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No. 1320546
Continuing from Our Favorite Websites! thread. Discuss the happenings, drama, cringe, etc. of Neocities, personal sites, webrings, and other small communities, and how they used to be in the past.
Other possible topics of discussion:
>personal sites vs social media profiles>creating shrines and fanlistings>joining webrings and cliques>how socializing on the internet has changedSearch for personal sites: No. 1320554
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Before getting into Neocities drama, I don't think it's bad that more people are learning how to build websites. It's a shame that kids who were texting from the womb don't know how to use computers, so it's about time they learn. I know several anons have Neocities sites so I want to know their experiences with it.
No. 1320578
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>>1320554Neocities is great when you're just getting into web design/static websites and wanting to form those initial connections and find similar sites to yours. I think it's a great start-off point.
Sadly it doesn't offer any back end and file managing is quite annoying so if you have anything ambitious in mind it's limiting.
Lastly there's the community, which is slowly turning into a more cancerous Twitter. It makes me want to leave and find a different host. But I'd also like to stay as an example of a site that isn't like that and doesn't exist as a showcase of my mental illness, gender identity and a hub for all of my other social media.
Screenshot related is just someone's cute entry picture I wanted to show
No. 1320588
>>1320560Was it angelfire or something like that?
>>1320580I think a lot of website hobbyists got their starts on Tumblr because of editable themes, or if they're a little older even Neopets had html and css tutorials. When I was a teenager there were lots of layouts to use on anime fansites but there aren't many of those still around. I think back then people were more willing to give things for you to use for free and expecting nothing in return.
>>1320578This is also my only motivation for staying on Neocities even if my site is barebones kek
No. 1320595
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>>1320578Is it really turning into twitter 2.0…? do you have the deets about that?
I was legit thinking of getting it as a place to build my portfolio in, since I would like to make my own website. I had a smiliar inkling with tumblr… I kinda want to use tumblr to host some of my works but I think my art would only be liked by cancerous people with pronouns since they flock there. I only use instagram and I encounter far less of those. I don't like the reblog functionality because I would like to delete my artwork forever if I so pleased without it turning up on other people's weird blogs.
No. 1320597
>>1320587I was actually going to mention FC2 for anons, I'm probably spelling these wrong but there's also ameba(?) and sakura too for using different website hosting services.
Was the old thread deleted or is it still somewhere in the catalog neocities has drama? I haven't touched the site I was working on for awhile, did something major happen?
No. 1320600
>>1320595>>1320597For deets
>>>/m/234566You're going to get pronoun types wherever you go, but you can also rent space on a server and host completely disconnected from everyone too.
No. 1320612
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>>1320600I read thew drama you linked:
>>>/m/234566And… okay? so it's just a bunch of retarded children fighting about shipping wars, yet again. Who cares? I don't want to interact with them, I only want to have a website so people see my art. In that regard, neocities might be better than tumblr, since tumblr IS designed to interact with others and reblog and puts retards in the same level as you while in neocities you can just focus on building your website and that's it. You don't need to talk to people, you don't need to have people talking to you and you can easily ignore any drama in the sidelines. Saying it is "turning into twitter 2.0" just because some stupid kids are using it to be controversial seems like an overstatement. I thought the drama would be juicy, this is stale as fuck and the same old things we've seeing the past years. Just learn to ignore.
No. 1320624
>>1320587i used to too, until they made all my posts permanently that magablo crap out of nowhere. i have no idea how to remove it and all my entries are automatically set to that. for those who dont know, it makes all my entries pay-to-read, and i cant set them to 0 yen. there is literally no option to remove it that i know of and i found nothing about this online, i even asked here but no response. i would love to keep using but this made me feel so sad and helpless that i just left my online diary and abandoned it. i really dont know why that even happened to me.
please if anynonnie knows a way to solve this let me know, i would be ever so grateful.
No. 1320630
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>>1320546Going off the thread pic here… whenever someone recommends tumblr for your art blog I cringe. If you're a printmaker, textile artist, or do dioramas, etc… anything outside anime or aesthetic-core art, it's not going to work. It's something I've noticed, in the prime days of tumblr there were all kinds of artists and photographers posting their stuff there and treating it as part of their portfolio, but most of these blogs are now abandoned and no1curss anymore. I think the social aspect of tumblr won over the functional side of things. I liked tumblr because it was super easy to set up, just find a free theme you like and post pictures of your artwork. But now, all the interesting artwork I see on the ocassional non-zoomer non-anime aesthetic blogs are just reposts, not from the artist itself. I don't know why, but I feel like the credibility of tumblr in this scene has simply gone down and it's not the same anymore. A shame because I honestly liked tumblr.
No. 1320656
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lullaybe and her posse must lurk here pretty hard. this seems awfully quick for a shoutout kek
No. 1320661
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>>1320629>You have to set it to Discontinue Sale of Magablo I think, that's what I have it as.when i do that and i view on incognito mode, it doesnt let me see the posts, it just says the sale has been discontinued and therefore its basically gone and inaccessible. im beginning to get sad again about this…
really was the best blogging platform for me, felt so freeing the way i knew there were so little people especially not ones i knew in real life or online plus no influencers and the old feel of it etc. just pure authenticity and freedom…
>If that doesn't work, export your blog and download every image on it to a folder and then make a new blog and import the images to your album and THEN import the posts.thank you so much for the advice nonita ! i think this is what i will do, i never thought about exporting but i did think of just making a new blog right after but then i felt sad about abandoning my current one with all the memories and blog name for another even though that is half of what i ended up doing anyway.
anyway thanks again ! i never thought about what you told me before, will probably do in the near future if there is no other way or actually maybe regardless of that
No. 1320675
i love this site its so cute. i follow the creator on twitter too've always wanted to figure out how fc2 works because i used to be obsessed w/ japanese animal crossing blogs on that site.
No. 1320690
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crooz blog shut down a few months ago in may i think it was. absolutely shattered, didnt even get to archive all my favorite coords properly. wayback machine has most of them if not all broken. all the ones from before 2010 are anyway…
No. 1320716
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>>1320656this is so fucking funny to me idk
No. 1320718
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>>1320716 about web "rings" and children being involved is so sus. fr
No. 1320757

>>1320649Neocities has next to no moderation and you can basically do whatever you want so go for it. Sites rarely get deleted unexpectedly but it has happened so just keep a backup somewhere else.
>>1320716There are a million trans queer whatever the fuck webrings too. The overlap is nearly a circle, but it's always been mostly kids joining these. They don't know how to make friends the normal way. It's almost endearing, but I wish it wasn't a big sign that they are impressionable and easy to manipulate.
No. 1320785
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>>1320554I first started using Neocities around 2017 and it was fun to just make layouts and mess around with the content that I wanted to put up for myself with no constraints as someone who has always been passionate for frontend and it was just a cool place to put my autistic thought dumps and a decent amount of people liked it but I always end up abandoning it because the amount of twitter and carrd transplants quickly became unbearable these past few years. like ffs I just want to connect with interesting people who aren't fucking they/its with kinlists and self diagnosed psychosis.
it's a shame because like other nonnies have said there aren't really that many sites like it out there anymore. I liked how there weren't any bloated templates or drag and drop because the modern web gives me a headache. I've been thinking about just buying my own domain name for cheap so I can host my own shit. I never really care if anyone actually reads it, I just like having my own page on the internet but I'm a lazy shit so I just used Neocities to host.
also the carrdfags who just copy paste the exact same layout over and over without knowing how to actually code a basic website are annoying as fuck. its also hilarious how these are the types of tards to cry about being inclusive to everyone when the shit they make is always ugly as sin and extremely inaccessible to anyone who has a different monitor size let alone vision problems.
I almost want to start up another site and gradually build up a following on there just so I can out myself as a
terf just because the tranny shitfit that would ensue with these types of people would be hilarious. I always had a feeling that 5amgf was a farmer. if she still goes on here your site was gorgeous and inspiring
No. 1320870
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I really miss xanga can anyone help my find a similar set up for early 2000’s blogging? Mwah
No. 1320913
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>>1320649Anon here's a good example of someone dumping some scans on internet archive, very recommended No. 1320924
>>1320872If a person gets blocked three times they can't comment anymore, it's baked into site's code. You can't unblock people (it doesn't work) which shows how much site is broken.
Most worthwhile people left neocities and came back to social media or went with proper hosting in most of cases.
No. 1320945
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>>1320612The problem is they rally people against you, and have a whole crusade like once a week or so. I'm conflicted between having my profile open since this is the only "social media" I use, and I'm getting more and more open with my radical feminist views. If I close my profile, I might as well host somewhere better which is probably something I'll do in the future. I'm also scared of potentially getting my website deleted, even though technically that shouldn't happen, judging by the few /pol/ neocities sites.
Being an open
terf will mean getting blacklisted by many webrings/fanlistings anyway sadly so I'm doomed either way.
No. 1320960
>>1320945your website will almost definitely not be deleted unless you are bullied into deleting it. i'd love to see more moderately sane adult women on this site and i wish there was an easy way to find them. do we all just need to add "
terf" to our tags
No. 1320963
>>>/m/234740Do you have any caps? I'd love to see.
I'd also like to see dokos apology circa 3 weeks ago about the pedo situation, wasn't keeping up at the time and some
nonny mentioned having it.
No. 1320984
>>1320978Make it anonymous, it's much more freeing imo. It's why I don't particularly like friending people on neocities because it would make me feel more restricted.
>>1320960I wish an lc tag name was viable but it would be impossible without the retards knowing too as mentioned
>>1320656 they love lurking here. It's so shameful for them to admit but they definitely do. They desperately want edgy "old" web back but thought policing is too ingrained into them because of social media kek
No. 1321034
>>1321012could I follow you nona or are there any hints to your blog so I can follow?
If anyone needs help setting up a site on a free service then just post in the thread and I'll try to help as much as possible.
No. 1321100
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I made a neocities account last year because of the threads on /m/ about that but I don't know how to code so I quickly gave up and deleted my account. I'm not too sure what I could possibly talk about. Or rather, I could talk about a lot of things but I don't think I should post about these topics online. I share my hobbies with my real life friends already so we talk about manga, video games, tv shows, etc. we like face to face already, I could post about traveling or make foodie posts but that wouldn't feel anonymous enough, etc. I guess I could stick to tumblr because of how easy it is to use for newbies like me but I hate it and deleted my first account in 2016 already, I can't see myself there anymore. I once made a wordpress blog to talk about traveling but deleted it because of covid and I just couldn't find good looking themes that were also convenient to use, so I deleted it after 6 months of use.
I guess I could learn how to code during my free time but I fully admit I'm lazy on top of not having a lot of free time. Right now I'm just using twitter because I follow Asian artists I like and that's very different from any of these platforms. If I could, maybe I'd blog about my daily lives and some of the weird and kind of funny shit that I deal with sometimes at work, on top of talking about, I don't know, video games and traveling and other hobbies. I don't know.
No. 1321111
>>1321107NTA but I reckon you could get a decent looking and functioning site up in a month or two. If you know you want a drop down menu/3 column layout/etc. then just look for tutorials on how to code them. is excellent, takes you through how to code HTML and CSS. is a toolkit that also has prebuilt elements so you can "drag and drop" different features without having to code too extensively
No. 1321121
>>1321111>bootstrapantithesis of personal web and reducing bloat that modern web and social media have
>>1321100learn simple markup first and change your site when you learn. make simp0lest page with text and images and feel out if you like it. you don't need more for start.
No. 1321131
>>1321101yeah it's not as hard as people make it out to be
>>1321129you need to fish for good content now
No. 1321134
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>>1321129At this point, I'd say like 70% of websites being actively updated are indeed like that.
I try to follow people that don't have pronouns in their about me section, that are adults (mostly), or a bit normie. Usually when I see this blinkie, I know it's a good sign to turn away.
No. 1321670
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is lullabye making things up or did this actually happen
No. 1321678
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>>1321134let me post the better version of the banner you posted
No. 1321701
>>1321699That's nice advice!
Is there any program I can use to avoid writing things and just click a button and shit happens?
No. 1321841
>>1321834And also, if you're not one of them, you're put into a category they decide for you. Oh you don't like trannyism? you're a literal alt-right nazi. Don't mind that there's different people with different backgounds and different reasons on why they would be critical of the gender identity cult.
So, since everyone seems to be conditioned to be "nice" and "not
problematic" since childhood (instead of being taught to think for yourself and question people's motives), they all rush into the faction that seems the "nicest". If you're deemed
problematic, your online social reputation will probably be tainted, and it does have repercutions both in real life and "the stink" will follow you wherever you go. Even if you changed your mind, there's no turning back and no forgiveness for these groups. The way these children are easily completely indoctrinated, be it by the poltards or the genderspecials, is very fucking alarming. No one seems to notice it or want to point it out. These groups seek young teens on purpose. Shit will only get worse in the future as these kids grow up and then have kids on their own, yesterday it was tumblr, today it is neocities, tomorrow there'll be more fuckery in the places you least expect.
No. 1321849
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>>1321670how the hell can someone misgender lullabye when it/mewself/purrself/angelself/she/he/starself/stupidfuckingretardself uses every fucking pronoun?
No. 1321888
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>>1321849Lullabye's other sites (also recently made) can't keep their pronouns straight, either.
No. 1321924
>>1321888Starbit sounds like a child. I'm the same age as her, and not the type to say "grow up", but I've always found this trend of "hiya!! i dont capitalize anything!! please please please i've never had a
problematic thought in my life!!" concerning. Like she's advertising that she's meek, judges everyone for not being pure of heart or something, and is easily influenced.
On the topic of this thread, is SpaceHey in a similar vein to NeoCities? SpaceHey doesn't allow for much coding beyond bios but they have the same type of people on each site. SpaceHey was created to be a MySpace revival.
No. 1321944
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>>1321670This is bullshit, someone turned up on chips' page to tell them it's a shame they're being influenced by lullabye and that they don't know the whole truth. Chippy is being retarded as usual and going like "? But lull says I should trust her?" and lulls crew keeps lovebombing chippy, it's weird as fuck. I don't know why a group of adults is obsessed with this poor kid but I have a feeling it's not going to end well.
The whole reason why this drama even happened is because lullabye read into something that wasn't there, she assumed doko was vagueing chippy on some random post about shipping.
No. 1322013
>>1320945>The problem is they rally people against you, and have a whole crusade like once a week or so.oooohhh nnnnoooo, what are they going to do? send bad messages? Be a
terf punk and don't give a shit. What these internet addicted children might do is not as bad as you think. Just use a fake name and that's it. You would only get deleted if you were popular enough.
No. 1322028
>>1321985Are you me?
>>1321924>>1321970I had an account on FriendProject (another myspace clone) which admittedly was kinda cool, I liked the profile customisation and feed but the whole site was riddled with pronoun zoomers going on a cancelling crusade every other week or kids who used it as an alternative to shtwt. I only met one other decent person who did art and blogged about local gigs they went to.
No. 1322154
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Is there any reason I should use <div> rows and columns over <table> other than for responsive web design? Any nonas favour one over the other?
I took a university web design class and obviously they taught modern web design so we learnt Bootstrap and constructing a fluid grid using <div> tags. My site I'm working on atm however is going to emulate that old web feel so I'm thinking I might as well just use <table> tags? And then just code another layout for mobile viewports. I'm also using jpgs for button elements a la old space jam site which I think the <table> format will be better for.
No. 1322221
>>1320630The NSFW ban made it better for certain kinds of creators, but it's not perfect. Unless you're an aesthetic core artist, you'd be better with a Wordpress site (which can come off as much more professional). That being said, if you make an art series, making a tumblr blog about it with links to your main can't hurt. I've made Etsy sales from traffic stemming from themed micro blogs that I only update if I have something relevant to post there. The tagging system has improved, and I'm getting reblogs and likes on work that I posted 7 years ago.
Tumblr has its uses as a side tool, but you're right in that it isn't a good first choice for all artists.
No. 1322391
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>>1322221Nta but I feel weird about using tumblr nowadays tbh. Tried it not too long ago, got 0 reblogs even though my art is "aesthetic" and well done, and then when I clicked on the tags I used I never found my art there, it was only teens talking about your usual twitter stuff. There's so much teenager cringe I don't think I can use it for art in a serious way anymore. Don't get me started on how there's still some NSFW porn in there even though it's supposedly banned. Search one simple word like "princess" and you'll find a bunch of hentai or ddgl shit.
No. 1322400
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>>1322295excuse me fellow human, but… eye-teeth?
No. 1322565
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I love this page, fulfills all my 2008 dreamy pastel pixel dreams.
Anyway this thread has inspired me to start a page myself but I just have no idea what I'd put/write on it. Like I know what my kid self would've put on it but those things don't necerssarily excite/inspire me now.
No. 1322842
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>>1322829>>1322835sorry I'm retarded
No. 1322860
>>1322856a) you can delete the most recent activity post and it will not update again for 24h.
b) you can disable your profile completely in settings > manage site settings > disable site profile
No. 1322862
>>1322856oh, and c) you can make your site NSFW. settings > manage site settings > 18+. you won't show up on the front page, and the 18+ tickbox for the search doesn't work, so it's a nice way to hide yourself.
you can browse 18+ by using urls, though: No. 1322978
>>1322829>It was posted in doko's server before he kicked everyoneI had a lurker account and it got kicked recently. I find it funny how they're all some flavor of trans, mentally ill, abused and sensitive kids yet they constantly talk about 4chan and how "it's not actually that bad". God forbid you're a
terf though.
No. 1322988
If anyone wants free resources for html/css/js and doesn't like YouTube tutorials I recommend checking out rithim school! It's all text and has a bunch of free tutorials.
>>1322978ot but I love seeing posts on twitter that are like "you can't compare transwomen who were /pol/ users and transmen who are ex-terfs they're completley different!!! /pol/'s just a website but terfs are LITERALLY fascists!!!" like literally the worst thing you can be online is an anti-tra woman
No. 1323680
can someone tell me how this person added this winamp music player to their site with a custom skin too stupid to figure it out
No. 1323715
>>1323680looks like they're using this please dont put autoplay music on your site. it's really annoying.
No. 1323754
I don't know if this post has been linked here before but I liked it: (sorry for tumblr)
(this is an imageboard. post screencaps) No. 1323760
File: 1662091967810.gif (2.5 KB, 33x25, wingedorb.gif)

