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No. 147982

For fictional characters touted as attractive, whether by the fandom or by the source material itself, that you personally find unattractive. This is NOT the thread for anons to focus on the characters' overall personalities or the way they were written, that's what the character hate thread is for ( >>>/m/109651 ).

No. 147984

>inb4 Kylo Ren

Good thread idea, anon!

No. 147986

Perfect thread pic - I don't get what the HP fandom see in an old, greasy man who loves to bully children.

No. 147987

Not a Snape fan, but tbf a lot of people that is into him was into the book version, where he's like in his 30s. So it would be more akin to a goff hot teacher or whatever.

No. 147989

Snape is literally the opposite of "shilled as attractive". He's described as having "sallow skin, a large, hooked nose, and yellow, uneven teeth". pretty sure they said his hair was greasy too at one point.

No. 147991

He is described as unattractive in the books as >>147989
says. Snape hotness is made up by fans for some reason.

No. 147992

he is shilled as attractive by the fandom, which does count in this thread

No. 147996

File: 1623525575919.png (79.57 KB, 242x616, Katsuki_Bakugou_Ecole_Uniforme…)

He is shilled as attractive because of his portrayal by Alan Rickman who appealed to goth sensibilities without most of his book counterpart's flaws. He looked clean and not creepy, just kinda weird, and I'm pretty certain the scene where he protects the trio from Lupin only happens in the movie. Snape's fans were probably dime a dozen before the release of the first movie.

Anyway, back on topic, picrel. It overlaps with characters you hate, but I find this motherfucker so unappealing on every level (everybody looks like a retard in MHA tho).

No. 147997

Is this official art? Idk anything about MHA but why is his torso so long? He looks like a centipede

No. 147999

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His torso is normal, it's just that his pants sag kek

No. 148002

I had a friend that stanned Snape real hard even before the first movie came out. I'm pretty sure Rowling unintentionally made him a prefect bait for girls who love villians who are ~just misanderstood uwu~ and want to fix them.

No. 148009

>He is shilled as attractive because of his portrayal by Alan Rickman
love that i read this as alan rickman portraying bakugou in some weird bnha live action tv show. thanks for the mental image, nonny.

No. 148014

File: 1623530497028.jpg (61.8 KB, 820x500, Supernatural-seizoen-16-scaled…)

All three of them. Years ago I used to like a certain message board that was mostly female-oriented and people there were hornyposting about those guys all the fucking time. I didn't get the hype, but decided to check the show out anyway and literally couldn't get into it because I lost patience for those boring doughy white guy faces SO fast.

No. 148018

Rowling has shamelessly written about her ideal Husbando in the Corman strike series and so Its definitely not Snape, I just think it just kinda happened
Book Snape was Canonically ugly and creepy and while Alan Rickman isn't a Hunk by any means, he played Snape with a unique attitude and finesse that was kinda attractive

No. 148020

I'd say it's because Alan Rickman while not attractive was pretty charismatic. He was a great actor, stood out in his scenes and a lot of people liked the character he portrayed. You can often see people crushing on kinda ugly but charismatic actors.

No. 148021

File: 1623533124506.gif (2.27 MB, 540x511, tumblr_176f9b9663c8ca890d8cc3d…)

I don't get the hype about this pikachu twink

No. 148023

Thank you, anon. These dudes were so boring and mild aesthetically. I'm not attracted to Benedict Cumberbatch at all but at least he has a unique appeal and plays as a mysterious douchebag in Sherlock so it was at least interesting. I also tried to get into the Supernatural but it was so boring. I seriously never understood how it caught on so much.

No. 148024

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Misha and Jensen Ackles are both generic looking dudes and even I'm not into them but I will fight you if you insult my Husbansdo Sam

No. 148028

I'm afraid I will anon. You could park a bus on that fivehead. He looks like a wrinkly fetus with that squished up face.

No. 148036

>everybody looks like a retard in MHA tho
based, i dont get why does anyone want to fuck that or the ugly kid with green hair
kek she shat so bad on Draco's fangirls for that reason. I really think she did everything she could to make Snape seem evil and repulsive so that his redemption would shock as much as possible

No. 148042

bnha's designs make the hs charas look too childish, I would've felt gross sexualizing them back when I was into the series as a woman in my 20s. but the designs overall are pretty chunky and unappealing to look at on most of the characters, mainly the men

No. 148048

Because he's quite literally retarded sometimes, he's relatable to a lot of fans of the show

No. 148049

File: 1623562237737.jpg (168.94 KB, 1200x800, SH3_Ep2rel_5.0.jpg)

I'm glad you brought up Sherlock because these two are the epitome of this thread for me. They're ugly enough individually, but what gets me is the shipping. Girls ACTUALLY want to see these geriatric uggos fuck, and write fanfic about it! They are repulsive enough on their own, together they are absolutely vomit inducing.

And you're dragging my boy Jensen rn but can you honestly say he is more offensive looking than these two? I'll take a boring but conventionally handsome guy over ~unique~ hideous old men any day. There are no prizes for pretending to be above basic white men.

No. 148065

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I don't get it.

No. 148073

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maybe not in his styling for hannibal but i think he does look pretty good looking in general

No. 148075

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I can't agree on snape being ugly or that he's ever been shilled as attractive… but Draco? Eugh. He seems more fitting to what >>148002 described (the fangirl 'i can change him' appeal) than Snape. I don't see the appeal of his character nor Tom Felton

No. 148076

Agreed anon, I find him just under Cumberbatch tier weird looking and ugly tbh. I really do not get it.
He was an adorable kid in the first two movies, but he grew up to be so ugly kek

No. 148077

My personal appeal is that he is an amazing actor

No. 148080

Thanks, I wanted to post him but was too lazy.
>Draco remains a person of dubious morality in the seven published books, and I have often had cause to remark on how unnerved I have been by the number of girls who fell for this particular fictional character,” writes Rowling, with a nod to the actor Tom Felton, “who plays Draco brilliantly in the films and, ironically, is about the nicest person you could meet”.
>“Draco,” writes Rowling, “has all the dark glamour of the anti-hero; girls are very apt to romanticise such people. All of this left me in the unenviable position of pouring cold common sense on ardent readers’ daydreams, as I told them, rather severely, that Draco was not concealing a heart of gold under all that sneering and prejudice and that no, he and Harry were not destined to end up best friends.”
What doesn't make sense is that in a later part of the quote, Rowling does say that there was a better and more tolerant person in Draco after all, so she contradicts herself. But I also never got why fangirls got all starry-eyed for the wizard nazi child, even though it was true that he's been brainwashed by his family.

No. 148082

i feel like a lot of girls are drawn to the bad boy type, and if you go off the descriptions of draco in the books you could easily draw him to be quite attractive in fanart. i think the main thing is is that there are a lot of harry potter fans who have consumed a lot of fandom theories and fanfiction and haven’t read the books in a long time so they’ve built a fanon version of everything that had happened, and a version of harry potter that is completely removed from the source material. i myself reread the series a while ago and i was shocked about how much stuff i had completely forgot about and how sometimes the characterizations of characters in fanfiction that seemed in character to me actually were grossly out of character lol.

plus he is a white boy the same age as harry with a rivalry going on so it’s prime shipping material. it’s funny that ron/harry is not a popular ship. if there’s one thing you can praise jkr for is that she wrote a very good friendship dynamic to the point where it feels kinda wrong and weird to ship them lol

as for tom felton i think he has aged atrociously and i can’t believe he’s making an income off all his fans on tiktok. he was in one major film franchise and has done nothing of note since but people still like him and are willing to give him money.

No. 148083

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when i was 13 i read a lot of johnlock fanfiction but i always envisioned them to look different and younger in my head.

hannibal and will have a sexier middle aged man dynamic lol

No. 148099

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>it’s funny that ron/harry is not a popular ship. if there’s one thing you can praise jkr for is that she wrote a very good friendship dynamic to the point where it feels kinda wrong and weird to ship them lol
That may be a factor but I also think its maybe due to the fact that Rupert grint is just well ugly, he was an ugly boy, an ugly teen and is a ugly man
he's not even average or mediocre looking he's just ugly and nothing can be done to fix that, like he's so fucking ugly that people would ship dobby with Harry cause Rupert grint is uglier then a House elf, he's so ugly that people would ship Hermione with the boy who caller her a in-universe racial hair rather then him, he's just so fucking ugly

No. 148101

Why any adult would ship any of these ugly kids together is beyond me.

No. 148104

I wouldn’t say Rupert Grint is ugly. Just kinda average. Tom Felton is definitely better looking though,

No. 148108


tom felton changed so much between the 2nd and the 3rd movie i thought they changed the actor kek

No. 148118

I don't imagine any of the actors when I read fanfic, so the fact that I don't ship Ron with anyone is a testament to his ugly personality too. The guy is just too insecure to be attractive.

No. 148120

it's because red headed men don't deserve love

No. 148134

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She's supposedly this bombshell but she's just so plain

No. 148139

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i hate him so much

No. 148140

i dont like him as hannibal AT ALL but i find him attractive in other roles/as a person

No. 148141

I don't get why girls go gaga over him either. Meh actor meh character, feels like his popularity is driven by gayshippers. part of me wished he'd just stayed dead kek

No. 148154

I always thought the point they were making was that an unremarkable looking woman has the status of a 10/10 bombshell in a nerd community where women are scarce. She's still hotter than the dudes

No. 148157

God thank you. they’re so ugly, tho I hear Lizarddick Cucumberbitch is actually a nice dude. Martin Freeman is a gross scrote and I’m sick of seeing his pug ugly face in my (non-Sherlock) fandom.

No. 148158

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Gay ship with a popular character, if he had little to no closeness with Cap he’d have an eighth of the popularity.
Marvel fujos make my brain melt, man, the amount of uguu gay bottom uke kawaii over this frankly mediocre looking dude (and total womanizer??)…they gotta be in one of those alternate universes or something

No. 148162

>Lizarddick Cucumberbitch is actually a nice dude
Nah sis.

