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No. 90152
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Ill start,
Chloe Price from life is strange, she's a spoiled little shit who blames everyone but her for the problems in her life, a toxic friend to max even bordering on abusive considering all the manipulative shit she pulls, she ruined the whole game for me.
LiS would've been so much better if it had "routes" and we could hang out with anyone else aside from Chloe.
No. 90158
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get your 3rd class ass out of my way you fucking idiot
No. 90169
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Bless the anon who made this thread.
I got recomended Elfen Lied a few years ago, and goddammit I hated Lucy so much. I get that while she is without her memories is meant to be cute but it got annoying so fast. And her whole backstory didn't make her any more likeable.
She just killed the protagonist family out of the blue and many years later she just goes "Oh, I'm sowwy I killed youw famiwy, let's kiss UwU". I just hate when people say that the kids that killed her dog deserved to die and they are the most awful characters on the series when Lucy is far worse but she is all UwU did nothing wrong.
No. 90178
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It's been almost a decade since I was in this fandom, bit when I think of characters I hate, this is the first one to come to mind. He's a lame 2edgy4me character that all the 12 year olds and stoners obsessed over. Literally has no personality besides "stoner" and "homicidal maniac." Like the comic had so many decent characters, why did retards keep picking shitclown as their favorite.
No. 90180
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bitch ass motherfucker
No. 90181
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This thread might as well have been made for this little twat.
Here's the thing: Tumblrinas hate him because he sexually harasses people. But I hate him because he has literally no redeeming qualities and is generally useless. A character being whiny or perverted is one thing, but if they have literally no other qualities, it's a fucking problem. His English voice is like nails on a chalkboard. He's completely selfish– he isn't becoming a hero to protect people like everyone else is. He's just wants to be a hero to get women. The show constantly calls Bakugou out for his selfish motivation to become a hero, (as it should) but no one bats at eye at how selfish Mineta is. I also just hate his design. It doesn't gel at all with the other characters. His only purpose is comic relief, but he's not funny, so he's just a waste of time.
No. 90184
>>90181So are you trying to make the point that you don't hate the fact he sexually harasses people?
Lol for real tho, I hate him too, I get it that shonen needs it's comic relief but characters like Aoyama would do just fine, this this is just bad.
Also how tf he made it to the 1-A class with his waste of a quirk while for example quirk-copying dude from 1-B didn't? U.A. high school is a joke
No. 90187
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i don't see his appeal and his song was cringey. at least miyano mamuro was his seiyuu? but i like he doesn't have a lot of screen time. he probably loves himself more than his own wife, idk.
No. 90189
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>>90187Agreed. Also, I really hated Christophe.
No. 90190
>>90178my theory is that he was the beacon to all edgelord 13 yr old fans who think that becoming a BDSM clown can be an actual life goal (seriously, have you seen the godawfully weird fan art?)
i cant decide which i hate more: this fucker or the laryngitis sounding twits who think mimicking the sound of a suffocating gerbil constitutes a decent voice for the dragon lawyer character
No. 90199
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The nico nico nii thing is obnoxious and her character is unlikable.
No. 90218
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I don't even care about what her fans say, but she's literally the reason SU went to shit, either because of her unnecessarily chaotic personality or because she's the only thing the series cares about as if there's no plot to focus on. I don't hate her because she has """flaws""", I hate her because she's useless, selfish and an overall dumbass with anger issues who is nothing but a living plot device plus it makes no sense that everyone in the series (excepting Steven) seems to react so mildly towards her actions.
No. 90220
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I have a love/hate relationship with this bitch, it's mostly hate though
Eren is funny to talk about freedom this freedom that when he absolutely refuses to see things from another perspective except from his only
No. 90240
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I hope this piece of shit die in the most painful way possible. I've never felt such strong hatred towards any character besides him.
No. 90241
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They all should burn tbh
No. 90242
>>90239Even tho its shitty that david slapped her she was literally using illegal drugs in his wife’s home, Associating with criminals, disrespecting both him and her mother, all while living off their money.
And prior to that David’s only crimes against Chloe were marrying her mom and having a stereotypical macho guy personality (she was just pissed that her mom moved on but she didn’t) and trying to impose rules in his house since Joyce is kind of a doormat to Chloe.
No. 90298
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I've decided to rewatch the series and I'm pretty sure I'll always hate her.
No. 90320
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I have literally never hated a character like I hate them.
I don't mind selfish characters and I don't mind stupid characters. But to be both so incredibly selfish AND willfully ignorant/stupid? To throw away everyone & everything in your past for mindless hedonism? I absolutely fucking loathe this fucking cunt. I hope this bitch gets thrown in the fucking gem grinder, I hate how they've NEVER had to suffer
No. 90333
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>>90298never going to understand why manny didn't toss her bitch ass to the curb
No. 90335
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Jessie in the Final Fantasy 7 remake.
I hated almost every time she talked in the game. The constant "fun & quirky" shtick gets old so quick and makes most of her lines completely obnoxious (it doesn't help that her voice is the same as Futaba from Persona 5).
& then you're meant to feel sad when she dies but it's literally her inability to just shut up that gets her killed.
No. 90336
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this ugly fuckface. such a typical edgelord with no semblance of an interesting backstory or personality, I cannot believe how many people consider a character this boring to be "good" lmao
No. 90345
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>>90146i hated dawn summers. she's so annoying.
>>90152>>90227this was the first character i thought of when i saw this post as well. everyone i know who played the game loved her and i don't get it.
No. 90347
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>>90180>>90336i love both of these shit lords. suzaku adds depth to the story and it makes the ending even more satisfying.
izaya is an irredeemable piece of shit but i still really love him.
no man is worth selling your sell for though. especially when she doesnt even bother telling him she loves him. her character arc frustrated me even though it made for a good tragic story because i can imagine someone irl pulling the dumb shit she did.
No. 90348
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I hate this little shit. The fact that the fandom loves him because he is edgy, tsundere or whatever makes me hate him even more. He was coddled and treated like a special genius snowflake his whole life, there's no history of trauma or abuse any other reason to justify him being the shit bully he is.
He's just that entitled and the show doesn't hold him accountable for his actions nearly enough. Him facing the fact that he isn't that special should be a lot more humbling, but he is still just an one dimensional prick.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like I can't enjoy asshole characters, I just prefer the ones that have layers and decent development.
No. 90350
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>>90348i feel like you'll love the #anti bakugou tag on tumblr lol the majority of the fandom loves him but there are also legit hateblogs dedicated to him
No. 90353
>>90347Sayaka pissed me off so much. That's all I have to say for it.
>>90350Those hateblogs are fucking nuts with the lengths they go with hating a fictional character, especially when they start attacking everyone who actually likes the character for whatever retarded woke reason they came up with. Just say you don't like the character and that's it, there's no need to make up some bullshit debate about ethics and moral around it
No. 90354
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>>90353I hate Bakugou but I wouldn't go as far as writing a whole essay about it. It's funny to me how people can get so pissy over a cartoon character
No. 90356
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Back when I was into reading and watching any sort of shit, I started reading SAO light novel when ALO arc got fully released, and God, I still despise this Mary Sue-looking fanservice character bitch.
She is nothing but a stupid fanservice character who appears to have fallen in love with MC, her own cousin, and would always be fucking whining about it like a spoiled brat because he doesn't love her back. During whole book she would always be screeching his name and making sure she's there, all uwu i love u onii-chan.
Terrible character with terribly generic design. I don't know how can people even like her? She was also insufferable in anime, too.
Name is Leafa / Suguha.
No. 90358
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This fucking bitch from Blue Exorcist. I remember how much she annoyed me when I first watched it so many years ago and I still get annoyed when I look at her face. She's so fucking useless. I hate those cutesy dumb female characters who have no personality except for being the MC's good looking love interest and she's the epitome of it. [insert her dumb fucking whiny almost-hentai voice in here] "R-Rin!" Like no please go kill yourself Shiemi you dumb useless bitch. You are a bimbo. A dumb one. A retarded one. Bimbo. B i m b o. They honestly should've left her crippled up in that garden when they first met her and not turn her into one of the main cast. Should've maybe smashed her feet with hammers too. I hate this dumb bitch. Literally contributes absolutely nothing to the story line except for being Rin's pretty cocksleeve. Go die Shiemi.
I sound like those Bakugou hate blogs but I really needed to get the anger from 15 year old me out.
No. 90359
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this 'sensitive' fuckboy
No. 90360
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I hate Takumi so fucking much that it's been over 10 years since I read the last volume of Nana and I still randomly think about how much of a disgusting whore he was. I wish Yazawa will finally end the manga some day so
we can see how Hachi divorced him.>>90187>he probably loves himself more than his own wife, idk.This dude has a tramp stamp, I already surprised he has a fiancée/wife in the first place. I think his appeal is that he's so cringey and so embarrassing to look at that he goes back to being kinda likable in a way. I don't like him but I think he has hilarious scenes.
Otabek deserved the bronze medal way more than JJ though. No. 90361
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These two mentally ill bitches ruined every single thing
No. 90362
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>>90354Agree, I have characters that I absolutely
loathe, even seeing them pisses me off. But actually going into some super deep depth overanalyzing everything there is to the character and attacking their fans for being ~
problematic~ is fucking bonkers. Like I don't really even care about MHA and I'm only using this as an example because it was brought up but I'm guessing Bakugo's shitty behavior is played for the overblown cartoony comedic value and to create contrast between him and Deku's personality, not to portray some super duper deep
abusive tangled web of underlying personality disorders. It's not a real person you can conduct a psychological analysis on to begin with.
To contribute to the thread, I can't actually come up with a character that I actively
hate to the point I'd be invested enough to bring it up, but in general I can't stand characters that get pampered by the story, never have to face consequences, always get played as the
victim and the other characters around them constantly use their energy to gush about how great and amazing they are,
especially when they're not the main character who's likely doing something to deserve such treatment. Their story always features a lazily written deus ex machina move that's supposed to render them "important to the story". Their only character flaw centers around them doing something awful and the instant resolve being everyone gathering around to pat them on the back. 5 times out of 5 it's a waifu marysue the writer obviously either had the hots for or alternatively self-inserted into, and wanted to shoehorn into the story no matter how awkward it turns out to be. Actually you know what, pic related.
No. 90367
>>90362>pic relatedI haven't finished P5 vanilla and don't want to play P5R in particular. But from spoilers I've read and seen I know at best I won't care about her.
I don't why anytime Atlus releases a remaster or remake of their SMT games, they almost ALWAYS add a cutesy fanservice poster girl with her own shoehorned storyline where all the main characters seem to care so much for her and she wants to fuck you, the main character. The exceptions where these new characters are actually ok are when they added Dante to SMT Nocturne and Raidou in the Maniax edition of SMT3, and when they decided to make SMT4 Apocalypse a proper sequel and Nanashi/Akira the main character instead of just making a deluxe edition of SMT4 with a badly shoehorned fanservice version of Akira. And maybe Rin in Catherine Fullbody but I haven't played that one yet and I don't want to spoil it for you guys.
No. 90371
>>90367All scenes with her are fucking embarrassing and make me cringe due to how badly written she is and one of the most blatant examples of waifu pandering. It's no surprise that all the male fans are soiling their pants over her because she's so ~tender and sweet~ when she's like all the blandest Disney Princesses put into a blender with a slapped on low-effort tragic back story to make her ~deep~.
I don't hate her or anything, I'm just mad at how bad the writing on her is and what a wasted potential her character was. It's like they were forced to add a new waifu and out of spite they tried to make her as annoying as possible.
I also forgot to mention that literally her only flaw introduced up until the very last moments of the game is that "she's too perfect and everyone is jealous of her". God damn.
No. 90372
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Mary Sue, watching the movie was like watching a really bad Wattpad fanfic.
No. 90374
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>>90371>I'm just mad at how bad the writing on her is and what a wasted potential her character wasThat's kinda how I felt over Marie in P4G except she didn't even have that much potential in the first place because her story is exactly Teddie's story except way less subtle and interesting since she barely interacts with the rest of the cast. And she looks horrible, literally bootleg Nana, which is weird because Soejima is usually good at drawing fashionable characters.
No. 90392
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This stupid bitch made the show unwatchable
No. 90396
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>>90184Dude Shinsou (mind control kid) should be in 1-A instead of purple diaper tard. I love his story– that he desperately wants to be a good person and a hero despite having a villainous quirk. Also his thing with Aizawa is really sweet.
>>90348I used to hate Bakugou. But he really takes his lumps later on in the story. I personally really like jerkass characters that learn to be better people. His arc is clearly about him learning to be less arrogant. Pic related is a good indicator that he's growing and learning.
No. 90400
>>90362I haven't finished P5R but jfc
I was hoping they wouldn't make her a Mary Sue but as far as I know she's already one. I'm trying really hard to like her but I just can't. They had to make her special in any way, she even gets her own scene in the fucking opening of the game while you can't see any of your other teammates, which is a pity because I really loved persona 5 for the characters and she's made to outshine them all. She's perfect, everyone either loves or is jealous of her, her awakening happens separately and of course it resembles a magical girl transformation, she doesn't join your team because gYmNAstiCs, her opinion are different because she's special.
And she's just a mixture of all the other female characters so she has no clear role in the story. Even design-whise she's just a copy of the protagonist, down to the color her design is based off of.
I'm enjoying the way they expanded the character interactions and added cool things to do, even the other new characters are nice, but she fits horribly into the story.
Alright rant over.
No. 90401
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He's so fucking overrated. I didn't originally hate him, but the fanbase made me hate him.
Also Death By Glamour is better than Megalovania.
No. 90418
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this faggot. sorry you suck at swimming bitch
No. 90419
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I hate Cullen. By Inquisition he's convinced himself that he's become a better person and atoned for his past but he hasn't and I hate that the narrative acts like he has.
>>90360fucking agreed, fuck this piece of shit.
No. 90426
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>>90419Oh god if only they had switched Samson's and Cullen's roles, it wouldve fit their personalities such much better, but Cullenites were thristy since origins and EA has to make buck.
No. 90435
>>90418 he has gotten better in s2, less of a douche. although sousuke immediately replaced him with the same "grr haru i hate you, gonna beat you in swimming" attitude. idk they keep bringing characters to size up with haru in each season though. However I only watched season 1 and 2 so my opinion doesn't stand much ground and I have only watched a few clips from the other seasons as well.
I kinda understand to have some sort of antagonist to battle haru with swimming like to spice it up with the drama on the sport but like… can't there be any conflict?
No. 90467
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Absolute trash can of a character. Trash in the anime and garbage in the manga. The moment she put her hands on someone else she was irredeemable to me. And the manga preaches forgiveness so everyone just conveniently forgets what a raging cunt she was. Not to mention the countless youtube bullshit essays that try to analyze her and make excuses. Nah, she's trash.
No. 90473
>>90220ah yeah edgy rageturd evolved into edgier rageturd.
Honestly I hate eren too but i find him hilarious. He's such a pathetic tryhard who takes himself too seriously which makes it funny to watch despite the series being pretty much shit at this point with the exception of some few characters. I have this tinfoil isayama is self aware to a point and doesn't really take eren seriously neither.
at this point im just following to see the fandom meltdown when EH gets confirmation No. 90474
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>>90467While I completely agree with you, Ueno is awful, I hated Kawai more.
Ueno is shit but at least she admits she is shit. Kawai plays the
victim when she's just as bad as Ueno.
No. 90483
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Rachel Amber from Life Is Strange: Before the Storm.
She was NOTHING I imagined her to be. She was manipulative, childish and very annoying. She was just too one dimensional. I hated BtS and she was the main reason behind it.
No. 90488
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I literally hate everything about this bitch and if I could have one wish I'd have her presence eradicated from the world forever. If you like her, we can never be friends. She pisses me off that much. Ugly design, awful personality, a walking mary sue plothole who only exists because the producer wanted his waifu forcibly included in the game. I feel personally offended by her existence and the only solace I have is that everyone else hates her too.
No. 90490
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No. 90494
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So useless
No. 90497
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This bitch.
Her personality, the way she talks that you can't understand shit, ending sentence with "DaVinci". And that fucking spinning Vitruvian Man DICK in a kids show… It's hard to watch that anime because of her, thanks God no one in anime takes her seriously.
Thanks God for Hibiki and her hate for sentence enders, it made all that situations hilarious.
Also fuck that Dorothy hoe too.
I remember when I was a kid I hated that Aoyama bitch from Tokyo Mew Mew.
Also that main trio from Attack on Titan….
No. 90500
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This fucker ruined the anime for me
No. 90501
File: 1589986901174.png (Spoiler Image,108.75 KB, 227x310, it's been 6 years and i'm stil…)

This crazy murderous tranny piece of shit. Pre-manga adaptation when fans could theorize her character and her motives and it all seemed really mysterious and interesting, then the manga came out and revealed how much of a garbage can she/he actually was. I still cringe when i remember how bad the episode 8 manga adaptation fucked up by trying to get us to feel sowwy for them, a troon who planned to terrorize and murder-suicide their entire family (children and cleaning staff who cared for her included) and fantasized by writing fanfics about it, all because s/he had an gender identity crisis. Only to have her ass completely handled by based Kyrie in the end How can you fuck up a reveal this much? Literally all the fan wanking teenagers came up with years prior were better than this shit. Way to completely ruin all the built up of the other 7 novels for Beatrice's character too. (Of course I remember tumblr creaming their pants when all of this came out though).
Fuck, I hate the manga so much and ryukishi's pretentious jk rowling-styled interviews so much as well. It was the final nail to the coffin for this series, and it completely killed the little credibility the WTC franchise had left and all for some american tumblrina bucks. Rip in fucking pieces umineko.
(Oh I soilered the picture in case any of you are halfway of or still care about this trainwreck. Get ready to get disappointed to hell and back though).
No. 90506
>>90467fuck ueno, fuck ueno so much.
I give the merit to the mangaka for depicting such a shitty human being so realistically though; people like ueno do exist and this felt so horribly accurate. Her character really does what she's supposed to perfectly, we all fucking hated her after all. She was cow tier at times which only made it more hilarious.
>>90474fuck kawai too. Both were such cunts.
>>90482That was the point of this manga anon. It wasn't supposed to be emotive, it was supposed to be realistic, and it nailed it imo. I enjoyed it a lot out of how close it hit home at times.
No. 90509
>>90501>Kyrie>basedKyrie is peak pick-me cuckqueen. She was the fucking worst, and Rudolf was just fucking trash.
The character you hate fantasized about it, but in the end they did nothing but give rope for the family to hang itself. Seriously, imagine defending Kyrie and shitting on the autistic kid.
And if you think the only thing about them is gender issues you should read the manga again (or don't).
No. 90510
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She was the sole reason shit went wrong in my opinion. If she was more trusting of mei everyone would’ve survived.
No. 90513
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No. 90514
>>90509>muh AutIStIC KiDJesus christ back to whatever anitwitter circlejerk you came from with you, it's been years, I didn't think I'd find someone to wk this little shit even in the current year on lc of all places but I keep forgetting you uminecucks are truly an obsessive, autistic bunch. Get over the fact already people people are allowed to dislike your fictional badly written mass murderer shitty waifu after 6 years. And sorry to break it to you but the manga towards the end became over cringy over dramatized trash, specially her spin off. God it was fucking ridiculous.
Oh and learn 2 sage, your twitter new faggotry is clearly showing. I can't believe I can't even vent about a crazy fictional tranny on lolcow without having to deal with these fucking autists jfc.
No. 90518
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i can't stand this "tehee blood is so cute uwu yandere gf~" bitch and the people who are into her or GOD FORBID kin her are way worse
No. 90523
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Team ki ending with a yo.
No. 90524
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I hate 2b and the nier series, it's not 2b's fault it's the cumbrain fans
No. 90598
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I hate the way he looks, the way he talks just fucking everything he does is sooooo annoying. Fucking shounen tier bland anime MC.
>>90347Lmao I knew someone was gonna bring her up. We get it you hate yourself, get your shit together stupid bitch! Also being that into a man is a sin.
No. 90678
>>90598Same. He looks like he’s going to shit himself all the time.
Btw could you all please add series and character names to your posts?
No. 90690
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A lot of side characters felt more likeable than him through the whole manga, shame he's the MC.
Oz from Pandora Hearts
>>90513 My god he was such a sniveling coward I was close to dropping the whole show but I stayed for Ritsuko and Misato.
No. 90692
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This guy. I tried several times to play Kara no Shoujo, but I can't care about this useless dumb shit. Maybe I'm trying to see him as a character when he is just a blank slate for self-inserts, but holy shit, the least they could do is make him good at this job.
No. 90710
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Almost every Danganronpa character, honestly. All horribly written.
No. 90725
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I absolutely hated the shit out of these guys in fairy tail. They were a stupid pointless addition and the episodes with them are the worst.
No. 90731
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Ive never hated a char more
fuck u, stupid character design useless ass
No. 90750
>>90502I agree it was just so out of place. I would've liked the ending a hell of a lot more if she got some sort of karma handed to her. But nope, literally no accountability for her actions.
>>90474I honestly was trying to pick which one to post. I should've just posted them both but imo beating the shit out of a deaf girl is top tier trash above all trash.
No. 90754
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this bitch right here
No. 90763
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they completely ruined the main questline for me. both of them are so fucking annoying and spergy and have 0 charisma
No. 90764
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I didn't like her in the OG, and I absolutely can't stand her qUiRkY girl, flower Jesus shtick in the Remake. Hope this hoe stays dead
No. 90770
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>>90483I ironically liked Rachel more than Chloe, she was obviously manipulative from her actions on her first game but it feels more like she's trying to be cunning and on top of everyone to make her goals come true than just a whiny attention whore.
Like alot of LiS is devoted to Chloe and Max figuring that Rachel wasn't a very good person and technically was cheating on Chloe (with Frank, possibly Nathan and Jefferson too) even if they didn't have a solid out there relationship, I like her because she's obviously unapologetically fucked up.
No. 90771
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These two and everyone who uses them
No. 90775
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the definition of a weak ass pussy male character with no redeeming traits. the most stale p5 character, not even makoto outranks how shitty he is
No. 90793
>>90298>>90333She was the creators pet so she was never going to be in the wrong despite how often she was. Realistically a person like Emma would have stuck to her guns when Manny wanted an abortion, call her names, tell her how wrong she is constantly. There's now way she'd pull a "MaNnY'S bOdY!" The show runners are extremely leftist and are trying to get that message across. what better character to use than the hippie protester.
When Manny flashed peter and he sent the photos to everyone in school and Emma turned on her just like that? Damn Emma is an awful friend. I don't care she took Manny in after she got kicked out, that was the show runner's again making sure Emma comes across saintly.