Animated gifs should make a comeback.
No. 1323807
>>1323760Speaking of animated gifs/pixels… anyone know about Yesterweb ring drama? I heard they had their own groomer and code stealing issues.
Personally I find code stealing as a concept ridiculous but it's funny when people get worked up about it.
No. 1323844
>>1323807>>1323839Here is the tea I got from the dokodemo server, and my own personal experience before getting booted. There were tons of minors in the yesterweb discord, but the adults didn't mind talking about sex and their kinks 24/7. I made a comment about it and not wanting to hear about people's sex life's all the time and I got labeled kinkphobic/queerphobic and therefore a
TERF pipeline. That's literally all it can take, other users left for not subscribing to their vague tankie larp. Apparently sadness didn't like doko at all and banned him from yesterweb for petty reasons.
people in doko's server (not doko himself but other people who used to also be in yestwerweb) said that despite having pronouns in their bios, etc. the adults had no issue getting in minors dms and being creepy.
And apparently now NSFW is banned in the yesterweb server but it's kinkphobic to call it out kek
No. 1323851
>>1323844Thanks for the update. Damn…I jumped ship from the server awhile ago (still managed to keep my account for lurking privileges tho) just because of all of the dumb kids. I haven’t the slightest earthly idea as to why it was decided to ever let minors into such a server to begin with…I mean, some of those kids weren’t even conceived yet when the “old web” existed, lul. But with such a wide range of ages there’s bound to be perverts among them…
Speaking of tankie: what the fuck is up with the server’s obsession with communism?! Seriously, that was one of main reasons why I had to leave the community. So frustrating trying to have a light-hearted conversation about missing MySpace and bullshit when somebody blurts out “let’s talk about Stalin”….
No. 1323861
>>1323844>There were tons of minors in the yesterweb discord, but the adults didn't mind talking about sex and their kinks 24/7Sounds like par of the course in these communities sadly. Like the other
nonnie said, I don't see why keeping it adult only isn't an option.
No. 1323903
>>1323844>>1323851>>1323861kek, not surprising. i joined it when it was still under 600 people just to check what's the hype about it. sadness and yesterweb in general gave off weird vibes, their opinion about irc and general obsession with "manifestos" as another way to sperg out how modern web bad was first red flag. now they openly littered their links section with communist garbage.
entire server was just annoying to be since you couldn't criticize anyone about how their sites are broken, mixed old deprecated tags with html5 and generally ugly layouts which were just nostalgiamining. when i re-joined later there was way more of sex and fetish talk which disgusted me, left instantly. They should make it adult only or have nsfw rooms accessible only after age verifications if they can't live without talking about their disgusting kinks.
>>1323899I don't recall there were other servers but general neocities server which is sfw and apolitical, penny pages, is worth to check if you'll like it. it's kinda dead usually though
No. 1323919
>>1323903The manifestos are so cringe, most of them are like "we should abandon corporate internet and decentralise it like back in the good old days!" and then on their website they have a links section where they link to all of their social media accounts Kek
Having a discord kind of beats the point as well.
No. 1323926
>>1323919if they really wanted do this old way they'd use irc or have an irc bridge in their server. same for sites. if they really cared their markup would be clean, validated or used actually old techniques to make site feel retro. their links pages could be archived sites and fun old sites that are still up. but they still plaster their social media. social media brain can't cope and it shows.
once i read a random narticle which was "corporate web bad let's reclaim internet" and there was nothing about decentralization and buying own domains and hosting but about "platforms".
good personal sites are still niche but if you find one, they really are worth visiting again.
No. 1324118
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please does anynonnette know how i can get rid of this ? im the anon from before but i still havent figured it out. i legitimately cannot just disable it not on any of the entries i already posted or on new ones i try to write, it gets applied automatically and i cant set it to free/0 yen. i really dont want to lose my blog, i dont even remember agreeing to this at all…
search results even when looking up in japanese comes up with no solutions…
No. 1324122
>>1324093doko only got bullied off because shes a sensitive tif, that's all really. Yesterweb seems to have a larger and stronger community in that regards
Also apparently was a part of the yesterweb webring until they found out it's full of terfs kek
No. 1324288
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>>1324122>doko only got bullied off because shes a sensitive tifAgreed. Picrel is a sample of a discord meltdown after the Roxelle drama tl;dr lots of whining.
Compared to lullabye, doko is less of an self-righteous asshole and just needs to grow up a little and get proper help. But when you think about it, doko and lullabye are really similar, aren't they? They have the same mental problems and histories of being stalked by an
abusive ex and legions of haters. The way they type is similar. Somehow lullabye always seems to know what doko is thinking. Consider that doko is actually one of lullabye's alters.
No. 1324307
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Where can I get free website themes that I could copy paste the code from?
No. 1324446
>>1324093Don’t have any screenshots on hand rn, but I can say from personal experience from my brief time in the Yesterweb server that the most outspoken & outrageous people almost never had websites of their own. Or if they did, it was carrd bullshit that only consisted of like, one page. So infuriating
>>1324288Something about doko is so fishy! I remember reading their blog like a year back, and they admitted that they’re a highschool drop out neet with no job. I wouldn’t be surprised if these chronically-online teens were just sitting around making a million different “alter” accounts to stir shit up
No. 1324581
>>1324567Thank you anon!
>>1324437I have, multiple times, I only know where to find tumblr themes though. Sorry that I'm not tech savvy
No. 1324630
>>1324567Thanks! Some of this really hit home with the nostalgia. I looked up my fav old premade codes website from like, 2008-2009, but nothing was archived properly unfortunately.
>those anime layoutsI have honestly no idea what type of layouts this refers to but now I'm curious
No. 1324669
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>>1324630>>1324630These. The overused photoshop brush layouts.
No. 1324694
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Who remembers these types of layouts? I'm very nostalgic of this type of graphic design in particular, you know the blended pictures of a celeb with a bunch of photoshop brushes and textures. Every girl on the internet made them back around 2008-2012.
No. 1324706
>>1323903I'm going to be honest since I am marxist, but I agree that yesterweb having a political stance that extreme defeats the purpose of the webring in the first place. So much thought policing .
Anyone remember that dude that pretends to be 3 dogs in one "system" lol
No. 1324771
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From simsecret. Lullabye is gyarutrait on Tumblr and simblr doesn't like her either.
No. 1324784
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No. 1324792
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Question, would someone hate me if I stole their neocities html code but modified with my own stuff?
No. 1324815
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>>1324798>join a community intended to emulate the 90s/early 00s internet>get upset about people rehashing and using what you post onlineOh zoomers.
No. 1324840
File: 1662170609991.jpg (211.59 KB, 1209x661, ettudis_v__20_my_love_is_dead_…)

>>1323926>if they really cared their markup would be clean, validated or used actually old techniques to make site feel retro. hey nona, can you expand on that please? i'm not really into (recent) webdev but this sparked my interest, and i only have previous html knowledge from tumblr themes
>>1324694i do! i had a lot of roleplay blogs on tumblr and you bet i did personalized graphics and icons for every single one.
my absolute FAVORITE was ettudis. i am so so sad that her tumblr was privated and i think her site is gone too.
it gives me such a warm feeling to look at these graphics, it takes me back instantly to the hot afternoons looking for psds and pngs packs on deviantart then kinda throwing it all together on multiply to see if it worked lol
No. 1324843
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>>1324840another one of my faves, her username on deviantart is ejoco for those interested
No. 1325069
>>1324792At the end of the day, if you change the order of the css, class names etc. nobody can really give you shit for anything. Most css is sourced from somewhere else, most peoples pages are obviously inspired by something else.
When starting, I liked to use snippets of code that I liked from other peoples sites, and then slowly I learned to incorporate that into my code without just copying.
Anyone who's hell bent on hating on and chasing away people that copy code is a retard, as if they never searched something on stack overflow kek
There's been a trend of neocities users making free layouts recently, but they're probably hard to search for in search engines. Here's one that I can remember at the top of my head, if I find any others I'll link them in this thread No. 1325242
>>1324840>validation basically paste/upload your markup and it will check for any errors, so you can debug your site way easier. both html and css
>clean markupbasically you can read it and it isn't minified, like on most of modern websites
>used old techniquestables are fun for really early 00s look. for late 00s stuff you posted, you just use divs. basically like you did it back in the day
No. 1326631
>>1326616>>1326594>>1326586To be quite honest, zoomers literally do not read your website or pay attention to the content at all. All they care is how pretty the site is and what kind of anime pictures/pixels you share.
5amgirlfriend, a super popular wesbite that went inactive five months ago only recently got outed as a
terf because someone finally decided to read her entries. She also mentioned lc in a section of her site but nobody still caught on to that. Keep in mind, she mentioned it over a year ago or more.
I also mentioned lc in passing a couple of times, frequently say something terfy or random slurs yet plenty of trannies follow me and never send me any kind of messages or call me out. They just actually do not read. I like that way because there's less controversies honestly, and someone that actually might agree with your stances and opinions might come across the link, and we could gain a normal lurker.
I would suggest slightly obscuring the link and hiding it deeper in your website, but other than that I doubt the outcome will be disastrous if you openly admit to browsing imageboards.
No. 1326639
nonny, makes me wish i found her blog sooner. it's such an interesting diary!! i hope she is doing much better now. i love the art, but especially her textposts.
No. 1326692
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>>1326648>>1326649This is an imageboard.
No. 1326767
File: 1662300577037.png (58.48 KB, 785x742, sdfasfasfdasdfas.png)

Did anyone see Suni's latest statements on her profile? I'm glad she's not letting lullabye's cabal keep her down.
No. 1326783
File: 1662301454171.png (93.36 KB, 1222x939, yuifoahjdsklfas.png)

>>1326767Looks like she and her friends are planning to move off Neocities and make their own website hosting platform.
>no restrictions on file typesSounds like a fucking nightmare, that's just not safe at all.
>invite onlyI wish they'd at least pretend it's not just a little club for her and her tranny friends.
Also note how there's no mentions of TOS, privacy policy, moderation, etc., but she did include links to a mascot design and profile mockup. Great priorities!
Seriously, I just would not want to touch this with a ten foot pole. I feel sorry for anyone who trusts their information with this group of maladjusted hikineet discord trannies who got bullied off Neocities and want to isolate in the echo chamber.
No. 1326798
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>>1326767I'm glad she stood her ground, and got a big laugh from lullabye first reacting extremely aggressively when this was posted, only to backtrack and make a huge apology post. Another silly thing I noticed was that sparklelollipop or whatever her name is, said how good it was of lullabye to apologize when she was the one going along with the whole electric chair spam herself.
>>1326783This exact thing happens on every damn community that's littered with kids. I've been a long time follower of random dressup game communities, and every time some controversy happens a small circlejerk decides to start their own special website with "better" moderation, except it never takes off because it's too much work.
No. 1326802
>>1326783>a private cool kids club filled with trannies who don't go outsideAs if this isn't a perfect recipe for the same exact lullabye disaster that just happened, kek. She seemed relatively unbothered in her return but I can't help but think that the stuff she hypes for the website she's working on now doesn't come across as genuinely wanting to make a better neocities as much as it is her wanting a hugbox. I think the UI and mascot are cute fwiw, but the idea of having no file limitations and an invite only system is fucking terrible. I hope for that group's own sakes that they either give up the website because it's too much work, or they realize how embarrassing they're being and forget about it.
>>1326798It's hilarious how she can't accept the fact that she lost in silence, she has to make it all about her with some nonhuman misgendering identity bullshit to try to still get that moral high ground. These bitches have got to go outside.
No. 1327078
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>>1327044It's especially horrible when you think about it a bit
>Claims to be poc>Doesn't see herself as a person/human And then you see her write this on her Tumblr. Lacking some introspection there
No. 1327088
>>1326767>>1326783>>1326788>>1326798This is absolutely retarded imo.
>>1326692This person is smart, I like what she wrote.
No. 1329515
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just a taste and peek into what yesterweb is like and what the people in it think like
No. 1329532
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>>1329522Kek this is the munchie tranny whose friend apparently got "stalked" by lolcow for also being a munchie tranny. I wonder who it is. He shared this story in the discord at least 10 times
No. 1329533
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>>1329532No one here is stalking anyone IRL. That's a very male thing to do. The most anyone would do here is laugh at you from the internet and post caps of you making a fool of yourself. They really wanna project their deranged inclinations onto us as if we give a fuck about anything besides having the freedom of a women's space as well as the freedom to mock the absurdity of retards on the internet.
No. 1329537
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>>1329517This shit is unbelievable and I've been seeing it more and more lately. It's hard to take in honestly. 4chan became so mainstream to the point where even hardcore wokies will justify using it, despite the troonsphobia, raging misogyny, racism etc. but a site for women by women is seen as the ultimate evil.
No. 1329543
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>>1329532thank god anon I thought I was the only one noticing how deranged this transbian is
i'm betting the threads they're crying about are v-kei or weeb based
No. 1332849
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>when you hate proshippers but center your tumblr around a pedobait character
Lullabye is my favourite personal cow of the year
No. 1334063
>>1320716lmao AUTISTS ONLINE: ∞
That needs to be a banner on here
No. 1334147
>>1334134Probably because they'd get in trouble for being classist if you had to prove you had a professional diagnosis kek
It's very much against the current zeitgeist
No. 1334618
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Good resource page for you nonnies No. 1335012
No. 1335164
File: 1662864200170.jpg (83.3 KB, 700x693, 9ae25f937337d5700a74443db500b6…)

Cool site with a couple of webzines. I especially like the "Mia's beauty tips" link that just opens up picrel in a new tab No. 1335218
>>1335164this was 100% what the "rocker kids" at my jr high in 2001 looked like
except at least one kid needs to have a black shirt that is a few shades more faded than their black pants
No. 1338124
>>1338095It should definitely be plenty enough, but imo html and css are easy enough that you can just learn them by going to w3schools and looking at it tag by tag. They're not really coding languages where you need a ton of logic and they don't have a hard syntax to grasp.
If you want to make a more modern website then you definitely want to know javascript. Specifically if you're interested in libraries/frameworks like react and angular where you basically make single-page applications that just render elements onto your page without your typical loading i.e. most modern websites today.
No. 1338604
>>1324093Digdeeper used to be a front page site and he was a based tinfoiler and anti-TRA guy.
He's recently left Neocities though, funnily enough at the same time or shortly after Doko deleted her site.
No. 1338870
>>1338865oh yeah and the whole thing is it's a randomized array link, so when you click on the link it brings you to a random page so you never know what to expect
I do want to add some kind of content warning though because although none of it is explicit (I dont want to get banned) I think it is disturbing to stumble upon fascist or pornographic shit even if it's just implied… especially because the dark web one is just about child pornography…
side note, and I cannot express this enough, it is actually so so easy to see CP on the clearnet and it has traumatized me enough that I will never ever get into internet security jobs for that reason.
Imagine being the lolcow mod and having to delete child porn all day. fuck that shit
No. 1341053
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For nonnies that need layouts, here's a compilation No. 1342747
File: 1663577172792.jpg (243.98 KB, 1582x896, whosgoingtobethethirdone.jpg)

For the nonnie that asked about neocities suicide bait caps, these are the two I've witnessed just this week. Can't wait for the next round of suicide-baiting to begin!
No. 1343072
>>1342747This is so embarrassing. It's painful to see people genuinely try to help
(or maybe just virtue signaling?) when really all it does is feed into an unstable attention whore's delusion. People who actually intend to die don't announce their plans. They just do it. I wish that more people knew that so they could protect themselves from this bait. Force the scam artists to take up a more sophisticated con.
No. 1343141
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>>1343103adilene is 22, chip is 12 or 13 but definitely a kid who everyone lovebombs. He posts a lot especially concerning his
abusive family and it's worrying how so many adults interact with him.
>>1342787I agree with you
nonny, I feel like I was late to the party with making a site in 2020.
>>1343072>>1343075It's so embarrassing and annoying, they both made at least 3 posts about it and then a ton of people I barely see interacting with them started making statuses about it too. Straight up twitter and I'm sick of it. And then you have lullabye making diary posts like these which honestly cracked me up.
No. 1343193
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Awesome thread, i love all the old internet stuff. Tbh i was getting pretty angry since the internet started rapidly changing. The first warning signs were adverts everywhere, in 2009/2010. And of course social media ruined everything further.
In my country, we used to have our own national blog platforms, a lot of them actually. As well as other website creators. Everything went to dust, because they wanted to be ~modern~. First the blogging platforms stopped functioning, would eat up whatever we wrote, would receive errors and stuff. Then old site skins got yeeted and we could only make those modern ass "professional" blogs. Then, everything was deleted without any warning. So there's pretty much no archive of our old internet, except for bits and leftovers saved on wayback machine.
I was surprised to discover that Angelfire is still working, though. Made a stupid personal site there like in 2016 or something. Of course the layouts look pretty new and ugly, so I mastered my site in html until i got Angelfire Y2K standard: black background and neon-colored font in Times New Roman. Fuck social media
No. 1343263
>>1343157>amab>menstruatessmells like a lying bitch to me. iirc i don't think people with swyer's menstruate naturally. also, having swyer's/being an xy female would not make someone amab. usually, those with swyer's are assigned female at birth and the disorder is usually not detected until teenage years once it's noticed that they have not hit female puberty yet.
my guess is that this is one of those bitches who thinks having pcos makes you intersex and wants to cash in on those sweet sweet oppression points. either that or they really do have swyer's but are so stupid/intentionally misleading that they conflate having xy chromosomes and being assigned male at birth. regardless, special snowflake oppression points await!
No. 1343285
File: 1663605263819.png (52.46 KB, 742x481, Captura.png)

im taking a break from neocities (and most internet in general) but i still check lullabye (now strawbabie)'s profile like a newspaper, every day she has some new drama going on and its just so entertaining to watch, how does she survives on the outside world when every single thing makes her have a psychotic attack.
i never paid attention back when she followed me (she lovebombed me pretty often tho) and i just blocked during the whole doko drama, glad i dodged the bullet
No. 1343325
>>1343263>>1343271Sounds like you nonnas are most likely right.
>>1343285She's great entertainment, I definitely hate this migration of retards to neocities but at the very least I'm going to get some enjoyment out of it.
No. 1343357
File: 1663607817943.png (444.94 KB, 1164x882, LYING RACEFAKING BITCH.png)

this is new, lullabye/strawbabie is suddenly jewish and romani too now? looks like they added that to their bio once they changed their url. is faking being cherokee not enough? they have to lie about being romani and jewish too now? this screams "LOOK HOW TOTALLY ETHNIC I AM!!1" this bitch is such an obvious liar holy shit. it is so obvious they added this in for attention and to seem more "unique" when before they were only claiming to be cherokee. - proof
No. 1344024
>>1343357People lying about being Romani is pretty common on the internet. In fact, it's so common, that Romani internet users call these kind of people "fauxmani'.
Before you know it Lullabye is gonna stop faking being Romani because Roma are gonna ask her stuff like "What nation are you?" "What family are you descended from?" (These are all very common questions Roma ask each other on the Internet).
No. 1344218
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>>1343461>How are yous decorating your pages?I use a lot of bgs and icons from foollovers. I try to keep a relatively clean looking page with only a few transparent weeby images. I do love cluttered looking sites though.
No. 1344248
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>>1344245To be fair, I always got the idea that the gyaru is an adult, she's often depicted in a work setting like pic-related. Wedding setting too.
No. 1344261
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>>1344255when many are extremely toddler-like in behavior and dress and also huge headed with tiny bodies and massive eyes, and then are super sexualized it's still jarring. js, i expected something different from the first (very cute, relatable) one. i just also came across ones where they're having sex… just a very uncomfortable amalgamation of characteristics
No. 1344302
File: 1663667552799.gif (207 KB, 500x500, b6e997fdce033838378b3bc7369b63…)

