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No. 109949
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I hate Jung from Cheese in the Trap. He's creepy, boring, and doesn't have chemistry with the protagonist. Inho all the way but then again he deserves better than Seol
No. 109951
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Words can't describe how much I loathe this default sims face simp
No. 109954
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On the subject of DA characters we hate…
This absolutely insufferable witch-nosed, saggy-tittied 2edgy degenerate with a frat-boy personality. I feel like Bioware realized how many people wanted to fuck the Qunari characters in previous games and this was the shitty replacement goldfish they decided to offer.
No. 109957
>>109954Yey, I'm not the only who hates Bull!
I really hate his "dude bro" personality. Also, Zevran and Isabela.
No. 109992
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I don't think anyone who reads this manga likes her after the twist but cairngorm from HNK.
No. 110009
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Speaking about Dragon Age, every.fucking.DAII.character (except Varric, I will never forgive Bioware for not making him a romanceable option) especially Fenris and Carver, annoying pos urgh. Sera from inquisition and Solas if you don't play as a female elf. Love eve
No. 110021
>>109951oh no she really does look like a default sim jfc anon
>>109954…but I do love bull I'm sorry
>>110009I jumped from origins to inquisition then back to II and I truly had such a hard time choosing who to romance in II, never a problem in the others. simply because I just didn't really like… any of them. I thought I would like Fenris but I play mages and he practically hates them by default lol. Varric is the dream, but I think I ended up with Isabela because she was least insufferable, also boobs
No. 110052
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Forgot to mention Jacob
>>110021I know exactly what you mean. I liked everyone in origins and even though I had my favourites there was no one I wanted to get rid of. The party banter was fun and I even enjoyed the rivalry between characters (Morrigan and Alistair hating each other was my guilty pleasure). I had high expectations for DA2 and was quite disappointed when all the characters turned out to be dislikable. Merrill was infuriatingly retarded, I wanted to punch whenever we had to do anything related to her character arc. Anders I had a soft spot for because of Awakening but he went downhill pretty fast (I ended up romancing him because as a mage we seemed to agree on a few things at the very least). Fenris was a fucking asshole and never quite redeems himself, a waste of an amazing VA, all that brooding was too much. Isabella was fine if only they didn't insist so much on "SEE HOW EMPOWERED SHE IS? She is always talking about sex because that's female empowerment amiright?!
No. 110056
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I know he was meant to dislikeable but Its hard to understate how much I have grown to hate him more and more, like he's the ultimate nice guy Incel villain, Hal believed that he was the "nice guy" who would get the girl if he were only a superhero, and when he is, he acts as if the girl of his dreams is supposed to love him. He drops the act when she doesn't she's fallen in love with some normie and he throws a bitch fit
No. 110057
>>110056same. it's actually impressive that a dreamworks movie called out nice guy/incel behaviour in 2010,
years before it became part of internet culture.
No. 110069
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>>109951Screw you anon Annie is one of the best characters on the show. If we were talking about the worst characters on Community Britta would definitely be up there. Annoying, bratty, suck-up and whiney as shit
No. 110073
>>109951>>110069I refuse to dislike any female characters written by community era dan harmon.
That being said I think community had no terribly dislikable characters except those teens that kept saying doyyy or whatever
No. 110104
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>>110009>>110052>>109966This. I tried to romance Anders in my first DA2 playthrough cause I really liked his quirky "uwu cute cat" personnality on Awakening but ended up being super disappointed.
So now, my way to go is no romance with anyone. I prefer to be happily single in my big ass mansion with my mabari.
No. 110164
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so tired of seeing this potato-head actor being thirsted over. so tired of the fangirls turning him into a retarded puppy who wants nothing more in life than to be fucked by steve rogers.
No. 110215
>>110190I was trying to shorthand it, but looking back it doesn't work since he's a Jr.
As much as I wish I could claim youth, I can only claim stupidity here. I still remember seeing the music video for Prince's "Kiss" on MTV, anon.
No. 110239
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No. 110309
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spencer reid. i think that criminal minds is a ridiculous show as it is but his character makes it so much more insufferable. don't get me wrong matthew gray gubler is a great actor, but jesus fucking christ every single line he says is so absurd it makes me angry. "autistic detective who's good at remembering/noticing details" has been done better so it's not even an original idea. it seems like they only use his character to move the plot along, since he always magically discovers important information that NO HUMAN BEING would ever deduce from the evidence presented. they use the exact same punchline over and over, "teehee he said something weird and everyone else is confused!" it's not fucking funny. they just try /so hard/ to make him this quirky, tragic, genius character, but i find him incredibly annoying, pathetic, and a windbag. every character on this show is so smug but it's the way spencer is written like "isn't it crazy that this awkward guy actually has a superhuman ability to pull bullshit out of thin air?" that makes me turn the TV off
No. 110322
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>>110239this bitch is worse
No. 110337
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>>110322Let's be real here…
No. 110348
>>110322but anon effie is The Blueprint!
>>110337fr fuck this retarded bitch
No. 110361
>>110165Tall, dark, and brooding probably. Pretty much the Byronic hero archetype that has been popular since the early 19th century
>>110164It pissed me off how Steve kept it a secret from everyone that Bucky was the one who killed Tony’s parents. Tony had every right to be pissed. I hate how MCU fujoshits baby him.
No. 111052
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This annoying, ugly as sin attention whore. Why did he even pick a team sport, just go play tennis or something bitch, your team doesn't deserve to deal with your shitty tantrums
No. 111340
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I'm generally forgiving when it comes to long term shows that should of ended seasons ago can just rewatch what I liked. But I hated this bitch from the second Supernatural dropped her in. They killed off probably the best tv depiction of Death and gave us stoic sometimes sassy woman who does nothing of value just vomits exposition then fucks off for a ratings twist that failed miserably. She was so badly received combined with the change completely fucking with canon the writers put out some half assed "Death is a mantle!!" plotline. Doesn't help the actress just looks bored throughout any take, like if you're gonna tank your already struggling show with a bad plot twist at least get someone interested?
No. 111462
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don't so much hate the character but the writing. probably because I see myself in her. I get that she was meant to be this insufferable, whiny, weak and annoying snowflake but it was kind of a let-down for me personally that the show didn't have an at least somewhat redeemable softie.
No. 111463
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>>111462pic related kinda pissed me off. idk why. so manly and aggressive and witty but no depth or charm.
No. 111531
>>111462I wish they just did something more, I think they wanted her to challenge carolyn but carolyn is a chad so it just didn't work.
>>111463She was good comedy,but it was clear
she wasn't gonna be going into the next season alive No. 111549
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bakugou is a whiny faggot and all his fans are dumb simps
No. 111557
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Speaking of disgusting annoying bnha characters. Deku. I want to beat the ever living life out of this green haired freckled twink fuck, holy shit. He deserves death and nothing more he is such a disgusting excuse of a protagonist. How anyone can watch this show and stand his little smug uwu i’m so baby face is beyond me. If i was in a room with Hitler, Mao, and Deku and i had a gun with three bullets i’d shoot him thrice and then ask the other two to help me beat him. I’m normally a very nonviolent person but this thing (he doesn’t even deserve the title of person, he is nothing he’s not even an animal he is below dirt) solicits such a reaction from me…He doesn’t deserve his power he doesn’t deserve anything except a life of suffering which I guess is what he’s getting because if I had to look at myself in the mirror and I was him and I had to be Deku the only option would be to kill myself, over the life of agony knowing i’m the absolute worst thing to ever exist. I have never hated a real life person as much as I hate this this absolute waste of ink. The poor trees that had to be killed so this fuck could exist should be considered a crime.I feel so bad for the animators who have to come into work and animate him being insufferable, i’d rather be unemployed and homeless. I just want to wipe that retarded look off his face so bad.
No. 111567
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I like dogs, except this empty canine shell. she is not cute. I would replicate to her what Dio did to danny in jjba. I saw a meme about that when she was added to smash and laughed heartily. attack me as you will
No. 111919
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Emily of Emily in Paris; becomes friends with the girl that helps her out one day; turns out she's a girlfriend of a guy Emily has a crush on, Emily continues flirting and making out with the guy while meeting up with said girl who considers her a friend and lying to her face. I thought that show was supposed to be wholesome and main character likeable and relatable, idk maybe american girls are like this and it's what USA considers wholesome and relatable. No idea why couldn't they just write a story about her meeting someone single. why does it have to be about backstabbing and cheating?
No. 112006
>>111943>>111923?? It's a thread about hating fictional characters and i'm complaining about a fictional character, what are you two on bringing up "this is not real life"?
But sure, while we are at it, let's also pretend like the way romance is written in popculture has not influenced the way people perceive romance IRL.
No. 112315
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I've never watched this anime but their designs piss me off, they remind me of Jon Arbuckle for some reason. Also their fanbase is creepy as fuck.
No. 112379
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This abusive piece of shit and his autistic fangirls. He has literally no character or personality besides breathing down Oscar’s neck and throwing tantrums when she won’t touch his dick, and making her feel guilty for said tantrums.
I don’t remember hating him as much in the anime but the manga version really just pissed me off. Maybe he’s appealing to desperate het women but I just can’t fucking stand him as someone who’s dealt with annoying male orbiters.
No. 112381
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>>112380Yes kek. Say anything bad about him or ship Oscar with someone else and expect spergouts like pic related
No. 112529
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I just finished watching Braveheart for the first time (ik). They kill the main character's wife, he starts this war, then later on becomes infatuated and has a baby with this princess. For some reason it made me upset, like he cheated on her, even though she's dead. This affair was completely fictional, and didn't happen historically, so with that in mind it makes me even more upset because they went out of their way to add an affair in there. It's just so weird and makes me sad, but I feel crazy for feeling this way.
I don't hate princess Isabelle btw, just what they did with her character.
No. 112568
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So it just came out that Sesshomaru did in fact end up banging Rin and she had his twins (pic attached). What in the onision hell is this shit! I am so angry, dude saved her when she ws like what 8, she was his ward! And he was my husband too I even posted him in the husbando thread omg so now I guess I hate him for being a groomer
No. 112638
>>112379Damn. Didn't know he was that bad in the manga. Just bought the first tome of the 5 special ones (if you haven't seen them look them up, the books are beautiful but huge). Cant wait to read this shit! (Oscar+ Girodelle 4ever btw. Even Fehrsen too)
>>112584wtf indeed. Its been like a day since I found out but I'm still pissed.
>>112601I didnt think Rumiko would have the balls to do this shit esp after all the pedo scandals that have been going on with mangakas over here, but here we are
No. 112700
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>>112379>>112638Forgot to mention I hate this scumbag as well kek. Alain forced himself on Oscar and threatened her with gang rape and we’re just meant to forgive and forget it.
Maybe my hatred for Andre is a bit overblown because I had only heard good things about him before I got into the series, then I actually read it and he sexually assaults and tries to murder Oscar over incel shit and also apparently slept with prostitutes while crying over her breathing near another man. And I’m meant to believe he loves her and they’re a perfect match. LMAO.
Fersen gets way too much hate for a character whose worst crime is being a womanizer. Girodelle too I guess.
No. 113072
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Don’t know if I’d go so far as to say I hate her but she’s a bland, overused gimmick character who I’m sick of seeing shoved into fucking everything. Literally just Reimu but if she was a milquetoast reddit user.
No. 113073
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Even during my yaoi phase I couldn't stand this little shit. I think Kuroshitsuji is actually a very bad manga with dumb characters who are just stereotypes, but this smug fucker takes the cake. I never could stand the art syle of the manga either, it looks so condescending, and now with Twisted Wonderland being super popular, I have to see Toboso's bishies everywhere.
No. 113090
>>113073I hated this little fucker too. I eventually stopped reading the manga because I couldn't stand watching him continue to be alive. Middle school me would go on huge weeb rants against him lol.
However I always thought the art was really high quality, that's the main reason I read for as long as I did in the first place.
No. 113122
>>113086>>113101ESL-chan indeed, I didn't really know how to express what I wanted to say. I think everyone in the manga looks super haughty, even the tertiary characters, which I guess is to convey that pseudo Victorian setting (which is an aesthetic I never liked). Same with Twisted Wonderland, everybody looks so fucking smug there, if I see those morays one more time I will break my phone.
Grell is the second worst character of the manga, mostly for being an over the top okama stereotype, and troons put him on some kind of pedestal by assuming he is trans.
>>113108I don't really care for the shota undertones, but when I last checked the manga (a year ago or so),
there was a flashback on how there were originally twin Phantomhives who were forced into brutal orgies by some kind of satanic cult, I thought Toboso really overdid it on the torture porn, it went beyond the "look at how shocking this is" edge factor.
No. 113146
>>113073Cheeky bastards making the canon anime Ciel
live forever as a demonThe only way to make it sting less is to read fics where Sebastian treats Ciel like shi because he's stuck with him
No. 113148
>>113122>that spoilerstop it, soren only can get so wet.
No wonder she loves Ciel.
No. 113163
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I really don't like this cold bitch. I don't get why everyone loved her so much
No. 113171
>>113163Because "UwU she did nothing wrong~"
But seriously, I didn't like her either when I watched Madoka Magica, her edgelord personality didn't go well with me
even after finding out her backstory, and the twist on Rebellion didn't made her anymore likeable to be honestAnd on a personal note, an ex-friend of mine kinned her, so I kinda have bad memories attached to her, kek No. 113175
>>113163She’s kind of scary, imagine hanging out with someone for a few months and then
being caught in a loop for the rest of eternity suffering just because that person got attached to you.
No. 113177
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>>113163>>113171Sayaka's edginess was more annoying, along with her justice obsession. Can't stand "muh justice" characters in general tbh. Also Mami's barely a character and is only liked for her tits.
No. 113180
>>113177It's been a very long time since I've watched the anime, but I remember not understanding why she
was so obsessed with the fact that her soul is now in a soul gem. What was up with that?
No. 113239
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This reckless, selfish asshole who used and endangered everyone around him so he'd be mildly entertained for a short while. 11th is completely out of character from what the previous seasons established the Doctor to be, and on top of that he is so smug, egotistical, needy, petty, childish and absolutely worthless that you can't even laugh at the trainwreck. I remember loving the show but had to abandon it due to him. Season after season of this retarded soulless asshole? No thanks. Why he's so beloved is beyond me.
No. 113525
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He was fine at first but after a while he just became so stupid and annoying. I guess possible spoilers incoming: I hate how the characters praise him for doing nothing. In the White Whale fight the green hair girl praises him even though Wilhelm did most of the work. Rem changes from wanting to murder him multiple times to completely loving him and having a complete character change over nothing really, incredibly unrealistic character, no wonder why she's so popular. Emilia has to deal with him being an annoying orbiter who actually makes things worse for her by feeling entitled to her affection just because she took the time out of her day to help him once, which she doesn't even remember. He uses his skill shittily and is an obvious self-insert to delusional, annoying NEETs. Rem has NO reason to love him as much as she does. Emilia has every reason to mistrust him and not want to be his girlfriend. Obviously dying multiple times would be traumatic for anyone, but even he seems like such a whiny crybaby. He takes so long to figure things out and he leads poor yet pathetic Rem on so much.
>hey Rem let's run away together
>ok Subaru I thought of that I really love you
>lol sorry I love Emilia
>but I'm still going to pull you into a hug after rejecting you and ask things from you
No. 113527
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The show sucks but this motherfucker was the worst part.
No. 113531
>>113527>Steven universe bad XD am I cool yet??Do you dumb sluts who frequent this site have any kind of taste or personality outside of constantly repeating the same shit you hear from popular Youtubers echochamber? These kind of arguments have become just so repetitive.
The show is far from a masterpiece but if the hatedom wasn't a thing I bet most of these people either wouldn't care or would even like it.
No. 113538
>>113531>These kind of arguments have become just so repetitive.nta but this can easily apply to other characters posted ITT, some which were already discussed a million times in the previous thread or were already disliked to begin with. Why single out Steven?
Anyway I can't stand how he sucks the tension out of everything. Someone's about to die? No big deal cause Steven will always bring them back. An enemy shows up? Doesn't matter cause Steven's feelings fix everything. It's so fucking predictable. Plus his voice is grating.
No. 113594
>>113531>or would even like it. Naaaah. Steven is one of the ugliest, most obnoxious characters in existence. The widespread hate isn’t people trying to be cool.
I hated it from the first time i heard him say “liiiOoon licker’”
No. 113600
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he isn't really that bad i guess, i just can't fucking stand him.
No. 113660
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This fucker.
No. 113668
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>>113177Thank you, I always get an itch to skip scenes that include her.
I hate her stans who're all "but but she's so deep and realistic!!! so tragic!!! yuri with kyoko!!!"
The only good thing about her is that at the end of the anime series she realizes how dumb her wish was and how the boy she had a crush on wasn't shit. And for killing those dudes in the train.
I hate that she's shipped with Kyoko out of nowhere. They had absolutely nothing incommon outside of the fact they both made a wish to help someone else. They have no chemistry and Sayaka is an annoying, self-righteous, justice spouting sperg.
Also my contribution. I hate all of Penny's friends but she's by far the fakest and flakiest. And I hate how in that party episode Penny was just supposed to forgive them for making her cry and not coming to her party.
No. 113679
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Speaking of PMMM, I absolutely hate the whiny, retarded mc.
No. 113801
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I've never watched the show, but I hate everything Baby Yoda represents.
No. 113815
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Took me a day and a half to watch this shit because of how many breaks I needed. But these 4 are insufferable terribly written characters who screech about 50% of the runtime.
No. 113818
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This guy from Train to Busan. I remember watching the movie for the first time and I was filled with hatred. If you have seen the movie you will know why.
No. 113836
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>>113801It's not even cute.
No. 113873
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>>113600Leave autismo german Javert alone. Damn, Monster really is the best anime I ever watch ngl
Saw people talking about Ciel, I hated everyone from Black Butler but Grell takes the fucking cake.
Also I swear every woman who cosplayed him was a cringy nutcase
No. 113877
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>>113835>>113836I just feel those motherly vibes whenever I see babies, baby yoda included
No. 113881
>>113877I don't even like or care about children and I adore Baby Yoda. It's true that he's a marketing gimmick, but a really enjoyable character as well. They have really pulled off the adorable creature thing with him (and earlier the Porgs), contrary to JarJar.
Just pirate the series and don't buy the merch if you don't want to be caught in the marketing scheme and you will be fine.
No. 113883
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>>113882>Porgs are just shitty Ewoks, who were annoying to begin with. Porgs were only in the movie since it was impossible to mask the wildlife. So how are they comparable to ewoks, who take a prominent amount of screentime and exist only to sell merch? There were hardly any Porg scenes or merch. Plus the Ewoks are ugly as fuck. Don't do porgs dirty like this.
>Your defense of this corporate trash makes me think you're also the kind of people who own/collect Funko Pops. Ew, Funko? They are for filthy casuals and people with zero taste. If you want to buy an useless aesthetic object, at least get one that's pleasant to look at!
I'm not saying that you have to love Baby Yoda. Hell, it's cool if you don't. The cynical character marketing doesn't work on you, great! But if someone enjoys the character, they shouldn't be guilted into stopping just because cOnSuMeRiSm. Face it, literally every media you like was made to make money. Star Wars have always been commercial as fuck. What's wrong with enjoying a character while not giving the giant company money? Life is too short to deny yourself harmless pleasure in order to live up to someone's impossible standards of ethical purity. You don't have to completely abstain or go full retard like pic related.
No. 113885
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>>113882Policing others on what they want to do with their money is very annoying anon, and it turns
abusive if you try to argue things on a milquetoast moral standpoint
Plus, as far as I'm concerned, The Mandalorian was thought to be a flop from the start so nobody made merch in advance when it was released. It was months after it blew up that people actually concidered making merch of baby yoda, because it was everywhere and everyone loved him. Not the other way around. They really thought it wouldn't stick.
Not everything you see on twitter is real, I'm not even a star wars and have never watched a single episode or movie with yoda in it fan and I can still find the character adorable, because he just is designed to be an adorable baby, end of story lol
Plus, why make such a big deal out of this? Hello Kitty is also designed to sell because she's adorable and comes from a big corporation, but I see no e-girls or zoomers that are so quote on quote anti-capitalists complaining on twitter about it, they keep shilling it into oblivion
No. 113887
>>113885I agree with you so much except for:
>The Mandalorian was thought to be a flop from the start so nobody made merch in advance when it was released. It was months after it blew up that people actually concidered making merch of baby yoda, because it was everywhere and everyone loved him.No Yoda merch was made in order to not leak his existence before the show premiers, as it happened in the past with SW merch.
>"The Mandalorian" creator Jon Favreau has said that Disney wanted to keep the existence of Baby Yoda under wraps so as to not spoil the series. Some manufacturers were provided promotional materials ahead of the launch of Disney Plus, but none of it featured Baby Yoda, CNBC reported. >"The way the cat usually gets out of the bag with that stuff is merchandising and toy catalogues and things like that," he said. No. 113894
>>113888I can imagine it was more trouble than it was worth. Like with Daniel Radcliffe's blue eyes in Harry Potter.
Even if you don't believe the wildlife excuse… the porgs scenes took only like 3 minutes out of an entire movie. They never were presented as the main dish, like the ewoks (or yes, The Child). They added to the liveliness of Ahch-To and to the movie.
No. 113902
>>113883>ew funko!!!!my good bitch, baby yoda's design itself literally looks like a funko pop
>vacant void eyes>chibi proportions>neutral posebut ok.
No. 113906
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>>113902This is the most pointless take, but I will bite:
>vacant eyesBitch, where?
The problem with funkos are not their proportions (though I'm not a fan of chibis in general), but their poor quality and lack of details. Look at all the wrinkles and hairs on The Child. He's like the opposite of the simplified form of funko pops.
Chibis existed before Funko pops and tbh Japanese do it way better.
Also an actual child=/= chibi.
No. 114009
Hana from 7seeds. She's a gigantic Mary Sue, her survival broke suspension of disbelief several times, and her romance with Arashi was trash.
>>113183>>113296There's some stuff that's lost in translation - in the abrahamic faiths, the real you is your soul, and the body is basically just a shell. But for buddhist cultures it's different - you need both the soul and body to retain your 'self'. So by removing her soul from the body, Kyubey turned Sayaka into a twisted mockery of a human being.
No. 114041
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I don't like these four ….
No. 114043
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>>114041…. I literally can't watch a scene with Donna in it anymore. I just mute it and look away during the thousandth melodramatic kissing scene
No. 114049
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This faggot. Inho deserved better.
No. 114051
>>114020are we talking The Child or his merch? I thought the comparison was that the character itself has soulless eyes and looks like a funko pop.
And yes, a lot of his merch keeps the colors of his eyes instead of making them a black void. You cannot seriously expect a toy for a couple of dollars to look the same as a CGI/puppet from a high budget tv series. Some liberties have to be taken. Funkos still are the worst. You can get a crazy detailed figure if you are insane enough to shell out a lot. I do not see how all of this is important to the discussion though.
>>114041hard agree, they are unbearable
>>114043hard disagree especially in Bobby's case. I've always liked him even though I'm usually not a fan of jock characters, but he had a range and the scene where he talks with his father about the future is the sweetest. Have you seen season 3 though?
I'm wondering because Bobby is really likable in it and it puts his past in a new light, sort of. It broke my heart and infuriated me to see Shelly go out with some scumbag again, especially in Bobby's presence No. 114053
>>114051I'm still on season 2, so I'm skipping your spoiler
thanks. The diner scene with his dad was really sweet, you're right. To me he seems cocky, childish and annoyingly angry. Maybe I'll give him another chance.
No. 114219
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All of them. Why do I keep watching????
No. 114244
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Hate this bitch so much. She’s useless and her character design us so ugly and uncreative. We live in the 21st century and you seriously put out a character that looks lazy as this? What’s with her weird jacket and those grey hearts in her hair??
No. 114282
anime is retarded
No. 114996
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I have found out about this parasocial shell of a cunt 5 (five) minutes ago and I already want to bash her face in
No. 115002
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>>114996Life imitates art.
No. 115054
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No. 115101
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Boring,mute generic pretty boy hero both femboys and trannies idolize,Zelda and Ganondorf are so much better
No. 115118
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I'm glad Arthur punched her.
No. 115127
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Decided to watch Shiki and finally cross it off my backlog but dear god is the high school main a fucking prick who deserved to be killed off right away. All he does is bitch in the emo cool anime guy way so everyone likes him. He kills the mystery plot building cause "waah the girl I was an ass too in life wants to bite me" I doubt I can finish since he becomes more and more the main character apparently.
No. 115190
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>>115175>He was just the incel guy with a pretty face so that meant he was justified.>tfw you realize this is 90% of emo/brooding/bad boy charactersI wish this archetype would die tbh. Zuko's the only okay one.
No. 115786
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Zoomer Asuka.
No. 115787
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She better stay dead
No. 115790
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He deserves all the hate for being the definition of scrote.
No. 115796
>>115549Everyone did, in the French translation of the manga the translator's note after the Jack the Ripper reveal is that he uses female pronouns. In one of the guidebooks Yana Toboso and then Grell himself say that he's an okama but in an exaggerated way. So it's ambiguous, Yana Toboso treats him like he's one of the girls but also not really, depending one the scenes. This shit got conveniently mistranslated by fans because they think Japanese people are so stupid and close-minded that transwomen are the same thing as gay men, even though that's the truth.
Western teenage fujoshi recently sperged about it and wouldn't stop saying it's confirmation he's a tranny but in a good way, like he's positive representation, even though he is a serial killer who killed many prostitutes who got abortions out of jealousy, he sexually harasses some of the male characters just because and
since he's a shinigami it's implied the reason why he became one was because he killed himself because he couldn't get pregnant and be a real woman, no idea if it's legit mental illness or just the trauma from being a flaming faggot from Victorian England. No idea how anyone would see him as positive representation.
No. 115797
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>>115790nnooooo I love joshu I mean I love him and I hate him and I understand why everyone would hate him but he makes everything just much more interesting. And I can't help but feel bad for him, imagine a stranger appearing one day, blinding you, the girl you like falling in love with him instantly, and the stranger is taken in by your family, takes your place in the family and everyone likes him better than you. I hope and I really think he is going to become best friends with Josuke by the end, I hope he will grow and see he has no reason to act like a jerk, maybe people will like him too if he can act civilized for once. Also he
saved best girl Yasuho's life I will forgive his jerk actions for that alone
>>115787I hate this uncanny art style she looks like momokun shoops
No. 115801
>>115790JoJolion is fucking shit, I don't get how people encourage to skip the early parts and then read this with a straight face. The only saving grace is Yasuho, this manga doesn't deserve her.
>>115796Old school fujos still see him as a flamboyant gay man because of muh yaoi, it's the fakeboi fujos who latched onto him as some kind of trans icon, I don't think MtFs care about Kuroshit. The whole including the gay man with the girls thing is very common in anime, as some kind of "haha he's not a real guy" gag. Grell is so obviously an okama, the people who claim he is a trans woman have zero knowledge of japanese culture. I know the okama stereotype has been decried a lot in recent years, so maybe Grell has been retconned into a tranny now.
No. 115807
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>>115801That's what I meant by teenage fujoshi, the younger ones are fakebois who see trans shit where it doesn't exist, and the ones who read the manga when it started being published or who watched the first season one the anime when it was airing never tried to argue that he's a ~real woman~. It was funny seeing older Black Butler fans just minding their businesses and calling their gay fanfics and doujins with Grell and other guys "yaoi" and watching the fabois seethe because Grell being MTF means it's not yaoi. The thing is, in the guidebook, Toboso calls him an okama but there's a bit where Grell himself talks about himself and says he's a proper lady and should be treated as such, so he's just being in character in that "scene", not sure if I worded it properly this time. It's this guidebook iirc.
No. 115809
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Loved by both e-sluts and coomers
The most worthless nintendo character ever.she has no personality,no character development,there's nothing remotely special about her,she's only eye can anyone like her?
No. 115829
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Watching Demon Slayer and this is probably is more of a nitpick so gonna be saged. But these two kids are so fucking stupid. They see a body get thrown from this creepy building but oh no! The box made scratching noises we must go in to be safe!
