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No. 482587

It's time to revive my favorite /g/ thread after seven months. Post unusual and nitpicky things that turn you off of a person.


No. 482589

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I'm going to paste my reply to the deleted duplicate thread I guess
Oh my god anon, you just helped me identify that I hate positive canthal eyes on a man. There's a male staff member on Vanderpump Rules who has them and everytime he's on, he looks genuinely deranged. I couldn't put my finger on why and thought his face was collapsing in on itself. It's weird because it would probably look good on a woman. My first crush had negative tilt eyes and they looked angelic imo kek

No. 482594

I love negative tilt eyes. My biggest most influential crush ever had them to the extreme and ever since her, I have a huge thing for them. I also like positive tilt on certain people though. I tend to like unusual looking people so the "normal" tilt is just like eh to me, they'd have to have some other unusual feature to make up for it.

Is anyone else the same in that they only seem to like unusual looking people? Normal-average all the way to even normal-supermodel people do nothing for me at all… so I guess my turn off is anyone who looks too normal. Kek.

No. 482597

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If you only like unusual(to unfortunate) looking people it might be an insecurity thing since even babies are more drawn to conventionally beautiful faces. I like unusual features that suit a person and aren't too distracting or generic. Supermodels aren't common so I wouldn't consider one generic. Like Adrian Brody is probably an outdated/extreme example of what I mean outside of conventional attraction but I don't think he's handsome because he is a douchebag. If I had no info about him and only watched "The Pianist", I would think he used to be pretty hot. I wish I had a more recent example but new hollywood fags are so boring and ugly

If you mean this era's crop of AI-instagram face, then yes and the same thing goes for the kind of people who end up in toothbrush or sunglasses ads tbh

No. 482600

I just find people with unusual looks more visually stimulating to look at, I don't think it's that deep. And it has nothing to do with attractiveness imo because both unusual and normal looking people can be ugly or pretty, in my mind they're two separate variables.

No. 482602

No college degree. Which is bullshit cause I'm still trying to get mine like 5 years after I was supposed to.

No. 482603

Sort of a triggered rehashing of what I said you said you
>only seem to like unusual looking people?
so I inferred you meant "attractiveness". I don't really have anything else to contribute to this thread though, have a great nite

No. 482605

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Blue eyes plus blonde hair is a huge turnoff for me. I have no problem with a blue eyes brown/black hair combo. I honestly believe that being blonde with blue eyes is for girls only. I can't put my finger on it but I just find the look ugly on men.

No. 482606

>I said you said you
anon are you high

No. 482617

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No. 482619

this is a fairly common sentiment. i theorize that because of men's overall fetish for blonde hair and many non-blonde women dyeing their hair blonde, people can associate being blonde with femininity and sexual submissiveness. also men's eyebrows are more important to them looking masculine and hot, so blonde eyebrows don't stand out as well as darker hair colors.

No. 482622

Using ai enhanced edits should be illegal though

No. 482623

I don't like this phenotype either, I'm a brunette w dark eyes but from a young age I've always been attracted to people with darker features and find that look weird on men. I don't mind lighter eyes and darker hair but when it's overly vibrant light eyes with light hair, freaks me out

No. 482624

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Everytime I make eye contact with blue eyes I feel like I'm looking at picrel. Why do blue eyed people like eye contact so much?

No. 482642

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Close-set eyes always look weird and freakish to me.

No. 482643

same, when i was a kid there was a girl with very close eyes and i didn't know what it was that made her look so weird. when i realised my life changed

No. 482696

When I was in elementary school I had teachers assuming I was a pathological liar because I really struggled with eye contact. Turns out I struggled only with blue-eyed people and the majority of people there were blue-eyed kek. They just creeped me out.

No. 482705

i can appreciate classically beautiful men and admire them like a work of art, but everything about them is so nonsexual (there are pretty men with sexy energy but they're rare. because pretty men are rare in general). for most conventionally attractive people i literally can't imagine them having sex with each other, it seems so goofy… do they they still have to worry about accidentally making weird expressions, or getting utis??? they belong on billboards and in cologne ads.

