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File: 1611786312877.jpeg (45.16 KB, 411x281, 1D4DA9F3-EF75-443D-BDA5-F0233E…)

No. 124171

Let’s make fun of bad character design in mainstream media. Cartoons, movies, videos games, it’s all fair game. Stuff that should not have been approved for public viewing
>bad anatomy
>over sexualized animals
>uncanny valley realism
>same face syndrome
Mainstream media has got it all, let’s see the worst of the worst

No. 124172

Lol my young self never realised how weird that elephant looked, island princess is still the best barbie film though.

No. 124185

File: 1611789648982.jpeg (295.28 KB, 750x630, DF6340FA-92DE-453F-AAB2-D38961…)

The dragon from the new Disney movie is so upsetting. They really went and gave it the same face every princess has and thought that was normal. It’s a fucking dragon why’s she got falsies and eyeliner?

No. 124196

File: 1611791150710.jpeg (82.92 KB, 475x645, 20E08625-B3F3-48C2-A14D-FC463F…)

Pretty much all of the characters in this movie made my skin crawl, but this guy in particular.

No. 124202

File: 1611791651345.jpg (160.42 KB, 1080x1080, terrifying creature.jpg)

I get that they try to make them doll-like to ensure it'll appeal to little girls but it looks so boring. As a kid I really enjoyed the animal characters in Disney movies, particularly the ones in Brother Bear where they undeniably looked like the animal they were meant to be. Compare that to Flounder whose face creeped me the fuck out as a kid. Does not seem like a fish. Same for Sebastian, does not look like a crab at all. The result is uncanny valley imo. It's bad enough that all the female humanoids look the same but at least let the animals have some variety god damn it.

Also stupid eyelashes and makeup with pale color to signify GIRL CREATURE is a tired ass trope. They can be colorful, glamorous, pretty without those traits. I'll take the DeviantArt OC treatment to fur where the colors make no sense over another coomer dragon with false eyelashes on.

No. 124203

File: 1611791836782.jpg (459.44 KB, 1500x2000, sensepubannounce.jpg)

The female characters from A Cyberpunk ghost story
I thought it was some Cyberpunk porn comic but no it's a survival game.scrotes shouldn't really design female characters anymore

No. 124208

File: 1611792470992.jpg (92.64 KB, 649x781, UeDJxpa.jpg)

It's the chibi face on top for me.

No. 124209

I remember cracking up at this months ago.

No. 124212

File: 1611796918792.jpeg (Spoiler Image,134.3 KB, 1280x720, 49DE1216-D8CF-4C90-BE37-B9B944…)

speaking of imbalanced boob physics, can someone please tell me why this bitch exists?

she makes senran kagura look subtle by comparison

No. 124213

File: 1611797019740.jpg (26.09 KB, 357x452, aaaaaaaaaa.jpg)

ms paint deviantart base bucket filled-tier design.
just give her brown hair, or even a less obnoxious blue you sick twisted freaks

No. 124214

and I just noticed the footless tights, in 2016? shameful.

No. 124215

File: 1611797211022.gif (3.93 MB, 480x270, kCiTE9.gif)

No. 124216

File: 1611797552442.jpg (14.39 KB, 200x200, Banner_the_scarlet_queen.jpg)

>Short arms that don't reach past her waist

No. 124219

File: 1611798649613.png (38.67 KB, 185x298, tumblr_inline_nu7l1nEhTz1tn6jv…)

Isn't she supposed to be a pilot??her outfit is so damn ridiculous

No. 124228

File: 1611801054950.png (683.11 KB, 849x434, B59BBCCC-37FD-4C24-A62E-4FC086…)

“How will we make it obvious this fish is female??”
“Fish tits”

No. 124231

File: 1611802300140.jpeg (33.1 KB, 739x415, 9A47FAC7-0B2D-4383-8B99-FC40CE…)

fish tits… fish lips

No. 124237

File: 1611804626916.gif (17.86 MB, 1245x736, 5319AE14-6F18-4A06-8536-ECF091…)

It’s literally just Elsa dragon

No. 124250

I showed my boyfriend this and he told me it's cuter than Toothless. Do I dump him?

No. 124255

You mean you didn't already?

No. 124258

Tbf fish do have big lips sometimes… no comment on the rest of her situation though.

Elsa looks hideous to me. The eyes are way too big, her head is like a dang turnip and shes a chinlet. Hideous!!!

No. 124284

File: 1611823003818.jpg (21.95 KB, 360x450, Shiver.jpg)

I have a soft spot for the Barbie movies, especially old ones…. but the obnoxious critters were always the worst parts of them. Only few were actually cute and added something to the plot. It's like someone really didn't understand what makes animal sidekicks cute and lovable.
Shiver was terrible as well, and pic related is a relatively good picture of her.

No. 124289

why is her waist-to-hip ratio like that

No. 124290

File: 1611825387767.jpg (45.73 KB, 499x500, Shiver-plush-barbie-and-the-ma…)

You just reminded me that i had the Shiver plush as a kid and the lashes are even more atrocious
also had Serafina plush and it wasn't any better

No. 124301

File: 1611832035634.png (275.22 KB, 688x400, eww.png)

I felt exactly the same way about the barbie animal sidekicks. The island princess elephant to me is particularly bad, just not appealing at all even though elephants are effortlessly cute.

This thing from mermadia is also… poorly thought-out

No. 124309

File: 1611835754031.jpeg (489.91 KB, 2048x2048, 70AA1C18-817D-47FB-A72E-B93755…)

Idk why the legt one is so fucking ugly to me probably because she looks like she has a huge head and mouth. The right one … where should i start. Why the coat? Why is her purse always under her coat? The colour choice?? Fuck these bitches

No. 124314

File: 1611838747972.jpg (46.52 KB, 1024x1024, 33e99c27e97b5ee6f6cc1c4b647a5f…)

It looks like a 12yo boy's edgy donut steel fursona wearing jorts, I hate it.
It looks even worse when animated, with its stupid little mouth showing. They could've at least given it normal dog jaws.

No. 124320

Nooooo, I love him though

No. 124328

I think the color choice for Sonia is okay, but everything else is super ugly, especially her hair styling.

No. 124330

File: 1611843985631.jpg (72.96 KB, 864x1617, dc2ef3bdd5980fc52419b80ef6abf7…)

Such a boring design

No. 124334

File: 1611845620497.jpg (122.59 KB, 720x858, f8f21d873983574afd419a15da4aa2…)

I hate the cat boy too, looks gay and fetishy.
I hate kids in skintight leotards in general. Ew.
The dolls and figures really highlight how uninteresting those designs are.

No. 124338

BAHAHAA Barbie movies are fucking based

No. 124340

File: 1611847841154.gif (Spoiler Image,473.37 KB, 400x224, main-qimg-c37419d0bde603ddb6da…)

kek so i saw your picture and thought to myself how I remember a character just like that from some anime i dropped and I was actually thinking about her
her presence frightened me so much I stopped watching even though the premise seemed interesting

No. 124341

i unfortunately share a birthday with this….blob

No. 124346

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So many unnecessary colors, patterns and accessories. Also bdsm chick looks retarded most of the time.

No. 124349

what the fuck is this lmao

No. 124350

Why do they all look related to each other?
Why is the butterfly girls eyes so creepy? why does the pink haired one have her chest exposed when fighting? they're outfits are so stupid it hurts I'm surprised they don't wear any battle gear for protection

No. 124352

jesus I never realized they all have the same head type

No. 124355

>Why is the butterfly girls eyes so creepy?
to reference bug eyes, apparently they look more distinctly bug-like in the manga

No. 124363

Why is this series #1 popular again?

Everytime I find its plot summary, it sounds like generic shit.

No. 124365

Everyone on /vp/ would disagree

Sounds like something Bogleech would say

They have to be simple for the audience they're intended (I don't care about them/don't like them either, but they're not "bad designs" per se)

Most of them (or all of them) are pretty memorable by silouhette alone though, and they're not as over designed as you might think. They still have that cartoonish big head and eyes that make them easy to identify. Their color scheme is also very similar between them but distinctive enough so you know which one is which. I'd say this is a big factor why this anime got so popular (like naruto did in its day), because I know more or less who is who and what their personality might be like WITHOUT me even having watched one episode of it

No. 124370

it really is mega generic
i think as far as shonen go this one has entertaining fights i guess, but i really dislike the genre in general

No. 124372

I think the shounen audience just wants to see character designs that they like and fight scenes that they can turn their brains off for. They don't really care about the text.

No. 124383

File: 1611861402745.jpg (121.32 KB, 416x555, 20210128_200432.jpg)

>w-well, this scrote-dominated board loves them!
Are you trying to shut down that anons opinon with what /vp/ thinks? There's shit like pic related and much worse posted there on the regular; you could slap a pair of tits and an uwu personality on a lawnmower and they'd get hard over it. Sonia IS an eyesore btw.

Say what you will about bogleech but aside from losing his shit over bugs he has a pretty good grasp on what makes a character design interesting and generic furry bait ain't it.

No. 124391

File: 1611863862378.jpg (91.13 KB, 617x900, KW6FPnc.jpg)

Every single monster musume character

I hate the fact that it's just "hot" animu girls for coomers with slapped on monster parts. The harpy girl is a lolibait and wouldn't be able to fly with it's dinky wings. The slime girl grows boobs when she's full? Naga and mermaid have a gap between the thighs before their tails start so that they can have a human vagina and can wear panties, that shit would get so infected. This spider lady has a human butt on top of it's spider butt, does she shit on top of herself??

I would love to have a cartoon with good monster girl/boy design without a harem element

No. 124408

>They have to be simple for the audience they're intended (I don't care about them/don't like them either, but they're not "bad designs" per se)
Gurl, the target audience is the same as of Sailor Moon, Witch, Pretty Cure, Tokyo Mee Mew, even Winx etc. and all those have more memorable and visually striking designs.
AFAIR ML was even inspired by magical girls anime.
I agree. I dislike most of new pokemon designs because they don't look like (magical) animals anymore, just a vague bundle of geometric shapes and sharp angles. Maybe not all "new" Pokemon, but shit like Lucario is the perfect example of everything shit with Pokemon designs.

No. 124412

>Are you trying to shut down that anons opinon with what /vp/ thinks?
No it was an observation

>Say what you will about bogleech

I only said "that's something that bogleech would say", not that it was wrong lmao

No. 124419

To be honest the KNY's silhouettes aren't the best, they're not very recognizable. They share so many colors that it becomes boring, and the themes of the designs have to be subtle instead of going "this character's theme color is yellow, so let's make it ALL yellow! This girl's theme are butterflies, so let's give her big bug eyes and a huge cape that's like butterfly wings, and a butterfly hairpin, and butterfly socks!! This one's supposed to be cute, so pink! And the characters have to be colorful so let's give bi colored hair to almost everyone. Also we can't have a different head type, so let's give the ripped savage guy a cute bishonen face anyway, it won't clash at all". I get that shonen fans don't really care as long as they see colors and cool weapons and fights, but they're still kinda bad designs.

No. 124420

oh god I remember getting so many crunchy roll adverts for this trash

No. 124421

Because it was extremely heavily marketed and they got the timing right. During the lockdown in Japan, they streamed the entire anime on all platforms and then they released the movie when there were no foreign movies and very few Japanese movies being released and now it's fucking everywhere.

No. 124429

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I hate touhou designs in general but she is particularly ugly to me

No. 124430

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samefag but I also hate how mari and her eva is designed. They had to choose the ugliest shade of pink?

No. 124433

File: 1611875957587.jpg (166.34 KB, 720x540, Ra8431bd915369a91cb3ae59ebc023…)

I hate touhou too, it's just so off putting

No. 124436

File: 1611877199155.png (105.25 KB, 535x535, 858Hatterene.png)

Speaking of bad pokemon designs,what the hell is this?are they even trying?what's with modern pokemon having big "hips" or thighs?

No. 124439

literally everything about this character is awful

No. 124442

this tread is slowly becoming "characters I don't like = bad" instead of people actually discussing design

what a shame

No. 124451

How dare you

No. 124473

Nezuko's chaps my ass the most. I genuinely do not understand the appeal of this shitstain of a character.

No. 124480

They ruined Atelier with the release of Ryza

No. 124484

File: 1611906098718.jpg (33.28 KB, 450x450, Character_Profile_Raiha_Uesugi…)

This hair looks like shit in anime.

No. 124486

File: 1611906459123.gif (567.69 KB, 500x363, 3FW40Kr.gif)

The took the cute mini ponytail thing too fucking far lol
Her hair looks like slime

No. 124488

No? Where? We're all discussing design.

No. 124491

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The fact that it's justified by the plot why she's wearing skimpy outfits is also fucking ridiculous

No. 124492

File: 1611915311428.jpg (94.71 KB, 1200x1600, 743c099e7eec932bb6903f824bf0f9…)

Tetsuya Nomura has many bad design choices (the upturned clown shoes in KH, his obsession with belts, etc) but this takes the cake. She's supposed to be a scientist but dressed as a porn star

No. 124496

I've never played this game, but those clips of her doing "yoga" in the plane and sticking her ass in the characters face while looking back + the staring for like 10 secs was cringe. Is there some kind of romance storyline with her?

No. 124497

File: 1611916736251.jpg (42.7 KB, 694x960, 219603-x2_yuna_c.jpg)

I also found Yuna's redesign in FFX-2 a little too much. We get it, she changed a lot since the first game but going from modest, kimono-like outfit to wearing…that? I didn't understand the need to make her appear more Japanese either

No. 124498

File: 1611917259775.jpg (98.16 KB, 448x899, Screenshot_4.jpg)

last piece of my Nomura dump. There's just a lot going on here, the cane, the fur on one shoulder, the one piece, the hair

No. 124499

File: 1611917735951.gif (8.03 MB, 400x225, VCcMHI.gif)

I haven't played the game either but I don't think there's a romance option, she just always flirts with the player I think. The reason why she wears a skimpy outfit though is that she breathes through her skin, so she should always wear as little as possible. It's ridiculous

No. 124500

File: 1611917981027.jpg (140.8 KB, 999x772, Screenshot_3.jpg)

The whole DoA franchise is guilty of oversexualization. You know it's bad when the deveopers themselves admit they went too far. Why are the Japanese such perverts??

No. 124501

her face looks like 40yo shoe0nhead

No. 124502

File: 1611918135457.png (348.57 KB, 396x1280, Sword_Shield_Avery.png)

sounds like a character you like got posted kek plenty of posts explain why they don't think the design is good, with people responding accordingly.

My contribution is Avery from Pokemon Sword/Shield, which honestly has the worst designs to date in imo. This look fucking ridiculous.

No. 124503

I hate how Hideo Kojima went "T-there's a good philosophical reason for her outfit. Y-you'll see” when he got criticized for Quiet. Just do like Yoko Taro and say "Yeah they're designed that way because I'm a pervert," that's more respectable.

Extra-extra OT but MGS is a very gay game and Quiet was put there to distract scrotes from realizing how gay it is …and I kinda respect that

No. 124506

File: 1611919369198.jpg (193.28 KB, 1296x838, Screenshot_5.jpg)

…it looks like a cross between colourful gymwear and a Victorian style suit or something…kekkk literally why. I noticed Japanese designers really like mixing the most random clothing styles together. I'm playing FF13 and the main bad guy is wearing a variation of a papal tiara with a bridal veil and what looks like a cross between a papal robe and a vest suit
>Extra-extra OT but MGS is a very gay game and Quiet was put there to distract scrotes from realizing how gay it is
haha, I like this theory

No. 124507

I just noticed he also has fake nails

No. 124508

File: 1611921144104.jpg (74.17 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

No. 124509

The philosophical reason is that he's horny but he still wants to pretend that he's deep and too clever for that kind of thing.

No. 124517

File: 1611925637324.jpg (37.31 KB, 416x600, snakequiet1.jpg)

before the game came out, I was sure that the deep reason behind Quiet running around in bikini is not that she is The End 2.0 Except Slutty but that she was sexually abused in the past and shamed for her body, then somehow discovered her powers later on and decided to take revenge on men by mercillesly killing them while taunting with her boobies. Basically Quiet enjoying freedom in being able to flaunt her flesh because no man can hurt her anymore.
That was the best I was able to come up based on Hideo's 'you will be ashamed of your words and deeds uwu' (what was up with that??? how is her breating through skin make people regretful of masturbating to her?). I know that this kind of narrative would be ~problematic~ in itself and plenty of people would hate it, but I still like it more than Living Plant Quiet.
Anyway I know you can unlock more costumes for Quiet, one even fully clothed. Personally I think that she should have a less retarded costume available for the start. The R&D could pull some magical fabric out of their ass that even improves photosynthesies. If we also got a slutty Venom costume, everyone would be happy.

No. 124519

Ew this so disgusting, the face literally looks like a child

No. 124520

File: 1611927512318.png (66.83 KB, 200x200, Sordward_and_Shielbert.png)

Sword and shield truly did have some of the most shit character design in the series. I liked the ghost type shota but that stupid uniform…

No. 124522

Shittiest character designs to go with the shittiest game.

No. 124523

I think they were made for autists

No. 124529

File: 1611933869674.png (293.26 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-813Scorbunny.png)

Don't care about the characters too much, but I hated how boring and basic pokemons looked like in this generation. Theres barely any uniqueness. They are either heavily inspired from popular pokemons either just bland, or shit like "ah its a teacup! ".

My least fave one is probably this fire Nesquick. Who even picks him? I like only his final evolution.

No. 124530

File: 1611934504028.png (772.34 KB, 1200x1200, Zero_Suit_Samus_SSB4.png)

Zero suit samus has ruined the entire franchise for me. Still makes me sad that they turned my fave badass, female character into a big titty thot that is now only known as wanking material and entry cosplay porn character. Fuck that shit.

No. 124531

I don't like this design either, but why do people treat Samus as some uber female icon in gaming? She has literally 0 personality, she could be replaced entirely with a robot and nothing to the game would change. I wish they actually explored her backstory and gave us a reason to give a shit about her, because there IS potential here, it just hasn't been utilised at all (and I won't even touch on Other M).

No. 124534

File: 1611936300013.png (179.78 KB, 810x712, Pokemon_inteleon_2x.png)

>Who even picks him? I like only his final evolution.

This is the reason why so many people choose him, the other two starters get so fucking ugly when they reacherd their final evo. I mean just look at intelleon, they really have to stop with the humanoid pokemon most of the time they end up looking creepy or they end up like >>124436.

Yeah the ffx2 outfit for Yuna by herself looks nice imo but it doesn't really suit her character and is such a big change from her previous outfit.

No. 124542

this is horrifying, what the hell is wrong with the people who created this? I feel sick

No. 124543

This genuinely looks like a butt plug

No. 124546

File: 1611944668575.png (581 KB, 530x910, Cora_Harper.png)

Cora from Mass Effect looks like your "can I talk to the manager" mom. Such a weird anticlimatic character

No. 124549

Isn't her new outfit just her emulating Tidus for the dress sphere class?

No. 124550

You take that back! Tier 1's are the only good tier from that game's starter lineup. I can't believe you like the stupid furfag anthros.

No. 124552

File: 1611945623638.jpg (67.74 KB, 1280x720, FYubSTz.jpg)

Since we're on the subject of shit pokemon designs. How the fuck do you finally introduce a decently cute corgi pokemon and then immediately ruin it with this fugly ass retriever evolution. I know they're extremely running out of ideas but the entire appeal of corgis is they're short stumpy tail happy fucks of dogs. I was stoked to have a corgi pokemon that was pretty cute only to see the ass evolution

No. 124553

the model looks so fucking stiff its like something out of a poorly animated insurance commercial

No. 124556

File: 1611947178338.jpg (32 KB, 247x1200, bosselot confirmed.jpg)

Nomura can draw so well but he's also the creator of so many fashion disasters. It's so frustrating.

Given that Kojima confirmed that Big Boss/Ocelot is canon years ago and many fans are still in denial I'd say using Quiet as a distraction worked but it wasn't even necessary.

No. 124560

File: 1611948823436.jpg (222.66 KB, 1486x836, 331.jpg)

Every character in this show looks like a deviantart OC and the colors are flat as fuck.

No. 124561

File: 1611948851599.jpg (184.11 KB, 1642x1340, 85d0b8bf9044b21c2582e3fa72c85b…)

Jessica rabbit bird from that terrible Don bluth movie
Seriously though?why

No. 124562

or any other bird or lizard with tits in general tbh

No. 124563

File: 1611949259724.jpg (921.46 KB, 1024x1850, 1456602310415.jpg)

I love this series but my god, the hairstyles were a fucking CHOICE

No. 124564

It's not about being well-written lol. She has a notable spot as a power fantasy female protagonist in the timeline of games history, which is what makes her an icon. Same with Lara Croft, who was also not exactly compellingly written but was notable for being a mostly unsexualized power fantasy protagonist(I know it sounds stupid to say Lara was unsexualized but she really wasn't outside of her base design, plus advertisements to lure scrotes into buying the game – she never used her looks as a weapon, typically favoring wealth, education, firepower, and brutality instead, and was also never a victim of sex peril in the original games despite being frequently put in situations – such as imprisonment, disarming, being knocked unconscious, etc. – which could be seen as "opportunities" for such content).

No. 124566

they really just looked at houndour and were like, yeah lets just go with that for an evo.

No. 124567

I tried watching it until the high school lead was just the incel guy with a pretty face so all his bitching and whining was excused. the hair styles were absolutely a riot though.

No. 124569

>sounds like a character you like got posted kek
nope, all I see here are normie takes on character design. Go read a book sis <3

No. 124571

why don't you contribute a bad design then? or are you just going to continue making weird passive aggressive posts in an otherwise fun thread?

No. 124573

No anon you dont understand! She has to show that she is superior then us normies by not sharing her super duper amazing high iq take on character design!!111!!!!

No. 124574

the only weird take is "unsubtle designs = bad".

No. 124575

File: 1611952740971.png (1.45 MB, 1303x2160, artwork.soulcalibur-4.1303x216…)

Can I just say how much I despise Sophitia's SCIV attire.

No. 124576

Fuck off then, you're probably a scrote anyway

No. 124584

Diversity isn't the problem, the art's just ugly. I don't like the old version either.

No. 124585

File: 1611953770146.jpg (219.6 KB, 1200x675, D6BNopwWkAENoRc.jpg)


I sorta agree but would you rather have a variety of diverse character designs or less diverse character designs that are all basically the same person but with different outfits like in pic related >>124584 oops I meant to post this comment before you did but oh well

No. 124586

File: 1611953821132.png (1.44 MB, 1000x895, 1930C055-BA9D-4432-BED6-EFCEC6…)

went from decent and unique art style to this shit

No. 124588

Yeah, actually. And sorry that you don't like that someone didn't care for your shit reboot.

No. 124589

Is calling someone a scrote really the best insult you have? I'm not a scrote but whatever

No. 124593

True, I just don't have patience for shit takes kek
No use posting on a fujo board

No. 124595

stop spamming the thread, nobody wants you here

No. 124597

Your favourite waifu got posted for having an ugly ass design, get over it <3

It think it's more like unsubtle = too much = tacky = bad

No. 124598

File: 1611955159934.png (2.47 MB, 1532x2880, Sc3-sophitia.png)

I don't hate it but her earlier designs are a lot cooler. I'm softer on coomer designs when it comes to fighting game characters though.

No. 124601

File: 1611955714902.jpg (251.36 KB, 1072x1278, evolution-of-soul-calibur.jpg)

Makes me so fucking mad.

No. 124602

File: 1611955714993.jpg (6.15 KB, 225x225, download (2).jpg)

No. 124603

Nta but some posts kind of come off as "character doesn't look like an actual/real [thing/animal/whatever it's based on.] so it's bad" which imo is pointless for cartoony styles or if most people can already tell what the character is

No. 124607

Are you the same anon that was complaining about how fujos ruined the maid and shipping thread? You honestly give me the same vibe with your whining on a random /m/ thread

No. 124608

Literally Who? wtf lmao why do you accuse people of being this or that. Should be a banneable offense tbh

No. 124609

Well can u blame me, youre suddenly claiming this is a fujo board and there is this one anon on who has to complain about it in every thread kek.

No. 124615

File: 1611958064347.jpg (103.4 KB, 1200x628, 0469C755-D1DC-467E-9809-E1104A…)

illumination tier

No. 124624

You're annoying, contribute or stfu

No. 124625

Aww it's okay, I don't blame you, stuff happens

No. 124642

In all honesty, I kinda like this style. It's not cookie-cutter pixar tier 3d designs. It's ugly, but in a Rugrats kind of way and I can't stop looking (which I think helps with marketing)

No. 124648

I feel like I can see nipples on the lady in the blue up front, is it just my cheap, shitty phone??

