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No. 186871
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I don't know many, I don't use social media Blog of Mel Kobayashi, a model and fashion blogger. Sadly her latest post is from 2 years ago. She's crazy, and crazy stylish. For every anon that thinks life is over after 30 because then you are an ~adult and have to give up fun and fashion~ you should look to her, she is over 60 years old. This lady makes videos showing how to make jewelry from wire and stone. There's a lot of videos and all the designs are beautiful
No. 186879
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>>186871lmao her blog is wild, I aspire to be like her when I'm old as a fellow cf fashion enjoyer
No. 186903
>>186896Kek I would follow this woman through a zombie-ridden apocalypse world, one hundred percent. The completely deadpan
>Corpse. Lotta dead bodies. >A shotgun? Great. >(monsters going crazy outside) Guess I'll close this door too. >multiple headshots even when monsters are 2 inches from her face>Wow. I'm scared. (Not scared at all)She would survive it all, no problem
No. 187009
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Gab Smolders is the only woman gaming channel I watch. She likes the same vidya as me, she's chill and has a general big sister vibe. Also her random stories about when she lived in Japan are 100% more interesting and informative than actual jvlogger content kek.
Really satisfying to see her evolve in her personal life as well and shifting from angsty to happy, taking care of herself and working out.
No. 187014
I used to watch morges when she used to make videos.Her most popular one was about onision and some other commentary stuff but I liked her non-commentary videos better.I loved her accent and her ~lul so randum~ humor which seemed genuine.It's obvious that she has some issues and in general didn't know how to make her channel work but tbh I'd watch anything from her.She has been gone for a while and deleted/unlisted most of her non-commentary videos which is a shame cause I really liked most of them.I'm linking a non-commentary video of hers but you can watch her commentary ones if it's more your thing
>>186880I know of this woman but I always found her insane to watch kek.I should give her another chance
No. 187045
>>187009I looove watching her! I really like watching JSE so I checked her out because of him and I love her vibe. It's a shame that she plays a lot of first person POV games because they give me motion sickness so I can't really watch them.
>>186863Also love her so much! She's a joy to watch.
No. 187046

I know she doesn't post anymore, but Jenna Marbles. There will truly never be anyone that I adore as much as Jenna. Regardless of whether it is a front put on just for the camera, I'd like to believe that she was as great of a person off camera as she was on. I think her love for her animals, and especially with how Bunny has blossomed over time, is a testament to what a great person she is.
I felt like she grew with her audience. Her content became more and more representative of her, even if she always apologized and said "sorry if this isn't what you want to see." The best thing to do is not give people what they want, but to give them what they don't know they want. Did I ever think I wanted to watch her teaching Marbles to sit for 20 minutes? No, but I love this video so, so much. The video of her painting her face like her chair had be sobbing in laugher, I wish I could experience for the first time again. J&Js kitchen, the plant tour video, THE ONE WHERE SHE SHAVES OFF HER EYEBROWS, god she is hilarious and amazing.
I remember feeling disappointed when they first adopted their hamster, Ad. I thought, oh my god she's just doing the same shit every other youtuber does and is getting a new pet for fun. I was worried about what was going to happen to Ad. And what happened? She listened to commentors, got him a better set up, and she and Julien loved him until the end. I do not really believe she is like many other youtubers. I believe she's was rare breed of true ingenuity on the platform, and never sacrified any of it as she cemented her place as one of the OG and one of the most popular channels. The fact that she garnered so many views for so many absolutely stupid videos I think speaks volumes of the adoration people just had for her and her existence.
Sorry I'm being mushy but I miss her so much. She and Julien have been fostering dogs, and it makes my heart swell to think of her, with all the love and patience she has in her heart, doing everything she can for them. Even if she never comes back, and I think at this point it's pretty slim if she does, I'm glad to have discovered her and watched her over the years. I think even in her final moment of choosing to leave the platform, she had managed to outshine many creators in being able to leave with grace and of her own volition. Maybe it's not right to put her, a regular person, on a pedastal, but everyone does it with pretty much all content creators anyway, so I will too. The pure image of herself she left for the internet might be too big of a role for her to feel that she can come back to, but I still think it's an image that's worth looking up to. Being shamelessly indulgent in ways that don't harm anyone, having humility, having love and patience for others, etc.
Sorry for my retarded Jenna sperg, I just love her so much.
No. 187049
>>187046I loved Jenna too, I looked forward to each video wondering what crazy or chill shit she came up with every time. To this day the video of her tranforming Julien into a Bratz doll sends me, as well as her Claire makeover. It felt so nice and cozy.
I was sad when she left, but it was for the best because she seemed unwell. But now she seems to have a happy life with Julien and fostering dogs. I like to think that she still does weird wholesome things on her own while being happy with herself, and I truly hope that's the case.
No. 187300
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For any other STEM fags, I like Dr. Tamitha Skov (physicist specializing in space weather & HAM radio) and the more normie-friendly Dr Becky (astrophysicist & popular science).
No. 187391
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It’s been around for about a million years so you’ve probably all heard about it, but Unsounded by Ashley Cope is a beautiful and well-written 1000+ page fantasy webcomic. It has a good mix of adventure, drama, goofiness, and horror. Has some gore so don’t read if you can’t stomach that. Anyway I’ve been reading through the whole thing again this past week and am just remembering how great it is.
No. 187519
>>187391I was acutally thinking of posting this but thought it might have been too much.
I really like Duane, he would maybe be husbando material if he wasn't a lich and didn't still love his wife…
No. 187877
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>>187391Started reading this yesterday and now I'm in ch 11. Thanks
nonny, I'd never heard of it before. For other good comics by/about women I recommend Ava's Demon and Monstress.
Minor gripes because otherwise the writing and characters are great, but I hate the trope of "loyal woman redeems crazy/obsessive man." Mostly because it's
always a woman dedicating her life and soul to being the conscience of an ambitious scrote. 99.9% of men would never do that in reverse and similarly we don't even see it in media. Talking about
Iori and Rahm specifically. At least she stood up for herself but it's so annoying when female characters have no personality and relevance outside of being loyal, kind and supporting towards men. Duane's wife is also a non-character whose sole attribute was being nice, plus she was relegated to being poor forever because he couldn't keep his attitude in check. I like that Mathis' wife was the genius between them, but she was shy/humble around him regardless. I just want a woman who owns her strength confidently and has her own goals - which is why I'm so relieved Sette is the lead. I like Elka as well but it's too bad about the raging crush on Toma. She reminds me of Brienne from GoT. Good character made less impressive because she's such a simp.
No. 189130
>>187877I'm caught up now and all I have to say is
fuck Lemuel. Never really liked his character but wow, he just went all-out shithead I guess
No. 189855
>>187391I swear this author could be a lolcow user kek
Also has both radfem and fujo tendencies.
No. 189876
>>189855What sort of radfem tendencies?
I really hope she is a farmer now and a radfem. I'm an oldfag and used to read her blog at Casualvillain a long time ago and she was pretty cool until she found 4chan and and lost her mind trying to be like an edgy moid. She went from anti-pedo to drawing adult men raping 12 year olds and saying that she understood why people are pedo in Japan because Asian kids are so sexy. She also showed an underage boy from her street 4chan and had him grope her boobs.
It made me lose interest in her works.
No. 190009
>>189876Ah shit, maybe I used the wrong term. I just recalled her saying that men were good for porn only. I do remember her saying she loved to shitpost on 4chan and yeah, she has that edgy moid thing going on. I had no idea she was that bad though.
At some point I thought she was an aiden because she mentioned wanting to lop off her tits. Honestly now that I think about it she seems less based and more like a cow.
No. 190120
>>189876I still remember her drawing porn of her snake man character raping that black haired wizard dude and the weird gore porn of her OC edgy vampire zombie villain character cutting his own head off so he can suck his own dick.
Kinda scrote-like to make hardcore porn of your own pg-13 comic
No. 190247
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Also want to give Vera Brosgal some appreciation. I haven't read her other comics but Anya's ghost has a special place in my heart.
No. 190249
here are my recommendations
Lady Decade is a good and natural video game essayist who does mostly essays on consele history's also Erin Plays, she does retro gaming related videos up roses, a fairly decent game/tv review channel be Tamed, she does mostly horror and atmospheric game reviews fun geek related female channel is Rawrist who does fantasy and horror reviews as well as lore essays and comics/book vs show comparison, she's pretty cool No. 190347
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>>190120>>190009Yeah she is cowish.
It doesn't look like her pedo tendencies are gone because she proudly displays this pic in her sfw DA gallery under her real name.>from her very lovely, very smutty storyUgh
No. 190350
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>>190347Also I came across her totally cool and edgy old LJ account. It's full of stuff like this if you want some "fun" reading. was in her late 20's then, not some teenager.
No. 190353
>>190350Damn she really wants everyone to know she likes it when people fuck underage kids doesn't she? It's kinda fucky that her most known comic has a young girl protagonist now.
She is a huge weeb and is literally obsessed with dicks. She will mention dicks in most conversations. She apparently likes bad dragon stuff.
No. 190369
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>>190350>>190347This is really gross to find out that she's into pedo shit. Her comic literally has a villain child rapist character who gets a gruesome death. But now that I know she likes that stuff all his scenes being creepy with the main character are kinda sus. The main character is a literal little girl. Its one thing to draw weirdo snake porn but pedo shit just ain't right.
No. 190469
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>>190364She's still around, she changed her handle to Owlygem. This is what her art looks like now
No. 190930
>>190353She must be over 40 now and still acts like that. Surprised she hasn't trooned out.