No. 482706

I guess just having sex with more pretty men? Then you'll get used to the faces they make and it won't be so weird

No. 482744

> Why do blue eyed people like eye contact so much?
fishing for compliments. they are always so desperate to talk about eye colors

No. 482747

These all pertain to men,
>Likes the gym
>Likes podcasts
>Likes marvel or any superhero media
>Plays valorant, overwatch, fortnite, LOL, Apex legends, or marvel rivals,
>Really into red meat
>Wants to own a german shepard, cane corso, rottweiler, or exotic bully type dogs
>Hates cats
>In any branch of the military
>Loves anime
>Owns anime figures or funko pops
>Posts/reposts political stuff on social media
>Has a snapchat
>Uses twitter frequently
>Thinks they're different for liking movies similar to American psycho
>Wears baseball caps
>Wears camo
>Owns a jeep or truck. Even worse: A Jeep Gladiator
>Men that think they'll be amazing dads
>Men that want sons
>Blonde men
>Non-college educated men (besides animal control officers)
>Ear piercings
>Hairy chests
>Men with bleached hair
>Fat/bulky men that go to the gym often and pretend that they're strong when in reality they're moments away from a heart attack
>Likes rap or country music. Even worse if they listen to country rap
>Drinks energy drinks
>Into bdsm
>Has a high body count
>Openly sex positive
>Goes to clubs
>Employed as a "dj", bartender, or bouncer
>Watches streamers
>Wears chains
>Baggy pants
>Sports shirts
>Really into american football
>Is too loud
>Drinks alcohol
>Overly hairy ass
>Into hunting or fishing
>Posts selfies
>Into cars
>Has a girl best friend
>Smokes weed
>Likes star wars
>Dad bods
>Has a meme page
>Wears skinny jeans. Even worse if it has holes or is light washed
>Says he's been abused in past relationships
>Likes harry potter
>Blue eyes
>In a frat
>In debt
>Wants to live in a rural area
>Eastern European men
>Watches rick and morty
>Eats fast food often
>Wastes money often
>No savings account, or very low amount in savings account
>Has a small nose
>Stays up too late
>Wears shirts with American flags, or shirts that say stuff like "freedom"

No. 482780

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No. 482858

Rides a motorcycle

No. 482860

Thin lips or lips which are tall on the y axis and short on the x axis

No. 482873

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Specially if it looks like this, it's the most unsexy method of transportation that has ever existed. This shit makes me dryer than a desert.

No. 482879

>rides a motorcycle
>does dumb hand gestures
>trains velociraptors
>is chris pratt

No. 482899

Using emojis. I'm currently texting with a guy I find attractive and he can't help himself but use at least two every message he sends and it drives me nuts. It just gives real immature vibe idk

No. 482925

I wouldn't be able to handle that kek. On a similar note, albeit a british exclusive one, men sending kisses on the end of texts is revolting.

No. 482939

Bonus if they use the crying laughing emoji for everything like a retarded Facebook boomer. Or they write out their kisses in either roleplay or dialogue like "kisses" or "mwah". I had one who wrote it as "muah" and I wanted to call him a faggot retard

No. 482942

i've started to really hate dinosaur guys. there should be something endearing about holding onto your childhoood interests through adulthood, but every dinosaur guy i've known has been an insufferable knowitall.

No. 482944

Nah there's nothing endearing about it in reality. If I was clinging onto shit I liked as a child like fairy princess books and being a little smartass about planets and mythologies as an adult I'd kill myself. It's Chris Chan tier levels of autism and even worse in moids.

No. 482946

I don't like freakishly tall men. Tallest I can do is like 6 feet - that's where it remains most proportional, and more attractive to me. Men over 6 feet look less like humans and more like weird elongated aliens.

