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No. 322804
Containment thread for Brad Dourif fangirling, shitposting, picdumping, and discussion of roles past and present.
Sperg about your favourite Dourif characters, hornypost, show us your fancontent- go wild.
Be nice, have fun, ignore bait.
previous thread:
>>>/m/303907 No. 322807
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I have no idea how we did it, actually insane. Kisses to all of you
No. 322809
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New cozy home for us! The sheer power of our love to Brad will keep us going.
Nooooo, it's not "Spontaneous Combustaloo", I lost at the thread naming game. It's okay, I like it here as is.
No. 322811
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Thanks for making a new one anon, here's to the twenty thread dream coming true one day. What's everyone watching? I've still not gotten around to Critters kek busy working on something…
No. 322814
>>322811my brain is a jumbled mess, between all the ideas for stuff to make
and fantasies I haven’t watched anything new lately, I’m already occupied enough I just can’t handle a new character to obsess over right now lol
No. 322815
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>>322811I'm planning to watch Midnight Heat tonight so expect some screenshots later. For now I'll just post a few pics that I haven't shared before.
No. 322821
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>>322816Aww thanks anon, I hope at the very least to not annoy other posters (I mean we have our own thread but still) it’s kind of odd and funny to me that other anons…like us?
No. 322822
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>>322816Thank you,
nonnie, it feels so nice to be accepted.
>>322821It's probably because we're very sincere in our obsession and the infodumping here is rich.
No. 322825
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>>322816Thanks anon, glad we're entertaining kek. Somehow we've amassed a lot of talent in these threads and everyone's always so kind.
>>322814Oh relatable, I watch something new and there's another incredible character that starts pingponging in my brain. Endless entertainment. Always happy to hear your ideas.
>>322822Starting strong with the grandpaposting!
No. 322826
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I'll keep up with grampy posting. Man really said "it is by coffee alone I set my mind in motion".
No. 322850
File: 1695406163771.jpg (Spoiler Image,537.81 KB, 751x861, go on.jpg)

Happy thread 2 everyone!!! And thank you for making it, OP!
I haven't had a lot to contribute lately but since it's a special occasion here's something extra silly ♥ I've never drawn a handgun before ok pls no bully
No. 322858
nonny, this is incredible
To the hall of fame, now
No. 322873
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>>322850I love you. I love you I love you fucking obsessed oh the way you draw him is perfect I’m im im I don’t even know what to say. In love. Getting this tattooed on the back of my eye lids so I can see it every time I blink. Embarrassment is another avenue of punishment I had considered for him but never had many ideas for it except, yeah making him dress in stuff he hates. Hope you don’t mind me expanding on the idea
damn maybe the thread really should have been death machine hd edition lol and just to reiterate: I LOVE YOU
No. 322874
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Random! Brad's face cast from the International Life Cast Museum on fb.
I know, I also have no idea what to do with this information
No. 322879
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>>322873NOOOOOOOOOOOO I MEANT TO SPOILER IT WONT LET ME DELETE AH FUCK im so sorry. am retarded oh my god
No. 322889
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Ooh, shiny new thread, thank you anon.
>>322811>been watching?3 goddamn hours of romantic tele-drama.
It's not just rage of angels who are seeking a final revenge.
Brad looks adorable as the hitman in his little bow tie and suit. He's in it a good few times throughout. The scene where he's meant to be smashing some guy's head into a wall and has to reach up to do so, oh my heart.Negatives
This is long. Very long. Some of the scenes, he's in the background and vid quality is blurry. His (of course) death scene is stupid. He's an assassin. He would not do that. Idiot writers.Apologies to anons not looking for new characters.
No. 322899
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>>322889Argh I failed to watch it first as I meant to. Thanks for a thorough review, now I know I still have to see this movie.
>>322892>>322893Some lethal beauty right there
need more menacingly sexy well-dressed hitmen like him No. 322902
File: 1695422101696.gif (2.66 MB, 480x360, itscoolhere!.gif)

>>322850I could make a womankissingcomputer.png collage and it still wouldn't convey the adoration I feel for the way you draw him, he looks so perfectly deranged. Love his nose, the sweatiness, the hair, this thread is too fresh and clean for me to go full mask off insane but god this art, I just wanna lick his eyeballs. AMAZING, thank you so much for gracing us with this
>>322873>>322879NONNY LIKEWISE TO YOU honestly a gift that it didn't get spoilered because now I can see it every time I scroll kek. Dogboy, catboy, here for it all
>embarrassmentFor your consideration,
dragging him to meetings but only allowing him to kneel at your feet in front of the whole board. No talky allowed unless you give him permission. Everyone is terrified of him but you having complete control of the local psychopath? Worthy of fear and awe>>322889Your filenames are glorious as always anon, the slicked back hair and suit is so ugh, very kissable forehead. Taking one for the team watching one of those long ass telemovies, thank you for the caps
No. 322903
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Here's a nice little interview for the Grimafags, some hmm interesting info>>322874Still dreaming of a cardboard cutout but this is maybe a little too eerie kek
No. 322915
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>>322903>eerieCan't disagree but it makes a good art reference tbh
So I watched Midnight Heat, wasn't as bad as I expected from the reviews. The main character is a total himbo, his sidekick chick was cool. The plot is simple but kinda enjoyable, lots of holes in it but who gives a shit when the chemistry between characters is alright?
So Brad plays another bad bitch in a suit. He's okay with killing anyone, he gives lectures on style (bold for someone dressed like Oppenheimer in a straw fedora I should say), but he looks hot as hell with a blade or a gun, or assault rifle. Overall, what a baddie, quite pleasant to look at, not evil enough though so 8/10.
No. 322916
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Some caps for you all
hate his pretty ass, I don't know how he makes this overall look work but ugh
No. 322917
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No. 322920
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Can't say the action was solid enough in this movie, but Brad's gun discipline is as good as usual.
I'm not going to lie when I say it turns me on when he's armed. Make that weasel aim and fire at me and I'm dead even if he misses.
No. 322922
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I just noticed all caps had these ugly black lines, I'm sorry abt it, the perfectionist in me died of spontaneous butthurt
No. 322924
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i love the thread name a lot lol thanks op! the other suggestions were amazing as well
>>322903nonnnnyyy you're killing me over here with this quality content. you can see the pot belly here in this pic
BITES IT BITES IT BITES IT reading grimarticles nodding along and going 'wow he was so right for this'
>a sort of self-loathing that was essential to the character.i adore his grima takes, how he’s playing him as just delusional enough too continuously fall into irreversible corruption but not enough to be unaware of how wretched and dilapidated he is.
i’ve been trying to come up with all these different mindbreak scenarios but maybe simply forcing him to undress while giving him the coldest most contemptuous uninterrupted look you can manage would do the trick? call him some degrading names, maybe give him a mirror? could it really be that easy??? No. 322925
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also speaking of articles, leaving this here for posterity
No. 322926
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>>322925i need this freak of nature so bad
No. 322928
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>>322893Im crazy about Brad in a tux why does it look so good
>>322902RIGHT the way first anon draws him, he is so perfectly scrungly nasty cute the expression the NOSE I wanna fucking eat him.
>spoileruuuuhh ummmmm uhhhhhh wow. That's really doing it for me.
make him introduce himself as "anon's footstool/bitch boy" etc. Gonna brand him with my initials right over his heart and get him a new shirt that says "property of anon". I need to degrade him and make him lose all sense of self sorry for craziness
>>322903>Never one to chase after safe or ordinary rolesI don't think that's by choice… Thanks for the interview! Always love reading more about his acting and rehearsal methods. And Grima belly, mmmmmm
>>322925>>322926I love that their descriptions of him just sound like a loving ode to me, yes tell me more about his alopecia and paper thin skin
No. 322932
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>>322915Somehow Douriffilms seem to have really awesome female characters, maybe it's the low-budget silver lining (less tropey writing?). Cale, Rizzoli, Rosie, etc are fucking great I can probably count the number of shitty femcs in his movies on one hand. Him playing a murderous good guy is kinda different, looking forward to watching this one now.
>>322920>spoilerYEAH…picrel is already blazing hot but shithead with a submachine gun is wildfire.
No. 322933
File: 1695438196961.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.63 KB, 703x835, 1df432da.jpg)

>>322924>pot bellyThrilled that you zeroed in on that exact extremely important sentence, the physical markers of revelling in gluttony and laziness, still thinking about how he'd get out of breath trying to get on his horse…entirely useless and you'd know it just by looking at him. Wanna headbutt his midsection and watch him topple.
>maybe give him a mirror
Feels like all those opulent layers he wears are a shield to distract from his decaying physicality, commanding him to strip them away one by one and mocking every inch of skin that gets exposed might actually make him weep. This train of thought IS SO GOOD. Found this art and thought of you, charming Grimarat.
>>322925>>322926Agree with other anony, sounds less like PK dissuading the viewer from being attracted to Grima and more like "look at all these neat intricate little details" goddamn I'm looking and appreciating. Especially the translucent skin, dark circles around the eyes, asymmetry, are these all supposed to be deterrents…
wonder if chunks of hair would come out when you yank it too hard. Thank you so much for this article been dying for those pics in a higher resolution
>>322928Honestly went back to look at both your art and arrrghhhh the way you girls draw him is a dream come true.
>make him lose all sense of self
HOT. ELABORATE? Waffling whether carving initials in his skin would be too mean but it doesn't have to be big and anyway he'd love it after it healed. No. 322934
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Sorry for the walls of text I cannot be normal about him please have this Mississippi Burning promo still in return
No. 322935
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Posting just in case one day someone who is also into this guy sees it, now my your Duty Doctor fantasies can be slightly more affectionate
No. 322939
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>>322926>>322925You can tell they tried so hard to make him look scary and ugly but Brad shines through that makeup so much you can't help but find him
even hotter as a weird ass toad shaped basement dweller>>322932I like this little fact, there's something special about b movies having solid female characters. Makes you appreciate the more.
Another fun detail I noticed in Midnight Heat was in the finale: in one specific scene you see all of the blue eyed team of the movie, three shades of blue varying from palest to brightest. That was odd but kinda cool. Anyways I can recommend this one, Brad as a villain is always a sight. Posting another screencap because yeah.
>>322935What an eye for detail, thanks, nonna.
Well hello there, Dr. Parker, I just saw a walking dead body down the hall, pls save me. No. 322942
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Jack Dante’s entire world begins and ends with me, like I said earlier he wouldn’t be able to make any sort of decision without asking me first, ANYTHING no matter how minuscule he exists solely because I allow it and he’s gonna damn well know it. Sad that by whipping him (maybe literally) into shape he might lose his crazy erratic edge but the thought of complete unwavering devotion and obedience is so hot. Maybe leave him with a tiny bit of independence so he could still have a tinge of hesitancy and shame about the things I would make him do. Had one more idea for embarrassing him but it might be too ew wtf to share… Damn imagine how quickly he would unravel if you simply stopped talking to him. When he grabs at you and asks if he did something wrong just give him the meanest glare ever and he’d be tearing out his hair and banging his head into walls in no time, after making him so dependent on you he literally could not function if you ever left, forever waiting for you to come back and give him orders until eventually he just dies. Thinking about the girl that put nicotine patches on her bf when he slept so he would have withdrawals when she wasn’t around, that, I want that.Or you know. We could just harass nerds at the comic shop together that would be fine too.
No. 322962
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>>322939Big thanks to dead blogs from last decade that find this info tbh they keep the horny tank well fueled, would intern with Dr. Parker. It's been said before but literally you could not make this man look unattractive, impossible.
>>322942>until eventually he just dies>mfwKicking myself for not considering one-sided codependence this is incredible. Give him a taste of affection then watch him writhe and scream when it's taken away. He needs to learn that his precious gf isn't a toy it's classic negative reinforcement!! It's romantic how psychotically obsessed you could make him, project ALL his abandonment issues and sexual frustrations on you until he's too ill thinking of you to sleep or eat. Unwavering devotion…more than a pincushion, make him into a meatshield god I want his shitty life to end with one purpose, die for me.
>too ew wtf to share
HOW COULD YOU THINK THIS. If you don't want to share it now you have to share it next movie night this brainrot mobius loop is crushing my soul.
>nicotine patches on her bf
Laughing and crying at the same time. Yeah!!! Adore the thought that his heart only pumps blood because he's so unwaveringly in love with you. Crawl out of that vault two days later with gangrene and a phneumothorax only because his will to live is totally dependant on you. I think you have to be at least some flavour of weird to fall in love with sadomasochistic sewer scum from hell and you're the best weirdo ever ilu. Would you hold hands with him in public or nah
No. 322982
Been busy here I see, where do I start?
>>322915Brad in a suit.
Brad in a hat.
Brad with weapons.
Filling up that bingo card.And that's one to watch. Loving the caps anon, tysm.
>>322922Trust me, no one is looking at the lines.
>>322903Someone must have footage of him tripping over the hem, need to see this creepycuteness.
>>322935I have this dvd stashed to watch after anons reviews last thread and now I know his name. Thank you anon.
No. 322995
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No. 322997
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>>322995Just wanted to post these two pics because I feel like front page started missing us
>>322982>spoilerEasiest bingo ever.
Thanks for reassurance about the poorly cut caps, I needed this, kek.
No. 323002
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>>322997>>322995Why is it so funny when he holds Chucky like a baby? That bingo would guarantee a win every time.
Last thread an anon mentioned she was going to read Wise Blood, has anybody read any other novels? Been meaning to get Legion and see how different Venamun's depiction was and Laura Mars is coming in soon (apparently there's some extended scenes). I guess we've all experienced the Colour of Night novelization kek
No. 323003
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Put a seatbelt on that baby!!
No. 323008
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Wait wait I don’t know if I would have the willpower to resist this pathetic sobbing mess, fuck, back in love mode. The way he switches from childish whining and vulnerability to murderous rage, please let me examine that rubik’s cube brain of yours.
>>322962>best weirdo everputting this on my resume thank you
>hold hands with him in public or nahUm how am I meant to hold his hand when
obviously he would be leashed and on his hands and knees No. 323009
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And excuse you? WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?? I just noticed it’s not Brad, this scene always had me thinkin “wow, 44 and doing stunts like this” but apparently not lol
No. 323015
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>>323002Now that you mention it, I think I need to read at least bits from these novels just to feel the difference (but nothing will beat Brad's interpretation of the characters he played tbh).
>Why is it so funny when he holds Chucky like a babyHe's just protective and caring of his son!
>>323003…But not always I guess
No. 323027
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my gediman posts that started it all got deleted 4ever (rip) but i'll always remember the good old times…
>>322933you fucking know it i’m zeroing in on that paunch
it's a body part that symbolizes vulnerability, you know? don’t you just want to kick it and watch him fold over and try to crawl away? gluttony, lust, greed, etc omg he’s so pathetically corruptible and susceptible to literally every sin under the sun. it would add such a delicious layer of irony to that part of the book when he was stranded in the tower of orthanc and almost starved to death. not to be weird but i would personally feed him soup until he’s back to his normal skinnyfat self
so that it feels nicer to kick him.>>322850only just saw this you're so funny HE'S SO POINTY i love him.
No. 323046
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>>323003>Chucky with his mineral waterToo good.
>>323002I have actually ordered the Wise Blood book after anon mentioned it. Would definitely read the Legion one too. Let us know what you think if you do read it.
>>323009Honestly anon, having read about how Brad nearly got badly burned on the SC set, I am kind of grateful for stunt-brads. Picrel.
No. 323068
File: 1695507544116.mp4 (4.2 MB, 640x480, high class trolling action.mp4)

I'm still cutting bits for my "fuck" compilation, so as I was looking for vids I remembered I cut one of the best parts out of Murder Blues or whatever it's called
No. 323080
File: 1695520562225.gif (2.39 MB, 640x360, notthatfuckedup.gif)

>>323008His brain BSODd when he was younger and the system never recovered
>>323015What the fuck is going on with these deleted posts we're losing some good memories and funny memes, what are the farmhands smoking.
I WOULD like to grope his belly and kick it and bite it yes…the juxtaposition of opulence and luxury with his foul decaying countenance is lovely I'd put him in one of those medieval torture cages but gild it with gold. Grima chique. Still want to feed him worms but maybe he can have scraps of fancy meats as a treat (to keep him soft and squishy)
No. 323081
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>>323009Love my fellow insane women who go through these films frame by frame, check out this weird looking dude in Body Parts.
>>323046Never realized how much he got bumped around on set until anons started posted articles- latex rashes, burns, shattered bones(??!). Keeping an eye out on legit Brad stunts ever since he mentioned doing some in that one interview but kek you could consider his heroic sprinting over trash bags in I, Desire a stunt, right?
No. 323083
File: 1695523075411.png (49.7 KB, 922x182, Screenshot 2023-09-23.png)

>>323015Agreed, maybe this is blasphemous and retarded but I like his interpretations infinitely more than any original source material tbh. Anon in the old thread was talking about analyzing every movement and seriously he embodies his roles so completely you could dissect every line delivery and glean something from it. Scripts and novels are always fun for more backstory
and writing inspiration.
>>323046Really really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Wise Blood. Went in expecting a litany about
how faith and spirituality is infallible but the characters and events are open ended enough for interpretation. Thinking about picrel forever. Will report back on Legion!
>>323068How is this shitty scene still so evocative, world's greatest actor no doubt. He makes obnoxious gum chewing hot.
No. 323089
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>>323080i'm wasting half my designated evil overlord budget furnishing my extravagant torture dungeon and my underlings are very concerned.
>>322933expanding more on our ideas, there's a lot of potential, it could make for an interesting interrogation tactic. cornering him in a secluded place and questioning him about his business in isengard, every time he lies or fumbles you’d strip or cut away more of his clothes, the fear of your scrutiny and judgement alone making him talk. gotta be careful that he doesn’t get too into it though, getting off on the degradation, the proximity and simple female attention be it positive or negative. wouldn’t want that… unless… god i need him to feel so many conflicting things at once it sends his rotted brain into a factory reset.idk if i would be mean enough to go the public humiliation route with full frontal nudity corporal punishments but it would be another reason for him to feel like he can never go home after being exiled, not only does everyone know he’s a dirty traitor but they’ve also seen him at his lowest
naked, writhing kneeling in the dirt, blood from the welts mixing with it, pleading hysterically with the guards, onlookers, anyone at all that he didn’t do anything wrong just to rub it in that he’ll never find the status and belonging among his people he was craving. feeling this thread so hard rn, i wouldn’t have the modern luxuries with grima like shock collars or cigs to stub out on him (all very big brain ideas ilysm jack nonnies) but the medieval setting is a pretty fun playground too i think. nothing ever happened to me to explain why i’m this way btw, i just wanna fucking destroy him.
No. 323144
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I will not watch Trauma
I will not watch Trauma
I will not watch Trauma just to take a thousand screencaps of Brad
I will not watch Trauma just to take a thousand screencaps of Brad
I will not…
No. 323165
File: 1695572879448.jpg (154.61 KB, 650x487, 3551782_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>323089Your underlings questioning why the man in the torture dungeon has been there for three months instead of getting executed but they wouldn't understand…at some point Stockholm syndrome would set in, right? Something satisfying about stripping him of all his precious furs and satins until there's no physical indicator of his lofty rank in high society.
Was reading about medieval torture the other day and branding his face would add a nice insult to injury, disfigure him even further.
>seen him at his lowest
I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS FOR MONTHS strip him naked, tie him to your horse, parade him around Edoras!! The mental image of a woman in full armour and Grima, dirty naked and beaten, walking at your side led by his roped wrists, is majestic. Medieval tortures are always about creativity anyway plus you'd have magic, not sure how to factor that into play but
I'd stick splinters under his nails for being a creepy little thief. He wants to be a creep so bad just plant your personal belongings in his room and act SO shocked when you obviously find them. Feeling a little soft today so I'd be nice to keep him as a housepet too, allow him to sleep in your bed but only at your feet…kinda cute.
No. 323166
File: 1695573102022.png (610.3 KB, 472x624, circle rep not to worry.png)

Trying to comment on this pic but it was just a list of his perfect facial features. Sigh.
>>323144If you're taking caps please post the one where he's surrounded by nurses it's adorable
No. 323182
File: 1695575045566.jpg (Spoiler Image,10.68 KB, 337x152, Tumblr_l_274975849922030~2.jpg)

>>323166Will do! going to provide caps later.
Also I have the pic you posted in a slightly better quality, but I'm not sure it won't get compressed. Regardless, fucking beautiful photo. I need to use it as a ref.
Adding some fantasy fuel for my unhinged nonnas No. 323188
File: 1695578038723.jpg (143.74 KB, 585x648, N61qhb9o9o1.jpg)

>>323182So many of the scans I have are old and shitty, please do post! Forever gutted that he didn't end up doing the film version of Red Ryder
can't get enough of him tied up with those big sad teary eyes in Jamaica Beat oh my GOD. Thanks for your patience and support. No. 323191
File: 1695579548156.jpg (15.6 KB, 356x254, saruman_s_speech_by_fireofurie…)

>>323182hehehe skinny arms
>>323165so true, maybe that's just cheating but i'd feel so powerful with him cringing while walking next to me. the mouldy garbs won't be missed too terribly.
i feel slightly less weird about my researching habits lol thanks, absolutely agree about face branding, not sure what kind though, just haphazard burns? words? the white hand? he's fucked up a lot so he'd need a perpetual reminder of it. alternating endlessly between irrational softness and violence, i will subject him to every horror or i'll shield him from the whole world, i'll do whatever it takes but i will not let him escape the mortal plane easily. also someone should’ve cut off his hand for stealing all that shit in the book, that would be very sexy and morally correct (if it were up to me i’d make it extra slow and there’d be some degloving involved, i’ll take what i can get though) i’d kiss the stump better afterwards of course. god damn you rohirrim people for being humane and appropriately pg rated, he deserves so much worse. am i too bloodthirsty.
No. 323248
File: 1695590735856.jpg (74.98 KB, 1300x558, weirdlittleeyeballs.jpg)

>>323191White Hand would be sublime purely because it's so ugly and possessive, scars obvious no matter which way he turns his face in a mirror however personal insignia marks him as YOUR property so it's more intimate…why not both, plenty of real estate. Wrt appropriate justice for his crimes I'd throw him a rusty knife and force him into self-mutilation, can you imagine the pure naked terror of having to choose between that and death, he's sooo dramatic about everything it'd be fun to scare him a little bit>i will subject him to every horror or i'll shield him from the whole worldFeeling you on a spiritual level…clearly that mix of pitiful and contemptuous awakens something in me
No. 323253
File: 1695591768863.png (12.41 KB, 683x439, halloween.png)

Poll results for Halloween are in! Likely will happen last week of October sometime respect to the sneaky double voter kek. Previous movie night there was discussion of Sonny Boy so would everyone like to watch that next? Let me know if September 30th or October 1st works/doesn't work, same place same time.
No. 323258
File: 1695593577254.jpg (62.42 KB, 882x236, me looking at my blorbo.jpg)

>>323248hey i was looking for this pic! yum tetanus..
i wonder which body parts he'd be more willing to sacrifice/damage given the choice (not that he'd get that far before fainting). def not the tongue. brb studying graphic design to make insignia to disfigure him with.
>>323253i'd be down to watch either sonny boy (i may be the only person in the world who appreciates the goatee from the beginning of the film) or medium rare (haven't watched it and am a bit scared to) or whatever else really, the weekend prolly works for me!
No. 323261
>>323068Made me smile and looking forward to the compilation.
>>323083>his interpretationsJust the fact he puts so much effort, background and thought into every role makes such a difference.
>>323144Anon if you get decent Trauma caps, post please. My copy is so grainy I lost hope trying.
>>32325330th currently ok for me, will watch whatever
yes, even that damn goatee anons agreed on.
No. 323266
File: 1695596311707.png (265.64 KB, 343x557, hitman needs a hug.png)

>>323166>>323188Tysm for these and if we can get better quality ones too that's a bonus.
>>323182Oh my.
No. 323268
File: 1695596537034.png (451.9 KB, 708x570, dr will see you now.png)

Not neglecting gramps.
No. 323269
File: 1695596612601.jpg (119.21 KB, 1280x546, uughhhHHHHH.jpg)

>>323258Hnghh the tongue is too personal, gotta do it yourself it has to be a whole production complete with begging and pleading. Is your pic from some sort of DVD extra? It's so freaking cute. You're god's strongest soldier for unironically enjoying that goatee I hope one day I can appreciate it like you do, at least it's not whatever the Sgt. Matlovich look was. We should definitely do Medium Rare after I need everyone to go insane over Mitch.
>>323261Nonna I can upload a download for the Trauma Bluray if you'd like? The goatee is short lived and he looks so fucking wonderful in the rest of it, rest assured you won't be disappointed
No. 323271
File: 1695596814759.gif (6.26 MB, 480x360, soft.gif)

>>323268Letting out the most forlorn lovesick sigh in the world rn
No. 323272
File: 1695596839593.gif (6.62 MB, 360x357, (wake me up) wake me up inside…)

No. 323281
File: 1695599058526.jpg (285.07 KB, 1080x839, wow tiddays.jpg)

>>323253After Brad rocking that pornstache irl, I can handle the goatee he has in the film easy, so give me that Sonny Boy for the next gathering we have.
I'd be up for as many movies as possible for a movie night on any of the said days, tbh.
Why I couldn't help but double vote hehe.Alright so Trauma, I found a copy and I think I have like a dozen screencaps for now, but will take much, much more later. This fucking movie gave Brad's character the most horrific yet somehow the funniest death ever.
I guess the screaming head flying down the elevator shaft really made it for me. Well, he played the doc who was to blame for one horrible accident and who never really recovered from it, so now he became the hottest drug addict in town. Brad has at best 6 minutes of screen presence in this one, but he was perfect as usual.
I didn't bother watching most of the movie, as much as I appreciate Argento's earlier work, this just wasn't it. No. 323282
File: 1695599108366.jpg (435.95 KB, 1080x1321, pathetic wet dog of a man.jpg)

No. 323283
File: 1695599335916.webm (1.6 MB, 1280x558, Look he lost it again.webm)

And of course there was a little outburst that I really loved. Highlight of the film, 10/10.
No. 323285
File: 1695599952918.jpg (523.48 KB, 2400x1080, Clumsy ass doc and nurses.jpg)

Providing one cap I liked the most out of the hospital flashback.
also forgot to mention one really important thing: I wish his t-shirt in the street scene was thinner so it'd be more see-through when wet. I still see some gold through it but damn, it's not enough.
No. 323291
Made the mistake of putting Exorcist on in the background and ended up watching it again instead. All I want is to be one of the nurses responsible for giving James EEG tests…
>>323281Can't believe that Savini watched the elevator shaft bit and really thought it was acceptable lol, at least the other SFX were characteristically impressive.
>>323285Is there anything more sensual than visible curves under a thin shirt? Usually they slap him in something ten sizes too big but when the shirt
and jeans fit just right it's so hot.
No. 323292
File: 1695607393187.jpg (121.55 KB, 1280x546, POV youre a stolen television.…)

>>323281>I can handle the goateeYou and the other anon are a mystery to me but I respect you both
No. 323301
File: 1695612699025.jpg (71.8 KB, 1080x1932, not very drip of you.jpg)

>>323291Seems like I haven't seen all of the deleted scenes, because it looks like priest clothes on Brad? And the scratches on his face match those on the photos we've all seen. So he was supposed to play Karass all along.
>SaviniI think he couldn't really make a decision on anything, the director is the boss after all.
>jeansNow exactly these were a problem, see picrel.
>>323292I'm not much of a mystery, I just get used to things that try real hard to disappoint me so they don't, kek.
No. 323302
File: 1695613036869.gif (3.12 MB, 480x204, 9FDDACBE-9068-4DDF-A67C-899209…)

Horny Jack thoughts passively running through the back of my mind for days now hnnnnggggg I need him, skulking greasy little creep,
I wanna choke him and kiss his mouth as he’s sputtering and gasping for air, tears streaming down his face, squirming more and more as he gets closer to unconsciousness, and then just stare lovingly into his eyes as he fades away To many posts for me to respond to all of them thank you for the feast! But this
>>323166 pic in particular is amazing, gonna stare at it for hours
>>323027They got those posts too???? These fucking farmhands I swear, Douriffag origin lore lost to incompetence rip
No. 323303
File: 1695613870877.jpg (253.55 KB, 1080x684, Screenshot_2023-09-25-02-52-41…)

You guys just need to screenshot your first convos if you don't want them gone forever. I'd do it for you if I knew they'll end up deleted for some unknown reason.
Now I finally have too many caps from Trauma, oopsie
No. 323335
File: 1695616236562.jpg (287.67 KB, 800x1188, da9v1sa-20bff622-6c1b-4ad0-bb9…)

>>323301Someone save him from those 90s jeans, they're eating him alive! The Scream Factory interviews confirm it was supposed to be Brad from the get-go because he was so good at memorizing the monologues but that opening was new to me too. So many production problems with this movie it's interesting to hear about them all. If you're feeling adventurous you can compare the original script with the final rewrite for shits and giggles, Patient X was as charming as ever from first draft and the whole thing was closer to the book overall
also dead brother with a stutter possessing Venamun's body? Missed out on another use of those skills from the early days>>323302Top tier, always thinking about handprint-shaped bruises on his neck
though lately it's been daydreams about asphyxiation by pussy too>>323305WOAH anon you actually found a way to make that specific torment kinda sexy,
debilitating scarring via hot tar… No. 323348
File: 1695618342754.jpg (398.51 KB, 714x1000, Image 11-04-2023 at 15.25.JPG)

>>323269i wish i knew where it's from, sorry, all i know is it was posted by a deleted tumblr blog.
>>323305ohh that's perfect, wow, very creative today.
>>323302brain damage is hardly gonna make him worse or be noticeable even so i say go for it!
>>323301fully grown white guys in those huge jeans are always so funny, like sir, are you trying to be an adam sandler character. thank you so much for these caps nonna!
>deleted postsit’s still on wayback machine fortunately.
i was so clueless and i remember being so excited, like YAY time to post brad again! and then i was fucking with ezgif for several hours resizing the damn alien gifs over and over again because lc was giving me the image error. i didn’t give up though and i’m so glad i didn’t. it’s a fun throwback to revisit those convos sometimes.
No. 323350
File: 1695619465858.jpg (88.28 KB, 861x321, Screenshot_2023-09-25-08-06-47…)

>>323335>Patient X was as charming as ever from first draftHe sure was. Now I clearly see why he's the legion, because inside him are a horse, an ass and
even a cock. That's a lot to handle.
And whose cock was that?I feel like if Patient X started stuttering whenever priest resurfaced, it would give the audience flashbacks and mayhaps make someone say "oh wow, actor of one role". Maybe it's good that the film turned out to be whatever it turned out to be. It's still effective, gripping. If it wasn't, we wouldn't even discuss it I bet. I'm gonna go read the whole script.
>>323348>capsYou're always welcome! There will be a bit more.
No. 323354
File: 1695623294544.gif (9.95 MB, 540x340, 407bd615540.gif)

>>323348>brain damage is hardly gonna make him worsenta but LMAO at least it's not a lobotomy, a little temporary brain death never hurt anyone right? The /g/posting wasn't that long ago and yet somehow you're still making me nostalgic, those epic awesomesauce movie marathons really ended up happening!
You changed the entire trajectory of my life with that Jack screencap, ilu ♥>>323350>spoilerANON you have such a way with words I choked on my own spit, for all the script differences I'm glad they didn't have him crowing and braying every second. Didn't consider that but the abused little brother might have simply been too difficult to act out in a non-referential way, you're right. Blatty made a ton of changes even prior to the studios messing with the screenplay, pls share if you find anything interesting
No. 323373
>>323348>>323354A touch of brain damage might make him easier to manage,
if going the completely devoted slave route I would want him to be just a step above a zombie, and instead of a craving for brains it would be a craving for pu-Tarring and feathering is classic old school torture, iron maidens were apparently never really used but you could be the first.
idk I watched something about medieval torture as a kid and it has stuck in my brain ever since. Tying him up and dragging him behind your galloping horse (naked of course, no clothes as a buffer) would also be fun, he’d be bruised and cut up all over, so tender. Medieval torture masks to prevent him from speaking are another option. Poor thing wouldn’t survive being drawn and quartered though. Burning hot spoon on the tongue to find out if he’s lying is another thing to try No. 323463
File: 1695664817145.jpg (130.82 KB, 500x667, 1694035382.jpg)

>>323354Hopefully my way with words will bring many more keks. Thank you.I scrolled through all versions of the script, I'm going to take a closer look at the Gemini monologs, so far I've only noticed that in the final script some parts were significantly shortened. Not that it's anything too important. Going to draw some parallels and see if we lost anything interesting.
>>323448Method acting my ass, I swear to god his sense of humor knows no bounds. Please share this when you got a chance, nonna, sounds like priceless material.
I feel like attaching picrel is very appropriate now No. 323464
>>323272>file nameCackled, anon. Perfect gifs.
>>323282>>323303Caps saved for more appreciation later, ty.
>>323283>emotes more in 6 seconds than anyone else in the movieBrad bingo card filling up.
No. 323465
>>323269>BlurayAnon, that's so kind, thank you.
>goateeI'll do my best to be strong for the team.
>>323291I've seen that vid before, such possibilities if they'd committed to Brad as both priest and patient.
>>323335>scriptDamn, need to try and find time for reading this, tysm.
>>323350>stutteringThere's already the 'it's child's play' line in the movie, sometimes less is more.
No. 323466
File: 1695666615483.png (388.93 KB, 579x551, flirty gramps.png)

>>323448Oh that sounds too good, will look forward to it anon.
Have some flirty gramps.
No. 323602
File: 1695737998087.jpeg (Spoiler Image,431.7 KB, 1744x3469, 62E20B47-5EA8-490B-9247-21EF9B…)

i got this from etsy a while back because the likeness is sorta there, but i can't figure paint… scaerd.
>>323373i WILL be the first, i will innovate the entire field.
being a kid and randomly bringing up torture trivia from documentaries in conversation is actually a normal and not weird thing to do. No. 323610
File: 1695742820329.jpg (Spoiler Image,98.13 KB, 604x948, toybiz grima.jpg)

>>323602Oh that's so cool! Tempted to pick one up for myself…
The great thing about painting is that you can make infinite mistakes. Something looks bad? Just paint over it! Painted over too many times? Remove the paint and start fresh! Want him veinier? More sickly looking? More sores? You're the boss! Then you'll be able to have your very own Grima that you designed!
I'd like to get a little action figure to put in various situations, but the only one I've found with any points of articulation is the Toybiz one and the sculpt is, well,
No. 323620
File: 1695746340996.jpg (Spoiler Image,971.64 KB, 1580x2238, iceberg-levels-grimmies.jpg)

>>323610cute idea! another tiny action figure does exist out there but i wouldn't say it's any better. pic spoilered for autism.
No. 323624
File: 1695747632846.jpg (56.5 KB, 440x552, marikay's grima DOLL.jpg)

>>323620I had no idea there was so much Grima merch! Or figures, anyway. The larger eaglemoss statue looks pretty nice, actually. and omg that fucking goblet, who approved that design! I thought I had hallucinated it, iirc there's a whole line of those things? Why not just make it Wormtongue themed instead of… whatever that is.
Thank you for the amazing iceberg chart, please accept this handmade doll (from
No. 323681
>>323335>that picIt's no good,
and with respect to torment-anons I just can't do it. Pics like that just make me want to
gently clean and tend to his wounds. And try and rinse the blood out of his little handkerchief. As he lies with his head on my lap, sobbing brokenly into my skirt. The soft sounds he makes when I tuck those greasy tails of hair behind his ear and stroke the translucent skin of his cheek and his neck. Always careful, never catching the wounds. Being his one safe place in the world. …well, I haven't really thought about it.
No. 323695
File: 1695771689048.jpg (128.75 KB, 1041x729, IMG_5936.JPG)

>>323624what a blursed doll… obsessed with it. i do wish the eaglemoss figures were larger, i have both and they're equally tiny, while the weta ones would be WAY too huge.
>>323681as gratifying as my violent daydreams are, i want to do that as well, nonna, i'm just more comfortable writing violent essays than expressing affection for some reason unbeknownst to me. like he does NOT deserve our kindness so maybe it feels like torturing him to the brink of death would not only be sexy but also make it more logical to feel sympathy? lovely scenario either way ty xox
No. 323698
>>323681listen these other anons are a bad influence on me! I may have thrown out some Grima abuse ideas but I’m 100% with you for the vanilla loving and nurturing stuff. Jack is the only one I really want to hurt,
because he’s a freak and he’d like it but even then a lot of daydreams about him skew pretty normal
>I haven't really thought about it.suuuuuuuuuure lol. Well I enjoyed reading it, feel free to post more we need you to balance out the crazy.
>>323620>custom doll Grimawould carry him everywhere in one of those chest strap things for carrying babies. Vaguely reminds me of some uncomfortably detailed humpty dumpty dolls I’ve seen
No. 323710
File: 1695779392263.gif (11.1 MB, 534x300, weaselnite.gif)

Since everyone's
horny curious about Medium Rare let's do that one next
>>323448Thank you so much for finding it detectivenonna I kept looking for 00s interviews and didn't even realize it was a DVD feature. Oh Brad, if only you knew….
No. 323713
File: 1695781478268.png (1.67 MB, 1663x1080, 260923.png)

>>323465>both priest and patientWrithing to hear more of your thoughts on this
predictably I can only think of priestly desecration>>323681At least Grima's grappling with his conscience there's going to be some sympathetic wound-cleaning and hair-stroking after the violence, him clutching onto your clothes and softly scritching his neck is a very good thought. Jack deserves to be god's punching bag though.
>>323695>torturing him to the brink of death would not only be sexy but also make it more logical to feel sympathyYES!!! YES!!
>>323698>chest strap things for carrying babiesYou reminded me of that fanart of Tiffany with Chucky strapped to her chest in a baby carrier kek
No. 323714
File: 1695781588570.jpg (106.6 KB, 720x540, ponderosa.jpg)

Posting for the period costume nonnies and those thighs
No. 323715
File: 1695781611497.jpg (93 KB, 720x540, ponderosa2.jpg)

No. 323722
File: 1695786517913.gif (8.05 MB, 540x300, weaselface.gif)

>>323710weasel night weasel night weasel night
No. 323723
File: 1695786671682.gif (7.2 MB, 540x300, weaselhair.gif)

No. 323729
File: 1695788069795.gif (5.92 MB, 498x280, weaseltum.gif)

>>323722>>323723My heart is pounding
No. 323733
File: 1695790429660.gif (Spoiler Image,2.98 MB, 268x197, Tumblr_l_535943466578103.gif)

>>323710Hell yeaaaah it's Weasel time. I have a good feeling about this movie night.
>>323714>>323715Perfection, thank you,
Anyways, can't wait for that Medium Rare feast as well, I feel like it's going to be the craziest thing most of us will watch. Ever.
No. 323737
File: 1695792827353.jpg (28.23 KB, 400x583, medium_rare.jpg)'s the Trauma rip ♥
>>323733Medium Rare is special in the "aw it's trying" sort of way. Anon who was talking about the whole
>just a step above a zombie for pussyconcept is in for such a treat. I cannot overstate how retarded and horny Mitch is I NEED HIM DESPERATELY. Picrel was posted before but this movie has no content so have a color version
No. 323739
File: 1695793620350.gif (Spoiler Image,8.08 MB, 480x480, 0D476216-4424-43F6-94EC-C60C4F…)

>>323714>>323715Okay yes period costume looks GREAT but obviously I’m gonna lose it over him being tied up
desperately zooming in trying to find a hint of bulge idc I’ll say it>>323710yo what the fuck is this movie. All the gifs are beautiful why does he look like such a crazy little
slut gifrel still makes me weak
No. 323740
File: 1695795667932.gif (5.8 MB, 408x300, eatingout4dindin.gif)

Horny(?) spoilers(?)
feeling crazy about him being totally mute but making little noises when going at it with Rosie>>323739Nonna stop it's too lewd, you can totally see it. Haven't watched the show yet but can you imagine those tight pants in action
covering my face like a nun at the thought. Great news Weasel is legitimately straight up retarded and rude and dresses like a whore, he's so fun
No. 323745
File: 1695796799406.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.19 KB, 500x333, mqnoxey9me1rm.jpg)

Okay there was one more relevant production still
No. 323755
File: 1695804841755.jpg (57.52 KB, 500x333, 1693867442.jpg)

>>323737Mitch on his fried mode reminded me of a caveman. He's quite aware of his surroundings and knows what to do in different situations, his brain keeps ticking like a clock on an overdue battery: slowly but surely. Of course he forgot how to properly function, react to real world or speak but his animalistic instincts keep him in a good "working" condition.
Yes, he fucks like an animal now as well, what else could one ask for?>>323740>gifrelLiterally me trying to eat when no clean spoons are left in the house.
Yes, I'm lazy and not horny enough for a better joke, sry>>323745I feel like Brad enjoyed working on this film a lot. You get on set and you're told to
motorboat ladies, pretend you're supernaturally strong and go full oonga boonga. Dream job, and he also got paid for that. So happy and proud of him.
No. 323800
>>323778Yeah, frying his brain was definitely an improvement because he was kinda rude before!
Can't have it, gotta reduce him to my dog so he finally becomes nice. I'm not indulging into a kinky aspect of what I just said. Unless..He's definitely not a villain in this one and that's lovely at least.
Sometimes I feel sad Brad isn't terminally online like some other actors, it would be much easier to ask him stuff.
Wouldn't dare to bother Fiona with questions about her dad, personally.Maybe I need to know what music he likes and what are his current favorite movies…
No. 323822
File: 1695838322732.jpg (108.42 KB, 966x971, um.jpg)

sorry im still having a moment.
No. 323829
File: 1695840635607.gif (6.85 MB, 480x352, If Looks Could Kill.GIF)

Managed to watch something new, I figured it wouldn’t be anything amazing so it would be easy to throw on. Was an alright crime doc thing, there’s a nice amount of Brad scattered throughout, he plays a very “well I do declare!” type of southern man, the accent was very funny. Potato quality video but he wears a robe in one scene and you get some legs and feet ooh la la, and wears shorts in a later scene. But again the quality is not so great some questionable 90’s fashion and extremely shiny pants that don’t get enough screen time
No. 323831
File: 1695840697363.gif (4.5 MB, 480x352, 8230EE34-0B7F-4029-B573-403B73…)

When he squints his eyes, whew
No. 323832
File: 1695840928327.gif (8.81 MB, 480x352, its not a phase mom.GIF)

>>323822very understandable, the way his stomach sticks out makes his posture look even more grotesque
squishy tummy………..knead it like a cat No. 323840
File: 1695842732017.jpg (101.83 KB, 640x801, IMG-20230403-092537-533.jpg)

>>323829>>323831>>323832>file nameKEK
I watched this one too a few days ago. Wasn't bad, but Brad's accent was so funny I barely managed to take it all seriously. And wasn't his character supposed to be gay?
No. 323843
File: 1695843339832.gif (523.48 KB, 300x225, tumblr_mco29wPgOl1qhb9o9o4_400…)

Talking about gay I can't help but find it interesting how everyone just has this urge to grab Brad's face regardless of context. Who would be able to resist it though.
No. 323851
File: 1695844195416.jpeg (21.5 KB, 400x250, EB295B53-A6CD-4E37-AAB8-74105C…)

>>323840Oh thanks for that pic! Yeah his character was gay, I thought they were lovers but apparently just very close business partners, mmm sure.
I had to replay the scene where the drunk guy tries to rip his hoodie off a few times, made me laugh because same. i really thought there would be a gay kiss, Guyana Tragedy dangled that carrot in front of my face and I’m still chasin it I always get interested in these ‘based on a true story’ movies and try to read more about them so burger sperg
was a surprise to see John Walsh in this I was like ‘oh shit they really got him’ and apparently all of this was going down during the OJ trial so that may be why it’s not more well known>>323843I‘ve been surprised to find he’s got a fair amount of male fans, they might like him for different reasons but still, he’s got that universal appeal, just this weird little guy you wanna stare at
No. 323858
>>323851Very close business partners, of course, with the biggest seducer in the west.
But I digress, it was amazing to find out one guy brainwashed a bunch of people to the point they were ready to go to prison for him. Some crazy shit right there. So that was an interesting movie, definitely.
>just this weird little guy you wanna stare atYeah, and get dangerously close to, maybe touch him or at least poke that belly.I've known straight men who'd fawn over Brad. That's some thing with cult actors, when everyone just forgets about any norms and loves them to death regardless of their own gender/sexual orientation. That's kinda awesome I think.
No. 323867
File: 1695847838397.jpg (120.76 KB, 860x1297, americas_most_wanted_looks_cou…)

>>323800>my dogI feel downright brainrotted talking about dog this dog that all the time but fucking seriously there's too many movies where you can't help but want him on all fours with a collar around his neck; Death Machine, Tales of the Unexpected, Sonny Boy, Medium Rare…some kind of puppy phenotype in those roles. Fingers crossed you get to meet him one day nonna, those sound like some nice questions to ask (as opposed to the hundreds of "I love you as Chucky" comments he probably gets kek).
>>323822Maybe I'm just particularly hungry today but if Grima and I were stuck in a cave for a few days not even god would stop me from chowing down um, what a delicious midsection. Top tier image.
>>323829Real shame that one upload is such poor quality because his middle-aged 90s businessman outfits were very cute
No. 323869
File: 1695848260515.png (47.48 KB, 381x107, HUH.png)

>>323843>>323840Watched that stupid movie twice after reading this article because huh??? Sorry girls…either he's misremembering or it was cut for TV
No. 323872
>>323829>Potato qualityWe take what we can and always hope someone finds a better version. ty for gifs and Brad-review.
>>323840>picWhen he wears clothes that fit, yes please.
>>323843>everyone just has this urge to grab Brad's faceOutside of the need to touch gorgeous, it's a power play. Can't out-intensify his eyes, so you have to try and break his hold somehow. It's a theory.
No. 323885
File: 1695852651183.gif (6.13 MB, 400x300, painting.gif)

>>323831Foxy. His face is so expressive but every expression manages to be beautiful
you ever watch a scene where he's baring his teeth and feel like that Gediman/Alien gif except he's the Alien No. 323887
File: 1695853964977.gif (2.04 MB, 268x248, Tumblr_l_10639558745575.gif)

>>323867The images that run through my head when I think about all this puppy play stuff with some of these characters are kind of unholy, how do I stop them.>Fingers crossed you get to meet himThank you, how I wish, really. Because there are so many autistic questions to ask him it pisses me off not a single interviewer really thought about it. Brad is so fucking interesting as a person, as an actor, that you'd think people would be happy to learn something new about him but no. It's just us and a small circle of most loyal fans. So disappointed smh.
>>323869It definitely was cut because there was no such scene. I checked three times.
they deprived us of quality gay content how dare they?!>>323872I feel like even if you grab him by the shoulders and pin him to the wall his eyes will drill a hole inside your skull (shit, it rhymed). Still, you can't outplay the pro.
>>323885What fascinates me about Brad's face is how masterfully it works. He articulates with such nuance that you can read his lips and know what he's saying (gifrel). His face never really rests, it works all the time, you see that well when he's just a background character. He can make himself look adorable, scary, beautiful or hideous or all of that whenever he needs to. If I speak more about his eyes it will turn into an even bigger blogpost.
I can sing odes to Brad forever, because we really don't deserve him but he's there and does his best to impress us.
No. 323901
File: 1695857460338.jpg (155 KB, 1280x695, ns3oolhHZ81tczux5o.jpg)

>>323887The only way to banish those ideas is to post them hehe. He'll be in Manchester in November if you can make it, agreed that it's disappointing when you see a new interview but it's the same five questions he's answered for the past forty years. His hot takes on the industry are scathingly funny.
>pin him to the wallLove to watch his face emote in any context but that wide-eyed cornered animal stare is somehow preciously rare.
>sing odesWords legit escape me when trying to describe the way he moves or looks lmao he's so interesting. Fiona has some nearly identical features but when it comes to bone structure he's genuinely one of a kind, everything from his slight overbite, the sharp flat planes of his face, the entire insane anatomy of his eyebags, his pronounced cupid's bow, kms. Some actors work their whole lives and never learn the nuance with which he's able to carry himself, like you said even in the most throwaway of background roles (Blue Velvet RIP). Please blogpost about his eyes I need to read it while playing choir hymns and crying.
>>323891Don't know whether it's the desire to grab at it or sit on it. Maybe both?
No. 323903
File: 1695857882258.png (421.26 KB, 1219x683, AUGH.png)

Weird benign body part appreciation time again, is that bit of fat around his jaw that sticks out (you can see it under harsh lighting sometimes) what they call buccal fat? Looking at it sends me into such a frenzy it's so kissable
No. 323917
File: 1695860243738.png (572.03 KB, 1174x793, Untitled.png)

>>323903*around his mouth, not his jaw, maybe the way everything is distributed on his face just happens to be perfect and there's no existing word for it in the English language. Anywhoo congrats to Brad for being born the most beautiful person on the planet or something
No. 323927
File: 1695866077136.gif (998.47 KB, 357x359, dumbdoggy.gif)