The time she sabotaged Chris and Liberty because "If He dates Liberty that makes me uncool if he'll date a loser!" Funny how when they graduate they try to play it up as Emma and liberty where so close lol when It was Liberty's birthday and Manny suggested the party, Liberty basically said "we have barley spoken in the past year." that would Include Emma because those two were almost always together at that point.
Also, Craig Manning was a shitty character who only got so many story lines because he was attractive.
No. 90821
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No. 90825
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>>90821>>90180Talk shit get hit bitch
No. 90828
>>90777If two new players play against each other, whoever picks eddy or christie has an advantage because both of those characters have any easy way to start chains and juggles. They also have a lot of low kicks and afaik not many characters have low punishers so it's frustrating.
Playing against them usually requires a different playstyle compared to other characters which is pretty annoying.
No. 90836
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I’m gonna get a lot of shit for this one but I honestly can’t stand this pocket sized emo piece of garbage.
No. 90837
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I don't necessarily hate him, I just think he's way less sympathetic and likeable than Steve, even though Steve is supposed to be the jock bully and Jonathan is the underdog outsider. He gets better in seasons two and three, but in season one Jonathan is kind of a prick. Like the part where he rips into Nancy's parents' loveless marriage and implies that's what will happen if she stays with Steve was fucked up and sounded like something a Nice Guy or incel would say. That was honestly worse than the bad things Steve did in my opinion.
Also Charlie Heaton just looks creepy. He doesn't look like a teenager, he looks like a thirty year old who does heroin.
No. 90840
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why was she there
No. 90842
>>90523I was waiting for someone to post her. She wasn't terrible in the manga, but the anime really brought out the obnoxious snotty teenager in her. I tried to like her but her inability to not be self-centered and haughty made me hate her. I also had a friend back in middle/ high school who idolized her and went out of her way to act like her. As a surprise to no one, the ex-friend treated everyone like dirt and acted like a princess dealing with "peasants".
The "osuwari" shit was unfunny after the 1st time, and this is coming from 14 year old obnoxious weeb me from back in the day who thought that the "spork and waffle" brand of comedy was ingenious.
No. 90844
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He disgusts me.
No. 90846
>>90187It really felt like JJ got shoved in at last minute just to have another rival character. He's trashy as fuck with his tramp stamp and whole thing about how he's a king, but his official profile says he's a Super Good Christian Boy(tm) and doesn't even want to have icky sex until after marriage.
>>90335Oh thank god. A lot of my female friends like her because FeMaLe EmPoWeRmEnT, but every scene with her made me super uncomfortable with the way she blatantly keeps telling Cloud that she wants to bang him and gets way too touchy. If their genders were reversed, everyone would hate her for being a fucking creep.
No. 90851
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post season 3 Patrick
No. 90857
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>>90180how can you not say the most obvious one tho?? bitch just open your eyes youre not actually blind
No. 90863
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>>90857she sucks too. cAnT oPeN hEr EyEs DuE tO tRaUma. might as well add in this clown while we're at it.
No. 90869
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I don't usually dislike characters to the point I hate them but GOD THIS BITCH.I get she was deliberately made like this but it was unbearable and totally unecessary at timeshonestly I wasn't even upset when she was killed, she finally stopped being a drag
No. 90872
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>>90146Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl.
this motherfucker was absolutely horrendous, and that's not even the reason i hate him. the majority of the characters in gossip girl were objectively narcissistic assholes since they're all rich pricks from the upper east side of new york city, but THIS mf got to be an
abusive, disgusting, rude dickhole the entire series and people completely ignored it and thought he was so cute and that him and blair were such couple goals, despite how terrible he was to her. i hate discussing gossip girl with most people because they usually end up gushing over this guy. the writers tried to redeem him with his tragic storyline near the end of the series but no matter what i couldn't get over his nastiness throughout the entirety of the series. doesn't help that i'm fairly positive the actual actor was accused of sexual assault or smth, so it doesn't look like his character was too hard for him to act.
No. 90877
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Celia Foote from the movie was far better than the one in the book. Maybe because I had watched the movie multiple times before I bought the book and only read it last month.
She was such a disappointment, sure there was (barely) a character development but it always trumps at how boringly crazy she was, her hatred at a dying, old tree that symbolizes something in her past that she couldn't let go but never stated in the book, her obsession with the telephone, especially Hilly, and the wasted potential of an actual friendship with Minny that the movie did so well (it was also a waste that she didn't learn how to cook or bake despite her initial attempts in the first half of her character introduction to the story). I didn't like how the lie on hiring Minny was long, even worse that it got longer and was a mess until almost to the end. Also her fighting against a naked, homeless man that was masturbating all around her house was such a wtf moment, sure it did show that she's capable fighting against a man but it was a… uh, disappointment, in my opinion. Also the meal scene from the movie was the better scene in actually letting Minny know that she wasn't going to be fired cause it shows how Celia valued Minny as a person and friend, learning from her and enabling the teachings to become a better person than what is written in the book.
Honestly, I think Johnny just choice her just to get out of a relationship with Hilly, someone who doesn't know about her and people from Jackson. I don't even see why he'd be so in love with her.
I'll just stick with Jessica Chastain and her performance.
No. 90880
>>90787Yeah, there's that thing with Hachi and by itself it was pretty fucking horrible in the first place but then
he's like "Leila is like a little sister to me! :)" and he has sex with her to manipulate her into staying with his band. Fucking evil piece of shit. If I ever meet someone like this guy irl and he starts this shit with any woman I'm close to, either friends or family, I'll beat his ass.
No. 90884
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>>90523Nah Kikyo was worse. She could have just an heroed and fuck off back to hell or wherever she came from. Yes, Kagome was a total cuck and a pushover but at least she always wanted Inuyasha's happiness , even if it meant him staying with that zombie.
No. 90886
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i find most steins gate side characters annoying. why was this motherfucker there? why was faris? they were obnoxious and one-dimensional and their personalities didn't work with the overall tone of the show. complete waste of screen time, both of them.
>>90710couldn't agree more, there isn't a single one i don't hate.
No. 90893
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Insufferable bitch. I hated her from the first moment to the last, and makes me hate every woman who identifies with her.
No. 90897
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Recently ive been rereading Nana after 10 years. Back when I was little, I loved Hachi a lot while having a crush on Osaki, but now I can't seem to like Hachi at all; she is too annoying and naive, feels like as if she is Bridget Jones at the beginning of the manga. Could barely keep reading only because of her which sucks.
No. 90898
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Hate this bitch.
Hate that I got sucked into watching this dumb-ass show and ended up liking it. I hate it.
No. 90904
I feel so vindicated by this video.
>>90897I think if I read nana for the first time now instead of as a 16 year old I'd hate her too.
No. 90906
>>90430YES such a stupid bitch, if he was less of a stupid bitch none of ff7 would have happened. boo hoo your mom is a weird alien get tf over it baby.
would love it if he ate my pussy tho.
No. 90909
>>90903It gets worse.
There is almost zero character development, ie if something important happens in one episode between the two main characters, the next episode doesn't talk about it , it's like it never happened!
Tbh I think it is solely the fault of the creator, who is the typical neckbeard and based Marinette on what he thinks a teenager uwu girl is like.
No. 90916
>>90904I personally not hate anyone in this show because we all have flaws, but I know I wouldn't be able to stand being around Robin IRL because of her "not like the other girls" mentality that was shown in a bunch of episodes.
HIMYM still remains to be my comfy-to-watch and favorite sitcom, all thanks to Lily and Marshall. Marshall's actor actually writes book for children and one of the books is getting TV series! And Ted's actor is doing nice stuff in music with his childhood friend.
No. 90917
>>90872He also got kind of ugly post season 1, so he lost his one decent quality and was just an
abusive, rapey, narcissistic manlet with daddy-issues. I stopped watching after season 3 because I just hated every character at that point.
No. 90927
>>90764I love Aerith to death(lol) or to be more precise I love my idealized version of her. I know exactly what you mean by her being a bit cringey in the remake, even I could barely stand her in the last cinematic minutes of the game.
>>90335100% agree, that "get help" comment made my day. Such a shame they made her thirsty and unsufferable.
No. 90941
>>90927do you mean Aerith talking about destiny and so on? I would blame it on the horrible script rather than on characters. Red XIII got hit by this shit as well.
Other than that I don't find anything cringey about her. She's the heart of the game tbh
No. 90958
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I regret SO fucking much going on his route, i don't care if i'm a pussy: this fucker, this absolute prick almost made me cry from how rude and cynical he was for no good reason other than being a pretentious, useless, low self-esteem WEEB, wtf? He really triggered awful memories that i really wanted to forget. I mean, it's realistic, some weebs act insufferable and arrogant just because they watch Evangelion or some ~*deep and realistic*~ rape hentai but why the fuck someone would make this an otome love interest?. I hate how unless you were just like him/liked exactly what he liked he would get toxic, judgmental, assume shit, and call you names, it was so distressing, i get he's the type of otome character that is hard to win but…damn it was necessary to being THAT rude? Ugh. Such a pity, i thought he would be a shy, kinda cold/distant but sweet nerdy guy but NOPE i guess, he was "shy" tho but just because he was deeply self-aware of how low-value and unremarkable he is. "Y'know i actually hate myself because my brothers are cooler and i'm such a weeb and- :'(((" BOOOO HOO Cry me a river, asshole. His brothers should bully him more often, he deserves it. I just wanted to see some anime/play games with you bitch you lucky you handsome, because you're INSUFFERABLE and a LITTLE SHIT. My english is awful but i needed to vent, sorry.
No. 90972
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My contribution. He's creepy, gross and he didn't deserve Cassie's affection and I'm glad she didn't even name drop him during the last season.
>>90836Thank you. I don't even outright hate him, he's just so overrated it's annoying. He's also a lowkey Gary Stu.
No. 90973
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She really was lucky Takazu (or anyone, really) gave a fuck about her ass. Everytime she disappeared everyone was happier but then she came back and BOOM all went to shit. And no, her dad being sleazy and distant wasn't a good reason to be such a bitch. It was also uncomfortable how everyone had to cuddle her 24/7 just because she was THAT unstable and useless, bitch didn't even knew how to cook a mf rice. There are abusive women out there but she really does have a scrote vibe to her, if she tried to start shit like the raging ape she is i wouldn't even hesitate to beat her 4'8" ass. Imagine being this pressed over being a midget.
No. 90980
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I can't even watch ads from this series. I don't understand how he gets to be with beautiful women, he's average at best and his constant smirk is very annoying and uneasy.
>>90872Oof wtf Im glad you mentioned him anon, I hate this type of characters so fucking much and they're everywhere for some reason, how they even get popular? His gaze gives me the chills.
No. 90983
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rolls eyes
She has done so many awful shit it would take my hours to finish this post, a total pushover at best, a crazy, psychotic bitch at worst. (Bismuth, honey, please love yourself, she literally helped a Diamond to start and continue a senseless war where millions died included your friends, you deserve better than this)
No. 90997
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I think he's a poorly written villain and annoying as shit, hate it when he's on screen.
>>90518Agreed. Her chara design is pretty bland and she has nothing going for her besides the crazy personality. Does this author even know how to create a good villainess
No. 91010
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>>90997The only remotely good villains BNHA has are Overhaul, Twice and Dabi imo
No. 91011
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This might get me some hate, but I can’t keep quiet.
I don’t hate her, but god, I can’t stand Miku. English producers don’t know how to properly use her vocals, so her English songs sound bad usually. Hell, anytime I hear her voice it’s just nails on a chalkboard screeching. I get that she’s Miku and the “face” of vocaloid, but god, does she have to be used for every song people make and not even even good in them?
No. 91013
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I mean, fuck this shitty show and it's entire cast, but fuck this bitch in particular because I'm still seeing her horrible design everywhere even after the hype for the anime has died.
>>90501God I hate how ani twitter tries to sell Umineko as a VN with good trans reprensentashun uwu just because of them,
when it's so fucking obvious they had a messed up childhood and he was raised as a woman because his genitals were damaged during a fall. Also, snapping up just because Battler forgot something is fucking dumb, dude was like 10 when it happened and he got caught in his mom's death and dad's second wedding, which affected him deeply. Proof #38503 that troons are the most selfish people lol No. 91020
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literally the most stale and one-dimensional girl in the entire series. we get it, you're so quirky because you're heartless. it's even worse when there's so many other interesting characters. of course all of the cumbrains say she's their waifu kek
No. 91022
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>>90983Hard disagree. I think that Pearl is flawed in a very believable way. Good characters don't have to be good people. Amethyst on the other hand sucks ass. She's annoying and I hate her weird cat lips. At least Pearl was in a really unhealthy relationship and that's why she's a bad person. Amethyst is just a diva.
Sadie is the worst character in SU. The show wastes so much screentime on this whiny boring bitch and it makes me want to scream. It seems like every time something important happens in the plot, we have to interrupt the story for an episode about fucking Sadie and her boring teenager problems.
No. 91027
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Fuck this guy, he was the most boring character in the entire anime. Honestly they should remove all the male characters from this anime, specially this fucker he is so boring and bland and is supposed to be one of the main characters but is so forgettable and stupid.
No. 91030
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i hate every character as well as the show itself and how it gave that sperg wil weaton attention
>>90973the scene where she cries like a little bitch for ryuuji was the best part of the entire anime. god i wish he ended up with minori instead
No. 91034
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i can't stan her and her stupid fans
No. 91035
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I know I'm gonna get flake for this but I disliked his whole mini arc meltdown about how Ed isn't his 'real' brother and his memories are fabricated. I know he's like, 13, but Jesus it was such an idiot plot. Imagine being manipulated by some random villain into hating your only family member who would die for you.
No. 91043
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I shiver in hatred in every scene with him, what a whiny bitch.
Sabrina's ftm friend is also fairly annoying but still better than fucking Harvey
No. 91136
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>>90980of all of those annoying, arrogant, sleazy characters, this absolute mf takes the cake, I haven't seen his series because just getting into it for 5 minutes was cringe enough, but this prick told a little girl she would go to hell and he's still hailed as a demon with a good side uwu. Everytime I see ads of his show I can't stand how he's shown as this ~hot and evil~ guy, no fuck you, you're hideous and cringe.
No. 91164
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>>90298Pic related was the original incel.
No. 91188
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i hate this dude
No. 91208
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This bitch. One of the biggest Mary Sues I've ever seen in anime. She's just somehow naturally gifted as the perfect survey corp for absolutely no fucking reason other than the fact that "stronk asian waifu uwu", no wonder coomers love her
Also has the personality of a brick and her constant obsession with her brother is borderline incestuous, absolutely disgusting.
No. 91228
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I don't even know why I watched this retardo woke show but I hate this cunt and Otis too.
No. 91230
>>91208I knew someone was gonna post her. Literally could feel it.
Mikasa has been so incredibly annoying to me since episode one. Her character literally consists of screaming Eren's name 24/7, being overly protective of him to the point where it gets so fucking annoying for the viewer and being one of the strong soldiers of the Survey Cops. That's it. I get that Eren is the host of her Ackerman insticts, but Levi wasn't even this annoying with Erwin.
She literally cannot think for herself. In the recent chapters, Armin was even yelling at her for mentioning Eren in the middle of the shitshow that's going on, lmao. She also has zero proper personality except for being some kid from a clan whose parents were murdered and now she's endlessly in love with the guy who rescued her. I wish they would've made Annie one of the main characters or something, she's a goddess compared to this doormat of a character.
It makes me kinda sad, because I would've loved to have her as one of my favorite characters in SNK but she's just so… annoying. I cannot even name a personality trait of hers that isn't Eren related.
The waifu bait is also true. I forgot which season it was, but they favor her
so much in the anime that there is a shot where they even put detail into drawing her crotch/cameltoe while she was flying in the air.
>constant obsession with her brotherThey're not related the slightest bit. Just "adoptive siblings", I guess. Still makes her obsession with Eren annoying as fuck tho.
No. 91235
>>90152Same. I only liked her in Before the Storm… and despised Rachel instead. It seems that when you're a LiS protagonist you just
have to have a
toxic friend-crush.
No. 91236
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This fucking bitch. Steve rogers is my most hated character since the civil War movie. I disliked him beforehand but that really did it kek. I can't stand his entitlement and condescending behavior. Even when he says nothing it's clear he thinks he is the best/knows best for whatever needs to be done ugh. Endgame was a disaster but that would be too long to explain.
Honorable mention :
Nicholas Scratch from Netflix sabrina (Harvey best boy)
Bakugou from BNHA
Anri from durarara
The entire cast of bakemonogatari
No. 91242
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He's condescending and a bully.
No. 91243
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Yet another generic edgelord who does little in story to redeem himself. Even when he does work together with Dazai and Atsushi he's still an intolerable prick. His eyebrowless design makes him even more punchable.
No. 91244
>>91238Amin is an annoying asshat who's supposed to be smart just cuz the author says so. Throughout the show his intellect is never convincing demonstrated. Yet we're all supposed to believe he was worth saving over the battle tested erwin. And how he's supposed to be the most important member of the survey corps.
As for eren uaghhh. He's probably the strongest character of the three main ones but it isnt saying much. He's good at losing his temper and being angry, yet it was revealed in part 2 he was the mastermind of fate all along. Idk… Should've been foreshadowed better
No. 91245
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BSD anon made me remember how I cannot stand this Edgelord
>>91243Honestly I wish they would've given him eyebrows
No. 91247
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>>91238Nah, also the worldbuilding sucks, along with the story. The author just can't write.
Every fucking one in Vinland Saga but Askeladd who more or less is okay-ish.
Absolutely garbage manga 3/10 I will never read a "historical" shonen never again.
No. 91258
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fuck you big smoke
>>91020you… you’ve gone too far.
No. 91282
>>91117Bad person =\= bad character. Also Pearls are almost always in love with their masters. Volleyball loved PD too, even after she was literally assaulted by her.
I don't care whether or not Sadie has done bad things. I dislike her because she's boring. You need to get over this "this character did something wrong so they must be poorly written 11!!!1" Tumblrina shit.
No. 91284
>>91242dwight was racist and sexist so who gives a shit
No. 91294
>>91282>b-b-b-but bad person =\= bad character anon!! Who the fuch cares? She's still shit lmao. Aside of being generally unlikeable and a massive salty bitch, Pearl has next to no personality outside crying/going batshit over rose/PD. She's plain, predictable and everything about her revolves around someone else. She wasn't her own character and will never be no matter how much that mf series tries, Pearl is just one of Rebbeca Sugar self-inserts and she has the deep of a puddle.
Amethyst doesn't exist as a character and Sadie is plain and batshit, but Pearl was incredibly insufferable as she was both a terrible person and ALSO badly written and boring while being pushed literally everywhere on the series, god lord.
(But for real, cut that "Bad person =\= bad character" BS, this thread is for characters you hate, either for how badly written they are or their personality, Shinji and Ueno were realistically written yet they got posted because…you know…people still hate them)
No. 91305
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Edelgard and her horrible fans. So sick of people acting like she's some sort of socialist revolutionary who's more enlightened than every other character in the game.
No. 91309
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Not necessarily hate her, but I got quite annoyed whenever she appeared on-screen.
No. 91310
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Everyone in this picture except for Alaric and MG.
But I especially hate Hope for being a Mary Sue fan fiction esque character. When I first watched it I didn't even realized this show was a Vampire Diaries spin off and was just some show that was originally a wattpad story.
No. 91315
>>91305I don't dislike Edelgard, I just she's a disappointing
villain. Did you read the Nintendo Dream interview where the developers talk about 3H? It's obvious that the most important dude had great ideas that would have made Edelgard super cool
such as the crests giving specific powers to people so Edelgard would have had the same time travel powers as Byleth and Edelgard being THE rival/villain but other developers argued with him to make her a kawaii waifu who did nothing wrong uwu so the end result is the unholy fusion of both ideas.
Her American fans are fucking obnoxious though, it's a miracle they didn't make me completely hate her.
No. 91333
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No. 91342
>>91339NTA but she was so incredibly annoying when she was teamed up with Todoroki and kept whining and complaining instead of properly working with him
Her outfit is waifu bait at its finest but her quirk is creation so it also kinda makes sense for her to show a lot of skin
No. 91344
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Obnoxious stupid spastic interrupting every scenes that nobody would stand IRL. I hated Kill la Kill, and at least 80% of my hatred came from her and her dumbass family.
No. 91349
>>91333i feel she could've been a better character but instead became a bait for unnecessary almost-to-ecchi scenes. she has leadership skills, smart as hell, and her quirk is powerful. but people mostly remembers her for her clothes (which is understandable) and the popular ships she's in. i get that mha has a lot of characters but i wanted to see more of her due to the fact she's in the same class with the main characters.
I feel like a lot of girls in mha could've been better characters but the creator doesn't want to or doesn't how to and opted to make them easy waifu materials (which there's nothing wrong about it to an extent). especially her.
>>91342 im fine when she teamed up with todoroki considering he has more experience in the field and that got her insecure since she mostly relies on theories and mental strategies. she's book smart in conclusion.
No. 91352
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>>91243>>91245thanks for reminding me of this show.
pic related. if you like her you're probably just using her as your self insert vehicle because you're creaming your panties over mr eyebrows.
No. 91354
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>>91035yo wtf, Al is the sweetest and purest boi. He's so pure it obviously didn't take long for him to get brainwashed.
Anyways, THIS bitch and every other new character from the "new" Eva movies, also that new girl working at Nerv, cant even remember her name but I think she had pink hair? Why was she even created.
No. 91367
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Overrated "wet dream"-chan that was made for sadboy incels.
Her fans by far are the worst.
No. 91370
>>91315I find her a lot more bearable if you consider the routes as being critical of one another.
Dimitri lets his emotions blind him to everything going on politically and his arc is mostly focused on just re-gaining personal bonds, Edelgard thinks she's above that but lets her personal trauma dictate her supposedly enlightened political decisions and destroy some personal bonds, Claude sees the bigger picture but lets that interfere with his personal life and how he views others…I actually thought that's what the devs were intending since different scopes/levels of understanding of the overall story in each route are a common thing in these sorts of games. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit.
No. 91375
>>91370>I actually thought that's what the devs were intendingActually yes and no. Depends on which developers we're talking about exactly because apparently during the whole time they were developing the game there were some diverging opinions on how the main characters and the major plot points should be. And that's not even getting into how the investors had to tell the developers (either KOEI or Intsys) to hurry up twice so they could release the game on time, so basically they had some good ideas, some bad ideas, and terrible execution
except maybe for AM, it felt more polished than the others since it was more character driven than the others, which focused on nonsensical lore. Like, the story seems good at first until you think about it a bit more. Then you notice it's at least as stupid as FE Fates' story. Here's the interview for whoever is interested. Obviously, there are spoilers: No. 91419
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Everyone pictured.
