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No. 3895
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So calming and cute
No. 3898
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I can't stop watching Fairy Tail, it's just too funny and cool.
No. 3899
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This is just too cute.
No. 3900
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It's mentioned a whole lot in my anime culture class, so I finally picked up and just finished the original Space Battleship Yamato and now I'm starting 2199 and rewatching it all in the beauty that is modern anime has me so fucking giddy.
I'm also watching Shonen Maid on the side and plan to finish up Sakamoto desu ga? and Rose of Versailles eventually. A lot of my friends are watching BNHA but it's so over hyped in my friend group that it turns me off of it…
No. 3901
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No. 3906
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No. 3907
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No. 3910
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Probably the highest count among other seasons which also means it's gonna be a pain in the ass once I skip one or two weeks which I really love doing that even though I'm a shitty NEET. Adding to that, I don't drop shows.
Have been paused Scared Rider Xechs for a long time, just 10 minutes away from the end of ep2. Opinion? Boring and awkward. If I can survive through BroCon, then I can do this, or else I'll just watch it with my little sister to lessen the boredom.
Unexpectedly liking Cheer Danshi. Nice variety of boys, wish that more otoge will do that. Just hoping that it won't have QUALITY episodes.
AOTS is Bananya. I'm not being ironic here.
Also included Battery, 7taizai, DR Zetsubou-hen. What a busy season.
No. 3912
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Hello darkness my old friend.
Do it and read the manga too, art is great and fluffy.
No. 3921
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No. 3927
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She's just too cute.
Start watching amaama to inazuma it just started, try kino no tabi another masterpiece.
No. 3933
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Damn I'm loving this manga lately.
No. 3935
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This show is just so cute.
No. 3936
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S M U G, this show is triggering my paternal instincts.
No. 3937
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No. 3938
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>tfw flood
No. 3942
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I'm catching up on summer anime, so far have liked AmaInazuma, 91 Days and Amanchu. Besides Mob Psycho 100, what else can someone recommend me for this season?
No. 3943
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Saiki kusuo no psi-nan is pretty good, I love Cromartie High School but it can be a bit over the top, Junrui wa suitai shimashita is a pretty good dark comedy if you like it.
Tales of Zestria is pretty good, Handa-kun is fun, Danganronpa if you liked the games.
No. 3945
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So fluffy
So summery
So cute
No. 3946
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I can't stop reading/watching shitty battle harems, someone please save me from this hell
No. 3953
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God damn it this show heals my heart every week.
No. 3954
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I didn't asked for these feels.
No. 3955
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No. 3957
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the anime i've been most excited for this season is mob psycho 100. the animation is amazing. i loved the manga (OPM too) so both having anime adaptions makes me feel spoiled.
i'm also watching orange, which i've enjoyed so far.
the DR3 animes have been alright; i'm enjoying the despair arc more because SDR2 was my favourite of all the games, and i don't really like the majority of the new adult characters.
i need to catch up on and start some other anime but those are the ones i'm currently adamant on following this season.
No. 3958
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>tfw no hanekawa gf
No. 3959
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I can't believe they actually announced a season 3. This is going to ruin fucking everything.
No. 3960
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Was this even good after season 1? I remember watching it with /a/ and laughed my ass off the whole way through but still watched it all. I never got around to seeing any more of it though.
No. 3963
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Akito was a midquel.
This time they announced an actual sequel and shat on the ending of r2 while they're at it by bringing lelouch back to life.
No. 3964
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I used to be a massive weeb but now I have a really difficult time finding animes that can pull me in. The last animes that I truly enjoyed were Kuragehime and Superlovers.
No. 3965
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The ending was perfect imo so I don't know what they're thinking. Welp, I guess it's a reason to start using dead Code Geass memes now. Spinzaku and the pleasure fish are making a comeback.
Please no. Time to see what's gonna happen with this messed up stuff.
No. 3970
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This seems to be as good a thread as any to necro.
I'm looking for some new recs. I just finished Kabukibu! and Made In Abyss before that. Tried watching Banana Fish because of all the hype, but I really couldn't get into it at all.
No. 3971
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>>3970Give us a few genres or themes ylu like first, anon.
Personally this season I'm enjoying Revue Starlight.
No. 3974
>>3969I'll always wonder what it was…
Was thinking about Miyazaki movies today. Man likes his flight. Wondering if the upcoming one will be any good.
No. 3976
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The only thing I'm watching this season is Planet With. It isn't bad but not as amazing as most people watching it claim to be. I think Mizukami should just stick to doing manga, he's much better at that.
There hasn't been much anime I've been interested in for a while, maybe Winter will revive my interest, most seasonal stuff I like airs then.
No. 3977
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I watch Maquia at my local movie theatre recently,the main reason i watches it is because i love Akihiko Yoshidas work so much so i wouldnt miss it for the world.The animation is beautiful,well-written characters but if you pay attention there are plot holes and leave more question than it answers,im looking forward for an anime adaption but judging by the anime industry now and bomshell titles releases in the following years Maquia is harder to stand out and actract viewers eventhough id watch it…
No. 3978
>>3977I'm glad Mari Okada's first feature as a director is getting good reviews, love her work.
Funny how the best Japanese media is always, in my humble opinion, made by women.
No. 3981
>>3979Well, she can be melodramatic some times but I really enjoyed "Kokoro ga sakebitagatterunda" for the teenage strugle with social anxiety framed from a female character and subversion of the prince character trope.
Ano Hana can be kind of manipulative but I like it for the characters, I feel she really takes her time with each character backstory and motivations.
Nagi no Asakura is fun and has some hilarious soap opera twists but in a fantasy-ish setting.
Mostly I enjoy her character arcs, stay away from Kiznaiver though, and how her female characters are not just overused moe stereotypes like in so many other series.
No. 3983
>>3982Asano is so handsome, can't believe trannies tried to claim him as one of them lol
His fiance looks straight out of his manga. What a lovely pair. Wonder if her comics are good?
No. 3985
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Been watching Boku No Hero Academia but I found myself skipping parts through the episodes because they were very cliche.
Also watched pic related. Loved it although it felt like they smushed most of the important events in the end but this was an emotional roller coaster for me. That scene where the girl wakes up to a warm breakfast really made me cry and made my heart pound in tense moments.
No. 3990
>>3987Fucking love it. Even played the original vn.
It really did feel like a deconstruction of a story of a typical spineless harem protag that keeps playing with the girls' feelings just cause he can.
Seeing the depravity spin out of control was extremely satisfying, and the ending was a cherry on a top.
I really disliked Setsuna and Sekai, Kotonoha was really relatable and her breakdown was heartbreaking No. 3992
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Anyone got comfort or seasonal anime they like to watch?
Generally Studio Ghibli's films do it for me for comfort especially when I'm feeling depressed/anxious about the future (esp. Kiki's Delivery Service)
Since it's turning to fall I'm going to binge watch all of Oniisama E since that's when I first watched the series so it's tradition now
I mostly just watch a lot of old or nostalgic anime. I hardly ever watch any new anime unless I see it being raved about elsewhere (like on /a/ over at 4chan). It was fun to join them on the craze for Yuri on Ice, Mahou Tsukai no Yome and Osomatsu-San even if it gets cringey sometimes
No. 3993
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Have any of you guys watched Paranoia Agent? I’ve been thinking of watching it but I’m worried it’s too bleak and since I already struggle with depression and anxiety IRL, that’s the stuff I want to get /away/ from.
No. 3994
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>>3993I watched it multiple times and I really loved it!
I also suffer from anxiety and it's a little dark but it's kind of abstract and didn't faze me much.
I think it's very worth to try to watch for the characters!
No. 3997
>>3995I thought bnha had a lot less fanservice than usual animes
I kinda want to start reading One Piece, just cuz its the most popular and I never really gave it a chance but it seems too big now. So is it even worth it?
No. 3999
>>3990Been trying to get into it for a while. I think I did 70% of it but can't figure out all the routes. It takes so long with the video. Did you try any of the sequels?
>>3991Yeah exactly. It makes me think all the haters are men who just want to see philanders and male-sluts get away with it and not see any of the negative repercussions of hurting people.
No. 4000
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>>3992I'm gonna give this one a shot, Rose of Versailles is my favorite anime so I think I will like this too since it's the same creator. I urge anyone with an interest in older anime to give Rose of Versailles a shot, its set in pre-revolutionary France about a noble-born girl raised male who becomes head of the Palace Guard and confidante of Marie Antoinette.
posting Best Girl
No. 4001
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>>3998It started off really interesting but if I'd known it would have just turned into a cliché, slice-of-life I would never have started it. The last season had barely any plot and was littered with cringey scenes sexualising the female characters that added nothing to the plot. Pic related plus the swimsuit episode, the episode where they're all naked in an onsen, the lame excuse that some characters wear tight or skimpy clothes because "it's part of their brand!" or "they need to for their quirk!" and countless zoom-ins on female characters' tits and ass. It just felt gross to me because most of the characters are minors. It's probably easy to filter out if you watch a lot of slice-of-life anime but that's not usually the kind of anime I watch. I'd just rather the story focus on Deku and pushing his plot forward than shoving the female characters into as many fetish costumes as possible and calling it a day.
No. 4008
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>>4001Yeah this was one of the cliches I hated in the show
I legit felt so disgusted by this little perv especially with him breathing in the acid girl's room saying "Plus Ultra" (also hate that phrase)
No. 4010
>>4009*it wasn't
Gah I swear I only had one drink officer
No. 4011
>>4008I agree but…
I ironically actaully semi-like the grape kid ONLY becuase he shows how hypocritical everyone is. Bnha fans are always shitting on him becuase he is a pervert AND unattractive, but would be shilling him if he actaully look decent/attractive and had the same pervy attitude.
But anyway, Bnha was semi interesting in the first season, I only watched it due to complete boredom. Its honestly pretty average at best, but the annoying fans make it worse. The latest season out is a bunch annoying fanservice that whole pool shit was extremely unessisary for the FIRST episode of the the lastest season. I think the show is a let down because the actaully interesting characters bearly get screen time and the annoying ones are constantly in the limelight. The girls are shilled as interesting and revolutionary by fans but honestly, they arnt actaully taken seriously as the boy characters are when you watch the show. They are kinda just THERE…. its just too much to many drawbacks. As previous anon said, just watch One Punch Man.
No. 4013
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>>4001urgh I hate it when anime does this. I would've gladly continue reading/watching Air Gear if it wasn't filled with pervy shit
>that scene where Ringo is forced to wear some kind of fetish costume because Simca stole her clothes.In fact, they constantly find reasons to have her wear pervy clothes while she really hates it wich makes it feel kind of rapey.
No. 4016
>>4013"I want to die"
Why do men get off to humiliation? To anyone who has an ounce of empathy this is really sad, not sexually exciting.
Maybe more suggestions of anime that don't cater to the male eye would be nice.
No. 4018
>>4011Im a little annoyed at which characters get development, like we know more about todorokis home life than dekus, the main character, or bakugou. Ochakos devepoment stopped at the tournament, yaoyorozu isnt interesting at all, i want to know whT hagakure looks like and what her quirk relly is but she was never an important character.
Opm's new season cant come any sooner… im a bit worried at tgem changing studios tho
No. 4019
>>4017why? she's right. You don't see any of this happening to men in manga unless they're cool with being (half-)naked
Ringo is also the most shy and innocent girl of them all. So ofcourse it constantly happens to her.
No. 4020
>>4019Do you (or anyone on here) know of any manga that features male fanservice like that?
The humiliation kind, I mean.
No. 4023
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>>4022I like soul eater (or at least I did when I was in middle school), but literally every girl that isn't maka gets sexualized and every guy is a pervert
shout out to my OG husbando tho
No. 4025
>>4013The most disgusting thing is that they made a figure of her in this scene. The only good thing I can say about it is that at least she looks pretty confident. As someone who never read the manga, I assumed that she is the seductress character. But fear note, they added the head bag accessory so that the creeps can imagine her being humiliated like in the manga!
Why is this disgusting porn shit in manga for 15 y/o in the first place?
The whole shonen genre is trash tbh
No. 4029
>>4027The only female characters other than the main girls I can remember are the cat witch, frog girl and the arrow villain
Souleater is one of the first animes I watched so I want to keep it a nice nostalgic memory lol
It always confused me how its okay to have so much sexual stuff in shonen, I mean wouldnt that be more apropriate for seinen?
No. 4030
>>4027NTA but what?
