File: 1498354159195.jpg (86.32 KB, 767x767, body-positive-blogger-megan-10…)

No. 63866
>>63860I'm sure if she pulled down those tummy control yoga pants, she'd have roughly the same pooch in the left pic as she does on the right. I think most people would look bigger in an ill fitted bikini than in black yoga pants.
Also no, I really don't care.
This is actually no different than any other annoying fad pertaining to how bodies look for dat precious ~male gaze~
The stupid ass gym selfie fad, diet tea fad, the list goes on.
The best way to rid yourself from seeing these people is to get off Instagram and stop following these attention whores. Sorry the petite girls aren't behaving the way you want them to.
No. 63867
>>63866>literally has abs>"she would roughly have the same pooch"
>The best way to rid yourself from seeing these people is to get off Instagram and stop following these attention whoresa lot of them are still in real life too, i knew tons of petite girls with amazing bodies who destroy it because "omg gotta get THICCC"
> Sorry the petite girls aren't behaving the way you want them, christ, are you that person that assumes the second someone complains about a problem means they think everything is about them, lets turn it on you
sorry the instagrammers don't follow the trends you want them to
frankly, it's not about how "I want" the "petite girls to act" it's about thinking unhealthily gaining weight over shit that isn't even going to work and is going to end up being the opposite of what they want, and having an even higher standards for curves, to be even considered curves, is fucking retarded
at least all the yoga, gym grrl, diet tea stuff won't make you have a triple bypass and diabetes by age 35
No. 63870
>>63867Flabbiest 'abs' I've ever seen.
>a lot of them are still in real life tooWhere? How? Are you taking candid photos of these people to compare a few months later just to be sure they've gained weight?
Why are you obsessed? Good lord the bitch isn't so heavy that she'll keel over at any moment.
No. 63871
>>63870I really hope you're trolling because you can literally see her abdominal muscle, and you can tell its hard, not fat
having friends who tell me how they want to gain weight is now me taking candid photos of women gaining weight? are you ill? go back to the looney bin, or r9k, it's all the same
No. 63875
File: 1498366410605.jpg (111.07 KB, 800x992, muscles-of-the-torso-diagram-t…)

>>63874>>63874so you're telling me her fat just happened to made a perfect formation where here abdominal muscles would be, like how ab lines are formed and she just happened to be toned everywhere as well?
like I said, I REALLY hope you're trolling
No. 63876
>>63875Explain how the same shape of said 'muscle' magically floated to the top fat layer on the right pic then.
Are you a chubbo or something? Do you not have female friends that you ever hung out with irl to know that a lot of abdomens look like that as long as they're not overweight?
But yes, you picked a really poor OP pic jsyk, it's a little embarrassing.
No. 63877
File: 1498366738558.jpg (84.95 KB, 800x800, 10 Most Effective 6 Pack Abs W…)

>>63874is this nothing but a big fat flabby tummy pooch to you also? have you ever taken an anatomy class? have you ever educated yourself on fitness? do you even know what a tummy pooch is?
please me trolling, or from r9k, no one can be that crazy and stupid
No. 63878
File: 1498366859055.jpg (196.89 KB, 1300x1291, 13544000-Close-up-stomach-of-w…)

>>63877Are you seriously comparing that picture to what's in OP? She doesn't have that muscle. She's the fatter end of pic related.
You are 10/10 mad right now.
No. 63879
File: 1498367018130.jpg (83.26 KB, 900x632, muscles-to-fat.jpg)

>>63876it didn't float to the top layer of fat on the right pic, thats how her outer layer of skin formed, so when she gained weight, there was still stretched out skin from abs, so fat filled and and now her stomach is fat with remainings of where her fat use to be, have you never saw someone gain weight after getting fit before? and yes, even most petite girls dont have stomachs like that unless they worked out for months to get ab lines
pic related, when muscles are lost due and fat is gained, there will be a slight outline of what it use to look like, it didn't "magically float to the top" you are crazy, and reaching anon
No. 63882
File: 1498367250607.jpg (20.35 KB, 450x320, stock-photo-healthy-woman-body…)

>>63879>there was still stretched out skin from absLmao jfc she doesn't have abs. She had an average sized abdomen with a layer of abdominal fat on top that EVERYONE except for the underweight have (yes, it looks like two strips of tubing; it doesn't mean it's muscle).
Seriously you bitches must be overweight or have no average-sized friends to think these are some crossfit tier abdominal muscles. Fucking yikes.
No. 63885
File: 1498367687119.jpg (82.96 KB, 773x627, 1498366859055.jpg)

>>63882>>63883yes please tell me which one it looks more like
the girl on left has more ab muscles than the two girls you posted….
just because theyre not attractive doesnt mean theyre not abs
funny how you go around calling people overweight, claim her ab muscle is from being skinny, while posting girls who literally only have ab muscle from being skinny, I'd say go to /fit/ and ask them if it's ab muscle or fat, but your delusional ass would be humiliated there, so I guess ignorance is just bliss
No. 63886
>>63884Hahahahaha. Omg are you OP trying to pull that card right now?
>makes a thread about some nobody bitch gaining some weight>"Actually it's not as extreme as you think and she wasn't ever that muscly." >"WHATEVER IT'S NOT LIKE YOU POLICE MALE BODIES!"Cognitive dissonance much?
No. 63891
>>63888Please tell me where I "admit to lurking /fit/" because I told you to get advice from people who are knowledgeable in fitness?
I havent been on /fit/ and years
you literally make reaching, an art form
No. 63892
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>>63891>/fit/>people who are knowledgeable in fitnessTopkek stoppppppp.
No. 63893
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>>63890yeah because I so posted that, thats why I can delete it
didn't know you were that desperate
>>63892considering they know the difference between bulking up, shooping and pics of chicks who "have abs" mostly because their body fat is low, they have more fitness knowledge than you
No. 63894
>>63893Did you just take a fucking picture of your monitor?
Gosh, not looking like a samefag must be really important to you anon.
No. 63897
File: 1498368634027.png (193.27 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-06-25-00-30-04…)

