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No. 452130

For anything skincare related.

Previous thread >>>/g/317231

No. 452132

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Anyone have and use picrel? Does it do anything?

No. 453528

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What can you do about bumps besides pick at them?

No. 454757

what kind of bumps

No. 454768

Go on tretinoin and closed comedones will disappear forever after a few months for as long as you keep using it consistently. I'm a reformed dermatillomaniac and tret means I basically never have to pick at my skin again.

No. 454862

Pimples, I guess? I don't know. I never tried to figure out what they are before I start scratching or pinching them. Then I pick the scabs too! It's a sad cycle.
This is promising, thank you! I'm so glad you found something that works. I'm worried my skin is too sensitive (a doctor once told me I have excema literally all over my face kek) but I will look into this.

No. 454888

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How do I get rid of sebaceous filaments??? I have so many of them and it bothers me so much, I pick at them but I know that's really bad for my skin.
My friend told me to get one of those little handheld machines but I'm scared that will damage my skin more somehow, or not work? They sound expensive but is there another way?

No. 454891

Don't use the machines they will burst your capillaries. Use a peel mask.

No. 454893

cavitation peeling devices are cheap and work but for me the best are acid peels

No. 454926

Volufiline nonna reporting back, I can't find my old post and I'm on mobile but around 3 months ago I started using it under my eyes and on my lips. I've gone through some 1/3rd of my 72 ml bottle, so this thing will last me ages. My hollow dark undereyes are still dark and sort of hollow but I've gained some slight eyebags? Lea Seydoux style, but obviously smaller. I like it and I think sleepy is a cuter look than day-old corpse. I haven't been consistent with using it on my lips but it definitely has a slight plumping effect.
I have very sensitive skin and I still went on Accutane, I know it's not exactly the same as tret, but it completely changed my skin. I was on the lowest possibile dose for a year and during the first three months I had pretty severe eczema, I eventually fixed it with snail mucin. I know a lot of people are allergic to it but it had a great calming effect for me.
I got cosrx AHA/BHA for the same problem because Accutane didn't fix it. They aren't gone completely but now at least they don't randomly get infected and turn into zits.

No. 454978

You can't. What you CAN do however is reduce pore size by using chemical exfoliants such as lactic acid, glycolic acid, or the heavy-duty tretinoin.

No. 455037

How do you apply it? Ive heard it needs to be mixed with oil, so I'm waiting for the squalane to arrive. Hoping to get similar effects

No. 455050

Lea Seydoux has such dreamy eyes I've always loved them, mine are the same shape but have lost alot of fat so I'm tempted to buy and try
I tried the cheap way before (hyaluronic acid sealed with vaseline) and it gave me a slight boost but the results isn't long lasting at all
This gave me so much hope because I hate my sunken eyes the update is appreciated!

No. 456129

I just apply it after having applied eye cream/ some lip balm. For a while, when I ran out of eye cream, I just used it on top of my moisturizer and it was completely fine.
I'd say go for it - a bottle costs quite a lot but I assume it lasts approx 5-10 months, depending on how much you use. It's just that the effects seem so random and you can never predict if it will even do anything. The effects are nothing nobody would outright notice, but for me they're just like a small net positive, like a little bonus.

No. 456172

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nonnies, do pimple patches actually work? i don't get a ton of acne anymore but it'd be nice if they worked on the occasional whiteheads i get

No. 456176

They work incredibly well on whiteheads. 100% worth it.

No. 456180

just use compeed or other hydrocolloid bandages, they work better than any patch I used

No. 459337

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Has anyone tried the medicube overnight mask?

No. 461661

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anyone else here have keratosis pilaris? I have it aaallll up my calves and I've been using moisturizing body wash and salicylic acid lotion for a week and it isn't going down. it's so fucking ugly I can never wear shorts please help me NONAS WITH KP ONLY. what fixed it for you?????