No. 124675

File: 1611977755703.jpg (126.46 KB, 940x1100, d62dd3f1b70332952770a6f5835e6a…)

Samefagging, but I absolutely hate Talim's outfit in this game too, possibly even more.

No. 124679

File: 1611979451487.png (333.53 KB, 1140x1568, e981d4f0a14850a2f5b4381081d6c5…)

I hate her stupid pointy mask

No. 124680

File: 1611980541292.jpg (58.8 KB, 473x571, D2985NnNSGVdhoz1XJ6ePTf6N9ehpM…)

Every Xenoblade character in existence belongs in this thread

No. 124683

File: 1611980957655.png (557.26 KB, 894x894, xenoblade_chronicles_2___rex_b…)

including this little shit and his scuffed old school wrestling singlet with steampunk add-ons + generic forgettable isekai boy face

No. 124693

I don't like her design either, there's too many things going on with her character design

No. 124695

She was best girl too. Didn’t she also have a stupid victory screen where she hugged her goddam blades. I swear I remember her having a better outfit with a tunic or something

No. 124698

I don't like the style much but I do like that they all look different from each other. The outfits leave something to be desired though.

No. 124712

boobie elsa

No. 124715

File: 1611997922787.png (1.55 MB, 1080x943, 797.png)

I can handle her first character design because it looked somewhat cute (even though her shorts looked like huge pain), but her second design is a complete cluttered shit. And tf is she wearing now? A skirt?

No. 124718

File: 1611999595732.jpg (38.24 KB, 600x347, cortana-e1510545238732.jpg)

Another example of men designing with their penis in mind

No. 124722

No anon,I see it too, what the hell?

No. 124724

>Another example of men designing with their penis in hand

No. 124727

No. 124731

File: 1612005499864.jpg (120.55 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

The main character of Nightcry

No. 124732

File: 1612005546814.gif (4.42 MB, 640x360, 1459422666_nc.gif)

bonus gif of her constipated walk

No. 124745

File: 1612008469461.jpg (2.92 KB, 151x50, Screenshot_1.jpg)

Ot, I don't know what the thread pic is from but that elephant looks like it's having Vietnam flashbacks kek

No. 124751

File: 1612011449083.jpg (20 KB, 242x208, Screenshot_2.jpg)

Not a visual design thing, but the names of the main characters in FFXV are ridiculous. It reminds of me when teenagers write their first fantasy stories and try to pick the most unique sounding names. Also…Ignis Scientia literally means 'fire science'…

No. 124752

File: 1612012650891.jpeg (129.76 KB, 469x653, 539126B5-606A-4BCD-BDF1-3D12F1…)

Semi-related, but I can’t believe how badly they gave into coomer pandering with this latest game. The first time I saw this image, I thought it was just some fan art. Took me seeing it a few more times to realize it was actually official art for a tapestry.

No. 124761

File: 1612020922978.png (1.99 MB, 1444x3511, Tim_Goodman2.png)

I hate the design of Detective Pikachu's protagonist!!! He's offensively bland, to the point they really should have went with a character creator and gender selection.

No. 124762

It's a Square Enix thing and I can't stand it either. I get that they may sound cool but at least change them up a bit. My language has a lot in common with latin and they all sound dumb, like Amicitia is almost literally "friendship", Prompto sounds like "ready", Argentum is "silver". They don't even make that much sense.
They did it with Cloud, Squall and the characters in Kingdom Hearts being literally "sky, earth and water/sea" in japanese and latin.

No. 124801

File: 1612034780731.jpeg (273.83 KB, 960x1440, images.jpeg)

Literally all of the characters from the pile of shit of a cartoon
How the hell did it even get greenlit?

No. 124803

File: 1612035146003.jpg (75.25 KB, 600x337, LWrrpSt.jpg)

Atelier Ryza turned out to be their bestseller, Coomer pandering sells sadly. They should mix the shoujo aesthetic with pandering next game. The skirt outfits are the only ones that aren't boring.

No. 124811

File: 1612039751773.jpg (25.15 KB, 480x300, kozi_pribeh_se_syrem_1_large.j…)

Oh fuck yeah this is my time to shine

No. 124812

File: 1612039784896.jpg (23.49 KB, 520x390, 5eb9xfr6w4i51.jpg)

No. 124814

File: 1612040011415.jpg (120.03 KB, 1280x720, 436620923_1280x720.jpg)

No. 124815

File: 1612040225578.jpg (11.1 KB, 326x328, 2018--10--11--1539246523_e3q5o…)

No. 124816

File: 1612040606958.png (64.42 KB, 360x360, BluebirdAzurite_By_TheOffColor…)

I know she's supposed to look… mismatched but ugh, she's very hard to look at

No. 124817

File: 1612040706523.png (372.35 KB, 630x1000, Cure_Soleil.png)

No. 124818

You could fill a lot of designs from that show into this thread.

No. 124819

>>124817 god i loved Elena's character but her transformation and design are the weakest of the bunch still despise cosmos rainbow skirt though

No. 124824

File: 1612042240800.gif (28.67 KB, 248x327, AKazemon_t.gif)

Does anyone have any bad digimon designs in mind?
I never understood why they gave a fairy type digimon a bikini and thigh high boots

No. 124839

File: 1612045693986.png (66.55 KB, 1800x1882, C9ADF461-CEBF-4AA4-9189-2BACEE…)

These two are the worst designs in the show, I believe. I can't stand the cankles on this one.

No. 124840

Jesus the HANDS

No. 124841

File: 1612046164167.jpeg (116.6 KB, 1235x753, 313193BE-0E52-4B61-815C-173525…)

This design made me feel so fucking salty, all of the fusions with Steven sucked ass, other people made beautiful ideas yet the Steven universe staff could only come up with shit like fucking pic related.
I wasn’t even that much into the series because it was boring as fuck, I liked some of the designs but they really fucked up the moment they showed us white diamond.

No. 124842

File: 1612046340111.jpg (946.66 KB, 1338x1029, noooo.jpg)

Characters that that have glassy, close set eyes and huge teeth. They look like deranged lunatic types. Idk what the fuck this >>124812 is but it's a perfect example. When was it decided that cartoon characters with cute, appealing features were boring and instead they should be scary and ugly with crowded teeth and sanpaku eyes? Maybe it started with Wallace and Gromit and just mutated from there. Anyways, children shouldn't be exposed to this level of hideousness, it's probably bad for their brain development kek.

No. 124843

File: 1612047222141.png (200.06 KB, 391x430, B69AE108-CEE4-4181-86A8-D02A96…)

Fucking angewomon. I guess though she wasn’t actually a child fusing with a digimon but the design is so unnecessarily sexual. Even as a kid it made me uncomfortable because it was like “why’d that cat turn into a sexy woman?”

No. 124852

I really enjoy the humor and concept of the show, but yeah, the characters are all super ugly.

No. 124855

90% of the "humor" is just "hey remember this?

No. 124860

As a kid this design simple read as "beautiful lady" to me but looking back as an adult, what a shitty outfit that is. I do think it could be salvaged with some strategic placement of drapery and closing the sexy slits.

No. 124861

I never said my taste was good

No. 124879

Yeah it was a show clearly made by woke millennial nerds, though my younger siblings liked it personally and it was engaging for the most part but the references really were kinda forced, though Professor Venomous was cool though

No. 124881

File: 1612065883416.png (191.86 KB, 450x450, A2501ACD-BDBF-400C-9AF6-0AEE17…)

I don’t think it’s nessesarily “bad character design” because it serves its purpose well but dear god is this horrifying

No. 124882

File: 1612066086250.jpeg (180.23 KB, 630x1200, CE1209B1-E2AC-4CA2-A105-4E94FD…)

I get that it’s supposed to be stylized but the colors are an eyesore. Everything just blends into one shade of rainbow vomit.

No. 124897

Christ. What is this from?

No. 124903

I liked the crown placement, with the little pigtail going through it as if it's a scrunchie. But yeah that show was rainbow vomit and had a weird lolicon gaze to boot.

No. 124912

Fuck you anon I just remembered when Apollo uses his X-men eyes to see that his sweaty armpits are evidence that his lying in court, I'm about to throw up.

No. 124932

Lmao anons I’m sorry I love her because she looks like a perfume bottle to me

No. 124950

File: 1612105843039.png (35.48 KB, 207x250, 94C0A09E-5FDA-4E43-8E16-2CCA54…)

Seriously what was up with the sword and shield character designs. They squandered the potential of a Britain-inspired region. Where are the roadmen?

This film is a nightmare horror show and I hate that I’ve been reminded of its existence

No. 124951

what are these from?? jesus these are horrifying

No. 124954

it's called goat story, the whole thing is free on youtube but it takes a strong mind to make it through

No. 124997

File: 1612123619752.png (290.72 KB, 1000x2097, Pink_Diamond_Deco-Kun_Version_…)

Hell I would even count Pink Diamond design is just meh especially with her "Chris Hart how to draw manga hair bigger than the skull" hairstyle (I get that shes the clown of the 4 Diamonds but still). I still say that her moon base moral and some fan made designs before her true reveal looks way better.

No. 125013

It doesn't make it better that RS designed her that way just so fans wouldn't drag PD for everything she did…it didn't really work anyways.

No. 125015

File: 1612126597788.jpg (291.44 KB, 721x1200, D9Bo9niWsAAnyDI.jpg)

>Cure Cosmos rainbow skirt

No. 125016

>That thumbnail
I'm kinda uncomfortable

No. 125029

metatton fanart looking ass

No. 125030

File: 1612129062661.jpg (83.42 KB, 417x537, tumblr_pce1fxNpyO1qk24apo4_500…)

Idk shit about Steven Universe, but I always figured this character's big hair was influenced by Nell Brinkley, since RS cited her as the inspiration for White Diamond's design.

No. 125038

File: 1612130165654.jpg (336.2 KB, 1920x1080, Tumblr_l_1209065567512931.jpg)

I know all of her character designs are atrocious but must she keep using pink/red colors on every damn character?these are new incubi/sucubi characters who just look like imps,pure laziness.
Also the human characters are ugly as fuck too.

No. 125039

all these characters look like they have the same personality

No. 125040

File: 1612131137148.png (86.55 KB, 300x300, 0.png)

This whole game is filled with uggos in general but this one is the biggest eyesore. I can't stand his hair.

No. 125043

Shhh she'll hear you

No. 125048

Christ, when did the Atelier series turn into coomershit like this? The games used to have genuinely cute female designs like Shallie and Ayesha, why did they choose the cumbrain approach? Seeing that fat thigh fetish spillover genuinely pissed me off.

No. 125182

File: 1612216095655.png (119.21 KB, 309x686, Improved_DT_picture.png)

She looks like a D&D OC from DeviantArt
Possibly the ugliest She-ra character ever,what the hell are those shoes?? they couldn't decide to make her a lizard or an elf so they added those awful pointy ears

No. 125184

File: 1612217672321.jpg (200.82 KB, 1440x810, Beautyfinishingpose.jpg)

It must have been hellish to animate her hair, so awkward

No. 125185

File: 1612217896129.png (29.87 KB, 229x349, Moerumba.prof.png)

Precure villains always look eccentric and i like it but this one is…something else

No. 125186

File: 1612218814297.jpg (1.41 MB, 2016x1512, picture-445_3854770499_o.jpg)

somehow reminds me of nightmarish murals by Pauline Parker

No. 125187

File: 1612218989419.png (167.77 KB, 340x588, 360.png)

I remember thinking this guy was offensively ugly back in the day, but maybe i just hate anything reminding me of scene/emo culture

No. 125200

he's so fucking sexy i want him crawling underneath my skin before he skins me alive and turns me into a lamp that he constantly has to moisturize with his cum and me, as a lamp, will happily oblige as long as he feeds me his cummies yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy(take your meds)

No. 125208

God, I hate this mofo and his ugly looks

No. 125226

Looks like a shitty Sailor Moon villain

No. 125227

Agree. I also thought he was hideous. Worst looking character in the series.

No. 125266

File: 1612257402340.jpeg (52.64 KB, 512x267, 32EECB06-4B4F-41BD-8B55-658459…)

Every gem is ugly as shit. Lazy ana-chan body type, ugly as sin hair and broken spines.

No. 125278

I love it so much

No. 125279

Damn sis, that's some awful taste right there.

No. 125283

File: 1612267454496.jpg (44.11 KB, 453x522, Ffx2-ladyluck.jpg)

I'm biased as this was my first ff game but I love it. I also love Rikku's design even though she wears a bikini with a fucking scarf. I guess Nomura partly drew them like this as there were only girls in this game to attract coomers to buy it. I found some of them nice even though weird and impractical but wtf was pic related

I don't think so. Her default outfit is gunner and there's another which is called warrior where she holds Tidus' brotherhood

No. 125284

File: 1612267476692.png (191.98 KB, 331x555, FFX-2_Artwork_Leblanc.png)

Also fucking Leblanc

No. 125285

Peridot 2: this time she's more generic

No. 125290

Why does Rikku always get the shittiest design with most of the dresspheres kek. I hate how they choose that ugly yellow as her primary color. I feel like if Yuna and Paine's dress didnt have those weird gaps/ holes at the bottom and thighs it would look alot more elgant.

No. 125291

Paine looks like a fancy peacock

No. 125292

File: 1612279130592.png (195.27 KB, 258x690, Ashe_Alt_Render.png)

non-nomura ff design but the weird 70s beltbuckle and leather miniskirt always bothered me it looks so out of place

No. 125293

>t. waifufag

No. 125295

File: 1612280318304.png (324.71 KB, 520x520, Ichiya_image.png)

Fairy tail has occasionally bad if not hideous character designs imo such as pic related and the Jiggle Butt Gang

No. 125297

File: 1612283677892.jpg (320.15 KB, 889x1514, Screenshot_20210202-103503_Chr…)

Since we're on the topic of FFX2 I absolutely hate this.

No. 125298

File: 1612286679058.png (216.94 KB, 350x601, pesci_anime (1).png)

I know posting a jojo might be cheating considering the style is supposed to be wacky/weird but is there any explanation to why this mfer looks like this???

No. 125300

Isn't this thing voiced by a dude? Thought they were NB leaning towards male.

No. 125303

his design is confusing as hell to say the least

No. 125305

File: 1612290964085.jpg (76.81 KB, 800x450, aguJIBYnHtWxfOQ-800x450-noPad.…)

his name means fish but he looks like kevin the seacucumber

No. 125312

File: 1612296028802.jpeg (541.34 KB, 2048x2048, 7B034872-9871-4DEA-96F4-E3A038…)

Ok but One Piece??

No. 125313

How the fuck do you design female characters to look fashionable and make almost all their costumes except their default ones look like shit? IIRC it's not Nomura who designed the dressphere costumes, except for Yuna's jpop singer's outfit which is the least terrible one, but the artist who came up with this >>125284 and the monster designs in X and X-2.

Rikku looks good as an alchemist and decent as a gun mage, but that's it.

No. 125316

File: 1612298384582.png (203.43 KB, 340x917, Penelo_RW_CG.png)

I will fight for my queen with all the bias I have but to stay on topic have this Revenant Wings Penelo design that straight up exposes her pussy

No. 125330

File: 1612302414813.jpg (281.75 KB, 500x1118, Eiko_Carol_character.jpg)

Talking about exposing why did anyone think giving Eiko a light pink bodysuit is a good idea

No. 125333

those shapes are so confusing, i couldn't tell what i was looking at for a hot minute.

No. 125334

File: 1612303381369.png (1.85 MB, 476x1586, miumiu.png)

I would like to nominate Miuccia Miuller for ugliest jojo character, with her ratty hair, coiled bowel coat with eyeballs hanging off it, delicious skirt print (tasteful) and spermatozoid eyebrows. The leggings are forgivable I guess

No. 125343

File: 1612304152698.png (823 KB, 803x1000, ddq5zn9-39ee33c3-1cb7-4821-80d…)

lets not forget this precure form its so ugly i cant stand it

No. 125346

> when you're a rainbow cat circus ringmaster and it's christmas so you're wearing the fluffy santa socks and gloves and you want everyone to know you love cherries and triangles a lot and you have a floating plasma disc around your tail somehow and you didnt have time to drill up both of your pigtails before going out

No. 125347


No. 125351

File: 1612305832654.png (113.78 KB, 174x285, Guccio.PNG.png)

boo miumiu is a vivienne westwood queen shit on actual uggos like guccio instead

No. 125352

I guess(gwess) you're right at least miu miu is iconic enough that I remembered her, this thing I completely wiped from my mind

No. 125357


No. 125359

I read Lesbianc lmao sorry

No. 125360

File: 1612309980814.jpg (43.48 KB, 384x574, IMG_20210202_195154.jpg)


No. 125364

File: 1612310706449.png (308.41 KB, 400x700, Profile_art_-_Batsy_Claro.png)

>Those weird, fleshy wings, and those awful shoes

No. 125365

File: 1612310866180.png (1.55 MB, 1280x1679, 081e5c56e09fa56a2d8c6ef6547ddd…)

Wtf happened to MH?

No. 125366

Girl that's a booty hole

No. 125367

File: 1612311195607.png (179.87 KB, 700x1125, BD416375-03DD-4186-8005-27FCAC…)

I’m pretty sure none of them were designed by Vivziepop. It’s more of a collab thing now

Now THIS in the other hand, was designed by her, and hoo boy it’s ugly

No. 125368

File: 1612311454398.jpeg (93.6 KB, 630x1200, 8215B160-8512-492C-BBB9-FA2DA1…)

This looks like a how to draw manga book from back in the day. Look at the hair holy shit

No. 125373

File: 1612311997886.png (542.09 KB, 1057x1552, 11AC761A-E745-4E1A-9331-456BFA…)

Oh I hate this cat in the hat motherfucker too, all the stupid unneccessary details make it impossible to distinguish the shapes of his limbs from his body and wings. The design is cluttered just as an image, and totally incomprehensible in motion.
Not to mention he's a totally pointless character in the show. I don't envy the animators who have to try to make these messes look good.

No. 125379

Collab or not,they're still lazy,uninspired,shit designs,they look so identical to the 3 imp protagonists from that God awful show.why does every female character she creates must have either pink or red colors and HUGE eyelashes?

No. 125386

Their faces piss me off the most. One of the reasons why I can't get into older shoujo works.

No. 125408

File: 1612315751372.jpg (166.69 KB, 1215x717, MissFortune_0.jpg)

I hate her ridiculous fake balloon tits and she suffers from the same broken anatomy as many other female characters in this game. What pisses me off about her in particular is that she's one of the first champions you can get so I have to look at this
terrible splash art a lot.

No. 125411

File: 1612316569747.png (456.17 KB, 637x357, bN9PGSW.png)

Yeah One piece character designs are utter trash, especially for the female characters,not only same faced but having the same body as well

No. 125412

At the very least that be explained by all the gems being carved by Adamant and made in his ideal image. AKA lazy and broken.

No. 125413

File: 1612317632858.png (37.53 KB, 894x300, science cannot explain this.PN…)

they can't even draw the same character consistently

No. 125422

File: 1612319299944.jpg (153.05 KB, 1280x720, fucking scrotes pt. 5934707634…)

I haven't played the game in like 5 years but the absolute what ever the fuck they did to Kayle is where forgiveness shan't be exercised.

No. 125424

File: 1612319531840.jpg (89.83 KB, 720x406, 752vc019-720.jpg)

you forgot big meme

No. 125432

they're supposed to be funny on purpose, that's why they look like that.

No. 125433

Why are people here so dumb. Ugly doesn't mean bad. Simple doesn't mean bad. Sex appeal is not always bad. Take a character design course please, this thread is a mixed bag of good points and awful takes.

No. 125435

I know he made them look goofy on purpose but it just looks plain ugly

No. 125451


Sorry not everyone feels like writing an essay justifying in great detail why they hate a character design, and design is subjective in the first place. Why are you even here?

No. 125457

Shut up and go back to brewing coffee, loser.

No. 125468

>Sorry not everyone feels like writing an essay
Wasn't asking for one. An essay on a bad take is still a bad take.
>design is subjective
Way to show that you actually don't know anything about this.

No. 125480

If a lot of people agree that a character looks ugly and hard to look at with clashing colors, then it's a bad design. It's simple. Designs are colors, silhouette, themes, patterns, details, accessories and much more, and if even one of those is poorly executed then it's a bad design and people are gonna say that it's ugly.

No. 125502

What constitutes as bad design in your opinion? I'm genuinely curious. Also, while we're at it, would you guys be interested in a great character design thread?

No. 125504

File: 1612346751236.jpg (40.02 KB, 800x800, 192cb85a333a56ffdd8bd4912c0e54…)

She's cute but her giant pointy tits look so dumb. Even as a kid I thought it looked ridiculous

Yes I was thinking the same thing.

No. 125505

I'll be honest there's something so incredibly endearing about old anime designs even though I know it's just lazy art

No. 125506

File: 1612347119052.gif (3 MB, 415x415, kasumi-doa1-victory-boob-bounc…)

kek looking at this reminded me of DoA 1 and its ridiculous boob physics

No. 125507

samefag. or we could name it 'Character designs we like' to make it less controversial

No. 125511

B-But we like making it controversial

No. 125513

File: 1612348455281.png (249.17 KB, 532x545, FFX-2_Gunner_Group.png)

>IRC it's not Nomura who designed the dressphere costumes
I never knew that and thats explains alot with the quality of design from different dresspheres.

Rikku also doesn't look that bad as a white mage or as dark knight. And her black mage would be cool but the stockings really bother me. Pic related is a good example of how bad the yellow color is that they chose for her compared to the other girls.

No. 125524

Just call it "Good character design thread and character designs we like thread

No. 125528

her design has always greatly disturbed me because she looks like a child prostitute or something. I'm sorry but the bodysuit makes her look like she's naked waist down. This is some pedo bait shit.
I know she looks less naked in recently released figures but wtf was wrong with the person responsible for the original render?

No. 125536

File: 1612352743918.jpg (80.6 KB, 800x596, Penelope_(Barbie_as_Rapunzel).…)


Adding Penelope the dragon to the list of ugly early 2000's barbie critters. Upon rewatching this movie I realised how obnoxious all the animals voices are, including the evil weasel that sounds like a european supervillain? And it seems like the dragons only role in the movie is to be picked on and demeaned by her dad for not being able to fly or breathe fire until the very last moment.

No. 125537

File: 1612352886310.png (463.43 KB, 704x400, Hobie.png)


samefagging to say the rabbit was also very uncanny, like he faceswapped with an old man.

No. 125538

She looks like girl spyro and I think she's cute!!!

No. 125539

File: 1612353018958.jpg (50.41 KB, 553x443, delphox.jpg)

could had been better

No. 125546

I second, I like her design! Lilianna the unicorn from Swan Lake also was surprisingly cute.

No. 125549

I never even noticed the bodysuit…this is fucked up

No. 125577

File: 1612361017530.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.83 KB, 286x640, 1151150-mishaguji.jpg)

So I usually enjoy Kazuma Kaneko's wackiness but some of his stuff is um…like this dude definitely smokes something kek

No. 125580

File: 1612361136892.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.97 KB, 479x826, 2477187-0447866357-tumbl.jpg)

No. 125582

File: 1612361260465.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.19 KB, 519x640, 964426-arioch.jpg)

No. 125588

File: 1612362052491.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.88 KB, 626x491, 58f0103b7a02da7555e87f198d9e6a…)

No. 125590

File: 1612362135943.jpg (64.88 KB, 500x314, tumblr_nnhswt4MX41qj339go1_500…)

ot but he looks like a wholesome dude otherwise lol

No. 125593

File: 1612362990141.jpg (121.68 KB, 1280x720, 07_yoshimitsuscreen03.jpg)

This fucking version of Yoshimitsu. I like his older designs where he looked alien/skeletal, but not slimy tentacle monster.

No. 125596

cool but needs moar boobies

No. 125597

File: 1612363351107.jpg (705.46 KB, 1214x933, 2122043-169_codeofprincess_unb…)

Code of Princess is a fun game, but shit, these character designs are… something, even for Nishimura's style.

No. 125598

I understand not liking the other designs you posted, but I feel like these 2 aren't bad. Mara does a very good job of being a disgusting, eldrich lust demon and is pretty iconic and memorable. The other design you posted looks alright, not as good and memorable as mara's, but alright

No. 125637

I love this design, it's my favorite he is so hot but I like the other designs too

No. 125641

File: 1612371234419.gif (435.08 KB, 200x200, 4Xp6.gif)

>he is so hot

No. 125645

My favorite starter evo from that gen just because, if they're going to just keep on making Furry-tier Pokemon, designing it to look like a wizard/witch is the best route.