>>63896And so you were saying?
No. 63899
>>63898so I posted from a different fucking connection, just so I can same fag and write shit I don't even care about on the thread?
I posted a PC pic, which proved I wasn't posting from my PC, then I posted a mobile, which proved I wasn't posting on my mobile either, what am I posting on then? since you clearly know so much, am I posting on my fucking microwave or some something?
the popup proved I didn't post it, if I tried deleting the comment and I did post it, then it just would let me delete it, and it has the same digits needed for a delete password, so I couldn't delete a digit, you are really stretching to try to prove a point, you're more obsessive than me
No. 63916
>>63912Still not OP mate, OP here,if youre still lurking and accusing me of posting shit I don't care about but can't answer my questions despite me proving i didn't same fag. And I'll happily prove it again
Can't wait till summers over "I don't like something you said therefore I'll accuse you of samefag for some reason despite me not having any proof nor going into explaining"
Also why the fuck would i randomly same fag on a thread hours and hours after no one posted?get your head out your ass
No. 63922
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>>63882erm… what? what girl you know has "tubing" of fat that line up like abs would, but is slim around the sides?
notice how the girl in the pictures stomach only started to look like girl in OPs picture stomach after she started doing abdominal exercies
No. 63923
>>63882>>63922also the girl in OPs pic "pooch" is a lot more narrow, which is how abdominal muscles get after working out ab muscles for a few months
in fact, it's more narrow than
>>63922 abs, notice how her ab muscles get more narrow after she does more and more workouts
sage for samefag (lul)
No. 64013
>>63933there's no weight gain trend? then explain the girls on youtube making "thick shakes", healthy weight girls taking weight gainers, several after several weight gain channels on youtube and there is even a fetish nowadays to watch women gain weight
and she clearly wasnt starving herself in the pic on the left, if she was orthorexia she could've helped it by therapy, not sitting on her lazy ass and shoving little debbies down her throat, or whatever she did to turn into an average chubby girl
>>63941if this is what you think ana chans use as their puke warrior is the left pic you're delusional
>>63944Oh? they have no idea what healthy women look like? so any doctor would see this pic and say the left looks physically unhealthy? that's right they wouldnt
while she may have been mentally unhealthy in the left pic, her physical appearance would show she is not physically unhealthy, on the right pic, I'm not saying she is obese or would have health issues related to weight but she has a by definition overweight bmi and looks like she has a high body fat percentage
No. 64039
It doesn't wig me out if people have extra fat it wigs me out that nowadays skinny girls get bashed for not being a ~"curvy" plus sized waifu ready to have kids~ it wigs me out girls encourage other women to get fat by shoving cake and ice cream down their throat thinking it will make them "THICC #WEIGHTGAIN" it wigs me out when the new beauty standard is unattainable and if unhealthy, the dumbness of girls wig me out when they get insecure after finding out all the little debbies they scarved didn't go directly to their ass and tits, and it is my business because me and other women I knew, who had perfectly thin bodies, would constantly get told to gain weight, eat a burger, have people try to convince me I'll become a ~"curvy goddess"~ if i gained weight in an unhealthy way
Like i said it has nothing to do with people who are already fat, if you actually read and didn't assume my post was some big bad ~fat shaming~ post you would realize its talking about girls who are going crazy trying to gain weight thinking it will make them hot, which is not physically or mentally healthy, no im not the "big bad creep judging womyns bodies" that you are making me out to be,im talking about it just like when being thin was in, or corseting was a trend,and now gaining weight to get thicc is slowly becoming a trend
No. 64055
>>64046>boo fucking hoo and disgusting flat ana-chans like you are getting the hate they deserve :)>>64048> I would tell you to educate yourself, but your nutrition starved brain doesn't have the cognitive abilities to learn things anymore.>>64050>people have been forcing themselves to become thinner because that's what is fashionable and nobody bats an eye. get over yourself.Weeeew lad, I can tell how fat you are over the buttery tears. So much projection, its fucking sad.
So I have to ask, how do you feel about seeing an increased number of obese children? Like kids too big that they can't play with their peers?
No. 64058
>>64048>>64048>>64046>>64050go back to tumblr fatty
making women gain weight because they think it will make them curvy is just as unhealthy as girls who starve
at least most of the ones who got to a healthy slim weight did it, you know, healthy, and not shoved little debbies down their throat, and no one "batted an eye" because it was healthy, barely anyone except for me is now speaking out about all this crazy "eat like shit get thick" type stuff and no its not healthy no women who are 400+ lbs will live longer (it's hilarious you even believe that)
>>64056I know the feels anon, I'm a fairly slim girl who was 5 ft 110 lbs and all my friends were "plus sized curvy goddesses", I felt bad because I felt like a child next to them, while I did have curves it felt like it wasn't enough to meet their standards, where I'm from pretty much if you werent shaped like kim k you were flat, I decided to take weight gainers and drink ensures to gain until I was 137 and became chubby, I'm focusing on losing weight and took those people out of my life and moving soon to get away from this
toxic ass town
No. 64059
>>64048>>64048>>64046>>64050go back to tumblr fatty
making women gain weight because they think it will make them curvy is just as unhealthy as girls who starve
at least most of the ones who got to a healthy slim weight did it, you know, healthy, and not shoved little debbies down their throat, and no one "batted an eye" because it was healthy, barely anyone except for me is now speaking out about all this crazy "eat like shit get thick" type stuff and no its not healthy no women who are 400+ lbs will live longer (it's hilarious you even believe that)
>>64056I know the feels anon, I'm a fairly slim girl who was 5 ft 110 lbs and all my friends were "plus sized curvy goddesses", I felt bad because I felt like a child next to them, while I did have curves it felt like it wasn't enough to meet their standards, where I'm from pretty much if you werent shaped like kim k you were flat, I decided to take weight gainers and drink ensures to gain until I was 137 and became chubby, I'm focusing on losing weight and took those people out of my life and moving soon to get away from this
toxic ass town
No. 64070
>>63870"you knew women who wanted to gain weight to get curvy? the only way you must have known that is to take candid photos of them and watched the ones gaining weight!"
if this isn't the absolute definition of reaching I don't know what is
No. 64078
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>>64013I told you she was anorexic then orthorexic. A quick google search and you can find photos from when she was almost Eugenia levels of skinny, obviously unhealthy. There are a ton of articles about how she bounced back from anorexia and later orthorexia with body positivity.
Why are you offended by someone who was sick and is now recovered? If you don't want to get thick, then don't get thick. Don't watch videos about "thick shakes" (which isn't something I've ever even seen anyway). Focus on being skinny and losing weight. The percentage if people you're talking about, people "gaining weight" is such a small percentage it's almost negligible.
No. 64084
>>64078but in the pic I posted she wasn't eugienia skinny she was healthy, she may have not been mentally healthy but she was physically healthy, she didn't need to become an average chubby girl because "muh orthorexia" which can be fixed from therapy not shoving unhealthy foods down ones throat
I hate the thick trend because it is brainwashing more and more young girls to get unhealthy and have a high standards for what curves are, what the bmi is, girls who cant gain weight are ugly etc
>> I have my problems, I deal with them, Like a responsible person, to take care of yourself you leave a toxic environment, this town is full of feeders who think any woman without 52 inch hips has no curves and if you're under 150 youre skinny and ugly, I dont wanna be surrounded by people like that No. 64087
>>64085>Sometimes the "healthy" lifestyle can be draining and border on disorderedYeah, I've met quite a lot of fitness gurus irl who will bite your head off if you ingest too much sodium, sugar, trans fats… And I try to eat healthy but the recommended levels they always suggest are so fucking low, just do the best you can and have something sweet every once in a while.
Life must be fucking miserable for people who restrict themselves to health shakes, salads and gruel 24/7. Can't imagine the panic attacks they must be having when their SO wants Taco Bell.
No. 64103
>>64084You can look perfectly "healthy" and have a lot of health problems. Lot's of fitness guru have lost their periods due their low fat percentages and they not look eugenia cooney skinny, they look good. Also, they have a lot of mental problems and orthorexia is the tip of the iceberg but they try really hard to not show that kind of struggle because their bodies are basically their jobs.
I don't think the thick trend brainwashes the same amount of girls that the fit and thin trend did. Just look the amount of people who bashes the body positive movement because they think it's encouraging peolpe TO BE obese vs the amount of people who endorses the fit movement because abs look awesome and fit gurus (not everybody) makes people think that those fit bodies are easily archived without telling the ugly side (orthorexia, surgery, anabolics, etc)
No. 64104
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>>64101She wouldn't have been the first anorexic woman to avoid taking photos of herself or avoid the camera. Maybe she pics candid photos so people couldn't call her out on shooping? She's recovered now, she probably doesn't like how she looked back then.
>>64084We don't know if she is shoving unhealthy food down her mouth or not. I wouldn't be surprised if her metabolism is a bit messed up from her past. On her blog she doesn't mention food outside of posts about avoiding food guilt and why she isn't mentioning diets in her body positivity activism.
Her instagram is actually kinda cool, I like how she takes photos wthout makeup and shows her stomach rolls and doesn't just pose in strategic ways that hide her muffin top. She doesn't seem like the "gain weight on purpose drink nothing but coke eat mcdonalds!!!" type that you're acting like she is. She's just not skinny like she was, who cares?
She is one person, in the sea of endless fitness gurus and models, or other pro-ana instagrammers. There isn't a weight gain trend, and she isn't involved in that anyway.
No. 64112
>>64103>>64103Just like how fat people can be unhealthy as fuck
If someone gets to a healthy weight, 99% of the time they won't have any problems that are caused by their weight physically, whats so hard to understand about that?
She also could've got to a healthy weight without going overweight
No. 64113
>>64111>>64111I was like that anon, I thought I'd get curvy by gaining weight,but you have to know how your body gains weight, chances are overeating unhealthy foods will do nothing but make you look less curvy, unless you have magical genes
Sometimes eating high estro foods can help get curvier, but that mostly applies to girls who have low estro and less curves cuz of it, if your genes are small boobs and little curves the best you can do is gaining 10 lbs and corseting, and getting PS if you can afford it of course
No. 64126
>>64111I went from skelly to normal. I got bigger tits (former A cup now B-C cup) and bigger ass and thighs. Also my face looks so much younger now.
My belly is the fucking worst tho. I do excercise and my gut seems to slowly getting smaller by the day, i can even see my upper abs now.
No. 64176
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>>64104I didn't use this person as in they're the only person gaining weight I used them as an example for weight gain, no I didn't do extensive research of her before, but she clearly wasn't ana in the original pic, she might have had ortho, but therapists fix orthos, not gaining weight enough to be at an overweight BMI
there is a huge weight gain trend
just look on twitter
#weightgain #collegeweight #relationshipweight
with people spamming with comments about how better they looked after and how skinny girls are ugly, despite that person being a healthy weight before, hell the feeder fetish is growing like crazy
IG and twitter are spammed with moron guys who use girls who used photoshop or PS and saying "oooo get a skinny make her thicc" and all kinds of stuff about how gaining weight will give you a booty, thats why weight gainers are a thing nowadays video is just the edge of it
and several girls drink ensures who don't even need it thinking it will make their butt bigger
and #makeherthick
No. 64177
>>64176the original pic as in the pic on this thread, she was ana in the pic in
No. 64192
>>64176>>64176Anon, that photo is a meme, an obvious joke. The picture on the right is photoshopped and that is the point of the entire joke. That isn't evidence of a trend forcing skinny people to gain weight. Same thing with #relationshipweight, that isn't a recent trend, that's just a joke people make when they get into a relationship, because people stop working out as much and start going out to eat more on dates. And #collegeweight/the freshman fifteen has been a joke I've heard about college since the 90s, since freshmen gain weight due to access to college dining halls, increased access to alcohol, and studies keeping them from exercising. Those are trends, they're jokes, memes or observations and they aren't recent.
Also, you need to keep in mind that the "thicc" trend still involves a tiny waist, tiny arms, and a flat stomach. It's just another unobtainable body standard, like super thin anime waif bodies.
No. 64193
>>64189As someone who is trying to gain weight (health reasons), I have to agree lol
I don't mind if the people are working on themselves for themselves but everyone and their grandma wants to be thicc now.
The majority often have no idea how it really works (genetics, or lifting + good diet, bulking is hard as shit) and people keep confusing flabby fatties with thic girls. And yes, it's being glorified to the point it's cringy. (And of course used and abused by men)
No. 64322
>>64240As the world gets more and more obese it's natural for society to see that as the norm but at the end of the day healthy bodies live longer than whatever is in vogue.
Tale as old as time, girls need to not be taught from a young age that their worth doesn't lie on whether or not random men would bang them
No. 64351
>>64192but the point was that there is a getthicc trend
and thats the ironic part, they think they get thicc everywhere else by eating like crap but truth is they don't
No. 64352
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>>64349barely, yes its about squats but they also eat like shit to get thick as well
look at onions squat video, he basically says "hur dur squats don't work" and tells girls to eat donuts and shit and see what body part blows up first and in the comments are his retard fan girls agreeing
No. 64356
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>>64355get out of here fatty
the rest of the world population aren't losers from a fat fetish forum
No. 64360
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>>64358you poor sad fatty thinking thin women can't be curvy
I've seen slim girls who look like that who probably have bigger boobs than you anon and I've seen slim girls who have bigger thighs, hips and butt than most fatties ratio wise
the whole "skinny girls don't have tits and thighs" is a meme made up by fatties to feel better about themselves
No. 64363
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>>64361when she had orthorexia she was, by definition physically healthy, she would've lived the longest according to the
>>64357when she had anorexia then no she would not have, but when she had ortho, which op CLEARLY STATED SEVERAL TIMES would have been fixable with therapy, not gaining weight when she didn't need too
No. 64365
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>>64362what even was the point of writing all that? they were saying skinny girls don't have soft boobs and breasts, which millions and millions of them do
in fact, if anything, at least where I'm from, I've seen skinny girls have bigger boobs and bigger thighs ratio wise than most fat girls
No. 64366
>>64363Orthorexics aren't healthy you dumb duck. She was destroying her joints, destroying her heart, putting tremendous stress on her skeleton and muscles. She needed that "unnecessary" weight, and not only is she healthier and going to live longer, she looks way better.
Again, you are trying to deny realty and argue facts that aren't arguable. You're a complete waste of space, physically and mentally, and you really need to get out of everyone's way already.
No. 64368
File: 1499173726034.jpg (43.21 KB, 599x456, BozoCoIIIAANAui.jpg)

>>64366oh? then where is your proof orthorexia is bad physically ?
sorry you saw a skinny girl with curvier thighs and nicer tits than you and now you need to vent on a weight gain trend thread
No. 64369
>>64368It's an eating disorder idiot. Of course it's not healthy.
Usually it's too restrictive. There's a reason it's a disorder and not just called "healthy eating". No. 64370
>>64368"If orthorexia goes untreated, this disorder can cause permanent health damages to occur, as well as a number of negative life consequences. As orthorexia persists, it can begin to mimic the same dangerous effects that anorexia and bulimia can produce" you don't even know the medical prognosis of the eating disorder you're trying to defend then don't try to defend it you compete moron.
No. 64371
>>64357Yeah but obesity causes so many other health problems. What are the quality of those 80 years? The reason obese people can live long is because there are tons of medications and heart surgeries that are available, but that doesn't make all the symptoms and pain go away. I was fat (not obese) in my mid teens and I couldn't climb stairs or walk a short distance without needing to stop to catch my breath. It was absolutely miserable. So I can't even imagine how hard it is for actual obese people, especially older obese people, to get around. Most don't even leave the house. My friend's 63 year old grandma who is obese fell off the toilet and couldn't get up because she's so damn fat, she had to call an ambulance to help her. How fucking humiliating.
Not to mention anorexia is often co-morbid with other mental illnesses such as OCD, anxiety and depression with suicidal ideation.
No. 64372
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>>64369>>64370basically the websites say that the biggest issue of it was the mental health issues, not physically
they only mention physical issues if it was to the way wayyyy extreme which barely happens with "orthorexia"
No. 64375
File: 1499174488787.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.43 KB, 402x700, 1499169635023.jpg)

>>64373> At least obese people's teeth, energy levels and minds are still intact, as seen from op when you're skinny you can't even think properly.BAHHHHHAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT
have you ever even seen boogie? or most obese fucks?
>>64374 you too samefagthe fact you tell me to reach for a cupcake just shows that this thread is made about girls like you
unless you're
triggered by all the skinny girls who have nice asses, thighs and boobs, which would explain your rage
No. 64377
>>64370It depends on the severity of the orthorexia.
For instance people with autism and OCD are prone to developing orthorexia because they literally have a phobia of certain foods that they deem unhealthy or contaminated.
In those cases it can produce serious deficiencies, particularly if the only food they feel comfortable consuming is of low nutritional value and they are excluding important food groups or vitamin rich foods.
On the other hand, I'd say someone like Kiki is orthorexic as she only consumes organic and completely vegan foods. Lots of vegans and health freaks have a similarly strict bordering on obsessive diet. However because Kiki's eating a wider variety of food groups plus lots of supplements and fresh fruit, there's no real danger to her health, in fact she's clearly a lot healthier than most Americans.
No. 64378
>>64375Boggie is a successful man who has friends, a YouTube career, puts out videos almost daily, and while wishy-washy is of sound mind and is a normal guy.
Ashley is in constant pain, barely had the energy to post on Instagram once a month, is totally alone, and is going to due before the 50 year old obese man.
Fatties won again :)
No. 64379
File: 1499174663672.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.07 KB, 124x69, 1498092032211s.jpg)