>>190369You just know that she was rubbing her hands in glee at the thought of 4chan moids (her idols) would be drawing porn of her child mc.
No. 190953
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>>190930This is so fucked up. I love her comic but I can't read it anymore after learning all this. Pedos literally deserve the rope.
Anyway if you want a good web comic made by a woman who isn't a degen (afaik) I recommend ~Daughter of the Lilies~
No. 192197
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>>192068I guess we just have different tastes nonna
No. 192593
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I actually like watching SimplyNailogical/Cristine. I know she's autistic and can be really annoying, sometimes I can't stand her screeching in her videos, but annoying cringey parts aside, I actually do like her. She has a normal job outside of youtube that she is passionate about and has no intention of giving up, she advocates for viewers to finish school instead of solely pursuing content creation and even set up a scholarship at her alma mater, and I think her autism for nail polish leading her to create nail polishes that meet her exact specifications is both equal parts stupid but actually kind of great. They're really expensive so I haven't bought any, but she wears her own products and goes to stupid lengths to get exactly what she wants, but it results in a good product (or so I can only assume). I'm thinking of making her own one coat black, and also the expensive route of making custom bottles for her nail polish because she had autistic reasons for not liking the premade ones. Maybe it's stupid but it's nice to see so much care being put into a product, even if it's just nail polish. She's obviously really passionate about it. She also started weightlifting and enjoys it and I'm in awe when I see her weightlifting posts.
I prefer to listen to her podcast since she keeps the screeching to a minimum (and now starting to watch stream highlights for the same reason) and I do think it's fun to listen to her thoughts because she's obviously a smart person.
No. 192595
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i really like safiya, even though her over the top mannerisms can be a bit annoying sometimes when she seems to miss the moment when it's time to stop milking a joke. i wish she'd branch out a bit more because the "melting together every x" videos are kind of old at this point. her DIYs are super fun though, i think it would be cool if she picked up other DIY hobbies and tried them out, like knitting or sewing or something. i just really like that her videos always have high production quality and she puts effort into doing background research and explaining things.
No. 192971
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>>190953I only started reading it because I saw this masked cutie reblogged somewhere on tumblr, and I really enjoy it so far! I also really love the crazy expressions she can draw
No. 193313
I love Etellan SO MUCH, she has such a soothing voice and style, and she always turns even mistakes and frustrations into good things. She has kind of Bob Ross vibes in a way kek. And she has a lil birdie that helps in the videos sometimes! She does doll repaints, but also figure repaints and stuff. Did I already say how much I love her?
>>193238Oh, that's a shame! I can uderstand disliking people riding off making commentary of Onion boy but she has diverted off from it now, of course she has the occasional algorithm friendly leddit videos too but I don't mind them. I like her commentary.
No. 193348
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>>193335>>193345Oh bless you nonna you are adorable, glad you liked her too! I can relate, I also started repaints because of these kinds of channels! And also I'm pretty sure I left etellan a comment that I will send her a marriage proposal in the mail since I love her videos so much, hopefully she didn't find me super creepy lmao
No. 193363
>>193316A parasocial relationship will develop from her, I can feel it.
Thank you
nonnie No. 193450
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I really enjoy Calliope Mori,I like putting her on in the background while I work. When she streams with other HoloMyths its my favorite.
No. 193571
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Can anybody recommend some girl gaming channels that are entertaining?
I've tried to find some before, but either can't get into them or they are too boring.
The only girl gamers I used to watch were Kpopp, Geek Remix and Marz. And some simmers but they all play sims4 instead of sims2 the best one
No. 193706
>>187014Aw man I didn't know she stopped making videos. I loved that one where she walked a bee on a leash lmao
>>189866Same! I didn't think I'd be as entertained by the video you linked when I first watched it as I was. It was actually super interesting. She's clearly really smart and I'd love to get a coffee with her or something and just chat
I personally love Haley Blais. She makes music and vlog style content. I understand how a lot of people might find her stuff kind of boring, but I've been following her for years and her vids are so cozy to me. I also love her sense of humor and come back to vids like this to get a good chuckle
No. 193970
>>193961she shows up in my recommendations a lot. she's ok but because I was a faggot in my early teens I rarely walk away from her videos feeling like I learned anything I didn't know about the topic beforehand. genderspecial adjacent but what zoomer girl isn't these days… pronouns are killing my people.
kumaQQ posts cute hamster videos ♥
No. 194618

>>194141I saw that as just a disclaimer to avoid whining, her audience would probably throw a fit how they identify with that experience but are not girls!!11 rreee! Anyway, if you can ignore that they are nice videos imo, but of course she's not everyone's cup of tea!
Another channel that might
trigger the most hc terfs, Broey Deschanel makes lovely video essays about movies and media. I really like her analysis, but like with every single female video essay channel I feel there are some occasional libfem takes that could annoy you. But how I see it, you just have to ignore those things or you will have a very narrow selection of creators to enjoy. Also I try to remember female creators would face so much backlash for not including TWAW in everything. If I had a channel I would probably say shit like that too just to avoid cancellation. And if the creator truly believes what they say, it's ok too - we don't have to agree on everything for me to like them. Well anyway, this is probably a better discussion for 2X, sorry for sperging.
Aaaanyway this channel is very good imo, and she has a nice voice too. She has a variety of topics and video essays I like, hard to pick just one to link!
No. 197826
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'Actual Feminism' pod - Discovered this podcast from another thread. Two smart, funny radfem ladies talking about feminism and gender. So many lols. I recommend listening from their first episode.
No. 198145
>>198140>danny gonzales, kurtis conner, eddy burback, drew goodenFour awful youtubers
Also kurtis and eddy give sexual deviant/predator vibes.
No. 198208
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>>197826>actual feminism pod>uses fat subhuman who did jackshit for womankind other then make up some takes with no basis and pretend its somehow activism as a mascot I'll pass, getting real tired of white radfems who just rant about trannies and discuss pointless academia shit and not discuss any means to actually help women
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She makes AC videos and streams it, but I mainly watch her vlogs. They're super comfy to me even though it's kind of cringe seeing how much of a consoomer she is and sometimes she'll have her moments of saying retarded lines from TikTok audios. I like her personality though. you to this anon for introducing me to her:
>>>/ot/1084826 No. 199003
>>198951I like how her background is just a consoomer den. Imagine having so many of those stupid marshmallow toys from Walmart that you have a whole color-coordinated wall of them, save for one shelf with a pinup of Prince Sidon on it.
Jesus if you're going to waste money on collecting useless crap, why pick something so bland and mass-produced? It's almost as bad as people who collect Funkos.
No. 199206
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I love the Sentimental Garbage podcast. It started out as a podcast about the kind of women's lit that gets dismissed a lot – some of it outright chick lit like Bridget Jones' Diary, but also more respected work like The Signature of All Things, The Joy Luck Club, etc. It's moved into other media now (big series on Sex and the City, Moulin Rouge, ANTM) and it's just really good. The usual frustrating gender politics, but it's pretty easy to ignore. She gets great guests who don't just say the same things over and over – I feel like I always find a new insight into something I love.
No. 200070
>>200060Would it matter? If it doesn’t gain traction, who cares, it can just be left to die right?
In the meantime do you have any YouTuber ARGs to recommend?
No. 200732
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>>186871I really thought this was some kind of alternative Vergil cosplay before I clicked the thumbnail
No. 201225
I started watching nerdforge recently. Idk if they count really because the channel is her and her boyfriend, but she's the one who mainly stars in the videos. The videos are just really wholesome and fun.
>>186883Thanks anon! I'm really into things Arthurian and medieval so I'll definitely check her out.
No. 201786
>>201673I also would like to know, I only watch a few and definitely would love to have more female gamers on my youtube front page.
I watch materwelonz which I really like but she's been playing lots of games I don't care about, and there is also magikat which is a smaller channel and she plays mostly rpgs so lots of final fantasy old and new;
There is marz but she seems to cater to male fans and her vibe is weird, dunno how to explain but there is just so much I can bear; and gab smolders which I watch sometimes because she is the only woman I know playing the games I wanna see that is not completely insufferable but I don't really like her channel, she annoys me a little bit.
No. 201842
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I fucking love Christine McConnell, she's what I imagine the successful & talented farmers on this website to be like. Her videos consist of creepy, morbid vintage vibes. She makes a lot of vids showcasing her incredible talents like drawing, sewing and even carpentry. I am actually in love with her, want to be her, and want her to be my mother all at once. Fuck!!!!!!!!!!
No. 201854
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>>201842she's so beautiful too, she's like 40
No. 201912
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“Digger” is a finished late-aughts webcomic I like by a woman named Ursula Vernon. It’s about a very pragmatic wombat who gets thrown into a situation where she’s got to deal with way more dusty old gods and magic than wombats ever want to tolerate. It’s done in a scratchy sgraffito style and I’m not sure how long it is but probably close to a thousand pages. Good reading!
No. 201917
>>201912I found this years ago and forgot about it, by
nonny for reminding me!
No. 201959
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>>198156Kurtis does give off really creepy vibes. Idk there’s just something wrong about him.
Why are you dissing Drew Gooden though? I think his videos are funny and he doesn’t strike me as particularly scrotesque.
Chad Chad is better than all of them though, I agree.
