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No. 252024

This thread is for Hetalians to talk about both the Anime series and Manga.

"Draw a circle, that's the earth!"
Post about:
>Your Fav character/s
>Ships and shipping wars
>Hetalia media/Fan media
>Fandom activities New and Old
>Anything your Hetalian heart desires!

No. 252027

Do you think your country's portrayal is anywhere close to accurate? On the same note, what are the weirdest or least fitting characterization choices in your opinion?

No. 252032

> least fitting characterization choices in your opinion?
All of them

No. 252033

from what little i have seen and read since they have only been a part of the manga since recently, it's okay. although, many have headcannon them to be a girl for the harem-esque material considering they've been colonized by a few of the main casts. so i was kind of surprise that they turned out to be a guy and is more close to their neighboring countries as opposed to other characters, which irl we're not.

No. 252037

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I randomly got back into this Hetalia earlier this year. I still feel kind of embarrassed about it but the comics are cute and nice to read. Prussia was my favorite character when I was younger

No. 252038

I'm not catching up to the series rn and I'm kind of afraid to (potentially) see it for myself so I'll just ask here… is Hidekaz uuuh portraying the current Ukraine/Russia situation or nah? In World Stars he lampooned Brexit so is he doing the same with the war..?

No. 252043

Newer Hetalia fanart is kinda different from old fanart

No. 252045

I don't think any of them are really that accurate, only the stereotypes are accurate. However what himaruya did to south korea should put him in jail…

No. 252054

by weird/unfitting i mean not even really matching the stereotypes, such as Poland being a crossdresser for some reason…

No. 252072

I hate you nonnie for making this
no but seriously that shit and it's fanfiction shaped a lot of my tastes today i'm so ashamed fuuck

No. 252074

it sure as hell did bring the concept of country humanizations to a new generation.

No. 252077

I think it was babys frist yaoi for a lot of nerdy girls who were too much of a coward to see and seach their own Yaoi (i sure as hell was) especially if you were on the sigtly edgy side of the internet where Yaoi was a cringe sin (again, gulty)

No. 252079

it's both and that's why it had such an impact

No. 252085

Don't be ashamed nonny, it was the same for me. It gave me a military uniform fetish and a pec fetish, made me seriously interested in history and geography, helped me discover my favorite band and a whole new music genre, helped me learn hiragana and katakana, etc.

No. 252088

A lot of the characters' traits are based on Himaruya's personal experiences with that country or people from that country. For example, Greece liking cats because Himaruya's Greek college friend liked cats a lot, even though, I've heard, most Greek people hating cats (while the cat lovers are mostly in Turkey).
Another known inaccuracy is Sweden and Finland's personalities being like the opposite of what people from those countries are stereotyped as (correct me if I'm wrong though), which was one of the reasons why Humon created Scandinavia and the World

No. 252089

>most Greek people hating cats
do they really? the last time I was in Greece they seemed to be treated quite okay, not as nicely as in Turkey though indeed, Istanbul is full of kitties which does also add a lot to its charm.

No. 252092

Well, that's what I read a long time ago, maybe it's a stereotype that exists or not, and even if it exists, stereotypes can be wrong.
But Turkey should've been the cat lover, that would be much more accurate.

No. 252094

or both of them and have their love of cats be the only thing they agree on while hating each other otherwise

No. 252096

I feel like himaruya's portrayal of england is unironically more accurate than the one i've seen from humon and polandball, even though he has a tendency to woobify him a bit TOO much. He's more of an actual bastard kek

No. 252097

That would've been so cute

No. 252111

Is the fandom still alive these days?

No. 252164

It still gets merch occasionally so I imagine there's at least some semblance of Japanese fanbase left.

No. 252174

Who remembers this video?
I used to fangirl so hard over this
Simpler times that was…

No. 252177

Holy shit this brought me waaaay back

No. 252187

Based, nonnie. He is my favorite too. I love him so much

No. 252189

samefag, but I miss the days when I could spend all day downloading Hetalia MMD models to posing them and making my favorite pairing kiss kek.
Since we are here? What are your favorite countries, nonnies? Any fanfic recs?

No. 252190

I am a retard, I am the same nona from >>252187

No. 252195

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The mmd fan animations were so fun.
Reader insert or pairings fics?

No. 252199

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No. 252207

It is, but it's not what it used to be. It seems there's a lot of Japanese Hetalia fangirls still (with a huge overlap with other fandoms like Enstars). But in the west it's pretty rare to see someone who openly admits to liking it.

No. 252263

mine kinda got personality changed a bit

No. 252265

Anyone remember that genre of reader insert fanfics where you got delivered chibi versions of Hetalia characters as pets? kek

No. 252272

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They've been making nendoroids of the characters since about 2018ish, with the most recent one being Romano. I have all of the characters for their first releases so far (been collecting them as they come out) but none of the re-releases in different outfits. I also have the Italy pop-up parade figure. I remember when Hetalia had a huge western fanbase everyone would complain that there were no nendos of them. I'm really glad they make them now I always wanted some lol
Does anybody ever miss how big the community used to be in the west? I think it might be a rose tinted glasses thing because the community was always full of spergs and later became super militantly pc like on tumblr. I miss having a constant stream of discussion and fanart it was fun

No. 252278

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Those choose ur fav character fics and multi character fics were my fav!! Honestly shoutout to the authors that made fics with different scenarios for the dozens of characters and even catering the male fans and lesbian self inserts.

No. 252279

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>male fans

No. 252280

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Tbh the way people were not so afraid of being pc made things fun. Obviously tho that didnt mean the community was supportive of racism or prejudice. Those germany cosplays being a fine example. Kek at everyone's faces on the bottom row and the norway
Spoil for sieg heil

No. 252281

Yes, surprisingly they were there

No. 252282

but did anon really mean actual biological males in the context of reader insert fanfics of all things? kek anyway who gives a shit that the literal handful of male fans were catered to. this is not about them.

No. 252283

Og anon and it was a point made to show how the effort authors were pitting into their craft for their fandom

No. 252284

oh i see what you mean now but yeah it's dumb how fangirls (in fandoms in general tbh) put in actual effort to cater to males even in fandoms where the males can be basically counted on one hand when it pretty much never happens the other way round, in fact quite the opposite

No. 252286

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I think one of the plus about the hetalia fandom being that when nyotalia was introduced or even just including the regular girl characters, fanfiction/fanart involving them catered to girls more than boys ie. sfw art wasn't commerish and selfinsert fics still made the protagonist female

No. 252290

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kek I remember this shit, I had originally forgotten. The difference in humor of the dub in the first season and the latest season is pretty jarring, it shows a cultural shift I think since the 2000s were all about that edgy humor. Also I meant militantly pc like sjws on tumblr drawing everybody as fat and trans with vitiligo and bitching hard about how Hima put a large focus on European history, everything is problematic, etc. I remember towards the end of its popularity in the west people were calling Hetalia a "white supremacist anime" like as if it wasn't made by a Japanese guy celebrating different cultures. Spoiler cuz I don't wanna politicalsperg or go off-topic too hard
I always read readerxcharacter Y/N fanfic with the characters I liked, it was so cringe but I loved it
Women drawing the nyos and female characters with a female gaze always looked better than how they looked in the anime, there I said it

No. 252292

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I want to buy these but the prices are kinda high. I'm surprised they didn't make any before 2018

No. 252294

These fuckers were over a 200 dollars when I tried buying them idk how figure collectors justify it but i really want the Russia one

No. 252297

Honestly the tumblr fiasco was blatantly a bunch of new anime fans and twitterfags first tumblr experience. Hetalia and other adjacent fandoms ran tumblr back in the day but the fandom handled it pretty well despite the hate, threats and hypocritical actions of the "right side of history"

No. 252299

I was too young to enjoy Hetalia when it was big, and after checking it out, its not my thing, but seeing other women love it still brings joy to the heart <3

No. 252300

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Ehh I've never paid that much for one, I always pre-order them directly from Goodsmile or Tokyo Otaku Mode. I think people scalp them a lot. 200 USD is probably worth four nendos plus shipping for me for what I pay in CAD

Question: what characters would you nonnies like to see made into nendoroids? What about different outfits for pre-existing nendos? I think a cowboy America would be cute. Still praying for an eventual Canada nendo. I need it

No. 252304

lol I just watched a video talking about that photo the other day. It's so funny that dorky teenage fujos were branded as nazi sympathizers for edgy larping. I don't see them as a legitimate threat or malicious towards anyone, just socially unaware larping.

No. 252306

Why do i get the feeling that if it was an interest more for boys literally no one wouldve batted an eye? But "the batshit crazy fangirls" i guess

No. 252311

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It's been over a decade and I'm still not free. Alfred has always been my favorite, but he doesn't seem as popular as other countries for some reason. This thread makes me feel not so alone.

No. 252315

Switzerland even though it's unlikely
I remember those. Sucks that all the flash games on deviantart are dead now. before adobe killed flash I replayed one that was like gakuen hetalia and it was fun even if it was cheesy.

No. 252323

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YOU JUST REMINDED OF THE DEVIANTART HETALIA FLASH GAMES!!! The mmd ones and Namioki's hetalia interactive series esp were so fun i remember there being even one for Roman Empire. I used to fangirl about the option of getting to"kiss" whatever character you chose

No. 252326

Omg I totally forgot about this, thank you! I wonder if it's still possible to play them with some sort of Flash emulator

No. 252328

I discovered that there's a good amount of hetalia dating game videos, and I'm going through them all right now. They're cringey obviously, but sometimes they'll make a good joke on purpose.

No. 252331

I think that you can download the file and just run it it locally on your computer

No. 252332

OMG THE COSPLAY MEETUPS nostalgia is real

No. 252340

So who remembers HetaOni? That fan game spawned so many edgy sad MMDs and music videos and I was so into it as a middle schooler.

No. 252374

Oh I played them a lot, that was a really cool fanmade one that I even downloaded the demo, but sadly I think the creator abandoned the project. I tried to look into Deviantart to at least play again but didn't find. The plot was basically Feliciano (Italy) finding you lost in a park and trying to help you, the artwork was really cute too.

No. 252404

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God this takes me back… I used to be fucking obsessed with 2p!talia. I thought 2p!America was the hottest mf on earth, I spent hours reading reader insert fics with him on Quotev back in the day.
Also, could anyone fill me in on the tinfoil that Himaruya is actually a woman? I've seen it referenced across different threads here

No. 252416

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there is no direct evidence, but the theory is plausible. some even argue he might actually be a tranny
>first his girly shoujo style, idk how many moids are into moe pastel bishies and non-sexualized girls in lolita dresses
>the blatant fujo pandering, actually can't even call it pandering because the nations having gay sex all the time was canon in the first strips and only recently retconned
>he may or may not have projected on hungary's character, she's a tomboy fujo who once believed she was a man, and if you remember the late 2000s fujos, it was common for them to say that "they're a gay man inside"
>japanese channers found a very old video of a high school female student drawing in a very similar style and they believe she might be a younger himaruya
>pic related his portrait, he arguably looks like an aiden but it could also be just the artist's style
according to one of his older pics, he has a buzzcut so the tranny theory holds water. or he could just be a gay moid with very feminine interests

No. 252428

I just can't believe that a man can have this cutesy pretty style AND make a bunch of male characters have homoerotic relationships with each other and as you say, make the girls pretty and not sexualized. Gay moids have a shounen, ugly or bara-ish style and they don't make cute characters. The whole concept and art of hetalia is something only a woman can make.

No. 252434

Kek I can't believe I found someone playing the demo, such nostalgia, sadly the download link is dead. So much memories tho!! I wish they finished the project and the game, probably would have been amazing

No. 252440

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That actually might better explain when he was selling heyalia merch at an event in Japan and nobody was anle to identify which staff was him. But idk I still feel like he would be a guy in that he knew that the fanbase was mostly female hence all the pandering to keep the fans around.

No. 252442

kek i remember making shit like that in middle school. cringe yet good memories

No. 252446

it's not really pandering, it's what he genuinely likes. i remember he used to be obsessed with roman emperors and how they were all having sex with men. also the obsession with sexy naked men and just anything male related. he only toned down the gayness and sexual content to make his series more normie-friendly now that he has a contract with shounen jump

No. 252447

The only specifically 'male' thing about him that I remember was that he mentioned how a lot of things acceptable for men in Japan were 'weird' (aka gay) in the west such as dying your hair (which isn't weird anymore but in the late 2000s/early 2010s was mocked quite a bit)

No. 252448

how is that a male thing? a girl could also notice this

No. 252450

Idk I just remember it being mentioned as a big cultural difference in the early strips or whatever and back then I thought it made sense that a guy would complain about it

No. 252451

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Hetaoni was so fucking good for a fangame but that might be the nostalgia talking. I remember crying at england and canada's death with america. It was originally a jp fangame and was then translated over but the original jp was never finished. I think that the western fandom did end up making a finished fan ending for the original jp fangame tho.
Omg 2p!Hetalia was my shit and younger you was based for loving on 2pAmerica

No. 252452

idk he could probably just be a japanese dude who really didn't care about toxic masculinity and did whatever he wanted

No. 252453

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Samefag but picrel that moment made me cry so hard too uggghh im getting feels again

No. 252455

I really like the nickname people gave him, himapapa just sounds nice

No. 252456

I feel like that's a cope. Idk why some people don't want to accept himaruya is a woman

No. 252458

cause there's literally no evidence to suggest he's a woman other then him pandering to his target demographic

No. 252459

Idk why people wanna force the opinion that he is a women because then thats cope for liking a scrotes creation

No. 252460

why is his target demographic fujoshi, otome and shoujo fans??
i don't care if he's a man, but the evidence points towards him being a girl and i've never seen another male mangaka like him

No. 252463

idk what his intentions may have been with hetalia at the start but he picked up Hetalia was popular among fujos, rather then getting butthurt he started pandering, there's nothing wrong with

No. 252464

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I could see hima being a guy or a girl tbh there was this one guy that used to imitate hima's artstyle pretty well so I could see a guy making hetalia. If hima is a woman then good for her for living in obscurity

No. 252466

you don't know anything about himaruya's history and earlier works…

No. 252474

i know who you're talking about, and they're not a guy, they're some sort of asexual tranny

No. 252478

you like something made by a scrote, it shouldn't be a big deal

No. 252482

what does that have to do with what i said? if himaruya is a guy, then he's clearly just gay

No. 252484

If you're talking about cioccolatodorima that's a fakeboy

Yeah, I was surprised by how complex and deep it was for a fan game. It was translated by SotetAG on youtube and the last episode was a pretty tense moment in the game and it basically "ended" on a big cliffhanger. People waited for years for an update but apparently the creator stopped because of a tsunami and never went back to it.

No. 252488

Remember when everyone used to call him Hima-papa?

No. 252493

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No. 252494

Theu turned into a tif?? Nooo i really enjoyed her art its so faithful to hima artsyle

No. 252496

Does anyone remember this one Hetalia creepypasta kek

No. 252500

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No. 252514

I was a bit unnerved reading it for the first time, but looking back this is so hilarious and the narration makes it so much funnier

No. 252518

Can we talk about the weird pedo fujos fans??? They are responsible for the gore and shota fanfics that plagued ff.net and ao3

No. 252533

lmao remember the infamous fics from back in the day such as economic flushout this is nothing new at all

No. 252550

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My gripe is how rampant all that vile pedo and fetish stuff was. I don't remember anyone condemning it other than laughs for shock value
Picrel If you know…Im sorry

No. 252551

she didn't get much portrayal i guess, but essentially having a reverse harem with my home country (seychelles) was amazing, i had never heard anyone even recognize us let alone having my fave anime at the time center her. sucked that everyone hated her because of it. also annoying how her skin tone kept changing/getting paler, but I digress

No. 252552

There was also the infamous pasta fanfic kek

No. 252563

I'm glad I somehow, miraculously did not come across any of that stuff even when I was obsessed with Hetalia in its heyday kek. I stuck to the shit that was on quizilla(RIP) when it came to fanfics

No. 252570

Same, I feel lucky, the worst Hetalia related things I saw were that infamous gang rape fic (or rather, its comic adaptation) and a fic RusGer fic where Italy dies at the end
I don't remember any pedo shit or explicit gore art

Which one was that?

Thank god I don't know then. Unrelated but Sweden is such a cutie

No. 252578

A guro/cannibal fanfic where Italy would kill the countries and make pasta using ingredients from the countries they represented. It was inspired in a MLP fanfic if I was not mistaken. Ngl, I got very wary of the fandom after that

No. 252583

Actually sounds hilarious.

No. 252605

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Danish slaughterhouse was pretty well written for such messed up themes and story. Ill never forgive what they did to sealand tho it was so unnecessary. I cried so much while reading that story

No. 252606

seychelles was cute imo I wish they had finished gakuen hetalia
same but I usually try and avoid gore. I read a lot of doujins though

No. 252618

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Same nona, for me it's about 12 years now with Hetalia being the anime/manga series I hold near and dear to my heart. Sometimes it's lonely to stay with something that has had its community fizzle out over time, but at least we stayed with something we truly enjoy. America is best boy 4eva
I love Seychelles, she's such a sweet character and definitely needs more love. I'm interested to know what design of hers you liked the best since you are actually from there?

No. 252625

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Id say america is still pretty popular just less people openly romance him because its popular to hate burgerland

No. 252738

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Holy shit nonas I was so deep into the Quotev Hetalia fandom back in the day… I role-played as Denmark and Prussia the most and also wrote X reader and angst fanfictions, I also shipped USUK, and PRUCAN
It makes me laugh when I remember people commenting on my Prussia angst saying 'THIS IS SO SO SAD I CRIED!!!'

It might have been a fakeboi but i was friends with a guy on Quotev who larped intensely as 2p!italy. Like OOC he would talk about his dad was in the mob and that he had a driver and butler.

No. 252743

Nazi larping is seen as very taboo online and offline so they wouldn't have been spared if they were men, in fact I would argue it would be worse because men rightfully are infamous for neo-nazi worship and violence. I know of guys who got reprimended on campus for wearing Principality of Zeon armbands (Gundam) because they looked like nazi armbands.

No. 252745

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Her simple cute outfit is actually very on brand, sun dresses are very common. But I just wish since every character reflected what the majority of their country’s population looked like, she would be at minimum tan in all of her art. Himaruya seemed to do so in the beginning but it changed to pale in gakuen, which I assume wasn’t completely his control. We’re a creole country, so everyone is medium to dark brown with some French nationals around who are still usually mixed.

No. 252752

don't care about gakuen, she'll always be FRUK cute daughter to me

No. 252787

mlp cupcakes but make it hetalia?

No. 252799

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Okay so regarding the Himapapa identity The chance for him being a girl is actually higher but the possibility that Himaruya is a man is still higher than him being a women. There is a tumblr post detailing it https://kieeeeeeeeeeeeeeehimaruyahidekaz.tumblr.com/post/30509513077/chiba-eriko

No. 252903

Kek that was the original fanfic nonnie. I have never read the original one, just the Hetalia pasta version and wish I could wipe that from my mind.

No. 252958

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No Hetahusbando sperging? Im surprised I haven't even seen Russia-fags yet despite there being america-fags

No. 252959

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Hetafag roll call, post your husbandos! That's an order!

No. 252960

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he is perfect

No. 252961

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Been a Prussiafag since my middle school days and still listen to Mein Gott. I still love going through my old dA account just to see all the x reader hetalia fics and fanart of him I favorited as a 13 year old kek

No. 252964

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Based nonnie Prussia is really cute

I have many but Germany makes me feel intimidated in a good way. Plus the fact that he loves baking

No. 253015

All the Russiafags are on /g/

No. 253022

I loved the 2p main trio, Italy especially.
I also consumed an unholy amount of Feliciano x Romano doujinshis as well as Italy x Germany and South Italy x Spain, I was so hellbent on finding the "rarest" ones. Yes I'm ashamed.
I also remember finding out that Seborga existed but there was almost no content on him.

No. 253034

Denmark and Norway will always be my husbands

No. 253106

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I remember Hetalia and Homestuck were a thing together both super popular and big back in the day. Also Fandomstuck and people shipping Hidekaz Himaruya with Andrew Hussie.

No. 253110

Thoughts on the voice acting change for Denmark though? Because he became so intolerable for me

No. 253130

When I joined Tumblr (thanks to Hetalia) there was still a big rivalry between both fandoms. I believe the joke shipping was a reaction to that

No. 253150

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I remember hetalia being my first yaoi experience never was a full on fujo but it helped me appreciate characters more. FRUK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USUK BITCHES

No. 253156

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Finally, someone with excellent taste.

No. 253162

Based as fuck. Preach, sister

No. 253165

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russiafag reporting for duty

No. 253192

FINALLY SOMEONE WITH GOOD TASTE. Maybe because i'm an edgy bitch at heart but 2p>>>>>

No. 253199

Based nonas
>t. Prussia and Russia fag

No. 253221

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No. 253233

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No. 253235

File: 1667618752251.jpg (1.19 MB, 1400x1969, 287394863792.jpg)

I'm both kek

No. 253240

File: 1667620428818.jpg (318.7 KB, 768x1024, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.full.2762…)

Nona…your picrel made me scream.

No. 253241

Worst ship after USUK tbh

No. 253243

File: 1667621931870.jpg (71.51 KB, 563x774, 69d5ac4c0126df717c41ab6e3da119…)

ily2 nonnie. one day we will defeat the schizo troon menace
uhh anon I think you mean best ship kek

No. 253245

File: 1667622501451.jpg (68.89 KB, 600x425, 2cdcea650e33d05c91958e70463308…)

the nordics have been my favorite ever since they appeared in the series. especially sweden. his gap moe appeals me.

No. 253248

>uhh anon I think you mean best ship kek
lmao yeah sure. Best ship is FrUK, sorry to tell you

No. 253253

File: 1667624962782.jpg (32.94 KB, 397x450, fruk-in-hetalia-paint-it-white…)

Lmao this reminds me of this

No. 253254

File: 1667625161106.jpg (442.44 KB, 800x630, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.full.2061…)

I like RusAme too tho or are you more of an AmeRus type of girl?

No. 253255

File: 1667625317300.jpg (181.16 KB, 981x700, 8274495829.jpg)

Nona you are so based. That artist just keeps delivering I hope she never stops. Wish there were more people drawing it though. It's still relatively popular in Japanese/Chinese Hetalia spaces but not really in English spaces because Hetalia is kind of dead anyway.
One day you'll experience the epic highs and lows of rusame.

No. 253257

File: 1667626000637.jpg (99.49 KB, 696x850, __america_and_germany_axis_pow…)

Based opinion anon I like that she is a multishipper too

No. 253263

File: 1667628144734.jpg (69.75 KB, 600x807, 938505817.jpg)

AYRT Holy shit you are literally me. I was going through her old stuff and saw that Germany and America art. You have extreme taste and a sophisticated palate.

No. 253264

Oh sorry you guys said RusAme, not AmeRus. Yeah my bad. Good ship.

No. 253316

File: 1667638369166.jpg (142.32 KB, 750x1000, lewdalfred.jpg)

>You have extreme taste and a sophisticated palate.
Her favoritism torwards America has produced quality art

sorry for usuk but its America in lingere

No. 253329

>there was still a big rivalry between both fandoms
never understood that one. why? the source media don't even really have anything in common.

No. 253338

I'm not really sure but it might have something to do with how big both fandoms were at the time? Maybe they were annoyed at each other's presence

No. 253339

I love how they look like a boyband here
That pic gave me so many ideas, I really want to write a RusAme fanfic.

No. 253403

File: 1667672432602.jpg (139.95 KB, 1748x1181, 73341356_2533691353344941_8978…)

Merasgar used to do a lot of great hetalia fanart, but they seem to have deleted most of their hetalia work and I can only find reuploads of it. Which is a shame because I love how they draw russia, but I get it if they're embarrassed by making rochu art

No. 253407

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No. 253418

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No. 253426

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No. 253429

In my experience, the best Hetalia artists are also RoChu fans

No. 253440

File: 1667676969093.jpg (328.4 KB, 1250x1250, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.full.2522…)


No. 253446


the amount of FrUK in here really does make me feel like as farmers we have similar sensibilities. Absolutely based.

No. 253449

sometimes all it takes is one good fanart to make me sway. What is it about hetalia that makes multishipping so easy? so many characters go well together

No. 253458

File: 1667680755573.jpg (245.74 KB, 1000x800, 304892272.jpg)

I love how muscular she makes Alfred, I just know he bulks and cuts. Plus he looks like Leon from RE sometimes.
You should definitely write a RusAme fic, follow your heart. I used to read a lot more back in the day but most of it was written by 12 year olds, so it was just Ivan hitting Alfred with a pipe kek. At the same time, some of the most gut wrenching angst was created in that era. I'm feeling so nostalgic.

No. 253459

File: 1667680882430.png (706.14 KB, 900x510, 238b10217efb48275a86cd771a9639…)

Its cause himaruya's godly skills of making endearing/ appealing male characters. Like RusGer, two strong men in love together is so based

I feel like art regarding russia in any manner is usually very good.

No. 253460

So i wasnt the only one who noticed the amount of angsty fics back then

No. 253470

File: 1667684950135.jpg (30.65 KB, 480x436, cea3127954db2aebdb11f438549f0d…)

I like both, I think I like RusAme a little more though.
♥ ♥

I wanted to ask opinions about whether any of you nonnies have preferences for when artists draw the characters more cutesy or mature? Personal appearance headcanons? I like both styles for pretty much any character but I like it when artists draw Canada as more mature looking, America more buff, England more slender etc.

No. 253474

File: 1667685875433.jpg (878.91 KB, 1259x1062, 04838291795.jpg)

I remember some fics that were pretty good before the purge of ffn in around 2012. I think some may have gotten archived on ao3 if the authors cared enough to repost. It was like the burning of the library of Alexandria. I was a computer illiterate kid at the time so I didn't save anything, unfortunately.

No. 253495

I will, I have to create a new AO3 account, since I forgot the old one.
Depends of the character. Russia is described as someone ruthless but with childish features, so a young looking face is better suited for him, despite him being strong and tall. For Germany, a mature face would be better, since he is described as someone serious. My preferred style is a handsome face with sharp features, so something similar to mid twenties in age.

No. 253502

File: 1667694460567.png (1.12 MB, 723x1050, axisallies.png)

I also like both styles but on certain characters I am more partial to mature features.
For America/Canada I feel that a contrast between the positive and bubbly attitude and a mature look is very appealing.

I love when people draw China/Japan with a sturdy build and a youthful yet strong face.

I think for artists who draw Russia finding an equilibrium to have him come off as childish/cute yet still holding mature features is the best thing they can do.

I love a more muscular England.

France is perfect no matter what.

Italy and Romano with a toned build and boyish looks.

Germany must be manly since it serves to enhances his other traits!

No. 253506

File: 1667696743013.jpg (67.01 KB, 600x510, 12406c4d331eabce19bbd4ec1253e6…)

Based gerame but what was ff.net your preference for fanfiction? I really liked deviantart for fanfiction. I remember their being a fics of doomsday scenarios and I would cry late at night because of them. Quotev was a close second.
I think the only time I ever really read stuff on ff.net was for the famous must-reads Danish slaughterhouse and Gutters.

No. 253532

File: 1667712677924.jpeg (8.96 KB, 225x225, mrka.jpeg)

As an American, yes and no. I do not feel as if Alfred personifies the average American accurately, (especially since he's white and he'd be Native American if we wanted to get historical) but I feel that he does personify the way America as a country presents itself: as the loud one who's always in charge.

