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No. 76133
If I had to describe my ideal man it would be mostly in regards to his personality.
Lookswise I only care that he's not obese (since I'm not obese either and place importance on healthy lifestyle) and that he's not a midget, so at least 1.65m tall (my height is 1.75m). I do have a soft spot for red hair though, but that's really irrelevant.
I'd like him to be intelligent of course, who wants to be with a retard? But, but, but… he must not be a pseudo-intellectual, the sort that will correct people for the smallest mistakes and parrot some interesting facts he read that day without knowing anything more about the subject. I hate shallow discussions.
Ideally, he would be a homebody, an introvert like me but he would also like to go to the outdoors and take trips with me in nature. He would be kind and he must love animals. He would be the sort of a guy that would help me build birdhouses and make sure they have food in our surrounding area. If he likes to go birdwatching that would be a huge plus.
We would always help each other out. He wouldn't be the macho type and he would help around the house. During rainy days his most favorite pastime would be to snuggle together while playing vidya or reading books. We should have common interests but we should have no problems giving each other space for our own hobbies. We would both be comfortable being together in silence.
His music interests must exclude rap and in general mainstream music. Speaking of which it would be cool if he also played an instrument, so we could play either classical or jazz music together.
And he would have to prefer cuddles over sex, so preferably he has little to no sex drive.
It goes without saying that he should be loyal which seems like a rare trait. He should be a teetotaler, do no drugs(yes even weed), and must not like gambling of any kind. Others seem to think such people are boring, in my experience, such people are the most interesting.
I haven't met a guy like that would fit my ideal criteria, not even close. Most guys I personally know are really outgoing, loud, macho and have dull interests (going to the pub, watching football, they also gossip, like alcohol…). And being on the internet for so long made me wary of men, they seem to have insatiable sex appetite and are too emotional and violent.
No. 76145
Tall, slim, would like scrawny better than very muscular. I love small waist and broad shoulders. Pretty hands with long, delicate fingers. Absolute must is nice hair, damn I hate how little men care about a good hairstyle. I love thick hair on men. Big eyes or a charismatic gaze.
I'm an introvert, so I would prefer him to be extroverted or in the middle. He would take me places, wouldn't be shy or socially anxious, so I could grow as a person with him, trying out stuff I can't do by myself.
Loves animals and nature, is sensitive, empathetic, good-natured. Has a sense of humour and can laugh at himself. Is genuinely interested in what I say, doesn't one-up or mainsplain me, respects my views and doesn't argue with me about them, even if he disagrees.
I know for a fact a man like this doesn't exist. It would have to be ftm lol, but they're often pieces of shit either.
Well, a biological man with a female brain is a dream.
No. 76152
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I’m incredibly lucky
> fit ex gymnast/ firefighter
> smart
> likes cats
> hygiene is 100%
> does house work
> overall caring nice guy
The only downsides is that he can be kind of feminine..
No. 76423
>>76372So a guy like this cant possibly stay single?
No. 76431
>>76372Same my dear anon. I've a strong relationship with my cat cause we've been through a lot of shit together (really sick when he was a baby also he was a great emotional support when I've lost my Dad 2 years ago)
And my man must love him too and love animals in general.
Also, besides Keanu Reeves and whiskey, we are the same.
My husband is basically an irl Blackwall (the character from Dragon Age Inquisition )with a glorious beard, big broad-shoulders and hair all over the place. He's my dream man and I'm feel very lucky.
(sorry and sage for my English. I'm reading a lot on LC and you guys allows me to improve my comprehension a lot, but I am not comfortable with my writing. I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience)
No. 76440
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>tall (i’m 5’8)
>around my age (5 years max)
>has brunette curly hair in a sort of quiff style where it rises off his head
>dark circles and thick eyebrows
>dresses like pic related
>is a switch but displays masculine traits
>is a male sex kitten, a tease
>has a job, but sometimes relies on me
I really don’t care about personality that much, most men with strong personalities will pester you and make you feel bad about everything. I’d rather have a group of friends to share my interest with.
basically i want a man in the way that men want women.