No. 482947

I hate overly assertive people, if I used the term right. Standing up for yourself and going for your goals is one thing, but then there's the ones that project and that are delusional enough to believe everyone can be a billionaire overnight and that you're just being lazy because back in their day they worked 10 jobs at the age of 4 and fought tigers. Like fuck off, why don't you prove your bullshit and show me your billions then?

No. 482961

Agreed, I don't know what other women see in super tall men personally. I hate when they're super skinny too–it reminds me of slender man.

No. 482978

Tall men intimidate me probably in the same way they feel emasculated by washing their own asses kek. Also, how the fuck are you supposed to talk to them without hurting your neck staring up at them all the time.

No. 483035

same, in practice it's so fucking annoying. i wish more men were my height or shorter. although there can be something uniquely hot about a tall man acting like a scared little cockroach.

No. 483114

>sends unflattering selfies below eye-level
>repeatedly doing so after requesting they not do so
It's like they want me to get the ick lol

No. 483122

Any man that starts conversations talking about himself. My ideal man doesn't do or think anything. He has the brain of a newborn baby and only exists when I will it. Also has to look like one of my 15 or so pre-set templates

No. 483483

Any moid who has interests in war/military/history of such/weapons. So fucking lame. Or maybe I just prefer world peace and no death or its associates or some shit.
Moids with shaved buzz cuts, mullets, or any retarded looking hairstyles. Bonus points if they dress like Slavic gopota or ride motorcycles. Any moid who uses imageboards because moid imageboards are all /pol/esque extreme levels of misogyny.

No. 483485

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Bad penmanship turns me off more than anything. I couldn't imagine showing my face anywhere if my handwriting development practically halted at 6 years old

No. 483487

It's always scrotes that have bad penmanship, like do they think writing legibly or in the slightest cursive makes them gay or some shit?

No. 483491

That's no doubt a factor. Putting effort into things is seen as a female trait and nothing is more humiliating to a man than being a woman.

No. 483499

Nona I thought you're being racist and that refers to Asians

No. 483500

I've been working in labs since I was 16, which requires all text be printed, so my handwriting has actually degraded since high school. Now I feel bad.

No. 483649

This image really pisses me off

No. 484047

Fanny packs

No. 484075

Doctors and engineers have some of the messiest writing and BPDPilotFan from the Luigi thread has almost perfect penmanship. This has been my experience in life as well

No. 485609

Bowel/stomach issues. I can't imagine dating someone who is moments away from shitting themselves like a toddler.

No. 485614

for males, skydiving or rock climbing pics or anything else that you think looks "extreme"… you don't look cool you look boring and desperate to impress people

No. 485616

>tight curly hair
>big deep set eyes with prominent eyelids
>lactose intolerant

No. 485618

I absolute HATE all men with curly hair. I want them dead

No. 485627

So latinos/middle eastern men lol

No. 485631

Nta but autistic rant incoming. That's a specific phenotype mostly from areas well inside the arabian peninsula. I despise it also but thankfully it's very rare in the region I'm from. There's a lot of variation so it's not just sheepish looking guys. I love our straight haired square faced squinty eyed boys more than any other race. However the neighboring countries just don't do it for me.

No. 485637

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When they are into gothic women

No. 485638

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Men that look like picrel. I think my problem are the eyes. Overall not fan of this combo of features, but also don't like men with really upturned eyes.

No. 485639

Bad teeth and spitting on the road. First just annoys me, second is fucking disgusting.
Smoking a lot is a turn off too.

No. 485640

This is called "weird" turn offs. Bad teeth and behavior are an almost universal, standard turn off. Don't enshittify the thread please.

No. 485641

I cannot abide by either of these, like why are you spitting everywhere you disgusting beast?

No. 485642

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No. 485643

Men with fat hands, I hate their short ugly fingers.

No. 485644

I find certain walking stances a turn off. I like scrotes who walk with their backs straight and with straightened legs.