No. 253551

Hetalia is an older anime from the 2000s. If Hetalia was made today, do you think Alfred would have been presented differently and have a different personality?

No. 253557

It would be fucked if they had an indigenous representation of america, then replaced him (or them plural, because of how divided indigenous tribes were) with a single cocky white boy to illustrate the overall shift in america's identity.
NTA but I'm american, and I don't think much would change so long as it was still coming from a foreigners perspective with a limited exposure to america. The manga and anime wasn't as creative as it could've been with american topics and stereotypes to poke fun at from the beginning, it's just about being cocky, dumb, obnoxious, overly casual, and eating excessively. Then occasionally mentioning some key historical events. It'd probably be relatively the same as it was before. At most they'd make slight allusions to trump's presidency or gun issues, but that's a stretch because there has always been opportunities for relevant jokes they missed.

No. 253558

Doubleposting to say that I have not seen world stars, so if I'm wrong about what kind of jokes they've utilized more recently then I'm just ignorant.

No. 253561

not american but i think alfred represents pretty well what outsiders think of america as a nation, but in a slightly moefied way kek

No. 253563

I still don't think he'd be native american. Really "america" is the european idea of north american territory thus the character being based off the 13 original colonies and also that history being more mainstream globally than the native population already living there. But that isn't to say that himaruya couldn't do a segment with Canada and America interacting with native tribes as a children.

No. 253569

Remembering my bizarre obsession with Russia as a 13 year old. I shipped him with Belarus, who I self inserted as. I wish I had just been a fujo, what I did was so much weirder.

No. 253594

File: 1667750506216.png (494.76 KB, 526x589, canada.PNG)

I feel like Canada was accurate for the most part. The passive aggressiveness is on point and I think if he pretended to be a super empathetic person that would be hilarious.

No. 253598

File: 1667753446611.jpg (108.04 KB, 817x659, cancelaformat.jpg)

Has anyone else played this visual novel? This happened a long time ago when i was 13 and was obsessed with dating sim. I met this hetalia community in devianart that was translating this 18+ game and was excited to download it. At that time i was aware of sexual things but nothing too deeper like fetishes or something like that. I inicially started on the UK route and everything was cute and fluff like most dating sims UNTIL the uk guy got mad at me and raped the mc??? like literally raped her because she tries to fight back and leave the room but cant…. I was so shocked that i deleted the saved route and started the USA route because i thought the rape part was something related to the uk character but the mc got raped in the usa route too. And in the russia route its even worse because its a much more violent sexual abuse. I never got to finish any route because the 13 old me found the game repulsive. The art of the game was so cute (theres even a cg where mc marry germany) i would never thought it was a dark game

No. 253599

I bite, someone here based some ocs in Hetalia? Because sure as hell did. A lot of them, in fact.

No. 253600

Yeah and I roleplayed those stupid bastards on TegakiE too kek

No. 253614

I remember I had wanted to play this game so bad, guess it's for the best I didn't though? Did it ever even get fully translated? I remember that deviantart group that was working on translating it but I thought they stopped the project out of the wishes of the game's dev or something

No. 253616

Dude, Mein Gott is so good. I still listen to Carrots and Sticks, too, and most of the Marukaite Chikyuus. I argue that Austria’s is the best.

No. 253618

I think you actually got the bad endings anon…because Ive heard good things about that game. But i guess it was 18+ for a reason.

No. 253626

I dont think so nonnie because i found a walkthrough for the america route and theres the rape scene too…. And the sexual abuse is not on the end of the route its like in the inicial/middle part so it can't be a bad end.

No. 253629

File: 1667762097592.png (1.4 MB, 1273x1574, de149hv-12e20971-abd5-44b2-89f…)

Oh nvm then. Sorry your kid self was traumatized like that then
>I remember that deviantart group that was working on translating it but I thought they stopped the project out of the wishes of the game's dev

Why do translators give up work like that? Most of the time ive seen it happen between eastern devs giving warnings but usually its because they think the translators are just remaking the game with different stuff all in english or spanish when the translators are being as faithful as they can (depending on their translation skills). Which is why I really appreciate the Hetaoni english Devs

No. 253674

File: 1667777997431.png (150.13 KB, 350x323, Canadaedit.png)

I agree with you about America, but I think if Canada was presented as a Métis (Native+French) man it would still be pretty accurate and probably not offensive. They have their own cultural identity rooted in Canadian history and culture. I can see why the dub crew didn't give him a French Canadian accent and gave him an English-speaking one instead, but it would make more sense that his first language is French too. Also imo he looks better and more distinctive this way lol

No. 253707

File: 1667791016019.jpg (45.05 KB, 240x400, 2PNyotaliaAmerica.jpg)

>usually its because they think the translators are just remaking the game with different stuff
Really? that's a pretty stupid assumption to make, if true. I like Japanese devs that work with overseas translators like the Luckydog1 and the I Love You!/Suki da! devs.

I think an alternate Métis Canada would be awesome. 2P Nyo America is dark-skinned (and these are the colors fans have given to 2P America, which has an official design but no colors). There should be 3P versions of the characters or something, even if they're fanmade

No. 253731

There are fanmade 3p and even 4p characters. I believe 3p england has green hair.
I think the 2p alter ego should be the only "official" character alt. If I remember correctly its not that 2p america whether male or female are dark skinned but just tanned. 2p are implied to be the evil versions of the characters and interpreted as such by fandom majority unless the regular 1p was already morally questionable then they would assume a more innocent persona as 2p ie. Belarus

Regarding repost culture. While i don't think its bad or good I can understand not wanting art spread around esp without credit. Some jp creators are so bothered by it that they can resort to ridding their pages of the content by deleting it.

No. 253769

File: 1667804406696.jpeg (96.25 KB, 600x800, 1A1D08A8-9FA8-491C-994F-C4C4D4…)

I want to see Belarus, Rome, Canada, and Prussia. Also any fun variations of the main cast. I’ve been tempted to buy Russia but I’m not convinced it’d be worth the money, the matryoshka doll he comes with is definitely adorable though

No. 253772

>While i don't think its bad or good I can understand not wanting art spread around esp without credit.
yeah we were talking about game translations

No. 253860

I feel like hetalia was revolutionary in a way? It's very joseimuke before joseimuke oriented media became a thing, like a full male cast series with fujobait and no actual (albeit implied) romance. A choose your husbando, ship whoever you want kind of series. I'm aware there were plenty of other popular series with bishies at the time but most of them were clearly in the shounen or shoujo category, like a sports series or an otome, while hetalia was its own thing? Maybe other nonas know weeb history better, but I simply can't remember a pre-2009 husbando series like hetalia, or at least not with the same reach

No. 253875

I don't think there really was.
Compared to modern joseimuke Hetalia seems a lot less intentional though. I wouldn't be surprised if Himaruya really was just a guy who stumbled onto this audience entirely accidentally and not 3 fujos in a trenchcoat or whatever the theory is these days.
The idea of making a series that's outright designed to be a big toybox for fans to play with rather than really being a story in of itself definitely seems like a post 2010 phenomenon for sure, at least for female targeted stuff.

No. 253876

It's probably a doujin circle, >>252799 pic related was most likely part of it. It was pretty common back then

No. 253877

But also
>Compared to modern joseimuke Hetalia seems a lot less intentional though.
Modern joseimuke is extremely tame to early days hetalia wtf are you talking about

No. 253904

I think it’s ok to have indigenous Canada as fanon. It would get messy if a Japanese mangaka made an offensive joke about him though. Indigenous stuff here is in hot water right now as is. I have family members that are Métis too.

No. 253983

Hetalia was probably the first female gaze version of those moe anthropomorphism franchises for scrotes. And the characters being based on countries only made it easy to become popular outside Japan because the concept of anthropomorphized countries is so universal.
I think Hetalia also made me seek other series with huge casts of cute, colorful characters like MLP:FiM (which became popular soon after I got into Hetalia) and Touhou (another Japanese franchise with a massive fandom and infinite fanworks). I don't think I could become such a big fan of another moe anthropomorphism series with bishies, though. Hetalia will always be the only one for me.

>The idea of making a series that's outright designed to be a big toybox for fans to play with rather than really being a story in of itself
This, it's exactly what I was about to say. I don't think most other joseimuke franchises can succeed at this like Hetalia did. It would feel like they're trying too hard to copy Hetalia's success while Himaruya probably wasn't even trying.

She means that Hetalia, as a massively popular phenomenon, seems less intentional than modern joseimuke franchises that are designed to get popular. She wasn't talking about the edginess.

I think it's good that Hetalia was largely about the fans creating their own content. I remember reading about this fancomic that was on dA (never read it myself) that was made by an Asian fan and got a lot of praise for portraying historical relations between South Asian countries in a relatively accurate and nuanced way or something. I know after a certain point, Himaruya started to do more research before creating new characters to avoid too many inaccuracies or doing something offensive. But I like that the fandom and the source material and its author have this symbiotic relationship.

No. 253999

Your analysis perfectly captured what I admire about hetalia anon!

No. 254009

File: 1667871783147.jpeg (55.35 KB, 564x729, bf9ee841522ed71236f49baf7c1a7f…)

what's with all the moralfagging about usuk these days? i remember it being the most popular ship in the fandom's hayday.

No. 254024

File: 1667875706173.jpg (710.88 KB, 1589x1000, aph.jpg)

sucks that the series isn't popular enough for more official games. I'd love to see a hetalia rhythm game or something

No. 254028

File: 1667879281906.png (119.21 KB, 600x800, 452c800ad153ccb0ca6e33d70a0404…)

Cause true FrUk shippers don't actually care about the moral fagging. The twitter influenced anons are the same ones to shit on UsUk because "england raised america" but then turn around and gush over SpaMano in the same beat.

No. 254029

It could work esp with all the official music stemming from the series.

No. 254032

I got into the fandom around 2014 and I also liked usuk then. Was there a reason why the pairing was so popular?

No. 254035

File: 1667880894626.jpeg (60.49 KB, 373x480, blogger-image-2083320829.jpeg)

Total buyfag when it comes to hetalia shit but not even I could justify spending money on these ugly ass dolls. Did anyone have any luck making them look less hideous?

No. 254040

Maybe look into videos of styling doll hair? Seems like it just needs a trim and some teasing with hair spray or maybe watered down mod podge to keep hold of the synthetic hair

No. 254041

File: 1667883864048.png (234.41 KB, 470x601, Canadaedit2.png)

Yeah that's a really good point, I didn't even think about that. It's true that sometimes fans make material that's offensive/disrespectful and it can be disappointing, but I think even more fans make material that's really great and well thought out or at the very least inoffensive. Although I have seen fanart of America just looking like his blonde ass white boy self in poorly drawn Native regalia… All that art is like 10 years old at least but it still exists. I think it would have been really cool for Canada to be Métis, there are very very few Native anime characters. At least we have creative liberty with fun fanon interpretations lol

I am also a consoomer when it comes to hetashit but yeah these things are ugly. If you pay so much for them why do you have to style the hair yourself? I guess it doesn't hold up in transport or something. The only saving grace is they made a Canada one, which means they know maplefags like me want merch of him. Hopefully we get a nendoroid or maybe even a pop up parade of him eventually kek

No. 254090

File: 1668031787407.png (345.54 KB, 600x808, __belarus_axis_powers_hetalia_…)

I love her I do

No. 254116

File: 1668039684456.jpg (47.75 KB, 564x860, da2943922cdff0bdff3fee9c44af83…)

a woman of taste, I see

No. 254123

File: 1668044404775.jpg (307.3 KB, 1067x800, 317f18c75fad6b7d7af4e0bae88c76…)

my criminally underrated queen

No. 254126

Anyone else remember Vandetta Cosplay? Cim was unironically my bisexual awakening.

No. 254131

I love their Canada cmv. Their song portrayal with canada is just too relatable uhhhhggg

No. 254136

File: 1668051843346.jpg (67.79 KB, 564x676, 851ae8e253af98daaaeb9d1bbac2f4…)

They're dumb and I love them

No. 254137

I did a presentation on micronations in middle school because of them. Pure autism.

No. 254144

File: 1668056430463.jpg (958 KB, 1000x900, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.full.1491…)

Any nonnies remember Hetaloid? I used to listen to a few of them back then. Some are pretty good and some are kinda awful and choppy.

What are some Hetaloid songs you like or have listened to?

No. 254145

Did you get a good grade though?

No. 254147

My favorite one is Double Lariat where the main characters plus Spain sing. I'm listening to this again and I'm having all these sorts of feelings right now.

No. 254151

Loved this one with Spain because I have a soft spot for choppy and robotic vocaloids

No. 254157

I loved this fusion of fandom. Its the ingenuity of the hetalia fandom.
Virgin suicides with Italy is pretty good.

No. 254298

File: 1668111572049.png (1.14 MB, 1136x580, unknown.png)

I notice a lot of fans just grew up and got over the ship in general. Im not a moralfag myself (I like spamano)but I will agree with them since USUK gets in the way of my OTP now kek.
In Hets heyday, I was a 13 y/o fujoshit who adored USUK. To answer this question >>254032 , honestly I just found America more attractive and thought USUK was the better 'angsty hotter' ship of the series. I think that's what a lot of other girls felt too.
>>252496 nona please this still gives me the creeps even if its so goofy now lol
Hetalia is one the biggest thing that makes me feel like a kid again, going to cons where nobody gave a shit about clout or being super morally correct, and screeching 'yaoiiii' with other fangirls at the masquerade. Those times were so simpler.
Has anyone here read Seven Little Killers? I know it was one of the most popular Hetalia fanfics at the time - I got really deep into it before falling off and when I wanted to get back into it, the author had some drama and deleted the fic? I only recently found that someone had saved it to a google drive so I saved it to catch up to it some day. I'm not sure if it was even originally completed though.

No. 254345

Speaking of Hetalia cosplay videos, I was reminded of this. Fun times.

No. 254368

File: 1668131023096.png (35.59 KB, 485x187, prus.PNG)

I will literally never stop buying these shits. I'm actually still waiting for my France nendo to come in, it's being held by Goodsmile because Japan Post still has suspended shipping rip. I paid in total about $30 USD because I purchased it through Tokyo Otaku Mode and I'm subscribed to their membership so I get points and the member discount. Also I feel like they are maybe ramping up production of the heta nendos? I noticed that the two most recent ones are being released only one month apart, maybe they will start to release two at a time? I can't wait until they announce the next characters lol

No. 254371

File: 1668131765201.jpg (110.65 KB, 570x800, a8c99da83795ef3aa0f62.jpg)

How expensive are shipping fees from Goodsmile? Do they add random import fees after you pay?
Also, does anyone else think it is weird how the pop up parade figures have a really realistic body and extremely anime face? Regardless, I'd consoom so hard if they made an America version.

No. 254373

The grip this video had on me… it inspired me to do my first cosplay (which was Hetalia) and go to my first con. It still makes me smile.

No. 254379

File: 1668133286119.jpg (72.25 KB, 564x852, fdf7c3775b54099e427ad0a08a0db0…)

Fuck agreed nonnie I would snatch up an America pop up parade so fast it's not funny. To me the faces depend on the character, I also think Germany looks a little too kawaii lol.
I think I always pay a bit of money for import/customs fees once it gets here… When I bought the Italy pop up parade it came in a pretty big box for the item and I paid like $16 CAD in fees. To Canada the shipping from TOM was about $10 USD cheapest option and from Goodsmile it's $18 USD.

No. 254455

holy fucking nostalgia. hetalia fans truly all watched the same content despite the sheer amount kek

No. 254550

File: 1668216648609.png (730.72 KB, 704x1000, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.full.2811…)

Husbandofags do any of you remember the sheep counting audios?
Russia's is literally the best and France is a good second
Russia lets out the cutest giggle

And if you don't you should def listen because the whispery/ gentle voices melt your heart!

No. 254551

I would kill for a Prussia one

No. 254552

Samefag, oh I definitely remember them. Lmao it was my go to ASMR before ASMR was a thing for me. The Russia one is definitely adorable, and I love the one of my albino husbando too.

No. 254553

Tangentially related these asmr videos make me want to rip my ears off

No. 254571

File: 1668224242523.jpg (999.36 KB, 1836x1498, 223202.jpg)

Fresh rusame off the grill to start your weekend.

No. 254576

File: 1668228301821.jpg (44.47 KB, 564x789, 717256cfd963b4e527fac88aabbeb3…)

hot off the press!

No. 254583


I wonder how that girl is doing now and if she cringes about it

No. 254584

File: 1668232916944.png (169.46 KB, 1125x817, not found.png)

I envy america here I wanna be devoted to Russia too!

No. 254586

God I had such a crush on him back then…

No. 254598

File: 1668246948434.jpg (45.37 KB, 586x525, 044758.jpg)

I thought that was Ivan until I saw the cross. That's a rare PruAme artifact, never seen another like it. I wish there was more of it because they are both my favorite characters. You've inspired something in me.

No. 254600

>the uniforms
Marvelous art

No. 254604

who is the artist for this i love this style

No. 254630

He is such a cutie!!

No. 254633

File: 1668264847587.jpg (93.35 KB, 700x1000, 70b4408f7248e7427792442e7004ea…)

I pretend he's not a canon pedophile according to himaruya

No. 254640

File: 1668268433473.jpeg (52.87 KB, 480x640, A3242EFD-089D-43D8-83C2-1C906E…)

I was always a Denmark fan.

No. 254650

Wait what. Did he say he was a pedo?

No. 254651

File: 1668274193586.jpg (27.46 KB, 450x490, 7ee0f13be40a95c39f348e9c670e17…)

No. 254660

norway calling himself onee-chan always cracks me up kek was hetalia the first series of an older brother obsessed with his little brother? i've seen this trope again in more recent series like enstars

No. 254670

A canon WHAT

No. 254675

File: 1668283373935.jpg (425.68 KB, 1476x1708, 837291659321508.jpg)

I love America's Revolutionary War uniform.
>calls Denmark a pedo
>refuses to elaborate
We need to know the lore.

No. 254680

nta but this is very old info and might have been retconned. netherlands was written as a "lolicon" early on

No. 254683

multiple countries were acting like pedos at the beginning of the series, so let's not single out just netherlands kek newer fans might not know, but early days hetalia was absolutely unhinged (and in a bad way at time)

No. 254698

File: 1668288539660.jpg (20.85 KB, 335x500, a8eff03122e4c66ca9938b2aa7af55…)

not in the slightest.
realistically speaking, greece should have been hot-headed, extroverted, sleazy, faux-puritan and a people-pleaser (but still talking shit behind everyone's back).
ideally, he would have been a proto-reigen of sorts.

No. 254704

I think that netherlands being a lolicon probably has to do with stuff I heard about the irl dutch government being relatively lax on pedos for decades and have created or allowed circumstances for them to indulge in their crimes and even have a political party dedicated to pedophilia

Honestly its news to me and I actually liked netherlands so now Im distraught about having learned that it is canon

No. 254714

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Americafag ayrt I just realized I said Denmark instead of Netherlands because I was looking at anon's pic of him, sorry Denmarku. It's kinda funny how they both have spikey hair.
The real pedo normalizing history of the Netherlands is gross as fuck, I never knew that. The wiki says he has a "Lolita complex" and likes "young women". I never really paid attention to him, so I don't know if he was written in a different light later on. Are the people saying he was retconned coping or was he really fixed?

No. 254734

I had the biggest crush on Cim from Vendetta cosplay. I dont want to look them up now, but Cim was always really androgynous and I'm worried she's a they/them or trooned out. she was my favorite cosplayer in that group. They made some catchy stuff.

No. 254735

Their ship is called Coldwar.

No. 254736

No its RusAme


Thats sounds like a cringe ass country humans title

No. 254751

MHA is like the modern version of Hetalia (fandom wise)

No. 254752

I have to disagree

No. 254757

No way, isn't it full of moids?

No. 254778

i see where you're coming from but id have to disagree.
i don't really think there is a modern equivalent to hetalia. bnha is similar in terms of the sheer size of fans, but their fans arent at all comparable to hetalia fans. for one thing i think current zoomers would deem hetalia too problematic, and you wouldn't see people openly shipping things like USUK like you did back in the day.
say what you will about og hetalia fans but id take them over your average bnha kid any day

No. 254784

Uh im dutch and i dont know anything about how pedos can "indulge" in there crimes.
>even have a political party dedicated to pedophilia
This is because in the netherlands everyone is allowed to create a politcal party, you dont even have to be dutch to create one or be an adult. I right now can create a TERF political party if i wanted and no one can stop me kek. The pedo party you mentioned was created by 3 pedo moids, however surprise they had no supporters so the party was disbanded. Is it ridiculous that literally anyone can make a political party, maybe. But also political parties have no power here unless you actually get enough supporters, which you need a lot of and otherwise you get disbanded. Im not saying there are no pedos in the netherlands and that our goverment doesnt suck. But lets not pretend its worse here then japan where you literally have idol culture where old moids go after 12 year old girls, take panty shots and molest them in trains. Feel free to share any sources about netherlands normalizing pedos because google gives me nothing and it sounds interesting

No. 254786

I really disagree, nonny. While MHA has a lot of Dabi and Bakugou fangirls, TodoDeku shippers and a lot of fujo shippers, the anime is very aimed at moids and the fandom is infested with them. The majority of fanarts are coomer hentai shit made by scrotes. I agree with the other nona, there is nothing modern that compares with Hetalia. Modern anime is basically ecchi filled shitty isekai for moids or coomer shit for moids. The last thing I could see that would get close to Hetalia it's Free!, but it was made in 2013 (I think), so it is ancient at this point, honestly

No. 254787

That art is so beautiful, but then I remember that dutch moids dont wash their hands and it ruins my fantasy

No. 254789

that's a weird comparison, why MHA in particular? their fanbase isn't any different from other shounen series. well maybe a bit more attractive to genderspecials for some reason but still
there won't ever be another fanbase like hetalia because unhinged fujoism and y/n-ism has became very niche, most weeb fanbases these days are puritanical and filled with troons

No. 254792

The only fandoms nowadays that are rife with y/n fanfics are the k-pop fandoms, kek

No. 254794

Is there anywhere on the internet where you can be an unhinged fujo other than imageboards and discord?

No. 254870

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Do you think hetalia has any lost media? Like I know that their have been some deleted strips but Im pretty sure they're archived unless they haven't. Another possible topic being old fanart/fics

Any fanfiction sites

No. 254916

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13 year old me thought this doujin series was the deepest shit ever

No. 254917

I think every country should've ben at least 30% more racist and my country should've been 60% more racist.

No. 254920

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This is hilarious to me but I agree kek. Germany especially for obvious reasons, but he did have a random antisemitic moment that caught me so off guard in the anime because it's never really addressed otherwise. The anime was so fast paced I felt like I was high witnessing it. Out of body experience.

No. 254924

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Man, I miss Hetalia. I stopped keeping up with it in 2012 because of the webcomic hiatus and the insane newfags who got into it because of the terrible American dub. When I was in Japan in 2020 I saw the manga in Animate and I didn't buy them because I was worried I wouldn't have enough space in my suitcase for everything and I was right, but I regret not buying them anyway. Next time I will. I'm still surprised to this day that we didn't get an official release of the manga in France despite almost everything and anything having official translations and releases here.

No. 254925

holy SHIT memory unlocked, i remember replaying and thinking "whoa did they go there?"

No. 254927

i love this thread so much, i haven't thought about hetalia in so fucking long but it's nice to relive these feelings but with farmers this time. the fandom was infested with some of the worst TRAs and other bs over time

No. 254930

File: 1668379047115.png (118.12 KB, 486x610, netherpan.PNG)

have no clue what this shit is about so im going to ignore it but i just remembered my favorite rare pair, Netherpan

please post more rare pairs. im so surprised netherpan didn't gain more traction, they had a whole strip where netherland gives japan tulips and is the only european country to talk to japan during its isolationist period

No. 254973

>Your Fav character/s
>Ships and shipping wars
Always fun to see the shipping wars as it was a classic part of the fandom, I can’t think of any ships I’m still into off the top of my head (though I like sufin and usuk fanart) but I was into the pretty basic bitch ships
Always hated Prussia x Canada though, dude was pretty clearly thirsting for Italy on oresama blog
>Hetalia media/Fan media
All of it is so nostalgic to me, it’s impressive that you still see people like kyokoon64 playing hetalia fangames!
Mostly just typical middle school stuff, I never got to fully cosplay like I wanted to but I had fun doodling characters, I remember I had this card deck (which was probably bootleg) that I really liked.
>Fandom activities New and Old
Haven’t participated since middle school, but I like looking at fan games every now and then!
>Anything your Hetalian heart desires!
Considering getting the Russia nendo someday, he’s so cute!

No. 254975

god when I finished this doujin I kept thinking about it for weeks

No. 255061

File: 1668452295788.png (1.14 MB, 609x905, 1668369241518-0.png)

Some anons here were talking about how Hetalia kind of killed the concept of humanized countries (mostly because of tumblrfags reeing) so I wanted to share.
Humanized countries are not a novel concept but the designs really remind me of Hetalia, especially America's. France and England look like shit though. I wonder if people will say it's problematic too if it gets popular. I see some crossover potential as well.

No. 255063

I saw this on fujochan and the art looks like shit, especially Russia and France god damn. This looks like Walmart Hetalia and I don't know why the creator would make designs so similar. Isn't Japan crazy about copyright/copying in any capacity?

No. 255066

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Yes, that's where I found out about it. It really does look like a bootleg hetalia. Love how the only designs that are somewhat original look the worst kek Also Russia is a manlet

No. 255069

>short Russia

No. 255074

I don't want to be too mean but i've seen better hetalia offshots in twitter

No. 255085

> Anons who are easily deterred by tumbler whining


No. 255092

No fucking way they made Russia a manlet and made China mog everyone. I hate how yellow America's hair is and France's Tumblr blue streak kek. This feels blasphemous as a concept.
It makes me ill. He should be built like a brick shithouse.

No. 255096

I need to rewatch then because I don't remember that scene at all.
Kek the America one is a copypaste of Hetalia's America, without context I would have thought it is another casual!America fanart of him
>Russia is a manlet
What a sad day, the only I found cute was UK tbh.

No. 255103

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As someone recovering from tumblrbrain, this thread sent me thru so many emotions. Hetalia was just about the only reason I took AP history in highschool or had any interest in the subject. I remember going home and checking the livejournal for hours every day for translations and fanworks. Prussia was always my bestboy, I love pathetic fictional men.
The shitty funimation dub ruined it, the manga never felt malicious and avoided atrocious subjects on purpose but the asshole dubbers couldn't resist Nazi jokes.
Sorry for blog posting but, man, hetalia had the biggest autistic hold on me for almost a decade

No. 255113

Idk why everyone hates the eng dub
Its really not that bad and for a comic involving people based on stereotypes an personal author experiences I think its fitting that it be a offensive some times also glad it was made back then cause pc culture now would make it insufferable an boring.

No. 255137

holy shit how did i forget that it was on livejournal? and same, made me really get into AP history and refreshing the page was such an after school habit it surprises me i forgot. man i miss livejournal, hard to replicate the user experience from that time of the internet, it was less narcissistic.

