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No. 670051
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I generally enjoy watching sports but the only one I follow religiously is hockey. My dad played when I was growing up and he made sure I knew how to skate starting when I was 2/3 years old. I love that it's more of a niche sport, but I've never found a good place to discuss it and I hate the weird tumblr fandom surrounding it.
>>670044I've been thinking about ordering a pair of roller skates to get back into exercising regularly. Do you have any recommendations anon? Sucks that the community is like that, but I'd probably stick to myself as much as possible anyways.
No. 670065
>>670051Who's your team, Anon?
Lundpads going to the Caps just about ruined my between-season joy for the >rags not fucking up the entire draft.
No. 670107
>>670051Tried watching hockey once, couldn't see the puck to follow it. I'm used to having my eyes on the ball when watching sports, so that was frustrating.
Anyway, I want to bitch about tennis players wearing the same coloured shoes, sweatpants and other clothing accents in the same color as the ball. That should 100% be banned, and I don't understand why they still allow it. It's cheating. You're trying to gain advantage over your opponent in a way that has nothing to do with your sporting skill. If you've won because your opponent was not sure which of the yellow-green blurs is the ball and which is your wristband, you didn't win fair.
No. 670108

I started rock climbing/bouldering last year. I'm not that good at it or really too deep into it, but I really enjoy it. My gym has a lot of famous people go to it, which I didn't realize when I picked it lmao. The director of Free Solo comes by sometimes (I saw him climbing with his daughter), and Ashima Shiraishi comes by sometimes too (she was there recently for a young women's climbing meet up). I don't allow any climbing athletes too closely, but I really love and admire Jain Kim- her climb is so fluid and beautiful, she makes it look effortless. When someone's on the wall and they're a good climber, they sort of remind me of ballerinas. I've also watched some interviews of Alex Honnold. The dude seems a little weird, but also really chill. I appreciate his dedication and humility. Does climbing drama exist? Who knows, it seems like a lot of people in the sport are chill as hell lol.
I haven't gone back yet because my gym is expensive and because of covid, but I miss it. It really takes up a lot of physical and mental energy for just a few minutes on the wall. I've spent pretty much all of my time climbing in a gym, but I'd like to make climbing friends and go climbing outdoors one day too.
Vid attached is of Jain. I can't find the first clip of her that I watched where she did some sick ass move on the wall, but her climbing here is beautiful too.
No. 670129
>>670107Hockey is one of the only sports that's easier to follow in person than on TV. Eventually you just figure out the rhythm of the game and start anticipating plays, but it's fast and confusing at first.
>>670108Rock climbing is so cool anon! I've always wanted to try it but I'm a little bit afraid of heights and I don't want to embarrass myself kek. Tangentially related, but I love to follow mountaineering which has some juicy drama. I feel like some of it must extend back into the general climbing world.
No. 670156
>>670088I really hope you guys love Hank and, as much as I don't want to root for a Caps cup, I'd be okay with it because we did him so dirty.
Rival-friendos, Anon-chan.
No. 670159
>>670108Ahh I used to boulder as a teen. I only stopped because the gym I climbed at was tiny and I got bored of the few walls they had after a while. Now I don't live anywhere near a gym where you can boulder at all anymore.
Have fun anon!! Bouldering is one of those sports people forget exist (at least where I live) so it's cool to see someone who's into climbing.
No. 670196
>>670129I'm a big weenie who is also afraid of heights haha. Sometimes I won't climb a certain problem because I don't know how to get down, and I've definitely hurt myself from purposely jumping off the wall from too far up (my depth perception gets super fucked up when I'm climbing for some reason). I can only do the babiest of baby problems (V0s and V1s, maaybe can do a V2 halfway) but every little bit is progress! I like to watch all the smaller teens and tiny children climb because I'm so in awe of how fearless they are. Plus, I'm short as hell so I have to do some wacky shit to get up to the next hold, and watching how these kids decide to do it is cool too so I just copy them.
>>670159Thanks anon! My gym just sent an email that they're reactiving my membership come December so I'm heavily debating whether I should extend the freeze on my account or just go back to climb… I've been thinking about getting a harness this black friday (missed out on black diamond's sales last year fml) too so I can use my gyms autobelays for training but also because I also get bored of my gym's walls sometimes lol.
No. 670285
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>>670051the moxi lollys are a real good all rounder to start with, they feel incredibly natural and I deffo learn quicker in them compared to cheaper models, they're a lil expensive but they are quality
No. 670684
>>670285Moxi skates are sooo cute. Roller skating in general is just such a cute and wholesome sport (roller derby excluded?), I love watching videos on yt of groups of girls who skate around in public having fun and doing cool tricks. They seem really convenient and maneuverable, like you can wear them casually anywhere.
I'm good at ice skating and roller blading but the one time I tried roller skating was a disaster kek it's so different and really hard. I plan to try learning for real eventually, but I might wait for second hand skates to pop up somewhere so I'm not spending too much.
No. 670692
>>670108I love rock climbing! I'd love to go outdoors too but I don't know if I need more practice for that, I've mostly been sticking to gyms so far.
In my country it's kind of a sausage fest though, which sucks. Sometimes there's families with kids or teen girls but the rest of the time it's just hipsters and weedbros.
No. 670818
>>670051Hockey is niche?? I'm just so used to having neighbors or family to talk to about it since i'm canadian.
and yeah i don't like how the tumblr fandom is either.
Go leafs go!
