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No. 464530

Like the title says.
Previous Thread: >>253921

No. 464535

Anyone else had vaginal problems caused by sex for seemingly no reason? Did you ever find a solution aside from no longer having sex with that person? I keep getting problems with my boyfriend and he is my first sex partner, so I can't tell if it's just related to him. We are also long distance and are only together irl twice a year for a month at a time, so the only time we have sex is during these visits, unsure if this could be relevant.

>First met and had sex with my boyfriend in summer of 2023, I was his first and he was also my first

>I was on the pill and we did not use condoms, he also finished inside
>After the first time we had sex, I noticed that I had yellow discharge, but I assumed it was probably just leftover semen, so I wasn't really concerned
>Yellow discharge ended up never going away even after the visit ended, but I kind of got used to it and didn't think much of it
>Visited and had regular unprotected sex with him again in winter of 2023
>Yellow discharge continued, but no new symptoms
>Visited and had regular unprotected sex again in summer of 2024
>Started getting symptoms of a UTI shortly after, but when tested the results came back negative
>Assumed it could possibly be BV given the yellow discharge, used treatment gel but my symptoms didn't improve
>Symptoms continued on and off for a couple of months, seemed to only be getting worse
>Started getting spots of blood in my underwear so I got a vaginal swab, came back positive for staph bacteria
>Hospitalised for pelvic inflammatory disease a month later, November 2024
>Also tested at hospital for STDs, results all came back negative
>Was given a two week course of antibiotics that ended up giving me both vaginal and oral thrush
>Decided that I wouldn't let him finish inside of me after this experience, stopped taking BC anyway so it wouldn't be possible regardless
>Visited him again in December 2024, first had sex almost immediately after treatment ended
>First time was without condom but he pulled out
>Yellow discharge appeared to restart almost immediately after
>Due to the fact that the time between finishing treatment and having sex again was super short, and that I was on my period during the second week of treatment, I honestly don't know for sure if the yellow discharge did ever truly go away
>Do however know that even if it didn't go away, it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it was after I first had sex
>Started mostly using condoms after that, did go without a couple of times but he always pulled out
>Around a week and a half after the first time, I started having terrible shooting pains in my vagina which has never happened before, but this only lasted a couple of days
>Fast forward to now, starting to get a constant burning feeling in my vagina again and have noticed an odor a couple of times, scared it could be PID again

What the hell could be causing this? He showers at least once a day, often twice. He isn't circumcised but he washes his dick in the shower and I can visibly see that it is clean. He definitely doesn't have any STDs either. Are our microbiomes just incompatible or something? Will it ever get better?

No. 464547

Your vagina's PH and bacteria culture might just hate your boyfriend. Semen can make the vagina smelly fishy, which some bio-troofers have theorized is a reproductive defense mechanism.

Since you've ruled out every other denominator but your boyfriend and his semen, it's probably safe to say that's what's causing it. If you have wildly different ph levels and bacteria (i.e, he is too acidic and your levels are too base, he's a meat eater and you're a vegan), you'll either find an equilibrium and symptoms will subside or you'll have to live with symptoms. You can also change your diet to make your vagina's PH balance more acidic, which could counteract this and probably reduce your chances of getting pregnant (not BC tho, ofc)

No. 464550

Unless you mean precum, I did rule out semen during the last visit, and unfortunately it still happened. The closest it came in contact was when he ejaculated on my vagina externally one time, but this was after the other symptoms had already started. We're both omnivores and eat almost exactly the same food when we're staying together, however he also consumes a lot of protein on top of everything else as he goes to the gym, so maybe that makes him even more acidic than he should be? You could be onto something there. I'm also thinking of taking d-mannose supplements daily when we're together to see if that helps prevent any bacteria from growing, though not sure if it'd do anything for my vagina, maybe I'll try a probiotic too. Thanks for your response.

No. 464551

Np anon, I should have mentioned that it's skin and semen. You're more likely to have a bacterial outbreak from semen but unprotected dick skin has it's own bacteria/yeast culture. So could be a possibility, hope you get it figured out either way

No. 464558

Do any nonas deal with "postcoital dysphoria"? Any tips on how to deal with it? I get really anxious and really sad after having sex. Start to hate my body and sometimes end up crying over feeling ugly. The sex is good btw so it's not that I'm not having fun or anything.

No. 464627

Probably not the case if it looks clean underneath the foreskin but could it be that his idea of good hygiene is standing underneath the shower and just letting water run down there, nothing else while you've been thinking he's actually been washing his dick this whole time? I'd consider getting him to use intimate wash to 1000% rule out the possibility his hygiene is the issue.

I don't know how valid these claims are but I've heard before that shower gel can mess up the pH of genitals, maybe there's something going on there?

No. 471675

Anons is it true that most women don't suck dick neither like it? Or they are fooling me in the autism thread (I'm autistic trying to understand sexual intimacy). Is sucking dick really an unpopular opinion in the normie world?
Anytime I read women who share their sex lives online, they always suck dick in degrading ways but anons are telling me these sex lives are basically not real, and I'm making it up and online people are not real kek

No. 471680

Sucking dick is standard practice among normies, whether the woman actually enjoys it though is another thing. I think it's safe to assume that most don't enjoy it, but still participate in it due to societal pressure.