No. 255165

honestly himaruya's designs are just way too good so anything else will look bad next to it kek

No. 255232

tbh I don't even think the dub is that offensive. I could live without the Holocaust jokes but I think they are only in season 1 then they stop making them luckily. I rewatched the dub recently and was actually surprised that people claim it's super offensive

No. 255318

Germany was my sexual awakening as a tween I am 21 years old now and I still want to fuck him.
This is my horrible confession, nonnas. I also still have a 2gb Hetalia folder on my laptop. Mostly yaoi. Mostly with Germany. I haven't opened it in years. I'm scared of it.

No. 255319

File: 1668565164189.jpg (22.01 KB, 564x564, f393107acafd4338ea2326d9004cb0…)

damn 2gb?? open it and post any interesting findings, you coward

No. 255353

File: 1668574025868.jpg (879.63 KB, 1274x715, omg_ross_sama.jpg)

my russia folder has like 300 images in it and its only 200mb, how much germany have you got in there holy shit

No. 255359

Oh man do I miss my old hard drive. I had all my Hetalia porn in there. I saved everything related to uke Germany that I could find- except Germancest because I don't like that pairing

No. 255383

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(Possible Hetalia drama in western fandom I figured out and put together)

Does anyone remember platinumspeed? Dude was an infamous spain cosplayer back then and there are multiple yt vids of of other aph fans filming him. He had a yt channel and he made a pretty good spanish dub of one of spain's character songs that I really kick myself for not downloading and saving tbh. It would be years till now that I tied to revisit the channel to fine out that all of platinumspeed's accounts across the internet are deleted. The lasting evidence of his existence would be the fan recordings of his cosplay, cosplay pictures with other creators on deviantart, and his cosplay.com account which he must've forgot about(which is where I got picrel).

I was super confused at first as his content was pretty decently made. His channel to my memory consisted of aph characters songs cover, possibly some cosplay skits, and voice acting.

No. 255392

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If we pay attention to the fact that most of his net footprint has been scrubbed and that he had an interest in voice acting it. His works are still mentioned on the hetalia animo platform some even asking about his dissapearance.
Platinumspeed's VA interest can connect him to not just hetalia but also the Sonic fandom. He would eventually become a part of sonicsong182's group to voice act in its sonic animation content. It was apparently a very popular thing and still kind of is.

PlatinumSpeed would eventually go on to troon out publicly in 2016 and he would alternatively be known as as Chrissy Bears.
Because this form degeneracy is recognized as a valid social image it was a little challenging trying to find info for the male as any mentions of PlatinumSpeed in sonic fandom would mistakenly call him a 'she' while the hetalia fandom rightfully remember him as a male. He eventually would be a part of a streaming host duo channel on youtube going by Transmission*.

I forgot to include that he had a tumblr account and you can find comments on hetalia related post on tumblr and deviantart from deactivated accounts with his username.

The way I confirmed that the Hetalia spain fanboy is the same person as the sonicsong182 member VA was that the links used
for his user for his facebook, youtube and twitter under trans*mission video descriptions are all defunct, except, when you click on the twitter link you would find that whoever took over his name had decided to keep it as a warning to all that PlatinumSpeed/Chrissy Bears groomed minors within the sonic fandom.

Also kek at the twitter comment I found from a fan of platinum speed apologizing from what I assume to be his sperging about "muh pronouns"

No. 255394

My sexual awakening was pirate!England lol

No. 255396

damn this sounds kinda eerie. Are there no recent comments on those videos and profile? Did you not find any mention of drama? Weird. Maybe he died or something

ok nvm. Thank you for your 2-hour search, this was a very interesting read. What a shame that he trooned out and that he's a pedo groomer like so many perverted males in fandom.
>sonic fandom would mistakenly call him a 'she' while the hetalia fandom rightfully remember him as a male
Based politically incorrect hetafags.
I hope you've archived every link you found though, in case he finds your post and deletes the last traces of his true identity and grooming.

No. 255399

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Some screenshots to prove Chrissy Bares (or Chrissy Bears??) PlatinumSpeed activity during old hetalia fandom days

No. 255410

File: 1668595818053.jpg (Spoiler Image,118.56 KB, 1000x565, 2019.jpg)

Holy shit, I feel sorry for whoever may still be attached to his Hetalia content. Also it seems that he trooned out publicly before 2016, as there are 2015 callout posts on Tumblr that refer to him as "she", and most notably, his post-troonout blog was first archived in March 2015. https://web.archive.org/web/20150309074027/http://platinumbootyreportingforduty.tumblr.com/
DeviantArt account in 2014: https://web.archive.org/web/20140704034040/http://platinumspeed.deviantart.com/
I've been reading this post https://chikkou.tumblr.com/post/131193136335/callout-post-for-platiniumbootyreportingforduty and holy shit, it's so much worse than I imagined. Fucking scrotes, never trust a male in a female-dominated fandom, especially if there are a lot of underage girls in it.

Spoiler because ogre troon.

No. 255413

jesus fucking christ what is this creature

No. 255414

same guy as >>255383 can you believe that

No. 255415

perverted tendencies aside, there must be a correlation between being an autistic moid and liking sonic

No. 255450

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I have reason to believe that this guy has potentially groomed/creeped on hetalia fans not just sonic fans. On Chris Bares (PlatinumSpeed) wiki page as Chrissy Bares for the Sonic VA stuff, his date of brith is listed as 25th of Dec. 1992. Ive seen somewhere that he was involved with hetalia since 2008 but from my references there are yt video from early 2010s of him acting out the character of spain in front of other hetalia fans, mostly girls (eyebrow raiser for sure).
The earliest video I could find was dated from Anime Expo 2010 so we can speculate that it may be 2008/2009 that he was apart of the fandom so since he was 16/17, though in 2010 he was 18.

Now I know that in the callout post
The user chikkou, she details a few things of interest (note that "she" in the greentext below refers to PlatinumSpeed/Chris Bares/Chrissy Bares):

>when i was 14 and chrissy was 19, i had met chrissy through a mutual friend.

>she was always flirtatious, making sexual advances which i wasnt used to receiving and misinterpreted as her genuinely loving me and wanting to be with me.
>this happened repeatedly over the course of maybe over half a year. ("this" refers to the sexual abuse)
>she stopped pretending to care about how i felt and would come to me almost exclusively to get herself off, despite the fact that she had a girlfriend who didnt know about what chrissy did with me (and that i didnt know even existed).

Now these details bring a couple videos I that I was mention about earlier. Chikkou admits that PlatinumSpeed(Chris Bares) was in fact 19 meaning that it had occurred circa 2011/2012 at their time of meeting meaning that Platinum Speed(Chris Bares) was pre-transition at this point.

A youtube channel by the name of Teddywangdoodle has videos uploaded of a 2012 hetalia meetup. They do not reference PlatinumSpeed in title or desc so the potential for these details could be missed.
There are 3 videos in particular that really add to the claims of Chikkou as a victim and the speculation of the abuse occurring potentially with other unheard victims.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Video#1 is especially telling of the greentext details. In the comment section of Vid #1 the uploader basically confirms that the blonde girl who is closet cosplay france that kisses PlatinumSpeed was presented as his girlfriend which lines up pretty well with what was said. Secondly, Platinum speed exihibits weird sexual behaviour even if it was for fanservice it does get quite strange as Video#3 is basically him repeatedly licking ice cream sexually. Now his promiscuity is again shown in Video#2 where he kisses someone who is not his gf who is cosplayed as Sealand (seriously this doesn't look good in the slightest) who looks to be undeaged . Even if the gf was consenting to Chris Bares doing that, his willingness to go along with schemes as such really and knowing that his sexual depravity went that far back and probably even further definantly shows the potential for abuse. Again, going back to Vid#3, the amount of girls fangirling over him doing shit definitely must've made occurrences for him to prey on the vulnerable relatively common and I don't doubt that there are dozens more victims.

It honestly creeps me out to know that these videos are of what is seemingly an innocent weeb engaging with other people while simultaneously being involved in some of the most depraved behaviour ever. PlatinumSpeed being a hidden predator in a predominantly female fanbase meant that this sick fuck was definantly in situations it where he was constantly in reach of many potential victims especially considering that he was quite popular for both his content, cosplay, and being a guy into hetalia.

No. 255451

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My favorite APH characters are all over the place (it's like a new flavor of the week thing for me) but I loooooved ChanCake/Awdeko's APH fanart. It looks like a lot of it got scrubbed from her deviantart account unfortunately, what a shame. She mostly drew the Asian countries and I believe her family is from Hong Kong so she drew a lot of Hong Kong. He is really cute and definitely one of my favorites too.

No. 255453

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Also one of my favorite rarepairs/unusual pairings was RusCan, but I will admit my cringe and say it was mainly because I had a huge crush on a Russia cosplayer and I was a Canada cosplayer kek. In one of the few existing RusCan fanfics they talked about mixing vodka and maple syrup so the first time my idiot underage self got her grubby little hands on some vodka, you can bet your ass I mixed it with maple syrup. Absolutely disgusting shit but a really funny memory when I think about it.

Also if that isn't cringey enough, I had a huge crush on a France cosplayer (although I mainly enjoyed France/Canada content in the form of wholesome parent/child content), and literally about a decade later I finally got the courage to talk to her because we both still cosplayed and we ended up dating for a little bit kek. She did a France cosplay very recently with some old friends and she still looks so fucking good as France.

No. 255455

Trans*mission's other co-host's video confirming that PlatinumSpeed/Chris Bares/ Chrissy Bares is a predator. Comments section of vidrel is very telling.
All samefagging and so is this post.
I really wish I hadn't found this rabbit hole of fuckery. I genuinely thought that it was a case of someone being embarrassed of old weeb days and I wish it was. Godspeed to the victims of that sicko.
Thanks to >>255396 I remembered to archive what I could.
Thx anons for other information and corrections.












Another 2011 ax in dealers floor/artist.alley

2011 sandiego

2012 ax france gf

2012 sealand kiss

2012 icecream

No. 255456

when will they talk about the holocaust(newfag)

No. 255467

File: 1668616458390.jpg (Spoiler Image,185.13 KB, 1200x849, f.jpg)

Anyone else a Furansu fag? He was my first hetalia husbando.
That being said, wtf are those proportions? Why are his thighs so juicy and where's the happy trail? Still swooned though.

No. 255709

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Despite what others think that he's a perv, I like him. I'd like a romantic pathetic man with beautiful blonde locks and a stubble who'll shower me with love. He's a great cook too but also great in bed. Also, wew that France pic based Himapapa drew. Now that you mentioned it, wasn't France canonically hairy?

No. 255761

File: 1668687857774.png (146.53 KB, 500x500, 88531456897575321580614379903.…)

I like to think that France's tender moments are more of a subtle romantic who's gentle but confident in his intentions/actions the thought makes me ///blush/// !

No. 255785

You're both so right, A bientôt! Until We Meet Again and Though I May Depart, You Shall Remain illustrate that so well

No. 256108

File: 1668808662991.png (1.41 MB, 1558x2200, 2375867078463468974253.png)

I had a lc dream that anons were complaining about the hetalia thread because if hetalia fans wanted to talk on /m/ they should just merge with every other husbando flavoured theme board

No. 256156

Don't worry nonita, no one wants to see our autism outiside this thread.

No. 256639

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Here's to my hetanonnies, I hope you all have good weeks this week. Snowfall already started where I live, it is now time for cozy RusAme art

No. 256947

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Ty nonnie! I really love winter related fanart its always so cozy to look at

No. 256956

File: 1669092202112.png (658.8 KB, 1002x860, Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 11.3…)

woah this thread brought back so many memories! i created my first tumblr account to post about hetalia. Romano and America best characters

No. 256967

when retards cancelled hetalia and its fandom it became only the start of what would become cancelling people on twitter for liking the wrong thing

No. 256991

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Based international and JP fans threw the fire right back at them tho! It was such a nice time seeing the sjw and the "always trying to be politically correct crowd" get told to fuck off kek

No. 257732

you are literally me. i was so obsessed with this doujin i wrote fanfic for it LMAO

No. 257746

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To all nonnies interested – Arthur in the Dark can be read here! -> https://archive.org/details/ArthurInTheDark/mode/2up?view=theater
I remember there was also a short USUK doujin where England went mute. Hetafags love making British eyebrows man helpless and weak although I'm not complaining kek

No. 257864

nonnas, thank you so much for the deepdive. I was actually recently wondering what came of him, and I thought i had heard something negative but couldn't put my finger on it.

No. 257866

nonna* didn't see this >>257864
Men existing in hetalia was so rare I think I've seen one man in a hetalia cosplay all of once and every girl fucking swarmed him. Kind cringe but this video demonstrates the point perfectly

No. 257938

I'll always associate Hetalia with the 'When I'm Bored' video format. It was huge at the time. Loads of MLP, TF2 and Homestuck variants as well. In a way it feels like a precusor to modern fancams/edits.

No. 258018

I associate Hetalia with old school AMVs lmao
>tfw most of these are 7-13 years old

No. 258026

are the american fans really behind all the moralfagging?

No. 258027

she did came out as nonbinary this year this year iirc. made a post on insta about it as well. cim is still dating that girl in their vids, the one who cosplays levi.

yeah, i miss them. fia deleted some of their vlogs though. mica and her broke up too and the group haven't been close as they were years ago.

idk whats with swedish hetalia cosplay years ago but their skits were always funny and surprisingly organized and high quality, which reminds me of FarbrorEstersPojkar and its disappointing to know that the group or someone within the group decided to delete their entire videos because a commenter keeps on misgendering the sweden cosplayer even though at the time she didn't disclose herself as a tif. at least that's what i've read after scurrying through the internet to found out why their videos have been removed from their channel.

No. 258055

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Sweden yes

No. 258066

Burgerfags have the loudest mouths and you know for a fact anyone else parroting is because of american influence

No. 258067

Anime fangirls paved the way for fan culture today tbh

No. 262084

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What I love about hetalia is that no matter if no new content comes or if anyone as even watched/ read all of the content, people can still take part of discussion/fanfiction. The versatility of the character potential while being perfect visually is such a rare commodity. No matter the circumstance you place them in, the human and country characterization of the protagonists shine through very well. Hetalia has been able to maintain such a dedicated fanbase unlike most seasonal anime that's only saving grace is a slight tweak in an already played out scenario and animation that is sure to be inconsistent in quality.

No. 262123

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Erico Lotus is definitely one of my favorite Hetalia fanartists next to Cioccolatodorima. It's so beautiful like the characters drawn in Final Fantasy's art style.

No. 262137

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Romano, my beloved

No. 263438

File: 1671012689097.jpg (28.72 KB, 564x656, feliks.jpg)

How do you think people from your country would feel about its hetalia personification? I'm talking general public. Accurate? Inaccurate? I'm Polish and people would 100% call him a faggot and they'd probably talk about it on the news saying it's an attack on the entire nation or something lol
Oh and gendie zoomers would insist he's one of them

No. 263446

The same thing happened with South Korea and that's why he's not in the anime iirc. I don't know about France, but I'd say a lot of things about him are accurate kek. He's not complaining enough though.

No. 263449

To be fair, I think they would have reacted like that regardless of S. Korea's depiction just because they hate the Japanese. Though having Korea copy Japan all the time and making light of the molka problem certainly didn't help

No. 263452

I feel like poland is one of the most inaccurate portrayals in hetalia. Clearly hima just wanted a crossdresser type of character and used poland for it. As for my nation, he's relatively accurate so I guess there wouldn't be any outrage, most of the general public would be okay with him

No. 263457

File: 1671018471590.png (1.09 MB, 960x846, gymrats.png)

He was originally supposed to be a girl but Himaruya decided to change it for unknown reasons. But you're right, he's not based on any Polish stereotypes, really. Except for his stupidity I guess. His relationship with Lithuania makes the least sense imo and it's such a huge aspect of his character. Poles don't care about Lithuanians and Lithuanians don't like Poles because to them the Polish Lithuanian union was forced and pretty much a conquest. I still like Feliks though, even if he's a retard.
I can't speak for German nonnies but I've always felt like Germany was the most accurate one. And America, but I feel like Amerianons would get upset if I said that kek

No. 263468

Why would you say that about Germany? Because he has a stick up his ass? Not German but my overall impression is that Germans tend to be friendly and have super weird porn (that last part is in the manga iirc)

No. 263473

Not at all, I'm a doitsufag after all. My experiences with Germans left that impression. Their culture seems very straight forward and people tend to be direct. When I think of Germans I think of efficiency, attention to detail and beer lol. Where I live German things are also associated with high quality and Ludwig is shown to be very hard working and a perfectionist. Also, there's the German stare phenomenom where it's been proven that Germans look at people for a longer period of time than in other cultures leading many foreigners to think they're giving them an unfriendly stare. I wouldn't say they're especially friendly, not unfriendly either, just average. From what I've been told they tend to follow the rules and it's a stereotype that if you cross a street at a red light people will scold you for it. I think Germany is a good represantation of both stereotypes (such as being serious which ime is kind of true) and cultural traits. Most of the stuff I mentioned are either my own experiences with Germans or my aunt's who lives there. German anons feel free to correct me.

No. 263941

Burgerfag here, based on my experience with a small sample size of Germans I'd agree. They're direct and blunt, as opposed to us Burgers and Brits who will dance around subjects or have surface-level conversations because we're afraid of making people uncomfortable. Like if you ask "How are you?", Americans and Brits might say "I'm good!" even if we're not, just to be polite. Whereas Germans wonder "Why does this random person I don't know very well care how I am?" or they will actually go into detail of how they are i.e. "Not well. I'm having health problems-", etc kek

No. 264048

Ayrt, that's so true about Brits. I lived in the UK for a few months and it took me like three to figure out that when people ask 'how are you?' they expect you to say 'good, how about you?'. I would always give long, elaborate answers talking about my day and they'd just reply with 'I'm good' and it felt really awkward kek. May I ask what you think of America's depiction? I always thought the American smile thing was so accurate because all the Americans I met irl smiled a lot and seemed very open towards strangers. And you also seem to really care about your teeth looking perfect inb4 euro teeth jokes

No. 267564

It wouldn't really make sense for Canada to be Metis, since at the time of his creation, native folk weren't granted much representation at all. As a representation of the Canadian state, it'd be inaccurate to

Making him Metis would be this liberal kind of whitewashing of history, like, oh, totally, the indigenous people were involved in this, no kid-stealing involved at all. And given that none of the characters change over time, it's unlikely that his looks would change much, either.

It might score you points with the diversity crowd who don't actually know much about history, but given a slight bit of actual analysis, it'd actually be more problematic to portray him as non-white, not less.

Here's an interesting example: I saw America once portrayed as having Native America as his mommy. First off, there were many Indian groups with varying cultures, having just one is erasure. Second, like Canada, the American state and its people excluded the Indians from their sense of being a nation. And third and most awkward, it was the US that erased many of these groups from the map.

It's a stupid idea.

In general, Hetalia's, like, textbook problematic: not offensive, problematic. Those have overlap, but they're not the same thing. Conceptually full of holes, doesn't make sense, crazy inaccurate, bad lore. At the rotten core of Hetalia's conceptual issues is its extreme inconsistency vis-a-vis the nature of statehood. But I like it anyway, fuck the haters.

Speaking of haters, thanks for the pics, lolcow. I await this site's death, along with all you phobey fucks.

No. 267569

This post radiates so much newfag autism it's amazing

No. 267579

>Speaking of haters, thanks for the pics, lolcow. I await this site's death, along with all you phobey fucks
what did she mean by this…

No. 267581

I assume it's autism is in relation to anons not bowing to, to put it in their own words, 'the problematic male supremacist view that a man is a woman just because he has long hair, wears a dress, and tries to embody female stereotypes'. Possible ftm tard rage considering the thread is about cute anime boys with a lot of fujo bait.

No. 267718

Those aren't my own words, female, that's one word I used, and a lot of other words you added, that's not how you use that phrase. I could excuse it if you were like speaking in another language then inserted in that English phrase, that's fine, that's cute, but you're still speaking in English, you must adhere to parallel structure. You are contaminating the air with your lack of parallel structure.

This is more grammar autism more than anything. I've thoroughly loosened up on most syntax issues, I'm liberal with language now, so my family doesn't hate me anymore, but I'm still pretty conservative on principles like parallelism. I have no patience though for forcing upon others problematic concepts such as arbitrary Latinate adposition prescriptivism, to which, in writing, I honestly find myself still adhering. I am a coward, yes, please punish me, daddy, daddy Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Please don't be offended, I'm not calling you guys haters. I'm the hater, I hate you, no offense. And not newfag, more touristfag than anything [I'm not coming back because duh]. I'm on a Hetalia image source run, and this page came up on Google Images. For what fucking else would I come here? Great pics, guys, please source your shit, I've developed a thing against having pics and not knowing from whence they came.

Hetalia's one of those fandoms with incredible art that amazingly hasn't been soured by the "activist" artists on Tumblr. Even on the Western side, that's commendable. There's this resurgence in art and fandoms that are, like, "problematic" [in the colloquial sense the kids like to use, you know, the one that means nothing], and I am all here for it. Hetalia must rise to destroy the inferior country gijinka shit floating around. Hate that ugly shit.

Oh, and I'm an incredibly cis whatever I am. I'm not telling you just what because I enjoy being an anonymous cipher, I've gotten too used to it. It's a mental security blanet like an online burqa. I should buy a burqa, IRL. Not blue, I don't wanna be insensitive to the Afghans, they're going through some shit. But yeah, project whatever you want, black, white, gay, girl, cis, trans, monarchist, old, young, Asian, whatever. I can be your Army Boi of the Naqshibandi Order.

Also, I love seeing the word problematic on this site, coz I love me some Comic Sans MS, it's just such a fun, festive font, don't get the hate for it.(What the fuck did i just read)

No. 267721

So who is your favorite hetalia artist?

No. 267726

New autism copypasta

No. 268378

File: 1673411455467.png (279.04 KB, 450x515, metiscanadamybeloved.png)

Thank you hetasperg-chan, you made my day ♥

No. 268525

File: 1673473246352.jpg (349.59 KB, 1200x848, damn.jpg)

Now that the autistchan is gone everyone look at America's ass I want to touch it so bad

No. 268527

No. 268589

File: 1673526974899.jpg (1.19 MB, 1640x2360, 101206492_p4.jpg)

No. 268592

link me the artist

No. 268604

No. 268629

Any nonnies know good fanart of Russia as a cosmonaut?
I really have been thinking of writing a reader insert where you get selected as an engineer for the soviet space program and you met one of the most famous and prolific cosmonaut that you admire, Russia-chan, only to discover that he is a cold and distant guy, even sort of a prick, but as time passes, you discover it is more of an act and you two fall in love. Pure cliche tho.

No. 268646

every lesbian hetalia fan loved russia, i need to understand why

No. 268691

File: 1673580548472.jpg (68.91 KB, 468x604, 724ce1b1d671bb686a7642300e6542…)

Damn this is hard to find. Most space themed Russia art is RusAme lol. If you don't like these you could crop one of those pictures to be just Russia
I never heard of this, I'm also curious now

No. 268692

File: 1673580609847.jpg (70.71 KB, 480x637, 19671182047da59a5141adf6573b5e…)

this one too

No. 268694

File: 1673581009542.jpg (159.8 KB, 750x1333, c6b59b7834b038bac512101a0f8b8f…)

sorry for dump, this one is really pretty

No. 268695

File: 1673581579015.jpg (307.01 KB, 800x1200, 77072608_p4.jpg)

No. 268698

Got banned in my country lol

No. 268702

File: 1673586875804.jpg (3.49 MB, 1700x2100, 83400489_p0.jpg)

Really glad that I never stuck around for the fandom beside for the scanlations, fanarts and fanfics on deviantart. I even miss Hetalia AMVs which often featured songs from said countries and those silly videos with the characters being animated by fans into doing dances or silly skits.
I don't want to ruin the place they have in my heart.

No. 268712

this picture reawakened my dormant crush on england

do you have any other arthur fanart saved nonny?

No. 268715

File: 1673590653075.png (228.79 KB, 500x519, 14074842_p0.png)

Not as much as I like to be honest.

No. 268716

File: 1673590778931.jpg (33.8 KB, 357x264, 25335530_p16.jpg)

No. 268717

File: 1673590802367.jpg (2.56 MB, 2480x3508, 74500023_p5.jpg)

No. 268718

File: 1673590837380.png (480.92 KB, 800x800, 101971057_p13.png)

No. 268719

File: 1673590869822.jpg (2.52 MB, 1700x2100, 83400489_p11.jpg)

No. 268720

File: 1673590899068.jpg (1.12 MB, 1700x2100, 83400489_p9.jpg)

No. 268724

File: 1673591214880.jpg (948.27 KB, 2000x2000, 83400489_p6.jpg)

Reminder to the America and Russia fans there is a bunch of pics of them in the maid thread and a few in the ouchie thread though mostly America

No. 270562

File: 1674097898929.jpg (25.12 KB, 563x377, dd53c204d63801503cbaeda17b61fe…)

Post your lovely hetalia husbandos, nonnies! Main site's back up!
Do you have any headcanons? I bet he fucking loves Shania Twain.

No. 270570

anything that's mmd brings me back

No. 270571

as a freshman in high school i had the fattest crush on Japan and I'd watch the OMG anime vine compilations on yt. and that's how i discovered lemon. oh god america x fem!reader . brings me back. I also had a thing for china and maybe that's why I love asian men with long hair. Canada was also a favorite of mine and I wish they focused on him more. I'm glad I graduated from that phase. Remember that creepypasta from decades ago?

No. 270590

File: 1674109697740.png (45 KB, 480x640, 364858939847.png)

Its so hard to choose! I feel like hetalia might've been a select few or possibly only series that caused some people to fancy almost all the characters both male and female though I'm sure everyone has their favorites.

I wanna know if anyone has ever been "In love" with a hetalia character.

I was such a try hard in gym class because I thought that would be impressive to Germany if I had a sporty/ athletic attitude kek

No. 270874

File: 1674256109651.jpg (194.85 KB, 672x950, 29010502_p0.jpg)

based Germany enjoyer

I read Clausewitz in middle school because I wanted to be cultured about war for Prussia. lmao.

No. 270887

This pic is too good

No. 270889

File: 1674266359435.jpeg (252.89 KB, 703x900, 7C63F9B2-AB6A-4E4E-A3AC-F1B1EA…)

Feliciano by JrJane

No. 279926

File: 1677877361527.jpg (136.75 KB, 650x800, tumblr_7b38e1bf2b0934ef45cd56a…)

Nonnies I'm freaking out he's so perfect, he's even in his little mountie uniform

No. 284378

File: 1679342417046.gif (5.31 MB, 498x498, baldtalia-bald-russia.gif)

Can anyone tell me the origin of this meme? It seems fairly recent cause it seems like something that would've been memed like doitsuism if it came from back then
Is this one that you can airbrush yourself? Also they should release life size plushies of characters. I can only imagine what the fans wouldve been like if they released something like that during peak fandom kek

No. 284386

File: 1679344654913.jpg (32.28 KB, 362x512, 1ba243cbfd631e31368202c4d14366…)

So I'm a basic bitch but I'm obsessed with EnglandxJapan / Asakiku, mostly just because I think they look good together.

