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No. 96771
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omg anon same!
I really dislike CLove as a person, but love her 90's looks and Hole's music…
Personally I never got the 'but it's a dated look' argument against alt styles. Just wear whatever and make it work for you. You can also make it look more modern by adding slight touches of current trends if it's a problem.
Don't copy, get inspired and you will be good.
No. 96772
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No. 96773
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No. 96828
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No. 96829
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No. 96833
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No. 96842
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90s/early 00s goth makeup
>wtf anon that's not dead at all
no! you don't understand! goth is popular and 90s revival is popular, but both camps mostly go for modern makeup, just different intensities and color palettes of ig makeup with the thick brows/cat eye liner/precise eyeshadow. i miss mean skinny brows, unfussy smudged eyeliner, and weird brownish red lipstick. i realize it didn't look good on everyone but on some people it looked fucking amazing and i'm not changing mine!
No. 96904
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This is mostly talking about male aesthetics but I know girls in this subculture nowadays wear this sort of stuff too when they're heavily into it.
I miss seeing the 80s/90s full blown thrash and black metal get up with long hair, battle jackets, and bullet belts. Too bad metal is just not as big a thing as it was back then. Men who look like this turn me the fuck on for some reason and they just look so cool to me but god are they rare as ever in my area.
No. 96907
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I wish I could wear 50s/60s Mad Men style without looking like a freak and/or tradthot. It's really flattering for every body type I think
No. 96909
>>96907Me too anon!
I try to wear 40's and 50's inspired clothing/hair but some days I feel like I give off weird trad vibes.
No. 96910
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I love the menswear too, it just looks so put together all the time. I already dress quite "preppy" or classic and it gives people the wrong impression of me (they think I'm super conservative). I really enjoy putting time into my hair/makeup/clothes and it seems perfect (obviously I'm glorifying it lol, and no I don't want to be a 50s housewife. just wear the clothes)
No. 96911
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Peggy had really cute looks too. Some of them are adaptable for office wear which I try to do!
No. 96955
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I really miss 90's/2000's tomboy aesthetics. Avril Lavinge in her early career, Lindsay Lohan's character in Freaky Friday, the shirts that looked like a T-shirt on top of a long-sleeved shirt, tons of bracelets, skateboarding, etc.
No. 96965
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>>96955I hate it that I see the Columbine shooters when I see that pic. I do miss that style too anon (even though I would not wear it myself it brings childhood memories). It was so carefree and comfy.
No. 96967
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No. 96968
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No. 96969
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No. 96970
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No. 96971
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No. 97001
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early 90's versace is soo cool. runway shows from the 90s are great, the overexaggerated use of colors is really inspiring.
No. 97003
>>96904>battle jacketsI once dated a guy who had one of these, he told me it's tradition to never wash these and that no proper owner of one of those jackets would ever think of washing them. I find them disgusting now.
>Too bad metal is just not as big a thing as it was back then.Sure it is, at least in my country.
In fact I find there are more "posers" now then there used to be, Chads walking around in Metallica T-shirts for the fashion statement.
We also have a metal festival in our country that grows bigger each year.
No. 97021
>>97003Men walking around in Metallica shirts are usually not into metal.
And that guy who told you that is gross because people do wash their jackets and vests. Maybe thats only a thing in your country. (Lemme guess, eastern europe?) Regardless, it's not a popular subculture in the rest of the world.
No. 97122
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I miss mori girl. All the cute layers, earthy coloring, focus on comfort. It's so nice. Sad that the community seems to have died off.
Also, I can't relate to people who say "I wish I could wear this but it's not cool anymore/people will think I'm [x]".
Wear what you like in your free time. You're young and beautiful, that's your privilege (and even if you're neither of those things, not dressing as you please is a waste of time). You probably wouldn't normally be seeking fashion advice from whoever would talk shit, anyway.
No. 97132
>>97122Some people are trying to start a community on discord over on cgl. There is also a pretty active comm on facebook! On insta, seems like there are a lot of mori girls from Russia for some reason…
I'm getting more and more into mori; sucks that it is a bit dead but I'm having fun with doing my mori thing.
No. 97146
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This aesthetic is the closest humanity got to angels tbh
No. 97197
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Bitchy 2009 aesthetic is now considered trashy but I kind of miss it
No. 97285
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No. 97304
>>96842more into 80s goth/dirty crust punk
But "goth" girls online like to tell me how bad I am at blending or how bad my eyebrows are. I like makeup with clean lines or just smudgy. I can't stand the thick eyebrows either. Pencil thin eyebrows, like you said, don't suit everyone, but I prefer them.
>>96904Battlejackets are still well and alive. Thrash isn't though. So a lot of metalheads are basement dwellers or hitler youth looking motherfuckers. Idk, see if DRI or Napalm Death are coming through your town. Or go to some grindcore/power violence/crust punk shows.
No. 97329
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>>97197I wouldn't even call this bitchy, just super girly and way prettier than the style nowadays. Kind of simpler, but definitely not boring.
No. 97838
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I miss vaporwave a e s t h e t i c s being popular.
No. 97885
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>>97838Shit already? What’s the new fashion now?
I miss simple makeup (2012-2013)
No. 98389
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>>97122Pretty much of an offshoot of mori, I miss cult party kei.
People who try to attempt it now miss the point or are actually wearing fairy kei.
>>97146Love to yanki style, they're hilarious. Reminds me of bosozoku girls.
No. 98461
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>>98389ily anon. I was never into it when it was popular, and recently realized how it had disappeared. talking about mori, it's so rare nowadays too ! this makes me a bit sad
No. 98552
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>>97285I love this style! I've always found Issay of Der Zibet insanely sexy (he's gay though, rip female fans lol)
No. 98553
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More old 80s Issay looks
No. 98554
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>>98553The late 80s/early-mid 90s visual kei looks were the best. I don't think visual kei has been as interesting aesthetically or musically since at the latest 2005.
No. 98603
I really miss the 80's rock look for men and women. No. 141032
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Nicole Dollanganger and her calves. Weird as fuck but i liked how the aesthetic had fuck-all to do with men and was more about relating to other uwu traumatised babydoll women
No. 141033
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Babydoll dresses, whether courtney love kinderwhore style or vintage young lady style, lots of ways to wear them but only a certain type of person wears them
No. 141034
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Effy, tumblr-esque fashion. Still alive on some sites like weheartit but largely dated. Skinny legs, black tights, short skirts. Fishnets, casual sex, nobody understanding you. Look at all the views on videos about how to act like effy, how to do your makeup like her (the green eyeshadow on the bottom waterline was a cultural reset for british girls kek), the endless tumblr gifs of effy smoking. She's trapped in a certain time and so's the aesthetic
No. 141035
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>>96842yes. I love drawn-on eyebrows but i don't wear makeup so it would look very weird for me. Here you go
No. 141039
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Honestly, scene. Idek why, as an esl I barely knew any English back then, so it's not like I participated or was involved with the aesthetic. I just remember seeing the pictures here and there and using them for roleplaying characters and thinking they were really cool girls.
I think this was the first internet-aestethic ever for me.
No. 141054
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Mid to late y2k fashion like pic related. It looks stupid and shitty but it's still somehow strangely endearing.
No. 141059
>>141049The few that exist out of cities have an even crappier selction. 100% clothes from formerly fat people and dead fat people clothes lol.
Then again, a city in my country is a village in most others, and my country has less of a population than many cities.
No. 141063
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>>97885God yes, i can't do modern eye make up for shit, ironical considering i paint and draw.
I love this picture of kayla hadlington so much, 2012 tumblr was a glorious time.
No. 141083
>>141073>>141075Yeah im assuming anon is from like eastern europe or up north in the nordics.
Western scene (britain, france, etc) is fucking shit in terms of style and substance, either nationalist creeps or ex-emos with shaved heads, skinny jeans and boring crappy bmth tshirts.
No. 141089
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I feel a bit called out because I prefer 90% of everything posted in this thread over current fashion.
Also, metal-anons should consider checking out Sweden for more metalheads since we have a pretty decent amount of metal/rock festivals every summer around the country (except this year bc of covid).
No. 141091
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>>141034Pic related was the blueprint for me as a teen. I was
obsessed with finding a similar leather jacket to hers for years until my mom bought me a similar one a couple years back. It's slightly cropped and too boxy for my frame and I'd sell it to replace with if not for sentimental reasons.
No. 141093
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>>141092That's pretty much how I feel about it too, I ended up wearing a giant green parka that falls to my mid-thigh to death for years (á la Nicole) instead because an elongated silhouette just suits me better. I still have it and love it but it looks so dingy with fraying sleeves and torn faux fur inside and I'm not creative enough to patch it up in a decent way. I've gone back and forth on just buying a new one for at least 2 years now.
No. 141096
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>>141039Been waiting for this post since I started scrolling. Yeez, how did it take a whole year until someone mentions it.
No. 141103
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>>141094lmao are you the same dumbass complaining about tumblr grunge in the fashion thread?
Just say you don't like it and move on, style is a matter of opinion anyways.
No. 141107
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Lily Allen in 2006
No. 141111
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Creepy cute and pastel goth from 2013 Tumblr, I know it can be kind of cringy but I think the pieces work well separated on today's fashion.
It's sad how there are cute styles that don't last very much, maybe because there isn't a subculture that comes with them (like emo, goth, etc)
No. 141112
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No. 141115
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>>141107I really liked the dress/trainer combos she'd wear. I don't think it looks that weird now, after the dad sneaker trend of the last few years but it blew my little mind in 2006.
No. 141141
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Dolly kei was fun. I'm glad grimoire is still around in some capacity, even if it just seems like it's a general vintage fashion store now. I hope gunne sax style dresses come back into style at some point.
No. 141145
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The kind of trashy byt also cool and beautiful as hell Gyaru styles. Gyaru is dead and buried, all Japanese fashionistas want to dress as plainly as possible. All Japanese fashion brands just produce rehashed 80's soft girl fashion. When this shit comes around back to style you bet I'll be participating even if I was 50
No. 141176
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The combination of platform or saddle shoes with knee socks is so cute. I know most people consider 70s fashion gaudy but I just think it's so cute. I've been looking for a pair of chunky seventies saddle shoes like the ones pic related for ages.
