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No. 129784
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I feel like there are so many LGBT stories where the only two gay kids in school are a nerd and a douchebag jock who bullies him, and then they enter an unhealthy relationship that's doomed from the start. Just off the top of my head, pic related, Geography Club, Perks of Being a Wallflower, and about a shit zillion fanfics. Do westerners not know how to tell any other kind of teenage gay love story?
No. 129790
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>>129785sorry couldn't think of a better thread image
No. 129799
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The "I'm the funny guy ahahah but also mysterious… but funny!!", only Lau from Kuroshitsuji pulled that shit right.
No. 129835
enemies to lovers because they always water down the villain.
>>129818>having british people in every fantasy settingHaving British people in every historical setting. I could be watching a period drama about the Romans and everyone would still have British accents. I'm tired of British accent = royalty.
No. 129851
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Almost every brooding emo bad boy type, they come off as an obnoxious whiny incel without a single redeeming quality, are usually the most unlikeable character in the cast, but the author desperately wants you to see them as sympathetic/cool anyway. Everything they do, no matter how shitty gets excused because "muh tragic past" and half the time they're written like Mary Sues.
When it comes to edgy characters in general, if they're at least entertainingly edgy or don't take themselves seriously and get rid of that "woe is me" bullshit then I might tolerate them. Although I think the female versions of this trope are less annoying in comparison.
No. 129885
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>>129844basically just explained golden boy
No. 129893
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>>129859it's okay, you can say Projared
No. 129913
>>129892>>129911The Canon explanation that most fans agree on for why Batman doesn't kill the Joker is that if he kills one person even the Joker, he'll never stop, he will literally just never stop killing
Honestly I prefer redhood over anyone in the batfam, he's my buff edgy husband
No. 129916
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The bullied,wimpy nerd/geek trope needs to die
Being a geek or nerd has already been normalized years ago,it's so outdated and doesn't need to exist anymore
No. 129927
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The character is a absolute irredeemable brat/bitch/ass/etc but they're traumatizeeeeed so 90% of fans will bend over backwards saying it's realistic etc. Him mostly but her actions made me want to punch her teeth in.
No. 129949
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>>129946I just came into this thread to say I hate everything those two characters stand for, but you said it way better than I could.
No. 130019
>>129992This would kinda make sense in comics if the bad guys (mass murderers) didn’t
always seem to escape from their superultramax prison. The Joker escapes every week and murders more innocent people. After a while, you can’t justify
not killing him. I used to enjoy reading Batman but it’s just too predictable after a while.
No. 130346
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Grrrrl power bland ass characterization for female heroines / protagonists. The end of captain marvel is so fucking cheesy and quippy, I want my heroines to be badass but also genuinely flawed.
Also hate the new trend of turning classic female villains into victims. Let me have my deliciously evil villainesses please, like Hela from Thor, who has a motivation besides “just evil” but is still powerful and terrifying. Cartoon Maleficent is better than stupid ass wooby live action Maleficent.
I mean I hate this all with male characters too but who cares about them?
No. 130349
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>>130346What are the odds I was just about to post something similar regarding girlboss characters, It can lead to shit like this where feminsim will end up defending landlord rights
No. 130391
>>130345You reminded me of another trope that I hate
>character A and B are in an extremely close relationship>character C becomes obsessed with A and pulls off some scheme to break them up and take B's place>both characters A and B think the other one suddenly doesn't want them in their life>Despite all odds, characters A and B rekindle their relationship. However they NEVER discuss wtf actually happened, even though it would be impossible to be close again without talking it out. >Sometimes character C gets immediately dropped and forgotten about by the story. That's lazy writing. Still better than the worst case:>Because somehow A and B never talked about their great break-up, character C gets off scott free and continues being friends with both A and B.As seen in Oniisama E. I love Mariko for being a realistic BPD mess, but that plothole drove me crazy
No. 130392
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Manufactured melodrama over problems that could be solved within 2 minutes of open conversation. See: every k-drama ever. Let's say character A and B are supposed to meet at a certain time. Character B doesn't make it because they've gotten in a terrible accident and are literally on their deathbed. Character A is sad and when B recovers and tries to talk to A, they're cold because they think they got stood up. Instead of just saying "I was in a life-threatening accident" they will then spiral thinking A never liked them at all, furthering B's belief that they've had a sudden change of heart. Fucking YEARS later someone will say "Hey, did you ever get to see B after their accident?" and A will gasp, wring their hands and sob, realizing they never intended to stand them up and it was all just a big misunderstanding! If you had FUCKING TALKED TO THEM this would've been sorted in seconds, but nooo, you can't open your fucking mouths! Or even worse, you'll have character C who has been blatantly jealous of A and B's relationship the whole time spread gossip about B when they try to explain the accident, and A ends up believing C because drama.
It's such a fucking cheap tactic but I've ended up watching so many series out of pure rage rather than any enjoyment because I just want to see some justice served.
No. 130432
>>130391>>130392You two just talking about fabricated drama just reminded me of Naruto, and the Sakura/Ino drama, lmao that crap pissed me of so much even as a tween cuz of how retarded it was. Girls were supposed to be friends but then they become enemies because they both like Sasuke, wich was so stupid cuz Sasuke was supposed to be the crush of every girl in class already.
"Girls fighting over a boy" has potential for a lot of shit-showiness.
No. 139972
>>129913>>129911>>129909there some tension between joker and batman.
The creators of batman in the beginning of the comics made Joker gay (then they made him straight/bi later) so yeah that says something.
No. 139980
>>139962This is a good one. I remember reading a longer discussion about this somewhere and it's so obnoxious how the writers use it to dismiss their (male) character of sexism while being sexist themselves. "Silly women, in this post-sexist world you still actually think men look down on you?" Uuh… what are you doing, bro? And they never acknowledge the reason the female character would have that kneejerk reaction in the first place, precisely because she's dealt with scrotes hurling sexist shit at her all her life. Off the top of my head it happens in A Knight's Tale, but I have to give that movie credit because it actually acknowledges the problem with this trope. Heath Ledger's character
is being a piece of shit and trying to goad a reaction out of Kate, so he can get his armor fixed for free.
>William: Excuse me->Kate: Don't work for free.>William: And I can't joust with broken armor.>Kate: Your problem, not mine. Each droplet of sweat has a price on it.>William: It's just as well, they said I was daft for even asking.>Kate: Who?>William: Oh, the other armorers.>Kate: Did they say I couldn't do it because I'm a woman?>William: No, they said you were great with horseshoes, but shite with armor. The fact that you were a woman wasn't even mentioned.>[Kate rushes over and grabs the armor] No. 139999
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When psychic characters hold out their hand to use their powers. It 1) doesn't make sense and 2) doesn't look as cool as filmmakers think it does
No. 140036
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>>140021Made me remember Charmed where in the early seasons she'd squint to use her powers with an very quick zoom, and it always looked so silly. So I'm not sure what'd be a good way to show psychics powers.
No. 140949
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Probably already mentioned but shaggy, fat (or gangly), weak-jawed, balding mutants paired up with hot girlfriends/wives. I've literally never seen the reverse, the girl always has to glow up to land a dude first which is laughable since men will settle for anything so long as they're getting pussy.
No. 140951
>>139999I feel like it's following "wand rules", which is silly because wands channel magic and psychics don't necessarily need to channel anything to use their psychic powers.
>>140036Hand to the head a la Professor X is good imo, makes more sense to show the character focusing inward rather than outward.
No. 140958
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>>140949In Ingobernable (Mexican Netflix series) there's a middle aged, kinda ugly female character who's dating an obviously much younger and better looking man. This is the only example I can think of and still she looks more well put together than the man in your example.
Pic related, they're the two in the middle.
No. 141264
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Not sure if this counts as a trope since it's unintentional a lot of the time, but I hate when child characters act wayyy out of their age range. Children written like adults is the most common, where the writers apparently can't tell the difference between a smart child and an actual adult. Like, to some extent I get that 'wise beyond their years' characters can exist, but even if it's a fairly mature kid they aren't going to be this noble and self-sacrificing. Media that's actually aimed at kids mostly gets this right, but with older target audiences smart or wise kids are almost never realistic.
It can definitely go the other way too, with ~10 year old kids acting like they're 6. This one I mostly chalk up to the writers never being around any actual children of that age. They just don't get how stupid it is to see a kid that looks like he should be crudely drawing dicks on dusty cars with his friends and instead he's enthousiastically playing hide and seek and hiding behind a too thin tree.
One character that really bothers me because of this is Kaylee, the granddaughter of Mike in Better Call Saul (and BB I guess). It's this 11 year old girl whose favorite pastime is getting pushed on the swings by her grandpa at the playground and whose entire vocabulary consists of 'yay', 'ice cream' and 'pop-pop'. Like jesus, 11-12 is the age of being obsessed with Harry Potter books and getting crushes on boys and stuff, not giggling like a toddler because your pop-pop is giving you a piggyback ride. She legitimately comes across as mentally retarded and it's really off-putting to look at imo.
No. 141282
>>141264>Children written like adults is the most common, where the writers apparently can't tell the difference between a smart child and an actual adult. Like, to some extent I get that 'wise beyond their years' characters can exist, but even if it's a fairly mature kid they aren't going to be this noble and self-sacrificing.You reminded me of that awful Christian glurge series of supposedly non-fiction novels about a guy meeting a 6 years old (or 10 at tops) waif who is so smart and knows God and loves the man so much. It was actually called 'Mister God, This is Anna':
>Anna, the found child, is an instinctive theologian with a boundless curiosity for physics, biology and mathematics. Much of the book describes her ad hoc science experiments involving magic lanterns, slide rules, voltmeters, revolving paddles in bathtubs and belts with buzzers riveted to them. Fynn portrays himself as a perpetually foxed comic foil to Anna’s pint-sized Socrates. She asks many questions, rejecting his conventional answers and drawing them toward a fuller sense of God’s nature.YIKES
>One character that really bothers me because of this is Kaylee, the granddaughter of Mike in Better Call Saul (and BB I guess)Yeah, Kaylee makes zero sense. I assume she's as old as the plot needs at the moment, regardless of the actress' age or lore (?)
No. 141439
>>141318Related to this I really hate "misunderstanding" as a trope.
>Characters have been pining for the longest time>They're finally getting together>The other character overhears an out of context discussion and thinks the other one doesn't actually love them>Drama ensuesIt's such a lazy, time-wasting way to write cheap conflict. Why did you need to take this weird detour just to drag the story on longer? We know they're going to clear up the misunderstanding and end up together so what's the point?
No. 141582
>>141318Was gonna post this one. The problem here is they want cheap drama, like you said, but having a couple face an external threat would involve actual thinking in the writing, and why do that when you can make the drama cheap and internal instead?
Also, I don't know if its a trope, but that thing I used to see all the time in HBO shows. Male character and female character look at one another. Show them fucking a few minutes later.
No. 142045
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>the mean girl dressed like a bimbo
I wish we would get more highly fashionable MCs who are heavily into makeup and who aren't school "mean girls".
I'm so tired of main characters dressed like shit and who are quirky and relatable, but I guess you can blame the early 2000's teen movies for that. It's not even realistic, because I'm sorry but women bullies are most of the time uggos dressed like chavs. Can't we get a pink & sparkly woman as mc who's nice and intelligent for once?
No. 142047
>>142045>I'm sorry but women bullies are most of the time uggos dressed like chavssays who? my idea of it are chicks on their iphone 10 in leggins and a tee or on the toilet just bored.
elle woods did it tho, she was peak stacie but she achieve a lot of cool shit.
>>142045 No. 142060
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>>142057I'm not surprised this shit was written by a woman, this looks like a typical melodramatic shojo manga with your typical slutty bad boy main character, incest fetish undertones and shitty love triangles lol.
No. 142089
>>129859A subtrope of this, ridiculously prominent in shoujo and fanfiction:
Female protagonist is a girl from a poor/middle class family, with no other traits than being nice, naive and kinda pretty. She's as average as possible, in fantasy setting she may have some stupid power like "the heart" or whatever makes her "special" (but she still has to be saved by everyone). Meanwhile her love interest is the school prince from a rich/aristocratic family, who plays the piano like a master, speaks several languages, can recite poetry at a drop of a hat and is always insufferably cool. Or at least he's the bad boy school rebel, who's still insufferably cool and may be secretly rich. For some reason he falls in love with the dumb protagonist, who constantly gushes over his looks, money, status and talents. He may also be a tortured genius for one reason or another, and she heals him with her tender heart.
It always pissed me off, because I wanted the girls to be better educated, worldly and more impressive than guys. My personal theory about the rise of villainess isekai is that people got tired of the average high school student protagonist in shoujo and this is the result, albeit I find the isekai excuse retardedly contrived.
>>129911Not a trope, but I hate Batfamily. Aside from Batman as a concept being dumb, him introducing other people to vigilantism makes him look even more like a douchebag moron, considering how badly it often ends. Batman Beyond was actually good in deconstructing the entire concept: years later Bruce is a lonely bitter old man, Tim Drake got fucked over, Dick Grayson broke off completely, Barbara is pretty antagonistic, and nobody trusts Bruce due to him being manipulative dick.
No. 142095
>>129920I hate this 'mean popular girl' trope because they're always super feminine, like pink clothes and glamorous and confident. It's like when a woman owns her femininity, it's a crime, and she's supposed to want to be like a guy. And there's nothing wrong with girls who like to dress down and play sports etc, but it's really 2 dimensional and unfair the way it's shown in movies.
Most of all, I hate the way women in horror movies are shown. The camera shots are often from above and make her look like prey, and kind of treat her like half of a human. Just no personality, but something stupid and there to be looked at and hunted. I hate it and it's dehumanising. But I know there's going to be better horror soon, and maybe we're leaving these tropes behind now.
No. 142106
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>>142092Depends, when written by men it's usually their boner for femdom. Some mangaka have literally said so explicitly out loud, lol. Picrel.
No. 142226
>>142040Ughh I'm getting Usagi Drop flashbacks
Fuck this trope
No. 142390
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tomboy gf, even worse when they slap on giant tits and ass because why bother being subtle these days?
Depicted as "one of the boys" or at least the only girl that actually "gets" generic male protagonist-chan. Towards him they act like an innocent tsundere princess virgin or dommy mommy hooker depending on the creator, either way they'll have the skills of an experienced porn star. The creator put in the most cliche way they can have tomboy gf scream "I'm NOT like the other girls" with their looks. Typically with a $2 short hair cut and at least one article of oversized "male" clothing. If they do put on something like a dress they "n-never wore this girly stuff before" and make a deal out of it just for generic guy-chan.
