I'm 29 at this point. My only real stipulations for a relationship are the basic requirements (adult, sane enough to be legally accountable for own decisions, biologically opposite sex to me, not currently in a relationship with someone else, etc.) and that she be a practicing Christian; I've never selected specifically for furries, those are just what I've wound up with so far due to my preferences in where to generally spend my time due to artistic preferences (and porn).
No. 44796
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>>44793At least maybe I think I do
No. 44799
>>44797You get people to open up by seeming to open up yourself. You get people to share intimate details by sharing intimate details of your own. You get people to expose their vulnerability by seeming to expose your vulnerability.
Do it too aggressively though and you'll just come over as needy. Build gradually.
No. 44803
>>44802What does porn have to do with it? He could be absolutely head over heels in love with her and want to be with her, but he's still going to get horny when she's not around, or simply just feel like jerking off, and that tends to involve porn.
Are you saying that guys in relationships don't watch porn? Because I'm not really sure, but if that's what you're saying, then you're pretty naive.
No. 44807
>>44806I had the same issue years ago. Even now I sometimes get pregnancy scares lol
Start tracking your period. There are lots of apps that can help you with that and eventually you'll find out when your most eisky days are.
If you're really that scared you can buy a pregnancy test.
I think you should also visit your gyno to get some form of birth control. It'll not only keep you safe from pregnancy but also make your period more regular etc.
No. 44808
>>44807Pregnancy scares really are the worst…
I'll do that, thanks anon. Will also be planning to purchase a kit if my next period comes later than usual. I'm really open to start with birth control since using only condoms as prevention is already giving me so much grief, but I'm also wary about having my parents find out that I'm on birth control and sus/flip out knowing that I'm not going to be abstinent till marriage. Considering how I still live with them (uni undergrad), it doesn't seem that unlikely tbh..
No. 44809
>>44806Just so that you know, condoms are 100% pregnancy proof.
The 2% chance is just made up by people who lie about their condom usage to avoid blame, people who mess up with handling condoms and those times they break without noticing. Alcohol is also a common factor to messing up protection.
If you are unsure, next time just test the condom afterwards to see if it holds up to pressure.
No. 44810
>>44809The error is for misuse or poorly made products. Out of date condoms or condoms exposed to heat or light are also susceptible to failure.
Don't spread false info like "condoms are 200% effective I swear" it's dumb.
No. 44812
>>44806If the morning after pill is available to you and you aren't sure if the condom broke or anything you could take it.
But if there was no leakage you're fine.
No. 44814
>>44813If it's already one-sided it will only get worse with time. The fact that he didn't spend your birthday with you (no matter the reasoning behind it except maybe if someone close to him died) and he only got you a card is an absolute no-go.
It would be different if you both wouldn't care. My boyfriend also isn't good with gifts and doesn't like holidays. But after I told him that it's important to me he made a real effort this Christmas. In the end I almost felt embarrassed because he got me several gifts (I never asked for more gifts, I only wanted him to make an effort, write a nice card an such). All of them were so well-thought through…
Did you try to talk to your bf about it? If he doesn't make an effort even though he knows it bothers you that's a red flag. It's less about receiving gifts than spending time together and showing each other that you care.
No. 44815
>>44814He didn't even get me a card hahaha! All i got was a happy birthday.
I brought it up tonight and he blamed it on the fact he hasn't got this new card yet. He acknowledged it but I don't think he understands.
He missed christmas, new year and now my birthday because he had financial difficulty, but really, not even a card?!
No. 44816
>>44815Oh haha don't know where I got the card part from.
Even if he has financial difficulties there are still ways for him to show he cares. He could have arranged a skype date, could have sent you text and voice messages all day and at least make you feel like you're not alone. The fact that he barely spoke to you is the final straw imho.
No. 44818
>>44817Dump him. He will never return your affection and he doesn't love you, because if he did he'd want to make you happy. Leave him, become the best version of yourself and enjoy being single and learning about yourself and the right person will fall into your lap when you least expect it.
You deserve better! The only reason you are taking this crap is because you don't believe you deserve what you want. But any guy who has you doting on him should feel very lucky and show you appreciation.
No. 44819
>>44817I was in a relationship like this for way too long and it does not get better. He takes you for granted and I don't think it'll change–financial issues are just an excuse. You can make so many cute things for someones birthday even without money–just film a little video, look for photos of each other and do something with them etc.
If he's anything like my ex-boyfriend he will just make excuses and never really show you any real affection. We were in a LDR too.
I'd think really hard if it's worth to stay with him–what do you get from that relationship? Do you love him? Where do you see yourself and your partner in 5 years? Living together, getting married or something similar? If not, please break up with him. It's not worth it.
No. 44821
>>44819>>44818Thanks i'll consider this deeply. It really has made me thought whether he truly cares or not.
Icing on the cake is how he said how 'awful' he felt - it was all about how he felt and not how I felt. Alarm bells ringing.
With regards to what I get from the relationship, I don't even know. I have goals and aspirations but he vocalizes them too, however I just wondering if he is just pacifying me and i'm wasting my time.
No. 44822
>>44821If he truly felt awful for letting you down, he would be going all out to make it up to you. But the truth is, he doesn't feel awful, he knows you'll stay with him if he makes zero effort and he's taking you for granted. He doesn't want to make effort, but the situation is great for him because this devoted, loving girl is showering his shitty self with love and affection which he didn't even earn!!! The situation is great for him because it allows him to be selfish and probably makes his ego sky high because he didn't even do anything and for some reason you think the sun shines out his ass.
Dump him. Dump him and watch him beg you to stay and say he's sorry for taking you for granted and DON'T go back there.
You will find someone who is just the same level as loving and affectionate as you. And who knows? Maybe you're showering him with little love tokens because deep down inside you're trying to get him to love you. When you meet the right person it should be easy.
I'm not trying to tell you what to do anon, but my advice comes straight from the heart. I've been there.
No. 44823
>>44814 and I only wanted to say that I wholeheartedly agree so
>>44821 knows it's not only one anon who thinks she should dump him.
You deserve someone better.
No. 44825
Boyfriend of a few months drops a bomb on me that his ex (long term relationship) wants to meet up with him in a few days for coffee to catch up (she initrates this just after our relationship became public). Tell him fine since he had mentioned earlier in our relationship that they ended on good terms and they keep in touch periodically, now she's engaged, they're trying for a baby, blah blah.
After I ask him more about her (I figured I should know since she'd likely ask about me), I find out she was a serial cheater, who cheated on a previous boyfriend with him, then cheated on him (with I'm assuming the guy she's with now) and stayed together with him after he asked that they try to make it work. She eventually dumps him for her current dude. He admits to me the relationship was not a good one, they argued, etc…, but they had good times together.
Now I'm kind of feeling a little unsure about this. I trust him, he genuinely really likes me and the feeling is mutual and he's the sweetest guy I've ever met, but she obviously has/had boundary issues so I'm more concerned with her possibly trying to make things a little messy.
I thought I wouldn't feel insecure about boyfriend's having friendships with exs, but this particular situation is something I never considered.
Anyone deal with this stuff? He asked if I wanted to meet her, and I told him no. I'd like to wait and see how their meetup goes, before I tell him how I really feel about all this.
On the reverse, do any of you keep in touch with your exs? How was your relationship before and after breakup? Would you keep in touch with an ex that cheated on you? Have you?
No. 44826
I fucked up with my boyfriend last night.
It was midnight and I had ran out of alcohol after having a fifth of whiskey, and a half of a fifth of another kind of whiskey I'd had left over. The corner store I always go to was closed today, so I tried to drunkenly walk to the 7/11 seven minutes away down the street. This is not safe at all; we live in a downtown area and there are lots of homeless people and degenerates, and I was ridiculously drunk and would not have been able to defend myself at all. He blocked me as I was walking down the stairs. I started getting upset and it escalated to me trying to physically get by him as he was restraining me, and I was shouting. Two of our neighbours saw this as they were walking in from their car. He finally just picked me up and dragged me back up the stairs into the apartment. I drank the rest of his beer as he cleaned up and did the laundry, which I was supposed to have done earlier. At some point later I tried to go outside to have a cigarette and he wouldn't let me go outside to do so. I told him to fuck off or something, he grabbed the cigarettes and keys out of my hand, and my wallet so I couldn't try to buy more, and hid them somewhere, I was too drunk to figure out where. I was shouting at him over and over, 'I just want to fucking smoke before I go to sleep,' so on. I was saying other shit too that I can't remember, but it must have been bad because he reacted poorly; he started saying I was acting trashily (I was) and that this was making him reconsider being in a relationship with him at all. I don't remember what happened after that. Eventually he went to sleep because he had to go to work in six hours at that point. I laid on the couch and started silently crying; in my head over and over I was replaying the feeling that was overwhelming me of being trapped with no possible escape, like a house cat owned by somebody else unable to leave the house, and I didn't have anything else to drink so I couldn't make those thoughts stop or even go to sleep. He had to get up to go get the laundry out of the dryer (in a downstairs room) and I'm assuming he must have picked me up and put me in bed, I woke up without my hoodie on and with a bruise on my jaw. The entire time he just kept trying to tell me to drink some water and go to bed.
This morning we exchanged six sentences:
>Do you remember what you did last night?
And after he had got ready for work and was about to leave:
>I'm really sorry for my behaviour last night.
>You should be.
>Could you try to just forget about it?
>We'll talk about that later.
And then he left. He'll be getting home in about an hour.
I've been filled with absolute dread all day at the prospect of facing him when he walks in the door. It's made me sit here in silence for hours thinking about all the other ways I've fucked up and how I never even thought about how I must have been coming across or the impact I've had on him. And even so, I've already had a lot to drink today, even though I know that he's going to want to talk about my drinking.
In the last month alone, there have been incidents like this. I was really drunk when I met his parents for the first time, and although I didn't do anything explicitly bad (that I'm aware of), his brother saw me stumbling and barely able to walk when he dropped us off back at the hotel we were staying at. I passed out in another hotel room, locking him out, and he had to get a new room key printed just to get back in. I've started arguments where I'm just being incoherent and aggressive when he had to go to work at his stressful job in a matter of hours. When his friend and his friend's wife came to visit us once we were set up in our new apartment, I talked to his friend's wife alone for an hour and in that time was just mocking her and denigrating her appearance, intelligence, employment prospects, so on; that caused a big argument between his friend and his wife. They came back to see us again the next day since they had come up eight hours just to see us, and his wife brought two of her friends alone; we were going to do a bar crawl for New Year's. I'd already been drinking all day and more in their hotel room, and I don't remember what I was doing or what I said, but my boyfriend and I ended up leaving early and going back to our apartment, and everyone else was pissed off at each other and at us and went their own separate ways too. I remember that I was being really mean to his wife's friend's husband (how convoluted) and he got in my face telling me not to talk to a woman like that, making my boyfriend defend me. There are plenty of other nights that I just don't remember at all, or passed out really early during our only time we share together due to having been drinking when he was at work.
There have also been a couple times this past month that he's referenced me possibly being an alcoholic, which he has never made any mention of before. I've felt him notice more and more how horrifically depressed I am in the mornings before I have enough to drink. I'm terrified that he's going to confront me about that tonight, within the hour. I watched The Girl on the Train and that made me realise all the more how I must be coming across to people. But no one's ever said anything to me about it. I just never realised how bad I was being. I thought I drank a lot, but I didn't think I was impacting anyone else but me.
If he asks me to stop drinking, I know I'm going to abandon a man that loves me enough to have tolerated this for so long, and live off my savings in a shitty apartment until I run out of money, then kill myself. There is no other option for me. I just don't want him to leave me, I don't want to leave him, I want to keep going on like this but I see now that I can't go on like this and be in a relationship. Can he just keep ignoring it? For how long? He's not a patient man, he's more of a stereotypical alpha guy, how has he let me do this to him for so long? How can he have lived with a girl for two years who embarrasses him in public, alienates him from his friends, and doesn't do anything but sit around all day and drink?
This is more of a vent, I don't know what advice I want because I'm not going to change, but I just need to express this somewhere and shouting into the Internet void is the only form of communication I have with the outside world.
Please don't shit on me. I know I'm a terrible person, and a terrible narcissist for still struggling to understand just how terrible I am.
No. 44827
>>44826>I'm not going to changeAnon, you're destroying your life over alcohol. Obviously it's fucking difficult, but addiction can be and has been overcome by thousands of people. Think about how much happier and easier life would be without this addiction. The problems with your bf would be gone. You wouldn't alienate yourself and him from friends. You'd learn to overcome depression in a healthy way. You wouldn't be destroying your body.
You need to check yourself into a rehab. Force yourself to go.
No. 44829
>>44826So don't drink disgusting amounts, act trashily, and be mean?
There's literally no issue for you other than "I wanna get shitfaced belligerent drunk and I want my boyfriend to let me get into dangerous rapey situations wahhh"
No. 44830
>>44826Be lucky no one saw him drag you. He could have been charged with assault. That shit is expensive and not something you wanna go through, trust me. I have been there.
If you work shit out with your boyfriend you need to stop being aggressive before things get out of hand
Try exercising and ween yourself off alcohol or something. Get a hobby.
No. 44834
>>44826You need rehab. Your boyfriend can't help you. The reason people are shitting on you is because normal humans can't understand your thoughts anymore.
You have to get professional help. You don't have a behavior problem, you have an adiction problem–a "crazy" problem. If you don't get within arm's reach of a doctor and his staff, you will eventually die.
No. 44838
>>44832Sounds like a lost cause. Lots of people stay with someone they love because they have already been together so long that it's a habit and they're lazy or scared of change, which is fine if you're old and married and settled into a family home, but there's no excuse for that when you're young.
Either you want to have a relationship with him, you want to just be his friend forever or you want to ditch him completely. Pick one.
>>44826Like the other anons said, go to rehab. This is a really optimal opportunity for sorting your life out, you have someone that cares about you who you also seem to care about. Rehab is going to be a heck of a lot harder if you leave it until you're older. homeless and alone.
If it doesn't' work out you can always go back to drinking, but you might never have this opportunity to have the support of someone you love again.
No. 44842
>>44836I was in the same boat, follow what
>>44840 has said and it should be fine. If they're especially thick like my first maybe try fingering with multiple fingers to stretch out a bit, I didn't and it was a bit painful, nothing unbearable though.
No. 44845
>>44843> I also have not told him I'm a virgin because I'm 27 and feel like a loser.Why do you feel like a loser?
What if
he's also virgin? No. 44846
>>44843Your boyfriend sounds like a jerk. He wants you to do all the hard work for his pleasure, while refusing to do the position that is most gratifying for women. Not cool.
Or he's fat. Fat guys are lazy and don't want to crush you, so they like the girl to be on top. And their gross stomach get in the way and make doggy style difficult to impossible.
No. 44848
>>44845I feel like a loser because I feel too old to still be a virgin. I thought he might also be a virgin but he told me he isn't. He says he's had sex but not a lot so he's defiantly inexperienced.
I get the feeling I really should just be honest and tell him I'm a virgin when it comes to actually fucking.
>>44846I made him sound worse than he is. He has gone down on me and helps me get off. He also doesn't make me do anything I don't want to do. He could lose some weight but he's not that fat.
No. 44859
>>44852>Maybe im being overdramatic and my self consciousness is getting to me?No, you're not. I was in a similar situation, though not as severe. Is this his first relationship or something?
Personally, I'd back away and see how he reacts, but I think the smartest thing to do would be to talk to him about it.
No. 44862
>>44861You want to feel attractive, and you want to think your boyfriend can date attractive women, or that you aren't out of his league. Possibly he was working through confidence issues previously and reformed himself.
If you're somewhat uncomfortable you can always leave him. Plenty of fish in the sea
No. 44863
>>44858Make sure you tip the girls. They normally dont get money from drinks sales, so if you're going in to gawk at their working environment you might as well tip.
>>44861I have no advice to offer but I have a similar feeling. My bf's ex was chubby and boring, although he never tells me anything about her so maybe she was cool in her way, and he always prefers the sexy cougar types in tv shows. This makes no sense because before him, only guys who liked anime lolis went for me and I worry this means I am aging badly.
Sometimes it helps to talk about it and ask what he likes about me, but if you're insecure inside, it's not something other people can fix for you.
No. 44864
>>44863Tipping sounds like a no brainer.
Thanks for the advice anon!
No. 44865
Anons, have any of you ever felt like your s/o loves you more than you love them and sometimes you just don't feel attracted to them and might find them annoying temporarily?
My bf always tells me he loves me a lot, but I feel abnormal. It's almost like I'm just comfortable/safe in this relationship sometimes but I know this isn't true and I'm just in a mood. He's a really great guy and treats me well, we're similar, etc, yet sometimes when we're together for a weekend, I suddenly feel down for an hour or two and just don't feel like talking to him, or like we are 'too different'. I'm kind of temperamental and get tired from social situations easily but I almost never feel like this when I'm at school with my friends. I can't tell if I'm just socially exhausted after the weekdays or subconsciously unwilling to interact with him for whatever reason, possibly because sometimes I find him a little immature when I know he's just being silly and it turns me off (which is petty, I know)…
Also since I've noticed this, I've had multiple dreams where I had sex with random dudes and dream-me feels super guilty for cheating. lol.
If you've been through this before, please let me know how you overcame it, because I know this is an issue with me, not him.
No. 44867
>>44865Well, if it's that you're having issues leading to it, see a doctor and a therapist, same as any other situation like this.
Try relationship therapy and tlaking to him about it if it's not like that, because it can lead to resentment if you leave it unchecked.
No. 44868
>>44865I'm literally going through the same thing, anon. Sometime's my boyfriend repulses me. I feel like I can't break it off because he has a heart of gold, and loves me so much.
I always just hoped I'd get over it, but I'm not so sure…
No. 44869
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>Be moving to home country in a month
>Leaving gf behind in states
>Probably final
>Going to break up with her before I leave so neither of us get hung up
>Tried to hide fact that I'm moving from her
>She found out
>Says she still wants to be together
>This is gonna be fuckin rough
>Feel dread knowing what I'm going to have to do whenever I'm trying to have fun with her
Part of me wants to pull of the band-aid and the other wants to stretch this out as long as I can to be around her even though I know I won't be there a few weeks from now.
No. 44870
>>44868I'm sorry, anon. Is there something specific about him that puts you off?
>>44867Thanks for the advice, I did tell him how I felt and he said he understands
No. 44871
I'm having that thing where adult life makes your relationship feel like a LDR. We're both working such different hours right now that we rarely get to sleep in the same bed, I feel like I'm living alone, the only time I get to see him is the weekends and he's on a different sleep cycle so I just get angry that he's tired. Mostly we're communicating by text on a time delay. This is only temporary and it will get better but I'm upset that I will never get to have the kind of relationships you have as a student again, where you both do nothing but play videogames together and chill out for days. Being an adult is suffering.
>>44868>I feel like I can't break it off because he has a heart of gold, and loves me so much.Is this one of your first real relationships? Unless you love him the majority of of the time, a one sided relationship is a waste of both of your time. You aren't going to 'learn to love' him, you're just going to get more bitter.
Pretty much just
>>44838 again
No. 44873
>>44871Probably not the nicest thing to say but your post makes me feel a bit better. I've recently started working so I can't see my boyfriend at all since he's in uni and at the end of my work day I can't go to see him, I finish too late and school is too far away. We don't live together so we probably won't be seeing each other except for a few weekends until I finish my internship - thankfully it'll be over quick but I'm really looking forward to it.
I can't wait for the time we're settled in a nice house and have good schedules that give us lots of time together, but it'll be years before we finish studying and get to there. But now I realize I need to treasure those few times when we can just be lazy and shit.
Hope your situation will get better soon!
No. 44874
Guys, I need someone to tell me "bitch you crazy" and slap me in the face. I'll preface my boyfriend woes by saying I know I'll sound narcissistic, spoiled, etc… I'm a neurotic only child and I'm trying to work out my issues.
Basically, I get in my own head way too much, which sometimes spirals into neverending self-pity. I don't think my boyfriend and I do enough "special things" together. We've been together 4 years, and in year 2 of living together. I know this is a super common complaint from women, and my boyfriend reacts with the typical "We spend every day together" bullshit. I've gotten upset before and voiced this, which makes him upset (he's been depressed before), and then we make up and nothing changes. Even though he's an amazing boyfriend (cooks, affectionate, selfless, open-minded), this stuff just gnaws away at me until I'm crying from how unloved I feel. I KNOW I'm loved though, he just doesn't show it by wanting to go on dates. It's not a big deal, I know, but I make it into one and I can't stop.
Does anyone have advice on just letting things go sometimes?
No. 44875
>>44874From the way you prefaced your issue, I was expecting something a lot more unreasonable. I think you're being a bit too hard on yourself anon.
He gives you the "but we live together" spiel, but that doesn't mean all that much. If you guys never do anything together, aren't you essentially roommates with benefits then? If anything, I think he's the one being somewhat unreasonable. He sees how much this upsets you but doesn't do anything to make you feel better? If my partner ever told me that they felt unloved I would feel like the biggest piece of shit in the world and try to make up for it ASAP. Even if he's not a romantic type of person and doesn't see the point of doing those type of gestures, he should still try to do them now and then to make you happy. It's not that big of an ask.
On the flip side, do you ever do romantic things for him or try to organise the dates?
No. 44877
>>179929But he is cooking for you, you fucking whore - that's how he is showing his love etc. That's without evening going into the "Selfless" comment you made.
Dumb cunt I hoped you get raped by a clown
No. 44879
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>>44874Just read that 'love languages' book. People express their affection for their partners in different ways. You wrote that he cooks for you among other things, he most likely sees that as expressing affection.
You need to sit down with him, without getting upset because that'll make him shut down ans say whatever to calm you down, and tell him that you know that he loves you, but that you need to see it expressed in a different way. You should ask him what he needs to feel loved.
Remind him of the promise you made to each other until it has become routine. Adult discussion always is the best option.
No. 56362
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Has anyone here ever dated a commitment phobe? I feel like this is more of a vent but seen as its relationshit stuff I thought I'd post here. It's a really long story so it's difficult to TL;DR or greentext, but I'll try to sum it up:
>Be me last year in December
>Be getting friendly with guy who I knew mutually through his dad
>We get on really well, but I can tell he's a womanizer and shit. Musician meme and all so he's had plenty of past short-term relationships and I don't think much of it, plenty of ppl like that have a high partner count.
>Can already tell he's interested in me but don't want to rush anything bc of reasons stated above, don't want to become just another notch on the bedpost and all that
>Get to like January and we both decide maybe we're essentially both in a relationship now
>It's going really well, seems like his Mum likes me and stuff, happy to see her son trying for a long-term serious relationship and I get on with her rlly well because we both like the same musician
>By this point we're starting to get a bit more intimate, some sex stuff but not the whole hog seen as I'm a virgin
>Get to February 10th or so and after the last weekend I spend with him he starts talking a lot less to me
>Think it's normal, we've been seeing each other for full weekends for like 3 weeks in a row now
>It gets to a week of hardly any contact
>See him for a day and bring it up and tell him if he needs space I understand but just need to know I've not done anything wrong.
>He essentially tells me he does need space bc his mental health is sort of bad rn so I'm like ok
>It's getting to like 2 weeks now, he's ghosting me all the time on FB and he's starting to hint stuff to me like 'I can't see you as much because I'm doing x and y (joining a band etc etc)' so I'm like 'okay I'm fine with that' because I'm too much of a pussy to accept that he's dropping hints left right and center to me
>He finally this Thursday tells me he thinks we should go on a break from the relationship whilst he sorts himself out mentally but doesn't know how long that could take
>Tells me about his commitment issues and how one of his past relationships really messed him up (the previous one he had before me) but I can't really get anything out of him because he doesn't understand why he feels like this himself and that he does this a lot (distances himself after a certain point).
Honestly there is so much more to the story like I say, but yeah. Has anyone else experienced a similar thing? Do you think he will come back to me?
No. 56364
>>56362been there
done that
love yourself
No. 56401
>>56362'do you think he will come back to me' girl there's a flaw in your thinking right here
'A break' is basically short for a break up, and it's super unfair to just back out from relationship but holding you down with this 'break' shit, no
he just likes the idea of you not having anyone and being there for him if he wants, as he fucks around because oh he's so mentally unstable
sorry, I hate this type. Don't wait for this scum girl, he's gonna hurt you
No. 56456
>>56453 said IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU and don't you let him tell you otherwise. For me personally, 2 months would be too early to fly to another country for some dude. Adding to it that he is vocal about expecting sex from you… well, no idea how good your relationship with him is, but be careful. I smell shady
No. 56497
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Is anyone else a MilSO? If so, did your partner change and how did you deal with it?
TL;DR, my high school sweetheart joined the military and he's changed (gotten meaner, views are kind of beginning to conflict with mine) and I don't know how to feel. I care for him dearly, but he still has a few more years serving before he can come home permanently and I know for a fact I wouldn't be having these issues if he were still home. I've been told that it might take a few years to reintegrate into society and get back to his old self.
We had a serious talk about his changes last week (one of his oldest friends doesn't want anything to do with him anymore, it's gotten so bad) and last night he said I'm his last emotional attachment to our hometown. He was aggressive & defensive about his behavior last week, and last night he seemed very apologetic & sincere.
No. 56503
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>>56364>>56386>>56401Thanks for your opinions, I honestly know deep down he probably isn't worth my time, but damn it's hard to give up on this guy. It's only my second relationship ever so even though I saw warning signs at the start I probably just went ahead anyway out of pure curiosity and blind desire. I'm partly to blame for my own situation really. It's just a waiting game now.
No. 57068
I'm not sure this is so much relationship advice as mental health.
I get anxious as fuck that I'm going to be replaced or my bf is going to get with or fall for someone at work or a friend. He's expressed to me that I'm all he needs or wants and I'm unique (e.g. we share really over the top nerdy interests that most people, even his nerdy friends, and especially the girls, don't give a rat's ass about, etc.) We have plans to get married.
I think he's touch-starved but intellectually, I seriously doubt he'd cheat on me. He thought his ex was and that hurt him a lot. It makes me happy that he's finally spending time with friends and that he's so happy he wants to hug them tons, but my anxiety fucks me up.
We have no relationship issues, minus my own personal anxiety issues. We don't fight often. The only real stressor I can think of is we live in different countries, but we are both trying to move in together, to the point he was looking into houses and flats yesterday, he's been researching my country's constitution because it's new to him, I have a file with immigration docs, etc.
I think he's just a bit of a feminine straight guy with a heart of gold. He's a lot like me in that he just platonically loves other people a lot, but doesn't necessarily keep in good constant contact with people; I have a lesbian bff and I'm bi but he's never thought I'm up to anything because I'm just like this. I have to wonder if I need to look at it the same way to alleviate my anxiety…
No. 57098
>>57068I can empathize with this. I have bipolar so my anxiety shoots through the roof sometimes and I have shitty self-esteem. I still have dreams where my boyfriend cheats on me even though we're so close and everything's pretty perfect.
I actually just asked my boyfriend (of 7 years) for advice on your story because we've gone through similar shit. I used to be constantly miserable that I'd lose him and that I wasn't good enough even though, like you, I knew he wouldn't cheat on me. That's the key to this though, it's not your bf it's you.
You have anxiety, you're going through HUGE changes in your life, you're thinking about getting married for fucks shake. He's moving to live with you which is going to change so many things. These are massively stressful events and your anxious brain is running through the worst case scenarios.
You say you "seriously doubt" he'd cheat on you, so you don't believe it's in his nature, yet your brain is telling you that the thing that would hurt you most- that this guy you're in love with will leave you, replace you, stop loving you.
You know that's your anxiety speaking. That's not your fault.
My bf just told me that he could always tell when I was feeling that way, I wasn't holding it inside as much as I thought, I'd get withdrawn and sad and scared and he'd feel like I didn't trust him. He says he liked it when I just said what was upsetting me so at least he could talk about it. This is not the same as saying "I think you're going to cheat on me!" it's saying "I'm feeling really anxious and insecure and unlovable" or something to that effect.
Dealing with mental illnesses or even just bad feelings starts with identifying that the things you fear are not happening- if you know it's irrational, figure out what your brain is telling you. Are you feeling shitty about yourself? Anxious about living with him? Scared of making him move/leave things behind? Are there other stressful things going on? This is the shit you've got to talk about with him. If you're going to get married or even just live with each other, you've got to be able to talk about your pain.
Sorry for rant, just hit close to home lol
No. 57108
>>57098Thank you for your kindness and your advice.
He used to have strong feelings for one of the friends he's gotten back into contact with, and there are other stressors, but thing is, I love her too, and that's without even knowing her well personally! And I'm glad he's in contact with her because I like her so goddamn much. We were talking about moving in possibly with friends to save up money to live by ourselves, with her/her gf and the other friend he'd seen being possibilities. And I think he had feelings for her when he was like…15 or 16, too, but it hadn't dawned on me how young he was when that happened.
It's circular anxiety because I know it affects him, and it makes me feel like shit. Two of my exes left me over my mental health (and other factors,) that doesn't help either. He's got his own mental problems, e.g. has an anxiety disorder too, and just switched to a new job at work.
I have a lot of stress involved with our eventual marriage and move because we are both young and I'm from a tightly-knit family, plus I am still in school training for my career. I feel like I want to kick my ass in gear and make everything move faster, but that's not actually possible.
