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No. 192566
File: 1648391831267.jpg (51.63 KB, 828x748, s-l1600.jpg)

currently i'm most excited for these little babies! i just need tsukishima and koito but unless i can find them for a really good deal i'm ok with passing on them. i mainly wanted ogata and sugi anyway kek
No. 192664
File: 1648423528932.jpg (388.76 KB, 1000x999, 1648266226454.jpg)

this is gonna be so cute
No. 192689
File: 1648431985252.jpg (354.96 KB, 1366x2048, 5xksej75dqd81.jpg)

>>192563I wish I gave a shit about vocaloid because all the beautiful Miku figures make my eyes water. Most of the series I care about never get good merch tbh
No. 192697
>>192680if they don't give us a nene i will riot. TWO hanako-kun's and no nene? jail.
>>192689miku gets the prettiest figures it's not fair. there are so many great characters and franchises with nothing but nooo let's shit out 5 more miku's
No. 192701
File: 1648433521527.jpeg (58.43 KB, 715x402, Three-more-Hatsune-Miku-Nendor…)

>>192689Same, she gets a ton of really pretty/adorable merch. I love the design of the new Snow Miku but I don't like her enough to justify actually getting it, or anything else of her…
No. 192785
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>>192689I'm not a Miku fag either but she really is the gift that keeps on giving. I caved and ordered her recent snow fig just because of how pretty it was.
I like her because each artist has their own representation of her, so each fig is unique. I'd rather have a shelf full of her in different forms than multiple same styled anime characters
No. 193112
File: 1648564737133.png (535.85 KB, 533x800, 8e7708c57328e89ae0913352638484…)

>>192689I'm not into Vocaloid, Miku or even anime at all, I have only a couple figs from western series but I did get this today! I saw her in a nerd shop and I just HAD to get her, she's so different
No. 193115
File: 1648566697124.png (821.21 KB, 796x594, qtpi.PNG)

>>192701Is this enough to justify buying her?
No. 193279
>>193112she's so cute anon congrats!! i love her expression so much and with her pose and outfit she's really unique!
No. 193365
File: 1648651648345.jpg (100.68 KB, 600x450, 1347680.jpg)

I am also not a miku fan or into vocaloid and have preordered this miku. I just love lucky cat shit she's too cute!
And I wanted to point out that if there are any figures or nendos you want to see you can request them here: we will all get the merch we desire!
No. 193499
File: 1648698203883.png (786.82 KB, 517x791, miku.PNG)

It would be my dream to own this Miku fig even if I'm not into vocaloid music much. The base is a real music box you can wind up with a key and I love her pose. Mikufags are lucky to have so much content of her
No. 193594
File: 1648720420857.jpg (99.55 KB, 720x540, b22b807c-94e9-4f52-8981-a5f3af…)

>>193365Aaaah I love that Maneki Miku, I would get her but the face is not to my tastes exactly so I can't justify spending so much money on her rip.
I love these weirder looking figs
No. 193596
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>>193595More classic but still cute
No. 193597
File: 1648720537360.jpg (34.35 KB, 522x750, 9d208c06-24f5-4873-8e0a-5af8a6…)

>>193596This is the most traditional fig of her I like but shes so cute, BABY
No. 193634
File: 1648729328730.png (545.23 KB, 652x512, doll miku.PNG)

>>193595Here's another weird one I just found you may like nonna
No. 193724
File: 1648756098026.jpg (155.68 KB, 1007x813, FPLMm1vWYAQSS5q.jpg)

Thank you for this thread anon!! I love all the Miku talk going on atm, I love Miku but I only just got my first figure of her last Christmas thanks to some friends and she is SO perfect and adorable.
Speaking of Miku, did you see the poll? Which one are you voting for? I really like number one, especially with the artist theme but the top hat looks like it would make the nendo too top heavy and not fun to pose. I really like three as well but there are merits to all of them. Ended up voting for six though.
No. 193764
>>193724I personally like 3 a lot because it has this mystic and dreamy quality to it that I rarely see in Miku figs. 6 is super cute too but I think it would look a bit samey to pre-existing designs of her. 4 is fluffy and cute but I have the same concern as you do for 1 for top heaviness Link for anyone who wants to vote. Closes April 11th I assume JST
No. 193788
File: 1648780523751.jpg (3.1 MB, 800x6900, Pullip 'Sugar Sugar Rune - Cho…)

I was't sure where to post her (here, toy collecting or even manga) but I'm so excited and glad Moyocco Anno is getting love and merch still made of her works!
No. 203030
File: 1651498734753.jpg (1008.02 KB, 2000x2112, mushroom_girl_figure.jpg)

I was browsing anime figures and found this. Thought I share it here because it looks so cute, beautiful and is not scroteshit. Been thinking about getting it too.
No. 203090
File: 1651517524627.jpg (114 KB, 822x1000, 61nI2UiyFES._AC_SL1000_3000x.j…)

>>203030I love fairytale figures like this, I think she'd look very lovely posed with the sleeping beauty figure coming out.
No. 203252
File: 1651545277526.png (377.49 KB, 800x800, EY1OkzRUYAAZhTm.png)

>>203159Found her while browsing through Otakumode. She's from an original art.>>203090Oh my gosh this is so beautiful! Now I'm not sure if I want to get this too.
No. 205841
File: 1652470440204.jpg (53.45 KB, 671x1000, d3b3f06a11bb42b78ce6e0469ca2f6…)

Should I buy him or not? I found a local seller who has him for like 70 euro, the original figure. TR figures are very rare to come by at that price here… They usually have insane markup. Does any nonnie already have him?
No. 205857
File: 1652473627415.png (549.05 KB, 611x488, tumblr_ee3a466a0707bc3ab92cb2b…)

I am really dumb but I just learned that you can send requests to GSC for figured you'd like to see made: I'm gonna ask my brother and my bf to send them requests for a Sugimoto Saichi nendo kek
I remember when we had the nendo thread before the /m/assacre, there were some nonnies telling which nendos they'd like to exist, let's request it!
No. 206044
File: 1652555725080.jpg (72.23 KB, 1080x935, gd4u394h5p481.jpg)

>>205857Thank you for sharing this
nonny! There's a ton of characters and series I want to be made into figures (picrel) and re-releases of those that I have missed out or is being sold at higher prices. Hope I'm not spamming GSC.
No. 206241
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>>203090>>203030Found another fairytale original figure and I think she's super cute and would go well together with those two. I don't know if this looks scroteshit but I checked the illustrator Shugao and I didn't see any lewd stuff. Wished she had a tail though.
No. 207052
File: 1652818767391.jpeg (38.94 KB, 500x500, main_original_0ef9e1fa-3651-49…)

Please stop me from buying this, it's gorgeous and it would go so well with a bunch of outfits but it's expensive (without the shipping fees and taxes at that) and I can't help but find wearing merch a bit tacky.
No. 207057
>>207052>bloodborneSorry, i can't stop you,
nonnie. Buy it
No. 207097
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>>207052It looks very tacky. I would never consider buying/wearing something based on some IP unless it looked like passably normal jewelry to someone who wasn’t familiar with it.
No. 208887
File: 1653433867150.jpeg (109.24 KB, 820x1093, 6118F380-F045-4F58-AA91-95CDFF…)

I wish I wasn’t poor
No. 209238
>>207120it passes the "recognizable ip" test but not the "came from spencer's" test.
it looks like something you'd get from a spencer's.
No. 209790
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More Genshin nendos. I really can't wait to see them in that style.
No. 209793
File: 1653830504977.jpg (147.83 KB, 600x600, 20220529_081429.jpg)

>>209790The other genshin nendoroids are surprisingly poor quality, I wonder if these suffer the same fate. Those two have worse designs than the preexisting characters who got nendos.
No. 209798
>>209793Still no Douman figures announced though
sadface, are his designs too over the top to turn into 3D?
No. 210084
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Once again my preorders are delayed, but I guess that means I can save up more money. Like other nonnas I am a huge Mikufag and also love the other Vocaloids. I preordered her as soon as she dropped because her promo art alone was so cute to me. I want her home with me already guys
No. 214719
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Clothes came for Kaworu, he’s lookin’ fancy I like to think.
No. 214750
>>214722Good it’s on model for him, official Eva art draws him skinny as all hell.
No. 214768
File: 1655355796556.jpeg (3.03 MB, 3024x4032, A45FB22E-0973-42FD-820F-7B529C…)

I don’t think Megs nendo can wear cool clothes like Kaworu kun though, especially since I haven’t taken him out of the box yet.
No. 214769
>>214768I love you
nonnie, great taste.
No. 214770
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>>214769Love you too, he doesn’t like the headpats though.
No. 214772
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>>214770Now I’m just having way too much fun posing these fucks, don’t speak to me or my son ever again.
No. 219145
File: 1656941600198.jpg (84.76 KB, 600x800, 1585499.jpg)

Just saw mp100 nendos have been announced! Happy for the nonnie that said she wanted them in the old nendo thread rip. Hopefully gsc isn't too cheap and we get a little dimple to go along with mob.
No. 219146
File: 1656941663421.jpg (91.91 KB, 600x800, 1585501.jpg)

Happy for all the Reigen husbandofags too. I'm hoping we'll get a Ritsu eventually too.
No. 219182
File: 1656957459144.jpg (323.13 KB, 607x1079, En7TSS-W4AEJtNh.jpg)

>>192566God I want these.
Wish there were more nendos for this series too. I have only ever seen Asirpa and Odaka (and Odaka was out of stock from what felt like the very start or you only get him for three+ times the price secondhand).
Your nekos are damn cute, I hope you enjoy them. I want that Tsukishima as well. Won't get my hopes up for Odaka but maybe I can at least find this guy somewhere.
>>214772Nice to see another 'Formers fan. Megs and a bunch of others are my favorite characters besides the Golden Kamuy dudes. Some years ago I would have never expected to ever spend 400+ euros on a single figure or toy as I did with Flame Toys' Megatron and Tarn, but I don't regret anything.
No. 219229
>>219182Where'd you get the Overlord? His face looks fantastic.
I'm sort of considering the flametoys Tarn but he's kinda huge and expensive (he would look kinda funny next to my pink ass room full of dolls though)
No. 219240
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I've never bought one before, but—
No. 219390
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>>219285Based, anon. Are you spamming with the same email or are you creating throwaways? Kek
I did it with mine and my family's, but maybe I should go a step further.
>>219146>>219145>>206044Anon, congrats for a successful manifestation! I'm happy for you
No. 219894
File: 1657192316262.jpeg (807.83 KB, 1772x1773, FWmbC7wWIAAkqVU.jpeg)

>>219145>>219146>>219240So many great boys coming to Nendoroids. This is awesome.
>>219390This looks really good. Sugimoto definitely deserves a Nendoroid for the longest time. No idea why they haven't done so since he's a main character.
No. 221184
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I don't know anything about this vtuber but this looks so cute. Is it scroteshit?
No. 221243
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>>221222Her name is Minahoshi-chan and I think she's a dancing vtuber.
No. 221288
File: 1657667949402.png (579.82 KB, 2048x2022, kirbymerch.png)

I've always wanted to post my collection so here it is.
Currently, as of now I have twenty nine merchandise items. Not pictured is the Twinkle Dolly Kirby Keychain: Dedede. I got that recently. On the way I have the Twinkle Dolly Kirby Keychain: Kirby and Star Rod, Star Kirby Muteki Suteki Closet Plushie: Dedede Costume Kirby, two pin from the Pupupu Friends Collection (Sleepy Kirby and Sleepy Dedede).
No. 221291
File: 1657669019592.png (432.74 KB, 560x493, 233658.png)

>>221288Who's your faveorite? a bit envious because of the shirts you have since there is literally ZERO merch of Kirby and co in my country but I can really see that you take good care of all of them! picrel is something I managed to snag however I'm waiting for it in the post
No. 221312
File: 1657672214486.jpg (326.21 KB, 1080x1350, FXbq91jaQAAr--3.jpg)

She looks so lovely, instantly pre ordered.
No. 221512
>>221291Favorite, as in favorite character? It's hard to say but I like Meta Knight, Kirby and King Dedede the most. Waddle Dees as a whole are an honorable mention.
If you mean favorite as in favorite merch, I would have to say I like figures more than plushes but my paper goods like my doujinshi and official artbooks are very dear to me too.
Finding Kirby merch in general, in the wild at stores is very rare so 98% of that stuff came from online purchases, Ebay and Zenmarket mostly.
Those shirts are something I managed to snag from GameStop but I seldom wear them because I have dogs and black fabric is like a magnetic to white fur. Though, to be honest, the shirts aren't really good quality the graphics began to chip just only after a few washes so keep them more as a decoration.
Thanks! Usually I wipe down my figurines with a anti-septic wipes and use a q-tip and and some antiseptic to clean more smaller crevices like Meta Knight's wings or the creases in the Danish figurine. As for plushes I clean them in the wash on delicate cycle with simple detergent and baking soda but absolutely no bleach. Let's just say, that is not my only Meta Knight plush kek. As for my paper goods, I'll wipe them down with an quick-drying antiseptic wipe if there's a smudge here and there but I've read them so much that they've began to wore down naturally and I accidentally ripped the informational sleeve that comes attached to the cover. As for my doujinshi, I keep them safe in their plastic covers, though admittedly I need to get new plastic sleeves for a few of them since they're starting to tear.
THAT'S ADORABLE NONA!!! It reminds me of the Light copy ability from Kirby's Adventure. It's a good catch, and looks really cute. How much was it?
No. 221891
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i really like all of the brs nendos and figmas. their designs are so cool, especially dead master and chariot's. i want to squish her little cheeks lmao
No. 222210
File: 1657917527680.jpg (136.14 KB, 570x800, d5dc4ffdd304425b9e2ae59f42eb23…)

Dimitrifag nonnie if you're reading this, pre-orders for Dimitri and Felix are here!
No. 222213
>>221512I got the lamp for 2,948 yen, from here via proxy and I was very lucky that I bought when I did as it was shortly sold out afterwards. This will be my first Kirby merch, so I'm just waiting to see if my parcel is ready for pick upon Monday.
>shirts aren't really good quality the graphics began to chipThat's too bad as I own a couple of graphic t-shirts that are admittedly pretty old
nearly 10 years old that have a bit of cracking on the graphics other then that it's still in good condition. Screen printed graphic t-shirts lasts a lot longer and I always try to purchase those if I can.
>I wipe down my figurines with a anti-septic wipes, wash on delicate cycle, not my only Meta Knight plush, paper goodsIt must have been horrible when you took out bleached Meta knight since there is no way to recover from the bleach. I'm a bit lazy and just wipe my figures down with a damp rag and then a dry one. With the paper goods have you ever thought about scanning them so that you'll have a digital backup? I know that they won't have the same feel as the physical ones however since doujins are pretty hard to replace if they get badly damaged.
I really like your collection, I try to always find something I can use since I have limited space in my bedroom as I'm trying to save up for a house. However the housing market in my country is just not affordable unless I willing to give a limb or two as payment as result I'm starting to indulge a little bit with my purchases
and bought five transformers mp figures, moomin stuff that I'm afraid of listing along with buying every 3ds/ds kirby game and I'm now looking for kirby superstar ultra and art book. my wallet is weeping at the cost and amount of items. No. 222349
File: 1657981037835.png (2.05 MB, 1500x1650, lappu.png)

>>221312I have to wait until September to place my orders, I hope she's still available along with OP until then. :(
I have this on the way at least, super excited about that.
No. 222484
>>222213>I got the lamp for 2,948 yen, from here You are very lucky, it's such a nice lamp! It's a 30th Anniversary item so it's not a surprise that it sold out fast, it's common with those types of merchandise.
>Screen printed graphic t-shirts lasts a lot longer and I always try to purchase those if I can.Will keep that in mind. I want to get wearable merchandise but I'm too anxious to wear them in case something happens.
>It must have been horrible when you took out bleached Meta knightIt was. It was if someone splashed him with white paint, and it technically is my fault for drinking coffee and accidentally spilling it on him. I've never thought to do that, I tend to use antiseptic because it removes germs and leaves a nice little shine on my figurines. As for scanning my books and doujins? Yes and no. I'd like to have a digital collection so I'm not on shaking-tier edge when reading them but the process of scanning doujins requires one to remove and take them apart which I could never do. I tried scanning one of them for a friend which involved me bending the spine for each page which caused these gross looking creases on the cover's spine area. If I could safely scan every of my doujins I'd do it. Thanks! I'd love to see yours! It's understandable, as long as you add to your collection sparingly and responsibly, my collection was made over the course of years!
Sounds like pretty good fines, I've always like mecha-like media so I'm all for Transformers. Super Star Ultra is one of my favorites. Which Art Book are you planning to get, I want to find a listing for the 20th anniversary one but it's so expensive. I understand, I swear my wallet screams in abstract horror after I do my doujin hauls after Comiket. No. 222554
File: 1658055356100.jpg (637.74 KB, 1200x1600, EkD4rNtWoAAEhCo.jpg)

>>219229Back then from ebay where some shop was thankfully selling him for an acceptable price. It's the Carnifex version from Mastermind Creations. I could have sworn they announced a reissue of him last year, so you should observe them if you are interested.
>I'm sort of considering the flametoys TarnI got him too, pic related. He is fucking awesome IMO. He is expensive but honestly I don't regret buying him at all, I am very happy with him and I would have wasted those 400 Euros on other shit at some point anyway, probably stuff that wouldn't bring me the lasting enjoyment he is giving me.
>>219285I managed to get an Ogata! Thank you for the wishes and the advice, anon. I wish there was a Tsurumi nendo or at least a Tsukushima to be honest. No hope they will ever be made but I should give it a try at least. Maybe the new anime season will give all of the characters a boost in popularity again.
No. 222569
File: 1658066643383.jpeg (4.52 MB, 3024x4032, C61E04ED-BC13-493A-8112-70EA6D…)