No. 670900
>>670818>>670051I got into hockey recently and yeah, the tumblr fandom fucking sucks. It's mostly just teenage girls writing fanfics and smut about players, and if you're lucky you'll find 2 or 3 blogs that are actually good.
ntayrt, but hockey is really, really niche where I live, specially ice hockey. I wish it was more popular, it's the only sport I've ever wanted to play myself even wayyyyy before I started watching it. Roller hockey is more popular, but I was never really interested in that one and I doubt I could even find an amateur/beer league team, let alone a female one.
Anyway, my main thing is Formula 1, even though it fucking sucks now kek I have invested too much time in this sport to stop watching it now.
>inb4 that's not a real sport No. 670950
>>670692You don't really need any special skills to climb outdoors. But you do need to know how to thread your rope through the anchor once your done with it. The best way to learn is to just have someone show it to you and have them watch over your shoulder when your trying it yourself.
Also, three days ago Julia Chanourdie became the third ever woman to climb a 9b! Sadly i can't find a video of her ascent, so here's one of Adam Ondra climbing the same route.
No. 671139
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i want a cody bellinger bf so bad…. ;_;
No. 671169
>>670818>>670900Hockey is pretty niche here too in that it doesn't have many casual fans; the people I know who love it are really knowledgable and passionate. It makes things feel more like a community, which is great. Unfortunately I think that's precisely why hockey ends up with unhinged fans and creepy fanfic on Tumblr/Twitter but whatever.
>>671142I broke my arm rollerblading as a kid and I haven't tried since. I feel like roller skates would give me a false sense of security kek
No. 672277
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>>671493i've got powerslides, these ones to be exact: just copped bc they look so cool, but they're very comfortable. idk really about which brands are the best for a "serious" blader lol. I just skate for fun around parks and these ones have been great so far
No. 672887
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>>671139go dodgers!
also, the 70s porn stashe kiké hernandez had early on in the year made me feel things. cant explain it
No. 672890
>>671522Hell yeah! I'm glad they're trying to put some more grit on the team,hopefully it pans out this time.
>>671696You dont have to tell us that lmao
Every sane leaf fan has a second team.
>>672388Is field hockey the similar to lacrosse?
No. 678946
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>>672888It's very similar to regular figure skating (on ice), but nowadays it has evolved into its own thing almost!
The main differences is that ARS has more official categories (around 10, ice officially has around 4), it doesn't have any quadruple jumps due to the skates' weight and it's considered technically harder due to the wheels' friction and, again, the skate's weight.
ARS is more popular in latin countries and other countries that don't really participate in winter sports.
No. 679744
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I miss hockey so much anons. I'm hoping a January start is still feasible because I need something to look forward to when I come home from work. I've been watching KHL and NCAA games but it's just not the same.
No. 680285
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>>671526>>672277>>672271>>671142Dang I'd love to get all you wonderful ladies to my neighborhood for some wholesome skate sessions lol.
Anyone in this thread who owns a pair of inline skates (even quads can work) might be interested in checking out "freestyle slalom skating" on YouTube/Google/etc. I've been practicing it for about 3-4 years now and it's insanely fun and challenging. I would love to be able to practice/compete with others but it just isn't a thing where I live, sadly. I've yet to actually meet in person another slalom skater. It seems to have more popularity in some Asian and South American countries and on the US west coast. Before covid hit I was planning on starting a club to offer lessons at a local skate rink but those are all shut down now.
I use a "full rocker" setup on seba brand skates which are more tailored for this sport, flexible material but with strong support for ankle area.
Also another note for my skating friends! LED wheels that work well and are pretty cheap! I love these so much very pretty and makes for cool pics and videos if you're into performing: No. 835183
I recently bought roller skates like these
>>670285. I want to be able to do this
>>678946 eventually. This thread inspired me, thank you all.
As of now I'm having trouble with basic balance, man, this is much much harder than I remember from skating as a kid. I thought it's something you never forget like riding a bike but apparently not.
No. 886794
>>886732Just watched the men at the first JGP.
But they canceled Cup of China, so not going to have a normal season yet. The Olympics will probably be dissapointing again.
No. 887834
>>887013I mean disappointing like Tokyo's ceremonies. I really doubt by February China can really be safe.
2018 seems like a lifetime ago, I can barely even remember who won.
No. 904819
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>>886732I'm very excited for the Russian Test Skates this weekend! If anyone but a Russian lady wins the OGM in Beijing, I will eat my hat.
Kostornaia is my personal favourite, I think she's the coolest and most beautiful skater ever and I hope she can bounce back after last season.
(but if I'm being realistic, the OGM is probably Valieva's to lose)
No. 908928
>>908921Samefagging again but the other highlight of the Test Skates for me was Alexandra Trusova!! She's really earned the title of Quad Queen, what an amazing feat.
If anybody wants to start watching figure skating because of the Winter Olympics coming up, I'd really recommend watching Trusova and Kostornaia to see amazing performances at the two extremes of the sport (technical vs artistic)
No. 926979
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Just wanted to say I'm very excited that hockey is starting again, except for the screwing up my sleeping schedule again as an eurofag
No. 927073
>>927067I would watch the shit out of that.
It would also be great promotion of the sport, it would inspire many people to pick up rollerskating as a hobby.
No. 1051580
>>1051548I absolutely am
expecting trusova to fall glamorously and kamila to get gold
No. 1051588
>>1051548Gonna watch it but I've lost a lot of enthusiasm with covid these past few seasons.
Don't care about the ladies. And Hanyu going all in with this stupid quad axle bullshit makes me not really care about him either. Pairs and Dance is just OK.
Just interested in ski jumping and slalom.
No. 1052376
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>>1051592It's weird how the russian girls are all so gorgeous, like what are the chances that all the most talented skaters happen to be notably pretty? I wonder if there are less attractive girls with tonnes of potential who just get rejected or passed over by top tier coaches.