>>323923Different sources list different running times for Looks Could Kill, IMDB has 1hr20min but Turner Classic has it at two freaking hours, they could be rounding up but some other sites say 1hr37min? The
gay makeouts truth is out there. Looks like it's had a lot of rereleases too, hard to pin down.
Big emphatic yes from me, not weird at all. No. 323941
File: 1695873475803.jpg (128.79 KB, 977x550, Tumblr_l_405888802401883.jpg)

>>323901>hot takesHe's extremely frank when you least expect him to be. Dude spills tea fucking constantly and I'm here for it. I think he might be one of the few actors who don't kiss ass of higher ranked Hollywood people, be it other actors or whoever else.
What you say about Brad's face is so right. I started drawing him the other day and noticed that the lines turned to geometrical shapes, because he's so angular for someone with an overall delicate look. His face is so pleasantly asymmetrical too that it changes shape itself sometimes, so he never really looks exactly the same as if he has an ability to morph into someone else.
The eyes are absolutely insane, on the other hand. Biggest wettest bluest. So expressive they can kill. Anything you want to see in them you'll see and that's beautiful. Brad's ability to act with eyes alone should be studied, really, because he can practically speak through his unique gaze. Man I can really talk about him forever. Make me stop.
>>323927Shit, and how do we find the extended version? Maybe there are more scenes with Brad in it too, there has to be.
The quest for gay sex begins. No. 324015
File: 1695896242162.gif (5.62 MB, 480x364, 37B9CB27-3530-4A64-93C3-2BC146…)

I didn’t like the Hitchhiker episode that much, the reveal was kinda oh, that’s it? Idk it was weird. The outfit was kind of goofy but whoooooo those legs immediately thought as he was holding the match in front of his crotch “maybe I oughta take up smoking”. But only if he does that every time
No. 324016
File: 1695896541124.gif (6.55 MB, 500x379, 8181F9DE-A4C9-4D9A-9C6F-8272D8…)

The Hunger episode was better but still kind of ridiculous is this city just full of nothing but adulterers and murderers?? he was very cute and sad loved it, disheveled and tormented whyyy does he never let his hair down though, there’s only three roles I can think of where it’s not tied up. I feel like a starved animal losing it at the most minor flashes of skin, want to plant a kiss right there on the small of his back.
No. 324017
File: 1695896666742.jpeg (130.9 KB, 1017x765, CA3B1C77-AE5C-4CAB-8FCB-BEE739…)

Big thanks to the nonna who shared this mwah
No. 324029
File: 1695897898888.gif (3.98 MB, 540x304, IMG_9165.GIF)

PSYCH everything works fine, the Hazing stuff will be uploaded soon, promise
No. 324030
File: 1695899319829.jpg (352.43 KB, 1191x1080, Literally us.jpg)

I can't stop making pics like this send help
No. 324037
>>324015>legsYou immediately peaked my interest, I need to watch this.
>>324016Thanks for the review, as usual. This ep sounds like my cup of tea right there.
>spoilerBeing a thirsty fan of Brad is like being subscribed to a Victorian lady's onlyfans.
You either get almost nothing or everything at once. No. 324043
>>324037>subscribed to a Victorian lady's onlyfanOh god, this really is us isn't it.
>>323941>Dude spills tea fucking constantlyHe certainly wasn't shy about Jason Miller's alcohol brain on Exorcist iii.
>>324016>disheveled and tormentedI'm in.
And ty all for the pics and reviews.
No. 324045
>>323737>riptysm anon.
>>323832>that gifMakes me smile so much.
>>323887>I checked three times.And we thank you for your dedication.
There must be longer/alt versions out there, detective anons unite.
>>324016Everytime with that tear.
>>324029Hero anon, thank you for sharing.
No. 324047
File: 1695905470296.gif (4.94 MB, 500x375, FDF7D417-A5F9-4E82-A0AB-48D0F9…)

Okay everything uploaded, here’s a second playlist with all the extras enjoy Kapps a virgin?? And good god that first scene is so horny I CANT TAKE IT WISH THAT WERE ME aside from the getting bludgeoned part No. 324056
File: 1695907123745.jpg (100.44 KB, 770x930, Tumblr_l_413268354062506.jpg)

>>324039>spoilerThe way it made me wheeze, oh god but
same. And you're always welcome, I won't stop making this dumb shit.
>>324043He wasn't shy talking about Romy Schneider either, describing her as a diva and saying she was tough to work with.
>>324047More great content aka
AAAAA sexy creepy college professor strikes again, we love to see it. Thank you for the upload!
Pic completely unrelated, it just confuses me.
No. 324062
File: 1695908203056.jpg (Spoiler Image,198.73 KB, 1242x1525, 1690053701064.jpg)

>>323941Love him love to read essays about him thank you, one of my favourite things about his eyes is when he's staring at someone in closeups and his irises will flicker across every feature instead of focusing on one focal point. Stupid detail but still crazy about it.
>>324015>spoilerSorry for unrelated scrote picrel but thinking about it every time he's got a smoke in his mouth, sigh.
What is happening in that gif kekk all these reviews always bait me into watching new stuff out of sheer curiousity. The hippie look is alright but he's real hot with the longer hair
>>324017NO THANK YOU FOR WATCHING IT I've been wanting to shout about it with someone, as stupid as the ep was (if you cut out all the sex scenes it's maybe 5 minutes of actual plot) he's really cute
I want him to look into MY eyes and see nothing but love and kisses No. 324065
File: 1695908867446.gif (964.97 KB, 400x228, marteeen.gif)

>>324047>>324029All this new content, thank you so much!!
Also if you're the OG playlist anon London After Midnight is destroying my heart No. 324077
File: 1695911366737.png (343.7 KB, 685x429, its all.png)

>>324047Anon, can't thank you enough. The extended beginning and the interview, so good.
Finally got round to seeing Nightwatch. Anon who said it needed more Doctor and less 'see it coming plot twist' is correct. First duty doc scene made me smile, he can't keep his tongue in his head. Picrel.
No. 324078
File: 1695911513805.png (306.8 KB, 654x435, a matter.png)

No. 324079
File: 1695911704582.png (308.24 KB, 622x436, of taste.png)

No. 324088
File: 1695914832918.mp4 (4.41 MB, 856x404, you been spotted.mp4)

>>324077How I love that doctor and the fact he has eyes on his back.
This film only needed just a bit more of Brad and a better pacing to work. I still recommend to see the original Dutch film btw.
No. 324124
File: 1695927102193.jpeg (1.02 MB, 3072x3072, 90DBC7D5-5AF0-4F4B-8895-229BE1…)

>>324077>>324078>>324079absolutely giddy thank you for the tongue
blepI only got the hazing dvd because I thought it was a nice Halloween movie, did not even bother to see if it had any special features included so it was a nice surprise that it turned out to be such a treasure trove, gifts for all of us
No. 324187
File: 1695944913737.mp4 (2.47 MB, 854x480, bradwherearethey.mp4)

Did someone say virgin?
>>324076I was trying to be coy and cheeky about it but
thinking of accidentally meeting his eyes for the first time and instead of seeing something repulsive he gets mindfucked with a vision of me having the most disgusting sweaty passionate sex WITH HIM, shock horror, involuntary boners. To be honest I kinda thought that's where the episode was going kek too bad he kept having a miserable time. This low-budget nothingburger show is eating away at my brain bc of the possibilities…blindfold also good, you can be his seeing eye dog and allow him to look only at you (and see all your darkest desires ooooh). Really glad you gifd that big fat teardrop, so many gorgeous shots.
>are you girls okayNo your playlist is perfect for zoning out for five hours and thinking about how I'd love to martyr myself by torturing him. Ilu.
touch his tongue with my tongue, nice pics OP
No. 324188
File: 1695945337863.gif (980.59 KB, 500x280, IMG_1302.gif)

Psychnonna I went to watch your upload but it looks like it was sniped from this mortal coil. Odysee is so shit.
No. 324193
File: 1695949656663.png (471.29 KB, 800x661, ohno.png)

>>324124>>324030These are wonderful, beautiful, perfect.
Sliver of ankle, hint of wrist, exposed clavicle, ooh. Still thinking about the iceberg and reeling.
No. 324215
File: 1695956196702.gif (5 MB, 430x336, 20230929_055258.gif)

>>324124>>324193Kek, these are perfect
Meanwhile I still can't get this look out of my head. Why is he so gorgeous with such a simple ass hairstyle and all
ughhhgggh want to run my hand through his hair so bad No. 324300
File: 1695996527948.jpg (205.44 KB, 1280x1920, 98974_full.jpg)

Thinking a lot about this image today.
>>324243That works, thank you!!
>>324215Would die for him to even take just the jacket off, show us those bare arms pls
No. 324316
File: 1696002776396.jpg (21.18 KB, 359x504, 1694556314461.jpg)

>>324272Exactly. Tfw even the worst pants may prove to not be much of an obstacle.>>324300Thinking about Brad in Wise Blood in general is a pattern: he resurfaces, you spin him in your brain, you forget for a moment, he comes back with twice as much power. He doesn't have the right to look so good.
>show us bare armsI have such a great feeling about Sonny Boy, oh man. Today is full moon but we will feel its impact tomorrow evening for sure.
Personally I'll be howling the entire time idk about you No. 324330
File: 1696011008960.gif (3.48 MB, 540x432, you only had to ask.gif)

No. 324383
File: 1696024442334.jpg (40.22 KB, 190x244, 31141223-190-244.jpg)

>>324330Wow,sir, of course I will come with you, just let me put on the extended mix of Moments in Love first.Anyways we need to talk about this photo.
No. 324480
File: 1696079823067.gif (2.88 MB, 502x210, cmere.gif)

>>324330he's too mean to be fixable but I think I could seduce him to stop murdering people and live in his cool underground citadel at least.
>>324383This mystery photo is driving me crazy, no way this was one of his headshots. Those intense eyes are very pretty tho wish there were others from this shoot
No. 324483
File: 1696080989922.gif (8.07 MB, 641x360, sneer.gif)

>>324316Sad that the hat covers up his cute haircut but he does make some great weird faces, so that's ok. Thinking about Hazel takes so much brainpower…love the coat in your pic, he looks cozy
No. 324486
File: 1696082807754.jpeg (125.28 KB, 792x530, C87E26E1-5E31-42C6-9484-AE01AD…)

>>324330>>324480Sir put those fingers
inside m- away! The suggestiveness is killing me
No. 324487
File: 1696084432153.jpg (25.51 KB, 250x342, Brad-Dourif-31141222-250-342.j…)

>>324383It is indeed a relative of this photoshoot because I recognize the shirt (love it btw, I'm weak for such patterns)
>>324483His face makes up for it and at all times, fortunately. Gotta run and save more pics. Now.
No. 324488
File: 1696084808724.jpg (60.22 KB, 500x375, Grima-Wormtongue-His-Mom-brad-…)

Shoot, replied to the wrong post but you probably got me.
>>324487Anyways here's a painting(?) of Grima for the purest keks.
No. 324493
File: 1696085949147.png (94.29 KB, 213x257, Screenshot copy.png)

>>324488he is an infestation in my brain.
No. 324497
File: 1696088693329.jpg (88.58 KB, 700x394, Sonny-Boy-1.jpg)

Twenty minutes to that beautiful mesh shirt and motorcycle boots!>>324493Idk what that face is but if he's asking for a kiss I'll give it to him
>>324488Starting a Cursed Grima image folder 'cause of this thread, kek
No. 324559
File: 1696104606541.jpg (272.18 KB, 1280x1280, Tumblr_l_115194592220482.jpg)

Thank you all very much for a fun movie time today, it was just as great as the previous one.
Wishing health and warmest hugs to all of the sick nonnas and to the healthy ones too, because it's autumn after all.
Please have this shitpost of a look everyone.
No. 324572
>>324497Thank you as always for hosting us, anon.
>>324559Seconding this.
Also, I do not know what is happening in this pic but I keep looking at it.
No. 324573
File: 1696113548381.jpg (8.88 KB, 321x334, 1.jpg)

No. 324574
File: 1696114165524.gif (1.78 MB, 476x431, come on.gif)

>>324480>too mean to be fixableHe's just evilly-traumatised and wants his dead wife back. Standard tragic backstory.
>seduce himSeems like the only sensible plan.
>>324486He can't help it.
I am investing way too much in this character. It must be all the
gloved finger flicking action.
No. 324610
File: 1696123541801.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.16 MB, 982x1320, grandpa jumpscare.jpeg)

>>324572Haven't seen Wild Palms yet but it sounds like a sci-fi riff of Twin Peaks, kinda? Sickly smarmy tech genius is another super specific role he seems to get a lot
No. 324614
File: 1696125015664.mp4 (10.07 MB, 854x480, 0928.mp4)

Stumbled down a rabbit hole of movies that never got produced, you can understand why a lot of these didn't take off but it still kind of sucks. He's got that Rosemont look in this one plus more pseudo-religious monologuing, full trailer here>>324574Your gifs are making me want to rewatch it immediately, he still manages to be enough of a creep to be intimidating. Like I would be nervous to fight this guy.
Would diffuse the situation by asking to sit on his fingers instead No. 324628
File: 1696132867579.webm (2.42 MB, 1248x720, spontaneous snort.webm)

Thought about the first time I heard Brad's famous laugh. It was in SC and that goddamn snort still doesn't fail to have me dead.
>>324610>filenameCouldn't really pick a more accurate one, I literally jumped a little.
Well, I haven't read anything about Wild Palms yet but I know I need to see it.
>>324614Wow just yesterday I was browsing vimeo to find something rare and didn't find anything. Great job, nonna!
I hope that regardless of whether the movie was released or not, actors got paid for the waste of their time. Brad deserves to collect at least half the film budget in his pockets.
No. 324649
File: 1696144264978.jpeg (Spoiler Image,379.63 KB, 1816x952, 019F68B3-DFCE-4E5B-8C70-8E62F1…)

FINALLY i can post this
just imagine him in a stupid sexy costume it was not turning out right. I wouldnt hate dressing him as the stereotypical nurse though…>>324610No! Not a jumpscare a sweet surprise, his eyes are so pretty
kissy kissy I’ll take him at any age No. 324696
File: 1696170110255.mp4 (3.42 MB, 640x480, mrrrowr.mp4)

>>324649Literally number one best thing to possibly wake up to, happy October first nonna!!! Thank you for always delivering such beautiful Jackart! WHO did he bleed out for that bucket 'o blood lmao…is Halloween the one holiday he actually somehow keeps track of and celebrates, you think? Or is his whole life Halloween-lite so he's desensitized and you're the one who'd have to get him a costume and drag him upstairs for the yearly company dress-up party?
I can imagine he'd begrudgingly allow you to dress him in near anything you wanted to if you told him it turned you on loool. KISSING HIS BIG FOREHEAD!!!
>>324628That cackle-snort combo, how does he have the nicest funniest laugh ever it's not fair.. never would have expected such a sweet soft-pitched voice out of a guy that laughs like that kek. Don't remember if this has been posted already but god, the drawl
No. 324705
File: 1696173526156.png (415.29 KB, 718x429, poor murderous baby.png)

>>324610>picReady for the close up? Great pic.
>>324614Ooh, never seen this before, amazing find anon.
>rewatch it immediatelyYou know you want to. Picrel.
>>324628>>324696Enjoying the snort-laugh vids.
No. 324708
>>324649Oh that art, tysm for sharing.
>>324696He had balloons prepared for Warbs, he will not need an excuse for a party. Gentle encouragement for dress-up would be needed though. Have to peel that coat off him.
No. 324717
>>324649>stabbed pumpkinGosh I love this little detail so much, I can imagine him giggling as he does the "decorating". And candy in his hair kek. Don't start me on Halloween costumes. He needs to try on a
slutty devil costume. Wonderful art as usual!
>>324696>vidCrying, the snort is too irresistible.
I love his laugh so much, somehow even in films it just seems so genuine.
Now for triple pain, imagine if he landed that Joker role and his laugh would be the one to become iconic. Yeah, that hurts. No. 324724
File: 1696176418326.gif (795.65 KB, 300x231, silicon.gif)

>>324705Oh that pic
don't say anything dirty about his nose don't say it don't say it he's got the smoothest face I've ever seen on a sixty year old.
>>324714Why did you bringing up the fake hand thing immediately make me think of him pulling a Carrie on someone with a bucket of tooootally not real viscera propped up above the door to the washrooms, what a little freak kek.
WOULD LOVE THAT FOR YOU if you're not up to carving your initials on his thigh you can always give him a stick and poke instead. Pwn3d.>>324717Tentatively relieved he didn't get it just because he would never be able to escape it, ever. It's definitely a selfish feeling but I like all the weird little roles he picked up in the 80s/90s instead.
No. 324862
File: 1696226399452.jpeg (95.61 KB, 351x497, 1DD3DE4D-DF98-4936-A982-9ECC5D…)

God this pic makes me laugh, why was he in such a random movie
>>324724SAY IT SAY IT
is it how his nose would poke into you if you sat on his face heheheh No. 324971
File: 1696273871686.jpg (59.6 KB, 600x396, 161071825_e13447.jpg)

>>324862The face he's making is kinda hot though, pls do me on that piano. Okay listen why's his profile so anatomically ideal
for sitting on? His pouty bottom lip, that tongue, sharp angular nose you just wanna rub against, yes I want his nose all up in my insides and my outsides. Gonna go take a cold shower.
No. 324980
File: 1696275250737.png (1.92 MB, 1834x1001, putmeinurpocket.png)

Lest we forget about dem hands too
No. 324982
File: 1696275428739.jpg (53.67 KB, 600x395, 161071826_7e21b9.jpg)

>>324980Speaking of hands, slow on the uptake yet again but this frame always goes by so fast I never realized Sam's metaphysically reaching out for Lisa here, bit threatening bit sweet
No. 324991
>>324971Nose lovers unite.
Why are you doing this to me, now I will spend hours contemplating.>>324982Okay this is such a great catch, nonna, I never paid attention to it. This movie is so good after all.
No. 324992
File: 1696277418408.jpg (131.87 KB, 1264x914, Tumblr_l_312889395777255.jpg)

No. 324994
>>324982He just wants to hold a nonflammable girlfriend, it's so sweet.
>>324717>jokerI'm kind of torn, we know he'd have been amazing but like
>>324724 said, it would be another thing he'd have been stuck stereotyped as.
No. 324995
File: 1696277961662.png (420.22 KB, 670x576, catholic guilt.png)

No. 324997
File: 1696278057651.png (514.95 KB, 650x576, wholesome hands.png)

No. 325004
File: 1696279507512.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.35 KB, 1200x898, MV5BYzA4NGI1M2ItYzc5MC00NTkxLW…)

>>324997>>324995>wholesome handsIf he's already in purgatory he's not going to hell for premarital sex right?
Don't worry about the context of this image just look at that sturdy wrist ok No. 325006
File: 1696279776462.png (356.51 KB, 726x964, grab.png)

>>324991>>324992Maybe it's how strong and ruler-straight his nose is. His eyes and lips are on the delicate side but the nose and jawline are so…please god please why is he built like this
No. 325008
File: 1696279838924.jpg (43.47 KB, 470x650, media_F2UPKjaW0AEJ5an.jpg)

No. 325009
File: 1696280034503.jpg (15.19 KB, 316x347, 8360222d721b9950985c41be6d0de9…)

No. 325014
File: 1696281528206.gif (4.17 MB, 540x350, babe.gif)

No. 325015
File: 1696281824737.jpg (53.29 KB, 724x671, c73d01275ad602f595b2e4504fe2dc…)

>>324994It would be early 90s so Batman movies would keep family fed for quite a while. I agree that becoming mainstream would definitely change things (for worse in terms of fan base), but I just like to imagine all the possibilities it could also bring and how much better some films would become. It's so rare for an actor of Brad's range to get in the spotlight at blockbuster niche.
Anyways, back to being on the nose.
Pun intended No. 325016
File: 1696282372840.png (274.52 KB, 674x846, kiss for the nonnas.png)

>>325015It's pretty shitty that despite the huge variety of films he's been in he was always "the cult actor", even directors who wanted him for his skills always cast him in bit roles (looking at you, Lynch). At least the fanclub's dedicated?
No. 325020
File: 1696283040146.jpg (95.64 KB, 847x600, Brad and Joni with Erwin Provo…)

Not sure if everyone's already seen it but here's the other pic from the IFFF set
>>320001, really enjoying Joni's hand on his knee kek
No. 325021
File: 1696283555326.png (507.47 KB, 561x845, NOCOMMENT.png)

No. 325022
File: 1696284031994.png (502.41 KB, 690x571, hunger for you.png)

>>324992>>325008>>325009 etc
Doing our bit for the cause.
>>325021Good lord, yes.
No. 325035
File: 1696290005599.mp4 (7.13 MB, 640x480, 67 more like 69.mp4)

No. 325112
File: 1696346074072.jpg (1.43 MB, 2048x1784, Tumblr_l_10283845853315.jpg)

>>325084Wtf are they doing? They're having a totally normal adult conversation and not acting like dumb teenagers.
Love this blooper reel, it's two of my most favorite actors talking silly shit, 10/10. When Malcom made Brad laugh and give one of his solidest snorts? And when Brad suddenly started mocking British accent? That stuff has a potential to make my entire week. Thank you for sharing this!
>>325020>>325021Some more photos to go into my collection. Nonitas, you're all priceless.
>>325016Such is a curse of a cult actor. Directors don't appreciate you enough so you don't feel satisfied with your career, but at least your fans are willing to throw money at you and you feel much closer to them. I guess it's not the worst thing ever.
No. 325147
>>325084This warmed my Britfag heart, hearing him stumble over those Brit slang terms is priceless.
>>325016>>325112>cult actorYeah, as you say when you get put there you get stuck there. We can give him some devotion.
No. 325158
>>324649kek he was having the time of his life with the little horns before you showed up with the other costumes. great work as always!
>>325147ayy fellow britfag, wonder how many of us there are
No. 325168
File: 1696371944993.mp4 (11.64 MB, 854x480, HE'S SO NERVOUS.mp4)

>>325084Brad's big toothy (toothless? kek) grin, I love it, just two old men acting like retards. Dunno if this is going to get a copyright strike but someone cut down the four hour making-of to all the Brad bits, is pretty funny>>325112One of the most admirable things about this dude is how financially motivated he is. The honesty is refreshing.
No. 325190
>>325168Ohhh all this wonderful material, thank you so much for this comp,
nonny! Loved it. Say what you will, the fact that Rob Zombie cast Brad as a sheriff rather than some villain is very respectable. He was finally given some different work for a change and had fun with it.
No. 325210
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Becoming Christian ASAP to accurately eroticize his suffering
No. 325234
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>>325168Ahhhh thank you! Gonna write letters of thanks to every director that made him grow a mustache I am just sick with
horniness over that thing
>>325190Yeah it’s so nice he got to play a somewhat normal fatherly character
No. 325259
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>>325168>so beautifulAnd still so under used in that episode, it's criminal.
His character requires immediate rescue and care.
>linkStill working when I looked, so good, ty.
>>325190>>325234>normal characterAnd he can do it so well.
No. 325261
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No. 325265
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>>325210Anon you are so talented, the cuts, the music, the scene choices. Beautiful.
Tend his pious wounds and gaze emptily into the abyss with him.
No. 325308
File: 1696451402644.png (377.04 KB, 1276x720, tumblr_ntz4h5vQ2G1tpepkyo1_128…)

>>325210Is that Insanity that I'm hearing? Holy shit, this is superb.
Boingofag neuron activation complete. But really, this is how you create edits with taste, simple and perfect!
>>325259>>325261Ugh Mano deserved so much better. And nobody fucking helped him, it was truly a heartbreaking story.
No. 325313
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Watching Amos & Andrew, and let me tell you, this man is crying even for comedic purposes. He plays a total dimwit cop and I'm oh so here for it because he simply delivers.
No. 325314
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>>325313He's so stupid I love him
No. 325315
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>>325314Stupid pretty I mean of course
No. 325317
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>>325315No, but Brad is a national treasure that should be protected at all costs
and cop uniform suits him too well, it makes me turn to the dark side. Such a bummer he wasn't in much comedy. He could do it effortlessly, he's already funny just because you don't expect him to be.
No. 325322
File: 1696458175817.gif (9.75 MB, 540x350, IMG_6754.GIF)

>>325210absolutely insane fancam action. how can one man's eyes be so intense.
>>325259>>325313oh god… i cant handle more characters
No. 325324
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>>325322If you don't love me at my
tactical black face, you don't deserve me at my
No. 325357
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Another retarded point of interest but the overcoat he has over the suit in what I assume are rehearsal shots looks so hot (
>>325006 and picrel). Suit had to be the focal point-which lost its meaning in the film anyway-but damn he looks good in that whole ensemble.
>>325259Playing around with the whole eye contact thing is fun but tender unexpected kisses to his scarred lids, letting him explore your face
and body with his hands,
verbally divulging the things you'd do instead of him having to see a mindfuck collage in his head, his pain is so tender either way.
Hehe How I've considered his nihilism in a psychological/theological context and never philosophically oh my god. You have such a beautiful way with words. Complete and total disbelief in compassion, god, even himself, I'd wash the blood off his feet and then help pick out the pointiest rocks to put in his shoes.
>>325315>>325317Always in mourning when they shear his curls but he actually looks so cute here?? Maybe it's the styling but he just looks idk, fresh. Can't wait to see him play a funnyman for once.
>>325322Your gif, that sweet dumb adorable face. Glad we all have the same illness of being deeply obsessed with fifty different characters who have an average screentime of like five minutes
No. 325361
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How was Brad in two Rodnunsky movies, how did the guy who played lead in Cypress Edge direct his own movie, how did he get Brad (and Faye Dunway?!) to also star in this movie, how did these dudes have the balls and money to get Brad for their shit. Anyway, ended up reading this incredible article about Towers, she's so right.
No. 325370
File: 1696477305235.webm (2.26 MB, 1256x720, Obedient police dog man.webm)

>>325361>eye buggingIt's a serious talent and there's quite a lot of eye on the man that it's baffling such a skill got underused. What a damn shame.
This whole text is kinda cracking me up though, ngl.
Well, now I can't help but post more dumbass cop. Brad really was so funny
and cute hot in this movie, I will return to it for sure. Why wasn't he given more comedy roles I'm asking? He just slays.
No. 325443
>>325313>>325317Oh, he is so good to us with the tears.
Comedy needs timing and taking it seriously. He has both skills in abundance.
>>325357>kisses to his scarred lidsThe soft noises he would make, lying in your arms and realising that he isn't going to be alone any more. How you treat his scars as a part of him, that you still want him and his touch. How you hold him and protect him. And your words make beautiful images in his head, making him ache to be with you.Could get behind that.
No. 325451
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>>323083>Wise Blood bookFinally got the book and read it. Interesting how much of the text is word for word in the movie. More from the characters minds in the novel, how they justify their behaviour. The flaws and ugliness in people and places are quite vivid in the descriptions.
>The landlady quoteWhile we can get behind the sentiment, she misunderstood how far into the darkness he had gone. Stepping over the precipice only leads one way. She could have tried to catch him earlier, but would she have been interested in him then? As you say, nice that open interpretations were possible. Totally heard the book in Brad's voice though.
>>325357A slender, bleeding, godless saint in all but name. No. 325453
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No. 325465
File: 1696525389950.jpg (56.61 KB, 1024x820, saavedro_by_elorviel_d5ytvg4-f…)

>>325370that vid kek i can’t
>>325443shit i need to watch this because he sounds delightful. i love when you write very sweet paragraphs about a character, they’re so tasty.
i feel a similar way about saav, i would treat him so right (make him worse) and take care of him (mess with his mind and exacerbate his solitary confinement induced psychosis).
No. 325667
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>>325361I appreciate the impassioned ranting. We all know the feeling.
Speaking of Silicon Towers
like wtf was that car crash scene? Ejector seats? let's have some adoration for this darling fluffy dork.
And how much time he spends touching his face and chewing his fingers. No. 325668
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No. 325669
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Britfags I managed not to call any of these pics Alton Towers. I'm proud.
No. 325693
File: 1696625501314.gif (1.39 MB, 360x360, bonkloop.gif)

>>325465Saav is so underrated, rewatching the badgood ending 1,000 times for that impassioned begging and screaming. Would you dangle the carrot of freedom in front of his face to force him into doing questionable things or egg him on in his delusional revenge fantasies (or both)?
Personally would allow the psychosis to get so bad he thinks I'm his wife and lets me get away with doing whatever I want>>325443ANON I want to drown in your writing it's too good, the fear of losing you just like his ex still weighing heavy now that his second sight is gone so you'd have to be extra sweet and persuasive to him. Would never ever leave his side.
No. 325698
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>>325451Thank you for coming back to report on the book, wholeheartedly agreed about the writing. It was so blunt and descriptive, even with the omniscient POV it was clear just how cold Haze's inner world was. Every time someone tries to domesticate him he rails against it, his self-loathing is so deep. The landlady was amazing in the final act
how she begins to dote on and nurture him because she's projecting her loneliness while Haze is utterly consumed with his own ideals. Her saviour complex so futile…Picrel kind of a contrarian take to both Huston and O'Connor but interesting (as always) wrt "Jesus beats him", the possibility that
Haze never achieves martyrdom and self harms as an expression of railing against the religion he was raised in. The dissociative states he gets into when having sex with literally anyone or calmly running his car over a guy twice, what's wrong with him, why's he like that.>>325667Have to admit to not seeing this one yet but this is too good, love all the neurotic hand-wringing and finger-biting.
Depeche Mode has so many relevant songs, Strangelove anyone? No. 325699
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Happy Friday (I think)
No. 325701
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Realized it would be rude to spring for a random film that not everyone would want to watch so come vote for the impromptu super exciting October-themed Friday the 13th viewing open until the 8th.
No. 325717
File: 1696634622791.png (583.47 KB, 681x556, repetitive strain injury.png)

>>325704Anon, I can't stop cackling, thank you.
He's worth every penny.
>>325698>not seen this oneLower your expectations. It's all a bit
tech genius, Alton, (beige top and suit, keeps his head down type guy) who is kind of Dante-nerdy but lives above ground, makes attempts to do the right thing in the world of evil finance tech corruption by helping the stereotype new-guy in the office.
There are some running sequences, though half the time he's behind other characters so gif anons may be challenged in capturing goofy run and bouncy curls.
Characters make very stupid decisions in this one.
One scene just has Brad shaking his head and closing his eyes in frustration. It's a good summary of the movie.Please enjoy some wrist and do not ask what's going on in the background picture.
No. 325724
File: 1696635840352.png (509.92 KB, 900x692, wow.png)

I know she's wearing heels but the other lady in this episode is still taller than him and it makes me smile.
>>325717The screenshots of his 90s hackerman den had me hoping for another Jack-adjacent role so that's exciting news thank you, loving all the OOT expressions he's making. You may enjoy this line from the same review
>One thing Rodnunsky got right was getting Dourif to run. Brad Dourif looks like a milkmaid fleeing a burning village under attack by Vikings when he runs.Terrible suit but actually kind of digging that background pic,
gonna need carpal tunnel surgery after daydreaming about that soft fuzzy arm hair tbh. No. 325731
File: 1696637924340.gif (6.06 MB, 400x300, lets go to LA.gif)

No. 325732
File: 1696638014606.gif (4.92 MB, 387x290, actual wet dog.gif)

No. 325733
File: 1696638087397.gif (7.48 MB, 400x300, stringbean.gif)

And one for the leg appreciators.
No. 325893
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Somehow this quiz hasn't been posted yet so everyone should definitely take it (this is lies and slander btw but I still chuckled) No. 325966
File: 1696773276094.png (419.45 KB, 683x562, On the policy of truth.png)

>>325724>Jack-adjacentYeah, don't get your hopes too high
where Jack is psychotropic rat, Alton is the little field mouse who could. But very lovely whilst doing it. >like a milkmaid fleeing a burning villageOh god, I will not unsee this, beautifully described thank you.
>>325732The hotter when wet tag still stands.
No. 325977
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>>325893Fragile and precious reporting in.
No. 326021
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>>325893>inside joke questionThey couldn't make it easier, I cracked them all. Like stale crackers.
>>325900Oh look, we're twins!
No. 326023
File: 1696799681929.gif (671.84 KB, 300x230, tumblr_mh9tekTagK1qhb9o9o2_400…)

>>325733Leg appreciators report one case of death from
spontaneous cumbustion.
Everyone shared so much precious stuff while I was away for a bit. It'll take some time to sit and stare at everything.
No. 326050
File: 1696815721422.png (617.62 KB, 715x534, worstkidnapperever.png)

>>325900>>326021>hot as all shit, have rabiesDouriffags definitely have good taste and good looks to match
>>325977Fully believe the beloved and precious part anon, cute
>>325966Sigh, nobody can measure up to Jack but a mousy nerd is good too. Speaking of wet don't you just want to tamp down those stray hairs and get him a warm blanket? Maxie didn't quite deliver as much as I hyped the episode up in my head but extra bonus points for him being loony AND traumatized.
No. 326052
File: 1696816901745.gif (4.98 MB, 534x300, giggles and good cheer.gif)

Exorcist had one vote over Desire, usual place usual time. Fair warning that the old footage is rough in quality but I hope that doesn't deter anyone, this cut is still my favourite.
No. 326053
File: 1696816985305.png (573.29 KB, 1167x683, ihavegreasyhairtoo.png)

>>325893Not a Dourif gal but I simply must do any quiz I see and I got this thing.
No. 326063
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>>326021Retook the test in a slightly worse mood. It's not so bad anymore kek
No. 326215
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>>325693omg your saav ideas are delicious i'll be thinking about them forever and ever… i need to lock him in a crate and let him out when i want him to hit people i dont like with hammers.
>>326052awesome, i voted for it because of the sheer amount of screen time i know he has in legion. see you there, hopefully!
>>326050>>325733where are these pics of him with the gun from he looks so good
No. 326216
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also i just watched amos and andrew with my mom because i simply couldn't watch a nic cage movie without the biggest (and the only) nic cage enjoyer i know, we ended up liking it a lot. jackson was great in it too even if he was bald af already. oh and she loved the eyes of laura mars (including tommy) as well! it was a great time.
No. 326248
File: 1696969745442.png (650.38 KB, 934x728, no comment .png)

>>326215>pics are fromnayrt but it's from the series Spenser: For Hire. Episode 'Rage'
He does look damn good in these pics.
>>326050>get him a warm blanketNeeds protecting, mostly from himself and his stupid choices.
>didn't quite deliverThis is why we make up our own versions. Anon fic is the way forward.
No. 326254
>>326216Glad you liked Amos and Andrew! (Means I can recommend something good after all)
It's funny but I'm also planning to make my mom watch some Brad movies under the guise of "I liked this one, let's watch it together" and see if she notices him there at all.
No. 326256
>>326254i think you'd maybe have to point him out for that to happen because he gets really into character to the point where his vibe is completely different. hope you both have fun!
>>326248 thanks nonna, i do love that jacket
No. 326258
File: 1696974500918.png (471.8 KB, 600x576, we dont need.png)

>>326216A viewing buddy would be nice, good for you, anon.
That's why I'm glad for all of you.
In today's episode of: what movies can I watch with friends for Halloween without them complaining that 'it's got that guy in it again' Chain Letter.
Movie was standard. Gore and ridiculous deaths, stereotype characters annoying as usual, fun with dated tech, some attempt at plot
if you can suspend your disbelief as much as some of the victims are.
Brad is in it a few times as the
evil-sexy, Professor-suit wearing, overly touchy feely class tutor.
When your weird tutor is
awkwardly stroking your arm and telling you to call him anytime you should probably take him up on it…
Quite a few close-ups, lip-lick action, tooth gap enjoyment Lots to like. Picrel.
No. 326260
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No. 326261
File: 1696974771984.gif (1.83 MB, 576x461, a taste for teaching.gif)

No. 326322
File: 1697000231045.jpeg (237.14 KB, 1145x816, 65C63EDD-86AA-4B53-B3CE-76F3DC…)

Rewatched Death Machine and finally read the script and watched all the little interviews thank you for sharing never noticed the director cameo before! and everyone gushing about Brad ooh a shiny hollyowood celebrity lol Mmmmmm thoughts thoughts thoughts, some points of interest for me ”Grabs her from behind like a sack/Wraps a strong arm around her neck.”
been stuck on this idea forever, this basement dweller actually being surprisingly strong from carrying around machine parts or whatever, very hot. And Dante’s thing with authority plus mommy issues my god it would be so easy to bully him into submission what a sicko what a freak (but what does that make me…) Even more sexual tension in the scene where she tries to break into the vault, the script implied Cale might somewhat reciprocate Jack’s feelings but in some magazine Pouget said she struggled to kill him bc he’s so childish so I choose to interpret them as maternal feelings, no it’s not because I want to fuck him, that’s ridiculous.
Oh yeah and “Is it a missile or a vibrator?” ?????WELL WHICH IS IT??? Inquiring minds need to know!!! And Jack being a shit head pervert but not getting Cale’s floppy joke sir you are so dumb…….makes me wonder if it’s all an act but? He definitely watches porn and he’s a jokester himself, so why didn’t he get it why is he so stupid
As for Jack’s diagnosis: idk but he cluster B for sure, brb getting a psych degree so i can officially diagnose him.
No. 326323
File: 1697000481233.png (Spoiler Image,425.3 KB, 425x550, 4AA55CEB-8A69-4EED-A6A7-CB50A1…)

found some more SC burnt fucked up Sam makeup.
No. 326324
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No. 326326
File: 1697000634001.png (Spoiler Image,290.79 KB, 334x450, F98B3654-0540-42C7-B392-5B9E55…)

And this…..why is him making out with the dirt goblin actually hot! Why is he grabbing their face like that STOP!!!! I’m obsessed can’t believe this pic got me seriously hot and bothered
No. 326327
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>>325893i got the brain damaged horny tard…….no comment
feeling very attacked by this quiz>>325731>>326050Oh did you finally get to watch this!!
>didn't quite deliver Noooo! Did you want him to be more crazy? I didn’t know anything about the character going in but I really liked him
his revenge was justified, yes he kidnapped a girl but he let her escape he’s alright, criminal with a heart of…dingy copper? Running away and starting a new life with him sounds like a dream thanks for all the caps and gifs
>>326053>this thingHE’S MY THAAAAAAAAAAANG lol yeah!! he is absolutely a thing, barely human, mmm
i just wanna stay up all night watching weird fucked up cartoons with him Im dying over here girls… No. 326329
File: 1697003575995.jpeg (90.49 KB, 750x719, 387F5032-E0A0-4CB2-94F8-45750E…)

>>326258I liked this one, it was alright
>call him anytimecall him in the middle of the night, “I think I heard a noise, my parents are gone can you come over?” oh professor I’m soooo scared, I need you to hold me>>326261Here’s some more mlem. Turbulent Skies was very boring and dumb, self flying plane tech goes haywire and tries to kill people
No. 326331
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Morally dubious businessman, a lot of time was spent standing around just looking concerned
No. 326333
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and again with those damn fingers. Sorry for mega spam i was gone for a while
No. 326338
File: 1697010969854.jpg (Spoiler Image,206.54 KB, 600x692, 1693867498.jpg)

>>326323>>326324Such great unsettling makeup. Thanks for these.
I can only contribute Brad's fake head used for Trauma. Eugh.
>>326326That's me in the picture, and yes, I look like Born of Earth monster irl.
>>326256Thanks, nonna. Well I don't want to point him out, I want her to notice and ask me herself. It's more interesting that way.
Plus my mom has a terrible habit of making fun of me and my celeb crushes so I need to be careful No. 326339
>>326261>>326260>>326258Alright, another bad movie to watch to feed all of my "foxy professor to flirt with" needs.
>>326329>>326331And another one, okay. Put these on my list.
No. 326581
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Welp, now I can finally share the Jack Dante brainrot with everyone. I accept condolences.
No. 326637
>>326322>why didn’t he get it why is he so stupidHe thinks he's the only clever/funny one and can't recognise when others are smarter than him.
>all an act Anon speculating he's virgin-tier in last thread, you always get the feeling he's committing assaults and acting the pervert to cover the fact he hasn't got a clue what he's doing and is desperate to look like he does. He just needs a good(bad) anon to get him properly trained. >>326581Welcome to the sickness.
Group therapy is always available here No. 326643
File: 1697151038229.png (621.24 KB, 1256x647, emergency .png)

>>326323>>326324Thanks for the behind the scenes pics, anon.
>>326326I was not expecting that.
New canon for the movie, he doesn't die just gets kidnapped by lusty dirt goblins. And later rescued by anons for 'visiting the Mayor alone in his office' reasons. It is written, so it is true.>>326327 >attacked by this quizWe love you anon it's fine.
>>326338>monster irlAll Douriffags are beautiful anon, it's in our nature.
>>326333He moves his fingers like butterfly wings, goddamn.
We're going to need a doctor for these palpatations. No. 326649
File: 1697152007491.png (574.07 KB, 720x576, we dont need no.png)

>>326339>foxy professorDoing my bit for the cause.
No. 326711
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>>326649>>326650Awoo- sorry, what a lovely old gentleman. I'd like to listen to his lectures, no matter the subject it should be good. Crossing my fingers to get his personal number, I have so many things I want to say to him
hehe, phone sex let's gooo.
>>326643>spoilerGreat idea. We save the mayor
and enslave him.
>All Douriffags are beautifulWhy thank you, we're all great and that's a fact.
Presenting you a picture of Brad with a fat lizard as a token of my appreciation.
No. 326780
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>>326731It's been so long I think it's about time to tell the family I found my man for marriage.
>>326778Not at all, movie's starting in an hour and a half give or take. See you soon!
No. 326804
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watching this on loop forever hold tf up did this movie have bloopers n shit…let the search commence
No. 326882
File: 1697246922129.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.31 KB, 1080x1122, sc13.jpg)

>>326216Glad you both liked the films, cute that she has an unconventional favourite as well kek. What are you planning on showing her next?
>>326258>>326260>>326261Plot carried itself decently well until the big reveal and the kills were fun at least, the inclusion of
all these deeply entrenched zealots killing in the name of anti-tech and then a random cellphone-hating prof mingling among them was way too funny. The tongue-sticking-out collection grows every day! His profile is especially nice in your first pic.
>>326333WELCOME BACK ANON ♥ One more fucked up Sam for the pile, he looks like an overdone pancake. And are those his ribs…ok VERY important question,
since his bicep meat was glowing through his suit do you think at that point his dick glows too No. 326884
File: 1697248657711.png (1018.98 KB, 800x800, clusterbclusterfuck.png)

>>326322Have the most eyesearing godawful moodboard in honour of Jackposting, hope it's okay to quote your spoilers, every sentence is gold
>surprisingly strongYES why is the general consensus that he's weak and thin, even in the film there's no indication he has any trouble throwing Cale around (and
>strong from carrying around machine partsLITERALLY THINKING ABOUT THIS FOR MONTHS). Also him being described as "rakish" is so crazy, the omniscient acknowledgement that even with his whole unwashed freak situation he's still attractive, they had no right to do that.
>not getting the floppy jokeNot getting the wet dream joke either holy shit, legitimately believe his brain is slower than his mouth he literally can't conceptualize "banter" or "flirting" so he's thought up these totally hilarious zingers but doesn't
actually know how to carry himself in a conversation he's sooooo fucking stupid. You could talk circles around him and make him feel like such a dumbass despite his savant-level IQ. He's sat in his room alone for so long he has a million witty comebacks and no retorts kek.
>cluster BFor sure, hard NPD with unresolved trauma making it exponentially worse via unhealthy escapism
and gun magazines and porn. This is so sick I love it I love you I love this post. Remembered this while typing too
>"You're not allowed to touch me.">Authority cuts him dead.Fixating, ruminating, dissecting, tearing into it with my teeth. It's THAT easy.
No. 326887
File: 1697250420148.png (399.18 KB, 712x527, wavy.png)

>>326326What a tender photo wtf, goblina getting some action
teaming up with her and breaking that old man's back>>326327>more crazyNo actually that was a nice surprise, he was the perfect amount of crazy, more from a one-episode character I could ever ask for. Reading around about it just made it seem like
the traumabonding and his fucked up prison backstory were more elaborated on which was in hindsight a lofty expectation for an 80s cop procedural, after another rewatch I like it well enough as-is. Him letting her escape by feigning taking a nap was really cute, all it took was one look of dissent and he was like aww man whatever she hates my guts. Good boy Maxie, first time I'd ever wanted a two-parter purely to figure out why his perception of the world's so weird, he rambles a lot doesn't he? "All the girls like me. Always have, and they always will" I wanna show him how much the girls like him oooooh
>>326338That dummy head looks even weirder when Savini shows it off like twenty years later and it's got no teeth. Creepy-cool.
>>326637Could never get laid through moral or immoral means he's 4ever a major loser. Totally agreed
and would punt him like a hackeysack for complaining that getting a girl off for real is too hard. Would also kiss him for three hours until he passes out tho…not picky… No. 326889
File: 1697250914219.jpg (132.4 KB, 891x499, tumblr_13def9736a7ae8612053414…)

Thanks for all the good takes in chat today, it was fun to watch the old cut with everyone. If the 22nd or 25th works we can do Medium Rare then, and please lmk if Halloween works for the 29th.
No. 326902
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No. 326926
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>>326884I love it! the heart made out of guns is perfect. Yeah he’s socially stunted for sure, guess that makes sense for why he doesn’t get anyone else’s jokes. I got fixated on every little descriptor of him, rakish was an interesting choice, and his lair being described as a kids bedroom, the juxtaposition of being hyper violent but also so childish and yearning for closeness, oh it’s gonna make my brain, heart etc explode. I could
tamp down his homicidal tendencies so he only kills someone once or twice a month but leave him with enough craziness that he’s still a fun freaky man child fix him
>>326889Glad you all enjoyed the movie!
sorry I sat this one out, it’s just one of those movies I been dragging my feet on cause I know it’s gonna kill meMedium Rare next sounds fun I’m down!
>Halloween fuck fuck fuck fuck SO EXCITED CANT WAIT
No. 326981
File: 1697272730522.jpg (245.67 KB, 1920x817, Tumblr_l_318194314278095.jpg)

>>326902The way my goddamn heart skipped a beat. If i entered the college classroom and he was there, he would not be going home alone anymore.
>>326882>glowing spoilerKEK, you don't put such ideas into my head, it's too much, nonna. That photo though..
>>326884The moodboard looks exactly like something Jack would love to have in his room (would be the most tasteful thing he owns).
I'll throw in my couple of cents on why Jack is incapable of responding to innuendo jokes. Of course the basement dwelling truly liquified his brain but there's also a possibility he understands the meaning but is actually too embarrassed to say anything in return, especially to Cale. Maybe I'm wrong or maybe he mistakes such jokes for flirting. It would be funny to see him blushing if you dare to say anything remotely sexual around him. The man could secretly get aroused from reading an encyclopedia article about sex. With him you never know.
>>326889As per usual, thanks a lot for such a wonderful time. Patiently waiting for the next one
no, not patiently, it's Medium Rare time with the gals, I'm about to go insane.
No. 327014
>>326902>>326981Ikr? His hair is so beautiful in that pic
I think Jack would take it as a go ahead if you made any sort of sexual jokes around him, I don’t see him getting embarrassed by much but it’s totally fair if you see him that way
maybe if you asked him to tell you in graphic detail what he would want to do to you, really expose his virgin ass, then he might get flustered finally No. 327101
File: 1697310181746.png (395.26 KB, 620x560, concentration (on that) face.p…)

>>326889Anon, tysm for hosting us as usual, it's always fun.
Currently I only have 25th and 30th available this month, if that works for any other anons. Otherwise go with whatever date most can do.>>326902Oh, my. Very lovely.
Please enjoy some tongue and nose and tied-back hair.
No. 327116
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>>326711>picContest as to who looks more confused, Brad or the lizard. Made me smile, thank you.
>the mayorWhy yes, Mr Mayor, I am locking the office door and no, Mr Mayor, don't worry about these handcuffs, and yes, Mr Mayor, maybe you should clear some space on that desk…>>326804He just wants to snuggle.
If you find any footage, we are ready. No. 327231
File: 1697347336980.gif (4.97 MB, 540x328, EE11C6DB-69D7-43CE-BB32-66C106…)

>>327101PONYTAIL!!! I’m dying inside why didn’t he let his hair down more, it hurts my soul
>>327116it’s so fuckin hilarious to me that so many of us are STILL into the mayor, what a random character to get hung up on
zooming in on his missing teeth heeeeeeee No. 327330
File: 1697389503082.png (532.73 KB, 671x572, normal.png)

>>326926How ultra-specific the wording choice of the "This is my room"/"Well, keep it clean" exchange is, maybe making him a little more normal would be as easy as a basic punishment-reward system kek.
He'd be so easy to manipulate I want to watch his dumb, pretty face contort in confusion while simultaneously berating and fondling him…with a little effort you could make him feel soo bad about himself and he'd cry and do ANYTHING you asked as long as you call him a smart, good boy. Waiting for your spiral into Exorcist hell with bated breath btw.
>>326981I can't stop thinking about Sam's party trick pp too bad by that point he's all partied out. Can absolutely see Jack
jerking it to encyclopedic descriptions of panties or something, that's a man who obsessively cut out the women's pyjama section of the Sears catalogue for gross reasons while growing up. No. 327334
File: 1697390057920.gif (5.38 MB, 480x360, curly.gif)