Oh and um…I sort of have bad karma, though I don't believe in karma. My ex and I broke up after I'd gotten involved in a poly relationship with my current bf. I was getting exhausted by my ex and didn't have romantic feelings for him anymore maybe a week into this but felt like I had to take him back because I missed what we had (as in because comfort and I wanted his friendship.) I felt like I was going to make him kill himself and the blood would be on my hands, too. :| After the breakup, I went strictly monogamous and can't imagine myself dating anyone else. It kind of feels like payback even though I meant no harm to my ex, and I thought I was doing what he wanted. I'd had feelings for my bf for a while and wrote it off and stuck in that relationship that wasn't likely to go anywhere because my ex is a manchild sixteen years older than me. Kinda feels like I'd known I needed/wanted my bf all along but my life was a fuck, yet I can't just write off that it feels like I hurt someone else because of being a legit autist.
No. 57113
>>57112First of all, fuck off. That guy went after me when I was seventeen years old, made suicide threats, and would detail the ways he hurt himself to me.
Second of all, I'd known the guy as long as I'd known my ex and considered leaving him much earlier.
No. 57117
>>57108It sounds like it was pretty complicated!
There's no such thing as karma and even if there was, you know from your reply to that anon that the messy breakup with manchild wasn't your fault, you described the way he manipulated you and you were very right to leave him if he was making threats etc.
Sorry if I sound like a broken record but do you feel comfortable talking to your bf about that relationship triangle you were in or is it too much of a sore spot for both of you?
Also, as an aside, may I ask how young you are? There's nothing particularly wrong with marrying young but is there a particular reason besides just wanting to?
Sorry for all the questions.
No. 57119
>>57117I'm about 21, he's 22. Immigration is part of why we plan to get married, just to quicken the process, and we've thought over the possibility of what would happen if things didn't work out. We've talked about what happened with the love triangle, but it was a really emotionally dark time for both of us because of the manchild.
High stress, poor communication, manchild would butt in and fight "for me" against my bf and it only made me resent his behavior more. He put extreme pressure on both of us and I've never seen my bf or myself quite as bad as I did then. Every time I got upset and would stupidly go to manchild for help, he would crucify my bf for fucking up and made him feel like everything he did could set me off. The reality was yes, I was emotionally fragile, but my ex would take a minor problem and turn it into a huge fucking explosion. He kept telling me it was okay but would be a dick to my bf. When I met my bf irl for the first time I think it really clicked in my mind that that relationship with my ex had been on life support for a long time and it needed to end.
He never seemed to like my bf even when I was close friends with him and it always made me feel like shit because I adored him. He'd deny it and said I was "falsely accusing" him of disliking bf, but it was old bad blood, to the point my bf felt unable to talk to me at one point in our friendship partially because of my ex. He was more or less convinced my bf would "steal" me and there was full on jealousy going on, so in retrospect, I think that him letting me get involved with my bf was his last-ditch chance at eliminating competition or saving our dying relationship.
I also have a really bad history with suicide. I witnessed my dad nearly kill himself, my uncle an heroed when I was in early childhood, and I nearly did more than once while I was involved with manchild. He seemed dead serious about killing himself because he had a history of self-abuse and depression.
No. 57124
>>57119God, manchild sounds like a piece of shit I'm sorry you had to deal with that.
I think your bf sounds like a really kind person and it's good that you can talk to him about things and that you're friends as well as partners.
Watching your dad do that must left you with some pretty devastating trauma. Your uncle too, that would have been unbelievably painful, even if it didn't register that way at the time.
Trying not to be an armchair psychologist here but death, especially suicide, is the ultimate abandonment, intentionally or not. Children often blame themselves for their parents' pain, it makes the child want to "fix" them. Children in unhappy households also try to make their problems seem smaller so they don't upset their parents.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if this has seeped into your adult relationships. You don't want to hurt your partners, you want to fix them, even if it's at the expense of your happiness and safety.
I think you might want to try seeing a psychologist to help deal with some of your childhood trauma. I'm not trying to diagnose away your fears with your boyfriend as some kind of Freudian bullshit- and it might not be related to your childhood at all, but the way we relate to other people starts with our parents and it's good to just get all that pain out to a professional.
I'm assuming you live in America and I know healthcare there isn't free, but look into therapy if you have the means. I personally think everyone should see a therapist, stress is fucking deadly.
No. 57140
>>57124Thank you again. A lot of the trauma didn't register because I've internalized it or tried to forget, but I see a lot of my negative behaviors as being the result of emotional abuse. I've had a lot of fucked up things happen to me and I don't think of myself as a victim, so I forget a lot.
I've been in therapy before and probably should be again. I'm insured so it's more a matter of finding someone I can get to and click with.
I've had to struggle with feeling like I have to parent other adults or people close in age for a while, tbh, I don't realize that a lot. My boyfriend hasn't made me do that, but manchild did and I end up being my brothers' father when my dad goes off his meds or is too manic. I keep telling my mother that the rest of the family needs to go into therapy too because I'm ending up being her marriage therapist because she thinks my dad will "trick" the therapist.
I really need to move out for my own good, and part of why I was stuck with manchild was he offered me an escape. My bf technically does too, but I'm not trying to run away from my country anymore and would be perfectly happy just having him live with me so we could emotionally support each other. He's exhausted from work and I'm exhausted from negative self-fulfilling prophetic anxiety and my family. He comes from a family with similar but not as serious issues, so part of why he has been understanding is that. They get into pretty nasty fights and his parents kind of hate each other, mother had abusive parents like my father did, etc.
I try to act as therapists for other people but feel shitty making them worry about me because it feels like my problems aren't that bad. I kind of think it's because my life is good/fine now, I forget what I've had to pull myself out of.
You're right about suicide as the ultimate abandonment because I have severe abandonment issues. Sometimes I think I self-sabotaged, but that doesn't happen really since manchild has been gone. Now it's more like I occasionally find myself anxious because someone I love and who accepts me as I am wants to marry me and grow old and all that and he
isn't suicidal, manipulative, or going to walk off on me. It's like I've got such a good thing that my anxiety has to find something wrong. I've come up with ways to cope and try to and often successfully override them a lot when I'm in a good mindset. It's just when I'm emotionally vulnerable or sleeping poorly that it's rougher. Or sometimes from my hormones. Lol.
I'm hoping we will get to move in together within the next couple of years for our sakes. Goddamn, I miss him.
Sorry for the long winded reply, I've never actually felt this comfortable saying most of my life story/issues publicly like this. On of all places… :P
No. 57157
i met a guy over my college's winter break and we hit it off immediately. it was actually weird how much we had in common, down to shared music taste and weird little online spaces we frequented and mutual interests in fashion and stuff. we went on a lot of dates and hooked up a few times, we were each other's dates to a new year's party (and each other's new years kisses), were essential an item over that time, his friends and my friends were all aware. the issue, however, is that i go to college on the opposite side of the country from him - both of us were just back in town for the winter break, and when we acknowledged that, we came to a place as the break was getting closer to ending for him where we had to define the relationship and basically came to an agreement that a long-distance relationship wouldn't be very good for the both of us and we'd just be friends towards the end of the break/when we got back to school. we still talk to each other a lot and have literally talked every day since we both got back to school (in all honestly since the day he got my number) on the phone or by texting, we'll send each other random songs or mixes, weird/interesting links and articles and talk nonstop about them, or just have long convos about nothing in general without it getting boring - that "spark" hasn't seemed to die down, so…
i still really, really like him, i want to say that he might feel the same about me, but we both are pretty awkward and avoid talking about that at all. we'll both be coming home for the summer, though, and i want to possibly date him etc (or maybe even just hook up with him) throughout similarly to how things were over winter– i just am not really sure how i'd go about that? like i said, both of us are kind of awkward (and we kinda just came together anyway), and the idea of being super upfront makes me nervous though i feel like i'll probably have to do it anyway at some point
of course the other issue is what we're going to do when the summer ends. i kind of don't mind the idea of us being coupled when we're physically together & good friends when we're not, but i dunno. there's still a bit of time until the summer, also, so i don't know why i'm fretting about it as much as i am, because there's also the likelihood of things just coming together as they did before. what do you think the best route should be/should i even worry at all?
No. 57167
>>57161Some people can be very boring and yet be nice, cute and smart. You probably haven't met the right person yet and think you're basing your attraction on a combination of stuff like intelligence level, looks and whatnot. Maybe you'll run into a pretty average guy and fall head over heels.
>>44548I don't know if anyone feels the same way but my self-esteem just fell to the ground the moment I started going out with my boyfriend. I met him recently and he's everything I've searched for, but the more I fall for him the more I realize I'd be devastated if he left me because of one of my many many flaws.
He's a total hottie too and all of my girl friends are drooling over him (not in a competitive way). Usually I'm pretty confident especially when I date people but I'm starting to think that's all because I didn't care that much about the relationship.
I'm at day 15 and wondering when I'm going to fuck it up completly.
No. 57484
Ok, so. Hooked up with a cute Aussie guy back in February. He took my details and now we communicate primarily by e-mail, though also sometimes by Messenger. We've exchanged several e-mails since then, telling each other about our days and already we've found that we have quite a few things in common. I try really hard to write e-mails with little anecdotes or comments that will make him laugh or smile because I know it can be tedious to get to know somebody by e-mail, but that's primarily what we're going with because he's out biking across Europe and not always connected to wifi.
Anyway, I kind of want to talk to him a little about the night we hooked up. Just about how surprised I was when he kissed me. I don't know, I want to tell him more of my thoughts. Is it too soon, should I avoid doing this? I'm dying to know how long he was thinking about kissing me before he went for it. But idk if asking about it is good. It could clue him in that I think about it a lot, perhaps a bit too much than is warranted? I don't want him to think that I think too much. Sounds so dumb, but there you go.
For further context, we've both told each other that we really hope to see each other again. He wants to return to work at the hostel we were at later this year and even said "hey maybe you could too." With kissy faces. But idk he's pretty liberal with those kissy faces, maybe it doesn't mean anything. But on the other hand it's like…girl relaaax, this dude obviously likes you.
Ugh, please help.
No. 57514
>>57157 anon, and i think that our situations are a little similar, hahaha !
do you think you like this guy relationship-wise? or do you just think he's cool & want to be his friend/like the idea of him being more than just "guy that you hooked up with & never spoke to again"?
is the tone of your communication just generally friendly, or does it veer into flirtation (i think it does with all those kissy faces)? i feel like it'd be more appropriate to ask if you guys are more flirty, but with that, it'd also be better if you guys were talking via messenger/a more instant form of communication so itd seem less planned or more casual, and not like you've been thinking about it too much. if there's anything distinctive from the time you hooked up that can help you segue into bringing it up, maybe start the conversation talking about that, and mention your surprise and stuff casually.
i worry that i creep out the same guy i like/come on too strong or annoyingly sometimes when i'm talking to him just because our talk is so friendly and constant now, and ugh i have those "omg am i being annoying despite how invested he is in talking to me" versus "relax, he likes you" moments all the time. the fact that you're actively communicating and both seem to be dedicated to keeping it up, as well as hoping to see each other again (along with his "maybe you could to") is a good sign, i mean !
No. 57517
>>57484Anon, has he talked about his feelings at all? Does he ever talk about serious things with you, or does he only send you flirtatious emojis and mention that you should both do this or that (shallowly)?
If it's the latter, and if I was in your situation, I would assume he is keeping me as an option for another future hook-up, not anything serious. I guess it really depends on how into the conversation both of you are individually. If you're obviously putting more effort into responding than he is, it's probably not worth it, I would say.
No. 57551
>>57514Hey, thanks for your response. I read your situation above, and personally I think you're in a much better situation than I am! I would say go for it re: this summer with the guy. If you don't outright date the guy, I feel like you guys will almost definitely become an item again, it could probably just happen like how you guys just came together the first time. And if you're an item all summer that gives you guys plenty of time to bond, and from there, if you guys like each other enough, you'll both probably want to keep dating in spite of the distance. For now, I'd say just be yourself and keep up the communication, like you have been. Your guy is definitely more obviously interested than my guy, imo. I envy you, personally! haha
As for myself, well, I think I really could like this guy relationship wise. I don't really know him well enough yet, but I'm definitely infatuated and I'm so eager to keep getting to know him. I do think he's cool, and I do like the idea of him being more than just the guy I hooked up with. I definitely want some kind of friendship.
Our communication is just generally friendly, but it does veer into flirtation sometimes. I veered it into a little flirtation this past Saturday, and he responded to it well, I think. My idea is, flirting is fun and feels good and I want him to think I'm fun and feel good talking to me. I want him to really look forward to seeing me, if we can see each other again. But you're right, I do feel like I come on too strongly or annoyingly sometimes. And then again, like you say, there are all these good signs! I think I flirt more than he does tho…maybe I should avoid doing it so much? Maybe it makes him think I'm just a slag who wants the D again?
>>57517The most he has talked about his feelings towards me is he thinks I'm a special girl, how he thinks I'm awesome, how he wants to keep getting to know me, how he feels lucky to have met me, and how I really made an impression on him. This all sounds like terribly generic stuff but coupled with the fact that he continues to keep in touch with me like he does makes me think he means at least in some capacity…it's just that he's no Cyrano, maybe?
Than again, I do get the feeling he's trying to keep it casual. Us meeting up in the future is mutually desired but still kind of uncertain, and it does make me think the offers to do things together (billiards, music) are bit on the shallow side. More of a "who knows what the future could bring?" kind of territory.
I do also think I am putting more effort into responding, but I've been trying to think it's more that he's biking and camping all the time…and I'm just a better writer than him maybe? lol
God. What a mess.
No. 57552
>>57484As a guy, I'd prefer you to be forward with me if you have feelings, it's the kind of language that registers with us more, and you will know very quickly whether he's serious or not, and whether he's worth seeing. If you play the shy girl card, you are unlikely to get his attention. Men may also get confused by this behavior. More often than not, if a guy has really made up his mind that he likes a girl, he'll make it obvious. So, with that in mind, if you like him, you need to be the one to say so and make the next move.
No. 57553
Hey ladies, I have a couple relationship questions. I asked a girl out recently (and got rejected), and at first I handled it alright, I don't think she thinks too much of it and she was cool to me about it, but the past few days I've been feeling pretty lonely as a result.
Basically speaking, I'm a chubby young man, but people tend to find me to be kind, smart, and respectable (so I am told). I am somewhat confident but I am generally more focused on being humble since as a teen I had a propensity to be arrogant.
How much should I concern myself with working on losing weight (as far as it pertains to getting a girlfriend)? I have good hygiene, I have a good job, and people consider me to be smart. I personally feel like I should chill out for several months before going back to looking for a girl who I get along well with to date, while I work on self-improvement.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 57559
>>57552So if you were me, you'd go ahead with sharing some thoughts and feelings then? To see how he responds to it?
>>57553Personally, if I like a dude, him being a lil chubby isn't going to stop me from dating him. My last bf had a belly and it didn't put me off at all. But if you're a straight up fatass, that would for sure lessen your chances. Anyway, you could never go wrong with losing some weight. It's not completely necessary, but why not just do it bc it's nice?
No. 57690
>>57667I'm bi and let me tell you, the women I've dated have been the most affectionate, giving people when in a relationship and the guys I've dated have been moody, manipulative little bitches.
Of course ymmv but honestly, women have a right to be mad at man-children. I'm currently in a relationship with a man and he is the first one I have ever met who doesn't whinge and try to be controlling while simultaneously treating me like I'm hysterical when I have a single problem with the relationship.
From my experience, being with a woman as a woman is often a super chill experience, you understand each other better and there's no weird power-dynamics going on. Maybe I just got lucky and got with some lovely girls but if I didn't love this guy I'm currently with, I'd probably go exclusively for women tbh.
Also don't use lolcow to make decisions about who to date lmao
No. 57713
>>57697I had that problem and then I whipped him. Basically I said I'm never fucking you or talking to you again if you don't delete those comments/unlike those likes. He eventually just deleted his Instagram. I am going to assume he just made a new throwaway account which is fine at least that's showing me courtesy and respect
Is it childish yes but then again I'm a dime and so are you anon. You can demand as much.
No. 57768
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Not sure if this is the right thread, but can any farmers help me out with what to expect if my partner ejaculates inside me? How much mess is there? What do I do about it? Will the sheets get ruined? Does it drip out?
No. 57777
>>57774I usually keep tissues around to wipe right after sex, especially if we used lube because I don't like having sticky thights or butt.
Then I go pee, it flush out some of the semen and helps not develop UTIs, wipe and eventually make a quick stop by the bathroom to wash with some water (If you got a bidet it's really useful).
Yeah sex is not always that clean and perfect from start to finish like in movies. Nobody's gonna think you're weird by keeping some stuff like tissues and a towel close to your bed unless they're kids.
No. 57863
>>57852imo thats not you being unappreciative. it is a special day for you, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to be made to feel like you matter. it was about him and what convenient for him. that whole scenario sounds really shitty and i imagine lots of people would feel pretty crappy after that.
absolutely stand up for yourself in that regard. you matter, and coming from a long term relationship that had a lot of the same issues, there is a good chance it will be like that more. we are creatures of habit, so if he gets used to just doing, or not doing, those sorts of things for you, its going to stay.
dont settle for alright.
No. 57878
>>57695So, it depends on why he's liking them, what the photos are, and how publicly visible it is. If my bf was liking pics of scantily-clad women all the time and it was showing up everywhere, yeah, that would make me uncomfortable.
Thing is, he may just like cosplays. I dunno. I'm not him. I know that I like seeing artsy/tasteful nudity and nicely done cosplays, and it doesn't get me off. I like a lot of selfies and I see it as showing support to the person's comfort in their appearance, but these are people I know, not e-hoes.
No. 58005
I just found out that my boyfriend spend procrastinating the last two weeks a really important thing for his future. He told me to not talk too much to him, because he needs the time and needs to concentrate. I myself was in a really rough place, because depression started hitting again. But because of respect I tried to keep it as low as possible and be a supportive girlfriend.
So, now I found out that he didn't get shit done, because he spend his time differently. He went to some rape fetish forums and was on such subreddits trying to hook up girls on there for "us". Always stating it would be for a threesome. Now, we are rather kinky, but he knows that rape stuff is something that really grinds my gears. Also other things like bestiality and even sexting with some asian girl that was into raceplay, calling her a gook-whore and shit like this on kik.
Now, even though he texted those girls that there is intention of meeting IRL, he told me that wasn't actually the case. And well, it was always stated that I would be involved. And no, I didn't know about any of this.
And so much stuff, that I found outright disgusting. I can't deal with any of this. He even send a nude pic he took of me to them, cropping out my face. And a full nude of him.
Is this now cheating? Because he always stated that I would be there, too.
No. 58006
>>58005What the fuck.
Just procrastinating something important would make me really angry at my boyfriend, but the shit after that is just beyond fucked up and weird.
Did he tell you he did all of that or did you find out another way?
Sending a nude without your consent is also incredibly disgusting. Sorry to say but if this were me I'd break up immediately.
No. 58007
>>58006I found out by snooping because I had a weird feel and he was all distant.
When confronted he just told me he actually really loves me etc. and that he was just so under pressure because of the thing he was procrastinating and wanted to escape. Because at least getting replies from crazy and self-hating chicks is at least something that he could do, or something.
Thanks for the reply. I'm pretty torn, because I didn't know this side of him at all. And now he's all lovely and normal, too. Like in a way, that makes it impossible to even phantom those things if you don't know it. So that I can kind of act like this was just a mistake?
I don't know, how do you know when to stop clinging on a relationship and when it is just that you don't want to be lonely?
No. 58010
>>58007If it was just watching freaky porn then I could understand. But he a) entered cheater territory by messaging those chicks and b) did something unforgivable sending your pic to other people.
I'd say break up or else you'll just let it go and it will probably happen again and hurt even more. Your relationship probably won't be the same anymore after this anyways.
Be brave Anon, no doubt this is going to be difficult but if you do it I'd say it's for the best.
No. 58012
>>57140Anon you should move out as soon as possible, but even if you can't do that just yet you should be honest with your SO about these fears and trust that you're not going to scare him away. Obviously you need to have space for his problems too, but don't be so worried to lean on him about all of this. He's been through a lot with you, he loves you, trust him.
Also please promise us that even when you're with your current bf, you have other friends. Nonsexual, platonic friends that you can be honest with.
No. 58013
>>58008>>58010Thanks for the replies. I think I really needed to hear that.
It just hurts so much, because I just moved to live closer to him two months ago and we stuck together through so much shit, and my mental health is currently getting extremely bad again and I don't know anyone around here. Well I guess at least I learned to not ignore red flags you see at the start and telling yourself that this is just a little thing, or this is just a small unimportant part and we all have our weird moments. Red flags should always be red flags.
>>58012Thank god I have my own place and I'm not dependent on him. And honestly I don't think I quite understood your post. I was honest and confronted him, but it's still unclear if the relationship might go on or not. I don't know it either, because I was still pretty unsure if this is cheating or not, because it is in some grey area and he did some mental gymnastics to justify it too for himself.
But welp, I really wish I knew people around here. But at least I have internet friends, I guess.
No. 58015
I've been dating my current BF for about 8 months now, and knew we were soulmates when we met 5 years ago. for 3 of those years I was gone, so I've spent maybe a year and a half with him total.
We're both in love. While we were drunk one night, he told me that I can just consider him my husband, because he considers me his wife. It made me so happy. We've talked about it may times again since. The other night, we were talking about getting married. We were drunk and would have eloped right then and there if we lived in a late-night town.
I know it's silly but I'd do it. I have some goals that I'd like to accomplish first, and I told him the other day that I'm not going to marry him until I reach these goals. I figure it's- at most- a year and half more until we get married in secret. We're both in our early twenties.
I don't know why I'm posting this. I guess because I don't have anyone else to talk to.
I'm in love with him. He's legitimately my best friend and soulmate. We do everything together, share every interest, and require the same things out of life. We have the same energy. We've basically lived together the entirety of this relationship. I spent a few nights at home in the beginning, but outside of that and a vacation we're always together. He's the one person that doesn't wear me out. I have life-long best friends that I can't stand for more than two days, but I can be with my boyfriend eternally.
I suppose I'm just looking for an assessment, and knowledge from people with similar experience.
No. 58016
>>58007>and now he's all lovely and normal, too.He's manipulating you because he knows he's in the shit house. I had an ex that would do the same thing. It was always "for us" even though he would be requesting "Daddy Top for Young Chub", or using kik WITH MY PICTURES TO PRETEND TO BE ME AS HE SEXTED STRANGERS. I hate him.
Trust me, it won't change.
No. 58018
>>58013Sorry anon I meant
>>58012 for
>>57140 but if you're the same poster then I'm sorry about that. Someone doing mental gymnastics is a bad sign though, if someone cheats and owns up to it then they should be thankful for anyone to take them back long enough to work through it, but if he's gaslighting you with guilt about how it was 'for you too', or ignoring that it ever happened then it's a bad sign. He needs to own up to the wrong thing that he did.
It's really important to have a social life away from your SO though. It's not healthy to be completely dependent on each other.
No. 58031
>>58005wow, thats intensely similar with what i went through with my ex fiance. i considered it cheating. he felt the need to hide it from me and even when i first confronted him about it, he lied and when i persisted, there were only trace amounts of admittance. i came back at him with years of receipts of his fuckery and finally he actually fess up to everything.
get out. seriously. there is an absolute lack of respect for you. just because youre kinky and into things is no excuse for anyone to think that means its a go to do anything with you, your image or name.
what a fucking asshole.
No. 58079
>>58013I think anon was replying to me. I was scrolling here on /g/ and hadn't expected anyone to talk to me about my old posts, but well here I am.
>>58012>>58018Yes, I do have friends/a social life outside of my bf. He's very introverted and I worry about him more than myself, but he's said that I've encouraged him to see friends he would've just lost contact with otherwise. I thrive off socializing even if it's just online/with strangers because a lot of my friends don't live close by.
I have a best friend and some other friends, and luckily for me, one is a mutual friend with us both that I can trust with my problems and who can "get it." Despite all of that past trauma and the exes blowing up, I'm a well-liked person. I'm also in school so I get regular casual interaction through that. I actually went out with a friend around when I posted
>>57140 and stayed out with her for a while.
We had a couple of blowouts recently, due to what I was worrying about plus his anxiety, and it was pretty shit, but we both mended it up and things are smooth now. I can't really remember the fights nor do I care because I know it was all based in fear and loneliness, and we both have forgiven each other and been enjoying each other's company. So it's situation normal.
No. 58083
>>58005I'm sorry, but how can you be surprised and hurt when your bf cucks and doesn't respect you when you open yourself up to getting cucked? Did you honestly think eh wants to fuck other women for YOUR benefit?
This is why you NEVER do MFF.
No. 58094
>>58092>the other nightIs it too late for the morning after pill already? If not go get one, just in case, even if it's not necessarily going to be effective.
I'd say the chances are very low. If you want to check go get a pregnancy test, I'm not sure when would be the best time to take it though, I wonder if two weeks after the unprotected sex happened is enough.
No. 58470
>>58452sry no idea… foot fetish forum might be a catch?
>>58462i have the same issue being "too" short. may i ask how old you are? you sound very unexperienced. first off it's important that youre wet enough so care for that before having intercourse. for being to long, he just cant enter fully, he just has to stop before. if him being to thick is hurting you, it means youre not relaxed enough. youre muscles are tensed up, tightening your vagina. so solution is you need to be more relaxed.
No. 58483
>>58470Don't worry, I'm 23, but I lost my virginity at 20 wih my ex of four years and I was previously abused so it took me a long time to be ready for sex, sorry
Does this mean he'l never be able to fully fit me?
No. 58563
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>>58559>Does anyone know what they'd do in that situation? I'm trying so hard to let go and not worry and just be supportive but I feel like I'm swallowing my tongue and on the brink of tears.Yeah, it's because you're mental and have built your entire identity around him. I get idolizing someone early in a relationship, but if you can't learn to detach yourself you'll always be projecting your insecurities onto him. If you don't get a life of your own you will spend all your days "what-if"ing inside your own head. Do you know how relationships like that go? They don't, they end. You can't be a girlfriend he has to to baby and also a mom who needs to check on him every minute. You're already long distance, if he was cheating on you, you would never know, and it's not that hard to hide.
You need reality like a cold river to the face. You are insecure in yourself, and these issues are your own. It's not his fault you make yourself want to cry out of distrust. It's Yours. Fix yourself or your routine is going to start sounding like an old song.
No. 58579
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How do i get a boyfriend?
I already got myself in good shape with jogging (started few years back)
I updated my wardrobe with new clothes to boost my self esteem
I even started wearing make up (nothing too scandalous just some lipstick and powder etc)
But still i can't seem to get any attention from guys
Is it too forward to try approach them myself? i don't want to seem slutty or desperate
No. 58603
>>58579I don't think you should actively go out hunting for men or anything, you'll just end up with thirsty losers who will use you for sex and you have nothing in common with.
Take up some classes (painting, drama, computers, dance…whatever you're into) or join some kind of group that meets up regularly (a yoga group, language exchange, hiking, people who play board games…) and not only will you have fun, you'll end up meeting someone who is interested in at least one of the same things as you. That way, you'll have lots to talk about on the first date.
There's nothing weird about approaching a guy at something like that. Just make a friendly comment, don't approach him any differently than to how you'd approach a new friend. You're not going to seem slutty if you're just complimenting his artwork or making a comment on the scenery on a hike lol. Nature will do the rest.
Body language is a big thing so look up some signs that guys are into you. Even if you're pretending to be just friends, it'll be pretty obvious.
No. 58607
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>>58579Pursue hobbies you enjoy even in an online platform. You're bound to find guys in certain areas, even in the least likely ones (and no, they won't all be gay either).
Heck even filthy casual online games harbor a plethora of men. It's just a matter of trying to ramp up social skills if necessary.
I met a guy through such means, he's actually highly respectable and intelligent as well (and cute as fuck).
Just be careful all the same obviously, Anon.
You'll find a Q T 3.14 guy you adore eventually who feels the same way.
(Just FYI I thought I was a helpless case myself the whole time).
P.S kudos for the effort for what you've been focusing towards like getting in shape since many probably wouldn't even bother after a while of searching and go hunting for cats instead.
No. 58691
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I hate posting about this, I feel like one of the crazy cows I bitch about on here.
I have BPD and it makes me act fucking crazy in my relationship sometimes. It's scary because I have very little control over it. I mean, it's sperg rage type shit (threatening to kill myself, self harming, demanding he gives me his accounts to check he isn't cheating etc), really fucking shameful. I never knew I was like this until now, I got in my first ever relationship about a year ago. I can't tell if he fucked me up (he has issues with aggression, abusive language, being controlling) or if I'll always be this way.
Should I just end this relationship and accept that I'll just need to be alone forever?
No. 58694
>>58686Idk how big your man is, but I'd start with fingering and if you have any toys to start slowly introducing those in so you can get your hole used to that size.
I'm very very VERY tight and before I have sex with my man I always have to dilate using dildos.
No. 58697
>>58691You and me both! BPD is a cunt. I'm in a peaceful, healthy relationship right now, but my last two involved me getting super violent and raging like an autist constantly, hurting myself in front of them, smashing plates on the ground, destroying property, running down the street screaming at the top of my lungs…
I'm 23 now, almost 24 and honestly? i've just grown up a lot and learning to control my emotions has been much easier. The last man I was with was my ex fiancee and he did NOT know how to handle me at all. I also wasn't super happy in the relationship and kinda just wanted the attention / validation a lot of the time.