You can tell that the guys who obsess over this trope think they're open minded for being "different" than the usual guys who like the same exact traits but with longer hair and clothes that actually fit them properly as the only difference.
No. 142405
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Perfect wife/female lover that only exists to fix their angsty and/or cynical male love interest to be decent people. Using these characters as a visual example because after finishing season 4 of Castlevania it's really prominent how shallow the studio writers write their female characters who also get to live in the end.
Their traits are usually defined by:
>Either weaker or at the same level in combat and/or skills as their male love interest
>Isn't considered a "weak" female character because she can actually banter and occasionally throw some lukewarm sass
>Has at least one scene near the beginning where she's actively helping the people around them to emphasis how nice and compassionate they are
>No emotional baggage or notable personal issues they need to work on (only men are allowed to have that, duh)
>No character development, she's pretty much the exact same person from the beginning to the end
>Acknowledges and fixes the flaws of her male love interest mostly through being his personal therapist which she does so flawlessly
>At worst she'd give a "serious" lecture maybe even with finger pointing but forgives him no matter how messed up the guy is
>Male love interest could literally be a violent, anti-social murderer and writers make it out to be something that the female love interest will happily fix or at least overlook
No. 144505
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I see a lot of shit tropes that piss me off in horror medias (mainly movies and video games);
>When a pet is needlessly killed and its death is used as an emotional spookiness
I hate it, it's so fucking lame. The only time it worked was with the dog from I'am Legend, because the dog was actually a fully dvp character.
>"Wowee, it all happened in their heads all along!1!1"
A trope that became old real quick and became synonymous with lazy writting, it's the basis for every predictable plot twists in video games and horror psychological movies.
this one is the worst one and only applies to horror video games, especially indie ones
>The father (MC that we play as) killed his entire family and killed himself afterwards. We play through limbo him finding out what he did
It's in so many indie horror games and I'm tired of playing as a piece of shit reading through a bunch of notes around his hq residential house asset
No. 144553
>>144501>>144550Dunno, it only made me remember Rebecca,
where the "suspicious" husband turns out to be justified in killing his age-appropriate wife, who takes over his life, bewitches everyone and then cheats on him and gives a maniacal speech about cucking him, how the children won't be his and how he can do nothing against it, which leads to him murdering her out of desperation. Although it's not really a straight example of the trope, and at least is treated like the main mystery, not just a throwaway detail or plotline.
No. 144633
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I hate the slutty girl who has a stacking body count who’s a complete bitch and has no redeeming qualities yet somehow gets to end up happily married and with the bashful nice guy trope. You basically see this in every anime, especially shoujo, and it’s annoying as hell. Examples: Kuzu no Honkai, Panty and Stocking, Princess Jellyfish, etc. etc.
No. 144646
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>>144642Coomer detected.
Sure it’s totally gonna feel “based” when you catch all of the nasty STI’s she’s got crawling between her legs after fucking 1,000 guys before you. Are you really that fucking retarded that you’d want to marry a slut? Of all people?
No. 144648
>>144646What's wrong with birth control? People use it for many reasons
Also, that reasoning sounds scroteish
>all of the nasty STI’s she’s got crawling between her legsYeah… no
No. 144695
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>>144665>>144659>>144651>>144648>>144647>>144669I showed this to my virgin fiancee and you admittedly gave him quite a laugh. Last time I checked he has a full head of hair and isn't "racist" in the slightest, considering we're an interracial relationship.
So enjoy your trash media of whores getting their Disney princess fairytale happy ending. That's the closest that you'll ever get to experiencing what it is like to even have a guy who's attention you can get without you having to be spread-eagled on his cumstained bed for him.
Enjoy your Tinder hookup who, after he's done fucking you, tells you that he can stay for an hour and a half at your house to watch a Netflix movie, only to suddenly hear a text message buzz from his phone and that makes him suddenly have to leave, yet convinces you that it's just "for work". But it's really just him meeting up with another girl he finds more interesting and easier to hook up with.
Enjoy being married to a 3-time divorcee who drinks like a fish and is a closet hebephiliac because he remains emotionally scarred by the babysitter who raped him when he was 14 and can't down enough liquor to help him cope with his baggage.
Enjoy your fiction because that's the only semblance of happiness that you're ever going to get in your miserable lives, you worthless whores.
>>144695KEK no one cares, sperg
go jerk off more to jailbait on /b/
No. 144706
This is autistic but I hate this-
"Susie's daughter goes missing, she calls her husband,David, who tells her that their daughter had died in a car crash. Susie KNOWS that's not the truth, she has flashbacks to the other day when her and their daughter, Jill were playing with dolls. She keeps seeing shit that reminds her that Jill is in fact NOT dead,she's remembering moments they had. Her husband keeps insuring her that Jill is really dead and Susie was harmed in the crash as well, causing her to have memory issues.
David tells her that every few months she has a mental breakdown where she refuses to believe Jill had died. Susie does not believe him.
Susie's on her way to the police station to report her daughter missing. She sees a little girl with blonde hair and a shirt her daughter has from the back, Susie jumps out the car runs towards the girl hugging her, the girl screams and it's not Jill.
Susie breaks down in the street and still ends up at the police station but because she had gotten arrested. Her husband picks her up and provides proof of Jill's death FINALLY.
Susie breaks down and starts to accept it. She starts going to a therapist who explains in details what had happened.Jill is convinced and wants to move on.
About a week later, she finds a picture or some shit that Jill drew, what she found is 100% proof that Jill had not died and there's no way it can be explained away. She knows Jill isn't dead and something is off.
Eventually,Susie finds out her husband is evil and sold their daughter off because he owed some rich and powerful people money. Evil husband David's best friend, John is the only one who believes Susie when she breaks it down. Of course, John is handsome and single.
David goes missing, Susie breaks numerous laws/harms innocent people and gets arrested and breaks out of jail, by knocking out a police officer with a chair or something, stealing her outfit and gun. She's fighting to save her daughter & doesn't tell ANYONE else what is going on. She has to do this herself, with the help of John. No other options. NONE.
Susie learns that an absurd amount of people were in on lying to her about Jill, She kills/seriously harms multiple people with Good Man John to save Sally. Then, when Jill is safe, they flash forward to Susie in a beautiful kitchen cutting carrots. Jill runs into the room asking if she could play outside longer before dinner.
Susie says no, Jill begins to whine and then Good Man David comes in and is like, "Come on baby, just 5 more minutes" kissing her on the neck.
Jill turns around, revealing she's pregnant with David's baby."
I hate every single trope i just wrote. I've watched movies with all of these tropes or some of the; I think I've watched maybe 20 lifetime movies with this same exact plot.
No. 144981
>>144972Something that frustates me to no end in those arcs is how the child is in the wrong if they don't want to forgive their parents, and are being cruel and imature by not wanting to deal with their pos parents.
Like, being an
abusive (physically and emotionally, sometimes even sexually) parent is forgivable, but a child telling their parent to fuck off is over the line? Bitch, fix your fucking moral compass because that shit is spinning more than a yo-yo.
No. 144982
>>144981Yes, that makes my blood boil. Somehow the kid is stunted and immature or selfish or something if they say fuck off and want nothing to do with the Dad or get really angry. Like "Can't you see they've changed? Can't you see they have a good side?" After years of being terrorized and held prisoner in their own home. I hate that the characters who jump to forgive everyone who wrongs them (and everyone around them) are considered more morally enlightened and pure.
>Bitch, fix your fucking moral compass because that shit is spinning more than a yo-yo.Exactly. The fuck?
No. 144984
>>142041Adding onto that
>I'm 30 and dedicated a good portion of my life to my career>you should be a housewife mc-chan>god mc-chan if you don't settle down RIGHT FUCKING NOW you're gonna die alone>MC-chan is perfectly happy with her job and has 0 problems with this fact>bishie co worker or boss enters her life and suddenly mc-chan gives a shit about both her age and the fact that she's a career womanI also despise the mc trope where being "kind" is a substitute for a personality.
No. 145028
Unforgivable crime that actually turns out to have been justified and even "right" from a certain POV.
The best example (and one that has stayed with me for over 10 years, sadly) is from The Inquisitor Cycle - a Polish fantasy novel series that's basically a Witcher rip-off, but badly written and even more sexist (see for details). In one of the stories, there is a scene of a Friendzoned Nice Guy brutally raping a girl he's been in love with forever. To make things worse, the POV protagonist says
>Don't get me wrong, rape is a constant in our miserable times and besides, it's not like women have that body part made out of soap so that they cannot service many men. Still, in this one case I felt kinda bad for the girl because she was so uwu horrified and the guy was fucking her so aggressivelyWell, it turns out that the rapist was 'right' because if he hadn't raped the girl, she would be raped/murdered/sacrificed/whatever by some powerful guy. I was a dumb teen when I've read this shit, but I noticed the misogyny in the whole book (OF COURSE the protagonist's best friend is a brothel madame who offers him discounts or free fucks). I was confused by the justified rape plot twist cause I felt that if it was right why did it still feel wrong to me as a reader? As an adult women, I see that the whole plot was an excuse to put rape in that godforsaken book… plus, if sex was the only solution, why did the scrote not talk it out with the girl? Why didn't they look for a different solution? I may have forgotten some plot points, but it doesn't matter since the author still decided to write the story so that the rapist turned out to be a supposedly good person.
I feel like this type of a plot twist may have a name, but I couldn't find it on Tv Tropes.
No. 145037
>>144972This kinda reminds me of when Stephen King blasted Stanley Kubrick about how he changed Jack's character in The Shining, saying how he missed the point and that he was actually trying to be a better person and father/husband and redeem himself through the story, but I think Kubrick saw right through that and pretty much gave no excuses for Jack's behaviour in the movie. I read an interesting comment recently, actually, about how the book version of Jack shows the perspective of an
abusive father trying to excuse and whitewash his actions, while the movie version shows the perspectives of his
victims and how they deal with his abuse. I found that very interesting and accurate.
No. 145047
>>145037I thought I was alone in thinking that. I've always found it so insane that King defends his Jack and complains that the movie made Jack a bad and crazy person from the very start. Does he seriously not see how shitty of a person he is from the start? Like the entire reason he lost his teaching job was because he was fired for being a dick. He hates women due to thinking his mom was weak for taking his dads abuse. He had an affair and he broke his kids arm. I can get King being annoyed that his self insert didn't get his redemption arc in the movie. What I don't get is why he tries so hard to convince people the book version wasn't as terrible of a person at the start. Its also weird to me that King himself gets away with self inserting himself into every one of his books as an
abusive asshole. Its creepy that he admits the character is based on him. The character is a misogynistic
abusive asshole. Why does nobody think it's weird that King says the character was based on himself and that he stans the character and his precious redemption arc so hard?
No. 145049
>>144972This shit but also the trope where an evil
abusive pos mother is either just "uwu quirky mom" or being possessed/mind controlled/whatever because god forbid we show
abusive mothers in media and how awful that can be to have. At least
abusive fathers are cut out 50% of the time,
abusive moms get forgiveness in media almost every time.
No. 145064
>>144972This reminded me of a trope I hate that's sort of similar where it's basically trying to force the reader to sympathize with someone monstrous.
>Character A is introduced as the lowest of the low, e.g. a serial pedophile, a wife beater, etc. >Main character hates them, as is normal>Enter some convoluted plot contrivance to justify Character A's crimes and actually their victims are the real evil ones OR a woman is somehow to blame for goading Character A to committing these atrocitiesSome examples I can think of off the top of my head are
>The cult leader child rapist in 1Q84 (the victims are actually magic fairies or some bs and they actually rape the poor paralyzed old man)>Allie's foster father in The Power by Naomi Alderman, another pedophile and rapist (it turns out his wife is actually the one who tells him to rape Allie, and she is the true evil one! #notallmen)>Ben in Dark Places by Gillian Flynn is a pedophile as well (but he actually never molested any girls! Except for one little girl who he just masturbated over, who becomes a stripper anyway so whatever right)>Alistair in Woman in the Window (movie) beats his wife and son (but his "wife" is actually his meth addict ex tormenting him, and his son is actually a psychopath who can't stop killing, so he beats them because he is trying to SAVE everyone!) No. 145234
>>145064All of these plot points are satanic.
>Surprise! The rapist/pedo/domestic abuser is actually a good guy or being forced to do it by a woman. Shut up shut up shut up.
No. 145238
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>>145203Lusamine is the big recent example that stood out to me. "uwu big scawy pokemon drugs were making her abuse her children!" or "uwu big scawy men from other universes made her do it!" depending on the game and her kids just shrug it off and are like "uwu I hope she is a nice mom soon!" Contrast that with fucking Ghetsis who gets no narrative sympathy for being a piece of shit.
There was also that "comedy" Mom that justified the mother character destroying her child's life over and over again and pushing her into alcoholism because "uwu she had a hard life too, you can't cUt OfF yOuR mOm!", but I honestly don't know if that one got better because watching half an episode of that awful crap made me ill.
No. 147213
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i really don’t like the “it was all a cult/conspiracy” twist, you know, like they did in night in the woods or hereditary (that one was barely a twist but w/e) to give some examples. it’s so dumb and overdone. though admittedly it was kind of funny in hot fuzz.
No. 147637
idk if this is an actual trope, but just overall when kids or teens (most often girls) in media don't act/talk/behave even remotely age appropriate. i feel like this is in SO many books and movies and series, but the example that first comes to mind, because i recently just finished watching it, is sweet tooth on netflix.
so the main character who is a young boy (like 10-12 i don't remember) is acting very age-adequate from the beginning. just being a kid, dressig like a kid, emoting like a kid and overall being recognized by others as a child.
then this group of "bad ass" kids (age range like 12-16 maybe?) enter the story and all act like adults except they all have animal costumes sometimes and otherwise dress like e-girls, and they play VR shooting games in an arcade (which is also like? why do they have an arcade with pinball games and stuff? this just feels like pandering to men in their 30s who grew up with early video game culture instead of kids today who play minecraft on their ipads). one of these tweens become a central character in the story, and all throughout the rest of the show she is written just like an adult character, except physically she's a kid. she interacts almost flirtily with the adult man helping out the main kid gus, and together it's as if they act almost like his parents taking responsibility of him together, despite her being in the same age range as the other kid and not the adult. another example of this is rachel in 500 days of summer. also that drug dealer child in euphoria, like come on now. these characters are just being casted as kids for no good reason at all. and they don't even get the "it's actually a 50000 year old immortal demon vampire" excuse like they do in anime.