The only characters I can think of that are sexualized are Blair (which OP was talking about) and Tsubaki and the spider demon lady. Maybe the rat girl? I really don't get where you are coming from.
No. 4033
>>3992I mostly watch older anime too. Just watched wicked city and goku midnight eye. Probably gonna try gundam 0083 next. I usually do something shorter because if it’s super long it takes me months to finish since I work a lot. So those are some suggestions that you can watch in a day.
But since you might like more cutesy or lighthearted stuff maybe gunbuster, patlabor or macross do you remember love would be good
No. 4035
>>4034anon she's asking if there are any anime that have dudes being sexualize.
ffs get your finger off the
No. 4039
>>4038I find all
Trigger series overrated tbh it feels like lame cartoon network stuff I would have changed channel on as a kid, but mixed in with OTTness to force hype
No. 4040
>>4039Actually I feel like it's the kind of stuff I would have enjoyed a lot as a kid. But now, not so much. I say that but there are anime I watched as a kid that I still like a lot like YYH or Slayers even though my tastes changed with time, so Gurren Lagann just isn't that good. I can't speak for other
Trigger shows and I like KLK just fine, it was also fun for the first episodes and the second half was meh.
No. 4041
>>4039>>4040GL wasn't
trigger, it was gainax. some of the people who made GL don't work for
No. 4043
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I just watched the new My Hero Academia movie a couple of days ago and it was pretty good. I guess this is a bit of an unpopular in this thread, but I actually really enjoy the show a lot haha.
No. 4044
>>4042np fam! tbh i personally think
trigger kind of culminated the worst of gainax.
i love little witch academia though, i just think that their more serious(ish) works end up falling short. they should stick to cute comfy shows.
No. 4049
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It's hard to find something that isn't meant to appeal to degenerate otaku wankers or kids.
It seems the big talk of the season is Goblin Slayer which starts of with violent rape, and if someone doesn't enjoy that there are plenty of dweebs online ready to tell you that you are actually a prude SJW. I am reminded how crap the anime community is.
Well, trying to watch Jojo part 5, the costumes are ridiculous though.
No. 4052
>>4051Gotta say, the ending theme was a real surprise…'t wait for this to start playing after certain tragic events.
No. 4053
>>4052I fucking died when I first heard it.
Really excited for all the amputation. It's entirely possible that there won't be a single episode where someone doesn't get a part of their body cut off. Happens in almost every fight, it's even one of bruno's main strats.
No. 4055
>>4054I stopped reading the manga years ago, but if it's good now, I'll get back into it. It's been a while though.
Only saw the first season of the anime but loved the manga. I got pretty far into it. Much further than where they are at in season 3 (i glimpsed at the last 2 episodes)
No. 4056
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>>4049>>4050Never heard of Goblin slayer, but i cant stand anything that starts off with a violent rape, as if they is going to affect some narrative of a story. They could have just as easily dont without or had it heavily implied. it sounds like absolute lazy ass writing.
I am watching stardust crusadors at the moment. I had to get the uncensored versions because Crunchyroll has it all heavily censored (wtf.)
I am excited to catch up to the new season. Bruno looks really interesting.
(Season 2 was so good though. Joseph joestar is my favorite so far)
No. 4061
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>>4056YES I also like Joseph the most. The burly and fabulous combo is v. tasty.
No. 4062
>>4049I tried watching the GS episode and it was disgusting. It's just typical pedobait and the only purpose of the rape scene is so that they can advertise the anime on porn sites. To anyone who hasn't seen it, don't waste your time.
>the costumes are ridiculous though.Don't you like them? lol I love them, I think it makes the characters really unique and memorable. It's just a fun series and I'm excited to see some scenes from Italy.
No. 4063
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>>4062I enjoy general Jojo fabulousness (like Josuke here and his weird hair)
but the part 5 designs are so relentlessly out there, well maybe Giorno's cake hair, big boob window and random lady bug decorations will grow on me.
No. 4064
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>>4063I really dislike Josuke and the Part 4 in general. It's all like a really big filler to the series and Josuke just doesn't have the charisma Joseph or Jonathan had.
Also that short character's (forgot his name) stand with the words and all was ridiculous.
Killer Queen was amazing and I get that but there were some parts I almost felt like reading a parody of a manga, like the arc with that one guy who could collect coins and lottery tickets.
I was so offput by it that I ended up dropping the manga before reading part 5 which was the reason why I even started reading it. I really was looking forward to Narancia but I don't know it it's even worth reading it anymore. Blows.
No. 4065
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>>4052Finally watched and yeah… I lol'd
>>4064Didn't care for DIU anything except Rohan (I love smug assholes). Part 5 is very entertaining imo, it's fast-paced with lots of violence, plus the gangstars are overall great. Love the setting too. You might find Giorno boring tho.
No. 4066
>>3894Has anyone read jojo past part 6?
Im a little salty araki basically deleted everything lol
No. 4067
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>>4049I love Vento Aureo and I can't wait to see the VA fights animated, since I don't seem to be able to understand Araki's fights on paper, kek
>>4054Me. I'm proud of Isayama tbh, he managed to turn the story around and make even someone like Eren interesting eventually. I remember when in the beginning AoT was considered "pleb tier" and "just another shonen", oh how tables have turned.
>>4066I've read until the beginning of Jojolion. SBR was good but yeah, I'm also a little bit mad about the Reset lol
No. 4068
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started watching Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san, the 1st episode (at least) was quite funny, real tbt to being an obnoxious yaoi weeb back in 2009
oh my god am i struggling w this post, 1st posted shit image then posted in the wrong thread why god
No. 4069
>>4066Yeah, I read part 7, which I liked a lot more than I expected.
I'm a bit salty too about part 6, which I loved so much, but at the same time I feel like it's for the best. It gave me a sense of closure once I was done reading part 6 because at least the story is over in a way, and what comes next is more of a really huge bonus. The ending itself isn't bad, I'm just conflicted about the consequences of the reset and the fact that part 7 is more or less a reboot/retelling of earlier parts. I don't think I would have been able to handle waiting for the next chapters of a linear story all the time, I already gave up on reading Jojolion because I couldn't wait for the next chapters all the time when the story introduced Jobin. I either read everything available or I completely give up because I'm bored and forget about chapter releases. Now I stopped bothering even more because batoto disappeared.
No. 4072
>>4067Was AoT really pleb-tier?
I remember it being THE anime when it came out, but the hype died down between seasons
Apparently 4th season of Bnha is coming in spring, they're really pumping it out fast. I wonder what will happen when they catch up with the manga
No. 4076
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This hurts
Guts was such a hottie around vol 27
I love seeing mangakas improve through the story (AoT for example), but the opposite hurts.
I also really liked my hero academia's style in the first chapters, i kinda hate how small some faces look now
No. 4077
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>>4054Yeah, it’s fantastic, especially the part where Hoboren wrecks Marley and eats the warhammer titan. I caught up only quite recently after not having read it for a year and a bit. On the downside, I’ve become a massive EHfag as a result.
>>4072The manga has always been very engaging (apart from during Uprising, I guess).
No. 4078
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>>4076Nothing will make me feel as bad as Natsuki Takaya's art style in the last volumes of Fruits Basket compared to the first volumes. Her characters look way more similar to each other as they used to and they're less expressinve now. Though tbh her art style in the last volumes of her Tsubasa series and the first volumes of Fruits Basket reminds me of other manga from the late 90s/early 2000s so I'm biased because it makes me nostalgic, and her style got worse because at some point her left hand was injured and it required surgery so she has a good excuse at least. I just don't understand why so many people praised her for her improvement when she actually regressed.
No. 4079
>>4076What the fuck
>eyes enlarged>smaller, rounder face>smaller nose>longer lashesWhen you play Idolm@ster too much and start drawing even manly men as kawaii uguu fairies
No. 4080
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>>4078As opposed to this.
No. 4081
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>>4076Guts is so freakin ideal on the left panel.
Miura fucked himself over hard. He used to be one of my favorite artists ever until he gave up and lived the id0lmaster life.
Same thing with Griffith. I absolutely hated how he looked in the newer movies vs the 90s anime and manga.
He looks so feminine now– like straight up a woman.
No. 4082
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>>4079>>4081Miura draws Griffith really odd now imo
No. 4083
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>>4078Your post made me feel so nostalgic. I really disliked the art in the last volumes too, especially the noses. I get why Takaya did it, but Rin's redesign was a tragedy.
No. 4085
>>4084I'm so mad at Tokyo ghoul because i became so massively invested in the manga and waiting forever for it to finish. When it finally did, it was an extremely unsatisfying 'ending.'
But the mangaka is the worst mainly because it's obvious he started TG Re and TG Jack in the middle of the main story and it went nowhere.
I really cant stand RE, even though I tried really hard to get into it.
No. 4086
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>>4081I can't find a bigger pic but this is my personal Guts fav
I really dislike Berserks choice of character colors, i thought it would be better with normal colors
No. 4087
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>>4063>>4064I wanted to like Josuke. Don't get me wrong– Diamonds is unbreakable is decent arc, however i could not STAND Koichi as a character. His shrill voice and annoying better than he really is attitude almost turned me away from that arc. Jotaro legit just stood there half the time.
Only Josuke and his BFF were hilarious and I loved the restaurant episode with that Stand.
The only thing that made up for that arc was the showdown with KIRA. Fantastic.
No. 4089
>>4088Is he though? I thought it was just the beginning.
Yes I dislike him too. I don't get why the pretty yandere girl cared about him.
No. 4090
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>>4076>>4078>>4080Speaking of horrible art regression. I was a really big fan of 80s and 90s anime when i started watching in the early 2000s. I remember Earthian being one of my favorite stories. Yun Kouga did the art and story, but never finished it.
Then years later, she made another series called Loveless, which was absolute SHITE. And even worse than that, her art somehow got worse. Here's Earthian art
No. 4092
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>>4090And here's Loveless, which was just pandering shota shit. It's awful
No. 4094
>>4087Josuke's life story is pretty weird
Idk Joseph cheating on his wife with some random japanese college girl?
No. 4096
>>4091>Griffith looks better with the new style imo, the whole point of his character appeal is that he looks like a girlNo, it's not. Griffith was always supposed to be more feminine in that world, especially compared to a lot of the main dudes, like Guts, but he wasn't meant to look like a straight up woman.
have you read the manga? Cuz his entire complex was that he wasnt taken seriously as a fighter and has to fight from the ground up to end up in his position. Not to mention, he was
sexually abused as a kid but this man in higher power who was obsessed with beautiful shota boys. Griffith used him to gain a war chest, but had to sleep with him or at least sexually entertain him. No. 4099
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>>4096Yes, I've read the manga and I remember Guts pointing out how he looks "almost like a girl". Plus in the old artstyle he still looked feminine. With manga art there's only so much you can do. Small head, sloped nose and long hair will look girly, how do you differentiate a feminine looking boy from a straight out girl, face wise?
>>4098Yes, her titan was inherited by a Marleyan soldier. Even though plot-wise I can see why Isayama killed her, I'm still salty because she was my favorite girl. When will the Bury Your Gays trope end? No. 4101
>>4081>>4082>>4076Looks like shit. I stopped reading years ago and only watched the 90s anime.
I'm scared to ask what has happened to Caska lately since last I saw she was in a videogame and still being objectified.
No. 4103
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>>4102A cliffhanger since February? I'm so glad I haven't been reading now.
I don't know what arc the game was but basically there was DLC in her post-rape clothes and the trailer sensationalized the rape scene.
No. 4104
>>4102>>4103More cliffhangers? Why does Miura hate his fans so much? That manga really is never going to end.
>I don't know what arc the game was but basically there was DLC in her post-rape clothes and the trailer sensationalized the rape scene.The PS4 game? Havent played it cuz it looked horrible, but I was really furious at the Eclipse scene in the last movie where they made the rape scene look like hentai and it was harder to watch that shit in full animation than reading the graphic manga version years ago.
No. 4106
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>>4099I'm in denial because she was an important character for a while and then that? No big dramatic scene, either?
Interest: lost.
No. 4107
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>>4093As far as fanfiction goes, none unfortunately. It’s not a particularly popular ship in JP and Attack on Titan’s popularity has died down a lot since 2013 - 14. It has less than 50 fics on AO3.
As for links in general, I’d recommend browsing the holy Japanese EH trio @_ebimayo_mayo, @erina_yuyu and @enkumo (her account is locked right now though unfortunately). is decent for theories and speculation centred around EH. I enjoy his responses to anons. And if you can tolerate the autism, /snk/ tends to be the epicentre of EH shipping in the Western community and they produce some pretty funny OC (though the threads take a huge nosedive in quality when there’s no new spoilers to discuss).