>>222554Looks very cool! If I were to get him I’d have to put him in a separate place from Megs though haha (saving room to put bishoujo Megs there) so sucks for Tarn and Overlord if I get them, if the scale is similar maybe I could pose them arguing/fighting or something? That might be fun.
Also your animal skulls in the background super cool!
No. 223249
File: 1658275843353.jpg (95.95 KB, 1200x675, IMG-20220128-WA0015.jpg)

>>222554Yes! Good purchase anon, Ogata is so cute. I'm just like
>>219285 I also spam GSC for a Sugimoto and rereleased Asirpa. They would look so cute together uugh
I have this exact re-sent set and now I want the nendoroid japanese playset as well. It has the Hokkaido Kibori Kuma as a set piece, it fits too well.
No. 223252
File: 1658276715158.jpg (261.89 KB, 1600x1200, IMG-20220228-WA0047.jpg)

>>223249Also samefag, but GSC is currently doing a survey for new figures (pop up parade)
Enter your favorites! No. 224063
File: 1658585472852.jpg (99.33 KB, 543x966, IMG_20200416_000507.jpg)

>>223252Thank you, I participated as well. Maybe the upcoming GK season will give them a boost. Never bought a Pup Up figure yet but it would be cool and they are cheaper it seems, so less popular character might have a higher chance to show up.
No. 224313
>>222349Solaris usually seems to have figures up until they release, I pre ordered a Madoka a while back like a month before she came out their shipping is kind of overpriced though.
>I have this on the way at leastVery cute!
No. 225399
File: 1659101526278.jpg (159.41 KB, 1180x885, 2012-11-22-00-41-18.jpg)

>See the perfect nendoroid playset on Mercari, it even has some re-ment stuff included
>Can't buy it right away because I have to do a lot of shit to buy it internationally, am at work
>"Cool, I'll 'reserved' it with alipay, when I'm back from home I'll buy it"
>Sold out as soon as I finally finished everything and was ready to buy it
The pain of a thirdie buyfag. Better luck next time for me
No. 227492
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More Genshin! He was announced with Xiao.
No. 227709
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GSC better have my husbando nendo tomorrow for Smile Fest
No. 227798
File: 1659838935454.jpeg (2.63 MB, 3022x2797, C9579BE1-1CE3-4C04-8698-E6C4C2…)

Starscream nendo came yesterday! He kinda sucks, literally only one set of hands and one alt face, no accessories (not even the crown) what the fuck? I bought him anyway despite that.
No. 229209
>>207052Did you end up buying it
nonnie? The torch torch stuff are up for preorder again on amiami right now so I ordered the sword hunter badge for myself!
No. 230760
File: 1660494167546.jpg (309.38 KB, 995x1381, matt-cexwish-ciri-no-logos-003…)

I just saw this Ciri figure, it's so lovely! Not gonna buy it of course as it's almost 300€ but I can admire it digitally
No. 232077
File: 1660912767672.jpg (118.52 KB, 720x718, 3559826.jpg)

>>192566I can't believe I gave in and bought that cat Ogata. I never considered buying them before, but found him for 16 Euro and he doesn't weigh much so took him with me. Regarding golden kamuy I also bought pic related shikishi of Tsurumi. It's aesthetically pleasing and looks normal enough to hang up wherever I want without looking out of place.
No. 232314
File: 1661020310060.jpg (58.9 KB, 600x400, 1554967.jpg)

>>232077Congrats anon! The little neko's are so hard to resist. That shikishi is so gorgeous! I have the Ogata one, I was surprised it wasn't more expensive tbh. Did you see they're releasing a tsurumi kitty?
No. 232357
>>232314I am planning to get the Ogata shikishi next time too. It's mostly sold for around ~12 euro/dollar which is fine with me. Most other Ogata stuff is expensive as hell, I see people even buying acrylic stands of him for 60 and more.
>Did you see they're releasing a tsurumi kitty?I have seen it! I totally plan on getting him. Maybe Usami too for how cute he is. I hope they will make a Tsurumi nendo or little figure one day like the little sega figs Ogata and Sugimoto are getting soon.
No. 240430
>>232314I don't want to double post but I got the Ogata cat!
>>235695 (hope you can cross-link here)
>>240428I don't use any skin- or make-up products so maybe I have a bit more space (and I have a few nendos in my microscopic bathroom) but still suffering from the same problem regardless, especially because I buy quite a lot of manga. I often don't buy some merch I like simply because I have no space to display it. And I don't want to hoard it in some package or something or have too much on my shelves since that looks bad too.
The only thing I can recommend is to re-arranging stuff you have attached to the walls to install some additional shelves wherever you can make some space for them. But I have a lot of animal skulls, paintings and weapons on my walls so I can only do so much.
No. 243812
File: 1664581515271.jpg (1.16 MB, 3022x3575, IMG_7341.jpg)

My chronicle cover girl figure came in today! She's very cute but the pieces tend to fall off and the base is sadly just hollowed out cheap plastic, so she doesn't stand that well on it.
The attention to detail on the actual figure though is gorgeous, I would love to get the pink version too.
No. 243826
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>>243824Kaworu tea partying with his good friends rock and mami san!
No. 243885
>>243847Some of it is from a mini Alice in wonderland set I got years ago (spoons and stuff are from that)
The charmmy kitty ones are just from some kids set, I think you can find it on mercari for like 500 yen or so.
No. 245867
File: 1665324540860.jpg (69.82 KB, 800x550, FIGURE-146061_05.jpg)

The Death Note nendoroids are getting rereleased, this came out of nowhere but I'm so excited! Pretty chuffed they aren't super over priced either.
No. 245991
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>>192566Golden Kamuy drives me to consoom, I just love it so much. I got all of those cats, all of the takara Tomy keychains (except for Sugimoto, unfortunately. Will look for him) and both of these plushies. I also want Asirpa, but I think I'll get her later. I couldn't preorder the Chokonose figures because there isn't any store that ship it to my country. Also the nemutan and the other Sega chibi ones when they are available.
I also ordered a bunch of the mangas. The only downside is that everything I ordered is being literally shipped, so God knows when it's arrive.
I feel kinda bad for consooming so much, but I love these series so much, it brings me joy and I wanna have my husbandos closer while supporting it.
No. 246115
File: 1665437373586.jpg (81.37 KB, 720x577, m19033139107_1.jpg)

>>246104>I saw someone on twitter sew Sugi's hat lower which made him a lot cuter Do you have the pic? I am a bit curious. You can post it to the GK thread
The hairline on Ogata doesn't bother me at all, but I can see how it can be bothersome to some. My only complaint for these is that I wish the hat was removable! It would be adorable.
I personally don't like the coro Ogata plushie, which is a shame cause I think everyone else is pretty cute.
My most anticipated ones are the Chokonose Sega ones though, I love my nendo and all, but damn, I want their real proportions! Hopefully there'll be more to come.
No. 246201
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has anyone tried doing customs? my husbando doesnt have a figure so i was thinking about buying one of these blank figures intended for drawing to make him
No. 246300
File: 1665479170781.jpg (181.51 KB, 650x750, Tumblr_l_1791206578825266.jpg)

>>246198For 1st hand stuff, I have used these (along with amiami) and had no problems. (despite its name, it also sells fugures and artbooks)
For 2nd hand, if you dont want to deal with proxies use these: (super good deals, but sometimes the shipping can kill you. A bit tricky to order more than 1 thing too) (useful for anything related to figurea tbh You will need an account for this, but when you wishlist something it will notify you when someone is selling it thru their site)
And if you dont mid use proxies, these (remember you have to search using the japanese name of whatever you want) (cool thing about this one is that sometimes people put more than 1 thing on their listing) (if this site is blocked on your country, download opera + set its free vpn to asia) (less active that the previous 2, but is the cheapest one, i almost always buy from here)
And about which proxy to use, its better if you look into that yourself to check which is the cheapest for you.
I'm from EU and when buying in bulk Japan Rabbit is the cheapest for me (plus theyre amazing at fitting everything on small boxes).
When buying a single thing, Buyee may be cheaper if you get one of their discounts (they got TONS of dumb taxes, even an obligatory one for "we check if your items arrived on the warehouse :)" and for putting more than 1 item on a box, that's why I mention the discounts, keep an eye on them. Also their boxes are stupidity big kek)
There are other proxies like Zenmarket, but I havent personally used them.
Also never buy from amazon or ebay. In general never buy from western 2nd hand shops unless theyre like MFC where only collectors use them. GSC has a list of partnered shops and retailers, you can check it to see if you're lucky there's one near you.
No. 246308
>>246302I'm not a fan of them either, but at least they're hand-painted, have some effort put onto their designs and can move and have accesories. And we dont have nendoroids recreating a murdered girl naked.
I find it cute when people give nendos those tiny doll bodies so they don't look like littlest pet shops though. My current collection consist on 2 so far and I don't think it will grow more anytime soon.
No. 246448
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>resemble the character they're supposed to be>have slightly different art styles that resemble the source material despite being all chibi>have different expressions that can be swapped with other nendo's>are poseable>have accessories>are cuteFunko Pops:
>all have the same creepy, uncanny mouthless face>don't resemble source material>are not poseable, some are bobbleheads at most>do not have accessories, instead they have separate variants of the same character>are shat out at a higher rate than nendos, making them obvious low-effort cash-grabs>are ugly as sin 99% of the timebesides, nendos are like 30 dollars more expensive than funko pops, they're not even on the same tier
No. 246911
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>>245991Just got the Sugimoto one as well, now it's complete. I am happy and can't wait for them to arrive. I stumbled upon this pic of it and it's actually bigger than I thought, I thought it would be like half of its size.
No. 246983
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>>246115Here. It's big improvement and they said the hat is only attached by a thread in a couple places so it's easy enough to adjust.
No. 246986
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>>246983>>246115Being able to make drunk sugi is another bonus too
No. 247017
File: 1665629007992.png (1.61 MB, 1329x781, sanrio memories.PNG)

Lol, the sugarbunny tiktok girls are definitely going to crash the site.
I don't have interest in these characters personally but I like seeing older/uncommon characters get new merch.
No. 247055
>>247017Where is this?
I was actually a sugarbunnies fan before egirls got ahold of them
No. 251191
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I hope Zé Carioca nonnie is still amogus
No. 251203
File: 1666993133873.jpg (1.95 MB, 4030x3022, FgALukcUcAI3tXC.jpg)

>>245991I feel you I don't know how it happened but I am getting way more stuff for this than anticipated and more than I usually got with other series including acrylics and shikishi and a lot of doujinshi (not actual merch but still). Didn't want to get the cats first but then I bought Ogata regardless because some feelings told me so. Almost forgot but I will try to get Tsurumi too. Pre-ordered the chokonose figs as well. I hope you will find a place that ships them to your country.
After seeing so many cute tweets I am now tempted to get the plushies as well.
Feel free to post about your nemutan pre-orders whenever they will be available anon. I want them too but always forget to look for them.
>I feel kinda bad for consooming so much, but I love these series so much, it brings me joy and I wanna have my husbandos closer while supporting it.I think so too because I usually don't spend much besides fancy food, but if you enjoy it then it's right. Others spend tons of money with cars or clubs, concerts and other social events or buy 200 euro clothes they never wear, you shouldn't feel bad for getting figs and keychains of characters that make you happy that you can even enjoy everyday when you look at them or walk around with them.
>>246104Are there other Ogata plushies around? I remember seeing at least two (not including the corocot or catlike plushies) and a promo artwork with one for him, Tsukishima and Koito where I don't know if it's the Ogata above or yet another plushy.
As you said it's hard keeping track right now lol
No. 251507
>>251203>Are there other Ogata plushies around?There's the one anon linked above which I think is still available on amiami, and the rest seem to be prize plushies so you'd have to look them up on mercari/yaj/mandarake. should show you most of his merch that has been released.
No. 251565
>>251551It depends on what you want the figure for and your preferred aesthetic, but for me it's 100% figma. They're WAY more posable, don't look as cookie-cutter as nendoroids and the material figmas are made of feel better to the touch (nendos feel like hard plastic while figmas are more soft). I used to think they were too small, but one day I bought one because it was dirt cheap and now I'm obsessed kek.
Sadly figmas are stupidly expensive now, specially if you're from europe (€65-100 base price and then an extra €40 for shiping and customs)….
Please be sure to check that amazon store & reviews, often bootlegs end up here even on the jp version. You know the saying; if something seems too good to be true….
No. 251607
>>251551I like nendoroids, but they’re a pain in the ass to pose and they constantly fall down on themselves
Not a fan of figmas at all, apparently they break super easily too.
No. 251756
>>251551I have a Miku figma and I am obsessed, I often switch accessories and play with poses, expressions etc. The joints aren’t a problem for me since everything else is super high quality and very easy to pose.
As for nendos, I don’t see many possibilities for posing, not as much as figmas at least.
No. 252691
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>>252539>tfw i am still waiting for my octopus hoodie for 1.5 yr now because there is no EMS from Japan>went "fuck it" and ordered a cute figma, chose SAL just to check that its not available right nowI am from a tiny country in the Eu which not many people care about…guess ill get my goods in 5 years or something
Silly me for choosing the only tracked shipping other than DHL.
No. 252742
nonnie for reminding me about this. I just preordered it.
No. 253238
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the Witch Hat Atelier volume 11 limited edition postcard set + mini artbook bundle looks crazy nice. Her limited edition volume extras have so much detail.
No. 253262
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No. 253344
File: 1667645348876.jpg (1.45 MB, 1152x2048, nozomi cordobesa.jpg)

Long shot, but is any spanish nona who have bought a scale figure in the past year or so over here?
I haven't ordered any since the new customs change, but I was thinking that since they count the shipping price for IVA and customs (is that even legal) that means every scale we buy will surpass the 150€ limit, meaning we will have to pay for customs duties.
Yesterday I ended up on a forum and saw they charged this girl 90€ of customs for a 200€ figure on top of IVA, handling, and all the stupid fees Correos makes up for stealing us. So I would like to hear other experiences, I havent been able to find much.
That message made me a bit scared of buying new scales, I already found some EU-based shops for preorders, but unfortunately most of the figures I want are old-ish and almost no one in EU sells them for decent prices, if they sell at all…
I dont want to spent +100€ on top of an already expensive shipping and expensive figure, everything ends up x3 the price….
No. 253375
>>253344i am not from spain but eufag too, and can tell similar thing have happened to me. i paid 90$ for an item from japan including shipping, and somehow i got charged 80$ customs, but that also could be bcz of DHL stuff. i hope you will find a good eu-based store nonna, the ones i see kept selling the figma i wanted for 100$ that i went 'yolo' and have ordered it from japan with a lot lower price, hoping the customs won't bite my ass this time.
i recommend trying to ask at myfigurinecollection net, as the 'articles/forums' are still pretty active.
No. 253379
>>253344>saw they charged this girl 90€ of customs for a 200€ figureGermany here but same. It sucks ass but I cannot buy anything from EU shops, they never have the series I am interested in, same shit for the US btw. Ordered a 200 fig there and also paid 80 EUR for the fucking customs.
I fucking HATE costums because the whole point of them is to force people to buy the respective product from their own country, which I would do if they had it which is never the case. I think customs for products that do not exist in your country shouldn't exist on principle. Use that for cigarettes and all that shit that is cheaper elsewhere but available everywhere.
No. 253382
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I want this Ebisu so bad
No. 253395
>>253379I was about to ask if OP couldn't shop in the US, sucks it got customs too. I have ordered stuff there recently that costed way more than the customs limit and they never got stopped, maybe it was because the content were inside a letter instead of a box?
I have heard global-freaks is good, but I have never used it. I try to buy on local stores because its cheaper (I'm lucky I live near a GSC affiliated shop), but sucks lots of online ones mostly sell figures of mainstream anime, anything more obscure than KNY is hard to find…
No. 253570
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Usually eva figures are super male gazy and cringe, but this rei is so cute, maybe somebody knows other figures similar to this one?
No. 253689
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>>253570Similar as in, non-male gazy or specifically in street wear? And only eva figures?
You might already know but that one is from the Radio Eva line, picrel are too, so you might like these too
No. 254189
nonnie, i mean non-male gazy, its so difficult to find those
No. 254219
Nona from the LC bunker thread in CC, thread closed just when I was about to reply yesterday but if you're searching for that artist's artbook definitely keep looking into a jp proxy, I wrote a bit about them + shops here
>>246300. I'm a poorfag too and even with proxy taxes it often ends up being cheaper than buying from western sites (plus you can always add one or two acrylic charms or something for like $3 to make more of the package without adding more taxes), the 2nd hand shops I linked are pretty much the only way I have to buy merch because it's cheap.
I noticed these shops are emptier during nov-dec due to everyone looking for gifts, but start to fill up again on feb-march and july-aug.
Also you got so lucky finding that figma for $45, the retail/pre order price for figmas now is $80-110. Wishing you luck finding the youtuber merch too! Is she a vtuber? I don't know much about that, but I remember how the shark girl nendo got sold out minutes after orders opened…
No. 254360
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i just found all the 6 sailor moon pastel uniform qposket figures for 52 dollars (witout shipping) so less than half the original price ! i've been eyeing them for a while im so happy
No. 254659
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Nendoroid Select opened again!
Only US residents can participate on it, but any VPN should do the work, I used Opera's free one and I could bypass it. No. 254664
File: 1668278076285.jpg (400.71 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2022-11-12-15-33-59…)

shall use a VPN later No. 255090
File: 1668464091004.jpeg (4.32 MB, 3024x4032, 2289AA4C-426D-4291-B281-A0B080…)

