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No. 154413
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No. 154418
>>154416nta but it's unnecessary to have it in /m/
nobody goes there and it's a dead thread
No. 154426
>>154413kek, normies fucking love naruto and dbz
also OP has autism
No. 154430
>>154426you have autism
how dumb are you to not think that most of the normies like dbz and naruto only do so bc they have nostalgia, they watched it as kids and it was just another "cartoon" for them because it was extremely popular worldwide, like pokemon
No. 154431
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>>154427>>154429Begone, stinky weebs
No. 154445
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>>154441Where is the lie?
No. 154446
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Man I love all these wholesome childhood memories from my favorite Animes
No. 154448
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No one hates anime more than anime fans
No. 154452
>>154418>/m/ is deadtake your sperg there and make it less dead instead of shitting up /ot/ with a duplicate? also
>dead threaddo you even know how lolcow works?
No. 154457
>>154427>>154421The autistic anime defending spergs were embarrassing themselves in that thread too, don't pretend they didn't get banned for derailing, kek.
>you can't be a real woman that doesn't like anime! You're a tranny playing 5D chess to push me out of my cringey hobby! It's especially funny that that anon was
triggered by OP attacking Madoka magica since it's the most popular anime in MtF circles.
No. 154497
>>154492This. And even if you take the "good anime" the characters turn out to be so childish or pure wish fulfillment.
Reddit pushes the meme that anime has "strong female characters" but it ends up being characters with superpowers whose existence still revolves around the male protag or they exist for fanservice.
No. 154500
>>154496YOI was the only anime I watched and enjoyed recently too (and haven’t watched any since then). But I think the characters acted somewhat more like normal human beings and not cookie cutter fetish archetypes. By general standards it’s still trash but by anime standards it’s better than most (and I have a soft spot for the fact that it was a massively successful show made entirely for female tastes and helmed by a female director)
But of course anything in the anime industry that doesn’t appeal to moid coomers is haram and so it disappeared completely off the the radar.
No. 154512
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>>154502Don't bother anon, this is just a troll thread.
Saying all anime is ~*childish uwu*~ is like saying fantasy novels are only for kids lol.
We have an anime critical thread, and people discussed issues with anime and pedoshit without generalazing.
I sure as hell don't relate to fucking Anastasia of 50 Shades of Grey, yet is one of the most known erotica novels out there. I think the Star Wars saga is kind of souless and Gossip Girl is dumb. However, this is just my taste. I rarely watch anime, but thinking series like Re:Zero are the same as, idk, Mob Psycho or Lovely Complex is stupid af.
>>154470 said, all types of media can be and are
problematic, basically because, you know, the patriarchy yada yada.
No. 154517
>>154512If women criticising anime upsets you, you can always hide the thread instead of sperging that everyone is a troll.
A few expectations don't define anime as a whole, the popular series, best selling series and mounds of seasonal garbage are still there. And fact is that anime has more sexualized underage characters than any other form of media, and a myriad of trashy tropes.
Call me when anime stops being tied to Japan's otaku culture and develops as much variety and freedom as western series instead of marketing horse girls for a gambling simulator mobile game or pretending to be deep by writing edgy pseudo-bullshit about lesbians or Tomino making the mecha genre revolve around jerking it to his daddy issues and values that were outdated in ww2.
99% of anime is shit, and the 1% of good ones isn't going to make me dislike the culture less, it's like "notallmen" arguments. Also for example, Japan still has a rich culture of serious novelists with a wide variety of genres but inside the otaku culture there's the trashy LN bubble that can't even compare to anything serious.
No. 154564
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I just want to know what are you watching if it’s not anime? A lot of the time I find that they’re more entertaining than tv shows with real actors but the moe blob stuff isn’t worth watching.
No. 154598
>>154517>WaMeN critizicing animeAnd these are women telling you they don't take weeb shit as seriously as you and agree most of it is trash and only like a handful of shows from 20 years ago written by women, but for some reason no one gets this scandalized nor points out the rampant degeneracy and sometimes literal propaganda like tranny and pedo shit being shoved down children's throads in american media, namely literal kids cartoons being made with them in mind.
Do you want a fucking medal for attacking women with different opinions than yours?
No. 154601
I haven't watched anime in years tbh. I can only watch anime that don't have annoying tropes like attack on titan. Tropes like having loli characters, harem and weird sexual stuff that happens to the femalr characters. I can't ignore it anymore like I used to. Maybe I should focus on trying to search for anime that has women as a main audience because almost all popular animes have tropes i hate.
>>154598>wamenNtayrt but god you're cringe.
No. 154604
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The users ITT are incredibly bizarre to me. I can't think of another thread I've ever seen before that has THIS level of defending over the subject, and so vehemently, too. I think the OP was written poorly but anons calling other anons "losers for talking about this" really speaks to me as to the larger population of those using and browsing OT. It's fucking anime of all things, you have to genuinely be a loser yourself to defend some shit like this to this extent. If the subject bothers you so much, hide the thread, and stop the bickering.