No. 4108
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>>4107If you’re comfortable with NSFW content, then these two doujins are decent;
1) you and someone else’s night This is plot-focused and very vanilla
2) a slave loses his virginity to a goddess Very filthy, but hot - contains theme of dubcon (this doujin takes place in the Uprising arc when Eren is tied up) and some incest, usually I skip those pages
Hope you enjoy, EHbro
No. 4110
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>>4106Yeah, she dies offscreen and is barely mentioned at all. Historia's reaction was also pretty cold and she didn't seem to give a shit, disappointing.>>4109Even though I think that Historia is just an unlikeable tool, I kind of like her with Mikasa. There have been some nice interactions between them lately, both in the manga and the anime… hmmmmm
Too bad Historia's baby is 100% Eren's No. 4111
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>>4110To be honest, Isayama is pretty terrible at depicting the aftermath of deaths in general. Once a character dies, very little consideration is given to them - see Erwin, for instance. The only character whose death was offered any degree of narrative importance was Sasha and even then, this is only because it’s necessary to exacerbate the schism between Eren and the rest of the 104th.
>Historia’s reaction was also pretty cold and she didn’t seem to give a shitShe did cry upon reading Ymir’s letter and Ymir’s words to her are referenced multiple times within the Uprising arc. But yeah, I always got the impression that Ymir was much more in love with Historia than what was reciprocated.
No. 4112
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>>4111Ah, I don't remember too vividly since I read those chapters years ago when they came out, but I remember
Historia's reaction being very underwhelming.On one thing we can all agree though,
Ymir deserved better.
Also, I suspect that Annie's coming back.
No. 4117
>>4114I would recommend Nana, even though that's a bit harsh since it will never end properly.
The anime is good and so is the first live action movie. Someone also mentioned Parakiss up here as well. Those are the only two off the top of my head.
No. 4119
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>>4118I've been burned too many times, fellow anon. I won't believe she'll work on the manga until I see it actually happening. I'm both a NANA and a Berserk fan, so my life is true suffering of just hiatuses.
No. 4122
Speaking of Berserk and hiatus, what the fuck happened to Bastard!!, is it still on hiatus because the mangaka wanted to redraw everything but with actual porn instead of fanservice scenes or is it officially dead and buried? Will Yoko and DS ever fuck?
>>4092I remember considering watching this just because Konishi Katsuyuki voices the dude with the glasses. I never actually read or watched it, a friend just told me it was crap.
>>4114Are you ok with manga as well? I loved Fruits Basket, Lovely Complex, Otomen. I was recommended Switch Girl and Skip Beat but I never got the opportunity to read them. From the author of Fruits Basket I liked her Tsubasa something manga if you can find scans, but I couldn't get into Twinkle stars, it was too depressing and slow for me for some reason. There one I loved but I can't find scans, I read the volumes thanks to my local public library, it's Mirai no Utena, it's supernatural mystery stuff and dates from the 90s. You have the author's comments that describe how she hated the two last episodes of NGE when they just aired or how she's interested in Maya Sakamoto's career, which just stared with Jurassic Park and Escaflowne, it's part of the fun. Not really a shojo but I liked Fujoshi Rumi, that shit's hilarious. I wanted to add that if you end up reading Nana and Paradise Kiss as suggested you should read Gokinjo Monogatari, since ParaKiss is a sequel. Princess Jellyfish is pretty nice but I only watched the anime and read the first volumes so idk much about it, and it's more recent as well. I'm trying to see if there are other nice ones
>>4115I only read Mermaid Melody but I was put off by the art, and the fact that
the main antagonist is Gackt but not really reallys cracks me up.
>>4118I want to believe, but at the same time I kind of gave up on this series. I can't believe I'm older than both Nanas when they met. Fuck I feel nostalgic now.
No. 4125
>>4119Nana is a generic-ish albeit well written drama and not a mystery/clickbait show. I never felt the burning desire to have to know something about those characters. Following them for a few years of their life was enough for me.
Never understood the love for berserk. It was always a low tier seiner for me. I guess people like the buff macho dude vs androgynous deep tortured villain theme?
No. 4126
>>4125I started berserk cuz it looked edgy and i was edgy but stayed cuz im interested to see how guts will defeat griffith (if he ever does)
I will say the rape scenes became pretty tiring after a while. Overusing them made then lose their effect
I also loved the past art style
No. 4127
>>4125Berserk used to be really good, until the Conviction Arc imho. Then it went downhill.
I stopped reading it a couple of years ago, when I realized that not only the quality had taken a nosedive, but also that Miura clearly wants out and the story isn't progressing at all. You get two chapters, a cliffhanger, then radio silence for a year. Then it comes back with a new chapter that dissolves the cliffhanger into something underwhelming, rinse and repeat. He wants to end it asap but doesn't know how, he knows that giving proper closure will take at least 50 chapters, is not invested in the story anymore, and this put him in a spiral he doesn't know how to escape from.
Sorry for the Miura mini-sperg
No. 4130
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>>4126I liked the past artstyle too, but I kinda wondered about Miura's mental state when it was just gore and rape time all the time.
In fact I wonder why even shounen manga often have to be so graphic and gory? Jojo's mangaka even parodied himself and how psycho it can come across with Rohan.
No. 4131
>>4128I feel so sorry for you, I tried so hard in my initial posts to not give anything away but selfish people just has to ruin everything.
>>4129Only if you're a pure actionfag. Season 2 is great for character development and expanding the mystery. Season 3 is the denouement. Part 1 already explained how Eren got his power and Part 2 will give us the full story. Can't wait.
I hate to say it, but if you don't like it, then you're probably just too dumb to get it.
No. 4141
>>4125>>4127Berserk was quite different when it came out and there was nothing else like it. The golden age was probably the best, followed by Lost children, but i cant defend much after that. I can understand why it had so much love in the 90s and early 2000s, but now it's so bad. And the movies made it worse somehow.
Also, bets on Miura dying way before it's finish. All he has to do is write up Guts vs Griffith and end it all, but he won't.
No. 4144
>>4140Yes it was very graphic, to the point that some days I just had to stop reading at some point (and I'm not exactly a scaredy cat)… but it had that dark atmosphere that stuck with me for a while.
Nowadays' chapters make me feel nothing.
No. 4145
>>4141He won't because he doesn't know how to end it. He made Griffith too OP and he doesn't know how to kill him… not in a credible way that would result in a happy ending, at least.
There would actually be a plausible way (some fans theorized that Miura initially planned on making Guts sacrifice Caska to become a god himself and one up Griffith somehow) but Miura just wants that happy ending so much
No. 4146
>>4145>miura wants a happy endingReally? I didn't know he wanted a happy ending at all. I guess i just wanted to be realistic, since the series hasn't been happy since the start, even before the Eclipse.
Miura sounds crazy to want a happy ending with everything that has happened in that universe.
No. 4147
>>4146He said in an interview that he doesnt want such a dark story to have a sad ending
Anyone here read Onepunch man?
I read both the redraw and webcomic
One is adding a lot of new stuff before Garou's final battle
No. 4150
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Another shit season the only two shows I haven't dropped yet are Goblin Slayer and Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san
I don't get why people are so upset at Goblin Slayer, the rape isn't graphic or onscreen and it's not like it's pointless it establishes the world and the dangers of goblins pretty well, I don't find it gratuitous at all. It's a dumb fun fantasy anime and while I admit I probably wouldn't watch it if there were a plethora of shows I was interested in this season I do enjoy it.
Honda-san is really funny, unfortunately almost no one will talk about it because comedy anime that aren't moe tend to get ignored.
It's another backlog season for me and I've been watching through Astro Boy 1963. It's awesome and holds up really well. I ended up buying the boxsets from rightstuf I loved it so much. I don't even think it's particularly dated, sure the animation isn't the best but it makes up for it in it's fun stories, interesting messages on acceptance and racism that isn't to in-your-face, and memorable characters. I highly recommend it if you've never checked it out. The English dub is also really good. While there are changes to the Japanese scripts (as to be expected in translating an anime aimed at children not to mention the year it was released) but none of the changes I've seen yet have horribly impeaded or butchered the source material.
After Astro Boy 1963 I intend to watch either the original Kimba or Golden Boy, probably Golden Boy since it looks hilarious and it's much shorter and I need a break from long running series.
No. 4151
>>4150>goblin slayerOof. Well, I have my own trash, you have your trash but if you read the manga you'll see how several rape scenes are drawn for fanservice.
>always young girls>they are good looking, drawn with appealing proportions>angle and pose always focuses on showing as much of the girls naked body>no ugly bruises and woundsThere's no use denying that it's fetishistic, the mangaka could have drawn the rape scenes terrifying or more subtle. I didn't read the LN and I know the lore explanation for the rape, but it doesn't undo these specific choices to make it more appealing and fetishistic rather than portay it as scary.
I don't care if people watch it but the horde of guys who defend it as if it's good writing and how rape is no big deal annoy me, Berserk's style and tone made it serious, this is ridiculous.
No. 4152
>>4151I wish I could enjoy Goblin Slayer because the gobbo autism seems hilarious. I just saw a bit from the LN and lost my shit this dialogue of a girl trying to ask him out
>do you have any plans?>…goblins>I mean… any non goblin plans?But yeah, I can't get past the rape and only managed a few chapters. I'm not particularly fragile about rape scenes (I love Berserk), but I'm just so fucking sick of them being used to titillate the male audience.
No. 4154
>>4151You're implying I'd care if the rape in the anime adaption was fetishy. I'm a huge believer in fiction does not does not translate to reality.
Let people get off what they want to get off on, as long as it's not real-life CP, snuff, or some footage of a rape I see no problem.
It's also important to remember that just because somebody gets off to something doesn't mean that they support it in real life. Rape is one of the most common fantasies for women and is featured in plenty of female aimed media like erotica novels, yaoi anime, and smutty fanfiction all pieces of media predominantly written by women. However, I and most women would agree that, despite reading stuff with rape in it, even erotic stuff we would never actually want to be raped. Same goes for men I'm sure that a vast majority of men getting off on rape would never actually go out and rape a women, and the men that would arn't doing so because they watched some rape hentai, they already had problems in the first place.
I'm not saying you can't be uncomfortable with rape in media, but I am saying that you shoudn't shame those who get off on it. I also havn't read Goblin Slayer's manga or light novel but I stand by the fact that the anime wasn't gratudious and that the scene was important for world building. I do think that people are blowing this scene out of purpotion, and I feel that there are plenty worst scenes in anime that nobody makes a stink about.
No. 4156
>>4154Are you the BDSM sperg from the unpopular opinions thread? You stick out like a sore thumb.
>kinkshamingGo back to tumblr.
>>4153It's going to be a wild ride. I love part 5 so much, damn
No. 4158
>>4151my issue with goblin slayer is that the rape isn't designed so the audience can see how it impacts the characters, but instead, it's to spoonfeed the us to make sure we know that goblins are totes evil and that goblin slayer himself is righteous and justified.
in things like berserk or other media with some rape, it impacts the characters in some way, in goblin slayer it doesn't. full stop.
i feel like the anime is drawn like hentai what with the weird lips and color palettes and would make more sense if it was just a hentai.
No. 4159
>>4158I was pretty unphazed by it but the more I think the more that THE thing that really irks me is the fact that the girl character didn't get raped.
It gives off this "welp, lucky you, you didn't get raped and got carted off like all those soiled-now-useless pieces of meat". Yuck.
No. 4164
>>4155I'm actually a straight, 19 year old, female.
>>4156>Are you the BDSM spergNope, I'm not a fan of S&M or any of the like. Like I said I'm just a huge believer in letting people watch whatever they want without judgment. I also don't have a Tumblr account and the only reason I go on the site is to get fanart.
>>4164Yeah, so, you're a teenager in your 'just let people be themselves'.
Do you know what actually happen when you let people be their 'true selves' ? You get 60 years old trannies coming out as little girls.
No. 4167
>>4166Are there really? This sounds so ridiculous.
How do crime statistics weeaboos even defend this?
No. 4169
>>4154Kid, you're not unique for being edgy and not caring about fetishistic rape being aired on a TV channel in a foreign country. I personally ignore it when these things are in their own niche for porn, but when you see how widely accepting and excited the anime community is about it and calls people who think the rape is bad pussies, you just know what pieces of shit they are.
