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No. 2149098

Previous thread: >>1930878

A thread for sharing things that are too nasty to discuss in polite company, aka TMI (Too Much Information). Do you have a weird habit? An embarrassing health issue? Just want to admit something gross? Feel free to post it here.

Things could get unsightly in here, so remember– the hide button on threads is there for a reason.

No. 2149133

Ive been eating so many sweet potatoes these past few days that my poop was carrot orange. I seriously thought I was internally bleeding before I realized what caused the color.

No. 2149142

that's awesome.

No. 2149148

Its kind of freaky tbh. One time I had sonic blue poop and another time it was green. It's like my body is collecting every color of the rainbow.

No. 2149612

is god is real why are there spice receptors in our assholes? I thought I was so slick getting the blazin challenge for free cuz of my birthday, I'm not paying 11 bucks for six wings, but this is bad. My butthole feels like it's sunburned

No. 2149658


No. 2150048

After having my baby my poops went from regular ol dainty to mega bricks. These turds are the length of my forearm and girthy. It's honestly shocking and I'm not sure if I should seek medical help.

No. 2150339

Best feeling: spitting on a q tip to dig in your ear and you feel that ticklish feeling. You know when you pull it out it's gonna be so yellow

No. 2150359

That’s bad for your ears nonnie

No. 2150365

It's really bad, that's why I use hydrogen peroxide instead.

No. 2150613

Today I used a tampon for the first time in my life. It hurt at first because I hadn't really understood I had to go deeper, then it was okay. I'm not skipping on any more pool or sea days like I did in highschool yay!!!

No. 2150638

happy for you nona! i started using tampons just recently too and it's life-changing. no more sweaty diapers shuffling around getting stuck in my bush in 35°C heat

No. 2150652

Is the cookies and cream Frappuccino from Starbucks supposed to give you explosive diarrhea for several days? Asking for a friend.

No. 2150670

Maybe you finally got lactose intolerance

No. 2150672

I sometimes have this issue after eating or drinking anything with a lot of milk or cream but it's usually not nearly that bad so I don't know, I really hope it's not that.

No. 2150699

I keep peeing and it’s so annoying and when I do it feels like my bladder is still sort of full

No. 2150701

Jesus christ what is with people nowadays having very weak stomachs?

No. 2150721

Do you think our ancestors were drinking sugar bomb cream Frappuccinos

No. 2150723

Anon I just wanted to say I knew someone who had that feeling as well, and it turned out to be a urinary tract infection. No other symptoms, no pain, just feeling like she had to go all the time. Hope it's not that and it goes away soon

No. 2150726

Was gonna say probably a UTI as well. Drink lots of water and it'll hopefully go away within a day

No. 2150739

Yep, I felt like this and it was a UTI. I got rid of it within like 2 days though by drinking a shitton of water.

No. 2150969

I am so fucking hairy I could probably grow a nicer beard than most scrotes my age

No. 2150981

I love being constipated and proceeding to drink 20 shots of coffee and then clearing my bowels and feeling good. Coffee has zero effect on making me stay awake or my sleep for some reason too

No. 2151537

being on my period makes me feel like a geriatric grandma except instead of post menopausal my uterus and vagina is crying from excess hormone dumping

No. 2151561

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>sonic blue
what? how? did you eat picrel?

No. 2151565

nta but i've gotten it from eating grocery store frosting or drinks with blue dye before

No. 2152886

I’m missing two toenails on my right foot because of sports injuries, including the big toe. I used to be self-conscious and refused to wear open-toed shoes but now idgaf. STARE AT MY UGLY FEET. I DARE YOU. I WANT YOU TO.

No. 2152891

Ayrt, it's cause I ate baby shower cupcakes that were dyed blue.

No. 2153854

Not sure if this is exactly "gross" but does anyone else's puasy hair hold onto water super well? After a shower I pretty have to exfoliate my pussy with the towel to get it dry, meanwhile my ass only takes like 3 seconds to wipe dry. I'm about to say fuck it and just shave again because im sick of this.

