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No. 69333
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>my skin is 10/10, no blemishes, no spots, no acne, no big pores, pale with pink undertones
>my figure collection is probably worth more than 20k already
>I know speaking 3 languages already, 4 if you count spanish (but I don't count because it was almost cheating learning it since I made minimal effort because my mother tongue is Portuguese…)
>I can do some mean food
>people generally like me if I open up so feeling more and more secure about opening up to people
Nothing really worth of bragging but I wanted to contribute
No. 69366
>>69333>mother tongue is portuguese but my spanish is badI'm feeling dumb now lol.
My guitar skils are kinda good nowadays. I've always wanted to learn but only got around to do it last year. Now I can play some of my favourite songs and sound nice, which makes me happy even if they aren't complicated. Good decision.
No. 69406
>>69400I thought the same thing lol
>>69397Congratulations, go you!
No. 69414
>Above average looks (skin, hair, figure, face, everything) with minimal effort
>Fluent in 5 languages
>Academic overachiever, graduated on top of my classes every time
>Guys and girls have been falling for me since I was a teenager
>Have no problems making anyone I'm interested in like me back
>Get complimented all the time on my sense of style and outfits
>Great at socializing, confident, can easily manipulate/influence situations and people
>Great cook, can make a lot of difficult dishes from different cuisines from scratch
>Guys buy me clothes and electronics and other gifts just to get my attention
>Can draw/design/paint pretty well
>Won awards for my writing
>Knowledgeable about politics, literature, art and other fields without it being superficial
>Will always look young
I could keep going, but if I had to make a list of things I'm ashamed of it'd be just as long.
No. 69430
>>69417In my country everyone speaks at least 3 languages(most aren't fluent though) the 4th was the language my family spoke to me since we're an ethnic minority and the 5th I learned on my own because it seemed easy. I'm trying to learn more but I'm lazy!
>>69418What I said came out wrong, I just meant to say I have many negative qualities and flaws. I won't go inro details about what makes my life shit, but you don't have to act so salty.
No. 69437
>>69431Directly? Nothing, unless you count $100 they would give for my birthday. Pretty much all of my money comes from my job.
Indirectly.. I pay them rent but they gave me a good deal, only 400/month.
I'm saving for a large downpayment, so in the mean time I'm keeping everything I can in a tax free savings account.
>>69433This too. It brings me peace of mind.
No. 69441
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>people being salty in a thread that's supposed to be for shameless, consequence-free bragging
Come on guys, there are so many negative and depressing threads. Let's just be positive to ourselves for once
No. 69450
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I feel bad for bragging but I suppose that's the point
>Have never met an artist who is the same age as me, who is better than me for my whole life
>Has won every single art competition I've entered in age demographic
>Works hard, managed to get an entire designer wardrobe (I care about fashion a lot oof)
>Been one of the best non native Japanese speakers in the country since I was 15 for my age
>Gets scholarships for every school I've signed up for
I wish I was better at more things than just drawing, but it's what I want my job to be so I suppose it's okay
No. 69456
>>69397How old were you when you started making changes and improving?
I'm 23 and I feel like it's too late to suddenly become hot. Like that time has passed for me. But what you described is where I desperately want to end up.
No. 69471
>>69397Same here!
I was the ugly girl in school. I got bangs and dyed my hair (actually suits me better than my natural color), lost 2st, started really looking after my skin, now guys and girls alike fall at my feet. I never thought I'd say that about myself. I have some unfortunate scars and stretch marks but they're barely noticeable anymore.
More importantly, I FEEL hot. It's such a good feeling.
No. 69491
>>69456I was 19 when I started, but id say it’s definitely not too late for you to! It’s better to start late than never. You’ll still see progress and feel great about it regardless.
>>69471Way to go, anon!
No. 69498
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>doing placement year in uni
>uni makes everyone find their own placement (will help if needed)
>Get 5 job offers even with my piss poor portfolio and CV
>It's my first ever job
>secure job
>I get paid more than minimum wage for doing easy work (more than minimum wage is very rare with placements)
>None of the stuck up two faced cunts in uni managed to find a placements (no idea how)
>They're suck with the leftovers and retards before they graduate.
>humblebrag in the discord server
>profit, cash, job experience, and a better degree
I feel fucking good right now
No. 69500
>>69498just curious, what did you major in? :OOO
And to brag:
I really like being a 90lb girl at 23. I get mistaken a lot for being younger. I hope when I'm like 50 I can keep up with myself
No. 69502
>>69492Without getting too specific, I do blue-collar trade work. I'm still in "training" and have 2 more years to go until I start making the full wage.
It has it's downsides though. The industry is very sensitive to the economy - when it's good you can make a lot of money, but last year my company had large layoffs and a wage decrease, which is part of the reason I like having a large savings, lol
No. 69866
>>69500So jealous at your weight. I'm the same age but losing weight has always been so hard for me. Have you always been thin or did you lose a lot of weight at some point?
My brag
I am really good at romantic relationships. Every one of my friends is or has been in shitty/bad/abusive relationships. Being in a abusive relationship was no fault of their own, but the bad and shitty ones where. No boundaries, no good communication, no listening and compromising. I feel it's not very hard to have a good relationship with someone, but I guess it is.
That was it, all other aspects of my life are not worth bragging about
No. 69876
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>>69502Please get specific, bitch. I am proud of my 15k savings at 25, but I'm from the balkans
No. 69878
>>69431I don't know if you mean 'using' as in spending or investing but the former is stupid and the latter can be done with a high interest savings account. At one point I was making $200 a month in interest with 100k savings. I didn't invest it because I was saving for a deposit on a unit, which I have now done. Now I have 60k sitting in an account offsetting my mortgage while I have free access to it.
And the bragworthy thing about money isn't just what you do with it, it's the fact that you worked hard and saved it effectively. Either way it's sad to try and downplay achievements in a bragging thread.
No. 69883
>>69882I don't need to pay rent! So it's a bit of a cheat.
But hey, at least we speak 3 languages :^)
No. 69886
>>69867Hi anon, yeah i am from the UK!
and i basically googled and emailed every related company i could find with my CV weather they advertised they were hiring or not.
I let them know first off that it is a PAID internship and it doesn't have to be more than minimum wage.
Places in my area seem keen to hire students because its cheap work and the company gets into the Unis good books.
If you need it by May/June i'd say really start looking properly now because it took my uni up to 4 months to get everything finalised with paperwork. Yours might be better than mine with that though.
Good luck! let me know how you get on!
No. 69888
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I feel very accomplished I found a well off man to spoil the piss out of me. My last relationship was pretty abusive and drove me to try to commit suicide so it’s refreshing to have someone cater and attend to my needs and feelings, monetary or otherwise. Friends calling me a spoiled brat and a sugar baby fuels the feel good bragging fire.
No. 69903
>>69889Nope, I'm slovene. It could be that I'm the only sloanon on the whole board and it feels lonely
>>69885This will be me and my siblings when our parents die, god forbid. It's not hard saving money when you're not paying rent, but it is imposiburu to save up for an entire apartment on a wage in this country. I plan to get a loan as soon as I get to 1.5k netto, buy an apartment and then rent that puppy out
No. 69919
>>69903wut anon why did you reply when you weren't even being quoted (because it was my post)
also bulgaria here
No. 69932
>>69919You did quote me rofl
>>69883 is my post
No. 69999
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this thread makes me so happy.
For me, I'm feelin' good about the following:
>maintained the same weight since graduating high school (am 25 now)
>have $10k+ in the bank
>started a better skin care routine (my skin wasn't terrible before–just really, really dry. So I'm moisturizing and exfoliating on a regular basis now and I've noticed a difference)
>infinitely better reviews from fellow employees at work (compared to last quarter)
>becoming less of an alcoholic (I still have a drink almost every night, but it's far less than the 3+ I was doing nightly before. Turns out not buying some sort of alcohol every time I go grocery shopping is the way to go lol.)
No. 70019
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>>69999good job on limiting the alcohol intake. trying to do the same but it's resulting in more cigs haha…
No. 70036
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Thanks to college I stopped being so shy and socially awkward because it made me more confident and less sheltered by my fucked up parents and I learned that after high school, people calm the fuck down and stop being catty bitches so everyone became more approachable and nicer. I also speak English and Japanese much better than before college, even though I'm not fluent in Japanese yet, but I can have simple conversations and now it's mostly a matter of learning more vocabulary.
Also, I may be ugly, or at least not fit into current beauty standards, but at least my hair looks great and I'm not even putting any effort into maintaining them. So I feel like it compensate for what makes me ugly. I'm also glad I can eat as much crap and junk food as I want and not gain that much weight. I like being thin and having a flat chest. And I look younger than I am, which was a bad thing before but now that I'm in my early 20s I'm finally seeing the positive aspects of it.
No. 70072
>>69866I've always been petite/thin from my mom's genetics, and I am extremely picky of an eater so I guess that doesn't help. But I've been trying to keep a well balanced diet to avoid being "skinny-fat", and I do college cheerleading now to keep in shape.
That's good you've gotten into pleasant romantic experiences! hardships like you mentioned can be really hard to deal with
No. 70149
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I started an IT business with my fiance last month and we have been doing excellent! We have international clients as well as the government (municipal and national level) as customers, got a lot of grants, and work from home when we don't have meetings or talks to give. Best of all we hired amazing talent we were friends with from around the world, so our company is all people we trust and are very intelligent with great work ethics. Feels good man.
No. 70249
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i feel really proud about a book i'm finally close to finishing since i worked really hard on it. i spent six years working on it as much as life allowed me, and i spent exactly half my life keeping my creative writing obssession a secret from my family and friends because whenver i told anyone i would get no support, and my fam trashes me for throwing my academic and social life away on something as retarded as wanting to become a legit published author.
i feel like i could finally start living for myself and answering to nobody if the books sells - and maybe it sells well, who knows, right?? give me financial independence or give me death
anyway it's a YA thriller and i'm writing it in english because my country is shit and i have no future here. i'm really meticulous about finding the right agent for it and i plan on querying the top NYC agents first because maybe i get lucky and land my dream agent.
i feel ashamed to talk about all of this irl because it comes off as unrealistic and conceited of me but i am just so proud of the last ten years of sleepless nights working away on complex stories and characters and so fucking what if i dream of hitting the NY Times bestseller list or being on talk shows? it keeps me sane, and it keeps me patient.
even if it took me another ten years to actually get published, i don't care
goddamn i love writing
pic related - insane stages of writing process
No. 70427
>>70410Hey, how about not bringing your negative attitude in a thread that description says “No consequences here, this thread is purely just for fun.”
