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No. 75642
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I'm the one who asked about obtaining a figure skaters body in the vent thread.
The lovely anon who answered my questions said that the key are slow twitch muscle exercises, instead of fast twitch, since those make your muscles look bigger and more bulky.
I quite do enjoy running already, but are there any additional exercises that focus on endurance rather than on strenght?
There was a time there i was skinnier and ran more, but my legs still look rather muscular, why could that be?
And what diet would be best/how many ccalories to reach that goal?
No. 75645
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So I used to be scared of weightlifting
I usually went for ribs or walking
At my fittest I did sprinting
Now I lift 4 days a week/ish
I went from lifting 10kg to 100kg.
My calfs and legs have never looked better and I love it
Combined with low appetite thanks to weed I’m smaller than ever
My boyfriend went from lifting 60kg to 160kg and he looks so lean.
Anyone that tells you lifting weights makes you bulky doesn’t know how to eat/lift
No. 75647
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>>75645>low appetite thanks to weedhow?? weed just makes me lazy and crave garbage food, I can eat so much when I'm stoned and never get full
No. 75650
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>>75645Different people have different perceptions of what they consider 'lean'. I'm not saying that i doubt that you're fit and it probably also makes you lose weight, but it certainly creates a different, more 'stocky' look than cardio does.
There are tons of these comparison pics and i know that most, if not the majority of people prefer the lifting side, but i simply don't like the current trend of bigger butt, thighs, etc.
No. 75655
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>>75650I hate deceptive images like this, if that's the same girl, and if she really did make such a huge progress, she wouldn't have to hide behind common tricks such as: good lighting to show off the muscles, pulling up underwear to reveal more, taking a side pose since weightlifting doesn't grow hips, sticking butt out, etc. Pic related, body transformation in 15 mins.
>>75642Whoa, I entered the thread to write about wanting to obtain figure skater body after I've seen one beautiful lady on youtube, she was slender and had beautiful long hair.
Why not just take up ice-skating, Anon? Maybe rollerblading too since it activates the same muscles.
As for me, I liked the best how I looked while I was taking belly-dance classes. You can look absolutely amazing with extra chub around you and if you know how to express your body is attractive no matter how many "flaws" it has, something belly dance teaches you.
No. 75657
>>75655Anon, i'm glad i'm not the only one wanting to look like that!
I'm rather shy, so i don't have any friends to with and going alone is also awkward
No. 75661
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>>75650My workout is usually 500+ rope jumps
X4 per week
I’m working towards “Korean” ideal lean.
Weightlifting gives you a really petite frame if you lift the correctly + no loose skin.
No. 75677
>>75657 Here's the video I was talking about that inspired me.
Also, I was like that too, but then I realized I'm wasting my life waiting for others to join me at something that I really want to do and from what I will benefit from. I started by going to the swimming pool on my own (friend was complaining she was too fat and that I should wait for a few months until she loses weight so we could both go together - I went on my own, she never lost that weight) and I was ice-skating on my own this entire winter.
Try it, anon! It might seem awkward first few times, but trust me, you'll get used to it. Don't let (lack of) others stop you from achieving what you want!
No. 75679
>>75677Omg this girl is so cute :3 Like, her personality even. Something just makes you instantly want to be her friend.
Anyway, as you can see, she does a looot of cardio. Anything you can do with your legs will mimic this- biking, running, dancing, hiking, etc. Her weight-lifting that she mentioned at the gym is probably more stamina based, but maybe with a day or 2 of strength training. Her upper body is very toned as well, but not bulky.
What kind of time would you girls like to put into working out? That will help with developing a routine to work towards this.
No. 75681 can get a better idea of what her body is like with this video. Her quads look strong and her biceps are toned too. By the way the bulge a little bit (without being necessarily large) you can tell she has extremely low body fat. I saw another picture where the veins in her arms actually pop out a little.
She's only 5'3" and I think her frame is probably naturally petite. So that's something to keep in mind.
No. 75699
>>75677>>75695Thank you for the video anon, she's really lovely.
I still don't know whether i dare to try and go on my own though… and now the winter is nearly over anyways; maybe i should just stick to running for now
No. 75714
>>75708I'm sorry to say this anon, but you can't tell me that a 30 lbs weight gain isn't noticable, even if the latter is all muscle…
>>75713Lessons not, but just casually going to a rink is something most people do with friends, so i'm worried about getting stared at for being a lone loser (plus i'm from a very small town, so the chance i meet somebody who knows me is pretty high)
No. 75729
>>75714Oh Anon, I wish I could come with you to the skating rink!
I understand that you feel awkward going alone, but you should push yourself a little bit. As you said, winter is over in a month and if you don't go soon you will have to wait an entire year. If it's possible, try to go at an hour or day were there aren't many people.
My advice to you would be to just get to the rink, but without telling yourself that you're going to actually skate. When you're there, see if you feel comfortable getting into the rink, just for 20 or 30 minutes. It's the little steps! The point of this all is to remove any anxiety you feel at the idea of going ice skating alone: you're not going ice skating, you're just going near the skating rink, and then you will do as you feel.
I apologize if my message is not clear!
No. 75748
>>75714Well, you've got a few options
>accept that people don't actually care about you that much and if they do, they're petty af and probably teenagers. You're going to practice, not have a social outing.>join group classes, especially an adult class if you can find one. You might make friends and it's by far the best/easiest/cheapest way to learn to skate. Once you're done you'll probably be confident enough to go to public sessions. >get a private coach straight off the bat and start learning in freestyle figure sessions. Honestly they can be intimidating at first, but you won't run into people you know unless they're training too. I'm not sure if these will help because it sounds like you have some sort of social anxiety which goes deeper than just the practical reality of skating. I do see a lot of adults nervous about starting skating but it's always because they worry about being too old or fat or sucking at it.
No. 75902
>>75885Nope but I’ve made progress! My goal is to reach a different hip to waist ratio.
When I started
Hips: 34 in
Waist: 27.5 in
Hips: 35.5 in
Waist: 26.5 in
Hips: 36.5
Waist: 26
Not sure how attainable that is, but I’m gonna keep working towards it. My waist can get smaller for sure but I’m not so sure about my hips (been focusing on increasing this by working both hip adductors and glutes) Mainly, I want to look good in clothes! They’ve always fit me awkwardly. So I am trying to tone my body up and add muscle where some extra girth is needed.
Some days my waist is more than 27 in, so I was surprised to find that my waist has actually gotten a bit smaller even as I’ve put on muscle weight. I was expecting that I would need to bulk then cut to achieve that effect.
No. 75924
>>75916>>75919Thirded. I've been an out of shape couch potato all my life and I have asthma.
Please athletic anons, help us.
No. 75936
>>75902Congrats on the progress anon, good job!
What has your routine been and how long have you been doing it?
My current measurments:
Hips: 26 in
Waist: 19in
I've been lifting for a month now, bulking for longer and have had no changes, even though my scale says I gained a few pounds.
No. 75937
>>75926Thanks anon! I feel like I’ve made a good start now.
I use the cross trainer or small weights when watching tv, do most of the housework, and have started doing squats and planks when I’ve got time to sit on my ass. When I flex my arms I even have discernible muscle now!
Having dogs has been the biggest help in my case because if they want to play I feel mean saying no so we run around and play tag and fetch. The dogs are much happier since I’ve been able to do that again which is pretty much what keeps me eating.
Fellow out-of-shape anons
>>75919 basic yoga is a really good place to start too. Stretching feels amazing if you haven’t for a while
No. 75940
>>75936Omg anon has your waist always been that small?? I’m jealous! No matter how I work out I won’t have proportions like that. How cute :3
What are your goals?
No. 75942
>>75928Check out this vid anon didn’t have “hip dips” but I’ve gotten noticeable shape to my hips from doing the reverse lunges and sumo squats. Started incorporating these about 3 months ago. I don’t think it’s added much to the actual width of my hips, but in progress pics you can see how it creates a smoother curve to my body. Weirdly out of all the changes I’ve seen to my body, this has made me feel the prettiest. Well… after seeing posture improvements from working my back out. That’s the biggest one.
No. 75944
>>75940I'm short (5'2) and hourglass shaped so my fat always went to my fucking lower belly but my waist only became this small when I lost weight, I'm around 97lbs now so that's probably why it's this small (I never measured when I was heavier)
>No matter how I work out I won’t have proportions like that.It doesn't really matter, tbh. I'm sure you have features I'm working my ass off at the gym for. I'd rather have bigger hips and a bigger butt with a normal waist than a really small waist with everything else being small/average too. You'd just end up looking kinda teenage-y like I do, which sucks when you're not trying to be jail bait. I like womanly full bodies and that's my goal!
>What are your goalsI don't have specific measurement goals because I'm not sure what will be realistic for my body type, but I want a flat toned stomach(my lower belly protrudes), a bigger butt and stronger thighs, stronger back for better posture, and strong pecs to lift up my breasts. My workout targets all of my body's muscle groups but the ones I mentioned are the ones I care about the most.
No. 76063
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To everyone looking for “petite” at home exercises
This PT from japan is the bomb
No. 76105
>>76104Personally I:
>figure out which muscle(s) I want to target>Google to find which exercises target what muscle>pick like 2-4 of them that look fun>look at yt videos/pictures that show/explain how to execute the move/proper form/how to use the machine>watch other people do/use the same stuff and look at their formIf I'm REALLY not sure how to do it, I ask the trainer/staff
No. 76464
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How much do you guys reckon she weighs (at 1,68m) and how can i achieve this?
