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No. 78223
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Blake Lively. She's painfully average, and kinda ugly before the nosejob, and yet she's shilled as one of the most beautiful actresses ever. Eh
No. 78225
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Emma Watson, sorry not sorry.
>>78220>she looks mean and she has no ass.Lol
No. 78227
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No. 78228
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Julia Roberts
No. 78230
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Anne Hathaway
No. 78233
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I'm not the type who usually bashes girls calling them ugly… unless they're really ugly, like this one. If she wasn't famous, people would call her Quasimodo all the time.
No. 78238
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Emilia Clark has a really cute face, but her body is unfortunate as fuck
>literal box
>tiny boobs on chubby body
No. 78241
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No. 78243
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>>78230>>78217I see people ragging on these two all the time but I genuinely find them pretty. Bella reminds me of an elf though she looked pretty haggard after her surgery. She also looks older than her age, though not in a bad way.
For me it's Margot Robbie. She's got an objectively okay face but it's always so tarted up and to me she always looks like a giant bitch about to roast a fat girl for being at the gym.
No. 78244
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Also on the fence about her. She looks beautiful on red carpets, and her features are pretty themselves, but in GoT she looks weird? Her face looks really wide and almost bloated sometimes, and she looks dull without red carpet glamorous makeup looks. Granted, it could simply be that they do her makeup to look like that in the show, and that those hairstyles are the most unflattering ones for her face shape, that's why I'm on the fence.
No. 78245
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>>78237I've seen many articles and especially comments on various sites calling her beautiful.
I think she gets the pity treatment. People know she's ugly, so they shower her with compliments out of pity.
No. 78248
Kristen Stewart has such a punchable face. Seeing her in the latest Chanel commercial pissed me off
>>78244To me, she looks like a prettier version of Bonnie Wright
No. 78251
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Jennifer Aniston
No. 78252
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>>78244The show uses different colour palettes for the different locations. The North's colours are dark and dull, while King's Landing's are a lot brighter. I think she looks much better under brighter colours.
/sorry for the weird tv sperg out
No. 78254
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Heidi Klum. (The one on the right)
She's got such a manly face and a gigantic mouth
No. 78255
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>>78245She looks like quasimodo. I'm surprised so many /b/ faggots are drooling over her
No. 78257
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her and her shitty character are the definition of overhyped
No. 78259
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>>78255>Being this ugly>Having qt Ollie Jackson as bfREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 78262
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I think her face looks bloated.
No. 78263
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>>78262Jennifer lawrence is another one I think has an odd bloated face
No. 78278
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>>78227This! She's so damn overrated
>>78254I think she was super pretty when she was younger and still looks quite good for somebody in her mid 40s
No. 78287
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Never got the hype, plus her personality and behavior is just straight up inacceptable and disgusting.
No. 78290
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>>78285>>78271I didn't know her before, but imo she looks way too different irl vs. her shooped pictures
Shooped - cute, candid - not so much
No. 78296
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Sunny from SNSD, she just looks uncomfortably plastic. This could be said for a lot of kpop stars tbh, they're pretty but the standard look for them is incredibly boring (V-line face shape, etc.)
>>78287Naomi is gorgeous imo, but yes, her her personality and behavior are def unacceptable. It's odd how she gets a pass for her actions when any other celebrity would be burned at the stake for acting like her.
No. 78297
>>78287I bet she only looks good with makeup, her wigs etc. I think her body language is often really beautiful and classy. But I don't get why she is used for the black dont crack stereotype. lol its not the best choice.
>>78296sunny used to be so cute imo. but as she got older it does not seem like her style and makeup has matured with her. and I agree, too much plastic
No. 78298
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>>78296Tbh pretty much everybody in Korea thinks she's ugly and only got in SNSD because of her uncle. Just some foreign fans shield her (but they also do that for even uglier ones, so…)
No. 78301
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Any of the Kardashian-Jenners, except the model one who is okay looking. They all look awful and are the modern equivelent of teased 80s hair and leg warmers.
No. 78302
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Like come on. Idk why or how this became “goals”
No. 78307
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>>78225YES. Also Keira Knightley. Yikes.
>>78230People hate on her all the time but I find her pretty!
No. 78308
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>>78301Unpopular? opinion, but I think Kim was cute before all of her surgeries. She's hardly hideous now, but all of her surgeries have made her look alien-esque. I still don't know wtf happened to her philtrum, it's gotten so long. It doesn't help that she's Kanye's own personal Barbie and he has no idea how to dress for her body type (or any woman's lbr).
No. 78309
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>>78254>>78278for some reason I always like to forget that heidi is international known not somebody that bothers germany with her low budget version of ANTM once a year …
It's more her personality that bothers me.
>Kim was cute before all of her surgeries.This so much. A lot of people say that she was super manly before all that but idk she looked more - likable?
For my part I would throw Kate Moss in here - she wasn't never the typical kind of beauty but her best days are long over. She used to be cool.
No. 78316
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The only time I've found Scarlett Johansson attractive is in her role as Black Widow.
>>78263I don't think she's ugly but I don't get the hype for JL, she looks LIKE any other white girl.
No. 78321
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No. 78322
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Her face looks 100% male, even Bruce Jenner comes across as more feminine than that…
No. 78324
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No. 78328
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>>78327"Goalz" for 13 year olds and dumb insta bitches maybe, but everybody else only makes fun of them and watches them for the lulz.
No real adult would want to look like that and having a big butt is considered undesireable outside of the US.
Where are you from that everybody honestly finds that attractive?
No. 78330
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>>78328The thread is about people who are shilled as attractive, not people who are universally attractive. Theyre on so many fucking magazine covers and in so many ads. They’re the definition of shilled. And find them ugly so
No. 78333
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>>78244Nah, Sophie Turner just gets really unfortunate styling on Thrones. She's a really pretty girl but her recent ugly wigs and hairstyles don't suit her bone structure AT ALL. Plus all of the last season she had the same stupid bland expression on her face (muh acting) so she just looked… not good. They did the same thing on X-men Apocalypse. Don't scrape this girl's hair back.
Pic related. Why.
Saged for sperg.
No. 78342
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Deschanel and Katy Perry's blue eyes/dark hair shticks are fading out (Perry fucked up with the Miley Cyrus hair) and I think people are starting to see both the way I've always seen them - average. You can see how boring Deschanel looks when she doesn't have her typical bangs. Maybe its just that they look like every other female celebrity and its very blah.
No. 78343
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>>78304Funny thing is, her half sister Bianca is way prettier even though she's older than Beyonce.
Btw I agree with
>>78225>>78262 (Not ugly, but I find her very plain to be a model. She would stand out in a crowd, but not next to other models. Her own sister has a more interesting face)
>>78263 (I liked her in her early stuff and Hunger Games, nowadays I find her insufferable though)
>>78316 (I kinda like her, but she's overrated)
No. 78346
>>78228>>78230I always thought they both look so incredibly average and forgettable. They look ok, not ugly but they're plain.
>>78232She reminds me of someone I know irl on this photo and it's creeping me out.
>>78263She kind of looks like someone I know irl and really dislike and I can't unsee it. It' not like I would have found her attractive anyway but I don't like her face just because it reminds me of that person. I admit it's really weird though.
No. 78359
>>78355Agreed. Kourtney seems to be the only one allowing herself to at least look like she's aging
somewhat. Even though Kendall's rumored to have gotten cheek and lip fillers, and a nose job, at least she still looks somewhat natural. Kim, Kris, and Kylie all look the worst to me.
No. 78362
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>>78355Respectfully disagree.
No. 78379
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>>78263I think she has the most average white girl face. SO OVERRATED
No. 78440
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What's this crackwhores fucking problem
No. 78441
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Britney Spear's face for some reason reminds me of a pig…
No. 78442
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>>78440She is really pretty but overrated; I don't really understand why she got so much media attention, a lot of models are more beautiful than her + her acting is fucking shit.
(Love her new short hair though, she suits the tom boy look well. 10/10 would hate fuck)
No. 78443
>>78343The fuck? Bianca Lawson is Beyonce and Solange's step sister?
Also, I still can't get over her age.
>39 years old No. 78455
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>>78440she has a very punchable face, idk why i fucking hate her
No. 78463
>>78444Then go to one of the more wholesome ones if it
triggers you so badly.
No. 78466
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I think Lena Dunham the only person I’ve seen shilled as beautiful that I’m just like, uhhh… no lol. But I’m kinda ugly and kinda gay so.
I mean I guess I thought this with the Williams sisters too, but then I saw what they look like in bikinis.
No. 78475
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>>78359>Even though Kendall's rumored to have gotten cheek and lip fillers, and a nose job, at least she still looks somewhat natural.Kind of OT, but I just saw this. She's just as bad as the others now
No. 78483
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Jeongyeon? More like Jeong-yawn.
No. 78485
>>78225YES. Came here to say this and was not disappointed. I am glad this was posted so early on. Richard Dawkins' looking mofo.
>>78227I think she was prettier when she was younger. But still, not goddess tier as some make her out to be.
>>78263OMG yes. Talk about overrated, in looks and personality. The "cool girl" act is just so fake.
>>78296I've never seen anyone calling Sunny pretty though lol Everyone I see says she's the ugliest one in SNSD, and that she's an ugly idol in general lol
Jus seen this
>>78298 and yeah, this anon is right
>>78342Always said that Zooey was painfully avarage and many men got legit angry at me lol
>>78440Omg, yes. Her eyebrows are so fucking ugly, yet people keeping saying shit like ~brow game on fleek~ like ???
Also I know it's a meme by now, but holy nasolabial folds. She looks so manly face-wise, imho.
She does look better with dark hair, though
>>78442 the eyebrows look less bad.
>>78483Same thing about Sunny. I don't think anyone shills her, if anything, she's always called the ugliest from TWICE.
No. 78487
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I'd think she was a below-average 14-year-old fakeboi if I didn't know who she was.
No. 78583
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The fact that Meg can make a living off of her looks is proof that face doesn't matter only tits and ass.
No. 78613
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No. 78671
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Why is is considered a hawt geek girl is beyond me
No. 78672
>>78343Bianca Lawson is one of the only women who really does look dramatically younger than her age. Whatever genetic cocktail she is sporting needs to be recorded for the future benefit of our genetically engineered progeny.
>>78671I think she needs to be appreciated in historical context. Felicia Day isn't a great beauty but she was a cute redheaded nerd-chick in a time where there really wasn't as much competition. She had a casual, approachable appeal and she walked the walk well enough. I highly doubt she could break out at this point in time though, there is more competition and the target audience has grown more accepting and accustomed to more glamorous looks.
No. 78695
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>>78671She was cute in the guild.
I don't think she ever profiled herself as hot unless in "date my avatar" where that was kind of the whole meaning of the song (my avatar might be really hot but I'm just a regular girl)
No. 78696
>>78613Tranny material tbh
>>78671She's not that pretty but she looks like she is a nice and genuine woman.
No. 78698
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>>78695Wait, that was her in Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? Man, that brings up memories. She was cute.
No. 78699
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Nikkitutorials. Her facial features are beautiful, but she literally looks like a shiny moon due to her weight and makeup. She is tall (188cm) so her frame is quite big, however that big frame could be reduced if she went down in weight.
I don't get why people take makeup tips from her.
No. 78700
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>>78699Samefag, but I just want to post another photo comparing her to Jessie J (175cm).
No. 78709
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Never understood this girls appeal. Weird misshapen features that aren't proportional, pointy Pinocchio nose, man jaw effect from overpumping fillers, but "muh feminism".Her body is great is but so fake looking ( not saying it's fake) and her self serving attitude is horrible.
No. 78711
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>>78709her lips look like shit here wow. also her legs are short for her height. she's pretty imo, so I can understand why she is a model. but there are prettier girls around
No. 78720
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Rachael Taylor
No. 78724
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>>78709Her body is fake af though. I used to follow her on ig and she would always brag and bitch about how ~natural~ she is and shit. I think her inital appeal came from being "that pretty girl from the blurred lines video". She should chill tf out on the additional ps and procedures, she's starting to look like a freak.
No. 78726
>>78725No, she doesn't.
You can say whatever you want about her face, but doing things like nitpicking Emily Ratajkowski's body is just insane…
No. 78732
>>78731May i direct you to this site? it's completely fine to call a VS model's legs fat and stumpy, you might enjoy their company.
No. 78734
>>78732As I'm not the person criticizing Emily Ratahjdjsski's body, you may want to visit:
>>>>>> even:
>>> you're so goddamn sensitive.
saged for infighting No. 78739
>>78725What on Earth made you think I was a guy? If anything I was about to ask you the same thing but that's just because I'm so used to seeing guys on the internet pulling the "0/10 wouldn't bang" on supermodels and actresses.
I realize my comment was off topic, I didn't intend to
trigger anyone. My problem is not that you don't find someone attractive, it's the way you word it with sort of a vitriol, idk if there's a more suitable word. Personally, all of the women posted here are great looking (except Lena Dunham), but I know that's my opinion and you can think whatever you like.
Anyways, you do you and I'll just hide the thread from hereon.
No. 78749
>>78742Then be inspired by
>>78739 and hide the thread from now on. Quit shitting up the thread because your SJW ass can't handle women not praising every single other woman on this planet.
No. 78751
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Alexis Ren has an absolutely beautiful body, new tits and all, but she would not have gotten as far as she did without the new wave of more homely, accessible models like the Hadids and Kendall Jenner buying their way into the top of the industry. Her face is just too plain, girl-next-doorsy and I feel like she's trying to compensate for that with her recent lip fillers.
No. 78753
>>78744>You know, chronically having to have the last word is pretty unhealthy. Don't make a post over "exiting a thread". Just leave lmaoShe probably already did - yet
you still had to have the last word…
No. 78760
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Gisele Bündchen and Miranda Kerr
No. 78763
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>>78760Gisele was cute as a teen (when she started working), but as she grew and her face "settled", she became very horsey.
No. 78764
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>>78263It's not her face that bothers me. It's her freaking eyes. They are empty and soulless.
Her personality is cringe, too, so that doesn't help.
No. 78771
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>>78671>>78695>>78698she's aged like old milk
(she wasn't even cute in The Guild)
No. 78772
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>>78695the lighting was so bright in the "Do you want to date my avatar" video so you can't see Felicia's hideous face and pug nose
No. 78789
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No. 78814
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>>78793Eh she was skinny when skinny was in. Some people/mags shilled her as hot. By today’s standards, she would not be considered or sold as hot, I don’t think
No. 78820
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I don't get the "irene is the most beautiful idol ever" meme, her face is incredibly bland to me and she gives strong autistic vibes with her awkwardness. I wish someone would tell her to stop opening her mouth like that in pic it make her look confused and uncomfortable and highlight her nasolabial fold.
No. 78822
>>78771this just in! People in unflattering light doing stupid faces look unattractive!