No. 91442
>>91419Ouran is one of the few well written harem type shows. Gonna be a hard disagree. Even haru is a great main female lead.
(I can maybe understand the hate for Honey though)
No. 91443
>>91438I think it's more that Rei was based on moe fagile female characters who metaphorically suck the self-insert's dick and is cute, pure and innocent, and then all her more unique traits were copied by other writers/mangaka, like her being super stoic and soft-spoken but not in a cutesy shy way, or her not being an actual human being yet gaining human feelings thanks to the self-insert (like the alien girl in the Haruhi Suzumiya novels and anime or Aigis in P3)
I think Anno complained that his plan to show how creepy it was that Rei was acting like a turbo doormat to the point of being worrying before becoming more "independent" backfired, but then again she turned into a fanservice character just like Asuka and even Kaworu soon after the anime and movie were released because $$$$ so who knows what he thinks now.
No. 91447
>>91428I don’t even have a reason tbh that’s the worst part I watched this entire show and just hated all of the characters, they’re annoying and insufferable. Kyoya was the only one i started liking and the incest twins had their good moments sometimes but i still hated them. My hate for them isn’t justifiable it’s just pure human instinct throughout this entire show my fight or flight reflects were kicked into high gear, but I am a masochist and finished it.
>>91440Sorry, anon.
>>91442Haru was so bland and boring, I really disliked her but still imo Tamaki doesn’t deserve her, she’s better than that. I will agree it’s one of the better harem anime’s but that isn’t saying much.
No. 91449
>>91419How old are you? The entire manga/anime thing is a "make fun of" shoujo tropes.
>>91400This. I dont want to sound old but its pretty obvious some of the people commenting ITT were born in the 00`s
No. 91456
>>91449>This. I dont want to sound old but its pretty obvious some of the people commenting ITT were born in the 00`sIt really does sound like that. Like
>>91443 mentioned Anno's plan to show how unrealistic and creepy Rei's perfect doll waifu character is backfired completely because it ended up creating the dandere waifu archetype. You have to watch NGE while keeping in mind that it was created in 1995 and most of the writing was based on Anno's nihilistic views. Saying that Rei is a stupid pandering waifubait character sounds ignorant to me, the Rebuild movies are cash grabs for sure but the original anime was barely finished due to financial issues. Rei and Asuka didn't become waifu icons until the 2000's when NGE gained its cult status.
No. 91503
>>91456Honestly Rei means so much to me as a character showcasing the dangers of being a girl/woman in a patriarchy. I feel that if all someone gets from her is 'shit moebait uwu' they are missing out what she's all about.
Her whole life is fucking tragic. She's been objectified since her birth and once she found her real self, it was still all for nothing. Because all she had were the men in her life. My mentally ill self also hardcore relates to her struggles with self and connecting to others.
I wish I could explain it better, I have so many feelings about her..
I find it so hard to hate anyone from NGE (at least from thr main characters). They are all suffering so much. I wouldn't want to spend time with Asuka, but at the same time I feel a lot of compassion toward her.
The only character that I could maybe hate is Mari for being a merchandise bait, but I don't care enough about Rebuilds to have strong emotions about her.
No. 91506
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i feel like she is a mary sue somehow, in the first season when she was a kid she was the nerdy kid with no friends, that was ok, then she got into the gems war and somehow rebecca has the idea of making her a warrior? and then at the end in Steven universe Future, she is the one that call out the others because she is the only one That gets Steven, she si just too "good" i don't like her, at lasher design is cute.
No. 91508
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>>91506I also hate teen Steven, i get the idea of Steven Future but lord did they fuck steven to the point where he become just nasty to every body
No. 91539
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this fucking simp
No. 91567
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I don't hate Rei, I just hate the type of people who like her. She's like Sans where she's a meh character that was completely ruined by fans. I normally try not to let other people ruin things for me, but Jesus Christ Rei's fans are the worst.
No. 91652
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i started watching inuyasha couple weeks ago and i really hate this dude
No. 91658
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Why is this bitch everyone’s “waifu”? Shes a psychopath and honestly fucking intolerable, she literally has 0 redeeming qualities, and is one of the most annoying characters in the entire anime. Also her design is fucking ugly.
No. 91662
>>91658anon, i almost posted about her but stopped myself cause I know im gonna be writing an essay just for her. i read the manga than the anime and even continued with the other two mangas that were directed from the main story or not (cause i was an edgy teen back then), and u took the words out of my words, in the simplest form. God, i wish yukiteru just killed her. I don't know why she deus ex machina from the last chapter and magically appear out of nowhere despite the fact yukiteru won the race and became god himself. Most of the characters in mirai nikki is trash, i only tolerated akise aru.
i wish she stayed dead. or forgotten by the majority of people in the anime community cause there's already enough trash characters being praised, as waifus, by many.
No. 91699
>>91689Anon trust me no one wants to be loved like that, it’s honestly not love it’s obsession, she’s in love with the idea of him and having total control over every aspect of his life. He can’t even talk to other people or show affection or she will kill them, how is that appealing?Like
>>91692 said, her “love” is
abusive. She’s manipulative and controlling there is nothing “cute” about that. I’d rather be unloved than have someone who allows no one to get close to me and pretty much wants to use me as a point of obsession controlling every aspect of my life. That is more horrifying than appealing. Also are we forgetting she killed a bunch of people?
No. 91701
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>>90146I always hated him and Robin, but especially him since he's the biggest rapist piece of shit ever. I think I watched the whole show back in the day with hate in the back burner but nowadays you can REALLY tell how shitty all the characters are and how sexist the comedy is.
Like I seriously downloaded season 1 and it took me like 5 minutes to delete it completely because it was "woman are dumb sluts" jokes nonstop from him. I forgot how much the show revolves around this fuck and I'm just so happy comedy is moving past the type of humor that Friends and HMYM had. Will never re watch either again.
No. 91702
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Telling her to fuck off was SO good.
No. 91705
>>91208Same. I really wanted to like her,
especially after Eren drifts apart from the group so I was hoping that she would finally become her own person, but no. She somehow became even shittier.
I really disliked how mean and weird she was to the dying girl who idolized her.Annie>>>>>>>>>>>
No. 91707
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I was hoping someone would just wheel him off a cliff by the end of it.
Honourable mentions to Bronn and Pod who were not funny or charming in any way.
No. 91713
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I hate them both. Sookie constantly made the dumbest decisions and Bill was a mopey, rapey piece of shit who never really faced any consequences for his garbage actions.
No. 91715
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Everyone is unbearable but especially him.
No. 91736
>>91715>>91723he made the game and anime fun lmfao
I really disliked Setsuna, the token kuudere loli waifu uwu
No. 91775
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No. 91780
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Leave my Utena alone, you bitch.
No. 91790
>>91783I thought hating Akio was a given
>>91785Care to enlighten me?
No. 91822
>>91812What do you mean by "defend a character"? Do fictional characters need defending? There will always be people that like things that you don't like, mature thing to do would be to just get over it. I don't get how someone could remain blind to such deep felt romance and call it "
abusive", Yuki did love Yuno in the end despite the killings.
No. 91828
>>91822Yandere kanojo desu senpai koroshitai kurai daisuki~~ uwuwuwu
Bet you never even killed anyone for love, poser
No. 91914
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Do I have to explain?
No. 91916
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>>91848admittedly a bsdfag here chiming in to say that he’s definitely up on the list of most popular. he’s a sadboy edgelord which people either love or hate.
No. 91932
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almost everyone on the show but she's the worst.
No. 91954
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>>91775yes i hated this little shit. this show made me cry soooo much because grandpa was the most tragic character. the ending was so depressing but its obvious it was rushed because the manga wasnt successful so the mangaka had to abruptly end it.
i wish they had given grandpa a just ending.
No. 91956
>>91954nta, but the fact this dude had managed to gain a support system (his gf and her grandma) at the end pisses me off. Wished he was the one who sacrificed himself to destroy the meteor and not grandpa. He still has a family to go home to, and a dog. But i did enjoy that that the dude killed his dad though. The dad left his him and his mom who couldn't comprehend the fact that her husband chose someone else and ended up mentally unstable.
i forgot this guy's name and also grandpa's.
No. 91960
>>91956lmao i forgot their names too. thats why i called the old man grandpa.
i remember all the edgelords on /a/ cheering on the bad dude when he murdered all the reporters.
that show was bonkers. I hate grandpa's family they were so mean and ungrateful to him. the dog was the only one who loved and appreciated him. the first episode literally had me crying because of how mean everyone was to grandpa. i think his character was supposed to only be 50 but he looked 80.
the trump cameo was funny too tho.
No. 91963
>>91960meh, edgelords never change. And yeah they were rude, especially the daughter and mom. they were ungrateful the fact the house, that grandpa managed to finance by himself, was too small when it was literally the perfect size for the family. But even then, he still supported his daughter in pursuing her dream to be a mangaka. She only realized the she loves him at the end of the series when he was going to sacrifice himself to save the planet. Fuck, only grandpa truly loved the dog. Who would give the dog love the same way grandpa has for the doggo. What? I really though his wife married him when he was already late in 30s or 40s thats why he was so old in the series. I never thought he was still in his 50s but I guess with lack of familial love and support and getting berated from his workplace daily could stress him and apparently managed to give him a fuckton of aging. Poor guy.
Besides the op song, the trump cameo was one of the reasons why i watched the show in the first place.
No. 91969
>>91954the grandpa's name is inuyashiki and the evil dude is hiro btw
i completely agree, i hated hiro so much because he was so confusing and just a plain edgelord. he went from
>killing people ruthlesslyto
>being suddenly nice and curing people with cancer because of the girl he metto
>back to being a massive edgelord againthe OP and ED are so nice to listen to, the ED always makes me wanna cry because of what happend to inuyashiki lol
No. 91988
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>>91960In that same vein, I want to talk about Devilman. In the original manga, the U.S. president fucking dies on-screen (not the actual one, just some generic old dude in a suit.) In Crybaby, they went out of their way to put the
actual president in there, but then
didn't kill him? Why not?! It's not like Japanese people have a very high opinion of him. Talk about blue-balling.
I guess they were afraid of litigation, maybe? But don't make him a real person, then. Just have him be a generic guy like he was in the manga. Idk, this is autistic, but I just thought I would mention it lmao.
No. 92102
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Chainsaw Man. How can main guy be so unlikable? Author was trying to do so many things with him that he just became bland and annoying as fuck. This manga is weirdly sexual so I don't like most of the characters anyway.
No. 92206
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My son needs to study!
No. 92214
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Misogynistic pig and a terrible father.
No. 92216
>>92210Brag, it's true. ChiChi has always been a useless crap-shoot, even in Dragon Ball. The moment the Frieza saga starts, she's non-existent.
Bulma is best girl, hands down.
No. 92316
>>92300It's well known that Goku is a retard and unfit to do anything besides eat, train, and fight to protect.
ChiChi is just a shitty insignificant character.
No. 92343
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Surprised that no one from Akame ga kill has been posted yet. I hate almost all characters but this idiot is the one that gets more on my nerves.
>Kills crime victims.
>Protects executioner and mad scientific.
>Mah JuStIce.
Fuck off
No. 92400
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I fucking hate Kokichi. I find his design adorable but his actions are purely annoying and inconsistent. He has shit ton of fans because he is cutesy but his character is insufferable and makes no sense, even for a rival.
I get thay they tried to make Komaeda 2 but with Komaeda at least his traits were set from the start and he only changed with the book. With Kokichi there is a random "oh he loved everyone ackshually" thrown in but it makes no sense as he never showed any hints of love. He was a disingenuous prick for the most. They tried to have him relatable, but also had the mentality of a 5 year old, but also a mastermind, but also a rival so it doesn't work.
No. 92409
>>92403he was also mean to holly because he thought his stand was an evil ghost that would possess her if she got close. he even to jail willingly for that reason. and also those fangirls were annoying and so i understand his feelings but i still cringe at his behavior towards them, but hey at least they find it hot.
>>92406nta, but yeah. he was absent most of jolyne's life until she got into prison and was still questionable with his tactics in "bonding
No. 92587
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I don't feel outright burning hatred for her, she's more of an annoyance. I've only watched the netflix series.
She's so incredibly bland outside of her death metal hobby. She has no aspirations outside of marriage, kids and work. I mean I get it, that's how most people are irl, but she's the protagonist so is it too much to ask for her to have any kind of dreams outside of those things?
It's painful to watch her be a constant doormat who can't make even an ounce of effort to stand up for herself unless it's about some dude she's dating. Pretty much every character in the series is heaps more interesting than her and it's annoying they don't get more screen time.
No. 92592
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Hate this dollar store brand Bruce Wayne
No. 92600
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detroit: become human was a shitshow but i still hated nonetheless
No. 92601
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>>92587She's supposed to be a portrayal of an average working japanese woman. She's not especially talented or exciting or special in any way. Even so, she wants to be respected at work, to fall in love and have a happy secured family on her own terms. How young must you be to think that worthy "aspirations" have to be some grandiose ego fuel thing. Retsuko's desires are Very hard things to achieve, have you seen real life?
She's not a doormat, she's a product of her environment. Have an ounce of context of japanese work and overall culture, you'd see why there are characters like Retsuko, Anai, Tsunoda, Fenekko and everyone else. They represent the way people cope within that given environment. You can't just tell your superior off and things magically get better. Even Gori and Washimi are proof that just because you're an assertive successful woman in society, doesn't mean that you ever get to stop playing "the game". Which is why they have a bond with Retsuko. Retsuko knows what she wants and she believes in that even though there's pressure from all sides on her to just get with some man, any man, quit work and accept that is life. SHE'S NOT A DOORMAT reeeeeee
No. 92606
>>92400I quite like kokichi but I can understand your stance. It's been years since I've played the game but I do remember him slipping up after the fourth execution.
It probably still isn't enough to show he cared tbh but I still like the lil guy
No. 92619
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>uwu I'm the world's deadliest assassin and I love candy and I never face any consequences for my actions uwu
No. 92633
>>92592i was waiting for him to show up. the op and ed songs were kinda good to listen on repeat. Although, his character design is hot, i don't think it fits with the deep voice he has. i don't hate him but he is annoying.
>>92600i don't even get why she and marcus would end up together despite north's opinion of marcus decreases whenever the player choose to do something else other than what she wanted which was violence. the romance was stupid since north barely got any screentime and she barely leave an impression to the players, and she was bland.
No. 92640
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>>92619Absolute worst take.
If anything,
Gon is the asshole. He puts Killua, who at that point in the story had no one
but Gon, through hell just so he can get revenge on Pitou.
No. 92657
>>92619I've never been more
triggered in my life. You have shit taste, anon. Your opinions are bad.
No. 92682
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I don't even know what game he's from, but his design is so disgusting to me and I hate his hair. I also saw so many he/him fakebois, who refuse to transition, literally kin him and dress up as him because "oh my god I am also a femboy like Astolfo!!!!1!!!! He looks like a girl but he is a boy!1!!!! He is me!!1!!! I am the same1!!". Don't even get me started on the neckbeards and "trap lovers" thirsting after him too.
No. 92803
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young joesph is garbage, not sorry.
He's annoying and I never got into the ceasar/joesph shipping either so maybe that influences my hate too. I would write more about any flaws he has but I hated arc 2 so much I don't care to revisit it and all I remember how annoying and infuriating he was to me. Caesar was so much better
No. 92810
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>>92682Pic related is also garbage and I'm tried of seeing his retarded smug face everywhere. Troons have trash taste. Any character that's just a shota in a dress is automatically their favorite.
No. 92821
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Chika is so fucking dumb and slow it makes the whole show unlikeable for me
No. 92823
>>92633I actually find the contrast between his looks and voice to be quite interesting. But he is annoying in the show, though isn't he meant to be?
I would also want to see him with something up his ass.
No. 92930
>>92823yeah he is annoying, using the power of money to help him with his cases and i don't mind about it, it's interesting to see another way of solving crimes that way than the typical "power of justice prevails"
idk, he rubs me the wrong way. maybe that'll change but since the anime has been postponed due to covid, maybe later.
No. 92942
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say "hoes mad" all you want, but they didnt deserve the invitation.
No. 92944
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Never seen this show and never will. I just think this character in particular is gross because "she's canonically 1000 years olddd" is now an excuse to ogle prepubescent girls. Lolicon is gross.
No. 92950
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>>91242I can see it but tbh this show contained my least favorite character of all time. Like rationally I know he was written that way and it's just a stupid show but holy fuck he really made it hard for me to watch. Too many characters on this show had the emotional development of like a grade schooler.
No. 92952
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I shouldn't be surprised that men idolize this shit head.
No. 92956
>>92947exactly. see this anon gets it. with cartoons you can feel arousal and fap to sexualized child bodies without the usual associated guilt you get with real people.
cartoons and real people are not the same thing!
No. 92962
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>>92952Sorry for being all fEmInIsT since that
triggers some people but male characters get away with all kinds of crap that female characters would get endless flack for.
Can you imagine a female House MD? A bitchy 60+ year old woman who's a genius but picks fights with patients and belittles her coworkers. Don't get me wrong, House is an entertaining show, but men would RAGE if the genders were flipped. House would not have lasted 1 season if House was an old chick.
No. 92974
>>92966Not anon but what kind of proof are you looking for, a scientific study surveying men who've watched child porn? Good luck finding anything where people admit to child porn usage.
Don't want to blogpost or derail but those of us who had the misfortune of being girls on dumb anime websites in the early 2010's have had plenty of run ins with lolicons/real-life-pedos if not been digitally groomed by them.
No. 92979
>>92966No one chose to be born black, but you choose to look at animated child porn, so that's the difference :) Get
(emoticon) No. 92997
>>92989I didn't mean that show necessarily
>>92995There's nothing sexual about female friendships, childhood adventures and high school hardships. Maybe you're projecting?
No. 93023
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No. 93086
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>>92619more like this annoying deus ex machina character
No. 93092
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This bitch. Not only is her body design hideous, but she's a female pedophile whose attraction to a little boy is played for laughs when the kid is clearly uncomfortable. Worse yet her existence is a projection of the author's fetish, he was confirmed to have both written some severely deranged shotacon hentai, and also openly likes shota content on his Twitter (some people are saying he's not a man and that it's a woman, fuck if I know, whatever the gender, the authors a disgusting piece of shit). I don't know how anyone can find a redeeming quality in this repugnant character.
People say Kanna is the worst aspect of the show and while I think her and the other little girl who are sexualized to hell and back are gross, Lucoa is the one who rubs me the wrong way the most. Why couldn't the show just be about Tohru and Kobayashi and their relationship, with the inclusion of Elma, Fafnir, and Makoto, the redeemable chars among the bunch, instead of including all this pedo shit? Makes me sick to my fucking stomach knowing the author is a pedo now
No. 93097
>>93092you're right. dragon maid was almost a good show, at least to me, if it weren't for the fact that kanna and the little girl who likes her were sexualized as hell. Even worse when the little girl has a fucking annoying personality and that scene were she was shitting on a bunch of guys hanging out in the park just to show off on front of kanna and act like a
victim after getting beat, made me so annoyed.
Not only that but Lucoa, too, was a gross case. I find her, uh, attractive but i can't stand her getting physically or sexually assaulting shouta. Poor dude, people just ignore his discomfort and says he was lucky to have someone like lucoa pushing her pedo advances at him but repeats "don't lewd the dragon loli" when kanna was already that from the start.
oh, anon. the manga was worst though. the anime's fanservice was downplayed likely because kyoto animation were responsible for the animation. i really wish the sexual aspects of the show were erased, also some characters like shouta (he's irrelevant), lucoa (to an extent or just change her characterization, or just overused her other gag on getting forced to change from her attire to smth more appropriate but even then, she's boring), even the little girl could either be scrap off from the show or just change her personality but i wish she's gone.
and thank you for the info on the author, now my disappointment is immeasurable.
>>93096nta, but continue with the series. it's getting better. you'll pity killua in the next few arcs or something like that. depends on you, though.
No. 93100
>>93086God I hate this bitch
>>93096Kil is a sweet boy and a good character but I kinda get it if you hate him, you should keep watching tho the third arc is really really good and doesn’t focus on him or gon very much
Also the amount of gon hate in this thread is disgusting tbh, best boy
No. 93108
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I love Ajin, but I can't stand Eriko… like at all.
I get that his brother, Kei, is meant to be the annoying one, but Eriko just comes to me as the worse sibling, at least Kei is competent even if he is somewhat a jerk, Eriko is just a waste of time on the series.
No. 93112
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>>93105mostly for the tomboy and lesbianism between her and tohru. also I usually like kyoani shows. as other anon mentioned the show did tone down the sexual content that was present in the manga, just not enough to obliterate it. given the source material there's not much they could do with it
sucks because if the kobayashi / tohru plot, the elma plot, and the fafnir / makoto plot were written by a normal author and not some shota fetish freak, it could be a good story, which is why I take a little pity on the series for being a shell of what it could've been, but not enough to forgive its disturbing sexual implications.
godspeed, my poor glasses lez kobayashi deserves better
No. 93186
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Also her fans are the worst.
No. 93203
>>90347Getting her man stolen and right in the train back home hearing two bros bragging about beign with lots of women, AND getting in the middle of that conversation to give a moral speech made me drop the anime. I finished the manga tho.
I get it you had negative experiences with men but don't use the character for that just like that.
>>90361 source?
>>90467 she's a fucking BASTARD holly fuck I feel like writting everything in caps. You can forgive people who don't have that much impact on your life but this manga made everyone to a certain point unlikeable. And that cunt deserved to be pushed from the balcony. I hope she had a horrendous time in the city, met horrible men and resorted to do an OF. Disguting bitch. Only virgins and whores defend her. You could only "find good" in her if you did something similar and want to justify yourself indirectly through her!
>>90958 Making people like this an actual love interest in a otome. I'm concerned. Why would they teach this? They shouldn't be telling everyone that beign like this in unlikeable and disrespectfull?
>>91011 No hate from me, could you compare with other vocaloids? Or give one that sounds better?
>>91658 amen
No. 93207
>>93203the one's at
>>90361 are from litchi hikari club
No. 93209
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no caption needed
No. 93215
>>93209She's very obnoxious but still makes those braindead anime fanboys cooooom their pants so hard
I get Yuno from Mirai Nikkia vibes from her because she also attracts a huge coomer fanbase like Yuno does
No. 93256
>>91539ive always hated how his artstyle was insultingly similar to daddy diavolo
>>91707he's probably the worst character in got for me as well. which is a shame because bran was such a cute kid. shame x2 he grew up into a bird nose freak. shame x3 he's now king after having done nothing to earn it
>>91914korra was nothing more than tumblr bait
>>92214he's not misogynistic. just very socially awkward and aloof. his character is all about being a stoic tough guy who never speaks his true inner thoughts. he doesnt actually think his mother is a bitch and he rly cares deeply about her. he risked everything to save her. he's just real shitty at conveying his emotions.