No. 147686
>>147657speaking of this channel, anons opinions on this?
all I can keep thinking is that uhh these are written directed and perpetuated by men. their baseline is coombrain even when it comes to other men. jesus christ
No. 147721
>>147719>I hate Shonen anime/manga. Idk how people can't see that fight scenes do not make a good anime. It's the same contrived plot over and over again where they fight some baddies but then the stakes are heightened every arc. Yes there is Shonen I watch like yu-gi-oh and Jojo. Based
>Won't be long until Hollywood starts pumping out marvel like anime movies.Aren't they already doing this? Capeshit is shonenshit for normies that can't into anime
No. 147848
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>>147812Densetsu Weed and Silver Fang Gin are unironically superior to other shounen mangas don't shit on them
nonnie kek
No. 156328
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Trap characters
>"I'm actually a boy!"
>does gay things with male mc
>having little to no androgyny but just a drawn flat chest girl with Schrodinger's dick
>having the same uwu personality of being frail or optimistic with girly mannerisms
>having the slim slender feminine body figure sometimes with girl hips and thighs
>having a female voice
>purposely made for coomers to fap to
No. 157265
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Because people were talking about this in Moo's thread and I was reminded of my profound hate: The current iteration of gyaru (and the random characters that get called gyaru for no reason). It's, at best, just a lame watered down version of what gyaru aesthetic. Why did stupid moids suddenly develop a a fetish for it a decade or more past its peak? Why are there even historical and fantasy manga getting tagged as gyaru?
No. 157266
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>>157265And the spineless male leads they are often paired with.
No. 157344
>>157265As someone who was really into gyaru when it was still a thing I agree, it feels like they're obsessed with gyarus because they're portrayed as slutty mommydom street girls who bully their pathetic nerd asses by constantly giving them attention. Which couldn't be farther from the truth since most gyarus were based and couldn't care less about being a beta male bangmaid but you know, men need to fetishize every inch of any female thing and turn every female-specific interest into somehow being dedicated to male cooming.
>>157282I don't know, it seems to be more about
>How do you like this, Incel-kun? I'm a beautiful, popular girl who's lowering herself to your level and accepting your disgusting dick because deep down I find you being absolutely pathetic adorable instead of thinking you're gross like I would in real life, tee hee! No. 157672
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Not sure if this counts but
>Male non human character still gets the girl at the end of movie (shape of water, megamind, beauty and the beast, etc)
>Female non human character self sacrifices her love so that the male love interest can end up with a different woman and then dies sad and alone (little mermaid book, corpse bride, etc)
Genuine question is there a single book with an reversed beauty and the beast where the girl actually doesn't die and gets to be happy? Closest thing I can think of is Shrek, which barely counts since they both fall into the 'beast' category at the end, I guess little mermaid disney movie which also barely counts because she turns human at the end and like, if you really want to stretch the definition MAYBE howl's moving castle? Even then all of these end with the protagonist being beautiful at the end with the exception of Shrek.
No. 157678
>>157672I don't know honestly, but your post made me think of Lord of the Rings, and how Arwen had to give up being immortal to be with Aragorn. In the extended Tolkien universe that happens more times like with Beren and Luthien or Lothiriel and Eomer and there are probably more. And it's always a female elf giving up immortality to be with a male human. It always made me mildly salty that there were no male elf/human female pairings. I mean, that might exist somewhere in Tolkien's works, but if it does I'm unaware of it as I haven't read all of his works (and probably never will because there's a LOT). A girl just wants to dream of having a beautiful elf prince husband.
>Even then all of these end with the protagonist being beautiful at the endI mean yeah but at least in Beauty and the Beast the prince became beautiful at the end, at least in the Disney one. I'm guessing that didn't happen in the other two you mentioned but I've never seen them.
No. 157707
>>157672Oh my God, don't remind me of The Corpse Bride! I was so fucking mad that Victor chose Victoria (aka the plain, boring character) instead of gorgeous and fascinating Emily. I am still seething when I think about it. Especially since Emily not only had a broken heart, but she got fucking murdered by her fiance. She deserved a happy end! Fuck that shit. Victoria didn't even want to marry Victor (understandable, bit him getting with Emily would be a better story than an arranged marriage working out in the end).
>Genuine question is there a single book with an reversed beauty and the beast where the girl actually doesn't die and gets to be happy?I know you asked about book, but the sad thing is that it probably only happens in ecchi manga/anime, because Japanese scrotes are into monster girls
No. 157718
>>157678>Lothiriel and Eomer?? Lothiriel wasn't immortal in the first place?
IIRC Tuor (human) became immortal to be with his wife Idril (elf)
> It always made me mildly salty that there were no male elf/human female pairings.Aegnor and Andreth, though Aegnor went to war and died and Andreth grew old before they could get married. So wasn't really a happy ending.
Sage for Tolkien sperging.
No. 157747
>>157707Right? I rewatched the movie yesterday since I hadn't seen it since I was like five and I genuinely felt so bad for her! You can tell that if the roles were reversed it would have ended with the dead person winning.
>but the sad thing is that it probably only happens in ecchi manga/anime, because Japanese scrotes are into monster girlsEven then it's pretty much the choice of shitty harem anime or literal shitty brothel anime.
No. 157753
>>157718>Lothiriel wasnt immortal in the first placeMy bad, i thought Lothiriel was an elf for some reason. Not sure how I got that idea in my head but knowing she's human kind of makes me feel better.
>IIRC Tuor (human) became immortal to be with his wife Idril (elf)Wait, why does the woman elf have to become mortal for a man, but when its genderswapped the man gets to become immortal? That seems unfair.
No. 157755
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>>157747>Right? I rewatched the movie yesterday since I hadn't seen it since I was like five and I genuinely felt so bad for her! You can tell that if the roles were reversed it would have ended with the dead person winning. Corpse Bride really need a fix fic, or even a retelling in the style of Maleficent. I don't understand, how can you NOT make the most striking and iconic character of your story the winning love interest? Okay, maybe I would get it if the other option was almost as interesting… but Victoria is so bland.
>Even then it's pretty much the choice of shitty harem anime or literal shitty brothel anime.You reminded me of pic related, a visual novel titled Love at First Sight. It's cute and non-sexualized. The cyclops girl is the only love interest, so of course she wins. The story targets scrotes tho, so it's not exactly what we want. I would love to see a female-targeted story about a monstergirl (or even better, a monsterwoman) getting the scrote of her dreams. I imagine the monstergirl to be sympathetic or strangely charming, but in the same way the creature from Shape of Water is. None of that 'big titty lamia gf' bullshit.
No. 157757
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>>157755>or even a retelling in the style of MaleficentI read somewhere that they're doing a live action version of corpse bride (because they want to ride on the Disney live action remake coattails) hopefully they'll either a. let Emily win and not die miserably or b. give the human love interest an actual personality and not have it be an arranged marriage with them speaking twice.
At least they had the cute piano scene with Emily and Victor, Victoria wasn't even allowed to play the piano because they have to keep her as dull as possible at all times.
>The cyclops girl is the only love interest, so of course she wins. The story targets scrotes tho, so it's not exactly what we want.Still better than anything I suppose, she is very cute but it brings up how even when there's a monster girl she's never really 'ugly' just has one off putting trait like bird wings or something just look at games like darkstalkers, every playable girl in it aside from Bulleta is a sexy monster or half monster girl.
I pretty genuinely believe that a role reversed version of shape of water won't happen for a looooong time basically.
No. 157834
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>>157821Yeah, I tried to rewatch 90210, it was just too ridiculous. I looked up the ages of the actors and the female actors of the teenagers were mostly 18-22 and the male actors were mostly at least 25. It seemed like there was too much sex and shit (and possibly drugs? I don't remember) going on in that show. I had no problem watching that show as a teen myself but as an adult it felt weird, even though everyone looked older. Not to mention the weird casting choices. The woman on the left in picrel is supposed to be the woman on the right's mother. I looked it up and there's only a 14 year age difference. So like, she could technically be her mom, but in the show the mom also had an even older daughter who legit looked as old as her (or older).
And Pretty Little Liars is even worse, even though I've never seen it, but I know of a certain thing that happens in it that makes me cringe.
>>157727Actually this did happen, in Highlander I think? But she dies of old age instead of him becoming mortal.
No. 157841
>>157834same, and I may be a pearl clutching prude but I hate that teenage shows show raunchy teenage sex scenes, played by adults, and everyone is acting as a complete slut all the time as the norm. And the argument for using adult actors is often "well we can't show actual teens/kids doing sex stuff, that would be wrong" but somehow pretending that they are kids makes it better and less wrong to want to see 16 year olds go at it like rabbits? Not to mention you then get "teenagers" with "adult bodies" which is also really gross when you think about it…
It's so refreshing when you see actual teens in movies and you realize how fucked up it would be for an adult to be into them.
No. 162080
>>160589I don't think I've ever seen that trope, at least recently, but I have to disagree. I wish we had more GNC characters. It seems like female characters have to be super sexy and feminine
and be a boss bitch who can beat men in combat. It's ridiculous.
No. 162312
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>>162080>>162117I posted this in another thread, I hate it when they cast 90 pound actresses with no muscle tone as female action heroes and them knocking out giant 200 pound adult men with a single punch
Is it that hard to cast an actually physically built woman for a role, like Christ they cast Ruby Rose as Batwoman, whose supposed to have the physique of an Olympian athlete and they cast a woman who looks like a small breeze could knock her down
Gina Carano is probably the only actress in years who actually looks the part of her badass female character
No. 162629
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I'm so fucking sick of self-insert MCs whose only character trait is being nice (aka spineless), worse yet when they are " uwaaa I'm a socially autist with no friends, feel sorry for me
No. 162636
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>>162629Picrel is the only example of the trope that I enjoy tremendously
No. 172482
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Characters who are cute, young, have a girly exterior but an ~explosive temper~ or swear a lot just for the "shock". Picrel is worst example of it, no other defining qualities and she ruined the show.
No. 302953
>>147637Yep, it's everywhere and it's annoying as hell. If female characters in media often get dehumanised (as in 'don't behave like humans') or treated as tropes, for children characters it's a 99% chance.
>>142405This is why I hate Irisviel from Fate/Zero so much.
No. 303377
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>Villain almost kill the MC
>"come back to me when you're stronger"
>MC get stronger and kills/beat the villain
>"I should've killed you when I had the chance to"
No. 304912
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>>129780I hate the thread tbh. Its very obvious that its referencing the Hunger Games. I'm not going to say that the Hunger Games was perfect, but it has a weird cultural hatred against it just because teenage girls liked it. As a result, people almost deliberately misconstrue it. For example, Katniss is good at hunting because that is how she literally survives and provides for her family and It takes a moron to think that Peeta and Gale are similar in any way.
No. 304920
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"Love redeems" has to be the worst trope of all time. Its shit when its a woman suddenly handwaving all the faults of her abusive love interest, but I also hate it in abusive family contexts too. Its always saddling the protagonist with the emotional responsibility of some autistic selfish fuck that treats the protagonist like shit and shows no remorse until they get everyhing they want
No. 305451
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Not a trope but its a fandom trend that I have come to despise.
No. 305457
>>305211Barbie has multiple careers and is a self-made woman, Sam Manson spends most of the show shaming women like Barbie.
I will not stand for Barbie slander.
No. 305461
>>304926>She stated that she had never read or watched anything about vampires, and wrote her vampires from a completely blind perspective, which I and lot of people found interesting.while I never got into twilight I do like it's take on vampires. It got alot of slack back then because "vampires don't sparkle in the sun" but that is an aspect I find interesting. There are many vampire-esque folklore creatures that don't die when sunlight touches them and I hate that it has become a pop culture staple in vampire media. The sparkle thing is a cool way to pay homage to the "dies in the sun" thing while not nerfing them
>>305451anime does this alot. Usually it's to yuri or yaoibait
No. 305937
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Someone mentioned manic pixie dream girls fixing boring depressed moids' lives but to add to that I also hate the "self-aware" version of it.
No. 306175
>>306171I like it at lot but I also know japanese. I've always thought that not knowing the language made it much harder for you to enjoy it.
Like I find Zenitsu from Kimetsu no Yaiba hilarious but every other person I know hates him, and they also don't know japanese. But he's one of the most popular characters in Japan.
No. 307863
>>307773>geniuses that are only smart because the story tells us they are and never actually display any sort of higher intelligence unless the plot needs them towriting smart characters can be hard specially when the character has higher intelligence than the author. I hate when a character starts displaying their intelligence but it makes no sense because the author has no idea what they are talking about, or the author is gasping at straws to make it sound deeper ao it end up sounding lame.
Another thing I hate is genius character who excels in every field.
A huge petpeeve of mine is when studious/book smart characters are intelligent and wise beyond their years. I know several people irl who are good at studying and got high marks in school and can get trough a school book with no problem but they don't know how to apply that knowledge outside of schoolwork. They didn't have strong opinions on anything and would get confused whenever their worldviews where challenged and generally denied that things had a deeper meaning unless it was related to an assignment. This pet peeve circles back to the "genius who excels at every field" point. Whenever a conflict or a riddle comes up the story turns to the studious character to solve it and it doesn't matter if it's related to science, strategy, art, logic, handiwork, etc. the studious character always has a qualified answer. It feels OP
No. 307865
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I absolutely hate the story of a colder woman who wants nothing to do with relationship and wants to work but suddenly mister quirky, I help you at your work and I am so much better at some things you are supposed to be better, pops up, of curse she fell in love with him over the curse of the serie and they have to get together because she realises that love and happy family is so much better than her work she dedicated her entire life to.
Bonus points if there is a child involved from either of both parties, were the other parent is either useless or dead.
You can see it in: Lucifer, bones, castle etc.
I hate it so much, I would not mind it so bad if they would befriend each othet but OH NO it always has to be love!
Maybe I am too subjective of this trope because I think friendship is in generell not good portrait in movies and series. Does not matter if m/m, m/f or f/f.
No. 307875
>>307863>writing smart characters can be hard specially when the character has higher intelligence than the author. I hate when a character starts displaying their intelligence but it makes no sense because the author has no idea what they are talking about, or the author is gasping at straws to make it sound deeper ao it end up sounding lame.Oh god this is especially bad in anime. Because a lot of anime are adaptions of shitty web novels written by 16yos that think they're witty and smart.
One related trope that might make drop a series is Schrödinger's Cat. This stuff is brought up in almost every fucking anime with a smart character because it's baby's first thought experiment and the only thing besides hacking (including "bars" that show the hacking progress on-screen) that a stupid writer can come up to show that their character is rivaling Einstein. What makes it worse is that they misapply it too on top of that.