She's really my "goal", not just her body, but everything…
No. 76465
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>>76464Another pic as reference
No. 76471
>>76464run. a lot.
her legs have a lot of definition but everywhere else she's just super thin.
No. 76472
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>>76464>>76465I love Joy too, fellow anon.
Her weight fluctuates a bit, and it depends on her muscle mass, but I think she's about 48~54kg at most.
No. 76478
>>76472I always thought she's clearly over 50…?
How about here?
No. 76520
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>>76478Well, it's a guesstimate. I think she's about 52kg in general. I could be wrong though, if any other anons want to comment on it
No. 76757
>>76752Start with diet imo. Focus on getting more proteins and more healthy fats. Plus fiber to help with digestion. Cut carbs where you can unless you intend to work out that day. Carbs cause your body to produce insulin, and if you’re not expending the energy that day, then the insulin will cause what you eat to be stored as fat.
Doing this will get you in the mindset of starting healthy habits.
In the meantime for exercise I would recommend finding a fitness YouTuber who uploads workouts for people to follow. Watching this channel called fitness blender helped me figure out what I was looking for in a routine and what exercises I enjoyed. I would do a 15-20 min workout with their videos a couple days a week. What I liked about their videos is that they were geared towards working out at home with whatever you have available. (In the beginning for me that was 5 and 7 pound weights.) It was natural to progress from there! As you get more established and the routine becomes easy for you, you’ll start to look for other ways to develop it.
No. 76779
>>76677>>76701I can do only one at the moment but could do up to five (with fully extended arms) at my fittest. I never had a work-out routine but did regular climbing and kayaking, with a few gym days there and here. I'd say I was doing between 4 and 12 hours of exercise a week (it varied a lot).
I'm 5'2 and weighted 104 lbs back then. I think being short is an advantage for pull-ups because it's easier to leverage short arms. So if you're tall you will need to be proportionally more muscular than a short girl to do pull-ups.
No. 76847
>>76814Here's a list of basics I do; squats, deadlifts, bench, rows, curls (barbell, dumbell, hammer), shoulder press, leg press/curls, planks, mountain climbers, tricep extensions, lateral raises.
Those are what I do regularly, sometimes I will do other things like power sled pushing, TRX body weight exercises, spinning and yoga. I just started doing standing wall push ups as I read they are good for gradually getting horizontal.
No. 76985
>>76677Not well, but I can.
Back strength: lat pulldowns, any and all type of rows, negative/banded/assisted pullups/chinups.
Core strength and stability: any holds, especially hollow holds. but even something as simple as planking is good.
Grip strength: hanging anything (I like leg raises), deadlifts, farmer's walks, shrugs.
You probably won't want to do heavy back work more than a few times a week but you can throw in some core and grip work into every workout.
Also I've never tried this but some people swear by putting a pull-up bar in your home and doing whatever you can do quickly/easily several times a day. Like a few negatives or even just hanging as long as you can.
Also depending on your size you may want to lower your body fat. I'm at about 27% so you don't have to be super lean but I'm sure if I lost 10-20 pounds they'd be way easier.
No. 77478
>>77020I'm currently on my period and I refuse to even weigh myself. I've gained a tiny bit of weight and this on top of it has actually made me suicidal (I know but it's true)
It's the first time my legs have touched since high school (I'm 23) and my face just looks so swollen and bloated
I literally think I'm going to fast for a week so I don't actually want to die. I know that's not what's right though.
Maybe I'll cut carbs? Run a bunch? What's the quickest way to lose a bunch of people after weight so I can feel well enough to actually take care of myself and go to the gym etc? Because st this point I feel so fat I don't even want to get out of bed.
No. 77480
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How to look like this?
I'm so tired of having no confidence because of how i look, but i read that she only eats one meal a day.
Is there a way to eat healthier than her and still get this thin?
No. 77496
>>77481Invest in glasses
>>77480First of all, do you have a similar bone structure? You can diet your body fat down but if you're naturally wider you'll never look that slender
No. 77505
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>>77496I'm fatter than she was at her biggest, but i do think i have a similar body type; my waist was always very slim, even nowadays and hips/shoulders around the same.
No. 77520
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I really want to get her body. I am already quite skinny, and have her body type and height but I have some extra fat on my stomach and hips.
I guess I could get her body in a month if I just ate extremely little or starved myself but I dont want to do that cause I don't want to lose all my muscle.
Do any of you anons have any recommendations on how I can achieve this?
No. 77521
weight training tailored for lengthening
band resistance exercise
ball slams
No. 77630
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I'm 5'10 and weigh 180lbs. My body looks pretty much like Lorde's. Cankles, too big/muscular calves, fat/bulky thighs, wide hips, love handles and chubby arms. Even though i'm tall my legs look super stubby.
How do i fix this?
I still live with my parents, so choosing what to eat is a bit difficult, especially going carb free would be impossible.
No. 77647
>>77630This tbh
>>77643And let's not forget that with unstaged and not so flattering pics people tend to look heavier.
She does have cankles if that's not photoshooped.
No. 77689
>>77670I am 5'9 and 130 myself. I'd say cut out carbs as
>>77685 said, and drink lots of water. Work out a bit. I havent been eating that healthy recently, but I still drink a lot of water. I always wake up with a flat stomach and my body does not have an issue with digesting even hard foods such as meat.
I think eating good food will make you feel and look a lot better.
No. 78048
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I bought pic related so I can move a bit when I am working/browsing the interwebs, and I've being liking it so far (I was able to even break a sweat, something that I wasn't expecting considering this is such light cardio), but I feel like I am doing it wrong because now my left knee is hurting.
Any anon here that is more well versed with cycling or such could give me hints on how to cycle correctly so I don't fuck up my joints? What's the apropriate form for this?
I tried googling it but it wasn't that helpful.
No. 83390
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This is kind of a dead thread it seems but figured I'd try.
Michelle Okoro's body is my dream body.'d like to know what sorts of exercises would give me that kind of tone. Is it one of those meme workout routines that are basically dancing? Resistance band? If you could point out muscle groups to focus on or exercise types I'd really appreciate it!
I really don't like running and would prefer not to swim (pools gross me out) but if those are the way… I'll do it.
I'm 158 cm, 45kg
I'm just so… soft. I want to be firm! Due to my height (lackthereof) I can't carry much bulk or I look fat.
86-60-90 (in cm) are my measurements if that helps.
No. 83723
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My problem is I don't even know where to start… I'm 5ft10in, probably around 180 lbs (I don't have a scale), I've been overweight literally my whole life and don't know how to exercise or eat healthily. I am so out of shape I can work out on the elliptical machine for 15 mins tops… let alone cook healthy foods… help! ultimately I would like to look like this picture but I don't know if that would ever even be an attainable goal for me given that i'm borderline obese
No. 83724
>>83723Anything is an attainable goal anon. Also, when you're pretty big you'll begin to notice results much quicker than your smaller counterpart, which is always motivation to keep going.
I'd start with diet. it doesnt matter how much you exercise if your diet is shit and thats the truth. But Healthy =/= tasteless. You can eat delicious food but you're not going to get anywhere if you're eating too much of it. begin with a calculating TDEE (You can do it here And start lowering your calorie intake. Workout wise 15 minutes is PLENTY for a beginner, don't expect to start and think it'll be easy straight away, but 15 minutes a day is great and then gradually keep doing more. I think thats a great start. Good luck!
No. 83730
>>83723Your pic look like a shorter girl, maybe try to find a girl who's 5'10 and have the same kind of body type as you to have a idea of what you might look like once you'll lose weight.
And tbh you don't have to eat healthy food or exercise a lot to lose weight, you mainly have to eat less.
No. 83732
>>83723I don't know if this advice could help, and if someone thinks it might be counterproductive they are welcome to say against it, I just want to say that what helped me with diet in the very beginning was to take a picture of everything I ate in a day for a whole month.
I did it with my phone and slapped on a little text labelling it as "breakfast", "lunch", "snack" etc.
I had no idea how to exercise or eat healthily, let alone avoid snacking, but by doing this I actually felt a sense of control for once. There's no calorie counting involved, so if all that seems overwhelming at first, I think this could be a nice way to ease yourself into logging your food and also get motivated to create meals that look nice on camera.
It also made me make certain choices when buying groceries because I knew that it would all end up in a picture later. I stopped after one month and moved further on to counting calories instead, which for me was a much easier transition.
I hope things goes well for you!
No. 83739
>>83733You could do some hyperextensions on a roman chair if you have access to one. If not, you can do them on a flat bench but the range of motion is going to be more limited.
They are good for strengthening the lower back muscles mostly, but can offer benefits to the mid and upper back too.
No. 83756
>>83732>>83730>>83724thanks girls! Going to start today by eating less and taking my dog on a long walk…. I know it's not much but it's better than nothing.
>>83729I guess I am kind of over dramatic haha… but I just am feeling gross recently (my double chin is in full force)
No. 83882
>>83733Are you literally me? Fucked over with distribution here, no tits or ass but lunch lady arms and love handles, minimal stomach.
My strategy thus far has been to focus on making my legs and butt bigger so it changes the proportion, then the love handles at least wont be wider than my actual butt.
Was going pretty well, my diet is on point,finally getting good definition on the front abs, but those fucking love handles are just made so much worse by the stupid hip dip which is so much worse from behind… argh.
I got injured really badly in yoga funnily enough and it's put me out of the gym for a while.
