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No. 139487
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I recently rewatched midsommar and I’ve decided it’s one of the best movies I’ve ever seen
No. 139496
>>139482This pic is so cozy!
>>139493NTA but I’d say I’m kinda meh on Midsommar. I liked Hereditary a lot, but “spooky pagan cult” movies are kinda boring imo. A bunch of Swedes living in the forest is about the least scary thing I can imagine. I also thought the characters were pretty forgettable besides rooting for
the lead to drop her scrote. No. 139497
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>>139496Lol I deleted because I made a dumb typo but you replied before I could fix and repost. Yeah, I didn't find it particularly scary but I did find it entertaining. I really liked the main character and was rooting for her too. Hereditary is much more disturbing. That entire car sequence is something else. The long shot on his face- amazing.
No. 139530
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>>139487I know what you mean, it's one of my favorite film to rewatch!
On the same topic, does anyone knows some good "day time horror" ? I'm a huge fan of Midsommar and The Wicker Man but I don't really know anything close to it. A lot of movies rely on the dark and the night to make you feel scared and I think it's bold for a movie to go in the opposite direction.
No. 139538
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Leonardo Dicaprio will produce and starr in an american production of "Another round" (a 2020 danish film that won the oscar for best international movie) literally why
No. 139540
>>139538Did we really get to the point where we remake movies that appeared a year ago? Why DiCaprio anyway? Mads can speak English, why not him lmao
I hate Hollywood
No. 139543
>>139530Check out under live action movies:, not all films listed are actually horror, but you may find something you like.
From my side, I would recommend Funny Games - seen the remake and loved it (if you can say so about a rather unpleasant movie). I think it's mostly the same as original (both directed by Haneke).
No. 139592
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yall i just watched silence of the lambs for the first time… this was the scariest scene in the whole movie imo
No. 139595
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>>139592Agree, all those police scenes are so unsettling
No. 139607

>>139592>>139605I posted this in the last thread
I was really surprised watching the Silence of the Lambs, it was pink-pilled AF, the real villain in the film was the Male Gaze and buffalo bill was the ultimate embodiment of that gaze
In the near end scene where Clarice has him cornered, he cuts the power and the lights go off, Clarice is effectively blind while bill with the aid of night vision goggles has all the power as he can see her every movement, he see's her fear and he revels in it, bill becomes the personification of the male gaze in flesh, he toys with her and he takes his big very phalic gun and aims it at her hear head but the loud sound of when he COCK's his gun alerts Clarice and due to having sharper shooting experience catches him off guard, and unloads on him and her stray bullets damaging the walls and windows which let's the light shine in, and we see Bill as he lay dying, his appearance and even the sound he's making not resembling a man but rather an insect like creature
No. 139610
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I so wanted to love "Promising Young Woman" (2020) and I largely liked it but the way they styled Carrie Mulligan was criminally bad. They kept putting her in these ingenue outfits that age her terribly. Picrel is one of the nicer ones tbh, she looked rough the entire film. Just because she has petite features does not mean you can put her in clothes like that. They did her dirty. Looking up her age will convince you to wear sunscreen and that's all I will say about an otherwise awesome actor
Also what the fuck as that runtime? Every scene is gruelingly long, for no apparent reason. The climax deserves to be dragged out and long, I totally vibe with that, but it felt extra long because the rest of the film also had shots that lingered so it had no temporal emphasis for me. Edit your films down man!
No. 139678
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Someone mentioned Piercing in the horror thread and I wanted to bring it up here. It's really overlooked. I adore Mia Wasikowska as an actress. She is so underrated, and great at playing disturbed, complicated, or unhinged women. The "victim is more than she appears"/ "victim turns the tables on her would be abuser/killer" trope is one of my absolute favourites in media.
No. 140458
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Has anyone seen this film? It’s an Australian psychological thriller and it’s amazing.
No. 140483
>>140458I’ll watch this rn
No. 140509
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got around to watching Ride or Die, and while I wish it was as dark as the original manga, which I've been reading, I enjoyed it for what it was. I'm kind of afraid I'll be labeled scrotey for liking it because I've seen people criticize aspects of the movie and its treatment of sexuality, but I enjoyed it as a bi woman
i wish there weren't so many sex scenes but that seems to be really common in media nowadays, I liked the lesbian scene but the other scenes were so uncomfortable, even if they were intended to be that way
No. 140527
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>>140483She is so based in this movie.
No. 140646
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I was scrolling through movie site and chosen this one randomly. Turns out it was pretty good. Weird at first and relly fucked up, but very funny and had nice ending.
But I've never heard of it before, and I feel like I'm missing out a lot hidden gems.
Anons, do you have (good) movies that you feel only you have seen?
No. 140680
>>139610I had conflicting feelings on the film as well, but what really stayed me with more then anything is that bo burnham is way too tall, I mean he was massive compared to Carrie Mulligan
Made me lose attraction towards to him somewhat
No. 141847
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SPIRAL WAS SO FUUUUUNNNN!!! I unironically love the Saw series, this was a delight. The voice took me out every time topkek.
No. 141964
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No. 141966
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There's something about this movie that's creepy and unsettling.I just wouldn't watch it again.
No. 142235
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i genuinely love this movie. move tf over, james bond.
No. 142445
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It's painfully unfunny and boring,I don't see why everyone likes these movies,the characters are so annoying and I hated seeing the stupid faces Micheal fox makes
I don't care how iconic are,I hate them.the acting also feels forced
No. 142451
>>142445Man you broke my heart anon lol, these are some of my favourite movies ever, especially the first one. I've seen it so many times yet it literally never gets old.
>>142447Can we drop this mentality? It's embarrassing. Just because you personally don't like something doesn't automatically make it moidshit.
No. 142846
>>142827Always recommending Heavenly Creatures, as well as Cracks (and maybe Respire if you would like something similar, though I haven't seen that one)… but there is pain and sadness in those. Not as a main component - definitely not as torture porn - but still. So decide for yourself.
Oh and Pin Cushion is a wonderful, but heartbreaking modern fairytale. AFAIR almost all meaningful characters are female (there is maybe a one token boytoy, but he's not very memorable). It's fucking sad tho, especially if you've dealt with bullying, poverty or alienation from others. I loved it a lot, so I mention this movie in case some other anon becomes interested.
Sorry if my post wasn't much help, I mostly watch sad movies. The one fun film with strong female leads that I remember is Kamikaze Girls. It's very campy tho.
No. 142911
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>>142846Thanks anon, I'll check all of these out! Pin Cushion sounds a bit like Pan's Labyrinth in that it's about the characters developing a fantasy world to escape the pain of reality. I've seen Kamikaze Girls before but it's been years so I'm glad you reminded me of it. Would probably be liking watching it for the first time again now. I don't mind the occasional sad movie but sometimes it can feel like women-centric films just focus on how much shit we have to deal with minus any subsequent relief or triumph, which can get exhausting. I see enough of that in the real world. But I'd still rather watch movies that show women facing difficult things than anything that further glorifies men.
No. 142929
>>142447BTTF1 was my favorite movie when I was around nine or ten. There are obviously cringey things about it, but the special effects are good for the time and the score is awesome. Also Michael J Fox was actually kind of cute when he was young (imo at least.)
It is not moidshit, and if you dislike it, you're actually in the minority because most normies are at least amicable towards it. Stop acting like every other woman on Earth has the exact same opinions as you, Narcissist-chan.
That said, The Secret to my Success is awful, and Ferris Bueller is hard to watch because Ferris is legitimately a horrible human being and I hate that we're supposed to root for him.
>>142765Well, I think Lorraine
misidentified her affection for Marty as romantic. I think even across timelines, family members would feel connections to each other, and she felt naturally caring towards him for that reason. Also, she didn't fall in love with George because she took care of him necessarily, I think that was just an opportunity for them to get to know each other and realize they were compatible. Also, did everybody just collectively forget about the scene where she kisses Marty and immediately gets grossed out?
Also, Back to the Future benefitted from the fact that people before the internet didn't over-analyze the hell out of things and were more willing to suspend their disbelief. Doc Brown is basically the same age visually despite like thirty years passing, and they literally never explain how Doc and Marty met, but none of that matters because it isn't what the movie is about.
No. 142946
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>>141966Kubrick and Spielberg was a horrible combo. This movie was trying to do Spielberg childlike mystical whimsy but Kubrick’s creeping existential horror and bizarre atmosphere kept leaking through.
Plus that face melting scene made me shit a fucking Tricerotops. Spoiler for nightmare fuel.
No. 144562
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I like cyberpunk worlds and aesthetic (like picrelated, I love this colour scheme), can anyone recommend me some movies, cartoons or TV shows?
I watched bladerunner2049, it wasn't honestly as good as I expected it to be for such a long and high rates movie, but nevertheless I still loved the way the world looked like, and basically everything up until MC meets a supposed "father", but it's still not a movie to throw 10/10 at.
However, I loved Cloud Atlas's SONMI story part a lot, no matter how a bit basic it can be.
Don't think I ever really watched any cyberpunk movies, used to read the books a lot tho.
No. 144601
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Does anyone else here actually enjoy American Beauty? I know the tide has turned against it because of the Kevin Spacey stuff and people thinking it's pretentious but to me it holds up.
No. 144664
>>144655Isn't the couch scene pretty misogynist? Having said that, I enjoyed the movie despite that. I wanna see it again with what
>>144631said in mind. I have such weird, melancholy nostalgia for the late nineties, before 9/11 happened and everything changed.
No. 144718
>>144601no. i thought i liked it a lot in high school but rewatched it in college and absolutely hated it. i hate all that it stands for, such a shallow film and commentary on "america"
after watching some todd solondz films, american beauty means nothing to me.
No. 145007
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Someone allegedly leaked the script of powerpuff girls movie on resetera, if it's real (it's so bad I have hard time believing) then it's good they're redoing it. No. 145022
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>>144601Brilliant ost and beautiful scrotes. I understand why some people think it's a pretentious movie though.
Another movie that has a nice ost + shots and gives me huge nostalgia is the Virgin Suicides
No. 145401
>>142457>Precisely none of it was scary. The only disturbing part was the sex scene and even that was cringy and uncomfortable.You didn't find the cliff scene disturbing? That's the moment that stuck in my head long after I watched it.
But anyway I definitely prefer movies that are creepy rather than actually scary so it's right up my alley, I think Hereditary is better but it has less rewatch value for me because it scared me more.
No. 145610
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i just found out this is coming out today and it seems really cool even though i feel like disney will ruin it somehow.i havent really liked their live actions so far
No. 146309
Has anybody seen Nomadland? I'm considering going to see it tonight because it's the only movie playing in my cinema by the time I'll going home from therapy. At the same time, it seems like it may be boring and unsufferable at the same time so IDK if I want to subject myself to it.
Scrolling this review't give me especially high hopes tbh
No. 146312
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>>145610Haven't watched it but the big plot twist of Cruella is the reasons she wants to skin a bunch of puppies for a coat is because
her mom was pushed off a cliff by a bunch of dalmatians as a kid. There, I saved you 30 bucks Premium Access.
Anyway, when do you guys think they'll make Gaston movie where he's a himbo
No. 146321
>>146312I thought that was a meme, Jesus Fucking Christ thet shouldn't have even brought it up
The premise of wanting to making a redemption about a woman who wants to skin puppies is very dumb and I don't know who thought it was a good idea
No. 146325
>>146312>>146323wow…all i can say. also the CGI is atrocious
is there any other reason to watch this movie cause i already downloaded it and it's a 2 hour movie
No. 146357
>>146356samefag but I just noticed
>by the time I'll going home from therapytop kek please then, no. Idk just watch some wholesome shit like uchuu patrol luluco or Derry Girls if you're not a weeb or smth
No. 146399
>>146356>>146357Haha, by the time I saw your replies, I have already seen the movie!
>would have been mad if I actually paid money to watch it ngl.Luckily that's not a concern to me as I have a monthly subscription. The more movies I see, the less money I waste. The cinemas have been open for 4 days here and I've already seen 3 films.