But that aside one of the worst offenders of "stupid shit pretending to be smart" I've seen the last years was that Detective is already Dead series with the dead feMC. Everything about it was so stupid. I can tolerate stupid stuff as long as it's fun, but when you can tell that it's a story written by a common teenager that believes to be better than everybody else it gets cringe.
Same with isekai and MCs being geniuses for having generic knowledge that you learn in school when you are like 11.
No. 307885
>>307865Oh god yeah I fucking hate every sort of narrative brainwashing or however you call that.
Another offender are tomboys or masculine female fighters that either reveal that they're actually super girly and sad that some consider them boyish or stories in which they of course fall in love and become housewives. I hate it for how obvious the writer's intentions are.
If you don't like cold women or tomboys or are afraid of them then don't fucking write them in the first place. Writers need to fuck off with their wish-fulfillment in which every woman that doesn't match the waifu ideal is just a motherly devote lover waiting for the chosen guy that shows her how she really feels like.
It's probably part of the "I can fix her/him" narrative which I also hate. I even hate the gender reversed version in which an interesting anti-social guy or villain is reformed because ms. flawless showed him what love is.
No. 308029
>>307773>an anti-social guy that takes care of an old woman or the dictator that enjoys playing with his petsaren't these extremely cliche? you will rarely ever see the anti-social guy portrayed in a complete, human way rather than as the cardboard cutout bad guy without some bullshit like that added. he can't just be bad but complete, and in that potentially sympathetic for some but in a subtle way not some obvious railroading that says this is exactly how you're supposed to feel about him.
I get what you mean though.
No. 311661
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Don't know how common this trope is but scroteshit being shoehorned into male focus fujobait anime/manga. Like who are these for anyway? Are they suppose to attract moid otakus so they can be interested in these series even though they're not the main audience for it or wouldn't care because it's male focused? Characters like these are unnecessary, out of place and are made nothing but for coomer art. Here's a better idea, don't sexualized them at all. I don't mind female characters in male focus anime/manga as long as they're not showing fanservice or sexually appealing to disgusting horny scrotes. Just please let me enjoy cute attractive men without being jump scared by titties or whatever the fuck moids drool over. There's already plethoras of that in most anime/manga out there and it doesn't have to be in male focus ones.
Characters from left to right:
Coco from Tsuritama
>She's not offensive but her design is retarded compared to the rest of the characters. Especially going around in a bikini top.
Ukraine from Hetalia
>She's not offensive either but they didn't need her tits being her main focus and bouncing around so much.
Female Kokkuri-san and Female Inugami from Gugure! Kokkuri-san
>Haven't finished this anime but why though??? Are they trying to appeal to scrotes? It's really unfortunate that there's so many fanart of this mtf genderswap shit compared to art of the actual male characters. Turning husbandos into scroteshit waifus is cringe and a sin whereas the other way around never happens.
Kasumi from OreFuro
>Weird loli imouto with incest implications for her older brother mc. It was really unnecessary, out of place and didn't have to put it like that. Why can't it just be a normal sibling relationship? Also she rivals with the merman who's being taken care of by the mc.
Neko and Seri Awashima from K
>Only seen the first season and had a foggy memory of this anime but Neko was some cat turned into an annoying, cringey and insufferable girl going around naked at first. For Seri, there was just too much tits and ass shots of her. Can't take this bitch seriously even though she has a serious demeanor. Not even when her tits flop around so much from fighting or just slightly moving. Cover them up slut and wear some actual uniform like your men goddammmit. Also, the right side are official art and from what I can remember I don't think these girls ever had any yuri implications with each other.
Nina Hopkins from Black Butler
>Only seen the anime but seeing this reeks of yuribait. Is she a lesbian? Does she have a thing for Mey-Rin? Why is she so close and being touchy with her? Why do they always have to have women groping other women's boobs? Women don't behave that way.
They're might be some that I missed but this is what I came across when consuming anime/manga for the boys.
No. 311669
>>311661It's just business common sense - capturing the widest audience possible. A fujo will not be deterred by one or two characters with big tits, while an otaku coomer may watch a show just for one big-tittied waifu.
I don't think Tsuritama is a good example either - there is hardly anything sexy about Coco. She looks like a character from an American cartoon.
'Official art' is another can of worms and will depend on the magazine the art is published in. For instance, Higurashi as a franchise (games, anime) was always mild on the fanservice side, but I had the misfortune of buying one of its anime artbooks and it was filled with lewds (of Satoko and Rika too) that were previously published in Megami and similar. Couldn't even check the content beforehand. Now I know that the target audience of Megami includes a large portion of lolicons.
No. 311676
>>311661My god that girl in uniform from K looks so bad in the official art.
My guess is that sometimes female authors will want to put in a sexy female character but they're so coombrained (being in Japan, surrounded by coomers, pedophiles and pictures of underage women being sexualized) that that's what they go for when designing her. Sexy woman = Big tits, dumb behaviour, yuribait but they're like groomed into thinking that way.
No. 314168
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Been looking for romance dramas, films or shows with average-looking/chubby female leads and a common trope I've seen is that she goes through a glow up weight loss transformation instead of staying the way she looks throughout. I know that being overweight and obese is unhealthy but it seems like whoever created or directed these are afraid to see these kinds of girls being paired up with loving attractive handsome men whereas the reverse is more common and more acceptable. It's sad that they think a woman being slim and slender is the only way for her to be loved and beautiful.
No. 314173
>>314168I hate that too
>Ugly moid gets bullied by other moids for being ugly and possibly also fat. He either loses weight and gets hot or transforms overnight into a hot stud. His love interest is a girl who was nice to him all along.>Ugly, fat or usually just plain looking girl gets bullied by everyone, male and female, for being ugly or fat. Even if she just dresses a bit frumpy and has acne, people treat her like a hideous ogress. She transforms overnight and becomes hot, everyone is suddenly nice to her. Her crush never knew she existed until now because fat/ugly women having crushes is somehow cringe and gross.For a shallow webtoon, True Beauty is the only perpetrator of this trope that I've seen that doesn't do this. The female ex-uggo isn't really an ex-uggo and her main love interest doesn't see anything wrong with her natural face.
No. 314182
>>311661Surprised you didn't add in that chick from Blue Lock.
Her character is basically old dudes going "look at her big boobs".
No. 314256
>>314168Do you have any specific examples for the reverse being acceptable? I honestly don't know a single drama where male!MC is allowed to stay his ugly self.
>>314173Watashi ga motete dousunda, too.
No. 314709
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>>311661God I hate the Nina shit, she has such a cool design and I love the sophisticated lesbian coded lady trope in manga targeted at women and/or girls but there's always a 50% chance of them getting the coombait treatment
No. 314858
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>>147848i’m glad you posted a pic of weed because he embodies one of my most hated tropes, that being the gary stu/mary sue. his father gin (og silver fang) could be considered one as well but at least he was trained to become a strong fighter because of the strict bear hunter who trained him since he was a small pup. so, there was an explanation for why he was a strong fighter and he learned that ultimate attack through training with his father/wolves depending on if it’s the anime or manga.
weed on the other hand was somehow a skilled fighter from the start despite having lived a calm life with his mother until he was a teen and he also suddenly just used that ultimate attack without having ever fought or trained before. no one trained him, he just had this strength and skill from birth. every single dog no matter how jaded from either abuse or life as a soldier watching their comrades die, even a literal assassin, just get turned into goodie-two-shoes weed fanboys from a conversation or unfinished battle with him. why? because he’s that fantastic, no other reason needed apparently.
he has several moments of being a complete selfish jackass like leaving jerome and his own father as captives so he could hang out with his mate, but is he ever called out on this? of course not, because he’s weed and he can do no wrong. other characters get called out (usually by him) for much less selfishness or cowardice than that, but somehow when weed does it it’s completely different. in the anime he also banished jerome from the pack for killing the assassins who has just tried to kill weed and were planning their next attempt just as jerome tracked them down and killed them. he’s a self-righteous hypocrite and the ultimate gary stu protagonist.
i hate mary sues/gary stus with a burning passion and it started with this little shit. characters that start out perfect and don’t change a bit throughout their story are boring as shit, because there can be no character growth or internal struggles when your character is perfect from the start.
yes i have silver fang autism, i grew up with the ginga franchise and have carried this for many years so you’ll have to excuse me nonnies
No. 315686
>>315169NTA but same, in fact I seem to have become more masculine in adulthood.
Are there any fictional tomboys that are written like this instead of transforming into hyperfemininity as they grow up?
No. 316732
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Sniper/gun wielding characters with these round orange glasses. Design wise it looks nice, but won't that obstacle their vision when shooting? And if these are supposed to be glasses and not sunglasses then that indicates they have a visual impairment and need glasses to see, then why tf are they using guns which need good aim and sharp vision? I know it's a silly thing to get angry at but it just makes no sense.
No. 316771
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>>316762>>316751>>316750>>316737>>316732Don't know about snipers, but hunters do that. You can buy tinted lens for binoculars too.
No. 316991
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whatever this is called.
No. 317039
>>315169Not the other anon but me too. I even posted about this trope somewhere else on lc once and I legit skip everything with tomboys unless I can confirm that it's not that same shit again (but it's usually the same shit).
>>315686Same. It even makes sense since a lot of people get calmer and maybe more distant when they grow up, which are both traits commonly associated with males. Plus you might also stop giving a shit at some point and say what you think or not care about socializing or fitting in with people you know don't share enough traits with you to make it worth the hassle.
No. 317101
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>>316782that bitch embodies what is probably the trope i hate the most
the extremely unsympathetic/edgy writer’s pet/mary sue
the character who does terrible shit with zero remorse and zero repercussions, the character every other character of the opposite sex wants to fuck/is obsessed with no matter how blatantly ooc it is for them to act that way (dexter), the character that is given a half-assed sob story that’s supposed to make the plot and narrative bending over backwards to coddle her seem justified, the ultra unsympathetic character who gets a completely undeserved happy ending without a shred of critique or irony from the narration
fuck the last seasons of dexter and fuck hannah mcsue
No. 317166
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>>316991This is so funny. I just watched this happen on The Bear, even though I'm pretty sure a woman wrote the series. I was so shocked at how much I did not care about this random woman who showed up to be the male lead's love interest. They have a generic meet-cute in a grocery store, suddenly he remembers his past with her and their feelings and then they're already having their will-they-wont-they moments. And she needs to shave her unibrow.
No. 320617
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I don’t like any het couple dynamic to begin with but I especially hate the ‘she doms him/pegs him/owns him’ type ships that everyone online is obnoxious about pushing as something progressive. I don’t give a fuck about them or Barbie and Ken or whatever.
No. 320634
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>>320617I think this is an extension of the Warren principle, where male characters are woobified and female characters are stripped of any and all interesting motivations and attributes. Instead, they are turned into perfect, no-nonsense adults, regardless of their actual personalities or character.
No. 320652
>>320617>>320634Yes, I think these are mostly my issues with any type of ship like this that attempts to be subversive in ‘flipping the roles’ but they never actually are. They’re still conventionally attractive (mostly hyper)feminine women with their similarly conforming men at the end of the day. Great screenshot btw. The babygirl phenomenon similarly annoys me in that it’s fake progressive but really, these women are still obsessing over these male characters at the end of the day while female characters get little attention as they’re merely a stand-in for a self insert.
Maybe I’d be more tolerant of seeing het couples in media if the woman was bordering on
toxic, sloppy, non-conforming, not obsessed about her man or whatever and still likable and significant to the plot (not just a villain)
No. 320686
Older Man/Younger Woman, trope (and at this point genre) I detest in all possible forms but especially
>older man married to"career-oriented" (a.k.a. bitch) woman his age
>silly quirky young female character with absolutely no life experience enters his life
with obvious hatred for the wife for being a shrew/being infertile/not being "family-oriented" enough. So much misogyny.
>silly quirky young female character with absolutely no life experience enters his life
This is becoming ever so popular with young women today. It makes girls feel like the only currency they have is emotional labour, energy, motherhood etc. The MC is always some poor idiot with a "lot of heart" and "empathy" as character traits and the older man is a broken, mysterious, abusive daddy (disgusting). If the MC had more life experience I could maybe forgive the age difference, but "youth and naiveté is exactly what he needs!" is such a strange thing to say. Like a woman's life path is something that exists to heal a man's worldview.
Casual sex to catching feelings, the forced awkwardness and angst, are we or aren't we thing. I don't care if it's a trauma related thing as it often is and they're not being open about their feelings, they're adults, they can talk.
And don't get me started on infidelity. Mid-life crisis type shit, or crappy cinephile movies about the psychology of being or having a side piece, more interested in sex and the "ennui" of cheating. The only movie that has done this well was Brief Encounter and I don't think they ever consummated, anyway.
Sorry for sperging but I feel like these are the only romance options left for young women today and it's driving ne insane. I probably sound like someone's grandma
No. 320700
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This is very specific to slasher films, but when the last surviving guy (usually the final girl's love interest) is CLEARLY killed, only for him to suddenly reappear at the last moment to "help" the final girl. Usually she has it figured out anyway and his contribution comes off as unnecessary. She doesn't need his help. Plus the killer effectively dispatching all the other victims but somehow missing that he didn't actually kill the dude is unbelievable. And it ESPECIALLY irks me if he still survives and he and the final girl have a sappy happy ending. He should at least sacrifice himself and be truly killed while she gets away. That would at least somewhat make up for his previous fakeout death. It overall lowers the stakes and cheapens the movie for me. I want to see a dance of death between the killer and final girl, that's the actual romance going on. Get out of here you literally who boyfriend.
No. 320804
>>320625>Home alone plays on that fantasy by Kevin outsmarting the dumb villains breaking into the house, but he's by no means portrayed as smarter than adults or all knowing and mature.This is an astute observation, nona. A lot of people re-analyzing the film rag on how Kevin's traps suck or he's "too smart." But in reality the villains are just completely retarded (aside from the beginning, the police impersonation was actually brilliant). And we see hints of how Kevin is just a kid when he goes shopping and gets scared of the movie/basement. It's all just for fun anyway, I don't think there's any real "lesson" meant to be portrayed in that movie. It's just a wild fantasy that every kid had at some point.
btw I don't wanna give any potential dox but tropes about kids that are way smarter/more moral than they ought to be can be found in ancient/medieval lives of saints (where the trope can be translated as "old child") and panegyric for emperors (where the kid emperor is already amazing before he does jack shit). But if I had to wager, the saints' lives connection is much stronger than the imperial one.