No. 84098
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Hey everyone. I want to become more fit and have a nice bod. I'm basically the before (maybe a little heavier) in pic and want to become the after. I'm 175cm and ~68 kilo (BMi floats between 22-22.2). So I'm at a healthy weight but skinnyfat. My diet is reasonably healthy, I defenitely eat vegetables and fruit everyday during the week and junk food is generally reserved for the weekends and I don't drink. But I know there's a lot to improve like cutting out processed foods and drinking more water, I'm working on that. But what else? Should I lose weight? Or lift, gain muscle and then lose weight? Cardio? Something else? I'm lost!
No. 84109
>>84098Just my opinion here, but pic related looks like it was achieved with moderate-light cardio and strength training. I usually suggest people do strength training before they start cardio, just because building and having muscle alone will make you burn calories (at a slower rate but still). If you clean up your diet a bit more like you mentioned and build a good routine
also depending on your genetics you may not even need cardio. Make sure you get enough protein in your diet, without it building muscle will be a lot more difficult. Good luck, anon!
No. 84113
>>84110Yeah, every progress shot is from a slightly lower angle. Weight loss doesn't change where your waist is.
But it's still evident she lost weight and built muscle so it's not that dishonest. Just an exaggeration on both sides, she looks worse in the before pic than she probably actually did.
No. 84116
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5'1, 11 stone, quite active at work and slowly working into a diet but it only ever seems to come off my face and legs
How do I lose weight everywhere else and what do I eat that's gonna help me lose weight? Whether I eat healthy or not I always seem to still be the same weight
I lost a stone and a half and now it's stopped.
No. 84130
>>84116You need to find your tdee and eat fewer calories than that number everyday. Weight loss and gain is all just simple math.
Weight will drop off all over regardless of exercise. Spot reducing (losing weight from say, just the thighs) is a meme. It’s easy once you know what numbers you’ve got to work with. Disregard anything anyone says about shakes, pills, organic only, vegan, keto, fat activists, and anything marketed to you as a weight loss tool or supplement.
It’s easier to maintain weight loss consistently when you eat low calorie and filling foods like vegetables, lean protein, complex carbs, (whole grains as opposed to refined etc) and healthy fats.
Avoiding added sugar can be enough for some people to end up in a caloric deficit. That shit is really energy dense and provides practically zero satiety.
No. 84498
Does anyone have advice/resources for someone who has basically been a NEET for a while with practically no exercise, and wants to begin a fitness routine?
I'm mid-20s, 5'6", 110 lbs. I used to be a skelly ana but I've gained like 20 lbs since then. My build is quite small, so no one knows I'm skinny fat unless I'm naked kek. I'm vegan and my diet is pretty healthy, but I'm shit at exercise. I just want to be more healthy and lean.
I have these at home:
- stationary bike
- exercise ball
- jump rope
- hand weights
- yoga mat
+ my neighborhood would be nice for jogging.
But I have no idea how to incorporate all of this into a routine that I'll actually stick to, and that I won't get burnt out on by going too hard at first, after years of minimal activity.
I found out my job offers gym discounts, so I want to eventually get a membership and start going regularly, but I want to kinda work up to it, because as it is my endurance is terrible and I feel like I'm about to die after a few minutes of the stationary bike or jump rope. Embarrassing…
No. 84504
>>84498I'm in a similar situation to you, thin but very out of shape. I just follow online videos. My favorite is myfitnessblender, you can go to their website and sort by difficulty level, time, equipment, part of the body worked out, etc. I have a rotation of videos that I come back to so that I don't get bored. I set up the rule that I can't have breakfast/play on the computer until I've done at least one video, that seems to work for me. Also, if you're willing to pay, they offer workout plans for longer periods of time (a month for example) but the free videos are perfectly fine imo, and there are a lot to choose from. If you're just starting out, make sure to go easy or you'll be too sore to do anything for days. Just start off with a beginner 5-10 minute cardio, or a gentle stretching/yoga video. Sometimes it won't seem like you're doing anything, but then the next day you'll be really sore in weird places. Over time as you get stronger/more flexible you can do the harder videos (they're rated by difficulty). Good luck anon!
No. 84510
>>84498>>84504I'm a fellow skinnyfat - 5'7 124lbs - however, I am slowly moving out of the skinny realm. I spent ages just following videos online and got nowhere. For the past few months I've been going to the gym (yes it's scary when you start but there are so many helpful people there who can give you tips and help you out if you ask!) and started doing compound lifts. So deadlifts, squats, bench, shoulder press etc. I've increased my muscle mass (and gained a little fat but that's fine as I'm bulking - will start cutting my calories in 6 months time) by doing 3 of these exercises 3 days a week with rest days in between. I have noticed that under my skinnyfat pooch there are little muscles forming, my arms are more defined and so are my legs and bum. The lifts are full body, so you're working everything all at once. And not only will you gain muscle, you'll gain strength too! I've added 40lbs to my squat and 35lbs to my deadlift in 4 weeks. The key to beating skinnyfatness is to build that muscle to fill out the fatty areas and then strip that away when you're happy with your progress. And because you need to build muscle to balance your body out, I would advise avoiding doing a lot of cardio exercises, as they don't do much to stimulate muscle growth which is what us skinnyfats need! Obviously you can still do them, but only use it to supplement your lifting workouts.
If you're up to it, I highly recommend reading up on 5x5 or Starting Strength if you're interested in lifting. I wish I had started sooner to be honest. The only pain is having to count calories and making sure you get enough protein and sleep. It's intimidating, but if I can do it, anyone can! Promise!
No. 84693
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So about a year ago I had my gallbladder removed cause gallstones
(I landed in the ER, turns out there was a letter at my house that same day from my doc about my last ultrasound showing them lol bad timing, postal service)
Anyway, point being, I've been taking it easy, busy with work, but I'm starting to get pudgy
So I'm going to start looking into, but also want person-to-person advice, working out/dieting specifically without a galbladder.
No. 84827
>>84825Try using free weights more often if you don't already.
Just look up some basic routines/exercises and decide what you're most comfortable with.
Women also develop upper body strength more slowly than men, so keep that in mind and be patient.
No. 84874
>>84840You lose weight on keto because protein and fat are more filling than carbs so most people naturally eat less on keto than they would on a heavy carb diet. Fatty acids also generate more ATP than carbohydrates when broken down in cellular respiration.
Ultimately it all comes down to calorie deficit.
No. 85542
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>>85419Not an exercise, but try Monistat anti-chafing gel, or another brand. I use this brand because it also helps me avoid getting ingrowns, but others are probably fine, too.
No. 85762
>>84923Late reply, but no. Your body requires you to eat above your daily caloric requirements for you to build muscle. Eating less than that, and I am assuming you are as you said you are anorexic, you wont be building any muscle and will more than likely be damaging your growth in the long run. Your body will be burning through your fat reserves and your muscle mass will be up next. At that stage, you will suffer with severe muscle atrophy (muscle break down) and end up looking droopy and saggy, much like a skinny melted candle.
You can exercise to keep your muscles and bones working, but if you're severely under eating, then there's no chance in hell you will hold onto that muscle. Food fuels everything and if you're withholding that, your body is only going to do one thing and that is eat up all of your fat and then your muscle.
I was like you when I was a teenager and had severe eating issues to the point where I was 77lbs at 5'7 tall. I am now in my late 20s and paying for what I put my body through. I've been at the gym for a year now but only started eating properly and training 6 months ago. My stomach muscles are in bits - I look like I've had 2 children when I've had 0 - my lower legs look terrible and I'm all-over skinnyfat. I am now eating 2500 cals a day to bulk and putting on the small amount of fat that I have while building muscle is very
triggering, I know that I will get rid of it one day during a cut period. It's really hard.
Tl;dr No. You need to eat at a healthy maintenance or surplus to keep or build muscle. Try calculating your TDEE and then looking at what you should be eating. is what I use.
No. 106409
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Not sure if I should post here or in th fashion thread but here it goes:
Where do you guys buy your workout clothes? I'm from EU so I buy from H&M and New Yorker, their stuff is alright and also affordable but their section is REALLY small. :/
Are there any other brands that I might be able to buy online? Reebok, Nike, UA, Zoe, Gymshark are just way too expensive at the moment despite going to the gym daily.
I just want more cute workout clothes without breaking the bank. :( and yes I know I can wear just regular shirts and leggings which I do, but still…
No. 106449
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anyone on here aiming for a more muscular body? just curious considering it seems like most people on here want to be skinny
>tfw can't achieve dream body without steroids or photoshop
No. 106484
>>106449I am and it's hard af since I'm cheap and really hate giving money for food.
But my baby quads are starting to show so I'm really happy
No. 107974
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I don't know where else to put this and I guess this should be an appropriate place for it. But I've literally been obese all my life (literally no excuses from me I've just been lazy af) I've seen my gyno maybe two months ago and I seen my current weight and I don't know whats different but it really lit a fire under my ass. Since then I've been working on becoming healthier/fitter and I've actually be keeping up with it. For the first in forever I think I'm finally comfortable in my body. I don't see my gyno again in three months and I'm not going to weigh myself until then to see how far I've actually gotten. But I see a difference in my face and the way my clothes fit me. Even my boyfriend says he can see I've lost a lot of weight (though I feel like he's exaggerating a bit). I'm happy that I'm actually one of those girls who actually likes going to the gym!(I go after work 5-6 times a week). I don't know I'm proud of myself.. I was tired of being fat and making excuses on why I can't change that.
No. 107977
>>107976why would you work out your arms to make them smaller? lul
do squats, lunges and deadlifts
No. 107978
>>107977That's the thing lol I just like rowing for, not even for exercise it's just fun.
I'll be sure to do more squats and lunges. Need to work on deadlifts as well. I don't think I'm doing them right.
No. 107995
>>107993cardio burns more fat, idiot.
also it's difficult for women to get abs unless they have an extemely lean diet.