>top kek please then, no. Idk just watch some wholesome shit like uchuu patrol luluco or Derry Girls if you're not a weeb or smthOMG thank you for being so caring, anon. I was late and didn't catch the first 5 or 10 minutes. IDK if that helped (maybe there was something infuriating in them?), but I ended up liking the movie. Shocking, as I usually hate any road trip movies and I expected Nomadland to be peak schmaltzy, emotionally manipulative cinema. The movie didn't feel sappy or like poverty porn to me. It was nice seeing a story about alienated elders with actors that actually looked the part. Some scenes made me cry a bit, but in a healthy way that made me feel more connected to myself and to humanity at large. Also, I got a healthy kek out of realization that Nomadland has just introduced local normies to two great American concepts:
>roadside attractions in the form of trashy lifesize dinosaurs in the middle of bumfack nowhere>Derek Humphry's Final Exit JFC, it was NOT written by Dr Kevorkian as the movie claims! What a complete fact-checking failI would cautiously suggest giving the movie a chance in case of boredom or if anything about it seems appealing.
No. 146404
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Watched Promising Young Woman again last night, still really liked it. It's by no means a perfect movie but a great first full-length feature. And I know it's wrong but this sequence kills me, ugh
No. 146407
>>146312This is not true lmao did no one here watch it even for morbid curiosity??? She doesn't want to kill any dogs in it or even hate dogs, they actually even gave her a dog companion, she just hates the lady who killed her mother and wants to take revenge on her.
That scene is pretty awful tbh but the whole film gives you the impression that it's purposefuly Camp.
>>145610Honestly, the movie was average-ish but the fashion is pretty on point, I don't get why everyone is just so against the idea of Cruella getting a redemption arc, like killing dogs is not even close to the worst thing a Disney villain has ever done??
No. 146415
>>146414Yeah, I remember I was looking forward for this movie when it's trailer came out.
Thank you for sharing this screenshot, anon! It looks aesthetically pleasing because of its colour scheme, I seem to be really into neon lately.
Also, even weirder is that Bo here reminded me of my nice, wholesome ex from the times when I was a teen - brought smile to my face, hope he is having a good life.
No. 146486
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There is something about this movie that I love so much. I have never seen a single Ryan Gosling other than this movie and I have watched it about 7-8 times. I think it's really impressive how they create comedy without demeaning Lars or his issues and I relate to him a lot. I find it a very comfy movie to watch even if it leaves me a little choked up!
No. 146743
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What are your guilty pleasure movies, anons? I enjoy watching melodramatic romantic movies with an emphasis on the visuals over the story. Movies like Dirty Dancing 2, Phantom of the Opera and Great Gatsby (Baz Luhrmann's version). Stoker is another go to, the cinematography is mesmerizing
No. 146767
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>>146743The twilight movies, guilty because they're so objectively shit and cringy but I still rewatch them like two times every year
No. 146768
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>>146743Two ends of the spectrum: Dumb himbo action movies like Predator, 300, Mortal Kombat. Then also flamboyant period films. They're not all bad, but some can be very melodramatic and overly focused on romance over meaningful content like The Dutchess, Belle, Far from the Madding Crowd.
No. 146775
>>146743Any chick flick. Mean Girls, Clueless, Heathers, shit like that.
I only really watch these when I'm drunk but fuck if movies like that aren't the most fun I've ever had watching something.
No. 146827
>>144664a little late, but i thought it gave a good look at how stuffy the marriage situation was. but just that one scene captured the stuffiness well. it's like that closed in feeling when you see all the cookie cutter houses in the beginning of edward scissorhands. maybe i just don't feel the same sense of nostalgia. the fashion, yes. the regular home burb life spent away from friends, nah. that life felt bleak. idk i guess it is better than the 24/7 state of easily accessible drama we're living in now hue
>>144718welcome to the dollhouse is def way bleaker for sure hahaha. damn i really should rewatch that. loved the outfits in that too
No. 146831
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>>146743not a movie, but skins. first two seasons. it's so embarrassing, pic related. like why must i like that shit
however, stoker is well beyond a guilty pleasure for me. it is such a great pleasure. same with baz luhrmann. all of his stuff is guilty inducing but it's so good i can't help but not feel shameless about it
No. 146839
>>146767Twilight is comfy tbh I like watching it when it's gloomy and rainy outside.
>>146775Those particular movies are pretty well regarded, I wouldn't consider them guilty pleasures.
No. 146866
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>>146743It wouldn't be my guilty pleasure now if it hadn't become the female Fight Club/Spring Breakers/The Fast & the Furious alongside films like Ladybird.
No. 146869
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>>146743And not even in a so bad its good. I just think its fun to watch.
No. 146892
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>>146868These are embarassing now!? That sucks. In any case, it's the same for me anon. I literally saw the first PotC in theaters 7 times. I was absolutely gaga over Johnny Depp, plus I loved pirates and it was awesome getting to see a big budget movie about them. I agree that not everything needs to be serious and gritty, and at least it had a moderately creative plot and characters rather than all this tired capeshit coming out lately. It's too bad about Johnny's personal life, he really did used to be a talented actor and a babe but he's taken a nosedive since. I love a lot of straightforward adventure films from back in the day like the Count of Monte Cristo, Man in the Iron Mask, all the Indiana Jones movies. They weren't brilliant but they were genuine and fun in a way most blockbusters these days refuse to be. Always have to be ironic and make fun of themselves, as if being embarassed of their own campiness will head off audiences doing it. In the end they just come across more monotonous and lack heart.
No. 146903
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>>146743I'm not really ashamed of anything I like to watch, but this one, I suspect, not everyone would understand?.. Like, it's just some old cheesy fantasy film. I loved it as a child and recently rewatched it on tv, and honestly I don't think it looks that bad. I really like the cast, characters and overall atmosphere. The characters are not that complicated though, more like in fairy tales, but I don't mind it. My favorite ones were Merlin and Mordred. Mordred is freaking sexy.
Ooh, I remembered one film that I would call my guilty pleasure: The 10th Kingdom. Also loved it as a child, and now it's kinda different… but still fun and nostalgic.
No. 146910
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This movie was such a wild fucking ride. I went into it knowing nothing and high as fuck, which probably made it even better, honestly. I highly recommend it to stoner anons, but don’t read anything about it before you watch for extra enjoyment.
No. 146912
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>>146903I love cheesy fantasy movies from the 80's and 90's so, I totally get it. saw that miniseries a long time ago (rented it from blockbuster, RIP) but I enjoyed it. I also liked the tenth kingdom when I saw it, I feel like it could have been shortened though.
speaking of which, I really liked dragonheart as a kid, haven't watched it in ages but I would probably still like it lol
No. 146960
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>>146903>>146912God I had the biggest crush on the Wolf as a little girl. He's a complete dork but I wanted to pet him kek. The trolls are still funny to me. My favorite (almost) 90s fantasy movie is Legend. Great soundtrack, the sparkliest set in history and sexy devil Tim Curry.
No. 147052
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Has anyone seen The Woman in The Window with Amy Adams?
I really liked it. The plot is mid but the film is very stylish and atmospheric. Great main cast. Definitely curl up and watch during a summer storm.
No. 147081
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I watched The Craft Legacy today and lemme tell you what a waste of time.
Nothing happens for most of the time and the conflict between the girls at the very end feels so forced. Also the way they talk to each other, feels like the writer got all the dialogue from tumblr.
The girls ignore the protagonist, who is nancy's daughter because suposedly she caused the death of a kid and one of the girls talk about "using powers responsibly" like shut the fuck up, you cast a spell on the guy to change his personality completely, the fuck responsibly means. Go burn something or whatever. I hate it so much. Only good thing about it was Fairuza Balk and the Mulder guy but holy shit he's so old
No. 147087
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I love Manchester By The Sea. The scene where he and his wife bump into each other on the street absolutely destroys me. I just love movies that can make me cry from start to finish like that. Mumblecore, I love you so.
No. 147106
>>147052It was entertaining but to me it was just the best lifetime movie i ever saw, in fact, I'm positive I've watched at least 5 lifetime movies with the same plot.
It was predictable but i liked it.
No. 147114
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>>147088Only movie with a female protag that came to mind is Wild with Reese Withherspoon, where she goes on a hike to reclaim control over her life. Warning for a pretty squicky toenail removal scene. Also it's more of straight up about facing trauma than being contemplative iirc.
No. 147115
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>>147088Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri
No. 147136
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I would just like to express how much I love the art direction of Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. It's so nostalgic for me, very experimental and bold colors throughout the film. The movies themselves are extremely campy, and I love them for that as well. We do not forget Seal's iconic Kiss From A Rose.
Batman 1989 and Batman Returns are also fantastic, but not as memorable. Prince's contributing part of the soundtrack stood out more, including the photo set of him dressed up as half Joker, half Batman.
There's a couple films that have a similar vibe, such as the Super Mario Bros Movie, All Dogs Go To Heaven, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles films from the early 90s.
No. 147161
>>147052It was okay, not as bad as people said. I had fun watching it even though it was predictable.
>>147081Not even worth watching for keks ugh.
No. 147162
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>>147088Have you seen A Ghost Story? Maybe I was in a weird place but it crippled me for days.
No. 147275
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Disney has lost its touch, they haven't made a good animated movie since Coco–and if you needed a reminder, that came out in 2017. Even their live actions have not been good at all, but at least those for the most part have been understood to be money grabs baiting people in with nostalgia.
Toy Story 4 was just OK and only because I cared about Bo Peep. Frozen II was contrived and really not great. Ralph Breaks the Internet was bad. Soul was weird. The Incredibles 2 was lame. Onward was OK.
Just watched Raya and it's a stupid, poorly paced mess with a poor message. The dragon looks like a kin of Elsa and so many characters are thrown in that one can't care about any of them.
Nothing is made well anymore, and the only striking things are the visuals. /Didneysperg
No. 147302
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>>147088Die Wand (2012)
"A woman inexplicably finds herself cut off from all human contact when an invisible, unyielding wall suddenly surrounds the countryside. Accompanied by her loyal dog Lynx, she becomes immersed in a world untouched by civilization and ruled by the laws of nature.
No. 147433
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I rewatched Midsommar last night and it got so much creepier than the 1st time. You noticed so many details you missed or didn’t understand the 1st time you watched it. Maybe it’s because I went into the movie without knowing what it was about, but it felt like I was watching a different movie kek
No. 147496
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Omg go watch Scare Me (2020)
It's horror-comedy with Stormfront and Collegehumour guy. Didn't think I'd love it so much. Their performances are stellar.
No. 147589
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>>140646late replying but ah I gasped when I saw you mention this film anon. Charles Brusch is a genius when it comes to homage. Lauren Ambrose is a gem too. if you're still around you should def check out picrel asap!
No. 147605
>>147599It's streaming on Prime. If you're looking to stream on the movie poster 6 times then click play button
No. 147622
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>>145897>>145610Here to report on Cruella! It was super fun to watch and the costume design is top notch. Emma Stone is a goddess and her Cruella expressions are killer. Emma Thompson's character is a bitch that you can't help but giggle at when she tears people down. There are some cheesy moments scattered throughout the movie which reminds you that this is a Disney movie for kids, but overall I would recommend it.
>Also, TRAAAIINS No. 147651
>>147638I really liked Portrait of a lady on fire,(though I might be biased bc if a film has lesbians in it I almost always enjoy it more), it's set on some remote island during the 1800s and is mostly a love story. I remember liking Mary Antoinette with kirsten dunst (granted I was high while watching it) but its kind of quirky and has got a lot of anachronistic details (like, converse with ball gowns levels of anachronism lol) so if strict historical realism is your thing this might be a skip. I also think I enjoyed the Duchess back when I saw it as a teenager but all I really remember was Keira Knightley looking pretty in the costumes.
Other than those and the ones you already mentioned like pride and prejudice and emma, I'm not sure I've seen any other good movies set in England during that time period. For some reason Titanic came to mind before anything else (even though that's technically after 1900) since the style and general vibe still seems very Victorian England, but everyone's seen Titanic so it's not a very good suggestion lol.
But if you're open to ones set in asia there's a great Korean period drama called the Handmaiden that I highly recommend. Just be forewarned that it's very gay and very R rated.
No. 147680
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>>147651>the DuchessJust a head's up, "Keira Knightley looking pretty" is about the entirety of this movie. It's frustrating because the real woman it was based on (Georgiana Cavendish) was a badass who was a style icon, socialite, supporter of science and literature, big political activist and poet/writer. There was a great amount of raw material to work with but the movie spends about 2 minutes on her meaningful accomplishments then shunts it away in favor of focusing on a hurried romantic affair, love triangle and having her make stupid, overly emotional choices regarding her kids which is out of character after how much she's shown to care for them. Her gross rapist husband is shown to have more development and emotional growth by the end. Focusing too much on "romance" isn't really out of character for period dramas, but again, choosing such a cool woman and then portraying her in a shallow, dismissive way is really unfortunate. It is nice to look at, so if you want something banal but attractive go for it, but wanted to warn anons. I agree Portrait of a Lady and Handmaiden are both great though.