No. 320876
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This is related to what was discussed earlier. I love hades to death but when I saw melinoe's portrayal in the trailer I realized it's the same fucking trope. Zagreus is laidback and chill, while melinoe is a serious tough girl. This happens all the time, the female character is never allowed to be actually fun, she must always be hypercompetent and serious about her job. I know a lot of people shat on korra but I actually liked how much of a mess she was. She was clearly a proto-girlboss but at least she felt more relatable and human to me. Obviously we don't know yet the full extent of melinoe's personality, but it's kinda clear to me that she is gonna be depicted as more serious than zag
No. 320879
>>320804>I don't wanna give any potential dox??? Doxing a medieval saint? Please elaborate.
>>320877These moe characters are flawless though - being socially awkward or baking inedible goo are seen as 'cute', not flaws with negative consequences.
No. 321422
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>>321404off-topic but why does he look like hairy pitbull
No. 321454
>>321417>>321441>>321404Actually, I think there might be a more logical explanation. Writers want their characters to swear, so they come across as either jaded, cynical, or mature. However, they don't want the characters to use any words that are considered "
problematic," such as retard or faggot. Therefore, the only solution is to make up swear that literally no one uses, so no one gets offended. For example, in blockbuster movies, you might hear phrases like "what the shit biscuit" or "hey dickbag for brains," which are meant to come across as cool and we just sorta go along with it, despite how awkawrd they sound.
No. 321611
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Posted this in another but fits better here, I hate how military action films often feature ugly steroid-ridden middle-aged men in the lead roles, which is not even accurate. My father(who served in the special-forces) showed me pictures of his training and the members of his unit, as well as soldiers from other countries they worked with and they were all young and attractive men in their early 20s, with some even resembling models. He also tolemeit was rare for someone in their early 30s to be in the special forces or active duty, and impossible for a 40-year-old to be part of the special forces. However, in the majority of action films, we always see older men in these roles.
No. 321836
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>>321834>>321681From what I understand, after World War II, war films casted soldiers with actors who were often veterans themselves. However, this was in the 50s and 60s and these actors would be a decade or two older than they would have actually been during the war. Eventually, this practice became a trend and later it was mistakenly taken up as fact by boomers.
No. 321887
IDK if it's really a trope, but I've encountered this a few times
>a male character has a female love interest, leads a happy life
>the female love interest tragically dies
>male character falls into despair and darkness, may or may not be manipulated by a bigger evil, muh revenge the world shall be destroyed moid thing
>male character commits numerous crimes and atrocities like it was Saturday, becomes increasingly cruel and/or forgetting his past
>it's going like that until the protagonist/hero arrives, uses talk no jutsu and/or reminds him of what he used to be
>he has a change of heart, now fighting for the hero's causes (often just undoing his own mess), he ends up sacrificing himself and dying
>bonus point if his lover appears in his memories or as an apparition that convinces him to switch side
>in the afterlife, his lover is waiting, instantly forgiving and accepting him despite what he has done
>male character apologizes as if it's only his lover he has wronged
>"uwu I've always trusted you, you're a good person, I forgive you,I appreciate what you've done for me, welcome back my hubby"
>they live happily ever after in the afterlife like nothing happened and as if the moid deserved it
>or worse(?) the female lover agrees to be with the male character as he goes to his deserved place (hell/purgatory)
No. 321965
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Jirai kei is so problematic on its own irl, and from what I see it's gradually becoming a weird disgusting trope. I really hate how girls with mental health problems are usually portrayed in otaku culture, but it's getting worse. After the pandemic they got more popular, starting with Needy Streamer Overload (which is not that bad compared to the rest). I guess it became kind of a blueprint after its success. There are two other games that I found on Steam in English - Suteki na kanojo no tsukurikata and Sentimental Death Loop. I don't know what's going on in the heads of the developers, but both of them are about yandere lesbian girls in jirai kei outfits which manipulate, torture, kill and/or rape their love interests. It's really a horror to me, I don't know if it's possible to make a theme more misogynistic than this.
In the original version of picrel a pantyshot is visible. I hate men.
No. 322062
>>321965I dislike jirai too, just wish they wouldn't sexualise girls with glaring mental issues coping with cute things. Let them have their sanrio merch in peace.
And not every woman that likes cute/girly things is a "landmine" ffs, absolutely hate this trend.
No. 327635
>>327094Ugh I hate this too, it's my number one writing pet peeve. It reeks of amateur because you can tell they're just emulating other fanfiction and have never read a real book in their life. I can forgive it though. Not everyone cares for the craft like I do, and it's not their fault if they were given shitty beginner's advice.
Have you ever rewritten their bad fanfic nonette? I do, sometimes, just for my own satisfaction. Like if otherwise the scenario and characterisation are good, then I'll fix the bad prose that weighs it down. Just an idea.
Especially if Scout is your husbando and you're hurting for content No. 337516
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No. 367488
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No. 367581
>>144633Not to drag up old drama but, who the fuck was the slut x wholesome boy pair in Princess Jellyfish???
Also this trope is way more common as
>Manwhore x Virgin Maidenand I despise both versions of this trope because its a branch off the
>I can fix himtrope and it is interesting to see how some tropes are just more specific instances of broader generic versions
No. 367671
>>367623I'm racking my brain to think of any I've ever read but not shoujo, Scums Wish was the only place I recognized that specific trope from but thats a seinen.
Wait, Hot Gimmick. The little sister and the mc's childhood friend.
Stepbro should've been endgameYamada's First Time had a false version of it since she was a wannabe slut but never actually seeing anyone but her boyfriend.
There was this Korean smut webtoon where the slutty girl who initially went after the male lead actually got with the pure guy who wanted the female lead.
I heard the story went full retard after some point and stopped before then at a good spot but I think it might have been a reveal that the female lead was this trope, and if it was I'm glad I stopped. No. 368242
>>368191I agree with this. It feels like there isn't enough "fantasy" in fantasy lately, at least to my tastes. Where's the imagination? I think it's because many story ideas spring from "what if (thing) but with (magic) thing??" instead of coming up with a whole separate world/reality which is much harder and takes longer.
>>368192 Interesting you mention ASOIAF because I found the "fantasy" element to be fairly understated. I didn't get that far into the books but iirc my impression was "shitty people in rehashed European historical scenarios but with dragons" kek. But it certainly is incredibly well fleshed out.
No. 368433
>>368191>>368192>>368242I think it's complicated because on one hand I do believe a lot of fantasy authors should read actual histories for inspiration, but there should be a transformative element to it. For example Tolkien was obsessed with Anglo-Saxon mythology but he didn't simply copy it outright to create the LoTR. Instead,he drew inspiration from it and created something truly unique. On the other hand there is an obvious issue with certain fantasy authors not just being inspired but essentially copying actual works with only a different coat of paint
GRRM is the worst case of this, Almost every element of ASOIAF is just a barely disguised retelling of various points in English history, If you've read any sort of detail book about the history of Britain, you'll find that it's essentially the 'lore' of his series, the first men are the Celts, the Andals are the Anglo-Saxons and the Targaryens are the Normans
No. 371093
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>Quirky,happy blonde female character
I instantly dislike anything with those types of protagonists and avoid it like the plague
No. 371094
>>371062I agree with all of these except
>male calico cats that no one comments anything about as if they're not extremely rareWhat lol. That is so specific. I can't even remember the last time I watched a movie or show with a calico cat in it.
No. 371167
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>>371093Especially with a plain male lead or scrote self-insert. For me it's her.
No. 388698
>>371093This trope angers me to no end. I was on the receiving end of constant commentary about "smiling more," my "resting bitch face," and "bad attitude" I never actually had, so much more than any girl around me growing up because of those subconscious stereotypes people have. "You should be more chipper!" Why is that? Why do you think that? You didn't go up to (brunette) Nichole who's only a few feet away from us and tell her that, even though she's not smiley right now either. I point this out to people if I notice it and they go silent and you can see them reflect for a moment and sometimes they admit, "You're probably right." It's caused people to tell me how to dress, suggest stereotypical blonde associated interests like cheerleading, men commenting that I'm no fun (two men actually admitted they thought I'd be more pleasant to be around when they first looked at me before flirting because of my hair color), and random people run their fingers through my hair without my consent to make comments on it. No one believes it's my natural hair, and perhaps this is why people assume I must be chipper, because they think it's an intentional fashion statement. They ask me why I "dyed my natural black hair blonde, it suited me better" because they subconsciously associated raven hair with a more stoic temperament.
No. 388764
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>>368225>males look nonhuman and other worldly>females are basically humans with mild altercations because otherwise men won't find it sexyKek that one grinds my gears so badly, I hate that trope so much
No. 388774
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>>388764more reasons fallout is based
No. 388902
>>388698Damn i live in scandinavia which is blonde people central so at least we don't have to deal with that here. I never thought about it being a big fashion statement for other countries (since here it's like dying your hair brown, no big deal at all) but I guess it makes sense. Being blonde in an asian country for example is going to actually stand out
>>388787Adding my own in the same vein: "average" character being described as super conventionally attractive but we're still told she's average. "She's a plain jane that the guys don't notice, with her perfectly curled hair dancing in the wind, her shiny big eyes green as emerald, plump juicy lips and slightly bigger than average tits, yet skinny with nice figure, it was easy to see why men totally ignored her and went for Slutty McSlut instead"
No. 388903
>bad guy: kills thousands of people, enslaves the entire kingdom, causes suffering for fun wherever he goes>protag and friends the second they get the chance to kill the bad guy: "but if we kill him we're just as bad as him, so we won't uwu"literally fuck you writer who chose this path
No. 388915
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'bro' characters.
No. 388918
>>388901I was so close to dropping Xenoblade when
the MC tells Dunban to not kill the guy who killed the heroine because it's le bad and no better than him… even though the MC is just the girl's love interest while Dunban is her brother WHO RAISED HER. But then 10 seconds later that antagonist just slips off a cliff and die while trying to backstab them one last time.
No. 388931
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>>367508Umineko has a pretty good amount of older women as main characters who often have the story from their perspective (though not full on protagonist role sadly), granted they don't really look their age (pic is meant to be like 50) but it's the thought that counts I suppose.
No. 389033
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>>388932Yeah if there's some spin on it I usually hate them less, but if they're like a Kamina or Ryuji style character I cannot stand them.
>>388946Too bad I like Adayu more
No. 389116
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>>389011Same, what irks me the most are these fat nerdy types or neckbeards trying to be all cool n' shit, knowledgeable or has some sort of significance. They're obviously self-inserts for obese manchildren.
No. 389531
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That stupid trope where kisses are somehow more "speshul" than sex. No you idiot, you are not "saving yourself" for your future nigel by refusing to engage in a basic part of foreplay but getting some rando's dick up your pussy anyways
No. 390745
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I absolutely hate it when animals/pokemon creatures act like humans.
No. 391363
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No. 404748
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>>391363>>404746Related to that, male cartoon animals being allowed to look like goofy cartoon animals while their female counterparts are made more human-like. Also see picrel (extra fail with the duck titties) and Sonic characters
No. 404820
>>404753This at least made sense in the lore of the movie, where a toons' success and attractiveness is indicated by how funny they are. The humans don't understand this, so they readily accept the lie that Jessica cheated on Roger and that Roger killed the other man. The movie also touches on the idea that people view Jessica negatively purely because of her appearance.
Obviously it's still a movie made by scrotes, so it panders to the male gaze and such. But at least the characters looking and acting the way they do serves the plot and isn't purely moid artists being moids.
>>404748It's because female bodies are viewed as inherently sexual whereas male bodies aren't, it's frustrating. This goes way, way back, basically as long as cartoons have been a thing. Although I kind of have to give Walt Disney a little bit of credit, because both Mickey and Minnie wore only bottoms with no shirt, and neither Donald nor Daisy wear pants.
No. 404823
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Also speaking of cartoons, it annoys me when rabbits are drawn with paw pads. Rabbits don't have paw pads, they have thick fur on the soles of their feet.
No. 404982
Hate when every animal is depicted as either being a cat or dog behaviour-wise. It's not so bad when the animal character in question is something a dragon (like Toothless, who is pretty much a big weird cat), but it annoys me when real animals are 'simplified' in this way when playing around with their actual behaviours/mannerisms would be more fun/interesting and possibly even more memorable. A horse acting like a dog is cheap comedy/writing, for example.
>>404759>>404807imo 'enemies to lovers' can't work as a plot for a standalone story, it needs to be a relationship arc that takes place over a longer series (and also works better if it's enemies to friends to lovers). I say this because trying to both establish an enemy dynamic in the same book you're going to shift it into a generic romance means that it's going to be pretty toothless and lacking in the background of interactions that makes the change away from enemies more interesting– this trope works better in the realm of fanfic because, even if you don't set up the enemy part of the relationship in the fic itself, it already exists in the canon. You can't rely on that when you're publishing original work, and yet these stories are still written as though they have that backing and investment present in the reader (as if listing the trope is enough).
(the fanfic use of this trope also works better because it's using characters who weren't designed to be romance leads first and foremost, but like supervillains/heroes and shit, so they're more well-rounded and have engaged in activities other than mooning over or shagging each other)
No. 407945
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Male character sees a female character getting sexually harrased by another male character, so the first male character steps in to tell him to back off. This common courtesy of not being an asshole causes said female character to fall sooooo madly in love with to the point of immediately wanting to suck his dick. (Trauma from men after her experience of being previously harrased? Nada, that's not sexy at all.)
I especially hate it when male writers do this scenario. Goes to show they'll only be a good person if they'll subconsciously believe there'll be a "reward" in the end.
No. 407980
>>404982This always annoys me too. Honestly horses have such distinct
read: asshole personalities that there's no need to assign dog traits to them to begin with, they'd probably outdo the human characters kek
No. 409048
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Can we leave the hedonistic-alcoholic-trainwreck-asshole protagonist trope behind already? Aka every American adult animation ever?
No. 409051
>>407945100% agree, but it's also kind of wild how often 'male love interest saves female mc from sexual assault/worse' is often used as a core component of getting the couple together in romances written by women. Sure, I get the fantasy aspect going on there, but it's how it's commonly used to give a male character (that is potentially just as bad as the MC's assailants) a positive trait/good boy points (even if he goes on to assault the mc soon after because he only helped her due to possessiveness and is the exact same kind of predator but hot so it's okay I guess). There's got to be a better way kek
(or, you know, allow female characters in general to engage with threats other than sexual ones, imagine that)
No. 409059
>>409043Badly researched names annoy me as someone who's not from an English speaking country. On one hand, cool that you like our names - however you picked a name that's super old and out of fashion and literally nobody would name their kid that here these days! It's like introducing some young and cool american kids named Agatha and Bertha, and then you meet their grandma who is named a contemporary name like Nova. It's all backwards.