No. 141200
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dolly kei was the shit
both it and mori kei are the perfect winter styles.
No. 141203
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No. 141204
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No. 141205
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No. 141220
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Nobody has posted anything from the early 2000s hiphop period so i'm going to make a little dump.
(btw, I had shoes from pastry that looks exactly like this)
No. 141221
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>>141220A style icon for all African aunties across the world.
No. 141224
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>>141223Extra points if the bag was a fake and was falling apart.
Also another one that fairly irrelevant.
No. 141225
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Samefag, but butterfly decals were every where at one point.
No. 141226
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>>141225last one. This is actually cute imo. K bye.
No. 141227
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Alright what was the worst decade for mainstream men's fashion ?
the 2000's or the 70's
No. 141233
>>141227>>141228Kek, these are actually two of my favorite eras.
I’d say y2k and the 70s are equal on the scale in terms of what looked flattering and what didn’t.
But I don’t think it’s fair to judge either based on cherry picked photos of middle aged men in leisure suits and gimmicky red carpet looks.
No. 141234
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>>141228What’s wrong with looking paternal?
No. 141235
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>>96773>>97122>>97197>>141032>>141034>>141039>>141054>>141063>>141103>>141107Super late to the party, but basically all of these, aka what was in style when I was in middle school & high school. I miss it so much.
No. 141240
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I've been looking back on old pictures and wondering why I was so trashy in college. Now I realize I probably wasn't, I'm just looking at these styles with 2020 eyes. They were probably fine then and just are trashy now
No. 141327
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>>141222Baby Phat was THE shit in 07. Checked in to see if the brand is still alive and apparently it is, pic related lol
No. 141332
>>141327They recently had a Forever 21 collab. The quality sucked, as you would expect from Forever 21, but it was still nice to look at. I ended up getting a few of the dresses since everything was $5 or under when one of the locations near me closed.
I still have all of my old Juicy Couture stuff. I still love my tracksuits and towel material purses. I'm just waiting until the rest of the world is ready to love them to bring them out.
No. 141438
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>>141225Can crop tops on boys be a thing again? The 80s were the best time for men's fashion imo.
>>141227They're both pretty bad, but I'd choose 70s men any day. Frosted tips are gross, but long hair on men can be nice if the guy has good hygiene. I don't know, I just think the 70s were endearingly dorky. The 2000s were just cringey.
>>141224>>141225I thought this shit was tacky even when it was popular. These low-cut bedazzled jeans went out of style of a reason. Everyone's asscrack was hanging out, and the stupid rhinestones either dug into your leg or fell off. Good riddance.
God, I can't believe the 2000s are becoming the new 90s. Please God, no.
No. 141572
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Ulzzang craze when every boy and girl strived to look like this
No. 141573
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I was obsessed with the tomboy ulzzang queen Park Young Hee, this was peak sexy to me, to think I may have fallen into fakeboi shit if I was born a little later is terrifying
No. 141574
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Loved shitty low res gyaru selfies like this
No. 141578
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Braless 60s. My mom told me at one point wearing bras just wasn't popular with young women.
I bet men ruined that though.
No. 141626
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idk what to call this kind of style but it was popular on tumblr and lookbook in 2012-2015. lots of bright colorful clothes, vintage/thrifted, clashing patterns, inspired by FRUITS magazine.
No. 141628
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>>141627>>141627I guess this style is associated with just 2015 tumblr feminists
No. 141644
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2011 sea punk
No. 141689
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Nu-rave circa 2007. I used to try this look off in high school and I probably looked crazy but I still have a soft spot for it. Music and fashion was so exciting back then for me.
No. 141745
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>>141242>>141240>>141225Y2k shit is trending right now, i think it has been since last year.
The only thing about the y2k aesthetic that i hate are those super tiny handbags + low rise jeans
For those who miss mori and dolly kei, what do you think of cottagecore, isn't it a western, normie friendly equivalent?
No. 141984
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>>141874>>141952Mfw I really like it but the uwu ddlg vibe throws me off. I happy to see that milkmaid dresses/tops are trending
No. 142039
>>141837>>141984>>142036>trad>nymphet>ddlg…am I the only one who instead sees people often associate it with lesbians or otherwise female/female romance? It seemed like an extension of the "lesbian farmers" meme; a nice combination of implied self-sufficiency and pretty yet natural femininity.
Sorry if any of this offends (or comes off as fetish-y to) any actual lesbianons, as I am but a disgusting bisexual. To me the fantasy sounds pleasant.
No. 142041
>>141984Ladies forgive me for being shallow and simple-minded but about six years back when I decided I wasn't going to kill myself, I realized I had to work towards actually making my life one that was worth living. I had to find joy, and one thing that brought it to me is the brand For Love and Lemons, for whatever reason. I'm not a fashionable girl, never owned a handbag, but something about the white lace was so chic to me in a non-fashion way. It was something simple to strive towards. Now I'm 27 and actually have a career and can afford this shit. I bought the milkmaid tops and the little lace dresses and I'm like. Well fuck. I've aged out of this style.
Whatever DDLG innocent yet slutty implications this has I can't really justify as an adult ass woman. Sucks to suck.
No. 142044
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>>142043Perhaps it's just the channel where I first saw it giving me a bias, then. Admittedly even when it is aesthetic/fashion images included they're often more farm-leaning than nymphet-esque or sexy.
No. 142047
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>>142039>people associate ddlg with lesbians???
No. 142049
>>142047I was quoting what those anons are associating cottagecore with. What I was saying is that I often see cottagecore associated with lesbians, not ddlg/nymphet/trad shit.
Sorry for the miscommunication.
No. 142056
>>142044I feel like there's 2 schools of cottagecore: house on the edge of the forest and house in the forest.
House on the edge of the forest is more like you've got a cute cottage with a flower field in front and the style is more pastel and lacey, think pastel Gunne Sax dresses.
House in the forest is more earthy-toned and mori-influenced with lots of layering, knit/crochet pieces, and boots. House in the forest is the aesthetic that everyone's Animal Crossing island aims to be.
No. 142066
>>142039I mostly see the lifestyle aspects of it associated with f/f romance rather than the fashion.
>>142041I'm one of those idiots who thinks you should just wear what makes you happy but I think you could probably make that kind of top work in a conventional sense in your early to mid 30s if you styled it in a certain way.
No. 142074
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>>142044Yeah, I heard that cottagecore was invented by lesbians too. No idea why or how, but it reminds me of this wholesome post
No. 142092
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>>142041I’m almost 25, and sometimes I also feel like I’m too old to wear a lot of the styles I like. But you can totally rock the whole feminine/rustic look at any point in your life, it’s not limited to 15yr olds on Depop. This vintage seller always comes to mind when I think of women my age and older going for a similar aesthetic, minus all the ~uwu smol fae~ crap: (And I knew about this years before even seeing the term “cottagecore” used.)
No. 143004
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I just bought a juicy tracksuit, it looks a lot like pic attached! I have such nostalgia for being in elementary school in the mid-aughts and owning soooo many cheap velour tracksuits that I’d wear with white sneakers, coincidentally I’m also buying a pair of white nikes for my birthday so I can remake my fave look from a decade and a half ago :’) I don’t like athleisure but I can’t make masks work with my usual style so leaning into the trashy 2000s glam leisure is gonna be fun, I bought a short sleeve and a long sleeved jacket to match the pants!!
No. 143026
>>142092to anon and everyone else who thinks 25 year olds are too old to wear anything
at mid to late twenties you're a young woman and you're at exactly the right time in your life to wear sexy or fashionable clothes. Somehow us young woman and teen girls alike have been memed into thinking you can only wear certain clothes when you're a teen (even when these are sexy/revealing styles that should not be worn by minors for fucks sake) and that we're an old granny at 25 rather than a hot young woman. (and you bet we have men to thank for this shit, don't let anyone convince you you're too old at 25 ffs)
No. 143056
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70s fashion is so fun to me
No. 143077
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>>143026O wise anon, tell me if it's ok to wear skater-skirts at 23/24 and how to style it to not look like a weeb.
No. 143164
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2012 hipsterism (?, Blood Diamonds, Grimes, Molly Soda)
No. 143166
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>>143164samefag, really wanted to be Molly Soda back in 2012
No. 143185
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>>143077ntayrt but if you're worried about weeb vibes or making them look too costumey, I'd try to keep them hemline longer (mid-thigh shortest) and keep the top part loose. Pic related is a pretty safe bet, albeit maybe a touch too short). Skater skirts are just a variation of circle skirts which I think is pretty timeless and fine to wear at any age, maybe with a few adjustments of material/pattern/hemline to fit your comfort/age. As long as you stay away from the tumblr circa 2014 style of a burgundy circle skirt, band tee, and knee socks, you should be fine (altho I still love that style kek) But hey, on your own time if you want to dress a certain way and it makes you happy, go for it anon!
No. 143537
>>143026This, also, the confidence a grown woman can have is an entirely different beast than that of a child.
I was too embarrassed to wear lolita fashion and kinderwhore fashion until I turned 25. I get called all the nasty shit I used to be terrified I would be called, but now it doesn't mean anything to me like it would have when I was a kid
I think the industry tries to rob women of the confidence we would have otherwise naturally grown into
No. 143572
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I sincerely miss the kooky way Tavi Gevinson dressed on her blog before she got into acting and her style lost all character. Not sure what to call this tbh. Thrift store chic? It's like she was always recreating a bad highschool yearbook photo.
No. 143588
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>>143572This is very 2000s twee "i shop at modcloth" indie girl style, like a more colorful zooey deschanel.
Its one of my favorite dated aesthetic it was just absolutely lovely, very few stores still sell these kinds of clothing.
No. 143600
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>>96747>>141438I know the Kpop thread is dead but he's still nice to look at even if you don't like the music aspect of it, Kai from EXO, he's pretty fashionable and sometimes wears unusual stuff (guys wise)
No. 143606
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>>143563Totally, so in many ways, kinderwhore is a dark half to lolita; where lolita says, "I don't care if you're uncomfortable," kindwhore says, "You should be uncomfortable."