No. 485650

Lurking males sit down and take notes on what not to do, my opinions are objectively correct.
Unless you're gonna rant about how the Earth should be governed by a matriarchy, please shut up.
>Using Reddit
The sole exception is piracy subreddits.
>Dirty jokes
99% of the time this just means referencing porn tropes or even specific pornos. This is drying.
>Watches "comedy" anime
This just means he's fried his brain with hentai and ecchi. Nobody wants a whore, not even a spiritual one.
>Has no outdoor hobbies
Usually goes hand in hand with the above traits.
>Mommy issues.
I'd rather take my chances with a boymom and her retard spawn than an anger issues-riddled male who hates his mother.
>Uses Xitter
Faggot trait.
>Being into "alt" girls
Speaking as one of these, I'm going to let you in on a secret: all of womankind wishes you guys would neck yourselves. I'm not saying this to be mean. It's just a factual statement.
>Thin hair
>Uses or makes wojaks
Repressed homosexual trait.
>Uses Snapchat
There's a 99% chance you're a pedo if this applies to you.
You don't care about staying in peak condition? That's not very alpha of you. This tells me you're a defeatist and don't have winner's genetics.
>Has too many ugly, obese or trashy relatives
Defective gene pool.
>Wants a husky, German shepherd or Pitbull
Men can't handle these breeds. It goes to their heads.
>Watches true crime or bodycam videos
Biggest red flag, there's no reason for men to be watching this stuff except wish fulfillment.

No. 485652

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> likes picrel. I don't even know from what show she(? is. I liked the design the first time I saw it but I realized men who like her are fucking losers
> likes anime
> active on social media
> wants to be internet famous
> wannabe fulltime artist (this only apply to those who clearly can't afford having such desires)

No. 485671

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Yes kek
The only men I find attractive are the ones that have squinty eyes like picrel. I heard there's a region in my country that have similar phenotype so I might as well go there kek

No. 485681

No. 485690

Where is the anon who is going to chastise you and saying that this is a “weird” turn off thread?

No. 485696

It's crazy how much hype the heavily spanish influenced population gets when they're regularly mogged by the natives. As an outsider the only Latin men I like have minimal white/black heritage, the ones who do look morroccan to me. And moroccan men are just awful looking. I guess it's just colonialism caused internalised racism. I'm not talking about tiny peruvian men though, Pataxó of Brazil and such are nice.

No. 485702

I used to had this schizoid thought about what will happened if the spanish never come and what will the people look like now. I guess we will have more hot native american men nonna

No. 485842

when people talk with only their bottom teeth showing.

No. 485850

I hate sneakerheads. Wearing sneakers is one thing but moids will really pay thousands of dollars for polyester shoes made by child slaves just to brag about them. Peak manchild retardation. Even worse is when they whine like a fag about their shoes creasing or getting dirty, why even wear them then?

No. 485889

idk if its weird but i hate when males r all mopey and "im soo alonee and depressed" i think its so fucking pathetic

No. 485895

Men chatting you up at the bus stop.
Mate, we’re both poor, what’s the point of dating,

No. 485904

Yeah, I hate Polish men too.

No. 485913

You left out the part where half of these moids don't even wear the damn shoes, they spend hundreds or even thousands on a pair of shoes that gets put on display and left to rot. They spend hours bidding on eBay for Aliexpress knockoffs and cry when they lose. They devote whole rooms to shoe displays and act like it's a flex and not a sign of turbo autism. They have the gall to get offended when you think it's weird because bitches love shoes and rich men, but they always forget the part where we actually just want men who are normal and sane and don't camp outside a store all night long for the chance to buy a limited run of the ugliest shoes known to man.
It's fucking shoes. It's really not that deep.

No. 486063

The "goth women" they're into are just e-girls or anyone who wears black lipstick as well. Whenever I hear "Big titty goth gf", I swear, kill yourself scrote. Also they're always only into "goths" because of porn.