>>70249 you’re doing amazing sweetie
My brag is that I worked my ass off and will be able to afford all the Christmas presents I want to get my loved ones this year. In the past I’ve always had to budget and cut corners but now I get to finally give people what I actually want to give them and it feels great.
No. 71358
>>69322two of my former undergrad tutors have each (independently of each other) asked me to work on their books with them next year. the student has become the master! or not. but coincidentally, i am graduating with my masters degree this week too - after dropping out of college thrice in my teens and early twenties.
am also 6 1/2 years in recovery from anorexia. i may be a fattychan now, but it's better than the hell i was in before. plus i secretly think i suit plump, like nigella lawson does.
also a 17 year old at work was genuinely shocked when i said i was 25 - she thought i was 19 at the oldest. feels good especially since i've been taking care of myself a bit better re: skincare, water, veg intake, exercise.
No. 71366
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I just recently got engaged and my life has been extremely well. I am finally achieving my academic dreams, have a little family of two kitties and a dog, our own place to ourselves, and we both have jobs too. I made a lot of new friends and I’m excited for Christmas this year too. I think it’s really true when they say there is a rainbow after a storm. After I finish college I would like to save up for a house, travel for our honey moon, and have kids.
No. 71372
>>71215>>71366Congrats you two!!!
I just recently won a Christmas raffle for a free iPad at my workplace. Complete dumb luck honestly.
No. 71466
>>71380i used seekingarrangement which is sugar baby/ sugar daddy.
it was my first time doing it.
legit went to a coffee store with the dude and then i went to his house. he gave me the money and then we watched star wars and then i went home. no sex or touching.
i was so surprised lol
No. 71483
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My bf never really buys me shit, besides food/if we go out to eat, he never buys me presents. I always go all out for Christmas and his birthday and expect/get little in return.
This year he got a new credit card and has been going crazy with and and getting me nice gifts I really like. Earlier today I saw a cute backpack online and showed him (I always show him things, I like a second opinion) and he bought it for me with no hesitation, as well offered me his card when I saw cute boots I liked.
I'm definitely nervous about him being able to pay it off since he's bad with money, but for now it's so nice just to be spoiled like I have for him for years.
No. 71531
>>71483you obviously have some feelings about never getting anything back even if you say you expected to get little in return
don't give gifts expecting anything at all in return. that is not the point of gift giving, and overall bad attitude.
If you loved him, and cared for his wellbeing you would tell him to stop buying you things.
seems like a slightly unhealthy relationship
>>71529yeah but you are his SO it is your job to help him along in life and not take advantage of situations like this
No. 72200
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My skin has dramatically improved since I started with Korean skin care. Oooof.
No. 72497
>>72232Cosrx good morning cleaner
Mizon snail eye moisturizer
Klairs black bean oil cleanser
Tony moly banana peeler (smells soo good)
Got few more products on the way.. bit obsessed hehhe
No. 75850
>>72190awww this is adorable
I was sad today and depressed as usual so my boyfriend made me go do errands with him so I wouldn't be holed up at home. We got boba and it felt nice to smell the air. I feel blessed to have someone to care for me.
No. 75859
>>72215Since posting that number has grown from 50 lbs to 70 lbs
>>72306Thank you ^^
>>72295I've been doing things the "old fashion way", just eating less and moving more you know? I've cut back big time on fast food and junk food in general, I went from having it a few times a week to a few times a month. I try and reduce carbs where I can, and drink around 2-3 liters of water a day (the water REALLY helps!) And if I have a total cheat day where I eat a huge amount of calories (like 3,000+) I eat really light the next day. On an average day I have around 1,000-1,200 calories but I'm not super intense about counting them, I estimate a lot of the time and it's worked well so far.
No. 75860
>>75859 Sounds pretty fab anon.
Drinking a good amount of water is what everyone says, but it works so well. I've upped my drinking water from, like, 250ml a day + tea and coffee to 2+ litres of just water, and even putting my weight aside my skin has gotten SO much better.
Like, instead of being generally a bit blemish-y and rough and spotty my skin is soft and smooth with the occasional spot, and I know when my hormones are a bit more settled (I too am losing weight) it'll probably be as good as it's ever going to get. Honestly such a good idea.
No. 76382
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I'm so excited to be going to travel again soon!! I'm going to get to go to Japan for the first time, and also going to Vietnam again. It feels so surreal.
No. 76390
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My fiancé is finally on a decent pay. I’m incredibly happy
He’s now getting payed more than my stepdad and he’s only 24.
I’m so proud of him
He also told me
“If I hadn’t met you I wouldn’t be working this hard and I would be doing nothing with my life” he used to be super depressed bc he came from an abusive household
He agrees with me never wanting kids and we will mostly travel
>tfw your weeabo neet self gets a caring lovely guy
No. 76392
>>76390Behind every great man is a great woman, I hope you get to go to lots of awesome countries and japan!
Tfw you’re a NEET weeb who graduates neetdom and become a responsible adult but your still a weeb and it’s wonderful
>>69322I’ve been doing face masks every night this week and I realized how happy I am to have nice, smooth, clear, skin, I don’t ever wear makeup now bc all my scars have faded and my skins perfecto now. And I don’t have to spend 1hr plus just trying to get my makeup perfect everyday and spending the rest of the day being anxious that my makeup looks bad.
>I was in an accident 10 yrs ago where broken glass gave me cuts/scars (not deep) all over my faceEven though I had to go through all that ugliness and sadness and the procedures to fix it, it was worth it and I’m so less stressed out now and I’m so grateful.
No. 76400
>>76390Anon, I'm so happy for you and envious.
I want a cute bf who doesn't want kids.
No. 76401
This thread is amazing, I'm glad everybody is feeling good! <3
As for me:
>great holidays in various euro countries planned for the year>skin looking great after finally finding a skincare regime that works perfectly for me>got enough money to allow me not to worry about my bank account>recently got in touch with old friends for a catch up>happier and healthier than I've been in a long time>>76395The last one actually makes me jealous! I remember always wanting teeth like Kirsten Dunst or Avril Lavigne because they had cute, recognisable smiles.
No. 76546
> Start patreon , making close to 2k a month taking sexy selfies
> making 1.5k extra just video chatting for one hour with two guys and talking about their day.
>making around 4k a month doing almost nothing
>best job for me as a student since I dont have to work IRL much
>part time x2 a week, make extra money that way to spend
>rolling in cash now
>meet loving boyfriend, caring, supportive, helps me manage my online jobs, actually kindest boyfriend I have ever had.
>he studies hard in uni, close to graduating
>i'm graduating in a year, applying to law school now
>3.6 GPA so far, trying to get it up
>volunteer at homeless shelter, makes me feel good to help my community
>can finally own Gucci bags that I've always wanted
No. 76650
>>76382Have fun!!! I recommend you visit Akiba if you're a weeb like the rest of us <3
>>76390nice! plus having no kids saves you more money.
>>76546good job anon! I'm amazed honestly. Its usually hard to get into that since guys want more than just video chatting about their day. very admirable!
No. 76830
>>76698Fellow comp sci major here, keep on kicking ass, girl!
Not sure how brag worthy this is, but I have a nail polish collection big enough for me to open my own nail salon (each nail polish costed me $9+)
No. 76863
i am envious!
No. 76932
>>76698>>76830CompSci girls unite!
I'm the same as anon, everyone in my course are just lazy fucks who went just because they like games/future jobs meme. It annoys me how every male tries to play it off as me being smart instead of actually working hard but at least I get to look down on them.
No. 76962
>>76830Thanks, I will! I'm jealous of your nail polish collection mostly because I can't drop the habit of biting my nails…
>>76932Are you in my classes? I'm surrounded with either super smart dudes who took advanced maths in HS and get everything without trying and lazy vidya dicks who think I'm their mom and will remind them about homework every day. I found ONE other guy who has to work as hard as me and gets grades as good as mine and fuck if I'm not going to stick to him like an oyster to its rock. Fortunatly, the three (sob) other girls in my classes are super nice. I hope they all make it through.
Anyway, I wish us the best of luck anons. Let's come back here when we get our degree.
No. 77491
>>76981Go you! I've been binging Secret Eaters on Youtube and it helps me keep my eating habits in perspective.
>>77479Same here, although I was never really bullied (my high school was pretty mature with that stuff and not very clique-y.)
Do you want to go to your reunion? I sure as hell can't wait. Two more years!
No. 77667
>>77599i spent a LOT of time researching how to be a proper girl and got a cosmetic procedure. my morning routine takes about 30 mins to an hour.
i also get along with guys really well. i think i'm in the sweet spot for a lot of them because i look feminine while not having the normie girl personality they're expecting - aftereffects of growing up as a tomboy + an autismo on the internet. we often share senses of humor and interests
my major is mostly consisted of guys so i get noticed a lot more. i can basically choose from the cream of the crop even though i've had a lot of admirers.
sooo i guess my secret is be good-looking, be interesting, and be rare
No. 77669
>>77667>i spent a LOT of time researching how to be a proper girlCan you pls help a homegirl out and tell me how, or just link some sources if you're busy? I'm having the same problem, I'm a mousy tomboy who can't dress for shit. Today I finally found out my face is heart shaped after years of bad haircuts so I guess that's a step in the right direction.
Thanks for the reply btw!
My bragging rights
>Finally stood up to my asshole ex and felt good about it without bowing down and letting him walk all over me>Bought a cute shirt in a fun color>I might get a job soon>Decided to get fillers for my birthday after seeing abipop's videoAlways felt bad about cosmetic surgery (had moles removed from my face some years back) and being considered 'fake' despite knowing that everyone my ex compared me against (he was really into kpop idols) has had extensive work done, thought it was something you only get if you really have no other choice. Now I'm at peace with it and kind of excited.
No. 77679
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>>77669NAYRT, but no lie I watched
What Not to Wear and started subscribing to a beauty blogger on Youtube after I found an eyebrow grooming video of hers. Then /cgl/ made me real girly with its skincare/hair threads.
Basic tip is that silhouette is nearly everything. I used to be really into twee/otome (hourglass) but now I'm into the mori thing (rectangle).
No. 77680
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Boyfriend got me an iPhone X and the latest MacBook
He got a better job and he’s now working in government yay
No. 77681
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Going back to college to study art in the fall! I've wanted to ever since high school, but expectations made me waste years in university trying to make do with majors I didn't care about, but now I feel excited and confident.