Even worse then they name male characters female names, because they couldn't even fucking google the name first to check!
No. 409129
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>>407948At least Runescape is sticking to its wacky worldbuilding. This is a female dwarf that's part of a recent update.
No. 409139
>>338458>>367508>>367586This is mostly because a lot of authors don't know how to, or find it annoying to, write about adults living adult lives. It's much easier to have teens as protags because they typically wouldn't have responsibilities like kids and a spouse.
Not that it stops male protags, usually the wife and kids in those stories are plot points that motivate the MC to go on his quest, either by dying or getting kidnapped. But for women characters, most adult women's lives are seen as "boring" and if they're not boring then they're a terrible mom for leaving their kids behind so we can't have a flawed MC because readers might not relate. Most of these are written by men for men so it's kind of a chicken/egg situation.
So you end up with those examples as established tropes that sell well to different demographics. It's also why thrillers and mystery novels often feature older female protags with complicated lives - women read and write those more than men do and will relate better to the protag.
Interestingly, there are some older female MCs from the 90s and 2000s whose franchises either got canned or rebooted and they were aged down. Lara Croft was in her 30s, rich, mean and powerful. Now she's… yeah. Xena was another one, in Japanese media you had Ghost in the Shell and Black Lagoon, and later Claymore. On TV Scully from X-Files was very popular.
No. 409379
>>409314eh, it's pretty accurate to YA cliches and tropes from the 2010s– specifically all the bottom of the barrel Twilight/Hunger Games/Thone of Glass clones. The comic is whatever, but it isn't wrong or even bad that it happened to be made by some male buzzfeed comic artist or something. Those young girls also deserve better than repetitive, cliche-ridden slop that's just trying to cash in on trends anyway (and let's not even get into how a large section of YA is incredibly popular with and heavily dictated by adult female readers and has been for years, to the point that it alienates the original demographic).
>of course they’ll hire hot people, even if the text describes them otherwiseThe romance options in the classic YA love triangle were never depicted as physically unattractive in the original text, and them being essentially palette swaps of each other (in just appearance or personality as well) is also pretty accurate (eg 1st boy would be blond and nice, 2nd would be dark-haired and a badboy, etc)
No. 410745
>>410700I don't I've seen this that much (outside of the Scott Pilgrim anime) but this reminds me of something else I sometimes see. A movie gives the main character a love interest and they have a whole romentic arc and the movie ends with them pretty much as a couple. Then in the sequel the love interest is completely unpersoned, might as well never have existed, and the main character has a new love interest and has a new romantic arc and ends the movie basically as a couple, just to rinse and repeat. The first time I remember being pissed about it was when I read the sequel to the da Vinci Code, but they also did that in all the old Monster High movies.
I think the closest I know about to your version is when an actor doesn't want to be part of the sequel so the writers have them split up ofscreen not for drama but because they have to write around the actor's abcense.
No. 410753
>>410717Also, when fandoms assign the femme fatale role to a female character who
isn't one.
No. 410767
>>410752I'm gonna be honest. Whenever I re-watch any of the Deadpool movies, I skip the scenes with Vanessa. They're boring at best and actively gross at worst. And it's NOT because she's a woman. I liked Domino and Negasonic Teenage Warhead just fine, and I was really excited to see
X-23 in Deadpool and Wolverine. Vanessa specifically is just boring, and they should have killed her off at some point.
No. 411362
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No. 411368
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>>411363>>411362I wonder what other binary group of people have a significant height difference between on average
No. 411370
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>>409059>>409059Ngl speaking as an Anglo I think stuff like picrel is hilarious, but the lack of research authors do about even basic, easily accessible information is cringeworthy. Is it too hard to type "top 100 most popular baby names in X country 2024" in Google or something? (Reposting because I forgot the pic)
No. 417895
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No. 418672
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i’m sure i might be missing out on actual kino but one of my rules of thumb is like, if the cover features an older guy and a visibly younger/cuter girl (to the point that it looks like they’re from different series) + it’s anime-inspired then it’s slop and i won’t touch it
No. 419256
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>>418743>>418898Tolkien's elves are in reference to the germanic mythological tradition. In mythology they are a form of legendary giant ancestors, essentially perfect versions of humans who are taller, stronger, attractive and live longer(this occurs even in christianity). The elves in Tolkien's versions follow that tradition. they are taller, stronger, and more beautiful than humans
Tolkien's orcs are also just elves btw(which is really important) they are elves that were corrupted by basically Satan and Tolkien wrote about orcs as what happens to even the most noble after years in war
repeating my point from another thread, the brutish orcs who love fighting and violence for the sake of it aren't even from Tolkien. they're from the warhammer series, which based them off football hooligans, skinheads and neo-Nazis
No. 420574
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>>420563Seeing it spelled out like this makes me wish for an actual romance story with a similarly long-lived immortal being that has realistic implications. Like imagine a naive (comparatively speaking) young adult and what amounts to a giga mega groomer falling in love. The implication that she's just the newest of his partners he's had for hundreds of years. The only way they can spend the rest of their life together is if he "turns" her into whatever mythical being he is and at that point the natural course of events would be to fight/get tired and leave each other at some point à la Interview with the Vampire (surely the giga mega grooming aspect doesn't help now that they're on equal standing so to say). Would be actually kinda creepy, I would read. Magical bond is the same, in the end it's a sort of forceful brainwashing your body/etc. forces upon you that restrains your free will forever.
Thinking about it that actually reminds me of Octavia Butler's books, Wild Seed for the older being/young(er) woman dynamic and Xenogenesis for a take on a realistic "magical bond".
No. 420582
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>>420574The only media I can think of off the top of my head that even addresses the implication of an immortal being falling in love with a mortal one is Sousou no Frieren. I agree with you that it would be an interesting story in the right hands and I would happily read it.
No. 420633
>>420563>>420574It pains me how these kinds of tropes are never explored, and the fantastical elements are just window dressing for an otherwise generic romance story. You don't even have to go crazy with the darker take of the 'giga groomer', just play with the ideas and ask how someone that old and immortal or someone that young and mortal might be like, both together and apart. And as for the 'turns the mortal woman into the same long-lived race as him etc' thing, you could explore things like how her perceptions and stresses over being a 20-something woman in a pseudo-medieval setting might change– but that'd require not jumping into other tropes like 'baby ever after'/'babies make everything better' straight away even though that'd be something she'd now potentially have all the time in the world to decide on (yes, this is about acotar in particular kek)
>>420582different kind of love, but if you want to see an anime film about essentially an elf being an adoptive mother to a human baby and her life, give Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms a go.
No. 427242
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the 'princely woman' character-type who is meant to come across as a cool and badass girl, always comes across to me as the epitome of lame and tryhard
No. 427250
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>>427242I wish to see more female characters like this especially if she's interested in other women too. Would take this over lame traps and femboys any time.
No. 429187
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No. 429193
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>>429190it's way less centered on romance; making the girl feel more adventerous or "live life more" and more about general hi-jinks, it's like Homer and Marge / Lisa and Bart.
Women: Arms-folded, judgey look, eyes rolled, groans
Men: Amoral chaotic fun
No. 430663
>>430650You can really tell when fantasy/sci-fi is written by moids kek, it's incel spergouts but with spaceships and magic. Autistic obsessions with power levels don't do much for worldbuilding, not that they care.
>>420563He's always a massive douchebag too. Possessive, violent assholes who talk like TIFs and have no personality or hobbies besides baring their teeth and growling out cheesy one-liners are exactly the sort of guys who go after much younger women, so that's sort of realistic. I can't believe how huge the market is for these cookie-cutter dangerous smirking powerful entities is, it's like reading published fanfic but straight.
No. 430794
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>>430743ayrt it could be a local trend then I swear see it in every fucking fantasy I read but I tend to read in my native language.
Usually it's from a elf-like creature insulting the main human character similar to picrel, but sometimes it's from some smelly hobgoblin and I guess it's supposed to a funny gatcha like "oh you thought the gobbos were the smelly ones, actually they think YOU're the smelly one! Ever think about that??? I'm such a clever writer!!!"
No. 430862
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>>430739>>430758Can you please give specific examples
No. 431268
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Story taking place in 1980-2010 for no reason other than nostalgia bate. Stranger Things did it and was successful now everyone else wants to do it too.
Things like Turning Red get a pass since its specifically inspired by the creator's own childhood, but stuff like picrel and Class of '09 have zero reason to take place in the past and could easily take place this year with minimal changes to the writing.
No. 431802
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I don't mind 1 but 2 irks me the most. Somewhat related to
>>391363 No. 432184
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I hate how in japanese media so many characters will look like prepubescent white children, it's even weirder when they're adults
No. 436431
>>436416Same. Tbh I also dislike a lot of 'forced proximity' romances because it basically ends up being Stockholm Syndrome Lite (obviously there are degrees to this, but I've seen plenty where that forced proximity still results in character A having control over and isolating character B until idk they cave and bang due to limited other options). I'm also a sap though and prefer romances where those involved
choose to spend time with each other kek
No. 436434
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>>432184I remember some anon ranting about the same thing a few years ago on the art salt thread kek. I thought she was crazy but tbh after learning more about Japan it might not be that much of reach
No. 437175
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I'm just so tired of the trope of edgy tragically hurt girls who are super wacky and crazy.
But at the same time I don't want to admit that out loud, because what DO I like then? Do I want squeaky clean good little girl characters and nothing else? I don't! Why am I ok when male characters fill a similar role? What is the core difference I'm missing???
No. 437249
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>>437175>Why am I ok when male characters fill a similar role? What is the core difference I'm missing???Because the males are allowed to be crazy just as men. They come in all shapes and sizes, old and young, different kinds of crazy. Mad scientist, power-hungry overlord, former asylum patient, fallen hero…
The female version is in 9/10 cases an attractive young girl. She's showing skin or wearing tight clothes that show off her curves, even her "ugly/crazy" features are lowkey enough that she's still attractive like colored hair or a cool mechanic arm, big tattoos - never a big hooked nose, nor is she ever fat.
She's also devoted to A Man. Rarely is she on her own, she's always a tragic follower of some evil mastermind man.
No. 437263
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>>437198>>437245This is the bl.
As you can see neither one is blonde. This is because the show has more than just gay characters, it even has heterosexual couples and straight Christian characters. You know, because it's first above all sport show and not a gay sex show.
No. 437266
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>>437263Iirc the supplementary material for the show also ship-teases Yurio and Otabek. I think anyone who sexualizes real-life minors based on their resemblance to animu characters is fucking demented, and that issue is irrelevant to whether the show is BL or a sports anime (I think it's both, there are fujos and actual athletes who enjoyed it.)
No. 437269
>>437263I remember people kept thinking it wasn't actually gay right up until the kiss
>>437266>ship teases>in side material>They're taking a photo togetherThere are some that liked both characters together but unless you know that that user was a shipper, then they could've just been watching it from the pov as an athlete.
Just because you see a character as nothing but a sex bomb and impossible to disconnect from horny doesn't mean others do, this is what's called projection.
No. 437277
>>437274No, I just… actually watched the show so this all sounds pretty retarded.
>adolescent-looking childKek you've been calling him a heart throb, showing your hand there. Frankly this seems more like you have your own problems lmao.
No. 437282
>>437276I don't read shounen, but isn't the creator of a hxh a tranny pandering pedo? anyway, why are you now insisting that the boy is gay?
>>437277you know there's more than one of us, to it's pretty obvious it's just an adolescent boy character
No. 437300
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>>437260>>437266>>437282Just ignore that anon nonas, she's an innocent normie summer child who doesn't need to be exposed to the truths of anime fans. People just don't get it if they haven't met those people irl, and it's honestly better for them if they don't get it and stay blissfully unknowing.
>>437249I agree with this, most evil-crazy female characters I've seen have mostly been sexy fantasies for men. But I think that's actually one thing Disney has been good at not doing, they have a lot of diverse female villains who aren't just eye candy or working for men like Ursula, Maleficent and Cruella. They're not the exact same brand of "crazy" as Jinx but at least they're out there
No. 437302
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>>437300There's clearly more than one anon
>she's an innocent normie summer child No. 437326
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>>437274There's only a three year age difference between Otabek and Yurio, anon. Yurio is the same age as the kids from BNHA.
>>437269"Horny" and "shipping" are not the same thing. Unless you're a moid, shipping two characters isn’t solely about wanting to look at porn of them. There are definitely pairings I personally ship that I wouldn't want to see porn of, I just think the characters make a cute couple. Yurio rides on the back of Otabek's motorcycle and they worked on one of his routines together. I feel like the bonus official manga (picrel) would have been included unless the studio wanted to ship-tease the characters (for the sake of selling more merchandise I imagine.)
As an aside, it's kind of infuriating that YOI's sequel got canned even though the show made a fuckton of money, whereas moidslop ecchi garbage can make less and still reliably get sequels and spinoffs.
No. 437333
>>437282Tranny pandering, maybe, but a pedophile? No. One of the major recurring villians is implied to be a pedo, but he's a villain. Also fun facf, Yoshihiro Togashi is married to Naoko Takeuchi (the mangaka who created Sailor Moon). He and Takeuchi are both really into gender-bender and androgynous characters, and Togashi even joked at one point that he wished he could write an all-femboy story. However, contrary to what a lot of HxH fans will tell you, Nanika is not actually "canonically trans," that's just one interpretation of the character that Togashi is okay with people having. It's equally likely that Alluka was born female, but that Nanika, the creature she shares a body with, causes her family not to regard her as a girl but as a non-human entity. There's a canonically trans one-off villain in an episode of YYH, but he gets clocked when Usuke punches him in the dick, kek. It's been forever since I've watched either HxH or YYH, but all of the other GNC characters that come to mind are just that– GNC, not trans. Killua's brother Kalluto, for instance, dresses like a girl because he's her favorite and wants to emulate her. Kurapika is just a dude with long hair, and his tunic (which looks like a dress but isn't) is just the traditional garb of his clan. Similarly, Kurama is just a dude with long hair, and the flower motif is because of his Poison-Ivy-Esque ability to control plants.
No. 437342
>>437333>but all of the other GNC characters that come to mind are just that– GNC, not trans. There's a lesbian TIF in Level E but it's a short manga and she's not a main character. She fully troons out thanks to supernatural alien technology so she can marry some alien girl who threatens to blow up earth if she doesn't get a fiance, and there's a whole speech from the characters explaining how she the depressed lesbian TIF is a man born in the wrong body. It's felt out of place compared to the other arcs imo and tried too hard to be serious, at least in the anime, but it didn't feel like some self indulgent AGP bullshit.