Keep going. Only kill the relationship if it keeps happening and you're both unhappy. Eventually you'll find someone who can help you. My current boyfriend soothes me immediately every time I get even kind of upset, and he doesn't even know I am doing it
It also helps to have a guy who you KNOW isn't cheating. That was a massive issue for me too. I thought I'd be this way in every relationship, but not now.
A better relationship may be out there for you. Or you might just need to grow for a bit, and your current boyfriend will have to support this. Be brutally honest with yourself all the time. Don't let the fear of being alone influence you.
Anyway sage for blogpost but this struck a chord with me because I have been through the same thing.
No. 58744
I can relate to this. I've been in LDRs for a while and it makes me feel like I need to "be around" so I'll have time with my partner.
Realizing that he's going to be around means that I can go, you know what? I haven't seen this friend in ages, I'm going to go out and see them. I'm going to go somewhere today and treat myself. I still spend a lot of time at home because introversion and wanting to see him more than most people in my life, but it feels like my balance is a lot better than it has been or could be.
I have a lot of interests and hobbies and they include a few major shared hobbies, so I can look forward to telling him all about what a nice time I had by myself. He's my best friend, but it doesn't mean he's my only friend or I can't be alone, even if I miss him sometimes. I take a lot of joy out of my hobbies and interests so I don't "feel bad" for doing them instead of breathing down my boyfriend's neck 24/7 since he needs the quiet time for himself too, and it's win/win.
You need to just put your foot down and tell yourself you're going to do something fun for yourself. Unless your boyfriend is a dick or your relationship is failing, he's going to be around tomorrow, or next week, or whenever, and you have time to see him. You can be busy because you can stop when he's home, or he can wait for you.
No. 59343
>>59338 >>59341
It's not that I don't trust him for some reason. It's more because statistics say that it's about a 50/50 chance that someone will cheat on you in the relationship, that makes me worried.
No. 59441
>>58563This was actually really fucking helpful holy shit. I did some soul searching I guess after posting this and you're right about the insecurity part. It's funny because over the last couple of months, the more confident I get, especially about my appearance and my future, the less nervous I feel. Before I used to think I'd probably an hero if he ever left me/cheated on me, but now I feel like…if he ever did cheat, it would fucking suck, but I'd be okay. I really did build my life identity around him at one point. Now I feel like I'm much more independent. And this summer I'm going to be working a whole lot so that'll keep my mind occupied.
>sounding like an old songYeah you're right tbh. It's annoying how much we talk about it.
idk if I could call this ~tough love~ or whatever but I really appreciate this. Thank you anon :)
No. 59480
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I found out my bf browses Chaturbate and a few MFC whores while I'm at work.
We don't have sex often (I don't view this necessarily as a problem) but considering he's admitted I've gotten fat (working on it), I'm probably in one of those 'he loves me but doesn't desire me anymore' relationships.
See, I don't mind that he browses sites like redtube, pornhub, xvideos, etc. because they're just generic videos made for anyone to view.
Something about camgirls though…it just seems so much more personal. Er I guess it could be, potentially. Especially when I see that he googles their names in particular and didn't just stumble upon them by happenstance.
I don't have proof he's tipping them or spending money though (thankfully…or just not yet?) Tbh if I ever found out he was spending money on virtual whores I would dump him.
I feel that I have a healthy dose of suspicion, and here's why you might agree with me: bf has been dismissive of his friend's cheating tendencies. It appears the reason he has empathy/forgiveness for otherwise reprehensible actions is because he can relate to their actions, or he's cheated before. He's hinted that he's cheated before, but seemed pretty ashamed when I asked him about those relationships. He's never told me exactly what he did.
So far, I know of two of his closer male friends who've been caught in major cheating situations. The first one had an emotional affair behind his fiancee of 7 years' back, which effectively drove a rift in my bf's friend circle when the guy ditched his fiancee for the other woman. The second…oh sweet fuck this person makes me so angry. So he cheats on his pregnant wife with whom he already has a child with, files for divorce to be with the other woman, and claims the reason as "she wasn't fun." Unfortunately bf isn't around very good influences.
I basically have to find a way to approach this without telling him that I basically went through his browsing history like a mom.
No. 59491
>>59480Anon wtf are you doing, love yourself a bit more. You're the one who has to set up boundaries or everyone is going to walk all over yourself.
How is your bf supposed to respect you if you don't start by respecting yourself ?
First of all the dude hasn't a solid moral compass because he doesn't mind making excuses for his friends. Also meaning that if or when he cheats on you, his friends will have his back and excuse his actions too.
Now whether you consider it cheating is up to you (I would and like you, I wouldn't mind porn). Viewing videos, paying for generic porn or sextoys is not cheating to me. But the moment it starts being something you wouldn't admit then it's borderline cheating.
Grow a spine anon, tell him you found it by accident but now it's here. If he tries to deflect or blame you for looking up his history, ditch this asshole.
No. 60187
i read a lot of threads on /g/ and /ot/, and i noticed a trend: though a lot of people seem to have very difficult lives, claim to be unattractive and/or are in a very bad place mentally, they still have a (mostly long-term, compatible and supportive) significant other.
then there's me: i'm sociable, reasonably attractive and relatively well-adjusted (i'm able to make a living and take care of myself, i can conduct myself socially, i don't have any major mental or behavioural problems aside froma mild case of depression and ADD, and while i like weeby shit, i have other interests too). yet either only very problematic guys are attracted to me (NEETs, guys who can't hold down a job or who are still students in their late 20s etc.), or when i find someone i like i can't hold on to them. most of my relationships end at 6-month mark. i think i may be coming on too strong from happiness and scaring them away/smothering them, but i don't want to play hot-and-cold mindgames either. what do, farmers?
No. 60194
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>>60187i've just come to accept my spinster life.
No. 60209
>>60205do not give a fuck about those losers and keep taking notes about everything. then summarize those notes in handwriting when you're studying for an exam. handwriting makes things easier to remember. also try mind mapping. work in 20-30 minute sprints and take 5-minute breaks in between. like actually set up an alarm to warn you. this way you can keep from getting hyperfocused and forgetting to eat etc. make lists and notes for everything, even the smallest stuff. if something doesn't work for you, seek for alternative methods. also if it's seriously hindering you, consider seeing a psychiatrist and going on medication. do not work with a psycho who will start you off with 3 ritalins a day, though.
also, don't dwell too much on it. yeah, it's a huge hindrance but the playing field is not as level as you think for other people. also mine gives me neat little "superpowers" like being aware of everything all the time since my mind never stops and being a quick thinker/acter since i'm incapable of doing shit slowly. an ADD brain can be very useful sometimes, find your own superpowers.
No. 60219
I dunno if there's really a solution to this, but I just kinda want to get it off my chest.
I have a fairly low libido due to medication, years of low self esteem, and just being more into 2D waifus and shit most of my life. I don't really feel bad about it, I jerk off about twice a month at most and it's done with. But my boyfriend of three years, well, he's normal. And I don't mind doing stuff for him but I know he wants to reciprocate and I feel guilty for never wanting anything. He's incredibly attractive to me, and the two of us have a great relationship thats been going on for 3 years. I just can't seem to enjoy anything sexual, and have been for years prior to us dating, save for the rare day here and there. Should I be worried? Is this related to my anxiety issues? Is something wrong with me? This is still going on even though I'm actually the most attractive and mentally stable I've ever been. I want to connect with him on this level better because it's the only area I feel we're lacking, and it's all my fault. He never complains but I know he deserves better.
No. 60245
>>60205This might be kinda dumb but have you gone on medication? Helps a ton. I felt kinda like I was being weak or something but once I went on it I realized how bad my ADD actually was lol. Maybe try adjusting your dosage too, I've moved it up and down plenty of times, it might make sense to increase it if you're in a situation with lots of work and stress. You can always bring it back down later. And if you've never been on it and try it, don't be super frustrated if it doesn't do much at first. The psychs I've seen all start you really low and slooooowly increase it, which is good for your health probably but can also be kind of frustrating when it feels like you're being overwhelmed by problems it's supposed to fix lol.
Besides that, I set lots of alarms on my phone and stuff, google calendar will send you reminders for events and can sync across platforms so that's really handy.
For the handwriting thing, I've switched to digitally taking notes (on laptop or phone) for that reason. I often re-write/summarize my notes while studying, like
>>60209 suggested. Also use the book/professor notes, if they don't have any resources like that then your professor kind of sucks :( Python in particular has lots of good online resources tho, just try looking at the code documentation. If you want I can try and post some tips if you have more specific questions about it?
I used to forget to shower too, so I just started getting in the shower every morning. Good to have a regular schedule, even if I like fall asleep half the time in there and don't do much lol. At least I always know I'm mostly clean. Plus if you plan your morning with shower time, if you get distracted you can just skip it if you really need to.
Eating is really hard, especially with adderall. I try to regularly go to meals with friends, so they'll come and invite me and that stops me from totally forgetting, even if I don't end up eating that well. I try to always keep some easy to prepare food around (like microwave mac and cheese lol), even if it's horrible it's better than not eating I think, and even if I'm really unfocused I can at least manage preparing that. Or like, granola bars and stuff, those are good.
Oh and as a final note, talk to disability services if you haven't already! I got extra exam time; I often didn't even end up needing it, but there were several times where it was a lifesaver, and even when I didn't use it taking the exam while knowing that I had the time if I needed it made me much more relaxed and focused.
No. 60359
>>60219>It's all my faultStop right there. Nobody but you can answer if your libido is truly just your normal level or just currently affected by meds, but either way you aren't at fault for it. If you love him then it's understandable that you want to give him everything but at the same time if he loves you, he wouldn't want you hurting yourself or hating yourself to make it happen.
If you are worried, you can try things like increasing your exercise and doing heavy foreplay (either alone or together) or even speaking to a therapist or GP (meds normally affect libido so don't be embarrassed to speak to your doc) but in the mean time why don't you just talk to him a bit about how you feel?
No. 60901
>>60219lol anon are you me?
For the first 3 years of my relationship, we weren't so serious (still in high school) and I fully engaged in the sexual aspects of our romance. My libido was normal afaik. Fast forward to the last 3 years since graduation, we've moved cities, worked full time jobs, started post-secondary etc. I don't know if it's all these adult/life stresses but I've completely lost all interest in anything remotely sexual. For the last few months, I've only masturbated to entertain my boyfriend because I can't even bring myself to pleasure him directly like with a bj or whatever. It's not a lack of attraction to my partner, it's literally just anxiety, stress, self-esteem issues. I think. I do feel weird and guilty about it idk.
My bf also doesn't complain, he's supportive and patient. But I feel like i'm pushing my dysfunctionality onto him since he has no choice but to live with me being sexually unavailable. It's weird having the dilemma of being a crappy partner.
No. 61352
>>61315It's not hormones-related and my libido is still where it was before.
>>61332This is the problem. I brought it up with him a month ago, but nothing came of it. At first, I figured he was just waiting for the right time. Now I don't know what to think.
No. 61373
I'm just about at my wits end here.
It's late and I'm tired and emotional so I am so sorry for the giant emotional wall of text I am going to dump right now.
I have been with my husband for just over 10 years and I am starting to break.
We are old fags, in our 30s, and I've known him for essentially a third of my life. I keep hoping it will get better but I am starting to finally lose hope.
I'm a stubborn asshole. When I want to have someone in my life, I usually do whatever it takes, but for the first time I am really starting to doubt my ability to stay in this relationship. It sucks because if it ends, it is going to be so messy. It's going to be so bad I can honestly say I will never want to date another man again after this.
He recently lost his job due to a really… strange series of events that left him helpless legally. He has been out of work for just over a month, but here's the thing. He is just so depressed he has essentially given up.
I got home today after working my typical 9 hour shift (a busy one at that) and literally filled out job applications FOR him while he watched cartoons.
I would be more understanding if this was a rare thing, but he cannot. hold. a job. Like, ever. Since we started dating when he was young, he was very immature. I helped him out essentially throughout our entire relationship, and embarrassingly enough my family did too at points early on. He has gotten fired from 4 jobs in the last 10 years, 3 instances being his fault.
It sucks because a lot of it is due to his family and how he was raised. His mom and brother are those awful "I can do no wrong" kinds of people who talk big but can't deliver. His dad was verbally and physically abusive/absent during his childhood. He had drug problems which I think did some serious brain damage, because he just simply cannot… function like a normal person?
He is in his 30s but can barely read and can't write well at all. I don't even know how he graduated high school. He has emotional problems and anger problems and takes everything so goddam personally and thinks the whole world is out to get him.
The shitty thing is… when things are good, my life feels complete. Despite all his faults, he is the only person I have ever met, friend and s/o-wise, who has ever truly known me, accepted me, and loved me, through thick and thin. He is there for me emotionally 99% of the time. He will always do anything he can for me and generally brings out the best in me.
But during these lows, fuck. It's hard for me to not feel like I would rather be dead sometimes. That sounds like such an exaggeration but my heart feels like it hurts so much during times like this.
We just had another fight, we have had so many bad ones over so many stupid things since he lost his job. I was irritated at him and tired from the day and hot from the summer heat and I said a little mean thing. He is so stupid sometimes. When looking at applications he has been sending, they are full of typos, incorrect formatting, missing information. He is so impatient he doesn't ever bother to do things right. I tell him that might be why no one called him back. He gets so butthurt. The thing I just snapped at him at, where he unknowingly knocked something over and made a mess, that hurt his feelings, which turned into him saying he hates how I always xyz. He typically says I "always" about everything which I hate so much, since it just feels hurtful and pointless. He speaks without thinking when we argue most of the time, it's only when he calms down that he is more considerate, due to his anger issues.
We have had so many bad fights. He has not been faithful either, many years ago, and I am wondering if he is acting on feelings for others still. I can't trust him, which I know is death for a relationship. He lies a lot about little things too, because his dad was a liar and he learned from the best. I rarely believe a thing he says anymore.
When he has a job, things are great. He is a very hard worker. But as soon as work drama happens, he lets it affect him. He was doing so good though with his recent job. He had finally went to school, got a good paying job, and then he lost it in the most ridiculous of ways that for the first time WASN'T his fault… and now living with him feels insufferable, even though it was just a short period of time.
Everything is such a mess. I'm such a mess. Because he has a lot of debt from school, he only has about $200 in his account after his last paycheck. He has no savings. He also has no concept of savings thanks to his mother being terrible with money and also babying him and never giving him any responsibilities financially.
I don't have the money to live on my own. I also don't have an option to move back with my parents. I love him so much, but fuck this is getting to be so hard. All the issues were finally melting away since he finally had a job. He even was planning for the future, planning on going on to higher avenues of success in the same field, how he wanted to support me financially so I didn't have to work so hard. Finally pay me back for the near decade I had supported him for most of the time…
Now we are back and square one and I feel like my body is physically rejecting this. I don't know what to fucking do. If we break up and he leaves, I can't cover my rent. Everything I was looking forward to in our future together is gone.
This is such a mess. I already know the answer. Break up. Just cut it off now before I get more hurt. If I stay with him, it's just going to keep being my fault I am enabling this. He was doing so fucking well, things were improving, all that waiting for things to click into place was finally feeling worth it, but here we are. I have to bottle feed this fucking baby to get him to apply to jobs. He says he does while I am at work but he barely spends any time on it and watches fucking tv and plays on his phone most of the day. Spending money on eating out because he is too depressed to care about having to think about money for bills. I just… I don't know how to break through to him. It's not my job, I know. I am digging my own grave, I know. But fuck, I wish there was just one way for him to fucking grow up that didn't come at the expense of breaking up. To get over his daddy issues, anger issues, stop being a manchild, be more responsible financially, chore-wise, be less of a douche, and act his fucking age. But he just doesn't get it how matter how I put it, nicely or neutrally or mean.
This is so all over the place. I'm so sorry. I'm so frustrated and tired and this is more like a vent but fuck. 10 years… I really want us to be able to fix this, we both want to. But I have no idea how to begin finding the way anymore.
No. 61413
>>61352Perhaps he has changed his mind since you decided to have sex, and he no longer wants to.
>>61373If he's NEET, how much is he contributing?
>>61376My current partner is kinda "grabby" but also strokes me a lot. When he's grabby, he grabs my whole body at once, not just individual parts. I like it.
No. 61424
I was really obsessed with some guy, but was never in a position to talk to him because of insecurity/anxiety/whatever. And there was also some lady who was a co-worker of his, but I never gave her a second thought because I thought she was older than him, already had a kid from a previous relationship, and wasn’t pretty etc etc. I sort of stalked his Facebook for like months until one day I found that he and that woman were in a relationship. I was upset, but somehow that didn’t stop me from thinking that I could still have a chance in the future. I kept telling myself all sorts of dumb shit like he’s too young to be a stepdad it won’t last, and just being delusional. Then much later I found her instagram and found that she was pregnant by him, and I literally cried for hours (I was PMSing hard this day, so that probably had a hand in it). That was 2 years ago, and ever since that day I never again looked at any of his profiles and tried to stop thinking about him.
the weird thing is that he’s the only guy I’ve ever reacted like this towards. most of the time I’m grossed out by men. it sounds so stupid and cliche, but i’m afraid i’ll never feel this way about someone else. up till now, i haven’t found anyone, even in picture, that i would feel the same towards and that kind of worries me. I have turned down 3 people who have asked me out, and I feel weird about it because like.. who am i even waiting for? I feel like this is how it is, and I’ll probably have to settle for someone I’m not 100% attracted to in the end.
And FYI, this particular guy wasn’t supermodel attractive or anything, he was quite normal. i just liked everything about him, including his interests, beliefs, background, even his family.
No. 61497
Incoming blog post.
I feel very conflicted and tired about my relationship. Ultimately, like I made a mistake, but I'm too far in to do anything about it. I had an almost perfect life before – I was living in an adorable, upscale apartment, making decent money, and then I threw it all away for what I thought was a "perfect" guy. He made me feel wanted and that we were compatible sexually. He also made it seem like he was rich but I was actually making more money than him, I later found out. I didn't really know that he was just toying with me at the time and later he actually developed feelings for me and it turned into a real relationship. We were LDR for about a year and a half and then I moved in with him. I sold all my furniture and went through a big hassle with my job and got them to let me work at home. I ending up losing contact with my friends. One of which who now hates me.
I act as a housewife in that I cook and clean for him in exchange for not paying rent. This is a lot of work in conjunction with my full-time job as he needs to eat every two-three hours. I pay about $500/mo. for groceries.
Now that I live with him, and it's been about a year now, we fight constantly. He finds talking to girls on 4chan "fun" – he likes to get affection from them, have them fall in love with him until he gets bored, use them, whatever. This includes getting nudes. I obviously have a huge problem with this. I'm afraid it's making me crazy or BPD. I will have huge outbursts of jealously. I categorize this as cheating; he does not. In the past, he has complained about me to other girls, which I feel crosses the line, even moreso than the casually talking to other thing.
The other day, we were going out to dinner and he was taking forever to get ready. I saw him in the bathroom talking to some girl on Discord and I found that really disrespectful since he was holding us up talking to some girl. He even joked, "You didn't see my messages, right?" Then he sent a message on Discord saying, "she doesn't even know <3 oops wrong window!" Is he doing this to antagonize me? Then he continued to talk to her at dinner over kik.
It's not like I'm ugly, I'm pretty cute and I'm thin. I am older than these girls, but he's almost 30 and I'm 26. I take care of him and risked a lot coming here. Am I wrong to not want to put up with this?
Please advise a bit more than "dump immediately and leave." It would take a bit of work for me to leave.
No. 61498
>>61497Typos, sorry
*the casually talking to other girls thing
*Then he sent a message TO ME on Discord saying,
No. 61499
>>61497Dump him immediately and leave. Seriously, you're not going to salvage this. He clearly has no respect whatsoever for you, play with you. What are getting from this? Not even free rent ffs, he's treating you like his personal maid.
Start saving if you don't have enough to move right now, but you need to leave. It's probably going to get even worse with time.
You're 26, you're still young. Leave before he turns you crazy and bitter.
No. 61502
>>61499Well, he does pay rent though. The agreement upon moving in was I WOULD be his personal maid in order not to pay rent, so that's my own fault. I guess the amount I pay for groceries is almost equal to rent in some places.
I already do feel really resentful and bitter, so that's unfortunate. I want to save but I had a fainting spell before I moved and my savings are a bit drained from hospital bills. I'm a wreck, anon.
>>61500I don't know, I really used to love him.
>>61501Where did I say I know him from 4chan?
No. 61507
>>61502What the fuck, Anon.
Please, please listen to your friends. Leave that complete fuck up of a person. You don't deserve that horrible pain. There is no way to help him. Please move out to your own place, and cut off all contact.
No. 61509
>>61502Maybe start drawing a time-line about getting yourself out of there. Set the amount you can save per week/month, check how much it would cost to move. Can friends or family help you, money wise, lend you a little?
I know it's hard to leave, it seems easier to mend what's already here but he sounds like a total ass. You're probably going to regret it if you waste years with him, he cheats on you the whole time ('cause yeah, he's cheating) and set your life back. You deserve better than to be a maid waifu he can't even show respect to.
No. 61512
>>61507>>61508>>61509He's yelling at me rn because he thinks I misplaced a Sharpie, lmao. He was the last one who even used it.
As for the food, well, someone recommended it to him around that time and he wants to stop putting unnecessary growth hormones into body, but yeah, I see where you're coming from.
I can always move back into my family's house but that feels shameful. I've always thought in my back of my mind that I will move back home at the end of year if something bad happens or if things don't change. My money situation is not where I'd like it to be, but I do have an okay support network at work and at home.
Thanks for the advice everyone.
No. 61544
>>61512Can I ask why you decided to shack up with a dude you aren't married to while having your own place to stay?
What does a guy say to you that makes you just up and leave a perfect set-up?
No. 61568
>>61502ugh, never let someone hold money over you in a relationship. thats more of a roommate thing, like being short on your part of rent or something.. but a relationship is about support, and if it was agreed that you would take care of some things and they are, then there is no need to start bitching about shit.
that was a situation i was in for years, not having a job or having something part time but i never made enough, and when i wasnt working, i never did enough to make up for the fact that i wasnt bringing in as much as my ex. the love was gone. it was always an argument about how i could do better around the apartment. the floors were never clean, i left a cup in the sink and so that meant i never did the dishes enough. the food i cooked was never good enough, despite having culinary training.
he was also chatting up other chicks, sexting and sending and requesting nudes all the time. he even tried to hook us up with swingers in the area without me knowing.
your bf sounds awful and has little respect for your or your relationship.
No. 61575
>>61568Right. I have the money, I guess, but it makes saving hard. And it wasn't what we agreed upon on moving in so it's frustrating.
Do you think your ex had a sex addiction? Sometimes I wonder about mine. That swinger thing hits a nerve… My bf is really interested in threesomes, and because I did it a few times, now he thinks that I can't not do it again. But my jealous is so high, I feel insecure about doing anything with another girl.
No. 61576
>>61561It sounds like he has an issue about sex/penetration that might be hard to approach. If he's caring for you in many other ways of your relationship but the sex isn't coming along, it might be a personal issue. I think you're right to question it.
Most people feel that sex with their partner is a natural and healthy form of expression, and if he's not taking it there with you, it certainly seems like something else is lingering in his mind. I would first try to initiate things explicitly like, definitely try to start with him – and if he's not interested or just moving because he has to, I would try to talk it out with him if you guys are communicating well esp. if it's a longer-than-4-months relationship.
No. 61580
>>61561Where you two virgins or sexually inexperienced prior to dating one another?
Maybe he's scared of pregnancy or it's like what
>>61576 is saying
No. 61594
>>61575He might have a sex addiction; either way, he's not respecting you or your relationship. It seems like he's trying to make saving money hard, and he doesn't want you to have the means to leave.
>>61576>>61580Thank you. Neither of us are virgins, but we're also not super experienced. I've talked to him a bit about it, but nothing has come of it. He's probably not scared of pregnancy; the BC method I chose was something we both talked about and we liked that it was especially effective.
He always sidetracks me when we get intimate, and positions me so I can't do things for him. He makes sure I get off, and makes it impossible for me to reciprocate, though I've expressed a sincere desire to do so. Whenever I try to do anything about this, he kind of resists in a playful way, but he really is much bigger than me so there's not much I can do, and I don't want to force him into anything that makes him uncomfortable. I feel stuck because I have to be assertive to even get a chance to get him off, but that's not what turns him on at all (it doesn't come naturally to me, but I really like to make him feel good). If I'm pinned down moaning, he's rock hard, but the moment I try to do anything it goes away. We've talked a bit about technique, and he's been telling me more what he likes, slowly, which I really appreciate. It took time to get to that point and it's a relatively new development. He's always been very patient with me, and I am happy to be patient with him, because I care about his feelings, but not knowing what's going on is hard and it turns me into a crazy person full of self-doubt. I know he's making an effort to communicate more with me (instead of just listening, which he's really good at) so I'm doing my best to listen and encourage him to keep doing that. If he needs to go slowly with that, it's okay. I guess I'll keep trying to expand communication with him so he can become more comfortable talking to me about that sort of thing, and I'll try to express more clearly that I'd rather he not be so very selfless when we fool around. He seems like he's willing to work through it with me, but that he has a hard time opening up with intimacy.
No. 61650
>>61594>If I'm pinned down moaning, he's rock hard, but the moment I try to do anything it goes away.This just sounds like erectile dysfunction to me. He's obviously attracted to you if the moaning gets him hard and he's obviously capable of an erection, but something psychological kills the mood when it comes down to sex. It sounds situational, like the actual physical act of penetration is what ruins it for him.
> he has a hard time opening up with intimacyIf he struggles with communication and intimacy then that kind of thing can cause anxiety, which is a big cause of sexual dysfunction.
Maybe sex therapy would help?
No. 61818
>>61815a few years, this is the first time I ever had something like this happen, besides him going somewhere and refusing to tell me, which is fine if he wants to keep stuff to himself, it's just WHY he needs to lie or refuse to tell me things that concern me
I'm not saying he is cheating, but it is suspicious, I know if he does that it may not be cheating, but it is suspicious considering he goes to bars a lot and tells me about when girls try to get with him, what else could he be doing talking to someone late at night that he doesnt want me, his girlfriend to know about?
No. 61914
>>61911Lordy fuck what is it with anons being so harsh in these types of threads lately.
Ffs obviously her problems are bigger than worrying about how her self-respect appears low to an internet stranger at the moment.
And I love that there's no mention of the bf cleaning in your post, as if he didn't contribute to at least half of the presumed mess. Meanwhile he gets to party and you deem it fit to make a punching bag out of op for being too upset in an unfair situation to clean. Ridiculous.
No. 61916
>>61914Her self-respect is low regardless of anyone witnessing it or not. And it is an important thing in her life, as it is an integral part of self-love.
Her bf cleaning or not is also secondary to her self-care. If she cared for herself enough, she wouldn't let herself live in a pigsty, period. If her bf is part of the reason that place is a pigsty, she should dump bf because he is hindering her, and living like a human being is more important and preferable to living like a pig with another pig.
No. 61919
>>61917She's so ashamed of what her place looks like, she can't call her friends to come over even though she's lonely.
She, unlike you, has enough shame and awareness about her situation.
Sadly, she has more respect towards those other people than towards herself. She wouldn't subject them for a few hours to what she subjects herself day after day.
No. 61920
>>61919It doesn't mean she should beta out and clean up that pigsty by herself.
You're the type of person who's obviously never lived with a messy bf, relative, or child and felt that kind of burnout. Count your lucky stars and consider that the way she feels about herself, including that cleaning situation, is directly due to the bf being absent from this picture.
He needs to come back and be present for that anon, as well as for his share of the cleaning.
And my apartment is clean, tramp.
No. 61966
>>61964Anon i feel you handled that really well - i wouldnt have even had the strength to tell my bf it was his choice, i probably would have flipped right out!
So I totally understand where you're coming from. It's not unreasonable, getting a lapdance etc is genuinely disrespectful to you. He probably doesnt want to pull out of the event with his friends but if he really values you, I think he would respect your wishes.
I really don't think it's insecure/jealous looking if you tell him that's disrespectful and would hurt you, at all. Anyone would feel that way, I imagine he'd feel the same about you.
Let me know what happens anon <3
No. 61968
>>61424i've been there too. it fucking sucks. the best advice i can give you is i swear to god you absolutely will find someone else, i swear on everything that you will. it's inevitable.
I advise you to either stop looking at his social media, or look at it enough to HATE him. I did that and it totally worked, no lie.
I also cried in the shower a lot, so maybe give that a try too.
No. 61988
>>61980He does it on his facebook, so all his friends can see it? Honestly, even if he was single that sounds nasty af fam, talk to him and ask him to just put that shit in a fap folder and don't advertise it to all his friends.
I mean you just gotta bite the bullet and ask about it.
>>61497Idk I'm petty as hell.
Tell him to stop and it's an ultimatum. If he says no start flirting with guys on the internet. Install tinder on your phone, swipe yes to lots of dudes and text them. Maybe send a couple of nudes, and say it's just for fun, it's not cheating. Just start moving on from him now. Make fun of how your boyfriend doesnt even know, and maybe "accidentally" send him a message saying "lol your's is bigger than my bf's" or smth.
Also, start thinking about how to get out of there, find a plan as to how you can move out.
This is never going to work out.
No. 62022
>>61980Letting him look at other women like that especially publicly is letting him disrespect you. You deserve better, tell him to cut it out.
The hot guys approach is immature but if you think he would kick up a fuss over that then he should respect how you feel.