>>78695>where that was kind of the whole meaning of the song No. 78827
>>78671>Watch some show or the other (e.g. Supernatural, The Magicians)>This dumb cunt appears as "le quirky hot nerd girl" type>Start getting an aneurysm >Have to skip all her scenesShe just goes around and fucks up my shitty shows.
I get it, she was the it girl of mid-early youtube, but now she has nothing, there is an oversaturated market on nerd girls and yet these shows still pick her as if she has any sort of pull or even a fandom than wants to see her subpar acting and camel face in things.
No. 78838
>>78671>>78771>>78772I honestly don't why she hasn't had a rhinoplasty yet. It's not like she needs it totaly redone, she just has to fix the tip/end of her nose. She would seriously look so much better and younger if she got the work done. Aside from that, I think her cheeks and mouth lines add character to her face.
On serious note though I really dont't ubderstand her fame. Similar to
>>78827, she's popped up in so many shows I watched and I didn't know who the hell she was till recently, and bonestly I still don't get her. It didn't help that some people I hung with use to esthatically point out her cameos like they were a big deal.
Could someone clue me in on her though? I still feel out of the loop. I'm 24, and never kept up with popular youtubers. Knowing that, is she before my time or something? Or have I been living under a rock.
No. 78846
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Looks like an alien that got stung by a bee.
No. 78848
>>78838Cause her nose is part of her image and getting it "fixed" would be stupid because then she'd be less recognizable. Her face is her brand, to an extent. Its like asking why she wouldn't dye her hair or get braces. Those features are part of how people identify her and relate to her.
Also a nose job isn't like getting a hair cut. It's a relatively big deal. Not everyone is going to be comfortable with getting their face cut open and their cartilage shaved just for societal standards.
No. 78851
>>78583This. I’m glad RT doesn’t do shit with her anymore now that she’s aging and scared of losing her betabucks, she’s focusing more on her lingerie cosplay to get her name out there more. I’m surprised at the people I see liking her pics on Instagram, like Yoshiki from X Japan and the white celebs he hangs out with. I’m always disturbed when my unrelated fandoms andnknterests collide in ways that don’t make sense.
Also tbqh Gavin is too cute and youthful for her. She always seems like she’s trying so hard to be the nicest, most bubbly nerd girl in the room regardless of what’s going on or who is talking.
No. 78865
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>>78851Didn't know her, googled her and this is the first picture i found
>Also tbqh Gavin is too cute and youthful for herWhut?
No. 78867
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>>78820She's not my taste either, but at least I like seing a k-pop idol without a super v-line.
Joy is RV's visual imho>>78839She's surely more mature looking. In a way I appreciate that.
But this is the Queen of Overrated in k-pop to me. I realy can't see Mina being oh so beautiful and elegant. She looks like a lot of asian teens I studied with.
No. 78869
>>78867I wonder if she's physically unable to ever close her mouth…
That shit makes her look so dumb, anybody who calls that sexy must have a screw loose.
No. 78880
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>>78822>>78826sorry you're autistic fave can't find work other than bad voice acting
No. 78884
>>78848Having a bulbous old man nose is part of her brand? I didn't even realise how bad it was until I saw that profile shot of her.
>>78865I think this is a flattering pic of her but her face is so matronly. In her own costhot pics her face is so jarring because it looks way too old for the characters she cosplay, like Tracer.
No. 78900
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>>78851I never thought of her as too matronly until I saw this photo and honestly it's not just that it's extremely unflattering but what she's wearing, her makeup, everything just ages her way in to her 40's. She looks like someone's stepmom
No. 78905
File: 1523494968306.jpg (77.67 KB, 750x400, Felicia-Day.jpg)

>Having a bulbous old man nose is part of her brand?Her brand is being a "cute," funny, nerdy, and
Neets literally lost their shit when she had her hair cut. Regardless of if you personally think she's attractive or not, her relevancy and status as a "geek goddess" rely on her and her face.
And maybe she likes her nose? Not everyone has the same tastes. Thats like the point of this whole thread lol
No. 78918
>>78905>attainableshe'd need a lot more work done to reach the "unattainably beautiful" category. her nose is pretty bad, but so is her crooked teeth and massive overbite. fixing her. nose would just make her easier to look at. I think she is genuinely ugly.
>Not everyone has the same tastes. Thats like the point of this whole thread lolyes, it's the "people whose looks are overhyped" thread, and a bunch of anons think she's overhyped.
No. 78951
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>>78918Yah and I agree with them but you asked why she doesn’t just get a nose job and I gave what I thought were pretty reasonable reasons. It’s not this universal quick fix. Again, her fan base lost their minds when she got a haircut. She’d be stupid to get a nose job imo
I feel Swift can look beautiful or really bland. There’s no real inbetween for me. I think it’s just based on her styling and makeup?
No. 78965
>>78951Felicia cut her hair short, neckbeards don't like when women do that because it makes them "manly."
>>78953Her lip fillers look awful and honestly getting Botox when you're fat just gives you a moon face. I don't know why she wouldn't lose weight before going hard with cosmetic procedures, it seems pointless. Her face looks so bloated and the instathot makeup with highlight abuse just makes her look like a big shiny orb.
No. 78993
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>>78671jesus,what an annoying ass face
No. 79008
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Overrated and painfully fake yet still somehow shilled as the most beautiful girl on instagram. Glad she can't get real modeling work.
No. 79081
File: 1523625911765.jpg (31.72 KB, 423x346, 50340006.jpg)

>>79076>Getting her to race mix would actually benefit her bloodline.…? She's not some kind of animal that's only allowed to "breed" with the best…
But seriously, you sound like some
triggered italian
>All Northern Europeans totez have shitty genes with extremely round and bloated faces, thin hair and small eyes. But not us Southern Europeans!1!1One day Northern Europeans have old, meagre and haggard faces and the next day they're too round and bloated, please decide, what is it?
No. 79084
>>79082I didn't really hide that fact, did i?
You also wouldn't like it if somebody posted an extremely ugly specimen of your race and said "that's completely normal, they all look like that"…
Nikki is from the Netherlands there your average girl is really tall, but nevertheless, still having that shitty skin in your 20s, such a wide and flat nose and such a big mouth with fat lips on top of being obese is surely not the norm.
No. 79089
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>Honestly that's just being white. A lot of white people have extremely round and bloated faces, thin hair and small eyes. It's just shitty genes, honestly. Esp. if you live anywhere Northern Europe. What are you even talking about?
Audrey Hepburn was of Dutch descent and is widely considered beautiful.
And thin hair where?
No. 79090
File: 1523628484997.jpg (138.77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>79082I was the anon that originally posted Nikki.
As an actual half Northern Euro (finnic) and half Southern Euro (with black hair, dark eyes and olive skin, so please don't @ me saying that I'm an ugly old haggard northerner), I can say that Nikki is not representative of Northern Europeans as a whole. She is fucking massive, and her face is bloated because she is obese. It's really not that hard to understand. And being massive and obese is not that common for nordics.
Also The Netherlands aren't even in Northern Europe. And if you mean that she's nordic, than that's one thing. But northern Europeans can actually be turkic, slavic, and finnic.
(Pic related: Nikkie standing next to a guy that I assume must be around 173cm tall and average weight)
No. 79098
>>79097Having to read that people like yourself are all ugly and haggard is even more irritating.
Of course anons will say something when useless racist-chans throw in some bullshit.
No. 79131
>>79090I said
>a lotI didn't say
>all of itContain your salt, I wasn't saying everyone from Northern Europe are ugly.
>>79089 is an exception. It's amazingly funny I am called racist but
>>79092 isn't, you all sound like people saying "uwu reverse racism!!", I was just stating it's common, as much as asian women have short square bodies, black women have too strong features, southern european women have excessive body hair.
No. 79275
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>>78483Looks like she's wearing an Angela Merkel cosplay. Her stylist needs to be forcibly retired like, NOW
No. 79291
>>79227All of you anons are always pointing out her tall height, but that's not something she can change, even if she lost some weight, being nearly 1.90m alone is enough for a women to appear 'massive'…
If he really cheats, i hope to god she leaves that ass
>>79275Seeing the two of them side by side made me realize that the Twice girl is just as ugly, only a lot younger lol
One eye seems to be bigger than the other one(?) and god do i height that kpoppers constantly pose with open mouths… that shit is not sexy, it only makes you look dumb
No. 79297
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No. 79298
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No. 79299
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No. 79300
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I’m sure she’s a lovely young woman but I just cannot buy her as vixen Veronica at all
No. 79312
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>>79300On the other hand I feel the same for the Betty actress. I don't know why, my brain recognizes that she's objectively pretty but I just… can't feel her as beautiful. Maybe she's lacking charme or something, but I feel like I'm looking at a piece of furniture. I like the Veronica actress more
No. 79411
>>78354I absolutely agree. It's on purpose. She's not the pretty doll in king's landing any more. no need to be pretty.
No. 79413
>>78751i think she is absolutely gorgeous. Just her narcism is a huge turn-off. Like that self-regarding smugly glance in the camera each time. seriously, is she masturbating in front of a mirror on a daily basis?
there even was one time on her IG stories when she was out with whatever kind of guy and he was talking about something and she was like "ugh you just destroyed my video, shut the up already" while posing in the camera. like gurl, how self-obsessed can you be?
No. 79414
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>>78789she's always only made it as an actress because of her father.
she always
triggered me even back then in beverly hills, especially her tubular boobs.
No. 79421
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Why does everyone on Law and Order SVU act like Rollins is the hottest shit? I think she’s very very plain, bordering on unattractive. She has big ears, flat lips, small eyes, small chin, etc. Her proportions are so unfortunate. And every fucking episode has a reference to her beauty. It makes me feel crazy
No. 79422
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No. 79424
>>79421I thought this was Kirsten Dunst at first…a very, very plain Kirsten Dunst.
Nikkitutorials used to be very pretty about ten years ago (I saw an old video and was a bit shocked), now she's absolutely hideous in my opinion.
No. 79442
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>>79414she looks like an ugly sim lmao
No. 79443
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She's not pretty enough to be such a bitch
No. 79451
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>>79421Probably because Olivia got older and was no longer the "hot female cop". I find Rollins really plain too, she has the foundation to be more attractive but I think the makeup choices are too subtle.
And speaking of Olivia, I never got why she was shilled as the hot cop either. Poor Mariska Hargitay did not age well.
No. 79474
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Maybe it's cause she played the mistress in Gone Girl but Emily Ratajkowski looks like a human sex doll to me.
Sidenote, Andie had a really awesome moment in the book where she tells off Nick; I wish they had put that in the movie.
No. 79478
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>>79451>>79451I disagree on basically every front haha. Sorry anon. I think Olivia was gorgeous then and is gorgeous now (even though her character is annoying as all hell lately). There's no way to do Rollin's makeup that will make up for for her small, hooded eyes, deep nasolabial folds, and over-botoxed forehead and cheeks. Normally I wouldn't care how attractive an actress in a show is if she's a cop, but the constant on-screen references to how hot Rollins is drive me up the wall. She looks like an overstuffed balloon. If one more guy hits on her because she's "the most beautiful woman in this joint" I'm going to scream. She had potential once, but fucked it up with plastic surgery.
I'm personally glad Mariska is still on the show because we can do with some more middle-aged women on our screens.
No. 79512
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>>79428>watch her clump-clomp down a runwaymade me lol irl
No. 79515
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When are they going to stop shilling this poor creature on the red carpet? She's completely fucking irrelevant except for being Bruce Willis' and Demi Moore's daughter and she got every single bad trait from both parents and none of the good ones. Even after all the plastic surgery she's painful to look at.
No. 79521
>>79451Mariska doesnt seem to be aging badly. She has a strong face, so she's never gonna have that super feminine, soft look but for her age she's fine. I think the hot aspect was less her face and more the fact that she's supposed to be a caring but bad-ass female cop.
>>79515I try not to nitpick faces but come on, with her money that chin deserves better.
No. 79525
>>79524Are you serious? She's 167cm and 54kg.. She does not
need to lose weight.
No. 79536
>>79524>>79534ok ana-chans
rumer willis' weight is the last of her problems. she really got the worst of both worlds, poor thing lol
No. 79537
>>78316I met her in person and she's a huge bitch. I've met several movie stars as a part of my job but she is ugly inside out. When you're close to her irl she's short and chubby and acts like a spoiled brat and treats everyone around her like shit. All other stars I've met have been either great or decent.
I used to think she was nice, boy was I wrong.
Keira Knightley was the complete opposite of her, down to earth with a good sense of humour, nice and polite.
I guess I just needed to vent, I can't stand seeing Scarlett Johansson anymore and the fact that she starred in Ghost in the Shell was such a disappointment, I didn't even bother seeing the movie.
No. 79554
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>>79524Is that a joke? She's at a fine weight. Considering her unfortunate jaw, her body is actually her best asset tbh.
No. 79556
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>>79275oh i laffed
Worst part is that she has the potential to be cute, but the ~short hair tomboy shtick~ is ruining it. Her hair is very weird right now, I wonder if they are growing it out though.
No. 79559
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>>79556Ok but in that picture she looks like the boy from Love Actually.
No. 79587
>>79537>Keira Knightley was the complete opposite of her, down to earth with a good sense of humour, nice and polite.Ot but thank goodness because I always liked her. she's so elegant and cute
Scarlett's eyes always make her look derpy
No. 79590
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>>79531>Bruce Willis>uglywat
No. 79608
>>79554lmao she looks like PT if PT had ever gotten her shit together. what an unfortunate jaw.
>>79590same, I think Bruce Willis is pretty handsome, but his genes obviously don't translate well to his kids. ALL of his daughters have his fucking chin.
No. 79613
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>>79608Glad to hear I'm not the only one to appreciate this hunk of pure manlyness.
>but his genes obviously don't translate well to his kids. ALL of his daughters have his fucking chin.I guess the biggest problem here is that his manly chin just doesn't look good on women.
No. 79650
>>78846I don't see it. There are some 90's star that I feel are very overhype but Liv was quite cute when she was young and I liked her in Stealing Beauty.
That music video she did with alicia silverstone is creepy af nowadays though.
No. 79719
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I feel like Tomi Lahren looks like a forest witch preying on wanderers to stay young. Like, the way she looks reminds me of when Mother Gothel is at the beginning stages of the process of turning back into an old hag.
No. 79723
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>>79698… can't tell if troll.
PixiTeri is the legendary overlord of lolcows for over a decade. The very reason why /pt/ is called /pt/.
No. 79726
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>>79723nah just a newbie, sorry. I had no idea why pt was called pt.
>>79719Without the makeup, she's downright ugly tbh.
No. 79814
>>79421OK gonna defend her. Rollins isn't supposed to be compared against models and capital A actresses. The show is relatively grounded and her colleagues aren't runway models either. If you compare here against the average American woman, she's fine. She's in her 30s, thin, blonde, and hasn't killed her skin via drugs or alcohol so she looks healthy. Her attractiveness makes sense in the context of the show. Compare her to normal run of the mill people and she's alright.
Mariska Hargitay has aged very well IMO.