Kinderwhore is a sharp blend of ostensibly childish aesthetic with unpleasant overtly sexual overtones, a blunt commentary on how girls are brought up in our culture and left effected as adults because of it
I get most of my everything on eBay, it's a hot spot for vintage clothes, thrift stores can be good too if you're in a wealthy or older area
Anyway, keep your dress silhouette short and shapeless, some good search terms include "babydoll," "trapeze," "vintage a-line" and "vintage nightgown." You can have a waist, but usually if you do, it shouldn't be much lower than your nips
Leg wear can be straight up trashy, like Leg Avenue cheap black netting-lace even.
Shoes are usually stilettos or flats, an excellent and widely available option is heels modeled after classic childrens' shoes, like mary janes, penny loafers, saddle shoes, and sneakers even
Mini backpacks and stuffed animal purses are pretty classic, but satin pocketbooks also match well, hearkening back to the birthday party aesthetic Courtney Love experimented with briefly
Anyway again, here's a pic I slapped together
No. 143715
>>143711I hate to "dot dot dot," but that is part of the idea, yeah
>>143691hell yeah, good luck
No. 143721
>>141984Why do literal kinderwhores and lolitas always complain about the ddlg boogy monster?
>>141353early 2000s is in again tbh.
No. 143728
>>143672Unique Vintage and Miss Patina come to mind to me, they are a bit pricier but damn they have cute stuff!
>>143721idk, personally i don't want some creepy daddy dom to look at my clothes and assume im into that shit.
No. 143730
>>143728Not her and I participate in both fashions, but I'm betting the reasoning is along the lines of, "Men will always sexualize you, why give them something to work with?"
To which an answer may be, men will always sexualize you, so either figure out how to avoid them at all costs (and share how plz), or give up worrying about what scrotes think and just wear what you like
No. 143790
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>>143776my bad, I was high, ignore me
No. 145120
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jess-wood's/moonprincessjess's aesthetic. It was more or less the say bby doll aesthetic with more greenery later on, but imo she was the only one who did it just perfectly.
No. 145123
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>>145122with her aesthetic in the last few months before she disappeared, she was almost ahead of her time imo. This darker thing she was doing would go perfect with the current dark academia aesthetic
sorry, couldn't find better compilation pics
No. 145269
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Himekaji was so lovely, im so sad most hyper-girly fashions are dead or dying, i just want bows and ruffles and soft silloutes……
No. 145276
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>>145270Where do you get your clothes hime anon? Liz Lisa and Ank Rouge are apparently on the verge of closing, and honestly the price is a bit too high for me.
No. 145446
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I miss this tumblr circa like 2015-2016 aesthetic with the tattoo chokers and everything having aliens on it. I actually had this very shirt.
No. 145452
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I feel like this and the grid aesthetic shirts are dated now.
No. 145453
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>>145452seeing it again now is so weird. I dont get why everyone got so crazy for grids, it's just a simple pattern
No. 146676
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Wish guyliner would come back.
Also wish mall goth (?) would come back, with the fishnets and nu-metal shirts and platformer boots and pant chains.
No. 146684
>>146676tfw no mallgoth bf who writes me poetry and gifts me roses painted black.
but all these things are making a comeback in eboy fashion, but it kinda sucks and its just a watered down mall goth.
No. 146861
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please come back
No. 146866
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>>146861The one thing I really appreciate about scene is that the girls (afaik) didn't feel the need to fake tan so much, although this seems to be a thing for the 2000's in general for as far as I can see. Like if I google "scene queens" it's all just girls rocking their own natural, fresh skincolors. Thát needs to be a trend to come back in 2020, no sundamaged skin, orange faux tans and calling pale skin "unhealthy". Let's just leave our skincolor be again.
(same girl "before and after" in pic)
No. 146869
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>>146861I wanted to be a scene queen when I was 12 and never had the opportunity due to shit childhood, I want it to come back so that I can live out that dream now despite being a grown ass adult.
I also miss how apolitical most people on the internet were and the mindset of "labels are for soupcans xD" but it looks like it's lost forever.
No. 146873
>>146861I miss it a lot but I think it should stay dead. There’s no point if it’s not 2008 and you’re not listening to bring me the horizon and I set my friends on fire. And have mountains of Gir and Skelanimal merch. Seriously tho, I miss how creative people would get with the hair colors and outfits.
>tfw I tried piercing my own snakebitesI was fucking nuts
I do miss the kandi kid/raver shit that was popular too. It’s kinda blended with the jfashion/Kawaii shit going around at the time. Reminds me of Gutterface/Joji kek. I loved learning how to make the bracelets and seeing other people’s kandi collection .
No. 146887
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Remember when hair bows were all the rage?
No. 146894
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>>146887I do! It was cute tbh
I also remember a few people being really into the Gaga bow hairstyle.
No. 146938
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>>146861I wish it would. "E-girl" and "e-boy" isn't the same. It feels insincere and manufactured to me. Not just because it came from the internet. There were some styles that came from the internet like seapunk that still felt authentic. Maybe I'm just a boomer but the "e-girl" style doesn't sit right with me.
No. 146999
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>>146939Sorry for being off topic but I looked her up since I remember following her back on FB
She's still active and well… at least she's not as fat as she used to be and has a bit more mature style.
No. 147012
>>146999I see she is still all about these cringe ass usernames kek
I would've never recognized her though, her face looks vastly different, maybe it is weight loss
No. 147015
>>146938i think it's because the egirl style is essentially just people imitating a movement/whatever that died 3 years ago. maybe its also because the whole egirl image is wrapped up in such a thick layer of internet thottery.
i dunno. maybe i'm just bitter because i'm too young to have experienced the whole scene thing in all its glory. i bet that 15 years from now there'll be girls talking about how they wished they could've been egirls.
No. 147033
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Emo styles from the 1990's. Emo is actually a music genre, but the kids from the late 80's- late 90's would thrift shop at places and basically look like a mixture between geek chic and hipster. Emo was more clean cut than the "emo" fashion of the 2000's.
No. 147034
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>>147033Same person here, but I also like the trad goth and deathrock styles. Goth is also really a music genre, but I'd like how they did some 80's hair, but the style is almost similar to punk. Trad goth styles is way better than the mall "goth" and especially than what e girls think what "goth" is to them.
No. 147053
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oh to be an 2000s indie girl, with cute cozy clothes, thighs and having a 17 bmi….
but just now i realize all those lookbook famous girls were very underweight anachans, is it just a 2000s thing? Honestly I feel like even the classic "ana" look of being absolutely tiny and dainty is dead and most internet wannarexics want to look thin but still fit an hot, you know the insta thot look.
No. 147079
>>147053I think weebs have taken over the dainty worship.
>>147061Huh, I googled her and she still has an active insta. She's still pretty but doesn't look quite so perfect so I'm wondering if she photoshopped or wore more makeup than I realized back in the day. Like, I had no idea she had freckles.
No. 151254
>>141574I always dreamed of having the puffed up hair that girl does but couldn't pull it off lmao. God I love the late 2000's to early 2010's gyaru. It had this unbeatable bitch queen energy that I can't resist.
>>141223I used to own a jacket like this and I loved it, was heartbroken when I had to give it up because it got so old and worn down and at that point they were out of fashion and I couldn't replace it. I'm waiting for them to make a comeback because I fucking owned this style kek
No. 152326
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Pastel Goth was really fun and creative and it should come back.
No. 152356
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No. 152368
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I was a lost weeaboo lamb in a small, shitty Eastern European town. I knew no other weebs but the local metalhead girls took me in and we became friends.
I still miss this aesthetic a lot (and the girls who are into it are usually really cool too).
No. 152383
>>152368This looks like one of those european 'having outdoor sex with my driving instructor' pornos..
She is pretty cute though
No. 152397
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>>146676I looove late 90's/early 2000's edgelord styles. I think mall goth clothes from that time are really fun (tripp, platform shoes, spikes, long baggy clothes, too many accessories, vampirefreaks ect.) and I have been collecting clothing and accessories for years. It's just really fun to look like a wacky edgy freak. It doesn't really bother me when people stare or talk shit because dressing like this makes me feel cool on the inside lol.
It's odd to me that teens are trying to turn "mall goth" into a palatable hyperfeminine thing. The e-girl stuff is repetitive, they all wear the same outfit and copy each other because they don't want to go out of their comfort zone.(E-girl outfits consist of some mainstream band shirt with a striped long-sleeve underneath, a plaid skirt, fishnets, killstar boots, and a studded belt. Or a checkered/flame bandeau instead of the shirt.) I think they'll get bored of it when the next popular aesthetic comes around.
Honestly, I think that when it comes to this fashion, the dorkier the clothes are, the better. The baggy pants and oversized shirts are so fun to wear and if you don't look a bit ridiculous you're doing it wrong.
No. 152635
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>>152620Go for it! I used to hang out at the mall for hours with my similarly-dressed edgelord friends before I moved and before COVID and it was such a blast. Maybe you could meet people through dressing up. A lot of accessories can be DIY'ed and you can find cool Tripp clothes on ebay for cheap. Demonia also makes some cool shoes but theyre a bit pricy.
No. 152719
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>>152668ntayrt but I think they're refering to how styles, that used to have roots that suggested a lifestyle (such as punk and goth being anti-consumerist and diy) have been replaced and watered down by aesthetics that just prioritise making the wearer looking palatable and nice to men/a mainstream normie audience. Like how modern punk and goth fashion has been watered down to egirl fashion and has become rather consumerist
pic related sorta illustrates what I mean
No. 153148
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at anons about goth fashion i completely agree, however i’m less so worried about the whole “e-girl” trend because it’s just mostly teenagers being teenagers for the most part, i’m ok with them embracing whatever that is if it makes them happy without being malignant tumors, it’s just another trend imo. It only really annoys the shit out of me when you have grown women acting like 14-15 year olds about it, reclaiming the term “e-girl” like it’s a badge, then it just gets old fast. though honestly it really depends. i wanted to be scene so badly lmao now i’m mostly teetering on the 2000s fashion revival and goth lolita, even though i don’t think i’d ever wear goth lolita and military-esque lolita fashion in public often unfortunately because it’d probably be too hot and much of a hassle enough. i’m just now starting this year to really get in touch with visual-kei, mallgoth, and harajaku. i’m super excited, i’m hoping to get a new pair of boots soon! fashion is probably one for the best things in the world.