>>64376why delete? you're still a samefag
No. 64381
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>>64378>>64380someone is jelly skinny women have more curvy bodies than them
I have plenty of ass and tits anon
and if boogie so happy then why does he make videos of him crying about weight, wants to get weight loss surgery and even hurt himself by being a fat ass? No. 64382
>>64381Some one is deluded, has shot taste, and is mad that they're sad humans with nasty man stick body.
If being mentally ill is so great and healthy why are you dying?
No. 64384
File: 1499175415401.png (1.16 MB, 640x960, 1498490104595.png)

>>64382"nasty man stick body"
lmao, is that why skinny/fit men and women are easy to tell apart by but fatties all look the same naked?
like I said, you're jealous and using fatty memes
>If being mentally ill is so great and healthy why are you dying?where did I say being mentally ill is so great and healthy?
oh thats right I didn't
you dont even know me, in fact, literal facts tell me I am going to live longer than you if I don't get ran over or some shit
No. 64385
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>>64382so unwomanly, clearly if we saw her with no clothes it would look EXACTLY like a man
No. 64386
>>64384Nasty boyish sticks get mistaken for men all the time. Why do you think holocaust victims stopped wearing cloths, because there was nothing to look at.
Bitch you're going to be dead in 10 years. I'll be sure to shit on your grave when I'm in my 70s tho.
It's funny how you keep posting Instagram thots with plastic surgery who get shit on by Saudi princes as your proof when we all know how you really look.
No. 64387
File: 1499175880689.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.35 KB, 500x693, tumblr_okwfrkDWMT1w029j8o1_500…)

big beautiful healthy womyn
this is what a woman looks like because you never see a fat guy have the same body as her
oh wait…
No. 64390
File: 1499176021623.jpg (Spoiler Image,131.82 KB, 1080x1282, 1499174805843.jpg)

>>64386yeah, no
you're still a jealous fatty spewing out lies and pretending like you know me to prove a point
irony is that it proves that I am right
>>64388and where is your proof this is photoshopped or fake?
or is this just fatties last resort when they see a slim woman have better curves than most fatties?
No. 64393
>FACTS AND SCIENCE ARE LIESRotted anorexic brain.
It's obvious who isn't a moron like you. Go into the plastic surgery and Instagram threads.
No. 64394
File: 1499176207292.jpg (Spoiler Image,352.77 KB, 1280x1122, 1498381830479.jpg)

>>64391it was one of the first results in BBW
sorry you're still mad skinny girls look more womanly than fatties
No. 64395
File: 1499176362683.jpg (Spoiler Image,546.72 KB, 1280x853, 1498092829962.jpg)

>>64393quit samefagging, no one said facts and sciences are lie, it literally just said ortho is bad for brain, not for your body until it gets to the extreme
>>64377explained it best
heres a TL;DR for your fatty brain
health freaks have no real danger to their health, people who refuse to eat certain foods that they need are in danger
aka fatties who dont wanna eat their veggies
No. 64396
>>64373I wasn't saying anorexia isn't painful, dangerous and physically depleting, I was merely pointing out that a longer life expectancy (as is the case with obesity) doesn't necessarily mean those years are going to be comfortable, easy or healthy. And as I mentioned before, a lot of obese people rarely leave the house or if they do, they use cars/mobility scooters. If these people, especially when older, suddenly tried exercising in their state they could be at risk for myocardial infarction. If you are obese you're going to be on so many meds for blood pressure, beetus, statins etc i.e. you're ill.
Of course anorexia is a terrible illness. Anyone with a brain knows anorexia and obesity aren't healthy or things to strive for.
No. 64397
>>64394Sure it is, just like how op wasn't anorexic and orthorexic, and like how orthorexia isn't unhealthy.
Man it's the 4th of July and you're so sad and unwanted you can't even eat a hot dog while you rage because you know you aren't attractive.
No. 64399
File: 1499176787470.jpg (Spoiler Image,57 KB, 720x960, 1499174811650.jpg)

>>64398yeah prolonged extreme ortho lmao
if you legit think some health freak who makes sure they get all their vitamins in one day and works out is gonna live less than a fattie who scarfs down hotdogs and cokes you are delusional and spreading lies
I don't even have cravings for cholesterol in buns, only fatties do srry
No. 64401
File: 1499177076229.jpg (25.17 KB, 480x480, 926778_1732214877024654_108731…)

>>64400bitch where does it say women with "lack of body fat" live less? in fact it says women with excess body fat live less, their bum aint even unhealthy sorry, most skinny girls have better asses than you
and you don't even know what I look like, thus making up shit
believe or not but the world ain't a fatty fetish blog, real life men and women don't find fatties to be hot and skinny women to be attractive
No. 64402
File: 1499177211655.jpg (101.92 KB, 640x1136, 819e5c5472b85df3343515b43513b8…)

>>64400also if skinny women are sooooo unattractive then why are a lot of skinny and fit women insta famous with tons of men fapping to them and going crazy over them?
what about marilyn monroe who was 5'5 and 115 and was named the sexiest woman with tons of men wanting to put a ring on her, even most men today think she is hot as fuck and she sure as hell don't look like a man nor does she look like she is suffering from obesity or has excess body fat
No. 64403
>>64401In the sites that were posted, that you're too stupid to process. Please, your kind don't have asses, just plastic you injected to make you look like a normal woman.
You look like a gross anorexic bitch.
BTW how many calories does a Saudi princes turd have? If I put it on a cholesterol bun I'd bet your nasty ass would scarf it down.
No. 64406
File: 1499177505515.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.97 KB, 480x480, 13739614_1257494250950854_1055…)

>>64403>>64404looks like all the images of skinny girls who have ass and tits drove you insane
look I know I know it sucks being fat and seeing women who are slim with a bigger butt and boobs than you but projecting and samefagging on lolcow isnt healthy
>>64405proof? is that why jen selter is one of the most famous instagrammers ?
No. 64409
File: 1499177856619.jpg (16.93 KB, 262x433, 580x580-perfil-karen_20-2011-3…)

>>64403>>64404except no, I'm not pretending to be someone else like you are
you pretend to be someone that just "happened" to come on the thread 1 minute after I posted spewing out the same shit you were earlier
you aint fooling anyone
maybe you can include compulsive lying on your list next to insecurity when you see you therapist next week
No. 64414
>>64409Oh, okay, because only one single person can disagree with you.
Something tells me that you haven't had your single mean of a grape and almond yet today…
No. 64415
File: 1499178049465.jpg (80.33 KB, 655x566, saudi_princess__147669670.jpg)

>>64411I aint pretending to be anyone else
but you are, you psychopath
this image will make your fatty rage even harder
looks like the saudi prince you're obsessing over has a taste for non obese women, sorry fatty
No. 64417
File: 1499178226502.jpg (30.58 KB, 484x484, Free-shipping-Chiffon-Shirt-Sh…)

>>64414>>64412no, it's that you spew out the same shit and lies "hur dur you dont like fatties you must be an ana" stuff about eating turds, the said prince, etc etc, usually crazy fatty shit. and you post all at the same time as well
I post a pic when I reply therefore I am not same fagging
No. 64419
File: 1499178566350.jpg (25.36 KB, 455x385, saudi-prince-harem.jpg)

>>64418look I know it sucks seeing your husbando be attracted to what your people would call ana chans but same fagging is obvious
No. 64422
>>64419Look, ana-chan, I know it sucks that guys mistake your body for a teenage boy's, but samefagging is obvious on your end too.
(btw, my husbando likes having an actual ass to grab onto instead of bone.)
No. 64424
File: 1499178981275.jpg (697.52 KB, 1080x1161, 1498503716917.jpg)

>>64422still not pretending to be someone else therefore I am not samefagging
99% of skinny girls look nothing like men but morbidly obese women look like morbidly obese men
sorry but its true
plenty of ana chans have an ass, infact the type of women your husbando want to fuck posted in the thread, are skinny and have ass without injections
none of them had "bone"
your fatty goggles just see any woman that isn't fat and thinks they're ana
No. 64425
>>64424My fatty goggles, sure. My 5' 6", 120lb fatty goggles. Then again, I guess anyone who doesn't have a perfect thigh-gap is a fatty to you.
You are pretending to be someone else, ana-chan! You're pretending to be someone who's opinion matters.
No. 64426
File: 1499179309559.jpg (12.5 KB, 300x300, 4-Minute-Beach-Ready-Booty-Bla…)

>>64425[x] doubt
I am literally more overweight bmi wise and your jelly ass is either lying or you have a fatty fetish because you are calling me ana and shit for daring to think women who aren't fatties are unattractive, unwomanly, and unhealthy, so basically the general thoughts of 99% of the population
I'm 125 and 5 foot, my measurements are 34 25 42
I can even post a pic to prove it
No. 64427
>>64426Go ahead ana-chan, post a picture to an anonymous imageboard to prove your point to a bunch of strangers. You're calling women fatties for daring to be a little bit thicker than you are.
You're being quite hypocritical right now, you know.
No. 64429
File: 1499179783680.jpg (8.85 KB, 194x220, bubblebutt2-194x220.jpg)

>>64425same fag, now you learned what samefagging actually means instead of spewing lies to prove a point
but tons of women I posted don't have thigh gaps, so idk wtf is this ana chan shit you're on about gtfo
>>64427no I'm not calling women fatties for daring to be a little "thicker" than me I'm calling them fatties for spewing out bullshit like
>>64422>>64414>>64408>>64389>>64378>>64376>>64358basically pretending anyone who thinks fatties are gross is ana chan and uses generic fat girl excuses "hur dur eat a cupcake" is fat
>>64428where did I say I was against women who had weight on them? oh right nowhere, but hey whatever lie you need to spew out to fit your everyone who thinks obese women is unattractive is ana agenda
No. 64431
>>64422Are you kids capable of debating without having a shit slinging fest? It's embarrassing to watch stuff like
>>64418 at least consolidate your sperging into one post rather than responding to yourself every other minute
>>64421Maybe saying there is a obesity trend is hyperbole, but tags like #weightgain are definitely on the rise and that leads the gullible to thinking that just drinking #thiccshakes with their burgers will get them curves without rolls. People ignoring science in hope of beauty is nothing new, just look at every diet fad ever or girls that swear by saran wrap but won't diet
No. 64432
>>64431I don't think there's ever NOT been a trend though. It's just that now we have social media outlets to put these things out. Weight gain positivity AND weight loss positivity are both posted all over the internet. What's the point in making a thread specifically against the women who use it as a means of positivity?
Yes, morbidly obese people are unhealthy, and extremely skinny people are also unhealthy. These are facts.
What isn't a fact is that the owner of the image used in OP's post isn't using "weight gain" for attention–she was legitimately unhealthy and is using it to promote HEALTHY weight gain.
sage for blogpost.
No. 64433
File: 1499180859784.png (621.38 KB, 629x631, Screenshot_2017-07-04-10-01-47…)

