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No. 58831
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You can only shrink your boobs by losing weight. And too bad, you can't choose where your body loses the weight/fat.
No. 60105
I have different sized breasts, right side is a C, left is DD and look weird when I'm going braless or wearing a sports bra. Doesn't bother me that much though, I've learned to accept them (I don't feel like having surgery lol). The only thing I dislike about them is how spaced they are. I can fit two fingers between them and I need a good bra to put them together. Which is a pain in the ass and makes me afraid it could make them sag. So far my breasts have a nice curve I like despite how uneven they are, ice massaging is amazing.
>>60076Most manchildren.
No. 60435
>>60414I have this! I am little boobed anon from above. i have a wide root so it makes my boobs look pointier. i agree it's kinda a good trade off and now i suddenly realise why i have only ever owned one comfortable bra. I always have to get a c, it's too big for my boobs but the root doesnt fit into anything else??
Anon you've blown my mind
does any body else get like.. nip hairs? I know it's normal but i get like 7 or 8 small thick deep rooted black hairs around mine. I have to tweeze them or they just keep growing like thick whiskers or something. Tweezing hasnt stopped them at all though, and they grow at the speed of light. it's driving me nuts
No. 60472
>>60450If its not dry skin . . .
How are you washing your bras? Most women don't wash bras after one use but perhaps the foam is clinging to sweat and dead skin cells and causing irritation, they might need to be washed more. On the other hand perhaps the foam isn't being cleaned out well and holding on detergant/fabric softener that is supposed to be rinsed out thoroughly and over time these minute amounts of caustic chemicals are causing irritation. You might need to rinse them better or switch products to something gentler.
No. 60544
>>60450It could be your detergent. Try rinsing twice, using a different detergent, or both. Also, moisturize everyday with a gentle moisturizer.
>>60435Try bratabase to find a bra that works for your breast size. I have the same problem and finally found bras that work. Only two brands, but I own each in a few colors. (Natori feathers and one of the Freya models.)
I get them occasionally. I tweeze them if I notice.
No. 61416
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>>58830Has anyone ever tried the Japanese creams? I'm literally prepubescent and 71cm around thanks to a hormonal defect. I don't expect to be an f-cup but I want at least an aa-cup. I've tried massaging daily for nearly a year straight, drinking tons of milk/eating beef, eating tons of soy, and so far nothing.
I don't really expect it to work but JAV stars can't just be getting fat transfers constantly right? I'm sure at least some of of you have heard of Chiyomilk and Mayusakimilk. The site is probably a scam but it's a basic overview you don't have sign in to see. No. 61427
>>60076have you seen 4chin?
Start a perfect boob thread and its all girls with perfect D cups that sit up in the middle of the chest with no sagging and somehow small nipples, a lot of them you can see where the scars are but the neckbeards will swear on their life their perfect titty waifu never had plastic surgery
No. 61428
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>>61427men are idiots, they think anyone that didn't go to the extremes with plastic surgery or admitted that they did plastic surgery is 100% natural, hell some men even claim kim k and yanet garcia never been touched up by PS in their life
No. 61435
>>61420What the fuck, so that's why so many girls in JAV and gravure have really nice tits? Blowing my mind right now.
Also I have severely inverted nipples and it's another reason to die. I get jealous watching porn where nipples are stimulated because I have no idea what it's like.
No. 61436
>>61435Samefag from the last post, but holy shit, I fucking hate dealing with neckbeards from 4chan on women's topics. I was in a discord group very briefly, and one guy kept adamantly saying that breasts could grow from massages and breast lotion. The other femanons were dubious and he used anecdotes from fucking trap threads on 4chan as proof. Obviously, hormones were being used, but he thought they were out of the question. (For some reason there's a weird stigmatism against traps and hormones, or else they cross the line and get lumped in with trans women.)
Anyway, apparently, women can no longer be authorities on our own breasts. I wouldn't have been so annoyed if it wasn't an attitude I've seen often in men's discussions.
No. 61447
>>61437injects, saline implants, silicon, etc. there are certain types of implants that arent fat transfers that look like fat
I personally dont find JAV stars boobs attractive
No. 61567
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>>61463It is, but it's neither pretty nor permanent. It's also not safe.
No. 62213
>>60450I get those dry patches, too. I went to a dermatologist and he said that it's sebbhoreic dermatitis. I have to use two prescription creams to keep it under control.
Not sure if this is the same thing you have, but it's something you could look into.