No. 148182

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No. 148191

he's just too boring

No. 148197

he was so cute in nbc's kings but then it was all downhill from there
pretty much all of the marvel actors have already "hit the wall" imo, nothing more sad than seeing a teen say RDJ is hot as >>148158 was saying

No. 148198

samefagging to add it cant just be the characters that ppl are thirsting after because they honestly seem interchangeable. all marvel characters just say snarky line, have angst over personal conflict, rinse & repeat. i don't get it

No. 148212

He was gorgeous in Kings, and I found him attractive in the first Captain America when he was clean shaven and in uniform. As always, beards and age ruin men's looks.

No. 148253

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No. 148256

I had the hots for him as a teen but I think if I rewatched now I'd probably hate him 1000x more

No. 148363

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People who find him hot, explain. He looks like he's suffering a mild allergic reaction and I hate his hair.

No. 148421

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Never understood why so many people have him as their husbando, he either looks like a kid or just plain retarded imo.

No. 148424

It baffled me how many girls swooned over him when he literally tried to rape a 14 year old in the very first episode

No. 148492


No. 148493

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im sorry he looks like grumpy cat i don't understand his hype

No. 148502

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I mean he also looks like this, safe to say fans imagine whatever face they find appealing on him. He's not a real person, his appearance isn't set in stone provided the hair and colouring is right.

No. 148511

Now that you said he looks like grumpy cat I find him cute

No. 148614

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this is probably a low hanging fruit, but…

No. 148615


oop and someone already posted it

No. 148631

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Alright, I'm going to say it. I don't find this character attractive in the slightest and it weirds me out how many normies fell for this coomer meme. She's just a standard T&A bait, but big. The only nice thing about her design is the dress but it's basically stolen from an old photo.

No. 148637

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i'm sure he's nice, though.

based. her face reminds me of jeff the killer.

No. 148643

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My god they're all so ugly. While we're at it, all the niggas on Vampire Diaries too. White women got off to this???

No. 148644

The only reason people are into her is because giant and T&A, there's literally nothing more to it

No. 148646

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No. 148647

I'm into her because you don't really see sexy, mature, non animu looking women in video games a lot. Like her features aren't just a small button nose, perfect skin, huge eyes and plump lips like every other coomer bait. She looks like an actual older woman.

No. 148648

>The only nice thing about her design is the dress but it's basically stolen from an old photo.
what are references

No. 148650

He's so incredibly ugly, I don't understand why anyone finds him even remotely attractive. Loki's design is already god awful and it just emphasizes his ugly features even more. I'll even take alien face bendersnatch over this gremlin any day

No. 148651

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AYRT, I really don't know. I'm white and I feel like I'm about to fall in a coma when I look at them. Also, this ugly fucker from True Blood deserves a honorable mention
I get that, it's the people who push the constant "big mommy milkers uwu, step on me" type kinkshit on her that I find obnoxious. I like mature female characters too, but I don't like when they're given giant tits to draw in coomer audience, like it's the only way an older woman could be ever considered attractive
What I meant is that her outfit doesn't even get points for originality imo. Designing a cool 30s inspired dress from scratch is one thing, lifting a dress straight from a photo and adding a flower brooch is another. It's just so bland to me.

No. 148653

I agree, I found him attractive in the Avengers era but I can't see it at all now, I suppose tumblr hivemind at the time was too convincing.

No. 148664

No. 148670

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Link has such an autistic smirk on his face all the time, probably explains the people who love him as a video game character. His face gives me CWC sperg smugness

No. 148671

Agree anon, people think sexualizing something that’s barely seen in the media like “hot old women” means that they’re making progress in something, like no you’re being just as degraded like the female jailbait passive side characters they make for these games.

No. 148673

I thought I was going to dislike Lady D from the trailers but it wound up being the opposite. I think they actually made all the villains in Village too likable compared to the other Re games.

>600k+ views

No. 148677

The fact that the chick in the thumbnail has the same CWC smirk makes me laugh.

No. 148684


I mean I guess he's cute but isn't he 16 at most? I find a little creepy to find women in their 20s lusting over him

No. 148687

They do that??? God, that character looks so artificially bland AND is underage. Peak shit taste. I wouldn't be attracted to that 'handsome kid uwu' even if I were his age.
Thanks, I will never unsee it now

No. 148690

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Oh it's even worse, apparently he's 13-14….

No. 148692

I don't think it's progress, it's a fucking video game, it's just nice to see a different type of character once in a while.

No. 148693

Probably unpopular opinion, but when it comes to fictional characters, it's better that women find him attractive rather than misogynistic scrotes, or even worse, monsters who will torture and rape them. That shit is too fucking common.

No. 148695

File: 1623945180913.jpg (29.74 KB, 640x558, imwetx7vvll21.jpg)

looks too flamboyant for my liking

No. 148699

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I would say Zelda in some incarnations too

No. 148701

kek he looks like onceler here

No. 148718

>Hisoka the canon pedo

Yeah idk, he‘s an ok character but everyone who ships or stans him has some serious issues

No. 148721

I never understood his appeal, he's the most generic looking man ever. When he was blowing up on Tumblr during the early 2010s he was easily the most bland looking one out of all the actors everyone was fangirling over kek. Also he isn't a very good actor tbh, I watched that movie he was in The Deep Blue Sea and laughed aloud several times because he was so fucking dramatic and loud for no reason, he tried to come off as serious but it was so cringy.

No. 148743

While I don't care for Cucumberpatch I can't stand Martin Freeman, he looks like a tiny wet dog and his acting triggers something in me. I hated the Hobbit movies 50% because of him.

No. 148748

I don't stan him in any capacity, but he looked and acted great in Only Lovers Left Alive

No. 148757

File: 1623965306597.jpeg (367.76 KB, 2000x2400, 85E583CA-DA44-4533-A530-443346…)

Zoomers have taste just as shitty as anyone else

No. 148766

While Alan Rickman was hot in other roles, I never got the Snape hype. Especially since he’s supposed to be disgusting looking in the books. Movie Snape looks average at best with a shitty haircut.
Kek. I always thought he looked like Tommy
Wiseau as Loki.

No. 148770

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This is true. I never expected to be into him but I was for the duration of that movie, I think it's more the character than his actual face though.

No. 148771

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shaggy was better

No. 148773

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the whole cast of game of thrones but especially the popular male characters, so thankful we're past the days of this worthless coomer franchise. how can a show be so packed with explicit scenes and still completely lack sexual appeal? unbelievable

No. 148777

File: 1623970981529.jpg (94.04 KB, 1400x700, Resident-Evil-Village-Lady-Dim…)

agree. i love lady dimitrescu's design. i'm actually surprised retards fanned over her solely because BIG BOOBA, because i'm all here for the massively tall creepy monster mama. it made me really happy to see an older woman with visible wrinkles on her face be shown as this beautiful and attractive character. the fandom around her def sucks tho

No. 148778

a bunch of ugly inbred-looking men fucking other ugly inbred-looking women? seems historically accurate at least

No. 148780

I think the styling (hair, clothes, whatever) fit him and he was looking attractive in that movie

No. 148781

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Never understood the hype over him

No. 148806


His body is amazing though

No. 148826

i dont find him very attractive as a person, he's kind of generic, but when he's this sleazy scummy 80s dbag with a mullet and mommy issues i cannot control myself

No. 148834

A woman of culture I see

No. 148851

Same, Martin’s not only a chihuahua man but a creepy douche, should have picked some relatively unknown actor instead. Hate the Sherlockfags praising his listless performance

No. 148889

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I really don't get it. Nothing about him screams good looking to me

No. 148911

File: 1624028284823.png (248.27 KB, 400x400, OxNmWqnK_400x400.png)

Me neither, if they wanted to go for the "sexy older woman" look they could have made her look like meryl streep/jessica lange because to me demitrescu looks like a man
Also speaking of RE, I really don't like the way Leon looks in the RE2 remake. RE4's Leon is best Leon

No. 148914

generic white bread attractiveness. chris evans is for people who steam their vegetables and watch friends

No. 148922

He looks cute there too but I agree he is the finest in RE4.
I really hope they don't fuck up his hotness in the RE4 remake.

No. 149012

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re6 was his peak

No. 149015


No. 149027

File: 1624085029483.jpg (279.14 KB, 1080x1920, Character_Kaeya_Card.jpg)

I really don't get how people can simp over Genshin Impact characters, they are do generic and you've all seen them somewhere else before, I posted picrel but I could have chosen literally any other guy. I guess if you're 13 and it's the first time you see an anime character I get it, but I've seen a lot of 25-30 year old lose their shot over them.

No. 149035

I think his design is too busy. But at the core tan skin + long hair + eye patch really does it for me. Diluc on the other hand is boring.

No. 149036

>RE4's Leon is best Leon

No. 149129

File: 1624158112760.jpg (61.22 KB, 720x884, 1582720334319.jpg)

He looks like he has bad breath

No. 149194

Crazy that even "hot" adam driver is fugly

No. 149541

File: 1624467229845.jpg (37.73 KB, 473x329, 41c0670e2ee631618feec3adf7d7e0…)

None of the characters in these games are attractive (not just the ones pictured), you nonnies are just yellow fever weebs

No. 149543

Shut up.

No. 149544

you have it opposite

No. 149545

anon…have u actually played these games

No. 149549

You have a fetish for deformed goblin men

No. 149550

But have you played the games?

No. 149553

Anon please idgaf about yakuza I wasn't replying to that

No. 149558

dmc is a game series

No. 149560

Personality provides a huge context for these games regardless they’re still hot.

No. 149568

And that specific iteration of the character in question was only in 1 game… don't be dumb

No. 149577

anon should still play the damn game before criticizing kek

No. 149582

do fred fangirls actually exist?

i agree with your sentiment but something about her face reminds me of margaret palermo and i can't unsee it

No. 149605

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No. 149606

I did, retard. sheesh.