No. 77699
>>77479 and can confirm this is basically the secret formula to success. Good looking and rare are probably enough, just be pretty and know how to seem sweet to a guy and also be a rare find because you can bond over interests that girls don't usually like or understand. Don't fake it though.
No. 77853
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>Be in a relationship with a guy that never compliment me and is obsessed with receiving bj but never reciprocate
>Me and his hot friend are always eyefucking each other
>Break up with bf
>His friend become my FWB
>He is obsessed with giving me oral sex, compliment me a lot on my body and is great at dirty talk
>Gives me hour long massages
>Notice my hair and makeup
>Cover me with kisses
>I finally feel like the goddess I really am
after 4 yrs + of mediocre sex it feel like finding an oasis in the desert.
No. 77863
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>>77853mfw guys like this exist
No. 78011
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Past 2 years I’ve been having these insane dream orgasms. I’m dreaming sometimes about sexual fantasies I have, like lesbo shit sucking on some fat juicy titties and then I climax in this “between sleeping and being awake limbo state” and I legit feel my whole body tighten up like mad. Pretty weird thing to brag about but thought it’s kinda cool.
No. 78014
>>78011You're so lucky. I only have nightmares and bad memories. I wish I had even one dream orgasm and sexy dreams. Maybe I should try lucid dreaming.
Your experience sounds fun af. Pls teach me your ways ;_;
No. 78022
>>69322I got a 34 on the ACTs!!!
Pretty much the only thing I can feel confident bragging about.
No. 78062
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Food industry here, been looking for a desk job for months. Friend works for an amazing car dealership (an actual non-skeevy one) and they just opened a front desk position there. She highly recommended me and it seems like they already decided to hire me!
No. 78098
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I just bought my boyfriend a Rolex Yachtmaster because I'm making bank and he deserves the world. Holla.
No. 78151
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>>78150I know that feel anon and I'm happy for you. And right before summer, the timing is perfect!
No. 83010
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Final exams are finally over and I got a 98% average grade. Super proud of myself.
So I'm treating myself to a blunt after 3 weeks of abstaining and just studying. Feels good man :)
No. 83648
>>69322I want to brag just a little… I finally took control over my diet and I've already lost 5 kilograms
I found a healthy diet I can continue and I'm so fucking happy
No. 83734
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I have four cats, and three out of the four love me a lot. The fourth is more attached to my boyfriend. But all of my cats are extremely cute, with big clear eyes. They will all be a year old on June 11th. Each of my cats has a very special and unique personality and a distinctive appearance. I feel that we are so close because I have had them since they were born.
I am very good at raising cats and mine are all nice and well behaved.
No. 83737
>>83734I, too, love Horitomo's art!>>83735Cats can't be made to do anything. Persuaded, yes. But they are not dogs, eager to please.
No. 83744
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Broke the record as the heaviest squatter in my gym.
Yay gains.
No. 84091
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>>84081I started in January but exercise took over my life.
A lot of skipping and yoga helped my deadlifts a lot.
My best advice is that if you are taking this seriously train with someone that can teach you how to succeed without hurting yourself.
No. 85007
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I got accepted into a psychology programme at a quite prestigious university!! I worked hard and it paid off!
No. 85211
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A girl told me I had the prettiest eyes she'd ever seen yesterday, and it made my whole day.
Pic related, similar to what my eye color looks like
No. 85228
>>85211>>85225I'm jelly.
Aren't those eyes called sunflower eyes?
Personally, they remind me of the Eagle Nebula, my favorite nebula. I could get lost in them forever.
I too think they're beautiful.
I'm stuck with poop eyes, but everytime I see someone with eyes like that, I make sure they know what a beautiful eye color they have.
No. 85234
>>85211Oh hey! My eyes look like this too. It's one of the few things about myself that I'm really proud of.
I've actually been trying to find makeup looks that bring out the yellow more lol.
No. 85236
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In the last two months I've gone through so much shit, completely alone in a foreign country for the first time. And I'm here, sane, chill, and even made sure that the people who made me go through that shit got reported so other girls won't be hurt.
So in these two months I've found out a strenght I didn't know I had. People used to tell me how weak I was, and now the tables have turned. I've got balls of steel and I'm proud of it. I went through fucked up shit but now my confidence is something else.
No. 85437
>>85266Thank you so much!
>>85410It feels like there are a lot of postgrad students here, somehow. I think education can get really lonely the further up you go, and you can get drawn to places like this. I actually found lolcow when I was a sad masters student and felt so at home here that I stuck around.
But that’s besides the point! Are you UK? Cos if so, they’re introducing student loans of about £25K for PhDs like they did for masters degrees - this September I think. Makes funding study suddenly seem a lot more feasible! But sorry if that’s no help.
Hope you figure it out tho anon, I’ll be cheering you on!
No. 85468
>>85425nta but pride means "a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of one's close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired."
idk why everyone wants to change the meaning
No. 85561
>>69322I'm a somewhat known streamer
that's all I got
No. 85609
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In April, I walked off a certain well-known bakery with no real plan.
>worked conventions to scrounge up rent
>experienced city's comic con for the first time
>got ton of free shit
>got a job at a corporate cafeteria
>quit, remembered that I didn't want this food service life
>two weeks later, get email from a company I applied for
>it's a salary job jesus fucking christ
>destroyed interview, snagged it
>got my own desk
>make enough now to actually afford give my aging parents money
>I give my boss two very deserving bakery girl resumes
>she hires them almost immediately
>they've been treating me like their lord and savior these past few days
>on Friday, boss tips my entire dept $200 each just because
>feeling more confident in my self worth
In a month, it'll be my birthday. My last birthday was spent broke, my long-term fiance had just left me, suicide was contemplated daily. I am so excited for the future. I'm already entertaining the possibility of moving to a nicer neighborhood.
No. 85659
>>85658Congrats anon!
My brag is that last week I was hired on the spot and for a position hirer than what I applied for. I have great charm and personality
and looks and was able to talk my way into it.
No. 85662
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going through this thread makes me so happy
not sure if brag worthy but i'm starting to get my life on track, my mental health is getting much better, i've been eating more healthily and getting out of the house enough and the creativity and emotional intelligence i had when i was younger is coming back i feel like if i keep at what i'm doing to evolve as a person i can take over the world
No. 85696
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>>85437Nope, I am from Germany. There are several ways to do your PhD here, however, graduate schools are not that common (at least in the humanities), neither are PhD loans. I also wouldn't want that; I already took out a loan before and couldn't handle more liabilities, especially since academics won't make me rich.
I am also not sure about scholarships tbh. I'd still have to pay my insurance, wouldn't pay into pensions office, no job experience, too much freedom (for me at least, I'd probably procrastinate a lot) and I'd feel too isolated. I think it's different when you go to grad school though…
I'd prefer to work at university/in research part-time and combine it with writing my dissertation. A 100 % position in an interesting field would be even better; I'd love to work in a project that matters to me and write my dissertation about that. Those are highly competitive jobs though. I hope I will find a way! I'd like to stay in humanities, too, but most offers I got so far are in different disciplines unfortunately.
No. 85808
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>>85662Yes, that is brag-worthy! I don't even know you but I'm proud of you!
No. 86091
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I'm smoking less, drinking less and have managed to quit benzos. On the downside i am gaining weight though since i used to smoke or pop a pill when bored, now i eat. Gotta learn how to manage that lol.
No. 86361
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I've had a severe ED for half my life that eventually changed from anorexia to 1-2 years of binging/bulimia, so I've been anywhere from 70lbs to 160lbs at 5'8.
Now though, I'm maintaining a normal but slim weight, and I really like my body along with consistently eating normal amounts. I don't think my ED will ever fully leave me, but it's not the focus of my days whatsoever anymore, which I thought would never happen.
No. 86401
>>86187Squats! I see that you are a woman of culture as well.
>>86361I'm so happy for you! I hope I become you, anon. My bulimia comes and goes.
No. 87073
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I love my bf. He’s a normie and kind and patient and handsome. I’m so thankful he’s nothing like the men I read about on here. He’s the first man I’ve dated who’s put this much support into my mental health and general well-being. He checks to make sure I’ve eaten and knows exactly how I like my tea made. He’ll randomly pop into our room while doing house stuff just to give me a kiss. He allows himself to be vulnerable with me and doesn’t shut me out emotionally. I’m just so thankful for him.
No. 87110
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>>87073>randomly pop into our room while doing house stuff just to give me a kissI'm so jelly and happy about this.
No. 87145
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>>87073Came here to post for the same reason. I love being in a loving relationship with my perfect man, he's everything I have ever wanted and makes me so happy every day. It's great being a woman.
No. 87196
>>87146Congrats anon!
I know exactly that feel.
Fucking happy for you!
What was the language?
No. 87280
>>87196thanks anon! it's C++ btw!
my previous solution to the problem was like 186 lines of code and i brought it down to 25. i kind of blew off studying this summer but now i want to see how much further i can go from here!
No. 88375
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Bought a bike 3 months ago and immediately started using it as my only means of transportation. I was biking for like 1,5 hours 4 days a week and the other days at least 30 min.
Not only did it do wonders for my mental health, my butt and legs are looking amazing. My butt has never been so round and firm, my thighs are thicker and I lost some fat around the stomach.
Pic is not my bike
No. 88462
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I love being tall, fit, and beautiful. I get compliments from strangers frequently and always get attention when I walk in a room. I get told I should model im sure all pretty tall girls are told this so obv I take it with a grain of salt, but I like the ego boost kek and can look effortlessly fashionable. I don’t look like a vs model or anything but being attractive with great proportions is really nice lol. Pic unrelated.
No. 88826
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>fiance's rich parents are paying for our wedding
>want to get married in disney because i want to be a princess on my wedding day, also, with stuff like daily fireworks, night parades and the like, it will feel really super special all day
>his mom is 100% on board with it, so we're going to get married in less than a year.
>find dream wedding dress online for pennies on the dollar
i feel like a fucking disney princess for real rn. when i met my current fiance my life was in shambles because of a past ex bf and it's like fate brought us together and he really helped me get to where i wanted to be. i've had such bad luck with relationships i was starting to think i wasn't going to get married, i'm just super emotional because i finally get to be planning the wedding i wanted as a little girl. i'm just so damn happy guys.
No. 88886
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>>88826Congratulations! Your story reminds me a lot the circumstances I met my fiance under (minus the Disney wedding of course, we aren't even having a wedding haha). I am glad you finally met your prince charming, and I wish you a long, happy life with him. Dreams really can come true!
