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No. 351330
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i'm ready i'm ready nonnies!
No. 351333
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Reposting this so new people don't have to go over to Western Animation cows to sperg about it
No. 351339
>>351336Don't put that image into my head
>>351332It's mostly a case of slow character assassination- the way Alastor acted in Episode 5 was completely different to how he'd normally act and it was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I mean he was always supposed to be a narc but he was also supposed to be charming and a bit enigmatic but now he's getting pissy at everything and acting like a dickhead for no reason.
No. 351341
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Viv’s art style and design philosophies have grown on me a lot tbh. They’re still not all to my taste but I’ve grown to appreciate them, especially how they stand out in the world of adult animation. Adult animation really took a nosedive aesthetically at some point in the 2000s it’s not even funny. Not all shows of course but so many shows that come out are just so artistically uninspired. Like look at this shit it makes me wanna die.
No. 351343
>>351339He's still charming imo, but he's not trying to make friends and he openly admits he hangs around Charlie because he likes talking to her. Imo, just seems like he didn't want people fucking around with his long term plans and there were too many people at the hotel suddenly between Mim and her bullshit [which he was still composed for in the end before she ran off] and Lucifer, possibly taking Charlie's attention away from all he's done for the Hotel just because
daddy could make a call to Heaven.
No. 351351
>>351332kek, idk, I'm not quite an alastorfag either (it helps I never saw the pilot) and just like him. however, his peacocking slap fight with Lucifer and the janky kaiju moment now makes him feel a lot more like a typical frivolous creepy demon than some threatening yet refined eldritch entity. I mean, he was always was made to be a tumblr sexyman but at least before there was more mystique.
>>351347that's interesting considering how much the daddy scene felt like fanservice. does viv actually write all the episodes?
No. 351355
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>>351333Sorry for sperging but I’m the Alastorfag who suggested the HH thread in the animation thread and I need to speak my mind. THIS and him swearing made me so sad. I rewatched the pilot right before watching episode 5 and was so disappointed. It’s like they’re totally different characters. Also hate how they made his design so pointy. In the pilot he does have the same sharp smile but there are moments in which it falters and that made him more likeable imho. The new one is just weird and makes him seem kinda two dimensional. Same for Niffty sort of
No. 351356
Episode 6 is out on vumoo.
I honestly didn't expect to kind of like this show but I agree with
>>351341 that the style has grown on me, even the overuse of red. It stands out a little bit unlike most of the ugly Rick and Morty style shitshows. I'm so looking forward to the mainstream animation style to finally change.
>>351333Ngl that's a catchy song
No. 351366
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Anyone else think Charlie has chemistry with Emily or just me?
No. 351370
>>351347if she wrote the daddy scene in an attempt to extinguish charlastor shipping she is retarded, it will have made charlastor fags a million times more obnoxious. now featuring disgusting incest DDLG kink!
actually, could feasibly be some 4d chess given her viewerbase. within the next few days i guarantee there will be charlastor discourse about it being a predatory kink that glorifies incest kek. clearly the aphobia thing couldnt get enough people to rage against the ship so…
>>351366certainly more than her and vaggie kek. though i was thinking, i dont doubt some of the motivation for the vaggie fallen angel thing is an attempt to brute force some hurt/comfort angst in the most beige sexless pairing ever committed to canon
>>351367i found it disappointing for the same reasons anon. it also doesnt make sense that he would be so openly aggressive toward one of the most powerful beings in hell. it would be more interesting to have him undercut lucifer and charlie's relationship more subtly while asskissing/placating lucifer on the surface, trying to manipulate him into granting favours and shit like that. i wouldnt have thought it would make sense for a sophisticated and dangerous ex psychopathic public personality to happily and immediately burn the bridge to someone more powerful and important.
but to be fair, this is expecting interesting character writing from a team of broadway autists…
No. 351371
>>351370also im mad because from the screenshots of e5 i thought charlie and alastor would have a cool duet expanding on his specific abilities, maybe with him offering to "puppeteer" (through his voodoo) the residents of the hotel into behaving, persuading charlie in a way that has her on board at first, but realising by the end of the song that free will is important to her project (which would have been a nice tie in with lucifer).
i really wanted a spooky jazzy i have friends on the other side type number. sigh. seems like theyre staying away from actually mentioning voodoo explicitly at all, which i guess makes sense for avoiding audience shitflinging, but if theyre already appropriating the symbology they may as well make it interesting and tie it in properly instead of it just being there for aesthetic reasons.
No. 351374
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Probably late but this is all I can think when I hear Vaggies new voice
No. 351377
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Getting Raven from Teen Titans vibes from maskless Lute
No. 351381
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>>351377She's a huge pick me but she's cute not gonna lie.
No. 351383
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So what did you all think about Vaggie being an Angel?
Personally I thought her Angel design is super cute, but her arc was super rushed. Like, we learn she's a angel, how she went to hell and Charlie learns Vaggie is an angel all in the same episode??? I know pacing is a problem as a whole in this series as a whole which is a bummer, because it could've been great.
No. 351387
I hate how Vivzie really shot herself in the foot by wrecking the pacing and trying to cram in as much plot as humanly possible out of fear of getting shitcanned after one season. That being said I like how Vaggie's pilot outfit made an appearance in the flashback.
>>351384Iirc Flapjack was pretty much ground zero where a lot of the modern calarts animators like Pendleton Ward and Alex Hirsch got their start.
No. 351389
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>>351341same. I have always defended vivzie sparkle dogs for being unique. I remember when the pilot dropped all of the failed artists trying to ''fix'' the designs by turning it into generic calarts shit.
No. 351390
>>351348agree, I really don't see what the big deal is, and a pilot is a pilot, anything in them is subject to change once the show gets picked up. Maybe it's because I don't know the deepest canon lore, but I don't think I have seen the Alastor his fans here are talking about kek
>>351373It was a little odd, but I think Lucifer in HH is supposed to have had more of a 'soft' fall and is still very much an angel rather than a demon, and therefore doesn't mesh with the rest of Hell. It's neat imo that a lot of Charlie's bubbly personality seems to stem from him, while her power/more demonic form looks to come from her mother.
No. 351393
>>351383I like it. The episode's pacing for it was very awkward, and unfortunate, but hopefully the fallout from it will get more time now that everything else has been rushed through. Really starting to feel the series' condensed episode count.
>>351389ah, hazbin redesigns, one of my favourite genres of bad art kek
No. 351394
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>>351389I found her second go at this particularly grotesque.
No. 351398
>>351392I think it's sweet that he's a pocket prince, and has a relatively tame design compared to the other denizens of Hell. Lucifer being obviously attractive or acting seductive is pretty common, so idk it's kinda nice to see a take on the concept that's more of a displaced dork than domineering, powerful ruler of Hell.
>>351394Oof. I actually kinda like the way Angeldust's face is drawn here, but the rest of these designs just fall apart. None of them match, and I hate how they just turned Vaggie into Amethyst… Charlie's face also just looks… off kek
No. 351400
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>>351366Huh, I just noticed she got changed from her design in picrel. I preferred the short messy mane(gives a cute and playful feel) but oh well.
Also I saw they switched up the voice actors vs the description. Emily is played by an Indian woman (Shoba Narayan) while Sera’s played by a Black woman (Patina Miller). I think they switched the sisters’ skintones because of that too? Not sure why that’s necessary kek, but whatever. Their voices sound good and fit them I think. Bringing this up because I remember anons having an issue with the VA description in the other thread.
No. 351403
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>>351377For some reason something about her looked off to me, and I just realized it’s because she looks so normal compared to the rest of the cast kek. Like her normal nose vs Charlie’s cat nose and other characters’ no-nose. Also more normal-looking eyes, hair, and no freakishly large mouth. Might be intentional? She kind of reminds me of Amity from Owl house lmao.
No. 351405
I’m still struggling to figure out the intended audience for this show. Ik it’s been a subject that people have criticized since the pilot came out but now that it’s on a major streaming platform (and it’s trending at #2 if that means anything) I can’t imagine a normie adult sitting down and watching this past the first episode. Lucifer's “take that depression! XD” felt so much like a children’s show line. I do hope it ends up attracting a bigger audience because even though I’m still unhappy with some of the VA changes I definitely wanna see more in the future.
>>351400Their designs are so beautiful but I couldn’t handle seeing them sideways because the shape of their heads reminded me too much of MLP kek
No. 351426
>>351370It does make sense though, are a lot of you dense? It just seems like there's a bunch of anons adding in personal headcanons of how a character should act based on previous material when this is marketable through Amazon and thus things had to change. Alastor swearing isn't random and he was being challenged by the lord of hell.
I honestly don't understand how his persona should overtake his motives. Honestly think he's trying to get Charlie on his good side and to trust him more than her shitty father and in order to do that, he can't have other people butting in. I have a feeling he's trying to take over hell.
No. 351433
>>351432It's not like he went on a swearing spree like Angel or Husk. He said "fuck you" when things got super heated and got tired of being isulted and attempted upstaged [obviously wasn't upstaged], but I totally get the frustration between Husk acting like he doesn't know why Mim is there, then the dad coming in when Charlie should rely on him instead of her father because
it is his hotel and then the dad comes in and fucking insults it and makes fun of Charlie for it? Like, yeah. "Fuck you" to Lucifer. He didn't flip out, he said it sternly and then took all the anger built up from that on Hush when Husk tried being insulting as well. I'm sure Alastor has a breaking point. Mim is lucky to not have him snap at her and instead just use his height and voice to tell her off. He can't just do that to someone like Lucifer, the best her can do is say "Fuck you". He said it so gentlemanly too, like he slapped him with a glove for one check and then back for the "you".
No. 351448
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>>351381I don't why, but I kinda like these two together.
No. 351461
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>>351341Honestly same. The style’s still not for me but I can see the charm. Even ignoring the bleak state of adult animation, modern cartoon styles in general have been so soulless and bland that I welcome anyone shaking things up a bit despite the hate. If vivzie can make it then hey, maybe there’s hope for more new shows with unique styles
No. 351498
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something that bothers me about HH is that almost(?) all of the female characters are almost entirely humanoid, while male sinners have a far greater diversity of designs (moth, spider, winged cat, snake, object-headed like Vox)
I think this is most obvious with Velvette. her design looks very uninteresting next to Valentino and Vox. I know it's been discussed a lot on /snow/ that Viv is a misogynist and lavishes far more love onto her male OCs than her female OCs, and I think it definitely shows in the designs. I'd love to hear other opinions on this because it's been bothering me while watching, especially after Mimzy and Cherri appeared.
No. 351505
>>351469Honestly, it's not as bad as I was expecting. The episodes are short and easy to watch, I'd say give it an episode or two, you don't have that much to lose. It's fun for what it is.
>>351499If Vivzie was a significantly better writer who was trying to make something politically important, maybe, but she's not. The point wasn't to be "powerful," it was to make sure we know Angel Dust is sexy AND sad. Female characters have already gotten this treatment for years, and it always undermines their arcs because their sadness still has a sheen of glitz and glam. I'm sick of seeing eroticized violence towards women across all media, and I wouldn't trust Vivzie to write anything better for a female character, so I hope she continues torture porn'ing the sad spider twink instead of any of the women to be honest.
No. 351506
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>>351498I hadn’t even noticed this, but yeah, you’re right. It’s funny, on Helluva which is usually deemed the more sexist show this is less of a problem. Loona, Stella, Octavia, Beezlebub, Deerie, Keenie (those two are angels but point still stands), all have animal-inspired designs, and even the imps of both sexes are much less straightforwardly humanoid than the women of Hazbin, barring background characters. I personally love Velvette and her design but I agree it is objectively the least interesting of the three you mention, she’s just a girl in a cute outfit with a fantasy skintone basically.
No. 351512
>>351469It's ok. I does some things well and other things badly. I think the execution could be better but at least it's something very different than what else is coming out today in adult animation.
It vibe with my teenage emo girl phase. If you were that back then you'd probably like it.
No. 351516
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It annoys me how the writers show their cards instead of holding them close.
Since it was let out of the bag that even heaven doesn't know the criteria for making it in, this will allow for Roo(t) to be the true big boss. Already alluded to her in the first episode with that narration.>>351454Like
>>351514 said but here's a tweet by Michael a few years back.
No. 351517
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>>351499Poison reminded me so much of Oh My God by (g)i-dle. there’s probably no relation whatsoever, but the lyrics (not necessarily the topic itself) plus the fact that Oh My God deals with religious imagery too caught my attention. it’s stupid but it’s been plaguing my mind every since i watched it. please tell me im not the only one
No. 351624
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>>351613i just like the designs a lot. When you are used to shit like this in western animation, or soulless crap like the shera reboot, vivzie's designs become a breath of fresh air.
No. 351693
>>351366Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. Vaggie comes across like Charlie's wrangler who only goes along with her plans to humor her, whereas Emily is actually fired up and angry about the denizens of Hell being executed and is putting herself at risk to support her. It's inexcusably bad writing because Vaggie should absolutely be on Charlie's side given that she was an angel who had a change of heart and agreed the execution was wrong. If the idea was that Vaggie is hesitant to support Charlie because she already knows something Charlie doesn't, it just makes her seem even shittier because she's hiding really important things about her past AND information about Charlie's dream like
>>351666 said, it makes her seem like a horrible girlfriend from every angle. Unfortunate since their relationship could've been handled much better. They could have telegraphed Vaggie's disdain for and ideological opposition to Heaven, Adam, Lute, etc. more clearly so it doesn't seem like she just thinks Charlie is retarded. Or she could confess that she was an angel BEFORE they go to Heaven, or even seem like she's about to confess in previous episodes, but keeps getting too scared because she doesn't want to lose Charlie. Maybe have her float the hypothetical to Charlie in a previous episode, like "What if one of the angels wanted to be redeemed, could you forgive even them?" to indicate that Vaggie wants to tell Charlie. As of now, it just seems like Vaggie wasn't supportive of Charlie's plan, had zero qualms about hiding her past, and was willing to let Charlie's idea crash and burn without ever warning her about the reality of what she'd be facing. Sorry for sperging, I just can't believe she fumbled this when the drama is practically packaged and ready to go. "Protagonist wants to redeem sinners to protect them from genocidal angels and her gf who's helping her is hiding that she used to be one of those angels" should NOT be this boring.
No. 351772
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>>351767No you're right, I also think her design is pretty
No. 351778
>>351774Yeah and I don't get how a woman being
abusive and violent is seen as bad in hell when everyone from the main cast were shown to admire violence and shown
abusive traits in the first like 6 episodes. Helluva then changed to make everyone woobified and empathetic but it's too much of a tone change and now it's very confusing. I bet that if Stella was one of the main cast she'd be the same but seen as a boss bitch while Stolas like a comedic relief weak character, Vivzie really can't decide if violence is bad or not in hell.
No. 351793
>>351778We could have had a funny """mutually
toxic"" wedding situation with Stolas and Stella but Vizie just had to write (bad) drama
No. 351819
>>351793Viv really ruins it with the sad "deep" drama. Something that would work is making the pacing and comedy like Brandon Roger's older popular videos, just jokes and random shit with a tiny bit of lore sprinkled in. He even made a short video with HB puppets once and it seemed a lot better than the usual episodes with pointless drama no one cares for. Viv wants her show to have comedy but also have long sections of sad dramatic moments (and songs ugh) and imo it just doesn't work.
Speaking of songs, two songs for every episode is wayy too much. Most of them are boring or just bad, idk why she insists on having multiple pop-sounding repetitive songs every single episode.
No. 351820
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So currently, Charlastor is the top trending ship on the shipping wiki. I really don't know if this is what vizei wanted, cause if she disliked this ship, she had to know that the wrong would make it exceptionally worse and be like blood in the water for the ddlg fetishists.
No. 351832
>>351772I love her no matter how much the show wants me to hate her lol
>>351819I think Helluva works best as an episodic action-comedy. I wish if they wanted to keep the lore, they’d pace it better. Maybe like one lore episode a season?
No. 351843
>>351832Samefag, I realized I worded this in a retarded way. Show basically is episodic and is
mostly action-comedy, so I more mean the angst rather than the lore. I just don’t think this show balances angst and comedy well, I’m not finished with s2 yet but so far it feels off in comparison to s1 because of that. So much goddamn angst. Also going more and more off the original idea when the side plots are significantly less interesting than the actual original concept for the show.
No. 351860
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>>351498It's just more of picrel
No. 351866
>>351843I liked Ozzie and Fizzaroo orwhatever his name was in S2 because they're cute, but all of the drama overall was very contrived. Mostly because, as
>>351778 says, everything is just about framing since everybody is shitty.
No. 351954
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>>351952Don’t care for Chalastor ship but just keep the fujocooming to Helluva
No. 352047
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One thing we can acknowledge is that Hazbin is much better in terms of toning down the swearing compared to HB. While it is still excessive, it's not as prevalent as in HB, where swearing sometimes makes up 90% of the dialogue. I am genuinely grateful for it.
No. 352069
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I didn't know that tumblr had a vocal minority of people who clown on Vizie's shows
No. 352107
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>>352076>>352069They hate Viv because she drew fanart/supports Blaire White and Sh0eonHead. Objectively if she was a real
terf she'd be based but she's that pseudo-flavor of gender critical, considering in Helluva Boss, the trans character still retain the horn coloration of their biological sex, something gendies seethe over.
No. 352131
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>>352116The one character was actually 17. Viv confirmed that on twitter. She actually created the character of Addison when she was around 17 herself, based on looking at her post about the character on her old blog. I found this by looking at the wikia page for the character, they had a citation that linked to it. Note the time of post. Viv was born Oct 28 1992. She’d be around 17 around this time, turning 18 in the fall. However, she drew the weird drawings of him when she was 19. However, she addressed this in her big tumblr apology. Personally, like… she was a teenager who drew retarded drawings of her oc she had since she was an even younger teenager. Whatever, it’s funny when her antifans have this as a gotcha when most industry creators have created far worse at far older ages than what she did lol. Some of it even being in their shows for christ’s sake. How any of these people like any cartoon at this point, especially an adult cartoon, is beyond me.
No. 352169
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to all the alastorsisters that got banned in the animation cow thread like i did, thank you for your service.
No. 352185
>>352182So you would prefer to see a female character getting abused instead? No thanks. Go watch the million of other media with female abuse
victims and let hazbin stans keep their one male
No. 352194
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>>352192The only vaguely female-looking thing about him is the tuff of hair on his chest that some people draw as boobs. He's a pracing lala homo man in just about everything he does. Even his story reminds me of those basically horror lives of gay men who lived in the world of unprotected anal sex, drugs and the search for higher kink heights. All he needs to have to be any more stereotypical is AIDS.
No. 352199
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Extremely unpopular opinion but i love vivzie's designs. Its been a while since a western cartoon inspired me to draw fanart just because the characters look really fun. They are so colorful and detailed, I am having a field day drawing them.
No. 352202
>>352198In Japan saying you like anime = saying you like cartoons. Shonen anime such as Demon Slayer, Attack of Titan, Doraemon, Pokemon, One Piece is popular but that's like SpongeBob, Avatar, Simpsons being popular. There are some odd scenes in SpongeBob, but I'm sure most people watching this will see and think "Wtf are the writer's smoking" like how you see a fan service scene in shonen anime. It will be there, sometimes, but it's not they will like… Anime with lots of sexy scenes is something few people will watch. It's niche like how Hazbin Hotel is niche or idk what's popular nowadays. The anime industry is thriving because a lot of people outside of Japan like it. If it was only inside Japan, then it wouldn't be as popular. American shit would be more popular if it wasn't all comedies like Rick and Morty and the Simpsons for adults or something for children only. And honestly those comedy adult only shows would be much better if they were something like Friends, for example, instead of eccentric humour not everyone will get. The popular anime is for young and big audiences and it's action (who doesn't like action?). You know what popular Disney + Pixar movies are, it's because they did Romance and Action. So many kids and adults alike loved Spiderman, Cinderella, Puss in Boots etc.
No. 352218
>>352192>he is a male character identified by pronouns and nothing else.what do you want then? an episode devoted to getting close ups of his male bulge? ofc he doesn't resemble a male, he barely resembles a female either, if it weren't for his multiple arms and character lore and wikias no one would be able to tell he's meant to take after a spider either, he looks like a thing.
i think your deal is that you inherently view certain characteristics and roles as being for women, hence you think Angel Dust is "essentially a female character" that Vivzie only pretends is male.
No. 352223
>>352192Yeah, I agree with you. It's really the whole 'I'm trapped in an
abusive relationship with a powerful male' that feels odd in the context of Angel Dust, as well as the highly feminized outfits and chest fluff boobs. Either way, I prefer that a pseudomale character is who gets his story instead of a female character, Vivzie doesn't possess the tact or interest to write a sympathetic female prostitute.
No. 352235
>>352223>highly feminized outfitsyou mean feminine outfits, also it's a prancing lala homo manwhore, he's gonna wear feminine clothing.
>chest fluff boobsthey were always annoying, in concept sketches, they were more obviously fluff taking after fluffy spiders, then on it evolved into pseudo-boobs, were they're just there and the pilot's already out so there's no changing 'em, and they're easy to incorporate into a drag appearance.
No. 352248
>>352218She/he wants to see a woman character in her "woman role" (whore) instead of a male
victim and that's it. Plus anon really hates fujos and believes they want to be raped because they write angsty homo shit. What do you expect from a smelly antisocial pussyless kiwi farms poster?
No. 352306
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>>352192Nona he’s a fucking spider, neither men nor women look like that. He acts more like a stereotypical fag than a woman. I don’t understand why you’re mad that it’s happening to a male character
No. 352315
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The new sneak peek is so off to me if a man touched me like that and jumped in my bed I would have thought he was making moves on me such a odd scene to make
No. 352336
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>>352321>>352315Didn’t he do the same to vaggie too ? Maybe he’s just weird like that smh
No. 352368
>>352361the jump straight from
>"poison would've been more powerful if it was about a woman"to
>"w-well obviously I was talking about how he's literally female in all but pronouns already and you self-misogynistic faghags are twisting my words!"was hilarious. it has to be that one weirdo from kf.
No. 352388
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>>352369He's too OP. Calm your ass Goku-stor
No. 352430
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I hope we get to see Lilith chain up Alastor. I don't necessarily ship them but it would be so hot. And it's what Alastor deserves.
No. 352458
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I don't know why and it makes me a bad person but Adam is genuinely my favourite. He's such a lovable complete asshole. I hope he makes it into season two. I like how he draws a little doodle of himself on his proclamations.
I might need therapy.
No. 352459
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I'm 4 episodes in and my biggest complaint thus far compared to the pilot is the change in some of the voice actors, the breakneck pacing, and the lack of tuning on Alastors voice. Nitpicky I know, it lacks the crackly radio quality and the static it had in the pilot. I don't understand why this season is supposedly 8 episodes instead of a fuller fledged 12 for better character development.
I always loved Viv's designs so seeing them animated by a professional studio delights me.
>>352458I love him and Lute's designs and that there's this biblically accurate angel edge to them
No. 352460
>>352459It could've been paced better if the pilot wasn't public. So now they have to reintroduce the eight characters at the Hotel, then the antagonist three overlords and two angels in first couple episodes.
They could've removed Ser Pentious, mixed his part with Angel Dust arriving and let Nifty and Husk work in the background like they did with Charlies goat sidekicks. It would've been much smoother.
Helluva Boss started with five mains and slowly added more. This just constantly flings new people at you.
No. 352462
File: 1706728206430.jpg (105 KB, 682x1024, 20240131_125438.jpg)