No. 79822
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>>79650Based Liv defender. Liv a cute. A CUTE!
No. 79825
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>>79824Stop bullying my waifu
No. 79829
>>79822I loved Liv in LOTR. She just has this ethereal, almost alien appearance that made her the perfect elf. Same with Cate Blanchett. They really nailed the casting in those movies.
>>79814>30s Oof. that just makes it worse. I thought she was mid 40s. I see muddled aged women every day on the streets that are 10 times better looking than her.
No. 79857
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Her eyebrows always freaked me out and her face is really puffy. She's definitely not ugly though, and has a great body. But she's WAY over hyped.
No. 79886
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No. 80088
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>>78263>>78233IMO most celebs are just plain without makeup but these two are legit downright unfortunate looking.
And also pic related in commemoration of season 2.
No. 80097
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Too manly
No. 80139
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No. 80142
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>>80139Her body is so weird.
No. 80144
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>>79515she's not considered attractive but i do feel sorry for her. genetics suck
not even plastic surgery can help her with that long ass jaw
No. 80155
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>>80142Yeesh she's definitely reaching ana-chan status. I amust admit she has nice long legs, but her body seriously lacks definition.
I think she may be starving herself because she probably has bad weight distribution, similar to Lily Rose Depp, i.e very bottom heavy.(pic related) She should wise up and switch to a healthier life style with excercise, otherwise she'll end up with a thin head of hair like Lily.
No. 80163
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>>80155That is the most unfortunate fucking set of legs compared to the rest of her. Like if you sawed two people in half, one chubby and one skinny, then switched the bottom halves and see them together you’d get this
exact body shape.
>>80142 her body is better than her man face. Too many strong features wth no delicate parts to soften the look. She loses any more weight and she will look like whatshisface from ‘The Machinist’ in her headshots, but imo she’s got a good body for now.
>>80088Looks like she’s been really well preserved. Ick.
Miranda Cosgrove’s face looks like it’s a size too small and has been stretched into her skull, leaving the permanently stupid expression and oddly wide features.
Cara Delevingne is a shitty model and her eyebrows are threatening to smother her entire eye socket.
None of them are as fucked up as Lindsay goddamn Wixaon. Face like a pig and peter griffin made a baby then dressed it in a Marilyn Monroe wig.
Her mouth and nose look like she spent the first decade of life kissing a window or suffered a terrible fall that forced her face into some bizarre puckered pig-snout.
I get picking models that are more interesting looking than pretty but this girl is interesting in a way that makes one question whether it’s a deformity or if she’s suing a terrible cosmetic surgeon for negligently turning her into someone who presumably sounds like a pug when she breathes.
Miss piggy would be less unappealing in an editorial.
No. 80168
>>80166Fam I’m the same judgy-ass anon you replied to and lemme tell you, you could be the most chunky legged pear shaped motherfucker out there and you would still be sitting pretty. My weird preference for hungry looking figures doesn’t make your legs ugly.
I’m down to pick on anyone and everyone for their looks but I don’t want people hurting over my dumbass opinions. There’s a million girls like me with zero ass (like making hank hill look like Jennifer Lopez) wishing for a bit of rump meat like pear-shapes has. Grass is always greener y’know?
No. 80201
>>80168>>80171Aw you anons are so nice.
Still I wish I wasn't so curvy. When I was at my lightest people would say my arms and shoulders were too thin but my ass and thighs were still huge.
Grass is greener on the other side I know, but you thin girls look great!
No. 80228
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>>80142And it’s so strange because Crawford wasn’t renowned for being Twiggy thin. She had some curves to her. I don’t know why her daughter would have to be starving herself to be a model when her mom was a supermodel without being a skelly.
No. 80297
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I will never understand why Koreans find her obviously plastic face so beautiful. Besides, she seems fake.
pic related, Tzuyu is so much prettier and gets shit for having darker skin. At least she doesn't have a weird egg face and scary bunny teeth like Nayeon.
No. 80509
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No. 80550
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Angelina Jolie. She is ugly big time with her fat lips.
No. 80569
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why does she look like a 50 something year old mother, who's desperately trying to cling on to her youth with botox and plastic surgery?
No. 80657
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>>80550i think she was striking when she was younger but got too much botox
No. 80701
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>>80550at least her "fat lips" are natural kek. she was absolutely stunning in the 90s.
No. 80778
>>80701Ayo hole up. Did she get her nose tip done? Cause her nose now looks great, idk how I never noticed
>>80496Agreed on Kunis. She's ok but nothing to lose your mind over
No. 80901
>>80900Samefagging here
A face like a frying pan with a baboons prolapsed anus as lips. Nothing beautiful about it.
No. 80906
>>80904Ukraine does have a lot of beautiful women
>>80905>mongoloid frying pan girls??
No. 80909
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God Jihyo? Really?
No. 80941
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>wide face
>weird ass jaw
>A face like a frying pan with a baboons prolapsed anus as lips. So angry, why?
Have seen a person before, anon? I get taste is subjective but you sound like you don’t know what faces look like. I don’t know how anyone could look at her face and think “frying pan” kek.
No. 80973
>>80914I assume anon was referring to the mongoloid part.
>>80953Yeah, I agree. she's not my cup of tea either but that's personal taste and it's nothing to do with her.
No. 81053
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>>78217Chloe fucking Moretz.
I don't think I've ever liked her. Her face seems so punchable and her acting makes me wanna puke tbh. I never understood the hype about her.
No. 81096
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No. 81116
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I wouldn't go as far as call ter ugly because she can look good.
But I don't understand why they keep selling her as this super sexy woman, which she's not.
She's cute level "girl next door" and that's it.
Also she seems really fucked up with alcohool addiction and everything.
No. 81127
>>81117Clear skin, nice hair, full lips, not fat, so meets all the basics. Her features aren’t really disproportionate, and nothing is badly formed.
What’s there to dislike so much?
No. 81131
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>>81127Not the anon who posted her but I think her jaw and nose are disproportionate. Is she cross eyed as well?
No. 81150
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>>81127>>81132>>81146>>81147Post any white girl - nothing happens.
Post k-idol - immediately wk flooding in.
>Your standards are way too hight, she's not even fat!She has a pig nose (her nostrils are showing even if she's looking straight ahead), her front teeth are way too large (even if her fans say otherwise - that's no longer "cute" on an adult women) and her chin/jaw line is pretty much non-existent.
Do i think she's extremely ugly? No, but she's certainly not as insanely beautiful as that article i linked makes her out to be, she's very much overrated and therefore perfectly fits into this thread.
No. 81152
>>81150I was the anon asking why you think she’s ugly but now that I see her profile I can see why she’s cute but not incredible.
That’s one weak chin.
No. 81171
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>>78487Mount druitt bogan.
No. 81403
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>>81387I think it’s less transforming your body and more dressing in a flattering way. She looks fine is some outfits. I think attached pic is a nice choice.
No. 81404
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>>81387While this one was a mistake in every regard
No. 81414
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>>81409Her (estranged) dad, Dr McCoy Moretz, is a plastic surgeon so I don't doubt it. Her lips suited her face way more before she got them injected.
I think Blake Lively is really beautiful and elegant now, but boy did she go through a transformation.
No. 81416
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No. 81601
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>>81165Yeah, the meds for the lupus have an infamous side effect called 'moon face'. Fullness of the face (when paired with a slender body) looks more youthful. Without the prednisone Selena would have a thinner face.
No. 81605
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>>81601Wow I had no idea. The round face is such a part of her image, it’s hard to imagine her without it. I think it makes her look unique compared to a lot of other celebrities, and definitely adds to the youthful look.
No. 81629
>>81601Sage for off-topic/blog, but this made me consider taking prednisone more often. I need it from time to time but always avoided it if possible, because of the weight gain. But if it might help with my thin horseface…
>>78316Agree. I don't usually find people ugly even if they "objectively" are, but Johansson looks busted as hell. Literally, she looks like she was beaten up then had her face poorly reconstructed. I can't even guess what makes people think she looks good in any way.
No. 81632
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>>81629I actually do quite like her; I also remember my art teacher saying her face is the best amongst nowadays actresses, since it's very classically beautiful and symmetrical.
However, her lesbo haircut needs to go.
No. 82018
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No. 82062
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>>82018Horrible looking and sounds retarded when she speaks.
No. 82096
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Emilia isn't so bad, never got the appeal of Gwen.
No. 82116
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>>82096It's always amazed me how trim Emilia looks on GoT when she's a total chunkster irl
No. 82117
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>>82116lol her body looks fine, its just an unflattering dress. She looks fine in every other dress google image returns.
No. 82400
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Thylane Blondeau AKA most beautiful girl in the world. don't find her ugly but she's so overrated IMO.
No. 82411
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She always looks so derpy and plain, even in her most glam looks there's always just something off about her. I know beauty guru's don't necessarily need to be beautiful but people gush over her all the time and I don't get it.
No. 82421
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>>82400Agreed. At best she looks ordinary and at worst she looks ugly.
No. 82462
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No. 82495
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>>78466She looks so much like Spoony it's uncanny
No. 82519
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I see this model everywhere now, I don't know if people really find her attractive or if it's more the model ugly-pretty thing, but I think she looks really uncanny. She's intersex so that might explain it.
No. 82520
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>>78900saging since the post I'm replying to is a month old.
But when I saw this picture she did with Wes Ellis, one of the comments was along the lines of "Oh my god! You look like a hot 70s Mom about to pick up their kids from school and make the PTO jealous!" and I died laughing.
I honestly don't know how she makes the Patreon money she does. Her content is low-effort and her panels at conventions are her name dropping every semi-famous person she's worked with.
No. 82575
>>81009Whoa same here. It's so weird to see someone else say that. I've seen her when she was younger and she was
too sultry looking, like she was trying too had to push her lips out and be sexy. When she got older and aged a bit something so much more elegant and refined came out. I find her so much more beautiful now that she's older.
No. 83268
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pic related. actually kinda surprised she hasn't been posted yet. I hate her smug faces, stupid songs and something about all her features together just pisses me off - I can't pin point it down to one thing. also hate how she's represented as 'super hot' and 'sexy' when she's flat as a board all around and ugly as shit in candids
>>82568>>83121holy fuck, same. I'm dying
man, I feel mean but she looks like she has some kind of genetic disorder (I mean, other than being intersexed, unless that causes weird faces like that?). It honestly looks like one of those things where you photoshop a celebrity's face super small.
No. 83269
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>>83268had to post another just to be a spiteful bitch. she looks like a caveman
No. 83270
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>>83269Those legs tho. Holy fuck. Hate her all you want but I would steal her legs in a heartbeat. Why do good legs happen to annoying people?
No. 83273
>>83270unless you're talking about their length they aren't that special, anon
pretty easy to obtain with some basic exercises, light weights and cardio
but I hate her with such a raging passion I'm sure she could have objectively the best legs in the world and I'd still be unable to see them in a great light
also her face in that picture distracts me so much, I had to zoom in and scroll down to even pay attention to her legs lol
>>83271yeah she's got like scoliosis levels of hunchback
everything about her appearance bothers the shit out of me, and everything I hear about her makes her sound unbearable.
No. 83274
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>>83273Cardio ain’t gonna elongate my stumps, but I appreciate the encouragement.
I don’t give a crap about her one way or the other, but why doesn’t she just hire a personal trainer to fix her “tech neck.” I can’t imagine why she’d still have it unless she actually… likes how it looks? She has enough money and time. It’s baffling
No. 83304
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Daisy ridley is so average and her acting is not good.
There's also plenty of Kpop women (and men tbh) who are really bland but people love them because kpop
No. 83316
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Demi Lovato is proportioned so weirdly
No. 83318
>>83316Agreed. She's let herself go but no one's allowed to say anything because
muh bulimia recovery.
No. 83376
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>>83304Amen. Her missing neck, square head, and huge shoulders make her look so graceless… Her acting is shit for sure, every single expression is just flared eyes and gaping mouth. Her nasally accent also sounds ridiculously out of place in Star Wars.
No. 83413
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I know that many farmers find her very cute, but imo looking young and cutish is the only thing she's got going for her.
Again, some (especially here lol) might like her extremely short and petite body, but I think that it looks completely unproportional. It's so tiny, that her head looks nearly too big in comparison.
No. 83431
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Fuck this expressionless granite-woman.
No. 83460
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>>83413The love for Ariana Grande on here is bizarre. If she was anyone else, anons would rip her to shreds for being a skelly thot.
No. 83461
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>>83454She's stuck on it being her "signature" which is unfortunate because I agree. It's effecting her hair and she still looks pretty with it down imo. I miss the days she'd at least do it half up and half down.
No. 83462
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>>83460Not to mention she doesn’t even look like the same person as she used to
No. 83463
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>>83462Ok my last one. Sorry guys. I just don’t get it
No. 83467
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>>83462>>83463I don't remember where but it's been discussed before. I think in the plastic surgery thread? It's just a drastic change from tanning, weight loss, hollywood make up, and hair. In pics and videos without all that she looks exactly the same in my opinion.
No. 83468
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>>83466I was convinced of plastic surgery until I saw a pic of her looking more casual but I'm still skeptical at times myself lol
No. 83469
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>>83466“Weightloss” changed her nose, chin, lips, and eye shape
No. 83471
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>>83425>She looks very basicSorry for the late reply. I can get behind all the criticisms of her appearance except this one. Compare her to "average" women instead of celebs and tell me if she looks bland? (This is from her cousin's wedding)
No. 83472
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>>83470>>83469And she has her lips overlined a lot. When she does that big smile you can tell her chin and nose are the same. I have a weird bulb nose that flares when I smile too big, so maybe hers is like that? Brow lift is something I always thought tho.
No. 83473
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>>83471I'm the same anon. I get the criticisms or even those who think she is ugly because people have different tastes but I can never think basic. She's always stuck out and had that star quality to me.
No. 83475
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>>83474Yeah idk why she likes being orange so much. You figure she could afford better lol
No. 83476
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>>83471Uhm, yes? At first I didn't even notice her. You'd think with the way people act she'd be the one who stands out the most immediately, but she doesn't. The bride is just as pretty.
The only reasons she might stand out (and that not even in a positive sense) are because
a) she looks younger than her age
b) is far more tan than the other girls
c) always has the same goddamn hairstyle and head tilting pose
>>83473Proofing her 'superiority' by comparing her to some school kids without makeup and undyed, unstyled hair…
No. 83479
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>>83477Idk why that's a big deal. I think most people wanna do what they can to look good in pictures and have a side they prefer or are more confident in. I see how she's basic and get the other critiques but I think that's kinda nitpicky lol.
No. 83481
>>78700NIKKI SMASh
Oh boy, if god curses you to be a 188cm tall woman AND you get fat on top of that… Can't imagine lol
No. 83483
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Madison Beer looks like she wants to be Kylie Jenner and Ariana Grande in one. At 19 she looks like she got work done already but she seems to be rising in popularity.