No. 486072

It looks disgusting, only top teeth showing look objectively better

No. 486140

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There was someone talking about aloof love interests and how much they like that dynamic in the previous thread a long while back
>there really is nothing like pining after someone aloof
and it reminded me of picrel. Only time I was ever into aloofness as a trait was when I was deeply insecure and trying to be avoidant whilst still retaining a semblance of affection. I was severely depressed at the time. I'm pretty sure people who are into aloof partners can be pathologized.

No. 486558

>really into red meat
I feel seen. I think it's obnoxious.

Everything about your list feels valid though.

No. 486564

Omg I thought this was just an "every moid" list until I got to
>Blue eyes
>Eastern European men
I guess I should mention I only skimmed anon's list the first time reading and now see other things that sort of separate moids from being one homogenous/indistinguishable blob like
>blonde hair

No. 488497

The way men drink from beer bottles. Nasty.

No. 489181

I find men with this phenotype attractive (not when they're fat though). Probably because they look the opposite of me as a Med nona and it's some anti inbreeding thing in my brain. I like men who look nothing like me.

No. 489189

Bad smells on a man of any kind.
Nobody told me how bad mens farts are until I started dating men. Holy fuck they are absolutely toxic. Especially if he's into lifting and drinks tons of protein shakes, or eats a lot of meat/eggs.
Men who fart or burp in front of me intentionally are an absolute dealbreaker. I simply won't tolerate it.
Men who have any kind of swamp ass, crotch stank, tonsil stones, bad breath, sinus infections, strong BO, scalp stink, bellybutton stink, behind the ears stink, are overly musky or whatever else are an instant sahara desert for me. I just absolutely cannot tolerate bad odour on others or myself. Instant repulsion.
One of my friends dated a moid whose breath smelled like rotten cabbage and metal, I genuinely have no idea how she tolerated it for 2 years.

No. 489192

I will never date a man who is into e-girls. It just screams coomer/pedophile to me.
Men who are attracted to tacky women like that dry me up, it's just so childish. I like men who actually have good taste in female aesthetics and appreciate real beauty, instead of fake freckles and clown makeup and ahegao faces. Any man who is into that shit is a genuine ADHD gooner retard not worth knowing.

No. 489514

Tattoo placements men get. I actually don't mind tattoos, but men always get tattoos that nerf their proportions. Why tf would you get a chestpiece or a shoulder tat as a guy, even if you have broad shoulders and a wide chest you instantly look narrow.

No. 489517

I wonder what the logic behind this is, I used to feel the same way as you and only liked men who look nothing like me. I currently have a huge crush on a guy who’s literally just me but cuter. Being in my 20s changed my phenotype preference

No. 489529

>I like men who look nothing like me.
Same. Whenever anons go on on how it's natural to be most attracted to your own race I always feel like blackguyconfusedmeme.jpg because males of my race are those I'm absolutely least attracted to by far lol.

No. 489577

the worst is their necks. i’ve never seen a man who still looks good with neck tattoos.

No. 492718

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men with long curly hair are so fucking vile. it should be illegal for them to grow their hair out. their greasy ramen hair makes me nauseous

No. 492722

He's got beautiful eyes. Too bad he's retarded.

No. 492724

this is the only type of hair i like funnily enough kek. he could look decent if he shaved

No. 492736

It's not his curls that make him look gross and unkempt but his facial hair imo

No. 492743

He's so pretty regardless. But most men with curly hair do not take care of it and let it be super frizzy.

No. 492760

Men with short curly hair too.

No. 493832

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I don't like masculine men or big masculine hands and feet

>Lists weed and alcohol
Based nonny.
Same. Asian men and latinos have beautiful eyes and nice facial features imo

No. 493835

Body hair on moids. Hairy fingers and toes is disgusting.