>>352434>>352436>>352438like I just can't get enough of art depicting this. I hope she treats Alastor like her own little pet and puts him in his place.
No. 352464
File: 1706728716783.jpg (127.8 KB, 1024x768, 1itoun.jpg)

Going to throw out some wild theories here just so I can link back and say I was right.
>Adam is the progenitor of imps with Lilith. The horns look exactly the same and even use the same gender pattern. Lilith fled to Hell because she knew Heaven would kill them.
>Lilith ascended to heaven because of her selfless act and was killed by the angels
>Charlie's real mother is Eve. She assumed Lilith's identity on ascending to keep Hellborne spirits up. She's a sinner because of apple eating.
>Blitzo will show up in the finale in a line or two cameo. His VA is listed as another role but I don't think she showed up yet
>Cameo by an Ars Goetia member in the finale too. He's working with or enslaved by Alastor which explains how Alastor is so strong. Ars Goetia member will be a new recurring character on HB
>I don't know why but I'm feeling there's something with Alastor and Emily. Maybe she was one of his victims and when he pulls his big bad thing she'll forgive him and it will be like a whole sappy ending
No. 352511
>>352507Gonna go with Vaggie. Sacrifice thing.
Leaked song list has
Sir Pentious fucking dies but that is defo a fakeout.
No. 352518
>>352374It sucks seeing so many people come up with better plot ideas and character building because I have so little faith in Vivzie to do anything anywhere close to that.
Having Charlie's mother actually be Eve and the whole idea anon suggested
>>352464 would be less predictable than Eve only recently disguising herself as Lilith and holding her hostage because? She's evil? I want to believe Vivzie isn't so misogynistic/bad at writing that she'd actually make Adam an angel and have Eve nowhere to be found and/or the root of all evil, but I will be pleasantly surprised if that turns out to not be the case. Regardless of what happens with that whole plotline, I wonder if seeing other hypothetical executions of her characters makes her realise what a clusterfuck she's made.
No. 352540
File: 1706752781372.png (372.98 KB, 604x621, hazbinhomotel.PNG)

>>352534As you wish. The youtuber being insulted here (Mad Munchkin) is one of those old brony/cartoon review channels
No. 352544
>>352540Lmaooooo he sure is bold to criticize Hazbin Hotel designs when his youtuber avatar looks like THAT
>>352532Most of these redesigns are not reinterpretations by fans, they're done by Hazbin Hotel haters who think they can do better, that's why Vivziepop hates them.
No. 352591
>>352518pretty sure the point of Adam is that he's only an angel because he was literally the first human to go to heaven, not because he has any redeeming qualities (other than maybe obeying his original purpose as being the first man, unlike Lilith who 'failed' by making her own choices), and that the standards for getting in or being barred from heaven are either arbitrary or completely/fairly unknown to both parties (aside from obvious things like murder being hell-worthy etc). That's why the question of redemption being possible or not has to be asked (and currently has no answer).
It's not going to be a deep or nuanced take on any of these ideas, and will likely culminate in a childish resolution of some kind, but it's pretty straightforward so far so maybe she'll be able to pull something off.
No. 352597
File: 1706774741922.png (150.36 KB, 499x600, medium.png)

>>352544>Lmaooooo he sure is bold to criticize Hazbin Hotel designs when his youtuber avatar looks like THATMadMunchkin is a woman, but agreed. She's one of those bronies who can only design ponies well.
No. 352681
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>>352679I agree. It weird with her wings. They seem to switch being in front of them or behind them based on the shot
No. 352707
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>>352695This message was sent yesterday and the perso running it has sent leaked songs corresponding to the episodes prior to their release, so there's a good chance imo
No. 352731
File: 1706826217041.png (Spoiler Image,44.54 KB, 1629x292, 8758716578.png)

>>352693Post made on 4chan before eps 3 and 4 were out. Spoilered it.
>>352695The songs are up on the other farms.
Page 368 of the HH thread No. 352732
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>>352731Post made somewhere else about who dies. Again spoilered.
No. 352778
File: 1706836401475.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 1210x815, velvette.png)

Just finished watching it. Pretty fun finale, really enjoyed it but…
>The music did not vibe well with Carmella's ballet thing. Should of have had something slow and classical beat so she could work with that. It was too sharp.
>Velvette's PJ outfit was cute. Pic related.
>Annoyed Adam is dead. He's a fun absolute wanker antagonist. Let him lose an eye or arm or something and spend the next season being reckless to regain stature. Now you're only have left Sera and Emily and they are quite reasonable. It's gonna be hard to twist them into a villain.
>Don't like on Nifty finishing him off. It feels like no one around would do it so they picked her to move the plot. Immo Lucifer should've done it. Have a thing with Charlie being mad at dad for killing in cold blood.
>Neutral on Ser Pentious dying. I think he should've got a better last stand.
>I would like Alastor to lose a lot more on his gamble with working with Hell's higher ups. Let him be wrong for once.
>>352464 I got it wrong on everything. My semester of film study was a complete waste
I really hope they fast track this. I can not do another do a three wait like they did with Invincible.
No. 352803
Damn. Okay, this all actually turned out much better than I expected. Not perfect, way too rushed, and there are a few plot points I wasn't into, but still.
Dying to know more about wtf Alastor's deal is. It wasn't really that satisfying to see him get knocked down a peg because the narrative never seems to know what to do with him. Like it can't decide how he fits into everything, but I guess they will address this more in-depth in the next season. I am definitely curious.I didn't like Sir Pentious' death until the ending, kek. I think it's actually a good twist/a good way to move the plot forward. But I'm honestly going to miss him. I guess he was the most expendable of the main cast aside from Nifty and is the one who most obviously morally improved, but he had fun chemistry with everyone. I also was hoping he'd end up with Cherri, they were a funny pairing in theory.Lucifer grew on me a lot. I liked Charlie's battle outfit, as impractical as it was. I really liked that they actually addressed Vaggie and Charlie as a couple and also individually.I want more of the Vees. I've warmed up to them as a trio. Vox being a retarded heckler was funny, I like how Valentino and Velvette just ignore him half the time kek. But they seem to have plans, and it's a good plot setup to make sure there's still intra-conflict in Hell and it doesn't devolve into a Heaven vs. Hell thing.I'm kind of sad it's over, to be honest. I didn't expect much because HB was such a disappointment, but I would gladly watch another season.
>>352778Completely agree it would've been better if
Adam lived but was just severely injured. I get they're trying to make Lute the primary antagonist now, but I will miss Adam as the asshole. And Nifty being the one to kill him was such a strange one-off joke in this context, but oh well. It could be interesting to see Lute develop without him, but they'd have to really commit to making Lute more than she is now. No. 352806
File: 1706840764072.png (Spoiler Image,439.05 KB, 564x601, emily.png)

episode 7 was my favorite, had the best songs tbh and I loved seeing Vaggie
The final was very fun to watch. even though Lucifer was a bit deux ex machina One thing I don't know if I got it right isif Alistor actually an Angel? Like, Lute told Lillith "her brother" is threatining hell. That meant Alistaor, right? And if the theory is right "Eve is actually Lillith and Lillith is Eve" that would mean "Eve" is the one who made a deal with Adam?? And why is Alistor under her control? Interesting plot points. Can't wait for season 2
picrel is Emily seeing sir pentious arrive heavens which is just adorable.
No. 352835
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>>352544It literally looks like Hugo from the ps1 games
No. 352850
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Why the hell is Charlie so pathetically weak? I expected her to fight way more her more "demonic" design sucks ass it's just Charlie but more redder with some girly ass heart on her tail I thought she would have some final form so freaking disappointing how is she the princess of hell when she can barely fight back or win?also when she almost fell down to her doom couldn't she grow some wings?Her dad Lucifer has them why couldn't she have them too???this shit is lameee feel bad for the losers who spent money watching such meaningless garbage.
No. 352862
File: 1706851513997.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 2266x1290, IMG_5576.jpeg)

I loved the last two episodes.
Carmilla's song was really good. Vox and Lucifer made me laugh a lot too, and seeing Adam’s face was cool ig. The one thing that bothered me was that it was kinda anticlimactic in a way. Throughout the episode, there’d be a buildup and then the character would get knocked out instantly (Pentious, Charlie's beast thing, Adam sort of). Pentiousfags how are you coping?
No. 352868
>>352862I mean, he's
still alive sooooo…
No. 352876
>>352806In the finale song he said “one side figured out how to unclip my wings”. Maybe I’m looking too much into it but considering wings were mostly associated with angels throughout the show (except for Valentino, etc) I don’t think I’d write it off as random wording I really wanna know what’s the deal with him, really looking forward to season 2
>>352868True but
I’ll miss seeing him with the OG group. Hopefully he still gets screen time No. 352878
]Carmilla's song peaks. I love her fighting style.
I hated Adam's design and thought someone just added yellow and grey to the average imp design at first so it's decent seeing him actually have a human face.[]
>>352865The only correct opinion here
No. 352880
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No. 352882
>>352865do you all really think there will be a S2? I hope so tbh, I think it was a dumpster fire but it's easy to see why it got so much attention, it was quite entertaining.
>>352880yeah, still weirded out that this was even allowed, stuff like this REALLY should just stay in freakish fanfic…
No. 352900
File: 1706858100989.mp4 (Spoiler Image,5.73 MB, 1920x1080, Inappropriate-timing-spongebob…)