No. 93272
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>entire character is basically the outcome of unresolved daddy issues
i also hate his beard. he'd look so much hotter without that ugly old man beard. legit thought he was grisha's brother when i saw him
No. 93276
>>93092Whenever I see this character I just think of Moo.
>>93096It's one of the few long animes I was actually able to finish. Also, go watch YYH, too.
No. 93320
>>93274he reminds me of an incel
>>93280zook please
No. 93328
>>93203>>93248op miku hater here. You beat me to it, but basically this too. She's fine in upbeat songs like Ageage Again or Ohedo Julia-Night. Producers like GHOST don't use her well, so I personally wouldn't listen to their songs with Miku.
Personally for female vocals I like luka, rin, gumi, IA, and vflower. Meiko has potential but I think people are afraid to use her, so I haven't really heard many good covers with her.
No. 93355
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>>93256yeah, also his yandere antics towards jolyne are so annoying
he should have stayed a woman.
No. 93418
>>93410he's a pathetic traitor. furthermore it seems he wants to genocide his own people all for the sake of genociding his own people. he doesn't seem to care about the wanton suffering endured by both sides. he's only doing it because he's literally fucking insane…
at least eren is doing something out of love for his friends and race even if it's horrific.
No. 93435
>>91244They shouldn't have even hesitated in choosing between Erwin and Armin. Forget about not having enough demonstrations of his "superior" intellect. Armin was 15. Lmfaoo
I believe Armin actually admitted he wasn't worth saving over Erwin in a recent chapter. Mikasa didn't even try to convince him otherwise lmfao. Everyone knows it.
No. 93450
>>91344I love her actually
but her dad and brother were the worst lmao
>>92316They is the same
No. 93453
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>>93096If Killua being murderous is your problem, definitely continue. The series will probably surprise you a lot.
No. 93492
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Wait why people are hating on Gon? Of course he went crazy since his mentor suffered a horrible death at the hands of that sick cat ant monster. Seeing her get ripped apart was pretty fun ngl
No. 93574
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This completely useless, dumb bint. Why was she even a member of the trio? What did she bring to the series? Absolutely nothing. She couldn't fight, she couldn't do anything and didn't even have any romantic thing going on with the other two.
Fuu, what IS you?
>>92962Ehem Queens Lucille Bluth and Karen Walker would like to have a word with you.
No. 93579
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DA2 characters are all quite unlikable, Meryll is the most annoying of them all, but imo nothing beats Anders.
I think the saddest thing is that I loved Anders in DAA but they absolutly ruined his character in DA2
Salty ass terrorist that uses ppl as a tool and dump them when they don't agree with his pol agenda
No. 93681
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>>93579>DA2 characters are all quite unlikableAgreed, I'll piggyback with Isabela. I disliked her SO much. Crass, childish, annoying, I dropped her like a sack of potatoes when she basically caused a Qunari invasion, a city burning and people dying just because "xddd I really wanted that book, now come and save me Hawke". Handed her over to the Qunari lord with no regrets.
No. 93721
>>93186her character development arc is such a prime example of the shitty character development routes that persona characters have so often. "after this year i've decided i'm not going to follow this life plan because i'm supposed to… instead i'm going to follow the same path because i want to, because it's the right thing"
makoto has such little personality that having a relationship with her only starts because you have to act as her boyfriend and decide that if you're so good at acting it then it must be good irl too. even ohya has more to her personality than the wannabe cop girl
No. 93724
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>>93681She is basically a bad, female version of Zevran; oversexual all the time and annoying.
I only liked Fenris, Bethany and Varric.
Carver was also the absolute worst, I vividly remember his inferiority complex and constant whinning
No. 93731
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When Azusa was introduced the quirky lighthearted fun was ruined. She complains all the fucking time and her whole personality is basically I'm a shy neko uwu
No. 93751
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>be writer for Sailor Moon>create a character who calls out Usagi, bickers with her and generally prevents her from looking too much like a boring goody two shoes>tfw fun and sometimes heartwarming dynamic ensues>replace Sailor Mars with Chibi-Usa>>93731Oh god thank you I thought I was alone. None of the k-ons have complex personalities but I couldn't even tell what hers was supposed to be. The dynamic between the girls was fun until they inserted this snooze.
No. 93765
>>93193>for some reason Makoto fans have some weird superiority complex.It's because she's so ~pure and intelligent~ and their small minds comprehend the ~other girls~ as either sluts or dumbasses and the people who like them are just waifufag brainlets, which they certainly aren't themselves.
Honestly I don't hate Makoto but she was just bland as hell. I almost keep forgetting about her because she had no big character development or even an interesting personality that left an impression. Someone like Ryuji was an insufferable dumb fuck but at least you remember what he was like and what purpose he served to the story and Ann was emotionally present in the conversations and had intense reactions that brought her character out better.
No. 93807
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the clingy brat of a fish
No. 93839
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I don't hate him, but, If he were gone, I wouldn't miss him from the game.
No. 93863
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This asshole boy. From the Shimanami Tasogare manga, he went full trigger on the MC saying nasty stuff about him in public, later said MC apologized, literally said that he have no reason to apologize himself and won't do with a smile (happy ending like).
No. 93882
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I don't necessarily hate her but I hated how it often felt like she was waifu-bait
>>93186I'm still unsure why fans love her so much and why she's the most popular waifu. I thought she was alright, but I don't really understand how she has so many fans
No. 93890
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No, I am disappointed, you dumb bpdfuck.
No. 93892
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>>93882I agree, Chiaki didn't seem to have any character flaws compared to the other characters in SDR2. It's ironic that she got a lot of special treatment despite Kodaka
hating her enough to kill her off twice kek No. 93897
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His design is really cute but it was really obnoxious how Yato did so much for him and he didn't appreciate it.
He does get a lot better in the manga though, so I will say my hatred only extends towards the anime version of him for now.
No. 93932
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Maybe “hate” is a strong word but she’s was so fucking pathetic. Like I went in knowing Joe and Peach were assholes but we’re supposed to like her (and I did, in the beginning) but then does shit like sleep with another girl’s boyfriend (and has the audacity to call said girl the jilted ex lover or some shit), acts like an wounded puppy to Joe, all while fucking her therapist behind everyone’s back. I know girls will bigger daddy’s issues who don’t act nearly as retarded.
>>90152I feel like she’s the Holden Caulfield of video games. She’s annoying and a fuck up, don’t get me wrong, but at worse, she’s just a pitiful teenager dealing with trauma in a not so flattering way (much like Holden himself).
>>90598Scrotes who whine about Daenerys having too much plot amour yet completely ignore Jon will never not annoy me.
>>90872It’s funny because in the books, he’s just a creepy dude who barely gets any attention lmao
>>91034I liked her for the most part but she was fucking insufferable in season 3. Couldn’t stand her self righteous bullshit.
No. 93933
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Oh and this dude. That scene is season 7 was a godsend
No. 93941
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I binged watched American Gods season 1 the other night and I can't stand Laura
She doesn't seem to have a personality and zero reaction to anything. She can't really hold up a scene by herself unless Mad Sweeney is involved.
She seems like a weird fetish character that a script writer wrote around Emily Browning
No. 94336
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I don't even know why I watched this stupid ass show, probs the only one in the thread dumb enough to do so. For my defense, S1 was kinda good.
Sabrina is a fucking cunt who only think about herself and never gets truly punished for being a selfish little asshole. Her friends are as bad as her, and the pushed trans shit embodied by Leo or whatever his fucking name was, was annoying and obnoxious.
Also cringed so hard at all the "call me daddy uwu" shit that satan was spewing
No. 94362
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>>94360Neet waifus are the worst, they are just cringy autistic girls that are unrealistically attractive, they give otakus the feeling that they can find a qt gf who is the same as them but hot.
Pic related is pretty much FGO's Futaba, and one of my most hated character of the entire game.
No. 94364
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No. 94371
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this ugly piece of shit
No. 94395
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I see this mf in every shitty tutorial about "how to be an alpha". Sick of scrotes idolizing him when he's toxic mess lacking human emotions
No. 94396
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Normally I like characters like her (self sufficient, confident) and dislike characters like Power (uwu feral waif-chan) but this thot is so manipulative and sneaky and all her fans have weird mommy kinks so Power Best Girl
No. 94400
>>93945I know but at least other terrible GOT characters were sympathetic to an extent (Cersei) or had an at least interesting or threatening villain presence (Ramsay and Tywin). Littlefinger was just a smug dude who wanted to fuck a teenager because she was a dead ringer for his oneitis. That's it. That's his character.
>>94358Not surprised considering D&D are hacks. I read the first book a long time ago but I really need to read the whole series.
>>94395I only watched the first few seasons but I was under the impression that you were supposed to think he was a fuck up despite his success. Not surprised that scrotes idolize him though.
No. 94403
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No. 94404
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I know I shouldn't bother with American Horror Story because it's such a hot mess but I hated this asshole so much. Babby's first edgy character. He pretty much exists for girls who want to get off to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold but are too ashamed to admit it.
No. 94420
>>94404how can anyone romanticize him when he raped his 'love's' mother and impregnated her to boot. This is inexcusable.
Obviously I agree about all the other points about him being a softcore Columbiner bait, but the rape thing is the worst to me about his character.
No. 94421
>>94336This is quite mean but I just hate her face, especially brows and mouth. She has a really ugly mouth shape. Bad actor too, begone!
I high key would have preferred if the show was about hedonistic bisexual legend Ambrose and his house arrest fun times instead of the zoomer shit. Prequel spinoff WHEN. Willing to take something with the aunts when they were young, without Sabrina in the picture as well.
>>94395I love all the character writing in Mad Men in general but I get why you dislike Don the person. His dynamic with the various women in his life can get pretty nuanced imo, saw a lot of real stuff there. He's definitely a profoundly flawed man 100%, but scrotes just see him as a "chad". Though tbh if you're gonna let the way scrotes see things ruin stuff for you then you're not gonna have a good time with a lot of media.
No. 94424
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>>94404Tate really did pander to the teen serial killer fetishists
oof. The amount of cringy tumblr edit i saw on this shitty character is insane
And since we're into shit edgy character, have jared leto's joker.
I really hate this actor btw, I've never liked one single movie in which he is, and yes that includes Fight Club and American Psycho. Jared Leto is cursed
No. 94444
>>94360>>94362Ah right, I get it now. Thank you for your insights anons!
Speaking of Persona still, I find it interesting how the female nerd in the game is loved by a lot of players (redditors especially, from what I could see), but the male nerd character Mishima is literally the most hated.
No. 94448
>>94434Don't get me wrong, it is a good movie, it just wasn't my cup of tea for some reason, I can't really explain why either.
I found it a bit boring
No. 94481
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Overrated trashtier waifu for NEETfags, 4channers and underage kids. Is a walking uwu fanservice to a point that she seems as if she is an autistic fwaigle womanchild. ( Which is a really common trope in JRPGs and anime ) Generic storyline.
I was really excited about her before game release because of her chardesign, got really disappointed over her route. Her and her fans are annoying.
No. 94494
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She can choke me with her critical finish
No. 94497
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this bitch.
No. 94500
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>let's create a morbidly obese character even fatter and more stupid than Homer Simpson but let's make him mean, give him a hot wife for no reason, and have him constantly dunk on his own daughter for being fat and ugly even though he's one hundred times worse and have that be the running joke across multiple seasons
No. 94509
>>93328>Doesn't like Miku>Would rather listen to Rintbh anon, you may be deaf Miku and Rin (especially in their V2 voicebanks sound pretty much the same).
While Miku isn't the ~BEST vocaloid~ it does prove effective at introducing a much wider audience to vocaloid. Having a simple (in design) anime girl with high-pitched voice and kawaii-desu image as a spokeperson for the brand is a very good marketing tactic.
Look at other products like Cyber Songman, its a great voicebank with a different spin on vocaloid, but since it didnt have a perfect waifu/husbando on the cover it didnt really go far. I agree that Miku is overated, but if it werent her as the face of the brand, it would be another bland high pitched voicebank instead.
No. 94558
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>>94557 Well damn my pic didn't show. I meant this demon
No. 94560
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There have been THREE Danganronpa characters listed here are NONE of them mentioned this guy. By far one of the worst characters in the series. I hate his annoying, repetitious catchphrases, the fact that his reasonings flip flop constantly, and the fact that he is needlessly shoved in every DR spinoff for those sweet sweet coomer points. His presence in those is basically like those awful man nut sections but at least thosr are optional and you have to actively go out of your way to seek the nut scenes.
I’ve heard people say this dude is well written. Well written my ass. He’s written like a 14 year old’s creepypasta OC practically word-for-word. Literally the only way he could be more of a cliche creepypasta character is if he looked directly into the camera and adknowleged you, the player, outside of the protagonist. I think he did that in UDG
No. 94561
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I know SAO is a shit tier show, but man did I fucking hate Yui. The whole deal with her calling the main ‘Daddy’ and acting like their child make me cringe so bad. It’s been so long since I watched the show that I barely remember the plot line of it, but this lingering revulsion to her character still remains in me lol
No. 94569
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The Great is a fun show but Leo was the worst of the gang. I thought he was fine in the earlier episodes but they kept trying to push this star-crossed lovers dynamic that kinda withered at the end. He's just a dumbass who never takes anything seriously.
Tbh, Catherine should have dumped him after he damaged her reputation by printing drawings of her fucking a horse and putting them up around court and slipped up and told that guy about the coup
Having him die at the end of the season was the best way to go, tbh. He was just the drink and snacks guy with a big dick. I personally don't think he's hot enough to warrant all the trouble.
No. 94577
>>94569Agreed but I would've put up with it if he was at least hot. He's unattractive and short, I don't know why they kept pretending he was some super desirable gigolo tier stud.
I hate to say it but I was kinda into Peter/Catherine by the end. He was a horrible person in so many ways but they had some cute moments, and Nick Hoult was so entertaining I couldn't help enjoying his character.
No. 94578
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>>94522Eridan and Gamzee are shit because they're two dimensional and poorly-written. Vriska is a cunt, but at least she's interesting. I totally understand people not liking her, though.
Also hot take: pic related is worst human. She was supposed to be the leader, but she's boring and whiny.
No. 94594
>>94509ehh I dunno. Rin/miku might have similar ranges, but personally I think Rin can hit the higher notes Miku cant. Miku sounds more nasally and forced, plus, I personally think Rin can carry fast/upbeat and emotional/slower songs better too. It's subtle but they sound different if youve been into vocaloid for a long time and can recognize them
Cyber Songman sounds great, and I really wish people used him more too, but male vocaloids outside Kaito, Oliver, Len, Gakupo aren't used much. I think people are afraid to use male vocals. Characters that weren't miku have shown to be popular, heck, there was a time when Luka was doing better than Miku. I think People have just gotten lazy and think miku is just their safest bet and think because they use her, she will automatically make their song good. Miku is a great marketing tactic sure, but you dont need a super kawaii young anime girl to be popular in vocaloid. You can slap a anime girl on anything and sell it, but it doesnt mean its good.
No. 94605
>>94577AYRT, I stan short kings so I didn't mind that, but he definitely wasn't hot enough to have the ladies at court swooning over him lol
Re: Peter though, saaaame. I know his motives were ultimately self-serving because he only did it to make Catherine like him, but organising the dinner with Voltaire was really cute.
I hated him at the start but he's grown on me and is now absolutely one of my favourite parts of the show. I know he's going to have to die eventually, but they've been super lax with the history so far so who knows, maybe we can keep him. I wouldn't have thought I would be so fond of someone who threw a dog off a roof but… yknow, huzzah!
No. 94648
>>94569Ugh YES I hated this petty unattractive manlet
>>94577>>94605Nick Hoult's Peter is such a well written and acted character tbh
No. 94741
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I hate this bitch and I hate that terezi will never be explored as a character because it's more important her relationship with her than anything else but it's good that she became the symbol of delusional trans, its what she deserves
No. 95179
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Randomly watching Yugioh for the first time, and I can’t stand this weepy bitch
No. 95345
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I only watched the anime, and it's not that I hate him… I just loathe him. An absolute fuckboy, and I can't understand why people would want him and Yukari together.
Good thing, wishing a miserable future for your heroine, kek.
Ffs, don't get me wrong I still think he has some depth into him as a character, but I just…. can't. Bitch.
No. 95353
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>>94364I will fight you to defend the pureness of my husband. I hated him at the beginning as well tho. But post-timeskip Ferdinand is best boy.
>>91305I loathe her so much. Just make her the villain FE3H deserves and stop justifying "b-but she's good uwu". Her "revolution" is taking power from people with crests and giving it to other people with crests except these pander to her.
Contributing with the Shimura siblings. I get that Shinpachi is supposed to be the straight man but he only manages to be cringy and unfunny. Tae is just a femcel mad at Gintoki for not noticing her.
No. 95354
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This annoying little shit. He's so whiny and bitchy and doesn't appreciate Kou's friendship at all. I wish he was just a one off character. Serve him right for having no friends when he was alive cuz he's such a shitty friend.
No. 95355
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Needlessly hostile to people who didn't do shit to her.
I don't get how anyone can like her, she's so obnoxious. I appreciated her in EoE, but she became unlikable again in the Rebuilds.
No. 95360
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I'm not a big fan of Misa. She always annoyed me so much in the anime and manga, the way she just kept clinging onto Light and bothering him with her lovesickness (despite him not giving a single fuck about her) was so bad. I always suffered from second hand embarrassment whenever she acted all cutesy dumb.
I dislike her a lot but I really hoped she would've gone for a better person instead of the infamous edgelord Light Yagami, she deserved that at least. Her killing herself in the end made me sad too.
No. 95366
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my god.. this is such a shit of a show and the only reason people I know of were invested in it was their hopes of the two main characters ending up together.
No. 95367
>>95366no marinette is adorable
and i might be one of those people
No. 95378
>>95366I'm glad we are all uniting in hating her.
My personal opinion, her friend has a more interesting personality than her.
No. 95393
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I don’t understand the hype
No. 95395
>>95393I also don't understand how this show attracts so many woke fans who will play fandom police and harass others for being into
problematic stuff/ships while the author of this show literally said herself that this is a shota show
No. 95396
>>95395Did Aida Ito explicitly state that it’s a shota manga? Sauce pls because I’m curious.
And yeah, in any case it’s obvious that both the writer and artist are shotacons - all of their previous works (DMLD, that other previous oneshot they did) involve similar shota characters. Not to mention Aida doing a collab with an idol game where she drew a somewhat eroticised shota character. and Hanako is very clearly depicted to be attractive to the female audience so it’s absurd to me that fanpol types penalise the audience for being taken in by the manga’s main draw (aka Hanako being cute/sexy).
I personally didn’t really like the manga that much, but I can understand the appeal
No. 95397
>>95395I read this manga years before and was horrified when the anime adaptation was announced because I knew it would attract the western woke community clutching their pearls about m-muh pedos and shota pandering. It totally happened and I fucking hate it. Now I can't even say I like the manga out loud or I'll be dogpiled by the fandom police who
strangely still like the show despite o-obviously n-not being shotacons themselves heavens no!!!
No. 95407
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These bitches ruined New Game for me. Their designs are hideous and they were complete assholes towards most of the original cast.
No. 95415
>>95354Take it back, Kou loves working for it
>>95397 >>953991000 ojisan pandering loli bait shows no one bats an eye. Males will be males. One beautiful wholesome shota show with ships of appropriate age range and popular with women? Disgusting unacceptable. Fuck western anime community.
No. 95454
Maybe it's cause I haven't seen the show, but the sudden shota stanning is weird AF to me.
>>95415>One beautiful wholesome shota showHow can a shota show be wholesome?
>>95396Are you saying that if a manga/anime has an 'attractive' child character, it's fine to be a pedo for it? Then all the gross loli scrotes are in the clear as well.
No. 95468
>>95454>I haven't seen the showInput discarded.
Btw "shota/loli" are terms denoting young characters, not exclusively a porn category. Shota characters are wildly popular with japanese women in their 20's and 30's, I guess everyone is pedo for liking Killua or Mob. Alas, you're clearly just baiting though.
No. 95478
>>90484I know there came more characters after the “first batch” (and I possibly would agree with you if I knew more about them) but I don’t think they are as annoying or bad since they didn’t seem to be as popular with people as the first ones loll? Or at least I think they weren’t? Correct me if I am wrong though.
With those fist ones I actually tried to watch the anime, since everyone was talking about it, but I dropped it right away from how stupid and useless ALL the characters where. There was not a single one of them that made it worth watching! So I say the first ones are the worst since they are responsible for keeping the franchise going longer than it should.
No. 95479
>>95468Shota/loli is a sexualised child, not any young character, you retard. Or are ghibli girls lolis to you?
I don't know if the anime is truly shota bait or not but arguments of anons quoted by me were extremely unconvincing and hypocritical
No. 95480
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I usually love sweet, gentle characters but Ninian was insufferable to me. I don't know, there was something about her useless damsel in distress act that didn't sit well with me. Even worse is that the game basically forces you to accept her and Ellwood as canon
No. 95482
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This dumb bitch. Really loved her in the first series but in :re everything that made her a good character went down the drain. Fuck I wished so hard she would die.
>>95354amen, can't fucking stand that whiny piece of shit.
No. 95493
>>95488literally where? On some degenerate scrote boards? Never heard nonpedo people talking about Ghibli lolis uwu
Either you are insane or all weebs became pedos since I stopped paying attention to mainstream fandom
No. 95498
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>>95360kek the mangaka is a huge misogynist and really fucking hates women. in his other works female characters are just there to be prizes for the males or as obstacles that ruin the male's path to a goal. Misa was unfortunately both.
I really loved her because she was cute. she doesnt have much of a personality but she's the most fleshed out female character in the show and the manga.
No. 95501
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>>95345i love him but not with yukari. just as a solo character. doesn't he end up with the tranny anyway? kek he got his comeuppance
No. 95508
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>>95494Shota, not shotacon jfc why are you stupid. It’s literally slang for young cute boy design. Len Kagamine, Conan, Killua, Nagisa, Syaoran, Momiji, Honey, to name a few popular ‘shota’ characters that weren’t designed to be sexy bait. It’s a really common archetype in shoujo media, must be pedophilia when older women watch magical girl shows and like the male characters. Get your shit together anon.
No. 95512
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So I decided to read this Hanako Kun manga since everyone kept screaming it was pEdoBaIt and the worst loli/shota shit and…
I'm sorry but this is the most vanilla, wholesome manga I've ever read.