No. 461677

It will go away completely if you're willing to cut out dairy. You can exfoliate all day but it won't make much of a difference. If you cut out dairy and then exfoliate you'll have normal looking skin. Probably not what you want to hear but I've never heard of anyone successfully getting rid of kp through topical solutions alone (and dermatologists either don't know or won't admit how shitty bovine hormones are on some people's skin)

No. 461747

by this logic, should I go vegan? aren't those hormones in meat as well? I heard cutting dairy helps with acne, eczema, and even psoriasis. no cheese….. sadge

No. 461754

i hear glycolic acid could help. weirdly enough, getting a little tan on your skin seems to help with kp.

No. 461755

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Not sure. I did find out by going vegan but have only really confirmed dairy being a problem for my skin, not any other animal products. For a while I thought these "dessert bars" were dairy-free (they are not) and a few bumps returned to the back of my arms after I got addicted to them (casein in dairy is addictive anyways but they're also really good). I used to think everyone should go vegan but have now witnessed living evidence that some people tolerate dairy pretty well and meat. If you have kp in the first place, you might be prone to inflammation caused by dairy though, it's worth a try

(d/rp for retarded typos)

No. 462260

In your experience, what causes breakouts specifically around the chin and jaw area? I'm going nuts because it's just constant spot after spot appearing, and my skincare routine is pretty solid for every other part of my face, it's just my chin really that is so persistent with acne. Help a gal out please.

No. 462261

Sometimes it's hormonal or related to digestion

No. 462262

I bought 90% lactic acid and mix a body spray of 40% myself. After 1 month you'll have soft skin and KP will be heavily reduced

No. 462263

do you supplement b vitamins? I always get it when I have too much B

No. 462491

The winter cuticles drive me crazy every year. I bought one cuticle oil but it didn’t feel nourishing enough so I got another one. I apply it daily along with lotion a couple times a day. I also keep a humidifier in my room. It does not matter. The skin around my thumbs is still a disaster. Is there any escape from this? Pretty sure there’s nothing I can do if the oil isn’t working and the skin around my nails is remaining chapped.

No. 464605

Is it normal for my entire body skin to have discoloration? When I see naked pictures of women, they have uniform "clean" skin tone, while mine is patchy, like some sort of asymmetrical vitiligo, specially on my abdomen. My groin area is also extremely dark, and my belt area, too. With dark black/purple color and a silver sheen to it. My skin looks "dirty" because of this. What can I do to get rid of it? I already exfoliate using salicylic acid and physical scrubs and moisturize my body after the shower. I have brown skin so it could be a hyperpegmentation issue ofcourse. Please, no patronizing comments about self-acceptance and yada yada. I want a real solution, I'm already unhappy with the way I look for many other reasons, but I want to solve it one by one starting with this.

No. 464703

Best wax product? I'm having difficulty with wax unless I let my hair grow out very long, which kind of defeats the purpose for me. Just for legs and under the arms. Something good enough to get hairs that are only 1 cm long.

No. 465269

does anyone else have hair on their ass? like fine hair all over your upper thighs and ass cheeks? should it be removed?

No. 465341

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To those watching $1000+ Sephora hauls and feeling FOMO: this is all you will ever need. This stuff works as: shampoo, body wash, conditioner, makeup remover and moisturiser. The Ordinary retinol is also optional.

Source: my skin is perfect.

You're welcome!

No. 465355

Coconut oil is noncomedogenic. It clogs your pores. Don't use it on your face.

No. 465894

ok what should i use? i need sth natural otherwise my eyes swell

No. 466248

Noncomedogenic means it doesn't cause comedones.

No. 467295

Jojoba oil and rosehip oil are my favorites.

No. 469948

Does anybody have “science-based”/unbiased skincare resources to recommend?