Forgive me for the outdated meme but my dumbass couldn't stop thinking about it. Spoilered for obvious reasons.
No. 352910
File: 1706860751852.png (58.02 KB, 828x450, 1706603423221562.png)

>>352862…I'm not doing ok. Pentious was too cute. He didn't deserve this. Hopefully someone makes a daki cover of him…
No. 352914
File: 1706862120510.png (570.37 KB, 1021x539, 6XWJanA.png)

one thing that I'm glad for compared to Hazbin, is that I like that the characters genuinely like each other, that goes for everyone in the Hotel(which though rushed was good to see) and the villains, cause even assholes have friends.
No. 352922
>>352878His face looked exactly like what I expected it to for
a garden variety narcissistic misogynist.I agree that Carmine was peak.
No. 352931
>>352919really surprised me that they didnt go with this
>>352922he looks like a gamergater
i was kind of surprised that sir pentious
keeps his demonic design in heaven, just recoloured. and what do you guys think are the implications of him
winding up in heaven after being annihilated by adam? considering based on what we were told his soul should have been destroyed.anyway it was overall silly and rushed but i liked lucifer's fun personality and transformation ability, even if it was a deus ex machina cop out. i also liked charlies firework magic
No. 352940
>>352931Demons only die from angelic weapons. I'm assuming Adam's kill power doesn't fall under the weapon category necessarily.
Saw a headcanon thing that one's new appearance is based off their last dimension's one. So if you were last on Earth and you went to Heaven then your Heaven design is based on that, but if you were last in Hell and went to Heaven then it would be based on the Hell design etc
No. 352943
File: 1706877701272.jpg (134.53 KB, 1000x1800, ezgif-1-74c68ee919.jpg)

>>352940Makes sense. I don't know so much about animals like you'd think Alastor would be a predator instead of a deer but Nifty has splotches on her dress that look like bullet holes.
No. 352948
File: 1706879561873.jpg (157.62 KB, 518x600, IMG_20240203_001446.jpg)

Apparently your heaven design is based off the virtue you had when you died. His hat eyes are now hearts so I'm assuming love. That's cute.
No. 352950
>>352946Yeah and him squaring up to Adam seemed dumb. Even if he was unsure about Adam's power level, once he broke Alastor's shield Alastor should've known he was outgunned.
Rather than being suave or whatever Alastor just seems to be someone getting reckless with a bit of power. Swinging around like the hard lad.
No. 352952
>>352942agree, and I think it was too soon for her to do much more than she did in the finale, it's good that she still has room to grow and come into her own power as a leader
>>352944maybe that's how he'll get kicked out, by doing a sex. it's like poetry.
>>352950could Alastor's recklessness be partly motivated by him being desperate to get out of his deal/whatever? he also does just seem pretty cocky in regards to his power level in general though so eh
No. 352956
File: 1706881586436.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 2266x1290, IMG_5589.jpeg)

>>352914Oh, they like each other alright
>>352948He’s so cute…I’ll do a sex in his honor too o7
No. 352957
File: 1706881685105.png (425.25 KB, 1122x672, Screenshot_46.png)

I was kind of so-so with alastor earlier in the season, but I actually really liked seeing him breakdown and show real vulnerability, it was really unexpected and I'm sure he'll become as powerful as an eldritch god next season anyway. plus tumblr sexyman aren't supposed to be perfect.
No. 352965
>>352773I liked Rosie! The anime-tier battle in the last episode was kinda trashy and the animation was a little too jumpy for me to enjoy but overall it was entertaining. I don't know if Alastor's "you lack discipline" line was a meme reference or not.
Also I still don't get why or how would Lilith be posing as Eve and vice versa. Clearly something is weird about Lilith (and is she the one controlling Alastor? Or is it Eve?) but the show itself doesn't really give us hints for now.
>>352943You're telling me that's not a poodle silhouette on her skirt?
No. 352967
>>352862The idea of there being less Pentious even just in the background makes me wonder if it's worth watching S2. He's genuinely the only good thing about HH because he's so simple and unserious. Though, I'm sure we'll at least get
an episode where he gets up to his silly antics in Heaven and Emily has to teach him that he can't do those things there. It'll be funny and cute and then he'll likely fuck off for the rest of S2 until the middle or end.I'll also say that
his death scene was fucking STUPID. I laughed and I do think it was funny as a gag, but the instant tonal shift from him getting vaporized in a nanosecond to all the characters crying was so, so bad. It should have been played more for laughs imo. Kinda also wish
last episode was Lucifer's debut instead. The 6th (I think) episode where Lucifer and Alastor had a stand off or whatever was childish and boring with some of the worst pacing the show has to offer, and I don't understand why with so few episodes in the season there was what felt like so much filler? I don't even remember what happened in that ep, it was so forgettable. There were a lot of unlikeable writing quirks in general too, like with Vaggie being revealed as an angel twice in one episode. Why not just write it so that the whole ep leads up to one big reveal that comes as a shock to both Charlie and us as the audience? No. 352972
>>352540>>352612First of all, these people obsessed with redesigning Vivzie's characters always suffer of a severe case of Dunning-Kruger and usually make an attempt at upstaging her by making their own Hazbin OCs instead of pointing out design flaws and what could be improved within the given framework. Secondly, they
never stop to consider that the designs are fine as they are for what it's going for, it's doing the 2005 sparkledog hot topic emo aesthetic, and for what it is, it nails it perfectly. Just because you don't personally like it doesn't mean it's a "bloated mess", that's just how it's supposed to look like. I mean I don't like the aesthetic at all and never did, but I still find the designs fascinating, distinct and memorable. I was able to memorize them with only one look and I could describe them in a few words. That's a successful design in my books, even if I think the style is ugly.
No. 353027
>>353024Yeah, I don't really need to see another tumblr sexyman with a personality that shit. Sorry Adamfags but if you can overcome his personality I'm sure you can overcome his uggo face too.
No. 353036
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>>353024>>353027He should’ve looked like this. But I don’t think being a bishie would’ve fit his personality or vocabulary lmao
No. 353074
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>>353065I mean,she is supposed to be the princess of hell, literally the daughter of Lucifer so making her a Mary sue would have made more sense to her character sooo yeah I'd rather have a demon princess win because she's a demon from hell than someone who needs saving.shes literally the second powerful demon after Lucifer but couldn't even save her own ass to defeat and kill Adam.stop defending this badly written shit already it's getting boring.
No. 353092
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>>353029Looks just like the voice actor
No. 353104
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>Adam dyes his hair
No. 353152
File: 1706946752723.jpeg (195.81 KB, 2000x1248, 702CE866-ED65-4EB5-BC1D-16F924…)

>>353024i normally hate the redesign trend because it's full of idiots flaunting their shitty art but this design of adam genuinely lives in my head rent free.
No. 353155
>>353092Looks like a faggot
>>353152I enjoy the colors and shapes here but is he fat?
No. 353158
>>353045probably, you can't have liver and kidneys like the other
nonnie says, and the bones have to be rid of somehow. Maybe the
victim's clothes and belongings too.
No. 353176
I just watched Hazbin as a casual fan (only saw the pilot when it came out and didn’t think about it for years) and I liked it more than I thought I would, the hate is overblown and the show was overall fun and enjoyable even for a non fujo like me. I don’t like how any of the male characters look, like aside from the bartender cat they mostly look ok, but a lot of the female characters are just so much more interesting looking. I think Emily, Nifty, and Rosie are so cute, and I love Sera’s entire look. I also liked how Vaggie looked with short hair so much better, same with the angel next to Adam- I also really like her lmao. Emily especially is so cute, I’m obsessed with her kek. The only thing I really dislike is Charlie’s redesign, I feel like they gave her red eyes to contrast with Emily’s when they were singing next to each other but it detracts from her overall look. There will probably be more scenes like that.
Anyways I don’t really see why people are saying she doesn’t like her female characters, designs aside I think there was a pretty balanced focus on them vs the males. Aside from her obvious bias towards Angel Dust, but I’ve seen many creators give their favorite special treatment or immunity.
No. 353188
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I really think Velvette had one of the best redesigns out of the cast but I kind of wish they could have kept some of the Lolita aesthetics without her looking like an ita.
No. 353202
File: 1706981028827.jpg (103.02 KB, 600x847, 1706788912696.jpg)

>>353104Spot the difference
No. 353280
File: 1707007206730.jpeg (204.46 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_8068.jpeg)

god I wish Vaggie had gotten more screentime.
No. 353369
File: 1707040295879.jpg (225.25 KB, 853x1280, IMG_20240204_065026_970.jpg)

I didn't know the redesign fandom was so fucking bad kekk it's full of pretentious gendies who think their literal shit is better than vivzie's sparkledogs
I feel like if viz was a man she wouldn't get near the shit she gets as a creator. And if the show came out in 2008 it would've become a massive hit instantaneous kek
No. 353383
File: 1707042811245.png (707.54 KB, 1600x1200, i26JGmu.png)

>>353152>>353185Adam has abs, and I will not hear otherwise.
No. 353400
>>353387They're 24.
>>353393Weak bait.
No. 353406
>>353369I wish they'd just name stuff instead of the flags. I know the pride and trans ones but the rest are just random colors. What is black, white and purple supposed to mean?
Also Nifty being Japanese? She's clearly a take on 1950s American trad wife
No. 353413
>>353409>then, in the show about shitty people in shitty people jail, why do they not say it?Here's an example, it would be like saying
nigger or gook or some other slur that's considered super offensive in the west.
>>353412I think most prime properties do get good hindi dubs.
No. 353462
>>353359I have a feeling that whatever it is it is going to be so that he can control hell or it has something to do with fucking up the link between heaven and hell.
What are the fucking chances that he and Lilith had a thing and somehow Charlie is the link for Alastor to see her again? I'm big into tinfoiling over stuff like this because I'm so used to show going all the way out to left field. This is why I don't hold stakes in characters and I think anons acting like Alastor saying 'fuck you' is a headcanon problem and not a story problem.
No. 353485
File: 1707068789485.png (126.14 KB, 1089x514, Screenshot.png)

>>353465tbf, it's not as if she writes them herself. For example, the songs you mentioned were composed and written by the guys from the The Living Tombstone.
No. 353491
>>353490songwriter names go first, Sam Haft
and Andrew Underberg have basically written every song for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss
No. 353499
File: 1707072969470.png (112.95 KB, 269x339, Hell-is-Forever-Hazbin-Hotel-W…)

NTA but on the wiki all those songs say Sam Haft and Andrew Underberg are the composers, picrel.
No. 353559
File: 1707089156522.jpeg (206.3 KB, 1774x844, FUjEKXCUcAAPG1p.jpeg)

>>352612picrel is the only redesign I like tbh. I really hate vaggie's clashing/unfitting red shirt in the final designs
No. 353792
>>353559What’s great about this one is that it doesn’t disrespect Vivzie’s designs. It just slightly alters some colors, patterns, and small details without changing everything that made her characters hers in the first place. Every other redesign I’ve seen is just disrespecting her work.
>>353723Yes. I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of gendie pandering in HH. The closest we got is a man voicing a woman, which is not uncommon for animation. Bob’s Burgers has two lead female characters who are voiced by men but aren’t trans.
No. 353798
>>353487Same anon here, I just finished watching HH, it was more fun than I expected it to be! I liked how unabashedly cartoony it was and I didn't feel like it took itself too seriously. The best episode in my opinion was Masquerade (ep4), I thought the Poison sequence was good and I like the imagery of the contracts being a literal chain around Angel and Husk's necks. Also Vox was very funny and I liked his design, the visual effects of his brainwashing was cool and I'd like to see more of that. Niffty was cute and I liked Lucifer.
On the negative side of things, as others have said the pacing is off weird throughout the show. Unlike others I actually preferred the first half, it had some nice character moments and background while the last half was dedicated just to the angels' invasion. There were a few characters whose importance I didn't fully grasp - Vox and Valentino are obvious powerhouses in Hell with Vox controlling the media and Valentino controlling the porn industry. I guess Velvette controls the fashion industry but her inclusion didn't feel as relevant, certainly not enough to make me think she holds as much influence as the other two. Same for Mimzy. Plus some of the designs are confusing - Angel is a porn star who dresses in… a business blazer and biker shorts? It's carried over from his original mafia design but it feels random. Lastly I cannot being myself to care about Husk/Angel or Vaggie as a whole - she is so boring. Still, I'll watch season 2 when it comes out.
>>353790NAYRT I wasn't sure since Adam said "I named you after the best thing in the world" or something like that. That made me think her full name was Vagina lol.
No. 353834
>>353826I think they recognized that Charlie and Vaggie needed more development, and I definitely felt their relationship made more sense in the last 2 episodes, but I'd like to see more actual chemistry between them. I think the problem with a lot of lesbian pairings in media is that the writers are deathly afraid of making them "
toxic" and flatten them into being boring and lifelessly wholesome. I wish Vaggie had done something more meaningful to win back Charlie's trust and their relationship had been more believable. Even a few minutes of showing Charlie nursing Vaggie back to health and Vaggie having angel angst over lying to Charlie would've made me buy it. It's not surprising people will ship Charlie with the only other viable character she has any screentime with if they don't make her canon relationship all that interesting. And I say that as someone who never "got" Charlie/Alastor.
No. 353838
>>353834Velvette is supposed to control social media as a whole, she's kind of the bridge between Vox's TV/media and Valentino's porn. I don't know if it was entirely intentional but I found the social commentary about social media leading to degeneracy semi-interesting.
>>353826>>353798I'm the same, Vaggie was a plank of wood in the pilot and Charlie and Alastor had a fun dynamic. I still think Vaggie sucks and Charlie/Alastor is a thousand times more interesting than it but I have a fondness for Charlie/Emily now. I don't think it'll happen in a thousand years but I hope Vaggie gets dumped.
No. 353973
>>353826I really want to ship Charlie and Emily together and Vaggie with Lute in a tormented angsty way, but I don’t want to get crucified for splitting up Charlie and Vaggie.
>>353949Ngl I agree with you, after rewatching the pilot I think they had some chemistry then but it got toned down for the actual show. More power to the shippers though, I’m not a fan of Charlie x Vaggie myself. It really feels like a “they got together because they were there and single” than because they had real chemistry couple.
No. 353979
File: 1707218887837.png (472.87 KB, 640x640, z37nO3I.png)