The 2005 BBC adaptation of Bleak House with Gillian Anderson is good, and if you want something fun but not too serious there's From Hell. It's about Jack the Ripper and features Johnny back when he was still hot and doing interesting roles.
No. 147681
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>>147680Barry Lyndon is totally worth a watch too. It's considered to have some of the most gorgeous cinematography using natural lighting and was shot to look like paintings. It's a picaresque, so the main character is an antihero who's kind of a terrible person but it's fascinating to watch his life in a train wreck sort of way.
No. 147702
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>>147638Would Edwardian Era be okay, even if it's a bit later than your requirements? If yes, I highly recommend Real Life of Angel Deverell aka Angel (2007). I fucking love this movie, it'd criminally underrated. Especially watch if you want a sympathetic portrayal of an authorcow, like melodramas and Michael Fassbender.
Sidenote but if you like the story - it's based on a novel that goes in a different place halfway through and has a much more toned down ending.
No. 147705
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>>147702another shot from the film
No. 147720
>>147715>The "white woman's instagram" song was also super cringy, really pointless and made it clear he hasn't been on instagram since like 2014…I wanted to understand what was the point he was trying to make? It kind of felt to me like 'misogyny but woke because it's a WHITE woman', but then the part about dead family or sthg felt kind of heartfelt and compassionate. IDK
I enjoyed the special but it was the only one of his that I've seen, so yeah. How does it compare?
Also I felt kind of uncomfortable because all the time I had this thought 'this is what onision thinks he is doing', but that's not Bo's fault lmfao. I think Onion partially ruined that kind of comedy for me>"Man just get the fuck off Twitter and go to therapy, let's see you TRY to heal and put in the work to be a functional human, instead of watching you spiraling in this self-indulgent self-destructive career you could walk away from at any time"Didn't he imply going to therapy for 5 years? He certainely mentioned taking the time to work out his anxiety issues over going on stage
No. 147775
>>147738I think he looks horrible, compared to what he was before…
And overall he seems very pretentious now. Not a fan of this era of his.
No. 147779
>misogyny but woke because it's a WHITE womanIdk if he's gotten more good-boy-woke or if I'm just noticing it now but yeesh, it was weird how much he mentioned being white as like a shorthand for being
problematic was weird. I thought the sockpuppet song was going somewhere based about wokescolds, but it kind of fizzled into nothing.
>Didn't he imply going to therapy for 5 years?I'd have to rewatch to make sure, but my impression was he was "working on himself" after he quit stage performing… I don't remember him mentioning therapy or meds specifically, and he definitely wasn't getting help during the filming of the special. You can just see the depressive hermit aura building throughout.
>he looks greatskinnyfat pewdiepie lookalikes your type? lol. He's not an ugly dude but it's obvious he was neglecting himself. Personally I'm always grossed out by the pubey overgrown beard on anyone, it just screams breakup or breakdown.
I'm glad the half-naked parts of the special were mostly for comic effect so at least he's self aware.
No. 147819
>>147715It was really uncomfortable to watch in various places, and I wasn't always sure how intentional it was. There also were quite a few times when I wondered how authentic it was, but I guess that's the point or something.
The "White Woman's Instagram" song I hoped would take a proper left turn after the heartfelt comment part, but it just went back?
He also really needs a shave and a haircut. He's not the most good lucking guy in the first place, and the beard is not helping.
No. 148181
>>146903I loved this movie (miniseries?) Queen Mab and the Lady of the Lake were amazing.
>>147715I really liked “Welcome to the Internet” and “Put your hands up”.
“Welcome to the internet” describes the internet perfectly right down to the weird ass circus theme.
White Womans Instagram was so misogynistic it made me wanna throw up.
>>147738lol he looks like an old exboyfriend of mine when hes all underweight depressed and shaggy looking. It was weird and freaky how similar they look.
Idk I just feel like the whole thing tried to start out with more of a political message then descended into madness. Which I’m low key here for.
For the record I’ve never been a Bo Burnham fan. I always thought he was kinda a hack. But kinda think he’s alright now. Definitely needs therapy tho
No. 148208
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>>148181I don't get the White Woman Instagram. Why is he mocking women who just take innocent photos of stuff they like? It really feels like 'female interests are inherently dumb, females should stay quiet and not talk about what they like'.
Expected better from you, Bo.
No. 148218
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Airplane is considered good right? I didn’t enjoy at all but honestly sometimes I am stupidly contrarian so I’m curious of anon’s opinion
No. 148232
>>148211 Fucking WHO CARES.
If men can boast about liking trash-tier 'hobbies' like the embodiments of ego-pandering (superheroes) or the ultimate form of passive consumption (videogames), dogs, lattes, and socks are basically godtier interests.
Fuck that shit. Don't give into the patriarchal machine of making us hate ourselves. if you wanna be basic, it's still less cringe than male mediocrity.
No. 148325
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>>148208>It really feels like 'female interests are inherently dumb, females should stay quiet and not talk about what they like'. Lol come on, that's a bit much. I truly believe you're missing the intended joke. The entire special is mocking certain social media trends, and White Woman's Instagram is just poking fun at the extremely common phenomenon of 'comfy' Instagram pages filled with 'trendy' content, usually curated by a white woman. I didn't interpret it as misogynistic at all; it's the only song from the special with entirely wholesome humour to it, and with a section that's clearly intended to be played straight for emotion (the ode to her mom, which has no joking lyrics picrel), left me with the impression of it being a light-hearted jab at the more basic(and sometimes personal) side of social media.
>>148232 is right. I think any of you here who are genuinely offended by a song joking that women like avocados, latte art and romance are being overly-sensitive, or are insecure about liking those things in the first place.
No. 148361
>>148211>implying porn, soccer or craft beer qualify as interestsHey, neck yourself the next time you wanna write something like that. Or go post at 4chan, they will like you much more there.
>>148325>>148351>It annoys me that brainlet tier scrotes just like the song because hating white women has become a proxy for general misogyny. saying you hate women makes you a misogynist but saying you hate white women makes you woke. My thoughts exactly. I think the song was a confused mess. If it was meant to be heartfelt in the end, it either should have ended on the mom part or the final chorus should be changed to something positive and not mocking. Otherwise, it really was not clear what the fuck Bo's angle was. The problem didn't really exist in other segments of Inside. I get the song MAYBE was intended to be an affectionate parody, but because a man is singing it and singling out women for being white, it feels more like a typical scrote attack.
No. 148396
>>148351Ayrt and
>there's something to be discussed (not here) about how white women are increasingly being used as the dumping ground for misogynistic sentiment.I do agree with you on that point
No. 148658
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I watched the Soviet horror movie Viy after seeing a funny gif in the gif thread. Anyone seen it and wanna discuss it?'m confused…
was the witch young and old? If she was old that man couldn't have been her father, unless he was supernatural too. She was powerful enough to summon demons so why couldn't she stop the mc from beating her to death? No. 148678
>>148658This character was allegedly based on a cousin of Gogol's grandmother that was believed to be a witch. She lived somewhere near Kyiv and there was a legend that old witches could turn into young girls. I suspect it must be common because something like that was also in Grimms' fairy tales? So, Gogol's relative was suspected to transform into a young girl too.
I believe there's a theory that pannochka is old and her father might be a warlock and is even older but makes himself look younger. It's also possible that he knew that Khoma was her murderer and he planned all that to get him killed.I think her not being able to stop him has to do with his praying. In the church, he manages to protect himself, so I guess there must be a way to defeat evil forces.
No. 149247
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Why the hell is this movie so highly rated. I hated every part of it, it wasn't even enjoyable ironically. The exploding stuff stopped being funny very quickly.
No. 149721
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Can someone recommend me 'forbidden love' themed movies? Other than Romeo and Juliet, the Twilight saga, and the Lover. I know it's a cliche lol but I'm in the mood for some indulgence
No. 149917
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Anons, what's the worst movie you've ever watched?
Picrel, I read a comment on youtube that said something like "I never understood what 'straight to DVD' meant until I watched this movie" and it about sums up this turd.
No. 149959
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>>149917or any steven seagal movie tbh
No. 149964
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>>149917Me and my friend walked out of the theatre during this one. If you don't remember this was the movie where Emma Stone was cast as a Hawaiian/Asian character which incited a lot of backlash.
No. 149978
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>>149917The first film that came to mind was Dario Argento's Inferno. There must have been worse, but I guess my mind blocked it out lmao. It's 100% an exercise in atmosphere creation, logic is out the window
No. 149993
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>>149917definitely darkman.
No. 150004
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>>149917Lost in Translation
No. 150005
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>>149917I haven't watched many movies but Holmes and Watson (2018), though I haven't watched it in a long time. I just remember hating it a lot whilst watching it
No. 150006
>>149917Van Helsing. I like gothic horror and action, but there is nothing exciting, funny or scary about this movie.
Just avoid it anons. There is even a part where the male main character knocks out a cool female vampire hunter so he can be the hero instead. He is played by Hugh Jackman, more like Huge Jackass in this role.
No. 150007
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>>149917Cool World - just seemed pretty stupid and lazy to me. I mean it's lazily made, some animations are obviously copied and repeated and it's not even subtle. The plot and characters are also shit, the sex scene is hilarious - I guess it'd be more complicated to make that cartoonist touching Holli and so on, but he just lies there like a log lol.
While I was typing it, I remembered probably the worst (in terms of plot) film I saw, in the last few years at least - Anomalisa. It's a prententious and incredibly boring stop-motion film about yet another uninspiring white middle-aged man who is bored with his life and thinks that everyone's the same. If I'm not mistaken it's suggested that he might have this mental illness when you think that everyone's just the same person pretending to be someone else. Yet it looks like he's just a contemptuous dick who expects others to surprise him or something. And then this ridiculous scene… So he thinks he's the first person who realized all this shit and everyone else's just dumb and never thought about government manipulations or something like that? Who wrote this? It's so bad
Flesh+Blood by Paul Verhoeven. Medieval times. Main character played by Rutger Hauer and his gang kidnap the young girl Agnes. At the beginning of a movie she doesn't even know what sex is so she asks her maid to show her, and the latter immediately starts fucking some random man lol just like that, Agnes doesn't like it though. So when she gets kidnapped, Rutger and his friends sexually assault her, but she rises to the occasion by wrapping her legs around him and forcing him into herself. Friends are like "wooow now sheee's raping you!!", and she's all smug - lol what the fuck? and then they're in love or some shit, anyway she doesn't mind him at all
No. 150040
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>>150006Aww, really? I watched it as a kid and loved it, had a crush on this dude. But tbh I haven't watched it since and don't remember a lot about it. Lol
No. 150044
>>150010What horror movies do you like?
There are some in that list that I genuinely like, but some like slenderman and paranormal activity are legit shit
No. 150049
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I've been watching the currently airing Korean soap opera Mine and I'm completely blown away by it. On surface it's your typical drama about a dysfunctional rich family fighting for inheritance and all the scandals that come with that. What really shines about it is that the most important characters are well written, complex women who have deep relationships with each other. And even more impressive is that one of the two mains is a powerful woman who happens to be a closeted lesbian. She mentions it explicitly several times and even meets her old lover on screen. She's portrayed very respectfully in general. This is huge for a South Korean drama! Heck for any show, cause I can't think of any western one that did something similar. I'm anxious to see how their public reacts to it. It's gonna come out on Netflix early July iirc, I really recommend it.
No. 150457
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Is 'We need to talk about Kevin' worth watching? I remember thinking about watching it when it came out, but I didn't and yesterday the memory came back to me. Is it very depressing?
No. 150460
>>150459>Ezra Miller is really hot in it tooShameful or not, that's one of the reasons I want to watch it lmao. Thanks
nonnie I'll watch it tonight!