I am new to skincare and get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of marketing in the field. It overwhelms me and fosters distrust. I really just want to understand the basics of how the skin and most skincare products work, that’s it. I don’t have any severe symptoms and simply want to take care of my skin, so my focus is quite general. I’m also a STEM student, which I only mention to underline my interest in science and science-based resources. I am weary of consumerism and want to be careful with what I put on my skin, so honest research is important! Thank you so much

No. 469950

You're going to love lab muffin beauty science then. Her whole channel is dedicated to breaking down cosmetic science. I personally also like to watch dr dray since she does a lot of product reviews. I personally don't trust many other people aside from them and reviews made by people with no/minimal followings.

No. 470371

I thought I read accusations before about her being bought out/promoting something a couple of years ago

No. 470376

This is a bit TMI but I pulled an ingrown hair that was near my nipple years ago, which led to it growing back underneath my skin and I had to pick at it to get it out. It left me with an ugly hyperpigmentation spot that I'm embarrassed about and I don't know how exactly to treat it considering the area. Help? Could BHA patches help?

No. 470383

Is this on your areola or near it? If it's just your normal skin near your areola you could try mederma?

No. 471410

AYRT, I’ve been looking at her work and was originally very excited because she doesn’t appear to be affiliated with a brand and has a background in science. However, the style/tone of her blogs is so irksome. I dislike how informal and fallacious some statements are. For instance, the constant usage of “I think we all know…” or “sus” to describe a study doesn’t come across as very professional. But I do like her guide on skincare and will definitely be using her as a resource.

No. 471457

She does do paid ads sometimes and it's not a secret. Personally, i don't mind and just avoid them.

No. 471914

Visibly improved acne scars that I've had for over 10 years just after one run with a dermapen, I'm so happy nonnas. Nothing else helped, I thought I was gonna have to live with those holes until I had money for some laser treatment. Can't wait to see how they improve after I do it again

No. 472608

is there anything you can do to prevent hormonal acne that isn’t going on hormonal birth control? i don’t think my skincare routine is the problem because my skin will look fantastic for most of the month and then right before my period starts i break out horribly with both tiny pimples and deeper, seemingly cystic acne. it stopped happening when i was on the pill but every time i take hormonal bc it makes me so suicidal that i have to stop so that’s not really an option for me, but idk what else i can do, when i google it everything just says to get on the pill or that it’ll get better with age but my ass is old and it is not getting better

No. 472703

I've heard some had great success with spearmint tea

No. 472773

I started doing yoga every day and using sulfur soap twice a day and I get like maybe 2 pimples at best. And I used to get my entire jawline fucked up with 10 or more new ones popping up each day so I really recommend

No. 476837

Should I put on a moisturiser first and sunscreen second or vice versa?

No. 476920


No. 476953

Moisturizer first, sunscreen after. And don't forget to wash off your sunscreen once you're back home.

No. 477231

The past 2 yeas really had my struggling with acne when I'd past had good skin. Last year was really bad and I couldn't figure out why. My skin seemed to calm on vacation so I decided to go super minimal with my routine and gradually introduce things back in case something in my routine was making me break out. Turned out it was my face lotion which genuinely shocked me because I'd been using it for years without any issue. I don't know if my skin changed or if they changed the formula but it really bummed me out.

Right now I'm just using mineral oil to moisturize. It works but I hope I can eventually find an alternate that isn't so greasy.

No. 477233

topical spironolactone exists, it won't affect your mood. You will need to get it through a telehealth service though.

No. 480478

My skin has been so fucking dry all winter, especially my T-zone, and no moisturiser has helped at all so after a random social media post talked about hyaluronic acid I decided to give it a go.
Like a day after I had ordered it I saw another post saying "actually it doesn't do well on dry skin, just oily skin" so I had little hope it would work. Got it in the mail today, and in just one day my skin already feels so much better! No single moisturiser working before this has been so frustrating, I feel like I can finally relax.

No. 480517

Did anybody deal with hair loss on accutane? I started a low dose recently (20mg 2x a day, 40mg/day total) and I'm terrified it'll happen and won't grow back.

