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No. 1273636
Let's go sinners.
>>1245479 No. 1273733
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i know what it must feel like to be a 30 something pop punk singer because i am in between my 20s and that, i miss having almost no responsibilities in my teens. i want to go all out now, get piercings and tattoos, and party and recklessly follow my heart and not give a fuck, because i never got to do that. if you stay in college or become a popular band, that stage can go on for longer. kek
No. 1273786
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>>1273721I can read the most embarrassing or crazy post on lolcor without flinching but this type of shit makes me cringe to my core. You disgut me and I hope this is a moid's bait.
No. 1274712
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I love learning about the occult and religious myths related shit. It's entertaining, and it's interesting to see the many similarities between beliefs coming from civilisations that were sometimes not directly in contact unless it was for commerce. I hate religions as they currently are practiced though, and I don't believe in any of that shit to begin with. I think if I were a writer I would just write fantasy stories just to put a bunch of references in my works, I think it's because I grew up on 90s shojo manga full of that kind of stuff and Harry Potter, idk, I guess CLAMP, Kaori Yuki and Atlus fried my brain.
No. 1274716
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I hate answering mails and messages, even if it's just a few sentences, and usually procrastinate it to a ridiculous extend, causing completely preventable problems. I don't know why and at this point, it feels like irreparable brain damage.
No. 1274867
>>1274716I don't exactly procrastinate or cause issues but every time I check my phone and there's no notifications, I feel relieved. No news is good news and I guess I don't like my friends as much as I should because I don't enjoy casually messaging them at all. It just feels like I'm getting interrupted constantly.
Love checking my emails though, I only get emails about important and interesting things pertaining to my finances etc.
No. 1274989
i must have so much brain damage i might qualify to be a high functioning retard. i hope you would not know from talking to me. i speak 3 languages, only 1 is my mother tongue. i take care of my hair, skin, clothes, take vitamins, exercise, shave, floss, use perfume etc. but i forgot nearly all high school level knowledge of geography, history, and math. my memory is so trash i forget everybody's name, location names i have been to, things my mother and boyfriend has said, stuff i bought and put away in my room. and yet i want to have a bachelor's degree or even a master's. my parents think i can do the bachelors but they base that off of what? i have to literally sit down and think about what i did just last week. any other secretly dumb nonnies struggling? please respond with kindness.
No. 1274995
>>1274989You're completely fine. It's all about perseverance for academia.
Many successful people are idiots, I've worked in high government offices in my state and got into an argument with a guy a decade older and with 2 degrees over the fact that our scheduling system referenced 2.75 hours. He believed this meant 2 hours and 75 minutes, not 2 hours and 45 minutes.
No. 1275079
>>1275076Why were you even with him to begin with if he had a micropeen?
How small was it?
No. 1275112
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Recently I realized I find it really hard to be friends with people unless I think they're a lot smarter than me. Not "just as smart as me" but actually a lot more intelligent than me. I really like feeling like the dumber person who gets to learn (not that I'm constantly thinking about who's smarter than who in my life). I also feel kinda averse to the idea of being friends with anyone over a year or two younger than me for similar reasons. I feel uncomfortable being in a position of even slightly more power and knowledge than someone. But then when I see certain close friends as a lot better than me I often feel so beneath them and indebted to them that I struggle to stay in touch because the very act of being around them makes me feel unworthy.
With that said, I really want to fuck an old teacher of mine even though he's extremely creepy to me and obviously weird. I'm not going to for a variety of reasons, but the animal instinct is there.
No. 1275586
I'll confess the one thing i'm the most ashamed about in my life, when i think about it i want to jump under a train.
When i was 13 (so, more than 10 years ago) i was this really insecure prepubescent girl, i was frankly quite ugly and somewhat unpopular, but i got by and had friends by being a clown/rebellious. I was friend with this overweight and really unpopular nerdy girl, nobody would talk to her except perhaps a few other "weirdos", let's call her Hermione. She would invite me over at her place, would talk to me about the Harry Potter books, she was really growing to be at ease with me and talkative. I liked her, although we spent time together mostly out of school because i was always with other people at school.
Then we went on a school trip in a nearby european country, and i was in the same family as Hermione, with 2 other girls i knew and was on good terms with. Hermione went to shower and came back in the bedroom the 4 of us shared to take something, she was still in her towel.
Me being a fucking idiot, wanting to prove that i was funny and cool or i don't know what, i started pulling on her towel, she was screaming for me to stop and nervous laughing, the other girls were all laughing too. Me being a dumbass i thought her laughing meant we were all having a good time. The tower fell and we saw her naked for two seconds, nobody made a scene about it and mocked her, one of the other girls even said "it's okay we're all girls in here". She left the room and never talked about it again during the trip, i was telling myself "ok let her be for now, she's upset she'll come back and you'll be friends again".
A few days after we went back, her big sister actually came to my school searching for me, i didn't understand why at first because i thought it was all behind us, but the big sister actually spoke to the director and said they were pressing charges against me. A 13 y old girl. I felt my world crumble, 13 y old me felt like the biggest criminal in the world, like i had raped her or something. I couldn't understand what was happening. I thought yes it was perhaps uncool to do that after all, because i know she was insecure about her weight, but we were all girls, i'm a little girl myself, and no one in our group ever talked about it again after it happened, especially not to other people outside of the 4 of us to mock her or anything like that. What i mean is we didn't bully her. In my head, it was good fun. Now looking back i understand that she felt i was crossing a boundary, of course i do i'm an adult now, especially since she was really insecure, just like me.
She really pressed charges, or i don't know how you can call that because i was a minor obviously, i just had to go see someone in court and he told me what i did was bad, and i think i had to sign a paper or something? I am so ashamed of this story, i never told anyone IRL, i don't think i can handle it. Perhaps i deserved it but still to this day i feel like the reaction was a bit disproportionate, i was a LITTLE GIRL??? I did a stupid thing, i didn't stab her, i liked her, i didn't touch her… I don't know. It feels good getting this off my chest because i hope nonnas can tell me if i'm crazy for thinking this was too much of a reaction. I don't know her personal story, perhaps she had been abused before but i mean… i was a little girl, it's insane to me that it got so bad for me, i was so ashamed going to court i don't lie when i say i felt like the biggest criminal scum of this world. Rapists can rape 10 women and i feel like they don't get punished as they should and an actual court considered this stupid little girls shit seriously enough to convoke me? I don't know…
I hope she's ok and i hope i didnt traumatize her but i mean???? What the fuck??? I also kind of hold a grudge against her for the way she made me feel and still to this day i feel like a criminal in hiding, i never talk about this story like i'm some sort of sex offender? It honestly ruined my self-esteem even more. Maybe i'm completely insane and in the wrong though.
Sorry for this long rant.
No. 1275616
>>1275586>I also kind of hold a grudge against her for the way she made me feel…You mean the girl whos towel you pulled off? Not that I think you deserved that, but it's ridiculous and a little selfish to hold a grudge against someone for how they made
you feel after you exposed her.
No. 1275626
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i often fantasize about killing myself, but not before throwing a large end-of-life solo party. i'd rent out the most expensive hotel i could for as long as possible, and go shopping – treat myself to a few high-end outfits. i'd meet new people, pretend to be someone i wasn't, take all the social risks i'm too afraid to make now…this might last a week.
but i would ensure i had enough $$$ to fly somewhere where i could see the stars clearly, listen to a few of my favorite songs, and take sodium nitrate. then i'd die beneath a pretty night sky.
death is terrifying and despite how hopeless i am, i do keep thinking things will really work out, but sometimes i get into this mood where i really want to die and so the fantasies roll up on me.
No. 1275629
>>1275603me too. i'm glad she had people in her family who cared enough to get anon punished for that. lame parents would've told her to get over it
>>1275586but the punishment made you actually think twice about your actions so why wouldn't it be appropriate punishment? it's not like you got sex offender status or anything. besides, no one else knows, it could've been much worse for you
No. 1275631
>>1275586i think both you and her were right to feel the way you did. on one hand an insecure girl having her privacy and bodily autonomy infringed upon out of the blue is totally scary and i get why she reacted so strongly. on the other hand you had no ill will, young girls are often naked with each other with no sexual or creepy undertones, the laughing seemed playful to you. at 13 you don’t really know what to do so i imagine she must have mentioned how embarrassed she was to her parents and they made her press charges. you’re not a creepy rapist, you were just a kid.
i have similar lingering guilt and confusion about stuff that happened when i was a kid, you have to be forgiving and remember you didn’t have ill will
No. 1275632
>>1275586>What i mean is we didn't bully her.You explained how you bullied her right before typing this sentence… Do you have autism? This is a genuine question.
>i feel like the reaction was a bit disproportionate, i was a LITTLE GIRL???You were not a little girl anymore, you were a teenager. It's not because you're developmentally delayed and mentally a little girl in your head that this makes your actions ok. The big sister is based. I wish I had a big sister like that. And stop using question marks like you're on twitter.
No. 1275633
>>1275616I was sure someone would say that, as i re-read my post i realized it sounded unfair. Keep in mind, this story traumatized me so much i never talked about it to anyone and was even afraid to acknowledge it happened in the security of my own mind. Total denial. So i never really got the chance to process any of my feelings about it, it's the first time since it happened over ten years ago. I actually hold a grudge towards the adults who thought it was a good idea to go this far to punish me. Not her, really…
But i'm really feeling some kind of anger about it all. When i think back about what happened to me even before 13, i never got justice for any of it and i was the culprit in something so… stupid.
No. 1275640
nonnie, thank you for your kindness. I feel like i'm being the most vulnerable i can humanly be by sharing this story, and the fact that you have empathy for me truly means the world in this moment. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart.
>>1275632I did a stupid and mean thing, without ill intent, to a friend of mine. I'm 28 now, i don't know how old you are but i'm old enough to know i was still a kid at 13. I was still playing with my tamagochi, didn't have my period, etc. I get you wanna insult me because you feel strongly about this subject, but no way was i an mentally anything but a child. That's even what the court considered, otherwise i probably would have gotten into real trouble. I've been abused in my life too and it was more than pulling my towel so fuck off with your virtue signaling, though. I never said i was an innocent angel.
No. 1275651
>>1275644Yes i do, why do you think i feel so bad about it over ten years later, and why do you think i wrote "i hope she's ok and i hope i didn't traumatize her" in my first post? I feel a lot of guilt for all of this, why do you think i never talked to anyone, not even a therapist. I felt like a criminal. I even started this story by saying how stupid this idea was in the first place and how i wanted to seem funny.
I think she was more insecure in the presence of the two other girls who weren't her friends like i was. She probably would have felt ok if i had done the same exact thing but just the two of us, we were close like that. But i'm sure because i did it in front of the other two, she felt betrayed. I totally get her, i've been a
victim myself. I just feel… an unfairness in this story, that's all.
I'll stop talking about it now… I guess i got different point of views, it's what i asked for after all, but the internet really isn't the place to process those things, it's too much of a sensitive subject for me. At least it's a big confession.
No. 1275660
>>1275655>>1275656I'm talking about what I'VE done and how i've been punished in consequence.
I pulled a towel and got to sit in a court because of it; i've been abused and i never got any justice and no one cared. I'm comparing my punishment to the punishment of my abusers, not comparing my trauma to hers. Like i also said, i shouldn't talk about it because i didn't process things yet and i don't want people coming at my throat for every word about it, misunderstanding me because i'm all over the place in recounting those events.
If you read my first post, you can see this exact comparison when i talked about rapists who don't get punished, and me being in a court for this. Now, whatever. I don't know any of you IRL and never will, it shouldn't affect me like that what you think of me.
No. 1275682
>>1275662assume that the girl in question actually is horrifically traumatized. does that make the towel puller evil? no. it doesn’t. i’ve known people to be traumatized from something as simple as getting a cavity filled, that doesn’t mean the dentist was evil. intentions matter and the world isn’t black and white. they were two kids of the same exact age playing around and one girl was extremely uncomfortable and it wasn’t obvious. kids are kids. is it abuse to play doctor? is it abuse to kiss your friends to experiment as a kid? is it abuse to take a towel off someone in a way that plenty of children do as a playful joke, which
the vast majority of people wouldn’t be negatively affected by? no. if abuse just = someone feeling bad about something you did, then everyone on earth is a horrible evil abuser.