No. 1052521
>>1052194It's a rabbit hole that's fun to jump in, even if you've never skated, isn't it?
All of the Russian woman's team is eteri's girls this Olympics so I'm looking forward to see how it all unfolds.
No. 1052577
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>>1052550Hockey and team sports in general are a lot more… wholesome. Even when it's rowdy. Figure skating has insane stress, drama,
toxic competition and eating disorders. But I can't stop following it because it resonates with me because many of the girls started out as little kids admirinng an Olympic medalist, make it their life to train, you see them break through all the BS and skate the performance of their life. Or it all slips through their grasp with a fall or two. It's bittersweet in a way.
I hope the sport evolves in a positive way, careers gain longevity, and that the sport gains more interest, I'd love to see more world class skaters take on the Russians.
No. 1052771
>>1051580don't know why they brought on trusova when she recently injured herself
>>1051588so annoying since hanyu could probably win if he skates clean with a 4Lz or 4Lo and if nathan fucks up
>>1052376FS is a sport where presentation is a pretty big part of it, so it doesn't surprise me that the most successful skaters have good image packaging and are naturally pretty.
No. 1052844
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i love figure skating so much but it's depressing that the average female skaters career ends when she's 15/16, ana and got delayed puberty while men can still skate when they're in their late 20s
i really love yuzuru hanyu but it's just unfair
i once saw a documentary about figure skating through the decades and in earlier times the focus was much less on jumps, so girls with adult bodies were also winning
>>1052376definitely no coincidence. they all look the same, down to the ass-long hair and outdated clothes they wear in their off time
No. 1053124
>>1052844Women's skating would need a completely different approach to create career longevity, which would cost the coaches and clubs precious medals, aka sponsors and money.
They would have to overhaul how they are taught, their technique and training would have to compliment muscular strength and not just being light as air.
I think it is achievable, but standards of excellence would have to be changed. If a 15 year old is setting records and then crashing and burning a year later, then we have to consider what is the future of figure skating; girls the world over sustaining injuries that will be felt for the rest of their lives in an attempt to be an anorexic jumping machine?
Rewarding good technique would be a start. Vid related; she's in her mid 20s and still skating for a reason
No. 1053144
>>1052376>It's weird how the russian girls are all so gorgeous, like what are the chances that all the most talented skaters happen to be notably pretty? Russia has a huge obsession with looks of their representatives I think; even though most / all the women in ice skating wear makeup, russian girls seem to wear much more, but otherwise most of them are not unusually pretty or anything, so I'd say it's really that focus on the details of the presentation. Few years ago I've read interview with a trainer of a russian volleyball team where they've touched on a subject of makeup; he said he always makes his team put the best makeup possible before the match because "it will make the women from opposing team insecure to see how hot the russian women are", so it seems to really be a thing for them more so than for other countries.
>>1052844>i once saw a documentary about figure skating through the decades and in earlier times the focus was much less on jumps, so girls with adult bodies were also winningIt's the same with gymnastics, right? I wish there were more regulations with both of these sports.
No. 1053146
>>1052844ok but did anyone notice how these girls have so many grown male fans?
Sometimes these figureskaters will show up on my fyp and 90% of their fans will be males and most of their fanpages are run by males.
No. 1053172
>>1053146I've noticed several different types of followers
>the creepy males who are probably pedo>the creepy males who are grown men yet scream about national pride and honor whenever a girl switches coaching or something (always Russian)>middle age lady who probably skated and has her kids in skating>younger ladies who probably skated or still do; usually don't look too closely at Russian women's drama but rather follow Chen and Hanyu>Teens: kpop level sperging about who deserves what and scores >Randoms who just come around for the OlympicsIronically I think the less creepy and more sane skating fans are on Tumblr and Twitter, the creepy males usually are on insta
No. 1053223
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So many eteri girls are narrow-hipped and flat-chested until 16 and then had to quit because growth spurts, do you think this is just because of starvation or are they giving some kind of puberty blockers? i don't know a single girl who grew at that age
they're even tinier than the asian skaters although the average russion woman definitely isn't known for being short…
No. 1053879
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Yeah~ Ryoyu won! with 3 more chances for more.
Now hopefully the wind on the alpine track cooperates for those events.
No. 1053938
>>1053936Let me rephrase:
Everyone’s done a great job of not falling on their asses this year compared to 2018.
Except for Canada kek No. 1054258
>>1053144>he said he always makes his team put the best makeup possible before the match because "it will make the women from opposing team insecure to see how hot the russian women are"…your brain on xy…as if they didn't have more important things to care about.
but tbf, i don't think that they wear more makeup?
the japanese girls look super natural as if they wear no makeup, but so do sasha, anna and co (minus alina and her red lipstick).
american athletes in general seem to wear much more, e.g. simone biles even has falsies on
No. 1054593
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>>1054031Well, i agree of course.
I still remember when a couple years ago people were wondering when women will start doing quads to and now…
Btw this is the body you need to have to be able to that at age 18+
No. 1055516
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>>680285This is a super super late reply but I'd really love to learn to do slalom one day! I picked up a pair of nice inline skates at the end of last year and I haven't been able to get much skating in, but I still have tons of fun whenever I can! I've only been practicing striding around my local park, but I think I might just bite the bullet and sign up for lessons. "Sonic", who seems to be really well known in the inline skating/slalom skating community, is actually in my city and offers local lessons so I might do some with him! I've been watching tons of video tutorials but I think getting live feedback from someone experienced would be really good.
I invested in RB's Twister Edge X, which were pricey, but I settled on them since they seem like a good skate for beginners, but good enough for experienced skaters too. I didn't want to spend a minimum of $100 on medicore skates and then end up paying $250+ on a better set down the line. I plan to skate for a long time!