No. 89137
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On Wednesday I applied to a job and got a call for an interview 2 hours later. Yesterday was the first interview, today was the second, and I just got a call saying I got the position. I was unemployed for a little over a month and starting to go into full panic mode, I’m so relieved.
No. 89140
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Officially a student again after a year of full time job living alone trying to figure out what was the best route to go academically.
I have a year or basically maths including summer cram school for Technologies studies, its been wild but this alone feels like an accomplishment. People around me just jumped on studied cause 'idk i had to pick' and I can't go into debt just because.
Omw to a bachelor and so far it hasn't been too difficult which is a big contrast to my grades in hs when I was sick so its a p nice boost on the esteem.
No. 89438
alright tbh my body is kickin. i am 5'7, 120lbs, and i have a very small waist, medium sized breasts that arent all wonky, and im "thicc" in the thighs and have a nice ass. the only thing id change are my broad shoulders. i also have awesome thick eyebrows that arent too thick. i have pretty eyes and cute freckles. i wish my posture was better and i wish i wasnt such a socially anxious person, but i think besides my mental insecurities about not being smart enough or having issues being social, i really won the genetic lottery. i dont wanna sound to braggy, but ive just recently seen my appeal. i remember always being complimented on my body (i also have a long torso that models tend to have), and on my facial features, and always having lots of people develop feelings for me, and being confused. however now i really think im truly glowing up, and my confidence is growing and i can see that i actually am what plenty of people would consider "beautiful". yuck i feel terrible complimenting myself so much in one post but it also feels good to anonymously brag because im normally a pretty humble person.
No. 89458
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>>89438fuck yeah dude. imo the only real problem with complimenting yourself is that it's braggy and would be insensitive to do around people who don't like the way they look. but if you're able to see yourself as beautiful, you should let yourself. otherwise what the fuck is the point?
i think i'm beautiful too. cheers.
No. 90526
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I actually finished a portfolio for submission and applied to an internship that could really be a great stepping stone for what I want to do as a career. I'm also on track to study abroad in Prague next semester at a super nice Art School and I'm super excited.
My portfolio kinda sucks cause I'm not that great at character design but the fact that I did it is a huge accomplishment for me
No. 90576
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>2017-2018 last year of high school
>doesn't even attend three full months out of the 10 of the school year due to mental health problems
>was so good during my entire time in middle+high school that even with less than 3 months of class completed, all teachers are sure I'll manage.
>took an entrance exam for a selective art school in may, passed it with flying colors and a grade of 38/40 in the oral exam part, only two points to perfection
>Baccalauréat (end of year week of exams in all subjects with questions on anything seen during the year, has to be passed to be able to go to college/uni and get a job most of the time) comes. Anxious for it, as if I don't pass it, I can't go to art school.
>panicks, doesn't catch up on half of 7 months of missed classes in self-sabotage.
>fucks up german written exam, average grades everywhere
>at the English (we're not an English-speaking country) oral exam with huge coefficient, aces the shit out of my presentation
>teacher absolutely blown away
>tells me "it's so rare to see pupils as good as you…"
>tells me "god bless you" as I exit
>gets better grade in this part than all of my classmates.
>passes the exam with a better overall grade than a lot of classmates who have attended all year.
fuck this bitch town I'll be slapping this pussy in the big city in september.
congratulations on the awesomeness, ladies, may fate always be in your favor.
No. 90598
>>90526how are you paying for art school?
scholarships or parents?
anyway my old intro to comp sci teach just hit me up with a job offer for finance shit
it pays about 16 bucks an hour? i'm kinda excited since i've got 0 work experience apart from bookkeeping
No. 90694
>>90576Fuck, I read baccalauréat in your post and I had war flashbacks. I was so depressed and anxious in my high school years because of that and other personal things that I did the bare minimum during those three shit years and had mostly average grades that could have been way higher if I had studied. Congrats.
>>90688>I want to be more organized at uniIt's really just a matter of good habits more than talent or anything like that. I'm sure most people told you that before but you just have to go to almost all of your classes, listen, take notes and catch asap if you miss classes. From personal experience missing too many classes is the worst thing you can do because catching takes way more time than it should.
No. 90879
>>90598My parents are kind enough to pay my tuition but I go to one of the cheapest Universities in the nation
Not an art school and have in state tuition so each semester is only about 4K. The exchange program I'm doing is through my school so I'll still pay their tuition but be able to go to this Academy in Prague. The prices for the dorms are also dirt cheap
Less than $400 for 5 months and I'm going to sell off a bunch of my stuff in order to get some money to live off of while I'm there.
No. 90900
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>Get shitty marks from high school because depression and overall anxiety>Get into uni after 3 years of trying>Get your degree and go through shitty internships and terrible junior positions that burn you out like the flames of hell>Get incredibly lucky and catch a good job after being laid off and losing all your self-confidence >Atm still at the same job after a few years, earning a $70k/year salary now that lets me buy myself nice things and have the hobbies that I wantI'm still depressed and lonely but at least I can spoil myself and not worry about money at all. I'm so proud of myself for getting this far from my previous NEETdom.
>>87073I'm so jealous anon. I've only encountered shitty men because I'm the type of a woman the worst men love to abuse and I'm longing to meet someone like this.
No. 90902
Excuse me while I gush about my boyo:
>be me, 23 year old virgin
>minimal dating experience, how do I men?
>feeling really lonely but refuse to focus on it, so friends and family think I'm good
>kind of resigned myself to being alone because there was no viable men in my life and I didn't have the confidence to go at look for them.
>suddenly boyo starts working at the same company, enters my life
>is funny
>is painfully cute
>into gaming and terrible films
>unironocally into wholesome memes ffs
>friends for about a month and then he asks me out
>been together for 5 now
>find out he's into vanilla stuff, in fact I'm into more stuff than him
>he gets all flustered if I bring it up, it's so cute
>doesn't give a shit that I'm still a virgin
>hasn't pressured me at all into sex
>we've had a few small arguments and each time he's still be respectful of my opinion, he's never made me feel stupid
>found out he was a former fatty for most of his childhood, so he has body confidence issue just like me
>now we has each other up and he honestly makes me feel beautiful
I'm so lucky and I can't think why. Girls, there are guys out there worth your time and more, and it's cheesy but true that at any moment they can walk into your life. He's coming over for the whole weekend and I'm hoping this will be it for me and we can finally have sex.
No. 90983
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i'm taking a 5-week long physics course for uni and i'm absolutely crushing it! because it's so short, we learn 1-2 chapters every day and have exams weekly. i've had to cram every night. it's been miserable and i've cried a lot from the stress. but i'm getting perfect scores with bonus points on literally everything and it's almost over soon! i even got into a car accident and missed two days of class, but was able to catch up after studying really really hard.
knowing that i'm able to balance this while working simultaneously makes me feel capable of anything! i wish other people noticed how hard i'm working, but at least i can be proud of myself.
No. 90987
>>90902Congrats anon! I hope the dick is gooood.
>>90900Hey anon, that's great! A step at time, you can do it!
No. 91048
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>>69498same anon here for an update
>Just finished my placement year >Was told I was the ONLY STUDENT TO FINISH THE YEAR IN WORK FROM MY CLASS OUT OF 70 STUDENTS>because of this I got so many asspats from all lectures during catch up meetings>My skills have went from 0 to 100 in these 9-10ish months it's insane >I go back to uni in september >I was told it'll be a breeze for me since i've been working at a higher level than final year projects they give out >So excited to go back and finish up my degree and show off my skills to new classmates. I'm so smug right now guys. I also found out one of those two faces assholes who didn't take a placement job didn't graduate this july and has to resit. I was told he religiously stalks my profile because he thinks my job was "fake" and all the work I showcase isn't mine (??? no idea how thats possible)
>stay salty asshat i'm so proud of myself rn No. 91219
I'm not rich by any means, I live with my mom although I'm in uni because I can't afford to move out, and we live with just her wage which isn't bad but nothing special, I also had a part time job this year but that didn't pay well.
But I have an aunt who is super rich. She is pretty old, millionaire, widow, and with no kids. We have a great relationship with her and she takes us on trips all the time. We go to a different country every 2-3 months and always stay in fancy ass 5 star hotels and eat in the best restaurants, and go shopping in Chanel, Prada, LV etc. She pays for everything and even buys me stuff sometimes.
I have 4 Louis Vuitton and 3 Gucci bags that I never carry cause I feel bad.
We always have a great time with her, it's not like we have to endure her just to go on these trips you know, she's funny and pretty down to earth.
She even bought me a brand new car a couple months ago.
My friends know that she pays for that stuff and that I'm not rich but I still feel guilty every time I tell them I'm going somewhere, or about the car, cause I know that if I were at their place I would be a bit jealous too.
Going to Amsterdam next week and I really dread telling my friends lol
No. 91231
>>91219Don't feel bad because your friends
might be jealous, anon. Life is too short and too unfair to not let yourself enjoy amazing opportunities and nice things that your aunt wants you to enjoy. You said yourself she has no kids, if she wants to treat you and your mother then enjoy it and pretend to be a rich bitch whike you can. If your friends really are jealous, then it's because they would switch places with you in a heartbeat without a second thought if they could because they want what you have.
No. 91774
>>91048what is your degree
also what country
No. 95407
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I finally found an internship! It's not related to what I wanted to do at all but it's near my place so I won't have to move somewhere else and have to pay rent or anything else. It's also going to pay well (for an internship, it's still under minimum wage) so I'll be able to save money. I'll finally have a decent schedule. And since I found it way too late to graduate this month, I'll have more free months to write my paper and prepare my oral exam, so the final exam will be easier than it's supposed to be. Hopefully all of this means that I'll get my Master's degree and either will be able to travel a little abroad before settling down or get a job that pays well right after graduating. Anyway, knowing that my future manager almost hired me on the spot really helped me with my self-esteem.
That also means that since it'll start soon, I had to quit the shitty retail job I had for more than a year. I won't have to babysit my coworkers and put up with the customers' bullshit anymore.
Not related to that but I'm getting way better at applying makeup now.
No. 95409
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I am both my mum's favourite and my dad's favourite (out of 4 siblings). My youngest sister is very jealous and it feels like I should feel guilty but I don't!