No. 480560

that sounds great, nonna! I struggle with the exact same thing, with heavy flaking on my forehead and nose, and a dehydration line on my forehead. What works the absolute best for me is to top it off with a heavy moisturizer and I sometimes add one of those silicone frownies on my forehead to also lock in moisture. You can also try slugging!

No. 480626

Any tretinoin anons itt? I need advice. I bought tretinoin 0.1% on vacation about 6 months ago because you need a prescription in my country. I had just started using retinol 0.1% but I figured it'd be nice to have tret for the future. I don't really have any major skin concerns but I just turned 30 and thought it'd be a good time to start using vitamin a in my skincare routine. Anyways, I came home from vacation and went straight to winter depression so I only did the bare minimal skincare for a while, I stopped using the retinol 0.1% after only using it a few times. The last month I've been getting back into my routine and wanted to start vit a again so five days ago I just went straight to the tretinoin instead of using the retinol first. I've had some skin peeling but I knew it's normal so I didn't worry. But then just before I figured out that tretinoin 0.1% is actually the highest dose when I thought it was a low dose. I had asked for the mildest one at the farmacy and hadn't bothered to actually look up what 0.1 meant. So that's all on me. But should I quit using it though? Is it way too overkill when my skin isn't used to even retinol or can it be bad for my skin? I only used it that one time and think I'll have to go very slow considering my skin is still a bit flaky, like one time a week at first. Unless it's a bad idea? Idk

No. 480627

I think as long as you’re tapering onto it, using something nice and occlusive over it, and really suncscreening up (even when it’s cloudy) it should be okay. Consider using Vaseline or petroleum jelly as like a slugging layer/ heavy moisturizer while your skin acclimates, and it’s probably a good idea to discontinue other actives right now too

No. 480632

i think depending on how bad it is regular acne products (benzoyl peroxyde) will work, personally i go from once every other day to twice a day when i know it's going to be that time of the month, and it usually keeps things under control ; maybe add topical antibiotics for the week before your periods
i don't really get people who say hormonal acne can't be helped by regular acne products, essentially it's the same bacteria that's causing the acne, it's just proliferating for different reasons

No. 480675

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I found that using traditional treatments like benzoyl peroxide or even retin a on them didn't work, but this Japanese acne cream called Pair Cream worked super well. It's an anti-inflammatory cream that helps to lessen the pain and redness without drying. You do have to use it frequently but it really did help flatten the cystic/not come to a head acne.

No. 480734

>an anti-inflammatory cream that helps to lessen the pain and redness without drying.
sounds like corticosteroids

No. 480739

No, it's mainly ibuprofen.
>Ibuprofen piconol (IPPN) 3.0%
> Isopropyl methylphenol (IPMP) 0.3%
Apparently, the isopropyl methylphenol is an antibacterial prevention.


No. 480742

Is there any way to get rid of scarring beyond chemical peel?

No. 480757

What kind of scaring are we talking? Ice pick/ deep scars tend to respond well to chemical peels and microneedling, though if you’re still breaking out at all I’d avoid microneedling. If they’re flat/ white I’d get them lasered off, laser hurts like a bitch but they numb you right up.
For icepick scars you might look into something called TCA cross, where they apply the chemical peel solution to the scars alone, not your whole face. This would mean you’d have less downtime/ be less flaky if that’s what you’re worried about. I really do like a full face chemical peel, it does crazy things for your skin texture, just plan ahead before you get one done to make sure you’re staying out of the sun completely for the next week or so

No. 480803

Lotion, then tretinoin, then lotion, then slug on top. Make a schedule for yourself to taper on through (like 1x a week, then 2x a week) and really listen to your skin– if just applying your lotion is stinging, skip the tretinoin until it doesn't sting amymore and make sure to keep slugging on the bad days.
Personally though my skin never fully acclimated to tret… I ended up going on adapalene gel instead which agreed with my skin much more. Sometimes it just depends on your specific skin and how it interacts with the product, even if you do everything "right".