Tarn is a heavy son of a bitch…I’ll take some fun photos of him later, bringing him home from the post office was exhausting aaa…
No. 261631
File: 1670440035497.jpg (103.43 KB, 598x600, GenshinImpactVentiNengal_600x6…)

>>253379Now I am really scared nonnas. It was my first time buying a nendo from Japan because that smile-fest Miku was exclusive to the gsc-shop. 80-90€ for which I thought it could be a good deal. But with these customs you talk about I am about to cry.
I also have a face swap pre-ordered because the shop where I buy from hasn't had them in ages.
Now they got them again but I already canceled one order with gsc and they normally don't take orders back…
How fucked am I?
Good news, my Venti arrived today. But I have a fever and can't unpack him properly.
No. 261661
>>261631Don't worry about customs for nendos and other smaller stuff, it's just VAT (so no more than €20 usually) what you have to pay when it arrives because thy're cheap.
It depends on where you live, but look up the price limit for customs on your country. Where I live it's just €150 so buying scales is imposible since it counts the shipping price too, but for smaller stuff there's no problem. Is the miku you ordered the strawberry/15th anniversary one? I ordered her too
No. 261692
>>261661I am so glad. 20€ is nothing compared to what I read before. Thank you for easing my mind.
I am from Germany, so I'll look into the vat limits.
Yes, it's that Miku. I normally don't have much interest in Miku overall but that design and my love for strawberries really got me weak there. Also she comes with so many props that might be fun in future.
No. 265397
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Goofing around with my nendos again, Towa can't sit because of his coat.
I really should invest in a dollhouse or something for them.
No. 265431
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>>265397Yes! Maybe you could start with simple paper/cardboard dioramas, see how you like it.
I am eyeing this one for my nendos. It's expensive in my country's currency, but if I land this knew job I'm going to spend my first salary on it, it's a promise.
Also I've seen your post on 4chins! That new pedo furry nendo is a disgrace.
No. 265463
>>265431How is the furry nendo a pedobait? It reminds me of a Littlest Pet Shop kek
I dont want to know what furries plam to do with it though.
No. 265473
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>>265463The artist is very suspicious, also this sticker sheet of the character made by said artist. I really don't trust it
No. 265484
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>>265431>I am eyeing this one for my nendos.Very cute! I'm planning to get some rements for them and maybe put it in a calico critters dollhouse?
>That new pedo furry nendo is a disgrace.Don't think I've posted about it but 100% agreed.
No. 265485
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>>265484Other set I wanna get
No. 266201
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No. 266249
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>mfw I literally forgot customs were a thing and ordered a lot of shit and consolidated the packages thinking about saving on shipping but I'll have to pay double in customs
No. 266691
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>>266249me too….afraid of my surugaya package being stuck at customs i paid a shit ton for the postage and i am poorchan so i dont know what the fuck im going to do if so…. i've been watching the tracker all day i hope you get your package without fees nona
No. 266712
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>>266691>i hope you get your package without fees nonaIt's too late I already got the first one with a ton of fucking fees. I'll get paid on the fifth and so will do a payment plan for it if I'm able, it ended up being that expensive. The next one is even bigger, so I'm hopeless.
No. 267468
>>267385Straight from the myethos taobao'd recommend using a proxy for it, it looks like shipping within China is free.
No. 267870
>>267625tfw EU
Thanks though nonna! I'll wait a couple more days for AmiAmi then look into using a proxy and buy him directly
No. 267991
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My beloved best boy…
No. 268804
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>>268676He's so cute, but since I live in EU his price will be around €77 thanks to customs and shipping…. Considering he is only 5cm tall, the simple design (they dont even have to shade anything, just slap the face stickers), and how few accessories he comes with, I can't justify spending that much honestly…
I did buy a keychain to drown my sorrows though kek. You can make other nendos hold it like a big plush when they got doll bodies on.
No. 269239
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Managed to grab her for 18000 yen! I'm so happy. She's so pretty but the retail price is insane
No. 270654
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Just got her for the fucking steal of the century, £40! Some guy selling his sons collection kek. Her box is slightly damaged, she's missing a hand piece & Honekoneko but for the price I'm so unbelievably overjoyed. My Panty & Stocking shrine slowly grows
No. 271926
>>271264I wish! Sadly they're just decorative
Tbh now that she's arrived I feel like she's kinda underwhelming? The base is a very matte dark grey and not as glossy looking as the promo pics. The shading is pretty flat all over too
I feel like I'm in the minority though since it's a really popular figure kek
No. 272440
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No. 272441
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>>272440Only detail I'm not crazy about is the shoes, both Bee and Optimus got some stupid ass shoes.
No. 275262
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Already putting together my WTB list from wonfes…my god they announced a shit ton.
No. 275263
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>>275262Also getting Towa
No. 275272
>>275262Holy shit I never thought there would be figures for tono/rt0no. I love their art!
>>275263Yeesss it's great to see more R18 male figures being made. Keep them coming.
No. 275337
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they really are coming for our wallets this year huh. so much to look forward to. I was hyped for the guts nendo but why is his nose like this?? maybe it will look better in the final version. I was really not expecting the mugen nendo either. I'm 50/50 if I want him his stubble looks kind of retarded as a nendo but if they release jin and fuu I cant NOT get him kek
No. 275341
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sugigirlies stay winning. his smile looks so kind.. i cant wait to buy two
No. 275483
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As one last dig at my poor wallet, the unpainted version of this absolutely gorgeous Madoka got revealed.
>>275272>Holy shit I never thought there would be figures for tono/rt0no. I love their art!It's super exciting! I'm hoping Yogisya will get a non garage kit figure at some point since she's another one of my favorite artists.
>Yeesss it's great to see more R18 male figures being made. Keep them coming.Agreed! Towa's also getting one of his bloody pose (that also got a garage kit) but the official version will be a different scale so it's also very exciting!
No. 275558
>>2754834th madoka movie never
Fuck Magica retard
No. 275618
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>>275560It's not Suigintou, it's an original character figure by Suzuhira Hiro (artist who did that goth blonde anime girl everyone made blingees of in the 2000s) the figure actually has two alts the purpley one which I have and the pink one which I'd love to also own at some point.
>>275558Sad but aware sir.
No. 275620
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>>275618her gothic anime angel also got a figure, but it's rare and obviously sought after as fuck
No. 275621
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I would have killed for an Alucard nendo 12 years ago but now I don't really care about Hellsing anymore, I can't wait to see the final result though.
No. 275631
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I'm not normally a buyfag but I fell in love with these two boys in the last 2 years and now I really want their nendos… maybe I'm a cheapskate but the price is crazy though and I'm not sure how shipping will turn out.
A part of me wants to take the plunge but the other part of me is like "nooo don't consoooom" kek
No. 275717
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I really wanted to preorder him for my friend, but turned out all of these Twisted Wonderland nendos are Japan only. This sucks! She's going to order it from some reseller, but meh. At least her Idia will get his bro back soon, yay
No. 275787
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Anons, which miku?? They're both equally cute to me. I had the lucky cat pre ordered and cancelled it and can't stop thinking about her now kek but the anniversary one is so cute and I love the plate and fork she comes with…
No. 275925
>>275788twist my rubber arm anon. The paymentfor the anniversary miku isn't until april so that eases the pain a little.
>>275822I only buy merch that I plan to keep but knowing she's so limited and I will almost definitely be able to resell her for a lot makes the decision that much easier. It's an investment really.
No. 277248
File: 1676983262751.jpg (292.07 KB, 800x600, -289479221851381335.jpg)

GSC shipping is really fast, wow. My anniversary Miku was sent on her way on the 15th and today she was almost delivered!
Almost, because customs got her and the delivery guy only accepts cash. Yeah mate, you have to come back tomorrow. Why the hell can't I pay customs with my card?!
And it is 23€ customs for her (11k¥). It's okay but I will never order from GSC directly if I can avoid it.
No. 277382
>>277248Customs only accepting cash AND never bringing charge with them is the complete bane of my existence. I buy groceries daily for 2 families, so I never got small bills at hand. With luck I can find a 20€ bill, but of course the guy doesn't even carry 3€ with him.
Congrats for getting her so early! Sucks always having to pay an extra 40-5₩€ between customs & shipping though, I swear EU makes everything on their hands to make us not buy anything ever from outside countries.
No. 279105
File: 1677590674891.jpeg (254.15 KB, 1050x1342, 1677533989468.jpeg)

I want to order this handmade on demand Ludwig figure but he is 900$, I'm not ready to drop that amount of money on merch.
No. 279109
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Has anyone ever purchased a Prime 1 Studio figure/statue? I want to know if they are worth it considering the high price.
No. 279388
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Joined the Miku farmers this morning, I hope you got better luck than me. While she's beautiful and her hair makes her Huge, she's full of QC issues, I even had to clean some gray dirt myself.
Customs alone where €26 (Spain) so I dont want to risk paying a cent more if I ask for a replacement. I will have to live with it, but it sucks
No. 279392
>>279388I did notice how nowadays its so common for people to get figurines with defects.
I got my figma last autumn, it looked great but there was a small coloring error on a dress and a dot on one of the sleeves. What happened over the years? Is buying figurines really nothing but a luck game now?
No. 279407
>>279392I think it's the speed and amount of figures being produced, especially since 2020 (tons of people jumped onto the hobby/anime during the pandemic). They either don't have the time to quality check correctly, decide to sell ones with minor paint flaws to save money or both. Another nendo I bought recently also had miss-placed paint, and looks like I was one of the lucky ones because lots of people received him without one of his small accessories.
I’m honestly scared of buying figmas made after 2016 considering their current price is almost the same as a scale along with the horror tales of them breaking after doing as much as breathing near them. I don’t know what goes over Max Factory’s mind now, the old ones had no flaws and are so resistant
No. 280397
File: 1678087332040.png (652.61 KB, 600x790, mugen nendo.PNG)

Nonnas I'm in tears. I didn't think Samurai Champloo would get merch again. When the suggestions opened months ago I envisioned SamCham nendos but didn't bother voting because I thought it'd be impossible. But now!
Sadly Mugen is not my husbando and it sucks every merch seems to be of him, but I don't hate him either and I might swipe this fig anyway because this is just such a rare treat.
No. 280482
File: 1678107342432.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.67 KB, 533x800, FIGURE-053529_09.jpg)

sorry for nsfw, but this is too cute. the cup, the pose, especially the cats on the base
>>222569thats a very impressive and amazing collection
nonny! i love the frame for your OTP.
No. 280706
File: 1678154551976.jpg (124.29 KB, 988x980, MP100_Furyu_Plush.jpg)

Sad that these go for hundreds of dollars since they're prize plushies. They're so cute I love them. Also MP100 figmas when?
No. 284419
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Robots should be friends I think
No. 287467
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Which one is getting your vote, nonnies?
No. 287472
>>287467Not a fan of this year's entires to be honest.
5 is the one that appeals to me the most, but it doesn't look like a snow Miku (they just slapped subtle snowflake decals on her hair and called it a day)
1 and 2 are pretty cute (and the cheese themw on 2 surprised me, most people go for pastries when they have to create food-themed design) but I'm unsure how well they will perform as articulated figures.
3 and 4 got the same problem, their long skirt will make the nendo ans figma hard to pose.
7 is cute but nothing special. It and 4 look like every other snow miku.
No. 287500
>>287472Hokkaido's known for it's dairy products, hence the cheese. I like her little cheese hat, it does help her stand out a bit against all the other dairy themed Miku designs.
>>2874673's my favorite of the bunch. She's a rice Miku searching for Hokkaido delicacies to pair with rice. She has a little granule of rice near her mouth too. Very cute! I also really like the design of her bunny. #5's art and color scheme is very nice but it doesn't feel too much like a snow Miku or like the soup curry it's inspired from…?
No. 290874
File: 1681948106249.jpg (479.33 KB, 2048x1536, merch.jpg)

I bought a bunch of merch! I got
>3ct Chokkori-san Kirby plushes. Meta Knight, Kirby and Dedede
>6ct Kirby 25th Anniversary Orchestra Concert badges. Kirby, Meta Knight, Dedede, Waddle Dee and Waddle Doo ver.
>2ct Planet Robobot badges. Kirby and Meta Knight ver.
>Kirby Toki-Meki Crane Fever badge.
>3ct Kirby Triple Deluxe acrylic key chains. Dedede, Bandanna Waddle Dee and Meta Knight ver.
>2ct Kirby's Adventure Acrylic Chain. Kirby and Meta Knight ver.
>2ct 2016 Kirby Cafe badges and 2ct 2016 Kirby Cafe mini acrylic keychains. Meta Knight and Dedede ver. badges, and two duplicates of Dedede ver. mini acrylic keychains.
>4ct Kirby Cotton Candy trading badges. Meta Knight, Kirby, Dedede, and Kirby (cook ver.)
I'm so happy I was able to get a lot of my most sought after merch, and for a decent price too. On ebay, a lot of merch is scalped to hell and back and would be exorbitantly priced but I managed to get all of this for a low low $70, though shipping boost that price up to $95. I want to get some Dreamy Gear merchandise next. I'm planning to start building an itabag soon! I think what I love most out of my little haul were the chokkori-san plushes and the 25th Anniversary badges. I love the chokkori-san plushes, they're small and super adorable. They sort of remind me of those K-pop baby doll plushes. The stitching is okay, the choices of fabric are nice, and I love the use of embroidery for the faces and details such as Meta Knight's spikes on his mask. Admittedly I do not like how they did Dedede's crown. The little egg like thingy is just a peice of fabric with two stiches connecting it to the crown and it's a completely different fabric than the rim. Actually, there's a lot of loose stitching and thread on the plushes which I found odd. I kind of wish they just made that part an actual sewn on item than just a flat peice. I also do not like that his hat isn't filled with something so it kind of droops and folds into itself, luckily I was able to fix this by stuffing some gauze into his hat. I also love that their rears are filled with some sort of bead or beanbag stuff so they have heavy rumps that allow them to sit up. I definitely plan to take lots of photo shoots of them.
No. 290917
>>290874These plushes look so polite kek
The dreamy gear merch is one of my favourite (finally they gave daroach some merch!) I hope you get your hands into it. I own one of its pocket watches and the quality is amazing for an ufo prize tbh It's cute and I use it daily.
No. 291070
>>290917Thank you, I love them so much. Agreed! Have you read the novel? It's surprisingly good and the way each character is written and interacts with each other is quite in character, the plot is fun too and I like the subtle theme of classism and how the rich will do anything to become richer at the expense of those weaker than them. The Victorian-esque steampunk setting was really really cool.
>I own one of its pocket watchesLUCKY! I want to get a 3ct Kirby, Meta Knight and Dedede set of either the hat keychains or those little jewel badges. Is Daroach your favorite?
No. 291099
>>291070I haven't read any of the novels yet, have they even been released outside japan? I heard they were getting translated into frech, but I dont speak it…
That summary looks so interesting though! I'm starved for character interactions and story that isn't hidden on pause menus and miiverse post, so the novels seem to fill that a bit.
Are you looking for the rubber or the metallic keychains? The metalic ones are so nice, but sadly they didn't made them for all the characters afik… The key-shapped keychains look so cool too.
(Drawcia is my favourite kirby character, but rodents are my favorite animals so the squaks got a special place in my heart. Plus they're thieves, another trope I love haha)
No. 291120
>>291099No, they're not being released outside of Japan, France and Korea but so far, 20 of the light novels have been translated and more are being translated as I type this. Here's a link to a master post of translation.'s unfortunate but you can only read them on tumblr. The novels are amazing for character interaction, and a lot of them are very interesting and have a variety of themes and plots. If you read them, tell me what you think. Though, to keep in mind the Light Novels' lore and canon aren't a 1:1 to the game's canon and lore but the light novels do take place in the game universe which I like! I don't mind either, personally, I'd like the rubber keychains since they have the characters on them but I love the metal key-shaped and keychains too. Oh, the metal keychains have variants of all the main characters I'm sure.
(I see! Drawcia is really nice, I like her whole witch theme going for her. She's both creepy and cute. Daroach is a fan-favorite, I definitely like the appeal of his 'suave thief')
No. 291262
File: 1682095695692.png (128.41 KB, 818x364, p.png)

>>29112020!? Wow people really are more generous on smaller fandoms, I’m in a huge one that has lots of plot-relevant information inside light novels + interviews and no one has decided to translate any yet, even though some of them date as far as 2007… (I should pick up japanese again, I got a bunch of books, anthologies and doujin gathering dust kek)
Thanks a lots for the link, I will start reading when I have time! Different adaptations having their own lore/spin to the story makes them greater imo. I used to read one of the mangas over tumblr too (the one where Marx got hands) and it was fun.
I only saw these 3 keychains at MFC, I guess they’re missing some merch over here then (the pocket watch is missing there too).
No. 291427
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is this the first radfem nendo?
No. 292822
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>>280482>>284421Found something yummy
No. 294031
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>more furfag shit
For what reason
No. 294060
File: 1683159222284.png (177.59 KB, 1163x648, Screenshot (42).png)