No. 125646

Wow. That's a penis.

No. 125658

File: 1612373859423.jpg (110.88 KB, 1020x576, 7hiimw7yswcdowfs27q4zgbb1sjemo…)

Yep I had this image as my computer wallpaper for months when I was 16 because I thought he was soooooooooooooo cool (I hadn't even played tekken 7), thankfully my parents never asked about it.
I love his mixture of skeletal parts, samurai clothes, sea creature, fleshy frankenstein abomination and a bit of shaolin monk, and yet none of the parts are overpowering, you can't say "oh he's a sea creature with a bit of samurai" because it's all in harmony and creates a new interesting thing. That's what I think at least. Oh and his face is cute

No. 125668

File: 1612375399667.jpg (Spoiler Image,27.55 KB, 640x479, m2lkzt6lc7l31.jpg)

On a chariot, no less. The devs also had a lot of fun writing his dialogues as well kek

No. 125681


I mean, these are all monsters so they serve the purpose well, but I cannot get over B O O B KNEES

No. 125683

File: 1612377879324.png (116.45 KB, 400x411, A7BE42A8-B6AF-4E91-9BDB-07B3A1…)

When this guy got leaked I was hoping so hard that it was fake.

No. 125692

File: 1612380894568.png (199.85 KB, 384x454, 8145-1049054084.png)

Lazy, generic, balloon titted coomerbait #1334579096532 with random accessories that don't make any sense

No. 125693

File: 1612381026520.png (126.72 KB, 420x472, 01.png)

Samefagging to add this ugly clusterfuck abomination of colors. Like a Mary Sue on steroids.

No. 125708

How dare you, leave her alone. Yoko is an ugly useless bitch but don't you hurt my waifu.

No. 125714

thank you for posting her here lmfao. She doesn't belong in the good designs thread at all

No. 125749

File: 1612395978706.png (345.76 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-815Cinderace.png)

I think Scorbunny is fine and cute, however

THIS thing, cinderace, is fucking hideous, over-designed garbage, and the fact that the coomers have appropiated her makes it even worse

Honestly all of the gen 8 starters final stages are fucking hideous and I hate the way gamefreak is taking pokemon in every single way. I still have some pokemon I like from this generation, so I wouldn't say all pokemon are bad, but it's such a mixed bag and some of them are plain eeeuughh.

No. 125750

No. 125752

But that's how your regular scrote looks like

No. 125764

File: 1612397631530.jpeg (149.92 KB, 800x800, 5B824F57-97CA-4C6E-ABB1-78854E…)

How did he go from Fairly Odd Parents to this? Even tuff puppy had mostly good designs this just looks bad

No. 125771

File: 1612398055691.jpeg (166.74 KB, 1443x574, E34B555F-4CB5-420E-BCA9-F0FAE0…)

Wouldn’t say it’s bad but it has an ugliness to it that I can’t stand

No. 125780

File: 1612400226865.jpeg (69.39 KB, 440x590, F1F3B681-E831-4993-9CE2-C90766…)

One has gradient speshul cloud hair and uwu pink flower irises. Major waifu bait.

The other is wearing a super chunky scarf with a bikini top and coochie cutter shorts. Also paired white flame cowgirl/clown boots with thigh high nylons.
The star titty with cape costume is even uglier

No. 125798

File: 1612402753901.png (253.94 KB, 360x450, DCD52750-F322-4C58-B698-41C090…)

Oooo I got a good one. The new artist did him so dirty.

No. 125800

File: 1612402862968.png (1.03 MB, 983x1114, Zelda_Artwork_(Breath_of_the_W…)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates Mari. Her design is garbage and I hate her pigtails.

No. 125802

Wtf she looks amazing. Chapstick gf goals. Shit taste.

No. 125804

>bad anatomy
>over sexualized animals
>uncanny valley realism
>same face syndrome
>don't like it so it's bad
>hot character hot so it's bad
>ugly character ugly so it's bad
>artstyle unique so it's bad
>too campy so it's bad

No. 125806

and then they defend themselves like "omg you're just jealous I bet your waifu was posted"
pathetic. imagine defending your shit taste like that

wrong opinion kek

No. 125807

I mean, anybody can post why they don't like certain character's design, but that doesn't make it into bad character design

Same with the good design thread

No. 125823


No. 125835

File: 1612416143064.png (1.15 MB, 860x1897, A83C571C-A8AC-4336-90A5-A59141…)

He's an abomination to the eyes. Hair looking like a pile you see at a salon. He has no part, at least he'll never go bald I guess. Unless one day a strong breeze blows and the bundle of strands flies off. Then there's his tumblresque galaxy print jacket which he only uses one arm of, like a tool. That shit would be falling off. If we overlook his goatee because that's more of a personal opinion, you can't deny he shouldn't be wearing galaxy slippers to boot.

The series has many questionably designed characters but a few good ones imo (like tsumiki). In my view Kaito was simply the worst because you have to look at him so much and somehow view him favorably when he looks like that. His whole look screams "tool" when they were going for kamina… so I guess it fits? I just hope his hairs are glued in place otherwise his dream to go to space would render him wigless

No. 125836

File: 1612416360053.jpeg (104.72 KB, 400x600, 9931AC6B-ED63-46E4-ADF2-D35F03…)

Oh, samefagging because kamina mention reminded me. This guy looks like a blue cockatoo who's also a stripper

No. 125870

kek how does his hair work?? it doesn't make sense

No. 125878

File: 1612430891378.jpg (427.53 KB, 1138x1500, 91aHpmKONPL._SL1500_.jpg)

Every single DVD of this whole movie series should be seized by the government and disposed of as toxic waste. I have never seen uglier animal designs in my entire life.

No. 125882

Samefag, because I gotta sperg some more, sorry. The contrast between the giant soulless eyes with the tiny uncanny valley teeth. The subtle deformations and wonky anatomy that makes you more horrified the longer you look, but you cannot pry your eyes away from this dumpster fire. The overdetailed fur texture that looks like decomposing suede. The way that female wolves' "hair" blends into their eyebrows. I could go on, but I think we can all rise above the petty bickering about anime characters and agree that this is the ugliest thing ever.

No. 125884

File: 1612433551814.jpg (2.28 MB, 4440x3240, Untitled-2.jpg)

While it's not awful design per se but I always found the monster and GF designs in FFVIII incohesive. Half of the monsters look like they have the color palette of a fucking rainbow and than the other half looks like they belong on a Metallica album cover or a Resident Evil game or something

No. 125892

File: 1612436224901.png (871.9 KB, 528x794, Endou_Mamoru[1].png)

I cannot bring myself to watch Inazuma Eleven because of Endou's design. What the fuck is going on under his headband making his hair stick out like that? Takuzo Nagano is usually really good at making main characters, but what the fuck.

No. 125923

File: 1612444002430.jpeg (891.99 KB, 1325x750, 1DC855A1-1D50-4070-A561-39DE50…)


No. 125924

I don't know anon, I think they design is ok considering they are literally called Jiggle Butt Gang

No. 125946

File: 1612448255404.jpeg (163.33 KB, 1280x716, 37BE7F59-CDEC-4031-B78D-3C0147…)

Is it cheating to post Foodfight! characters? Everything in that movie is a nightmare

No. 125947

File: 1612448369967.jpeg (43.2 KB, 640x360, 05C28DC9-3AAB-46E5-8638-F3506E…)

One who isn’t as terrifying is Sunshine Goodness, just a crappy design of a half-baked cat girl mascot

No. 125995

File: 1612455860149.png (919.66 KB, 965x580, sao is shit.png)

ctrl+c, ctrl+v, ctrl+c, ctrl+v, ctrl+c, ctrl+v, ctrl+c, ctrl+v, ctrl+c, ctrl+v

No. 126005

File: 1612462173048.png (2.43 MB, 1216x912, Mel_pug.png)

this is worse than Barbie critters when it comes to ruining a design of an effortlessly cute looking creature and missing why it's appealing in the first place

No. 126007

File: 1612462288564.jpg (156.59 KB, 462x680, f_g_11496_77207.jpg)

another example plus some bonus uggly animals

No. 126008

File: 1612462465853.jpg (1.73 MB, 2088x3010, MV5BODhjOThhYTItMTAxYS00MGY2LT…)

oh and here's another CGI nightmare haunting my dreams

No. 126014

I love monsters but monster musume was so hit and miss

No. 126017

>yellow and blue don't go together
it's ok girl you can wear your allblack outfits lacking in personality, nooooo prob.

No. 126018

>>125878 Theses movies plagued my childhood .The kids look like they have F.A.S.

No. 126054

File: 1612475312122.jpg (200.64 KB, 1600x1200, 71QDhQmtZsL._RI_.jpg)

Literally all of them look like they're from different shows, and they all look bad

No. 126061

he looks like a member of the village people.

No. 126062

I'll bet that's because everything except that awful bear was a random model purchased from some 3D asset store.

No. 126063

File: 1612476995420.jpg (90.81 KB, 640x360, 9c9aa29e7ef141fca3d4e2ee928d1d…)

Fucking Love live!, man. They all have the same fucking face and the only way to tell them apart is by the hair.

It's actually hilarious because I've known people who've got into serious debt from the game.

No. 126064

File: 1612477645285.png (227.43 KB, 371x695, FC68F571-20C4-4CE0-84C2-527049…)

Genuine question

Why is a female character having big breasts a problem or even a design issue? It really depends on the intent.

Pic related, awful character design of a female with big boobs, intent clearly to cater to the horny hetero NEET audience or simply fan service

No. 126070

I don't mind big boobs per se, but when they are drawn like pic related, covering most of the torso, the character starts to look like a weird disproportionate blob. It's just objectively bad design. Imo the easiest way to tell if a character is pandering to scrotes is when she looks less like a character that happens to have boobs and more like a pair of boobs with a character attached behind them.

No. 126071

Their eyes are so creepy.
The majority of the ones posted ITT have the exact same intent as the one you posted. Which one isn't fanservicey?

No. 126074

anon yellow and blue are literally complimentary colours

No. 126097

File: 1612488287735.jpg (137.02 KB, 887x1200, f71fc924731b01b2a9e6c4100949e6…)

Let me pick apart the design some more. The boots on her are weird with layers of random crap that looks like foreskin, the awkwardly placed triforces on the top. Next is that weird ass shirt corset thing. Upon examining her design closer it appears her white turtleneck shirt is the same as her "corset" but why is the blue part sticking out on the bottom? What the hell is that? Also you'd think princess Zelda would not wear loose sleeves while riding a horse, that's just common sense. The hairstyle annoys me the most because of those gay ass clips and lame braid used to accentuate her intelligence like a big forehead anime character. The colour of her hair is also a neon yellow which looks jarring and being the same colour of the yellow as her outfit strikes more questions than answers. Does she have metal hair? Is her hair used as binding on her outfit? We just don't know.

Zelda in Twilight princess had an overall better design. Her hair complimented the shade of purple on her dress while the yellow armor/accessories is a complimentary colour to purple

No. 126098

I think your autism is the problem here

No. 126099


No. 126102

isn't it yellow and purple

No. 126103

>it appears her white turtleneck shirt is the same as her "corset" but why is the blue part sticking out on the bottom?
Anon that's not what's happening. It's time to stop.

No. 126105

It's only a problem when the body proportions are weird. Other than that plenty of REAL women have big boobs, there's nothing wrong with characters having them too.

No. 126120

File: 1612498006290.jpg (24.35 KB, 360x450, Barbie_Fairytopia_Official_Sti…)

We can't talk about Barbie movies without mentioning this absolute shit tier abomination

No. 126142

File: 1612512906036.jpg (28.17 KB, 360x450, Sulley_002.jpg)

This image unlocked a deeply repressed memory. It basically looks like Sully as a fairy.

No. 126148

I fucking hate this color combination so much.

No. 126154

File: 1612518073174.jpg (43.64 KB, 936x526, Screenshot_1.jpg)

In highschool we were shown this 0 budget drug awareness animation. The animals' dead eyes and their weird, shiny rubbery skin still haunt me. Fun fact: one of the voice actors were later arrested for drug possession. Here comes a small dump of images

No. 126155

File: 1612518101286.jpg (38.94 KB, 934x523, Screenshot_2.jpg)

No. 126156

File: 1612518245256.jpg (51.44 KB, 939x525, Screenshot_3.jpg)

No. 126157

File: 1612518350827.jpg (57.04 KB, 943x525, Screenshot_4.jpg)

No. 126158

I have watched 4 separate full-length drug PSAs on youtube since reading your post. Please give us a title anon I need to see this for myself.

No. 126159

It's Hungarian and there's no English translation but here you go if you're interested in it regardless. It's not the whole thing, just an excerpt. The main story is that the dog takes the two cats on a tour where they try every existing drug and tells them about the dangers

No. 126160

Oh god, I had a plush toy of this thing that some weirdo previous tenant (a grown ass woman) left behind in the apartment I'm renting. Had no idea it was from a Barbie movie kek

No. 126201

File: 1612537579694.jpeg (32.29 KB, 500x275, 0919429A-17C0-49AF-A9B6-51DC6C…)

Dizzle too…

No. 126202

I feel so bad for creators of those things because I imagine they are like 'how can we actually reach kids and make them understand that drugs are not the answer? Oh, how about making a CGI film, you know, like Shrek? Kids like those!". And then the movie comes out and it's… this. I feel the same way about >>124216 even though I do not like christian brainwashing. I feel sorry since the creator of Strawinsky wanted to create some epic movie that shares his values but it ended up being internet's laughingstock.

No. 126215

Because it's overdone and it's goddamn stupid

No. 126227

That's not just big, it's MASSIVE. Regular large breasts are fine.

No. 126316

File: 1612581602325.jpeg (47.78 KB, 400x799, 9737BB5C-04E2-4CB2-A26E-8C28C4…)

I love her, but I do not love her design. I understand that she is supposed to be based off of Ranka Lee but how is Ranka so much cuter? I think the colour combination of green, yellow and orange is disgusting. I think it's mainly just the colours.

No. 126320

don't make me cry anon take it back gumi is the whitney houston of vocaloid

No. 126323

File: 1612584867580.png (294.94 KB, 500x500, megu megu fire (no endless nig…)

you take that back

No. 126328

File: 1612588815211.png (613.07 KB, 1024x675, 6b9cbc27c74656279c11bb1660a083…)

I totally agree it's god-awful, but it almost adds to her charm. Her V4 designs are even more hilariously bad. So bad they're almost good.
you're right and you should say it!

No. 126402

Makes me wonder if she'd look better with inverted colours such as the pinky red for her clothes while some of her accessories are are orange/yellow?

No. 126439

File: 1612658458413.jpg (13.29 KB, 480x360, ugly.jpg)

No. 126441

File: 1612658827294.jpg (37.48 KB, 500x500, ugly2.jpg)

No. 126454

File: 1612664579356.jpeg (103.92 KB, 275x275, 6E127210-70BD-48D9-AD61-5FA96A…)

Absolute ripoff of 4chan’s yotsuba
Both are suspiciously jailbait looking anyways

No. 126455

I don't see the similarities, aside from both being girls
Also Yotsuba is not 4chan's, they just like her

No. 126456

you take that back right now

No. 126461

File: 1612670308121.jpg (46.37 KB, 394x406, thatsjustyouropinion.jpg)

Your opinion is bad and you shold feel bad. Board-tan is cute and well-designed.

No. 126472

File: 1612675025958.png (408.31 KB, 615x449, Shrek_Dragon.png)

Lmao it's the lady dragon from Shrek

No. 126473

File: 1612675030589.jpg (115.65 KB, 601x581, lvdRXrX.jpg)

No. 126475

File: 1612675830222.jpg (30.18 KB, 600x450, itstruebutheshouldntsayit.jpg)

I agree with you but I still have fond memories of this show.

No. 126479

this isn't the good designs thread

No. 126480

File: 1612676810030.jpg (75.3 KB, 500x726, a0f00b91df56da02f464abfc0f5349…)

Low hanging fruit.

Watching neckbeards and handmaidens bending over backwards to defend this shit is hilarious. No, visually reducing a character to her tits is not "empowering" no matter what her personality is. Try again. Also the idea that she uses her tits to distract enemies in battle is the kind of logic I'd expect from crap-tier ecchi.

No. 126487

File: 1612680392928.png (294.91 KB, 588x598, 535.png)

Putting the tits aside, her eyes and mouth are way too big even by anime standards, and flesh fangs always look terrible. Her whole face looks like it was drawn by a kid on deviantart.

No. 126492

I really liked Power Girl’s lore. It’s a shame her character was just used as an excuse to draw tits.

No. 126500

what's wrong with them? could you elaborate?

No. 126504

I don't get the hair either, it looks like a grandma's haircut and colour.

No. 126595

Sonia’a design is one of the worst in Pokemon for the humans imo, she’s meant to be a professor character yet has a bunch of childish hearts in her slime hair? Also I hate the green they chose. SWSH is trash already but the characters in it even if they’re well designs never seem to fit their design, just look at Marnie who despite having a really nice punk design has no personality to speak of.

No. 126596

File: 1612731113301.png (441.49 KB, 850x579, 8E6E9993-6706-4067-8C9A-E6B31E…)

I wish they had stuck with his beta design

No. 126616

It's really a shame, she's otherwise an interesting character, but the controversy regarding her design has overshadowed everything else and alienated a lot of female readers who might otherwise have read her books.
My understanding is that there was one penciller who kept drawing her boobs bigger to intentionally cause controversy and call attention to himself. We need to stop letting scrotes be artists lol

No. 126620

File: 1612745856013.gif (58.02 KB, 288x413, Meicrackmon_Vicious_Mode_t.gif)

Meicoomons design is cluttered and ugly but meicrackmon is just cat Renamon with visible breasts

No. 126621

Yeah I really hate how yellow her hair is,it reminds me of mustard.
They couldn't have given her dirty blond hair instead?

No. 126627

Most Digimon designs are cluttered and ugly.

No. 126854

File: 1612858082706.jpg (83.88 KB, 1200x735, EPC-YkzUYAAlk1s.jpg)

this is kinda cheating since the whole show is shitilly animated,but rita has got to be the worst designed character.even thought it makes sense as she exists to make the already mentally ill rolli suffer

No. 126858

File: 1612864823661.jpeg (368.88 KB, 630x985, 24C1F967-FEBC-4ED2-83FF-8E30EE…)

Yugioh is super nostalgic to me but the design of the whole show is hideous

No. 126859

File: 1612865305513.png (252.51 KB, 600x775, 952d1848e107fcc22d1f07ca75d58c…)

Rip guitar hero

No. 126869

My prep flip-off senses are tingling

No. 126871

File: 1612877544476.png (230.55 KB, 600x775, 90000 hours in ms paint.png)

Now that I think about it she is like the anti-Enoby

No. 127092

File: 1612984265914.png (40.56 KB, 220x220, Love_Bird_010.png)

Becky from tuff puppy. no explanation needed

No. 127104

I don’t know what this show even is but the perspective of her nose is so fucked. It looks like she has a facial growth with a giant hole in it

No. 127132

you are WRONG

>apart from Lettuce

No. 127446

True, this reminds me of my folder with pictures of failed Yugi cosplay Attempts. I am convinced he has one of the most uncosplayable Hairstyles ever.

No. 127533

File: 1613165531978.jpg (31.18 KB, 512x384, tranny.jpg)

it got worse in the latter seasons

No. 127536

Y'know i never realized until now that I always thought of Yugi's hair as a metallic hat and not really as hair. I just CANT.

No. 127574

File: 1613186600431.png (168.64 KB, 350x490, BE73132E-33C9-49D6-823D-BDB51A…)


No. 127590

Fuck you.

No. 127597

They talk about fictional cartoons like they can taste, smell, see them. They talk about them like they can process them in their minds like real people and it feels schizophrenic as fuck to me

No. 127599

I always noticed the regular designs are from the eighties or very early nineties then it starts getting more retarded from that point on. Goes from being sexy and still realistic, fashionable enough to be likeable to women to dumb coomer fantasy schizophrenic autistic shit

No. 127600

File: 1613201890014.png (411.47 KB, 521x870, Sally.png)

The combination of blue, red, brown colors is awful and the hairstyle was ok at the time until you realize every 90s furry "it" girl character has that haircut. What else bothers me is how small she was compared to Sonic who was drawn extremely wide in the show. Never liked the trope of the regular dude getting with a princess/woman out of his status to begin with though.

No. 127601

File: 1613201998798.png (23.84 KB, 184x261, PrincessSally_Archie_Pink.png)

samefag, the original design looked less furfaggy and I wish they kept it

No. 127610

kek gotta love the logic.
'So she's supposed to be fighting for her life, what kind of outfit should we put her in?'
'I know, a silk dress with as much cleavage as humanly possible!!'
'Great job guys!'

No. 127626

File: 1613223639282.png (1.56 MB, 2048x2048, 520903e38ffd9f29fb5ded2149ad7c…)

Does she seem… more naked than Sonic to anyone else? Is it because she's not wearing gloves? Her more realistic torso shape? For some reason, I'm uncomfortable.

Notice how 90s Amy has the same round torso shape as Sonic (pic related.) As much as I dislike the "main character but pink" school of female character design, 90s Amy gelled visually with Sonic much better than Sally. That said, I definitely prefer Sally's characterization to Amy's.

No. 127682

File: 1613245928534.jpg (23.58 KB, 250x375, list_page_main.jpg)

American rabbit. You could have made a rabbit look American without it being so half assed.

No. 127684

thanks for reminding that movie wasn't a fever dream

No. 127686

what is wrong with her mouth?!

No. 127687

Wasn't this Chris Chan's favourite cartoon character before he became obsessed with Sonic?

No. 127696

>Does she seem… more naked than Sonic to anyone else? Is it because she's not wearing gloves? Her more realistic torso shape? For some reason, I'm uncomfortable.

bc she literally has a miniature sized hourglass female human body, lmfao. as for amy i prefer her fleetway comic books characterization and design above everything else

No. 127701

File: 1613254308796.png (822.02 KB, 1450x1150, AlterEgoPassionlipStage1.png)

Passionlip from Fgo. Thankfully she has those big hands to carry her breasts.

No. 127702

Disgusting and hurts to look at. I really hate it thanks for posting

No. 127704

I think it was the point but you're still right

No. 127706

I love the hands but why the boobies

No. 127722

File: 1613269481114.png (1.88 MB, 1527x906, Beauty_Beast_Unit_(MetalGear)_…)

anon dont even get me started on this shit. whats worse is kojima/konami made it out like her background story for not wearing clothes would be some ~deep~ meaning or social commentary but like. bitch just has to photosynthesize.

most of the female designs in the mgs are bad

No. 127725

I took her costume/backstory as a critique on overly sexualized female designs in the video game industry, as in Quiet will literally die if she puts on clothes, which is how some character designers seem to think it works for the women in their games. But also Kojimbo is a coomer weirdo who likes to 3D scan bikini models so probably just that.

No. 127743

Yes. I watched the movie because of that and it was some trippy ass shit.

No. 127749

gag. so fucking unimaginative. I'm tired of seeing women in bodysuits. ##fire all men NOW!!!#

No. 127799

File: 1613311491429.png (698.47 KB, 902x821, PLCCC.png)

it gets better

No. 127804

File: 1613312786668.png (6.57 KB, 286x176, 69E10B46-148C-404A-8135-B75B94…)

No. 127805

Poor girl it looks like she has a tumor

No. 127829

Superpower: yaoi hands

No. 127834

Those breasts look like testicles

No. 127835

I hate how I'm a waifufag for her as a character but god damn those titties never stop looking awful.

No. 127843

Ohhh it’s her hands!!! I totally didn’t understand what the gold stuff was

No. 128146

File: 1613465471229.jpg (3.94 MB, 1920x1920, 8e8ej2brir8dusjwen.jpg)

Villainess webtoon is a mistake. But really whatever I see a protagonist villainess, it has the most bland and cookie cutter design worst than disney princess.

No. 128148

I personally wouldn’t call these bad designs. Maybe they’re boring to you

No. 128192

File: 1613491686096.png (469.57 KB, 580x607, 57578567578.PNG)

Smosh had an animation spin off called "Samurai daycare" and Jesus Christ

No. 128194

wdym bad? look at that sexy art someone hang this up in a museum please!

No. 128196

where the fuck are her nipples

No. 128200

File: 1613495370939.jpg (69.74 KB, 648x890, akanerikka.jpg)

I remember dropping this when it came out because the female characters' legs looked so fucking weird all the time.

No. 128207

What was the reason?

No. 128212

Trying to capitalize on the "thicc" trend. I always thought the girl with black hair looked like an uncooked chicken from the waist down.