>>64430No, you idiot, i made a thread about women who gain weight thinking it will make them curvy, literally the opposite of "being comfortable with your body" shit you preach
You don't have to let yourself go to be comfortable with your body
Its like you will purposely misunderstand a thread to seem like a victim
No. 64434
File: 1499180877322.jpg (15.14 KB, 320x180, IMG_0024.JPG)

>>64429mystery go back to sucking off robots
No. 64435
>>64433Gaining weight while working out WILL make you curvy though. Very rarely are women naturally curvy without working at it at least a little bit.
You can't make mold something without any clay to work with, you dig? If you're stick thin and work out, you won't get curves, you'll tone up and lose the extra weight.
No. 64436
>>64432Shall we close the asian male superiority thread because some asian men find confidence in that group? Or the bad art thread because not all artists that get posted there are bad? This is how lolcow works, there are threads against anas too.
The stuff you're saying is all valid and belongs as part of the discussion in this thread, to represent your side of the story, but if you would rather be in an unchallenged hugbox then you should just go do that instead. At least you won't have to see The Spergening.
No. 64440
>>64435>>64435This thread is about women who eat like shit though and/or are at their "curvy" peak but gain more and more weight that doesn't even go to their curves
If they're stick thin like kate moss level and gain about 10-15 and get curvy thats fine but some girls will already be curvy, think it's not enough, gain weight, then wonder why it doesn't go to their butt or boobs
>>64430>>64430Also how tf you gonna praise women being comfortable with their bodies but call skinny girls with curves curveless, say no sign of womanhood,compare too teenage male bodies etc, despite a lot of the time skinny women looking more feminine than obese women
No. 64443
File: 1499190747582.jpg (47.14 KB, 454x700, THICC.jpg)

This thread is insane. It's like Ashley Isaacs vs Momokun. Y'all are amusing, i'm lovin' it.
Also what the fuck is wrong with OP to think that there's a fat trend? LMAO dumb bitch can't even tell the difference between fat and fit.
Stick-chan should just eat some proteins and do some workout if she wants to fit the thicc trend so bad. Or is she too stupid to tell that the thicc trend is telling girls to do squats and go running? It's all about being healthy, eating balanced meals but also your favorite foods and being active to attain the perfect healthy body.
No. 64444
>>64443no one was praising anas or ashley issac
infact OP specifically said several times she is against anas and think they should get better
where did it even say OP can't tell the difference between fat and fit? are you crazy anon from before?
OP even said herself she was technically "curvy" but she lived in a place with extreme definitions of curves, aka 50 inch hips, 20 inch waist and anything less is curveless, most likely a non white or asian area, which might be where she got the weight gain trend thing from since most of the thicc shakes, get thick stuff, etc is made by or used by black and latina women
OP literally posted women who squat and eat healthy as their inspos, talk about stretching, learn to read instead of splerging
No. 64451
>>64443Wtf are you even going on about anon? Did you actually read the entire thread or just the parts where spergs were spewing their idiocy everywhere?
And the girl you posted looks good but she is by no means fit. Her ass and thighs are the squishy type that comes from being a pear body, not from squats. Way to fuck up your own point.
No. 64453
>>64451and photoshop
I remember this being used for an anti photoshop ad as an example for photoshop
but me, as OP don't even find it fat, no one was even calling her fat nor even using examples of bodies like hers to show what fat is
if you have to think if someone is fat or fit, unless they're wearing thick loose clothes they're probably just fat
No. 64460
>>64425A 120 lb woman who is 5'6 ranting about how any girl who isn't obese is a curveless stick who will die in a few years and if she does have tits and ass she got surgery? not only is the
>>64426 the one you were calling an ana stick with "no signs of womanhood", more womanly than you by your definition, but you clearly don't have any curves because you think any woman who isn't chubby that has curves is plastic surgery, you're either jealous or looking from your own experience being skinny "ooo I'm skinny and have no curves therefore any woman who is skinny and has curves is plastic surgeried", either that or you're lying through your damn teeth, well through your computer screen anyway
No. 64462
File: 1499212952485.jpg (62.11 KB, 867x792, freshman 50.jpg)

What's with college life making people fat?
No. 64468
File: 1499218330621.jpg (162.4 KB, 640x561, fit chick.jpg)

>>64444OP is claiming the THICC trend is telling girls to get fat, which is absurd. Thicc means you're very fit and have large boobs/butt/thighs, tight stomach and little fat anywhere else. You can't be THICC being fat, fat is fat, thicc is thicc. Being fat is still bad no matter the trend.
>>64451Most of the thread are fatties and anachan sperglords, serious posts are few anyway. Also no idea where you live, but in my country this is a prime thicc/curvy body. OP's pic's body, which she used as an example, is fat, while the girl in the pic i used isn't. Actually no idea where you've gotten the idea she isn't fit, she seems pretty fit but with a little more body fat than your average gym girl, pic related.
No. 64470
>>64468like stated a few times before
OP is probably in a black or latin community, which ACTUALLY DOES tell women to eat like shit and it well make them thick
hence all the weight gainers, butt rub stuff, weight gain tips, thiccshakes, #makeherthicc2k17 is used by blacks and latinas, just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist at all period
I only ever saw one ana on the thread and it was at the wayy top, the ana saying the girl on the left in OPs pic had a belly pooch
No. 64471
>>64462Sedentary because they're being bombarded by work.
Too mentally drained to prepare healthy foods or go to the gym.
Wanting to consume comfort foods which tend to be calorie dense to try to ease the stress of the previously mentioned.
No. 64472
>>64434She's a hypocritical bitch anyway and she'd be a obesefat without her drugs and throwing up.
I saw her posts once bitching about how she was still hungry after eating two meals and a sweet potato, meanwhile she made fun of fatties on more restrictive diets. Wish that cunt would fuck off.
No. 64474
>>64470Only if it's exclusive to black/latin communities in the USA, because i'm literally latina, born and raised in latin america surrounded by black/mixed people and i've literally never seen anybody saying fat is sexy.
Overall the thicc "trend" has always been there in our culture, but eating lots and eating junk food is heavily discouraged and even forbidden in many schools and heavy exercise is endorsed. Hell, you see 10 year olds starting to go to the gym and already self conscious, the girls starting those protein diets and worrying about if they will have a thick ass in the future, and boys trying to get a six pack by 11.
If you're overweight/underweight everyone is gonna give you hell for it until you become something like
No. 64476
File: 1499231752385.png (469.99 KB, 482x553, weightgain.PNG)

>>64431> but tags like #weightgain are definitely on the rise and that leads the gullible to thinking that just drinking #thiccshakes with their burgers will get them curves without rolls.Okay, I'm going to humor you.
>#thiccshakesDoesn't exist as a hashtag. Zero posts.
>#weightgainThe hashtag for this has 501,321 posts. Of the top 9 posts for this hashtag
1.The first one is a girl who got a double lung transplant who is fed through a feeding tube
2.The second is a former anorexic woman who now has a plant based diet, and based on her body, clearly works out
3.The third is another anorexic girl, who is now a bodybuilder.
4. The fourth is a picture of a scale, of a fitness blogger talking about her weight gain while on vacation.
5. The fifth is plus size girl, who is trying be ~thicc yes…through exercise, as other photos o her account indicate.
6.The sixth is a before and after photo of a skinny girl, who now is slightly thicker- through workouts.
7. The seventh post is a body builder posting comparison photos.
8. The eighth fitness blogger posing.
9. The ninth and final photo is of a shake of sorts. It is accompanied by a long post about intuitive eating, and its accompanied by all kinds of vegan and ed recovery hashtags.
Most of the people in the weight gain hashtag are fitness bloggers. Many also use tags like #fitness, #weightloss, or #strongnotskinny. Most people using the hashtag, from what I can tell, are not stuffing their faces with burgers, atleast not openly. They all seem to do some form of exercise.
And the #weightloss hashtag has 34,467,906 posts, at the time of this hashtag. There is no trend. There is no comparison. This thread is shit.
No. 64478
>>64475Unfortunately it really is a thing.
>>64476Thank you.
No. 64499
>>64496Maybe eating carbs? Flour and sugar is my fatest way to weight gain.
Just make sure to have enough veggies and proteins with it.
So say, eat a big plate of pasta but with a lot of veggies like bell peppers, mushrooms, carrots, onions, etc and also a side of protein like beef or a fatty healthy fish.
For dessert you could have a big bowl of ice cream with lot of fruits, so you still get your nutrition with the fattening stuff.
That's what I would do, anyway.
Good luck, anon.
No. 64500
>>64496Also saging for samefag, but a lot of athletes do this hyper caloric intake to grow bigger muscles, you could look it up. I don't know how it goes, so I can't comment on it.
Also, another thing ana chans use to help with weight gain is Ensure. It's expensive, but it might help.
No. 64513
>>64496You just have to be consistent.
It definitely is difficult (took me 2.5 years to gain 26 lbs), especially if you live in a food dessert, can't afford it or you still depend on your parents, even more so if you've never been chubby or have disordered eating/an ED. But it's still possible.
>>64499 said is pretty good advice. There are also some supplements or something that increase the appetite, idk if it actually works but if you're serious about it, it might be worth looking into it.
No. 64565
>>64547I am also brazilian and 90% of the women I know are on diets or at least trying to lose weight, I don't know what you are talking about lmao
Of course, no one here wants to be spoop, but that's true for a lot of western countries.
Also OP is white.
No. 64775
this kinda reminds me of this thread
maddie wanted to gain weight/be curvy and would do so by shoving chocolate down her throat
london wanted to be thin or fit and starved +worked out a lot
in reality they both have similar body types, I guess it's how people treat you that makes a difference
take this into perspective, a girl shaped like an average disney star moves into a place where she is told she isn't curvy enough, she has no ass, she isn't feminine she needs to gain etc etc, she is going to become like maddie in this
where as if the same girl moved into a town like tokyo, with thin thin women walking around, getting told she needs to lose weight, become more petite, has too much stomach or arm fat, etc, she is going to become london
both of course are if the girl is stupid and easily influenced but this show makes a good point
No. 64820
File: 1499944147674.jpg (64.13 KB, 400x600, aneta florczyk.jpg)

In order to be ticc and not skinny or fat you need to work out consistently with heavy weights, do the cardio, and eat like you are bulking all year round
No. 64875
>>64775I can relate to both sides of this. Never had an eating disorder but had warped perception of myself. In the past I have been London, thinking my skinny thighs were huge. Now that thicc culture is around I feel like Maddie, looking at my legs and feeling disgusted at how skinny they are.
I hate feeling stupid knowing that I'm falling into beauty standard bullshit but it plays with your mind so easily when you have general self esteem issues.
No. 64899
>>64775this is the kinda comfort, chicken-soup-for-the-soup type shit I need
when it was cool to be thin, if you were average sized you were fat, now that it's cool to be thicc, if you're average sized, you're a stick
even if you do fit into the standards, unless your a shapeshifter, it will die out eventually and wait for the new standard to come in
No. 64923
>>64554Same weight gain here but I'm trying to lose 5 pounds until the fall.
I want to bulk because I'm getting addicted to making my butt bigger. Sure I felt more confident at 105-115 since I had thin legs and a flat stomach but having a butt is so worth the extra pounds. In a year or two my body fat will be much lower than now anyways so I won't care if I keep gaining as long as I get lean I'll stay the same dress size.
No. 64946
>>64939Idgi either. Maybe it's because of my age/culture but I can't see any appeal to a big ass or thighs or anything really. A round ass sure, but big is just, ugh.
I'm sure it's just another weird fad like corsets and bustles so surgical implants is completely crazy imo. butt implants are disgusting and look even more freakish than the giant thighs lifters/squatting obsessives get.
No. 68213
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I like charli howards weight gain tbh, given she was anorexic before, but it actually looks realistic, unlike all the ~curvy models~ who have concave stomachs, tiny 20 inch waists, big perky tits, 50 inch hips and thighs bigger than their waist, all while having no double skin
No. 78386
File: 1523175760593.jpeg (69.99 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