No. 471682

>societal pressure makes you a pickme
I hate this

No. 471700

Samefag, I wanted to add onto this a little more. I haven't read your posts in the autism thread but to expand upon what I said, and to answer other parts of your post :
Blowjobs are one of the most common acts depicted in porn, and a large chunk of men nowadays are porn addicts, particularly the younger generation. This is obviously going to influence their sexual expectations and how they treat sexual partners. Even the small amount of men who don't watch porn, will still learn about what is expected of women sexually just by interacting with other moids and society as a whole (which has obviously been heavily influenced by porn too).
It is true that the majority of the stories you see online regarding sex are fake, or at least heavily exaggerated. They're usually either fantasies written by moids, or whores trying to gain money. Outside of that, the women who share that stuff are usually still doing it for pickme reasons, or feeling as if its something to "brag" to other women about, therefore also exaggerate things to make the experience seem better or more extreme than it was in reality. This still doesn't change the fact that blowjobs are commonplace though, the lies just tend to manifest when it comes to their supposed capabilities or enjoyment gained from doing so.
I'm also diagnosed with autism, but not enough for it to effect me much sexually, and I can tell you first hand that the men I've interacted with all expected/expressed desire to get their dick sucked, the majority being virgins too. From the young age of around 12, I'd also hear classmates talking about it in school as if it was normal. Obviously these things probably also vary by the country or area that you live in, but I'd say that for at least western countries, this is the case.

No. 471708

Just read your posts quickly and want to come from a place of understanding as I also have distaste for the power men inherently seem to have in sex.

First, I'm not sure why you denied that clitoral stimulation exists? I've ridden my boyfriend's face and it was great. My many years of masturbation were almost solely clitoral and involved no penetration.
Second, you do not need to give blowjobs or have sex with men if it upsets you so much. When it comes to kinks and fetishes that people have, even if it is most people, you don't need to understand it completely nor like it yourself. You just shrug and move on. You can determine what you allow in your own sex life and you cannot control what other people do. If you keep replaying the thoughts that upset you in your head, you should speak about it in therapy. Really, I'm not even teasing. I'm concerned.
Third, people like to give oral to their partners because they like to see their partners experience pleasure. Often this is related to love. I am bisexual and in a vacuum outside of systemic sexism it just turns me on to make someone squirm, no matter what their hardware is. I'm not a pickme it's just hot and contributes to getting me off too, genuinely. You don't need to be service oriented with sex but some of us are. Like I said you just need to accept it. My boyfriend also likes being smothered in my genitals, which is uncomfortable in its own way as I am much larger than him, so it's not uneven. Which is another point, you mentioned men being "larger" people but you are in control of that. You can get jacked and date manlets kek, discovering my preference for that has helped me overcome hangups when I engage in hetero activities.
Fourth, as other anons mentioned unfortunately many women do just have sex as expected be because of sexism. This can be upsetting but ultimately all you can do is choose NOT to live like that and instead do your own thing. Maybe let them know they don't have to do that if they're venting to you and seem miserable.

Hope this helps at least a little. Please remember your clitoris, and remember that men are a dime a dozen and if he pressures you to give him BJs IF you are uncomfortable then kick him to the curb.

No. 471712

I'm given to understand that performing oral on men is considered a less involved/personal sexual practice, and so is more often practiced without actual sex. From what I've gathered, it's generally regarded as a kind of reward or enticement for the man; delivering a quick, expectation-free orgasm to express the woman's sexual desire for him. Ultimately, most women view it as a necessary chore, while there are those on the extremes of the spectrum who find it a degrading and disgusting experience, and those who find it very erotic or an enjoyable part of a dom/sub dynamic.

In my personal experience…I don't really know. In my imagination, it's an erotic act to make him desire me and surrender some control to let me pleasure him, but in reality my boyfriend will only begrudgingly accept blowjobs on very rare occasions when I'm feeling very in-control and kind of "seduce" him into accepting. It was kind of a blow to my erotic fantasies when he admitted that he found the idea of cumming on my face an incredibly demeaning act and if I seriously asked him to do it, it'd change his perception of me.

No. 471714

>and if I seriously asked him to do it, it'd change his perception of me.
You had me until the madonna/whore complex anon

No. 471715

It's not really madonna/whore territory. He just doesn't like anal, blowjobs or anything violent like choking or slapping.

No. 471718

How do you go on in life if you are a virgin and you don't want to have PIV or give a blowjob or have anal (gross). Im scared of the idea of PIV because I have painful menstruations, when I got a swab at a doctors it was super painful. I dont want to encounter a porn addicted moid who will try to pressure this. Should I just be celibate or go for women

No. 471719

I also heard multiple stories of women who had painful periods, and their first time was really bad, painful, or they fainted because of PIV

No. 471723

My nigel isn't crazy about receiving bjs either, he hasn't asked for it ever. I have an oral fixation so it was kind of a bummer, but I guess it's better than being pestered for oral every day of the week because that would quickly suck the joy out of it. I think his lack of interest stems in part from a discomfort with surrendering himself and allowing me to be completely in charge, so to speak. I can suck him off, but he prefers piv 10 out of 10 times. On the flip side I've met a lot of moids who wanted to do oral on me, and I think women can also struggle with letting themselves be vulnerable in that situation.

No. 471727

There's always handjobs, toys, femdom type of stuff like sadomasochism and pegging(which I personally find disgusting but some women like it), cunninglingus. You can do the sort of sex you like, though it would be hard to know exactly what you like if you haven't had sex at all. If you really have an aversion to all of it then the only choice you really have is to either meet an asexual man (rare) or date a woman.

No. 471731

I dont think asexual men exist. Men are very focused on sex, they lie about everything just to get sex, and if a man is "asexual" it could be low testosterone levels. Or something else. Mens sexuality is very predatory compared to womens. I wish for AI bots to become holograms already. Like in blade runner where the MC falls in love with an AI except its a beautiful guy.

No. 471755

Did you really say
>Suck him off
? Do you have a degradation kink?