>>152326omg honestly yes lol i wouldn’t mind seeing this back i think it’s quite cute, unique, creative and it would fit in today if the person does it right
No. 153151
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samefag but "cybergoth" as a concept. these people do not give a fuck honestly. Why would I think saying anything to these people would affect them? look at the way they dress, they don't give a shit. it's awesome and looks so hideous sometimes that i just straight up liking.
No. 153220
>>153151I love cybergoths. They're unapologetic about their hobbies and make a point of not caring about what anyone else thinks of that.
I'm just a regular goth myself but I went to cybergoth dance parties a couple times and was surprised to see that there's still full on cybergoths around. This was last year and I hadn't seen any since the late 00s.
No. 153308
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I love beatnik fashion and aesthetic, I feel like you have to be svelte to wear it though I'm too fat and round to ever wear it, pretty sure even if I lost weight I would still look stupid with it lol.
No. 153419
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>>153308I agree with
>>153316 - go for it! Thanks for reminding me how much I love this style. If you feel self conscious, maybe you can go for an oversized slouchy sweater with cigarette pants? But honestly a lot of body types look great with the classic nipped in waist look, so don’t limit yourself before trying it out.
No. 153452
>>153308hard agree with the other two anons that you should give it a try– obviously most styles look good on slim women, but i think there's wiggle room with this one and it could actually be really cute on a rounder, softer figure.
>>153419 suggested a slouchy sweater, maybe you could nip it at the waist with a belt for some definition? and a little beret on top, it might look really cute! do yourself a favor and try it out, it's a lovely style and i for one would love to see more people wearing it
No. 153476
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>>153308It's cool, reminds me of Eva Green in the dreamers. Only downside would be that it makes you look like a wannabe parisian from new york who masturbates while watching godard movies kek.
I'm jealous of people who look good with berets, I guess my head shape is fucking weird
No. 153482
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>>153476>I'm jealous of people who look good with berets, I guess my head shape is fucking weirdMaybe try out different ways to wear them? I love berets and think they can be flattering on almost any head shape. Some people look better with bigger and more structured ones, while others suit smaller and floppier berets. The placement makes a difference as well. If you don't look good with a beret that's more to the front and to the side (like your pic), try wearing one that's more centered on the back of your head (like pic related, different style but you get the point).
No. 153655
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Im rewatching AHS and teen nostalgia hit me hard, I want to go back to dressing like Violet Harmon so hard.
2010s grunge-boho hybrid was blessed.
No. 155009
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Decora delighted me. I was never deep into J-fashion but I always loved looking at pics of this style. I remember the one time I posted on /cgl/, I made a thread for decora pics and got yelled at because it was apparently dead. Too bad.
No. 155079
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I was totally into fairy kei when i was younger and i related to it in the first place because a part of the aesthetic where 80s/90s toys like polly pocket or my little pony. Good times.
Makes my heart a little heavy to think back to all these styles we had or adored i feel like nowadays everything is so distorted.
No. 155169
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>>96747Absolutely love the 'elegant' 2000s fashion's obsession with ugly shades of browns and wrinkled satin,
not the best pic but still
No. 155178
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>>155009a literally had couple of pictures of decora fashion on my wall in 2009! such a fun style. there's still decora girls out there and they bring me such joy.
>>155079i used to love it in highschool.
mine would be 2000's over the top gyaru. kuro, yamamba, anything that took gyaru to this crazier level. most gyarus from that time are "normal" gyarus now (so, japanese girls with dyed hair and a more western style i guess lmao).
No. 155209
>>155178cultural appropriation much?
sorry, i'll see myself out
No. 157306
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No. 158514
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The revival I most anticipate is the period of when Mustaches, PicCollage, obnoxious phonecases and "Stay Calm and X" were popular. I am genuinely curious to see the modern interpretations of these trends, and simply know they will return as the children who were born in the 2000s gain more influence in the mainstream street-fashion.
In terms of past styles, I truly miss early 2010s weeaboo culture. In my experience, this was a true peak, as online culture was genuinely blooming and growing at a rapid pace. The abundance of squishy and fairy-kei tutorials on YouTube, the lack of Japanese fashion anywhere which demanded creativity, reading a lonesome Legend of Zelda manga from the school library, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Vocaloid dance cover popularity… Fukkireta!! Oh my… Ah, what wonderful times. I occasionally indulge in these memories by watching videos by the likes of this, for instance. So perfect <3 truly a peak in fashion history. Now fairy kei is just a hiding place for uneducated tumblerettes (even if I visit tumblr myself, you know what I mean, ahah).
Another "outdated style" which I have been indulging in recently is the early 2010s tumblr, crafty, photographer indie girl. I am drawn so to its melange of melancholic and artsy, and the spaces between just grown up and teenager, girly and mature, modest and trendy, weird and creative, and of course the very honest nature of tumblr's textposts at the time. I also slight miss when, around this period, legitimate ana's were en vogue. Now it seems to be more "fit" slim as opposed to mentally ill skinny. (this??
>>141063 IT WAS
Finally, it really satisfies my past self to see the abundance of legitimate scene and emo girls in real life. The past few weeks I encountered a handful of tweenaged girls during my dailiy commute, who perfectly suited these characteristics, one of whom being extremely pale, sporting a perfect, pitch-black, poofy side-fringe, and wearing something akin to a BVB-shirt, ahah. The second had natural and remarkably choppy bangs which nearly covered her eyes, whilst donning a bunny hat with long paws, a fluffy skirt covered partially by her tee-shirt and socks over her tights– all in mismatching colors, of course.
>>96747Goodness I dislike the "kinderwhore" style. Perhaps it is the result of the influences modern styles have had on it, but the contemporary expressions I've seen of it appear to solely attract mentally ill fatties, or girls using it as an excuse to appear dirty and obnoxious, excusing their behavior with the style itself! Perhaps I have solely seen misrepresentations of the fashion, however?
>>96773My what dreamy dresses..!
>>96955The best part is that tomboys/skaters tend to dress like that regardless of the Zeitgeist, although it is certainly less widespread nowadays.
>>96970>>141033how adorable!!
>>98389>>98461Oh dear, I so fondly recall meeting with a friend many years ago, as she showed an interest in Japanese fashion, and I was most willing to teach her what I knew. We would explore her wardrobe, as to discover her style. Subsequently I would coordinate a core outfit, with some alternative options for different days and moods. The result was a "cult party kei" outfit, and I made one for myself as well so we could match, hehe. It was genuinely fun, I wish I still had friends who would like me to style them and vice versa! I love it so much, but none of them are interested lolol
I would respond more but this is already deserving of a mega sage lol. anyway picrel is the mustache-type of period i mean, right before the term kawaii became entirely ruined and widespread
No. 158614
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>>96773 I spy Topshop. Yes. I miss what was common 2006-2012 (ish, it's a guess!) British high street fashion, specifically Topshop, which went to shit. Older UK anons should know what I mean. Short, muted floral-print tea dresses, leather jackets, pixie boots, woolly tights lol.
It was perfect for those in-between years, not wanting to dress like a little girl anymore, but not comfortable dressed as a "woman"/sexy. Much better than the thot & "basic" looks of today.
Decent quality, reasonably priced. I have £30 dresses, worn almost daily, that are still in perfect condition.
It's still in demand, second-hand clothes of that era can command far beyond their original selling price.
← Everyone went berserk for that dress and that coat, everyone had them. That was my eras "basic" lol.
No. 158617
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>>158514>>158515>>158406Are you this cow sound a lot like her even if you're not
>Does no one else go through the transtemporal phase as a teen and young adult? I wanted to believe in transtemporaility, but it simply wasn't me. As someone else observed, my particular writing style is… I don't want to say affected, but similar to letter-writing, a unique but charming turn of phrase takes effort to cultivate and maintain. Obviously, if transtemporality were a thing, my natural affect would be Victorian and it wouldn't slip when I'm upset. I admit in recent years I have not done nearly as much reading as I should in order to keep my linguistic garden well-kept. I need to work on that so that I can still sound poised when I'm emotional. No. 158668
>>158623>>158632>>158640>>158643>>158647I am sorry, I did not realise I typed in a weird way. I will admit I was not thinking much and just typing at my leisure, but I was unaware of its effects.
>>158617No, sorry, but I can understand why you think that. Because this is an anonymous board, I kind of let myself go and did not think about how my posts may come across. I'll be more aware in the future.
No. 158703
>>158514how come you hate kinderwhore yet find the staple dresses adorable and dreamy?
I love your writing style, ngl
No. 158740
>>158703Shit, didn't see this. I love the dresses, but dislike all that surrounds it; the dirty hair and shoes, the deranged facial expressions, and so forth. I prefer a more clean and preppy, whilst also girly look. Thanks for the support, but it's time I 'integrate' and talk like a lesbian on a dry spell.
>>158705Hm could be true
sage for samefagging
No. 158753
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I miss sad bby doll shit.
Idk it just always gaves me fuzzy feelings, I like both being a girly girl and edgy alt shit so it was a nice concise mix of the two.
No. 159573
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>>153151Awww I worked with a girl with those hair tubes in the early 2000s, such nostalgia
I know it's probs already been over but I'm sentimental for late-season Willow Rosenberg fashion like attached.
In high school we wore stuff like this using material that featured sesame Street characters like elmo just because. I'm not sure what that was called but I miss it.
No. 159611
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>>159573>harem pants with sesame street motifsThis reminds me of picrel just cuz it's my only frame of reference for what you described
No. 159648
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>>159617I don't know if that pic is her, but zendaya was fuckin rocking the swagfag aesthetic. She is what made me realize I was bisexual.
No. 159667
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No. 159668
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These pixel art png icons that people had on Twitter in 2014
No. 159689
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>>159667Is this outdated already?
>>159668same. They remind me of pic related
No. 159706
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>>159648It’s Vashtie Kola
No. 160066
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i miss everything about 2012-2014…
No. 160075
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>>153655i could rewatch the first season of ahs forever ♥
No. 160159
File: 1605610899597.jpg (452.33 KB, 1680x1050, Skins-Wallpaper_-114m52n.jpg)

I used to think most of these characters had cool clothes. Funny to look back today and see how dated most of these outfits looks. This was around 2007, one of my favourite years.