No. 83485
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>>83484Okay it is getting nitpicky lol. For my sisters wedding we coordinated our "better sides" so it was easier to get pictures where we all looked good. Also it's her cousin so it's not weird to be touching her and most of the bridesmaids have their hair up. It's not that deep. I personally first saw the bride since she's in the middle and she looks very cute.
No. 83486
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>>83483She legit looks like an alien.
No. 83487
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I've never understood the hype. Ever.
No. 83488
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>>83486She's gotten
triggered on younw before when people call her out lol. It's sad her parents let her do this just to sell her out
No. 83489
>>83471I didn’t spot her until I saw her hairstyle, I think your bias is showing. Doesn’t mean she has star quality, just means you like her which is fine
>>83485Yeah but that was for one pic. Now imagine you’re famous and you have photos taken constantly if you but you still always only show that side. It seems insecure and robotic
No. 83491
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>>83487She’s the perfect amount of beautiful imo. Not too much to be threatening or seem vain/materialistic, and her beauty shines when she smiles. And she has very English features and conforms to our standards of beauty
No. 83492
>>83460not even just lolcow, the entire internet seems to suddenly be in love with her lately. her personality is pretty annoying and her music is shit, so i'm not sure why she's being treated better than every other popstar rn? she's not ugly at all, but if ariana were a cow herself people here would be making fun of her edges, makeup, etc.
>>83471yeah? she blends right in minus the ponytail and different pose
No. 83495
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I definitely wouldn't call her ugly but Kendall is being hard shilled as this high fashion model with unreal beauty when she's just basic and dull.
Fashion magazines and ads shoop her face into something more interesting and pretty but still nothing special - and IRL she just looks like Kris Jenner lite - boring and meh.
No. 83502
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>>83495No one in that family is attractive.
No. 83506
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>>83495Also let's not forget how much shit she's had done. It really annoys me when everyone praises her for being the ~natural and down to earth kardashian sister~ when she's had just as much PS as the others.
>Nose Job>Lip fillers>Eyebrow lift>Lip injections >Probably cheek fillers And these are just the obvious ones.
No. 83509
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No. 83513
>>83460I absolutely agree. They only like her because she's so uwu tiny and eternally youthful looking kek
>>83479>>83485>"nitpicky"This whole board, especially this thread is hella nitpicky - it only bothers you because you're her fan.
And on top of having the same taste in style and music like your average 13-year-old, it seems you also thought it's funny to name that pic "attention whores touching the bride"…
No. 83516
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>>83471I noticed the girl to the left of the bride, first. Ariana does stand out, but not for good reasons, imo
>tan looks almost cool-toned and is more extreme compared to the bridesmaids and the bride>hair pulled back in that god forsaken hairstyle that should have been left in 2003>body and face are turned almost directly sideways whereas every other girl is facing the camera moreI feel like people underestimate how much her hairstyle is into play with her "standing out" even though she looks very basic. Anyone with that hairstyle looks out of place and noticeable. There is this ugly as fuck girl I know who looks dorky as hell, glasses, pimples, and all, but people notice her because of her blonde hair that is pulled back so tight it's noticeably receding her hairline.
No. 83536
>>83431Most people I know find her unattractive, actually. I find her very cute in an unconventional way.
She's usually awkward and stoic because she's nervous as fuck. She isn't someone that should be in front of a camera but she chose to be an actor for some fucking reason.
I like her as a human but think she's a bad actor.
No. 83540
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No. 83541
>>83488The left picture is so pretty! The lack of top lip is unfortunate but the rest of the package is so gorgeous I'm willing to look past it. I wish she kept herself natty.
>>83491Wow, that woman has such a natural glow!
No. 83553
>>83431Oh but anon she's
SO strong and innovative and amazing because she has made a career of one expression and took her high heels off on the red carpet.
No. 83561
>>83553Shoes off on the red carpet? Oh boy she’s not just untalented she’s unprofessional to boot.
>>83552I think the ugly cholo looking dye job is part of the ‘signature look’ because the constant ponytail isn’t enough.
No. 83563
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A news portal I occasionally check named Hailey Baldwin "the most beautiful woman in the world"….
It was a dumb clickbait article but still what the fuck man
No. 83606
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>>83563Her and Sofia Richie baffles me. Everyone says they’re stunning but I don’t see it
No. 83613
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>>83502>>83534Kim was the only one that was attractive in her pre-plastic youth day. That's why her narc mother made her the golden child.
Other sisters' natural looks range from ugly to homely at most.
No. 84023
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No. 84040
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Her make up is always straight up terrible. She's not ugly otherwise, but definitely way over hyped.
No. 84045
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maggie lindemann really looks like a bargain selena gomez without photoshop. sorry to sound horrible but maybe she shouldnt use so much shoop and accuse people of lying about rape
No. 84046
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im sorry but kylie is such a fucking catfish. looks absolutely nothing like her photos in real life, is in fact unrecognisable. just so much editing, like a different human being. everyone knows shes photoshopped to shit so i dont see why she even bothers at this point
No. 84048
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>>84045Damn…how is that the same person as pic related? She's wearing a
I actually think she looks much better without Make up.
No. 84053
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>>84023I saw this pic in another thread. I had no idea her legs are so stumpy. Although when I googled for it, other pics of her look normal.
No. 84057
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Lily indeed gained some weight. Some celeb news outlets reported not long ago something like "oh look, she looks healthy now!"
No. 84062
>>84046Every time I see Kylie's non-photoshopped face I can't put my finger on what's wrong with it. Maybe it's like an uncanny valley feeling, I haven't a clue.
Anyone else feel this way?
No. 84067
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>>84053>>84057There aren't too many candid photos of her this year, I guess she's avoiding the spotlight. This is the most recent photo of her. Honestly I think she's kinda cute although not really deserving of all the attention she gets. If it weren't for her parents no one would give her a second look though.
Now that she's put on weight I can kinda see why she struggled with her body image before, she has strange weight distribution. I can relate, with distribution like hers you either border on anachan status or looking kinda stocky. One thing I don't understand is why her hair looks even thinner after gaining weight. It's been about a year since she's recovered from anorexia yet her hair looks worst. Is the damage to hair permanent?
No. 84096
>>84053>>84057>>84067I don't mind her weight gain and still think her body isn't that bad but I just can't get over how square and small her face is.
Also her hair, I certainly hope it will get thicker now that she actually gets some nutrition
No. 85570
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No. 85874
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pretty much any Kpop idol, the plastic surgery and makeup is just too much fakeness
>>83487disagree, she is elegant dignified and 100x better than meghan markle
No. 85908
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She has a nice body and I don't think she's completely hideous but I never really got the hype about Emily Ratajkowski. Her face isn't anything special and her lips just look odd to me but her profile especially looks kind of ugly.
No. 85910
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>>85908>>85909She always had the kind of face I can't really get into, like the features are too big and smooshed together too tight on a too small head. Penelope Cruz has it too, I find, so that's my contribution.
But Emily's profile is especially unfortunate, didn't expect it to be that bad.
No. 85916
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Ruby rose looks like she dosent bathe and i dont get why so many straight girls found her so hot
No. 85917
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>>85874they freak me the fuck out because of the two girls who are obviously really underweight. i mean, they're good looking on their music videos yes. but actually seeing their performances/practices and seeing their bones and shit
trigger me.
a lot of kpop people i know are wannarexics and they shill blackpink as the most gorgeous women ever. and they're okay looking, but kfags legit idolize their skelly bodies and it just freaks me out. idk someone i'm close to struggles with anorexia so this type of things grosses me out and its not "GOALS AF" at all.
No. 85918
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>>85874>>85917just a terrible industry all around
No. 85944
>>85917>>85918>>85918>>85940>>85941for me it's just that the type of beauty they celebrate is trying their hardest to look exactly the same, if you look at the girls throughout this thread you find so much variation where uniqueness is celebrated but it seems in korea they just keep on getting surgery and doing makeup to conform to the same beauty standard
it feels artificial
No. 85954
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This bitch
No. 85960
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I don’t dislike her but she has such a man face to me which is fine since they seem to be going for the whole girl crush thing but seeing her stans masturbating over how superior her beauty is gets grating. Just say you want her to dick you and go.
No. 85965
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>>85954She probably had highish levels of androgens during puberty which make her look a bit masculine sometimes, but I think she was pretty just a few years ago (picture is from 2014). She'd look pretty again if she stopped drugs and ugly makeup, and generally took care of herself. But I assume she won't.
No. 85966
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>>85960 i was trying to remember who she reminded me of and it was this actor. She really does have a boy-ish face
No. 85968
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>>85940Rosé is insanely skinny and weighs the least in BP despite being the tallest (IIRC) but your pic doesn’t look too bad. She just looks thin, not spoopy. I think this one is a better example.
I personally find her gorgeous but I can see where people are coming from in regards to the Ana-ness.
No. 85969
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>>85968her faced is shaped like a potatoe
No. 85970
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Dahyun reminds me of a Neanderthal. I feel like an awful bitch for thinking that way and wish I was exaggerating with the comparison.
No. 85983
>>85973Lisa is always the spoopiest.
Out of curiosity, what does a nice thin non-spoopy body look like to you guys?
No. 85984
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>>85983Some will probably disagree with me and say she's too thin, but I think Candice has a fantastic body. Very slim but not ana-tier and slightly toned.
No. 85990
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>>85921There's just something so bird like about it to me but I guess it goes to show how beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I always thought she was more well known for having big boobs which explains why her fans seem to be mostly male.
>>85954>>85954I found young Bella to be kinda cute but now she looks so dirty and gross. I think she's also a prime example of people who suit smaller lips better than big lips. The lip fillers and nose job fucked her face.
No. 85991
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Elizabeth Moss.
Don't know why in Handmaidens Tale she's pushed as like "so sexy, everyone wanna fuck her"
No. 85993
>>85991I’m always stunned by Emily (Alexis Bledel) whenever I see her in The Handmaid’s Tale. She’s by far the prettiest in the show and her acting is incredible.
I also like her character far more than June. I would’ve preferred if she played the main character instead of Moss honestly, especially since her character is supposed to be all sexy and ~irresistible~ like you said. It just doesn’t work with Moss since she looks so average and the setting+styling only accentuates that despite her being a decent actress.
But then I don’t watch the show for eye candy, so.
(sage for ot sperging)
No. 85996
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>>85990> bird likeYes! That was what I was trying to describe further up.
>>85910I remember there was always one girl every cycle of ANTM where Tyra would cream herself how she had "bird-like qualities" I and was always thinking wtf she uggo. Pic related is cycle 9's Chantal, she wasn't the worst one but the only one I can remember right now.
No. 85998
>>85991>>85993I didn't get the impression from the books that June was supposed to be especially sexy or beautiful. I think it's perfectly appropriate that they picked a regular looking woman for her (Moss is a good actress too). I think her appeal to Gileadan men lies more in the knowledge that she is fertile, and a "forbidden fruit". There are not many available women to any of the men, so they'd all be a bit desperate. I'm sure all the other handmaids get their fair share of attention, it's just not what's shown.
I do think June is quite pretty in the flashbacks with the blonde hair.
sage for mega-sperg
No. 86005
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She has thousands of followers yet her face is downsy
No. 86006
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>>85998This is exactly right. She’s never described as exceptionally pretty. It makes sense to cast an average woman when her story is supposed to be of the average fertile woman
Her styling in MadMen was inexcusably awful, though
No. 86018
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>>85993Alexis has beautiful features and as Rory she was everything I wanted to look like, but she's only 36 and her skin is aging really prematurely. It's really obvious in the handmaiden thanks to unflattering lighting, 'natural' makeup etc, it's kind of distracting.
No. 86020
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>>86007they didn't have to make her look like a clown though. Her bangs were honestly distracting.
No. 86021
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Sarah Jessica Parker is aging into an absolute horrorshow.
That said, I didn't think she was cute when young either, despite all the shilling from Sex and the City.
She's only 53, how the fuck did this happen.
No. 86031
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>>86021I'm not really familiar with her work but I will say I've always loved her in pic related.
No. 86034
>>86032At best you could say she looks like an average mid-late 30s woman, but definitely not
good for 36.
No. 86037
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>>85991She is soooooo unfortunate looking. And she's a psycho scientologist (ironic given the plot of the show)
No. 86039
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>>86037Like a Halloween witch mask glued to a potato.
>>85991Helps that she’s got that massive hooded getup. The face is too pinched down for the size of her head. Looks like a living caricature of every middle class white mum.
I think lady Gaga looks average at best and at worst like a methhead who was born a dude. Even surgery couldn’t fix that honker and her lips look like she’s allergic to her own bullshit.
No. 86041
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Allison Harvard (Model)
I've never understood the hype for her. Her body is meh and her runway walk isn't even good. I get that her big eyes make her special but it hurts to look at her with her bug-eyed face.
No. 86051
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>>86018I think that’s just bad makeup settling in her fine lines. She looks fine in other photos and her wrinkles are nowhere near as bad as that photo makes them look.
No. 86053
>>86051That's still pretty bad for mid 30's.
Wear your spf, people.
No. 86068
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>>86037I was really fond of her because of her acting in ‘Top of the Lake’ and ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and when I found out about the Scientology thing I lost most of my respect for her. How can such a great actress be so fucking stupid.
Back on topic- Mina from Twice. All of Twice really, except for maybe Sana and Tzuyu, but people are always frothing at the mouth over Mina’s supposed ~superior natural ballerina uwu~ beauty. I just don’t see it.
No. 86085
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>>86051Maybe that photo exaggerates it but look at how wrinkled her hands are. Lauren Graham is about 15 years older than her and still looks better. She either smokes a lot or she spent years baking herself in the sun without any spf.
No. 86089
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>>86085Her mom is a natural red head. She might have just inherited delicate, fair skin. I can’t find any info on her smoking and she’s relatively pale. Some people just don’t have great aging skin, genetically.
No. 86098
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>>86039i love these threads because it really shows how everyone has different ideas of beauty. i love gaga's nose, she's italian right? i always thought it was cool she never got surgery to get a smaller nose. i myself have your typical small ski slope nose but i LOVE prominent noses on other people. something about it is so classic and mature, like a roman sculpture.
No. 86099
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>>86095Yeah, the man chin/jaw and big nose combo isn’t a good look. When I first saw her I figured she’s be ripped apart by netizens for being fug- especially in SK of all places- but it turned out quite the opposite. Good for her.
Oddly enough I think her side profile is quite nice. Never before have I seen someone I’ve found ugly from the front and pretty from the side. Pic related.
No. 86125
>>86102It’s honestly so ridiculous. Yes they’re thin. No they’re not concentration camp or Ashley Isaacs emaciated.
This is not alarmingly underweight. Thinking it is shows how distorted the public view is now that the majority of people are overweight.
Skinny isn’t automatically alarming, and you guys really need to get a reality check if you think that kpop skinny is too skinny to walk. You’ve gone wrong. Most anorexics can walk and talk just fine. You’re deluded if you think they’re all wheelchair bound crones rattling to the grave. Fuck me the ignorance.
