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No. 445681
Support for nonas going through breakups/divorce and moving on.
Previous Thread
>>121656 No. 445688
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It's been over a year now and the divorce has been finalized and I'm still not over him. I feel like life won't ever be as comfortable, safe and cozy without him there to support and provide for me. Everyone says I'll find someone better but the realist in me feels like that's highly unlikely. Dating apps are so taxing and repetitive. My experience meeting him was happenstance but felt like destiny because of a neat coincidence that his grandparents lived across the street from me and we never interacted until we met through friends at Magfest in 2015. Being a military spouse suited me so well although we never got stationed anywhere interesting. Pretty much all of my friends were where we lived together and I had to move back to my home state to be close to my mom as my mental health is very bad. I basically have one or two friends in this area so I'm pretty lonely when I'm not visiting with my mom. I lucked out and was able to secure my own little house but I still struggle taking care of myself and I recently lost my Tricare insurance. I doordash for my income and seem to be making just enough to get by. I had a pretty secure job housekeeping at a nursing home but I screwed it up and got fired for calling out too many times masquerading depression with "stomach flu" and "visual migraines"
I have major depression disorder and am just barely keeping my head above water every day. When I'm not dashing I either sleep for 12-14 hours or doomscroll and have little motivation to do the things I enjoy like video games, yoga, making art. All I really wanted in life was the life I had with him, and more recently to be a mother. I'm 34 so I feel scared that I'll never get my chance to experience motherhood. My other goal in life is to be a tattoo artist, which I've started a portfolio but haven't been motivated to work on it much…the depression zaps any motivation and inspiration I have to work on it more despite being on the maximum dosage for zoloft. Suicide comes to my mind a lot lately and the few things keeping me from it are my kitten I adopted when I moved into my place last summer and my mom (who already lost my dad to suicide in 2008) and my best friends (one of which is stationed in Italy with her husband) Along with zoloft I'm on 15mg of Olanzapine because I had a severe manic episode in the summer of 2023 triggered by the divorce. I posted in the last thread a few times so maybe some of you remember me as the nona that went to jail. I finished the behavioral health docket and my charge will be dismissed with my final court date on the 11th of next month. Once that day is settled I'll be free to partake in marijuana and get my medical card which will make things significantly less depressing so that's one of the small things also keeping me going. It's still so hard though, I think about him and what we had and could have had together every day. I try to remind myself of the negatives about our relationship like his cheating and mood swings that often had me walking on eggshells around him, but I still feel that I love him. The divorce really took me by surprise as I thought things were going so well but apparently not. I try to put on a positive face for my mom and my friends but when I'm alone I know I'm not taking care of myself properly or doing the bare minimum to get through each day. It could be worse though I guess…I could be Shayna lmfao
No. 445837
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>>445695Yeah they always joke about how so many couples divorce when ones in the military and I never thought it would happen with us but here I am.
>>445697I have a therapist and she's helped a little bit and I try to be honest about how I am doing when I talk to my friends and my mom but I'm definitely masking how low I really feel to not worry them. I really don't want to return to an inpatient facility and don't really think they would be able to help me much as it really is just going through the grieving process. Posting here on occasion helps me out because of anonymity, I feel like I can be more honest with myself in my vents. I redownload the finch app and started a new bird (didn't think to backup my old one) so hoping it'll help me feel more accountable and productive. I really want to start doing yoga and drinking coffee in the mornings like I use to when I was married but every day I end up sleeping in until it's time to do some doordashing. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist next week and I'm going to see if he can adjust my meds for me.
No. 446260
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From what I have heard through the grapevine my ex is beginning to spiral and is going through major depression now. Starting the cycle that he was in before we got together. Any attempt he will make to fix it is pointless since he will never seek the actual help and self-reflection he needs to improve his life. Even if he attempts to start a new relationship as a bandaid it will ultimately fail in the long run, both because no one will ever compare to me, and because he has never done the necessary work to solve the root of his problem. Which is himself. So happy for him, I hope he rots.
No. 448674
I’ve been in a relationship with the same man for 16 years and now (not married) I’m starting to contemplate ending it. We’ve been together since I was 19, and I haven’t lived on my own since I was 20, and we own a house together, so I’m not sure where I would go or live if we broke up. Honestly if we break up I’d just let him keep the house and I’d probably want to rent somewhere, or maybe live with a relative for a little bit. To complicate things, my boyfriend and I work in the same place - same building, same company, different departments and different floors. So I’d also want to quit my job (I’m not crazy about my job to begin with, but then I’d lose my health insurance). And I feel bad - like me quitting and breaking up with him would probably make him feel weird at his job, or be looked down on.
The main reasons I’m thinking of breaking up is because we don’t really have sex anymore and he works all the time and neglects his physical/mental health. He’s very nice to me otherwise. Idk what to do - blow my whole life up and just end it, wait it out for a while and not tell him how I’m feeling, idk. The main thing that’s holding me back from saying anything is I don’t want to hurt his feelings, but I’m making myself unhappy by doing so. Is it bad if I’m considering ruining my nice stable life just because I want to ho it up and be a single party girl?