No. 1275691
>>1275640I'm your age, actually. When I was 13 I was mature enough to know you're not supposed to rip off people's clothes or towels, especially in front of other people. It's not even a matter of maturity, it's a matter of common sense. I knew I was a kid when I was 13 too, and I know that when I was in primary school and male classmates were "playing" at girls by trying to forcefully lower our trousers and panties or picking under our dresses or skirts during recess I really wished something like what you went through also happened to these guys.
>I've been abused in my life tooMe too, you're not special. If the court actually gave you a sentence it would have been a little bit excessive, but you got a fair treatment, you said you only got reprimanded verbally by an adult and didn't suffer any consequences beyond that, all that anxiety you had from the event is just your own personal problem.
No. 1275706
>>1275699Playing doctor is completely normal and not
abusive. If there an age gap, coercion, or power imbalance it would be, but two kids being curious about what each other’s bodies look like since they’re always covered and told to not be uncovered is normal. It’s not something to teach them to do or seek out but it’s a natural instinct children often have that shouldn’t be met with anger or shame because that will put the child at risk for various complexes. Most children end up doing this and behavioral therapists and childhood sociologists agree it’s a normal part of childrens curiosity, and is not remotely sexual. It’s curiosity, not sexuality.
No. 1275722
>>1275711>I personally FEEL traumatized so that means you traumatized me with traumatizing actions and you’re a traumatizeryou remind me of an ex who told me i was
abusive for not playing video games with him
No. 1275726
>>1275722Nta but
>I personally FEEL traumatized so that means you traumatized me with traumatizing actions and you’re a traumatizerIf you feel traumatized by something someone did to you, then yes they traumatized you. Kek what are you guys even saying at this point.
No. 1275730
>>1275720>compared to the moids in the scenario with actual malicious and sexual intentionsI'm talking about a specific event, you're assuming the boys had sexual intentions but for all we know they just thought pantsing their classmates was funny. And when the girls complained, the teachers and the boys kept saying "oh, it's just child play, you're so stuck up, you don't know how to take a joke", just like how anon is trying to justify her actions with "I was just a kid". Both cases are wrong for mostly the same reasons, period.
>>1275722I was just giving an example, calm down. You're really comparing a girl having her towel ripped away from her against her in front of three strangers right after taking a shower and your shitty ex whining because of video games? Read your post once again please.
No. 1275732
>>1275726at that point it’s a you problem though and you’re borderline traumatizing your own damn self. like the teenagers who call their parents behavior horrifically traumatizing and
abusive and try to run away when all the parents are doing is telling them to wash the dishes and do their homework. many of these perpetual
victim types were in group therapy with me
No. 1275750
>>1275730I wasn't a stranger to her. She was my good friend and we were close to each other, i would have never done that to a random stranger wtf, i was stupid but not that stupid. Just fyi. You're entitled to keep your opinion anyway, i don't care.
Thank you to the reasonable nonnies who had it in them to see my point of view, just as i can see my then friend's point of view and have empathy for her, it feels good to know others can have empathy for me, and see that i wasn't trying to abuse anyone (of course, ffs i feel like a scrote defending his rape saying this, it's such a crazy situation i was put in).
I also think kids who play are not abusing each other. My own cousin would ask that we kiss with our tongues to "experiment" and although i cringe really hard thinking about that, she's still my beloved cousin, she was just a literal curious kid.
No. 1275757
>>1275750>She was my good friend and we were close to each otherWhat do you mean by good friend? Like "best friend, might as well be your sister" tier or just "classmate I get along with"? Because honestly, you might as well have become a stranger to her after that.
>i wasn't trying to abuse anyoneThe issue wasn't about what you were trying to do, but about the end result. It's not that I don't want to understand your POV, it's just that you're acting way too defensive since your very first post.
>I also think kids who play are not abusing each other.Depends if it's mutual or not. In your case it wasn't mutual, she didn't want that to happen. Maybe in other circumstances, like if the two other classmates weren't there, she wouldn't have being so negatively impacted. Who knows.
No. 1275770
>>1275757>What do you mean by good friend? Like "best friend, might as well be your sister" tier or just "classmate I get along with"? Neither. I would lie if i said we were best friends, but she would invite me over at her place, we would see each other a lot outside of school, etc. I'm sure i became a stranger to her after that, yes, i never doubted that since we never spoke again.
As for the rest, yes, i was defensive because it's a sensitive subject for me (and no i don't feel special for being abused like the other anon said, perhaps it was you lol? Why would i feel special for something most women and little girls go through…)
>>1275763You on the other hand are completely unhinged. This strawman you're trying to pull off is ridiculous, you're not inside me probing my mind and soul to decrete that i "probably" wouldn't feel bad if i never received a punishment. Utterly, completely deranged. I didn't view her as lower than me either, i said what i said about her to explain her point of view actually; she was very insecure and viewed as weird so that explains the reaction. I was unpopular myself, how could i believe i was superior, dumb cunt.
No. 1275900
I am pornsick. I don't consume porn, I advocate against it with every opportunity and I don't associate with anybody who promotes pornography (or consumes it, as far as I know). However, I was groomed when I was 12/13 and consumed an excessive amount of pornography at the time. I could name numerous JAV actresses by name and saw some revolting things. It definitely messed up how I viewed myself and other girls for a long time. Although I've matured since then (obviously) and changed greatly, I still notice slivers of the pornsickness come up subconsciously. It's disappointing every time when it happens. For instance, I'll see a picture of a pretty girl with a nice figure, and immediately a thought akin to "damn she's hot, her nudes must be amazing". It's because of when I would spend hours upon hours on 4chan or similar places, looking at leaked nudes/edits of normal pictures of girls/explicit discussions about normal girls unrelated to pornography/ratings of girl Facebook pictures, all with sexual nature… It always caused a conflict in me, even when I wasn't aware of my grooming. It made me feel extremely insecure, so I doubled down on the objectification of others. I'd bring myself down and raise the others. I didn't know how else to fit in with those men. That's what still happens today, because what I experienced was so impactful at that age. I look at the picture of that woman and it makes me feel insecure, despite rationally not wanting to look like or be her, as well as objectify her, despite not being lesbian nor approving of this type of behaviour. Another thing is that the other day I saw a girl's underwear when she was walking up the stairs. I got this immediate surge of insecurity/pornsickness of "fuuuck that's hot, it could be in a pornography, I could totally see up her skirt" as if I am some pervert incel. But it's not what I believe, it is just an intrusive thought of learned behaviour or however it is called. Or I see a pretty girl and think something like "she must look amazing giving head. just imagine her on her knees, bros" it's like I'm thinking in r9k or b posts or like thothub or something. It drives me crazy every time I catch myself thinking that way because it doesn't align with my values and comes from an unpleasant time. Makes me sad that what I experienced was so impactful without me realising it. I still have that I don't like the way my vagina looks and get insecure when girls achieve things that pornsick scrotes applaud despite actually not finding it desirable at all. I hope this makes sense to someone
No. 1276111
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I love this autistic anime fang shit
I love teeth in general
No. 1276150
>>1276111I feel the same way
nonnie. My ex pointed out that I have pointy canines and she said she thought they were so cute, and ever since then I think they're my best feature and love looking at them in the mirror. Almost debated getting fake vampire teeth permanently in my mouth but decided against it in the end.
sometimes I go full autismo and pretend that I am a vampire living amongst humans KEK No. 1276207
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I read r/breakingmom whenever I need reassurance for my celibacy and singledom. Its the best pick me up for when I'm lonely and makes me value my peace.
No. 1276274
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if you keep deleting your social medias because you "need a break" and "social media is toxic" i automatically think you have some type of bpd. oh no, someone else has fun on fb! lol
No. 1276275
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Sometimes I just sit and mourn the person I could have been if it wasn’t for the pandemic. I was just finishing college when it hit and had my graduation cancelled and went months upon months not seeing people and struggling to keep up with my friends via distance.
It’s sucks because I felt like I was just coming into my own before it, I was going to parties and making friends with people I would have been too nervous to talk to before, and now I’m super socially anxious and hate being around people, yet when I’m by myself I’m crushed by loneliness. Even now keeping up with my friends I knew before feels so hard because every time I’m with them all I can think about is how much we could have done together if we hadn’t spent nearly a year legally not allowed to socialise. I wish it never happened at all, but if it had to I wish it could have happened when I was an old woman, not when I was just stepping out of college and into the woman I’ve wanted to become for so long.
No. 1276286
>>1276282they are the same one to overshare and delete and reactivate and do it all over again from what i see keeps happening. also if it's so bad or
toxic to them, then why don't they just log off, if they keep remaking accounts anyways? it's all for attention. they are addicted to validation and attention
No. 1276296
>>1276275I feel you
nonny. I’m not in 100% the same situation, but my life plans got screwed over from the pandemic too and it just sucks.
No. 1276300
>>1276251Reminder Solanes unironically believed TIMs were superior to regular men cause they "gave up their manhood" and thus acknowledged the superiority of women
>wants to start a revolution against men>fails to kill a scrawny artist literally 3 feet in front of her No. 1276356
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I'm a male so I know I'm not really supposed to post here but anyway.
Lurking lolcow actually gave me a lot more empathy for women.
When I was a younger and a cringier faggot I used to take advantage of women online a lot. Not in a malicious way and nothing to do with underage girls, but I'd make geeky and awkward girls around my age fall for me, convince them I was in love with them and use them for my own psychological and sexual validation basically.
Now I'm more mature I realize how awful that was and I don't blame women for hating men tbh given how common it is. However, there's a part of me deep down inside that still misses that attention and validation. I can't help it.(you're still a cringy faggot tho)
No. 1276424
>>1276207this is literally my dad
one time he spent THREE HOURS yelling and hitting my mom at night (when i was trying to sleep) because she left an expired milk bottle in the fridge
we need to eradicate the Y chromosome
No. 1276587
>>1276579>>1276579also, a related confession. i stayed in touch with guy i was friends with in high school and hung out with him a few times a while back. for some reason he told me that he had sex with a prostitute while on vacation. he knew how i felt about prostitution so he immediately followed it up with “but i swear i didn’t actually want it, she was moving so quickly and i felt bad for her so i let her do it and gave her the money because she needed it.” lol…
he begged me to not cut him off and be understanding. Haven’t spoken to him since.
probably shouldn’t have been friends with him anyway; he was a dick to me on more than a few occasions and had a creepy thing for me. My mistake.
No. 1276802
>>1276516RIP Mottzie I love you.
>>1276722Nta but maybe you should talk to someone specifically about how the people around you are influencing you to the point of continuing habits that you are concerned will be the end of you very soon. Heart health is no joke. Wishing you lock nonna.
>>1276790LOL queen shit right here.
No. 1276915
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>>1276911My most embarrassing moment on this site was getting
triggered when I said i didn’t like avocado and anons called me a fatty. Proceeded to argue back for hours on end.
No. 1276995
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>>1276915Kek I was part of that infight, good times.
No. 1277244
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i wish there was a secretly evil radfem bi woman who would be my flirtatious best friend, pulling tricks on our dates with moids, and bettering each other's lives, always being there for each other, and living together when our husbands die.