>>327116The anon who mentioned random mouth noises out of him being like ASMR…this scene and the one where he's reaming out the cop, whispering that he'd better be a good dog, oh my god I'll work for free I'll be an intern Mr. Mayor I am AVAILABLE!!!!
>>327231Nesting in that hair like a squirrel.
>random characterLargest collective of random bit character appreciators: the thread. Even Fenn was cute as fuck despite having no screentime.
No. 327335
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No. 327336
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No. 327340
File: 1697391054192.jpeg (757.75 KB, 1500x1164, Bride of Chucky Premiere Oct 1…)

It's criminal that there seem to be no other photos from this event THE LEATHER JACKET ALL-BLACK EVERYTHING, SCREAMING, CRYING, ETC
No. 327420
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His soaked curls fanning out when he turns…….
No. 327429
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>>327334anon…i claw my way out of old man hell and here you are, dragging me back. Just wanna cuddle grampy and bury my face in his hair
and get my fingers all tangled in it and make out until my face is sore from his stubble and um uhhh other x rated things that don’t need to be typed out No. 327435
File: 1697440266111.gif (9.55 MB, 540x325, e342658f850001cc398878ca798081…)

>>327429Drag Me To (Old Man) Hell. Been thinking that Sheriff B would actually smell pleasant and clean, snuggling into him would be such a dream.
Beard burn on exposed body parts also the dream. No. 327440
File: 1697441395958.gif (1.25 MB, 400x282, ED1E6DD6-8DF2-4D7C-B6D0-D6D7ED…)

>>327435>Drag Me To (Old Man) HellNEXT THREAD TITLE PLEASE got me laughin it’s perfect. Is the sheriff divorced or widowed? I didn’t see or hear mention of any wife in either of those movies(but I think I did see a ring in the first one), he probably needs some comforting, I’m here to help with absolutely no ulterior motives
No. 327442
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oh we’d be gruntin alright. Grunting moaning screaming, makin unholy noises. Anon why would you do this to me, the floodgates have been opened
No. 327448
File: 1697442872277.jpg (71.77 KB, 359x488, MV5BMTkzNzA5MzU2Ml5BMl5BanBnXk…)

>>327440>>327442Please save a spot in the seventh circle, when I finally get to Wizard of Gore it's over for me.
Been trying so hard not to post this particular scene with a retardedly horny caption but you've forced my hand
stupid face he's making be damned look at the TONGUE. Living in a grungy rocked-out farmhouse like that I always thought of him as the "now that I'm divorced I'll eat pizza every night and listen to Sabbath at 12am" type of ex-hippie, but widowed dad is cute too, could go either way.
His experience + enthusiasm from being lonely and single would make up for low stamina, also slow steamy makeouts are nice. Waiting for him at home in that stupid furry hat and nothing else ♥ No. 327451
File: 1697443095494.jpg (87.75 KB, 431x594, tumblr_nocpnvxSfV1u7f6tao5_128…)

Wait what's the cutoff for middle-aged man purgatory and old man hell
No. 327457
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>>327448Oh shit that’s right you haven’t seen this yet, godspeed nonna. Kind of a shady guy in this one,
he deals in medicines n stuff, he’s probably got some crazy sex potionssweet divorcee ex hippie classic rock dad is so cute I’m all in
>low staminahis mouth would be getting RIGOROUS exercise every damn night cant stop thinking about him calling me princess this man is making me have the worst thoughts
worst most embarrassing thought ever “I would perform femininity for this man” i am DOWN BAD for him holy shit mustache is my kryptonite why why WHY
No. 327458
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No. 327462
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>>327457>I would perform femininity for this man
The beauty of such a varied filmography is you can be a totally justified violent sadist towards Jack and immediately pivot to "would snugglefuck Lee on a cold October night". That nervous, soft way he says "sweetie" and "princess" is actually distressing uhh can I be HIS baby? Kek RIP
nonny, her downfall was old-timey moustaches and silver hair. Have to admit The Hazing did bring me into the fold and let's not even talk about Stanley…
>>327458Literally cringing IRL for thinking
tits tits tits like a 2k10 Tumblr fangirl but
how are his titties so fat I want to bite every inch of his torso and pull his ponytail. Hearing that he's weird and shady only makes it better.
No. 327464
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No. 327465
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No. 327471
File: 1697450486591.jpg (1.74 MB, 2855x1911, 20230926_235216.jpg)

Godddd I checked in the morning and there was nothing but now here we are! So many things to say and to reply to. Anyways, today's find: Urban Legend behind the scenes straight from the director's twitter
No. 327476
>>327471GOOD AFTERNOON HOLY SHIT these are even better quality than the versions on the DVD, they must be the original photos, incredible find anon. Still looking amazing in the bellbottoms twenty years later and so many things to say about
>>327473 if only they had a better shot of him on his knees…. How could a literal ten minute cameo have been this cute.
No. 327478
File: 1697452180095.jpg (663.88 KB, 1080x1813, Screenshot_2023-10-16-13-28-16…)

>>327330>party trick ppFucking crying, nonna. It's so practical, if he's got a glow stick in his pants you never gonna be lost in the darkness.
>>327334>FennDon't remind me, I'm still mourning his death.
>>327336Oh. My. God. This is magical.
>>327451Gates of Pornstache. Also there should be a twink heaven, I said it.
>>327476Good afternoon,
nonny! Those have to be original because they were uploaded by Jamie Blanks himself. I'll also share some caps of his tweets where he mentioned Brad. Like this one kek.
No. 327481
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>>327478Love that Blanks knows the lore.
No. 327509
File: 1697467511218.jpeg (162.03 KB, 960x532, IMG_1115.jpeg)

Not a Dourifan, but tickled that you guys, these threads, and a thriving Dourif community exist. When I saw this, I immediately thought of you. It’s from the comments of a friend’s Facebook post about the new Daniel Clowes graphic novel, “Monica,” pointing out that there seems to be a Dourif cameo (far right).
No. 327513
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>>327509It totally looks like him i believe it, based Clowes. I feel like such a shit bag I’ve had the eight ball collection for ages and barely cracked it open. Thanks for sharing
nonnie!! ♥ ♥ ♥
No. 327515
File: 1697470302417.jpeg (Spoiler Image,35.28 KB, 400x300, 858A2E3C-95B8-48D2-B4AD-BE7EE0…)

>>327462yeah even though he gets cast as a murderer or weirdo most of the time there are still so many different types of characters he’s played, something for everyone!
>StanI feel bad that I don’t like him more, he’s sad and fucked up which is usually my bread and butter but he just doesn’t drive me crazy. Maybe I need to rewatch D&C 50 more times
Picrel what I wanna do to him whenever he’s got that mustache tho. That article where he said he hates having a belly made me so sad noooo i love it so much. Pls don’t read this next bit I am so sorry insane horniness in 3, 2, 1
GOD i wanna fuck him until I’m chafing I want that sleepy lazy fucking i wanna feel our stomachs press together i need him want him every which way hoo boy I AM DYING when will they invent time travel take me back to 2009 PLEASE I NEED HIM
No. 327551
File: 1697482502836.jpg (109.17 KB, 1024x1558, dead-scared-2-r-rcm1024x0u.jpg)

>>327478>>327481This is too good, finding BTS photos is so difficult (especially those obscure movies where he looks cute then immediately dies) and stock archives are only so helpful. Actually here's two pics of Kapps I was surprised to find. Was considering young man paradise but no matter the age it still feels like hell because tfw you will never get to bite and shake his skinny calf like a sick dog.
>>327515The biggest charm point with Stan is his misanthropy, the idea of growing closer to him and cracking open that cold shell of bewilderment at someone possibly loving him after 60 years of neglect, it's cute. Totally get if he doesn't do it for you since he's also an aggressive asshole and the movie isn't even that good, I'm just dumb.
Umm though if you do want to rewatch D&C let me know. Any time he self-depreciates I want to scream YES YOU CAN SING!! YES YOU LOOK GOOD WITH A BELLY!! SHUT UP OLD MAN.
We're on like page ten you should absolutely keep hornyposting
>sleepy lazy fucking
>stomachs press together
leopointing.png SHE GETS IT. No. 327554
File: 1697482624257.jpg (Spoiler Image,147.61 KB, 1024x1608, dead-scared-4-r-rcm1024x0u.jpg)

Love it when the spoiler tags fuck up thanks elsie
No. 327556
File: 1697482842160.png (785.26 KB, 584x572, xfilesS1.png)

>>327509Aww, this is a sweet post. What a random thing to have a Brad cameo kek of course you gotta have him hanging out with gangsters in a cool 80s jacket. Love artistic depictions of him in print.
>thriving communityCrying out a single happy tear from my left eye only
No. 327557
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No. 327563
File: 1697484420556.jpg (558.09 KB, 1080x1860, Screenshot_2023-10-16-22-12-27…)

>>327509Aww it's so lovely to know our plague kinda spreads outside the thread now so you people are out there Dourif spotting. Guest anon you're so kind, thank you.
>>327551>>327554Uhhh is this a safe space?
NEED THAT OLD MAN NOWI remembered that I saved this screenshot, I'll share the ad in the next post.
If Dourif delivery was a thing I'd tip him that extra $9 and 1 cent on top. Fucking slip it right into his pocket with my shaky hand, jokingly whisper "Buy yourself something nice, sweetheart" and then spread open my.. wallet and give him the rest of the money I got. No. 327564
File: 1697484872316.mp4 (6.42 MB, 940x720, VHS Chucky release for 90 buck…)

>>327563Think I'm going crazy but there's a song playing in the background in the end and it has Chucky fucking rapping? Where the hell do I get this thing?
No. 327568
>>327563>>327564KEK slip those crisp bills right in his ass pocket then tell him the tip is waiting in the house
wink wink. His early Chucky voice is so squeaky this is fucking hilarious. Idk what it was about the 90s and every horror movie having its own stupid rap/theme song but god bless.
>safe spaceGod what haven't we been horny over in these threads, currently turning into a slip-n-slide for a catatonia patient. No. 327631
File: 1697498552618.png (321.03 KB, 730x730, darkness at the heart.png)

I see the thread has exploded with content, fine work everyone.
On the Brad Bingo card we have
long hair, tongue action, thigh chafing tache, hotter when wet, lone photos we need more of, finger chewing, soft-belly gramps appreciation, behind the scenes rarities
and whatever I missed. You're all amazing.
No. 327632
File: 1697498700650.png (766.09 KB, 1000x746, of my love.png)

No. 327662
File: 1697504718430.gif (5.07 MB, 400x300, tears.gif)

want so badly to leave everything behind and run away with him and live in dingy motel rooms and steal his first kiss and rest my head on his lap while he watches television. Finger chewing, shoulder hunching, tear-soaked lashes, tongue action, snarling, deer-in-headlights staring, it all sounds like poetry in motion to me. The bingo card needs to become real the only question is what do we get if we win?
No. 327678
File: 1697513306595.gif (8.65 MB, 400x297, 2BCDE6B1-3030-49E8-BC7D-806924…)

>>327557♥ !
>>327551Yes yes yes to everything you said, I should love Stan, he checks all my boxes so idk what it is, his grumpiness is so endearing let’s hate everyone together
once you finally break through he would be SO protective ough ooh my heart. Always chuckle at this scene that he’s just so immediately WHO SAW YOU IM GONNA KILL HIM absolutely reeling, yeah he was like 60 in that movie holy shit, I always forget
>rewatch D&C it got taken off of tubi and bflix isn’t working anymore sadface… was a nice movie to throw on when I didn’t want to watch something new, it’s definitely far from the worst.
thanking the stars that my hornyposting resonates with someone i feel insane. But one more gross confession I’ve been holding on to literally since the first time I saw that movie. The part where he’s ordering the first kidnapped woman around made me feel a certain type of way, ugh how awful but I wouldn’t hate taking orders from him I replayed it so many times I’m so gross welp.
>>327554I love deranged Kapps. Hilarious when someone else’s spoiler fucks up. Mortifying when it’s your own lol
even though it’s quoting what I said but whatever still funny No. 327679
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And I found this pic without that horrific filter
No. 327680
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No. 327688
File: 1697520166396.png (838.49 KB, 655x436, IMG_0433.png)

No. 327689
File: 1697520264126.jpg (51.34 KB, 604x341, IMG_0430.jpg)

Another without the filter
No. 327692
File: 1697521442160.png (8.5 KB, 797x72, oh true.png)

Sorry this has nothing to do with anything but the first sentence knocked me straight on my ass
No. 327693
File: 1697522197189.jpg (110.79 KB, 2048x1024, homeS.jpg)

>>327678>checks all my boxes so idk what it is>WHO SAW YOU IM GONNA KILL HIMIf you'll excuse the extended spergery please consider the holy combo of devoted protector and prickly outside-soft inside. Stan not knowing how to articulate that he cares so his silence is tense and nervewracking when you first meet but slowly helping coax that softness out…the familiar comfort of keeping people at a distance vs the sudden affection that bewilders even his stoic brain, overcoming social rejection because you'd have each other. I'm so gentle for him it's gross.
The various levels of derangement itt are always endearing to read no matter which way you lean, it's all from the same place of
insanity love I think.
Was mildly surprised nobody on the internet had ever "god I wish that were me"d that specific scene. He's touching her all over but it's completely nonsexual, exasperated? Could see a femc goading out his impotent frustration by following/not following orders. He does seem to be most comfortable being in control so wonder if that's another avenue into his pants.There's a level of vulnerability involved in discussing how you'd do things outlawed in 10 countries to a man and spoiler tags aren't enough as it is EVEN WORSE WHEN THEY DON'T WORK.
Still want to be pushed into a mattress by his whole chunky torso and unable to squirm because he's so heavy.Child's Play is good for background noise too especially since he never shows up past the first scene so you never feel like you're missing out. Wrt D&C here you go sweet anon>>327679>>327680Truly love the shirt sleeves covering his whole hand and how wavy his hair looks
No. 327699
File: 1697525229352.jpg (377.61 KB, 1280x960, 1693868890.jpg)

>>327568>tipThere's not just a tip, there's my whole monthly payment waiting for him
and only then me, waiting for him too, expecting to slip a few more bills under his belt and maybe some into his underwear, teehee. Also when I say safe space I'm just joking around. Of course it's safe to spit out most cursed hornyposts in a place where everyone can see. So exciting too, nudge nudge, wink wink.>>327662>BingoWe win nothing but more feels and derangement points to our status I guess.
>>327678Stan. Can't help but want to take care of that #1 saddest murderous grump, because we all know he did nothing wrong. His overwhelming protectiveness, his flawed sense of judgment and the constant past pain he carries with him are things that won't let me rest.
Do I have to mention that scene also awakened something in me? Like, hell it would probably be repulsive if anyone else ordered me around like that, but in this case… I might as well enjoy doing all this before meeting my demise. Though I'd prefer to survive just to hear some more quiet commands in the future. Would be nice to do anything for him. "Yes, Stan, I'll dig that grave for someone you just killed". "Yes, Stan, I could feed them to coyotes". "Stan, I know a recipe of an acid bath, we can dissolve that bastard here". So many horrid things to do together if necessary. Would make for an even more interesting follow up movie. Dreams.Don't remember if this pic was posted before.
No. 327701
File: 1697525524781.jpg (65.18 KB, 640x960, tumblr-153d56f76d347694dcfc0c3…)

Also bumped into this one and I just keep on staring. Respectfully. Almost.
No. 327709
File: 1697526572870.gif (1.93 MB, 300x250, D5DD077C-ECB8-4175-B1CC-36D2A6…)

>>327693oh sweet relief I’m always afraid that each new confession I make will finally be the thing that is too weird Stan is perfect it’s like he was made to appeal to me, is it really just the styling am I that shallow what is wrong with me. thank you for the movie! Guess I know what I’ll be watching after work
>spoilers aren’t enough wish I could put a spoiler within a spoiler sometimes, i feel so nasty lol
>>327699OKAY thank god someone else felt the same way.
being submissive has never been appealing to me but for this old man? Anything and this scene where he’s comforting Jarod was too good, also replayed a million times
No. 327711
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>>327701Another one I want to watch oooooh
that pic of him strapped down, still think about it mmmm No. 327821
File: 1697554767489.jpg (38.79 KB, 704x304, 1696326961.jpg)

Been sitting here thinking:
Is our collective thirst for specific characters is just a desire to have a twisted roleplay sesh with Brad or is it something else. Or am I just asking stupid questions? Idk
No. 327842
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In other news, is this anyhow new? I don't remember seeing this pic anywhere or am I just losing it for real.
No. 327848
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Squealed like an idiot the whole way through thanks again for sharing nonnie. Love the way he scrunches his face cute cute cute.
No. 327951
File: 1697595248611.png (1.12 MB, 1212x848, 02_43254.png)

>>327842Someone posted it last thread but this is a good excuse to cry about how cute his curls are again (ft. dumb earring)
>>327701Staring impolitely at
nipples No. 327955
File: 1697596469397.webm (1.82 MB, 640x480, situational comedy.webm)

>>327699Never seen this one in its original resolution, thank you anon!
>>327709>>327848>too weird
Turning on airplane mode and biting my tongue every time he's bawling his eyes out, is it still a paraphilia if it's one specific guy. You're in good company. Your gif made me realize that in lieu of holding full conversations he communicates with his face instead, thinking back to this scene?? Unlocking character lore through thirstposting
No. 327968
File: 1697611659125.png (3.3 MB, 1600x1081, C427822B-141F-4EB4-8A86-91DE13…)

Stan’s love language is murder
No. 328010
File: 1697626982210.gif (5.6 MB, 539x350, Tumblr_l_110186678981715.gif)

Ladies, I think my ovaries just fell off
No. 328028
File: 1697632706112.jpeg (Spoiler Image,273.79 KB, 1080x1061, 0FF35012-429E-401D-927A-42D104…)

>>328010I wanna sit in his lap and have him squeeze me as hard as he canOkay I have to post this while we’re still in old man mode it’s just as bad as the cursed pin up for me WHY IS HE WEARING THAT SHIRT. I want to believe he’s an innocent old man and doesn’t know…
i been spilling my guts lately so I guess I’ll admit that, shamefully, this may have worked its way into some fantasies I SWEAR I WAS NEVER INTO THIS DADDY SHIT BEFORE ITS JUST FUCK IDK No. 328031
File: 1697632937650.jpeg (74.41 KB, 750x793, 6592BBE4-E535-4D72-9889-97C7C5…)

that didn’t happen you didn’t just read that. Anyways
No. 328045
File: 1697638362992.jpg (105.62 KB, 375x500, little smile.jpg)

So many posts, loving it.
>>327662>BingoWe just win. Because we're great.
>>327679>>327693 >>327848>>327968And the rest, thank you for the lovely D&C content.
>>327701Any particular areas we should be studying in depth in this pic anon? Taking recommendations.>>328010Oh, my.
>>328028All comes under the tag Only Him, anon.
No. 328057
File: 1697642572462.gif (1.47 MB, 500x375, Tumblr_l_377967763757741.gif)

>>328028That picture is cracking me the fuck up every single damn time because it's just… It's just Brad and then there's this shirt. But he must know, he has to know. I love him so much it's indescribable.
>>328045There is one, not sure if I have to pinpoint it, it's already doing such job itself.
Dunno how am I supposed to calm down today. And I was planning to finally see Final Judgment
because I can't wait anymore. Sorry gals if I explode and die today, just know I loved you all.
No. 328066
File: 1697645754406.jpeg (276.77 KB, 1047x1033, 891B9D1A-60D4-4329-B20A-3FE24C…)

>>328057oof goddamn girl, enjoy this one that sex scene is crazy. I don’t understand how in his priest clothes he still looks so tiny but when he takes them off it’s BAM HELLO muscles have arrived. His face here is so great but his mouth especially looks so delicate and pretty
No. 328079
File: 1697651823635.jpg (704.34 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2023-10-18-20-49-01…)

>>328066God was he absolutely gorgeous in this one, I'm getting a Blu-ray of this movie. It's your typical 5/10 TV flick but I was on edge almost the entire time
you all know why. Brad as priest and a fucking brick wall. Like wow, who told him it was about time he became a sex bomb? And he actually listened for once?
With a man like that you would not need to worry about your safety, and my god, even about the purity of your own soul. He will protect both.
Also excuse me, but the scenes where he was exercising were hotter than the sex scene itself because of all the grunting and heavy breathing. Woo boy, just keep going at that punching bag, you're so strong and beautiful. I could watch him at it for hours I swear.Well, what a nice little movie that one was.
No. 328105
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Also you know what, the whole concept of the hood priest (get it, get it) is actually amazing. I'd honestly watch another movie with priest Brad throwing punches and teaching street punks a lesson all the while investigating crimes. Paying for that to become real with my own soul btw.
No. 328226
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Found something to go feral over
No. 328388
File: 1697731379300.gif (9.5 MB, 540x325, 55350A45-DBB9-4546-80EF-2A4C3F…)

>>328079>>328105He was stupid sexy in those sweats. I have a really hard time taking him serious as a tough guy but it was hot watching him jump around and throw punches
No. 328417
File: 1697740086273.jpg (71.35 KB, 1839x1080, Screenshot_2023-10-18-20-49-56…)

>>328388Sperging incoming but I think he's just as perfect in a badass role as in any other. He makes a wonderfully strange kind of tough guy if you think about it: he doesn't look like a man who could easily punch the lights out of someone yet he is - bam, a surprise factor; you don't know if you can exactly trust him but he proves to be the most secure person you know; you'd think that he's maybe sleazy but while not the purest, he's at least respectful. Last but not the least: he's got personality and sometimes cries beautifully.
Yeah, I'd watch more of that if I could.
To think that with such material in hand, nobody dared to write a whole series of erotic detective fanfics is just baffling to me. I'd do that but I'm not that good at writing to handle this myself! No. 328518
File: 1697758351545.jpg (149.13 KB, 750x506, tumblr_87fcc3dd0135733ba7de6ed…)

>>328226feral is right… that's so adorable! i actually think it's a decent figure for cheap action figure standards, i love mine.
>>328417>>328388tbh it's such a flex when you're an actor and they make a mid/low budget movies with you that you know literally no one will watch but your hardcore fangirls, because it's an hour and a half of staring at your face and that's all it takes to make them happy, it doesn't matter if the plot is good or even watchable to the general audience. who was saying he makes them feel like gediman with the alien? i feel like that every day, the need to stare intently like i'm trying to invade his very soul with my eyes and copy every movement like a chimp at the zoo might with a human.
No. 328526
File: 1697759490144.png (398.36 KB, 720x480, please mind.png)

>>328057Glad you survived anon, though you will never be the same again.
Loving all the screencaps.
>>328105>>328417Team anon fanfic effort when? Absolute missed opportunity for real, could've been cult TV series.
>>328226Nice find anon.
Speaking of feral, picrel.
No. 328531
File: 1697759921274.jpeg (26.07 KB, 564x485, B0A396AF-E9AA-4692-AF6E-B5A738…)

>>328521the movie is final judgement (1992) our very kind resident dvd nonna put it up on mixdrop here
>>307539 (hopefully it still works but i had to set my vpn to murica to download it) it's also up on youtube in bad resolution and i'm sure it's
somewhere on 123 movies or whatever? maybe another anon can come in with timestamps. you're so nice it's truly refreshing mwah
and it would be very funny if you genuinely enjoyed those scenes, because i didn't even tho i'm a dourif enjoyer, i think men should be banned from exercising and kept weak and docile. just my two cents. No. 328587
File: 1697768280321.jpg (100.36 KB, 1977x1080, Screenshot_2023-10-18-23-19-10…)

>>328518Brad is such a special case of "I catch every single word of his and clutch it to my chest". The fact we are ready to watch some atrocious movies just to see him and hear him deliver some poorly written/plain lines like they belong in a classic play.. This is everything. I'm so hypnotized by this man I'm looking respectfully 24/7 (seriously respectfully at least half of this time).
And to think it started exactly with Gediman at some point in my life, and that this role got imprinted on my brain until that recent descent to madness. Just goes to show how truly incredible Brad is, because once you see him you can't really forget it.
>>328526Truly can't be the same again, I now will be thinking of all the lost opportunities. Such movie idea really had some good potential.
>spoilerAsking real questions.
>>328528Well hii, dearest mayor. Love these caps too, nonna.
Another thing to note is how it's difficult to stop once you started taking caps of Brad in various movies. Most of them turn out to be so good
they now occupy half of my phone memory and shit no I'm not deleting any.
No. 328591
File: 1697769072467.gif (2.98 MB, 534x300, licking the screen.gif)

>>328028This photo makes me laugh so hard why is he stanced up like that, who got him that shirt, are those the same goddamn sneakers he wears in every 2000s convention photo? Supporting your descent into madness 100%.
>>328518>copy every movement like a chimp at the zooGaping like a fish out of water every time he bares his teeth, playing mimic like animals behind glass panes!!! What the fuck is it about the squint and sneer that makes me want to snarl back at the screen?
>>328528Love so much that the communal response is
sucking the dentures out of his mouth kek, the gaps are just too cute.
No. 328593
File: 1697769538493.gif (Spoiler Image,9.62 MB, 540x289, Tumblr_l_15359857568253.gif)

>>328521Nice nonna provided you with materials, I'll provide timestamps
00:28:28, 00:33:28, 00:57:42Love you, guest anon. Always happy to help.
No. 328598
File: 1697775928384.gif (6.83 MB, 534x300, tyroneVSkarras.gif)

>>328531Sorry didn't realize so many people were having issues with that site, would uploading to Mega from now on be better?
>those scenesStraight up I just love staring at the shape of his body
not like that.
>>328066 described it really well
>in his priest clothes he still looks so tiny but when he takes them off it’s BAM HELLO muscleswhether muscular or skinny his frame is so small in comparison to anyone who happens to be in the same scene. Delicate men exist but unlike them he also manages to look beautiful, handsome, weird, all at once.
Men should be banned from showing their faces in public except him so that scientists can figure out why he's the hottest ever.>>328587>descent to madnessDourif Enjoyers Thread Testimonials: If It Wasn't For This Thread, I'd Be Committed! Cheers to this one and many more. Always wondering how many collective braincells are spent writing, drawing, or daydreaming about him at any given moment kek
>>328521Hey nonners the uniform doesn't actually stay on for any of those scenes but there is a bit where he goes to a strip club in clericals and has a very polite conversation with a woman sticking her entire asshole in his face, it's both funny and insanely hot because he's deadly serious the entire time.
No. 328599
File: 1697776036184.gif (Spoiler Image,2.35 MB, 525x295, hand_stroke.gif)

>>328593That mouth is MADE for kisses.
No. 328603
File: 1697778412659.gif (4.02 MB, 500x270, 516BD377-F920-4051-B133-4011FC…)

>>328531>men should be kept weak and docilebut anon there’s something so hot about a man that’s strong enough to physically over power you but lets you hurt him anyways, it means he’s fully surrendering himself to you, truly giving you control, that kind of devotion/love/insanity is ooooooh
unless you just like scrawny men, or an unwilling participant is what you want, also hot>>328521laughing like a maniac the douriffag-fags are such a weird phenomena to me
>>328593>>328599I’m genuinely so sad it hurts, ywn get to make sweet tender love to him, i feel like shit. The Germans must have a weirdly specific word for this painful forlorn horniness. Would be stuck on that mouth like my life depended on it, the tuft of chest hair it’s killing me i wanna run my fingers through it and pull, someone hold me I can’t take this shit no more
No. 328604
File: 1697780030206.png (664.91 KB, 759x646, 11.png)

>>328603NTA but
>unwilling participant
Him being so thin but still so STRONG (see Horseplayer) is part of the appeal, the sheer strength difference, I wanna fistfight and bite and scratch and fuck. Your gif loop is hypnotic.
>forlorn horninessAt least 2D husbandofags can get body pillows, will never accidentally bump his lovely nose when kissing or nuzzle that arm hair…holding you in solidarity.
No. 328612
File: 1697785210550.gif (4.11 MB, 500x270, Tumblr_l_210470482604137.gif)

>>328591>playing mimic It's this weird little thing about watching Brad when you realize your face started moving the same way and you try to speak like he does, you sort of stare at people and things with additional unnecessary intensity that might make you look mad, and let's not forget the eye bugging.
Don't know about you all, but noticed I'm doing just that, hate that thing about me yet I can't help it.>>328598>spoilerMore sperging ahead
The secret to his attractiveness isn't just in the amazing face of his but it's how he carries himself. It's true that he's more delicate than most men but he's not overdoing it, he's more manly than these typical macho types because he's probably confident enough about himself or just knows how to smooth out the insecurities. Plus his genuine polite presence combines with that hint of mystery and weirdness. Let's admit it, Brad himself is no ordinary guy with interests you wouldn't expect him to have and intelligence you don't really see in most actors. Coming back to the face, I'm ready to repeat it a 1000 times, but he articulates with such nuance, such detail, you know what he's saying without hearing him. It all makes the face more alive, so it's like rubber that can change shape and look different depending on situation. As another anon well said it, there's something animalistic in all the snarling and lip curling, in primal display of emotions like fear, despair or anger that he gets to perform a lot. This is why it's always so convincing and deep, because Brad knows how to put his whole face to work and make his body speak as well. There's a lot of physicality to his performances that we don't even notice, but he's constantly shapeshifting simply by changing his posture, doing something with his hands and so on. There's so much to say about it but every aspect of how his body works makes him absolutely fascinating.I've spent all of my active braincells on this, please end me. I need to go and accelerate some more.
>>328603>lets you hurt himYou get it,
nonnie, having same thoughts about this.
As for the rest: same, girl, same. The despair causes me almost physical pain.
Need this man in my life so bad I'm cracking my own bones to dull the emotional turmoil and strain.
No. 328618
File: 1697790157466.jpeg (76.98 KB, 959x716, C0F848D2-8677-47F2-9D09-C44F63…)

>>328604>>328612Dourif thread slowly turning into a support group, it’s okay girls we’ll get through this, somehow. Was looking for an appropriate pic and got caught up in the sheriff again.
No. 328619
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No. 328620
File: 1697790413731.gif (1.83 MB, 513x289, 1E2FF950-9EB4-46FB-AE80-6E4392…)

yeah, hungry for that SAUSAGE. Need to be bonked over the head and sent to horny jail
No. 328649
File: 1697797505706.jpg (57.05 KB, 837x365, 1693868995.jpg)

>>328618>Mfw my rants turn into a readable diagnosis for everyone around but me>>328619That insane profile though…
>>328620KEK, leave all regrets and doubts behind, nonna, go wild!
No. 328761
File: 1697822853971.jpg (2.52 MB, 2828x4243, Choose your fav.jpg)

Finally made a little thing I promised some time ago
No. 328799
File: 1697830101032.png (713.76 KB, 991x693, beauty and a beast.png)

>>328598>gif nameWell, I'm glad it's not just me making that comparison/crossover.
Mixdrop's not been great for me either, any alternatives are appreciated.
>Delicatepicrel, this is one of my favorite for compare and contrast.
Just pop him over your shoulder and take him home. >>328761I feel this should be a to-do list, not a choice. Love it, anon.
No. 328806
File: 1697831262392.png (Spoiler Image,426.33 KB, 670x553, worlds most delicate…)

>>328612>spoilerYou got it.
He emotes physically. And because he commits so deeply to everything he does he's always captivating to watch. Talk about it any time you want, anon.
>>328649New reaction pic right there, made me smile.
Enjoying the pics and gifs, thank you all.
Quality isn't great but picrel is our dainty hitman having to reach up to menace a
victim. Bless.
No. 328840
File: 1697837022008.gif (2.84 MB, 508x286, 9A1CE0F1-4990-432F-99CA-B8FE3F…)

>>328649anon don’t encourage me, trying so hard not to post every little horny thought as it pops into my head. Thread would be full in half a day.
>>328761Making a beeline for Jack’s mouth like he’s the hottest thing around and I’m a missile
every time I watch that “keep your forked tongue behind your teeth!” scene I can’t help but think, yeah, I know where you can put it>>328799>>328806cryin WHY IS HE SO SMALL
No. 328854
File: 1697843016405.gif (4.19 MB, 444x240, 102023.gif)

>>328417Still thinking about how much Final Judgement delivered for a cheap genre film, love him in action the energy is incomparable when he whips out a gun and does his leggy run. He's got amazing presence even standing around doing nothing but man getting to see so much range in that movie of all things, would kill to go back in time and have him do more comedy, action, drama, etc. Just, so many long ass TV movies where he gives 100% for five minutes and the next hour feels empty. Was rewatching Equalizer and getting sad there weren't a hundred other roles like Judgement where he got to shine.
>>328618>>328619Nobody irl understands, if just thinking about his face didn't make me so happy I'd be crying daily about the unattainable.
Also becoming a sideburn aficionado thanks to these closeups, they're especially cute when his hair's grown out.>>328761ANON I'M GONNA GET THIS MADE INTO A POSTER KEK THE CAPTIONS, THE HEADSHOTS, so many good boys in one image, can't stop giggling. Truly a homegrown meme made with love.
Autistically pulling myself away from the screen 'cause I'm about to KISS IT would sell my soul to lick right up from his chin to his nose… Ninth circle of hell wouldn't know what hit it.
No. 328859
File: 1697844821027.jpg (34.7 KB, 640x435, 11791143573_eed06d4b02_z.jpg)

>>328799>>328806Even knowing we're all on the same wavelength it's so unexpected and funny you were thinking that too anon, how is 'priest working out in a grey tracksuit' a trope that happened at least twice? YEAH THANK YOU FOR POSTING THAT PIC and yeah he's not outrageously short at 175 but still
dreaming about pressing him between me and a wall, wearing heels and having him on tiptoe for a kiss, the tension of staring him down at eye level, all while knowing he'd still be able to lift a girl up in his arms if he wanted to. A man of many talents. No. 328896
File: 1697856494895.jpg (54.18 KB, 750x600, s-l16002.jpg)

Don't remember what Blue Velvet stuff has been posted, sorry if old news. Trying to contain the so small so adorable autism but It's impressive that the intimidation factor is there regardless of height difference, the crazy eyes and aggro body language sell it every time
No. 328898
File: 1697856775836.jpg (105.78 KB, 1000x667, feelinblue.jpg)

Lynch really said "I'm going to hire you and MacLachlan for everything except he's lead and you're only getting bit roles" what the fuck
No. 328918
File: 1697861379342.jpg (125.81 KB, 1896x1080, Screenshot_2023-10-18-23-17-40…)

>>328799>>328806>>328896He may be smol but it really doesn't take away from the menacing presence, that's how he makes it work (and also he's built perfectly so at a first glance you'd think he'd actually be the tallest guy in the room).
>>328854Anon, you get it. I really really loved seeing Brad in action. All that running, gun wielding and even punching isn't totally ridiculous because these cheap TV movie makers thought about how to make it look more realistic so there's
struggle every time he has to deal with someone. I found that pretty cool and realistic. Still badass as hell.
He's seriously capable of so much it's devastating how he was mostly underused in film. We do need to go back in time to become his agent and PR team/beginner filming crew.
So happy everyone liked this thingie
>>328761, it inspires me to create more funny bs. Anyways, feel free to kiss your screens, this is our only chance…
No. 329014
finally opened up my lotr mags. it's not much but fellow grima lovers stay tuned for a nice little present some time next week!
>>328799god i wish that was me, i need to grow a foot taller asap.
>>328761help i can't stop staring at this.
No. 329063
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>>329014Does this count as another instance of single brain cell? I don’t even have the Grima brain rot (yet) but felt like drawing him for no reason the other day. Why does he make the dumbest cutest expressions, his face always makes me wanna laugh
No. 329064
File: 1697916945559.jpg (85.4 KB, 787x561, BATH TIME.JPG)

No. 329123
File: 1697939121194.jpeg (191.05 KB, 1125x2044, 493A3031-A9AC-4CD1-B932-855280…)

>>329063>>329064holy shit im insane you captured his wetness so well, i love your pixel brush too! you're right, he's so bug eyed and weird and needs to be studied by herpetologists in a lab. and it's not something i've thought about before ever, outside of the throwaway shampoo comment but i now need to teleport him into our modern era and show him around and introduce him to modern luxuries
and modern day torture obviously before he runs off and finds some suitably evil old guy to serve instead i guess. we'd have do much fun! um i'm so insane about your art. thank you so much your gifts are very appreciated by grimafags of this world.
btw there used to be some grima stuff that had this weird egg shaped symbol on them (all the characters had their own) idk what it's even supposed to represent, maybe like a really really abstract snake head but it's kinda neat.
No. 329190
>>329123oh my god Grima in modern times would be so funny, he was so perplexed by gun powder all this modern technology would make his brain explode
>before he runs off and finds some suitably evil old guy to servethis is such an interesting aspect to me, that he tries to weasel his way to power through someone else. You think a part of him likes being subservient? I’ve really got to read the books but my head is already so full, I need
some time that isn’t spent thinking about a Brad character, I’m losing my sanity.
No. 329202
File: 1697977350087.jpg (793.69 KB, 1104x1500, Tumblr_l_317734753078427.jpg)

Anyone read this article? I can share the rest of it, if no
No. 329206
File: 1697978221602.jpg (65.62 KB, 1063x556, Snapinsta.app_82052531_5890911…)

>>329190i find grima and saruman's dynamic so compelling (another reason to be pissed about the cut scenes). idk if this is actual character analysis or just me projecting a bunch of things i think are hot on him but i think grima has internalized the feeling of being powerless (being othered, lifelong sickliness, re: backstory brad came up with) so yes, he's ambitious but 'number one important henchman' is the highest position he dares aim for, being a vulture circling around an actual capable predator is the best he can do. i believe he was serving the king in earnest at first, it was probably his dream position for a long time and he genuinely admired his rule and benevolence, but by that point he was already embittered and easily swayed by saruman's promises and the influence he had on middle earth, even if saruman was scary and unhinged and violent, just because he was much more powerful. so it's half an actual desire to serve half being stuck in a fucked up cycle of his own making.
hed enjoy serving me though because i can learn from the previous two and i understand the concept of negative and positive reinforcement and i'll do both. im different.>>329202it was good, pls do in case anyone here might be curious, i don't have my grimarticles folder with me right now
No. 329214
File: 1697980296178.jpg (1018.42 KB, 1094x1500, Tumblr_l_317737890428269.jpg)

Okay, posting the rest then
No. 329243
File: 1697990191846.jpg (39.19 KB, 413x471, sticking my finger in his mout…)

>>329063>>329064GRIMA ART GRIMA ART HOW ARE WE SO LUCKY how did you manage to depict his reptilian smoothness so well HE LOOKS SO CUTE, I'm crazy about the way his worried little eyebrow ridge is drawn together even without eyebrows (the titled head almost asking "what are you going to do to me?" I want to squash him), still fawning over the luxurious way you draw his hair, if he didn't seem like he'd leave a mysterious green film in the tub I'd drag him in with me and drown him in there.
>>329123>>329206>modern day tortures
Teehee do you have any thoughts to share? It's not modern per se but herbal medicines are sorely underutilized in Tolkienverse and I was wondering what would be the worst thing to put into his system. Grima in the throes of fever psychosis with his head on your lap getting lovingly fed poppy milk would be kind of funny, he'd be crawling in the halls hallucinating Nazgul and confessing all his crimes against the kingdom. The egg thing is pretty, excited that (even if obscure) you found an insignia that doesn't cross over with Saruman.
>internalized the feeling of being powerlessIt makes sense in context because he never reaches above his means, he's such a coward he wouldn't be able to handle the responsibility of kingship (or some other such lofty position). Like he's so isolated and unloved his one desire isn't for power it's for companionship kek, what a loser.
Dark she-lords need footstools so he'll be useful 5ever.>>329214The description of Grima as "clever sleazy" is topkek, and I never considered that they basically had to write fanfic to flesh out his character.
>If there's a swordfight, I really felt that this guy would hit the floor and get as far away from any sharp objects as he could. This guy's not going to go flying off into battle for anybody.GRIMACHAN DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THIS BEFORE YOU'RE SO SMART
No. 329247
File: 1697990819630.jpeg (99.1 KB, 1164x655, IMG_8484.jpeg)

>>329246if you wanna watch this man run around with his intense ass eyes trying to be a doctor to people that suck you should see deadwood
he's the town's conscience and like the only good scrote in the series
No. 329253
File: 1697992913500.jpg (1.74 MB, 1950x2560, JABSJSNSBJSBDHSIAPKSVEVE.JPG)

>>329246>>329247NONNA. I seriously just ordered the blu rays earlier today i can’t fucking wait
>>329206>>329243You’re both deep in the Grima lore but I was thinking maybe he doesn’t aim higher because being someone’s right hand man is like being their professional best friend and that’s all he wants, being the number one person the guy in charge turns to must make him feel really important
No. 329254
File: 1697993726381.jpg (223.34 KB, 873x1310, 39144834-873-1310.jpg)

>>329246Him in more than a one-off TV show appearance has been tempting me for so long but holy shit three seasons, gotta make time to watch this one. Underrated is right.
>>329253Crying and laughing at professional best friend, why you gotta make him sound adorable like that. Everyone listens to him if he's THE advisor, the only time he'll ever get some positive attention. I like it.
>>327101Very late on this but yes I'm free on the 25th and 30th!! If everyone is okay to do Medium Rare this Wednesday and Halloween on the 30th please lmk.
No. 329256
>>329243IKR HIS EXPRESSION IS SO GOOD it's so mistrustful and meek, we're blessed. also your picrel and that other similar looking pic are such a mystery to me because they look almost like movie stills rather than production photos, it's really wild. lightning makes me think edoras or maybe the isengard caves?
im not at all well versed in psychoactive substances so someone might need to get me up to speed on that. i mean, anything that causes serious discomfort and hallucinations would be amazing??? even better if he starts getting withdrawal symptoms. once again you deliver the most delicious ideas, i'd LOVE to have him crawl around in mental anguish for a bit. as for more modern ideas it's kinda dark but
choking him with a plastic bag or an old gas mask, cattle prods, broken glass, umm… pliers. the whole damn hardware store actually. if any of that seems like your thing…>swordfightit really comes across in the edoras scene from the book where theoden is offering him to fight with his army, at that moment i could really see his rodent mind thrashing around looking for any available exits that would let him avoid battle while not confirming the obvious fact that he's a cowardly traitor to everyone in the room. like you can literally feel him squirming like a small animal in your palm when he runs out of excuses kek. so i guess brad managed to capture that pretty well.
>>329254pretty sure i'm free too! and yes craving attention and importance yet doomed to be a mere footnote in an epic story about people who are actually powerful and good and noble… ooohhhhh…
No. 329262
File: 1697995495903.jpg (178.2 KB, 1023x682, 1693868556.jpg)

My lame ass won't have time for a new series till next year, literally. You Deadwood watchers are so lucky!
Glad that article I found was useful to some, feels good hehe. And I will be able to tune in for movie time on 25th or 30th (or even 31st if anything changes).
No. 329272
File: 1697998763465.png (2.79 MB, 1011x1400, Scan_20231022.png)

Was hoping for a Brad interview in
Toxic Horror #3 but it's Hooper instead, the pic on page 4 is new (to me) though.
>>329256The colour grading on LotR production pics is so weird even the Eowyn bedchamber still looks orange-y in the calendar scan. That angle makes it look like the "troubled mind" scene? The Isengard caves are going to haunt us forever it seems where are the goddam deleted scenes PJ.
So many toxic herbs were used as mild sedatives idk why it tickles me to think of soothing his ills (and his fear of you) only to overdose him with disastrous amounts of paralytic/hallucinogenic nightshade. Sorry the negative/positive reinforcement bit really got my ass, he deserves to get gaslit.
>modern hardware tools
Medieval tortures require ingenuity but there is nothing more simple and effective than a hammer to the fingers. Winches, screwdrivers, what's that thing called that cracks bones open? That thing.I hesitate to say "repent through death" is a sexy concept but IT IS, by that point Grima's fallen so far from dignity like he'd rather besmirch the name of his forefathers and forever go down as a traitor than die aw. Doesn't it make you want to take him to the brink of death's door only to save him and reinforce that Stockholm syndrome? God I love his desperation in any capacity, desperate to be loved, important, included.
>>329262That DM pic in the article is ♥ Thanks again anon.
No. 329273
File: 1697998831763.png (2.91 MB, 1015x1400, Scan_20231022 (2).png)

No. 329276
File: 1697998863803.png (2.91 MB, 1009x1400, Scan_20231022 (3).png)

No. 329277
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No. 329323
File: 1698004488970.png (321.07 KB, 656x674, lotr_conquest___by_order_of_gr…)

>>329272oh we eating tonight
>stockholm syndromei want him so dependent on me and so paranoid and fearful of the whole outside world, if he was insecure and wary before i need him racked with panic the moment he's left alone because his duplicitous ways achieved nothing except burning all the bridges and i'm the only one who could possibly bother protecting him even if it's only to torment him further.
also grima model from lotr conquest.
>>329277that IS a good pic, i loved the special effects so much, the charred over mouth and the neck hole and all
No. 329351
File: 1698010267247.gif (3.29 MB, 540x405, 0f59916e54.gif)

>>329323>racked with panic the moment's he's aloneUmm
in love with this train of thought. You'd have to keep him on his toes, can't have him getting used to the horrors and growing numb, give him a crumb of affection while shaking his neck in your fist. Thinking also about the massive display of power at protecting(?) him from the likes of Saruman purely because he's your chew toy, you could give him up any time but you won't simply because you're so endeared by him, lording your status as someone more feared than the White Wizard himself. How hot is it that you're his sword of Damocles? Do you think it would hurt his feefees if I were to break down how physically grotesque he is, like pet his alopecia mange and whisper to him that he's only fit to live in a pigsy. Grab his face and list off every undesirable, unlovable trait that disgusts other women? His self-loathing and prostration is already so extensive especially when he's reduced to crawling in the dirt I wonder what buttons are left to push. Play into his delusions by allowing him a moment of bravery to place a fearful kiss on my cheek, ooooohhh… Kek @ Grima having an actual sword, writing dissertations on why he'd have one with a thumb ring (compensating for poor swordsmanship? Favouring thrusting from a distance vs cleaving at close range?).
Sam's body decaying while his mental faculties stay sharp was great, he could have been a walking atom bomb with a charred brain but he's PISSED AS HELL instead. Love him.
No. 329373
File: 1698017879031.jpg (306.18 KB, 1500x1000, Brad-Dourif-Ely-Pouget-Death-M…)

He is so beautiful I'm going to fucking die
No. 329375
File: 1698017992786.png (595.27 KB, 758x500, trauma15.png)

Sometimes I remember the Trauma photo and it makes me think about the anons itt kek
No. 329386
File: 1698022937827.png (479.28 KB, 695x576, movie night with mano.png)

Where do I start with all these posts, you are all amazing.
>>329063Anon, your art captures his essence, beautiful.
>>329123Snake's head, forked tongue, Celtic-style knotwork
or he's joined an obscure branch of Assassins Creed you never know.
>>329202>>329272Thank you ScAnons, appreciate your work in sharing these.
>>329262>won't have timeI hear you, not enough hours in the day.
>>329351Good lord, that gif.
>>329373How does he even look that good.
>>329375Thread selfie.
No. 329393
File: 1698026590902.gif (4.21 MB, 387x290, lashes and everything else.gif)

>>329386The sheer fluffiness of that hair and the tendons in his hand, I want to watch movies with him (and do other stuff) too ugh. So hot it's awful.
No. 329539
File: 1698081859455.jpg (3.53 MB, 3342x4144, totalfilm_jan_2003.jpg)

sorry about the quality, we really tried. this mag didn't have anything new at all but enjoy anyway.
>>329351>>329386seconded, that gif does things to me. not saying what things.
nonny i'm crying i need to pet his crusty hair mop so so bad… i think you're spot on because even if he knows on some level how much he has deteriorated physically no one dared say anything so mean to his face for a long time, and saruman generally isn't that petty with his insults. speaking of, massive respect to the old man, it's nothing personal, we just deserve him more! would love to have a fireball match with him about it and let grima watch and die of fright. i'm sure saruman would understand though.
>kiss on my cheekoohhh rip my sanity
No. 329541
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No. 329543
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>>329542i just love this guy.
No. 329546
File: 1698082389929.jpeg (1.69 MB, 2147x1452, empire_jan_2003.jpeg)

>>329543finally the thing i was excited about. RARE PIC
this is 100% from the orthanc library scene which confirms grima played at least a somewhat important part in it. FUCK. No. 329707
File: 1698114942103.png (1.53 MB, 1440x1080, 12-perfumes-and-books.png)