No. 284750

File: 1679516173981.jpg (545.85 KB, 1431x2048, 35b46ddd95962ae38204f4c0cff249…)

Not a russiafag but I rly like this fanart

No. 285011

File: 1679638910298.jpg (30.03 KB, 400x500, 4e5c4ae474fd2dd6df06efb9c867a9…)

It's a prototype! They release these before they finalize the colours to hype fans up.
And yeah those plushies are bald as fuck if you lift their front hair piece. If you search "baldtalia" on tumblr there are shitposts and some (ironic? hard to tell sometimes) fanart for it. I found a few people who mentioned it's from a Hetalia Discord server on both reddit and tumblr so that's the origin. The reddit post included the link to the server in the comments but was over three years old… The newest post on tumblr is approx. 2 months old. So there's a server called "The Hetalia Region" with 3779 members that's been active for 3+ years making bald country memes and fanart. Honestly I respect the dedication.

Asakiku is very fluffy but I found this while looking for more pics, rarepair alert lol

I like it a lot too, his eyes and face look awesome. But it kinda looks like he's smooching a monkey paw because of the shading and I can't unsee it

No. 285358

File: 1679701456845.jpeg (170.69 KB, 1100x1465, 5CC38A64-9AE0-4428-8CC1-E7FAA4…)


No. 285367

That is a rarepair! I honestly love rarepairs, and love when people try to ship two 'unlikely' characters together. I think it can create some great dyamics.

No. 285399

File: 1679725420734.jpg (112.88 KB, 1280x898, tumblr_de46d189ad0c5c44a0f6be5…)

I agree! They have this interaction from the comics that's absolutely adorable too lol.
I was just reading how Germany and America are perfect foils of each other and both grew up way too fast, but had polar opposite results for their personalities. I never considered before how those two characters would interact. It's always fun to hear why people like their rarepair ships

No. 326337

File: 1697008040533.jpg (218.27 KB, 642x900, 49380_900.jpg)

Can't believe Hetaloid is being rebranded by those A.I covers now. Well at least we know that hetalia is still being loved in this new age

No. 326565

File: 1697119297951.jpg (169.4 KB, 580x620, 22289701_p12.jpg)

Call me basic but Germany and Italy are everything to me. No hate but sometimes I wish new Hetalia stuff would focus on them as much as it used to.

Fucking HetaOni. I think for a time I was legitimately more obsessed with this fangame than the actual series, religiously checking SotetAG's channel for a new upload. Seeing all my favourite silly boys suffer, trapped in an edgy timeloop plot? Pure heroin to 12 year old me. I still remember the chill I felt when the discontinuation update dropped kek

No. 326575

File: 1697123066023.jpg (574.5 KB, 1034x1460, 80205555.jpg)

i think this is how big england's eyebrows would look irl kek

No. 326578

File: 1697123641923.jpg (813.48 KB, 1055x1200, 96161991_p5.jpg)

>religiously checking SotetAG's channel for a new upload.
Holy shit, this brings back memories. I used to love watching hetalia fangames.

No. 326582

Should I not think that that's kind of hot?

No. 326601

Fuck now I'm remembering the valentine's day story about Germany and Italy and how Germany was starting to have some sort of flashbacks from when he may have been Holy Roman Empire and it ended with a cliffhanger. I'm seething right now. He should have confessed his feelings! Fuck!!

No. 340114

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No. 343335

File: 1702936871336.png (549.55 KB, 600x600, IMG_4014.png)

I dunno how I’ve never found this thread before but it’s making me realise that I completely abandoned a France itabag I was starting to make around April. So maybe I gotta go back to doing that for him - anyone else got one or in the process of?


No. 343341

Was about to ask who this cute boy is before seeing the thread title… is Hetalia worth it sisters?

No. 345488

File: 1703846105974.jpeg (60.06 KB, 500x400, D2EB45D2-68F2-41C2-BB92-6E8BD9…)

Since Hetalia was the first anime I watched seriously, as long as my first manga ever, I knew nothing about how fandoms would work, but in return my love for history would finally find an happy place. I have a core memory of my 13 year old self amassing tons of “dear diary” and headcanons on Pinterest, and believing all of them were real or canon in some way because (picrel as example) “ah yes, it makes sense because at the end of the day people from England and people from Germany all descend for the same ancient population, which is also represented in the series by Vati Germania, and also it’s fitting because England is the only one of his brothers who does not have red hair and freckles so it’s a clear sign that Himapapa created him with blond hair and green eyes in order to represent this historical fact and blah blah blah”…. At this point, can I say that “my copy of Hetalia is personalized”? Sorry for blogposting and autism sperging, I could speak about it forever

No. 346811

File: 1704505919995.png (296.85 KB, 464x580, a.png)

I've never watched Hetalia before because the teen fandom back then scared me, the concept weirded me out and i feared that i would obsess over even sillier anime husbandos but so far i watched the first 3 seasons (had no idea that it was such a long series) and Germany is so adorable… i like Sweden too even if he didn't appear much, but Germany is almost husbando-built to me, i feel so defenceless whenever he's on screen.

I'm not really obsessing over shipping characters but the Italy/Germany/Japan trio is really cute. America, China and Sealand are such fun characters and Switzerland is fun too when he gets all territorial.
I'm enjoying the show but i need a break before i watch the other seasons now.

No. 357042

File: 1708301539284.jpeg (66.73 KB, 736x552, f4857a16-a0db-4e14-ba57-291d22…)

All my friends grew out of Hetalia and we always talk about how cringe it was in the group chat but I secretly still love it, it just reminds me of the old days and it's so comforting. I always come back to it because it's impossible to ever get bored of it, since there's so much you could do with it.
Anyway, I wish I could draw because I need to see England in the 1960s dressed like a member of the Beatles. Or America in the 1950s dressed like a greaser.

No. 360638


No. 363468

File: 1710729002544.jpeg (522.91 KB, 1500x1439, IMG_0788.jpeg)

I miss the old hetalia fandom lowkey, even though it was pretty terrible and cringe. but there was just so much fan content, it felt endless. it makes me so sad when my favorite amvs, fanfics, and djs from like a decade ago get deleted. especially since new fan content is just not as common, though the japanese fandom definitely seems to be more active than the western one. USUK especially seems to have fallen out of favor in the west. I can’t really explain why, but this ship makes me insane. it’s my favorite, and I’ll miss it as more and more old content gets deleted

No. 363471

All I can remember is how much they butchered Hungary's accent. They made her sound Russian smh.

No. 364206

File: 1710941430332.gif (591.21 KB, 208x208, england.gif)

Are you me? It feels like I wrote this. Yeah, I know we were cringe but I was so happy back then. I also love USUK. I just think of all the banter between real British and American people and it's so cute and funny kek. They have a lot of similarities but a lot of differences. I also just love the pop culture of both countries so I like to see em together. I hate how it's seen as evil or something to ship the two. I like their dynamic, big fuckin deal!!

No. 364208

I need to read some good historical Hetalia fanfiction. If I had the time and skills, I'd just write them myself.
I don't want to read the cringy Highschool AU crap written in 2009, no offense. I want to find something on the level of George deValier's fics. I wish the guy would come back and finish them, but it's been years and he's definitely moved on. It's too bad.
It'd be nice to read some good historical, dark, well-written fanfiction.
If anyone has any recommendations at all, please tell me.

No. 364209

File: 1710942384780.jpg (110.04 KB, 540x540, gerame.jpg)

My guilty pleasure. I like shipping America with England/Russia/Japan but this is rarer and so cute

No. 364343

File: 1710991381624.jpeg (169.01 KB, 700x900, IMG_0673.jpeg)

ayrt, I’m glad I’m not alone! it’s interesting how much fandom culture has changed. I was never a “proshipper” but they’re literally countries, not literal brothers… plus it’s insane to me to moralfag about hetalia of all things kek
God I’ll never recover from george devalier. his work is just unparalleled. recently, I found this dark historical USUK fic that was good (but it’s not an au): https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7485713/1/Savoy

No. 364351

File: 1710993002956.jpeg (709.35 KB, 1448x2048, 93AC8687-7300-4BD8-A27F-9160C4…)

all this reminiscing makes me kinda depressed (and jealous) because the fandom heyday was before my time. I hate it so much when fanworks get deleted. why do I have to be born so late I’m not underage btw don’t report me for that ok

No. 364381

Kek Hetalia season one is five years away from being twenty years old.

No. 364428

File: 1711032790678.jpeg (246.22 KB, 1088x1479, IMG_0786.jpeg)

Yeah hetalia was my very first fandom. I discovered hetalia when I was like 11 and promptly made a tumblr. Since the fandom was so big, there were several AUs/fanworks that basically had dedicated fandoms themselves, like george devalier, cardverse, pottertalia (picrel), hetaoni, etc. I miss when fandoms were that fun. But there were shitty sides to the fandom too, like all the shotacons that seemed to just be accepted by the wider fandom (fandom culture was so different back then, being “don’t like, don’t read” more or less). I was literally a kid interacting with those unabashed pedos constantly

No. 364429

i miss when italy was my husbando, i was shamed out of it

No. 364431

File: 1711034033859.jpg (43 KB, 450x694, EX7TxphWoAESard.jpg)

Tbf, Hetalia really wasn't meant for kids to begin with.
I wonder if it'd be better if there was something that kept kids from joining things they aren't old enough for, to protect them from sexualized content, pedos, and perverts.

No. 364441

You were absolutely not the target demographic for Hetalia because it's clearly not for kids, and it's crazy that you were on tumblr at 11yo of all websites. Where were your parents?

No. 364446

NTAYRT but Hetalia was also my first fandom and I was the same age when I first made a Tumblr. I miss those days, reading and writing the most asinine Hetalia fics on Quizilla and saving fanart to my shitty PC. I'm thankful I never really had issues with creeps. Being raised by the internet made me wisen up to that pretty quickly, for better or worse. Having neglectful parents will do that to a person I guess.

No. 364460

File: 1711045797417.jpeg (203.99 KB, 800x1135, IMG_0782.jpeg)

for my fellow america husbandofags

No. 364462

>Being raised by the internet made me wisen up to that pretty quickly, for better or worse
Sure but it's kind of a gamble, you either learn very fast how to be careful or you'll attract the weirdest perverts, no in-between. I watched the anime when I was in high school so I was like 16 years old I guess and only lurked the lj community to read new pages and follow events until 2012 when Himaruya fucked off somewhere for months or years, but from what I've seen the fandom truly became awful when the US dub got released.

No. 364471

Oh man, I loved HetaOni, I think it was even better than Ao Oni. I also loved deValier, and Cardverse, but never heard of Pottertalia, damn. But then again, I was never into Harry Potter in the first place.
Thanks, nona. That is so freaking cute! I wish there was one episode where he had a Southern accent or something. That'd be so hot.

No. 364472

File: 1711048381318.jpg (50.2 KB, 564x576, socute.jpg)

I agree, they're just countries so no big deal.
Also, thank you for that fic. Made my day nona, you absolute lifesaver!

No. 364476

HetaOni was way too good for an Ao Oni fangame. It was complex and there was so much drama kek it ended on such a cliffhanger too.

No. 364478

I know. What an injustice. If I had the time and skills, I'd just finish it myself.

No. 364485

File: 1711053525968.jpeg (395.9 KB, 1680x958, IMG_0810.jpeg)

Pottertalia was just the name of hetalia fanworks set in the HP universe, but it was really big back in the day since the HP fandom was also at its peak back then. I love slytherin!England so much

No. 364648

FrUkUs in casablanca au. samefag as above, sorry I’m currently hyperfixating on hetalia after being free from it for years

No. 364655

Thanks for posting this, nona. Can't believe I haven't seen this before. That was AWESOME, I miss this editing style so freaking bad. They just don't make AMVs like this anymore, it's too bad. And no way, don't be sorry! I'm the same damn way. I got back into Hetalia about a month ago and now it's all I think about 24/7. There's no escaping KEK

No. 364677

File: 1711127125050.jpg (63.78 KB, 500x438, hot.jpg)

I like my men like I like my tea, HOT and British

No. 364683

AMVS were so good

No. 364685

File: 1711128650071.jpeg (470.98 KB, 2048x1354, IMG_0834.jpeg)

need him.
You’re welcome, nonna! it’s criminal that amv has under 2k views
We’ll Meet Again makes my heart ache to this day

No. 364686

File: 1711128811394.jpeg (458.09 KB, 1515x2048, IMG_0825.jpeg)

I love cowboys

No. 364690

File: 1711130333527.jpg (54.21 KB, 428x600, fdfaff151a8a84f8ff297ee4277bb4…)

Arthur (and Ivan) have some of the best fanarts, goddamn, I'm an Alfredfag and I'm jealous.
Also, I just recently re-read We'll Meet Again and it still makes me cry. I need George to come back and finish his fics. I also really liked the other USUK fic he wrote, 'Blue, White, Red'. It was short but sweet. I'm a sucker for Revolutionary War USUK.
Thanks nona, another beautiful addition to my gallery. Cowboy Alfred is my favourite

No. 364692

File: 1711130631104.jpeg (479.56 KB, 2048x1354, IMG_0830.jpeg)

Fear not, nonna! Here’s alfred from the same artist

No. 364693

This is so fucking beautiful nona, thank you so much!!! I'm tearing up. This artist is absolutely amazing

No. 364695

The artist is @zhongerweiyuan on twitter!

No. 364802

File: 1711151381520.jpg (376.27 KB, 1992x1494, GD-aCZNWQAA20Dv.jpg_large.jpg)

Thanks nona! Their account is a treasure trove

No. 364822

Even though the western fandom is dead, the Japanese fandom is still popping out bangers in recent years

No. 364972

File: 1711221365903.jpeg (1.02 MB, 2048x1518, IMG_0826.jpeg)

I was so obsessed with these two as pirates when I was like 12 kek

No. 365239

File: 1711299947590.jpg (431.69 KB, 695x1180, 46765457_p1.jpg)

I'm forever grateful that Hetalia exists as a large cast of male characters/husbandos with a female majority audience. If it were entirely waifu countries then its fanbase would've been a hundred times more worse; full of toxic moid degeneracy, coomers, insufferable /pol/tards, shameless racists and edgelords spewing slurs and tragic moments in history as jokes. I know Nyotalia is a thing though I haven't seen anything degenerate of them other than being cute genderswaps of the actual characters and some neat fanart. Bless Himaruya and female Hetalia fans.

No. 365258

File: 1711304364162.jpg (250.69 KB, 1856x1440, aphbelarus.jpg)

I love her

No. 365261

File: 1711304762584.jpeg (231.78 KB, 1000x1256, IMG_0876.jpeg)

I’m so convinced himaruya is a gay man. like does his art not speak for itself? god bless

No. 365263

File: 1711304878733.jpeg (185.01 KB, 800x966, IMG_0877.jpeg)

fuck it. samefagging to pic dump the rest of the damaged series because it’s what hima-papa would have wanted

No. 365269

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No. 365271

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No. 365272

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No. 365273

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No. 365275

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No. 365276

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No. 365277

File: 1711306412236.jpeg (131.34 KB, 645x918, IMG_0884.jpeg)

south italy/romano

No. 365297

File: 1711309740858.jpg (256.99 KB, 967x1400, 1710461494278.jpg)

if anything I think hima is more likely to be a woman

No. 365307

This is the first piece evidence I’ve seen posted itt that has at all made me suspect hima’s actually a woman kek

No. 365314

there are tons of gay men with doll collections like this, i can't see it as evidence he is a woman.

No. 365316

it doesn't seem faggy, a gay man would more likely go for more defined muscles no?

No. 365317

File: 1711314417638.jpeg (95.5 KB, 800x304, IMG_0887.jpeg)

this comic strip especially felt like a gay man drew it. not in a bad way, it just feels kinda gay kek. but I could also see hima perhaps being a woman

No. 365318

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No. 365334

File: 1711317218570.gif (21.19 KB, 310x241, pt8.gif)

hm idk i've seen a lot of gay men that are into western fashion dolls but not really bjd or pulip dolls (i've only ever seen one and he was into more masc bjd dolls), maybe I'm biased since I don't know the japanese side of things

No. 365368

God, you're so right. I never considered this. So grateful Hetalia is the way it is. The other possibility sounds like a goddamn nightmare.

No. 365370

File: 1711323869375.jpg (140.09 KB, 450x550, 56502938_p2_master1200.jpg)

Japan isn't even my favourite but his doll is so freaking cute. My favourite is America, but man, his doll looks pretty terrible. What did they do to my husbando….

My brother's gay and he's into stuff like those dolls. I showed him the picture and he loves it. So who knows

He looks so good here. I love Alfred. Thank you hima

No. 365387

File: 1711332876717.jpg (227.89 KB, 1993x2048, cuteusuk.JPG)

No. 365596

File: 1711411229891.jpeg (103.92 KB, 500x670, IMG_9031.jpeg)

Getting back into Hetalia recently has made me noticed there’s a lot of Spamano hate?
I’ve seen people call it “incest” for whatever reason (I guess because North Italy called Spain big brother once but that doesn’t mean they’re related right off the bat. At least to me)

Anyways, was anyone else insanely obsessed with them like I was in middle school? Getting back into Hetalia has brought me back to them and now they’re all I think about.

No. 365624

File: 1711420199004.jpg (133.88 KB, 1024x768, wwwfwe.jpg)

my wife

No. 365630

File: 1711421154041.jpeg (553.28 KB, 1414x2048, IMG_0891.jpeg)

There was definitely a cultural shift in the fandom such that newer fans hate spamano and usuk, even though they used to be like the most popular ships. I suspect because hetalia was deemed problematic by tumblr, newer fans want to distance themselves from anything remotely questionable, hence the incest ship claims. I was also obsessed with spamano in middle school, and it’s clear himaruya is partial to them too kek

No. 365655

My first ever fanfic I wrote when I was 13 was Spamano. Romano called him a faggot for giving him a Valentine's Day gift. I'll always be fond of Spamano now kek.

No. 365678

KEK, that's amazing nona. So many people write the characters OOC sometimes but you got Romano spot on. He would definitely call Spain a faggot for that.

No. 365679

File: 1711451929813.jpg (994.07 KB, 874x1200, 84425572_p7_master1200.jpg)

I still love usuk and spamano. I love energetic dumb character x grumpy bastard character. The new fans of Hetalia are very cringe. They all have that tiktok 2021 typing style and overuse of emojis. BARF.

No. 365760

File: 1711484718766.jpg (630.35 KB, 1456x2048, canada.JPG)

I used to find canadians insufferable until I watched hetalia because he’s so cute. I’m sorry canadafags
>t. burgerfag

No. 365769

Hetalia curing racism and hatred by sheer power of cute country men.

No. 365771

File: 1711487039788.jpg (237.75 KB, 900x900, hetaliaski.JPG)

Kek I’m sorry, my canadaphobia stemmed from growing up near a military base that had a canadian division so there were several canadian military brats at my school who were passive-aggressive and weirdly nationalistic to me. but then I warmed up to them and realized they were just edgy teens like the rest of us, except they had also been forced to move to a foreign country full of americans, and I become good friends with one of them

No. 365789

File: 1711492935749.jpeg (160.91 KB, 724x774, IMG_9169.jpeg)

I’m the same way nona. I used to despise british people but Arthur is so fucking cute it makes me mad. I love him and his terrible cooking

No. 365792

BJDs are pretty commonly collected by guys in Japan.

No. 365793

File: 1711493819233.jpeg (84.04 KB, 640x640, sweet christian boi.jpeg)

I always thought Russia got the cutest doll (from the chibi line at least) he looks very sweet tempered.

No. 365799

Same kekkk. I think something hetalia does well is frame cultural differences as endearing. Now I find british smugness cute and silly and their open disdain for americans tsundere (I'm going to trigger the britbongs with this one)

No. 365802

File: 1711495106143.jpeg (233.81 KB, 900x900, IMG_0906.jpeg)

Samefag, just realized that pic was already posted, sorry. picrel was my fav spamano artist from like 2011

No. 365804

File: 1711496398327.jpeg (70.66 KB, 660x330, IMG_9173.jpeg)

The chibi dolls are so adorable! I’d definitely get one if resellers weren’t selling them for like 200$ kek

The azone dolls look so cute in the promo pictures but in person they look really ugly. (At least to me) their hair always looks fucked up in the listings I find of them

No. 365805

Yeah, the azone dolls have the absolute worst haircuts. They can be made to look cute if you feel comfortable cutting and styling the hair though! I really like their clothes

No. 365824

File: 1711514594709.jpg (31.56 KB, 600x485, 26168979_367807127016589_77997…)

I want to get back into rewatching Hetalia but I find Italy's voice acting so annoying in both Japanese and the English dub, and the "Ne ne papa wain choudai" song at the end makes me cringe so hard (and the episodes are so short that it happens every few minutes!). But I think the guys are hot, so maybe I should just power through it

No. 365825

File: 1711515079836.jpeg (310.73 KB, 1000x1186, IMG_0819.jpeg)

You could just read the webcomic: https://hetarchive.net/

No. 365860

File: 1711541491499.jpeg (564.28 KB, 828x1337, IMG_9196.jpeg)

Unsure if this is old news or not but they’re making another musical.

Hetafags who have watched the musicals, what do you think of them? Honestly, I love them and think they’re extremely charming. My favorite moment is when France sung about how he’s gonna make England marry him. It makes my FrUK shipper mind go crazy

No. 365945

I tried watching one of the musicals, but I was thrown by the bad singing. I guess I was expecting too much. But maybe I should give them another try?

No. 366112

File: 1711635306945.jpeg (349.82 KB, 1575x2048, IMG_0934.jpeg)

fresh off the press titanic au from usuk god @zattaakadesu_

No. 366113

I would hang this on my wall

No. 366162

i’m not even huge into usuk (born and raised fruk shipper) but with how much good art there is of them it’s making me ship it. they’re cuties

No. 366165

File: 1711646685991.jpeg (459.82 KB, 1378x2039, IMG_0950.jpeg)

I feel the exact same way but with fruk. for you, nonna

No. 366171

File: 1711648672938.jpeg (258.45 KB, 1421x1927, IMG_9275.jpeg)

that is absolutely beautiful! do you have the artist by chance?

and in return, some good ole fashion usuk for you nonna, they kinda have a comedy shoujo vibe to them i dig

No. 366176

File: 1711650501559.jpeg (234.35 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_0958.jpeg)

@dorikono_ is the artist! her young fruk art is so cute, I’m weak for the childhood friends/rivals trope. thank you for the cute usuk too

No. 366477

File: 1711767995000.jpeg (38.35 KB, 500x400, IMG_8844.jpeg)

nonas, i have made some very bad financial decisions. those being spending my whole paycheck on hetalia nendoroids. the autism is too strong

would anyone want a haul when they come? I got the spain, france, britian, and canada nendos kek

No. 366480

Hell yeah! I'd love to see a haul post.

No. 366742

File: 1711903494802.jpg (111.33 KB, 720x720, c2fa23e2c91ca4d29b7525df5e9f6d…)

This renewed my will to live.
Nona, you made the right decision. I'm jealous. Please do make a haul post!

No. 366743

File: 1711903717026.jpg (837 KB, 3084x2749, qbdvvlotjg881.jpg)

Kek who makes this shit

No. 366761

File: 1711909844339.jpeg (25.13 KB, 640x480, sb.jpeg)

i still can't decide if i regret ever getting into hetalia or not. on one hand i made a lot of friends through it, and on the other hand there was so much unnecessary drama. my friend got me into it, because i was and still am a turbo autist obsessed with certain countries, and at first it seemed like the most perfect thing ever, seeing that i was also a weeb. i will never forgive himaruya for breeding the hordes of dirty fujos shitting up every country's language or mainstream culture themed page on social media. they were the bane of my existence, and we used to chase them away with pitchforks from the norway and denmark themed groups with my slightly more normie friends. then again, if it wasn't for hetalia, le epic cosplay moments like this would never see the light of day.

No. 366818

Whose the fatass supposed to be?

No. 366820


No. 366834

File: 1711929265527.jpeg (245.46 KB, 1125x1260, IMG_1095.jpeg)

Does anyone have any pirate!arthur usuk fanfic recs? Please nonnas, I’m desperate

No. 367026

File: 1712005159289.jpg (61.17 KB, 424x600, tumblr_lzr5e5FAeB1qkyagb.jpg)

Here you go sweet nonnie. Haven't read them but couldn't leave ya hanging so I went out and searched. Read a little bit of each just in case, to make sure the grammar was good and that I wasn't recommending some slop. These seem pretty good. Enjoy.




No. 367030

Thank you nonna! ♥

No. 367044

File: 1712010883496.jpg (207.84 KB, 600x600, d670osw-14906764-f896-436a-bf8…)

Hair down Germany is super cute.

No. 367045

File: 1712010906304.jpeg (336.38 KB, 1399x2048, FPH8y5CXIAAq0bC.jpeg)

No. 367068

File: 1712019279572.jpeg (87.37 KB, 545x600, IMG_1123.jpeg)

also ridiculously sexy

No. 367090

File: 1712028081567.jpg (79.32 KB, 847x1200, a0d0dce1b6ebd62f4bc635ec68d61e…)

My problematic fave. love me some historic angsty fics with him.

No. 367094

Best boy. He's a perfect mix of youthful and mature.

No. 367199

File: 1712060048071.jpeg (138.65 KB, 736x1044, 重逢之日-中二委员.jpeg)

Same nona. I just love the historical fics with him in it. He's also so unbearably hot.

No. 367210

File: 1712065830428.jpeg (349.92 KB, 1578x2048, IMG_1105.jpeg)

I was hoping the ivanfags would return! He’s such a cutie

No. 367213

File: 1712066511364.png (803.21 KB, 1334x750, 1000002742.png)

why is france a woman

No. 367217

Oh that's the least of our worries, mon ami. What's crazy is that Danny DeVito is Italy… and Logan Paul is America.

No. 367219

File: 1712071288011.jpg (68.09 KB, 500x711, vanya.jpg)

That uniform does things to me.

No. 367253

File: 1712084626966.jpeg (91.4 KB, 500x708, IMG_9574.jpeg)


him and spain are my top problematic faves

No. 367257

File: 1712088763396.jpg (32.94 KB, 849x576, __united_kingdom_axis_powers_h…)

Yes!!! Makes him absurdly hot, i wish it was his permanent hairstyle.

Germany was best boy to me back in the day, but i think Russia surpasses him. Something about his particular mix of softness and cruelty is just perfect. Ruined me

Nonnas, did you completely change your mind about an APH character? England used to piss me off when i first watched the series, but now he's a favorite. Dont know if it's because i'm a teaboo now or because my tastes evolved (i've come to tolerate and even like pouty/bratty guys). Probably both

No. 367264

File: 1712090256938.png (355.03 KB, 630x630, 169839ddb8.png)

I'm not really into Russia but he's so cute and like >>367257 said i find his mix of soft and cruel charming, don't like yanderes but he makes it work. I think he looks very unique as an anime character in general, his big nose and downwards eyes look adorable. I really just think he's neat.

I've said it before here but i checked the series only this year, still love Germany and Sweden even if i can't imagine Sweden as a country acting like he does kek.

No. 367265

File: 1712090311047.jpg (202.11 KB, 1246x1280, alcoholism.JPG)

nonna I’m the same way with england! like I didn’t care for him as a preteen when I first got into hetalia, but now I love him so much I don’t know what happened?

the other character my opinion has changed the most about is germany. I don’t think I disliked him at first, but when tumblr canceled hetalia for its portrayal of nazi germany, among other things, I felt uncomfortable with his character and guilty for ever liking him partly because I’m literally jewish kek but after getting back into hetalia as an adult, I just kinda decided there’s no need to take hetalia so seriously plus ludwig is sexy

No. 367268

File: 1712090652732.jpeg (127.56 KB, 631x882, IMG_9580.jpeg)


also the same way with england kek. i’ve noticed that a lot of people start out hating him then grow to love him. his character songs and voice in the sub is so cute i resisted at first but he is so adorable i love him now he’s in my top 5

this specific screen cap of him makes me laugh cause he looks retarded kek.