No. 480827

topical retinoids have shown some effects in small studies, i think it's worth a try before going in to more expensive treatment

No. 480833

Personally I don't recommend microdneedling even though you will see it touted ubiquitously as a solution. It's quite a bit of expense for very temporary results.

No. 483783

>bring down benzoyl peroxyde from twice to once a day so i can apply actives against the brown spots
>instantly get new acne thatll give me brown spots for months
this is so tiresome, when will my skin stop acting up ffs. i'm 23

No. 485710

Are there any reliable ways to remove old hypertrophic scarring aside from microneedling and laser treatment?
I heard good things about silicone patches but it's a painfully slow process. I've been using them for 2 months and don't see any progress.

No. 485738

This is so annoying. I’m biracial (half balck half white). I’m quite pale since it’s winter time but I still have pigment in my skin and every pimple leave a scar. Even when I don’t pick on them it does. I have horrible PIH right now because I had a random breakout two weeks ago. I’ve went through this many times before. No skincare products have ever really healed my PIH effectively. They just eventually fade away after some weeks to months. I’ve tried everything from vitamin C, alpha apurtin, niacinamide, AHA, BHA ect. The only thing that I’ve actually gotten effective results from is medical skincare treatment like micro needling and PRP, but it’s pricey.

No. 486559

I would get a weaker prescription.

No. 493460

Venting but I'm devastated right now. After trying everything under the sun for my acne, I started accutane and it immediately cleared me up. I've known such incredible peace while on it with 100% clear skin. But I started developing stomach pain that concerned my dermatologist and got taken off of it. Lo and behold, I'm developing acne again all over the sides of my face. IDK to have peace at last and then get it yanked from me. It's so defeating to know there's something that actually works for me only to have it stolen.

No. 493493

Talk to your dermatologist about diet changes that could help. Get a hormones test of some sort and see if you have a hormonal imbalance. And ask your dermatologist if you can start diffiren and in which concentration. Also, monitor your stress level and sleep, as they could mess up your hormones and exacerbate the issue. I hope this is helpful to you.

No. 493503

How do I hide self harm scars? I have a bunch of flat white scars on my thighs from when I was an edgy teen literally a decade ago that never faded. I work outside so as it heats up and I wear shorts they’re just going to become more apparent as I tan over the summer. I also don’t have the budget for laser right now

No. 493510

When I say everything I mean I've tried everything. The stomach issue is potential abdominal adhesion/colitis. I appreciate you trying to help, though.

No. 493515

Longer shorts. Mine are on my wrists so there's no hiding them but it's been many many years since anyone has said anything or asked about them. I think we've reached the point where everybody is aware of what they are and bored by the topic, so we are free to forget about it too.

No. 493830

i feel for you nona, ive taken two incomplete treatments of accutane, it messed up my liver function and my period, far worse the second time. and even tho it fixed my skin for 6-7 months after i stopped it, it came back, tho not as severe. i dont know if its because I didn't finish my dose or if im just cursed to have acne forever. it fucking sucks and youre not alone. i feel like i wish i never tried it, it just gave me confidence that idk when or if ill ever get back.

right now im staying away from trying more rXtopicals since ive tried them all, so im on good skincare and acne vitamins, esp vitamin A which is whats in accutane, zinc and b12. idk if it will help

No. 493831

long biker shorts alone or under your shorter shorts or uv cut/cooling leggings, if youre in asia theyre more common. uniqlo airism has some decent ones.

No. 494030

I sit on my couch every day at 5 pm because I am lazy and recently the sun has been shining through my window and hitting my face in a weird ass angle and I didn't move because I couldn't be fucked tbh. I wear sunscreen every day and yesterday I looked into the mirror and noticed tiny pigmentation spots on my lower lid down to my cheek. Are those aging spots? Or are those just freckles since I tend to get those in the summer? But isn't the lower lid space a weird spot for freckles?