No. 62282
>>61588Same thing happened to me with all of my children. I had a nice bust for the first time in my life(previously 34A), then once I stopped breastfeeding, shrank back to the original size and slightly lower and flatter. Then the process happened again with the other two babies. A few years after my last baby, I'm now a cup size bigger than my initial size but with a little sag(not to a terrible degree)and nipples are a bit darker and larger.
>>62242Yes, this. Then pregnancy hormones are more responsible than the baby feeding on them. If boobs being abused and cartoonish-ly stretched were the culprit, your average natural-breasted porn star would be hanging like an orangutan mama. Be sure to wear a proper, supportive bra and don't forget to moisturize the breast area like any other part of your body.
No. 62958
Anyone ever check out 'normal' breasts gallery?: used to hate my tiny titties but good lord after seeing what could be I am grateful for them.
No. 63520
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what do i do about my wide-spaced breasts? my breasts would be bigger and fuller if they were closer but because theyre so far apart i dont have cleavage or anything without really pushing them together even push-up bras dont work. i guess my ribcage is the cause of my wide-spaced breasts but how do i make them appear normal? im really self conscious about them and i want them to look full and i want to look like i have cleavage. are there any good bras for wide-spaced breasts or anything? are there any good bikini tops that lift them up and push them together too?
No. 63640
>>63532my breasts are exactly like
>>63520 and i found that can wear a variety of open-necked clothes more comfortably than my cleavagey peers because it's not instantly va-va-voom sexy. in my opinion, cleavage makes people look weirdly stocky and disproportionate, as if they have a shorter neck than they must have.
No. 64169
>it honestly look really greatNo it doesn't.
>sternum are in right nowNo they're not.
I have the same nasty problem, but I'm not deluded into thinking it's ever attractive and you shouldn't be either.
No. 64185
>>63520I have the exact same problem. In everyday fashion it doesn't bother me as I never wear cleavage-showing tops, but it's been a real pain for swimwear specifically.
Does anyone here have any recommendations on swimsuits that don't make people with wideset breasts look especially boobless?
No. 64210
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>>63520Those are completely normal. Like, oh my god, do you girls really believe anybody who hasn't had a boob job has cleavage without a push up bra? Nobody has cleavage naturally. Buy those tit corsets or something and be happy.
Pic related.
No. 64211
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>>64210Samefag, i was talking about those.
No. 64281
>>64273Tried them out and they work really well (I got small boobs tho).
The thing that sucks is that they only stick for like 3 times and then you have to buy another one
No. 64291
>>64281Really? I've heard of a few people cleaning them to get them to re-stick. I've worn mine a couple times since buying them and they have alittle trouble on the ends near the armpit.
Also you have to wear a bra with it, I tried to wear them alone when it was really hot out one day but they started to peel away easily.
No. 64301
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>>64291Well I don't have the exact same ones in the picture from anon I got a more silicone like one (see picture)
It works the same though.
Anyways many amazon reviews said so too and I tried cleaning mine too didn't do a thing. Maybe I need special cleaning products? How do you clean yours ?
And good to know about the hot day part. Didn't know that. Have to wear it for a Cosplay in August and I thought it would just stay like this. Anyways I need to make sure to wear a strapless bra over it then.
No. 64667
>>61453eat more
>>61567this seems like Jelqing for women
>>62250this is a meme. being white and reading to you kid does way more for IQ than letting him chomp on my tits
No. 66431
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anyone have advice for making breasts smaller besides surgery?
ive lost weight but they dont look any smaller
my boobs look similar to pic related
No. 66570
>>66564nothing wrong with perkier boobs, if she's losing weight and loses some from her tits its a good idea to keep them perky
>>66565probably is, I just took from my own personal experience , I just wear sports bras a lot and my boobs seem to be getting smaller but perkier, I'm no boob expert but I just wrote from my experience
No. 83904
>>83900yes. wearing a bra doesn't do any harm at all. hell, it doesn't do anything. it doesn't cause cancer. it doesn't make boobs saggy. it has no effect on muscle. it doesn't keep boobs from sagging. it doesn't cause back problems.
there's no evidence that bras harm or help in any way, so wear away.
>>83861use padded bras and get a size that fits the bigger breast better, then you can add a small pad in the smaller side.
No. 83911
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My boobs are perky with an ideal shape even though they're small, except the asymmetry has always bothered me… the most notable part being that one of my nipples is small and cute, and the other is quite a bit bigger. Whenever I've brought it up to guys I've dated, they said they "never noticed," but it still makes me extremely self conscious.