No. 1277402
>>1277320i mean yeah taking super diligent care of your teeth helps prevent decay and refusing to take care of them contributes. but there are still massively genetic components to how sensitive people are to decay and the overall look of teeth is genetic too. i’ve known people with perfectly healthy teeth without cavities that still had bright yellow teeth with plaque buildup they’d have to get scraped off by a dentist. meanwhile i took shit care of my teeth and never struggled with either of those things. i still got cavities but not nearly as many as anyone else in my situation would’ve.
my teeth alight be kinda fucked for life though, im afraid i’ll keep getting cavities even if i continue to take good care of them after all my current cavities get filled
No. 1277458
>>1277332I'm in Australia
nonnie is that close enough
No. 1277606
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On a scale of 1-10 how bad would it be if I fucked my manager
No. 1277676
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>it’s the 8th grade, me and my 3 girlfriends are the best of pals
>one of them, out of nowhere in 7th period, says the other friend is nice but “unfortunately ugly” for having a prosthetic leg
>prosthetic leg friend cries on the bus home
>i meet up with prosthetic friend for a sleep over the following weekend
>after watching the craft, we decide to hex her for revenge
>end up on
>we find the easiest revenge spell we could find and raid her mom’s spice cabinets and candles to perform the ceremony
>we hold hands and say the incantation after everything is prepared
>on monday morning we act like nothing happened
>fast forward like 3 weeks and the friend we cursed started having fevers constantly
>we feel really giddy like we did something really cool
>a week later my mom sits me down and tells me that mean-chan has hodgkins lynphonma and will undergo emergency surgery + chemo.
>me and prosthetic-chan freak out and never talk about it again
she luckily only had go through chemo for 4 months and was good forever. however, she somehow managed to become even more of a massive bitch by using the air of sympathy to tell everyone that prosthetic friend was upset with her because she no longer was getting attention for being “disabled”
i guess jokes on her now because prosthetic girl had a glow up and mean chan got fat?
No. 1277697
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>>1277676damn, anon. can you help me with a spell?
No. 1277760
>>1277752Why does nobody on this site seem to have genuinely decent relationships?
Either it's childhood trauma spurring on casual sex and sex work, serial monogamy,being attracted to
abusive men over and over again etc.
No. 1277768
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>>1277767You can't change people, nonna. Goodluck chatting.
No. 1277821
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When I was 11 or 12 and waiting on my first period, my mom was buying me panty liners to feel grown up and be ready for the first time. Well for some reason I was wearing one with a bathing suit and my dad took me to a distant family relative's to swim in their rich person pool and for some god damn reason I panicked and thought the the panty liner was going to fall out of the swimsuit so I reached for it while under the water, pulled it off the suit, crumpled it as small as I could and fed it into the fucking filter of their pool. I still think about it from time to time.. Did the liner un-crumple and did they have to peel the soggy thing out of their pool filter? Maybe it stayed crumpled up and it flew under the radar and was tossed out without notice.
No. 1277831
>>1277745nah it was definitely spellsofmagic for us, it's actually still live if you want to check it out, it looks ancient as fuck too.
>>1277720that was a fucking hilarious day, i find azealia way too entertaining.
ngl though, prosthetic friend was almost full lakota so i'm going to claim she had some kind of familial mojo, plus we stole dirt from her mom and grandma's garden
No. 1278138
>>1277767Don't listen to the retards judging you. I have never had a rich boyfriend but I get what you mean. I would definitely feel the same way if I were in your situation, probably confused about how to feel, too. It's why I would hate to have a rich boyfriend, because they lack the same empathy and perspective that poorer people do, rich people live in a completely different reality and are often disconnected from the rest of society, and I honestly can't stand that. Anyway, please don't feel (too) bad, everybody does what they can to survive and you're not at fault for that (that's the system), the housekeeper probably doesn't even think about it that much and she just thinks it's good she even has a job, but it sounds like she really does deserve a higher pay so good luck talking to your bf about it, I hope you can convince him. It's good that you worry about these things but it's important to remember that you alone can't help or save every individual you meet that is a
victim of a whole system. Just worry mostly about your own life and help only when you can (such as in this case), but keep in mind that you mustn't feel guilty on behalf of your bf and his family, and to not feel too bad about things that you have no control over or endlessly pity those who are affected by poverty (that doesn't mean you should lack empathy, of course). Maybe you could also try to befriend the woman somehow, to make her job less stressful and make her feel less out of place? You don't have to avoid her out of shame.
No. 1278341
>>1277752your boyfriend is ok with child labor being done for him (not blaming the 60 year old for getting her grandkid to translate ofc, she’s working hard to be able to provide for her clearly)
they couldn’t also hire a translator for her? listen, if you’re actually class conscious your vagina would have dried up at the sight of this gross exploitation.
No. 1279511
>>1278988kinda based considering most girls at 13 were bullying each other for admitting to having hair, at least in the US. i remember a girl coming over to me and going “oh my god guess what so and so said. she SHAVES HER ANKLES” and i was like what? why is that newsworthy? do you want her to
not shave her ankles? are you above growing hair there? it still baffles me and i think about it regularly
No. 1279684
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I went through a phase in childhood where I would fill out forms in magazines and send them trying to get companies to send me stuff and it only worked once. My parents were so angry that they had to pay for the Mario quiz cards but I ended up really liking them.
No. 1279716
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I’m eskimo sisters with a real housewife
>inb4 which housewife/franchise
my lips are sealed
No. 1279727
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>>1277244I am here and I am waiting for you
No. 1279738
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>>1279720Ok first of all there are like 75 real housewives, and the guy we both hooked up with was my age and rich, so it’s not really all that unlikely.
I actually met her once as well but that was like two years before the guy hooked up with her. She was exactly like she was on television kek
No. 1279796

just ended a 6 year long long distant friendship (with romantic overtones) with a man that lives in a country with a communist past. We met through our hobbies of nerd stuff - roleplaying games, music, anime, cartoons, etc - and it gradually became deeper. I unfortunately encouraged the behavior by having feelings and sexting with him, but eventually my feelings would definitely wane and I'd see clearly about how I truly did not like him that way.
For example, my life is changing. I'm getting a new job, getting into my fitness, learning how to drive and buying my first car. Some of those haven't happened YET but on they are the to do list. As well as getting a single apartment as my own space.
Meanwhile, this guy lives with his mom. He refuses to learn how to drive, has an addiction to porn and food, and doesn't work. He makes money writing gross smut fan-fiction/fiction for people on 4-chan.
I just gave up on him.
He does have his boyfriends - one is a 'cis' guy and the other is a 'ftm' with 'big tits'. He's tried to show porn of his fetishes - like farting/bad smells/body odor and feet. But would eventually get the hint that I wasn't budging.
Do you get my gist?
He's a creative guy with a big heart, but he's stuck in that stage of being a forever teenager. He's also still a virgin at 25.
He's also the type of person that would love dogs more than a child. He's backed off on his antinatalism, but he understood that I would want children one day.
I sent him a video of a little girl helping her dad, just something light, and told him that my ovaries were on fire. An exaggeration and had nothing to do with him. He flips out and tells me, 'sorry i can't give you kids. but they would have great hair'
'also thanks for reminding me that nothing i say matters'.
So, I told him straight away that I turned off notifications to the app we used because I don't want to be distracted at work. And then I let it sit for a day.
I would check it for a response, but by the end of the day yesterday. I knew it was over.
'you know what?
you're right.
i keep hurting you and i need to stop. i truly hope i could stay to see you reunite with your boyfriend. i wish i could stay for more pics of your cat. i want you to be happy. take care of your mom while she's still here especially. be happy. please be happy.
and then i left the lyric video to distance by yebba (vid rel)
I have never felt so relieved after a losing a friend. I'm usually gutted, but I'm so happy. I'm also weirdly melancholy. Like a sun storm. The sun's out but it's raining or the first vision of clarity after crying your eyes out.
tldr; break up years-long online friendship with scrote and i'm happy about it.
No. 1280011
>>1279796i know this is going to sound really out of left field, but seeing as this is a guy who used 4chan for coomer reasons, please protect yourself. it's always those ones.
i've been stalked by a guy i had an online friendship with. we were friends for only 5 months, but he's been stalking me for 5 years now. we met when i was 17. i only found out half way into the friendship that he used 4chan and had an addiction to porn. he seemed sweet and kind hearted, albeit with some issues. but after I cut the tie, he changed.
keep records of all your conversations.
No. 1280104
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>>1280091I want to bully you
No. 1280185
>>1280171get pregnant, for chance of this lol
Grew like 2 cup sizes or more, but they also got a bunch of stretch marks, so there's the monkey fist tradeoff part of that.
No. 1280196
>>1280171I'm skinny with big perky tits and the whole "you can get anything and get away with everything" is a fucking lie kek. I worked in the service industry and didn't get more tips than everyone, actually had a fat girl with small tits get promoted when the choice was between me or her. I've gotten multiple tickets and cops even yelled at me and searched my car since I was acting nervous . My relationships were a fucking wreck since my first real boyfriend was so fucking controlling and went above and beyond to manipulate me into basically isolating myself because he didn't want others to see my worth. Would torment me into leaving work early or even quitting certain jobs since he hated the idea of other men giving me attention. My second boyfriend left me once the novelty wore off, third boyfriend was a serial cheater and porn addict who would ignore me and cheat on me to talk to whatever porn category he liked that week. To be perfectly honest? It's women who tell me I'll get everything or get away with everything than it is actual moids giving me or letting me get away with stuff
Oh you also attract bottom of the barrel men unless you're extremely good at sniffing out these assholes
No. 1280272
>>1280257yeah, i didn't think he could've done something like that through the computer because he was 40 and only used his for work and facebook. he did have a red flag conversation with me, where he tried having me admit the cheating. a talk about trust, egging me on to say something. another thing about feminism, and him checking the messages of an ex. so manipulative. if he got mad at that because he wanted to be seriously with me, then he should not have looked at my messages. he was not good at sex either and only talked at me rather than listen, so what did he expect. young women, barely adults, should not date older men over men their own age because that is a huge power imbalance. yet the scrotes still try skewing that imbalance further.
>>1280260at first i run antivirus checks, and only searched work things. then i wrote messages like stop the stalking, it is not fair. i kept using it because i could not afford a new good one yet and needed one at home otherwise. i used it for about half a year into the relationship and somehow despite being paranoid the whole time and doing antivirus checks, still used it for almost a year. if he creeped on me after that… i wonder if i could revive that laptop and find proof. when we broke up he texted me that i can always ask for help. a year later he messaged me asking how i was doing, and that is when that computer was dying. very weird to be a coincidence. but i thought my paranoia came from smoking marijuana.
No. 1280375
>>1277760I feel like anyone here who finds a genuinely decent and fulfilling relationship will just stop visiting here pretty soon afterwards or become much less active. This is where you come to vent when life aint so hot and social connections aren't strong irl.
I started posting years ago while I was in a bad relationship. I didn't mention him much on here but I was deprived of human interaction at the time.. all while living with a person. I posted more when I was living with him than I've ever posted while single. That's how lonely it was.
No. 1280435
>>1274252I support abortion and agree with this. The chance of a woman needing an abortion is very rare and there's multitudes of birth control and emergency contraception options incase birth control fails. Of course it should be available when you need it but I can't stand the over dramatic fucks who act like all women are being put into slave labor camps and will pop out 20 rape babies before they turn 40 then die of pregnancy complications because abortion won't be available in SOME states. States are unable to legally punish women who travel out of state to get an abortion and some people are just making shit up like "D&Cs will soon be illegal since it's the same thing as an abortion!!". Or people making up stories about how they totally had an ectopic pregnancy but couldn't receive care for it because doctors are scared of the roe overturn. You can even tell some people are just protesting for the sake of protesting without knowing what they're actually protesting for.
Again. I don't support the overturn but making stuff up and being over dramatic is ridiculous
No. 1280438
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>>1280435Wtf it’s not over dramatic, some places were already trying to do this while Roe v Wade was still in place, now that it’s not they very likely can.
No. 1280465
Ah, talking about abortion i have a confession about that. I'm not sure how i feel about abortion. I definitely hate the idea of men policing women, especially because i am very pregnancy repulsed and i die at the thought of being pregnant. So scary, so damaging, i'm not even sure i want children anyway. My heart goes to any woman in this world pressured to keep a baby, truly. Nothing but support for them.