No. 62028
>>61497>mfw this makes me so mad to read esp since I caught my bf chatting with lewd girls recently as wellBtw–why does he have to eat every 2-3 hours? Does he have a medical condition?
Anyway anon, just confront him about it.
This is a form of cheating, albeit more emotional.
The worst that happens is you begin the breakup process, and would it be so different? There's animosity between you.
Don't let him brush this off.
Don't let him tell you that it's in your head.
State the ultimatum.
If he gives you shit, I'm sorry to say, but brainstorm ways to leave.
No. 62107
>>44733Insecure as fuck and that's why I'm looking for guys in their late 20s early 30s.
I've had enough bs and don't want to feel like their mom.
sage cause I'm replying to a 5 month old comment
No. 62127
>>61988>>62014>>62022Thank you anons, is the first time something like this happened. I asked him yesterday about those fb pages and it seemed like he wasn't even aware of it. Idk if someone from his office liked the pages to "prank" him or whatever, I'm going to believe him on this. I feel kind of dumb feeling so uncomfortable he hasn't disliked them yet.
>>62058Is a horrible feeling when your own bf tells you how you aren't enough for him. It's not worth it anon, you should dump him. I'm sure you can find a better guy. I don't think open relationships work well, if he ever catches something, you'll be getting it for sure.
No. 62346
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>Boyfriend still hasn't proposed after 9 years together. not that I want him to now
>Boyfriend has kids and lots of baby mamma drama.
>He has full custody but is always being taken to court.
>Baby mama harasses me a lot too. I had to block her in every way possible.
>Feel like a single mom a lot of the time though because his schedule causes him to be away from the home every other week.
>Expected to do all the household shit, carting around his kids everywhere, and still work a full time job.
>Feel more like a roommate/nanny he fucks instead of a partner.
>Not even a priority in his life. Never does anything for me.
>Haven't been on a proper date in over 2 years.
>Takes out his stress on me by being dickish and getting mad at me for stupid shit that's not even my fault.
>Try to talk to him about issues but it's like talking to brick wall.
>The more I push to have some sort of discussion the more defensive he gets.
>I blow up at him and he just asks what I want him to do.
>Tell him what changes I need.
>Half-asses it and goes back to doing nothing again.
>Cycle repeats indefinitely.
>Feel miserable everyday.
>Feel like I die a little inside everyday.
>Feel bad about leaving him to deal with all the kids drama and house stuff.
>Cry almost everyday.
Help me out here anons. I want to leave my 9 year relationship but I haven't done it yet because I feel too guilty. He's got a lot going on but I'm barely a shell of my former self here. I have zero support. All of my family lives out of state and the only friends I have are online or are his friends too/first.
No. 62353
>>62302Mine does this. It's really hard, because he'll say awful things and it makes me want to hurt him as well. You don't want to give in and be nice because he's such an ass.
Say things like:
- "You're hurting me." (Sometimes they can be past of the point of caring. Mine doesn't like when I talk about my feelings when he's mad.)
- "I love you, I want this to work."
Don't use "you" blaming phrase, though.
Sometimes, if you just want the fight to end, do something caring, such as make him some tea, bring home a treat, cook something nice, do something for him he likes.
>advice I don't take because I don't want to be nice to my asshole boyfriend. No. 62354
>>62346While I understand that he has kids and drama because of it.
The other stuff you've mentioned are valid reasons to leave him. I don't think I need to write a huge paragraph trying to convince you to leave him by pointing out the things you've said already.
Either buckle up and deal with him not appreciating you or putting effort into his relationship and be in the backseat for the rest of your life or leave and get some self respect and peace.
You know what you need to do.
No. 62361
>>62346It's hard to leave someone after getting used to them for that long, I mean it's scary as absolute fuck, don't get me wrong- But you're going live your life this way until you fucking die if you don't leave. His bad decisions and kids aren't yours. Stay with a close online friend for awhile after if you can manage if you're scared of being off on your own, and start enjoying life again. There's no reason to stay where you are if everyone you know is out of state anyway. I've been in a similar spot and a well off online friend had me stay with them for six months, it was cash as fuck.
Even if every thought you have is telling you you can't, they're just thoughts. You control your actions. Good luck, you can do it.
No. 62363
>>62362The people fighting for yor attention are the people who you can control the most.
Realize your power.
No. 62373
>>62365Yeah, Hell becomes cosy when you've lived there long enough. But don't stay there forever. What a senseless waste of a human that would be.
All you need to do is take the plunge. It's scary, like all changes are. But fear not change when it is for the better.
Do it. Close your eyes and jump. A life devoid of crying everyday awaits when you land.
No. 62392
>>62365Keep the job, it's good money fuck the fact that he's in a different department you can still avoid him.
You have your life to live, you've spent almost a decade with him, that's more than enough time to be loyal to someone who treats you like shit. Just leave him.
No. 62405
>>62373I'm not the Anon you're advising, but your post is beautiful and applies to my relationship, too. Just.. thanks. I needed that today.
Sage for feelspost~
No. 62422
I'm not sure if this is the right place because my boyfriend and I broke up, but oh well.
We broke up about a month ago, after a slew of insults (from his end) and LDR taking a toll on us. I took it really hard even though we had only been dating for 1.5 years. I deleted him from everything except my contacts in my phone. My period never came so I kept it just in case ha.
Anyways, he started texting me about a week ago. At first I didn't respond, but I caved because I know he doesn't have friends nearby and I was the main person he spoke to. He apologized for a lot of the things he said and basically wished for me to do well without him.
I wanted to keep it text-based only, but he's been calling me a lot this week already. He'll constantly say things like he misses my voice, talking to me, etc and reach out to me when he has a bad day because he thought of our failed relationship. But then he'll change the subject and talk about girls he's met and hung out with and how there's so many pretty girls where he's at. And I'm just like ?????????? that fucking hurts because the breakup is still fresh, like c'mon.
I think my ex knows I'll always be there because I can't turn away if someone I know is feeling down, and I think he's abusing it. It's like the emotional support of being in a relationship, without being in a relationship. Sometimes it hurts to talk to him because I feel it's giving me a false sense of hope. But not talking to him hurts just as much.
TL;DR. Bf and I broke up; still reaches out to me for emotional support. Tells me he misses me and wants to talk to me, but proceeds to tell me about all the girls he's hung out with too. Don't know what I should do to feel better about this situation.
No. 62426
So I have been dating a guy LDR for around 9 months now. Overall our relationship was pretty great even for LDR. I never felt unloved, uncared for, we spent a lot of time together.
Recently he started to get kind of short with me on things and I know he was stressed over his shitty job. So I cut him some slack. He started to randomly not text me for a day or two which kind of worried me. I felt kind of hurt by that.
At first, I was thinking maybe he was BSing me and just didn't want to date anymore so I sent him a bunch of messages. He read them and didn't reply. So I actually kind of went crazy on him. I texted him he is wasting my time, that I wasted so much time on him, that everyone was right about him, he just used me etc etc and I was done with him. He just said ok goodbye lets break up, and immediately starting drawing on Instagram. He actually almost non stop streamed drawing and painting for almost two days right after that argument. After I told him I was done, I had deleted him off everything already.
He messaged me on twitter saying thank you for everything and eventually telling me he was sorry and that he loved me. He started to talk again and he started to open up about some things with me. we probably talked for a good 4 hours that night.
He later told me he was stressed from us talking so much (we would spend hours and hours together daily each day). He revealed to me that he doesn't need to see his girlfriend that often or even talk a lot, he likes to do a lot of things on his own and alone. He told me he loved me and wants to move in with me as soon as he can (he is paying off some debt he has first) and has even told me he would marry me in the future (we were pretty serious from the start, we both were looking for potential marriage partners at this point in my life,). He told me he wants to live together but he wants more alone time as well.
At first I started to think it was a cop-out, maybe he wanted to break up but didn't know how to say it. But he is pretty outspoken when he is upset/feels like he wanted to break up so I don't really think this is it.
I also started thinking maybe he is spending time with other girls but when we are not talking I either know 100% he is sleeping or doing playing games on xbox since I have seen him playing games. He also has been painting a lot and he live streams his drawings on instagram so I have seen him doing that as well. I even spoke to some of his close friends who confided in me that he has either flat out not talked to them for months or just spends a lot of time alone.
My relationship with him is harder now, but ever since we talked about this issue we were having, he has made a big effort in talking more, he texts me everyday for hours and will always send me a good morning and a goodnight ( I told him how much this means to me when we talked about we broke up). It's slowly improving and I'm feeling really hopeful, ever since we shared how we both felt we both have been putting more effort in. I told him I felt like maybe he just wanted to use me for nudes and he has been respectful and hasn't asked me for sexual things for a while although occaisionally we talk about sex things but never intensely which makes me feel better ( he told me that he does masturbate to things ive sent him before but that I don't need to worry about sending him things if I dont want to or if im uncomfortable, he said you are always thinking I only want your body but I want all of you, everything about you and I want to show you that).
Anyways I don't really know why I wrote all this stuff since it's pretty much resolved now. But I wanted to share it with someone. I haven't really been with a guy who has been so understanding and actually putting in some effort especially in a LDR. We have had our problems but after any argument or "breakup" we have had I feel like our relationship becomes stronger if that makes any sense. We are both bad about sharing feelings but slowly we have become more and more open with them.
I hope we can stay together for a long time, he really is the love of my life.
No. 62444
>>62440I'm similar to anon's bf, I like having my space and own time, and have been in an LDRish thing with a guy who was very needy for attention. It was very difficult because no matter how hard I tried it always felt like he just needed more and more attention and when I was just being myself he would fly off the handle and think I was chatting up other dudes or becoming disinterested in the relationship. It's not a compatible situation at all.
>>62426 maybe instead of making your bf text you for hours, how about trying to back off and let him paint on stream for once? tbh it sounds like you need to be more understanding, not him.
No. 62570
>>62440>>62444I didn't "make" him text for hours I meant like we talked about our feelings for a while after we had an argument.
I made it seem like we text for hours on end daily, but I meant we text throughout the day sometimes, like x10-15 texts, could be done like every few hours kind of thing.
We now text occasionally a few times a day, some days we texts others we don't and I'm fine with it. We send good morning/ good night x4 a week and sometimes we text after he is done doing his drawings.
I just thought he was the kind of person who wanted to talk all the time, so I was first worried about how he felt about us when he stopped.
But now that we have talked about it I feel secure and happy in our relationship, I love having me time and I'm sure he does too.
>>62436we both talked about how much we love each other and we wanted it to work out, so we are giving it another shot. Giving him space has made me happy too, now I get to see my friends again and go out which was really limited before. I felt bad about saying "I want to go out" before but now I can do what I want and he can do what he wants too.
No. 62916
>>62842>Long post ahead:I'm sure having sex with him proved you're interested lol, but he clearly isn't interested in anything more than sex if you feel like you're being clingy and he's stopped frequently talking to you. He's just not interested now he got what he wanted, as cliche as that sounds.
Also agree with
>>62875 as to how can you have sex with someone you aren't even dating, or even established anything on a romance level to be questioning if he knows you're interested in him or not and don't feel comfortable enough to text . I read on some chad board (probs reddit kek) 'men' said that having sex doesn't actually cause men to lose interest, they just weren't actually interested in a relationship from the start if they stopped talking to you afterwards and from the start had decided they wanted you for sex and that's it, their minds were made up. Meaning even if you didn't have sex straight away they still wouldn't magically want to date you because of it, or if they did want to date you and you had sex with them in the first 20sec of meeting they still would want to date you. women majority of the times standards for man they'd have sex with is synonymous to man they would have relationship with, and are quite closely linked (most of the time). men however it's a big difference and the standards of what they'd shag is far lower than that they would actually have a relationship, meaning if you're good enough to have sex with, it doesn't mean you're anything near good enough for them to date and they are no way related.
Sorry if it sounds horrible but I don't want to get your hopes up so you chase after and wait around for a guy not interested in you, building up his ego as he moves on to the next with no regards to your feelings. Move on. You can't force someone to be interested in you, but trust me if he is he will message you first. And nothing you could have done could have prevented how he felt or what he wanted to do, however not sleeping with him could have only saved your own sanity.
>TLDR; >try be glad u got shag,>cuz that might be all you could bag. No. 62931
>>62918go out with friends. find a new hobby?
i've used a hypnose app and it helped me a lot :)
No. 62949
>>62927dump him
mostly for not listening, but also because he's a grown ass man playing fucking runescape
No. 63017
>>63014A grown man flipped you the bird because you didn't want to look at some stupid thing he made? What a man baby.
I know exactly the kind of guys you're describing. I hate them too. And if they get too annoying or pushy like in your case, I let them know it. Just outright tell your your boyfriend you don't like his stoner friends. You don't want to hang out and there's no reason you need to be buddies with them when they also don't really care that you're there either. They way he's probably going to react isn't good though. Have you considered breaking up with him? If his friends are like that, that's usually a good sign he has the same values as they do. Birds of a feather flock together..
No. 63022
>>63014>Birds of a feather flock together>Show me your friends and I'll show you who you areThese are sayings that appeared over all cultures and lasted centuries for a very good reason. No need for you to struggle to learn this lesson when millions before you and around you went through the same.
This can only go two ways:
- Either you hang around, complaining and trying fruitlessly until your bf leaves you for your constant bitching
- Or realize you are two different worlds, leave him and his posse, and go find someone who is on your own level
Choose wisely. You know what's the right choice. Don't fool yourself you can make it work, no matter how much you love him. A square will never fit into a round hole.
No. 63227
>>63177The only thing you can do to stop the obsession is to decipher where these feelings are coming from. Sure you objectively think this person is trash but again, why? Without being capable of figuring out the specifics, you'll often find yourself in a cycle of feeling swept up by your own emotions and not understanding why.
Do you feel sympathy for this person? Do you find they behave in a shitty manner to attract love, attention etc? Do you relate to their behavior? What attributes about said person keep swirling in your thoughts? Maybe you are insecure and their confidence is attractive to you or vice-versa.
Learning about what attracts or repulses you within other people will reveal a lot about yourself and whether you're ready to pursue romances for the right reasons.
No. 63304
>>62426Hey anon, I know this is a late response but I'm basically in your BF's shoes. He was the one who is in a shitty situation (hated job, family issues) and he got really mad at me when I grew distant after similar issues (school, family). I think I've started to resent my bf because I just don't feel like I can be normal around him anymore; I'm a loner, we were in a similar situation growing up with older siblings who over shadowed us. Except his mother showered him with him being the youngest as everyone else left for college. So he always felt like he never got anything. While I didn't get any attention at all because I had a brother with special needs and another one who is just the oldest and also male which is more valued by my parents.
He craved attention, I don't really enjoy attention when I'm stressed out and anxious. So he yelled at me a few times when I didn't give him attention… it made me like him a lot less. I just couldn't deal with it. I don't even know if our relationship will last; I'd love for it to go well but there are other issues I can't ignore.
I wish the best for you and your boyfriend, I hope he doesn't resent you like I do my own bf.
No. 63321
>>63227>>63277They are 100% trash . They are manipulative , narcissistic and enjoy playing head games ( they actually admit playing head games when confronted but doesn't see anything more of it than just a little bit of fun ) . He hasn't done anything bad with intentions of hurting me to make me hate him but he is playing mind games to make me chase him and I can say when I did run after him he walks away until I lose interest then he plays them again , so for that reason I do hate him but I still have a really bad crush which seems to be getting worse and it is annoying . He is interested in me but on a sexual level even though we did talk normally as well ( I have since stopped messaging him but he likes all my posts and photos still ) but bcus of his narcisism I know he is incapable of any feelings towards me ( or others for that matter ) or any empathy at least . I'm also not stupid enough to think I can be the one to change him or he might like me deep down because he's a full blown narcisist and they only like themselves that's that . So I just want to move on and stop thinking about him or wishing they were able to like me . Some times I do wonder if I am a masochist or some thing and that's why my crush is getting worse and worse knowing I can't have it and must keep away because he will purposely toy with me .
>>63232I have actually tried this and I'm still doing it . I guess it's a slow process therapy kek .
No. 63355
>>63353Just have an honest chat with him and try to figure out both of you's needs. You seem like you desperately need more attention from him when you're having a hard time but it reads like he also appreciates his 'guy-time' with his friends.
Do you feel like he's not 'pulling his weight' in the relationship? Do you feel like you're doing more than he is?
No. 63358
>>63351>>63352>>63354I'm so annoyed with it. Next time he does it I'm going to straight up ask him what he's hiding on it that's so damn important for me to not see.
I just feel "needed" in this relationship, not wanted.
Without me he'd suddenly have no car, no furniture, no roommate to split bills, no supportive family whatsoever (from my parents, his family are leeches), no person to cook, clean, etc.
Plus he's always had a lot of female friends, but I feel for a guy to have so many, that's low key him getting an attention supply. I ignored my orbiters because I'm in a relationship and they're irrelevant.
The other night I read a conversation between him and a girl who I'm acquainted with, and I guess some guy at a bar got jealous of my bf because he thought they were dating. It doesn't speak badly on the girl (she even told bf she told that guy off because that's what 'good friends' do, kek) but it just goes to show how he acts super date-y around these chicks.
I chalk it up to his mom being an absolute cuntfest, so maybe that's why he wants so much female approval constantly. But ugh, it's doing a number on me and it hurts my self-esteem.
No. 63526
>>63523You just have mismatching sex drives. It happens especially if you're on birth control since it affects your libido.
Don't make it so he always has to ask. Surprise him one day, maybe he'll appreciate it more and put him in a 'quality over quantity' mindset.
No. 63618
>>63526>combat the problem of your whiney sex entitled husband by just having sex with him before he can whineThis is some backwards Cosmo level shit
>>63523Maybe you guys need to have an honest discussion. You really don't owe him sex, but him hiding his advances as jokes is a bad sign as he should feel confident enough to ask for it earnestly and should also be able to take you saying no without him being a baby about it. For some people sex is a vital part of relationships, if there's an imbalance there then something needs to be done whether it's no fap/porn from him, some small consensual effort on your part to explore what might get you going or worst case scenario you might just not be suited to a monogamous LDR with each other. You both should be able to talk about this stuff like a normal adult without him whining.
I'm the sex pest in my relationship and when it starts to feel like I'm whining, I now just ask for a clear rejection before distracting myself with a hobby
No. 63634
>>63358Yeah, you answered why he's still with you. Not because he wants to, but because you provide him with things: car, furniture, money and you cook and clean. You should really end it and move on. It's better for you in the long run and you will find someone that appreciates you and that you can trust.
(My boyfriend and I know each others passwords; not that you need to, but we definitely trust each other and it makes me feel comfortable tbh.)
No. 63635
>>63523Talk to him about it. If it's really mostly because you're stressed maybe you can find a solution for it such as that he could do more housework so you don't have to. I felt this way and my boyfriend offered to clean and cook for me so I can relax more and it definitely helped. Maybe you can also consider going away for a weekend together.
If you just don't want to, that's not your fault but you should still have an open conversation about it.
No. 63671
>>63670First realize that you are not your boyfriend. You don't have to have fun doing all of the same things because you're not the same person. Then think of what you DO like. Do you like books? Go visit a library or find an old hole in the wall bookstore. Like art? Go visit some galleries. You gotta find what YOU enjoy.
I love wandering around the art museum but my husband finds it boring. We do it together, and we go to the concerts he likes together that I don't like. It's compromise.
But if you're not doing what you enjoy, why do you expect to have fun doing it?
You're not abnormal for having different interests, anonchan
No. 63680
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>>63635This is good advice. Try using the words"for me," as in, "while I do the dishes, could you please clean the counter for me?" For some reason, adding "for me" makes men more willing to help out.
No. 63823
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>>44548Disclaimer: I'm retarded when it comes to guys and their feelings
At the moment I have only one guy friend and for like the last two years I've known him we've both been completely platonic and it's been great. I finished my first year of uni (we go to different universities) and now that I'm back in my hometown, me and my guy friend hang out a lot and I'm starting to like him as more than a friend and I have no clue what to do. My other friends think we'd be really cute together so that just gives me even more dumb hope.
The thing is, when we hang out/text, this dude tells me about all of his girl problems, insists on being my wingman, and we always joke about me being a closeted lesbian (he knows I'm not, but it's a joke from hs). Am I right in saying that I've already fucked myself into making him see me as nothing more than a bro-friend? For most of this summer I was convinced he only saw me as a friend, so I didn't act on my feelings or do anything- but sometimes I feel like he might be dropping hints? Like last time we hung out I drove him back to his house and he made no effort to leave the car and I was showing him shitty videos and now I'm wondering if he was trying to make a move and I totally blew him off bc I wasn't paying attention. Or maybe I'm just retarded and projecting things that aren't really there?
Sorry I know I sound retarded, but my girl-friends don't like talking about this stuff so you guys are the only ones I can ask
No. 63982
>>63980I feel you. My boyfriend is in law school. It is not even worth it for me to try to argue with him because he can always win. It's a waste of time, seriously. I say "OK you win" and then I do something productive to get my mind off of it. It's not that big of a deal to me anymore I know it's just his nature. I am going to get us couples therapy down the line though before we move into our new place. I think every couple would benefit from therapy. Even just watching you tube videos on how to communicate with your partner can be helpful I think. Been trying that well see how it goes. Let me know if you ever find a solution.
Like does he at least hear you out before he is arguing back? Or does he dismiss everything you say?
No. 63988
>>63980>>63982Ugh my bf is extremely argumentative. He seems like to try to make an argument out of anything because he likes to argue; it's so fucking annoying. I usually just say "fine, whatever" and leave the conversation when I realize that he's roped me into another argument. Sometimes even if I cede his point he keeps going, I literally have to walk away. He just can't stand not being right, like he wants to be the smartest guy in the room.
Though one time I did turn the tables on him using one of his tactics and that left me feeling smug af the whole day.
No. 64002
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my gf is SUPER sensitive. she takes any type of criticism as if people were trying to just hurt her feelings. she dismisses everything, refuses to get into arguments, etc. then six months later she'll be like "omg but anon remember when you said this and that so mean omg but i didn't say anything at the time tho bc i wanted to use it to play victim later :(". i've talked to her about this multiple times and she always goes "ok sorry i'm going to change" but never does. she has no spine. it can be exhausting…
anyways, she totally has cooties and has made me get that shit like four times its pissing me off. i always get rid of them in a matter of days, why the fuck doesn't she? she's a grown ass woman wtf. how do i tell her to clean her fucking hair without hurting her feelings? its SO GROSS, GIRLS. but i legit can't think of how to confront her about it without being a dick
No. 64003
>>63823well there are only two options, either he realized your feelings and tries to let you know he's not interested (wingman shit) or he IS interested in you and is teasing and provoking you, because you're too passive and he can't get a response in a different way…
I know saying something straight-forwardly is sometimes too hard, so I would advise dropping hints: next time when he makes some lame joke about you being gay just jokingly say no…, you're actually realizing you're not. When he proposes being your wingman, say thanks but you have to decline, because you need to deal with some feelings.
Even if he's not interested, this may make him realize you're a girl. A woman. You can fall in love, you can desire. It really makes a guy think (see, he may be doing the same with talking about girls to you.)
Good luck~
No. 64014
>>64002I'm confused this post. Is this a troll or are you talking about lice, like
>>64009 says? Why are you calling them cooties? Are a child?
No. 64096
>>64002Lmao sounds like i am your gf.
Im starting crying and have a breakdown when my bf tells me i should cook or clean up or just to not lay in bed all day. It feels like he attacks me on a very personal level. I get a "waaah im just a little poor girl, leave me alone" feeling.
It feels like he is just picking the negative things and never tell me a good thing i have done.
Idk you but maybe you concentrate on the negatives? Even if the positive things are just a few, ALWAYS tell her how good that was.
I can just talk for myself, but being a victim is so much easier.
No. 64160
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Send help, plz. It's a bit long but yeah. This is probably a common situation, but this is the first time I'm going through something like this, so idk what to do.
I was talking to this guy and we were getting romantically involved. I wasn't really ready to settle down with him, or anything… But he wasn't really informed of that yet. I just think he was falling for me harder than I was for him. I was also talking to this girl on the side and being all cute with her and would probably go for her if her life wasn't so messy at the moment.
Anyway, what happened is that out of nowhere I started talking with my ex again (we ended things almost 3 years ago) and, idk, it just happened super fast. I wanna get serious with him again. Now idk how to ditch the people I was talking with, especially the guy. I tried to be kind and kindly tell him I wasn't ready to be with him and that I was confused and that we should stop talking, or just be friends, and he made a drama about it… That he was putting a lot of effort into us… Which I guess is understandable, but I'm such a pussy so I apologized and things stayed the same. Now I am stuck in this non official relationship with him while I just wanna move on with my ex, we have a lot of things to work on in order to have a healthy relationship again, and I need to focus on us. I need to ditch the girl too, and I know she's going to be very sad but won't behave like him.
God, why can't I be straightforward and direct? I feel like I am going to hurt them and I really don't wanna do that because both are going through really shitty things in their lives. But I don't have any other option, right?
Pic is pretty much unrelated. Sob.
No. 64161
>>64160Stop being a self pitying pussy and let them move on. It's great that you know what you want but adults get over this stuff just fine if you don't play games or ghost.
>Sorry but recently something has developed between me and someone and I wouldn't want to lead you on, it's been great talking but I hope you can understandDone.
No. 64514
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Recently my long distance boyfriend developed a nasty infection that usually only occurs alongside chlamydia or gonorrhea. I felt terrible because I thought maybe I had picked it up from my ex and gave it to him, but I got tested for both around the time we started having a sexual relationship, and recently and both are negative. His was positive. Of course he's saying he didn't cheat, and it's just that my super power is immunity from chlamydia.
No. 64523
-I'm in a LTR (~1yr), long distance. When it is necessary to discuss with other people outside of family, neither my SO or I bring up the fact that it is long distance. We both treat it publicly as if we lived in the same area.
-Both he and I are in our early 20s.
-We haven't met in real life (due to financial issues that are improving and are projected to continue improving), but are making serious plans to do so in the near future. :)
-He's currently working a parttime job (physical labour) in order to pay off his family's expenses and save for the next uni year. He's been at that place of work for 4 years.
Anyway, the gist of it is that several weeks ago, a new girl (also early 20s) arrived at his workplace. In her first hour, she got her uniform stuck in one of the machines and my SO helped her by calling for the superior to come down and check it out. From that moment, my SO says that the girl latched onto him (metaphorically) - she even follows him outside during his smoke break, even though she doesn't smoke. According to my SO, the girl has no filter and spilled all of her family secrets to him within only minutes. Within a couple days she admitted that she was very much attracted to my SO, that he was different from the other guys at the workplace, and asked him out.
Now, of course, my SO turned her down. He says that he is trying to make himself as "boring as possible" with only "uh-huh" answers and not inciting conversation, even flat out ignoring her when possible. And obviously he constantly drops the fact that he has a girlfriend and is in a committed relationship, which he did from even before she asked him out. And while most of his workplace "buddies" are encouraging my SO to cheat (they told him, "She (me) is just your girlfriend, not your wife" LMAO), I'm not worried about him - and whatever he will decide to do is up to him.
His workplace has a FB message group in order to organise schedules, and so the girl started trying to slide into my SO's DMs. We had a good laugh about it, and about five days ago it seemed as if the girl had finally understood the radio silence. Then this afternoon, she sent my SO a FB message: "give me your phone number ;););)<3<3<3" He and I were videochatting when he got the message, and came to the conclusion that she most likely wanted to send nudes. He replied that he doesn't have a phone, and then he had to leave for a planned doctor's appointment.
I suppose my question here is not as much related to relationships, but more so curiosity as to this girl's mentality. From a personal standpoint, knowing that my crush was in a relationship has always been a total turn-off for me. There is also the point that she has been flat-out rejected and ignored time and again. I just want to know: what is this girl thinking?
No. 64527
>>64514Idk any ldr that didn't end in cheating tbh…
I think my bf is cheating on me, too. I feel you, that sucks.
No. 64578
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I've been with my bf for a little under 2 years now. I'm his first ever girlfriend.
We like the same things, play the same games, and other than his communication issues everything is fine.
Just sometimes I don't feel attracted to him at all. He has such a cute face but im an inch taller than him, i thought after some time i would get over it but i feel it's getting worse and worse over time.
He often feels bad about how I can't wear cute heels because i will legit tower over him. He bought me some heels that are to DIE for, but they're 5 inches tall and even though i could look past it and wear them i can tell when he brought them home and i tried them on he felt terrible standing next to me while i was looking so far down on him.
I suggested shoe inserts for him but i know if he bought them he would wear them all the time which i guess isn't so bad but he wants the tallest ones which are 4 inches. I would fucking hate to wear 4 inch heels all day and i'm not sure if they compare but it can't be comfortable.
We both want him to be taller i guess but I don't feel like it's good for our relationship to change something like that and ignore it.
No. 64678
Me and my boyfriend of two years are moving into a larger apartment. Since we got a dog, our tiny studio is no longer covering our needs.
He is my first serious relationship, I love him very much and would never hurt him.
Thing is, in order to afford a larger apartment we will need to get a roomate. He asked a couple of his friends and one of them seems pretty down for it.
Thing is, I met that guy around the same time as I met my boyfriend and had fantasies about him for a while now. Most of them involve threesomes with him and my boyfriend, but not always.
My boyfriend is pretty against threesomes and gets jealous. I love him more than anything and would never ever leave him for anyone ever, but I can't help being attracted to that dude. It would feel wrong to see him all day every day, in his underwear etc. Plus, all three of us party and take psychedelics and MDMA occasionally, so you know, shit could happen.