Does anyone actually like Vaggie x Charlie?
No. 354008
File: 1707230389840.jpg (68.12 KB, 750x402, RDT_20240207_01253223997363850…)

niffty is a terf i stand on this hill
No. 354015
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Does liking this show make me a furry? Spider slut is my favorite character.
No. 354026
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I didn't think I would enjoy this show but it's been a pretty fun.
No. 354051
>>353948>>353723Nah, you're out of touch. Naming the lesbian character Vaggie is supposed to be comedic, but taking it as something good is just… It's like naming your female dog "Bitch". It's true, but an insult. You know how people will call you gay, and if you are gay you might think "HA! Joke's on them! I
am gay!" y'know they didn't mean to call you homosexual, right? They meant to insult you and belittle you, because they see gay as something to be ashamed of or maybe it's just an insult they use, like how calling someone asshole doesn't mean a literal butthole. There's a thing called autism that makes you bad at recognizing when someone's being literal or not…
No. 354060
>>354051get a sense of humor also
>There's a thing called autism that makes you bad at recognizing when someone's being literal or not…yeah you suffer from it
(infighting) No. 354122
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So I know this is a book that Viv will never hear about, let alone read, but one of my favorite books that reimagines the story of creation is to reign in hell by steven brust. In this retelling God(Yahweh), Lucifer and Michaels are all beings created from raw chaos and heaven was created as a place for them to dwell, the book deals with their creations and eventual war, I'm not going to spoil the rest of the book, but this version of hell and heaven is actually quite close to Viv's version. It's a longshot, but I pray that she takes some more inspiration from the book somehow.
No. 354229
>>354051you're the autistic one here. anon made a pro-
terf joke in the energy of this site and you had to go full redditor, didn't you?
No. 354593
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>>354419It's more of the same but moves into relationship drama more halfway through season 1. I think the songs are worse but they are more varied than HH.
There's a lot more genuinely evil people in HB like Mammon. If it wasn't for that Vivzie's Hell just seems like California but red.
No. 354724
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I hope there's more Lute in season 2. She got a bit side-lined with always having to be around Adam.
No. 354747
>>354424I also liked Hazbin a lot more. For me it was because there was a clear goal throughout the episodes while giving us a hint of the characters' backstories here and there. In Helluva there's… nothing. It's just a bunch of situations, there are only a lot of arcs that never get a conclusion (like moxie's dad, stella, striker, the cherubs, the humans, stolas getting hurt, octavia, belzebub and mammon). It had the "hit job of the day" theme for like 5 episodes and then they dropped it for pointless drama. Also the characters are a lot more diverse, likable and fun in Hazbin imo. In Helluva you've got a bunch of annoying imps (blitzo especially is extremely annoying and grating) and the same flavor of "gay demon in love but in denial" characters over and over. Asmodeous/Fizz are literally just Stolas/Blitz again. In Hazbin you've got the gay twink, the cute/creepy maid, the mysterious powerful demon, we have various overlords that do different stuff, there's Sir Pentious that's fun, Charlie is a bit dumb but still likable, Lute is interesting, Rosie is also very nice but also mysterious. Overall it's a lot more interesting and idk if it's because Vivzie had someone watch over her writing or not.
No. 354824
>>353407samefag, the only one whose actually vulgar in the Hindi dub is Adam, also I don't if this was intentional but he speaks like he's from the 1980's, no one speaks like that anymore except when people are impressions of 80's Indian movies.
did the dub in your native language have any funny quirks like that?
No. 355032
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I fucking love charlastor idc
No. 355061
I watched the first episode (yeah, I'm late, I know) and here are my thoughts:
>I like Vaggie's new design. I thought the asymmetrical socks she had at the beginning were annoying. I saw some spoilers about how in later episodes she appears with white clothes when she falls from heaven. Her design changing to red and black show how hell is starting to be her new home. Also, the shirt and skirt are a contrast to her hair, before it looked kinda odd. And I like her new voice too and the fact they made her design sharper. I also started liking her more, in the pilot she was kinda boring to me but she's more interesting now. Also it makes sense Vaggie would hate men if the first man was Adam.
>I like Charlie's new outfit but I hoped they kept the black pants instead of the red ones. I also loved her song, sounds straight out of Disney. The songs are very good in general and memorable.
>Angel Dust is the same as always.
>I loved Adam. I saw some people who though he was annoying, but I honestly loved him. He's an asshole for no reason and has a huge self esteem but I think he's hilarious. I liked him the second he got on screen. Him, Angel Dust and Sir Pentious are my favorites so far.
>Alastor annoyed the shit out of me. He's even worse of a villain that whoever they're going to have for this season (and he'll probably be the end game villain) and he's purposefully trying to ruin the hotel just because he's "bored". There's more motivations behind him, surely, but he's still very suspicious and I'm just waiting for him to show his true colors. I hope he gets beat up or his shit eaten at some point.
No. 355097
>>355081I'm on episode 5 right now. I thought Lucifer and Charlie's personalities were very similar. Like father, like daughter kek. He also likes animals, used to have a dream that got crushed, has family problems (that he desperately wants to fix, like how Charlie wants to fix other's problems instead of their own) and even his reaction when he picked up the telephone after charlie phoned him was something I'd see her doing. I actually liked his portrayal because why would Charlie be so kind if she didn't grow up with someone who's at least remotely nice? She's in hell. Yes, an angel, but still in hell. In the past Lucifer may have been even more like Charlie but after his dreams got crushed he turned out like this.
And I have a question. Why does Alastor have such huge beef with him? Does he simply want to be the most powerful person in the room? I feel like he wants to sabotage the hotel and he knows that Lucifer's appearance will effect the hotel positively so he's trying to ruin Lucifer's and Charlie's relationship even more so she won't want his help. I think Alastor wants to make a deal with Charlie to get her powers somehow and in order to do so, he wants to convince her she's nothing without his help.
No. 355102
Episode 1 (some additional comments)
>I like to image that the reason Adam is this way is because he's supposed to be a representative of mankind as a whole but he's God's favorite so he gets special treatment. He is a bit of an idiot, huge asshole, selfish, likes food, only cares to have fun and loves music (particularly rock). In his first dialogue, he randomly starts talking about his weekend, his previous relationships and other stuff like that. He seems like a stereotype of a frat boy from the 2010's. We have the same music taste so we're cool.
>I didn't like Katie's new voice at all. This one sucks. Her old one was perfect.
Episode 2 (my 2nd favorite)
>Title is a reference to the song "video killed the radio star", the first music video that played on MTV. Already starting so well.
>When Alastor becomes a villain I feel like Vox might join Charlie's team. Although he's an asshole, he will probably be redeemed. They completely hate each other and are copies of each other. Both of them wear the same clothes as each other but different colors. Blue and red are big contrasts of each other. Both are fake. When Vox goes up to the reporters his face immediately changes from angry to happy and he starts giving a speech. His speech is the most corporate thing ever, referring to his company with "us" and "we", speaking like what I imagine Mark Zuckerberg speaks like and when when he promises safety to the people, he immediately starts showcasing his product. Doesn't care at all about the wellbeing of his customers, just wants to sell his stuff and have good reputation. It's hell so there's bound to be evil, but the Vs are all evil in a realistic way.
>On that note, the Vs all showcase consumerism well, as they're the fashion, social media and porn. With Velvette, they could have showed that aspect more because compared to the other Vs hers is more… eh. Valentino's and Vox's relationship, especially them dating, shows the strong relationship between porn and the internet.
>I am very happy that Sir Pentious entered the hotel. Aside from being cartoonishly evil, he truly meant it when he said sorry. He doesn't deserve to be in hell at all.
>That scene where Angel was checking his phone and Valentino sent him voice messages, one where he was being nice then in the next he was rude, it hit very hard… The whole 4th episode hit hard (my favorite).
No. 355103
>>355102Episode 3
>Nifty is fucking crazy. Only Husk knows what's wrong with her and that's why he hates his life. She's also so funny and energetic. If you can't tell I love comedic relief characters. Even Shaggy fears her when he's using 100% of his powers…>"Sometimes I kill bug mothers in front of their children so it will be a warning to others">"Yay! Pain!">I loved Vaggie's singing voice>I hated the overlord's designs especially that huge green wolf thing. What the fuck was that for? And why did this random lady who killed the angel have crab hands?>The episode was called scrambled eggs so I assumed the eggboys would die, but I'm so glad they didn't. I got sad when they left Sir Pentious side, but then happy when they returned. Episode 4
>This episode was the best portrayal of the porn industry I've seen on TV. They made the pimp so accurate. I hated Valentino so much, especially when he slapped Angel dust. It was accurate the whole dancing montage, the fact he treated Charlie nice but abused Angel instead because of something that Charlie did, the scene at the end where Angel is at the balcony and how Val also fucked Angel. The poison song was addictive. Also that guy from the black car at the pilot is the director and Angel's real name is Anthony!?>Husk was great as a character and his relationship with Angel Dust is amazing. His song was also really good. He is realistic and realizes how sympathy is much better than empathy. Charlie is naive about the way he'll works so she can't really help Angel Dust, he needs someone who understands the way he feels. No. 355110
When Charlie swears once, they immediately get angry at her. But when Adam swears one million times per millisecond, they excuse it. Very hypocritical.
>>355109Yep it's very fun
No. 355133
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I'll write a huge comment instead of small ones. Episode 6:
>I don't understand why Vaggie was so hesitant to reveal to Charlie she used to be an angel. Charlie is very accepting and all about redemption, why would Vaggie hide this from her?
>Cherri is a bad influence on Angel Dust. If you noticed, the moment he started getting more chummy with Husk, he started improving significantly. He was hesitant to get drunk and wanted to ensure Nifty's safety. With Cherri, he was afraid of being seen as a wimp and did risky things he would otherwise not want to do. FOMO is a bitch. I'm glad Angel has a better friend now and he stood up to Valentino.
>"Do a sex with me"
>Little did he know… she didn't do a sex with him
>Why was Alastor absent from this episode and episode 4? Where even is he?
Episode 7:
>"How come everytime charlie speaks to heaven we get to even deeper and deeper shit" I'm wondering the same, Husk!
>Now Charlie made a deal with deer Bill Cipher… That's not good at all. I hate how he waits at just the right moment to manipulate people, when they're their most vulnerable. On another note, I noticed he's friends with some random old ladies. They probably go and have tea parties in the garden while talking about how youngings are addicted to those damn phones while waving their sticks at birds passing by and if someone calls them old they cannibalize him/her.
>Charlie be respectful to meemaw… She won't give you biscuits and cake.
>I like how that lady overlord (forgot her name) tries to teach vaggie how to fight better. Although she's not explicitly going to help her win the fight. She's very smart, that's why she survived so long in hell. I liked that. She's trying to teach Vaggie that being blinded by hatred will not help her win fights, but her love will. That's why I assume that in the fight with Alastor (yeah I'm still thinking about that fight, it's obvious he will be the endgame villain) the fact that he doesn't care about other people will be used against him. He is strategic and strong, but what's holding him back is his pride and arrogance that will cost him greater in the end fight. I like how Vaggie was the one who met that overlord. The moment I saw them in the duet I knew they'd meet each other later on. They're a great pair and Vaggie can learn a lot from her.
No. 355139
>>355111Thank you. I love you too.
>>355121I'm not sure, I have a lot of favorites because these characters are just so likeable. If I had to choose, I'd say Vaggie. I'm surprised about it because when I watched the pilot, she was my least favorite. Compared to everyone else she was plain. In fact my favorite used to be Charlie before! I fell in love with her the moment I saw her and by that I mean literally. I saw the pilot when it aired and she was a big crush of mine, so I can understand why Vaggie also likes her. There was criticism about Vaggie's characterization and the writers must've heard it because in my opinion she's improved significantly. I realized I liked her so much when I saw the way Adam treated her, my opinion about him flipped. I had to pause the series and call my friend to tell her how angry I was. I wouldn't turn against another electric guitar player without a reason. We're playing the same instrument, it's like we're playing the same battles. Only one time this happened was when me and my band (one of my friends also uses lolcow is in it) were playing and this one guy who also played electric got so drunk he started beating up everyone he saw. Couldn't let this slide. Anyways I love Vaggie.
I also like Angel Dust because he's the most well written of all. But it's not like I care that much about him, I just have to give credit where credit's due, because I appreciate good character craftsmanship. I also like the comic relief characters like Nifty and Sir Pentious because who doesn't want to have a good laugh? And Vox, he has a nice design, sang a good song and his relationship with Valentino is interesting to me. Plus he's a type of character I like.
My least favorites so far are Valentino, Adam and Alastor.
No. 355179
Episode 8 (last one)
>"If you see an angel, stab him" Then Nifty proceeds to chase around Angel dust and try to stab him… Well, at least she took it seriously
>Pentious crush on Cherri is adorable. I'm glad he finally confessed and I hope I see them again together in the next season. He selflessly sacrificed himself just to save the others. He's such a good snake. Although Adam got rid of him with the snap of a finger, he didn't fight for nothing. I also liked Vaggie's and Charlie's kiss.
>"I'm going to give you one million heaven dollars. How does that sound?" I try to hate him, but he makes it so difficult kek
>Seeing Alastor getting beat up was very satisfying. I was waiting for this moment. Though I have to disagree with Vox's statements and enthusiasm. So, Alastor's power lies in that cane? That's fascinating. I'd be interested to see how that works.
>What Vaggie told Lute was very badass. "No, live. Live so you'll know that you live just because I let you. A failure." Deserved. Lute was the one who blinded Vaggie in one eye and left her to die. I think that injuring someone greatly and letting them live after is a much worse fate than simply killing them and ending their misery immediately.
>Lucifer came to save the day Deus ex machine style. And it turns out that Adam was wearing a mask after all. He looks different from what I expected, but I don't care. "Your first woman liked what I had" OUCH, that burns. Yet again you're divorced now so whatever you had she didn't like as much as you think!
>Nifty ended up being the one who killed Adam. I knew something was off with her… I wonder why does she act so weird when a camera is pointing at her? Is Vox going to use this later on? He seems to have an eye on her.
>I'm annoyed at how Alastor left the last second and returned later when everything was fine. He didn't even try to save the others, he only cared to save himself. Though he seems to be controlled by someone else. Lilith maybe? Lucifer is definitely a better dad than he is though.
>And Sir Pentious, I was sad about his death, but he's in heaven now! That means Charlie's hotel works and demons can be redeemed. Emily was so happy when she saw him.
So I'm done. I can't wait for season 2, even though it will probably take 2 years.
Music: excellent
Characters: excellent
Designs: could use some work for background characters
Pacing: good
Best 3 songs: Poison, Stayed Gone and Loser, Baby (still love Addict the most though but it's not in this season)
Best 3 episodes: 4th, 2nd, 7th
Strongest villain: Nifty
Most memorable quote: Do a sex with me
No. 355187
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>>353392The only good nepo baby.
No. 355250
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I wasn’t expecting to find Lute cute or for her to be my favorite, and more people seem to be into Adam but she really does have a lot of appeal. The show was okay and I didn’t really care for it but I want to watch season 2 just to see how the story develops her.
No. 355252
>>355179Loved your review posts
nonnie, glad you enjoyed the show and had a lot of fun with it kek
No. 355276
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>>355095There's no way this ship wasn't intended to be canon, or something like that.
No. 355288
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No. 355289
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No. 355290
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No. 355293
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No. 355295
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>>355288Nah, I love these
No. 355310
>>355278ngl i feel like they added it bc she doesn’t want him shipped with charlie. she should have just made her a lesbian instead of bisexual and left alastor alone, people could still project onto alastor/mimzy or rosie or lucifer or even lilith
>>355295i like when people draw alastor cute, it’s funny to me
No. 355315
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>>355310That's what confuses me. It seems like Viv doesn't care for the ship, then goes to say on the livestream that Alastor only said the 'dad' stuff to piss off Lucifer, which is the impression I got. All of the touchiness with Charlie while he supposedly "hates people touching him". Likes Alastor "your daughter calls me daddy too" art on twitter.
Then there's this clip of Charlie saying her ideal man is "dark and mysterious, can sing and play the organ", while Alastor is the only character said to play and own a furby organ.'m conflicted on whether she actually hates this ship or not. Is it going to amount to anything or it's all just troll? I'd kinda like to see Alastor/Lilith become a thing if not.
No. 355328
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>>355276Fanon charlastor ideas are so adorable.
No. 355398
>>355382>praise kinkYou mean trying all season to get people to put some trust in her idea and when someone says she's going good? I haven't seen any praise kinking from any interaction with her. Being happy you were acknowledged for your hard work is not the same as a praise kink.
>alastor "sees potential he can guide" His whole thing is getting control of Hell, he wants to even one up Lucifer. He had a whole dick measuring contest too about it. If he can get Charlie on his Overlords team, he has a foot in with royalty. There's no DDLG anything going on, the fuck are you watching?
No. 355410
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(no contribution)
No. 355424
>>355250I feel like pickme characters can be handled in really fun ways. In a lot of fiction, once the pickme realizes she was never going to get picked, she turns on the moid who she used to seek approval from, which could be extremely funny if Adam ends up at the hotel and this just makes Lute double down on exterminating demons. Excited to see what they do with her. I think she's really cute too.
>>355327Same, Charlastor never occured to me until I saw all the fandom stuff of it, but it's not surprising because a lot of straight women can self-insert as Charlie. Plus, the two of them have very contrasting personalities, which is like catnip for shippers. I'm too disinterested in M/F for it to appeal to me, but I can understand it. I also like that Charlie and Vaggie feel like a more mature, established couple, but I wish there was more tenderness between them like in the final episodes.
>>355418I get what you're saying, and I think people can stretch a lot when talking about ships, but I also feel like Vivzie is entrenched in fandom enough to know how the "Dad" thing would be received by people like this. Fandoms and especially shippers thrive off reading way too deeply into character dynamics. If Vivzie didn't anticipate DDLG women flocking to Charlastor, she's even more disconnected from M/F shippers than I thought.
No. 355480
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>>353949It is weird Charlastor shippers get called "self inserting" when at least the dynamic between Charlie and Alastor has interesting and controversial themes to work with. Meanwhile, Vivzie failed Chaggie horribly. It's bland, there's nothing to work with, everything happened offscreen. Sounds to me like lesbians self insert as either Charlie or Vaggie to cope with the fact no one can write a fun sapphic ship even in 2024. Both are plain as white bread.
No. 355529
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>>355424> straight women can self-insert as CharlieBased. They deserve their insert's pussy ate by a hot guy idc.
>>355480Ironically, Vaggie is a very good character, I disagree with those who said she was bland even in the pilot. I loved her scenes especially in Out for Love. But her relationship with Charlie doesn't have an appeal to me. I think I saw fan art with more chemistry than the show kekk. Personally, I think a lot of nonas just have an ick on straight women straight shipping.
No. 355542
>>355480>>355529I'm a huge Charlastor shipper and I think Chaggie is cute. But Chaggie will always have suffered from being an established relationship. It's just not interesting to watch. There's really no reason to fangirl over it. Shipping, to me at least, is fun because you get to interpret all their little moments together and fill in the blanks. If season one had shown them as best friends who had obvious crushes on each other that the rest of the cast commented on and teased them about, and a huge cute love confession during the finale (as opposed to the lame Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb one), it would've been waaaaaaay better!
It also doesn't help that Chaggie didn't even get their own duet. They got a reprise of Charlie's song with her DAD. Yuck.
No. 355553
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So back in december of 2023, a HH/HB fan got cyberbullied into suicide. Sharing it now because apparently a google doc explaining the whole story is making rounds on social media, picrel being a screenshot of it.
No. 355556
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wanted to feed the pentiousfags, sorry.
>>355553the fuck? I don't understand why people are such psychos about ships. poor shay.
No. 355574
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Kek some schizo on /x/ thinks Alastor is real
No. 355819
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I think this anon summed it up well lmao.
No. 355849
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>>355819this is such a reach imo: she just made him ace to ponder to themlets and threw in a single lesbian couple amongst 30+ gay ones from hb/hh so she doesn’t get called out for it, and you can tell she is not feeling them as a couple at all. I’m pretty sure her actual dream bf was the early flirty bisexual version of angel that was dating vaggie.
No. 355853
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>>355542IMO Charlie and Emily have more dynamic for the same reason Charlie and Alastor do. Both characters have strong opinions with Charlie's ideals. Emily is the same archetype as charlie but started up from heaven. Both of them feeling betrayed by others because of their naivety. Alastor (in the pilot) believes it's impossible but it would be really funny so he supports it. Alastor in the series is vague about it, he seems to want to make a deal with Charlie specifically and supports Hazbin hotel enough to kick out Mimzie who just wants a safe place to crash in because she didn't want to be redeemed.
No. 355954
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>>355853I wanna see this in the series so bad. Either Charlie or Lilith taming Alastor when he tries to overthrow them.
No. 356034
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Can we post cool fanart here?
No. 356036
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No. 356038
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Part one
No. 356042
>>355853This is much hotter than the ddlg bullshit. I do hope Charlie starts taking less and less shit from the demons around her now that she's stood up and repelled the angels once.
>>355864Baiting the Charlastor shippers or she didn't think through the implications. It wouldn't be the first time a writer didn't think things through.
No. 356142
>>356039This is so cute.
>>356042I really do think anons who saw ddlg are tripping. There's a good mix of charlastor fanworks that isnt parent/kid teacher/student.
No. 356165
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>>355500I really agree. there's something indescribably lame about the lack of attempt to write old-timey and genuinely unique dialogue for Alastor, even letting him slip into the usual HH/HB egregious swearing and current slang ("clout-chasing", "that's the tea")
it's also shockingly disappointing that his monstrous form in that scene was merely a larger, kaiju-like version of himself. it was more like some vore fetish fanart than an interesting 'demon form' design for Alastor–it would have been so easy to make him transform into a creepypasta-esque deer monster, or anything mildly more interesting than 'Alastor but bigger and with tentacles'
(sorry if I'm repeating what has been said earlier in the thread, trying to catch up.)
No. 356172
>>356137Agree, I feel like people harp on her way too much about 'changing' characters - or look too deep into the reasoning why. Characters changing from their original concept is very normal.
>>356141I don't she cares about people shipping Alastor, she likes a bunch of ship art with him on twitter. I could be wrong bc I don't keep up with all her sperging but she doesn't seem like the type to care about people shipping the 'wrong' things. Making him aroace of a representation thing or whatever. Also possibly because there were no plans to put him in a relationship and fans would get pissy.
No. 356189
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>>356144Alastor would never harm women.
Yes, he slapped Vaggie's ass/back in the pilot. kekIt's hard not to see the kink with his chains, I guess.