Have you ever hinged on the idea of something so completely that you consider buying overpriced vaguely thematic perfumes to spray on your bedsheets and concoct elaborate fantasies of laying with your Mentat slave or what
>>329539>>329546Happy to see that pg 1 image in any iteration, beautiful eyeballs dirty fingernail stringy hair, curling up on top of him like a cat ASAP.
>POISON IN THE HEART OF ROHAN>VOICE ELOQUENT BUT STARVED OF OXYGENSexiest adjectives in an article ever. Buying mags is like winning the lotto sometimes, thank you so much for the scans and based rare Grima! Do you think maybe for the 30th anniversary they'll release an even more insane collector's edition with bonus content (ahah no please actually though someone must have workprints right?)
No. 329744
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>>329707>Mentat slaveNow that you mention it… Who am I to say no
No. 329787
File: 1698147283743.gif (1.65 MB, 460x347, ezgif-3-8d95edfe37.gif)

>>329744Can't believe it's come to this but he's so autistic I want to rail him five ways to Sunday. Suder's gonna kill me when I get to Voyager.
No. 329830
File: 1698157467803.jpg (84.21 KB, 1703x1080, Screenshot_2023-10-24-17-18-37…)

>>329787I'm obsessed with this human computer asshole. I can even forgive those who thought the atrocious eyebrows were a good idea. These eyes are too distracting anyway. There's catastrophic lack of Piter in the movie so I compensate with the book
and dirty fanfics. Because God he needs to be fucked in most vicious ways possible, I'd love to cause him so much pleasing pain he'd get a mild heart attack. Gurl do some fanfics deliver in that regard. No. 329919
File: 1698182627965.png (384.47 KB, 691x432, laughs in Dourif.png)

>>329539>>329541Anon doing god's work, tysm.
>>329543Brad as a Christopher Lee impersonator was not where I thought things were going.
>Dourif kind of faceIs what we're here for.
>>329546I confess
I probably know the least about lotr, I rely on you all for lore and insight, but I am here in full support of the Only Goth in Middle Earth. for my sins.
Rare finds are always a joy.
>>329744Blessed are the sacred hairy caterpillar brows.
No. 329946
File: 1698191380336.png (437.07 KB, 711x539, putting rain in my eyes.png)

Today we have: I watched this so you don't have to, Hidden Agenda.
Damn frustrating. Brad looks adorable in his cosy sweaters and suits as a human rights lawyer. He is an average nice guy, trying to make a difference. so of course he gets assassinated in the first 20 minutes The rest of the film is well acted but dull unless you're into Brit/Irish political corruption of the era.
But we do get some very fluffy curls, wholesome hugs and kisses, miles of leg and a shadowy flash of naked chest and knee when he gets out of the hotel bed. Victorian anons, prepare for an attack of the vapors which is nice.
Pics incoming.
No. 329947
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No. 329951
File: 1698191690829.png (411.02 KB, 720x531, and rocks in my heart.png)

No. 329952
File: 1698191848721.png (Spoiler Image,450.34 KB, 720x531, that ole devil.png)

No. 329954
File: 1698192035193.png (Spoiler Image,408.64 KB, 720x540, called love.png)

No. 330002
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>>329869A necklace strung with the bones of your enemies is boring I want one made with pieces of beloved's fucked up teeth.
You have to wonder how much worse they could have been though like they already look dead and rotting. The way this is worded also makes me a little, you know
>She allowed me to kind of suck her in, and she got very soft and very vulnerable and then she turned around on me, and that was pretty much a cool thing for me to watch her do that>>329919>Only Goth in Middle EarthKEK
>>329946Another one really high up on my list but knowing that he
DIES AGAIN hurts, always love to see him do more serious work. Actually I'm really curious to see him and Frances McDormand in another movie together!! Do you think this one made him feel better after the Mississippi Burning depression kek, caps of the scene where he's cuddling her make me laugh at the character contrast a bit. The curly hair & jumper combo is incredible, so cozy. To be held in those arms…
lovely filenames, too ♥>>329954>>329952IS THAT HIS THIGH? I didn't realize there'd be any skin in this one, and the lighting on that pec, the director couldn't have staged a more perfect shot. Feels bad to gawk considering the context but fuck his torso and shoulders look so soft.
No. 330022
File: 1698206245829.png (1.57 MB, 891x1190, 2.png)

Jumping on the trendy 3x4 bandwagon, cross out one character you'd get rid of in each row there's a hardmode version but it seemed unnecessarily cruel lel
No. 330042
File: 1698215276503.jpeg (254.07 KB, 891x1190, 982B2E2E-0276-4005-B11A-281BEC…)

>>330022the bottom row is unfair lol
>>329946>>329952Thanks for all the caps and review, he does crazy so well but I wish he got at least one starring role where he’s completely normal and nothing too terrible happens to him. So cute with the cardigan wish he got to play a sitcom dad or smth
>>329539Even if there’s nothing new or groundbreaking I still appreciate everything getting shared!! Saving every little bit
>>329375Group trip to the uk in November so we can recreate this pic with him
and then steal him away haha jk jk…unless No. 330070
File: 1698220665140.jpg (862.86 KB, 1080x1434, 563384.jpg)

>>329869>one hour with Brad DourifOh the things one can fit into that time period. Man.
It was a great read! I loved it so much, so many new little things.
He said his past gf was a junkie, god wtf did he have to deal with in life>>329946>>329954>>329952Victorian anons reporting a mass eye rolling and fainting occurrence. "My god, a whole thigh" they exclaimed as they fell to the floor.
Brilliant report as usual, thank you! I will probably still see the whole film because I'm interested in the topic
not even a britbong but still need that trivia.
>>330022The last row is blasphemy and I'm too weak sorry.
No. 330096
File: 1698235230130.gif (5.86 MB, 500x313, 686B2217-F5E7-4273-9E69-25B832…)

Bad Lieutenant was so crazy I had to watch it twice. Nic Cage being very Nic Cage as a corrupt cop, NOT a watch with your mom type of movie sorry anon
he gets a handy in one scene it was VILE it was pretty fun kinda weird. Brad is a very cute bookie
would offer him my services when I can’t pay off my debt ooooh was really surprised by the stacked cast until the end when I saw it was yet another Herzog film, what a fan boy
>>330070 was shared last thread but it’s a good read if you haven’t seen it yet
No. 330098
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No. 330112
>>330002hell yeah more frances mcdormand!
>teethsame, i'm entering actual horror tier horniness levels.
>>330070>>329919i'm glad you liked my finds, i've been on a massive lotr kick lately (i say as if i'm not perpetually on a lotr kick). also yes i appreciate how we all like these different characters and can bring something fun to the thread! hope you enjoy our vaguely lore grounded essays.
>>330096>NOT a watch with your mom type of movie oh ok damn…
No. 330122
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>>330096Thanks a lot for the link, I think I've read most of this on different sources but a few facts were new, like a bit more info about his teaching days. Told you all nobody dared to approach him because he was too intimidating!
Oh to be his student and have staring contests with him during classes. Hopefully outside of them too if we talk about being lucky hehe.So Bad Lieutenant is fun and weird, means I need to see it. Thank god my mom doesn't give a shit, and I can always put the movie on and just leave for a moment if it gets a bit weird. Will conduct that experiment whenever I can. Everybody learn while I'm still alive.
>>330112Any find is priceless, lotr find is more priceless than others, we all know it. Thanks for sharing great stuff, nonna.
Bumped into one interview and this answer proves Brad is no method actor after all and doesn't really respect it either (based).
No. 330130
File: 1698246959661.jpeg (Spoiler Image,145.46 KB, 769x768, BC4C02BD-9D78-4F70-ACE7-115CC3…)

>>330042Cover Johnny in those hearts 'cause he deserves it, kekking at James getting tossed out by both of you
>>330070. Went through IMDB for shits to see how many normal guy roles he has and Santa Monica was truly a gift, he was cute and normal and we even got some waterworks. Wait is
Santa Claus considered a normal role idk.
>Group tripPLEASE that'd be hilarious, he probably forgot about Trauma as soon as they were done filming
>>330070>a whole thighReposting picrel because I'm still not fucking over it.
Feeling ashamed by how much I want to rest my face on his naked thighs.>>330096Speaking of Herzog, have you seen Scream of Stone? Scruffy slightly unhinged sweetie, looking forward to watching it but hopefully it's not another one of those background roles. The pulled back ponytail is so hot it's fucked, watched Cypress Edge again because it's such a good look on him.
No. 330134
File: 1698247722067.jpg (128.13 KB, 490x826, yea me too.jpg)

>>330122When he described his "intimidation technique" of running his hand through his hair and staring silently at his students I got so confused, how is that intimidating. He could stare at me for an hour without saying anything and I'd still be horny for him.
>>330112>horror tier horninessNext thread title
please No. 330137
File: 1698248664470.gif (994.96 KB, 350x228, 81B148CB-3D02-4AE5-B231-1F50DC…)

>>330130I made this discovery a while ago and somehow never posted but you can totally see his package after Michael sets him down, don’t ask why/how I noticed……..
took another peek to confirm I didn’t hallucinate this and AHHHHHHHHH!! Trying not to say indecent things holy fuck haven’t watched Scream of Stone, I think I found it somewhere online but it was dubbed in french or something so I didn’t bother watching. But I’m obsessed with the way he looks in it, like shifty eyed and a little off but there’s something hot about it
No. 330140
>>330137You know I meant to rewatch it sometime this week and now it's an absolute necessity, you're such an eagle-eyed viewer kek. Gonna scrub through it frame by frame
feel free to post indecent thoughts I think the one body part we haven't discussed in-depth has been his dick funnily enough. Fucked up that a scene of him on the toilet gave us so much. Never cared for stubble before but Death Machine has converted me into a stubbly Brad appreciator, plus the hair sticking out from under the earmuffs, too cute.
No. 330309
File: 1698315332601.jpg (297.93 KB, 1439x1564, how tragic.jpg)

Jack’s search history, please add your own
>cheap carbon steel
>old building demolition
>transformers action figures
>do girls like robots
>how to kiss a girl
>shark vs grizzly bear
>are eggs a vegetable
Thanks for hosting yesterday! I fucking passed out sorry lol, so tired
No. 330327
File: 1698324761143.jpg (486.41 KB, 1210x1080, this vampire has a special off…)

>>330134His intimidation technique is fucking hot okay, I'd probably be staring back like insane. We'd have a competition, a civil rivalry of crazies going. God I need to stop thinking about this!
I've never had hots for teachers, but that one would 100% get it, and I seriously can't stop rummaging through all possible scenarios plaguing my head>>330309Search history:
>will i get affected by radiation if i xray my ass 10 times>used printer-scanner buy>what does idk mean>why does it tell me it doesn't know what idk means>is my computer okay>boobsThis is probably silly but
idkWell, the movie night was absolutely wonderful, I've had a goddamn blast. Please don't let me talk so much you people, it's too easy to make me go insane! Posting that dumbass pic from last night, it needs to be there.
No. 330336
File: 1698328940382.jpg (197.4 KB, 1071x935, Screenshot_2023-10-26-16-54-50…)

Uh okay, I don't care for Chucky series enough (though I consider watching), but it's going to deliver us something incredible. Crying giggling kicking my feet, he looks so great it's unbelievable.
No. 330358
File: 1698336512469.png (756.03 KB, 440x744, childsplay01272.png)

Thanks for coming everyone, these awful films are truly more enjoyable with friends ♥
>>330309Aw look at that dumb little penus, he's so cute kek
>buy machine gun online>machine gun cost in USD>buy women underwear online>does superglue work on titanium i beams>funny cartoon season 2 episode 1>porn tied up gun knife blindfold sexy>>330327He
would scan his ass and leave copies on everyone's desk.
Never really thought about Father Paul before aside from "hot" but the potential of keeping a vampire priest bf like a pet (for his own good of course) brings to mind many ideas thank you.>>330336BRADFORD IN THE FLESH!!!!! Can't stop staring at his fluffy white hair and smiling he looks so damn good, I'm so happy he's making even a short appearance, it'll be so nice to see him in action again! Best news we've had all month
No. 330363
File: 1698338291978.jpg (69.46 KB, 790x422, 6DB71289-CC82-4FC9-9AEB-F8576C…)

Seriously hiding my face and trying not to screamcry this might be the last time someone's going to drag him in front of a camera and he's actually wearing a nice suit for once and his chubby old man cheeks and his beautiful eyes this is emotional warfare
No. 330384
File: 1698346396656.png (36.04 KB, 885x218, scream of stone review.png)

>>330358Thank you for hosting again, anon, we always have fun.
>>330137Scream of stone
Don't get your hopes up, sounds like another small role. Picrel. But you'll have to let us know if you find it. Loving the crazy eyes gif.
>>330336Oh, he's adorable.
We are ready.
No. 330405
>>330363Nooo, don't say it, he will show up on screen again if there's something interesting I'm sure! Running away to write my own script, I'll be back and we organize a campaign to get Brad in our movie.
>>330358Just one second in a teaser and there's already enough food to keep us going till the end of the year, I'm obsessed with this fact.
No. 330462
File: 1698381434987.png (1.75 MB, 891x1190, pain.png)

>>330022>>330042>>330070I'm fucking sorry Clark, I am, but nothing beats the intensity of that X-Files episode
>>330405Mancini seriously missed out on having him show up again in the films, could have been raking in some cash from both the Chucky and Brad crowds this entire time
No. 330468
File: 1698383228775.gif (1000.73 KB, 554x311, sp00ky.gif)

With BST rolling back this week what is more convenient, starting an hour later for DST zones (1000PT, 1300ET) or 16h00 instead of 1700BST? We should all be caught up with the time change for movie nights after that.
No. 330593
File: 1698431165274.jpg (135.87 KB, 1024x576, 1695989548.jpg)

Excuse me
No. 330635
File: 1698441199229.jpg (Spoiler Image,174.52 KB, 1300x824, leedourif-the-lord-of-the-ring…)

everyone zooming in on
johnny toilet scene, and im zooming in on grima's hair to look for parasitic lifeforms oh no no no look at the top of his head.
>>330468i might miss a bit at the start if we do 1600bst
No. 330646
>>330635if only there were a Grima
chamber pot scene
um totally kidding. I thinkmix of disgust but also laughing because he’s so gross oh my god is he just gonna fall down dead at any moment?? How is he still walking upright what the fuck does his diet consist of does he EVER wash? Is his hair just falling out in chunks from malnutrition and evil? Is Saruman too rough with the little guy and ripping it out? Hmm grimalovers let me know what you think of him having trichotillomania, yay or nay, would be a possible explanation for lack of eyebrows. ugh he’s like a stray dog with mange, I wanna clean him up and give him some vitamin c pills
>>330468starting an hour later would work better for me
No. 330658
File: 1698445730387.png (399.98 KB, 720x480, Here's looking at you. Closely…)

>>330468>gifGoddamn those fingers.17:00 Britfag time would be better if that works for other anons. But I'll go with whatever most anons can do.
>>330022It's no good. I tried rows, I tried columns, I tried weird diagonals.
Instead you will find me
in the finest Brad tradition, in a heap on the floor screaming "No, no, no…!" >>330635>picPoor baby, I feel I should be gently rubbing calendula salve into his scalp as he softly purrs on his knees at my feet. Am I over thinking this?
Whilst we're zooming in on things, the mayor's suit is a little snug in certain areas. Picrel.
No. 330829
File: 1698515098861.gif (844.59 KB, 400x225, 3E192642-6D3E-47DD-A5B1-13DB9B…)

AAHHHHHHHHHH HUMBOLDT COUNTY WAS SO GOOD. Struggling med student gets stranded with some pot growers and goes through some growth himself, Brad as the loving protective family patriarch was TOO MUCH oh this one was really good and it was the source of those mystery ass pics. Did I play the scene as slow as possible to look for a hint of peen? Maybe. idk if I saw it probably just some shadows and wishful thinking
No. 330830
File: 1698515280436.gif (8.02 MB, 540x350, E0B54D08-A2DD-4681-9337-32F3D5…)

chill content well spoken intellectual father figure but sometimes kind of a snippy smartass scratched an itch I did not know i had. Something about the way he carried himself in this role just felt different, or maybe it’s that I’ve never really seen him play a character like this before but I’m transfixed.
No. 330833
File: 1698515953037.gif (3.27 MB, 434x288, 374AA39C-DE26-4A00-9C5D-477F87…)

Last Kind Words was alright, teen romance with a bit of mystery, mostly the main actor was very lackluster. Would probably watch it again though because look at him??
No. 330837
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No. 330839
File: 1698516562762.gif (8.66 MB, 540x375, EF91B434-F1C2-478B-A9AD-ABAF52…)

And this fuckin movie…at least Brad looked good. Herzog movies are maybe not for me.
No. 330843
>>330829Humboldt County is a MUST for us Dourif enjoyers, his character was wonderful and this whole film was unexpectedly good. It's such a great change from the rest of his filmography. Loved it.
>>330839Now that one was weird but pretty enjoyable. Films about deteriorating mind are always a bit of a wild ride (sometimes at a real slow mo pace). Did you like that scene with them staring at the camera for over a minute? I was trying not to laugh but I found it pretty cool nonetheless.
>>330833Noted, checking this out.
Nonna, thanks for reviews! Glad there's even more films we can discuss now.
No. 330885
File: 1698524642162.jpg (38.86 KB, 1383x687, Screenshot_2023-10-28-23-18-22…)

Why is it when I see a weird movie it's always with these two? Drop Dead Sexy was a mess but not as bad as some people say. The morbidity of it was pretty funny at times. Brad appeared for a minute but it was sick (and kinda twisted) as usual.
No. 330886
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>>330885Thankfully he really wasn't the weirdest character in the movie. No exaggeration.
No. 330887
File: 1698524976682.jpg (84.4 KB, 1865x1080, Screenshot_2023-10-28-23-18-35…)

>>330886Things did get much worse in the second act though, not going to lie. But I kept watching because I hate myself.
No. 331008
File: 1698546140161.gif (3.79 MB, 480x360, get-it-got-it.gif)

>>330635Not to be weird but even though I enjoy thinking about his body being grotesquely smooth and clammy this begs the question of whether
he's got weird sores all over from poor hygiene/some kind of medieval blight. Cursed by a bog witch with scabies and mange. Grima can fall a little ill with consumption
as a treat.>>330646>trichotillomaniaOH don't even start, daydreaming about a list of possible physical ailments that make him too sickly to function. Kind of want him neurotic and bedridden.
>>330658I fucking hate that suit did he get it out of a dumpster behind a thrift shop!!! How even in the most hideously oversized clothing possible do certain things still make themselves known, this calls for the expertise of the anon who was tinfoiling about shapes and sizes kek. Gif not quite rel but still has to be shared.
>>330829>>330830Speaking of "how", how did they convince him to bare his whole old man ass for this film of all things. Thank you for the reviews as always, not seen many of the newer ones so it's always nice to know what to expect going in.
Dad Brad fully has you in his clutches kekkkk nonny it's adorable. No. 331009
File: 1698546315194.jpg (104.72 KB, 1080x1080, 11374371_818459361607296_11585…)

Like 80% sure this is Claudia and Brad because her ex looks like an eviscerated potato and that hairline is inimitable
>>330885I keep hearing about how weird/terrible/cringe this one is but aarrrrghhhhh ponytail
No. 331016
File: 1698547875807.png (21.88 KB, 557x142, Screenshot 2023-10-28.png)

Vindication from Tilly's Bride of Chucky diary that he IS small and intense. Cute.
No. 331026
>>331016Goddamn it, Jennifer, so straight to the point KEK. Most accurate description ever.
>>331009It is weird movie but I wouldn't say it's totally terrible. It handles some of its themes too lightly and not funny enough at times but overall it wasn't the worst movie I've seen, so… I can even recommend to check it out.
>picExcuse me, he doesn't have a shirt on? AAaaAa, just kill me already! Where did you find that?
We spoke about a concept of blindfold on him before but reversing this concept sounds just as hot, I'm going to be thinking about it for hours god help me No. 331057
File: 1698560992599.jpeg (275.56 KB, 1023x553, F03D45A8-258E-434C-8192-18CF74…)

>>330843I just don’t know what to make of this one, I didn’t really like it. The freeze frame scenes annoyed me but of course I liked the one with him
>>330885just kept waiting for this one to get better, his character gave me the ick though he was too gross
>>331009ummmmmmmmmmm what is this picture
No. 331059
File: 1698561104053.png (2.34 MB, 900x1230, C5D7B682-AA0E-42D5-B386-5822F3…)

I haven’t seen this article before, so here it is
No. 331061
File: 1698561161881.png (2.27 MB, 900x1230, 5E2C6FC6-14D7-4E3D-93C5-9906E1…)

No. 331062
File: 1698561225906.png (2.53 MB, 900x1224, 940DC792-FCA8-426E-8752-E88410…)

No. 331064
File: 1698561290873.png (2.23 MB, 900x1220, 4F175A70-19AF-4F42-9039-A10564…)

No. 331111
>>331057My Son, My Son was strange but fascinating. I can't say I understood it, can't say I didn't, it touches upon that generational "parents fuck us up" topic that we all love, religious craze and kinda says "theater is really bad for mentally ill"? It's loosely based on the case of Mark Yavorsky who killed his mother in a reenactment of the scene from the play Orestes. Herzog tried to explore his mind but I don't think even he could manage to understand what was going on inside that head.
>ickThe fact he gives corpses a chance to have their last date ever should have been more endearing than anything kek (no)
Don't know what to make of that character, really, creators just said "all pathologists a bit strange" and went with it. This movie really had a lot of questionable ass scenes, some probably wouldn't work if other actors did them.
Dunno what it says about me if I did laugh at quite a few jokes. Maybe I'm just genuinely fucked up. Or tasteless. Or both. No. 331167
File: 1698595754325.gif (6.45 MB, 480x364, can i post without fucking up …)

Merry Crimmis>>331008Okay why did you have to remind me of this ep? Cat-like isn't usually first thing on my mind when I see him but that's all I could think here, so gorgeous. Would be smokin ten packs a day if only he would light my matches for me.
>>331111nonna…it seemed to me that
he was doing a whole lot more than just sharing a glass of wine with those corpses, c'mon now. But I prefer your interpretation, much sweeter. No. 331179
File: 1698598713972.jpg (28.49 KB, 533x400, a3-E6m-Xqp6dg~2.jpg)

>>331167Don't think I'm that naive I was just trying to humanize another horrible person. I'm like Brad fr kekLink asks for access request, nonna. Something broke mayhaps.
Also this gif is deadly, thank you very much.
No. 331189
File: 1698601639141.jpg (169.54 KB, 1280x1276, IMG_6801.JPG)

>>331179man I am just fuckin up left and right today, it should work now nonna
No. 331193
File: 1698602461472.jpg (546.42 KB, 1080x1069, Screenshot_2023-10-14-17-35-05…)

>>331189Don't worry,
nonnie, this week has been wild
can't stop thinking about this man even for a single second so it slows me at work all the timeThank you for the share, merry crinbus is coming early this year!
No. 331205
File: 1698605680739.png (511.8 KB, 665x566, Tech support.png)

>>330829Looking forward to this one even more now, ty for the review.
>>330833>>330839That goddamn stache. Hello.
>>331167>>331189Anon, it's fine, take a breath. We appreciate your help so much. This thread is a true team effort.
No. 331208
File: 1698606013844.gif (7.58 MB, 480x360, spit.gif)

Robert Zombie's Halloween at 1700GMT/1300ET/1000PT tomorrow, see you girls there!
>>331026>>331057Fansites always post photos from Cleo's Instagram so I went to check and found it. The small forearm-big hand ratio and stomach pudge, it's definitely him right? It's so pretty I don't want to think otherwise. Apparently it was a reference for a painting.
>>331061The first paragraph, Grima basically getting bullied into becoming a lackey by Saruman, kek.
>"Renfield, evil, yes"PJ gets it?? And what the fuck is it about Brad and ham sandwiches I'm laughing so hard
>>331167Thank you thank you thank you ♥ Hope we can watch this one together, I won't touch it yet. Was just thinking about it recently since it's getting cold and gloomy, almost time to daydream about getting snowed in with this grumpy old man.
Embarrassed by how easy I am the
>>324015 gif and "his crotch" lit my ass on fire, had to watch it immediately kek
not clever enough to figure out what I want to do between him and that syringe but the way he sticks his tongue out and holds it between his teeth fuuuuuck. Really a shame the episode was so short it would almost make an interesting movie with the premise of crazy dead acid rock guitarist, had more focus on plot than character but I'm obsessed (leggy, chest hair on full display, eyebags looking like a Nevada canyon), this might be the most stupid role to get hot and bothered over.
No. 331214
File: 1698608290745.jpg (24.9 KB, 392x594, yay.jpg)

god the premiere pics will haunt me till the end of times, how are there so many of them and how does he look so striking and hot and dazzling in literally every single one.
>>331167thanks so much nonna!
>>330646>trichotillomaniai'd buy it. my boy collecting various disorders like crazy.
>>331062the two pictures where he's side by side in the grima getup and his normal self are kind of insane bc i feel like even though i've seen the scenes many times with the knowledge of who he is, it’s still just this weird guy on the screen who doesn't quite look like brad, doesn't quite sound like brad and it’s a bit of a mind fuck. it’s really awesome how the crew all came together to create this character who feels like his own unique creature. like in my mind he’s basically a separate entity from brad, when i look at him i just see grima.
>>331208>PJ gets itnot gonna sperg about how much i need a renfield-esque bf again but yeah. he really gets it. the themes of deterioration, the raw sex appeal of blind hopeless servitude, being addicted to someone else's power… the genius of the christopher lee dracula reference.
No. 331215
File: 1698608715563.png (Spoiler Image,627 KB, 867x741, not first blood.png)

>>331059Thank you anon, always happy for more articles.
Is it bad that I misread the text over Grima as 'Brad Dourif Wet'…?>>331008>>331208>>331214>picsToday is a good day.
>>331208>stupid role to get hot and bothered overWe've not resorted to fainting over 20 second appearances on the Norm Show, we're doing fine…>HalloweenBowl of candy is ready for the sweet sheriff.
Have a Halloween friendly Stan.
No. 331217
File: 1698608953179.jpg (97.53 KB, 720x720, 7b6c7cc0043b413f5829b4eed8db7a…)

Don't know what to say, nothing of value, just going to drop this. He's plagued by closed eyes in photos too, what a relatable king.
No. 331225
File: 1698611091232.jpg (150.26 KB, 869x1297, LOTR LA CINERAMA DOME Hollywoo…)

>>331214Those ones and the Exorcist 2004 premiere pics are too good, he's such a fox.
>a separate entity from bradThe biggest testament to his acting is how easy it is to separate actor from character
it's why I couldn't get into the beard in Heaven's Gate/Laura Mars at first lmao. Makeup and clothing is definitely part of it but he brings out such a different energy for every character it's basically a different person altogether in my mind. Fully support your Renfield bf ideations btw
>>331215>20 second appearanceIs it better or worse that I keep rewatching the Stranger in Town music video for him…thanks for the pic, keeping a running tally of how many times he's covered in blood (not enough tbh)
>>331217Can't stop staring, wanna kiss that big forehead. Did someone style his eyebrows in this pic??
No. 331226
File: 1698611182004.png (1.01 MB, 1894x402, jackgraffiti.png)

Sorry for autism, wanted to clarify the duct graffiti isn't lyrics it's (presumably) a reference to 1976's Network, my bad. The quote on the door is definitely Deckard on Blatty which makes me insane because Jack watching something for android babes and sci-fi tech and suddenly resonating with
>I don’t know why he saved my life. Maybe, in those last moments, he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life, anybody’s life, my life.
despite his antisocial misanthropy? Maybe? Thinking.
No. 331231
File: 1698612574876.jpeg (48.08 KB, 399x600, 285DEA0B-DC85-4D34-84BD-912CAD…)

>>331208The random drapey curtain did make me think art reference, wtf I wanna see the final product.
yes I have had thoughts about getting him to pose for figure drawing mmmm if only>>331226I do not understand a word of this but I’m always here for Jack sperging
No. 331252
File: 1698614871180.jpg (32.13 KB, 600x394, Tumblr_l_275720634751537.jpg)

More random family photos anyone?
No. 331256
>>331226I always felt like Jack tried to understand how sympathy works. It's a foreign concept to him yet it's not entirely out of his system. I think be he more well-spoken and less fucking mean about Cale's past, he'd probably convince her that he just wants to make her happy. In his own weird way maybe but he was having good intentions accidentally shining through for once but it was brushed off as something ridiculous, possibly just disgusting. This scene really stuck with me because it felt like he could be semi-redeemed if he found someone who would guide him and actually sit down to explain things to him. Of course he's fucked up but not beyond any hope.
…Why did they have to make him so fucking interesting I'm asking?! Goddamn it
No. 331280
File: 1698619703950.png (324.02 KB, 632x612, 1102.png)

>>331231NICE FURRY MOUSTACHE MR. BRACKETT. The sensual composition of that photo is really something, his gentle hand on her blindfolded temple hmmm
>Jack spergingCan I hogtie and gag him and make him watch the director's cut of Apocalypse Now
>>331256It's not his inability to process emotions in a normal human way but his lack of empathy I think, if the parts where he sics Warbs on Scott or negs Cale about her baby are any indication. Complete disinterest in how others see him so he's unrepentantly hedonistic, violently sexual. Kinda funny how predictable he is though, hard up for any crumb of attention, anons last thread already mentioned it but the epitome of acting out for recognition. The quote- maybe it's the idea of love to the point of self-sacrifice that appeals to him? HE might not be able to experience pure selfless love but finding a woman who loves so unconditionally that she could love a dysfunctional mess like HIM would be a huge draw. You can almost hear the gears in Jack's head screech when Cale '''betrays''' his trust and whaps the remote out of his hand in that last scene, consequences are such a distant concept for him that he doesn't stop to think the woman he's almost killed a dozen times might not be an endless well of patience and forgiveness. Need him under duress like the chair in an Ikea stress test machine but psychologically.
No. 331295
File: 1698628353847.png (228.24 KB, 781x435, thanks anon.png)

No. 331320
>>331280You know, you're right and I suck at character analysis kek
I'll honestly just shut up about it because I feel like I don't understand anything most of the time.
No. 331341
File: 1698650982456.mp4 (2.85 MB, 552x480, dying from feels.mp4)

Rapidly approaching 500 posts, dear ladies.
Be still, my heart, we're doing it again.
No. 331386
File: 1698684649692.png (388.7 KB, 681x556, seymour patiently waits.png)

>>331320nayrt, don't stop with the analysis. Each of us will have different views on every character.
>>331225>Stranger in TownWell, that's a whole story in a video, so perfectly acceptable.
>>331256>>331280He doesn't understand emotions when they happen to other people only when they happen to him, and even then he thinks it's always someone else who caused it.
>woman who loves so unconditionallyHe would be in awe. And constant terror/paranoia that she would stop because he doesn't understand 'unconditionally' either. Probably with violent repercussions to anyone he thinks is a threat.
>>331383Tell us when you're ready anon.
No. 331591
File: 1698727157247.png (948.87 KB, 1598x1034, 5313273.png)

>>331386>violent repercussionsHe's like a fucked up guard dog, overly attached and obsessive. Have to make him channel those violent impulses into a different outlet…
>>331540Had the same exact reaction here anon, you think Jack's going to be some unassuming nerd and then the very first scene has you in fight-or-flight mode because he's such a creep. The low budget corporate cyberpunk aesthetic was pretty unique and the acting had no reason to be as good as it was. Still think it's wild that he's been in this many recognizable films and yet you never realize it's the same guy.
He was so hot for those ten minutes and for fucking what!!
>did I belong here all along?Yeah it was over the moment you stared into his big wet blue eyes
No. 331593
File: 1698727262944.png (4.05 MB, 1920x1080, childs_play_1988.png)

2024 2024 2024!!!
No. 331595
File: 1698727715275.jpg (1.21 MB, 2560x1920, 29251535-2560-1920.jpg)

>>331341500, congrats! Fondly remembering the day we managed to hit 100 last thread. King of ♥s.
No. 331613
File: 1698733006734.jpg (2.71 MB, 3464x2309, Postcard to sinners.jpg)

>>331540So happy Death Machine impressed you! You belong here like we all do, welcome to our little warm circle of hell, nonna. More fun will ensue, you'll never get bored here.
Watch party was awesome as usual. Thanks everyone for being here, special thanks to the host
nonnie of course! It was cursed and fun as any good Halloween party is ought to be.
I left abruptly because I passed out kek, hope I didn't miss too muchObligatory repost of my little creation from last night. Love you all to death.
No. 331647
File: 1698758066271.jpg (24.27 KB, 276x484, MV5BZDZkNzBiZWItZmVkZS00ZDU5LT…)

I'm so horny I am in hell please send help
>>331613Somehow feeling grateful for this retarded TV movie, the holy vampire-priest combo
No. 331648
File: 1698758090353.jpg (127.3 KB, 1494x903, brad-dourif-xxvi-luther-lee-bo…)

No. 331672
I am FULL of Jack thoughts since yesterday FUCK, nonna I am dead serious when I say Death Machine round three
>>331660Genuinely so happy, enjoy the spiral
cant wait to see you lose your mind over the sex scenes>I wanna sit on himyou already sound like one of us, so proud
No. 331674
File: 1698766803001.jpg (608.88 KB, 1080x1176, Screenshot_2023-10-31-18-24-54…)

>>331660Yaaay, please join in on the madness, we're spiraling out of control! It's also true about growing out of early 20s and finally seeing things you didn't see before. Moments of enlightenment is what I appreciate about growing older.
>>331647Have we had a hand talk… A hand talk that I missed? Cause god knows I have a lot to say on the topic.
No. 331733
File: 1698781463477.jpg (13.15 KB, 300x300, ooohhhhh.jpg)

>>331613LOL the exact same thing happened to me, don’t know how much later after me you went down, hope you all had fun though! thank you to host nona yet again for powering through the technical issues. also new douriffag!? hi
>>331225>stranger in townhe looked so good it makes me ill, i listened to it so much i started liking the song a lot more.
No. 331806
File: 1698802259271.png (499.68 KB, 959x658, once bitten.png)

>>331613Sending my thanks to host anon and everyone for a fun movie night, curse be banished.
>postcardOnly be sure that thou eat of my blood: for the blood is the life; and thou must eat the life of my flesh.>>331540We seek not to impose
We seek not to compel
If those blue eyes hook you
Join us in this sweet Hell>>331674Body part of the month series?
No. 331835
File: 1698811150801.jpg (51.86 KB, 1080x1284, Tumblr_l_306471559213766.jpg)

>>331788>slap him and kiss his tears awayYou get it,
nonnie, you get it.
>>331806>body part of the monthThis is brilliant idea for we have so many favorites.
Anyways I brought a new tiny crumb of Brad again.
No. 331902
File: 1698840225741.gif (6.04 MB, 531x298, handofgod.gif)

>>331674Anon has capped the best parts of Impure Thoughts but someone mentioned
fingers in mouth and I seriously can't stop thinking about it. Not a handfag, an incomprehensible interest to me tbh, except don't his look sooo soft? And wide? Want to rub my face all over them like a cat. Haze's schizo gesticulations were probably intended to be entrancing for an entirely different reason
>>331733This scene would have been a lot more interesting if he looked that depressed about getting naked kek
No. 331908
File: 1698840607476.gif (Spoiler Image,5.5 MB, 539x258, drinkingfromthebottle.gif)

Happy belated Hallowiener btw
>>331672Gimmie a date and time and we'll make it happen!!!!
>>331835MORE RAYMOND YEAH that long hair-sidepart combo is gonna be the death of me, he looks so handsome
No. 331915
>>331902My entire life I listened to other women sperg about hands and just didn’t get it, but now? I GET IT
>>331908Hands hands hand hands AGH
entranced by this want him to dig those fingers into me, grab my wrists, let me fall asleep sucking one.. Also this video made me embarrassingly sad when I first watched it because GOD I wish that were me>Death MachineUm literally as soon as it’s most convenient for you I am READY
No. 331935
File: 1698853250229.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.68 MB, 1080x2400, Wise-Blood-wp.jpg)

Making my own phone wallpapers out of pure misery I just want merch, I need merch and it's nowhere to be found.
Think I can make custom ones for anyone, I'll just need your precise screen resolution. So, accepting requests ig.
Spoilered for my phone's retarded resolution.
No. 332127
File: 1698896924108.gif (8.51 MB, 534x300, cry harder baby meme dot png.g…)

>>331788I love so much that something about his face immediately makes women think "I want to beat him up and make him cry", you have to see X-Files season 1 ep 13 it's the holy grail
>>331806Anon how do you compose lewd blasphemy so well, thinking about (pick your favourite) amoral priest reciting bastardized psalms while doing filthy ungodly things No. 332129
File: 1698897627156.png (295.89 KB, 554x414, get rekt.png)

>>331915KEK STOP I started writing a reply to your spoiler but it got so embarrassing I had to delete, yes to everything you said and more.
Mitch kissing Rosie's stomach too is so genuinely reverent, tug on his curls while he's down there. Impromptu movie night 23GMT/19ET/16PT tomorrow?
>>331935This is too pretty, can I please request a Grima to stare at on these dark cold nights? Your resolution works perfectly well, I can squash him
kek. Maybe we will all live long enough to see that one life-sized cardboard standee go for sale, Dante print shirts for everyone 'til then
No. 332185
>>332127I don’t work today so I’m doing a little marathon of more of his stuff…I CANT BELIEVE HE WAS IN AN X FILES EPISODE. I’m a complete autist and have watched the show like 100 times but now I must again because of Brad……… yeah idk there is something so slappable about his face. In a good way. Also he’s shorter than me by two inches which makes me want to sit on him and slap him even more. I’m excited there’s so much of his film catalogue to delve into. Alas I cannot tell any of my IRL friends bc they’re pretty normie and
I am gym Stacy who they constantly tease and side eye for my unorthodox taste in men and women anyway kek they just wouldn’t understand.
No. 332195
>>332165>Five minutes and you're done? Gross.and watch him lose it so hard he punches a wall. I forgot about time zones, hope you'll be around in about ten hours nonna.
Maybe my tongue is perfectly shaped for his thumb to rest on, maybe so, how did it go from "I want him drooling all over my fingers" to this smh my head>>332185Agreeing with every part of your post young Brad especially was so teeny tiny you could throw him over your shoulder, you're gonna go nuts when you see him in the 70s. I almost understand him being considered unconventional but apparently he wasn't even that popular in his heyday. Normies don't get it..
No. 332201
File: 1698926712954.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.57 MB, 1268x2588, That-Wormtongue-bitch.jpg)

>>332129Bullying Jack is so giving because:
>You can fit a whole gun in your pants cause your pp small>Ninja Turtles are dumb anyways, so dieAnd he will burst into tears or a rage fit no problem. He's such an easy target I gotta admit I even feel bad for him!
>wallpaper Nonna, you ask I deliver, there we go.
No. 332205
File: 1698927570866.jpg (334.92 KB, 764x594, Tumblr_l_408248648021868.jpg)

>>332195Listen I "introduced" Brad to a couple of my friends long ago and they couldn't see what's so interesting until I showed them caps from Istanbul. You know there's something wrong with people when you offer them to look at his amazing face and they just don't see it from the start. So ig you can call him unconventional because normies would bully you into oblivion if you mention you find Grima Wormtongue actor hot.
It's often that I like men uglier than myself and then there's him. He's just so… I'd look like an orge by his side and that's fine. He's a beautiful magical deity to me. No. 332207
>>332205He has a very fey/elfin quality to him but not like popularized animu elf/faerie but like what a REAL one would look like. Sort of eerie and strange and wild/untrustworthy yet also very delicate and pretty idk how to explain what I mean. He looks like he’d bargain for your firstborn child and come to collect after you were sure he’d forgotten. But then he also looks like he’d be so easy to make cry
especially in a sex way I’m so glad I have a place to come with these new feelings
No. 332211
>>332207Exactly, he's like a real elf, weird he wasn't offered such a role in LOTR because he could pull it off as easily. There's this mystery and presence about him that attracts you yet scares because he seems alien, unpredictable, teary eyes of blue only add to it (though we know his character is very much the opposite of his looks). And still…
Somebody with talent please draw him as an elf. It's needed.
Also nonna, don't hold back and share your thoughts as much as you like, we only welcome that.
No. 332238
File: 1698943765448.jpg (38.06 KB, 507x800, -2.jpg)

>>331935>>332201this is too good
nonny your attention to detail and shoop skillz are incredible
>>332185ENJOY X FILES!
crying seething because i wish i were taller than him also No. 332242
File: 1698944994174.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 1080x2400, Bad screensaver kinda guy.jpg)

>>332238Aww thank you, I'm glad you like them. Literally make these on my phone for my phone lol. There's a wip for Death Machine one, maybe I'll leave it as is, don't know. Again, spoiler for a long ass image
>heightI'm also a bit shorter than him but who said we can't use high heels or platforms against him, right? Plus it makes things so much better if you want him to tower over you sometimes. God knows I'd love that. No. 332264
File: 1698949876654.jpg (89.87 KB, 1069x454, Tumblr_l_245569368550019.jpg)

When is your impromptu watch party, nonnas? I need to know if I can join at all.
No. 332321
>>332264Topkek at your picrel why is dudes
and dudette still so funny he's a fucking idiot. I'll be free in two hours(ish) if anyone else wants to join for retarded Jackthirsting, can't believe we're going for round three I love you guys
No. 332322
File: 1698960528532.gif (737.82 KB, 275x159, YES.gif)

YESSS I'm so happy I checked the thread today, gonna get my snacks ready & camp out in front of my computer kek
No. 332327
File: 1698961197112.png (642.52 KB, 699x576, my little pony.png)

>>332185>>332242>heightTall anons gonna pick him up and bring him back for petite anons. Team effort.I can only apologise for the file name.
No. 332337
File: 1698962350732.gif (1.06 MB, 630x568, it runs deeper than.gif)

>>331935Anon, you're very kind. If you have the time for an Exorcist Gemini or D&C Stanley one, that'd be great. Same res is fine.
>>332129Not sure if I can get for movie, but I'll try.
>>331902Fingers in his mouthHit up Silicon
Alton Towers for picrel action.
No. 332343
File: 1698963130346.jpg (99.23 KB, 500x1149, qp3shr6321x91.jpg)

i hc grima's age as younger than he looks because the thought of it being like a vladislav kind of situation is hilarious to me.
No. 332368
File: 1698972965408.png (1.1 MB, 828x1792, IMG_1163.png)

>>322804Non-Dourifan here again (I mean, I enjoy his performances and it’s always fun to see him pop up in something unexpectedly, but I don’t yearn for him like Dourifans do), Brad is haunting my Facebook feed!
No. 332443
File: 1698999886778.gif (5.39 MB, 480x360, CHUG.gif)

>>332327The filename can be forgiven because you reminded me of Bud and his ridiculous snowsuit.
Dunno whether I want to kiss his stomach or manhandle him by the waist in that pic>>332338If only that were my mouth on his fingers or my fingers in between those teeth, he could chew on them suck on them whatever!! Lovely gifs, anon
>>332343Grima's looks eroding further from the influence of dark magic is still so good though constant stress is a bonus 'cause maybe it gives him ulcers and a weak heart. Make him so fragile a shadow across his chamber wall sends him heaving. It's funny and somehow a little hot by god he's decaying as he stands
No. 332450
File: 1699000920644.png (1.5 MB, 1233x915, 0928.png)

>>332368It's like you're going to the park and feeding the pidgeons kek, willing more new Brad photos into existence
>>332374It was way too much fun, thank you and everyone else who showed up for the party! Yesss Laura Mars on a cold autumn night, curled up at home, wishing you had your own chauffeur-cum-errand boy
No. 332489
File: 1699019569934.jpg (3.09 MB, 1553x3452, Nice-guy-James.jpg)

>>332337You ask I deliverrrrr. I also made another version without a quote if anyone wants it.
CAN'T look at these gifs calmly btw>>332481Nonyasha, you absolutely have to finish Exorcist III, it's unbelievably good! Make sure you find time for it.
No. 332490
File: 1699019680917.jpg (231.84 KB, 550x882, Tumblr_l_414794021888694.jpg)

>>332489Bruh, forgot to spoiler it. Anyways it's a masterpiece for everyone to see, so let it be.
Compensating my dumbassery with this find.
No. 332706
File: 1699084097908.jpeg (218.14 KB, 1331x712, 50AD90A3-1D7B-4043-8311-967E63…)

I suffered through a Wayans movie for him. The glasses look so good!! mesmerized by his ponytail whipping around. I’m not usually drooling over his voice like the rest of you but i kept replaying his scenes just to hear it.
No. 332707
File: 1699084326813.gif (7.48 MB, 500x271, little mlem.GIF)

>>332374>>332676lol I love mashing Dourif with other words to make something new, Dourb is gonna keep me laughing for a while
No. 332737
File: 1699102985846.jpg (388.07 KB, 1372x974, Tumblr_l_307052482704794~2.jpg)

>>332676It will never be not fascinating to realize that we have our own fans. I love all of you guys.
>>332706>like the rest of youI thought everyone is a total drooler for anything Brad! Kek, anyways, this movie is alright, the only mystery is how did Brad end up here. Gotta love the versatility of his filmography after all.
>>332707God this is so chameleon or gecko like, I'm melting.
Don't know if anyone seen picrel on tumblr, posting anyways.
No. 332791
File: 1699125707603.jpeg (44.68 KB, 408x583, gqmFQB.jpeg)

Um, what is this poster for D&C?
No. 332969
File: 1699200815418.png (821.73 KB, 733x550, Dourb.png)

Happy Dourb Sunday.
>>332201That specific photo, the snake motifs, the framing, thank you so much anon. Thinking of getting this made into a phone case for maximum autism.
>>332706>>332707He can mask his accent and still sound hot but that southern twang… long hair pulled back from his face looks stupid hot also, Cypress Edge is unbearable to rewatch but worth it for the tight black shirt and ponytail. Doctor/professor Brad with the lab coat and glasses has become a weird new fetish for sure kek
want his tongue in my mouth so bad he needs to STOP IT, would take questionable pharmaceuticals from this guy
>>332737Crying & laughing at how many Child's Play photos are him laid on the ground. Maybe we'll get the deleted opening scene released in our lifetime
>>332791I just want to know how this thing ended up as the official cover on Tubi (it's not anymore I think but HUH?)
No. 332992
File: 1699203935826.jpg (1.53 MB, 1488x2048, Tumblr_l_307042432816986.jpg)

>>332969>wallpaperAahhh, I feel so honored when you like my tiny creations. D&C lockscreen coming soon, so maybe you'll have more choice.
>coverYes, I found that on tubi and lol'd so hard. It looks as if a shipper made it. Amazing little artifact.
No. 332996
File: 1699205373555.jpeg (181.56 KB, 1125x656, 3481CA40-4542-48EE-9E12-EDAA40…)

>>332481your movie marathon sounds both impressive and comfy. hope you enjoyed lotr, have you seen it a lot before?
>>332969the memes are getting so meta
No. 333023
File: 1699208239094.jpg (25.85 KB, 342x480, 9o9o3.jpg)

>>332996Is it bad that I've never thought about the situation from Eowyn's point of view until now
>opening yourself up because you're aloneShe can have first go at dragging Grima around by the hair, I'll warm the hot poker in the fire for her myself
No. 333026
File: 1699208443356.jpg (141.4 KB, 953x618, tumblr_m3lajobG0N1rszr3go2_128…)

The Creation of Adam (why are his eyebrows so dark here)
No. 333096
File: 1699215055003.jpg (49.33 KB, 400x600, trauma surgeon geddit.jpg)

>>333026Oh I just watched Trauma for the first time the other day! Strange flick. Idk they darkened his eyebrows or something for the flashbacks? It also looked like they had put too-light or perhaps just too-reflective concealer all under his eyes in those scenes.
No. 333098
File: 1699215340592.gif (9.55 MB, 540x350, drlloyd.gif)

This, on the other hand, is a great look. A+++.
Side note, for some reason it also reminds me of Chris Kattan in the '99 House on Haunted Hill? Must be the tshirt and blazer combo. I've heard people say they look alike before, though. I guess I do see it, from certain angles maybe kek
No. 333103
File: 1699216475070.jpg (2.15 MB, 3460x2556, Daily motivation.jpg)

>>333026>Creation of AdamSo accurate kek, mesmerizing photo. Also I don't think his eyebrows got darkened, maybe it's a trick of the light because in hospital scenes they didn't really look so dark. Could be anything though.
>>333098Ugh, so gorgeous. That hairstyle rules too.
Some more homegrown silly stuff from me.
No. 333135
File: 1699220424963.png (614.38 KB, 900x604, twauma.png)

>>333096>>333098Suspiria and Deep Red were at least visually interesting compared to Trauma, Argento said the film was meant to convey a more realistic sense of fear but I didn't get that impression at all? All the bizarre events happening around Aura didn't exactly make me think of her as relatable or realistic. A little 2deep4u in the end methinks.
Kek @ how luscious and glossy his lips looked in the old photograph too at least Brad was a gem as always. Wet curls, let me kiss them.
>>333103Been waiting for someone to edit this into a Brad meme kek, very nice
No. 333231
File: 1699237745886.jpg (371.66 KB, 1080x1018, Screenshot_2023-11-06-05-26-01…)

>>333135Maybe Argento thought that whatever happened back in the past at the hospital would be a good motivation for the killer thus we will be able to relate to that specific trauma? But then again, it's coated with a layer such unrealistic circumstances it's getting difficult to divide real and unreal. And the only thing about the visuals in this movie was that it didn't look like it was filmed in the 90s for some reason. Felt like watching something made a few years ago and that was really impressive.
No. 333297
File: 1699247667507.gif (8.86 MB, 473x353, condescention.gif)