>>1344261It has always been a chibi representation of adult women drawn by an adult woman anon. I'm not going to explain the nuances of gyaru and why this pixel art exists right now because I'm not too invested in this conversation. If you want to discuss this go to the artsalt thread where this topic is talked about every single week. Not everything with this art style has to be aimed to literal children, sorry you had to be sensitive to this, there's other pixel gifs like picrel for you literally anywhere else.
No. 1344310
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>>1344261Are you a literal child? It would make sense considering plenty of underaged twitterfags are using neocities now. There's other gifs that the same creator has made, not just the spicy ones. Literally just keep scrolling or close the tab
No. 1344325
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>>1344261it's gyaru anon, it has always been like this. These are aimed at young adult women.
No. 1344395
>>1344370they were made by a company on 2008, the gyaru drawings and other pixel emotes and such were for members only (if you register on their site, you can use them on apps like like and docomo phones as if they were emojis), but people quickly spread them around.
here's their website (if you visit it using mobile you get more info than on pc) No. 1345170
>they're a little uncomfortable given they're highly sexual and look very childlike.They literally have jobs, drink, and get married in their pixel art. It's supposed to be cute just like
>>1344395 said they're pixel emotes aimed to gyaru women that prominently used them back in that time. Adult women can also like cute things anon, they're not "toddler like" just because they have an oversized head. Seriously I don't know why you keep going on about this when you clearly look retarded, do you also think panty and stocking look like children then? it's just stylization in this case. Go complain about pixel art emotes on your twitter please literally no1curss
No. 1345219
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>>1345154i'm annoying for not being familiar with them and not being partial to drawings that, to the average person, seem pedomoid tier given how explicitly childlike and sexualized they are (despite them apparently having been used by women, though they seem scrotal as hell)?
i'm not a zoomer, i'm not familiar with 2015 jfashion sexy chibi dolls. you guys are the ones who got up in arms just because i was surprised at how extremely neotonic they are while being very sexualized when my only prior exposure was an innocent cutesy chibi. sexualized extremely neotonic pixelarts are going to be surprising to the average person and it's more annoying that you're going to deny that it is a little odd all because "women use them". all i said was that i was surprised and you all went off on me
>>1345170this is a scrotal tier argument regardless of who utilized them though?
>make extremely neotonized pretty loli-tier dolls with childlike bodies but make them extremely sexual>CAN'T YOU SEE THEY'RE MARRIED AND WORK??i made literally 1 post saying i was surprised because i expected something totally different, and you all went off.
No. 1345244
>>1345219Oh my god shut the fuck up and stop derailing, go to the art salt thread if you care about some drawings so much
There's nothing scrotal here, they don't even look like lolis jfc
No. 1345308
File: 1663706067252.gif (11.21 KB, 161x123, e13d373c5e090a47bda7984c970aad…)

Me and my husbando
>>1345277Just close the tab retard, everyone already explained shit to you on why these look like that but you keep going on and on about shit and being stubborn when this conversation was over some posts ago
No. 1345325
File: 1663706290935.png (15.75 KB, 222x198, OF.PNG)

Posting a link to your onlyfans on neocities is so cringe and spelling it all retarded just shows even you are embarrassed by posting it haha
No. 1345343
triggered by people that link so many social media accounts on neocities. It feels like they only have neocities for showing off to their Twitter friends
No. 1345533
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>>1345219A lot of the time, gyaru fashion and lifestyle = "sexy" fashion and lifestyle, and that's what these pixels portray. Maybe that's what you're missing, anon. It's not just "Women use them", these are literally meant to act as cute emojis for women/young adults within a specific Japanese early 2000s fashion subculture, so it tracks that they're both cute and relatable to the users. Just because the art style is chibi and not all of them have cleavage showing doesn't make them children lmao. Nothing is scrotal about them, and they're neither "extremely sexual" or "toddler-like in behavior" (wtf). Not to be mean, it's just weird and annoying that you keep doubling down on this when you clearly don't know the context
No. 1345547
File: 1663713208429.png (362.8 KB, 720x480, Images_4-3081145652.png)

>>1345533Real theory; I think zoomers are so used to drawings of fat ugly tumblr woke caricatures of people so now normal looking, conventionally attractive fanart is considered overly sexual, and the artstyle I guess is out of fashion for some reason so it looks toddlerish compared to art used now (chibi)
No. 1345603
File: 1663717658729.gif (7.19 KB, 196x130, be24f68960c0ab0f449d14b3c067a2…)

>>1345547I doubt this looks like lolicon or even panders to that audience for starters, a porn addicted moid isn't going to look up cutesy gyaru pixels at all
No. 1346710
File: 1663791904539.jpg (678.17 KB, 1080x1343, IMG_20220921_232045.jpg)

>>1346687It's just pairing fictional characters together. Sometimes real people, usually band members. There's a lot of discourse around it because a lot of ships wouldn't be considered moral irl I suppose.
Frankly I never understood why people even talk about this stuff in the first place kek
In other news lullabye is accusing random women of being terfs. I can't say I found much evidence of tervery besides calling women female on her site.
No. 1346740
>>1346718What are they gonna do? Post passive aggressive notes on your profile? Chances are they won't even discover— much less actively read— your page. If your neocities is not linked to your real identity and you're generally careful with your personal infos then you have literally nothing to fear.
I understand it sucks to be bullied (hot take: even cyber bullying sucks) but women who refuse to speak up for their beliefs are part of the problem. I am harassed for being a
terf on there and the worst anyone has done is leave a mean comment. They have my email, they could very easily be sending me gore, but they don't, and they won't, and even if they did I would not regret being an open feminist.
No. 1346811
File: 1663797413944.jpg (590.76 KB, 801x345, cap.jpg)

this is the most insane response possible. lullabye is so funny I hope she never leaves neocities.
No. 1346814
>>1346811She will not leave until she finishes her moral and righteous crusade by calling out every single
problematic neocities website or until she gets cancelled herself kek
No. 1346845
File: 1663799174606.gif (91.18 KB, 148x261, 1663093400432.gif)

>>1346816Tbh she deserves it and it would be better to just make a "Neocities lolcow general" on /w/ or /snow/ just to let this thread breathe
No. 1347027
nonnie, we need less mental illness (not in the way they claim) and more cute, fun, creative and wholesome content.
No. 1347065
File: 1663808105889.png (13.88 KB, 702x134, ummm..PNG)

im surprised she isnt being called problematic and transphobic kek
No. 1347159
File: 1663815495551.png (36.42 KB, 796x300, cs.png)

breaks my heart that lullabye is coming after cabbage.
No. 1347190
>>1347159What a shame, cabbage is so kind and astute
and absolutely a farmer, hello if you're ITT! The page in question is just a dump of quotes from Dworkin's Right-Wing Women. Cabbage herself is not claiming to be right-wing since, as far as I can tell, the book is about understanding the motivations of women who betray female class consciousness in the name of conservatism (or something). So lullabye is acting like all other troons and not even accurately reporting the facts. It's really embarrassing to watch her try to rile up these witch-hunts
No. 1347288
File: 1663825944597.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1608, f8ecc0a83256a3a60858f6c8e95642…)

Sadly I don't think we have enough milky cows (of age) to make a whole thread on /snow/ so I'll try to post less about lull until we think of a solution and I'll go back to my resource-posting. I leave you with this low effort meme for now.
No. 1347317
>>1347288Yeah most of the milk comes from calves, let's wait for some actual cows…. From what I have seen, luckly most adults there are normal-ish, but with the huge swarm of twitter newfags we may get some cows.
Also your pic is painfully true, she (and most new people) dont even read your site's content, she used to follow me when I have lots of blog posts that could give her a heart attack out there in the open with sparky font titles and she never said anything about it, she was def there only for the cutesy aes the rest of my site has. I think her SJW arc stated with dokodemo, I didnt see her that keen on making callouts and her shitty opinions before.
No. 1347497
>>1347492When it comes to web hosting + social media hybrid, neocities is the only one right now i think, but offers free web hosting (and the paid plans are cheap af too).
I have heard Vercel has free web hosting too, but i havent looked into it nor know how it works.
No. 1347585
File: 1663859899690.jpg (39.66 KB, 801x451, form-data-example.jpg)

So I have a simple text input form on my site, is there any way I can see the data from the form on another site page preferably in a table like picrel? For context I'm making a fake password form for my site and I thought it'd be interesting to see what people try as the password
No. 1347656
File: 1663863788261.png (479.24 KB, 550x386, bgM8tFU.png)

>>1347622She seems to be taking the usual route of going "I'm [X]" to be seen as an authority on any subject (and like everyone who does this, completely ignoring the fact that no group is an hivemind).
I wonder when she and the rest of people with her mentality will realize that you can follow someone and not agree with them on everything (just apply that logic with the people you interact with irl, it's non-sense). That and how they expect you to disclose everything about yourself in case you're a ~meanie~, as if they were entiled to your content. If you're unsure about someone, just don't interact, it's that easy.
I find ironical that she has picrel on her page and yet bashes other people for doing the same. I guess not censoring yourself on your site is wrong except if she is the one doing it.
No. 1348339
>>1347622There are about 1 million Romani people in the US. The reason why you don't really "see" them is because they pass themselves off for another race and blend in with other Americans because of anti-Romani racism in the US. Here's a Harvard research paper about Romani Americans if you want to learn more: are some Romani Americans that marry non-Romani and have mixed Romani kids, so it's possible. (Romani/Jewish, more likely, Romani/Native, less likely.)
No. 1348399
>>1348390yesterweb fags are to blame. their anti web3/nft page was posted everywhere and it gave lots of exposure. despite hating social media they started to promote themselves to get more people to know about them and it caused influx of kids, people with brains so rotten by social media and lot of other boring people. before yesterweb shits neocities was better, back in 2017 people openly made fun of lullabye-type dumb kids in site activities. good that neocities is barely moderrated and broken, report option doesn't exist and just some terminally online kids will get mad.
>>1347159cabbage gained more follows and people genuinely don't care about written matter nowdays. lullabye thinks she's supreme leader of neocities and can dictate everything to everyone. delusions of grandeur are strong, i just want shits like this back on tumblr or social media. where they and their rotten brains belong.
No. 1348429
File: 1663911063539.png (138.64 KB, 424x470, 1310923726492.png)

>>1348385Since the drama a few weeks ago, at least 5 people I follow actively have left someplace else. I never liked the status update feature that's now used for microblogging, but recent activity was a great thing for a hosting website and I used it a lot to keep up with sites that don't have an rss feed. It's really a shame.
No. 1348498
>>1348477Yeah, that's one of the reasons of why I like it, complete freedom to say what you want & if your site gets deleted you can just move the files to another host. I wish your follower/visitor stats could be hidden though (to both you & others). But it's a pretty chill place.
Plus all the genderspecials will leave neocities in some months when the trend fades and they get bored of it anyways and it's not hard to find normal/interesting sites.
No. 1348755
>>1348567I would like to grow my site, and being honest having my own host and domain makes me excited. You can draw with dolar store pencils, but after awhile you will end up wanting better quality materials same thing. It isnt like I cant affort it already, I just prefer to be more stable before buying.
>>1348575That's one of the hosts I had looked into! Very affordable and having both the domain and host in the same site is convenient.
Neocities is pretty good if you want to test the waters and to draw new people into personal sites again, but having your own host is way better, plus it helps a bit on decentralisation of the web (making
all personal sites on neocities isnt any better than social media)
No. 1348762
>>1348755>plus it helps a bit on decentralisation of the web (making all personal sites on neocities isnt any better than social media)it's funny that people think moving to neocities is "decentralization" but in fact back then people were on different hosts. you had geocities, angelfire, tripod, myriad of other small hostings and lot of people had their own domains, hosted their groups under their own domain (which is really cool, like everyone having own directory/subdomain) or on blog services like diaryland or blogspot.
social media rot really shows here, neocities is cursed as hybrid of site hosting and social media which enables worst habits of new crop of people that came mainly in this year i believe. people who came around time of lockdowns actually had some good content, though some people i liked don't update as much anymore.
No. 1348945
File: 1663951548478.jpg (29.11 KB, 500x375, 1397892844746.jpg)

>>1348924You can't. There's several incels, extremely outspoken polfags, I even ran into a tradcath nazi larper, and a female trad antifeminist who calls herself a fujoshi kek
As long as it doesn't break any laws you're technically allowed to say what you want but you might get discovered by the zoomer horde which will start talking about you, it won't do anything though. You can disable the social media aspect of neocities and call it a day.
No. 1349247
File: 1663958300752.png (35.61 KB, 778x399, kill_yourself_plz.png)

thank god. you're my favorite absolutely insane, brain-dead neocities sped to laugh at. I would be so sad if you left! Please keep clogging my feed with how your Very Real true and honest boyfriend is upsetting you by going on grindr constantly while you're trying to talk to him. or maybe regale us with more tales about how you're AMAB and suffer from endometriosis! the sky's the limit. it's just you and your beautiful retard mind forever.
No. 1349446
File: 1663964358853.png (453.32 KB, 806x769, Tranny.png)

No. 1350049
>>1349485Definitely biotrans ftf girl.
>>1348818I know when I tried several years ago, every single host demanded that I buy some kind of specific software package to run on their server and generate pages of a site, nobody would let me just ftp some files into a fucking directory, so I just said fuck it all and got refunds on everything.
No. 1350340
>>1349485>>1349492you can clock troons just by what they like, what their interests are. so far it was the best way to spot them on neocities. lullabye wants to be opressed so badly when i bet she's just a spoiled white girl who invents even more ridiculous identities and people eat them up, despite all of this shit being impossible. a mtf can't have endometriosis yet zoomies are so retarded and believe it.
>>1350049weird. what hosts were like this? majority should allow you just tp upload files via ftp, even with these software packages you still need to use ftp if you're moving them to a different location or for backup purposes.
No. 1350571
File: 1664021872559.png (48.94 KB, 785x492,…)

"im not mtf"
Okay great! So if you aren't trans or transitioning, stop calling yourself transfem and using that as a way to manipulate and harass other people on Neocities.
(also babygirlie you need to stop pretending like you aren't pressed about other people talking about you in a space you can't control when you constantly microblog on your neocities page about things that are said here)
No. 1350725
>>1349247"Make your own webhosting server"… Is she aware of the amount of hosting servers that already exist? It feels like she definetly views Neocities as social media instead of a hosting site, why would anyone make their own server when you can simply move your site's files to another one? This is not tumblr or twitter were people keep making up clones to escape said sites' moderation. Or was she just vaguing about the closed hosting Dokodemo is doing with their friends?
And her coments… does she hear herself? She is the one telling others to not do [X] and, for lack of a better word, participating on the whole cancel culture/censorship; not us. We are just using her as a clown because her hypocrisy, I havent seen anyone going "Don't follow lullabye!!", she is the one telling others to not follow us or to have certain views, is she projecting??
Also one of my favorite things about her is how she says beings instead of people lmao
No. 1350733
>>1350725>Or was she just vaguing about the closed hosting Dokodemo is doing with their friendsThis most likely.
>one of my favorite things about her is how she says beings instead of people lmaoSaying beings or users is the mandatory way of speaking on everskies, if you say people/person there you actually get a warning/ban for ableism kek
No. 1350755
File: 1664032705853.png (32.53 KB, 473x100, ever.png)

>>1350733Googled was what is Everskies because I never heard of it and this was the very first result…. Now it makes sense.
I get calling others users, but beings is so corny, is saying "people" considered ableism because otherkin people? (Or because genderspecials, since they pretty much evolved from kinnies, I mean cats, trains and miku are genders now kek The attack helicopter jokes manifested)
No. 1350808
File: 1664034745765.png (139.29 KB, 1047x570, binapia.png)

>>1350755>is saying "people" considered ableism because otherkin peopleYes, but nowadays they're called NH (non-human). It's largely where lull got her personality from. I think there's a section of tumblr that acts exactly like that that too.
If you want to laugh at the insanity make an account and join the "es general club", read the pinned posts in the general section also tried to popularize the term "BINAPIA" instead of
poc but it didn't catch on.
No. 1350838
File: 1664036131503.png (84.01 KB, 1049x377, screencap.png)

>>1350808i checked forums and what people said how batshit insane everskies users are checks out to be true. at first i thought it was just plain fun dressup game and that you can submit clothes made by you is really cool. it's twittertards to extreme and these badges are just cringe. i wish there were dressup games in which you can make money easily, has cute clothes and community is more chill.
No. 1350864
>>1350841Weird, it works for me both on my crappy phone internet browser and on Firefox. But as
>>1350851 said, it loads more slowly than usual.
I don't think anything happened, but just in case I will start hoarding its graphics like crazy, most of my assets (that I haven't drawn myself) are from there.
No. 1351420
File: 1664073884443.png (13.27 KB, 765x150, Capture.PNG)