>>64360>>64365>>64381>>64385>>64401You're so clueless. All the examples you just gave are slim thick, not skinny. It's what many skinny girls who look like Tay Tay aspire to look like. They're #bodygoals and aren't being bullied for looking malnourished or boyish. You've got an agenda here. Aint no skinny girl sporting thighs like that.
Enji Night has a similar physique and a decade ago people would tell her to lose those hips and thighs because it makes her look fat. Why? Because it doesn't confirm to the actual Eurocentric thin ideal. Urban culture popularised this aesthetic and made it okay for thick white women to embrace their curves.
>>64468Except she looks borderline brolic with such a low BF%. Thick means you've got soft feminine features, not hard masculine ones. Go look at the urban culture for the actual definition for thickness because it has nothing to do with fitness and other white nonsense.
Actual fit girls with thickness to their frame look like Nicole Mejia or Serena. But it's not mandatory to have that physique.
>>64820Again, a woman shaped like a linebacker is not thick. In what universe are wide ass shoulders considered to be a curvaceous feature?
No. 78387
File: 1523176575619.gif (991.85 KB, 499x337, image.gif)

>>64453Please do tell how she's photoshopped and used in an ad campaign against unrealistic body images when that's her natural shape. She's dominican and WoC on average are just shapelier than their white counterparts. It's like people here are fabricating lies to push for an agenda.
No. 78388
>>78387dw anon, this is probably just
triggered """unrealistic""" body-chan from the PS thread on /ot/ she just gets tumblr-tier
triggered when she sees people have a body that she doesn't think is real.
No. 78389
>>78388also sage for samefag but i have her body too.
No. 78393
File: 1523180282268.jpg (61 KB, 600x600, 24b9403d614111c1cb3cb69082d499…)

>>78387You just replied to a 9 month old post…
>WoC on average Is this one of the cases there Asians don't count as PoC?
>are just shapelier than their white counterparts.And by shapelier you probably mean overweight?
I fully understand that some women can't lose weight because they're mothers, because of genetics or a history with EDs, that's fine, they shouldn't force themselves, but let's not delude ourselves into thinking that bodies with a BMI in the lower half of the healthy range aren't the most attractive.
No. 78400
>>78387Mate, black women living on the continent of America are probably the most overweight demographic in the entire world.
>>78393Agreed, Asians clearly don't count as WOC.
No. 91175
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>>68213Most of that stuff is genetic, fat distribution and skeleton structure. Some girls just have to get thin as possible because when they do get any fat on them it goes straight to their neck, calves, stomach and forearms.
Some girls just get lucky with the genetics. Although the stretchmarks from hips thighs and boobs growing too fast when they are young are still an issue.
No. 91227
>>91175What a monster.
Intentionally gaining weight for any reason other than health is retarded and probably only for the benefit of a gross fetishist.
No. 91371
>>91175i have subtle stretch marks only on the sides of my butt, they dont show up in pictures (theyre the kind that are lighter than my skintone, not reddish)
ive never been above 110 lbs in my life but i guess i just grew quickly in that area, im hispanic and most of my weight goes to my butt/thighs
ive always wondered if this is unattractive or if nobody will really notice/care
No. 95222
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>>78393>And by shapelier you probably mean overweight?That's what you clowns call shapely? Bitches with a flat stomach and basic ratios.
No wonder you think anything larger is overweight, ana-chan.
No. 100407
File: 1541720517001.jpg (53.68 KB, 1080x703, 37945383_857957521080731_19385…)

>>91371> im hispanic and most of my weight goes to my butt/thighsive always wondered if this is unattractive or if nobody will really notice/care
Well she gets taken out to parties and hotels, so some guys are paying out the bucks.
No. 100434
File: 1541770563212.jpeg (838.32 KB, 2048x2048, 933EA159-693F-4496-B21D-7E4B97…)

Say this on /r/xxfitness and it reminded me of this thread. Nothing but praises for her “big booty” progress
No. 100440
>>100438But anon!!! Women are meant to be tiny and delicate!!1 Anything else makes them a fattttttyyyy!!
No. 100453
File: 1541796534729.jpg (47.96 KB, 1200x811, DT1EwMPVwAETS9r.jpg)

>>100450people's standards have been destroyed by instagram models with $30k worth of plastic surgery, they don't remember what real people look like anymore
No. 100466
>>100434Because it’s a big improvement?
She’s stronger, has more butt, and has gained loads of muscle. Why so salty?
No. 101614
File: 1543374192148.png (518.68 KB, 477x501, weightgain2.PNG)

>>64476So it's been over a year since I took a peek into the "#weightgain" hashtag and I was curious to see what has changed, and if maybe there is a weight gain trend now.
So back then the #weightgain hashtag had 501,321 posts. Today it has 755,040 posts. Meanwhile, the #weightloss hashtag went from 34,467,906 posts to 50,318,834.
The posts in the #weightgain hashtag are still filled with diet advice and fitness models. There is still no weight gain trend.
The only significant change is that there are posts in the #thiccshakes hashtag, but its all restaurant advertising.
No. 101616
>>101614Lol it's like it was a conspiracy by big junk food or something.
You'd think it would work, too. Who wouldn't want to feel sexy for eating pizza and blowing off the gym?
No. 101662
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>>64358Bodyfat percentage does not a woman make, anyone can become fat, doesnt make you "feminine"
No. 101667
>>101666And, your point being?
It's not like a linebacker man becomes obese and then suddenly hes sooper feminine!!
Just retarded logic, someone doesnt become "more" or "less" feminine because they gain or lose weight, thats down to hormonal profile and genetics. not flab or lack thereof.
I used that picture because she must be a man because she doesnt have alot of fat.
No. 101679
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>>101677Being fatter doesnt make anyone more or less of a woman, it doesnt change your hormones.
Better example?
No. 101688
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>>101681A thicc godessu looses tons of weight, does she now resemble a man?
No. 101720
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>>101691Are big ass and big tits and slightly higher body fat really considered masculine? Then why are they popular in jav?
No. 101729
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>>101691But the reason that it's considered feminine is because big hips and chest would subconsciously point to fertility, not because of social ideas.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not refering to land whales using this as an excuse.
No. 101736
>>101679being below around 10% bodyfat for women interferes with hormone production, estrogen levels drop, period becomes erratic to nonexistent. As bodyfat percentages continue to drop estrogen production may cease altogether, bodyhair growth will increase.
This becomes a problem at the other end of the scale as well, above 30% bodyfat hormones are affected again, period cycle becomes erratic.
The true solution is as always moderation. But most people only think in black and white terms so discussing it is useless these days.
No. 101737
File: 1543482880537.jpeg (348.64 KB, 1242x1221, 28D3E9B0-C6A6-45BD-9103-749FBC…)

>>101729Let’s be real….A woman with that body type would be called fat, masculine and big in most asian countries and some European countries. I’ve seen Koreans calling women much smaller than that fat/manly and claim anyone who weighs more than 110 and has any kind of muscle masculine/fat. Not everyone in the world thinks having meat on your bones is feminine. When people say they like big boobs/wide hips they mean they want big tits on and a small ass waist on a skinny girl but that’s very rare naturally, which is why instathots photoshop themselves with small ass T. rex arms/shoulders and a small waist.
No. 101740
>>101737I don't get the argument itt that a woman with obvious hips and breasts would be called masculine in certain countries. If you are a lot taller/wider you might look more…not masculine but just BIG compared to a small thin woman. No woman ever looks like a man, overweight women certainly don't look like men to me at all.
This is the endless tall girl vs small girl lolcow argument lurking in the wings.
No. 101744
>>101740i think anons are just confusing "feminine" and "masculine" with fat and petite. they're also conflating men's interests with women's, which is were a lot of the issue lies.
asian men may like petite women, but still want some hip and boobs, it's just the women who don't really value that.
like men in the west much of the time like the bolt on tits pornstar look, but women don't really want to look like that.
No. 101753
>>101752Im just
>>101721>>101688>>101680>>101667>>101679>>101662My point is, society in america may deem thick big women feminine, and in china, korea and japan skinny and small is feminine, its subjective and that has no say on what a woman is or isnt or whats more women like.
No. 101777
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…. or i just dont like it lol
No. 101786
File: 1543560852435.jpg (97.71 KB, 736x1281, l2vKwhL1uvues3o1_1280.jpg)