No. 160202
>>160159Somehow out of the boys, only Tony's clothes look particulaly dated. men's fashion is so boring.
>>160172>they reminded me of every idiot who went to my collegeThat makes sense, TV shows are marketed to the majority. You probably just weren't the target audience.
No. 160209
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>>160172Idk, I feel like a lot of teenagers used to look like pic related between 2005-2009, whilst the Skins fashion was more of an "early 2010" look. So I thought the Skins characters dressed very well back then (although most of their outfits are hideus today)
No. 160217
>>160172I've got same impression, can't stand Skins. But they're not dated at all, unfortunately Skins have a huge revival on Tumblr and spaces like that, every other stupid girl wants to have romantic beautiful drug addiction or anorexia and to be Effy or Cassie.
Also MySpace emo scene shit/early 00's Paris Hilton plastic looks are coming back. You can't escape teenage girls drooling for Anna Nicole Smith, Paris and Lindsey on Tumblr these days. I feel nostalgic for 00's fashion but ever since it turned wanted and not ridiculed it kind of was spoiled for me.
I like 90's rockbands kinderwhore-babydoll aesthetic like other anons mentioned, actually they were having a comeback in 2012-2013. They always look good no matter the year.
Also lowkey miss early 00's loose rock pants/skater clothes/breakdance hiphop style. Mainly because boys and men never wear that stuff anymore. Skating, breakdancing and oldschool hiphop with turntables activities are gone too. Maybe also a corduroy pants, jackets.
No. 160256
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>>160238I watched it a bit as a young teen and thought it was cool, rewatched it later and found it ridiculous. The storylines were overdramatic even for a drama, the characters poorly crafted, pacing way off. I would have been one of those parents who wouldn’t allow their kid to watch it, but because of the shit quality rather than uncomfortable themes.
I do miss that era of fashion in a way. It was shit, but it was acceptable to look kind of thrown together. Growing up with the current aesthetics and beauty standards must be really tough.
No. 160262
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>>160159Cassie has a timeless thrift shop style that's still kinda charming and Effy looked like she belonged in 2014. Honestly I still love how they both dressed.
Funny how the most fashionable characters look the worst now, like Michelle? Tony? Ew
No. 161622
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No. 161641
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I just want goth to make a comeback ffs
And no, e-girl shit ain't goth
No. 161907
File: 1606904684865.jpg (44.06 KB, 640x480, gallery_227436_63266_38883.jpg)

i used to want to look just like shmegeh when i was younger. something about how she looked so sickly was so appealing to my 13 year old self. i even bleached my hair and eyebrows to try and emulate her aesthetic. i know she's obv a shitty person but this was around the same time i would sleep with a picture of dylan klebold under my pillow every night, so there was definitely something wrong with my judgement. i do still like the whole "black eye looking makeup with the saturation turned way down" thing. if this came back (minus the anachans) i would be very okay with it.
No. 161942
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I fell in love with this style of dressing, edgy but not emo. Jenny was really the reason I wear fishnets with shorts.
No. 162354
>>162040>>162071>>162004Thank you. This is gonna be a rant but I'm a bit older than a lot of posters here (lolcow is my version of watching reality tv) and I have sold women's vintage online for nearly 25 years. This recent wave of invented style names being attached to stuff is driving me nuts. I can't recall if it was in this thread or one of the other fashion related threads here, but someone posted a pretty generic 1970s blazer jacket type outfit and someone asked "does this style have a name?" and my head exploded. Yeah, it's "everyday late 1970s fashion". Someone else responded it's soft something something. It wasn't anything, and that doesn't exist, shut the fuck up. Your brain is either soft from years of being into japanese fashion or melting from too much time on TikTok. Like other anon said, not everything is a thing. /endrant
I'll go take a bubble bath now.
No. 162489
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I just want to dress full on early 2000s VK bitch, most of the classic brands closed down years ago.
No. 162497
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Mad Men was mentioned above already, but I hate how at a certain level/in certain professions womenswear has had a very difficult time getting out of the "what a man would wear to work if he was a woman" power-styling of the 80s. I work at a very "black or grey suit" office.
I also love the versatility with which the women in this show would wear their little Hermes scarves. I've tried both the babushka/Grace Kelly styles of tying it around my head in certain weather for the sake of my frizz, but I can't pull it off.
No. 162529
File: 1607407947845.jpg (578.67 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2020-12-08_08-06-54.JPG)

>>162071I enjoyed this style very much in the early 2010s. I spent the whole of my early to mid 20s dressed like this. Looking back this feels really dated now but it was just so comfortable and cute at the time. I preferred the knitted uggs however and I always had some that were Grey or beige.
No. 162541
>>162530>>162530i always do bronzer + brighter blush lol it just flatters my face shape i feel
>>160066i felt this so deep within me it was like my teen self circa 2013-2016 was suddenly blasting out of me. i miss these days so much. i'm still young enough to channel this into my everyday casual style at least.
No. 162545
File: 1607414216331.jpg (539.6 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2020-12-08_09-52-14.JPG)

I'm old enough to remember the days when makeup application was easy and simple and even celebrities wore very basic makeup that took 10 minutes to apply. It was acceptable for your foundation not to completely match your skin tone and you could wear one color on your eyelids that you blended for a few seconds. Makeup was often applied with fingers instead of brushes.
Nowadays everyone frowns upon drugstore makeup and you are expected to shell out on Jefree starr palettes and you are expected to do your makeup with professional drag queen, makeup artist tier skill. This is all thanks to YouTube makeup tutorials. You see teen girls with makeup collections worth hundreds of dollars. When I was growing up even adult women didn't own that much makeup.
No. 162550
>>162545I see teen girls with flawless makeup and I like in a hick town in eastern europe. Either kardashian clones or e-girls, all of them seem to have mastered the craft kek
It always makes me feel self conscious for not wearing any makeup at all, or some dark lipstick at most, but I really can't be arsed to spend so much time on this shit.
No. 162558
File: 1607421726088.jpg (661.28 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2020-12-08_12-00-06.JPG)

I really enjoy the fun way in which older women used to dress many decades ago.
Nowadays as you age you are expected to wear boring, shapeless gaudy clothing with cheap floral prints and shark hems. You are expected to embrace frizzy hair with gray roots and crocs with socks and to just disappear.
Older women in the bygone era often looked so glamorous and they never really gave up on trying to look beautiful or trying to stand out.
They would curl their hair, wear intracate fitted dresses and broaches, wear brightly colored lipstick and interesting glasses.
Female beauty today seems to be completely focused on youth and sex appeal and women are expected to just fade into old age and stop expressing themselves in their clothing choices.
No. 162562
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>>162545Agreed anon. I remember my mom only having a few small eye shadow compacts, nothing like the $60 palettes of today.
With all the tutorials nowadays, it's no longer "acceptable" to not be good at makeup, but not everyone has the desire to do Instagram/MUA-tier makeup. I miss these looks because they were more accessible to everyone and didn't create ridiculous standards.
No. 162570
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>>162558It makes me happy to see old people who dress fabulous.
I want to look like that lady with the cape and sunglasses when I'm old.
No. 162587
Fuck the modern drag queen level makeup trend. Women don't need to look like drag queens. We are already queens
No. 162647
File: 1607465828613.jpg (124.58 KB, 1024x427, clarissafinal-1024x427.jpg)

Oh, to one day dress like Clarissa Darling, yet I am in my late 20s. That red outfit is honestly so good. Just 90s fashion in general with deep, bold colors and fabric textures.
No. 162651
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>>162647I like the style but I don’t understand it. Some of the outfits of this era look like someone grabbed a bunch of clothes at random… I’m shit at style though so maybe it’s more cohesive than it seems?
No. 162889
File: 1607645003015.jpg (91.66 KB, 1000x1000, missingpersons-1_v1000.jpg)

i know "new wave" is kind of a catch all term for various genres, but i loved some of the fashion from notoriously "new wave" bands like missing persons. or like the flower pot hats devo wore, adam ant's get up, boy george, the b-52's, etc. it was just thrift store camp and everyone had their own distinct look.
No. 166380
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Just thinking about this era of tumblr
No. 166660
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Two toned hair (especially with black being the undertone). I miss this look and never got a chance to do it when it was popular and I was a teen because I have naturally dark hair, rip
No. 166758
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No. 166759
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No. 166760
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No. 166761
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Anyone remember when it was hotly debated whether Ebbs Zingmark was photoshopping her legs?
No. 166763
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No. 166783
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I wish i could pull this off
No. 166969
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>>166758Man, i remember wanting to look like this girl so much. Now i can't even remember her name. I also miss that 2012ish tumblr 'vintage' twee aesthetic. Lots of american apparel skater skirts.
No. 166971
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No. 166972
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No. 166976
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No. 166979
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No. 167056
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>>166969I loved Elle Ribera’s style and looking back still find it really cute.
>>166888Didn’t the majority of the popular lookbook users back then appear to have EDs but always deny it?
No. 167111
>>166984I mean same goes for the woman in the photo
that's kind of just the look
not to be a dick even, I like it and I think you should go for it if it makes you happy
No. 168675
>>168672I only stopped wearing them because I realized they're not the most flattering on my bodytype a few years ago, but otherwise I'd still be wearing them and I'm in my midtwenties.
No. 168690
>>168677Exactly. It's the media and marketing getting us to think this.
I hate this stupid idea that you need to stop wearing all these clothes once you hit a certain age. I'll wear whatever I like if I can, one more reason to stay fit.
No. 168693
>>168690It's annoying af, even on lolcow people are like
>That outfit is sexy/revealing, therefore it's more suitable to teenagers than grown women in their 20sSeriously, fuck that… skimpy stuff is more appropriate any adult woman than a teen
No. 168701
>>168694I’ve started wearing sexier clothing the closer I get to 30 because I know how to do it in a way that is refined.
Like I may look hot, but I have enough experience behind me that you can’t take advantage of me.
No. 168756
File: 1611563308092.png (630.68 KB, 490x640, 2.png)

>>166759This is Crackcosette right? I used to read her blog but it seems to be defunct now. A lot of the blogs I used to read are now completely inaccesible.