No. 128226

Damn. I actually think the character on the left looks cute and fairly realistic, while the right is creepy and anachan (with big boobs of course)

No. 128362

File: 1613560896532.png (758.31 KB, 512x724, 4803e9aa89c061c6b8282608baa964…)

fate has some truly terrible ones, heres the nightmare that is ibuki douji

No. 128367

Yeah that's the first time I have ever seen thunder thighs represented somewhat accurately in anime, maybe it looks worse animated but it's not bad in that particular picture. The skinny one definitely looks worse.

No. 128376

the aesthetic in these webtoons is like the European version of orientalism. Not that they're bad perse just a mix of different historical looks that look good.

No. 128406

Maybe it's just me but my gripe with the design is that their legs are too short, especially in the calf area on the girl on the left, her calves look withered. And they look like they're attached at a weird angle. The outfits don't help the weird separation either. They look like someone's abuela with those legs

No. 128407

File: 1613571034385.jpg (683.69 KB, 800x1640, 1613516013094-1.jpg)

God this is embarrassing

No. 128425

the one on the top is at least funny

the bottom one is your brain on coom

No. 128448

The one the right is supposed to look like a creepy anime fantasy girl in constrast to the more realistic one on the left. I still think the left one is ugly, but it's somewhat justified.
Theyr'e both a girl's representation of herself in a dreamworld, her real self and her ideal self.

No. 128450

File: 1613588491799.jpg (Spoiler Image,288.9 KB, 960x960, ugd4iuo3y2i61.jpg)

Half of Murata's redraws are unneeded and just end up looking worse/hurting the story

No. 128452

File: 1613588861950.png (1.86 MB, 1358x2949, riddleoverblot-e_021m002.png)

Did you see Yana's current work?

No. 128454

File: 1613589024758.png (2.3 MB, 1473x2901, leonaoverblot-e_000m_000.png)

The others are ok, but this one and Scar's humansona look terrible clothes-wise.
>what's african looking? Literal rags

No. 128489

File: 1613600303024.jpg (326.95 KB, 2048x2048, stupid porn aliens.jpg)

this is the ugliest and shittiest fictional alien species in existence

No. 128491

File: 1613600508837.jpg (64.55 KB, 552x944, e1cc043476f687863703730ff4147a…)

men have zero taste or standards

No. 128492

you take that back bitch

No. 128493

hes dumb looking, id probably be able to get into this canon if not for his stupid ass design

No. 128494

amy is a cute design i agree but tbh it is weird how all the males "get" to be naked while the females have to have clothes because their bodies are inherently sexual? i guess???

No. 128535

File: 1613611308074.jpg (64.04 KB, 843x473, polar express bitch.jpg)

he looks like an adult alien version of that polar express kid

No. 128537

it's an all-female race lol

No. 128638

I'm usually pretty tolerant of Raita's designs, even his most coomer shit like Raikou don't bother me, but Ibuki is undefendable, everything is wrong starting from that horrendous color scheme. She was released at one of the worst time for a limited 5*, I guess they allowed him to go ham with his fetishes.

No. 128670

File: 1613689067724.png (1.09 MB, 700x1360, Nico_Robin_Anime_Post_Timeskip…)

She looks like an alien now
Her outfits makes no sense either,it doesn't fit her character at all compare to how she looked before.
She's supposed to be an archeologist not an exhibitionist.
Don't get me started on Franky's new look either.

No. 128676

I HATE Oda's female designs. It's always the same pretty young face with the same absurd hourglass bodies. I could dismiss it as typical coomer shit, but it's 100x more insulting when you consider the creativity and diversity of his male designs. The contrast is so depressingly stark, some variety wouldn't kill him but he clearly thinks women don't deserve space in his work unless they are hot, and his specific type of hot.

No. 128694

there was an interview somewhere that oda was aware of the criticism he receives on the female characters, often times in a form of a fan mail from female fans. i think he dismissed it all and replied with iirc, "to keep on fighting" or something like that.

No. 128698

File: 1613714229536.jpeg (29.54 KB, 301x1018, images (5).jpeg)

God yes I miss the old Robin. In the earlier parts even though he did design most women as sexy I loved that he made them fashionable in their own way. Like Nami and Robin and Vivi were sexy but they all looked like they dressed themselves the way they wanted but now they're all just designed to be coomerific, no fashion at all.

No. 128702


No. 128721

the drunk thread is here anon:

No. 128735

I liked their outfits too! and loved robins skin tone even if it was a mistake, it fit her eyes and hair so well. It's a pity the designs changed for the worse

No. 128779

File: 1613781272512.jpg (134.37 KB, 1280x720, 3545436356.jpg)

If a god exists he is a cruel one

No. 128784

File: 1613787688263.jpeg (27.92 KB, 395x400, B81F0ECF-C476-49D2-8B57-9416C1…)

The only thing uglier and more creepy than bobbleheads is fucking pez dispensers
>why yes, I do want to eat gross chalky candy ejected from your decapitated neck

No. 128863

File: 1613858585749.jpg (126.8 KB, 1200x750, Ela4VqYXIAA68mK.jpg)

You forgot the Cher one.

No. 128874

File: 1613862633083.png (592.13 KB, 734x1157, 1597419419414.png)

Holy shit the character on the right is literally the How to Draw Manga meme with a blue wig. Incredible.

No. 129012

File: 1613968884224.jpg (18.36 KB, 340x280, Ren5.JPG.jpg)

this whole game has an ugly style, but why is this thing part fox? it's especially vile

No. 129070

File: 1614008864413.jpg (356.82 KB, 1500x1491, 81EbQ2bwEOL._SL1500_.jpg)

nightmare fuel

No. 129072

I've no idea what this game is about but I've seen the main dates posted in various husbando threads and by god are they ugly and smelly. How can some of you simp for bottom of the barrel guys like that when there are thousand of yandere boys from generic otome games?

No. 129109

the games are about being tortured and murdered by those dudes, which is why the anons simp for them over generic yanderes, who are just not edgy enough for their mento illness

No. 129138

File: 1614047527471.jpg (491 KB, 740x550, NZsYkUP.jpg)

Why the beak and the mouth don't match? It looks like if the bird has a tumour or something.
The other bird just make her looks worse.

No. 129140

File: 1614047723895.jpg (334.14 KB, 708x595, EiiEBIE.jpg)

Samefag but the Froot Loops mascot re-desing has a similar thing going on. Ew

No. 129148

File: 1614050138288.jpg (432.86 KB, 1280x1285, tumblr_191a4d2892abb328c40c4b8…)

One of Butch Hartman's awful OC'S

No. 129154

I think this could almost look ok without the green thing on her head

No. 129188

File: 1614076952548.jpg (82.82 KB, 680x383, Euo3yBkVEAQMA1z.jpg)

some of these are a stretch but the desert people from nier suddenly being lily white is weird as shit

No. 129190

Wait wait wait did they really whitewash Masked People?? This is so backwards holy shit. Only Japan could do something like that and not realize how tone deaf for current times it is.

No. 129194

I just don’t get why the anime and game industries love whitewashing their characters so much, it feels kind of lazy from their part, is it really that difficult or expensive to keep the already brown characters, brown?

No. 129195

I guess it's because East Asian countries associate white skin with beauty and they want these characters to be more marketable?

No. 129196

Lmfao like over half of the pictures in the bottom row are cherrypicked and deliberately washed out by toggling with the opaqueness. Try again twitterfag

No. 129197

I mean, yeah, but if they will do a drastic change of design like that in the middle of production, why design a brown character in the first place? It’s just a waste of time.

No. 129199

File: 1614084249563.png (135.56 KB, 300x300, Camilla_portrait.png)

No. 129300

File: 1614121938473.png (439.27 KB, 1100x900, 94254410-2495-4C31-A8B7-CA28C6…)

I think Rem is ugly. Her headband and hair look dumb to me.

No. 129323

I openly shit on Yoshimitsu's later designs because it makes 0 sense to me. A alien? How did he go from hopping on his sword being goofy to this!? (I know the history and reason why but still)

No. 129412

File: 1614195213490.png (251.74 KB, 500x1000, Reki_(Casual).png)

He's so ugly to me I literally cannot force myself to give a shit about anything that happens to this dude because he just looks like a greasy fast food worker. His color scheme is hideous and I hate his retarded headband

No. 129416

Her design is repulsive, I'm actually surprised she was so popular considering scrots hate short hair. But the ugly classic lolita maid outfit, the emo fringe over one eye, the weird shade of blue… So gross, only her simp personality was worse

No. 129417

File: 1614198331696.jpeg (20.02 KB, 450x681, images.jpeg)

I don't think she looks so bad but I've never liked Kainé's attire, it's so damn revealing. Cock bulge and ass sticking out for all to see, and you also have muh deep reasoning for it too

No. 129420

File: 1614199025800.png (116.14 KB, 2017x3474, TheButtWitchPNG2.png)

Literally hate everything about this villain,blatant him from PPG ripoff.not certain why they had to sexualize her.reason why the garbage show was even popular was because nasty scrotes found her and Reggie attractive.the green,purple and red color is hideous and so her design.

No. 129421

Everyone's design in this show looks awful and it kills me because I'm genuinely interested and would like to take a look at it but the character designs are so fucking ugly with their dumb hairstyles and dumb clothes with clashing colour schemes

No. 129426

These just look like regular anime characters to me tbh, not seeing the issue. They all have weird hair.

No. 129428

I like this design a lot, only reason I've actually watched a bit of the show. Call me a scrote but her silhouette is nice and that psycho face is super cool, I just hate they gave her a male voice.

No. 129479

Literally Quiet before there was Quiet

No. 129480

lmao I can't get over how ridiculous this outfit is

No. 129535

Allegedly she's sexualized because she represents puberty and growing up, the things Reggie is most scared of. I guess the deep voice may be related to that somewhat, even if it makes no sense for a woman. But I totally agree with you on the color scheme, that shit is nasty.

No. 129569

File: 1614297717103.png (693.69 KB, 680x488, ew.png)

they're all offensively generic

No. 129616

File: 1614336286583.jpg (177.48 KB, 1215x717, Singed.jpg)

There is the odd interesting one, but a lot definitely feel generic and they seem to be trending towards being more and more "visually appealing" and basic

No. 129729

File: 1614381970569.jpeg (50.86 KB, 680x446, 58FC02DD-75B2-4CFE-BBEE-71DFFC…)

Apparently this character is supposed to be 16 from what I’ve heard. This is painful to look at.

No. 129742

She’s also allergic to being fat, btw, so it totally 100% makes sense that all of the fat goes to her boobs, completely not retarded at all.

No. 129744

she legit looks like a toddler with huge boobs. moids are so fucked up

No. 129795

She's 19, tho that doesnt make her design any less bad. I guess they spent all of the budget on her breasts.

No. 129834

File: 1614440656165.jpg (37.5 KB, 590x590, DhCyLJYVAAAC1nN.jpg)


No. 129836

>entire ass is out
>sensible pumps for the office

No. 129841

>allergic to being fat
>still has fatty legs and cankles

No. 129849

I hate to say it but you're kind of right. However, I like the models ingame because the genericness of the characters they're portraying adds to the appeal
Some of the skins are fun though

No. 129884

stfu he is a kang.

No. 129902

File: 1614478492300.png (159.38 KB, 600x878, 63DA665B-4781-45B1-88E0-3CA78E…)

I didn't think they could get worse than this, but they did
with the fact the original author did shotacon I'm surprised it even got a s2, but then again, when did japan ever care about pedoshit

No. 129908

Every female character in this shit game has the safe face and it drives me nuts.

No. 129923

File: 1614487541578.jpg (151.91 KB, 1478x2048, MV5BYjRmZGRjNTYtM2M2Yi00OWM5LT…)

Nothing wrong with a few ugly characters but all of the characters are so horribly ugly.
Do children even enjoy watching this crap?

No. 129929

most od the people I have seen taking about the show were Adults who liked the woke representation, like the lesbians, non-binary characters, use of gender neutral pronouns e.t.c

Its very wokeish

No. 129935

The only person on this Earth who cares about that show is the Wonder bread guy.

No. 129948

Almost entireity of this thread are retards immensly angry at boobs lol

No. 129953

Her entire relationship with Corrin is annoying, but what do you not like about her? I think her and female Corrin have some of the nicer looking fanservicey outfits in video games. It might be because the official art for them is a digital drawing but the arts nicer looking to me? And Camilla's art by Yusuke Kozaki has big but not massive boobs compared to other boobs upthread.

No. 129972

Children don't give a fuck whether characters are attractive or not and they don't discuss their favorite shows online, you gotta stop judging cartoons for babies through adult lens because it's not made for adults.

No. 129975

theres a difference between a good design and an attractive character though. whyd you have to worrd that so weirdly lol

No. 129979

op literally called these characters ugly - not the design - and I'm responding to that.

No. 129984

Both the characters and the overall awful design are ugly,period.

No. 130008

It's not about boobs itself but the proportions when compared to the rest of the body, or ridiculously skimpy outfits. There's other big titted characters out there that don't look stupid.

No. 130012

Nta but she, along with most of the anons in this thread, probably means "ugly" as in "poorly designed," not attractiveness. I agree that Craig of the Creek has ugly designs– it's trying to rip off Steven Universe's art style and somehow making it worse (which is impressive because SU's style is already ugly to begin with.)

No. 130049

the prince and pauper one was better

No. 130052

File: 1614559971623.jpg (84.54 KB, 1182x566, Hitagi-Senjougahara-monogatari…)

Ubiquitous in anime and manga- having a super tiny teenage girl with large boobs. This applies for the adult women too but pretty hard for me to suspend my disbelief and imagine that a teenage girl got implants. It's even funnier because a lot of creators like giving the characters exact height and weight. This character is 5'5 and 99 pounds. There are more egregious examples of even more underweight characters who somehow manage to maintain large chests but this is the first one whose stats I could remember.

No. 130054

File: 1614560663399.gif (Spoiler Image,4.14 MB, 640x270, Omake Gif Anime - Kizumonogata…)

Spoiler for the scrote fap fodder level gif, lol. Another character from the same series, her design is otherwise very cute. She's not shown to be any less skinny and is referred to as a "lightweight". But has a chest that's like G sized at least. Sorry scrotes you don't get underweight girls with massive natural boobs. Pick one.

No. 130065

super disagree on those, I'm not even going to try and debate it because inb4 scrote

No. 130097

That "blush" effect looks like a giant inflamed zit.

No. 130129

monogatari is dumb coomer shit but ive never had a problem with the character designs, theyre pretty

No. 130130

I wouldn't call you a scrote. Though the perpetrators of this design are mostly male. I just can't stand many underweight (I've never met a 70-80 pound woman who wasn't basically completely flat) characters in manga and anime having large to massive chests. It seems like a "having your cake and eating it too" male fantasy. Anyone who has been around underweight women in real life knows this is basically unseen. Otherwise I don't dislike their designs. But I guess people will say animation isn't realistic to begin with and isn't supposed to be. Like eyes 5x the size etc.

No. 130131

File: 1614591909783.gif (9.97 KB, 140x131, Pokémon_Jynx_(black)_art.gif)

No. 130140

I consider their design and "male authors having no idea how measurements work" two different categories. There are a lot of decent designs and an average bodysize but then you read the databook/character page and their measurements will be like: "H:167 cm, W:40kg". Like holy anachan, men have no idea what 40kg looks like for that height.

No. 130143

Lmao, yes that was my point. Men be wanting a 40kg girl with F cups. Where is the fat for that going to come from? I take your point, like I said I generally really like the designs in Monogatari but I find the boob to thinness ratios to be bad design for me personally, and distracting. It's super rampant in anime and manga. Some of those author character profiles are insane. I get that Japan has one of the lowest rates of obesity in the world but tone it down a notch, damn.

No. 130146

wucchu got gainst jynx nonnie?

No. 130149

Yeah, men will make every plot-relevant woman thin with huge breasts, it's certainly a big flaw of anime (and often the bigger her breasts are, the more "dominant" there are, as if breast growth worked like you are on steroids).
Men will tell you "it's fantasy! in this fantasy world women are just like this" but the MCs and male characters aren't all wide-shouldered, peak-performance males, unless you're reading '80-'90s macho manga (think early Jojo's)

No. 130152

It's so boring. It's either skinny lolis or skinny teens and young women with disproportionate boobs.

>Men will tell you "it's fantasy! in this fantasy world women are just like this" but the MCs and male characters aren't all wide-shouldered, peak-performance males

Yeah, I might buy this if every male character including the high school boys had the physique of Guts from Berserk. In fact, I demand this as restitution for all the sexualized anime middle school and high school girls I have been exposed to.

No. 130155

File: 1614600298482.jpg (44.63 KB, 1264x96, Screenshot_5.jpg)

nta, but I think this

No. 130157

looks like an ugly dragqueen

No. 130167

I…. I never linked Jynx design with blackface? Maybe as >>130157 said it reminded me a bit of a dragqueen.What do you anons think about this? I loved Jynx design as a 6yo and i love it now

No. 130193

The show's creator was outed as a pedo so that and the studio going under is why we're thankful another season won't be made.

No. 130201

File: 1614620155530.jpg (195.25 KB, 699x1000, tokyo_mew_mew_2020_re-turn_162…)

Not the same Anon but I'll tell you why they suck.
Lettuce: her outfit looks like it was intended to be for a bug girl. I remember being genuinely surprised her animal was dolphin. And of course NEON GREEN HAIR.
Pudding: I've always hated those 4 tiny braids she wears and those god awful boots.
Ichigo: NEON PINK HAIR and the shade they used for her outfit absolutely atrocious. Ive seen cosplayers try to replicate it back in 2008 and it looks AWFUL.
Mint: they really did her dirty by giving her shitty ankle boots and a tube dress.
Zakuro: like ichigo has one of the more appealing designs but like the rest of the girls suffer from shitty colour choices.
Berry: the fact she's a knockoff Ichigo but is a monstrosity with a cat tail and bunny ears to symbolize her being two animals.

Mia ikumi herself tried to redesign her characters for the reboot. They're slightly improved but certainly could be better.

No. 130206

wait Lettuce's animal is supposed to be A DOLPHIN?????? I only watched a few episodes when I was a kid, anon, and I always assumed she was a cricket or something

No. 130227

I hate the coombait and won't watch that anime but I've seen the settai and sheets for that scene and they're deliberately drawing her boobs WAY bigger than they look most of the time.

No. 130251

File: 1614642733822.png (199.55 KB, 667x284, Kizu_3_hanekawa_2.png)

That's the other thing. The breast sizes fluctuate in short time periods lol. Here's her clothed in the same movie. Still really big but I guess she's really good at hiding a lot of size there.

No. 130316

ok so Lettuce being dolphin actually make her better for me. i think it's cuter than bug and we have see creature

No. 130531

it looks like she has pimples and a rash on her face

No. 130566

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No. 130570

File: 1614795232726.png (478.41 KB, 1280x720, 7C52E32C-77D1-4A5B-AA22-676196…)

The one with the normal sized looking boobs is the tomboy and they can't even keep her consistent half the time. Aside from the coomershit bodies I've always really enjoyed the character designs for this show though

No. 130584

I heard that this scene >>130054 with the oversized tits was because it’s meant to be depicted from the perspective of the MC, who is a massive pervert.

No. 130603

what a deep and symbolic reason to give a character J cups

No. 130607

Well isn't it simple

No. 130609

Totally, agree. I like the male character designs too. The prettiness of the series is what some might say is it's only good quality. She's supposed to be the tiniest I think, aside from the little girls (euggh) and worst character Nadeko (they literally give her weight on screen as like 83 pounds or something lol) and she will appropriately have A cups especially when in a semi nude scene. But suddenly in another scene she will jump up another few sizes.

No. 130612

Berry had a good design to begin with and the fact that the redesign/reboot didn't change her much is proof of that. Actually I think they few changes they did make were unnecessary. The pigtails are redundant next to her ears and the socks are unnecessary.

No. 130616

File: 1614815965515.gif (Spoiler Image,1023.84 KB, 500x281, hanekawanekoform.gif)

Lmfao men in the anime industry got me feeling like Hayao Miyazaki. Uh, at least they have the protag looking ripped and taking his shirt off a lot in that movie trio… I guess? Doesn't really make up for the 6000000 instances of female character exploitation but nice try. She's got enormous boobs throughout the entire series though. All I'm saying is that if you are going to depict a girl with ginormous boobs maybe draw her slightly larger than a waif. Gifrel, scrote fap bait so spoiler.

No. 130619

File: 1614816745899.png (Spoiler Image,831.59 KB, 870x925, reze1.png)

Another example that just popped into my head. Male mangaka love this. In Chainsaw Man. A tiny waif character, Reze, strips down to her underwear and appropriately has a really tiny chest. Spoilered but it's not hentai level.

No. 130620

File: 1614816823507.png (Spoiler Image,435.42 KB, 714x879, reze2.png)

Shortly thereafter, in her fighting costume, boom: her boobs grow several sizes. I guess that's one of her powers, lol.

No. 130706

File: 1614869532210.png (472.98 KB, 600x800, dc90yxn-14b1558f-d251-45fd-9b1…)

He's so ugly oh my god

No. 130708

More than breasts size I'm annoyed at the gainax breasts physics. Like a woman standing still and some magical gust of wind flaps her breasts as if they were weightless.

No. 130713

I thought he had a cameltoe for a second

No. 130714

Front butt.

No. 130739

How the hell do you read instructions to draw a teenage boy who's a diver, but with a steampunk twist and that's what you design? Speaking of Xenoblade, I don't like the character design all that much in this game. Almost all the characters are over-designed yet they don't look memorable at all.

No. 130760

all the characters in this movie were ugly as shit except maybe the rastafarian jellyfish

No. 130797

File: 1614907498663.gif (1.43 MB, 371x209, king.gif)

Woman/girl takes a breath and her breasts move independently like helicopter rotor blades, lmao.

No. 130900

File: 1614974325424.jpeg (39.44 KB, 739x415, 269900B8-E219-4BE7-9692-FBB1E1…)

I’m surprised no one here didn’t mention Aunt Fanny from Robots. Yes that’s her name, I’m not even shitting

No. 130910

>I'm actually surprised she was so popular considering scrots hate short hair

you'd be surprised

No. 130912

her name was shortened to fan in the uk version since fanny is slang for vagina here, ill never forget the first time i learnt her true name watching random clips on youtube

No. 130974

i've been actively trying to repress any memories i have of this movie, since i've seen a meme last spring and you've succeeded in ruining my streak. fuck you nonny.

No. 131753

>arms that taper from thin to thick
Not a flattering look for semi-realistic human characters, honestly, but especially females.

No. 131793

File: 1615496970056.jpeg (105.06 KB, 945x720, 8B55AFE5-FE21-411B-9FE3-17EC23…)

Sorry nonny but it had to be done

No. 131828

Didn't read the post you replied to and at first I thought you were talking about 2B lmao

No. 132942

File: 1616258857404.png (287.64 KB, 680x383, 7d07a1dcf09519e4ad9cbee64b4238…)

Her design is a mess,the weird bandages in her body,the gross green hair that clashes with her skin color,the jarring,ugly red eyeshadow that looks like blood,the pointless red dots on her boots.
Is it really difficult to simplify character designs now a days or are they too lazy to do it? Also she kind of looks like a transvestite to me,I don't know why but she does.

No. 132944

This is so obviously influenced by Vivziepop's art style, zero subtlety.

No. 133177

Its the head shape lol

No. 133211

Fuck, I absolutely hate her design, I was so uncomfortable whenever she was on screen and you can tell by how they wrote her as this ~strong independent woman with a sad past~ to attract cosplayers.
At least Yoko Taro admits to being a coomer and doesn't sugarcoat it by pretending it's symbolic, social commentary or whatever.

No. 133212

What bothers me the most are those coomer bandages, they’re so awkward looking. And the hairstyle should’ve been less cluttered, either one ponytail or just short hair.
It’s really annoying when a character could look decent but the artists want to flex their budget/skillz as if the viewer honestly gave a fuck. I definitely prefer simple designs and maybe elaborated promotional art over whatever is going on there.

No. 133248

I don't like the design either but what do bandages have to do with coomers?

No. 133586

File: 1616618983193.png (717.75 KB, 688x1613, ea9a9e39aa504e1392ebd1dbd4df0a…)

Monster high character designs tend to be atrocious,with hideous neon colors clashing and over designed outfits.

No. 133587

Yeah I want to like them because as a kid I would have loved monster dolls but they all look like……. that

No. 133591

High agree, they are cringe AF. The puntastic names make it even worse

No. 133649

The lagoon monster or whatever she is, she's pretty cute. besides her i have yet to see an appealing design from them.