No. 471759

Sucking dick is psychologically the same as bdsm with woman as the sub in service, same with being penetrated on all fours(physically submissive position, head down ass up, body spread at the bottom aka most intimate part of yourself+ that part gets penetrated), extremely vulnerable experience of physical and mental submission, I have a phobia of sexual submission but unfortunately the female body doesn't allow me to be anything but feminine and submissive in sex, I would pass out from mental torment if I had to be in submissive positions like this with my naked bottom and penetarted into the bottom from behind. I will forever be a virgin due to this, I also fing the idea of being fucked agitating and violating, because you have to surrender to dick, men don't have to surrender even cause their gentials are penetrative, so the stimulation they get is always psychologically masculine. The vagina is the negative energy aka feminine and dick positive aka masculine, a polarity, I also don't like being feminine so any kind of sex for me as a female body is not fullifling because I don't find being feminine fullifling… the vagina pulls in, the dick pushes, different psychology, unequal. I'm autistic and highly sensitive, so sex to me looks violent and the woman has the sub position in it, I can't break my mental blockage against this, my female body and the idea of being fucked from behind or sucking dicks constantly agitates me, I don't even wanna find the right man worthy of submitting, women have to feel secure enough to submit and have sex, I don't wanna live on that mental cage of being feminine snd vulnerable in sex, getting sexual pleasure feels like a job to me, blowjobs even have a job I it's name + they are violent and bruise your throat, hurt your jaw, you're in a physically submissive position during then, you have to train yourself to perform these movements etc. I can't stand the way sex looks like for women, and the thought of it gives me the same response trauma victims have, I shake, I struggle to breath, I feel terror etc. + People who suggest femdom.. femdom doesn't change the psychology of sex for women bc my biology doesn't change+ people who suggest clitoris.. clitoral orgasms are unfulfilling unless you also wanna experience femininity psychologically. Female orgasms are very psychologial and often don't come from physical stimulation but mental submission.. like this woman who said she gets off on sucking dick said. That's a burden to me and I absolutely cannot comprehend human sexual intimacy. I just can't, why are women so cucked in it? Literally most women even have degradation kinks, if you enjoy being fucked it's almost no different from being choked or slapped to me… I grew up hearing the teenage girls around me talking about getting slapped, today I went on nsfw Instagram just to see posts with hundred thousand likes or comments of women with degradation or choking kinks. I have a problem with intimacy as an autistic and I don't understand why women have to experience intimacy in these cucked ways. My brain turns off trying to make sense off this mess, I know many autistic women feel the same. Like I legit would DIE if I were to be fucked esp in certain positions or have a dick put in my mouth. I could bet million dollars that I would literally pass out from the mental pain and feeling of degradation and submisson. As a woman I can't even fuck a man from behind to make it equal lol this is a post of a disordered person ofc that's why I think about sex a lot, cause at the core level of s human being I'm broken, so this world is not normal to me like to women who enjoy their biology, the sexual submission and femininity, they see the dynamic between a man and a woman as normal, but my mind sees something shocking and unacceptable then I get images of these acts and positions haunting me in my mind, natural things haunt me… natural order of things… Natural sexual positions… Women backs are even more arched than males… In some study with some animals when they gave the male ones some hormones the females have, the males started arching their backs like females to get fucked… In almost all species the females get penetarted from behind, to me that's something torturous psychologially, I would shake if you forced me into that position.(ban evasion)

No. 471763

If you don't care about sex just don't have sex, it'll save you a ton of stress and energy to do something else, if you don't crave romantic relationships or companionship it's even better.

No. 471765

NTA but fear of sexual intimacy is a serious mental disorder and I have it too, plus some autistics just want to ask normies questions they were never allowed to ask and we're curious about some things. I have a sex drive but I have a phobia at the same time so it agitates me daily because I also experience crushes

No. 471770

If you're speaking from a perspective of wanting to cure the phobia you have of sex, my best advice would be to date someone, maybe another virgin or conservative religious type, who is willing to take things extremely slow so you can slowly grow accustomed to doing the sexual acts you find revolting. Start off with the basics like holding hands, then kissing, making out etc, light petting/fondling. Take your time easing into it so you can break the mental block of sex = violence/pornography. It would help if you are in love. Be up front with your partner and tell them that you want to take things slowly as you are inexperienced and afraid of sex. If you're not looking to cure your phobia, then just don't have sex. You don't have to and more women than ever before are voluntarily celibate.

No. 471777

Then just don't have sex. There are no rules about having to do it to fit in to society. I'm clit anon, and I promise clitoral orgasms feel great to me and yes PHYSICALLY.
Anyway I know you're autistic but this is OCD territory if it's real and you're not just trolling us. It should not be on your mind all the time, distressing you. If therapeutic techniques don't help with thought control then there are meds. I have a friend with severe OCD and she's good with them.
Please also work on your theory of mind skills. This has been hard for me too but if you can remind yourself that people lead different lives, you do not understand them, and you don't have to, then it makes moving on easier. For example, when I was younger I used to get very angry that other people would have sex outside of relationships because I would never do such a thing. I also do not understand why people are attracted to people who I find unattractive, but it is what it is. We can only control our own actions and our own thoughts, anon. Much of socializing is learning how differently other people function, which can be fun if you become confident in yourself and heal your mindset.

No. 471907

>clitoral orgasms are unfulfilling unless you also wanna experience femininity psychologically
What does this even mean, i had clitoral orgasms before i even reached puberty and became sexually aware/knew what I was doing. It's a physiological reflex to stimuli. I'm sorry for your struggles. I agree with what other anonw said and also think you should stop going on nsfw instagram and the likes just to trigger yourself.

No. 471947

How do you flirt with an SO that you've been dating for a long while? I've been dating my Nigel for 3 years and sex has gotten boring for me. It's like we have sex by a formula - wash, get naked, make out, perform oral on each other, wash, done. Id like to do something different but I honestly don't know what else there is to do? It's making me sexually bored with my bf.