I miss fashion blog-culture from the early to mid 10's. Just random girls taking pictures of their outfits and some other things in their day-to-day life and posting it on their blogs and lookbooks. Maybe I'm blinded by nostalgia but those blogs felt more authentic and less pretentious than Instagram.
No. 171491
I miss the kind of clothing that started to trend on the runways around 2000. The best example I can find quickly is this collection by Luca Luca, even though it's kind of later than when I remember seeing it as a kid and when looking at the archives on The Fashion Spot.'s so unabashedly alien ski instructor / apocalyptic shimmer. I wish more of this would be accessible to normies.
Actually, I wanted to have a y2k throwback party in 2020 with the dress code as "what you'd wear to meet aliens for the first time" but I guess that's indefinitely on hold
No. 171682
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Kinda love all that Juicy Couture revival I low-key want to get a piece of the jewelry
No. 173369
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>>166380>>166976>>160066imo this is still in style..replace the grid skirts with plaid and get rid of that formerly-ubiquitous ~stay rad~ alien face and you'll look like every other teenager on tiktok
No. 174229
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I really miss the nu goth tumblr era.
No. 174231
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>>174229Samefag but I was so in love with her style, uggghhhhh.
No. 174278
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No. 174284
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Miss her whack looks
No. 174297
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bracelet stacks
No. 174311
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I miss those etsy antique style times
No. 174664
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No. 174665
let this die this is giving me middle school vibes and it’s really giving me vietnam flashbacks
No. 174752
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>>174664Not the fucking goldfish… I miss snacking on those now. I don't know why it feels like a trend that slowed after that period.
Anyone else remember the "hipster" side of tumblr (hated virulently by the sjw geeky side, forget what it's called even though I was there more)? Kek they didn't even know the seething geeks existed, just kept posting saturated beach, bikini, makeup, and Arizona drink photography. Picrel kind of shit. Back then it wasn't yet known as "aesthetic" I think. This is still how I picture normies deep down
No. 174753
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>>174752samefagging with another picture. I seriously can never forget that time period. Maybe this view of it is all in my head, but I do remember the "hipster side" of tumblr being a thing. I even made a separate account to look there because the pictures were something I admired. Cringy that I was a socially awkward school kid irl but I'll never forget it. Listening to Lana del rey & Marina while I scrolled the various tags of these girls' images with their filters and kinda wishing I could be them. Sorry this became a blog but it's gotta count as an aesthetic
No. 174756
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i want what '02-10 alice glass has. she dresses like an E girl now (i think she pulls it off well tho)
No. 174757
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>>174756oops i meant '04 lul.
No. 174813
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health goth aesthetics of 2014, black+huge futuristic logos+atheletic wear, i bought nothing but black basics during that era and my mom wouldnt let me wear black anymore, black adidas and dark makeup is a classic even in todays standards imho i like how simultaneously goth and swaggy it is
No. 174818
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>>174756TBH Alice had the egirl enegry going on long before egirls were a thing so it doesn't really feel off brand for her. She was so cool on stage, no surprise Crystal Castles couldn't really continue without her
No. 174823
>>174756>>174757I feel the same but the problem is that you have to find your own way of being like Alice… so basically yourself, but dark and edgy? All I know is that nobody else can look like Alice without being a cheap copycat.
>>174818TBH I like her old style so much more than the ddlg egirl one, but it's understandable why she wants to look different
No. 174871
>>174813holy shit i forgot how much I loved this
it was also big on /fa/ around that time
No. 175083
>>174941That's a puffer jacket with a removable fur hood.
>>141223 was basically my exact style in high school, down to the fucking Apple Bottoms and the cheapest tote Louis Vuitton had. I want to go back.
No. 175150
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>>174813I only found out about this recently and for some reason I thought it was a new thing. I don't care if it's dated though lol, I still want to dress like this sometimes
No. 175186
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>>147034I fucking love old school Goth/Punk clothing. I remember really wanting to get into emo music/subculture but my dad was so controlling I just stuck with basic bitch for a decade so he wouldn't target me. A lot of people look back on their early phase years with embarrassment but I really wish I'd be allowed to express myself like that, no matter how embarrassing it was.
sorry 4 blogposting No. 175325
>>141438seems like 'ab's' is the style choice if u can't make you get shunned.
>>141486pic is from 1970's some science of why other than sports is in play today you can't get answers on from just searching but 99% of guys' bellies aren't coming back to normal too soon unfortunately dispite my wants
No. 175623
File: 1615996063499.jpg (57.25 KB, 550x765, These girls who decided to mat…)

This shit is so good. I currently try to dress up like this. Big blocky colored sweaters and leggings or fitted jeans. No leg warmers or gloves tho.
No. 175625
File: 1615996276362.jpg (273.35 KB, 1280x1768, KERA magazine c_1998.jpg)

I want to style myself like this girl in the pink vest someday soon. I'd imagine myself as a character from Space Channel 5 lol.
No. 175630
>>175628that bimbofied aesthetic is actually called McBling. You're thinking of a style like this
>>143004 yes?
No. 175668
File: 1616014976294.jpg (110.83 KB, 750x480, bohemian-style-750x480.jpg)

Anyone else think we're in for a Bohemian/Boho-chic revival soon? I honestly think the aftermath of corona and people finally being "free" again will result in a resurgence of boho fashion.
No. 175670
File: 1616016893262.png (1.86 MB, 700x1121, 1613861237429.png)

>>175668Honestly boho never went away, it's still fairly popular on some normie circles, both young and moms kinda.
But I want the resurgence to happen. I want a more natural and free approach to fashion without it being cutesy and fairytale-like like cottagecore was (I think that was my biggest problem with it). Cottagecore is great in some ways when it isn't styled in a super over the top way. I guess this is why I like dresses like pic rel, it could be styled in a boho way too.
I'm happy boho will come back, it has a mature vibe while still being femenine, playful and carefree. And it will be for all sizes this time, and not just for someone's mom.
Someone pls reply to me with your thoughts
No. 175671
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>>175630Yeah I fucking hate that, I can just imagine the material of that track suit clinging to your sweaty ass thighs on a hot summer day, but I’m also talking about these kinds of outfits as well they’re so goddamn ugly and obnoxious, yuck.
No. 175684
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>>175640I actually love clowns and jesters, so maybe there is an influence there with the blocky colors, maybe this was a more exaggerated set. Stuff like pic related.
No. 175933
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I miss the Little House on the Prairie inspired fashion that was pretty big in the 80s and early 90s.
No. 176036
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>>175623Anon continue doing it pls, I love that look. The color blocking and primary colors make me happy.
picrel are my favorite shoes i own
No. 177268
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I miss the times those outfits where the shit. Anyone here who also had those Kreepsville 666 devil horn clips kek
No. 177372
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I think she’s still around on Instagram but does anyone else remember this girl and all her American apparel outfits? Joanna kuchta
No. 177375
>>177372nona you just sent me on a trip down memory lane kek
i really never followed instagram models much, nor did i have insta, but back when she was really popular i checked her account relatively often
she kind of finally pushed me into wearing bralettes or going no bra so im thankful for that at least
No. 182632
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>>175933I like 80s Laura Ashley dresses, she was at the forefront of the prairie style thing
No. 182635
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>>182633think these ones are a bit earlier
No. 219487
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Remember when half of forever 21 was this style? Honestly miss it
No. 219522
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>>219503It's 80s does little house on the prairie. Very exaggerated interpretation because it was the 80s, duh.
No. 219612
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>>219487I don't miss these button up front A line skirts, they look weird imo. Idk if I'm wrong but I feel like general preppy will never go out of style, it's just being renamed (preppy, twee, old money) and main pieces are being switched depending of the current trend, wearing a classic button-up blouse with either a tennis or a-line skirt will always be in
No. 219947
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I'm not sure if it was just a UK thing but there was a early-2010s revival of 1920s fashion and music - around the same time as boardwalk empire and the great gatsby film came out.
I was really into it and would set my hair etc. There was a semi-famous singer in the UK who'd appear on TV in that style. I was a cringy 16 year old who Tweeted about him and he favourited the tweet. Long story short we ended up in a completely inappropriate BDSM relationship. Every time I hear any sort of "electro-swing" style music or see that specific 2010s-does-1920s look I cringe so hard my face wants to fall off.
No. 219963
>>219947I really enjoy the retarded stories on here about how pesto came to be reminiscent of cartoon pornography or electro swing reminds you of a sexily
abusive relationship. I’m glad you see the cringe now and probably respect yourself better, and thank you for the moderate kek. Like that Tangled song ‘At Last I See the Light’ but for you it’s ‘At Last I See the Cringe’.
No. 220216
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Cassie-esque quirky fun diy style. I just love her fashion in season one, especially in her dedicated episode. It reminds me a lot of the playful DIY-snailmail-early-youtube-crafts-tween sphere I was in that emphasised sustainability and mental health awareness around ED's and cutting in particular, since that was rather rampant at the time. Do any fellow Dutch anons remember the "Hoe Overleef Ik" franchise? That's basically what I'm referring to. It embodied such an innocent mindset to the changing internet which really aligned well with my maturity at the time.
>>181781I don't know the name but I LOVE it!
No. 220218
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>>220216I feel such an intense nostalgia for this. Also like flickr culture or whatever… I don't think I'm making sense haha, sorry
No. 220235
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>>219522I just went on an 80s fashion deep dive a few days ago
No. 220280
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>>220216Kek, the absolute nostalgia. Imma sperg, Skins got so much shit for romanticizing mental illness through Cassie and Effy. Skins S1&2 will always remain the better Euphoria, britbong are really good when it comes to coming of age tv shows. The costuming was on point, they looked and dressed like actual teens from that time
No. 220284
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>>220280>>220216Did people around you really dress like that? I never saw anyone wear similar clothes irl even though I was like 16 when it first aired so definitely the target demo. I always felt like Skins way exaggerated the kitschy quirkiness of the outfits (or the edginess in Effie's case) to the point of just being a hot mess. The casts were gorgeous so I liked the aesthetic overall but teenage me wouldn't have been caught dead in most of the stuff they wore.
