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No. 462640

Post the worst of the worst character designs you can find. From the uncannily realistic to terrible reboots to oversexualized. It doesn't matter if it's from movies, TV, video games, comics, just has to be awful.

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No. 462643

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dark soulsless

No. 462656

I will be genuinely shocked if Nightreign is anything other than complete shit

No. 462660

File: 1740215726882.png (1.68 MB, 1344x756, uglyshow.PNG)

No. 462662

>spot the tifs the show
why does every character has the agp smirk?

No. 462667

File: 1740217175163.jpg (219.58 KB, 1431x1354, 2z07dwbpvdya1.jpg)

Because this?

No. 462693

I'm glad that the danger hair xey/xem won the thread pic

No. 462701

The boneless art styles with no joints look so fucking gross in 3D kek

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