No. 150480
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>>150457It's one of my fav, the book is obviously way better though. Watch it, if you liked it I'd recommend you watch Stoker next
No. 150481
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>>150461kek samefagging bc I'm high and dindu read your next post, but since you liked itGO WATCH STOKER AND YOU COME BACK HERE AND TELL ME IF YOU LIKED IT
No. 150492
>>150457>>150459>>150476Well, I finished it and honestly I expected something more nuanced. Ezra was indeed hamming it up and was just generally too much. Tilda Swinton was great, John C. Reilly was good, although sort of an odd choice (but then again, comedy actors do the occasional movie roles like these to prove that they should be taken seriously). My biggest qualm was the black and white characterization. Even Ted Bundy had days where he was nice to people and believably acted like a normal human being, but I'm supposed to believe that this kid was an insufferable bitch from the moment he was born consistently until his imprisonment? Also I got the feeling the director sometimes leaned on the shock value so much I couldn't take it seriously and it bordered on comedy (like the scene where
Eva walks in on Kevin masturbating and he, instead of stopping, just continues jerking off while staring into her eyes. I knew it was supposed to be disturbing, but I couldn't help but laugh). The question of nature vs nurture is an interesting one but could have been tackled better I think
>>150480I love Stoker!! It's one of my guilty pleasure movies, the cinematography is mesmerizing and I love the atmosphere and the camerawork. Dreamy
No. 150985
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Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! was something. For the Exploitation genre, it didn't seem to exploiting as it was going to be, and the female characters were fucking amazing. Plus one for a non-pandering canonical lesbian in a 60's film.
No. 151014
>>150985Really? I watched the thing and it was just fucking cringy, the dialogue seemed so fucking unnatural and the "fight" scenes were just comical
It seemed like a fetish film for a guy with a femdom fetish
No. 151218
Are there any movies that you're looking forward to on Cannes?
At the cost of being called a scrote coomer, I've been masturbating to this trailer for Benedetta a lot. Still I hope to enjoy it without having my coomer brain turned on but being a nun and having sex with other nuns has always been a big and most reoccuring sexual fantasy of mine.
Another movie I'd love to watch is Belle. Trailer here: No. 151374
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Do you have movies where the trailer was really intriguing but then when you watched the movie it ended up being really disappointing?
I remember watching this film's trailer (Stratosphere Girl:; it's so obscure, it doesn't even have an English trailer on Youtube) and expecting a European, artsy, low-budget thriller version of Lost in Translation but it ended up being a huge disappointment
No. 151411
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I'm going to watch Promising Young Woman after seeing it mentioned a few times in this thread. The trailer reminded me a little of the film Girls Against Boys. I'd recommend it if you're able to look past some flaws and want to watch something similar. Be warned that there's rape in the plot though.
No. 151857
>>151855Let's hope an actual lesbian director makes a movie about lesbian nuns soon,
No. 151864
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On topic of lesbian movies, did anyone watch (based on Gunjo manga)? I hope it's not male gaze shit. I would like to finish reading the manga before I watch it (it kind of tired me tbh).
No. 151937
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>Saint Maud
has anyone watched this? i really enjoy religious themes and whatnot, even if it's not the religion i grew up with and the plot sounds interesting. i heard there was a rape scene in it so i'm kind of on the fence, depending on it's intensity. let me know your thoughts if you've watched it!
No. 152016
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Did you see Anette?
I was kinda into while watching it but retrospectively, I think it was pretty bad. The first half was solid with the stand-up show and opera bits but it got worse and more cliche as it went on.
The singing during sex sequence made me cringe so hard. Adam Driver's face expressions, moustache and constant nakedness also made me cringe (but I guess nice to have a movie than objectified its male lead more than its female lead). I've heard people praise his acting in this but he was over-acting imo.
The fate of female lead was also cliche as fuck. The final plot twist was a bit too 5deep8me.
But I agree with the message that standup comedians are egoistic psychos kek
No. 152018
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watched wind river a few days ago and i think i lowkey have a thing for movies with vast icescapes. movies like this one, the grey, girl with the dragon tatoo, let the right one in, the terror, the hateful eight, hold the dark hell i even liked the landscape parts of the snowman and the revenant lol. Theres something very calming about the energy these movies have, even when the subject matter is often quite dark. Any recs for movies with this feel (unironically)?
>>151937I havent watched it but regarding rape scenes in movies i recommend literally fastforwarding
No. 152019
>>152016Yup, saw it during the world premiere. How did you see it? I think Driver was as great as always in it and
genuinely fucking terrifying. I will leave it at that though since you don't agree and we have an appropriate thread for admiring him. I think it was a good movie, but for me like 7/10 good. I think it's great that someone made something so original and could see why some people adore it.
What do you think about Ann using Annette? I got the part where she cursed her with her voice as vengeance toward her murdering hubby, but we see Annette as a doll from the very moment she's born… so it means that Ann immediately saw Annette as a tool. For what though? I don't know if I'm dumb and it's self-explanatory, or if it's a plot hole Also
Adam's character made me think of Onision, especially with how everyone went along with his 'controversial', 'daring' jokes and ended up disgusted yet shocked when it turned out he's like that for real No. 152025
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>>152018Here's my rec
nonnie. I like this kind of atmosphere in movies too!
No. 152034
>>152019The movie is from Adam's point of view so I think it meant that
he saw Anette as a doll since she was born. Not Ann. Ann was the typical perfect etheric love interest
that's of course killed by the dark brooding protagonist that's the opposite of her.I also believe she didn't literally curse her child, it was all just his guilt that manifested into hallucinations and Anette was simply a gifted child.
I saw it in a small/indie cinema, they've opened here recently. The ratings and reception of this movie in my country (mid euro) are pretty bad…Guess we're too cynical for this kind of stuff.
The first half was creative and songs were overall catchy though imo.
No. 152051
>>152034Oh, good to hear that it's opened somewhere already!
Hm, you are probably right about the movie being entirely from Adam's POV. But in the ending scenes, the real Annette rejects her mother for also using her as a pawn, so IDK what to make of thatI feel like this movie leaves some room for interpretation, though I'm not sure if I'm invested enough for that now. Maybe it will be clearer once I rewatch. This movie is so extra I can both believe in a realistic and a 'fantasy' interpretation of it. It has a feeling of a dark fairytale to me. Honestly, I did not know what to expect from Annette from the trailer and I went with an open mind… but I still ended up being completely unprepared for the actual experience.
No. 152116
>>152028nta also i haven’t read the manga but this is my opinion:
3/5 stars
- was a bit too long. could have done with some editing
- too much melodrama
- boring but had the potential to be good
- there were a few poignant scenes that i’m grateful for
- did not like that the main character who is supposed to be a lesbian fucks two men (there were ~plot~ reasons but at this point idc. i’ve never seen a movie where a straight man has to fuck a man for plot reasons and until that becomes a common occurrence i will keep complaining about lesbian characters getting this treatment- when the two women have sex the lesbian bemoans not having a penis. just seemed like typical scrote writing No. 152564
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I recently saw The Seventh Seal for the first time. Aside from some of the acting being a bit over the top/outdated, I was surprised by how well it holds up. I think it's largely thanks to copious amounts of black humor. I’ve been feeling doomed and hopeless lately due to escalating effects of global warming, and this film seems eerily relevant but also comforting.
No. 152739
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Watched Black Widow yesterday and what a shame they only made her origin story movie now, not earlier like with (almost) every other character. It was very refreshing to see a movie about really cool characters that happen to be women instead just "strong female leads". Also that opening sequence was excellent; overall one of the better marvel movies of latest few years. Any other anon still interested in MCU?
No. 152752
>>152739I finished WandaVision yesterday and I really liked it. It had a 'lost episode' creepypasta feeling to it and I love that.
Didn't watch Black Widow yet but I'm still pissed off that they killed her and Gamora off in Avengers. Was killing two of the best female characters really needed?
Also on that poster ScarJo looks a bit different or is it just me? Did she get a nosejob?
No. 152760
>>152739still into the MCU despite my inmense dissappointment back when I watched Endgame. Wandavision was great IMO, didn't care for FATWS so I didn't watch it and Loki could have been good but became a messy mess by the last episode. I really enjoyed Black Widow but it should have been released years algo, it feels like they only cared to film it to tie it into the rest of the MCU by
making Yelena the "villain" of the Hawkeye show.
No. 152773
>>152767Wandavision is pretty good and entertaining to me despite not being a marvel fan, just strung along to watch some of the avengers stuff back then though, so i still know some context outside of the series.
Obviously if you're into the MCU it will have a lot of exciting cameos or plot points but on its own as a kind of existential psychological thriller-fantasy it's still entertaining
No. 153318
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>>151937I saw this last night and I loved it, instant favourite. I love movies with religious themes. yeah there is a rape scene but it's in no way graphic, basically what happens is
the character is having sex with someone, she says no at one point and he basically ignores her and she just looks defeated for a few seconds, could still be upsetting though but it lasts all of 5 seconds. also the movie was filmed really close to where I live which I found interesting! the setting of this run down old seaside town and themes of isolation hit really close to home, I couldn't stop thinking about it once it was over. I recommend it anon!
No. 153762
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>>151937>>153318I had wanted to see this for a while and y'all gave me the push. imo it was predictable but I absolutely loved it. picrel reminds me of the end kek
No. 153793
>>153764Was it that bad? I didn’t like it either but besides the
head falling offscene it didn’t leave the impression that it’d give viewers a lot to think about, for me. And I can remember most of the movie very clearly despite seeing it once when it was still screening.
No. 153810
>>153764>>153793It's interesting how people seem to have very different reactions to this movie in terms of how it affected them. A lot of people agree that it had its scary parts, but some were extremely affected emotionally while others just didn't see what the fuss was about. It's kinda cool.
I'm one of those who had a strong reaction to the movie. My family went through a bad crisis when I was a child, and while other movies portray family tragedy as just being sad and rainy, Hereditary was the closest any movie has ever gotten to portray just the horror of watching your family fall apart at the seams. The loss of control, your loved ones just not being themselves anymore, this movie portrayed those feelings perfectly to me.
No. 153822
>>153764Anon, I have written something similar here or in another thread and someone suspected I was a secret advertiser going through forums to shill the movie, kek. When in reality I had the same issue as you, that film really
triggered my anxiety and depression and I felt absolutely devastated. It is insane that a film can do this to you. I always told myself "It is just a movie, it can’t harm you" over and over because I was so scared. Another fun fact: I went to the cinema thinking it was a "dark family drama" because that is what my friend told me, but I was in no way prepared for it. Recently my bf rewatched the movie and it was weird to sit in the other room, knowing what was happening on screen in the same moment.
>>153810I agree that the movie was able to portray very dark feelings that I haven’t seen on screen before. It was both the horror scenes and the general psychological horror and feeling of dread that disturbed me. I think the only other film that came close to this was the original Martyrs.
No. 153861
>>153822>>153810Can I ask what parts of it made you feel that way? Which part of the spiraling felt most accurate to a real life portrayal of those emotions? Which event seemed most reflective of real emotions? Was it
when the grandmother died? when her body was found? When the mom found out? When the son kind of descended into madness? When the mother finally let out her rage? When the son accepted his position as the harborer of evil/tragedy after his sister’s death? As someone who found the movie over the top and comical, I also think it’s interesting others could find the movie discomforting for being too relatable. The movie is definitely stronger imo when it’s all viewed as a metaphor, but the literal things that happen in it are still funny.
No. 153880
>>153861>Hereditary>over the top and comicalkek anon, you are a badass (seriously, I wish I was as brave as you). I think it was just the general tone and atmosphere of the movie that upset me, especially
the car scene and the way everything went downhill from there. It was like a switch was flipped and the characters "fell into a deep hole" afterwards, spiralling into darkness and madness. To me, this is exactly how anxiety and depression feel like. And I don’t like it very much. There was just a lot of darkness and dread in me after watching the movie. It was like one of those nightmares where your family suddenly doesn’t recognize you anymore or something is wrong with them but you can’t tell what exactly it is.
Some scenes that upset me were the daughter sleeping in the red room, the dream sequence where the mother talks to her son and everything seems alright before she slits her throat or something (I instantly closed my eyes lol) and the finale in general with the mother banging her head against the door in particular, NO THANK YOU) No. 153932
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I just saw First Love dir. Takashi Miike (Audition, Ichi the Killer)
Yakuza/action/romance. Kino desu. And pleasantly surprised that it's not sexually degenerate at all. I find some characters very charming. It's a fun wacky ride if predictability isn't a deal breaker for you.
No. 153935
>>153822Nayrt but I thought the way the mother screams at her son at the dinner table was a very realistic representation of abuse. Never saw that in a movie before and it unsettled me a lot.
The movie's (first) layer of "hereditary" mental illness being the real horror was fascinating, it's one of my favorite horror films because of it.
No. 153939
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>>153914I loved this movie when I saw it years ago. So strange and fun. Ted Neeley was fucking hot as Jesus too.
No. 154094
>>154089He goes between R-rated movies and family friendly flicks. He did Crow Zero too.