>There's a canonically trans one-off villain in an episode of YYH, but he gets clocked when Usuke punches him in the dick, kek.I forgot about that kek I need to rewatch the anime someday. Sensui and Itsuki seemed so obviously gay for each other that I correctly guessed it as a kid when I watched the anime on TV.
No. 437367
>>437333Samefag, I just realized I meant to say
>he's his mother's favorite and wants to emulate herGomen for being a retard
No. 437434
>>437311I knew you would do this,
>"legally he/she is an adult"doesn't matter, he looks like a child next to a grown man he's probably being shipped with because that's what japan's pedo population is in to
No. 437443
>>437264I don’t get why people don’t talk about this more.
Adds another layer when you realise so many TIFs fixate on these characters specifically.There is very much a trope of light-haired (blonde or white hair) “special” male character that is often made to seem whiter than the other cast, sometimes even specifically European (or “half”). Sometimes, the writers like to specifyq that they were sexually abused as a child… They also either look younger than they’re meant to if they’re an adult, or they are specifically adolescent - in the latter instances they like to emphasise that they look very feminine for a boy or have characters mistake them for a girl. This is too common of a trope, that it’s disturbing. What’s with this pattern? I can’t think of any other character type or even hair colours that feature this trope to this extent.
It feels like Japanese fetishisation of white people, specifically white adolescents. It’s usually male characters but not always (blonde little girl characters are often use as self-inserts in shoujos). And yes, you can see Japanese people fawning over white children, real child actors, child models, uninhibitedly on social media. It’s creepy. But because it’s sacred Nippon they aren’t treated the same way creepy Indian men are.
No. 437444
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>>437264I remember when they were also gushing over 10 year old Barron Trump a few years ago. some artist even wrote a little comic with the first chapter being called “Also, my mom and sister are too sexy.”
No. 437447
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I hate when the main female characters trait and story arc can be summarized as "she's insecure". At this point I seriously don't even care if they slowly grow more confident over the series, it's so fucking boring and annoying for girls to always be reduced to anxious and insecure, while the male characters are confident and fun from the start. The boys get to just have adventures as they are. Boys overcome external threats while girls have to overcome their own internal problems. It just feel like the "women don't know what they want" stereotype being shoved down our throats.
Using pokemon as an example because they've gotten so bad with this lately. They started out with Misty in the 90s and she was a confident tomboy, constantly fighting Ash and being witty and quirky. Ever since then the female protagonists have been gotten meeker and meeker, and the last few generations they have been given us nothing but "the main girl is insecure and doesn't know what she want, not for herself or her pokemon or her future…". Even for miniseries like Paldean Winds they still do it!
No. 437449
>>437448>>437443the reason for this is because in japan (and most east asian countries) the ideal is not a white person, but a hapa, especially someone with an asian father and a white mother. The majority of 'white' characters that are not stereotypes are usually just asians with dyed hair and contact lenses, this is not just my observation, sociologists have written about this and you can see it in the media, in japan halfu actors are vastly overrepresented in the media fujos, it's just them applying that subconscious standard, with the uke being a pseudo- female stand-in rather then a male
No. 437450
>>437448Forgot to mention that these characters are often wealthy or sometimes the wealthiest in the series. It’s so odd kek, the implication that being haafu is why he looks like a girl.
>>437449This doesn’t explain the fetishisation aspect, though.
No. 437462
>>437450it's a fantasy that usually disappears when they actually meet a white person irl. I remember korean twitter going crazy when they saw this teenage russian model and realised he was quite tall and apparently was 'awkward' looking next to koreans, there are tons of these 'chinese/korean/japanese foreigner' interviewers and they always seem obsessed with the looks and heights of white people, specifically white kids
No. 437499
>>437497Oh shut up, nobody cares about how
triggered you are over an edgy anime character. Go back to twitter where you can be mad at males drawing hardcore porn of children instead of reeing at some female fans of a normie ass show about ice skating.
No. 437502
>>437494How did anyone think he was the pure kind? He was an asshole from the very beginning and wore cringe animal print clothes.
Actually, the point of his theme, agape, was that he wasn't supposed to do eros because he needed to chill and stop being an edgelord for once.
If anything, him being an edgelord during that video was kind of nice because it wasn't just because he's an edgy teenager who hates everyone, it was because he wanted to be cool and he even included his new friend instead of being a loner.
No. 437504
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>>437483tbf I feel like if you're someone who consumes media that is "fantasy" related, whether it's bl, shoujo, yume, or literal fantasy, you are more likely to believe this trope, since a large majority of readers and writers of these genres are people that are usually not the best looking or have limited life experiences. but it collapses when you try to bring it into real life and you end up shit like picrel, the main uke from an adaption of a bl series where the uke is more beautiful then the girls, he so beautiful that he see's his beauty as a curse and he can effortlessly pass a woman and again this is how he looks like in live-action
No. 437537
>>437443>What’s with this pattern? I forgot what's their exact name but before the lolicon boom there was a market for 'sensual' picture books of european kids, which then went on to influence loli. I assume it's still a thing given how they keep fawning over underage blondes. I see it as semi-pedophilic, it's obviously sexual for many otaku and non-otaku but it also hinges on their fascination for exotic features and 'uguu' feelings when you see a cute kid. Kinda like how people think asian/mixed/etc. babies are especially cute because they look slightly different from what they're used to. You can count on the japanese to blend our natural fondness for cute people and things with sadism and sexuality. But it's not even uniquely japanese, Indians, westerners are also prone to this.
>>437522Idk about the other anons but my point isn't that fujos who like western features are pedos, it's how it relates to a broader cultural context. Just like girls squeeing over k-pop boys aren't pedos but it's part of a broader fascination for asians which has pedophilic elements.
No. 437538
>>437534Zoomers/alphas doing this shit is the trend, isn't it? At least on twitter.
It probably makes it feel like a conspiracy where they're vigilantes or something.
No. 437565
>>437564This reminds me of that story thats pread around of someone asking the dbz guy why Goku becomes ayran and his answer was "Ink is expensive."
Maybe there's a blonde russian character in Yuri on Ice because Russians are known to be big in figure skating.
No. 437570
>>437565>Ink is expensivekek
> because Russians are known to be big in figure skating.Yeah that's very likely. Foreigners in a sports anime makes total sense
>>429187We deserve straight man-funny woman duos
No. 437579
>>437566I don't trust any male writer who writes in rape. It's either so a hot actress is on screen getting raped for his own sexual enjoyment, or it's a man nonchalantly writing "oh and all the women were like raped in the background" as a minor detail that never gets brought up again because he fundamentally sees it as just "a kinda bad thing" to make the villain more evil and not something that truly impacts real people.
Men aren't freaked out by women getting raped, unless it's THEIR woman being ruined and "having sex" with another man when she belongs to him. And men write for themselves and other men. So you know those horror scenes aren't written to scare men, but to entice them. If men wanted to write horror that scares other men, they'd write about men getting raped by other men. That would genuinely be more scary to them, but it makes them uncomfortable so they don't.
I once asked a male artist why he drew rapey art (of sexy naked women) and if it's because he thinks rape is hot. He was very offended and said he totally doesn't see rape as hot, that it's just more "provoking" to draw women getting hurt/being vulnerable because people don't care about men. So I pointed out in that case he's doing it wrong, because children are way more vulnerable and that would be 100 times more provoking, so why doesn't he draw children in his rapey art then? He obviously had no answer.
No. 437581
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>>437565>maybe there's a blonde russian character in Yuri on Ice because Russians are known to be big in figure skating.I'm aware of that, but a lot of those figure skaters are lean adult men who look like picrel. The children's skating competitions are a niche and are more about cultivating talent
No. 437584
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>>437581>but a lot of those figure skaters are lean adult men who look like picrelAlso like pic related too
No. 437594
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>>437587the conversation is not just about yoi, it is about broader cultural trends that the creators unknowingly participate in, can you just admit that yurio's framing clearly meets those pedo japanese standards, I also looked up teenage male figure skaters and they all look more mature and like actual teenagers
(derailing) No. 437604
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>>437601I didn't see him like that at all, the silent and stoic but secretly autismo is a pretty normal middle eastern archetype in anime and manga, especially when compared to the actual Japanese main character who clearly fits the archetype that's used a lot. Japanese etiquette, shy and a bit of a doormat, workaholic that loves Japanese food. Not to mention he literally looks like a Japanese salaryman.
No. 437618
>>437604You're getting Yuuri mixed up with Otabek. Yuuri is the main character and he's Japanese, Otabek (picrel) is a supporting character from Kazakhstan.
>>437594Offtopic but jfc someone get that poor kid some Accutane.
No. 437619
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>>437618>Yuuri is the main character and he's Japanese, Otabek (picrel) is a supporting character from Kazakhstan.If you're talking out my picrel, that
is Yuuri kek. Otabek is this guy.
No. 437621
>>437587Yes, agreed. YoI is not a good example because duh they're international athletes, a better one would be russian lolis in manga who are derived from the kind of CP japanese men consume. There's a joke about it in Welcome to the NHK iirc
No. 437655
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>>437654Before you go back to your normal retarded bullshit, the gay fujobait is between
>>437604 and
>>437584 No. 437671
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Since we're on the topic of YOI without having watched it: Why did moralfag fujos love this so much and constantly acted like it was the pinnacle of woke gay anime representation?
I remember fujos sperging about how FINALLY there was a canon gay couple in anime that wasn't a BL (this isn't a first, they never even heard of N.6 apparently). They also… weren't even canon. It was good ole fujobait we've seen many times before, just like in Free!. Granted, YOI only had one main yaoibait couple rather than providing fanservice with any couple imaginable so you could choose your ship, but they were still never shown kissing nor saying they were engaged. I remember fujos pausing every frame of this scene to try to prove that it wasn't a hug, but a kiss; even though you can clearly see their lips don't touch kek. To be fair, it was pretty blatant yaoibait and the "engagement" ring scene without them even dating was pretty ridiculous, they should've just made it a full on BL at that point. I don't know why they didn't considering only fujos watched this.
No. 437693
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>>437671They were obviously canon unless you need every moment spoonfed to you. The intentions of the actual creators were crystal clear (that it was a kiss, that they got engaged, that it was a romantic relationship), and the unfortunate need to slightly censor it (to appease higher ups who didn't want explicit homo) was also clear - pic rel is a quote about the kiss from either Sayo or Kubo, I forget. They did their best to get around the limitations put upon them.
No. 437750
>>437671>pinnacle of woke gay anime representationGay sex transcends race etc.
You should discuss it in other threads, because you're going off-topic.
No. 437752
>>437628If you mean by body type, Yuzuru Hanyu at the start of his career was kinda similar, but he's japanese. There was one russian figure skater who has longish blonde hair but I can't remember his name. If you want an exact copy you're not going to find it because this is a show with fake characters.
>>437742Look you could explain every thing of the show to her and why they were chosen but it's not going to matter because she wants it to be a pedophile show. She's obsessed with these young blonde boys in her head and she wants to see them getting railed but she also wants to blame other people for it. Pretty sure she has pedo tendencies and a tranny fetish but can't admit it.
No. 437768
>>437767again there's more than one of us complaining, i think the show definitely shipped the teenage boy and the adult man in its framing and that's what we find
problematic, do you agree with that point or not?
No. 437792
>>437788Kazahkstan is a pedo country? Or is it Russia you're talking about?
Isn't this a fan pairing anyway?
(derailing) No. 437816
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>>437811dont you know anon? all of the posts in this thread is by one poster using multiple vpns! it cant be not everyone is retarded to ignore japans pedoshit? nah cant must be them all samefagging!
No. 437883
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>>437566>>437579the only movie i found that really does a good job of portraying a sexual assault is this animated movie called princess, even though it is an animated movie it never shows anything close to the sexualization of a child or a rape scene, It just shows the damage that is left behind, both physical and psychological, with shots like picrel. It also highlights how fucked up the porn industry is in general and it's abuse of women and children.
No. 438299
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No. 438307
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If their hair colours changed, but their personalities stayed the same, how much would people rage or be confused? You can't find a white/silver-haired character who is extroverted or bosses people around. The autistic colour-coding is just this ingrained in the otaku psyche.
No. 438309
>>438307I think I've only saw a single manga in my life that tries to do that, as in have a character that doesn't want to be the blue haired one because she's actually very reactive and loud, but she doesn't want her best friend, who is the red/pink one, to be overshadowed because she's the shy one.
Also unironically Genshin kind of did the whole blue hair isn't autistic retard thing with Kaeya by making him extroverted and making Diluc the autistic awkward guy.
I wonder why is it that weebs NEED their color codded characters.
No. 438369
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>>438307More series should use the Tenchi Muyo archetypes.
No. 438379
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>>438307>The autistic colour-coding is just this ingrained in the otaku psyche.It's a general Japanese thing calling back to the red oni/blue oni myth.
No. 438822
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>>438369The dark-haired one is still the Japanese princess type.
No. 438864
>>438822She just looks that way. She's not really a princess type, she's a giant spider that eats people.
The blue hair is more princess of the two since she has her own people who worship her.
No. 439079
>>439015Kek, sorry I meant in
>>438369 case.
No. 440416
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>>436434recently happened to rosamund pike's son in china, he's become a huge social media star there, like an 11 year old boy has more social media followers than his award-winning actress mother
No. 440418
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I dont think Charlie Wright deserved the hate he got for playing Rodrick at all, but I agree that he was a weird choice considering he doesnt look related to the rest of the family at all.
I get that actors are rarely related to the families theyre cast with, but it will always annoy me when its extremely obvious. Like if you cast a blonde child with two brunette parents. Just makes it look like the mom cheated kek
No. 440439
>>440418>Like if you cast a blonde child with two brunette parents. Just makes it look like the mom cheated kekNonna, recessive genes…
You're right about the Rodrick example though
No. 443239
>>442615I wish more media allowed mysteries to
remain as mysteries, solely because it's fun to tinfoil about.
No. 445619
>>444929I'm convinced that every single producer of anything ever is a pedo, and this portrayal of teens has something to do with wanting to make them seem like insane drama queens who are impossible to reason with to help cover up the signs of abuse in kids.
Same with the child genius who's so very mature for their age. The amount of sex jokes they make these kids take part in is fucking horrendous, but it's hilarious and acceptable because it's not a normal kid, it's a six year old boy in a bowtie or a six year old girl in glasses and a lab coat.
>>445105It's not hard to write in some red flags, they can be subtle and still make sense in retrospect. This has really taken off since plot twists and retarded subversions became trendy.