No. 494031

can I get some tips on dealing with crazy skin?

honestly I look diseased right now between the scarring, awful texture, feeling papery yet looking weirdly shiny, endless very painful zits that are 10x worse than when i was a teen, and I'm struggling to just find one moisturizer that doesn't sting or break me out, I've been trying for years now and I doubt my skin can take something like tret.

No. 494038

Good luck nonny, I really hope both of us can find something that helps. Adapalene + metrogel is the only thing that gives me some semblance of help but I was really hoping that I'd be able to finish accutane and then just have a normal skincare routine with no prescription topicals, too. Being reliant on pharamceuticals like this feels like such a ball and chain, especially when I want to move abroad and know these drugs aren't available where I want to go.

No. 494921

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I've just settled on hiding my acne scars behind my hair like picrel since everything else failed

No. 494925

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Do these work?

No. 494950

Honestly after experiencing severe acne bad enough to leave scars I don't wear them with shame when I'm clear. When I see other people who just have the scars I only think, "Good for them, that must have been tough." It's genuinely survivor shit.

No. 494979

I think you’d benefit from a tretinoin prescription. Just talk to your doctor about it. As long as you have at least one cyst you shouldn’t have trouble getting it. Wear sunscreen after you start using it.

No. 495270

youre better off doing face yoga and fascia release massages than buying these tools

No. 495445

You can get freckles all across your face

No. 496357

Can anyone recommend a lip mask to put on to prep my lips while doing my makeup? Some seem to be overnight while others are just leave-in. Any that will work in 10-15mins then wipe/wash off?

No. 496797

Have you tried rosehip seed oil? It might be worth a try.

No. 497787

Paula's Choice lip booster is good expensive but goes a long way

No. 497792

I have this PIH that's been there for more than A YEAR. it's gone down significantly and it's just a tiny spot now, but it's still there. I don't know what to do

No. 498614

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Is there any way to reduce picrel? All of my pores on this part of my face are extremely dark and it really bothers me. None of them are blackheads, it’s just like my pores are overly sunken into my skin and cause shadows that make it look like I have a dirty face full of blackheads.
I’ve read that trying to mess with your pores makes them bigger so I don’t do anything to them, I just wash my face twice a day with gentle cleanser and apply facial lotion after, but they just get worse as I age. I feel like I look unclean and disgusting. I only ever see old men with this appearance.

No. 498620

i have the same thing and honestly nobody notices. i swear they don't. it has never stopped me from being called beautiful or having romantic partners etc.

No. 498710

I have the same thing. It's normal and like >>498620 said, no one notices irl. But what really helped me was using lrp cicaplast baume b5.

No. 498810


No. 498829

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Really stupid question but whatever: how long does it take you to fully use your products, whether it's toner, micellar water, creams, masks, etc. I always try to finish what I have before buying the same product from the same brand or another brand but it can take me a months or even more than a year and I always wonder if the products aren't expired by the time I have a little bit left. I've had this Byoma face cream for long enough for me to forget when I started using it, I guess for more or less a whole year and I'm still not done using it, but some youtuber who was tracking her progress in her project pan said it took her 6 months to finish using it. I have oily skin so maybe that's not her case and she needs to apply it more than me but it made me question everything. I also have a 400ml micellar water bottle and it's almost empty more or less a year after I bought it despite using it once everyday but I don't use makeup so I have no clue if that's normal.

No. 498853

Most of my products last around year except for sunscreen. I don't know how anyone can finish a bottle in 3 months unless they apply too much of it.

No. 499333

Ever tried the Gold Bond rough and bumpy cream? I swear it's the only thing that's ever worked for my kp legs

No. 499567

oil cleansing

No. 499739

Wouldn’t massaging oil into your face just cause actual blackheads?

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