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No. 258790
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I recommend reading Oishii Kankei. It’s been a long time since I’ve read it, but I remember the heroine being very inspiring and cute.
No. 258810
>>258804the themes and ratings of the show are josei but it ended up in a shojo magazine.
The show could be considered either shojo or josei depending on the person due to the rated-r themes in the show.
No. 258813
>>258804I saw Mars in every mangashop for years and considered it ugly because of the weird albino covers. Then many years later I happened to have the chance to read it because someone else owned it and enjoyed it a lot actually. I am not a fan of shoujo besides magical girls series but Josei is mostly great.
I am just sad it's the genres with the lowest amount of anime adaptions since the joseai crowd doesn't seem to be into anime I think? They never sell well so nobody adapts them which is sad, I loved that one Josei with the ghost husband and the flower shop a lot that aired 10 years ago or something.
No. 258855
>>258850it takes 5 seconds to google to see that most people call it a genre.
I agree its not correct, but Op is not wrong considering most people call it a genre.
No. 258861
I wonder if this thread was inspired by the nana discussion in the anime thread…
No. 258876
>>258855>it takes 5 seconds to google to see that most people call it a genre. Most people are retards. If most people decided to jump off a cliff because it's funny you'd do it too? Josei is literally one of the words for "woman" in Japanese so it's the target demographic for these manga. Of course they're going to give similar vibes overall because all these manga are for the same audience, adult, grown women but still. Shit like this is why we have weird shit like Black Butler being published in a shonen magazine when it's clearly attracting way more female readers and it would have been classified as a shojo manga in the 90s instead. Now the target audience of a manga isn't always the actual audience like how Gintama is a shonen manga but most of its readers are adult women but that's another topic.
>>258861I wouldn't be surprised. Anyway, fuck Takumi, fuck Reira the pedo, fuck Shoji and fuck Sachiko.
No. 259115
>>259048>>259080Rakugo Shinjuu, manga by Umino Chika (Honey and Clover, March comes in like a lion), Kuragehime
>>259097I think anything that has a 25+ office lady and isn't "mommy/milf" porn gets tagged by josei because I guess they think that'll interest adult women? I can only guess, but that's the type of shit I see appear under Josei sometimes
No. 259144
>>259097>>259115IME most josei porn
is just an self insert office lady with a pornstar body and no personality being fucked by some handsome scumbag moid. I guess Japanese women eat that shit up, the only difference from male-targeted hentai is that it's a bishounen instead of some faceless mob guy abusing her.
No. 259270
>>259174Ugh, same. It was my favourite anime right up until that. I choose to believe that Konatsu just said that to troll with the reporter because otherwise it pisses me off too much. So much time was spent emphasising the father/daughter relationship between Konatsu and Kiku, so to reveal
that is just revolting and infuriating.
No. 259520
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>>259270It felt like even more of a betrayal because of the heavy, heavy fujobait. Actually I think calling it fujobait does it a disservice, it would have been a legitimately poignant and believable plot point to have Kiku in love with Sukeroku one sidedly. Fuuuck I'm so mad but I still loved it so much.
No. 259523
>>259520oh damn and here i made my post
>>259515 because i thought you were all talking about bunny drop. But it looks like you are talking about another pedo josei manga.
Japanese women….please learn to love yourselves.
No. 259536
>>259515One of my favorite stories I've rewatched a lot because it was like the only dubbed anime I like on our channels, Honey and Clover, also ends the same way,
where her guardian (blood-related) figure "wins " in the end against her two age-appropriate suitors, because she's hospitalized and needs his endless support, and he confesses he's in love with her. Although Hagu herself is a really fucking weird character, a literal "legal loli" with the sensibility of a little kid, so it's pretty weird. But there are so few non-coomer anime in the college setting, especially about artists and proper male-female friendships, that I'm happy to at least have this.
No. 259588
>>259576Nodame Cantabille
Ristorante Paradiso
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Petshop of Horrors (never read it myself)
Also I just found out that Shirokuma Café is josei!
No. 259621
>>259520Even with the gross reveal, I do still think that the tension between Kiku and Sukeroku was intentional and that Kiku is canonically supposed to be in love with Sukeroku, since the mangaka does mostly do BL. If anything, I could see Kiku being Shinnosuke's father as just some fucked up roundabout way for Kiku and Sukeroku to have a child, since so much attention is called to how similar Shinnosuke is to both of them. Of course, the same effect is achieved just by leaving Kiku and Konatsu as a purely familial relationship so that Konatsu is the metaphorical child between Kiku and Sukeroku, which she was already established to be anyways, and Shinnosuke is like their grandson, which he was already established to be anyways. Ugh, at this point I'm just grasping at the straws to try and justify the ending because otherwise Rakugo Shinjuu is the perfect josei anime, but fucking srsly, what was the point of that disgusting swerve? It undermines pretty much everything about the show.
No. 264418
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Reading this cute manga and vicariously living my dream of being a ceramist through the characters.
No. 270669
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>>259563I'm late but I have to sperg about Usagi Drop. Daikichi hates the mom but she herself said that the grandpa convinced her to keep the baby and then started resenting him for it. She never wanted the kid. It was always the disgusting grandpa moid manipulating a much younger woman. Also I haven't reached the ending yet. Currently at chapter 20
No. 273263
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I recommend this one, although it might have too heavy themes for some.
No. 439398
File: 1733745647954.jpg (518.47 KB, 1047x1217, mal.jpg) are the most popular (=most readers) josei manga on MAL. Thoughts?
No. 439425
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Thoughts on turning this into shojosei thread? I have some titles that are way too mature but are categorized as shoujo anyway.
>>439398TBH for manga listings, I recommend going to baka updates. More than half in that list in your picrel have anime adaptations and are favorited because it's primarily an anime listing site.
No. 439437
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>>439425I urge EVERY nonna to read Nodame Cantabile!!! I feel like a lot of nonnas would relate to Nodame in one way or another.
No. 439524
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>>439468I read CiTT before it was officially translated or had a drama adaptation. I really liked it at the time. I was so disappointed webtoons as a whole weren't really like that. Yumi's Cells is another one that I really, really liked. The ending is a little rushed but it's an adult romance and the MC has adult problems. I miss the time in my life where I got to read updates for it three times a week kek
No. 439719
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>>439524Webtoons were really streamlined to a ridiculous slop extent. I enjoyed Yumi's cells too, it kinda makes me laugh that because of the webtoon branding, I'm assuming, they slowly warped Yumi's Cells to look close to the manhwa slops. I followed it when it was officially translating in webtoon, before they even had canvas as a contest. Kinda sad she didn't end up with the first guy she dates in the series, but that's pretty grounded. Maybe I'll try reading it again!
>CITTProbably not josei, but have you read her latest work, After School Lessons
for Unripe Apples? I'm surprised how chill it is by comparison to CiTT lol.
No. 439762
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>>439719I can’t remember when I began following Yumi, maybe 2015 or 2016? I remember not noticing the style change at all unless there was a flashback so maybe the artist just developed a different style? It does feel like some of the charm was lost with the change though.
>After School Lessons for Unripe ApplesI started this but didn’t get very far because life. I wasn’t as interested in the setting as I was with CiTT. Would you still recommend it?
No. 455107
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Anime never.