No. 356194
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>>356144idk I disagree. recently I had the Dad song stuck in my head ALL DAY so I thought meh I'll go watch it and pay attention to the visuals. I'm partial to believe her intentions were to bait with the daddy kink thing between alastor and charlie
alastor says some stuff in the lyrics like "remember when I did this for you?" "we've built such a bond!" "I'm your guy, your right hand man" and charlie obviously feels happy since it's related to her dream & bringing everybody together under the hotel so she starts going "aww :)" "that's true!". then al starts caressing her face with bedroom eyes saying stuff like "you're like the daughter I wish that I had" looking at lucifer as he drags out "you could almost call me dad" and straight after he says the daughter/dad stuff she goes quiet, no longer agreeing. lol I thought it seemed very kink baity the way the scene is played out. it's showing alastor pissing off lucifer ofc but he's also manipulating charlie by reminding her "btw I'm your support, your provider, basically your sugar daddy" while there being no real paternal affection from him, just over-touching her. then ofc 2 eps later he calls her a good girl and rosie says she is too young for him
No. 356197
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>>356137I feel like the asexual thing was actually just her ticking off boxes and not anything deeper than that
>>356194nta but I've heard that she doesn't like that ship so some took that as her trying make their relationship obviously platonic. if you have a ddlg fetish then ofc you would read it like that but I don't think it was "intentional bait" or purposeful at all especially since he was just trying to make lucifer think he was being replaced
No. 356273
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someone on 4chan tried to summon Alastor with her blood
No. 356282
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Isn't vivzie known for having a daddy kink and liking ddlg stuff though? It probably was intentional so Alastorfags can self insert as his good girl
No. 356315
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>>356303real, like he's literally staring at her dad when he's saying most of that shit too. do people actually think alastor cares for charlie like a daughter? or at all tbh. i see why it's spawned some fanon fetish stuff but that doesn't change that it clearly wasn't the intention.
No. 356344
>>356263This. That's exactly what he was doing. If Charlie needs something, Alastor wants her to use the demon that she has at her disposal that can make it happen, hopefully big enough to make a deal to solve the issue. This is how people get you to rely on him, there's no DDLG or kink fetish shit hidden in the show between them and it's so weird to see anons assert there is.
No, Alastor is using Charlie and being nice, wanting her to rely on him rather than a the ruler of Hell. That's it. There's no much else. He wants her trust that he can solve all her issues without daddy coming in and fixing it so she relies on him. In the end, Lucifer is still more powerful than Alastor could even imagine. He's no where near being able to take over the Overlords, let alone hell yet. I'm pretty sure this is also why Alastor is friends with so many factions in hell that
aren't overlords. Eventually, he will use his ties to try to overthrow Lucifer and get up to Heaven to destroy it [that's where I think the story is going tbh].
No. 356388
>>356364even if it wasn’t leaked people have been theorizing this since the last episode came out. also would like to know where the leaks are from too
>>356331i hope so too but they’ved churned out so much official chaggie merch i don’t think it will ever happen
>>356344anyone saying it’s ddlg daddy kink is projecting hard. ship them if you want but the ddlg nonsense is not there, he’s just making fun of lucifer for being a useless dad pre-show
No. 356505
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>>356443I like all the silly mouth movements.
No. 356554
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alastor blood summoning is back
No. 356616
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>>356273Reminds me of when schizo anons were making blood sacrifices to Ebola-tan and a few were on the headlines of local news when their shrines were found. That said, that anon isn't alone in wanting to summon her wendigo husbando…
There's a very vocal femanon on /co/ who proudly fantasises about getting vored by Alastor too. Maybe they're the same poster?
As much as I can understand the appeal of him, I don't think getting into voodoo is a good idea somehow.
No. 356734
>>356683That dude is
gushing over her work. Though she does have a really good and consistent sense of style.
No. 356760
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She’s definitely still thirsty for alastor
No. 356873
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>>356768I always assumed that Husk wound up at the bottom of Lake Mead after losing one too many bets.
No. 356883
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i finally figured out why lute's design doesn't click with me.. she looks like something out of equestria girls.
No. 356903
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No. 357335
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No. 357344
>>357064tbh you can say that for pretty much every Australian character, they're rarely voiced by actual aussies- it's always someone doing an awkward strine/broad accent and using random slang they googled kek. All shrimps on the barbie, Crocodile Dundee and Steve Irwin.
(not saying it's necessarily a bad thing btw, good VAs should be able to play characters with multiple accents obvs)
No. 357572
>>356760I mean, same
>>356883YES! You’re so right, I kept thinking she looks like she belongs in a different show
No. 357671
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Does anyone else think that if Charlie & Vagatha were boys this show would have better writing or would become in "Helluva Boss Ver. 2.0" or am I just delusional?
No. 357706
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>>357671If the cast was genderbent the male fandom would be completely insufferable. Alastor would be the new "dommy mommy" of the year.
No. 358152
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>>357671>>357706OT but Male Vaggie and the same Charlie and Alastor would read like your typical lancer childhood friend and new hot evil guy dynamic kek
No. 358310
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I actually like Chaggie, I don't get the hate for it.
I also feel like if Charlie/Vaggie were men and literally nothing else changed fans would be all over it. People go crazy over the most boring m/m ships. Which is also why I like HH, but can't stand HB bc of all the shipping/fujo pandering. HH has some cute moments for shippers but it actually focuses on some sort of plot too.
No. 358379
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>>358310I was excited for chaggie, but it was extremely disappointing. I'm not really surprised viv put so little effort into them, I mean she wrote the main ship of the show to have met in front of a fucking dumpster. also feels like vaggie deserves better, she started the hotel together with charlie according to the comics and yet alastor and charlie parade around as business partners.
"charlie and I started this hotel together and we'll show it off together" alastor said this right in front of vaggie's face and charlie said nothing.
I just don't wanna support lazy wlw ships tbh. vaggie/carmilla had more appeal to me.
No. 358434
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Did Vivz ever explain why all the circus imps have that symbol on their forehead?
No. 359661
>>353407I came across this Arabic and watching it is very confusing. Idk if Anglo nonnies would feel the same way but the Arabic used in most dubs is very formal and I associate it with cartoons but hearing them using words like hell and demon/devil in Arabic is so jarring.
Like imagine listening to Spongebob being vulgar.
No. 360472
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Nonnas, who do you think is the cutest character? For me it's Alastor I refuse to accept the asexual thing
No. 360586
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>>360472Shameless Alastorfag here.
I also refuse to accept the asexual thing, and I choose to believe that he would be absolutely delicious in bed. Fuck the naysayers, kek No. 360701
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>>360472I like all of them, but I have a soft spot for Nifty. I also really like Mimzy even though she’s a minor character because i feel like her design makes stand out from other female characters, and I love her little beak nose. I was also surprised at how much I found myself liking Vaggie, maybe because I find Charlie so endearing I can relate with Vaggie’s desire to protect her. Also she has her funny moments.
>>360561I think it’s the first time I enjoy the Italian dub of something (that I didn’t first experience dubbed as a child) as much as the original!
No. 360900
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>>360472Cutest as in "aww so cute"? Sir Pentious. I loved him since the pilot, his funny moments, his sacrifice, his relationship with the eggboys, the club scene, the moment he's wearing the Napoleon outfit, what he does in the background, I loved it all. I want to see his past and his relationship Cherri in season 2 so much.
No. 360909
>>360472I think Sir Pentious, Angel and Husk are a cute chaotic trio. I also can't wait to see Pentious in heaven and possibly Adam in hell.
Also not cute but I like Valentino idk, he's trash but he's so stupid.
No. 360953
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i need the next hb episode like right now. after all those boring fizzaroli episodes i miss him so much nonnas why would viv torment me like this
No. 361174
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>>360701Mimzy deserved better. She has a lot of lore/iterations like Alastor. I was thrilled to finally see her show up and her song. I hope she comes back again and has a more integral part of the story.
No. 361252
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>>360900Sir Pen was so funny and captured my heart at “Who, MEEEE?” during Charlie’s little team building sketch, kek. He’s my second favorite character after Alastor
No. 361267
>>360900I feel much shame for saying so but I never used to understand what people meant by a character being
moe before I met Sir Pentious. he's just so adorable. wish he was a regular on a longer series.
No. 361328
>>360909I like Valentino because I love seeing Angel get whumped. The scene where Valentino pulls the chain around his neck and yanks him closer was the best. The only thing that annoys me is his inconsistent accent, he's meant to be Hispanic and speak with an accent right? Half the time he sounded Eastern European or something to me.
>>361267I think the reason he's loved so much is because he feels like one of those harmless, "terrible at being a villain" villains we grew up watching in kids cartoons. He was really endearing to me too!
No. 361345
>>360797Not to be that person but Kimiko Glenn isn't in the Boys afaik. I think you might have her mixed up with Karen Fukuhara (who plays Kimiko).
She's in Orange is the New Black and Spiderverse though!
No. 363313
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I love this fan art of Vox and Alastor, it just works so well and it’s great that they kept vox’s head square-shaped, kek. I hope they’re styled similarly to this if we ever officially get to see what they looked like when they were alive, I’m worried they’ll fuck up Alastor’s human design somehow
No. 363408
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>>363313Wow first Vox humanization I like. Seems 24-28 years old somewhere, square face shape and hair strikes fit cool. Kinda reminds Spamton.
No. 364536
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I just rewatched the Hazbin pilot again and I realized I kinda miss the pilot episode version of Alastor. I know they're not that different, but he just felt both more threatening and charming at the same time and I was intrigued by his exuberant personality and singing punctuated by creepy moments. I also loved the stronger "radio filter" on his voice with the background sound effects and laugh tracks. I think all 3 of the voice actors did great, but Edward Bosco and Gabriel Christian Brown really made him sound more like a charming radio host from the 1930s. I still love the character but he just seems "sassy" and bitchier now, idk
No. 366829
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I rewatched Hazbin again and was thinking of my favorite songs, my top 3 are probably:
- Stayed Gone
- Hell’s Greatest Dad
- Hell is Forever
I just love Alastor’s rivalries, and loved how Stayed Gone starts strong as Vox’s villain song and ends with a complete switch of power in the second half when Alastor takes over and we get to see his distorted demon form.
Hell’s Greatest Dad is catchy as hell and an homage to Friend Like Me (one of the best songs of all of the Disney classics), but Mimsy completely ruins it at the end.
Hell is Forever is the song that got me hooked on the show, it gets stuck in my head on a regular basis and Alex Brightman’s Adam was comedy gold.
No. 367012
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>>352465you were totally right about this one
>>352511Turns out this wasn't a fakeout either
>>352493Oh shit what if the reason Rosie and Alastor were so willing to help Charlie is because they're planning to take over Hell together themselves? And Charlie would have to hold up her end of the bargain for whatever "favor" he wants, with the caveat of Charlie not physically hurting anyone directly.
No. 367462
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Some "Dickkie" (Vaggie genderbend) for the thread.
No. 368633
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More human versions of the characters
No. 368635
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No. 372253
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Saw HH on Freevee, however, only has the first EP.
No. 374256
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New vivziepop short focusing on Millie and her Troon brother with a horrible nasally voice.
No. 374267
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>>374256All the merch for Sally Mae has a massive bulge. Really think this whole episode was to appeal to coomers
No. 375012
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Tinfoil incoming: I think Amir Talai was hired on as a diversity requirement because not only did they want as many minorities as possible in the cast but I think they had to backtrack a little once Vivzie said that Alastor is 'part creole' to explain his voodo symbols/imagery. So they desperately needed to find a brown guy instead once the show was picked up by Amazon (hello, DEI!). I mean, come on, Edward Bosco and Gabriel C Brown absolutely knocked the voice of Alastor out of the park, and Gabriel loved playing the character so much that he even created a few fan songs from it. And it wasn't because he wasn't SAG - he's in the union. I think what happened is that Vivizie or someone else on the team saw the YouTube clip of a middle eastern guy singing "You're Never Fully Dressed" and went OMG HE'S BROWN YES that's our guy!" So now we have nasal, bitchy, gay-sounding Alastor instead of the bombastic, charming, oddly threatening voice of the original.
No. 376249
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>>375232Animation is really slow, especially you got to write songs and half less budget than a regular show. Preproduction work on Hazbin Hotel probably slowed down things a lot too.
It seems to be ramping up now though.
No. 378197
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No. 387438
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>>374302I have to say, I really enjoyed how Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship was portrayed. With all of the gay/dick/pegging jokes in Helluva Boss, I guess I was worried that there’d be some crude sex jokes thrown in about them being “LeSbiAnS!!!”, but it was just treated as a wholesome, nice, loving relationship without any focus on sexual stuff. I found it refreshing.
No. 388102
>>388058Holy shit was this episode bad. I usually try to break down ways to improve episodes but this one should just go straight to the trash bin. This episode is just a giant fuck you to people in so many ways, it's an amalgamation of everything people have been asking for since season 2 started:
>Cherubs are back>The MIB organisation is back>More Loona>A tidbit of the human worldThis is Vivzie saying "THERE! I BROUGHT THEM BACK BEFORE THE SEASON ENDS! NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!" and not actually doing anything interesting with the characters. Sure, Loona was always meant to be furry bait but the cherubs and the organisation? What a joke. And could SOMETHING that isn't related to Blitz's and Stolas' relationship be an actual threat to the characters or the story for ONCE??? Not even the voice actors tried in this episodes, they sounded tired and just there to get their pay check. The jokes were so fucking tired and boring, I liked what I suppose was supposed to be a Stargate spoof but that was it. It's so weird that Blitz and Stolas were supposed to have all this nasty sex but Blitz is struggling to express what kind of scented candle he wants except for horny? Really? It could perhaps have worked if the joke was that both him and Stolas actually are way more vanilla than what was previously let on so he wouldn't know what to ask for, except not only was the possibility of a joke like that working or paying off dead the moment Blitz got excited by the sight of Fizz' giant dildo but we also saw them both in full bdsm gear in the previous season so it wouldn't have worked anyway. And why THE FUCK was everyone stalking Blitz in his preparations fuck someone? It's so out of character of all of them, wasn't one of the things in season 1 that Blitzo was the one getting way too involved in the other's relationships and not the other way around? There could have been so many other reasons why they were following him that would make more sense for the characters.
Fuck I'm so salty that Viv introduced all these interesting villains in season 1 just to not know what to do with them in the next season making them lose every ounce of personality and what made them an actual threat just to give more screen time for a forced romance that lost any weight to what would make it even slightly interesting the moment season 2 started with a flashback.
No. 391652
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Vivziepop has shown for many years that she isn’t a girls' girl. On the outside she’s tried to paint herself as pro feminism and that she cares about other women, when in reality she has put other women down and has slut shamed them in her work. She’s basically that obnoxious girl in middle school that acts like she’s a girls' girl but in reality is constantly and desperately seeking male validation, like how she once made a tweet questioning why she hasn’t been acknowledged for being a famous female content creator in a world dominated by men even though there were many other female content creators before her that were already rising to the top. I never came out of watching or reading something she made and thought “she hates men”, cause she doesn’t. She hates women and it shows in how she writes them and uses them. Her males are allowed to be 3 dimensional yet 90% of her females are one note. Viv also caters to the male audience who lusts over her female characters and I don’t need to explain that one.
Meanwhile she hasn’t got a single favorite or popular female character. There’s a reason why for years she’s said her favorites are Alastor and Angel and how she loves writing Adam, hell…she confirmed Lucifer is her favorite HH character. She doesn’t care about her female characters and only her males, whom she can find enjoyment in, either woobifying or sexualizing them. I think it kinda tells you something when you learn that Val is supposed to be based on her abuser yet she constantly likes tweets by Val apologists and sexy/silly fanart of him.
Her content is for tumblr "queers"/fujoshis, no one else. She tries so hard for some reason to act like she’s new and progressive, challenging the world that’s been dominated by white people and their bland perspectives, but she hasn’t really added anything new to the table, and the way her fandom (and she herself) treats women is fucking nuts.
No. 391969
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>>391652Your 100% accurate I wonder when she will realize that these gay men actually don't have any interest of her show
No. 393552
>>391652This right here. I mean every episode of both HH and HB there has to be the bitchy female character who got to destroy the fun. Look at Lute, she’s a definition of a pick me girl. What’s the point of writing females if you’re somewhat biased against them? It’s get stale later on as new characters gets introduced and we have to see either bitchy character #54 or another self insert of Viv. Based on the leaks of what’s going to happen with Octavia and Stolas, people are gonna look at Octavia as the bad guy for not accepting the Stolitz pair and that she needs to get over the divorce.
That's why Viv shouldn’t be writing the show since she doesn’t know how to come up with stories that involves serious plots. The reason why season 1 works for HB is because Brandon Rogers was involved with the writing and he has experience with writing a show that’s suppose to be comedy as it was intended to be that way according to the show pitch document.
Overall, it’s fine to have bitchy female characters just as long as they are not one-dimensional and it doesn’t apply to every female character.
No. 394559
>>394486Hb music is so hit or miss for me, but I really dig these songs. They always feel so short though.
For anyone who wanted the stolitz melodrama to be over with, this was not your episode.
Zippertits in background spotted, I'm sure the tifs will rejoice.
Also in the background, the longest bong rip I've ever seen kek good for her.
(unintegrated posting style) No. 394695
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>>394486>More tranniesKek so much for the 'radfem' fujoshis who tried to shill Viv as totes based because she 'sexualises faggots and hates trannies'.
>Even more Stolitz dramaWas this show really marketed originally as a dark comedy/focused on I.M.P.? I don't even remember, but it's undeniably just a romance atp. It even feels fanfic-tier the way each episode is like how each chapter re-zooms in on your OTP without any filler to draw it out.
>Blitz is the bad guy for being low on the caste system and having commitment issues, not the literal prince who uses imp horns as ash trays and neglects his daughterViv sure has favorites, huh? This is why pickmes can't write good stories.
No. 394807
>>394559I agree with you on the music for HB, it's usually very hit/miss with me as well but I will admit that I actually liked the songs in this episode, Stolas' singing voice isn't too bad and I appreciate how they're using more of the guitar in some of these songs now as opposed to doing straight up electronic pop. That said, the ending song here was pretty nice as well, I can't lie lol.
I'm one of the people who is getting tired with the Stolitz melodrama. It's just so stupid how Stolas is so obsessively desperate for Blitzo when it's obvious he's a shitty person. Hopefully the inclusion of this new love interest will temper down things. Honestly I'd rather Stolas end up with this new guy that was introduced but something tells me that is not going to be the case and now we're gonna have an annoying love triangle.
It was nice seeing Verosika again, I'm still pissed that they didn't give the abused by the industry plotline to her instead of Fizzaroli, especially since Verosika's character seems to revolve around Blitzo which is annoying. Like damn, can she have her own sense of self?
>Zippertits in background spottedKek yeah, gotta love mental illness representation and all that.
No. 394810
>>394695>Kek so much for the 'radfem' fujoshis who tried to shill Viv as totes based because she 'sexualises faggots and hates trannies'.It's crazy how anyone think she would be "based". At the end of the day, she knows a bunch of troons watch her stuff and she doesn't want to risk pissing them off as fun as that would be, take a page from JK Rowling because even if VivziePop was gender critical, I doubt it would hurt Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel that much as there will still be people who want to watch.
>Was this show really marketed originally as a dark comedy/focused on I.M.P.? I don't even remember,I re-watched season 1 recently and it really didn't give off melodrama romance at all, it really was originally an edgy action/comedy show about I.M.P. and their independent business. Maybe this was Viv's plan all along because she didn't think her gay romance story would bring in an audience.
No. 397392
>>394486Finally caught up with this show and gosh it's only gotten worse. I skipped the tranny short episode as soon as I heard the troon's voice. Episode 8 and episode 9 are a blur where as
>>394904 said it's basically the same conversations happening over and over again and nothing really changing or developing. This show is reminding me of steven universe with how much tunnel vision it has, it feels like literally nothing can happen without Blitz being around and it's absolutely fucking mind-numbing.
When I saw episode 8, I got excited thinking we were finally getting another hit at the beginning, but nope, it was some stupid unnecessary shit with the cherubs, and we just get another cut back to the imps without any scenes of them actually doing action. The fight in the street with the cherubs was cool, but everything around it was so convoluted, from the cherubs teaming up with the government and everyone stalking blitz in particular for some reason. Like why wouldn't the government be looking for demons in general, rather than targeting one specific demon? It's so silly and it's this tunnel vision of Vivzie's sad gay husbando having to be in the center of everything that's absolutely killing the writing of this show.
The inclusion of a "anti-blitz" party in episode 9 felt like a joke poking fun at people saying the show was too focused on blitz. But it was just downright silly. I almost burst out laughing when Verosika is talking to Blitz at the end and it pans to random people crying and drinking all over this stupid demon dude. It's like the holocaust but for gay demon fee fees. Like come on is everyone in hell a teenager going through their first breakup? Even the way Verosika says she felt embarassed that she told Blitzo she loved him was so out of character, I was always under the impression that, like Blitzo's other flings, whatever they had was never anything serious or committed. The show tried to make it seem like Blitzo just goes around and sleeps with random people, which seems to be the norm in hell, but then why would everyone be so melodramatic and depressed over it? It just makes no sense. The song that Stolas sang about Blitz being a motherfucker was the best song in the series and I hope he moves on from this dickhead but we all know that's not going to happen.
No. 408133
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How did I not know that Vivziepop used to be a cutie pie?
No. 408292
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>>408133jesus christ, I undestand this is from 10 years ago but no one should baloon up that much. her rabid fans will say it's normal because she is not in her 20's anymore as if you're supposed to be haggard in your 30's. she's only 31 for fucks sake. mcdonalds, not even once.
No. 408295
File: 1723141254734.png (970.32 KB, 1144x886, Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 11.18…)