>>1351180Sorry for the double post. Here's an update since she keeps milking herself
No. 1351498
>>1351489To you, and to anyone else: You can code your site directly on your computer so you can view the changes instantly. Then, once you have the finished version you can upload it to Neocities.
All you need to do is create a new text document with the extension .html (instead of .txt) for your site pages, and .css for your style sheet (if you choose to have one).
If you want to try out a code editor I highly recommend
It's so much nicer being able to work on your site privately, and not have to worry about the Neocities community clicking on your every update when your site isn't "finished".
No. 1351626
>>1350340It's been years, I was just dealing with the cheap hosts and registrars. I finally figured that they were just roping people in with cheap nonsense services, to get people in for a penny, in for a pound. It exhausted me so much, I've never tried again.
>>1350808Maybe if you tell them that being America-centric on a global platform is colonialism, they will explode like the computers on Star Trek. Then we will all be free.
No. 1351757
Since we're discussing code editors, has anyone ITT tried Vim? I love the idea behind the program itself (it's a terminal) and the devs seem quite cool (they're humanitarians), but it has such a steep learning curve for someone like me who has no real programming experience. There are so many controls and commands to remember, it's seriously overwhelming. I like that you can use the keyboard to navigate and when my wrist is cramping from going back and forth to my mouse, I really miss that. But while I'm still learning, using Vim easily doubles or even quadruples the length of time it takes me to write my code. It can be very frustrating.
I guess what I'm asking is, is it worth learning? I actually already gave up and went back to my usual editor months ago, but maybe I could try it again?
>>1351626Kek I love you
nonny No. 1351770
>>1351757i never really tried anything other than notepad++ and bbedit when i still used mac. bbedit has handy option of inserting html doctypes and tags as i remember, n++ can automatically close tags if you turn it on or predict them.
>>1351626it explains it, since any reputable host wouldn't shove some software on you. worth to try again though, own hosting is way nicer than sticking to free hosts.
seeing every global platform becoming so america-centric is tiresome. burgers can't really understand differences about people from other parts of the world. i even saw a thread in this everskies club about not mocking esls, this is showing how us/anglo-centric site is.
No. 1351785
>>1351757Anon play nethack, it made it easy for me to learn vim when I was a teen.
I prefer my custom nvim configuration over all other IDEs.
No. 1352002
>>1351489If you have problems coding, you can use that's the page that made html/css click for me, I read it slowly and coded along it and just after a day I was able to make my first site! For more complex stuff, I just google "how to [X]" or look into other people's codes, you can learn many new tags or ways to do stuff by peeking a bit.
And to reiterate other people, use a code editor on your PC! It's way more helpful to have all your files saved locally so you can simply drag + drop to a host in case the one you're using closes down and for the live previews.
I use Brackets, the one
>>1351575 mentioned. Not sure how long ago she last used it, but now it can autocomplete and close tags for your too, you don't even have to memorize the variables. I guess it's kinda the SAI of coding, it's very great to start out, the UI is clean, it's customizable and has enough features to make coding easier but not too many to overwhelm you.
No. 1352485
File: 1664147780385.png (143.69 KB, 801x685, Screen Shot 2022-09-26 at 09.1…)

I hate this tranny so goddamn much
No. 1352731
>>1352485What would we do without guardian angel…. the poor neocitizens need her guidance to know which users are ok and which ones are bad, we dont know how to use the block button ourselves nor realise if someone has harmful beliefs…
"Since theres no moderation I have to do the moderation myself" Babe I think youre on the wrong website, go back to twitter if you want the meanies to be purged.
No. 1352821
File: 1664181706123.png (21.82 KB, 742x93, terms.png)

>>1352485Does she know you're allowed to say anything you want on Neocities? There's a section of the TOS page which basically says: "There's gonna be offensive material. Browse at your own risk."
People like her should go outside and touch grass for once.
No. 1352944
>>1352485she thinks that everyone that has different views is obsessed with her and wants her dead, it's generally common emotional blackmail tactics of troons to get more sympathy. she uses really emotionally loaded language to make people feel guilty for "literally killing native jewish romani transfem being!!!11!" shit this probably rich, bored and dumb white girl invented. i hate americans so damn much, especially finally straw for this cunt was shitting on cabbagesorter when she did nothing wrong?
fuck tiktok/tumblr and everskies migrants bringing the worst shit possible and trying to take as much of space as they can. same for yesterweb faggots.
No. 1353422
File: 1664220138847.png (45.77 KB, 979x400, prediabetic.PNG)

>>1352485Now she's claiming she's pre-diabetic. Literally just remembers that something exists then claims it. Lmao, she's also referring to herself as "girl" BEINGS ARE NOT GIRLS
No. 1354048
File: 1664269816047.jpg (224.2 KB, 1245x1280, tumblr_onahx7VevP1tvqu9so3_128…)

Anyone has web design tips/resources? I know solid html/css and some js but it sucks I never can pull off anything good thanks to my lack of creativity. I take notes and inspirations from others, but I'm never satisfied with my pages. Other people like them, but I always feel they're too plain/basic.
No. 1354070
File: 1664272616923.gif (7.15 KB, 340x132, moliedown.gif)

>>1354048The only advice I have is to look at others sites and see how they utilize grid placement, tables, flexbox or what have you.
What helped me on my last layout was literally drawing it physically on paper to better imagine it. Online grid generators could also help!
I also have this problem where to me my site looks "fake" while everyone else's sites have a more authentic feel, but I think with some practice I settled on a layout I like. My first layout was a not so subtle copy of cinnis site kek.
No. 1354142
>>1354048most web designers don't know shit about design, they just copy what others do. do few projects from
then begin copying any designs you like from behance or dribbble and you'll get a feel for design
No. 1354150
>>1354048Some tips to dress up your site so it looks less plain
>Background images in your text boxes. Maybe it tiles, or covers, or you can do what I really like: add a single stripe to the left or right side>Pixel dividers! I really like the ones that go on the top and bottom to frame a box, but there are vertical ones specifically made to achieve the above effect as well>Fun, wacky borders. The different styles already built into CSS count, but you can also look into more custom stuff like the assets on Foollovers, which use tables. Also layering elements inside each other to create many borders>Animations. Make something move or float or shake or blink or glow or change colours>Drop shadows give your page more depth and the illusion of really "existing." It's kind of like drawing in the sense that they have to conform to a single light source, so it can be tricky, but there are guides online to learn from>Weird shapes. Maybe your text box is a triangle for some reason, or a circle, or a parallelogram. You can achieve this effect in multiple ways, though perhaps the easiest is a clipping path>Change the text selection background colour from basic blue to something cute and cohesive >Add a custom cursor for some extra personality>Style the scroll bars and tooltips>Throw in more pixels and pretty pictures of things that you like, wherever you can fit them! >Make sure pixels are cohesive. For example I wouldn't pair up a pixel with hard, 1px black lines with a soft looking, lineless pixel that is anti-alias'd around the edges>Make links and headings pop out by giving them different colours, adding a graphic before or after them, or with a unique font>Typeface in general is really important. Try to find some that "feel" like how you want your site to look, like it gives off the impression that you're hoping for. I always have a "rare" font for large text and a typical web-safe one for the bodyI hope this helps!
No. 1354250
>>1354177I believe there's actually around 30 sites limit on supporter
>>1354182not really. for a broken site, non existing customer support it's not worth when you can get basic plan from a proper host for a bit more and be able to host dynamic websites, have actual customer support
No. 1356081
File: 1664393542087.png (397.25 KB, 800x711, image_2022-09-28_213113234.png)

>>1354519Same nonna, same…
I'm so afraid to post my art on social media and not fitting in this "trend" if i don't put pronouns on my bio or i will be labeled as a
terf, jfc.
No. 1356165
>>1356147>>1356153nah more like if you use a pastel color palette to a
poc character and getting cancelled for "whitewashing it" no thanks, i was posting fanart 15 years ago and it was less cancerous than nowadays, no problems with communities.
and no one were calling out an artist for a "shipping fanart" until today istg.
No. 1356201
File: 1664401183755.png (30.03 KB, 797x312, blocked-and-reported!!!.png)

No. 1356757
File: 1664426169026.jpeg (558.56 KB, 2234x2228, 96250357-C26E-4DA0-8446-344BB4…)

> troon
> it/it’s pronouns
> “please don't call me a person or human!!“
Is strawbabie actually based after all?
No. 1357000
File: 1664445043370.png (47.93 KB, 755x545, privacy.png)

>>1356990I can't speak for wordpress since I never used it, but neocities doesn't have any ads.
You can also read though their privacy policy, they don't sell your info to third parties at all. No. 1357177
File: 1664464326530.png (50.79 KB, 1019x499, recovery.png)

>>1357126Ah, I wish I had known about that before (I saved my personal posts, but the reblogs are pretty much lost. Well, they're still here, but on picrel hell. The official recovery also takes +10 hours to download with fast wifi btw). Thanks you
nonny though, I will keep that in mind if I ever get a Tumblr again.
I also had saved my blog (and someone's else blog I love) with TumblThree, which is a bit cleaner than the official backup, separating each post kind on its own folder, but sadly it doesn't save captions, so a lot is lost with it too.
No. 1357277
>>1357257I try to make my page the same way. I don’t publicly disclose anything about bad things that happened in my past or mental disorders or anything like that anymore because it’s nobody’s business but mine and also because I don’t want to be clumped in with the crowd that has no other personality than being oppressed, “
triggered”, traumatized etc. I try to post stuff about my hobbies and passions and what makes me who I am rather than just “I go by xe/zir/airself pronouns and I identify as genderspecial I just have it so much worse than all of you plebs and have a gajillion mental disorders you need to walk on eggshells when talking to me or you will get exposed“ crowd. I put a lot of effort into my site and my content. I try not to make my page like strawbabie who has a gigantic about me page but you still ultimately learn nothing about her by reading it. Seriously read it, all it is is just labels and identity politics.
I cringe at the time I used to have stuff up about things I lived through and a diagnosis I have. Realized how soulless and uninteresting it makes you. I still share it on my blog because, yeah, it will get personal sometimes and it is my blog but absolutely nowhere else.
No. 1357327
File: 1664472190712.gif (17.08 KB, 154x141, flowercow.gif)

Do you guys know about the GIF search engine? No. 1357348
File: 1664473240572.jpg (38.93 KB, 403x697, ichi.jpg)

>>1356656A lot of chill people are affiliated with yesterweb because they accept anyone. I don't know much about them personally. Looks like he runs other cool services like and
No. 1358252
File: 1664529233965.png (100.63 KB, 1156x228, fels.png)

drama between lullabye and other yesterweb snowflakes, and they know about this thread lol
No. 1358299
File: 1664533941403.jpg (90.29 KB, 1118x371, yesterweb.jpg)

>>1358252It gets even better, she cancels anyone for wrongthink but she didn't see anything wrong with liking a pedo furry kidnapper (4lung). I love how these retards always end up being into fucked up shit.
The last picture in the collage I found to be very interesting. She gets into an argument about not calling romanis gypsies without mentioning she is one herself, yet when others chime in to say that a lot of romanis in england don't mind the term gypsy and call themselves that she still doesn't claim that she's romani herself, so it's fair to say that after this she decided to add the romani label in order to get authority in arguments like these kek.
No. 1358386
File: 1664545869017.jpg (229.27 KB, 682x910, 4lung.jpg)

>>1358330He's got a thread here and on the other farms too so feel free to look into it.
>>>/snow/743790Pedo trannies are fine, but terfs are where I draw the line.
t.lullabye, probably
No. 1358388
>>1358386“Pedos are fine, but I draw the line at liking the wrong ships or being a
No. 1358453
File: 1664550241459.png (452.16 KB, 877x803, sparkle.png)

Nonnie please, she has your typical zoomer sanriocore/cutecore/candycore website. Naming herself lollipop after the candy is not a stretch. She even linked her pinterest on her website which is just full of cute stuff and a clear lack of lolishit
No. 1358488
>>1358485proved how? the internet wasn't exclusively populated by 10 year olds back in the 00s if that's what you're getting at.
I also don't really care whoever's right or wrong, you call it trying to undermine but I was really just commenting on one bit of the post and not the argument as a whole.
No. 1358489
>>1358487I think she was saying the same thing, there is a big issue with people acting young regardless and pedos will use that as an excuse to
victim blame everytime.
Either call it all out or don't call any of it out is where I sit, so I try to call it all out myself.
No. 1360158
File: 1664659663254.jpeg (848.46 KB, 1567x2710, B73DAD36-B450-405C-809B-B240B7…)

Welcome to the real world! Not everyone you meet is going to agree with you or support you. If you’re too fragile to accept that, I advise you get off the internet instead of whining about it.
No. 1360187
File: 1664660209103.jpeg (544.62 KB, 895x1688, 4FBDA0FB-0F2E-450E-8F61-BB5B83…)

>>1360170No it was macaque
No. 1360279
File: 1664664355221.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1125x1481, FA64AD45-0EC8-4690-AB36-061E57…)

Anyone else notice how the “bigenders” always say they’re both MLM and WLW? Sounds like a lot of work to avoid just admitting you’re a bisexual.
No. 1360322
>>1360158Love how she namedrops the evil radfems but the pedophile goes unnamed. How am I supposed to stay away from "her"
its either an actual male tranny pedo, or perhaps a woman who writes ~problematique fanfiction, if we're lucky if I don't know who it is?
No. 1360472
>>1360158Who is the
terf that Dokodemo "platformed"?
No. 1360710
>>1360472Probably cabbage because she got followed by Doko after the drama.
>>1360279>according to Verdant, pup celebrated when I did this because it meant that my egg was crackingFucking insanity kek
No. 1360755
>>1360207Even strawbabie follows a ton of people that she'd likely disagree with.
Macaque's article is such a miss anyway. Except for a small amount of people nobody really cares if you're using a template or not. Even that group of people only cares about "stealing" code, not actually about people new to html using templates. That's how personal websites used to be back then, many people relied on templates. The problem with carrd and twitter users is the attitude they bring to neocities, as well as a complete lack of understanding of what a personal website is. Most of them can't even get further than just reading the title of somebodies article, and they only care about the surface and the aesthetic appeal of the website.
No. 1360796
File: 1664693647303.jpg (77.19 KB, 720x540, cat.jpg)

I ran a website a while back and always got really into the graphics and layout, but I think I'm gonna pivot away from that and just start a plain little blog site. It was fun taking the time to design everything back in high school, but I'd rather just have a quiet corner to dump all my thoughts now. Dunno if i'd attach my art to it (progress pictures, talking about process) or just stay completely anon to be able to talk about whatever the hell I want. Will I still host on neocities? who knows. Either way I'm glad for a fresh start, it's been so long that I think I'm trapped in trying to keep the site true to what it used to be even though I'm not really that person anymore.
No. 1361198
>>1356145I post poetry and prose and image edits I make, but im building a page for reposting lyrics and images I like.
How often? weeks-months. Im too lazy and sometimes I get frustrated with coding html lol.
No. 1362494
File: 1664821550492.jpeg (290.74 KB, 2001x557, 676B898D-6B5F-4F73-99A1-020BC2…)

Gotta love the fake sweet facade she’s suddenly trying to put up, lol.
No. 1363133
I'm sharing this because I see a lot of you are (rightfully) concerned around the community building up with NeoCities. I love NC as a concept, but I am concerned and like having backup plans in case they go all TRA.
If you're looking for alternatives to hosts and don't need server side scripting, look into services that provide almost free or completely free hosting for static websites. They only charge for traffic, and you may as well not pay for anything you don't need or ever plan on using. Even so, unless you've got hundreds of daily visitors watching a self-hosted video, you may not pay more than a few cents each month.
"Static," in this case, means no PHP/MySQL/CGI/anything that could be updated by visitors (hence "dynamic"). You can still utilize outside services like hit counters and guestbooks.
I wanted to find a host where I could grow and scale my content since I'm planning on using it multimedia content. Some shared hosts are funny about videos and games since you're sharing bandwidth with others, and something dedicated with bells and whistles I don't need is a waste of money. might be the best one for a beginner. It's limited, comes with a subdomain, but it's an alternative. Porkbun has a similar service, and a very cheap static option if you want to remove the subdomain and branding.
Other, more customizable examples for options are AWS S3, Google Cloud, and DigitalOcean. CloudFlare Pages is also one, but I don't know very much about it. There are also some truly free indie ones floating around, but I would pay attention to who is offering these services.
When you go to a shared host, you're usually paying for services like cPanel and services that make your website dynamic. After running personal websites off and on for years, I realized I didn't need all of that.
A few downsides:
Because it's not static, there's php or mysql. So, if you want to host your own forum or wordpress, it's not happening
Some don't come with SSL certificates to protect your website. If this is a concern, pay attention to what's being offered
A little more barebones/technical, so some functions require a little more setup. There are guides for this on the hosts themselves with code you can copy/paste/tweak to enable functionality. Think of it as a learning experience.
Your public URL will more than likely be a static IP or a very long subdomain, so getting a domain name is a must if you're wanting to share and promote your website on a larger scale.
I'm currently trying out AWS just to get myself set up, but may switch to Porkbun.
No. 1363758
>>1363215You generally don't, no. But, if your goal is to have a larger flow of traffic, it's worth having. I know that contradicts the "smallweb" portion, but there may be, for example, some artists from the art thread considering alternative routes for building up a following.
Search engines rank secured websites higher. It feels more like a vanity move, sure. Even on a static website, it makes people who don't know any better freak out when they see that "Not Secured" thing in the URL bar with no context behind it. HTTP is better if you still want your site accessible by older browsers anyway.
No. 1365667
File: 1665038302663.jpg (119.2 KB, 910x819, hebrew2.jpg)

Strawbabie poorly google translating hebrew.
It's supposed to translate back to "I fucking hate goyim/gentiles", but not only did she use the singular form goy instead of goyim when inputting in english, "לעזאזל" is in the wrong place, and she used the masculine form of hate because that's what google translate defaults to and I'm pretty sure she sees herself as a transwoman kek
No. 1365679
File: 1665040026037.jpg (596.85 KB, 960x1920, pt2022_10_06_09_02_45.jpg)

>>1365667Was about to post about it, my favourite one is the god preachings one. Assumed it was google translate'd, but since I dont speak hebrew I wasnt sure, thanks for confirming it nona.
I wonder if she will get a new nationality after this.
No. 1366172
File: 1665079053299.png (24.99 KB, 430x508, plplp.png)

Do we tell her about online translators?
(Next phrase says something about real life? If she meant she will shit talk about irl people, why would she even need to post it in hebrew? Most likely they dont even know her website…)
No. 1366205
File: 1665080625301.png (63.7 KB, 839x737, hebrew3.png)