I've never had a nendoroid before or gotten anything from Good Smile Company but if it says pre order closed will you ever be able to order it later on or is the pre order the only time? I really wanted picrel but didn't pre order because I'm a broke ass bitch. Is there still hope or am I shit out of luck?
No. 294086
>>294063It's ok
nonny, he's pretty cute, I'm glad you got him. May I know from what series/game/franchise is he from?
No. 296029
File: 1683988037465.jpg (276.63 KB, 1920x1080, Image_20230508210102.jpg)

I have pretty much ghosted this website and only come back to lurk and bitch when I have dumb questions. Thank you to the gracious anon who sent me to this thread after I used the consoomer one. But to get to the point I want this figure and I want this figure bad. There are 4/5 sites that offer it, and eventually, after not being sure which to choose I settled on FavorGK being the most reliable one. Can anons here give their opinions and advice here? Do you have any experience with any of the sites offering him? Is he even worth it considering he's gonna be fragile as hell apparently, and do you guys have experience with these kinds of resin figures? I don't know anons. I only bought bootleg nendos from aliexpress so far so I'm not exactly an expert here and I'm willing to spend a lot of money on him but first I want to be sure I'm making the right choices
No. 299412
>>296029i only have two resin figures, both of which are smaller, but so far they've been alright. one time i even accidentally dropped the head of one of them but it didn't shatter (like people sometimes mention online) and i was able to just pick it up again. i would just be very careful with very thin parts such as clothing straps or his belt thing as those are more likely to snap if you apply pressure at a weird angle. i don't have experience with other stores so i can't comment on that but i also ordered one of my resin figures from favorGK and everything worked out alright. for me they were also the cheapest.
also regarding the price, if i had the chance to get a 1/6 resin figure of (one of) my favourite characters, i would definitely order it for that amount. at this point that's less than two 1/8 scales kek
No. 299604
>>294060It depends on how popular a nendo is. The popular ones get re-releases. Otherwise, you can buy it second-hand from Japanese sites (the quality of 'second hand' is very good in Japan).
I used Surugaya before:
>https://www.suruga-ya.jpBiJ proxy/forwarding:
>> second-hand sites:
>> No. 301282
File: 1686280212902.jpeg (1.44 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1481.jpeg)

>she was supposed to come to me in like February but Amiami kept delaying the shipping
I was thinking about cancelling, but they had already shipped her out now I’m happy though because she’s so pretty
No. 302179
File: 1686720246990.jpg (60.3 KB, 700x800, 31723.jpg)

so excited for her to arrive. I managed to snag her for under $40. Though through Buyee, so the shipping is $30 somehow even though its 1 item. Anyway , its a mini-grail for me so I'm glad I didn't have to spend $100+ on it.
No. 302439
File: 1686849234269.jpeg (46.6 KB, 600x600, IMG_5998.jpeg)

What is this thing and why is it 68k jpy?!
No. 302492
>>302439i follow some art doll makers and collectors on social media and this doll sometimes pops up on my feed. I don't know if it's made out of vinyl but it looks like it personally I think it's a bit too much for a vinyl doll but it's not unheard of. Dolls made for a collectors market are usually priced like this because the clothes and hair is a higher quality than playline dolls. The price also takes the designer into consideration and of course some of the price is also due to the brand you are buying.
I don't know anything about this doll in particular but I have seen some similar collectors vinyl doll that are released in a limited run. THe creator only sells them at cons or has short ordering periods on a webstore that sometimes doesn't allow international shipping
No. 303480
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No. 306007
File: 1688231278471.jpg (100.58 KB, 600x600, 1911912-d0345.jpg)

I refuse to believe this bitch got a nendo before actual good anime/game characters
No. 306012
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>>306007Unironically the best thing they had at the AX announcements was painted snoopy
I guess they just put all their shitty announcements at AX kek
No. 306802
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killing myself killing myself kill
No. 307210
File: 1688768226500.jpeg (140.14 KB, 547x800, IMG_6454.jpeg)

I love this figure especially christmas/holiday themed ones, even though I know nothing about her (just know it’s from some videogame series). Amiami is selling a damaged one for like 60 and I’m so tempted but I already have preorders coming up soon.
No. 308846
File: 1689586646032.png (38.5 KB, 942x497, Frequently Asked Questions.png)

>>307210I see both variants pop up relatively often for cheap, so don't let FOMO get the better of you. I'm surprised the figures of that series are so cheap, it's probably because not many people have heard of it but the designs are very pretty and I could see those aesthetic tiktokers fighting for them. Hope it stays that way.
>>308842Customs no, VAT yes; right now GSC EU is kind of a scam. The shipping fluctuates between figures as well so you will end up paying the same (or in most cases, more) as GSC Global. The figure pricing is the same as if you put your currency on Global so there isn't any discount. The only times it could be used for is for scale figures since you won't have to pay customs, but I haven't checked (I don't know how much the shipping would be either) and I wouldn't be surprised if sites that undervalue like Solaris or Hobby Genki end up cheaper.
It's a shame honestly, if we still have to pay VAT why even bother? We have to pay 1/4 of the package value over here and it was my (and many others') main gripe when importing stuff. At least I hope they do disccounts and special packages like they do in the US Store.
No. 311652
File: 1690701906074.jpg (92.8 KB, 600x900, 1942151-ad202.jpg)

>my favorite figure by my favorite artist of all time is getting a pre painted release
holy shit
No. 311654
File: 1690702181332.png (467.46 KB, 533x800, 6d0fe3e21c5940c894e1b0a1c2e92c…)

>>311653Yogisya! She got a couple of figures announced today but I'm not sure which are pre painted and which are garage kits yet.
No. 311655
File: 1690702268458.jpg (234.9 KB, 1440x1788, Art_of_Yogisya_33.jpg)

And the art piece this figure is based on
No. 311782
File: 1690744981333.jpg (530.49 KB, 3464x3464, wonfes wl.jpg)

Current wonfes wishlist…
No. 311844
Shouldv’e posted here first but, if anyone is interested, suruga-ya is offering free DHL shipping on all orders, it’s recommended you use paypal though. Til August 10
>>311807it’s a little dead here so I understand
No. 311867
File: 1690767603774.jpg (89.65 KB, 600x600, 1941974-ee3c7.jpg)

the only must get announced today
No. 312464
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Finally after all these years!
No. 314051
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>>287467Winner goes to design #5!
No. 315785
File: 1692371346331.jpeg (64.91 KB, 960x720, 5e421a2d12f97.jpeg)

Anyone knows where i can get JP CAPCOM merch? They have nothing in their EU stores. Also picrel costs 50€/minimum per one tiny tsum on Ebay, which is insane. And yet, i still want to get one… why doesnt capcom make cute plushies of my husbandos… is going through ebay really the only way? They overprice everything.
No. 315790
>>315785Does Capcom even license to Europe anymore? I wanted some of the Ace Attorney merch they released with GSC and none of them (minus the nendoroids) could be shipped to EU.
You can try looking them up on places like Mandarake and AmiAmi since they have global shipping. Mercari and Suruga are second-hand shops and they have good deals as well, it's where I usually shop at. You will need a proxy for the last 2 though, I usually use ZenMarket because it has the cheapest fees (unless you buy +11 items, then Neokyo is cheaper) and are IOSS so you can pay VAT/import taxes with them and skip the extra fees carriers tend to ask.
No. 318170
File: 1693198593192.png (703.96 KB, 501x758, jin.PNG)

>>280397>>280413I am crying, GSC actually is releasing good quality figs of Jin and Mugen. This is the best SamCham merch to come out in…ever. I can't believe it. No Fuu sadly but happy Jin is getting some spotlight for once
No. 318218
File: 1693226866619.png (2.35 MB, 1200x1200, 3x3.png)

Hi buyfriends! I figured we could do something fun.
Using MFC and, let's make a 3x3 of our all time favourite figures that you currently own!
Here are mine!
No. 318289
File: 1693259524694.jpg (2.63 MB, 3264x3264, BeFunky-collage.jpg)

>>318218Fun idea anon! A lot of the figures I'm really into aren't out yet, but it was still fun to do!
I'm going to one of my favorite figures (that I don't own) next!
No. 318295
File: 1693261814858.jpg (2.67 MB, 3264x3264, lotta gorgeous figures.jpg)

>>318289Favorite figures I do not own/haven't preordered (exception for a few figures that have been painted but aren't out yet, since I'm going to pre order them so I didn't include them)
No. 318303
File: 1693267812172.jpg (318.03 KB, 1200x1200, 3x3.jpg)

>>318218Cute idea anon! I'll be doing the same as
>>318289 and posting my most anticipated preorders too.
These aren't my nicest/most expensive figures but they never fail to make me smile when I see them. It was difficult to narrow them down, honestly.
No. 318304
File: 1693268020886.jpg (282.78 KB, 1200x1200, 3x3 (1).jpg)

>>318303Fuck, one of those ogata's was meant to be the sitting sugimoto figure kek. Anyway even though some of these have been released they're stuck in surface shipping hell. Figure collecting is suffering.
No. 318345
>>318289>>318295I have that Madoka with the Kimono as well! It's such a gorgeous figure, I was really surprised by it.
I want that Princess Tutu figure as well, but the only way to get it is through garage kit, but I've considered getting it through E20 instead because it's never going to get a release… You have such exquisite taste in grails by the way! I especially love the fallen angel figure mid right, what a blast to the past.
>>318303>>318304I'll do my grails too when I get home! It's so cool to see the different things others like.
I LOVE the sitting Aki figure by Myethos. 100% a yume or a fujo designed that. It's just too good.
No. 318346
File: 1693299725615.png (534.72 KB, 1684x576, damn.png)

>>318345>I have that Madoka with the Kimono as well! It's such a gorgeous figure, I was really surprised by it.She's lovely isn't she? I got her near the release date on solaris but I'm really happy I did since she's one of my absolute favorites, even her stand is super cute.
>I want that Princess Tutu figure as well, but the only way to get it is through garage kitI haven't bought any garage kits yet, but if I do in the future I'm going to attempt to get one of the real first and if I'm unable to I'll only get ones that are over a decade old through E20, getting recent garage kits through E20 just feels scummy to me tho…
>You have such exquisite taste in grails by the way!Thanks! The only ones I think I'll have a relative chance at getting is the Rozen maiden GK (I see it go up a fair amount), The Suzalulu figure and the edgy Aoba. I probably want the Suzalulu one most of all right now though since a lot of the others are in pipe dream territory haha.
>I especially love the fallen angel figure mid rightShe's gorgeous isn't she? She got sold on yahoo auctions for like over a grand though it's crazy.
No. 318348
File: 1693300752409.jpg (2.29 MB, 3264x3264, unreleased_unfinished figures.…)

>>318289>>318295Aaaaand most anticipated not yet released/not yet finished figures because why the hell not these are fun to make.
No. 318426
File: 1693340321418.png (2.46 MB, 1200x1200, 3x3 (1).png)

Decided to make one for "things I don't have yet, but I want the most." Out of these I have only 1 on pre-order, the others are pipe dreams or unreleased… That Princess Tutu GK is my ultimate grail at the moment though. The MadoHomu one has a prepainted release but I didn't like it as much, so I want the GK specifically.
>>318346>I haven't bought any garage kits yet, but if I do in the future I'm going to attempt to get one of the real first and if I'm unable to I'll only get ones that are over a decade old through E20, getting recent garage kits through E20 just feels scummy to me tho…I know how you feel… I'm on the fence getting the PT one as well, but last time I checked her garage kit sold for 87k yen.
>She's gorgeous isn't she? She got sold on yahoo auctions for like over a grand though it's crazy.HOLY HELL and she's not a garage kit even?? That's prepainted??
>>318348I love making 3x3s! They're so neat to look at. I haven't played that Nitro+Chiral game (don't remember the name), but guys being hurt is sex. The toilet guy… well, he is really hot. So I get it.
I have that Madoka and those two classic cats on my own wishlist. Depends how expensive they are whether I'll get them or not…
No. 318429
>>318426Good taste! I'm also planning to get bishoujo starscream to go with my megs chan because I ship them hahaha.
>I know how you feel… I'm on the fence getting the PT one as well, but last time I checked her garage kit sold for 87k yen.Yeeeaasshhhh…not surprised though. There was a garage kit I thought was mildly cute that also goes for a ridiculous amount, it's definitely a rich people hobby haha.
>HOLY HELL and she's not a garage kit even?? That's prepainted??Yeah she got a prepainted release, I think it was a really small amount though so she's really rare as both a garage kit and prepainted figure.
>I haven't played that Nitro+Chiral game (don't remember the name), but guys being hurt is sex. The toilet guy… well, he is really hot. So I get it.Haha it's actually the same character (bloody and toilet guy), Towa san from slow damage! Definitely my favorite visual novel so I'm excited to get the figures for it.
>I have that Madoka and those two classic cats on my own wishlist. The Madoka is kind of in the 'depends on if I have room' zone, since I'm assuming she's gonna be pretty big…
No. 318435
>>318345>It's so cool to see the different things others likeIt really is!! I love the variety between the different anons it's so interesting.
> 100% a yume or a fujo designed that. It's just too good.That figure is definitely made for the girls kek I can't wait to get it and just stare at him every day
No. 318462
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i want these bags rereleased badly. they go for like 100$ on mercari now and im contemplating buying one because i’m dumb and really want it
No. 318855
File: 1693533266944.jpeg (793.62 KB, 3108x4096, 7E3EABFB-7919-466F-9C38-3A0C45…)

Cute but not as cute as the art imo
No. 319158
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>>318218>>318855She's so cute but the hair is a bit disappointing. Wish it was more matte and green like the art.
No. 319689
File: 1693864480048.jpg (5.42 MB, 4096x4096, figure_chart.jpg)

>>318218Had some tough choices here since I do like my Nendoroids and a few other figures but this was fun to make!
No. 319900
File: 1693965065505.jpg (54.98 KB, 432x624, x_mafc06883_b.jpg)

>insert essay about how Six did nothing wrong
I recommend all Little Nightmares games!
No. 319902
File: 1693965433231.jpg (57.09 KB, 800x600, Figurine-Nendoroid-Six-Little-…)

Samefag, I hope non-anime Nendos are ok
No. 320225
File: 1694148759148.jpg (2 MB, 3264x3264, nendo wishlist.jpg)

After looking at that fucking hideous godawful ET nendoroid I decided to do a (mostly pipe dreams) nendoroid wishlist haha
No. 320250
>>318295the code geass and the gothic manga girl
T T. You're def god's favorite
>>319158The cordelia is gorgeous, be grateful you have her !
No. 320311
File: 1694205469764.jpeg (410.52 KB, 2048x1536, 2765608.jpeg)

>>320225I wanted Madotsuki Nendoroid so bad too. I even submitted a request to GSC some time ago. She may not be expressive but I would really like if she has her knife, flute, umbrella and bike. It be fun to take pictures of her like she's in a dream.
No. 320518
>>320274 I've seen official Yume Nikki merch on Fangamer so I think it's possible to contact the creator to give permission in making a Madotsuki Nendoroid.
>>320328 A pinching face would be perfect! As long as she has an additional face to switch out it should be passable for a Nendoroid. The accessories are the most important parts.
No. 320611
File: 1694357069383.jpg (128.5 KB, 600x600, 549488-65240.jpg)

trick or miku is on sale and just in time for halloween. nice.
No. 321039
File: 1694583286717.jpg (1.47 MB, 3024x4032, hina nendo.jpg)

She is an ARTIST!
No. 321040
>>320274I guess so but there have been licensed CD, manga and that weird 3D steam game, so specially after that last one I thought it would be more likely to get something like this
>>320311That is super cute, a diorama of her room is perfect for her
No. 321247
File: 1694640740022.jpeg (833.41 KB, 2048x2048, 29EA37FB-336F-4222-B04D-BFD80D…)

I’m losing it anons. I’m a recovered weeb. All my nendos are stored away and hidden in a box. My manga is in the basement out of my sight. I’m supposed to be a normie now. But fuck why is Nana so popular again?? I can’t take it, I’m losing self control. Saw this beautiful mohair sweater by Angel Type Organics and the girlies on TikTok are styling it so good. The vinyls!! I want both so bad on my vinyl stand. Don’t get me started on the figures. Omg it’s everything I could have dreamt of, especially Nana Osaki. She looks stunning! I’m weeb-relapsing
No. 321371
File: 1694713087827.jpg (50.57 KB, 503x750, omg its fuu.jpg)

>>318216Fuu is happening
nonnie, let's fucking go!
No. 321394
File: 1694720595605.jpeg (513.5 KB, 1600x1600, 3463392.jpeg)

They just cancelled the scales I was most excited about, I'm so sad…. The art is so cute and thanks to their mono color scheme they're easy to produce, I wonder why did they decide to drop them… No. 321400
>>321394Whaaat? That sucks I was 100% going to buy them.
Hopefully in the future her art will get another chance at a scale figure.
No. 321421
File: 1694727809982.png (429.52 KB, 1331x602, IMG_4126.png)

>>321418It was a really weird company choice to begin with and looking at their other stuff it doesn’t really surprise me that they got cancelled (since all their other stuff is coom)
No. 321452
File: 1694753664959.png (742.97 KB, 655x823, mimarin.png)

No. 321997
File: 1694980147430.jpg (39.34 KB, 600x491, yotsuba.jpg)

Kinda obsessed with character mascot charms/straps so I'm gonna dump some
No. 322005
File: 1694980635532.jpeg (1.56 MB, 2048x1536, hetalia movic.jpeg)

>>322004I love how these ones have backgrounds of their country's landmarks
No. 322012
File: 1694982591505.jpg (279.76 KB, 1200x1200, 3x3.jpg)