No. 367271

File: 1712091107938.jpeg (362.89 KB, 1246x2048, IMG_0922.jpeg)

love him…….

No. 367278

File: 1712093016066.jpg (518.54 KB, 1536x2048, F50jXXHbkAAp2vQ.jpg_large.jpg)

You're right, I love his big nose, downturned eyes, rounder jaw and the build of his body. God he's so hot. He's perfect.
Germany is awesome too. I love how he acts so tough but is a giant softie on the inside. I love that character song he sings about baking cakes and how his voice changes kek.
KEKK he looks hilarious!

No. 367280

File: 1712093358883.jpg (83.08 KB, 720x720, IMG_20240402_222820_077.jpg)

I made this ages to ago to show my friends how John Lennon and Russia look similar. Tell me you nonas agree and that I'm not insane

No. 367281


honestly nona? i see the vision. i think it’s mainly the face and the hair

No. 367282

File: 1712093917118.jpeg (2.69 MB, 1500x2024, IMG_0949.jpeg)

No. 367283

Hell yeah, you nonnies get me

No. 367538

File: 1712158640329.jpg (213.54 KB, 1280x1188, 69843dedd3edb00f58aba4f72609fe…)

Keeping the Russia love train going! Ugh, he's such a cute little psycho. My headcanon is that he always gets sweets from the market before guests come over, usually serving either prianik or those cookies with a marmalade center with tea.

No. 367545

File: 1712161812716.jpeg (228.29 KB, 742x1000, IMG_0816.jpeg)

wish I was alfred here tbh

No. 367574

File: 1712169956428.jpeg (397.46 KB, 2048x1718, IMG_1140.jpeg)

Late follow-up, I’ve been fixated on USUK to an autistic degree for the last few weeks (god knows why), so here are some more historical USUK fic recs:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/697195/chapters/1283028 — dark revolutionary war nationverse (SO GOOD WTF)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39251757 — ww2 soldiers au
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8006785/1/ — titanic nationverse
https://archiveofourown.org/works/34045717 — historical england servants au
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7455102/1/ — colonial america au
https://archiveofourown.org/works/561135/chapters/1002313 (not a historical au, but I’m including it anyway because it’s so good)

No. 367579

File: 1712171859627.jpeg (185.62 KB, 736x515, IMG_9653.jpeg)

i’m curious, what do you guys think of 2ptalia? honestly as cringe as it is i still really enjoy the 2ps but mainly as a nostalgic thing

do you nonas have a favorite and/or least favorite 2p or do you just not like the au? i’m a huge romanofag and i always felt like they did him sooo dirty in 2ptalia making him some stereotypical annoying gay moid kek

No. 367594

File: 1712176786326.jpeg (355.14 KB, 1335x2034, IMG_4946.jpeg)

this man is peak character design anything else has failed to capture what he has

No. 367599

File: 1712179321084.jpeg (353.55 KB, 2048x1294, IMG_0831.jpeg)

unironically, hetalia has such good character designs. I think that’s one of its biggest appeals. like there are so many attractive husbandos to choose from each with distinctive designs that still lean towards realism. france especially stood out to me when I first got into hetalia though

No. 367600

File: 1712179475498.jpg (132.34 KB, 736x1176, 99559113c9a530e5607b552aabf567…)

I love that headcanon nona! So damn cute.
I fucking LOVE YOU nona!! I could cry right now. I'm saving all of these. After my exams finish in a month, I'm just going to stay home reading these. It's gonna be awesome, can't wait.
I also enjoy the 2ps, because of nostalgia. You're right, can't believe what they did to Romano KEK. My favourite 2p was America, I loved reading all the headcanons about him, and making my own.
Is this France with short hair? Tres belle.

No. 367602

File: 1712179850868.gif (404.58 KB, 500x316, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

That picture is insanely beautiful. I love the Hetalia fandom, these artists are fucking amazing. I've seen so many Hetalia fanart that looks like it could be displayed in the Louvre.

No. 367604

File: 1712180284283.jpg (60.89 KB, 700x855, lux.jpg)

Thought this was Luxembourg at first kek

No. 367607

Oh goodness, I was a huge Hetalia fan growing up. Made me take so many extra history classes in school lol. This thread has reawakened my autism. FrUk best ship btw.

No. 367611

Feel free to come back here and let me know your thoughts on the fics, nonna!
Yesss… join us… USUK best ship tho

No. 367626

File: 1712185751283.jpeg (479.62 KB, 828x941, IMG_9614.jpeg)

based nona i’m also a huge frukfag we need more fruk appreciation in this thread

No. 367634

File: 1712187839645.jpeg (198.55 KB, 1174x948, IMG_1156.jpeg)

it’s so funny that this fucking loser was at the center of one of the biggest shipwars known to fujokind. god I fucking love him

No. 367639

I love England's new voice actor. They got an actual British bloke this time and he is fucking perfect.

No. 367645

File: 1712189031065.jpeg (402.27 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_1139.jpeg)

I do like his new va best, but I also liked his first va tbh (despite his crimes) because he sounded more posh, which I feel like is the image arthur would want to project as a “gentleman” kek. I can’t actually detect how authentic an british accent is as an amerifag though

No. 367650

Agreed! and it also makes his voice sound so much more cuter (at least to me)

On the topic of vas, what do you guys think of prussia’s va change? i didn’t notice it but i think they sound almost the exact same. Do you guys know why they changed it? I cant find anything about it online.

No. 367659

he is so cute. being into us/uk as a teen really altered my brain chemistry and I find a lot of ships i like to this day have similarities in personalities and dynamics

No. 367662

His jewels here look SO amazing, England should wear more turquoise!

No. 367664

File: 1712193056409.jpeg (521.32 KB, 2048x1386, IMG_0930.jpeg)

Do you have any examples of similar ships? Because I’m love them. terminally

No. 367741

File: 1712225271348.jpg (360.05 KB, 1576x2048, F9ip9D2aUAA36Wf.jpg)

@CbfwWh8848 on twitter

No. 367745

File: 1712226559067.webp (113.34 KB, 600x712, 22499089_p0_master1200.webp)

Yeah, he was my second favourite. I loved that posh accent, suited him well. Imagine England with a Cockney accent though, or even a roadman accent KEKK I love all the different accents that tiny country has.
DANG, I didn't even notice the change until you pointed it out.
I love USUK so much. The other name for them, LiberTea is so cute too kek
Nta, but SpaMano is pretty similar.

No. 367776

Pirate!england was my sexual awakening. I’m so glad this amv hasn’t been deleted

No. 368005

File: 1712321735822.jpg (185.38 KB, 1067x800, dd26ae38647a6f53615d2a2a13c07e…)

Kek I saw British and American nonnas fighting in another thread about food and the first thing my retarded ass thought about was USUK. Embarrassing

No. 368010

File: 1712327388030.jpeg (494.32 KB, 1706x2048, IMG_1137.jpeg)

Kek I feel you, nonna

No. 368012

File: 1712327693179.jpeg (385.93 KB, 2048x1089, IMG_1217.jpeg)

Samefag, what do you all think about the UK brothers? This is somewhat old news now (hima posted picrel to his twitter in 2022) but I only got back into hetalia recently so I was surprised to see they have official characters now. I still remember fanon Scotland fondly, so I was a little disappointed canon Scotland doesn’t have red hair too (but it makes sense for hima to make him look different since both Irelands are gingers)

No. 368020

File: 1712330555642.jpg (145.23 KB, 1073x1936, 48dbc8ec195de8913dbb5da32d7c25…)

I preferred fanon Scotland honestly, but this one is pretty cool too. Wales is so freaking adorable, I love him. Northern Ireland is pretty cool, and I know Ireland isn't a UK brother but I really love him. I'm Irish and I remember trying to make Ireland OCs kek but I love the canon one, reminds me of a guy I used to have a crush on. But my favourite is Arthur, of course (oh, I'm such a traitor). I hope another season of Hetalia comes out soon with the UK brothers and Ireland in it!

No. 368029

File: 1712332966058.jpeg (377.24 KB, 603x800, IMG_1194.jpeg)

Ayrt, would you say the Irelands are pretty accurate to eurofag/britbong stereotypes? Northern Ireland is cuter than I would have expected, but I really like him

No. 368040

i think they are so adorable!! especially ireland kek i have a thing for red heads im not gonna lie i really do wish they were more popular

do you guys remember the concept of all 50 states being americas “brothers?” i always thought it was amusing

No. 368055

if you weren't from a country that had its own official character did you ever make your own country's OC? i used to have a self insert serbia oc so i could ship myself with england when i was 12 kekkk

No. 368062

File: 1712342647990.jpg (38.44 KB, 340x376, 1000017394.jpg)

I wish Himaruya could draw Venezuela because the only designs I've seen are great, but idk, I want to know what the creator thinks of my country kek.
I kind of like this one, even though he's a ginger for some reason? I guess it's a reference to santiago mariño?

No. 368065

File: 1712343077454.jpeg (628.03 KB, 828x815, IMG_9799.jpeg)

i wish hima would make a mexico character but he said he hasn’t yet cause he doesn’t feel like “he could get it right” a girl can dream

No. 368067

File: 1712343230978.jpeg (56.22 KB, 730x605, IMG_4951.jpeg)

france anon here, i found out i can still access my zerochan account from 2011 and found these nice photos of him in my favourites

No. 368068

File: 1712343295436.jpeg (511.71 KB, 600x847, IMG_4947.jpeg)

No. 368069

File: 1712343607175.jpeg (245.93 KB, 820x580, IMG_4949.jpeg)

No. 368073

File: 1712343934461.jpeg (336.05 KB, 1393x1097, IMG_4955.jpeg)

No. 368076

File: 1712344665440.jpeg (157.01 KB, 931x704, IMG_1278.jpeg)

I really wish we had a canon mexico so we could finally have a north american trio

No. 368077

File: 1712344777891.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1528x2048, IMG_1179.jpeg)

These fanarts really took me back, I remember seeing them in so many AMVs back in 2011 kek

No. 368081

kek I remember being a kid discovering Hetalia for the first time and seeing England and being amazed that male characters could be tsundere too. USUK and Spamano quickly became my favorite ships and I still love the cheerful retard/grumpy tsundere ship dynamic to this day

No. 368082

File: 1712345881633.jpeg (217.36 KB, 567x800, IMG_9806.jpeg)

This AmeCan artist used to be my life form. They’re a guilty pleasure of mine kek. I remember seeing some of their doujins for sale but I never snagged them and i’m starting to regret it

No. 368086

File: 1712347629052.jpg (295.5 KB, 822x856, HWS413-0009.jpg)

Kek, they were only in about 8 chapters of the manga, so haven't seen too much of them yet, but yeah, they definitely are accurate to the stereotypes!
Northern Ireland said the word 'craic' and he eats Taytos (and that goddamn Tayto crisp sandwich…) That's the Irishest thing ever. Love him. And Ireland is just perfect. Hima did such a good job.
This chapter is really cute:

No. 368087

File: 1712347941930.jpg (329.05 KB, 600x847, United.States.full.1791058.jpg)

I love this artist's style.
This picture is so freaking cute! kek Alfred is always eating a burger.
Same nona, best ship dynamic ever.
This brought back memories, damn nona

No. 368089

File: 1712348567754.jpeg (358.81 KB, 1616x2048, IMG_1301.jpeg)

A nonna of rare and refined taste! AmeCan definitely wouldn’t fly today kek but I still love their dynamic, whether brotherly or romantic

No. 368090

File: 1712349164726.jpeg (119.43 KB, 735x955, IMG_9811.jpeg)

Even if they don’t fly today that will never stop me from shipping them kek! I love them and think their ship dynamic is absolutely the cutest! I love the quiet shy and extroverted dynamic. They fit it so well. It’s nice seeing other nonas who like amecan aka nonas with taste KEK

No. 368093

File: 1712350049032.jpeg (148.06 KB, 600x466, IMG_1305.jpeg)

So cute

No. 368103

File: 1712352902266.jpg (65.72 KB, 563x796, kekwtf.jpg)

I love shipping America with everyone kek. My favourite is UsUk but I love RusAme, AmeriPan, GerAme, AmeCan…. oh man.

No. 368106

File: 1712353361358.jpg (62.84 KB, 500x699, ameripan.jpg)

Some cute Ameripan kek

No. 368107

File: 1712353760662.jpeg (306.61 KB, 2048x1960, IMG_1130.jpeg)

Here’s a rare america pairing, nonna

No. 368165

Daaang, thanks nona! That art is awesome, and I do like some PruAme, they have some history together too which is cool. America ships are so much fun to me kek

No. 368171

File: 1712354690411.jpeg (555.44 KB, 1460x2048, IMG_1295.jpeg)

Agreed! I feel kinda bad for spamming this thread with so much Alfred/USUK so just gonna casually drop some FrUK too for the FrUK nonnies. I’ve been here all day since it’s been a slow day at work today but my shift just ended! Time to log off kek ily all, hetafags ♥

No. 368172

File: 1712354872807.jpeg (497.66 KB, 1600x1339, IMG_1302.jpeg)

Samefag, jk one more USUK before I log off kek

No. 368175

File: 1712355139701.jpeg (167.27 KB, 540x900, IMG_9821.jpeg)

the frukfags appreciate and support you nona. fruk and usuk shipper solidarity

No. 368177

File: 1712355634489.jpg (72.29 KB, 564x586, artie.jpg)

I like fruk as well, despite being a diehard usukfag, I just love the way they bicker like an old married couple kek
Love ya too nonnie and all the rest of you nonas!
nta, but I can't believe those shipping wars were ever a thing kek Solidarity is so much sweeter

No. 368262

File: 1712374064308.png (363.77 KB, 443x600, alfred cruise.png)

I liked this picture of young Tom Cruise because he looked cute and super American (I know he IS American, but he looked EXTRA American here. I'm talking apple-pie-and-Fourth-of-July level American.) So I made this kek, gaze upon my masterpiece, my magnum opus

No. 368264

No. 368279

this is literally Alfred F. Jones hima told me himself

No. 368425

File: 1712426489345.jpeg (324.98 KB, 1725x1519, IMG_1337.jpeg)

@teruu__8 has such beautiful art, I love this style

No. 368426

File: 1712426558297.jpeg (487.46 KB, 1382x2048, IMG_1330.jpeg)

No. 368429

File: 1712426902604.jpeg (369.61 KB, 2048x1400, IMG_1339.jpeg)

No. 368434

File: 1712429413050.png (168.7 KB, 400x400, c01c8717e8158641bc708fd722257c…)

I've never made a Hetalia OC but I always wished Hima would give some attention to Latin America, I always thought the interactions with every character would be very fun! My country, Costa Rica, is very small so I don't think it'll ever happen, I just wish we saw more countries from the Americas.

No. 368444

File: 1712431797400.jpeg (280.03 KB, 1008x1196, IMG_9902.jpeg)

everyone’s favorite boy has arrived! i got him through bigbadtoystore because he was sold out on the crunchy roll website. my other 3 still haven’t shipped unfortunately so i’m playing the waiting game for them but god! he’s adorable!

even though he is cute and i love him but jesus christ. posing him was one huge chore. i was so scared of breaking pieces so i was as gentle as possible i was going to ask if any nonas want to see him in a different pose but after the chore of just getting him into that one? maybe ill wait a little kek. does anyone want a closer shot of him? wanted him to be next to my america plushie

No. 368474

File: 1712439427669.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1792x2048, IMG_1298.jpeg)

Aww he’s so cute

No. 368621

Since America and England are kinda popular and we use english… any nona feels weird or sort of awkward about liking a character that is supposed to be their own country?

No. 368624

I always wanted mexico too. Kek

No. 368625

How bad would hetalia be in terms of SJW and gendie shit if it came in 2024?

No. 368642

You're asking about if the manga and anime were released now or about the fandom?

No. 368644

Hey, who knows, he might make some, since he randomly made some South East Asian countries in 2021

No. 368646

File: 1712488709685.jpg (Spoiler Image,337.57 KB, 946x972, ABSOLUTELY VILE.jpg)

Aww he is way too cute nona. I love the little pancakes kek
And dang, you better lock up real good tonight because I'm coming to steal that America plushie off of you
Baaaaad. It would be so bad. They'd either say it was racist because it's making countries like Japan, Germany, England and America look all cutesy and loveable when they committed war crimes and that anyone who likes Hetalia is an evil nazi kek or they just trannify the shit out of all the characters and headcanon them as transmasc nonbinary polyamorous pansexual burgergender non-male entities KEKK and draw them with titchop scars like picrel

No. 368656

noooo picrel is so offensively bad it made me recoil

No. 368662

kek not only is the art hideous, i feel like all of the hetalia men and women would be transphobic or terfs of some kind

No. 368663

KEKK so true nona. If only I could draw, I'd make some beautiful anti-tranny Hetalia art to counteract that hideous monstrosity

No. 368667

File: 1712499436680.jpeg (184.15 KB, 1308x1669, IMG_1129.jpeg)

It did feel a bit weird to simp for the personification of my country but hima made him way too attractive kek like how could you not
My fucking eyes

No. 368668

File: 1712499708416.jpeg (547.42 KB, 1988x2048, IMG_1362.jpeg)

I still have hope for a canon Mexico one day

No. 368675

File: 1712503706469.gif (831.09 KB, 565x456, mmd.gif)

I really miss using mmd. I would spend so much animating on it kek

No. 368676

Kek I showed Hetalia to one of my normie anime convention friends and she said it was racist

No. 368677

I miss being able to use mmd i have a shitty macbook now and cant run it anymore, even with a virtual box. my old laptop had most of the popular hetalia models everyone was using and i really wish i didnt get rid of it

hetalia mmds are still a guilty pleasure of mine kek i still watch them in my spare time

No. 368681

Yeah, I recently saw this on my feed today so i had to rewatch it.
Recently i found all my old hetalia models on an old computer, so glad I found it kek.

No. 368683

As a hetalia fan: it is

No. 368684

File: 1712507488177.jpg (612.13 KB, 1415x2048, worldstarscover.JPG)

NTA but I recently caught up with hetalia: world stars and it’s much less ~offensive~ than hetalia: axis powers, like there was a large thematic/tone shift and even the characterizations are more forgiving. I still like old hetalia and it’s edgy humor though tbh

No. 368710

Tanks. That's why I reich it so much

No. 368749

File: 1712526309803.jpg (835.22 KB, 1250x1242, Nyotalia.full.3571103.jpg)

Yo nonnies. What do you all think about Nyotalia and who's your favourite? I know we only saw them for a millisecond but I like Germany and America, they're so damn cute. I would redesign England though.

No. 368754

Obviously the fandom

No. 368760

File: 1712530559183.jpeg (660.86 KB, 2048x1249, IMG_1366.jpeg)

I love nyotalia. Nyo!America, Japan, Romano, and Lithuania are my faves

No. 368768

File: 1712534675298.jpeg (311.87 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_9986.jpeg)

for the frukfags

No. 368773

File: 1712535376032.jpg (75.92 KB, 600x569, 6001485959.jpg)

For me, it's Nyo!France

No. 368775

File: 1712535990534.png (721.91 KB, 1019x1200, 2566681.png)

Canada (heart emoji)

Yeah America is so adorable even if i'm not into him, i just always had tons of reasons to try not to like Germany but at least i don't live there anymore kek

No. 368788

File: 1712538760418.jpeg (209.4 KB, 1328x742, IMG_1374.jpeg)

Damn that’s pretty

No. 368871

File: 1712548093160.jpeg (180.62 KB, 600x848, IMG_0017.jpeg)

i just rediscovered one of my favorite spamanos artists pixiv from back in the day and god… i really love their dynamic. spain cares so much about romano it honestly makes me sick

No. 369065

File: 1712591642430.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1400x2039, IMG_1416.jpeg)

this artist single-handedly made me a RusAme enjoyer

No. 369076

Coldwar is my favorite ship since 2009. I can't help it

No. 369081

I stopped reading Hetalia long ago, when Himaruya disappeared for a while so at the beginning of 2013, what do you mean by less offensive? How's the humor? Because I found the humor trashy but pretty good and I can't see myself catching up and reading cutesy manga about nothing happening at all. I'm considering buying the original manga for old time's sake too.

No. 369092

File: 1712604637863.png (202.68 KB, 363x329, IMG_1281.png)

There’s much less raunchy humor, more cutesy art compared to very early hetalia, and fewer comic strips that discuss war at all—axis vs allies is barely a thing any more. I still enjoy it, but it is different.

No. 369094

File: 1712604780437.jpeg (118.87 KB, 1125x818, IMG_1131.jpeg)

Samefag, speaking of offensive hetalia moments, I can’t believe this top moment of hetalia history hasn’t been posted here yet kekkk

No. 369096

Sounds boring then.

No. 369097

kek i actually really like south korea maybe if hima goes back to the drawing board with him we could see him in world stars but i doubt it

No. 369100

I wish Hima would rework SK into something people won't get lynched for airing. Because his absence is kind of palpable kek

No. 369101

File: 1712608615193.jpeg (723.39 KB, 1038x981, IMG_1415.jpeg)

More RusAme for you, nonna

No. 369121

File: 1712615634075.jpg (197.11 KB, 727x800, 7cbc28ad262137b35aeaff3cfea37f…)

Love this fat retard
Got me in a RusAme mood today

No. 369122

File: 1712615809758.jpg (1.3 MB, 1000x1475, nyopru.jpg)

Adore them! It's what made me fall in love with genderbending designs. My faves are England (!!), Russia, Austria and Germany/Prussia

No. 369130

i feel like enough time has passed now that hetelia isn't as trendy. but i get why they don't kek weren't people sending bomb threats

No. 369137

Yes kek I understand both sides though. Hima was just one (likely really young) person operating on limited information so it's not fair to take it that seriously. But OTOH SK was being framed as am intrusive sexual harrasser despite Japan's rape of multiple EA countries. So obviously people were going to get pissed, it's like Holocaust denial in the region.

No. 369143

File: 1712621355897.jpeg (624.48 KB, 2000x1402, IMG_1353.jpeg)

DA, but I agree hima’s depiction of SK was fucked. I always found early hetalia uncomfortably nationalistic, like every country was clowned except for japan, who was depicted as honorable, polite, moe, etc. I think hima has definitely improved since then though, as hetalia: world stars is more about learning about other cultures rather than mocking them

No. 369146

I think they look SO good together and I love the angst, but I can't reconcile the feeling that both of them are tachis. Does anynonna hve fanfics to recommend and sway me to the dark side?

No. 369149

What's a tachi?

No. 369151

File: 1712624524769.jpg (62 KB, 797x768, 8091927df03041283a95f100689448…)

tachiwan, its a country

No. 369179

AYRT I completely agree, I think it's been interesting to see the way Hima's perspectives have matured over the years. It's a shame that some past topics like SK are (albeit understandably) a bit too touchy to go back and expand on.

No. 369228

File: 1712657633519.png (784.67 KB, 1280x960, 1280.png)

I finally understand how it feels to be one of those weirdos who has an airplane fetish… kind of.

No. 369265

File: 1712670179074.jpeg (150.83 KB, 768x1024, IMG_1291.jpeg)

might be becoming an ivanfag tbh

No. 369298

File: 1712678566306.jpg (92.46 KB, 690x601, 20210118_083053.jpg)

wish i could go back in time, it's hard watching my favourite ukus/rusame artists move onto other fandoms

No. 369299

wtf I love this so much, this is everything I never knew I needed

No. 369318

File: 1712682647902.jpeg (218.21 KB, 1324x2048, IMG_1428.jpeg)

No. 369379

LOL it's a bl term to refer to the top. It used to be seme and uke but apparently according to my super fujoshi friend, it's more common to use tachi and neko these days. I could be wrong though. I like some gay ships but I'm not a fujoshi, just a regular shipper.

No. 369386

nonas I really need to complain. I've been getting back into hetalia after a decade and i decided to check tumblr for some nice fanart to post here and god am I disappointed…aside from a couple of genuinely great artworks, everything is so horrid… troonifying characters, god-awful artstyles, memes etc. tho I'm not exactly sure what I expected from tumblr . I knew the fandom wasn't what it used to be but damn I'm still disappointed

No. 369404

File: 1712698743627.jpg (138.99 KB, 850x848, a7f86a4d7c4157554.jpg)

I checked out Hetalia for the first time in over a decade (was into it when I first became a weeb, then disavowed it when it became considered "problematic"). It's always fun to see how your tastes have changed with series like these. I used to be a fan of Prussia and Switzerland as a preteen, but now I've "matured" into a Germany appreciator kek

No. 369405

Can somebody explain why some of the countries have canon ages, like Germany being 20? What is it based on? I assume Hima provided them, but I'm not sure what the numbers are based on.

No. 369406

File: 1712698873367.jpg (685.81 KB, 1448x2048, FkyewaYagAA0X_k.jpg)

the current state of the fandom is godawful lmao i usually lurk around jpn spaces on twitter and chinese sites like lofter/weibo for good art nowadays

No. 369409

File: 1712700276049.jpeg (177.7 KB, 768x990, IMG_1343.jpeg)

I simply do not engage with the western fandom (outside of lc), I just lurk on jpn xitter where the fandom is still quite active and amazing fanart is constantly being posted. I saw like one usuk tiktok with zoomers seething in the comments about “incest” and realized there was no hope. Not to sound like a weeb, but seeing how active and chill the jpn fandom is makes me wish I could speak japanese

No. 369412

File: 1712700650924.jpg (140.82 KB, 900x900, EvPNqGdVoAIO5Yp.jpg)

Same nona. Can't stand the western fandom either. They're all retards. Thank god I have lc. Heaven is real, and it's here I tell ya.

No. 369419

File: 1712704090543.jpeg (139.33 KB, 600x713, IMG_0014.jpeg)

also samefagging but yeah. the usuk/spamano discourse is so fucking annoying cause it’s the new fans calling them “problematic” ships kek.

i’m so glad the hetafag nonnas are chill. god bless. i miss you peak old heta fandom

No. 369453

File: 1712719781937.jpg (160.53 KB, 850x967, allies.JPG)

I think it’s mostly just to humanize and flesh out the characters. you could argue that human ages roughly correlate to the age and development of a nation, but it can be a bit contrived. for instance, hima may have said alfred is 19 since america is a relatively new country, while arthur is 23 since england has been around for a long time

No. 369574

I'm Korean.

No. 369578

File: 1712768212213.jpeg (122.83 KB, 1158x1648, IMG_1520.jpeg)

I’m sorry, nonna. It’s a shame because SK has a cute design imo

No. 369593

File: 1712774926620.jpg (104.59 KB, 850x679, 0cf25e14ee8092e4b.jpg)

I've erased the canon personality of SK fron my mind and instead enjoy the East Asia group for what it could be.
Same, I also like how tall he is compared to the other two in a shipping sense kek

No. 369611

File: 1712780927222.jpg (512.39 KB, 1139x1654, lietpolcanon.JPG)

still can’t believe lietpol canon I mean look at this masterpiece of a cover

No. 369613

File: 1712781107501.jpg (508.12 KB, 550x763, nyolietpol.JPG)

samefag >>369611, speaking of nyotalia, they are the best

No. 369626

I didn't even recognize Latvia the first time I saw this. They all look good though I love Himas art

No. 369630

File: 1712787265841.jpg (140.44 KB, 720x868, Screenshot_20240410_014543_edi…)


Oh I didn't know Ireland finally made it into Hetalia so thanks for posting this. "Won't do today what can be done tomorrow" I feel so called out.. I also love when Northern Ireland said "Half of my body is made up of Taytos" and "Together we'd box the head off him easily" I'm excited to see more. I had kind of adopted Russia as my country since I cosplayed him in a panel and we have Vodka in common. I'm so happy Ireland exists now lol.