No. 115846
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>>115809I think the other anon is right in that she's just a blank slate protagonist like many other early gaming characters, nbd but it was cool to have a nonsexualized woman killing monsters and getting things done for a change. The fact they released this version of her is such a slap in the face, like because she's a woman they have to reassure everyone by saying, "Yeah she's tough but also fuckable, don't worry we prioritize your peen!" No male character has been treated like this, I imagine someone like Master Chief from Halo unmasked and stuck in a sexy catsuit and what a massive fucking joke that would be. Not to mention all the impotent scrote rage it would stir up. They can hardly even bear the fact that pretty boy Final Fantasy heroes exist and now even that has been taken away with the fugly recent trailers.
No. 116064
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ugly, smug, annoying piece of shit. his stans are the worst too. the story should've ended with him fucking off eternally and bella staying with long-haired jake.
No. 116155
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I've always hated this annoying,bland,pink-wearing mary sue and her constantly simping over dorito head ever since I was little
How does she even have any fans?I hate her stupid catchphrase too
Come to think of it was there any young girl characters on phineas and ferb who wore pants other than Vanessa?
No. 116158
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i hate the asari. all of them. ugly, shitty design, terrible lore clearly written to appeal to straight nerdy permavirgins. hate hate hate
No. 116168
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>>116158Yesss, I hate all-female (or the general equivalent of them) species that are solely designed to appeal to scrotes' lesbian fantasies/being the only man in the midst of hot ladiez. The viera from FF are my absolute biggest annoyance, not only are they all supermodel bunny women but they literally just wear lingerie around as everyday apparel. Whatever men designed them didn't even remotely try to disguise the fact that they were creating their ultimate hentai animal girl harem. It's the cringiest shit.
No. 116184
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>>116155a lot of the girls were in their girl scouts thing, so makes sense why they were in skirts. also how could you forget the GOAT?
No. 119049
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I'm thankful for Cheritz at least making him legal AND not look like a 10 year old, but Yoosung is still the worst husbando. As far as I see, his route consists of you mothering him and reminding him that you are not his dead cousin. IDK how all that emotional labour toward a retarded child that can only play vidya and cry is supposed to be a fun romance experience. I like emotional prettyboys but dating Yoosung is legit like MC having a son figure that she will eventually fuck. JUST NO. I'm tempted to get all his bad ending first, because they seem much more interesting than a happy one with this limp noodle.
No. 119103
>>119072>I didn't really like any of the boysNot even Seven? He is like the best part of the game for me
though the deep lore with Rika's sect and his twin is sort of exhausting if you just want to enjoy a simple romance storyAnyway have you played other Cheritz games? I'm curious how the LI compare to those in MysMes, are they more attractive and interesting?
NGL, Jumin annoys me too but maybe his route will redeem him in my eyes. Oh, fuck Jaehee tho! This bitch is so annoying. The combination of a snarky superior that side-eyes you constantly and an obsessed fangirl is unbearable. I don't give a single fuck about her life problems. Just shut up ughh
No. 119188
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Fucking hated that season. Hopefully Warren Ellis gets fired after being outed as a creep that he is…
No. 119259
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>>119049I didn't like him for the same reasons, but I hated his character design as well. I remember when the art book came out and I thought his concept design was cuter, though I guess it was more generic which was why they changed it.
No. 119308
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>>119259Apparently it's a popular opinion that his original design was much better. Frankly, I think so too. But beyond it being generic, he is also too handsome. He cannot be in the same league as Zen if we are supposed to believe that Zen is this MEGA hot actor.
>>119284You can farm tons of hourglasses very easily if you buy the X-mas DLC, you just need to do it at 19:20 or so.
No. 119356
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Nothing about this guy is likeable, he's a walking bishounen stereotype with cardboard for a personality. I hate that his relationship motivations turned out to be because he was looking for a replacement mommy. The Sohma family in general is extremely unlikeable, but this smug bitch that everyone worshiped is the worst for me. I don't even know how I was able to sit through this series as a kid, considering that I hated or were indifferent towards most of the characters.
No. 119479
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I didn't like watching 6teen that much but she made the show so unbearable to watch,she is so useless,annoying and immature
I don't know why the others even accepted her in the group it's just mind boggling the show could have been better without her also I didn't like Jude either
No. 119569
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This motherfucking bitch ass hoe bastard. I fucking hate her, I usually love the love interests more than the bland ass main character of mecha anime, but not only the anime goes to shit, this fucker becomes the most annoying bastard in the whole fucking series and even in the comics and such she’s an asshole because she’s uwu so puur and noice and koind
>but anon! She’s not that bad!
She is that bad, not only she was unable to understand that Slaine loves because even after everything is over, he loves her ass, but she also managed to be so autistic that she didn’t give a fuck about Inahoe nor anyone else.
>just go live in a cottage or something you weirdos, I got shit to pretend I do.
Is what she basically said.
Lemrina was definitely superior and I’m mad she didn’t get more screen time, she deserved being on the spotlight more than asshoe.
No. 119571
Agreed anon
No. 120905
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Every single character in this game just because they are a trifecta of things I hate (bishounens, Black Butler and Disney).
No. 120932
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I don't know what it is but she just annoys me
No. 121083
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I wish Kacchon let her ass drown fr
No. 121088
>>120905I think they're kinda silly but the designs are nice. Not sure about the actual characters though, I haven't played the game.
>>120933So she really just got tired of BB.
>>120932I know everyone loves her but she's annoying to me too. I guess coomers really like that type of tough girl. And the fact that her ass and tits are on focus 90% of the time.
No. 121119
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idk if she was posted here or not
No. 121122
>>112568rumiko is from another time
and japan, which is also another time
I fucking hate it
No. 121130
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I know many love her but I can’t get why. She’s so boring, and characterless. Just another coomer and pick me idol.
No. 122136
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Blatant waifu bait
No. 122141
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>>122136she was cooler when she was commiting murder…but then they just kind of forgot that she murdered subaru at least twice…
also i know that show is waifu, self-inserting scrote shit in general but i can't help but feel upset over how they did my girl crusch dirty in s2 with the
amnesia plot that made no sense
No. 122421
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cute artstyle but why is she so ugly?
No. 122432
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No. 122437
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>>122432Hinatards seething #SakuraSupremacy
No. 122458
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They confirmed it so here he is where he belongs.
No. 122765
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I really do not get why people even play this shit champion. Shes nothing but a ripoff of Sona, just with little tweaks and design changes (see it for yourself). She was only made for marketing purposes so riot could shit her out and make money, they even made a twitter for her which is just fucking weird.
I played this champ just to see whats the hype and, i really fucking cant stand her. Her voice just makes me want to rip my ears off. Also did you know shes a murderer? yeah the little speaker thingies are actually Skarners folk, so she basically killed them so she can perform her music, makes me wanna feel sorry for skarner.
No. 122784
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>>122769I’m learning to accept that I’m not the target audience when it comes to the way the female champion skins look
No. 122785
>>122765This character truly was made for nothing but K-pop hype and skins, they couldnt even come up with abilities before her release, turning her into skillshot Sona. It's just a pure e-thot champion for casuals who play support.
IMO the design is shit in release because of how basic she looks like, when concept arts actually had creativity and charm, yet they still decided to turn it into 'basic bitch anime oc. OH SHES CHINESE BTW! XD'. She is so basic that people think she was based off Belle Delphine and some retard is still trying to sue riot throughout this day that 'they made a character based off MEE!'.
No. 122788
>>122765Recent champs have just been weeb bait with poor kits, just created to sell skins and shoehorn into their comics so lorefags can hype them.
Sett is obviously a JJBA rip-off, Samira is DMC inspired and now Seraphine to really drive home the "we don't care about the game anymore, just buy our shit" knowing whales will pay top dollar and people will play the game anyway kek
No. 122795
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FUCK this annoying smug smartass bitch. Glad playing Artemy gives you many chances to tell him to fuck off. To be fair though I think most of my distaste comes from the utter cringe that the fandom sometimes is. If I wasn’t constantly exposed to people boiling his character down to “uwu smol” and “uwu twink”, and if people stopped thirsting over him and flanderizing him, I would actually seethe less.
No. 122797
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Self sacrificial cunt whose only personality is commiting genocide but later got flanderized for Kishi who became autistically obsessed with him till the point that he would rather make him a dead boyfriend with absolutely no plot relevancy whatsoever than develop any other character from the konoha 11. Stanned by an army of incels and fangirls as uwu the hero of the village and best brother uwu despite the genocide and the torture. I swear this mf is Kishi's husbando
No. 122811
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>>122799Ok anon, I have to admit: I’m really REALLY autistic about this game, so my rage is quite probably blown out of proportion. The fandom has incredibly talented people, don’t get me wrong, the art in particular is beyond stunning. BUT the way Dankovsky is portrayed by fucking everyone - tho I find his actual canon character unbearable too, don’t get me wrong - and the THIRST everyone displays for him makes me wanna kms. Like - this game is so fucking beautiful, but everyone in the whole fandom just gets fixated on his stupid fucking ass because he’s pale, dark haired, pretentious, and sNaRkY. THERE IS A TUMBLR SEXYMEN ENTRY ON HIM, FOR FUCK’S SAKE. It’s 2021, the Onceler treatment should be punished by permanent loss of access to the world wide web. Each time I see a drawing turning him into a skinny twink with tight pants on I lose a year off my lifespan. (I may or may not die very soon.)
Oh yeah and everyone loves their Artemy/Daniil yaois, of course. Plays into the flanderization of Daniil’s character so he fits into the sassy bottom stereotype. Artemy is just turned into a dumb harmless big bear dad who collects children. (I mean, there is an undeniable theme of Artemy confronting Love and becoming his own version of his deceased father - but again, the way it’s flanderized, jfc) The portrayal of changeling - one that is painfully common and grinds my gears to dust - is XD gremlin comic relief:Dddd omg I ship Burakhsky so much they are so gay:33333
There is SO much to this game and it’s incredibly personal to me
due to my heritage among the other things - I’m a Russian living abroad and I relate to many themes of the game and I do acknowledge that my oPiNiOnS are just dumb sperging and gatekeeping, in a way, but holy fuck how much does it hurt to see the game reduced to this by most fanbase.
Thanks so much for giving me an excuse to channel my autism. My chest legit feels lighter now.
Pic unfortunately related.
No. 122813
>>122811thank you for writing all this stuff! I enjoy fandom drama and meta, ngl. I somehow missed the signs of Bachelor being tumblr sweetheart but that's probably cause even the Polish translation of Pathologic was absolutely butchered (you would think they would do better since our languages have common root)… and he didn't look that hot in that game tbh. Mostly because of poor graphics quality.
How popular is Peter? He was my fave in 1 and I am looking forward to seeing him in 2.
I really feel what you mean about flanderization being unbearable, especially when it comes to USAfags shitting up the few fandoms from your country
just look at the WitcherBTW, where can I find the tumblr sexymen entry? I have only found a link to a tv tropes style wiki in a google doc (??? - here but it's missing Dankovsky kek.
BTW I had no idea that this phenomenon was so thorougly described, I kind of love it kek
No. 122815
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>>122813LMAO thank you from prompting me, actually. I’m glad my REEEs entertained you and even proved educational. You have no idea how comforted it makes me feel that I’m not the only one who feels this way. Never thought Witcher and Pathologic could experience solidarity, yet here we are.
Both Stamatin brothers are popular, and not in the bad way… aside from occasional XD ALCOHOLIC HAVING ADDICTION IS SO FUNNY Peter is usually portrayed very well imo, and that’s saying something, since I’m terribly nitpicky. Peter is based, I love his design and character a lot. You’ve got great taste, anon.
I’m strangely overprotective and even possessive of things (media in particular) that come from my country - if I like said things, that is. I understand it may be unreasonable, but I can’t really do anything about it. Again - it’s comforting to know someone out there gets me, so thanks, anon.’s the link, it’s so fucking cursed. The concept is exquisite however, that I must agree with.
No. 122818
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>>122797I thought Sasuke was Kishi's husbando. The way the Uchihas got hyped up in Naruto makes me seethe. Remember when the Hyugas were on their level? Remember when every clan's kekkei genkai was dangerous? The most annoying group of characters.
The only credit I'll give to Itachi is preventing anymore annoying Uchiha characters popping up in Naruto.
No. 122903
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>>109651TBH this is mostly because of Jameela Jamil being the most annoying celebrity dumbass on the planet. Somehow she has managed to be a ridiculous parody of her own character, who was already a shallow narcissistic airhead.
No. 123144
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I'm late af to the show but I fucking loathe this bitch, she deserved all her suffering. I also stan titiba and would 100% love her back but that's for another thread.
No. 123197
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Worst character in the show imo, she was so annoying and only cared about herself. Her storyline is still interesting but I can't stand the character.
No. 124048
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he wants what sangwoo has
No. 124067
>>124048My god, his espressions look like shit and for some reason everyone sucks his dick, despite the fact that he isn't the only lord. And everyone is scared of him for what reason exactly? Because he makes scary faces and fucks a lot? Sangwoo's character and story made sense at least.
And I hate Nakyum too. Literally the helpless, spineless uke who comes to love his rapist trope combed with the kpop looks. Yoon bum was kinda interesting as opposed to Sangwoo because he wasn't a pretty boy, tried to escape and he was a stalker.
No. 124069
>>12406710/10 anon
it's really funny how nakyum is really rocking that kpop idol haircut and face while they're living in a historical era where everyone looks way different and he's the only one who has hair like that too. gotta look like the biggest uwu twink in the whole country who's just TOO irresistible to not rape while also having a complete doormat of a personality. they're both just so awful. seungho really has nothing interesting to offer when you look past his rapist and daddy dom traits
No. 124176
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>>124067>everyone is scared of him for what… Because he makes scary faces and fucks a lot?Kek this is good
No. 124221
>>124218i think it’s because killing stalking and painter of the night are two popular korean webcomics which both have quite sadistic tops . i know ks isn’t supposed to be a bl but painter of the night is and it contains multiple graphic rape scenes. i think it’s a popular comic because the art and colouring is quite beautiful but the main couple is literally atrocious .
rape is kinda a staple of the genre so these comics aren’t exceptional by any means but i’ve noticed a lot of people comparing the two lately
No. 124251
>>123197I don’t think there has been a more hateable bitch then this woman since Walter White’s wife from breaking bad.
Also this was such an amazing show so I’m glad to see it referenced here.
Also Martha sucked too she was boring
No. 124300
>>124280But anon, she didn't completely support her husband in his life of crime that put her entire family in danger! What's not to hate about an evil bitch like that?
Hating Skylar is a massive red flag in men. They resent her for getting in the way of Walt's ambitions and therefore their power fantasies.
No. 124327
>>123197>>124251She was an insanely well written BPD princess and you have terrible taste
>>124280>>124300Skylar was based as all hell. Everyone remembers "I am the one who knocks" but forgets that Skylar saw his hubris for what it was and kept his bullshit in check as long as she could. She had a much more strategic mind than Walt and he (and the scrote audience) resented her for it.
No. 124479
>>124327>BPD PrincessIs she really though?
I can’t really see it. BPD isn’t an umbrella term for any shitty female trait, it’s a specific set of traits.
No. 124540
>>124505Yes! I know nothing about Dark so I haven't even noticed the other anon described Skylar. Lol
So what about Hannah, is she BPD for real or not?
No. 124921
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Any time I see a scrote write a FFVII retrospective/essay/whateverthefuck and immediately talk about Tifa while ignoring Aerith aka one of the three most important characters in the game (along with Cloud and Sephiroth), I know that he is a coomer fapping to submissive asian waifu hentai.
I didn't mind Tifa in the remake, I think they amped her personality in a really lovely way and her friendship with Aerith was adorable. Finally Tifa was fun, flirty and able to stand her ground and I liked her so much! In the original FFVII though she was a desperate doormat for Cloud and I couldn't help but hate her for that. It was uncomfortable as fuck how she kept making passes at a man that clearly didn't give a fuck and that she rejected in the past in the first place I was shocked to see how much nicer Cloud was to her in the remake, but I enjoyed it since it made their relationship much healthier and less cringe. No wonder they had to remove a lot of scenes in the original story, like pic related.
It would be one thing if Tifa had any other side to her personality, but the whole game she was a depressed/jealous pick me. Embarassing and unsufferable. Funny how many people confuse her being a martial artist for being a stron woman when she spends the whole game crying and begging Cloud to fuck her.
No. 124959
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fucking hate this asshole and how he treated kotoko throughout the entire anime. Always mocking her and treating like shit to the point she almost left him but didn't because muh love. He only realized that he was an asshole 10 years later at the end of the show when she gave birth. I also hate how the girl kept excusing his shit behavior by being like "oh i guess i am stupid hahaha" its so annoying and sad and i hate how this anime portrays such a relationship in a light manner even though any woman with an ounce of respect would've already suffocated this guy with a pillow.
Fuck i wish she married the nurse guy instead
No. 124973
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I hate his storyline and how he's an all around dick to everyone cept Citra because he wanna fuck her. Vaas even states that he's just a white boy with jungle fever. But the plot plays it up like this silver spoon fuck just falls into playing mercenary, but killed off his military trained brother in the first 15 minutes. He even beats the shit out of his brother to stay undercover when he's suppose to be saving him and they attempt him 'waking' up from the bloodlust. Like no you still beat the shit out of your younger brother with little to no consequence. Doesn't help the entire metaphor of him turning into what Vaas was is lost entirely on the fujoshis who run rampant in the fandom. I can't discuss anything without at least a dozen claiming he and Vaas are just two bottoms battling it out.
No. 124977
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>>124921Fucking thank you. I'll hold the og FFVII forever in my heart and I can't make myself hate any of the characters, but… I strongly dislike Tifa exactly for all the reasons you mentioned. Couldn't even warm up to her in the remake.
No. 125089
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She was so mean to Drake and for what? He was so sweet and caring, i wish I had a dad like that. Ungrateful brat.
No. 125092
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His voice and attitude are absolutely insufferable. Also his design is an eyesore.
No. 125095
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Words can describe how much of a trashbag he is, i hate him so much. He's not even an asshole because his disability stresses him he was a cunt even before that so nope, he's so pretentious and genuinely mean. I felt really bad for the protagonist, specially knowing what happened to her, he was preying on a mentally stunted girl, gross. He totally deserved what happened to him, son of a bitch.
No. 125097
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>>125095>>125096Boo! Get off the stage!
No. 125108
>>125095>>125096This movie tried to be handmaiden propaganda but is actually hoe pill kek
>I totally love your …personality and how ~cultured~ u r babe>doesn't even have to fuck himShe got her bag so get rekt.
>>125106Manipulative and
abusive scrotes deserve that. At least now he can't rape you or beat you.
>>125097>>>facebook No. 125123
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I don’t hate any Hannibal character, but the fandom has really killed it for me. The amount of smooth brain shit just kills my experience. At this point the fandom shit should just be considered oc.
No. 125145
>>125144>Cute movieWell that's on you anon, at least someone enjoyed…whatever that movie was.
Oh God I just remembered he also mocked epilepsies goddamn i got such a second-hand embarrassment from that wtf i was watching that shit with my family and everyone just went quite,
No. 125149
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I was actually interested in this project but something about her and the way she's marketed seems so…wrong, it's not even the fact she's somewhat in the uncanny valley but the way she "mimicks" and tries so hard to relate to teens nowadays, it's just strange.
No. 125161
>>125095OP here, but now that I think about it…He was obviously mentally unstable,
toxic and was just in a very bad mental state, nobody is criticizing his suffering but the fact he projected it onto someone who's innocent, if he was a responsible person he should have at least tried to not to engage if he knew he was prone to this behavior…that wasn't fair at all, she didn't deserve it. He needed a fucking psychiatrist not a girlfriend, the movie tried to act like it's the same thing but it was obvious she couldn't help him.
No. 125211
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I'm rewatching Code Lyoko after 10+ years. I hate this dude so much. I didn't remember him being this annoying. His crush on Aelita feels gross, he's so possessive and smug. On top of that he's a complete douche to other Lyoko kids sometimes and I can't believe he even considered not bringing Yumi back over Aelita and got mad at Ulrich for helping Yumi so she wouldn't have to move on the other side of the globe.
On top of that his english voice is so dumb. It's like his voice actress tried to badly imitate Goofy.
And it's annoying I can't even say this in some places because people think I ship Odd and Aelita and that I'm just butthurt for my ship. I don't ship those two, I just think he's an annoying douchebag.
Even Sissi is more tolerable.
No. 125489
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>>122705She said that Yashahime is canon tho. So yeah.
>>122459fuck, he was my 2d husbando as a kid and still is, I'm just going to act like this shit has never happened.
>>122463I don't know WHO had the idea of making "adult and just gave birth" Rin look EXACTLY like she did when she was little. WHY.Funny how they are making Sesshomaru look "younger" so it won't look as bad.
pic related, sorry for the quality but that's all I could find on google and I don't feel like going into IG to see this shit again
No. 125691
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>>125123Yikes, didn't realise reapersun started drawing this kind of shit. Disappointing as hell.
For me, I despise Ginny Weasley. Mary Sue character who wasn't relevant since the 2nd book, and then suddenly became so talented at magic and incredibly pretty to the point where Slytherins fancied her. Her being paired with Harry feels so contrived, and the "monster in Harry's chest" bullshit made me cringe when I read HBP for the first time.
The depiction of her and Harry's relationship in the films doesn't help either. The shoelace scene is probably the worst offender.
No. 125699
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Manchild of a father who refuses to take responsibility for anything and runs to his mother (or has his wife do it) whenever he slips up because he can't contain himself. Not done with the series yet, but I hope he offs himself the same way Youngjae-mom and Hyena did. I also can't believe how people started to say "It's tearing at my heart how he cares for Hyena and the fact that he, as a 50 year old doctor, is just as lost as teens are because of his mothers expectations of him 🥺🥺🥺".
First of all, motherfucker only started to care about Hyena when he found out that she's his daughter, before that he didn't even bother showing up at her funeral. This just goes to show that he isn't mourning her, he's mourning his last reminder of her mother, his first (only?) love. Then there's the muh expectationss :(( part. Sure, it's shitty he felt like he had to become a doctor to appease his mother and still only does so at almost 50, but he recognizes this is bad, no? At some point you have to take responsibility for yourself, you can't expect people to coddle you all your life. You've been an adult longer than you've been a child, you're a father, you're a doctor, goddamn, learn to look out for yourself. And then he has the audacity to bitch at Seojin because she didn't tell him Hyena was his daughter. Brother, you impregnated Hyena-mom, you left her alone, you didn't bother to confirm anything. You don't bother raising your own children either, but still live vicariously through them when your stupid dick-measurement contest with Wuju-dad shows you your weiner is the smaller one and throw a temper tantrum at your wife whenever something doesn't go your way even though everyone already is high up your ass, kys.
Winter Sonata Kang Junsang >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sky Castle Kang Junsang
No. 125753
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I hated this show and everyone in it, but it really does take some talent to write a protagonist completely devoid of likable traits and endearing attributes, who comes off as less sympathetic than literally everyone else in the entire show. It’s like the narrative had to work overtime to convince you he was supposed to be important and loved, the ultimate tell, not show. No wonder people cared so much more about the (frankly overrated) cops and the pedophilish older brother character.
Honestly, I’d have rather watched the inane adventures of Sara and Keppi over this flaming douche canoe and the drama surrounding him. Sarazanmai was the biggest disappointment ikuhara ever made.
No. 125758
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>>125123I don’t know why (maybe because I found her whiny or just boring) but I couldn’t stand Alanna and I hate Bryan Fuller even more for
killing off my girl BeverlyKatz x Graham superiority.
No. 126462
>>126185Lol, I was literally just watching this last night thinking "who the fuck just bends down and ties someone else's shoelace?" and wondering if that was really something that people have ever done, and in a romantic way
Harry Potter and Ginny are a shitty pairing but Hermione and Ron are even worse, and it makes it doubly worse that Hermione was the unrequited pursuer. Didn't JK even say that she kind of regretted pairing them?
No. 126501
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>>126462>Lol, I was literally just watching this last night thinking "who the fuck just bends down and ties someone else's shoelace?" and wondering if that was really something that people have ever done, and in a romantic wayliterally gimpgirl, it's peak romance according to her. I'm legit dead.
Whoever came up with that scene must have read the same mommy dom book as gimp girl lmfao
No. 126730
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I never hated a character more than this child. In all my years alive of consuming media noone came even close to the burning hatred I feel for Chris.
This mary sue character even pissed me off as a child myself and it was a pain with him to watch through the series. He contributed nothing and was whiny as hell.
I was looking forward to Sonic X and this kid ruined it for me.
No. 126800
>>125691I feel like one of the few people who are okay with her (though harry x Luna would have been so much better)
If they had kept her in focus and developed her character (and the budding romance?), it would have been interesting to see how she went from a shy and awkward girl to a confident and popular one. It just came out of nowhere
Don’t know why Rowling shit on Cho either toward the end, she was a sweet and reasonable character, dealing with some clearly unaddressed trauma. Annoying but no worse than other characters.
Hated Draco and hated the nonsense wish fulfillment fandom version of him too. He was a cowardly bullying little asshole from the beginning to the end.
No. 126806
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Literally all of them
No. 126810
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No. 126813
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>>126810The OG fucking ugly baby.
Also pic related
No. 126843
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>>126841Yess this so much
I can't compare Grogu with that dinosaur baby either cause Grogu doesn't speak and it's not annoying in general, the problem is the crazy "baby yoda moms" that it has spawned
I feel kinda bad for these women but it's kinda grating
No. 126850
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I don't even dislike tsunderes that much I just hated how this bitch would do whatever she wanted and all the bad things she did were just written off as "kawaii
No. 126904
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>>126850>do whatever she wanted and all the bad things she did were just written off as "kawaii"That's like 90% of tsunderes tbh
No. 128062
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Let me tell you about the horrid bitch that is Isabella Thorpe. The queen of the gold digging pick mes. She's your friend, to your face. Says men are nothing to her but constantly talks about what they want and like. Are tou into something? Oh, she's been into it for ages, how cute you're just now being clued into such things.
No. 129218
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Cringy and annoying waifubait
No. 129219
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I don't necessarily dislike Stephanie as a character– she's a generic Sassy Girl but I don't mind her. My issue is that I fucking hate her current superhero identity. "Spoiler" is a retarded name for a superhero and her costume makes her look like a character from a cheap Mortal Kombat ripoff. Just have her be Batgirl, ffs.
She's also one of those character everyone else pressures you into liking. They assume if you dislike her you must be a misogynistic fujoshi.
No. 129513
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>>129218I hate gross “just like me except a cute underage anime girl and not a sweaty otaku / shut in loser” characters. Gross. Die.
No. 129518
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No. 129520
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>>129513I hate her mom’s design.
>uwu j-just short mom No. 129524
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>>129520apparently the father is literally a pedophile. Seen the anime years ago so I forgot about that
No. 129526
>>129520bruh disgusting lmfao
ban males 2021
No. 129527
>>129524Lucky Star was just some “uwu lolicon is kawaii pedophiwia is cute when it comes from anime girls mouth uwuwuwu” shit
Otaku get the guillotine
No. 129550
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>>129520>>129524>>129527Middle school me loved Lucky Star because Konata was so relatable, into otaku male-orientated hobbies. But looking back on it…her dad was very cringe and gross. I loved Kagami though
and shipped the two together. I think Kyoani in general gets more tolerance from me even though it's moe otakubait trash just because their shows are written by women.
No. 129906
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This insufferable, boring, completely useless character. This whole series is full of gross fetish bait but I actually think some of the other girls are really interesting on their own accord like Hanekawa and Senjougahara and it's a shame they are saddled with a perverted loli and incest ridden series and protag. But anyways this character made me want to kms she was just there for fetish fuel exclusively. Like a whiny irritating knockoff Hanekawa. All of the scrotes saying "actually she acted just like a normal young girl in love" drove me extra nuts.
No. 129932
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I hated so many characters in Tokyo Ghoul re: when the author decided to add a trillion characters that nobody gave a damn about. But from the beginning of the manga I especially hated this overpowered psychopath. Not into super flawless and aloof characters in general, they get boring. For some reason everyone had a boner for him- including the martyr protaganist despite being tortured and mindfucked by him for years. I found the final reveal of "he did all the abuse so Kaneki would be strong enough for what would come" really lame and not particularly justified by the plot. And we didn't even get the satisfaction of him getting wrecked. He got to opt out by suicide. I really really hope that glaucoma hurt like hell, bitch.