The only organ contracting harder than my heart is my uterus
No. 333299
File: 1699247725225.gif (17.27 MB, 637x351, power made perfect in infirmit…)

Obsessed with every shot where he sinks into/out of the shadows
No. 333318
File: 1699253406995.png (1.62 MB, 1920x1080, 57596964546.png)

>>333297Not to be too poetic about it, just
relatable No. 333389
>>333318That spittle on his chin? God I wish it were mine. Want to turn the ECT dial to max for a homeopathic exorcism, miss his vein with a needle so many times they question my qualifications, trim his nails, give him muscle massages, shackle his arms to the wall and hear him chuckle about mock crucifiction,
listen to the priest recite psalms of strength and devotion as I accidentally buck my pelvis too hard into his face and break his nose help please I love to think of him being fully cognizant but barely able to move for at least five years out of the fifteen
No. 333455
File: 1699298518435.png (1.01 MB, 585x761, e46949dec9f75234b8640341fcc9ae…)

Such an awkward photo but the hair, the fit, just ugh
>>333389…Please continue
No. 333458
File: 1699298783489.png (312.07 KB, 574x559, puzzler.png)

>>332489Anon, tysm, absolutely beautiful.
>>332676Your Dourist contributions are appreciated, thank you.
>>332707Lovely gif, anon. Watching variable quality films just for him is another of our skills.
>>332791This is as bad as the D&C trailer, it makes you think it's a totally different movie.
No. 333463
File: 1699299902405.png (424.93 KB, 1216x649, possession of the Dourb.png)

>>332969"Receive this Dourb, borne of this thread as a reminder that the whole world is subject to the Power of Dourif."
Picrel needs a Dourb adding. Art anons, send help.
>>332992ty for sharing, anon.
>>333096>>333103Not sure if lighting or make-up gone bad, I always thought his brows were over darkened in some Cypress scenes too.
>MotivationAn inspiration, anon.
No. 333485
File: 1699302588739.jpg (229.44 KB, 1080x1080, Holding it.jpg)

>>333458You're always welcome! Still struggling with D&C lockscreen because it won't turn out the way I want it to, but I'll deliver sooner or later.
>>333463Now, shitposting is much easier so here.
No. 333619
>>333485nice work! and there's no rush nonna we'll still be here
>>333455i think its just flipped
No. 333620
File: 1699358162222.jpeg (172.42 KB, 873x582, 3CD0F258-AB6A-4B31-BCF1-108ED8…)

When somebody else finally starts watching this, please let me know so we can cry about it together. OH OHHHH MY HEART. It has been fucking amazing so far and I already know I’m gonna start over from the beginning as soon as I finish.
No. 333748
File: 1699389704280.jpg (649.82 KB, 1101x1080, Amen-to-that.jpg)

I'm sorry, I just keep on pumping these out instead of making actual goodies. Bear with me.
No. 333874
DEATH MACHINE MENTION 14:40-17:40 I could not fucking believe what I was hearing, funny he remembers the hair extensions. A little bit on Miami Vice afterwards too Belgians are hardcore
>>333463Glad someone else had a good laugh at his caterpillar brows in Cypress, I can't hate the look especially with the wispy grey roots showing. Black looks good on him + side slits in his shirt + leather jacket, all is forgiven.
>>333620How long is it taking you to finish the season? Would book time off in the new year to plow through it in one go if necessary kek, he's so curly
>>333748This is the image one should show friends, family, and co-workers when confronted with "Again?"
No. 333887
File: 1699404721381.gif (2.76 MB, 400x212, flirt.gif)

>>333485Cackling anon, thank you.
>>333297>>333299Positively hypnotic to watch.
I really need a bigger version of picrel.
>>333318>>333389For anons.
His eyes were open. Weak as he was, his fingers reached out and grasped her wrist. She didn't pull away.
His lips moved, she began to make out words, quiet at first.
"'My grace is sufficient for thee,'" he whispered with the darkest smile. "'I would rather glory in my weaknesses.'" His eyes were burning into hers. "Oh, I remember you. Your touch. Every second. Everywhere."
She stumbled back, caught the buzzer by the bed.
The second the door opened, all expression disappeared from his face. Just a single tear ran from his eye.
He was too weak to have spoken, the doctor told her, she was mistaken. But she knew. No. 333888
>>333748Anon, all quality content is welcome here. And it is quality.
>>333874tysm for sharing the vid, that is adorable. Metal chicken for the win.
No. 334041
File: 1699449118088.gif (12.06 MB, 768x468, batting his lashes.gif)

>>333887If there was ever a definition of screaming internally it is me RIGHT NOW, READING AND REREADING, so implicatory I'm foaming at the mouth. You could maybe overpower him physically after years of bedrest but those braincells regenerated too well; his tongue and mind too sharp, his subtle gaslighting, playing the
victim…this is going to carry me through the rest of the week thank you I love you.
Another infinitely giffable film, every minute change of expression is beautiful (and the absolute downpour of tears down his chin in those two scenes I can't take it). Tell me anon do you have a favourite scene in particular?
No. 334062
File: 1699458093702.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.27 MB, 1550x3445, Burning passion for crosswords…)

>>333874>vidHardcore eurofans asking real questions. Respect that.
>"Again?"This image was made for that specific reason, just saying.
>>334041Nobody asked me but my absolute favorite part would be the rant about "showmanship".
So nonnas, which one of you have been really bad? Cause I have some charcoal for you. (Spoilered for resolution)
No. 334147
>>334133Voodoo and shit, you know? I suppose he astral projects himself outside the doll to carry
victims, kek. Honestly would be much funnier if he just hopped onto their backs and control them like it's Ratatouille.
No. 334198
File: 1699489683951.png (Spoiler Image,234.79 KB, 1152x630, I know you wanna hit that.png)

>>334041Anon, ty for the lovely gif.
Happy rereading, glad you were inspired.
>favourite sceneVery difficult to pin it down to just one, 'artist', 'friend of yours' picrel.
>>334062>picWe'll be on our worst behavior.
Quality, anon, I can keep switching them.
>'showmanship'There are too many good scenes.
>>334095>>334133>>334147Not seen much of the series, but
as Chucky can possess multiple bodies or dolls at the same time, kind of split soul it might use that mechanic somehow?
>Voodoo and shitExplains it all.
>control them like it's RatatouilleNow seeing a Charles Lee Ray cookery show spin off. No. 334369
File: 1699564953381.gif (2.89 MB, 268x207, Tumblr_l_203741990089360.gif)

Ladies, almost 24 hours without a new post, bad for our reputation I should say.
But it's been a very busy week so far.
No. 334372
File: 1699565385611.jpg (59.25 KB, 352x636, L621s7fo3.jpg)

>>334062>showmanshipHim wriggling around excitedly in the straitjacket is amazing I love that scene so much too, there he goes again with the weird esoteric knowledge on bloodletting. Did the demons of Goetia enlighten him on Titus Andronicus and medical malpractice
>>334095>>334133Chucky holding his hand/Charles carrying him like a baby KEK, don't understand the logistics of it either but whoever designed the playstyle is a comedian
>>334198Your pic, your filename,
I don't usually feel that animalistic desire to physically tear into James but thinking about accidentally lashing out and cracking him one in the face does make my heart flutter a bit. Both sleepy, barely coherent James and contrarian running-his-mouth James are so good in their own way
No. 334374
File: 1699565710493.jpg (58.94 KB, 632x588, brad_jennifer.jpg)

>>334369Happy posting coincidences, hi nonna. I've seen and done nothing new this week except rewatch the same three movies a bunch (and didn't want to spam), was exciting to see that new con Q&A though
No. 334375
File: 1699565950575.png (1.26 MB, 503x875, 475553.png)

Sorry for blurry pic but..
No. 334399
File: 1699570613257.jpg (17.86 KB, 300x250, 20231110_015659_1.jpg)

>>334372>medical malpracticeQuite an extreme one that would be. I feel like he just read about it and did some of his own research years before conviction.
>ChuckySo far it's been as comedic as it can be and I'm here for it. The voicelines are fun, mechanics are hilarious yet he's quite a powerful character. Community seems to absolutely adore Chucky as a new killer too so that's nice. Can't wait to see Tiff.
>>334374Spamming should be legally allowed in this thread I think. Because otherwise how do we keep it going?
>>334375No other words just "cuuute".
Noticed a funny thing thanks to picrel. Brad was contributing his own wardrobe to his on-screen characters because the same jacket he was wearing in Guyana Tragedy he's worn in Laura Mars. And on set of Wise Blood but that's another story.
No. 334411
File: 1699575630165.png (169.1 KB, 869x626, love love is a verb.png)

>>334372>spoilerSame, anon, there's no real need for it
but it's good to know that if he gets a bit out of control, that seems to stop him where words would not. >>334375Aww.
>>334399>his own wardrobe Can no costume department find clothes to fit this man?
No. 334432
File: 1699584072354.jpg (264.52 KB, 1920x2497, jake-girard-comic9.jpg)

>>334399His poor literacy/wide scope of knowledge is one of life's little mysteries, maybe he did become an avid reader at some point (unfortunate he ticks the serial killer with niche interest trope but I'd still listen to him rant about surgical pathology)
>>315125 truly beautiful jacket, they don't make them like they used to. I think he's worn the same Ray-Bans since the 80s too
>>334411Sweet and helpless all tied down,
doesn't it make you want to worry that lovely neck between your lips and rile him up before the restraints come off so he's on you like a flea to blood? Or dose him with a bit of the succinylcholine so you could snuggle against him and play with his hair, possession doesn't countermand biology and the irony is funny. Creepy nurse to equally creepy patient dynamic is really doing it for me.
No. 334478
File: 1699593996906.png (11.01 MB, 1600x2400, SHC - 024.png)

More of the Smoldering Embers set 'cause why not. Don't know if the photographer has other pics that we'll never see (looking the name up gave no results) but either way they're really nice, especially picrel.
No. 334479
File: 1699594058882.png (6.19 MB, 1800x1200, SHC - 010.png)

Wait he looks cute in this one too, actually
No. 334480
File: 1699594108522.png (11.01 MB, 2400x1600, SHC - 003.png)

No. 334481
File: 1699594197589.png (11.01 MB, 2400x1600, SHC - 027.png)

No. 334483
File: 1699595691829.jpg (83.5 KB, 480x596, 1693463060.jpg)

>>334411>Clothes that fitWho knows, the way he's usually dressed kinda proves that point. The only costume department that really tried and ticked all the marks we didn't know we've had was at Sonny Boy.
>>334432Same ray bans you say, same reading glasses everywhere he went since about late 90s too. What an icon.
>JamesI thought he wasn't illiterate, just kinda edgy. "Wonder|full" and all that. As if he's splitting the words down to their original etymology. It's a bit of a surgical process if you think about it.
>>334478>>334480>>334479Oh god these are incredible. Thanks so much for sharing, nonna! Beautiful, just beautiful. New material for my staring practices.
No. 334538
File: 1699620632281.jpg (16.8 KB, 400x400, photo-2023-01-01-03-16-53.jpg)

Does anyone want to watch anything later today? I feel like I need to get distracted and rant all night tbh. Absolutely pissed about the European cons that are this close yet unreachable.
No. 334569
>>334432>>334483>literacyI suspect it's pretentiousness/ego, he's wordy enough to be an etymology nut as anon suggested. Miracles are sometimes called 'wonders' maybe he's gone full god complex even before priest-body-hopping.
>>334478>>334479>>334480>>334481Anon spoiling us, thank you.
>>334538I can't get on at the usual time today, though I should be around about 2 and a bit hrs later than usual if you're still on and need to complain how he is in Manchester and we are not. No. 334601
>>334559All sound like good suggestions to me! Maybe go with Malignant this time. The rewatch potential of this one is strong. Haven't seen Horseplayer yet tbh so also good.
>>334569A couple of hours later than usual is more than just fine with me.
Yes, I do need to complain, very badly No. 334604
>>334538I'm not home tonight but room is open now. Think about it this way, at least we'll get some nice Brad con pics from it!
>>334483>>334569Oh my god maybe I'm the one who's illiterate KEK never stopped to think that "looked like it was written by someone poorly schooled" line didn't actually mean he wasn't well-read, the aggressive condescension towards his penmanship tickled me too much.
>surgical processI LOVE THAT
>god complexNow this is a consideration to sink your teeth into
No. 334607
>>334604Con pics are good
but not good enough when we're not there smh>sink teeth intoThat's theory time for you. I love our collective choice of words in the process and the kind of mini-dissection we're doing here…
No. 334625
File: 1699644339203.jpg (643.91 KB, 1080x1084, Screenshot_2023-10-29-22-59-38…)

Aw, found a cute pic of Brad and smol Cleo, apparently. In 16bit quality no less.
No. 334626
File: 1699644569106.png (477.22 KB, 706x566, non.png)

>>334538Popped on but no one was around, so I'm doing this instead.Today's episode of 'not another bit part', Soulkeeper.
Standard sleazy Horror, bit of a storyline Indiana Jones-lite buddy movie, cheesy-fun effects, some humor. Watchable if you like B movies.
As usual Brad's in it for about ten minutes, with a French accent for whatever reason.
Featuring Pascal
a short haired Brad appearance, shapeless smoking jacket-robe WHY can't they dress him well?, frustratingly he's in the background for some the scenes and the lighting is 'atmospheric', but there are some nice close ups, also dead priest - what is his Priest count now?I was not expecting
Brad's voice coming from Karen Black's possessed psychic character so that was weird.
Questions we need answering
whose massive tome is bigger, Pascal's or our The Hazing honey Prof Kapps? No. 334630
File: 1699645126363.jpg (39.34 KB, 600x337, 1693870181.jpg)

>>334626I pop on every 20 minutes come onOkay, this first cap is a bit of a meme material.
Sounds like another trash to scroll though, I'm fine with it. Was wondering where were these pretty caps from before but couldn't make myself check, now I know. Thanks a lot, nonna.
>>334627That's one thick.. Book.
No. 334633
File: 1699645478373.jpg (25.21 KB, 600x337, 1693870193.jpg)

Oh wait, you said it's good for b movie lovers? Alright, watching it in full then,
I need something weird to see because I concentrated on more normie movies currently, and that has to be changed.
>>334632Kek, judging by mosaic quality of it - yes.
No. 334699
File: 1699664028362.jpg (373.8 KB, 1500x2055, il_1588xN_isrb.jpg)

was fun hanging out xox
No. 334890
File: 1699720383271.png (493.62 KB, 696x564, reading material.png)

>>334699Thank you anons for a fun chat. Team solidarity.
>>334630>bookChecking the pics I think Pascal may win with the size of his… tome, but the Prof has his Staff that he likes to show to the ladies. Can we even choose a winner?>memeWe always welcome more, anon
>>334604>someone poorly schooledActual serial killers who write things may try to play dumb to mislead or at the other end encrypt messages in their words to prove 'I'm smarter than you'.
Though being in possession of a priest's soul, your Latin may suddenly improve amongst other things. No. 334986
Was fun hanging out, thank you all. We need to plan out the next watch party!
>>334890If you possess a priest not only your Latin improves, you get access to a ton of literature he read which is very useful. They're often very educated fellas.
No. 335040
File: 1699752568346.png (483.75 KB, 696x572, cry baby cry.png)

No. 335100
File: 1699768689019.jpg (74.52 KB, 949x720, Tumblr_l_121410015863840.jpg)

>>33503922nd is good, 25th not so much but we'll see.
>>335040Still haven't seen Horseplayer, but I'm even more tempted now thanks to you and picrel.
Men's waist be so small like what do u need that small waist for? For other men to grab it? whore. No. 335149
File: 1699802979267.png (723.1 KB, 1700x2175, MarshallMagazine_Spring2020-22…)

Trawling online auctions before bed and had a dream some photographer was selling their "Dourif '78-'88" album with a hundred new young curly Brad photos. Someone wish this into existence please.
>>334626The cover for this one looks so bad I expected another Born of Earth, thank you for assuaging the concerns kek. Will forgive the trash bag smoking jacket because of the unbuttoned shirt, very old world charm and
>>334628 I am weak for the side part. How does his face sometimes look sharp and also so round and soft his angles are unbelievable.
>>335039>>335040I'm ok for 17th, 19th, 21st, 26th, can do 25th only at 23GMT/19ET/16PT again. Kek @ these filenames CRY MORE, BABY. Bud before he
goes off the rails is sooo stupid-cute.
No. 335150
File: 1699803012950.png (1014.18 KB, 1700x2175, MarshallMagazine_Spring2020-23…)

No. 335151
File: 1699803034953.png (1.45 MB, 1700x2175, MarshallMagazine_Spring2020-24…)

No. 335152
File: 1699803069071.png (1.37 MB, 1700x2175, MarshallMagazine_Spring2020-25…)

No. 335153
File: 1699803091864.png (1.37 MB, 1700x2175, MarshallMagazine_Spring2020-26…)

No. 335154
File: 1699803117622.png (1.21 MB, 1700x2175, MarshallMagazine_Spring2020-27…)

No. 335155
File: 1699803146210.png (864.15 KB, 1700x2175, MarshallMagazine_Spring2020-28…)

No. 335156
File: 1699803191913.png (871.45 KB, 1700x2175, MarshallMagazine_Spring2020-29…)

No. 335173
File: 1699809701754.jpeg (85.23 KB, 1280x1024, 9EB76D55-ACCF-4A86-B24E-1BA3EA…)

>>335149Huh, I didn’t know he had ADD, thanks for sharing
nonnie. They shouldn’t just name a street after him they should make a gold statue
No. 335182
File: 1699812003140.gif (Spoiler Image,7.46 MB, 460x349, 121123.gif)

>>335173They should, it's gonna end up like that statue in France where the finish around his mouth starts wearing off from being kissed by so many women.
No. 335227
File: 1699831845311.png (506.68 KB, 705x567, Ca plane.png)

>>335149>and the restThank you for sharing anon.
>into existanceLet thy work be manifest to thy Dourifags, and thy glorious power downloaded to their devices.
Let the favor of the Lord our Brad be upon us, and establish thou the work of our nagging emails, yea, the work of our feverish fanfic and shitposting will establish it. Chant it well, anon.
>dates listFrom those I might make 17th usual time, or 21st but would be 2 hours later than usual. We will keep trying.
>>335182>gifGoing for a lie down.
>>335173If we get a statue, the pilgrimage is on.
No. 335230
File: 1699833852566.png (1.09 MB, 446x853, ragtime.png)

>>335227Didn't have time to watch the whole thing but had to hear the French accent bits and I can't stop laughing, how does he still have an obvious southern inflection while doing fake French. And why did he never play a Frenchman again, what a missed opportunity to connect with his roots or whatever, something something language of love etc (it'd be hot)
>manifestCHANTING, PRAYING, CRYING, do you think we should start an astroturfing campaign to get that fucking movie released
>>335228Your pic has caused a revelation, side part is cute because it accentuates his big shiny forehead. I want to kiss it all the way up the straight line of his nose.
No. 335304
File: 1699855976221.gif (8.72 MB, 540x405, Tumblr_l_8874924705624.gif)

>>335149Well, now I know Brad Dourif a little bit better. Thanks for the article, nonna, good read!
Really wish that album you dreamed of was real, I'd probably starve but find a way to obtain it. I've also had a dream two days ago where I was reading some article (not this one) about Brad, but sadly there was nothing new.
>datesSurprisingly, I'm free on all of these days, so count on me in case we decide to gather earlier than next week.
>>335173>>335182He deserves a gold statue somewhere in his hometown, so make it two.
And I'll be in line and god knows I'd make out with it for a minute or two. Maybe more. After all, that's my only chance…>>335227Chanting and praying out loud, let the universe and highest of saints hear our pleads and bless us with new content, amen.
No. 335305
File: 1699856084474.gif (4.22 MB, 480x360, YANK.gif)

Nonna mentioned ponytail whipping around so I had to clear my schedule for this, Dr Wheedon isn't even morally bankrupt or anything he's just slouchy and nerdy, I wanna make him my lab rat
No. 335312
File: 1699857985516.gif (8.06 MB, 480x360, kissinghimkissinghimkissinghim…)

>>335304Np and happy to share, it's always a thrill finding new Dourinfo in unlikely places. They keep broadcasting Brad films in Bongland plus Death Machine 2k24 surely more good news will follow, we just have to get more insane and something REALLY exciting will happen I think, new articles or photos or something.
>that's my only chanceThey do have that full head cast from Spontaneous Combustion somewhere…
No. 335320
File: 1699863510605.jpg (44.73 KB, 576x689, 281232_full~2.jpg)

>>335305He's a lab rat already. All you can do is convince him to take part in some experiment.
Alternatively he can experiment on you. Personally would let him do anything to me for free if it means more direct contact.>>335312I understand the assignment, will get absolutely insane very soon.
And a whole headcast is good but where is it?.. No one knows. Need to buy that 3D model of the Grima bust, that's at least something.
No. 335504
File: 1699962813991.jpg (78.31 KB, 819x1014, s-l1600 (1)~2.jpg)

A whole day without a new post, so here we go again
No. 335582
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I have really been slacking with the Dourif posting, I don’t wanna sperg about the Doc and spoil everything. But I finally watched Group Portrait and understood almost nothing, I was hoping the dvd would have an alternate audio track where Brad wasn’t dubbed over but no such luck. What a cute little string bean though, the scruff + glasses is too good
There’s a little bit here where they talk about how he acts No. 335585
File: 1699992981869.jpeg (535.23 KB, 1859x1390, 027469C1-E1F9-4467-ADA5-9AC35A…)

No. 335586
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No. 335587
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No. 335588
File: 1699993093028.jpeg (145.82 KB, 750x592, ED642BA2-345B-408C-95C7-635D62…)

No. 335623
File: 1700002312797.jpg (217.88 KB, 900x619, 1700001775.jpg)

>>335582Welp, here goes the only movie with Brad that I'll have to see in a dub. Just can't take it, he looks like he belongs in a Chekhov play or something, such a unique aristocratic look. So many options, I could see him playing a lot of classic characters.
>>335585>>335588>>335586The photos are incredible, thanks for sharing!
No. 335634
File: 1700008638041.png (481.67 KB, 701x560, Yea though I walk.png)

>>335312Ahh, gifs. Lovely, anon.
>>335582>>335587>>335588Anon, thank you for pics and link. He does look dishevelled and exquisite.
Non dubbed audio becomes another Holy Grail.
Today's episode of 'ten minute wonders', The Prophecy III.
This was watchable only because of Brad content and Christopher Walken pissing about in Charles Lee Ray's wig-to-be. Possibly. Matrix-y spinny slow-mo angel fights and the Bad Guy's death is laughable.
As usual Brad
is dead in the first 10 minutes, religious zealot suicide this time. Some tasteful pony tail action and if you want to hear him begging 'please' and moaning whilst sinking back into a chair and fondling a knife (just pre suicide) in religious rapture, the first 10 mins are for you. Has some nice tears as well.
And I have no comment on the weird
angel licking his eyeball scene
when the angels find his body at about the 29 min mark..
Wft did I watch.
No. 335755
File: 1700062940624.jpg (235.14 KB, 1122x1500, Shutterstock_1469661g.jpg)

>>335634That movie sounds like a shitpost. Thank you for your review and caps, nonna.
Desktop nonnas, need your help pulling picrel without watermarks. This will go into my collection of horrible outfits.
No. 335803
File: 1700077731394.jpg (388.94 KB, 911x909, social anxiety as a little guy…)

I'm so sorry
No. 335854
File: 1700088715118.gif (5.54 MB, 516x287, vietnamologue.gif)

We teethposting now? Fascinated by his underbite and how weird it looks when he curls his top lip back.
>>335582I'd love to read your Deadwood sperging if you wanna post it, you can always spoiler major events. Reviews are nice for a taste of what to look forward to. Apparently an English dub of Group Portrait exists but dunno if that means a different actor or they got him to re-dub his parts, can't find any info on it either way. Thank you for the article, I like the praise of
>It needed an actor gifted with a strong presence, that can suggest emotion without necessarily expressing itinteresting to hear directors discuss him before he hit the cult horror market.
>>335588 is way too cute, looks like he's waiting for someone to pet him argh I looooovvvee skinny scrawny lanklet Brad
No. 335857
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No. 335867
File: 1700089521932.jpg (33.07 KB, 720x540, 67b019f0bba551518c16cbbb898232…)

>angel licking his eyeball
UHHHH? In fact everything you spoilered sounds like a fucking dream (isn't he supposed to
be blind or something as well?), what kind of batshit film is this KEK. Sounds like a cheap homage to every supernatural thriller from the 90s but with a quarter of the budget (with half spent on Walken and Dourif).
>>335637 the cocked head and wet eyes, I'm so soft.
>>335803Surprised there's not more love for Billy considering how cute and tortured he was
No. 335872
File: 1700089670990.jpeg (649.48 KB, 1122x1500, Love Is A Dog From Hell Party,…)

>>335755Awful, horrible, absolutely terrible photo, curse the photographer who took it, terrifying that Brad has been wearing the dreaded suit + trainers combo for almost 40 years.
No. 335873
File: 1700089750576.jpeg (753.66 KB, 1500x1172, Nancy Gass, Brad Dourif and Er…)

>>335872This one's cute though
No. 335879
File: 1700090550831.jpg (47.57 KB, 686x862, d9b5a40c922ec0e6262ce3096ed091…)

Need someone to start slapping my hand every time I write the word "cute" sorry. Can't help it.
No. 335897
File: 1700093539780.png (Spoiler Image,440.43 KB, 716x560, if thy eye offend thee.png)

Do not unspoiler unless feeling brave, eyeball pic.
the zealot is meant to be blind so the whole 'lick eyeball for a vision' thing seemed even more ridiculous. It's certainly a ride.
>BillyI wonder how much is psychological
protecting the sweetest character from our occasional excesses itt Or we just need to post more of him.
>>335803Aww, anon.
>>335872>>335873Doing god's work.
>>335879Good lord.
No. 335904
File: 1700095676875.png (2.16 MB, 1003x750, heysweaty.png)

>>335897UGH CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY AND SO DID I, how does this EXTREMELY NICHE SEQUENCE JUST HAPPEN TO EXIST, UNBELIEVABLE, anon I'm speechless!!!! Absolutely speechless!!!! This man's filmography delivers everything (except an obscenely graphic kissing scene maybe). On a less deranged note wonder how uncomfortable it felt to film something like that.
>lick eyeball for visionWere the writers ultra-pretentious and up their own ass about metaphors or just stoned?? Either way this cameo appearance includes a plethora of weirdly specific scenes god bless.
Maybe that's a sign for Cuckoo's Nest on movie night, he's got a lot of bitterness inside to counter that sweet personality, makes you think. Have you seen it recently or has it been a while?
>>335898Eyebrow furrows have never been hotter, thank you for the reminder to watch this one
No. 335948
File: 1700108995588.gif (3.95 MB, 268x225, Tumblr_l_9771279613459.gif)

>>335872>>335873Thanks for saving these from the watermarks! That atrocious outfit, it looks good until you just see what's below the waist, then it makes you cry bloody tears. Who dressed him like that?
>>335867>>335897>BillyThe boy is just too pure and cute like a kitten, but he deserves more love and discussion of his story. And appreciation posts for adorable hair and angelic face.
>>335898>>335904Tapping into teeth theme is dangerous with me because
his mouth is made to obsess over there's so much to say. I love the lip curling, the odd way he bares teeth when he speaks sometimes
makes me want to count them all with my tongue.
>obscenely graphic kissing sceneI'm asking why nobody ever dared to make out with him
slowly and sloppily and make people happy? Absolutely fucked up that lips so kissable weren't put to a good use even nearly enough.
No. 336050
File: 1700150501265.jpeg (79.64 KB, 1280x1024, D7CAE5E1-FD9F-4860-AC48-58048D…)

There’s just this one particularly cute scene that I wanna scream about, it’s extra sweet and heartwarming because the rest of the show is so harsh. I want him to get all huffy and exasperated and scold me pls
No. 336257
File: 1700203031136.jpg (99.83 KB, 462x600, 1699952561.jpg)

Blushing, giggling, kicking my feet
No. 336279
File: 1700211423401.png (622.21 KB, 640x640, 0255ECE7-B552-4514-B016-CC8F40…)

>>336257Screaming, crying, throwing up. Man I love his face. I found a couple more pictures from this day but the quality is atrocious.
No. 336293
File: 1700220473017.jpg (30.58 KB, 400x474, 1699952570~2.jpg)

>>336279>fragileYes, one gotta be very careful when mailing him straight to my house.
The quality of these is pretty bad but I love them all, I just can't. He's so…
No. 336422
File: 1700251331223.gif (Spoiler Image,4.06 MB, 525x413, The Eyes of the Lord.gif)

I repeat my first warning, do not unspoiler if eyeball pic is not for you.
>>335904>nicheThis is very niche.
Oh, full on religious and other pretensions, make no mistake.
>Cuckoo'sNot watched for a while, would be happy to do on a movie night.
Still working on dates, midweek 29th or 30th any use?>>336050Other reviews have said he is pretty much the heart in an otherwise bleak show.
We just need more hours in the day to watch things.
>>336279This goofball.
Ship him round all the anons itt immediately. No. 336423
File: 1700251468013.gif (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 395x325, The agony.gif)

Just Zealot things.
No. 336457
File: 1700258824646.mp4 (4.44 MB, 886x480, hhhhnnnnNGHHHHH.mp4)

>>335948>weren't put to a good useEvery time him and a woman are pressing their mouths together I can only think of contact sports, where's the passion!! What's the opposite of an oral fixation where you fixate on putting things in someone else's mouth instead
+1 to "count them with my tongue".
>>336050The single laudable use of green screen in a film ever, still in awe someone in the writing room decided this was necessary
not to be ungrateful, just confused kek. Likewise
>>336423 the ecstasy of this dagger draw…this one may possibly have the hottest crying scene only second to Beyond the Sea. Long stopped wondering why he puts so much effort put into a three minute appearance but this one especially, good lord.
>dates21st at 1900GMT works perfectly as long as everyone else who wants to come by is available! Don't remember much about Cuckoo other than thinking Brad translated Billy's mannerisms to screen real well.
No. 336466
File: 1700261895670.gif (998.9 KB, 245x184, tumblr_nc8bq0UjZZ1s8iz6oo1_250…)

>>336422Okay, that one taps into some very very specific fetishes
I didn't know I could find curious. No, not sure but uhhh, appreciate the effort. Also all the sighs and oh's being so unnecessarily erotic, excuse me??? Another barely discovered potential. Imagine something like that in a regular bed setting. Holy shit.>Cuckoo's NestWatched it only about 10 years ago so we probably need to freshen the memories.
As for dates, the entirety of the next week is good to me, 30th though, not so much but we'll see.>>336457>where's the passionI'm telling you his on-screen partners were afraid of him to the blood chilling degree probably. I see no goddamn reason for that but I feel like that was the case. Maybe it's just us when we think he's irresistible? Idk, hate that. Bet my ass he's also most pleasant to work with through any awkward moments. They all don't know what they lost here.
Always remembering that sex scene from Final Judgment where he tries his best but the actress just barely touches him as if his skin could give her a burn or something. I'll never stop being super pissed about it. Just put your hands on him, for fuck's sake! He was also quite ripped at the moment and for what. All that beauty was made for direct contact. The intense urge to explore every inch of his skin stands undefeated regardless of his shape though.In other news, this clip will be the death of me. Need a moment and some whisky.
No. 336472
File: 1700264323202.jpeg (29.7 KB, 624x464, A1C2F7E3-3BA2-4C5B-A934-88DFEC…)

hope as many of us as possible make it, whenever it is. are we watching cuckoos nest?
>>336423>>336457i feel like this + the malignant stab scene are gonna break me when i watch them because i'm a freak about these things. you know.
>putting things in someone else's mouth insteaddentist fixation maybe? lol idk but i feel you
No. 336483
File: 1700267314564.png (759.83 KB, 1156x650, open thou mine eyes.png)

>>336466Just gonna blame the recurring thematic elements of metaphorical blindness/sight beyond seeing in all these movies combined with how ridiculous his eyes are for breaking my brain
oooohhhh the intimacy of a kiss misplaced, how gross how romantic.
Maybe it's considered unprofessional to kiss a fellow actor until they're drooling but I think we, as an audience, deserve such a consummate display of talent and commitment to the role.
>>336472We can do Cuckoo unless there's something else you want to watch
nonny, does Tuesday the 17th @ 1900GMT/1100PT/1400ET work?
>dentist fixationLMAO YEAH maybe, want to explore his mouth carnally but with my fingers, you know. We should watch Malignant together sometime for sure!! Medical gore, cold operating tables, thinking about it…
No. 336491
File: 1700268650380.gif (7.78 MB, 480x360, lets party pt2.gif)

>>336466What a nice and normal guy, look at him sharing. Still thinking about this episode too to be honest.
No. 336496
File: 1700270235016.jpg (32 KB, 960x540, and I shall see.jpg)

>>336483Tues 21st at the later time should be OK, if we can get most anons there.>unprofessionalYou'd think being actors they could at least pretend to be more enthusiastic and less intimidated.
No. 336502
File: 1700271689236.jpg (215.63 KB, 731x800, 5331.jpg)

grima hanging out on a sticker sheet. if anyone cares.
>>336483noooo that's like in a month??? i miss you guys but i'll be fine, whatever works
>>336496tues is a good day for me
No. 336505
>>336502NO SORRY IGNORE THAT I'm so tired I accidentally wrote today's date kek, that was totally meant to be the 21st not the 17th. Love sticker Grima, look at him reaching for his little knife. Put him on your wallet for maximum evil eye against thieves
>>336496Guyana Tragedy may have seriously had the potential for most passionate on-screen kiss, not sure how to feel about that
No. 336525
File: 1700277059818.gif (1.92 MB, 299x228, Tumblr_l_246576684864375.gif)

>>336483>kiss till they're droolingVery professional and fits the alternative genre of cinema Brad always ends up in. It'd be just fine.
If you keep saying you're a whore, just prove it!>>336491Sharing is caring.
Lord knows I need some of that care at the moment.>>336502Aww, he's up to no good here.
>>336496Jokes aside, yes, they should have at least appeared less intimidated and awkward.
>>336505>Guyana TragedyRidiculous to think of that, but yeah, there was much more potential for something grand, and I feel like it's because both Brad and Powers are great actors. It would be a nice example of how it's done. Damn you, stupid television censorship, they deprived us of the same thing with If Looks Could Kill and that's unforgivable. Especially knowing it was filmed.
No. 336581
File: 1700284372722.gif (5.37 MB, 500x301, just a little guy.gif)

>>336525The pool scene is only a little horny but
leaning in and parting his lips after having his chin stroked, the full beat where it looks like he might go in for a kiss before he starts talking again, anon hold me I'm about to SCREAM. Rothrock (wo)manhandling him was such a dream too, if only we got more of that.
>alternative genreI kek'd
No. 336609
File: 1700293300428.jpg (57.29 KB, 1011x1039, Screenshot_2023-11-12-00-45-4~…)

Only a little but still, you've pointed out everything that makes it interesting. I really thought that at this exact moment he'll go for a kiss and it would make perfect sense but… Can't have shit in Detroit. Still, the idea that we could get most passionate making out only on the gay side of things is so funny to me.
>the cheek squish
I can't, it feels like at least one person on set per every project needed to touch or squish his face. Understandable though, who would resist the urge?
No. 336729
File: 1700343838346.jpg (42.65 KB, 658x500, 6543987.jpg)

just watched if looks could kill since you brought it up, so did they artificially make him look older in the beginning of the film or vice versa? or just dyed his hair or something? the quality isn't great. it was good though! he sounds so goofy but peak hyena laugh in this film.
No. 336826
File: 1700381358599.jpeg (28.06 KB, 246x374, E59795AA-BDE2-42B5-9A9D-3549E7…)

Dear britfags, I got to eat some jelly babies they were alright Why would Jack even know what those are tho? He should’ve called her a hot tamale or something
No. 336847
>>336826Maybe he found the idea of "eating babies" funny and edgy?.. Or maybe he's secretly a fan of Doctor Who? Idk, he's a weird fella.
I also just read about a school experiment you can do with jelly babies or gummy bears: if you put them into an oxidizing agent they will "scream". Sounds like one of many favorite Jack's pastimes.
No. 336987
File: 1700436832557.png (577.12 KB, 697x526, IMG_0274.png)

>>336729I thought so too, like they dyed his hair darker halfway through maybe 'cause he's trying to lay low from the law? Was nice that he got to be in it a fair bit, loved his super 80s outfits (especially the boarding shorts).
>>336826Once again Douriffags contributing to the local economy, so sorry but now I'm imagining him calling her a hot tater tot. Hot tamale is also good…still thinking about doughtnut hole, kek. Something about jelly baby evokes the best/worst of both "babe" and something soft and squishy.
>>336847Anon you're such a genius, pouring one out to the probable sacrifice of many a gummy
No. 336988
File: 1700436987201.jpg (764.75 KB, 1280x1684, shock cinema 25 (1).jpg)

Anon(s) asking about Shock Cinema #25, it was already uploaded online by someone, here are the scans. Should have something new (I think?) to share in a bit though.
No. 336989
File: 1700437066830.jpg (731.43 KB, 1280x1674, shock cinema 25 (2).jpg)

No. 336990
File: 1700437124703.jpg (706.73 KB, 1280x1676, shock cinema 25 (3).jpg)

No. 336991
File: 1700437158174.jpg (222.89 KB, 1280x431, shock cinema 25 (4).jpg)

No. 337001
>>336502>Grima And still he's left in a corner by himself, even in sticker format.
>>336826>>336847>eating jelly babiesCongrats honoury Britfag.
no idea why jelly baby was chosen. Jack is goading Cale about the child-death incident. Jack is stuck in stunted violent kid mode. Baby/child killing is one of the Chaank crimes listed. Jack just thinks she's hot, soft and sweet. Edgy shit, nonsense or whatever. not sure.
>>336988>>336991tysm anon, will read in a bit.
Whilst ignoring the Weasel chin-fungus pic.
May the power of the Dourb aid you in your work.
No. 337006
File: 1700441483331.gif (4.68 MB, 480x360, big rat.gif)

>>337001It's okay we're the ones bullying Grima into that corner, we're there in spirit. Please accept a fumigated (but not deloused) Weez
No. 337069
File: 1700458350556.jpg (29.81 KB, 457x562, #dourif-tuesday on…)

>>336988thanks! wow this whole time i didn't realize this was the shock article, i had it saved on my computer already and everything.
>>337001honestly… the hair is almost worse than the chin strap thing, it looks too flat, questionable look all around. very insightful jack thoughts.
No. 337071
File: 1700458823178.jpg (326.9 KB, 590x1114, 779_780977.jpg)

Hate the fact that I even paid attention to this character, but it's still Brad… So I watched this film almost two weeks ago but I'm yet to believe I might have caught a good sight of his (cup)cake?
No. 337072
File: 1700459278885.jpg (374.64 KB, 1920x1080, critters14.jpg)

Haven't yet figured out why this look is doing it for me so hard, partly the glorious curls + outfit scandalized by that shot of his ass by the way, partly him being the funniest and smarmiest out of the whole group. Ridiculously hot lounging around in computer chairs and shittalking an AI. Brad gets to actually emote and laugh and crack a couple of smiles (CUTE). Definitely one you have to pause every twenty minutes to get up and walk around doing deep breathing exercises, there's a bit where he's messing with his hair and it truly looks sooo soft, like springy cottony clouds. The gutshot killed most of the momentum for me but it had pacing and expositions issues anyway. This review sucks sorry, he looks so good I keep getting distracted. Unfortunately a sequel that falls victim to the 90s "x in space" trope but also riffs heavy from Alien. You can tell whatever budget they didn't use on the cast went to sets, they were pretty great.
No. 337077
File: 1700460051658.mp4 (4 MB, 720x772, 200000_081827171.mp4)

>>337072Cuteness overload: Brad's role in Critters summed up. Loved him in this one, it was so easy to just tune out of the rest and watch him whenever he appeared. It's kinda like Graveyard Shift where you really start paying attention when you catch a sight of his shiny greasy form. Ahh, Tucker, I love you so much.
>ScandalizedIt's a good word for it because I'm just? Sitting here doing some deep thinking about where am I in life
and why my face isn't pressed against one of his tiny soft buttocks. Am I not deserving this?Gifs didn't do it justice so there's a clip of this slut walking.
No. 337078
File: 1700460088182.gif (7.06 MB, 540x410, babe2.gif)

>>337069There's an old geocities page with a ton of LotR mag scans too but there were no new articles or photos so we're really sleuthing now
>>337071Definitely a heavy watch, was interesting to see from a non-American perspective and to hear after the fact how much this role affected him. Sorry to be shameless but since we're on the subject of it anyway the scene where he's
beat to shit was both gratifying and stupid hot. Thanks for the cap anon, good eye kek.
No. 337080
>>337078Yeah, it was an incredible yet difficult film with a great cast, it had all of my attention. Films like this are exactly what we need sometimes. To face reality in a way. I could see why Brad got so depressed after this role, just imagine portraying not a fun kind of villain but a real one? Deputy is absolutely rotten and sick plus based on a real person who did all of this shit. That can fuck you up real bad.
But I repeat it's not fair how good he looked in this one, he shouldn't have. I caught myself staring a few times and I felt so bad but then again, not his fault he's so pretty and gets to play someone so ugly on the inside. He could easily take place of Dafoe and play a good bureau boy but he had a much more difficult job to do and I'm in awe at how successful he was at making me feel repulsed.
Seeing him absolutely defeated and weak after a good beating was satisfying in two different ways, not going to lie. No. 337081
File: 1700460927748.png (1.32 MB, 1686x851, OBSCENE.png)

>>337077So so so so unbearably cute I'm ready to watch it again immediately, thought of you girls every time the computer responded to him in a firework of hearts. Love the personal touches in his cabin too. You're so right about Graveyard Shift in that regard, not the greatest movie but he lights the scene up immediately, love Tucker and his sweaty forehead to bits.
>spoilerLaughing so hard I'm wheezing, please, same, what kind of horrible universe do we live in that we'll never feel the soft touch of this manlet with his small butt and legs that go for miles and crooked teeth and the biggest bluest eyes known to man and and and
I'm ready to risk it all and make out with the television screen. Contributing ass since it's clearly insane thirstposting hours
No. 337084
File: 1700461840475.jpg (137.23 KB, 550x300, Tumblr_l_245323294516780.jpg)

>>337081I'm holding back things I want to say right now.
No fuck it, I want to give that butt a good slap, I-uh, I just need this to survive through horrors of life. It's been a difficult week and I just NEED him so bad. There's undying itch somewhere in the back of my head, like a tiny creature nudging my own brain in one specific spot that makes me only think of him and make up so many more scenarios than usual. Absolutely rabid, there are only verbs floating around my head like "grab", "pull", "squeeze" and so on. Uhhhh I just need a good lucid dream. No. 337086
File: 1700464053457.gif (10.21 MB, 541x304, 1120.gif)

>>337080It didn't have the overdone glamour a lot of Hollywood films that cover historical events are guilty of, tempering expectations that a good ending's going to solve a tragedy by the end. I thought they'd pull a Hidden Agenda and go against typecasting but (unfortunately?) nobody else can embody a character like Brad. Especially love the silent terror in his eyes during that scene, don't think another actor has ever convincingly glared at someone so intensely you could feel the murderous intent through the screen. Maybe the one scene of his that made me feel a little disconcerted.
>>337084>need (this) to survive through the horrors of lifeMy sister in Christ even if we talk only about
having sex with him in the missionary position with the lights off I would commiserate, the deep longing for his pretty face in the flesh is so strong it's physically painful sometimes. Making up a hundred different scenarios is both a fun AND sexy way to pass the time we are very normal, probably, I think. Hope you have an easy week and lots of good dreams.
No. 337088
File: 1700464902781.png (4.31 MB, 1464x1028, MV5BNjFlYjczYWYtY2FmZi00ZGIwLT…)

Sitting on my hands to keep from typing out five paragraphs about how handsome he looks in this screenshot
No. 337090
>>337086YEAHHHH SLAP HIM AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Thanks for all the hornyposts before I go to work girls, gonna be a fun day
>>337077I am looking…..
No. 337091
File: 1700465954464.png (764.74 KB, 1280x720, 4a82e822.png)

>>337089Reposting this god damn fucking masterpiece of a shot
>>337090Boss makes a dollar
I make a dime
That's why I Bradpost
On company time
(have a lovely day anon)
No. 337092
File: 1700466412758.jpeg (150.37 KB, 973x748, 7359D602-11CF-49AE-8451-3402DB…)

>>337091♥ So happy the girls are finally assposting, I feel seen. A little Johnny bc I’m too embarrassed to post old man evil ceo butt
No. 337093
File: 1700467615545.png (787.89 KB, 911x695, 2hot2handle.png)

>>33709210/10 Johnny ass is perfect, petite but solid, you guys are gonna make me start up a new disembodied body part folder
convincing myself in complete delusion that you can see the outline of his briefs kekkkk. Which old man CEO please is it Miami Magma…he looks good in slacks and suit pants.
No. 337095
File: 1700468497117.jpeg (272.41 KB, 1280x982, 35B4F9FF-DF25-4234-A4AE-965D62…)

>>337093Yes, Miami Magma, all I can think is ‘hate to see him go, love to watch him leave’. I’m so awful about organizing pics because I just end up staring at them and get nothing done, so here’s some more Group Portrait pics I dug up from my messy collection
No. 337096
File: 1700468543938.jpeg (452.66 KB, 886x599, 8E8CAD3B-E5C8-4B53-91DD-3CEDAE…)

No. 337097
File: 1700468592120.jpeg (107.86 KB, 817x658, 6A95EC62-2E63-4811-AD38-BAAD4F…)

No. 337099
File: 1700470229950.jpg (42.6 KB, 735x543, c72b6de18e971427a657d4a12a5aad…)

>>337086>overdone glamourOh yeah, the awkwardness of a wobbly slapfight with the force of a real fight behind it, it feels incredibly real, so compelling. Brad's eyes do all the acting in that scene, it's possibly the best one with the character because you see in his eyes that his little comfortable evil world is crumbling down and he hates it but he's helpless against the force that finally came to punish him. So good, so intense, such a great work of both Brad and Hackman.
>spoilerLights off? But how do you see his pretty face then? No, lights on, missionary or cowgirl, no difference if his face is right there and you can see it changing expression every few seconds.Absolutely agree that we're totally normal, yeaa, as normal as can be. Thanks for the wishes, sending more of that back, to every nonna, actually, because Monday is ahead.
>>337088>>337091His face literally has a perfect structure somehow, combined with a long graceful neck like this it's just… A living painting.
>>337092>>337093Goddayum, please write down the time of my death, it's now.
>>337096>>337097More beautiful pics, guess I died and went to heaven. Thank you so much for posting.
No. 337153
File: 1700502775960.jpg (71.21 KB, 486x426, 20231120_084635.jpg)

Slut by nature, after all. I love him.
No. 337172
>>337158You just feel the vibes and "whore" is Brad's favorite description of himself
so is ours I'm sure.
I also have five to fifty dollars I can give him. He doesn't even have to act, he just has to be his natural whore self, teehee.>>337161Oh god, oh god, but that would be such a short part! albeit quite satisfying. We still got what we got, I adore Mitch, he's our lovely retarded doggy and it's nice to have him. It would be much better if he got to touch some boobs more graphically. Though god, I'd probably die if he as much as licked his gf on the cheek. That would be an amazing alternative to kissing. No. 337220
File: 1700525693098.png (558.04 KB, 720x576, Magma hot.png)

>>337153Joking aside it always makes me a little sad that he denigrates his own talent >>337078>>337084>>337088 and the rest
Anons with their lovely pics, may your spoilers be beautiful dreams.
>Miami MagmaNo shame.
No. 337254
File: 1700536131134.jpg (97.42 KB, 2003x1080, Screenshot_2023-11-20-22-59-04…)

>>337220Hell yeah, shameless hours in Brad thread.
I just suggest to look at his hands and think only the purest thoughts.
Like how nimble they can be or how deep those fingers can reach. No. 337333
File: 1700563401725.jpg (36.36 KB, 460x307, Shutterstock_451875l.jpg)

>>337293Never feel bad for your granpa addiction! NeverIt's 21st, count one attendee for a watch party pls. I'll be there.
No. 337362
File: 1700587207526.png (1.91 MB, 1000x666, 15941828_a3c4b489a5a2f0c580d23…)

>>337097Thank you for posting these anon they're all new to me, the man should have modelled with how well he wears even that baggy quilted duvet.
>>337220Not about to go crazy and suddenly start excusing the David Byrne suits they stick him in but holy shit this is like opening a present, under the oversized jacket he's wearing
that? HIS WAIST!! His ass,
feeling like an attack dog I want to bite it so bad.>>337254The most visually pleasant thing about his fingers is they're thick and wide but not fat like sausages. Just perfect. Poor bb and his dry ass nailbeds, would give him a hand massage
he can return the favour? Aha haha haa>>337333We're not starting for another hour and a half but room is open (and I got backups this time)
No. 337541
File: 1700662895981.jpg (40.29 KB, 480x625, Brad-Dourif-brad-dourif-311411…)