>>1366172The "very reliable online Hebrew dictionary" is literally just google translate. As seen in the screenshot, if you translate anything she says it sounds perfect in english because she's using english colloquialisms and phrases and they translate horribly into hebrew (yet they translate back well into english so it's hard to know if you messed up), using a dictionary would not produce such results.
There's just something hilarious about americans proud of their xyz ancestry/roots and using it to gain
victim points online but not even bothering to properly speak the language of the culture they're milking. Strawbabie instead uses it to flex and shit talk people as if translations aren't a click away.
No. 1366440
File: 1665105920034.jpg (26.22 KB, 428x396, cat computer.jpg)

What are some of your favorite neocities sites? I'm looking for inspiration
>>1366353Don't forget she also says she's romani
No. 1366813
File: 1665150743603.png (1.51 MB, 746x904, version 9.png)

>>1366440Not sure if with "for inspiration" you mean layout or content inspo, but here are some sites I enjoy, I tried to sort them into what I like the best about them
STYLE / LAYOUT - Picrel, site trying to rescue domains. The layouts have a early 2000s site vibe - One of these "let's fill every single space with PNGs" sites, but I really like it. Outside her main page, the others are very well decorated & not as filled in. - I think everyone knows about her at this point, but her aesthetic sense inspired me lots to make my own site. - The site itself is pretty empty right now, but the layout is very clean and easy to the eyes - Another site under construction, but I love how colorful both the layout and art is. - Nice art, but the index page is my favorite thing about the site. - Early 2000s layout but simple and actually readable. Makes very good templates and art too. - Not sure what's going on with this site, but I dig the eyestain-y layout, somehow made it kinda pleasant to the eyes - Putting it under "Style" because I like its subdomains layouts. Early 2000s vibes with tables and stuff. - Lovely layouts for all the fanistings,
CONTENT - Info about old anime & similar. It feels like a time capsule - Extensive projects about fictional game consoles, reworks of videogames, tabletop games… Along with amazing art, some of their projects can take you hours to fully read - Had to link to an archive because the site seems to be down? Remember to hide the web archive's header to check the site's links! Collection of electric pokemon, each plush has it's own story! - Similar to the previous site, but just with mewtwo. Every single item has a story attached to it, and the plushes even have their own names! - Site of a very religious girl, but I like the calm vibe she got going on, her resources and anime recomendations are nice if you just want to chill. (For some reason, she thinks I'm muslim though…) - Guy who writes a lot about different subjects. Despite being a guy, I found them interesting, his links/resources are very useful too. - Has lots of little & interestning pages - OP is trying to archive as many LJ icons as she can. Her art is pretty too.
ART - Art with earthy tones, very pleasing to the eyes. - One of my favorite artists in neocities, lineless, soft-looking art. Her strange sweeties series is my favorite one. - Specially like the background collection.
+ Repeating the sites I have mentioned before who post art too: No. 1366866
File: 1665155886719.jpg (1.57 MB, 1240x1754, 1337932238875.jpg)

>>1366813Amazing post
nonnie. If you like lj icon archivists there's also this site, it's under her "scraps" page - remember around 2 years ago, I swear cadnomori used to identify as a transwoman on his egl page but now he's back to being male so that's interesting. I second birdsandstars' website being nice for anime reccs.
>>1366440I'll copy the other nonas style and dump some pages myself
STYLE/LAYOUT - a very fresh site so there isn't much content but I love the theme and the minimalist execution - this page really threw me back into mid 2000's when I saw it - I posted her in this thread before because she makes cute layouts for free use
CONTENT - a girl logs all of the games she plays and does short reviews. I like the type of games she's into so this appeals to me - great writing, amazing shrines that have a lot of thought put into them and a useful rabbithole for websites similar to hers - extremely based woman, has a lot of extensive knowledge about internet security, great blog posts - I like this dude's blogposts and writing, he leads a life I aspire to like making his own clothes etc. - southeast asian guy that does art, but also has an interesting blog - adult woman with a blog, I'm sure some nonnies will appreciate - same as the last one
No. 1366969
>>1366866Thanks for thelasmelon rec! The scrap page is a goldmine for graphics in general, not just for LJ icons.
Also I love oubliette's shrine lots; I got a few of them linked on my site, but for some reason didn't see her main domain despite it being linked on her domain family on like-knives kek
No. 1367052
File: 1665168643783.gif (57.9 KB, 494x456, orisinal.gif)

idk if this is the right thread for this, but does anyone remember the games on orisinal? i used to be obsessed with them, especially the pea pod one. the music was so calming too
No. 1367568
File: 1665219966615.png (21.38 KB, 748x196, Screenshot.png)

Nona who spoke hebrew, is US hebrew a thing?
Unrelated to this, she also used stealing code as an insult when hours late she was defending people who put carrds' codes onto neocities kek Girl pick a side
No. 1367601
>>1367568>Nona who spoke hebrew, is US hebrew a thing?US hebrew would either be biblical hebrew that practicing american jews pick up over time, or your usual standard modern hebrew taught in, I assume, schools or courses or through your family which would allow you to converse with israelis. You'd be missing out on some of the (russian, arabic, german) slang but you'd still be able to understand the basic grammar such as plurals and gendered verbs.
If her mother actually speaks standard hebrew, it's weird that she does not understand these mistakes she made and if she's lying and her mother doesn't speak it - she has as much relation to standard hebrew as any random christian does to latin or greek kek. Either way it's goofy to say you "speak" the language if you have to use voice translation to communicate in it. If she had actually written things in broken grammar in the latin alphabet by herself it would give her more validity than just crying about how her mom is a hebrew speaker so somehow magically that makes her one too.
No. 1367646
>>1320718It’s really not sus, webrings are how personal-website people network. Just wanted to respond and thank you tho because your pic made me scream cackle
>>1366813Good post
>>1367052Memory unlocked. I do remember this
No. 1370952
>>1370862I second this! I don't follow her, so I can't take screenshots. I visited her page this morning, but the new post she had was like "In the meanest way, put bleach on your eyes" or something like that.
Also does anyone know which people vage about her, are inside the drama and such? Doko is a given, and I also follow strwbrry/strawbabie who has vaged about her before (she was the one lullabye removed from her webring recently for the vages), but I don't know anyone else.
>>1370896A part of it may also be because most of us started school, college, or whatever each one has going on. My news feed has been quieter on updates in general because we are busy. A good chunk of people also left after the initial doko drama.
But yeah, I think people just don't want to create more drama, so they don't engage and simply ignore it. Most of the ones causing it are lke 15yo anyways, so I don't looking like another sjw is a problem to them.
No. 1371105
File: 1665521631735.jpg (434.37 KB, 1440x1920, pt2022_10_11_22_47_56_mh166552…)

Logged onto my account after some time and I dont know the whole story, but it seems she's now attacking one of my mutuals because… she couldnt enter on the kin webring? From what I can gather at least.
(Also according to strawbabie, the TTT culture is now certain fandoms, not the toxicity and hivemind)
No. 1371221
>>1351180Hi, I’m the Jens (tonighttonight) mentioned here. I do not get why these people are harassing me so much. Sorry to butt in, not familiar with this website. I really just wrote weird noncon fanfiction which I guess can be considered bad to some people but I’ve been deeply stressed over this 14 year old and friends who constantly send messages telling me to die violently. I am not going to disclose much about me here but I think I should be allowed to write what I please.
I am concerned somewhat for this minor who is seemingly being encouraged by this dreamie person to look at my explicit pornography blog and send me graphic threats of violence.
I apologize for writing here. I was contacted by someone whom I think is from this forum. And honestly I just learned about this dreamie (?) person today and honestly I’m a bit freaked out. I probably won’t fit in here I am to assume so this is my only post I am making for the time being.
Thank you for putting this info out here.
No. 1371233
File: 1665527872292.jpg (66.91 KB, 313x717, texas.jpg)

>>1371222It seems like it started here, this was made by a tumblr user who keeps getting harassed by strawbabie kek
She has so many enemies she managed to intertwine the simblr and neocities communities.
To be fair though, she already knew about the lc thread since day one.
No. 1371280
File: 1665531607841.png (136.82 KB, 1080x1136, lol.png)

I created a throwaway email to ask Strawbabie about what Romani subgroup and family they're descended from. They told me to go drink bleach.
And before anyone goes "You just can't go ask someone what family they're descended from! That's an invasion of privacy!", the "what family you are descended from" is a common question Romani people ask each other even on the Internet in public spaces. This question isn't considered an invasion of privacy.
The way she responded to my question shows that she's not Romani at all. People who fake being Romani don't properly answer these kind of question. If she was actually of Romani heritage, she would say "I'm from X subgroup, and I'm descended from the Y family".(cowtipping)
No. 1371588
>>1371367The way she just responded just shows she isn't of Romani heritage. Typical fauxmani behaviour.
Sinti consider themselves Romani, they just don't use the term "Roma" to refer to themslves, like other Romani do. Some Romani activists use "Sinti and Roma" because of this.
Good lord, if you're gonna fake being Romani, at least do it right.
No. 1371636
File: 1665551641261.jpg (125.07 KB, 668x443, greatesthits.jpg)

Can't believe nobody sent screenshots of the retarded slapfight earlier, but pic related are some of the greatest hits. I also archived it. tells us everything we need to know, strawbabie confirms she is a rich spoiled white girl with an extreme case of NLOG, living in a seven bedroom apartment, she's 20, she has no job nor is she in uni, all she does is waste away online with her made up identities, minor friends and a million microlabels she uses to bully others.
For the newfags: nobody is "dragging minors" onto this thread, as the only shit-talking is reserved for strawbabie, doxxing is not allowed, nor is extensive shit talking about children - read the rules. The only reason why minors are mentioned is because she chooses to surround herself with them.
No. 1371644
File: 1665552652957.png (210.5 KB, 750x1103, 15_52301841221_o.png)

>>1371233This intersects with the Sims community of all things. I'll try and give a synopsis and get some caps.
In the TS4 community there was a fight on tumblr over patreon being used to charge for CC. This got very serious with doxing, lawyers and stalking. texasthegreatdestroyer and Mack were two of the people who were vocally against pay CC. Another simblr, yoonie, cancelled them both because texas called strawbabie/gyarutrait out on her bullshit and Mack was guilty by association and she also voted for Trump.
Mack's tumblr' tumblr's tumblr to what happened with pay CC in the sims thread on /m/
>>>/m/198051 No. 1371650
File: 1665553136563.jpg (198.56 KB, 864x1920, tumblr_6d2665095fb723a2ca92887…)

Mack calling out yoonie for being manipulative
For context Mack is a teacher and the pro-paywall side, mainly cowbuild were contacting the school she worked for trying to get her fired and uploading sims porn of Mack having sex with black men
No. 1371654
File: 1665553441646.jpg (34.82 KB, 430x209, tumblr_98c7c0ad3025bdf6bb87757…)

yoonie crying to that LC isn't a real source even though everything is documented with original links
No. 1371660
File: 1665553827539.jpg (149.86 KB, 532x481, tumblr_5c5ad85d1c3fe0878e16199…)

strawbabie/gyaru calling for texas and Mack to be cancelled because one of them called her out for being fucking insane. Only tumblr would be dumb enough to fall for it.
No. 1371661
File: 1665553844109.jpg (213.34 KB, 572x1045, yooniesim_milder.jpg)

>>1371654I love how she listed 4chan as a milder site than lolcow. I've been seeing this opinion everywhere lately, misogyny on full display
No. 1371666
>>1371604Yes, that anon is dumb
>>1371661Probably because 4chan is troon infested. Virulent misogyny, pedophilia, and racism is fine but making fun of mentally ill men larping as women isn't
No. 1371668
File: 1665555079729.jpg (124 KB, 579x960, tumblr_0fee7ca959e4becf72f6872…)

More of strawbabie's insanity
>>1371661Proof that men are allowed to call for genocide, spread racism, post gore and rape porn but it's ok because there not TERFs. While a women's gossip website is pure evil for not submitting to TRAs.
>plain old sim secretWho does she think is posting in the anonymous comments section of sim secret?
No. 1371683
File: 1665556071167.jpg (49.78 KB, 540x406, tumblr_bfc59d710e9f8bc2ba92cbb…)

Here's strawbabie/gyaru rallying a tumblr mob to cancel two women who are autistic.
No. 1371684
File: 1665556363781.png (24.76 KB, 595x219, LC-is-racist-and-transphobic.p…)

LC is more racist than it is transphobic apparently.
No. 1371706
File: 1665558544690.png (42.07 KB, 578x357, terfs-and-incels.png)

We're also incels? I don't think these people realise that LC is full of women.
No. 1371709
File: 1665558747311.png (140.92 KB, 558x796, get_help.png)

strawbabie/gyaru having a nervous break down over texas telling her to get psychiatric help.
No. 1371718
File: 1665559752727.png (646.32 KB, 540x5651, lying.png)

Part 1 of conversaion between strawbabie and Mack. Strawbabie is lying about being mentally ill and poor.
This is the source images do not fit together to make a coherent conversation so some of what was said is being hidden.
No. 1371921
>>1371865I originally asked for this thread to be made for both purposes and personally I contribute with both. Every time nonnies complain about strawbabie I stop posting about her, and so do the rest of the anons, and the thread dies off. If you want to talk about cute sites, then contribute and make your lists like me and a different anon did.
I have interest in the neocities community, and I know I'm not the only one either. Maybe with enough milk somebody will make a thread where drama specifically can go to but for now it's like this.
No. 1374750
File: 1665786924507.png (522.26 KB, 1594x4291, fakeboi.png)

Fakeboi wanted proof.
No. 1374765
File: 1665787529399.png (11.98 KB, 922x150, unknown-31.png)

>>1374762I literally don't care if you think they're creeps. You're gonna ruin the milk by being a retard
No. 1375017
>>1374757Stop being a cowtipping newfag. Dokodemo might be an immature tif but at least she sticks to herself and her circlejerk discord and doesn't go out of the way to be annoying.
Strawbabie seems to be laying low for now, so there's no point in trying to make up more drama and proudly going on lc to show off you're a poster here, such childish behaviour.
>>1374759Nothing terfy about what you're doing, please.
No. 1375244
>>1374759Are you a newfag? Why do you keep writing on the name area? No one wants you here, you're ruining the fun. Go away already and stop trying to milk the cows yourself for attention, wait for them to do it themselves. Read the rules.
Also don't bother the webring nona, do it yourself if you want it so much already.
No. 1375458
>>1375453Was there more after the angel-cakes thing?
Also her new tumblr name changes pronouns with each new rebrand kek
No. 1375611
>>1375591I think this nona
>>1371636 got you covered, if you were refering to that fight. So sad I missed it real-time.
No. 1375719
File: 1665867328703.png (388.33 KB, 768x1024, Untitled10_20221015154942.png)

Strawbabie came out as white
No. 1377155
File: 1665984347123.jpg (63.43 KB, 720x564, 20221017_072416.jpg)

Looks like Doko killed their site, went to check it because they followed me the other day and was greeted with this
No. 1377514
File: 1666027999208.png (145.1 KB, 888x1888, scc.png)

I believe referring to this where doko and vixie and crossparadise (probs some more but I don't care) started following people because strawbabie hated them for being a TERF and something stupid about dead dove fiction. They started following and unfollowing strawbabie to play with their follower count.
Doko removed all traces of it but I found on the archive the likes in relation to it.
No. 1378483
>>1378405I know a lot of anons don't interact with social media that could expose their identity, however he said this often in his discord server and activity feed. I'm not going to provide screenshots for his own comfort though, sorry.
>>1378363I'm glad one of the sites got archived, they were really funny! Glad to know I wasn't the only one bored enough to keep up with this in real time too, because this series of events happened within the span of an hour or so.
No. 1378603
>>1320675FC2 is very easy to use, both the blog function and the free webhosting. I have used it exclusively for years and it feels wonderful. There are also thousands of layouts to suit your taste as far as the blogs go.
I hope youll try it out sometime.
No. 1378615
File: 1666115277033.png (1.03 MB, 1919x934, unknown.png)

>>1378363I took an ss of this one, there was another with a discord link but I didn't join it
No. 1378636
>>1378603NTA but fc2 gets on my nerves a bit for webhosting, I use it as a mirror of my site but I dislike how you only can upload 10 items at once (and you have to manually select each one, no drag`+drop). That aside, it works fine.
I haven't looked into blog hosting, but I used to visit ACNL blogs hosted there for QR codes and all of them looked wonderful.
No. 1378660
File: 1666117577657.jpg (53.63 KB, 800x509, chiplc.jpg)

The 12 year olds will arrive soon
No. 1378727
File: 1666121412933.jpg (20.6 KB, 665x238, idym.jpg)

This might sound really selfish and stupid, but does anyone else get butthurt when a personal site you bookmarked gets deleted for seemingly no reason? It bothers me how often people delete their websites, compared to social media account which usually just lay abandoned.
Why not just leave it (if there's no insanely embarrassing/dox worthy material or something) for everyone to see, discover and potentially contact you 10 years into the future because of your goofy site you forgot about?
No. 1378730
>>1378719I feel like the drama part should be moved to /snow/
>>1378727It's like tumblr, everyone deleting their blogs after minor drama
No. 1378752
>>1378727Yeah, but as the other nona said, it's just deleting tumblr 2.0 because lots of neocities users come from there and view their sites as another social media/carrd, not as am actual website.
At least people tent to archive sites on the internet archive pretty often, but images tent to get lost/broken there for some reason (also people usually dont save all pages, maybe just index ans a few others)
No. 1378826
>>1378759Depends on what your goal is right now, Neocities is just a free website host, nothing more nothing less. You can use it to mess around with html/css/js and learn more about it, so if what you want right now is just to test the waters on web design/maintenance I think it will work. If you want a more professional approach with your own domain and such you need a supporter account, but for that I would move to a bigger (paid) webhost with better bandwidth, php and all.
The downside I see in Neocities is that it loads content/images a bit slow sometimes, but you can't ask much for a free web host.
No. 1378925
>>1378719Be the change you want to see faggot. I bet your dinky little website sucks ass.
>>1378483>>1378405>heAll these fucking newfags I swear.
No. 1378998
>>1378660The 12 year olds are already here and they're all in /w/
>>1378730Is there even enough milk to warrant a separate thread though? Strawbabie and co aren't really milky enough to be considered actual cows. I feel like a separate drama thread would die pretty quickly
No. 1379248
>>1378603The upload function of FC2 is annoying so I would recommend using ftp instead. You can upload as many files as you like, then.
The only thing to bear in mind is your filesize, which doesn't matter much if you're not uploading art.
No. 1379898
>>1379872NTA but no need to act so defensive about it, nona didnt even say anything bad. Everyone goes by like every pronoun ever + made-up ones, I think a few of us are just a bit confused at this point, nothing more.
Take some tea and go take a nap for a bit, calm down….
No. 1379900
File: 1666211049006.jpg (550.82 KB, 969x1245, doko.jpg)