No. 149627

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I'm a big Tolkien faggot and love the LotRs films. I know the Hobbit trilogy was just a cash grab, so they had to throw in "attractive" dwarves. But these two. I can get Kili, though he's not my type. But Fili is literally so fucking ugly. He fits in with the rest of the unattractive dwarves.
Take that back. I think it's because nazi uniforms were designed to be attractive. I never hear about his characters in his other films being shilled as attractive

No. 149656

>her face reminds me of margaret palermo
So THAT's who she was reminding me of, omg

No. 149662

I hate Kili so much, he sticks out like a sore thumb with that pretty boy face when all the other dwarves are ugly (as they should be, because they're fucking dwarves)
The romance was already shoe horned in last minute, and to make sure it's happening to the ONE dwarf in the entire universe who looks pretty and non-dwarf like just negates any "love is blind" message it might have had. Did a short scrote self insert himself as Kili to feel better about being tiny????
Sorry for sperging lmao

No. 149665

I can't bring myself to see them as attractive in any role tbh, dwarf is always a dwarf. Tiny smol men trying to give "the sexy gaze" is just hilarious to me. Yes I know they are not REALLY swarves but come on, imagine that little shit smizing at you from knee level lmao

No. 149676

Imagine how close his face would be to your pussy when he stands close to you
Bow chica bow wow

No. 149741

File: 1624568904251.jpg (232.95 KB, 535x740, bnwycyvgqtcodirnfgugaithtawtph…)

Kek. I hate Tauriel so much. I've read tenth Walker OCs with way more depth and research behind them. Arwen is canonically the youngest elf in middle earth at nearly 3,000 years old during the third age. Then they make tauriel 600 years old? Nah, fuck off with that shit.

But yeah, I don't get the attraction to a tiny manlet no matter how pretty his face is. All the fujos who cosplayed him and thorin in 2012… worse fake facial hair than the iron man cosplays. Picrel

No. 149746

I always found it weird in Disney/Nickelodeon shows how the “mean girl” character was supposed to be hot but they would always cast someone significantly less attractive than the lead

No. 149823

File: 1624617569215.jpg (66.89 KB, 442x600, geralt-rivia-from-the-witcher.…)

No. 149827

I think someone similar to Mads would fit better.

Henry in general makes me feel uncomfortable whenever I look at him; I feel like as if there's something creepy or dangerous about him. Other than that he reminds me of Lego dolls kek

No. 149828

File: 1624621205585.jpg (50.7 KB, 1280x720, Wiedźmin-Netflix-serial-Żebrow…)

Mads was a popular fancasting and I agreed with it. He was of the right age and had the right look for the role ("ugly" yet handsome). I liked Michał Żebrowski as Geralt more than Cavill, even if the tv series was lacking in many departments (really not sure if Netflix Witcher is better though. Sure, it has a better budget, but that's pretty much all it has going for it). Cavill looks like a Ken doll, not a rugged warrior who has lived too long and seen too much.

No. 149841

I'm always so pissed when I see him pop up anywhere online, plus his behaviour with younger women just ruined it all for me

No. 149848

I despise any male character with long, white or light blonde hair with dark brows/beard. It's the brooding white male character in fantasy form.

No. 149877

agreed and it just makes them look like bottle blondes

No. 149891

The actor himself looks good but the wig is horrible, I hate it. It's so obvious it's a wig. The hair here >>149828 looks less terrible.

No. 149894

Lmao the wig was one of the better done things in that show, trust me

No. 149943

probably totally coincidentally, they went with whatever was cheaper. weird they didn't just put mop on Geralt's head. Though I also feel bad, it wasn't possible to make The Witcher TV series or even a movie back then in Poland. At least Polish Yennefer > Netflix one (in terms of looks and ovrall vibe - even if she also wasn't perfect)

No. 150132

File: 1624778554001.jpg (46.79 KB, 350x450, download (1).jpg)

I realize HIMYM is not to be taken seriously but it's impossible to pretend this guy could ever get that much pussy

No. 150133

I mean he sorta tricked hundreds of women into sleeping with him

No. 150167

That kind of thing is usually denoting misplaced confidence. Natural beauty comes to the humble girl, the overbearing queen bee has to posture to make up for being less grand in her biology.

No. 150315

File: 1624901841258.gif (802.97 KB, 409x230, emo 40yo elf twink.gif)

kek, instantly thought of picrel

No. 152027

File: 1626103172885.jpg (661.9 KB, 1000x563, teen_wolf_derek.jpg)

He looked so disgusting and greasy all the time, never understood what people saw in him. Like bruh, he is not attractive.

No. 152059

File: 1626131176815.jpg (244.2 KB, 694x1062, robb s.jpg)

No. 152096

There were literally zero good looking men in GoT (except maybe Jason Momoa and that's mostly by virtue of the other ones being so ugly) and my tinfoil is that they did it on purpose, so an average flabby neckbeard fan would have easier time self-inserting next to the attractive actresses.

No. 152136

You're genuinely on the money, anon. I feel like all of their attractiveness is literally just bouncing off of the rest of the male cast. You either get ridiculously ugly actors, middle-aged dudebros, or clearly not straight but mediocre men. So they're marginally more appealing in comparison to the rest of them.
But in that 'we have to hit that single white female bracket w/out making the male fans self-conscious and uninsertable' kinda way.

I love Jason Momoa a lot but even he hits his own niche bracket in the male casting. Women still love him but its excusable as to why.

No. 152193

File: 1626213694667.jpg (376.37 KB, 1920x1080, this is a 10 in denmark.jpg)

>middle-aged dudebros

It's okay, anon, you're allowed to say Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.

No. 152197

Kek! Please have mercy on my sides anon!

No. 152202

I thought Tywin was hot but that's just because I have a thing for old guys, I'm pretty much on the minority.

No. 152218

What are you guys on about, this guy is the only good looking guy in GoT the heck

No. 152221

File: 1626227325497.jpeg (81.65 KB, 967x623, 27A021BA-B1DB-47BB-BFA7-4FEA9D…)

I was just about to bring up Tormund, but then I realized I had better see him sans beard
Not bad but he looks like Human Beast from Beauty and the Beast though

No. 152234

Jorah and Tywin looked good to me, though they are quite old.

No. 152256

Not saying that's necessarily you, anons, but I've seen a suspicious amount of young women gushing over old men in that show. Like, please, don't allow hollyweird to condition you into buying the "men age like wine" idiocy. You deserve to have actual hot young men in your media and you don't need to take whatever scraps they throw at you.
I didn't meant to go too hard on Jason Momoa, he's a fine specimen but even he was kinda meh compared to what he usually looks like. GoT was clearly not made with women in mind.

No. 152262

Ntayrt but I like both Jorah and Tywin in GoT while also liking a lot of younger guys from other media. Maybe it's because they were (to me) the only decent looking men in the show. Irl though I don't think I'd ever date a moid that's 6+ years older than me, let alone old enough to be my granddad. But I can see some girls getting memed into a geriatric fetish irl too.

No. 152266

I'm not into hot young men because I find them bland as fuck (I'm not attracted to 99,9% of men anyway), but I would not date an old guy either, I'm not getting memed by Hollywood, I'm old enough to know what I want lol.

No. 152276

Charles Dance has also done some nature documentaries, only reason I liked him is that he has great voice.

No. 152281

I'm a lesbian first of all. I don't think anyone should date someone way older than them regardless of circumstance. What I do think is Jorah and Tywin both have cool bone structure and are good looking men for their age with good posture. Certainly better looking than the rest of the males on that show.

No. 152335

I like looking at him but he gives such Clark Kent period piece vibes

No. 152349

File: 1626305987859.jpeg (16.54 KB, 720x360, FEC95834-018A-46EC-85E7-231036…)

he looked like the james charles meme in roblox form

No. 152430

Leave Hivju alone…

No. 152621

No. 153245

File: 1626982224231.png (228.15 KB, 360x360, Legolas_-_in_Two_Towers.PNG.pn…)

Just doesn't do anything to me, bleh

No. 153246

File: 1626983003050.jpg (461.11 KB, 1024x768, Alucard_of_Symphony_of_the_Nig…)

He is very pretty but he has no sex appeal whatsoever. I don't get why fans swoon over him. Dude is also wearing 1000 layers, to make sure no lustful humans touch him unlike in that awful american cartoon

No. 153247

Orlando Bloom is decent enough for me, but idk why they picked one of the darkest Brit guys to play a Nordic elf. He just looks so awkward with that pasted on platinum wig and obvious blue contacts. Were there no other blonde blue eyed pretty boys to play him at the time?

No. 153249

File: 1626984429306.jpg (51.75 KB, 700x394, Vampire-hunter-d-background-10…)

>no sex appeal
What? That's a Grade A certified alabaster beefcake. The kind that could crush you like a bug, but holds you like a baby bird. We don't need to see under his layers to know that he's a sex god. We also don't need scenes of intimacy to know he's slicker than black ice. Probably hung as fuck, too. Impervious to shrinking in the cold. Also, he fucking loves his wife. How is that not sexy? I could only see you disagreeing about the appeal if you aren't really into the 'brooding anime vampire husbando with long hair' types. A lot of the characters like that, that I can recall, weren't trying to be sexy. They just come off that way due to the way they carry themselves and treat women. He kind of reminds me of D actually, just prettier and different color palettes. Maybe I'm just autistic for anime vampires and it's all projection KEK

No. 153256

File: 1626987161838.jpg (65.08 KB, 1024x1024, OIP.ukWGgjALHkH39GTHF36t4AHaHa…)

>slicker than black ice
Have you actually played Symphony of the night? Poor guy just wants to kill his evil dad and go to sleep again. He looks like a cool warrior but seems like a hurt teenager inside. I feel more motherly towards him than anything.
>Also, he fucking loves his wife.
His what?

Richter is the sexy one for me. Nice eyebrows, tight trousers, loves his wife.

No. 153265

i hate how they made him and thranduil bottle blondes with huge ol' dark brows. totally ridiculous
then again none of jackson's elves save arwen were hot enough imo

No. 153272

File: 1627002017679.jpg (706.48 KB, 3600x2395, ustv-the-walking-dead-daryl-an…)

I don't think Daryl Dixon is downright ugly, but the amount of people saying he's too hot and good looking to be in a relationship with his fellow actress on the show, even though both actors are at similar age and she's by far more attractive than him confuses me.