>>154052Yeah especially for a quintessential yakuza flick, just silly wanton violence.
No. 154349
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Just watched Pig. It's so good, nonnies. I thought I was going into a "look at my phone a lot" type of movie but I just watched it with a big smile the whole time. I think a lot of people are making presumptions about it without seeing it (I sure did); it's surprisingly clever, funny, and poignant.
No. 154367
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>>154365samefag, but i also really enjoyed his film eighth grade
No. 154387
>>154365Very well said anon. I wish more people would see White Woman's Instagram beyond the surface-level jabs. I'm assuming the people who complain about it haven't seen his other work and aren't familiar with his humor. I found the song really sweet and it did help me realize that I'm overly judgmental and should just let people enjoy little things like taking pics of their food or whatever instead of getting annoyed for no reason.
>>154367I'm hoping Bo does more film writing/directing in the future because Eighth Grade made me feel a whole range of emotions. He's a really good actor too, so that's a plus. He's always doing something different though… we'll see what he does next.
No. 154403
>>154365>>154387I've only seen make.happy (after inside, and let me tell you, I truly became concerned when he was already mentioning his sanity slipping in that one, and in inside it was clear shit was even worse for him), what should I see to understand better? I was really confused by the WWI song (as mentioned in some posts above kek), but I'm interested in understanding his humor better and judging then. I agree the shots were striking! And the sad part was so sweet.
oh I've also seen Eight Grade, was great and it was incredible how it nailed being an actual awkward teenage girl
No. 154490
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>>154365I expected it to be so much more mean-spirited after reading this thread but it was kind of sweet actually, seemed more like gentle teasing than genuinely cruel. The verse about her mom (and everything that came after like her birthday and getting engaged) was actually sweet, even though Bo is making fun of the character he still goes out of his way to point out that she’s a human being with her own trauma.
Idk, I’m white and don’t mind getting a little ribbing for once, much meaner things are said about nonwhite women (still hate most white woke moids giving white women shit because we’re the only demographic they’re allowed to pile on. Kill yourself, Brandon. )
No. 154491
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Movies like this frustrate me and I don’t know how to feel.
Like cinematically it was really well made, really subtle and slow moving and not as hammy as I expected, but I don’t want to feel sympathetic about Jeffrey Dahmer, he was a kiddy raping degenerate. But of course I’m going to feel awful watching cute Ross Lynch crying on the floor.
I just spent 2 hours feeling sad and maternal toward cutesy teen-movie Dahmer which is more genuine emotion I’ve had for any individual victim of his (because nobody is actually interested in who they were even today and there won’t be any sadboi movies made about them) and I get frustrated with myself and have to remind myself that he fucked a kid and injected his fucking brain with acid while he was still alive.
Also that part at the end where he’s attempting to kill his friend / the author smells like absolute bullshit to me, but I didn’t read the comic
Anyway Bundy / Columbine hybristos are common as dirt moid-loving dipshits but I can’t wrap my mind around Dahmer fangirls. Sense of safety because he posed no danger to females whatsoever?
Aileen Wuornos fans are based though.
No. 154493
>>154491Yeah, this tendency to humanize or glamorize serial killers is really frustrating especially since it doesn't even question the narrative that serial killers tell in interviews - which is of course, that they are
victims themselves, either of their surroundings or their impulses and they had
no choice but to kill. Films like this also presuppose that serial killers are just like ordinary humans other than the killing part and are capable of feeling the same range of emotions as everyone else. Which as far as I know is bullshit.
I watched an interview once with a psychiatrist who explained that people's predisposition to fearlessness and stress moves on a spectrum. On one end of the spectrum, it makes people very sensitive and so they get stressed out very easily. On the other end of the spectrum there are the people who need an above the average amount of stimulation to feel stressed and these people either turn this fearlessness into a socially accepted thing - like choosing professions where this is useful, like surgeons, pilots, bomb disposal technicians, etc. - or they turn it into a socially unacceptable thing - like killing. So essentially, serial killers are people who are so dead inside and predisposed to boredom that they need extreme acts to feel the same amount of stress or arousal that an ordinary people would when they are for example giving a presentation in front of a large crowd or are about to have sex with an attractive person. They are literally empty inside and of course they would say things like 'Oh I only killed that person because I felt emotionally close to them and didn't want them to leave' to make themselves seem more interesting. The truth is they were just bored and wanted to feel something
No. 154495
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>>154493Exactly. I feel emotionally manipulated in a way, even though I know I wasn’t forced to watch this movie or anything. Like I was watching just one small part of a concentrated cultural effort to desensitize women to terrifying, murderous male behavior using our tendency to sympathize and feel a sense of protectiveness regarding wounded people.
It’s like my heart wants to disassociate so I can baby this “character” and my brain has to slap the stupid out of me. I have no hybristo tendencies whatsoever, but I’m alarmed at how easily I could be coaxed into them by morbid fascination and movies like this.
> Dahmer then placed his head on his would-be victim's chest, listened to his heartbeat, and said that he would eat his heartJesus dude. Too bad this dumbfuck wasn’t born ten years later, could have been a NEET spending his life cuddling his RealDoll and whacking it to BestGore instead.
No. 154504
>>154455I hope to see a torrent of it soon.
>>154491I enjoyed this movie because visually it was well done and the acting was surprisingly good. I didn't have any expectations from this movie so I enjoyed the ride. But I have to agree that movies like these tend to make us empathize with monsters doing grave injustice to their
And I will also add that being the awkward kid at school, it made it even harder for me not to relate on some level with the main character especially since the movie is about him becoming a murderer and it barely touches on the gruesome things he did later in life.
No. 154781
>>154491I read the comic this was based in a while ago. The guy who did the comic (Derf Backderf) actually did go to school with Dahmer in real life. The comic was pretty good and while it shed some light onto his background, not exactly apologetic towards Dahmer. He was still depicted as way creepy.
I didn't see the film but it's kind of a shame they turned it into "poor misunderstood murderous scrote uwu".
No. 155340
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Based Enid. I wish we had a movie screencaps thread.
No. 155507
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>>155340what film is this?
No. 155712
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>>154455I enjoyed it a lot and loved escaping into the slow, dreamy, psychological narrative it spun. Would be overjoyed to see more intelligent fantasy movies like this, but I did find it pathetic/hilarious that this dumbass literally needed his (ending spoilers)
mommy to create an entire fake quest to prove himself and still managed to fail the challenges miserably at every turn until the very end, during which his "success" was accepting death but still getting off scot-free. Like damn, dude was dense. He wanted to be a knight but still managed to bungle simple acts of courtesy that badly? I liked Alicia Vikander's roles though and Arthur was cool. He did well with the sickly whisper-talk while still conveying a sense of aging grandeur.
No. 156036
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>>155712>>154455I saw this recently and it was excellent - really probably one of my favorite movies to come out in the last few years, and 2019 was stacked so all I’m saying is nonnies go see this, if not for the plot then for the set design and costuming. Dev Patel, Alicia Vilander and whoever plays Arthur are amazing as well. I particularly loved how Arthur was portrayed.
David Lowery I’ve noticed tends to put a scene in all of his movies where a character spells out the main theme and it worked so much better in this setting and delivered by Alicia Vikander the GOAT than it did in a Ghost Story, for instance, where I think it’s probably the biggest weak point of the film. The “green” monologue kinda hit here ngl
Seeing movies like this make me want to get into symbology and the like. Obviously a lot was ripped directly from the source but even as someone who has read Arthurian myths (not this one… yet) and gets Gawain’s backstory, it was so dense. Highly recommended
No. 156452
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Can someone recommend me obscure vampire movies?
No. 156502
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>>156452Alucarda is (loosely) based on Carmilla, dunno how obscure this is
No. 156526
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>>156452This isn't exactly new but The Wisdom of Crocodiles is an atmospheric early Jude Law film with a shockingly good cast. It's on Hulu and YouTube, Amazon and elsewhere and might be under the ultra generic title of Immortality because words are hard.
No. 157004
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I watched Salem's Lot today, the whole 3 hour movie in one sitting. It was nice. Had some 70s goofiness, but it was creepy. I would have loved some…extra info at the end, explaining where did the master vampire came from, what makes this vampire lore different from other ones, etc. but it was still great
No. 157032
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I saw Prisoners of the Ghostland last night and it was good. Sion Sono and Nicolas Cage are a perfect match. Even though it's an american production, it feels like any other Sono movie.
Also saw The Deer King today and seeing The Sadness tonight.
No. 157312
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In anticipation of Robert Eggers' version of Nosferatu, I watched most of the Draculas and I found it interesting how the actors and the directors emphasized different aspects of the character and all of the movies had a different feel to them. A comparison that no one asked for:
Dracula (1931) - slick, creepy, atmospheric. Everything from the way he talks to the way he moves, watching Béla Lugosi's Dracula felt like watching an animal or a monster roleplaying as a human, with an intentional uncanny valley effect. He was creepy but mysteriously attractive at the same time. My favorite. The version that I watched had no soundtrack and the total silence added an extra layer of creepiness.
Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979)- slow, beautiful, melancholic. This Dracula is sorrowful, tragic monster who only longs for the things he cannot have - love and death. There was no intention here to create a sex symbol who preys on women. He felt more like a terribly lonely outcast with a deformity who wants to fit in society but cannot. He hates what he is and envious of humans. You can't help but feel sorry for him. Interesting take on the tale, loved it.
Horror of Dracula (1958) - bipolar Dracula. Cool, calm and collected one minute, violent and foaming at the mouth next. This was my least favorite but I couldn't even put my finger on why (maybe I was just burned out from all the Draculas lmao). It's very straightforward horror I guess, bright colored artificial blood, terrified screams, the music going DUN-DUN-DUUUUN and Christopher Lee looking tall and menacing as fuck. Undeniably cool ending scene. The visuals were pretty but the soundtrack was wayyy too dramatic. This had the best Van Helsing though - usually he's portrayed either as overly logical and cold or eccentric but here he was contained but really likeable (the way he put his coat over the little girl was adorable), Peter Cushing was excellent.
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) - lavish, sensual, soap-opera Dracula. Everything from the soundtrack to the costumes is grandiose and in your face. Dracula's a sexy, well-dressed gentleman who just wants to hold the love of his life in his arms. God I feel ridiculous writing this down kek. Melodrama, sex, blood, gorgeous scenery, gorgeous clothes, a big focus on romance, not much focus on horror. Sort of…easy to like and definitely the most accessible out of all the adaptations for mainstream audiences. Over the top on purpose but really enjoyable.
Haven't seen the version with Frank Langella (and have no intention to do so unless someone recommends it to me) but will definitely watch the original silent film and report back with another unsolicited review
No. 157335
>>157312The 1992 Coppola Dracula has the worst film script I've ever seen in my life. Because the film was a success, they had to wring every coin out of it so the script was published in a collector's edition book you can sometimes find in libraries.
James Hart's whole thing around this time was that no one cares about dialogue so it needs to be kept to a minimum. You get entire pages that look like the following, padded out with FFC's post-film notes.
>Jonathan: Why?>Mina: Because. No. 157946
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Dissapointing is an understatement.
Libfem shit is as bad a misogynistic shit. I liked the previous movie, and stupid tinfoil, but that makes me wonder if they fired the female director halfway through the shooting of the movie but kept her name so people would watch it kek.
I like Cruella (2021) better, and that made me realize I'm so tired of seeing female characters doing ""feminine"" shit and talking about things unrelated to the plot like high heels or fashion, when the movie is not about those topics. At least Cruella (2021) was about fashion.
No. 158671
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Holy fuck. I watched The Piano (1993). Throughout, while I was impressed with the craftsmanship I was perplexed by the story and was ready to denounce it as needlessly edgy… but then in the final minutes something inside me snapped and I felt like I was watching something that acknowledged and, idk, loved? the ugly parts of me. I cried a little bit lmao. Amazing movie, nothing like it.