No. 133651

I always hated his design, so many bright colors and his blue skin is just so jarring and hard to look at, even his voice is annoying af

No. 133656

Spectra's kind of cool

No. 133700

File: 1616689837168.jpg (341.32 KB, 1448x2048, Profile_art_-_BOO-Lu_Cerone.jp…)

I also hate how all of the characters literally have the same face (especially the female Monster high characters)
Also why must they all wear high heels?
So lazy and bland

No. 133701

File: 1616690515918.jpeg (297.73 KB, 533x1528, 0EFBF895-782A-4A3A-B721-8D1F7D…)

I wish they gave this fucking guy some pants

No. 133702

File: 1616690624847.jpeg (511.82 KB, 816x1626, F6626A92-9239-47A7-942F-C71A41…)

Samefag, what is this name??

No. 133703

She’s son of the people that bops Schmiddles

No. 133704

They probably all have to wear heels because all of the doll's feet need to be shaped a specific way so the shoes can be interchangeable. Imo Bratz had the right idea with the feet and shoes coming off so you could get different styles

No. 133738

lol her name reads like those intentional misspellings of cumberbatch's name.

No. 133862

File: 1616803241542.jpeg (268.53 KB, 1920x1080, 4C4A73DA-89AF-4A4E-950C-941BC9…)

New champion revealed, I’m disappointed but not surprised. There’s so many cool directions they could have gone with a doll theme instead of having a generic sim face with Alice in Wonderland dress.

No. 133877

File: 1616815067956.jpg (183.45 KB, 1215x717, Viego_0.jpg)

I haven't played in a minute so idk who this is, but all of the recent champions have been disappointing except for Senna and Neeko, but that's only because I think she's cute. Viego was such a disappointment for what could have been a great champion. They had so much potential to give him Spanish conquistador elements in his appearance, but he just ended up being another generic league bad boy

No. 133996

I disagree with this character being cookie cutter on the sole grounds that all the males hated it. Viego was made purely for the pretty byronic hero fangirls and for that alone it's worth having him around. He had a Kylo Ren-esque response from the male fanbase, they fucking hate this dude because he panders to women players. Based. Boring bishounen design though ofc.

I thought this was meant to be Viego's wife but I guess she's just a doll she made? Why do they write dumb shit like this i stg.

No. 134045

File: 1616958588420.png (187.64 KB, 448x595, Sugimori_Alice_anime.png)

Worst hair design in history. I know the dark parts weren't as dark in the movie but still, wtf were they thinking, giving her ugly dog ears for hair.

No. 134054

File: 1616963641878.jpg (95.79 KB, 900x1440, eabc851939ff5a0522a2fad3f096b9…)

Why are 99% the human designs from pokemon so ugly or shockingly awful?most of their outfits are just garish and ill-favored

No. 134059

Hate that this show is somehow considered a magical girl show. They look like underaged prostitutes, not magical girls.

No. 134062

File: 1616966709590.png (59.16 KB, 508x404, bee.png)

This show went from being a show with a creative new style into being yet another rehashed CalArts styled cartoon.

So disappointing.

No. 134065

God, I remember getting in trouble for being obsessed with TMM as a kid because my mom and aunt thought they dressed too provocatively. My friend got in trouble with her mom for having a TMM manga I lent her, too. It had Zakuro on the cover kek

No. 134067

I genuinely don't get why there's so many fans of this guy. I know Pokemon characters dont get deep written lores about them, fine, but this guy looks like he smells like dirty white stoner dreadlocks

No. 134069

File: 1616968722690.jpg (771.66 KB, 1110x899, viego.jpg)

Seems like they definitely had the diverfags in mind while making her teaser. Sadly his splash art team wasn't on the same page.

No. 134070

One of the worst takes in this thread.

No. 134071

Fuck you all, the OG designs are adorable and iconic.

No. 134073

That art is laughably bad LMAO!
I remember Smosh Cartoons. I liked Pubertina a lot, I didn't get why it received so much hate from fans at the time (probably just moids too pansy to deal with hearing about female bodily functions).
Also I'm surprised Samurai Daycare was never cancelled with ts strong yellow fever undertones. He was literally a weebcel who had an asian girl fetish.

No. 134075

File: 1616971608364.jpg (673.55 KB, 1280x1423, Healin_Good_visual.jpg)

You're probably just some novice with no appreciation for real magical girl shows.Tokyo Mew Mew was just a shit stain on the genre. The creator obviously must have been an ephebophile (typical for a Japanese artist) who just wanted an excuse to dress underaged girls as prostitutes and get away with it. They just used the magical girl genre as a coverup for their fetish.
Pic-related: This is a REAL magical girl show.

No. 134079

File: 1616973106774.jpeg (168.13 KB, 1200x1157, DmqC1n1WsAAoeJV.jpeg)

You know, when I first read your nonsense opinion in >>134059, I wanted to say "I bet you're a Precure-loving fag". I didn't, because I didn't want to get too controversial.
Come to find out, I was literally right. I am psychic. Fuck out of here, go hug a transformer. Projecting your filthy-ass mind on a cute shoujo anime/manga.
Next up you'll be a fucking furry, I just know it. You'll post some Jewelpets BS and then progressively reveal to us your suggestive fan art folder talking about some "now THIS is real character design" (read in nerdy "excelsior" faggot voice). Enough.

No. 134080

File: 1616973254599.jpg (9.41 KB, 194x236, 31OjTxpR2DL._AC_.jpg)

Samefagging to add you probably shit on Sanrio too, just to hype up said Jewelpets designs. I am sick and tired of this oppression, I can't take it anymore, I am on the verge of frenz

No. 134081

File: 1616973468223.png (453.33 KB, 640x640, tenor.png)

I'm just gonna sit here and let you sperg out on protecting a shitty Deviantart styled anime with characters dressed like prosti-tots. I find it amusing. Keep going.

No. 134082

I was posting in a joking manner because I know it's not serious, but you really are retarded (and probably a latent pedo, please seek help) if you see TMM designs and think "prostitution".

No. 134084

I wanted to mention that both authors of TMM are women… then I remembered how much editors have to say on the topic, so it doesn't matter that much. I agree with you, TMM look trashy AF. I also never liked their animal DNA origins which are poorly coordinated into the outfits and make no sense in general. Never watched Precure, but the designs in your pic related look kinda better. The art somehow makes me thing of Ojamajo Doremi and Mermaid Melody at the same time kek. NGL, my fave magical girl designs come from Sailor Moon or maybe Princess Tutu.

No. 134085

>doubleposts and mentions sanrio: I was only pretending to be retarded

No. 134089

File: 1616974648437.jpg (86.6 KB, 1024x499, inefdex.jpg)

The first anon doubleposted, too. Not really my fault if you read "oppression" and saw the "delete this" reaction pic and didn't understand it was a shitpost, though.
To be more on topic, do you also have a problem with Winx Club's designs? I feel like it's a pattern.

No. 134090

File: 1616974795223.jpg (370.25 KB, 1431x1000, Hibiki♡MOVED (check pinned) on…)

I highly recommend the Precure franchise! :) it's great! I discovered it back in 2017 with my very first Precure series KiraKira Precure A La Mode. What's great about Precure is that if you don't like a series within the franchise, there's (currently) 18 other shows you can choose from to enjoy because the characters and plot changes every season.
KiraKira takes the same concept TMM tried to do (girls named after foods and animal based powers) but in my opinion does it 10x better than TMM with better character designs and a better art style.
While the plot of the show has mixed opinions (some fans hated it, some fans liked it), I just love it overall. It helped me when I was in a really dark space in my life and it helped bring me and my best friend at the time closer. It's such a cute and wholesome show and it holds a special place in my heart. Sorry if I'm sounding spergy but it's a good show and I highly recommend!

No. 134091

File: 1616974844769.jpeg (37.33 KB, 625x626, 64A71714-B8D7-4665-80BE-DBB086…)

I can’t disagree that the outfits aren’t the most appropriate, but saying they look like prostitutes when their designs aren’t even close to being the most scandalous in the genre is ridiculous. fyi your favorite precure season was worked on by a degenerate scrote who worked on “loli” pedo anime/manga and it’s chalked full of uglier designs. At least TMM was illustrated by a woman with non-creepy writing experience regarding shoujo manga. >>134075 is retarded bait at best.

Pokemon character designers genuinely are bad at designing people. The side characters are always seemingly ugly for the sake of being ugly.

He’s fug as shit. I think people like him because he looks like a sleep-deprived coked out loser and wears a collar, and it’s drastically different than most pokemon characters.

No. 134092

I love Winx Club. The cartoon series is part of my childhood, but don't talk to me about the new Netflix live action reboot of Winx since it's absolute shit.

No. 134093

These designs just look clownish to me, overdone and tacky. Very crowded aspects, like the designers didn't know what would appeal to the audience, so they just tried to do everything ever. I haven't seen the actual show, so I can't comment on the plot.
TMM uses similarly bright/neon colors, but is more simplistic and straightforward with what it's trying to do (Lettuce being an exception).

No. 134096

File: 1616976982262.png (133.05 KB, 475x475, 428.png)

Is her hair supposed to mimick a Lopunny or am I going insane? And also, someone probably already talked about it here but I fucking hate Lopunny. I still remember my absolute heartbreak when my cute ass, tenderly cared for buneary evolved into this insulting mess.

No. 134097

oops, sorry meant to quote >>134045

No. 134098

Somehow >>134089 isn't prostitute-tier but >>126473 is. Brainrot. I like both fwiw

No. 134103

NTA to be fair at least they are not wearing garters which may give TMM outfits sexual vibe

No. 134104

Also the art style. TMM look like literal kids while Winx Club at least look like high school, could even be college students.

No. 134128

You what? Damn I guess wearing a short dress makes you a sex worker now.

No. 134178

I haven't thought of that tbh. It's possible since she's from sinnoh but but on the other hand she doesn't own a lopunny and her hair colors are the other way around, so I think it's just a random ugly design.
And I agree, "sexy" pokemon designs are very uncomfortable.

No. 134376

Pokemon's version of Lola Bunny

No. 134378

>Is her hair supposed to mimick a Lopunny or am I going insane?
You are not, I literally thought the same but forgot the name of this pokeabomination.
>I still remember my absolute heartbreak when my cute ass, tenderly cared for buneary evolved into this insulting mess.
I hate that so many cute or interesting Pokemon have either absolutely disgusting evolutions, or ones that look completely different than expected. Like Yamper for example.

No. 134455

File: 1617215443659.jpg (58.4 KB, 329x755, d7235f9d4204d51ada22911e67744b…)

Whatever this is

No. 134456

His fingers freak me out

No. 134487

Those fingers make me genuinely uncomfortable why are they hollow

No. 134521

File: 1617261040527.jpg (67.66 KB, 1204x1204, 1463b5e935c51d4eb21a0812083614…)

I like her as a character (and her VAs do amazing work) but was never fond of her original design, even with the reason given for it. I think her look for the Nier Reincarnation collab is better compared to the original design though it does rely on thigh highs and heels

No. 134560

foreskin fingers

No. 134620

Her hairstyle is really dumb

No. 134769

>Snoop Dogg voiced this…thing

No. 134770

blast from the past

No. 136668

File: 1618162439473.png (482.5 KB, 473x571, tumblr_inline_p0cmj7UhWQ1rt04q…)

Gotta love that right angle in her back

No. 136677

This looks like Ariana Grande

No. 136684

File: 1618163694487.png (2.15 MB, 1920x1080, someones fursona.png)

it sucks. i kind of like mega lopunny, but it's undeniable that this thing is pure furry bait. pokemon's gotten really bad with this in the past few generations. i miss when pokemon were mostly just kaiju and weird animal/object-inspired things, not literal fursona designs. like what the fuck is this?

No. 136687

File: 1618163863000.jpg (189.06 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

i miss when they made normal designs. i really liked some of the designs in the recent gens but a lot of them are godawful. i long for the simpler pokemon times

No. 136714

Ngl, as wacky as this design is, I love it (other than the long piece of fabric dangling from her skirt). Is this a monster of the week type of show?

No. 136719

I'm claiming her as scoliosis representation

No. 136731

another (?) anon complained about her and even used same pic lol >>124680

No. 136762

Ah, shit. My bad for not scrolling up

No. 136815

Clearly they're copying Digimon,that doesn't not look like a pokemon at all.

No. 136816

File: 1618175316966.jpg (149.06 KB, 1200x1019, D8ZzGxLXsAAyzKZ.jpg)

they've also gotten weirdly round, as if they've caught a semi-calarts disease

No. 136831

File: 1618182207344.jpg (50.68 KB, 400x368, 3LCdzmL.jpg)

>rainbow skirt
>blue/pink hair
>cat ears
surprised the trannies haven't claimed her yet.

precure series are pretty monster of the week-y except for a handful of episodes. i would only watch it if you really enjoy the characters of the season in question since the actual plot can be condensed to like 10-15 episodes max. the rest of the time is spent with character/relationship development and shenanigans.

No. 136835

Holy shit anon, thank you for posting this. I finally understand why I prefer the old style of Pokemon to the new one. I knew it was something more than just nostalgia and hyperfocusing on the best Red/Blue designs.

No. 136837

File: 1618183805788.jpg (155.77 KB, 1405x729, ok.jpg)

yeah it's definitely a valid way to feel. the new designs are very round, very flat, and very toy-like. it's as if they are made for that very purpose: to be easily made into toys.
they're also overdesigned af

No. 136844

God, I hope they don’t claim her. Rainbow-colored items are a guilty pleasure of mine. I find her whole color scheme pleasing to look at. Thanks for the info about the show, anon!

No. 136860

The reason why Game Freak releases half-assed games ever year is precisely because the franchise makes money mostly thanks to merchandises. If they release yearly games they create more designs to use for merchandises.

No. 138459

File: 1618934742140.jpg (114.22 KB, 1061x1061, 1762dd3aee186c6eec9dc5377c212d…)

No. 138460

Anime pilot for this show was way better and had beautiful animation. No idea why they decided to do 3d isnt 2d less expensive? lol

No. 138462

Isn't 3D less expensive because you can keep using the same assets like character models, locations etc.? Someone who know how this shit works please weight in

No. 138463

3D is significantly less expensive. There's a reason why Netflix is making so many 3d anime-styled series, and barely any 2d ones.

No. 138467

File: 1618938357065.jpeg (70.86 KB, 762x1275, 36243D04-5267-44B9-AD61-84FF9A…)

Mega mind keeps showing up in my YouTube recommend and I can’t stand the BUTT AWFUL CHARACTER DESIGNS! Roxanne looks like a he got trapped in a pressure chamber!

No. 138468

No, the lowest rates of obesity in the world come from Ethiopia and India. The average BMI in Japan is classified as near overweight based on the adjusted BMI system for East Asians. Dont sugar coat it, these scrotes are just retarded

No. 138469

those are the actual breast size of an obese woman

No. 138498

File: 1618952827358.jpg (294.64 KB, 550x412, weird lizard from rango.JPG)

i loved this movie but why tf did they give beans hair and eyelashes?? she looks so unsettling. literally every other character design was awesome except for hers. i guess she just looks very "absurdly feminine '00s cartoon animal" but in a cast of actually well designed animals.


No. 138521

File: 1618961804308.jpeg (219.84 KB, 993x1138, SMO-HarietArtwork.jpeg)

Plain ugly and she doesn't look like a Mario character at all!she looks like she could be from that God awful 3d animated movie Hoodwinked!

No. 138571

File: 1618981444740.jpg (149.15 KB, 575x800, 9789030363361.jpg)

The irony of this is that all the animals were designed to look gritty and gross. I think her looking weird was part of the style but I still can't get over the fact they gave her lashes and hair even though she's a goddamn lizard (gecko??)

Megamind is actually a great movie but I agree they could have polished the designs a bit. Still doesn't look half as bad as the shit going on in this movie.

No. 138607

Actually looks like a spyro character, I never would have guessed she was from super mario

No. 139250

File: 1619339434965.jpg (52.06 KB, 500x300, Tumblr_ln7oc6eQc61qbxcnm.jpg)

No. 139269

Why? Because of the insane cankles?

No. 139271

anon talks about them in every thread she can

No. 139305

Yes and not only that, the colors in their design clash and looks god awful.

I'm not the same anon you're referring to.

No. 139310

File: 1619372647087.png (70.95 KB, 200x292, 200px-Tiny_Kong_MSS_art.png)

Definitely one of the worst, unnecessary redesigns I've seen.
Her name is Tiny Kong,she's small blonde ape wearing overalls not a Candy Kong look alike.its suprising Nintendo never tried to sexualize Dixie Kong considering she's just a Female Diddy kong clone.

No. 139321

it's like you nonnies never heard of chibis before
the colors keep being bought up but what other color scheme would look better?

No. 139333

I personally think it's cute. Colors are flat and there's no shadow because art atyle is exactly what it is - simple. I see no clashing.

No. 139338

You must have some serious autism because literally no one cares. You’re unimportant and the fact that some “””ugly””” cartoon about two hookers pisses you off will continue to be iconic. Hilarious

No. 139341

Agree to disagree.
I like that Panty and Stocking both exude opposite appeal. I even find their corresponding colors and design accentuates each other's differences.

No. 139363

Holy fuck, i completely agree. This was for the Diddy Kong Racing DS release, right? Dixie was in that and they didn't redesign her to look older or anything, so this made no sense at all.

No. 139365

nah, i hate this show but the character designs are lovely.

wtf give her back her 90s overalls!!!

No. 139398

File: 1619424245953.jpeg (466.64 KB, 1159x1920, a.jpeg)

every design in lore olympus is bad

No. 139423

Wow, they suck ass, you know your characters have no personality whatsoever if you have to color code them.

No. 139786

I first found tiny kong through Mario Super Sluggers, where she wears this so I've always like it, but yeah I agree

No. 140303

File: 1619935901192.jpg (13.51 KB, 213x353, IMG_20210502_021145.jpg)

No. 141029

File: 1620516399608.jpg (45.88 KB, 424x836, Invincible-Animated-Series-Lin…)

So basic and dull

No. 141052

Why the fuck is Athena just grey Hades.

No. 141054

They’re only “lovely” in your eyes because you’re too retarded to know they’re just PPG ripoffs.
Miraculous Ladybug is full of so many bad character designs kek

No. 141058

File: 1620549209257.jpg (62.81 KB, 800x480, e7sLf9F.jpg)

NTA but I will forever hate how they took the cute anime style the 2012 pv had and turned it into low budget dark side of children's youtube 3D animation

No. 141061

NTA. How are they rip offs? They have their own style even if they were inspired by PPG. Their proportions are different, they are more detailed, even their faces have a different shape. Unless there were some shelved PPG designs that had them wear short red dress and gothloli inspiree outfit?

No. 141064

idk i think it's pretty cute

No. 141065

File: 1620562186461.png (176.39 KB, 394x599, 2377A546-6E0E-441D-86E1-F985C0…)

So much going on here.

No. 141068

She would be fine without the obnoxious bow bracelets/anklets. But it's 2hu so I really dont expect much at this point.

No. 141075

I prefer this over super detailed designs tbh

No. 141076

She's dressed like a Steven Universe character

No. 141079

File: 1620574209812.jpeg (100.25 KB, 800x649, 04A8E6F4-007E-47BB-B020-D89E4C…)

She must be dead because she doesn’t have a head decoration.

No. 141090

Holy shit no one cares go complain to the coomers at /co/ about your incorrect nonsense

No. 141175

this never stops being funny for me, even though I don't like Touhou at all

No. 141693

>butthurt retarded fan

No. 141694

Literally you’re the only person here who’s sperging on this thread trying to start a useless argument over nothing. Everyone else here has just posted a picture and left it at that.
Go cry on amino apps if you’re upset about it you autistic fantard. Kill yourself.

No. 141708

File: 1620957845271.png (118.97 KB, 1308x477, tism.png)

this you?

No. 141711

I don't even know what the fuck that post is. But if its a person throwing a huge autistic sperg rant, it's probably you. Now kill yourself already.

No. 141712

Nayrt, but It looks like you haven't seen a full autistic spreg from anti PSG-chan who kept shitting up all of the m and ot boards and fought with people for days. Lol

No. 141725

I think the fans of PSG are even more autistic than that anon could have ever been.

No. 141729

All I've seen them do is call a sperg a sperg, not much else.

No. 141738

There's no such thing as a sperg calling another person a sperg, it's practically an oxymoron

No. 141983

File: 1621141149558.jpeg (Spoiler Image,337.57 KB, 750x560, 2A4A90F6-F930-4AF5-A17A-16F312…)

God has forsaken me

No. 141984

That looks fine, the hell are you talking about?

No. 141992

it's just animal crossing style ppg…?

No. 141993

anon hates that it's furry

No. 141996

Wouldn't that all be the name species since they're sisters/clones though?

No. 142042


Fucking bubbles is horrendous.

The other two are fine.

No. 142663

File: 1621388175914.png (1011.43 KB, 1023x1024, Rose_Lavillant_Square.png)

Before anyone asks,no it's not Photoshopped,this is actually how she looks like,creepy and uncanny.

No. 142686

File: 1621399549196.jpg (50.02 KB, 484x610, 8e0c375b30e3ef4eb590eff0463fae…)

They're making a higher budget ladybug movie and the designs look a lil uncanny still but it's an improvement.

No. 143470

File: 1621600697454.png (266.58 KB, 683x340, Untitled.png)

point out where the ripoff is. oh wait you can't. retard

No. 143471

File: 1621600801237.png (124.24 KB, 548x551, Untitled.png)

speaking of ppg i really hate how they gave buttercup this nonsensical cowlick for no reason

No. 143472

File: 1621600988580.jpg (170.2 KB, 1600x1200, powerpuff-girls.jpg)

Picrelated is a remake and I think PPG look like shit in this remake, even this bow looks horrible.

I think they look bad mainly because their lineart is too thin, when in og PPG they had a nice, thick lineart

No. 143487

The screenshots from the original looks better. Not a big fan of Disney sanpaku eyes

No. 143522

I swear they look like those bot generated creepy Spiderman and Elsa flash cartoons.

No. 143528

I think the original is on the right side though, the production looks cheaper. The movie has higher production value, so I am pretty sure that's the one on the left

No. 143552

File: 1621620339198.png (166.41 KB, 474x512, 9CB025AE-D352-4C3F-B4C6-FC9441…)

Zun hasn’t made a good character design in almost a decade, the last 2hu game with decent designs was ten desires which came out in 2011.
There’s a reason why the only modern touhou characters people care about are memes like clownpiece, zun lost the he had aesthetic for good character designs and we’re left with literal garbage.

No. 143654

The fuck is going on with Bubbles’ eye in this pic, is she supposed to be high?

No. 144692

File: 1621821505444.png (94.9 KB, 250x283, Danganronpa_1_Mondo_Owada_Half…)

all danganronpa characters are ugly, but turd-hair here really takes the cake

No. 144697

File: 1621827147778.jpg (82.5 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f485…)

it's not even a yotsuba "ripoff", it's a palette swap of madotsuki from yume nikki fan art that I suspect was prob from a drawfag thread on /v/ or something

No. 144921

it's from a guro fetish artist lmao

No. 145389

File: 1622064658690.png (549.06 KB, 521x828, 4D7E699B-CE59-4AF1-9F33-FECE35…)

There’s a new Monsters inc series and this is the main character, Disney has unlimited money and resources how is this what they went with for the design it’s so uninspired compared to the character design of the original movie

No. 145393

He looks out of place and his face is off putting.they could have reused a monster design from the sequel,there were all kinds of monsters from that movie.

No. 145396

File: 1622069345720.jpg (71.41 KB, 285x500, 214632.jpg)

He looks like he would rather fit Big Hero 6.

Picrelated is some random anime

No. 145397

him & the lolita are equally offensive

No. 145408

damn he looks like he came from a dreamworks ripoff

yeah i hate her hair so much and everyone who cosplays her looks retarded

No. 145433

It looks like a Video Brinquedo ripoff of Monsters Inc.

No. 145456

File: 1622116880226.jpg (28.17 KB, 700x326, monstersatwork-firstlook-monst…)

Wow I hate all of these

No. 145462

This is absolutely embarrassing for Disney,don’t they have some kinda quality control? This isn’t even some unpopular franchise that they decided to revive for some reason,Monsters Inc has a shit ton of fans and this is what they give them?

No. 145473

I like only the middle one…

I think they look so simplified so that kids could draw them? I dunno

No. 145480

File: 1622122985996.jpg (435.03 KB, 1280x1426, luso clemens.jpg)

Love FFTA2 but… god

No. 145481

the show should have been an anime in the first place but these people are too fucktarded to realize that lol, 3D is just way too expensive for a television show

No. 145484

what is even….