No. 107998
>>107995Uhhh didn't
>>107993 say to burn fat with cardio? Why are you pissy?
No. 108000
>>107980I'm assuming you mean visible abs.
- Eat low carb and avoid fizzy drinks. It will reduce bloat and make your stomach look nicer depending on your current size
- Do lots of ab exercises and maybe some back exercises to complement the rest, which can be easily done at home
- Get your BF% down to around 20
- No, you don't need protein shakes
>>107998I think anon meant weight lifting burns more fat
No. 108055
>>107995>cardio burns more fatthat's what i said…
you can't have abs with a fat belly
No. 108121
>>106410dif euro anon, but the grocery store fitness pants ime fit terribly and are NOT squat friendly. A lot of them seem to be really sheer if you bend over. Propbably okay if youre running or doing yoga in a darkish classroom but not for most gym workouts.
>>106409personally i wait for department stores to have big clearances and buy them from brand names when theyre marked down a ton. Myprotein sometimes has huge sales too (i bought mine for 13 and 17 euros). January was a good time because most places had additional off clearance.
>>106449to be fair if thats carrie june she was/is on anavar. A lot of influncers who claim natty arent or they use SARMS because its not banned/drug tested yet.
Im working on a muscular body though nad its hard because i dont want to physically eat so much. I already feel like im eating a ton and eating a bunch of protein just makes me feel full all of the time. Ive noticed my quads and butt have gotten bigger and i havent even touched meme butt routines, just stuck to compound exercises and good mornings.
No. 108382
>>108376I was in the same boat, it takes some time but it's possible to gain without gaining too much fat.
If it's safe for you, you can try to count calories. Calculate your tdee online and put it into an app like my fitness pal.
Food wise you can eat pretty much anything in moderation, just try to stay away from too much junk food. Also weight gain shakes are pretty good.
You can find online a lot of beginner programs, you just have to google it.
No. 108455
>>108398>the only place i have privacy is in the bathroom at worklol
You could do high knees, push ups against the wall, squats, chair pose, eagle pose, tree pose or any other standing yoga poses for balance and core strength
No. 111048
>>111047Grain of salt since I started off CHONK, but without that hurdle it should work like this:
If you're starting off skinny just start lifting and eat OVER your tdee a bit with high intake of protein (0.8 grams/lbs of body weight or more). You will gain weight, and if you stick to whatever routine you choose it will mostly be muscle. Once you're happy with the muscle, you can cut the fat by keeping up your routine while cutting calories (try to keep the protein up to preserve muscle though) and doing extra cardio.
I'm not a bodybuilder but…at least know that no, you don't need to get chubby first lmao. If you
are overweight you will lose weight though. I lost 30 lbs pretty fast.
No. 111065
>>111047It really depends on your current size. We'll be able to help you more if you can tell us your height/weight.
But try to look up recomping, it sounds like what you're looking for
No. 111111
>>111065Recomping is what I'm looking for thanks!
I'm 5'9 at 145 lbs. It's "healthy" BMI but as I've said I haven't worked out before and I'm flabby. I'd like to lose fat and gain muscle.
I considered getting my weight down to 130s first, but I don't know if that will happen when I start lifting.
To be clear, I'm afraid of gaining weight and not gaining muscle when I start.
No. 111121
>>111111Nice get.
DON'T eat more than your tdee. Just add more protein(like 120g per day) and cut down on carbs when you start lifting
No. 111179
>>111175>>111176I would like to work up to 3 days but at the moment I can't, I can only go to the gym really late (after midnight) and I got a planet fitness membership. Right now I've been doing tuesday and wednesday, I'd like to work up to monday nights too, but I don't want to fuck around and be too sore for the rest of the week. Right now I just want to work on not being so weak, primarily in my arms and back, my legs are where most of my muscle already is. I'll be sure to add on more weight as I go on!
I guess I should've given myself more credit instead of saying I "dick around" at the gym. I thought I had no idea what I was doing, but its reassuring that I'm on the right track.
No. 111244
>>111176Really? There isn't much difference between going 2 times a week or 3 times a week if you keep the volume the same. There is only about 10% difference while the difference between once a week and twice a week is HUGE. So it really isn't that important to go 3 times a week. What is more important is total volume.
>>111175This is called linear progression, don't do this for longer than 3 months if you actually want to get somewhere and don't want to stay in limbo forever.
>>1112221. Cardio before lifting is not a good warm-up. It doesn't prepare you for the act of lifting weights. You should lift lighter weights as a warm-up and do mobility drills like arm and hip circles.
2. Best thing is to separate your weight training sessions from your lifting completely. As an example lift in the morning and do cardio in the evening. This way you can give both your all since your glycogen stores get the time to restore in between sessions. Also I wouldn't recommend doing lots of cardio if you want to gain muscle, because you are going to have to eat all those lost calories back.
Also please people in this thread don't do random shit or a ''routine''. You are not going to progress in any way if you don't have a plan on how to do this. There is a science to these things and building muscle is nearly not as easy as losing weight. And please don't follow instagram thots advice, they don't know what they are doing.
Good YouTubers:
Vitruvian Physique
Omar Isuf
Alan Thrall
Juggernaut Training Systems
No. 111245
>>111238Okay I am going to treat this case like a woman who has gone on a steroid cycle. Your own hormone production has probably tanked and needs some pct (post cycle therapy). Women already wreck their natural levels if they do it for 1 year, never mind for 5 years. Try some hormone balancing supplements, Idk where you live so I don't know what to recommend to you.
I think you first need to get your hormones in check before you can start to lose weight, it's not your fault. Your body is just not cooperating because it is still trying to adjust.
No. 111627
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tfw when you help and motivate your bf to get in better shape and work out but with in a week he starts out lifting you
I mean I knew he was gonna start stronger then me at some point but it took him just a month what I had spent years for
No. 111628
>>111627LMAO I know that feeling. I think it's just easier for men to tone up.
I've been working out for almost 3 months and my boyfriend mentioned he's been starting to do planks around the house every morning for about a week and you can definitely see a difference. Like, he's been doing shit for only 10 minutes at a time and I gotta do something for 45 minutes every other day to even get results.
No. 111634
month not week
No. 111637
>>111627Same, my friend (male) started crossfit at the start of last year and he's already looking super muscular, big and is strong af. I started like 3 years ago, and sure I look "toned" but I still look like a twig next to him.
Really sucks ass
No. 111648
>>111645Strength training. Some amount of cellulite is normal tho
I think anon isn't bothered that he's stronger, but rather that he progressed so fast
No. 111649
>>111648 said I'm not bothered that he became he stronger then me and I knew he was gonna become stronger then me
I didn't know it would be that quick
No. 111689
>>111659He worked hard I admit that but he still ate junk food and didn't care about his diet and before this he was kinda of a couch potato
very skinny and never worked out or played sports
but still with in a month he was stronger
its disheartening
No. 111712
>>111238Keto diet. The food you have to eat on a keto diet is satisfying and satietogenic. It will also help your hormones because the fat and protein you will be eating are rich sources of amino acids. Amino acids are the precursors that your body needs to synthesise hormones and neurotransmitters. You might be deficient in micronutrients, this could be why you're feeling hungry all the time. You can get this checked by speaking with your doctor.
>>111703You could be gaining muscle mass which will appear to level off weight loss. Don't rely purely on scales to track your progress. If your scale has a body fat percentage calculator you can try using that. A tape measure also works.
No. 111748
>>111733I come from a similar background, the first month literally anything will help you gain muscle, as long as you eat enough for them to come back.
Just do what you can really, don't bother with pushups just yet if you can only bench press the bar.
I think strength and hypertrophy would be a good goal for you. Just do whatever you can. No. 112535
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Any tips on how to hit my quads better?
I'm already doing lunges, front squats and leg extensions but I feel like I never hit them properly. Should I just go heavier?
No. 112708
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>>112699I used my old Nfinity Vengeance shoes. The outsole is a grip around the bottom edges and doesn't have any height to it. It's just a pad shaped like the bottom of my foot at this point
No. 118133
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I have a really weird goal so bear with me.
I've almost always been extremely obese, except one time I managed to get down to a healthy bmi weight of 145, but I felt gross my tits got smaller my thighs were smaller and I just didn't like the way i looked. Now I'm 297 pounds and I love pretty much everything about my body except for my spare tire stomach and some cellulite and how out of shape I am on the inside.
What I really want is to basically keep everything the same except turn all the fat on my arms and thighs into muscle of the same size and get either a rock hard stomach that's a little smaller or abs if it's possible.
I just pretty much don't know what all to do. My plan so far is to eat a lot of fish, avocados, chicken breast, and steaks and vegetables to make sure I have enough protein and calories to keep my weight while building muscle.
I pretty much know nothing aside from lifting weights builds arm muscles and sit ups will give me abs, so I'm open to pretty much any advice, and I'm pretty excited!
I've never told anyone but I've always admired those old body builders from the 70s like Arnold and the hulk. I want to be able to lift a car one day.
(oh yeah the heart disease, cholesterol,greater risk of health problems in general yadda yadda doesn't matter I know I'm going to die at 40 all that matters is getting viewable results and strength)
No. 118135
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>>118133If you know zilch you're probably best off just going to a gym first and hiring a trainer to set you on track towards your goals as well as to make sure your form is correct.
Otherwise, some prior research can easily be done online. I personally started out watching fitness vids on youtube from many assorted channels because it's both inspiring and offers diverse points of view. Also /fit/ can unironically help you when you're just starting out, at least with their sticky links.