>rape is ome of the most common fantasies for womenOh it's a guy,that explains it. No woman wants to have sex with a guy she doesn't like and putting it in raw hurts like fuck and won't arouse you, try showing a dildo up your ass without lube. If you really are a teenie girl, you won't fit in with the guys or seem more unique because you're so "open-minded" and trash on women.
No. 4173
>>4154Normalizing rape is a huge thing in a lot of media and it's honestly a massive problem. Whenever a mangaka or anime glorifies rape or uses it as a plot device to further a male's arc, it's disgusting.
I've always seen rape used as a device to make a male character stronger. Even then, to see so many female characters getting raped in media is very discouraging. Also, people that tend to enjoy rape very much in fiction/media arent that far off from being creeps irl tbh.
>I'm not saying you can't be uncomfortable with rape in media, but I am saying that you shoudn't shame those who get off on itNah, people should shame them
>I feel that there are plenty worst scenes in anime that nobody makes a stink aboutWhich scenes?
>>4159>>4160There is so much media where this is an issue. How many female characters get raped just to 'please' the male audience? Look at how good of a character Caska was becoming right before the Eclipse and she basically was just a tool for Guts' development after a while. A toy for him and Griffith to fight over. It's awful. Female rape is always treated so trivial.
No. 4176
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Anyone here read Golden Kamuy?
It's a really fun read, sugimoto is so precious
I love the manga, but the anime really turned me off with crap cgi
No. 4179
>>4114, sorry for the very late reply. I've watched and readed Nana and Parakiss already but will definitely take a look at the reccomendations, thank you all very much
No. 4186
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Anyone into Gundam? Started getting into it recently and finishing Zeta now, but I'd like to hear some opinions from other gals because I've only seen opinions from guys so far.
Talking specifically about Tomino UC: I like that the characters are much more flawed so the atmosphere is kinda refreshing even though it has so much outdated stuff that was a product of its time. It's also nice that the enemy soldiers get some moments where it shows they're just human and that the protagonists aren't ideal heroes either.
My main complaint about Zeta so far is that the love at first sight trope is executed just as bad as in the original and that the way emotions are handled is so stiff and a downgrade from the original. I won't spoil anything but there were several scenes from the original that hit hard, but Zeta gets praised so much yet there's a lot of unnatural storyboard choices and stiff expression overall.
No. 4189
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Still watching Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san and it is v comfy! also picked up Bloom Into You but I'm having sorta mixed feelings about it. Better than Citrus imo at least
No. 4192
>>4190I enjoyed Yuri on Ice, there is fujo fanservice though but it also end up treating the gay theme more seriously.
The reason I enjoyed it was the fun iceskating competitions. Lots of varied characters from different countries and nice songs.
No. 4193
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i'm rewatching Ojamajo Doremi.
i loved it as a kid, but grew up with the 4kids dub, so only really saw the first 50 episodes or so. it's really wholesome and adorable. i know everyone hates Pop, but she has always been my favorite. i'm almost done with the first season, and i'm excited to watch more. all the stressful studying that comes with college makes it nice to come home and watch a few eps to make me feel a little better. i highly recommend this show if you're looking for something wholesome to brighten your day. this show isn't so much focused on the magic itself, but it goes into stories about family members or classmates of the majo, and really illustrates to children that people are the way they are for a reason.
No. 4195
>>4193This show brings back a lot of memories. It actually holds up really well for adult audiences, I remember trying to rewatch Shugo Chara but not being able to get into it at all anymore. The individual struggles all of them face feel really real.
I never hated Pop but I remember hating Hana for taking up so much screentime in Dokkan.
No. 4196
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>>4195Utau x Kukai is the only good thing that came from Shugo Chara.
No. 4197
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>>4193aaah same anon !
Doremi was very popular in France bc it was aired on a big channel when I grew up ! Rewatching them now too and loving it!
It's so wholesome. They try their best to help everyone, I love it. The only downside is that I'm watching them in the French dub and the voices are super high. (+ the fact that they "Frenchified" the names, but that makes it hilarious like every random character is named shit like Sylvain, Philippe etc which are quite old sounding names and very rare and unpopular nowadays)
So if anyone has a link to a JP or EN dub that'd be very nice
No. 4198
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As a long time Vento Aureo lover I can't believe the quality we're getting served from Davidpro. They're doing so great. Bless 'em.
No. 4199
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>>4198What? I've thought the quality was abysmal so far. I still like it because it's VA, but everything looks rushed and lazy as hell. Disguised Trish was adorable though.
Very low expectations for the cioccolata/secco fight, hopefully doppio/risotto, ghiaccio, and the dorururus won't disappoint.
No. 4201
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>>4197Aw man, I loved this as well, so friggin cute.
Does anyone know where to find Lady Oscar (Rose of Versailles), JP with subs or German dub?
No. 4205
>>4204It's notorious for having a slow start, especially the first few eps. I often see people say it gets good at ep 25, I remember it really clicking with me at ep 34 specifically. But I actually skipped 25-30 eps and just read the manga because I knew what to expect and manga is way quicker.
So short answer: yes, it's worth it, some of the funniest tv I've ever seen and the boys are great. But it is hundreds of episodes long, it has plenty of crap episodes and only you can decide what is worth your time.
No. 4206
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>>4204It's probably one of the best series out there. It's received a cult following for a reason. It actually is a pretty fun parody series and gets funnier is you know about meiji era history and the animes they are mocking.
No. 4207
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I'm so excited about Mob Psycho 100 season two.
It's so surreal we will get to see the bullying Mogami arc and the Reigen media disaster arc animated.
No. 4215
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Anyone seen the first episode of shield hero? It's basically "crybaby incel propaganda: the anime".
First episode goes like
>MC is a loser incel but we're supposed to like him anyways just because he's a "nice guy"
>gets transported to the most generic boring fantasy world
>first thing that happens is he meets a girl that starts getting close to him and flirting
>turns out she was just trying to rob him, then she lies to the king about him raping her to get him in trouble and cover her tracks, which everyone instantly believes and turns against the poor little MC
>now MC is a woman hatind edgelord
>buys a loli sex slave right at the end of the episode, once again just to cement how "nice" he is
No. 4220
>>4216I'm back. You were basically right, anon.
>"This society is a matriarchy">run by a king>enslaves women and children of different racesSure, Jan.
The writers are so useless. They seem to use the "muh matriarchy" thing to justify the weak point of literally everybody automatically believing the woman, which never happens in reality. The MC has no interesting points, but that's par for the course for isekai, I guess. I looked it up on Wikipedia, and read about the girl, Raphtalia:
>First purchased by nobleman, she is physically & emotionally tortured out of resentment towards Demi-humans and left a shell of her former self. They really wanted to downplay the frequency and egregiousness of rape so much that they couldn't even bear to write a character who would almost invariably
actually be raped in such a situation. I guess having to write something like an actual rape
victim working through her trauma, only to find out her only companion (twisted as it is, her owner) is an accused rapist and deal with the interpersonal baggage/eventual resolution of that would be too mature/character development-y for your average otaku incel faggot. Not to mention they need her to be a pure, virginal waifu.
>Able to see past Naofumi's cynical nature, she falls in love with him and does her best to help him overcome his resentment towards others & losing himself to the Shield of Wrath, even volunteering to have her slave curse re-applied after it is forcibly removed as a sign of devotion. >a slave falling in love with her master and helping him overcome his resentmentThis is just romanticized Stockholm Syndrome stupidity blended with the whole "A gf who is basically or literally a slave can change your whole life :^)" meme. Nothing to even pick apart unless you're an incel looking for an argument. We all know how that goes.
The only good point is that the girl's not actually a sex slave, and does age (but her mind stays the same, which is creepy):
>Technically a 10 year old girl, being a demi-human, her body is able to age to that of a young women as her levels increase. The current state of anime is fucking sad.
No. 4221
>>4217I love this manga so much, I'm a little over 100 chapters in and I'm so so so glad the anime it so out. I have a feeling it's gonna end up getting a lot of hate since it's so popular though kek. I really liked what they did with the first episode. Spoilers:
Although, I wish they would've gave a little more screen time to showing mama before the whole reveal. But I understand they have a limited amount of time per episode so I'm okay with how they handled it. ALSO the way they animated the reveal scene was awesome, I love how expressive Emma and Norman were when they were under the wagon. I am kinda sad that we won't be seeing any Yuugo though.. I loved the op as well, I'm just so excited to see the first arc animated! I'm usually not into these types of anime (I watch 99% shoujo/josei) but this just pulled me right in.
No. 4222
>>4220And the majority of the anime community is defensive over this, saying how we don't need SJW propaganda and imposing western values on Japan. Lol, you can unironically see people saying that on twitter and reddit.
I just want to throw
toxic people like that out of my life and chill while watching Mob Psycho, Neverland and Dororo but it feels so wrong letting those people be and not doing anything.
No. 4227
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>>4226Aside from the Loli elves, That Time I Got Reincarnated as A Slime is pretty good. Though they ruined best boy's design.
No. 4228
>>4215The interesting thing about this is I saw a bunch of fanboys claiming the novel it's based on is written by a woman so that makes it all OK.
Looked it up.
It's written by someone using a very obviously fake name (the equivalent of calling yourself Big Sister Fakename) who admits it's a pen name and says they don't want to confirm their gender. Wonder why!
No. 4237
>>3894Jumping on the Shield Hero bandwagon, is there any female power fantasy out there? Be it manga, anime or light novel?
I would love a heroin cutting some dicks off.
No. 4241
>>4237This, I want shameless heroines. Mobile games can have some fun characters but you never see them as protagonists because it's "unappealing and not submissive". There's a LN that's getting an anime soon (I can't remember the name) where the female MC becomes a villain in a dating game and amasses a harem.
There's the game Drag on Dragoon 3 where (to put it spoiler free), the main lady is on the mission to kill her sisters and she basically takes their partners into her harem, the game has good banter. Then there's a version of Cinderella in a mobile game that I liked, where Cinderella uses the prince to get power and takes revenge on her sisters and stepmother.
Fujiko Mine is an interesting character too, but she was primarily created as a fanservice side-character, but I heard the anime focusing on her is good.
Here's the thing though, most confident female characters like that are portrayed as evil, manipulative, selfish etc. They aren't anywhere near being self inserts, while male self insert characters are usually average to ugly dudes that did nothing wrong. Shoujo manga might have something but I've mostly stuck to josei in the recent years and can't remember anything interesting.
No. 4243
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>>4241I remembered the LN, it's Bakarina/Destruction Flag Otome/How I got reincarnated as a villainess… Or whatever the translation would be
No. 4245
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>>4237Claymore. It's good. Non sexualized women warriors, the bond between them is beautiful, there's some implied, well made les romance, they get to cut some men heads, nobody steps on them.
No. 4246
>>4232I don't get why they published that article by Frog-kun that just says
>uwu you shouldn't assume Aneko Yusagi's gender also I find this girl from shield hero cute so don't hate me otakuAnd before that he tweeted how he'll get soooo much drama for that article and posts oreimo pics on his twitter, yup, seems male.
No. 4248
>>4245>>4247i get what you mean, but the men in charge were shown as being evil and the boy (raki? or whatever his name was) was only there to draw parallels between clare and theresa and was pretty unneccesary imo.
i think claymore is one of my favourite mangas, it reminds me of attack on titan but with all women, and with more complex bonds between the characters.
No. 4249
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>>4247Not in the manga. I'm trying not to spoiler, so take my word on that.
In case you've read the manga, the entire final arc is about the women warriors uprising together and killing off all the men "in charge".It's still surprising to me that to write such a story it was a man. It's very feminist for a manga.
I would add, this is the manga that made me realize I wasn't straight. The whole moral of the story about how powerful and amazing women can be, and how beautiful is the bond between women, really got to me and made me think a lot.
So yeah, go for it.
No. 4251
>>4249I read the entire thing and I like it. I think it's good for a shounen and does well by its female characters, but in the context of the earlier conversation about a female power fantasy etc this doesn't hit the mark. The warriors were never shown to be superior to the male ones and it's not exactly a matriarchy. It's a fun story but not something I would push onto my daughter for political/empowerment media. This is about the limit of pro-women that male writers can come up with.
I agree with the anon earlier that I want a real women oriented power wank, probably written by a woman. A story where the protagonist girl takes political power, where all the men eventually fall at her feet, where she uses and abuses people but they end up thinking that it was an honor to be of use to her because of her greatness. Something like this.