At the same time… I'm an adopted baby, my biological mom didn't want me and gave me up after birth. I know it can sound dumb, but i can't help but feel like i could've been one of these aborted babies, as far as i know she was from a religious family so i guess that's why abortion wasn't an option for her, and i'm grateful to be honest. I know it's not like a fetus is sentient and can experience regret about a life he never even had the time to know about, but sometimes abortion can feel deshumanizing to me.
It's a weird spot to be in.
No. 1280519
>>1280510I didn't mean "fuck up your body with birth control". There's multiple hormone-free birth control options such as condoms and spermicide. If rape does occur or birth control fails there's always plan b which is hormonal but isn't a long term thing
>>1280509>Y-youre male!!Are you retarded? I support abortion, there's plenty of anti abortion protests filled with women. I'm just saying blatantly making stuff up or claiming absurd things like "this is deeply hurting all women no exceptions" is ridiculous considering how low abortion rates were pre roe vs wade overturn. There's not going to be a magical influx of women needing abortions and dying. Also you have to explain (or prove) how it would legally be punishable towards women to travel to another state for an abortion
No. 1280535
>>1280522>>1280524>For those who would support bans against traveling out of state for an abortion, there is “pretty clear” precedent for states being able to enforce laws beyond their boundaries, such as the 1941 ruling in Skiriotes v. Florida, said Kermit Roosevelt, a University of Pennsylvania law professor.
>And under the 1985 Supreme Court decision Phillips Petroleum Co. v. Shutts, states are able to apply civil laws to their citizens when they are in another state, Rosen said.
>There is also precedent for a state to “punish a crime committed by its citizens in another state, so long as the conduct is criminal in both states,” said Gabriel (Jack) Chin, a law professor at the University of California-Davis. If abortion was legal in the second state, the state passing the out-of-state abortion restriction might be on safer legal ground if it could demonstrate some form of harm to the state, he added.
>“State A could argue that, unlike traveling to engage in gambling or smoking marijuana, an abortion has continuing effects in State A, namely, the death of a citizen or future citizen of the state,” fact is we just don’t know what could happen and it is not overdramatic to be scared
No. 1280543
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>>1280532>Women can't disagree with me!!!You can't possibly be this dense. Some women support abortion and some are fighting for their life against it. Some women think people are being too dramatic for the roe vs wade overturn and some women think they're not being dramatic enough. We aren't a hivemind. Either actually prove something or save your arguments for someone who is actually trying to strip you of your rights
>Inb4 only men ask for proofIdk what to tell you if you think only moids can have arguments that ask for proof. Now you're not only making pro-abortion people look like irrational harpies but also women
>>1280530Definitely. The supreme court already explained how it wouldn't be legal to ban interstate travel even if it means to get an abortion, states who do try it end up failing. Idk why so many people keep crying about how states are going to do all kinds of insane stuff they don't have the power to do if you go somewhere else to do something that is legal in that area. They can't even punish people who travel to have sex with teenagers that are technically "legal" in that state. How would they possibly ban people from traveling to get an abortion? Plus if they truly wanted to wouldn't abortion clinics attempt to not accept out of state patients? Most abortion clinics are welcoming out of state patients and insurances are even paying for travel
No. 1280545
>>1280535>>>There is also precedent for a state to “punish a crime committed by its citizens in another state, so long as the conduct is criminal in both statesRead this again. This is only punishable if abortion is illegal in that state. If it's legal in the state you are traveling to then it's legal
>>1280540Are you talking about
>>1280438? Did you even read the washingtonpost link? It's not the same article and the one posted in the pictures article explains how states have tried to pass travel bans for abortion but failed
No. 1280548
>>1280532This is such a stupid fucking thing to say. She's sourcing her belief, regardless of what you think of her position, how is that a moid thing? Some of you all are misogynists in disguise i swear.
You can think whatever you want, she's a handmaiden blahblahblah, but telling her that she's a scrote because she tried to post sources and asked that you do the same? Kek.
No. 1280556
>>1280553The picture and link aren't the same article. Can you point to me where I supposedly posted the same link to an article you quoted?
>And yes, the article mentions times they failed. While Roe was still in place. Because Roe being struck is quite new…That was a picture posted. The article I linked explained how the supreme court explained how it would not be punishable to travel for abortion as long as if abortion is legal in the state you're traveling to
No. 1280558
>>1280555It means what the fuck it says it means
>If abortion was legal in the second state, the state passing the out-of-state abortion restriction might be on safer legal ground if it could demonstrate some form of harm to the state, he added.
>“State A could argue that, unlike traveling to engage in gambling or smoking marijuana, an abortion has continuing effects in State A, namely, the death of a citizen or future citizen of the state,”This article is discussing both ways there might be protection
and counter arguments to that. How can you argue with someone who refuses to read
No. 1280576
>>1280558>>safer legal ground if it could demonstrate some form of harm to the state, he added.This means the state would have to locate you, confirm the abortion then actively prove that the state is being hurt in some way. Which is impossible since supreme court ruled that traveling for abortion is legal
>>State A could argue that, unlike traveling to engage in gambling or smoking marijuana, an abortion has continuing effects in State A, namely, the death of a citizen or future citizen of the state,”They're just saying examples of defenses the state might use but will most likely be invalid since the fetus has another definition in state B
>This article is discussing both ways there might be protection and counter arguments to that.There's going to be counter arguments to everything but nothing in the article stated any sort of proof how it will be legal to punish women who travel for abortion, just arguments states "might" use but nothing on how they are legally going to stop women from traveling to other states for abortion or even how they could get abortion clinics to not accept out of state patients
No. 1280586
>>1280543>>1280548>>1280562I'm not even part of this retarded debate but the quoted posts is peak obnoxious 4channer, the only thing that missed was a "proofs???".
>even /pol/ has supported abortion>4chan moids support abortionThis is absolute bullshit and you know it lmao
No. 1280590
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>>1280586>This is absolute bullshit and you know it lmaoYou are just bullshitting now. A single walk through 4chan can show you posts that support abortion. You don't seem to know what you're talking about. Just because they don't support it for the right reasons doesn't mean they don't support it
No. 1280604
>>1280590There are currently 3 threads on pol seething about abortion, here's one of them>>1280591Yes, that's what I've been saying.
No. 1280666
>>1280657Nowhere did I imply they cared about girls and young women kek. I just said a lot of them support abortion and even pointed multiple times in every single post where I supposedly defended moids that they were doing it for the wrong reasons to be against women. You're just too stupid to read.
Listen to
>>1280654 and stop embarrassing yourself and the movement since you need to obnoxiously make shit up to have some sort of defense.
No. 1280671
>>1280666Why even bring up /pol/tards in the first place, you know tour arguing in bad faith. Just admit that it was a bad move.
No. 1280687
>>1280681>I just don't like liarsYou must really hate yourself then. Lying about me defending 4chan moids, lying about me "bringing up 4chan moids out of nowhere"
>>1280686Lol are you those retards who think asking for proof is something only moids do? Explains a lot
No. 1280694
>>1280587 Arizona they said it was just too difficult so you’re on your own essentially for one. about these ones too? There’s more. It’s not across the board but none of the states around me will take me if I look at the actual clinics. My company might pay but a doctor won’t help because of my home state. They’re doing shady shit anon and women are being refused care. PP and it’s trannies care more about hormones and mutilating children than live women.
No. 1280713
>>1280694This just just planned Parenthood in a couple of states though. I live in a state close to Oklahoma and Texas and the local abortion clinic is specifically welcoming in women from those states. The AZ article just says AZ is banning abortion not banning out of state patients, plus AZ is very close to states that have legal abortion
>My company might pay but a doctor won’t help because of my home state. Why would the doctor help? Companies are paying for travel, including Uber, Google and Starbucks.
No. 1280760
>>1278105I used to find it gross too but now I don't mind it both on men and women, the same goes for leg hair
No. 1280762
>>1280576There can’t be proof of how it will be legal until it’s a law. Also traveling and the abortion itself are actually 2 different “crimes” so they wouldn’t have to prove the traveling was illegal if they can’t, just the abortion if they are able to get those documents. It doesn’t matter what the other state defines abortion as.
This is uncharted territory, it’s an argument of “human rights” now that some states can call them humans not just any crime. Maybe the closest thing could be slavery but I don’t know anything about how slaves crossing states worked.
No. 1280911
>>1280149It's a big city for the midwest
>>1280163I mean it's cosplay no matter what because I'm a grown up white lady in America, but yeah some of them literally are cosplay costumes, some are colors no school would use, and some are authentic or authentic-like
No. 1280916
>>1280913I know I'm autistic, but I'm never going to understand visceral hatred to the point of wanting to cause others harm over looking like a spaz
Can you explain why people feel disgust toward weirdos? Genuinely asking, I don't get it because it doesn't effect the other person; it doesn't make sense to me
No. 1280939
>>1280935I'm not mad at your joke, I asked you question, someone clarified you were joking, you said you beat up a fat girl, ???, now we're here
Thanks for making me feel less autistic tbh
No. 1281001
>>12810001. don’t do it
2. especially don’t do it in your boyfriends apartment, what the hell
3. don’t do it
4. most drug od attempts leave you still alive with permanent damage
5. don’t do it
No. 1281187
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>check in on thread
>abortion sperging
No. 1281324
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I met one of my friends this week for a coffee and I can't stop thinking about him ever since. He has the cutest smile and nice hair. We're long term friends, however, we only met twice in all these years of friendship. I used to have a crush on him but it always felt too awkward to try to do something about it, so I just brushed it aside. I'm dating another guy now and this friend also has a partner. I can't wait for this infatuation to wore off so I can move on with my life without feeling like a disgusting cheater even though nothing happened between the two of us.
No. 1281377
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I had a phase where the only porn I would watch, which wasn't all too often, maybe once or twice a month, was of men getting electrocuted and generally abused. There was some dominatrix who had all these weird kinda brutal videos where the men always had some mask things on, now I don't watch porn but I sure wonder wtf my therapist would say about this.
No. 1281594
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>>1281377Nothing, just make this face for the whole session.
No. 1281920
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Don't care about vtubers and don't care to get into them, but I wanted to have something play in the background and Twitch had this dude recommended to me on my front page and I think I'm gonna regret getting sucked down this hole.
No. 1282165
>>1282049Same here. Online friends really helped me cope during lockdown but these days I feel like those people were all
toxic and slowly eroding my self-esteem so I don't feel bad about ghosting them.
No. 1282183
>>1282101A similar thing happened to me and then one day I found a kitten on the road so I took it home. I was very distant from it for a while and was only taking care of it out of duty cuz even though I didn’t feel anything but dread about animals I still didn’t want them to die. I tried to find him a home for about a month but I guess he never had an owner and I didn’t trust any of the people who wanted him.
I begrudgingly kept him and had mad anxiety about it for weeks about how my life was going to be ruined, I didn’t have time, I don’t want to do the chores, don’t want furniture ruined, don’t have a lot of money for vets etc etc.
But after 2 or 3 months of playing with him and seeing his personality develop and how cute he was I started to get attached, and now I adore him and we are inseparable. I wouldn’t want to encourage you to get an animal in case you don’t end up wanting it like I did, but just wanted to let you know that there’s hope!
No. 1282602
Idk where to post this, this is a confession/vent post I guess. I'm basically using a guy for attention. I never had a bf/sex/kissing, I'm an autist and it's really hard for me to identify my feelings sometimes, but I'm perfectly sure I'm not attracted to him. I just enjoy the attention he gives me, and I like the hugs too, because no one ever hugged me and I'm touch starved but I can't imagine having sex or even kissing with that guy. I tried to force myself to be attracted to him but I can't. His personality is also not the kind I would look for in a partner, overall he's immature and I need stability. He's in love with me and I think he's sure we're in a relationship. He wants to move in together and my life situation really forces me to look for an apartment right now, but I told him I will only move in with him if there will be two bedrooms because sometimes I want to sleep and be alone and he was like but why. I told him it's because I'm an autist. That part is perfectly true though and even if I was with someone who's attractive, I would still prefer to sleep alone from time to time and I can't phantom sharing one space with someone all the time. He said we probably won't have enough money for an apartment with two bedrooms but we can try. I'm planning to rent an apartment with him, change jobs and then leave. I'm afraid of his reaction though. I'm pissed at myself but I feel like I'm doing something I need right now. I wish I could find a guy who's both mature and attractive in my eyes but every man I see either sucks or is taken. I feel envious of other women because I constantly see couples where men do basically everything I find hard, like handling formalities, and their women don't have to worry about anything and they just take care of themselves. It's so much easier for a woman in a relationship than for a woman who has nobody. I'm jealous. My mom was handling a lot of stuff for me, and now when she's gone I have a hard time navigating in life, I know it can be hard for a non autistic woman, but I think for me it's even harder. I know I'm basically using this guy. I feel bad about it but I do it anyway. I will never sleep with him though. He needs this apartment just as much as I do, and I know that we can rent it as friends too, but he's sure we're basically a couple, and I'm scared that if I decide to tell him I actually don't want to date you but hey we can still rent this place together he will be mad and he will purposefully move out and leave me in need for looking for another housemate, which would be another hard to handle formality for me.