No. 369638

File: 1712792017965.jpeg (73.51 KB, 417x449, IMG_1275.jpeg)

This panel of england and scotland is perfect

No. 369776

File: 1712862120837.png (178.81 KB, 731x450, 302784.png)

Hi-meme-maruya Hidekaz, lolol

No. 369818

File: 1712878601794.jpg (418.5 KB, 1000x666, Nyotalia.full.467278.jpg)

All of them are lovely but I like Nyo!Prussia and Nyo!China the most. Nyo!Belarus is also cute, it's a shame he hasn't shown up officially yet.

No. 369827

File: 1712882629200.jpeg (465.59 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_1467.jpeg)

they make me insane

No. 369838

i just recently read a fic with background usuk that was so good im now fully converted

No. 369840

File: 1712887146262.jpeg (257.65 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1456.jpeg)

link please

No. 369851

File: 1712891648145.jpg (99.49 KB, 696x850, 263596121bc8fdac84c215e0b549b5…)

I haven't seen it posted much but I found a new love in germany/us. God they're so hot, but tbh I love any situation involving Alfred and a stern partner. He's just built to be a bottom.

No. 369853

File: 1712892233260.jpg (39.06 KB, 500x500, b597cc03cb0c5d569b32d3fcaad28f…)

No. 369884

File: 1712917173309.jpg (43.64 KB, 540x304, 93269a9ee7c4b0f2d81e1d035f96c1…)

Based nona. They're so cute kek

No. 369886

File: 1712917424595.jpg (255.21 KB, 544x800, 96164682_p0_master1200.jpg)

Same nona, even though I ship Alfred with a bunch of other characters, USUK is always gonna be my favourite. Best combo ever

No. 369895

Both of these were posted ITT already btw

No. 369901

even though it’s pretty minor, the implications are there and it’s really good for what’s there. primarily a spamano fanfiction but god. this fic is so beautiful even if you’re not huge on spamano like i am, i think you should give it a shot

warning: it mainly focuses on a teacher/student relationship if you’re not into that stuff


No. 369913

File: 1712930860356.jpeg (778.99 KB, 1191x1798, IMG_1418.jpeg)

thank you, nonna! I like spamano too, can’t wait to read this

No. 369914

File: 1712930949405.jpeg (382.71 KB, 770x792, IMG_0902.jpeg)

since we could use more spamano here…

No. 369924

File: 1712934620094.jpeg (168.99 KB, 580x800, IMG_0025.jpeg)

kek i have an image album on my phone with 700+ spamano arts, clips, amvs saved. i literally have so much more saved on my laptop i’m such a sperg about them, glad to see more spamanofags

No. 370000

File: 1712956414342.png (328.46 KB, 295x700, anime-hetalia-8434468352.png)

No. 370021

File: 1712963154058.jpeg (44.66 KB, 412x319, IMG_1661.jpeg)

Me and my hetanonnies

No. 370128

>comic sans
>Nicolas Cage
this activates so many memories

No. 370187

File: 1713025295692.jpg (53.33 KB, 850x727, 1000005434.jpg)


Based. USUK is always at the top of my list.

No. 370465

File: 1713054171750.webp (44.54 KB, 700x700, c6758af184a241339f406603493345…)

I really want to try my hand at making one or two of those mini plushies (I think they're called nuis) of Hetalia characters, these cupcake plushies resemble them but they don't have Canada and honestly I feel they could be cuter with some whipped cream, sprinkles, or cherry details… They look more like muffins kek
I will definitely post them here if I make any
I have a private Hetalia pinterest board that has 12,500+ images saved, I wish that I had AMVs saved since some really old ones got taken down and you can't watch them anymore.

No. 370472

>>370465 same.. most of my old amv playlist is dead now…I really miss the High effort amvs I never saved worse still I don't remember the names so I can look them up on niconico although kek at so many Belarus amvs still being out there

No. 370477

this amv seriously teleports me right back to 2011

No. 370479

samefag, I’m SO glad this usuk classic is still up

No. 370482

File: 1713058221092.png (365.8 KB, 1033x1092, 1000001170.png)

No. 370485

No. 370487

howdy alfred!

No. 370490

File: 1713059481628.png (390.54 KB, 801x1206, 1000001171.png)

No. 370495

OT but boss baby has such a punchable face

No. 370497

Are we showcasing our favorite amvs? My favorite spamano one. I think about it everyday.

No. 370499

File: 1713062096851.jpeg (29.51 KB, 226x265, IMG_1594.jpeg)

No. 370503

Holy shit I have so many saved to a playlist it's not funny. Doesn't this singer kind of sound like him? It's crazy to think that all this art is 13+ years old

No. 370505

this changed my life

No. 370508

This just scratches your brain in all the right places. Post your faves nonnies!

No. 370524

>12 years ago
thinking about hetaloid and mmds right now…

No. 370741

File: 1713129868737.jpeg (1.93 MB, 1378x1826, IMG_1700.jpeg)

art by @underwonder000

No. 370795

File: 1713149354529.jpg (516.81 KB, 1006x620, 6529568_p0.jpg)

I used to love this video ugh just hearing the song makes me feel nostalgic and sad

No. 371027

This is so cute, but England's Union Jack looks like rice 米 lol

No. 371132

File: 1713227586338.jpeg (378.29 KB, 1479x1479, IMG_1814.jpeg)

Maybe I should post this in the crossover thread instead but it’s so cute I’ll post it here

No. 371273

File: 1713272686556.png (36.89 KB, 763x242, beatlesshimeji.png)

Who the fuck made this hetalia looking Beatles shimejis…

No. 371279

That was me, nonna

No. 371295

File: 1713280772900.jpg (555.55 KB, 1080x1547, hetalia_ch516.JPG)

Hima, wtf

No. 371300

i hate the new hima style
this was so much cuter

No. 371303

Who's that? Germ?

No. 371304

I need to breed him, he defined my sexuality as a 12 year old and now I can only get off to blonde hunks

No. 371310

nah, the faces aren't the same. as a hetalia husbandofag i notice every single change in hima's drawing style, and he draws eyes in a different, less attractive style these days

No. 371311

His style really hasn’t changed that much from >>370499, this is just more detailed because it’s a chapter cover page rather than a quick sketch. He’s always drawn some fanservice like this
Yeah, it’s Germany
What anon betrayed us by posting this in the ugly man psyop thread sob let hima be a faggot in peace!!!

No. 371313

File: 1713282898590.jpg (666.71 KB, 828x1148, hetalia_ch511.jpg)

The eyes look a bit more shimmery? But his art looks better than ever imo

No. 371319

he's drenched in my own saliva

No. 371322

the mouth is weirder too, idk i think this is a pretty big change
unrelated but hima really likes his men THICK

No. 371334

Oh my sweet beautiful Alfred in the centre as he deserves

No. 371372

File: 1713300849868.jpeg (496.85 KB, 1325x840, IMG_1847.jpeg)

For my fellow usukfags

No. 371374

File: 1713300900356.jpeg (489.56 KB, 1304x1026, IMG_1848.jpeg)

No. 371535

File: 1713365432309.jpg (55.52 KB, 276x1024, roadman england.jpg)

Nonnies, what do you guys think of roadman England? Looks like a total wasteman but still he's bare leng innit bruv

No. 371631

File: 1713402523432.jpeg (86.21 KB, 500x504, IMG_0626.jpeg)

Afraid I might be back in my germancest phase. I love them they were my otp in middle school and now it’s carrying onto my adult years

No. 371638

File: 1713406176561.jpeg (258.22 KB, 1443x2048, IMG_1678.jpeg)

Say that again in American

No. 371729

Americanese translation: Looks like a total retard but he's still smokin' hot, ain't he dude?

No. 371799

File: 1713456811298.jpeg (17.61 KB, 256x270, GC4wzfIWAAAmm70.jpeg)


No. 371806

File: 1713461058814.jpeg (521.76 KB, 2048x1923, IMG_1914.jpeg)

Thank you for the translation, nonna

No. 371863

Sperg out session incoming. I’ve been thinking about how Hetalia has impacted my life since I’ve gotten back into it recently. I joined the fandom in middle school, which is also when I discovered my passion for history. Now, I just completed my university degree in history. I know Hetalia is ultimately a comedy not meant to be taken so seriously, and its historical “lessons” are far from factually accurate, but one aspect of Hetalia that has been both the most impactful and most conflicting to me is that the comic is framed from a uniquely Japanese perspective of WWII. As an American, we learn about world history from a very American perspective, where yes, we are the “heroes.” I appreciate that Hetalia showed me at a young age that there is more than one perspective of history. But I also have always found Japan’s portrayal as unsettling. Japan, a country that has yet to make full reparations for its war crimes like Germany has done, is portrayed quite positively. However, Himaruya does not dwell on any country’s crimes against humanity, so it could be argued that this is fair treatment. For instance, the atomic bombs dropped on Japan by America are not mentioned either. This is such an interesting way to approach history I think, because it focuses more on the light sides of humanity, rather than the evils that are also there.

No. 371867

there are manga/book memoirs from japanese that participated in WW2

No. 371868

Ayrt, I’ve read many Japanese memoirs about WWII, not just Hetalia kek, but not until after middle school. Hetalia was probably my earliest exposure to other historical perspectives

No. 371895

File: 1713498730990.jpeg (230.24 KB, 828x978, IMG_0700.jpeg)

Kek. What the fuck is this?? Checked their account too it’s completely serious.

No. 371907

The only pride flag I can name here is the bisexual one

No. 371912

The fuck is the third one supposed to be?

No. 371942

Im so glad this thread is so suddenly active loll. Is every hetafag suddenly reminiscing?

Also, thank goodness the lot of you are over the moral fagging in ships kek I guess I might be the only one who really enjoyed the non pc content of early aph and the eng dub tho

No. 371969

NTA but KEK what are the fucking chances

No. 371978

Kek same nona. I never gave a shit about moralfagging either. All my friends who used to like Hetalia suddenly started moralfagging and calling Hetalia 'problematic' one day so I had to keep my love for Hetalia on the downlow ever since. I like both sub and dub but eng dub is so much better because I like the accents, especially America and England's. Italy's voice annoys me though kek.
KEK. What the fuck is this slop? These gendies need to go back to liking BNHA and leave Hetalia alone. Stop trannifying my favourite anime, dammit!
>also dating with America
I can't believe Alfred cheated on me with tranny Japan

No. 371983

I thought Hetalia was too problematic for the twitter genderspecials…

No. 371992

kek. i thought the same way too, i figured that hetalia would again, be too problematic for tumblr brained troons but i guess not. all of the characters are transphobic or would be terfs in some way KEK. there was some troon art with the allies with top surgery scars saying “fuck transphobes” and of course the art was ugly. i wish i could draw so i could draw romano burning a trans flag

No. 372004

File: 1713534258625.jpg (404.56 KB, 1739x1304, ivanwoods.JPG)

Sorry nonna, I was just joking
I’m so thankful for you, nonnas
You would think, right?? But unfortunately this is how the western fandom is now. Or what’s left of it. I really don’t get it. The jpn and cn fanbases are much better, thankfully

No. 372064

> All my friends who used to like Hetalia suddenly started moralfagging and calling Hetalia 'problematic' one day so I had to keep my love for Hetalia on the downlow ever since. I like both sub and dub but eng dub is so much better because I like the accents, especially America and England's
Holy shit this is almost my exact same experience. I love the dub but I would probably never admit so in general weeb spaces. Also a lot of people think hetalia fans are literal Nazis or what have you.
Also getting into hetalia again because I like the gangster chapter that was just released. I'm excited to see where it goes.

No. 372092

File: 1713550079894.jpeg (389.9 KB, 1482x2048, IMG_1653.jpeg)

The gangsta au is so cute

No. 372093

File: 1713550188232.jpeg (196.82 KB, 1279x956, IMG_1655.jpeg)

No. 372170

I had a massive folder of HetaOni art on my old computer. I wish I could find one piece again. It was a GIF of Italy in front of a clock, with a red background.

No. 372404

File: 1713652384359.png (738.69 KB, 1387x792, arthur's perfume.PNG)

Oh nonnies. Have you heard about the Hetalia perfumes? This is from some time ago but I'm so curious and want to try them so badly.
Arthur's one is the closest to what I'd wear in real life. The notes are perfect for me. I'd get Alfred's too, because he's my favourite, but man, I'm not too sure about the lemon, raspberry and peach notes in his one. They could smell good, but I've never tried any perfumes with those notes and have a hard time imagining how they'd work, kek.
I just imagined him to smell like sweat, burgers and sexy American pheromones
Japan's one seems like it'd smell real good too.

No. 372685

File: 1713748174326.jpeg (519.77 KB, 1437x1494, IMG_1480.jpeg)

I haven’t until now, but Arthur’s also sounds the best to me!

No. 372900

File: 1713810839576.jpg (63.96 KB, 1024x525, 733ddd0df62faf8c669944b49a8907…)

I don't know if Hima gave them human names yet, but Ireland looks like a Darragh. He is such a Darragh. The names Fionn or James could work for him too. Northern Ireland looks like his name is either Cillian or Oisín. Wales looks like a Rhys or an Owen. Scotland looks like an Alistair, a Callum or a David. But the main thing is that Ireland is a Darragh

No. 372913

i still wish scotland was the redhead and ireland black haired with blue eyes

No. 372920

File: 1713813519686.gif (38.57 KB, 461x411, FAD67E69-8D11-4D6C-8902-1BC3C6…)

Rewatching hetalia bc I am a womanchild and about to become obsessed with one of my middle school husbandos again kek. He’s so moe and great fujobait, idc if he’s not an accurate representation of Poland or whayever I love him

No. 372935

File: 1713819516307.jpg (462.73 KB, 1937x2048, polska.JPG)


No. 373043

File: 1713845854678.jpg (130.02 KB, 677x900, 1000005387.jpg)

He's just so soft looking.

No. 373044

File: 1713845988009.jpg (279.43 KB, 612x900, 1000005386.jpg)

Truly a man to be bullied

No. 373200

File: 1713899348836.webp (45.27 KB, 921x922, IMG_0938.webp)

No. 373208

Unironically the state of the western fandom

No. 373225

File: 1713902071328.gif (1.76 MB, 245x240, iggy claps.gif)

Congratulations, this is the worst thing I've seen today

No. 373268

The nostalgia

No. 373570

File: 1713988857736.jpeg (302.63 KB, 815x653, IMG_5059.jpeg)

I hated her personality half of the time, has Hima recently given her more than just being obsessed with Russia (the design is my favourite out of the female countries)
France looking amazing as always

No. 373579

File: 1713991527497.jpeg (337.78 KB, 1280x1053, IMG_1680.jpeg)

Not really, she hasn’t gotten much screen time lately

No. 373756

File: 1714059418962.jpg (230.33 KB, 827x1200, worldstarsvol2.JPG)

What do nonas think the likelihood is that the manga will get picked up by an english publisher again? I used to have some of the axis powers manga before tokyopop went under, and now I’m kicking myself for giving them away after I was brainwashed by tumblr into deeming hetalia “irredeemably problematic.” Do I spend way too much money buying them secondhand? I really hope we get an axis powers reprint and world stars release, but I’m not sure if I should hold out hope

No. 373848

File: 1714083258728.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1280x1024, IMG_0760.jpeg)

is the series even that problematic now? i feel like in recent years it’s been toned down a ton. especially characters like france and spain. obviously hetalia isn’t as popular in the west anymore as it was before now that it’s deemed “too problematic” it might be awhile before we get new official english content which is sad. i guess it is kinda promising because in 2021 we got season 7, we can only hope for a season 8 eventually

No. 373893

>is the series even that problematic now?
I think it’s quite tame. But I wonder if it still has that reputation? The fandom certainly isn’t what it once was

No. 374755

The people calling hetalia problematic were never really the target audience or likely grew to be a part of the tumblr pc crew (tumblr fujos throwing stones from glass house kek). That being said, hetalia's entire premise meant that racism and potential for inaccuracy was already going to be a given

No. 374860

nonnas I can't stop consooming hetashit, I ordered the Japan and Italy pop up parades because I found them for relatively cheap and during my trip to Madrid I bought a nendoroid of America…now I really need to get nendo UK now because he's been my husbando since I was 12.. my wallet is dying help

No. 374863

Kek I'm in the exact same situation. I really want the original UK nendo but he's more expensive than the newer one. Tbh if I see any Hetalia nendos for sale at any of the conventions I attend it's over for my wallet. I hope they make pop up parades of the allies too.

No. 374868

yeah I think it'd be impossible to find the original UK one for a fair price, but the newer one is quite nice also. i'd really want Russia also but he's crazy expensive too

No. 374890

Daaamn, that's awesome! You are so lucky nona. Enjoy the nendos. Hope you get the England nendo soon. Once I get rich enough I'm bagging myself an America one.
Yeah, I NEED them to make pop up parades of the allies. It's criminal that they haven't already.
Sometimes they sell them secondhand for pretty cheap, (and Japanese people take good care of their stuff, so you can't even tell they're secondhand.)

No. 374937

thank you nonna ! hoping you get the chance to snag the america nendo as soon as possible ! he's my first non-bootleg nendo and i've really been happy with the quality of the figurine, you can tell that a lot of care went into the sculpting, even his little strand of hair is articulable, which i was unironically blown away by, it's the little things..

No. 374943

File: 1714421692901.mp4 (1.65 MB, 576x576, v0f044gc0000cocks3vog65ju0liap…)

Saw this cute retarded tiktok and thought of my nendofag hetanonnies

No. 374944

I'm gonna scream, I need them ASAP. My chest hurts…

No. 374961

File: 1714429584939.jpeg (58.99 KB, 512x512, ((Has this been done~_)).jpeg)

Kek nonas I'm looking at dumb hetalia memes from like 2014 and they're so nostalgic.

No. 374970

File: 1714432220299.jpeg (355.16 KB, 897x2048, IMG_2085.jpeg)

Idk if this is actually old but

No. 374973

File: 1714433189095.jpeg (108.48 KB, 736x580, IMG_8259.jpeg)

old hetalia memes make me so nostalgic and miss the old fandom

No. 374974

File: 1714435435188.jpeg (76.53 KB, 736x691, KEKK!!!.jpeg)

This is so adorable. I love his retarded face in the 3rd picture
KEK I love these two idiots. And same nona, I miss it all

No. 374975

File: 1714435518703.jpeg (361.39 KB, 2048x1476, IMG_2139.jpeg)

Kek this is cute

No. 375207

File: 1714532366976.jpeg (93.15 KB, 734x357, IMG_1322.jpeg)

what characters do you guys think would have threads on them here? i’m curious

i honestly feel like romano and england would be cows kek

No. 375208

Poland and Prussia

No. 375323

>i honestly feel like romano and england would be cows kek
Anon WHY

No. 375381

anger issues, prone to outbursts, etc have you seen the way they act nona? if they had an online presence they’d definitely be cows in one way or another, not knowing they’re being edged onn

No. 375405

File: 1714593214857.jpg (37.5 KB, 291x479, 1000021363.jpg)

Veneziano would have so many threads made of him, I think he's basically the PT of hetalia-land, because he's too retarded to understand what he's doing so he never stops, but he still whines about the haters.

No. 375423

File: 1714594852922.jpeg (671.63 KB, 1191x827, IMG_2315.jpeg)

The micronations, easily. Every time we get a micronations strip it’s basically a cow-off competition

No. 375430

Russia, it'd mainly be the eastern euro countries venting and Belarus getting banned all the time for whiteknighting him, a-logging the posters and ban evading.

No. 376458

File: 1714823822384.jpeg (502.02 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_5101.jpeg)

drop some twitter artists you like

No. 376509

File: 1714848246278.jpeg (242.24 KB, 1535x2048, GMP8Aq9bMAAEMgJ.jpeg)


No. 376563

File: 1714861957349.jpeg (2.18 MB, 1404x2000, IMG_2383.jpeg)


No. 376564

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No. 376565

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No. 376566

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No. 376569

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No. 376573

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No. 376574

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No. 376575

File: 1714864329232.jpeg (334.8 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1107.jpeg)


No. 376578

File: 1714865068860.jpeg (500.39 KB, 1182x1181, IMG_1947.jpeg)

last one! sorry for the spam. I could keep going honestly but I’ll stop here. god bless the active japanese/chinese fandom

No. 376660

File: 1714896989613.png (799.94 KB, 784x1158, jpn.png)

Not a huge fan of the new artstyle but this illustration is so good. Always thought Japan was an underrated husbando

No. 376663

bless you nonna! if you have more, do post. need to make a twitter account just to follow hetalia artists exclusively, these are all wonderful

No. 376674

File: 1714904326885.jpeg (121.2 KB, 840x952, 1714334552936.jpeg)

Happy Orthodox Easter to all nonnas who celebrate!

No. 376780

File: 1714936803052.jpg (765.52 KB, 1198x1749, francelookingpretty.JPG)

Don’t forget this France art that was uploaded with that Japan art. So pretty
Happy Orthodox Easter nonna!

No. 376782

File: 1714938461602.jpeg (334.79 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1636.jpeg)

@wolf70CH for my fellow spamanofags

No. 376786

they knew france would be too powerful so they nuked him with a scraggly chinbeard

No. 376857

File: 1714963134968.jpeg (536.94 KB, 1274x2048, IMG_2436.jpeg)

omg fanon argentina and chile. damn I love these ocs

No. 377786

File: 1715265628707.jpg (80.04 KB, 500x693, maid_niho.jpg)

He's so perfect nonnas

No. 378634

File: 1715394526130.jpeg (377.99 KB, 828x587, IMG_2495.jpeg)

This panel from world stars 519… THANK YOU HIMA

No. 378636

File: 1715394659659.jpeg (439.82 KB, 828x638, IMG_2496.jpeg)

Bonus panel because kek
I found a rough eng trans for nonnas: https://twitter.com/verusmayaii/status/1788541565121569196

No. 382009

America because other nations think he is annoying, obnoxious, nosy and dumb. Most of us viewers like him, me included because he's my husbando, but let's be honest, he would be fucking annoying to actually be around and his posts online would be occasionally cringy and borderline rage bait when he says something stupid.

No. 382813

File: 1715912297473.jpg (79.57 KB, 500x471, tumblr_nid1ewvmm01trl9iko1_500…)

My husbando is Canada. If he had an internet presence he'd probably have an account on instagram or x/twitter where he posts pictures of nice scenery and wishes people happy holidays. Probably with the occasional passive-aggressive tweet about America's posts, American politics or some other gay bullshit that gets deleted within 24hrs kek

No. 382816

File: 1715914303120.png (87.91 KB, 900x852, canadaaa.PNG)

So glad to see some love for Matthew here!
>that gets deleted within 24hrs kek
Kek, real

No. 382957

One of my favourite AMVs ever kek

No. 382971

Thanks for this, nonna. My favorite america amv got deleted rip (it was to the “you can’t take me” song from spirit). Made me feel so patriotic kek. Linking my favorite england amv to honor my husbando too

No. 382988

You're welcome nona! And no way, I can't believe that AMV got deleted. That sucks. I hate going on my Hetalia playlist and seeing videos have got removed and I can't even remember which ones got deleted because I have 500+ videos on it kek. I should probably download them and store em on a hard drive. This AMV is awesome, I love all the pirate England pictures

No. 383028

Oh same, it sucks when old amvs are deleted! Here’s another classic pirate england (and conquistador spain) amv because hot

No. 385214

File: 1716325412621.jpeg (546.97 KB, 828x800, IMG_2164.jpeg)

i’m a huge spamanofag but portspa is so criminally underrated it makes me sad

No. 385238

Portugal is nowadays Spain's sugarbaby, isn't he?

No. 385251

Is America/France not a popular ship?

No. 385258

File: 1716339369124.jpeg (308.72 KB, 1000x1409, IMG_2687.jpeg)

It seems more popular in the jpn fandom? My favorite USUK dj circle Hobby Hobby does FrUS too
https://myreadingmanga.info/tag/circle-hobby-hobby/ (you’re welcome in advance kek)

No. 385275

oh my sweet nonnie, how I love you so…

No. 385276

File: 1716346309075.jpeg (496.2 KB, 828x568, IMG_2700.jpeg)

Kek ly2 hetanonnie
Adding my two other favorite dj circles for my fellow USUKfags. Ngl it was the doujinshi that got me back into hetalia in the year 2024. Highly recommend!

No. 385294

File: 1716350252765.jpeg (44.82 KB, 500x281, IMG_2514.jpeg)

You’re telling me these two aren’t related?? Why the hell does hima design characters that look almost exactly alike but say they aren’t siblings?

No. 385306

Idk there are a lot of european countries to cover I guess

No. 385362

File: 1716376013924.jpg (402.36 KB, 1312x2048, tumblr_ef41914014f634f89fd86c8…)

Slightly obsessed with France

No. 385628

does anyone remember this video

No. 385629

slightly longer version

No. 386426

This used to be one of my favourite videos ever kek, I'd watch it over and over again. Alfred's part is so hot, I watched it maybe 30 times today. And I still remember all the lyrics
Ahh memories, KEK.

No. 386877

Female empowering for me as a young teen kek
I also love this channels 2014 fifa and 2p hetalia edits absolute gold

No. 386962

I really liked this stupid fucking video kek. I miss how unhinged and passionate fans were when making fan content. So much genuine effort (videos, memes, animations, elaborate fanfics, doujinshis, fan games with complex lore, quality fanart) for such a lighthearted thing like Hetalia.

No. 387262

File: 1716917892402.jpeg (226.23 KB, 946x882, IMG_3148.jpeg)

Thoughts nonas?

No. 387269

please don’t bully poland like this

No. 387348

Noooo justice for America and Poland

No. 387353

KEKK so accurate, nona.
Even the America one, even though it pains me. I would convert him though

No. 387364

Why is Poland agp

No. 387370

File: 1716939183908.png (1.35 MB, 1620x2160, SVdsZHRlenR2Zmlsc0U1bTNhQ2lKRW…)

poland is NOT agp he is simply gnc!

No. 387371

File: 1716939393035.jpeg (138.7 KB, 1139x1280, IMG_2074.jpeg)

Based and true

No. 388096

File: 1717190539583.jpeg (Spoiler Image,115.82 KB, 874x1200, GO5bSM-aMAAI640.jpeg)

Oh my fucking god

No. 388113

File: 1717196990046.jpg (220.59 KB, 655x900, 69d5ac4c0126df717c41ab6e3da119…)

No. 389475

File: 1717647238461.jpeg (342.65 KB, 800x608, IMG_3797.jpeg)

This official art/merch is so funny to me because why is Portugal there. Kek

No. 389814

File: 1717707788809.jpg (215.26 KB, 900x695, 34534656345.jpg)

Angsty Hetalia fanart has been my guilty pleasure recently nonnas, the worse it's drawn the more endearing it is to me. It feels so nostalgic looking at these. Truly a relic of a bygone era

No. 389865

It's so sincere. Everything is shrouded in irony nowadays. Some wholesome cringe is comforting.