>>1379872Sadly I don't have screenshots of the discord where I'm fairly certain doko mentioned being trans in, however considering doko's site used to be based on adeleine from kirby, her about me page contained info on her squishmallow and beanie baby collections and all other sorts of very female-dominated interests and terms used… yeah it's a woman.
No. 1379959
>>1379900Thanks for bringing supporting evidence but as
>>1379901 says doko is very obviously female. You can clock trannies based on typing style alone.
>>1379872>>1379950I didn't "assume" she's a tranny, I could tell from the very first moment I looked at her website that she is female. I also don't care about ~being like strawbabie uguu sad face, this is a mean spirited gossip board not a virtue signaling contest. Learn to integrate you fucking waste of oxygen.
No. 1379996
>>1379982>I don't really understand how you guys think interests, styles, etc are for a pre defined genderI don't, but it's a very common pattern online for tifs and tims to have hobbies that are commonly dominated by their own sex. Dressup games have a ton of he/hims yet they're all tifs, likewise hardcore anime coomer she/hers tend to be tims. They're usually the ones that buy into gender roles the most. Making a simple observation like that does not say anything about our opinion on feminism newfag.
A lot of trannies online are into very specific aesthetics, writing patterns, phrases and interests - doko being no different, they're pretty unoriginal. It's easy to sniff them out.
No. 1380009
>>1379982You can both believe that presentation and interests should be permitted regardless of biological sex while also being able to recognize patterns of behavior typical to specific groups. These things are not in conflict, and the latter is a basic facet of human socialization.
Besides, Doko's likeliest identity is easily inferrable beyond her interests; you can also guess it from her typing style, history (for those of us who read her life story spiel when it was posted), and cohort.
No. 1380153
>>1380008>I'm assigned female at birthKEK retard. It's called being born female, not being "assigned" a sex, unless you're intersex and you got surgery when you were born to make your genitals look like either normal female or normal male genitals like
>>1380024 said.
That is what "assigned sex at birth" means, not just the doctor identifying which set of genitals you have.
>>1379982>I don't really understand how you guys think interests, styles, etc are for a pre defined gender.I think that's what you should be telling troons, not to us. After all, they think their brains belong to the opposite sex just because they like a few things that aren't stereotypically feminine or masculine. In women, for example, this could be videogames in general, as videogames have been considered to be an exclusively male interest for a long time (even though we know that's not actually true and almost half of all gamers are female), so TIFs are led to believe that because they're "weird girls" and NLOG for liking video games they must be male, or even just for being smart since according to the sexist stereotypes worshipped by trannies, women are stupid and men are smart. But women do tend to gravitate towards certain specific interests, like video games such as Kirby or MGS for several reasons, while men gravitate towards other specific games for their own reasons as well. Also TIFs have a very distinctive art style seen in this girl's avatar
>>1379900 No. 1380349
>>1380317Yep, that's how you do it. It may seem a bit intuitive/troublesome at first, but when you do it for awhile it's like a second nature (specially if your code editor auto coloses tags), I love the freedom puren HTML blogs give you when posting media.
But when I'm lazy I just type nornally on a markdown to HTML converter or type a new post on desktop tumblr & click 'HTML mode'after finishing it to copy-paste kek
No. 1380353
>>1380349>>1380322Thanks for the confirmation, it's difficult navigating what's "right" when new to these things.
Out of curiosity, what do other nonnas use their sites for, if you're not uncomfortable sharing? I have some rather niche interests that I could funnel into my own site, but it's a strange feeling knowing that my posts won't be going to some prescribed audience through functions like tags.
No. 1380356
>>1380353Personal diary, reviews of things I watch and read, ranting about stuff that annoys me. I wish I could share my knowledge about random things and do some kind of tutorials but I really suck at giving instructions, maybe in the future.
>>1380354I don't think it is. When I was doing an internship in a webdev company I met multiple people that got their first programming job there in their late 20's and early 30's, some of them had no degree related to computer science in the slightest. One guy in particular was a dude bro working in construction that just started completing random online tutorials and uploading them to github.
No. 1380403
>>1380353My site is mostly rambles (commenting on whatever media news there is, documenting my progress on learning how to draw, random stuff I find online, liveblogging the games I play, shrines for extensive spergs about a specific character/subject…). I also got a page I use as bookmarks because my actual browser bookmarks are a mess , and since I like to make edits, PNGs and gifs I post them too and try to give tutorials on my broken english. Lately I also found fun to make one-pages for random stuff like the lore I give my AC/Harvest Moon towns, characters birthdays, copy-pastas themes pages…
It's harder to find an audience due to website's decentralized nature, but that's why stuff like singing guestbooks and link exchanges are for. My (and lots of other people's) favourite sites are ones where people talk about niche subjects, so Im sure you will have an audience!
And if you post you site on neocities it will be even easier since its kind of social media 2.0 with a feed and catalog of sites.
No. 1380464
File: 1666261721633.gif (489.07 KB, 220x220, you-rock-high-five.gif)

>>1380456Ohh I see… My social skills are very much MEH, trying to improve daily… was not aware of the dangers, your explanation is appreciated <3
( No. 1380474
>>1380353>Out of curiosity, what do other nonnas use their sites for, if you're not uncomfortable sharing?After reading this thread I'm thinking of making a Neocities website for dumping my art (like those personal sites Japanese artists have) or just to make a shrine to my husbandos, or to write about my OCs and post drawings of them.
By the way, to anyone who is trying to learn HTML for the first time, you could join the Frontend Masters bootcamp for web development, it's free and the lady who teaches HTML and CSS is funny, nice and makes everything super easy to understand.
>>1380464NTA but before posting again read the rules and info.
No. 1380609
>>1380385Can you elaborate on your experience? Did you have a portfolio going in? I lack the confidence to apply until I have several webdev projects under my belt, but should I just take the plunge?
Sorry for the interrogation style series of questions, kek, I'm impressed is all
No. 1380710
>>1380353Im starting to upload meta analysis and ship stuff, I want to put a little blog so I can feel free to ramble about anything n the typical bookmarking stuff, I'm torn between wanting to connect with others with my niche interests and just using it as a place to dump my stuff
>>1380403Do people generally behave themselves with guestbooks? I'm afraid I'll have to deal with people that grew up thinking kys is a normal thing to type..
No. 1381989
File: 1666376674516.jpg (29.95 KB, 468x467, 758499a3e3ebc5474cfca696dbfd16…)

Hi nonnies, wanted to share a few sites who's looks I like for inspo, not sure on the content on all of these though so some of them might be loonies like Lullaby. - layout is made of very simple html and ascii art!
Also, is Chip actually 12? Like I know they're probably young but kids THAT young shouldn't be advertising it online esp since she's mentioned being groomed already and surrounded by adults in yesterweb. I question the age though because they seem to act a little too dumb? Like when shitty fic writers write little kids kek.
No. 1382026
File: 1666378290919.jpg (71.29 KB, 1919x183, oldweb.jpg)

>>1381989I really like danppun's site! missing a p in the url there it should be:'s very maximalist and busy but I like the color palette in the index
>Also, is Chip actually 12? I'm leaning towards yes, judging by the html skills and the general childishness. Read his (her? hard to tell with severely autistic children) diary and it's obvious he's a kid. He even lied at first, saying he's actually 13.
I agree with the acting dumb thing, can't say that thought hasn't crossed my mind before. His "manifesto" really makes me think it's a dumb kid. Who in their right mind would think old web was free of cp and that it "encouraged good behaviour" kek.
No. 1382072
File: 1666380945672.jpg (133.57 KB, 790x1075, 12yrs.jpg)

>>1382056Now I had to go look this up kek, saying you're 13 when you're actually 12 and then apologizing for it definitely is something a dumb kid would do. I feel bad for him too, kid sounds absolutely not well on his public posts, can only imagine what it's like in private conversations.
No. 1384151
File: 1666555475491.png (1.61 MB, 1821x974, gatekeeper.png)

What is thelastmelon's main site?
It is never linked but it's kept being hinted at. Is there a reason why the webmaster doesn't bother linking it?
No. 1384204
>>1384151I wish I knew
nonnie, alas I'm not that familiar with most chill neocities users to be able to pinpoint who exactly she is.
No. 1388243
File: 1666883401596.png (1.08 MB, 1440x2302, 5amgfcomeback.png)

5amgf is back with a very based and last post
I wish her luck and hopefully she doesn't get too much hate
No. 1388253
>>1388243Bless you for posting this
nonny, she is amazing. I was really worried about her blog when she quit it, after all her diary is great.
No. 1389087
A couple of cute sites I found today: comment on the actual content because I don't read when I can tell somebody is probably insufferable, but the layouts are cute.
No. 1393353
File: 1667235463725.png (1.49 MB, 1349x1316, †Tainted Wingz†.png)

Someone signed my guestbook so I ended up jumping from affiliate to affiliate for a bit, here are a few nice sites I have found
(I haven't fully read these sites yet, but on a surface-ish level I like them) - Picrel, as you may have noticed from my prev compilation post, I really like old web-style sites. This one has free layouts, icons, general graphics and even games! Looks like she writes too, but I haven't looked into it. - A site for pixel dolls, links to some dollmakers too - Doesnt seem to have much going on yet, but I like the layout + has a little page with resources (linked) - Out of the ones prev site linked, this one is my favorite - This one is in german so I have no idea of what it is lmao, but the layout is immaculate and the art is cute. It seems to be a site for a Kingdom Hearts fanfic? - Tons of glittery graphics OP made. Their other sites are great too - After you navigate thru the 5px font size, this site will reward you with some tutorials for coding & photoshop, along with graphics like borders, backgrounds… Pretty neat overall - Another one with graphic resources - Ngl the text is so tiny (and changes color every 2 words) I haven't read anything from here, but the layout aesthetic is nice - Quality is….. but I found this cute, it's graphic resources but mostly aimed at pre-school teachers and similar - Linking this one for whatever this layout is kek
Stumbled onto mostly dead sites (doesn't it make you sad seeing those goodbye messages?) and resources sites, I hope I can find some personal ones next time
No. 1394739
>>1393353Awww, I actually really love the German KH fanfic one, it's really cute and well put together with a lot of love. It seems like it hasn't been updated since last year which makes me sad because the WIP character pages seem like they could have been so extensive.
On another note, what content do you ladies put on your sites? Media/interest/reviews, a diary, just a fun outlet, shitpost or a combo of all of these? I find myself wanting to be everything at once that I have like tons of WIP pages kek.
No. 1395458
>>1394739A nona asked about it here
>>1380353 and got some replies. I pretty much use my site as every social media ever and as an archive for the stuff I draw and edit.
No. 1396469
>>1322565Idk how this reminds you of 2008. This looks like tumblr blogs in 2014 down to the same exact template. It's not even coherent and looks quite ugly. Major tumblr troon vibes coming from whoever made that.
I miss sites like The Doll Palace. Now that's some true 2007 shit.
No. 1400289
>>1320546I just use twitter and pixiv and honestly never notice any drama on twitter (which makes me honestly believe that most people witnessing shit there have nobody to blame but themselves).
I feel weird talking on social media though, so I just post art and follow other artists, most of them from Asia or Slavic countries. No drama, just people enjoying art, posting it, talking about their husbandos a bit and posting delicious food. Feels nice.
I miss the good old angelfire shrines though. They were magical. And personal. Hate how personality is gone since the internet was reduced to a handful of corporate websites.
No. 1401667
File: 1667854635588.png (704.78 KB, 1920x960, 2022-11-07.png)

this was hard to read (or maybe im just a retard)
No. 1401684
File: 1667855710226.png (1.21 MB, 1585x4185, thewaffledrama.png)

>>1401668Yeah. The circled post is what prompted the drama, the rest of the left side of the picture is thewaffles profile that got some hate on it before he deleted. I don't get why the deletion and the "I was just trolling" was necessary, could've just owned it, it's not like anything would've happened.
The right side is strawbabie (now tumor, how fitting) talking with herself about the drama as usual and the bottom right is some user finally telling chips, that 11 year old child, he shouldn't be on neocities which is somehow related to the whole drama.
No. 1402181
File: 1667897202599.jpg (33.82 KB, 268x336, strawbabieads.jpg)

>>1402168There's a certain population of neocities newfags that are really weird about stealing things. They think that if they slightly photoshopped art (as in make something transparent or slap it on another image) that doesn't belong to them you're not allowed to take it from their site even though they did exactly that.
My favourite is when they go on archives of japanese sites, take the ads for anime/figurines because kanji is so #weebcore, slap them on their website in the exact form they took it and then go on to say nobody else is allowed to use those ads or you have to ask them for credit because "they went through the effort of finding those ads". Even though you can find those same ads in compilations of weebcore shit on tumblr, something I saw strawbabie herself reblogged kek.
No. 1402404
File: 1668030696682.png (240.11 KB, 706x736, originalcontentdonutsteal.png)

>>1402181Samefag but to add onto this post, it kills me that she put a ton of pixels on an old well-known pixel compilation image as well as a watermark just so people would not steal her image full of pixels that she didn't create, only slapped on the original picture which is already just a mix of pixels that are free to use.
No. 1402917
File: 1668059028887.png (391.47 KB, 828x964, unknown-40.png)

>>1402404She also watermarked this picture of a real woman and backed it up with "people have been reposting this girl for like 4 years"
No. 1403018
File: 1668066471771.png (1.28 MB, 1610x2342, untitled.png)

>>1402917it's not exactly neocities related, but in meantime strawbabie had a slapfight with other simmer who dared to call out her shit behaviour.
>strawbabie writes something really xenophobic about slavs in sims community in some of simblr discord servers, most likely one belonging to yooniesim >veone, a black simmer, calls out her xenophobia and strawbabie instantly attacks her>she calls her white and racefaker, calls out her hiding under labels to avoid any criticizm of her being a shitty person and that she literally silenced a black woman>strawbabie gets mad, tries to drag veone down over her not remembering about her ever changing pronouns>veone blocks her, says she doesn't care and will publicly slander her>strawbabie switches to alt to send more asks about it>strawbabie is still highly mad about it, strawbabie tries to prove that she's truly native by using her self sims and saying how she was called "reskin" and "injun", sexually assasulted irli'm not sure what yoonie's stance is about this but i found a bit of conversation between her and veone.'s very likely that our neocities lolcow is getting close to being hated on simblr, she just can't shut up and makes people hate her even more
>>1402917>>1402404>>1402181people on neocities put old banners and gifs but most didn't claim it's theirs and it was done in moderation. these kids just steal graphics and japanese ads for weeb factor and their sites end up looking same. watermarking a random uncredited graphics, a photo of real person is fucking retarded because it isn't yours.
No. 1403026
>>1403018>strawbabie writes something really xenophobic about slavs in sims communityDo you know what she said? I looked through veone's tumblr and I can't find anything, they're all being so vague kek
Interesting how strawbabie said she's fully native american, I thought she was part jewish and romani as well? Girl can't keep track of her lies.
>I was like 6 still coming into my melanin Hilarious phrase, I knew part italian kids that looked tanner than that when I was a child
No. 1403038
>>1403026unfortunately not, i wish i could see these logs though. they are pretty much vague but i can easily imagine what strawbabie would say.
she's really getting lost in her fake indentities and people will start calling her out soon hopefully. though they should know how fake she is since combination of being jewish, native and romani at once smells like a racefaker from miles away.
No. 1406468
File: 1668270763399.jpg (63.73 KB, 596x461, stupid.jpg)

Did anyone see the retarded change where the supporter hearts got turned into a blue checkmark? Kyle isn't even fixing basic neocities features which have already been fixed by users, instead he decides to jump on the twitter hate train, I assume in a desperate attempt to snag some disgruntled twitterfags. I sense a new wave of obnoxious newfags
No. 1406589
>>1406468Ugh yeah, I found it kinda funny but I wish he could add the stuff his own users have fixed. I also hate how he only uses twitter to retweet his "Remember we are an alternative to twitter" tweet instead of providing maintenance warnings, updates or something else useful.
I love neocities and it currently works fine for everything I do with it, but it sucks he barely works on it.
No. 1407355
File: 1668309813313.jpg (114.45 KB, 500x724, tumblr_4ce3c3650413b647d8c1965…)

injun redskin corpsetrait in the flesh
No. 1407696
>>1407170I've been watching this drama unfold real time while it was happening, but held back from posting here because it seemed yoonie and co completely discredited veone with anything on lolcow, despite us actually archiving things.
Since they're watching over this thread like hawks, I'll wait for a while before posting things unique to this thread. I recommend searching corpsetrait on tumblr to find out the exact details for now kek
No. 1407751
>>1407193i really want to thank veone for calling her out, making people come out about her shitty behavior and finally chasing her off the net (for now).
>>1407355fucking kek, glad someone archived proof of her racefaking. it's incredible how dumb she is and can't change indentifying details with her every fake identity. people on everskies found out it before because it's just so easy to connect her identities. she didn't even try because she thought that no one will find out her faking shit and using this to harass people
>>1407696same. i was screenshotting more drama but i didn't post anything for now. i'm still glad it happened since it put end to strawbabie's bullshit, though damage already was done (especially on neocities)
sugartumor seems to be deactivated or she changed url again. not sure about it. i wonder if she'll be back and will rebrand but i don't think it will be likely.
No. 1408520
I haven't been here in forever and finding this thread is like christmas. I'm so happy that there are other anons on neocities. I was starting to lose hope in the user base entirely.
>>1382026For some reason chips seems like an adult larping as a child. The posts are so outrageous and over the top it's almost unbelievable.
>>1407751I think she'll be back. I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to embrace being a neocities pariah and makes that her new identity.
No. 1408773
File: 1668412777142.png (3.02 MB, 594x5822, www.tumblr.com_burnbooktrait_7…)

