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No. 190632
please post about your favourite websites in this thread.
examples: No. 190750
File: 1647749674935.png (76.17 KB, 960x720, mi.png)>>190634lmao this is so cool but kinda scary, I opened the virus
No. 190967
>>190634thank you so much
nonnie for this, now I'm obsessed
No. 191044
i love losing myself on neocities sites bringing back the late 90s for me from when i was kiddo/young teen
this is one of the best sites i’ve found, it’s amazing as a jumping off point for so much more (webrings and other links), the girl in charge (all signs point to actual female lol) is super talented too. No. 191644
File: 1648061813813.png (87.91 KB, 508x524, kp.png)

this will always have a special place in my heart: No. 192936
File: 1648502024691.png (141.06 KB, 256x256, 2f3cac9e-aeda-11ec-a44a-4f8b89…) found about it from here, we had a thread for it >>166096. Picrel prompt "lolcow'', hyperion blend.
No. 194204
File: 1648921673762.gif (947.37 KB, 500x475, 355a744a3c1542f8292ebecd8c5e4b…) exactly a whole website since it's just that page but it's magical nonetheless.
No. 194230
File: 1648928136929.png (478.32 KB, 1034x1034, koalastothemax.png) selection but with stupid little cars to samples from an insane range of genres generated via spotify, very fun for finding weird new music sounds and emojis. just a cute website if youre easily entertained tbh about selling paperclips
No. 196456
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Love this site: media tv stations streaming 24/7
No. 198293
File: 1650260923638.gif (850.05 KB, 320x240, giphy.gif) online snythisizer
No. 198681
File: 1650344676067.png (857.55 KB, 806x1064, Screenshots_2022-04-19-02-04-2…)
No. 198689
File: 1650345730397.png (244.06 KB, 806x1583, Screenshots_2022-04-19-02-21-2…)

>>198686 a lot of neat/weird websites made by random people
No. 198698
File: 1650348432978.png (425.04 KB, 802x528, Screenshots_2022-04-19-03-05-3…) through channels on an old TV and watch programs from the 90s. There are versions for other decades as well.
No. 198707
File: 1650351150063.png (1.07 MB, 806x820, Screenshots_2022-04-19-03-51-0…) time the page is refreshed a new cat is generated from millions of cat photos
No. 198883
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>>198707>>198861there's something unsettling about the cat pics that it generates, yes many look like cats but something about them never feels right, something essentially organic they lack
No. 199341
>>199317That was tough,
I knew the subject of the article but gave up trying to find the exact title. I'll definitely play this frequently.
No. 199778
File: 1650726779656.png (365.35 KB, 758x730, somafm.png) radio with good playlists
No. 199874
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hope requests are ok here too
can anyone recommend a youtube clip looper with custom time frames? I've already tried:
> - no longer works for 95% of videos
> - confusing and buggy af
No. 199890
>>199878Same, it took me a while to try the plural. I cheated a bit I googled "how does the pope appoint cardinals" and there it was kek I would never have known otherwise
>>199884Sorry maybe I'm too ESL but I really can't understand what you mean to say
No. 199895
I think we should make a thread for the redactle game
>>199884It's the top 10,000 articles and this game was only #17
No. 199896
>>199884Nona, the game has a single article every day, it's shared among every player
>>199895One for all browser games (like wordle) would be fine, if it's just for redactle I fear it'd lose steam after a few days
No. 200105
>>199317Here are some common words that do not count as "free" words:
That, while, are, then, be, some, more, can, also, away, which, may, other
No. 204369
>>204304>>204329Mind that very low results can be achieved by finding a string of about consecutive 5 not too common words, googling it with " " quotes and adding "wikipedia" behind and you should get the article on the first page of results, which got me "monosaccharide" in 32 guesses and I don't even know what that is lol
However, I think finding specific keywords that only occur in a certain type of article (like "born" determines if the article concerns a person) could get even quicker results than filling it with common words like in
>>200105 . I'll have to research this further…
No. 204486
>>204418Yeah ideally google shouldn't be used, as everyone should know what "monosaccharide" is, but…
However it does feel too easy (got #31 in 24 guesses with it) so the keywords for educated guesses I've found out are:
>bornA person (first line will also have parentheses)
>locatedA geographic feature
>populationA country or a city
>usedAn object
>science / studiesSomething related to a science (can be an object, like snow, here related to physics/meteorology), "studies" is more linked to sociology/health
>theoryAn abstract concept, may not be related to a particular science
>century / historyA long-standing artificial concept
>byAlready given as a free word, but if it is in the very first sentence of an article it's a cultural work (book, movie, statue, etc)
So far these 9 words have been used by the 17 articles I've solved. Improvements are welcome
No. 204680
>>199317It took me 200 attempts to get it right lmao
I had already kinda guessed something that was related to that subject, but didn't submit the word. That would've been a huge hint, I think
No. 205092
>>204486>speciesA living being
The letter count of secret words may be found out by selecting them and counting the number of spaces
No. 208493
File: 1653272920678.png (949.02 KB, 1258x646, teheh.png)