No. 472389

The truth is, sex works differently in a long-term relationship. Opportunistic sex or sex in a novel relationship is driven by adrenaline and testosterone (in both genders) and is highly dopaminergic thus addictive, while sex with a long-term partner is driven by oxytocin and vasopressin which promotes pair bonding. Usually when people hit that point where the honeymoon period wears off, they freak out and think they need to sPiCe things up. It's akin to adrenaline junky behavior. But sex can also just be a pleasurable, loving activity you do with someone you trust because it feels good, and with time you get better and better at it. So there are two different schools of thought on this. If you like the former type of sex, the eroticism, spontaneity and excitement, then the book Mating in Captivity is a good resource. For the latter, practices such as tantra can enhance your experience and pair-bonding, but you might have to shift your expectations and mindset a little bit. Moderntantra.blogspot writes about this. The book "Come Together" is another resource, although I find the author a bit cringe and patronizing at times (same woman who wrote Come As You Are). I prefer a bit of both in my relationship, but I think it can be helpful to understand the neurochemistry behind it.

As for your relationship it does seem a little ritualistic although I wanna stress that's there's not necessarily anything wrong with that. I think being overly concerned with hygiene can compromise spontaneity, if that is what you're missing.

No. 472429

Damn I'm >>464558 and nobody has advice kek. I can't be the only one on here who gets super depressed and cries after sex, no matter if I've had a good time, right? I wonder if I didn't write the term "postcoital dysphoria" would it have been better? That's the actual medical term I googled but it's basically just getting very depressed and crying after sex. I think it's the comedown of hormones and overthinking that I'm not good enough is what causes it. Even though my fiancé of 10 years (we are both each other's first and only sex partners) does genuinely love my body I can not help but compare myself to porn stars for some reason. I'm nearly 30 but for almost 2 decades I watched a lot of porn, literally not even to get off but to compare myself to the women because preteen me convinced myself that is the ideal version of what men want. I haven't watched porn in a long time because of how much it was affecting myself esteem (just reiterating I didn't watch it for pleasure but to compare my own body to) but I can't get rid of those feelings of not being good enough. I remember as a preteen begging my parents to buy my a boobjob. Now nearly 2 decades later I still feel that way. My fiancé doesn't even like boobjobs and told me they are disgusting, yet that doesn't change the fact I feel like they are better. I just feel like I'm too mentally broken to have sex, I don't know.

Spontaneousness definitely helps combat that boring formulaic feeling, it makes it feel much more exciting imo. Is it possible for you both to shower earlier in the day? Because showering right before it can make it feel too planned out and can ruin the mood sometimes. Also even just switching up the places you have sex, if that's possible, helps a lot. Like for example if you always have sex in the bedroom, maybe switch it up to the living room or in the kitchen or wherever. Different positions can help too, doesn't need to be anything too crazy obviously but even just doing it standing up when you normally are laying down on furniture can spice it up.

No. 472440

Go to saunas/gym/spa/public pools and watch how all of these totally normal, out of shape, flabby tits and fat gut women and men still have fun and have parters who they have sex with.

No. 472465

Nta but maybe they don't have sex, you can't know that just by looking at people.

No. 472476

Anon post disappeared for me, but I wanted to answer and I'm leaving this places.. she said she enjoys oral sex and making slurping noises while doing it.
Why do you like doing an act that is humiliating to perform (the movements you have to make with your hand and mouth, leaking spit, making embarrassing faces, your face looks like you're in distress, you have to be in a submissive position physically, you have to pretend to not have teeth, your jaw hurts, neck also can hurt, you have to hunch..), only pleasures the man and gives him the pleasure you will never experience, it's a literal job, you have to deal with semen, you have to enjoy extreme submission to do this, the dick is on average 14cm and thick, so it doesn't fit into a human mouth which makes it a violent act (also because dick is penetrative and your mouth gets penetrated with it by you)? I can't comprehend why would a woman wanna do it unless she's okay with bdsm, man doesn't surrender to you.. you surrender to his pleasure you can't even get reciprocated, dick penetrates… It doesn't surrender… You even make penetrative movements into your mouth with it.. the man just lays down there getting serviced. I don't understand, it's just so unequal and unfair it makes me feel bad about being a woman. And the dentists can tell if someone sucked dick recently, cause it causes bruises.
I guess our biology doesn't allow us to have any other position in human intimacy but so cucked..I'm out. I don't enjoy submission. It's hard to not have internalized misogyny(blackpill outside of containment)

No. 472489

Oh, thanks for replying. I guess spontaneity is something I feel is def mising.

No. 472502

Your biology does not entirely define how you can enjoy being intimate with someone

No. 472522

this has absolutely zero to do with him being a meat eater vs you a vegan.
its more like his DNA does not fucking compute with yours.
any other reasoning is cope because it gives way to letting the defective moid "make a change" through eating salads; when he's really scarffing down steaks and jack in the box Dave Meal Deals behind your back while you are snoozing soundly and hopefully about your comfy futures together.
Why even take the risk?

No. 472523

why not flip the expectation on them? to eat you out first! what is the problem with that? if they refuse just leave them in the dust.

No. 472527

the vagina envelops you are wrong. beat moids into submission and you will be free

No. 472530

Don't take the bait

No. 472533

Does this also happen after you masturbate and come from that? Or only if you're with your fiancé?
I'm not with anyone but I sometimes cry after masturbation/orgasming if I think about someone I had feelings for kek. I don't feel sad, though, just become really moved or overcome with emotion.
Can you distinguish what the order of events is? First the negative thoughts about your body, then tears? Or do you start crying first bc of the hormones and then the self-hating monologue starts?
What happens after you've had sex, do you cuddle, is your fiancé being sweet and loving? I wonder if he could try to get you distracted from these thoughts.
I'm really sorry nona that you feel so badly about yourself and that porn did such damage to your self esteem. I know it doesn't help that a random stranger says this but you are perfect just as you are and I'm 1000% sure your fiancé adores you and feels super lucky to see and touch your body.