No. 129961
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>>129942If we aren't talking about hetero scrote shippers, then yes. Not to paint them all with the same brush but it's because the
abusive ships are super popular. Like the more
abusive the better. They will see a man brutally torture a guy psychologically and physically until he has a complete mental break and loses all of his memories and sense of self and be like "is this true love?" (Damn it really does get me still that Arima got such a cop out ending after all the heinous shit he did. And the author expected us to be okay with it because Kaneki forgave him and loved him uwu.)
No. 130011
>>129937>>129939>>129942Fwiw I'm a fujo and I never liked Tokyo Ghoul. Tried to get into it, but I just didn't like any of the characters.
>>129961Not a problem exclusive to fujos. There are just a lot of weird straight women who fixate on the idea of rape/stalking/abuse fantasies (hence the popularity of shit like Fifty Shades.)
No. 130014
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>>129961>>129989Plenty of het ships have
abusive aspects anons.
No. 130016
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>>130014samefag but I have to add this. Also the entirety of Diabolik Lovers.
No. 130017
>>129906As if scrotes would ever know what a normal young girl in love would act like.
Monogatari was too gross and up its own ass for me. Like, do you have to be both pretentious as fuck with all the pedoshit and fanservice? It's just another gary stu haremshit with decent animation that wants to be ~intelligent~ so bad.
No. 130018
>>129550>Konata was so relatableNo offense
nonny, but the word you're looking for is aspirational. There isn't a person alive who manages to be both a hardcore otaku, beautiful, a good athlete, and popular all in one go. Especially not with an open pedophile for a father. The 'lovable loser' trope isn't reality. It's a product of wishful thinking. People who loved Konata wanted to be like her. They weren't her.
No. 130022
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Fuck this guy and the entire fucking movie, I am honestly more scared than horror movies usually manage to make me, I hate this hat-wearing fucker!
No. 130025
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>>130024Canonically, Konata is a fast runner and good at volleyball without practicing or exerting much effort.
No. 130029
>>130025I see. I don't think that anyone related to her (or saw her as goals) because she was a cool loser. Those unrealistic parts were sort of minor in comparison to the ~representation~ she provided.
At the same time NGL, I don't wanna revisit Lucky Star ever.
No. 130048
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>>130011In regards to Tokyo Ghoul I don't blame you. The anime sucks and whatever good points the manga may have had totally evaporated for me. In my opinion the sequel sucked hard aside from the art. It had loads of completely loathsome characters since we are itt. Hated this tumblr favourite uwu smol bean psycho character and all the trans sperging she introduced.
Don't want to dump on fujos. There are great bl authors. The only thing the bothers me is when some of them straight up try to justify really nasty abuse, especially in the context of the original work, not even a porn doujin or anything.
No. 130076
>>130066God, I hated the genderspecial discourse. It was so obvious that her issues were related to sexual trauma and abuse. It was so irritating to see all the sperging about how she was a real boy and meltdowns over misgendering. Well, I respect your opinion anon. She's not in my tier of "if you like them we can't be friends", lol. I think the she did nothing wrong stuff soured me on her a lot, because she obviously did. Like that stuff with almost getting Yoriko executed near the end was awful. I was also pretty irritated by the yandere "I love you and hate you Kanekiiii" stuff. Just irked me.
Lol yeah pretty bad choice for uwu sweetie trans rep.
No. 130088
>>130063You said only one group does something, and I pointed out that more than one group does it. That's not whataboutism, it's literally the sensible response to your retarded statement.
People have rape fetishes because they're degenerates who need therapy. Some of them are fujoshis, some are scrotes, and some are just regular old pickmes. I'm not personally accountable for their retardation just because I like pictures of boys kissing.
Are you the hockey autist from the shipping threads?
No. 130151
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This heinous bitch. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she's a bad character. She did her job as an excellent villian. I just hated her guts after it was revealed how immensely cruel she was to characters I was soft for. Setting up Aki (nooo!), and Power, as family for Denji just to yank them away to destroy him mentally was so brutal. Those panels of her laughing her ass off while he sits there in shock still spattered with Power's blood (the day before his birthday no less) were just so cruel. Kind of annoyed Denji still felt love for her despite everything. Even if he forgave her for what she did to him at least feel some rage for your friends, man. At least she got chainsawed and eaten in a multi course meal.
No. 130159
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hate this fag, have always hated him
got worse tho when ppl suddenly expected you to call him a woman
No. 130162
>>130154I'm just really really sad about Aki. That was high grade traumatic and frankly sadistic. Well the author openly stated he was into
abusive women as a fetish so.. uh oh. I just don't want a high school arc.
No. 130163
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heres a deepcut for you guys
amazing that they made him a totally different character in the comics and hes still insufferable like just fuck your dad and get over it jesus
No. 130165
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This bitch. She was made to be selfish as fuck and then to get somehow redeemed for some reason without even changing the slightest. I just wanted to know more about the triangle bitch demon, but no! We need some quirks around here! What will Mabel do today in Mabel’s show? They should’ve made the show either focused on Mabel or focused on whatever weird things were happening in gravity falls, they did a bad job mixing both.
No. 130168
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>>130159Im ashamed to admit that I really used to like him when I was younger, Sebastian X Grell was my first mxm ship and as someone who used to love Grell it hurts much more for me to see woketards try to claim that he's a brave and stunning twanswoman
No. 130182
>>130181These arent even MTF troons, these are girls and in some cases adult women
Somehow makes it worse IMO
No. 130216
>>130181More precisely, Madame Red kills her patients who come in for abortions because she lost the ability to get pregnant and her husband died in an accident, and Grell is also jealous that women who get pregnant get abortions because HE can't either since he's a guy. It's said that shinigamis are former humans who get punished for committing suicide so it's 99.999% likely he committed suicide because he couldn't troon out in Victorian England for obvious reasons.
He has all the same dangerous flaws that actual real life troons that these fakebois say are not real, and use these flaws to say he's a tranny. Their lack of self-awareness is amazing, you'd think they'd find a literal gay sexist serial killer would be offensive representation. I don't dislike him at all but I can't stand his more recent fangirls
No. 130218
>>130216>It's said that shinigamis are former humans who get punished for committing suicide That was a retcon added in like 9 Years into the series run
>so it's 99.999% likely he committed suicide because he couldn't troon out in Victorian England for obvious reasons. This is a woke fan interpretation
Grell was never that deep of a character, he's an edgy gay guy who likes violence and his reasons for helping madame red with her murders was cause he was bored and he liked seeing her killer energy, that's it, the new generation of woketards are ruining him
No. 130226
>>130218Nta but we don't know if it's retconned or not unless Tana says it is. The jealousy part of his character was there from the start and the theory anon mentioned is very likely seeing how things are in the manga. Many of the characters in Kuroshitsuji start out as flat clichés and then get deeper as the story progresses or their arc comes up.
Why are you even calling it a woke interpretation when it's nothing of the short and basically canon?
No. 130231
>>130215No, it was a misinterpretation of the word 'okama' which has no real 1-to-1 equivalent in English. It's a very loaded word (akin to drag queen, crossdresser, faggot) but most importantly it
does not refer to transexuals/transgender people which Japanese has another word/other slang for.
No. 130241
>>130218From the latest arc, it's easy to guess the mangaka planned everything well in advance, even if she feels the need to explain one thing with 9820295025 flashbacks. Honestly given the hints about Undertaker I'm guessing it's been a while since she had that backstory for all the shinigami. She planned enough shit that the first season of the anime used her ideas before she could reveal some of the characters' backstories because she told them what she planned.
>Grell was never that deep of a characterLike the vast majority of the cast.
No. 130330
>>130250this is probably somewhat realistic, but there do exist people (including teenage girls) that are a 100% well-adjusted normie except they have nerdy hobbies. Because they are very outgoing, have great social skills and know how to connect with others their weird nerd shit is considered endearing or just a fun quirk. This goes double for hot girls, but I had a middle school friend who was an extraverted nerd and loved by everyone despite not looking like a Stacy. And that was like 15 years ago, when liking anime or comic books immediately made you a bullying target.
Of course IDK how it is in Japan (or how it when Lucky Star was being aired), but I don't think it's completely impossible for Konata to have a group of friends despite being a weeb. The fact that she is supposedly athletic… yeah, that's not possible. But I don't think irl she would have to be the bullied outsider… That would be Kuroki Tomoko, who was portrayed brilliantly lmfao.
No. 130798
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This bitch. I haven’t seen the show and tbh it’s probably the fact that so many comers cream over her that makes me hate her
Her whole design is just so… ugly. The weird fang tooth thing, the bowl cut and her massive norgs. Alone these things are fine it just looks so weird
No. 130801
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>>130798her eyes are atrocious jfc
No. 130804
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Mihito from Jujutsu Kaisen. I never liked the psychopathic man child trope. Or in this case maybe psychopathic child in man's body. Even his teehee cutesy voice gets on my nerves. So many fans find him hot and I just find him aggravating. I also think he has unwarranted plot armour.The series big bad gives him two warnings and says there won't be a second time. On the second time he severely injures him (satisfying) and says he doesn't care who he kills but he inexplicably lives anyways. Annoying. Anyways can't wait until this dickhead finally gets crushed.
No. 130858
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>>130804Samefagging but I can think of only one example of this trope that didn't make me want to pull my hair out: Todd Alquist from Breaking Bad. Probably because he didn't have any of the over the top "teehee I'm such a sadist but in a cute way" antics. It felt natural. Like a pleasant child with parts of his soul missing. One of the scariest people in the show. All the BB villains were golden actually, even if they were loathsome.
No. 130951
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>>130942I find those characters interesting too but they are very different than the psychopathic man child/ psychopathic woman child trope.The trope we are talking about has childish characteristics mixed with their psychopathy and/or sadism. Often they act extremely maliciously in a joyful and cheerful way. Like a child breaking toys but the toys are people. I think Todd Alquist is the exception to me getting annoyed because it's as if he doesn't comprehend what he's doing is wrong, like a small child with underdeveloped morality, and doesn't take any pleasure in it. Yes the women are usually super horny for killing or psychopathic woman children. Maybe you'd like Quanxi from Chainsaw Man. Practical, straight shooter, just seems to be into her job.
No. 130957
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>>130955It definitely is because generally emotions and personality traits are exaggerated in manga and anime but it exists in western media. Villanelle/Oxana in Killing Eve is basically a female version.
No. 130967
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>>130955Another western example very suited to this thread. Ramsay Bolton from ASOIAF book series and GOT television series. Absolutely detestable, even worse in the books. Almost never drops the juvenile attitude of playing a fun game when raping women, torturing people, or killing children. The actor really played this up in the show, he rarely drops the grin. I can only hope his death in the books is vicious.
No. 130981
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>>130979I get why some people hate her or have a love/hate relationship. But you're right, it's because she has multitudes. When they do this trope in anime the character is stuck in one mode 100% of the time and it gets annoying really fast. But I feel like people forgot that Villanelle is a stone cold bitch who will kill kids without hesitation, lol. She gets woobified. She is the perfect psychopathic woman child.
No. 131189
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Speaking of Jujutsu Kaisen again. I can't believe Naoya Zen'in has stans because people think his design is hot. He's only been in like 3 or 4 chapters and everything about him is repulsive and shitty. Probably the worst character introduction ever. Right off of the bat just a gigantic asshole. If you can say anything for the major villains at least they don't seem to hold any special animus for women. Like ancient evil villains are more progressive about women, lmao. Hope he gets beat to death by his sisters. Although there seemed to be some translation choices in the anime that changed statements to imply the main villain is a rapist instead of a brutal murderer(not that that's a kindness or something)
No. 131213
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The hate I harbour for this gary stu motherfucker is beyond words. His whole personality is computers and anime and yet I'm supposed to believe every woman in the franchise wants to fuck him? He's so self absorbed with his 'woe is me, every woman I come into contact with dies' Making everything about himself, in true entitled nerd scrote fashion. Kojima didn't even try to be subtle with this self-insert affront to god of a character. Huey gets a lot of well-deserved hate, but I think Octagon is a way worse offender. Also, no hate for Christopher Randolph, but his voice is so grating too.
>>131157Big agree to everything you said. The thing that pisses me off the most about Lizzy is her acting like a ditzy retard just to appeal to Ciel. It's probably not unusual for the time period but her lack of self respect bothers me kek
No. 131217
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>>131213I know he sucks but I really loved him in MGS4, they made him cute and I loved him and snakes relationship and also loved shipping them
No. 131218
>>131213>Gary StuHe's a big mental fuck up that was statutory raped by his stepmother and fell in stockholm syndrome with Sniper Wolf. I guess there is a self-insert part of him being an self-proclaimed otaku, geek, whatever… but I think it's mostly Kojima poking fun at this type of person (and himself). He starts out pathetic and out of his depth in MGS and gets kinda better, but I still cannot see him as Gary Stu. He is likable (to me, and mostly past MGS) despite his flaws.
If I have anything against him… I wish Kojima didn't reenact Kana Little Sister with him and E.E. But it's mostly on Emma, ngl.
How many women did he fuck, anyway? I think it was only Naomi, and at the time he got handsome and AFAIR she didn't love him or anything (maybe I misremember). Pretty pathetic for a Gary Stu.
TLDR your opinion is
valid, here's mine. lol
>>131217also this. Wish he didn't fuck Naomi, though then we wouldn't see Snake jealous/pissed at him for that lmfao.
No. 131219
>>131218forgot that I guess you can count in his stepmother and Emma (as in "wanted to fuck him", not that she actually did), but both advances were unwanted and fucked up Otacon.
Beyond Naomi, no hot and reasonable woman wanted to fuck him (and she was kinda scheming, so idk).
No. 131228
>>131225Oh, I don't even care about the franchise being discussed because I think Kojima is overrated and has the worst justifications for things when he gets criticism. I just like drama. Watch out for shippers, they will go for the throat. I'm not going to pretend I'm above getting
triggered over people trash talking my faves though.
No. 131230
>>131225Literally where do you see fujos going mad? Is that lolcow's newest boogeyman after radfems and driverfags?
Neither I was mad when arguing about Otacon not being Gary Stu nor the shipping anon came as such.
I thought it's fine to disagree and discuss even if there is no consensus reached?
No. 131268
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>>131266Aw, I'm sorry anon. Comer is hot as hell and charming and Villanelle is loved by a lot of people but she really is the worst. Just imagine being on the receiving end. No fun. Great character but monstrous.
No. 131275
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everything about her, from her annoying personality to her god awful ugly design. everyone else in this series has a great design so what the fuck happened here??
No. 131315
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Bland and basic and useless
She has fans because she's a blonde and wears pretty dresses,that's literally it.
No. 131336
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>>131328Lol idk. The mangaka obviously wanted all of the characters to stand out with their colour combos and/or patterns but hers is a swing and a miss. Reminds me of gummy worms or something. Her ultra cutesy personality and bursting at the seams cleavage are clearly for the worst kind of male fan though. I actually find the main villain's design to be more distracting tbh. I know the Michael Jackson thing became a huge meme but where is the lie?
No. 131548
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>>129906I thought we were supposed to hate her? She's the epitome of every cute girl whose sole purpose is to attract the main lead, but since she fails she tries to reinvent herself in a very extreme way. It's a meta-critique about cute girls in anime.
I actually like Monogatari (esp. Bakemonogatari and Monogatari: Second Season) but the later seasons are just bad and boring. Bakemonogatari had this awareness about all the dumb shit that happens in anime but added its' quirky spin on those trope. I don't know, I felt that it was one of the few times that I felt like the fan service didn't distract me from the show. Then the director left and was switched with one who does hentai, then that self-awareness was replaced with boring stories, less quality art, and two of the worst characters on this show (picrel).
They're the same as Nadeko but serve zero purpose in the plot except being coomer, sis-con bait.
No. 131552
>>131548Perhaps, but that's counting on the audience having a brain. Obviously a lot of the coomer scrote fanbase doesn't because I continually see Nadeko referred to as the best girl. Writhing around and panting in school swimsuits and such for extended sequences was hardly necessary.
Yes, Monogatari falls into the trap of perpetuating the things it claims to be satirizing or critiquing. I enjoy some of the characters and art so it's a shame. The incest, loli (it's okay she's actually a 400 year old vampire or 20 something year old ghost!), and characters like Nadeko are a huge drag.
No. 131562
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Yozora Mikazuki. She is a pathetic, disgusting bully. I literally had to skip a lot of the scenes since she is such a woman hating asshole. A true, abusive pick me for the very boring male protagonist. I dropped the anime since the other characters were all tropes and almost as insufferable and bystanders who encouraged, excused or ignored the bullying. I hate her so much that I laughed out loud when her hair burned off. Serves that bitch right. I'm so glad that she didn't "get picked" by the uwu male protag in the end. I really want to see her suffer the same bullying she did to others since she never faces real lasting consequences for her dumb behaviour.
No. 131656
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I loved Zankoku na Kami ga Shihai Suru but I found Marjorie so grating, granted it's not her fault (does she have autism or something?) but I didn't get what she added to the story, most of her scenes consist of her uwuing over Jeremy, being a load and not much else. Poor Nadia got shafted hard when the narrative focused more on her sister.
No. 131795
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Salubra from Hollow Knight because of her voice from the game (which can be found on YT btw) as well as pic related are the reasons why I hate her. It’s also impossible to get her blessing to shut the
fuck up every time you sit on a bench after you obtained it but at least it gives you free soul lol
No. 131894
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I hate Kiyomi SO MUCH. At least Misa had the excuse of being stupid, Kiyomi is meant to be intelligent but still acts like a brain dead twat where Light is concerned
No. 132027
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This stupid piece of shit is a fucking loser, a stalker and a gaslighter. Nobody gives a shit if your mom emotionally abused you when as a result you become a fucking war criminal. There is no difference between Namaari and real life rich kids who run over a baby while drunk driving and are like “I didn’t mean to!!!” and mommy and daddy fix their problems for them. Someone should have broken her mom’s stone statue so she couldn’t be revived at the end. And Namaari had the gal to tell Raya they were equally responsible for Sisu’s death, when Namaari was the one who pointed the fucking crossbow at their god in the first place. And Disney had the fucking mind to make the overarching story for this character “she just needed somebody to trust and believe in her so she would stop being vile” what the fuck Disney it’s literally her fault the world went to ruin in the whole fucking movie. She had 3 different opportunities for redemption until the final act of the movie. She never apologized for anything, and at the final moment where she “redeems” herself it’s only because all the other characters who rightfully hate her give up and let her have another chance as a LAST FUCKING RESORT. This is so retarded. She’s from a family of war criminals who only wanted to save their own people while basically destroying the entire world, and only at the end do they marginally suffer the result of their actions. But then she fucking kills their god. But she’s the one who needed people to believe in her? With no substantial reparations for those who suffered from any of her actions? Besides her completing the task the other main characters set out to do, despite her attempting to stop them from undoing what she did almost the entire fucking movie. What the fuck. fuck namaari and fuck disney. I hope there is a sequel where this character dies.
No. 132967
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The main character in this short story was an insufferable cunt
>Has smug, negative opinions of anyone that isn’t a black woman
>”Americans are so materialistic! Back in Nigeria, our gifts mean something! she says while ignoring her Nigerian relatives who keep asking her to get the most capitalistic American shit
>Eventually pity fucks some creepy dude.
>Meets creepy dude said parents. She likes them despite them being white. Boyfriend says they’re not actually all that great. She automatically assumes he’s lying because SHE likes them.
I get this story was supposed to be about the isolation some immigrants feel when coming to the U.S, but the message falls flat because the protagonist is such an narcissistic, holier than thou twat.
No. 132996
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Manic Pixie Autistic Dream Girl
No. 133224
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This absolute retard.
No. 134146
>>134086Heh sorry. I’m a English Lit major who had to read it for a class over a year ago. I’ve mostly forgotten about it until a show I watched recently made a reference to it and it it all came back to me. I would’ve posted this in the “Fiction you hate” thread but I was too lazy to necro.
I’ll return to Vidya character sperging soon enough.
No. 134160
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I hate Chekov! He’s so dumb and annoying and I hate his ugly hair. Ironically though he’s one of the few things I like about the reboot though. RIP Anton Yelchin
No. 134275
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>>134160I agree anon. One of the few times I can think of that the reboot version of something was better. Just watched Thoroughbreds again, made me really sad.
No. 134862
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Angela Baker
Homicidal, psychotic tranny (mtf) who kills teens in often gruesome ways only because they "deserved it" it's infuriating how she gets away with killing them and how no one couldn't stop her,I like the first one but the sequels are god awful they shouldn't have been made unless of course someone would have killed finally Angela but no she gets away with killing more people just because they were doing drugs or being total perverts or doing something they weren't supposed to the second sequel he went to get gender reassignment surgery and took all kinds of medications,and still Angela kills which makes no goddamn sense to me I mean I shouldn't take it seriously but who even likes the sequels or Angela?just watch the first movie instead.
No. 135306
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>>113622Lol same, so autistic. Plus I wasn't nervous for him encountering Johan like I was with all the other characters. He was great the last few episodes. That gun under the chair move was baller. Now Roberto, I really hated that bitch. It was mentally scarring to find out he used to be the little boy who loved cocoa and wouldn't even kill insects though.
No. 135602
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I fucking despise this piece of shit it’s unreal. I’ tried to force myself to like her but I just can’t. I want to see her face smeared across the sidewalk. There is nothing cute about this monster. Every single thing about her is terrible. Her fans are horrible as well. Fuck Isabele
No. 135827
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>>135610I played both and I agree with anon, Isabelle is fucking annoying should be put down.
>>135602>Her fans are horrible as wellSeriously their need to gush over and infantilize nintendo dog is insane. She’s not even one of the cuter villagers. I used to internally death note the fuck out of this villager back when New Leaf came out because I couldn’t get him to leave my town for fucking forever and he had the worst personality and style of all my villagers and randomly moved in on top of my pink rose garden! FUCK.
No. 135999
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Fuck this fugly half-baked piece of shit. What a sad excuse for a contender to anyone’s legacy. An absolute joke and could never be a hero, or a protagonist. Subplot deserving fourth tier antagonist at best, he couldn’t have been written any worse. He should have been potato chip’d the very chapter he was introduced. The only “near” that should be acceptable in anyone’s book as far as DN is concerned is near death on arrival.
No. 136053
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This bitch. She gives condescending and fake vibes seems like the typa birch that would be gentle to you then absolutely destroy as soon as you turn your back. I sincerely just hoped she would get bonked in the head and obliterated everytime her putrid bug eyed annoying fake face was in the screen
No. 136085
>>136081Totally fair. The fact that you actually understand her character is making me laugh at your diss even more now. I can see how the soft voice and smiley thing paired with the "don't worry I'm just going to kill you really quick" could be annoying as hell. Also that "nobody likes you stuff" was rude and uncalled for. I personally get insanely
triggered by smug sadistic and unaffected characters. Even worse if they are overpowered. So I think I know what you mean.
No. 136438
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This scumbag. It actually sucks that he was written as a very nice, wholesome and kind character that added flavour to the sitcom, just for the writers (and actor included) end fucking him up.
Big spoilers for Modern Family if anyone's watching it.
They decided to throw him as Haley's love interest even though he already has (a shitty, but Still) girlfriend, just for him to end up going back and fourth with his feelings, because Haley kept wanting them to be together, so in the end when he willingly proposed to his gf, he ended up cheating on her later and cancelling the wedding. Like, what the fuck is this shit? They wanted him to be Haley's endgame for whatever reason but the actor told that he doesn't want to be in the show for too long. So retarded, they should not have turned him into a cheater and just let him be as a "pure goofball" background character he was before this useless arc.
I do not understand how everyone in community loved him after everything either, even loved him being together with her, when both of them turned out to be horrible cheaters.
No. 136441
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I never liked her just because of the infamous potato scene, I thought it was cringy and obnoxious but for some reason everybody thought it was funny as shit and began worshipping her.
No. 136522
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I like strong characters, but she's sometimes too rude and aggressive for no reason, very annoying. Her fans starting shit and calling you "homophobic" for even disliking her isn't helping, blocking clawdeen pfps unironically helped me avoiding some bullets.
I cannot help but associate her with stupid, lgbt related drama and call outs, what a pity.
No. 136523
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>>136522Also her, i know I'm going to get shit for this but she's literally a plot device and is so frustrating, conflicts get automatically resolved just because she happened to be there and it's just so lazy.
No. 136526
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I don't understand the appeal and never will, he has next to no charisma and is a 6/10 at best, literally just some dude.
No. 136527
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No. 136532
>>136523>Also her, i know I'm going to get shit for this Brave of you to assume anyone cares about MH characters on lolcow.
Anyway all I know about Ghoulia is that she was literally retarded in the first, horrible wepisodes so sadly cannot judge more
No. 136562
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This despicable cunt.
No. 136826
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No. 136843
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This dumb screaming in walmart cause parents aren't giving her a toy brat. I am a extremely casual watcher aka only ever catch the dub when working late on the computer because I have basic cable still. I don't have the attachment to Sasha that regular fans do so I'm not bias in that regard. But what bit I caught was brutal, she's screaming in the most irritating voice ever about how they're all devils and Sasha is a she devil and they'll all burn or whatever. While her friend is unconscious and bleeding from the head. and I'm expected to not point out how self absorbed she is? Her friend risked himself to save her and she's STILL screeching like a banshee
TLDR Terribly written character is a complete waste of time and honestly shoulda been killed off rather than given more of a role.
No. 136849
>>136848She ends up
with her simp friend who takes multiple beatings on her behalf. And hanging around Levi of all people, who seems like he would be the most annoyed by her personality- but then again he is somehow totally okay with Annie murdering his entire squadron with 0 remorse so… I felt it was a waste of Sasha's character to do the ham-fisted forgiveness is always da answer and people can change plotline because honestly she remains obnoxious and doesn't really show sufficient remorse for enacting and embracing psychotic genocidal ideals. Plus she's just goddamn annoying as hell. I was rooting for her to be tossed out the airship.
Lol you're right she does kind of have that psycho child tyrant Joffrey vibe going on No. 136921
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>>136843Me every single time Gabi was on the page or screen.
No. 137705
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She's a horrible person and friend. The only reason why people sympathize with her is because she's fat. I hate her so much
No. 137709
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i ended up reading bnha weeks ago and i really, really hate twice. he's so annoying and his backstory is basically woe is me when it's his fault in the first place. he also acts like deadpool and i hate his fucking friendship with toga who i also find annoying but not as much as i have for him.
it makes me so fucking mad that hawks was hesitant in killing him, saying twice is a good guy and is redeemable or some shet like that. when its stated that he's dangerous if left alive and could duplicate himself and turn into nomus, and while that's a scary threat, his quirk is also meh. if his doubles ends up multiplying, they ended up weaker each time. i guess hori is hesitant in killing toga but the other members of lov weren't memorable, the lizard dude has a useless quirk and barely has any screen time and that magician only gets a panel to show off that he's handsome and ends up getting caught
No. 137737
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I've been thinking about Au Bonheur des Dames, I had to read this novel for high school and while I liked it a lot overall I sometimes couldn't stand Mouret. He was such a disgusting manwhore. Sometimes I felt like I was reading a shitty shojo manga parody whenever he showed up in front of Denise because she became socking wet as soon as she saw this guy. Meanwhile he was fucking all his employees and acting like a tsundere piece of shit towards her just because. Maybe I should read the prequel to know why exactly since the MC in this one is his late wife.
I couldn't stand anyone in the Wuthering Heights or whatever it's called in English. I also had to read it for high school and it was the biggest waste of my time because we never talked about it in class. Why were Catherine senior and Heathcliff stupid bitches? I hoped near the end of the novel that Catherine junior would murder Heathcliff at some point but of course she didn't. Catherine senior's husband was such a stupid cuck I even forgot his name.
Don't even get me started on Pauline. Fuck this entire novel, everyone was boring as fuck but Pauline herself was a literal cardboard waifu with tuberculosis.
I's been years, I need to try reading again as a hobby.
No. 137742
File: 1618599917096.jpeg (32.27 KB, 554x554, images (57).jpeg)