>>408294>>408290You can see that her face is pretty round when she smiles. I think she was just always that sort of 'skinny fat' that young people have when they just never exercise, and years of sitting down drawing/in front of the computer while eating the same diet you had as a teenager ends up catching up to you QUICK once you hit your late 20s
No. 408585
>>408295You're right anon. I was
victim to this as well (I'm 3 years older than Vivzie) where I was pretty skinny in high school but when I got into my 20s, I was still eating like I did in high school which was a lot of junkfood and I spent most of my days indoors drawing and I started gaining weight. I started going to the gym in my late 20s and managed to lose weight and I also changed my diet a bit and it really did go a long way.
I agree with
>>408294 this is such a drastic change. I don't think Vivzie is ugly or anything but if she managed her weight, she wouldn't look as haggard. I can't lie though, she looks cute here
>>408295 I have flashbacks to high school in the 2000s kek.
No. 409795
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No. 409796
File: 1723587397834.mp4 (5.66 MB, VID_19980601_195733_896.mp4)

No. 419786
File: 1727757092582.jpeg (68.68 KB, 686x386, IMG_5435.jpeg)

>>419778The last few shorts have been pretty good, the actual assassination missions are what I hoped the show would be. I even laughed out loud a few times at the last one with the weeaboo demonfucker girl and kek’d at the cursed Charlie plush in the background
No. 422285
File: 1728502824958.png (570.43 KB, 380x810, Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 12.30…)

Do you think Seviathan (Charlie's ex boyfriend) will make an appearance in season 2? I'd love to see something like a one-upping duet between him and Vaggie over who's a better partner for Charlie that turns into Charlie and Vaggie both dunking on him at the end.
No. 422569
File: 1728558450911.png (461.57 KB, 1450x3000, LuciferRender_by_OKDraws.png)

>>422285I hate to be that person but why is his design so similar to Lucifer? Same hairstyle, same eye shapes, same mouth, etc. They only difference is height and color scheme/ clothing choices. I mean I know she's supposed to have daddy issues but why date a pretty much 1:1 copy of your parent?
No. 422583
File: 1728561300091.jpg (467.49 KB, 2048x1503, seviathan-after-breakup-vs-cha…)

>>422285I hope so, I want fanart uprise. I like smug green mermaid monster ex bf concept.
>>422569Hot. Now I want it even more.
No. 422602
>>422569Vivzie has like three tropes she circles through when making designs. Pointy teeth, retarded hat with eyes, tumblr coat, pinstripes, that hairstyle and that's pretty much it.
>>422597Maybe it says "Hours"?
No. 428637

New episode. Fucking hell, this one is terrible. I don't know how they manage to do it but it seems like each one is worst than the last. Hate watching this shit is fascinating because this show finds new ways to enrage me with every episode. intense autism incoming.
Blitz is still a fucking manbaby. The focus on his uwu trauma is honestly so annoying and pathetic that I actually burst out laughing at how stupid the nightmare trauma scenes were and the big emotional scene between Millie and Blitz. More dumb melodrama, except without the bird this time and with Millie instead where she's literally acting as a handmaiden and comforting the manbaby while he cries about how uwu sad he is and how he sucks and omg you hate me and I ruin everything. Stuff out of a shitty fanfiction. It's getting really tiring. It was already old halfway through season 2, but we really need to see something else out of Blitzo, he's supposed to be the protagonist but his character feels so one note despite the writers clearly trying so hard to make him deep and traumatized. He says the same shit about how he ruins everything and his relationships are all awful as usual. Also, the fact that he copes with his breakup by watching porn and crossdressing got a good chuckle out of me. Perhaps vivzie is secretly a based terf (Alongside the episode where Moxxie turns into an insufferable troon, maybe this theory is compelling).
The way Millie and Luna are literally acting as mother figures to the whiny manbabies in this episode almost feels like some sort of joke or jab directed at haters who say Vivzies shows focus too much on male characters. It feels like they completely rewrite the characters every episode around whatever fanfiction plot needs to happen with Blitz and his stupid trauma. Seriously, the backstory about Millie in this episode feels so shoehorned in and like it was an afterthought to address all the youtube commentary retards saying that Millie didn't have enough depth in her character. Her plot about feeling like she's just a dumb farm girl and a low-born imp is completely out of nowhere and feels like they're doing character development in reverse. They pulled it out of their asses to maybe appease the 5 millie fans but mostly to prop up Blitz's character, which is ironic because it completely defeats the purpose of trying to develop Millie in the first place. Again, this show is just the Blitz tunnel vision show and it's actually so infuriating to watch how everything has to tie back to him.
However the fight scenes are cool, and the animation looks pretty snappy, there is some creative work with the fight scene in the pool room and the nightmare scenes with Blitz are genuinely unnerving at first. The concept of the infestor demon is really interesting but it also just seems like another cool idea that the writers had without paying any mind to setup and payoff. It's because the pacing of this show is so frantic yet also so sluggish that the infestor demon guy feels like a total afterthought in this episode, we don't even hear the term infestor demon until after the emotional "climax" of the episode so it just feels wrong. Maybe if they focused more on investigating the murders, kind of like the camp murder mystery episode except actually good, it would have been better paced. But we all know the pacing is one of the worst aspects of this show, from spending entire episodes on Stolitz drama to barely any screentime on actual action and plot development.
Anyways pls don't ban me hatewatching this show is my passion at this point and I could honestly write an entire thesis on how bad it is
No. 428697
>>428637i thought this one was pretty fun, tbh. blitz was annoying as usual but i really liked the demon and fight sequences, i wonder if there'll be any ramifications for them killing a higher-up demon? probably not because its badly written kek but it'd be interesting. i actually really liked how millie literally didnt gaf about what the demon had to say about her, like didnt even seem phased, i know its an excuse for shallow writing that focuses on manbaby "problems" but i like a female character who is resilient and doesnt care about other peoples' opinions. i really just wish millie was rewarded more for putting up with blitz, and moxxie kek.
also i thought it was lame that she had to comfort blitz and didnt like say anything about how shes there for him and theyre friends yadda yadda but it can be exhausting and frustrating to see a friend stagnate and refuse to help themselves. thats like common therapyspeak nowadays (not saying its a bad thing at all, just that its common atm to talk about boundaries and stuff) so im surprised it wasnt included. but also not surprised. of course a female character isnt allowed to have boundaries and get frustrated at a moid character without having to comfort and soothe him after kek.
agreed that the animation looked awesome esp during the fight scenes. and totally agreed that they should have spent more time on discovering that it was an infestor demon and explaining wtf that means, seems like they went too hard in the "dont do tedious exposition" direction
No. 428836
File: 1730488545400.png (77.96 KB, 1295x700, 1684963015841.png)