>>86098It’s great seeing just how varied everyone’s opinions are. I can see your point about having an aquiline nose and honestly if she hadn’t fucked up with lip fillers she’d be fine imo. It’s the combo of the strong nose and the atrocious lip fillers that make it too much imo. The angle of a photo matters so much as well, in the pic you posted she looks so much better than I recalled.
No. 86135
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>>85954I actually think she is straight-up GORGEOUS beneath the horrid styling/lifestyle choices. What a shame.
No. 86136
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>>86125>what is hyperbole>what is researching a topic before sperging about it >what is contributing nothingAlso if you seriously don’t see how these girls are too thin and think it’s just because “we’re all just fat these days!!!” You have issues.
No. 86146
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>>86135i'm pressing X to doubt, anon.
No. 86147
>>86136I never called them healthy or implied there isn’t a huge issue with eating disorders amongst kpop stars. I’m simply pointing out that they are not so emaciated that it is surprising that they are still capable of moving themselves. If you see a girl with a bmi of around 17 and think they look so thin they could drop dead then yes, you have a distorted view of what actual emaciation is.
Hyperbole is one thing. Saying things that are just wrong is another.
No. 86148
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>>86147>This is not alarmingly underweight. >Thinking it is shows how distorted the public view is now that the majority of people are overweight. >Skinny isn’t automatically alarmingBut they
are alarmingly skinny. And who the fuck made literal death camp victims the bar for “too skinny.” Anon was saying they found anachans irl to be gross and asked a rhetorical question to point out how ridiculous they look. Have you never heard someone ask a question like
>how can you even walk in those shoes??Isn’t asked by people who literally don’t understand how they are walking in those shoes. They’re not actually questioning whether the shoes are able to be walked in, they’re calling attention to the ridiculousness and extreme nature of them.
No. 86149
>>86148Nobody made it the bar.. I said people are overreacting and speaking as though these girls are in the same state as someone like Ashley Isaacs. I’m simply saying that they are not so wasted away that it’s of any surprise that they can walk. That much hyperbole is silly.
Why are you so personally upset over this? If someone had said ‘lmao these fatties are fat’ okay, but calling someone’s over exaggerated comment silly is no reason to be this defensive.
No. 86180
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>>86149>sperg about a rehetorical, hyperbolic question>get shut down>respond with why you so mad tho????You called anon deluded and ignorant with a distorted view and in need of a reality check because you think kpop stars aren’t “alarmingly skinny.” Don’t get all sanctimonious and “why so mad bro?” now. Reread the thread and realize how dumb you’re being.
No. 86191
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>>86188As a fellow Latina shut the fuck up.
Gtfo summer fag.
No. 86192
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>>86188>before you call me racist iM lAtInA !! Tf as if colorism/racism isn’t a massive thing in latinoamerica
No. 86194
>>86188So because you're Latina its okay tobe racist? Is it because you're not white? Because if that's the case let me remind you that Latinas aren't all poc and can be white.
Anyway, a bit of but I actually find Koreans so gorgeous. One time I encountered a group of Korean women and they had the most beautiful skin ever.
No. 86196
>>86188>before you all start calling me racist i'm latinalatina is not a race my dude
even if it was, you still have the ability to be racist, regardless of your race. try again.
No. 86197
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I'm just saying
No. 86199
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>>86146What's up with her front teeth? Her teeth remind me of Lindsay Lohans although still not as bad. I think you can be as pretty as you want to but bad teeth will ruin it.
No. 86209
>>86197I like her. Like a little alien.
>>86180Give it a rest. Your obsession is boring af and there are plenty of tumblrs to sperg our about this on.
>>86199Imagine how much nicotine, puke, and amphetamines those teeth have endured. I’m amazed they’re still there.
No. 86345
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No. 86403
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>>86391have you never heard of parachuting drugs. also
>what is gurning No. 86426
>>86391Where I’m from, people will snort it, shelf it, eat it, inject it, and smoke it. It’s a junkie town to the point where more than one person is crushing up seroquel and smoking it with their weed.
But yes, amphetamines can absolutely be taken orally. Ritalin abuse my friend.
No. 86432
>>86428Not only willingly took it, willingly abused so much that you can now no longer get quick-release seroquel here. Only extended. And they still abuse it.
Shits evil. I was on 800mg and like a fuckin puddle mumbling about how soft my slippers feel.
After pseudoephedrine and codeine got taken back to prescription only, people started taking literally anything they could get their hands on. (There’s a tv show called ‘Housos’ and it’s meant to be a comedy but it is closer to a documentary about this town.)
(Off topic) No. 86452
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No. 86454
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>>86199Yeah, her front teeth look kind of off. And I don't like it.
No. 86465
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pig faced
No. 86581
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No. 86653
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>>86569She's not a famous person. Google reverse search just bring a 4chan thread made yesterday: this is a vendetta, or the pictures (and 4chan thread) are Anon herself and she has some mental problems. I think it's more likely to be a vendetta than a self-post because most of the pictures in the 4chan thread were taken off facebook (look at the filenames).
After googling her name from one of the filenames in the 4chan thread, she appears to be a woman in her early 30's who live in the Shetland Islands ( I also found her facebook and most of it is private so she doesn't appear to be a crazy attention whore like the 4chan thread would want you to believe. So it's probably a vendetta indeed.
No. 86742
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Sonia Ben Ammar looks generic as fuck. Wouldn't be out of place on a college campus in America. The lip fillers are atrocious as well.
But she, like Cara Delevingne and the Hadid/Jenner sisters all have powerful parents giving them a huge boost into the modelling industry.
No. 86755
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>>86742Part of me thinks she's gorgeous and part of me is reminded of that one lady judge from Chopped.
No. 86792
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>>78217Tbh I don't find her ugly, but I can't bring myself to like the crookedness of her nose and mouth and the large underbite. Not a fan of asymmetry.
No. 86793
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>>86792I mean, she also had a few surgeries so far, and none of them improved that…
No. 86908
>>86905Men are actually wayy more nitpicky towards celebrities, but I don't know why you don't think men may have standards of their own and the only possible reason they may fawn over a conventionally attractive woman that you don't find attractive must be because they're dying of thirst, those two things don't even make sense in comparison because the amount of attractive female celebrities is endless and even men I knew who had sex daily found women like emma watson to be attractive, but this is lolcow and people here think all girls who don't look exactly like ball jointed dolls is ugly
Also I never seen anyone go crazy over felicia or sophie, just emma, keep in mind women starring in things that attract nerdy dudes like harry potter and game of thrones are obviously gonna have more attention, the same reason why so many women wanted to fuck Luke Skywalker despite him being mediocre
No. 86917
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>>86905I would add Hayley Williams to that group but for emo/pop punk bands instead of TV/film. She was one of very few women in that scene so every edgy pop punk bro thought she was the hottest woman alive. She's still cute, but being one girl in a sea of dudes made her seem next level
No. 86951
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>>86908I agree women can judge hard too especially on this forum, but men have some weird opinions too. I have snooped around on /tv/ and many of the actresses worshiped there are under 20. Their "waifu" and ideal of perfection last winter I recall was Sophia Lillis, who is like 15/16. No one else is good enough, everyone is too old too fat too ethnic etc., even women who are in amazing shape for their age they call dusty hags. Instead they fawn over the next upcoming child star and find something to nitpick and assume about every woman, like how her vagina might be brown or an outie (??). But then again they are 4chan guys, what do we expect.
No. 86955
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>>86917ah that's a pic from more than ten years ago. a bad day on her scene phase.
she doesn't look like that at all. she's a legit cutie in my opinion. albeit not a model attractive type, and more a cute girl next door type. different strokes tho
No. 86966
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>>86905Nah I find Sophia Turner absolutely stunning. Also it’s weird you use GOT as an example when there’s more female characters on there than a lot of shows. Different strokes. Most like Wmma Watson because childish crushes (I still have a soft spot for Tom Felton for the exact same reason). As for Felicia Day, she’s funny and awkward and attainable. Some guys go gaga for those three qualities alone. Personality counts.
No. 87295
>>87294stop worshipping celebs, the majority here are just boring basic ass white girls everyone hypes over for no reason.
Actually I am prettier than a lot of those posted in this thread, I wouldn't call myself a goddess though
No. 87298
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>>87296basic beckys are ugly, remember they aren't average looking, they're average looking for white girls
(Racebaiting) No. 87490
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billie eillish, all thos weird features and faces make her look down syndrome or close to it
No. 87491
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>>87490also it's scary how her right eye is so much higher than her left one
No. 87555
>>87295>>87298>>87298I see whitegirl-vendetta chan is back.
Fuck off, the pathetic attempts at racebating in these threads are getting insufferable.
No. 87578
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Blue eyes is such a fucking cheat code, I'm bitter as fuck.
No. 87590
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>>87578That’s an unattractive photo regardless of eye color.
I have light eyes but I think dark eyes are mysterious and sexy.
No. 87598
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>>87590It depends on the person but I tend to think people look good with their naturally eye color. Kiera Knightley with blue eyes doesn't look bad but IMO the brown eyes suit her features more.
No. 87617
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>>87598she looks awful in comparison though, her brown eyes just really suit her. I think the same goes for Anne Hathaway, even just imagining her with blue eyes is strange.
>>87615interesting theory I hadn't heard before but I buy it. I'm sure there's some exceptions.
No. 87648
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>>87617>>87615i know i did a shit job but i still seem to think dark eyes fit cool undertones better, too.
No. 87692
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>>87677i went pretty dark there. what about something like hathaway's color? i think it looks a lot more striking, personally. the light hair, light skin, and light eyes kind of wash her out imo. on topic now but i also dont think shes as attractive as people say.
No. 88035
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This yawn-inducing broad would never be even glanced at walking down the street if she wasn't Kate's sister. Face like a beaten up leather bag, looks literally 50+ in her 30s. Also can't dress for shit, pic related.
No. 88183
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Victoria Beckham was always super unattractive in my opinion, even when she was young. It's those weird shaped brows and her pig nose that are just not appealing.
No. 88185
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The fact that people lost their collective shit over her incredibly average ass baffles me. Is the bar really that low for white women?
No. 88187
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>>88185>Is the bar really that low for white women?Nah, has nothing to do with that. She was simply wearing a tight-fitting dress and everyone flipped shit because she's Kate's sister and it's normally not the appropriate dress for a royal wedding.
I agree with you though, the fuss people made about her 100% average shaped butt was fucking retarded. I remember hearing about it on TV every day for like two weeks straight. People need to chill with their obsession with these lame ass monarchs
No. 88206
>>88185> Is the bar really that low for white women?lel, for how long will women of color have to resort to cheap insults and catty remarks on white women to make themselves feel better?
You're really pathetic.
No. 88212
>>88206I'm not a WOC, I was just speculating on why people went crazy for what look like a flat ass to me.
You sound batshit and insecure.
No. 88312
>>88213Fuckin exactly.
iS tHe BaR reaLLy tHaT loW foR WhitE WoMeN?? Durrr? Lol, fuck off.
No. 88364
>>88359Her ass could be the flattest on earth, I don't care but it was completely uncalled for to bring white women into it as if women have lower expectations to meet.
>>88212> I'm not a WOCYeah, sure. This is precisely sort of thing I see woc on social media saying. It's not enough that there are all these unrealistic beauty standards to meet and men picking looks apart but now you have other women shitting on us too just because we're white.
No. 88366
>>88359>>88360Nta but it’s not about Pippa’a ass in particular, it’s just annoying to bring race into the discussion when it’s completely irrelevant.
The anon that posted the original comment about “muh white women” knew exactly what they were doing, it’s silly to get mad at people for being “butthurt” when the intent of the comment was to provoke.
No. 88377
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>>86742she looked a lot better a few years ago imo
No. 88384
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Joy Corrigan. She's 23, VS and SI model, but looks well into her thirties. I also think she's had her boobs done and they look baaaad.
No. 88385
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>>88384Her face is tragic
No. 88386
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>>88384She also claims to be an underprivileged poor farm girl but grew up in Raleigh NC… which is definitely not a hillbilly town
No. 88428
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Super unpopular probably but her face has always seemed really plain to me for the way a lot of people talk about her as a great beauty. Like she's always perfectly put together and has great body but her actual features are almost too small for her long rectangle face. Amazing skin though.
No. 88430
>>88428 she has said herself that she doesn't consider herself very beautiful but makes herself look good with make up and how she presents herself.
it's more how she carries herself rathen than how she looks and she does that very well
No. 88444
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No. 88452
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Those eyebrows are almost touching each other
No. 88480
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German fitness instagram model Pamela Reif. I can't believe how many people fall for her photoshopped pics when in reality she looks like this
No. 88481
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>>88480Nice bum.. oh why does the tub look so wobbly kek
No. 88487
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>>88483I am German and I can only guess. Our plastic surgeons are just really shitty. And if I ever wanted ps, I would never ever get it done in Germany.
If you look at Germanys top plastic surgeons, you will see for example the name Afshin Fatemi. He has many prominent clients who are obviously his business card such as Kim Gloss. It is either bad taste or really bad skills.
No. 88494
File: 1531707751338.jpg (35.54 KB, 500x650, 2.-Scarlett-Johansson_1.jpg)

>>88487That makes a lot of sense. In my country (Burgerland) a good 80% of our plastic surgeons are awful and give results similar to the picture you posted. (Imo that girl was really cute before she got work done, I wonder why she did that to herself)
Anyway to stay on topic I don't think Scarlett Johansson is all that pretty. She's someone who actually has benefited from ps but there's still something off about her face
No. 88517
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The girl from Kick Ass, Chloe Grace Moretz. Idk why, but something about her face in motion just looks off to me.
No. 88521
File: 1531725491958.png (570.9 KB, 818x594, 687474703a2f2f6673352e64697265…)

>>88483Multiculturalism. Even though there aren't that many foreigers living here, the entertainment industry is full of them. (Just look at their names, you won't make it with a traditonal one) They always copy American TV shows and throw in some English whenever they can. Being ethnic is simply super trendy nowadays. So you'll have cute normal girls trying to get a 'curvy' body, get extreme tans and pump their lips full of shit to seem sexy and exotic. (Worst example is obviously Martina Big)
>>88487>Our plastic surgeons are just really shittyI have to disagree on that. Studying medicine will take you 10+ years, our doctors are very good in comparison to many other countries, so I don't see how it should be any different for plastic surgeons. These bitches just ask for weird shit and then they get it.
No. 88522
>>88521Also, forgot to add: yes, it is
very frowned upon by normal people lol
I got a shock when I saw how many farmers consider/have done/advice others to get it.
No. 88528
>>88483It's not a german thing tbh, some people just overdo it way too much with the surgeries and they end up looking like poor Kim does
>>88487. Happens everywhere.
Plastic surgery is still uncommon here and also heavily frowned upon, like
>>88522 said.
No. 88554
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I don't know if this one is popular anymore, but I couldn't stop hearing about her and her stupid eyebrows a while back.
