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No. 299164

For all big robot discussion. Anime, manga, cartoons, games, comics, novels, live action - all media welcome.

No. 299251

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i love aerial

No. 299254

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Don't you mean eri?

No. 299258

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I hate both the show and its main character.

No. 299338

No I love the mech itself. Eri is cute, but I love Aerial.

No. 299379

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Season 5 never.

No. 299732

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Can't believe I read a reasonable opinion about a meme show on ANN forums in 2023. I don't give this oldfag much time before s/he gets either banned or logs off for good due to disgust by all the REEEEE from the dogpiling-happy crowd (mods included).


No. 300468

No. 306744

No. 306790

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which mecha show has the SEXIEST robot? thank you.

No. 306794

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I love cute girly robots, but I hate that due to mecha being made and enjoyed mostly by moids, they tend to get drawn in perverted ways, especially when it comes to giant ones like Aphrodite Alpha and Nobel Gundam.

Does anybody else feel this way?

Also I wanted to be a RAcaseal from PSO as a kid.

No. 364241

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Bravern is already AOTS for me.

No. 376484

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The timeline only matters for UC.

No. 376499

Which one has the hottest guys

No. 376501

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NYART but for me personally G Gundam and solely for Domon Kasshu, the best male tsundere of all anime

No. 376515

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Gundam 00.
Though SEED has Shinn and lots of Kira x Assram fujobait, but I wouldn't recommend watching Destiny, so…
Iron-Blooded Orphans has plenty of shota-bait.
Wing boys are mech outside of Heero and Zechs.

No. 376530

What's your favourite mecha abridged series?

No. 377138

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No. 377140

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Really wish zone of enders didnt have such, uh, interesting cockpit design choices because the anime is refreshing within the mecha genre. Dolores (the mech here) is a cute character and the dynamic with her old guy mc pilot where she slowly gets adopted as his daughter and helps him reconnect with his actual adult children throughout their journey together was really sweet.

No. 377464

Sorry if this sounds like a retarded question, and I am aware that these are mostly AU timelines, but is this image depicting a hypothetical scenario where they all happened in 1 universe? So the "era" that it takes place in

Also is Turn A Gundam just something else entirely? Considering the way it is positioned in the corner with some of the lines branching off from it. Should I save that for after I finish UC/Wing/G Gundam?

No. 377477

nta but if I recall correctly Turn A is considered to be end of all gundam timelines, as in no matter which timeline you're following it will ultimately end in Turn A. I watched it after finishing all avaliable UC gundams and then watched the rest.

No. 377484

I see, I might do the same as you and watch that after I’m done with UC since I’m interested in Turn A. Also looking at all the entries like that it doesn’t seem as daunting as it sounds, I was surprised to see Wing, 00 and SEED only have 2 entries since I hear about them a lot. G Gundam and IBO are also standalones.

No. 377651

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You can watch Turn A without any previous Gundam knowledge. It's so distant from UC that it might as well be its own timeline.

No. 383454


No. 386565

It's over for UC.

No. 386622

>it's the same man who voiced Yamcha
Kek, but at least Amuro's animes are already finished. Though he may not appear in future srw games anymore depends on bandai tism, oh jeez who cares

No. 387449

I wonder whether he'll be replaced for the upcoming DB projects (DB DAIMA etc.). It can't be a good look for Toei to have him work on kids' shows.

No. 390983

I started the og gundam 0079 anime and I already got spoiled on both Amuro and Char dying which is annoying. Yes yes I know its a 40 year old super famous show so it was inevitable but the timing sucks. Either way I’m enjoying myself a surprising amount, idk why people say the beginning is rough since I’m honestly liking the battles in every episode so far.

No. 393684

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It's actually surprising that you got spoilt so late, unless you're relatively new to anime. I put it down to mecha (especially old mecha shows) still being niche in the English-speaking sphere.

No. 393718

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I've like anime since childhood, I think I've just never really been around mecha spaces or people into gundam. Or maybe I have seen it in passing but never registered it since I wasn't familiar with the characters.
Anyway I'm on episode 30 now and I'm a little sad its almost over, but anticipating how the rest of UC will play out. Everyone on the white base crew really grew on me.

The main character for Zeta (Kamille?) looks cute. I should also make time for 00 and G at some point since those AUs are the ones I'm most interested in.

No. 394207

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Zeta is very entertaining, though it starts to recycle itself at the end, which isn't much fun. Some developments are also so rushed they don't make much sense (like Haman).

No. 394600

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Five Stars Stories will always be my mecha anime/manga holy grail. There's something about both the mecha and chara deisgn that's really unique and impressive, like it's trying to paint moving cathedrals in a blend of 10 styles at once. Plus i really love the general 80s look. I really hope i find something that's remotely similar, until then i'll try to finish the manga

No. 394602

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Samefagging because this is so good, it's ridiculous.

No. 394702

What a beauty. Is 5SS originally a manga or one of those anime originals that eventually got a manga as side material

No. 394732

It's primarily a manga and has an OVA covering the first volume or two, but the creator will probably never finish the series.

No. 400252

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Bravern is the second most popular show.

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