No. 158934
>>147715a little late to the party but i finally watched inside. i had no clue who he was until i saw promising young woman and my friend was like ‘omg i can’t believe bo burnham is in this’
i found inside to be a bit boring and the songs a bit amusing but overall not very noteworthy. in terms of editing and sound and picture quality it was faultless but in terms of content.. i’m lukewarm on it. i can understand why certain people would like it but i didn’t find it too interesting or that it was saying something that hadn’t been said before. i prefer to watch art where the creator has sincerely and whole heartedly committed to a message, to a theme to something and they don’t leave room for self doubt and self analyzing and self criticism. i know those things are kind of central to inside but i guess it’s just not something i enjoy watching. i prefer it when the protagonist is a cunt and isnt bothered about deconstructing their privilege and being woke. seeing someone be so vulnerable on camera (although a large part of that was a performance in a sense) gives me some form of second hand embarrassment, as if i am the one experiencing that vulnerability.
as for white womans instagram. i tried to watch it and laugh at myself but it kind of fell flat because he is a white man. like mind your own business, you know?
also i don’t do anything he mentions in the song on instagramas a lesbian it was an affront to my eyes to see him nearly naked and full on naked so many times.
this is probably an incoherent mess but i guess if i was to rate it i would give it 3/5 stars.
also i live in a kind of remote area on a farm so my experience with covid and lockdowns has been vastly different to a lot of city people so maybe that’s why i didn’t connect to it as much.
No. 158993
>>157946Saaaaaaame on both counts. I knew I hated WW84 after it chose to show Cheetah was going crazy through a What If Feminism But Too Much!?!??!? moment with the fucking catcaller, like…..really? In the fucking Wonder Woman movie, you decide to portray a woman being angry about the kind of indignity almost every woman watching the movie has dealt with from a cruelly young age as the Big Villain Moment? It could have chosen ANYTHING ELSE. Tbh it felt like a slap in the face, as this is supposed to be the big feminist superhero movie franchise. It landed especially badly imho b/c Gadot's Diana doesn't really have much of a personality and with the "oooh your heels!" thing it just felt like "don't be a crazy bitch girls, be a nice hot girl who abstractly fights for women but literally never says or does anything to alienate the male audience and wears heels and revolves entirely around some scrote." Like fuck off, I can't believe this is the same woman who made fucking Monster.
Also lmao, I also enjoyed Cruella and agree. Weird to contrast them–WW is this feminist icon, and I felt nothing from her movie, while Cruella is an infamous villain and I had a great time watching her be a huge brilliant bitch.
No. 159014
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>>154349I watched this and it was just okay to me. On the plus side, the pig is super cute, I love her little cheek tufts. Downside, she's not actually in the movie very much. I wasn't bored but I also couldn't really get into it. The personal scenes felt forced and the over the top scenes didn't seem to go far enough. It was like it just didn't know what it wanted to be. Comedy? Drama? Thriller? A treatise on the culinary industry? In the end it didn't do any of those things especially well. Person I saw it with loved it though so who knows.
No. 159102
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I think I’m gonna watch Three Idiots again tonight. It’s one of my favorite movies but I haven’t seen it in a long time. It’s a Bollywood movie about engineering college students dealing with the Indian education system and the things that come with it. The genre is “all in one”, which isn’t really a thing in the west but is common in Bollywood. It’s got elements of comedy, drama, musical, etc. If you haven’t seen it (even if you’ve never seen a Bollywood movie) I highly recommend it. It’s also a great movie for current university students.
No. 159725
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Massive, complaining sperg incoming.
Watching this with family was so uncomfortable. Any merit it had as a decent thriller with good effects and suspenseful moments was effectively killed when the main antagonist started babbling DDLG porn scripts and mocking the protagonist about her rape in the last quarter. As he attempts to strangle her, he "ironically" reenacts the rape of a father on his daughter. Like how tasteless can you be? I could barely believe my ears, it was so blatantly fetishistic. I also hated the part where she started talking like a little child. It wasn't creepy nor pitiable or even remotely compelling. It was just gross.
I'm so tired of rape and childhood sexual abuse being the Big Twist or a character's only motivation/backstory. I swear to God, women characters in male directed films either have no personality whatsoever, or their only personality is "extremely traumatised."
Ultimately I don't even get what this movie is about, or who it's for, or what it was trying to say. It borrows a lot from the "vulnerable woman cleverly incapacitates predatory male" genre. Realistically, physically she's no match for the intruders— and definitely not all three of them at once. The movie's greatest catch is the interesting setting (a house full of booby traps), and the methods the protagonist uses to isolate and murder her enemies, one by one. For that reason I wish we'd gotten a better idea of the house's layout and how the secret passages worked. That might have been cool.
As for themes, towards the end they really harp on the idea of guilt, inescapable histories, accepting responsibility, and (to a lesser extent) forgiveness from the victim. But that theme is totally thrown out the window when the protagonist, having killed three people in one night, as well as aiding and abetting countless murders for the past ten years, walks off the screen into the unknown— completely unaccountable. Did I mention this woman is legitimately agoraphobic and had a panic attack just from standing on her front porch earlier in the day? It's unbelievable that she would be able to walk outside like it's nothing. We have no clue where she could be going or what her future plans are. It's disappointing.
A much better ending would still have her torching the house in which she was abused… and then choosing to burn inside it. At the very least, it'd wrap up these wishy washy themes. She lets go of the past by destroying the house. She accepts responsibility for her actions by going down with it. She forgives herself for her crimes enough to afford herself an easy ending— easier, at least, than being chewed up and spit out by the American justice system, and asks forgiveness of her victims with her death. And by watching her walk outside, and then back inside to die, she further acknowledges her agency and ties up the whole story with a sweet little agoraphobic ribbon. To think she would rather die than leave her house— or perhaps that she deserves to die with it and put an end to all the misery it holds— is much more chilling than the vague "crazy woman at large" angle. And I mean, at least my version is open to several angles of interpretation! The actual ending is just like, uhh whatever, roll credits.
Would not watch again nor recommend.
Reposted oops
No. 159729
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>>158883>White HeatThe part where Jimmy Cagney's character is told his mother's dead, and his subsequent freak-out is so fucking good. I'd never seen him act like that, and it felt so unnatural and eerie that it ended up being very… natural. Not faked.
>>158942There's this one scene in Vertigo that made me realize seeing James Stewart pass out is kinda hot.
No. 159751
>>139592Easily one of my top favorite movies.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who was unsettled with those shots of Clarice among the groups of men.
>>139605>>139607Really love both of these explanations.
No. 159859
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>>156452Daughters of Darkness ( 1971 ) is a flawed but really interesting pseudo lesbian vampire movie imo
No. 159861
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Does anyone know some good movies with this trope kek ?
No. 159920
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I’m rewatching gremlins after like 19 years. The animatronics are still neat but I don’t remember this movie being so silly. I remember the theme song alone scaring the shit outta me kek
>>159891Please do anon! It’s free to watch on YouTube right now.
No. 159922
>>159861The degree of “good” varies but those mentioned in the obsessive women thread
>>150988and a couple more:
>Hard Candy>The Loved Ones>Jennifer’s Body>The crush (1993)>The Neon Demon>Audition (1999)>I, Tonya>The Witch: Subversion>Call (2020)>Natural Born Killers>The love witch >Piercing>Braid>Girl from Nowhere >Saint Maude No. 159927
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>>139482give me your best "dreamy" movie recs. can be spooky/unsettling, but just generally having some non-linear elements, maybe some magical realism, etc. you're not sure what's real and what's fantasy. romantic.
some of my favs in this category: The Lovers on the Bridge (Les amants du Pont-Neuf), Orlando, The Fountain, Happy as Lazzaro, Heavenly Creatures.
No. 159930
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>>159926Thoroughbreds and Dead to Me (tv show tho) also give Thelma & Louise vibe
No. 159966
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>>159927>Annihilation >The Lighthouse>The Green Knight>Midsommar>… basically anything from A24>Stalker>The Seventh Seal>Pan's Labyrinth>Tale of Tales>Dreams (Kurosawa)>Suspiria>The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford>Mandy>Perfect Blue>Everything by David Lynch>Dead Man>The FallAlso Hannibal, American Gods and Alias Grace if you don't mind some show recs.
No. 160142
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I caught this movie on TV by accident, and if this is art, I truly do not get art.
No. 160161
>>160142lanthimos has been accused of ripping this concept off some mexican guy's novel
also, 'dogtooth'? kek
No. 160210
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Not the film version! I watched this drama before I did the playthrough of the original game and thought it was really good. It wasn't amazing, but there were some really poignant scenes that got me. The ending scene tore my heart out for sure.
They could have streamlined the story a lot more, and it's a little disappointing they actually didn't adapt more from the original story because it would have made the drama creepier. That said, the story was memorable and the characters were easy to feel for.
No. 160560
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Anons I am in so much pain
No. 160583
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Saw an anon reccomend this movie after the Jesus thirst sperg somewhere, so I decided to give it a watch, and this movie is an… Experience. I don't really know how to describe it other than that.
Everything in this film is just so weird. The characters, the edititng, the plot, the visuals, the acting. Someone compared it to A Clockwork Orange in terms of how it feels and I think that's spot on. Despite the themes and the script, it's such a hippie movie - not in a bad way. A lot of the scenes were shot in a way to make you feel like you're experiencing sensory overload or motion sickness to get a point across, like you were on acid or shrooms. Some scenes in that respect were nicely done, some not so much (that scene where the naked convent girls started humping Jesus and a priest climbed onto a banister and started jacking off made my eyes hurt). Plus the overarching idea of Father Grandieu being overturned because the French monarchy (The Man, dude) needed the city to become catholic, Jeanne claiming he raped her and the prostitute conspiring with the city officials for revenge all combining to say that religion, conspiracy and lust can be like, totally revolutionary dude - I just found that kind of a product of it's time. Again, not a bad thing, but just very late 60s-early 70s.
Also, the characters - I never liked Father Grandieu. Just didn't like him. He seemed overly pretentious, talking to literally every woman in the movie like a kid and yet taking advantage of them, making these big flouncy speeches just for no one to really give a shit lol (and he wasn't even fucking hot! Motherfucker looks like Ron Jeremy). Sister Jeanne, though? The unhinged, conniving, evil crazy woman I love to see. She was just charming and kind of relatable to me, and although she should've probably forseen getting a violent exorcism and subsequent rapes after saying she's haunted by an incubus, I don't think she deserved everything that happened to her.
Overall, watch this movie while you're high for best results. 6.5/10 for me.
No. 160654
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>>160142Hated Midsommar, Hereditary or any other pretentious Lars Von Trier inspired movies so I have no idea why I actually liked this one.
I really enjoyed Dune, I honestly didn't expect it to follow the first half of the book so well and the costumes were so fucking good, still can't get over them.
No. 161038
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>>161037I watched this last Halloween and really enjoyed, but didn’t like the ending that much.
No. 161368
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What do you guys think about this movie? Before I saw it I always heard the popular saying that you could only watch it once and you'd never want to go near it again, and I thought that was an intriguing but slightly exaggerated comment. Well, people are right lmao. It's a fantastic movie, but someone would have to pay me at least a billion dollars before I'd watch it a second time. Those last 15 minutes nearly gave me a genuine panic attack. Sarah's story haunts me the most, and I can't even think about it for too long without feeling sick or wanting to burst into tears. So yeah screw this movie, it's incredible
No. 163916
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Finally watched this movie and it was so weird, not sure what to make of it. There was obviously a lot of symbolism but it kind of went over my head especially since I haven't read the original story.
Also saw a preview for a movie with Noomi Rapace and a walking lamb child. Not sure what to make of that either.
No. 164537
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Unpopular opinion time I guess? I watched "Lady in the Water" after avoiding it for a long time and I don't get why is it so hated. It's not an exceptionally good movie but it's not the utter shit that people make it out to be either. I actually thought it was kind of cute and atmospheric, with some interesting visuals. I even liked the story, which works fine as long as you appreciate it for what it is - a fairytale. Sure, the Shyamalan self insert character feels incredibly narcissistic but it seems to me like the reviewers got a bit too aggro about that and the cringy "muh evul film critics!!" part and bashed the whole thing more than it deserved. Altough I agree that the random attemps at comedy were annoying and took away from the general tone. The acting, apart from Paul Giamatti's, was not great either but overall I'd say the movie was decent. I also thought Bryce Dallas Howard looked really beautiful
>inb4 someone accuses me of white knighting Shyamalan
I actually do think some of his movies after 2006 are awful, nonsensical crap but "Lady in the Water" is not on that level.
No. 164772
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I love Men in Black III. When I saw it in theatre I thought it was meh but after rewatching it a dozen or so times over the years I've come to love it. It really captured that whimsical feeling the first movie had(and is a good palette cleanser after the second, which I always watch as part of the trilogy even though it fucking sucks). The way future J and past K play off each other is so fun.
No. 164981
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>>47145>>2852Finally watched Good Time. It was intense I was genuinely stressed out the whole time. Grimy, gritty and stylish. I never doubted RPat acting skills but man I was so horny for his little earring wearing hoodrat character.