No. 4252
>>4251>A story where the protagonist girl takes political power, where all the men eventually fall at her feet, where she uses and abuses people but they end up thinking that it was an honor to be of use to her because of her greatness.There's elements of this to Akatsuki no Yona, but it fails at the last hurdle because Yona becomes more of a nice person as the story goes along, rather than getting to act like a dbag and be loved for it anyway. It does have the bit about a young woman who seizes political power and gets to call most of the shots though. Plus she gets an adoring harem who just trail around doing her bidding.
Which is a shame, because I'd totally read something like what you described.
No. 4255
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>>4254Agreed, that's what made me appreciate the director less lately, he even wrote some joke about hating cute guys for new years recently and it's visible.
It's disappointing when such characters are written by men for men, like idolm@ster has an idol that believes she's a saint and has an army of brainwashed fans who she calls pigs, or a 30 year old lady that keeps getting wasted with you for days, or the obvious dom character- but it ends in pandering or softening the story for the fans. Yeah those characters are ridiculous but they're be fun because of that and I'd like to read more about them for a change.
But things that upset the status quo are quickly shut down, like that house husband manga that
triggered people.
No. 4258
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>>4241Watch Slayers, it's actually fantasy and not isekai, the heroine is a powerful magician who only struggles in the most serious arcs. It's pretty funny too, but it's from the 90s so the animation can be weird sometimes and some of the gags are old-fashioned.
>>4241If we're speaking of video games I'm sure Bayonetta is a good exemple. She was meant to be sexy and cool and the character designer basically designed her to be a mary sue, but in a good way.
No. 4259
>>4257Good god. Men making themselves actually useful at home is degrading?
Meanwhile this househusband manga has won an award: No. 4260
>>4259It’s been a few years since Higashimura’s manga was released, so maybe things have gotten a bit better for househusbands? Although I’ve never read the manga and have no idea how honest that Washington post article is being. I found a different take on the issue that suggests that the actual Japanese critisim was more about the manga mocking househusbands.’t be the first time I’ve seen a western publication twisting or mistranslating drama tbh.
No. 4268
>>4267I'm not sure I understand your argument. You talk about how the 2 series didn't sell a lot of dvds but then say idol anime isn't the top taste in japan despite selling a lot of dvds. So are sales important or not?
Tbh japan is the same as the west when you get into the subculture. There's clear hugely popular series that everyone talks about despite being trash. As the other anon said, it's usually moe anime or shitty issekai. The west has a lot of variety in likes as well it's just we have loud af anitubers who push the trash to the front.
No. 4270
>>4268I pointed out that those anime sold so low because of their popularity, most people didn't find them worth buying despite them being so discussed, not only in the west.
I specifically pointed out the variety in top selling titles in Japan because saying idols represent the taste there is the same as saying mecha does, based on profits. Look at which anime sold above 10k in the past 3 years and you'll find a lot more variety.
Years ago I would jump on the "Japan has trash taste" train, but since fansubbing died the change in recent years is tangible. There are lots of series that go under the radar in the west because they aren't on Crunchy or Netflix now. Certain shows are definitely pushed more by companies in the west and some that were HUGE in Japan got more or less ignored here.
I don't want everyone to have the same taste, but with so much great shit this season it's disappointing that Shield Hero is getting attention because people want to be edgelords.
No. 4271
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>>4270I think it's so fucking weird how no one subs the OPs and EDs anymore. Or gives translator notes, or really, any effort at all.
Sometimes you did get one or two goofy subgroups, but you usually had a choice.
Crunchyroll is so fucking basic and lazy, but somehow they've convinced people that they're "helping" the anime community and the anime directors (when in fact they give nothing back and instead line their own pockets).
It's mindboggling.
No. 4273
>>4272The licensing fees are going to the investors, not the directors or the actual animation studio/animators.
There's really no defending them, to be honest.
They take other people's work, pay a paltry fee, and instead of supporting the actual people making anime, they shit out some CalArts student project.
It's extremely rare to see actual subgroups nowadays.
No. 4276
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Strange request but can any of you guys recommend an anime that makes you want to clean your house?
No. 4278
>>4276Welcome to the NHK, I've heard, has gotten people into the "improve your life" mood after watching it. There was also a manga a little while back about just that. Here's a link if you wanna read it.
"The Life Changing Manga of Tidying Up" No. 4286
>>4280What the fuck? That never happens. Yamazaki, his friend, is a pedophile who looks at junior idols in the novel, but that's the closest thing (and it gets cut out in the anime).
problematic, but no need to make shit up, ffs.
No. 4288
Is this supposed to be funny and relatable or what?
No. 4291
>>4290They weren't kids, though, a lot of them had tits (and nowhere was it stated that they were "loli" or whatever).
Pedo shit was in the original novel, but not the show.
No. 4293
>>4288No, it's meant to be fucked up and the protagonist reaching a new low.
>>4291There is a quick shot of Satou's fap folder and one of them is LOLI
No. 4294
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Anyone there watched Kaiba?
It feels extremly unknown to most people and underrated. It's Yuasa's anime from 2008 with an Astroboy artstyle.
Basically it takes place in the future (?), where people can put their memories into chips and move to another body once they die.
I love it and I wish there could be more fanarts and talk about it overall.
No. 4295
>>4291>a lot of them had tits hello, male
just because they have boobs doesn't mean they're not children
No. 4298
>>4294Loved it, one of the top 3 anime to make me cry the most.
The only thing I was disappointed with was Neiro as a character, she had a lot of build up but I didn't find the part with her interesting. Hyo hyo deserved better.
No. 4299
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What are you watching this season? My top 3 are Dororo, Promised Neverland and Kaguya-sama
No. 4300
>>4295>anyone who doesn't automatically assume all women in anime are underage, even when sexually mature, must be a maleAre you retarded? Do you assume every porn star must be underage, too?
>>4293 actually makes a good point, I didn't recognize the "loli" folder. You'd think if they were underage, they'd be in that folder, or it'd openly be pointed out, lol.
No. 4301
>>4300NTA but why are you even arguing about this? What do you get out of trying to defend some anime guy's pedo honor? Stop.
>>4299I am considering Dororo since it's a classic. What do you like about those 3, anon?
No. 4308
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>>4301>what do you like about those 3
>DororoI really like tragic set ups that sound like from an old legend, the duo of Dororo and Hyakkimaru is fun because of their contrast and how Dororo tries to communicate with him is really cute.
>NeverlandI find Emma's emotional and compassionate side really interesting since she's the female protagonist of a shounen manga. Her friends have a practical and logical approach but she loves and wants to save everyone and I find that interesting and wonder how it'll develop.
>KaguyaIt's really fun, they're my types of characters and some things are too relatable.
Forgot to mention Mob Psycho 100 season 2 but I didn't start it yet.
No. 4311
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> I remember he dated aminyanwhat? source please?
>>4281>>4299This season I am enjoying Mob Psycho, Boogiepop, Promised Neverland, Jojo (ranked highest to lower)
I tried watching kaguya-sama since it has been so incredibly hyped up the ever since its announcement but unfortunately I just found it to be just that - hyped. Too edgy and immature for me.
No. 4323
>>4321Oof, what a spot on assessment.
Isekai are even worse for that, since the pathetic, loser character dies and becomes "reborn" into a world where people actually give a shit about them.
No. 4326
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>>4322+1 for Mononoke, I was going to recommend it actually but I checked the time period and it's a little before the Edo period. Either way it's 10/10.
Mushishi as well but I really love Mononoke in particular.
No. 4328
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There is some shows what i have liked the most over the years:
Hachimitsu to Clover
Hanasaku Iroha
Michiko to Hatchin
Sakamichi no Apollon
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
I wish that they make some new anime with similar main character than Michiko Malandro. That lady was true badass and drop dead gorgeous in the same time.
No. 4329
>>4328Michiko to Hatchin is a fucking masterpiece and the only reason it's not widely hailed as such is because 80% of the audience was female and Sayo Yamamoto (wonderfully) did not give a shit about pleasing anyone but them. I fucking love it and I hope Yuri on Ice's popularity means she'll get to make more stuff like this.
Not to spoil, but the last scene makes me cry. I love their bond.
No. 4337
>>4336Sage for doublepost
My favorite anime series/short/film list that I'd recommend to people, in no particular order. My taste favors comfy, absurdist, and visually distinct works. There are no true spoilers, just a small snippet of themes mentioned going forward.
Mushishi - My favorite yokai/supernatural type anime. The theme song is very sweet and makes me get very relaxed. Character designs are simple but interesting, especially the protag's traveling merchant type backpack that he pulls cool stuff out of. Slow paced, comfy, mysterious.
Cromartie High School - This one's sub and dub both go hard. It's an absurdist comedy show set in a delinquent high school of sorts. Freddie Mercury, a gorilla, robots, hilarious stoic faces, this show has it all.
Serial Experiments Lain - This show captured the nihilism and darkness of the internet and our lives on social media before it ever happened. It's pretty heavy in allegory though it's possible to purely digest the visuals as pretty visuals as well.
Tatami Galaxy - If you can't read fast, you will probably be unable to watch this show bc the subs are lengthy and change quite fast. First of all visually unique and captivating. It's one of those "repeat the same day" shows but the structure isn't literally repeating the same day. The protag explores different life paths for himself at the start of his university life (which he has built up as a major event that will fix his life in his head), trying many different ways to be and finding out the ugly truth that he is still the same downer that he is no matter what superficial thing he changes about himself. It also isn't really a school show or anything. It's even more of a backdrop than most shows that also use a school as a setting. Plus it's university so that is already a huge difference imo.
Planetes - A show about garbage collectors in space. The juxtaposition of a mundane (even demeaning) job in the most outlandish setting is truly fascinating to me. The structure and tone changes a bit throughout the episodes, I'd say it matures into its themes as it goes. Highly recommended.
Cat Soup - A surreal short film about two cats. I don't want to say anything else, as the visuals are allegorical and I could not accurately describe the actual experience without oversimplifying it with the tangible details. The "plot" is simple and not important.
Angel’s Egg - Feels odd recommending this because I had a hard time getting through it in the many, many instances I've sat down to watch it. Still would say it's worth the watch especially if you like abstract things and Dark Souls. Yeah, really.
Golden Boy English Dub - The subject matter (humble plain spaghetti ass young boy has pussy thrown at him because he's inexplicably great at everything he does) has aged terribly and the English dub is absolutely atrocious BUT that is
precisely the reason I want everyone to see this. It's a great "hatewatch", if you will.
Ponyo & Totoro - Lumping these together because they do the same thing for me. It's pure childlike nostalgia. These two manage to capture life through the eyes of children in comfy rural settings.
Also read the Berserk and Jojo manga.
No. 4338
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i've been rewatching/getting back into purely comfort shows recently, like strawberry marshmallow, k-on, tamako market and yokohama kaidashi kikou. makes me feel happy and nostalgic. any reccs? minimal fanservice as possible please
No. 4344
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>>4342Close, it's 2 step sisters, the step mom is just a parent. He only has crush on one of the sisters. When I posted this last night I only saw the first 2 episodes, but now I've caught up to all 7 episodes of the anime and is starting the manga.
It's a massive 200+ chapter manga so this premise is too simple.
Here's what I really liked about the anime and why I found it so engaging:
> You can really tell that a woman wrote this, there's no overfocus on the internal development of the male character and instead all the characters, including characters that you usually don't see get developed such as the parents, get their own time to shine.> Compared to the manga the anime is more serious and dramatic. Many of the jokes and ecchi moments in the manga are left out which gives it a more realistic feel.> Has themes that are usually verboten in shounen like female promiscuity and early sex.> Treats weak or vulnerable women with respect. Most shounens writes them off as losers or doormats or damsels in distress but this show really goes into the vulnerability and tries to contextualize it.> The anime is well executed. I've started and dropped the manga numerous times over the past 3 years and never managed to actually get into reading it. But the acting, the music, the production etc really sold me.Other thoughts:
> Sometimes compared with scum's wish but this is much better written from what I've seen so far.> Really gets into the melodrama soapy feel with all the unusual circumstances.> Very low ratings is sad. But usually my favs (my absolute fav is From the new world) have low ratings. No. 4346
>>4343Damn really? That's really disappointing. I only watched season 1 so I had no idea.
For other wholesome comfy farming anime I'd recommend Gin No Saji (silver spoon). Also Omoide Poroporo, it's a movie but it's so amazing.
No. 4347
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I wish there were more shows like Yuri on Ice, and I wish it’s huge cringey fanbase didn’t obscure the fact that it’s actually good as fuck.