Skating is amazing and I can't put into words how happy I feel when I'm skating. Even just doing simple circles, it's exhilirating! When I'm more confident in my skating (and stopping especially), I'd love to skate around my city. They do weekly skate nights in my city and I really want to join!
I'd like to learn how to skate on quads too, mainly because I saw these skates a few months ago. They're called Slade Skates, by Flanuerz, and the bottom plate with the wheels is removable! So you can skate or walk in them. I think they'd be cool and convenient to have. I don't really have much interest in quad skating besides that kek. I learned to inline skate as a kid and that's just where my heart is. I had a really shitty pair of quads and I just remember getting on them and struggling to balance and I decided in my tiny little 5 year old brain that I did not like quad skates. I'm just sad because quad skates are so cute. Inline skating companies need to hop on the trend of making cute inline skates like Impala does, because Impala seems to be the only one right now but I read that they're pretty medicore (frame can't be changed and I personally don't like the lack of a 45 strap). The amount of reddit posts asking for quality
and cuteness is astounding, hoping inline skating becomes more popular and companies hop on it.
No. 1056374
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Saw this on r/figure skating and thought it was interesting
>Zhu Yi
>Looks like there’s not much information here about why Zhu Yi has been heavily criticized by the Chinese internet community, so thought I would just share what I have learned/heard.
>Zhu Yi is the daughter of a very prestigious AI/CS scientist, who recently upon the government’s invitation returned to China from the US. Allegedly, the government promised his daughter a spot on the Olympic team as part of the compensation package.
>Now so far this has all just been rumors, but circumstantial evidence added to people’s suspicion. Zhu was not the favorite among China’s top 3 ladies to begin with, but somehow she managed to score way above her PB in four qualifying events, so fans were baffled. People demanded the skating federation to release the videos of these events, to no avail (the events might not have been recorded, who knows, but they did record the mens events. What’s more peculiar is that they didn’t even release the score sheets of the ladies). In the end, she made the team, instead of Chen, who has been carrying this discipline for China in the last quad. Chen is also from a relatively humble background and had to pay for a lot of her training from her own pocket, whereas Zhu received generous stipends and support from the federation, even though again, they’re pretty much on par in terms of techs, artistry, scores, etc. Chen also has more international competition experience, whereas Zhu had very little before the Olympics.
No. 1056636
>>1055526It's not cute when they only medaled because half the competion got DSQ'd…
Anyway, Hanyu fucked up, whatever.
No. 1056773
>>1055516>They do weekly skate nights in my cityThat sounds awesome! So lucky
>When I'm more confident in my skating (and stopping especiall)I've taken up skating on quads, and stopping is the most difficult thing to learn. I wish I could take classes to master stopping because of safety but there aren't any available where I live
No. 1056914
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The MLB will no longer be testing for steroids, is the NFL to follow? Honestly pretty excited to see what affects this will have on sports in general
more open and regulated steroid usage
No. 1058557
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speaking of doping and roids, russians might have lost their OGM in the team event due to doping
No. 1059611
>>1058941Yeah it's pretty fucking bad, have most threads hidden. But I don't know anywhere else I can talk about ski jumping/alpine in english.
You know Golden Skate and FSUniverse right?
No. 1062557
>>1062506I can’t believe Russia was given that shortened sentence following their doping scandal from years ago and still decides to take these chances. I don’t necessarily blame
her, but I hope she gets DQ’d to show a lesson that sticks.
No. 1062588
>>1062506>>1062557i watched a couple yt videos on this and the comments are all braindead
>no but she's so young and she did so well, everything about her is perfect, it's not her fault, adults made her do it, she had no idea, you're all bullies going after a child!!! russophobia!!!…she wouldn't be this "perfect" if she (and the other russian girls) didn't get medication that helps their breathing/stamina. all russian conpetitors are always underage, so of we go by "but it's not her fault" russia is gonna continue doing this forever.
No. 1062591
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>>1062506We will see shortly
No. 1062592
>>1061194Samefag but, did anyone else feel like Chen’s performance was over-scored? If he is indeed retiring, it’s probably because he knows he’ll never live up to the luck that brought him the gold and wants to end on this high note.
I also heard rumors that Hanyu was retiring, but I think he’ll give it until next year’s World Championships in Japan.
No. 1062593
did anybody else also find yuzurus programs really underwhelming? even if he didn't fall it still would've been boring imo.
whenever he re-skates an old program you can see that he improved a lot, so it's not like he's declining but the musical choice is not like it was before.
his music before was always more dramatic and had some climax, he always followed the same sequence of first finishing his jumps and then just skating freely, which showed his general skating skills and made him stand out so much, e.g. in vid at 4.15
or here at 4.30
that's been missing lately
No. 1062600
>>1062597He can retire from competing at the olympics and do other skate stuff, like coaching. At the olympics this year there was a handful of guys that were repeaters, in their 30s and IMO some of them should have just let younger skaters compete instead
I only watch the olympics though so yeah
No. 1062618
it shouldn't matter how old you are or how often you competed already when you're still the best
No. 1062680
>>1062597I get why he wants to try a quad axel, though. At a certain point, he's a 2x Olympic champion, what does he stand personally to gain more medals? He's trying to stretch the dimensions of a sport he loves. Even if it's at the cost of his athleticism, that may be a cost that is worth it to him. I respect that about him.
>>1056684I agree that I like skaters that focus on lyricism a bit more, but Chen's performances are interesting to watch because they focus on the fact he's a a powerful skater. I think he deserved Gold. I can see how if he doesn't retire, his programs could become more boring over time.