No. 76445
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>>76441that’s just how i want him to dress tho
pic related body is literally perfect
No. 76446
At least 1.7m tall (im 1.75 ish), but im willing to go lower, weight doesnt matter as long as he isnt dangerously underweight or obese. I can deal with a little overweight as long as he has very good hygiene and has at least a bit of muscle under the fat. Facial features dont bother me as much, as i find mens facial features ugly 99.9999999999% of the time, but someone with a wide round or square face would be nice, to balance out my long skinny horse face. Around the same age or slightly older than me, but not younger. Medium length dark hair. Almond shaped eyes. (i dont really like round eyes even though mine are more round lmao) Clean shaven, i could tolerate some light stubble or a moustache, but no actual beards.
Preferably he would be from my country or can at least speak/be willing to learn my language (unless hes american, i really dont want to date an american guy of any race). Has to be a part of my religion, or be willing to convert. Has to get along well with my family. Has to be straight. Must want and be able to have kids. Willing to wait until marriage for sex. No criminal record. Believes in more traditional gender roles, but not the """traditional""" red pill bullshit. Doesnt piss the whole day away on the internet playing video games and watching porn. Has a stable job so that I can raise the children when we have them. Always puts me first.
No. 76460
i didn't realise i had a dream guy until i met my bf but now i see i found mine when i wasn't even looking
>like 1cm taller than me so hugs are perfect and i don't have to go on tiptoes to kiss him (he's average height i'm just tall)
>that really nice to cuddle body type where he's not exactly chubby but has like a layer of soft over some really good muscles
>the cutest big brown eyes, soft thick dark brown hair, olive skin, the sweetest smile ever (with dimples!)
>always speaks really gently around me, which paired with the mild australian accent just makes me melt
>we share a lot of interests (musical instruments, computer programming etc.) we can discuss and work on together, and he loves listening to me talk about the other things i'm into (which includes looking at gross brain pictures since i study neurology)
>i think he's really smart but he thinks i'm the smart one so we're probably both dumbasses and that's okay because we're dumbasses in love
>raised by women so no toxic masculinity issues
>understands i have anxiety problems and helps me get through panic attacks, even if it's the middle of the night and i need to get out of the house he'll just grab his keys and ask where i want to go
>great in bed, really considerate of the fact that i'm a sexual abuse survivor, has about the same drive as me and always makes sure i'm into what we're doing
>thinks i'm perfect and showers me with affection whenever i say something negative about myself (which is a lot because i hate myself)
>loves and supports me no matter what, which is what made me realise how perfect he is for me since all i've ever wanted is to feel like i have someone who's on my side
No. 76467
>>76132I have a bf im happy with
>hairy, the hairer the better>tall but not freak of nature, I'm 5'0 for reference so 5'9+>wide shoulders, wide chest>olive skin>slim or toned, like swimmer body>black or brown hair, wavyish>facial hair>brown almond eyes>small moles in random places, especially on the chest, not huge freak ones though>dresses business casual but not intimidating>dominant but not the pretentious kind, not abusive either, knows my limits and respects them>babys me>likes having fun, isn't a pussy and trying new things>deep voice, especially with an accent >encourages me to do things with career and hobbies>wants to get married, have kids, settle down>takes care of me, type to stick with me even if I was sick>intelligence, good thinking skills is a MUST, ambition, I don't care if unemployed but they have to have motivation and ambition, not expecting me to take care of everything >idc about his interests as long as if he doesn't do drugs, drink and go on the internet all day>good hygiene, smells nice>playful and sweet but also romantic >respectful, a gentleman, chivalrous >good relationship with familyI'm super picky but yeah
No. 76468
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>>76462>(Richard Ramirez type, ye ik its cringy but he is my type)i feel this anon, bundy is my type physically, but he’s literally an incubus.
No. 76474
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I actually made a list in my phone for whenever I decide to re-enter the dating world. Taller than me, jawline for days, and big dick are givens.
>Likes to eat/isn't picky
>thinks hugs are super great
>Wants to do things with me, even if they're out of the box or bothersome
>Little problem falling asleep
>Wants to marry and have kids someday
>Relatively in-shape, doesn't obsess too much
>Great work ethic
>emotionally supports my stupidass j-fashion interests
>is moot
No. 76479
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>>76468yes girl yes. I was expecting to get hate for saying that, but its good that you feel me. Like I dont support what Richard or Ted did but they're fine men physically.