Happy "damn those legs go on for miles" Wednesday, hope everyone has a lovely day
No. 337630
File: 1700695148781.jpg (Spoiler Image,537.51 KB, 2048x1365, old man……...JPG)

>>337541Happy humpday! I nominate all Douriffags for the best poster award, it’s the truth
No. 337635
File: 1700698076810.png (620.66 KB, 700x571, eggs in the morning.png)

As always thanks to anon for hosting us all.
>>337541>>337630Anons itt are the sweetest, keep the happy going.
And remember to get enough sleep. No. 337715
File: 1700729801533.jpg (146.21 KB, 741x1111,…)

Late late thank you to nonna hosting us and to all who attended. It was a lot of fun, our parties are getting better and better!
Wishing all the sleepless nonnas quick recovery, we need you.
No. 337762
File: 1700763988989.jpg (114.1 KB, 640x480, weeee.jpg)

>>337635>>337715what a good movie night
No. 337824
File: 1700779852532.mp4 (8.84 MB, 856x384, he said the thing.mp4)

>>337762It was golden, some real cinema.
That actually reminds me… I promised to share.
No. 337836
File: 1700789049591.jpg (185.39 KB, 778x1064, billy.jpg)

i don't normally do this but… i was inspired by the movie night and looking for pics all day so have a sexy pic mini spam.
No. 337837
File: 1700789131504.jpg (100.28 KB, 740x519, WYt__A00lrs.jpg)

love it when hes kneeling.
No. 337838
File: 1700789392234.jpg (82.15 KB, 888x373, d3rPANaWU0w.jpg)

this looks extremely hot but i haven't seen this one yet so i feel like it would be either not hot at all or infinitely hotter in context.
No. 337839
File: 1700789500534.jpg (36.54 KB, 640x470, h88323.jpg)

no comment
No. 337840
File: 1700789608334.jpg (186.08 KB, 750x1334, 8E0SAAxBfIw.jpg)

ok thats all guys
No. 337899
>>337824Perfect time to post this I guess since they talk about it for a second
and I rewatch it all the time because yes YES YOU ARE A GOOD BOY it makes my heart explode to hear him say that AHHHHHH. Not even gonna touch on him “doing like I’m told” uhhhhhhhmmmm>>337715don’t you just wanna rub your face all over his stubble…
>>337836ty for the pics! And nonna found a playlist with the first ten episodes of Ponderosa if anyone else wants to watch them. It’s not bad and Brad’s been in every episode so far No. 337964
File: 1700853308164.jpg (160.73 KB, 640x640, MiEY_tfR9HM.jpg)

i just realized the american anons itt might be missing some movie nights due to timezones, feels bad. murica anons, are you here?
No. 337977
File: 1700858279128.png (664.9 KB, 700x574, Will you stay.png)

>>337715>>337762>>337836So many lovely pics, thank you anons.
>>337899>spoilerSome clever anon needs to clip those bits for us.
ty for sharing the Ponderosa stuff, need more time for watching…
No. 338031
File: 1700877250143.gif (1.88 MB, 230x220, yeah.gif)

>>337964There's at least one of us here! When is the next movie night anyway? I feel like I always catch the posts that say thanks for hosting but I never see the announcement kek
No. 338113
File: 1700918134448.jpg (14.8 KB, 237x338, 1699952416~2.jpg)

>>337899Oh goodness, a whole playlist? I'm fucking blind after all, looked for it and didn't see. I'll have to catch up. Thank you very much for sharing!
>interview Ahh, a personal favorite. I'm not even going to comment.
>>337836Wishing best day to you for that pic spam, thanks.
No. 338236
>>338031>>338106I think it’s actually gonna be 1900GMT/1400ET/1100PT? But yeah, on Tuesday
>>338113Happy to provide, we got up to episode 8 so far
No. 338244
>>338242There’s still 12 episodes left!! Those first 10 are the only ones on yt we could find
we’re not watching today, not til Wednesday I think and I think Rosemont on Tuesday unless someone has something else they want to watch.
No. 338258
File: 1701005018359.png (1.1 MB, 1329x858, the summoning.png)

>>338236>>338245I left early, so it could have changed from what I thought.
Host anon summoning begin
By the power vested in me
by anons itt,
and the Great and Holy Dourb,
I now request Host nona made manifest. Or something.
No. 338259
>>33824412? Oh damn, okay, the very middle then. Still, it's a lot of progress on the series.
Alright, waiting till whatever day we meet next week. Maybe I'll come up with something for the next watch after this one.
>>338258Kek, this has to work.
No. 338270
File: 1701014081155.png (417.64 KB, 900x447, close that mouf.png)

>>338258>>338245HI I WANT HIM TO DRINK MY SPIT oh my god anon your summoning spell, I am crying laughing. What do you guys wanna watch on Tuesday? Rosemont is good or Malignant would be fun too, I know a bunch of people haven't seen Horseplayer either. We could watch more Ponderosa after as well. I think the time that ended up working for everyone was 20GMT/15ET/12PT but if it's changed please let me know!
No. 338276
File: 1701016024245.png (628.19 KB, 900x600, kirb.png)

>>337638>>337636Thank you for keeping the love for Manno alive, the desire to drag him into the nearest bathroom while he's having a nervous breakdown and umm comfort him…
>>337838Cursing Argento forever because the scene starts out stupidly, ridiculously hot and devolves into nonsense but at least there's a sweet closeup to his single tear
>>337964RARE LEO!!!!! ANON WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS, DO YOU HAVE MORE, PLEASE I've only been able to find stills and lobby cards which is a fucking crime when he's so sexy and insane (for wearing double plaid)
No. 338279
File: 1701016681253.jpeg (88.81 KB, 600x398, 1ED8E7AC-4746-4039-B3E4-04BA19…)

>>3382701 vote for Rosemont. I also haven’t seen Fatal Beauty, Laura Mars, or Blue Velvet if anyone can get their hands on those for a future movie night?
No. 338283
File: 1701018735800.gif (7.58 MB, 404x300, leggy.gif)

>>338279Cozy gramps sans dentures I'm gonna LOSE IT. +1 to all three for future dates. He's a massive shithead in Fatal Beauty idk what it is about that one specifically but he needs to be dragged off that chair by the calves stat
No. 338290
File: 1701021352751.jpg (32.65 KB, 386x656, img_1_1700787704370~2.jpg)

>>338283That scene in Fatal Beauty looked like some bull competition kek. I can't be the only one.>>338270I will eat whatever is served as long as I know it's going to be a quality time.
>>338276Aww, isn't it the sweetest gravedigger in picrel? Love this little role.
>>338279I might upload at least one of these to mega so everyone could have a copy.
No. 338297
File: 1701026974427.png (682.2 KB, 1280x721, Blue Velvet Revisited 04.png)

>>338290Oh yeah when he snaps his fingers and his bitch boy starts eating glass on command, so good. The juxtaposition of him being this wiry little weasel hiding behind a fortress of bodybuilders with AKs is amazing, his ego is huge (should be taken down a few pegs). Late 80s Brad with the skinny waist and floppy hair hnnnngh
Step Towards Tomorrow was only "fine" (can't fault it since it's a kid's film and all) but he honestly looked cute as hell
No. 338352
File: 1701044477445.png (529.38 KB, 720x576, don t fear the teacher.png)

>>338270>to watchHappy to watch any of those mentioned, been holding off Rosemont
for full watch party weirdness following previous review by anon just in case.
>>338276>MannoSomeone's got to care for him and it looks like it's us.
>picOh, what a cutie.
No. 338364
File: 1701050773474.gif (7.01 MB, 400x287, such sights to show you.gif)

>>338352The salt and pepper ponytail turns
me into Swamp Volcano (2011), brings out the sharpness of his jaw or something. If only he had one us as his therapist it would have been infinitely better/worse/hotter I think.
Kek seasons don't fear the teacher, has it been mentioned that the colouring in those classroom scenes is ridiculous? Not only for the way it makes his hair look but his eyes…gaslight him with naught but a cellphone and a network connection
No. 338386
File: 1701064582062.mp4 (4.98 MB, 640x480, KEK.mp4)

Love his obnoxious loud as fuck laugh so much, gonna presume the editors couldn't lower the volume on his crowing because it would completely silence everyone else
No. 338387
File: 1701066317433.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1334x750, 07285368-5C0C-4234-A443-7EACD6…)

>>338386HOLY SHIT lol am I dumb, I so did not even notice his laugh at first why is it so loud.
I rewatched a bit of Obsession, please look at these awful photoshopped pics of Brad
No. 338389
File: 1701068569666.png (167.51 KB, 338x275, babe(again).png)

>>338387The middle one is suspiciously familiar kek, do you think they took stills from different Brad movies and shooped them into photographs? Leftmost lasso tool cutout is so bad it's funny but I want to see the original photo…can you imagine how many gorgeous vintage pics of him we'll never get to see? Deeply mourning the unreal amount of actual physical printed photos from Murder Blues that were likely binned after filming
No. 338406
File: 1701090161260.jpeg (132.61 KB, 1093x594, 91ED8C3A-28EE-4689-BCE0-D669AE…)

Ummm just old man posting don’t mind me using all my strength to not spoiler this….
No. 338407
File: 1701090188851.jpeg (140.46 KB, 1114x593, 69510F3E-1468-4E8C-A462-26B33C…)

No. 338437
File: 1701104376726.jpg (1.06 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2023-09-25-01-37-14…)

>>338386He really should have considered voicing a hyena in a cartoon. His laugh is what such character needs.
>>338387Kek, these are so ugly for no good reason. I always wondered why is it so difficult to stage a few photos for a film, even a cheap one? It would at least look a bit more believable.
>>338389>binnedDon't say that, it's gonna make me cry.
No. 338481
File: 1701118651176.mp4 (7.16 MB, 416x320, Devil.mp4)

What percent of Norm MacDonald's show budget went on to Brad so he would put on that devil costume from a local halloween store and serve cunt for whole 20 seconds?
No. 338506
>>338386Old school novelty ringtone right there.
>>338389>vintage picsDo we need to start conjuring boxes of old photos from people's attics now?
>>338406>>338407Just walk your fingers up those forehead wrinkles and into his hair. No. 338605
File: 1701187256338.jpg (1.42 MB, 2048x1888, a-7JlzuFoSY.jpg)

ROSEMONT TODAY hope it's snowing and everyone's inside being cozy, see you all in 4 hours!
>>338506Every time there's a new teeny tiny photo of him in some waterlogged magazine I get so excited, who knows what we could summon up if we try really hard kek
No. 338609
File: 1701188038519.jpg (315.46 KB, 1080x1350, 62948019_335040090526251_52719…)

>>338406Why he do that semicolon backslash thing with his mouf, it's kinda cute
>>338481Thank you so much for the reupload you're preserving history, thought this video was deleted off the face of the earth.
Kinda hot when his voice drops I don't even care if he's dollar store Satan. Re: obscure roles, apparently he did a voiceover for some holiday commercial in the 2010s but I can't find any mention of it at all online?
No. 338611
File: 1701188217296.jpg (31.4 KB, 500x338, normal_261.jpg)

Carradine looks terrifying but is that Rothrock in the middle?!
No. 338630
File: 1701194773751.jpeg (274.8 KB, 601x802, B1A2D21C-7E88-4570-97F4-59F7AC…)

>>338506Yes yes yes to everything you said
>>338605Great article but it does make me sad, to think of all the opportunities he had and knowing how his career turned out
>teeny tiny photoI thought these might be too awful to post but might as well, from Gardener’s Son
No. 338631
File: 1701194855063.jpeg (394.48 KB, 2000x1784, 38E7BC4E-9594-407C-9F72-7BEDB1…)

>>338609this is one of my favorite pictures why does he look extra cute here. TUMMYTUMTUM>>338611That’s so cool!!! I think it is her, how cute
No. 338638
File: 1701195720507.jpg (606.44 KB, 2048x1040, eEhLQJ6eVmg.jpg)

>>338630I'm surprised his hometown hasn't put on a retrospective of all the films he made in school, would be kinda neat to see his thought process as a director. Any and all photos are good I am fucking starving for his face 24/7
No. 338640
File: 1701195951551.jpg (59.71 KB, 602x464, IiIbhC1-EBQ.jpg)

It's a moving heartfelt drama and everything but I want to eat him
No. 338641
File: 1701195975589.gif (1000.93 KB, 300x225, hot.gif)

No. 338647
File: 1701198061027.jpg (72.48 KB, 546x739, Tumblr_l_255710918231722.jpg)

>>338605It's heaps of snow outside, let's gooo!
>>338609>spoiler Very relatable.
Everyone thank you for a few real obscure pics, love seeing this stuff! I'm not sure if these were ever uploaded but here's my tiny contribution.
No. 338783
File: 1701262546305.jpg (163.73 KB, 878x683, Tumblr_l_204087253900322.jpg)

>>338692Welcome to the club, nonna. You're in for a wonderful ride.
Thanks everyone for another watch party, it was great! Glad we always manage to overcome all troubles together, we're such a nice little team, really. Let's decide on another one, shall we?
No. 338846
File: 1701280894344.png (431.94 KB, 701x559, watching waiting.png)

>>338605>>338783As always sending thanks to our host anon and all who attended. The evils of tech shall not defeat us.
>another oneAnyone got any dates to start us off? We'll have do our best for holiday season. >>338692Happy watching, anon.
You're welcome to share your thoughts.
>>338609Someone needs a snuggle.
>>338630 and all other pics/articles
We'll take any quality for a start and work on finding better if we can.
Always appreciate the sharing.
Have a hint of ponytail.
No. 338934
File: 1701321359869.jpg (78.82 KB, 477x584, phLFbg37u5o.jpg)

We have to honour the witless worm that started it all, I think (fair warning all three together are something like 15 hours long)
>>338692Grima and Jack are made for being used and abused, a good strong start kek
>>338783>>338846One anon is busy on Sundays iirc but how's Tuesday the 5th? Or another weekday at a later time (Friday nights work if most people have Saturday off)? What does everyone feel like watching this time around? Lucky to have had that ponytail around for as long as it was ugh, looks so soft. Which film is that nonna?
No. 338935
File: 1701321723940.png (469.9 KB, 1000x563, IMG_0339.png)

Another one from Step Toward Tomorrow, looking good for absolutely no reason
No. 338980
File: 1701352697218.jpg (439.78 KB, 1080x1219, Our year wrapped.jpg)

I don't have Spotify because it doesn't keep track of all the tears I cried
or other liquids I lost thanks to this man
No. 339010
File: 1701364584818.gif (11.1 MB, 540x400, 1690E98F-7315-4425-9EB8-99CF50…)

>>338980lol this is too accurate, I wonder how many minutes I’ve actually spent thinking about him…
Stan time? Finally? Next movie??
No. 339047
File: 1701381749232.jpg (137.36 KB, 1080x1080, 43021043_1901171306640111_7128…)

>>338692don't thank me, it's a CURSE. i agree, he needs to be humiliated and beaten into the dirt, he awakens all weird sorts of creativity in me. i think what gets me about him, among everything else, is the concept of such a diseased and hideous looking person with an equally foul psyche, disposition and motives being able to weave intricately careful and hypnotic ornaments of speech, it's so mesmerising yet so insidious, plus the contrast is HOT.
>>338934downright unfair poll
>>339010oh that'd be pretty amazing, i've been saving this one.
No. 339146
File: 1701440842575.png (435.43 KB, 720x576, red tears are shed.png)

>>338934>ponytailIt's from one of the earlier scenes in Last Line of Defence aka Alien Interceptors etc.
Another unintentionally hilarious b movie that he still tries to give his all to. Pic(s)rel.
>picGrima A Christmas Carol reboot when?
>datesOK, so currently I have 5th or 12th or 15th at the later time. 6th or 13th at either earlier time or later time. After that, not sure. What can everyone else do?
>>338980It's like you see into our hearts, anon.
>>339010Stan: any time, any place.
>>339047Equally blessed and cursed, anon.
No. 339171
File: 1701453940012.jpg (626.89 KB, 1080x1261, Updated stats.jpg)

>>339010Comfort movie rewatch, I'd be up for that.
>>339146Trying not to fangirl too hard over that ponytail.
All dates are fine with me, especially earlier time onesAnd yes, I do see into your hearts. And probably heads too. Reading minds, seriously.
No. 339241
File: 1701471873487.jpg (34.26 KB, 439x480, grima with normal eyes.jpg)

i don't mind doing the work myself but it would be very cool if someone else could abuse him to the point of borderline catatonia for me so that i can take him in, play the good doctor, wash his hair, take care of him and feel good and not weird about myself. pls
No. 339248
File: 1701473160911.jpg (93.59 KB, 960x679, blue-velvet-md-web.jpg)

I finally watched Blue Velvet (yes, for the first time, don't laugh). Great but criminally low on Dourif, just not enough. Felt a serious withdrawal so I watched the documentary about the film and there was a bit more of him being a cool cat. He said he played boredom. Raymond is bored. Cute little trivia I guess.
Can't say I'm well fed for the night but I'll take what I can take. 10/10 ears for Van Gogh and hyena laughs.
No. 339273
File: 1701476786526.png (427.65 KB, 694x550, I need a hero.png)

And for today's episode of 'wtf did I watch this time' Shadow Hours.
Peter Weller chews scenery in this one: T&A, S&M, needle/rope fetish, russian roulette, all sorts of weird shit, some plot about extremes and a serial killer, I kind of gave up trying to work it out.
Brad is Roland the gas station owner who turns up occasionally, with a heavy-accent drawl. "I unnerstan' there's bin a murdur" style. Which is quite sweet. His suit & tie combos are adorable. Short hair. He gets beaten up and slides off the hood of a car, I'm going with 'unconscious not dead', but that's (by some miracle) near the end so we don't see him again. I am bizarrely fond of this character, playing dumb and trying to be a hero.
No. 339276
File: 1701477118466.png (Spoiler Image,440.01 KB, 693x548, til the end of the night.png)

>>339275Hashtag, my what a big gun you have.
No. 339277
>>339171These just get better.
>>339241Other anons have greater knowledge than me but
surely Middle Earth has some marauding bands of thugs who could attack him and leave him for dead, just close enough to where you live so you can carry him home, bathe his wounds and let him crave your gentle touch? maybe that?
>>339248>just not enoughStory of our viewing habits. We just want more of him.
No. 339299
>>339274>>339275Thanks for the review and pics anon, I watched a trailer for this before but it sounds crazy, I’ll have to try a little harder to find it.
>>339277>spoilerand genius ideas as always
No. 339318
File: 1701503018298.mp4 (4.09 MB, 640x480, dainty bastard.mp4)

>>338980This cap still drives me insane with longing, bring on the tall cold glass of water
'cause you're sweating buckets when he shows up too right, that's what you mean right>>339146>>3391715th and 12th are good, 6th, 13th, and 15th I'm also only around at the later times if that works. Thanks for providing the name anon, I'm seriously obsessed with the way Brad styled himself in the 90s. Would give anything in the whole world to brush my fingers through his hair. His face in the first screencap is GORGEOUS, you can tell he's about to cry
>>339276>>339273The suit actually fits! Love anything where he gets to use his natural diction, anon put it perfectly when she said he's got refined Trans-Atlantic enunciation mixed with a simple small-town drawl and I can't stop thinking about how cute that is. If they don't definitively bring up
his death on-screen then he
lives past the credits and that's that. Looking at you,
Laura Mars, Sin Seer, DEATH MACHINE.>>339248IMO Blue Velvet Revisited is one of the best examples of bonus content, someone went out of their way not only to collect old stills but interview even background actors (like Brad, poor Brad). The Exrocist III rerelease is also amazing for this. Him picking a dead snake up off the road to dance with is also one of the funniest "wtf" making-of moments
No. 339319
File: 1701503041716.png (1.27 MB, 1920x1080, Blue Velvet Revisited 02.png)

No. 339320
File: 1701503194676.jpg (2.91 MB, 3504x2336, 3906289670_3b17ce3838_o.jpg)

>>339146>comfort movieExcited to hear someone else feels the same about D&C, the writer actually did a good job at making Stan exude a protective (somehow comforting) feeling
No. 339335
File: 1701516690796.jpg (85.5 KB, 1386x1043, 1420353902.jpg)

>>339273I started watching it the other day now I need to continue! He looked so fine for such a movie it's ridiculous (again). Can't wait to hear more of that accent. Thanks for a review and caps, nonna.
>>339276Ugh god don't give him guns, no time to explain the sexy aspect of it>>339277I can see why Brad refused to accept more roles from Lynch because as Raymond he literally just stood there watching everyone. He contributed hyena laugh and a few stares and a snake dance but… For a right hand of the main villain he's only flashy because of his suit. Unfair.
>>339318of course sweating buckets, nothing else. Maybe drooling a bit.Yes, Revisited was great, insane amount of footage and photos that doesn't leave anyone out, such a good watch.
Still asking universe why did he pick up that snake, why did he vibe with it, wtf was that, kek. Wonder if he woke up in the morning thinking it was a fever dream? I'd have a lot of questions to myself if I were him.
>>339320Weird for a movie like that to become a comfort one but I can rewatch D&C a ton of times and still enjoy it. For some reason that's beyond my own understanding it just has that weird ass charm and calmness to it.
No. 339345
File: 1701522156050.jpg (127.17 KB, 686x708, 917755282.jpg)

>>339241Lore-accurate Grima eyeballs I love you so… If you don't want to be an outright sadist there's always the option to pay itinerant mercenaries to corner him on a dark night. Clear instructions to stop before he actually dies but full permission to maim him. Running out of the hall to meet your poor wounded advisor, throwing yourself over his wheezing body and lamenting about the kind of vermin that could do such a thing to a soft and helpless creature like him. Soon enough he'll see you as his fair saviour, his caretaker, feel so comforted in your presence he thinks he can trust your touch.
No. 339438
File: 1701553855199.gif (3.81 MB, 480x363, db5c400e-7d73-4d03-96f5-d418f7…)

Scrolled through Ghost in search of Brad and accidentally made it to his untimely end too early. That made me so irrationally angry I nearly threw that remote across the room. I'll watch it some other time I guess, but I can tell you he looked good in it. There's that.
No. 339595
File: 1701627502781.jpg (3 MB, 3504x2336, 3741893522_c1fa3af04f_o.jpg)

>>339335>D&CSometimes life is hard and you are tired of being brave and you would like to have your own grumpy old murderman to love you and take care of you
sorry for being cringe>>339438This one doesn't even look bad enough to be entertaining, what's it about? More Brad in suit is always appreciated though ♥
No. 339597
File: 1701627637645.png (5.45 MB, 1432x1698, 3805426864_eda99aa89d_o.png)

This photographer put up an entire album of stills, some HD versions of oft-seen photos No. 339603
File: 1701630367879.gif (4.94 MB, 480x363, c94e09c4a253-e593a3d24967.gif)

>>339595In simplest words: Chinese assassin goes to US undercover because she crossed some evil guys so there's a bounty on her head and mafia of all sorts is after her. Now the task is to find her and find out what's up. There's Michael Madsen who plays a cop that's assigned to the case of that woman, Brad plays the head (?) of the police department and he constantly has to scold Madsen for being ass. I'm still in the process here, but I'll finish this one in a few. Looks absolutely horrid that said, like a cheap TV production but the cast is surprisingly alright. A bit of cheap acting here and there. Really poorly written exchanges that only work when it's a dialog between Brad and Madsen.
Cannot say I totally dig this but there's Brad in a suit that fits, so?.. I'm sold instantly.
No. 339605
File: 1701630813664.jpg (2.93 MB, 3504x2336, 3906300866_366278976c_o.jpg)

>>339597Crying at those poorly applied sores on his face, they look even worse in regular photos. Plenty of material, there are a few absolute gems. Thank you so much for finding these! This is priceless.
No. 339616
File: 1701633126489.png (4.27 MB, 992x1500, SoHo News November-December 19…)

"BRAD GLOWERS FOR OUR SINS" SHE'S SO RIGHT, sorry about the torn photos somebody unfortunately mishandled it but man the article is all fervent veneration
>The more he talks, the more wound up he gets, the more likely Brad Dourif is to drop the Gs off the end of his participles.
Everyone has to mention how cute this is huh
No. 339617
File: 1701633150604.png (7.56 MB, 1884x1400, SoHo News November-December 19…)

No. 339618
File: 1701633192030.png (9.24 MB, 2304x1400, SoHo News November-December 19…)

No. 339619
File: 1701633268602.png (8.16 MB, 1898x1500, SoHo News November-December 19…)

First paragraph (leftmost side) continues in the next scan then rolls back over to this page.
No. 339620
File: 1701633305891.png (9.9 MB, 2468x1400, SoHo News November-December 19…)

No. 339621
File: 1701633375967.png (9.46 MB, 2357x1400, SoHo News November-December 19…)

>High-grade insanity
Glad we're all on the same page.
No. 339627
File: 1701634972527.jpg (27.57 KB, 720x544, w1500_3588227.jpg)

>>339603The cover art makes it look painfully low budget but the plot sounds interesting enough, plus female action heroine? I hope it at least holds a candle to Sworn to Justice. Madsen and Brad bantering could be alright, it's like Paxton and Brad in Crypt- wouldn't have been nearly as entertaining without such strong actors.
The straight-laced collar and tie done right up to his neck makes me want to rip his shirt open kek… Brad in white, someone dump a bucket of cold water on him.>>339605Love this one, pointing with his glasses like a real old man
No. 339631
File: 1701636609286.jpeg (84.01 KB, 800x567, A71881B2-8C3D-4396-AFFF-01E7FA…)

Well I watched it. Couldn’t even enjoy it a little since I was just waiting for something bad to happen the whole time. Meh.
No. 339655
File: 1701645401278.jpg (291.59 KB, 1080x782, Screenshot_2023-12-04-02-11-17…)

>>339631Blame other nonna not me, I only told you pretty much nothing!
>>339616Oh god wow, this article is finally here. Well, I guess that purchase paid off greatly! Thank you so much, scans are pretty much ideal.
The very intro just describes our fan experiences perfectly, I can't believe nothing changed since then. Love how the author drops the g's at some point too, lol, such a wonderful touch.
Really touched by Brad's determination to preserve grace and humanity because that's what's right, aww. Everything he says is so insightful. He's a treasure, truly.
>>339627I should tell you I liked it a bit more than most reviewers online, it's not good but it's not horrible. Some fun fights made up for cheapness. It's one of those flicks you'd catch on TV later in the evening and get stuck with because there's nothing better on. Definitely alright enough for one watch.
I very much approve of all your ideas and now demand a wet shirt contest with a single contestant. Will he win? Of course he will. No. 339657
>>339597Anon tysm, great haul.
>>339616Articles too? You're spoiling us today, thank you. His passion for things just shines through.
>High-grade insanityHalf of this article could be future thread names.
Buttoned up Intensity Edition
>>339438>>339603>>339655Are we rolling the brain cell round this thread again, have also recently got this one. Anons have covered most points, but might still type up review when I have more than 5 minutes.
Suits that fit are always a bonus.
No. 339660
>>339657Please do write your own review too, because I usually lose a lot of details in the process. Always appreciate points other anons make!
It's actually insane that the braincell™ is just working overtime at this point. This is some telepathic connection. When we start literally talking to each other through it we'll probably achieve greatness and power never before seen I tell you.
No. 339683
File: 1701656680405.jpg (181.92 KB, 1000x779, brad_dourif.jpg)

Douriffriends please update availability for D&C so far our date list is either 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, or 15th.
>>339631I feel partially responsible for killing the suspense of the story, sorry anon
>>339657>thread titlesEyes as Blue as the Swiss Flag edition. Seconding
>>339660 reviews in this thread are more fun than normie reviewers because of the insanely good takes on characters (also documenting all of Brad's important scenes so I can be shallow and decide what to watch next)
No. 339686
File: 1701659907572.jpg (95.46 KB, 444x665, IMG_8581.JPG)

>>339617holy shit i don't think i've seen this pic before. wow…
>>339683i can only do 5 if its the latest time but the rest are totally ok i think. again, i live in the moment, hard to say, pic rel is me rushing to dourifthread movie screenings. also why does the guy on the right look 4'9
No. 339688
File: 1701660429982.jpg (34.76 KB, 600x400, grima06.jpg)

>>339277>>339345grima is just begging to get jumped and beaten up, he's so squishy and his clothing is real posh, it's not my fault! and i love orthanc's oppressive atmosphere in that scene, it's going to be really hard to top with my future evil fortress.
No. 339700
File: 1701667636664.png (2.29 MB, 1763x1147, i wanna hold your hand.png)

>>339686I should have at least fixed the colour balance on those huh, how are his eyes so vibrant even in a b&w photo. I love how they cast an actor legitimately almost a foot shorter than Brad it's so exciting to see him as the tall willowy beauty he is instead of being overshadowed by 6'5 moids on steroids.
>>339688Cackling because I missed reading other anon's reply and we had the exact same idea, he deserves retribution from the universe in the form of muggings, beatings, illnesses that leave him feverish and delusional. He invites his own terrible fate by being a conniving rat, who's to say someone he slighted in the past isn't out to get him. Orthanc is built upwards (great because he's gotta be terrified of heights!) so it would be fun if you reversed the floor plan and had some kind of cave system in your castle reserved for keeping giant spiders and wargs and shit. Give Grima a tour of your personal bestiary and threaten to serve him up as dinner if he steps out of line.
No. 339703
File: 1701667936743.gif (7.07 MB, 530x300, sleepy.gif)

Speaking of Ragtime. God.
No. 339792
File: 1701698462373.jpg (5.6 MB, 2750x4096, 23-12-123.jpg)

>>339683>datesAvailable for them all.
>>339700They should have made him look taller more often. All that leg and for what? I need him to tower over someone properly at least a bit more often.
>>339703I keep putting Ragtime away for later with a few other quality things, and you keep on seducing me with all this stuff. By all means continue, let's see how strong my will is.
No. 339880
File: 1701743523820.jpg (208.5 KB, 720x1038, (1).jpg)

>>339792This photoshoot and his squished mouth make me feel inexplicable things
>>339809>>339824The 5th then if it's good by everyone? 1900GMT/1100PT/1400ET?
No. 339964
File: 1701777108636.jpg (1.99 MB, 1790x2626, 2-054-49-07.jpg)

>>339880I found three photos on photographer's site but they're protected from downloading, I guess someone can access them easier from desktop. These are otherworldly cute, wish there were more.
>datesI'll be there today even if no one else will! ..Well, aside from our regular crowd I guess.
No. 340004
File: 1701791664455.png (882.01 KB, 1128x832, mississippi10.png)

>>339964I am confused but I'll be there too
No. 340113
File: 1701827654686.gif (5.83 MB, 480x360, nice-shot.gif)

Late (but great) bit, for anon who missed it.
No. 340177
>>339824Following extreme confusion itt, I would like to thank Host anon and DJ Anon(s)
for accidential Dourif Disco night.
Host anon, we will wait for your next official announcement!
But it was a lot of fun.
>>340106>>340107>>340113gif thank yous. So watchable.
No. 340179
File: 1701872073410.png (595.46 KB, 704x564, breakin rocks.png)

>>339660>>339683>reviewsOk, here we go. Sorry for repeating plot points.
For this episode of 'the fights were better than the plot', The Ghost.
Asian Assassin woman goes undercover in the US as mail-order bride to avoid scenery-chewing, girlfriend-shooting Bad guy with corrupt cops in his pay.
Extra marks for
Bad guy's coke meltdown, random legless army vet, Elvis wedding, awful disguises, so many screenwipe effects during the search scene, editing jumps and use of 'bloody hell'Brad is a US police boss, Garland
corrupt past but eventually does the right thing, so of course he dies. Send the paramedics, we're resuscitating. getting bounty hunters to find her. The acting was variable OK/wooden, the fights were fun, the romance dire.
Would watch again with friends and popcorn. B movie approval.
Brad is in it at about the 20 min mark then pops up for a minute or two every 10 mins or so until he gets shot. He looks very nice in his suits and shirts and short hair. He does some soft spoken bits asmr anons may enjoy about the 50 min mark. No. 340198
File: 1701879622231.jpg (149.38 KB, 528x763, Screenshot_2023-12-04-02-09-12…)

>>340106>>340107Thank you, these were quite lethal. Can't fail to check out Ragtime now.
>>340177Thanks for joining in! Another weird little party that was worth it even without the movies. Thanks to Host nonna and others for being here and sitting through my music choices.
>>340179Haa, so I too made you watch something today. Glad you found it watchable too. Brad and his collection of nice suits: the movie. We gotta save him, there's no other way because he's too sexy.
No. 340457
File: 1701980671180.jpeg (Spoiler Image,72.96 KB, 639x467, 63EA1E45-1CC2-4B54-95F4-1DFEED…)

ignore the dumb silly drawing I just realized he has probably never celebrated Christmas with anyone and I am so fucking sad. Want to bring him home with me and decorate a little tree together and make him put on a tacky sweater and have cocoa and snuggle and shsjsbdhsjdbhdks. Trying to think of what I could get him,, earrings? A gun? Or something else……spicy. I feel like he would get me some random dumb novelty thing or get me jewelry bc he thinks it’s just something all women want. Or he could build something for me, idk what but he is pretty handy and creative. I don’t really care about the holidays but I would go all out for him
No. 340593
File: 1702006544800.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.99 KB, 632x415, 2297876,HotdoFAWuchymwVDXj9N8G…)

Rare Tucker, no idea whether it's promo material or why it's filtered such a harrowing red. Spoilered for rat guts.
>>340179>>340198This is up against Justice (what are the odds of him being in not one but two random action films) so it's going to be tough to rank but it already sounds entertaining
>ASMRYou know just the cherry on top of the pie that sways me to watch these, darn it
>>340183Looking very gentlemanly here, not even cropped hair can stop the little bit of waves in his hair
No. 340603
File: 1702007940105.gif (861.71 KB, 500x380, im retarded.gif)

>>340457NONNY NONNY NONNY YOUR ART'S THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL, the gooey monster cookies and his big ol' shiny forehead I LOVE IT I LOVE HIM, he would be a total menace with mistletoe, would he be gullible enough to eat it you think…He hadn't seen a calendar in years but they must decorate the offices for Christmas so he'd know, no commotion in the halls when everyone's left for vacation. You have to take him home what if they turn off the heating, it's charity. Do you think watching Home Alone too many times and Kevin's deathtraps were formative for his psyche as a child?? Someone who understands him might
trigger at least a bit of sentimentality, an actual heartfelt gift from him would be a well-kept childhood figurine or maybe a weapon he's genuinely emotionally attached to kek
and tacky underwear worth more than your life because he's just like that. Getting him to build a roomba would be pretty funny, conversely he could be the type to spend his stupid amount of money on useless but lavish shit. He's got pea soup for a brain. The nicest thing you could get him is making real people Christmas food and putting it into microwave dinner trays to trick him into getting some vitamins.
Sorry for the late reply wrt the t-shirt vector, a little janky but that makes it extra charming (or something) No. 340678
File: 1702046978570.jpg (Spoiler Image,112.5 KB, 568x800, lemming.jpg)

>>340457Anon that is amazing, made me giggle.
>>340593Aww, lovely ratboy, ty.
>>340457 and
>>340603>giftingYou'd know 100% he was into you if he gifted you an Evil-Lyn figure to compliment his Skeletor one. Earrings with tiny guns or handcuffs on them. The DIY roomba would have attachments with full military capability, he couldn't help himself.>>340603>picAnons itt making me smile.
>t shirt graphicYou know, looking at this & other art anon's pic, I'm wondering
is that cartoon meant to be a stylised Lemming -picrel? Or an even more stylised self-portrait? Ego's big enoughPic spoiler for non Dourif content.
>eat the mistletoePlant. Looks like fruit. Nah.
No. 340743
File: 1702062148474.gif (6.54 MB, 480x263, E021B8F4-E363-42A3-9A92-133A73…)

Some more LKW gifs
>>340678complimentary figures would be so cute!!
No. 340744
File: 1702062261739.gif (11.25 MB, 480x201, 561D5294-4AF2-43C5-9AAC-557D2A…)

This one had a very obvious twist but then another WTF twist
No. 340745
File: 1702062655663.gif (7.48 MB, 480x201, 92B6A479-29D4-447A-8BD4-8A0396…)

The face petting…imagining myself getting rejected and breaking my own heart but replaying it a million times anyways. She was way too relatable in this scene, especially the uh, closet raiding
No. 340763
File: 1702076196664.png (593.25 KB, 692x569, don't keep me.png)

>>340743>>340744>>340745Anon, these are beautiful, his eyes in the last one especially.
Still got a face grab out of it, that counts for something.Have some fingers and phones.
No. 340807
File: 1702093235900.png (515.56 KB, 637x429, bonk.png)

>>340678>>340743>complimentary figuresGenius, it's so in-character I'm taking it as canon, he's so clingy he'd definitely be the type to match everything in a juvenile obsessive couple kind of way. Matching engraved guns (looking out for you ofc), matching figurines (extremely hurt if you don't display yours), matching handmade novelty shirt, uuuugh
that's kinda sweet…>self portraitI thought it was a stylized version of his cartoon scientist but that it might be fanart of himself in the style of the show is an even better idea. Do you guys think he has any interest in vidya, PC nerd since he's so good with code? Can imagine him in the middle of the night running 20-hour Lemming marathons or making Doom WADs for the strategic/artistic aspect, even if he's more into irl hands-on stuff. Do you think he makes killbot prototypes out of Legos
>>340745>>340744He pushes her away so GENTLY what a cavalcade of expressions he's got going on what is happening here
oh to cup his face like that, I want to squish his cheeks together too but to just pet him, her hands are so small on him and yet his are the size of her whole face, god>>340763So the fidgety phonecall finger-chewing in Halloween wasn't a one off, seems you've found another uniquely Brad-like mannerism here
No. 340827
File: 1702100036768.gif (8.06 MB, 540x350, whats cookin good lookin.gif)

He cooks he cleans he kills for you what doesn't this angel do. See you Tuesday!
Absolute landslide for Two Towers in the LotR poll, 2k24 Year of the Worm
No. 340889
File: 1702131819880.jpg (76.14 KB, 704x534, 1702124436.jpg)

>>340457Poor little (grown goddamn adult) Jack needs to experience Christmas magic! Do you think he can totally be convinced that Santa is real?
Heartbreakingly cute drawings have my chest aching, nonna.
>>340603Finally I'll be able to paint a shirt for myself too, thanks for the vector.
To those saying it looks like a cartoon from the film, I feel like it's a bingo imo, because I can see him sketching his fav characters in his free time (so all the time basically). Also this outline reminds me of a jester in a way… Just a thought.
>>340743>>340745Another film written down into priority list.
>>340763I'll back up with more phone calls.
>>340827Hell yeah, can't wait till Tuesday.
No. 340890
File: 1702131945141.jpg (60.05 KB, 353x650, 1702126333.jpg)

A little bit of Grima. Something about the pose..
No. 340950
File: 1702162980116.png (476.97 KB, 717x538, call me any anytime.png)

>>340807>his cartoon scientistI can get behind that, though I stand by
his self insert, as he is the bestest evil genius as we should all know.>vidya/Legos100%
Wanting to be smarter than everyone means wanting to be first for all kinds of tech/mech. Treat him to a Meccano kit and keep him busy for hours. Offer to be his Player 2 and he's yours.
Also no one's going to beat his vidya high score JAK. Or he'll sulk.>finger-chewingpicrel, conspiracy confirmed.
>>340889>jesterHe carries a rubber chicken at all times, makes perfect sense.
>sketching his fav charactersInbetween cutting more holes in his jeans because so cool.
>>340890Any bit in particular…?
>>340827Our hero. Anon, we are ready. Also, is that the next thread title, Year of the Worm Edition? Art anons, submit pics now.
No. 340983
File: 1702181247815.png (1.55 MB, 1906x934, IMG_2944.png)

No. 340994
File: 1702184762351.jpg (58.48 KB, 480x360, El Padrino (2004).jpg)

>>340889>sketching his fav charactersHis sketches are in the top five things that are actually cool about him even if they're coomer-tier, I love his creepy drawings and that he's got a weird outlet through art. He seems like the type to DIY bad tasteless comics in school
>>340890One of the best Grima pics ever, everything from his innocuous face to the robes spilling out onto the floor (how regal), he looks like he's been caught in the act of doing…something illicit
>>340950>Meccano kitKEK was he building Saw traps for his classmates because his mum never got him one? Necessity truly is the mother of invention. Picking a new threadpic/thread title's going to be even more difficult this time around, so many relentlessly quotable posts itt
No. 341015
>>340983ahahahah!! I didn’t do a great job selling this one the first time around so maybe I posted those gifs to finally tempt someone else to watch it. Yeah truly what the fuck was that.
A little early for next thread nominations but I really want this pic
>>332969 with title
THE DOURB No. 341098
File: 1702235054124.gif (7.35 MB, 480x270, same.gif)

>>341015You piqued my interest at
relatable closet raiding but that entire scene was so much. About halfway through the film
I got bored with everything except for Ida's history with Waylon, even Eli's scrote dad got more exposition than she did and maybe it's projection or whatever but her abyssal longing was so fucking sad. I wanted the retrospective on how she's been pining and repressing for decades. Waylon may have been a total nutjob but the scene was like, elevated above the plot into wishful delusion it was depressing and hot all at once. Mega spoiler but
is it totally insane to have expected him to give in to Ida's advances even A LITTLE because her and the girl were both redheads. He let her down very sweetly but the entire time I thought the specific choice of mom being a redhead was going to be an important plot point. How much money do you think you'd have to pay if you asked Brad to re-enact it at a convention. Anon I can't stop rewatching it and thinking about
their little self-deprecating tango, the jacket scene, kms. If only they didn't get interrupted.
Dourif Enjoyers: The Dourb is so ominous, I dig it.
No. 341102
File: 1702236955930.gif (1.67 MB, 500x280, 1210.gif)

Iirc this was mentioned before, about a different shot from a different film, but the way his eyes glow under direct light even when there's a shadow over his face is amazing. How.
No. 341111
File: 1702238894654.jpg (646.71 KB, 1080x1493, Luther Lee Boggs file.jpg)

I don't remember if this was posted or discussed but I'm obsessed with this prop file. They didn't only miscalculate his height but weight as well so it's a fat manlet you see here, ladies.
Mulder and Scully are on a mission to investigate why a dangerous yet very small convict weighs like a gorilla.
No. 341112
File: 1702238960886.jpg (481.49 KB, 1680x1260, 1702127195.jpg)

>>341111There was also this one, please pay attention to the wrist and neck size.
No. 341115
File: 1702240447434.jpg (257.41 KB, 1500x844, w1500_48996436.jpg)

>>341111>>341112These make me irrationally angry kek, why reuse the FB mugshot (with Vacaville being on the opposite end of the country too) when there was literally a booking sheet already made as a prop for the show. Who okayed this. Crying laughing @ fat manlet, at 162cm he'd be Scully's height what the fuck
>Teeth: good>Lips: thinThis is true except they should have added "shaped for kissing"
No. 341128
File: 1702243956140.jpg (34.22 KB, 604x487, tumblr_af858a686c1e940874864d6…)

Naked under the jumpsuit?……
No. 341144
File: 1702249256553.jpg (201.17 KB, 987x555, 1702101918.jpg)

>>341115You can see that one of the props was made to be copied for one of the assistant directors but the second one? God knows. What would those be used for is also under the question. Still, the miscalculations made me kek. Why use metrics for height and burger numbers for weight? Why not measure him in football fields for ants and bugs or some shit if you just go random with numbers? So many questions. Fake documents rarely make any sense, picrel is kind of another example.
>Hair: blondeYeah, alright.
>>341128You reminded me of it again, the closest thing we'll ever get to lewds/nudes No. 341150
File: 1702252012951.png (565.8 KB, 706x566, turbulent eyes.png)

>>340994>picWhat a sweet smile.
>>341098Not reading the spoilers as this is still to-watch for me, but the gifs are tempting.
>>341015>The DourbIt is iconic, this is true.
>>341102>his eyes glowWell, these are the origin of all other Dourbs.
>>341111>>341112>>341115>>341144These make me laugh. I know they weren't really meant to be caught on screen caps, but some realism would have been nice. Are his bones made of lead?
>Random numbersHow tall is Jack in Jelly Babies?
>>341128Immediate attack of the vapors, send help.
No. 341228
>>341150>bones made of leadThat would actually be an interesting twist if you think about it…
How tall is Jack in jelly babies? Approximately 51 and a half or 52 jelly babies. Yes, I counted.
>>341144Also I just noticed this "document" lists his height as 5'10 and a half. Do you think they just put Brad's real height here or no? Oh to find out he's a whole cm taller, mmm.
No. 341268
File: 1702311148554.jpg (268.79 KB, 1200x1160, yIaR_Q2PJbk.jpg)

>>341144>>341228Aw they put down Akron as his place of birth and it looks like Brad's actual chickenscratch, that one is an A+ fake document. Wonder if the photo is from an old headshot, it's really cute.
Candid chest hair and clavicles shouldn't be this arousing but wow. You can sort of see his stomach fuzz too umm..>5'10"I think that's pretty accurate to his height, still funny that he's considered a blonde though. What shade is that, muddy water? Dirty blonde?
>>341146Then this pallid wretch beguiling my tired fancy into smiling,
By the frightened, tense decorum of the countenance he wore,
“Though thy loyalty has wavered, thou,” I said, “still seek my favour,
Ghastly weak in weary fervour wandering to my Nightly shore—
Prostrate now thyself before me on this Night’s Plutonian shore.”
Quoth then Grima “Evermore.”>>341150I hope you get to watch it soon, that one scene is a killer.
>origin of all other DourbsYOU'RE SO RIGHT, the original dourbs. Afaik the two pages anon posted are from a fanbook so they probably didn't think people would care but those numbers are hilarious
No. 341381
File: 1702329567167.jpg (362.31 KB, 3464x1931, Wise Blood in a nutshell.jpg)

>>341268It is really a nice fake document, complete with horrible scribbling, so bad you'd think it belongs to a left-handed individual. As for height I thought he was 5'9 for some sources stated that.
Well, and I decided to watch Wise Blood because I couldn't take it anymore. Incredible film and there's a lot to say about it. But here's a funny.
No. 341382
File: 1702329660084.jpg (68.12 KB, 807x530, EerLlJjsxVU.jpg)

>check in with thread>grima poetry is a thing nowthis is so good what the fuck
>>341102holy shit
>>340457holy shit and happy christmas to you too nonna. wanna bite his head off.
No. 341408
File: 1702335266092.gif (6.06 MB, 480x263, Quit yer bitchin Start preachi…)

>>341381And you know what, I guess now I understand what did Brad mean by grouping some characters as village fools in interviews, kek. Motes is a canonical fool.
No. 341458
>>341228>51 and a half or 52 jelly babiesYour dedication is immense.
>>341268>quothAnon, ily, thank you for running with this. Beautiful work.
But the man, his heart so lonely, on the cold stone floor, spoke only
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing farther then he uttered—not a dark hair-strand he fluttered—
Till I scarcely more than muttered “You have come to me before—
Dost thine eyes betray a longing, growing stronger than before?”
Then Gríma said “Evermore.”>>341382>grima poetryStraight rip off from Edgar Allan Poe
though we have enough talent itt to make something original between us, I am sure>>341381Read the novel without hearing it in his voice challenge next.
No. 341480
File: 1702349735960.jpg (976.12 KB, 1953x1555, Tumblr_l_116483252111762.jpg)

>>341458>dedicationWhy, thank you. Doing my best.
And yes, would be impossible to read Wise Blood and not hear his voice. Wonder why that audiobook never happened… Might it happen now if we ask really nicely?
No. 341633
File: 1702406360433.jpg (190.34 KB, 1024x1024, media_FunexkVaUAE1quj.jpg)

>>341382Sudden realization that there's not enough gothic-romantic poetry to convey the necessary Grima feelings but Tennyson was onto something when he wrote
I will possess him or will die>>341458♥
Humoured by the stillness broken with reply so readily spoken,
“Doubtless,” said I, “what you utter is your only stock and store
Thought of in unhappy hours shackled in my Stygian towers
Weaving flatteries and fancies till your pleas one burden bore—
Till the venerations of your Hope that melancholy burden bore
Of ‘Forever—evermore’.” No. 341634
File: 1702406642595.jpg (78.48 KB, 600x546, ringconDVDbrad.jpg)

>>341381Seconding the anon who said you should give the book a read too, the attention given to Haze is a little more intimate.
>the churchSomeone rent this man a lecture hall so he can stop ranting outside in the rain poor thing's gonna catch pneumonia..
>>341480ANON YOU'RE A GENIUS audiobooks are easy and grampy wouldn't even have to leave his house, someone should bring the idea forth at a meet and greet. Would love for him to do Wise Blood and LotR specifically but Legion might be fun too
No. 341640
File: 1702409191312.jpg (2.7 MB, 3504x2336, 3905523675_b2f11ef0d4_o.jpg)