I like him as a friend too, and I think he would be fine to live with. If only I didn't want his dick.
How can I convince my boyfriend to find someone else without giving away the reason or lying? I have no one to propose myself, unless I start looking into near strangers, which is not ideal.
No. 64695
>>64678You can tell him that even though you like this dude, you can't possibly live with a man that's not your bf. You would feel uncomfortable and limited, awkward, cautious. It's understantable, I know plenty of girls who would never ever move in with a (straight) dude, even a friend.
But then you would have to look only for a girl as your roommate lol.
No. 64698
>>64675Okay I would be on his side here, but the
>he says if I don't start being more intimate he can't go onthing really pissed me off.
If he was really The One, you would not be feeling what you do now. I would advise going with your gut; you clearly want out. And no wonder. You're not for him to fuck, ffs. That "if we don't have sex - goodbye" thing is just plain ridiculous and childish. If that's his only response to your problems, then just ditch his ass. You either suppress your feelings and try to work it out or break up. But it doesn't seem worth the hassle. Yeah you may be super compatible, but so are many people. It doesn't mean you'd make a great relationship with them.
I may be a bit drunk but just break up with him and be free and flirt and get your experience, girl. Go go!
No. 64704
>>64675>>64698I think it's actually really good of him put the relationship on ice when something like this hasn't been right, as opposed to bottling it up or giving her more flak about it.
>but anon it's not importantsex life is very important and even if he's not playing 4d chess and is just being shallow/not understanding, he just did the right thing for the wrong reason - she thinks her attraction to him has notably dropped, she's been fantasizing about throwing away her relationship/"best friend" and their mutual friends because she wants to be with someone else just for the sake of it, and she's jealous of her friends for being able to flirt with everyone.
You're both bad at communication. You both seems shallow. You probably should break up.
No. 64846
Ugh I need help with this.
Backstory: I dated a guy in HS who turned from a sweet, smart choir kid into a fuckboy cringe stoner who humped anyone who walked by and posted photos and videos CONSTANTLY of himself smoking pot. Like multiple times a day smoking.
My best friend started smoking, instantly fell into a shit crowd and went from an average good kid into bouncing off with random dudes she's met.
years later, new best friend does basically the same shit, doesn't go to work, just wants to get stoned.
All of this has led me to not want people around me smoking because 3/3 have been bad situations. My boyfriend and I have been dating 9 months, he smoked in the past but stopped but now he wants to start again.
We've been fighting over this for 2 months, and he can't understand me not wanting to be around him when he smokes or wanting him to smoke at all. He swore up and down he wasn't gonna be like the rest, he wasn't gonna be a cringe stoner kid and was gonna keep it private.
He bought a pipe and one of the first things was "I want to post a photo of it." he didn't after I said it was a bad idea and he agreed, and he didn't post.
I told him today that I'd have to stop giving him grief over it and just let him do what makes him happy, but a few hours later he bought a grinder and wants to show how funny the design is and I know he's gonna post it somewhere.
He doesn't even have the money for pot right now but he's gathering up the gear for it. It started out as for his insomnia and it's juts progressed to "I can smoke whenever I want to, don't ruin my high because you have a problem. I don't want to worry that we're going to have problems because I want to smoke."
It's just getting really frustrating that he'll pull the "but you're okay with me drinking" card when I've told him I don't like it when he drinks either.
I read 10 different advice pages and they all basically said "either start smoking or break up bcs stoners want to have fun not deal with lame bitches." But I hate the smell of it and it makes me violently ill, not to mention the past shit history.
I'm just trying to avoid the topic when he brings it up now. Idk what to do.
No. 64847
>>64846Samefag but I realize I'm making this out to be like he's some massive dick who doesn't care about me.
We're long distance so it's not a problem now but I'll be there in 3 months to stay with him and I don't want it to be an issue.
I have major trust issues with cheating due to the asshole stoner guy and another ex of mine, but not my current bf. Up until recently I had access to all of his accounts but I logged out of them because I was driving myself insane thinking I was gonna find some proof of him cheating. I'm always going to associate smoking pot with others as a chance to get high and bang some rando who's there for free weed.
I don't like him smoking, I hate the idea of it, and I also hate the idea of him being able to chat to his female friend about smoking since she smoked too. I just struggle a fuck ton with this. I want him to be able to talk to me about everything but I also just see it as him being a cringe stoner to gush over a stupid pipe and a stupid grinder that he shouldn't have even bought since he's got other things to use that money on.
A lot of this is me being jealous, him being stubborn and us having shit communication. Idk man I just don't want this to go down like everyone else where they swear they're gonna be chill about it, keep it occasional and private and then suddenly they're slapping bong stickers on everything, posting their pipes, posting their piles of cheap weed.
No. 64849
>>64578>>4 inch shoe liftsI-I never heard of these. I'm a 4'11" female. Apparently wearing these with loafers would bring up to the average U.S. female height.
Has anyone else here tried these?
>>Sage for off-topic, but this is pretty cool! No. 64857
>>64578I'm in a similar situation, anon. I met a guy online and we had many similarities in common, we decided to meet up and when we saw each other, we realized we were about the same height (5'4). One of the first comments he made to me was "oh you seemed like you would be shorter" a-ahaha…
I started dressing more feminine over the years and I love wearing wedges now but I feel bad knowing I would be taller. I'm not personally sure what to do since we're still new to each other but since your case is different and you've known each other, it's honestly however you feel and if you feel that is a legitimate reason to cut things off because you do not find him attractive and feeling worse about it so be it I guess but always weigh out the pros and cons of your situation before acting out on them.
>>64849I haven't had personal experience but there was a buzzfeed video about it a few weeks ago if you want to see them in action: No. 64872
>>64846>>64847If I'm being honest he's already pushing you and breaking your rules already. You didn't want him to smoke, so he bought a pipe and grinder. You didn't want him to post and it looks like he might. It seems pretty inevitable at this point that he's going to do it no matter if it makes you happy or not.
If you still want to stay with him you're gonna have to get used to him smoking or let it go. Maybe ask him to smoke when he's in the house at first so he can convince you that he's a "chill" smoker and he's not gonna go out and do anything weird or change.
You said you'd asked other threads about this before but I think you just dont wanna hear the answer which is get used to it or leave
No. 64874
>>64847He sounds young, immature, and cringe. He will probably grow out of this phase, as most of my friends did. Or get arrested (as some of my friends did as well lol).
My advice is either break up, or ask him not to smoke when he's around you/when you visit. That's only respectful since it makes you physically sick. If he can't do that, he's not worth it.
No. 64878
>>64872Oh no sorry anon I wrote that weirdly, I mean that I'd read articles and threads on how to handle a partner smoking when you don't, I hadn't asked anyone else. This is the first time I've spoken to anyone else about it. I wanted to know how to deal with the smell, handle your time together, how to not be angry at it existing and all the advice was basically saying:
"You're gonna either break up or smoke.
You're gonna have to adjust to the smell.
You're gonna end up eating edibles so get used to it.
You're gonna end up waiting around a lot while they get high, get used to it."
It was frustrating that all of the advice was that over and over, saying it's unfair for you to ask them to stop smoking but it's fine for them to ask you to join since you'll be more fun that way.
I ended up getting extremely salty about it tbh. Nothing I looked up did give any real advice, I don't want to make him feel like he has to hide it from me. I just want help on dealing with it.
>>64874Yeah, he's 19 and I'm 23 so it's just an age thing I think. He's in the same spot as my ex was now I think, I hope he doesn't go down the cringe path.
He did agree to not smoke it around me while I'm there, and part of me is praying he'll realize he doesn't need it to relax when I'm there. He was offered it twice by my friend when he visited me earlier this year but he declined because he said he felt perfectly fine without it, he was happy and didn't need it. I gave him permission to but he still declined.
It's only been since he's left and gone back to his shitty family situation that he's felt the urge to do it.
I think it's really just a depression thing for him and I get angry at myself for feeling like I'm not enough to keep him happy and end up lashing out over it. LDRs suck and depression sucks too, but he's definitely worth all the hassle.
He did admit he shouldn't have bought either of the tools for it, he did it on impulse after having to be around his horrible mom all day. I just wish I was enough to keep him happy.
No. 64885
>>64878You're just gunna have to trust him and stop nagging him - you're not his mom and he doesn't need your permission to do things. You just need to work on your own insecurities otherwise you'll end up making him do it more and become cringier out of spite.
>I wanted to know how to deal with the smell, handle your time together The smell will disappear quicker than cigarette smoke, IME. Just establish some agreed upon boundaries i.e. no smoking inside or only smoking at night/after work as a way to unwind?
>I get angry at myself for feeling like I'm not enough to keep him happyI mean.. you know that's not how mental illness works. Why not try and get him to pursue other hobbies when you move in? Find other couples to hang out with, go hiking/biking etc whatever? You're letting your own insecurities cloud your judgement so much that you're coming off as selfish. Just be supportive and trusting but firm with boundaries.
No. 64886
>>64885I just feel frustrated that basically everyone backs him up on this that if he's happy, it's what matters and I have to suck it up. It feels like what I want doesn't matter, and everyone is always gonna defend it from his end. If I'm unhappy I'm the one who has to leave instead of him just finding other things to do than smoke, and there's virtually no compromise on the topic itself. Compromise is me giving in and letting him do whatever he wants even if I absolutely hate it. He wouldn't approve of me going off and popping party pills but I've got to accept his weed.
I guess I'm just mad that he agrees that I'm the one with the issue and I have to get over it without any kind of give on his end.
No. 64892
>>64886What kind of things has he mentioned really bother him that you do? Has he talked about the things he would like you to compromise over, aside from the green issue?
I've smoked for years and it does less than 30% of what it used to when I first started. You should never, ever post anything related to it since it is still illegal in most places.
It is very, very different than popping pills or using coke.
If he's happy, AND able to keep a job AND keep the house tidy AND be a decent human being, then yes, you will have to suck it up. If he was a massive train enthusiast who still saved some money, but thrifted in everything else to afford a massive train station, you're going to need to decide for yourself if you're in or out.
No. 64894
>>64886The thing is, you ARE the one with the issue. I'm really not sure what you expect because you're only argument against it is personal experience and nothing else. Just lay down some ground rules with him such as he shouldn't smoke when you're over, when something important is coming up etc.
You can't just tell him to not do it for no reason and think he'd be okay with it. Especially in a LDR.
It really only sounds like you're upset because you can't have it your way. Try to see the situation objectively. If something happens such as he's increasingly getting to work late/ his performance is slacking you would have an argument. Have some trust in your partner.
>>64893Talk to him about it. Be open. Can you see a health care specialist? It would be good if you could work on your social anxiety and it might make you more comfortable. Could you get some sort of transportation? Do you work? Anything to get you out of the house would probably make the situation better. Yeah, social anxiety and depression suck but it's also getting worse by sitting at home all day and doing nothing. Something to do such as school/ work/ volunteering can make such a big difference (been there). Otherwise maybe try to visit your family and see if you really want to move back or not.
No. 64895
>>64893Get some paper and a pen, because it's time for some 'pro and con' lists.
Social anxiety needs some help, starting with a doctor (if you don't have one). Tell them you'd like to get a referral to speak to someone with the relevant credentials to help with social anxiety, and if necessary, mild medication until you start getting the help you need.
Not owning transportation is, depending on where you are, really shitty or not a big deal. If there are buses, I suggest maybe a library visit or go to the mall, even if it's just to do one full lap of each level and leave without buying anything.
Relationships are…well, books are written, but both people have to put in work. If it's boring and unsatisfying yes you need to think about what he's bringing to the table, but you also need to look at what you bring to it.
Why go back home, what is there that draws you - friends, family, a career? If so, why did move so far instead of trying to find a middle ground, literally. Depending on career finding something else is feasible in a move, others not so much.
What life did you want with him? When you thought about it, is this what you imagined? You said "this isn't the life I wanted", but not 'wanted with him' - do you see your life radically different than this, to the point where you doubt your partner would even consider it?
You don't have your shit together (no one does, but still) - what would help with feeling more together? Is it laundry and household chores that bother you, unfulfilled career ambitions, hobbies or interests you don't have the energy to pursue, ect?
Lastly, consider this - you uprooted yourself from everything you know. You might be going through a grieving cycle, and/or experiencing acute depression that coupled with high anxiety, has gone from "kinda sad, nothing is fun" to full on shut in.
No. 64896
>>64892It's mainly just other women. Like he literally can't fucking see when someone is hitting on him unless they straight up ask for a dick pic. He doesn't realize when he's flirting either and I've had to tell him over and over what things look like from my end when it happens and he gets mad and goes "Well that's not what it is, now is it? you just don't trust me." We've had issues with this a ton as well.
He doesn't have a job, not in school, lives with his mom which is completely understandable as I didn't move out til 21. But I know him, he's lazy af. I don't want pot making him even more lazy and unmotivated in life.
>>64894My issue started that he said it was going to be from his insomnia only, and then it jumped to "I can smoke how much I want, when I want, get over it, stop ruining my high, I can do what I want."
We just had a huge fucking blowup and he's even said if I make him stop smoking he's going to resent me and do it behind my back anyway. there's literally no way to win here so I just had to fold yet again and apologize and take the losing side. It doesn't matter if I'm happy or getting affection or made happy, I just have to churn out affection like a steam engine so he can reflect it back to me.
Now he's all apologetic for "putting me in this shit situation" but he's not sorry at all when we're in the middle of an argument over it and he tells me it's not worth it, he's done, and he's gonna do it anyway. It's only when I stop talking and go silent and stop responding that he's sorry for it.
I'm just tired of this and debating on if it's even worth.
No. 64898
>>64896I mean, if you're really against him smoking, and he's really insistent on smoking you really either have to deal with it or leave.
He's not going to stop or quit for your sake alone no matter how you cut it.
No. 64917
>>64898He hasn't even started yet and doesn't plan to for a while. But we had our fight and it's done but it made me realize we have deep fucking issues in this relationship where if I have issue with anything he does, I just have to get over it.
Don't like him talking to a girl who fucking hits on him all the time? Get over it.
Don't like him playing games all day when we only have a few hours to talk? Get over it.
Don't get to watch movies on the weekends anymore? It takes too much time to set up, but I can play pugb and CS for 6 hours straight, get over it.
Any time we have a problem I'm the one who has to apologize and change my attitude or change what I think, or change what I do while he just says "I'll promise, but it's hard" and then literally makes no improvements at all. Any time he asks me to be honest and promises he won't get mad, I'm honest, he gets mad. I cave and apologize and tell him the answer he wants to hear, he gets even angrier for me caving.
I'm dating a fucking emotionally inept manchild, which at 19 I should have seen it coming, who makes 0 effort in this shit and I'm just tired of having to keep him happy while I'm extremely depressed since it's the 2 year anniversary of my sister's death in 3 fucking days but heyyy I'll just apologize and cave to him so he'll be happy. But oh wait that just makes him mad again. What a great fuckin relationship.
Sorry for the vent about this, it's just getting so tiring and I want to quit.
No. 64920
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>Haven't dated anyone in a year after last relationship ended amicably but mutually
>Really bad at telling if/when people are flirting with me
>New coworker hired
>Very attractive guy
>Into a lot of the same things I'm into
>Shrug it off since apparently he has a girlfriend
>We go on some group lunches and one day just go out for lunch together
>Lunch conversation is very friendly
>Learn his relationship is not only LDR but has soured greatly, sounds like they're about to break up
>Lunch over, he insists on paying for my lunch even after I say something along the lines of guys only paying for girls' lunches on dates
>Doesn't say anything about it not being a date
>Wait, has he been flirting this whole time or is he just being gentlemanly
>Don't know whether to pursue or not
Obviously I wouldn't even want to bring anything up until after they've broken up but I don't know how to interpret this at all.
No. 64927
>>64896>>64917Maybe I wasn't clear. What things do you do that bother him, that he would like YOU to compromise with? If he hasn't really said anything, you might need to back off and stop being naggy.
Yes, he might be lazy AF. To be honest the weed will just exacerbate what was already there, it's not like me or my fiance are rolling in dough and have high power careers. Also, if he's that unmotivated with most things, suggest a career in trades - hands on, never boring, decent money and very little school.
You also went on a tangent about 'being happy' and 'getting affection'. If those are things you're struggling with in the relationship, it isn't the weed. You don't need to churn out affection, no one can do that 24/7 for a person and it's unrealistic to keep it up. Drop that act very quickly otherwise he'll think 'you've changed' once you get more comfortable.
It seems like you're using weed as the scapegoat for your relationship issues. You need to ignore the weed and focus on the problems - him rejecting your point of view, not being happy.
I'm engaged with someone who sells videogames full time, ask me about being with a manchild any day. You need to spell it out sometimes - actually, a lot of the time - like saying "I'm very upset and stressed because of the anniversary of my sisters death. You've made it unbelievably stressful with this argument about weed, while forgetting how difficult this time is for me.
I honestly don't get WHY you hate him smoking weed so much, it doesn't sound like he's a motivated go-getter anyways, if you thought he was maybe your initial impression was wrong.
No. 64928
>>64920Doesn't matter, you work with him. Never. Ever. Dip. Your. Pen. In. Company. Ink.
Trust me on this. I've seen people lose jobs and good ones because of terrible work dynamics from shit like this. Be blunt and ask if he's flirting, and if so you appreciate it but because you're coworkers it can't happen.
No. 64940
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>>64928>mfw almost everyone in my family met their spouses through workI should clarify, we're not in retail or some shit like that where there could be drama. We work in completely different departments and the crossover between those groups is essentially zero.
No. 64950
>>64927You were right, and I hadn't realized it until writing out that vent that we use weed as a way to segue into our actual relationship problems. I mean I'm still uncomfortable with the idea of it and I've explained it to him before and he's made the promise that he won't start doing anything else, and he'll just keep it occasional and chill so we'll just have to wait and see on that aspect.
But we figured out that our big main problems are that the distance sucks, we both end up jumping to conclusions before the other person can even speak, and we're both depressed.
The distance we can't change, jumping to conclusions is something that we have to work on together and we need to have patience and understanding with each other and better communication, and as for us being depressed we both agreed to start working on ourselves and getting into new hobbies and doing things we enjoy.
I'm sorry to have shit up this thread so much with everything, but thank you everyone for your help.
No. 64951
>>64928>>64940Honestly the only time this is an issue is when one of you is in a higher position than the other
Ex: One of you is a manager or a supervisor and the other is an entry level worker.
If you're both entry level workers or, sometimes (depends on how your boss feels) both managers/supervisors it's fine.
I mean my science teacher in 7th grade and in 8th grade were married to eachother and they met at work.
Don't 'dip your pen" only if one of you is higher than the other or if you're too immature to handle a possible breakup while you're both employed.
Obviously OP should be fine.
OP go on the maybe date and just judge it based on how it goes. It should be pretty obvious if it' a date or not when you're actually there.
No. 64952
>>64942>>64951Wait I think I missed this part. I didn't know what LDR meant but i just figured it out.
OP this is a time you need to listen to your gut but at the same time I've been in LDRs and i've been flirty while in the relationship without it meaning anything so it could NOT be a date or he's just seeing what his options are since LDRs kinda suck (No offensive to anyone in them but they do). It's not the same without contact with the other person and he might just be tired of not being able to hold someone, hold their hand, go on dates, etc and that's not a crime. It's just bad if he doesn't break up with his girlfriend when he figures out that, yeah, he's over the LDR thing.
Play it by ear anon, someone's not automatically a scumbag for being lonely and LDRs are a one way ticket to lonelytown if you can't visit one another.
No. 64956
>>64954Sounds like you need to work on your self esteem, anon. If he thought he was too hot for you (or better than you in another way), he wouldn't be in a relationship with you. Even if he is more physically attractive, he's choosing to be with you for a reason - your personality, intelligence, the way you make him feel, whatever it is. Try to see what he sees in you.
It sounds like you're worried about other girls because of your low self esteem, so fixing that should help that worry go away. I seriously recommend you start working on your confidence ASAP to prevent damage to what seems like an otherwise good relationship. Good luck
No. 64962
>>64954I was in an LDR with my bf for a while. My best advice is to work out. When you're not doing anything but watching tv do some sit ups and leg lifts. When you're getting ready to shower take sexy selfies. You can either send it to him or put it on your social media. A huge part of why I was so lacking in self-confidence was because I always looked at girls provocative selfies on social media or even on here but never took any of my own. That will really hurt your self-esteem.
When you feel yourself other people will feel you
No. 64963
>>64962*When you're getting ready to go out
Not shower, but hey if it works for you you can do that too lol
No. 64984
>>64962>>64971I do weightlifting full body 3 times a week, cardio at least 30 minutes a day, and kickboxing twice a week. I also already take selfies to send to him, but I know I am not sexy. My skin is flawless, my hair is okay, and my body is unfixable.
I have no boobs, I have a small butt, big and broad shoulders, big ribcage, I'm the antithesis of sexy. Even before lifting I was flatchested an unattractive. I would have to get surgery to fix that, but I can't afford it financially and I can't take time off from working out.
No. 65050
>>64973nah I knew several men who tracked their girlfriends/wives periods
never knew why but I guess it's to know when to buy them ice cream or know when to fuck
No. 65065
>>64984>I have no boobs, I have a small butt, big and broad shoulders, big ribcageStart bulking and lifting? Everyone can build a nice ass if they try hard enough. Gaining weight can help you get some tit mass as well. (I went from AA to an almost full A cup, it's not much but it still helps.) And you could "even out" your shape a bit.
What you really need is some self confidence.
I know it sucks and hurts, been there, still bugs me sometimes. But you have to have some trust in him, otherwise things will only get worse.
No. 65076
>>65073Ngl I didn't read every word, but what you say is subjective.
What I meant is that anon could try to even out her broad shoulders with increasing the size of her lower body, somehow I doubt she's a THAT lost cause.
No. 65144
>>65140Considering I go there 4 times per week, yes, I have. And I wasn't talking about hips silly. Yes, it's real stupid advice to gain muscle, sure.
It's my last post on this subject.
No. 65150
>>65143I would tell him. This can be incredibly tough on you, emotionally or otherwise, even when you think you are prepared/ are okay with it. It's important to have someone at your side. If you decide not to tell him for any reason, make sure to have a good friend or family member that can pick you up.
But something like this would be a big thing to hide in your new relationship and it's better to tell him now than afterwards.
No. 65192
>>65144>says even out broad shoulders by increasing size of lower(wtf?)>I'm not talking about hips!!!!1What kind of shoulders are broad in side view? If it's broad we're obviously walking about front or back view.
>add muscle to even it out>oh but I kno hips won't get bigger!Dumb bitch that rides the bike at gym and thinks she's a pro because of it.
No. 65279
>>65247I'm kinda like your boyfriend to my boyfriend…
I don't know, like sometimes he says something where I
could ask a question, but I don't really think about it and kinda ignore it, and he drops the topic immediately after that. Then I think it must not have been very important or something and continue on. Sometimes I don't think about it, sometimes I just do not care to pursue the topic. But I think you and my bf just give up too quickly to let the conversation flow. Like just saying statements and expecting questions where you think is a where a question should be is like the opposite of natural and engaging conversation.
No. 65294
TL:DR my boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half and we've never had a fight. Is this weird?
for more context, we do have arguments, we get annoyed and fuck up, but it's never escalated into a me vs him style throwing insults type FIGHT. It's always a conversation about what the other did that was upsetting or possible reasons why we're irritable. They've been very emotional at times, but it's never been anger directed towards the other. If one upsets the other, we talk about it and apologize if necessary, then cuddle and maybe have make-up sex. I just think that we have excellent communication.
However, if I tell this to almost literally anyone else, they always seem to think that it's a bad thing. We don't avoid conflict, it's just never turned into an actual fight. I don't see how that is a bad thing?? when we first got together I was prepared for a fight to happen eventually because we're only human, but it just hasn't. I want to think that other people just don't like hearing that we don't fight because it makes them question the fighting that happens in their own relationships. But I don't give a shit about how much people fight as long as the still respect each other and make up with their partners.I just want to stop being judged for being in a calm stable relationship.
No. 65300
>>65294anyone telling you not fighting is a 'bad thing' is a miserable fuck trying to bring you down with them.
ur rs sounds healthy as fuck. case closed
No. 65322
>>65313Even those aren't a sign of the times unless they happen on a weekly basis. My parents have been married for 35 years and my mum still raises her voice at my dad sometimes when he does something turbo pants-on-head retarded.
Of course if they say something really hurtful to each other or start physically attacking one another it's obviously bad, but just yelling is fairly normal on occasion.
No. 65326
>>44548My bf watches teen porn. I already knew that he was into school uniforms, pigtails, that sort of thing. I was okay with it. Lately he's been watching porn ALL the time even though our sex life is great. I look through his browser history, it's 90% porn. I watched some of it and it kinda broke my heart. 18-19 year old girls as short as children. Dressed up in preteen underwear, getting fucked by their ''stepdads''. None of them looked older than 15. Just like those popup ads that creep you out because they look like child models. That's all he watches.
We're both in our late 20s. We have sex nearly every day and I do everything he wants in bed. I stay in shape and always make sure to look good for him. I don't know if I should tell him that his barely legal porn bothers me. I'm scared that I'll come off as an aging, bitter hag. It makes me sad because I only have eyes for him. I just can't compete.
No. 65335
>>65326break up with him and tell him you want to raise kids and not have them be touched
men like him can be very harmful to kids
No. 65355
>>65326i might get shit on for this but unfortunately this seems very common. i watched a documentary on pedophilia recently that explained sexuality is not black and white where people are only attracted to children or not. unfortunately there is a large gray spectrum of men who can be attracted to adult women as well as teenagers or kids.
another thing is it's not totally weird in our society for grown ass men to think teenagers are hot nor is it uncommon for a lot of porn sites to have shit like "barely legal teen fucked by stepdad" on their main page. i think a lot of the time i see it as a category which means it is THAT popular. people like power over another, people like to touch something that is "pure" and there still exists a mentality, whether a dude realizes it or not, that the less men a woman has been with, the better she is.
so before you attack him for it, remember this is something that is in a sense encouraged by society (like why daddy kink is so popular now is beyond me) and might be worth approaching nicely to make him comfortable enough to get the real deal. if you start off accusatory he may get defensive and honestly if he is in fact mostly attracted to young girls, this will just kick start his shame cycle that'll eventually lead him to offending.
i'm not trying to rationalize this because i also think it's gross and creepy, but i have like 10% hope he falls into insecure creep category rather than secret pedophile
No. 65361
>>65355It's not at all common and the fact that you think it is frankly concerns me. Lots of men I know see them as immature and annoying, even when they're all tarted up. Only a particular subset of men enjoys whacking it to teens, and guys like that tend to also see all women like sex objects and their personal cheerleader-maids regardless of age.
No. 65373
>>65358Is this really someone you wanna be with, anon?
No offense, but does his favorable qualities really outweigh shit like "I can't care about your stress bc MUH ANXIETY"?
He can't even make a bowl of instant oatmeal? Is it because he doesn't know how, or because he doesn't want to? Maybe your next "date" idea should be teaching him how to cook, or cooking together.
Which reminds me–it's a really small thing in the grand scheme yet still–don't consider going to Wendy's a "casual date." For fuck's sake, that's just going to get food. That's no date. And if he's brainwashing you into thinking that's a "date" he sounds like an immature poorfag who just wants to get you to believe fast food is some huge favor.
No. 65377
>>65358You don't
have to be his food slave. Next time he gets hungry just let him starve and whine and get mad or sick until he gets something to eat himself.
Even if you're a really good match otherwise, people need to eat multiple times a day and you should really consider if you can handle this kind of stress at any time of day, on any given day for the rest of the marriage (or your life).
No. 65386
>>65378because it's upsetting putting effort into a relationship you don't get anything out of
it's like if you had some shitty 9 to 5 job where they treat you like crap and didn't get paid
No. 65473
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This is the second time I post in this thread, I feel pathetic
I feel like I'm not fit for relationships, at all, or maybe I just don't do it right (?) lol
All my relationships last about ~5 months, after ~3 months I just start feeling REALLY disgusted with the person I'm with, and also really annoyed with everything they say and start hating little habits they have, etc, even when dating with people whom I've been friends with for years…
I feel like a bad person because of this, because after the breakup I never feel sad and they are always a fucking emotional wreck.
And this is happening rn, I know I will dump my bf soon, I'm just waiting for a while and thinking about what to say.
Do you guys think I should just stop dating? I really don't do this on purpose, I just don't know what happens lol,I also think I might be a lesbian - i've only ever dated men - but that might be completely wrong
No. 65480
>>65473You should probably spend some time being single while you figure things out. Is there a possibility that something deeper is going on? If there is then you need to fix that. You definitely need to figure out your sexuality too - relationships with men are always going to be bad if you're actually a lesbian.
If you've got no underlying issues with your relationships, it may just be that you're a little immature - no offence meant because I am too, and this is the exact reason I can't deal with relationships. Maybe you just need to progress with how you deal with people and your patience etc before you can get into a serious long term relationship.
Either way, don't think you're undateable anon - you're fine, you just need to work on yourself a little
No. 65512
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How do I bring up something to my already very body conscious bf? I feel awful but sometimes he has a bit of a BO issue and I really really don't want to hurt him by bringing it up out of the blue, but sometimes it's just really…obvious.
No. 65530
>>65480I'm attracted to girls so I consider myself bi, but unfortunately never got to the point of dating one so I have no idea.