>>318218This was fun!
>>322004>>322005I want those little Russias so bad
No. 322014
File: 1694984131353.jpg (38.97 KB, 331x711, 649735-2ea7a.jpg)

>>322012Russia gets the cutest merch in general
No. 322416
File: 1695211087697.jpeg (209.42 KB, 1042x1250, 3759277.jpeg)

How do you budget a ~3k dollar (with luck and not including EU taxes + shipping) life-sized figure, I don't even have anywhere to display her (my house is very sunny, I can hardly display the few small figures I own).
I guess she will release in around 2025, so I got around 2 years to save up, but still… I'm thankful my hobbies are cheap so I save up for dumb things kek I was sad to see they cancelled her 1/2.5 scale, so I will try to grab this one. Can't wait to sew her silly clothes.
No. 322423
>>322416autistic answer incoming but
Double-down on the scrimping and saving for those 2 years as well, and save enough to get a bigger place (for all your figures' sakes) and/or get her into a dark and temperature-controlled storage unit in the next two years's time, and then take more years after that to save for a different place to live all together?
Maybe your other hobbies are cheap but what about your daily consumables expenses? Food, utilities, even stuff like shampoo and dish soap? etc. Would you be in an okay position if their price inflated by x y or z percent? Think in 2025 terms rather than 2023 terms.
Good luck but do consider the taxes and shipping. They'll be crazy without a doubt.
No. 322430
>>322423Autistic answer apreciated.
Yeah the cheap hobby part was mostly a "I'm glad I don't have any expense outside rent/daily utilities". About space, I live on rent since I'm single so I can't own a house yet, depending on my luck I may or may not live on a bigger place in the next 2 years hahah…
I technically have the money already thanks to savings, but I prefer to not touch that. I easily can see her being +5k euro after shipping and taxes, I will try to convince my local shop to order her for me so I can pay a fixed amount with today's rate (or at least paying in installments).
No. 323947
File: 1695874760846.jpg (73.26 KB, 600x700, snoopy!.jpg)

I just found out there will be a Snoopy nendo! It's got me down a rabbithole now, there are so many cute recent and upcoming releases
No. 323948
File: 1695875353235.jpg (195.75 KB, 700x700, alexander nendo.jpg)

>>323947whoops I got so excited I didn't see it had been posted already kek
>>306012 This one is much more recent, there is also an Iron Fist Alexander nendo upcoming!
No. 324878
File: 1696242528647.jpg (178.35 KB, 1626x1080, F7Z9DzfWYAAHeq5.jpg)

We lost the black/white cat figures, but at least we got something similar coming. I wish they had actual cat faces, but the Tea Time Cats series is turning out cute (the ones that actually come with tea pottery), so I got hopes for this.
No. 324881
File: 1696244672184.png (2.5 MB, 1600x1600, FLmHL_GaIAACrSK.png)

>>324878Oh, those are so pretty but for a second I got excited thinking tono was doing figures now
No. 325328
File: 1696460778734.png (359.33 KB, 600x600, image_2023-10-05_010621856.png)

No. 325705
File: 1696630775865.jpg (575.74 KB, 1752x2480, hanakobun.jpg)

Hanako-bun… The ultimate fujo shotacon crossover…
I've been wanting to buy one of these stupid BB bunnies for years, I guess it's finally time.
No. 326094
File: 1696861996968.jpg (46.57 KB, 800x700, FIGURE-160893_04.jpg)

No. 326095
File: 1696862040897.jpg (39.97 KB, 800x650, FIGURE-160893_06.jpg)

>>326094and yes, he got to keep his butthole
No. 326490
File: 1697079332665.png (134.68 KB, 350x350, -preorder-black-butler-hanakok…)

Look who I just ordered~
No. 326713
>>325705this is simultaneously completely expected and still surprising. Hanako bun is a nice name.
>>326490genuinely cute plush
No. 326761
File: 1697200956037.jpg (121.29 KB, 500x565, NEODAI-66892_104.jpg)

>>326713considering the other collab bunnies yeah, totally saw this coming (never change, queen) but still so hype
I wish I had the 9s one…
No. 327455
File: 1697444562662.png (520.15 KB, 534x800, hopeman.png)

oh wow he looks gorgeous
No. 328617
File: 1697788866268.jpg (200.86 KB, 600x800, amnesia_shin.jpg)

Yumefags have won once again
No. 333997
File: 1699425383377.jpg (1017.58 KB, 3023x3125, IMG_5078.jpg)

My two little boys
No. 334506
File: 1699605861305.png (188.43 KB, 1021x607, Ib preorder.png)

I hope I get the pumpkin…
No. 334525
File: 1699615723324.png (655.82 KB, 600x800, F-kYIWsbUAApsfI.png)

No. 334526
File: 1699615775955.png (777.19 KB, 600x800, F-kYkBIbkAAM4tg.png)

>>334525Also prototype of my boy, took them a while to post the pics hahaha.
No. 334527
File: 1699615847152.png (757.65 KB, 600x800, F-kaRnHW0AAKbNI.png)

Izaya and Shizuo are also getting nendoroids which is in a very 'better late than never' zone.
No. 334529
File: 1699616019441.png (700.49 KB, 650x800, F-kYVVnWkAAlKUl.png)

Also cute Misato+penpen
Papa Gendo is also getting one but facial hair nendoroids always look really bad to me, it's funny in concept alone though.
No. 334833
File: 1699699316140.jpeg (117.58 KB, 1170x933, 3660003.jpeg)

I want to get these two fuckers for my brother but I missed the pre-order period, do you think they'll be available again at their release date?
No. 334848
>>334838The figure market has changed lots in the past few years. There was a boom in collectors during 2020 thanks to the pandemic and tiktok, which increassed the demand to an absurd level (you can still feel their impact on the aftermarket of some "animecore" figures). But now most of the new collectors are leaving the hobby, old ones don't preorder much and sell big parts of their stuff due to the economy and figure prices being x2-3 more expensive compared to just 2019 (it kind of gets cancelled thanks to the current exchange rate though), 17k being a normal price for a simple 1/7. Just the other week I paid 33k for a 1/6, that used to be the price of 1/4s…..
Combine all of this and you get companies producing on "boom" levels while the demand isn't that much anymore. Even sought-after figures end up gathering dust on shops' shelves for months. Now people often simply wait to the figure to bin and buy it at a cheaper price, preordering is pretty much seen as a luxury price you're willing to pay to secure the figure and have it on your hands as soon as posible.
There's even a conspiracy theory about companies inflating the release price as much as they can & then lowering it to what would be the normal price when it bins, that way they max their profit on preorders but still make gains on the "discounted" bin price kek
No. 334850
>>334848I feel like such a boomer when reading all this shit, it was such a niche hobby even in the anime/manga communities.
>17k being a normal price for a simple 1/7Goddammit I remember when 5k was the standard and people would go WTF at the elusive 7k.
No. 334854
File: 1699703847527.jpeg (695.2 KB, 1125x969, IMG_3988.jpeg)

>>334853Also it seems like GSC is reaching their funkopop stage with getting as many IPs as possible to make figures of
No. 334859
>>334850To be fair the quality in figures has made a gigantic leap honestly, if they were a big heavier there are prize figures that rival scales sans the shading (and they've started to shade some, I feel the gap will be less and less each year) and the exchange rate smoothes things out, the usual exchange was 100 yen = 1 dollar, so a 12k yen figures costed you $110, but since last year the same $110 pays you a 18k yen pricetag because the yen is so low, so in a way it makes sense, the price hasn't changed that much.
Still, the shipping has increased tons, for us eurofags we have to pay an absurd amount of VAT and companies are getting more greedy, raising the prices for way above the exchange rate compensation + the costy materials. Just looked up the price of my favorite 1/6, bought her from Alter in 2012 for around €90 (9,800k yen retail price). Nowadays, those €90 would have bought me a 14k yen pricetag, wich is the price of…. a figma with shipping.
It's sad, but at least I'm not into 90% of the gatcha games & western shit they keep releasing nowadays so my wallet doesn't cry too much; nowadays I mostly just lurk to buy old figures I missed.
No. 339077
File: 1701395313100.png (1009.4 KB, 800x600, GAJt9XkbUAARMhz.png)

>Just a picture of a cage
No. 342178
File: 1702554964188.jpg (372.97 KB, 2048x1462, FmpSSKTaUAIaLWH.jpg)

Does anyone know how to look up for nui ponchos? The closest I got is おきがえポンチョ but it doesn't give me too many results.
I know there are some at Aliexpress, but I prefer buying official ones so the quality isn't a gamble.
No. 342180
File: 1702556482700.png (296.12 KB, 507x504, Screenshot .png)

>>342178Nvm, just found it, the more complete search is ぬいぐるみポンチョ. Looks like these 2 are different brands, the one I mentioned before is a newer one so they got less things.
Crying at how most of these are more exepensive than the nui themselves, I'm thinking of just sewing it myself even though I suck at it kek I don't think a poncho has much going on, they might be ok for begginers.
No. 350868
File: 1706062222797.jpg (793.04 KB, 2354x2583, NEEDY GIRL.jpg)

No. 350935
File: 1706101420713.jpg (107.68 KB, 991x1148, GEL1hOcXUAAuS0m.jpg) Company is doing a survey to find out what future Pop Up Parade figures people want! Feel free to vote here!
I am not sure what else I will vote for yet, but I definitely want a Princess Tutu figure.
No. 352016
File: 1706550116812.jpg (1.13 MB, 1898x3299, 20240129_183735.jpg)

I won the pre-order gacha! Got a beer and coffee, exactly what I wanted!
No. 354144
File: 1707259152244.jpg (299.86 KB, 3024x2664, yaoi jesus.jpg)

Aoba was a huge nightmare to get onto his stand and even then he's not fully in…I might have to heat it up a bit with a hairdryer later.
Luckily no big issues with sticky plastic only a bit at the arms.
Don't they look cute together?
No. 354991
File: 1707610969209.png (693.9 KB, 600x800, 2163945-7a704.png)

No one wants this shit what's with their recent boomer movie obsession?
No. 355021
File: 1707623949340.jpeg (70.35 KB, 730x540, 3896743.jpeg)

>>354991GSC trying to make extra bucks off of western media and those who consoom it. That Jaws looks like shit. Nobody asked for it or that ugly ET Nendoroid. They should be making husbandos and shoujo/josei/otome characters instead.
No. 355066
File: 1707643804246.png (584.02 KB, 571x800, 2164125-8e444.png)

I am in pain. I need her.
No. 355112 to the won hobby gallery for anyone interested in perusing. There's a lot of interesting releases I didn't expect at all but still only like 2 I'll actually buy. I'm interested in what anons are likely to get?
>>354991The fact this will probably be MINIMUM 4500 yen? Trash.
No. 355143
File: 1707675367799.png (747.37 KB, 1198x800, Skip and Loafer PUP.png)

>>355112I might consider the Skip and Loafer Pop Up Parades though I expected them to hold hands. Still cute though.
No. 355144
File: 1707675950105.png (580.11 KB, 512x724, 898.png)

>>355079Douman from FGO, is it because of his convoluted design? Their track record at making husbando figs is quite bad but the more popular guys at least got nendos, he on the other hand hasn't got even a fucking gachapon figure while they keep releasing (shitty) waifus, like they announced Ranmaru, who the fuck cares about her?
No. 355159
File: 1707678124429.jpg (76.59 KB, 533x800, IMG_6705.jpg)

Wow this wonfes was pretty trash, at least Madoka finally got painted.
No. 355160
File: 1707678233497.jpg (72.8 KB, 533x800, IMG_6706.jpg)

>>355159And this 2006 rozen maiden garage kit getting a pre painted release was genuinely very cool.
But for the most part it was just waifushit gacha women with big tits.
No. 355161
File: 1707679265349.jpg (113.31 KB, 1200x1200, cute.jpg)

I've had her page open since she was announced. Finally preordered her this morning. I love Snow Mikus that aren't all blue last one I got is the crabby miku of 2022.
No. 355317
File: 1707723210032.jpg (98.75 KB, 571x800, 1000008261.jpg)

>>355066Homura-chan's version is gorgeous too.
No. 355350
File: 1707734208772.jpg (123.53 KB, 600x800, 1000029894.jpg)

I think I'm going to make this my first nendoroid
No. 355359
File: 1707741866067.jpeg (98 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_0223.jpeg)

>>355317>finally a Homura figure I love>I’ll never own it Suffering
Might get my first migu scale though
No. 355361
>>355347NTA but woah, thanks for the vid. I'm busy right now so I just skimed it, but the price difference is insame. Furyu is no stranger to absurd price inflation (they pretty much were the kickstarters of it) and I know licenses cost money, but there's no excuse for the 100k yen raise specially when the anime one seem inferior.
Seeing the figures next to the actual thing really puts it into perspective. They have the license of a character I really want a kimono figure of since she wears one in the game and I'm sure if they had made one, I would've taken the plunge before watching the video…
No. 356288
File: 1708002336747.jpg (101 KB, 800x570, GGXG-DTWIAAUR1h.jpg)

>>355143Looks like they can hold hands. Maybe they included extra arms?
No. 357107
File: 1708350862180.png (261.03 KB, 817x816, GGCatmoaMAAm32f.png)

Do any nonas know where I can buy this from online? It seems to originally be limited to crane games in japan
No. 357955
File: 1708680584714.png (204.4 KB, 1561x613, nendo nendo.png)

I like the amount of pre order bonuses GSC has being doing lately, legit the last four new nendos I pre ordered all had bonuses.
No. 357956
File: 1708680707545.png (1.07 MB, 730x900, URAAAAAAA.png)

>>357955Also unsubtle husbandofagging but holy shit this face looks so funny I love it.
I don't think I have any other nendos with crazy faces.
No. 358016
File: 1708702665085.jpeg (229.46 KB, 600x800, IMG_0260.jpeg)

I usually don’t even really consider anime figurine but this one is so damn charming. I’m tempted.
No. 360277
File: 1709626508410.png (1.66 MB, 800x1119, GHzyO2FakAAZdT_.png)

Thinking bout getting my first migu…
But then I would also want to get the nendo version to go with.
No. 360567
File: 1709760465543.jpeg (2.41 MB, 3021x3129, IMG_7017.jpeg)

Cute boy
No. 360581
File: 1709771229534.jpg (105.1 KB, 600x800, f50abe0e6b26feee429c481c8966b2…)

>>360567Oh nona, this is so damn cute! I want this one too, along with the America one
No. 360585
>>360581Check xianyu if you know how! I got him there for a really nice price, just be sure to buy a listing with photos so you don't acidentally buy a bootleg!
I'm already tempted to also get America and some other characters, maybe Britian?
No. 360661
File: 1709819227509.jpeg (72.24 KB, 700x528, russia and america nendoroid.j…)

>>360585Thanks, I'll try that! I want him so badly. And yeah!! You should definitely get America and Britain. Russia needs his friends
No. 365778
File: 1711488440028.jpg (106.05 KB, 1200x1200, ukyo nendo.jpg)

>>357955>>357956Based Ukyofag, I literally just ordered the Ukyo nendo and came here to post about it lol. I've only ever ordered one nendo prior to this and couldn't miss the opportunity, there are barely any otome nendos released in general and it's my first otome husbando nonetheless
No. 365780
File: 1711489934725.png (1006.25 KB, 1345x568, I need moar nendos.png)

>>365778Always nice to see a fellow Ukyo husbandofag!
How are you planning to display yours? I'm leaning towards the ura face with the knife since it's funny.
>I've only ever ordered one nendo prior to thisHaha, I'm a bit of a nendoroid fiend if I'm being honest (current collection not including pre orders).
No. 365808
File: 1711497312939.png (1.14 MB, 984x819, nen nen .png)

>>365806The ones I have pre ordered (and regular ordered, I want to complete the set of Rozen Maiden dolls)
No. 368847
File: 1712545868566.jpg (257.01 KB, 1200x900, kanato chips from some yahoo a…)

They look like purple chips don't they?
No. 369372
File: 1712694195182.jpeg (344.48 KB, 1920x1375, 3930081.jpeg)

Dumping some cute nendoroid diorama pictures.
No. 381054
File: 1715603313906.jpg (170.83 KB, 1280x720, 1000000706.jpg)

Mourning for dead ice ado movie by looking back at my cute victuuri nendos
No. 381597
File: 1715671537668.jpg (82.5 KB, 1080x1080, f5f067be0f8890a8d041262903b42e…)

I know that China is known for mass production and bootlegs but I didn't think they make their own figures this nice like these blind boxes I've seen over on Pinterest, Instagram and in gift shops. Do you nonnies collect them as well? For a while I've been in love with these Molinta figures and recently with Peach Riot.
No. 381606
File: 1715672707908.jpg (189.32 KB, 1200x800, underthesea.jpg)

>>381597I don't actually buy them, but there are SO many blind boxes I'm tempted to buy because I'm an autist who loves little cute collections (hate big cluttered ones though, I need the pieces to shine). I don't even want all of them, just 1-3 fave of each series you know? They'd look so cute on a shelf
No. 381940
File: 1715713212400.jpg (250.01 KB, 1280x1600, 9bfe0d5920259d9eed8e371c83e4ce…)

>>381921They're Peach Riot figures!
No. 382017
File: 1715725194029.jpg (158.05 KB, 963x1200, 1000033271.jpg)

>>381597Popmart style figures are really cute! The blind box system is a pain in the ass though, specially if there are secret models. If there are any certain models you would like to buy some sellers on Ali sell them by model
No. 382018
File: 1715725362797.jpg (61.64 KB, 1280x720, 1000033272.jpg)