No. 145485

It bothers me that the sword looks so heavy and sharp but what is it resting on? His shoulder???

No. 145487

What? 3D is cheaper for a long-running series since you can reuse background objects and models infinitely.

No. 145488

The way he's holding the sword from the top bothers me. His thumb isn't hooked around the bottom so it's just kinda floating and being held up by his fingers. Makes my wrist hurt to imagine that

No. 145829

File: 1622245915957.jpg (Spoiler Image,732.69 KB, 1375x2155, 1622239529268.jpg)

Look how they massacred my boy… Thank god he has multiple monster forms but holy shit. this is just a rip-off of Boros's final form…

No. 145843

File: 1622248195621.jpg (1001.79 KB, 1412x2000, MV5BMjM4OTE1MjgwM15BMl5BanBnXk…)

I hate the super pigmented colors and horrible hair of most precure characters.

No. 145854

File: 1622252946981.png (103.66 KB, 435x603, Wattson_Banner.png)

the bangs sticking out of her aviator hood look really stupid. bad design in a game with otherwise mostly good designs.

No. 145968

File: 1622318540971.png (548.69 KB, 714x1552, Q8Pcsxt.png)

The bottom half is just weird. Completely ruins the look.

No. 145983

Kek everything is fucked up here. The hip is tilted but the belly doesn't reflect that. The left thigh is shorter than the right but it doesn't point towards the camera. And her head looks comically huge.

No. 146001

I hate the bottom half's design as well, it's really strange looking and only appeals to coomers. And it's pretty random that she wears glasses if she's a robot, but I'm probably thinking too much about it lol

No. 146208

File: 1622423367192.png (67.52 KB, 256x256, buzzwole-256x256.png)

No. 146210

kek i love this pokemon

No. 146213

all of the UBs are some of the most bitchin looking pokemon ever made, leave them alone. pick on hetran or volcanion.

No. 146216

That genuinely looks like a child's body from the waist down and it's disgusting.

No. 146220

It doesn't even belong in Pokemon at all,it's overly designed and hideous.it almost looks like a Ben 10 villain

No. 146225

same could be said about you, idiot.

No. 146235

Your ugly pokemon won’t fuck you.

No. 146241

Did I hurt your feelings? You're one of those small-brained pathetic pokemon fangirls aren't you?must be underage too if you get defensive over a shitty pokemon design.fuck off and grow up you cretin.

No. 146243

kek are you actually retarded?

No. 146253

File: 1622437589261.jpeg (584.89 KB, 879x1038, 609C34A6-0262-4B9C-BA72-DAB635…)

KEK what happened here

No. 146258

That's because it's technically not a Pokemon, it's an alien from a parallel dimension or some shit. I'm sure that's exactly why this one and the others look out of place.

No. 146272

File: 1622446839108.jpeg (109.57 KB, 900x756, DEDA15AE-C517-4A0D-AC01-C542E8…)

the same is true for Deoxys, but I think the concept is executed far better, Deoxys fits more with the aesthetic of Pokemon in my opinion while still looking alien.
>>146208 just seems… off to me. Then again I generally don’t like ‘muscly’ Pokemon so that could be part why I dislike it.

No. 146277

No, Deoxys is just from outer space and not from a parallel universe iirc so it's still a Pokemon. tbh more recent games tend to have designs that look very different from before, I think it's because with technology getting better, the devs can add way more details to 3D models and environments so the character designers tend to go overboard since they can add whatever colors and details they want. And that applies to the human characters too. Exactly like for these guys >>124502 >>124520 and >>125683

No. 146349

That's a question you should be asking yourself instead,don't you have some dumb Pokemon games to play?shit head.

No. 146355

The design is still trash nonetheless.thats why it was posted here.

No. 146520

File: 1622565887719.png (2.6 MB, 2000x2923, Rana_hat_crop.png)

The fuck is this

No. 146531

looks like someones old IMVU avatar.

No. 146532

Most Vtubers are shittily overdesigned, with way too much accessories representing everything the person likes and colors clashing.

No. 146736

File: 1622733815481.jpg (111.62 KB, 856x1200, Ez_PaSSVgAAN2PN.jpg)

Look at Netflix's anime v-tuber. Her name is N-Ko but she's a sheep (because Netflix watchers are sheep kek)

No. 146740

They could have made her cute with a puffy skirt or shorts, but they had the pick the type of dress that makes anyone look like a fridge.

No. 146742

>til that netflix has a vtuber
It's amazing how it's always the richest companies who design the most cookie cutter shit. I've seen indie vtubers with gorgeous models, there is no excuse for this boring trash.

No. 146785

Tbf it was designed by other vtuber who works for a popular vtuber company, she's not an artist but used to work on radio.

No. 147000

lol yueko's vtuber models always look so fish eyed

No. 147871

File: 1623418750531.jpg (Spoiler Image,90.63 KB, 580x820, 20210611_153704.jpg)

FGO is the worst gacha to exist

No. 147873

This honestly looks as if the artist made a typical half naked loli, but then got word that she had to be covered.

No. 147914

I hate this so much. Never been so disappointed at a reveal stream, shit coomer design after shit coomer design.

No. 148047

Honestly, I always liked how later on Kaiba and Yugi are just rocking BDSM collars around their necks and arms for no reason.

No. 148054

File: 1623566809945.png (698.62 KB, 1000x968, cb084394b2fed45f4ea530934df8b1…)

One of the worst Hololive designs.

No. 148055

File: 1623567038437.png (69.17 KB, 544x1000, 4fefb40b8c7a31cb231e67c66e4e07…)

Actually, I take that back… His hair gives me fight or flight response.

No. 148056

File: 1623568375344.jpeg (41.84 KB, 600x707, BA8B0B6D-2AF0-4132-8EE6-2A3526…)

izaya is a literal reptilian

No. 148057

Also one of the worst hololive girls. Never seen such a mentally ill attention hoe, even though I do not know what I expected from a woman who would threaten to commit suicide if people don't give her money to Japan.

Her other outfit with pacifier is complete shit anatomy-wise

No. 148063

File: 1623576978277.png (118.44 KB, 539x1000, 425588_669996.png)

I think we could fill the next three threads just with Vtubers, I mean look at this shit, I hit random on the Vtuber wiki and this is what I got, and they are all cluttered like that, amazing that all the designs are different but still so samey. Even Vtubers I like like Pekora have retarded designs imo.

No. 148067

At least I can forgive indie vtubers for being low-budget and amateur. Hololive is worth millions of dollars, I feel like some of these design choices should have been vetoed by someone.

No. 148069

File: 1623583738512.png (519.4 KB, 320x944, deremkado.png)

No. 148105

File: 1623604208828.jpg (153.77 KB, 640x383, MONS_4056.jpg)

One day FGO will reach the level of busy coomer art creep as Puzzle and Dragons

No. 148107

File: 1623605361893.png (663.59 KB, 512x724, S299_Stage4.png)

They already did kek, I don't think they're even able to go lower than the current Honjou Raita's coomer garbage they're churning out

No. 148111

this looks like that ai generator on maximum randomness setting

No. 148376

How are men even able to see the titties in this mess? Doesn't it defeat the purpose?

No. 149009

File: 1624075042570.jpg (282.11 KB, 1000x667, IMG_20200702_164943.jpg)

Far from being the worst on this thread, but for a more mainstream/acceptable character, I dislike her weird micro-eyebrows, facial expressions, skin fang, and the hairclips that serve no purpose

No. 149011

File: 1624076197221.jpg (104 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

(samefag) The skin fang thing just triggers me. This new vtuber has a cute design imo but she has both skin fangs and actual teeth below… urgh…

No. 149107

File: 1624141824830.jpeg (79.05 KB, 640x480, 37D910F1-3D88-420F-9160-52A58F…)

This looks so ugly, truly ashamed of Pixar lol

No. 149111

I don't know much about this stupid manga aside from the fact she's supposed to be a sassy bully, but that alone makes it pathetic that she's portrayed with perma-ahegao and in a bunch of sexualized poses. Yet another case of male degeneracy portrayed as grrl power.

No. 149127

it looks like 3d calarts memes
i am interested in the movie, too bad about the style tho

No. 149138

It would be fine if not for the red tumblr noses, ick

No. 149150

I'd say the beanmouths are way worse

No. 149239

File: 1624237150339.png (739.39 KB, 1127x343, Untitled.png)

i hate all league characters but i especially hate the females, they're literally copypasted, soulless inventions of feeble coomer minds

No. 149264

at least its just her skin fang thats bad, finana was supposed to be a coomer loli, pomu has a lopsided face and cluttered outfit

No. 149728

File: 1624563120330.jpg (177.68 KB, 640x937, IMG_0222.JPG.jpg)

No. 149729

I agreed with this post before watching the movie but the art style grew on me, they do look pretty adorable in motion

No. 149966

File: 1624667272098.jpg (44.14 KB, 800x522, rrwhnivn4twz.jpg)

jesus christ how horrifying

No. 149976

File: 1624679446443.jpg (17.34 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

lmao the entire show was ugly as fuck, why did i watch it as a child. i also watched this stupid boat show

No. 149988

I don't mind her design that much personally but the orange on orange on her design is kind of overkill. Her new outfit is definitely an improvement.

Agreed, I hate how the majority of female characters have same face–especially with it being almost impossible to tell who the champion is in skin splash art at times.

No. 150223

File: 1624838535549.jpg (620.32 KB, 2896x2896, ug12u9s6lmt41.jpg)

get this bitch some clothes that fit

No. 150228

What a shame, her head and hair is so cute, they could have just given her normal long pants and a normal white shirt… But no, women must not be covered and should wear as many leather belts on their bare skin. Looks painful

No. 150230

Tbh Dante in dmc3 too was showing some skin

No. 150237

it's not about showing skin, because trish does it and looks cool. lady's outfits are always ugly and retarded

No. 150259

The only bad costume is the one from DMC4. The real problem is the outdated haircut imo, it only suits her in DMC3, I won't comment on DMC4's Lady and it doesn't suit her face model in DMC5 despite the fave model looking cute herself. I guess it's too iconic to change it for next games though.

No. 150713

File: 1625169082595.png (864.07 KB, 828x998, FC6CDBD6-5CE5-4CC1-BEA4-F7C9E4…)

New monsters inc character just dropped, it’s just… blue mike wazowski. The largest and wealthiest media corporation couldn’t come up with a new character design

No. 150715

There’s no way this isn’t just them pulling everyone’s legs.

No. 150716

Samefag, but that’s just Mike’s and Sulley’s secret lovechild

No. 150739

Lmao how lazy. If he ends up being Mike’s brother, then I can accept it. Probably not though.

No. 150741

It’s his “Arch nemesis” how lazy

No. 150767

>arch nemesis
Randall btfo

No. 150783

File: 1625214082477.jpg (71.17 KB, 650x1237, 2132434079_full.jpg)

Umineko has so many awful designs, I can't post them all

No. 150784

File: 1625214178820.png (130.3 KB, 338x477, Fea_2.png)

No. 150785

File: 1625214309224.png (296.26 KB, 540x960, PCFurfurFullbody.png)

No. 150786

While i agree with the general sentiment, i don't get what makes this design so bad. I kinda of like it.

No. 150789

I think Featherine has a nice design, Ryuukishi07 is just a shitty artist.

No. 150912

So this is canon now

No. 150916

File: 1625295287661.jpg (235.34 KB, 640x480, fun fact though, gaap referenc…)

They're literally all either awful or directly stolen from GLB (and then made shittier), I love Umineko but god the art and character designs are atrocious.

No. 150917

File: 1625295386963.png (143.75 KB, 500x500, 92f3f4717ea56da43b428c428deaef…)

Posting more terribly designed Ryukishi characters for the hell of it.

No. 150918

File: 1625295560077.png (154.31 KB, 352x600, Geo_a11_def1.png)

George gets posted purely for the ugliest suit color combo I've ever seen in my entire life.

I think she looks nice in Gou/Sotsu, I hate her design in Umineko.

No. 150921

Wow, that's disappointing to learn, I've always thought the witches had great designs, copying even the poses is so shitty, I'm starting to think Ryuukishi07 is a hack. If only it would be common knowledge among the fanbase, it would hopefully make Umineko fans shut up one minute about their precious game being the best thing ever.

No. 150928

Maybe I'm blind but it honestly doesn't look bad to me

No. 150931

I really liked her design especially in the alt. red dress though it suffers because of R07's god awful style (ik he has improved now though)

No. 150933

File: 1625315737165.png (1.12 MB, 1368x720, Ashford_Academy_-_Group.png)

It's the lanky retards in Code Geass for me. The only two characters who don't look like this also look ridiculous. It doesn't help that around half of the outfits look terrible too.

No. 150934

??????????shut up

No. 150938

dwight schrute color pallete

No. 150942

I had a bf who tried to get me to watch this so I let him show me the 1st episode. Their designs are so bad it was distracting & they all look like such creepy thin yaoi bait boys I never stopped thinking my ex must be not-straight if this is his favorite anime

No. 150951

>they all look like such creepy thin yaoi bait boys
It's because of CLAMP.

No. 150953

I think Ryukishi’s strong points are writing, not art. Which is why I was disappointed that he still chose to do the art (though not the coloring) for ciconia, which I haven’t played yet but some of the designs are umineko levels of bad.
I do think a lot of umineko fans have trouble criticizing the game and admitting that it does have flaws (like literally every game) which is a bit annoying.

No. 153181

File: 1626916975351.jpg (40.33 KB, 466x642, 1363844-988982_20100322_790scr…)

autistic tranny furry bait

No. 153182

everyone is super ugly but the stupid bitch in the wheelchair who's blind and just has her eyes closed all the time makes the most angry for some reason

No. 153213

The yaoi bait proportions have aged badly. The OPs are still catchy though

No. 153229

>black and red striped socks
>pink bow
>that absolutely retarded cutout
this is one of the shittiest designs I’ve ever seen

No. 153270

You could fit in a lot of ArcSys's designs, especially Dizzy's

No. 153286

Ban scrotes from trying to design lolita fashion characters. You could fill half of this thread up from their bad takes on it and especially not understanding the real fashion they steal from.

No. 153294

File: 1627016977266.jpg (47.17 KB, 750x392, 000000000.jpg)

i can't believe horikoshi gets credit for "good female character design" kek the bar is beneath hell

No. 153298

He does? Isn't your picrel supposed to be a young teen? Lmao. I hate pretty much all of the female designs and costumes. Most of them look juvenile and coomerish simultaneously. I don't like capeshit but that was another point against the series for me.

No. 153301

Wtf lol

No. 153313

the only thing that was added for momo's winter hero costume was the fucking cape. He is not even trying to cover her body.

People usually praise him in regards to some stills and panels afaik. But it is usually nana and miruko that are mentioned concerning him having great female designs or smth.

No. 153350

File: 1627061144471.png (548.16 KB, 699x1100, GGST_Faust_Portrait.png)

They didn't need to do my man like this. They removed a lot of his funny moves too fuck

No. 153355

File: 1627068533175.png (992.23 KB, 1036x978, Mmj!_Group.png)

Project sekai has the blandest and most forgettable designs for such a popular game.

No. 153356

It's all about the hair I guess

No. 153359

omg what did they do to my boy Faust? He was my main for years

No. 153360

What kills me is her ability is really cool. Couldnt they come up with a way less lazy design? She's supposed to be 15 (?) and it's so gross and revealing. And i'm not saying 15 year olds cant have large breasts, but this seems to be an especially coomer design.

No. 153368

File: 1627083060478.png (675.73 KB, 916x1205, Giovanna_Guilty_Gear_Strive.pn…)

I miss old Faust designs, he was so lively and fun. On the topic of Strive designs though, really don't care for Giovanna personally, the colors don't go well together at all

No. 153371

File: 1627087913033.png (422.48 KB, 860x1626, 767-7674945_my-hero-academia-h…)

i like toga's design a lot, but she's the only major female character who doesn't have a boring cumbrain design.

No. 153372

File: 1627090901661.png (346.19 KB, 646x930, eba1a70b13ea0f19efd99f71fc1585…)

I love Toga's design as well, anon. I also like Nejire's, at least her manga design. I was beyond disgusted when I saw how they made her breasts larger in the anime for no fucking reason

No. 153373

Are you telling me this isn't Love Live?

No. 153375

File: 1627098975165.jpg (65.59 KB, 473x1280, 5gf.jpg)

i also like jiro's character design to be fair. i like toga's mask but i dislike the "cute but psycho" trope too much for it to make up for it. i want crazy female characters who are insane in a different way than cute psychotic giggling.

No. 153378

>syringe dangling beneath his crotch like a dick
that certainly is a silhouette choice

This one is pretty cute, though idk who she is so can't tell if it does a good job telling her story or not. At least it's not hideous or coomer as you said.

No. 153566

File: 1627251124669.jpg (1.25 MB, 2415x3336, E6z9dt6VEAAvRZX.jpg)

thanks i hate it

No. 153580

This isn't that bad lmao it just looks like a generic child character. The proportions are basically what I'd expect out of an animated toddler.

No. 153588

What’s this from? I think it looks cute…

No. 153599

Baby board-tan

No. 153602

I don’t know what this is, but is it bad that I don’t trust any manga about little girls made by males? I just assume they’re are all pedophiles no matter how innocent the manga is.

No. 153603

likewise, especially anything japanese. there's a good chance the author drew lolicon shit

No. 153613

I’m sorry that you have shit taste anon,fuck you

No. 153627

All men that want to have children is a pedophile?

It looks super cute, imho. I will give it a read, I love stories about badass little girls

No. 153649

Anyone who uses the term "youjo" is 100% a pedophile.

No. 155780

File: 1628878537988.jpg (88.43 KB, 869x1274, 486c4ec9493428139fd3c465cb2d4b…)

This isn't a bad character design in my opinion, but I can't take him seriously looking like this.

No. 155781

hhahahahaha what the fuck is this

No. 155809

Phil, or "菲尔" from a Chinese game called Aola Star

No. 156176

File: 1629158476662.png (414.38 KB, 708x434, 6dff14aeb7c2678762732cdf56c99a…)

absolutely yes
if he's not a pedo then he's bordering on it

anyway i hate everything Vivienne Medrano creates

No. 156181

File: 1629160037221.jpg (21.69 KB, 228x500, decibel.jpg)

I'll never understand why they did this to him

No. 156187

he looks like he lost thrift roulette and then got assaulted by angry grannies. i (almost) love the audacity of the designers

No. 156203

File: 1629173292049.png (346.29 KB, 713x996, shamankingimg.png)

Why does Netflix greenlight complete shit

No. 156204

File: 1629173470138.png (892.24 KB, 1920x1080, 1590185182165.png)

The newer style is cuter, comfy and aesthetically pleasing

No. 156207

File: 1629175272218.png (292.65 KB, 548x1160, 05F3B0CB-A783-4204-BE83-A8DA19…)

I’d argue the school uniform is coomerish especially the gyaru-esque style going on.

The worst offender for me is this bitch’s suit. I hate it so fucking much.

No. 156227

File: 1629180926242.jpg (367.61 KB, 930x523, terry-bogard-snk-heroines-tag-…)

It's unforgivable and disgusting when female character designs are more sexualized and show more skin compared to their male counterparts like this female Terry for example. Such a slutty design and looks nothing like the male Terry. Just some blonde Barbie model in a skimpy Terry theme outfit not fit for fighting.

No. 156233

Imagine how hot she’d be if she actually resembled him

No. 156237

File: 1629182720477.jpg (169.64 KB, 1039x893, 913.jpg)

Agree, I'd love to see more muscular women but the designers chickened out and would probably turn off their fanboys.

No. 156252

i actually like her suit, it looks like a cute "robot" and isn't grossly sexualized

No. 156257

It's from a fanservice game so that makes sense to me.

No. 156263

File: 1629191200986.jpg (96.9 KB, 1080x1080, ERjUnc4XkAEIzNa.jpg)

This also applies to Byleth as well. Female Byleth's outfit looks nothing like a professor.

No. 156265

File: 1629191284248.jpeg (252.99 KB, 2048x1544, ECtHdfKUcAAtVdk.jpeg)

Why can't her outfit be just like her male counterpart? She looks way better in this.

No. 156266

File: 1629191446579.jpeg (117.48 KB, 1350x1000, ECtHdfDVUAAFk6j.jpeg)

And if you have male Byleth in his female counterpart's outfit. People would find it ridiculous.

No. 156272

File: 1629192831570.png (306.21 KB, 650x366, E89FnuZVUAAb3Xf.png)

They are all so ugly Jesus Christ, I'll never understand Vtuber simps.

No. 156280

Wtf? That's still not showing enough skin.

No. 156283

I don't even care about F!Byleth showing too much skin, I just feel like she looks out of place next to the other characters because of how modern she looks. Her stockings look like she bought them at Calzedonia or some shit. I'd like it if the other characters had that same kinda modern look.

No. 156286

>if male byleth was showing the same amount of skin people would find it ridiculous
I think you mean hot. stupid devs won't let me enjoy my husbandos in skimpy outifts

No. 156288

Play Fates and make everyone a omnyoji or a dark mage.

No. 156302

File: 1629209286710.png (94.71 KB, 454x586, caf1f6ccad0c67438a0f579de49e51…)

Also female Dumfer from Skarpworld by Gerph. I don't even read this scrote coomer shit but it looks stupid and slutty.

No. 156326

The skimpy Byleths look better honestly, male and female.

No. 156336

File: 1629222321200.png (84.21 KB, 454x586, 1629209286710.png)

Tried my hand at fixing it

No. 156346

What about the naked belly
Actually I think this is accurate, if you turned the average moid into a woman he would dress like a slut. As evidence I provide the mtf thread on snow

No. 156398

File: 1629243826004.png (94.41 KB, 454x586, 1629222321200.png)

No. 156415

>omnoji or dark mage
Bah! Not enough skin. If coomers can get their waifubait characters running around half naked, why can't I get my beautiful husbandos in speedos and mesh clothing! It isn't fair…

No. 156430

Honestly serve.

No. 156476

File: 1629295684355.png (389.4 KB, 502x282, Screenshot_2021-08-18 Luca (20…)

At some points it looks kinda cute, but sometimes it looks creepy because you have that super detailed texture even on the skin (they even have realist freckles) but then boom you got that cartoony beanmouth thing going on. At some points their mouths looked like just a hole on their faces, and it's kinda cursed looking imo (picrel).

>having standards for scrote coomer shit
nonnie pls

No. 156727

File: 1629393641906.jpg (193.2 KB, 900x1163, 5d1.jpg)

Yes, this is equality.

No. 156728

File: 1629393697387.png (976.7 KB, 1456x1232, 205.png)

Adding this too.

No. 156729

oh based, imagine if the Miqote or however you spell them from final fantasy 14 were like this; the males stay home because there's few of them and females go adventuring, but they're buff rat women instead of uwu catgirls and the men are big bara rats

No. 156766

My god how ugly they are. It feels like they're trolling the Engtubers with shit characters.

No. 156767

I think the first EN generation was cute (except the horrid theme for Kiara,even then the artist pulled it off as best as they could) but these new ones look so bootleg? Especially the ball girl like what the fuck

No. 156879

The best part is that ball girl is designed by pako.

No. 156891

I don't follow vtubers but I think the rat looks kinda cute and the owl(?) Looks passable if not for the retarded feathers on top of her head (why not incorporate them into a cute accessory instead of stupid antenna?) The rest look like absolute garbage. Ball girl looks amateur even for coomer art, why would someone ever want that to be their avatar? It's hideous. Far left is overdesigned and over detailed like a shitty DeviantArt adoptable. I don't know what's going on with clock head. Come to think of it most vtuber designs I've seen look like adoptable shit. Such a cringe aesthetic.

No. 157042

File: 1629582030221.jpg (478.42 KB, 2172x1286, wtf.jpg)

i don't even play WOW, i hate blizzard, and this pissed me off. let female characters be crazy monsters too

No. 157043

File: 1629582093943.jpg (76.42 KB, 1200x675, m0ZbyPe3EvhV-UH_.jpg)

only good vtuber design i've ever seen

No. 157045

Sana is the only turbo uggo for me. Her face looks like out of a anime flash hentai from the early 00's and i hate the S snake thingy. Unlike GEN1 they don't look as nice together.

No. 157054

File: 1629587902657.jpeg (269.3 KB, 1500x1839, 9F8B71A6-F563-4236-A389-2A521C…)

Fixed it >~< PLZ DUNIT STEEL!

No. 157055

western countries vs muslim countries

No. 157056

No. 157090

>coomer so offended he had to write three sentences about how much he doesn't care that someone insulted his wank material

No. 157091

the female symbol with an X over it, which typically means 'no', made me wonder if this chick was supposed to be trans or an anti-feminist mra pickme kek

No. 157099

Because speedos are ugly and stupid. Do you want your husbandos to look ridiculous?