No. 83961
>>83912What degree is this asymmetry though cause I've got like a medium b cup and a medium c cup and like
>>83911 anon one nip is extremely noticeably bigger than the other breast. Shits gay as fuck.
No. 83993
>>83911I have the same issue with my nipples, and my current bf noticed right away and he told me. It made me so embarrassed.
But I think it's not that bad, I mean, the big one is super soft and the small one is super cute. So it's like having the best of both worlds (even though it's not that aesthetic).
No. 98436
>>98429Mine look really really bad though when I do lay down. Its why I don't have sex. My boobs started
sagging at like age 15 and made worse from rapid weightloss and gain and I'm only 20. I want a breast augmentation but every breast aug I've seen on real saggy boobs always ends up looking treadfully retarded. I seriously may as well just kill myself.
No. 98448
>>98446First that's bullshit, men will fuck literally anything and if you are into women, plenty of body accepting ladies out there.
Besides, worst case you can drop romance and spend your life supporting your fellow women. Platonic relationships with your sisters can be just as fullfilling. Sex and romance are not everything.
No. 98462
>>98459Wow, a lot of insecure femanons itt.
>>98405>>98436>>98440That's how gravity and breasts work. Stop watching porn, retard. But, honestly, you sound really pathetic and not very intelligent, so you might just be a lost cause.
I came to the thread to ask does anyone else have extremely large breasts from unregulated hormones? I'm a 32KK/L right now and still stuck deciding if I should go through with reduction surgery or if I should wait. I'm 5'4" and 125lbs, so I'm not a hamplanet. I just have unfortunate genes. They're so heavy that my back is in severe pain every single day. I know reduction is a no-brainer here, but I have keloid skin and I'm afraid of how the scars might end up looking (google keloids and you'll see just how bad it looks).
I'm hoping I can just lose 10 more lbs and they'll shrink, but my parents say I should stop holding out and get the surgery. Back pain and looking awful for the rest of my life? Or nice, smaller breasts but the risk of horrific keloid scars that will likely make me too embarrassed to take my bra off ever again?
No. 98503
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>>98466Yeah, I was thinking the same, I'm just so vain… And the silicon sheets help, but they don't stop the keloiding from happening. It just happens "faster", if that makes sense? The way my scars go is: wound > scabbing > scar > scarred area gets inflammed > hard, red keloid scar > over a 2-5 year period, the scar softens and shrinks a little bit (but never all the way). The silicon sheets make it happen faster, but I still end up with extra scar tissue.
>>98476I have a history of them, and the lighter ones (like small scratches) end up looking like pic related. I've never had major surgery and I try to avoid getting scars for this reason, but I fear that a major surgery like a breast reduction would give me those really, really awful ones.
Even if I get lucky and I only have pic related-like scars on my breasts, those are still bad enough that I would probably never show anyone my breasts ever again.
I've lost weight from 150 to 125ish in an effort to make them smaller, but they've only gone down a cup size, so I don't think there's too much more I can do at this rate. I'm just terrified of those gross ass scars. Imagine you're going out with a girl and you're about to get busy, she takes off her bra, and you're met with nasty franken-tiddies?
No. 98504
>>98462I'm the first anon you responded to, you dont have to be rude I obviously know that's how gravity and breasts work. I was just stating that it looked weird from my POV.
Regarding your concern I also went to go see a doctor for a reduction surgery. However my doctor told me that if I was interested in having kids that there was no point since I would gain all the weight back and theres a possibility that you I could not breast feed.
In your case I would say that you should consider getting one. It would take a while to get the surgery so while you wait you can always try losing weight and see where you are. But tbh it's really hard to lose weight in your chest from personal experience.
No. 98505
>>98503no dude worth fucking g is going to car if your breasts have scars. I have big lopsided tits with tons of stretch marks and uneven nipples and men don't give a shit. they really don't. I know people demonize men here but most of them really don't care if you dont resemble a porn star.
your back is way more important than having flawless skin. I say that as a person with back problems (not tit related).
No. 98510
Also most of you idiots ITT don't seem to realize the breast issues are likely from illfitting bras and not from breast size.
No. 98521
>>98508Men will fuck anything.
Why is this hard to believe?