Miniso also has some cute ones even if they mostly have Disney shit
No. 382050
File: 1715733299827.jpeg (4.79 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_8003.jpeg)

Reorganized my shelf since I got some risers for the nendos…
No. 382076
>>382050You got any more plushies
nonnie? I like your plush collection.
No. 382112
File: 1715749722196.jpeg (1.94 MB, 3285x1828, IMG_8020.jpeg)

>>382076Not my full collection (I have a couple more lloromannic and my melody plushies) but here’s some more Kuromis
No. 382184
>>382177>rozen maiden nendosA couple of them are still on the way kek
>how's the russia nendo?I love him! The painting is really nicely done, the matryoshka doll loves to fall out of his hands and bounce around when I’m moving him though, so I’d recommend keeping that in mind while posing or using one of his other accessories (I’m a big fan of the pipe too!)
I wish all nendos had cute stands like the Hetalia ones to be honest.
No. 382193
>>382112Aww so cute.
>I have a couple more lloromannic and my melody plushiesOooh please post them too.
No. 382423
File: 1715804151349.jpg (58.48 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-168140.jpg)

pre-ordered Tomoe nendoroid! really excited got him to come in, my first nendoroid in ages.
No. 382450
File: 1715806057859.jpg (79.1 KB, 683x690, 37996.jpg)

>>382182I had the pinky streets as a kid and rebought them since the ones I had as a kid were pretty beat up, they're pretty nostalgic little figures in general
No. 382576
File: 1715833944961.png (928.38 KB, 562x665, aroma princess chrysalis.PNG)

>>382017>>381606>>381597I am also a shameful blind box enjoyer. I've got internal conflict of hating to support the mass production of plastic but I love these art toys for several reasons: 1. I don't really watch enough anime nowadays to be considered a fan of anything, so I prefer the idea of having an original character figurine. 2. Despite being cheaper than an anime statue, they're really well made and the designs are so creative.
Picrel is aroma princess, one of my favorites. I love the calm bunny-like faces.
No. 382814
File: 1715914194813.webp (49.39 KB, 1200x720, sonny_angels_2048x2048.webp)

speaking of blind boxes, I'm completely addicted to sonny angels right now, there are so many cute releases. do anons here have any sonny's?
No. 384085
File: 1716144382368.png (1.02 MB, 728x825, paris hilton hello kitty.png)

No. 385867
File: 1716501185465.jpeg (497.04 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_4660.jpeg)

Getting Winry! Pre-orders started today for her, I’ve already gotten the Elrics and Riza so far.
No. 385883
File: 1716506495885.jpeg (134.09 KB, 800x600, 3876828.jpeg)

>>385868Nendoroids that can hold hands are always so so cute.
No. 385889
File: 1716507445150.jpeg (97.89 KB, 700x700, 2299001r1568951661.jpeg)

>>385885Yeah I never finished watching the anime either, but I can't deny that it's very cute looking.
Most of the nendos that hold hands are from BL actually and then there's also some sisters and yuri ones with het couples being kinda rare surprisingly.
No. 385894
File: 1716509054166.webp (58.58 KB, 750x600, 06_1024x1024_6b894ef3-ac50-4e1…)

>>385889>Most of the nendos that hold hands are from BLaccurate
No. 385898
File: 1716510370896.png (1.11 MB, 800x700, koujak.png)

>>385894Goddamnit Naruto, you're such a dumb faggot.
No. 385937
>>385936I own it as well (I had to pay over 100 bucks for it though) and agreed he's a pain in the fucking ass. Mine doesn't really come apart on it's own but he will NOT for the love of god stay in his stand properly and his arms love to pop out when you're moving him.
Old nendos be like that in general though.
No. 385949
>>385937>he will NOT for the love of god stay in his stand properly and his arms love to pop out when you're moving him. Ayrt kek yes exactly what I mean! I got fed up because he would just keep falling apart and the arms would just plop out in the middle of the night. Until I decided it was enough and I wasn't having it lmao. It legit gave me some scares kek
inb4 cursed aoba nendo lolIt's funny to think it this way but yeah I guess dmmd nendos are considered old now.
No. 385950
>>385949At least Aoba is, the only other DMMD nendo I have is Clear though who’s fine.
Some of the more recent nendoroids have been pretty annoying though (ie: the Sanrio ones broke a leg peg when I was swapping the legs so I had to use a command strip instead, which luckily you can’t tell since it’s on the inside).
No. 385959
File: 1716530408056.jpeg (629.06 KB, 3362x3362, 87fd2b44-e815-4e09-980b-a2f261…)

>>385950You mean like these? Wish I knew about it sooner. In general I would love to see if there is like a solid guide on how to repair nendos or at least make them feel less unstable to pose so to speak. I know it exists I just haven't looked it up.
No. 386120
File: 1716583310579.png (147 KB, 669x484, fuu cheap.PNG)

SamCham Pop Up Parade figs are out now!!
Why the fuck is Fuu cheaper though? This is why we need feminism
No. 386732
File: 1716757942940.png (2.05 MB, 1200x1600, I would get asuka but it's Shi…)

I might buy the uniform on it's own for Shinji
No. 386735
File: 1716758055514.png (377.05 KB, 600x422, GOd-qHtXYAAVNjT.png)

>>386732These sanrio shirts for nendos are also kinda cute…
No. 386857
File: 1716784719792.jpg (118.54 KB, 571x800, koishi.jpg)

So cute!
No. 387088
File: 1716843962565.jpg (149.64 KB, 750x1000, D5H_35744.jpg)

He finally arrived today! He's so tiny and cute and perfect. Maybe I'll buy the rest of his figures in the future since he only has three in total.
I also hope that they make an Aladdin nendoroid someday.
No. 390825
>>390776The only EU shop I have used is Global Freaks (they do great discounts often) but I'm not sure to which countries they ship to.
20 days can be relatively nornal thought, I use Air SP and they usually take 14-20 days. Sometimes customs take pretty long to release packages.
No. 392582
File: 1718441035080.jpg (51.55 KB, 640x480, m92564735615_1.jpg)

so tiny and cute…
No. 393382
File: 1718722246739.jpg (51.29 KB, 600x900, fg154_fag_gourai_kai_javelin_1…)

I am stricken with the urge to kitbash or heavily mod a frame arms girl model kit into being a bishounen robot boy. I honestly don't think it'd be that hard depending on the kit? The most difficult things would be the legs and shoulders. I wish they just sold cute mech boys outright.
No. 394271
File: 1718991461618.png (256.95 KB, 600x600, GQlvPkmWwAASzJu.png)

Based more Dangan nendos please
No. 394273
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>>394272Not a giant Lain fan, but this is gonna be really adorable and I'm happy Lain fans will have some merch of their girl
Lets all love Lain!
No. 394274
File: 1718991662088.png (550.19 KB, 600x800, GQlvPkzXgAAPE8c.png)

>>394273And Moomin! How adorable!!
Truly this smilefest had a lot great announcements, especially since the last one was really really underwelming for me.
No. 394278
File: 1718992021899.png (306.82 KB, 600x600, GQlujqbX0AAgYj-.png)

>>394274I also gotta get Ame chan to match Kangel! Kinda hoping they'll have connecting hand parts.
No. 394286
File: 1718992721106.jpeg (74.93 KB, 700x700, IMG_7584.jpeg)

A resale of the jjk 0 lookup figures was just announced, an actual release date hasn’t been revealed yet but does anyone know what sites they’ll be sold at? I don’t want to pay $150 for these kek.
No. 394291
File: 1718993505164.jpeg (186.02 KB, 858x1200, 4039380.jpeg)

Don't even remotely care that we had to wait two years to see her, she's unbelievably gorgeous and an instant pre order.
No. 394400
File: 1719026949699.png (680.95 KB, 700x800, 228.png)

One of the nendoroid dolls is a girl, but you can tell these are bunny boy outfits
Ohohoho, I'll have to get them…
No. 394426
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Holy fucking shit he is finally getting a figure, took them long enough.
No. 394526
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>>394463To be fair even when they are suits they're pretty slutty looking.
No. 394529
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No. 395194
File: 1719322373910.webp (35.93 KB, 600x800, tsukichan.webp)

GK girlies stay winning. I hope Koito comes with a little picture of Tsurumi ♥
>>393382If you end up doing this please share here anon! that is such a good idea!
>>394273Came her to post her, instant po. Can't wait to have her be my computer buddy. Fingers crossed they make a doll version with her bear kigu.
No. 395195
File: 1719322580668.webp (66.74 KB, 750x800, bbs.webp)

Samefag but these are so cute?? If they make a cute zombie shiromo I will be very tempted to get my first Harmonia doll.
No. 395198
File: 1719322972808.jpg (363.52 KB, 600x1094, GQnJl4zakAU1ds-.jpg)

not a figurefag but depending on the price i might buy this one. The good smile figure of this version of snake has the ugliest face
No. 395262
File: 1719336839483.webp (144.52 KB, 800x550, IMG_8592.webp)

>>395194They already did a bear kigu so you could just get this one
No. 395296
>>395194I'm so glad for the Koito nendo, all of his other figures are either off model or not my taste and I've long since promised myself to only collect merch of characters if it's cute, not just for the character.
>>393382Depending on the scale of these, you could try using parts from picco neemo male bodies? You'll probably have to do some tricky modification though.
>>386857The smiling faceplate alt is really cute. I'm trying to not buy scale figures anymore but I might get this if it bins.
No. 395302
File: 1719342991143.jpg (106.69 KB, 800x550, a7ae16136df15c286b85a65c58a06b…)

>>395298There are a lot of options for custom Nendoroids rather than waiting for a new and expensive preorder. Imo you're better off just buying the gun piece by itself secondhand or finding a similar one on Etsy if you only want the gun. They sell blank Nendoroid doll kits(picrel) but the bodies are more articulated than the figures and they wear different clothing. (Obitsu 11 size)
Either way I wipe with 100% acetone to remove the face paint. For the hair, again I'd recommend just buying pieces secondhand that look similar to what you want and modifying them instead of sculpting from nothing. I use apoxie sculpt, white primer, and miniature paint (like for Warhammer miniatures). And any random secondhand face that matches the skin color of the body will work because you're repainting it anyways. Like a $4 junk one or something. Good luck wih the custom.
No. 395322
File: 1719346515630.jpg (493.39 KB, 3013x3186, nendos and stuff.jpg)

Aww…I thought the Towa plushie was gonna come with a maid dress, oh well I'll probably be able to find one on taobao or something (also it has that cotton doll style hair that I'm not a big fan of, everything else I got from the artist is very nice though!)
Also nendos! I now have 5 of the 7 Rozen Maiden series with Kirakishou on the way (I think Kanaria hasn't released yet)
No. 395323
File: 1719346549806.jpg (484.14 KB, 3024x3237, shinku suigintou.jpg)

>>395322Here are my little teabitches looking very cute
No. 395327
File: 1719347029556.jpg (113.56 KB, 600x800, sugimoto.jpg)

>>395298Dropped image. There are other nendoroids with guns too. Unless you want his gun and outfit specifically, it may be cheaper to buy gun parts from somewhere like chibichopshop. Also, I doubt his hat is removable. This is another character from the series and the hat is attached to the head, so there's no head/hair underneath. Unless she has a shaved head too, then it probably works out.
No. 395334
>>395327Yeah its mostly because of the uniform. She wears a soviet russia inspired uniform and its the only nendo i could find that has a similar uniform style to what i want + comes with a gun. The star in the hat is literally perfect for that soviet aesthetic look.
>I doubt his hat is removableaw that sucks, but i could sculpt the hair under the hat.
I dont want to get the nendo doll bodies because i dont have a sewing machine yet, and i want to take it easy for my first custom. I mostly want to focus on repainting and doing very small modifications.
No. 395862
>>381597late reply but I collect Molinta and use them to decorate my desk. I generally pick around 2 of each series that I like so I don't collect the whole thing, but I don't play the blind box game either and instead just buy opened ones off of AliEx like
>>382017 said so I can be sure that I get the ones I want. Unfortunately this means I'll never get the "hidden" ones but I'm happy with the ones I have.
>>381608>>381940These are really cute! I might have to look into getting some. I especially like Gigi's determined expression in many of these!
No. 395997
File: 1719538478676.jpeg (123.99 KB, 550x800, 3564009 2.jpeg)

Anyone have harmonia hummings? I want to try customizing one into my husbando but I’m not sure if I can swap out the eyes and how easy it would be to cut and dye the hair, dye the clothes, etc. They’re pricey so I wanna make sure before I make the decision.
No. 397334
File: 1720001732459.jpg (72.66 KB, 1067x1200, 01.jpg)

I think this is the best thread to ask so I will. I had pre-ordered this figurine(yes I'm a spongebobfag) and while I really like it, it seems like it was put together lazily and has some imperfections that are lowkey unacceptable. Does any nonna know if this is typical of youtooz or did I get a bad batch? I'm also in Europe and go this from a reseller in my country and Idk if there's any way of refund
No. 397351
>>397334I don't own any Youtooz figure, but the rule of the thumb is that western companies/brand make sloppy figures most of the time (some better than others, but even expensive "statues" aren't on the same level as JP companies), be it the materials or QC so I'm not surprised.
If the damage/quality check errors were undisclosed in the ad, try telling the seller so you can get a refund.
No. 399539
File: 1720557923937.jpg (148.31 KB, 1080x1080, GRptMN0bMAM7SXK.jpg)

At first I thought this was fake BUT NOPE it's real. GSC is hitting so fucking low here with this clussy waifu made by a creepy troon. I'm so fucking disappointed. This shit before Madotsuki, Ghibli, Princess Tutu, Free!, or any other good series/franchises that deserves their own Nendoroids.
No. 399579
File: 1720559453222.png (649.14 KB, 650x750, such as games that will never …)

>>399539To be fair with some of these…
>GhibliProbably anal about copyright
>Free!Kyoani is kinda weird about nendoroids and figures in general, it's why a lot of the kyoani anime that gets made into nendoroids has 'from the manga!' in the description instead of the better known anime version.
Overall agreed though, GS has an issue lately where they keep trying to jump on things that internet children are into because they want to become more like funko pops. At least Pomni is cute looking.
No. 399735
File: 1720590164540.jpeg (306.71 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_7364.jpeg)

>>399734Dropped my fucking pic. This user's my only hope it can be done DIY.
No. 399870
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yay or nay?
No. 400230
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should i do it anons?
No. 400313
>>400230Honestly, they're not that bad as far as female characters go despite their waifu merch status and this looks cute.
Do you like the series or is it just aesthetics?
No. 400385
File: 1720716249175.jpg (1.69 MB, 3200x4000, spirit blossom kindred.jpg)

I would like to formally apologise to all the buyfags I’ve made fun of in the past, turns out I was in the closet.
No. 400461
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>>400407She comes with masked head too, i just couldn't find a nice full body photo with the mask on.
No. 402748
File: 1721248548443.jpeg (51.77 KB, 600x750, 001106A2-0FBD-4DBF-8504-7E82F0…)

Sad, was gonna get a recently released figure of one of my fav female characters (picrel) but apparently they gave her a defined ass and panties because the manufacturers are fucking disgusting. Remind me why I hate nips again
No. 402944
>>402748I mean even Barbies and Nendoroids have panties. What else are they suppsosed to put in there? If I paid $150-200 for a figure and they didn't even bother to model the full legs I would get mad kek
As long as they don't give the figures shit like cameltoes, erect nipples or belly buttons that magically can be seen with 3 layers of clothes on, it's fine on my book.
No. 402947
File: 1721300400789.jpg (278.63 KB, 1290x1720, 20240710_190226.jpg)

I hate that the most beautiful figures that I always find are gks
No. 402949
>>402947It makes sense, they're passion projects by artists instead of products made towards the masses that they have to design in very little time. It also helps the GK artists actually enjoy the source media and they can't sell IP figures for profit, so they're able to make complex desings (while companies try to simplify as much as they can because more complex=more costy).
The artists for comercial pre-painted figures not always enjoy whatever they're told to create, you can specially see this on Nendoroids/Figmas were it seems like whoever designed it just did a quick Google search or simply watched the first episode of the anime and wrote down the first 3 items that appear on it.
No. 403091
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>>402947Mad that I will never own pic
No. 403096
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Dumping some of my favorite GKs
No. 403100
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>>403099I meant nendoroids that fall into that example but that's a very beautiful Youmu so it's fine.
No. 403104
File: 1721333958362.webp (51.42 KB, 640x640, S1f40d2d561a847e9b680e5bafc08f…)