>>101751I'm so glad I'm out of my ana chan phase.
It's kinda ironic that you believe full hips and legs look manly considering women are the one who naturally put fat in those places and it's usually men who have very skinny legs and barely any hips.
No. 101793
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>>101792Weight has nothing to do with being curvy.
No. 101796
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>>101795Nta but the woman you posted if no where near this small. If it wasn’t for her big boobs you’d probably be calling her an Ana Chan.
No. 101799
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>>101797You made the mistake of thinking by thin we mean people who look like they just walked out of auschwitz. When normal people say thin they mean pic related. You’re an ex Ana Chan so your concept of thin and thic is warped.
No. 102072
>>101796Her small ass quads and hamstrings compared to her giant ass are tripping me the fuck out.
Isn't this what everyone rags on Kim Kardashian for?
This is why you want to strength train, so things look porpotional and like they actually make sense.
No. 104355
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Just another fad
No. 107634
Not fat, you're pathetic and mentally ill, stop bumping the thread.
No. 107681
>>107671>tipsJust…eat more, and lift so it goes in the right places. That's the easiest shit, how are you struggling with that? If it's stomach size then eat high calorie high protein food like nuts.
Not to sound pissy. And sorry if you have some genuine disorder that makes it impossible to gain weight.
No. 107694
>>107688It's not that easy for some.
I'm currently on 2.3k calories for my bulk and the amount of food and frequency I have to eat makes me nauseous, despite it being rather normal portions. And liquid is worse, imo, it makes me feel full way faster. It takes time to get used go bigger amounts of food but yea, it's not impossible.
No. 107697
>some girl with a late 2nd trimester size belly made entirely of fat>somehow not fatshe is fat though. in what country isnt that considered fat? only in america maybe.
you people in this thread arent normal, apparently if someone is a bit thin or normal sized theyre an ugly disgusting anorexic skeleton who are miserable and starve themselves, but if a bitch has a literal beer belly, bingo wings and 3 chins then theyre still not fat and youre mentally ill for pointing out that she is. go back to whatever fat fetish site you came from.
No. 107705
>>107698the only reason anyone would get this
triggered over people calling some fat girl fat is if youre the cow in the picture or you also have a giant beer gut kek
bitch looks like shes about to deliver a fetus made entirely of burger king and mcdonalds
No. 107709
>>107698She's shaped like a fat Mexican dad, it's a shame, she has a pretty face, sucks she fell for the fat fetish meme
Some girls can get away with being heavy with the right distribution but she doesn't have that therefore she has to be thin or fit to look good
No. 107710
>>107705Or maybe I just have a healthy view of bodies.
Two can play at this game, you know.
>the only type of person who gets triggered over someone laying sideways on a bed with their stomach in view is an anachan projecting her predicaments on weight>>107709>shaped like a fat Mexican dadAwful specific, is that who hurt you?
No. 107712
>>107710Ok in-denial fatty chan, you caught me, the only reason why I think a fat shapeless girl is fat and shapeless is because a fat Mexican dad hurt me, everyone who points out unhealthy fat bodies were abused
Guess doctors who tell overweight patients they're overweight were abused to
No. 107714
>>107712Haha you're so angry.
But yeah, continue to hatefully go off about this girl's body to prove to me how you so obviously don't have issues.
No. 107786
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>>107785Ana-chan can't even lift a fork though
No. 128931
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No. 128932
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No. 128951
>>128940wow, that's fucking disgusting
>>128932>>128931>>107786ngl, is this thread a fetish thing or…
No. 128952
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>>64939Some want to see if they can get huge boobs on a caloric surplus.
>>128951Blurred lines, anon.
No. 129011
>>128936>High fashion model-skinny ewww
Maybe in the 80s when they actually had muscle mass and curves. Not those shapeless aliens they got on the runaway now
Those girls are a far cry from naomi campbell.
No. 129075
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People who suffer from Marfanoid–progeroid–lipodystrophy syndrome are unable to gain weight and their body fat percentages are always near zero percent.
In addition to severe lipodystrophy (loss of adipose tissue), individuals with MPL show a concomitant marked loss of lean tissue mass, which also contributes to their "skinny" appearance.
No. 129076
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>>129074Speaking about her new figure, she said: "My body has found its happy medium. I still exercise but I don't obsess over numbers and I don't train for three hours every day.
"I'm living more of a balanced lifestyle now. My mind is in a healthy place, and that's very important. I've taught myself to love myself and accept myself."
Sadly, La'Tecia still falls
victim to online trolls every once in a while, but she knows just how to deal with it: "There's still a lot of negativity online, but the bad comes with the good," she explained. "There's a lot of positivity too. I am human, it is hard to read things sometimes, but the best thing to do is stay on track and have a lot of positive people around you."
La'Tecia still works out in the gym and eats a balanced diet. One day, she hopes to walk the runway at New York Fashion Week and appear in US magazine Sports Illustrated.
She added: "It's a huge misconception that curvier women don't exercise or look after themselves. A lot of the models I know in the industry are super-active and eat really well."
No. 129079
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>>129077>stay leanHow lean though? It appears that around here you can just be a stick insect or a fat panda, with nothing in between
No. 129081
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>>129079This. Fit and lean, not stick. If she were really into fitness like she said she was, then she should have kept pushing and figured it out.
No. 129088
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>>129081Ana-chans are more pathetic that chubby-fit models though. I think they need to train more.
No. 129105
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>>129081This woman is visibly underweight, you can even see her stomach veins from the lack of bodyfat, not a good look.
Healthy and fit would be more along these lines and secures your menstrual cycle/reproductive health.
No. 129106
>>129105lol. in your pic she looks chubby and unfit. your typical skinnyfat chick that goes on a jog every 3 months. very average and nothing to aspire to.
the girl in the other pic doesn't look underweight, she's just lean and has muscle.
No. 129109
>>129108Emma in that pic is probably 23-24%. Refer to the other post about people undershooting female bf%.
Not everyone would have visible abs at the other girl's bf%. abs are like biceps, you need to train them to get them to show. skinny ana girls don't have big biceps do they.
But i'm curious, can you post a girl that is actually fit by your standards? Not just skinnyfat like emma.
No. 129111
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>>129109Yeah no way she is over 20% bf.
And lmao no, you have scrawny teen boys sporting “sixpacks”, they arent fit and strong but skinny. Again aesthetic = health, you can like “fit” women with low bf %, doesnt make it healthy though.
And i think Nikki Blackketter looks great and fit without being overly muscular or skinny. She looks very healthy and feminine.
No. 129112
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>>129110literal representation of skinnyat, look it up. no definition anywhere, chubby thighs, flabby arms. it's better than fat but it's not impressive.
>>129111I guess it's subjective, she's a bit too chubby in her current state for me. back when she was leaner she was ideal.
No. 129116
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>>129113Skeletal structure has its share as well, check out Bella Falconi and Andressa Soares, they both work hard at the gym but their bodies look very different, both trim waists, but one looks skinnier and the other looks bulkier
No. 129117
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>>129116Yeah, it's much easier for some girls to stay lean. Some can stay healthy at a really low bf %.
I really admire the lean muscular look though.
No. 129121
>>129119now that's what I mean by fit. they put actual effort in rather than half-assed jogs when they notice their thighs are getting too doughy
No. 129127
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DYEL, dyke? Bloatmaxx for max strength or GTFO.
No. 129160
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>>129142[Butt expert has entered the chat]
So which ones should one aim for?
No. 129161
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>>129160This one, all those are decent enough though
No. 129163
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>>129161Again, it must be more about bone structure and fat distribution, rather than "too much muscle". People can workout all they want at the gym and get trim and lean (too much or too little), but bone structure dictates much of the shape.
For example Ruka Tensho started out as a superskinny model, then became ultrafat, and has now settled into chubby mode. Not much to do when skeletal structure gives you a stick shape in every point of your body.
No. 129170
>>129160I'm actually the AYRT. The right one looks the best since it's not overly muscular like the middle one, nor is it too full of cellulite like the left one. It's not rocket science. Nobody likes to touch a rock-hard ass unless they have a muscle fetish or something.
>>129161This is also good.
>>129163I believe that when it comes to weight gain and weight loss, but in the case of this woman
>>129117 it looks like she built too much muscle on her ass that it looks unnatural. Nothing wrong with having a lifted ass at all. It just seems overdone and artificial.
No. 129188
>>129170>rock-hard assThey're not rock hard unless the person is flexing lmao
Source: ex was a bodybuilder, I personally own a butt like
>>129117 No. 129193
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>>129190>ruining your bodyWhich includes going to college and partying wild every weekend.
It happens way too much apparently.
No. 129201
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>>129199But most people think thinner people look better. Why? It's about facial structure, and bones
No. 129202
>>129201P sure you're responding to the hambeast who has been fighting since day one about how much better fat people are and how thin people are all going to die of starvation/accusing everyone who disagrees with her of being OP
Just don't take the bait, health is always better and being thin does make faces look better, especially if they have small features
No. 129207
>>129203What the fuck are you talking about?
Also we're "agreeing" that healthy bodies should be something to strive for, not fat or thin. Gaslight all you want, that's just a logical and healthy way of thinking. I hope you get the help you need.
No. 129214
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>>129207Some girls can skinny dip, others can only chunky dunk
No point in sugar coating that because they'll eat that too
No. 129239
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>>129223What does skinny fat look like? I was 115 lbs and my scale told me I had 60% body fat. How is this humanly possible??
No. 129254
>>129239Skinnyfat is just a label to mean "narrow chest, narrow shoulders, and pot belly".
The most similar to skinnyfat in that picture is the one labeled 27-29%.
No. 129260
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>>129254No, skinnyfat is somewhat thin but soft and with no definition. 27-29% is already fat. skinnyfat would be this (random google pic).
it is a notoriously difficult "stage" of body composition to escape because losing weight means losing even more muscle, and gaining weight means gaining fat. recomping is quite difficult to nail.
No. 129261
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>>129260Even skinnier girls can be skinnyfat. You can be underweight and still fall under the definition. The defining characteristic is no muscle.
No. 129263
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>>129260I wonder why people don't ever think of putting on some muscle mass when recompositioning. She has thin arms and they haven't really changed.
No. 129264
>>129263Ineffective workout routines. Just cardio or stupid shit their pt makes them do. If only they realized how much lifting would benefit them.
Losing weight without putting on muscle will just make you look like a smaller version of your fat self
No. 129310
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>>129275>>129277This is delusional. Are you all just fucking kidding yourselves?
No. 129328
>>129318>>129317I agree. I'm from Europe and in most countries here men prefer thin women. Over in Eastern Europe you're made fun of if you're anything but very thin.
Thiccc is a meme and looks really bad when not posed. If you're chubby you're automatically oversexualised. Things which would look innocent and normal on a thin girl look obscene on a chubby/fat girl.
No. 129339
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>>129333Is it because of the muffin top?
No. 129343
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>>129342Pro-ana spergs could start thinking of food as fuel. Their body is a car, and a good car need a strong engine (muscles) which is powered by food. Too much food, and you end up with a bunch of junk in the trunk, and a spare tire, of course. No. 129344
>>129342I agree that a lot of people are like this but I don't think that's all it is. Like for me I get fat if I don't exercise, and I lose fat fairly easily if I do exercise, so I associate myself being fat with either being too lazy to exercise or not having my schedule organized enough to do it. It's not about decadence because I'm not ashamed to eat well, but I do feel ashamed for not having my shit together enough to exercise. Probably not mentally healthy either but at least it's not really physically dangerous.
>>129263The body type on the right would suck to maintain. Completely dependent on bodyfat so if you gain just a little more weight you look out of shape again no wiggle room. Having a visible amount of muscle mass is great because even if you're not shredded and gain some body fat or water retention you still look pretty healthy
No. 129411
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>>129342I'm starting to think the weight gain trend might be popular only among people who are already considered conventionally attractive. I'm convinced a fat Keanu Reeves wouldn't be considered attractive though.
I wouldn't know about Jonah Hill, though. He certainly looks healthier when slim.
No. 129445
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>>129400They are emaciated, they have the same body as this girl(bmi14-15) but with more muscle
No. 129453
>>129452None of them are photoshopped nor ugly.
The first girl has a great bone structure. The second girl has a lot more muscle filled out in the right places. With bodybuilding you look to add muscle where it will look the best. She's worked a lot on her lower body. In sports where they don't focus on their physique, when lean they might end up with a not so aesthetic and balanced physique.
No. 129455
>>129454You think they started being more prevalent because of photoshop? lol
No, the popularity of women lifting weights increased. You're dumb if you think every woman that has muscle and looks good photoshops her photos.
No. 129466
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>>129117This is what she looks like without trying to break her back to look like she has an ass lmao, emaciated and manly
>>129455Stop trying to put all women who lift into the same category with the two pictures you shared, lots of musclar women look good, the ones you posted have almost no muscle and no fat and look horrible and masculine.
No. 129472
>>129466>emaciated and manlyNot at all. Look up her other photos, she has enough body fat and a womanly figure.
Also she's posing in your photo. When not flexing or posing, women that lift don't have that much definition.
>almost no musclelmao what.
It just sounds like you're bitter. I'm not putting down women who do other sports, but you're putting down those than do a particular one. People have different physique goals. I'd rather look lean and muscular than soft. You obviously prefer to be soft. Fine
No. 129479
>>129455Muscular women existed since forever, dumbass. The 80s and 90s was popular in having muscular women with curves. Yet, none of them looked like that weird shit
You're crazy to think women JUST started lifting, dude.
No. 129480
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>>129472Im not this anon
>>129466but this is a muscular woman from the 90s who still has a lean body and has curves, so why did these athletic women with ant body exaggerated proportions only start becoming seen in the 2010s?
No. 129488
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>>129487Nope, wrong. curvy athletic women existed forever and still don't look like that shit
No. 129493
File: 1576881898007.jpeg (24.06 KB, 321x458, CFA00CEE-A688-41A4-829E-683AD2…)