No. 153276

File: 1627005243367.gif (3.05 MB, 652x360, be59b13976a7a2dc7ffedcec38dd13…)

A-Anon I-

No. 153377

This fucker needs a haircut and a wash first of all…

No. 153411

Men who purposefully look ugly disgust me, the worst case being Ed Sheeran.

No. 156238

File: 1629183903301.png (1.03 MB, 1440x1476, trash.png)

Trap characters are just boobless chicks with dicks.

No. 156254

kill yourself

No. 156259

Traps and trapfags first

No. 156340

stop sperging about traps in every fucking thread of this board you aspie newfag. Can you believe it? it's as if trying too hard to integrate would actually make you stand out?? holy shit

No. 156716

Traps and femboys are shit and ugly. Deal with it.

No. 156720

ignore, the obsession gives me the impression that anon is in denial about having a fetish for them or some shit teebee H

No. 156721

File: 1629392295420.png (630.79 KB, 1280x1895, tumblr_p520lcuRmK1s25mzvo1_128…)

Nah I preferred pretty boys, bishounens and twinks. Traps and femboys makes me want to punch them in the face and kick their Schrodinger's dick.

No. 161880

File: 1632673639364.jpg (117.33 KB, 1280x720, N3ukr4EHcFAjmQLtcUrnQR.jpg)

Another anon said he looks like what incels think women find attractive and she was right. He's hideous and his body is repulsive unless you're a homosexual man, or a gayden I guess…

No. 161889

I like Kiryu as a character but I have to agree. Looks wise he absolutely reeks of scrote wish fulfillment - extremely bland and generic, especially compared to perfection that is Majima. Scrotes would never understand.

No. 161890

>perfection that is Majima
LOL not really. They're both ugly as sin, and while I do prefer Majima's body a little, they both look dehydrated.

No. 161893

t.woman of no culture

No. 161894

Not everyone has to find your ugly jap husbandos attractive, Aiden, get over it

No. 161895

I heard some farmers say it's his personality that makes him hot

No. 161896

aw, leave my boy alone anon. In all seriousness though, I get what you're saying. Pretty much all characters in Yakuza games are kinda ugly to varying degrees but in Majima's case it adds to the unconventional charm, while Kiryu does absolutely nothing for me.
Sorry, them's the facts

No. 161912

The only bad thing about Kiryu is that they gave him literally 0 ass.
Regular Majima is ugly as fuck and looks stinky. Exception is Yakuza 0 Majima, where he looks like he showers and grooms himself and also doesn't act like a complete psycho.

No. 181909

File: 1643280304511.jpeg (80.45 KB, 640x960, 65.jpeg)

he looks like a lizard to me idgi. tbh i feel this way about most 'bishounen'..just eerie looking

No. 301919

A hot take: people liked him because of his voice, not his face.

No. 301930

File: 1686601339940.png (57.73 KB, 377x1041, 85BD5E25-A706-4109-B300-0C8C36…)

I can understand other versions of Link, but his BOTW/TOTK model is just so unattractive to me. He looks like a stocky manlet to me, not like an ethereal elven twink. Everyone draws him like 30% more dainty and beautiful in fanart and I feel everyone thinks that version of Link is attractive, and not the one actually in the game.

No. 301935

I finally started playing botw and thought the exact same thing, he's not ugly, but the stockiness is not particularly attractive. I had a massive crush on twilight princess link as a kid but the botw one does nothing for me

No. 301938

File: 1686603339125.jpeg (76.74 KB, 760x964, 3D86961A-AD3D-471B-9920-C52FA5…)

OOT link will always be the sexiest.

No. 301940

Sadly, I agree with you. They gave him child-bearing hips and odd proportions in general. Unfocused-looking eyes and weird lips, too. Adult OOT Link and TP Link remain the best looking, imo.

No. 302131

why is his head so big

No. 302232

I think he looks like a 12 year old boy

No. 304453

File: 1687597874945.jpg (47.18 KB, 1280x720, miguel-spider-man-2099.jpg)

miguel o'hara from spiderverse
i just don't get it, i feel gaslighted by the fact that soooo many people consider him so attractive. this feels like a repeat of lady dimitrescu, just because he's "beefy" and "daddy" and western animation and it fans have a huge hate boner against twinks

No. 304455

File: 1687598225958.jpg (72.51 KB, 697x668, miguel.jpg)

samefag look at this stupid dorito body

No. 304457

why is his arse so square?

No. 304458

Extremely unpopular opinion but I always thought Link looked kinda retarded no matter the version.

No. 304459

Any genshitoid character

No. 304470

I’m in a weird boat where I think his face in your picture looks nice but in fanart he looks fugly

No. 304473

I've seen some western weirdo otaku use the phrase "safe horny" to describe that phenomenon for both characters and as much as I hate them, I definitely see it. I have no opinion on that character though, your post just reminded me of that.

No. 304476

>safe horny
that sort of makes sense actually, any character who looks physically older than 35, maybe he has kids, very tall, beefy and mature. the kind of character where people can't call you a pedo, a basic coomer or twink chaser

No. 304489

Every single "person" who unironically uses that term is a furry and/or a lolisho fan. To stay on topic I too have no strong opinion on Miguel but I do like that sexualisation of unambiguously male characters is getting more and more traction.

No. 304516

File: 1687637309677.png (208.25 KB, 951x899, loid comp.png)

why does he look like that?

No. 304521

I've read that the author was forced by his editor to make the male main character handsome for the girls in the audience, but don't quote me on that

No. 304540

>>304521 I can't bear to like Spy × Family as it feels like a souless cashgrab series for the author.

No. 304543

File: 1687650214056.png (25.79 KB, 777x633, No one likes my real passions.…)

>Spy × Family as it feels like a souless cashgrab series
It's because it is. The author doesn't even likes spies and the only reason that the manga is as successful is because of his editor. Nobody liked his low rated works from before Spy x Family and decided on serializing the work because he's in need of easy money. He's in a similar situation as the manga author of detective Conan.

No. 304566

No wonder I never had any interest in it. I feel like most of the people who claim are fans of it are lying just to seem more like a weeb than they really are.

No. 304576

This is just so funny to me idk why. Spy x Family almost felt like a psyop with how popular and shilled it got all of a sudden, I could believe something like Kimetsu no Yaiba, but never this one.
Tinfoil, maybe this series is also Japanese breeder propaganda

No. 304592

I know this is an extremely late reply and off topic, but I would like to know what these nonnies were smoking to think a character from a then 7-8 year old children’s cartoon was being shilled as attractive by 20+ year old women, when most of of the people writing fanfics for this show were and still are children.
I’m so glad this was mentioned because the entire artstyle of BOTW and now TOTK is so much uglier and makes Link look like a potato gremlin

No. 304603

Ever seen the concept art for BOTW? The style ingame is far better than the horrors that lie within the artbook

No. 304633

I've only seen the troon artwork

No. 304635

Good thing I haven't checked their accounts then.

No. 304650

What kind of opposite-world dimension do you live in where people pretend to be weebs? It sounds hilarious

No. 304661

This has been a thing forever, anon. How old are you?

No. 304665

Too old, apparently? How long ago did being a weeb become something worth pretending instead of something you were viciously mocked for?

No. 304666

File: 1687723041341.jpg (117.78 KB, 760x964, 202306251552577org.jpg)

NTA but since the 2010s at least kek

No. 304667

I’m not sure the exact year, but once TikTok got really popular, weebs became less mocked (at least online, they still tend to get mocked offline)

No. 304669

tbh i very clearly remember people making fun of kim for this lol

No. 304744

File: 1687748387152.jpg (185.71 KB, 962x960, jaimelannister.jpg)

He has a terminally autistic face and haircut. Mannerisms are also autistic.

No. 304756

agreed. he wad supposed to be very good looking with bright green eyes and golden curls in the book but this ain't it
(then again they dropped the ball on targaryens too)

No. 304965

I think he’s hot but he has a really bad haircut in the pic that you posted. Plus Jaime is an obvious autist so you’re right there.

No. 304987

Kek yes he (book Jaime) is a classic husbando of mine and the best way to appreciate him is to embrace the autism, with show Jaime that's harder. He was at his most cringe iirc in season 4 like vidrel.

No. 305015

File: 1687847642028.png (76.4 KB, 700x1082, melissa-yabumoto-jigenwater-by…)

I like Jigen as a character, but I don't find him attractive. I think his big hat throws me off.

No. 305092

After SAO got popular. My friends and me actually divide between pre- and post-SAO weebs.

No. 416697

File: 1726783282135.png (209.56 KB, 820x651, 2nd_Bob_Ref_Sheet.png)

I'm tired of seeing this ugly fat fuck on my Tumblr feed.

No. 416698

File: 1726783456416.jpg (24.45 KB, 258x375, MichaelMyers2018.jpg)

He's so fucking lame,I never understood the appeal of him whatsoever.

No. 416700

File: 1726783668153.png (840.86 KB, 837x1024, Profile_-_Bill_Cipher.png)

As a kid I found him cool but now as an adult he's just plain obnoxious and overrated.sick of seeing him everywhere.

No. 416704

File: 1726785255589.jpg (508.02 KB, 1000x563, Beetlejuice-Image-FINAL.jpg)

That includes the cartoon version too.

No. 416706

File: 1726785393441.jpg (19.6 KB, 216x268, hguytszghgjgfghvbg.jpg)

No. 416707

I always see him portrayed sans mask in fanart as a bodacious blonde with a fat ass and big chest tbh.

No. 416708

File: 1726786159632.png (3.76 MB, 1698x1498, WallyWebsite3.png)

Belongs here

No. 416726

Guy is balding

No. 416730

File: 1726790564277.webp (57.9 KB, 538x782, 5279627370622.WEBP)

No. 416733

Really, its background male #3, such a bland design

No. 416735

File: 1726791369014.png (2.71 MB, 3268x3759, Testament_Guilty_Gear_Strive.p…)

Ugly and downgraded. Original one is much hotter.

No. 416744

File: 1726793823422.webp (44.07 KB, 413x531, IMG_6048.webp)


No. 416749

Based. I hate his potatoe nose so much it's disgusting and just too large.

No. 416751

Why would you say this about your own husbando?