No. 390047

I really love Portugal's design on its own but I wish Hima did a little more to differentiate him from Spain (like give him a slightly different facial structure), although I do get that's the joke

No. 390048

File: 1717755184264.jpg (76.94 KB, 736x736, 3262323.jpg)

kek also angsty texts like these… I could fix him

No. 390334

File: 1717812061906.jpeg (217.78 KB, 828x554, IMG_3894.jpeg)

I love Portugal too! Even though he’s barely in the anime and manga he’s still one of my faves kek. Honestly in the manga he does kinda have a different face structure. I could be reaching though. I guess studio dean was just lazy and copy pasted Spain changing some things

No. 390369

I used to be so obsessed with this Hetalia MMD video so much so that I watched it religiously.

No. 390626

File: 1717886165086.jpg (90.88 KB, 800x600, Japan.full.587476.jpg)

Since I love many things about Japan, he was my husbando back in middle and high school. He's quite the handsome qt and I like that we're both shy, reserved and autistic introverts. His Japanese voice is lovely too though his English is a kinda silly but still cute. Also I think he has one of the best character songs.

No. 390657

File: 1717889485893.jpg (38.48 KB, 401x554, 2d0603f88d7c0e481c574be66c63fc…)

arthurfagging since 2012
excuse me, I'm sorry is probably the best character song in hetalia honestly (tied with absolutely invincible english gentleman though)

No. 390663

File: 1717889835885.jpg (76.8 KB, 900x627, so autistic- i mean artistic.j…)

No. 390665

God this kind of fanart killed me with cringe even back in 2011. Lots of love though

No. 390667

File: 1717890055041.jpg (105.3 KB, 1032x774, 911.jpg)

hope you enjoy this heartbreaking 9/11 tribute nonna

No. 390668

on the topic of character songs, post your favorites!

No. 390710

I love this song so much kek, Germ is so cute. I also love Absolutely Invincible British Gentleman and Cowboyz Boot Camp
Yes nonnie, cringe but cute

No. 391297

they don’t make them like this anymore

No. 391299

How is this even a question nonna

No. 391310

Did hetalia ever show characters from the Caribbean/latin america beside cuba?

No. 391312

File: 1718074946236.jpg (223.71 KB, 2048x1448, argchi.JPG)

Sadly not, just fanon OCs. Argentina x Chile is kinda popular >>376857

No. 391457

File: 1718112950371.png (530.6 KB, 800x600, america-ya.png)

Reposting these masterpieces here by our talented nonnas from the art request thread

No. 391458

File: 1718113244023.png (445.09 KB, 800x600, alfred.png)

No. 391460

File: 1718113605762.png (599.82 KB, 800x600, alferd.png)

No. 391555

File: 1718131794755.jpeg (140.15 KB, 792x726, IMG_4164.jpeg)

No. 391558

I have a retarded question, I haven't watched Hetalia in a long time, do the countries don't get along with their leaders at some point?

No. 391561

File: 1718133610589.jpg (294.67 KB, 1885x2534, 20240611_021112.jpg)

I remember America's boss keeping secrets from him, I think about aliens and the Roswell incident.

No. 391565

Man, I remember being super into Hetalia and trying to find angdty self/incest american civil war stuff.

No. 391569

I reread the entire manga recently and IIRC it’s stated that every country ultimately has to do what their “boss” says regardless of what they think personally, since each country personification represents the common people, not necessarily the elite/president/whoever is in control. However, their relationship isn’t necessarily antagonistic either

No. 391571

what would be the best source to read the manga from? just finished the whole anime and I need more

No. 391582

File: 1718136553443.jpeg (126.77 KB, 700x1022, IMG_1349.jpeg)

http://hetarchive.net/ has most of it, and it’s the easiest to navigate imo, but not all of world stars has been uploaded to it yet. Newer world stars chapters are usually posted on tumblr and twitter though. @verusmayaii on twitter has been translating new chapters as they’re released

No. 391741

File: 1718210476231.jpg (188.76 KB, 740x1085, thigh.JPG)

Why are they so fat and juicy?

No. 392483

File: 1718402107377.jpeg (132.16 KB, 1000x1203, IMG_4414.jpeg)

Why is this official art kinda ugly kek. The big ass eyes? Is this what years of yaoi inbreeding does to someone?

No. 392496

When I said his art got uglier nonas here said it was fine kek. Compare this japan to this >>391582 england done years ago maybe in 2014 or 2015. His characters used to be way more attractive now they're all drawn in an obnoxious zoomer weeb style

No. 392498

File: 1718409036993.jpeg (100.6 KB, 540x644, IMG_4398.jpeg)

Oh his art definitely downgraded. Picrel when he did cute simple stuff like that, it was appealing. His art style downgrade is why I refuse to read any of the newer shit

No. 392521

I noticed too. I especially hate the weird way he draws the mouths now with squiggly lines. The fuck is up with that..?
Yeah, the old style was simple, cute and CHARMING as hell. Even though I'm not a fan of the new style, I'll still read the new stuff because I'm desperate for any small crumb of Hetalia shit.

No. 392617

Hima's art style truly peaked in 2015 or so. I used to fully believe he was secretly a woman but you can tell he's a gay man due to the way he draws the characters now kek

No. 392619

File: 1718469050908.jpg (1.15 MB, 1200x1200, 1428495.jpg)

What do you think about the anime artstyle? you like it more than axis powers and world series or nah?

No. 392622

File: 1718470629716.jpg (130.92 KB, 564x801, d9d9ca62ce2781a001dd1334ee323f…)

I'm biased but the axis powers art style will always be my favorite because of all the nostalgia. World twinkle and beautiful world look great too, but the characters in world stars look really bland and generic imo

No. 392650

I haaaaate the World Stars art style. The face shapes piss me off. Too short and wide and the chins are too pointy and triangular. The older artstyles were better. They all looked SEXYYYYY

No. 392728

File: 1718502408556.jpg (400.64 KB, 2048x1474, aa.JPG)

with respect, I can’t understand nonnas who find the early anime seasons’ artstyle sexy. like the characters looked borderline unfuckable in their studio deen renditions tbh. it wasn’t until I saw fanart/djs that I started to find them genuinely attractive. I think the later seasons are a step up at least even if the animation quality is still shit

No. 392732

File: 1718503536034.jpeg (447.89 KB, 1440x1026, IMG_3862.jpeg)

I love the old art style. It’s unique and has so much charm and cuteness to it. The newer one just feels so lifeless and generic. I can see why they would change it but it just doesn’t feel the same to me. Picrel one of my favorite illustrations from the World Series era. I love spamano so much I have to fight the urge to go on spergy rants about them here kek

No. 392818

It's not all about sexy characters, but i see your point.

No. 392819

Me too, i love the old artstyle, so much soul. Please sperg about spamano, this thread is for that kek.

No. 392831

feel like we don't get as many spamano interactions these days, romano has always been a recurring char but spamano used to be more relevant in the early 2010s but now it looks like hima dropped it

No. 392844

File: 1718551763048.jpeg (89.58 KB, 810x516, Tumblr_l_159494588335956.jpeg)

I don’t think hima dropped them, in world stars volume 5 they’re on the cover together and have had a fair amount of interactions. I think right now hima is prioritizing the axis and allies rather than characters like Spain. We haven’t even gotten a gangster design for him yet but he’s done the Netherlands and Austria. There was also a very little Belgium cameo a couple chapters ago so I’d say we are close to Spain making another canon appearance soon.

I feel like spamano has always been partial to Hima. The way they’re always paired together whether that be simple illustrations or merch drops they’re always next to one another. Spamano and Hetalia has ultimately died in popularity in the western side (lots of newfag fans are anti spamano for some reason) but it still has a popular JP fandom and the JP Spamano side of the hetalia fandom is still pretty popular. So I’m hoping we see some spamano soon. I miss their interactions so much

No. 392871

Himaruya is a woman I'm certain of it

No. 392877

the old theory was that she's a TIF kek but whatever is the truth, I sometimes think they're a gay barafag, and other times I think the sparkly art is too shoujoesque so it must be a woman

No. 392881

just look at the art improvement of male vs. female mangaka over the course of their series, he is definitely just a gay guy. if he were a woman he would have learned how to draw hands by now.

No. 392882

you're either coping out of your mind or you've been memed into thinking homos don't like anything besides roidpigs because you're unfamiliar with what jap homos make outside of bara. he has one of the most clockable homo art styles I've ever seen, >>391741
is a prime example of subtle coom with the trademark gay man sameface.

No. 392888

Idk he looks hot and very kawaii in my female gaze standards

No. 392889

If Hima was truly a woman the old art style would’ve probably still been around with slight improvements. Not the garbage we’re getting now

No. 392891

File: 1718563725667.gif (199.52 KB, 220x162, the-more-you-know.gif)

men are capable of making things that appeal to women

No. 392893

>Not the garbage we’re getting now
Do you think it would be better if it ended a decade ago?

No. 392896

Definitely kek. At this point it seems like he’s dragging it on just for the paycheck. I don’t blame him honestly. But there has been a clear decrease in quality within the recent chapters I don’t know why nonas here and fans in general are scared to say hetalia fell off when it clearly has. I want Axis Powers/World Series era back so bad but I know it will never happen, which is why I don’t bother consuming the new shit, I know it sucks so why waste my time?

No. 392899

I'm not in the know with Hetalia because I left the fandom a decade ago, how bad is the style really? I saw >>392483 but it just looks like a lazy ugly sketch to me

No. 392901

>it just looks like a lazy ugly sketch to me
You just summed it up kek

No. 392902

Hetalia was always ugly sketches, tbh. How many are anime/doujinshi only?

No. 392940

File: 1718576722204.jpg (115.34 KB, 517x738, hetalia___vintage_hollywood_by…)

I would watch this

No. 392943

Samefag but I hate how the new fans use hws instead of aph because aph is 'too controversial' or 'problematic' kek. Man, these faggots cannot handle anything, can they?

No. 392954

File: 1718578834275.jpeg (399.87 KB, 828x642, IMG_3144.jpeg)

I completely agree with the nonna that said the art style peaked in 2014/2015. Personally though, I still like the current art and manga. I do think the Japan sketch >>392483 looks like shit, but I also suffered through early hetalia art too kek. Picrel is a recent panel that I thought was cute
Agreed unless they’re manga readers because they’re literally different serializations

No. 392956

Is that why?? I always thought it was because World Stars was the most recent so. But now I’ll make sure I’ll say aph instead of hws kek

No. 392977

aph also just has a better ring to it. Rolls off the tongue beautifully kek

No. 393109

File: 1718635328232.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1700x1700, IMG_3002.jpeg)

No. 393131

Anon why? Why are you doing this to me?

No. 393136

MMD Monday

No. 393161


No. 393178

Fuck you

No. 393189

File: 1718655640388.jpeg (251.1 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1473.jpeg)

Sorry nonnies ♥

No. 393207

hell yeah mmd monday
I feel bad for laughing at this though

No. 393216

HETAONI PARODY! I miss the good old days kek.

No. 393234

Yaoi dance battle

No. 393254

Fucking masterpiece

No. 393282

File: 1718669370140.png (580.18 KB, 828x806, Untitled276_20240617200400.png)

No. 393287

Shoot me for being cringe but this unironically

No. 393290

Me too Nona, happy to see more spamanofags

No. 393293

File: 1718673312392.jpg (692.97 KB, 2048x1342, spamanokiss.JPG)

Bésame mucho was a game changer

No. 393294

Nona I picked it because it’s hilarious kek

No. 393302

File: 1718678196864.png (402.08 KB, 480x640, IMG_4453.png)

Thank you so much for the food nona. The fanart is too cute! And yes. Besame mucho was truly a game changer. I really wished it was finished. I tend to reread it from time to time. So much spamano work has so much emotion and thought put into it it actually makes me kinda emotional also. Senior year of high school I mad my senior quote a line from that fic and I still don’t regret it. Spamano is ruining my life. Even years later

No. 393304

Spamano had me in a chokehold when I was in high school. I used to roleplay it with my girlfriend during our lunch period.

No. 393306

I feel you. I didn’t have any irl friends so I always roleplayed on tumblr kek. I had a Spain roleplay account and it’s still up because I forgot the password and I’m just too lazy to reset it. It also serves as a time capsule for me. Spamano still has a chokehold on me years later

No. 393447

File: 1718737341233.jpg (882.15 KB, 898x769, 22878059.jpg)

It's been well over a decade but I still wish Tomoyoshi had posted a summary or some story notes about how she had been planning to end HetaOni.

No. 393573

File: 1718763628978.jpeg (181.17 KB, 1274x1273, IMG_3171.jpeg)

Sooo cute

No. 393574

File: 1718763764241.jpeg (622.93 KB, 1590x2048, IMG_3166.jpeg)

No. 393575

File: 1718764391970.jpeg (253.84 KB, 1078x1280, IMG_4740.jpeg)

No. 393576

File: 1718764926349.jpg (227.83 KB, 633x691, France.JPG)

I can’t find the clip of France (implied) raping Italy

No. 393578

Where do you even find this

No. 393583

File: 1718766325111.jpeg (157.96 KB, 542x1280, IMG_4743.jpeg)

My friend sent them to me kek there’s more than one (personal favorite because Romano would 100% do this)

No. 394347

File: 1719007863708.jpg (292.82 KB, 750x1083, WUT DA HELL.jpg)

Was reading doujins and came across this one where Colonel Sanders and Ronald McDonald fight over Amerifattie KEK

No. 394348


I thought I was losing it. I couldn't find that show clip either, but I knew it existed. I think Italy was wearing some ugly pink/green outfit

No. 394372

File: 1719016322229.png (Spoiler Image,633.84 KB, 828x587, fat.png)

I thought only amateurs made weird feederism shit like picrel

No. 394375

KEKKK this persons fat hetalia drawings kill me everytime. They're so retarded but hilarious. Those hairy arms and belly though, BARF.

No. 395665

File: 1719445282728.jpeg (1.01 MB, 828x1187, IMG_5063.jpeg)

I don’t really like his design but fuck I’ve waited far too long for this. He looks cute just kinda of retarded looking. He looks too nice I can’t take him seriously in a gangster/mafia au setting though. I hope he appears soon! I miss my spamano

No. 395707

File: 1719458628088.jpeg (685.1 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_3251.jpeg)

I lowkey hated my husbando’s mafia design at first but it’s kind of growing on me? Idk, the choker looks retarded kek. But the younger design is fucking adorable

No. 395771

File: 1719477069751.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1684x2384, GQ9wyBTbwDEOnVW.jpeg)

New merch! Whose design is your favorite?

No. 395832

No Spain or Romano = I don’t care but if I had to choose France is pretty cute

No. 395854

germany looks like a middle aged dad kek

No. 395953

File: 1719527018071.jpg (210.46 KB, 852x1200, kino.JPG)

No. 396432

Wtf kek

No. 397132

File: 1719929320322.jpeg (382.38 KB, 1585x2048, FJQHaY-aMAAdYG3.jpeg)

No. 397225

File: 1719958677331.jpeg (111.87 KB, 600x858, IMG_5294.jpeg)

Beautiful spamano! Do you have the artist?

No. 397338

File: 1720005032894.jpeg (812.04 KB, 1446x2048, FJ8d_cHVQAEXeuW.jpeg)

Lynzzzip on Twitter!

No. 397410

File: 1720032916902.jpg (935.92 KB, 1393x1000, 7552713_p0.jpg)

What are some of your favorite, nostalgic or memorable Hetalia fanart? Picrel used to be my wallpaper on my old computer back in 2013. Zerochan and DevaintArt were my best sources to find amazing art.

No. 397413

File: 1720033295545.png (400.1 KB, 600x830, hetalia_by_sakura_chan6_d2bacb…)

Also this one was one of my first Hetalia fanart I saved back in DeviantArt.

No. 397416

File: 1720033567785.jpeg (386.86 KB, 512x512, IMG_1379.jpeg)

This is a good question! I have several nostalgic hetalia fanart saved, mostly that I associate with old amvs

No. 397423

File: 1720034740559.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1273x900, IMG_1574.jpeg)


No. 397508

File: 1720053182319.jpeg (92.48 KB, 500x720, IMG_4046.jpeg)

This artist. I love her stuff so much its so adorable and charming. It suck’s a lot of old hetalia artists have abandoned their pixivs or just have moved on

No. 397644

Mine was an artist who drew fridge body muscular Germany/Prussia with blindfolds. It was very 2000s yaoi in spirit and i'm still looking for anything even remotely resembling her work, i hope i'll get to post it here someday kek

No. 397799

File: 1720119956836.jpg (231.77 KB, 1199x746, happy bday alfred.JPG)


No. 397859

File: 1720131078971.jpg (19.33 KB, 600x450, HNI_0098ssss (21).JPG)

This is shit quality because it was saved on my 3DS for years, but this one.

No. 397948

File: 1720159113604.jpg (84.72 KB, 600x645, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.full.9564…)

Happy Birthday America and Happy Belated Birthday Canada!

No. 397950

He has six fingers

No. 398036

File: 1720186432389.jpg (137.99 KB, 771x1200, canadaaa.JPG)

No. 398146

File: 1720212328333.jpeg (68.29 KB, 665x702, IMG_5416.jpeg)

Was feeling nostalgic so I redownloaded mmd and put them in some poses. Cringe warning but it was honestly really fun and took me back to middle school when I’d make male mmd models kiss eachother

No. 398150

Kek nona, this is so cute. I kind of wanna try too. How did you do it? And is it free? (I've never tried making my own before)

No. 398152

File: 1720213613240.jpeg (107.61 KB, 942x613, IMG_5417.jpeg)

Yes it is free! Unfortunately most hetalia models have been discontinued. My girlfriend actually sent me the files for the Spain one so you might have to do some digging or if you know someone whose also a hetalia fan there’s a chance they might have files for the popular models everyone used back in the day. There’s tons of tutorials on YouTube and it’s super easy to use


No. 398154

Thanks nona, that's great news! I'm gonna try see if I can find America and England models kek

No. 398249

this is a rare gem i've been holding on to for nearly a decade. there's something about these people running around what looks like a school and some small city in full hetalia cosplay that makes me nostalgic for the unapologetic cringe of 2010s fandom spaces. i wonder where they all ended up.

No. 398351

File: 1720283337118.jpg (508.51 KB, 1024x668, 783267326378.jpg)

Thanks for posting nona, sometimes i really miss this type of content in fandoms, is mostly cringe but is just people having fun.

No. 398352

File: 1720283372591.jpg (813.48 KB, 1055x1200, 96161991_p5.jpg)

OMG I've seen this video. There's actually so many hetalia cosplay videos I used to watch as a teenager. This took me back.

No. 398371

NTA but I feel like offline fandoms don’t really exist anymore? I know cons are a thing, but beyond that. It seems like the teenage nerds of today just have to become terminally online discord users to find anything similar

No. 398396

it's definitely not as common these days, but I recently saw some zoomers in cosplay at the mall and it really took me back kek.

No. 398516

File: 1720331517785.jpg (2.25 MB, 2000x2000, 1000002403.jpg)

No. 398568

Yes. This is unlocking something in me.

No. 398933

File: 1720463257774.jpeg (87.47 KB, 735x904, 1e5812b6-b392-4133-a4d5-78874d…)

No. 398941

File: 1720464501273.jpg (814.97 KB, 4000x1573, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.full.3118…)

This one has always been my favorite piece since everyone is here (before Hima added new characters) and are all happpy.

No. 398957

File: 1720468792398.jpeg (179.28 KB, 1026x1200, FTM8tzCaMAAwejC.jpeg)

Certified hetalia classic

No. 398999

File: 1720478411474.jpg (5.98 MB, 3114x2149, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.full.1439…)

Sorry for samefagging but a lot of these are just too good. Summer Hetalia fitting for this season.

No. 400457

File: 1720724565624.jpeg (437.95 KB, 1776x2048, IMG_3239.jpeg)

No. 400473

File: 1720728434426.jpeg (719.04 KB, 1797x2048, IMG_3489.jpeg)

Sage for samefagging but 18 year hetalia anniversary!

No. 400488

18 years…? I need someone to take me to bed and give me some water. My god

No. 400491

Kek hetalia is the same age as some summerfags

No. 400574

Spain and France suddenly removed from Hetalia after its 18th birthday

No. 400577

took me a minute kek

No. 400592

Happy anniversary hetalia, you changed my life ♥

No. 400625

I love Hetalia so much, I can't believe 18 years have passed already, it feels like yesterday when I discovered this anime and the comic strips while browsing deviantart and zerochan.
This was my favorite video that I even downloaded to my iPod when I was a teen, I actually just remembered this video early today, maybe himaruya sent some hetalia vibrations to my brain or something, kek.

No. 400834

This brought me back, nonna. Reminds me of vidrel, another classic

No. 400874

I absolutely adore these videos and the level of autistic power required to make them.

No. 401368

File: 1720962761006.jpg (814.57 KB, 1000x710, 70148931200.jpg)

Late, but I love Hetalia from all my heart, thanks for be the only thing that makes me happy, also i love u Germany

No. 401549

File: 1720987899831.jpeg (63.69 KB, 900x625, GScxvlqXsAAez6A.jpeg)

No. 401550

who drew this?

No. 401637

File: 1721000285072.jpeg (236.1 KB, 902x1200, GSeeX4BWwAA_VJ1.jpeg)

No. 401638

File: 1721000316055.jpeg (308.1 KB, 945x1200, GSXIdoHXgAAAu32.jpeg)

No. 401639

I love this. I was watching the game with my best friend and we talked about Hetalia and the fanart of the countries with the uniforms of the teams and such.

No. 401650

File: 1721001486308.png (229.8 KB, 630x800, IMG_5781.png)

Congrats to Spain for winning! this calls for spamano celebration sex in the locker room

No. 401654

Who's the guy with the glasses?

No. 401655

Alfred F. Jones, the personification of America

No. 401661

zhaogu0527 on twt

No. 401673

Kek this is awesome
So cute, reminds me of that 2010 fifa thing and all the fanart and amvs that were going around

No. 401685

File: 1721006758552.jpg (95.73 KB, 1957x1411, 20240714_165146.jpg)

No. 401837

No. 401855

>reminds me of that 2010 fifa thing and all the fanart and amvs that were going around
A peak moment in history

No. 401955

File: 1721076491253.jpeg (166.11 KB, 735x673, IMG_5789.jpeg)

They’re so fucking ugly but I love them

No. 402016

File: 1721100208961.png (244.24 KB, 600x800, IMG_3547.png)

No. 402157

File: 1721151615777.jpg (57.74 KB, 735x491, aww.jpg)

I love how the others give you roses while Alfred shows up with a freakin Amazon package.

No. 402717

Greatest video I’ve ever watched in my fucking life

No. 402832

File: 1721271773626.jpeg (205.53 KB, 729x1000, IMG_5893.jpeg)

Do any Nonas like the nordics? I’ve been thinking of Sweden a lot recently. Especially SuDen

No. 403076

This fandom is so unserious kek

No. 403089

File: 1721332921679.jpg (106.99 KB, 450x600, Nordic.Countries.600.369944.jp…)

Oh nonny thank you for posting this, this is my new favourite video kek
I love the Nordics, especially Iceland and Denmark. SuDen sounds super cute, now that I think about it. People only ever talked about DenNor and SuFin back in the day but daaamn nonnie, I'm really liking the idea of SuDen

No. 403149

File: 1721339665695.png (615.88 KB, 588x754, cute.png)

I never really cared about America back in my fandom days (aside from the edgy 2P! version) but nonnies posting funny cute art of him across various threads broke me I'm afraid and I'm an Alfredfag now

No. 403150

File: 1721340219039.jpeg (156.09 KB, 600x487, IMG_5943.jpeg)

I have a new found appreciation for SuDen. I think they’re more popular on the JP side of the fandom rather than the Western side, still an underrated pairing though. And the history between the two as countries. I love enemy friends who beat and fuck eachother

No. 403167

Same, he’s so cute

No. 403178

>I love enemy friends who beat and fuck eachother
Okay, I am fully converted now, kek. SuDen superiority

No. 403933

File: 1721535224980.jpg (35.16 KB, 480x690, god shave the queen.jpg)

No. 404314

File: 1721687363341.jpg (236.23 KB, 1200x709, babyfruk.JPG)

No. 404386

File: 1721714538118.jpg (114.22 KB, 431x600, 1499816082479.jpg)

I would be forever grateful if someone finds the sauce of this pic. It's so cute and comfy!

No. 404475

Can’t find the source but it really is cute. Sad, I wanna know the artist too

No. 404999

File: 1721903832973.jpeg (60.14 KB, 616x680, IMG_3995.jpeg)

No. 405113

File: 1721946823453.jpeg (121.23 KB, 736x651, IMG_6004.jpeg)

I really hate when I tell people I love hetalia and their first thing they say is “hetalia in 2024?” Or something else retarded like that. Why cant people comprehend that others enjoy things that aren’t popular anymore or are dated? I’ve mainly noticed people who say that were in the fandom but when Hetalia was deemed problematic by tumblr, they cut ties with it immediately. I’m a grown ass woman but Hetalia still makes me happy idc. People who say stuff like that are so miserable anyways

No. 405114

File: 1721948674375.jpg (144.79 KB, 1080x1442, GS_dBWDbIAMo7M6.jpg)

I can relate, nonna. And not just for hetalia. I honestly don't get dropping an interest only because it's not in it's heyday anymore. It's not like media has an expiration date. And when you grow up, it's not like you have to become a 100% normie who only watches what's airing on popular tv stations.

No. 405115

File: 1721948693910.jpg (109.51 KB, 564x773, hetalia 4 lyfe.jpg)

True. I'll never stop loving Hetalia and it's a good thing that those retards left the fandom because they'd ruin it with their moralfagging or gendie bullshit anyway. Hetalia makes me so happy, it's actually insane kek.

No. 405197

Anyone else excited for the Olympics?

Seeing another one begin really makes me yearn for the retarded LiveJournal of yore. It was so much fun watching and posting the 2010 Vancouver and 2012 London 0lympics with fan community.

No. 405260

File: 1722029933392.jpg (371.55 KB, 1762x2048, olympics.JPG)

Same nonna!

No. 405261

File: 1722030084567.jpg (422.22 KB, 1536x2048, usuk at da olympics.JPG)

No. 405273


Dafuq. How do I learn this art sorcery.

No. 405413

File: 1722092253402.webp (59.42 KB, 1070x784, img_2_1722003541176.jpg)


Did you watch the opening ceremony?

I thought it was really lovely and I liked a lot of the performances. I just wished that the parade of nations didn't happen at the same time as the performances. It was impossible to see any of them in full due to NBC's editing

No. 406160

File: 1722352252718.jpg (86.87 KB, 564x676, 783f309de015864a9761e897c65dd0…)

Because of Hetalia, stuff like Olympics, Fifa, Eurovision, and geopolitics is so interesting to me now kek.

No. 406170

File: 1722355393699.jpg (80.59 KB, 720x1420, alfredo.jpg)

i saw picrel and just had to show, arufredo nonnie, do you have more twin peaks pics?

No. 406200

File: 1722362647552.jpg (169.78 KB, 600x810, __america_axis_powers_hetalia_…)

Oh yeah, way too many to count. Look at those soft, juicy beauties.
Also the cardboard cutout seems good but I'm waiting for the day AI advances enough so I can have a realistic hologram of him that I can speak to

No. 406204

i sob whenever i see this man, why can't blonde blue-eyed aloof himbos be a real thing?