Piece of shit
No. 137747
>>137713I mean yeah she
was an insecure bitch. That is part of her character. Your fixation on her weight is telling though.
No. 138057
File: 1618746526346.png (176.48 KB, 399x600, kei nagai.png)

I hate this kid, "I'm such a 9000 iq badass who has no empathy for others and will do whatever it takes to win. Except I'm not.
No. 138067
File: 1618753827830.jpg (649.19 KB, 1142x1511, Sato.jpg)

>>138066It bothered me too. Like they started with one character in mind and then switched to another right in the middle, so confusing. The art, visuals, and some concepts were cool but the writing was lacking. Sato was unironically less annoying despite being unabashedly evil because he was so entertaining.
No. 138098
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Hate this bitch. Anyone who's ever seen Ouran High School Host Club will know who she is.
No. 138101
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>>138098Omg anon me too. Thank fuck that stupid himbo Tamaki got a clue before he went back to France with her lmao. Can’t wait to see the reboot
No. 138103
File: 1618779050055.gif (2.55 MB, 500x370, 40d80c66952bb4f0f766d0c392e823…)

I truly despise this mf. She made me feel depressed while I'm not. Like bitch get grip of your life and stop forcing yourself on tge otger chick.
No. 138105
>>138101Exactly, lol gif is what I wanted to do to Eclair. Tamaki can truly be an idiot, throwing away his feelings for Haruhi and his friends before he ever got a chance to confess his love, all because some French thot walked up to him and said "hey, you shouldn't like her, follow me to France."
And also, I'm gonna need the sauce too. If there is a reboot, I can finally sleep peacefully at night.
No. 138117
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>>138103I hate the bitch in pic related, she was constantly manipulating Rei Asaka so that she could never get over her. Miya wanted to fuck over literally everyone because a boy didn't love her when she was 13. What the fuck
No. 138126
File: 1618786889488.jpg (18.96 KB, 300x300, Barbara_Holland.jpg)

This do-nothing bitch. The only reason the internet latched onto her is because she's a dumpy loser. She doesn't do anything interesting or say anything funny. She just dies. And the actress is terrible, she was on Riverdale and even those lowered expectations couldn't help her. No one noticed she was a bad actress on Stranger Things because to reiterate, she does nothing.
No. 138127
File: 1618787064226.jpeg (45.86 KB, 225x350, 4214A6E3-860A-4013-95DE-8BC8A1…)

Stop. Fuckin. SCREAMING.
No. 138128
File: 1618787277600.png (704.92 KB, 1255x703, 0_Xz-_cHSO6txphvHt.png)

Ohhhh the hatred I have for this character. Idk why he's portrayed like the smart logical one! He's fucking annoying
No. 138181
>>138169BiG mOmMy MiLkERs bIg LaDy PLz cRuSh mE.
Something about the type of people who like that era of clothing in general just bothers me. Not the era itself. The type of people that obsess over it.
No. 138197
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>>138154The only good character in Glee is pic related. She was mean in an entertaining way and disproportionately hilarious for such an otherwise mediocre series.
No. 138259
>>138124Really? Even Kaoru no Kimi? She was pretty based. Tomoko and Nanako also were okay (well, I could see someone being annoyed with how closeted and naive Nanako was).
Personally I loved Mariko for being an entertaining BPD mess
No. 138365
File: 1618889956741.png (3.21 MB, 1930x1309, fuck this bitch.PNG)