D&C in ten minutes!
No. 341849
File: 1702473950202.jpg (54.09 KB, 504x446, 1702125258.jpg)

>>341634We need to start a petition and make him read all that and Cuckoo's Nest too.
Epic epic epic watch party we've had. The day barely went by and I already miss you all, kek. Special thanks to host nonna and everyone who made it here - you're the best.
No. 341974
File: 1702505409535.jpg (111.77 KB, 1170x1734, rat drawing.jpg)

tucker would do that.
No. 341984
>>341640>>341849Echoing thanks to host anon and the regulars, you make it fun.
>>341634>audiobooksYes please, all of them.
>>341633100% need to work on some original content, this really should be a thing.
>spoilerThus I sat watching and waiting but made no move to satiate him
This the man whose haunted eyes now burned into my bosom’s core;
Let his heart now start divining, these thoughts in my head, reclining
On the cushion’s velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o’er,
Like his velvet-faded finery with the lamp-light gloating o’er,
And possess him, evermore! No. 341985
File: 1702508620483.png (534.11 KB, 696x549, Im in the phone booth.png)

As promised, the lovely Roland.
No. 342121
>>341974Kek, he would. And each time it would be a different doodle.
>>341985>>341989>>341987>>341986>forearms Damn what a slut… Uh, I mean.. That can make a Victorian anon dead, be careful.
No. 342177
File: 1702554928182.jpg (30.14 KB, 293x385, 11791143913_8bc7ec2a1e_o.jpg)

>>341985oh god that suit!! these are all great thanks anon
No. 342283
File: 1702582265769.jpg (58.93 KB, 616x560, Tumblr_l_83274807501094.jpg)

Everyone, look what I found
No. 342468
File: 1702650033488.jpg (57.99 KB, 500x333, 1702122849.jpg)

Don't remember if I've seen this photo in color or not.
P.s. Miss everyone itt.
No. 342513
File: 1702663618960.jpg (107.16 KB, 821x961, tumblr_c26bf49532dba6fe36d7de3…)

bad news gang, looks like Cut Off is another lost movie. I'm not as worried about this one since it's pretty recent but WHAT THE HELL No. 342538
File: 1702672627249.jpg (391.66 KB, 1217x909, w1500_51133233.jpg)

No. 342540
File: 1702672665119.jpg (354.19 KB, 1214x911, w1500_51134397.jpg)

No. 342546
File: 1702673355942.jpg (31.2 KB, 498x602, 1702125852~2.jpg)

>>342513Now I know why I couldn't find it. Oh well.
>>342540The way I slapped my hand over my mouth to not scream right now. Oh god, oh good god. Beautiful caps, nonna, I'm literally dead.
No. 342610
File: 1702687899516.png (389.6 KB, 692x567, curly wurly.png)

>>342121>spoilerApologies, should have spoilered the flash of flesh pics, smelling salts for the Victorian anons.
>>342513>lost movieffs, it's a conspiracy. Who do we need to bully this time?
>>342538HotterWhenWet still stands
Appreciate all the posted pics, thank you anons.
>>342540The 'lips - thin' description from the mock documents can fuck right off apparently. Dear god.
No. 342659
File: 1702708172600.jpg (4.94 MB, 4096x3096, 23-12_09-26-756.jpg)

Found an okay copy of Terror on Highway 91, will be capping it later today.
>>342610It's alright, Victorian anon will survive.
>thinLips not thin but made for sin, that would be accurate. Honestly the howl it nearly got out of me, it's embarrassing but who gave him the right to look so hot when wet and in distress? Need to tug on that bottom lip with my teeth or I will shrivel into nothing and die. No. 342820
File: 1702757564800.jpg (4.22 MB, 4096x3113, 1.jpg)

Alright, so Terror on Highway 91. A bland movie about police corruption (what do we not know about it). The main character is a young police deputy who grows tired of seeing constant corruption, brutality and lies of the fellow policemen and the sheriff. He decides to take matters in his own hands because he really cares about his town and loves his job, wants to do what's right and so on. He arranges a secret meeting with a journalist (Brad) who is ready to hear his full story and publish it. The whole movie is basically consisting of flashbacks to the young cop's experience and present moment when he's being interviewed. In the end it was nothing special but an okay TV movie, can't say it was horrible or lame, just boring. You will only care about it whenever Brad appears on screen I guarantee you. Check out picrel for a raincoat + suit combo.
No. 342823
File: 1702757832033.jpg (828.37 KB, 1510x1080, 4.jpg)

>>342822Also no idea why over the course of the movie he gets progressively a bit more undressed and disheveled, but uh, whatever I guess. More to look at.
No. 342827
File: 1702758118032.jpg (280.47 KB, 938x1080, 1(2).jpg)

>>342820Excuse me, just realized you can't see the suit at all on this one. Now you can.
No. 342832
File: 1702758412097.gif (9.84 MB, 540x325, jdiiojfenieofn.gif)

good morning/evening i want this big old man panting on top of me that's all ♥ ♥ ♥ y'know just to be tickled by his long gray curls with every deep, slow stroke
No. 342905
File: 1702778411997.png (1.56 MB, 1434x1075, IMG_0322.png)

>>341974What if he's really good at drawing but only weird Louis Wain style dogs
>>341984BRAVA, forget zines we should put out a book of character poetry and prose
>>341986>>341987These are all wonderful but hair shaved so close it exposes his nape is the part that's making me stop and stare wistfully rn. Like his biceps and thighs it's woefully rare
>>342538>>342540Wonder what kind of industrial glue they use to slick it down in the first place especially back when he had the full 70s mane, love how it's struggling to be gelled down at all times. I am fucking inconsolable over the shade of his eyes in your pic and how it can range from true blue indigo to milky livid grey I could stare at his eyeballs alone devoid of wider context for 1,000 years
No. 342908
File: 1702780129530.png (1.37 MB, 1330x790, goodcopbadcop.png)

>>342820YAY the one on YT is so dark and shaky you can barely tell it's Brad when he's on screen, didn't even realize he wore a raincoat in that scene until now. Thank you for posting such nice caps
>>342823The sweat rolling off his forehead…..
>>342832His propensity for letting the girls walk all over him then two minutes later being the sternest most hardass cop in town is, umm, you know. The dichotomy of hot old man.
The type to give you pet names and encouragement while also ordering you around. Don't remember why I have a transparent version of this pic but here you go the moustache is rockin'
No. 342959
File: 1702796724096.jpeg (1.4 MB, 3072x3072, 4F9E1484-200E-4AD5-BAE4-EF833F…)

I think about him every day I want to be like the girls in Thirteen and have our own made up language, punching holes in walls want him need him why isn’t he real I’ve been reading little bits of THE Grima fic trying to get inspiration for my own writing but it’s written so well it makes me feel like shit lol.
No. 342973
File: 1702804201168.gif (7.82 MB, 502x394, 20231217_120741.gif)

Since we're in this together today, I'm feeling particularly unholy. Want to be the reason why he decided to quit church service and make him forget all of his principles.
No. 343031
File: 1702837716063.png (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 900x898, dolorosa.png)

>>342959Your pic is gonna make me cry I want to hack into his computer and spam him with evil terrible messages of what I'd do to his body if we weren't on work hours. Jack brainrot too real
can't stop thinking that he'd still be crying and saying I love you and asking for kisses even in a pool of his own blood I love him I love him I love him. If it makes you feel better that fic is a legitimate unicorn idk how we got so lucky for a writer of that calibre to write for Grima but her work is an outlier with how amazing it is. JUST WRITE
NONNY start smashing your feelings out on the keyboard
>>343020Him getting tongue-tied from blaspheming not in god's name but in yours, coveting you as the object of his thoughts and desires, can you imagine teasing him by asking whether every prayer is dedicated to you and him going red in the face 'cause yeah, it is?
If we're sharing cringe then so be it and no I can't explain.
No. 343055
File: 1702842314663.jpg (458.21 KB, 1071x1080, this is fine.jpg)

>>343031Wonderfully said, I'll pray and thank all the gods every night for his dedication and love. Thank and praise him too, but in a more creative way, obviously.
And no, that's not cringe, that's pure art, nonna. Knew the shot reminded me of this or a Renaissance painting, when it's actually a bit of both.
We can't be too cringe if we're all in this together.
No. 343082
File: 1702852212007.gif (6.23 MB, 400x300, lord make me chaste.gif)

>>343055So I rewatched that episode again and can you imagine him being that impatient just to see you? Shirking his priestly duties so he can spend hours chatting with you in the confessional? Kneeling at your bed to recite his nightly prayers
but you pull his face between your legs instead. I like the angle of how he's so infatuated he's a bit weird about it too. Look at that WAIST
Thanks for the reassurance, yes, he's Bernini's Teresa in a padded cell a work of art behind museum glass….
No. 343084
File: 1702853052551.png (737.56 KB, 1198x771, wetter than the rain.png)

"I wasn't expecting someone who loved her as much as he did" what a silly idiot oh my god he's so dumb and sweet and gullible
No. 343086
File: 1702854301057.png (465.36 KB, 690x547, only a curl.png)

>>342820>>342824>>342821and all the rest
Anon, lovely caps, thank you for sharing.
>>342823>more undressed and disheveledNot seeing any problem with this.
>>342832>>342908Yeah, we're not going to make it until next Halloween before we have to watch this on a movie night are we?>>342905>nape picrel, just a hint.
No. 343087
File: 1702854792807.png (443.13 KB, 701x543, is gonna solve it.png)

>>342959Pic made me smile anon, too real.
>ficSeconding other anon, write it anyway, you can't compare how anyone else writes to how you do.
>>342973>>343020>>343082Those gifs…
Cut off from the church, all he knew for so long, he would be so vulnerable. The times he cries and begs you to hold him, when the conflict between what he believed and what he desires is too much. Needing your constant reassurance that he is still a good man. And you can teach him just how he can show you - over and over - what a good man he is.>>343031>>343055Anon creativity itt is a joy.
No. 343095
File: 1702857452918.gif (6.63 MB, 502x382, 20231218_025541.gif)

>>343082Seriously what hooked me so much was how impatient and even desperate he was to once more hear the voice he loved. He put all of his hopes into a fantasy about someone he had never even seen. He just loved blindly because he felt useful. Driving me insane, how loyal and dedicated he can be if he thinks that he might be of help.
Yes, again, what's that tiny waist for? Need to womanhandle him so bad. Maybe pull him closer, run hands all over him as if looking for something: a spot or a move that would make his heart beat faster. Dreams.>>343084Ah, so pure and full of love, poor thing. I feel bad for him, he didn't deserve a heartbreak of such scale.
>>343087And despite his inner conflict he would be so happy to know how much he is appreciated and cherished. That would help him to slowly learn to accept his needs, get his passion unchained, set his hands free to explore more skin, recognizing their limitless abilities as an instrument of pleasure. Just a bit more comfort and reassurance to make him change just enough. No. 343096
File: 1702857850348.gif (4.85 MB, 496x378, 20231218_030356.gif)

>>343087>>343086P.s. Always happy to share caps and make more stupid pics, so thanks to you and everyone for motivation.
No. 343107
>>343086>HalloweenWe might have to make a night of it, watching a bunch of show episodes would be fun too but everything Brad's in is 40+ minutes long, good for content but bad for timing. Thank you for the additional pic need to grab him by the neck with my teeth like a rabid but affectionate cat please god why is he the most beautiful creature in the world
>>343095>loved blindly because he felt usefulYou worded this so sweetly, his love only growing stronger instead of waning after a whole HALF YEAR of pining after his mystery woman…wonder if you could play coy and rile him up until he's crying and stumbling over his words while clutching your skirt
No. 343111
File: 1702866898151.png (938.22 KB, 1138x595, THERE HE IS.png)

No. 343134
File: 1702879253747.jpg (136.37 KB, 1413x1076, 1693462753.jpg)

>>343107>most beautiful creature in the worldTruest words were spoken.
>rile him upAww, wouldn't ever want him to be stressed or cry, maybe only tears of joy and excitement.
>>343111Relatable ×2
No. 343223
File: 1702915694449.png (1.93 MB, 1394x1064, s5e13.png)

His little finger bandage
>>343134Yesss tears of exaltation
and maybe repressed horniness the scene where he's pining for his lady love and his eyes get damp was adorable
No. 343224
File: 1702916006159.png (5.42 MB, 2500x2268, The Yale Daily News 24 March 2…)

Nothing really new except the photo but kek he flunked third grade?
No. 343228
>>343224really, the whore quote once again lol.
>”I was very, very, very lucky,” Dourif said of his being castAnd very, very, very talented, god I just wanna shake him!!
No. 343230
File: 1702918690077.gif (5.25 MB, 540x305, wilding 1.gif)

So Wilding (NOT Wildling) was about a ???????? and then there was a ???????????????
No. 343233
File: 1702918881808.gif (6.53 MB, 540x305, wilding 2.gif)

No but really this was kind of a mess, it was originally going to be a tv show but they turned it into a movie for some reason and nothing really made sense. There is…something happening? Some invisible force making people go crazy? idk, of course all this weirdness would have eventually been explained had it remained a show but alas, we're left with this ????
No. 343237
File: 1702919021470.gif (5.12 MB, 540x305, wilding 3.gif)

No. 343239
File: 1702919214172.gif (6.49 MB, 540x305, wilding 5.gif)

Brad's character was just some business guy or something i dont really know, he was just in 2 tiny little scenes. This one is totally skippable, thanks again for finding it for me nonnie!
No. 343240
File: 1702919539653.gif (4.74 MB, 299x260, wilding 6.gif)

pov: you're running on two hours of sleep and about to pass out but you just HAVE to dourifpost
No. 343241
File: 1702919613937.gif (2.72 MB, 540x305, i am feeling things.gif)

No. 343243
File: 1702920454268.gif (6.75 MB, 347x305, FUCKIN CHRITS DO YOU SEE IT. D…)

okay last one im done
No. 343247
File: 1702921165108.jpg (89.61 KB, 1300x838, 161027.jpg)

>>343230Oh yeah, that's the one where
his shirt is a little too tight but
seriously I'm looking intently at that second gif, uhhhh his fingers sliding on that ledge you might be the first person on the internet to actually post his looks from this film, your archival work is highly appreciated. Also sorry I'm going to reply to these all because how does such a short role have such incredible range (thanks Brad!!!!). Your filenames getting progressively more deranged is really funny btw
>>343240Literally every anon itt. Blacking out wouldn't be so bad if this was the last thing you saw
>>343241I'm gonna be looking at this one every day when I wake up it's the epitome of those "Hang In There, Baby" posters except sexy and actually motivational
>>343243There's nothing to say about this one.
WHEN DID HIS THIGHS GET SO BIG I need him to ___ me __ against ___ ____ and ___ his _____ to ____ __ __ ______ he looks like a walking weighted blanket…. No. 343262
>>343224Wait, so he dropped out of the university?
Guys he's just like me fr>My eyebrows haven't grown back all the way, but at least I've trained themKek, I wonder if his eyebrows know any good tricks.
Thanks for sharing this, nonna!
>>343230Now I need to know what this movie was about. Wonderful gifs, I will be commenting too because yeah.
>>343240Wow, encapsulates the sleep deprived functioning very well.
>>343241Daily cheer up gif, niice!
>>343243Oh my gooooood, gotta breathe deep and not die. Uhhh, it's not a totally bad movie all of a sudden. No. 343294
File: 1702927512528.png (1.41 MB, 820x600, please be nice to him.png)

>>343262Yeah that thumbs up is literally 2cute4me
>>343274>weirdest fetishes
Always happy to spread the sickness and/or support the horny meltdowns, in the case of whatever the hell this is please blame the Wizard of Gore/Halloween. I've become a Sam-tier living nuclear reactor five seconds away from imploding all because of him, this single man has so much power in his squishy midsection/huge weepy eyes it's actually sickening. It would feel so warm and secure to be under all that (m)ass uuuuggHHHHHHAGHRHRHGHGHG shirtless even better so you could feel his carpet of body hair against you. He's so big he could fold me in half like a ragdoll and I wouldn't complain, knees over his shoulders and all No. 343296
File: 1702927750722.jpg (54.64 KB, 640x463, 1702125245.jpg)

So uh, how do I express the fact that I'm screaming because of your posts, all without getting banned? I guess there's no legal way.
No. 343299
File: 1702928964654.gif (6.54 MB, 500x280, 1218.gif)

>>343296I can't stop cackling this thread has the best ratio of cool pics/reviews/news and wild thrashing about how anons want to truss him up like a turkey
they'll never catch you if you scream under spoiler tags No. 343300
>>343299Kek, this gif. It's me snorting his whole sandman being outside the picture. Just you wait for the side effects.
Okay, jokes aside, genuinely been down so bad the entire week and universe punishes me for that, please save me, ladies.I would like to suggest an impromptu meeting tomorrow or some other day nonnas will be available, or my head will blow up. I feel like it's an emergency.
No. 343305
File: 1702930152003.gif (1.09 MB, 300x235, C8C3280D-3041-4F7F-95E0-FDB2D3…)

>>343299ANON. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed this hard at a lolcow post holy fuck
>>343294good post great post
>warm and secureYes!! This is my emotional support old man, my human security blanket
>>343300Seconded, I was sad we weren’t gonna do anything this week. CHILL STREAM CHILL STREAM
and maybe some rabid horniness thrown in No. 343306
File: 1702930786143.gif (1.87 MB, 299x227, FUCK.gif)

Since we're on the subject anyway just want to say I'm still not over
>>>/m/318205 and his trashy outfit and dumb sexy soft exposed stomach. Too bad Colin was such a nothing character in a nothing film
I'd still love to push him face down in the dirt. And stuff.>>343300>>343305ARE YOU GUYS AROUND TODAY? Feel free to host something tomorrow too ofc, next big movie night looks like it might be the 30th if everyone is still alright with that
No. 343358
File: 1702943965935.png (547.62 KB, 720x576, band aid.png)

>>343111Aahhh, you watched it? That pretty charlaton preacher.
>>343224ty for that article.
>>343233>>343240>>343241Another plotless two minute wonder? For shame.
Cannot disagree with those touchy feely fingers though>>343243We have all the angles. Hello.
Thank you for sharing.
Well, thanking anons for all the pics.
>>343299>gifThis will never grow old, the vision made real.
>>343306Keep saying we need him dressed in black more.
>>343300>be availableShort on time this week, can get on Fri (later time) if anyone's around then. 30th still good for me. No. 343463
File: 1702971628021.gif (975.69 KB, 284x212, DF42BA13-944B-4C86-B23F-A34F03…)

Woke up thinking about using his blood as lube but I don’t want to be the one to cut him, the thought of making him cut himself though…being the one to inflict his own pain would be pretty hot. Just how far would you go for me, Jack?
No. 343500
File: 1702991493260.jpg (134.75 KB, 1080x1080, 1702125701.jpg)

We again talked so much I passed out at some point, that was nice. I return from slumber to post this and run away, hehe.
No. 343536
File: 1703002472656.jpg (162.38 KB, 1353x1323, a fucking eagle.jpg)

Hi nonnies, guess what I found out !
No. 343538
>>343536But it doesn't look like an eagle… Either this drawing is retarded or my own self, because I can't see it.
Still, a cool find,
No. 343543
File: 1703006735068.png (479.12 KB, 1080x897, 1000011739.png)

I feel like I've already seen every pic of him so I seriously gasp and get excited when I find something I haven't seen yet
No. 343544
File: 1703006772302.png (538.25 KB, 1080x900, 1000011740.png)

No. 343545
File: 1703006799992.png (505.46 KB, 1080x901, 1000011741.png)

No. 343546
File: 1703006838316.png (580.71 KB, 1080x900, 1000011742.png)

No. 343548
>>343500Never seen this one before either, what a good day
>>343536Yeah I kinda disregarded this when I read the script bc it doesn't look like an eagle at all, I guess it could just be extremely stylized but still, wut
No. 343580
File: 1703014201387.jpg (1.06 MB, 2048x1973, 1702127557.jpg)

>>343545Oh goodness, this one is so…
I've had quite a good hunt today so another one. Don't know if anyone has seen it before (I didn't).
No. 343734
>>343580!! omg Brad the filmmaker, what a good find
nonnie>>343697I’m just going to believe that Dante has never been outside or seen a bird in his life, that’s the only way I can accept that thing being an eagle
No. 343849
File: 1703109112337.jpg (68.15 KB, 500x325, 1702124657.jpg)

Nothing important here, but I think I need to rewatch this movie for some reason
No. 343936
File: 1703138971912.gif (6.71 MB, 407x300, he was screaming 5 seconds ago…)

>>343358I finally watched it yeah! A huge shame he wasn't in it for long because it's definitely a role I'd be crazy for otherwise. Heavily Southern screeching and violent pointing at spectators was very reminiscent of Haze. Even if he
didn't show up again at the end I enjoyed that his alibi was bickering with the minister for an entire day. Love him wish he came back for another episode.
>>343545Seconding anon who's enraptured by this one in particular… never seen that set in such good quality, you're amazing for this
No. 343937
File: 1703139217511.gif (4.37 MB, 520x290, fuck him up.gif)

>>343463WOW late reply but this is in the top five greatest Jack thoughts ever.
He'd take it too far you know he never half-asses anything he's fixated on. He'd be so high on adrenaline he'd slice too deep and you'd have to superglue his gashes together so he doesn't bleed out to death. Getting his dick wet is that much of a priority and the look on your face is encouragement enough to cut a little deeper…hit an artery and watch it throb- more liquid, easier to get him inside you. Twice as useful because the blood loss would make him kinda woozy so you could smear it all over his face and kiss him and pretend like he has a single romantic bone in his body. I want him shredded to RIBBONS and every scar a reminder of me. Also Russian roulette but he has to pull the trigger while you hold it to his head (he doesn't have to know if it's really loaded it's a trust exercise) tangentially related would make a blood pact with him in lieu of asking him out or whatever.
No. 343939
File: 1703140743715.jpg (74.42 KB, 593x700, image.jpg)

>Grima Wormtongue, Accounting Master
No. 343951
File: 1703150101337.png (764.32 KB, 1080x840, 1000011796.png)

This pic reminded me to let you know I uploaded Malignant for anyone that needs it
would he lobotomize me for my severe addiction and incessant thinking about him No. 343996
>>343951THANK YOUUUU gonna rewatch it today in honor of HD quality
>>343580Aww even with his face covered it's recognizably him cause of the forehead wrinkles lol
No. 344133
File: 1703213165611.png (825.86 KB, 986x1600, 2E2AD802-CDD5-44A6-A704-EF3F31…)

derpy gediman
>>343937thank god for that chaank insurance am i right
No. 344204
File: 1703249085589.jpg (23.99 KB, 362x600, the-lord-of-the-rings---eaglem…)

>>343939How to make maths interesting for a LOTR and Dourif fan.
>>343951Thank you for upload, would not have to search for this one anywhere else now!
>>344133Kek, dude look at his face. I have a gem for you too.
No. 344254
File: 1703273555474.png (503.6 KB, 720x576, Lord knows to my surprise.png)

Anons posting like crazy,
never stop where do I start?
>>343500>>343580>>343543So many good/interesting pics, tysm
>>343545If the photographer didn't do this same pose with him looking towards the camera, missed opportunity. Tasteful side-eye is always good.
>>343936Would totally support a full episode with this preaching troublemaker.
>>343951>UploadHero anon, much appreciated.
No. 344255
File: 1703273885800.png (355.62 KB, 720x561, We come in peace.png)

>>343849He is such a sweetie, in over his head.
>>343536>>343697>eagleHonestly? I'm sticking with the Lemming theory then.
Sharpies, white out/Tippex on any flat surface, he'd be tagging it on everything.
>>343939Accounting Master
Hiring him immediately, I will never pay taxes again
and he can curl up with his head on my lap like a good boy when he's done. No. 344298
File: 1703289870628.jpg (233.24 KB, 1503x1600, s-l1600.jpg)

>>344133>>344204Some parts of that figure (the clothing, for one) look quite nice but then you get to the face and..
>>344254>Son of a Preacher ManYou are an absolute genius for this, perfectly applicable to a few of these men
>>344255>taggingAny enterprising anons want to look through to see how many times he's spraypainted that thing on his walls? Probably a hilarious amount. Also accountant Grima would be top tier, would take him on a congratulatory vacation after he's done embezzling company funds.
No. 344301
File: 1703290073015.png (9.64 MB, 1588x2117, il_1588xN.5227204741_lhmf.png)

Some classic customs for shits and giggles, they really tried!
No. 344302
File: 1703290111886.png (1.26 MB, 1041x1600, DUNE_ActionFigure_PiterDeVries…)

No comment.
No. 344308
File: 1703290584395.jpg (123.99 KB, 1080x1834, my-custom-charles-lee-ray-v0-o…)

This one is legitimately great, Grima Toy Biz head but it looks like there's some adjustment to the sculpt(?), he's almost perfect.
No. 344338
File: 1703310925653.jpg (36.47 KB, 584x900, s-l1200 (8)~2.jpg)

Since we're on this little figure topic, here's another super cooked Grima.
>>344308Oh this one sure is awesome. Most insane fact is that it's made entirely out of other figures and basically repainted to near perfection.
But I'll be silent about that Piter, he genuinely makes me cry bloody tears.
>>344298Picrel looks like he's having a light stroke, what's with just one bulging eye.
No. 344343
File: 1703313004786.jpg (6.22 KB, 118x149, sim17-11-2.jpg)

>>344308>>344302>>344301these are actually insane, thanks for finding them. also feel free to share figurine photoshoot ideas, i need em.
>>344255YEAH he should put in the work, like do our taxes and housework, not sure that i'd trust him around my food though.
No. 344392
File: 1703351320241.gif (3.12 MB, 268x235, 1000011986.gif)

actually laughing what the hell is this!! I love him
No. 344393
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No. 344394
File: 1703351471442.gif (2.75 MB, 268x235, 1000011987.gif)

oh my god all that chest, and his ponytail is so cuteeeee
No. 344432
File: 1703369424681.jpg (327.7 KB, 1693x989, 29485839395.jpg)

So first question, what the fuck was El Padrino? I would have no idea even if you asked me to read out the plot description. It's not like it's difficult but I found myself losing track of things for some reason. Maybe because the movie is 2 HOURS LONG? Anyways, all I remember is Jennifer Tilly being a badass, carrying her boobies and guns like a pro. Was surprised both Brad and Jen were in this at all yet never meet on screen, what a goddamn lost opportunity, imo.
Second question is what's with the face tattoo and why it has me in tears? Third question is what's this word: is it "woof", is it "wood"? Solution to that one would be in getting a better copy of the movie, but I honestly am too lazy for it.
End of bad review.
No. 344434
File: 1703369475094.jpg (398.54 KB, 1622x1017, 294859393963.jpg)

>>344432P. S. Losing it at height difference he has with about anyone around him.
No. 344436
File: 1703370172924.jpg (70.45 KB, 736x460, sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…)

A very important and helpful guide
No. 344441
File: 1703373013910.jpg (79.76 KB, 640x514, 20231211_160108.jpg)

>>344436Huh, the so very dedicated ru-fans strike again! They really should have included the beard roles too just so beardphobic nonnas could be prepared, kek.
No. 344446
File: 1703376603384.jpg (115.93 KB, 1280x720, 1.jpg)

>>344338KINDER GRIMA SUPREMACY he looks so shy, that one might not have the greatest paintjob but he's soo adorable
>light strokeJudging by his gaunt cheekbones he's stroking out from extreme dehydration kek
>>344343How about making one of those miniature figurine maquettes like picrel but a dungeon, then you can put him in silly poses. Or a Grima pyramid with the big ones holding up progressively smaller ones, or put berries and other little food in his hands like he's a hamster…hope someone else has more ideas, fig photoshoots sound like fun
No. 344448
File: 1703377792834.png (1.68 MB, 654x993, hmm.png)

>>344355YOU MADE IT BETTER KEKK extremely based and spicepilled, this one should genuinely get a chance to shine outside of LC
>>344392Almost half a day late in replying but seeing these gifs all stacked up on the front page was amazing. Colin best C-tier action movie boy, he has the mannerism of Charles if he was a sad homo instead of a serial killer. That two frame shot down his shirt
>>344393 and the gorgeous bone structure of his jaw/cheeks thank you for posting. How does he look more and more beautiful with every re-watch
>>344432>>344434Tilly and Brad in another film together yay, wonder if there's any behind the scenes stuff where they hang out. Tattoo looks like it says "woow" which is accurate, frothing at the second screenshot, tilting his head up while still staring someone down I'm hhhhngh. Overall sounds like it wasn't anything special but he's got that male prisoner in peril look going on a la Boggs. Hot
No. 344492
File: 1703403727035.gif (10.14 MB, 570x320, yourwitlessworm.gif)

Time to earn our name, movie + gift exchange + come hang out until we all pass out to the dulcet tones of "I have only ever served you, m'lord"
No. 344502
File: 1703407606626.jpeg (371.87 KB, 1125x613, 8F2DDBAD-95D5-4489-9F63-CF851A…)

i just watched istanbul and i need the perverted fuck character he plays
No. 344505
File: 1703408587981.jpg (Spoiler Image,200.86 KB, 497x1920, 1702125413.jpg)

>>344502You can fix him (Spoilered for cringe)
No. 344538
File: 1703424648429.gif (8.31 MB, 540x341, martin05.gif)

>>344502Prison is too nice for him.
No. 344539
File: 1703424674801.gif (1.83 MB, 500x277, martin22.gif)

No. 344569
File: 1703436923325.gif (5.07 MB, 558x440, keep rollin Roland.gif)

>>344308OK, that one is pretty.
>>344302With absolute apologies to Piter anons Brains from 60s Thunderbirds is looking a bit sickly these days.
>>344392>>344393>>344394The only reason to rewatch this movie. Those bound curls and chest gifs are appreciated.
>>344434Put on your best big
goff boots, make this pov a reality.
>>344432This movie seems nuts, need to find a copy.
No. 344571
File: 1703437191764.png (463.23 KB, 695x553, tracks of my tears.png)

>>344492I shall rely on anons to be my lore guides.
>>344502>>344538Now here is a character that either needs
serious correction or throwing in the trash. Shame he is so beautiful in this one.Have something distinctly more wholesome.
No. 344600
File: 1703442434375.gif (273.81 KB, 500x273, YEAH BABEYYYYUY.gif)

>>344569I miss the floofy hair but he is so cute ♥
>>344596ooh nta but thank yu
No. 344615
File: 1703447551089.gif (4.67 MB, 268x401, tumblr_a732eacc37ee5e8c02c0300…)

>>344600worm(tongue) party is so fucking cute it looks like they're about to crawl on his face and take the place of his eyebrows
No. 344677
File: 1703483923873.jpg (84.84 KB, 960x538, 1702127985.jpg)

Yaaay, it's that time of the year. Merry Cringemas, nonnies!
No. 344724
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>>344677merry christmas to the best nonners ever
No. 344757
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>>344677>>344724Happy Dourifmas nonnies ♥
No. 344780
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>>344677>>344724>>344757Hope all anons had/have a Dourific Christmas/ Happy Holidays / etc.
No. 344785
File: 1703541198159.gif (6.5 MB, 604x400, 20231226_005340.gif)

Made a little thing for you all, party harder today!
No. 344788
File: 1703541821754.gif (806.63 KB, 350x198, 1000012137.gif)

>>344677>>344724>>344757>>344780♥ MERRY CHRISTMAS TO THE BEST THREAD!! ♥
>>344785Beautiful incredible fantastic, wish I would find HIM wrapped up under the tree
No. 344790
File: 1703542117211.gif (638.03 KB, 300x227, tumblr_magck50rgq1qhb9o9o6_400…)

>>344788Perfect wish. I decided, I want Mitch as a present (the dog can be included I don't mind).
No. 344977
File: 1703623419500.jpg (5.47 MB, 4096x5120, relatable.jpg)

I'm so jealous of you that haven't seen Deadwood yet, that first watch was so exciting. I would say take a shot every time they say "cocksucker" but I think you might actually die
>>344615Looking extremely greasy and
lickable No. 344978
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No. 344979
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No. 344980
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No. 344981
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No. 344982
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No. 344983
File: 1703624367738.png (1.11 MB, 1366x768, 1000012221.png)

No. 345037
File: 1703641882108.gif (7.42 MB, 395x290, IMG_2005.gif)

>>344785Crying at the rosette on Warby's head, and the snow, you're an SFX master anon. Pelting Jack with snowballs in my head until he's sopping wet and on the verge of pneumonia so that we have an excuse to cuddle
>>344790Do you think Mitch would fight with the dog over who got to sit on your lap while you watch TV
No. 345051
File: 1703643191116.gif (9.76 MB, 540x350, tragically horny.gif)

>>344977Every time people online are talking about Deadwood there's like a full paragraph of how much they want Doc (carnally or platonically it's hard to tell), the moustache looks particularly soft in
>>344980 >>344983 these…Fully up to a Deadwood drinking game. Kinda scared to jump into it because it sounds like Doc is extremely easy to fall in love with I'M NOT READY.
>>344569Oh oh oh oh when he turns and you can see how small his waist is, I wanna grab it
>>344571If he doesn't take the ponytail down in this film I will riot
>serious correction
Volunteering. Neutering him is a public service. He really is terribly gorgeous, so much scenery chewing just focused on his pretty face and hair. At least you don't have to feel bad about imagining putting Martin through a gauntlet of horrors! No. 345103
File: 1703665506043.png (784.08 KB, 1008x813, exhibit a.png)

Die Hard already has hardcore defenders time to champion for EIII to become a Christmas staple. Theatrical version shoves in a wide shot of spring blooms but iirc it's meant to take place around the anniversary of Karras' death plus Legion gives plausible deniability, and James further toying with Kinderman's tenuous belief in god during the Christmas season is funny. Exorcist 1973 did it, Blatty should have stuck to his guns. So maybe this setting is also ideal for an abnormally invested nurse picking up every possible holiday shift to spend time with her borderline vegetative sickbed sweetheart, decorating the neurology unit for the sake of one single person who's fading in and out of consciousness and metaphysically getting his shit kicked in by demons (the irony) while she puts up tinsel. James being forced to listen to her weird affectionately monologues, covering his face with kisses under strategically placed mistletoe. What better gift than curling up in in his bed during her night shift reprieve because the ward's dead on Christmas eve and every normal staff member has gone home. The culmination of unreciprocated affection rearing its deranged head in December of 1990 when he's finally lucid enough to tear into her, Merry Christmas let's make Rosemary's Baby.
No. 345105
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Just curious, what would you say is the one most obscure role you found yourself falling for and coming back to more than necessary? Single episode TV show appearances kinda count but anything that has a wicked hold on you where he shows up as a background side character then dies?
No. 345186
File: 1703708536833.gif (2.04 MB, 268x248, Tumblr_l_10639558745575.gif)

>>345037I think decorating Warby should be an annual tradition. Nearly killing Jack with snowballs is a must since the very first snow falls and till there's mostly icy dirt. If you can still form something out of it it counts.
>Mitch vs dogDog sure gets to sit on the couch, no questions. Mitch too so I can use him as a pillow. Fair? Fair.
>>345103Should we turn that into another script?.. And should we watch Exorcist III for the next Christmas watch party?
>>345105Part of my soul belongs to Father Paul, his stupid little smile, his stupid neat hair and his vampiric charm
yes, my priest kink is showing again No. 345418
File: 1703797813795.jpeg (1.38 MB, 2150x1680, 16694800-4272-4CA0-BE1E-0F6033…)

Playing yet another sheriff in The Teresa Stamper Story, he first shows up about halfway through and then pops up throughout the rest of the movie. It was an alright crime drama, same kind of movie as Tony Cimo.
No. 345419
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No. 345530
File: 1703865027022.png (455.9 KB, 711x563, I predict a riot.png)

>>344596ty anon.
Not even watched the show yet and the need to protect him is strong. I have got the boxset now, so it will happen. More hours in the day required.
>>345051>ponytail downSorry anon. If it helps, this is the one which just has a scene of him sighing.
>>345103Christmas, Valentines, I'm supporting any campaign.
Gonna need your spoiler writing out in full. For reasons.
>>344785Hoping for a New Year edition of this too.
No. 345533
File: 1703865468964.png (404.91 KB, 672x549, What a waste.png)

>>345105Manno is amazing, but I am very surprised that I am still thinking about Roland in Shadow Hours.
>>345418>>345419Looks positively adorable, did they find clothes to fit him this time?
Today's episode of 'two minute wonders' Catch .44
As I think another review anon reported, not one to bother with. He's only in it for a couple of minutes
about the 26 min mark and 1:22 mark if you really want to. Nice ponytail action, sheriff's uniform, couple of 'fuck me's when he finds a corpse but unfortunately, the character has nothing to do.
No. 345613
File: 1703885091988.png (550.89 KB, 720x571, Showdown.png)

And with a further episode of 'I am seriously putting off watching Heaven's Gate' Avarice aka the Black Box.
Brad quota was OK in the first half, but the characterisation was weird.Tom, a decent, hardworking, down on his luck rancher suddenly going psycho wife killer? Just seemed odd. And of course he dies around the 46 min mark. But we get pony tail, much angsty emoting, That Tear (TM) and a dash of stomach. Admittedly from when he's been shot/killed, so less wholesome. You may also enjoy: chasing the bad guy whilst wearing sleepwear with hint of underpants waistband on display. Brad makes appearances from about the 21 min mark.
As for the plot, can be summed up with "Take what you will and pay for it" / Monkey's Paw wish fulfilment with a terminator-type cowboy-alien and the middle bit goes a bit trippy matrix space woo. Some interesting ideas, didn't quite seem to follow its own rules (is having the box bad? Using it bad? being near it bad?) pacing dragged in places. Could have been better. And the ending is a fucking cop out.
Though it does mean we can redeem his character.
No. 345633
File: 1703889332341.gif (6.4 MB, 600x378, 20231230_013445.gif)

>>345418>>345419I probably should not say anything about how any uniform suits Brad too much
and how much it raises my pulse every damn time. Wonderful caps, thanks, it's nice to see them in better quality!
>>345533>>345613Thanks for both reviews, nonna. That's a lot to process and then there's another two minute cameo. Will have to check out both.
Well, it's almost time, 30th is just around the corner and New Year is really close too. I promise I'll finish the print design in a few different variants very soon. Most likely next year! Kek
For now, another silly thing.
No. 345750
File: 1703954059447.png (4.23 MB, 1920x769, hes in TROUBLE.png)

Hello friends, movie time starts in thirty minutes!
>>345633Happy almost New Year I hope everyone's resolution is to brave through more terrible films and create more impeccable content like women possessed
No. 345753
File: 1703954537137.gif (377.9 KB, 1171x776, wotl_bowling_with_grima_by_bre…)

>>345750hell yeah this is happening
No. 345893
File: 1704037963415.jpg (2.06 MB, 2000x1451, Tumblr_l_284483088756163.jpg)

Lookit what I found online today. It's as if yesterday's gift exchange never really stopped.
No. 345903
File: 1704044703827.gif (684.94 KB, 500x624, popcorn.gif)

thank you for another movie night, still reeling, i often say hyperbolic shit but you're literally the most talented bunch in the world and my exchange present was genuinely the most thoughtful gift i could have possibly gotten, thank you so much for getting together for this nonas.
>>345893thanks for the pics this film was so funny
No. 345914
File: 1704056369089.jpg (200.75 KB, 640x640, 1000012799.jpg)

>>345903Seconding everything you said, I'm so happy it all worked out it was so much fun! Great way to end the year, love you all
No. 345968
File: 1704083502654.jpg (124.95 KB, 600x600, c1OOrJNAKVM.jpg)

Never expected to meet a group of such genuinely funny, kind, intelligent women just from being weird over a man on an imageboard. Thank you to our organizer for making the exchange happen ♥ Sending off the year I fell in love thanks to a gif of some dude's nose, looking forward to a productive 2024 of crying over bad movies and his face with you guys
>>345914Likewise, blown away by the sheer quality and love put into all the gifts, gonna print mine out and put him in my wallet. The slight hint of danger in the predicament of being tangled up in Christmas lights somehow gets my heart going kek
>>345903Love you too anon, changing the eye colour on my passport to black because your pic's too accurate
No. 345981
File: 1704096942137.gif (6.8 MB, 560x560, 1000012629.gif)

is it okay if I post this one here, it's cute and relevant AND I SAW THE FILE NAMES, SHUT UP I LOVE THEM I really hope I can be more concentrated in the new year and make more stuff, I have so many ideas I just need to focus! DEATH MACHINE 2 2024 BABYYYY
No. 345982
File: 1704097061231.gif (9.61 MB, 540x300, Tumblr_l_377695339689709.gif)

Thank you for bringing this awful man into my life ♥ I wanna tongue his heart valves, true intimacy
No. 346005
File: 1704108403472.gif (354.42 KB, 300x225, tumblr_mco29wPgOl1qhb9o9o3_400…)

Awww so many posts to reply to but I'll just add from myself - thanks for being the funniest, most friendly, talented and interesting group of nonnas ever, and so well-organized too because look at how many successful watch parties we got! Oh and that gift exchange? We did maybe too well, there wasn't enough space under that Christmas tree.
You are all the best, we can make this year good together just by being here. Happy New Year! Let's party some more.
No. 346082
File: 1704145394233.jpg (126.14 KB, 506x897, 1702128152.jpg)

Whatever was in between these two insta stories doesn't matter at all
No. 346101
File: 1704150893656.gif (10.18 MB, 400x225, 2k24.gif)

What does it mean….
>>345186Fellow Paul appreciator. A strong contender I can only imagine the confusion on people's faces if you said you had a crush on a priest who is also a vampire in a five-minute role of a straight to TV movie kek
>>345533>RolandWas it the French accent? The satin bathrobe?
>>345614I've been wondering where caps of him with the rifle came from, thank you for finally solving the mystery. He looks perfectly insane, really can't wait to watch this
also his stomach I'm smashing my fist through the fucking screen what the FUCK THANK YOU FOR THE CAP? I THINK? FROTHING AT THE MOUTH ETC. No. 346102
File: 1704151035623.png (Spoiler Image,37.57 KB, 757x312, worming his way.png)

I see we didn't get a win, but Grima vs the radfem got a respectable vote. picrel
>>345903>>345914>>345968>>346005I wish all anons a happy new calendar. Many thanks to personal Santanon,
still squeaking with happiness and every single one of you - that was so much fun. We have the best anons itt.
Will look for available dates asap>>345896More Bud always welcome.
>>346082>>346083My, such a handsome gentleman.
No. 346105
File: 1704151679635.png (Spoiler Image,480.94 KB, 720x576, What a waist.png)

>gifAnon, too funny.
>>346101>RolandOther movie, Pascal is our French Soulkeeper, Roland is our entrepreneur at the gas station in the Shadow Hours. Who plays dumb and is all concerned and protective and lovely in his short sleeve shirts and nice suits.
>frothingSee picrel
No. 346106
File: 1704151820047.png (34.5 KB, 673x216, Untitled.png)

>>345981>make more stuffThe OC in these threads is so good especially the art, memes, character dissections, what kind of stuff are you working on right now (or is it top secret)?
SPEAKING OF DEATH MACHINE '24 looks like it's been moved yet again to a March release but check this shit out @ 33:47
>There's going to be a new special edition of that which is going to have multiple cuts of the movie, including one that's never been seen beforeIf this is just the Euro Director's Cut I'm gonna scream but the possibility of new footage is extremely exciting
>>346102Grima and hamstershake almost tied, as god intended
No. 346109
File: 1704152438935.jpg (31.44 KB, 800x246, literallyme.jpg)

>>346105KEK clearly I'm the one still thinking about that French accent oops, Shadow Hours might have to be our contender for next movie night. Roland doesn't look frail per se but something about his bad posture and skinny waist make you want to scoop him up and protect him. Wrt your pic anon why would you do this I need to chug a fire hydrant's worth of holy water to cure the emotions it's evoking right now. What else is that but prime beef AAA steak.
No. 346112
File: 1704153455073.jpg (258.49 KB, 1080x1080, 12277489_501285806709439_30165…)

Spoiled Wildling for myself while looking for photos but this one was worth it, what's that face he's making
No. 346114
File: 1704153619330.jpg (Spoiler Image,161.98 KB, 1080x1080, 30592848_588589088186812_45849…)

>>346112Spoilered for actual spoilers, the prosthetic is awesome + old man stubble.
No. 346145
File: 1704177334153.jpg (51.11 KB, 600x417, 1702125132.jpg)

>>346112>>346114Such a good thing I forget spoilers usually… But not in this case. But I like the photos a lot so I guess it's still a win, right?
And I randomly found a DDS promo photo I think. Creepy pathologist strikes again.
No. 346147
File: 1704178782608.gif (775.73 KB, 498x413, 1000012946.gif)

>>346082>>346083>>346105AAAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I CANT TAKE THIS! More exposed tummy my head is going to explode, being airlifted to the hospital as I type, it's been nice knowing you all. I would eat the crumbs out of his mustache
No. 346148
>>346145It's always still worth it to see a character in action, curious how he ends up looking like…that. Thank you for the pic, for some reason the DDS guy reminds me of Dr. Parker from Nightwatch (is he a weird mortician too?)
>>325313Late but I watched A&A today and you were based & correct, Donnie's a sweet buffet of idiocy. Chief barking orders and him immediately running to it like a dog every time! The extra-squishy face squish! Enjoyable movie, will be dreaming about bossing him around. Brad's great at physical comedy which maybe shouldn't have been surprising but it was, vaulting over that tree was equally cute and impressive
No. 346149
>>346102Second place! Not bad
>>346106how many damn times are they gonna push it back
>working on right nowTOP SECRET
only because I work so slow I don't want to drive you crazy with waiting No. 346187
File: 1704204242632.jpg (76.86 KB, 1527x1080, Screenshot_2023-10-05-01-21-59…)

>>346148Nightwatch's duty doc was deeply sarcastic and a bitch (love him for that) while this one is just… Kinda strange, you know? They're not very much alike.
>Amos and AndrewAah, so happy to know you liked this one. Donnie is a total idiot, but so agile and so obedient he's perfect. Yes, there was another face squish! Made the movie so much better tbh.
I seriously deeply regret the fact Brad wasn't in more comedy because you just don't expect him to play some goofy dumbass yet there he is, doing it perfectly, not to mention how adorable such characters of his are.
No. 346380
File: 1704310859455.jpg (62.09 KB, 734x705, 1702125636.jpg)

Another one of those "should have been me" things
No. 346452
File: 1704341020648.gif (1.35 MB, 394x297, ezgif-2-912637a737.gif)

>>346149Now you've got me extra curious, will look forward to it anon ♥
>>346187For someone with such lean and svelte cheekbones he sure is hiding some pinchable cheeks, super cute. I keep rewatching that scene and trying to figure out why he pet him though, what is happening, understandable but also HUH
No. 346454
File: 1704341725913.gif (3.92 MB, 490x300, DONT YELL AT HIM HES…)

Samefag that question was redundant I know I'd feel bad after framing my genuinely retarded but qt employee, he deserves a remorseful pet or two
>>346380It's like the direction for every music video he's in is "be dramatic and also scathingly hot". The bit where she's giving him a massage good god
No. 346456
File: 1704345144677.jpg (238.88 KB, 796x561, Circuit Board Fossil Series Pe…)

Jacksperg etc stuff like picrel makes me think he's the type to make legitimately interesting sculptures out of garbage and spare parts just like drawing on the walls when his feelings get too big for A4 printer paper. Trendy before his time for the monitor stacks/edgy bedroom decor and has a (chaotic) aesthetic eye, even subtextually he's not the type that should be creative because he embodies destruction and decay or whatever but by nature of his job he has to create so how do you reconcile that? Psycho engineer plus tortured artist I guess that's how you get Frankensteined semi-organic abominations, did the Hardman project narrowly dodge becoming some body horror thing because the execs were more focused on the stability and longevity of their soldiers? Robocop meets The Fly, wonder if his drafts start out really fucked up and go through heavy revisions at risk of pulled funding.
No. 346466
File: 1704348153130.png (2.18 MB, 1920x1080, hmmm.png)

No. 346474
>>346452>>346454Yeah, it's definitely a "sorry pal, you're going to jail for my own mistakes" gesture but still a bit "huh". Goes into a collection of people unable to keep hands off Brad.
>>346456Do you think that aside from sculptures or whatever stuff he could be building really tiny scrap robots and making them fight for fun? Hell, if I were him, I'd do this shit all the time. Anyway, I feel like if we speculate about how far his um, designs may go, we should stem from Warby itself. It's a lot of metal, cartoonish dinosaur proportions, sharp textured teeth and claws on otherwise relatively smooth but roughly assembled industrial style carcass. It looks like it's built from scraps itself. Not to mention that it looks like xenomorph (does Jack even know about Alien movies?). So maybe we should picture something Giger-esque but make it crappy when we think about the initial ideas for his projects.
No. 346564
File: 1704405959928.jpg (66.84 KB, 490x326, 1702102484.jpg)