>>1062591She better not be allowed to skate. Talk about ruining a sport and the general integrity of the Olympics. It is insane to people are still saying stuff regarding how she is still a beautiful sister, she doesn't need doping, etc. except since she stepped on the scene she's basically been winning all her competitions. I don't think it's a mistake that only she and her star teammates can all do quads. I don't mean to be too tinfoil hat-y, but I wouldn't be surprised if Russia is using puberty blockers on their girls as well.
No. 1062836
>>1062557Unless the B sample comes back clean, I doubt she'll be allowed to compete.
I've heard there are two options for the group event: they can remove her score from the ROC's total or they can DQ the entire group. I hope it's the second choice, because I find it hard to believe she's the only one who's doping. Apparently some of the Russian skaters who should already be going home are sticking around because they're still expecting to receive their group medal ceremony.
And yeah, she's only 15, but this is just a small part of a much larger problem that was never solved. And if they treat this case lightly because she's a minor it will only encourage more cases of doping young girls.
No. 1062845
>>1062680>I don't mean to be too tinfoil hat-y, but I wouldn't be surprised if Russia is using puberty blockers on their girls as well.i 100% believe this
looking at the list of medals per country it's so funny how the top are mostly (small) eurofag countries, proves that no matter how many 100 millions (or billions) of citizens your country has and no matter how brutally you drill young kids (with drugs), normies with passion and fun at what they do will always be better
No. 1063023
>>1062557i feel absolutely awful for her and i can't imagine what it's like to be a student under an awful coach like eteri, but she absolutely should not be allowed to compete.
>>1062592chen has always been overscored and has the most hollow, uninspiring performances. how he's getting 9+s in musicality and interpretation is insane.
>>1062593hanyu's programs went downhill from 2018 onward. i didn't care for the tribute programs and thought they lacked what made him super unique.
>>1062597really frustrating that he didn't just do the 4Lo or 4Lz like he did in worlds 2019 for the free skate. i'm fairly sure he could have gotten silver if he substituted the 4A for a different quad.
>>1062680>chen is a powerful skaterwhere? it's all two-footed skating with no speed, no transitions, and flat edges.
> I wouldn't be surprised if Russia is using puberty blockers on their girls as well.i listen to this one podcast about skating that mentioned that the russians use lupron
No. 1064790
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I am so glad to see some fs discussion on here, there is so much going on just in the Russian ladies discipline that it could probably warrant its own thread. I could write up a whole introductory post to Team Tutberidze and their long, long history of drama, corruption and child abuse if anybody is interested.
>>1064513I'd like to see a Sasha OGM, I feel like if any of the Russian girls AREN'T doping it'll be Sasha, given that her father is an incredibly protective former athlete and she's so in-shape. At the same time, it would maybe feel morbid to see Sasha win by landing five quads when the 'trick' to these jumps might not only be starvation but also drugs. I hope her ankle is okay.
But Sasha could flop and get silver or bronze, with Anna taking the gold. For the third spot, maybe Wakaba, You Young or even Loena.
As for the result of Kamila's trial (that seems so absurd to type, this poor girl) in my opinion she shouldn't be able to compete (as much for her own reputation and mental health as for the fairness of the competition), but I honestly don't know what to expect anymore. It could go either way, since the positive result is from December when no international events took place. It is 100% not her fault and solely on the coaches judges, but that doesn't give her the right to compete after doping.
Unrelated but I miss Aliona Kostornaia. I'm kind of glad that she's not in Beijing right now though! Love her.
No. 1064849
>>1064790>I am so glad to see some fs discussion on here, there is so much going on just in the Russian ladies discipline that it could probably warrant its own thread. I could write up a whole introductory post to Team Tutberidzeyou should, anon! i'm sure a lot of other farmers would like to hear about it, since the ways that gender politics manifests in sports like figure skating (and other sports like gymnastics) is really interesting
>Unrelated but I miss Aliona Kostornaia. I'm kind of glad that she's not in Beijing right now though! Love her.same, i was sad to see that she posted online saying that she isn't watching the olympics because it upsets her, but at the same time i'm glad she's away from all of the mess that's happening with the russian team
No. 1065758
>>1065707It doesn't really matter if it's mainstream though as long as good teams are still competing. And you'll never have to worry about quad creep.
I don't know about ladies, but I have a feeling that after Nathan retires and nobody else can do clean multiple quad programs that the hype will die down a bit.
No. 1066147
>>1065461absolutely heartbreaking to see valieva start to cry even before her scores were announced. eteri is such a monster. wouldn't have expected anna to win ogm a few years ago, and the way sasha snapped at eteri after the FS, ouch.
>>1065692everyone else has said this but when it comes to broader recognition of the sport, the individual events are always more popular (especially ladies)
>>1065758>>1065769i doubt it, even if hanyu stops competing, there are still a ton of male skaters landing quads (shoma, even though his technique sucks, and yuma) and the new generation (that one ilya manilin skater who almost went to beijing) will probably keep the "quad revolution" going
No. 1066148
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(samefag) thoughts?
No. 1066479
>>1066148I REALLY want this to happen. Figure skating really needs to raise the age minimum, I'm tired of russian kids sweeping the podiums and also those same kids getting abused and pushed way beyond their bodies' limits only to last a single season and be disposed of as soon as their technique starts to waver because of puberty by eteri. A 15 year old isn't a "senior", in this aspect the roller version of figure skating does age minimums way better because the seniors division there is actually for seniors aka 18 and up.
>>1066324Although I'm all in for compulsory to come back because it does wonders to edge control, I feel like thar alone wouldn't fix the "problem". Like
>>1066442 said the only likely way to retrieve some of the technique-artistic value would be for ISU to revise tech scores and just lower the base scores or bonuses for quads to discourage skaters (or coaches) from spamming quads and bullshitting the other components.