No. 2153863

Samefag, I also used to blowdry my vagina but it's just not the most convenient when I have to be somewhere imo.

No. 2153867

How dense is that bush girl

No. 2153893

It's thinner at the top but denser where the lips start (? have no idea how to describe this). Having wig pussy just isn't all that tbh. Plus being bald is more pleasurable.

No. 2153910

No. 2153930

Sorry idk how to describe how my pubes look. It's thinner at the top, denser in the middle.

No. 2153953

I have a pimple on my neck and it's right on a nerve or something because it hurts so much when I touch it.
I always pull them out it's such a gross habit but I can't stop.

No. 2154407

my boyfriend always says im "so funny" when he notices i ripped a bunch of my pubes out its so embarrassing

No. 2157184

when im bored i like to twirl my armpit hairs like a goatee

No. 2157189

I'm ovulating and I've been a horny masturbating monster and it's honestly making me feel like shit. I realized that scrotes don't go through cycles and they're like this all the time and it makes me feel better about myself

No. 2157944

COVID is making me leak vaginal discharge

No. 2158035

I hate eating because I have to shit and shitting is gross. At the same time I love eating because garlic exists.

No. 2158089

…??? Discharge is normal nonnie, that’s not a COVID thing.

No. 2158095

but I'm leaking more than usual…

No. 2158107

idk what's wrong with me, but it hurts so bad in my uterus area whenever I go number 2. I suspect I have either endometriosis or pelvic floor issues. I also constantly feel like I need to go number 2, but I can't, it makes me feel like a little kid because I try every time I leave or go somewhere new and it doesn't work. if I'm constipated, the only worth it reason is oxy, not my body imploding at the age of 27.

No. 2158172

I got diagnosed with lichen simplex on my vagina but keep procrasinating buying cream. Not like anyone else will look at my vagina

No. 2158176

Late response but that can be a sign of adhd nona, not being effected by caffeine

No. 2158206

yeah I'm pretty sure I have adhd. but I'm not sure if I'm actually unaffected or whether I'm conflating nausea bowel symptoms

No. 2158234

I've been in this fucking conference for two hours and I'm not allowed to go to the bathroom for another thirty minutes. I felt a huge, jelly-like blood clot slide out and it slid up my vagina. It's just resting under my clit and there's no way to remove it without looking like I'm maturbating. I feel the clot melting back into blood I fucking hate it here.

No. 2158242

You need a colon screening nonny

No. 2158255

measured my pubes and some of them are over 4 inches long, i could braid them if i really wanted to

No. 2158559

Anyone else cultivate those reoccurring scalp scabs? I had one a few years ago where I was picking at it so frequently that it left a tiny bald area once the scab finally healed. Yes, I do eat the scab where else would I put it but my mouth.

No. 2158561

>>2158255 Proud of you!

No. 2158562

I thought I was the only freak who did this. I haven't had any scabs oh my scalp in a while though.

No. 2158647

did this when i was younger but got scared away from doing it when i realized i could develop bald spots from the scar tissue

No. 2158649

thanks and you too nona

No. 2158652

Whenever I have to hover over the toilet to pee I have to do a sort of twerk to share the excess off. It feels awkward and weird.

No. 2158708

me!!!! sometimes i think about collecting those scabs and i feel like it would be very satisfying to have a jar full of scabs but i ended up eating the scabs every time. oh well.

No. 2158710

Oh man this is what I get for not hiding the thread sooner KEK Don't let your dreams be dreams nona, fill that jar

No. 2158727

I get these and I don’t eat them but I absolutely love it when they form around the hair and I get to pull it out like a head louse egg. Hate it when it breaks though.

No. 2158729

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thought it's been 2 days since my period ended, did some abs excercises and a bunch of reddish slime came out

No. 2159074

I just saw sonic self-cest porn but one of his clones was dressed in a nun outfit mid prayer and the other was some kind of demon. It's so random and I have nobody to tell.