>>428764like over a year back, there were leaks for the late season episodes, one featured a scene where a demon gaslights millie with the idea she's not good enough for moxxie and she tries killing herself the leaks for the season finale, showed octavia storming off in anger after learning that stolas had been taking antidepressants in secret No. 429067
>>428836Watched these. The suicide thing is a little insane, I actually think I like the infestor demon more in the actual episode where he uses possession to go into people's minds, just wish we saw someone else's mind besides Blitz.
The stuff with Octavia in the season finale is actually really good, the first clip where she's just walking around the palace with no dialogue is so emotional and the song she sings is actually really good. I like it when the writers focus more on the realistic flaws of the character, like how Stolas's actions affect the rest of his family feels so real and raw, not anything like the fanfiction bullshit between him and Blitz. Octavia running away because of him taking meds feels unrealistic, but the confrontation with her father is so painful to watch in a good way because the one thing we do know in Stolas's mess of a character is that he loves his daughter and hes been trying his hardest to show it, albeit in his own retarded way. Just I hope this stuff actually makes it into the finale and it's not some more bullshit with stolas and blitz relationship drama. Having this idea of Stolas's priorities and exploring how Octavia feels hurt by his actions, something that feels realistic for a teenager, is probably the only saving grace of the series at this point. Crazy how when they focus on other characters the writing feels so much more balanced and human.
No. 429120
>>429104This is why I think the show is so interesting for me to hatewatch. The writers are clearly capable of actually doing their job well and writing an interesting character or dynamic, but they choose to write trashy fanfiction anyways.
I think the wider problem with the writing in this show, besides the wattpad-tier gay melodrama, is a fundamental flaw in how the writers approach these characters. The writers spend so much screentime trying to make these characters sympathetic and make us root for them, but they are demons from hell who kill people for money. In Blitz and Stolas's case, they are terrible people even ignoring that. I think that the show would be far more interesting if they removed the pretense of making these characters sympathetic and had a more morally grey or downright evil lens on their actions (it would also get rid of the stupid fanfic drama since there wouldn't be any need to waste screentime on making characters sympathetic). This seems like what they were going for in season 1, especially with Stolas having barely any backstory besides being a rich asshole who lusts over Blitz, but at some point they decided they wanted to make these characters deep and sympathetic. It's just such a waste of the interesting setting of hell in my opinion, because as the show is now, there's literally no reason for it to be set in hell, it could just be a mob dramedy set on the surface.
That's something else that bothers me about the show - the setting/lore of hell seems to be increasingly taking a backseat, seen in how a lot of interesting plots like the humans discovering demons and hell or the conflict in the Ars Goetia with Stolas and Stella have largely been dropped. And it even goes down to little things, like in episode 10 at the beginning, Moxxie is talking about losing all their savings and being evicted, but how would that even work in hell? Is there retirement in hell? Do demons have a 401k and medicare? It's little details like this along with demons having families and dying and being born that just would make it make more sense if the show was set on earth instead of hell, since writers are ignoring all the interesting plots that were unique to the setting. Yes, the gimmick of having assassins getting hits on people from the afterlife is interesting and a great setup for comedy, but it's not the main focus of the show anymore and as I said it could have easily been rewritten to be a normal mob show at this point. It's not like Hazbin hotel where the whole premise of the show rests on it being set in hell and redeeming sinners - the interesting setting is painfully underutilized in this show and it's just another thing on the long list of things that could have been cool in this show but is executed absolutely horribly.
No. 429638
File: 1730760459961.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.69 KB, 1280x319, 1730755059241670.jpg)

Hazbin S2 Leaks
>Sir Pentious in heaven Song>Another heaven song>Alastor backstory (probably heavy spoilers)>Alastor song with who he's trapped in a deal with (same) is human Alastor
No. 429701
>>429638that hair is a crime i am so sick of seeing it and every broccoli variation of it.
>>428351should've gone with the fan version of course. somehow all the fans make better designs than the final ones.
No. 429714
File: 1730792339201.png (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB, 1180x1146, Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 11.31…)

>>429712OK WAIT a second, I might still think he's hot? I might be okay with this? Idk, it'll take some getting used to
No. 429723
File: 1730794608155.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1676x892, Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 12.02…)

>>429638>Don't you forget,>You are my pet!>I say when to sit and stay,>play ball, or just play dead!>the moves you make are mine, and mine alone!umm hello, BASED Department?
No. 429727
File: 1730797819790.png (Spoiler Image,372.04 KB, 1280x483, 1730788923847661.png)

Human Sir Pentious
No. 429729
Sir Pentious backstory ten mins long I'm guessing the rumors about the full season of story boards being leaked is true.
No. 429743
>>429638holy fuck based rosie song, are we back vivsters
>>429712i kind of love his faggy little moustache. french fuck
>>429727kawaii desu
No. 429749
>>429730i dont know if youve seen the old leaks from before season one aired but
they say rosie is actually lilith (charlie's mother) and that the one in heaven is eve who wants to enact some sort of revenge plan. rosie/lilith would've also sent alastor to look after charlie. i feel like this all but confirms those old leaks, but i cba to try and find them again. the other thing i remember from those leaks was that
the real big bad would be "roo" short for "root of all evil" or something.
No. 429810
>>429728>>429723Can't believe how decent these are when Helluva Boss is trash towards its female characters. Adam coming back even as a ghost is smart, everyone loved him. Maybe they'll revise him not coming back as a demon in future seasons.
No. 429818
File: 1730837162517.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1698x836, Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 11.57…)

>>429723Alastor is built for femdom. Based. This is the kind of dynamic I wasn't necessarily expecting, but was always hoping for
>>429810Helluva Boss is mostly Brandon Roger's bitchy gay scrote 'humor' so that makes sense
No. 429841
>>429835Not sure. The ones in hell could be fallen but I think that is kind of bring. I'd like to think God installs them in both locations to sort of keep an eye on things. Paimon and SoG are the only ones really aware of their purpose. Otherwise they try to get in important position (but not the top) to kinda nudge things in the right direction. The powers the Ars have in hell aren't very hellish. Stolas just does stars and stuff, it would make sense they aren't native.
Also if Ozzy is Ars too is would make sense for him to get in with the Deadly Sins.
No. 430185
File: 1730933841640.png (Spoiler Image,827.14 KB, 1280x798, Leak 2792w9.png)

More leaks re: Alastor, definitely spoilers
No. 430187
File: 1730934077058.jpg (Spoiler Image,209.28 KB, 1080x555, script.jpg)

>>430186Potential script leak, translated from Russian from what appears to be with Google Translate so it's more than likely incorrect in some way (I didn't do this)
No. 430195
File: 1730936010823.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.56 KB, 828x266, k_05.jpg)

>>430194It was in a Telegram I'm in, along with the original Rus version (picrel), thought it was funny but take it with a huge grain of salt.
>>430191It's so ugly but hopefully it's not on for too long. No. 430197
File: 1730936472732.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.32 KB, 1280x821, Leak 16.jpg)

>>430195Samefag, more Alastor, I swear I'm not biased but whoever is leaking these sure is
No. 430217
File: 1730942639892.png (27.14 KB, 275x200, 1706718811223.png)

>>429638The mustache looks really stupid and a bit nasty. The hair is ok, just wondering how his demon form had a junie-b-jones fuckass bob instead of something similar to this human form. Maybe the design will look better in motion and I won't notice the mustache as much.
No. 430218
File: 1730943317685.jpg (21.37 KB, 342x500, 1000018644.jpg)

>>430217It's probably the most "historically accurate" part of his design
No. 431387
File: 1731332638969.jpg (496.73 KB, 1999x1170, chaggie.jpg)

loved this little chaggie comic i saw on twitter, the artist draws them so nicely.
No. 436720
>>436675Well, the animation is great, but I finally wrapped up my mind on the fact that this show its not for me. Overdramatic and cringy, even though the concepts can be interesting.
This trial stuff seems so come out of nowhere, even though the elements where "there"
No. 436736
>>436675I'm guessing with Blitz and Stolas will they, won't they resolved season 3 will be Stolas acclimating to be a peasant and winning back Octavia?
Who am I kidding, they'll introduce more relationship drama
No. 436785
>>436720>Trial stuff seems to come out of nowehreAgreed anon. it felt random and came up too quickly. They should've waited and created buildup for it. It would've been better if they left the trial as a cliffhanger to create tension (I'm being so generous here because I'm tired of the Blitz/Stolas melodrama)
Like Stella telling Andrealphus that Stolas was trading sexual favors with Blitz to gain access to his Grimoire which we then see I.M.P. taken under arrest and that is the cliffhanger leading into the next episode which would've been the trial.
I was also annoyed how we didn't get to see Octavia go through the motions. I'm sure that's going to be a thing for either the last upcoming episode or into season 3 where Octavia more than likely will snap and tell off Stolas that he was only thinking of himself and not her or something along those lines. But still, would've been nice if we got to see just a little bit more of her.
>>436736>Who am I kidding, they'll introduce more relationship dramaOh most definitely. We didn't get to see what happened with that one guy that Stolas hooked up with at Verosika's party. I'd like to think it was just a one off thing and they just had a one night stand but something tells me that's not going to be the case. Though I have a feeling that the guy was mostly into Stolas for his high status and without it, he's probably not gonna be interested in him anymore which will bring some more emotional drama for Stolas with him thinking no one actually cares about him and then cue Octavia telling him off and calling out his selfishness and ending it with how much she still loves him. Something sappy like that lol.
No. 436948
>>436675This episode, geez. It just keeps getting worse. I don't even
think the writers are trying anymore. Just stuff I noticed on my first watch alone:
>Stella is still a terribly written nothingburger of a character with no real motivation. She smirks at one point while hugging Via, when has Via ever been important to her?>Police, laws, court, and trials in hell. Why? Isn't hell supposed to be a lawless wasteland where anyone can do any drugs and fuck anyone they want?>Why does this show even need to be in hell at this point? We have death, birth, family, laws, taxes, court, and governement. What makes it any different from the surface? Everyone dressing in shitty hot topic clothes?>Andrealphus says blatantly at the beginning of the episode that he wants Stolas to lose power (10/10 writing), but then during the court he wants he's trying to frame Blitzo and say Stolas is innocent and taken advantage of by him. Why even implicate Blitzo if his goal is to fuck with Stolas? (Probably just to give Blitzo a reason to be in this episode and make him the center of attention, more on this later)>Satan is the boss bitch of the trial, he can decide to do whatever he wants and rarely listens to anyone else's suggestions. Why are all the goetia demons and the seven deadly sins even there if he can just decide to execute someone because he's bored and wants to have lunch?>Back to the 2nd point, why even bother having a trial or courts if it's so blatantly one-sided, where Blitzo is not allowed to even speak and opposing parties are ignored/silenced while Satan can just do whatever he wants? Doesn't that defeat the point of a court altogether?>Why does Satan choose to livestream Blitzo's execution to the whole world to teach them a lesson when they don't even know who he is or why he's being executed? It just seems like another case of the writers needing to make Blitzo the center of attention and this super important character who sleeps with celebrities and rich people and breaks hearts all over hell but is also tortured and depressed because he's sad uwu>Building on that, why does anyone even care that Blitzo's being executed? There's a couple scenes of people watching the TV dramatically acting all sad, but isn't this just normal hell hours? People die all the time when they're exterminated by the angels, imps are said to be worthless as well. Same point above about Blitzo being the center of attention all the time.>Another key question that's yet to be answered: what happens if someone dies in hell? Really important in this episode since two major characters almost die. Why are we supposed to care if we don't even know what happens to people who die in hell? Even more annoying that it's played off as a joke in the Hazbin pilot when it's actually super relevant.>Really important writing flaw here: what happened between episodes 9 and 11 where suddenly Stolas is willing to give his own life to save Blitzo? There was no reconciliation or anything between these two characters, and based off how things were left in episode 9, Stolas just flips on a dime in this episode to save his demon bf for gay melodrama. Classic fanfic tier writing.>And after Blitzo is saved, why does everyone just blindly worship and celebrate him in the streets without even knowing who he is, what the context behind his trial was, or anything he did? It doesn't make any sense because there's no real reason for it. It was clearly done because Blitzo has to be the center of attention all the time (just like in his gay melodramatic scene where he decides to sacrifice himself for I.M.P) People in hell are selfish jerks, why should they care even if he did try to put his life down for someone else?Overall this episode is just an amalgamation of everything wrong with this series. Too much focus on melodrama, Blitzo tunnel vision syndrome, inconsistent characters, inconsistent pacing, key worldbuilding questions important to the plot left unanswered. This episode moves extremely quickly through its plot, and the inconsistency of characters with their motivations (Stolas suddenly wanting to save Blitzo, Stella as a whole, Andrealphus framing blitzo for no reason) makes this shit feel like it's fanfic written for ADHD mentally ill brainrotted zoomers. It's just a whole lot of spectacle with terrible writing at this point. Like what you will about the animation and the music (I think the song in this episode was subpar compared to the Stolas VA's other songs) but the writing of this show has completely lost the plot (literally).
One last point about this episode. I noticed the way they talk about imps being worthless vs. Stolas getting off with a slap on the wrist because he's "royalty" blatantly said in the episode. Along with the worship of Blitzo at the end with posters and fireworks, is this supposed to be an allegory for BLM and other racial justice movements? It would make sense given the past themes of race and class in the show around Blitz and Stolas's relationship. If so, I feel this is an extremely inappropriate way of handling the subject matter; the context of Blitzo's 'crimes' is completely different from issues like police brutality and issues of racial discrimination in the justice system, given that Blitzo and Stolas technically committed different crimes (Blitzo using the book illegally vs Stolas giving to someone illegally). Along with how blatant the episode seems to be with the race metaphors it just feels extremely amateurish like the writers wanted to throw some last-minute profound messaging into their garbage fanfic to make themselves feel better about fetishizing their race play couple. Just my theory though call me a schizo if you want.
No. 437028
File: 1732997942255.png (112.23 KB, 593x230, espanol.png)

>>436675Minor thing but for any other monolingual nonnas. Vasago's Spanish is translated in the subs. It's more or less what you expect.
No. 437040
File: 1732999080320.png (203.76 KB, 1199x279, vivze.png)

So all of the sins are supposed to represent parts of a circus
>Lucifer is the ringleader
>Satan is the strongman
>Mammon is the clown
>Beelzebub is the lion tamer (more obvious with her current outfit)
>Ozzie is the fire breather
What are Leviathan and Belphegor?
I think Leviathan could be an escape artist with water and all? It's pretty flimsy though.
No. 437097
>>437090>Who even is this guy? An Ars Goetia
>Why should we care? He sticks up for imps, otherwise the plot wouldn't work. It will probably be elaborated later on but he should've popped up earlier. A lot of the things in this episode should've been hinted at before hand. Heck I'd take a couple post credits scenes if Vivzie wanted to get lazy with it.
>Why do so many of Viv's characters randomly spout spanish for no reason?Vivzie is hispanic and wants to show her culture. I'd probably do the same if I had a successful Youtube and Amazon show.
I'm pretty miffed with a lot of Ars Goetia and Ozzie being there that they didn't confirm if he was an Ars or not
No. 437127
File: 1733015512191.jpeg (151.47 KB, 643x723, satan-from-helluva-bosss-lates…)

>>436996>>437096Agreed, the other Sins are pretty "meh" to me but Satan really feels like Satan. I'm okay with buff Western dragon Satan.
No. 437129
File: 1733015932968.png (1.1 MB, 1916x879, 1732939056001084.png)