No. 493861

>doesn't clean his own apartment
>is an "entrepreneur"
>in the military
>is a dj
>is a promoter
>is overly religious
>very into any kind of politics
>studied political science in university
>very much into any kind of competitive sports games like soccer
>cannot cook at least a basic meal
>prides himself or humble brags about the books he is reading
>mansplains gym exercises to me
>vegan and doesn't shut up about it
>very into red meat and bacon and doesn't shut up about it
>has a really weird relationship with his mother or father (either overly hates them or is too close to the point that it is getting weird)
>is very active on social media
>thinks that all his instagram followers are his friends
>has snapchat or twitter
>campaigns for any kind of political position
>parties a lot and drinks too much
>smokes a lot of weed
>doesn't know how to behave in public (burps or farts or makes crude comments)
>doesn't have any table manners
>lives at his parents house over the age of 25 or doesn't plan on moving out
>has a female best friend that isn't a childhood friend
>cannot apologize
>cannot take accountability for his own behavior

No. 493866

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>thinks having a dog is a personality trait and said dog is very badly behaved
>wears one of those ugly ass peaky blinders hats
>is very into wwii
>has to constantly mention female colleagues or female friends because he is insecure
>is balding in his mid twenties
>has to constantly humble brag about how busy he is and how much he works and expects ass pats for it
>dirty fingernails

No. 493949

late to this but kekk at vanderpump rules, are you talking about max? I hate his eyes

No. 493950

beard with curly hair should be illegal
it just doesn't fit

No. 494128

>Beard that looks like bird nest
>Curly long hair
>Grey jogging pants
>Giggles like a teenager when the word sex is mentioned
>Glasses that doesn't compliment their face shape
>Long messages with weird pacing
>Bad grammar
>Gym photos on dating profile
>Photos where there's only their car on dating profile

No. 494195

KEKK at how many nonas here are shitting on men with curly hair

No. 494447

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>loves cats, is a "cat person"
>"aww that's cute"
>lets his non-neutered, unvaccinated cat roam free, allowing it to impregnate any female stray it sees/contact various diseases/get attacked by other cats/potentially get mauled by dogs, abused by strangers or hit by a car
>"why don't you at least neuter and vaccinate him"
>"i don't have money"
>"get a job"
>"but then i won't have enough time to play vidya and tinker with my puter.."

if you can't properly care for an animal why even get it in the first place. i don't care how much you love him. do your fucking job as a pet owner you fucking retard.
this isn't even a weird turn-off i'm just pissed off and need to let off some steam(wrong thread)

No. 494470

If someone has a pet they don’t take care of it’s a huge turn off and a huge red flag. Trash person.

No. 494500

>removing reproductive organs from an animal is taking care of them
What a meme.(bait)

No. 494516

>Long messages with weird pacing

No. 494571

You have to be 18+ to post here.

No. 494665

I want to scream and throw up every time I see "golden retriever boyfriend" in a moids dating profile

No. 494670

What kind of person actually calls themselves that, it would only make me think he's a psychopath

No. 494677

I hate that this term is so popular among lesbian butches too. An immediate ick

No. 494776

okay janny i'll post in the "normal icks" thread next time i get a normal ick

No. 494948

More for me. I'll take this vintage finance bro and you can have the weak jaw, double chinned chubby moids with dark hair and eyes kek. Genuinely don't understand this sentiment but hey, more for me.

No. 495031

It's more annoying if it's not their normal hair texture tbh. So many zoomer men either get that shitty broccoli perm or the pedo wavy mullet perm

No. 495615

Dogfag moids. I like dogs but moids who make having a big scary hunting dog their entire personality are the worst.

No. 495624

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Agreed, not just big dogs though, I also hate it when they go crazy for cute family-friendly races. Don't get me started on saying "doggo", "fren" and all that other shit.

Picrel, moids using girly tiktok lingo in general. I hate when they try to emulate "female gaze" bs. Makes me cringe so bad, it's obvious what you're trying to do

No. 495625

Is there a reason for these two hairstyles being all the rage for zoomer men? Are zoomer women really into it? I'm literally the last year to be considered millennial so I'm in the same friend groups of men who do their hair like this and I just… it's so ugly. It's faggy imho too because I feel like only other men think those hairstyles looks good.