No. 1067392
>>1066148It's not really fair to the other younger kids who don't have horrible coaches.
Also messes with pairs/dance where there sort of has to be an age gap, with younger couples.
>>1066324It's been too long since it was judged and taught, and takes too much time in competitions.
>>1066147There are other males landing quads, but not 5 quads. 2 or 3 in a long program is fine as long as they can go clean.
No. 1068719
>It's been too long since it was judged and taught, and takes too much time in competitions.that's a weak ass excuse for them to not bring it back imo. most singles skaters nowadays have really crappy edge technique, most quads aren't even landed cleanly but since ISU doesn't care then the coaches don't bother fixing it up.
>It's not really fair to the other younger kids who don't have horrible coaches.Also messes with pairs/dance where there sort of has to be an age gap, with younger couples.
there were only TWO pair skaters under 18 in the olympics, both aged 17, and the age gap between most pair skaters isn't even that drastic. lifting the age limit would help protect those kids anyway, and also help make the sport more fair to other adult skaters. the way it is right now figure skating is pretty much a kids only sport because a 20 year old female skater just can't compete with a fresh 15 year old girl taking puberty blockers with a pixie-type body who can perform an entire routine comprised of nothing but quads. kids should stay in juniors.
No. 1069416
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After the Valieva mess I saw some people wondering if all of the other Eteri girls were being doped too. What do you guys think? What kind of effect would it have on the past decade of skating if that was true?
No. 1082721

>>1081034Kosto confirmed that she was kicked out, it wasn't her choice to leave. She starts training with Elena Buyanova of CSKA (coach of Adelina Sotnikova lol) on Monday. Buyanova is also known for being an
abusive coach, and she has no political power within Russian skating, which was the ONE positive thing about Eteri.
Kostornaia is such a once-in-a-generation natural talent that her constant mismanagement angers me like nothing else. She was performing some of the most artistically and technically impressive programs in the history of our sport as a junior, and now she's given programs so awful that even her asshole (a mild word for him) choreographer decided to change them mid-season. People call her career a tragedy because if she had even ONE adult in her life who was looking out for her, or if covid came a few weeks later and she won the world championships, her prospects would be entirely different. It kills me; she'll always be the best in my eyes but she could have been up there with Yuna, Mao, and Carolina if only she had the right people around her.
The idea that she went through RENAL FAILURE at 15 because they were drugging her, when drugs are completely useless in improving what really makes her special (her artistry, skating skills and good technique) makes me feel violent.
(About that rumour, I 100% believe it. Not to get all creepy about the girls' physiques but she started that hiatus looking like a child and ended it looking far more adult than her counterparts, though I can't put my finger on the exact change in her physique. Compare her growth at JGPF 2018 and GPF 2019 and compare it to Anna and Sasha's. Its probably because she wasn't taking puberty blockers during that hiatus.)
>>1069416I think they've all been doped up, with maybe Sasha and post-2018 Aliona as the exceptions.
>>1064790Im this nonna and I'm maybe going to follow up on the figure skating/Eteri abuse thread in the future if there's enough interest for one! I've just been pretty busy recently and I'd like to put a lot of research and time into it, so i can properly explain it for people who aren't into figure skating or aren't aware of the situation.
Video related is Kostornaia's free skate to Stella's Theme because its one of those programs that I think is one of the best skates in this sports' history. She is just unparalleled, my god.
No. 1087938
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>>1087677I second this nonna
>>1087889 but there are also adult skating championships in some countries! Consider watching the US Adult Championships (I think Adult Gold is the level for 'adults who become skaters' and Adult Masters is the level for 'skaters who become adults') to see how people in a similar situation to you can perform!
Just a warning that it is reallly going to hurt, you're going to use muscles that you didn't even know existed! I'm late teens and went skating twice over Christmas (no permanent rinks where I live); I couldn't even manage to shuffle around the rink for an hour without it hurting my feet way too much. But keep on trying and I'm sure you'll be amazed by your progress. Yes, you'll make a fool of yourself, but anyone learning a new skill does the same. Have fun nonna and good luck!
No. 1087958
>>1087677Skating is a great sport to exercise all kinds of muscles in your body, don't let your age hold you back!
Also don't be shy about wearing protective gear! I've been skating for five years now and am fairly young (in my very early 20s) and I still always use kneepads and wrist guards- got to avoid getting many nasty injuries because of these.
No. 1088025
>>1087958>>1087938>>1087889Thank you ladies. I don't have much positive support regarding this so your replies helped me pull the
trigger and sign up.
Currently I don't have much stamina but I have always had very good flexibility and balance, so hopefully that helps. My goal is to just be able to skate confidently and maybe do a few simple spins. I dislike the gym environment so I'm hoping this gets me in better shape without the monotony of stationary biking or treadmills.
No. 1090219
>>1087677>>1088025Have fun sis, keep in mind that if you use rental skates you will struggle so if you enjoy it, commit to buying your own skates asap.
I started skating at 25 and had an absolute blast, even got to do axels and start doubles at one point (then fucking covid hit, I've barely skated in years). Being an adult makes it hard to get to a high level, but you might be surprised and you'll have fun at the very least.
No. 1094680
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i used to be a big nba fan in high school but then got super bored with basketball for years until recently (last year) got into watching college basketball. i'm totally hooked and now understand why people go crazy for march madness. its just so fun to watch. i feel that theres something way more authentic and visceral about college athletes playing basketball than pros. soul, it's soulful
No. 1104585
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Any other anon excited for the first race of the season today? Starting grid looks really interesting!