>made by women for women
>plot is realistic
>nobody is sexualized against their will / no rape and voyeuristic or pedo shit
>characters act like humans with flaws, not fetish archetypes
>characters of different races have different faces and features but they aren’t shitty racist stereotypes
>sweet love story without ridiculous plot twists
Also the fact that all the competitors are friendly at the core and root for each other really warms my heart. Too bad season 2 / movie/ preview won’t come out until the audience has stopped giving a shit.
No. 4353
>>4347I like it too, it's a feel good story and the skating scenes are nice.
A pity that it seemed to go beyond fujo bait into something more serious with Yuuri and Viktor but still ended up reduced to fujo anime status because of the fandom.
No. 4361
>>4347Personally I want to see more sexualized men. Women are already overly sexualized and objectified in every form of media that we deserve to get some back to pander to us. The only shitty thing I see in fujobaiting series is that they never have an endgame to satisfy the viewer.
That being said, the anons shitting on Yuri on Ice and completely ignoring the character dynamics, the story of Yuuri growing his talent and finding his second half with a lot of touching scenes need to fuck off and go back watching their ecchi harem isekai and romcom bullshit for more good girl points. The cringy fujo strawman won't hurt you or "actual gay men" no matter how much you wish it did.
No. 4362
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>>4338I feel like Minami-ke is from the same "era" as strawberry marshmellow. Very wholesome series and no fan-service except for this funny guy
No. 4366
>>4363>why do you guise let menz do gross stuff but not us women?!this shit again. no one is talking about men, and no one is even defending (or mentioning) men and their shitty pandering crap.
the other part of this argument that gets me is you seem to think that since this crap is being pushed on women it's somehow a positive thing. yea, no. companies that shit out this garbage aren't suddenly seeing women as some kind of respectable demographic, they're just realizing women are as stupid as men and lap this crap up just as much when it's marketed towards them instead. that's why every romance show is either some flash in the pan otoge style plot with a plain-jane MC and the same 4 or 5 interchangeable anime male personalities. or it's just a generic pseudo-shounen ai with or without an unimportant female lead who's just around to give the audience a more personal front row seat to all the boy blushies. in the end all this """market representation""" has done for anyone is make it more acceptable for studios to shit out the same garbage for women as they do for men.
No. 4368
>>4366There is nothing wrong with this lmao.
>>4344Anyway read up to about chapter 40 out of 200 now. Wow somewhere along the way it lost the "realism". Now we've got stuff like
> false rape accusations> attempted rape> forgiven for attempted rape because the friend of the rapist asked nicely that the rapist be forgivenLast one is particularly inexcusable and makes me want to drop the whole thing.
No. 10561
>>7598I agree about YOI. I never found Free appealing though, and at least give those shirtless guys some nipples, they look dumb without it.
And I'm still wondering if there is anime where the female mc's love interest is sexy fanservice material, like Viktor in the onsen?
No. 10574
>>4349I meant realistic in terms of the sports aspect, although honestly victor and yuri’s romance isn’t exactly entirely out of left field either? They’re both professionals in the same sport so they’d understand each other’s lifestyles and they’re both in-universe attractive. And they have disagreements/ issues that would be realistic for a couple instead of contrived plot twists.
There’s no power levels and weird KnB fantasy shit in the show. Hell MC is far from overpowered and loses out plenty of times.
No. 10575
>>4350It’s literally not BL. It’s a sports themed show primary and a homosexual love story as the second focus.
Honestly it’s not the best show ever but it does manage to command an unexpected and baffling amount of butthurt, even before the awful tumblr fandom set in.
No. 10576
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people throwing a fit about fujoshi are the “not like other girls” of the weebs. Trust me, we’re all equally pathetic no matter what we schlick to.
No. 10635
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I do not mind fujoshis as long as they act like sane human beings and keep to their bedrooms and their fandoms. The ones that see ~kawaii yaoi bois~ everywhere on the street, walk with yaoi-themed buttons and sperg about shipping all attractive male characters with each other are a bit cancerous.
No. 10651
>>10648Found the
triggered yaoifag.
I don't think it's normal to be informed about strangers' choices in porn by their clothes, but okay.
It's just as bad as the ahogao t-shirts.
No. 10661
>>10648Maybe if you legbeards stopped being so easily
triggered you all wouldn't get bullied into trooning out.
No. 10665
>>10635Every fujoshit I know (not many admittedly) is more careful about hiding their power level than other female weebs though.
Didn’t the fakeboi / transtrender ones all leave BL fandoms for soft uwu mlm Voltron slash?
No. 10678
>>4345It's going to be probably at least another year before the manga finishes and a winner is called but the chances are good. I think the mangaka self-inserts as the older teacher. If anyone cares I'll explain why I think so. A lot of males prefer the younger girl for reasons that feel pedo to me. I found this guy online that shares my thoughts on that. The older girl is written more realistically.
No. 10687
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>>4371A good 80% of anime is shitty, across all genres and demographics. If we want any good fujo shows at all, there is going to be many shitty shows as well. Considering we've tolerated endless shitty male oriented series for decades, we don't owe the industry non stop masterpieces to justify ourselves as a viable, profitable audience.
YOI is actually good, particularly as a sports series but also as a romance. It wasn't perfect but you can tell it was a passion project for people who love skating and qt boys. Had a great OST, some moments of nice animation, attractive designs that are just different enough to avoid being generic, a bunch of memorable and cute moments… overall not something to be embarrassed of at all.
No. 14724
>>10576Agreed. They're either the "not like other girls" or straight out butthurt scrotes who love to use the most hyperbolic examples of out of control 2006 yaoi paddle girls like this anon here
>>10635 . It's not even worth trying to argue with them because due to minimal experience with the BL community and the genre they've set on the narrative that every anime that has gay tones to it is garbage pandering and every fujo is just a vapid mid 2000's yaoi hand rape lover. A lot of girls today love fetishizing lolis and yuri but they never receive the amount of hate fujos do.
No. 19403
>>19361I legit think it's the best romcom ever written. You're right the first ~20 chapters are probably the weakest as they're episodic sitcom style but it quickly becomes more than that.
The animefeminist impressions here are something I agree with: ctrl-f for kaguya-sama.
Kaguya is also the most upvoted manga on /r/manga of all time. It is actually kind of brilliant.
No. 19473
>>19403>>19415Highschool romcom are just not really my kind of thing anymore if it doesn't have a twist to it. Kaguya just didn't click with me.
But I know it's considered to be a really really good manga so mayhaps I'll give the anime another shot one day.
No. 19589
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had added saiki on my "to-watch" list after anons here saying it's better than gintama bc i couldn't get into gintama for the life of me kek and i finally got round to watching it. spent like last 3 days binging through the first series and am now halfway through the second and it is really good! for comedic stuff, nichijou still has my heart but saiki's a close second!
No. 19724
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Has anyone watched Hozuki's Coolheadedness? It's about a mean oni working under the king of Japanese hell. And it's somehow cute and funny.
When this scene happened all I could think of was that it looked like one of Kaneoya Sachiko's sexual fantasies. Thanks a lot LC.
No. 19833
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>>19820Ha no he isn't my husbando…yet. I will admit he is cute and so is the Chinese womanizer guy.
TBH it's a very Japanese show and you do need to have some knowledge about Japanese myths to enjoy it, so if someone loves youkai and shit it will be straight up their alley. I like it but it won't be everyone's cup of tea.
No. 22252
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As much as I enjoy the games, nothing can top the Yo-Kai Watch anime. I happened to have watched it out of curiosity and I found it super hilarious. It reminded me of Cromartie High School. I miss anime like this, the trope seemed to have died down in the mid 2000s.
No. 24290
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I just watched the first episode on the Fruits Basket reboot and I loved it! I'm so glad that Kyo still sounds exactly the same and Yuki sounds… a bit off but I think I'll get used to it. I really hope they can get a season 2 out of this too. It's gunna suck not being able to binge watch this like I did the original (since the new episodes don't drop until Saturdays). I'm so impatient I wanna watch all of it now lol.
No. 24391
>>24383Ngl I actually hate the SH novels so I'm hoping they don't adapt them. It's such a bad rehash of the original that I don't even want to associate the two.
Also izaya sucks so the fact that they made a novel for him grossed me out soo much lmao
No. 24393
>>24391The funniest thing is that even the novel subtitle (Snake Hands) is apparently a reference to the idiom "Drawing legs on a snake" which basically calls it unnecessary sequel.
Also yeah I preferred the ending when Izaya fate was left ambiguos but atleast now the fucker is a cripple with a trauma
No. 24422
>>24393>but atleast now the fucker is a cripple with a traumahe deserved to die a lot more dire fate than a lot of the other chars in the finale, I'm pissed he survived at all.
then again nobody likes my fav character who's a relatively minor asshole so like, who am I to talk? drrr is one of those series where the side chars are better than the fucking mains even when they get little focus, which is why the original is one of my fav series, I usually prefer supporting chars and drrr has a fun suppprting ensemble cast, which is what made it so likable for me aside from its flaws
izaya, shizuo, and fucking mikado kinda bored me, although at least shizuo played well off varona character wise and got some development, I fucking hate mikado and izaya with a passion and that will never change.
No. 25724
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The first ep of Sarazanmai was wild. It was like Penguindrum turned up to 11, and I love Ikuhara's style so it's just what I expected/wanted and I love it already.
Though I recommend googling kappas before watching it so the crazy shit makes some sense.
No. 25926
>>25922I gave up watching it halfway because the writing was cringey weeb shit and the characters were typical animu blank slates with one or two personality traits thrown in.
I wanted to love it, but ended up being so disappointed. I loved the Dear Future ending song tho.
No. 25964
>>25949what's your beef with Utena?
Won't fight you on Ikuhara as I believe Utena ended up being good because it was a group project.
Ikuhara's lesbian fetish is getting really creepy.
He's like Andrew Dobson of anime, except more talented.
No. 26036
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I haven’t watched Sarazanmai yet but it sounds like it’s going to be pretty wild. There was a staff interview and they were saying that the series has things in it that shouldn’t be aired on tv, whatever that means. I don’t know if they were referring to /that/ scene from the first episode.
I started watching the anime for Kimetsu no Yaiba, I’ve been following the manga for a while and the anime looks really nice so far. They’re doing a great job with adapting its art style and all the different clothing patterns.
No. 26112
>>26036>SarazanmaiI was shocked multiple times during the first episode that they got permission to show some scenes.
Shit was wild, I expected nothing much after Yuri Bear flop but this is sure shaping up to be something else.
No. 26438
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I'm rewatching Initial D, this series has no right to be as good as it is
>subject matter that usually bores me to tears
>ugly art style that changes every season and heinous cgi
>autistic mc who basically never loses
>entire soundtrack is the most tacky genre ever
>just races over and over again
>still the fucking hypest, funnest shit in all of anime
I don't know how they pulled it off
No. 26470
>>26438That's because of the wonderful characters the show has created and the interactions had between them. I don't think I've ever seen such great camaraderie in anime before that felt so real. Their personalities and sense of morals is incredibly wholesome and relatable.
>subject matter that usually bores me to tearsSame here but each race, I found myself rooting for Takumi (even if I knew he was going to win) and being captivated by each race. The surprising twists even threw me off a little in the best way possible. Also Takumi and Keisuke are cute and are husbando material.
No. 27065
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>>26726The art flaws are very, very easy to ignore because you'll get hooked on the racing within a couple of episodes.
Takumi and the Takahashi bros are still qt imo
No. 27158
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>>27065Initial D is also good meme material.
No. 27189
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Anyone else watching Bungo stray dogs? Season 3 recently began, but I'm so uninterested in this flashback. Although it's kinda nice to see what young Dazai and Chuuya were like.
No. 27303
>>27155I think he includes enough male fanservice and gay men to justify the lesbians without being a weird fetishist. Everyone was fucking everyone in Utena. And Utena was feminist enough to make me feel like he may be one of the few men in the anime industry who have some modicum of empathy or understanding for women.
I didn't watch Yurikuma though, heard bad things about it even from men.
No. 27309
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DavidPro is handling Vento Aureo amazingly.
No. 29771
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Anyone else love old school anime from the 70s and 80s? In most cases I can't stand the style of the 00s and 10s
No. 29879
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>>27152I'm really enjoying Kono Oto Tomare! But the "school club slice of life" genre is my favorite and the only thing I'll watch these days, so you might not like it at all, honestly.