No. 2159102

Self-cest is just so damn boring

No. 2159105

please post in the bad fetish art thread PLEASE

No. 2160536

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I don't tend to get pimples in general, but when I get them, I like to pop them in the elevator of my building, it doesn't have cameras so you can basically do whatever you want in there, I like it when I pop my pimples and they basically explode all over the mirror.
I clean the mess up with wet wipes and hand sanitizer afterwards of course.

No. 2160831

Just shitted good.

No. 2160836

I just shitted bad

No. 2161151

Pretty sure that's also risky, just in a different way.

No. 2162541

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When I was 11 I completely stopped showering and would only wash my hair in the sink. Why the fuck did I do that? I wish I could go back in time and slap the shit out of myself.

No. 2162616

I didn't shower for several years in my late teens. Same logic as when people drink tea or coffee instead of water. Water is just boring.

No. 2162632

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nayrt but showering too boring? i love showering so much its my lifeblood if i get too cold instead of bundling up i let the shower be my blanket. its my cry spot, my own personal recording studio, my dance routine floor, my boxing ring coach, my phone time place, my own personal homeless schizo ramblings street corner. my shower head is my therapist, doctor, mother, idol, friend, and water pressure powered girlfriend. life without showering isn't a life worth living.

No. 2162707

Try an Onsen or hot water bath sauna

No. 2162727

I always have to take a big shit the morning after a night of drinking and I don't know if it's normal but it makes me feel like a brand new person every time

No. 2162898

I've had 4 eggs and white bread today topped with kala namak (black sulphur salt). My farts are smelling rancid, jesus.

No. 2163042

That's normal for me, but often I'll have to dump arse in the middle of a drinking binge.

No. 2163427

Early in the morning I woke up to my pussy and ass itching. I scratched it and immediately went back to sleep. It's crazy how sleep lowers your inhibitions because I never would've done that while awake

No. 2164706

I love the way cabbage makes me poop it just comes out.
Kek anon I only took showers when I washed my hair every 4-5 days, gross but you're not alone.

No. 2165042

>150 lbs
>trying to get down to 140, 130 by december
>go to scale in morning
>"oh god"
>have the biggest shit of my life just now
>weigh again
kind of scary to think i was just walking around with that inside of me

No. 2165051

You're literally full of shit.

No. 2165057

I clean toilets for a living and once found a turd the size of my forearm. Same width and length. At least you’re not that guy

No. 2165530

I once went in for a doctor’s appointment for a medication followup. My doctor was concerned about me losing like 4-5lbs between visits so I had to tell her I was just constipated last time I came in…

No. 2165646

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i went on a binge after months of dieting at an all you can eat sushi and got full up to my throat. after like a day of not being able to shit i drop this enormous dookie into the toilet. it looked like a cobra and was the width of my wrist. like it sunk into the toilet hole so i couldnt see the whole length of it, but the part that i could see was coiled in on itself and must have been around 3 feet long

No. 2165964

I have diarrhea again, I basically have diarrhea at least once a week, this is so annoying.

No. 2166012

there’s brown discharge coming out of my vag and it smells like bits and pieces of organs that’s been sitting in my body for awhile, anybody else get this sometimes?

No. 2166470

I got goose poop on my shoes and it's worse than I thought and now I'm annoyed I'll have to clean it off.

No. 2166497

Nonna you should do a gluten allergy test. This is how I found out I had gluten allergy. My stomach was always a mess and I was often bloated and I had a lot of diarrhea that I always blamed on the stress of my studies.

No. 2166509

I was once severely constipated and I was at my grandma’s, in the fucking mountains in my country (not a first world country). She had no toilet, only the outside latrine , I was scared as hell to use it because you had to squat.
I had the overwhelming fear to fall down and end up in a ditch full of poop.

Anyway, I was constipated so bad and I had to use a whole stick to get the dookie out of my ass, it was humiliating and mortifying.
When I returned back home I was grateful to have my toilet back, nonnas don’t take the modern bathroom for granted. Putting your ass down on a ceramic surface is a damn luxury.