No. 201975
>>201959I think Kurtis really isn't a bad guy in any way, when he speaks out about misogyny and similar issues it feels like he actually means it and like it's somewhat important to him. His videos are funny enough and I like listening to his podcast, even though it sometimes really shows that he does certain things just for the money. Like when he complained about having to stream more hours per week to become a twitch partner, it felt like he obviously didn't care that much about streaming in the first place. Just seems like he's better off doing scripted stuff and his shows, the podcast is sometimes really boring and full of awkward breaks, especially when he has guests
>>201967Danny's comedy is oftentimes just taking a concept literally and going "but imagine if it was actually like that" and Drew is very similar, but for some reason I still like him more
No. 201978
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Drew Gooden is a racist who thinks he’s John Mulaney
No. 201982
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Re: female creators, I have yet to find one that’s as good as Jenny Nicholson. I barely ever care about the subject of what she’s talking about but she’s so fucking funny. She never talks about gender politics or tiktok or whatever else and it’s refreshing. She’s so cute and funny and I love her. Only downside is she doesn’t have a consistent upload schedule
No. 202062
>>201982>She never talks about gender politicsShe does though. In her video about the giant spider she made a big deal out of donating money to trans charities to make up for the fact that the spider she bought was a Harry Potter spider, even though she bought it secondhand.
>>201978I notice you cropped the date off that tweet. I bet it’s at least ten years old.
No. 202199
>>202062lame. im not gonna support any female content creator who is pro tranny.
>>202086Hope she ignored them or laughed.
No. 203377
>>202278Just get a small tripod and use your phone to record video
nonny, I believe in you! There is free video editing software and royalty free music
No. 206748
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The podcast Busy Yet Pretty by Jadyn Hailey. It's the typical lifestyle it girl podcast but I find it motivating to listen to. She also recommends products
No. 208704
>>208123Thank you
nonnie, she seems funny and I love the type of videos she makes.
No. 208826
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>>208808Can't stand Valk after her millionth breakup with the same bf and twitter meltdowns about her wanting to have a boob job everytime that happened, also the "blue screen skincare" stuff. I prefer other Twitch women like LoserFruit or finding some nice gem in Art/Crafts twitch section is always fun, I really like catching some random ceramic streamers.
No. 208991
>>208826I've only very casually watched her and don't follow or check out any other of her socials so I've managed to avoid seeing the breakup drama kek, but the skincare stuff was definitely skeevy. Staying as detached as possible when it comes to bigger name streamers makes the viewing experience better.
I'll check out loserfruit though! My favorite artist started streaming on Twitch and I try to drop in whenever I can but I usually miss her streams. Her handle is zaquilae. I've also followed Awdeko for a long time but she's based in Australia so I never manage to catch her streams.
No. 209027
>>208790>but the chat is largely male and I hated seeing their stupid opinions and reactions to things which is a huge deterrent.I wish Twitch had a way to tag your intended audience, like they do in Japan. For example, "for women", "for men" or "all audiences" or something like that.
>>208826>finding some nice gem in Art/Crafts twitch section is always funSpeaking of which, I really like sandexperiment. Her streams are very relaxing and her sand art is cool
No. 209627
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>>209625I don't see why he would hide it, his voice is kind of a dead give away. Some tweets also imply he privated anime videos about trans-related topic
No. 209698
>>209692His face in a thumbnail looked extremely small on my computer, so I didn’t get a proper look at his face. When I looked at one of his thumbnails on my phone, he was so clockable
Ariel Bissett’s home renovation is nice to watch
No. 209965
>>209625Does anyone know why he hid his identity? Imagine being trans and not wanting to have any association with your kind, lol
Nelco neco's a diy crafter who makes cool handmade stuff like this: No. 210008
>>209965It seems kinda pointless to try to hide his identity after he let everybody know and talked about it so casually in his first videos.
Here's one video that is really comfy to me, she seems pretty nice too.
No. 216040
>>214691I love her too!! Though her accent is insufferable as another Finnish person lmao. But I like her enough to overlook it, which should tell you how nice she is hah
My friend linked this woman today, I have watched her all day lol. I have never done nails will do either, but it's fun to watch her making all the different designs!
No. 217496
>>214542I wish I could like her, but her mannerisms and makeup just screams "GUYS, I'M UNIQUE AND SO WOKE!" If she toned her snowflakeness down, she'd see more channel growth.
Not related, but that's why I also stopped keeping up with Chad Chad, her makeup is extremely cringe for a woman in her mid-20s.
No. 217572
>>217245Great video
nonnie, thank you !
>>217511>thank you to anons for posting about themI'm so happy to hear that! This video in particular feels exactly like talking during a sleepover when everyone starts to get giddy and dumb because they are too tired kek, it's great
No. 218025
>>217962Cecil McFly is 100% a farmer herself lol
(learn2embed) No. 218434
>>211657Thanks for sharing nona. I started watching her horror film videos and it's an interesting topic for sure.
Also a side and sorry for troon sperging but kinda annoying though how she had to preface this video by putting a disclaimer that she's totally not a transphobe and trans women with dicks and balls are totally
valid wahmen. Not really annoyed at her since it's understandable with the current climate, just annoyed that you can't even discuss female body issues without being called transphobic by the TRA cult, sigh…
No. 218697
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What a great thread! Really glad to find so many more talented women to watch and follow. I have a lot of creators to share, so longpost incoming.
Sweet_Anita she plays games sometimes, the best part of her streams is "Just Chatting". Anita is very kind, clever and wise, she discusses all kinds of social issues and shares a lot of helpful info and thoughts. Anita's positive influence on my life is huge, highly recommend her streams and youtube videos.
39daph streamer. Daph's chill, laid back and dorky. I really like her pure passion and interest to try all kinds of games, so one way or another you will come across something you'd like to watch. She also does art streams from time to time.
julieee22 cute art with non-standard vtuber design, but sometimes she does event-like streams where her avatar goes around fictional town she created and interacts with locals and viewers. Basically it looks like a cartoon shot in real time. Check out the "special events" collection to see what I'm talking about. The amount of creativity, skill and quality is unreal.
Ami Yamato goes around filming vlogs about her life, but she's a 3D-model. Just a professional animator doing professional animator stuff and also creating a soulful video experiences.
Ask a Mortician Doughty is a mortician and her channel is all about death acceptance, death industry, historical death-related events, famous corpses and other "deadly" topics. Her content really helps to form a healthy relationship with our own mortality. I also really recommend to check out her books.
Dingo Doodles of an animation series about her D&D sessions. Personally, I don't have much interest in D&D, but Dingo's way of storytelling about her RP-gamesessions with friends completely captured me. The story is really entertaining and fun to watch and has rather an interesting plot development. And it'll be ending soon, so hop in.
Enchanterium sisters doing dolls customization. I've seen some mentions of doll making youtubers in this thread, so adding up another recommendation. I like these two because they're eager to experiment and try new things. For example: big 3D-moddeling projects, growing crystals on doll's body, making electronic accessories, experimenting with materials and much more.
f4mi, funny and quality videos about consoles, games and computers. She explores all kinds of questions that pop up in her head and makes the process of finding answers really interesting to observe.
How to ADHD if you don't have an ADHD, this channel is still a big help for shared symptoms, such as procrastination and focus issues for example. Overall, the videos talk about overcoming a lot of mental, behavioral and social problems, so I consider this channel to be educational in general and recommend it to everyone. Also, Jessica is such a sunshine.
No. 221695
>>201892Hah I came to link her too just now! Seems like I'm too late lol
God I love female video essayists
No. 223117
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i miss her so much
No. 223121
>>223117i always put her old vids in the background while studying, when i don't wanna isten to the same lofi beats for the 1000th time. there was something really calming about her.
sucks that she also quit the podcast, i wish she would at least put new episodes without her image like voice only.
not related but i feel like she also got prettier as she aged. she looked great without makeup on in her more recent videos. hope she's doing fine with her fiance.
No. 224496
>>223117I saw a tiktok that was one of those "I can't believe it's been (x amount of time) since you've been gone" and I knew it was going to be something stupid but I didn't expect that it was going to be about Jenna and my heart ached.
One day I'll shave my eyebrows off, I'll do it for you Jenna.
No. 225392
Does anyone have recommendations for channels focused on European folkloric fashion? I only know of PrettyShepherd but she doesn't upload much. I've searched and searched but it's a very niche topic, if anyone has recommendations please let me know! (I know of Karolina Zebrowsky but her content isn't really for me and Mina Le annoys me kek)
>>221197I love her too, I like her voice so her videos are really chill to put on in the background and the topics are good too I think.
No. 235524
>>235521I love her so much, such an amazing woman with a good channel.
Can't believe YouTube deleted her video about a lifehack which is extremely dangerous (but of course still popular) that she had to reupload it, but im glad its back up now.
No. 235709
The algorithm recommended me with Mia Maples, I've been watching her try on and renovation videos. I love her mom so much, her laugh and the dynamic they have is so lovely. Perfect no thoughts head empty light hearted content. I guess she used to be a bigger channel before? idk
>>235521>>235524God I love her too, she's so smart and she has a lovely family as well.
No. 235980
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I'm not a big fan of art streams, but I recently discovered Karia and it's very nice to watch her. She's so calm and kind and intelligent and extremely talented. Reminds me a lot of a Novelty Dicemaker from Disco Elysium. Here's a replica she's currently working on. No. 238098
>>186862I recommend Ame Life for some nice chill background watching
she's a japanese creator, compared to most japanese youtubers, has a unique vintage hipster sense of interior style. I easily binged all the videos
No. 238216
>>238146The closest one I know of would be Jill Bearup. Don't know how you're defining
terf because I think she leans more conservative but Lindsay Ellis tried to cancel her over something trans related and Jill didn't give a fuck.
No. 238229
>>238220Anon, are you new to the word
terf? No one unironically identifies as that. 99% of the time "
terf" just means "woman who doesn't buy into trans bullshit". JKR is a
terf yet she is not a radical feminist either. Even Magdalene Berns didn't identify as a radical feminist. I just didn't know if anon was actually asking for radical feminists or just women who don't worship troons. I also don't even know if Jill Bearup is actually conservative, she just kind of has that vibe.