I think you might be right about me being immature,
I really have no patience with most people and get easily bothered - which I'm aware is shitty, so I try my best to never be rude with anyone because of that, but the feeling is always there. I also feel like the fact that I'm somewhat autistic also plays a role in how bad my relationships end up being, so there's that. I think I'll just do what you said and stay single for a good while. Thanks a lot, anon, really.
No. 65556
>>65512If you want to mollycoddle him you can comment how nice you think a certain brand of deodorant smells, encourage him to buy a new brand or pick one up for him if you can, after he takes a shower comment on how nice he smells
You can level the playing field by being open that you too are a human that has to take steps to avoid body odor. Apply deodorant in plain sight in the mornings, be honest if you're about to take a shower if you feel smelly etc rather than perpetuating the idea that women are odorless beings that don't have to work at it too
It's good to just be open about these things tbh, if his ego can't handle it then how will he deal with other future problems?
No. 65584
>>65494True. I just want to help him with his insecurities, but I guess he really needs to figure it out for himself. I've just never felt so strongly about someone before (and I was engaged).
>>65556>>65512This. When I started to quit smoking, my bf told me how nice I smelled. I know I used to reek of cigarettes, because family told me. But I never took it to heart until I realized my bf didn't like the smell. He's also really hygienic and I used to be just another dirty punk, but now I shower with him everyday.
No. 65668
>>65652Are you certain you couldn't keep it from him? Maybe it's not the best advice, but that's what I'd do. You didn't do anything wrong by platonically cuddling a friend when you were upset. Assuming you're straight, would you be having this dilemma if you cuddled a female friend? I would think not, so don't let yourself think it's worse than that just because it was a guy.
If you really can't keep it from him, then you've got two basic options: tell him now while everything's shit anyway and risk it getting worse, or tell him when things are calmed down and risk ruining that. Option 1 is good because you can get it out of the way, but it'd also mean that he'd have something to use as ammunition against you. Option 2 is good because he might be in a better mindset to find this out, but he'd question why you hadn't told him before and it might seem like you're the one ruining things.
Ultimately you know your boyfriend and the situation better than anyone, so you should choose. Just make sure if/when you tell him, you're very clear about what happened. On a side note, he sounds quite difficult (being spiteful and blaming you for things which are his fault), and it reads like he's not very committed to working things out. You obviously care about him a lot but remember to put yourself first. If he continues like this, you deserve better.
No. 65677
>>65652As harsh as it sounds, tell him to grow up and treat you better, if he refuses to do so, leave while you can
He sounds too immature to be in a serious relationship, with the cuddling situation with your friend, its really no big deal because all it was cuddling,not really something to worry about
No. 65880
>>65668thank you, in the end I told him and he was fine with it, just a bit pissy but alright
my main problem now is just the velocity of our arguments, he got so angry earlier he drove back home and it's a three hour drive all because he hurt me and I was upset that instead of apologizing he just gave excuses
I really wish he valued me more because nowadays all he does is scream at me and I feel like he wants me gone
the entire argument started because I just ended up saying I felt my novelty was wearing and asked him if i was being strung along and if I should give up. Instead of being understanding he got really cold about it and made me cry, and lashed out
I don't know how to make him stop lashing out and start respecting me more.
No. 65991
I'm in an LDR and I'm finally at the point in my life where I'm finally an adult, therefore am able to leave my overprotective parents house and do what I want, the problem is, I cannot find a job, I'm applying every single day since I was 16, only ever got a few calls back and a few interviews but never hired. I keep having anxiety for all the pressure put on me and I can't do any shit at all until I have a job which I can't even get despite me putting copious amounts of effort into it and it's making me anxious because I see all my friends have jobs, get into college (which I'm trying to do but can't even fucking do because I have no way to pay for it)
moving out won't be a problem until because I am trying to get roomates to split an apartment with, but the job part is driving me crazy and putting extreme amounts of stress on me because it feels like there's no time left and I want my significant other to come but my parents never let me leave the house and watch my every move and if they did come here we wouldnt even be able to be together because of my crazy obsessive parents
basically I need help getting a job, dealing with anxiety and stress from time running out, and explaining to my significant other and I don't know what to do I don't want them to think I am lazy or I don't want to meet them I really do., I considered selling my eggs but I know he won't like that
No. 66001
>>65991Are you volunteering and taking part in projects whilst applying for jobs? Lots of people whine about how applying for jobs 24/7 should lead them to one but it's just not the case. An employer doesn't care how badly you want that job when there's a year of empty space on your CV because it makes you look lazy.
Even if you can't find a charitable way to volunteer your time, you can big up whatever you do at home. Read online guides for how to talk about these experiences in the right lingo e.g. "organized her medical appointments, travel and took responsibility for attending to her strict daily medication needs" rather than "I took care of my sick aunt". You're stressing out at everyone else being at point z, when really you're in a good position (housed with internet, you have a LDR) to just make a good effort with point a. One step at a time, first get a job and then plan from there.
No. 66015
>>66005I think you're just cocksick, friend. if you've been out of the relationship for less than three months, don't make any rash decisions around dating/fucking someone new. Three months is generally how long I've noticed it takes to get some clarity and start evaluating people realistically again, not just "nice and probably has a penis"
If you wanna bang him, go ahead, but try and be honest with how you're feeling to both yourself and him. five years is a decently long time to be with someone and to have constant dickings to hand. Adjusting from that will take a little bit.
No. 66019
>>66018ty anon, i actually didn't think about it like that, he probably felt like he can offer her more emotional support than me right now.
the thing is, and this is a big but, i drunk cheated on him (i guess - we've been very on and off, and he's been very distant) on the weekend with a guy he knows i've always liked, and although he was mad in a humiliated way, he said he didn't blame me. he KNOWS he's a shit boyfriend. i've been trying to talk to him about it and we have but i think this was him just trying to piss me off, in a way, although i don't think he was pre-meditating that, it was subconscious.
i just wish he hadn't said we were going to do nice things. i really needed some love yesterday and he wasn't there for me. he's never treated me like that before and it makes me thing we're actually over.
No. 66030
>>66019You're the one who cheated, and you call
him a bad boyfriend? Bitch, please.
No. 66048
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>23, still haven't had sex
>Don't really want to either, really go from meh to repulsed about the idea
>I don't mind hearing about what other people do or reading smut but don't like the idea when I picture me being involved
>Not in a relationship but what if someone liked me, how would that go down
>Want a significant other but probably won't be able to have one without hurting them due to this
These feels, they hurt.
No. 66051
>>66048Add on a severe lack of emotional availability and general disgust for physical contact and you've just described me to a T, anon. I don't really want a partner–because of how I am, I'd only turn to ending the relationship anyway–though the idea of having one is nice.
While I've already made up my mind on the matter, there's still hope for you. I'm loathe to use this term, but there are plenty of asexuals out there who I'm sure are relatively normal. There's always ace specific dating sites too, if you ever wanna bite the internet-dating bullet.
No. 66070
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So I've been dating this guy for pretty much a year, all LDR. Out of nowhere he gets the idea to go to an exchange year to Japan (big surprise) even though I'm moving to his state in the summertime, which is when he wants to go. That means I'll have to wait another year to meet him. He's on the fence about whether or not he should go.
I know how much this trip means to him, though. He's very interested in Japan/Japanese culture. It could be a great opportunity for him, but on the other hand, if he goes then we won't be able to talk much due to time zones and the relationship will fall apart. Also, he is very attracted to Japanese girls to the point where it's kind of uncomfortable. And I don't know if I want to wait another year to see him. I'm an adult, I'm ready to stop dating online and I think I am really in love with this guy. Am I being inconsiderate for disagreeing with this trip? I haven't told him how I feel about it yet but every time he talks about going away I get depressed.
I would feel bad making him choose between a trip that could very well be a great experience for him, and me. I don't know what to do.
No. 66074
>>66070you're not being inconsiderate at all, i had a similar situation but i set out an ultimatum that he can meet me by a certain date or i'm finished with the relationship
he can't expect you to wait around forever while he goes out and fulfils his weeb desires
No. 66105
>>66070guys who have an obsession with japanese girls are almost always ugly, annoying and make awful boyfriends
just ditch him while you can
I'm the anon from the loser boyfriend thread whos ex had an obsession with japanese girls who later found out he had been legit stalking his jap ex and some other asian women
No. 66115
>>66111i am like this too, but my problem is more retroactive jealousy, and comparing myself to exes. i don't care if my bf goes out with friends/family because i know if i control him that way, he will just dump me. plus it's really not fair.
but being jealous and insecure of other women is kinda more human nature to me, it all comes from a place of insecurity within yourself, why don't you feel you are good enough for him?
No. 66120
>>66111I've had the same issues and still do to this day, but they're significantly better. He's completely open and honest with me and would never want to cheat on me, and those are calming factors. Plus that I'm bi so we can say "girls like this are cute" or "your friend ___ is adorable" and it's sweet and harmless.
It's going to take loving yourself more and trust, as stupid and cliche as it sounds. Be open about how you feel like you're being weird and want it to stop, and maybe he can comfort you enough to make it chill a little. I've taken to screenshotting messages that calm me and keeping them in a folder.
>>66115specific reply to part of yours, although I sorta was thinking of you in my reply too, but I do the thing with exes. Even now. I compare myself negatively to a lot of people because it feels like I don't do enough or need to be better. The reality is if you're trying the best you can with the resources you have, that's it, and not only that, but he's with you and not his exes for a reason.
No. 66144
>>66113>>66120Thank you anons! Yeah, I'm sure it has a lot to do with the distance. I really like the idea of screenshotting comforting messages, I actually already kinda do that but thought it was weird haha.
>>66115I just have really awful self esteem, and I always need a lot of reassurance.
No. 66316
>>66225Because relationships are all about sex amirite.
>>66272idk man. Asexuals all seem like moronic Tumblrinas. I don't know whether it's that anyways or whether I just don't care about sex because I never had it.
No. 66345
>>66334sometimes this can just be some random thing that happens as well as his preferences changing, your body changing from birth control and he's not use to it, if he's jerking off more,etc etc
worse case scenario is he's cheating or has an std
but I've heard of tons of men before who just can't seem to get hard even if they find their girlfriend the hottest person ever and she's good at it
No. 66383
>>66334is he a virgin? i mean i know virgins usually get hard with anything and everything but maybe he's scared or nervous or something so thats hindering it?
honestly have a talk with him….. worse case scenario…. hes gay … a slightly better case scenario - he's into something more than hand/penis contact. ask him what turns him on, what his kinks are and be open minded. good luck anon, soft penises are gross
No. 66397
>>66394Good god, same anon. Literally the last 3 exes I've had have ended up cheating on me and I have such fucking trust issues with my current because of it.
I don't know how to get over it and it's tearing us apart every time he speaks to another girl.
No. 66404
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For some reason I just have an issue with showing affection. I'm not sure if it's a habit i picked up from my shitty ex or what.
Me and my bf have a few issues but we fix it and work on ourselves all the time.
Last time we spoke about some of our issues he mentioned i always move away from him trying to kiss me or hug me. Which i'm not sure why i do this instinctively, i do love him and I see us being together for a long time. I mean I used to really be into kissing and intimacy but with this guy i can't even bring myself to french kiss him even during intercourse.
I want to show him so much love because he does so much for me it's amazing but i just can't bring myself to be all lovey dovey with him.
I find him attractive so i know it's not that..
No. 66409
>>66399My bf is okay, but we don't talk much. And yeah, he's always telling our group things before telling me, I kind of feel like a friend sometimes.
I was talking to someone from r9k, who I thought was a girl and they seemed normal for like half an hour and then they literally went turbo degenerate within a few seconds when I admitted I was a girl, it was a dude. So gross lmao.
No. 66416
>>66383He's said he's not a virgin, but described his past sexual experience as being very limited.
I try doing sexy things, touching his body, mouth and penis things, etc. I've asked him what he likes and he doesn't really give and answer.
No. 66426
>>66424>get radio silence for two daysugh, I know the feels, my boyfriend does that everytime something comes up, instead of working things out and talking to me he wanna be immature and play the silent treatment
for him getting upset over you not responding, it's not anything new for this to happen in good or bad relationships however, what exactly makes you feel like you walk on eggshells?
No. 66429
>>66393Ho-hooooo, I wasn't paranoid. I was basically told right away when I joined the group with him that one of the girls in the channel was a HUGE Gamer girl slut who sends skeezy snapchats to the guys even though she herself is in a relationship.
I talked to another person in the group about it and that was cleared up as basically showing a lot of upper chest/shoulder in snaps BUT did find out she's a massive flirt to everyone as part of her "personality" like nah bro.
That's a huge disrespect to not only me and my boyfriend, but her boyfriend too.
Apparently she stopped because someone from the group snapchatted his dick to her in response to the flirting and she quickly stopped flirting with literally everyone who has a dick, but I still don't trust her.
No. 66436
>>66424he sounds emotionally stunted and unable to process his feelings, as is the case with most men. i feel that is something people could work through with time and effort given the right people, but him saying "your problem" is indicative of a loser who doesn't want to communicate, projects emotions onto you, and holds you accountable always for the way he feels. i usually don't say stuff like this because i don't know your relationship but if he won't commit to changing, most likely through therapy, this probably isn't something you want to deal with for the rest of your life.
radio silence for 2 days is actually unacceptable, the fuck childish argument is he processing for that long, jesus
No. 66442
>>66399This, so so much. Meet a cute guy from Tinder? Doesn't fuck you over and treats you like a princess. No insecurity problems, understands social cues and what is ok to do and what is not.
4chan guys? Insecure as hell, jump on any and all female attention. Petty and vindictive due to own emotiona stunt. REEE's at any other man in your circle, while jacking off to Bailey Jay.
Never ever date a 4chan guy, I tried that once, BIGGEST mistake I've made.
No. 66445
>>66394This makes me sick. Why do they do this shit?
They said it's not cheating because they're not actually having sex with them but lol come on. If you're sending nudes to someone it's cheating. If I did this, I'd get broken up with but I'm supposed to somehow put up with it?
No. 66447
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>>66442Tfw chads are actually decent people compared to 4chan males.
No. 66449
>>66447Fucking this. I've dated two guys from 4chan. First one eventually cheated on me with another girl from 4chan, second was addicted to video games and basically tricked me into becoming a house slave. Both were manipulative, emotionally distant, bitter as fuck, misogynistic man babies with no ambition.
I've spent years in skype chats and tinychats full of 4chan dudes. Make no mistake, they are ALL like this. Insecure, lazy, cynical and with all the emotional maturity of a high schooler, regardless of how old they actually are. They're racist, hate women and unironically blame the jews for everything bad in society. 4chan is for people who have no intention of improving themselves or their lives in any meaningful way and just want to blame everyone else for their problems. Dating one is so fucking draining I can't even explain it. No matter how much you improve outside of the relationship, they just find some way to sap you of all your happiness and energy. They purposely go for girls with low self-esteem (which for a long time was me) who will just blame themselves when things start going wrong, rather than taking any responsibility for their own shitty behavior.
I'd sooner take "pump and dump" chad who is at least straight-forward in his douchey behavior than another parasite from 4chan. Never fucking again.
No. 66461
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>>66449>dated 2 guys from 4chan>Both were manipulative, emotionally distant, bitter as fuck, misogynistic man babies with no ambition.I mean what did you expect?
I don't understand why anyone in the right mind would date someone from 4chan;the butthole of the internet, especially a guy
Get it together people
>>66070Dump him goddammit
>I think I am really in love with this guy.but is he really in love with you tho
And the very attracted to japanese girls and suddenly wants to go to Japan out of nowhere? big red flag
get out while you still can anon
No. 66475
>>66466Don't you have what to talk about naturally?
This reminds me of my almost relationship with a dude I met at r4r. He expected me to get into his interests (typical white male wankfest of a fantasy novel about a virgin Gary Stu banging immortal sex goddess into submission, ~science~, RWBY and other animu about perfect waifus) while he put zero effort about giving a chance to my fave things or even reading a bit of my short story because ~muh undiagnosed illness~ (he really was sick tbh, but somehow it didn't stop him from reading reddit for hours).
I thought I liked him or even loved him, but I felt uncomfortable sharing my thoughts and daily experiences with him, cause I felt him judging me (he constantly expected me to entertain him). Now that I am with my boyfriend I'm shocked how wonderful it is to be able to talk about whatever and know your lover is listening.
I might be very wrong, but to me having to put a lot of effort to have anything to talk about is a warning sign. Your relationship might be completely different from mine and I might be projecting.
No. 66485
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I'm married with three kids. I am sort of nerdy and always had trouble with making grile friends, but found one in the community we frequent lately. Or so I thought.
The girl in question was really reclusive at first, then we opened up. (she also has kids and they get along well). Then my husband, who is sort of a womanizer, start talking to her, and she immediately lost any interest in talking to me. We had invited her to our house, and they literally left the kids with me, and went off alone to make a house tour, and spent the rest of the day chatting, and then kept messaging VIA MY PHONE. Then later kept messaging via facebook while the communication of me and her has almost died down despite efforts from my sides.
Realistically, "nothing has happened" but I believe she is sort of a bitch (married as well, to mention that, and flaming about her marriage worries to my husband), and m husband is the usual womanizer dog.
Am I somehow in the wrong for being salty about her now? We still meet regularly due to the circumstances we met in, and I talk to her nicely when it happens, but don't go out of my way to communicate.
No. 66492
>>66490I promise you this isn't the case. You can't be so colossally bad that just being naked is a turnoff, especially if you're inexperienced.
There are several possibilities here:
-He just had a low libido.
This can be remedied a little with aphrodisiacs and certain (risky) medications, but overall I'd say this is a dealbreaker for most. It's going to be a miserable relationship if you can't have a matching sex drive.
2. He's gay
Worst case scenario, doesn't seem too likely here
3. He's asexual and had only been doing it with you to satisfy your needs
Basically the same as 1, but possible to make it work
4. Something temporary is depleting his sex drive.
Is he mentally well? On medication? any injuries?
No. 66498
>>66493I know what you mean anon
at least yours are pretty fixable with hair dye, if you're a size two then you're probably already very thin just with "big" boobs, so it doesn't really matter much though, I'm italian and my ex had a type for asians so it's not like I could fix my race and his ex was apparently a ~perfect pale skinned jap volleyball player with a bigger butt and boobs than me~ and he would never stfu about her, you can def see how this would drive my self esteem below ocean level and going crazy, trying to get PS, always feeling like I'm being compared to, it got to the point where I couldn't enjoy romantic or intimate moments because I always felt like he was comparing his exes body to mine, me being insecure most my life, I just felt like shit, I still have insanely, and I mean INSANELY bad self esteem issues, I rarely leave my house and have considered wearing a burka because of it
my advice is just talk to him about it and tell him how you feel like you're not his type, if you would feel better dying your hair go ahead, but don't make him feel like you did it so you can be more attractive for him cuz that would just make him want to control you even more
I'm not saying dye your hair or anything but who knows, sometimes what may seem to be a mens type, he could also have a deeper soft spot preference, like this one guy I knew who use to exclusively date tall thin girls but later found out he liked short curvy girls
No. 66500
>>66493Is he constantly hitting on girls that look like that, openly comparing you to those those girls or talking about his exes/crushes? If yes, then the problem is him and not you. You need to speak to him about how belittling and hurtful his comments are to you and evaluate how he responds to that.
If he isn't doing that, then it's your self esteem that is the main problem and you can look into advice for people with self esteem problems and talk about your bf and friends about it. For example my bf likes sexy cougar celebrities even though I'm the cutesy type but it doesn't mean that he doesn't find me attractive in the same way that I still find him attractive even though he isn't Hugh Jackman. People can have lots of different types or find exceptions to their rule, or even have the madonna/whore complex. It varies in relationships whether people are comfortable with their SO talking about attraction to other people or not, and it's really normal to worry that you don't measure up to a past hot ex or a celebrity crush however you shouldn't be fixating on this to the point that you are.
>>66498Dying her hair because she feels like she HAS to do it to meet his preferences is a terrible idea. People with deep self esteem issues need to work on them rather than letting them dictate their lives, it's unhealthy. Playing mind games like doing that but pretending that you didn't do it for him is not part of an adult relationship.
No. 66501
>>66486Apparently I'm an idiot, I have already made peace with that fact. (I mean, since he's alpha in the direct sense of the word, it will help my kids grow to good people, but it comes with a lot of attention.)
>>66486>>66488>>66489Yeah. I mean I probably can't blame her directly, but on the other hand, I see how the other women in the community react at him, and it is by not blatantly laughing loud at his jokes and constantly pointing out all the similar interests. Yeah they get along well, I get it, but she is married too and if I stuck to a hot and funny guy like that (when he's around!), he'd probably be rightfully pissed. (Last time we met at a community party, they hung out together, alone, so long that even her idiot of a husband decided it would be best to actually get up from his seat and stand next to them to break it up.)
>>66489Yeah he did not cheat in the traditional sense. Of course I let him know that I'm mad about all that, an even explained him why, but his position is that he is objectively doing nothing wrong and if I'm bothered by it so much, then I obviously have some sort of problem, and it will only help me if I have the opportunity to inspect it.
No. 66502
>>66500No, not at all. It actually took me a long time to connect the dots. I dont have a type and could crush on anyone from spock to lanky blond brits.
As for the girl, he was way too nice to tell me but I noticed how he looked at her and dragged it out of him like a year after the fact. I know it's mostly me. This revelation just "set it off". I guess I was in a better place before I connected the dots. When i mentioned it he even said once in a joking way "I always wanted a Raven but I fell in love with a Starfire" which was very sweet but i was oddly comforted by but still felt lesser at the same time. I need to work on myself more. maybe talking to him again will help. Thanks.
>>66498Thank you anon, i appreciate the solidarity. i suspect this isnt a common problem and seeing someone with a similar issue makes me feel much more sane.
No. 66519
>>66518I'm uncomfortable sometimes because I don't understand it, so I don't really watch it except with him to get ideas or for fun, but am in a different situation than you: we don't skype sex daily, he gets screenshots when we do but I don't really have the chance to make vids/take pics too often, etc.
Here's the thing though: I've talked to him to make sure it wasn't screwing with his head/libido and he is able to differentiate between porn and real sex. He uses it with my photos and says he looks for girls who look like me, but also gets nervous if they look too much like me in case I'm doing something and not telling him, lol.
No rudeness or anger, and I was very polite. He says he finds me very attractive and uses what I give him/he takes of me. Take all this as a story you can relate to on this topic?
It sounds like he's not being very sensitive to your feelings. I'm not sure how you approached him about this, but I will consider the possibility that maybe you came off badly to him or he misunderstood your tone.
No. 66520
>>66519I believe I was very sensitive about it, as i get very nervous to make him mad as shouting makes me internally cringe and I can't stand fights.
He also says when he watches porn, he 'thinks' of me which i find odd? How does looking at another womans vagina make you 'think' of me? He also says i'm way better than the women in porn, but as i supply him, why does he keep going back? Is it habitual? Is it addiction? I don't know.
No. 66522
>>66518>>66519are you me anon? we're in the exact same position
for me, it's not about him watching porn I'm just afraid he will get unrealistic standards for my body or what he expects from sex, especially risky sex like anal and public
>but also gets nervous if they look too much like me in case I'm doing something and not telling him, me, been there, mine got nervous if he sees girls that have similar features to me and will often ask me for pics to compare
all guys watch porn and I know that, it just feels weird knowing he sees all these perfect porn star bodies who fuck good, then sees mine, I feel like shit about it
No. 66528
>>66518For me it was the other way around. In an LDR, needed a break from the nightly skype sex every now and then and just wanted to watch porn to get off and get it over with. It was mainly cause with skype sessions it would take him at least an hour, often way longer, to get even close and it especially sucked with timezones and stuff. I'd be up by 4 desperately trying to make him cum so often.
Compared to that, masturbating with porn was a lot faster and sometimes you just don't have the emotional energy to get the other person off, too.
No. 66530
>>66518tbh I probably watch porn more often than my boyfriend. I don't care if he watches it because he's old enough to realize that porn isn't real life.
Not trying to be insensitive, but I never saw the big deal about guys watching porn and masturbating to women who don't look like the girls they're dating (as long as the girls aren't like… Actual jailbait or anything like that). I like watching porn with really buff, darkskin black guys or silver foxes of any race. My boyfriend is neither of those things and I wouldn't trade him for the world.
At the end of the day he's dating you and not whatever he's jacking off too.
No. 66533
>>66528I'm the first anon who replied to the post and I agree with you, it's the same for my bf. We have timezones several hours apart and have work. It's more intimate and fun to do it together but then we both have to get each other off.
>>66530Quite frankly, it's insecurity. For me too it's just that I don't experience much sexual attraction so I connect it to emotional intimacy.
No. 66619
>>66617you don't sound ready for a relationship, it sounds like you want to take time in your life to just mess around, which is fine but cheating is wrong
I don't understand what you're trying to say though
>broke up>its no committal >I started moving on>he got accepted into grad school>I cheated on himwhat? how do you cheat on someone after you break up with them
and for the not wanting anything serious and keeping that way, you can let them know it's not anything serious, and if they keep trying to get serious drop them, I know it's hard but I had a friend that been there before and ended up in a shitty relationship with this horrible horrible guy because she didn't want anything serious and he kept pushing it on her and acting like a couple despite her telling him to stop, therefore everyone else started pushing her to get serious and she was miserable
No. 66620
>>66619We're still together till he moves away which is in about 2 weeks. He still lives close to me now and we hang out a bunch, sleep together etc. (Not much sex tho because holy mother of I feel guilty as fuck)
Yeah your friend sounds exactly like an ex of mine… We started out long distance and I told him dozens of times I didn't want that but he then started guilt tripping that if we talk as much as we did, we might as well just get that label of bf/gf. It was a shitty situation for both of us because eventually I broke his heart when I finally put an end to it.
I'm not very good at 'dropping' people especially when I'm scared to lose friends in the process :/
No. 66707
>>66703depends on how much often a guy posts on 4chan and what boards he uses.
I can tell you right now that a relationship with a /pol/lack or a robot is doomed from the start. /b/tards are a hit or miss (but mainly misses)
No. 66763
>>66707Frequently, and he visits both /r9k/ and /pol/. It's doomed then.
>>66730What boards does he browse?
No. 66764
>>66745My bf is kind of like that. Occasionally when I'm drunk or hormonal I get a little down that he's not more romantic/spontaneous/interesting to talk to, but then I realize it's a pretty good deal for me at the end of the day. I'm very independent and very introverted, so having a guy who won't feel neglected or something while I go off and do my own shit is nice.
It's a very stable, predictable relationship. That's not what everyone's looking for, only you know what works for you.
No. 66798
>>66763Yeah, you're fucked. Sorry, girl. If he visits/posts that often, the chances he DOESN'T share the same edgy mentality about women, non-whites and politics that the rest of them do are virtually non-existent.
Seriously, if he's pretending he doesn't, take any of it that seriously, he's a liar. Nobody who agrees with these things can stand to be on those boards that often. It's too draining and depressing.
No. 66802
>>66780Me, 6 years. Marriage isn't a big deal in my country. My parents weren't even married. It seems like an awkward ceremony so I don't even know if I'd like to get married, even though I want to stay with my partner forever (and vice versa). I'd like the ring though!
And just for the record, i'd already be married if my state offered any kind of financial treats for married couples. Take me, Austria ;_;
No. 66837
>>66719>cows We're farmers not cows
I say the same as
>>66725, make sure he is also getting help elsewhere, wether or not you break up with him is up to you. If he threatens suicide, make sure to contact his family or close friends to make sure they keep an eye on him after breaking up.
No. 66856
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>>66830Sounds like you have different needs and expectations than your boyfriend. Read this book. It willl help you tons, I promise.
No. 66983
>>66048>>66051tl;dr What to expect?
Related, I'm also a female in my mid-20s, and in a LDR with my heterosexual BF for about a year. Before this relationship I was satisfied to die alone in my old age, as I too don't want sex or find it enjoyable. However, this relationship brings other very good aspects for both of us, which is why at least I stay.
While at first I was very unhappy with the idea of doing any penetration, I've taken these months to reevaluate my value system and experiment with my body to see if perhaps I was being delusional. Unfortunately, I was not. Sexual stimulation does nothing for me. I can get off, and this I have known since a much younger age, but it is easier to do with just squeezing my thighs for a few minutes — a pure physical reaction — and besides, getting off has been boring to me for quite a few years, too. There is nothing wrong with me hormonally or anatomically, as I've also had that checked.
I've reasoned myself to be meh/OK about any kind of sex, at the least.
I've talked to my BF about all this, and while he directly says in those conversations that he is OK with me being that way, when I ask in a more roundabout way about certain aspects of sex that I would not be able to provide ("How do guys feel about girls that are silent in bed?", "What would you do if you saw the girl really wasn't into it?", etc.) (and of course I try to ask these questions during the natural flow of conversation!) — his answers tell me that it really is not OK, and it kills me inside that I've subjected him to this kind of relationship.
I can't try to pretend to be something I am not. I can go through the motions, and the technique, and I would do all I could to make him satisfied (and not just sexually, haha) — but you can't hide facial expressions and body language. It will always be picked up.
At the same time, he still wants to marry me eventually. He's said multiple times that he thinks that I am "the one". But I worry that when we finally get the chance to meet in real life and eventually consummate, he won't be happy. He's very much not one to go back on his words, but I fear something will change inside.