No. 1104629
>>1094680>I feel that theres something way more authentic and visceral about college athletes playing basketball than pros.This is the truth! I’ve been saying this (with my dad) for years now. It’s exciting because one of my teams is somewhat of a Cinderella this year for MM.
And I was wondering if there were any college basketball or American football nonnies on here. Very burger thing of me to say. But I have such a passion for both of these sports, even if football is getting oversaturated on American television in the fall and winter time.
No. 1104654
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>>1104585yes!! I know the season has literally just started but there's already the potential for so many interesting storylines
No. 1104682
>>1104654Exactly, I'm really happy to see Haas in the middle, finally some points for them; and overall it seems like we may be getting much closer fight between more teams than in previous teams, can't wait to see how thigs play out in a few hours.
Happy for Bottas outqualifying Russel, I'm lowkey hoping to see Russel lose a bit to see how he's going to take it, he seems to have a good drama potential.
No. 1104778
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>>1104585I’m a tifosi so of course I’m excited as fuck. My dream season would be a Sharl/max title fight, with sainz getting his first win or two
I also love Bottas so much, I was one of his OG defenders before public opinion shifted on him so I’m really happy to see he’s still up there in the top 10 even after switching to Alfa, he’s very endearing to me and even if he’s not a generational talent he’s so underrated
No. 1105043
>>1104778After watching this race seems like we totally may get LEC/VER title fight, if not for redbull engine failing everyone but Yuki they'd totally be P1 and P2. Definitely fun to see Ferrari finally as serious contenders, more enjoyable than Redbull / Mercedes fight over and over. Also, even though p5 is pure luck for Magnussen, but even p7 would be amazing, I love to see it.
And hey, Bottas is one of my favorites too! He's a great driver, but I suppose it was easy to overlook it since he was in Hamilton's shadow for so long. Too bad he couldn't get a title in Mercedes, will be much harder to do in AR, but at least he doesn't have to execute team orders now. Would love to see him seriously fighting Mercedes in some of the future races.
No. 1105407
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>>1104585I’m so happy F1 is back! Also so excited for the new regulations, today made me believe we are actually gonna get close fights between the drivers and you anons can’t believe how happy I am the mercedes era seems to be over kek
unfortunately I still have a hateboner for ferrari because I’m still salty about what happened with Seb, but eh. I can live with it.
What did you guys think about the race? I had so much fun, until the redbull massacre started with like 3 laps to go and Max had to retire the car. The fact that he had been having issues the entire race but was still able to somewhat keep up with Leclerc is making me hopeful. Their fight had me on the edge of the seat, I hope we get more of those.
Last thing before I stop sperging, but I missed kmag so much. He’s always been one of my favourite drivers and lost my shit when they announced he was coming back. I have been celebrating his P5 the entire afternoon kek hopefully Haas keeps this up and Mick can get some good points too, fuck knows he deserves it after having had to put up with mazepin and a shitty car last season
No. 1148069
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is anyone into cheer? its great to watch and the athletes can be quite milky
No. 1156616
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Wish this thread wasn't dead but I'm gonna keep trying to make it a thing.
Any fellow hockey fans? What teams are you cheering for the playoffs?
I'm rooting for the canes although I'm sure we're not making it out of the 1st round kek
I also wouldn't be angry if the panthers won the cup, my favourite team are the flyers and I just want G to win a cup and come back home.
No. 1317350
>>1317330He started a youtube channel in case you didn't know
No. 1317352
>>1317330Russia and Yuzuru were the only reasons why I watched Ice skating in a first place, tbh. hugs to you
No. 1341175
>>1320980Nonna, if you're still around, did you go for a lesson? I'm trying to find a good stable myself after loooong injury-caused break, and I know exactly how you feel; it's the only passion I've ever had that I didn't lose over turning it into a career.
>>1341157I'm completely new to this, but attended UFC event in Paris and it seems like a really fun thing to get into, one thread would make it a lot easier keeping up with all the drama! So I'm definitely in if you make a thread
No. 1341435
>>1341416I had to get used to it, but it didn't take more than like two events.
I grew up watching way more graphic shit in vidya and anime lol
No. 1341944
>>1341438i'd like an mma thread too! it wd be pretty unique
ufc paris was fine, the main match was bananas
No. 1348384
>>1344107Nah, with the base value system, attempts at quads get high scores even if they aren’t done perfectly. I remember watching some video about the triple axel (in womens, this was before there were Russian seniors doing quads) and they said you’d score higher on a triple axel attempt with a shaky landing than a perfectly landed double axel.
I don’t much like the current judging system because it places too much weight on jumps and spins only instead of the whole package. I’d rather watch a good performer without jumps than someone soullessly doing a bunch of quads.
No. 1383961
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Not sure if anyone here follows motorsport or the Le Mans championship specifically, but the all-female group Iron Dames were finally able to win one of the races just recently! They're been close to victory since last year but only managed to arrive in second place until the latest 4 hour race in Portimão. This is a huge thing because there's never been an all-female group in the european Le Mans series and they competed with and won against the male drivers. They're excellent drivers and their control over their car has been amazing in every race, including the 24 hours race in France. I'm proud of them nonnies.
No. 1584921
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For ninnies that skate:
I wanna pick it up, I went to a skating rink diner place (?) before and I had a lot of fun, but never went back because it was too far. So now a new place opened up closer to home and now I wanna go there and maybe even get a pair of skates of my own instead of just renting theirs.