No. 238280
>>238229NTA but I really wish GC was used more often here instead of
TERF. It's confusing otherwise.
No. 241951
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Does anyone know any female YouTubers who play splatoon? I don’t even usually play video games or watch people play them but I think splatoon looks so fun and want to watch some without suffering through a moid talking
No. 242009
>>230138I’m literally obsessed with her causal and stylish vibes. Does anyone have similar recommendations?
I’ll contribute to this thread with this very female gaze-y gaming channel! Kelly is how I used to imagine farmers kek, she’s like a funny older sister. And her fanbase is like 99% women! Such a fun community with lots of inside jokes and characters.
She always plays super shitty 2000s games. Her Desperate Housewives, America’s Next Top model and High school dreams let’s plays are hilarious!! It’s sad that so many male YouTubers kinda copied her with these let’s plays.
No. 242012
>>241995Should have specified non-vtubers lol
>>241996How do I find them? Idk Japanese gaming terminology
No. 242130
>>242066Yay I’m glad you enjoyed her videos! She streams too as Poppkell on Twitch! Also I forgot to mention that her Nancy Drew and Sims Medieval let’s play series are hilarious too, definitely check those out too and the other three I mentioned.
>>242124Omg yeeees I knew there would be at least one farmer who also watched her! Same, I also watched that let’s play when it came out, gotta love the Tara Dikov song kek
No. 243782
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I’d nominate Quinn Curio if it wasn’t for the fact she sucks DaftPinas dick. And of course she’s bought into the TRA agenda. She’d otherwise be alright.
No. 244546
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Please tell me anyone else here watches History Tea Time with Lindsay Holiday?
She's amazing, and her videos are so detailed and captivating. I'm an anti-monarchist who is obsessed with monarchial history kek.
No. 244739
>>242009omg i used to love watching her sims 3 and nancy drew videos! I think i stopped watching because she started streaming on facebook and it was difficult to keep catching up with her contect.
>>242130>gotta love the Tara Dikov song ketruely iconic tbh, she shaped my teenage years.
No. 244817
i recently noticed how many scrote channels i watch and i got really fed up with it. namely those two annoying ugly disgusting fucks from cold ones were the last straw. then i tried finding more female content creators on youtube and it was nearly impossible. my algorithm is so screwed. but i did discover naomi jon, i feel like i'm way too old for her content being around the same age as her and her makeup/personal style is kind of cringe, but she is so bubbly and fun and i feel like she'd be a good friend. expect consoomerist gen z content from her though. i just like her personality. another nice female youtuber is beryl shereshewsky, she tries dishes from many different countries that her followers explain to her. anyway i'm extremely thankful to have found this thread, lolcow once again saves the day. love you nonnas
>>227679came here to post her too, i enjoyed her britney video so much, i'm sad she doesn't have more videos.
No. 245730
>>243842I think she's funny but the they/them nonbinary shit, and calling herself a "pretty cool guy" is so cringe to me. It's so weird to see someone in Asia getting influenced by Western gendie nonsense.
>>244551I've discovered her recently too and her videos are so comfy!
No. 245805
>>244551Oh I found her recently too! I like this new trend of chill vloggers
Annika's Leaf is kinda like her. She'll have cooking or "pack orders with me" vlogs I'll put on for background noise.
No. 245820
>>244739Yeah her Facebook streaming era was weird, she lost me there too. But now she’s back to twitch and YouTube which is nice!
I also have this channel that an anon recommend to me a couple of years ago. She has a cute studio where she works on her small Etsy business. Fun to watch for artfags even if her art isn’t your cup of tea!
No. 245878
>>245875> Imagine how sad your life must be that you have to put on this cute, child-like persona in the comfort of your home.I mean I'm pretty sure these women just dig for treasure in their navels and scratch their asses lounging around, it's purely content.
I'm more scared about stuff like
>>245820, especially when it goes from vlogging to ~business counsulting~ content from "small business owners" and it's just a woman dropshipping from her bedroom or selling stickers on Etsy, performing a childish persona teeheeing at doing adult stuff. Because it seems like they genuinely buy into this shit, I can't imagine what they must be like to hang out with on a regular basis.
No. 245960
>>245811 and for me it's not that deep. I just like chill cooking vlogs with minimal to no voice over, and finding new recipes to try is always fun. I don't particularly care about the aesthetics or whatever.
>>245820Trickywagon is my favorite channel for studio vlogs. She's super chill and her vlogs are always pretty long, so they make for good background noise while I'm drawing. The only bad thing is that she posts rarely.
No. 245997
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No. 246012
>>245871I see your point
nonny. I personally watch these vids to find good recipes
No. 246346
>>246116>no you can't look at food videos!!!!! because i say so!!!Just for you
nonnie I'm adding another food/lifestyle content creator.
No. 246381
These things are inherently boring. Everybody cooks, everybody has a lifestyle, everybody consumes useless products.
Nutrition obsessed gym bro content creators are just as boring as orthorexic white women.
I guess the main issue here is that americans convinced themselves that consuming is a
valid hobby.
No. 246435
>>246381I’m sorry you don’t enjoy the same things as other anons
nonnie. What do you like to watch? I bet it’s good with your superior taste, no sock sniffing videos though please.
No. 246446
>>243842I love the few videos I watched a while ago. Like you said she's funny and cool but she became a themlet because of course why not. I always support being GNC but when it comes from gendies I just roll my eyes.
>>244370I don't know the book so whatever humor there is flew over my head
No. 246456
>>244728>MertKayKay - Gaming AnalysisI'm always excited to see any gaming analysis from women but never thought someone could have such wrong opinion about Yakuza 0 to that extent. I agree about the portrayal of women in Yakuza 0 it's horribly regressive and sexist and it's hypocritical
"oh boo hoo transwomen are portrayed horribly" holy fuck kill me
I'm surprised she didn't complain about how landlords are evil and surprised that she liked the "sexy women fighting" minigame because they were…dressed in a sexy way?
No. 246995
>>246981samefag, I'm watching the video now
>I get that it is their job, and they [the hostesses] choose to do ityeah that sounds pretty libfemmy to me. It's a shame because her criticisms are otherwise fair and accurate and even based-
>an adult male buying a young boy a porn magazine and telling him he'll understand what the pictures mean when he grows up is "good", she just wishes the same was done for girl characters>the worst representation in these games is for trans "people" (they're all male) despite the catfight minigame, the porn actresses' softcore porn videos, and all the sexism in every other aspect of the gameYeah nevermind I take that back
No. 247187
>>246456Man, this is easily the worst take of Yakuza 0 I've ever seen. Also, I don't feel that it actually even portrays women that badly, tbh. There aren't that many women involved in the main plot because it's a game about the Japanese criminal underworld which means it's obviously going to be a story focused around men.
For the most part when you do see women who are involved, you mostly see them working at cabaret clubs, in soaplands, as sex workers, etc, because fucking surprise, it takes place in a damn red-light district! Even so, these women are treated as human, with their own personal struggles, worries, and dreams, instead of disposable sex toys like you'd expect the narrative to treat them as. And in their substories, Kiryu/Majima help them, but in the end they save themselves and don't stay dependent on them.
Makoto herself is a damsel in distress, but you can't help but feel awful for her. And it makes sense because she's a poor innocent women caught up in a dispute between local gangs. It makes sense that she's helpless within the context of the story.
Lastly, I'm surprised she completely forgot about Miss Tatsu, who is a complete badass and trains Kiryu in one of the main fighting styles. Apparently she doesn't count.
No. 249996
>>249962I don't know anything about this youtuber but I'm kind of bad at clocking trannies on YouTube when they hide the fact that they're trans. What I like to do when I'm unsure if someone is actually a woman is watching a couple of their oldest videos, ideally from about 6 years ago, to see if the voice they're doing was more obviously weird, forced and fake, or if their appearance was more obviously male. If there are only recent videos (1 year max) and/or if they have a lot of videos with perverted scrotey themes, like
>>209611 I would see that as a huge red flag, as well as if they display signs of AGP (like only using super sexualized female characters in games). Look for any pronouns on their social media, some troons don't want people to know that they're trans but IME they will still announce their pronouns without fail. If there are no pronouns and everything else seems fine it's most likely a woman.
I checked this youtuber for signs and it's pretty obvious to me that it's an actual woman. The voice alone is proof since she sounds so natural imo, and she sounds exactly the same in videos uploaded 6 years ago, but since it's a voiceover artist I'm not 100% sure (can voice acting trannies even sound this natural?)
No. 250887
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Dunno if I should put this in podcasts general or here, but I've been listening to This Podcast Will Kill You for a few years now and it's pretty much my favorite ever. The hosts talk pretty in depth about a different disease or ailment each episode and have great chemistry together, despite the subject matter it's a really chill and upbeat podcast. Also they have disease themed martinis recipes every episode which I love.
No. 251522
Also, if you prefer a, let's say more mature for the lack of a better term lol, voice, I'd recommend checking out Ai Ninomiyas channel. Her voice is amazing, and she puts an R&B spin to the songs she covers. She also covers English songs and usually puts roomaji in her video titles too, which probably makes it easier to check out her channel if you can't read a lick of Japanese, something I didn't consider when recommending Arika lol. The majority of her songs seem to be kept at pre-2000s, be it the Japanese or English covers. Again, didn't know which song rather to put, deciding between her cover of Hikaru Utadas First love or Mayumi Itsuwas Koibito yo, but I chose vidrel simply because I like to more, sorry lmao.