Anime in particular is pretty bad about pedoshit and sexism because it's so overt, imo. Sexualization of young women and children is not new to Western media, but you have to be willfully ignorant to pretend anime isn't worse. Loli and harem anime are so abundant, looking at MAL right now and I see tons of it. Even in anime that don't have loli/harem elements in your face, the characters still act unlike any human in the real world, making random sounds and gasps like they're mentally incapable. I've watched plenty of anime and even the ones I deem good or better than most, I can't stand the dramatic acting and retarded noises.
>>154564I think most of us do watch TV shows with real people, or busy ourselves with different types of media. I guess if you like isekai or anime-specific settings and plots I could understand
why you like anime more but… still, why? Can you see yourself watching that up until you're 40? 50? Not trying to say women at age 40+ can't enjoy those things, but really.
No. 154605
>>154604I mean, I enjoy different types of media but I just like to watch anime when it comes to television. I don’t watch every anime that comes out but I will say a lot of my favorite shows are in fact anime.
I have moved on more to reading manga and light novels that I find interesting. I think if you’re not a freak about enjoying it, there’s nothing inherently wrong with consuming the content. I’m genuinely not interested in a lot of the content they put out here in Burgerland.
I’ve tried watching popular shows like Grey’s Anatomy to see if I could get a feel for it but it felt like a highschool drama with Adults. I think the last rl show I enjoyed was You and that was just because of how absurd it was.
But, I agree. A lot of anime is filled with gross stereotypes and it makes it hard to filter through all the garbage for something good.
No. 154609
>>154605Yeah, I agree that there's nothing inherently wrong with consuming anime. At the end of the day, it really is just an animation form and there are some anime that deviate from the typical tropes and classic shitty acting and turn out to be diamonds in the rough. I'm no caper for American media - I actually think most of it is boring because of how woke or palatable to the masses they like to make things, but I'd personally rather sit through ten Avengers movies than have to watch 2000 year old demon lolis making retarded noises at me in every anime I ever watch. Still, kudos to you for being critical of the stuff you watch. We clearly can't say that about half the people ITT, lol.
>>154606I know always calling annoying spergs moids gets old but I genuinely think that this thread is so radioactive because of scrotes in particular. I've perused the fujo cringe thread and even the defensiveness there wasn't nearly as explosive as it is here.
No. 154623
>>154604You act like western media isn't full of its own weird and creepy aspects and cheesy tropes, it is just as rampant in western media as it is in anime. To think otherwise is being blatantly ignorant. Just because you are over exposed to traps and whatever online doesn't mean that's what actually saturates the medium. It's just your anecdotal bias. All you're doing is convincing me that a lot of you have no media literacy and are more concerned about how you'll be seen for watching animated media. I mean it when I say this thread is pointless if all you're going to say is that you think it brings out the creeps. That isn't a criticism of the medium itself. And if you don't watch anime, so how would you know what's currently popular or the quality of it? The only people who care if you watch cartoons or anime when you're an adult are judgemental weirdos who are thinking way too much about other people. If someone in their 50s wants to watch cartoons and anime, they should, it doesn't mean anything. It's not deep. It doesn't mean they are childish or weird, and it doesn't mean that person is more likely to be a freak. Our generation, who a large number of grew up watching anime, and are more likely to become adults still appreciating the medium because finding shows and movies that fit your maturity level as you grow up is really easy and nostalgia is a feeling most people enjoy indulging. I'm not offended that you don't like anime, you don't have to like anime if you're so insistent on it. But you not liking it isn't my problem, especially when you don't have anything valuable to say about the subject, so why bother opening your mouth if not to just shame the people who do enjoy it? You have a problem with pedophiles, not with the average viewer.
No. 154625
>>154623I was typing up a response to this but then I realized that my original post still holds up.
> It's fucking anime of all things, you have to genuinely be a loser yourself to defend some shit like this to this extent. If the subject bothers you so much, hide the thread, and stop the bickering. Seethe. Dilate, even.
No. 154670
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never trust a mfer who likes moeshit, he is always a degenerate cumbrain
No. 154678
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>>154599Western media may have less outright horrible shit yet the few degen shows they do have are 100x worse than anime.
No. 154688
>>154604I think most women in this thread are well aware of how retarded 80% of anime is. I don't think anyone here will fawn over kobayashis dragon maid or whatever pedo shit is currently trendy.
Despite all of that there's a pretty hefty amount of decent anime and manga out there due to the sheer amounts of it coming out. I agree most of it is trash but I feel like we went over this discussion ~13 years ago when most of us here were teens.
It's baffling to me that other anons think that the anime watching population on this site would have such extreme shit taste that they'd watch bottom of the barrel coomer shit.