Like, there aren't even weird sexualized shit going on, looks like a cute, old school shounen manga
No. 95514
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>>95512the manga itself is innocent, but the author and artist who collaborate on the series are obvious shotacons
pic related official art
No. 95516
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Books, game or show I can’t fucking stand her
>>95514omg it’s time to fucking stop with all this sperg. We get it, you don’t like it, get on your high horse and move on.I don’t doubt the autor and artist could be
problematic but the show itself is your typical shojo and so far there’s nothing that would make it a shotacon, starting by the fact that aside from the cutesy drawings the characters are teens like, you know, every fucking manga out there
No. 95522
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>>95516lol i don’t care that aidairo are shotacons, i just find it funny that the fanbase moralfags about shipping or whatever when by their definition the creators themselves are problematique. stay mad hoe.
pic related another official art in case there are any doubters
>>95520idk I don’t rlly care about lolipandering either it’s all the same shit to me
No. 95524
>>95506Nta, but I absolutely agree with you, I don't hate Touka but there were far more interesting characters on the series than her,
like Eto for example.
As for the romance, I feel more like if it came from nowhere but you can easily tell it will happen, maybe this is because I've seen that dynamic on anime a few times
and because Ishida didn't plan :RE since the manga was meant to end with Kaneki dying and Touka with a new coffee shop but if their relationship is seen from an outside perspective, they barely like each other, is not clear why they became a couple or even friends for that matter since they are mostly fighting and arguing and then :RE happens and suddendly they love each other now.
No. 95525
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>>95524>>95482I don’t understand how it wasn’t completely obvious that Kaneki and Touka were gonna end up together
No. 95532
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>>95525>>95526lol was anyone denying that? it was obvious from the start but she had a personality other than that in the beginning
No. 95534
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While we are on the subject of Tokyo Ghoul, I think this is time for this asshole to appear on the thread.
No. 95535
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also this gross pos
No. 95576
>>95525Because there are scenes where he saves her and carries her like a princess? Kaneki's literally like that to half of the characters. It was obvious they were going to end up together just because she seemed to like him and she was the main girl.
It's like the mangaka focused on the story and then remembered that at some point they had to be together and awkwardly shoved in the romance all at once. Also Ishida has an obvious boner for her and her tsundere shit was annoying.
No. 95594
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Setsuna was mentioned but I think she desserves a place here.
No. 95602
>>95595Thanks to you for bringing that memory back, is being a while, it feels nostalgic.
As for why I hate her; first, how manipulative she was. I understand the fact that she wants to help Sekai and all that stuff, but she legit would just get in the middle of anything. Makoto could easily just want some time with his gf and Setsuna would do something to push Kotonoha to the side.
Even let Makoto fuck her as long as he doesn't end up with Kotonoha, such a great friend cucking Sekai. Maybe is just speculation, but it felt like if despite Sekai's jelousy, was thanks to Setsuna why Makoto started to feel like if all the female characters were there just for him. Sure, he wasn't the best at the begining either and is not like if he wouldn't become an asshole regarless but her giving him thd green light to cheat didn't help for sure.
Also, I hate the whole loli thing going on with her, I can't stand her UwU high pitch voice and how much they try on making her feel like "Ohh she is good if you give her a chance~" like if that changes how much of an awful person she was but the coomers will defend her because "She smol waifu"
Tbh, most characters on School days annoy me as fuck, but I have Setsuna on a special place of hate.
No. 95657
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>>95622her eyes were dark in the concept art and I also dislike the change to bright blue hair tbh
I really liked her original design and wish they didn't change it
No. 95683
I have never seen Hanako-kun so I'm not going to comment on that specifically, but is anyone kind of grossed out how loli is completely accepted in the anime community, whereas everyone pukes and acts revolted toward shota?
Shota raped in Boku no Pico = "omg lulzyy anime, trick your friends into watching it, so funny HAHAH, that's nasty af dude, who likes this garbage, GAY"
famous lolis like Shinobu, Kanna, etc. = "Hehe sexy loli… I wish she was my imouto and would sit on my face… why don't I have an 8 year old sister who doesn't wear panties…"
It's one of the big reasons why I mainly left the anime community, 99% of the fans don't bat an eye toward sexualized 8 year old girls, and a huge chunk of them actually embrace it. They understand why raping a little boy is wrong, but raping a little girl is just some harmless sexy anime fun.
No. 95684
>>95683I have never seen boku no pico myself, just saw memes about it,
but wasn't the meme about tricking normies into watching it? It adds an extra layer of weird when a bunch of little girls are revealed to have penises. Imo people who say they like loli but hate shota just don't like dick. I have also seen the reverse, yaoi fangirls liking shotas but hating loli. But anyway, I fully understand leaving the anime fandom because of it being full of pedos.
No. 95685
>>95683Kind of, like
>>93092 said earlier, it somehow get a pass if is a waifu who gets involved into the shota stuff, but I see your point.
No. 95686
>>95684That's my thing though, Boku no Pico is a huge joke, but if the genders were flipped no one would bat an eye, and it'd actually be quite popular. No one says "watch Kodomo no Jikan" as a big troll-y joke, because ecchi of little girls isn't nasty or funny, it's just straight sexy to most anime fans.
(ps I have never watched either of these shows and never will, but you can tell what they are just from images)
No. 95687
>>95683Boku no Pico isn't really a comparable property because it's only famous for the meme value of tricking people into watching it (like
>>95684 said) because hurr hurr gay scare so funny lol. However the point still stands, most of the shota geared towards female viewers is immediately condemned and treated as deplorable nasty kiddy porn ew but loli is accepted as some staple anime trait. A guy who likes lolishit gets a slap on the wrist and groaned upon at worst but a female into shota is immediately attacked and burned on a stake even though a woman is
much less likely to ever abuse a minor. It's just all about men freaking out over them being sexualized, just like they shit their pants in rage when girls like BL.
However shota comes in many forms, the stuff made for gay/bi men (like Boku no Pico) is the stuff that has very childlike young boys (often in female clothing) aged under 10 having brutal sex with their onii-chans while in the more female-oriented ones the boys are much older and more teenage aged than a child and a lot less graphic. Reading the latter I always feel like the shota character is a stand-in for the female reader while the shota made for male readers is more about coomers enjoying the forbidden fruit because regular loli just didn't do it for them anymore.
>>95686Also there was an anime recently about a lesbian pedo maid who was lusting after a girl that looked like she was aged 8-10 (Uzamaid) and nobody thought anything of it. But when Super Lovers came around I saw people reeing about it being ~sooooo~
abusive and harmful and
problematic and totally converting women into pedophiles.
No. 95692
>>95691Did you write
>>95687 because that's quite transparent lol. Responding with u r dumb isn't going to change anything.
No. 95719
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This turd.
Even ignoring the whole pedobait/gore controversy around this show, I gave up on it after like 3 episodes because I couldn’t fucking stand her. She’s the exact kind of obnoxious that autistic scrotes mistake for “cute” and her design is hideous.
No. 95732
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Haven't seen this anime, I saw like 3 episodes 10 years ago and that's all. But I dislike everything it stands for.
-ugly uguu art style
-young adult female characters whose main appeal is that they act like they're 8 year olds with autism
-harem shit being treated like it's meaningful and lovely and great, when it was created for the purpose of men dreaming about having 5+ kawaii girls in love with them
-tearjerker anime where the main selling point is "oh no kawaii girl dies" are boring and cliche at this point
When men say they like this stuff, they defend it with "It has a good story! It has good characters! It's touching! I'm not in it for the waifus!" But let's be honest, none of them would touch it with a ten foot pole if the genders were reversed, and it were about a high school girl with 5 autistic bishounens in love with her and some of them die or whatever. Or hell, people would actively burn it at the stake if it were YAOI and it was a boy with pretty boys in love with him. REEE.
No. 95737
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This retard annoyed me so incredibly much. I hate those cutesy dumb characters who are all about optimism, positivity and sunshines la la la I love everyone I love you, you and you! la la la. It's very annoying and it never fails to ruin a show for me. Emma is literally the prime example of that description I just wrote, I cannot stand her at all because she acts like she's mentally retarded. I've disliked her since episode 1 and then her entire "I cannot leave you guiiise!!! I love everyone I gotta save everyone of you!!! I am not leaving without you!!!!" act made me literally stop watching the show and return back to it after 2-3 weeks of avoiding it. The only reason why I kept watching it was because I was very curious and tbh the ending was also a huge disappointment for me. I fucking hate this show, I literally wasted my precious time on this bullshit and I should've just read the wiki pages instead. It took them exactly 12 episodes to plan their escape and those episodes were so boring every time. Them revealing Ray to be the caretaker mom's son felt like the author got bored and wanted to insert some random plot twist. The only good scenes were when the caretaker mom's lullaby was introduced (it's very pretty tbh) and when she caught Emma and Norman trying to escape and then broke Emma's leg. Also speaking of Norman, I checked out some spoilers and wow who would've guessed that he's still alive. Definitely not me, wow! The characters are also very ugly drawn. I hate this show.
No. 95744
>>95742I feel like randomly killing off a character (especially a moe anime girl) is one of the laziest forms of storytelling, because death is a near-universally painful event that will always induce emotions in the viewer. Bonus points if there's not even any set-up to it, they just randomly die one episode because they were struggling with a secret illness with no symptoms. Bonus-bonus points if everyone comes back to life somehow, because kawaii girls being permanently dead is too traumatic.
Give us some other kind of emotions or storytelling… Show characters trying to reach a goal and failing. Show characters dealing with the harsh realities of life. Show the painful end of a friendship or relationship. Show literally anything other than "kawaii uguu girl dies oh noez :( :("
People adore Jun Maeda but most of his works revolve around "cute girl(s) dies/are secretly dead/are already in the afterlife/are ghosts.
No. 95765
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Every time he comes on the screen I literally couldn’t hold back from screaming at him to shut the fuck up. I don’t get all his retarded fans fawning over him like being a relationship with this fucker would probably be the most exhausting shit ever and don’t even try to tell me he wouldn’t be abusive (also not like he would ever date anyone since he’s too obssesed with himself). I usually like the moody characters but they usually have some redeeming qualities this fucker has nothing and fuck anyone who says he “gets character development” like when? Because I sure as hell haven’t seen it. He does not deserve a friend like Kirishima, but i’ll be honest the only moments I tolerate him are when they’re together because he is somewhat slightly( in the smallest way possible) less of a dick around him. But outside of that I don’t see any improvements or anything he’s just insufferable and annoying. Deku is another one I can’t stand but that’s mostly due to the fact I hate overly positive characters, and he’s literally so fucking stupid. This show has so many dislikable characters it’s insane, I honestly don’t know how I watched the anime and read the manga I think the whole time I was just fueled by pure hatred and spite.
No. 95773
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I don't mind Steve Carell and I don't mind The Office, but I cannot stand the character of Michael Scott. I've tried to like him since he's such a prominent role, but every episode he's in becomes worse if not completely unwatchable. Everyone acts so flabbergasted if I mention this; like it's a sin to not enjoy The Office for some reason.
No. 95777
>>95765thanks, anon. now i can't stop comparing bnha with fairytail like having a lot of characters, girls nothing but fanservice and cheap waifu materials, that chirpy energetic and loud interaction or personality that a lot of characters have and etc.
and i realize whenever i tried to watch the show something bad always happens whether it'd be a blackout or family matter happening at the same time. it seems the universe is telling me something.
i wouldn't doubt people would hate bnha in the later years just like how it end up with fairytail.
No. 95778
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most of the characters in this series weren't good to begin with but he was always the most unlikable one of them all and comes off as an Edgy Sue. also I don't get what husbandofags see in him, there's no way a relationship could work without changing his whole personality. even some farmers here like him for some reason
>>95777>having a lot of characters, girls nothing but fanservice and cheap waifu materials, that chirpy energetic and loud interaction or personality that a lot of characters have and etctbh that's almost every shonen anime
No. 95784
>>95778yeah, my description could be applicable to a lot of shounen anime due to its targeted demographic. thats' why i rarely watched shounen.
cause sasuke is handsome, anon. and like you said, he's edgy. he's what edgy people wanted to embodied as, and those who see him as a husbando are those type of people who wanted to "help him change for the good", or simply wanted to be his edgy girlfriend. and also, i went lurking on some of sasuke apologists tumblr accounts before (because i wanted to see anti sasusaku shippers lose their marbles from the ending of naruto and boruto) and they all agreed that his actions are acceptable due to circumstances that was orchestrated by the entire village and danzo against his clan. there you have a reason.
No. 95790
>>90501yet fans love her because muh tranny.
fuck her.
i only love higurashi and i mostly like bernkastel from umineko
No. 95791
>>95778This piece of shit character, I fucking can't. I can't pick what's worse, this empty ass character that the writer refused to give any sense of self awareness after continuous events pointing him to a better direction, or sakura that has no character development at all, and when we thought she would have the smallest growth, they just do her dirty again and she goes back to being a doormat. But most female characters in this shitshow are doormats anyway.
>>95784> they all agreed that his actions are acceptable due to circumstances that was orchestrated by the entire village and danzo against his clan.Not at all, ffs his stupid brother gets revived and repeats the same shit again cause maybe THIS TIME he will be able to think for more than 3 seconds, but fuck no. After defeating that goddess he just repeats the same mistake again as if the only way he would be able to have any tiny amount of empathy for anybody that isn't himself or his family is loosing his fucking arm in a battle with naruto. Doesn't last long cause he fucks sakura and bails out, fuck off. I'm not anon who originally posted sasuke, but I fucking hate this character with a passion. It's the ultimate bad writing. He has no personality beyond "EDGY revenge".
No. 95792
>>91658im a girl and shes waifu material. Hot and loyal. yanderes are bashed for nothing. This is anime not irl. stfu about "muh
abusive character". yanderes rarely exist irl
No. 95809
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>>90146While we’re on the topic of Naruto, this dumbass. Started an entire war because of some girl he liked, who didn’t like him back, dying.
Then Kishimoto tried to make him sympathetic and tried to “redeem” him because Naruto said he was “cool” or whatever.
Say what you want about Sasuke but I can at least emphasise with him more
No. 95813
>>95366What can you expect from a show made by a total incel whose only experience with women before consisted on animu waifus? yeah talking about that fat fuck Thomas Astruc. I am 10000% convinced he made Marinette to be like what he wanted in his fantasies. I mean come on there are so many anime/manga tropes there. Adrien? A Daiso version of Tamaki Suoh. No character development whatsoever. Oh she had a super intimate moment with the main guy in this episode? Then lets not talk about it at all in the next one.
>>95353Way too fucking old but I got sucked in because members of my family watched it and I saw a slow-burning romance going on and I was like a moth to a flame. Now I just hate-watch it.
>>93933Is this the same guy that was in Alien 4? he seems familiar.
>>95353Except Otae never showed any kind of attraction towards Gintoki. But I do agree a bit, I hate how mean she is with Kondou.
No. 95826
>>95823What are you talking about? This type is commonplace anon. Bitches will go from
>I wish a cute boy would obsess over me like Tate Langdonto
>Help, he wants all my passwords and forbids me from making friendsThey only like the idea of total romantic obsession and devotion but suddenly can’t handle it when they finally get in a relationship with a BPDchan
No. 95836
>>91242I’m on season 2 rn and I get rather smug vibes from both him and Pam. Although Dwight is annoying in his own way so it doesn’t bother me that much.
>>91066It really was her best look. Wish she at least she kept that hairstyle and didn’t go back to her stupid loops.
>>91707> I was hoping someone would just wheel him off a cliff by the end of it.Lmao. I went from not really caring about him to absolutely hating him so fast. D&D are such fucking hacks. I’m sure the actor is nice enough though.
No. 95839
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This dumb cunt. I hate her so much. She's the worst character of all time. She has absolutely no character development, personality traits or goals outside of wanting to fuck Naruto in a 700 chapter manga while even characters like Tenten and Karin have their own personality traits. Literally the worst female character out of every single one, even the ones that appeared once. I want her to die.
Honorable mentions go to Mikan Tsukumi and Light Yagami
>>95778Worst post in this thread so far
No. 95862
>>95785samefagging but even with this:
>and like you said, he's edgy. he's what edgy people wanted to embodied as, and those who see him as a husbando are those type of people who wanted to "help him change for the good", or simply wanted to be his edgy girlfriendwhy don't other edgy characters get defended as much as sasuke does despite being written the same way? I guess it's another "thirsting over his design" thing
No. 95871
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>>95862He has fans because he's the only character in the entire series that sees Konoha for what it is, and his backstory is the most depressing out of everybody's. He's also one of the only interesting multi-faceted characters. And yes, he's hot. Sasuke did nothing wrong.
No. 95875
>>95871stanning Sasuke in 2020
I didn't think you existed.
No. 95880
>>95737>>95740Yeah, the manga is absolutely fantastic, but the anime dragged on so badly, it was brutal. I always recommend the manga to people
Also, Emma is adorable. Shitty opinion
No. 95881
>>95875I fucking can't with them.
>>95877At this point it's the only shit that explains it.
>>95809>>95839>>95871Idc if you are the same anon, but spamming bad characters from a badly written anime won't make your husbando look any better. I still think that from all characters from this show he is the most badly written one. We get it, you are thirsty over him, just go to characters you love thread and sperg about him there. Sasuke will still be a mess.
None of your arguments make any fucking sense
>He has fans because he's the only character in the entire series that sees Konoha for what it isDid you even watch the fucking pain arc, or did you skip all episodes without sasuke on them?
> his backstory is the most depressing out of everybody'sMany characters had some forced sad backstories, just sasuke had more screentime than all of them, it's really that simple.
> He's also one of the only interesting multi-faceted charactersOh yeah he had edgy, revenge, bpd and 5 different outfits, so deep.
How did kishimoto gave him so much screentime, so many flashbacks, dialogues and side characters to support the narrative of this boy, and still convey such a basic ass boring character. But it's not that surprising, since that is a trend to pretty much every single character, like hinata, obito, sakura and so many others.
No. 95891
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No. 95900
>>95882I fucking wished anon, I would not hate him as much if that was the case.
Sasuke ending up with sakura hurts both characters developments.
No. 95917
>>95839What the fuck? Shes the only good thing from that shitty ass show.
naruto sasuke sakura are all scum
No. 95918
>>95882Im still salty hinata didnt end up with sakura.
Why do they hate yuri
No. 95949
>>90180I started watching this series expecting to hate him and I ended up despising Lelouch more. CG is a steaming pile of shit in general.
>>95778Came here just to post him. I honestly can't think of any other anime character I hate more. The entire manga subplot about Uchiha family was basically the downfall of this show. Also, I liked Itachi more when everyone thought he was evil and, frankly, that made more sense.
>>95839I don't hate Hinata and I think her character had potential, but her fandom is retarded. I'm extremely uncomfortable how glorified she is and used to bash other characters, while everyone keeps ignoring the fact that almost all her lines in the manga are basically "Naruto this", "Naruto that" while she doesn't do shit. And yeah, I'm salty about Neji.
No. 95953
>>95949Neji was an actual good, likeable 'edgy' character. He was basically the good version of Sasuke so of course he had to
I don't know how they could even accept Sasuke back into the village after all that shit he did. Wouldn't he be put on trial for his crimes against the village?
No. 95984
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>>95983I've never wanted to sperg out at a lolcow post more than this one.
No. 95986
>>95983>He's just a guy who loves his wife, I can appreciate that.He literally didn't give a fuck about her until they brainwashed him in the filler movie, I'm sorry anon.
>>95984Please go ahead, this shit pairing deserves all the hate it gets and more.
No. 95990
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>>95986>filler movieAh, a fellow /tagged/anti-hinata anon.
No. 96000
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>>95999I don't know about you but I don't aspire to be a personalityless orbiter.
No. 96010
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>tfw kishimoto's least favorite female character is better written than his most favorite
No. 96016
I swear the entire Hinata vs Sakura debates are like the Asuka vs Rei fights
>>96011NTA and even I don't like Sakura but I gotta admit that she might be the most well written female character of the show if you compare her with the other rest who unfortunately barely had any proper development or screen time. It's sad that the author couldn't really give any of the female characters a story like he did with the men, but I believe that Sakura has more personality than Hinata ever did. Hinata's entire personality is just Naruto this Naruto that (like how Mikasa from SNK's entire personality is just Eren). If you take Hinata's Naruto obsession away then you cannot even name anything special or remarkable about her because there isn't nothing (except for maybe the scene of her trying to fight Pain but I believe the author just made it happen for so that Naruto could "snap"). At least Sakura trained hard enough to become better and be as strong as her teammates despite not having those overpowered clan specialities like Sasuke and Naruto do
No. 96022
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>>96010Sakura is his favourite. He's proven it time and time again, Hinatards are just delusional.
>>96011She was realistically written up until the final few chapters, and did have character development.
I think Sakura is a great shounen character, and people only say differently because they're memed into believing otherwise. Her haters are the same gremlins who like Hinatits, after all.
No. 96031
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>>96025same. even if i don't have an opinion on which character is better than the other. it's really nice reading anons going at it, it makes this thread lively.
and although i'm not a huge naruto fan. I lurk on the fandom, from time to time. What are your guys' thoughts on the tiny minority (i think?) of people agreeing that Temari is the most well written female character in Naruto?
No. 96140
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This is a completely irrational hatred. I don't play overwatch and everything I know about it comes from the internet. But for whatever reason over time I developed a burning loathing for this character.
No. 96206
>>95486To be completely honest, it is worse in the book.
I watched Silence of the Lambs on repeat and somehow the book made it more real and made me feel like the movie was toned down to 3 when the book was 11. Mason is HORRIBLE and I'm kind of for it. I hate his character. I hate how he treats his family. I hate how he treats everything so sadistically. However, I am grateful a character makes me feel the way I feel instead of having someone create such a copy/paste villain for their made for TV series. I guess the original guy left and the new actor was there for season 3? Still consistent.
I'd say finish the series if you haven't. The ending of that arc is so rewarding and really a must see.
No. 96461
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>>90146i hate him so much
No. 96524
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Mercy. I don't care about her uwu-medic2.0 gameplay, but I strongly hate the fact on how overrated she is. People praise her generic design, a blant and boring clique of a character and story. She is nothing but a boring uwu-chan. Her "fandom" is one of the worst things I've seen on Twitter.
No. 96527
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>>96524Agree. Mercy would have been way more interesting and less generic uwu angel pigtail waifu if they went with the OG design in pic related.
No. 96575
>>96556I really liked Moira back when I still played the game, she was quite different from the other female characters and she had an interesting backstory, but since the game went nowhere I lost interest quickly.