https://www.cameronsworld.netThis site is huge, lots to see and look around for.
No. 209162
If there are any anons still playing Redactle, I guessed today's word in 9 guesses, I just wanted to brag. The other day, my brother solved "red sea" in two guesses. Lucky bastard
>>204486I always try "war" unless I can tell it's an article about a person, also try "genus" to see if it's a living being. Of course I always try "physics" too if I don't know what to put in kek there's been a lot of physics topics lately
No. 209176
>>209162Got today's in 51 tries, "war" put me on the right path lol
My best so far is "William the Conqueror" in just 7 tries
No. 209967
>>199317Damn, today's puzzle was pretty hard. I forgot everything about my
chemistry classes
No. 210575
File: 1654033252813.jpeg (477.5 KB, 828x1207, F064DA2E-6928-441C-9C9B-BF96D0…) to be my favorite website growing up, it was such a cute website and had little gifts hidden daily on the website, so you could win or get something for your profile, it was like a social media for diddl fans and collectors (lol)
It was a great concept, but everything went to shit the day they axed the website with renewing it for whatever reason. And they stopped making their magazines and items (at least outside Germany ig.)
No. 210618
>>210499Me too, I didn't even learn that
viscosity shit in high school.
Hopefully tomorrow we'll get something easier
No. 211708
File: 1654376491293.webm (7.8 MB, 800x600, wrong rodeo.webm)
This site swaps or silences or reverses etc. beats of songs you put in. Try some songs with weird rhythms to melt your brain No. 211717
File: 1654377747697.jpg (25.98 KB, 1200x628, 9482-6f44-407f-b4d0-86dab7f28e…) lets you listen to a lot of radio stations from all over the world, but the best thing about it is that you can see their playlists in the last week (although sometimes the information is inaccurate, and some stations don't give their full playlists). It's really useful when I listen to music on the radio in the car and I can't figure out the lyrics of a song that I liked but don't know the name of.
If anyone knows of a similar site that gives the playlist for radio stations outside the US please share, because not every station I listen to is on this site (and I'm too lazy to call the station and ask for the song name directly kek)
No. 211719
File: 1654378150782.png (390.99 KB, 2094x378, retroachievements-logo-large.p…)