No. 95418
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After 9 years of being single, I started dating an old friend of mine since high school and it is like a dream…
No. 98346
>>98345since they employ people who struggle with English
>muh aussie jobslol fail scomo
No. 99672
>>95234Anon this is me to a T!! lol. Congrats! ♥
>>91483Congrats anon! This is 2 months late, but what did you do diet and exercise wise?
No. 99756
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i love being short and petite as fuck. it's sometimes tricky with clothes but when i do find something good it looks amazing. i used to be ana chan but now i'm healthy weight and i still look small because i'm so short and i'm very happy with it. like my hands and feet are super tiny too and i think its cute…
i know its "uwu smoll" like lainey but i truly do like being 5'0 healthy skinny and easy to carry by my tall friends. like i love my body now and i'm not scared of food anymore everythings great lmao i'm so happy with it. its nice cause during my ana chan days i hated my body and wanted to be taller so that i could look more "bone-y" but now i'm like… tall chicks are hot and i want them to carry me everywehere but i'm happy being short myself! i know my legs aren't long and gorgeous but i'm happy with these shorty legs god gave me
No. 99769
>>99768No, just awareness of the height-sperg phenomenon here.
If she embraced her tallness we'd be expecting the short girl army.
No. 99800
>>99795I think it's implied that she's gay and this is in a relationship context.
She isn't demanding all tall girls carry her everywhere. How literal can you get? Good grief.
I'm not even a shorty myself but this reaction is absurd.
She also admired tall girls aesthetically and wanted to be one in the past. What more do you want?
No. 99804
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>>99801>i've had my short friends ask me to carry them before Are you for real?
I've met several people around 5' to 5'2'' and not a single one of them liked to be picked up, much less asked for it. Usually because they get picked up by people without asking a lot because they think 'oh kek small, must fondle like toy' and basically ignore the fact that it's a person they're interacting with.
Every single one of them literally hated depending on taller people.
>i'm tall >it's really fun. it makes me feel like a super strong amazon to carry around another adultAgain: are you for real?
I've been taller than almost everyone around me since preschool. Basically what
>>99795 said. Maybe this applies to average sized girls that like to think they're tall. But just like I've never met a smaller person that likes to be handled like a fun prop that can be picked up and carried around, I haven't met a tall person that likes to be treated like a servant or they're made to carry around people just because they're smaller.
Also this bullshit about feeling like an amazon; again. This may apply to average sized girls but to someone much taller it's obviously not that big of a deal to pick up someone that much smaller?
I mean, unless it's someone like
>>99756. That is a lot of weight and carrying that much flesh around would indeed make me feel strong at any height.
No. 99832
>>99756Ignore the butthurt anons, they're salty that you're happy with being short, but they would insult you if you were saying you hated being short because that would be humblebragging apparently, or if you were saying that you were short in a context where it would make sense sense to mention it.
>>99782Short women can look thin if they're slightly underweight or of they're at the lower end of a healthy BMI, don't exaggerate. They'll look normal or think though, not skinny.
>>99795She just sounds like she has a type, calm down. And she talked about her tall FRIENDS, not random strangers.
No. 99837
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>>99804i'm 5'11" so not the tallest ever but I don't think I could ever be considered average height. It's not like tons of short girls I know have asked to be fireman carried but it has happened a few times yes. I would never just pick someone up without their permission because that's terrifying.
Not everyone is so dramatic that they think of messing around with friends as "being used as a prop" or "being treated like a servant" jfc. Do you realize how dramatic that sounds? We're talking about normie shit like pic related. Does this pic make you lament the girl's humiliating and exploitive situation? kek
Idk what to tell you. I've always liked being tall and it makes me feel powerful and I have yet to twist my worldview in such a way that being tall makes me feel like a pack animal. Why choose something so convoluted and negative when you could just mentally compare your height to a model or a amazon and call it a day?
No. 99839
>>99837please be lesbian and please be my gf.
5'9" tall anon that wants to be the smaller spoon for once
No. 99842
>>99837The tall one looks like she weighs less than her short friend. Sure looks "comfortable"…lol
I'm tall and have had short classmates randomly try to climb on my back without asking. Like gtfo, you're not as light and easy to lift for me as you might think. It's plain annoying.
No. 99847
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So my current boyfriend of 7 months is a total cutie, hottest guy I've dated. I love that he is so much bigger than me and manly af, but also super gentle and sweet. When I first met him I thought he was way out of my league so I acted like I wasn't interested but a fateful night at a bar brought us together…
Anyway, today was his birthday but recently he's been pleasuring me so much my clitoris got kinda sore and I had some random cramps from that so I told him my body needs a little break. I encouraged him to take a break too, saying that it's probably going to feel so good after abstaining for a couple of days and he agreed, although I did give him a very slow bj yesterday evening. He did a small rude gesture yesterday when we were out with friends (after the bj) that prompted him to whisper in my ear that I can punish him later for that.
I got way too drunk to do anything yesterday but today I decided I would tease him. Well, I teased him to the point that he wanted to bone anyway, and it felt good too but I know that I usually don't feel any pain during sex but I will feel it later if it was too much so I was stopping him saying - hey, we wanted to take a break. Obviously I was also super horny at that moment so it was taking a lot of willpower to stop him. This stopping and going continued for a while and we both were super into it whenever we restarted.
At some point it seems he reached peak horniness. He has these super beautiful blue eyes, dark thick eyebrows, long eyelashes and very soft plump lips. And with that face having the saddest and most begging expression, after I tried to stop him again he said "But I want to cum inside of you…". No power in the world could make me stop him at that moment.
The part I'm bragging about I guess is that I never thought I would feel as loved and wanted as I do in this relationship. He is the guy of my dreams.
No. 99862
>>99847I'm so happy for you.
There was a month between bc methods where my bf and I couldn't fuck and the tension was ridiculous. It was great. Cherish that man and let him cherish you.
No. 99863
>>99848If she physically hurts you just push back. Her short height shouldn't protect or excuse her from having to face any consequences for her behavior. She's not a child, you don't need to put up with her.
People act as if tall girls are the same as men, but most of the time they're still considerably weaker, so don't let others treat you however they want.
No. 100715
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years ago, when i was fat i was always constipated. for the past 4+ years i poop three times per day like its nothing.
No. 101978
>>101944This though. As long as there's some time in between bowel movements, it's perfectly fine to poop about 3 or 4 times a day.
For me it's the other way around. I have very few bowel movements (not constipated though).
No. 103462
>>103423Lol imagine having a relationship so shallow the only comments he can make about you is your sex skills and compare you to his ex in the same breath.
Sounds like he's not over her and you're just a placeholder.
No. 103812
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i remember posting and bitching about my friend group full of annoying, self-centered autists, and now i cut them off and i feel completely better and happier now, and i've moved on to much better, engaging friends and i just feel so much better!
No. 104259
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i left my abusive relationship, and after a while i've finally let myself have feelings for somebody! leaving in itself is kind of a brag. he forced intimacy, literally shoved pills in my mouth and held my mouth and nose closed until i swallowed, put cigs out on me, the list goes on. i tried to leave over and over but i finally did it, and after letting myself heal i'm finally seeing somebody else.
i've never known anybody so kind. he treats me with care, but simultaneously recognizes my own strength and ability. he loves my hobbies (even though most people think they're lame) and has amazing hobbies of his own. he knew me while i was a drug addict with my abusive partner, but he doesn't hold anything against me. instead he tells me how proud he is of the strides i'm making towards a better life.
i wasn't sure what romantic love was supposed to feel like until now. i've never cared more about seeing somebody recognize their dreams. my heart is usually made of stone for the sake of protecting myself but i think i let the right one in. i didn't think i'd ever say it and mean it, but… i'm in love!
No. 104443
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not to flex on ya'll but yes, i did solve four suit spider solitaire for the first time in my life at the ripe old age of 21 just now
No. 104463
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>>104448>>104461thank you guys, i really appreciate the support! hope this inspires all anons to pursue their seemingly unrealistic dreams! ganbatte~
No. 104474
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my dog is the cutest creature on earth and I love her from the bottom of my heart
No. 104517
I have nothing to brag about, 2018 was full of death for me, I gained scars I feel like won't heal either for a long time or ever. Some stuff happened just to break me, like the world really want to get rid of me, right.
I have nothing to brag about
But the night before 2019, the sky was full of stars for the first time in a long time. I was shocked to see how stars' placements already changed and it was like… you know, everything changes… Bad stuff happened, and of course more will. But it will pass, as everything passes
If someone has lived a short life, but a happy one, maybe there's nothing to cry about, really. At least they were happy. We're all here for a moment, anyway.
So I don't know. I'm bragging about still standing
No. 104547
>>104545That's so nice anon. Glad to hear men exist who actually care about their partners being in pain.
I hope you can both care for each other forever.
No. 104614
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My abusive ex is now stuck in an mlm.
My current boyfriend is lovely
Gym gains are going relatively well and I lost a fuck ton of weight
I planned a bunch of projects for this year
Unlimited supply of weed if I move to a legal state
No. 104898
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solitaire anon back at it again, flexing more irrelavant game wins
i'm really happy i managed to get this game, i used to love it when i was 4 or so and only recently managed to hunt the cd down through amazon lmao (the box literally had a price tag in deutschmarks on it)
No. 105484
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I’m the visa anon who kept samefagging in the vent thread about my visa problems, but i finally got it! Apparently looking at the dates on my actual visa it was approved within 3 working days and I was worried over nothing kek
Its an 18 month visa as well which is super nice!
No. 105490
>>105462I don't know you but I'm happy for you!
I'm also a gamer so I can relate that his means really much!
No. 107803
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I feel accomplished.
I use to be so tone deaf so I started to read about singing and years after learning, simply humming tones, and trying to correct it all. Including my breathing technique and even tongue position I can somewhat sing decently! I recorded today and was surprised to hear my progress compared to 2011. I do not record too often but I remember when I started I sounded like kermit the frog.
There is hope anons. Don't give up.
No. 107944
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I'm finally over my ex WOOO-fucking-HOOO
I've been looking forward to this moment for months keeping myself grounded with the thought that the longing and pain will pass and reminding myself of a hard break-up before and that I had gotten over that. I be taking care of myself and loving myself and no douchebag can rain on my parade
No. 109023
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4 years ago I was living with my abusive parents and shitty Neet autistic ex boyfriend
My mom used me as an escape goat for her shitty marriage had a kid with the guy she had an affair with and another one with my stepdad to keep him
I dated the neet so my stepdad couldn’t sexually abuse me anymore
>cut to 2019
Lost 12kg
I now have a massive beautiful house better than what my v abusive parents have ever had
The girl that bullied me in high school got fat and her friend (who was also a cunt) works as a shitty bartender and takes videos of herself having shots with old men
Today my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to eat sushi get hair done buys me shit for no reason but more importantly he loves me someone fucking loves me I’m so happy
No. 109077
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i love my job!