I agree about Mercy, there's something about her that pisses me of, she looks like she is super passive aggressive, and all her fans were boring normie women and uwu soft egirls.
No. 96595
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This stupid insufferable bitch
No. 96623
>>96575Honestly her character itself doesn't exist… She acts like nothing but that old movie trope of "nice office lady that is there just for fanservice teehee". Like she is so bland…So boring. Her "story" and character is one of the most used cliches.
I personally really loved Sombra, Moira and Brigette as characters. They got nice characters and interesting stories. It also sucks how most of femchars are sameface syndromed. Only Moira, Symmetra and Ana don't suffer from sameface syndrome.
Mercy's fans now are either transgenders who are trying to be "bad bitches", uwu egirls or are
toxic "pickme" egirls who hate every other Mercy player or woman in general.
No. 96658
>>96556All i get from overwatch players are people who were too young to play TF2 when it was popular.
No. 96765
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>>95719Late to this debate but any anime with a ":3" face character is instant pedoshit. Periodt
No. 96773
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>>96658It's funny how generic TF2 characters were designed to be but ended up having way more personality and distinct features than overwatch.
Like I said, I don't hate overwatch or anything, but it's just generic. Lucio was supposed to be Canadian then they switched him to be Brazilian but kept the initial legendary skin design as a hockey player. Character design choices at it's best. I really liked Ana, but her younger self skin is just a carbon copy of pharah's face, how boring does that get. None of this is a real problem next to hammond.
How the fuck the devs thought this character was a good idea? He doesn't even fit in the game. It looks like he came out of a Disney movie. Why the fuck would overwatch hire hamtaro on cocaine? I hate hammond. I hate the gameplay, his face, his poses, everything.
No. 96782
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>>96773Oh my god thank you. I hate that stupid rodents face so much. So many people don't know how to play him yet someone always insists on picking him and it's like we have no second tank at all.
His design and story is so dumb and I can't believe we could've had Mauga or that other old Overwatch woman, but instead we are stuck with this little asshole.
On that note I hate this bitch too. Her being a dps and her lore makes no sense (who thinks creating a killer robot is supposed to help humanity and make them trust them??). Her design screams support yet we are stuck with an avocado headed terminator.
No. 96805
>>96773The problem with Overwatch is, they have a billion and one characters so it's hard for them to all stand out. Really there's only about a handful of iconic characters, and they stand out only for the art design/memes and not for their personality.
>>96782Wait… She's supposed to be a DPS?!
>>96527Reminds me of puri-puri prisoner
>>96031She's 'well written' because the author touched her the least. She's barely written at all.
>>95809I love how Kishimoto made a fictional Elliot Rodger possibly before it was even a thing.
>>95516I can't stand her as well. The Geralt/Yenn ship is supposed to be the canonical ending but seems so forced due to the lack of emotional development. She was shoehorned into the 3rd game as a love interest.
>>95498Death Note Dub first aired during high school and some of the fucking weebs began calling me "Misa" which I couldn't tell was a good or bad thing. I knew it was from the anime I hadn't taken the chance to watch yet. Eventually got down to it, loved the show apart from the fact that Misa was an absolute doormat/robot which infuriated me to the point where I wanted to write all their names in the Death Note. I was also hoping she'd develop sentience and backstab Light at the very end but it never happened. Fortunately Season 2 rolled out and disappointed everyone so all the weebs wanted to forget about Death Note.
No. 96916
I didn't watched this or read manga, coz I don't like dungeon crawlers, but i have seen some clips on yt, and characters seemed nice.
No. 96955
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I don't know how to explain it, but I fucking hated this chick in the Magia Record anime
No. 96986
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Don't really hate her, I mostly find the fandom around her obnoxious, like it's the only Junji Itô manga they've read (when it's far from being his best work imho), and lots of egirls and femcels use her as a "omg she's literally me" kind of icon.
No. 96990
>>96986I can't help but think that only delusional people can think they are Tomie irl.
best Ito manga according to you?
No. 97001
>>96986Somewhat ot, but my little brother likes manga, but mainly silly moe or harem anime like K-on or Konosuba or whatever.
I was showing him some Junji Ito art and saying how good it was and he was like "oh its not my type so I dont know if its any good but okay." I was like bruhhh just because it doesn't have moe or titties doesn't mean its bad artwork. Junji Ito accomplishes horror in a way the dime-a-dozen moe authors could only dream of. /rant
No. 97042
>>97037Nta maybe you’ll like Kago Shintaro or Tanabe Gou
There are a lot of good horrors but a lot of times the mangaka just made their one hit wonder and never tried to make the magic happen again like Ito so people kinda forget about them
No. 97146
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This bird-brained good for nothing,I watched the movie yesterday (I was disappointed)
She's absolutely useless with no personality whatsoever at least Jessica rabbit has redeeming qualities unlike her
No. 97147
>>97146anon you are
valid in your titty chicken hate but this is so obscure and i'm fairly certain that no one likes this character let alone the movie she came from so seeing this posted here among all these anime characters made me lose my shit, thanks for the laugh i really needed it
No. 97203
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>>97176I fucking see why, holy shit
No. 97245
>>97037I love Ito, but I'm also seconding Suehiro Maruo. Also Usamaru Furuya, tho I'm sure a lot of farmers know him already, Nishioka Kyoudai, Ohkoshi Koutarou and Junko Mizuno if you're into bizarre stuff.
As for Ito's best work, I would say Black Paradox and Yami no Koe. Uzumaki is obviously a classic, but everyone knows this one.
>>97044Yeah, Kago a shit. I think his popularity stems mostly from shock value instead of actual storytelling or art.
No. 97300
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I hate this absolute cunt. I have to give props to Yuri Lowenthal because he really brings out the "whiny bitch ass" in Yosuke, though it unfortunately has forever ruined Lowenthal's voice for me.
No. 97318
he’s annoying
No. 97330
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>>97300I see people shitting on p5 and saying P4 is much better, so I checked it out once and my god I just couldn't go on with this annoying shit and the other short haired girl. Even the voices are grating. P5 may be full of cliches but at least I didn't find the cast to be so stupid and annoying and the dubbing is overall very nice.
While we're on the topic, this little bitch.
No. 97340
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>>97300>>97332I was literally just about to post teddy. I generally hate perverted characters who are used as devices to offer fanservice by sexually harassing female characters
No. 97347
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>>97300I hated how he always made fun of Kanji.
Also, pic related for me. Overall I liked P5's cast but both Ryuji and Morgana were insufferable and their beef was dumb as fuck.
No. 97359
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>>97300>>97332he was such a shit to Kanji and it pissed me off. Teddie is fine as long as he stays in his fucking bear form where he belongs.
No. 97528
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This disgusting & annoying waifu-loli-bait ass whore from koi to uso.
The plot of the manga + anime are shit and basically "government wins" with how much they push this pigtailed bitch. The two-timing protagonist is the only one worse than her, I hope he burns in hell.
No. 97541
>>97528the op is cool though. i really love frederic.
i almost watch this anime because the plot is interesting (like i read the most vague summary of the plot) but i throw it out in my list when the characters were bland while trying to be fake-deep. i tried watching some scenes on youtube and i couldn't even get past 1 minute.
No. 97618
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i don't really care for dizzy air headed characters, but this bitch. i like vanilla better cause she doesn't scream in my ear every fucking minute, and vanilla is actually funny. like wtf is Chocola's personality other than just 'UwU dizzy kawaii girl that cries all the time'. i don't get why she's so many peoples favorites
No. 97724
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I just can't stand him.
No. 98031
>>97528I hated everyone. It didn't ended yet tho, so I'm somewhat curious (but also not enough to checking it out).
Well, maybe except the gay boy. His arc was kind of great actually (Romeo&Juliet and the confession? 10/10) - it doesn't being here, it's too interesting.
No. 98303
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This fuckin dude
No. 98654
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this bitch. if she was a real person she'd definitely have a thread here
No. 98678
>>98654Bitch, how dare you
No. 98998
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No. 99013
>>91117>kinda raped Garnetuhm wut
>>91013it's good troon representation because troons are
abusive and death threat everyone kek
No. 99015
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>>91349>I feel like a lot of girls in mha could've been better characters this.
Also every egirl ruined mymelo and kuromi for me.
No. 99016
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>>92413you can love your mom's food but hate women anon
>>93256>he's not misogynistic. just very socially awkward and aloof.If this was a real person this excuse would be so dumb
I just didn't see the appeal of Dragon Maid, and she looks like waifubait.
No. 99039
>>99015Kuromi was my favorite character from childhood, yet now everytime I meet an unstable womanchild who wants to pretend all soft n fwaigle while being
toxic as shit, they have a weird obsession with MyMelody or Kuromi. Question is… Why?
No. 99041
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This bitch can die
No. 99043
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Remember that unnecessary romance because the creator wanted a "pure white love"? That annoying character that forced her way yet the other girl from the main cast who crushes over the same dude never got a single chance over 3 seasons despite her entire personnality revolving around him but that bitch manages to get development IN 5 EPISODES and never comes back because time travelling (good grief)
No. 99054
>>99042have you ever heard of kinning
do you know that most e-girls kin and think they're them irl
No. 99632
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BDSM style twin lolis who combine into a 3rd loli? Hard pass.
No. 99663
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>>99654I did not post in another thread so not sure who you're referring to
But you can't convince me that having little girls calling the MC "inmate" and having them be prison wardens isn't meant to evoke certain… feelings in players who enjoy little girls, especially the thought of little tsundere and kuudere girls bossing them around.
I'm not saying you are a bad person if you enjoy this game, think theyre cute, etc but it's definitely a dog whistle for pedos. Just because you don't find it sexy doesn't mean they weren't created with sex appeal in mind.
No. 99823
>>99663I played the game and found nothing openly sexual with them, or with Lavenza later. They boss the MC around because they're wardens and he's a prisoner.
Of course pedophiles will see any child character as sexy, and we know a lot of fans sexualize these two, but it doesn't mean they were made for them. Do you think that other little girl in persona 4 is also a dog whistle then? Or Josè?
No. 100419
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I hate this pedophile bitch!
No. 100422
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I love a good stupid popcorn Supernatural clone. I can just turn my brain off and enjoy a dumb story about the Devil wanting to assist police on wacky murders while banging his way through LA. But this bitch ruined it immediately she's annoying as fuck has no personality beyond being the insert TRUE LOVE. She stops any fun shenanigans dead on arrival and the stupid fucking strong independent single mom bit was dead on arrival. Nor is she even in the comics Lucifer is based on she exists solely for the 30 something mom crowd. It doesn't help her actress would fail acting in a porno for all the emotion she can show. She's had so much plastic surgery by season 4 she looks nothing like her season 1 self. It completely takes away from Lucifer gushing about her when she looks like she belongs on Botched. She was so swollen throughout season 4 she could barely read lines.By that point just hire a new actress and get her the help she obviously needs.
No. 100472
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I'm just so sick of seeing his dumb face and hair on fan art and fanworks and how incredibly popular he is.
He doesn't even have a personality outside of his interests in painting, liking video games and that stupid milf meme. I literally cannot name a single trait of his. It's crazy how people can hate Giorno for having no personality and being boring yet worship this red haired playdough.
His design is dumb(and this is jojo), his stand is useless and he is so goddamn bland.
I'm pretty sure he's popular only because fujos and jotaro fangirls can insert their own personalities on him like Twilight fans did to Bella Swan so they can live some fantasy.
No. 100519
>>100472Same, I can't stand him either, he's also fucking useless as he lost all his fights, even the video game one where he is supposed to be good at.
I think he got popular mostly because of that CLAMP doujinshi, otherwise he would be a pretty forgettable character in the grand scheme of JJBA.
No. 100557
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I had to skip the cutscenes with her because her rambles about Satan got unbearable.
No. 100775
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This unlikable twat I couldn't even watch 20 minutes of the movie because of her being an insufferable,whiny,immature unlikable whore (Lorraine was great)I hate how girls like her actually exist in real life
No. 100788
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Kiznaiver was a really pretty show that got its final nail in the coffin when this bitch got more relevance in the plot. Disgusting.
No. 100918
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He could've been likeable if he ditched his perverted nature (I sorta liked his character design and backstory)
No. 101083
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Whiny,shrimply,and boring.All his personality is thirsting after Cleopatra and being oblivious towards Joan.The only times I enjoy him are when he gets mangled.I just hope in the revival he has more character development.
Also JFK is the best character.
No. 101084
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need i say more
No. 101097
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I get he has a sad backstory, but I don't think he really deserved his redemption.
No. 101115
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>>101084Wait y'all actually watch a show meant for 8 year olds with a budget of about $5 per episode? Holy fug
No. 101117
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Even when I was a kid she always seemed like a whiney Mrs Perfect to me who would always argue w everyone and is writers favorite.
No. 101136
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>>101117I agree anon. She was the most boring character for me and was always used as a self-insert vessel for some reason.
No. 101149
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Toxic bitch that appears to be on every Discord e-girls pfp. If a person tells you that they are kinning her, run. Couldn't stand watching the anime because of her alone.
No. 101185
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>>90837god anon yes, I fucking hated Jonathan. He's always had that weird incel school shooter vibe about him.
>>91043>>91228same here.
Anyways, here is my contribution.
No. 101218
>>101117>>101136Katara's issue was she was always intended to be Aang's prize and Bryke (showrunners) fought to keep it that way against the wishes of the head writer Ehasz, so she never got the bulk of development needed. When Korra was running there was a blog detailing all their short comings as writers as elements Avatar dropped in favor of character building were popping up in Korra. A good portion of her character development was meant to be in season 3-4 but Brkye leaped at the movie deal and canned season 4 forcing the writers to kinda smash as much as they could into season 3.
Ehasz even said the fire nation school episode had originally meant to be a in depth look at the Fire Nation prior to the war with Aang and his friend Kuzon.I believe the change came from the fact the bulk of the fanbase and even some voice actors thought Katara and Zuko were end game and Bryke wanted Aang to get his you saved the world prize. Throwing out needed world building in favor of making Aang and Katara have a dance to make them more shippable. Pretty much all of season 3 was throwing any agency Katara had out for her to be his prize, despite season 2 setting up that Aang needed to let go of his 'love' for her with the guidance of the guru. Resulting in her just being stagnant and going in circles.
TL/DR Katara is a great study into bad writers forcing tropes and not letting a character grow as a result.
No. 101336
>>101083At first he was fine, but then he kept getting worse. He's just annoying.
JFK should just be the main character, I'd love the hell outta that
No. 101412
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>>90146I hate bro characters in general (except for Junpei from P3, he’s fine) but Kamina has to be the absolute worst bro character out there I legit can’t think of anything about him that isn’t whiny and typical ‘you can do it wow!’ quote on a poster about him yet for some reason sweaty nerds fucking adore him.
No. 101607
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I hate this bitch honestly.
I know Michael gets hated a lot on lolcow but at least he tries to mean well and is fun to laugh at. Angela is just unpleasant and treats her coworkers like shit but gets salty when her shit gets thrown right back at her.
No. 101619
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>>101607I love Angela, because I’ve known prude bitches like her in real life and find her character funny. But, I’m biased because I love her as an actress, and think her friendship with Jenna is the cutest.
Pam from The Office (US) on the other hand, was insufferable after season 2.
No. 101620
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When the finale was airing on tv I was praying for her death. It would have been good if she died.
No. 101899
>>101619The actress who plays her seems like a sweetheart, I'll admit. Also agreed to an extent about Pam. I'm not finished with the show yet but I already get major smug vibes from her. Jim too, but at least he has more of a personality.
>>101631>>101620See, I went on /co/ a lot before I actually sat down and watched ATLA and I feel like the persistent Azulafags on there really ruined her for me. She's a great villain and character no doubt, but I've always associate her with autistic waifufaggotry ever since. They're like the male equivalent to girls who were obsessed with Edward Cullen or whatever bad boy of the week. "But I can change them!
No. 102136
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I hate this fat fuck so much
No. 102166
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sage as I'm unsure if it quite counts but the 90s anime version of Usagi drove me insane though it wasn't quite the character herself? It was the fact they would just NOT drop her constant cry baby bits the manga wasn't all that focused on it. It was like any time she remotely grew as a person they'd rush to show what an idiot crybaby she was.
No. 102416
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Phosphorite, you dumb ass bitch I hate you and the only time you were bearable and not psycho is when you larped as Antarcticite
No. 102426
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I can't put it into words but I hate this bitch and no it's not because she has sex
No. 102441
>>102431Ntayrt but she’s boring, she was interesting at first, but then she got scoot over to a side and now she’s some sort of plot device to make Louis develop more his character? When he already went through some stuff that made him a really like-able character?
If she was just that one girl Legosi felt stuff for that made him figure out his feelings for herbivores, but it feels like she’s getting shoehorned like
>hey! I’m the cute herbivore he’s in love with, this isn’t gay at all! No. 102525
>>101084Thats cause Astruc is a total simp and he made her as his dream yandere girl.
>>102166Just wanted to say that Mamoru SUCKS ASS and Usagi should have just chosen Seiya.
No. 102530
>>102525Having Usagi get with Seiya would've been the funniest ending with how much emphasis the series put on Mamoru and Usagi's relationship being the mOsT iMpOrTaNt RoMaNcE of EvEr in the earlier series
A perfect opportunity to troll the fans, wasted
No. 102853
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I never seen someone hating on Nikaido.
But she is so bland compare to the other characters and feels like a self insert mary sue. She's one of the main characters, everyone loves her, she's good at everything and she's secretely the best magican.
I haven't gotten into the part where she's in the training for devil form, but so far into it she's really boring. And her reletionships with Kaiman feels so forced. And it’s not like the author can't write good relationships, Shin and Noi are Gold compare to them, or even Ebisu and Fujita.
If the author goal was to make us root for the bad guys and get bored by the good guys than she did good.
No. 102855
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>>102853also she reminds me of the holly paranormal activiy girl
No. 102950
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Entire anime was Trigger's poor man's attempt at EVA but this bitch in particular pissed me right off.
>At first rather liked her with her partner as they had that gentle childhood sweetheart vibe something outside of Ghibli I rarely see in storytelling.
>Show in no way shows her being remotely uncomfortable by his proclamations of adoration towards her even feeding him without any input because it looked fun
>Decides out of the blue after promising to remain together forever she wants to switch partners to be with the guy that's already bipolar as fuck and seen as pathetic which he really
>Lets her previous partner risk his life to keep the attacking monster at bay so she can have a heart to heart with loser boy.
I'd probably be less critical if it ever showed her being uncomfortable or put off by the attention. But no she just does a 180 for the absolute loser whose entire 'I hate everything' outlook is because the lead Hiro forgot a promise they made when they were like 6 or 7 which the others acknowledge he'd changed out of the blue and obviously played a factor in forgetting. Show was already pretty meh but she just puts a sour taste in my mouth whenever I think about it.
No. 102957
>>102950I agree with you 100% about this bitch. God I wish the show was better, I'm really into
Trigger's art style but this was a huge mess of a letdown. The fifth ED made me not regret watching it so that's something lol
No. 102961
>>102957I knew by episode two this was gonna be their EVA attempt. But her relationship with Futoshi kept me invested enough to see. Because shows in general not just anime seem allergic to gentle romance. So for her to dump him for the moron who in the span of an episode went from having a full mental breakdown to back to being some snobby brat just got under my skin in the worse way.
Their only interaction that could remotely be of interest was when he saved her from the falling bookshelf. Everything else was him just all but ignoring her. Which was even more annoying because the show was pushing her for wanting a child and to have a family. By ditching the only sincere guy in the show for the guy who in any real situation not driven by bad writing would of ran the moment he heard she was knocked up? By the time he got to her he'd already been run through by Zero Two and was an all around ass to his shown partner.
No. 102967
>>102950man, i was going to watch this show for her relationship with futoshi. saw a clip of him and her being cute and all and i really wanted to know more, that and futoshi's appearance made it interesting, since i usually see that the fat kid in a lot of anime are treated like comic reliefs with no potential love interest.
getting spoiled by my friend who was also turned off by this bitch dumping futoshi to be with some moody asshole made me step back and glad to have not watched this dumpster fire anyway.
No. 103013
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She's pissing me off
No. 103042
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>>102950The only good character was 9 Alpha also Ichigo started out fine but the fandom fucking despised her because she kissed a guy after his psychotic yandere waifu beat the shit out of everyone but it's okay because they're all best friends like 2 episodes later.
No. 103267
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long time lurker, first time poster.
this annoying, stalker bitch from the anime parasyte. she made later eps. so painful to watch. i don’t like her not because she got in the way of shinichi and satomi’s relationship, but because her annoying obsession with the main character. kept following him around, getting and causing unnecessary drama that had nothing to add to the plot. even the main character, shinichi became unlikable because he kept uprooting the story line to save her ass out of harms way.
No. 103272
>>103267i was reluctant to watch the later eps because of her. i don't want the romance to be a love triangle and she only like him because he was 'cooler' than all of the guys she hangs around with (even when she initiated the reason as to why they cornered shinichi and tried to beat him up for money or whatever.)
as far as i can remember, didn't she died? at least there's an ending for this character.
No. 103280
>>103272same anon as og post
i agree, and yeah they killed her off and made shinichi having a guilty and vengeful cry over her. i kinda stopped watching after the ep. she was killed in, got busy but hopefully i’ll pick it back up
No. 103284
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These two bitches, they perfectly encapsulate what I hate about Ikuhara's works, his pseudointellectual metaphors and his lesbian fetishism. I would not be surprised if he trooned out one day.
>>102853As a long time fan of the manga she's always been one of my least favorite characters, she may be powerful but she lacks the weirdness of everybody else. I don't get the anime only fans who ship her with Noi, they have zero chemistry (I know, uwu lesbians, but still).
No. 103326
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>>101084I never watched this show and don't intend to, but whenever I see this character anywhere I just think that this is literally one of the worst character designs I've ever seen. I know she's supposed to be a lady bug or whatever but holy fuck the best the character designers could do is a solid red body suit with giant black dots? It makes me so mad
On a side note, I've watched The Office multiple times, and while I don't outright hate Pam (and freaking love Jenna Fischer), I find her character insufferable at certain points throughout the series. Sge starts off sweet and a tiny bit quirky, which was nice, and then has a bit of character development through her relationship with Jim, and then out of nowhere becomes a gigantic bitch mid series. It's almost like the writers forced her character to become the female Jim. I will say that in the later seasons, her relationship troubles with Jim really brought out a new side to her character that I enjoyed watching, but even in that there were problems like her blaming all of her unhappiness on him and basically forcing him to not do something he really wanted go for.
I always thought Jim should have ended up with Karen and I don't think I'm alone in that opinion.