No. 29913
>>27152You should watch attack on titan
>>29879> school club slice of life genre is my favoriteWhy? Curious what the appeal is for you.
No. 30408
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Who else is watching Carole & Tuesday? It's from Shinichiro Watanabe. I just finished the first episode and it looks good.
No. 30622
>>30607most of watanabe's anime is more westernized tbh
i do have a soft spot for bebop and space dandy…. maybe i should start watching this one. i've been kind of slovenly on watching anime lately so it'd be nice to get back into it, watch this and more jojo after my exam week is over
No. 30691
>>30683Don't think so, the anime is still airing. I've heard it will be fully released on Netflix after it ends, idk about the eng dub though.
>>30408I'm really enjoying it, the artstyle is cute and the anime itself is comfy. Seems like a lighter version of Nana.
No. 30694
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Love is War was light hearted and cute! I also loved the characters, except for the otaku dude, he was gross and annoying.
No. 31207
>>29879Chihayafuru is one of my all time fav anime so I'll definitely check this out !
>>29913Yes I forgot to mention AoT but I'm watching it ! I still can't believe it gets better and better with each season
No. 31273
>>31207Another AoT manga reader here, would you mind posting your impressions when the season ends? It'd be interesting to see the opinion of an anime-only watcher.
>>31230Right now the anime adapted chapter 78, IIRC.
No. 31817
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>>31813Absolutely. Dpro is making a great job with it.
No. 31989
>>31273>would you mind posting your impressions when the season ends? It'd be interesting to see the opinion of an anime-only watcherNo problem !
I was/still am very lucky to not have been spoiled on anything
the Reiner and Bert reveal blew me away lmao it will be pure anime-only impressions
No. 32546
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>>32514Correction: that would be Phantom Blood.
No. 33002
Just read this interesting article about how sword art online's writer became more woke and tried to write in a more inclusive way:, is this the first example of western sjwism working out as intended in anime?
No. 36247
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Aggretsuko season 2 is out on Netflix!
It's so cute and relatable and I'm only a few episodes in. Hoping to finish it sometime this week.
No. 36274
>>36247I loved season 1 (even watched it multiple times) and I finished the new season in one day. It was everything I hoped for. This show just really helps me in my day to day life, I very much relate to Restuko's
lack of ambition and hobbies The only thing I didn't like about this season was
Anai because the "moral" of his story is just…. terrible. No consequences for his actions and even worse people treating him like a baby is apparently the thing to do ?? What ? No. 36282
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What you think about this show?
Quite simple slice of life story, but it was one of the best looking stop motion animations, what i have seen in years.
No. 36335
>>36282Tbh i thought the character models were ugly as sin and rilakkuma sounded like a neckbeard. I was very disappointed. I was hoping for just a cute rilakkuma hijinks show like the old Kogepan show.
>>36274Anai made me so uncomfortable as a character. His actions, expressions and overall character gave me serious crazy vibes. I hated how his arc was resolved. Also, I realized how much I dislike almost all characters in the show except for Gori and Washimi. Everyone else felt so one note and annoying this time around. Though Ton-bucho became one of my favorites
No. 36759
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should i get back into jojo? i watched the first part years ago and never continued. i just want to understand wtf people are talking about since i keep seeing everyone talk about it everywhere
No. 36822
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>> is your friend, anon. Don't waste your time. Only watch the episodes you need to.
No. 36857
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>>36759First part is the weakest. It gets much better afterwards. So yeah, definitely get back into it! For me it went a bit like this:
>watches part 2>"This is my favorite!">watches part 3>"Now this is my favorite!">watches part 4>"Now this is my favorite!">watches part 5>"Now this is my favorite!"etc.
Except that Vento Aureo was my favorite when I first read it, and is now confirmed favorite with the anime, kek>>36773The "skipping parts" is a meme, most fans have read the manga.
>>36775Nah, it's really good imo, and unique. It's campy and entertaining, can make you laugh and cry, and I like Araki's creativity. I also thought it was weird at first, but it grows on you pretty quickly.
No. 36872
>>36792i've watched all 600+ eps of naruto, (fillers included) and i honestly didn't mind at all. some of them were pure aids though.
>>36868 some fillers can be great and enjoyable so skipping out on them blindly is probably not the best way to go if you're not in any rush.
No. 36886
>>36792I've watched all of Bleach, HxH 2011, Naruto + 80% of Shippuden and I got as far as 600~ episodes of One Piece.
I was able to watch that much because I started when I was in middle school/high school. I had a lot of free time so I caught up pretty fast to the airing episodes. I can tell you a few things that may help you decide :
- It's always better to start a long anime that is already finished. Because if you catch up you will almost certainly not watch new episodes every week and then you will not be as invested in the story as before. That's what happened with One piece for me.
- You can skip fillers. Find a list of episodes with marked fillers and just test if you like them or not.
- Idk if it's nostalgia or something but I really loved the first few seasons of One Piece. I'm sure now it hasn't aged well but I think it's worth it. It gets worse and worse though so don't watch all 800+ episodes.
- I watched HxH a few years ago and I was like you thinking is it worth it to start such a long anime when I don't have the time I used to have ? And absolutely yes. I think HxH is a good example because it's "only" 150 episodes with no fillers. You probably think it's a lot but I can tell you it goes by very quickly, you will have no problem with Inuyasha.
- If you prefer reading manga than watching anime then don't waste your time. For me, manga have no impact because it doesn't have sound, music and VA but I know a lot of people prefer manga.
No. 36963
>>36792I did with Naruto (not counting Shippuden), Ranma 1/2, Slayers and Yu Yu Hakusho at least. I found it easy to follow these shows because they were on TV so I just had to turn on the TV after coming back from school. I started Gintama and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure a few years ago but I never finished these ones because I was too busy for that. As soon as I have enough free time I'll get back into Gintama though, I watched like 210 episodes I think. As for JJBA I already read the manga anyway. For anime that are adaptations of manga from the shonen jump, absolutely skip filler episodes, I've gone through the ones in Naruto hoping they'll adapt some stuff from the manga before Shippuden at the time on TV and it sucks.
>Those seem doable but people keep recommeding stuff like One Piece to me but that has over 800 episodes!Just read the manga, I've been told by friends that the quality takes a nosedive at some point and when there aren't filler episodes they just make some of the episodes really slow like in DBZ. tbh this piece of advice can be applied to most shonen jump anime except YYH and the recent ones where they actually make separate seasons and the episodes are faithful adaptations.
No. 39154
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>>39147scrot detected
get the fuck out
No. 39156
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>>39154Why can't you enjoy cute anime with girls friendship. I'am already cursed studying in field where there is almost no other girls and all of my bffs live far away. This just makes me happy and remember all the fun days we spent together.
No. 39165
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>>39159>>39163Sorry I gave that impression, I genuinely don't understand what I said wrong (tbh now that I look the part GIRLS I COME WITH A REQUEST seems creepy, Im dumb). I simply enjoy the light-hearted genre and this art-style, which I really want to learn.
No. 39178
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>>39176It's innocent because young innocent girls are a male fantasy… literally pedobait. it can be palatable enough for girls since it's not explicit but it's still weird af and completely unrelatable with regards to irl friendship.
Pic related is the only girl gang I'd fit in with.
No. 39179
>>39171Not every woman is bitter to the core to the point she can't enjoy wholesome stuff anymore, you dumbasses. And not everything with cute girls is pedobait
>>39147Little Witch Academia is my favourite. Yama no Susume has cute animation, too
No. 39187
>>39178yeah, kuragehime is one of my favourites, but i also really enjoyed k-on. it's relatable to me as i used to have very similar group of friends. the final episode of second season always breaks my heart.
idk i just find it really mean to shit on other anons for liking chill cute anime. not everyone who doesn't 100% share your taste is a tranny/scrote. to be honest, i find males who like these shows far more weird than females, as those shows are usually really girly and cute.
>>39180…he is not a tranny, he just likes dressing in feminine clothes. he is 100% a dude and he identifies as such.
No. 39193
>>39180Kuranosuke is a boy who does drag you retard. He's not a tranny.
Also it's obvious from your lack of sage that you're the original scrot who asked for moe shit.
No. 42819
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Any recs for something similar to Gunbuster? I tried watching the sequel and it's just not the same. Also been interested in older works since most current anime just doesn't appeal to me.
No. 43050
>>42819I don't know what crawled up >>42974's ass. I love Gunbuster, it's literally my favorite anime. Here's my recommendation: Hoshi no Koe. It's also a mecha anime with a female protagonist, although it's just an OVA and not a full-blown anime.
Somewhat of a weird suggestion: there's a sports anime with a very similar tone and characters as Gunbuster called Ace Wo Nerae. It's not mecha and it's from the 70s, but it's basically Gunbuster minus the mechas. It even has a similar subtitle- Ace Wo Nerae, as opposed to Top Wo Nerae lol
No. 48164
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I wish they'd keep the first anime's dark tone. I don't really like the excessively shonen-ey new anime.
Can I have some dark, yet very good anime suggestion? I have Texhnolyze in watchlist
No. 48179
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>>48164I loved the 2011 series because it was my first HxH experience and the light hearted tone at the start totally had me fooled, like 'oh, what a cute fun adventure story' kek. I was shook by the end because shit got so real.
>Can I have some dark, yet very good anime suggestion?Can't think of anything as dark as Texh tbh. But most of these are dark in the sense of either horror or melancholy atmospheres, depending on what you're after.
>Shin Sekai Yori>Monster>Boogiepop Phantom>Casshern Sins>Shiki >Wolf's Rain>Mononoke >Shigurui>Perfect Blue>Hellsing Ultimate No. 48191
>>48164Berserk golden arc (don't touch the 2016 series)
Ergo Proxy
Gantz (or maybe just read the manga)
Madoka Magica also has some edge to it that reminded me of the tone shifting in HxH
>>42974Gunbuster rules dude.
>>42819Escaflowne all the way.
Roujin Z and Robot Carnival have that oldschool mecha action feels.
As for series i am not sure, you may enjoy Legend of Galactic Heroes, is oldschool but it is like a different tone from something like Gunbuster.
No. 48262
>>48164I loved the older anime as well. I hated the ant arc so much it was peak shonen for me. I was completely uninterested at that point and that was the last straw for me. It's so odd how that's a lot of people's favorite arc.
Watch Berserk (the old one), Vampire Princess Miyu, and Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust.
No. 48310
>>48262Never thought I’d see someone else mention Vampire Princess Miyu. I really liked the OVA, I haven’t seen the TV series because it’s longer and looks worse (am I missing out?
>>48164>Ghost in the Shell (specifically the movies by Mamoru Oshii for the atmosphere)>Oyasumi Punpun: if you don’t mind reading manga this one has no fantasy elements and follows a school kid’s life as he grows up. I couldn’t read it more than once because it’s so bleak - it covers things like his parents divorce and (not) coping with mental illness as characters live through domestic/sexual abuse, neglect etc. Some of it can get vulgar but my impression is that it’s trying to disgust you with how fucked up a teenage boy’s mind can be.Pandora Hearts - ok sorry it’s another manga (it has a faithful anime adaption but it gets cut off). Starts out kind of shounen-y but it matures into a really great mystery/psychological story surrounding a huge tragedy event. The author is female, her art improves and also gets more shoujo-y than a typical shounen over time.
>Vampire Princess Miyu>Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust>Monster>Mononoke>Ergo Proxy (I dropped this for reasons but it is ‘dark’)>Robot Carnival ( I know this was a suggestion to another anon and not you but some of it is bittersweet/has a melancholy atmosphere) No. 48396
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>Can I have some dark, yet very good anime suggestion?Neo Tokyo and Angel's Egg!!
No. 48569
Those pics show the exact 'new anime' vibe I don't like, it's somehow more washed out and flat and boring than when they were stuck with painting physical cels in the 90s. I theorise hand painting forced them to think about what colours they used because they only had so much paint and that's so much older anime screenshots like this have much tighter palettes.
No. 49859
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I'm currently obsessed with Kyouso Giga. I can't understand how it went undiscovered while it is so enthralling, both worldbuilding and storytelling is magnificent. The colours are so charming and the story heartwarming with a cute tomboy protagonist and other characters are written very strongly.
10/10 suggested.