No. 98538
Not to mention that your average guy can't spot this shit as a flaw. Normal guys don't notice a wonky tit, they don't understand the differences between good or bad makeup and they haven't been socialized into getting scared of cellulite like we have. Obviously there are guys that do care, but those are either assholes who aren't worth your time, or incel types that spend too long pouring over infographics about what butthole colours mean or whatever
No. 98546
>>98505>>98538Not trying to sound rude, but did either of you read anything I posted upthread? Normal scars, nbd. They would fade and it wouldn't bother me. Keloid scars aren't just "scars", they're scar tissue that ends up raised, inflamed and red for years. Thanks for the reassurance, but stretch marks and lopsided tits are normal. Having a huge, red and inflamed anchor scar around both of my breasts is not. You're telling me if you saw a scar like pic related
>>98503 going around both nipples and down the middle of the underbust that you would just go, "Oh, well that's just normal"? Come on, anon. Men are dumb, but even a woman would cringe away from that.
You make it sound like I'm some shallow insecure girl when I have an actual condition that makes getting scars a real fear for me.
>>98508Same, anon. I don't even think they read what I wrote, honestly lol I think they're just regurgitating what they assume they know.
No. 98549
>>98503I don’t blame you for being scared to get the reduction, can’t pretend that keloids aren’t noticeable. It’s shitty that you’ve got that going on. I get the opposite, I’m that all my scars are atrophic and leave pits. Probably easier to live with than keloids imo.
How much pain do you get from the size of your breasts, and have you tried a back brace? That could potentially alleviate some of the strain and pain and can’t leave scars either.
No. 98570
>>98538>>98538What are you talking about? most people wouldn't pay any attention to your makeup or your tits being lopsided. your significant other should notice your flaws but most would never acknowledge it because they want sum fuk.
men will never notice if your makeup is looking especially "fleek" today if you just wear that shit everyday to btw.
you have a serious hate towads men and people as a whole if you say that the men who actually notice your makeup or your wonky tits arent worth your time. Why even wear makeup at all if you say that the only ones that notice arent worth your time.
No. 98571
>>98521>Men will fuck anything.Is that supposed to make me feel better?
>>98570>you have a serious hate towads menWomp bop BA DOO BUP. You are on the wrong site.
No. 98577
>>98571This website has made me find a new love and a new hate for women. I would say this is the right site. I like it, who are you to tell me im not allowed on this website?
most of the problem I see is women on this website blame so much of their problems on just men instead of people as a whole.
Half of the women on this website put themselves in a terrible position with men and then cry and scream about why and how terrible men are to them.
No. 98578
>>98577>>98571>>>/g/62165Give this thread a read. Half of these women just talk about how they let men fuck their whole life up and keep letting them do it for years instead of saying no or leaving. It's not just a problem with men its a problem with women to.
some of these stories are incredibly sad though ;-;
sexual abuse and torment in these womens lives were a big cause for these women's plight though. I can't blame them.>>98571
No. 98586
>>98462Have you tried strengthening your back muscles to relieve pain?
>>98578>Half of these women just talk about how they let men fuck their whole life up and keep letting them do it for years instead of saying no or leaving.Soz but whether the woman chooses to leave early on or not has little affect on the type of person the man is. He would just do the same to next the woman.
No. 98607
>>98586You aren't getting the point im making.
Why does everyone on this board have to come back to men?
A woman is just as much of the problem for staying as the man is for being a piece of shit.
No. 98664
>>98549A lot. I can't stand up for long periods of time because of how badly my back hurts. When
I lay down at night, it hurts. I haven't tried a back brace, but I'm pretty sure I would have to ask my insurance company to pay for that right? They'd probably tell me to just get a reduction before paying for a brace, but I will ask my doctor about that option.
Thanks anon. I'm glad you kind of get where I'm coming from with the scars. I get that people are saying the scars won't matter, but I already have other keloid scars from childhood carelessness and people definitely notice. I have one on my arm and I've had a past roommate gasp and scream, "Oh my god, your arm!" when she caught sight of it. It's not even that bad of a scar :( So I know any future partner would probably leave me.
>>98586I do! I actually only started working out for that reason. I'm much stronger and my back hurts less, but it still hurts. I feel like I have 30lb weights on my chest and the pressure it puts when I'm bending over or running.
No. 98679
>>98664Idk about a partner leaving, but they’re definitely not fun to have. I know a few people who get them and by all means it seems miserable. Having scars like that on my breasts would terrify me, idk how you could not have that worry.
Not sure about insurance, my healthcare is socialised. You could possibly get a doctor to recommend one and see if it’s cheaper to import one online. Sucks that people are getting so antsy about a perfectly reasonable concern over keloids on the boobs. Guessing they haven’t seen any before.
No. 100408
>>98462i saw a video where a girl who wanted a reduction went to a masseur for a few weeks and did some back strengthening excercises, got a better fitted bra and the the problems disappeared in a month.
Seems cheap than $10,000 to me.