No. 255574
>>254854nta but I feel like I always see "enthusiasts" like the ones mentioned in
>>254832 pop up whenever someone gets popular just to act smug and gatekeepy. nothing wrong with correcting misinformation but some people take it to the extreme like no I don't think youtuber X or Y is actually a hack fraud just because they got a date wrong in their video or something.
No. 256522
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>>224572i watched the entirety of that one hour long animation. it was really funny and good, had a few jokes in the background about TIMs too lol
No. 258367

I know this isn't the best thread to post this, but the youtuber thread is full and I can't make a decent summary on it. But it still is about a female creator posted already so it kinda fits.
>>187014>>250213seems to be going through a psychotic episode and it is really hard to watch as she is extremely upset and can barely be coherent to make vid rel which could easily be 1/3 of what it is if she was in good mental state which she surely isn't. I will try to summarise it as good as I can
>moves into a basement room since it was her cheapest option to be able to make youtube videos without bothering anyone>the place is extremely dirty, smelly, humid, has bad light and lots of bugs>for a short while she tries her best to clean it but no progress is being made and the bugs keeps appearing which freaks her out>the place has a shared bathroom that is equally disgusting and infested with bugs>she starts feeling extremely unwell and looses motivation to do anything and also feels like someone watches and hears what she does but tries to rationalise it by just thinking it's just the shitty room and the bugs>she bought a gym membership to go there and take showers because it felt that bad in the apartment>she leaves when she finds a note from the stalker(the only time she makes an actual mention of him, she says she will talk about it and show the note in the next video)>she has no money and prefers to live in a tend outside for a couple of months where she felt better than the apartment>winter is approaching so she can't live outside anymore and since her stalker is also in Iceland, she takes a loan to go in a foreign country and live in a motel to film a video talking about the situation>she doesn't get around to do so and she is so afraid to go back to Iceland she prefers to stay around in the airport and does so for a couple of weeks while also trying to film the previous video she uploaded in the airport bathroom which was ofc difficult to do >>250213>she is scared of being called a liar but gets overwhelming support from the fans both in comments and in money and managed to rent a hotel and stay there and chill>she also finds an airbnb which looked good in pictures but proved to be similarly shitty to the apartment back in Iceland>she couldn't get the money back and leave so she decided to clean this place and buys cleaning supplies and a vacuum to clean the shitty airbnb she will only be living for a month>she starts feeling similarly bad as in the apartment because the living conditions were so similar and after three weeks realises she feels the same cause the apartment triggers the same bad memories she had as the one in Iceland>she finds a way to cope by living in a tent WITHIN the apartment, wearing a hoodie so she doesn't feel like she is seeing things that aren't there and wears earplugs to block sounds which freak her out >she says she will film the next video and post it asap to explain exactly what happened with the stalker This is the gist of it. If I'm missing anything it's because the video is so long and she was repeating things over and over. The part that was specifically unnerving for me was how she described what she did in the airbnb EXACTLY the same way as what she did in the apartment in Iceland and there I went "oh god she didn't realise she was repeating what she did back there" but eventually she said she did. Even though she is rational enough to realise the airbnb was some fucked up bad coincidence to happen to her, her sanity seems to be hanging by a thread. Her actions are irrational and she seems to be completely alone in this as she didn't mention family, friends or the police. I'm waiting for the next video to see what she will say about the stalker, but, no matter what, she is in a too bad of a mental state to be going through this alone. Idk if this was her choice or she has no support network, but she is bordering on sounding like an insane person. Thankfully most of the comments she has are supportive and ask her to get help as she is probably going through PTSD(not armchairing but it's very likely) and idk how good it is for her to put herself out like this as some asshole could pick up the video and turn things around for the worse for her.
I just hope someone actually helps her and she takes a break from the internet until she feels better
No. 258503
>>258367I watched this yesterday. I was a bit worried when she said the airbnb had a "live, laugh, love" sign and it made her feel like her stalker was mocking her. She clarified that she knows that it's all a coincidence and it just freaked her out, but I still think she's very close to being a bit delusional. I feel really sorry for her being basically homeless in a foreign country and having no support. I was wondering the entire video if she doesn't have contact with her family, or if she literally has no one?
I don't doubt any of her story though, I've had similar mental issues in the past, it sucks that she feels like she has to put herself through all this to get away from a guy who probably had issues with boundaries. I'm worried about how she'll get back on her feet if she isn't in the state to do youtube full time again. Maybe she should try getting a work visa and get a job wherever she is and focus on finding a good clean place to live since that's clearly really important to her.
No. 266806
I found Cindy through her Sims 2 channel and although she doesn't play it right now, I've been enjoying her vlogs a lot. I think she's nice and is good at speaking to the camera.
>>265175Tbh, I like little channels like this, where people are a litlle messy, not trying to be aesthetic and so.
Anyone have more suggestions?
No. 266934
>>263822I found this one girl called Mirta on youtube who plays video games while looking up shit for the game validate. She even has the woman's suffrage colors in her bio, I have a high suspicion she may be a
terf watching her other vids. maybe im just tinfoiling idk.
No. 267993
>>265112I'm pretty sure she isn't. I like her content and have been watching for quite a while.
If she is, she's never made mention of any troonery related subjects in the years I've been watching.
No. 268613
>>268610Samefag, done* her own research. Also that last part wouldn't apply to her regardless because she can't have been born before the USSR fell anyways. It would surprise no-one she's a "China Russian fangirl" because you find them by clusters online.
Anyways Since I don't want to shit up the thread with nothing else to add, I'm putting Diana Vingert's channel for any nonnies who would want to start embroidery. I only started this month to bedazzle medieval LARP costumes and watching her embroider really showed me how actually simple it can be if you're just a little focused. I recommend finding just one other video to learn the stitches (I've found a video by Let's Explore, another female creator as far as I can see), but even if you don't embroider yourself, just watching her do it is very relaxing to me.
No. 271083
>>271016my husband randomly put this on from my recommended vids, it wasnt bad but its still exactly like all her other videos in the sense that it's just "spending" content.
also i work at a hotel, so the few times she had complaints like "there was a sandwich in the mini fridge" it annoyed me b/c as long as you give the staff an opportunity to remedy the situation it shouldnt be a big deal.
No. 271160
>>186862I really like the YT channel Learn Japanese with Tanaka san, she’s Japanese and makes content for learners of her language. Really cute animations, I found her channel very helpful even though I’m still a beginner. She has varied materials, videos about kanji, grammar, listening practices. Sometimes she also does Q&A.
About the creator (Q&A): No. 271185
>>271016I've been rewatching this video (and part 2) like crazy. It's my new "comfort" video kek. It's just good background noise, like all of her videos. I like this video in particular because I actually do like seeing all the base rooms of these hotels from the perspective of someone actually staying in them, it's like a good reference video for if I ever want to stay in one of these hotels in Vegas without having to go through all 33 hotel websites and looking at perfectly curated stock photos of their rooms/watching 33+ separate videos of people's reviews of each hotel. You get a good sense of size and layout in the videos too. There's a little more use out of this video as opposed to the rest of her "everything" videos.
I did fear that one of the hotel rooms they stayed in potentially had bedbugs (I think it was the Excalibur hotel? The one with the room with the dirty marks on the sheets and pillow cases).
No. 271885
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>>271494NTA but I wish I knew what this lady was saying because her avatar is based kek
No. 275988
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>>274632It's great that there are women making Lego videos too but I am howling at her making Lego re-enactments of the Heard vs Depp trials kekkk
No. 276085
>>276041Hi Iceland-
nonnie, if you see a puffin sometime can you tell it "I love you" from me?
No. 278584
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Not related to videos because I like reading more and because it's very easy to find youtube channels about that, but does anyone has blogs or twitter accounts related to traveling they would recommend? It can either be from women talking about traveling in general , solo traveling as a woman, moving to a different country, etc. because I'm interested in the topic as a whole. I'm not interested in these luxury obsessed girls who brag about going shopping in Dubai and shoving sponsorships down everyone's throats though.
No. 278630
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I really love the, TikToker, @VintageVixen80s, I really love the, 1980's Aesthetic, 80's Music, and everything about it, I also love, @t0y.Baby on TikTok as well
I love the, Crocodilian, Wildlife Conservationist, Savannah Boan, She's the head of the, GatorLand Vlog's, YouTube Channel, A channel mainly dedicated to, Alligators / Crocodilians
Other YouTuber's I really love are, Azusa Barbie, Performing Healing (Raw Vegan Channe), Tammy Mai, Tara BabCock, ETC
No. 279667
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>>273569>>276727samefagging but also seems to be into or accepting of poly. I think when she was with Aaron she allowed him to be poly since she's asexual. Her Instagram also has all her day to day and dating woes. she's kind of milky tbh No. 280463
>>251224Glad to see her mention here, she's great !
>>280455nta but the video has 1 milion views, why would you even comment that ?
No. 282634
>>254806You might like Bapsago. She talks about dating sims she played while growing up. Even though I’ll properly never play any of the games she talks about, hearing explaining about them scratches my brain nicely.
>>209611Anon, do you want to be friends? You’re the only person I’ve seen who likes hazel’s videos as well.