No. 406213

File: 1722366306247.jpeg (1.9 MB, 1800x2000, 1713140213246.jpeg)

I wish they were real, kek. The only males I see around me are fat, fugly, broccoli-haired, drooling retards. Waiting for the dimensional merge so I can spend the rest of my life with my sweet Alfredo ♥

No. 406382

Yeah, same. The people around me who'd say this were really, really invested in Hetalia only to turn up their nose and call it 'bad and cringe' once thew saw one person badmouth it on tumblr. Then they would fixate on popular yaoibait anime and equally retarded works/fandoms (eg. Danganronpa). Trying to be pretentious as a weeb is never not hilarious, like if you were so embarrassed you'd drop anime entirely

No. 407591

File: 1722890065805.jpg (170.09 KB, 700x953, GT2HkV3XcAAzpHA.jpg)

AsaKiku is really growing on me

No. 407606

File: 1722897101420.jpg (109.55 KB, 1024x768, GT43B8ebQAAEuQE.jpg)

Good choice, nonna.

No. 408655

File: 1723248347838.png (132.82 KB, 833x400, what the FUCK.png)

The official wikipedia page for shotacon has a picture of usuk as an example. You absolutely cannot make this shit up. I don't support it btw but it's surreal

No. 408657

Should have used Francis (actual pedophile) and Matthew tbh

No. 408663

It's been ages since i watched hetalia, is he an actual pedo? I remember the rapist in joke but never heard of pedo kek

No. 408697

>actual pedophile
KEKK Nona don’t forget Spain too! That’s the token pedophile duo!

No. 408712

Gayops against usuk

No. 408717

Kek yeah that's what I was thinking too. Trying to sully our name. I think I might change it nonnies

No. 408790

I remember a while ago this picture of America and England got posted to the hetalia subreddit because people were trying to find the original artist. The person who posted the image was trying to find the original artist to prove that the art itself was not actually pedobait (or I guess they wanted to see if the artist was a shotacon). Anyways, long story short is curiosity made me try to find the artist and I couldn't find them, and I think their @ was in the image. Knowing that it was a Japanese artist, she probably was a shotacon, and I don't really care either way, but being a shotacon is much more likely in Japan (and accepted in Japan), so I guess my point is I think that reddit was wrong and the artist probably was a shotacon.

No. 408861

File: 1723334865191.jpg (801.16 KB, 2048x1448, usuk haters will never win.JPG)

I don’t doubt that the artist is a legit shotacon, but I feel like the art itself isn’t even clearly shotabait. Yes I’m biased. Yes this is a dumb hill to die on. But the wiki editor could have used any other art… WEIRD!

No. 408871

File: 1723335974038.jpeg (610.82 KB, 1620x2048, IMG_4039.jpeg)

Olympics dump

No. 408873

File: 1723336198363.jpeg (562.11 KB, 2048x1617, IMG_4134.jpeg)

No. 408884

File: 1723336889611.jpeg (328.28 KB, 2000x1314, IMG_4293.jpeg)

No. 408889

File: 1723337261939.jpeg (362.97 KB, 1275x2048, IMG_4072.jpeg)

Flood detection is killing me nonnies

No. 408891

File: 1723337330100.jpeg (524.68 KB, 2048x1524, IMG_4132.jpeg)

No. 408895

File: 1723337798869.jpeg (470.37 KB, 1870x1995, IMG_4294.jpeg)

No. 408902

File: 1723338653113.jpeg (328.73 KB, 1540x2048, IMG_4071.jpeg)

No. 408903

File: 1723339018503.jpeg (457.61 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_4295.jpeg)

No. 408907

File: 1723339925131.jpg (102.16 KB, 596x968, United.States.full.2290630.jpg)

I don't think they are even allowed to use it on the page anyways. Someone blanked out the artist's own signature, so it's in poor taste either way. It is incorrectly attributed as the uploader's own work but someone actually found the artist (iroirositaiaka)

No. 408916

File: 1723341905124.jpeg (167.45 KB, 949x1200, GQJ5vX6XIAA8p0e.jpeg)

It’s so strange to me that the wiki editor used fanart instead of non-explicit official art from actual shota manga. It’s not like there’s a shortage of it? Like I can understand why some hetalia fans might find USUK uncomfortable since they had a brotherly relationship in the past (while being immortal non-humans, but I digress). That’s fine. It’s just retarded they used a random piece of USUK fanart as the definitive example of shota. Definitely a gayops.

No. 408921

File: 1723344820711.jpg (792.87 KB, 972x1256, 81760602_p14.jpg)

I'd believe it, that user account has no activity except for uploading that image and editing the English and Spanish Wikipedia pages for shotacon back in May. As for images, Wikimedia Commons only allows free licensed media which is why the previous main image was the shitty user-created oneshota drawing. Trying to use random shota manga images would probably only qualify as fair use, which they don't accept. Original works where the creator approves of its publication are fine, like the drawing on the yaoi article.
I have a soft spot for USUK since me and my friends would sperg about it in middle school and we would joke about who would be the seme and the brother vibe is based

No. 408922

>and the brother vibe is based
heh… YOU’RE based, nonna

No. 408927

File: 1723347062781.jpg (912.02 KB, 1280x1280, 120964336_p11.jpg)

they want to rid us of our USUK… because of Woke…

No. 409103

File: 1723406885936.jpg (52.32 KB, 429x600, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.600.11895…)

Why am I always asleep while the nonnies have fun without me…
This is so sweet. Who's the artist?
Oh I wish it was Francis up there instead of the fat smurf kek
This picture is fucking awesome. I think fanart of Alfred with guns are so cute
>that user account has no activity except for uploading that image and editing the English and Spanish Wikipedia pages for shotacon
Of course, some loser who has a hateboner for usuk would pull that shit…
They can take the usuk from my cold dead hands

No. 409113

File: 1723408278580.jpg (416.66 KB, 1456x2048, alf.JPG)

The artist of >>408861 is maruefun on xitter!

No. 409480

File: 1723504573004.jpeg (506.76 KB, 2048x1761, IMG_7147.jpeg)

Day 3739 of waiting for a Spain & Romano focused chapter. We got Russia & Italy fujobait so maybe my prayers are going to be answered soon. I miss them so much Nonas

No. 410194

File: 1723690476658.jpg (40.69 KB, 362x452, dhwjdnwjdnwj.JPG)

late but

No. 410198

File: 1723690945843.jpg (429.96 KB, 1826x2048, djwjdjwjdjwbd.JPG)

No. 410260

Now this is MUCH better than the real guy. I love this

No. 410481

File: 1723761889264.jpg (160.06 KB, 720x893, Handsome.jpg)

No. 410625

winter prince…..

No. 411240

File: 1724024090855.jpg (299.9 KB, 800x800, gil_vs_gil_by_kuroneko3132_d2y…)

No. 411242

File: 1724024477001.jpg (220.09 KB, 1000x898, they_see_me_trollin__by_kurone…)

No. 411308

I love his nose

No. 411492

File: 1724103484560.jpeg (108.06 KB, 767x1250, IMG_4372.jpeg)

Imagine if canon portugal existed in peak hetalia fandom circa 2012? He would’ve had so many simps

No. 411563

File: 1724119911896.jpeg (90.71 KB, 500x503, IMG_7350.jpeg)

I like his beta design better he’s more sexy and bigger than Spain. Which makes him perfect for PortSpa yaoi purposes

No. 411675

I love them kek. Me and my friends used to roleplay as them, it was so much fun

No. 413089

File: 1724511947534.jpg (255.76 KB, 1333x1000, GVkhDOuWsAAtWmS.jpg)

I love them.

No. 413149

File: 1724530244676.jpg (591.32 KB, 1058x926, hetalia___counterculture_by_ka…)

No. 413152

wigger us is so cuteee

No. 413213

anon please tell me this doesn’t mean what I think it means… kek

No. 413230

File: 1724555864245.jpg (366.51 KB, 832x788, i_got_nothin___by_dredsina_d2p…)

No. 413270

File: 1724575420599.jpg (112.03 KB, 900x739, break_the_rules_by_nairchan_d2…)

No. 413275

>Ahoge sticking out of the gap in his cap
>tiny burger in his mouth, somehow not falling out
>2 pairs of underwear
So kyoooooot
Me too nonnie, me too. I don't even care about yaoi anymore but I'm always gonna love usuk and other hetalia ships
I love everything about this picture, all the little details made me kek

No. 413278

File: 1724577961976.jpg (408.08 KB, 1000x647, d420ae7-90a92023-f56b-4d39-ac7…)

No. 413279

File: 1724577999349.png (669.9 KB, 700x1082, d2sxtkd-944bebc3-1925-4f75-8bb…)

No. 413280

File: 1724578030431.png (815.49 KB, 700x1082, d24jqo4-bff31e63-b5f6-4834-b86…)

No. 413385

File: 1724618438890.jpg (280.56 KB, 1975x1939, GUAwGiJXMAAPia2.jpg)

Aww, these are super cute.

No. 413484

File: 1724650860393.jpg (71.28 KB, 536x885, 5079905_p0.jpg)

No. 413485

File: 1724650888730.jpg (110.91 KB, 702x960, 5104050_p0.jpg)

No. 413486

File: 1724650912221.jpg (524.55 KB, 800x1839, 5478908_p0.jpg)

No. 413487

File: 1724650942101.jpg (414.41 KB, 1024x1584, 5545448_p0.jpg)

No. 413712

File: 1724713406777.jpeg (199.84 KB, 828x537, IMG_7546.jpeg)

Was finally able to create a lofter account (Chinese tumblr basically) I can up my Spamano fanart game like crazy

No. 414580

File: 1724961486030.jpg (668.96 KB, 1200x1800, 76162475_p0.jpg)

No. 414798

File: 1726098724560.jpg (79.77 KB, 1028x743, GXNOITiXEAAl0tU.jpg)

He didn't forget and neither should you…

No. 414993

I always wondered how 9/11 would impact Alfred. Like when the plane struck the towers did he feel like a giant period cramp pain in his stomach or what

No. 415015

File: 1726163873987.jpeg (344.22 KB, 1442x2048, IMG_4635.jpeg)

I missed this thread so much. Hi nonnas!

No. 415909

File: 1726505555562.jpg (91.58 KB, 720x485, brothers.jpg)

How cute

No. 415966

Howdy nona! This picture is so damn cute. Who's the artist?

No. 415982

No. 416007

File: 1726534480780.jpeg (631.08 KB, 2048x1338, IMG_4697.jpeg)

Kek the cutest bros. Tbh I’m disappointed that britbongs didn’t use arthur for their threadpic. An opportunity lost
Eji-sama is my goddess

No. 416053

This fanart is so cute! As a britbong who's loved Arthur since her teenage years, my love for him comes in waves and you may just have awoken me again with this kekkk

No. 416387

File: 1726694753222.jpg (914.93 KB, 4096x2303, media_GLyBBctW0AAeG2U.jpg)

Thank you for sharing their work I am absolutely in love with it especially as a USUKfag
I always thought Iggy was the cutest character something about him is just so charming

No. 416469

Who's the artist? Google Lens keeps redirecting me to Tokyo Revengers(?) fanart.

No. 416556

This is the artist >>415982

No. 418427

File: 1727299763782.jpg (174.82 KB, 933x589, tumblr_mwaih7ciuY1rya5bvo1_128…)

No. 418428

File: 1727299797490.jpg (160.68 KB, 933x589, tumblr_mwaih7ciuY1rya5bvo2_128…)

No. 418429

File: 1727299823823.jpg (161.49 KB, 933x589, tumblr_mwaih7ciuY1rya5bvo3_128…)

No. 418430

File: 1727299862145.jpg (161.25 KB, 933x589, tumblr_mwaih7ciuY1rya5bvo4_128…)

No. 418792

File: 1727439134637.jpeg (111.41 KB, 629x480, IMG_8743.jpeg)

I’m so happy right now nonas. Finally some Spain and Romano content. Even if it’s just merch

No. 418826

File: 1727455999627.jpg (188.24 KB, 890x1200, GYX7RIgWYAAcqC3.jpg)

why does germany look like a lesbian

No. 418830

File: 1727456461288.jpg (12.97 KB, 209x400, 1000008561.jpg)

I legit thought this was supposed to be Nyo Germany aka my 11 year old self's waifu at first kek

No. 418831

hime nerfed his buff body…his art really has taken a nose dive it seems

No. 418851

My god, they twinkified her. I'm straight but I masturbated to her once when I was like 12.

No. 418854

This is supposed to be him as a teenager, isn't it? Hima has been releasing art of the great eight as teenagers all week. So it's probably why he's less buff.

No. 418938

File: 1727478586588.webp (157.49 KB, 1080x764, fat.webp)

>his art really has taken a nose dive it seems
Yeah, look what he did to Ivan. He looks so fat and blobby kek

No. 418939

File: 1727478920101.webp (105.58 KB, 699x900, art-from-himas-twitter-v0-si1m…)

I fall in love with him everyday

No. 418942

he looks really cute from the neck up

No. 418943

Even his eye colour is wrong

No. 418948

freaking hard to look at, hima they blend right into these messy backgrounds

No. 418951

My 15 yo self is crying right now, wtf is this shit, he looks like a woman, not the cute and manly Doitsu

No. 418957

I will pretend I didn't see this

No. 418972

File: 1727486541775.jpg (1.1 MB, 1620x2039, gangstaivan.JPG)

DA, but for any nonnas not caught up with the manga, these are the childhood designs from the current gangsta AU. They’re supposed to look younger than their adult selves. Not sure why Russia has blue eyes now though. Does anyone know when that changed?

No. 418997

What the fuck happened to Hetalia

No. 419113

That doesn't explain why they look so strangely curvy. Wtf is up with Ivan's thighs?

No. 419114

wait are you sure this is not Ukraine?

No. 420407

File: 1727984785287.jpeg (165.51 KB, 1100x831, GY9tAYpbAAMvkYM.jpeg)

Maybe I'm trying to cope as hard as I can, but sometimes Hima's recent art style can look good, if he puts effort into it… the bug eyes and squiggly mouths look downright awful though

No. 420409

Cute, but wrong eye colour AGAIN…
I hate the squiggly mouths too kek.

No. 421297

File: 1728248692963.jpeg (98.69 KB, 768x804, GB9OoKdaYAAbVKf (3).jpeg)

china is a qt

No. 421331

A random pairing but the art is cute

No. 424860

File: 1729134603702.jpg (58.97 KB, 425x604, 0b8f5cd3177db89fd0ad7a9908cfd2…)

I remember that a lack of consistency with character eye colours has been a complaint amongst Hetalia fans for a long time. Romano has changed eye colours a few times…

No. 425454

I'm think i'm cringe because a few days ago i released that i like Canada in romantic way. I know that much people like hetalia characters as a partner and that's okay, but i feel shame and don't know what to do. I'm 18.

No. 425499

There's nothing to do about it and no reason to be ashamed nona, the characters are purposefully cute/likeable/charming and also have a wide variety of personalities, so it's pretty easy to fall in love with one of them

No. 425628

Thank you for your support, i have some problems with self-confidence, but i try to fight them.

No. 425991

MMD Monday

No. 432952

File: 1731822027450.jpg (1.31 MB, 2000x1500, 39283916_p0.jpg)

Who's lunch would you choose?

No. 432959

do germans really eat raw cucumbers and bell peppers

No. 433086

Italy's looks the most delicious but I'll take whatever Alfred has to give me ♥

No. 433091

File: 1731863446460.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.39 KB, 1024x768, lunchbox-brotdose-ideen-1024x7…)

Yes. But usually it's cut into pieces

No. 433434

File: 1732018148847.jpeg (7.4 KB, 203x248, images (9).jpeg)

So many artists nuking entire twitter galleries due to AI. Pixiv's also empty. Eg eji_gakuki

No. 433440

This world gets a little bit worse with each passing day

No. 433607

File: 1732060058591.jpg (158.59 KB, 993x1524, Gb3AUpCbwAA66Wj.jpg)

This is why I save my absolute favorite images to my hard drive, and sometimes back that stuff up elsewhere. Before, it would be just occasional that some artists would nuke their stuff, but nowadays more and more are deleting. I mean, I can't hold it against them because it's their personal choice, but there's so many images I've not saved, tried to remember where they've come from, only to find that they were gone.

No. 436099

File: 1732774889026.jpg (180.52 KB, 850x984, wwww.jpg)

i love nichu

No. 436746

File: 1732927677783.jpg (306.47 KB, 1697x1600, media_GdjKP84W8AAn-e9.jpg)

per nonny's request I am posting the most recent APH art from zhongerweiyuan. I'll post the past six months (roughly), starting with the most recent. If there are requests for me to go farther back just lmk.

No. 436747

File: 1732927752958.jpg (375.8 KB, 1932x1822, media_GddxEjgbgAAbdgl.jpg)

No. 436748

File: 1732928272764.jpg (1.19 MB, 1984x2640, media_GdM0NXXaYAAyBmn.jpg)

No. 436750

File: 1732928647025.jpg (1.14 MB, 1984x2640, media_GdM0NXWaQAA-FKt.jpg)

No. 436752

File: 1732929013326.jpg (2.13 MB, 2657x3584, media_GdI679Za8AAoaIk.jpg)

No. 436753

File: 1732929420533.jpg (1.85 MB, 2530x3607, media_Gc-dWwab0AAjh1Q.jpg)

No. 436754

File: 1732929747230.jpg (1.99 MB, 2750x4096, media_GbJo-HNacAA83MJ.jpg)

No. 436755

File: 1732930077380.jpg (1.42 MB, 4096x1649, media_GaTkDvAbMAAhQqz.jpg)

No. 436758

File: 1732930539043.jpg (637.4 KB, 1586x2504, media_GZLP7gdbAAA0X__.jpg)

No. 436759

File: 1732930972992.jpg (185.67 KB, 1359x2146, media_GYgR8Z7asAA2uMI.jpg)

No. 436760

File: 1732931369258.jpg (1.79 MB, 2580x3830, media_GY9Qa2IbMAABE7s.jpg)

No. 436763

File: 1732931847155.jpg (1.14 MB, 1984x2858, media_GXp_kjGbgAAiEGX.jpg)

No. 436768

File: 1732932305429.jpg (2.04 MB, 2600x3650, media_GXhZQ9yboAA_L3C.jpg)

No. 436770

File: 1732932724299.jpg (394.32 KB, 1984x1984, media_GW9xvNoawAALYQr.jpg)

No. 436771

File: 1732933162653.jpg (283.05 KB, 1443x1920, media_GWt9sTbXcAAA1XE.jpg)

No. 436772

File: 1732933576869.jpg (673.19 KB, 1546x2593, media_GWPdhVHbsAAT_bK.jpg)

No. 436773

File: 1732933972714.jpg (472.22 KB, 1736x2456, media_GVu_1Aea0AAzaIM.jpg)

No. 436774

File: 1732934215445.jpg (39.05 KB, 508x600, Russia.600.3584067.jpg)

No. 436776

File: 1732934549781.jpg (356.06 KB, 1736x2456, media_GVu_1Aea8AAV2yU.jpg)

No. 436778

File: 1732934986136.jpg (296.12 KB, 1559x1822, media_GVPQ_shbcAAGYZY.jpg)

No. 436782

File: 1732935464997.jpg (265.27 KB, 1539x1019, media_GU9V2XIa4AUjl-6.jpg)

No. 436783

File: 1732935916057.jpg (78.99 KB, 600x545, Russia.600.964469.jpg)

No. 436787

File: 1732936241087.jpg (314.75 KB, 1590x1020, media_GTRXP1BWAAAohx2.jpg)

No. 436788

File: 1732936621625.png (1.07 MB, 675x758, zhongerweiyuan-group.png)

No. 436790

File: 1732937254698.jpg (1.23 MB, 1945x2750, media_GU3Fu6fb0AApJ8L.jpg)

No. 436792

File: 1732937637005.jpg (1.35 MB, 1945x2750, media_GU3Fu6gaQAAXf8B.jpg)

No. 436795

File: 1732938349046.jpg (1.24 MB, 1945x2750, media_GU3Fu6gbwAAQpwP.jpg)

No. 436798

File: 1732938925907.jpg (1.23 MB, 1945x2750, media_GU3F42MbUAAF2DD.jpg)

No. 436799

File: 1732939343464.jpg (1.13 MB, 1945x2750, media_GU3Eme5a0AAhQcJ.jpg)

No. 436801

File: 1732939776684.jpg (1.2 MB, 2960x2268, media_GUdyw1waIAAmjgL.jpg)

No. 436803

File: 1732940193375.jpg (639.66 KB, 1984x3750, media_GUEHCy3XsAE7cSW.jpg)

No. 436806

File: 1732940637461.jpg (494.58 KB, 2310x1736, media_GT-VhSEWUAAcvni.jpg)

No. 436808

File: 1732941040533.jpg (89.07 KB, 1005x748, media_GT1HvocWkAcdDVC.jpg)

No. 436810

File: 1732941436262.png (1.01 MB, 681x758, zhongerweiyuan-group2.png)

No. 436811

File: 1732941937625.jpg (287.42 KB, 1340x1828, media_GTsxoK4bMAAH6Yq.jpg)

No. 436812

File: 1732942501718.jpg (362.14 KB, 1340x1828, media_GTsxoKRXEAAFDiZ.jpg)

No. 436813


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 436814

File: 1732942925314.jpg (345.91 KB, 1340x1828, media_GTsxoKHW8AEMsMT.jpg)

No. 436815

File: 1732943444481.jpg (379.39 KB, 1340x1828, media_GTsxoKQWkAA8ide.jpg)

No. 436816

File: 1732943828070.jpg (1.2 MB, 2567x3024, media_GSYSiyCXMAAHNi7.jpg)

No. 436817

Anon why in God's name would you sit here uploading photos for four hours straight instead of just dropping all the files in a mega?

No. 436819

kek if I'm honest, I'm a retard and completely forgot that was an option. Please be kind. I only have two left then I'll stop, apologies for the spam

No. 436820

File: 1732944658093.jpg (136.43 KB, 1081x721, media_GR5UZvKW8AAqMtm.jpg)

No. 436822

File: 1732945322446.jpg (999.99 KB, 2218x4096, media_GRkyy4MWEAAwAG8.jpg)

No. 436823

File: 1732945662035.jpeg (175.99 KB, 489x481, E5931FEB-24A8-4FA4-864E-EAF819…)

I’ve shared everything that has been posted since July, aside from some WIPs and memes. If I ever do this again I’ll remember to share one file. You may now make fun of me, thank you for your patience and once again apologies for the spam.

No. 436826

I appreciate your hard work and dedication.

No. 436847

you’re cute anon. it’s ok ily

No. 436857

thank you nonna! i always keep the tab for this thread open and was happy to see it bumped so many times. and zhongerweiyuan's one of the best hetalia artists I've ever seen…

No. 436925

I'm the anon who asked you for these and I just woke up to see them now. Made my morning. Love you sweet nona ♥
This made me kek so hard
Daaamn, I didn't know she did 2p art. Cute
I feel so patriotic I'm not even a burger

No. 437099

File: 1733010690951.jpg (628.87 KB, 856x692, Tumblr_l_1621796924416.jpg)

Last night I was reading a well-written Hetalia fanfiction with an interesting premise where the Nazis take over the world and the other countries try to save it. I was so invested in it only to get to the "last chapter" and it hasn't been updated in almost a DECADE. Why live

No. 438722

File: 1733529037610.png (159.65 KB, 600x570, 4c0e8a93T9f7gUmR.png)

I love coming across old Hetalia art in the wild

No. 438723

File: 1733529069971.png (124.46 KB, 600x330, 4b5918beevP54D2a.png)

This one is for Americafags

No. 438766

We appreciate it. Thank you

No. 438778

File: 1733547514799.jpeg (475.21 KB, 1125x1130, 95A3247F-779B-4AD4-A796-476836…)

♥ Thank you nonnys, I’ll do almost anything for fellow hetafags.

No. 438802

File: 1733557620704.jpeg (53.11 KB, 523x764, F5mGmlXbMAATOaA.jpeg)

chinese hetafags always create the best art

No. 438976

Actually yes, at least two of my favorite Hetalia fan artists back in the day were Chinese.
Austria a qt

No. 440858

File: 1734304814708.jpeg (797.82 KB, 1125x1564, DC7FBE78-CFD1-487B-B505-A4070C…)

I read all of the current Gangsta arc last night after not really following Hetalia too much for years. I completely forgot how aloof Alfred is, fanon Alfred had completely eclipsed him in my mind. He’s also hotter this way tbh

No. 441592

Nonna do you think the gangsta arc is worth the read?

No. 441613

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Depends, I think it’s a fun way to explore how the different characters interact. You get a good feel for their personalities and motivations in a way that I think gets lost sometimes. If you read the series only for cultural fun facts you are going to be bored to tears however.

No. 442825

File: 1735089133902.jpg (70.72 KB, 600x425, Zptl8-1.jpg)

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

No. 444293

File: 1735633906525.jpeg (137.83 KB, 681x1099, GgDaaXHaUAA5bUd.jpeg)

for my dearest arufredofag, by _Cluck_gugu on twitter. i like this piece very much because it shows Alfred as being earnest and hard working while showing off his physical assets, and seeing him working is very charming too.

No. 444459

Kek, this is the most beautiful way to start off my 2025, so thanks nona. I think this is my new favourite picture of him. I need to be held by him.

No. 444463

Good old American grit~

No. 446562

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The absolute chokehold this doujin still has on me over a decade later cannot be overstated.

No. 446708

Which doujin is it?

No. 452505

File: 1737743399382.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1125x1742, IMG_5099.jpeg)

I feel like this is something that would happen in Hetalia.

No. 453711

File: 1737933663576.webp (287.7 KB, 1032x1510, 4.webp)

I know how you feel nonna, we all have that one fanfic that lives on in our brain. My first Hetalia doujin was the Sigh of Russia. It my favorite to this day

No. 455363


No. 455365

Why does the dude in the infographic have his cock out

No. 455713

File: 1738379207377.jpeg (1.26 MB, 965x1384, D555BFA6-A88F-4625-89B9-55BAC9…)

Sorry for the late response nonny! It’s picrel, “From the New World, With Love”

No. 455721

Coldwar is still my favorite ship to this day.

No. 455844

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No. 455923

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Posting some of zhongerweiyuan’s recent Hetalia pieces

No. 455925

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No. 455928

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No. 455930

What's the secret of the lasting popularity of Hetalia?

No. 455934

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No. 455937

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Since they’re countries the lore is always updating and being explored. There’s a low barrier of entry since everyone has some opinion about their country or another. The majority of the cast are attractive men that can be paired in any number of ways. The representations of each country aren’t too reliant on stereotypes but have fun quirks and personalities. It’s just a lot of fun.

No. 476077

The Canada and America angst would go crazy right now if the fandom wasn't dead

No. 476106

i still see caname art regularly though

No. 476199

File: 1743205423947.jpg (311.99 KB, 1773x1771, amecan1.JPG)

>angsty new AmeCan art
Please post. I’m not really on xitter anymore but I need this so badly

No. 476562

Look up 'khloxxy', I'm pretty sure she's the artist of your picrel. She mostly does RusAme, but does AmeCan and RusCan too.

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