You also mentioned liking Arnold, have you watched his documentary from 1977? Tips from the man himself.
Anyway, we have similar goals since I also want to be as strong as possible. Beefy but squishy or "strong fat" like pic related is the look I'm aiming for since I know I don't have the bone structure to be the super petite ideal.
I hope we can both reach our goals!
No. 118136
>>1181351977? the Pumping Iron one?
haha I used to watch it like every day.
I don't have any money for all that(personal trainers and gyms are pretty expensive right?) and I wanted to do it on my own for my own pride so I guess research it is. Do you have any youtube videos you could recommend me since we're working towards the same stuff?
And Good luck to you, anon!
No. 118145
>>118136I like the vids this girl makes! She's a powerlifter and has some on form/her routine/etc. too on her channel.'s youtube channel also puts out informative videos.
Sadly the gym itself (without trainer) is a must if strength is what you want unless you have a home gym already. But there are cheaper gyms, you'll just have to look them up in your area. Personally I'm lucky since I'm in uni and part of my tuition pays for the gym regardless.
No. 118159
>>118136private trainers yes, gyms no. planet fitness is 10 bucks a month, has lots of machines and a no judgement policy.
weird goal, but i kinda dig it. you have to keep in mind that most huge men like Arnold in his prime did a lot of anabolic steroids and that means extremely high testosterone, which females have a fraction of what a roided up bodybuilder has.
keeping this in mind, and that muscle is objectively smaller than fat (when compared weight wise), you shouldn't focus on the scale. hell, ditch the scale entirely. Eat lots of good proteins as you mentioned, carbs before working out for a good energy boost and some protein after too. i eat boiled eggs pretty much, they're dirt cheap.
also for inspo what do you think of Penny Underboob or professional olympic powerlifting women? is the latter your preferred body type? Also, where your body stores fat is mostly genetics, so you can't really change that unless you go full momokun or whatever and get lipo
No. 118160
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>>118133Abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym. If you want visible abs you need low body fat. No amount of sit ups will change that. If you're going for strength then pic related is the goal. Bonica Brown has taken the gold in all the biggest power lifting contests since 2014.
No. 119688
>>118157Don't get scared about weight lifting. You won't bulk up. It takes a lot of work, a specific diet and hormones for women to get bulky. Even then it doesn't do much. You'll get stronger without bulking.
As for cardio start small. I started by just doing a fast walk on the treadmill for 2 minutes (with a 6% incline) and then jogged for a minute and then back to the fast walk. Over time you will build up your endurance. I've been at it for a couple of weeks and now I can jog for 2 minutes.
No. 119950
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I'm 5'4 and ~120 lbs but I have some of the worst cottage cheese thighs I've ever seen, the kind you usually see in very overweight women. I feel so dumb for not knowing the basics of working out, but what kind of exercise could I do everyday to target my inner thigh area? I can confidently say my thighs look worse than 85% of women my age (I'm mid 20's now but they have always looked terrible). They're REALLY bad, any advice would be appreciated :(
No. 119951
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>>119950I’m your height and bottom heavy.
Do this if you want really long legs cardio based
For Instagram style (big butt thick but muscly) try weightlifting it will tone faster
No. 119956
>>119950What this
>>119951 anon has offered works for sure. I am also 5'4" and 120 pounds with thighs that are extreemely prone to cellulite. I only recently started to get rid of it by doing bottom focused pilates!
Pilates can be intense. Don't over exert yourself. It'll be harder to keep a routine if you go too hard too fast.
No. 121409
>>77630woah she‘s my body type, shit. Always sucked having all my male friends have more shapely legs than me no matter what weight I was at.
Guess I should just lose some, if I didn‘t have such big tits I‘d be a fridge-like shape.
No. 121613
>>121596You absolutely MUST do
WARMING UP before ANY kind of exercise, and absolutely MUST do
STRETCHING after ANY kind of exercise.
Anyone who doesn't do both those things every single time risks serious injury.
No. 121630
Anyone doing or have ever done Strong Curves? On the 2nd week currently I really dig the workouts. I think they hit everywhere I'm interested in growing.
>>121613By warming up you mean doing some cardio then the workout with lowest possible weight first, yeah? Heard stretching first can do more harm than good.
No. 121635
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My legs look like the ones of the girl on the left (my calves are probably even more bulky) and I hate it so much. I just want skinny legs.
What can I do to make them less muscular? Are massages a meme? Right now I only run, I don't even do any strength exercises yet look so athletic…
No. 121639
>>121635Her legs look normal. You're also complaining about muscular legs while only running.
If you want to look skinnyfat then stop working out.
No. 121654
>>121639Lean legs aren’t a meme we’ve seen them on people from pixies group even though they are fatties.
Pilates or standing 8 hours a day will do this
No. 122655
>>121654Lean just means having moderate muscle with low body fat in the area. A woman who is genetically predisposed to gain and carry a large amount of muscle in her legs isn’t going to shrink her legs by doing even more exercises; spot reduction isn’t a thing in that way. I know a few Asian girls with muscular legs like
>>121635 and the last thing they need is to further “tone up” their legs with exercises intended to add a modicum of muscle to shrimpy skinnyfats. The hamplanet Pixielocks fans with Gru legs just have shit fat distribution.
No. 122663
>>122654Well, it’s impossible to decrease bodyguards just in that area from doing facial exercise, if that’s what you‘re asking. If your body fat percentage stays the same it will at the most be a tiny bit more defined. But more likely you‘ll just end up having muscle below the layer of fat.
To lose fat, even if it’s just meant to be in one specific area, you‘ll have to decrease your overall BFP.
If not that, there’s still chin lipo.
No. 123450
>>123441Get some dumbbells. 30 min a week for an arm day. 30 min a week for a leg day. And 30 min a week for a cardio day. Then just start browsing YouTube for dumbbell workouts. Start out by trying to do a bunch of different things until you find something that clicks with you!
I found it’s good to start out easy. You’ll still see/feel some results. I’ve found that is the thing to motivate me to push harder over the years.
No. 123494
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I want a brutal red pill about what it actually takes to get "11 abs"
I've searched the internet and asked several people irl, some of who are supposed to be knowledgeable about fitness and everyone seems to say different things leading me to believe no one knows what they're talking about. I know you first must get rid of the fat covering your muscles since no matter how strong your core is it will not be seen if it's covered by belly fat. However is burning fat really the optimal choice if you have no good muscle mass foundation to begin with? Some say lift weights, others say cardio, some say diet, others say genes. The people I immediately discard are the ones saying anything about "targeting belly fat" since spot reduction doesn't exist according to more professional opinions. So what's the truth?
>do you lift weights?
>do you do cardio?
>do you follow "11 abs workout" tutorials on YouTube
>do you strictly monitor your diet forever?
>do you need to have a very specific body type and lucky genes?
>do you need all of the above?
>or more?
I'm not posting k-pop idols since my body type does not resemble theirs. It's closest to pic related and she has the types of abs I want.
No. 123500
>>123494So I used to run 30+ miles a week as a teenager. Did required yoga practice in the mornings which incorporated ab work. Had practically no body fat at 95 lbs. Never had abs. I’m fact my belly was almost a bit “puffy” all the time.
Became more into lifting. Still no abs.
Then earlier this year I did keto. Boom. Abs and an hour glass like figure. My stomach looked close to the girl in that picture.
Which makes me think it is some combination of: low body fat, ab strength and cutting out foods that cause inflammation (and therefor bloating)
Genetics will come into play with that last bit, since it will be different from person to person. But for sure that means: limiting sugar to high fiber fruits like berries, cutting out starchy foods including starchy veggies and cutting out dairy (for most people.)
I will also add good posture helps. My stomach looks different when my back muscles are engaged, chest muscles loose, and shoulders back.
No. 123503
>>123494Sometimes it's genetic. I don't gain any weight in my upper stomach to the point that I can be carrying a few pounds, a bit curvier and I'll have a "toned" upper stomach area but I'll have a pooch on my lower stomach.
So my advice is lose weight to the point that you have less fat over that area and then do exercises targeting the muscles there.
No. 123541
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>>123494You can't get 11 abs unless you incorporate a lot of cardio in your routing and you keep your diet clean at all times.
It's going to be more difficult to achieve if you have a large chest and broad hips.
No. 124269
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Does anyone else have this problem? My legs look like they belong on a 60 year old woman because the fat just sags around the knees. How do I get rid of fat around my knees! I can’t wear cute mini skirts without looking like a pudgy toddler
No. 124273
>>124269I have this too, anon. Although I think bone structure has a lot to do with it as well (same as the hip dip issue). Personally my mom had similar distribution even when she was very athletic in her youth so I just have trash genes when it comes to legs. When I touch my knees I can even feel that the joints are just slightly more inward than they "should" be.
Accept your ugly legs anon!! Or get really strong so people feel threatened when they're exposed.
No. 152588
>>152584I absolutely felt like this and yes you do just have to retrain your body's associations.
I got into running on a treadmill because I made a really good playlist and concentrated on 'dancing in a straight line', because I love dancing. I made the playlist around the same bpm which helped with that.
I also got into interval training using a skipping rope because the sprinting makes me anxious but you only do it for a minute.
No. 158451
Update from
>>152584Thank you both
>>152585 >>152588 for your suggestions! I am the most uncoordinated so dancing isn't really my thing, but I looked up interval training, especially HIIT and I love it WAY more than normal cardio!
Vid related is my favourite so far because it's really doable, but I still break a sweat and feel good afterwards. The last few times I did it, I actually was doing a bit extra in the breaks because I felt good, so I guess that means my cardio fitness is actually improving!
