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No. 477424

ITT: vent or complain about all things relating to your boyfriend, husband, or, romantic partner.

This thread is for anons to vent their frustrations and to complain in a judgement-free environment. Please do not offer advice that wasn't asked for - let the anons vent about their nigels in peace.

If you need advice about your relationship, check out the thread instead:

Follow all /g/ board rules.

No. 477428

>a thread where anons post about their horrific boyfriends and husbands but no one is allowed to say anything critical
This is what Reddit is for.

No. 477431

If you don't like the thread, then you don't have to use it and you can just hide it.

No. 477435

If you want to vent in peace you should probably get a journal instead of posting in a public space

No. 477437

The GIOYC literally exists on /ot/ and no one complains about it. Just hide the thread, retards.

No. 477446

Yeah because you get banned for complaining about it, retard. I'll call out a stupid thread if I see it, LC is not your diary.

No. 477448

One of the rules of this site is to not complain about threads in the threads and instead to just hide them or complain about them on /meta/. I don't know why you think anyone cares about your opinion. If you don't like the thread, then just hide it.

No. 477452

>to complain in a judgement-free environment.
If you need protection to not be judged, why not just break up? Do you want to stay with an asshole as your nigel?

No. 477467

Just let them have this thread so they can stop shitting up the /ot/ vent thread with their retardation.

No. 477468

Damn did they create this thread because they were tired of people in the vent thread telling them their boyfriend is a shithead? So they had to invent a thread where they can talk about all the shithead things he does but NO JUDGEMENT. Jesus. Bleak.

No. 477490

This. What is the point? The site isn't your fucking diary.

No. 477496

If you don't like the thread then you don't have to use it. Nobody is making you use the thread.

No. 477498

That's not how the site works, anon.

No. 477500

Sure. Why not we allow a thread for trannies next because we can all just hide it.

No. 477501

Exactly, if a thread idea is just objectively retarded, farmers will call it out as such.

No. 477508

As if the people itt aren't gonna call their bf a shithead anyway. Entire thread is obvious bait.

No. 477514

We already have a nigel brag thread. Maybe anons should get a boyfriend worth posting there instead of having to resort to a public vent blog.

No. 477515

It literally is how the site works? If you don't like a thread, you aren't supposed to go into it just to complain about it. I don't know why this thread existing is such a personal blow to you. Just hide it and don't use it.
Literally how is this thread bait? It's just a thread for anons to complain about their nigels. It's not that deep.
This comparison makes no sense. Again, just hide the thread if anons venting about their nigels offends you.

No. 477518

get a better boyfriend

No. 477519

I don't have one? Why are you trying to infight just because you don't like a thread? I really don't get it.

No. 477521

Pretty much 90% of the site (/ot/) is anons going me me me and venting/blogging in the chat threads

No. 477523

>This site isn't your fucking diary
Why is this thread a diary but Unconventional Attractions, Fantasies, & Masturbation threads aren't diaries? Just ignore threads that you don't like.

No. 477524

I meant no judgement to the anons posting the vents. As in, if an anon posts here she shouldn't get told she's stupid or a loser. I didn't mean no judgement to the nigels they're venting about and I don't know why you interpreted it that way.

No. 477527

There is a specific thread where you can complain without people replying. This thread is stupid.

No. 477528

No. 477530

I’ll come here to specifically call you and your dumb boyfriend retards kek

No. 477579

there shouldn't be an expectation that anons can post and not have any reply or criticism. why is this site full of such sensitive snowflakes?

No. 477581

you mean the sensitive snowflakes that complain about threads they don't like instead of just ignoring them?

No. 477588

You make redundant retarded threads that are already here. There’s the humble brag Nigel thread, there’s even a get off your chest thread.

No. 477589

this is the nigel vent thread

No. 477591

NTA but literally who cares, there's so many threads that are essentially slightly different variations of the same thing. You're just trying to infight for no reason.

No. 477592

Because it’s annoying

No. 477594

The existence of the thread annoys you? Kek wtf just hide it

No. 477596

go vent about your nigel in the GIOYC thread if you don't want people replying to you. Oh, you want to be coddled for dating an abusive piece of shit scrote? Well, no one gives a shit. Break up if you have to vent about your moid on lc of all places.

No. 477598

No, they wanna spend hours complaining about the thread instead of just clicking the hide thread button. I don't get why this thread topic is so particularly offensive to some anons.
??? Why are you being so aggressive for no reason? It's weird.

No. 477605

What's the point of this thread if you can't even give advice? Do you want nonnies to pat your head for dating a shitty moid? This thread is useless.

No. 477608

okay we get it you don't like the thread. hide it and move on.

No. 477654

There are already tons of thread about men, it’s always men men men with you retards. So annoying.
You pick up shitty scrotes , ignore the red flags all together and then cope and expect people around you to coddle you.
>my Nigel doesn’t listen to me
>my Nigel yelled and argued with me and didn’t apologize even when I cried
>my Nigel has a best friend who he spends time with and he asks me to go outside when she comes over
>my Nigel is rough and doesn’t listen to me when I tell him to be more gentle during sex
>my Nigel always plays video games when he comes back home and doesn’t want to spend time with me
>my Nigel promised to stop watching porn, but I still caught him on his computer!
You stay with these men who show no effort , no love and no interest , at least get a scrote who is decent enough to treat you like a person.
It’s always the same fucking thing and none of you morons ever leave, you’re chained to dick and balls and the dick isn’t even that mind blowing to sacrifice that much.

No. 477989

How good of an indicator is road rage for a man? My bf has some pretty bad road rage and it’s terrifying to be in the car with, but outside of that he’s perfectly fine. Idk if I’m ignoring an obvious sign or something based off it

No. 477996

This is not an advice thread

No. 477998

Come on nona, you just said you’re terrified to be in the car with him. I’d say that’s a big red flag

No. 478002

This is not an advice thread

No. 478012

Thank you for proving me right. >>477654

No. 478017

It takes one bad day for him to turn that rage towards you

No. 478018

id take it as a red flag. a lot of men who ive seen with road rage have bigger anger issues outside of it. this is just my personal experience though

No. 478036

This is not an advice thread

No. 478039

she literally asked for advice and a vent thread already exists on /ot/

No. 478041

And a relationship advice thread already exists here on /g/, Einstein

No. 478051

Read the OP

No. 478078

We've decided to lock this thread because it is redundant. Please use the vent/gioyc/advice threads instead.

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