>>129482Women have had bodybuilding physiques since the beginning of muscle development when allowed by their community.
>>129466Thinking that women are only acceptable when thin and waif or just straight up unfit is top handmaiden behaviour.
No. 129494
>>129490Waist size and the rounded hip part looks more curvier like a higher bf % but still skinnier everywhere else aka the shitty standard of "beauty" in the 10s
They would have a somewhat more compact body type (like the women i posted) since thier bf is lower
No. 130801
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>>130153What defines "thicc"?
No. 130854
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>>130844I don't think that's an objective thing though. Check this model out No. 130873
File: 1578953138445.png (Spoiler Image,2.4 MB, 2036x712, c.png)

>>130864This girl is peak yo-yo dieting. Like, she gains tons of weight in a few months for some reason, and then loses it just as quickly.
No. 131071
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>>63860Knowing that the average american woman looks like pic related aka 170 pounds for 5'3, alongside a large to extra large pants size, it's not really surprising that it is now a trend
No. 131079
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>>130873>>130854>Ruining your body just to get attention from scrots who will give you crumbs of attentionPathetic
>>130153Spotted the American
Her breasts and ass look uniform for her body. Just because someone isn't 300 pounds and doesn't have a dad disgusting smelly potato sack for an ass and tits that sag inches from their belly button doesn't mean they have small tits and ass
No. 131094
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>>131079Mulher Melancia is peak shape, all muscles, no flab, narrow waist. Why can't anas and fatties reach this status? It's because they're unwilling to put in the necessary work for getting it!
No. 131095
>>131094> all muscle kek
this thread is such a shitmine
No. 131096
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>>131094As if Lmao Michelle lewin is the only decent example
No. 131319
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It's okay to be fat. So you're fat. Just be fat and shut up about it.
So says Roseanne Barr, who is fat.
No. 131321
>>131319>It's okay to kill yourself. So let yourself die. Just die. and shut up about it.
So says Roseanne Barr, who is killing herself.
Once you start associating fat acceptance/ fat encouragement as what it is, you start to see how sick and fucked up these people truly are
No. 131341
>>131337I've been eating fairly healthy but I haven't gained any weight. I'm 5'8 and 105 pounds.
I've been thinking of just buying a bunch of avocados or milkshakes from McDonald's, I really need to gain weight quickly.
No. 131353
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>>131331A dozen donuts and a beer every day
Cheetos and soda in the afternoon
Plenty of milk (unironically)
No. 131401
>>131331Go to the gym, eat eggs and other good proteins.
Gaining weight may not look how you want unless you exercise whilst eating tons
No. 131427
>>131407Thanks Anon!
I'm trying to eat throughout the day instead of big meals. I grew up learning to eat until you're satisfied not full. Which all in all is a healthy way to eat but God damnit I need to gain some weight back. 105 is the goal.
No. 131432
File: 1580010235340.png (429.78 KB, 487x504, weightgain3.PNG)

>>64476>>101614I made these two posts and I figured I would go back one more time to see the difference between the top posts in the #weightgain and #weightloss hashtags.
>2017: 34,467,906 posts>2018: 50,318,834 posts>2019/2020: 61,773,837 posts#weightgain
>2017: 501,321 posts>2018: 755,040 posts>2019/2020: 1,014,313 postsOnce again, the top posts in the #weightgain hashtag are mostly diet advice, and nutrition accounts that focus on bulking and healthy weight gain associated with muscle growth. The exceptions are the middle photo of the before and after picture, which seems to be posted by a moderately popular lifestyle blogger who honestly, is still thin, just not posing in a flattering way that would hide her stomach. Looks like she struggled with some ED (orthorexia?) and is celebrating a healthier mindset.
The bottom left photo of the blonde woman is a fitness blogger shilling a specific kind of protein powder.
Once again, despite singers like Lizzo being in the spotlight, and the existence of women who cater to fetishists like
>>131353 >>130873
>>129163 there isn't a weight gain trend. The "fat acceptance" movement is overall very small and the "fat encouragement" movement doesn't exist anywhere except the dark corners of the internet. Furries are more mainstream and socially accepted than people with weight gain fetishes (and i mean serious actual weight gain fetishes, not people like
>>131079 who just like women thick and not stick thin). Even in places like the US where most women are plus sized, they're just full of self hate and give their dollars to the diet industry in hopes of chasing a beauty standard they probably can't achieve. The world becoming overweight is the best thing that's ever happened to the diet industry.
No. 131465
>>131432You can always lose weight
You can't unfurry yourself though
No. 131467
>>131462do you live in a parallel universe? or a remote indigenous tribe with a population of 100 where they use fatness as just another way to control women?
society preferring women to be curvy in a dramatic hourglass way =/= fat acceptance, by the way
No. 131483
File: 1580132098418.jpeg (9.85 KB, 212x238, images.jpeg)

>>131467I know. Please quit assuming things you don't know about.
I'm Black and live in the South, yes fat encouragement is everywhere, including calling average looking or fit women twigs. I knew a woman who had ab lines and lots of thigh muscle who was told to gain weight. You see a lot of pictures like
>>131079 circling around, encouraging women to get as fat as possible and not just in their ass and tits
No. 131501
>>131483how is the drawing in
>>131079 "as fat as possible"? even thin women have stomachs that can hang, muffin tops, etc. even within the black community, they might like women "thicker" but lizzo is getting just as much harassment from black men as she is from shitty white men. beyonce, rihanna are held up as body goals, no one is advocating for actual fat bodies anytime soon.
No. 131505
>>131501They tell women being unhealthily obese is ideal, which is
toxic in itself
Just because you don't experience it doesn't mean people who do shouldn't be allowed to discuss it
No. 131513
>>131506>Shows proof of it happening>It doesn't happen>How dare you talk about something that affects you!Once a
victim always a
victim No. 131547
>>131513Anon isn’t saying it doesn’t happen, just that it’s not a systemic problem. Ironic that you would chastise them for insisting they’re a
victim because that’s exactly what you’re doing.
No. 131565
>>131547I'm not saying I'm a
victim I'm just saying it happens and people should be allowed to discuss it if it effects them a lot
No. 131595
File: 1580325791287.gif (68.49 KB, 120x90, tenor (1).gif)

Thought this thread was an interesting read at first, then I realized it's just 2 years worth of insecure anas and fatties yelling at each other about "peak health" and "bf% and muh beauty standards"
No. 131607
>>131604NTA but god damn you are whiny over nothing. Fat people have already lost by sole virtue of being fat. Everything they say and do is mental gymnastics, denial and insecurity because they hate being fat, and EVERYONE fucking knows it. Some people, like you, just continue to pretend they're offended by skinny shaming because they love a chance to get on a high horse about being thin. Just stfu and enjoy being healthy and conventionally attractive without playing the
No. 131628
File: 1580390836942.png (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 1088x830, b.png)

If you go to the gym and eat a little more than your TDEE, you can actually have more energy and feel substantially better than living on 1200 cals a day. You can always trim down the excess 10-20 lbs of fat later with cardio and have more muscle definition as a result.
>muscle-builtfat swimmer mode achieved
No. 131636
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>>131629It depends. If you're not aiming for the thin physique of a runner, that should be inspirational.
No. 131638
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>>131636I don't see whats inspirational about doing sports to get muscle but being so fat you can barely see any definition this
>>131628 looks worse than a sedentary skinny fat woman.
No. 131641
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>>131638>but being so fat you can barely see any definitionUnless you are on a restricted diet it's hard to have visible abs.
Water bloat is real as well, you can be skinny but still look puffy due to water retention. Weight in a day can change up to 5-10 lbs due to water.
And there's a difference between being 10-20 lbs overweight, having 27% body fat, and being a 300lbs landwhale kek.
No. 131648
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>>131643>>131644Would you say anything without hard abs is "regular fat girl"?
No. 131653
>>131648She looks big but nice in this one.
>>131641She is plain fat.
No. 131654
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>>131653Posture is another thing that influences photos.
But apart from that, abs are visible only when there is a low bodyfat percentage and there is little water retention at a given moment. Salty foods cause water retention and bloat.
You can take Bella Falconi or any other insta fit model after she has eaten a burger: her abs magically disappear and she ends up looking pudgy.
No. 131656
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Mia Sand is 5'7" and weighs 180 lbs.
That would normally be considered overweight, however she is packing a lot of muscle and that makes a difference.
No. 131674
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>>131658Well, what would you say of Latecia Thomas then?
Surely she is sporty and goes to the gym but she must also be a kitchen raider now No. 131677
>>131604i wasn't even the anon you were having the argument with. you just suffer from martyr complex, like
>>131607 said, you don't have to give a shit what bitter fatties say about thin people. it doesn't affect us.
No. 131681
>>131680Very aspirational body, I agree. I think elements of it are definitely body composition though, like her slim waist and relatively large breasts. I imagine her BMI is something in the low 'normal' range, like 20? I know way less about body fat so no help there.
I also think being young unfortunately has a lot to do with having SUCH a good body. sucks for old hoes like me tbh.
No. 131689
It seems that the anachans here just can't fathom the idea that there are women who don't care about being thin or not.
Once you let go of diet culture and the cult of thinness, you're free. You no longer need to count calories or control your portions. You can eat when you feel hungry and stop when you're satisfied, very naturally, and eat what you crave, be it a chocolate cake or a fresh salad, without any guilt or shame.
Even if you gain weight in the process, it's not a big deal.
I was a sad anachan who was never happy. After finally reaching my goal weight, I still wanted to lose more. I wanted to look more and more like a stick. But for me, that's a fucking prison and I no longer want to be inside it. As you see, I'm not the only one, that's why that "weight gain trend" exists. You mock us shaming our bodies, but in the end, who's winning? If it's you, at what cost?
No. 131696
>>131674She is very obviously overweight.
>>131680She look like she doesn't workout at all, I think she's just a lucky skinny fat YOUNG woman. (like 18 - 19 yrs old)
No. 131698
>>131680I'm gonna be honest it's mostly genetics.
I would have a similar body shape but I'm just all around smaller rn. I do the minimum walking, eat until I'm satisfied not full, but the rest is all genetics.
No. 131704
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The mulher-fruta (fruit-woman) in Brazil: women singing brazilian funk songs get nicknames associade with fruit. Example: Mulher Melancia, Mulher Melao, Mulher Maça…
And they all appear to be on the "strong" side of body shape for some reason
No. 131716
>>131680>>131696I'm 29 and I look like that lmao delusional teens gobbling up the wall meme. If you don't live like shit then you wont look like shit the moment you turn 25.
I go to walks, drink water, pay some attention to what I eat. I could look better if I gave more shit.
No. 131718
File: 1580480666963.png (113.97 KB, 328x323, 1.png) diet, but without the body building lmao
No. 131754
>>131628>>131638>>131641>>131648>>131654What's funny to me these girls look high end bmi or low overweight
The only reason they're being called "fat" is because white girls have wider hips than other ethnicities and so their own people think they're fat when they're anything above 20 because of their wide hips making them look wider
It's really fucked up in that way. A latin or black girl can be over 20 bmi and under 25 and no one will really call her fat but as soon as a white girl is over 19 or 20 she's a whale.
No. 131767
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>>131754Indian (India) / White (Australian) / White (British)
No. 131773
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>>131771That's interesting
No. 131777
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>>131771Lol that's bullshit. There's a reason the vast majority of hourglass or bombshell bodies before the "thicc" trend mostly had slimmer hips. Wide hips put more extra weight on your frame that doesn't need to be there while slimmer hips make you look more athletic.
No. 131828
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>>131786That's not in fact Mulher Melancia (Andressa Soares)
No. 131847
>>131777Wym? Wide hips were the rage in the 30-50s and in Victorian times. It's even "in" in East Asia even though they won't blantantly admit it, but still use hip pads and draw their characters with wide hips
It's literally just a feminine and attractive part of the female body
No. 131853
>>131847 > Wide hips were the rage in the 30-50s and in Victorian times Exaggerated feminine features go through cycles of being popular, wide hips, tit jobs, ass lifts etc. Same shit just recycled over and over. I remember how being super skinny all over but with a tit job was ideal in the 90's and big hips or a big ass were seen as disgusting.
Kind of disturbing just how fast the trends change now. Especially as people are quick to commit to surgery based on trends. Like you said, in the past people just wore padded clothing to create the effect
No. 131863
>>131860idk, i'm 30yo boomer and the hegemony of the ultra skinny ideal damged me a lot when i was a teen, today's relative plurality of
toxic body trends makes it harder to take any of them seriously i feel. or makes it possible to choose one that is remotely achievable for you. but then, i'm not a 13yo girl nowadays, maybe i would be tempted to follow all of them if i were.
No. 131877
>>131812Narrow hips are unflattering unless you're skelly though. If you gain any weight on your stomach you end up with a muffin top, you look like an apple on sticks or Hank Hill.
Chubby girls that still have a narrower waist than their hips are feminine, it's much more attractive.
No. 131898
>>131893Then lift some weights! If weight number doesn't
trigger you I think it could be great for you. Take it easy and if you feel like it then you can try doing a few cut/bulk cycles until you get to the bf% you feel best at. I recommend looking at wendler's 531, the guy's fucking gross and sexist but his programs are very good.
Personally I was happiest when I weighed <50kg, I felt cute. Now I'm strong but I feel less womanly, which is dumb because I'm very hourglass shaped now.
No. 131901
File: 1580752694147.jpeg (302.08 KB, 1908x1146, 7B8E89C7-48A5-41F3-97C2-E20A10…)