Haven't seen this one before
No. 346692
>>346112>>346114Nice finds anon, though there is a bit more than those pics show in the movie itself so it might not be totally spoiled.
>>346380>>346466Always good to have reference pics. That second one especially. For reasons.
>>346454Still not seen this one, but dumb sweetie sounds good.
>>346456>>346474>Jacksperg100% canon.
Quoting: Destruction after all is a form of creation - Graham Greene or Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction ― Picasso Building fighting robots and the dioramas and arenas for them? Of course. There is no junk, only building components.
All excellent and accurate points.
>>346564Crochet your own top makes an appearance again, nice.
No. 346694
File: 1704463902327.gif (9.99 MB, 540x432, get your gun.gif)

OK, so available dates. I can do early or late on 6th, but that might be way too short notice. Otherwise: 9th, 16th lates only. 10th, 12th early or later times. Any good for anyone? Host anon can then announce.
Pic not rel.
No. 346731
File: 1704480008633.gif (3.59 MB, 268x225, Tumblr_l_508553306614333.gif)

>>346694All sounds perfect to me aside from maybe 16th.
I can be around tomorrow if anyone's already bored enough to suffer through talking to me. No. 346862
File: 1704525760554.png (1.5 MB, 889x860, nuclear.png)

We're generally pretty lucky in that some very niche films have at least one fic somewhere on the net. This tugged on my heartstrings a bit>>346474Totally like those old school boxing robots but turned into automatic movement-seeking missiles that would stab your ankles if you were in their vicinity, a "make x nostalgic thing but actually hazardous" type of hobbyist. Warbs is already a cartoonish action figure so it's not a stretch to think he'd be inspired by designs in horror movies, sci-fi comics, Saturday special cartoon villains,
according to rumour it was originally a Xenomorph queen base Norrington designed for Alien 3 so I'm gonna take it as a totally intentional reference he was probably one step away from making it shoot acid on unsuspecting
>Giger-esque but make it crappyIn an alternate universe Jack was lead developer on Dark Seed
>>346564Want to kiss his stomach so bad it makes me look stupid
No. 346864
File: 1704526067129.gif (5.41 MB, 390x288, thin of hip and wide of…)

>>346692Those are so beautifully apt I'm going to start a file for Jack-adjacent quotes
"Who the gods want to destroy they first make mad" an average day in the life of a Dantefag>>346694>>346731Nice gif, NICE LEGS. Am free any time on the 12th as long as everyone else is, what are our movie choices? If we have an impromptu stream tomorrow what would you wanna watch?
No. 346885
File: 1704548040445.png (1.02 MB, 1516x843, where's my anons.png)

>>346862>ficSee, this is why we need a general tag. If we can just get everyone to put 'Brad Dourif Character' somewhere we'd probably find a lot more out there.
>Shoot acidI think he'd go more prankster and have it shooting hot sauce or something. Bring your own rubber chicken…
My little pony trojan horse with nuke warhead? Actually radioactive TMNT? Care Bear with death ray? No. 346886
File: 1704548578929.png (1 MB, 1516x838, there's my anons.png)

>12th / movies
I think Shadow Hours was mentioned, prepare for T&A and bdsm if so. Also, Roland. Picrel. Otherwise happy to watch whatever. Jack seems to be back on everyone's mind again.
>impromptu stream
I'll check back around the usual times so if anyone's about just post. Will rewatch anything or get DJ anons tunes going.
No. 346892
>>346887Wouldn't even deny I want to fuck that old man. Good thing I just don't have enough words to write about it, hehe.
>>346886Might be around for impromptu party later today
If I don't get sucked into RGG again because I finally have some time for vidya yay.
No. 346934
File: 1704576388836.png (Spoiler Image,471.7 KB, 720x576, may we be so blessed.png)

Just a little something for anons.
No. 346971
File: 1704590622055.gif (5.88 MB, 600x338, tumblr_f1d651770273e3955d450f7…)

12th at our usual earlier time slot then? Shadow Hours eludes me (for now) so it's up to a poll of popularity:
AltonSilicon Towers, The Ghost, or Malignant go go go
>>346934Images you can hear (and feel if you zone out and think about it really hard) how does this movie have it all.
The angle of his exposed neck, the golden ratio composition of the kiss, the typical but unabating GOD I WISH THAT WAS ME torrent of emotion>>346887If someone is ballsy enough not only to write obscure niche fic and post it online I hope they think of us, parched and dying, when they hesitate in adding that Dourif tag. How many fics have we lost to the Geocities and Angelfire exodus, it hurts to think about
No. 346972
File: 1704590658717.jpg (302.21 KB, 1482x1398, Community Players production o…)

Look at his stupid moustache
No. 346973
File: 1704591193932.jpg (21.9 KB, 300x300, p43025_i_h9_ab.jpg)

Speaking of moustache I didn't really want to open this can of worms but it had to be done sooner or later. We need a facial hair tier list. My Son, My Son = Laura Mars > Sgt. Matlovich > Sonny Boy?
No. 347043
File: 1704615045965.png (904.18 KB, 1080x1066, Screenshot_20240104-133416.png)

>>346972BABY BABY BABY!!!!this is incredible
>>346934that neck muscle was MADE to be lightly traced with my tongue. Dying No. 347045
File: 1704615325055.gif (8.02 MB, 496x422, 1000013443.gif)

>>346973My Son>Sonny Boy>Laura Mars>Sgt Matlovich. That mustache is so goofy he looks like he's wearing a fake mustache to hide his identity. This reminded me that I watched Ballad of a Righteous Merchant, basically a making of for My Son, My Son, there's just this one appearance and another that's mostly off screen. UNCLE TED IS SO HOT I WANT MORE
No. 347057
File: 1704624226544.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1074, Screenshot_20231220-161549~2.p…)

>>346456I love that someone else saw this pic and also thought of Jack, brain cell
>>346971Silicon Towers!
No. 347060
File: 1704625716138.jpg (691.59 KB, 1080x1080, School album.jpg)

>>346972He's so smol here, wow. But I've spotted an even smaller Bradford. Not sure if this is new but still.
No. 347065
File: 1704629895085.jpg (1.41 MB, 1413x2000, Tumblr_l_609521923324775.jpg)

Why do Japanese have the coolest posters all the time. Though in this case the poster casts a light shade of TV movie charm. Still, love it.
No. 347066
File: 1704629991085.jpg (110.33 KB, 500x508, Tumblr_l_609525028237065.jpg)

>>347065Don't have any proper adjectives for descriptions left.
No. 347068
File: 1704630398355.jpg (461.86 KB, 1123x1280, Tumblr_l_554157872587613.jpg)

All that and one fatal beauty from my regular tmblr scavenging.
No. 347090
File: 1704642239633.png (413.53 KB, 800x982, 1000013566.png)

>>347060NONNIE!! THIS IS GREAT! He seems like a mellow normal guy I always forget he was a fancy pants rich little boy. Picrel is so precious, the tooth?? Out of this world cute
No. 347092
File: 1704642376275.jpg (525.3 KB, 1477x1969, 1000013567.jpg)

No. 347136
File: 1704654790237.jpg (153.07 KB, 1847x976, Screenshot_2024-01-07-16-07-50…)

>>347090He was but it seems like he never quite got used to cozy and fancy life so he turned out a humble little guy.
Just remembered I promised to review The Shuroo Process! It's going to be brief. A famous and controversial journalist (played by Fiona) reaches her breaking point and has a light public meltdown that makes her the talk of the town. A friend recommended her something more than a therapy course - to visit a unique resort. So she goes there and lots of strange things and people happen because this place is ran by a wacky, full of himself, shady ass guru.
The movie tried to be a lot at once, it couldn't decide if it wanted to be a comedy, or drama, or satire on gurus and rich people. The only message I've managed to get out of this was "never go to sketchy retreats or believe anyone who wants to teach you self-growth" and "have your own head on your shoulders at all times". Fiona is just wonderful, as usual. It's probably worth checking out for her. When it comes to Brad, he got pulled into this to have a less than minute long cameo as a therapist. Not much to say, it was great to see him. (Also, cute suspenders!)
The only letdown is that oversaturated picture of the film made him look like humanization of borsch (meanwhile not really doing the same to other actors).
No. 347141
File: 1704657147910.jpg (146.25 KB, 1739x983, Screenshot_2024-01-07-16-10-16…)

>>347138Lost another one, sry
No. 347168
File: 1704671374293.png (316.14 KB, 720x566, sweets for my sweet.png)

>>346887You'd think if someone's brave enough to write it they'd be brave enough to tag it. But not everyone's the same. I shall quietly encourage it anyway.
>>346971>PollWould watch any, but fond of Alton
no jokes about what you'd pay for that ride.. See him run! See him shake his head in frustration! See his fluffy hair!
>Lost ficsLost anythings, save and back up. We are the archivists.
>>346972Pop him over your shoulder and carry home. Face fuzz still not as bad as Weasel.>>346973>Sonny BoyI am still refusing to acknowledge that
chin dipped in nutella "beard".
No. 347169
File: 1704672235725.png (483.18 KB, 691x564, sugar for my nonnies.png)

>>347045Part ? in the series of Brad Puts His Foot on Things.
See also, Mr Mayor and Tucker.
>>347060>>347090>>347092Aw, these are wholesome.
>>347066Might be a while swimming in those eyes.>>347136>>347138>>347141tysm for posting the review, anon. Cannot get over the
>humanization of borschBless his beard and clothes that fit, but those glasses do not flatter him.
No. 347193
File: 1704680253662.jpg (687.36 KB, 1800x1200, 1978440_647745808677010_450355…)

>>347045I was curious about this documentary/making of, thanks for looking through it! Maybe weird to admit but this look IS really hot for some reason, blue collar ruggedness? Kek @ Weasel's soul patch in second place, ilu anon
>>347057Beautiful collage and YES revenge of the braincell, I love character-adjacent visuals/moodboards/whatever, Jack's aesthetics are really cool however dingy they may be
>>347068Oooh never seen this one before, his eyes are doing that weird refractive thing again.
Shirt looks like boyfriend material, it's so soft you can like feel the texture through the screen I wanna TOUCH HIM. Thank you for sharing the Ragtime scans too he looks so fresh and sweet
No. 347195
File: 1704680647986.jpg (812.51 KB, 1280x1706, Brad and Beki Brindle 2013.jpg)

Finally organizing my folders and realized I've reposted (sometimes re-re-posted) pics itt so many times, sorry about that
>>347136Can't believe we missed out on seeing them interact on-screen, maybe there'll be something in the new season of Chucky but it seems like their dynamic would be insane and lots of fun given the right direction. Beautiful how he managed to hold on to all that hair
still so handsome.
>Humanization of borschWas laying in bed last night and could not stop thinking about this, you're a poet
No. 347199
File: 1704681924533.gif (2.6 MB, 480x268, ratbastard.gif)

>>347168See him wreck his nailbeds poor thing, grab his hands and guide them to a better outlet… will gladly go with Silicon
>>347169For better or worse picrel and the scene where Tucker puts his boots up on the desk deeply changed (warped?) me as a human being
No. 347252
File: 1704711733385.gif (4.07 MB, 400x300, teeth and lack thereof.gif)

Uncle Ted is bizarre enough to be interesting I want a whole movie about the ostrich farm and his giant cock
No. 347253
File: 1704711768181.jpg (136.57 KB, 1300x889, 106557.jpg)

No. 347254
File: 1704711839000.png (1.61 MB, 1000x563, well.png)

The ass scene was great btw
No. 347255
File: 1704712645764.gif (5.23 MB, 800x333, IMG_0026.gif)

No. 347272
File: 1704720195703.gif (8.68 MB, 540x375, 1000013729.gif)

>>347193Um it's not weird to admit it, he IS hot. Rugged is a good way to describe it, the combination of facial hair, clothes and hefty old man bod just really make him look like a
MAN, y'know? Clean shaven Brad is cute but it's just different
>>347254Masterful editing skills
>>347252>>347253I AM LOOKINGGGGGG. Fuck this movie for making him so hot but only having him be in it for 3 minutes
No. 347284
File: 1704727280665.png (414.81 KB, 451x602, Brad_20.png)

Glad you guys shared my vision on human borsch, it means a lot.
>>347252Uncle Ted is fascinating, I want to see a whole hour of him dealing with these ostriches. Should be funny and full of action on its own. Who cares about that murder in the movie, nyeh.
>>347253This scene broke me, they stared at the camera for so long, it was awesome! kek
>>347254One pic is better than any trailer.
No. 347336
File: 1704744343096.jpg (26.58 KB, 414x486, 15c63f09a609f939925e307c42f1c2…)

No. 347337
File: 1704744473438.jpg (46.41 KB, 540x673, tumblr_4fd1e7e2e451e6d0e84310c…)

I found some of those crazy beard pics in color
No. 347338
File: 1704744504180.jpg (17.36 KB, 540x360, tumblr_da8f209b1e1a558ed2a90ef…)

No. 347339
File: 1704744547957.jpg (40.24 KB, 560x370, brad_edited.jpg)

No. 347341
File: 1704744611355.jpg (38.81 KB, 500x327, Brad-Dourif-brad-dourif-311412…)

No. 347342
File: 1704744623164.gif (6.06 MB, 500x281, hollerin.gif)

>>347272>hefty old man bodHnnnngh yeah that's the wonder of him at every age he always manages to look good, even differences between styling can make him look filthy and intimidating or sweetly fragile.
That killer old man body, the stomach fuzz, oh my god why's he wearing an undershirt I want to see his silvery chest hair. Pretty disappointed Ted didn't have much to do except be hot and scrunch up his face (and be a vehicle for some character development I guess).
>>347284The tableaux were interesting and like an anon said before it was nice getting to take him in for a full minute. Better than backtracking and staring in slo-mo
it felt kind of romantic, such a personal moment…no? Just me?? No. 347348
File: 1704745220741.png (1.72 MB, 1445x738, IMG_0043.png)

>>347336How does he do that thing where every expression looks good? Especially the squint. And then he opens his eyes and they take up half his face and suck you in like a black hole?
>>347337>>347338HOW DID YOU EVEN FIND THESE detective anon needs a badge of achievement. I'm going to say it- this look isn't so bad when it's in colour
No. 347349
File: 1704745634470.jpg (313.46 KB, 2048x1364, Elizabeth McGovern, Brad Douri…)

On my hands and knees begging to travel back in time and put some conditioner in his hair but this shoot has a way of growing on you
No. 347350
File: 1704746617795.jpg (63.45 KB, 587x656, 1702126216.jpg)

>>347337>>347338Absolutely obsessed with the purple velvet suit, it's beautiful, but Brad looks so terrifying or so terrified in the second one I can't help but kek a little. Still can't totally defend the bushman look but it's not terrible just because it's him. Don't know why I can excuse any horrendous styling decision when it comes to this man.
>>347342It did feel way too personal, you're not alone, nonna.
Well, I'll just add a bit of my own finds since we're on it now.
No. 347351
File: 1704746757564.jpg (127.14 KB, 768x518, 1702102606.jpg)

Think this one is from the set of El Padrino. Ugh, that movie.
No. 347352
File: 1704746912811.jpg (70.33 KB, 650x426, 1702126250.jpg)

This one goes to the moustache appreciators.
No. 347356
File: 1704747812730.jpg (281.14 KB, 927x1280, Brad and Sam Kinison 1991.jpg)

>>347350>>347351>>347352>excuse any horrendous styling decision when it comes to this manWe have become immune to his bad clothing and facial hair choices, it's terminal. Thank you for the picdump anon someone posted the original of that first one on a stock image site so have a marginally bigger version. Both love and hate that pic because Kinison scares me but the firm grip on Brad's waist, understandable.
No. 347357
File: 1704747971267.jpg (75.84 KB, 640x960, 88dc4995f74456f08712b1aa469480…)

No. 347361
File: 1704748491376.jpg (57.08 KB, 399x600, 1702095080.jpg)

>>347356Ah, thanks a lot. The tuxedo is just too good and the tight grip on Brad's waist is relatable regardless of who, say, performs it.
>>347357I should remain quiet.
No. 347363
File: 1704749139047.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.46 KB, 640x960, d5dd57b146a61b6d9223e434f650a1…)

>>347361Yeah the whole tuxedo with cummerbund is a cute detail, he usually never dressed up to that extent. Fancy little dude.
Almost spoilered that pic because it's so egregiously sexy. Control Group is going to fuck me up. Why are his clothes so tight what kind of whorish doctor is this guy.
No. 347389
File: 1704759794771.png (559.83 KB, 720x576, bright eyes.png)

Is this the 'end of the thread, anything goes' section?
Quality picdump.
>>347195>reposted I don't mind some duplicates, it's better than losing stuff.
>>347252>>347272>gifI feel like I'm missing out here.
Stanley is still prime scrunchyface, though.
>>347254If it's a news headline, it's real.
>>347336"Well, you're dirty and sweet, clad in black, don't look back…"
>>347337>>347338Detective anons for the win.
>>347357Oh my. Where was the warning for Victorian anons? Send help immediately.
No. 347396
File: 1704763905047.jpg (172.37 KB, 1080x1080, shooting deadwood.jpg)

Wait Deadwood anon since you're done with the show give us a review
No. 347398
File: 1704764413113.jpg (107.14 KB, 2048x1024, castS.jpg)

>>347389>end of the thread, anything goesI don't know if we can beat the manic insanity of thread #1's last hundred posts but it was really funny, hope it becomes a trend. Stan's scrunched looking like he's trying but failing to hold back tears face is unbeatable, there's like a desperation to that expression (the confrontation scene…)
No. 347399
File: 1704764449853.webm (8.91 MB, 1920x817, TRAILER_FINAL 1080p.webm)

The D&C website was still kicking around on webarchive and surprise, there's a 1080p trailer? Were they not able to get the funding for a Bluray? It looks so nice
No. 347419
File: 1704777364806.jpg (2.41 MB, 3464x2309, Joke repeated twice does not g…)

>>347399So… We wait for another Blu-ray release? Or do we have to demand one?
Since we're on the last 100 craze, here's a shitpost special.
No. 347436
File: 1704782965659.jpg (51.8 KB, 1280x544, irl cartoon characters.jpg)

>>347419I want to believe we live in a world where one day we can open our own distribution company exclusively for high-quality Dourif releases. Old Man Borsch is a decent look, reasonably priced kek, how did you even find those suspenders (realizing those hot pink glasses do the saturation no favors too)
No. 347437
File: 1704783312153.gif (6.19 MB, 480x360, CPUoverclocked.gif)

The scene where he shakes his fluffy head for a full minute is really nice actually it's like visual ASMR
No. 347443
File: 1704784604825.gif (2.89 MB, 500x280, Tumblr_l_778001869337522.gif)

>>347396bretty good. SORRY there's just so much I don't know what to write.
No. 347445
File: 1704784955462.gif (2.97 MB, 500x280, Tumblr_l_777949661349052.gif)

So cute the season 1 finale is my favorite
No. 347447
File: 1704785319923.jpg (182 KB, 1920x817, 1000013848.jpg)

No. 347460
File: 1704794004457.jpg (64.47 KB, 720x540, 1702124863.jpg)

>>347436I have no idea how, but these suspenders do exist and you can even buy them. Don't think they're the same thing but they do look the part.
The glasses really added even more pink to an already bright picture, they're a killer too.
>Dourif DistributionWe need to open a jointed business that would have everything from dvd, remastered movies to posters and stuff.
>>347437We will be seated.
Congratulations to us for reaching yet another milestone! We unlock flowers and one Frenchy as a prize.
No. 347528
File: 1704835832328.png (3.54 MB, 1346x1933, 1000014053.png)

I'm so sorry I know we have too many options already but I just had to. This is the inside of my head 24/7
No. 347599
File: 1704869591889.jpg (327.97 KB, 1280x1280, 10358997_238098646387505_73254…)

>>347528KEK YOU REMEMBERED, it's so beautiful, +1 vote for 10th circle of hell (lusting after senior citizens). why did mayor o'brian end up giving me this fixation with his old man dentures that film is SICK and PERVERTED
No. 347602
File: 1704870958049.gif (1.59 MB, 500x500, HE BROUGHT CHOCOLATE CAKE.gif)

>>347446We are insane thread three is going to be unhinged with Valentine's Day and Brad's birthday coming up. Pic idea stolen from
>>>/m/319686 No. 347621
File: 1704875546312.gif (3.88 MB, 600x245, IMG_0161.gif)

The urge to completely recut this video and set it to vaguely horny darkwave
No. 347629
File: 1704878148646.gif (6.08 MB, 540x275, Tumblr_l_845477228871363.gif)

>>347621You can't just say that, you have to do it now or I'll die
>>347602>Valentine's DayI've already been looking forward to it for months
No. 347631
File: 1704878215457.gif (5.33 MB, 539x275, Tumblr_l_845434105953455.gif)

I would absolutely smoke a joint with satan
No. 347642
File: 1704882059516.jpg (497.71 KB, 1280x720, Tumblr_l_845281290926403.jpg)

>>347637>is there demand for thatI am over here frothing at the mouth and banging my head into walls waiting for new Brad content to drop every day PLEASE DO IT ACTUALIZE EVERY SILLY LITTLE IDEA YOU HAVE ALL OF YOU. Yeah I wanna shotgun that smoke so bad, I would even suffer through awful cotton mouth kisses
No. 347681
File: 1704896891368.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.91 MB, 2240x3428, Thread 2 in a nutshell.jpg)

I wanted to edit this again but I have no idea how to improve on something that's totally hopeless. Obviously non-suitable for a thread pic but still.
No. 347682
File: 1704897105409.jpg (2.21 KB, 162x140, Tumblr_l_83662024563290.jpg)

Please look after him while I'm fighting Paul Atreides
No. 347745
>>347681I think it's extremely suitable for a threadpic, this is classic threadpic imagery right here. I love the huge block of spoilered text especially.
>>347602>>347528>>346101>>343055>>343031>>333103>>332969>>331613>>326889>>324030Scrolled through real quick and picked out a handful I think would work also. It was extremely difficult to not just tag every meme from the thread. Dourifthread best user-created content winner in my heart
No. 347759
>>347745This one has my vote
>>343031 because it's utterly poetic and perfect.
No. 347882
File: 1704973741217.png (445.59 KB, 690x562, computer love.png)

>>347399Are they holding out on us? Commence conjuring by the power of the Dourb.
>>347419Anons itt Halloween costume planner.
>>347437So looking forward to the running scenes. And laughing at the car scene again.
>>347443>>347445At this point I think actors are putting 'must include scene where I can grab Brad Dourif' in their contracts. No. 347886
File: 1704976580605.gif (5.16 MB, 510x406, suits me just fine.gif)

>>347447>>347460We have the power.
Remember to collect your prize, everyone.
>>347621Why would you not, anon?
>>347631You're looking at the smoke
I'm looking at the tongue>>347745>>347759Horror Tier Horniness Edition was a suggested thread titleOther suggested thread titles
>>343031Venus Govern Your Desires Edition
Villain, what hast thou done? Edition
>>347528Circle of Hell Edition
>>346101Year of the Worm Edition
But honestly, any will be great.
>>347682When are they releasing the Polly Pocket Piter variant?
>>347681Thread summary, new tradition?
No. 348018
File: 1705032391470.jpg (188.2 KB, 1300x925, 700756.jpg)

As always there's too many good suggestions, what are we gonna pick…
>>347681Agreed with
>>347745 I love the classic format and you capped some truly amazing quotes kek they really encompass the mood of the threads
>giant spoilered sexually frustrated text>love his teeth and i'm horny about them>such a flex when […] they make a mid/low budget movie that literally no one will watch but your hardcore fangirls because it's an hour […] of staring at your face>HORROR TIER HORNINESSWe could call it "horror tier horny edition" but that's like every edition (god bless). "Support group edition"?
>>347745That peace and love pic makes me howl it's incomprehensible, why did someone make it? What does it mean?
>>347882>>347886I kept waiting for the huge dude in Fatal Beauty to grab him, yank him away from a stray bullet or something, but he never did…is it too much to ask for, him just to get shoved around and dragged by the hand
>Year of the WormWe do need a Grima one at some point he deserves his worship thread hahah. YOUR GIF!!!! I thought she was grabbing his butt for a second. Curious to see what it's like when Brad and Frances are playing a functional couple they have such great chemistry, on one hand sobbing in jealousy on the other writhing because they should have been in more films together
No. 348019
File: 1705032645868.jpg (108 KB, 1300x895, 849006.jpg)

My 2 favourite genres of stock photo are "He's not tagged in these Blue Velvet stills but you can see the back of his head or an out of frame hand" and "Fifty different angles of the Mississippi beatdown"
No. 348020
File: 1705032718424.jpg (153.78 KB, 800x806, Collector Expo 2003.jpg)

Anon can you please upload that photo of him with his shirt buttons straining because of his chest I can't stop thinking about it today
No. 348036
File: 1705052153002.jpg (11.48 KB, 265x400, 1000014505.jpg)

No. 348037
File: 1705052211153.jpg (19.9 KB, 576x328, 1000014463.jpg)

No. 348038
File: 1705052233025.jpg (19.2 KB, 576x384, 1000014466.jpg)

No. 348039
File: 1705052344058.jpg (35.37 KB, 700x467, 1000014458.jpg)

wearing a different kind of shoe for once, he looks very hot 11/10 LEG
No. 348049
File: 1705057002285.jpg (245.47 KB, 1920x1080, 1000014511.jpg)

>>348020nta but ? These photos and interview are so glorious bc he wears an undershirt a lot, and the one time he doesn't his shirt is too tight and we get a little peek
No. 348070
File: 1705061905952.jpg (361.94 KB, 960x1280, 1702125688.jpg)

I don't know how to react to this guide
>Highlighting the Flesh
No. 348098
File: 1705069425226.jpg (73.33 KB, 1200x801, KO7JEOO5UUETVVR6KBZQ3X7AK4.jpg)

>>347886>>348018goes to show what a wild ride this has been, it's impossible to incapsulate in a single title…
>>348019these and the alien stock pics are my favorite, intense ass mf
No. 348099
File: 1705069551962.jpg (44.98 KB, 800x500, Alien-Resurrection-11.jpg)

i dont remember if they're stills or production pics whatever.
No. 348166
>>348039How come he never wears these boots again they're sublime I want to steal them. Is it the fact that he always wears those fucked up floppy Merrells that's making them appealing or are they just really nice, idk. A sort of sensuality to the entire leg/calf/ankle area
somehow the underside of his ass is really doing it for me in this photo>>348049THANK YOU THANK YOU HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT THE VIDEO it felt like a fever dream being unable to remember where it was from, posting for posterity
No. 348167
File: 1705093892908.jpg (162.43 KB, 1300x1130, 263882.jpg)

>>348098>>348099YEAH the pulled back hair in Alien really lets his face shine, love his jaw and his eyeballs
No. 348168
File: 1705093959927.jpg (143.27 KB, 1300x833, 227184.jpg)

No. 348218
File: 1705110333343.jpg (150.4 KB, 1300x935, 717128.jpg)

hopefully a poll with break the tie between thread image choices THERE'S TOO MANY GOOD ONES No. 348239
File: 1705116744330.png (2.8 MB, 1827x911, horrible.png)

I need him chained up tied down pliant and venomous and goading and snarling with unrestrained rage I want him strapped to the bed over-medicated heavily sedated I need him lashing out with wounded pride and rapidly losing control of the situation sweat-drenched in red-hot anger ready to use nothing but his teeth I want to be gentle with my words and vicious with my hands until a unison of voices is both crying and pleading fates twisted together through sheer happenstance, inseparable physically metaphorically, at each other's MERCY but moreso him at mine because his leash is only capable of loosening however much my fingers allow
No. 348380
i love him…
>>348166look at this
slut No. 348396
File: 1705169896558.jpg (509.34 KB, 1439x1080, Mousey Alton.jpg)

Still can't recover from the watch party sort of. Thanks for coming everyone, and special thank you for sticking around to brainstorm ideas, host-
>>348168More Sonny Boy photos! Always good stuff.
>>348380Oh no, they were grilling him here. Love everything about this video.
No. 348440
File: 1705183504517.png (318.24 KB, 393x566, red carpet reveal.png)

As always, thanks to host anon and everyone for coming along and making it a great one.
>>348166These videos are highly unsuitable for Victorian anons.
>>348218Why is making a decision so hard? Stop being so talented immediately, everyone.
>>348396>picI was waiting for this, tysm
>brainstormNot more creativity? How will we cope!
>>348239Well, I'm not going to argue with that. Full version required.
No. 348501
File: 1705206913433.jpg (130.82 KB, 836x1193, tumblr_728162f56af86c3812f4210…)

>>348380One of the best makings-of, I didn't expect him to be so funny and good at bantering considering how shy he is in interviews? Not to mention the crowd-pleasing Chucky chant kek. Also his accent is so audible there it's out of this world
>>348396>brainstormingBoggs is already paying penance through live purgatory for his crimes but he doesn't actually feel contrition for it, he's selfish in his sociopathy, at least you could make him cry and suffer some more for it. Beyond his fear and ego lies something interesting that I couldn't quite grasp so it was fun unravelling him a little, thank you for the wholesome conversation. It's seriously one of the only TV show episodes I feel wasn't long enough despite its runtime I could watch him groan and sweat for the length of an entire movie kek. Gonna say it again but animu boys have nothing on this little mouse, love it
>>348440Thank YOU couldn't have made it without everyone in attendance, can't believe we'll be celebrating next movie night in a new thread
>full versionAnon you are the champion driving force when I question this fic and it reads more like the ranting of a schizophrenic with every paragraph but maybe one day it will be coherent enough to send to you thank you for your support ♥ No. 348503
File: 1705207618933.jpg (107 KB, 1260x709, BeyondTheSeaBR95.jpg)

What a freak
No. 348505
File: 1705208135603.gif (2.35 MB, 567x320, barenecessities.gif)

Actually fucked up unreal and unfair how you could gif or cap any frame of this episode and it'd be mesmerizing
No. 348522
>>348501I live for these night-long convos, it's always so great and there are so many ideas we all throw at each other just aaaa. Who needs sleep when you have this.
Luther is one of those characters who tempts you to break and reduce him into absolutely nothing and also exploit his mind. So ugly inside, so pathetic, so afraid to die and pay for his crimes, he'd do anything to stay alive. There's so much space for experimenting, we need to talk more about it.
>>348505I shan't say anything.
No. 348528
File: 1705218830642.jpg (96.45 KB, 1260x709, BeyondTheSeaBR225.jpg)

>>348522He's as desperate as a drowning rat yet never stooped to begging, as though he ever had room to bargain with Scully (and how much of her confidence was relying on his questionable ESP? Did she, even for a fleeting moment, have some faith or belief in him?). Even if we take his (in)capability for empathy out of the equation he still offers them a ridiculous amount of assistance- all that, such great lengths, only 'cause he's scared and seeking some kind of salvation? Honesty what
wouldn't he be ready to do if it bought him a little more time. I like that they left his intentions of letting Dana speak with her father open-ended too. X-File anons where are you and your character essays when we need you
No. 348558
File: 1705232846364.jpg (149.03 KB, 1280x948, 1702122811.jpg)

>>348528I rewatched this ep just to have an opinion on the ending. Dana didn't come to see his execution because she knew it's his final chance trick to trick her. If he would let her "speak" to her father maybe he would be able to press on her fresh wound, make her emotional, so she would find a way to stretch time before his death sentence and assist him in escaping it. He would try to prove he's useful just to escape death.
But if he really accepted his demise and wanted to pass any message to her, he would do it during her very last visit and wouldn't ask for more.
No. 348659
File: 1705271686074.jpg (9.04 KB, 300x300, drgediman-01-68403-1725583402.…)

This product photo has me rolling. This is such an exploitable image. me when I accidentally the alien
No. 348675
>>348659his eyes: bugging
his hand: reaching
his torso: expanding
it's not the worst figure by far but what is that expression
No. 348685
File: 1705279042613.png (952.93 KB, 1125x880, psychokiller.png)

>>348501>>348528>>348558>BoggsHe has no sympathy, no empathy, everything he does is driven by the need to survive, to live. The salvation he seeks is life, not forgiveness.I always read it as, Dana didn't go because it didn't matter if he was really using esp or con artistry in the end. He wanted to create an emotional crutch, a dependency as a bargaining tool and failed. She didn't need a middle man. But ain't he just the cutest lil psychopath?
>>348505Every frame, anon.
>>348659>>348675Pic plus description, perfection.
No. 348787
File: 1705322800579.gif (4.41 MB, 268x368, Tumblr_l_341111577222843.gif)

Howling even though it's not a full moon yet
No. 349033
File: 1705400717933.gif (2.51 MB, 268x207, 1000044898.gif)

I gave in and watched Horseplayer. Ask your questions.
No. 349152
File: 1705447048498.png (480.28 KB, 695x560, who's gonna ride.png)

>>349033Does the gif perfectly sum up your feelings for the movie?
Being picked up bodily - your thoughts? Novelty ties - kitsch fun or trash? Is filming through dirty car windows a valid artistic choice?I didn't say they were good questions.
>>348787If he puts his foot on himself, does it cause a rip the space time continuum?
No. 349165
File: 1705451968029.jpg (355.92 KB, 1080x809, 1000044922.jpg)

>>349136>>349152I hope I manage to keep it spoiler-less in a way. Aside from biting into a pillow on a couple occasions, because of course, I was left relatively unimpressed because there could have been just a little more depth to characters that would add more nuance to them and their actions. It felt kinda shallow because we never discover who did Matthew use for inspiration before and whatever happened to at least one of them, neither do we get to know more about Bud's life and how did he actually step onto the path he was on, what truly started it all (before the main story happened that is). He's clearly got a lot of demons to deal with that he was suppressing so hard his whole life became pointless and strictly boring. Also didn't like the fact we never got to see all the paintings too. I felt like it'd have more impact but whatever.
Nothing to say about how it's filmed, it's a good old albeit cheap 90s style.
>novelty tiesTies like that are insane but I approve when they're worn well. And does Bud wear them nicely.
Sorry I'm frustrated by that movie for some reason. Not painfully so but I can speculate about the story forever now.
>a rip in the space time continuum?It only causes me to be ripping off my clothes No. 349263
File: 1705506335124.png (583.54 KB, 693x571, white shining.png)

>>349165>depth to charactersAbsolutely, it does leave you wondering how much was left out or cut. The audience doesn't need spoon feeding every detail, but connecting to the characters means you do need to have some understanding of where they are coming from, why they make those good or bad choices.
Would seeing more of the art have given a greater sense of his overwhelmed feelings?
When an X files 1 episode character seems to have more background and depth, there's something missingI still think it's watchable, but I think you're right, the word is shallow.
>speculate about the storyAnon rewrites, prequels etc when?
No. 349278
>>349263It's definitely an easy (not in terms of its themes) movie but just a bit more information about the characters, hell, even a couple of landscape shots wouldn't hurt it, probably would make a movie only ten minutes longer.
I'd love to theorize about Bud's past because he's pretty weird only when he's feeling anxious or shy. He really starts to show his true self when he's more comfortable, and he seems to be more alive whenever it happens. Makes you think, was he always so quiet or was he a completely different person? Which one is the real Bud?
I wonder how did he end up penniless and in this rental apartment. Did his parents reject him and wrote him off their will after they learned the truth about him or maybe they died… Of unnatural causes?So many questions too little answers.
No. 349420
File: 1705550067361.png (171.24 KB, 353x370, SEX.png)

>>348685>>348558Late but thank you for the analysis I'm taking notes
>a dependency as a bargaining toolIt's even hotter that his psychological manipulation failed. Only his ghosts keeping him company in those final moments, how genuinely chilling, what a failure in every aspect argh I wanna squeeze the life out of him myself
>>349265I loooove when he gets all exasperated and lost in himself in the second act, your picrel- cute. I kind of hesitate saying "poor Bud" because he's a little bit fucked up in his own right but that final scene in the gallery, the realization literally dawning on his face of how he'd gotten too wrapped up in Matthew/Randi's game, I really liked that finale
No. 349425
File: 1705550604414.gif (5.99 MB, 396x269, yep.gif)

>>349278Not sure if it answers your questions or brings up more but Voss based the story heavily on his own life (the actress who played Randi was even his wife at some point, talk about self-insert kek) so taking it at face level is ok too, your classic "introverted artistic soul forced by a cruel world into lashing out" story. You mentioned the rigid regime he falls into as a means to cope with his instability which is another fun aspect of a generally shallow film, his slow descent into psychosis kept the pace pretty tight. The soundtrack was so good too Bud doesn't seem like a punk rock kind of man but guess he's the type to drive at speed limit while blasting the most aggressive music ever. If it wasn't for the whole
murder thing he'd actually be super adorable.
No. 349426
File: 1705550655234.gif (7.7 MB, 392x295, buds dumb parka.gif)

No. 349446
File: 1705558963715.jpg (88.45 KB, 1920x1080, 1504261_604910906224975_505123…)

Guys I'm still so heartbroken every time I think about this stupid movie. It looks like shit yes but we could have had sweaty evil old satanist summoning cacodemons or whatever, the sheer power of his delivery in the trailer…
No. 349456
>>349420Giant kek at picrel. It legit got an even bigger cackle out of me than the picture itself when I first saw it.
>>349425Talking about "poor adorable Bud", I did feel kinda sorry for him in the end because it seemed like he finally bloomed with life for once only for it to be taken away. Sort of morally abused and abandoned all over again. If only he wasn't
a psycho killer he'd be the best weird little fella in town.
No. 349603
File: 1705621818238.gif (1.01 MB, 452x380, wild horses could not drag me …)

>>349456The story at least was interesting because you never expect the twists, the entire time I thought
Matthew was gay (the pretentious attitude and foppish mannerisms) and trying to get Randi to seduce Bud for him KEK, and the foreshadowing to Bud being the murderer- you knew it was all building up to SOMEthing throughout the entire film but weren't sure to what exactly. Very adorable psycho. The number of times I've rewatched it just for that scene of him having a nervous breakdown while sexy saxophone music plays is too many.
No. 349604
File: 1705621931465.jpg (104.17 KB, 1500x500, https __pbs.twimg.jpg)

Moar Control Group photos, even if it's terrible he gets tied up and that's worth at least one watch
No. 349605
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No. 349606
File: 1705622022326.jpg (189.78 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_me21ldFXnp1qhb9o9o5_128…)

And one from Criminal Minds. Love this expression so much.
No. 349642
File: 1705629242794.jpg (905.02 KB, 1057x1408, media_Fs41aysaIAA9zi4.jpg)

By Randy Ortiz (oil on canvas?!?) how does this look so luminescent and luscious and wet? Has anyone ever wanted to lick a painting before? Instead of focusing on the tear-rimmed lashes it's the rivulets themselves that glow, such a perfect Gemini rendition
No. 349694
File: 1705641248269.jpg (82.91 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_oqc2pkjTPS1ukojpzo2_128…)

>>349606oh I just rewatched this episode the other day! Adam is probably unsalvageable due to
brain damage but I can dream…
>>349604>gets tied upis that scene gonna fuck me up, how intense does it get
No. 349695
File: 1705641302932.jpg (62.61 KB, 441x640, IMG-20230121-101154-368.jpg)

No. 349696
File: 1705641333020.jpg (111.27 KB, 602x433, tumblr_6cc1271dccc8a3bf7af5b41…)

No. 349699
File: 1705641618622.jpg (69.24 KB, 350x412, tumblr_1b37e604ac26c40417c4918…)

>>348788>>348787this is making me have my first
sexual thoughts about his feet. It's the wingtips and long socks, I want him to rub his foot on my pussy, socks stay ON No. 349700
File: 1705641715058.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.58 KB, 1080x670, tumblr_3569d83c60bb794315b047c…)

yet another SC makeup photo
No. 349702
File: 1705641873474.jpg (40.2 KB, 600x424, Qb-QF-1rt-VV4 (1).jpg)

why isn't he wearing the cut offs dammit
No. 349770
File: 1705678711809.png (636.19 KB, 696x576, aint he just tho.png)

>>349603>Very adorable psychoAbsolutely.
>>349605It's the old "we need to stand closer for this photo, let me insert your arm in my cleavage" trick? Well, who wouldn't?>>349606>>349694Setting up the thread Disturbed Ward for all these deadly darlings who should never be allowed near the general public. No. 349772
File: 1705679563619.png (567.42 KB, 1174x636, where angelz sing.png)

Because I will probably miss some, thank you all for the pic dumps.
>>349642That is very beautiful, ty for sharing anon.
>>349446I know, we can only hope. Is it just the angle or does he seem to be on the floor a lot in that trailer?
Also, I read that as Cocoa Demons, old man summoning libation.>>349699>footAnd now I'm gonna have to watch Exorcist iii again.
>>349702Victorian anons will be having a lie down due to exposed arms.
That chair may have enough room. No. 349790
File: 1705683433981.jpg (202.89 KB, 1047x838, 1702101774.jpg)

I don't visit this thread for a day because I assume everyone died (including myself) and there you guys go with all the stuff, holy shit. Thank you for all the beautiful uploads, nonnies, I haven't seen some of these before!
>>349778Available for any date, personally No. 349795
File: 1705684376564.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 3072x2050, 43901F68-3EBC-4CC4-AB66-6D7FB1…)

DUMP TIME DUMP TIME WE’RE SO CLOSE PLEASE. I already wanted to draw him in different outfits but someone said “draw ur bf in your clothes” and what a fun idea, even though it’s pretty plain
>>349790Anon do you know what vid this is from? I found it once before but I think it was blocked in my country, I couldn’t watch it
No. 349799
File: 1705684545960.jpeg (Spoiler Image,219.3 KB, 919x919, 62ABF66A-F7A7-4AF2-A241-8BBA64…)

Jack playlist almost at 1000 views you psychos
No. 349802
File: 1705684759187.png (Spoiler Image,455.63 KB, 1218x1083, D8D6638E-60E5-4282-A6B6-EEA6DD…)

I don’t wanna finish it sorry. It would be really cool if I woke up to a new thread this is my wish you can do it I believe in u
No. 349848
File: 1705692621289.gif (1.35 MB, 640x496, 90cddda5f581fe8e07db7bb7887885…)

>>349799The headphone screencap makes me wet for no humanly discernible reason, at least 100 of those views are just Abuse Myself on repeat I choked irl when I saw that on the playlist thank YOU EARTH ANGEL
>>349802Don't even have words anymore the way you draw his pointy nose the linework the imperfections on his face so gorgeously toadlike and fascinating anon you always help finish these threads off ridiculously strong literally what did we do to deserve you. I'm gonna go lie down outside.
No. 349866
File: 1705697634057.jpg (394.54 KB, 1200x1222, heavy metal grima.JPG)

>>349795>>349799pink t-shirt is true fanservice, AAAAHHH happy trail and low rise pants… right is so funny i love how affronted/confused he looks. your style looks very comfy i'm digging it. the face on the headphone sketch actually killed me, it's so good???! and of course, we're looking forward to your music recs, always.
>>349802aww so snooty, i wanna kiss him. you made me feel inspired to share this drawing i did ages ago and never showed anyone because i hated it. fuck it, not even saging because i need to set a good example and show you that we need to be proud of our work.
>>349695i just watched ragtime, FINALLY. almost forgot he used to be in genuinely great normie movies when he was young, damn. what disorder do you think this character has
my mom said autism. No. 349896
File: 1705702523558.jpg (2.26 MB, 1555x3455, To Sam with love.jpg)

Can't even properly react to anything, you crazy nonnas. Sammy edit and links to Shadow Hours: nonna, don't be mad at me for jump cuts since it ain't me, the movie was split into four parts. Sewn it together and put up on two different hostings just in case.
No. 349897
>>349795>>349799>>349802>>349866wtf, why are anons hiding the good stuff at the tail end of the thread? tysm for sharing these, laughing at the Jack ones, such great expressions. I love that we've ended up with arrogant rat and sweaty rocker versions of Grima.
I'll take one of each, thanks.>>349795>pic/vidnayrt, but is it this one?
No. 349901
File: 1705703096274.gif (7.09 MB, 502x454, 20240120_012458.gif)

Since it's dump time here's a nice reaction gif. Some parts of this movie will haunt me for a long time and honestly this is one of them because look at him.
No. 349916
File: 1705707342531.jpg (73.66 KB, 500x375, 1702124257.jpg)

Please, if I sleep through the beginning of a new thread, someone post my thread recap edit for me to properly honor my effort that went into making it, jk so it feels like I'm here too, like I'm not missing the grand opening. Thank you.
No. 349917
File: 1705708245498.jpg (262.77 KB, 561x768, Gandalf judges Grima Wormtongu…)

nonny this picture is like tailor made to my specific interests thank you so much for sharing it!! And I hope anons don't feel like they have to post super finished twenty layer paintings here if they wanna share something it's always the biggest nicest most beautiful surprise when we get ORIGINAL THREAD CONTENT I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE THIS LUCKY, every artanon consistently blows me away with their creativity and talent! The fact you guys are able to not just capture a character's likeness but always make them contextually entertaining, it's amazing. How you draw hands especially is exquisite, I want to grab his undoubtedly clammy fidgety fingers. Your brain is next-level enlightened for this concept how would he fare in our time do you think…would he consider metal like, evil torture music
>>349694>unsalvageable due to brain damageThis sounds like a challenge I think I'm gonna like him
>>349702Guyana behind-the-scenes?! Was there a documentary or something? Charming little smile on his face sigh sigh sigh what I wouldn't give to be squeezed into that chair beside him
>>349770Commit them to a ward for the disturbed but 'round here we just call that a harem, tee hee hee
>>349896Thank you for your hard work anon, I gave it a cursory look and couldn't even tell where the jumpcuts were so this is perfect! Appreciate all you do ♥ Shadow Hours has been a long time coming and I'm looking forward to watching it but we really really should do DM again sometime soon especially since the Kino release was pushed back again to the end of April. I just wanna know if we're getting any new bonus material
No. 349920
File: 1705710346794.png (989.06 KB, 806x813, maximum fucking hell.png)

>>349699Is this for real, are we actually ending thread 2 as companions in total horny retard hell, are there fucking multiple
feetposters itt now holy shit. I'm actually going insane I cannot believe this is happening. It's only a few very specific roles/scenes that conjure up untoward imagery but think about it, his ankles are as fine and slender as his legs
and his feet look sooo soft just like his hands, aren't male feet supposed to be huge and disgusting, he's hairy everywhere except there and he hasn't a single bunion or blister or nothing. I can't talk about this anymore this is too much.
Would rub my pussy against that bare foot, the VEINS…>>349916Thank you for the reminder, public update on the threadpic poll with
eight total votes the winner is Drag Me to (Old Man) Hell. In honour I hope everyone watches at least one old man film this weekend. Your pic should absolutely be posted especially to showcase the peak insane shit that goes down here at night, the beautiful duality of women, thank you for your service anon
No. 349922
File: 1705711064793.jpg (101.94 KB, 640x640, cerro torre irl.jpg)

>>349772>on the floor a lotI hadn't even noticed that he was practically crawling on the floor no, this is a good excuse to watch the trailer again kek
>Exorcist IIIWell we've seen the Legion cut together but there is always the theatrical version, it's even technically a different film, we should schedule a date. The need for further discussion with esteemed colleagues in Venamun studies is unbearably high
>>34977823rd and 24th at the later time is OK and I'll know further availability early next week
No. 349924
File: 1705711265142.jpg (98.5 KB, 1280x714, media_FbhB0lJUcAANur9.jpg)

No. 349927
File: 1705711714567.jpg (109.02 KB, 1394x1746, Meisha Johnson and Brad on set…)

No. 349957
File: 1705726919772.gif (53.5 KB, 97x128, 1000015465.gif)

>>349866WOW finally gracing the thread with your art, I can't stop staring I love how sickly green it looks, Gríma in modern clothes is so funny and you even made him look cool?? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING
NONNIE ♥ ♥ Maybe someday we can even inspire the writing nonnas to share something….
>fuck it, not even sagingwill thread 3 be the thread of non saging finally? WE GOTTA BE BRAVE GIRLS NO SHAME HERE
>>349848that gif is killing me but are you okay I really do appreciate everything you wrote, nonna
No. 349959
File: 1705727440033.mp4 (8.12 MB, 1280x720, 0120.mp4)

>>349957Yeh your art simultaneously murdered me and then brought me back to life
No. 349960
>>349897tysm for finding it! But yeah it is blocked, lame
>why are anons hiding good stuff at the end of the threadto create a manic flurry to fill the thread up faster AND IT WORKED
>>349920IM NOT A
No. 349962
File: 1705727885146.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1348, Screenshot_20240107-084121~2.p…)

>>>/m/349961>>>/m/349961>>>/m/349961 No. 349965
File: 1705728571216.png (1.39 MB, 1595x945, i need to find jesus.png)

>>349960Before the thread locks I need to clear my name please lord god
I'm not even a footfag I swear on my life but his body is like….too good. Not weight nor age can make his arms any less sexy or his jaw undefined or his stomach unattractive or his fee- ok one last screencap about this and THAT'S IT
No. 349966
File: 1705728630138.jpg (48.32 KB, 367x342, tumblr_me7rcc3scs1r8gv6jo4_400…)

Locking in 3…
No. 349967
File: 1705728664171.jpg (114.89 KB, 1661x1294, media_FOKBlmGWUAAleBf.jpg)

No. 349971
File: 1705729002135.gif (5.24 MB, 600x255, ratbitch.gif)

1 ♥