No. 1282610
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>>1282602I have no words for what you have done, please change yourself.
No. 1282623
>>1282602Honestly anon I'm not autistic but I could definitely see myself get in this situation kek. And also I think you underestimate how many women feel the same way you do about your moid about
their moid. You'll hear women online talk about how they were never attracted to their ex, he just provided comfort, attention, shelter, needs, sex, etc, and/or they were very insecure about themselves at the time which made them get with someone they didn't like. I hope it all works out in the end.
No. 1282707
>>1282602I'm going to be very honest, you're setting yourself for a
abusive situation. It's hard to be woman alone in this world i know but if i read it right and you don't have your mom anymore then you're going straight to the kind of situation that becomes dangerous quickly. Lost, lonely women without a family are the woman that gets abused the most
No. 1282826
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>>1282602Nonnie I'm begging you
I used to hang around and text a guy "friend" for attention. And by that I mean we played videogames once a month and texted random shit and memes, he girlfriendzoned me almost immediately and he made weird and sexual texts out of the blue as time went on. We had no connection besides knowing each other since elementary and liking anime. He "confessed" his love for me after a literal year and a half of this, I was extremely lucky he wasn't an incel type when I rejected him over text, but he was and is still the typical porn watching, misogynist memeing, incel-lite type 99% of men are today.
You're going to feel his eyes on you and be self conscious 24/7 knowing he thinks you're in a relationship. He's gonna push boundaries, put his arms over your shoulders, get touchy with you when you're alone together. How do you think he'll react if you bring someone over or talk about a guy in front of him? Make plans without him while he expects you to do everything together?
Do not take my words as jealousy or fearmongering, listen to your gut and common sense. If you really decide to or HAVE to move in because the alternative will be worse please please protect yourself. Without your mom's support I know things are harder and absolutely shitty to get through but the best solution is to become as self-sustaining as you possibly can as fast as you can. Good luck nona
No. 1283084
>>1282835I don't want him to do everything for me, just guide me sometimes. But also, I don't smoke weed, like he does, and I don't spend my money on bullshit, like he does, I'm actually really good at managing and saving money. I also take care of myself, and his hygiene is sometimes disappointing. People think I'm attractive, while he's average. So am I really a hypocrite for wanting someone who's at least responsible with money, takes care of himself and doesn't have air head friends who smoke weed with him? Also someone who has more interests and hobbies, like me. Wanting someone who's better looking isn't bad either since he's below me in looks.
No. 1283797
I've developed a crush on one of my best friends. It’s not going anywhere because I'm in a serious relationship with my boyfriend, but I feel so degen for feeling so much infatuation for someone else. I've had small crushes before while dating other people but it didn't matter because I didn't feel real love for the other guy. This is the first time I've developed a crush on someone I already held non-romantic love for. It feels much more intense because even though I'm not "IN love" with him, I still do love him and also have a crush on him. It started because I was suspecting he had a crush on me and at first that made me uncomfortable, but as time went on I stopped caring and then eventually got into my current brain rot predicament. I won't act on it because it's against my morals, but I hate that I'm so loving by nature because my monkey brain keeps asking "why can't I just love two guys if both know and love me too?" It doesn't help that my boyfriend has told me throughout our relationship that if I'm not getting something I need from him, he doesn't mind if I get it from another guy. But then my rational brain takes over and I realize it's not a good idea. For one, I don't know for sure if my friend even does like me. For two, it would still feel wrong even if I genuinely loved both of them, because I know my boyfriend would still be first in my heart. My friend deserves someone who puts him first, everyone does unless you're a piece of crap. I just feel so conflicted because I think both of them are super compatible with me, and I'm super compatible with both of them. I used to shit on those crummy redditor polyamorous relationships because I've always been such a staunch monogamist but now I feel like a hypocrite.
I have no one I can tell this to because I don't want to be judged due to them knowing everyone involved. I would tell my boyfriend but I have no idea how he would take it, I doubt he would care because he's teased me saying I should be with my friend, but knowing him he would probably joke about the crush in front of someone else and that would mortify me. I can't wait for the day this can finally fizzle out.
No. 1283892
>>1283871Apathy and being spineless are pretty much synonymous, but that's beside the point since there seems to be more going on than just apathy. If he's cool with you going behind his back to be with someone else romantically and sexually, then he's admitting that he thinks he's not good enough for you, and that he can't provide what you want; at the least he's apathetically going along with it because he has no self worth, or at most he has a fetish for being degraded sexually and wants you to humiliate him. It shows a real lack of commitment, and effort on his part to say he's fine with you being with other guys if you're not happy. If you're not happy, then he should take care of that, and not leave it up to some other guy, or you should just break up. Being a cuck is degrading, why would you want to be with a guy who's self-loathing, and thinks you should go behind his back for your own pleasure? He's an insecure and spineless guy if he's not expressing a desire to be the only one for you, and treats you so well you'd never want anyone else. If he's encouraging you to go behind his back, then he sounds really flippant, and careless with your relationship.
No. 1283907
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In middle school my only friends were boys with obsessive crushes on me. They never left me alone and idolized me because they thought I was just like them due to shared niche interests. I hated their affection and wanted them to stop making me uncomfortable but I also understood on an instinctive level that telling them I didn’t like it when they’d do certain things and I had no romantic feelings for them would leave me friendless. One by one they all tried coercing me into sending them nudes, using the usual tactics like saying everyone other guy gets nudes sent to them, that they feel lonely and it’s my fault, that they can’t be my friend if I don’t give in. So I gave in. Some of them immediately lost interest in me. Some of them became even more obsessive until I finally snapped and told them I found them disgusting and never felt anything for them. Even after telling some of them this they continued to beg me for attention and sexual things I didn’t have the stomach or physical capabilities for. I felt like fucking prey and it never ended, I was so naive that I truly believed the new boy I became friends with wouldn’t suddenly turn into a sexual monster demanding that I show him my feet or read his erotic stories about me. It got to the point where I thought I was asexual and aromantic because every boy repulsed me and my only experiences with them were coercive and creepy.
Eventually I was left with one friend. He was honest about his feelings for me but never demanded anything from me until one day he did something to offend me (can’t remember what) and I sulked. He begged me to slap him on the face on the bus. I refused to do it and told him I didn’t want to hurt him. He continued demanding that I hit him and when I stood my ground he forced himself onto me until I punched him. He was distraught and went home and didn’t speak to me for a few days, eventually speaking to me again acting as if nothing has happened with a worsened crush on me. Every single day he would try forcing himself onto me. We remained friends for several more years because I hated myself and was lonely. His obsession escalated to showering me in gifts I didn’t want, paying people to ask me questions in the hallway he didn’t want to ask me himself, sending me porn unprompted, groping me unconsensually, drawing pornographic pictures of me. I hated him but I hated having no one to talk to as well. I had been kind to him for so long but after 3 years of friendship when I was 15 all I could do was berate him. I began to snap all the time, talk down to him, tell him things I wanted him to buy for me. I made him jealous on purpose and I even had the audacity to feel jealous when he showed interest in other girls because I knew I would be totally alone without him. One day he tried kissing me and I ran to grab a random piece of sharp plastic from a broken soda bottle on the field to cut him with. I felt like a broken person incapable of love because everyone who “loved” me made love seem like the worst thing on earth. I hated him. I hated every man who made me feel like my only worth was what feelings they could milk from their sexual obsession with me.
It’s been a very long time since I’ve spoken to him. I still feel guilty, because of how I reacted. Obviously he was horrible but I hate that I couldn’t just walk away and be alone. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about. I feel bad for telling him to buy me things and scratching him and I even feel bad for the egoic interest I had in maintaining his interest in me. It makes me feel like such a horrific person to reflect on how I reacted to these boys when I was 11-15. I was so soul crushingly lonely and the boys just made me feel worse to the point I couldn’t even process human affection as anything more than a means to an end until I fell in love later in my teens.
No. 1283909
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i can't sleep without the light on because i get nightmares. I am going to turn 21 next month.
No. 1284346
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I love revisiting the kiwifarms thread about this place. So far I have only see a bunch of pathetic female dicksuckers who hang around the scrotes to seem cool talking shit about this place and the angry incels in the thread who keep making me laugh because they’re really mad at women (just for existing). Picrel is a great example of men never getting it. So autistic he can’t even see the pure shitposting
No. 1284392
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>>1284387Very "peg the patriachy" of you
No. 1284438
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I confess. I CONFESS. I want to be falsely accused of murder so I can go out every month to the police station to talk to them about new evidence and prove my innocence by showing them all the cat pictures I take on my walks throughout the day every day because I'M BORING. I don't live in USA or UK or a 3rd world country, so I safely assume that in the end I wouldn't be put in prison.
No. 1284449
>>1284438Lol girl, its more likely the hold you till they find something implicates you, leading to imprisonment, especially if you were a foreigner in the US.
Theres a lecture online from a well reputed lawyer, who during his lecture goes into how the arrested could be found guilty even if they are innocent, because they talk without a lawyer present. Then a sheriff followed up and said “yes he is absolutely correct listen to him”
But I feel you, I love a good interrogation. I would pay for a detective to play, especially if they look like detective stabler.
No. 1284614
>>1275626I hope it backfires in the middle of the week and you find the reason to live in keeping contact with this people and rocking those cool and pretty clothes.
I mean, you could like save money and wait for vacation to do all of that excep the end?
I used to idealize death before therapy and I was so annoyed with my shitty uncle that my true deathwish was making him deal with finding my body and doing all the procedures after that. Therapy is not solving my hatred towards him tho No. 1284844
>>1284835Last time I tried to break up he beat the shit out of himself and he has made a point to ingrain himself into every part of my life. I always think "it's not so bad" until the next time he has an insane outburst.
He'd definitely flip his shit if he knew about this site and that I post on it.
No. 1284907
>>1284873>>1284888This is actually a great point because he acts like an angel in front of his family, though I think they still have an idea of how he is due to how he behaves when they have petty arguments.
One of the drawbacks to all this is that I like and get along with his family pretty well.
No. 1285037
>>1284907If you called an ambulance on him, I don't think your family would hate you.
I also liked and was liked by my ex's family but it's not a big deal, you and them will move on.
No. 1285100
>>1285037Shit, sorry, I meant "I don't think
his family would hate you"
No. 1285101
>>1284523No, I'm Latvian and got banned for a smiley face… My other confession is related to that;
I actually got sad I got banned for a smiley face because I wanted to show the nona I was responding to that I'm happy they know what Latvia is and had someone they know there. What a lovely nonita she was!
No. 1285130
>>1285121Running to the drive through is pretty much the only thing that’s gotten me out of the house in months
>>1285124I’ve been out of Adderall for months because I hate doctors appointments and feel like zombie garbage. Caffeine is better than nothing
Thank you both for responding
No. 1285143
>>1284510My siblings (all in 20s) do this constantly but we’re all women and it’s become a weird expression of love. Sometimes I get the urge to do it to a non-family friend and I have to restrain myself.