No. 416752

File: 1726794634939.png (461.17 KB, 604x1085, Senshi.png)

No. 416756

File: 1726795349159.png (351.41 KB, 360x867, DanteDMC5.png)

Hobo Dante is ugly af. Why can't he stay as an ikemen forever? DMC 3 Dante is peak.

He looks like Rodrick from The Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie.

No. 416758

Okay I think he's hot but you're completely correct with your comment kek

No. 416761

Hate this musty bastard so much that I want to punch his dirty ass.

No. 416768

File: 1726797815335.jpeg (67.22 KB, 640x1077, how-would-you-build-alastor-fr…)

This is such low hanging fruit but the I never understood Tumblr sexy men, but I understand this one even less. The man is all sharp corners and hot topic edgelord.

No. 416774

File: 1726801264470.gif (4.23 MB, 540x400, tumblr_bea00e2429b9db9158eea16…)

I'm shocked this ugly faggot hasn't been posted in here yet

No. 416775

No one finds him genuinely attractive. It's just memey virtue signaling.

No. 416776

File: 1726801402117.jpeg (435 KB, 2560x1749, Billy.jpeg)

Same with him. How does he have so many fangirls?

No. 416778

File: 1726801576102.jpg (268.8 KB, 540x810, kdfjhjhghg.jpg)

Okay, no, you're just wrong about this one. Billy is actually hot, and Eddie is just gas-station-brand Billy.

No. 416779

File: 1726802103237.png (14.75 KB, 1024x1346, Sans..png)

Why in the world would anyone find a fat skeleton hot?

No. 416780

File: 1726802355389.png (171.23 KB, 520x479, Peri_ANW.png)

He's just Cosmo but purple so basically a Cosmo recolor,super lame.

No. 416781

don't judge too harsh kid you don't know who i've been

No. 416785

Some bara faggots and women with low standards actually do

No. 416793

The pornstache is hideous. I know it's the 80s, but c'mon. Also he's a shitty brother and his "muh dead mommy" past was forced af

No. 416795

File: 1726804171955.png (1.25 MB, 1200x1312, 1200px-Bowser.png)

I have always found him ugly and over designed tbh.he gets waaay too many porn.

No. 416796

How is he overdesigned.

No. 416798

Not my problem
Use your eyes

No. 416801

I feel like the 80s fashion and shorts being more revealing than the usual wear played a good part tbh.

No. 416802

I said he's hot, not that I think he's a saint. Also it says right in the op:
>This is NOT the thread for anons to focus on the characters' overall personalities or the way they were written

No. 416805

He was supposed to wear a crop-top in season 3, but they didn't end up using the scenes where he was wearing it.

That's not a pornstache, it's supposed to be peach fuzz (that's why the makeup artists bleached his facial hair). A pornstache is way thicker, like what the guys in the Village People had.

No. 416809

kekk nonna it's a song from Undertale

No. 416810

I'm more mystified by how a skeleton can be fat in the first place

No. 416830

rodrick was way hotter

No. 416853

Agree though V looks like a fusion of the two Rodrick actors.

No. 416896

Same. His personality is obnoxious too.

Who shills this dude?

>Belongs here
>shilled as attractive
You need to prove it.

No. 416940

>You need to prove it
Have you been living under a rock?he has been shilled as attractive on Tumblr a lot and still is.

No. 416963

File: 1726839408843.jpg (357.88 KB, 2000x1270, Taylor-Schilling-Piper-Chapman…)

Doing a rewatch of Orange is the New Black and I don't get why characters will refer to Piper as a sort of hot temptress. She's not ugly just very average (though her face is kind of concave which freaks me out). Combined with her crappy personality I just don't buy that she had straights and lesbians fighting over her. But then you get to Ruby Rose and I REALLY don't understand the appeal. I remember when the fandom was like "Omg I'm turning gay because of her!" and she looks like a yassified Andy from Toy Story, and then her character only existed to be a walking Twitter dictionary with all the other characters ooh-ing and ahh-ing over how cool she was

No. 416964

>Who shills this dude?
Doja Cat, for starters, and basically half of the TiFs on Tumblr and Twitter.

No. 416965

I refuse to watch this show because of how impressed with itself it was when it had a tranny mansplain vulvas to a room full of women.

No. 416966

I can't comment on the book as I've never read it but this is one of those shows that just screamed "made for Tumblr"

No. 416969

File: 1726840382181.jpeg (447.54 KB, 2048x2726, Laura-Prepon-Alex-Vause-309371…)

I dont think Piper was supposed to be hot, she was kinda the boring self-insert character and Alex was the one everyone wanted to fuck. Imo Ruby Rose character was overrated but still kinda cute.

No. 417027

Gosh I hate him and his retarded fans

No. 417154

File: 1726882690639.png (199.14 KB, 418x624, Toffee_ID.png)

No. 417233

I mean they aren't stunningly beautiful but they are prison hot. Which is really easy to be compared to the rest of the cast full of old women and junkies, I assume, kek. Poussey I think is objectively pretty cute and I love her actress.

No. 417259

File: 1726930494510.png (1.19 MB, 1200x675, ECMiWCtuoXsmneYytrEWy3-1200-80…)

Prison hot yeah, I guess I can see that Imo Poussey, Nicky, the latina BFFs, and Soso are the most attractive
In terms of animation, this geriatric elf guy that's been overhyped all over social media for the past 2 or so years. He looks so dehydrated but the fangirls act like he's a cute twink

No. 417493

File: 1727014433334.webp (64.3 KB, 554x838, 6335800472713.WEBP)

No. 417494

This should be the op pic of the "people with punchable faces" thread.

No. 417504

Adachifag (unfortunately) here. We all know he's ugly, I've never seen anyone try to shill him as attractive.

No. 417508

True. His Japanese voice is so annoying too. Literal nails on a chalkboard.

No. 417516

File: 1727023712892.jpg (106.78 KB, 1200x685, bowsette.jpg)

Same with picrel. Fucking obnoxious.

No. 417518

File: 1727024948888.jpg (231.58 KB, 692x1000, 008b4d8e3a0291a7210e02c4628bbc…)

I didn't like her proportions and she just comes off as a porny caricature. Also some frames of her look like she's half bald too. I wonder how many girls were uncomfortable or influenced by her into getting that bimbo look.

No. 417520

Her back is built like an MMA grappler. Turtle ass

No. 417524

>she just comes off as a porny caricature.
Wasn't that the point?

No. 417527

To me she didn't even register as a human, more like some kind of humanoid praying mantis alien.

No. 417529

She’s supposed to look ridiculous and exaggerated

No. 417536

Yes, it is. People assume that Jessica is a conniving whore solely because of how she's drawn, which makes it easier for Judge Doom to frame Roger. Non-toons just assumed that Jessica would inevitably cheat on him (when in actuality she was set up) so they assume that Roger committed murder in a jealous rage.

No. 417549

He has that old gay queen look

No. 417552

Balloon shaped head and a haircut to emphasize that.

No. 417554

I read "non-toons" as "non-troons" and was confused for a moment.

No. 417567

File: 1727040477736.jpg (112.19 KB, 1296x730, TERRIFIER-05-Art-the-Clown-H-2…)

Another run of the mill scary clown,yawn.Terrifier?more like terrifyingly ugly.so painfully tryhard can't believe some women find him sexy.

No. 417572

KEK you have such a way with words. at least women into slashers like jason or brahms or whatever are somewhat understandable because they have low self esteem or have a terminal case of "i can fix him". this dude is not only a nasty no personality woman murderer plus he's ugly as hell. bottom of the barrel taste, very sad.

No. 417582

I'm pretty sure in one of the movies he literally writes his name with his own shit on a restroom wall ew and does other unimaginably horrible things.that should be enough to find him repulsive and unattractive but yeah you're 100% right

No. 417583

Plus most slashers at just buff/athletic guys in masks kek. Even if their face is ugly, it's covered up most of the time so they look cool and mysterious. Terrifier is actually just hideous.

No. 417587

File: 1727045022822.jpg (14.18 KB, 250x375, 1000008359.jpg)

Dan from Lucifer. Every so often they'd make comments about his supposed attractiveness and it was even implied that Lucifer was jealous of him a few times, but I don't understand it at all.

No. 417588

Judge Doom is going to cover Troontown in dip

No. 417596

File: 1727045312635.jpg (4.31 KB, 250x167, 1000008360.jpg)

Samefag, they did the same with picrel to the extent that it felt like Mary Sue fanfic writing where everybody gushed about how amazing and hot he was the MOMENT he was introduced kek. This one is especially egregious because, on top of being mid, I found his character VERY boring.

No. 417598

>micheal - tall, buff and conically handsome
>jason - tall, buff but but has a deformed face
>brahms - tall, fit and has an okay face
>terrifier - short, pudgy and ugly

No. 417608

File: 1727049118232.webp (103.41 KB, 800x1000, Paul_Chop_Top_Sawyer.webp)

fuck you for making me remember that scene where art gets naked. literal incel manlet phenotype. on a similar note, why do women want to fuck the sawyers? a case could be made for leatherface because he's an easily manipulated retard and i guess he looked okay in the remake but this creatura…

No. 417819

Tom Welling was so fucking hot at his prime, what a shame

No. 418203

File: 1727228469038.png (692.8 KB, 848x1080, Rick_Sanchez.png)

Disgusting in every possible way

No. 418205

File: 1727228775431.gif (310.07 KB, 220x220, goodnight.gif)

have you watched the movie? chop-top is absolutely dripping with charisma, no one thinks he's "hot" unless they're trying to be an edgelord lmao they just think he's hilarious because he is. i cannot tell you how many characters, aesthetics and musical acts are literally a direct result of chop-top. bill moseley is a genius

No. 418207

File: 1727229076663.png (56.3 KB, 250x341, 0346cea71d87006965497cd3f52f8e…)

bald-headed motherfucker

No. 418208

If you frequently encounter people who want to fuck these sorts of characters, you need to start hanging out in different places.

No. 418209

File: 1727229849442.png (1.86 MB, 1928x2972, Reagan_Ridley_Episode_01.png)

If it weren't for the art style,I would have found her less ugly.