>>1408518Someone remembered strawbabie on tumblr back from when she was called trans-gyaru. From there on they pieced together some things like sharing an oc that looks and is called the same, usage of the same exact stamps along with the similar identities/stalking ex story/typing style.
There's a whole tumblr dedicated to exposing her ass, pic related is a screenshot of one of the posts from that tumblr.
Coincidentally, a few simblrs received racist hate and it wouldn't surprise me if it's strawbabie trying to paint us as evil racists, similar to those banned posts upthread. Yoonie is going along with that theory as well, it's the most convenient after all.
>>1408568I reckon she'll be back, but under a whole new identity. Maybe in a different community as well, so we won't cross paths with her again until her true unhinged nature comes out when she starts calling people out kek
Lastly here's some random funny or interesting posts I screenshotted in the now gone drama channel regret not documenting her obsession with posting other peoples sims with "ethnic" features and being upset that they're labeled as white or something, it was so weird and there were at least 20 of such posts in a month and a half of that channels existence. She had some weird hangups. She also claimed she was wiccan in the past in that server, which fits with that selfie page leak, sucks I didn't document that either.
With this I conclude my personal saga with strawbabie, glad it's over now.
No. 1409167
File: 1668460849808.png (23.02 KB, 500x724, Untitled14_20221114143819.png)

>>1407355Hopefully this means the end of idiotic Tumblr drama in the neocities thread. Does anyone have idea for blog posts? I'm losing my mind trying to think of how to sperg about random shit I'm interested in. Nobody wants to read a 5 page essay on radio systems and I don't really wanna write that either.
No. 1410632
Does anyone have a neocities site builder rec? I came across some neocities sites that helped you build your own but I lost the links.
>>1409303I am also a shortwave autist. I'm in a military short wave discord that just got shut down because of Poland. Idk y tho (sry for ot)
No. 1418528
File: 1669173273685.png (329.71 KB, 1458x1334, rllyabout.png)

>>1418179this person does that shit constantly in addition to donut steel my code updates.
I also saw another user actively suicide baiting the other day. We are truly among the dregs of tumblr.
No. 1419339
>>1418179I find the status pretty useful when it's used for what it is meant for. Me and some others comment under whatever our last update is with what's new so people who follow us know quickly without having to go to home/index/where your updaye update tab is & then to the new page. Some people also comment if one of your links is broken and stuff.
Good thing you can disable them if you dont want others to comment, but it sucks that ever people from sns started coming they missuse that feature a lot. Luckily neocities drama is super easy to ignore since its all contained tho.
No. 1424523
File: 1669659847148.png (1.66 MB, 2160x2613, neocitiesnlog.png)

Here we have an "article" written by moonview juxtaposed with her contradictory about page on her website filled with mental illnesses, kins, neo-pronouns.
Going back to her stupid article, why do these people always chimp out over code? Especially considering they all use the same 3 column layout.
I generally don't pick apart the work of people who are trying to learn, but this bitch is really out here trying to lord over the 12 year olds when her layout is completely unoriginal, she has no real content and her CSS is dog shit. Nobody with actual skill gives a fuck if someone uses a carrd layout or bits and pieces of someone else's code.
No. 1428051
>>1424523Your opinion sucks, carrd code is literally unreadable unless you put it through a program that reformats the code, so I don't even know why someone would work with it. The sadgrl layout is also so fucking bland that I wince every time I see it. The css on moonview is actually a breath of fresh air imo and if you stop being whiny over how someone dictates their identity online then they're actually a really nice person to read about + their blog post DOES make a lot of sense. I agree with you on the using bits of code though; I just wish people would try harder to make it unrecognizable that they used someone's code.
To stop complaining about your post; I wanted to let people know that the person lullabye got into simsblr drama with exposed her new website. I don't care enough to post it.
No. 1428891
>>1428051> stop being whiny over how someone dictates their identity onlineYou are missing the point. She's ranting about other people's identity and neurosis label lists while she does the same shit in her about page.
I didn't know what carrd was until I read her blog post. While I wouldn't use it, I don't give a fuck that anyone else does.
>>1427501I totally agree.
No. 1428978
File: 1669925769484.gif (250.17 KB, 1100x1642, shesback.gif)

lullabye/strawbabie/gyarutrait is back and pretending to be Japanese. Her neocities is no longer linked to the tumblr but was very easy to find because she types like a retard. She will probably nuke it all soon but here are the links:
https://jojifuku.neocities.org No. 1429067
File: 1669929896879.png (570.48 KB, 1008x1378, haiimlinux.png)

>>1429019holy shit anon, that has to be her. The fact that she wants to be called "linux" or "webkit" on this iteration is fucking hilarious.
No. 1429395
File: 1669951862598.png (6.71 KB, 276x89, image_2022-12-01_192944246.png)

Okay who the hell cowtipped moonview.
No. 1429598
>>1429395There's a lot of neocities users that seem to lurk here, probably including moonview. Not pertaining to that though, lolcow has absolutely been invaded by newfags for the past month, everywhere I go I'm seeing tiktok-tier takes and opinions so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a crossover. Don't forget about
>>1374757 >>1371280 these anons too. They're clearly just neocities users unaware of lcs rules.
No. 1430466
File: 1670024284742.png (60.49 KB, 600x352,

>my fears: white genocide
No. 1431472
>>1431461FC2 blogs you can customize if you choose, but you can also pick one you like and use it as it is. You can add or change images, colors, etc. I haven't used it in years (but I may go back thanks to this conversation) but as I recall you could use an uploader for imgs rather than having to code them in.
FC2 is a Japanese site with english side support.
No. 1431475
>>143132210yr FC2 blog anon here, I've used their web service for about as long and it's very, very easy to get into. There are a few finicky little things like making sure that you don't upload files that are too large but other than that, no issue.
No scripts are allowed afair.
I used FTP to maintain my site, which I prefer because the uploader can be a bit of a pain at times. Have fun, Nona!
No. 1431479
File: 1670105410108.png (62.12 KB, 683x625, templates.PNG)

>>1431461You have to go into the templates section and go to the 'Download User Templates' and from there you can choose a template for your blog. You can go into into the main template area and from there you can edit both the html and css of the blog template you've chosen.
No. 1431501
File: 1670106885850.png (79.57 KB, 856x569, community.PNG)

>>1431491Yes and no. FC2 has a community directory which allows you to find communities that share a specific interest and through that you can find blogs but there isn't a directory for every blog hosted on FC2's services. If you want to find specific blogs you kind of have to actively search for that either on google or through web-rings. If there's enough nonnies interested maybe we could start a 'Lolcow Community' on FC2 for others to join and connect with.
No. 1431509
>>1431479That seems very similar to wordpress blogs and tumblr then, thanks. That seems like a good platform, I'll give it some thoughts.
>>1431472Weird, I just checked on the fc2 website and thought it was American for a second because the physical address I saw was in the US but maybe it's just something else. So I was right all along then.
No. 1431717
File: 1670119553437.png (18.97 KB, 610x98, Screenshot.png)

no comment
No. 1431912
>>1431815As far as I know, there isn't any. Rather, it's just not like that there and the directory function doesn't work the same.
I don't think that type of person is really interested in that sort of blogging in my experience.
No. 1431957
>>1431912I like the sound of this. I think I'll join the other nonnas in making an fc2 blog.
Does fc2's website storage have enough space for a normal person's needs? I haven't made a personal site before, so I'm not sure how much space they usually take up.
The amount the offer for their blogging service definitely seems more than enough.
No. 1434285
>>1434190in my limited experience, if you talk about second-wave feminism then ppl either don't seem to know what you're talking about, or agree. but if you're like 'oh ppl have described me as a
terf before' then i'd guess any drama will depend on how large your following is
No. 1435247
>>1431475Hol up, what's the difference between making a blog and making a website at FC2? I haven account there but forgot about it and remember choosing to make the latter as an option.
Also does anyone have any good, non privacy invasive image hosting websites? Imgur is free and easy to use but I don't trust it.
No. 1435351
>>1435247FC2 blog is pre built for vlogging entries like live journal or other blogging sites. You go to the entry page, put it in, post-it, it shows up.
FC2 webpage is webhosting. You create your homepage with HTML/CSS and everything is up to you.
No. 1435635
>>1435418omg please do! i am an fc2 blogger as well i'd love to see that. though to be honest i chose fc2
because it would be hard to search for anybody and therefore possibly target for being cringe or something since i use it as a 100% open diary kek. i like the isolation but i'd still like to see a community someday and visit
No. 1436909
>>1436781Requested to join! Thank you
nonnie! My blog is really blank but I will start adding stuff soon.
No. 1437908
>>1437317I think they might be blog only, but I'm pretty sure you can make a blog in addition to your website to join the community.
>>1432564I'm guessing you probably figured this out by now but if you scroll down to settings on the side bar and click the link that says "templates" it should let you edit the HTML and CSS. This link should work too. No. 1438415
File: 1670571972049.png (30.66 KB, 786x306, muh deadnaming.png)

> blatantly wishing violence on a child because somebody was called a name she didnt like
people like this are exactly what's wrong with the internet. they live such privileged lives that they need to make up problems for themselves. wishing violence on a minor bc of it just puts the cherry on top.
No. 1439960
>>1439122Havent looked into it but yeah she's back, nona
>>1428978 has the link.
No. 1445104
>>1431475>>1435351Thanks, this was easy to understand and having looked at FC2 blog more I really like it and it does seem really user friendly. There was 0 way I was going to bash my head against neocities just to set up a blog if I could do it in a few clicks and save myself the pain. This is also a lot comfier than SpaceHey (that MySpace clone), half of that is weird normies who got lost off Facebook and the other half are underage zoomers who keep adding me even if I put a do not interact sign in my profile.
>>1436781Haven't sent a request yet but I fully intend to once I find my feet!
Dumb question but I see FC2 posts have a limit of 10 tags but they can only be in one category, do you guys have good ideas of how to sort your posts out or what's better as a category vs a tag? I want to set out how I organize my entries before actually writing them otherwise I'll just end up with a ton of stuff floating around that I won't go back and sort.
No. 1445297
File: 1671024677414.png (6.59 KB, 178x184, 311578182@2x.png)

on my fc2 blog an image is making the whole entry div stretch out past the template's boundaries. What can I do to fix this? I've added automatic width to the image tag, but it still stretched…
No. 1445332
>>1445297I noticed that depends on the template being used. Either resize your image manually or add <img style='height: 100%; width: 100%; object-fit: cover'/> to each image.
You could also edit the css of your template, for example my template automatically resizes all images in entries with this css so try doing something similar.
.entry_body img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
No. 1446038
File: 1671054620901.png (946.86 KB, 1338x1031, help4.png)

>>1445824First you want to know the name of the div responsible for the blog entry css.
To do that you can open the theme preview, press f12 to open the console and inspect the blog entry element. For me on this theme, it's called .entry_text.
Now that you know that, you'll go edit the theme and scroll down to where you can edit the css.
You can place your css wherever you want but for better organization I would place it directly under the css responsible for the blog entry element. Basically look at how I did it on this badly composed collage.
The CSS you'll place is the following:
.nameofyourblogentrydivhere img{
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
No. 1450122
File: 1671302351121.png (7.1 KB, 88x31, button.png)

>>1450070Seconding this, GIMP sucks for everything except for making simple gifs, it's the only reason I still got it downloaded. Each layer act as a fame, so it's just making the layers and then export as .gif.
It's pretty limited, but sadgirl has a simple button maker. Png images only but you can use it as a base, doing simple things like changing the letters' colors can make it pop No. 1450772
>>1450764what the fuck am I reading
isn't macque the owner of the autism webring or is that someone else
No. 1450774
>>1450070Gimp sucks lmao it's a poorly made clone of Photoshop except they changed the shortcuts and some design things to avoid problems with the copyright.
If you want a free alternative I've heard Krita is better, even though it was made for drawing.
No. 1450812
>>1450774Gonna agree, I hate to be a software snob but GIMP doesn't cut it if you have to do anything specialized like textures for games. Maybe it was good once but there are a lot moe options out there that give Photoshop a run for its money, at least as a hobbyist. The UI confused the hell out of me when I first saw it lol. Krita is definitely for the digital art crowd.
>>1450788Never heard of Libresprite, that's cool that it exists.
No. 1461727
>>1461370Did she finally enter her joker era? kek
Can't believe she's still mad over the drama, people take Neocities too seriously. Who even gets mad at people who prefer a different OS/program than you?
No. 1463716
File: 1672903460384.png (62.3 KB, 1183x345, 2023-01-05.png)

i hate neocities
No. 1463835
>>1463642Can't comment on CA, but I can provide a reference to keep with you (or even learn from). is the OG and the best reference with tangible examples that you can copy/paste. I would not be surprised if most lessons you see for sale are just dressed up rehashes of W3's free lessons.
No. 1463881
>>14607411) "Category" serves as a tag within your blog, while "Tag" serves as a public tag you can look up there Unlike categories, you can't look up your tagged entries inside your blog, but they will appear when you look up the tag on the previous link.
2) No as far I know, but I'm pretty new to FC2 too so I may be wrong.
>>1463642I learnt HTML with this page since it holds your hand during the whole thing, just the Begginner and Intermediate HTML & CSS are enough. You should writte the code as you read the tutorials on a program that let you preview your code real-time (like Brackets) or even Tumblr's theme editor lmao. No. 1464253
File: 1672947081632.jpg (8.19 KB, 249x250, 1665437328334357.jpg)

>>1463835>>1463881Thank you so much nonas!
No. 1464353
File: 1672954297257.png (233.02 KB, 720x675, Screenshot_20230105-152808.png)

>>1461453I need you to understand that this is a video making fun of things MOST neocities users do, and dokodemo is fully aware of the fact that he falls under these stereotypes as well. I also need you all to start laughing at the webmasters who are actively doxxing themselves in the comments of the YouTube upload.
No. 1465553
File: 1673062359983.png (22.38 KB, 760x329, image_2023-01-06_193309291.png)

More DICE drama, they've been everywhere on Neocities lately.
No. 1474885
File: 1674057941399.png (2.08 MB, 1184x1462, chaiaeran.neocities.org_.png)

This shit is like a parody
No. 1476615
>>1476450This shit drives me up the fucking wall kek
Speaking of personal websites, here's another search engine made for that can even apply to have your site crawled through
No. 1476966
File: 1674159068565.png (1.97 MB, 1248x6757,…)

>>1476924Speaking of doko this page popped up a little while ago and then got deleted a few days after, she really looks like such an aiden. Although I'm confused by the pedo allegations because they're implying doko was also underage at the time (?). No. 1492599
>>1476966yo thanks for the archive, heard about this but could never find it
now that I read it this legit is just two teenagers being shitty and unstable with eachother, why is there even a callout
this isn't pedo shit at all it's literally 2 minors being awful because they're teenagers
they both need help fr
No. 1492603
>>1476966"this MINOR asked nudes from another MINOR"
yea dude teenagers are horny and engage in sexual acts, how fucking disgusting right? honestly, I really don't get this weird puritan thing teens are doing to each other, some kind of sense of superiority or control or something? it's pretty fucked up either way, and ironically gives off big christian bigot type vibes lol
No. 1492975
>>1492603>>1492611at least they’re only sending it to another minor and not a grown ass adult to distribute it to dark web cheese pizza sites. coming from someone who was a teen just a few years ago and was groomed online and blackmailed into sending nude photos of myself as young as the age of 12 on the internet by grown men, at least this isn’t that and it’s just the online equivalent of two teens being horny teens.
nta but I agree. They never said this wasn’t illegal. It definitely is. But you’re bullshitting yourself and others and unnecessarily pearl clutching if you think teenagers haven’t, aren’t, or never will be sexual in their teen years, offline or online. They will, regardless of if it is illegal or not, especially if they think they can still get off as a minor if caught while doing it. Whether this is the 90s or the 2030s teens are going to have sex and distribute naked pics of each other. It’s how the culture works. I’d be more concerned about the ones we don’t hear about who are sending pics of themselves to grown men LARPing as teens or telling them they’re “mature for their age”.
No. 1493628
>>14930425am girlfriend/vivarism! she got a lot of hate about her being a "
terf" but she's back (on vivairsm) No. 1493848
No. 1496618
File: 1676094239295.png (292.92 KB, 917x487, neocitiesdown.png)

Anyone else seeing this? I have never seen this happen before. Thoughts?
No. 1497906
File: 1676227574138.png (478.49 KB, 1189x4549, image_2023-02-12_104520769.png)

Berii had a shitfit over some rando stealing the code for her commission page, lol No. 1497923
File: 1676228895874.png (63.78 KB, 633x615, stolencode!!!!.png)

"stolen code is a serious issue!!!"
No. 1498063
File: 1676239016832.png (170.37 KB, 754x660, holyshitlmao.PNG)

>>1497979Absolutely hilarious.
No. 1498343
File: 1676260003706.png (139.05 KB, 479x627, theperfectgf.png)

>>1498185Ironic because he writes an entire essay describing "the ideal girlfriend" yet claims any woman who wants a man who is black/experienced/rich is "shallow". God forbid we have any type or standards; we're supposed to just take whatever comes. But these incels, on the other hand, can basically customize the "perfect" gf in their head like their main character in a video game.
Also he admits he's being unrealistic too kekk. The irony.
No. 1503918
File: 1676772794178.png (376.27 KB, 1890x942, Screenshot_4.png)

Has anyone else seen this? 5amgf has gone full anachan (1/2) No. 1504076
File: 1676790819079.png (67.26 KB, 1260x653, disclaimer.png)

>>1503918At least she's self aware, I guess.
>I'll look up recovery resources and manifestos on diet cultureI don't really think vilifying dieting as a whole will solve anybody's issues. Dieting and anorexia/restrictive eating disorders should really not be clumped in together as one in the same. Taking care of yourself, working out, and eating healthy foods is not inherently wrong despite how much these "body positive" activists want the general public to think it is. The only reason being a reasonable weight is seen as unrealistic in the West is because of how unhealthy and obese everybody is. That isn't to say that being underweight or anorexic is good, either. People should focus on finding a healthy middle ground instead of encouraging letting yourself go or starving yourself. Both extremes are very bad even if a certain, loud crowd only wants to pretend that one is.
No. 1504078
>>1503918>>1503991She hasn't gone full ana-chan just now. If you read her old site, 5ambf and even 5amgf she spoke about it pretty frequently and had a diary about that there too, it's nothing new she just relapsed.
It's sad if anything and I hope she'll get through it some day.
No. 1504199
File: 1676808612037.png (3.84 KB, 242x133, Screenshot.png)