So I have s few questions regarding rollerblades/quads vs inline skates. Which one should I get considering the following:
>Easier to balance on/stay still
>Easier to "dance" on (doesn't have to be super complex moves, something more like vidrel)
>Still able to skate on streets and parks, mostly for fun and not for transportation/insane speed
>Good for couples' fun
Feel free to add other points that I probably don't know about.
Thanks in advance!
No. 1585003
>>1383643Look back at skaters from the 90s and 2000s. This was when the system first changed, younger skaters tended to do well but mature ladies were still mostly winning, and had bigger jumps and better posture than young skaters who had iffy jump technique but could rotate quickly. And look what happened when the juniors hit a growth spurt. Naomi Nari Nam is an example, she was exactly like Sasha Cohen, but the latter managed to stay strong and was still relatively small. Her jumping technique was her enemy, but she was easily one of the best of the best. Caroline Zhang and Mirai Nagasu were still short but once they lost the petite figure it was really all over. It's amazing Mirai managed to learn a triple axel while relearning all her jumps with her body, and again she relied on being petite to complete the moves. Caroline same. It's just difficult.
Russia always had great skaters but they have an obsession with winning and they pulled strings to use their influence in the ISU to game the system. Once points were established, and rules change every four years, they would be privy to the points and train the next generation for the next set before it even changed. Other skaters would have to catch up now with girls doing it from the beginning. Even if they had faulty technique, the judges looked the other way, and used the excuse of points. Even if a girl was injured they had another one ready to go. They absolutely had to have this army of girls ready to compete, and it's better to have them all uniform in size and stature to benefit from the training. I still think Alina Zagitova was wonderful, Yulia Lipnitskaya as well, Daria who was injured; many girls were wonderful but it's suspicious that they suddenly were winning absolutely everything, that the technique went down, that the girls were all younger and smaller, and that they were doing point building moves no one else was doing when clearly skaters were capable of it. Caroline Zhang in her prime is to me what these Russians are now, Caroline was just a petite child, the Russians are doping and hit growth spurts as soon as their glory days are over.
And what I see happening now, is being banned is causing them to send all their skaters to other countries and use their spots. It's so corrupt, all sports nationalism propaganda to incite wars, well what can anyone do anymore. I miss skaters like Michelle Kwan, Sasha Cohen, Shizuka Arakawa, who performed as ladies, as women, a piece of art on the ice, with as perfect technique as one can have.
No. 1585040
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On a random note I actually met Kristi Yamaguchi and have an old pair of skates that she signed. My stupid self tried to put a protective layer over it to protect it but with time it peeled off or got worse, but before I toss these skates might as well share it.
And she was very kind and friendly, much shorter than I thought
No. 1585084
>>1584921Well I haven't used rollerblades in forever so I can't help you much with comparisons, I love my rollerskates. One notable difference is that inline skates are quite bulkier on average, and less convenient to carry around.
As for indoor/outdoor compatibility, it's the type of wheels you choose that matters, softer wheels have more traction and amortization so they're good for rough outdoor surfaces although you'll have to use more force to propel, harder wheels go more with less effort but you feel all the bumps. Something in the middle of you want both. Or you can buy two sets of wheels and change them.
I have friends that rollerblade and they like going to the skate park with those ramps. I can do simple tricks like skate backwards or in place but I don't do jumps.
No. 1618038
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>>1585084I am
>>1584921 and reporting back: I did buy quads and I am enjoying them a lot! I'm nowhere near good enough yet but I am looking forward to skate and learn a little bit everyday, so that's pretty nice. I still have to break in them though, they are rough around the toebox. I've putting some small plastic bottles there when I'm not using them so they can loosen up a bit.
However they came with harder wheels (90A) and I am now looking for softer wheels cause I wanna go out in the streets and to be honest, even the tiles at home can be a bit challenging with wheels that hard.
But now I am a bit stumped:
Should I get very soft 78A or a more versatile 82A? Both are PU wheels btw.
Some points:
>I wanna go out, and my country have some very rough streets and sidewalks>However I do wanna go to roller rinks as well, so I don't wanna have a problem on those (IDK if being too soft would be a problem on very smooth rinks)>I don't care about going super fast either, but I don't wanna make a lot of effort to just go forward a bit>Suitable for rollerdancing tricks and moves>Durability of the wheels (Do softer wheels deteriorate faster? I've heard so but IDK) No. 1618206
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>>1618038Samefag but I've found 80A wheels by the same company that made my skates with a discount and in the color I wanted, so I couldn't pass on it. They are also a good in between size (60mm) I think they'll be perfect for my skates. I can't wait for them to get home!
I also wish I could get cute skate accessories in my country like picrel. My skates are this deep, army green color that I think would go really nice with black accessories. Maybe someday I'll import it.
No. 1618236
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>>1618206Anon. I'm pretty sure that you could easily find accessories.
No. 1618313
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>>1618236In my country, anon. I know I can buy them on Etsy, but that's very expensive on my own currency plus very high shipping rates.
But now I'm thinking about just buying some patches locally and putting eyelets on them, it's probably way cheaper.
No. 1812885
>>1812757I actually hate this shit, who cares if you can pull it off in the air when you can't land it most of the time. I'd rather have a clean artistic program then 'omg four rotations'.
But I haven't really watched figure skating since the war started and the Russians were banned.
No. 1870866
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burgerfag here, I’ve never been into football but jfc this years superbowl is going to be the most lackluster. I hope there’s hockey nonas still itt. Get fucked Carter Hart
No. 2021564
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Lesbians have used LChat to talk about gay WNBA players for the past 15 years. But LChat is falling apart. We need a well-moderated anonymous place to talk away from straight people and away from homophobes. The amount of trolling and online harassment players and fans deal with has always been extreme. A sports thread that isn't specifically for gay WNBA players isn't a perfect fit