No. 157116

File: 1629635172617.jpg (93.22 KB, 741x1024, ad00161d63ab2d9135d409755c7a99…)

>Do you want your husbandos to look ridiculous?
Anon, I play rpg/jrpgs which is notorious for either having the most coomer bait-y, overdesigned, or ugliest shit imaginable. So in other words, yes.

No. 157118

If you're implying Ryoma looks ridiculous I'll find ou and I'll kick your ass irl.

No. 157127

File: 1629647336843.jpeg (409.16 KB, 600x800, BCD842A5-A9F4-4C56-BEFE-B55D99…)

I can’t understand what the designers of the animation were thinking about, honestly. It’s such a stupid choice considering how simple the initial logo was

No. 157129

Now that is some fucked up perspective

No. 157130

File: 1629648363463.jpg (73.48 KB, 1204x676, E16_Uk8XIAQBF0V.jpg)

You can acctually see that they are supposed to be rings in some closeup shots in the series. Through I probably only noticed because the crossed out female symbol confused me so much. It just seemed to make no sense why she would choose something like this.
I still don't understand why they chose to save on detail here, it's hard to believe that nobody noticed what it would look like to someone who doesn't already know the character.

No. 157137


Holy shit, this makes so much more sense. I also thought she was some kind of anti-feminist statement or some shit which made absolutely no sense for her character.

No. 157159

moids really struggle to make female characters who don't come off as parodies

No. 157198

>that long ass animu hedgehog hair
>the stupid face guard that's supposed to have this pseudo oni look but just looks retarded
>the mc hammer pants that's not present in the picture I showed
>comically large shoulder guards
>the awkwardly long and comical white jacket
>the fucking cloth bands around his stomach to color match his white mc hammer pants
>just the awkward mix of white red and gold
Fix that typo first then come kick my ass bitch, your husbando looks like a straight clown.

No. 157453

File: 1629830044595.png (25.54 KB, 250x652, img_chara1.png)

Haven't played any of the new games or seen the anime, but the design of the new protagonist of the Layton series really put me off.
Is she not really bland and boring looking or am i just missing sexy Professor Layton.

No. 157546

I think the feathers are supposed to be a hair tie/bow

No. 158044


Helicopter lady goes brrrr

No. 158045

File: 1630220709403.png (444.7 KB, 732x692, Himiko_Toga's_Quirk_deactivate…)

Toga design is cute but she is designed for coomers. She makes weird blushing ahegao-like faces with a twist of yandere and she goes around naked too. Sorry but I would never like this character.

No. 158047

File: 1630221694178.jpeg (85.71 KB, 877x1103, 8828CE1D-7CEB-4A12-BD71-2D233B…)

i don’t mind the rest of them, but holy SHIT sana looks awful, especially up close. the colors, especially of the beads in her hair, are awful, and the weird sketchy-looking lineart isn’t doing her any favors.

No. 158087

i think we should be grateful the nippon designer didnt sexualize her like they usually did. She actually fits her character personality

No. 158148

i actually love Katrielle, i think she's cute and fits the series cozy vibes and she does get some customization with different outfits as you play

No. 158515

File: 1630552620631.png (349.65 KB, 640x1280, Sword_Shield_Piers.png)

i love basically all the pokmeon sword&shield designs, but what the hell were they thinking with this ugly cunt? why does his hair looks like it weighs 30 pounds and is a stinky pile of matted knots? hate him

No. 158516

File: 1630552668727.png (238.78 KB, 580x591, Team_Yell.png)

similarly this is THE absolute lamest, ugliest evil team they've ever made in the series, like what the fuck

No. 158517

agreed, i hate this edgy cunt and his buffoon hair

No. 158521

I hate his legs in particular, I know it's just the Pokemon games not having detailed anatomy, but they look utterly disgusting to me.

No. 158572

Well.. he IS supposed to be br’ish..

No. 158573

File: 1630608622988.png (112.62 KB, 360x450, Cahara05_01-1-.png)

Dead Master's redesign always repulsed me

No. 158575

File: 1630608995165.png (87.37 KB, 304x465, Dead_scythe_and_dead_master.pn…)

the original

No. 158576


The entire anime is overblown dramatic nonsense, in a way similar to this design.

No. 158764

always has been

No. 158909

File: 1630753431157.jpeg (40.79 KB, 465x659, reject miku.jpeg)

IMHO the reject Miku design looks cuter than her current one, if only it was less cluttered and use more contrast between colors. The current one looks like a staple weeb scrotes pandering design (pigtails, miniskirt, thighs-high boots, sleeveless top with weird arm warmers)

No. 158913

It's cute, but I think the current design looks more like a robot, as she should. This one just looks like a schoolgirl from the future

No. 159001

File: 1630818148194.jpg (170.61 KB, 1196x1495, bd7f5e8e7c1f616f818aa29ff1b813…)

they managed to make some of the most handsome characters ever in the series in this game though, and they look even better next to the dirty mop that is piers

No. 159119

File: 1630886759042.jpg (198.8 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

No. 159627

File: 1631204287253.png (67.77 KB, 196x509, Hestia_DanMachi.png)

She looks like a toddler

No. 159629

that ribbon's physics are so retarded. weebs have no idea how boobs work.

No. 159666

It looks cute, but I don't think it would've ended up as iconic as the Miku as we know.

No. 159680

I hated her character design so fucking much when this bitch was popular. I'm glad she's mostly forgotten now. It's not only coomer bullshit, it's also ugly and uncoordinated as fuck.

No. 159908

File: 1631331081151.jpg (151.21 KB, 766x720, jqw7Lfl.jpg)

I wanted to sperg about this for a while, maybe some of this is nitpicky, but I just want to talk what I dislike about the remaster version.

She looks oddly stiffer than the original, her poses aren't as dynamic or characteristic on the remaster. Her body looks more human-like yet as a whole it feels simplified, is like her face and clothes (specially her nun costume) are flatter despise having a body with more volume than the geometric style of the original, I don't know how to explain it, but things like her horns and expression seem to be watered down, or just not as detail as the rest of the body. She also doesn't match with the rest of the characters anymore, not even with Ruv, who is from the same mod the artist also remastered him, and while not as extreme, he also looks weird, like even if his legs are bent on the original, he still looked somewhat tall, yet on the remaster he looks stubby and not as human like Sarvente

I like how the artist made her wings bigger, they have a nicer shape, but aside from that, this redesing feels strange. I don't like how sexual it seems, both on her nun and demon forms, it's probably the reason she is drawn with an overly detail body and the rest is kind of flat, but given that fact that apparetly the modder added a version for playing with naked sprites of her, it just gets me the wrong way.

Tl;dr: Look how they massacred my girl.

No. 159909

File: 1631331316491.png (275.6 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mcz0cjPm7a1qmliebo1_500…)

Oh man don't get me started on anime artists' ideas of "physics".

No. 159910

Holy fuck, talk about overdesigned.

No. 159913

Fuck, I actually kinda like this. It's like a Lisa Frank animal turned human.
I miss when Pokemon designs were inspired by Japanese folklore. It made for some really weird but cool monsters, like Ninetales and Electabuzz. I also miss the sort of… "dark" tones that inspired the designs. Like Gen 1 was all about evolution and genetics and engineering. That was cool as hell.

No. 159932

File: 1631348007433.jpg (179.71 KB, 1500x1008, 7147taCx fL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

His design definitely based off of Obstagoon and punk rock. Also fitting for a dark type gym leader. Judging on his younger self to now, he probably has a shitty life living in a shady town while raising a little sister to have her take his place as a gym leader.

No. 159938

File: 1631349978907.jpg (593.3 KB, 1920x2820, Icaro Mozart.jpg)

Old post but you're right, lol.

No. 159975

File: 1631379756923.png (241.81 KB, 885x524, 15415415154151541.png)

Mina looks like a brazilian telenovela portrayal of a poor woman, not a superhero. Also, the color scheme doesn't suit her skin tone. I don't even have to explain the other two.

No. 159977

why did you post a screenshot from the opening of majjoko megu-chan?

No. 159982

>cute looking creature

No. 159987

All the MHA characters look like absolute shit, that was the only reason why I never gave that manga a try for a long time. Now the other reason is the fandom being annoying as fuck on top of that.

No. 159991

File: 1631386299266.jpeg (118.78 KB, 966x1608, Uraraka.jpeg)

It's funny to see moids seething over some bishounens, when they mock women for women for feeling the same way about sexualized female characters
Uraraka was ruined by Horikoshi's cumbrain. I like her round shapes, her color scheme and the space theme, but the crotch stripes thing are so dumb

No. 160001

File: 1631390855523.jpg (43.09 KB, 600x450, depositphotos_246722912-stock-…)

Whatever. The point is that it that monstrosity doesn't look like a pug whatsoever. I assume that the Illumination Entertainment wanted people (i.e. little girls) who do find pugs cute to go see the turd of their movie. It's a failed design, no matter what is your opinion on pugs.

No. 160028

File: 1631403565267.jpg (21.54 KB, 381x475, 15f2c65b15c8d9f9666691518869.j…)

No. 160147

File: 1631476682542.jpg (313.76 KB, 1750x1040, Untitled.jpg)

>make a fictional race based off spotted hyenas
>a species of animal where females are in charge, bigger, stronger, and dominate the much weaker males
>make the females stupid furrybait and the males giant scary monsters
devastatingly stupid and enraging

No. 160150

i don't care, his hair is disgusting. he could have had a fucking mohawk

No. 160166

File: 1631481265088.jpg (60.93 KB, 564x752, a207c4ea0ee57c556b86409b97dca3…)

All of the characters in that Addams Family movie look absolutely hideous. I genuinely don't understand the thought process behind deciding to make characters so intentionally(?) unappealing. Especially in such a large-budget project. There are plenty of characters who don't fit the mould of conventional attractiveness that don't instantly make me think "I don't know if I want to watch this because the stylization is so ugly it's hard to imagine connecting to any of the characters

No. 160167

Why did they make him fat?

No. 160168

wednesday pisses me off the most. just a fucking egg

No. 160173

File: 1631483165331.png (246.67 KB, 516x774, Wednesday Addams.png)

All of them look awful, but at least Wednesday's noose braids are adorable. Morticia would have looked alright if they just upped the amount of makeup and gave her a smile

No. 160255

File: 1631542787111.jpg (123.96 KB, 605x860, charles-addams-the-addams-fami…)

I agree the designs are unappealing but if you didn't know, they seem to be based on the original comic strip

No. 160268

File: 1631549324785.jpeg (34.12 KB, 527x582, daphne.jpeg)

Daphne from Re:Zero
Many of its character designs are shit loli-pandering anyway

No. 160270


No. 160273

File: 1631550603413.png (1.12 MB, 1365x768, Sordward_and_Shielbert.png)

Totally forgot about these guys though Sordward is the most ugliest in swsh.

No. 160275

Mohawks are boring, ugly and generic. Glad they didn't go for that. The most ridiculous Pokemon character with hair has gotta be Flint and Sordward.

No. 160307

why is her vagina just out

No. 160368

They're dumb as fuck, and ugly as fuck, but you're supposed to hate them so it kind of makes sense? Like I legit cannot think of a way to make me hate them more lmao

No. 160393

These designs work fine in the original comic but the 3D renditions are just awful. They look unfinished, like they gave the original designs to an AI and it shat out something not artistically fitted for a CGI movie.

No. 160425

Are they wearing butt plugs as lapel pins? Wtf is that

No. 160475

File: 1631668214875.jpg (110.71 KB, 512x361, unnamed (24).jpg)

Tales of Hearts has the absolute worst character designs in the entirety of the Tales series. The color combos are atrocious.

No. 160783

File: 1631898583902.jpg (144.5 KB, 597x720, 20210917_190835.jpg)

The Witcher anime was decent and I mostly liked the character designs but I can NOT get over the fact they gave the mc a stereotypical paintbrush haircut you see on every 'cool' 35yo corporate team manager scrote. Maybe I'm nitpicking but it's a fantasy world ffs. They had endless options to choose something creative, so why… this?

No. 160795

File: 1631908412093.jpg (206.88 KB, 1154x1500, qki5t111sftz.jpg)

Agreed, he should have had long hair.

No. 160800

The undercut or Nazi Youth haircut, as it's known.

No. 161000

File: 1632020893628.jpeg (385.12 KB, 1914x1914, 2DDEB0C3-F1C9-4989-977B-E2AC5A…)

Speaking of pokemon ss, I love everything about Marnie's design EXCEPT from the dumb shaved part. I understand she's supposed to look punkish so perhaps this is an unpopular opinion but it makes her look like she's balding. I hate it.

No. 161005

File: 1632024748904.png (1.23 MB, 1201x684, A874B802-B220-4EB4-9B52-AE2877…)

No. 161014

She doesn't really look punk anyway, more like a groupie.

No. 162889

File: 1633366343901.jpg (98.37 KB, 1000x1250, 2cltx8vfr1y41.jpg)

Not sure if this abomination has been posted before but looking at this shit pisses me off. Hate it when mascots get lazy and soulless redesigns for no reason.

No. 162897

I never used to worry about calarts style because it will fall out of style eventually. But I've been waiting over a decade now and I'm getting concerned

No. 162899

SAM, NO!!!!

No. 162900

how pleasantly steven universe

No. 162919

Don't be too worried anons, they debuted this over a year ago and quickly scrapped it

No. 165115

I unironically love them so fucking much

No. 165519

File: 1634742973849.png (12.69 KB, 860x1236, 446-4460338_kris-deltarune-hd-…)

They look like those faceless generic protags of hentai games.

No. 165554

i haven't played deltarune tbf but the designs of the characters seem kinda unappealing to me in general

No. 165566

File: 1634752559734.jpg (10.17 KB, 298x309, 6gpk5171erp71.jpg)

Speaking of deltarune character designs, I hate this blatant uwu softboi pandering lmao. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this game is 100% aimed at the post-Undertale fanbase of genderspecials from twitter.

No. 165567

File: 1634752812563.png (549 B, 168x168, download.png)

Samefag but I hate this edgy moomintroll as well. At least in Undertale you could mistake the ugliness for a creative decision, but this one just feels ugly AND uninspired.

No. 165575

File: 1634755482273.jpg (34.36 KB, 350x409, deltarune_spamton_shop.jpg)

I hate the way everything about this game looks. It's like sandpaper to my brain. I especially hate this thing. And I'm tired of seeing drawings of these characters everywhere too, god it's all so ugly.

No. 165590

Is that Toriel or some creature related to her? I hated Toriel so much that after spending 3 minutes with her that I killed her with zero regret. I immediately shut the game down and uninstalled

No. 165593

Supposedly, yes. He appears to be a dark world equivalent of her son, or something like that. The resemblance is definitely intentional.

No. 165604

The beak color situation looks like vomit but i like the overall design

No. 165608

i honestly think toby fox didn't intend to make frisk ~nonbinary~ and just wanted a blank featureless character with as little identifying traits as possible but now he just has to run with it or the fandom would try to gorge on him.

No. 165619

KEK anon thats fucking funny. I get you though, but elaborate please

No. 165624

It's been years, but I found her sweetness really fake and grating. The whole 'be good my child uwu',
'Toriel knows best for you' shtick. I hated how she tried to keep the protagonist captive. Didn't she try to kill Frisk when he tried to get away? I get that MAYBE the fake sweetness was a point of her character (don't know because I never went far enough into the game - I tried to give it a second chance like 2 years after my initial disgust, but also gave up). At the same time, she was very popular and hyped by both coomers and regular fans as ~goatmom uwu~, so it made me seethe more. She was basically Lady Dimitrescu of the time.
I tried to look up the beginning of the game and once more I am seething how much it strives for the quirky Earthbound tone with the retarded determination thing when saving, frogs giving advice etc. Maybe it would trigger me less if stans weren't praising this cheap imitation to high heavens, not aware of the inspiration behind it.
I suddenly feel bad since I know there was enormous amount of work put into the game, there are a lot of optional dialogues etc. But the writing is annoying and sub-par, to memey jfc did he really call a cactus tsundere??? why did I have to read it with my own eyes and don't get me started on the uggo characters. Seeing Frisk in action again, I'm fucking repulsed by his sickly yellow skin and dead expression

No. 165636

I like undertale/deltarune and earthbound, but I think they're very different. I found undertale to be fun to play for a weekend, but no more. When I first played I didn't understood why everyone loved Toriel, because for me she was very very creepy. A random "mom" kind of character who is too sickenly sweet towards you and keeps you captive? No thanks. But everyone else thought she was cute and whatever. I now see her in a less creepy light, but still, that interaction still stuck. Same thing with papyrus, everyone thinks "haha funny skelleton" but I thought he was annoying as fuck.

No. 165638

>I like undertale/deltarune and earthbound
You are right that they are different as games, but certain things (i.e. humor, some graphical examples) feel like a worse copy of what Earthbound was going for. It doesn't help that Toby Fox is/was a gigafan of the series, so it's undeniable for me that it's not a coincidence. Shame that I didn't like Undertale, since I really would like a good Earthbound-inspired game. I'm planning to play Reverie, but I'm not that excited about it since the setting isn't really my style. So far, only Lisa The Painful felt like a good game with mild Earthbound inspirations that weren't obvious. I never managed to finish it (wish there was a Switch port, not a fan of PC gaming…).
Maybe Oddventure (supposed to come out in 2022, very excited as it's made by 2 Polish fans) or Oddity (if it ever comes out) will scratch the itch.

No. 165643

File: 1634783742274.png (1.48 MB, 870x918, imagen_2021-10-20_213527.png)

I like earthbound clones in general. I actually did like Omori but also I dislike Omocat and the whole fanbase of Omori kek.

What I can say about Omori is, it's pretty interesting, a little 2edge4me at times, and too uwukawaii at times as well. But there's some good stuff in there. I'm not sure if it's better written than undertale though, they seem more or less on the same boat. I liked the combat though. I doubt it'll be your cup of tea, but at least the art is slightly better lol.

All I can say, if you like Earthbound and need that good quality stuff just play Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. Published by Nintendo, it's on my top 5, good writting, nice style, good combat, charming. Best in the Paper Mario franchise. Awesome soundtrack too. Also I don't know what happened to Mother 4 (the fangame) but that seemed interesting too I think it was renamed at some point? I searched it and it's called Mother 4 again.

No. 165655

i agree so hard! "sandpaper to my brain" is exactly it, every fucking character is hideous to me and seeing the art/memes all over makes it worse

No. 165703

I can already see hundreds of zoomers wanting to fuck this ugly Saw lookalike. I fucking hate his theme too, every time it reaches the voiced part I cringe like there's no tomorrow.

No. 165718

Have you played Mother: Cognitive Dissonance, anon? Gameplay is kinda basic since it was made in RPG maker but story is peak Mother, it was made by a fan imo who knew exactly what made Mother tick. If you do play it wait until you get the spaceship to really judge the game, the early game is kinda rough but improves significantly off the first planet.

No. 165726

Yeah, I think Omori was unironically quite good. Good enough to make me attached enough to the characters to the point I cried.
By characters I mean Mari

No. 165728

File: 1634837497940.jpg (70.19 KB, 280x708, 280px-Pi.jpg)

Thank you so much for the Mario rec! Years ago, I played a N64 game from the series and it was very nice. I didn't finish it, sadly
>I actually did like Omori
I wanted to like it but couldn't stand the tumblr memes (~hold my flower crown uwu~) and that it felt extremely slow. I'm still a bit curious about the general plot, but I don't think I can get through the slog…
>Also I don't know what happened to Mother 4 (the fangame) but that seemed interesting too I think it was renamed at some point? I searched it and it's called Mother 4 again.
Nah, sadly it's still Oddity. For some reason, they didn't change the website. The Oddity subreddit is semi-active, I think there would be an announcement if they switched back to Mother 4. I would love for someone to do a patch restoring Mr Saturns and Mother enemies, if it's clear what was clearly replaced and by what. Fat chance though
I tried playing it years ago, I'm already flying on the ship but I have no idea where I left off. I agree that it feels very Mother! It's kinda hard though, maybe I will check a walkthrough and continue (starting from the beginning feels painful)

Back to the main topic - I fucking hate picrel. Coomer to the max, plus she basically has a personality of a sexy secretary. I know it's bizzare, but every time I saw her panties (especially from the back), it made me think she's on her period and they are all soaked with blood. It's such a poor choice of color tone (spoilered for gross). The main character teases her for being an 'old hag'. Hate that trope, but also hate everything about the character. I have a huge soft spot for .hack//GU, but it has some shitty shonen tropes.

No. 165737

i'm playing heartbound right now, which is definitely another knock at the "earthbound inspired" genre, even down to the name kek. it's still in early access and i haven't gotten too far in but it's decent so far.

No. 165738

You mean this isn't an image made by an ai? Someone with a brain actually made something this nonsensical? wtf

No. 165746

Anon, can you give me more of your thoughts on Heartbound in the game thread? I'm wondering if it's worth a purchase, but don't want to make an even bigger OT
Sadly yes, and I think Yoshiyuki Sadamoto is responsible for that monstrosity. IDK what he was thinking. I usually like his character designs (and most designs in .hack series were nice, some are even glorious - see original Endrance, Ovan). I think it may be the ugliest character designed by Sadamoto

No. 165750

File: 1634851571984.png (111.34 KB, 2200x1090, 7c845e6a7dd9058.png)

Haven't played chapter 2 yet but I wish Ralsei stayed in this design for the rest of the game. He's so much cuter like this.

No. 165763

What the fuck, did he have a stroke? This doesn't look like something he'd make at all, even if it's someone else drawing his idea.

No. 165769

File: 1634855911325.jpeg (115.33 KB, 1024x625, C5245D5F-BB8F-4261-B9B1-011667…)

What do you nonnies think of this?

No. 165777

Probably somewhat accurate, I think the female audience one looks the best

No. 165778

File: 1634859808268.png (1.79 MB, 1710x900, imagen_2021-10-21_184312.png)

I think the first "female-audience" example could still become more coomerish but if it's drawn like harvest moon / story of season's style then I give it a pass

No. 165780

Snaps for designs that are cute/pretty/even sexy but manage to not be coomerish

No. 165783

Pretty accurate, the female audience one reminds me a bit of Zelda.

No. 165812

Such a charming and beautiful art style.
Pioneers of Olive Town looks so awful compared to this.

No. 166099

File: 1635033587799.png (93.62 KB, 172x498, AA1_Maya.png)

why does she dress like this if she's a lawyer

No. 166107

She's not a lawyer at all, you sound like you have no idea what the games are about.

No. 166108

She's not a lawyer nonnie, she's a spirit medium who channels ghosts and shit

No. 166134

Maybe try familiarizing yourself with the thing you're criticizing first if that's the only reason you're giving

No. 166135

File: 1635038002218.png (407.27 KB, 1804x1080, imagen_2021-10-23_201327.png)

literally this

No. 166161

super late to the party but ugh I love this redesign of femme byleth so much. I might have actually finished the game if she looked that cool.

No. 166172

this is the best bait I’ve ever seen in my entire life

No. 166201

it made so many nerds mad

No. 166696

More like lobster

No. 169283

File: 1636474915647.png (163.62 KB, 354x413, pacman-character.png)

Why is she walking aroud with those hair curlers on 24/7??

No. 169302

Wasn't that a trend for a while?

No. 169308

Really? I didn't know, never seen or heard of that.

No. 169467

Who tf is she

No. 169687

This reminds me why Skyrim did werewolves the best IMO. Some big fuck-off wolf monster. That is what were-wolves should be.

No. 169690

File: 1636765550995.gif (39.87 KB, 650x450, 1327.gif)

Been skimming through Vast Error (i know) and this fucking thing. The comic actually has some interesting plotlines going for it but of course the author has to shove in their DeviantArt-tier furry OCs to spout off meta nonsense for seventy pages. Otherwise, the artists are good at replicating the style of the original comic which makes it even more jarring when a tumblr sparkledog suddenly walks on screen. I just want to see the midnight crew Dead Shufflers for fucks sake.

No. 169691

File: 1636765866032.gif (43.69 KB, 650x450, 1334.gif)

Samefag, this panel specifically makes me want to an hero. Can you not keep your raging animal tongue fetish under locks just long enough to tell a coherent story? Is it really that important that the audience know you have an uncontrollable lust for poorly drawn deviantart dogs? Is this carnal desire for animal sex so intertwined into your personality that you need to insert it into everything you make? God. God. Sorry for a-log.

No. 169714

File: 1636777422776.jpg (219.42 KB, 887x900, 1547239016949.jpg)

You've made me look into Vast Error after all this time. Thanks bitch.