No. 418213

Shit taste nonna. She's perfect.

No. 418215

File: 1727232094830.jpeg (56.03 KB, 256x250, IMG_6084.jpeg)

No. 418217

File: 1727232663068.jpg (408.28 KB, 1266x1830, __kanna_kamui_tohru_lucoa_ilul…)

For obvious reasons…

No. 418219

Perfect? perfectly ugly ,yeah
Glad her dumb boring show got cancelled.

No. 418221

I think you have internalized misogyny since she doesn't look offensive anyways. Sad.

No. 418224

Do you know which thread you're in?retard

No. 418227

File: 1727234142336.png (181.69 KB, 452x888, Hana_Uzaki.png)

Draw a shota and slap hentai boobs on it. Also retarded shirt.

No. 418230

I think she's more overhated for an otherwise incredibly forgettable college romcom rather than shilled tbh.

No. 418232

Not to pornsick scrotes and pickmes because "wOMEN WITH THIS BODY TYPE EXISTS!!1" or "yOU'RE JUST JEALOUS OF HER BOOBS!!1"

No. 418235

File: 1727235198827.jpg (192.83 KB, 1920x1950, samsungsam.jpg)

Dorito chin and uncanny Belle Delphine face

No. 418252

What the fuck are those expressions

No. 418260

I've never seen the anime but I remember seeing this character years ago and feeling so grossed out by the design. But in thinking about it, I'm conflicted because I know that there are women with bigger breasts and it's naturally part of their body and it's not inherently sexual so it's unfair to judge a character who has large breasts by the default. But then it's knowing how anime can be and how usually when you see characters like this, it's usually by pornsick moids

No. 418263

File: 1727244303157.jpg (109.73 KB, 1536x864, squmnknmrj411.jpg)

I'm so glad I'm not the only one kek. Dante in the first 4 games, especially DMC4 imo was very sexy. I know DMC3 is the popular one (and he was hot there) but I liked the more rugged vibe of his DMC4 look even with the ridiculous chaps kek.
But I remember when I first saw the trailer for DMC5 and we get that closeup of his face and it was just awful, he looked like a goblin. And then the game came out and we got to see more of him and yeah, my opinion didn't change, I still found him unattractive. Personality-wise he's still that lovable goofball but his looks definitely took a downgrade.

It doesn't really help that most of the characters looked pretty "eh" in the new style they're going for (my girl Trish was done so dirty lmao) and the only one who actually looked kinda decent was Nero which is funny since I didn't think much of him back in DMC4 and it feels like he got a slight glow-up since he looks more original than just a younger Dante with Vergil's color.

No. 418264

I gotta agree. There are some aspects I like with his new design like the skull belt and the way his skirt looks but the hat and the waistcoat is just an absolute fashion trainwreck and throws off the whole outfit. If he had a better cohesive looking outfit, he would still retain the sexy vibes he had with his original look.

No. 418265

I'm a bit mixed on Alucard tbh. I agree that he is a very pretty man and after say what you want about the Netflix adaptation but the way he was portrayed I found him strangely cute in it from a personality standpoint but in saying that, I just can't seem to find him all that sexually attractive. I think it's because he's a bit to oscrawny looking for my taste and I like a little meat on a guys bones and Alucard feels like he's a bit more on the anorexic side. I really wish I could find him sexy because I dig the gothic look of old school vampires but I simply just cannot and so when it came to Castlevania hunks, I too mostly leaned with Richter >>153256 kek

No. 418268

File: 1727245042578.png (438.33 KB, 800x976, Leon_Sword_Shield.png)

I've seen some trying to suggest that Leon is a certified Poke'hunk but I just fail to see the complete sexiness in him. I can kinda see it and I find him somewhat appealing though it's mostly because of the fanart I've seen. I think it's just his stupid facial hair that really kills it for me. If he had a full beard or was clean-shaven, he would definitely look a lot more sexy but as is… Eh.

No. 418274

and most importantly if they hadn't turned him into a fucking enby femboy

No. 418279

Oh right, that too kek. He's OG designs was a nice mix of feminine but still overtly male, it was a really nice combination. I (try) to forget that they troonified him ("nonbinary" but still, same shit). I mean sure, the game is fantasy and something like that could exist but I don't want to give the gendies the satisfaction and plus, he really was a breath of fresh air at the time introducing some bishounen to the GG series besides Ky.

No. 418283

File: 1727251720391.png (362.61 KB, 552x588, Krystal.png)

Blatant furbait waifu that look like the Alpha and Omega wolves. Hate the bikini tribal outfit then later in a boob window bodysuit. Wtf Nintendo. Her beta design in Dinosaur Planet is way better and has potential but they downgraded her as the damsel in distress and love interest of the mc who stole her game.

No. 418335

God I can't believe you replied to my 3 year old posts but hey, I'm glad you agree about Richter!

No. 418380

I'm a little bias on this look since I played Adventures as a kid and was not aware of furry coomerism kek. But I totally understand your criticisms. I think it's more egregious that she got shafted from being her own protagonist because Nintendo was sexist enough to think that Dinosaur Planet would not garner attention or an audience because she's a female character. The fuck, Tomb Raider? Hello?
Her origins is so sad because Dinosaur Planet sounded like a fun idea.

No. 418382

Sorry, I just had to because I was gonna post Alucard myself but didn't want to repeat in case someone else already mentioned him kek. But yeah Richter is babe, I love how he looks in Smash Bros haha.

No. 418397

>His OG design was a nice mix of feminine but still overtly male
You know, if they only changed his pronouns and kept him as pretty but still unambigous male I actually wouldn't care that much. Of course it would still be stupid but at least I could just correct they to he in my head and move on. The way they changed his whole design to basically "draw a woman call it a man" to pander to trapfags however is downright offensive, taking a husbandobait character and turning him into a "waifu"bait femboy as if moids don't get more than enough pandering fanservice

No. 418435

File: 1727300503695.jpg (66.02 KB, 736x1092, bbf186c31044eaea8307d407d72a21…)

I hate his stupid ugly smug face and his stupid pointy dorito chin.super punchable too.

No. 418438

Honestly even with his slightly drastic redesign, I still see him as a man. An effeminate girly "femboy" but still a guy. Testament is one of my favorite characters from way back in the day and I just cannot see him as anything other than what he really is. Same with Bridget tbh though I never found him attractive like I did Testament kek.

No. 418442

I just felt all my teenhood cringe come back just by looking at this… I wish they chose the old anime style instead of this avatar anime bootleg style.

No. 418462

File: 1727305263164.jpeg (112.38 KB, 576x1024, IMG_6051.jpeg)

>”handsome” “young” man

No. 418464

I wished this retarded mascot would die within a year, but no. Here we are. She's still there in their ugly ads. The most uncanny looking character I've seen shilled by moids addicted to porn.
DMC4 Dante was peak, but he could have shaved the stubble. I actually liked Trish, but I agree she looked better in the previous games. Dante looks so much worse though, I wanted to like him, but he looks so wrong for some reason.

No. 418523

File: 1727319729942.jpg (142.48 KB, 640x797, hzhodmhyw0b71.jpg)

>For fictional characters touted as attractive, whether by the fandom or by the source material itself, that you personally find unattractive.
I have always found Guts hideous especially his weird spiky hair and grotesque facial expressions he makes.no wonder some people prefer Griffith.

No. 418539

File: 1727324415204.png (647.36 KB, 558x1451, Geiru_Toneido.png)

The clussy shit is cringe and retarded

No. 418542

i hate guts too, he's an asshole

No. 418557

who has called this washed-up PUA a handsome young man

No. 418558

File: 1727333278338.png (113.44 KB, 285x498, RoxanneWolf.png)

All FNAF characters are ugly and aren't meant to be attractive

No. 418560

File: 1727333746890.jpg (418.34 KB, 3840x2160, 6313062.jpg)

No worries nona, it was just a funny moment like "I wonder what that anon was replying to..wait this seems familiar…"
That picture physically hurts me. You know Capcom wouldn't have gotten away with showing Lady as a wrinkly old woman like that. She stills looks young and sexy despite being a similar age as Dante.

No. 418588

>But in thinking about it, I'm conflicted because I know that there are women with bigger breasts and it's naturally part of their body and it's not inherently sexual so it's unfair to judge a character who has large breasts by the default.
kek nona she's not a real woman. real women have no control over their body parts whereas anime girls like that are created and controlled by coomer authors, it's not comparable

No. 418613

in what way is he shilled as attractive?

No. 418622

By his fandom/fans obviously

No. 418658

>DMC4 Dante was peak, but he could have shaved the stubble. I actually liked Trish, but I agree she looked better in the previous games. Dante looks so much worse though, I wanted to like him, but he looks so wrong for some reason.
Eh, I don't mind stubble but I'm sure Dante would've look hot without it as well. It's too bad they didn't give a clean-shaven feature for him for those who preferred that look.
And I dunno, I think I'm just too spoiled by the more anime meets semi-realism that the old game's art style had that was perfected in DMC4 (barirng Lady's tacky coom outfit) and I loved how Trish looked in that game. I do agree though that in DMC5 Dante got it the worse, Vergil wasn't doing much for me neither though to be fair, I always leaned more towards Dante.

No. 418659

>That picture physically hurts me. You know Capcom wouldn't have gotten away with showing Lady as a wrinkly old woman like that. She stills looks young and sexy despite being a similar age as Dante.
Yep gotta love that good old Japanese sexism, don't you dare have your female characters show their age. And right, Lady in DMC5 looks like she's in her early to mid 20s even though she's now in her 40s. I'm willing to look the other way with Trish since she's a demon but Lady is a human so come on.

No. 418711

File: 1727402619619.jpg (60.9 KB, 974x937, e5de09939c3ceb31535ab27697cd82…)

emo slut boy mogged trish and lady

No. 418714

My clit is throbbing

No. 418745

I hate how she’s the most recognizable female character in the whole series, fucking hell

No. 418861

I don't find him sexually attractive but I do agree that he does look better than DMC5 style Trish and Lady lol.