>>131884I agree with you. Skinny fat as a label is pointless anyway, unless someone is dehydrated and ready for a swimsuit competition some people are going to consider them skinnyfat. Very few people have the genetics to show muscle all the time.
Showing muscle isn’t even indicative of being in shape. I have a friend with defined stomach muscles who doesn’t work out at all, it’s just her genetics and body type.
No. 131903
File: 1580753222685.jpg (140.75 KB, 1080x1348, peckpnrbP91srgquxo1_1280.jpg)

I don't know how any of you can deny that this is sexy
No. 131909
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>>131904>>131905why are you all so butthurt anyway? don't you know that fashion is cyclic and soon sticcs will be in vogue again?
No. 131914
File: 1580755516024.jpg (63.61 KB, 500x717, 1940s burlesque.jpg)

>>131877Not all narrow hipped women have straight outlines of their hips, many have those rounded outlines which was posting in those thread. Narrower hip shape is actually dependent on bone structure, but happens when someone becomes more athletic as well. A lot of the differences is related to body fat %.
>>131860I agree it is related to how much society hates women, especially since the trend went from super skinny-fat in the 2000s after muscularity and athleticism was popular in the 70s-80s-90s due to feminism and woman's liberation influencing the mainstream culture.
>>131847They had slim hips during the early 20th century too compared to girls like this
>>131909 Anorexic starved out Heroin chic and plastic surgery transwoman drag-queen sex worker influenced body ideal is ridiculous and stupidity to its maximum. The it girls in the early 20th century would exaggerated their WHR by waist training or corseting (that never truly went out of style until much later). Natural waists became more in fashion in the 60s and so did being physically fit, so the natural and stronger body type look was liked.
No. 131915
File: 1580755718404.jpg (85.71 KB, 575x960, fb35843aabfa6ae99c7ffa66883626…)

>>131912imagine thinking everyone who disagrees with you is a scrot
>>131913it's a random picture that I dug up, I personally think she looks kinda like every other cute popular girl on insta
No. 131922
>>131915>imagine thinking everyone who disagrees with you is a scrotliterally look how you(?) typed that shit and paired it with those specific photos
>I don't know how any of you can deny that this is sexy.that text, paired with a photo of a woman in comically ridiculous hooker heels and a coochie length dress. then next post being a woman with her tits almost out who has been obviously surgically warped to hell and back. no one's fault but yours if you internalize scrote speak and taste
have some self awareness
No. 131924
>>131893I’m 5’2. Was 90-100lbs for years and I don’t remember what it was like. I knew I was thin, but I never thought about my body at all. I could wear anything and do anything. Shot up to 140 in college. I felt like shit but I was also depressed for other reasons. Got under 120 awhile ago and still hated myself. Right now I’m hovering somewhere between 135 and 125 and I think I’m okay. I have good days and bad days. For someone with a bad diet and inconsistent workout schedule my body is okay. My hips have gotten bigger so I look better right now than I did when I first started gaining weight, before I had no defined shape but now I do.
My body would look better at 100lbs but my face looks best right now.
No. 131983
File: 1580836737426.jpg (148 KB, 640x788, a60bbfb1b031a016759c27afaecae7…)

>>131956what's wrong with posing though? it's not like it's natural to just stand straight, it looks awkward. and if all of this is photoshop and girls like this can't exist anyway then why everybody gets so worked up over it like this thread is 2 year old and besides people asking for advice it's 90% sperging
No. 131984
>>131983Another fat girl with photoshop
I make this point because you can't preach about how fat girls are hot and only post fat girls who had to take all day to get a decent photo
Most fat girls in real life can only dream of looking like this
No. 131991
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>>131984I never said anything about fat girls though, I only care about thicc ones
No. 131995
>>131984>girls who had to take all day to get a decent photoI'm gonna love bursting your bubble but you are major delusional if you think all pics itt were first takes and not deliberately posed and shooped.
Poor you, must suck to be so angry and believing you share nothing in common with fatties.
>>131992This whole thread is a fetish thread. Must be admin's pet because no matter how many times this is reported for scrote tier shitposting about the female body, it's never been autosaged in the two years of its miserable existence.
No. 132338
>>132331This tbh
No woman is this obsessed with trying to ingrain that "fat girls are better"
Men hate women so much, their fetish matters more to them than women's health
No. 132349
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>>132331>>132338I think I said this before, but I'm not a man and didn't ever say that fat = better and thin = worser, it just so happens that girls who are considered fat itt are more likely to have thicc body type achieved either naturally/through photoshop/plastic surgery
No. 132353
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>>132350Should I send you a pic of my hand or something? Women are not a hivemind and can hold any opinion on any topic
No. 132354
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>>132353>>132349If you genuinely find "thicc" girls attractive why do you keep posting heavily edited pictures of them? The waist is tucked in while the hips are widden out A LOT, I don't believe you just didn't notice it.
No. 132357
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>>132354I post whatever I find it's not like I have 1TB archive of thicc women. And I'm not gonna put words in your mouth, but did you think that posting picture with cellulite will scare me off or something? Literally every woman has it there's absolutely nothing wrong with it that's how our bodies work.
No. 132361
File: 1580926270846.jpg (87.58 KB, 600x896, nfkjqrnfi4bfybuf4nn3i4f.jpg)

>>132359Maybe. I don't know who she is and never seen her candids, I don't care if someone is shooping to be more attractive as long as they don't have a cow potential.
No. 132365
>>132349>>132349You mean to tell me people can look better with photoshop and plastic surgery? Wow
Every single woman you posted either had surgery, photoshopped themselves or both. There's a reason why cute candid women are only thin or fit. Thin or fit is the best goal for women to have if they want to look good without having to spend hours posing and heavily editing their photos. Most women can afford surgery and photoshopping is escapism which can make you depressed. Sorry natural healthy female bodies are no longer good enough for you
No. 132366
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>>132365I post what I find on google and yeah the first page never contains candids and I don't care to dig further. And why do you think that natural healthy female body is a body of a teenage boy with no breasts and hips?
No. 132370
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>>132367>>132369What do you mean by natural body type? There are as many natural women body types as women themselves in the world. I do agree that there should be more diversity in media though. And once again I never said that thicc women are better than thin women, just sexy, not even sexier
No. 132374
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>>132372ok I found this pic googling natural woman body, did I prove something?
No. 132375
>>132363Need renaming
'autistic male likes big asses' thread
No. 132376
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>>132374>>132374Looks okay. Kelly Brook was undeniably more attractive when she was thinner though
No. 132378
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>>132375kiss your hand 5 times and look under your pillow and anon will become a scrote
No. 132381
>>132366Are you blind? You can see the walls and the floor bending all around her due to the ungodly amount of photoshoping. THIS BODY DOES NOT EXIST.
I'm going to sound like a tumblrina but this is literally an unrealistic beauty standard.
No. 132385
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>>132366Unfortunate shape.
No. 132401
>>132348Fact: Men have no standards for who they stick their dicks into. It's quite easy for any type of woman to get laid. Men cheat on their models to fuck plain janes, and yes even the fats you loathe just because the opportunity is there.
Stay mad about it, pickmeisha/questionable scrote.
This thread is a fucking joke.
No. 132411
>>132407>it's about women wanting to look attractive for themselves! How do you expect to pull off this argument? Literally all pictures itt appeal to a male gaze and don't read for a lesbian audience at all. Add to the fact that no one says "x type of women can't get laid!" because they're talking about what lesbians desire, it's a male specific jab because their sex tends to be the more looks-focused.
Nice try, it's almost like you believe your own bullshit.
No. 132423
>>132411One person mentioned what type of women can get laid. It's literally just human nature to want to appear attractive, even children with no sexual feelings want to look their best, asexuals want to look their best, everyone wants to look good yet somehow this magically excludes women because it suddenly means women only want to look good for men and anything else is a lie
>Literally all pics are for male gaze You mean to tell me the person we have all been calling a scrot and calling out their fake pics is for male gaze? Interesting
No. 132429
>>132423>One person mentioned what type of women can get laid. This ENTIRE thread including the dang OP is bitching about women conforming to trends that appeal to the male gaze.
You wanna backpedal and make it all about lesbians now, and how it's actually okay to be punching down other women and deciding what looks best because "don't worry it's for women!" Lol, are you an actual muppet?
Sage your shit ass thread.
No. 132432
>>132429Okay then
Explain to me why children, elders, asexuals, etc worry about their health. Is it to attract men to? So why is it when women worry about other women's health magically it is about men?
No. 132457
>>132423>everyone wants to look goodEveryone wants to be TOLD they look good.
That's what the curvy movement is about.
Skinny girl does the bikini challenge on Youtube, loses some more weight to be told she looks good.
Same girl months later, she blows up and gains weight, starts to wear "curvy" attire.
All because others will say YOU LOOK GOOD! (plus eating all the shit she wants and not having to go to the gym every day, and being more unhealthy)
Of course, what they say might not be what they actually think.
No. 132472
>>132436You didn't answer my question
How is that a strawman?
No. 132479
File: 1581013843712.png (348.2 KB, 738x458, c.png)

>puffy face
>protruding belly
>huge butt
>big thighs
>monster calves
A model for letting other girls feel better about themselves for sure!
No. 132484
>>132348No, fat girls get laid, the guy just doesn't stay/ want to be seen in public with them.
Men stick their dicks into anything that moves. So getting laid isn't really an accomplishment.
No. 132497
>>132484>the guy just doesn't stay/ want to be seen in public with them. That appears to be mostly true
So why don't these fat girls tone up then
File: 1581039751337.jpeg (4.97 KB, 225x224, get rekt.jpeg)

>>132497Maybe they don't live for mediocre dick like you do.