I'm so glad I found something that's working because it really helps clear my head and gives me a mood boost to start the day. I literally feel more sane now, I hope I can keep this up.
No. 176328
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>>78048Do these under desk bikes even do anything to begin with? Serious question because I'd get one if they did.
No. 176384
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How many of these female fitness influencers are on some kind of roids? I feel like everyone's doing it or they are actually a fitness trainer so they have the time to work out.
Pic not related, I just really like her. Body goals
No. 176403
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This is my goals.. Sometimes I just want to be super thin and toned but the muscular, ripped aesthetic is wayy more appealing and will mean I can eat more
But I don't have access to a gym, so I can't do progressive overload. I only have 8lb dumbbells
Do any muscular girls here have recommendations for bodyweight routines I can do that will make me big
No. 176411
>>176328>>176362, here
This is the one I got, it's called "FlexCycle Exercise Bike" on Amazon. Paid $140 USD for it. Just tested it out and I'm pleased. Lots of metal parts so it feels very sturdy and more expensive than I anticipated. There are 8 difficulty settings and the LCD monitor tracks RPM, Time elapsed, Distance, etc. You can also attach resistance bands to it (a free pair is included) and you can place it on a desk and pedal with your arms too (attachments included.)
No. 176423

>>176403You can achieve plenty of strength and bulk with body weight or low weights. HIIT and calisthenics are both super effective and can be done at home. The biggest factor when it comes to bulking is what you eat, you need enough calories and protein to build bigger muscles. Figure out your TDEE (, add around 300 calories to that number and eat that amount every day. Use MyFitnessPal or some calorie tracking app to figure out how much you're eating. You also need to eat around 1g of protein for every lb of body weight. Whey protein shakes help a lot with both aspects. Bulking amounts tend to be a lot heavier than people expect even if you love food so it's easier to drink your calories. Bananas + peanut butter + milk + whey protein + almonds can give you like 1000 cal and 50+g of protein by itself. Chris Heria has a good at-home workout series, trust me it will be plenty tough with no equipment or your 8lb dumbbells if you're a total newbie.
No. 176440
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I have no interest in trying to get an ideal body, but I am interested in preparing my joints for old age. My grandpa is in his 70s and can easily walk and run, but he doesn't really spill the beans as to what he did to be so healthy, aside from never eating anything processed until he became an adult, going on walks and playing outside as a kid. How do I prepare my joints for old age? I don't want to be those old people who can barely physically do anything. I think yoga could work, but what else?
No. 176453
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>>176450samefagging but I did pic rel for like 2 months and I sorta stopped, partially because I felt no real sense of progression
No. 176476

>>176453So are you saying you followed all the diet protocols expressed in
>>176423 and didn't get any stronger or bigger? It doesn't really matter what you "feel" about bulking, it's a science and the exact same thing expressed by this dude who has a great body and fitness professionals everywhere. You're going to gain some fat with the muscle, that's just how the body works. But if you're only eating about 300 cal over your maintenance, it's not going to be a crazy amount and will look good with the additional muscle you build. You can do a cut afterwards if you want to slim down again but that shoulder be say, 6 months after you start not two. Like I said, building muscle is hard, you are not going to get huge after two months. I
wish it was that easy. I can't really see all your exercises but imo just go to Chris' page or search YT for whatever calisthenics routine you like for legs, one for arms and one for chest. (Can add in one for abs if you like.) Rotate through those every week. After your workouts whatever body parts you were exercising should feel sore and/or tired to the extent you
need those days resting them before you could focus on them again. Do exercises that are hard enough they're in your hypertrophy range (6-12 reps should be max effort). If normal push ups become too easy, do a harder variation like expressed in your chart. You can't be afraid to eat if you want to get stronger and bigger.
No. 176542
>>176481how much is it costing you?
I have 100 lbs to lose and dread what my body will look like.
No. 177460
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Hi is it possible to achieve spot reduction of fat especially on the belly or is that really a myth? I have average boobs and (34D) and don't want them to become smaller.
Also, are fitness youtubers legit?
I'm 20 and 119lb,5'2
No. 177462
>>177460No it's not possible. You lose weight wherever your body decides.
What do you mean by legit? The only "legit" ones would be the ones that are certified trainers, but exercise is exercise.
No. 177463
>>177460You can work on specific muscles to give an area a "tighter" look or make your proportions different, but you can't choose where you lose fat from.
Dunno which fitness trainers, but anyone who promises insanely good result in a short amount of time with at home workouts is usually lying.
No. 177477
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Why do I like my body less the more I work out?
I never took exercise seriously until the fall of last year. I started a running plan, then started mixing that with youtube workouts, now full-body calisthenic training for between 30-45 minutes 4-6 times a week. I run on most of those days too.
I feel like I've only gotten bigger. I've struggled with an eating disorder in the past, so I don't know how to restrict without overdoing it and bouncing back with week-long binges. I'm focusing on just eating healthier right now, but I hate how much bigger I look, even though my ideal figure is modeled after big, bulky, strong looking women.
Have any other anons here struggled with something similar? How do you deal with it? Do I just lack discipline regarding my diet, and that's what's holding me back?
No. 177492
>>177477Why do you feel you look worse with more muscle definition if your ideal body
is that of a muscular woman? Is it just how your gains are currently distributed on your body? My guess is that's probably the case and it's not the actual mass you dislike but just how it looks in overall proportions. For example, maybe your core got a lot stronger and so it filled out, and now your shape is flatter rather than an hourglass. You don't need to stop working your abs, but focus more strongly on buffing up your shoulders and hips/legs so they refine the shape you want. If you're already doing this and are truly just gaining too much fat along with the muscle, then I would use an app like MyFitnessPal to track all your calories for a week and see how your daily intake compares to your TDEE. Maybe there are particular problem foods that are pushing up your count which you could minimize to stick more closely to your requirements.
No. 177505
>>177492I think it's probably the latter, because I like the base shape of my figure. Maybe I'll try calorie counting again, usually it makes me pretty crazy but I've only used it to restrict in the past. Thanks for your help!
>>177503It's definitely my ideal, I used to want to be really skinny (like thinspo level) but if you look at my genetics it doesn't seem feasible, and I like food too much. I want to be able to beat up most untrained men.
No. 182152
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Idc about legs I just want my back to look like this, put off scrotes and attract cuties
No. 182227
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>>182200Well then, I'm cheering you on
nonny and wish you the best in achieving your goals. It's kind of gross but whenever I've wanted to lose weight these visual representations of fat have always stuck in my head. They're a great reminder that even losing 1-5 lbs is a
lot of excess crap off your body and you should be proud of your progress even if it seems like a small amount to start. Don't go too crazy pushing or starving yourself, slow and steady wins the race. You can always post the things you've been doing here as a sort of journal and to keep track of your progress.
No. 182273
>>182266Well shit I definitely didn’t mean to
trigger any ana tendencies, sorry anon! To be fair the fat is distributed across the entire body so obviously it’s not wadded up in one place like this and I’m sure you look great now (plus I’m sure it’s not just fat but more muscle you added, which weighs more but is more compact). I’m glad to hear you’re healthier now!
No. 182322
>>182227I've scrolled past this thread without checking it out and now feel gross.
I honestly though it was battered fish in a takeaway showing the sizes lmao
No. 183289
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Has anyone tried doing trampoline fitness? I was thinking of going to try cause it looks easy and fun but does it actually do anything?
No. 183321
>>183313I mean, the only way to train for endurance is to push your limits slowly, a little bit at a time. It might feel terrible at first, but your body will get used to it. If it's really medically impossible for you to get through it because of your asthma, then I don't know what to do, I'm not a medfag and have no experience with it.
My experience was with my heartrate that would shoot up so high I had to take a short break after every set of high impact excersizes until it normalized again, but it just got better over time.
No. 183374
>>183313Fellow asthmafag here, have you tried Advair? I know long-term steroids aren't really preferable for most people but it's genuinely changed my life. Used to have attacks just walking out the door in winter and they said my lungs were at 60% capacity before treatment. If yours is interfering that severely it could be worth looking into. I was never able to do cardio at all until I started it.
Otherwise, focusing on strength/resistance training instead of cardio could help, it tends to be easier on your lungs while still pushing your body to improve.
No. 183839
>>183833I don't eat perfect, but I barely eat sugar, gluten and junk food. I cook most of my meals myself.
I train at home, I exercise vid rel for my butt.
I don't want reaaaaally thiccc body tho, just to get rounder and fuller a little bit.
No. 184309
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So what's the difference between cheap foldable bikes vs under desk bikes other than space? Is the foldable bike going to have better resistance or whatever or are they pretty much on the same level? I know both are going to be inferior to those more expensive clunky bikes that don't fold.
No. 189433
>>189424It would be, but not in the way you'd necessarily want. If you're looking to improve your general fitness try reading about metabolic conditioning. don't know what your lifting routine is like but I'm sure you can eventually involve some HIIT stuff. Also I will never stop stanning for skipping, because I used to hate getting my heart rate up too, and you don't have to skip for very long to get the effects.
No. 189540
>>189535I don’t know if this is possible for you but I first got motivated to start exercising and eating healthy by biking to school. I saw my body begin to change and it made me feel really good so I wanted to eat healthy too so I could look even better.
Maybe you could walk/bike to work or the grocery store as much as possible. I imagine it doesn’t work for everyone but simply exercising while commuting helped me a lot.
i also calorie counted excessively tho No. 189601
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Anons with big arms/shoulders/backs - how long it takes/how hard it is to reach the level of visible development? Like I'm obviously not talking picrel level of professional upkeep, but I don't want to end up with skinny arms after I lose more extra kilos, right now my arm fat kind of gives me a more "balanced" silhoutte, which I'd like to keep.