>>138101>>138098On the subject of Ouran High School Host Club, can I protest my absolute hatred for this character as well?
Being the source of childhood trauma is NOT okay.
This detestable bitch.
No. 138367
File: 1618891682256.png (339.16 KB, 299x441, BTCG-Reincarnated_Griffith-OI.…)

stupid faggot
No. 138375
>>138373The manga is pretty graphic, but I highly recommend watching the anime.
You see, in order to happily watch/read Jojo, you need to completely deafen your ears to the fanbase. Their autistic screeching and fangirling is sure to put anyone off, but once you completely shut yourself off from the fandom and just watch JoJo for yourself, it's a pretty enjoyable experience.
No. 138399
>>138397>>138375I love JJBA, anime is doing amazing work adapting the manga original, popularity of it is well deserved and spawned so many amazing fanarts and memes I honestly can't complain. I have zero interest in hanging out in jojo circles, just going through pinterest tags and r/ShitPostCrusaders/ is enough for fandom interaction and keeps me away from any kinny circles. A+ experience, would recommend.
Also Dio is a huge bitch but damn so you got your first impression right
>>138373, but he's hot af in Stardust Crusaders which makes him immensely enjoyable of a character
No. 138402
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shut up.
No. 138410
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>>138402I find 12 to be more at fault, and therefore more annoying, for dragging her into it.
No. 138560
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I know it's a children's program, I'm the first to know. But damn, this character is the worst of all. She never did anything on the show(yes, I've watched this thing in its entirety and she only did something like twice, and that's a lot.) and she was always fawning over the rest of her partners like an instagram simp. what are you good for!
No. 138568
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feels like she exists to groom little girls into being mothers to their male partners
No. 138638
File: 1619023055218.gif (640.55 KB, 500x230, 1gUy.gif)

>>138605>>138568>>138569For some reason, I used to be obsessed with Wendy when I was 3 years old. I quickly grew out of it, though. When I read the book a few years later, I was totally team Tinkerbell. I was so fucking angry for Peter Pan not appreciating her (and yes, I know that she was extremely borderline in her behavior, but I felt for her and found her so much cuter and more interesting than Wendy). I guess there is some message in there: you can be a completely devoted pick me/yandere for your guy, and he may still drop your ass for some boring hoe that came out of nowhere. Anyway Peter was obviously shit as well, so I wish Tink would drop his ass and get some canon fairy boyfriend.
No. 138651
>>138568Wasn't that kinda the point? I don't think being team Wendy vs team Tinkerbell make sense, because Peter Pan wasn't looking for a girlfriend, he was looking for a mother.
And she was mature enough to realize that, and at the end of the story she decided to go home, grow up like amy other child and find a partner that is equal to her.
No. 138656
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this racist horse
her catchphrase is nipper
No. 138674
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>>138638I was obsessed with the mermaids as a kid, even though they were Peter Pan groupies. But I guess literally every female character was one, he's the original self insert for manchildren.
No. 138679
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i found this dude annoying when i watched skins. cook and jj were more likeable to me at the time although it's been years so who knows who i'd like and dislike now
No. 138690
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>>138679At least he's pretty
Posting worst Skins boy who didn't deserve Maxxie
No. 138696
File: 1619049853457.png (465.57 KB, 620x759, E519FAC6-5349-4987-A0A3-D12B19…)

This insecure, selfish, sore-loser, backstabbing freak is worse than the actual main antagonist. Her redemption was lazy and beyond unjustified. Funnily enough, insane children look reasonable when they made online petitions to have her character killed/canceled. The writing is shit and viewers deserve catharsis for having to deal with her. Also when I was searching images of her, there was straight up porn in the first few results. This is a children’s cartoon on disney. What the fuck is wrong with google?
No. 138698
>>138696I don't know why this piss poor show even has fans,it doesn't even feel like a Disney show at all.
Also she's really ugly,why is her chin so pointy?I loathe the character designs from the show
No. 138725
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Little sociopathic shotacon gnat.
No. 138767
>>138730nta I never found him adult-coded. He didn't grow up, and he never matured enough to act like an adult. Sure, sometimes he's like a father figure to the Lost Boys, and there's also the fact that he's very manipulative, but that's can adult's and kid's characteristics.
He's gets easily annoyed, he's full of himself and is literally a little prick and any girl should never be stuck with him.
Tinkerbell have weird fixation on him which is the strangest thing in whole book for me (also, she attempted 2 murders for that reason so go figure).
If we want to act like Peter Pan is more adult than a shota, then we should be more concerned about the fact that he keeps coming back to Wendy to steal her famale descendants.
No. 138769
File: 1619084009404.png (7.76 KB, 606x105, shota.PNG)

>>138767He's coded like a boy because it's a story for children, but he's not a shota, stop being a fucking weeb and using terminology that just doesn't apply
No. 138791
>>138730he didn't grow up cause he can't barrie based him off kids he knew and wrote that the mechanism that makes him stay forever a boy is forgetting things as soon as they're over with just like ya know, young kids do. I wouldn't say any of that is adult coded
>>138767he just wants a mommy anon
No. 138801
File: 1619096346958.png (2.18 MB, 800x1148, qa04anvjw8751.png)

I don't 'hate' them, but I really did not enjoy those kids. Yesterday I have managed to finally get through Cardcaptor Sakura manga for the first time (it was one of the classic Clamp titles that I failed to read). It was fucking boring due to the monster of the week format and Sakura being a weak, cutesy protagonist. The gay characters were the only thing interesting in the story, and it took like half of the chapters before they became relevant.
I do not understand why Clamp (and the readers) loved Sakura and Syaoran enough to make them a centre of the Tsubasa story AND to release a CCS sequel manga.
No. 138802
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No. 138804
File: 1619098109599.png (976.56 KB, 1920x1080, in jail where she belongs.png)

No. 138823
File: 1619105097448.jpg (9.33 KB, 166x217, Frank_Fontaine.jpeg.jpg)

Frank Fontaine. I will never forgive Bioshock for making me believe the beautiful lie that was Atlas. He sounded hot through the radio, only to figure out he was some New York accent ugly ass
No. 138829
>>138821>I don't disagree with what you said, anon, but it's literally a children's showIt's a Clamp's manga supposedly for kids, yes. Which sadly includes romanticized portrayal of child grooming, among other things, so you know… you can expect anything out of it. Anyway, I still enjoy some magical girl comics (like Sailor Moon or W.I.T.C.H) so it's not fair to assume that just cause it's for kids, the protagonist must be boring and uninteresting. FWIW, I enjoyed Angelic Layer (Clamp's other attempt at making a manga for children based on a popular concept, with battle of a week formula) much more. Not that Misaki was particularly fascinating protagonist, but she was more fun to read about than Sakura. She's just too cutesy! I liked Tomoyo more and kinda wished she was the main character instead. Sidenote, but I felt really weird when Yukito told Sakura that one day she will find that special someone who will love her back… because there are at least two characters in the very same manga who never found 'the right person' after seeing their loved ones sweeped of their feet by scrotes (and Yukito's words seemed like some kind of Universal Statement).
>>138819I wanted to reread TRC after CCS cause I don't remember anything except loving KuroFai… but I read like two chapters and for now I cannot stand spending any more time with Syaoran and Sakura.
>>138815I pray for X getting re-released and continued on 30th anniversary (which would be… May 2022, according to wikipedia). I still believe, even though it doesn't make much sense anymore. I feel like it's either then or never when it comes to X. The Clamp ladies aren't getting younger… BTW I just started reading Legal Drug and I'm prepared to be pissed with you for the sequel series still not ending as well. Love it so far.
No. 138836
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Worst FF character
No. 139001
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>>138823I thought it was Delamain at a first glance
No. 139169
File: 1619287935028.jpeg (244.83 KB, 2560x1589, 39B89CDA-B8ED-48A7-8ABD-A71D7E…)

Die. Normally I love characters who persevere but Leah acts like an actual caged wild animal who goes about literally every single thing wrong.
No. 139187
File: 1619297244584.png (229.16 KB, 392x814, Miko_GT_Suit_-_Profile.png)

This annoying brat never shuts up,honestly the show wouldn't be so different without her,Zahra would have been a more mature and suitable protagonist than her anyway.a lot of scrotes watch this show because they find her attractive (she's 16)which obviously makes her a fan favorite she's still unlikable and she's awfully obnoxious which ruins the show for me.
No. 139208
File: 1619305132723.png (638.73 KB, 698x1280, Cathy_ESPESC.png)

She acts so mechanical and mary sue-ish i just don't like her vibes at all. I don't register her as an actual character and seeing her everywhere in coomer fanart isn't helping.
>>139187I haven't seen the series yet i just hated her by her design only. Her being annoying on top of that just makes it worse.
No. 139394
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>>109651>>138802While she's my third favorite girl in the lineup, I'm gonna have to agree with you. At times Sayaka can really piss you off with her attitude. The shitty way she treats Homura (even before Homura became a stoic badass when she was just Moemura). Her decision to become a magical girl all because of a stupid crush, even after seeing Mami die. Making Madoka constantly worry about her because she chose to act so recklessly and stupidly and not properly take care of herself. The way she pussied out of telling Kyousuke her feelings for him even though she was given time to tell him. And sometimes it's just her all around self-righteous voice that can be really grating to hear.
No. 139407
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This fucking whore.
No. 139408
File: 1619437246207.png (Spoiler Image,698.47 KB, 902x821, PLCCC.png)

>>139407Oh God, I Agree. She is so overrated. I think the only popular characters that I liked were Musashi.
I generally can't stand over how horrible and coomer pandering the characters design is in this game, and genuinely can't understand how anyone can enjoy it when it's nothing but a boring, flashy gacha game. I also recall that the fandom itself is full of drama.
No. 139509
File: 1619501466428.png (214.53 KB, 360x450, 346B0BB0-EFF7-417F-ABC5-342248…)

this motherfucker from kengan ashura. a lot of characters from kengan can get really insufferable but this guy takes the cake and his retarded girlfriend he was supposed to kill. i can't explain to you the rage that filled my body watching him fight and having to read his backstory about how STRONG and undefeatable he is only to get his ass handed to him later . happy he isn't in omega. by far one of my least favorites, and there's a lot of characters to hate from this manga
No. 139787
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his bitchass is insufferable my god
No. 139820
>>139422Sorry for late reply, someone is translating the psp game but they've only really made it up to Madoka and Mami's routes. Kyoko, Sayaka, and Homura's routes are still in progress. I'll admit, it gets pretty fanfiction-ey, especially in the good end where
the girls all live after homura busts her ass to help them all, that way the holy quintet can fight walpurgis together, but this can only be done after you go through all of the other girls routes first where they all die or fail to stop walpurgis You can consider it canon, since Urobuchi did write it but, I just consider good end a what-if, and the others basically bad timelines Homura went through pre-anime.
No. 139950
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she has no personality & literally exists as a plot device for campbell to lie to snake in 1, and has no reason to be in 4. the fact that the canon ending is the ending where she survives in 1 is absurd specifically because she doesn’t even stay with snake after that, worthless jailbait coomerbait character with an ugly design
No. 139959
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I don't even have to explain why
No. 140044
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The manga's cute and all but she's just a mary sue. Of course she's cheerful and special and can make friends with everyone. She's like Emma from The Promised Neverland 2.0
No. 140046
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To put it simply her concept, role and personality just doesn't do it for me, she feels like some kind of doll and not an actual person. And her relationship with Eren is…very weird.
No. 140121
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>>114996i despise everything this cunt represents. i hate how there exists people who invented her. i loathe the fact that there's a market and a place for this absolute scum.
i did not want to remember her but this is what my stupid ass gets for scrolling a shit character thread. the extent of rage i experience for seraphine is extremely autistic considering the fact that i haven't even played the game in like 5 years.
No. 140143
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>>140121Ikr? There's something so off-putting and disturbing about her entire existence.
No. 140149
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The two worst characters in Dragon Age imo. I stopped bringing them along because I couldn't stand what an entitled condescending self-important bitch Vivienne was towards everyone and everything. And Sera is also infuriatingly closed minded and self-centered. It's not even her grating dialogue that bothers me but her immature attitude and adamant fixation on hurting/killing people rather than actually helping those she claims to care about.
No. 140297
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>>140222I genuinely don't understand how she reached that end point
like, she's healed from the sadistic human yo-yo stuff and Marco nightmares because she got her Dad back so everything is a ok now? I also think it's bullshit that Levi went berserk on Zeke but let her off completely. Ugh the pie. I am not a fan of her and Armin. Am I supposed to find it cute that he probably absorbed Bert's feelings by eating him? Because it's just creepy. But whatever. No. 140974
File: 1620482434789.jpg (178.36 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_inline_nucwlmZSUI1rj2f8…)

This guy isn't a tsundere, he's just an emotionally constipated asshole. I have legit enjoyed the unhinged yandere character because at least he was polite - plus, it's a game completely removed from reality, so I don't have to worry about the implications of his insane behavior. Doing his route was pain. Hope that the rest of the guys are more fun. Seriously, fuck Shin. Of course he's also downright rapey with all the retarded 'How can you sleep with a man in one room???', 'Don't you know what man are like' etc. comments, but I'm not gonna hold that against him since it's more on the writer being retarded than the character.
I'm triggered because Shin is rude to the heroine for 95% of the game, yet I could only find cherry picked screenshots of his ~rabu rabu~ moments
No. 141091
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Both are annoying
No. 141103
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every.single.character. I expect nothing of otomes exept for pretty boys and cute romances but damn did Ozmafia let me down. Incredibly stupid story, unbearable characters. urgh why did I buy this shit
No. 141127
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>>140046While we're at it, add the king of incels to this thread. Though even before the ending he was always an obnoxious and retarded character from the start. I'm almost kind of glad the ending was a disaster so people can stop shilling him and this god awful series once and for all.
No. 141149
>>141141nta and I didn't finish the game bc it was way too boring but there were tons of things that bothered me: you know that thing visual novels and sometimes even animes will do that they will sort of stick to a theme and have the setting/characters based on that theme? like a pretty common one is Alice in Wonderland and then like the characters and setting are all references to that body of work? Ozmafia does that thing but like with tons of shit that just seem random?? Like, going into it I assumed it would be sort of a Wizard of Oz retelling but it's not really that there's tons of random fairy tale characters, and then like Oscar Wilde characters??? It's sort of a nitpick but that bothered me so much and seeing Dorian Grey interact with Little Red Riding Hood just threw me for a loop. It makes the "tone" of the story an absolute mess, like the writers had no idea what they wanted to do with it.
there's also WAY too many characters, the cast of characters is gigantic and there's 10 routes you can play. that usually wouldn't really be an issue except the game (with all the extras) is 30ish hours long! so that means that each route is actually pretty short and all the characters end up feeling super shallow and way too simple
in comparison, a game like Amnesia (known for being on the shorter end) that has 5 routes is 20ish hours long with all the extras.
The plot is also pretty boring and just relies on characters making dumb choices and/or constant plot devices. I'd say to only go for It if you're really desperate for an otome game otherwise just play Collar X Malice or Cafe Enchante
No. 141206
>>141169same tbh, I love her cool, stereotypically masculine 'who hurt you? I will fuck their shit up!' vibe. I just wish we were shown more of her personality AND for her to at least orbit someone worthwhile or appreciating her. Eren is a fucking retard. Really hoped that Historia would chomp down on him, even though I knew it's impossible since there are still like 1,5 seasons to go
>>141127Oh yes, thank you for saying that for me
>>141104Is it similar to Diabolik Lovers? I've heard it's retarded and full of men that would be considered
abusive IRL. I kinda like ridiculous trash in otomes, so I would be tempted to get Ozmafia if it's similar (to be fair, I neither watched DL anime or played the game, since it's still not emulable on PC). Or are they awful like Shin from Amnesia Memories (>>140974)? That's not fun at all
>>141099Oh yes, Kent was golden! I'm 100% sure he's an aspie though kek. I laughed so hard through the first half of his route when he was acting like an alien attempting to follow human mating conventions. His friendship with Ikki was charming too (I also liked Ikki more than I though I would, since I'm not keen on the ~playboy~ character type).
No. 141228
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I don't know why but I hate their faces so much,they don't even look like Pokemon.
No. 141298
File: 1620706576975.png (619.23 KB, 808x1440, Nozomi_SMTIV_Final.png)