No. 88568
File: 1531756415300.jpg (286.35 KB, 1024x684, 841605430.jpg)

>>88566Her mouth is always closed when she smiles which makes her filler lips look worse. She should show her teeth more, then she wouldn't look so unnatural. But then again she looks 40+ when she smiles with her teeth…very unfortunate
No. 88602
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I always see Ariel Winter being applauded as a style icon and beautiful, but she has the most unfortunate body type I’ve ever scene on a celebrity.
No. 88616
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>>88602I saw this and was like there's no way her body looks like this, it must be an unflattering photo, but it does? can someone please tell her to stop dressing like this
No. 88622
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>>88616What the… she looks like a hooker! Tell me it is for a photoshoot and not her everyday outfit
Another celeb woman who is chilled as the sexiest of all times is Kate Upton. She is ordinary and tacky af.
No. 88629
>>88622agree. her face is gross to me. it lacks any hard edges but it's also not cute so she doesnt fit any type very well.
did she have lipo? i've never seen someone gain visible fat in their upper torso area before gaining any real tummy fat. ever. even if she just has a rare pattern of weight gain her stomach is way too flat for her bodyfat percentage to make any sense
No. 88637
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I see how people can find her pretty but to me she just screams horse face
No. 88638
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>>88602she's built like chloe moretz (fridge) but with tits, i legit can't tell who looks worse between the two. both looked normal growing up and then went full fugly as soon as puberty hit.
No. 88641
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Ashley Graham. This is just disgusting.
No. 88648
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>>88644Pic related
>>88641She looks like a melting candle. Absolutely foul.
No. 88651
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>>88638Nah Chloë Moretz looks exactly how I thought she’d look grown up. She had those unfortunate features as a kid and just didn’t grow into them like the lucky do.
No. 88683
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what's your guys' opinion on Sorn from CLC? she seems like a nice person but her appearance is just… uncomfortable looking?
No. 88684
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>>88683Does she bleach her skin or something? She looks like she's meant to be darker.
I think she'd look better that way, honestly. I image searched "sorn clc" and found pic related. IMO this tan/warm-toned sort of look suits her more.
No. 88685
File: 1531827693526.png (27.53 KB, 288x514, 09003FCB-7EC1-4098-95AD-0D1ADE…)

>>88682She looks like a bad photoshop in every unedited photo. Mind blowing just how weird her body is and sad that she looks like multiple family guy characters.
No. 88693
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>>88682>>88685it's clearly not unedited though… here's the original
No. 88695
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>>88651The features worked when she was a kid, she looked really cute. Somehow her face got a lot wider and her features just aren't proportionate. Add in her unfortunate body type and it's like some witch cursed her before she hit puberty.
No. 88705
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Once I discovered several discussions and videos about Chloe being transgender. Because she is broad, moves manly, big hands, boyish face. She could just have bad genetics in my opinion. Her two brothers are both gay btw
No. 89185
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>>80155She really did gain a lot of weight. I wonder what's up with her because I admired her elf like appearance
No. 89210
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I don't find her ugly at all, but I find her overhyped and her features are a bit too strong for me, but she's still good looking.
Her body is amazing, though.
No. 89213
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>>89212I honestly think it's just her body type, her ankles/calves are a bit thicker and she tends to easily gain weight in her legs.
She has a really nice body in my opinion.
No. 89215
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>>89213I think her body is cute too, in a cartoony kind of way;
The only way she can have skinny legs is if she's so tiny that she looks like she's on the verge of death.
No. 89235
>>89213I think even with the cankles she looks tons better than
>>89215 She's a cutie imo
No. 89242
>>88705i have the same body type as chloe, short torso long legs
however this body is deemed unfortunate on women, it is indeed a body with muscular definition that suits its aesthetics the best
No. 89798
>>89790I guess the difference is that there shouldnt be anything inherently negative about sexuality. Of course if you are unkempt and unhygienic that will have negative consequneces as its quite unhealthy. But the person in question was shamed due to how they decided to express themself sexually. Which is why I am wondering why a woman would resort to slutshaming them.
I guess its just internalized misogyny.
No. 89807
>>89784yeah, but i feel like that anon was too dense to understand that Kate is a
model on a
cat walk. ''is that her everyday outfit'' lolwhat
No. 89914
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>>89798yeah but there are plenty of very sexual revealing outfits that look interesting, fashionable, maybe even tasteful. dressing like a hooker implies it's sexual, revealing, and in poor taste/tacky. of all the instances of slut shaming you could have i think what anon said is a non-issue. we don't even know what anon thinks about actual hookers. lol what if you were wearing a brown skirt and button down top and your friend made fun of you saying you look like a girl scout? doesn't automatically mean she thinks girl scouts are little shits. it's just classic What not to Wear tier outfit roasting.
No. 89938
>>78217Taylor Swift, Hayley Williams, Heidi Klum, Cara De Lavine, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Scarlett Johanssen, Kate Upton, Beyonce, Every Kardasian (Honestly, Cait looks better than all of them), Any K-Pop Star (They all look identical, and I don't mean that in the "all asians look the same" way. They're all pale with disturbing contact eyes and shaved jawlines. They look like pasty dolls).
No. 90057
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Lorde for me
No. 90063
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>>90057agreed. she's not cute and comes off as a really insufferable person.
No. 90066
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So many people find her attractive and tbh I just don't see it
No. 90089
>>90057I don’t think Lorde is bad looking (she has really amazing hair, actually) but she comes off as super narcissistic. The video for Tennis Court is just a three and a half minutes of a clos up on her face. How could she thought that was a good idea unless she has her head so far up her ass?
>>90066She has nice features. I feel like she would be a lot prettier if it weren’t for her shitastic personality.
No. 90180
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>>90139Even when she was 17 she looked really old. I find her so goddamn annoying. She's not ugly but I don't find her attractive whatsoever.
She literally started her career with a song about how she will never be rich (while the song made her rich) and attacked literally everyone for not being a perf feminist like she is.
She's like the Hermione Granger of pop music, and I don't mean it in a good way.
No. 90185
File: 1532875896297.png (936.49 KB, 924x632, tae.png)

I don't think there's a kpop celeb as overhyped as Taeyeon. I know they style her very well and SM put more money and push her more than the whole SNSD put together, but her face is just so ugly, and everyone praise her like a goddess.
No. 90206
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I'm sorry anons but she's not good and she's not pretty.
No. 90221
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>>90206I think objectively I know she is good-looking.
But just so… plain and boring? She has a pretty but forgettable face.
OT: Katy Perry. Her face shape reminds me of a foot.
No. 90223
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Estella Warren, she looks like a comic book character come to life which sounds like it would look good but there's just something off about her face she usually looks kinda dirty, too, for some reason
No. 91814
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Elle Fanning.
I do think she is pretty, just not as exceptionally gorgeous as people make her out to be. She's kinda plain.
No. 91824
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Saoirse Ronan, i like her but she's pretty ugly
No. 91825
>>89784Jesus. Such a narrow view that it has to be >jealousy or >projected shame and that's it. Promiscuity does have it's negatives, emotional and physical not to mention a lot of times promiscuity does stem from emotional trauma which promiscuity does nothing to help but worsen instead.
If you honestly think that those are the only two reasons. Wooo boy. That's such a self-absorbed way of thinking.
No. 91826
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No. 91887
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People in the celeb cow thread talk about how pretty Billie Eilish is and I honestly don’t see it.
She would look a lot better if her eyebrows weren’t so dark though.
No. 91889
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>>83413I was never sure if she self tanned or if it was makeup, she basically became a different person after leaving disney
No. 91891
File: 1534062554351.png (443.07 KB, 449x531, KMcxs9G.png)

Probably unpopular, but I never got why Gal Gadot was considered the hottest thing ever.
Shes been a model so she knows her good angles, knows her makeup, but if you catch her at a bad angle or without padding, shes a beanpole. No boobs at all no ass at all, all padding and photoshop.
No. 91895
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No. 91912
File: 1534079735271.png (1.6 MB, 986x1466, nicki-minaj-fake-butt.png)

>>91895god yes I never fathomed why any guy thought her the hottest thing ever.
No. 91920
>>91895Is nicki still a thing? Idk I feel like she happened in 2012 and kind of stayed there. All those chicks were about how ~thicc~ and curvy she was, even when she looked deformed af
>>91912 in real life.
No. 91934
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I usually like wide-set eyes but I don't understand her appeal.
No. 91943
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In any of her phases, even when she was a teenager. I can’t find her beautiful or even cute, she’s really ugly
No. 91944
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I get people love her because of Hermione, I love Harry Potter movies too, I grew up watching them and I really enjoy Emma Watson but I can’t find her nice looking
No. 91952
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I just don't get it???
No. 91980
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>>91944Ugh I can't stand her. She is so average looking and her "activism" is cringe
Also she can't act at all. She was bad enough as a kid and is even worse now. Her "acting" is basically just moving her eyebrows.
No. 92014
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Justin Bieber's fiancee looks rlly weird to me. I mean whoever styles her does a great job. No doubt.
No. 92038
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mia khalifa. she's kind of cute in a nerdy way but she does not have a forehead and it majorly freaks me out.
No. 92045
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>>86021It kind of trips me out how hot i used to find her in hocus pocus. Maybe it was the heavy makeup and the contrast with her "sisters"
No. 92047
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>>92040She does. Like the other poster said, they’re just not puckered anus style.
>>92043I have such a 5head and would kill for small forehead problems.
No. 92049
>>92046Most likely an eyebrow lift. I’m 99% sure both kylie and Ariana had it done.
When the eyebrow is lifted with a Botox filler the eyelid is more exposed, creating a result similar to what they have.
No. 92053
File: 1534183431175.jpg (90.6 KB, 715x1073, fivehead.jpg)

>>92047>I have such a 5head and would kill for small forehead problems.I don't think a fivehead is unattractive (provided it's not, well, a sixhead). It makes one look youthful and/or nerdy, see pic related. If it bothers you you can play with your haircut to makes your forehead seems shorter.
Threeheads are really unattractive and unintelligent looking though.
No. 92085
>>92067i don't think she's ugly but she's a very generic cookie cutter pretty to me and i don't get why guys and girls alike are acting like she's so incredibly beautiful and sexy
is it israel virtue signalling lol she gets so much more attention than the dozens of actresses with the same type of look as her, so to me she's the perfect example of being overly shilled.
her slanty forehead also bugs me but tbf i didn't notice it before farmers pointed it out
No. 92114
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>>92014she looks cute without makeup
No. 92180
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>>92107I don't think she looks old, especially considering she's 45. She's just sort of plain looking to me and relies on the pin-up gimmick to be attractive. To be fair to her, she totally admits this and has even said she doesn't view herself as being particularly beautiful. She says she instead relies on confidence and her specific style, which I can respect.
No. 92402
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thin as fuck, balding hair and looks nothing like her pictures in real life because of extreme photoshopping.
only about 4 paparazzi images of her exist, and it's for a reason. shes like a Wolfie Cindy 2.0
No. 92409
>>92406What yellow teeth, anon?
I know this is the Overrated Female Celebs thread, but jeez. Some of you people are nitpicking.
No. 92411
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>>92402There are a lot of paparazzi pictures of her anon…
But yeah she photoshops herself in Wolfy Cindy style. I find her pretty anyways, it is your taste if you find her overrated
No. 92438
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>>92409sorry, I should've clarified **brown
No. 92447
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elizabeth olsen. i dont really find her ugly, but i don't get the hype around her. she certainly looks cuter without so much eye makeup, though
No. 92743
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loona is supposedly a group full of visuals, but damn, Vivi is strange looking. It's like she used to have a recessed jaw and got a chin implant instead of orthodontic work.
No. 92760
>>87490>>87491I know I'm late but
>being in your prime when you're 16I'm sure she will look great by the time she's 30
No. 92897
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No. 93452
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Lily James
There's something really off about her face
No. 93604
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>>93596Agreed yet all the guys I know think she's the hottest girl in the world ffs
No. 93613
File: 1535587362714.png (419.51 KB, 604x600, jessica-nigri.png)

>>93596>>93604Oh yes I also think she has an ugly face but her body is great though.
I find Nigri extremely overrated. In my class every (nerd)guy would swoon over her. They called us girls jealous and ugly if we showed them pictures of Nigri without photoshop. Big tits and that's enough for some guys.
No. 93744
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>>93740i remember watching a GG behind the scenes thing and they said when leighton meester auditioned for the show she was blonde and tan but they wanted her to change it for blaire. so they don't even have the excuse that they were biased towards picking blake for the hot role because of hair color.
No. 94468
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Olivia Hussey.
No. 94609
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Her face really bugs me for some reason, I think it's her nose. Sometimes I think she has the "quirky" look going for her and can look pretty, but most of the time I find her unpleasant to watch.
No. 94692
File: 1536473409244.jpg (120.86 KB, 700x437, 2018-09-09-06-58-04-248.jpg)

>>94687She is, her lashes just point downwards.
Same pic with a pair of subtle falsies.
No. 94716
>>94688I agree, I had to look twice because I thought I was scrolling past the "cute girls" thread.
But I think it's good thing that what people think is attractive can vary to such a degree. It's fascinating.
No. 94718
>>94609she looks good here but in this
>>91824she looks genuinely ugly
No. 94734
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>>91824I think this photo has a bad lens chosen
No. 95030
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I don't see a point in people posting famous women who are 25 years beyond their prime (Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, etc.)
With 16-18 we are grown out and fertile, and after 23 fetility slips down sharply. The average "MILF" in porn is 31.
You have 14 year old school boys mastrubating to 19 year old women, 19 year old guys masturbating to 19 year old women, 30 year old men masturbating to 19 year old women and your dad would also want to fuck a 19 year old, if he could. You're average 19 year old instagram model is hot now and men won't change their attraction to what they see there.
Jennifer Aniston was objectively not "ugly" in her early twenties and wether a woman ages gracefully is mostly a function of whether she is strict with her diet or not.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 95031
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>>95030Robot bait are getting worse by the days.
No. 95077
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I don't necessarily find her hideous but Gal Gadot is so homely and rat-like in the face. I don't see how she is considered beautiful, nor do I understand her being cast as Wonder Woman.
No. 95082
>>95030nice larping there
>>95077I think she's pretty and looked badass in her wonder woman costume but I hated how "cutesy" she acted.
No. 96871
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Hayley Williams from Paramore. I don't find her hideous, but I never understood why seemingly everyone finds her super cute. She's pretty basic imo; a lot of girls look like her (ironically, especially her biggest stans who sigh, "I wish I looked like her!") Just…bleh.
No. 96890
>>96871I think she's cute, especially at the beginning of her career with red hair
But every other styling i saw after that was terrible
No. 96902
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good actress. i just never got the hype about her "beauty."
No. 96943
>>96927>>96903for the same reason other people in this thread don't find these women attractive.
i just don't see it.
she's not unattractive, i just never thought she was as stunning as people make her out to be.