>>436996I loved Bee's outfit in this episode, I love the little epaulettes kek
No. 437161
>>437037I didn't see it like that but agreed. Now that I think about it the writing in this episode feels like a dramatic "die for your love" fanfiction I might have written when I was eleven years old.
No. 437265
>>437037I mean, in a way it is Stolas taking responsibility for allowing Blitzo to break demon law in a way that he knew risked Blitzo's life. He could have formalised Blitzo's access to the human world at any time if he had wanted to give Blitzo access, even without an Asmodean crystal (the Asmodean crystal is specifically so that Blitzo can access the human world without Stolas' help whatsoever), or he could have punished
nonsexually. Blitzo for trying to steal the grimoire in the first place. He really permitted Blitzo's illegal actions, so him stepping in to take the blame for the breach is the right thing to do even if you take kawaii yaoiz out of the equation. Obviously this asepct isn't what is emphasized though, kek.
>>437040This is actually a very cute idea, agree with the other anon that Belphegor would be the fortune teller. It's such a cute idea I can even forgive the Mammon clown retardation.
>>437097I wish Vasago had come up earlier. Maybe he was supposed to at some point but was cut? There were a lot of things in this episode that felt like they directly referenced cut pieces of writing, weirdly enough. I kind of wish there had been scenes framing Stella and Andrealphus' dialogues that were more interesting than just "in a cafe" or whatever. Could have been cool to see them at a big Goetic function, but that would eat into Blitzo time.
No. 437351
>>436675Saw this yesterday. It's yet another Stolas x Blitz episode where they go over the same points about Blitz not trusting people, imps being treated as inferior, shitty royalty yadda yadda. The writing is like that of a shitty soap opera or wattpad fanfiction by a 13 year old where the author puts her favourite ship through the most popular dramatic tropes (characters don't know if they love each other, angst over misunderstanding, character 1 gets hurt so character 2 dramatically intervenes and they realize how much they care for each other) but without it making sense for the plot, so Viv is forced to come up with this scenarios to justify them but they don't make sense (like with the Fizz episode).
And now I realize how much of a gary stu Blitzo is. He's the asshole but he also manages to fuck everyone and the exes have a party to get over him because he's such a heartbreaker, but also in this situation he's the
victim because they talk shit about him. He's ugly as sin but fucks a royal who obviously loves him, but he's the
victim because the royal is using him, even if it's Blitz who's actuallly using the royal for the book. He's a shitty creepy boss but his employees love him. He causes trouble but he can get out of getting executed and even becomes a hero for imps. Then his every action is justified by trauma and his feelings are always more important.
I enjoyed seeing the lords of hell but only Satan looked somewhat cool but I couldn't stand him singing for that bit, too much forced vocal fry.
The dramatic scared and overly animated expressions when Blitz is about to get beheaded are so insanely cringe and tumblry. Animators need to understand that that shit clashes with cartoons, it looks autistic. All these episodes, and Stella, Millie, Octavia, Loona and Barbie still have 0 characterization besides being used to develop a male character, congratz Viv.
No. 442240
File: 1734816422218.png (1.18 MB, 1400x978, IMG_7868.png)

>>442222viv is such a misogynistic fujocoomer, why does she hate women so much?
No. 442243
>>442223>>442240The client's request was so heavy handed and Blitz had no problems killing children before it was ridiculous.
At least Octavia told Stolas to fuck off at the end.
>>442241It's Sinsmass nonna, they commit sins for like Satan or something
No. 442248
>>442246I'd say she was portrayed as understandable from the point of view of the characters and reasonable from the audience. The important thing though is that Stolas'es spergout didn't win back his daughter. I was totally expecting some "oh wow you do love me, every shitty thing you did is totally justified dad. Hi papa Blitzo".
I'm not saying it's perfect, it's a minor positive to not be have that low tier writing.
No. 442257
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>>442222I HATE the vindication of Stolas×Blitzo just because Stella is portrayed as a bitch.
Sorry to blogpost, but having to go through my mother's 3rd divorce as an adult–same sitch, mother is a frigid bpdemon and my stepdad is an impulsive cheater–the men ABSOLUTELY chose their new relationships over their kids. We all understand WHY but it still is what it is. He is responsible for hurting her while pursuing his happiness and both are true at once. Octavia is right. Her song about being okay regardless is bang on and she is correct to call out the betrayal and lies. Also the "happy pills" plot device found in this episode and never mentioned before is just a covenient red herring for Stolas cockriders to jump on Octavia for assuming the wrong thing ("Noooo Octavia noooo he really wuvs you and needed the pills for his bitch ex wife not you noooooo") as if THAT and not the fact that he chose to upend everything for a shitty relationship wasn't the real issue. If Viv narrated plots in reality then fact is that Stolas would be looking to fill the void with a new relationship once the horny and freshness with Blitzo wears out. They do not have shit in common besides lust. Blitzo is a fucking lowborn cocksleeve novelty. Only reason it will last is because of plot armor and retcon storytelling.
Oh man, the part where they travel up to earth and see the faggots swapping spit next to their kids by the fireplace? Totally the same vibe my stepdad wants when I visit and he introduces me to his 5th homeless unemployed foreign girlfriend with an alcohol addiction who's only several years older than me. Yeah, her psychotic ass
really makes me wanna spend time with my stepdad and see him in a redeemable light. Bullshit!
Fuck Viv and her hatred for other women and portraying justified anger of a girl hurt by the guardians in her life as self-centered and misguided teenager angst. Oh, and, I guess the years have made the audience forget how Stolas ignored Octavia's needs in the Loo Loo Land and Shooting Stars episodes for his demon fucking quest. Viv doesn't know how to write for shit she has never even been through and you can tell by the way she forgets or ignores the prior details.
Other spoilers
>Blitzo is a cringey brony>Millie suddenly acts like fucking raw wouldn't have had a consequence eventually and is too stupid to take hell birth control despite being portrayed as a mature female>wolf form Loona for furrybait>fanfic book for fujobait>Viv projects her jealousy towards other women living a better life than her by writing originally indifferent Loona as suddenly caring about character Vicky "humblebragging" Merry Cringemas!
No. 442265
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I agree with what you say nonna except
>Also the "happy pills" plot device found in this episode and never mentioned before
It's been popping (kek) up since the first episode of season two. I was thinking it was going to much bigger thing that this tbh.
No. 442266
>>442265Ah I stand corrected.
Tbh I thought it was gonna be pill addict Octavia cope arc until the hamfisted accusation she threw at Stolas thinking he needed them to cope with her. It was so weird.
No. 442270
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>>442266From Octavia's perspective she has basically two people she can interact with on her level. In the Seeing Stars episode she gets barely any likes compared to Loona. She's pretty much on her own. She knows her mom's neglectful and then she finds out her dad is deep in anti-depressants and fully confirmed cheating it's not unusual to internalise that as her being the problem.
No. 442272
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This is going to sound retarded and autistic but while watching Repo: The Genetic Opera, it struck me how much the Vees remind me of the Largo siblings. I can't help but wonder if Viv might have had some inspiration from it and The Devil's Carnival musicals.
No. 442319
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No. 442322
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I'm actually offended on Octavia's behalf kek. Picrel an example of this insanity. 17 is still pretty young, I see young adults in their 20s as babies sometimes. I can assure you 17 is still pretty emotional and hormonal and even then that doesn't invalidate her feelings about it. Yes her parent deserves happiness like anyone does or whatever but it's how he HANDLED it.
Also what are everyone's thoughts on the Millie pregnancy arc? More fujocoomer fans and Tumblr SJWs want that thing dead and I know this is just a cartoon but it's kind of disturbing how they're acting tbh. I'm childfree and pro choice as it gets, but their arguments aren't really about choice, or a normal couple existing without kids, it's just about killing that thing so it doesn't get in the way of their favourite faggots. It would be certainly interesting if Viv went the abortion route (after all, if Hell has laws and doctors and therapists then of course it would have abortion) but she obviously won't due to backlash or she'll have it turn into the Zootopia abortion comic kek.
I did like seeing Octavia's power just because cool purple magic. I wonder if she's stronger than Andrealphus by power alone (but obviously a Charlie vs Adam situation where he's more experienced despite her having more power or mana or something).
No. 442335
>>442327I can't see Viv aborting it. It would be the next loss meme. I'm not looking forward to the cliché pregnancy arc
>Episode about someone finding out and trying to hide it from Moxxie. I think it's going to be Stolas since he'll probably have an episode with the each of the gang but I'd like it to be Loona. Loona and Millie don't interact much >Episode about learning that Millie needs to slow down at work for the baby>Episode where Moxxie has to rush back from a job to see the birthAn episode of her job as an assassin juxtaposed becoming a mother might be interesting but that's kinda it
>>442322>I wonder if she's stronger than Andrealphus by power aloneStolas seems to have some star magic thing going on. Generally space magic trumps earthly elements.
No. 442374
>>442322I love that the show and the hardcore faggot fans really want to us to take their side but even when the writing forces that perspective, we can still see that Octavia is completely right kek. It's not even a debate, she was quite literally abandoned (as Stolas was ready to die for Blitzo and was also broadcasting it) because her dad wanted some sick fantasy with an imp (also something he realizes in the episode). I hope she becomes an actual "villain" (but not really) to Stolas and Blitz because her pov is really needed. And I say this as a fujo, the way they show the little faggot couple happy with their daughters almost like props and with the mothers out of the picture is just… bad. They could have handled this a lot better, like showing that the kids are also happy with their mothers and their new partners, but somehow in these fanfiction-y stories it's always the dad that takes the kids and he's happy with his boyfriend while the mom is a jealous bitch. It's such a shitty trope, I hate it. Even here we're not getting Stella's pov, because she was also in an arranged marriage and had every right to be just as sad and angry with it as Stolas, but it's him who's the
victim even if he's the one who cheated.
I also definitely hate Millie's character now. Not because I hate pregnant characters, but she spent two seasons exclusively being Moxxie's support, didn't get a sliver of development and now Viv has decided to make her the pregnant woman trope, so now everything about her will revolve around the kid or Moxxie's reactions, never her. I'd love to tell Viv that it's alright to write women with depth and that they won't hurt her or her ships, she seems very scared of them.
No. 442536
Imo, 60% of Helluva's bad writing and jokes aren't Vivzie's fault, they're Brandon's. Ever since she started collaborating with that faggot shit turned to more shit. She already had lame sex jokes for her OCs like Angel, but if you've watched Brandon's standalone content, he can't write an actual series unless he's being ironic or doing it only for shits and giggles, which obviously don't have any place in an actual produced show. Brandon's entire humour is dildos, cum, more dildos, sex, gays, more cum, and more sex. Also Adam Neylan, Brandon's fat fag friend co-writing. So many of the jokes in the show are clockable as Brandon's humour. First one I can think of is the dicks on the walls in the Ex's and Oohs episode of however you spell it.
No. 442609
>>442536I agree with you. It's noticeable when you compare Helluva Boss to Hazbin Hotel… I can't imagine a character like Octavia being treated like this in that show.
I'd be fine with Helluva Boss being cringe yaoi if it didn't feature female villains who are 100% right; only misogynist gay moids like Brandon and Vivzie enabling his shit due to her faghagging would see them in the wrong.
No. 442637
>>442613are you stupid? ayrt is saying that the trope of having an angry homophobic bitch ex getting in the way of her poor gay husbands harmless kweer self discovery with his true faggot love is a fujoshi trope, and that fujos here deny that this trope exists because it is blatantly misogynistic.
>>442240its just so inconsistent with the other part of the show (if we're considering that the show is essentially split into the actual show part and the grotesque fanfiction part as detailed by
>>442319). wasn't their first (not the pilot but e1) job in the show slaughtering a happy family that had come together post infidelity? i guess that family was evil anyway because that was a man cheating on a woman with a woman, unlike the kawaii gay dads
No. 442997
>>442272Honestly I can see this being totally plausible. I'm a year older than Vivzie but I remember watching Repo! in late 2008 and a lot of us edgy emo and "goffs" geeks ate that movie up and I could see Vivzie being a fan of it as well as it has everything she would be into from edgy character design to it being a musical kek.
And I kinda see what you mean with how the Vees do kinda seem inspired by the Largo siblings and Stella is like a poor attempt at Amber Sweet.
No. 442999
>>442374>Stella getting shaftedI agree anon. I just cannot stand how Stella is being written, it's so cheap, so shallow, and so lazy. Her dialogue in the episode was cringetastic and going by the crappy written logic, it makes you wonder why Octavia didn't see that her mother was being the one in the wrong there by bragging that Stolas had been calling trying to talk to her.
Ignoring that though, I just hate how one-sided everything is concerning this situation. Like you mentioned, Stella was forced into the marriage as well and if she were written with depth, we'd see that even though she is hateful of Stolas, deep down she's just as sad and lonely being forced into marriage she didn't want with a man who ended up cheating on her. She's gonna be having emotions and pain as well and it's bullshit that she doesn't get some venting and emotional unloading as well. This is why I hate how they have her brother playing such a big role as it's taking away from what we could've got with Stella and her trauma.
I really hope that Viv wisens up, learns that it's okay to write female characters with depth, and give Stella some depth in season 3. I mean Octavia clearly is more than likely going to return to her mother though if they plan on her going against her mother, I still hope that we at least get to see from Stella's POV.
No. 443188
>>443175Isn't Hazbin written by a much larger team, and hence that's why it's all professional and streamed on Amazon and yada yada? That might explain it.
>I remember when his fans believed he had a scat fetish because he was a little too heavy with the poop and diarrhea jokesKek what, this sounds so funny. Typical for him and his fanbase though, which are full of cringe teens anyway.
No. 443203
>>443188It's a bit telling that out of the 3 lead writers for Helluva (Vivzie, Adam Neylan and Brandon) Brandon was the only one who didn't make it to Hazbin.
If Amazon thought he brought anything to the table I could see him getting something like a production credit but all he has is a minor VA role.
No. 445296
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How bad do you think it will be?
No. 445297
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One of my projects writing is so bad that everyone hates it now and the other one got leaked so it's time to test my luck with another one!
No. 445728
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>>445296I only like her stuff when Brandon Roger's obnoxious writing isn't involved.
>>445695I don't think it would be, Zoophobia was basically the proto-Hazbin with a bunch of the characters from that comic adapted to the new setting. Unless she redoes the whole thing with all-new characters, I don't think that would make sense.
No. 447235
>>445305See I actually prefer Helluva Boss over Hazbin Hotel but mainly the first season of HB before the Stolitz shit hit us hard. I just didn't find myself caring about the characters in HH because we didn't get enough time with them, I couldn't even find myself to care about Charlie and Vaggie and they're possibly one of the worst lesbian couple representation I've seen because I just don't see genuine chemistry. The only thing I like about HH is that the female characters don't get as much misogynistic berating hurled at them. But besides that, I just don't find the story as interesting or fun though hopefully season 2 fixes that.
As for HB, I'm a loss because I still find myself watching even though the episodes can be annoying to downright borderline insufferable (obviously everyone's mileage will vary kek).
No. 447629
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No. 448382
>>447794>>447824Same, I loved Stella. When I saw season 1 I thought it made a lot of sense. From what I remembered Stolas was written to be even more lecherous and gross in the early episodes when he's pestering Blitz. I figured he's supposed to be stereotypical wealthy, perverted elite asshole and Stella was fed up with his shit.
I assumed it was kind of a snowball effect - like sure, they were set up in an arranged marriage that wasn't perfect, but after years of his lying and indiscreet cheating with an imp, people started talking, and she was pissed that he's bringing shame and embarrassment to their whole family. Just like real-life royals, ex. Prince Andrew being the laughing stock of the royal family with his indiscreet cheating and pedophilia allegations. I feel like there's a whole story there that could have been told. It was retarded to do the whole retcon of "Oh no but acktually she was ALWYAYS awful and Stolas is just sad!" Fucking boo.
No. 454538
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>>453309Viv seems to slander everyone that she used to work with as a way of keeping them quiet or something, it seems weird. I don't know if I buy it. Also isn't Michael Kovac her boyfriend?
No. 454573
>>454538 apparently. Ashley is the one with the blanked-out username.
No. 454608
>>454538does far fetched match up with the original text? it could be true but a lot of this stuff is unverified. that being said Im surprised more stuff hasnt come out since vivs name is
toxic rn
No. 454707
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>>454681might have to double check since Far-Fetched is 10 characters, unless she shortened it when typing. according to the leaked image she used the official name. its technically still unconfirmed but im honestly leaning towards it being true due to vivs past.