>>403090If you mean the last part, just look at the Chi Nendoroid. Cute pose, but she is super underwhelming. Just ep 1 stuff, and specially the clothes… A character that is mostly known for her beautiful lolita dresses and rhey give her the sinple t-shirt seriously…?
(I couldn't find a pic with all the accessories laid out, so picrel is from an Aliexpress bootleg though, but it shows what she comes with)
No. 403105
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>>403104Oh yeah for sure, I remember everyone being really disappointed that they put her in the most basic dress possible instead of one of the many beautifully designed dresses (which I'm not a chobits fan at all, but the illustrations are absolutely gorgeous)
Maybe at some point she'll get a nendoroid doll in a nicer outfit?
No. 403115
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>>403114Remi and Flan get the best figures in general.
No. 403120
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>>403119The true ultimate GK
No. 403128
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And anything by Yogisya is of course mind blowingly gorgeous, I was so ecstatic when they put the pre painted version of the Remilia figure up (which of course I pre ordered)
No. 403864
>>399539And there are sooo many deserving IPs that don't have anything, or are missing core characters from a lineup that already exists with GSC. Trash..
>>400230I did it for the cute coords and I don't give a shit about the garbo anime, go for it.
No. 403867
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A lovely remi has arrived
No. 404144
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Time to be disappointed again!
No. 404146
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>>404144Blank if anyone else wants to fill it
No. 404274
File: 1721680635957.png (903.06 KB, 600x967, 547780-a339a.png)

true feminism dakimakuras
No. 404310
>>404144I love your list nonna!
>Princess Tutu>TetoHighly deserved.
>Yogisya>Gothic Anime AngelAbsolutely. Those figures are so beautiful.
>Yashiro and HanakoWith that illustration, it would be so cute! Yet, still no Yashiro Nendoroid or any scale figure for this series even though it's well-loved and has a gorgeous art style.
>AyaSince GSC has been making Nendoroids of RPG maker and indie game characters, I can see them making one for Aya too.
>MadotsukiJust like Aya, I think they would make Madotsuki as well but as best for last and Fangamer has been selling Yume Nikki merch so there might be a chance. I've been wanting a Nendoroid of her so bad with her knife, bike, flute, umbrella and pinching face. Sadly, I think Nendoroids nowadays have been pretty lackluster when it comes to accessories.
>IkutoSince Amu got a Nendoroid then he should too though it's weird that GSC haven't made Nendoroids of the female mc or love interest of shoujo characters like Tohru from Fruits Basket or Kazehaya from Kimi ni Todoke.
>Naitou-kunSad that he doesn't have a single figure since he's an obscured mascot of a brand/company that made some of the most well known bl eroges. Most likely Aoba is the mascot of it. It sucks since I really like his character design and that he would make some really cool and gorgeous figures. Plus, it'll bring him some recognition . It be an absolute big win if they make a NSFW figure of him. Also, I'm so sick of seeing hundreds of Sonicoom figures and not one for Naitou.
>Towa>Akira>male bunniesYes! We need more hot male figures especially NSFW ones or showing more skin. For male bunnies figures, please no trap, femboy, or shota shit and I'm so sick of seeing one for every single anime or vidya girl especially the loli characters. Just ew.
No. 404311
File: 1721686856934.jpg (1.33 MB, 1003x1370, wonfes bingo.jpg)

>>404144I made mine… I know I am coping.
No. 404312
>>404310>Yes! We need more hot male figures especially NSFW ones or showing more skin. For male bunnies figures, please no trap, femboy, or shota shit I don’t mind shotas that actually look like boys (those 1/12 scale bunny boys are cute but they’re so overpriced on the secondhand market for being so tiny) but femboys the other shit coming out just feel like bait.
It’s like figure companies are like okay we’ll make figures of guys but they have to look like a flat chested futanari because we can’t actually make things for women!
No. 404315
>>404312>those 1/12 scale bunny boys are cute but they’re so overpriced on the secondhand market for being so tinyLink? Or at least product name.
I’m a shotafag and I wish there more shota figs where the guys looked like guys, it’s funny bc shota is also liked by moids, but in a different way to female shotacons and of course they only pander to the moids
No. 404322
>>404317It’s okay, something about it bothers me though
>>404320I’ve been here for 5 years
No. 405427
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>>404144Sorry for copying
No. 405478
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>>405465I would love that too! I don't mind if they don't come out as scale figures but more on the smaller side. Just imagine them like those antique vintage figurines would be so cute.
No. 405540
File: 1722124227598.jpg (206.99 KB, 1200x900, 1722124144155508.jpg)

Wonfes time!
Cute birdy girl figure
No. 405552
File: 1722129321069.png (1.3 MB, 901x901, 4087656.png)

First actually based thing, everything (that isn't a GK) otherwise has been fucking garbage
No. 405553
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No. 405554
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Such a gorgeous Shinku!
No. 405557
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No. 405562
File: 1722131741022.jpg (123.05 KB, 1000x1340, stupid ass miku figure.jpg)

Fucking hate these figures, they look like cringy creepypasta shit for 12 year olds.
No. 405563
>>405559I thought it was pretty catchy and cute.
>>405562>they look like cringy creepypasta shitIsn't that they sorta were?
No. 405565
File: 1722132229684.jpg (574.67 KB, 1000x1000, 1722132115086333.jpg)

5Ds got two figures announced for people into that
>>405563>Isn't that they sorta were?Then why are they still making figures for them in 2024 kek.
If they want to make edgy figures they should post prototypes of that Akira figure that got announced.
No. 405571
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Touken Ranbu guy
No. 405572
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obese beast
No. 405573
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>>405572and an ugly isami ♥
No. 405574
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>>405573a lovely douman too
No. 405577
File: 1722134127294.png (2.48 MB, 1963x1337, 1722134082920.png)

other cute things I saw
No. 405579
>>405577>That yogisya figureSo so so gorgeous
Is it pre painted or is it one of her garage kits?
No. 406358
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Pre-orders for ending Ed are starting tomorrow! I’m excited!
No. 407771
File: 1722972094092.jpg (66.58 KB, 600x600, bishoujoAJ.jpg)

thoughts on the mlp figures? they're getting re-released
No. 407772
>>407771I like them! I really want a Fluttershy.
I know kotobukiya is notorious for coomerish gijinkas (the horror movie series for example) by now, but I like that they kept the MLP ones so tasteful.
No. 407804
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>>407772theres one already
No. 408842
File: 1723331298992.jpeg (150.31 KB, 531x800, 1023997.jpeg)

I've been thinking about making a thread for posting pretty figure pics and others though should I just stick to this thread instead of making a separate one?
No. 408846
File: 1723332135221.jpg (41.74 KB, 404x1000, 51exDVgmtdL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

>>407771I liked them, just not enough to purchase any of them. The outfit designs were all really cute, too, though I think AJ should've been wearing skinny jeans instead of a skirt. RD's design is really nice, it's probably my favorite, along with Celestia.
No. 409008
File: 1723386955545.png (389.46 KB, 495x774, rteyufgyigrtefggyuirefyuig.png)

What do you guys do when you find a figure you like from something you don't wanna support or otherwise give money to? I love picrel figure but i refuse to give my hard earned cash to funding strike witches. I'm a broke bitch anyway so i think the best solution is not buying it at all kek
No. 409024
>>409008I only buy from series where I like the content.
If I see a figurine I like but haven't watched, I try to give that show a genuine try. If I don't like it, then I let it go.
No. 409025
>>40900890% figures bin nowadays, just wait for a year or so until you see someone selling it second hand. It's all positives, you will save money, won't give the company a cent and if you still want the figure by then it means you really want it and its not a whim.
>>409015Some people just want a pretty object, not minding the subject at hand. If people only bought from series they like, then OC figures wouldn't be popular.
No. 409034
File: 1723392731405.jpg (37.89 KB, 520x879, kuma.jpg)

>>408842I think it would be fine here, this thread is pretty slow as it is.
>>409008I'm too autistic to spend money on a character or media I don't like. The closest I've been is buying miku figures but she's iconic enough that it doesn't count imo and I've started listening to her music since.
If you really like the design of the figure just wait and buy it second hand. Usually you can get them a lot cheaper on the second hand japanese market, especially if it's a prize figure of something generic. I'm talking like 800-2500 yen.
>>409024>If I see a figurine I like but haven't watched, I try to give that show a genuine try. If I don't like it, then I let it go.I've found some series I really like doing this! Picrel I really wanted to like but the first episode was so bland I couldn't do it.
>>409025Wanting a pretty object and buying an OC figure is a little different from a cute figure from a series you actively don't want to support financially.
No. 409052
File: 1723395810482.jpg (59.68 KB, 600x738, FIG-MOE-1615_01.jpg)

>>409015Thing is i enjoyed strike witches even if it was shit (no, i'm not who you think i am). I liked everything besides the loli/booby fanservice which is 80% of the show so it's not like it means much and i like the character in question as well, but i refuse to give it money in any way if it makes sense. I also really like the girls designs and think they're cute besides the fact their ass is hanging out (lol) and picrel is another sw figure i'd like but there's not much beyond that since i don't collect nsfw figures of female characters
>>409034>I'm too autistic to spend money on a character or media I don't like. The closest I've been is buying miku figuresTbh can you even call yourself a figure collector if you don't have at least one miku? It's a rite of passage at this point lmao
>>409025Thank you for the advice!
No. 409244
File: 1723435179896.jpg (2.48 MB, 4096x2305, 20240811_205245250.jpg)

>>409008I'll just admire them though I wouldn't buy unless I really like the character, the design and look into its source material. This Sora and Kudryavka figure are super cute but I don't want to own any scroteshit coom garbage and would refuse to throw my money away on supporting them. Plus, I have a limited amount of space in my room so pretty much I ended up saving myself some money since most figures are scroteshit material anyways. I guess I would say the same with vubers too since they might quit/graduate or go downhill. This Korone figure is super cute too but I don't watch any of her content.
No. 409339
File: 1723470233839.jpeg (706.12 KB, 1419x2377, 4B28ADD6-B312-4D47-BC5A-B44B53…)

>>409244I don’t think little busters is particularly scrotey, at least comparatively. I don’t know if you played it but it’s really just sfw moeshit
with a story. There are only h scenes in the rerelease which you actively need to install a patch for and everyone universally agrees it ruins it kek. Also my rin nendoroid which is one of my fav figures
No. 409437
File: 1723494779091.jpg (57 KB, 412x621, 47586-2d296.jpg)

>>409419If you just want a cute design consider: original design Azone dolls
Or touhou or miku figures. There's not much else in terms of moeshit without coom in the source material.
No. 409511
File: 1723511296205.jpeg (518.81 KB, 1655x1668, 3576052.jpeg)

>>409437Those dolls are so cute! I never own one but I don't think I would be able to take care of them that well like keeping their hair neat or keeping their clothes from getting dirty. Though I do own two Miku figures and I'm thinking about getting a Dejiko Nendoroid. I appreciate the suggestions btw!
No. 409574
File: 1723533107236.png (744.28 KB, 854x851, edit.png)

>>409511did a shitty edit and i hate this dead fish eyes, if youre going to do a rerun of a old chara use the old style you fags
No. 409634
File: 1723546791554.jpeg (223.58 KB, 842x820, IMG_9566.jpeg)

>>409548I’m not really into 90s moe style, I think the modern version has a sweeter face and I like the coloring on the eyes.
No. 410232
File: 1723702454032.jpeg (1.15 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_9627.jpeg)

I consoomed hard
No. 410233
File: 1723702513844.jpeg (3.29 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_9671.jpeg)

>>410232She’s so tinyyy
I need to get some glue to finish some of the papercrafts that it came with though.
No. 410242
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>>410238I like to believe that there's a fair amount of us!
>>410239>Do you have any doujin recs from that haul?A fair amount of them are on MRM already, I quite enjoyed the after school love story kawoshin doujin and the one with Clear and his evil robot brother.
No. 410505
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>>405565Nice. Now we need a Carly next, please.
No. 410730
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Miku doesn’t deserve this
No. 410862
>>410730I love tan figures so I thought it was cute until I saw that tight. Someone please free her, her blood vessels are dying.
>>410232Congrats nona! Hope you enjoy the magazines and doujins.
Doujins are so fun, I wish the series/ships I enjoy had more than 5 each.
No. 413805
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>>394274Here's Moomin Nendoroid and man it looks disappointing with the lack of expressions and accessories. It doesn't help at all that the seams are very visible and the price for him is pretty cheap. Hopefully a future Snufkin would make up for it.
No. 414338
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>>409034>I think it would be fine here, this thread is pretty slow as it is.Alright thanks!
No. 414395
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No. 414571
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No. 414582
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The first ever good-looking Youtoonz figures, never thought I would see the day I hope they make more like this, I'm tired of the usual bad western attempt at cute/kawaii style, it always looks so forced and fake.
I don't live in the US, so the $30 + shipping + taxes is too much for suck a tiny thing (that probably doesn't have a good QC), but I would like to get them one day.
>>413805Woah does he really only comes with a single accessory and extra faceplate? Glad the price reflects that, but that's a new low for Nendoroids. I wish they had given it more stuff, what a wasted opportunity (I wonder if they did it to release Nendoroid plus pieces for it in the future?)
No. 414651
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No. 414906
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No. 415200
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No. 416393
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No. 417780
>>417578I haven't (yet) because I'm in EU and shipping+taxes would kill me, but I have heard good things about them.
All of them are different though, so just look up the brand/company and compare their past figures' stock photos with the ones people took of the finished figures. That way you can more or less know what to expect in terms of quality.
No. 419157
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No. 419175
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No. 419485
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No. 419486
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No. 419487
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No. 419548
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No. 420268
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No. 420917
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No. 420995