No. 76489
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>>76474Same, anon. He's fucking cute!!! I want to sit on his face for days~
I have such a thing for young blond/extremely light brown haired guys with good facial structure but still look cute and almost innocent. They get the juices flowing
No. 76500
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My ex bf was a sweetheart but so many things where lacking from our relationship, here's what I'm on the hunt for.
>Take GOOD care of himself
(ex couldn't be bothered to get a haircut or shave, it's not cute when your bf start looking like a hobo and wear the same clothes everydays…)
>Tall and slender
>Face more pretty than handsome
>Easy going and spontaneous to balance out my anxious tendencies
>Practice at least one form of art (sculpting, painting, music…)
>More on the subby side? The kind of guy who looks at you like you're a goddess
>Not afraid to show affection, perfect if he enjoy giving a lot of kisses and hugs
>Love animals, 100+ points if he's a vegetarian/vegan
>Want to have children one day
>Don't want to sound like a fetishist but I would enjoy being with someone of another culture? I think when it's well handled it create beautiful smart children… Idk I feel like mixing genes is very healthy
No. 76501
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At this point my dream man would be one who doesn't hate women and constantly spew misogynistic bullshit. That seems to be asking a lot. Someone who doesn't hate me and doesn't want to constantly remind me how I'm inferior and below him. I already hate myself enough I don't need a man to do it for me.
No but for real, I've always found it hard to think about this, because no matter how many standards you have and what you're looking for, sometimes you end up with the exact opposite and everything is better than you ever expected. But if I had to choose a few personality traits and whatnot, I guess I just admire and fall for men who are extremely passionate about something. It could be literally anything. A certain period of history, cars, cooking, film, whatever. I just find it sweet when someone is so obsessed with something that they can never stop talking about it and want to share it with you and teach you everything about it hoping that you also become passionate about it. I don't know why I like that though.
I also want to meet a man who is genuinely sweet. Especially to animals. Like other anons have mentioned, the way someone treats animals tells you a lot about that person. I like men who smile and seem happy all the time, I guess because I'm the exact opposite and that's the way I wish I was. I'm very introverted and depressed, so I've always admired people who just spread happiness everywhere they fucking go because they're so sociable and kind to everyone. Someone who is informed and cares about what is happening in the world. As cliche as it is, sense of humor. I think at this point even men are aware that being funny is the most attractive trait a man could have. Again, not sure why this is or if there is an evolutionary reason for it. Monogamous, obviously. Calm/peaceful and levelheaded but not emotionless. This may sound shitty/negative but I also want a man who hates the same shit I hate so we can laugh about it together. I want him to be able to trust me and feel that he can open up to me, but that's more dependent on me than it is him I guess. Generally just not an asshole pretty much.
Physically, the number one thing I'm attracted to is men who have strong/dark eyebrows. Even a bit of a unibrow sometimes. Pic related is king of eyebrows. Brown eyes. Cute teeth. Has a dick. Some men have that thing where when they smile they get wrinkles around their eyes, even if they're only in their 20s. That kills me. But voice is one of the biggest things for me. I can't really describe what I'm attracted to with voices because it's always different but if I love a man's voice I melt instantly.
But of course, everything I described here is almost the exact opposite of me. Why would a kind, happy, attractive man want to be with a woman who is anxious and depressed all the time and hates herself? I don't deserve a man like this but it can be nice to fantasize about.
No. 76502
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>downturned (maybe slightly-hooded) eyes. don’t know what it is about them, but I find them extremely endearing. Either blue or coal/coffee brown.
>slightly upturned nose
>mousy brown hair (Maybee blonde)
>not scrawny, jacked, or chubby—but at a healthy weight with a layer of fat just so he can still be cuddly/soft
>wears all-black a lot, but not in a goth sort of way (I find this really attractive for some reason)
>glasses maybe
>thin-ish lips with a sharp/prominent cupid’s bow
>likes cuddling
>no sex drive, like me (I’m aware that’s not normal but I’ve been sex-averse all my life. this is why I’ll be forever alone.)
>not judgmental
>kind and romantic but not effeminate or meek
Pic related is a vlogger I find attractive
No. 76512
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>>76497not those anons, but they’re just attracted to the way he looks, not anything else. I think young morrisey was perfect physically, but he was insufferable personality wise.
No. 76530
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>>76489Ugh, I remember when that picture of moot and his fucking huge dong was passed around. It was shooped, obviously, but my god. The thirst was unreal.