No. 472563

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No. 475722

Is it normal that the sensation I feel during sex is much better/more intense than it is when masturbating, yet my orgasms usually feel much weaker, to the point that I often can't even tell if I did orgasm or not? I'm starting to wonder if maybe the orgasms are actually the same, but because there's much less of an gap in intensity between the build up and the orgasm itself than there would be when masturbating, it ends up feeling much weaker as a result

No. 475811

I don't have this experience. In terms of physical sensation I think masturbating will feel more intense 99% of the time just because you have complete control of your stimuli/orgasms, but my orgasms from piv get very close. That said, back when I was learning how to do it they used to be kinda mini. I think it took me a couple of tries to get the hang of it and feel comfortable enough to totally let go of all inhibitions with someone else there. I think your level of comfort with your partner can be a big factor for a lot of women. Other variables that could play a role are your menstrual cycle and how much you're able to control the motions, which often correlates to sex position. I have the most control when I'm on top, but I prefer missionary. Even while in missionary I often take an active role by moving my butt/thighs/legs and so on and usually grab by nigel's ass once I get close, so I can steer him and hold him in place while I orgasm.

No. 476591

I think I ruined my brain with fanfiction, all kinds of erotic stories and porn and now I can hardly orgasm during sex if I'm not fantasizing or thinking of porn. It makes me feel like I'm a pornsick moid. I have stopped watching porn for at least a year or two now and won't even read erotic stories anymore. Can I fix this? How? I feel so shitty about this because I'm against porn in every way, but got exposed to it very early and continued to consume it during my teen years thinking it was okay.

No. 476922

sounds like you're having really bad sex

No. 477172

What type of fantasies are you reading/thinking about and what type of sex/dates are you having? You don't need to literally answer out loud if that's too personal, but it might be that your ennui can be overcome by putting effort into your love life. If you're reading slow burn soulmate fanfiction and you're just having routine sex at the end of the day without any buildup, making out, flirting, or cute dates beforehand, for example.

No. 477373

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wlw nonnas, need your advice
do you think this sex toy (osuga obonny) can work for both partners at the same time? do you know others that can?
my gf says that I'm being delulu…
am i being porn delulu and old-school taking turns is the way to go after all?

No. 477375

What on earth is that thing?

No. 477382


it's a vibrator on the one end, a vacuum sucker on the other

No. 477385

I haven't tried the toy myself but I imagine it'd be hard to maintain the vacuum seal while someone else is using it on the other side

No. 477403

I don't think the sex is bad. I enjoy it and have orgasms. But tbf he is the only person I have had sex with, so I don't have anything to compare it with. I'm sure the problem is my fried brain and my inexperience with sex.

I wish it was slowburn soulmate fanfics, but I used to consume fanfiction and porn that was much worse. Things I would never do myself or even actually want to read or see, I think I just used that kind of material for too long and now it's just automatically connected to my sexual fantasies. The sex I'm having is nothing like the fantasies and that's just good. I think I should somehow reset my brain but I'm not sure how. Maybe I will just try to focus on how sex feels and not think too much about anything else.

No. 478229

I'm only ever able to get off to thoughts of some form of humiliation, often pretty bad ones, although nothing too extreme. I have a very normal relationship and despise BDSM and have zero plans to ever practice it irl but It does take me out of the moment. When I masturbate it is the only thing I think about, and to cum with my partner I have to imagine it in some way. Feels horrible and like it's eating me up inside, can some form of therapy maybe cure it? To be clear, it's masochistic, not sadistic.It has been like this as long as I can remember, I don't know what caused it, as I am very average in every other way. I would sooner vomit than tell my partner.

No. 478245

I hope you get some good advice because I'm in a very similar boat Nonny. If there isn't some element of embarrassment or humiliation involved it is extremely hard for me to get off, and I know this isn't normal

No. 478255

you had these impulses even before you were exposed to anything explicit online?

No. 478279

Yes, as long as I can remember. I don't watch porn at all, never did, used to read erotica occasionally but don't anymore.

No. 478305

Work on your self esteem and it will go away

No. 478317

I had this for years and it made me feel horrible. I think two things snapped me out of it: better general self-esteem, and actually trying something masochistic that I often fantasized about irl. It felt so strange and unnatural to ask my fiance to humiliate me verbally and I cried afterwards. Like, full-on sobbing and shaking. It made him feel horrible, it made me feel horrible, and then we had to talk it through and kind of started laughing about it at some point because of how gross it made us both feel. It pretty much turned me off of any kindof submission, and I realized it was a socially manufactured facet of my personality.

I also got more into femdom, which is like… barely "real" femdom for me (I don't like hurting my Nigel, just being in control really) but was really just a mental loophole I needed in order to give myself permission to have my needs met. I know it's mental gymnastics to the extreme, but when you're fixated on dynamics of submission and domination it can be helpful to still frame it as some sort of "power exchange" in your brain while you address the cause of the issue.

No. 478323

Are you actually aroused or turned on by any of this? Whenever anons talk about femdom it just sounds like something they're doing, like any other activity but with more trauma stuff mixed in

No. 478325

Okay I'm hiding the thread, best of luck anons

No. 478326

AYRT, I think for a lot of women it's a genuine fetish, for a lot of young women we got groomed into BDSM shit via early social media and then have to deal with the consequences later in life.
I'm sort of in the middle, where I'm definitely aroused by my male partner being submissive to me, but I also know this might not be the case had I not been exposed to the content I was at a fairly young age, so you can take that as you will.

No. 478453

AYRT Honestly, I feel like I have a great self esteem, and that's why it's so contradictory to my personality. I am a dominant person in all aspects of my life, and sexually too, so that's probably why it bothers me so much. It's a cliche I suppose.