Go into the anime thread and you'll see nobody is posting about isekai harem moe pedobait anime #5839, at most it will be some edgy depression porn manga, and there's a lot of posts criticizing coomer shit as well. I think the anons hating on anime here are preaching to the choir, with a holier than thou attitude because you refuse to watch the decent stuff too. Which fine, nobody is making you watch it but sticking fingers in your ears and screaming "everyone who watches anime is a pedo tranny degen" won't make it true.
No. 154713
>>154688>I think most women in this thread are well aware of how retarded 80% of anime is.I agree completely. I'm saying right now that this thread isn't "mostly women", lol.
>I think the anons hating on anime here are preaching to the choir, with a holier than thou attitude because you refuse to watch the decent stuff too. This isn't what it is at all. This is supposed to be a thread for people who hate anime and want to criticize it for any reason to talk about that; if you're an anime fan, YOU'RE the one out of place. We're not preaching to the choir, we're stating our opinions in a thread that is asking for them and everyone else is coming in trying to defend their loser pedobait medium.
>Which fine, nobody is making you watch it but sticking fingers in your ears and screaming "everyone who watches anime is a pedo tranny degen" won't make it true.Generalizing something doesn't mean we're talking about literally every single fucking thing in that group, come on, anon. It's safe to assume that 80% of the medium is disgusting, repetitive loli or harem garbage so generalizing it is fine. Holy shit.
>>154678At least Big Mouth doesn't parade its young children characters as seductive to the audience and attractive, even if the subject matter is cringe. The style is absolutely vile, meanwhile anime is all about making the underaged characters attractive and sexy.
No. 154752
>>154713Should have named your thread something else then. Previous anime critical thread was for people with nuanced opinions. Don't be surprised when you don't get the replies that you want.
you or the actual OP if that's a different person, I don't care, the point stands) Anime hate would be more accurate.
>>40244IDK why nobody from jannies noticed that this has either a wrong title or is a duplicate.
No. 154758
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>>154731I think people who defend it so strongly are kind of strange. It’s okay to enjoy something and be critical of it. There is the whole making someone feel bad for watching anime but if you’re self aware enough, you should be able to watch something, enjoy it, but still be able to admit the faults. Not all anime is good, just like how it is in any other media.
No. 154768
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Moving from what kind of people those who watch it are, most anime just has awful pacing issues and the most bland character writing, especially when it comes to women. Almost all of it has fan service, and even that term alone connotes that this is a supposedly good thing… When someone tells me they like anime I often assume that yes they are a coomer of some kind, are incredible childish, or willing to put up with extremely poor writing and lackluster animation because it's some form of NLOG media consumption. Read a book.
No. 154788
>>154688>I think most women in this thread are well aware of how retarded 80% of anime isYou know that applies to literally all forms of media too? What really changes is specifically what makes them all shit, and even then I see a lot of people complaining about sexualization of underage characters in manga and anime like they're the only ones guilty of this. Honestly the only advice I have to give to anyone who may be interested in anime but these common flaws will prevent them from watching anything : just read manga instead and don't listen to any self-proclaimed American anime fan's opinion on anything. Be as picky as possible. Most anime are just shitty adaptations and manga has so much more diversity you're more likely to find something you'll enjoy that isn't all ass and titties and mindless shonen battle manga.
>>154768The shitty pacing is why I stopped caring about anime. I may watch some original shows sometimes but that's it. Some manga also have this problem but it's not that obvious if you're reading a finished story.
No. 154794
>>154771I remember the thread and the whole history, was fun. Why can't this be renamed to Anti-anime?
>>154788>>154790I'm so thankful that I'm not the only one who cannot watch anime due to slow pacing. 20 minute episodes drag forever, while I can watch a one hour tv show episode no problem. That's one of the reason why I prefer manga (that and the fact that there is so much more choice in what to read, not only what will sell commercially the most).
No. 154815
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>>154688To be honest, I can't imagine typing as much of some of the spergs ITT, and being so angry over a drawn medium they claim to vehemently dislike from a part of the world they (presumably) don't live in and never have to think seriously about, then insisting those that defend it are the autistic ones.
It's like someone who claims to be anti-furry writing an epistle about furries that details a bunch of minute opinions about the community they'd only have/care about if they purposely inserted themselves in it. Almost on the same level of fixation as that one "derpibooru" poster. "Don't like it, shit disgusts me" is a normal person's reaction, the novels and pure seethe in here are not. Obsession.
No. 154817
>>154815Seems like you don't listen to your own advice and are obsessed with this thread. Hide it if it
triggers you, nonna.
No. 154898
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>when you watch a mystery show and STILL see bullshit pornification like this
No. 154902
>>154898i dropped it after the first episode because of that
it's a shame because I love those "teenagers explore urban mysteries" it's such a fun trope.
No. 396548
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>>396545Did you just come from that thread to post this?