No. 220285
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>>220284It is exaggerated but not in a "disney kid" way. The awful 80's fashion revival created some kitschy ass outfits.
Tony (from the outfits to the haircut) and Sid styles were tamer and a bit more accurate. Weirdly enough Effy and Cassie were more relevant in a mid 2010s context, they were dressed like indie Tumblr browsing kids. Effy was prime mid 2010's soft grunge and Cassie was more "quirky weeb"
No. 220411
>>220285Anon who originally mentioned Cassie here,
>they were dressed like indie Tumblr browsing kidsexactly, that's exactly what I was talking about. They all looked so cute ugh, especially tony in his retarded fits
No. 220721
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Mid 2010 cosplay pics are nostalgic
The scene is not the same at all
No. 225581
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Strawberry switchblade - they look like a proto-pastel goth.
I want to dress like this, I can't do the hair but i will try the lace and polka dots.
No. 226085
File: 1643134479406.jpeg (36.91 KB, 328x400, 4868ED5C-6E49-411C-9CB6-350D12…) this coming from miles away, but twee and indie sleaze are making a return…You guys ready to move to Paris, shoot some heroin, and fuck with the stars? ▲
No. 226171
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I love the carefreeness of 60s fashion
No. 226209
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>>226171picrel style is my favorite
No. 226215
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>>226098>>226107Same. That time period was long ago enough that I feel nostalgic for it, and it is sort of bittersweet when styles from your youth come back around as “retro”. But I feel like I’ve barely had enough time to revisit my favorite looks from the 2000s and experiment with a new silhouette. Hopefully this is just a micro trend like coconut girl or fucking twilightcore kek.
>>226174My prediction is that once we cycle through the 2010s (probably by the end of this year honestly, seeing as how fast things are moving), we’ll get to the 2020s and realize the decade so far has just been a rehashing of old looks. Then we’ll finally get to wear some futuristic shit. My guess is that this will happen when zoom zooms get nostalgic for the late 2010s synthwave era.
No. 226247
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>>226215i wonder how people will pull off scifi looks. you only see it in the movies
No. 226293
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>>226209Late 60s hair and makeup are so precious
No. 227278
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Does anyone remember Abbey Dawn? Avril Lavigne's fashion line? I was OBSESSED with it and absolutely loved it. I wore it in my middle school years 2009-2011. It was super popular at Kohls (sold exclusively there) though I don't remember other girls wearing it too much apart from myself at my school.
Pic rel. I unironically had the black and pink dress on the left as well as that spike bracelet next to it lmao
No. 227279
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>>227278Same anon.
I also had this exact jacket and loved it. I wore it like everyday and thought I looked so bitchin' in it lol
No. 227314
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Samefag, forgot to post pic.
No. 227443
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>>2272785th-8th grade I exclusively wore Abbey Dawn and Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Lovers. I looked a goddamn mess but I loved it. I stopped wearing Abbey Dawn when I got made fun of for constantly wearing picrel.
No. 227493
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>>227278>>227279Same anon
I had this lime green checkered shirt as well. It was my favorite top and I wore it all the time with the spike bracelet.
>>227316I was def a wannabe scene kid. My school made that difficult though cause we were only allowed to wear collared shorts and not allowed to wear denim. Pretty much every single kid were opt out of the dress code via parents signature but my mom was super strict about it unfortunately so I just came off as nerdy.
>>227320They wanted to be scene kids lol. But seriously for a 12 year old this was peak 2010 fashion
>>227443This top isn't that bad, I've def wore worse
No. 227536
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>>227313New Romantic looks like such a fun style
>>226209God this is literally my dream wardrobe lol. I love how it's so cute and bookish and comfy
No. 237146
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>>237145Oops, pic got dropped!
No. 237156
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>>237145Was it also the Boy London era? kek
My biggest dream back then was to own 115 dollhair picrel, all of the popular tumblr weeb had a pastel cheerleading set. so glad I didn't, awful shit.
No. 237491
>>237156>>237156Oh my gosh, Glitters For Dinner store. Yep, you remember. I also remember them from the Clueless-printed everything phase.
Why is their stuff so expensive? I wonder if it’s actually good quality.
No. 238004
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All through high school I wanted to be an alt tumblr girl so bad, but I went to a tiny conservative boarding school and my mom didn’t take me shopping a lot because she didn’t want me becoming materialistic. But it looks like tumblr girl fashion is having a little bit of a moment in the sun, so if I ever want to try and live my 15-year-old fashion fantasy at least now I have my own money to buy myself a new wardrobe kek.
No. 238039
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I just want to wear a skirt with thigh high socks, but I also want to wear those stupid ass sailor uniforms with funny prints. I feel like all kawaii fashion always looks somehow outdated because I honestly can’t find a reason to wear pic related that isn’t for just some pictures that only I will see from time to time.
I miss wearing kinderwhore outfits, I didn’t know that was the name of that style, I just used to wear whatever seemed closer to Lolita because I wanted to wear those cute Lolita outfits with lots of frills, not those that depends on the print to look nice.
Something else I’ve always wanted to own was galaxy printed shit, I had a time in my teenhood in which I wanted to be like some sort of cool universal being with lots of eyes that could see everything. this was before gravity falls btw I was already an adult when it got released
Another thing I’ve always wanted to wear was arm warmers and leg warmers and things with a shitload of zippers, sadly, I never found something like that, but if you want an idea, pick a Kingdom hearts character with huge shoes and put a bunch of zippers on her clothes, then give her leg warmers and arm warmers and voilà, a 2000’s anime character and my dream outfit as a teen but that I wouldn’t get caught dead wearing nowadays because that shit would make me look like the shortest and stubbiest tree stump.
No. 238271
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>>238039>I’ve always wanted to own was galaxy printed shitGave me flashbacks of my 15 yo self browsing Taobao kek. I owned a galaxy pleated skirt and wore it once, then never touched it again.
>>238004Yeah, the soft grunge-sky ferrera stuff is already back. Doesn't surprise me though, it's versatile unlike others Tumblr trends. The vaporwave "grid print on everything" and quirky black and white japanese lettered shirts trend was funny as fuck. My girls really were buying expensive Fiji water just to post a picture of them holding it on their Tumblr, Evian pictures were also popular
>Tumblr famous waters No. 239618
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>>226209Does this look work if you have short hair? I have hair like picrel.
No. 246526
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I love old Sky Ferreira 2014 grungy tumblr style. It's cute and comfortable
No. 251451
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I really miss spiked/studded fashion from the early ‘10s. I didn’t particularly like it, but I would love to be able to walk into a bar with my ass and bust covering in metal spikes and knowing that my odds of being groped are way lower than usual.
No. 258546
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samefagging incoming, from the 90sartschool blog on instagram. there's something appealing about pre-social media fashion. it's ironic to post in this thread but fast fashion + aestheticization of everything kinda ruined individuality. now it feels like everyone's playing dress up even though some of the outfits are exactly the same as the ones in these photos
No. 258548
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>>258547i miss when make up was more amateur
No. 290953
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I like mod.
No. 291018
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>>290953Same holy shit. I wish I could've lived during the 60's.
No. 293442
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The 1910's were cute
No. 294359
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'90s chic, feminine styles feel so overdone now
No. 294419
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I haven't heard about cybergoths since like 2005.
No. 296275
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I miss that Hipster inspired casual fashion that was popular in the early 2010's. I love how there was a big focus on patterns. I miss the more earth-y tone colours(I love girly and frilly clothes but I can't stand pastels).
I miss it's overuse of accessoiries and hats. Back then I thought the accessoiries looked dumb and tbh I still kinda do but I would be lying if I didn't say I'm nostalgic for it.
The fashion also seemed non-sexual. Men didn't really find it appealing. And make up wasn't such a big focus. After how sexualized the fashion of the 2000's where it was nice to have something that focused on layers and leggins while still looking cute. Also since the fashion focus on layering it meant that people would often reuse the same pieces rather than constantly buy hauls.
This style also had it's own mini subculture where there was a focus on liking "geeky" stuff like books and sitcom TV. But it never really became about consoomerism. Sure, it was bonus point if you wore merch but it was not expected to have a huge collection.
Also girls who where part of this semi-subculture seem more interested in connecting with other girls of the same hobbies rather than seek out male approval. I feel like today in geek circles girls seems more interested in showing their collection of coomer figures of to men or dress sexy because of empowerment or whatever.
The hipster style wasn't without it's flaws of course. There was some nlog behaviour, but that's standard for any teen girls and there was an anachan problem. But looking back this style seemed way more down to earth than whatever ia going on now
No. 296365
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This hairstyle from the 70s
No. 296411
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im not sure how to describe this but 2013-2016ish that had a comfy but Zooey Deschanel lite sort of look. probably went with dirty blonde hair or brown to blonde fade in beachy waves.
No. 296412
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Cross shirts with at least some bling. Either you were some grunge cowgirl or Gackt if you wore these.
No. 296413
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I miss the 'metal girl' look of the 2010s, couldn't find a specific image so fast but women who were actually in the scene, I feel like it's disappearing (or maybe I fell out of love with metal kek).
No. 296419
>>296413Not this making me think about dying my dreads black, I will not do it, I will not do it, I will not do it.
>>258546It wasn't about selling yourself. That's why. Now when you dress up, be prepared for photos, and those photos don't exist anymore just for memories.
>>296275This reminds me of the SparkNotes fashion articles in that time period. 80s redox fashion was still popular then.
No. 296424
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No. 296431
>>296411I love this so darn much. Fashion that’s comfy, girly, un sexualised, and autumnal. Damn. I think long cardigans, beanies, and skater skirts fit this vibe. I love millennials so much it’s unreal.
>>296275Joining in the circlejerk but so true. Gosh, does anynonny want to shop for a tote bag with an owl on it or a quirky moustache necklace? This era had personality, it wasn’t above expression.
>>296365I like it but f*mily guy called this the missing woman from the 80s haircut which ruins it for me
>>296412 Such an america specific aesthetic, like gothic redneck, makes me want to visit America.