10+ years of food/retail and no formal schooling. things were feeling bleak for my career. started applying to places out of my league and reframed past shitty jobs as valuable experience
to anons who hate their job and don’t have a supportive partner - there is a great career out there for you! don’t settle for your shitty job. you are a good worker and you deserve to be happy in your ideal position. i support you!!!
No. 109264
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>>87146same anon, was recently offered an internship with a well respected multinational company! everything is falling into place after much hard work! i've been the top of my class in every major-specific course, it feels so good to know that i'm alright at something that i want to do forever…
No. 109287
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>>109251>i look younger than the ones younger than me>i am not the fat co-worker praise jesusSame, but do you really think it's a good thing in your case? In mine I'm not taken seriously at all because I look younger than I am so everyone assumes I'm not only younger, but also more immature until they get to know me, and that's if they try to actually get to know me. Good for you if that's not an obstacle for you, it's making me a bit hopeful in my case. I've even had the fat coworker treating me like a drooling retard because she thought for months I was barely an adult even though she's only a few months older than me and I've told her many times, shit was awkward.
No. 109313
Started dating my bf a week and a half ago and already he makes me so happy. The last person I dated was terrible at communication and we barely did anything physical because of that and long distance, but this guy is so sweet and attractive and I've already been in a much better mood. Don't want to get my hopes too high because this is the literal definition of a honeymoon phase, but I really do like this guy and want to make him happy as well.
>>109264Congrats! CS anon here as well, you guys inspire me.
No. 109335
>>109313>>109264Another CS anon here! Anyone interested in a discord where we can help each other out on this stuff? I find it difficult to make friends in this field.
Drop by if you fancy No. 109348
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>>69322I have no college degree and I am working in a field where every single one of my coworkers/peers/underlings has a degree, and I am making a good salary, on-par and even superseding other people my age who did complete their degree.
4 years ago I was in and out of inpatient psychiatric wards, no future, no passions, lonely and cracked out on shitloads of meds.
I have a beautiful apartment (kinda expensive and stressing me out a little), a bf of 2 years who is working with me to accomplish our goals, and an awesome dog (the breed I always wanted)
For the first time in awhile I feel like myself. The me before I made the bad choices. I have a great future as long as I continue to do right and work hard.
No. 109364
>>109313thank you and grats on your bf!
>>109335joined, would love to talk to more women who enjoy the field
No. 110751
>Thanks to fucking starving at a poor country for 5 years, i lost some weight and my face, which once looked very weird and bloated, looks better and has some actual shape.
>I have a very good body, small waist, wide hips and toned legs, thanks to genetics and being fit
>My voice is deep and has a very rich and mature tone which i fucking love, since i like to sing jazz and "contralto" genres.
>Since high school, my social interactions got better and my social anxiety and awkwardness almost disappeared
>For some reason, i'm very good imitating voices and singing styles
>Im very good at analyzing people even when i don't know them personally, which helped me to avoid trashy classmates, drama, lolcows and toxic people at high school, like this, i graduated from that hellhole in peace and without enemies, while almost everyone was fucking hating each other.
>I'm naturally skinny, so no matter what i eat, im always on a perfect shape
No. 111391
I got the very first job I sent my CV to. Pay was better than I expected too. Almost feel a bit guilty because I put in next to no effort.
>>109113Just stating a fact. Chill out.
No. 111954
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Last year I couldn’t get into my post production / montage license, so I went for History… it was terrible, HUGE anxiety relapse as a result, health problems ensued etc
>ffw this year, was refused once again by the post-prod thing
>fuck it, idk what I’m going to do w/ my life so might as well take an easy route, choose English/Spanish and Chinese
>I don’t have to work at all, been fluent in English since I was 14
>Spanish and Chinese are a breeze
> excellent_grades.jpg
> 2 very close friends are here this year, I also made other wonderful friends/acquaintances
> Barely 18h of class per week, so I can go out w/ friends and work at night
> I’ll finally be able to learn to play drums very soon
> no relapse at all, and finally going vegetarian
Haven’t been this happy in YEARS, I have a hard time believing it. This is the most stable I have been on such a long period.
No. 112040
>>76599You should have to find a sharing group for girls doing the same thing, they can help your grow. create an instagram, twitter, etc with your new "thot name".
Never post with your real name, make new emails for each account so no one can search for your email or find you that way (and NEVER input your phone number on any of these sites).
>>76650Thank you! I no longer speak to those guys (still selling pics tho), but I always decline any actual "porn" seeking men, there are just truly lonely people out there who either don't have the time for real relationships or just don't want to have them so they have tons of cash to spend on you.
I'm actually working full time now in an intrenship position which has made things a bit harder but it's worth it.
>>76664I have a "thot" name, use different emails for each account I have, never speak about my personal life at all in any way, I don't have a "regular" or "private" social media at all (so no facebook usage, no instagram etc for my "actual self"), never have input phone numbers into any of these sites etc. I think these are the "biggest" ways people find out about this kind of stuff (since you can look up phone numbers and emails to find people on sites, also reverse image searching normal pics which I have seen some girls post on both their thot shit AND private shit, big nono ).
I am actually working an "actual" IRL job now that is related to my real career and no problems so far. I also regularly google my real name and real information and have never found anything related to my thotting.
>>76657joining sharing groups, posting every day on instagram and twitter, tons and TONS of posting, replying to all comments, etc. It took so much work in the beginning but once it takes off its easy to maintain.
>>76863I always wanted to try this, and since I did I am so happy about it!
No. 112864
>>104328>>104337This is giving me a complex
I've only ever had sex with guys with responsive nipples, so this is just how I do foreplay with men by default and I didn't even know it wasn't expected until I saw posts online presenting it as kinky
Now I'm dreading a future situation where a guy thinks I'm weird for doing it
No. 112868
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So, there's a person who is a really damn snowflake. She is really hypocritical (argues and gets offended over everyone and everything, while telling everyone on twitter how FRAIGLE and CARING she is, along with 'everyones opinion uwu uwuwu!!'), pretends to be all uwu-uguu around people who WK her, while when it comes to others she ends up liking like a huge asshole. Especially if you are a person who is not fake and better than them, starts nitpicking and arguing over nothing, calling names and getting offended because UWU YOUR OPINION IS WRONG. Meanwhile all she does is misunderstands everyone w/o respecting their opinion, acts like shes hot shit /etc. Basically, its obvious how much i am annoyed of her. And tonight i wake up to her, whining on twitter for her WKs because she got called out on curiouscat. She decided to answer in a cringe-y way: gone full 'uwu instagram baddie, uwu so baddie just like Ariana', saying that she doesn't care while crying on her private twitter. I am so, so happy about it! Even though I do kinda feel bad about her but knowing all the shit she's been doing she deserves such treatment. She has done alot of stupid stuff before, not just cringe behaviour but that would take me awhile to write.
No. 113540
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Omg okay so I met this guy about a month/two months ago and we have fallen instantly in love with each other and the feelings somehow grow every day. Both of us are kinda freaked out about it and so scared to trust each other because we've both been physically and emotionally hurt in the past by abusive exes and all that shit but it's a mutual feeling of "fuck it, I'm going to trust ONE LAST TIME" and it's working out so well for both of us.
He's a perfect blend of dork and normie, he's so intelligent and works in the STEM fields but tonight while we were talking he started asking questions about Lolita fashion (I wear it sometimes) and he got SO into it! Kept sending me photos of coords and asking me what was good and what was bad. He didn't get it at first but it was so sweet that he was trying and making an effort, then suddenly out of nowhere he was sending me photos of amazing coords and couples matching and just started finding all this Jfashion by himself and sent me an 831acre photo and said "omg can we do this" and wtf this isn't supposed to happen. He's perfect and adorable. I'm so happy guys, I didn't think I'd find love like this but it's more than anything I've ever felt before for anyone. As soon as I met him everyone else just faded away and I had eyes for no one but him and that has never happened to me before. I thought I was poly and romantically detached as a person and thought that's just who I was but when he entered my life, everything changed.
I'm done. I'm out of the game. I don't want anyone else ever, I've never been so terrified and so sure of anything in my life.
No. 113594
>>113540Aw anon this is really sweet, I'm so happy for you x
>>109335Yet another anon who would like to talk to other women in the field!
No. 113601
>>113563>>113594Thanks anons! It gets so much better today! I'm sorry, I just have to brag - I'm so happy!!
He asked me to make a Lolita wishlist so he can buy me presents on special occasions and make sure I'd love it. Like wtf?? Boyfriends buy their gf's presents?! The most I ever got from any bf in the past were flowers when I went to hospital and I was over the moon about it for a month.
I feel so spoilt and loved and I have no idea what I did to deserve this.
Now the best part,
My best friend is in love with his best friend and she just told me that she finally told him and he said it back.
Two best Friends are getting with two best friends. Everything is on the line here and we're all simultaneously holding our breaths and laughing so hard at the situation.
Love is real. It's not supposed to be hard and you're not supposed to grit your teeth through it, who would have known??
No. 113632
>>113609Vancouver is nice and safe but also expensive. Avoid East Van and you should be good!
Have fun.
No. 113798
>>113632>>113609Lmao I live in East Van. That's a pretty large area to completely avoid, plus you'd be missing out on some quirky and interesting communities eg. historical Strathcona, Little Italy/Commercial Drive, Chinatown, as well as craft breweries and bakeries and farmers markets and culture crawls etc. I would stay away from the Main and Hastings area if you're a tourist, but please don't assume all of East Van is a pure shithole. That being said, I can understand how it can be seen as intimidating for tourists given the homelessness problem, Pickton, etc. that center(ed) around East Hastings St.
The real place you should avoid is Surrey
shudders No. 114140
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Scored an interview for a sales position at a company I adore! I'm excited and nervous…
No. 114353
>>114308How did you get such a high waist/hip ratio?? I have similar proportions to you but I'm shorter and a bit smaller, definitely have smaller hips. Spill the secret!
And congrats on your hard work paying off, too!
No. 114357
>>114308I think other anon is correct that I just got lucky genetically.
Also I wish I could brag about the weight loss itself, unfortunately it was more to do with stomach issues that I’ve had for a while. So while I got the measurements, in the end I am still pretty “skinny fat” and flabby.