No. 478459

>Whenever anons talk about femdom it just sounds like something they're doing, like any other activity
NTA, can't speak for every anon but i find it genuinely enticing. But i get what you mean, sometime i read posts that read more like a vengeance and less like sexual interest. I think femdom is one of those things that's healthy in fantasy, imo it's better than masochism, but in practice it's maladaptive cope for intimacy issues and just not a great idea given the options. I have a theory that women become masochists because of things like SA, difficult puberty, low self-esteem, cultural messaging but some women somehow move from the masochist position to the sadist one. I don't know if it's true for every woman into femdom though. Agree with >>478326 that porn exposure is probably a big factor that exists alongside genuine interest.

No. 478591

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I don't know how to get off like I can't tell my boyfriend what I like because I have no idea and masturbation feels like nothing. I have orgasmed once in my life, although I think I might have with a girl when I was fifteen. I am 22 and still clueless about my body. I get excited and want sex but I can never do anything about it. What is an orgasm even supposed to feel like?

No. 478599

You can’t feel it if you rub your clitoris?

No. 478606

Of course I can feel it but it's not arousing or interesting to me in any way.

No. 479120

How do you anons mentally deal with how unequal straight sex is? Many acts are a one sided service like oral sex on men. You give them pleasure which you will never experience back. How do you deal with the feminine, soft, even submissive at times mental state you have to be as a woman or as the vagina in sex? I get bitter and can't accept it and end up with penis envy. I'm incompatible with femininity psychologially… But pretty much all sex as a woman involves a high degree of femininity and I'm not comfortable with embodying these mental traits. Do you all just accept your position? Do you have humiliation or submission kinks? Even femdom involves a high level of that mental state where a woman psychologically gets off on seeing men in pleasure, which is a feminine mental state. Especially blowjobs are doggystyle are the most submissive and vulnerable… idgaf if it's mutual, if it's only mutual if you like being feminine as a woman, but it's still unequal.. even female orgasms don't equal male orgasms, cause clit doesn't penetrate, neither receives, it's not involved in reproduction. In reproduction women get a release through receiving/surrendering which is also a very feminine mental state even submissive often. I can't accept it bruh what's wrong with me? I feel constantly mad at it, I get constantly pissed off when I get horny and I force myself into that feminine mental state just for the sake of sexual stimulation but then I feel it getting in conflict with my personality and I feel too soft and then I get so triggered it makes me mentally ill. I'm not reading any horseshit low iq responses like: just get eaten out. I'm tired of them they have zero understanding of sex lol. I just wanted to vent(blackpill outside of containment)

No. 479243

I dealt with this for years, I know exactly what you mean. What eventually caused me to have an orgasm was clenching my thigh muscles really hard, helps if you spread your legs and touch your feet together. Weird position but I think some women just need that tension to have one. Honestly just experiment by yourself with a bunch of strange positions and it'll eventually happen.

No. 479247

I don't think there's a "universal orgasm" anon. It probably feels different for different people and depends on how aroused they are. If you're rubbing your clit and it feels like nothing, you're probably not that aroused.
This sounds like a blood flow thing. Think of how a nurse will get you to pump your arm if they need to take blood. Or how a junkie looks for a vein I guess

No. 479257

NTAYRT but I can only orgasm if I’m laid on my left side in bed using my right hand and squeezing my thigh muscles together. When I’m with a man it’s not as easy

No. 479298

Get a strong bullet vibrator and experiment

No. 479399

I'm the opposite, I have to cross my legs to get stimulation, even during sex, when a guy (tries to) get me off, I instinctively cross my legs because it feels better.
Moids are better than I am at touching me, which makes me depressed kek.
I'm very aroused when I have sex or masturbate, that has nothing to do with this.
This is the closest it gets to orgasm for me, too.
No, thanks. It sounds overwhelming and lame.

No. 479414

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am i just a dumb virgin? don't know what to say when my bf texts me stuff like this. i've been hearting his messages and just not responding for the past half hour while he does this

No. 479415

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I'm sorry I don't have any advice for you but this is foul. You can tell him that you don't like it nona

No. 479417

Sedate??? This is so rapey.

No. 479418

sorry, no advice, but this is THE funniest thing I've ever seen

No. 479419

this is gross what a rapey faggot, tell him to go to therapy

No. 479420

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he doesn't normally say that, i don't know where it came from. now he's being emotional again

No. 479421

This is terrifying. Please don't tell me he lives near you.

No. 479422

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get rid of him

No. 479425

File: 1738468404032.png (93.51 KB, 678x830, frnurjnrn.png)

no it's ldr, i haven't met him irl yet. i genuinely don't know how to respond, he's still going

No. 479426

nta but nona please break up with him right now as he's sperging please it will be glorious fuck this braindead ape
>i want to hold your delicious darling snow tofu flesh so fucking much

No. 479429

>snow tofu flesh
Maybe I’m ok with being single. But seriously nona, block him. He’s obviously very autistic

No. 479430

am I too naive, or is he just trying to sound like a dark romance guy who's overcome with lust for his own girlfriend? it seems cringe but not rapey to me. I definitely would say "what the fuck are you talking about sedation and trapping for, you dork?" but the feral aspects are whatever
see, this section is fine/cute to me. honestly I feel like if any of it is disturbing to you, you should immediately stop hearting the messages and tell him it's bad or to pull away from certain topics because they're a turnoff. if you're asking because you're fine with the conversation but have no idea what to say, then keep on hearting them I guess
>I want to make you rest and sleep so fucking much on me
might be the funniest thing anyone's ever jerked off while texting, sorry

No. 479433

first ayrt and he types like a pseud pornbrained retard who's only idea of women and sex is BDSM/abuse porn. by the looks of it, he is your typical coomer who can only think of porn stereotypes and 'dominating/conquering' a woman. also, him spamming her like that is weird as fuck especially given she is not replying, and they haven't even met. he seems unhinged and disgusting and unable to comprehend basic forms of consent, such as; the person literally not responding

No. 479448

>Reacting with hearts
Why the fuck are you encouraging this shit, are you beyond retarded?