No. 296801
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I miss Y2K raver fashion
No. 296802
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No. 296908
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I want to switch my style to this. I’m not sure if I like the argyle on my, i gotta try. I will attempt to get everything 2nd hand except the skirt because weird sizes. I’m obsessed with this darker preppy style, kinda like mean boarding school bitch. But tidier than dark academia and less brown kek
No. 296927
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Pretty much everything Carlie Chaikin as Darlene in Mr. Robot ever wore. She looked like a mess but in a way that was much more acceptable in the 2010s than it would be now. Women's fashion silhouettes spent a decade being top-heavy and now they're back to being bottom-heavy and as someone who doesn't like emphasizing my torso I want to go back.
No. 296965
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This isn't an aesthetic in the fashion sense but idk where else to post this, so here we go. Have you guys seen Kewpie artwork from the early 1900's?
Kewpies are comic strips characters that were extremely popular in the first half of the twentieth century. These days Kewpiemania is completely extinct outside Japan and it breaks my heart.
No. 296966
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I have never wanted to eat Jell-O so much in my life, like wtf
No. 296968
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>>296965rose o'neill was such a fucking cool artist for making things like picrel and creating kewpies like it's nothing. i aspire to have a fraction of her creative versatility and power.
also do you really think kewpiemania is extinct? i still see kewpie earrings, kewpie tattoos, kewpie fanart. they are eternal
No. 296993
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1800's French bourgeois boys who escaped the guillotine were hot.
No. 297101
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>>296985Nta but metalheads are insufferable
>you were never into metal if you fell out of itIt's just music, you don't have to be a hardcore metalhead to be into it, anon might have liked it among other genres and then listened to it less and less, it happens.
Anyway. I used to hate spiky hairstyles like picrel but it's grown on me overtime and now I think they look really fun
No. 297135
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>>296965thank you kewpies
No. 297746
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I'm sorry, but I love the look of what Millie Graves and other ND copycats became
No. 297911
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fresh out the aeropostale wavy make you haters seasick
No. 297923
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take me back to this cancer store. I just loved that "basics" era of AA so much.
>>296431how old are you
nonny? I'm not a millennial but an older gen z so the mustache era was middle school for me. I have fond memories of it and embarrassing "i love boobies" bracelets. I've never heard anyone express love for millennials before you're cute.
>>296412 this is still an unironic trend in Louisiana in some parts. It's really interesting to see what trends haven't died when I visit family there. Like a little time capsule.
I just miss when fashion or finding your aesthetic wasn't a huge deal. I was just thinking to day how little shopping was a focal point of our day to day growing up compared to now. I still loved clothes back then, but I didn't need it or feel like I was missing out. So interesting what marketing convinces us.
No. 298245
>>298229Being refined and subtle wasn't exactly the point.
Scene and emo girls get compared to e-girls because of the whole "edgy subculture widely popular with teens of today" thing, the comparison is interesting for cultural reasons mostly, but comparing the apparel itself outside of this scope and according to an abstract idea of elegance is useless, especially considering the more subtle e-girl look from
>>146938 first and third pictures is pretty much only worn by pickmes and e-whores who need to pander to moids to get more traffic to their onlyfans.
IMO the only type of e-girl that should be compared to scene/emo is the type that has split dyed blunt bangs, red make-up with graphic liner, layered outfit with a bunch of chains and larps as Misa from Death Note. I'm not saying they're free from coomer shit because far from it, but at least there is a little bit more to it and there are actual girls who genuinely like the style and hanging out with each-other like normal subculture kids.
I think the idea of wanting to look cool to your peers rather than to normies is an important point of alternative fashion styles. Something purely made to look hot to regular pedo scrotes is uninteresting.
No. 298248
>Being refined and subtle wasn't exactly the point.and that's why it looks like shit. Liking blush and subtle makeup is not "purely looking hot to appeal to pedo scrotes"
this is like if i accused you of being a pedo for romanticizing a frankly terrible style mostly worn by 14 year olds and romanticized by most posters here JUST BECAUSE it was in style when they were 14.
No. 298252
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>>298229>>298228nta but e-girl makeup reminds me of anime and shadman drawings, something about the excessive blush and cartoony eyes look annoying.
No. 298266
>>298245>Being refined and subtle wasn't exactly the point.Ayrt, sure but I can still like it less exactly because of that?
>>298252I'll admit it doesn't look that good in this pic. I guess I've only ever seen e-girl makeup in filtered pics/vids.
No. 298276
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Anyone remember the PINK obsession circa 2009-2012…it kind of reminds me of a westernized type of gyaru in a way, but maybe that's just me.
No. 298280
>>298277I think I miss it because it exemplified a lot of early 2010s trends like the loose tanks with the bandeau.
Come to think of it, that era in general was oddly unsexual. Cropped flounce or swing tops obscured your bust and waist. Yes, people could see your bandeau, but the looseness of the tops made it unclear. Cropped tops were only getting back into style and they weren't tight, they were loose and still obscured your actual body type.
No. 298281
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>>298248Things I learned on Lolcow today : Belle Delphine and everybody on
>>298252 just like blush and subtle make-up
>>298252These are all streamers right ? It's the point. It's a base of conventional beauty make-up mixed with anime blush and various elements that are meant to make facial expressions look more "lewd" and cartoony.
>>298266Didn't say you weren't allowed to have personal tastes nona, I just don't understand judging something completely besides its actual purpose, it's like judging a coffee table by its ability to mow the lawn kek. What I mean is that the streamer/OF brand of e-girl style exists for appeal and to look good online, and not as an actual alternative fashion, so comparing it to something like "Instagram makeup" or even douyin makeup that also have a purpose of looking good on camera and being generally appealing would be more relevant.
Obviously scene looks stupid to a majority of outsiders (same with the alt flavor of tiktok egirl I described), I don't even think it looks good either tbh, but it did its job at being an edgy flashy subculture look for teens and young adults.
Sorry for sperging, fashion is cool anyway here's some gyaru
No. 298469
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Idk what this look is called but it's from the 1960's and it makes me very sad that nobody dresses like that anymore.
No. 298508
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I miss early 2010s lolita, dreamvs soft gyaru, and hardcore trashy dia gyaru. I really liked those American-Japanese style soft girly outfits like Kota used to wear. Also miss those fake Vivienne Westwood rocking horse shoes.
No. 298861
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>>295081>originalAnon. Every cybergoth dressed like picrel and
>>294419 I'm tired of the current trends too, but let's not pretend like this wasn't the same exact shit in a different era.
>betterwell, now we all know you have bad taste.
No. 298981
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i feel like the last scene girl alive… any of you nonnies still dress scene/emo? where i live ive only seen 2 other scene girls which is honestly alot considering how dead the style is
No. 299388
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i miss the heyday of fairy kei/spank! styles so much. WE NEED TO GO BACK
No. 305524
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I just remembered this sweater existed and it makes me nostalgic for the 2013-2014 Tumblr style
No. 307327
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No. 307328
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No. 307329
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i miss these types of glasses. jealous of the people whose insurance only covers this type like i read because where i live only square shapes or giant rounded square ones i hate are sold. they're literally nowhere to be seen as far as i've gone due to zero demand. maybe they were unflattering on some people but they looked hot on the right ones
No. 307332
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>>307329Sort of reminds me of Bayonetta's glasses. They did look hot on her.
No. 307354
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I miss the late 2000s indie aesthetic. Before social media really took off where every zoomer has to dress like they DIY'd clothes too small for them to be considered trendy.
No. 307392
>>307354I really miss that aesthetic too nona. Like the crystal castles and skins tumblr era from like 2006-2012 right. It was really big here in the uk and iirc the east coast of the US.
People had messy textured hair (either natural and wavy like a mermaid or flat ironed and poker straight and choppy, sometimes jet black, bleach blonde, sometimes with washed out pink or pastel through it) and wore lots and lots of stuff from topshop and thrifted things/stuff from grandmas closet. I remember there was lots of shiny stuff and sequins. Smeared heavy eyeliner, sometimes glittery eyeshadow, with neutral or bare lips. Skins really made that wild party aesthetic popular, lots of rips in stockings, bottles of vodka, pills, cocaine, shirtless guys etc.
Shorts over pantyhose, lace tops, blazers, pastel tights, lacey slips, jeffrey campbell chunky lita boots. I will try to make a quick moodboard of things I remember from that era. I get so nostalgic for it too
No. 307419
>>96904this summer i saw not one not two but FOUR guys dressed exactly like this, two pairs in different locations on different days. i was so shocked as i had never seen anybody dressed so "hardcore" hair and all in real life kek, and i was in a very small city in poorfag asia too.
i took a sneaky picture of the last two i saw but it's blurry and i'd feel weird posting it here. i just had to so i can have proof of my sightings. i honestly thought people like that were extinct
No. 307532
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I'm so happy that whatever is this, (I think it falls under nu-goth), is long dated and looks kitschy.
Killstar really had people that think that ~ * ~ i luuv horror movies ~ * ~ is goth on a strong chokehold.
No. 307605
>>307532I used to LOVE this shit as a teenager. Maybe because it was so accessible and easy. Every single time i bought clothes from such brands, 9/10 i would either return them or they sat in my closet unworn and i would end up selling them. It's a very ugly aesthetic. Anyone trying to dress goth are 100% just buying normie clothes in the thrift store and being a little creative.
>>307581>assume the person is annoying or an OnlyFans whoreI think the exact same thing lmao. Admittedly, i see dollskill as one of the better altwhore stores since they still sell stuff that isn't too offence and can be worn everyday. Killstar has managed to get even uglier and release the most repugnant looking clothes ever in recent times. All of their dresses always had the most unflattering fits, not even the models could make it cute. And for $80 dollars a piece. No thank you.
No. 314282
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I miss 80's girlboss fashion.
No. 314296
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Does anyone remember picrel Aksinya Air? She was a fashion blogger from Ukraine and popular on lookbook, I think around 2012ish? Everything was comfier, cuter and wasn't about trying to be retro/something from by-gone days. Also I prefer the top-heavy silhouette.
No. 320413
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unironically would wear to this day. never got to when they were a thing
No. 320428
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>>320413I would wear them as well, mostly to go to the movies or to anime/comic conventions tbh.
No. 320527
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>>320480in anons defense afsdfgkagsdg feels pretty accurate to how people used to type in 2012 when everyone owned galaxy prints. All she needed was to talk about her feels and her 2012 larp would've complete