Classic prank version is to go in for a hug and then try to unhook her bra strap before she squirms away, kek
No. 1285211
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with in me there are two wolves, one is tradfem that wants to live off my husband and have many children so I can assure my genetic legacy gets passed on and the other is a radfem who wants to destroy the current world order with revolution, I am both at the same time
No. 1285235
>>>/m/198208 kek. Please contain the jew sperging, reeing about fat being amoral, and subhuman behaviour anon, it is too noticeable.
No. 1285259
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>>1285227Your dog boy is shit
No. 1285263
>>1285237they like the aspects of feminism that benefit them in relationships with men and none of the rest. they hate porn because they’re jealous, not because they actually find it to be a patriarchal means of mass subjugation and degradation of women that constitutes as pure violence. they hate prostitution because they hate prostitutes and the idea of a potential sexual prospect seeking them out, they think men who have sex with prostitutes are bad not because they’ve bought a woman but because they see prostitutes as dirty enough to defile a man. they agree that certain aspects of capitalism are cruel but instead conclude from this that they should be housewives—their idea of this life is a mirage based on television shows, movies, and the rare percentage of women who aren’t turned into dependent, glorified prostitutes of the home.
i hate every reactionary “feminist” but they aren’t completely irredeemable, some realize the error they’ve made when they eventually get into one of these relationships they think they want and realize it’s not what they thought it’d be, then they’re stuck reading lundy bancroft.
No. 1285266
>>1285263i’ve also noticed these women are divided into two sections, former/current polfag orbiters who are often self hating
woc and insecure white women afraid of losing white men to
woc, and self described “bimbos” doing “bimbo feminism.” both fetishize freedom of choice in the same way run of the mill libfems do.
No. 1285271
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>>1285230>>1285245I have skimmed through RWW, its exactly what I expected coming from a subhuman specifically like Dworkin, Dworkin has the same problem every low IQ second wave feminist seemingly had, I'm not a "right-wing" woman neither politically, nor as per this book's definition. but Dworkin has same problem every low iq second wave feminist had, the inability to comprehend genuine belief and going into absurd conspiracy theories about the coming genocide against women, its kinda sus that she constantly criticizes Christianity throughout her work but never members of her own tribe(kinda curious) I don't even understand why the writings of a comically obese subhuman who died literally rotting under own obesity are worth anything to just anyone, either way read A Vindication of the Rights of Men by Mary Wollstonecraft if you want angry feminism by someone that isn't a low IQ subhuman
No. 1285282
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>>1285272just saying its kinda curious who she never criticized her own faith, despite it historically being far more misogynistic then Christianity
No. 1285303
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>>1285272its telling you don't know who Mary Wollstonecraft was, she was a poet, author, activist and one of the earliest proto-feminist who advocated for well Vindication of the Rights of Women, as well as rights for poor people in general and for their education, her work inspired millions of women, from early Suffragette's to women like to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, she actually did something with her life and made actual change
No. 1285311
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>>1285304that's like comparing Isaac Newton to Michael Fish, Mary Wollstonecraft actually accomplished stuff in her life and made actual change to the world and she inspired millions of other women like the suffragettes and even anarcho-feminists in Spain who were literally fighting fascists, I very much doubt has inspired anyone to a cause worth fighting for or ever made significant change to the world, she published with her retarded takes and that's it
No. 1285321
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>>1285314okay, so how does that disprove my point
>>1285316>>1285315anarcho-feminists fighting fascists somehow means I want all women to be tardthot housewives
(infighting) No. 1285349
>>1285303NTA, but I used to like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, until I heard how fake she is from one of her former lawyers. Things kinda became a grift for her once she left the Netherlands. It's also ironic to ally with the Republicans for the rights of Muslim women, when Republicans are speedrunning the road to becoming Christian Taliban and she left partially because she was treated badly as a refugee in the Netherlands. Yeah, because Republicans are well known for loving refugees and respecting freedom from religion. She did some useful stuff back in the day, but becoming part of a conservative think tank and grifting is not exactly very useful. Also Anarcho (radical) feminism is based, but idk how you try to somehow mix that with conservative shit, it makes you come across inconsistent. Mary Wollstonecraft was literally one of the first liberal feminists ever and it's typical that you focus on her and not anyone else. By Mary's standards we have already defeated patriarchy in the west or it should've happened already. Well evidently, we haven't. This weird third way mixing of anarchism and specific conservative "feminism", feels like the female version of conservative scrotes with V for Vendetta pfps who love Bioshock. Idk if Ayaan Hirsi Ali gave you the idea, but she's just been writing shit exclusively for a paycheck from rich conservatives, because what else is she going to do? Not exactly something to take seriously anymore. She has to do mental gymnastics to resolve the disconnect between her past in a European labor party, which is very left wing even in comparison to democrats and working for the Republican Christian Taliban thinktank. You're not getting paid to do it, so why do you do it too?
No. 1285387
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>>1285349This is a frequent topic with in ex-Muslim spaces, the problem is that no one other then the right wing hosts us, most Muslims want us dead and the left wing in all western nations either doesn't acknowledge our existence or thinks we are self hating who truly never understood Islam, so we have no options, I mean how do you expect women like Ayaan Hirsi Ali to get their message to the world, publish it some incredibly obscure newspaper or be hosted in a major news outlet
also for the love of god, do not compare the conservatives of your nation to monsters like the Taliban, its offensive, the Taliban are a tribal group who are guided and motivated by their religious faith, you will literally never find anything close to the Taliban in this world other then the Mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan, they are remnants of Islamic armies in the past still alive today cause they crave death and annihilation, please don't get me wrong I advocate for all women in the world to fight against the patriarchal forces in their nations but it is offensive to compare a western nation's moderate conservative state polices to girls not even being allowed in schools and other shit that happens in Muslim nations
No. 1285396
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>>1285387samefag, again I am stating that do not take my post as me being dismissive towards problem in the west, like rolling back abortion rights for example. But to genuinely believe that things could get as bad as muslim countries is not abusrd but just dismissive of what women are actually living through in our nations, an Islamist politician officially won the election in the city I live in, he was going to enact a law where all women had to wear veils when outside otherwise face a tax, the only reason they didn't end up taking power is cause they got into conflict with my nation's corrupt military oligarchy who ousted him and his party from the city
>>1285392basically yes, mainstream conservatives are basically the only option for most ex-Muslims
No. 1285575
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I spent a good chunk of my late teens and early 20's dressing in this hyperfeminine, cute style. Only light neutral colours and pastels, lots of whites and pinks, nearly exclusively skirts and dresses even in winter. All because I only felt pretty and good enough in those type of clothes. In hindsight I know I was just compensating for a low selfesteem.
No. 1285652
>>1285570Not always, cats breath smells like a dream compared to most dogs meaty breath. I think it is also because I love him so much and everything he does is simply lovable and adorable.
>>1285571Based anon
>>1285576No I don't like dogs
No. 1285814
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I’m addicted to my own misery, I enjoy being sad and I caused my own depression. I take after my grandmother, she used antidepressants for 30-ish years and would refuse to come to the beach with us whenever we visited & if we convinced her to come she would refuse to swim and sit alone under a tree. She literally would miss every opportunity to have fun to sit alone at home and I’m turning into her. I don’t know why, but I felt a drive to shut myself in and push everyone away for literally no reason since elementary. I am disgusted by humans and hate interacting them, with the only exception being my mother. I become increasingly restless when I’m in a good mood and have a sense of impending doom. Can genetics actually work this way? It’s like I was possessed by the soul of the lady in picrel at age 7.
No. 1285965
>>1285184when i first met my bfs mom i instantly hated her/the family's 2 dogs
i fucking love huskies so looking at those 2 pathetic balls of misfortune and barely working organs makes me wince
the most i'd do is strongly push them away with a leg tho'
No. 1286092
>>1286088Ayrt, I'm gonna be honest anon, I never read it kek. I read a summary of it and decided I probably wouldn't really care for it. It's a popular book though, so I'm sure some other anons can tell you!
I don't know if this is a spoiler but
the reason why I said that is because the main character tries to work other jobs but decides the convenience store is just what she's best at and loved the most No. 1286287
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Lately I keep thinking about that picture of the decaying rat and keep picturing it as myself. I just want to lay there and decay back into the earth and feed the worms. Idk if these are considered suicidal thoughts or just like passive suicidal thoughts but it's where I'm at.
No. 1286304
>>1286297Ty nona it was kind of funny
I like watching the dermestid cleaning and diaphonization videos too. Maybe this the only healthy way to cope with these feelings
No. 1286479
>>1286468True, women risk way more by having sex with men and aren't even sure they'll feel god from it so that's why we're less promiscuous. But still, gay men think giving them sound advice to help them take care of their health is homophobic. Men are equally trash regardless of sexual orientation but gay men are trash in a specific way that's pissing me off more and more with time. Their
victim complex is too much to deal with, I see the ones I know irl complain about shit that barely happen to them and that happen to me way more often like workplace discrimination or risking being rejected from my family for having a romantic relationship they don't approve of or havinf sex out wedlock. I think I'm biased because of the ones I know irl.
No. 1286573
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I LOVE the smell of pool floats and other stuff made from PVC
No. 1286582
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>>1286506I hope you'll get back into it. Despite all the shit people say, I fucking love lolita fashion. I've always wanted to get into it but was too poor, now I have the money but for other reasons don't want to get into it, but I will always fawn and admire cute lolitas from afar. Let me live vicariously through you
No. 1287016
Half-confession half-vent but I'm so simultaneously self-fellating and self-pitying that I don't even try to change my situation. I'm a scrotebrained ultra-entitled NEET and I've been this way since my early teens, and I know I can solve all of my problems but I just don't. Just to be clear, I'm in my 20s now, so it's been almost 10 years. All I need to do is start using a consistent sleep schedule, improve my hygiene, eat better and more consistently, exercise, actually try to learn some things, and get a job already, but I never try. If I do I research it intensely for a few days and then lose all motivation and never get anywhere. All of my interests are like that, actually. I get extremely into something for as little as a few minutes or as long as a few days, and after that I forget I ever cared. Other than that, I have no interests or hobbies at all. I'm extremely avoidant of everything and anything yet I'm extremely dependent at the same time. I don't know what kind of complex it is, but I refuse to show the extent of what I can do. If I can lift 10 pounds, I act like I can only lift 5. When I know what day it is, I'll play dumb and ask for the date. Even if I can vacuum the house and do the dishes, I act like I only have enough energy for one or the other, or else I'll totally pass out guise!!1 All because I'm terrified of the idea of anyone expecting anything from me. I'm afraid that if I ever show that I have any competence at all or start improving myself, I'll have to do more. I hate working and putting in effort, and even when I want to work or do something there's some barrier that blocks me from doing it for more than just a little bit. My room is disgusting because I don't even try for myself, I just let it be until I see enough bugs that I get paranoid and desperately deep-clean everything. I'm extremely lazy in general. I blame everything wrong with me on trauma to make myself look better, but I don't even remember what trauma I have since I've got dissociative amnesia, which even that I amplify and exaggerate to make life easier for myself. Just posting that line has me terrified that someone I know might see this post, by the way, even though at present I only know four people. By the way, I'm going to two therapists right now. One who tells it to me like it is that I always get defensive against and fight, and the other who's helping me discover what my trauma is, even though we haven't gotten anywhere and I haven't done anything she's asked me to do. I intend to drop the honest one the second my insurance (which I don't manage) gets on my ass. Nothing is orchestrated by me. I don't drive, I don't organize the appointments, nothing. I don't know how. Anything with doctors actually, I never do anything they tell me to because I forget or I can't be bothered to go to any extra effort. No matter how easy it is, I'll stubbornly refuse to do anything, especially if I feel like it will embarrass me or put me in the public eye. I'm obsessed with attention and validation, yet I hate being perceived by other people, even in their memories, so I refuse to talk to anyone or even make any social media. For social media specifically, I know I'm a latent lolcow in many ways so I refuse to allow myself to be exposed like that. I'm constantly terrified of someone taking a candid photo of me or having any footage of me on security cameras, but I don't even put any effort into making sure I avoid them on the rare occasion I'm outside. The only friend I have is an online friend (TiM) who I'm extremely dependent on and haven't ghosted only because he knows too much about me for me to feel safe doing so. I'm also obsessed with my appearance, but I don't try at all with that either. I don't exercise, I don't keep up any hygiene unless it's critical or the day of an appointment, and despite eating once or twice a day at most I'm more than 100 lbs overweight. I hate being like this, but it's so easy and in my comfort zone that I don't care to change it. I'm considering trying to weasel my way into some scrote's life when my mother kicks the bucket so I won't have to kill myself too, but I don't know how to do that or how to avoid having to work if I ever do. In short my confession is: I'm basically subhuman, since even though I feel guilty about all of this, I don't bother to introspect at all and simply take how immensely privileged I am to even be allowed to live like this for granted, because that's what I've always done. I will never change, whether I like it or not, and I've decided to simply accept it. That's all I can do, or at least, that's all I'll ever tell myself I can do.