No. 282879
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nonnas i really thought they were gay
No. 282880
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nonnas i really thought they were gay
No. 282881
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nonnas i really thought they were gay
No. 289150
>>288841To be honest, many elements in old cartoons always made me feel uneasy and creeped out, and not just because of the misogyny. There was often something unsettling and suggestive, as if the animators were pandering to pedophiles and perverts. I find it hard to believe that an average person would consider this content 'funny' - it seems more like content designed to desensitize or manipulate a larger audience
Although I still enjoy watching cartoons, tough almost all the ones I enjoy are from the 2000s and later
No. 289208
>>289202you must be VERY new to following her, lol. she's one of my personal lolcows. She's constantly acting like the
victim whenever anyone slightly disagrees with her, going on long rants on her IG story constantly. You cannot criticize ANYTHING she says or point out inaccuracies or she'll act like you attacked her for being a MUSLIM COMMUNIST WOMAN. She acts like she's more oppressed than brown muslims in the USA for being a white revert who's a communist. She's constantly begging for money and donations despite not having a job and living in a huge apartment in Seattle and constantly buying expensive antiques and pricey vintage clothing, presumably funded by her rich husband who she refuses to state what he does for a living. Defends known rapist and sex pest Bald and Bankrupt despite knowing what he did. Not to mention her constant war crime denial.
Also her husband is a racefaker lel
No. 289247
>>289212Super weird coincidence, I just started watching her a couple days ago and it was for her Cassandra Clare videos. I've never read Clare but I like watching videos about dissecting books and I was surprised at the awful shit that was in those books like incest considering how popular they were/are. I started watching some of her other videos and was actually about to post her here kek but you beat me to it. I actually did see one of her videos several years ago though, and though she made some good points it also annoyed me. It was her video complaining about how people write physically strong female characters or something.
>she's an evil terf, but that's pretty old news.Wow I didn't know that, she immediately gets 10 based points for that. In some of her old videos she seemed more validating of trans people, but maybe she peaked after that. Not that it takes very much to get labelled as a
terf. I also appreciate her calling out Andrew Tate and those cringey redpill women who were defending him.
>LOVE her video The Desecration of FemininityYeah she seems to have a fixation femininity. Haven't watched that particular video yet, I've been meaning to watch her videos on femininity (she has several of them, at least). I haven't gotten around to it because of how long they are (she has some videos that are 3+ hours long, I have a hard time investing that much time in something if I don't know it will be worthwhile). It's an interesting topic but also one I tend to avoid, as a woman with pretty "masculine" personality traits I get frustrated when people bitch and moan about masculine female characters, or lose their shit when there's a female character who wears armor or is good with a weapon. Especially considering GNC women are pretty underrepresented, then when we finally get some representation people hate it I guess. People like Abby Cox have gone off the rails screeching at everything that isn't traditionally feminine as "nlog" which makes me want to rip my hair out. I really have the feeling that if Ripley or Sarah Connor were new characters today they'd get labelled as that. And don't get me wrong, writing a male character then changing the name to "Sue" isn't empowering, but imo that more comes from lazy character writing
usually by men rather than disdain for femininity or whatever.
It's especially annoying considering they act like it's feminism or progressivism doing this, and yeah it is to some extent, but it's not like feminine traits were praised before those things existed. Like any book I've read written before 1950 by a man (or a woman half the time) talks about women like we're inferior idiots, and feminine traits are seen as bad, weak, stupid etc. For example in Dracula they kept saying how smart Mina was and how she had "the brain of a man in the body of a woman" or something. I quit reading My Cousin Rachel because it was so sexist. Since I haven't watched the video you mentioned, maybe she addresses those things, or has a nuanced take on them. She is clearly a very smart person but I know I'll disagree with her on some things.
No. 289960
>>289247I took a chance on her videos and I think she's pretty mid. She has a nice mode of presentation, but when the performance veneer is taken off her analysis is not as strong as it first seems. Plus, I was put off by her description of some male feminists (which, first of all, is like saying "wet fire") as being hostile towards feminine women. Being bitchy, even. So, girl… do you not hear yourself!? How can they be "male feminists" if they are hateful towards women? She didn't seem to acknowledge that she was demonstrating a paradox. Imagine how equally ridiculous it would sound to have an Caucasian anti-racist activist denigrate dark-skinned women. The label does not fit the can.
I hope that in her later videos she improves, but I don't think I'll be tuning in for nuanced takes. I'll give her points for providing analyses that are gateways into more thoughtful discussion.
No. 290584
>>290581>forced birther religious nutjob conservathotthis thread is for
good female-created content, no?
No. 290608
>>289882That's basically what I expected her videos to be like. Thanks for saving me the time anon.
>>289960I haven't watched the video in question but it sounds like she's talking about men who call themselves feminists and is referring to them as "male feminists" but doesn't think they genuinely are?
No. 291751

>>289247ayrt, her cassandra clare videos are so good! I really prefer her older content, I think her attempts to fit into a more mainstream video-essayist and modern cultural analysis isn't really a great format for her. Like
>>289960 mentions, she's adopted a snarky attitude in her recent videos. When I saw she had gotten into drama with vaush I was excited, I really liked her approach to things in her older videos on books, only to be so disappointed with her snarky attitude in the first few minutes that I couldn't finish her vaush response.
Also dumbass moment, I got my favorite video from her mixed up. "The desecration of Femininity" is what I named, it's the worse remake of her actually good, and much older, video "The Attack on Femininity in Fiction," I got the titles confused. In the more recent video she derails about JKR and that sort of thing, I feel like she has so many thoughts on her mind and wants to cover everything, when she'd be better off making content without the tangents. The latter video, which is the correct one that I like, critiques Sarah J Mass' attempt at making a groundbreaking feminine character. Most women in bookish-adjacent youtube are complete handmaidens so there's not really many creators who aren't overtly political (as in whose channels aren't literally political commentary and news) who talk about what she does.
I just saw she has a video on Supernatural and I'll be damned if I'm not 5 seasons into my first rewatch since I was 12. I was complete YA fantasy tumblr trash in middle school so I think I just have a soft spot for her. I really appreciate her content, even if I refuse to watch the stuff from the past year or two lmao. I hope she doesn't get too entrenched in twitter snark videos
No. 296431
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I really miss her. I know there's reuploads around, but I wish she kept all of her videos up. I can understand why she left though. I think that's why I cling to Pokimane's vlog channel. Hers and Mar's videos aren't even close in similarity, but they make me feel what I felt when I used to watch Marzia's channel when I was way younger. Does anyone know any YTubers/bloggers that has (or somewhat has) Marzia's style when she started on YouTube? I'm guessing not since it's 2023, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
No. 297390
Share My Recipes 셰마레 makes really intricate soap designs. None of them are for sale, but I love guessing what the final results will look like as she pipes. All her videos have no talking and English captions (and some other languages too).
>>186863Omg I love Royalty Soaps! Her Animal Crossing ones were so cute
No. 301020
>>300528im annoyed by how much she makes thrifting her whole personality it feels, and it doesnt make any sense to be thrifting for sustainability (which i believe falls amongst her reasons) and making new purchases every week for videos. i appreciate the "thrifting but i only buy 1 thing" vids for the approach, but overall she's still over-consuming like crazy.
i did have her vids on in the bg all day sunday tho while i organized and uploaded my closet to an app
No. 304337
I'm obsessed with VoachViva videos
>We're Richa & Lucy (PN1 Nutritionist, Psychology degree), ex-engineers turned weight loss coaches, now on a mission to teach people how to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way. will not be purchasing their coaching services but I have found their videos very informative and they're weirdly addictive because they're not too long and one leads to another. I think it's funny that they have those overly annoying clickbait titles and then the information is extremely level-headed and borderline nerdy
No. 308658
piyo_kaeru the frog queen a lot of different frogs (and some reptiles), got into frog keeping after her daughter brought a frog home one day.
No. 308754
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>>308669Amber is so silly, I really love her toads too! My favorite frogs are Arale, Ruri (White's tree frogs) and the milk frogs (which have recently spawned).
No. 323613
Dream jelly! She makes videos on anything straight out of 90’s babies childhoods.
>>323077This video was so good, I can’t wait to watch her vid on TayBeepBop
No. 323772
>>323613I love her so much
I've recently been watching this woman who does puzzles. She radiates autism but she's kind of endearing.
No. 324728
Would like to recommend Hildegard von Blingin' channel as I love her covers and appreciate the amount of works she does to make quality bardcore music videos
Know that she's been posted before, don't care. Some have been posted repeatedly here>>324455Thank you for posting her here, have been looking for her for quite awhile as I loved her explanation on the A Huguenot painting.
No. 324751
>>323744Holy shit is that why he never posts?
Posting Mila Tequila here. Commentary on 2000s celebrity lore with a casual friend-like vibe. Feels like talking gossiping at a sleepover kek. Love her new commentary series on Jersey Shore too.
No. 329717
new dreamjelly!
>>326888i suppose you could check out vtubers? They're always playing all kinds of coop games together, all different kinds of genre
No. 330449
>>329717>i suppose you could check out vtubers? They're always playing all kinds of coop games together, all different kinds of genrelmao i forgot to add but i was gonna say at the end ”just no vtubers please”. i cant stand this deranged stuff.
>>329718oh, nice. i'm not an avid video essay watcher but a lot of small channels appear on my recommendations and they're usually by women. the topics vary a LOT tho, from commenting classic movies to analyzing social phenomena in niche internet subgroups
No. 332356

>SuperButterBunsI liked her videos she doesn't post much on youtube anymore apparently she does twitch more but I'm not into streaming. She has some really in-depth and well editing gaming videos<Retro Girl
I just found this woman speed runner, I'm not into speed running (found her due to Harvest Moon) good for her. Guess I'm just linking her cause I don't see many women speed runners
>Fjotra the GodlessI haven't watched her in awhile but she has humorous(to me) modded Skyrim videos specifically her modded followers videos
>tangomushiI see she was recommended above and I'll also recommend her. I've only seen the Rule of Rose and Haunting Ground videos but thought there were very good. Very comprehensive videos. I can't play horror games but a lot of them have very interesting stories went between linking a tangomushi video or Fjotra one and decided on the Haunting Ground video
No. 333467
There's a handful of female gamedev youtubers out there. Embedded is one called Pastel Cherry Games who seems pretty new. one above is by Anni, I think her channel is done but you can see that she actually finished her video game! does videos on virtual pets. I've found a lot of new virtual pet sites through her.