That Homura image
>>66048 is exactly how I feel.
No. 66988
>>66983Well, I have the opposite kind of problem. I am not repulsed by sex and penetration, but I can't orgasm. I don't know how to, I don't know what it feels like, I just don't know what to do.
So I've been faking it all my life (26, now in a long time relationship), I've not told anyone and well nobody knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I know it's a bad thing to do but this way I'm not killing my relationship and I'm kind of at peace with it already. Just like, okay, can't cum but what are you going to do about it.
So to answer your question: just try to make peace with it, try to figure it out (like you began to try, don't stop, it's taken me months too to even touch myself with my own hand, at first i was disgusted and didn't want to touch it with my bare hand, and then years to even remotely enjoy schlicking/showerheading)
No. 66989
>>66988I think I must clarify that I've by now run the full gamut of putting fingers, vibrators, and other objects around and deep inside the usual places, and in a variety of different positions and maneuvers. I'm just… bored.
But thank you for your advice! <3 I've definitely in 75% made peace with it already, it's just the uncertainty of his future reaction that give me a headache.
No. 67076
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>>67074He's gonna cheat on you
enjoy being cucked by a MILF I guess
No. 67078
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>>67074Anon get your head out of your ass and dump him
get out of there before you get cheated on
>>67076>>67077 No. 67091
>>67074Jesus fucking christ. Holiday? So you mean not job related shit? If so then yes ur being hard cucked.
Is this real life, or bait even? FUCK
No. 67095
>>67074>her husband can't know even if you've managed to find nuance in every other part of this story, how do you explain this? this should close the case. personally i wouldn't dump him for something he hasn't done
yet, but i'd tell him it's ridiculous and that he can either cancel the trip with her or fuck off the relationship. I'm not the type to assume everything is cheating and I get that some complicated sketchy looking situations can happen, but this really doesn't look like one of them. There's no good reason for him to go on the trip.
No. 67109
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>>67104>I won't ruin his holiday Bitch just do it, it will feel great ruining his holiday, he will cuck you anyway, he ruined your relationship already, DO IT
No. 67112
>>67104Seriously anon. Dump his ass. It sounds like he talked it over with his boss and she gave him an excuse to tell you to tug at your heart so you're okay with all this.
I also agree with other anon, burn his passport and break up with him. Don't care about "ruining his holiday" because odds are he doesn't care about ruining his relationship by cheating on you.
No. 67113
>>67112Seriously. Maybe her husband can't find out because she's cheated on him before.
All of a sudden she's (possibly) being abused and just happens to run off with your boyfriend one on one. Even if he's not planning on cheating (as if), I can almost guarantee their getaway will lead to something. There is absolutely no reason for your bf to do this. I wouldn't be able to trust him again just for thinking this is in any way okay.
No. 67125
I am curious if I know you. Does your name start with a C?
No. 67138
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>>67104Damn Anon, love yourself and let this guy go. If he would truly respect you, he would't go with his milf boss but it looks like he def wants to go even when you are not happy about it. End it now and do not give a fuck about ruining his holiday or whatever. He already doesn't give a fuck about you either.
No. 67148
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>>67147>"what if husband beats her">jfc JUST????? Anon-chan, my sorry heartbroken ass just read your post and wanted to offer support. Don't apologize for your feelings or back down from communication. I hope things work out for you. you deserve the best
No. 67158
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>>67147Bitch, you are dumb. Also you don't have anything resembling a backbone. You are the kind of person that will be always cucked and used by others.
No. 67166
>>67147Another thing to ask yourself: If you actually
are OK with him cheating, why haven't you just told him that? Maybe even propose an open/poly relationship?
What you're doing isn't making you seem chill and open-minded to anyone, especially him. He hasn't admitted to cheating but it's implied and you've let him know that you are way too scared and low self esteem to even begin to stop him or even confront him about it. Do you think he's going to leave it at this trip and he won't push you to see if he can get away with even more than what you've let him do already?
No. 67291
>>67239I still find it hard to believe how anybody would be so naive to not see how suspicious the whole thing is.
I think he knew perfectly what those 'holidays' meant and wanted to see whether you'll oppose or not. Be careful anon, your happiness should always come first.
No. 67342
>>67147lol really? she's 30, she's not old at all and not even close to menopause. stop trying to make her look bad or undesirable to detract from the fact that you're being a pussy.
if you let this happen and don't break up with him, you look like a complete doormat and it WILL lead to more heartbreak.
No. 67365
>>66493Don't worry anon, i feel this. I'm rail thin with no tits or ass and like to keep my hair short or shaved. My boyfriends exes are all chubby with huge tits and long hair. But he still thinks im gorgeous and loves me for me.
I know its hard, but if hes with hes attracted to you. If you want to dye your hair, do it. But only do it for yourself.
No. 67381
>>67125Nope. I cut off contact with both of my exes. I don't know what they're doing or who they're dating, although both don't seem to handle being alone for long, so I'd be surprised to learn they aren't in relationships now.
>>67153Like I said, I seriously doubt you're literally dating one of my exes, but if you're in a "similar situation" with someone who matches the people I've described and you're still with them, then my guidance is this.
Leave. Make up some bullshit like "we've grown apart" or "I'm just not in a good place right now and I think you deserve better than me" if you want to avoid any ugly confrontations. If he has you backed into a corner or has a lot of control over you, see if you can't seek refuge with a friend for a little while. Ignore any bombardment of texts or desperate pleas to get back together, and bullshit claiming he's "changed" or willing to change.
There's no "navigating" with people who refuse to admit anything is wrong with them and act like you or society is the reason they are the way they are. They aren't capable of this level of introspection. All you can do is remove yourself from the situation so you don't get dragged down with them.
No. 67482
>>67440>live in sadness/depression/insecurity>see bf>:D>go back home>live in sadness/depression/insecurityit's been almost a year and the cycle continues to repeat for me
at the beginning i was okay with LDR and just talking online all day
but as time goes on i hate the internet more and more and just wanna be with him irl
i wish i could say it gets easier but for me it's the opposite
No. 67535
>>67482i know it might sound harsh, but if it's like that for you, i really don't think you are apt for LDRs - not like that's something bad, most people aren't, i know i'm not. you would def be much happier if you had an irl bf.
you also shouldn't rely solely on other people for your own happiness, it's really detrimental in the long run and most relationships like that just don't end well. people come and go, you need to be content with yourself, because you are the only one who will stay for sure.
i say this because i've been in that place. had a LDR boyfriend and i believed he was my only possible source of happiness, which fucking sucked as you can imagine - i knew i couldn't handle LDRs but only him could make me happy, so i would just endure it. it took me a good while to "recover" from these mindsets but i'm so content and happy with myself right now.
again, i know i might sound rude and i apologize if it makes you sad but i wish someone would've told me this.
No. 67565
>>67554>How I do stop being such a doormat?Break up with him and don't look back.
>I love my boyfriend and think we have something specialYou don't. He's a verbally abusive piece of shit. Getting mad at your SO from time to time is normal in a relationship. Insulting them, and doing so FOR HOURs, is not. Anything else that is good about the relationship doesn't make up for the fact that he's a terrible person and doesn't respect you.
>how do I get the message across that I won't stand for being treated this way anymore?You can't. It's on him to change his behavior, and he's genuinely interested in doing that if the only way to get him to stop is momentarily breaking up, or threatening to break up.
You need to break up with him, period. This is not a healthy relationship and it has no chance of surviving.
No. 67576
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So I've been feeling really insecure lately. My boyfriend likes tall. fat girls and im super skinny and petite. All of his exes are at least chubby. I'm not the jealous type at all, but ive been really jealous lately. He like all these plus size models on ig who look like the girl on the left when my body is more like the girl on the right.
It doesnt help that im bipolar and frequently have psychosis. While im manic, i feel like hes cheating on me. I 100% know he's not, but i get so delusional that im ready to throw around accusations.
He apologises for not calling me enough, but when im cycling i feel like hes ignoring me and about to leave me. I abuse alcohol really badly when I'm manic and i know ot annoyshim.
I love him to death and dont know gow to bring anything up without hurting his feelings or seeming like a psycho girlfriend. Last time i was manic, he wouldnt have sex with me and it really hurt me. It's making me hate fat girls for no reason and i hate it.
Am i letting psychosis get to me? Or what?
No. 67581
>>67576Break up with him
If he only likes one body type tell him to fuck off because millions of men will love your body just the way it is, healthy
No. 67590
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chubby chasers are cancer
they claim that chubby girls look healthier yet if they were ~healthy~ they wouldn't carry so much extra fat, granted there are some people such as myself who naturally carry extra fat no matter how much weight we lose, but still not chubby enough for chubby chasers
they also are delusional and think they're doing society a favor but dating a hamplanet, it's like they live in 2010 when being super skinny was a thing and do not realize that the thick meme is shitting on petite and slim girls self esteem as much as the bone thin meme shat on chubby girls self esteem
also sage for OT and rant kinda
No. 67594
>>67581>>67585>>67589I mean he tells me he loves my body and that he's really attracted to me. I just dont know how to deal with my jealousy or paranoia.
I don't want to leave him. It would kill me. And i used to be a cam girl, so i feel like a hypocrite for being jealous.
Also, how do i bring up that it's been 7 months and I'd like to finally meet his parents? He's met my whole family. He says his parents are really judgmental, but i dont care at all. My own family openly talks shit about my tattoos.
>>67590I'm fucking sick of the thicc meme. I don't actually give a shit about anyone's weight. I smoke and drink, so i have no right to judge someone else's health. But it makes me feel super insecure, just like the thigh gap meme made chubbier girls feel like shit.
No. 67596
>>67593you don't have to cry, lol. you can scream, smile, laugh or do a little dance. you can jump up and down. any reaction other than "no" or "maybe" will be an acceptable one to your boyfriend.
chances are if he does it he'll already be so nervous and caught up in his own emotions that he won't notice something like "you didn't cry".
No. 67599
>>67597many normal human beings are tired of the meme because it glorifies and encourages gross lazy fatties and we really don't need any more of those around.
it's similar to people jerking over drug addicts and serial killers.
No. 67619
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>>67597Or I'm tired of it, because ive been skinny my whole life and im tired of, "eat a sandwich", "are you on heroin", "bird legs", "wow size zero girls are all anachans", "i dont believe you're 23, you look 12", "thin privilege etc.
I tried lifting. I only got leaner. I didn't like my abs. I want a pinup body; thick thighs, a nice ass, small waist, a cite tummy, and big tits. But i look like a runway model. How would you feel if your SO liked thigh gaps, hip bones, collar bones, and abs? I was addicted to heroin and its been hard to gain any weight over my last 4 years clean.
No. 67622
>>67597It's whiny and ridiculous, like they've never experienced not being the number 1 most desirable ideal before and can't handle it.
I honestly don't know what planet they live on where skinny isn't admired and sought after by women who want to look like that and men who want to fuck it. Literally just being on lolcow will remind you that on a regular basis.
No. 67624
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>it's similar to people jerking over drug addicts and serial killers.>chubby girls are on the same level as serial killers and drug addictsgirl i've been an assless beanpole my whole life and even i have to admit that's a reach
No. 67625
>>67619uh not care because my bf is with me for a reason? i don't sperg out and try to force him into having sex with me.
you sound really young or delusional. i honestly feel sorry for your boyfriend because you sound unbearable to be with, and i hope you're in therapy if you're not. people can like others outside of their "type", and it doesn't sound like your bf is making you feel like shit, YOU are.
like the other anons in this thread said, you sound like you're bawwing just because your body type isn't the center of attention anymore. i'm short as hell with no curves, and i'm pretty okay with the thicc trend because for a long ass time women have been getting shamed into becoming thinner and thinner. i don't believe a single thing people have supposedly said to you other than "eat a sandwich" lmfao
No. 67632
>>67625Okay. I've never tried to force him into sex. I don't know what you're on about or mad about, anon.
I mentioned having delusions and psychosis? It's like you didn't read my og post. I don't have therapy for another 2 weeks, i just wanted some advice that isn't "break up with your chubby chaser bf".
No. 67635
>>67625the amount of samefagging in this thread is crazy
it has nothing to do with being center of attention, why does it boggle your mind someone would want to be their own boyfriend's preferences ? also why is that the only excuse fatties use to justify the thicc trend and slim girls getting upset that their body gets shit on?
No. 67636
>>67624I think they mean chubby chasing is wrong like how when girls wet themselves over men who killed people, not that it's the exact same
one is of course worse, but we shouldn't glorify unhealthiness and things that are wrong
No. 67647
>>67440Just try to make time to call each other. Watch movies and series online together as well as cyber-sex. Sometimes just naughty texting and whatnot.
I wish there was an easier way to live in US though, I feel your pain anon. I really don't want to go more than another year as LDR.
>>67554He can go to therapy and maybe become better, but I mean, that sounds pretty shit.
It can be hard but it's all a
No. 67648
>>67635every time a "skinny girl vs 'thick' girl" argument is even hinted, samefagging pops up, and I swear I honestly believe it's the same 3 or 4 people
ITT Plastic surgery fraud thread, ugly butt thread, weight gain trend , girls who complain about having attractive features,just to name a few
No. 67748
>>67742Idk but for me making out with someone else classifies as cheating. I'd make sure to let him know what you are uncomfortable with and why. If he doesn't accept it then the relationship will obviously fail.
>>67576Don't change your body for a partner. Sure, work out and be healthy if that's what you want. I'm sure your boyfriend is attracted to you. The liking Instagram models is cringe though, why do people like to make their weird fap material so public?
Ofc you could ask him if he only watches porn of chubby girls or not and if he does he's probably just super into them, but more into you for your personality. Take that as you want though anon.
No. 67773
>>67742Ok. No.
He isn't being respectful by asking you if you have feelings for others and encouraging you to act on sexual impulses. He's asking you because he wants you to admit you do it or have those feelings so he can do it too. He wants to have his cake and eat it too.
You want to be with him long term. Imagine having kids with someone who is fucking other women, and how fucked up your kids will be because of that, and how you're teaching them that shit is ok. It's not. Your boyfriend needs to grow up.
I get we all have urges but like what does one get exactly after making out with someone else, except validation, I guess? It just doesn't seem worth it to me
No. 67788
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>>67742What the fuck, anon, you are being cucked, he probably didn't even tell you all of what he did, just told some things so he wouldn't feel guilty, either way, you should fuck off from this relationship, unless if you don't mind being cucked and used finantially and when he doesn't have anyone better to fuck.
No. 67790
>>67774He has told me himself and will tell me all of the details if I ask, but as it hasn't resulted in nudity or sex I'm okay with not knowing more than that they were making out.
I've decided that if he wants to try picking people up for self valitation it has to end with kissing and it can't be someone he knows. He has agreed to this.
As I wrote, I'm not interested in having kids so I don't think I will fuck anybody other than myself over if this turns out a bad idea in the future.
No. 67798
>>67742Is your bf Onision?
No way in hell what he's doing is okay for someone who's in a relationship. I mean, it seems like what he wants from you is an open relationship/fwb, but have you two discussed it? If you're okay with being cucked, you do you I guess.
Also, maybe it comes from my knowledge of cheap men, but something tells me that if you ever did the same "making out" with another your bf would throw a fit No. 67801
>>67798I agree, if this is what she wants, she can go ahead. However, my own bf has expressed interest in doing some manslutting, me slutting about, slutting about together more ideal, but has emphasized to me that my feelings matter and that I can't be replaced by sleeping around, so none of that will happen unless I explicitly consent. And since I said no, that means no (unless of course I someday go "hey wanna go sleep with that couple" lmao) I used to be poly, so I regret opening the can of worms, but it's fair enough I guess.
I'm getting OT though, the point of telling you about myself is saying that he should be putting your emotions before his desire for sexy stuff and self-validation: also, I used to do the flirting for self-validation shit, and that's a huge red flag for self-esteem issues that he _shouldn't_ be solving by making out with strangers. It sounds like you're communicating, but that he needs to cut this out if it's getting close to breaking your rules and is making you feel like shit.
Your bf needs to do some serious self-reflection on what matters to him and why he's doing this, beyond "well they're hot and my dick said so," because tons of men have those feelings but don't act on them just fine. He might be unknowingly trying to fill "holes" sexually or romantically with other people instead of fixing things in your relationship.
No. 67864
>>67860Double post but You know I just realized most of our issues come from the fact I feel disrespected as fuck 90% of the time. We're supposed to get on cam because we haven't in a week and it's always "tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow." Or we're on cam for literally 5 minutes before "hey I wanna play pubg/battlefield/cs is that cool?" and if I say yes tons of people join the channel and I get drown out and we can't talk and I feel rejected, and if I say no I can tell he's bored and doesn't want to cam with me anymore and there's no way to get him to talk to me, it's just deadpan on his end. He'd rather be doing literally anything else.
If I point this out like I just have a few minutes ago, I just get "Fine sorry okay."
We'll be in the middle of a serious conversation and he stops reading my messages, I assume he's busy. 30 minutes go by, look on discord and he's laughing at memes and still left me on unread. I'll point out that it's disrespectful and "It was one thing, I checked for a second, what do you want me to do?"
He always asks that. "What do you want me to do?" and I'll ask him to stop or to change or literally do anything that he asks of me and I just get "I can't change. You knew how I was when we started dating." That bullshit.
I just thought since we've been together a year now he'd have learned what hurts me and what is/isn't okay since I take great pains to give him a very detailed message about WHY it upsets me and a compromise we can find. I don't know anymore anons. Life is just stressful and it feels more and more like I'm babysitting someone who just screams "I'm depressed okay!!" in response to being a shithead while I'm depressed as fuck too. It doesn't feel like a relationship anymore.
No. 67866
>>67865I can admit that I am quick to anger but never at the other person, just at the situations. But I simmer down quickly. I'm just so tired of sinking so much of my time and life and money into a relationship just for the other one to turn out to be a shithead who doesn't understand the basics of emotions and how words hurt people. I'm so tired of being the one who gets stabbed a thousand times and when I finally break it off because I can't take it anymore, they realize THEN they were an asshole and get a new girlfriend and treat her better than they did me, and go "wow I was an asshole, thanks for showing me what I did wrong. I'll be a better boyfriend now."
I'm so tired of being the girl that teaches them a lesson in life. For once I just want to find someone who isn't shit and who cares and understands me and I don't waste 2 years of my life on them before quitting.
No. 67927
>>67885This will suck balls at first, but once the dust settles, you'll feel better. So fist, lets put the brakes on the emotional stuff. Get your finances in order, research apartment listings, and start to save for a downpayment, as well as moving fees.
On the emotional side, I'd either keep the status quo, or just start to disengage until you know you're financially ready to leave. Take care of any legal things that may come back to bite you in the butt (current apartment leases, etc) Also plan for the breakup if you feel its going to get to buckets of crazy level.
Then once you've secured a new place, leave, break it off, block all contact on social media/phone/etc. This will give you space to deal with the emotions. Its going to get super intense given the length. There will be times where you wish you hadn't left, but in those times, try to remind yourself as to why it was the better decision.
Like I said its going to suck at first, but give yourself time to process how you feel.
No. 68294
>>68281The thing is, if you try to "ween him off you" (I assume by that you mean continuing to talk with him or try to maintain a friendship and then allowing it to slowly dissolve), it's likely just going to make things worse. He'll become dependent on you being a constant presence in his life making it harder for him to get over you. When you eventually do decide to move forward it will probably be devastating for him.
I know you told him you guys could still talk and be friends but in situations like these I honestly find that it's best, for both parties, to go no contact ASAP until everyone has had time to clear their heads and move on. I say this as someone who was once broken up with by my partner of 4 years when he went off to college and was pretty suicidal about it. I'm sure it was scary for him, but we decided not to talk for a while and that gave me the ability to move on. Because of our agreement to go NC I wasn't sending him messages in hopes to win him back, dissecting every little thing he said to me in hopes it meant he wanted to get back to me, or whatever. Yes it was extremely hard but now, 3 years later, he & I are the best of friends and I am completely over it.
Sorry this is getting rambly, bottom line is consider going NC for both your sakes. I promise he will get through it no matter how hurt he feels now.
No. 68370
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I've dated my bf for four years now, two of those years have been long distance (3hours via car/train)
I usually see him every weekend, but hes asked that this weekend I stay up at school because he has a very important test Thursday.
We spent the entire day on the phone, and i thought everything was okay but 2 hours ago he hung up and when I called back he proceeded to yell at me for 20min about how much we talk then hung up and turned off his phone.
He has yet to turn it on.
What do i do?
Do i let him steam it out, and hope that we reconcile before the night ends? Or do i drive back home in my cutest outfit–give him back a bunch of shirts and leave?
I dont want to break up, it just feels like everythings imploded and idk what to do
No. 68374
>>68370sounds like he's on his man period
the whole situation is confusing, why did he even do that
No. 68380
>>68374>>68378>>68370im so confused
he finally turned on his phone, screamed he wanted to break up called back 10min later and said no he didn't–he just was frustrated.
Im so confused/hurt
is this his way of pulling back? Does he simply lack the courage to break up with me? Or is it what he said–that hes just really fustrated/stressed and acting out?
No. 68384
>>68380That is really confusing! I would personally be very unhappy with someone screaming at me like that. Is this type of behavior unusual for him? Have you guys had any issues lately? Were you talking about something heated/sensitive before he hung up on you? I would give him time to calm down and then like
>>68381 said ask what is going on.
No. 68546
>have sleep issues since 10 yrs old
>finally get my sleep cycle on track kinda
>fuck it up again (for personal reasons will not get into) for staying awake entire night
>sleep from after dinner to 3-5 am, have a period of falling sleep during the day and as I'm trying to wake up take 10-35 minute naps before waking up completely
>boyfriend starts being distant for no reason, didn't even bother to respond to any of my messages this morning after he read them
I'm assuming it's because he think's I'm cheating, he always does this and it's making me stressed I can never do anything without him accusing me of cheating
I go out with friends for once when I barely leave my fucking house, he asks for pics of my friends and a few days later accuses me of being suspicious and pushes me away
I have sleep issues
I'm suspicious
I say yay
I'm suspicious
I could be literally doing nothing and he will think I'm suspicious, I just don't get it, what does he want? I'll give him my passwords or whatever if that helps, it seems any change in attitude I ever have and if I don't reply to him in seconds I'm suspicious, yet it's him that often ditches me to go out drinking, it's him that tells me about how many "hoes" he knows and works with, it's him who always tells me how girls flirt with him, he even got drunk before and some girl was coming onto him and he asked me"if he should fuck her", he almost always talks about other girls bodies when I try to have a conversation with him
I just don't get it… how am I suspicious yet he does all that and it's ok
No. 68559
>>68546Anon, im sorry but it sounds like he might be cheating
he might keep accusing you, because hes trying to to deflect suspicion from his own actions
No. 68563
Can we use this for platonic relationships?
I have been best friends with this girl for a couple of years, but in the last year or so I've found that she's been super flaky. Since then, I've found a new best friend, who was willing to spend a lot of time with me when we lived close together, and someone who is a lot more emotionally supportive of me. And someone who has jived with me better in general.
Now i didn't want to make a big deal to my former best friend about this but I found she has been saying some weird things politically. I guess some people will sperg out and accuse me of being a SJW but she has just flat out told me she doesn't believe in race mixing, when I've only been in interracial relationships. I don't want to have a debate, but I think it's something really weird to say to someone without qualifying your opinion, and something incredibly weird to say me to say in particular.
Then I told her I would take time to visit her for my fall break, but I wanted her to pick me up from the bus station. She was super confused as to why I was taking the bus and asked why I couldn't drive. I told her it was because I didn't have access to a car and didn't want to drive, but she was still confused. I kind of feel like it's because when I've gone over to her place, she likes to borrow my car to save on gas money. Now I guess she is disappointed she won't be able to do that.
Finally, she mentioned she was feeling lonely. I offered to let her call me, but she doesn't seem interested.
Because of these things I'm really thinking of distancing myself from her after this trip. I've just felt like not brining any of this up and just distancing myself away from her but on the other hand, I want to give her a chance to try to do things differently with me. I feel like we've known each other for too long but on the other hand I feel like we're really different now and I've been meeting some more people who have been a better fit with me since we've graduated high school.
No. 68569
>>68546Cheaters often accuse the person they're cheating on of cheating, so maybe he's the one cheating. Start treating him the way you treat him, ask for pics, say he's suspicious too. See how that goes.
My ex used to do this and he cheated on me a lot :) Just saying.
No. 68667
>>68658yeah no I would end this before it gets worse cause it's going to be a painful and wild ride.
Does he have any fetishes/interests that might have led to this?
No. 68683
>>68658I'm so sorry. That must be so awful.
It really depends on how you feel about trans.
Just my opinion, but these people are usually fetishists and always delusional. They can't be helped or talked out of it because everyone and society in general condone it so much.
You did not sign up for that.
You could easily find a normal, not delusional man. I say leave.
No. 68776
>>68753Don't settle for a dude with an unattractive dick. Just move on to someone you'll actually be sexually attracted to.
Men with small dicks are always insecure and really immature anyways.
No. 68777
>>68776>Men with small dicks are always insecure and really immature anyways.I've actually dated a couple of guys that were really laid back and had a sense of humor about it and made enough effort to balance it out. Both of them were up front about it though so it wasn't a disappointing surprise, actually I was expecting a microdick each time kek
I wouldn't go near a guy with a complex about their dick though, even if they had a huge one
No. 68778
>>68753Yeah, it was thin and short, but weirdly enough what bothered me most was how small his balls were. It really creeped me out on a visceral level. It's honestly turned me off sex, I don't want to risk an uncomfortable situation like that again but I'm too much of a prude to ask for dick pics beforehand.
I'm fine with average dicks but I have a really strong preference for big ones. It's all mental though, never really tried anything above average and probably never will because I don't think I'd get that lucky.
No. 68783
>>68658Google transwidows.
Get out fast.
No. 68784
>>68753dicks are ugly as fuck, my SO knows dicks are ugly as fuck
did he send you dick pics or was it irl? dick pics are really awkward and men often just whip it out, take a quick pic and send it rather than put in effort, it's perfectly normal to find dicks ugly
if it helps, once I got use to seeing his dick, it was more about it being attached to who I love instead of the dick itself, perfectly normal to find dicks ugly though cuz well they are
don't listen to the disguised incel here
>>68776most girls don't find their bfs dicks attractive or any dicks, because well, it's a dick, it's supposed to feel good inside of you not look pretty
No. 68798
>>68753I felt a bit awkward when I first saw my bf's dick, it's rather small and has phimosis… But I love him and it doesn't really matter, I just laughed it off and got over it. Penetration doesn't make me feel particularly good anyways and he's great with his finger so I don't care.
But yeah I think at first it's always kinda awkward but you just have to get over it.
No. 68826
>>68819Not sure I understood 100% but could you try looking to resolve issues in a structured way? Like whoever did something wrong could explain what they did and say sorry, the other person could say ok and explain why it upset them, the first person could say ok I understand it won't happen again. Then it's over with minimal excess emotion and without the possibility of it being dragged on. Easier said than done but if you are both committed to it, maybe it'd work out better.
Also I'd say to really pick your battles (including with yourself). Don't become a dick, but when you or they do something thoughtless or stupid remember it was just that - so don't treat it like a crime. Letting the small things slide will make you happier, even though at the time you might have a lot of emotions about them
No. 68991
>>68982>>68983>>68989Thanks for the advice, I think the whole situation is fucking dumb and I'm just so hurt by it and I feel like he's trying to make me think im wrong for being upset. He doesn't want to "cause tension" But it's two different concerts, and I'd feel better even just attending one with them but I guess thats not reasonable.
I think I'm just gonna dump his ass and hopefully i'll find someone less garbage :)
No. 69043
>>69030Sounds like he's being pretty cautious about pressuring you. Dudes cum every time, so he probably can't be convinced that you're enjoying yourself if you don't.
It can't be helped. If he thinks you're not having fun, a normal guy wouldn't be able to have fun in that situation either.
You guys should probably just stop having sex. As it is now, it's just making you feel nervous and making him feel like an asshole that's forcing sex on you.
No. 69147
>>69146What do you mean by aggressive and does he oggle girls?
I’d dump him honestly. If you can’t even go on dates then how can the relationship ever succeed. It shouldn’t be hard to date and there are other good men out there.
No. 69149
>>69147He snaps easily about lots of things. I don't know how bad he is with being able to focus on me on a date without his eyes wandering right before me but I am the type to catch and ask and I feel like if I catch him he'll have a go at me.
The last time I went out with him I got really nervous and he stormed home, I've gotten terrified ever since.
No. 69160
>>69149You should never be terrified of your partner. This doesn't sound healthy.
There's also not much advice that anyone can give you because your partner seems to be the problem. Really consider why you're together with him and if that's what you want.
No. 69371
for months boyfriend has had anger issues and lashes out at me, swears at me, shortly after several months of lying nearly every day, expects trust
I try to but whenever I need reassurance I'm annoying and awful, and if I stand up or am firm, he tells his family I'm controlling
meanwhile he shouts swear words at me and sometimes throws things, screams he doesn't care then will calm and say it's not like he ever meant to do that and that it's clea r he wants to get better and loves me
meanwhile tries to tell me to change and improve but in eight months I still wait for a week where he doesn't just go batshit and start swearing and storm out or ignore my messages
makes me cry, again, cares after but not at the time
is it really me who's the abusive one here? not that his family will ever believe me as both his parents now think I'm the crazy one and have no idea how their son can be with me
try confronting him, he goes batshit
don't confront him, be timid, he goes batshit
laid in bed wanting him to care and be sorry for his actions, most I get is a shouted fake sorry and nothing budges until I'm the one who crawls back and says sorry
I didn't even start this argument and often I don't and his fav excuse right now is "I'll improve when your attitude changes" even though every other moment he's saying what a kind and selfless person I am
I'm so confused. Is he gonna change or not.