I really admire the people who do work on their bodies though, it takes a lot of discipline. I doubt I’d ever be this thin if I wasn’t sickly.
No. 114399
>>114357I had to ask because most women I've seen who have BIG hips got them not just through genetic giftedness but working out too. Many of the women I've seen online who are 40" hips to 27" waist sort of proportions work out a lot
I'm sure it feels great being thinner but I hope you get better anon!
My waist/hip ratio is closer to a ten inch difference so I'm proud of it since it's in that golden zone, but yours is way more enviable to me. I'm kind of up my ass about my body image lately so to counteract I'll pop in with my brags…
>passing a math class with a strong B despite not studying enough and could probably get an A by the end of the semester>never failed a class>no debt>bf is hot pretty boy>slim but kind of curvy, leggy, peachy butt>pretty face, very "classic" features>popular/likeable with the people I meet>great cook, complimented by complete strangers before>don't exercise it enough bc lazy but great sense of style>professors almost always love me>really good self-control with things other people struggle with (food, booze, etc.)>in a male-dominated field but manage to stand out on merits rather than gender alone>despite difficulties in the past and present, have legitimately self-improved and am going up instead of down even when coasting a little No. 114539
>>114534Recognising my hunger cues and becoming more aware definitely helped. If I was craving something, I’d think ‘Would I eat an apple?’. If the answer is no, then I’m not hungry. If the answer is yes, then I eat an apple. (I always have one on me)
This doesn’t sound that effective but it really helped me to differentiate between real hunger, and the urge to eat out of boredom or habit.
I eat small portions, but try to eat high protein foods to keep myself feeling fuller, which helps to prevent binging later on. I also eat only two meals a day, and barely snack (because I never really need to).
When it comes to satisfying cravings, I don’t have cheat days, I have cheat meals. I’ve noticed that cheat days completely throw me off schedule and can impact the rest of my week, whereas having just one cheat meal allows me to get back on track very quickly. Also, making lower calorie versions of the food in craving is really cool too. Sometimes I make ‘pizza’ and swap the traditional base for a tortilla (or make mini rice cake pizzas). It’s not the same of course, but it does help.
I’ve been doing stuff like this for the past 6 months and I’ve lost 22.5kg (50lbs). However since my tdee is smaller than it was, it’s getting harder to lose more, but nowadays I do more low calorie swaps to keep myself under
No. 118788
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My boyfriend proposed to me a few days ago and got me the most beautiful 1920’s vintage engagement ring. I’m so happy, he is an amazing person and I can’t wait to spend my life with him. We’ve been through a lot of stuff the last 3 years and always stuck together, working out our issues and becoming better people in general. We’ll have beautiful children and a nice life, because we’re supporting each other and working towards our dreams and goals. He literally is the only good, honest and loyal man I know, I’m so lucky lol
No. 118810
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>>117712I didn't notice your reply, thank you! I'm trying not to get too emotional over it but it's very important to me so when I'll receive my official document that will prove I graduated I know I'll cry like a baby.
No. 118886
I got hired as an intern at a really big tech company in San Francisco that gets thousands of applications every year. For my second interview, I was given a network to troubleshoot and had to find out what the problems were. I was accidentally given the full-time interview instead of the intern one (he was supposed to give me more hints/point me in the right direction if I was stuck), but I was told that I had scored the highest out of anyone who had ever done that interview before. Shit makes me feel great.
>>118823I switched over to carbonated water and it made such a huge difference in my life. My favourite part of soda is the carbonation, so switching over to water was easy enough for me. Perrier also has fruity flavoured carbonated water that's good for sugar cravings. The strawberry flavoured one is so good.
No. 118891
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My ex gave a mediocre, borderline-shitty, speech at our mutual friend's wedding, didn't bother to catch up with me, and then hooked up with a rando on the night of his best friend's wedding… lmao
I felt so used when I was with him (emotionally and physically). I won't go into detail because it sucks, but yeah he was an asshole. I felt sooo crazy and worthless for over 2 years.
feels good that I'm currently dating straight up husband material! My SO proved to me me that I CAN be in a loving and mutually respectful relationship, despite my depression/anxiety. God, he does the most random and kindest shit, totally unprompted. Last week I mentioned I was stressed out, so he left chocolate w/ an "I love you" note on my desk before I woke up. He regularly tells me how much he appreciates me and lists new reasons each time. He really puts in the work to make sure I believe in his love, and never ever makes me feel bad for having severe depression/anxiety. It's well past the honeymoon period but I still get fuzzy warm feelings when I think about all the things he does for me. Anons, never settle for anything less.
My shitty ex sucks and is still shitty, I am petty, and life is good.
No. 118897
>>118886They lied to you. Tech in CA are desperate for diversity hires and they will take nearly any female that applies.
I work in the HR for one of these companies. We lie to female, and minority candidates all the time as to how well they did. It increases the likelihood they join up. Lots of turnover for them so we need to keep replacing. Most of these people are given mindless tasks, and have no chance for a real career.
No. 118904
>>118896One thing I noticed early on is that they asked me questions I wouldn't know how to answer to see how I'd respond. I'm not sure if this is a common practice in the industry, but it kind of makes sense I guess? Like, they want to avoid hiring someone that's going to bullshit constantly. In my first phone interview they asked me 3 fairly easy questions about stuff I'd definitely know, and my last question was about something I've never heard about. I answered truthfully by saying "I don't know how to answer that, sorry", and apparently that was the right answer. This isn't specific to IT, but lots of people try to weasel their way into jobs they are super underqualified for. So don't apply for jobs that require you to be really familiar with Linux unless you actually know your way around it, that kind of stuff.
Be friendly and courteous (obviously), don't try to be a douche and one-up the interviewer by acting like you know more than they do (yes, I know a person that has done this). If your interview process was like mine, your first few will be with people who aren't as IT-inclined, but the later ones will be with people who are actually technicains themselves. So later on it becomes a lot easier to explain specific details about technical stuff you're good at without feeling like you're confusing the HR rep you started your interview process with. I can't think of any more advice, just be yourself and don't be afraid to ask questions.
>>118897>Tech in CA are desperate for diversity hires and they will take nearly any female that applies.I am aware of this. My field specifically has very few women in it. Not only that, but you have to be incredibly autistic to become even remotely competent in it, male or female. In my university program, there's maybe 15 people left out of the 100 in first year. I was hired for a position that requires extremely specific know-how in a very specific field of tech. I didn't go through 5 interviews only to be hired because I'm female.
>Lots of turnover for them so we need to keep replacing. It's a 4 month internship, not a full-time position.
>Most of these people are given mindless tasks, and have no chance for a real career.I've worked as a sysadmin twice now, and I haven't even graduated yet. There are people in my program that are completely fucked because they genuinely do not care about becoming knowledgeable in their intended field of work. I've gone out of my way to learn about stuff because I like it so much. Once I've completed my internship, I'll be able to put a reputable company's name on my resume next to my last 2 jobs as a sysadmin at another reputable institution.
No. 118954
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>>118919Im so fucking proud of you anon
Well done
No. 118976
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i got an internship with a big 4 firm and i'll be making almost 5x per hour what i make now! i'm confident that as long as i do well and keep my grades up i'll get a fulltime offer. nobody else in my family has gone to college or had a job outside of the service industry and i'm immensely proud of myself. i see a future where i can give back to my family and live very comfortably, after so much hard work!!!
also, i started treating my CPTSD and it's been working beautifully. it's challenging but i'm learning how to self soothe and grow my confidence. i feel beautiful, healthy, smart, and worthy. i'm finally blossoming into the woman i want to be, and i'm the one to thank for it.
No. 118978
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>>118976Congrats anon, it sounds like you are doing really well. Wishing you good luck on your internship!
No. 118984
I grew up in a religious, abusive household where I was not allowed to leave or even have hobbies, they wouldn't even let me learn to drive. My parents wanted me to be stereotypically feminine and even frequently brought it to my attention they wanted me in an arranged marriage. Not that long ago, I was ready to take my own life, I felt I was too dumb and trapped to make anything of it. My parents never supported me in going to therapy before adulthood, my dad said mental illnesses were made up to sell medication, but I'm finally going and found a medication that works after over a year of trying.
I got my driver's license a while back, saved up some money to go to college, quit my part time job, and I'm starting med school next month. It's just a technical program, but I'll be able to get full time work and make significantly more than before. Then I can go back for a degree in cosmology, which has always been a dream of mine. My father was the first person in the family to graduate high school. I'm the first woman; I'll also be the first to go to college. All of my family lived in cabins or trailers, many struggle with sever mental illness and drug addiction. My mom did heroin, and my dad did speed. My mother is borderline, father a narcissist; their parents were abusive to them as well and you can trace the abuse back for generations. Somehow this abomination of a line produced someone who aspires to be a physicist.
I came out to of the closet my mother as well. Years ago, I hinted at my orientation, but she told me that I'm just consuming too much media and that I'll change. Both of my parents frequently made remarks on homosexuality and the LGBT community, my father stating it was unnatural and they'll burn in hell, my mother stating they were disgusting. She used to taunt gay couples in public. I came out a few days ago, years later, and she just sat there quietly and pondered what I said, then she said "You are what you are." instead of offering to help me find a husband like usual. I'm just so fucking happy about that.
No. 119015
>>118951>>118954thank you anons! i count calories/CICO, its intimidating at first but actually really easy after the first month. for the first two weeks i just ate like usual but counted calories to know exactly why i was overweight and get used to counting them. i also started reducing my sugar in tea and coffee and stopped drinking soda as much. i started off drinking milk tea with 2 or more teaspoons of sugar and coffee with four sugars and about 4 litres or more of soda a week.
now after weight loss i drink coffee with no sugar and tea without sugar or milk and i hate soda.
i count my macros now as well and the ratio is 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat for whatever amount of calories. so the grams will vary with calorie changes based on weight loss.
hope this helps anons :)
No. 119095
>>118996>>119007Thanks so much for the love anons. My dad is trying to talk me out of going to college by using weird manipulation techniques, he did it on the car ride today, but it's not happening. I'm seeing this through.
>you better be back in here to brag about your degree and amazing girlfriend in a few years!Will do.
No. 119988
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I finally purged the internet of all my old cringy shit. No stupid reddit accounts, no cringy deviantart, no stupid myspace. It's all gone. the only thing that remains left is a prezi account I forgot the password to and some dumb news article I appeared in.