No. 418864

File: 1727465107434.webp (87.66 KB, 485x540, 2595370525738.WEBP)

I’m glad his franchise is ruined

No. 418866

is that smeagol?

No. 418875

File: 1727470642133.jpg (63.67 KB, 1024x577, pennywise-bill-skarsgard-it-mo…)

Extremely hideous and grotesque,I bet he smells awful too.Big ass fivehead who also looks retarded.

No. 418888

Has this character even been shilled as attractive?

No. 418906

>she doesn't know about pennywise fangirls

No. 418914

File: 1727475123293.png (449.7 KB, 571x298, Untitled.png)

i dont know if we should be counting tumblr sexymen who are just straight up ugly like this
OTOH, asstarion literally has an official "sexy statue" made of him, so fuck that. even fans want to pretend he doesn't look like that.

No. 418944

I guess I dodged a bullet and didn't know it.

No. 418974

File: 1727487455133.png (4.54 MB, 2898x2898, p7v34qijhaz61.png)

since we're complaining about the DMC reboot i'll put chris redfield here too, fucking hate how he looks from RE5 onward. leon at least remained cute

No. 418991

File: 1727497029150.jpeg (454.73 KB, 1170x642, IMG_3233.jpeg)

I’m tired of pretending this graying grandpa is hot in any shape or form. Ugly graying hair, medieval maiden levels coverage with not an inch of skin showing, the fucking grandpa cane. There is 0 sex appeal to this dude. His attach animations in game such too I hate it when I coop and some retard picks him watching him levitate while squirting water is painful. I get it, Ray Chase is a good VA, but that doesn’t make the character himself hot, sorry

No. 418992

Are genshinfags okay

No. 418995

but we both agree he’s ugly as fuck nonita that’s all that matters

No. 418996

He's ugly because he's an overdesigned Genshit character, not because he's "old" (looks like an anime girl kek)

No. 419000

File: 1727504072955.jpeg (779.25 KB, 3236x4096, GKdHOr3WAAApPJT.jpeg)

I genuinely never got why people like him that way, same with Zhongli. They are both supposed to be grandpas trapped in these boring suited up 3D models and to me they are some of the most sexless characters in the game. I think genshin fans generally like to delude themselves, they cling onto made up versions of characters because hoyo gives them so little to work with

No. 419012

Literally every single genshit character

No. 419017

same kek
I don't really find them ugly per se, they're objectively drawn as bishies (beautiful and youthful anime boys for girls), but the art style and horrible gachashit designs ruin any of their potential appeal for me. Even though they have so many unnecessary, random design elements, ironically they end up looking bland as fuck. Even if they didn't have those design elements, the art style is too plain and boring for me.

No. 419062

So if someone drew a women as a flat chested tomboy with baggy af clothes is that also bad? I don't like uzaki either but what is this take kek.

No. 419063

I'm sure genshin chars were designed by a human being but they FEEL like they were AI generated kek. Just… soulless

No. 419069

This looks like a 20something """mature""" female character.

No. 419070

File: 1727538805480.jpg (39.47 KB, 607x607, Baiden_Mitten_exfoliation.jpg)

a few years ago i read someone say that he looks like these grey balls of dead skin and dirt you can roll off yourself when haven't showered in a while and now it's all i can think of whenever i see him

No. 419074

This fucker has ruined the male yandere fandom. I can't help but laugh my ass off when I see deranged women wanting to fuck this twisted fucking cycle path Walmart mascot

No. 419076

>male yandere fandom
He's a yandere? Is the fandom a personality thing, then because I find it hard to believe tbh. I thought he was from some early 2010s webcomic about videogames.

No. 419078

The male characters are really unappealing somehow. They look too flat and lack masculine curves. No, I'm not saying they should be roidpigs, but they are lacking something. Alhaitham and Neuvillette are ok I guess, but they would look way better if they weren't drawn in genshit artstyle.

No. 419142

huh? now i'm confused by your take kek. what i'm trying to say is if the character is already sexualized by the author/artist, has fanservice, or the author himself making horny remarks, that sort of thing, then it doesn't make sense to go "it's not inherently sexual so it's unfair to judge".

No. 419211

Yea, they all look like string beans with no meat or really anything to make them have depth.

No. 419219

I'm going to fucking vomit. Why didn’t you spoiler this

No. 419295

>They look too flat
I agree, they look like they're made of paper. Actually I see some nonas share this opinion already, but male Genshit characters often do look better in fanart (Itto for example)

No. 419400

File: 1727636572390.png (194.02 KB, 400x723, peter.PNG)

Sure is. Look up "Your Boyfriend erotic horror visual novel"

No. 419408

File: 1727637225153.jpg (177.65 KB, 850x1170, ew.jpg)

i know this is low hanging fruit but come on

No. 419410

His fans are so annoying too. I can't do the ball head baldy shit. Makes me feel old

No. 419413

The right is so much better looking. I don't understand why Larian and Bioware are so opposed to making attractive male love interests.

No. 422387

File: 1728521948987.png (414 KB, 455x657, SDTRougeRender.png)

There's something about her head that looks bad I just can't put my finger on it.she has the most dumbest proportions too.she looks awful if you put her next to a non sexualized female Sonic character.

No. 422390

File: 1728522594758.webp (186.02 KB, 628x1677, IMG_6136.webp)

all catboys in fiction but especially him

No. 422400

File: 1728523658103.png (1.19 MB, 1000x1921, 2B.png)

Coomer design and looks like a hentai sex doll

No. 422485

File: 1728536684018.jpg (193.08 KB, 900x1035, mwpp.jpg)

The only moid in picrel who is actually good looking is James

No. 422488

File: 1728537161580.png (1.11 MB, 1908x1291, Untitled.png)

i thought rouge the bat was such a cool character as a little kid. i never realized how weirdly "sexy" her body is. looks stupid af. she needs amy's proportions.

No. 422490

File: 1728537266232.jpg (53.25 KB, 469x469, download.jpg)

it's just funny how people try to justify it when the male is so covered up. at least make him look revealing too.

No. 422499

to be fair the books didn't describe any of them as attractive except sirius.
like lucius is supposed to be all pale and pointy, it's the film casting that made peoole think hes hot.

No. 422504

File: 1728539294574.webp (166.1 KB, 836x956, Sakuya.png)

Put opaque stockings on her instead of the garter belt esque lingerie, lengthen the skirt and get rid of the weird cut in the dress and the design would be cool. The boob window isn't necessary either but it could look cool if toned down.

No. 422505

File: 1728539922869.jpg (87.75 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

Same for her and all her ugly bodysuits. Doesn't help that the guys are covered up and not sexualized like the women in this shitty game.

No. 422509

We could have gotten a hot bishie but Yoko Taro is an oneshotafag

No. 422512

File: 1728542102461.png (124.35 KB, 228x439, 2B_Nier_Automata.png)

i think 2b is a cool as hell design if you made it less coom yeah. she looks idiotic with the unnecessary skin showing. men never understand how to make attractive designs without tits and ass out because they're retarded monekys.
i guess the creator doesn't care to "appeal to prudes" but i guess he also doesn't care about getting women to play his games either because the only people who like nier automata seem to be coomer dudes.

No. 422756

Even from a purely technical standpoint, removing the retarded clutter of the bare thighs + sheer stockings + high boots is an objective improvement. It emphasizes her sleek silhouette.

No. 422759

I would also close the slit in her skirt or at least make it shorter, I always thought it looked stupid lol

No. 422774

File: 1728592653617.png (122.89 KB, 229x439, 1728542102461.png)

yeah, she already has bdsm elements with the all black + boots + blindfold, showing skin becomes too much. this is the reason bayonetta is iconic and beloved by more than just coomer men, while 2b is only thought of as great by coombrains. i would have played nier if she looked like this.

No. 422775

So much better! Now there's more focus on the elaborate and pretty parts of her design.

No. 422776

nice you made her look like shit

No. 422777

Nothing was changed tho? She only covered in the coomer skirt gap?

No. 422778

File: 1728593097249.png (120.81 KB, 360x660, 2B_-_Ver1.1a_Version.png)

No. 422779

that's probably the kissless virgin moid who's been hanging around baiting lol

No. 422780

Damn, we were robbed weren't we?

No. 422785

i loved her because she was a bat and bats were my favorite animal but as an adult her design is so coomer it's depressing.

No. 422790

her boots need some squiggles too, the bottom of this is just a long void of black and it’s awkward

No. 422794

Pretty much the entire cast of Hetalia (They all look the same), Love and Deepspace (They all look the same), and JJK (What's the point)

No. 422806

Real af. Hetalia characters are just too round, literal potatoes. JJK has an ugly monkey phenotype to the art style, the proportions of the faces all look off. I don't know about Love and Deepspace but I think they're a bit generic and plain, but they're the least offensive in this case and I can see the appeal even if it's not my thing.

No. 422807

I'm not a JJKfag but I think the appeal comes from the art style being slightly more "realistic" and gritty than Genshin-like moe.

No. 422808

I just hate it because there's so many interesting things you could do with Hetalia but neither that nor countryhumans has ever properly hit the mark. It Just Sucks

No. 422810

When it comes to love and deepspace, you basically need to play the game to actually get to know the boys deeper (heh) but otherwise it makes sense why most consider them to be generic, I also thought the same when I began playing the game.

No. 422811

I understand. I have a bizarre bias against imouto games just in general because theyre almost always a time/money sink and the character designs are never interesting enough right off the bat. Extremely hypocritical though because I watch Yowamushi Pedal

No. 422819

There's a lot that would just be too controversial to do without getting shit for it, tbf.
As is, pretty sure South Korea still hasn't forgiven Hetalia.

No. 422878

File: 1728618240669.png (212.74 KB, 250x745, Tifa_Lockhart.png)

Could say the same for Tifa too. She looks better in Advent Children.

No. 422879

File: 1728619124019.jpg (126.65 KB, 1040x1040, 1637732525269.JPG)

Her model looks so disproportionate. Why did they give her huge breasts and defined abs while keeping her limbs so thin?