Have any of your nonas been affected by the Global Freaks' closure? Looks like we got on our hands Nippon Yasan: EU edition.
I included a video with info about the wild ride, here's a summary of it with other info I gathered:
>One of the oldest and most famous EU figure shops, had competitive prices, points, free shipping, etc. Pleasant to work with in general
>Gets a new CEO
>Suddenly, preorders start to be delayed for months, even years with no communication
>This continues for the next 2 years, whenever you get your preorder or not was a raffle
>CEO makes tons of excuses, including "They robbed us an entire truck with merchandise :("
>Tsume, their partner/parent company, backed up the excuses, but then…
>People got worried, asked Tsume about the unfulfilled orders. Their response? "Yes, we got all the orders at our warehouse"
>Turns out the CEO spent the money on other matters (whenever they were related to the business or not, we aren't sure), and since he had no money left he couldn't pay Tsume most of the time, meaning Tsume didn't give them the figures to send to the customers.
>This continues, and yesterday suddently the pre-order section of the online shop closes, and soon after the order as well.
>Most employees get fired
>Physical shop gets closed for "remodeling"
>All mails about paid pre-orders get an automatic reply.
>CEO deleted all his social media, professional sites and ran away. No one knows where is he nor can contact him (bussiness and personal phones are off)
>Global Freaks doesnt allow signal payments, if you want to preorder you have to pay the full amount when you place the order
>So now we got people with up to €20,000 lost on preorders since GF sold resin statues as well
>A few "lucky" people got a voucher worth 80% of their preorder total, but with the physical shop closing next week (according to am employee), they have no idea if the stuff they redeemed will arrive.
>Banks can only fill a complaint
>PayPal can't help too much since they only protect you up to 6 months from the purchase and the orders with their payments where made over a year ago
>The 3 and half employers are left to clean the CEO's shit without guidance. They're trying their best, but with the company in bankruptcy they aren't able to do anything.
I has been a wild ride and ot all exploded just yesterday.
I feel I dodged a bullet there, they announced a Pop Up Parade I'm interested in, but these figures are too pricey for their size/quality and was considering ordering it from Global Freaks when the orders opened because they sell PuP for €40 (meanwhile buying from JP/other locak shops is €50-55, and I'm not paying that for a peize figure, even if he's gonna rise in the aftermarket like hell)
No. 421094
>>420995Damn another one gone… Ngl, I've never understand why people still buy from these types of shops(I do know why, european hell customs, not having to worry about currency changes, multiple ways of payment, not having money by the time the figure is released so you pay the moment you order, etc)
As a Latamfag, I would rather buy from a AmiAmi, Amazon JP(+ a japanese address), Good Smile or any japanese shop and pay customs than trust a shop from my country to complete my order. Maybe all the horror stories I read on MFC from 2012 and older got to me haha.
I do feel bad for Spain collectors tho, having thousands of euros lost forever when you were expecting a company to be competent and give you what you paid beforehand is hell.
No. 421181
>>421094For me it's because often for small things like prize figures and Nendoroids are cheaper to buy in local-ish shops than ordering directly from Japan (for scales, it's the opossite if you can evade taxes a bit). That shop sold worldiwide, unafortunaly there's lots of Latam peope affected as well.
To be honest if a shop has a good record it's ok to trust them as long as they don't force you to pay everything beforehand, though in the current economy I think it's better to wait until the figu rereleases and get it on stock, people are cutting on luxuries and that's why lots of these kind of niche shops are closing.
No. 425976
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No. 426025
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No. 426320
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No. 426321
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No. 426565
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Any EU nonas over here who had luck undervaluing in Hobby Genki?
A preorder I paid last year is set to release this week, so I put a note under said order telling them to make the value in the custom invoice 23k yen or less. But I'm unsure if it will work as I already paid and they made an invoice (though I guess that invoice is just a formality/info for the buyer)
This is my first time buying anything that needs customs clearance, so I'm kinda scared (specially if they undervalue but somehow stills needs clearance as my postal works like a mafia, as I don't know the exact value they put on the invoice I might put the wrong one while filling papers and lose the package…)
No. 426589
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i hate that bravern merch is only purchasable from japanese web sites b/c i am too sketched out to use them
No. 426655
>>426565In the end, first thing I did this morning was to write them yet another note telling them to not undervalue.
Between losing €70 + manually filling customs & losing either an extra €150-200 (let the carrier handle customs as I don't know the declared value) and/or losing the €210 package, I will pick the former.
But the figure has just arrived to the warehouse, so I don't know if they will see the new note. First and last time I'm buying a scale kek This piece of plastic is gonna cost me €300…
No. 427269
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They're changing the nendoroid boxes… Thoughts? GSC has received tons of backlash already and I'm not happy about the boxes personally, but I'm glad people who never open their nendos are seething kek
No. 427318
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>>427269Damn, it's true.
Part 1/2
No. 427549
>>427272>gs is really going bankruptOn the contrary, they're doing this (and many other things, like giving Nendos no accessories and poor QC on some of their lined3) because it's cheaper AND they know people will still buy shit if it has their favorite character's face on it, specially in Japan and their oshii culture.
They have been doing this for awhile now, make stuff more cheap to produce but keep increasing the prices because they still sell. E-Stream (I think that was the company) kickstarted the whole "expensive for the sake of it" trend to see how far they could push prices/quality and GSC followed them.
No. 427552
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>>427437Sorry for double post, but no they won't as their public reasoning is "to be more eco-friendly" (obviously their actual one is to cut corners).
For cheaper Nendoroids, they're producing "Nendoroid Basic" (picrel, just the main figure with no accessories, extra arms or faceplates) and "Nendoroid Light" (same as before but without the Nendoroid functionality, just a Nendo-shapped pre painted figure). Both of them are retailing for 3.5k yen I think, but will probably increase like PuPs did.
Current Nendoroids are pretty much basic at this point, it feels they're laughing in our faces. The new boxes pretty much confirms this there's no space for accessories outside 2 arms, a leg and maybe a small item.
No. 427577
>>427552I mean, think about this too, people are buying not only funko pops but those Chinese blind boxes with characters that are just cute and that's about it, the quality is shit and they do literally nothing but people are still buying them.
If anything they're being smart by using their already known name to make the same but more expensive, it took then way too long to do this.
No. 427634
>>427577I wonder if the new boxes will backfire though. They seem very unsafe, specially for the extra arms/accessories, and collectors tend to be very anal when it comes to defects and usually demand a replacement in such cases.
There's a high-ish possibility pieces will be more prone to break or get paint scuffs and so GSC will have to spend a considerable amount of time and money sending out those replacements and roll back to the plastic blisters.
No. 427654
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First time buying from Makeshift, the plushie was really high quality. I also splurged and got the enamel pins and it didn't disappoint. Would give them my money again.
No. 427659
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>>427658crowdfunded plushie from an indie game called 'The longing". I haven't bought anything else from them but it looks like they do other stuff I'm just not sure what 99% of it is.
No. 428133
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>We changed boxes to cut plastic use! For the environment!
>Proceeds to fill said boxes with plastic blubble wrap and sheets
They can't even trying to make their lies seem passable kek
No. 428185
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>>428157Surugaya has a lot up and they're doing a free shipping campaign right now.
No. 428301
>>427318Can someone explain to me why it’s such a deal this change in boxing?
I understand limited space for extra accessories but I don’t get the deal with the box itself.
No. 428315
>>428249I just found the irony funny, and plastic is still plastic. Even the cardboard isn't gonna help much since (as far we know) it isn't recycled, so they're just changing oil for chopping down trees.
I do appreciate the smaller size though, I just wish they gave it the usual clamp shells to better protect everything instead of wrapping it. Sometimes the plastic has been the only thing protecting the product when the box gets thrown around in conveyor belts and trucks.
No. 429502
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Has anyone else ordered him? I'm waiting for him to ship.
No. 429545
>>429519Nta but
>open a ticket in the discord serverMy god, do you need a fucking Discord to contact that proxy now!? They are a business, imagine having to use Discord to talk to your insurance, that's the least professional thing I have heard. And wild they still trow boxes on bigger boxes and don't remove packaging when consolidating, every single proxy does it without you having to reach out, it's a courtesy for both the client and proxy (free packaging material for them)
I swear these guys get worse every time I hear about them kek I feel bad for newcomers trying to order from JP because they got their logo plastered on every single foreign site so people fall into their scams a lot.
No. 429557
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>>429524No problem nona, email used to be the way to go, but now you get much better results through the Discord tickets. If you have looked at posts on reddit for advice regarding downsizing, ignore them, as iirc the most popular guide is outdated. Most of the responses they give via email are just copy pasted, and you'll run the risk of them asking to charge a downsizing fee for the service, IF they don't just straight up refuse by claiming that they "already downsize". The discord staff are much more helpful and responsive.
Here's a template of what I'd always say in the ticket if you'd like to use it, it has always worked well for me -
Hi, I just submitted a consolidation request for package number #. I know that Buyee automatically downsizes packages, but items often still come packed in envelopes and such. Would it be possible for you to please downsize further than this by removing any extra packaging if there is any, such as envelopes, air bags, etc? Thank you so much!
>>429545>My god, do you need a fucking Discord to contact that proxy now!?You can still contact them via email, but to get any sort of helpful response you usually have to contact them via discord, yes. It is ridiculous, but unfortunately discord now seems to be the main recommended form of contact for a lot of proxies.
>And wild they still trow boxes on bigger boxesThey stopped keeping the actual boxes ever since June of last year, when they announced that "we now dispose of unnecessary original boxes, effectively downsizing the packages". The main problem now however, is that they store all items in the warehouse in envelopes, which most of the time they do NOT remove before putting everything into the box, picrel is an example some moid posted in the discord server. They also have a reputation for just packaging things inefficiently and using boxes that are too big. Personally I haven't had any problems with my packages, but I think it's only because I haven't ever shipped anything without asking them to downsize / remove extra shit first. Buyee used to be decent to use as long as you did this, as they regularly gave out 10-20% off coupons without any discount limit or minimum purchase price limit, which was better than the discounts that any other proxy offered. Ever since they recently stopped doing that though, Neokyo has definitely become the better choice by far.
No. 429566
>>429557Glad their Discord peers are responsive, but that's wild.
I used Buyee once around 2 years ago and never again. They gave out a 5k coupon for Mercari and since I had planned to buy my sister a Nendoroid whose 2nd hand price was around 10k, I took it without thinking. Bought it & a boxless small prize figure, and those free 5k got consumed entirely by their fees (iirc they even had a fee to check if your item had arrived), along with the biggest and most useless shipping, the nendoroid even got damaged.
I have used expensive proxies before (White/Japan Rabbit being the wrost offender) but even then their fees didn't accumulate to 5k for two items and their service was excellent.
Right now my main proxies are DeJapan (100y/item, but doesn't offer small packet air) for various purchases and Zenmarket for single purchases (500y/item, but can pay VAT thru them so that ends up being cheaper).
I have used Neokyo before, but I dislike the 3% fee payment method have and for some reason Suruga-ya packages take a whole month to arrive to them…?
No. 429796
>>429687NTA but I like that about nendoroids, I'm gonna put my Robert Pattinson Batman next to Rena Ryuugu for instance.
It makes a pretty fun contrast with nothing looking too out of place.
No. 430082
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To anyone with scales, how do they usually feel like?
Just bought my first one and I'm pretty dissapointed by how cheap the material feels, specially when she costed me 33k yen. It's the same as most of my prize figures.
It doesn't affect her scultping (she's a 10/10, her details are even better than the promo pics), she's made to be simply viewed from a shelf, thanks to how light she is she was super cheap to ship despite being a 1/6 and I guess it will help in preventing future leaning.
But it sucks to grab her and feel how hollow she is (I feel I could make music just by tapping her kek, it's insame), it removes a huge part of the luxury, for that price I expected more in that regard. Even my eldery father who knows nothing about figures went "Oh she's just cheap plastic" the second he picked her up.
Sculptor says she's mostly made with ABS to make her more lightweight for whatever reason, so I guess that's the issue, but I got mini figures that weight way more than her. I still love it to pieces and don't regret the purchase, but it was a letdown.
No. 430216
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Surprised these are so expensive now but I guess Lamento's musical was really popular? I have half of these boxed up at my parent's house from when I worked part time and would save my money for merch on the Nitro+Chiral site kek
No. 430279
>>430256Her. She is amazing on every single thing but the plastic, feels as if the mona lisa was drawn with children crayons lmao.
It's physiological and doesn't affect the figure in anything, but it still made me a bit sad. I don't regret the purchase though, her led lights will go crazy next to my desktop xmas tree this year kek
No. 430280
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>>430256Pic wont upload sorry.
3rd time is the charm, but if it still doesn't show it's Aigis 1/6 Icrea scale
No. 430554
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I want him so badly but 19,580JPY for a non scale is insane, fuck you megahouse
No. 430583
>>430554You can always order from a shop that doesn't include japanese tax (like Hobby Genki, but I'm sure there are more). His non-taxed prize is 17k, which is super good for a quality figure. I only own stuff from their Lucrea line, but I'm pretty happy with those.
"Scale" simply measures the "standard" proportions/size, not quality (Megahouse doesn't work with scale sizing usually). There are prize figures with scales as well, which confuses some people.
No. 434060
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>>430554This is so gorgeous but way too expensive rip. Been falling in love with Gojo lately and I'm thinking about getting his Figma though there are so many other nice figures of him like his noodle stoppers which are really cute. It's so hard to choose. Nonnies what are your opinions on having multiple figures of the same character? I think it's nice to have them but kinda overwhelming.
No. 436859
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what grails have you recently bought? for me it's the Japan hetalia scale, managed to snag him at an auction for 40ish dollars and I couldn't be happier
No. 436926
>>434584are you me anon? I already have an airbrush and have been dismantling and preparing one of my models to do a custom paint scheme. I've also been getting into non-gundam mecha kits lately, they're so fun oh no
What would you want to do to your zakus if you did paint them?
No. 437153
>>436926i have a rg standard green that i want to paint in the proper colors and do the tubes in a metallic green, a nice dark gray for the chest and inner frame, white accents (fuck water decals), and a matte top coat.
similar for my origin red comet but in reds and see about perhaps a dark silver for the tubes, and maybe a glossy coat? i saw a picture of a fire engine red sinanju that looked like a metal candied apple and i loved it.
a proper sand cammo for my high mobility egba (again, fuck water decals).
i have a mariner that i'm still figuring out.
and for the white efsf zaku, i either want some sort of silver/ice look vaguely inspired by shin matsunaga custom, or go completely the other direction and turn into nobell zaku but even more sailor moon-y.
and panel line the shit out of everything
No. 437607
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>>436859I might get bullied for this
No. 438179
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>>437763Pretty much what she’s going for nowadays, you do you though nonna.
No. 438189
>>437763i personally have spent that much on figures before, but they were extremely detailed 1/8th statues. but hey, i guess you can resell her for that much too, right? not like i haven't bought overpriced stuff of cheap materials.
>>438179i love her design so much, shame about the creator. this doll is so cute.
No. 438202
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>>438190are we not allowed to lament anyway?
No. 438210
>>438122Leaving aside weirdos who never take their figures out, the new boxes offered shitty protection, so I'm glad they backtracked.
I enjoyed the tiny size though, so I hope they come out with something similar but with a blister.
No. 438371
>>438192i'm equal parts excited and embarrassed to do so, kek.
my plan is using my xmas bonus on an airbrush and some paint, but i'm gonna need to practice before i can get to work on my kits
No. 442307
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Without a doubt my new favorite figure, everything is such lovely quality and I’m already thinking about moving around stuff on my shelf to make her look even more gorgeous.
No. 442547
>>442324Welcome to Europe nona… I'm barely able to buy stuff between VAT and proxy tax prices increasing, I'm glad I found out about proxy shit a year before the VAT law and could buy a bunch of small stuff for cheap that nowadays would've cost me an extra €80.
By your message, I assuke everythibg arrived fine though? That's the important thing, money can always come back.
No. 444670
>>444629nta, then it might not be called vat but ordering from japan always comes with extra bills (custom, tax, whatever) that hurt so much it's mostly not worth even attempting to import
(forgot to sage)
(learn2delete) No. 444800
>>444670>(forgot to sage)You don't need to sage on /m/, newfriend.
>>442547I literally never paid any extra charges when importing from Japan. You know when I was charged? For importing a single 10$ DVD from the US.
No. 445283
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Still waiting for my Skip and Loafer Pop Up Parade set from Hobby Genki for the past five months. Said they're implementing a new system and a new training team which caused some delays. First time ordering from them, never again.
No. 445394
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>>381608Secret figure for the Rise Up Series
No. 445395
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>>381609Secret figure for the Punk Fairy Series
No. 445398
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>>381608>>381609>>381611Some pretty angel figures that are exclusive and bigger than the usual blind box figures
No. 445415
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>>445398Witchy Punk figures. These look pretty cool but Poppy's and Gigi's outfits look too similar with the skirt, garter belts and boots
No. 445418
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>>445415The newest Peach Riot figures, Lil Peach Riot: Loading! Series. They're more chibi-like with long sleeves
No. 445419
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>>445418Also secret figure
No. 446716
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I can’t wait for preorder
No. 446719
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>>427654Can confirm, Makeshift's plushies are superb! I own the cute OSRS dragons, got pleasantly surprised to receive an adorable string bag for each plushy, too. Super cute.
No. 450628
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>>381597I've been thinking about getting Smiski figures but there's so many of them yet so cute.
No. 451125
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One half of my OTP finally got his nendo announcement (on my birthday at that), so I finally caved and got his husband as my own present.
No. 452020
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I think Celes looks pretty sexy and I like her suit but I'm annoyed that despite most of Danganronpa's fandom being fujos they continue to exclusively make figures for moids.
Just another example of companies chosing to ignore their female fanbase since they could very easily do bunny figures of the male cast.
No. 454625
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don’t know who this is but i want him.
No. 456114
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No. 456124
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I wish they would make a scale figure of Rukia's baknai. She is so beautiful in it, they released this of her, but it's a prize figure, and it's not the best quality. I don't understand why bleach doesn't have much figures, aren't they super popular?
No. 456139
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I can't wait for her to arrive. I adore Sakura's roller gear.
No. 459455
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>>445418Bloody Valentine figures. Gigi's outfit kinda reminds me of Britney Spears.
No. 460804
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I wish they would stop coomifying miku
No. 460873
>>456124I don't know if that's the case for Bleach, but other popular series like One Piece, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball and Digimon are stuck with shitty prize figures 95% of the time because the Copyright holders (usually Bandai, but that's not the case for all) refuse to give the license away so they can pocket all the merch money themselves. Bandai even refuses most Garage Kits proposals (mind you people sell them for a single day and in numbers not bigger than 10) because they don't want us to see we can have higher quality figures so we are forced to buy their slop.
In other cases it can be pettiness as well. For example KyoAni has banter with Good Smile, so every time one of their animes gets popular and GSC wants to ride the train, they have to pick the manga designs because KyoAni doesn't want to work with then kek.
No. 460874
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>>460804So a shitty coomer miku song can have a figure but one of the best mikus cant? Vocaloid is so dead
No. 460880
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>>460874They make nenderoids out of anything these days, fwiw. Still might have a chance if it's asked for.
No. 460886
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>>454625Kek I totally get it nonna. It’s tenki from nintama rantaro, he’s from the movie they did last year
No. 461149
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>>460880Still waiting for Madotsuki Nendoroid…
No. 461155
>>460880Tutu nendo when (they did arguably more niche mahou shoujo like saint tail so it's totally possible)
>>461149Also this.
No. 461157
>>460804Eh, there's so many Miku figures that I don't think it's a big deal if a few of them are coom.
You could even argue that rabbit hole Miku and regular crypton Miku are technically different characters anyway.
No. 461514
>>461287Gatcha games and its consecuencies. Coomer figures were always a huge chunk of the market since figure companies cater to men, but FGO, Hoyo, Vtubers, Azur lane etc etc are so profiteable they mostly focus on that.
I still mourn how Alter became a gatcha-only company at this point, they even cancelled their Persona 5 figures… The are my favorite company in terms of quality, but now its all random FOTM gatcha girls with their boobs out (and this is coming from a lesbian, even I am tired of this)
No. 461643
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>>461265God, I hope so then. I don't follow GSC super closely, is there always an annual nendo suggestion form and if so when? I just remember when it popped up a few years ago but wasn't sure if it was a regular thing
No. 461837
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>>461149Even if I wished for a Madotsuki Nendoroid, I think Nendoroids nowadays have been pretty disappointing and did not meet expectations. Some lacking expressions and accessories, some didn't capture the characters quite right, and some no one asked for. It's been going downhill from now on. Edit is not mine but I knew something was off with the Lain Nendoroid.
No. 461838
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>>461837Since I have Mob and Reigen, I was thinking about getting Ritsu but I don't like his hair and eyes.
No. 461850
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>>461837>and some no one asked forGod this. Do we really need a fast food mascot nendoroid?
No. 462986
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>>459455Rush Hour Series. These are so cute seeing the girls with different occupations.
No. 463565
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>>463540Thanks anon. I already do Gunpla so I have most of those things, though I should really get a nail drill. I was thinking I'd use my dremel for sanding purposes but that's probably too rough come to think of it.
I want to make Duo Maxwell as Deathscythe Hell just like a Mecha Musume but male. I liked the pose of this Kyoko Sakura figure and her bangs are pretty similar to his, I was thinking of taking a Moemura braid and attaching both together with epoxy sculpt and then from there doing a lot of removing of parts and epoxy sculpting to get it looking more masculine, paint it over, and then put the Gunpla parts on. I've been making the Dragon Momoko Deathscythe Hell and it looks so good, especially the ribcage bit that made me think of what a Duo figurine with the ribcage would look like Mecha Danshi style.
The big downsides are how much sanding and sculpting I see being required. I'm also at a bit at a loss as for what to do with the helmet since an MG head is much too small to take parts from and ideally I'd like him to have the iconic Gundam helmet. I thought of taking an SD helmet but I think those might be too big. Maybe I'll make do with an attached fin only like a big tiara.
No. 466645
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Got Komaeda yesterday
The new nendo stands kinda suck though, crazy amount of leaning forward on them.