No. 103369
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>>91354fan service. I strongly believe the next movie is going to be the worst.
>>91455Never forget, rei is a clone of Shinji's mom.
>>93209Neo-Neon Genesis Evangelion
Image related is my worst of all times. I hate every movie Disney has produced ofc.
No. 103394
>>103369and Asuka is a two-faced psycho bitch
for good reasons. And? Rei being a clone and an object of Gendo's wish fulfillment, as well as her road to selfhood is part of what makes her fascinating, relatable and touching.
>>103393also this kek.
No. 103407
>>101087Stay mad because acting like trying to get smth you sent on accident off a phone and give it back is the same as stealing is the most autistic thing i've ever seen
also its a fuckin kids cartoon man
No. 103441
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I can't stand Love from the second season of You. Her actions are illogical and I find her "quirkiness" annoying. She just comes across as a cringy yandere wannabe written by a girl in middle school.
No. 103450
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This show hasn't aged well, but I still do a re-watch on occasion because I find some seasons a lot of fun.
But by god I would hate to have a friend as self centered as this bitch. Both Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda seem like fun people to be around, but Carrie is just the worst.
I always have to skip the episode where she screams and makes a whole scene about a tiny squirrel.
No. 103474
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These hideous demons don't need an explanation. I still remember watching this movie with my little sister years ago and getting second embarrassment every time a character existed.
No. 103517
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I think Desperate Housewives has aged badly as well, and nobody in the main cast was a good person, but Lynette was always the worst to me, being an unpleasant asshole who was downright cruel to random people because she was bitter about her life choices (coincidentally, she kinda reminded me of my mom, and Lynette was always her favorite character). Second worst was Susan, whom everybody loved despite being a whiny womanchild completely dependant on others.
No. 103533
>>103450She's awful. Every time one of her friends vents about their problems she brushes it off and starts whining about Big. It's been a while since I last watched it but IIRC Samantha had literal cancer and Carrie would just whine about boyfriend of the week.
Or that one time she got mad at Charlotte for not lending a shit ton of money to her
Glad there were at least a few episodes where Mirands called her out on her bullshit
No. 103589
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This bitch of a sexual harasser and all her braindead fans and clones. I don't get how people could enjoy a series in which the whole world resolves around this cunty piece of shit.
The only good thing is - does anyone even remember about Haruhi anymore? Seems like one of those series that were BIG at the time of the airing, but that nobody remembers years later… same with Lucky Star (though I enjoyed that one, it was comfy).
No. 103643
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Honestly the most annoying character in DiU who's very over protective of his serial killer of a son. Glad he was killed off
No. 103686
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Never played the game and i have no reason for it but his face annoys me beyond reason. His face never looks consistent across all pictures ive seen and it makes me want to deck him.
No. 103743
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>>95891seeing her face alone made me wanna punch something
my hate goes out towards Homura
No. 103764
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fuck this gary stu pos
Not looking forward to the tv series becoming the new GoT. I hope at least people will realize what a steaming pile of garbage the Kingkiller Chronicles series is
No. 103780
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Mikasa Ackerman. She's a Mary Sue with a boring personality and barely any character development. Her obsession with Eren really annoyed me, even if it is justified. And, how did she get number 1 in the top 10? Surely, you'd want someone with better teamwork skills, who doesn't rant about how she's oh so special and strong, unlike those cowardly worms. I get that it's sort of a joke, but I really don't believe she's one of the physically strongest in her class, either.
Tbh, I wish Reiner was the main character (Annie and Bertolt could replace Eren and Armin). He seemed like a more well-rounded soldier
and it would make the reveal of him being a traitor more unique and interesting.
>>90836I like his character but he's massively overrated.
>>91232>I wish they would've made Annie one of the main characters or something, she's a goddess compared to this doormat of a character. ^^ I love Annie sm.
>>91238>>91244All of this hate is giving me life. My skin is clear and my depression is cured.
No. 103808
>>103764I not only hate this insufferable Mary Sue from hell, I hate the guy that wrote him so goddamn much as an author and as a person. Creepy "feminist" neckbeard who will definitely be #MeToo'd eventually, I can feel it.
Kvothe (hate that fucking name) is an omni-talented genius who totes blows an ancient (yet "childlike"!) sex goddess's mind with his world-record breaking cock on his first attempt at sex. Also his eyes change color with his mood and he's a ninja wizard.
No. 103865
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i hate him so much
No. 103904
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I know she was mentioned by
>>90362 already but I need to vent… her first scenes are absolutely unreal
>classmates whisper about how thin and pretty she is as she boards train>“oh! old woman uwu ! please take my seat old woman… I care for people who are overlooked!”>tired businessman intercepts offered seat instead>“oh my! … you know what… it’s OK, I understand where he is coming from, too, because I am understanding and extremely considerate and most of all I really just care for people. let him sleep uwu.”>audience coos>following this, runs after the protagonist to theatrically thank and apologize in turns despite the fact that we didn’t do shit (??)>classmates still whispering about how thin she is>next time we see her is at a community service thing she doesn’t have to go to because she’s an honor student but goes to anyway because she doesn’t like getting special treatment and is just like us and is so humble and down to earth even though she’s so smart and>she leaps off the fucking park bench to do a ballerina jump then somersault-stick-the-landing maneuver to………save a child’s balloon from flying off>audience coos>I drop my controller in defeat No. 104056
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>>103985> Even worse when Junko starts justifying his bullshit and defending him.Junko was such a cunt for doing that, she deserves to be in this thread too
No. 104061
>>103985Junko was not friend goals. He cheats on Hachi, and she says "yeah, he did bad, but you shouldn't have followed him here". Like, wtf. She knows how codependent Hachi was. And she gets chummy with the chick he was cheating on Hachi with?
Chicks before dick this manga is not. Guys in manga are scumbags in general though.
No. 104069
>>103978what disturbs me is that it seems to be what Ai Yazawa actually believed in at the moment of drawing Nana rather than a deliberately written red flag.
I used to adore this manga as a young adult, but now I'm scared to reread it cause I'm not sure I will be able to tolerate characters acting in a bizzare maner ie everyone having zero issue with female pedo Reira.
No. 104075
>>103450Have you read the book? She is even WORSE in it. More batshit crazy, more self-involved etc etc. Tbh they should have just made a series based on Samantha cause she's awesome. The other two are boring as fuck.
And don't let me start with those movies, oh god.
No. 104087
>>103593this gave me war flashbacks to that anime club video
me personally i hate every bad guy in naruto who magically turns good after one fight, and every good guy in naruto too
No. 104389
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Flavor of the week waifubait garbage. Already sick of seeing her everywhere.
No. 104402
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>>104389I like her personality, she is entertaining, but she looks like a 10 year old boy with giant tits. Her character design has a lot of potential imo, I think she looks cute in some fanarts (like in pic rel, smaller eyes n head).
No. 104407
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She was so boring and annoying (from killing eve)
No. 104417
>>104407Why was she there? To make Carolyn like.. more human????? Like no I love my stone-cold older woman fantasy. She didn't even really succeed Carolyn is more stone-cold than ever.
That being said she was just trying her best i guess, I just wish they made her character something more, like the theories about her character hyped her up so it was rlly disappointing when she was nothing.
No. 104438
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>>104394>>104428Flesh fangs are the weirdest trope in modern anime character design honestly.
No. 104440
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Naomi from Private Practice is probably the most unlikable character I have ever seen. Very judgemental. Pretends she comes from some moral high ground and uses it to justify doing horrible things to people around her (you know the episode). Gets unreasonably upset whenever anyone calls her out on her shit, especially Addison, her supposed long time "best friend".
It doesn't help that she gets a hard pass for all this bullshit but Charlotte, the most level-headed and rational character in the entire show, gets shit on every opportunity possibly.
No. 104457
>>103904I tried so hard to like her, but she's just too much of a shoehorned in mary sue.
Literally no other characters get as much compliments in the game as she does. She has no flaws and the game wants you to believe that her problems are other people's fault, when in reality she brought everything upon herself.
Doesn't help that she sounds whiny most of the time. I cringed every time she said senpai, and she says it a lot of times.
No. 104699
>>103904>“oh my! … you know what… it’s OK, I understand where he is coming from, too, because I am understanding and extremely considerate and most of all I really just care for people. let him sleep uwu.”This fucking scene just solidified her whole being as an insufferable Mary Sue. I thought her being a picture perfect honor student was building up to something good but the payoff was so fucking disappointing that now I like to pretend she just didn't exist.
uwu I was stealing my sister's life by trying to be just as much of a little miss perfect as she was when I was just a shy good for nothing geek but u know what actually I AM a Mary Sue just like her!!!! Literally added nothing to her character, her behavior didn't change past the big reveal at all. Maruki obsessively simping for her was annoying too and almost ruined his character for me too.>>104457>She has no flaws and the game wants you to believe that her problems are other people's fault, when in reality she brought everything upon herself.THIS. And she had no fucking ramifications for any of it. She never had to take responsibility, despite
causing the death of her own sister and allegedly being suicidal herself in her past her character was not allowed to grow past beautiful skinny honor student gymnastic waifu. I guess she was a bit more
tolerable as Sumire but that was just basically Kasumi with eyeglasses and being uwu shy uwu.
No. 104707
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>>91219>>91212>>91215>>91225Best thing is, the author himself said he created her to be waifu bait.
>>103780>All of this hate is giving me life. My skin is clear and my depression is cured.Same, this is cathartic as hell.
No. 104727
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Mei from Citrus, she’s stoic but has none of the redeeming qualities that usually accompany that character trope, instead she’s indecisive, immature, and impulsive. She’s also cruel towards Yuzu even though she’s the one who pursued Yuzu first. I’ve only watched the anime so I don’t know if she gets better in the manga, but at this point I’d rather see Yuzu with Harumi or that BPD bitch Matsuri. Maybe I shouldn’t expect so much from a yuri character kek.
No. 104728
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>>91848bsdfag lurker. the anime fucking sucks and anybody who's at least read the manga, let alone the novels will tell you that. and if you read the actual works it does get a ton more enjoyable. besides this guy is a shitton more annoying, idk what the fujos see in him. pic related
No. 104746
>>102853Are you fucking implying that the good guys are boring? Ma'am I need your thoughts on my man Kaiman
and maybe spoil your spoilers I'm glad I'm ahead in the manga>>104727Mei is trash and I hate everyone who says otherwise or kins her. The same type of bitch who kin
>>96986BPD-chan is also shit, Mei was lucky that guy behaved like a normal human beign and not raped her. Her switch in goals are forced af and the end was a total cringefest.
HaruYuzu is and it will always be best ship in that sunken float.
Sage for blogging but japanese content creators ruined yuri for me. More like, the more I got to know, the less I can enjoy it. Japan's twisted view of relationships, their homophobia and the lack of story are what really keeps the subgenre unrelevant.
No. 104871
>>104699He first scene was so fucking stupid. They couldn't be more obvious about wanting to make her the perfect girl.
And how is she treated like a
victim? She's objectively a bad person pretending to be an uwu good and hardworking girl.
caused the death of her sister by acting like a whiny brat because she couldn't be as good as Kasumi, proceeds to steal her fucking identity, start acting as her sister and REFUSES to live as herself, acts all depressed when the status of honor student gets revoked because SHE couldn't reach the level the school asked her to despite being given priviledges, and after her arc is done she goes back looking and acting like Kasumi.Among all the other well written girls she's literally the worst. Haru could have gotten more space if Kasumi wasn't constantly thrown in with her bullshit. Even her outfits are a bad copy of the protagonist, and her appeareance heavily based on P3's female protag. It's a pity really, I think the other new things and characters in Royal were handled well, but when she has to interact with them everything goes to shit.
Even making fucking Akechi, you know, the serial murderer of the game, act incredibly out of character and be nice to her. Good thing she doesn't appear to be in that other Scramble game.
No. 105029
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idk if it's because the fandom ruined it for me or if it's because it's a tranny but I get a bad taste in my mouth just by looking at him now
No. 105038
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>>105032Yes and the fans are doing a good work at being insufferable about it, there was a whole drama about putting she/her pronouns on his wikia page.
A statement from the page:
>Note: While early stories (2015-2017) had a very different approach to Arashi's character, stories released 2018 onward indicate a more nuanced approach toward the subject of gender identity, and have Arashi explicitly talk about "struggling with gender" in the Japanese script. No. 105174
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I doubt anyone here cares about this shitty show but god I hate it and the protag Marianne, such an annoying self victimising rich girl. Most navel gazey bullshit ever, I don’t understand how people are holding it up as profound and uwu deep. It’s so trippy seeing this wattpad tier book/show being labelled a modern classic, it’s so shit and I don’t know why everyone’s pretending the emperor has clothes on.
No. 105309
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I couldn't stand her when I tried watching Princess Diaries, I can't tell if she is an awful person or that the actress is terrible at acting
No. 105390
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Kagome had her annoying moments for sure, but Kikyo takes the cake for annoying bitch. Kagome would even go out of her way to help her and Kikyo would bash her for it. Plus all the times she'd help Naraku then be like "It's so I can destroy him." I know it was meant to be emotional when she finally died. But all I could think was fucking finally.
No. 105478
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Vtubers are kind of characters I guess? Anyway, I really dislike Coco. Her design is pretty ugly to me, and I find her voice super annoying.
No. 105490
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>>90146The first lesbian exclusive romance of the series and it's this annoying bratty cunt. I hate her ugly rat face, her LOL BEES I'M SOOO RANDOM "humour", the fact that gay men got Dorian, a nuanced and cool dude, het men get Cassandra who looks like the lesbian option but is "mysteriously" straight, while we lesbians get this racist disgusting manic pixie twat makes me want to puke. I have never ever hated a character as much as I have despised this bitch and I am so glad she isn't real because I'd jam those bees right down her throat.
No. 106159
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>>105478Tbh, I think Coco is one of the better vtubers, I think she has a really interesting voice, I like how she has her little Georgian accent when she speaks in English.
A vtuber I cannot stand is Luna. I hate how she babbles like a 2 year old baby learning to talk, it's disgusting. And the "nanoraaa~" after every sentence. Plus, designed by the dude who made Oreimo. Ew.
Hololive is definitely kinda cringe, but also I'm like "ehh, women scamming creepy dudes to make a living, fair enough." Some of them are cute, but some are annoying af.
No. 106180
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>>105032>>105079Yeah he's not a tranny. He's a Japanese character stereotype called okama which is basically just super effeminate guy akin to Jeffree Star and the fandom suddenly decided he's trans because he talked about wanting to wear dresses and having "a maiden's heart" (which is again stereotypical okama slang) despite very obviously being male. The way he speaks is equivalent of sassy gay men calling everyone their "sisters" and these retards really thought that referring to yourself in Japanese as "atashi" (again, gay slang) is the same as using she/her pronouns. Even a Japanese fan explained the character from her cultural context and the fandom chased her out for being a "transphobe". The story points about him ~struggling with his gender~ are cherrypicked and tactically ignoring the fact that he's also been written to straight out say that despite all of this he's still a male.
Anyway I agree with OP, there's nothing wrong with Arashi himself because I have a soft spot for effeminate gay characters but I literally can't even stand the sight of the character anymore due to what the fandom did to him. I won't be found dead referring to him with she/her because jesus christ I'm not a clown.
No. 106183
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Honestly half of the most popular bnha characters are overrated af. But you telling me being a FROG is a superpower? That´s nothing but bullshit. This creature mutant frog chick or whatever is nothing more than a product of a weirdo practising beastiality. Somebody fucked a FROG. I wouldn´d mind if this wasn´t the most annoying character ever (after toga ofc, i would slap that sick stinking bitch red and blue if she was real). I hate everything about Asui. Everything about her annoys me. I hate her voice, i hate her dragged out eyes, i hate her quirk, i hate her personality, i hate her costume. The shoes on her costume is literally frog feet with HEELS. What the fuck. That´s weird as hell. Asui a ugly scum mutant freak, KIRO KIRO MY ASS!
No. 106186
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>>105478Ngl I sorta like Coco, though I don't really have any strong opinions regarding her
>>106159I gotta agree, she's fairly annoying
I really hate the coomer-enabling haato does and she isn't particularly entertaining either
No. 106199
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I also dislike Natsuiro Matsuri. I think her design is both ugly and uninspiring. I'm not an artist but I find the color combo of black, orange, and neon green to be ugly. Plus, nothing really stands out about her design to me, except the weird little buckteeth. At least most of Hololive has something unique or cute about their design, like being an animal or supernatural.
Also not a fan of the "perverted loli" persona (plz don't lecture me on loli's, I just don't like it and don't agree with it.)
No. 106203
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>>106183Tbh her weird design is kind of why I like her. I think she could've potentially been interesting. Plus if tape and monkey tail can be a superpower, why not frog?
Now this bitch here, has absolutely nothing to character beyond acting like a stereotypical ditzy bimbo and has the blandest design out of the whole cast.
No. 106205
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her character is so 1 dimensional and she’s literally just pedo bait… disgusting and unnecessary, they should have just made her a happy go lucky kid instead of giving the scrotes a reason to justify their perversions.
No. 106212
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honestly, fuck triss merigold
desperate boring ass mary sue waifu bait
No. 106257
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they really wanted us to think a short, LA based model was a hot catch
No. 106262
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I hate the fact the universe has to revolve around her. Her stupid song is the reason the movie was rewritten into garbage. I want to punch her smug face.
No. 106264
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>>106262Maybe it’s because I was already an adult when Frozen came out but I never got its hype. Aside from Let It Go (and even that song was super overrated) all the songs in that movie were forgettable at best and hot garbage at worst. If you want an actually good Disney soundtrack, listen to the Lion King. I’ll admit that Elsa is one of the more interesting Disney Princesses but everyone else in that movie seems so bland
While we’re on the subject of Disney, this cunt is the worst
>Oh I’m totally okay with giving up my entirely family so I can MAYBE get a chance to score some dick. If lolcow existed in the Disneyverse, Ariel would definitely have a thread on here.
No. 106270
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Like the whole cast/concept it's what every early 00s Invader Zim is god edgy teen thinks is good. Everyone is insufferable but that's apparently excusable because they're in hell.I really hope it goes the way of the weird craze for the Onceler from The Lorax where it's a joke quick.
No. 106275
>>106270This show just checks off way too many boxes that sexually attract cringey 12- to 14-year old tumblr fans. "Mature" plot (by mature I mean cursing and vIoLeNcE), easily identifiable characters who are fun to replicate onto a school notebook, musicals, vague sexual tension that easily lends to fanfics.
It's cringe but in a way, it's kind of nostalgic by reminding me of my youth when I was turned on by Vocaloids ships and whatnot.
No. 106282
>>106264You need to rewatch the movie. Ariel has been fascinated with the human world since forever. She didn't trade her life just for him. Not to mention Triton being a shitty father. If he was not constantly controlling and shaming Ariel for her harmless hobby, maybe she would not feel the need go gtfo.
The story in the actual movie is more nuanced than "girl throws everything away for a chance of some dick".
No. 106290
>>106282Even as a kid I thought her fascination was more about being human and less about the dude
Sage for OT but holy shit did the movie always get so boring after she becomes human
No. 106292
>>106262I hate this overhyped piece of garbage movie but Elsa in particular was insufferable.
>Be a whiny bitch because for some reason your king and queen parents didn't groom you to become a responsible ruler despite being the eldest>Take the whiny bitch way out and run away when having to confront your problem>Get yourself captured because you're a dumb whiny bitch>Stuck in jail like a dumb whiny bitch>Suddenly semi-accidentally save your sister with m-muh true love!!! (see what we did there expect it was done in so many movie already) during the last 5 minutes>FEMINIST ICON uwuAlso Let it go is so ridiculously overrated and the rest of the songs were just bland Broadway scores without an inch of personality. Disney knew this film was the product of a long developmental hell and had script problems so they just hyped up all the ~beautiful snow and ice CGI~ and ~feminist two princesses without a romantic interest~ to cram it down everyone's throats.
>>106264Ariel is literally the only Disney Princess I hate more than the Frozen girls. The absolutely worst piece of garbage character. Fuck her.
No. 106308
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This bitch. Remember the single she released? Kek
No. 106354
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i've been playing pokémon to pass the time during lockdown and i picked up the gen 7 games again, but man, i recall why i didn't like them in the first place
and this annoying little shit is just insufferable, like shit sticking to your shoes
No. 106357
>>106282I get that Triton was a shitty dad and she was always into to the human world but she still came off as selfish brat. My biggest gripe with that movie is that no one calls her out on her reckless and selfish behavior. Making a deal with Ursula almost gets her and her family killed and her kingdom destroyed.
> She didn't trade her life just for him.Yeah no I disagree. She gave up her family (Triton sucks but her sisters seemed fine) just to impress some dude who didn’t even know her name at that point. The scene where she gives up her voice and her life in the human world is framed as she’s trying to impress Prince Eric and nothing else. Her obsession with humans became pretty much an afterthought in the second half of the movie.
No. 106361
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>>106212>>106244I can't take any character in this series seriously. I don't like any of the girls, but the ultimate mary sue is fucking geralt. He is this "perfect" bad boy who does no wrong and all females want to fuck him. He is so bland I don't even dislike him, cause there isn't much to dislike, the ultimate self insert for virgin guys.
No. 106366
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>>106357I disagree so much. The movie did a great job of fleshing Ariel and her goals out and changing the narrative that was in the original Little Mermaid.
Why are you blaming Ariel for Ursula's actions? She manipulated Ariel by offering her an unfair deal (Ariel didn't have any idea Ursula will be able to use her voice and fuck Triton over). Even Triton blames himself for the whole mess and he is right about that. If he was not
abusive to Ariel, she wouldn't be desperate to leave the ocean. And Ursula pretended to be a misunderstood soul that wants to do good for once. Not surprised Ariel bought it since her father was also prejudiced towards humans, which Ariel had plenty of love for. She never said 'make a deal with me, you may get some legs and the guy you like but the price is me destroying your family's lives and taking over the kingdom'.
I haven't watched the cartoon which may add more information to the topic, but it was clear that Ariel didn't have the best relationship with her sisters. She was a bit of a loner and a misfit, an outsider. It's not that they hated each other or didn't have a sisterly love, but the connection was not there. If they were so great, why did none of the sisters give a fuck about Triton being a piece of shit to Ariel?
Thanks to the discussion I remembered a blog that did really good Ariel meta in my opinion. If you are interested in challenging your opinion on the character and movie, I recommend reading something from this (no, I don't expect anyone to read all this shit, lmfao. Wish I could find the one Ariel analysis, but it's burried under thousands of reblogs):>>106361I love Geralt because he's so snarky and funny, but always hated the wish-fulfillment part about him, not gonna lie. You are completely correct. Friendly reminder pic related is how his author looked (he is even worse now). It's the same bullshit as with Rothfuss lmfao.