No. 495634

Retarded nitpick but 90% of hunting dog breeds aren't big or scary, maybe you're thinking of bloodsport/fighting dogs. Hunting dogs are breeds like dachshund, sighthounds, retrievers, poodles and spaniels.

No. 495654

Yeah I was just repeating a word these types of moids love to parrot, I'm not well versed in dog breeds
>My dog is BIG and SCARY and a HUNTER and a WARRIOR and will FUCK YOU UP just like me, I also happen to go to the gym 24/7 be a strong alpha chad
They always sound like genuine second graders

No. 495665

>It's faggy imho
Hard agree. It looked dumb in the 80's and it looks even worse now.

No. 495668

Nah zoomer women think it's faggy and retarded but they can't say that out loud.

No. 495729

Ayrt and a zoomer. No, I think it looks like shit. Especially when they try to add on the cheap kpop earrings.

No. 496119

Men who make their personality about eating meat. Bonus if they go "so that means you want a vegan estrogen soycuck instead?" when you find it annoying. Like no, you're all equally as fucking annoying.

No. 496145

Social media and the chronically online are always talking about having "Chad jawlines" or whatever it's called these days (do the gen alphas call it mew now?) but any moid I've met with this phenotype has been awful. It's both they think they're attractive and hence will get away with anything, and just inherently part of their personality, like the genes giving them those jaws correlates to having neurotic brains.

No. 496300

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Henly shirts induce a disgust response it doesnt matter whose wearing them… something about the texture around the buttons is visual nails on a chalkboard. Had to ask my ex boyfriend to please stop wearing them since they were grossing me out…

I'm a sucker for blonde men, it makes them go up like 2 points in my eyes. The brighter the better. It sucks they're so rare

No. 496317

Being a picky eater. Like, I can understand having likes and dislikes, but if you are a chicken nuggies fries and "no lettuce tomato or onion on my burger" person who cringes at the idea of vegetables … I'll immediately pass on the idea of dating and they'll become a child in my eyes

No. 497078

Off the top of my head..

– A moid who hates cats is a definite turn off/red flag. He doesnt respect boundaries, does not have patience, and hates true innocence, love, and beauty. He views all other beings, including women, like dogs who are "supposed to" blindly obey him. He only likes dogs not for their inherent worth, but because they reinforce his narcissistic supply of being the "alpha" in a relationship.

– Moids who are pushovers, and moids who are bossy.

– Moids who listen to angry and/or misogynistic music. Moids who have anger or other emotional issues in general. Often manlets but not always, as manlets are more statistically likely to have anger issues. Moids who panic easily are exhausting to be around.

– Moids who enjoy true crime or horror types of media. Feels like he is either plotting something, or views legit horrific crimes as entertainment.

– Moids who glorify and worship veterans or similar professions. These moids will not tolerate their precious murderers for hire being questioned or criticized. Cult like behaviors like wearing a poppy, when they couldnt care less about the women affected by mens stupid wars of aggression. These moids worship other men.

– Mommies boys. Nuff said.

– Moids who are picky eaters. Moids who dont do their own laundry/dishes. These moids usually employ weaponized incompetence. Theyre lying, cowardly scrotes who view all women as appliances.

– Moids who worship vehicle brands or sports teams. These xy care way more about keeping his possessions or memorabilia safe, than protecting the women in his life. Would likely attack the woman in his life if she accidentally/not accidentally scratched his prized possession(s).

– Moids who walk like a stereotypical gangsta, have baggy clothes, esp if he lived a sheltered suburban life and is a doormat to other moids.

A moid having a weak jaw, double chin, or being chubby, has nothing to do with his eye and hair color. Look at chris chan, who has balding blonde hair and lifeless blue eyes, with a double chin that hides his jawline, he is so fat. Sounds like you took another nonnas preference personally, just because not everyone worships blondes with blue eyes.

No. 497101

it looks like baby clothes

No. 511207

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Scrotes who wear slips as swimwear, you can have the prettiest face on earth but you’ll look disgusting to me in an instant kek.

No. 511208

Blue eyes

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