>>1503918Doesn't surprise me at all, but it's sad to see she relapsed. I hope she gets better soon.
The calorie count on the toothpaste kind of made me laugh though, does she swallow it??
No. 1504201
>>1503919Reading thru it, her goal is 38kg… She is gonna kill hersef if she continues like that, I really hope she snaps as soon as posible.
I loved all her sites and she's a huge inspiration to me when it comes to web design, it's so sad seeing her like this.
No. 1504241
>>1504108Given the potential audience made of extremely impressionable twitter diaspora kids, it's plausible that this will encourage some of them to start their own unhealthy ed journey or even presenting it online the way she's doing. Happened on other platforms, it'll spread on Neocities too (hopefully not). It's truly miserable.
>>1504199Honestly, it's disheartening to witness this level of obsession. It's really unfortunate, because I'm sure many people look(ed) up to her too, that's also why I'm afraid some will take inspiration from this, despite the "disclaimer". I hope she manages to escape these delusions as soon as possible, it's sad.
No. 1504373
>>1504330>>1504258While I hate interacting with ana-chans she's allowed to be mentally ill in her own tiny corner of the internet but maybe that's the freedumb of speech edgelord in me speaking. She doesn't have a big platform and she put a proper disclaimer.
I always thought there was a certain deranged disconnect between talking about mental illness in such a cute and whimsical way but I'm smart enough to not click on things that don't interest me when there's a disclaimer. I've encountered quite a few ana-chan blogs on neocities but I see them as no different than schizoposters or random mentally ill rambling you'd see usually. It's simply a display of mentol illness, nothing different from a random alco talking to himself on the street kek. It's not like she's building a community or is chasing fame with her diary, it's a personal thing.
No. 1504483
>>1504258I agree kek. It’s funny though how they constantly promote mental disorders and illnesses like BPD, DID, and schizophrenia but throw shit fits once it’s anorexia. You’ll always see them sperging about how
toxic and ~BPD~ they are with their favorite person or extreme manipulation yet the behavior is only seen as bad or harmful when it’s anorexia.
No. 1505410
I remember anons were talking about making a webring when the thread was started. It's been five months now and we've heard fuck all from the original posters. I've only made and maintained one webring, but I'm down to make one for farmers if any of you are still interested. My only question is, how should I go about organizing this? I very specifically want to make an adults with jobs webring, like
>>1321156 suggested. Any ideas?
No. 1506517
File: 1677091736084.png (1.86 MB, 1846x950, 2023-02-22.png)

apologies if this isn't the right thread, but do you nonnies think this aggy from the stwawbwewymilk thread?? just asking because they were interacting with minors on there
No. 1506518
File: 1677091776882.png (691.25 KB, 1920x976, 2023-02-22 (1).png)

sorry if i'm being a complete tard and using the wrong thread
No. 1512986
File: 1677760579263.png (216.87 KB, 1064x1342, Untitled.png)

When you can't just block someone, you have to make a statement no one cares about. Talks about "self-education", only demonstrates being an ignorant fuck. Stuff like this makes me miss dreamie's virtue signalling
No. 1513644
>>1513629I hate that Asos is on that list but I probably shouldn't be buying fast fashion anyway (women's fashion is nearly all owned by men at the top while exploiting women and girls for the production of the garments)
thanks for posting anon. I wish there were some more details for the individual reasons but this is really helpful!
No. 1514921
File: 1677964542291.png (82.23 KB, 770x438, mizuki1.png)

>transfem and intersex, she/they/shi pronouns, two-spirit
>bi lesbian married to wife and is dating a boyfriend
>boriken taíno and japanese
> DID system because of course
Absolutely no way. This honestly really reminds me of Dreamie.
>I made this website as a way for me to have a creative way to really be myself + archive what's important to me, free from social media and algorithms!
You claim that you want to get away from social media but flood your entire website with identity politics and labels.
No. 1515146
I'm the one who made the mtf brand website mentioned here
>>1513629>>1513644I added links to everything so it should be good now!
>>1513673I've just been super busy this weekend so I haven't had a ton of time to check other threads too much (I wanted to check the dylan one/previous mtf generals and threads on 2x a bit more, plus this thread to talk about how to use neocitites). If you want to, like
>>1513685 says, it would be better to do so in the mtf or dylan threads which I monitor.
I have a couple questions about using neocities: Is there any way a site can get reported or taken down? I did see that neocities has an area for legal reports. Would it be best to take certain words out (I have some jokes in the footnotes and the dylan page has the word faggot from an anti-trans 4chan post that circulates)?
My other question is about anonymous submission, the only things i can find online for submitting things is google/microsoft/bay area tech startup stuff. I would rather not use those because they don't ever feel completely anonymous, and I'm also worried about spam. Does anybody have any sites that could work? I can pay for a service too.
It would be nice to have a way for everyone to submit things, but I wouldn't even put the submission form on the website as the amount of views makes it so that people would probably just be submitting nasty things. I would only put such a form on lolcow, so I'm wondering if it's even necessary if I already am active in all the relevant trans threads on snow and 2x.
No. 1515177
>>1515166that's what I suspected, thank you! I downloaded the site, should that be enough? I know nothing about websites/coding so sorry for the retarded question.
Does anyone know if there's an alternative to neocities? I wouldn't be opposed to hosting a website somewhere else.
No. 1515195
>>1515177Since it's just lists and if you're not great with coding you could just put everything into public Google spreadsheets as back-up?
I also had the idea that maybe you can add a section with brands or creators that are recommended because they're proven to be pro-women… Though, I'm not sure if any of those exist kek
No. 1515226
>>1515195That's a good idea, I'll make one!
Someone pointed out that listing pro-women stuff might would make it easy for TRAs to send hate. Since the spreadsheet won't be publicly indexed like the neocities site, I'll add a section there for pro women stuff
No. 1515233
>>1515146There's unironic incel sites and more than a few outspoken racists and /pol/ users on neocities. You'll be mostly fine if you choose to turn off the social media part of the site, or if you delete every update of your site so it doesn't appear under global activity. It will still appear here but it might get lost in the masses since all updated pages appear here. Neocities has this thing where it will only publish your websites update once every 24 hours even if you update it more than that, that rule applies to global activity but not for the site I linked.
Basically if you want to avoid the social media part of neocities that's full of gendie teenagers that could potentially get you banned that's the only thing you could do to minimize it. You could remove outright slurs but I've said tranny, faggot and retard many times and it didn't get me banned it's just not on the easily accessible index.html page.
No. 1515794
>>1515226yeah, listing pro-women brands might lead TRAs to not only send hate but also pressure these brands to change their terminology etc, we've seen what they're capable of when they're at war with someone. a spreadsheet is better but sadly there are also TRAs lurking here. anyway, it's nice that you added a qualifying process page!
>>1514921how do people, even supposedly woke "allies", read this and not immediately roll their eyes? nowadays "about" pages are all about oversharing about your family, your sex life, and listing mental illnesses and gender identities (well, they're also mental illnesses ig) like they are trophies. this one is an extreme example lmao, almost reads like satire. could be dreamie but usually she writes like she's 12 and having a stroke (unless i'm not thinking of the same person).
on another note, how do you find terfy neocities (do they even exist)? i tried to use "
terf" as a keyword like an autist and of course it lead me to "TERFS DNI" neocities kek
No. 1516129
>>1516026I follow quite a few. I have some obvious
TERF stuf written on my site yet most people don't read that stuff. But following a known
TERF and seeing at who they follow is a good way of finding us.
No. 1516389
File: 1678132934231.png (281.12 KB, 693x545, bZVe5Hz.png)

Nonnas I am working on something for us! Please let me know if you have any suggestions at all, I want to make something useful and good for all the female webmasters out there.
No. 1516899
>>1516026>>1516148thank you for your answers, will try that!
>>1516389sounds great nonna!
No. 1517284
File: 1678209035925.png (257.57 KB, 704x900, 4kcr9Nb.png)

Hello nonnas! I finished the webring site. Please let me know if I should add or remove anything. Applications will be checked for daily so please join! No. 1517296
>>1517290I thought about that! But every application will be checked as thoroughly as we can for trannies/pronouns/scrotes. Let them seethe, we are allowed to openly state ourselves as women. If the concern is hate mail, the mods can handle the stuff sent to the mod mail just fine. If you don't want to receive hate for being a
terf then maybe don't join because it's always a possibility, unfortunately.
No. 1519001
File: 1678365845496.jpg (18.46 KB, 335x261, easter-animal-bunny-education-…)

i have a neocities account I've not done anything with yet, this makes me want to do something. I've had hundreds of sites, blogs, over the years. blogs i never keep up with, wikis, information sites, help sites, photo dumps, myspace layouts, neopets guild layouts, aim/msn icons, petz downloads, whatever else. and each one had me in photoplus or photoshop designing a layout for it lel.
maybe cute pages for my pets or something. each has their own designed layout tailored to them. i was just thinking outfit photos, like the jfash blogs i used to follow a long time ago, but I'd have to upload them elsewhere because of storage limit so nevermind.
learning html/css as a young child because of neopets was a pivotal point in my life, it's sad kids dont do that nor know how to do that. i cherish every web 1.0 site i come across.
No. 1519013
>>1519001I have faith in you, nonna! We all start somewhere and I think that, if you put your mind to it, you can make a great site. I think you have a great idea for your pet pages. I have been meaning to make a special little shrine for my pet too.
>>1518984The only one I currently know of is jansgraphics, unfortunately.
No. 1519033
File: 1678369889064.png (3.41 KB, 339x72, obsession.png)

>>1320546>>1517284I love this idea so much! They can't claim it's in anyway transphobic because there are trans-only spaces, so what's wrong with female only spaces?
Also, picrel, our friend Chip seems to have found it as a hub to question women for their beliefs.
No. 1519260
>>1519099Top kek. I knew this was going to happen. I love how whenever someone doesn’t buy into their cult mindset, they pull the “I’m unsafe!!” card. Almost the entirety of the Neocities community is on their side, anyways, so I don’t know what’s wrong with there being a
handful of women who aren’t.
>>1519079I have had woman and female on my site from day one on Neocities. How come brave and stunning women are allowed to refer to themselves as real women but we aren’t?
No. 1519399
>>1519260Agree, but I also get it, this kid is 12 so it's age-appropriate to have this childish b&w response (albeit disappointing and almost scary in this context). What pisses me off the most is the amount of older teens and adults behaving the same way and not realizing that THEY'RE the ones that need to leave the fucking 12 year old alone and maybe, just maybe, not enabling this kid's online generated delusions about muh gender dysphoria or whatever. It's grooming 101.
However, if you want to prevent women from having their own small online circle or shame them because you think it's an attack on YOUR or other people's safety, then congratulations, you're a misogynist or have been groomed into being one. Like who tf do you think you are kek we're just minding our own business, go away. Also for your own good if you're an unsupervised preteen on a site full of literal incels.
No. 1519436
>>1519399 AYRT I agree with you, I think it’s pretty creepy that so many adults are lovebombing her 24/7 just because she’s a child. I also have no clue why aidens and the stunning and brave feel unsafe because of our webring. None of us have harassed anybody. As you said, we are just minding our own business.
>>1519270I would agree with you but, sadly, the real world is starting to cater to their kind more and more. I see it all the time here. I guess it depends on where you live.
No. 1519514
>>1519474You're 12, get the hell out of here.
While you're at it, take your own advice and leave the internet altogether. Looks like you and your "friends" need it quite substantially.
No. 1519630
>>1519033I love pomelo and I'm so happy to see her on the webring.
I feel bad for chip's parents. It must be a fucking nightmare to have a middle school aged child during this era of gendie brain rot.
No. 1520167
File: 1678467704689.png (1004.43 KB, 1247x2048, Screenshot_20230309-175840.png)

i miss the fall of forums. i was never active on more than one at a time, always rotating, but they were enjoyable.
there is some Canadian company that has been buying up old forums to add to their collection. many of the ones i used to be on are now owned by them.
No. 1520421
File: 1678479448242.png (5.02 KB, 353x140, bbadges.png)

Added a few different widgets for the webring if anyone wanted to swap theirs out! The codes are on the front page of the site.
No. 1520444
>>1520373For this thread, or for the webring? I think going by the webring would be a good idea since it already has a vetting process in place, but we'd need permission from the webring admin. Otherwise, I'd be willing to run it.
>>1520421These are adorable, nonna!
No. 1520650
>>1520647Samefag, the website in question: I don't think this counts as like-minded?
No. 1520816
Made a new thread
>>>/ot/1520815I also added a few new links to the OP, hope you will find them useful!
No. 1521358
>>1521355take the resinpill anon
you know you want to
No. 1521781
File: 1678633431239.png (3.06 KB, 232x213, 18934748.png)

>>1520650Heteroromantic demisexual? Why the fuck was this MOGAItard let in?
No. 1522107
File: 1678651465804.png (20.05 KB, 732x325, image_2023-03-12_200159762.png)

>>1521781have you seen her blog posts nona? she's 100% crypto
No. 1522697
>>1522663I agree with this. As long as the webmaster is a
female and not not sucking troon dick idc
No. 1524114
File: 1678882348672.png (18.64 KB, 703x457, e9OlDby.png)

No. 1524377
>>1524114I like how there's no mention of
terf OR trans ideology and that's the conclusion Macaque came to because the words "woman" and "female" are so evil.
No. 1524676
File: 1678926547408.png (22.15 KB, 978x474, kek.PNG)

oh no meanie words
No. 1524677
>>1524377yeah i genuinely wonder how they came to the conclusion that it
exclusively follows TERFs lol, isn't there only one site that mentions trannies at all? anyway.
No. 1524855
File: 1678944541674.jpeg (50.13 KB, 750x717, A314D4FA-62F9-4A01-B88E-CFE27F…)

aw i wish i could join the webring but i only have an fc2 blog… and speaking of fc2 my favorite desktop template i was using suddenly got deleted so my blog looks all kinds of fucked up right now and bare bones. ugh.
No. 1524910
>>1517284I'm sorry, I'm new to Neocities/webrings, what do you mean in the rules by
>Please have a place to display the code I.E. an index page or a page for your webrings.What does "the code" refer to here?
No. 1525458
>>1524677Kek it's probably because the female symbol automatically =
TERF in their mind
No. 1525771
>>1525706I think a few of the nonnies there including me moved back to their neocities pages. To be honest fc2 group system was a bit clunky to use and dreamwidth was proposed at some point but I didn't feel like spreading myself thin over multiple platforms.
This is why I found the webring to be a great addition though.
No. 1525801
File: 1679040983847.png (31.38 KB, 1548x516, angry male detected.png)

>>1524114>I know shit by and for TERFs when I see itkek sounds like it must spend an awful lot of time hate-lurking radfem spaces
No. 1525969
>>1525909chips will never even realize she's currently being groomed. all of these kids are.
No. 1525980
>>1525801so basically this person lurks here,
TERF central, and has to admit it to provide proof because otherwise there's nothing about trannies in the webring lol. so much for "i know shit by
terf when i see it" am i right
No. 1525998
>>1525726Not really, everyone kind of just stopped showing up until only two people were left.
>>1525769>>1525771I agree, I personally hate crossposting the same stuff across multiple sites. I liked the community and wish we could have kept that aspect going at least, even without the blogging part.
No. 1526308
File: 1679094777660.png (36.28 KB, 971x480, blogswitch.png)

looks like is down. was there some kind of announcement on it shutting down or something i wasn't aware of? i hope it's just technical difficulties or server updates. i'll be devastated if it's gone, i don't know an alternative… seems like every day something gets wiped
No. 1526592
File: 1679124542328.jpg (99.59 KB, 720x1021, 20230318_082900.jpg)

>>1526308What was that site about? If it was some kind if widget for your blog, there's probably a similar JS alternative to it.
>>1525909Nona looks like macaqe read your post kek
No. 1526598
>>1526595This is a gossip site, what were ypu expecting?
We do both things itt anyways, talk about general small web and about snowflakes.
No. 1526614
>>1526592it had a bunch of user submitted "falling items" blog effect of pretty much anything you can think of, from way back. like falling diamonds or falling crudely drawn cats for example or different unlikely and unrelated things mixed into one add-on etc.
from the website:
>It is a blog parts maker that anyone can easily create original blog parts.not sure i'll find anything like it atm but the web archive sort of works at least
No. 1526635
>>1526614Maybe the code below does the trick if you mess with it a little? The other link may be useful too for more general things.>>1526621Ah, I get you now. Yeah I wish we could talk without them reading/reacting (and without anons cowtiping them, like it happened when the lullabye/doko drama), but what can we do about it… Even during times where the conversation shifted towards other topics for a while, they kept lurking this thread.
No. 1526649
anyone know any oldweb style questions that give you codes for your blog at the end? i found this one by looking up "quiz" on wibly
> know any more? i'm thinking in the sense of recommend me similar websites if you know any! including ones found in the web archive as long as they work properly and show the results
No. 1526682
File: 1679143698654.png (91.19 KB, 1003x707, tumblr_nnwtnzauOD1tjy56ho1_128…)

>>1526649Your post reminded me that Quizilla used to exist. You can try surfing the archived version, from testing it some quizzes worked and some didn't, though, so it's pretty hit or miss. No. 1527793
File: 1679201706808.jpg (16.44 KB, 784x218, chips.jpg)

Chips, you don't realize it, but we are fighting the same battle against pedophiles. The only difference is, you still trust men. Society and the people around you are grooming you to into becoming a degenerate and sexual deviant at the age of twelve. The things you are concerned with are not things twelve year olds should know about. Many of us are disgusted by this, and this is one of the many reasons why we refuse to include males in our definition of female.
You can rat us out to the internet police. The truth is, we care about you and we don't want to see this happen to you. It pains me (and other people you refer to as "TERFs") to know that you are being convinced that chemical castration and self mutilation will make you happy. You have your whole life ahead of you, and we are terrified of what you are getting into. Being a woman is not disgusting. I hope you'll be able to appreciate it someday.
No. 1528210
File: 1679249135048.png (14.93 KB, 698x361, neotos.png)

>>1528087I looked through the TOS and there is no mention of minimum age requirement (which is surprising with COPPA being a federal law and all..) but there is a section that states users are not to solicit personal information from underage users including name, so some of these weirdos might get termed if proof ever floats about of them knowingly interacting with kids and getting info.