No. 106376
>>106317With Atlus I never expect good writing in their remasters/remakes, they almost always do that thing where instead of trying to integrate their new characters in the already established story they feel like they're trying to write a separate story that feels like a fanfic where the new character is a mary sue. That's why in sequels the new characters don't feel as terrible, like in Persona Q or P4 Arena.
>>106354When playing it the first time I thought I'd dislike him but he was one of the best characters in the game.I couldn't stand Lilie though, her and her shitty cutscenes every 5 minutes.
No. 106420
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Not a specific character, but I thought it belongs here. I hate this mentality. In real life, I would not sympathize with an awful just because they have been through trauma or whatever, I wouldn't excuse their ugly actions no matter how "multi-faceted" they are. But you're expected to do that in fiction. I don't care
No. 106439
>>106249those books are unreadable worthless piles of cringey garbage but go off i guess. at least the games are enjoyable.
>>106361>>106390yeah definitely agree and i hate his voice actor as well.
No. 106554
>>106420>>106424I feel that readers/gamers/whoever don't particularly want "good" protagonists, they want believable and interesting protagonists, regardless of their moral compass. They want protagonists who are compelling and have actual depth (no, giving your character childhood trauma doesn't make them "deep.")
There's a fair amount of movies where the villain is adored more than the superhero, or at least has a sizable fanbase. Plenty of classic literature has objectively bad protagonists (Crime and Punishment, anyone? Lolita?) However, these books and movies are interesting with lifelike characters. We care about the characters, even the evil ones, and are on the edge of our seat to see what happens.
I'm willing to bet this person's character just sucks and is more for shock value than anything else . "Crazy molested 15 year old girl goes on a wacky killing spree! Woohoo1!!!!1" isn't a particularly interesting or meaningful story. Abused women "snapping" is actually kind of a boring trope by this point.
No. 106566
>>106420I wish "writers" would understand that anti-sues are a thing and are about as bad as regular ol' mary sues/gary stus.
At least the character the person describes sounds very anti-sue to me.
On that note; I also wish that writers knew that if everyone misunderstood the point of their stories and characters, they probably didn't write them well enough or are just shitty writers in general.
Exceptions are characters like Rorscach who was never meant to be admired, was written that way yet some tards want to larp him.
Sage for ot sperg
No. 106568
>>106420tbh if this character had an animu design she'd probably become popular considering all the shitty yanderes and edgelords that manage to get fans
>>106566What's the difference between anti-sues and other characters that have tragic backstories?
No. 106573
>>106568Most "tragic" characters have a few likeable traits, the author managed to make them charismatic more or less.
Anti-sues are not likeable. Just bad traits with no positive traits in contrast.
No. 106582
>>106420i think a lot of writers with this kind of mentality when it comes to writing lack the basic understanding of human behavior and interaction. i mean you can find this kind of people anywhere to be honest, from mangaka to webcomic creators and etc.
these creators don't interact or socialize enough people to understand how an actual person works to be honest. most often times, they based their own works from others, with questionable quality. also, don't take criticism pretty well.
their character could've been ok or fine if the pity or woe is me attitude is dropped. lots of readers would understand or liked a traumatized person acting shitty if the character actually recognized their downfall or insanity or whatever. lots of men or people admire joker for that reason, anyways.
No. 106618
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An incredibly selfish coward.
I did agree with him on some things and I know the manga is supposed to be dreary or whatever, but I have a soft sport for Aiko who I think really didn't do much wrong which probably makes me biased.
No. 106648
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She is such an worthless addition to the spider verse movie,only greasy,disgusting coomers/weebs like her. it doesn't help how she's only a generic dumb japanese school girl
Other characters could have had more screen time if she didn't exist
No. 106737
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Sorry for posting a character from Warrior Cats lol but I got into a bunch of forum arguments about this one back in the day because a lot of people insisted he didn't deserve to be in cat hell because he was nice to his wife (even though he shit-talked her behind her back) and "just ambitious" even though he basically encouraged his apprentice to kill a lost kitten that had wandered onto their territory and was just generally very bloodthirsty.
No. 106741
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I hate Miranda Priestly and I despise the people who like her, She's a horrible boss who treats her employees in a subhuman manner and whose company enforces negative female stereotypes and socialization but since she's a woman with a career like a man who is even an asshole like a man so she's le epic "Boss Bitch yas queen". also I see a lot of people shitting on her friends and boyfriend as well for holding her back, but they complain not (only) because they dont get to see her but instead because they see Andy working herself to the bone and changing everything about herself just to appease her self-centered abusive boss
No. 106742
>>106741There are people who like her?! I thought the whole point of the book was to show how
toxic the fashion industry was, I'm really surprised that she has fans.
No. 106789
>>106357It makes more sense when you find out
Ursala is Triton's sister and took advantage of Ariel's desire as a power play and revenge for being kicked out by him. They dropped the concept for the original but re-added it for the musical. God, does it put a perspective on everything.
No. 106992
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His entire personality is how cute and uwu he is, and he really gives vibes of being really passive aggressive under his kindness.
No. 106994
>>106741When I was younger I thought Andy should have stayed at the magazine because of the ~glamorous~ fashion world but as an adult I have a different view of work and I see that Miranda would be hellish to work for, esp because she didn’t let Andy have a life outside of work. And I also realize now that the fashion industry seems way too stressful and hierarchical. I don’t know how there are adults who still idolize an
abusive boss character like her. I’m guessing they’re people with “lady boss” mugs or something
No. 107001
>>106996Yes, I've not watched the anime and I'm following the publication of the manga in my country, so I've not seen his full evolution during the lunar clusterfuck.
>>106997They are all technically genderless but in the original japanese text they apparently use male pronouns and speech patterns (all of them, even the ultra feminine ones like Red Beryl). Also my language doesn't have gender neutral pronouns and the translation goes with male ones, so I see the gems as sorta guys.
No. 107012
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>>106741For me the true villains of the movie here these guys. She's stressed out by Miranda calling after giving them the free shit she got from work and they were playing keep away. Then have the gall to look offended when she tells them they were jerks. They KNOW she's strung out and stressed from being the person she's required to be at work and are shocked she reacts strongly??
Same for the bf like his only advice was 'quit' Which yes she does after she's made herself valuable, but the times he was saying it she'd likely been blacklisted by Miranda. The female friend immediately throwing her under the bus when she saw the cheek kiss was just the worse for me. She had no idea if he was harassing Andy, no clue if he could ruin her career but immediately blames her. The gay guy was just token gay guy though, but he never did anything to help.
No. 107076
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Alphys. Where do I even start on how much I hate this character. First off, most of the game's events can be blamed on her and Asgore yet they both still get a happy ending and while Asgore lost his children and his wife Alphys basically moped around a bunch for the shit she caused and got a girlfriend despite that. I get that the game's themes are forgiveness but it's really hard to do that when they create a character who's only redeemable trait is that she built another better character a body. Her segment where she keeps calling you brings annoying to a new level and the fact that she makes you go through a bunch of annoying shit because she's insecure just makes her even worse on top of that the game doesn't even let you kill her yourself.
I could go on but I think I've made my point of why I hate this waste of space
No. 107090
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>>106741Coincidentally came across pic related today and it reminded me of this post. I guess it proves everybody can have terrible taste, gay and straight alike.
No. 107091
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No. 107124
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No. 107150
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I hate how he was left of the hook by the plot so easily despity all the bullshit he put everyone through. I hate the narrative that psycho manbabies just need a female coworker to baby them and uwu it's so hard for them to have a job that has nothing to do with their passion. Guess what, bitch, almost nobody does and yet they are not giant cunts to coworkers. Fix yourself ffs. I do not understanf why he was not fired like he deserved. Also speaking as a person terrified of phone calls that still does it at work: either don't accept the position or suck it up likr everyone else
No. 107153
>>107150To me he seemed to represent sheltered young people of today who:
*will “cancel” coworkers for saying something perceived as
problematic *play up anxiety/depression as an excuse to act the way they do
*make too many jokes/complaints about “adulting” and interacting with humans they don’t want to interact with
*were always told they are special and deserve to be paid a large sum of money for being themselves and doing what they love
*had hard working parents who coddled them because they never wanted their child to struggle
That being said, I couldn’t stand him either. I likes seeing him in the show, made me feel vindicated in disliking people like him. Like “YES!!! THIS SHOW GETS IT!!!”
No. 107155
>>107153I would agree with you if the show was not taking Amai's side in the end. It's nice that Kabae was shown in a more positive way than just an tactless blubbermouth, but I HATE how she gave Retsuko this sage advise how you need to give manchildren a pass and lead by example, never repay them for their bullshit and always keep calm and kind. Like what the fuck is this bs. And the retard's arc doesn't end with him saying 'sorry about being a mess and causing trouble for everyone, from now on I will do my best as a part of this team!'. He never apologizes, he just sort of gets better because Kabae mothers him and he finds a side-hustle that he enjoys. That's it. The show is more interested in how Retsuko is wrong for not knowing (or being interested in) how to fix a retard than showing a story of a whiny manchild that recognizes his mistakes.
I feel like Amai's plotline is supposed to compare and/or contrast somehow with Tadano who has a so-called Peter Pan syndrome - but Tadano was not a pain in the ass to everyone, he just had different life goals than Retsuko.
No. 107174
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This bitch. I'm sorry but how did they think it was a good addition? I stopped following the story but I think it was speculated she was bipolar and that you're supposed to forgive her later. What a hoe.
No. 107177
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>>107118Because then they'd have to develop a personality
Anyway I hate Harley Quinn in pretty much all versions, she's just female Deadpool who is also terrible but I think most people over the mental age of 14 hate him
>>107124I hate literally everyone in this show, some of the actors are good in other things but the writing here is like The Office but with even more flanderization
No. 107179
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>>107177Oh I really hate the new Harley that's been around since 2015-ish. I don't mind the old ones plus she was kinda alright in the Arkham games.
I passionately hate Punchline tho. Makes me love all Harley version.
No. 107203
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I absoluterly hate this fucking son of a bitch, shes from the Mahou shoujo site anime, and i've never felt such hatred towards one character.
She bullies the main character into oblivion to the point that the main character literally is suicidal and depressed. Then this fucking bitch blames all her problems on her because the main character didn't say "thank you". She acts like the victim when shes literally the one being the absolute shit ass cunt being that she is
god if she was real i would have punched her teeth in. Fuck her.
No. 107220
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I fucking loathe beastboy, literally a funny nice guy self insert who gets all the girls uwu.
Gabriel Picolo's version is even more insufferable.
No. 107221
>>107203I never understood why she got a redemption and
is eventually a good guy. Aya's brother is shit too.
No. 107229
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>>107203I hate her so much, the fact that she was redeemed was disgusting.
As for my pic, I can't stand this asshole. He's so annoying with his constant 'it's a lie' bullshit and
claiming to hate the killing game yet admitting to creating a murder plan that he had Gonta carry out even though it was possible to prevent Miu's murder plan. No. 107238
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>>107221Aya's brother is hilarious. The main problem with that whole anime is the overdramatic sadness to the point where it just becomes a game of 'how many shitty things can happen to this random girl'.
No. 107257
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She always seemed so passive aggressive and manipulative to me. I can't stand overly religious people either.
No. 107277
>>107257Idk anything about her or where she’s from but this character design is really cute
I love tan skin with light hair, it’s better when the eyes are dark too
No. 107348
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>>107249You described like 70% of RPG Horror game protags (example is pictured here).
I could rant for hours about how RPG Horror girl protags can become so easily annoying by every other line saying "youre a sweet caring uwu girl!
No. 107359
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patron saint of troons and coomers
No. 107382
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>>107239No hate towards you, but I think that it would've been prevented if Kokichi
didn't force everyone into the virtual world. He knew Miu was planning on murdering him because he's OP when it comes to figuring things out ahead of time. It would've been better if he confronted her about it rather than hiding behind Gonta to carry out a murder plan. I agree with you on Gonta, it felt like he could get away with everything because he was more naive than the other students which was very annoying.
No. 107386
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>>107348I kinda like how simplistic a lot of their characters are, but to be fair my favorites (like Sara from YTTD and Madotsuki from yume nikki) do kind of fall out of that character type.
Not quite an RPG horror maker game but a free computer game none the less, I wasn't the biggest fan of Irisu due to how overly cryptic they made her character but her design is nice.
No. 107387
>>107382>It would've been better if he confronted her about it rather than hiding behind Gonta to carry out a murder plan.The main reason he didn't was due to him being overly paranoid and needing
Miu to die in order for him to use the electrohammers in chapter 5 and since he had basically seen Gonta as a pawn the whole time it's pretty in character for him to sacrifice Gonta because both Ouma and Miu had become so overly paranoid and Ouma didn't want to be killed by her or leave her alone to kill someone he cared about like Shuichi Ouma's a pretty rotten person, but that's why I find him to be such an interesting character. He bases a lot of his decisions on lying to himself and forcing loopholes to pretend that he's okay.
No. 107388
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She is absolutely insufferable in the newest seasons. I can't stand selfish characters who are given occupations or storylines that require empathy.
No. 107541
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I fucking hate his design and his dumb facial expressions, this is why I will never read One Piece no matter how many times people tell me it's great.
No. 107555
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>>107541kek same. I refused to watch OP because of that character, but ultimately I started watching it when I was bored one day and now I'm hooked. I'm a total normie now but OP is the only weebthing I still watch/read/keep up with/whatever.
If anything I'm far more irritated with the way the women are drawn and how they went from having normal bodies to giantic balloons for boobs in skimpy outfits at every chance possible.
No. 107869
>>107816Nope, all I know is that the main girl
turns out to be adopted and is incestuous with the blonde haired homura bootlegTo be fair magical girl site was always a waste of time, albeit a funny one.
No. 108059
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I'm currently watching season 1 and why did they got back together after he cheated? I know his personnality is meant to be that boring hopeless nerd but shit they better break up for good before the season ends. Betty deserves better
No. 108177
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I had a hard time trying to find a character I really hated, and then I remembered this useless dumbass. It’s a shame he lived an entire arc after the page with 3/4 of his limbs getting ripped off
No. 108187
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>>108177EVERYBODY was shitty in Gantz (except the old guy, the psychics, the martial artist and the kid)! It's probably the most frustrating manga I've ever read because it's just a bunch of cool concepts and designs ruined by retarded characters and terrible execution. I totally forgot your dude even existed, he was so fucking useless.
Pic related is my most hated character from the manga, because he is a psycho with dumb motivations and when I see him, I'm automatically reminded of that useless vampire arc (and he is shipped with Nishi, #2 on my list of shitty Gantz characters).
No. 108202
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these two insufferable wastes of time
No. 108203
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>god I fucking hate Kurono I’m going to be cooler than him>gets dick stuck inside an alien’s vagina and kills half the squad in every mission No. 108227
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>>108203kek, also
>c'mon reika we could make a good couple>i'm a graphic designer No. 108558
File: 1600629450456.png (229.84 KB, 350x545, crybaby_ryo_3.png)

I hate this shitty redesign made to appeal to zoomers, and a lot of fakebois kin him for this reason. At least everyone seems to have forgotten this disgrace of a reboot.
No. 108566
>>108558I liked the reboot for what it was, but re:
>>108560characters like him seem to be very beloved by fakebois. UwU relatable bishonen with dark past they want to skinwalk and live their yaoi dreams through.
No. 108620
>>108558I absolutely hate Ryo, but I'd be lying if I didn't say
he isn't beautiful as fuck when he turns into Satan. I plan to cosplay/be him in that form for Halloween next year.
No. 108640
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This fucker
No. 108758
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Hate this jackass, I can’t believe he smacked a girl and was automatically forgiven because ‘lol groupie’
>>108558I was going to post Ryo but you beat me to it. Honorable mention goes to Akira for having no problem with Ryo for half the story despite him doing shit like shooting up docks upon their first in years meeting.
No. 108788
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The fact that parents like Dahlia exist in real life fills me with anger.
No. 108789
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>>108788Samefag, fuck this bitch too.
No. 108805
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>>90146This bitch. I want to slap the taste out of her mouth.
No. 108912
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I fucking hate this character. The depiction of DID which is not even real is so over the top, her alters switch at random and do so constantly. It's distracting and annoying whenever this character is in a scene. She singlehandedly made the show worse.
No. 108945
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Dis bitch. Everyone in the AT fandom loves her and I don't get why. She's a legit psychopath. She locked away the flame princess when she was a child. She wanted to kill a guy because of an accident. She made a child clone of herself that ended up turning evil bc it had her DNA in it. She created all the candy people and then made them retarded so she wouldn't have to deal with them if they disagreed with her. She always frames her actions in a 'caring' way but really its all for her own selfish self-preserving reasons.
She also destroyed the fire kingdom's sacred statues because she was afraid they could come back and destroy her kingdom, nevermind flame princess singing a song about how important they are to her heritage a few moments before.
Sorry for sperging about a kid's show character but it urks me that no one in the fandom brings this up about her they only care about the bubbleline shipping. I don't like that ship that much not because it is a queer ship (I'm les) but because she is crazy. Marceline is actually the opposite to her, being a little chaotic in the earlier seasons and becoming better in the later ones.
No. 108947
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all of these characters. every last fucking one. i swear to fucking god this game ruined gen z and its converted so many fucking people to being a uwu fakeboi fictionkin leftist "die terf" cunt. also the characters have the same copy pasted face, the same shit personalities, i cant fucking stand them. how can anyone like this lazy fucking game and its shit writing. its milked so fucking hard and honestly for what
No. 109103
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Kagura. Shes just so annoying.
I don't even think the reason they gave her to be this way is justified.
No. 109235
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No. 109241
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I technically don't hate him, he have a sympathetic background that isn't over dramatic and is a funny straight man but the amount of leaps his stans who to justify his gross and creepy behaviour toward Sonia is embarrassing. Why are zoomers okay with sexual harrasment as long as they like the character that is doing it? And I hate how they try to push him with Gundam like if it was a KorraxMakoxAsami sort of love triangles instead of Souda being a giga creep who keep orbiting Gundam And Sonia who qctually have a nice realationship.
No. 109247
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Manic Pixie Dream Girl: The Anime, everybody was lame in that show despite how tryhard it was in the drama. I've seen seen so many people say it was sooooo sad and emotional, I thought it was obnoxious and way over the top, and I hate the trope of the unnamed fatal illness. Only good thing I can say is that it made want to listen to Chopin.
No. 109275
>>109247I haven't seen this but I dislike it based on premise alone.
I hate how everyone thinks an anime is automatically good/emotional/inspirational/whatever just because uGUu inNOCENT girl DIes. I feel like making a cute girl die as a plot point is just lazy writing and emotionally manipulative.
No. 109296
>>109247Ugh, i gave it a try and couldnt even get pass the 5th episode. Anon took the words out my mouth haha. It tries way too hard to be saaad and has too many unnecessary and over-the-top crying~ scenes (These were suppose to be emotional, but it really just comes of as cringe)
Yes, I hate all the characters in this anime. I hate them all. And I hate the large amount of praise it's getting.
No. 109387
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based on nothing but design. i hate her stupid face and her stupid fetish gag.
No. 109405
>>109387Yeah she looks retarded and you know the gag thing is there to appeal to certain people.
Also I really dislike everyone's design in that anime. Way too flashy and complicated, and they still manage to feel unoriginal.
No. 109427
>>95516I'm not a big fan of the 'good person once you get over how much of a bitch/dick they are because of totally justifiable reasons' trope. That I could forgive if, like
>>96805 said, the idea of Gerald loving Yenn wasn't forced with little reasoning besides their history together, which we do not see (90ish hours in) in The Witcher 3.
> inb4 u would understand if u played all the games Have not and will not. It's on the creators to introduce new audiences to what is supposedly canon in the lore.
No. 109504
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>>109252Speaking of Clannad, I fucking hate this idiot cockroach.
No. 109526
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>>109504By the way, why was every character in Clannad so fucking autistic? I tried watching it but I gave up halfway through the first season because of pic related and the starfish girl (also that horrible art style).
No. 109532
>>109504why do you hate her? she is so fucking bland it's impossible to have strong emotions toward her…. The only reason I can see is that she cockblocked your best girl kek.
>>109526Oh my god i hated kotomi too, even though I usually love quiet girls. Her drama made zero sense (like most of Jun Maeda's work kek), especially the travelling suitcase part. And Fuuko (starfish girl) is just a shitty bootleg of Ayu (and Misuzu, maybe), the original weirdo childish girl.
Clannad is a shitty, 'realistic' version of Kanon/AIR in general kek.
No. 109543
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I saw someone mentioning the term "cute girl dying of fatal illness" and I remembered those two shits
Typical pessimistic self-insert male and a cute,popular,qUirKy girl who gets away with shit because she is going to die.I was supposed to feel sad and I mostly felt annoyed because both characters were unbearable
No. 109550
>>109532I forgot the tsundere bitch and her uber shy twin sister who were both very unlikeable. There was also the cool stoic girl (Tomoyo?), who is a fan favorite from what I've seen, but the scene were she beats up a biker gang DBZ style was so jarring and clashed so much with the "realistic" tone of the show, it was the moment where I gave up.
I guess Clannad is one of those shows where all the characters are a bunch of stereotypes but "actually they all have hidden so you have to feel bad uwu", I hate this shit.
No. 109564
>>109550there is a visual novel centered on Tomoyo (surprised they haven't made it into anime) and
even though she doesn't die, the protagonist does and she is heartbrokenThe plot is bullshit as usual with the protagonists pretty much adopting some random loli for reasons (she's the guy's halfsister).
Tomoyo is the prettiest, but I sadly found her pretty unlikable. She may have been the best character from all the spergs (not that it was difficult).
No. 109577
>>109532She’s so bland and boring it actually makes her annoying and this hatable. Plus her constant dangotism got really old really fast.
The only good characters were the blonde best friend boy and Nagisa’s parents honestly.
No. 109617
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I swear, her and Ross were the worst out of the friends. However, Ross gets called out all the time for shit he pulls (rightfully so), but I swear to god Pheobe does so much mean shit and gets away with it. I get its a sitcom but holy fuck she is so annoying.
No. 109620
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This bitch. Both the creator and her webtoon self insert mary sue.
No. 109638
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She's my love to hate character. Dijonay too. Penny deserved better than those fake ass "friends
No. 109644
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>>109620YES! That bitch. At first she was kind of funny and kind of relatable, but now she’s constantly crying and being a tool, I had to stop reading that webtoon, it should have been more focused on the whole makeup aspect and not on her unnecessary relationships with e-boy and daddy long legs.