No. 189648
>>189645Try swimming! It's easy on the joints and will strengthen your muscles and get your heart rate up. You can also easily change intensity according to your wants with swimming.
>Also have any nonnies had experience with excess skin?Not me but a friend does. It's not a given that it will firm back up, but age makes a huge difference. Assuming you're under 40 you've got that working in your favor. Also if you want your skin to tighten up fast make sure you don't smoke. Smoking is really terrible for excess skin.
How long it takes also depends greatly on how much excess skin you have and basically luck, but give it a year or so before expecting huge changes right away.
No. 191599
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Any tips besides weight loss to get a better looking underbutt region? I have a banana roll and obvious fat in this area (like picrel) despite being skinny. I don’t want to count calories and lose more weight bc I’m already near underweight and looking sinewy. Due to a weird fat distribution I look skeletal in some areas and I already have low-hanging and deflated looking boobs from losing weight beforehand which are def going to look worse if I lose any more weight.
Sorry for sperg, pls recommend exercises for muscle building or any other recommendations and sorry if my request seems ridic. I know the logical thing is to lose fat all over (as target fat loss isn’t possible) but it’s just not feasible given how freaky my body would look.
No. 192094
>>192030the walks and hikes will be great, just make sure they are long and challenging enough.
eat lots of protein to actually build your muscles.
No. 192150
>>192133I saw the picture mission accomplishedDid you go through a big rapid weight loss during your anachan days? how big?
what's your diet like and do you drink plenty of water on a daily basis?
what's your workout routine? do you do anything wlse besides abs?
No. 192156
>>192150Okay so it's more that I rapidly gained weight rather than lost weight. I was always underweight and then I just started losing more through restricting. However, at a point, I started BC, and then I started on psych meds (depakote, risperidone, viibryd) while I started to recover and eat normally. This was when my weight ballooned to 30 lbs heavier. I recently quit my medications (still on bc) and lost 5 lbs (now at the current weight in my op post).
I try to drink water, I don't eat a lot, but when I do, it's breads. This is because my body lately has been having indigestion with meats, and I admittedly don't eat a lot of vegetables or fruit. Fruit is a weird topic because to put it bluntly, I have a legitimate phobia of it. I don't taste fruit, it tastes metallic to me, and I have a gag reflex for it. I can eat lemons and limes. I used to eat a lot of meat, but then my stomach turned against me.
I only work out abs and I do cardio. I used to work out my whole body before covid when gyms were accessible.
No. 192160
>>192156first of all it seems you're already doing something right since you're losing weight!
with that said, nonna, you already know the problem is your diet, right? when it comes to fat the answer is always diet, no amount of crunches is going to make it go away, you can't spot reduce.
you know only eating bread isn't doing you any favors, not only weight losss wise but health wise, try having oatmeal or something more healthy. (jsyk bread can cause a lot of bloating on some people, creating that "pouch" most of us dislike)
You also could try intermittent fasting? it might help your indigestion issues some people swear by it idk. also try having more fiber and keep drinking plenty of water.
You seem to have some issues with food so I'm not sure what to recommend aside from the classic cut off the carbs and sugar. As long as you eat on a deficit you'll lose weight.
if you're working out at home try to do some youtube full body workouts, wouldn't hurt, I assure it's going to burn more calories than just doing abs.
btw you have a nice body if I'm being honest and I can tell you're pretty cute even while hiding your face No. 192162
>>192030I'd say drop the supurflous shit and find a hill to hike up and down on. There is nothing that will prepare you better than actually doing the activity. Also exercising every day won't allow your body enough time to recover, so alternate training and rest days (you can still go for walks on rest days, but take it easy).
How much elevation will you cover on the hike? Because if there isn't much, I honestly wouldn't worry too much. You'd be surprised how far you can walk if your in the right situation. Just be sure to bring enough water.
No. 192186
>>192162I read it was almost all uphill – it goes from 0 to 1200ft elevation and then back down again, so… yikes.
Is recovery really that important in building up muscles/endurance? Is two rest days a week good? My preliminary search seems to rec 3-5 workouts a week.
No. 192221
>>192186>Is recovery really that important in building up muscles/endurance?Muscles - yes, absolutely. You need at least a day off every week to let them recuperate otherwise your workout won't be as effective and the risk of getting hurt is higher.
Endurance - no. Humans are persistence hunters, we used to chase our pray until we tire it out. Endurance is our thing.
You don't need a rest day if you just take long walks every day, that's what your body was made for.
No. 192348
>>192186I think your in luck, 1200 feet over 8 miles isn't very steep. The hike will probably take you around 3 hours.
As for rest there's no hard and fast answer, especially when you're just starting out. Try to listen to your body.
>>192221If you do real endurance training you absolutely need rest lmao. Endurance adaptions happen all over the body and need time to build up similarly to muscles.
No. 192717
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hey anons!
i have just started taking fenugreek after seeing it being shilled in some fitness threads.. i've lost 15 lbs over the last month and a half and it's making the cup different in my breasts seem that much more noticeable, especially as they are both shrinking due to fat loss.
will taking fenugreek and massaging the smaller breast even them out over time or is it a placebo? for anons who take fenugreek, how long did it take to see results? and how strong is the maple syrup odor?
picrel, i'm taking 600mg capsules twice daily.
and just to add, i'm not on any hormonal birth control, just the little copper T :)
No. 192732
>>192727nooooo lol i changed my diet pretty drastically and have been reducing calories. plus weight lifting and cardio.
i haven't taken any supplements for weight loss, just daily vitamins. thought about trying yohimbine though.
just started fenugreek yesterday and am wondering if anyone's tried it.
No. 192757
>>192746Check out Daisy Keech and Lauren Boggi. They have some videos that are quick and effective + no jumping.
I've recently started doing this workout video and…it's painful lol. The movements are simple though so I don't dread doing it.
No. 192809
>>192757>>192781thanks! I didn't know about Daisy and Lauren, I'll check them out, and I'll look at Chloé's new challenges. The format of having a program is something that would
never work for my diet but it's providing such a good structure for exercise. I'm excited to choose a new one. Just two more days of the shred left!
I'm not sure what to do about the jumping - glad to hear that Chloé's new programs have less. But am I missing out if the progran has less jumping exercises? I think it might be uncomfortable for me bc I like to work out without shoes/socks. I have a circulation issue that can make my hands and feet get really hot (erythromelalgia: I also don't sweat there when it flares up). Anyway, I just felt like some things (tuck jumps, lots of squat jumps) started to hurt my ankles.
I didn't mind high knees, jumping jacks, skater hops, etc. I don't like burpees but I'm trying to do them (including pushup - that is the hard part). Can anyone explain the benefits of these jumping exercises? (say, squat jump vs. normal squat) Do they just burn more calories, or is there some other benefit?
I'm mid-twenties & mainly trying to tone up my legs/core and build muscle in my arms. I wouldn't mind weight loss but I'm a bit uw or on the thin side of normal (don't weigh myself). Genetically I'll never have a luscious butt but getting some muscle back there can't hurt.
No. 193768
>>193763What are you trying to accomplish?
Honestly as a beginner it's good to start somewhere manageable, but this routine sounds very light, you'll probably outgrow it quickly.
You're already at a good weight for your height anon, if you're looking to tone up, I suggest getting some 2-3kg dumbbells and look up some full body workouts on youtube. You can build good muscle with body weight exercises too but that takes good technique that you'll learn with simple free weights.
No. 193772
>>193770It's definitely better to build up slowly, I know when I started working out for the first time I had to take a break during the warmups of some workout videos lol.
Don't worry about being bulky, actually most of the models nowadays are lifting heavy weights (like 15kg dumbells) and they still look feminine.
To look bulky as a female you'd need to craft your whole life around tracking diet, eating crazy clean, lifting heavy for hours a day, and uh some steroids for good measure.
No. 193788
>>193763The most important part of an exercise routine is that it get's harder as you get better. Routines that are the same every day don't really do much in the long run than make you burn a bit more calories.
Check this out for a solid beginner bodyweight routine: No. 193912
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>>19391026% is perfectly fine, especially if you acknowledge you are skinnyfat
No. 194591
>>194286hey, similar situation as you– barely exercised on purpose since i quit dancing and just recently started hitting the gym, i noticed the same issue wrt posture.
a small way i've managed to improve my posture (and in turn the muscles that support it) was making moves to have good posture at rest more than trying to spend too much time focusing on it while i'm working out.
my 'quick trick' has been to gently press my upper arms against the side of my body and hold my forearms perpendicular to the rest of my body… like imagine you're holding something in front of your bellybutton? hard to describe over text (going to see if i can't find the video that taught me this) but what you'll feel is your shoulderblades moving inwards and sort of clicking down into place, it'll feel 'right' and if you just keep doing that (basically whenever you remember to) you'll develop those support muscles in no time and look quite elegant. i like to do it while i walk because it's easier to sustain that way.
No. 199054
>>199032I started recently, it's awesome!
I'm enjoying getting in shape this way, my leg muscles get sore the day after so I skate every other day. At first I'd just skate half an hour, then an hour, now i feel I can skate indefinitely.
I also alternate between skating on the long bike road besides the river and practicing tricks in the park where I'm not in anyone's way. So far I've managed to skate backwards without falling on my butt once. Victory!
When I'm practicing tricks, I'm also doing exercises on wheels, mostly for the glutes since they're very needed in skating. I do "bubbles", or I'll do squats in motion (very good for both glutes and balance, also very fun, weeeee).