I would not label it as hate. It's more like disdain:In SMT IV she's a character with a good build and an acceptable arc for a npc we won't see in our lives, but in IV:A she takes center stage alongside butterfingers girl and starts to drill our heads with the idea of the "power of friendship" (partly because Dagda's mom possesses her…). I don't regret allying with ow the edge endgame.
No. 141305
>>141206Nonnie, Ozmafia is not similar to Diabolik Lovers, no!! Most of the love interests treat the main heroine pretty well and there's nothing close to that damn cage sequence in Amnesia (literally what is wrong with japanese women). The worst it has going for it is how boring it can get.
Anyway, if you like Kent, you'll probably like Axel in Ozmafia! He's the same quiet cool brooding type with a heart of golf
No. 141327
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I've tried so hard to like her and I just can't manage it
No. 141334
>>141298>Nozomi>a good build in SMT4 vanillaShe's worse than Walter against the Minotaur in terms of uncooperative AIs. Won't stop shooting enemies that null or absorb gun attacks. I like her but I disliked her new English voice in Apocalypse. And she says the weirdest shit ever, I'll never understand what she meant her banana slice cake line.
>>141327You disgust me.
No. 141352
>>141328 God yes i hate her and her rabieted fans like:
>>141334 >>141327 as if you couldn't hate her because she is fucking boring and a mary sue, i don't get why this anime/manga is so popular i try to watch it got bored in the first 6 episodes
No. 141360
>>141327I tolerated her in the manga (which is one of my favourites) and the original anime but her new voice is just SO grating and the more modern art style just makes it even more obvious how this kind of character is just really bland
I wish I could get into the remake anime but I just can't, I don't want to face how badly this series has aged LOL
No. 141362
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A broke retarded manchild that refused to get over his dumbass baseball-dream and added nothing of value to the game.
No. 141364
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>>141141>>141223If you want to buy it, my advice is do it when it's on sale. Amnesia and Hakuoki are fun games, I wouldn't say the stories are innovative or anything but it's exactly what you expect from an otome: cute guys, doki doki moments, maybe some interesting plot twist. Ozmafia on the other hand is a borefest and I hate how much I love the art because that's mainly why I bought it.
>>141149 said, there's tons of characters but none is developed enough so you just end up with a story that feels incomplete. Half of the time you're being explained shit or being told about this made up world but it's nothing interesting so you end up skipping over lots of dialogue. When I completed Caramia's story it was so underwhelming and boring that I thought I got the normal ending or some shit but no, that was it. There wasn't even a peak moment for the romance, it just happened and one second later the game was over. AND THE STORY, don't even get me started, thought it was going to be a retelling of the wizard of oz but nope, it was a clusterfuck of really lame story choices and uninteresting world building. Also wait until you meet the mc, I mean all mcs are blank slates but this one is on another level.
>>141104I just found out about diabolok lovers and now I'm on the same boat, what was I expecting
No. 141371
>>141352I would have agreed with you on the mary sue part if she were transplanted in another manga but everyone else is also a mary sue. If everyone is a mary sue then nobody is.
>>141360Just read the manga and if you don't like it, you'll just know you'll dislike the adaptations anyway.
No. 141534
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Cute design, but I find her so arrogant and annoying. Her fallen angel joke got old quick and she doesn't seem to care about anyone but herself. Chuunis are very hit or miss for me.
No. 141550
>>141393You read the manga or you just watched the first anime that stopped right before anything actually happens? We learn a lot more about her in some flashbacks and basically
she was treated like absolute trash but her entire family since birth, her mom nearly committed suicide after her father's sudden death and she was bullied a lot so she's actively trying to seem this way. She seems like a total weirdo instead of a pure and innocent maiden to many characters because of how forced her attitude is.
No. 141569
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I feel like im channeling every 14 year old girl in 2007 by saying this but
No. 141672
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Senpai from Nagatoro. He makes me physically angry
No. 141735
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this autistic shota bait faggot Lee Hooni, the mc in Suicide Boy. Holy shit what a weak, wimpass beta male. What a worthless and annoying person, he should kill himself already. The manwha is called SUICIDE boy after all. Why tf do you think I’m still reading this worthless shit I want to see him DIE! Nobody wanna see this looser garbage get a better life and mental health I wanna see him fall back in to the spiral of grim shit again and kill himself like the weakling he is. I was so relived when I saw him cutting himself, it was so funny seeing this faggot suffer like he deserves.
No. 141754
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Naoya Zen'in has already been been posted but he somehow manages to get worse with every appearance. My seethe is intense. Of course he has male fans who think he's a based misogynist but him having female stans is just sad… It felt inevitable that he would be a woman beater when he first appeared and promptly lusted over his cousin's boobs and said women who aren't submissive to men should get murdered but now he's confirmed to have beaten Maki probably repeatedly. I wouldn't be surprised if he molested or raped both her and Mai too. Please die painfully. I would prefer for one of the women to do it but if he gets the Sukuna head chop for going after Megumi that's fine. Just get bent. So can her Dad for beating Mai until she can't even move and attempting to disembowel Maki, vowing to slaughter both his daughters. These people are trying to outdo the major villains in being completely demented.
No. 141755
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>>141754Coping with fanart of him suffering.
Gege please stop dunking on my faves for like 5 minutes holy shit No. 141764
>>141763Lol yes, lots of art of him being beat up and bullied on twitter and pixiv. I think he
triggers non-scrote fans more than any antagonist so far.
Also art of him being violently fucked and terrorized by Toji for some reason No. 141769
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every single one of them.
No. 141776
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>>141771Please Gege. I think Mai might save Maki
by gunning down their garbage father so hopefully she shoots Naoya and he chokes on his blood. Would be hilarious since she's his ideal woman. He has shit plebe taste because Maki looked so hot this chapter. But honestly he seemed kind of thirsty for her attention with his desperate " say something! answer me!" stuff.
No. 141820
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I know this whore has been posted before but he is such an obvious Gary Stu. I am supposed to think this 100 lbs faggot can beat up easily even professional soldiers and also he has an 500 IQ kek
He's entire personality is sucking cock
No. 141853
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>>141850couldn't agree more anon, everyone looks related
No. 141856
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I'm not even into anime anymore but in all my years of watching media no character has irritated me more, the "popularity" of said character has never baffled me more… than this guy. There's way worse out there, he's just the one who's lingered with me all these years as the epitome of overrated badness. Nothing compelling about him, no backstory to explain his behavior, no interesting traits, shitty design, and serves as yaoi fangirl fodder
I cannot explain why I hate him much more than far more hatable characters relatively. He's not a good example of an "antagonistic" force, especially by anime standards? I like my villains to be bad boys, not like this pussy ass bitch. So many smaller time villains within the series itself who were better than him with far less exposure, screentime, and fans. Sucks.
No. 141859
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i hate both the show and this character. insufferable
No. 141860
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Just shut the fuck up already you insufferable, arrogant bitch boy.
No. 141868
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>>141862Not as much of a bad bitch as this little motherfucker
I still like Alois though I'm sorry No. 141915
>>141873He got the shit kicked out of him enough physically, but it never really deterred him.
I read after the finale of the first series he got paralyzed when someone finally gave him a wound he can't walk away from, this was after I stopped reading because I hated the initial series finale. Then apparently the author made a light novel ABOUT HIM. Good lord was it his edgy self insert or what. It's boring if there's no obstacles and he's constantly smug all the time. The best crazy characters are the ones who, and it may sound cliche, have reasoning behind their actions and backstory. Izaya had none of it, plus his design was ugly and he was annoying. In some quantity I don't mind smug or sarcastic, I love sarcasm and I like smug… in well developed, witty or funny characters, none of which he is. His character was akin to a mosquito for me, he was more of an annoyance who kept constantly popping up. I wanted to swat him and turn him into a nice round blood spatter. At first I tolerated him, as the plot advanced I kept wondering why he was depicted as this "smart mastermind"? He is a badly developed character and a bad villain on an objective level, which wouldn't be a problem if the author weren't trying to shill him as the "main antagonist".
No. 142031
>>141915I guess so but not in the way I mean because it never did any real damage. He just sprang back up and skipped off each time. The best he got that I can recall was that unexpected punch that gave him a black eye, and that's basically nothing.
Lol I don't know but a lot of them seem to be in love with their edgy unstoppable antagonists it's really annoying. I can appreciate a villain who is just an evil piece of shit without a complex motive because people can be like that but I agree. The best villains for me are the ones I actually like a little. You can understand their perspective even if it's warped or excessive. I find them to be pretty rare though.
I get
triggered by smug male characters tbh. But if they are going to be smug they better be able to back it up and I don't feel he could. He was boring and the "because I love humans" shit got old. Like, oh he means the opposite is that supposed to be clever? Ogata from Golden Kamuy is a good example of a smug antagonist but he can actually back up his smugness with skills and there is a lot more to him than being just a smug asshole or it would be so boring plus he
gets put through the ringer multiple times and has his sniper skills threatened by losing one of his eyes. His shooting being the very thing he is so smug about. Yeah a mosquito or a flea. I wanted him to get crushed but it never happened. Nitpick but I really hated his coat, lol.
No. 142053
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Narsis Dren. That's all you need to know.
No. 142084
>>142031Amen to all that sister, it sucks because I wasted a long time developing a minor antagonist from that same series in my own canon, but never really pursued it. I felt like I wasted years in that series fandom for no one to really "get me". Fun fact: the character also hated Izaya, probably just me projecting, but it makes sense. It sucks because if you were an outlier who liked the more minor characters, especially if you weren't a fujo, you tended to feel very alone, and my prime userbase was tumblr, which meant it was even worse if you hated Izaya. I think a lot of drrrr was good for a series with an ensemble cast, but I definitely would've opted to develop the minor characters more and focus less on the boring popular ones or shitty ones (Mikado, Izaya, and Shizuo were all my least favorites). There were so many interesting characters lacking a storyline who had the potential to be fleshed out, and they were left to the wayside. Such is the case in ensemble casts…
No. 142348
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>>141771Nonita, I found a blessed art of Maki wrecking him. Let's hope he gets this and worse in canon.
No. 142428
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I want to kick him in the balls
No. 142860
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Jayna from Vampires Dawn. I know her life kind of got messed up and I do feel bad for her in that respect but she turned out to be an awful person regardless.
Also I don't want to dislike Asgar, I think he's funny and charming in his own way but his edgelord fans kind of ruin him for me.
(So excited to play the third game but I can't yet since I'm waiting on the English release.)
No. 143534
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>>142428Continuing my adventures with Danganronpa: I wish all Hiyokos reading this a very pleasant neck yourself
No. 143657
>>143570Cry more. Byakuya is a smug bitch who is rude to people for no reason,
pulls the retarded shit with Chihiro for funsies I guess and stresses everyone that he is planning to commit the perfect murder (which maybe is a
valid strategy, but doesn't earn him any points with me). Plus he's an insufferable rich boy who looks down on the plebs. Having finished the game,
I can appreciate that he hasn't killed anyone whatsoever, either in the heat of the moment or as a premeditated murder but it doesn't change the fact that he's fucking insufferable. His looks are the only defense, and it's not really working on me.
I guess I should mention that I also hated Hifumi, but he was easier to ignore since he's not a vital character through most of the game. The perverted chef from DR2 is worse, I hope he dies soon. Fuck that turd. The entire trope is shit.
No. 148377
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fuck this hoe
No. 148435
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>>129218You're right. Her extreme shift in personality after her dungeon showed how little they cared about making her consistent anyway. But Kasumi might be even more obnoxious waifubait than her.
No. 148843
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hachi is bpd
No. 148949
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>>148943I fucking LOATHE Sera. I thought most of the Inquisition cast was weak af but fucking Sera man, I don't think I've ever disliked a character as much as I disliked her unfunny pickme ass. The moment I was able to get rid of her I did.
No. 148962
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>>148843Couldn't stand re reading the manga because of Hachi, she is such a naive and Ill womanchild. Ever since the first chapter I kept wanting to slap some life inside her face.
I wouldn't be able to be around such idiot. No wonder she keeps getting fucked over.
I used to know a friend who was 30yo, never had any education or a job and kept trying to leech off men who would kick her out after half of a year of living with them. She unironically been "kinning" Hachi for many years. Last time I talked to her she lives at her mother basement, without a job or anything, because she claims that it's an unfeminine thing to do. No. 148981
>>148979Based tbh. Nana O deserves better than a
vapid junkie who only seems to care about being a ~*punk musician*~.
>>148962I think what makes Hachi a great character is that she's so realistic, a lot of us know someone like her or relate to her ourselves. The fact that she goes through development and starts to realize how fucked up her life has become
will hopefully make her fully realize she's bi and raise her kids with Nana lol No. 148983
>>148962That green text is terrifying
nonny I like Hachi, she’s retarded but she’s also really young (like 22 at the most by the last chapter?) and naive
No. 148992
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since w.i.t.c.h. is mid-re-release (and "new" releases) in english ive been buying the graphic novels as an adult because i loved the series SO MUCH as a kid, and it's still pretty good to me. i'm on the 4th ("trial of the oracle" arc, and
1. irma is seriously annoying, had no idea why i loved her as an elementary schooler, she is constantly being rude
2. hay lin is still my favorite, best girl
3. will is cool to me now, very relatable, as a kid i didnt care much for her for some reason?
4. taranee is still boring
5. cornelia i like a lot more, as a kid i thought she was kinda a bitch but i get her more now
6. elyon is still one of my favorites too
No. 149045
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>>148979I like Hachi, agree on Ren but my absolute worse was this pedo uwu wallflower so perfect everyone loves here uwu
She brings out the worst on people but being so holier than thou. Yikes.
No. 149050
>>148992I reread W.I.T.C.H a few years ago (like 2 or 3) and still loved Irma, so I disagree on that. But…
>3. will is cool to me now, very relatable, as a kid i didnt care much for her for some reason?I get you, I liked her a bit as a kid but she was bland for me. I imagine she must have been a lot more important to kid with divorced parents.
>4. taranee is still boringAgree lmfao, sorry but she always was the worst W.I.T.C.H for me. Cornelia was insufferable but her friendship with Elyon was lovely, and the Caleb drama interesting.
>5. cornelia i like a lot more, as a kid i thought she was kinda a bitch but i get her more nowMaybe I should re-read once more since I've always considered her a bitch. Maybe I can warm up to her now? I didn't like when she became a stereotypical fAsHiOnAbLe girl in much later episodes (like Teach2BeWitch or something), but the comic was shit then anyway.
>6. elyon is still one of my favorites tooBased, same about you liking Hay-Lin. She was my second fave after Irma when I was a kid (Elyon was always first, but she's technically not W.I.T.C.H, so)
No. 149052
>>148992Ahh every time I see a WITCH image posted I'm reminded of how much I loved it when I was young. I also considered purchasing the graphic novels for nostalgia reasons
>2. hay lin is still my favorite, best girlFACT. I also loved Elyon
No. 149058
>>148992I agree with you on every point (Hay Lin best girl, and by a long shot) even though I like Irma, I think she's a realistic portrayal of a teenager. Sometimes kids don't realize how dumb/rude they sound, and she usually gets called out on her behavior early on in the series iirc (especially by Cornelia, I love their dynamic), but she does become more and more annoying as the story goes on.
Taranee is definitely the weakest main character and it's clear the writers didn't know what to do with her. She had potential as the soft-spoken nerd with a hidden wild side she started off as, but then then she suddenly becomes a sporty tomboy for no reason halfway through the series, just why?
Anyways, I am now reminded of the arc in which
Cedric and Orube fall in love. I thought that was very sweet and a decent redemption arc for snek boi. No. 149073
>>149058I loved Cedric and strongly identified with Elyon, so I was sad to see their relationship go nowhere. Guess who got groomed by an adult teen lmfao. I agree that Cedric and Orube's relationship was a good story, even though I didn't like the arc it was in (found Ludmoore and the book shenanigans boring).>Taranee is definitely the weakest main character and it's clear the writers didn't know what to do with her. She had potential as the soft-spoken nerd with a hidden wild side she started off as, but then then she suddenly becomes a sporty tomboy for no reason halfway through the series, just why?I also didn't like her family arc with her mother being strict, Taranee being adopted or something etc. It was all so boring! Even later on
she gets obsessed with dancing and breaks up with a boyfriend because of it (arguably, it could have been a good decision, but she seems so flaky to me). Even her rebellion agains Kandrakar didn't to it for me.
No. 149113
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>>149050>>149052>>149058>>149073aww i'm happy rn, as a kid i tried to get my friends into w.i.t.c.h. but nobody was as obsessed as me. just finished the 4th arc last night in the bath, very relaxing. i forgot to mention, i LOVE orube. idk why but i imagine she has a russian accent haha.
4th arc was just ok, i think the first three were great though. as a kid i only really read the ones Hyperion published as graphic novels (only got partway through nerissa arc, arc 2). i have never read the book of elements arc but i know that it deals with cedric. im looking forward to Ragorlang because i thought that arc was cool as a kid (read scans online) but new power and teach 2b have been published… ill buy and read them but idk if i will like them. reading the wiki the last arcs (witch vs ladies and sovereign or something) look…. kinda shitty.
is there a proper thread in /m/ for this discussion, i dont really go on /m/. would love to discuss characters and arcs.
No. 149130
>>148897I've only played some of the game so far, but I'm really disappointed that Cassandra can't be the lesbian option instead.
Also I have no idea why they thought that hairstyle was a good choice for her.
No. 149165
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He's about two years shy of getting radicalised on /tttt/ and skinwalking Max.
No. 149221
>>149202Idk how there's people that ship him with Max when he literally photoshopped her into a pic with him that he keeps in his gym locker. The writers fucking up his character is one thing, but certain fans dedication to retconning him as harmless and charming is stunning.
>>149213School shooter or troon are the only realistic conclusions for Warren tbh. I remember when people compared Warren to Eliot in Before the Storm and his fans were like "nooo he's not that creepy and stalky!" like nah, he's just slightly better at hiding it is all. Him peering at Max's dorm window at the start of episode 2 still freaks me out. That boy ain't right.
No. 149325
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im sorry anons i know im gonna get hate for this but i cant keep it to myself anymore: i really dislike komaeda
when i played dr2 a few years ago i went into it convinced i was gonna love him, but despite my best efforts he is just. such a complete bastard. and my opinion of him has only gotten worse over time, especially after having played drv3 (ouma plays the role of antagonist so much better imo)
i cant believe the absolute lengths people go to defend this man, and his 'interesting character development' really means nothing seeing as he's insufferable anytime he makes an appearance
No. 149337
>>149325I was neutral at worst and wanted to like him. I ended up disliking him for being the writer's mouthpiece of the retarded "hOpE aNd DeSpAiR" theme. Jesus fucking christ, I enjoyed Danganronpa, even though the blabbing about muh power of friendship and hope, but DR2 completely jumped the shark in that department. Maybe it's my fault for playing an animu game for teenagers with underdeveloped brains, but the way the scenario thinks that having a theme means hammering buzzwords in character dialogue is abysmal. It reminds me of Kingdom Hearts (especially 2 onword) where characters just couldn't shut up about hearts, light and ddarkness in order to have a conversation like regular people for once. DR2 was such a step down from one I'm not even sure that I want to continue with SDG, DR3 and DRV3. Thanks, Komaeda, for ruining everything with your obnoxious ass.
Is the Island mode worth playing or will I have to listen to more bullshit and manage resources like in the DR bonus mode that I didn't play?
No. 149345
>>149337ayrt, you put it into words so well holy shit. ive been finding the dr3 anime eyeroll-worthy bc the whole hope and despair thing is just… bland and overdone by now, and komaeda's whole hope shtick just makes him even more annoying because of this.
i cant speak too well for island mode, iirc theres the mode where you build up the report cards like a dating sim (which i always enjoy) and then theres another resource one which i didnt bother too much with. but i will say that i loved drv3!! it improved upon a lot of the problems i had with 2 and returned to the school setting of 1, which i liked a lot, and overall it was really fun (despite the many problems people have with it, understandably)
sageing bc very ot
No. 149406
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>>149398No, i would say that it looks exctly like those cheapskate BJD fur wigs. If someone makes a doll based on Komaeda, they should not be allowed to give him any other wig than those monstrosities.
No. 149419
>>149378for me it comes down to mostly my opinion and what my expectations were coming into the game. i actually thought i was gonna hate ouma because i assumed he'd be a brattier version of komaeda, but i found him to be refreshing. i get why people find him annoying but imo the whole lying thing was 100x less grating than komaedas constant self deprication and grandstanding about hope. i also liked how things played out with him in the end, ouma played his role really interestingly imo.
at the end of the day ouma doesn't make me want to roll my eyes and/or strangle myself every 5 minutes so that's why he makes a better antagonist in my opinion, but i definitely get why people dislike him
>>149398this is true but hinatas hair manages to bother me even more, he looks like a hedgehog. i just can't take him seriously as a protagonist due to his shitty hair and sprite. him and hope boy deserve eachother i guess
No. 149442
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>>148992I agree about Irma, I didn't mind her as a kid but now she comes across as "the classic school
toxic friend" to me. I wouldn't go as far as saying that I hate her but she's defo not my favorite
As a child my fav was Cornelia and Willow, reread the whole thing recently and yes I love Elyon too. No. 149445
>>149325I do like Komaeda's design but he's always been annoying as hell to me. Ouma was definitely an upgrade.
>>149419Hard disagree on that last part, Hinata doesn't deserve to be stuck with that soft serve head
No. 149623
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This smug fuck, I hate him and I hate the overdone memes of him.
No. 149637
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i hate this fucking faggot
extremely feminine anime males are disgusting, and this one is constantly presented as a poor sad boy you're supposed to pity, but also he's super badass and strong and powerful and never loses and everyone thinks he's cute/sexy/cool
it's like he's designed to piss me off as much as possible
No. 149681
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>>149680I thought Ishida was actually going to explore that but nah, just showed off his unstoppable moves until the very end (and that whole cross dressing bit because why not) and introduced a trillion other annoying CCG characters that I was also supposed to think were cool.
No. 149689
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>>149681>>149637Also he's canonically a eunuch, like it never gets brought up as a plot point in the series, there's just a flashback to him getting castrated as a young boy by his transvestite ghoul owner and I think it was the "explanation" of why he looked so young even though he was actually in his 20's
No. 149722
>>149325Komaeda’s the better written character but I like Ouma’s personality+design more so I prefer him.
However this video sums up why I love Komaeda and think he’s probably the best written character in DR. The main problem with Komaeda imo is that he’s in a cast of a bunch of mediocre to shitty characters (Souda, Chiaki, Akane, Nidai, Mikan, Saionji, Teruteru Ibuki, etc all being pretty hot garbage) so he steals the spotlight and the game is pretty much just worth playing for him alone at least in my opinion.
No. 149798
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I read somewhere they initially planned to kill him off in the first season but then decided against it.
No. 149876
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Found out this wasn’t a women and now i despise him.
No. 149895
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if only underage twitter users hadn't taken over the fandom, then maybe I would have had a different opinion on them
No. 149900
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everyone in this show
No. 149915
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I hate her and everyone who likes her, she's such a fucking libfem character
nothing more then peak capitalist bourgeois neo-liberal feminism, "you can totes be a feminist while conforming to patriarchal standards of beauty, In fact its more feminist to dress like a fuck doll then act like a working professional" "working in the Fashion Industry filled is also equal to being a doctor or lawyer"
Germaine Greer tried to warn us
No. 149930
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>>149876Lmao, I had the same experience with Lio in Promare. The movie was fine, but taking in all the promo material under the assumption that it was going to be Kamina vs. Cool Princely Shockingly Non-Sexualized Girl meant that I was sooooo let down by the actual character. Still mad tbh, though I'm happy for the fujos
No. 149974
>>149930Honestly I get it, it would have been nice to see representation of a GNC non-sexualized girl paired with a dreamboat guy, I don't think I've ever seen this type of pairing in mainstream media, is that too much ask
>>149956WTF is your problem
No. 150008
File: 1624710902472.jpg (90.45 KB, 1000x563, sadlynotabutchgirl.jpg)

>>149876I understand you anon, I thought the mc of the new Megaten game was a cool girl with an androgynous style and was so disappointed when it was yet another boy.
No. 150011
File: 1624713174586.jpeg (31.76 KB, 390x600, EEE9FB11-150D-4B25-8F54-ACC284…)

worse than mr big in my opinion, miranda deserved better
No. 150015
>>150011YES. I used to think Steve was great, but rewatching it like…I hate how much of his build-up with Miranda is him condescending to her and criticizing her? I know that it's supposed to be like, he gets her to chill out a little and become more flexible, which she does need, but also: fuck you Steve, Miranda has worked her ass off to become the incredibly impressive person she is, maybe bother to compliment her once in a while? Maybe it's b/c I/m older now and have known so many irl Steve/Mirandas where the woman is so blatantly out of the dude's league and he doesn't realize it, but the whole thing falls flat for me now, especially since he cheats on her. Miranda deals w/ pressures as a woman he could never imagine and he's just always lumbering in there to be like UHHHH MIRANDA WHY CAN'T YOU BE MORE FLEXIBLLEEE LIKE MEEEE
Tbh Smith is the only truly great man in the bunch. I like Harry, but I gdit man stop watching the Mets game when Charlotte spent all day braiding challah.
No. 150189
File: 1624817263530.png (570.88 KB, 675x1048, finn-lis2.png)

This useless fucking stoner who thought it was ok to endanger a 10 y/o boy by taking him up against armed drug dealers because "b-b-but we can totally take the money before they notice bro!" I'm so glad this fucker died on my playthrough. The fandom only go nuts for him because he's "pansexual" (because no, he can't be a normie bisexual, he has to be on the high horse of "hearts not parts") and a canon optional love interest for Sean.
No. 151104
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such an obnoxious manic pixie character
No. 151253
File: 1625510382513.png (149.74 KB, 253x395, ChloePriceLifeIsStrange.png)

BPD: The Character
No. 151295
File: 1625528670028.jpg (694.57 KB, 1102x1666, 2021-07-05_06-31-27.jpg)

Near was unbearable to watch for some reason
No. 151370
File: 1625578571733.jpg (65.24 KB, 1200x800, NjGoNaAe4khZtzLkwSYuMa_1200_80…)

I don't know anything about her I'm just so tired of seeing her and I specifically dislike the kind of men that like her, even more than other coomers.
No. 151429
>>149915Elle woods didn't dress like a fuckdoll while she was at Harvard/in court, she literally just wore pinker and flashier versions of the stuff the other women wore. Also, the core ethos of the movie (excuse the bullshit academia speak, I literally just can't think of a non pretentious way to say it) is that women should be taken seriously and judged for their minds rather than superficial crap, no matter how they present themselves. Believe it or not, men mock femininity /constantly/, and think of women who look and dress like Elle as dumb bimbos who couldn't possibly have more than two brain cells to rub together. Even her teacher tried to get her to perform sexual favors in exchange for furthering her career, and everyone assumed that that was exactly what was going on because /clearly/ she couldn't be succeeding due to her merits, right??
Vivian's character is a good foil, since unlike elle she dresses and acts in the way a Harvard law student is expected to, and her initial impression of elle is a good example of the unfortunate reality that even women will judge other women harshly for being "too girly" and not serious/professional enough on a surface level. Her internal misogyny was challenged within the narrative, as were the views of all the men who underestimated Elle based on shallow assumptions.
(Obviously butch women are more ridiculed and shunned by society than hyper-feminine women like Elle, and I'd like to see more media address the struggles that GNC women have to go through, but that doesn't mean the message of legally blonde is just total libfem bullshit. Also, it's a fun movie, lighten up.)
No. 151544
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I absolutely DETEST the waifu-bait, uwu-I'm-so-cute-and-perfect, pick-me-two-faced-bitch that is Lilina Sanada from Koi to Uso. Everytime she was on screen I wanted to cut her dumb pig tails off and wanted to the forced cutesy waifu-bait act. I hate her with a burning passion.
No. 151574
File: 1625722827252.jpg (10.69 KB, 190x273, magical-girl-site-13961.jpg)