No. 2166931

Do those yoga exercises helping you to fart/poop work

No. 2167042

I like having my ass ate. It feels really good, and I get a smug sense of satisfaction knowing I got a moid to eat my wingstop crumbs

No. 2167067

I masturbated today which is something I don't do often and I actually managed to insert a finger in my vagina, it felt kind of weird but good at the same time.

No. 2167085

This is why I'm glad I have a powerful bidet. For those occasions when the poopie is half in half out and too soft to push. Blast it right out without a trace. Passes the toilet paper test every time even if it felt like a natural disaster coming through.

No. 2168624

I have to shit. Good, because I'm leaving in a few hours and prefer to have no bullets in the chamber. Bad, because I'm rocking out for tunesday and don't want to leave.

No. 2169037

Drink a cup of hot water, with nothing.

No. 2169309

I ate a bunch of raw cookie dough yesterday and the day before thinking I wasn't gonna get sick. Guess where I'm sitting right now? Don't be like me anons.

No. 2169969

I don't really get discharge in my underwear the way my vagina is it doesn't really leak out unless I'm on the toilet and some slime balls will drip down in the bowl making little bobas like those japanese candy kits

No. 2169978

so i have a UTI, the first one in over ten years. i used to get them pretty often, no matter what i did (pee after sex and wipe down, clean underwear every single day, being extra clean while on my period etc). i went to urgent care because last time i went to a local feminist care clinic (similar to planned parenthood just local) and i sat and waited six hours just to have someone put a test strip in my urine. it was unbearable.

i was seen immediately, in and out. she prescribed me antibiotics and a medicine for numbing the urethra so it doesn’t burn. i’ve never been given this medicine before. after taking it i went pee and i was so concerned. i wiped and thought i was bleeding heavily, so i looked in the toilet and my pee was neon orange. like orange gatorade orange. i forgot i had taken the numbing medicine and freaked out and googled. turns out the numbing medication causes your urine to turn neon yellow to bright orange. even worse, when i went to pee my underwear got stuck and i didn’t know so i peed all over some really cute pantries and they might be stained bright orange forever.

No. 2169991

ngl when i had head lice it took forever to get rid of (super lice+ incredibly thick coarse hair) my favorite thing was pulling nits off my hair strange and crushing them between my thumb nails. they make the most satisfying popping sound. when my nephew has lice when i was baby sitting him i made him sit down so i could comb it out (those shampoos don’t do shit, it’s best to comb extra extra well for multiple days in a row, or if it’s really bad, smothering your hair with vaseline and wearing a shower cap for 24 hours at least. don’t use mayo or conditioner, it’s not thick enough and you have to leave it on for at least 24 hours because lice can survive without oxygen for a long time and the nits even longer) and i was pulling out nits with my nails because sometimes the combs don’t get them and it was so satisfying.

No. 2171738

I was so miserable lately, but tonight I spent 5 hours watching 3 documentaries about 9/11 flight 93 and cried and snotted all over myself, and then later masturbated, and now I feel so much better. It feels so good to be freshly-cried and freshly-orgasmed. I feel like a newborn baby. I can live another day.

No. 2171760

jacking off after long bouts of sadness really hit different kek, i remember abstaining one time because i was too busy sobbing to really do anything and when the feelings started to get better the first thing i did was get off.

No. 2171761

>It feels so good to be freshly-cried and freshly-orgasmed. I feel like a newborn baby.
This made me laugh so hard nona

No. 2171777

wtf I've had the same post-9/11 rabbithole cry/masturbation session. must stem from emotional catharsis and being thankful for being alive

No. 2172841

That reminds me of the time my gf and I visited Auschwitz (have a grandma who survived, so the visit was extremely personal), proceeded to cry so hard that I actually had to leave the gas chamber to not disturb the other guests, then had sex at the hotel to get my mind back to a more positive place.

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