No. 479449

This is so cringe and high school kek wtf is this.

No. 479452

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>the bf

No. 479468

She's obviously responding by literally giving his messages hearts.

No. 479484

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>your delicious darling snow tofu flesh
>tofu flesh
This you?

No. 480077

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nonnas how can i sus out men who have the "wahhh my dick is small" delusion? i am jealous of any woman who has a guy who is confident and trusts her. i just got out of a relationship and then my ex threw it upon me that he is convinced and has been before we were even together that it's small and that i thought it was small but i literally never once thought it was and have been in shock for days that this fucking asshole was obsessed with that any time we had sex and i was apparently walking on eggshells the entire time and was unaware. it doesn't help that i have my eye on a guy friend who was cheated on. am i going to encounter this again? any advice for me or anyone else who went through this?

No. 480436

Should moaning come naturally when having sex? Do I have to practice moaning? Like I moan when I have an orgasm, but when I'm receiving oral or having piv, I don't moan even though it feels good. It bothers me that I'm just quiet but at the same time if I had to focus on moaning, I can't focus on having an orgasm. And it feels performative if it doesn't come naturally. Maybe I'm just bad at sex kek

No. 480439

Moaning is performative in porn. It isn't something you really should be doing unless it just happens to come out. I don't think most people would be making sounds if they didn't see it somewhere first and think that's what they're supposed to do.

No. 480443

Sex should be about feeling good and connecting with another person, not about performing well. Also like previous anon said, moaning is mostly a porn thing. If anyone ever comments about how you look or sound, tell them to fuck off cause it's supposed to be about two people coming together in their most natural state and if squealing like a slaughtered pig doesn't come natural to you, it's completely fine. If you're not enough for your partner as you are, you can find someone else or be alone.

No. 480455

There are different people who behave differently. I’m more of a moaner, I can’t really keep it in, but even then it’s not like in porn…just natural I guess?
Don’t worry too much nonna, unless you’re grunting like a pig kek. I find heavy breaths and sighs very sexy too.

No. 480457

This is so cringey kek

No. 480463

yes it should, i only do a bit and i do it a lot when i'm about to come (like it's louder and rhythmic). i assume porn overdoes moans because i'm likely not the only woman who makes those type of sounds when i'm close.

No. 480470

>any advice for me or anyone else who went through this?
raise your dick size and moid selection standards

No. 480499

>snow tofu flesh

No. 480501

>complains about not knowing your own body
>think experimenting and discovering sounds lame
Ait I guess

No. 480503

I love the "I want to make you sleep SO FUCKING MUCH on me" as if you're going to be, like, aggressively sleeping in his presence compared to just normal sleeping topkek

No. 480531

not what i was asking but ok

No. 480534

what does penis smell like?

No. 480537

salt and sweat and musty clothes

No. 480539

Nothing if he cleans himself properly, including uncut.

No. 480541

So I'm dating for the first time since I gave birth and I really, REEEEAAAALLY want to get laid on Valentine's. I've tried penetration during masturbation only a couple of times now, since I can only really cum from penetration if I'm incredibly pent-up or with an actual living man, but both times it's been fruitless and more than a little uncomfortable. My doctor told me there was nothing wrong with me and it may just be a complication from birth that would heal or reset over time. I went home from a date particularly horny and decided to try again, this time with no uncomfortable feeling, but when I came it was like all the muscles in my stomach cramped and spasmed. I could barely breathe and I had to jump to my feet and stretch to stop my abdominal muscles from contracting so painfully it was like being stabbed. I hesitantly tried again last night with just clit stimulation and it was fine with no pain, but now I'm nervous to try penetration again. Has anyone had this before? Is it just some weird nerve pinching or something that could be resolved with stretching and exercise? I haven't had sex or a really good orgasm (that wasn't immediately ruined) in almost 3 years, so I just cannot miss this chance.

No. 480546

Kek if it's after a shower, literally nothing or maybe soap if he uses scented soap. If it's not right after showering, then a gross musky sweaty stench

No. 480867

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i've found sometimes it smells a bit like cooked lamb. but ideally like nothing

No. 481114

I have a nigel and for the past few months, most of my fantasies involving him have also involved another woman, and I don't know how to stop it. Back when I did watch porn, it was rarely stuff like this, but whenever I'm struggling to orgasm now, thinking about this works so well, including during sex. When we first got together, I went pretty much two years having only vanilla fantasies, all involving just him and nobody else. As time went on though, I'd have occasional moments where I'd be masturbating and have an intrusive thought about him having sex with another women, and then guiltily end up masturbating to it, despite the fact that in reality I am very insecure and easily made jealous. Now I regularly have fantasies like this, and I feel so disgusted with myself. Sometimes it'll be about stuff like double penetration, but most of the time it involves myself or him doing something with another woman. I also have fantasies just with myself and other women, but it's primarily the ones involving him that I feel so guilty about. How do I stop? I can't tell if maybe it's just my bi-cycle acting up or what, but I feel so disgusted with myself. Maybe I'm just bored of fantasizing about vanilla stuff with him now that multiple years have passed, but I really don't want this to be the thing that I fantasise about. I'm very strictly monogamous and against casual sex too so it doesn't make much sense. I feel like I have the mind of a porn addicted moid.

No. 481147

At least you are aware that you have that mindset kek.

No. 481270

The fear/fetish dichotomy strikes again

No. 481299

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>kept liking his messages
nona please….. i just hope you blocked him. give us an update

No. 482686

I did not block him, and he said he sent me a gift box today so I'm excited. Also he's coming to see me in June.

No. 483026

wonder if we will ever hear from you again post June

No. 483033

We 100000% will.