No. 334547
Extremely specific, but for any portuguese speaking tech girls or programmers, I really like this woman's content. She speaks a bit slow but goes straight to the point and explains things really well.
The video field didn't like the url so I'm putting it here: No. 336773
>>335350I enjoyed her content for the most part. I don't always agree with her opinions and like
>>335381 mentioned, she can sometimes come off as a pick-me but overall I think she presents her opinions in a respectable way. Her biggest fail to me though is whenever she talks about feminism, I'm probably bias because I don't think libfeminism is actual feminism and her video she did awhile back dressing up as a radical feminist, it was clear to me that she has no idea what actual radical feminism is and I feel like if she really learned what it was, she wouldn't be able to handle it.
Bur again besides that, she's fine when she's talking about things she knows.
No. 339390

>>336787I like her and it feels very realistic but somehow those videos by japanese/korean girlies just always hit differently…
I planned to also make a "living alone" channel as soon as I moved out but now I hate living alone, I feel lonely, have to work super long hours and my apartment is ugly af, so I have no motivation to keep it not messy. I also feel like east asian countries have a lot of places for people to go to alone or as a young couple, while in my country everything is for families with kids and the elderly.
I'm super picky about not watching anybody with a bf/husband. I'm surrounded by male-centered women, so I don't want that in my content. I always watched Usako style and thought she's very lonely but then suddenly she announced her marriage. Around half a year ago Nami's life also posted a video in which she clearly went on a trip with a man but after that, silence, no mention about him. It definitely feels like many of then are hiding that they have a man, just always posting "I'm living alone!!!" or even "doing x as a single woman". Kinda makes me feel betrayed lol
A couple of my favourites are:
>planD>kiryeong (korean office worker in Tokyo, likes trying out cafes) >yuireu (same as above, but her recent videos are getting too long)>moonnight (korean, only discovered ger recently, has the cutest apartment) >miuna fuji (japanese, works for an anime company) >sueddu (korean minimalist, freelancer) A bit different:
>misstada (cute korean neet who does nostalgic weeb looks)>yuyusai (works in the fashion industry, well-off, extroverted, travels a lot, but I love the old Hongkong look)>summer kitchen (very likely chinese propaganda but so pleasing to watch lol) No. 340506
>>340467There's also Real Horror!
Highly recommend both of these channels, they both put out such high quality short documentaries.
No. 342021
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She made a mobile game called Voidpet
Unfortunately competing with chatgpt for app of the year.
No. 342590
>>339450Sorry for the late reply but sadly no. She kind of blow up in korea after gyaru becoming a thing in kpop for a hot second, so she got into my recommended but I didn't find anybody really similar to that.
Recently I watch this japanese girl who's really into 80s/90s city pop style (and Jojo). She often draws her own nostalgic characters and then cosplays them. Most of her videos are just silly little shorts tho.
No. 342980

>>342847>>342851Nowadays there are many such critical channels on beauty, movies, female stars but most of them are just too depressing for me. This video is really good but so sad
>For women, only one standard of female beauty is sanctioned: the girl.>The great advantage men have is that our culture allows two standards of male beauty: the boy and the man. The beauty of a boy resembles the beauty of a girl. In both sexes it is a fragile kind of beauty and flourishes naturally only in the early part of the life-cycle. Happily, men are able to accept themselves under another standard of good looks — heavier, rougher, more thickly built. A man does not grieve when he loses the smooth, unlined, hairless skin of a boy. For he has only exchanged one form of attractiveness for another: the darker skin of a man’s face, roughened by daily shaving, showing the marks of emotion and the normal lines of age.>There is no equivalent of this second standard for women. The single standard of beauty for women dictates that they must go on having clear skin. Every wrinkle, every line, every gray hair, is a defeat. No wonder that no boy minds becoming a man, while even the passage from girlhood to early womanhood is experienced by many women as their downfall, for all women are trained to continue wanting to look like girls. No. 343529
>>339989Wow wasn't expecting laura here, I was watching all of the disco elysium playthroughs i could find just 3 months ago and hers was my favourite along with woolie and Reggie's.
People should save scum that game more tbh and i will always use both those playthroughs as examples.
So yeah I double recommend her disco elysium playthrough!
No. 343533
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>>343529 sorry for double posting, i waited too long.
Im also adding this one girl who is prominent because of her videos critisizing lily orchard.
I only knew her because she commented once on r/bookscirclejerk and she linked her channel.
I'm getting into critical theory and literature and hearing someone not talk about a book being "fun" or "about 100 books in a month challenge" and instead seeing literature as finding out that everyone suffers and thats where humanity comes from, finding out about yourself and finding one's place in the universe is really refreshing.
She also likes to make random topics that she likes without regard for anything else which I really like.
Very authentic and rare nowadays, I miss seeing these types of channels around and in turn her format grew on me, i don't want her to get a mic or a better camera y'know?
She also has some videos in Portuguese and lives in Brazil
No. 344556
>>343702>>343827>>344221I'm the op, wtf she deleted it? Why?
The comments weren't bed, most people were agreeing eith her and also wanting more.
The only annoying thing was people comparing her to sphere hunter.
Channel name was warytherook I think.
No. 344564
>>344556I remember looking for more videos from her or even a social media account but not finding anything. It's weird that the RE2R review seems to be her only public contribution to the internet.
It's like she uploaded her review, said "My work here is done" and left the internet.
No. 346210
>>344986someone reacted to it exposing it to re fanboys and they got butthurt
what a shame tho, i like the video
No. 350269
>>350145Lots of personal opinions. Jumping on trends to cash in is common. Don’t like, don’t play.
Personally I like my cozy games to have low or no stakes, if I wanna play something that requires skill and persistence (really how is something like souls different when it’s literally try and try again - the same as farming sims imo) I’ll play something that requires skill and persistence. People are already starting to experiment with the cozy game genre, that’s the typical evolution of these things and they’ll keep pushing what counts as cozy, so we’ll probably start seeing more and more variations (and cash grabs).
No. 350700
>>350269I was surprised by her idea of cozy games, almost everyone plays it to relax, the aimlessness for many is the main appeal.
Was a bit confused when she lumped cult of the lamb into the same category.
No. 352514
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>>352510this was her written review
No. 354390
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>>354389damn i forgot my picture again
No. 356627
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If I was to make a YouTube channel, what topics would you guys like to see?‘s what interests/hobbies do you think women are underrepresented in?
No. 357487
>>356627not a topic but
i really like to see people (especially women) who are very unapologetic and almost shameless when it comes to what they like/dislike and why and stand their ground in their tastes.
i don't see a lot of women do that in comparison to men.
Seeing a woman not bend to public opinion is very cool, it's always something that urked me, like every woman has to be on the same page.
Whatever topic i'm watching whether niche or not, I try to find true appreciation and it's very obvious when people take other people's opinion as theirs.
(I think i see it a lot because Twitch women back bend like no other for their bottom line and it's very offputting, there's subtler forms on YT as well)
So, whatever hobbies/interests you have rn work just fine, don't buy into the idea that you can't be original with the same things everyone else is doing because you might have something to actually say unlike the 1000 clones on YT
Just look for passions however niche that really make you want to sperg about why people don't enough of a shit about it, people like that a lot
in theory that might make you gain a loyal fanbase
>>352514E.g A review (doesn't have to be seething) like this is like a breath of fresh air to me
>>348402I'm glad you liked her!
No. 359420
>>359116Because she’s a tumblrina lol. Did you expect her to be a savvy crypto
terf? Do you see LCF nonnies making youtube videos about tumblr? No but i wish
No. 360127
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I really like the videos and content she posts even though I’m no where near working in animation, the career shift would be unrealistic anyway as much as I’d love to do it, I think some nonnies here might appreciate her content .
I’m not sure how accurate her advice or content is or if she’s just uploading stuff for the sake of it but at least it makes me want to get up and do stuff
No. 360235
>>360198izzy gets a lot of hate for being a gendie but i love her videos. they're fun and calming to me.
of course, queen jenny still reigns supreme
No. 360470
>>360231Kek, so many gendies do to laugh at others, then get mad at their own criticism
I remember back in the day it felt like every other post in snow was a self-post
No. 360648
>>360182i like her and her friend, this video just does it for me also her recent shitty magic video.
Her channel screams og Youtube. It's good day to know Japanese
No. 363012
>>362426any specific hobbies you have?
that's pretty loose
No. 363785
>>362426Most of the game recs aren’t that good.
I feel like there are more interesting female content creators on tiktok over YouTube .
No. 364291
I'm sorry but I kind of respect how ferocious she is kek.
>>362472agreed, she makes me feel nostalgic for some reason though.
No. 367258
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>>367256F4AMI IS A TROON?? GOD DAMN i remember following "her" on twitter by chance because i wanted to check her content even if i wasn't into it, i was surprised that she didn't seem self centered until i saw more pics of her posted there and unfollowed but now it makes sense, glad i found it out this way i guess also i just checked one video and kek what the fuck i could have found this way sooner.
Sorry just disappointed because it is so rare for me to have interest in an actual female creator that doesn't create content for moids, guess i really have to check this thread.