No. 422884

Can't unsee now lmao

No. 422908

File: 1728629403395.png (149.17 KB, 294x499, Rouge_the_Bat_Prime_profile.pn…)

I don't know if you've seen Sonic Prime but I like that she wasn't as coomery compared to the games or the anime. It's a nice change in character seeing a Stacy without making it all weird and sexual. Kinda like Mai Valentine from Yu-Gi-Oh!

No. 422994

>ugly monkey phenotype
tf do you mean? They just look normal
I think the appeal comes from having more detail focused on key parts of the body

No. 423020

Japanese moids obsess over skinny women. Her thin arms look even worse when you think her whole fighting technique is supposed to be her punching stuff.

No. 423068

Every coombait waifu in Blue Archive, Goddess of Victory: Nikke, Kantai Collection, or any waifu based game because men and pornwashed pickmes can't make well-written or tastefully unique female characters with a genuine personality besides the same cookie cutter caricatures from the porn and hentai they consume that's either 1. moeblob waifu, 2. balloon titty waifu with bbl or 3. loli where scrote devs should be investigated and arrested.

No. 423069

No. 423204

File: 1728711207842.png (346.5 KB, 853x1280, Elastigirl.png)

Zero sex appeal. All I see is a cartoon superhero mom.

No. 423208

File: 1728712362135.jpg (28.55 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

Extremely thin limbs is such a modern final fantasy thing and I always found it unnerving, even when I was a teen during the peak online ana-chan era. I remember /v/ memeing the shit out of Lightning Returns for this exact reason to the point that it's burned into my memory, like what the fuck are these bobble head body proportions?

No. 423211

She has a terrible voice too.

No. 429306

Haven't played SwSh, but I hate his fashion sense. Apparently the outfit he wears at the Battle Tower is his normal one, though? I like that one better. I also despise his facial hair, but for me, it's his stupid fucking eyes that are too massive and weirdly shaped. His eyes are fucking squares with tiny dots at the bottom for some reason. What the fuck. I know Sugimori used to draw people's eyes in a weird way too, but those were usually reserved for female or child characters.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds Leon ugly as fuck, it's like horny female Pokémon fans and fujos were just looking for the first young male character to thirst over and ship. Raihan's design is much less obnoxious and I can actually say I find him attractive even if I hate his haircut.

No. 430464

Literally all the male One Piece characters who are considered to be attractive.

No. 430469

The art style is so goddamn ugly that this is inevitable. Honestly why I haven't read the manga.

No. 432729

File: 1731736130790.png (162.5 KB, 304x450, Nick_Sly_Fox_Render.png)

He's just another boring-looking anthro fox, there's a bazillions of them I don't know what makes him so special maybe because I'm not a furry

No. 432731

File: 1731737469703.jpg (75.43 KB, 1268x713, mvgkkl78jkj91.jpg)

And female characters too with the same big titty skinny waist body type

No. 432736

File: 1731738495225.jpg (64.95 KB, 800x450, Fakta-Boa-Hancock-2.jpg)

Her big ass fivehead pale alien looking ass.im just realizing that not only do the female characters have atrocious proportions but big ass foreheads as well.All of them are equally hideous as the males.

No. 434809

File: 1732400418247.jpg (107.06 KB, 701x656, 123Eu83474932rw3984y.jpg)

I made a venn diagram of the most notorious husbandos that are shilled as handsome. feel free to add any traits that i forgot

No. 434819

being homophobic is not another thing that makes him unattractive though kek who cares

No. 434820

youre right i definitely shouldve added being bald as one instead

No. 434823


No. 434902

File: 1732418122283.jpg (83.88 KB, 960x951, 1000017297.jpg)

I kind of understand the people who complain about the time skip 'whitewashing' her. Her design was more interesting before timeskip.

No. 435624

File: 1732658405550.jpg (17.71 KB, 900x600, Silco.jpg)

explain why everyone is thirsty for this chinless guy

No. 435625

"bad boy = hot" I guess? Some girls have no taste and simp for any fictional dick

No. 435643

>bad boy
He’s an old groomer

No. 435685

I don't understand why so many women are attracted to Astarion. He is hedious with a shit personality and Gale is right there. If they want a bad boy why not Raphael? He's a million times hotter anyway. It has to be hype and bandwagoning psychology.

No. 435702

its because he's a vampire elf with white hair and red eyes, and you can either "fix" him or roleplay as a evil bitch with him, or even get maledom'd at the end if you want. gale is super autistic and wyll was treated badly by the writers so there isn't many other options.

No. 435709

He's a villain, right? He's not conventionally attractive by any means but it looks like he's what villainfags with an ojisan fetish (and probably masochists) usually like, so it's not surprising that he has lots of fans. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if you guys are aware that just because something is very popular with a particular group of people it doesn't mean it's popular with all women.

He was tailor-made for Tumblr sexymanfags. Those are the women who like him the most. There are others who like him because you can dom him, I think. But in the end most of his fanart makes him look prettier and younger than in canon, so kek.

No. 435711

Why do women want to fuck Snape? Isn't he like a loser?

No. 435722

He's hotter when he was a high schooler. Disappointed how he turned out to be.

Ngl he's hot but I get you. He gives off Dio vibes even having the same voice actor.

No. 435757

He's devoted, misunderstood and actually a good guy who was sacrificing himself, also this has already been discussed in this thread

No. 435797

File: 1732686898761.webp (78.66 KB, 1024x956, 3773148073258.WEBP)

No. 435812

File: 1732691500190.png (9.44 MB, 3343x3371, Ganondorf.png)

>Link posted but not picrel

No. 435823

>I wonder if you guys are aware that just because something is very popular with a particular group of people it doesn't mean it's popular with all women.
that doesn't mean they aren't shilled

No. 435925

File: 1732721775448.webp (38.52 KB, 600x800, DMC-Leather-Trench-Devil-May-C…)

Now, dmc3 and below Dante was hot as fuck, but I constantly see women shilling dmc5 Dante

No. 436101

>gale is super autistic
Why because he's kind and romantic? I mean, what's the logic here.

No. 437118

File: 1733014610176.png (21.35 KB, 250x250, KinitoOfficialRender.png)

You guys won't believe me, but a bunch of little girls are in love with this thing

No. 437121

no, i believe you

No. 437128

bet they are gendies too

No. 437131

not really, most of these girls are underneath like 14 so I don't think they even know about gender yet

No. 437132

just one more

No. 437164

DMC4 Dante was fine. DMC5 Dante is fucking disgusting and I'll never forgive Capcom for this travesty

No. 437314

File: 1733076851314.jpeg (32.37 KB, 376x815, images (2).jpeg)

I know low hanging fruit but wasn't this character meant to be from a cartoon about anthropomorphic animals doing funny hijinks why does she look like a fuckdoll?
Why did they choose to sexualize the character in this specific situation? Who looks at Looney Toons and thinks of sexy?

No. 437316

I've just noticed how uncanny her legs and feet are kek

No. 437318

I assume it's because he talks a lot about his ex who "groomed" him or something like that (going off secondhand knowledge)

No. 437319

His sexy bong accent has a lot to do with it.

No. 437329

dw anon i have been reformed after watching the show

No. 437339

Moids have broken brains

No. 437372

File: 1733099000678.jpg (40.74 KB, 477x1080, dmc1-dantes-design-is-the-best…)

I noticed this trend too, I was looking for some fanfic and it's all for DMC5 Dante. What gives? We have 4 perfectly good designs of him and yet women pick haggard Dante who looks like he hasn't showered in a week. I'm guessing it's just because it's the newest game in the series. My personal favorite is always the first game, his tan was so sexy.

No. 438440

File: 1733435642780.png (394.82 KB, 755x1550, Verosika_Render_by_MikiMatzuki…)

Where the fuck is her nose? I hate how she's clearly a blatant rip-off of Miss Heed from Villainous who actually is attractive.her voice and sense of style is also ugly too.

No. 439721

File: 1733857748573.png (459.55 KB, 941x1053, Profile_-_John_Smith.png)

He looks too much like Handsome Squidward also he didn't deserve to live in the movie tbh.

No. 439847

Prince Charming from Shrek better

No. 461358

File: 1739829428048.png (426.01 KB, 1200x1147, Barnaby_Pose.png)

I find everyone in that lame game ugly especially him.anyone who has a pfp of him is annoying as hell.

No. 461421

She was my number one waifu growing up. I can't believe I didn't proceed to become a furry but tbh a lot of female animal characters were depicted as sexy girls in this era.

No. 462553

File: 1740190516303.png (2.59 MB, 841x1831, 5268325893257.png)

Patch him out of the game next update. Only pickmes romance Sylus.

No. 462557

File: 1740192194517.jpg (358.04 KB, 1080x1080, artworks-LYZKmXczSzceCh0L-krJv…)

I'm sorry but I just don't get it. I didn't get it before that one scene and I especially don't get it after that one scene.

No. 462561

I wanna force him to eat me out

No. 462567

the only good thing that happened in berserk is him getting tortured half to death

No. 462585

Omfg I thought I was the only one.

No. 462617

Me with the LIs from this game, they look like Kpoop singers.

No. 469447

File: 1741731601152.png (461.57 KB, 1450x3000, LuciferRender_by_OKDraws.png)

He's so ugly, where's his nose? Also he's a manlet and his voice is terrible.

No. 469518

File: 1741751942686.png (781.75 KB, 1000x1000, 1000001892.png)

Cockroach-looking ass I still can't understand why women (and TIFs) get their panties soaked for him.

No. 469522

He is supposed to be snake like, so he has no nose.

No. 469524

Based. I love you for this. He looks like a sickly mangaka or Japanese salary man. Nothing about his manlet ass in attractive at all. Not even his mannerisms or story. Oooh look at me I'm so cold and badass and OP, aren't I the coolest ever?

No. 474350

File: 1742848009912.jpg (70.33 KB, 755x755, static-assets-upload4518714234…)

Thank goodness they aren't as popular anymore so I don't have to see their ugly faces anymore.

No. 474351

File: 1742848521677.webp (Spoiler Image,119.5 KB, 988x1258, IMG_5393.webp)

Well they’ve done it horribly,at least with Pentious he’s an actual snake with actual snake-like featured.Lucifer is just a tumblr man version of Viv’s Saint Peter.

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