I hate this stupid mc
No. 151630
File: 1625763322510.jpeg (79.5 KB, 750x625, 3EB97F9F-7434-4653-A57D-D47575…)

I hate this edgy bitch wandering around murdering everyone she encounters. All the characters in this anime pissed me off desu, except for Bando, they were all dumb and annoying. I also hate this anime, it’s the worst anime I’ve ever watched after School Days. And I also hate how some retards think this shitshow is “deep” just because it’s gory.
No. 151707
>>151630As much fucked up shit the series had, the part with the puppy was the worst for me tbh.
But yeah, like other anons said, if the series wasn't written by a gross pedo coomer, it would've been so much better.
No. 152194
File: 1626214382082.jpg (11.46 KB, 499x281, patches_499x281_low.jpg)

How do you take the worst fucking guy and make him a million times worse?? Make him into a goddamn SPIDER. Fuck you Patches, double fuck you Patches the Spider
No. 152195
File: 1626214742156.jpg (26.37 KB, 360x450, Kimblee.jpg)

I hate this greasy looking stupid ugly fucker, useless traitor ugly fucking stupid bitch fuck
No. 152201
>>152195I feel bad when I see characters I like in those threads
(I often fantasize about fucking him) I agree though that he looks super bad in Brotherhood (basically like every other character), manga version is way better imo.
No. 152203
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>>152194patches is literally cool wtf your problem??
No. 152889
File: 1626682361226.png (467.09 KB, 487x652, 8q50Gcp.png)

This bitch is the biggest fucking pickme. Retards cry over how Atlus ruined Naoto by not making her a troon, but Rise was the biggest letdown.
No. 152950
File: 1626727616094.jpg (112.7 KB, 1280x720, dumbbitch.jpg)

I recently rewatched the last season of H20 because it's almost all on youtube on the official channel and Kim was the fucking worst like Bizaro levels of evil especially with the whole extorting her father plotline she's a teenager not some fucking villian, most of the shit that went down in that show was all her fault
No. 152981
File: 1626760318563.jpeg (139.42 KB, 1080x1433, 862F4C5F-9D9A-49BD-8FC9-66D93B…)

Most of the characters in vinland saga are detestable but I hate this useless fucker like no other. His death was the best part of the episode/chapter. He didn’t deserve to have his death be some grand and romantic moment and should have died a lost body out of war. An unattractive and mindless beast too savage and pathetic to call a dog, following around an antagonist who was doomed from the start. Almost more annoying than the shitty brothers. He was never deserving of seeing Valhalla.
No. 153432
File: 1627150932213.jpg (279.04 KB, 1920x1080, Kageki Shoujo - 02 - Large 11.…)

This bitch I hope she gets into a scandal and gets fired, no redemption.
No. 153451
>>152950We all suddenly getting recommended H20 again?
Yeah I agree, sure she's a little sister but when she thinks her sister is a mermaid she literally wants to expose her publicly and get her sister taken away. Kim is insufferable and I wouldn't let her hold my cup at a club.
No. 155744
File: 1628840744903.jpg (58.94 KB, 1003x1024, a4819fbda88f76d757ee201b535449…)

Where do I even start with this retard. Imagine you are making a PORN videogame. For women. To coom to. What can get women going? What about this: a ten year old looking autist with paranoid delusions that can and will throw a temper tantrum over any little perceived slight and try to kill you over his tendies being too cold. WHO even thought this was a good idea?! I can't believe I'm saying this but the pedoshit is the least of my problems with him
I will say his crying voice is a little hot though
No. 155761
>>155755>>155758>I'm convinced most women who consume otome hate themselves and can't imagine even their self-insert with a man who doesn't treat them like shit. Yeah. You must have low self-esteem if you want to waste your money on buying a game where the character will insult you so you feel even worse about yourself. Like the Watamote girl.
I also like characters that are gentle and kind. That doesn't mean the plot involving them has to be boring, there can still be drama and action. But apparantly it's too much to ask to have the 2D guys be nice to the MC.
No. 155765
>>155758>>155761NGL, I enjoy trashy yandere LIs (both male and female), cause I find the trope entertaining and I like mentally ill characters (preferably well-written). I'm not a saint in that regard, though I don't husbando those creeps LOL. I do absolutely despise assholes that call the heroine names, undermine her intelligence and are rude for no fucking reason.
I don't want to misjudge Japanese otome audience, but I am afraid that they may genuinely enjoy those shitty scrote characters. They are (were?) prevalent both in otome and in shoujo manga, which often is written by women (possibly male editors nonwithstanding). It's true that scrotes may be writing some otome games, but they are not the ones buying them. Someone must enjoy those rude LIs, especially since they are not a niche.
No. 155766
File: 1628868715147.jpeg (33.83 KB, 486x631, 1604202145495.jpeg)

You anons forget that a lot of women like broken/shitty men because they think they can "fix them". That and as this anon wondered
>>155746, a lot of otome/joseimuke writers are actually males.
I think I know more women that like "a guy who is cold/rude at first but then warms up to you" than women who like "a kind, easily approachable guy".
No. 155772
>>155768>I think the first one makes a better story in fictionDisagree. What about kind extroverted guy meets socially awkward girl, charismatic guy who doesn't know what means to be in love meets blunt/serious girl who doesn't know jack shit about love either, carefree funny guy who has attachment issues meets normalfag who wants to get a bf… Hell, even some kind of fluffy romance about two people just falling genuinely in love and being there for each other would be nice, it's like everything has to be a super deep drama or smth.
I don't think it's harder to write kind male characters when there's tons of kind female characters out there.
Sage for ot sperging.
No. 155783
>>155766>a lot of otome/joseimuke writers are actually males.They really are? That explains a lot.
>>155782>It just irks me that media for women can't be idealized. The men act like any scrote you can find off the street, just 2D. It's so weird. Don't we all look at weeb shit because we want a break from the awful irl world of 3D scrotery? And then those fucking games for women can't even provide nice 2D guys. I ragequit Obey me! because we were supposed to forgive and help a dumb fucker who nearly killed MC. I just thought we were there to make pacts with handsome devils. Instead it unironically
triggered my ptsd, thanks a lot game.
>It feels like some weird-ass psy-op to make women fetishize being abusedI mean yes if scrotes write the stories then it does comes off that way.
I appreciate your sperging anon, I'm so frustrated about this too.
No. 156219
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>>122421Here's an uglier one and Lucoa too
No. 156223
File: 1629179587860.png (1.03 MB, 1440x1476, trash.png)

I hate all trap characters, their unfunny repetitive memes and obnoxious fanbase. I don't see the appeal of them other than "waifu with penis" fetish and "softboi uwu". Just create a girl, make it boobless, add a Schrodinger's dick and call it a boy and you get coomers flocking to them and meme the hell out of them and shit out tons of porn.
No. 156311
File: 1629210810046.jpg (109.95 KB, 1280x720, Zone-tan.jpg)

I hate this sassy edgy-looking goth slut so much and her quote "I'm watching you fap" makes me cringe everytime. Also hate how high quality their animated porn is and how it looks so much like the original source.
No. 156325
>>156315Unfamiliar cartoon scenes and curiosity got the best of me. Wish I could forget and bleach my eyes.
>>156320Yeah and YouTube.
No. 156437
>>156352Thanks and glad to know that there are others who are also disgusted by this.
>>156377I always thought the creator of ZONE was a dude. I honestly can't see a girl making porn animations about women being fucked and raped by tentacles or anything that isn't an attractive man.
No. 156620
File: 1629351149525.jpg (97.35 KB, 927x530, Bowsette.jpg)

I hate internet/meme waifus. Mostly Bowsette and the whole Super Crown fad is just an autistic fetish. Bunch of vulgar drawings of princesses/Peaches in a theme of non-sexualized things though there are some good designs as well. It's just genderswapping and personification/gijinkas which existed way before the Super Crown. I don't want to see ass, tits, lewd women and horny coomers thristing over these sluts. Even on my feed unintentionally. I'm glad that this meme is dead and the Super Crown only works on Toadette. Also Bowsette is just a trans Bowser.
No. 156636
>>156620Bless you anon, I agree with everything you said. The pattern is always the same too and every time it makes me want to swallow a bullet.
>Some artist creates a humanized version of x or a brand has a mascot/character that has an unfortunate coomer trait, not necessarily in a nefarious way>Coomers latch on to it "ironically" despite being legitimately turned on by it and can't fucking stop obsessing over the funny internet meme waifu hehe!!!!>Coomer artists jump on the bandwagon and start churning out endless amounts of fanart for social media exposure>Costhots smell a cuck buck and throw together the crappiest closet cosplays and post overfiltered photos to milk the trend dry>This keeps going for 3 months until it dies down a bit, then it starts all over again with a new waifuThe original Bowsette comic was admittedly funny but the concept got old laughably fast and now I can't even look at that character without having an aneurysm. .
No. 156644
File: 1629359529720.jpg (23.69 KB, 360x450, firekeeper.jpg)

Literal scrote waifu bait character
No. 156978
File: 1629527957310.gif (1.81 MB, 360x240, ajwgYbZ.gif)

I hate tsundere bitches. They're not cute.
No. 157547
File: 1629908281790.jpeg (158.05 KB, 414x630, A98CB537-1FFD-4900-93A1-79BCCA…)

It's extremely hard to have sympathy for such a dumb bitch who is the cause of 90% of her own misery. No self-awareness at all.
No. 157550
File: 1629909850511.gif (948.07 KB, 245x219, ok.gif)

>>157547>no idea who the fuck this is>google image search gives me the title>typed title in the search bar, first pictures I get are scans >pick one random picture to know more because the story seems similar to another older manga>the entire chapter is that girl asking a guy to gang rape some girl she's jealous of just becauseWell I guess that's another manga I will not read whatsoever.
No. 157559
>>157550kek, looks like you've missed out on discussion in the manga thread
>she's jealous of just becausenot exactly cause she's jealous, she was bullied by the other girl. obviously doesn't justify the vile rape. just clarifying
No. 157573
File: 1629918912537.png (56.43 KB, 200x200, 252826.png)

MC of The Makeup Remover
>Spergs out when she receives attention from a cute boy, but acts rude and cynical towards everyone else. The MCs of other "ugly female protagonist" comics don't have this problem, even if they also have cripplingly low self-esteem.
The way she treated the fat girl (Eunjeong) is a perfect example.
> MC wants to gain more experience with makeup because she's treated like shit without it.
> Gets told by Eunjeong that makeup is not going to make her problems go away, amongst other radfem talking points.
> Gets pissed off
> Parrots Eunjeong's radfem talking points on TV and gets praise for it.
> Scolds Eunjeong some more instead of apologizing and saying she was right.
> Gets sabotaged by another team but ultimately survives bc Eunjeong literally loses her job for bratty MC.
This whole storyline, plus the fact that the more interesting female characters are drawn like men, killed all my enthusiasm for this webtoon.
No. 157886
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Daisy seemed adorable in the beginning, I really wanted to love her but as the series went on she seemed to get progressively more bratty and obnoxious.
No. 158198
File: 1630351348229.jpg (772.57 KB, 1200x960, 158795_0025.jpg)

I hated this bitch from the off, loud-mouthed, insecure, obnoxious characters with no real loyalty are so unappealing. hated that they made her and kate kiss in the final episode to score ~qweer~ points. also think it was utterly ridiculous that kate had no issue immediately forgiving mallory for the very thing she accused jennette of, it just seemed like such a bizarre double standard. don't get me wrong not one of the characters is likeable, except maybe vince, but mallory was a whole other level. jennette was weird and the final moment made it clear that she wasn't innocent, but she was more misunderstood and a bit nuts than she was outright cruel. mallory was always a cunt even to her friends
No. 158851
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IDEK if I should post it here or in the design thread, but I hate all the female Guilty Gear characters for being disgusting coomer shit. It's such a shame that quality animation is wasted on that bullcrap. WTF is this shit. They are all tits ass and pussy. It's such a shame since the art style, colors etc. is nice, as the male characters show.
No. 158884
>>158198I never understood why tf she got so pissed at Jennette in the 1st place. Who tf gets annoyed at their friend for trying to look prettier?
Also, to the point you let someone ruin her fucking life when you know she was innocent?? Pissed me off
No. 158895
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>>158893Idk dude, Venom’s titties are pretty much in front of the screen all the time
No. 158918
File: 1630764479041.gif (Spoiler Image,2.72 MB, 480x270, m2x0zq.gif)

>>158895That's a cope and you know it. Male bare chests are considered neutral, not sexual (unless we are talking about bara tiddies, and even that is a relatively new/fringe concept). Besides, that's incomparable with whatever fuckery happens with the Amy Rose-tier waifu's tiddies here (they bounce in her sprite too)
No. 158938
But that’s literally the joke of her character. She’s a waifu parody
No. 158953
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>>158938>But that’s literally the joke of her character. She’s a waifu parodyYeah, sure. And Ramlethal is a footfag parody, May is a loli parody etc
No. 158974
>>158953I mean Elphelt literally is if you played the game. Sorry you got bodied too often,
Nonnie. You can always go play something wholesome
No. 159133
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Emma Nelson. Fucking annoying little prick. She makes me want to scream.
No. 159148
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>>158974Her personality is exagerated to be "lol girl obsessed over marriage" but she still is meant to be the waifu character. She is not making fun of the concept by making it unattractive. More like "hehe she would jump your dick the minute she saw you, isn'it hot?" Pic related was an actual parody of a waifu, Elphelt is not.
>Sorry you got bodied too often, Nonnie. You can always go play something wholesomeMore like you get bodied over someone criticizing your shitty coomer fighting game characters kek. Cope some more with the "she's a parody!!!
No. 159178
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No. 159228
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>>109651she's supposed to be Selvaria 2.0 and really impressive and strong and shit but I hate how she's written, she's basically just created for cooms but she's also a bland woe-is-me mopey dumbass, even her theme music is comically angsty
I cannot take this bitch seriously, I don't know if I hate her or the people who made her, she's fucking tragic
No. 159229
File: 1630958435487.png (1.36 MB, 1200x628, gaia-girace-my-brilliant-frien…)

she's a pretty decently written female character and I understand why people might like her but her pretentious 'wittiness' and narcissistic bouts of infantile yapping absolutely ground my gears
I didn't enjoy her being domestically abused, actually I cried when select few people were disgusting towards her. However, she deserves disappointment such as being left on her own for being a vicious cunt to people who try to be there for her. Bitch ass.
No. 159278
>>150011I agree that steve is worse BUT Miranda is not much better. She's a bitter woman although she calmed down near the end of the series. the movies are terrible so I won't even go there.
Slightly ot but I hate how nowadays Miranda is held up to be like the best character in satc. Yes, she is a career woman but she's bitter and angry and bitchy all the time.
( I also heard she's going to come out as a lesbo in the new atrocity they are filming )
No. 159316
File: 1631011252186.png (86.08 KB, 219x499, Lori_Jackrabbit.png)

crappy lola bunny knock-off furrybait who can't even double jump!!! useless bitch
No. 159321
File: 1631013736001.jpg (128.46 KB, 960x544, 2017-11-08-140026.jpg)

I've never hated a character more than this absolutely bland bitch, after 2hrs of gameplay I ragedropped that ""game"". A table probably has much more personality than her istg
No. 159330
File: 1631019082731.jpg (104.06 KB, 811x747, EH3eKCnvP45Lc09Ewyn-mjpmghPlFO…)

>>156644ia i hate this stupid bitch. i love dark souls so much but the firekeepers really suck.
i hate this retard too. i felt pretty excited when i first went in the painted world bc it was talking about some "abomination that was exiled" ruling over the land and it turns out it's some anime girl with fetal alcohol syndrome. lame lame lame boring shit scrote material
No. 159366
>>159270Oh my god. Emma and Ashley are tired for being my least favorite characters.
Also Emma was dating Peter— the guy who leaked her “””bestie’s”””” nudes to the school AND leaked Darcy’s info to a pedophile
No. 159526
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Utterly generic hooker with a heart of gold cliche. This trash character was the worst part of Conviction by far.
No. 159559
File: 1631169537377.jpg (179.46 KB, 566x800, 012[1].jpg)

This pair of retards. The books are more ambiguous about their situation so far, but the show made them absolutely unsympathetic. He gets obsessed with a prophecy, so he literally changes his entire life around it. Gets his wife with a kid, she has a difficult labor and is later told to rest for at least half a year. Despite that he gets her with another kid within like three months if not sooner. Meanwhile during a tourney he gifts a teenage girl with the title of queen of beauty or sth while his pregnant wife is in the audience. Later his wife finally gives him a son, almost dying in labor, and he's told she won't have more kids so he goes "but dragon has three heads, hurr durr" and abducts or runs away with a teenager. They fuck for months while her father and brother are horrifically killed and the realm goes FUBAR. Rhaegar finally shows up about midway through the war, proves to be an incompetent commander and gets killed like a retard he is while she dies. The show made it worse by explicitly showing them eloping and him annuling his first marriage which means his kids are now seen as bastards, while he names his second son the same name as the fist one. Lyanna also comes off as a hypocrite for complaining about Robert having affairs and then running away with a married man.
Sorry for sperging so hard, it just pisses me off how people see their relationship as romantic while ignoring how they basically ruined the lives of everyone around them.
No. 159576
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>>159526How can you say that when there's this bitch right here?
No. 159648
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>>159559>it just pisses me off how people see their relationship as romantic while ignoring how they basically ruined the lives of everyone around themWell, you can't say that's not impressive, at the very least
>>159597You reminded me how I've been wondering if there ever was a male version of Barrier Maiden? I guess not, since that trope is all about objectification. I really want a submissive and tragic pretty boy that is so committed to keeping the world together, he wouldn't mind you fucking him.
No. 159711
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Need I say more?
No. 159746
File: 1631255080514.png (763.2 KB, 557x1169, Ankha_NH.png)

>>111567>>135602For me it's Ankha. She looks so bitchy. I hate her fans and how much they sexualized her because dommy queen anthro cat. Also her name is based on the Ankh which symbolizes life and is shaped like the female reproduction organ so she fucks right?!
No. 159774
File: 1631278746068.jpg (34.62 KB, 350x438, heyarnold.jpg)

bland preachy fuck
No. 159775
File: 1631278752185.png (165.95 KB, 469x720, Power.png)