No. 170355

File: 1637238936381.jpeg (82.51 KB, 1200x631, D7775F91-3166-4C7D-8BF5-1DC4B3…)

Red pandas are so cute yet they managed to give this thing such a punchable face

No. 171712

File: 1638044554932.jpg (155.1 KB, 1338x752, Rengoku.jpg)

hideous mf

No. 171722

His design is so ugly i want to kermit every time i see it

No. 171723

File: 1638050190970.png (49.58 KB, 355x645, Kinoko_Komori_Hero_Costume_(An…)

This mushroom girl's design is pretty cute but honestly she would look so much better if her eyes where always covered by her hair and wear leggings. Sadly I thought she'd be a shy girl for the rest of the series since her personality now it feels kinda coomerish like weird quirky girl coomerish with a bit of tongue sticking out.

No. 171728

it's like that ugly-ass snowman in frozen. how do you take something that's round and cute and manage to turn it hideous?

No. 171732

Black Rock Shooter's inferior cousin. Her design makes no sense. She's wearing a scarf, boots and thigh high stockings, which are winter clothes, but she's also wearing a bikini top and mini shorts. I feel she's trying to go for the biker look, but this shade of pink kills it, it also doesn't go together with red. I have no idea what the fuck this character is supposed to be just by looking at her

No. 171739

File: 1638057756466.png (970.83 KB, 1000x1135, marysuelookingass.png)

Dizzy from Guilty Gear

No. 171740

File: 1638057812689.png (826.59 KB, 1000x1521, jackoff.png)


Jack-O too

No. 171788

The artist was seeing what he could get away with. He would draw her breasts bigger and bigger until an editor said something. That point they stopped growing.

No. 171789

Draw a shota and slap huge tits on it

No. 171833

File: 1638121204557.png (66.08 KB, 640x640, Kyoji_Takajo_T.png)

I have never seen a more punchable anime man.

No. 171866

File: 1638130361030.png (208.8 KB, 554x838, Adachi.png)


No. 171876

File: 1638132438174.jpg (69.6 KB, 480x600, french frog and his unit.jpg)

All of the Sidem initial art sucks ass. It's a terrible way to introduce the characters, but at least the art quality has been steadily increasing over the years.

No. 171887

File: 1638136351579.gif (1.7 MB, 500x281, tumblr_omath54t8p1ugolc1o2_500…)

i believe in azul supremacy

kek holy shit, how did they think this was a good idea. they even had a guideline for how an anthro wolf should look in the hs style (becnoir), but furries lack the capacity for any subtlety.

No. 171924

Dunno where this is from but I wanna punch him hard

No. 171946

File: 1638172029668.jpg (40.42 KB, 755x755, gRAPE.jpg)

Not a man, but for me it's this disgusting fuck

From Persona 4

No. 172116

File: 1638317405216.png (264.78 KB, 896x936, Haruka_SKB.png)

Today I discovered this abomination

No. 172124

>khajeet has wares

No. 172627

File: 1638584303329.png (84.38 KB, 258x566, Bubble_Girl_Anime.png)

No. 172633

Yuck and shameless. Looks like a slutty grownup fairy tale girl trainer wearing Emmet's coat from Pokemon.

Totally forgot about this character. Why the fuck are her underboobs showing and her shorts undone? Stupid design. Nearly all of the BnHA girls are coomershit.

No. 172668

Men are obsessed with sexualizing children. That’s a female character with a big stupid bow in her hair and her dads coat in lingerie. Disgusting

No. 172669

this has got to be bait, look at the titties and hips. It's coomer shit but that's not a child by any stretch

No. 172801

File: 1638687245416.png (49.67 KB, 173x250, XY_Fairy_Tale_Girl.png)

Nta but looks similar to this.

No. 173362

File: 1639143348551.jpg (88.96 KB, 1200x630, deviantart containment breach.…)

The fourth powerpuff girl looks like some autistic teenager's OC.

No. 173367

File: 1639148914663.png (1.11 MB, 1080x1346, Screenshot_20211207-144759~2.p…)

What is this design except a crime against both Egypt and fashion

No. 173379

she looks a bit like ganyu from genshin they both have the coomerish vibe

No. 173393

Going by the logic of the other girls her hair should be brown

No. 173414

File: 1639183606159.jpeg (27 KB, 259x195, EFD9313B-3664-415D-A936-D78F55…)

Well I remember the fact that they got some moid on staff who drew and voiced himself into the show (picrel) and has a crush on Blossom should say something about the creativity levels of this mess

No. 173416

they defended it as an inside joke on their part (not even the creepy dude's) and that he had nothing to do with that. IDK if I'm buying it though

No. 173483

it's not bait dumbass, i'm saying there's weird childish attributes on an adult woman

No. 173484

File: 1639247827405.png (90.05 KB, 250x464, 250px-Brilliant_Diamond_Shinin…)

i hate her outfit so much. why is she wearing a beanie and scarf with a sleeveless top and skirt?? it looks so dumb

No. 173487

I changed her outfit as fast as I could. Her default is insanely autistic.

No. 173488

she has a huge fanbase too which i dont get. she is by far the ugliest female protag based on outfit alone

No. 173489

This is why Platinum is better than Pearl and Diamond.

No. 173493

She is serving Ashley Tisdale looks, baby!

No. 173498

idgaf about any of those gens. gen one 4 life

No. 173506

maybe with a little drop of gen2

No. 173507

yesss rbygsc best

No. 173523

NTA but you are blind.

No. 175642

File: 1640433261976.png (279.37 KB, 377x748, Marina.png)

just why

No. 175643

I seriously hate those weird shorts/skirt thing and the tights. Marina only looks cute in fanart when they give her actually stylish outfits and not those garbage bags that Nintendo gave to her.

No. 175652

her expression tells me it hurts to live

No. 175796

File: 1640541076768.png (224.57 KB, 761x413, Incubus_Succubus.png)

Why make the Incubus ugly and unattractive when the Succubus is beautiful and hot. They're both counterparts right? So why can't the male counterpart be as sexy as the female one or have the female as wicked as the male one?

Also kinda related to these posts.

No. 175803

File: 1640545066754.jpeg (172.81 KB, 750x859, 853C57CA-CCA0-4C30-AD5C-8173AD…)

In Christianity, they are described as small gnomes and satyrs, such as this one.
However incubi and succubi most often appeared disguised as one’s spouse, can freely change from one to the other, and were the explanation for fatherless pregnancies

No. 175806

The answer is coomers.

No. 175916

I always saw incubus’s as rapists (hence the fatherless pregnancy) and more invasive demons whereas the succubus is more seductive. But i think I interpret it this way because it’s just far more believable than the male demon would be predatory

No. 176114

File: 1640730549514.jpg (84.59 KB, 780x470, fnf-faqs-780x470.jpg)

Garbage game with a garbage fanbase and awful,dull character designs,so lazy and terrible.

No. 176119

this, just fucking play pop'n music like a real human being

No. 176126

Both demons sexually assault sleeping humans, and apparantly the succubus vagina feels like an ice cavern. You could easily design her as a scary creature as well. She got to be hot and the male ugly though because men designed the game.

No. 176143

Why do newgounds animators all suck at drawing

No. 176145

The fanbase is bad and the music is lackluster, but the whole point is for it to look like 2000s flash game animations. I almost appreciate it because how easily it makes rhythm game scrotes seethe

No. 176442

File: 1640905695021.jpeg (77.29 KB, 650x1237, A949EDF8-269C-4C7F-8C5E-5D663D…)

Awful in every way. Just ugly.

No. 176443

what is that from? i hate it

No. 176444

Umineko. Though to be fair even other characters talk about her ugly fashion sense.

No. 176463

That is repulsive.

No. 176464

File: 1640915427624.jpg (432.36 KB, 512x724, ShutenFinalArt.jpg)

i hate this fucking character and the mental gymnastics around her. the design itself isn't horrible but her "clothes" are basically just nipple and pussy tape on a child. i have seen people go "she's just petite, actually it's fucked up for you to say all smaller petite people are childish! and it's racist since a lot of asian women are petite!!!!!!!" i've seen LITERAL WOMEN (not trannies, shockingly) try to defend this piece of shit character in this sjw way and i do not get it.

No. 176467

File: 1640915803892.jpg (683.35 KB, 960x1011, Carmelita_Fox.jpg)

No. 176482

why is she wearing a bra with no shirt

No. 176483

I actually thought she looked cute in the cutscenes but her actual game design was a travesty. Why did they change her from having pants to a skirt?

No. 176484

File: 1640922216835.jpg (127.82 KB, 800x450, nitro-squad-all.jpg)

Ew you just reminded me of these characters from Crash Team Racing. Why do they look like a Devitantart coomer autist made these? Why can't female counterpart characters never just be cute and well designed?

No. 176488

File: 1640925484685.jpg (136.79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

feemayles are never allowed to offend us with not wearing makeup and not having stereotypical "angel face" features, even when they are goofy cartoon animals.

No. 176494

File: 1640927795671.png (978.17 KB, 883x1537, Coco_Bandicoot.png)

Going to go on a Crash Bandicoot sperg here bc I loved the games growing up, I fucking hate what they did with Coco's design in the remastered games. Her og design used to have bigger eyes and open overalls that read 'spunky tomboyish younger sister'. Now they gave her horrible pink eyeshadow and bedroom eyes. The old design was still very much 90's gurrrrl power, but at least it was better than what is going on here.

No. 176672

File: 1641023617148.jpg (39.35 KB, 225x350, gross.jpg)

No words.

No. 176690

Coomer bait aside, I also feel like demon characters of that kind, whatever the weird straight-out forehead horned things are called, are a dime a dozen these days. Zero originality whatsoever

No. 176827

They really are. I think small horns look better too, most these days are too large. They look like tumours sometimes.

No. 176833

I can't help but wonder if they did it on purpose. Like they don't want women to have even just a little bit of eye candy for themselves.

No. 177553

File: 1641478962876.jpg (51.63 KB, 434x1024, 1839291655.jpg)

what is this trash design doing in a game created for a female audience?

No. 177554

File: 1641479461163.png (217.24 KB, 750x650, 27638.png)

Blegh, they look deformed
I love that Coco, but I like the one in Mind over Mutant the best

No. 177563

This girl is 2/3 leg wtf
Imagine her kick power

No. 177564

If this is who I think it is, I’m not surprised Hifumi is terrified of her.

No. 177567

This girl has the proportion of a bayonetta character. I'm not bothered by her design otherwise though.

No. 177579

I was thinking the same. Who is this aimed at? It's a matriarchy too, the men should be the ones dressing slutty.

No. 177585

you can tell the writer never interacted with a radfem

No. 177832

I like how the thread is mainly just complaining about Japanese anime girls character designs like what did you all expect from the most sexist and thirstiest nation on earth. It's just porn now.

No. 177837

Little cliche design but I'm not complaining. Damn, men are so fragile bitching over this ab'd out ghostly sexlord. I'll take his ectoplasm any day.

No. 177869

File: 1641591228561.png (521.6 KB, 780x780, perso-showpage-4ce1b3-afd16b-0…)

I don't watch this show and I know almost nothing about the plot but my sister was watching it and there's something about the suits design that makes them ugly af for me

No. 177876

File: 1641593166522.jpg (203.08 KB, 400x1000, 10f32c04becb4170db0a03ef22b8d3…)

I don't think her design by itself is really that bad, but she looks out of place compared to most Ace Attorney's main characters. Phoenix and Apollo have their weird but iconic haircuts but normal suits, Mia looks normal and her magatama is the one thing that makes her stand out, Ryunosuke wears his university's uniform, Diego also wears a normal suit and when he becomes Godot he wears that one iconic mask because it's literally a plot relevant medical device. Some of the prosecutors look a bit over the top for reasons that make sense and they don't look out of place in their respective games, but Athena looks like a fucking vocaloid compared to her own coworkers. It's like the character designer tried too hard to make her look quirky. Which represents Ace Attorney 5 and 6 very well, actually, since both games are telling badly written stories and have shocking plot twists and over the top characters' reactions for the sake of it instead of trying to incorporate that into their stories in a seamless way.

No. 177881

File: 1641593905881.png (2.6 MB, 1598x2400, Rider_of_black.png)

>draw a flat chested girl, call it a boy
God I hate traps so much. They're just waifubait characters with zero androgyny to them that held no masculinity other than having no boobs and a Schrodinger's dick. At least give them a boy voice. They're made for moid coomers and trannies to jerk off to girls that wanted it extra spicy. Every trap character I've seen are basically cookie cutters with the personality of an annoying or shy moeblob girl and they're borderline shota/loli. Their whole meme community is pretty cringe too.

No. 177883

File: 1641595646461.png (112.48 KB, 1144x562, Assassin_of_Black_A-1_Pictures…)

I don't think Astolfo's design is that bad, he's obviously coomerbait but not anymore so than any of the other designs from Fate/Apocrypha (Jack's design is leagues worse, pic related). Also I never understood why troons idolize trap characters like him so much when the whole concept is a male character who is fine with being male and just looks feminine, you'd think they'd hate that.

No. 177890

trapshit aside, astolfo's normal design is kinda cute. I'd like it a lot if his face and body were more bishie and less femboy. the pink schoolgirl outfit astolfo is the one that belongs itt.

No. 177901

I fully agree. I think she kinda looks more like like a young adult or late teenager thanks to her outfit, which is fitting, but so out of place in the AA universe. And then the characters in 6 have all these designs that make them look like they belong in a completely different franchise.

>At least give them a boy voice.
When I heard Astolfo's voice for the first time (after literal years of just stumbling across pictures of him) I was so shocked to realize that trap characters don't even have male voices and are instead given regular annoying anime girl voices. idk what I was expecting honestly.
If this is what trapfags get off to, I must say they have a pretty shit-tier and boring fetish, yet they act like it's the edgiest and most taboo thing ever that they like anime """boys""" that are exactly the same as anime girls. Literally the only way we can tell they're """"male"""" is because we're told they are.
As for Astolfo's actual design, it is cute (if we take it out of context), but still shit as so many Fate designs are.

>Also I never understood why troons idolize trap characters like him so much when the whole concept is a male character who is fine with being male and just looks feminine, you'd think they'd hate that.
The woke ones simply claim that characters like Astolfo are actually closeted trannies.

No. 177927

File: 1641615689585.jpg (1.13 MB, 1250x884, de9hl80-c76e893d-a47e-4b13-951…)

The problem is that the mouth isn't part of the muzzle like it should be. It just looks like a beanmouth face wearing a costume animal nose. Picrel (an unrelated red panda drawing I got off Google) is what the mouth should look like. Obviously if someone works for the Rat, they know how animal ant works, which means that this was an intentional artistic choice several people thought looked good. Baffling.

Remember how well Don Bluth drew mouths on animal characters? Like how did we go from that to beanmouth on literally everything.

No. 177928

File: 1641615886460.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, F6A8EB9D-A616-4027-85D5-4F72DE…)

I cannot…

No. 177929

File: 1641615910553.png (1.94 MB, 750x1334, 85E93B3A-0691-48B2-863B-015BCA…)

And I’m sorry but hers was the absolute worst

No. 177930

File: 1641615937830.png (1.98 MB, 750x1334, AED3602E-E591-4215-ABCC-7615D5…)

Double when you consider her mech uniform…..

No. 177931

The head, dress, and legs look like they were each taken from different character designs and edited together.

No. 177932

She’s supposed to be a ninja…..girl I can see you from 3 towns over

No. 177985

>give them a boy voice
at least the trap in kemono jihen is voiced by ayumu murase but most of them are voiced by women so it's stupid

No. 178212

File: 1641723999222.jpeg (26.65 KB, 640x480, images (1).jpeg)

I've never seen these characters before and at first glance i thought of these guys

No. 178515

kek i loved those guys

No. 178517


No. 180391

File: 1642702397731.jpg (52.97 KB, 700x1280, Crimson_Viper.JPG.jpg)

The open shirt with tie covering her cleavage looks so fucking stupid

No. 180396


No. 180399

Viper's design is pretty stupid but a lot of SF4's characters looked pretty worse in comparison.

No. 180400

Omg thank nona for posting c.viper
Idk what it is about her when I first saw her I couldn’t really like her design but I thought her fighting style was cool and was to be a counter to Cammy (sorry for sf sperg) but I just hated like her hair and outfit it could’ve been so much more
And I hated how big they made chun li’s hands too when they switched to 3D

No. 180627

File: 1642796999850.png (234.29 KB, 3310x2340, Kohaku.(Dr..STONE).full.278894…)

Everyone from this manga looks awful but this girl pisses me off the most because she appears all the time, she wears stone platform heels even though she runs everywhere and fights all the time, and the stupid dress ripped to show her butt, oh and she's super mega strong couldn't you tell from her build? Yeah, I know, it's just typical japanese scrotery, but I liked the manga otherwise, I wish everyone wasn't a sex doll. The muscular long haired guy can stay as he is though.

No. 180629

File: 1642797273709.jpeg (40.1 KB, 817x427, 1DB1BBEB-ACDD-408A-AC7A-004C8D…)

I can’t get over how she has, a typical face anime girls had in the 2000s

No. 180630

At first this anime looked promising (I didn't read the manga nor have I seen it) but then it turned into generic shonenshit. This is just one of the reasons.

No. 180634

File: 1642798756571.png (334.61 KB, 548x600, wtffffffffffffffffff.png)

Yeah they all have that face. Wtf is this. There is only one character whose design I liked, the smartass with the black and white hair.

No. 182213

File: 1643442007592.png (480.86 KB, 553x1280, Legends_Arceus_Irida.png)

Am I the only one who thinks Irida's design looks retarded?

No. 182214

something about her really reminds me of a 90s anime character and i thought she stuck out a lot because of that

No. 182249

I quite like her and… Adaman(?)'s designs because they're so colourful. Especially compared to the player characters, we look so plain in comparison. Only thing I don't like is her shoes and her bracelets.

No. 182251

Most Pokemon trainers' designs look retarded imo.

No. 182293

Idk about the big sash and the three bracelet things, but this is far better than any recent human design in pokemon by virtue of having a cohesive colour palette alone

No. 182335

File: 1643490875479.png (3.04 MB, 1673x2868, 1643482515329.png)

This vtuber someone posted in the tranny thread

No. 182363

File: 1643501502606.png (654.23 KB, 880x800, novaa.png)

30 dollar outfit from Black Desert Online

No. 182364

Did this person never once think that maybe three pairs of pointy ears/horns would be overkill? This looks like someone went into a dollmaker and just put on every available accessory. Hideous.

No. 182366

It's what happens when a man tries to cram every single one of his fetishes into a single character design.

No. 182383

that goddamn scene is so fucking funny and true. iconic

No. 182444

that's exactly what it could be. It looks like it's made with Kisekae..

No. 182512

File: 1643568293828.jpg (275.35 KB, 1224x1584, FJzhXwXXwAU4k_5.jpg)

It was commissioned from an artist who clearly didn't give a shit and just drew half of it and then mirrored almost everything (here's the artist if you're curious https://twitter.com/RiikochanArt). It's likely they have a generic anime girl template that they work from as well. The bland and lifeless anime art displays a level of technical skill and awareness of what is marketable and aesthetically pleasing that clashes horribly with the commissioners total lack of aesthetic sense. He just threw together every feature that he personally finds appealing without any sort of design concept. That's why it's reminiscent of a little girl playing in a flash dollmaker who just picked the feature she liked best from each category, only she accidentally clicked on some fucked up Japanese dollmaker with womb tattoos and shit.

Picrel is what the commissioned artist had to work with (I assume the headphones and womb tattoo were additional requests). Note how they didn't bother even trying to make the shirt make sense in the finished product, because who cares.

No. 182524

Is picrel the original design? It looks much better (altho what’s up with those shirt stains ew)

No. 182540

Yeah, that's the original design. It was commissioned from this artist https://twitter.com/drfrogphd by the vtuber in question, https://twitter.com/Lachesis_Vtuber, who later commissioned the model that was originally posted.

No. 185960

File: 1644623576041.png (441.12 KB, 600x920, 92801316-A3F2-446C-BF06-71224A…)

No. 185971

The fuck is going on with her hair? Cool sword though, it just looks out of place

No. 185983

Does anyone else hate how ridiculous anime-style character designs have gotten in recent years? It's like everyone is trying to make their characters as "unique" as possible to stand out from other franchises so they overdesign them, and ironically all of those characters end up becoming generic and forgettable as a result. They're also impossible to draw kek (okay, not impossible but they have a ridiculous amount of tiny random details that makes them a huge pain in the ass to draw). Like those Vtubers, some of which have already been posted in this thread.
A lot of modern anime-style designs have absolutely retarded haircuts/hairstyles, costumes, eyes, color palettes, accessories, etc. They're like sparkledogs or like what a kid playing with a doll maker would make.

No. 186020

File: 1644643845284.jpg (457.58 KB, 705x1000, [animepaper.net]picture-standa…)

Yup. That's why I just read oldschool manga and watch old anime. It feels more alive and normal (even the wacky genres), and the outfits/designs feel like actual ARTISTS designed them, not spergy otaku pedos.

No. 186061

Western female furry designs are always the most coomerfag shit of all time.

No. 186062

Do western men have an issue with designing hot males bc theyre insecure? serious question

No. 186064

Pretty sure the designer is Japanese

No. 186067

File: 1644669286652.jpeg (70.55 KB, 950x800, A4557882-BF6C-45D0-B22D-33A00A…)

And he also draws attractive men

No. 186068


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 186074

Anon, Kazuma Kaneko is the character designer and he just won't stop designing pretty boys for most of the Megami Tensei games he worked on as long as they're not demons. And even then, some of the male demons he designed are pretty boys.

No. 186076

Fucking kek, maid robot reminded me of nier automata
i think it depends on the clients requests sometimes the designer just goes with it

No. 186080

I love Umineko but god Gaap's such a fucking eyesore it's not funny

No. 186092

File: 1644680085566.jpg (343.31 KB, 913x956, modern anime style.jpg)

honestly i really dislike the way modern anime characters are drawn. i know people are tired of kyoani moeblobs but there is something so disgusting about the new anime series i've seen. the eyes are very big as usual but they sometimes make their pupils small which makes them look retarded. everything screams cheap hentai to me, something is very off about the proportions
vaguely looks like the style of boku no hero academia, small cartoonish heads with huge eyes and smaller pupils and a weird mouth

No. 186096

That’s just the new fetish, girls who are self-conscious about the shape of their fucking eyes.

No. 186097

File: 1644681275481.jpg (1.37 MB, 1907x2211, modernanime.jpg)

this specific style i don't how to explain i tried to doodle it, it just gets on my nerves

No. 186117

These art styles feel incredibly soulless. The first one feels like it was shat out by one of those X doesn't exist ai generators, and I've seen the second style so much on anime twitter that it feels more like a social contagion than an actual organic artstyle if that makes sense.

No. 186125

That look is definitely the look of a hentai doujin.

No. 186127

File: 1644688425201.jpg (42.71 KB, 474x388, downloadfile-2.jpg)

Shes designed by the guy who designed the Katanagatari characters. I think his art is very interesting, but that said… This girl and Adamant really stick out like a sore thumb if you compare them to the other feudal Japan era people in-game

No. 186276

File: 1644747068144.jpg (342.27 KB, 1080x1440, p20238497_b_v9_aa.jpg)

nta, but that look definitely reminds me of why dagashi kashi gave me the creeps.

No. 334793

damn(pointless bump)

No. 334821

File: 1699696925094.png (1.86 MB, 1250x1250, Ibuki_Mioda_Illustration (1).p…)

I've seen posts about Nagito, Kaito, Mondo and even Celestia on here but they honestly aren't that bad. But picrel is straight up insulting to anyone who ever liked emo fashion. It's DeviantArt as fuck.
Thanks for reviving the thread.

No. 334822

File: 1699697013587.jpg (138.58 KB, 1280x720, 2022112300095100-1A552196CBAEC…)

Samefag but this is singlehandedly the worst design in the entire Pokemon franchise imho. That little patch of blue hair he has left drives me insane, it's like he tried to go bald and forgot to shave that bit off. I wanna finish the job so bad

No. 335368

I agree, I HATE him so much it's unreal. Dumbass double eyebrow baldy, shit tier design even in a game full of bad designs

No. 337200

You’re welcome my bumps are never pointless

No. 337203

I feel like Ibuki's design would be cuter without the weird cat ears in her hair and the ripped up tights. It's such a weird choice.

No. 337272

She's supposed to be visual kei though not emo and her design is arguably less over the top than actual visual kei.

No. 389650

File: 1717692989768.jpg (91.81 KB, 1366x768, b.jpg)

Find the only female in the group.

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