No. 97429
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I don't understand why people think Lily Rose Depp is soooo beautiful, she looks so plain to borderline ugly sometimes to me, her forehead is huge and her hair so thin. There's no way she would ever be a model if it weren't for her parents with that body.
She's just so unlikable
No. 97456
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead. I remember every guy thought she was the hottest thing ever in Scott Pilgrim. For me her face is so basic that even speciul ~violet hair can't save her from being boring and plain. Overrated af
No. 97478
File: 1538662198354.jpg (40.22 KB, 612x406, 599763455-612x612.jpg)

I know a lot of farmers won't agree with me because she is a legend and part of the 90s supermodels squad but I think Claudia Schiffer is really ugly. She only looks good with heavy makeup, good lightening and her baby Bardot styling. She isn't versatile enough and without makeup and styling, she can't hide her ugly features like big horse teeth and small beady hooded eyes. I like her personality very much but that's it.
No. 97491
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I don't get it. She's funny-looking to me.
No. 97492
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Was watching that Spike Jonze ApplePod commercial starring >pic related and my friend said she found her to be pretty. Love her music but she’s very strange-looking in my opinion.
No. 97493
File: 1538681735918.jpg (45.92 KB, 700x394, gwha.fka_twigs.jpg)

>>97492agree with this one. i get she's going for with the super artsy exaggerated styling to make her look like a baby alien, but in candids she looks dumpy and weird but not in a quirky way.
i know this is just an unflattering candid but her features aren't the crazy anime features that her makeup and editing makes people believe.
No. 97496
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I don’t know what it is about her face but it makes me uncomfortable
No. 99717
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Maybe because I find 13 Reasons Why to be overrated but here’s my contribution. At the risk of sounding like a incel, she looks a lot better when she smiles rather than that open mouth, dead eyed stare she usually does.
No. 99748
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Megan Fox
I don't even know what exactly upsets me so much about her face, but I really don't like it.
No. 99750
>>99717>>99717She has really nice features but her face isn't that pretty imo. Maybe she's too bland but definitely not ugly.
I agree that she looks better when she smiles though, she has rbf.
No. 99783
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>>99748I feel like she looks better in motion
No. 99787
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>>99783But that's not her current face. I think she looked best in 2008/2009 (which is basically your gif) and I think 2010 was the beginning of her excessive plastic surgery. Before 2010 she had only a nose job and lip fillers. Now she looks like a cat lady and 20 years older.
No. 99788
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>>99783But that's not her current face. I think she looked best in 2008/2009 (which is basically your gif) and I think 2010 was the beginning of her excessive plastic surgery. Before 2010 she had only a nose job and lip fillers. Now she looks like a cat lady and 20 years older.
No. 99799
>>99783still makes me want to punch her.
Maybe it's because I'm not that much into the stereotypical hot girl look and plump lips in general.
Now that I think about it, it really might be the lips that I don't like.
I don't know. I just don't find her pretty at all. In neither state of her plastic surgeries.
No. 99807
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Her round face has always made me think of a bored goldfish
No. 99808
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>>99807She has spent a lot of her family's money to not look like a Trump but it hasn't worked. There are so many pictures where she isn't posing carefully where she looks like her father. It's just something gross in the trump DNA. Some families don't have the close resemblance they all do. At least she's gotten rid of the weak chin and her lips don't have that weird moist look anymore. In the old pics when I looked at her all I could think about is that she looks like she covers you in spit when she talks. I guess that was because of that fucked up jaw and gigantic teeth.
No. 99815
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Kali Uchis. I dislike her overly sexual act the most, it's so annoying. I like her voice but her face and the way she presents herself just ruins it.
No. 99838
>>99815Her cheeks and chin are really weird and her eyes aren't very nice either. She also needs better styling, her 50s babydoll lolita aesthetic doesn't suit her at all.
Her music is also very bland and ingenuine, I'd say her only good song is Melting.
No. 100156
>>96871>>97456The bar is extremely low in alt scenes.
>>96902I think she looks absolutely regal, love her.
>>97429She might get better with age, once her facial fat leaves the building. I think she has nice eyes despite her broad face. Honestly feels like people are too obsessed with her looks and began to sexualize her too soon. I'm glad she's recovered from her ED and truckin on, bless her cankles.
>>99808Oof, I never bothered to look her pre-surgery pics up but this is wild. People criticize man-jaws so often but underdeveloped jaws look 1000 times worse. You can't style this jaw to look good, like you can a long face.
No. 100256
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>>80496I also think Allessandra Ambrosio is overrated. She is very masculine looking with and without makeup. Plus she has unfortunate body proportions…her legs are very very short for a model
No. 100263
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Jennifer Garner
Especially after watching 13 going on 30 I think she looks plain dumb 90% of the time. I think it's something about her eyes. But I find her to be really unattractive.
And, I know she has been mentioned before, Anne Hathaway.
Everyone and their dog has praised her for how well she pulled of the short hair and how she just looks so flawless with any haircut and I just sat here like… no… it just draws even more attention to her horrible face and overexaggerated features.
She looks okay with a decent amount of weight, tan and long hair but I still would never call her pretty. Yet everyone seems to lose their shit about how hot she is. I don't get it.
No. 100273
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>>100263To me she looks like someone used the liquifying tool or content aware scale on her face.
Her eyes, nose and mouth are way too big for her face.
No. 101019
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Not really a celeb but I see this girl everywhere on instagram and it just annoys me for some reason. She has major manface
No. 101476
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Pam Anderson. Even at her peak she looked like a orange, tranny Britney Spears.
No. 101482
>>101476I agree as I've never understood her appeal but I guess it were different times.
Sure, her boobs are pretty huge compared to the rest of her body but it also makes her look disproportional.
No. 101491
>>101476Because she is hot.
Lots of hair on her head, nice features, nice curvy body proportions, great skin
No. 101516
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>>101476>>101482>>101491She has had a lot of different looks throughout the years. I think she can look quite beautiful at times. Then again at other times, not so much. Even the beanie pic in the collage is kinda trashy-hot imo
I think she recently got a bunch more plastic surgery and is basically unrecognizable à la Renee Zellweger
edited to add bottom left pic is (a very flattering pic of) her new face apparently
No. 101517
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Adding one more pic for reference. She was in cat-lady territory for a hot second there
No. 101537
>>101516>>101517okay you're right about her face looking nice in some of those pics. Just not the ones where she looks kind of "bimbo-ish" (nothing against pam an but sometimes her face look like that to me)
I still don't really like the way her body looks though.
No. 101583
>>101476That was the style of the time, though.
I'd say she looks better now than she has in a long time, probably because she's finally gotten used to no longer being a current celebrity.
No. 101584
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Dua Lipa's face is average but what tf are those weird indentions on her stomach
No. 101589
>>101584those are just some abs muscles on a skinny girl lol. I was weirded out by them a bit too when I started to exercise and they appeared like this. She seems like she's flexing super hard.
What are those pants tho, especially near the waist area
No. 101615
>>101605It's like there's some kind of padding stretching the fabric tight almost in the shape of a pair of shorts.
Is Dua Lipa wearing depends?
No. 101659
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>>101658I mean, there are people whose hips do look like that so idk
No. 101668
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>>92114She's the opposite of fresh faced
No. 102468
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No. 102675
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Sorry not sorry. She may be talented at what she does but I don't think she has a pretty face at all
No. 102684
>>102675Honestly, posting one of the most popular porn stars of all time and labeling her as "ugly" reeks of severe insecurity to me.
I don't think she's especially stunning or anything, but she's very attractive and a seductive person.
No. 102697
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Anyone who lives in or visits Japan probably has seen Rola's face literally everywhere…
I mean she's not the ugliest but there are way prettier mixed Japanese girls out here and I don't understand why she's so popular.
No. 102709
>>102697She looks different, she's cute and has a ditzy stage persona so people like her.
You might as well ask why people like Kendall Jenner, she's heavily marketed everywhere even though she's as exciting as a cardboard box.
No. 102855
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I wouldn't say Pokimane is really ugly at all, just plain and old looking for her age.
No. 102864
>>102675i think she is pretty,
but mostly i think its because of her body and doing really dirty shit she stood out
i mean it was the time that it was popular to have bleach blonde hair and bolt-ons
No. 102877
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my bf wants to bang this hamster faced cunt and it makes me angry
No. 102878
>>102877> my bf wants to bang this hamster faced cunt> cuntsheesh, calm down.
It's not her fault that your bf is just a regular horny guy.
You don't have to like her, you can think she's ugly or whatever but doing that because of your bf?
Honestly, you sound so pathetic. I bet you'd be the type to fight another girl just because your bf looked in her direction.
No. 102880
>>102878Her face has always pissed me off for some reason but now I know my bf finds her attractive, just looking at her makes me rage.
I'm not about to fight her, it just makes me mad that he could possibly think she's good looking
No. 102882
>>102877>>102880ntayrt but you sound really unstable and unpleasant in these posts
get some help anon
No. 102936
>>102925I was more taken aback by anon using "cunt" just because her bf is attracted to that actress.
There's nothing wrong in finding someone not attractive, it's just the way she put it seems like she hates the actress on a more personal level, even though the actress probably wouldn't touch her bf with a six foot pole.
I'm always irked when a woman focuses all her anger on the other woman who in some cases is completely unaware of a guy's affection. It seems so petty. idk maybe I'm reading too much into it.
No. 102951
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Speaking of redheads… I remember how when I was involved in tumblr-fandom-stuff people were always going on about how gorgeous Karen Gillian is.
To me her face looks borderline down syndrome-ish. And I usually have a huge thing for redheads. But almost all redhead celebs I can think of aren’t my cup of tea. Lindsay Lohan could’ve turned out attractive if it hadn’t been for surgery/lip fillers/botox.
No. 102963
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>>102951Whatever your opinion of Karen Gillan, this image should honestly be included as the prime example of the power of camera angles. I literally just googled to check she had not over the last few months packed the weight on Joysparklebs style, and it is baffling that a simple trick of the light can make someone as obviously as thin as her look completely different.
No. 103003
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I have never, ever understood why people think Jennifer Aniston is some drop-dead bombshell even in her "prime". Yes she looks young for her age, but her features are extremely plain and pear-ish to me. Nothing special at all. She's just so bland looking to me. I don't have anything against her and I almost feel bad insulting her since she seems so unassuming and nice but just… so boring.
No. 103004
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>>103003Samefag but since someone already mentioned her I'll drop another.
Shakira is boring as shit. I have never understood her supposed sex appeal and her voice annoys me. Again, even in her prime years ago I never found her particularly sexy compared to a lot of other female artists.
No. 103059
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>>103058See no nasolabial folds but small beady eyes. She needs an other eye makeup look to make them appear bigger imo
No. 103063
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>>103058they're more like side-of-mouth folds and they are very unfortunate, because her face is beautiful and cute IMO. those are some awful genetics to make them so apparent on someone who's only 22
No. 103065
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>>103032>>103033Yeah her hair is amazing, just don't find anything else particularly sexy about her. Honestly she's built like a fridge and her face isn't anything special
No. 103067
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>>103065Built like a fridge? Excusez moi mademoiselle?
No. 103082
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>>103067I mean, not saying I agree with the fridge statement but that pose will make anyone look like they’re curvy.
Shakira doesn’t have massive curves, but she isn’t Olivia Wilde either. I personally like the amount of hip she has. More than I like her face.
(It’s that generic, manly, ‚aggressive‘ latina face. Michelle Rodríguez and Bianca Comparato have it as well.) No. 103103
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Stoya's skin looks awful these days and her front teeth are stained yellow from chain smoking so much
No. 103117
>>103103where have you seen her teeth?
also god she's pallid especially with the odd red blotches
No. 103119
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>>101019days late because I only ever come check this thread once in a blue moon, but: anon, how do you think she got everywhere? surely not by having a manface.
No. 103121
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I dislike all 'Sexiest Women' lists in magazines such as FHM because they tend to list celebrities who are very overrated. I think that the celebs themselves buy a ranking and the highest paying woman gets the first place. For example look at the sexiest woman of 1997: Teri Hatcher. How could she ever be #1? Or the sexiest woman of 2015 Michelle Keegan kek.
No. 103152
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>>103125She's overrated, are you retarded?
No. 103176
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It is not that Crystal Reed is unattractive but her lip fillers are so overinflated that when I look at her all I can see is the Monsters Inc character who goes through the suction machine.
No. 103212
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>>103103What happened to her nose?
No. 103298
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>>103117it's hard to get a proper pic of her smiling but you can see how badly stained her teeth are here from chain smoking and I guess drinking coffee?
No. 103302
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Omg she deleted a pic from her timeline that was from an event and you could really see how she uses the wrong concealer colour. Its like she uses white acrylic paint as her foundation and sets it with corn starch. Makeup artist my ass
No. 103303
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>>103302She looks straight up clownish
No. 103421
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I find halsey to be so ugly and her pretentious ass personality and annoying voice make her even uglier imo.
No. 103795
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I posted this in the celebricows thread and just realized it belongs here instead whoops
Jessica Biel is so odd looking. i think it's the result of some plastic surgery but idk what. Can't put my finger on it. She looks like the emoji eyes, nose and mouth I'll post a pic after this
No. 104014
>>103997You just named all the celebs I absolutely cannot stand anon. They're honestly so ugly to me I don't understand how they're considered hot at all.
Especially demi lovato. She's got the ugliest face, and her eyebrows are terrible.
No. 104361
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>>78322I don't know how shes famous, looks absolutely hideous
No. 104365
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She's not necessarily ugly, but I find her features rather cartoonish if you know what I mean. Same for Ariana Grande.
No. 104376
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>>89213This is so weird, she looks like she was drawn by someone who doesn't quite understand human anatomy.
My contribution - wouldn't say ugly but her face is plain and her body shape is just unfortunate (and I'm bitter they didn't cast someone else as Lara). Also Emma Stone.
No. 104377
>>104376Alicia's body looks as if someone glued together body parts belonging to three different people (head, torso, legs). Very unfortunate indeed. It's fascinating, though, how petite she looks on red carpet pics.
YES TO EMMA STONE. I don't have anything against her personally, she does good in comedy, but baffles me that so many people (esp. men) find her so sexually appealling. She's not only sickly pale, but also extremely awkward, and those exaggerated facial expressions of her (flared nostrils, bulging eyes, "o" mouth) make my eyelid twitch.
No. 104384
>>104377> She's not only sickly paleWhat's wrong with being sickly pale? I feel healthy and I'm considered "sickly" pale.
What if someone said, "not only is she sickly dark skinned", can't you see how wrong that sounds?
No. 104388
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>>104384The phrase "sickly dark-skinned" doesn't make any sense. Paleness is often associated with feeling unwell, not going out often, et cetera. Nothing wrong with having very light skin, some people rock it, but in her case it doesn't look appealing to me: her nose gets reddish easily and her facial features get washed out.