10/10 highly recommend
No. 199089
>>199054Sounds awesome
nonny!! What kinda skates do you use?
I use to be into inline skating (rollerblading) back in my teens but eventually I stopped. Seeing nowadays all the cool dance moves everyone’s doing on tik tok it makes me wanna try out the quad skates lol
No. 199153
>>199032I do as well! I've only started in the past two years with moxi roller skates. Their youtube channel helped me stay upright on them. There hasn't been much room in life these days to skate the way I'd like but I'm endlessly dreaming of rolling in some nondescript place with lovely scenery and flat, pebble-free roads.
>>199054I so very envy you. Is the river local or do you travel there?
No. 199200
>>199089I use quads. I too was weighing whether I should buy quads or in-lines, but ended up deciding on quads. This thread is what tipped the scales for me
>>>/ot/835183Look at that, a month ago I had trouble keeping balance, now I'm already skating backwards, huh, I wasn't aware how quickly I became comfortable
>>199153My city is on 2 large rivers and I live right next to one, 5 mins walk. There's a huge bike track all along it, perfectly bumpless and miles and miles long, and the scenery is gorgeous. There's a skate park at about 45 mins from me, but I'm not nearly on the level to try ramps yet, maybe next year.
>>199156I'm subscribed to the channel I linked, she's got many vids on how to skate and I like her vibe. Helped a lot with learning.
No. 199259
>>199253First time I've heard of "decomping", but please don't follow it. It goes against our current knowledge of physics and biology. Just bulk up.
For me, bulking up made my clothes looser since I got more taut and it never got to the point where I have to change clothes up because I'm a woman and my muscles just don't grow huge no matter how many eggs I eat.
No. 201834
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This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
No. 204887
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If I can achieve half of this muscularity I will die happy.
No. 204890
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>>204880Theoretically yes but I think it would take a lot of time and effort for the result of only targeting specifically your pecs. Especially because they are hard to isolate without gym equipment, and the muscle distribution doesn't even cover the sternum much so it would take growing them a lot to make a visual difference. It's most likely just how your fat distribution is. So it might be better to just start a full body bodyweight strength routine to build muscle overall, and eat a little more if you are worried about looking too anachan. Although in all honesty, other people probably don't even notice it unless you are skeleton tier. Bodyweight exercises for chest are mostly pushups and dips and these also use your arms a lot.
No. 204899
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>>204887Love her. Are we allowed to post our fit lady inspo? I guess that would count as “body goals” so I’m doing it. A lot of these women have fitness programs too so definitely check them out if you’re looking for routines and diet programs. This is Dunja Bitar
No. 204929
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>>204916This. You should see a cyclist's calves. Picrel is what they look like after a race.
No. 204942
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>>204912>>204916I wasn't trying to say it's impossible for certain people to grow calves, but there is a limit for everyone to some extent. Different people have different propensities for growth in certain muscle groups. I knew a girl who had huge quads just naturally. She didn't do anything athletic but she looked like an olympic volleyball player from the waist down. Not to get into race but certain ethnicities tend towards different muscle development. A lot of asian people tend towards fuller calf muscles with lower calf insertions, whereas for instance africans have higher and more lean calf insertions. Of course this is a generalization, but our bodies certainly lean towards easier development in certain areas. The thing about slow twitch fibers is right, and also a lot of people are terrible at calf focus. I made an improper assumption about her having naturally smaller calves, it's true. She could simply not focus on them.
No. 205075
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>>204929You made me have to look this up and you lied to me.
No. 205147
>>205139All I know is that to train your heart to pump more blood with less effort you have to do moderate-high intensity cardio workouts of 20-40 minutes regularly, like 3-4 times a week. You should see a specialist to not harm yourself while training but maybe you can try HIIT (which are periods of high intensity cardio exercises with low intensity exercises to recover) or lower cardio impact workouts
I really like Mr and Mrs Muscle workouts, they have always include modified exercises if you need a lower impact. Take care! And see a specialist if you can
No. 205174
>>205067It all depends on your goals! Are you trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or just increase your fitness? Are you going to be doing cardio, pilates, weight lifting, etc?
If you're starting from not ever going to the gym/exercising, 3 days or even 2 days a week is a really good place to start. The worst thing you can do is burn out early trying to achieve a new body and life routine in a short amount of time; it's unsustainable and won't give you any long term habits. Also trying to get a workout in on a workday would be nice, considering you are going to want to just completely rest and not worry about the gym on some days off.
No. 205617
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what exercises should i do to tone up my belly and hopefully get a bit of the fat away? i look like picrel. would planking help?
No. 205964
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what is the BESSSTTTESTT at home workout program/challenge for glutes? whats your most favorite that you've tried? my ass is flat as hell especially since i lost some weight if there is a gym rat browsing can you tell me what to do? i cant go to gym yet but i can use my friends weights if necessary, i used to do chloe ting hourglass challenge and it honestly worked so well for me i could see the changes but ive heard mixed reviews about chloe ting now i'm wondering if i can get better results with another instructor, i tried pamela reif didnt like it, i'm open for anything but i'd prefer challenges or programs over single videos because ticking off daily workouts keeps me motivated(i'd love to hear waist/ab workout suggestions if you have any)
No. 206062
>>206061I was eating whatever i wanted (More then 2k because counting my calories now showed me how much I really ate), not moving much and I drank.
I'm also bigger, I'm definetly obese, I'm talking being up for more then a mintue or so would have me breathing hard and needing to sit.
No. 206064
>>205964The issue is all of these "30 minute booty blast" instructors kinda suck and they all advocate for really inefficient training that doesn't know what it wants to be(except easily marketable of course). If you want a big ass get a training plan and do weights, if you want endurance, or just want to burn lots of calories do cycling, running, swimming ect. There are excellent training plans for these too.
A one size fits all daily workout video will always be inefficient as fuck because it doesn't get harder as you get better. There is no progressive overload, which is the most important principle in strength training. Daily workouts also suck ass, unless your targeting completely different body parts every day, because they don't allow your body enough time to recover and build up muscle. All in all those instructors are a perfect recipe for doing a lot but not getting anywhere.
>>205982Yeah also ignore that huge weight rack in the background of her videos, I'm sure she did this with some "7 minute glute activation" videos.
No. 206240
>>206127you've only been lifting for a month, so don't be discouraged! Going from never working out to strength training i don't think your numbers are bad. As a beginner your goal should be to be able to DL your body weight, not necessarily where you should be starting at.
For some tips: For DLs, grip strength can be a limiting factor. If you feel that's what's holding you back, try holding the bar with a mix grip or look into lifting gloves. Additionally, for building muscles you need to eat more than your maintenance calories, particularly increasing protein. Try to eat some complex carb before the gym (fruits, whole wheat something) as it'll give you the short term energy to workout with and then make sure to consume protein by 30 minutes after your workout (like protein shake), this will aid your muscle growth, i.e. build the muscles back up stronger.
best of luck nona!
No. 206288
>>206062All of that considered (especially cutting the drinking), you should be shedding weight pretty quickly.
For me it went - weigh 245 lbs (eating literally anything, baker's chocolate, drinking beer, going to buffets), cut down to approx 1500 cals a day, and I was losing approx 4 pounds a week, some weeks more, some weeks less, for about three months, then it slowed to about a pound a week. Having a scale and watching the numbers dropped helped a ton w/ keeping me motivated, because I didn't really see a difference in the mirror (although it was very obvious to people around me). As far as exercise went, I would just dance spastically around my apartment for as long as I could, working up a sweat that way. Good luck with your weight loss
No. 206305
>>206240Thank you so much
nonnie!!! And thanks for explaining that DLing body weight is a goal not a starting number! I will pay attention to my strength, I was thinking of using protein powder but I heard if you don't work out hard enough the excess protein turns directly into extra fat, do you think this is a legit risk from the 1hr long workout I described? Thank you again!!!
No. 206449
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Stupid question maybe, but do resistance bands actually translate to real weights? I was going to the gym for a couple of weeks after the mask mandate ended, but when the delta variant blew up I decided to stay home. I didn't want to stop making gains so I bought picrel off of Amazon since a set of these is far cheaper than buying good dumbbells. I've worked my way up to using 70 lbs of resistance, would I actually be able to bench press anything close to that with real weights?
No. 206698
>>206532The last guy I dated beat me twice in our 2 1/2 years together. The first time he was drunk so I made excuses. A fair bit of time passed and I honestly thought it wouldn't happen again. It happened again. He weighed twice what I do and I never stood a chance of beating him if I fought back. I did kickboxing for years but when I fought back the second time it only further enraged him. He then called ME a domestic abuser for fighting back and threatened to report me… when I was black and blue all over and he had one defense scratch on him.
If he hits you one time then leave immediately. Don't train to take him on in the next beating… one hit will always lead to more down the line. And men who will hit you have usually been emotionally abusing the whole time too even if you didn't see it. Getting out is the answer. Finding a safe way to get out without it coming to more blows is what's important.
No. 215650
>>208163>>206698>>206696>>206533Thank you guys. I genuinely feel better that you were rooting for me from far away.
I've managed to left the situation and I'm starting to get back on the situation. I'm in a safe space, i'm doing as well as can be expected, and i'm preparing a space and life of my own far away from that man and his circles. Working on getting through the divorce process.
The nona above is right - men who hit you have usually been emotionally abusing you the whole time. I've been working through a lot in therapy and i'm getting as much help as i can possibly get. I'm just out, i'm just alive - i'm alive. I'm very glad.
Thank you again nonas, it's so important to me that you thought of me.