No. 120268
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At 23 I finally got my drivers licence and I passed it on my first try! I just got home from work driving with the windows down and listing to music I felt so free!
Later this year I'm taking a two week solo trip to Japan. I've never been abroad so I'm very excited/nervous.
I'm finally getting out my comfort zone and seeing what the world has to offer!
No. 120441
>>120268I just got my license as well, age 23! My parents sold me their 10 year old car. We have a really steep driveway with concrete pillars on. I scraped the side of the car and broke one of the passenger doors :(
Swings and roundabouts….
No. 124189
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After years of dealing with major depressive disorder, my doctor changed my diagnosis to partial remission. This is the first time I've ever seen it get better. I got meds to keep my anti depressants down too; they'd been giving me really bad reflux these past couple of months. It's still not gone, but now it just feels a uncomfortable rather than painful.
Two years ago, I was in the hospital for suicide,now I've got a small online flower business. I'm happy.
No. 125113
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Just got a promotion, double the pay and I can move where I’ve always wanted to but could never afford.
No. 126461
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>>126459Hey there, sugar mommy
No. 126536
>>126492Hey girl. That's awesome. Sounds like you're living the life. Keep it going!
Me: I've never had a UTI or yeast infection
No. 169361
>>169358i took online certification- which i did have to pay and had saved up aggressively for for a year. but you can usually research and find free/cheap workshops
sign up for this you can get started designing with free apps
figma - xd - your stuff on
dribbble - - anything that gets good feedback to design instagrams
i learned some coding as well which you don't need to sign a course. look for beginners tutorials. can also learn and get started on for free with visual studio code.
also start thinking of companies whose stuff you like, for example maybe you really like google. then search "designer at google" and follow everyone on their twitter, insta and dribbble/behance. follow people they talk to. start engaging with their tweets about design. asking questions and stuff design. don't be intimidated if they are rich or from ivy league schools- a lot of them are which is scary but some of those same people kinda like the idea of giving someone a chance.
oh i subscribed to "girls who code" and a couple other similar newsletters. they have free events on zoom all the time where you can network.
it has been almost a full year of doing this:
1. design something new every day(even if it's just like… a button) and share it
2. do a tutorial/course once a week at least
3. orbit designers online every day (many of them will ignore you at first you and a few times i got blocked, just can't worry about being annoying
4. attend at least one virtual event a month
i took a month off from doing this in december because i was feeling so defeated and depressed but got back into it this month and started seeing opportunities for the first time.
No. 169378
>>169367Thank you so much! I hope that as I learn more and find I can do this for a year or two, I can help others.
>>169368Contract to hire. It's a 6mo contract which means I'm about to have more money than I've ever had in my life. A salaried position would be less, but the good news is that contractors are in higher demand right now since there's more risk + cost associated with a FT hire.
Job is full remote- they are based in NYC. Founders are from SF.
I have another small-scale project on the books. But once I have that experience under my belt and publish my work, it will be easier to get people to talk to me.
Tech is changing lives right now. So
much opportunity. If you can find a skill that will put you in the tech industry, it takes time + work… I won't lie, I felt so defeated over the last year many times. Started to think I'd wasted my time. But wow I really did it!
No. 169480
>>169442Credit to
you anon. You are the reason you got your shit together. I'm really happy you have a supportive partner and they can absolutely make a big difference in your life, but so many people bet on someone's potential and are disappointed by reality. Often even after years of giving and hoping for change. You actually did that, though. I can't stress how rare that is and it's why the best advice is to never date someone based on what you hope for them compared to how they are in the present. All the love in the world can't make someone do anything, but you personally made the decision to improve. Congrats on all your efforts, getting your life together and listening to the person you love. Best wishes to you both.
No. 174581
I like my natural hourglass figure
>>174200Seconding, what's the field? And congrats!
No. 175891
>>175878>my investment portfolio is up 50% in the past yearDamn anon what are your secrets? Well done on having such a successful life.
>My friends are pushing me to start dating Ha, yeah. Life is going awesome so now you need a scrote to fuck it all up. (Although if you're a lesbian, congratulations on that as well.) I'm glad you're planning to enjoy your time instead.
No. 175948
>>175891Thanks anon, for investing I went 40% ETFs and bluechips and 60% meme/speculation stocks. It's mostly luck and good timing at this point, I've had 2-3 that tripled in value which makes up the bulk of the growth.
And yeah I'm just happy doing what I want in my own time, working and seeing my friends. Don't need anyone fucking this up or diverting my energy away from me right now since I don't know how long it'll last lol
>>175909I work in big tech. If you're interesting in $$$ and want to work in software, I recommend you either go either to a trading company (like jane st, optiver, IMC), big tech or start up (though prepared to cover multiple roles). Those generally pay the best, and you being the money maker will be treated very well compared to other companies.
No. 176002
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>>175954thanks anon im so fucking excited!
No. 388903
nonnie!! Make sure to spend the first few years well and socialize a lot because it gets harder in the later years of med
No. 465810
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Bumping this thread because it turns out I got distinction grades on my last THREE assignments, AND I saw a rainbow a couple of days ago. Last year sucked for me so fingers crossed this is a sign of good things to come.
No. 467394
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>>465840You keep on threading that ground, nonna.
No. 468456
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my ugly coomer moid abuser works as a plumber in my hometown while I just got my first apartment, made the deans list, and hold down an office job I adore.
No. 468641
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I put 30kg on in 2023 due to having a bit of a nervy-b and being put on medieval antidepressants (which also ruined my skin and made me feel exhausted and hungover 24/7).
In 2024 I got off the meds and have stayed off all meds, have had solid mental health and lost all 30kg, plus a little extra to be a skinny legend. Also I aced a professional exam that I’m going to try to use as leverage to make more money this year.
No. 469344
>>468641you rock
Positives for these past 365 days:
>normal weight>kept the same job for almost 6 years now>bosses are involving me in projects that make me think I may get a promotion or raise>WFH lifestyle>not smoking cigarettes>single and not mingling>doing a therapy that actually works for me and destroying my OCD behaviors>moving away from social media and gravitating more towards IBs and websites where my personal information isn't front and center>maybe getting out of debt now No. 469975
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So a few months ago, I had sex with this really cute grunge guy I’ve had a strong crush on for over a year. Even though he already has a girlfriend. At first he was hesitant on talking with me through social media after what we did behind his gf’s back but just a week ago he reached out to me eager to talk on the phone saying that he misses me, that I’m good in bed, that he wants to come over and spend another weekend with me (he lives out of state). We’re totally going through with it and if things keep going like this he’s gonna be my bf. Also my guy dresses exactly like picrel and it is an absolute dream come true to be with him
No. 470176
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>>469984>>470072>>470101All of this just sounds cope and jealousy from you nonnies because you couldn't pull a cute grunge guy like I can. Stay bitter and jealous KEK
No. 470186
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>>470176Defending a scrote on the farms..
No. 470307
>>470186Lolcow is notorious for women coming on here and bragging about their Nigels. Don't know what you're singling me out for, if you're coming for me come for 98% of the other users on here.
>>470245He has good hygiene and smells wonderful. Like pine musk
>>470258That's just your jealousy speaking. If he didn't care about me he wouldn't be dropping everything and traveling miles to see me out of state lol. And especially with Valentine's Day coming up
No. 470345
>>469975Nona… This isn't a good start. It would have been one thing if he developed feelings for you and broke up with his gf but he cheated on her.
Also is he still with her?
No. 471092
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>>471088>moid attention has enough value to warrant braggingare you the anon who totally scored that hot cheating grunge scrote and you're back to make the seething single career women jealous again?
No. 471110
>>471096Finally something that isn’t “my Nigel! My Nigel fucks me!”
I’m happy about your writing, it’s something to be proud of given how the average adult writes now and lacks basic reading comprehension.
No. 473902
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I got myself a house. It's gonna take the rest of my life to pay it off and I've yet to stop hemmoraging money to furnish it or buying groceries for it, but I have a house I can come home to and just relax in or fix up the way I want to.
No. 474007
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>>473902Congrats, nona!
I bought a house last year and it really is my oasis. I'm a minimalist but furnishing it really is so fun nonetheless. Love being able to make noise or go outside without being aware of my neighbors.
It's also an incredible feeling when I mention it to someone and they assume I bought the house jointly with my Nigel and I get to tell them no, it's purely MY house!
No. 474040
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>>473902>>474007>be me>basement-thriving becky w. full kitchen (no oven) and 3pc bathroom>microwave frozen foods 4am, who cares? no one can hear the beeping through soundproof flooring>smugly superior to anons bragging about fucking their nigels Itt>bachelorette pad meant for stoicism and euphoric philosophical shitposting>two mortgagemaxxed stacies show up, flaunting their single digit RE portfolio>dgaf about stunting in front of seething rentoids like me>probably have a backyard, middle floor and room for their kitchen>two women on my street, probably these anons (who else could it be?)>clench fist, type response with the side of my handWow you guys, thanks for turning this thread around. I feel so inspired just reading this and so proud of you this accomplishment. Congratulations on your homes!
No. 474065
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>>474007Thankfully it was a given that my bf didn't go in on getting it (we're ldr and he's been a cynic about house-buying), but he's already telling folks he'll be co-owner at some point while I stare at the mortgage I'm gonna probably die under kek
>>474040>mfw i ain't got no stove or washer/dryer yet No. 478886
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After I paid off all my student loans after supporting myself through college, I have a good amount saved to put money down on a house if I want! I'm going to watch that money grow grow grow so one day I can buy land and build my own house in a quiet area and grow tomatoes
No. 480971
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I used to be 37k in consumer debt in my late 20s (credit card(s), personal loan, car note) due to typical bpd proclivities + alcoholism. Anyway I climbed out of that whole and have paid off all debt, quit drinking (and smoking long ago), quit shopping and have saved $50k. More than anything I’m just glad to be rid of the behaviours, the number doesn’t so much matter. It took about 6 years of forcing myself to stop being a degenerate bit by bit. If any nonas in their twenties struggle with the same things I have, take some solace in sometimes you DO just grow out of a lot it. At least that was my experience, some white knuckling but then some just getting bored with various vices as I hit 30.
No. 514461
>>514193To me this registers that you actually like it. It’s weird that you get off to the idea of looking like a child while your boyfriend looks like a father, like really weird.
By the way you probably just look like a grown short woman that’s it. I’ll take the “obese” woman who loves her hobby than a mean spirited self-pedo, I assure you she doesn’t care about you kek.