No. 449470
>>448674>16 years>not marriedif you want to be married then you're truly wasting your time with this guy thats keeping you around for, whats most likely, convenience.
If you just want sex, maybe try asking him if you can find it outside of the relationship with other people? Communicate those issues with him and see what he says, his answer will determine what you should do next.
Don't stay unhappy when you don't need to.
No. 456789
>>448674honestly not worth blowing everything into flames.. you'll regret it
tell him how you feel and figure it out with him.
No. 462043
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nonas how do you move on from someone who used you? my ex boyfriend broke up with me in december of last year and then it was revealed he was emotionally cheating on me with some girl he worked with at a previous job. i kicked him out if my apartment and then he came back to me a month or so later. but things werent the same after. he wouldnt want to go out with me, be seen with me by people he knows, he would only want sex but i was blinded and thought he wanted more. he finally severed ties with me in november of this year and he got with the girl he emotionally cheated on me with. i feel broken and used. like a whore. he said he was only with me for "fun". i want him to fucking die but i still miss him. i dont have good self esteem so i cant completely devote myself to hating him. i dont even want to meet new people because i am afraid of being thrown away like he did to me. this man was everything to me and i was nothing to him. and now he has a new girlfriend who he probably loves and cares for so much and will marry and give everything to while i have nothing. what do i do nonas
No. 462054
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>>462043I might get banned for this but genuinely don't know where to begin or how to relate to this post. Why are you examining every single thing from the most humiliating and self-defeating angle possible? Is this moid's dick made out of pure radium?
No. 463909
>>463904I'm sorry nona. I also divorced an
abusive scrote and even though it is the right decision that doesn't make going through a divorce any easier. It is hard and I know that feeling of alone ness and questioning everything. But it will get better, when you finally have him firmly in your rear view mirror, you will feel like a weight has been lifted off your life. I wasted about the same amount of time with mine. Completely understand the resentment that comes with that. But you still have so much life ahead, without him, and it will be so much better, creating it how you want.
No. 464196
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Please help me nonas, i am so confused and need to hear input as to what the hell just fucking happened to me.
>> Meet cute guy at school, don’t think much of it because he is much younger (23) me(28).
>> Talk at the school bar a few times, amazing chemistry.
>> times goes by, see eachother on different occacions, he always says that we should watch a movie together.
>> he asks me finally if we should watch a movie at his place on messenger and we do and hit it off very well.
>> watch a few movies together a few more times, at his or mine. We eventually start to like eachother and he finally tells me that he likes me and if he can kiss me.
>> we hang out, days go by. We are lovey dovey a bit in public (school, bar etc)
>> asks me if we are a thing, i say sure.
>> few days go by, asks me if he is a “secret lover” or if i have mentioned him to my parents, because he had mentioned me to his. i hadn’t yet obviously.
>> during this whole time he has offhandidly talked about his ex, listened to songs about missing people etc etc
>> i ask if he is over his ex, he says yes and i decide to believe him (lol)
>> days later asks me to be his girlfriend, i say ok sure.
>> talks about his ex being abusive, getting angry if he didn’t answer texts right away. (When they were together)
>> says he feels like he loves me already but knows i would be freaked out if he said it so early and that it was to early to say it.
>> Go to bar one night, have a fight because i get jealous because other girls flirt with him and he isn’t pushing them away but being friendly albeit not flirting back at all.
>> we make up.
>> i go to my home country for the holidays. I have a conversation with him and ask if he even likes me because he isn’t so outwardly affectionate in a “passionate way” (he is very shy and inexperienced) he assures me he thinks i am hot shit basically and couldn’t believe i liked him etc he again says he wants to drop the L word but knows i think it’s too early.
>> week goes by, he texts me all day, calls me everyday (his initiative, never asked him to do this). Everything seems swell.
>> We have a misunderstanding, i was sad about something, texted it to him ehile he was at work. He didnt call me after work (i said he didnt HAVE to), he tries to call because he can sense i am butthurt (not angry at all).
>> He calls again, i finally answer.
>> He is angry as shit, says i don’t appericate any effort he puts in, that we are incompatible, he thinks he can’t love me in the way i require, that i am too good for him, we will probably destroy(he used this word) eachother in the future, says we don’t know eachother.
>> convo goes on for about 2 hours.
>> I ask him to clearly say if he wants this, yes or no, no beating around the bush. He says no, and we break up.
>> two days go by, i ask if we can chat because i am confused as shit.
>> We talk, he says we are too different and we will damage/destroy eachother if we contine, drops the L word on be by “accident”??(idfk) then corrects himself says oh i mean like a lot a lot. Says he has been crying since we ended it, and that he is sad to so it.
>> Convo ends, he doesn’t want the relationship anymore.
Some context; All this chaos was in the span of 1.5 month.