P.S., I know this is a huge wall of text and also cringe, but see my first sentence. It is what it is.
No. 1287065
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I wish we had emoticons here, not emojis but like picrel. So often when a nonna gives me good advice I want to reply with a smiley at the end but it's against the rules and a heart is a bit much kek. It would take away the charm of the board though.
No. 1287092
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>>1287089Samefag, picrel kek who made this
No. 1287145
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I identify with "literally me" male characters, especially Joker, Eren Jaeger, Rust Cohle, Patrick Bateman and Daniel Plainview. I know I'm an autistic, pathetic loser and I will never make genuine connections with other people and I will always be alone. But I also think I'm right about most things. I could never fit in, even though I tried in the past. I feel both worse and better than everyone else. I think my suffering and my taste in philosophy, movies and music make me special. I believe most people are NPCs and even if they're not, they don't understand how this world truly works. I don't believe in therapy, drugs or sex. I've never been violent towards anyone irl but I have violent fantasies, I jump from suicidal to homicidal ideation. I believe most men are by nature pedophiles and most women are by nature prostitutes. I resent them all. I look with disgust at women who have sex with men. I can spend 7 hours on /v/ arguing about mechanics in Yakuza games because proving I'm right about something makes me feel better, especially against moids. I hate being a woman but I don't want to be a man either because men are subhuman. Everything sucks. I don't know how to present myself and in the past I tried various styles of clothing and even copying the way other people speak, but none of that felt like me because there's no true connection between my ego and my body and the outside world. I believe all life should cease to exist. If I had the power to destroy all organic life on Earth in one second, I would do it.
No. 1287210
>>1287173yeah i should. but my pussy's healthy for the time being ig, ive never had a UTI, yeast infection or any other kind of complication in my life. docs have told me im very healthy.
>>1287166yeah, logistically it was weird to me too, but hey whatever. im trying to fix it but i get lazy.
>>1287166folks can usually tell im a weird/funny person, but im told i come off too high functioning or whatever when i tell ppl im autistic. misogyny + mask ig. sometimes they're like "oh that makes sense" if i get close enough to them or if i let people know about my interests. but i normally don't. im a friendly and amicable person, have had multiple relationships, and im self aware enough to watch out for my tismo moments.
No. 1287414
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>>1287413I forgot picture
No. 1287589
I had another nightmare in which my mother was acting sexually toward my boyfriend, but not owning up to it. In this dream we were in a cramped space and my boyfriend had to change his underwear and trousers. My mom was chilling in front of us (on my bed), but there was a mirror in front of the bed. Even though I was trying to cover my boyfriend as much as possible, I had to ask my mother to close her eyes just in case. But instead I kept seeing her peeking and then acting innocent when I caught her. This made me super angry. I told my boyfriend to just go into the other room. I tried to join him. (Tried because the space was so cramped, it was difficult for him to get out) But I didn't trust my mother and had a bad feeling about the situation. I looked in my bedroom again and saw my mother masturbating (with clothes on). I became very, very angry at her for this. I asked her if she was truly masturbating to the thought of my boyfriend naked, hoping she would say, "No, of course not!" with full earnesty. I was hoping I misunderstood the situation and it was just all in my head. Instead, she just had a cheeky smile and said like a giggly teenager or drunk woman "whattt, I'm not doing anything wrongggg", and kept going. I was so upset in this moment I woke up. My mother doesn't act like this at all in real life, and I know my boyfriend has no weird feelings or thoughts either. But I still have these nightmares… The only irl qualm I have is that my mother seeks attention a but online and likes to act "younger" than she really is. She is single too and so is on dating apps etc. I never liked that she would post pictures that are essentially suggestive and would become quite upset with her over this, after which she would delete most. But I still don't always feel comfortable showing people her social media. She doesn't delete everything and is unpredictable as well as generally immature with her clearly developed to get male attention behaviour. I actually only felt comfortable showing my boyfriend because he is one of the few guys who aren't pornsick perverts. She only acts like this online or with other people though, not my boyfriend at all. She just acts normal to him. And vice versa. But that nightmare was so awful, and in it I accidentally hurt my boyfriend physically when really I wanted to protect him. That made me sad…
No. 1287997
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i want to eat him
No. 1288372
>>1288363very good decision anon. i’m proud of you. i think psychiatrists require a certain amount of predation and it’s terrible to be on either side of the desk. i have tried talking a friend of mine out of psychiatry a few times but she’s dead set on it even after doing temp work through her university which had her in a psych ward dealing with involuntarily committed male felons. she is not happy but persists. i think women are treated like shit by psychiatrists and i think psychiatrists and therapists in general get treated like shit as well a lot of the time, mostly by men. i think you have made the right decision and i hope it’s a huge weight off your chest.
therapists are the most likely to be stalked
and murdered out of any occupation. as much as i hate therapy and psychiatry as institutions, i feel so bad for women with male patients specifically.
No. 1288383
>>1288363There is psychiatry for the elderly and psych for people with disabilities, it isn't all trauma and forensic stuff.
There's a huge demand for old age psychiatrists where I am in the UK. People suffering from dementia and other cognitive diseases is way too sad for me but I think it would be a rewarding area to work in if you can cope with that stuff.
No. 1288704
>>1288702i specified women because i don't like when gays say it?? that should be kind of obvious
>>1288703nope, thankfully
No. 1288717
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>>1288706it's okay, anon, i forgive you. hard to distinguish considering he's planting his ass here literally 24/7
No. 1290616
>>1287589I had another horrific dream of this nature, except this time it went a step further. In my dream, I had not been home for a while. My boyfriend had been in my home, though, and so had my mother. When I came back and my mother went to say goodbye, my boyfriend and her went in for a romantic (as in, not platonic) kiss with tongue. Just writing this and seeing the imagery in my head again makes me want to vomit. I was so angry in my dream. I asked them what in the world they though they were doing. How could my boyfriend want this? How could my mother be so inappropriate and disgusting? My boyfriend said he indeed didn't really want to, but my mother did and he thought it was fine enough. In my dream, they just kept doing it and smiling at each other as though they were in love, despite me expressing how horrible I thought it was. When it happened again in my dream, I forced myself to wake up and just was so frustrated I squeezed my pillow, thinking: please give me a different dream! I am counting on me improving my sleep schedule and overall health (I've been super stressed and overwhelmed the past days) to welcome better dreams too. I don't know who to talk to about this but it feels like torture. These disgusting images that are so vivid in my mind yet not at all rooted in reality haunt me.
No. 1290922
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I love cleaning my ears. My mom did it for me as a kid so it's a nostalgic feeling, and as an adult I'll clean her ears now. She won't clean mine anymore because they're "too clean" but I don't even really want them cleaned as much as it just feels so fucking good to have someone use an ear pick inside my ear. At least once a day I'll use the earpick I keep on my desk to lightly scratch the inside of my ear. I know it's bad for your ears and potentially dangerous but I don't care (also I'm pretty good at judging how deep I can go in my ear before it's dangerous after doing it for so long). I think that's also part of what makes it a special bonding moment when you do it for family- you place a lot of trust in the other person to not puncture your ear drum kek.
I don't know how to explain to my potential future girlfriend that I want to clean her ears. No I promise it isn't a weird fetish, it's just my love language at this point kek. I watch ear cleaning videos (ShiliTV has some of the best) every night and that shit puts me right to sleep. Fuck I wanna go to one of those stupid ear cleaning salons and get my ears cleaned by someone AAAAAAAAAAA
No. 1291001
>>1290940I will always remember that post guy made where he said he would
masturbate to passed girls’ pictures because it was a big mental thing for him, that he was the only one who would remember her because her family would have to try and forget the pain and move on with their lives and he felt ‘special’ for still thinking of her in this way.I hate scrotes
No. 1291073
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>>1291045No I do similar nona, I like sleeping with something next to me. I still buy stuffies occasionally and own a ton of them I've collected over the years
No. 1291084
>>1291063I can't control that moids ruin normal, innocent things like they do with everything they touch, but it's not going to stop me from enjoying getting my ears cleaned/cleaning my family members ears kek. It's not like I get off on it while cleaning my mom's ears- it's just a moment for us to share as mother and daughter and is the equivalent of giving her a shoulder massage or something. You can also do it without having dry wax, because my mother has the sticky kind and has me to it for her still.
I said in my post that I already know it's bad for my ears but I do it anyway lol.
No. 1291123
blog but I used to work with a guy who told me he'd go to r/watchpeopledie (thankfully that sub is banned now I believe) and said it was "the best way to feel emotion" or something really weird like that. he was also a weeb with an asian fetish and had 0 self awareness. I dated his friend later because his friend seemed so different but really wasn't and just hid it better. lesson learned
No. 1291621
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Want her to ravage me like an animal
No. 1291927
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>>1291884>I'm now officially one of those nosy neighbors who stands by an open window and listens in to nextdoors drama. The shame. Big same, anon lol
>>1291910agree with the an update on this story and we absolutely need a neighbour hate thread. Maybe we can have one here in /ot/? I could tell so many stories about the people living in my apartment building alone. Absolute freaks.
No. 1292282
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I've been having health issues for a few years and currently waiting on to find out if my removed borderline tumor requires more surgery or other types of treatment, this shit has been incredibly hard to go through, especially as everyone who knows keeps harping on about how young I am. Every day I fight the urge to just leave, not go to the appointments, go back to living alone in my apartment instead of mostly staying with my mom, I wanna drink and smoke, god I wanna smoke outside and sit on the ground. I just feel like it's not fair I need to work so hard to just keep seeming normal, I am hurting for fucks sake. The pandemic made this even more unbearable but then again, never been in this situation sans the pandemic but like, can't people just let me go. I know I'm dramatic, but I am so tired, just let me have a pandemic free one year, or just one fucking month maybe abroad or just my in hometown to fuck shit up, do awful things and just give up. Feels good to get this out, sorry for the dramatics.
No. 1292289
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jean was always simping for her
No. 1292980
>>1292761You are not immune to propaganda.
Men are simple creatures, when a man’s soul is rotting inside of him, his face will start to resemble that of a french bulldog also. Pretty ones aren’t necessarily better people, but never have I ever seen an uggo male have a sense of humanity left in him. They know this themselves hence the constant shilling of Harry styles/Paul dano etc. in the media.
No. 1293268
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I'm 30 and childfree. I love going on playgrounds. I like climbing the jungle gym and bouncing on the bouncy bridge and going down the slide and spinning on the spinny thing. I like ducking and running through tunnels and climbing the mini climbing wall and jumping on the glidy-rope. I like trying to make it across the monkeybars and I like going to the top of the tower and I like the ninja-hop steps.
Is that so wrong?
No. 1293308
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>>1293278Those look like teenagers to me, but okay.
>>1293288It's like adults aren't even allowed to have fun. No wonder everyone is fat, there's no physical activities for adults. The only thing grown ups are allowed to do is apparently eat and drink?