>>211717Also, not sure if this should go here or in the video game thread, but RetroAchievements. It's more than just a website, it's also a sort of "system" for adding and keeping track of achievements for retro video games. You have to make an account, download an emulator, and have the appropriate game ROM and then you can start achievement hunting. On the site, there are forums for each game, contests, leaderboards, and other cool stuff.
No. 215997
>>190632forgot one but this is another
No. 219952 for all kinds of birdwatchers and researchers alike to record their observations.
https://ebird.orgIf you're not a birdwatcher, well, basically if you know Pokemon (and more specifically Pokemon Snap), it feels like an online PokeDex for birds, where you can submit audio and photos, specifying what behavior was captured and the age/sex/number of birds, and other people rate them out of 5 stars. Obviously, birding is much more satisfying and healthier than a video game, and it's surprisingly fun.
Anyway, I like eBird's website more than iNaturalist for identifying bird species, it generally feels more "readable" or streamlined than iNaturalist, which is a similar site but for all wildlife.
No. 234507
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I am so sick of neocities nonnies. A few years back it was fun, but now if you go to the recently updated sites you would struggle to find a site not made by a tranny with some fotm neopronouns and "kill terfs" in their about me section.
The community turned into Twitter 2.0 and I'm so sad.
To keep this post on topic though here's a really cool search engine for personal websites.
No. 234553
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>>234551ntayrt but wth happened? i'm not in the loop with these communities or anything but dokodemo is one of the most popular sites on there, and i loved the design of it, nostalgic and cute, so wtf happened? just went there and greeted with picrel. can you summarize the drama?
No. 234566
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>>234553I can summarize. I don't personally know any of the people involved but this is what I know. For some context, there has been a large influx of new users to Neocities in the past two years, many of which are children around thirteen or so. In the past month there has been a lot of posts about people hating Twitter but continuing to use Neocities for microblogging, which is what I think caused most of the drama.
>about a month ago, a site called Roxellle (three Ls) shows up, has a bunch of Discord screenshots of someone named cakie/Roxelle (two Ls) admitting to being a pedophile>Roxellle says they got the screenshots from someone else, it is a mystery>Roxellle posts comments to everyone's that has Roxelle linked that she is a pedophile so half of Neocities ends up seeing this shit>most don't get involved, at best they express not liking the idea of callout sites>everyone gets called a pedophile apologist anyway>eventually dokodemo comes out and says he (might be a fakeboi tho) took the screenshots and posts some trauma dump about not wanting to say anything because he was being blackmailed by Roxelle>Roxelle is a mentally ill 16 year old and has been a pedophile for the last two years>dokodemo says he's deleting his site and the unofficial Neocities discord he runs>he doesn't>both Roxellle and Roxelle get delete. peace returns to the land.A few days ago:
>Ddkodemo makes pic rel joke about not caring about proshipping>lullabye starts telling him to kill himself, calls him a pedophile, accuses him of endangering children and misgendering by using they/them>says its her job to protect the children because she is a grown adult with 5 million mental illnesses>back and forth across many profile comment threads>other sites joining in on telling him to die, including many of the new users that are children>completely uninvolved sites start catching a few strays>trauma dumping by both dokodemo and lullabye>no surprise they're both insane>dokodemo deletes his site>lullabye still telling people to die No. 234568
>>234566Also adding that 5amgirlfriend was recently outed as a
terf even though it was never a secret to begin with. If you still lurk here, 5, I hope you're doing well.
No. 234576
>>234551I actually missed the one 3 weeks ago, so I didn't get to see dokodemos mandatory txt file of him explaining himself and the whole trashfire that went down. I managed to see the roxellle site in the archive though.
For the past few days I've just been reading lullabyes and her mutuals updates and I can't believe how they managed to ruin the small neocities community with their cancer in just a few weeks. I think they all made accounts around the same time and ever since then neocities has been extra cancerous. Are those the carrd newfags people have been talking about?
>Do you know any Neocities alternatives?Sadly I don't. Some of the people I followed jumped ship and swapped hosts after this whole thing went down because they don't feel like this community is heading in the right direction which is a shame but I totally get it.
>>234572So many things about her read like absolute terminally online bullshit. Said she's intersex and has periods, but is also transfem, who knows what means at this point.
No. 234580
>>234566holy kek what a shitshow! too bad about the site really and neocities in general now. thank you for your service anon
No. 234587
>>234507Is this “lullabye” person the same person who initially went by “babyz” or something…? I remember that doko-whatever-the-fuck threw a huge tantrum when they copied their site layout too closely when they first joined, kek. Some of the older folks on the site tried to scold them for being so childish…it was a big shit show. Sadly not surprised to see that the kids are still fighting.
It’s a shame tho. Neocities used to be so comfy. There were always a few weirdos about, but everything felt more innocent back in 2014-2016 or so. If someone feels the need to make a neocities thread, I wouldn’t mind contributing
No. 234602
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>>234585>they're too fucking stupid to realize they are the carrd newfags everyone hateskek classic
Some of them migrated from everskies which is a dressup doll game with editable profiles and it's even worse than the carrd retards in my opinion.
>>234587Actually I think it isn't, I remember the babyz person remaking her profile completely in her own art.
I love when people are like "don't steal my graphics" but their graphics are 2 generic pngs of anime girls + a dotted background.
I'm all for a thread as well honestly.
No. 234619
>>234618oldweb/personal website thread would be great
I'd love to hear about webring drama kek
No. 234740
>>234507Yeah that cow was annoying me too. Glad to see neocities drama on here now. Anyways, avoid yesterweb and like the plague.
Doko and some others spilled deets but they exhibit groomer behavior and ban anyone for anything. Sadness steals code layouts too.
No. 235741
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>>234507lullabye seen dating herself
No. 306433
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Kiwi Farms
It's now here:
>inb4 I get called a moidI don't care what you think. There are plenty of women on KF and you can stay in denial of existence of female shitposters.
No. 307740
File: 1689011816725.gif (213.6 KB, 110x100, danse.gif)

>>198681I still fuck with this website
No. 348728 List of character/series shrines I don't agree with everything here, but I found the generators, logical fallacy section and some character writing resources useful In-browser pixel art tool Archived Geocities sites Old school blinkie archive Archives of old Photoshop resources
No. 352486
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A website to put a dither effect on your pics No. 352576
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Taxonomic classification of bread ties.
I love this kind of absurd stuff. No. 359583
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>> is still working atm
No. 363023
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Not my favorite website now, but I remember visiting it often when I was younger and had a poor internet connection No. 388314
File: 1717270109064.png (3.07 MB, 2818x1314, drive and listen.png) this relaxing, would be nice to fall asleep to i bet. you choose a city and it shows drivers pov of random car journeys, complete with radio station, car speed and street noises as optionals.
No. 411181
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