He had a very strange upbringing, family is a bit spiritual and cultish, he went to a weird cultish school and is strange. Smokes weed alot. Only had one girlfriend in his whole life and they broke up 5 months ago ish. Very timid, almost no sexual experience.
Nonas, what the hell just happened to me? I don’t think he was faking it, which makes me more confused. I have dated players before, but they usually don’t want labels or mention parents, he was EAGER lol.
No. 464492
>>464196nonnie, don't do it. He's naive, he's a bit obsessed, he doesn't know how to be a lover or a boyfriend or really a responsible adult. He wants to move fast and then he doesn't. He's a walking red flag.
He's clearly not over his ex and also not mature enough to move on or handle a regular relationship without diving headfirst into one. Protect yourself.
No. 464525
>>464288Good on you
nonnie, it's never too late to get out. Actions really do say everything about a person's true character. Every moment of peace after leaving is always worth it. It may not be easy at the start, but trust in the grieving and growing process. You will heal with time so long as you have faith in yourself and in your perceptions. Take care nonna
No. 489234
>>489223>>489231Ayrt, what causes a narcissist to switch up and discard you? My ex dumped me after I stopped treating him like my Prince Charming because he made me feel like I had to choose him over my family. That’s when I distanced myself for a few days. Basically, I told him I would not be cutting my family off, and he would need to learn to deal with them if we got married (like he said he wanted), and that I knew he was afraid of rejection. He framed it as wanting to stop me from being mistreated by my
abusive parents, but I tried to explain to him that my relationship is much better with my family now, and I don’t want to lose them when things are finally good. This was the reason for our breakup.
No. 489244
>>489234I feel like you answered your own question. He wanted to isolate you from your family so he could make you more dependent on him. Once you're dependent he can stop pretending he's this great guy and let the real games begin. A lot of narcs will flip over things like this or even if you start calling them out on their lies or manipulations they will often start looking for a replacement secretly behind your back. Then they get really extra nasty. You also mentioned that you stopped treating him like your hero, that can be enough for a narcissist to devalue and discard because they aren't getting what they want. Everything is transactional with these people.
I hope you are able to stay away from him, the reason for your break up is a huge red flag, he's even trying to make you feel at fault by claiming he's trying to protect you. It's a manipulation so you'll wonder what you did wrong when clearly he is the problem.
No. 502533
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is this true in your experience nonnas? I feel like it's only true because men think they'll be able to bang plenty hot women post-breakup and then realize it's not going to happen and miss the easy pussy
No. 502542
>>502533Currently living this, i was in a long term
toxic relationship, and after getting broken up with i was spiraling months after, not being able to pass a day without thinking about him, blaming myself etc. I was trying to relearn to love myself again, reconnect with my friends, while he found a new long term relationship soon after. Now i'm living my life as if nothing happened, minding my business, working and in a happy relationship, while he is obsessed with me and my life and not over the relationship. If someone told me this after the breakup i would call bullshit, but right now I can vouch that it's very much true, probably because they lack the self-reflection to procces the relationship and just ignore the grief and guilt until it becomes too painful to bear.
Stay strong nonnies, it gets better.
No. 504117
I apologize if this is more suited for another thread, but I'm looking for others advice on separating from a very long, intertwined relationship. To keep it brief, a dear friend was very concerned for me and now my family is, so I'm preparing to leave before it likely gets worse. I know I can not do a clean break, but here are some questions:
What exactly of my items should I prioritize? What are some things less thought about? How do I get a pet out of the situation? And finally, how do I go about actually ending the relationship? I'll need time to sort and seperate, but should I have someone with me, or nearby? Should I get their parent involved? For the record: no kids, no marriage, just a shitty relationship with an aggressive partner.
No. 504183
>>494799I feel like the honeymoon phase is sometimes used to gaslight women into staying in bad relationships. He never takes you out anymore? Oh it’s because honeymoons phase is over and you’re settled now. He makes less effort? He feels comfortable with you and is being himself. Really this bullshit gives guys excuse to slack off and not show their appreciation but of course men will continue to act like
victims when the woman dumps or cheats
No. 504265
>>504117I know a moid who was like this (dated him for a bit before i saw the flags ngl, i have shit taste) and when his ex-fiancee left him she brought her entire family to stand behind her while she had the break-up talk with him, then they all promptly helped her move out immediately afterwards. safety in numbers. if you have any big brother types in your life, ask for their help (or if you have friends with the same, ask if you can borrow theirs). The only true essentials are your documents, valuables, your pet and yourself. It's good that your family is in agreement about the breakup, try to see if someone in your support circle is willing to help you out with living arrangements if you don't have some planned out already while you transition back to free life.
As far as whether you want to reach out to your ex's parent in order to let them know what's happening, that's kinda up to you and how well you know/like that parent. I might do it for someone I respected and didn't want to leave with a negative impression, but if the whole family should be Never Spoken To Again, I would also not be surprised. Sometimes people are shit kids because they have shit parents. Don't have high expectations.