No. 447402
>>447248This happened to me when I was a child. I didn't live near any friends or relatives. And of course cell phones weren't a thing at the time. Even if I could go to a friend's home, one time I was thrown out of the house completely naked with my siblings. I (about 12 years old?) had underwear on, but my little sister was completely naked. There was no fucking way we could move without the risk of getting raped. We had to hide in the backyard, scared out of our fucking wits.
>>447297Yeah I'm in my 30s. You hit the nail on the head.
No. 447412
>>447407It was my mother that did this. To this day my father still doesn't know she has done this to us. I don't know what the hell we did (there really isn't anything a child could do to warrant that at all) but she got so angry with us and threw us out then and there. No chance to get dressed or anything. Just GET OUT and the house was locked.
We've confronted her about this before, but she was "No I didn't!" And me, brother, and sister insisted. Yes you are a bad mother, and no you cannot gaslight us on this. As you can tell, I have a very complicated relationship with her. The best thing she ever did that improved my mental health was help me house hunt kek
I can't believe Disney did that with the Proud Family. What the hell were they thinking?
No. 447432
>>446042>an old criminal case in the US about a teenage girl who arrived late at home for normal reasons, I think she missed the bus or something like that, her parents locked her out of the house to teach her a lesson and she died that night because putting teenage girls outside at night and unprepared for hours is insanely dangerous and retarded.Are you thinking of Leslie Mahaffy? This actually happened in Canada; she was kidnapped by the "Ken and Barbie" killers after her retarded mother locked her out of the house for breaking curfew (after a fucking funeral, of all things). The sensible punishment would have been to just ground her, you know, like a normal parent would. I'm shocked the mom didn't kill herself, I probably would have if I made the same mistake she did.
>>447402>>447412Anon, that's straight up abuse. I'm not even being hyperbolic. Locking your children outside ass-naked in the middle of the night has got to meet the threshold for criminal neglect/abandonment, at least in the United States. Your mother is a psycho and I'm sorry you had to endure living with her.
No. 447454
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I despise snarky, sarcastic, pretentious characters who are stated to be very intelligent. These characters irritate me to no end and don't even act smart.
No. 449493
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The pregnancy trope. It is the worst trope in existence imo. It's like people cant write a female character without throwing in sexual assault and pregnancy. I will immediately deem a story void if they do this to a female character
No. 449509
>>449507>>449508Mb meant to reply to
>>449499 but the site isn't letting me repost my comment with the corrected quote
No. 449836
>>449493I just watched a pretty good analysis on the game by an actual woman youtuber. I think that Anya's rape and pregnancy is the reason for Jimmy to hit his final straw and crash the ship. Unfortunately, it really goes to show how a crew full of men will do absolutely nothing with faced with the fact this happened. Aside from Daisuke, whom i believe really had no idea what was happening.
It's given that Curly and probably Swansea knew what was happening. Curly even had the chance to stop Jimmy from crashing the ship, but didn't. Anya and Daisuke were the true and only
victims imo. I think the game did an okay job, but it makes me sick of playing games where a woman's only role is to be assaulted by a man. Please think of something else, game devs.
No. 449918
>>449836this is literally spelled out in the game. the female writer made is very apparent. it's not her fault that the fandom is gross and retarded.
i also hate what mouthwashing is rn, but don't call her a pickme or a coomer or whatever, she made a pretty powerful narrative that people chose to ignore because they wanted to draw yaoi or anya getting raped or whatever.
No. 449941
>>449896I've played a lot of games across various genres and the only examples I can think of are Yumi in Yakuza and Jeanette in Vampire the Masquerade. I'm not saying games never have women getting sexually assaulted in them, I'm just saying it's very rare, especially outside the horror genre.
That other anon implied that she sees it frequently in games, which seems unlikely unless she has extremely terrible luck with her choice of games.
No. 449964
>>449839>>449945ngl if i was the creator this shit would make me suicidal. i'd want to destroy my company and leave a final tweet telling everyone that i hate them and they missed the point
>>449962this isn't even female autism it's just plain old stupid TIFujo shit, not even with interesting characters
No. 450077
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>game with multiple romance options
>every female romance option is a different ~flavor of woman~ lul
>including the ultimate "type", the abused woman, either meek or hostile depending on the author, for guys who want to romance a character who specifically has a background of abuse
im sure harem anime/manga are also guilty of this, but i dont watch or read that genre, but this trope has appeared in every game i have ever played that included romancing besides maybe stardew.
No. 450114
>>449517>female first and characters secondI've been trying to pinpoint what bothers me about some female characters and you made me get it. So many female characters will be molded around either trauma or attraction. The trauma more often than not is rape or some form of sexual abuse.
>>450077Some men fantasize about being saviors. A romanceable abused woman is a great way for them to feel like they are part of the good guys group and they feel they earned a reward for being nice.
No. 450136
>>449877I just played Lost Judgement 2 a few months back and the plot point revolved around a man groping a woman on the metro in Japan. It was almost hard to play the game further after that incident, despite it not being a main part of the entire game. You have to find the woman as a detective and interview her at home. You also have to go the subway station where it happened and study the cameras there.
You're supposed to feel bad for the man because he had to go 'to the extreme' to get media and police attention. It's about a case where his son was bullied to suicide in school, so he really felt he had to SA a woman on the train be taken seriously. Honestly, fuck Japan
No. 450222
>>449877>extremely rare that a woman gets sexually assaulted.Nta, buy when they aren't sexually assaulted they will be implied that they almost got sexually assaulted. MGSV we got a Quiet scene when she almost gets raped. Persona 5 has a character who sexually harassed women, and it's implied he raped one. There's a whole scene in Dante's Inferno of a female character who lost her husband and some guy comes to collect her for himself, implying she's going to be used by him as his property. In the JRPG series Trails there's a character whose backstory is being sold to a brothel and raped by men daily. None of these are horror games too, if we open that can of worms, we know there are even more. These are just the ones from the top of my head. It's not that uncommon, for obvious reasons, it's a real-life issue that is really prevalent. Even when they don't happen, it's like a looming possibility that it almost happened or could happen. Another example is the starting scene of the journalist in Heavy Rain, she has a nightmare about a guy breaking into her apartment and trying to subdue her and implying he was going to rape her. It was just a nightmare, nothing happened, but it's implied she has PTSD from her war journalism, so it could mean something happened or she feared that could have happened to her at some point. I'm not saying it's extremely common, but I remember quite a lot in games that have this plot point for female characters.
No. 450477
>>450222This. it makes me wonder if anon has never played before in her life. Video games are filled with rape or implied rape for a ton of female characters. It sucks. They have no idea how to write female characters otherwise. She's either a love interest or a
No. 450493
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this is kinda stupid but i always get annoyed when a character wakes up in a movie/show/game and is in a hospital bed unaware of what's going on and they freak out and rip their IVs out, like wtf are you doing that shit might be keeping you alive
No. 450543
>>449581>>449599Shit like that is why I'm not bothered by how the Fear and Hunger games handle rape. Moids made a huge deal out of it because it's it's portrayed in the least sexy, most disgusting way possible (loledgy anal bleeding status effects aside). There isn't a single sexually violent thing that can happen to the sole female player character that can't happen in the exact same manner to the men and I think that's what disturbs scrotes the most. The dev also avoided showing or letting anything sexual to happen to child character outside of vagueish implications under certain circumstances. It's all so fetish retardant, you'd have to be a terminal gooner to squeeze out anything appealing without projecting hentai tropes onto it.
Between both games there's only one unique sexual assault scene and it ends with either the wannabe rapist dying ass-up in a humiliating pose or fade out to the start screen without a 10 minute long fully animated rape game over gooner reward.
Fear and Hunger has its share of faults (like one of the strongest characters in the game being a quirky, cheeky troon school"girl" with blond pigtails) but overall it avoids the worst rape tropes and handles them way better than its main inspiration, Berserk.
>>449839This is purely white cock syndrome
>>449855There's at least one fujo drawing a BL AU with these two as we speak. JP fandoms are no classier, just quieter.
No. 450804
>>450582>the fact that the creator included a "trans child" who ends up fully troons themselves only adds to the creepiness of the creator.I wholeheartedly believe that if not for the fanbase strongarming the dev that character would be considered a crossdresser at best. I don't like them personally but all the troonshit feels like fandom projection.
>>450592Unfortunately yes.
No. 450981
>>450478Yeah, I remember thinking that was weird and I only understood the PTSD backstory when I looked at the director's commentary and concept art. They said they discarded scenes to develop the plot about her past, so that felt out of place. It's really weird given the context of the rest of the game, that she can have sex with Ethan (in a really weird cringy scene with interactions) and seduce the bar guy.
>>450904I'm the first ayrt, I even said in my post
>I'm not saying it's extremely commonSo I don't know where you got the idea of video games being filled with rape from my post. It does show up in quite a few games and very notable ones, so I disagree that it's extremely rare as you said in your original post. That's why I mentioned the ones I could remember that weren't horror games to get my point across. I can keep on saying other games with SA
victims, Jack in ME2, the female character in Ghost of Tsushima implied she was raped, but I don't remember her name. Ellie at the end of TLOU is almost captured by a guy who showed interest in her before and implies rape and I remember the writer confirming he would have raped Ellie. The new Tomb Riders had some controversy over that. Rayne from Bloodrayne backstory was that she was a child of rape, same thing for that P5 villain. Even FF7 remake took me by surprise when they included a line for Hojo saying he was considering breeding Aerith with soldiers.
>>450978No, that's why I mentioned games that weren't horror games.
No. 451010
>>450981Sorry, the "filled with rape" comment was said by the the other anon I responded to, not you. Your post was very reasonable, and I'm sorry for lumping you together with the other anon. I haven't played those games you mentioned, and I still think games like that are rare when compared to the vast amount of games that don't have SA, but I'll admit that you know more about this topic than I do.
Out of those games you mentioned, are there any that actually handle the topic well, or at least have the SA be relevant to the plot, rather than using it purely for shock value?
No. 457808
When the main character has friends whose entire personality is being the MC's friends and nothing else. And they fight over who's the better friend or something. And the MC is just automatically likable to anyone and everyone.
>>453601I agree. The gender reverse version is also annoying. Like this one show I like where a boy and girl disliked each other and sort of fought over the main guy. But at least the show tried to make it a love triangle thing where eventually both guys tried to get with the girl.
No. 457816
>>457808Samefag, I found another one I hate. When a character goes through something bizarre then they think it was all a dream and never happened, except in reality,
it did happen. And it's never brought up again. Very frustrating.
No. 460575
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Getting really sick of this trope
>woman, usually in her mid to late 20s
>in some big city, usually New York
>obsessed with appearance
>she's so hot with a perfect body and perfect yassified face and perfect hair
>constantly thinking about her own body and how perfect it is, how she has a perfect tiny waist, perfect tits, long legs etc etc
>mentioned even when it's not relevant
>constantly comparing herself to other women and thinking about how perfect she is compared to them
>book always has to remind us every 2 pages how she's so perfect, lest we forget
>all the female characters hate her guts except maybe 1 token female friend
Don't get me wrong, women who think like this exist. I'm aware of that, but my main problem is instead of being an examination of someone who thinks like this, it always becomes a glaringly obvious self insert for the author. Not helped by the fact that usually these characters have other enviable circumstances like a high end job that makes a ton of money, and/or fame/notoriety. Their mentality is never challenged though out the book, every male character in the book will immediately forget his wife exists as soon as the MC enters the room and will practically hurt himself trying to get her attention. Not to mention somewhere like NYC extremely thin women with plastic surgery and perfectly done highlights are probably a dime a dozen. Another book with this trope would be Stone Cold Fox, but I think that book was actually good, unlike this one which is trash and disappointing imo
No. 461433
>>461428Kek, reminds me of The Abyss
>It bothers us that you fight, thus we're going to kill all of you!>Oh, one of you loves his ex-wife? I guess we'll desist from murdering every single one of you without distinction.Aliens have always been used as a stand-in for sanctimonious self-righteous scrote authors and when I was a kid I hated all of them. Probably why I still love 40k, kill them all, fuck xenos.
No. 467116
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I hate the 'turned back into a child'/age regression trope. It's pure fanservice (children=cute), with 0 writing depth or social commentary.
No. 467117
>>461428I agree. If humans are evil for eating meat in the eyes of aliens, are carnivores as evil too and need to be culled? So that the whole ecosystem goes whack and mass extinction events follow? Are fish capable of evil?
Whenever you have a story with sentient, intelligent aliens they are typically more rational/logic-based than the human race - what's rational about defying the laws of nature or denying biology?
No. 467616
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>>467529>Enemies to loversNah, this is my favourite BL trope.
>namely by making her or writting her having no braincells because a good looking man was a jerk to downright cruel and sadistic to herFor hetero stuff, it only works when both are combatants at war. See: so many Gundam entries.
No. 468024
>>468002True, but i gave two examples where ei tend to read the comments and man the most nasty people appear their so the yuribait is example find.
I read the pet one on the advice that the male lead was a green long haired glasses man and I was down but then most of the story is dedicated to the female lead fawning over the princess that I give no shits about and actively disliked by the mid point.
And then the Empress maid one has a male lead with long white hair and again I was excited to read it just to get the female lead simping over the garbage empress for most of it.
No. 468029
>>467999>>468002Same fag but I cannot stree it enough that those two stories "yuribait" is actually
>writes a yuri story>splices hetero couple ending for some reasonNot the "squint and maybe that freindship is romantic" type bait
No. 468079
>>468041Yes, adding on to this because I fucking hate it when, in a fictional universe, people who belive in spirituality or religion are immediately disregarded by the other (usually main/supposed to he sympathetic) characters, even if there's no proof that their beliefs are actively harmful. It's one thing if Billy worships Lord Evilton, God of Evil and Killing Puppies, but you can tell when an author's Reddit tier atheism is starting to seep through. (It's, of course, their setting to characterize. Maybe all religion is evil, deep down, but usually Grandma and Grandpa and little Suzie down the street don't know that.)
No. 476012
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I really hate the female counterpart to male main character trope especially since the female love interest always ADDS elements (bows, lashes, clothes) to the male base. As much as people complain about woke media, it's so jarring to see obnoxious pre-2007ish media depict female characters.
I also hate the stupid white female dragon from the How to Train your Dragon sequel.
No. 476015
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>>476012>>476013Idk what fantasy world you two live in but this is still the norm. We’re just starting to get female leads that don’t lean into the trope but those are exceptions to the standard. Picrel came out last year and was what popped up when I googled “animated films 2024” to find a quick example.
No. 476016
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>>476012I almost always hate distaff counterparts (with some rare exceptions like Donald and Daisy)