Well up until the part where he made out with a child, wtf was that about??? Good time indeed.
No. 168495
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>>168412Yes it was good, a really nice start to the Dune universe. It's used as a complex introduction, I know some dunefags were disappointed to see only half of the first book covered in the movie but it was really well done. The next movie is going to be super cool. The Hans Zimmer OST was good but god damn it, did it got annoying after a bit.
No. 168533
>>168412It was enjoyable and a great film to watch in the theatre because it was made for the big screen. Very aesthetic and epic, although like
>>168495 said, the soundtrack was a bit much. Every second scene was accompanied by super dramatic music, it was overkill imho. I liked the universe, but I wish they would have expanded on it. Some of the characters looked super interesting, but we never found out much about their origins. It was a movie full of empty buildings and huge deserts, but there was no culture. I would have loved to see how the different nations live and what their values are, but they were really bland. The bad guy was bad™ (and fat, kek), that’s it. And it was way too long. The flashback scenes in the end made me aggressive, too. The whole movie was so simple and obvious, we don’t need ten flashbacks of the same scene to understand what’s happening. I don’t regret watching it because it was an experience somehow, but overall I didn’t like the movie much.
No. 168915
>>168795it's a good thing i didn't watch the trailer then, i only read a synopsis like 5 minutes before buying my ticket.
today i watched the new james bond and was kind of… underwhelmed. it was my first bond movie too. i really liked nomi though, i wouldn't mind if she was the next bond but i bet that wouldn't work with the novels.
No. 171977
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Is something wrong with me for not liking this movie? I feel like it dragged on forever and it didn't tug at my heartstrings like it so desperately wanted to.
No. 172151
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Have you guys seen the Tolkien movie? The cinematography seems beautiful but I'm surprised that it's not talked about more (considering the size of the LOTR fandom + the general enthusiasm for university set movies like Kill Your Darlings and A brief History of Time) which makes me think that it must be a bit shitty. I'll still give it a try since Tolkien is my favourite sperg-lolcowish writer and I hope that the movie nailed his christian obsession
No. 173096
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Can anyone explain why Tarkovsky is considered one of the greatest (or please let me know I’m not the only one who feels like he is slightly overrated). Granted I’ve only seen two of his movies, Stalker and Solaris. I consider my preference in movies pretentious. I love old classics, Arthaus, I don’t mind movies exploring philosophical ideas, so I had great expectations, but in this case sadly I just couldn’t get the hype about him. Idk how to explain. Like there are some great ideas, the visuals are often stunning, he’s good at suggesting something (some scenes with great tension in both movies). But both films were mainly dudes reciting long monologues. The ideas feel a bit half-finished, but maybe that’s the point and I’m supposed to fill in the blanks myself. Might also be a language barrier, as the dialogue seems a bit unnatural to me, not speaking Russian. It feels like both movies where mostly some guys talking a whole lot over some slow panning shots (especially Stalker). Like there is so much dialogue I’d rather just read the book, the film medium didn’t add anything that couldn’t be accomplished by a book.
No. 173104
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I love fight club and I despise all moids who like it
No. 173127
>>173115Ntayrt but thank you!!
Does anyone have any recs for film that are like in that Clueless/Mean Girls vibe you know super girly and feminine but not from the United States? I know there’s got to be other films like those but have the hardest time finding them
No. 173144
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do hallmark movies count as movies
No. 173159
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>>173127How are you at handling dark films?
The high femme, pastel/candy colored - artsy aesthetic is unmatched but it definitely fucked me up for a day or two.
No. 173184
>>173159I watched it
nonny and the ending pissed me off so much
No. 173352
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Was Encanto good?
No. 173353
>>173352I enjoyed it! Much better than Raya and the last dragon. But even though it's a fun musical romp. The songs don't really hit as much (They do slap though!) as you would think.
I think Disney just isn't as fun or wholesome as it used to be.
No. 173526
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I finally watched Inception and honestly… don't really get the hype. Good movie, not sure why there are hundreds of essays dissecting it though
No. 173547
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just watched the night house. it's pretty good, the jump scares worked for me and the concept is interesting, there were some nice artsy scenes too
No. 173612
>>173526It’s probably because popular mainstream movies of the late 2000s were so low iq Inception looks like a masterpiece.
>>173547I’ll watch this tonight. In the mood for jump scares.
No. 173622
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>>173526didn't the director for this movie completely ripoff the plot of Paprika and when called out, tried to say he was just "inspired"?
No. 173663
>>173633Sorry I was walking home in a freezing cold and my reading comprehension went kaput. I thought Aronofsky made fun of other Hollywood directors subtly stealing from niche cinema. Despite going full retard, point still stands that it was scummy of Aronofsky to buy the rights to PB to quietly rip off scenes from it. I can buy that the Requiem for A Dream scene was a homage, but Black Swan took it too far (and I like his movies, don't get me wrong).
Would love the interview with Kon. Dude was based as fuck, the very definition of gone too soon.
No. 173825
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Watched French Dispatch. It's super male-centric (all the female character's stories centre around some guy they had a relationship with), but whatever, it was good.
No. 174172
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anyone seen this? is it worth a watch? I love Aubrey
No. 174480
>>173825It's better when you recognize all the real-life persons the characters are inspired by (I only recognized James Baldwin)
>>174350I'd myself say either grand budapest hotel (real life action) or fantastic mr fox (stop motion animation), moonrise kingdom is also good but grand budapest hotel is the one where anderson finally got the budget and the R rating to do what he truly wanted
No. 174536
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>>173825If movie plot was entirely based around the second chapter with fucked up artist, prison guard & art buyers i think the movie would have been alot better. Benicio Del toro and Adrien Brody were great, my fave was the prison guard lady tho.
No. 174552
>>174536After the mess with Blue is the Warmest Colour, I was surprised to see Léa Seydoux in that particular role.
I liked the film more than I expected to. It's funny that you can now describe something as "very Wes Anderson" and some people will know exactly what you mean, and this was the most Wes Anderson thing yet.
No. 174579
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Saw this. It's just like every other campus comedy about a depressed substance abusing professor, except it doesn't suck. I kept waiting for the bit where he'd fuck his female student or steal his male student's manuscript, but it never came. Extremely tight dialogue. Seeing spiderman and ironman in bed together was surreal. Dead dog jokes dragged out a bit too long, but that's my only complaint.
Why do comedy movies always have the lousiest posters? All this tells me about the movie is that it has actors in it.
No. 174586
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>>174579Pic related is the original poster, apparently it was so bad that multiple critics blamed part of the movie's box office failure on it. The movie got pulled out of the theaters, then re-released several months later with your version of the poster (it also failed)
I think you sold me on it, I'll watch it later
No. 174719
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I watched the rachel papers a while back. it's a good light hearted movie. I really enjoyed it, if anyone has any recs for similar movies I'd appreciate it. also dumbledore makes a guest appearance.
No. 174775
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>>174586If you want to talk silly re-release posters, here are the two versions of the poster for the mumblecore-era movie Hump Day. They decided the movie wasn't doing well because the poster was making it look "too gay", so their solution was to crudely shop in a woman.
Hope you like Wonder Boys. The casting is great, especially Spiderman. He's such an otherworldly little weirdo.
No. 174778
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>>174775How does everyone feel about smooth Adam Sandler from the Japanese release of Click?
No. 174805
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While we're on the topic of posters I'm obsessed at how many tom cruise movie posters there are that's just his head with a vague, non descriptive title. Every single one of them was a massive box office success : they absolutely knew all they had to do was to show his face
No. 175114
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>>174775Reminds me of Too Cool for Christmas/ A Very Cool Christmas. Director wanted to make a family Christmas movie where the main character had gay parents, studio wasn't prepared to take the risk, but he was allowed to shoot a Christmas movie with straight parents and then shoot alternate versions of the parent scenes with a gay couple. They released both versions under different names.
No. 175229
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Anyone watched this yet? Would you recommend it?
No. 175234
>>175229It's way too long and you really feel it most of the time. If it were shorter it would be trashy fun.
During one of his recent foot-in-mouth interviews, Ridley Scott claimed he has an even longer director's cut lurking in the abyss.
No. 175282
>>175229I really enjoyed it, but it's nowhere near an accurate biopic which kind of sucks. A very interesting and vital part of the story is hardly shown
Gaga stalking Driver. I wasn't bored for a minute, but I watched it in cinema which always helps
>>175234>Ridley Scott claimed he has an even longer director's cut lurking in the abyssHell yes!!! Gimme
No. 175416
>>174775Just watched wonder boys, the whole time I thought about how it was a james l. brooks movie (his movies always look like they're made for tv…) but actually good. Even michael douglas really sounds like jack nicholson in As good as it gets/Terms of endearment. I think the cheap music in the first 20 minutes gives the viewer the wrong impression on what kind of movie it's going to be, and then as you said you end up with a pleasant surprise when the story ends and there's no bad moment in it
Also I just can't recognize what Curtis Hanson's directing style is, he made 8 Mile two years later and I feel like there's nothing in common between the two movies
(somehow all 3 main actors later stared in marvel movies)
No. 175419
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I watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation every year and I've had mixed feelings on it for a long time. Obviously I like it enough to re watch it, but it has so many scrotey scenes that I end up leaving the room to get a snack or take a piss 2 or 3 times every viewing. On one hand it portrays the generic cheery family man as a psychopath who makes everyone miserable and loses his shit when his perfect family christmas doesn't go his way, but it doesn't do anything meaningful with the premise. But then again, it's a christmas movie, so it should have some holiday cheer. It's stuck in this weird spot between cynical and happy holiday romp. Other Christmas movies do satire in a way that's realistic but still manages to be heartwarming. I just wish we got to see Elaine Benes punch Clark Griswold in the face.
No. 175506
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Is anyone else completely soying out over The Matrix Resurrections? I'm so excited to watch it.
No. 175604
>>175548I really should watch even more woody allen movies, I watched annie hall, midnight in paris, tiger lily, crimes and misdemeanors and I kind of stopped after Manhattan where he was at his most pedophile, but looking at his filmography and your post there's about 10 other movies of his that I remember hearing of as classics (not "good", but "movies you should watch") that I haven't watched yet
The only other one who has that many is maybe hitchcock
>>175506I think I'm going to watch it just to get on the internet discussions about it but I have 0 expectations about the wachowskis' directing talent
No. 175764
>>175604He was just very prolific, even if 2/3 of his films were garbage he'd still have produced more good films than a lot of well regarded directors.
Deconstructing Harry is good. It's Woody Allen at his most self-aware about what an asshole he is, and the meta stuff is fun.
My dad constantly quotes 'these things usually travel in pairs' from Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex. Like if someone can't find one of their shoes he'll say 'these things usually travel in pairs'.
No. 175787
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>>175537>>175506should I trust Kojima on the movie? I will find out tomorrow.
No. 175915
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how could i forget about these movies
No. 175996
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watched it some time ago and i didn't get it
pls explain
No. 176228
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Didn't expect to find a perfect depiction of my mom in a movie
Also the most accurate representation of a lower middle class dinner party I've watched yet
No. 176239
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>tfw watching this for the 20th time and get emotional anyways
Top tier comfort movie. The Secret Garden is a close second
No. 176244
>>175996I feel anyone who'll criticize the film/book will be labeled as some type or racist or shit
but the premise of the book was black male whining, how the black man is not allowed to "be a man" cause the white man has him down
Pretty much every black feminist hated the book but white liberals and black men with
victim mentalities
No. 176721
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Never have I ever been so disturbed, disgusted, and amused by one movie. Closest I've ever been to walking out, but glad I stuck around.
No. 176782
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has anyone seen cmon cmon yet? if so did you like it?
No. 176783
>>176753anon the anon replied to - sounds like I would enjoy Raw more than Titane in that case. I like amoral female characters, but
except for the first victim, where there was some justification, Alexia was extremely immoral>>176723thanks, I'll bump it up my watchlist!
No. 176888
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>>173352Ok, I'm watching Encanto rn and I know I should stfu until I'm done with the full movie, but I'm noticing many similarities with the game What Remains of Edith Finch? It's probably nothing, but knowing Disney's history of stealing ideas and entire scenarios, I find it a bit worrying
No. 178045
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What a overindulgent, vapid,and exhausting movie. I thought it would be about Diana’s life until her death but it’s basically Kristen Stewart overacting Diana reeeing about spending Christmas with the Royal family.
No. 178372
>>175229>>175726But anon, she doesn't need an accent coach, she
is italian! It's in her blood.