No. 483037

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>nona in June:

No. 483038

No. 483082

Any virgin nonnies in here? I am afraid of PIV, I don't think I'll ever have the balls to date a moid and then experience PIV, or god forbid I never want to consent to a bj/anal etc. Gross. I fear I might be asexual, but I like romantic stuff, i like the idea of kissing/hugging/holding hands but I don't want sex at all (especially PIV)
My questions:
1. Nonnas who experienced PIV for the first time, was it painful, or scary? Especially those who have painful period cramps and problems with endometriosis
2. I do have concerns for endometriosis (condition where you experience painful menstruations) and I could see that it could be the reason why I am afraid of intimacy (and PIV) and maybe the fact that I have never experienced it plays in the role. Could this be false and that endometriosis doesnt cause pain during PIV?
3. Can you find a moid who won't do PIV and doesnt have porn addiction where he asks for humiliating shit? Or is it like a unicorn? Should I accept this and be voluntarily celibate forever? Do asexual men exist? I think there are men who dont want to use their genitals but they're mostly troons

No. 483085

Betting he is a yellow fever fag and nonna is east asian

No. 483088

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Endo symptoms vary person to person. I have it and I personally don't have any problems with pain during sex, but many women do.

No. 483104

No, he’s east asian and I’m not

No. 483106

No. 483135

1. For me it never hurt but also dont find it very enjoyable. You can try penetration with fingers/sex toy if you want to know how it feels.

3. Asexual men are very rare if they exist at all. There are mostly closeted gay men and men who are so porn addicted they cant be turned on by sex anymore.

No. 483136

I would recommend seeing how you go with penetration by yourself if you’re really nervous. Also there’s nothing wrong with being celibate.

I would be very suspicious of any man who claims to be asexual. 99% of the time he’s saying that to bide his time/make you let your guard down/some other sort of weirdo.

No. 491064

What’s a good lip balm for blowjobs? I would like something that stays on with friction.

No. 491328

not really advice seeking, but idk if there's a more appropriate thread.

anyway, I'm kinda mad no one told me how much better sex is without a height difference. I'm 5'0" been with 5'7" - 6'2" and have all been varying degrees of uncomfortable, have to stop or take it slow a lot, can't ride on top most of the time, just staring at sweaty chest, they were always stretching and folding me for their comfort to my discomfort. in the end I feel like a fleshlight, or worse like a child fleshlight.

fucking a 5'2" manlet and I just feel like a normal person, an adult woman even. incredible. also he makes no creepy comments about how small I am. he can lie on me with his full weight and it feels warm, I used to have to throw hands in bed to get men from lying on me and crushing me.

No. 491370

i like plain aquaphor and it’s what i use day to day tbh. it’s unflavored and meant for skin so if some comes off during the bj it won’t matter and it does hold up pretty well to friction

No. 491468


No. 491724

sorry you're fat

No. 491813

? I just prefer a height difference

No. 491866

yeah, fat girls always do(bait)

No. 492398

Lol sorry to disagree with you I guess nonnie

No. 492502

Why would anyone fuck a short man? This post is the worst psyop from a short moid ever. Tall men do not make comments on height either, only short insecure moids do. And sure, they "crushed you" in bed kek. Tall men are very careful.

The weird infighting further proves you're a bitter moid.(scrotefoiling)

No. 492788

I don't relate to feeling like a fleshlight, but I agree that similar height is better than tall moid logistically speaking. I've always favored manlets, but I could only truly appreciate this fact after going from tall bf to similar height bf. Everything seems to fit together better with current nigel. Interestingly my ex also found himself a tall woman, I wonder if he came to a similar conclusion kek

No. 493488

We should have something like a reading list for this thread. Here's some of my basic suggestions on what improved my sex life the best:
Kama Sutra (obvs)
Mantak Chia

No. 493496

Sorry jannies but that post makes ZERO fucking sense. It's straight out of r/badwomensanatomy. You can't ride? Because a guy is tall? If I'm being charitable this is a turbovirgin larper at best. And we do have a (hilarious) history of moids shilling tiny shrinky penis on this board.

No. 493661

Kek I'm the poster that got banned and thank you. I think the mod who banned me is some shortlet himself.

No. 494722

This is just a question, I'm not looking for advice but idk where else to post this.
Does anyone else cry during sex? I'm havingt sex without being on medication for the first time in my life and it started happening. When I'm close to coming I start laughing, like chuckling a bit. Then it quickly morphs into all out sobbing. I'm not sad, it's like someone just pressed the cry button in my brain.
Anyone else?

No. 494738

>post sex questions
>"lol you're fat"

No. 494803

Nonas help. My new boyfriend has a big dick (7 inches) problem is, I've never had a dildo before or taken a big penis before. How can I prepare myself?

No. 494812

Sometimes when the orgasm is too intense I cry, yes. But it's not sad crying at all, it's more like a physiological reaction? Do you have any emotions attached to your crying?

No. 494871

Buy a dildo.

No. 494957

Over stimulation can cause that. It's not abnormal. Some people just get overwhelmed and the body sends signals everywhere. If a sensation is that wrong it can open all the flood gates. You're not alone nonna.

No. 495021

Only tangentially related, but what do you think the ideal penis size is?

No. 495025

Kek I'm not an incel, I just have a shallow pussy and want to figure out a decent baseline

No. 496323

I think I'm bad at sex. For context I'm straight and don't watch any kind of porn. How am I supposed to move when I'm the one in control? Should I go up and down? How far up and how far down? Do I just grind? Is it awkward if I ask my partner "hey do you think I'm bad at this? How should I act?"

No. 496324

I'm on the same boat. Started dating a man with a big dick about 5 months ago. I recommend lube and asking him to go slow. Vaginas are actually able to stretch in depth if you're aroused enough so foreplay and oral can help you, but there's a limit of course. Tell him if he's hurting you. If he disrespects you or disregards your comfort dump him.

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