No. 69377
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>>69371this is exactly what abusers who aren't serious about changing do.
No. 69381
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>>69371>Months>All that shit.You know better. Don't retarded.
No. 69396
>>69215this just might work, Anon thank you!!
>>69385I second the tell us about him.
No. 69402
>>69385are you a soc slut?
long distance like that isn't going to work out unless you 100% will visit and both put in work etc but that's just my opinion
No. 69435
>>69434that's true, with online dating and all.. but with the subject being ldr, online dating never crossed my mind because to me its for finding people where you live or pretty close
but anyway you're right, go ahead and replace "a lot of these guys look for things online" with "some guys look for things on odd parts of the internet" then, i think that's still fitting at least.
No. 69635
>>69633anon why are you still talking with him?
Cut all contact and get those tinder dates.
No. 69639
>>69371OP here- can I ask an opinion?
My bf called me and we were talking normally until he picked on me aggressively for something, of which I got upset and hung up
He called back asking why he couldn't have a "normal conversation" with me even though he was the one who was patronising
He also swore at me and said fucking. Previously he's said fuck you and bitch but he said fucking, in an aggressive sentence
I explained that this upset me, and his response was that if I couldn't handle him swearing in a conversation then maybe I need to grow up.
However I feel this is almost abuser logic and validation and that anyone is allowed to be upset if their partner swears at them in a disrespectful manner and actually he is the one who needs to grow up
I am upset and he tries to twist this on me and blame me, but I'm getting a feeling again this is very common behaviour in an abuser.
Bonus: sometimes he'll try to twist it and claim /I'm/ the crazy one.
No. 69670
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>>69633Fuck someone to spite him
No. 69696
>>69693All LT couples go through this to some extent - having sex with the same person for years can get monotonous no matter how much you fancy them. That being said, it’s both your responsibility to recognise and combat that when it threatens to damage your sex life/relationship, and he clearly isn’t doing his bit. Keep trying to spice things up, but if he doesn’t put some effort in soon then I’d seriously be considering whether this relationship was so valuable that you’re willing to potentially forego sexual satisfaction (and the emotional intimacy it brings) forever. IMO keeping someone around who won’t try for you is not worth sacrificing your personal wellbeing and self-confidence for.
Good luck anon!
No. 69707
I recently decided to end things with my boyfriend of 1 year because of regular gaslighting. He would also flirt with other girls in front of me, show more interest in other women then he showed in me, compare me to other women to point out my deficiencies, point out my exterior "flaws" more often then any of my beauty…not just in one on one scenarios but in front of other people too. After the first month of our relationship he basically stopped saying the kind of things you expect from a partner who wants to remind you of how special you are. When I would get that kind of attention from other people, he would accuse me of fishing for it. He also has special snowflake syndrome himself and considers himself very beautiful and clever and all of that. He does have a lot of wonderful characteristics and values, but all of these other patterns were weighing me down and giving me a lot of anxiety. I tried talking to him about it and he said I was projecting my low self worth onto the relation and called me delusional.
It's been almost two months now since I left him which was really hard to do, emotionally I was very attached to him even though I wasn't happy in our relationship for the majority of that year together. He tried to convince me to stay while we were breaking up and he's still contacting me asking me to come be with him, like he thinks I will reattach and change my mind or something. I just don't get it. Why would you try to convince someone to be with you if you don't even find them very special, beautiful or smart? And beauty is so important to him, he constantly reminds me that I don't fit his ideal, even though I think I am quite pretty and so do many other people. But when I'm around him I feel ugly, clumsy, stupid. I didn't have these kinds of issues when we started dating.
No. 69728
>>69707>>69708he sounds like a dickhead. you should block him from all contact because he will continue to try to manipulate you and hes honestly not worth a second thought. move on with your life and find someone who appreciates you, because trust me, you might not believe it now but theres gonna be someone who can actually show you that they love you with no strings attached.
>>69713you sound immature and you should probably leave the relationship and work on yourself before you "slip" and end up having an emotional affair or just grow too emotionally distant to salvage it.
>>69693nah. cant comprehend this one anon. I have a high sex drive and I would never accept this kind of behaviour. If he's looking at porn and "sexy candids" of other women then its not his sex drive thats the problem, hes just taking you for granted. its a tough situation because its hard to talk about this stuff without making your partner feel bad, i know, but you're gonna have to communicate it one way or another. and another way might be buying a massive vibrator and diddling yourself right in front of him and then telling him you're too tired for sex.
at least, thats what i'd do
No. 69730
>>68907if it makes you feel any better, i was in this scenario. i was dating a guy for 2 years and thought he was the bees knees. he had so many flaws but i loved him and thought i'd never love anyone else and i refused to leave him even when he cheated on me and started overdosing on drugs behind my back, he said the most awful things about me to other people and essentially ignored all of my emotional needs (not to mention how fucking awful the sex was) but at the time i didnt see any of that.
About two weeks later i started dating somebody else and they turned out to be about 200% more compatible for me and completely blew this first guy out of the park. now i have my ex blocked and i can finally feel happy (and not just "happy" where i convince myself everything is fine and cry myself into hysterics every weekend)
you'll find someone better.
No. 69762
>>69759Well, was he drunk or was it a medical problem?
I can see myself telling you to fuck off if I had pissed the bed accidentally in my sleep, were ashamed and you were bitching about it.
No. 69764
>>69762He drunk too much
And I didn't bitch, he was rude to me about it and he is the bf I mentioned a little earlier in this thread who is verbally abusive so I didn't wanna sleep with him
No. 69776
>>69734>>69752I had this problem initially with my boyfriend, too. He's a year older than me, but was almost completely inexperienced in terms of sex and relationships when we first got together. I wasn't sure I could deal with that, but thankfully he learns fast and we have amazing chemistry, so things get better every day.
So long as both parties are on the same page and willing to put in the work, a 5-year age difference, and inexperience in general, shouldn't be a big deal. Especially for an 18-year old dude. He'd probably feel like a stud to be dating a 23-year old, assuming he's into you like that.
No. 69824
>>69738>>69747>>69776That's good to know! I also get mistaken for a freshman a lot so I guess that makes things better.
>>69750Yeah we are in a club together. And we already hooked up. lol
>>69752Good to know. I asked him to see a film next week.
No. 69956
>>66983tl;dr Hey, same anon here!
I finally cry-spilled to my BF a couple days ago about my anxiety over this problem, a miserable conversation which importantly ended with me asking if he actually loved me, and him pausing before answering "I wouldn't have stayed in a relationship over the internet if I didn't." I think another important part of this was that this was the first time that it hit him that I wasn't faking being asexual (a word which I loathe using, but it is my true (lack of?) sexuality).
I did tell him I'd try my best, because seeing him happy would make me happy as well. I told him that though my desire might not be "direct" as with most people, it would still be "indirect" and leading to the same goal.
Unfortunately, he's been rather melancholy since then, but he's not the type to let his thoughts out easily - but today after some goading about his depressed state, I got him to tell me that he "feels something's change", but could not pinpoint it. Where he felt it was certain before, he now says that he sees "a big question mark". He murmured that he should have listened to me when I was warning him in the beginning months of the relationship. I told him that I'd do whatever I can on my end - and who knows how things will be, as we haven't been able to meet in real life yet! I finally asked him a question so that I could get a direct answer - if he was still in it for the long haul (a bit redundant, I know) - and he said he didn't know.
This absolutely kills me because it took me many months to even accept being in a relationship, and many more to come to terms with the fact that it will eventually have to have a sexual component to it and to make the decision that I'm in it for life. And all because of one stupid little thing that he wouldn't have noticed had my fears not bubbled over and mentioned it.
I am hoping that this dour mood of his will only be for a few days, as this week is scheduled to be stressful for him (work and school), and he does have a tendency to brood. It's funny because in between the call conversation today there were snippets in which we were just talking normally, goofy as usual. I hope he comes to and realizes that real love is not just a feeling, and that it takes work - but we have always had different definitions.
I haven't cried in years, but I've been crying all week since before and after that conversation. I was a bit better by yesterday, since outwardly everything seemed to be past, but today I'm absolutely crushed. I know a good part of it is my ego. I think a good course of action is that I'll pull back a little and let him think things through. I hope the odds are not 50-50.
Thank you to everyone who read this whole thing.
No. 69959
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Should I tell my boyfriend my parents are abusive to me or no?
My parents tell me not to tell anyone about it and I've seen guys break up with their girlfriends for them saying it but sometimes I think that it would help him realize why I have to act distant with him or else I'd be punished since my parents don't like it when I'm around other people outside of the family.
I used to have a best friend I could talk to about it whenever but my parents had to separate us so I'm also worried about that too.
No. 69960
>>69956He sounds like an ass.
Boohoo he doesn't get to stick his dick in somebody, fucking hell. If that's enough to make him have doubts about your relationship then he is absolutely worthless.
No. 69964
>>69961My mother is a schizophrenic and a racist (my boyfriend is a Euro) who threatens to kill me often, pours chemicals in vents to make me sick, etc. My father hates women and is also a racist but towards my mother and I, calls me worthless and stupid and doesn't support me going to college even though I had good grades (until my last year of highschool when my mother was blaming me for demonic happenings such as her brother dying [he doesn't live close to us] and for having a bad aura because I never smile or talk).
I used to be hit a lot but school counselors started questioning them so that stopped (then they moved me out of the school, eh.) I get called a slut all the time by my mother even though I'm not allowed to pick my own clothing and she buys all my clothes, dresses, because she doesn't want to see me wearing pants since it's dykish.
It's just stuff like that. It sucks but I'm told to thank God because at least I'm not a prostitute or something.
I hate it though. I miss my ex-best friend so much and I think about the guy everyday but he's asian and I shouldn't have been around asians.
No. 69966
>>69956I was in a similar situation, anon. I am asexual, and penetration of any kind is painful and overall unenjoyable for me. But I'm quite a romantic person at the same time, and get crushes often and know that I am a loyal and good girlfriend, but the sex aspect gets in the way. I didn't try pursuing any relationship because of that, even though I wanted one. When I tried explaining to my ex about my sexuality, he only asked defensive questions like "well do you think I'M attractive?", even after I explained to him the whole asexual thing in full. I wasn't adverse to trying sex, just as long as it wasn't penetration (which dumbfuck dudes tho…). When we eventually started sleeping together, he would try and give "gestures" with his dick to "get me prepared" for when I'd actually want to be penetrated. Even after I TOLD HIM that it was painful and I didn't like it. I tried protesting and he still wouldn't listen to me until I started openly sobbing right then and there and he finally stopped. I was under a lot of pressure already for actually having sex when I didn't really want to, and on top of it, I felt a huge amount of shame for not "satisfying his needs" because he couldn't stick his stupid dick into me and made ME out to be the villain. When I told him about my endometriosis, he suddenly acted like he was an expert in the condition probably after reading a bunch of googled articles about why he couldn't get his dicky sticky after I told him. But when I told him that I might have OCD and was thinking about going to a doctor for recent suicidal thoughts and bad depression, he didn't say shit about it. If it wasn't about how he was being denied sex, it wasn't important. In short, his broody manbaby self isn't going to change. He's probably staying because he may think your going to cave in one day. And don't do it for his sake either, I made that same mistake and regret it.
No. 69973
>>69960Thanks for that. I needed a laugh.
>>69966Anon, I'm really sorry to hear what you went through. I hope you will one day find a romantic relationship in which your partner will consider not just his, but your needs as well - especially once you tell him out loud.
I do think I need to step back and take a look at the whole of my relationship, now.
No. 69977
>>69971I'm a young adult.
I have no where to go.
I have worked in the past and I have money but it's locked from me and can only be used if my mother opens it for me with a judicial order (or something. I asked the bank about it). I have a permit but not a license so I can't up and move wherever right now. Otherwise I would have been on the east going to college by now instead of stuck under watch in my room playing shitty snes games all day haha XxXx
I want to get a job at a farm nearby though if I'd be allowed to. Sometimes I wonder if I could join a nunnery but I don't think my sect has them.
No. 69992
So, I'm mostly here to vent but some advice would be great.
My BF and I have been together a while now, 4 years. We used to have a difficult long-distance relationship the first 2 years but now we have been together the past two years. When we talk and stuff, we have fun and it's great but then there are times where I feel like we're more like best friends than BF/GF.
Sex was hard, we'd only have sex like once a month or so since he was 2 states away from me at the time and we would spend a long weekend either here or there once a month. We'd have a shit ton of sex that weekend though. But it started to gradually slow down to once a month and now that we live together, I think the last time we had sex was like 4 months ago. On top of being sexually frustrated, I also feel just sexually unwanted since I've gained a bit of weight recently. He has a lot of porn. And he masturbates every morning since I'm gone most mornings for school or work.
Very recently I was being morbidly curious and looked at his laptop while he was gone. He had a lot of porn on there. A lot of the girls looked underage (they were 18, just young looking) and they were all of them adorable… and stick skinny. I regret looking for two reasons: I shouldn't have snooped into his laptop that is his private property, and now I feel even more sexually unwanted since he had an obvious type and I didn't fit that type in the least. I weighed less at the beginning of our relationship but even then, I didn't fit into the type of girls he seems to like flapping his dick at.
I'm so confused. Am I not his type? Is he lying about finding me pretty? I feel angry and sad about this and I want to break it off right here right now but another part of me is like "you're over reacting. there has to be a reason he stays here and says he loves you."
I've talked to him about being sexually frustrated and his advice was to masturbate more. But I don't like masturbating. It always makes me feel icky and empty afterwards.
I've always felt I'm less than average but now… I know looks aren't everything, but damn is it hard when the man you love gets a rock-hard dick at some skinny cutie pie and he hasn't touched your fat cooch for months.
No. 69996
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>>69992Also don't snoop in other people's shit. I know it can be tempting but you need to respect your partner's privacy. Healthy relationships are built on trust and since you're already in a long term one I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir.
No. 70001
>>69994I tried being as clear as i could with him about it but I'm not sure if he's just not getting it or if I'm just shit at talking.
>>69996I know I shouldn't. But I caved anyway because I was feeling insecure.
No. 70031
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do any of you anons consider porn cheating? I don't necessarily but I hate the idea of my bf watching porn (we're in a ldr, I don't really know what he does) but I'm too embarrassed to ask him to stop because it seems stupid and will probably make him wanna do it more and like me less? lmao
No. 70032
>>70031I don't consider looking at porn cheating at all because it's a solo activity. He's not actually engaging with anyone else, so it's not cheating (unless you're talking about private sessions with a camgirl which I'd consider different). I've never minded my boyfriends watching porn because I know it's not that deep. They just want something to help them fap
My ex's ex was very anti porn for some reason and constantly shamed him for watching it until he left her. I didn't get why she made such a huge deal out of it
Is there anything in particular that bothers you about your bf watching porn?
No. 70034
>>70033I wouldn't worry about it if I were you until you have reason to believe it's a problem. At the moment you don't even know if he's watching porn at all, so don't worry about it. Sure, some people get into weird shit but plenty of people have healthy porn habits (using it only during fapping, not becoming obsessed or thinking porn = real life).
I don't want to assume anything but it sounds like there's something else going on, like you're projecting your past issues on him or have bad self esteem because you think you can be replaced by porn. Think about why you think this way, maybe even talk to your bf about it if you feel comfortable. Porn isn't inherently bad, evident in the fact so many people use it but they still maintain normal lives, enjoy vanilla sex etc. Seems like something else is the issue here
No. 70127
>>70031I personally don't think porn is healthy and I definitely understand why the idea of it makes you feel weird - however I don't think it classes as cheating, as there's no actual interaction with another person. (If there was, like private cam sessions as another anon says, that's different.)
All you can really do is share your feelings on it with him. If it's not having any effect on any sex life you guys do have, then it's kind of nothing to do with you, so he can decide whether to do anything about it - and he might decide not to. At which point you either decide to stop letting it bother you, or let it bother you so much you leave him. So I'd probably think about why you hate it so much, then discuss with him and go from there. Good luck anon!
No. 70128
>>70033Samefag but as a side note I do understand your worry. My boyfriend was a porn addict when we got together (due to being a post-teen virgin) and it did really affect the way he engaged sexually. Sometimes it's not about getting into weird shit, it's just about enjoying your own hand/imagination so much that real sex can't compete. That can and does happen!
/sage for blogpost
No. 70156
>>70151This only continues to confirm the theory, i.e. temporary power over your insecurities.
True enjoyment will never be reached until ego death is committed.
No. 70161
>>70156Wanting true enjoyment (whatever something so vague may be, true?) is just hedonism.
Anyone with a brain knows love and sex serve to satisfy the individual's desires for pleasure and esteem. There isn't any deeper level to love, and especially not sex, than gratifying yourself.
No. 70169
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>>70167>It's pretty much true though, love is just your brain releasing endorphines, eventually you start releasing less.Boiling the human mind down to 'dude chemicals lol' gets on my nerves. It does little more than construe humans as machines that take in inputs and spit out outputs, and it doesn't lead to anything constructive other than maybe nihilistic wankery.
I think it's better to look at the nature of human thought and emotion as is, at face value. Love is really nothing more than an exchange between two people. Love for support, support for love. Two people build up each other's esteem and sate each other's greeds, satisfying their personal desires and lusts in a mutual agreement.
I do not think hedonism is a real way to live one's life, since the world is more complicated than 'do thing, feel good'. Also it implies that there is no value in suffering, which I just don't agree with.
No. 70201
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>>70200>interested in putting forward the question of whether pleasure can exist without knowing sufferanceThis idea just seems like a fixation on pleasure but with an attempt to mitigate it by saying suffering is necessary to attain higher pleasures.
>>70189Suffering serves to enlighten, it is something to build off of. Individuals can become better people through suffering, it breeds development and change. Pleasure on its own, without remission, brings stagnation. There is no reason to better yourself if you are constantly battered with bliss, but anyone with a good head on their shoulders knows that they aren't perfect, and that they should always be striving to improve, aiming toward a higher ideal.
I don't think I can explain the necessity of suffering very well, but what I am absolutely certain in is that pleasure is not everything.
I especially found that this thought experiment ( made me think about how pleasure can't be the only purpose in life, though maybe I was already inclined to agree with the sentiment.
No. 70212
>>70211Wait, sorry, that was just projection of what I hoped for but was disappointed not to get.
Disregard me.
No. 70229
>>70228Though i dont consider gifts from my bf to reflect his understanding in me, I do think you are justified in being pissed off at his blase/dismissive attitude towards your birthday.
Even if hes shit at gift giving he should still make an attempt–
He could have said "Lets go out to eat tomorrow to celebrate" instead of "Just let me know" and that would have demonstrated thought/affection
I think hes being selfish and shitty
Tell him that he hurt your feelings–and based on his response dump him or fix it
It could be a simple miscommunication or a symptom of a larger issue
Happy Birthday Anon
No. 70231
>>70230how long have two been dating?
If he knows this is a sensitive thing, and still acted this way: dump him.
He sounds like shit and im trying to be optimistic for you anon
No. 70243
>>70230anon you need to tell your bf that he hurt your feelings also ew at those shit low-effort, last-minute, gas station bought gifts
you are too good for him, please realize that and break it off or sorry to say time will break y'all up sooner or later and you'll probably regret not doing it sooner yourself
you don't want/need/deserve a selfish man.
No. 70245
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anons am i a cunt for doing this
>>be me
>>one year committed relationship with bf, lived together in two apartments already
>>one yr major argument-free, both chill and compatible
>>two months ago bf asks if it's ok for his old friend to come stay with us a weekend
>>curmudgeon and enjoy alone time but also respect bf and his right to have friends over
>>bf, bf's cousin, and bf's best friend friend get drunk off old rum and mike tyson energy drinks and start acting like apes
>>i go to sleep in another bedroom but browse youtube
>>friend sets our bathroom on fire by leaving the heater on and closing both doors
>>i hear someone mention the word "candle"
>>rush to check on them and see if any candles were lit
>>smell of something burning
>>open door to hallway
>>black smoke in hallway and blocking only exit
>>open bathroom door
>>blazing inferno
>>put out the fire with shower extension
>>the ceiling is made of wood
>>it takes forever but the fire is finally out
>>don't call the fire dept because apartment is rental and dont wanna get kicked out if minimal damage
>>the three guys are too drunk to assess the danger they put themselves and ME in.
>>realize had i fallen asleep instead of youtube i would've probably been trapped in blazing inferno and died
>>bf's best friend starts yelling how it's his fault the fire started and wants to leave at 4 in the morning, in a city he's unfamiliar with
>>i'm a good person so i don't blame a drunk guy right there, want to talk about it in the morning (and kick the fucker out)
>>he gets mad at me and yells at me to "suck his dick, suck his dick, suck his dick"
>>bf right next to me doesn't say anything
>>feel real life "bros over hoes" happening
>>bf's cousin leaves, bf finally asleep, and douchebro asleep, spend the rest of the night setting an alarm every 15 minutes to get out of bed and check if the fire hasn't spread into the roof and it's really out
>>next morning bf and his bff drink coffee as i ignore both and go about my business, waiting for douchebro to leave
>>douchebro isn't leaving
>>calmly ask/tell bf that i want douchebro out of our apartment
>>i don't feel safe or comfortable around him, bf
>>bf tells me i always overreact
>>maybeso.gif but i'm right about overreacting this time and i want the fucker to leave today instead of spending another night here as previously agreed upon
>>decide to spend the rest of the time locked in my office and piss in a bucket if i have to just so i dont have to see douchebro ever again
>>douchebro starts banging on my office door
>>"come see how we cleaned up the bathroom!"
>>fuck off and leave me alone
>>douchebro decides to attempt to break my office door down
>>i open angrily
>>see douchebro and bf behind him
>>douchebro tells me to come see the bathroom or i'm going to get "a whooping"
>>bf again doesn't defend me or anything
>>if any of my gfs talked that way to bf they'd be kicked out immediately
>>wait for both to retreat to living room
>>close the door
>>pack my shit into a backpack and leave quietly to my moms house until douchebro leaves
>>omw to moms, dropping by for coffee
>>bf calls 10 minutes after i leave
>>gf where are you
>>tell him i'm gone until douchebro leaves
>>bf says ok and hangs up
>>douchebro left in the afternoon, bf doesn't text or call to tell me until tomorrow afternoon
>>maybe you started the fire gf who knows
but I didn't break up with him and move out
because i really fucking enjoy living on my own and having a sweet office space all to myself
>>dont talk about the incident at all
>>two months have passed
>>things are normal except i bear a huge grudge
>>if i lose this sweet deal, i'm gonna break up with him over this
>>if he ever proposes, the grudge has marriageblocked him forever
>>men are trash
>>gonna live the sweet single life with my sister
>>you put the lime in the coconut
TL;DR: not respected by bf, am using him for sweet office space. how cunty am i?
No. 70248
>>70245i get the anger, but i feel like a conversation should've been had. it was douchey of him to not call you until the next day, but holding a grudge for 2 months is… well… maybe a little bit over reacting?
you obviously don't love him, so why don't you move in with ur sister or something anon? prelonging this will just feel worse in the long run imo
No. 70252
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>>70246no, he never brought it up again, like i knew he wouldn't because he doesn't see anything wrong with what happened, and he feels like i'm paranoid and i overreacted. i struggle with anxiety and depression a lot so despite me never wanting to be a moody burden on him and actually taking care of my mental health since we've been dating, for his sake and mine - there have been a couple of times where the apartment's windows being on the roof made me scared of burglars and the normal house noises the apartment makes sometimes made me get out of bed and check to see if everything was locked.
also, he doesn't understand why i might feel unsafe as a young woman walking the street at night or why i have a healthy dose of fear and don't want to move to shady parts of the city.
it comes with the turf when you're female and most men don't understand the paranoid thought process fully.
i thought he at least respected me, since clearly he loves me deeply and has never been anything but gentle and kind and loving. it was a very sobering moment, realizing the pack mentality some men have - not generalizing men but not denying a primal nature of "bros before hoes" either
i feel like not talking about it in lieu of keeping peace and in a way preventing myself from doing something i would regret later just so i can spite him now, i feel like it robbed me of actually venting. but again, he wouldn't understand if he never understood it while it was happening.
>>70248i know how it sounds anon but i'm not actively keeping the grudge repressed daily or feel disgusted everytime i see him, i just stopped caring so much about our relationship - like, caring about doing the laundry every day, or cutting up fruit and bringing it to him randomly, or watching what he wants to watch when he watch netflix = over-extending myself in general, like i did for the past ten months.
i wasn't even looking for him to start a fight with douchebro, but not even a small "hey" or "don't talk to my gf like that" or "chill"? yeah, fuck him. he doesn't get the behind-the-scenes five-star treatment for that shit.
>>you obviously don't love himi do love him, but conditionally. he's not my mom, my sis, my grandparents, or my pets. i love those guys UNconditionally.
>>why don't you move in with ur sister or somethingshort answer: money
>>prelonging this will just feel worse in the long run imonot for me but i get what u mean
No. 70255
>>70254you're right of course
maybe im just too comfortable rn to change anything about the relationship
we stayed up all night binging on gotham and then walked out around 7 am to get fresh donuts just now
idk boys r dumb
No. 70301
>>70295I know its a petty response, and wouldn't do it but the urge is still there.
I feel like i dont matter to him because he doesnt seem enthused by me/actions
For instance, I see him for the first time in two weeks and he jst spends he entire time on his phone
No. 70307
>>70301why are you in a relationship anon? are you scared of being alone or lonely or uncomfortable being single? you need to really ask yourself some deep questions because clearly you're unhappy rn and what's holding you back from breaking up with someone who doesn't put as much effort into the relationship as youre putting?
i wish you the best girl, you have some soul-searching to do
No. 70309
>>70306To be honest, it's hard to hold back on criticizing some of these posts. This thread is full of things that anons shouldn't need to be told are unacceptable.
I wouldn't normally say such things to a person who asked me for advice, but your post broke the dam of my pent up frustration.
No. 70311
>>70309I've given advice here before but to be honest, I don't feel like wasting my time anymore. A lot of people here have no self respect and know they are subjecting themselves to degrading situations and abusive relationships but somehow they want someone to tell them that or want headpats. I'm not being paid for this.
I know it's hard to learn how to respect yourself but for once just wonder if it wouldn't be easier to just dump him. Simple as that, instead of sweating over a failed relationship.
No. 70399
>>70298dump him, working through this shit alone is easier than doing it with someone making you feel bad for it
>>70292Yeah, you can try that, but have a plan of action in case he doesn't.
>>70301>first time in two weeks and he jst spends he entire time on his phonesounds really rude at best, have you told him how that hurt your feelings? Did he acknowledge it and agree to work on it? If no, dump
No. 70401
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How do you anons get the courage to dump your boyfriends before the relationship goes full unhealthy? I'm struggling very hard rn. I don't know if my insecurity is fucking my mind but I only have two moods about my relationship: 1) Has his flaws but it's good for both of us and I have great expectations (getting married, buying a house, etc) and 2) I have to run before because I feel the possibility that the relationship is already unhealthy but I still don't realize it, and I wanna go before it gets really bad.
I don't know if I'm having a unhealthy relationship. I've been with an abusive partner before and this feel different but I'm fucking insecure all the time, it's getting on my nerves so hard.
No. 70420
reposting from the advice general thread because it's more appropriate here: I've given my boyfriend's parent the absolute worst impression of me. The first thing they knew about me was that I gave their son a hickey on his neck (then eventually, all over his chest rip), now I've really fucked up. He hosted a party at his house and one thing lead to another and we ended up in his bed both naked. Nothing happened though, he fell asleep and was impossible to wake up. I decided that sleeping next to my naked boyfriend was too risky in the even that his one of his parents walk in, so I went upstairs to sleep on the couch where my friends were (bf forgot to tell anyone that he'd made up beds in a spare room before passing out), but there was no room on the couch, and I was too tired and cold to walk around his house looking for the spare bedroom - it was already taken anyway - so I gave in and thought fuck it, I'll just cover him up and sleep next to him fully clothed instead. It was fine untill later in the morning when his sister came in to tell us to come downstairs and tend to our friends. He had to explain everything to his parents who I don't expect would believe it at all, and to make things worse, I'd only thanked his father for having me over, and his mother is very disappointed in me for this. I've always prided myself in my manners, so this definitely hit me right where it hurts. I don't know if anyone can give me advice for this, I just needed to get this off my chest.
No. 114953
>>114921this is the perfect crime just because you've trained yourself up to be an idiot
>moan "yes" when you think it's shit sex>tell him to come in you when you don't want him toYou technically consented. Why are you putting the porn show on when you mean the opposite? Are you getting paid for this? Honestly seems like he set you up knowing you're a dumbass who says the opposite of what you want in bed and relies on him mindreading. Men absolutely do come in partners for spite, it's technically rape if you said no but you
didn't say no. He set you up.
No. 114967
>>114959I'd break up if they really wanted to do it. Theres no saving a long-term/serious relationship when one partner wants to fuck around with someone else that isn't you. I would think they have already moved on in their head and just want my approval so they don't feel guilty.
I know it can work out, i guess, if there is a bunch of consent, rules and no jealousy but its rare and usually ends bad.