this annoying cunt
No. 159799
>>159789Hello, Helga
>>159790I guess you're right, I don't know why I'm so mean to him. Also I've realized just now that he has this long shirt peeking out of the sweater, and I've always thought it was some weird kilt lol
No. 159815
>>159743ahh I've heard about the manga, it's a classic! It has the same gimmick as Jojo with rock/metal references, right? Of course it's full of hot chicks but no female gaze dudes. Understandable for a shonen/seinen/whatever, but still a shame.
I want otome game with a character like ths. Better yet, a joseimuke dark souls rip-off. or just a joseimuke action rpg, whatever
No. 159825
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>>159799Everybody did, even in universe lol
No. 159849
>>159559Oh my god, yes, fuck them. Elia was so fucked over. I love that Oberyn still fights for her, but tbh I've always felt like it should be a more present thing in Dorne. Like, this shithead destroyed her entire life, humiliated her in public, and wasn't there to protect her from a horrific death. They have WAY more cause to want to secede than the North does, tbh.
ASOIAF is all about subverting shit, but we all know that's not applied completely across the board, and I am really hoping later books commit to pointing out how much of a fuckhead Rhaegar was. I don't even need it to be super overt, he's just such a huge in-world symbol of the sort of chivalric ideals GRRM likes to skewer that it would seem strange NOT to. His words and actions are SO disparate – all this blah blah blah about being the prince that was promised, oh he was so handsome and talented and brooding and brilliant, but then his actions are just blatant fuckboy stuff. Like, it COULD end up working as an amazing symbol of all the points ASOIAF purports to make, but I don't trust GRRM to actually go there. At the very least, I like the criticism inherent in the point that "the prince that was promised" isn't gender-specific in Valyrian – like, fuck you Rhaegar, you fucked up your whole life and and shat all over your wife because you assumed this was about you, but actually it's about your sister. Die mad.
No. 159931
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>>159711I went back to this show in boredom recently and I didn't hate her as much this time around, maybe because her shit beget more shit from the other characters. She was acknowledged to be a dip more than I remembered. Now Eli and Claire were insufferable apart and together. Speaking of Ashley though, FUCK Craig.
No. 159972
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Rewatching Downton and this motherfucker has such a punchable face. Total Gary Stu of a character, and horribly miscast because this actor gives me such gross creepy vibes. Why would such a smart hottie like Anna look at him twice? He looks like a melting bulldog. And his character does the most retarded things out of muh honor when just telling the truth would solve his problem. He's not noble he's just a self sabotaging autist. Anyone who stans him would stan Hitler if the right dramatic violin music was played when he was on screen.
No. 159980
>>159931I hate how if I were slightly younger I’d be ALL OVER Eli. He was entertaining tho, never a dull moment. Rewatching it I actually really liked my lesbian bpd queen, Fiona.
Yeah Craig started out as a good character imo then they just made him a serial sociopathic cheater
No. 160014
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I've never hated a character as much as I hate this obnoxious bastard
No. 160021
>>159972I don’t think he was a Gary Stu at all, he was everything
but perfect. Self absorbed, bland, easily angered, possessive, bitchy attitude and a literal criminal. He was at least a consistent character but the annoying bit was how they decided to make everyone go on about how noble, reliable and kind he was. Not true at all. He was a sympathetic character for the first two episodes then never did anything admirable again. I also thought Anna was nice but I really hate how they never gave her any meaningful development except as this asshole’s nanny/therapist, a run of baby fever and that ol chestnut
rape as a character arc. She seemed like a delusional pickme with Bates half the time (“He’S a GoOd PeRsOn!” no, he’s not) and the rest she was just getting shit on and helping other people. Would’ve absolutely loved to see her kick him to the curb and become more self confident by the end, but of course not.
No. 160048
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>>160025Fiona really grew and matured. I felt bad for her when no one believed her about her
abusive BF. Also you know I hated the most ?
Jenna. Boyfriend stealing, slut shaming, teen pregnancy singer, bitch
No. 160049
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His only personality traits are being a rude, insensitive dick who's always taking out on other people by yelling at them. I feel so bad for Hermione for having to put up with with those two insufferable cunts, they don't deserve her
No. 160074
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Yandere waifubait character making weird blushy faces and fanservice. Disgusting.
No. 160096
>>160049This so much. Imagine living a bleak, shitty life under the stairs of your
abusive caretakers, getting tormented every day by that fat annoying screecher kid. There’s no hope, everything sucks but suddenly there comes an owl with a letter saying you’re actually a fucking wizard, and should go to a wizard academy. You don’t really believe it first but then a big hairy dude comes with a flying motorcycle and picks you up while your
abusive stepparents are left seething that they can’t abuse you anymore. You suddenly discover a wondrous world of mystery and magic, not to speak of the fact that you are a fucking wizard now. Just imagine how many kids from shit situations would kill to have this be their life, but Harry has nothing better to do than cry how hard everything is for him while leeching off his friends who constantly have to save his dumb, self-pitying ungrateful ass. I like those books but he annoyed me so much, such an unlikeable asshole.
No. 160127
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This show was basically the adaptation of a wattpad fan fiction but Beck is so boring and unremarkable either way. Peach deserved better than being killed over such a boring y/n.
No. 160133
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not her character itself, just the fact she has become the poster girl for trannies and tiktokers
No. 160135
>>160133Really? I thought trannies only cared about girly anime boys like Astolfo and tiktokers only watched naruto.
Why is she a cringe icon?
No. 160138
>>160135from wikipedia
>The series incorporates creative influences from computer history, cyberpunk and conspiracy theoryit's not cringe in itself, but the above is why it attracts so many trannies, particularly the "programmer socks" type
No. 160149
>>160135Serial Experiments Lain is hailed as a "deep" anime on 4chan, even before this it was the trademark of 2deep4u cyber bros. From there on it spread to /g/ and and ricing linux users using Lain in their designs. She fits perfectly into glitchy internet culture glorifying aesthetics.
NTA but I personally don't mind the character, I remember her being a really simple protagonist, I just hate the creep energy of some scenes.
No. 160152
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i rewatched the matrix trilogy cuz im excited for resurrections and was reminded how much i hate these dumb twins. i think the idea of them is cool but their design is so incredibly stupid, and for some reason, back then, the whole fandom wanted to fuck them/ship them together
No. 160158
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>>109651I finished season 2, but just barely. I understand what they were trying to do, it makes sense, and I think the actress is charming, but her character makes no damn sense and she takes all the fun and teachable moments out of Nanno's lessons.
It also made absolutely no sense for her to be in the position she was, treat her mother with sympathy, and then corner Nanno.. solely because she wanted to steal these two guys' blackmail empire after she killed them? To continue the same thing she was horrified over? Being as clever as resourceful as she's made to be, she never needed Nanno to take over.
I know it was supposed to be a twist on how someone's looks can be deceiving, and that abuse creates monsters, but it doesn't make sense for the origin of her character. Hopefully it's just an awkward segue into a third season where Nanno destroys her.
No. 160160
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She makes me think one of those awful looking kawaii OCs but with super strong powers.
No. 160164
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Absolute trash who continuously stands around while her father murders people. I would feel differently if she didn't constantly cover for him or kill for her own magic. She questions him several times, but chooses to do the wrong thing for selfish reasons.
No. 160169
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>>160162Spoilers for Black Butler I guess:
reapers are basically normal humans who committed suicide and who are punished for it by forcing them to collect dead people's memories and seeing people dying over and over again. Undertaker is a reaper, he was already close to the Phantomhive family before the twins were even born, especially to Vincent according to some flashbacks. Claudia, Ciel's grandmother and Vincent and Francis's mother, was already working for the royal family before them and was married to a random guy named Cedric. From all the things that are implied about the family and how Undertaker thinks about the queen and how she may or may not be responsible for Vincent's death and he hates her for making all the Phantomhives suffering, how he seem to dislike Sebastian for using Ciel for his own gain, how he's keeping some family heirloom with him until Ciel gets his hand on it, and with how Toboso joked on twitter that Edward and Undertaker are meant to look a lot like each other for "reasons" I'm like 99.9999% sure Undertaker is Cedric, as in, Ciel's grandfather. He's most likely just pissed off that his son and daughter-in-law were murdered and one of his grandson was killed soon after. IIRC we see Cedric's name on a family tree but not the date of his birth, that's suspicious just by itself. No. 160175
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>>160171No? How do you see someone complaining about the MANGA's chapter being short and think about some anime-only literal who character first?
No. 160177
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>>160176forgot the picture, but speaking of the megane trope, I've never understood how anyone could genuinely like this piece of trash - also the dumbest character goal I've ever seen in the history of manga/anime. I love YnM, but the series could also do without him.
No. 160263
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This cunt can't keep getting away with it
No. 160266
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>How dare a female character not have a love interest?
>Coraline feeling so lonely and misunderstood that she has no one but an animal to rely on becomes pointless
>Friendship with cat becomes less special since he already bonded with someone else
This guy is so fucking unnecessary
No. 160293
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I hated this ugly ass motherfucker, what a waste of resources.
Everyone in that movie was so ugly.
No. 160295
But that entire movie also sucked
No. 160500
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Shut the fuck up you fucking spaz.
No. 160541
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>>160263She will and she does
No. 160748
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(i don't really hate him, just sperging).
every character from every post renaissance disney animated movie, show and film have bland and forced personalities, but it's so much more obvious with this character, because he's all of my favorite tropes combined. i wanted so bad to like him, but even 9 year old me was direly unimpressed. same could be said for nick wilde. it's like the movie shoves their forced sappy backstories down our throats and demands we are endeared their generic bad boy personas. it's so tryhard. disney manages to suck the life even out of their best ideas.
No. 160789
>>160127I liked Beck in the beginning but toward’s the end, it was obvious that she was shitty and pathetic.
Still didn’t deserve her fate thoughI disagree about Peach though. She was a cunt. Granted, she was right about Joseph but she seemed like such an awful person in general with little to no redeeming qualities.
Good riddance imo. The actress is gorgeous though.
No. 160839
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Grace is so boring and pretty much just a plot device. I know they had to have one sane person in among weirdos and strong personalities and have a generic horror/mystery main character, but I audibly groan every time she's on screen. I couldn't care less about her plight until the reveal about her mother. I cheered when others called her out over her narcissism. The only character who is worse is her incel boyfriend. Most of the other characters are horrible people but at least they're entertaining. Glad she didn't return for season 2.
No. 160887
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I grew up with Friends and I'll still let it play in the background but over the years I'm really weirded out by this character. I get that she's supposed to be chaotic and random and of a completely different mold, but she's often rude and dismissive for no real reason, but people are supposed to be understanding because she has a dark-comedic backstory. She's usually just making their lives more difficult, she's not even connected to anyone by blood, personal history or life circumstances. Why are they tolerating her?
No. 160909
>>160903NTA. Sure, there's usually better if there's a conflict, and interesting characters would often be extremely annoying, but usually there's a justification in-universe why they're together, if they're friends (struggling flatmates, same workplace, drama). But Phoebe Buffay hangs around with the rest of the cast even though they consider her cuckoo, she's often uncompromising, sometimes she's just flat out a bitch to them. But they don't really NEED to hang out with her, she's just part of the group as a default, and apparently they all love her, even though if there's any minor side character or recurring character that acts like her, they're treated like crazy or unpleasant.
No. 160936
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>>160887Agreed and while I’m at it, both of these mfs. Ross is obviously an annoying piece of shit, but at least he tried to move on / put some distance between himself and Rachel several times. Then Rachel would do some dumb self centered shit to sabotage it (flying to London, shaving that girls head, etc) because she couldn’t just leave him alone.
These fuckers deserve eachother.
No. 160940
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The sitcom era reminiscence made me remember this embarassment of a character. Although I guess looking back almost all of the characters are awful, but I especially hate this Pickme McSupreme. I also had to listen how people thought Marshall&Lily were "goals". She was like the ultimate Cool Girl that was down to hate on women with her husband and their friends and pretend she was into all the nerdy shit he was to maintain the illusion. Like if anything the show showed have much work it takes to project this image of the perfect nerdy smoll bean wife, but the main character still called them the perfect couple and also wanted a female clone of himself.
No. 160955
>>160897>She's the kind of character that nobody would stand as a real personThat's most sitcom characters though. Shows wouldn't be funny if all the characters were well adjusted and likable.
>>160940God, I hate this show and every thing about it. Ted was like the epitome of one of those guys who are always complaining about being single and deserve a girlfriend because they're "nice".
No. 160957
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don't know why the nooras annoy me, she just does, and the only redeeming factor is how she's good looking. the williams are also in that same level of annoying.
special honors go to that one tif in druck
No. 161952
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Bland fucking bitch ass character. By the end, pretty much everyone was insufferable (the only reason I have a soft spot for Rou is the fact that he's voiced by Hanae Natsuki), but he was unlikable from the very beginning. I still don't get what Shinako and Haru saw in him.
No. 161990
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I wanted to watch Aladdin as an adult and even enjoyed it right until that spastic appeared, which was the point where I stopped. Seriously, how can anyone enjoy him, he is so exhausting, he never stops fucking around. I didn't even mind him as a kid, I guess I didn't watch this movie that much back then.
No. 162411
>>159746I hate her even more now that she's being memed for a porn animation made by Zone. So disgusting it makes me cringe. Get that shit away from my recommendations and feed.
>>156311I still hate this ugly cunt to this day.
>>156620Also when is the last time that we have guys/husbandos as a meme/trend? Raymond? Not counting traps or joke guys like Shaggy and Ricardo Milos because they're popularized by scrotes. Sometimes I wish hot men were more sexualized especially to the point of becoming a trend/meme.
No. 162476
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I'm in season 3 and he's still an unbearable ass, I do not understand the appeal of him whatsoever. There are 2 times in the entire show so far where he shows any kindness to the others/Deku. And am I really suppose to forget how he was introduced telling Deku to jump off the roof?
No. 162487
>>162256Funnily enough, I'm another Polish anon and know what you mean. At the same time, I didn't hate the localized humor in Shrek (which I think started the trend). IDK if it would still be funny to me (I don't even watch those ~cult movies~ cause they are scrote shit), but it worked fine for the time. There wasn't any other way of dealing with Shrek, since it's so high on american popculture. Making weeb style subtitles wouldn't work, kek. Putting popculture references in everything else… please stop. It's trashy, it gets irrelevant so fast, what's the point.
>>162282>they replaced Saizou and Beruka's C rank support where they talk about how they were raised to be child soldiers and they're mentally fucked up from killing people for a living with them literally not saying anything at all because… I guess that's supposed to be funny to 40s American translators? What the fuck. The dragon thing I can get since it's free publicity whether people like it or hate it, but this… like what's the point in removing content from the game?
>>162476Everyone in BNHA should jump off the roof, or better yet, a bridge
No. 162504
>>162487 you go anon, I was not even exaggerating. As for why? The game's story is a bit darker than the previous games and deals with family drama, child abuse, fratricide, characters becoming legit fucked in he head from traumatizing childhoods (especially Xander, Camilla and Ryoma, but they're far from he only one) and the translators decided to remove some of the more "fanservicey" or dark dialogues and scenes probably because that was too much. BUT they replaced some very cute and wholesome romantic dialogues with some of the love interest once you marry them and replaced them with dick jokes and potentially homophobic stereotypes in Niles' case just because that makes 40s fat, greasy American "translators" laugh. They also listened to some creepy transbian who doesn't speak Japanese and never played any of the series' games and rewrote Soleil, one of the playable characters. I could go on and on.
Don't get me started on the DLCs that were never released in he West because they changed some of the characters so much that they'd have to rewrite the dialogues from these DLC from scratch to make them coherent, and they're mostly about interactions between the many playable characters.
No. 162505
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>>162476>he was introduced telling Deku to jump off the roof?Deku enjoys that though.
No. 162509
>>162505Is this some sort of fujo bait? And is this new? I haven’t read the manga in such a long time because it got extremely boring and all I wanted to see was the hot guy with the bird mask.
Now I really have absolutely no pity for Deku bitch.
No. 162513
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>>162509>Is this some sort of fujo bait? Yes
>And is this new?I don't think so? I believe it's from a gag manga from a while back, I don't read BNHA (only watched a season and a half before dropping it) but apparently they had Bakugo apologize and then Deku fell into his arms like a princess or something in a recent chapter.
No. 162517
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>>162476>am I really suppose to forget how he was introduced telling Deku to jump off the roof?I don't really understand why people liked Bakugou at the beggining. He was like… a fucking textbook bully, yet weebs and nerds idolized him… The same people who can't stop talking about bullying, highschool trauma and being outcasts or whatever. I understand that "edgy" characters are cool, but he was not "Sasuke", he was "Random NPC #2 that bullies MC but shuts up some time later when MC gets stronger".
I think he's more chill in the current (manga) chapters, but I'm not sure because I haven't touched the manga in years kek.
No. 162553
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>>162517I personally like Kirishima more than Bakugou
or Izuku. I've always had a soft spot for characters who are unintelligent but sweet and earnest. Kirishima's hero didn't show out of nowhere to be his life coach like All Might– he had to work completely on his own to qualify for being a hero. Iirc he was #2 on both categories in the entrance exam, just behind Deku and Bakugou respectively. Also I think it's cool that Kirishima was the first person to befriend Bakugou at UA, I think that speaks to how patient and forgiving he is.
Honestly, I'd probably still be reading the manga if they gave him more screentime (page time?)
No. 163264
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He makes me seethe, I hate everything about him. Absolutely everything. He's my besties fav. Grosssssss.
No. 163278
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Freaking Hakase. It’s like they took all the worst character traits of being a 6-year-old and packed it into one character without giving her anything to keep her from bugging the crap out of you.
No. 163524
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Allow me to introduce you to the worst "character" in anime.
Do you know the type of guys who complain about the MC having flaws or showing emotions, and how if they were in MC's position they'd make the perfect 200IQ decisions? This guy is their wet dream. He is monotone throughout the whole show and has no proper relationships to the people around him who've been relegated to NPCs. Every episode he does some deus ex machina bullshit and it's not even "so dumb it's funny".
The only emotion he has ever felt was falling in love with a manic pixie dream girl who wasn't interested in him. The girl's childhood friend helps him in battle, and after the battle ends he shoots his plane out of jealousy. Another girl is in love with him and cares for him, even cries for his sake and he doesn't give the slightest shit because he's so stoic. The best part about the anime was watching his crush chose another man, too bad they didn't go with Urobuchi's original script where he turns into a villain and gets abandoned by his friends and sister because of his incel rage.
No. 163527
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>>163524Uhg yes! He’s such a fucking prick, the only characters that didn’t suck in that series were:
>Inko, eldorito, harklight and lemons.The only characters with common sense in that “w-we’re not trying to be the next gundam wing or anything” series.
The sped triad formed by Asshime, Slaine and Inahoe is cringy as fuck, they basically dislike each other and treat each other like acquaintances at best, they almost hate each other, but no! Everyone has to fall in love with the uwu pwimcess because she’s like Zelda but like, approachable? But she isn’t approachable at all, she becomes friends with the girls, yeah, but she never shows any interest in having more than surface level contact with the guys.
>B-but muh different cultured brainwashed waifuNah, fuck off with that, she didn’t give a fuck about humans at all, what she wanted was some vacations and she got them.
And slaine? He’s so fucking unnerving with the
victim bullshit that becomes evil but he has a heart of gold, Nah, all he wanted was to fuck the princess, it was all about fucking a princess, lemons liked him for real, but he did like pic related and that made me seethe.
Inaho with his dumbass 200000000000000 IQ should’ve stayed retarded after he got shot, that would’ve made him at least cute.
No. 164095
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Made a chart of characters I hate. Could be more but this is what I can think of for now. If you see someone you like or that don't deserve hate plus disagreeing with me, idgaf.
No. 164231
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this fucking piece of shit. he has no value to the story except being a rich edgelord who needs to take his meds and refuses to reconcile with his adopted brother because he's in immature retard. argh i hate him and his fans so much, his in game model looks ugly af, and people worship him like he's soooooo hot pls die in a ditch
No. 164561
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every single stupid bitch in this. i hate how this shit was way more popular than idolmaster or pretty rhythm on the english net. those series somehow have more interesting girls while also pumping out more of them. the new love live series is extremely good, though. i love those girls.
No. 164571
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>>164231Okay, late reply because I didn’t know this was posted, but they literally reconciled, if you played the game and read the dialogs, it’s obvious that they get along during the summer event, they’re doing fun banter and he’s just too dead inside and uptight to laugh and play along.
And yeah, Myhoeyoyo should change his eyes, I don’t get why they gave him huge eyes.
No. 164594
>>164099Love you too.
>>164116Like the last three on the top row? Then yes.
>>164128Most of the characters are either overly sexualized, annoying and cringey. Worst of all, they're mostly meme material popularized by scrotes so it's annoying to see this shit everywhere even when avoiding it.
>>164434I'm not that anti-PASWG anon. Panty is just so unlikeable, a hyper sexual blonde bitch that Brief needs to stop simping for. I preferred Stocking though. I'm glad she cut her up on that last episode.
No. 164599
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this annoying prick. this game tries hard to be progressive about prostitution and the women's circumstances, so i can't stand to watch the main characters cry over a gross pimp's death, especially since some of them only knew him for a few days. i don't care if its because he's 'honest' about what he does, that makes it even worse. i fucking hate him and wish he was deleted from the universe.
No. 164964
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His "Lol he wanna touch titty XD" running gag was making me cringe everytime he was on screen. But I mostly hate how a lot of male anime fans think that he is the greatest thing ever and think that acting like him will get them a harem. Sounds like a joke, but I did indeed meet guys who tried to replicate Issei's behavior thinking it was funny
No. 165009
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this stupid bitch all the manchild coomers want to fuck
No. 165018
>>165009I think that her name is genius lol. Other than that, I'm neutral since luckily I haven't seen much of coomer content with her (I am aware of that video, though). I feel you despite that
>>165014WTF just found out that girls and women are filming themselves basically fucking air to mimic sex in the porn video. God, I'm glad that it's not me. Imagine filming something like that, broadcasting it on the net and cringing years down the line. lol Though I guess sexposi libfems will always say that it was empowering.
No. 165023
>>165009Aw, I don't hate her I actually think her design is really cute. I just hate how much coomers have sexualized an Animal Crossing cat. Fucking furries
>>165020Look up Ankha Zone but just meme info not the whole thing. It's a gross porn animation someone made of her
No. 165038
>>165009It's not her fault, she's a
victim. Raymond is the real issue.
No. 165042
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>>165009I get where you’re coming from, but it’s her fans that are the problem and not the character herself.
Ankha’s been one of my favorite villagers since 2016. She’s always had a coombrained moid-infested fanbase, though. That retarded Zone meme just made it bigger and now it’s all she’s known for. It’s literally one of the first things that comes up when you Google her name. I hate pornrotted scrotes so much.
No. 165122
>>165081I think that there was confirmation that "Zone" was a team of animators and the character "Zone-tan" was more like a mascot. So probably not
a tranny but a group of guys.
No. 165129
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She makes me seethe. I cannot stand her. She serves her role in the story well enough as a foil to Shinji and Rei, but I still cringe every time she's on screen. I know you're not supposed to approve of her behavior or find it endearing and her backstory is supposed to explain why she is the way she is, but she still falls flat compared to every other character in the series aside from literallywho side characters with 10 lines. Even Kaworu, a borderline plot device who shows up for 8 minutes and then croaks, or minor side characters like Kensuke, Toji and Hikari are still more interesting and likable than this scenery-eating waste of space. Penpen making sad penguin noises when Misato sent him away to live with another family for safety was more heartbreaking and emotionally resonant than anything to do with Asuka or her telenovela-esque backsotry with her mother. I could never find her to be a compelling character in the least despite actively trying to, and actually cheered when I watched EoE for the first time when she jobbed yet again and got speared. It doesn't help that her fans are as insufferable as she is; misogynistic coomer moids who use her to fulfill their repulsive "taming the shrew" fantasies of humbling a confident woman, and BPD-chans who self insert as her and think their cluster B antics are cute because a popular animu waifu behaves the same way. I wish I could time travel to 1995 and give Hideaki Anno some Prozac so he never makes Evangelion in the first place, solely so she would never exist.
t. not Robin William's ghost
No. 165170
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>>165055AYRT, glad you came around. Also, strong agree. destroy all moids
On the topic of Animal Crossing villagers, though, I absolutely fucking loathe Rocket (picrel). The moment she moved into my New Leaf town a few years ago I wanted her out. She was fun to bully, though, since I liked all of my other villagers too much to mess around with pitfalls.
No. 165259
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I've seen very little of this franchise and I already want to blow my brains out every time he opens his mouth.
No. 165262
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all of them
No. 165468
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>>165262Replace everyone with Jerry then I can agree with you.
No. 166044
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the trolls were annoying retards who dragged the series down
No. 169511
>>166044I still unironically think the Beforus Trolls are at least conceptually better than the Alternia ones
The entire point of Trolls is to be exaggerated caricatures of internet dwellers but the joke falls flat when more than half of them don't have a personality and/or are irrelevant, while some others are shoved down your throat all the time.
The Beforus Trolls arc is a meta joke on Act 5, the reader spends so much time reading about these non-characters and their drama, and they aren't even that important in the end.
I'm not saying it's a good thing mind you, they still suck.