No. 375568
Aini makes really interesting videos on East Asian culture with great graphics. Her channel is a combination of informative and insightful cultural studies and trashy tiktok content review.
>>270761I found this youtuber recently! I'm not too big a fan of her more pop-psych videos (though they are leagues better than most), but I love her few more technical videos. Her video on OCD and OCD subtypes is my favorite. No. 381989
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>>381555not a woman unfortunately
No. 384170
>>383968>>384033i love that, to my knowledge, she has never said anything gender political or pro-troon or anti-
terf. she has trannies in her life but she is such an autist and only cares about her special interests. i love and cherish her so much.
No. 384199
>>384170Sorry to burst your bubble but she’s definitely anti
terf, she bought a Harry Potter spider man plushie SECONDHAND one time and still felt the need to make a huge donation to some charity because jkr evil or whatever. I love her videos but be real she’s not on our side lol
No. 384616
>>384033>>384204god damn the skinwalking is scary
No. 385037
>>383968Watched the whole video, it's so frustrating seeing how Disney treats it's customers and employees, it's so obvious all the promo material was for investors and not for potential customers. The wasted potential of that building hurts, so many people would be interested in it if they didn't half ass it.
I also had a nightmare with the fireproof closet thing kek, wtf is that shit.
No. 385209
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I really like Rinomander's videos, specially the Terranigma iceberg video. She doesn't upload regularly to, and mostly just streams on twitch. Only thing i dislike about her is that she seems to support trannies as seen in her pokemon video, but at least she doesn't bring them up that often.
No. 393072
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I've made a spreadsheet of (pretty much) all the female Youtubers that I watch. There's a lot of women from this thread, but not everyone, sorry. Maybe I'll try adding everyone's recommendations some other time, so as to compile them all for everyone's ease, but I also might not.
The document is published, so you can view it anonymously. No. 394504
>>394089Diomerda nona, hai mai sentito un'italiana parlare o per "italian" intendi le italoamericane di New York/New Jersey che gesticolano in modo ritardato con le mani per scappare dal loro essere bianche classiche noiose monolingua? Quando parli in italiano la voce, se non sei una cazzo di discord kitten che fa la voce da loli uwu hai naturalmente un tono più basso perché i nostri fonemi sono diversi e inevitabilmente ce li portiamo nell'inglese e oppure ti aspetti che tutte le italiane online facciano la vocina tipo Marzia, che lei stessa nascondeva perché non le piaceva la sua voce bassa?
Appena esci dalle grandi città becchi anche donne con voci più profonde o rauche, aggravate dal dialetto.
There, paste this on google translate, because I know what the fuck I'm talking about. You can find her pics here, let women be weird and having deep voices without calling them troons, you sound like troon themselves who call "men" women who aren't traditionally feminine or sound feminine, be better.
No. 394562
>>394504Samefag, meant to reply to
>>394245By the way I never said "italian girl sound like troons", I just said that italian girls can have lower voices than your average anglophone, also with an accent that strong (and f4mi doesn't hide that), it's normal to not be used to hear that type of voice.
If you think that a lower voice with a strong accent makes someone a troon you're retarded, even for just making that connection. I was also mistaken as a troon for my pcos so yeah a lot can happen, get out of your bubble.
Get a load of gender critical italian content for anyone that's curious.
No. 402761
>>402052Omg this her channel is such a gem thank you so much
I've been on the lookout for good fashion and business channels but never found any channels headed by women.
And you're so right about the way she talks about fashion in general it's very analytical and it's so business-oriented which might have it's faults but it's closer to the truth imo
No. 405950
>>404361>19:18>"In a win for all GAY PEOPLE ZELDA IS TALLER THAN LINK"???????????????????????????
nonnie but this threw me so off I had to replay it 3 times to make sure I didn't had a seizure and miss heard what xer said.
I hate gendies so much.
No. 407662
Does anyone have recommendations for large-scale crafters (furniture/full on renovations/or even particularly labour intensive takes on smaller items like clothing), ideally with a fantasy/nature inspired aesthetic?
Vidrel by Liziqi is perfection, still trying to fill the hole she left.
Half points for
Nerdforge's wizard study: Maksy's home makeover videos: dig the aesthetic on these and I find them entertaining to watch, but the rush to feed the algorithm means there's a lot of cut corners on the craftsmanship side. I'd much rather watch someone spend 6 months on fully functional, real wood versions of these projects.
No. 410758
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>>408001Girl, good question.
Her initial hiatus was the classic multi channel network bullshit, agent misusing her brand and all that jazz.
As of 2022 she finally owns her own content so that seems to all be sorted now?
Then just short of a year ago there was a "return announcement" video that went up on some of her non-youtube pages where she looks very different. Conspiracies abound in whether she's had plastic surgery or it's just an impostor.
Either way, nothing came of it.
It reminds me of Naomi Wu (sexycyborg) who used to talk a fair bit about how her the Chinese government was well aware of her illegal youtube channel, but we're letting it slide since the international tech community respected her and she was (at least outwardly) patriotic, so she was making China look good. Then she got into beef with Linus Sebastian, lost get international support, and suddenly China felt like enforcing their laws after all.
I'm really worried the official Chinese stance on Liziqi has gone from "spreading cultural propaganda for us" to "more trouble than she's worth".
No. 411494
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>>410758Naomi Wu was a man named Timaz's husband and paraded around on camera for advertisement money, none of that shit "she" talked about was real and the reason Naomi stopped posting was because people were getting sick of the man behind the Twitter account getting into autistic drama and trying to grift reselling Taobao items lol
No. 411525
>>411494Nobody's telling you you have to like Naomi. Even setting aside your scrotefarms tinfoiling there are plenty of
valid reasons to hate her.
The only relevant thing here is both her channel and Li Ziqi's were blatantly breaking Chinese laws, on a scale that was only possible because the CCP gave them a pass - which can be revoked at any time. The Guinness world record holder for most subscribers on a Chinese youtube channel doesn't fly under the radar.
No. 412782
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>>412781She has great movie reviews as well
No. 413429
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>>413424Nta but here you go.
No. 415853
>>402052I'm not 100% sure, but after her video on MAC cosmetics on the underskin channel where she said that she was a club kid in London plus the combo with the deep voice made me suspect that she may not be a woman after all
idk maybe it's more usual to find club kids women now than before, but in the 80s they were all faggots and trannies
No. 420860
>>420840kek she has a crying/sad face in literally every thumbnail as if any of these true crime youtubers give a shit about the
victims. if you cared you wouldn't be profiting off of of them.
No. 429625
>>420861She's so cool. Smart, well spoken, charismatic, and she talks about actually interesting topics. Even if you don't find the cooking stuff, she still presents it in an entertaining way. Absolute queen.
In this video she refers to penguinZ0 as penguin-zee-zero which is such a flex tbh.
No. 430548
Found this channel recently.
Smart, clever, funny, good voice actor, her videos are very engaging even though they're super long. I'm happy to see Higurashi being played and analyzed by a woman instead of your usual internet poisoned coomer idiot male. The difference is real. Very good stuff to have in the background as you do stuff, some voice acting from the other people in her videos can be hit and miss (Rika and Hanyuu mostly, unfortunately) but if you like mystery radio dramas or visual novels I recommend her, specially if you have never seen anything Higurashi related before. She also has some original stories of her own so that's neat, but if Higurashi is not your thing, she also has analysis videos on Ace Attorney as well.
Full playlist: No. 430775
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Hey nonnies! I am looking for some book-related Youtubers, or ladies who are into cinema and video essays. I love listening to people talk about pop-culture and character analysis. Thank you!!
No. 432878
Flurrymoon, she mostly talks about animal crossing, girly and nostalgic stuff/games, and Episode (the app). The videos of her reading the story she wrote when she was 15 are very funny.
>>432868Yeah, she resumes all of their events and dialogue and over-analyzes but I would be lying if I said didn't enjoy it. I can't wait for her Shane video.
No. 432880
>>432868Ayrt, I get that kek. I listen on 2x so it's a bit better. I can't help but be entertained by her autist ramblings.
>>432878I can't wait either
No. 434596
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Missing her again..
No. 436369
For anyone looking for more gaming channels, I love Memoria's videos and brand of humour. She's very chill, too. And she does variety gaming, which is a plus in my mind.
Also bumping to say that I'm still adding channels to this
>>393072 from time to time. I've also updated the video essays/commentary section so there's now a topics tab for easier navigating. Just ctrl+f to find channels that cover your topic of interest (and make sure to include the * when you search, so it doesn't pick up text from the description).
No. 436413
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>>436407I'm stupid, apparently this is why she stopped
No. 447806
>>447157I was at work when I heard the news and when I watched the video on my break, I was in such shock and disbelief. I was really hoping that her friend was going to say that she was in the hospital and that she was okay but was not going to be able to make videos for awhile and that he'd keep us updated. But the video kept going and her death was confirmed. I'm so heartbroken over this because her channel was so great and not to mention the fact that she was so young (I think she was like 20 or 21).
It's giving Magdalen Berns vibes all over again, another awesome channel who was calling out troon BS but unfortunately passed at a young age (30s is young to me) and just taken way too soon.
My heart goes out to RunawaySiren's family and friends, this is just not fair. She was a bright and intelligent young woman who was going to go on to do lots of great things. Her videos were such a nice comfort of insight into a younger gen z who actually saw through the troon bullshit and called it all out, her channel was one of he best with this and it's going to be so hard not seeing her videos in my subscription feed anymore. I really hope that someone archives her videos because there's a good chance TRAs will try to get her channel flagged and taken down.