No. 179214
Just finished "Old" by M. Night Shyalaman. It was okay, I'm not loving it or hating it. The final is unexpected and a good twist. I'm a little weirded out by the sexual things happening to the kids, not just the pregnancy thing that imo was unnecessary, it doesn't add nothing to the story, but i guess it was there for shock value, but also that rapper that was acting close to the girl because she started to age, also unnecessary for the first blonde girl to be naked ??? i guess scrote directors gonna scrote. Also her death wasn't resolved either, neither for the black woman, did they just drowned? And why were the visitors from the same experiment (like the blonde and the rapper, or the phsychologist and nurse couple) dropped at different times? Now that I think about it, the blonde and the rapper were already on the beach the night before, but he wasn't aged by the next morning. Huh
No. 179504
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Thelma & Louise, Spring Breakers-esque, foul mouthed girlboss movies that I knew were gonna be pretty shit but watched them anyway
>Never Goin’ Back - two broke girls get in drug fueled misadventures while trying to get money for rent
Honestly it’s not unenjoyable. I have a soft spot for this type of setting, lower class suburbia. It’s just that the first third of the movie has so much sexualization of 17 years old girls that it stifled my enjoyment for the rest of the time.
>Flower - a group of girls plans on exacting vigilante justice on a suspected pedo
Nonsensical, obviously scrote shit, don’t even bother.
No. 180054
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Can’t believe I never watched Byzantium until today. I loved it. Yes it’s a bit cliche for a vampire movie but the mood, the acting, the pace were all very engaging. The screenplay is by the lady who wrote Harlots (tv show) which I liked as well. Made me nostalgic for 2010’s vampire obsession.
No. 180941
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watched this. it was cute but i felt like it was trying too hard to be heartwarming and i hate feeling manipulated by media like that
No. 181633
>>174172Black Bear was so good imo. I got fucking
triggered at some parts because too real. Very uncomfortable. Aubrey's acting is top notch in this.
No. 181640
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Encanto would’ve been great as an animated series, even if it would’ve been short, it would’ve been better since the other characters were interesting, like the mom and the shapeshifting cousin, idk, as a movie it feels rushed, the song of the strong sister was absolutely unnecessary even though I liked her.
No. 181807
nonny, it's just ugly to me. So soulless and bland. The best quality of any of these characters is their hair, which seems to have the most detail and uniqueness to it. The child in the lower right looks absolutely demented too
No. 181928
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I hate how they uwu-ified to the villains in the new Spider-man movie. It was so embarrassing playing off peoples selfish behaviour as always motivated by mental illness that could be fixed by being nice to them, what a kiddie tier take. I unironically happy when May died and Norman was shitting on her for being a dumbass 'Just be kind' idiot. Sometimes people are just dickheads only looking out for their own interest. Is this going to be Marvel's new direction, all villains are really just sad and need codling? The only thing I enjoyed was seeing the old actors back in their roles. Tom Holland's Spider-man sucks, I miss Maquire's, at least he had good characters. I wish Spider-man 3 hadn't fucked it up.
No. 181993
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What is the consensus on John Water’s films? I admit that I’ve only watched Hairspray years ago, but I was wondering if his more controversial but critically acclaimed stuff (Pink flamingos, Female trouble and Desperate living) still lives up today. Ngl it looks like a film that might be a little fun, but too preoccupied with ‘going against pear-clutching-conservatives’ of the time
No. 182020
>>182014Dellamorte Dellamore is unique even for Michele Soavi's work. Like, I'd recommend La Chiesa but there's no romantic surreal dreamy element to it.
It kinda reminds me of when people ask for video games similar to Disco Elysium. Hopefully there will be more in the future, buuut…
No. 182126
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>>182014It's probably not really what you're looking for, but you might like The Company of Wolves. It's a set of loosely connected fairytale horror romances involving werewolves.
No. 183834
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Holy shit anyone watched Catfight? It’s a black comedy and drama. Actually caught me off guard with how bizarre it was, I thought it was gonna be a funny movie about rekindling the friendship between a haughty trophy wife and a flailing lesbian painter lmao, but it’s not. Every character is insane but in a realistic way. Sandra Oh was amazing actress as always. I drank a glass of wine and watched this blind, had a good time. Recommended!
No. 183875
>>183847Clean, Shaven
Super Dark Times
They Look like People
Killing of a Sacred Deer
The Electrical Life of Louis Wain
I’m including The Art of Self-Defense as well because it addresses
toxic masculinity and the male psycho. And like stuff you’ve probably already seen like Donnie Darko, End of the Fxcking world, Shutter Island etc
No one is as cute as Kevin tho nona
No. 184096
>>183875>Killing of a Sacred DeerI don't know if you're thinking of Colin Farrell's character or Barry Keoghan's since both could apply, but while Farrell's descent into madness doesn't involve sexual assault he does have a strong undercurrent of perversion. He has a fetish where he prefers his wife to
act anesthetized and just lay there motionless while he has sex with her, made far creepier by the fact he's a surgeon, plus he talks to his very young son at one point about how he
jacked off his passed out father until he came. Nothing is explicitly shown but thought I'd mention it in case it bothers op.
No. 184627
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Middle eastern men are so unattractive
No. 185447
>>183847un homme qui dort (1974)
mysterious skin (2004)
david and lisa (1962)
hana-bi (1997), kitano is older in this but his films can fit the "unhinged man" thing well without being too masculine about it.
might be a stretch but blue spring (2001)
seconding the collector
i wasn't that into it but nightcrawler, maybe?
No. 185799
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>>185447>>183875>>183859I wish I could kiss you guys right now. Thank you so much. I've already watched a few already (like the man who sleeps and clean, shaven, both I really enjoyed) so I'm excited to watch your other recommendations. I'd probably be able to handle killing of a sacred deer, despite being a wuss. Thank you a lot. I actually haven't seen End of the fucking world too, despite hearing about it a lot.
>No one is as cute as Kevin tho nonaIt's a tragedy.
No. 185945
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I’m trying to watch the majority of Oscar nominated movies so I went on Netflix to see what they have. I rolled my eyes so hard while reading the synopsis of Don’t Look Up that I’m surprised they didn’t fall out of my sockets. While I’m sure it’s not all terrible, it seems like it’s made for people who claim Idiocracy is a documentary and act like they’re smarter than everyone else when really they’re dumb as shit.
Also who told Ariana Grande she could act?
No. 186119
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>Don’t Cry Mommy (2012) - a mother’s revenge on her daughter’s rapists
Not sure why I watched this, possibly self harm. In the blackpill playlist it goes.
No. 186313
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This was so good
No. 186324
>>186119There was a shitty Indian remake of the film, that I unfortunately have watched first
Its really bad, like it tries to have a level of seriousness but it ends up being so fucking goofy despite the horrific subject matter, this happens in a lot of Bollywood rip-off films
No. 327117
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watched men 2022, wish a woman had directed it cuz i found it a bit too metaphorical (men on their own are scary and we don't need them to be turned into monsters), but some of the dialogue was absolutely horrifying.
No. 327190
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idk about this movie. story was interesting but matt damon just fucking sucks. i hate him so much, i haven't read the books but i feel like this was a miscast. incel vibes
No. 329045
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Watched Saw X. I heard that it was pretty good, but watching it I think it's probably one of the weaker entries in the series. Most of the traps were meh. All the twists were obvious I also really hated how they made the villain so over-the-top evil. They were already bad with the scam but then they had to be even badder. It was just so over the top that it seemed comical. I also didn't like how they tried to portray jigsaw/john as more of a good guy.
No. 329397
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finally watched everything everywhere all at once. i had been putting it off because i knew it was going to make me cry. and it did. beautiful, one-of-a-kind, gorgeously chaotic movie, i think it could have removed some of the humor elements and still been so solid. kind of reminded me of a more whimsical version of the matrix.
it also made me want to hug my mom and reconnect with other family members except then i remembered my family is dysfunctional as fuck. i wish i could tell her to watch it, because i think she'd like the family aspect, but i also think it's too "out there" for her and she might not like it cuz she tends to get caught up on not understanding movies that don't fully explain themselves and "make sense".
No. 329626
>>329045I thought Saw X was pretty solid, it’s not one of my favorites but just having John, Amanda, and
Hoffman back was very nostalgic. The traps were interesting and gruesome enough to be memorable,
Valentina’s bone marrow trap was brutal, it was so visceral and knowing she wasn’t going to make it after doing all that was tough to watch. Also I agree that Cecilia was so evil it was almost comical. Like we get it, she’s the textbook definition of a psychopath, you don’t have to create a visual representation of the DSM-5 for us to understand she’s a terrible person.>>329401None of the Saw sequels are prequels iirc, Saw X takes place between Saw 1 and 2, but other than that they were released in chronological order.
>>329494I’m hoping that
Cecilia died in the end, since we never see her actually escaping. She was the least deserving to live but her trap was so lackluster compared to the others. I think that was intentional though, John wanted her and the others to experience the same false hope that he did, so l wouldn’t be surprised if he left her for dead in that room despite her passing her test. I know that’s going against John’s logic, but his logic has never been completely sound anyways. No. 329735
>>329626Saw X was so much fun! I dragged my wife to see it (bless her for being so kind to keep me company) and we both had a good time. It was amazing seeing Tobin and Shawnee on the big screen again. I thought the ending was fun and everything was just a good time. The traps were good.
the first one with the guy having to cut the bombs out of his arms and Valentina's were my favorite.I laughed when John gave Carlos
that big bag of money No. 329776
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Anons, what do you think of the movie Anonymous (2011)? and for those of you who have never heard of it, no, it has nothing to do with 4chan
I think the theory itself is a bit bogus and far fetched. I'm not an expert on any of this at all, but it seems like most of the Shakespeare conspiracy theories that he didn't write his own stuff are just speculation. I wasn't in love with how they portrayed Elizabeth either. Don't get me wrong, she was no angel, but this movie seemed like it was just trying to make her look bad. All of that being said, I loved this movie. Actually right now I'd say its one of my favorites. Not really sure why though. I like the story telling style, the way the future scenes are juxtaposed with the past and how we get to see the story unfold. I'm also just kind of obsessed with the Elizabethan period in general so that's probably a big part of it.
The attitude online that I've seen seems to mostly be negative though. I've even seen people saying the sets and actors were completely wasted on this movie because the plot and the story were so wretched. Idk, now I feel kind of stupid for liking it.
No. 330517
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Lisa Frankenstein trailer reminded me about The Loneliest Boy in the World. It was randomly showing at the local cinema. And I didn't see anything about it on twi or yt. From the poster you'd think it is something dumb like Disney's Zombies, maybe cute and has potencial for fanart. Very awkward MC stole and was living with very creepy corpses. It was just off putting to me. Why did I expect some sad story like Swiss Army Man, but with neon and pink? And afaik nobody reviewed it, even for the actor from After and he looks like Danny Gonzalez in this screenshot strange!
No. 330878
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an anon suggested i post this here, it's a list of good (mostly) lesser-known films directed by women. i extended it a bit! sorry i couldn't write descriptions for them all, but they're all worth checking out.
>messiah of evil (1973)
co-directed by a man but a very cool horror flick
>mikey and nicky (1976)
crime drama
>day night day night (2006)
>a new leaf (1971)
dark romcom
>tremble all you want (2017)
romcom, very funny and relatable for any lonely woman…
>ghostwatch (1992)
>fast color (2018)
superhero drama
>fatal frame (2014)
>the company of strangers (1990)
really sweet drama, highly rec for any anon
>sway (2006)
psychological thriller
>d.e.b.s. (2004)
if you haven't seen it already! fun little action film
>the tale of the fox (1937)
(co-directed with her father)
>girls of the night (1961)
>song of the exile (1990)
>i was a teenage serial killer (1993)
>peppermint soda (1977)
>the day i became a woman (2000)
>news from home (1976)
>be pretty and shut up! (1981)
>just another girl on the I.R.T. (1992)
>microhabitat (2017)
>u.s. go home (1994)
>the other side of the underneath (1972)
>mayak (2006)
No. 334829
>>334779One of my all time favourite movies, I've also watched it 3 times kek. However as I became more peaked I agree with criticisms that the lesbian sex scenes (especially the last one with the bells) are drawn-out and unnecessary and feel low-key malegazey.
Still a 10/10 for me though because I love the 1900s eroguro aesthetic.
No. 438337
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Do UK films even make it to American cinemas? Aside from stuff like Harry Potter, that is.