No. 104505
>>104389aaand some people have a natural unibrow but that's not to everyone's taste either, is it? if you're getting
triggered slash defensive over an anonymous comment in a thread dedicated to stating INDIVIDUAL OPINIONS, maybe you should see yourself out.
let's move on
No. 104531
>>104523i'm white so your argument isn't really valid. also, no one said "omg i hate her white skin", learn how to read. not "too pale" but "sickly pale", believe it or not but it makes a difference.
+ "nothing wrong with having very light skin, some people rock it"
>>104527freudism is so passé, haven't you heard? i certainly do not wish to have emma stone's complexion. could live with evan rachel wood's, though. this whole thread is basically dedicated to nitpicking, karen gillian also can't help the fact that she has a "borderline down syndrome-ish" face (supposedly), but i don't see you jumping to her defense. i don't have to get over myself as i am not the one getting upset and going around calling people retarded
No. 104609
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No. 104626
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>>104618Not even that anon but you're clearly retarded. Any person can look sickly-pale when blood pressure decreases to the face (or other parts of the body), regardless of skin color.
To actually contribute, I never understood the hype behind Elizabeth Taylor, although I only recently read about her apparently violet-hued eyes, which is cool as fuck. She just looks ugly to me… kind of dirty? Idk
No. 104642
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>>104626I mean, she was pretty when she was young, but past that I think drugs and alcohol aged her significantly like in the pic you posted
No. 104660
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>>104642Nah even young Elizabeth doesn't do it for me. She's not an ogre by any means but I don't like her features. I think she looks like Mr. Bean in the eye area
No. 104664
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>>104626Were her eyes really violet? In like every picture of her they're a completely different color and very obviously touched up in a lot of them.
Anyway my opinion of her changes depending on how she's styled. I don't really like the super done up 50's starlet look on her, but when her hair's down and she looks more casual she's stunning to me.
No. 104986
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Not that she's touted as a great beauty but wew this pic
No. 104995
>>104986If you couldn’t see her gums she’d look 50x better immediately.
There’s no helping the crazy eyes.theyre pretty but nuts.
No. 104997
>>104995her eyes don't look too crazy as long as the flash isn't on. her mouth has always looked weird and busted. it's like she needs a gum reduction but then her already huge teeth would reach horse proportions.
that said i do think she's like, ugly cute? and she has a great body.
No. 105033
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>>104995>>104997>>104998I feel like her ugly family drags her down and makes her seem uglier than not in my mind
No. 105053
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>>104986i personally think Miley is gorgeous but red lipstick does her no favors. Nude and light colors suit her way better
No. 105058
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>>105053i just wish she hadn't wasted a bunch of years like…this. she's doing better now but i feel like this phase really took it out of her and now she's just kind of a shadow of her former self.
No. 105068
>>105058idk, for me the way she transitioned from wild thot back to normal girl without going off the deep end like so many other young celebs makes me think more highly of her. You can probably safely assume it was all PR and she's not riddled with emotional problems, so it was easy to bounce back. I'm also impressed by and jealous of her lasting relationship with someone as hot as Liam.
I never liked Hannah Montana or literally any of her music though so I'm generally neutral.
No. 105069
>>105058idk, for me the way she transitioned from wild thot back to normal girl without going off the deep end like so many other young celebs makes me think more highly of her. You can probably safely assume it was all PR and she's not riddled with emotional problems, so it was easy to bounce back. I'm also impressed by and jealous of her lasting relationship with someone as hot as Liam.
I never liked Hannah Montana or literally any of her music though so I'm generally neutral.
No. 105171
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i know most women don't actually find her attractive but a friend's sister was once talking about how she thought paris hilton was the epitome of american beauty and glamour and im like… bitch no..
No. 105234
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>>105171She could look cute if her nose wasn't so weird tbh
No. 105245
>>105234I honestly think she looked better before PS. Whoever did her and her sister's noses gave them that weird hooked tip that reaches too far down to their upper lip.
Plus if you look up early pictures of her before she became famous, she’s not a natural blue eyed blonde. Her eyes are either brown or hazel (it’s hard to tell), and her hair is dark. She’s refused to transition beyond the blonde, even when her hair started falling out from all the bleaching and hair extensions.
No. 105251
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>>105234She's hot in every incarnation
When I was younger I just hated her for being a preppy blonde but now I can see how much she just owns whatever she goes in for, and I can appreciate that she was actually a total troll queen. I'm not going to pretend she's a mastermind, but I can stan a woman who takes what she has and has the confidence to have fun with it
No. 105389
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Anna Kendrick. Her head always seems too big for her body and I find her face extremely punchable.
Her cringey personality does not help either.
No. 105403
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>>105389her legs are really weird too i never noticed it until i saw her in one of the hilton commercials where she's wearing jeans
knocked knees and janky looking
No. 105405
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all of the kardashian/jenners look so creepy and weird
>>102684majority of pornstars (popular or not) are average to butterfaces imo
No. 105432
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Maybe I'm stereotyping but, I can't unsee golddigging vibes from this chick.
People parade her, she's nothing special. She has sex appeal yes, but that's nothing to bring to the table. Not much personality.
No. 105450
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>>105403She has knock knees, thats why her legs look like that
No. 105460
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>>105432Just felt like it
No. 105579
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ive seen so many people shilling dascha polanco and I like thick women but she has the most unfortunate figure
No. 105693
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>>82400I don't think she's ordinary but rather odd and old looking. She's currently 17 and Gigi is 23 but looks younger than her. She's a heavy smoker according to gossip sites because she has trouble with her weight.
No. 105903
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She's a cute girl, but her attitude and SJW-ness ruins it for me.
Doesn't really do it for me, makeup skills are good but 'HE' wants to pass as a transmale - but NoNBiNARY~ uwu?!
Really Rin?
No. 105945
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>>78217Had a heated conversation the other day with a friend because he was saying Alison Brie was a complete goddess and the most beautiful woman ever etc, and he got seriously annoyed when I said she was average looking. Like lol take the makeup off and she looks super basic sorry.
And then they just say you're "jealous" lol I didn't even say she was ugly! She's pretty but I think I've seen a million girls like her already. Why are men so whipped for dark hair, pale skin all the time?
No. 105955
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Probably a super unpopular opinion. I don't find her ugly necessarily, just weird looking and slightly monkeylike.
No. 105999
>>105945>Had a heated conversation the other day with a friend because he was saying Alison Brie was a complete goddess and the most beautiful woman ever etcShe's an obtainable kind of attractive, which is why reddit guys are into her. Goddess is pushing it.
No. 106110
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Hate/greatly dislike this bitch, entitled.
She's extremely crass, ever since the Open. Her attitude is disgusting and I wish she wouldn't be so cocky…
No. 106119
>>106118Kind of, she's being praised in Vogue for being beautifully 'woke' and a me too qween.
I don't know why she isn't called out more for her behavior.
Thanks anon for commenting, and yeah needed to convey that lel
No. 106121
>>106120I agree with your statements.
I digress about many people's opinions of her (favorable qween!1), she just irks me so much. She's unbearable to me in interviews, maybe that's why. Just like the Allison Brie anons, she's basically my Brie. Kek.
No. 106439
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Probably already posted but I find Megan absolutely revolting. Her true nature spilling out at every turn doesn't seem to help, but something about her face was always off to me. I think its her nose, it kind of reminds me of a Mr. Potato head nose. I found her flat in most of her acting roles, and she smells like a huge phony in the royal circle.
No. 106523
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>>106439Agree that she's overrated but its hilarious to see someone on lolcow saying she doesn't belong with the royals lol. Also you would appreciate @garyjanetti on insta
>>106519Google "Meghan Markle drama" and you'll see the gossip. Who knows how true it is, and even so it's fairly mild. I'm sure the family doesn't fully approve, though
No. 106816
>>106750Classism yes but there's not a trace of racism in her post.
I noticed that everytime Meghan gets criticized on a random gossip site, some sjw whores appear and scream 'reeee racism!!1'
No. 106923
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marina nagasawa has a great body, but her face looks like a monkey
No. 106989
>>106923i think shes cute in a child-like way and we are apes so..
But i cant understand people fap to women who look like children.
No. 107233
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Asia Chow is a high fashion model and socialite. Her life seems cool and she's sweet but her parents must have bought her into the Lions agency. This is a professional photo so one of the better ones of her.
No. 107247
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>>107246I get not finding her attractive but it's a little ridiculous to say she's shaped like a brick. And her tits aren't even saggy. Big boobs aren't always saggy by default
No. 107249
>>107247You're right, but hers are saggy
Maybe if you look at rectangle and boyish shaped women all day, the fact her hips are .5 of a cm bigger than her waist must mean she's a curvy goddess, sure, she isn't shaped like a brick, her hip to waist ratio is definitely way lower than an average woman so, which is a requirement for me, I'd literally take a flat chested woman with good hip to waist ratio than a stick with boobs, but it's just my personal preference
No. 107251
>>107249Lol never said she was a curvy goddess. Or even curvy in general. But when someone is describing a woman as being shaped like a brick, I don't picture a body like hers.
And no her tits aren't saggy. Just because her boobs aren't up to her collarbone doesn't mean they're saggy. So many large chested girls would kill to have boobs as "saggy" as hers.
>>107250Tf kinda men are you hanging out with? Maybe if they all have some kind of hormone disorder. Some of you on here really need to get help for your BDD or something. Cause it's one thing to personally think this girl is ugly. Fine. I don't find her particularly attractive myself. But you go to extreme lengths to justify why you don't to the point where you're claiming that her body is manly with huge saggy tits and anyone with eyes can see that's not true.
No. 107252
>>107251Larger boobs are more saggy, hers included
She just doesn't have barely any hip to waist ratio at all, even most anorexic high fashion models have more ratio than she does, she's not shaped like a literal brick but her body shape isn't feminine enough to be attractive to me
No. 107254
>>107253or even large. those boobs look proportional and about average size.
could it be.. a jealous flattie?
No. 107258
>>107254Probably. Mad smaller chested girls always resort to calling big boobs saggy or referring to them as udders or something.
And mad larger chested girls always lash out by saying the smaller chested girls look like boys or whatever.
Don't know why ppl don't understand that you can have a preference or find a certain trait unattractive without making yourself look like an obsessive child.
No. 107260
>>107258>>107255>>107254"Everyone who doesn't like what I like is jealous and flat!"
Ok anon, keep telling yourself that
Sorry people think boobs that look like ballsacks with nipples at the bottom are saggy
No. 107262
>>107256It will devolve into that. We always get crazy anachans that start out bitching about boobs and then go crazy about weight related stuff.
>>107260That's not what I said but okay~
No. 107263
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>>107260Sure, you could describe "boobs that looks like ballsacks with nipples at the bottom" as saggy, but I failed to see what that has to do with Marina Nagasawa… considering her boobs clearly don't look like that.
To get back on topic, I never really understood the hype behind Candice. Something about has always looked off to me idk
No. 107308
>>107263Her fillers don't match her nose, I think,
Like, downward turned noses can look cute on "natural women" but the second they're combined with cheek and lip fillers it looks very plastic surgery/troon-ish.
No. 107749
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>>78217Bella Hadid is definitely one of those girls whose parents had connections in the industry and that's why she's ~a supermodel~. She isn't "ugly" exactly but she's the most plain, boring, generic kind of commercial-pretty out there. There is nothing special or interesting about her face, her body, or her posing.
No. 107758
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Bella Hadid is a shit model. She has no energy or presence and her eyes are always dead as fuck. I think she is objectively beautiful, I like her new face, think it's cute even and I don't see a problem with using your relationships to your advantage as long as you are not completely lost in your profession but she's clearly lost
No. 107760
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>>107759compare to Candice who is a similar niche but worked for her spot in the limelight
honestly, I just wanna see Bella get dragged publicly for her bad work like Emma Watson by that professor who told her she's a bad actress No. 107841
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>>107758Not only Bellas face is meh but her body is disproportionate. She has short legs and even high heels can't save her. Alessandra Ambrosio has the same problem as she has very short legs but at least she is charismatic. Candices body is perfectly shaped and proportionate. Just compare her to Bella.
No. 107857
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>>107784I think she looked nice here as a cool, reserved brunette but you can't make the occasional great red carpet appearance a career and she has no real ability as a model. I agree that she is not that beautiful compared to other models or celebs but compared to the average normie woman she is still p good. And any celeb becomes ugly when they are shilled as a beautiful superstar wrongfully att and it's a matter of preference anyways
No. 107858
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>>107857meanwhile, Gigi looks like a pin needle to me
No. 107868
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RV Joy for me. I know Irene is plain but there’s no way this frog looking bitch is prettier than her. Plus she’s also so incredibly smug looking and stuck up that i feel like I could punch her. Her eyes look like their trying to pop out of her face.
No. 107937
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>>107868I don’t think she’s particularly beautiful but anyone would look hideous with that hair color, mismatching grey eyebrows, lopsided blue contacts, and their skin lightened to hell and back. She’s much prettier when she’s styled like a normal person.
No. 107964
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>>107937Not really. She still has a big round face and pointy lips and eyes that look like they’re running away from the socket. Of course if you post an over styled photo of her at an award show she’s going to look different but day to day, she definitely doesn’t look like that.
No. 108004
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>>107857Yeah I think her new face looks nice. She gives off a "cool" vibe as you said but holy shit was she ugly before her surgeries. Definitely used to be below average
No. 108065
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I’ve always felt her features were objectively quite unattractive if anything but a lot of men on YouTube always list her as one of the most beautiful women on the platform
No. 108175
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I have never been able to even fathom this one like I feel almost offended at the fact I am expected to find this person beautiful?
No. 108180
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>>108177Yeah I understand because a lot of people find her beautiful so she must be pretty objectively but for whatever reason I just can not see it, especially in non photoshoot pictures here face looks so heavy and manish to me I just find it really unattractive
No. 108189
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>>108175>>108180her face is so meaty. she definitely has better angles but judging by how her lips change size and shape in every picture, she definitely has fillers.
No. 108212
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I don't hate her but she has no talents and she looks like a kid in the face which makes the it-girl image so absurd for me. her voice has ten years on her face, too
No. 108217
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>>108183Thx for the name. I think she looks good in her selfies but she has a very punchable manly looking face in candids like
>>108180 She has knock knees, no waist or hip definition and is literally build like a refrigerator. Where's the anon, who always sperged about that whole Hollywood is transgender? Kek
No. 113151
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EW. I’m a huge fan of Game of Thrones but I can’t stand watching Maisie Williams’ scenes. Her face is just awful, especially when she screws it up the way she does. While reading about some of GOT’s actors, I found out that Maisie is on some campaign against beauty stereotypes in the acting industry. “But I think it’s sad that you only get to see one type of beautiful on screen.” It’s not one type of beauty that gets casted, you’re just ugly. If she wants to mean what she says, she shouldn’t be bowing down to and following Sophie Turner around like a puppy dog. Reading about this made me really dislike her.
No. 114922
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She's been posted before but wow…