No. 1293396
>>1293268no but your pic is wrong
>>1293346the spoiler pic doesn't actually show up the skirt tho and PT is an adult
No. 1293440
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>>1293418Nta but i wanted to share a photo from my hike today! 2 miles up a steep mountain and back- but this cutie gave me an energy boost
No. 1293620
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I don't trust people with completely straight teeth. I just know that smile is hiding something.
No. 1294239
>>1294180I know the feeling, I left a place like that for my current position. There's no telling how they will take it (though maybe you can imagine from just knowing them), but at the end of the day they can't stop you and will find a replacement for you. I constantly told myself that business is business, and they wouldn't hesitate to replace me if I wasn't doing good enough as an employee. If they aren't doing good enough by you as an employer (by giving you a better wage, better benefits, etc), then it's fair for you to find a new one.
My last employer didn't take it too badly (although they were a little upset because they were already struggling to hire someone just to add another employee into our numbers, now they had to find
two new people), but I am still good friends with people from there and hang out with them regularly. They also found new people and are happy with them! And I am happy at the job I took.
No. 1294397
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I didn't realize I'm a size queen until I met my husband, and I have zero shame about it. one of my friends tried telling me that what I'm doing is still "body shaming" and i told her she could get fucked. my sex life is great compared to before. men are picky about the tiniest fucking things, I'm not settling. i'm not ashamed to say that after the first time we had sex, I knew I could only marry a person with 8 inches minimum.
No. 1294401
>>1294397>body shamingoh my god imagine defending men when their beauty standards are already on the floor
anyway enjoy ur dick kek
No. 1294413
>>1294401she had a lot of fucking nerve, i also think she is projecting her own insecurities because i'm actually sticking to my standards.
online libfems are always like "i hate men" one second, and then they're sobbing about a michael cera looking fucker who doesn't want to put a "label on it" just yet.
No. 1294506
>>1294500nayrt, but i like the way you think nonna.
hypothetically speaking ofc.
No. 1294658
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I miss her so godamn much. I really loved her videos. I understand she stopped uploading because of that Scrote stalker and she still uses her instagram but it just isn’t the same
No. 1294743
>>1294658I don't know who she is but I looked her up and watched her thrift flip video. I am now in love with her, thank you anon.
No. 1294790
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I would never actually do it because I'm not retarded and know all the side effects/dangers that come with it but sometimes I wish I could get a mastectomy. Not for any genderfeels reasons, but because I feel like my boobs are kinda ugly and it'd make me look thinner. I guess my real wish is that I could magically become flat.
No. 1295051
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The Da Vinki twins make me laugh
No. 1295111
>>1295051I love them
nonny, they’re so wholesome
No. 1295600
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I’ve been participating in the “crocodile tears” challenge for 3+ years now.
When a man has a crazy NPD moment in front of you, you leave the room and ignore him until he stops sobbing like a toddler. The narcissist lives for outside validation and craves attention, his personality disorder is enabled by our patriarchal society that coddles men like children. Each unwiped mantear is one step forward in ending narcissistic abuse, and such is my aim as a victim.
My “social anxiety” has no power over me anymore and this has lead me to thinking the reason so many zoomer girls are total messes too afraid to complain about the food in a restaurant is the absolute prevalence of crazy males in their lives making them walk on eggshells. Back in the day, if you were too demented, they would lock you up. Nowadays, they walk around free and nothing will happen to them if you don’t call them out. If your brother is having a crocodile tears moment over nothing important in particular, you don’t go around asking reddit for advice. You inform him that he’s being a crazy manchild and keep him isolated in his room until he becomes normal again. Literally just refuse to engage with the demon until it leaves the body of the possessed. 9th century nuns were right. If everyone knew about this trick all psychiatrists would end up jobless, begging on the streets for spare change.
If someone is annoying you, ignore them until they’re silent. The only crying baby you should attend to is your offspring, not grown males.
No. 1296720
>>1296717Thank you so much!!!
Just have to work from 3:30pm to like 9pm and it's Wednesday, the gallery closes at 7pm so I will probably just sit on my phone I mean watch out for potential art thiefs going on their next big heist. Bc 155cm/5' me is gonna stop them, well maybe if I snort one more haha
In all honesty I just had some pep (amphetamine paste) at home bc well my friend gave me some to take home for a rainy day. Having adhd and taking strong medication for that the effects of uppers in general are a bit different than they would be for others. Depending on dose of course. But time passes sooo much faster and in small doses that's the only difference I feel.
I hope you have an amazing day~♡
No. 1296726
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>>1296722Well I get one prescribed because of my adhd and took another today that was laying in my drawer for weeks for fun. (I prefer weed and downers over all). I don't get agitated a whole lot; but I totally get the concern after that wall of text. Honestly just wanted to anonymously vent while I'm at it about idiots at work.
No. 1296854
I kicked my dog out of my room last night. I haven't been able to sleep through the night because she keeps crying and it keeps me up for hours. She'd been fed, hydrated, cuddled and loved on, rinsed off because she pisses herself, diaper changed, and medicated with her normal meds and some cbd oil and melatonin. Still cries. Just cries and cries and cries unless I'm sitting there petting her, which I can't do all night when I have work the next morning and need to sleep. So I kicked her out of my room that had the a/c on. I left her on a mat outside my door, and left the door ajar so some cool air would slip out and hopefully keep her cool.
I've haven't slept a proper night's sleep in almost a week because she's been keeping me up at night. Her sleep schedule won't go back to normal and she'll flip every week or so between sleeping through the night and just not. I mainly keep her in my room now because I want her to sleep somewhere nice and cool since it's hot and muggy right now. But being so sleep deprived has made me so angry with her, some days I wonder if it's just time that we put her down. I know I can't blame her or be angry with her, and I'm more angry with myself for getting so upset with her. I feel awful when I come to for even thinking something like that. I love her with all my heart and all the extra care she requires now doesn't really bother me anymore, but when she keeps me up at night for multiple nights in a row I start to feel like I'm unraveling at the seams.
No. 1296900
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I've sneaked some nic nacs into work in my suit pocket.
I've been secretly eating a nic here and a nac there for hours.
No. 1296943
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>>1296900brilliant. eat as many nic nacs as you want, you deserve it.
No. 1297082
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I'm a feminist and I hate women. Most women are such useless retards. They are obsessed with useless stuff like makeup and reading rape novels.
And no, I don't care that they are victims of patriarchy that's not an excuse to act like a fool and live and empty life.
These women are not victims, they are evil, they will raise defective children: rapist boys and looser girls with eating disorders.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1297094
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>I'm a feminist and I hate women. Most women are such useless retards. They are obsessed with useless stuff like makeup and reading rape novels.
>And no, I don't care that they are victims of patriarchy that's not an excuse to act like a fool and live and empty life.
>These women are not victims, they are evil, they will raise defective children: rapist boys and looser girls with eating disorders.
No. 1297100
>>1297095If you hate women and most are useless retards, why are you on a website specifically for women? Why areyou claiming to be interested in women's rights if you think most of them are retards?
genuinely kill yourself larping xy
No. 1297111
>>1297103So what if it's painful? They are still grown women and if they wanted to unlearn things they can. A lot of women don't want to change shit because they benefit from it l. The only time women take the time to unlearn this shit is if they don't fit the beauty standard or are
poc in a predominantly white environment. I rarely see women who are good looking and thin giving a shit.They don't unlearn it because they get money and attention from it like white Americans don't want to unlearn being racist because they get benefits from it.
No. 1297141
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No. 1297177
>>1297163yeah this. the average woman is anti sex work and finds all the baddie stuff extremely uncomfortable even if they feel pressured to give into wearing it every so often. but idk i sense racebait is just going to come up next since that anon already went out of her way to lump ugly women and
woc together kek, good grief what a fucking mess this is. girl is self hating and has a lot to unpack.
she 100% thinks we’re all just mad because we’re who she’s describing (i haven’t worn makeup in over ten years, don’t paint my nails, even if i did it wouldn’t change what i say)
No. 1297182
>>1297166Acrylic nails don't impair mobility for most people who regularly get their nails done. They probably would for
you because you don't wear them.
>all for some ridiculous "feminine" standardThis would imply you do think women are doing it because men like it (they don't).
No. 1297184
>>1297094This is a bit harsh, but I somewhat agree. It makes me sad that there will always be women who willingly do sex work, only fans, and all sorts of depraved shit just to pander to the lowest common denominator of men (so, 90% of men). Men started this shit obviously, but way too many women enable their
toxic garbage.
No. 1297188
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>>1297165Are you sure about that?
No. 1297213
>>1297207>just to please their scrote and not be single. more like to not be killed you fucking retard, if women irl trusted you enough to be vulnerable with you you’d know women stay in
abusive environments out of necessity and risk of further and worsened abuse
No. 1297403
>>1297290Using tiktok for those purposed is very
valid. I am glad that tiktok videos of food and cats get posted on pinterest so i don't have to make an account. Some of them are very cosy.
No. 1297488
nonnie, what's their reaction?
No. 1297632
>>1297402Are you actually bipolar or did you just use the word to describe mood swings?
My confession: I don't want to be one of those people who get outraged over words but people using bipolar wrong does make me angry. I have bipolar and it's not fun or quirky. Stop using it to describe regular ass mood swings. Be glad you don't have it.
No. 1298087
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I wish my father had died some time throughout this pandemic. Since the beginning of it all, I've had to listen to the most asinine conspiracy shit on a near daily basis. And it's coming from a walking Dunning-Kruger case who thinks he isn't a complete retard. (Wrong.) He's also a compulsive gaslighter and manipulates and lies to everyone around him, and he's not even that good at it which adds to the condescension. He's also an anti-vaxxer, brought covid home after me not getting it for two years, and even though he has a bad heart and wasn't fully vaccinated somehow didn't fucking die. If he had done so not only would I have suddenly had a wildly more tolerable living situation, but we would have had a stream of income in the form of life insurance payouts.
I absolutely hate having to live with and rely on stupid people, and I'm sincerely pissed off about this
No. 1298088
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>>1298087Manifesting your father's death as we speak nonners
No. 1298275
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I actually adore isekai, I think I like iseka because escaping to another world has been a long term fantasy of mine stemming from childhood abuse. so since I was kid I loved stories like the Chronicles of Narnia, the Harry Potter books etc. And even now if given the chance I'd gleefully leave this world for another. But I cant, so I watch fictional characters doing it for me. I just wish standard isekai wasn't so pervy
No. 1298352
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I wish I were skinny
No. 1298486
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I stumbled across the Ana Mardoll controversy in the E-begging Cringe thread and after briefly skimming it and learning that Ana is trans I saw this photo and thought to myself "She passes incredibly well for a woman, her transition must have been very successful! Good for her!" Then I learned that Ana has claimed to be a trans man, not a trans woman….
No. 1298502
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>>1298402It's an idol named danielle marsh
No. 1298505
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>>1298504She probably had tons of plastic surgery but she's half white so that has something to do with why she looks like that as well. All the girls in her group look identical so they probably all have the same surgeon
No. 1298626
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bump, moid raid
No. 1299396
>>1299360Women do be getting groomed into social work since we’re
so nurturing and eager to help the less fortunate. Boy it pays shit all to be in close contact with deranged criminal men, inevitably take on secondhand/actual trauma, forced to make an utterly broken system work, unable to do anything about it. Every social worker I’ve met in my years is dead inside with a drinking problem.
No. 1299508
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I am also guilty nonners
No. 1299579
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You gotta post the really high quality stuff, nonatella, I like him looking PRISTINE and I will accept nothing less.
No. 1299582
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Crafted by the Gods specifically for me
No. 1319029
>>1273636I'm a
niche internet micro-celebrity and I'm fucking terrified of ever ending up on this website. I'd assume the fact that I possess any fear whatsoever of being cringe would go very far in preventing this from ever occurring, and in the many years I have been publicly online, nothing HAS occurred on THIS website, but the fear remains due to insecurity and image issues/paranoia from stalkers elsewhere etc. Guess I just wish I knew how to be as likeable and non-cringe as possible while sharing myself online since it's my job at this point. I feel like one bad selfie slip up and I'll end up being torn to shreds.