No. 51264
Alright. Listen up weebs. I’m a very busy gal. You gotta tell me why I should bully k-pop fans instead of you, anime fuckboi. I wanna bully both of you, but I just don’t have the time now because of my remedial classes and softball practice. I already talked to one of those girls who jerks off to yaoi and she made some very compelling arguments. You’re gonna have to explain to me why you think your impossibly busty and smooth skinned middle school battleship cartoon girls are better than highly athletic and vocally talented (human) kimchi cuties. That Kpop music might be gay as fuck, but I do respect physical prowess (I’m the star pitcher for the varsity softball team, or did you
forget that, fucker?). He also said a lot of stuff about tight asses, smooth legs, ‘delicious’ tummies, and short bleached hair and, to be honest, I got a little bit hard listening to him. So keep all that in mind and choose wisely your response. You have until Sunday to gather your arguments and convince me how great anime is. I
gave the k-pop thread extension to next Sunday because they're finding
some more videos of his favorite performances to give me, and I’m willing to offer you the same deal. Give me some of your favorite anime girl art and I’ll delay the bullying for a week. And don’t give me any of that tentacle/NTR/rape shit! I want pure-hearted vanilla romance, okay? I gotta be honest, I just can’t believe that you dweebs jerk off to cartoons and singers. You could just fuck one of the bimbo's on the swimming team. All you gotta do is have a nice car and work out a bit. Shit, buddy, with the amount of money you’ve spent on PVC figurines and Blu-rays you could have bought a sweet car by now and pounded some loose scrotes. It’s easy, I do it all the time! I mean, sure, there’s no emotional connection and you feel a little dead inside every time, but surely it’s better than flapping your stack
to anime or Kpop idols, right? It’s gotta be. Everybody’s trying to get laid! But why do I feel so empty inside? Why does it seem that, no matter what I do, no matter how high my social standing climbs, that I can’t be happy? Are you happy? You always look happy chatting with your loser friends at your lunch table, drinking chocolate milk
and swapping manga. You don’t have a care in the world, do you? No expectations, no softball practice, no pressure. You just do what you want and no one cares. You just get to live in your merry little world.
No. 51304
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>>51264nigga ain't nobody got no time for reading yo bitchass pasta
No. 51333
>>49859Agreed, it's lovely. I should re-watch it soon.
And I recommend Uchouten Kazoku for anyone who liked the traditional/folky Japanese and family themes of Kyousougiga.
No. 53080
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>>33951I've read it. It was very good.
No. 53138
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I know I'm going to get a lot of shit for this, but I'm saying this anyway.
I am so, so, so surprised with Higurashi's screenplay. It's a damn good thriller and its show don't tell does only favours to the suspence the show builds. The first time I watched it I was young and missed a whole lot of the story and the nuances of the characters and the story itself. I only wish I could stop cringing during the "funny" slice of life scenes. It's the only thing that drags the show down imho,even though I can understand it just adds to the horror atmosphere in a similar way Twin Peaks delivered the light hearted scenes
No. 53157
>>53138The funny scenes are the fucking worst. In visual novel it takes like 3 hours to reach the horror plot which is why I gave up on the series. I might give anime a shot tho…
The TP comparison makes sense, if only the humor was less cringe and cliche.
No. 53779
>>53745The anime lost a lot of subtlety and artful writing but at least it was coherent and told a self contained thrilling story. Which is more than could be said for umineko. Umineko traded in lolis for "modern" busty women in the anime too. I prefer the giant gloves art style. I agree DEEN sucks but the story is honestly really complicated and hard to get.
I wasted literally 10 hours watching a 10 hour youtube lecture on it. (which I ended up disagreeing with in the end anyway)
No. 54186
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Anyone gonna watch Black Fox? Seems fun
No. 62825
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just started watching cowboy bebop and so far I am loving it. got any recommendations similar to it?
No. 62832
>>62825samurai champloo, ergo proxy and planetes!
Megalobox also has some of the Bebop aesthetic.
No. 62855
>>62142I dropped both the manga and anime, but I did watch it for a few seasons and it's quite enjoyable. It's just an easy, fun watch, it didn't suck me in that strongly but there's nothing particularly bad about it. As for the fandom… I honestly don't think a shitty fandom necessarily means the series is likely to be shit. Usually it's a positive indicator about the characters being likeable/attractive and having interesting dynamics with each other (hence the crazy shipping).
I don't think it's anywhere near on the level of other popular battle shounen like HxH, Jojo or One Piece though, so I just kinda spent the whole time thinking I could be re-watching something better if I feel like watching this sort of genre.
No. 62874
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Beastars is so good. Can't believe furry the anime my favorite anime this season.
Apparently it's just gonna get better by the episode.
No. 62875
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>>62874I guess it's just me but Legosi kinda reminds me of the guy from Koi wa ameagari no you ni. Mostly because of the eyes and his shyness.
No. 62884
>>62874I ignored it at first because I assumed it was going to be some furry fanservice shit but after watching a couple episodes I went and read the whole manga. Not sure the anime'll be long enough to have a satisfying ending though, since it'll probably need 24~ to wrap up the first 'arc'.
It's also a pretty good example of how far 3D animation in anime has come, since Land of the Lustrous is about the only half-decent one I can think of and this looks way better.
No. 62888
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>>62887The OP is stop motion. The actual show isn't.
No. 63030
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>>62881The world building is great (and manga readers say it just gets better)
Characters are multi-faceted and have grown a lot already.
They use 3D animation works really well. It's the some production company that made Land of the Lusterous / Houseki no Kuni.
The only thing that is a shame is that it's in Netflix hell, so you will need to sail the seas unless you live in Japan
>>62909There's lots of wholesome parts too!
No. 63057
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>>62998Alot of people are missing on an amazing show just because of this reason.
Hurr Durr furry bad, like come anthromorphic animals have been an staple of storytelling since literally always, it makes the characters more relatable and sympathetic.
It just makes me sad.
No. 63075
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>>63070i personally prefer the slow beggining of the manga because its a whole new world and system you gotta get used to. (lots of crazy animal rules) and the art allows it for more comical moments.
Manga first in my opinion
No. 63080
and i'll definitely start reading the manga first. appreciate it, anons
No. 63184
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>>63071I'm glad someone shares my frustration! Haru is such a good girl, I can relate to her struggle of only being recognized when she's sexualized. I hate it when people call her a whore, she's worth so much more than that
No. 64444
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So happy to see other anons who like Beastars!! I picked up the manga because I was bored but holy fuck is it good. I'm hoping they'll release it on Netflix NA but I'm not above pirating it in the meantime lol. I'm trying to convince my friends to read/watch it but the joke in my friend ground is that I'm the furry (I'm not actually lol), combined with the fact that there's sexual elements in it so none of my friends will take my recommendation seriously and try it out.
Anyway, I wanted to watch something feel good and decided to rewatch Ouran. There are moments where I cringe and laugh so hard I feel like I'm going to shrivel up and my body is going to collapse on itself like a dying star, but this series still fucks. I'll forever be sad that it probably won't get an S2/redemption anime like FMA did.
No. 64447
I've been watching honzuki no gekokujou and it's one of the first animes in a while I've really liked. The mc is a little bit of a mary sue, but it's so cute and wholesome.
>>64313Samurai Champloo is one of my favs!
No. 64674
>>62874Came to see if anyone was talking about this.
You can really tell that the writing comes from a female perspective: all the characters are really interesting and the story is pulling my heartstrings.
No. 64846
>>64841I honestly think all of Makoto Shinkai's movies are terrible. Yes, the animation is very good and visually they're stunning. But the plots are always terrible and make no sense. Garden of words is kind of gross and feels like a fetish-y wish fulfilment thing. Farmers in your 20s, would you or anyone you know have that kind of relationship with a 15 year old boy??
I finally watched Your Name and like…wtf? They literally never have a conversation, never even text each other, but we're supposed to believe that writing notes like "u got a math test tomorrow" is enough for them to fall for each other and have this ~great love story that crosses the boundaries of time~. When the main girl got upset she wasn't going on the date with main guy's coworker my dumb ass thought SHE wanted to date the coworker, because that would make infinitely more sense given they actually spent time together and spoke to each other. And then the ending is practically the same bullshit as 5cm per second.
But because his movies look pretty I can't criticise them without people telling me I just don't get ~art~ no matter how terrible they are
sage for ranting.
No. 64862
>>64846 i remember watching 5 centimeters per second a couple of years ago. kinda liked it but looking back to it the plot seems off.
how could anyone develop such intense feelings for someone they met in elementary school and preserve them up until their mid 20s when the last time they saw each other was in high school?
your name's ending really bothered me tbh and i cant tell the reason why but it just did?
also, i was not aware those 3 movies were by the same filmmaker. thank you anons
No. 66654
>>64982I don't really consider Chuubyou to be "reverse harem" per se— I'm not sure any of the guys are desirable whatsoever aside from maybe the pink hair kid, it's really more of a comedy.
That being said, they all have their cute qualities.
No. 66999
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I don't want to get yelled at in ot so I'll keep my anime sperging here lol.
I went to go see Promare in 4DX last night and it was AMAZING!!! I was actually feeling a little sick before the movie started so I'm very glad I didn't vomit (though the girl next to me was also starting to feel sick too so I'm glad to know I wasn't alone lol). I think the plot is overall lackluster, like it's not fucking groundbreaking new shit or anything, but it's so visually appealing and fun to watch, even moreso in 4DX!! It feels like this movie was made for 4D features. Being flung around during the fight scene (especially the first one between Galo and the Mad Burnish) was the best. It's been circulating that Lio smells like roses, so when the scene happened, you could definitely hear everyone deeply inhaling to smell the roses (it didn't smell that great to me- smelled like the theater hadn't cleaned out the scent diffuser so it was vaguely floral and mostly kinda meg).
There's been discourse about people holding unofficial cheer screenings and ruining it for first time viewers (admittedly, this was my third time going to watch), but my showing was nice enough that we just had occasional clapping and cheering at the appropriate moments. A fan even went around handing out stickers that they had made!!
I'll probably watch the movie again when/if it comes out on streaming websites, but I'm sad I'll never be able to experience it in 4D again lol.
No. 68867
>>66999I'm so envious! i was out of town the day the 4D one was showing, so i just got the regular one. I still enjoyed it immensely. It's def not ground breaking, but the characters, world building, music and aesthetics are so much fun. It's been a long time since i actually enjoyed an animated movie.
Also, Galo is freakin adorable
No. 71408
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Anyone watching the new Madoka anime?
I would love to sperg with someone, especially when more episodes are released.
I went in with no expectations and was surprised how enjoyable the first episode was. Love the visuals and the new heroines seem sympathetic.
No. 72110
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FUCKKKK it's not coming out until March.
>inb4 'just pirate it!'
No. 72535
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>>72516Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na - highly recommend! It's about 3 friends who want to make an anime and start a film club. It's imo a breath of fresh air in terms of anime, has a really nice style and the MCs are high school girls that aren't sexualized and don't fall into tropes too hard
I would also recommend Magia Record if you liked Puella Magi Madoka Magica as
>>71408 said. I also went in with low expectations but am enjoying it somewhat so far. I'm also watching Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun, I'd recommend that if you like creepy-cute themes about the supernatural and a more chibi art style. I'm also watching BNHA season 4 but meh, it's okay.
No. 72650
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so the new digimon series will be… adventure. again.
i love adventure so i don’t wanna be mad about it but this endless nostalgia milking is getting repetitive. i just feel like if they wanted to use the adventure verse they could’ve done a completely new season with a new set of chosen children.
i’m praying this will take place after the original adventure and not be a reboot. it’s explicitly stated that taichi is 11 like he was in original adventure but the original storyline took place over the span of like a week so having it set just after that could work.
will any of you guys be giving this a chance?
No. 72654
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>>72650i'm gonna watch it with the expectation that it'll be better than Digimon Tri
tbh, that's the only thing i'm looking forwards to since i was so disappointed with Digimon Tri
>if they wanted to use the adventure verse they could’ve done a completely new season with a new set of chosen childrenagree 100%, wish they would leave Adventure alone and do something else
but since it's been done before with different chosen children and ended up not as popular as Adventure, they're probably just gonna stick to milking Adventure
No. 72663
>>72650Why a new digimon series when they just announced a movie
>>68857 to end it all? this is a cash grab and i'm not gonna lie, as a season 1 fan, I'm salty.
No. 72799
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>>72650>>72654it seems to be pretty much confirmed that it’s a reboot set in 2020s and not a continuation/midquel of what already was. they’ve literally created a new timeline just to squeeze more money out of adventure, arguably cheapening the original in the process. guess they’re praying lightning will strike twice?
No. 74136
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The new episode of Hanako-San was really good…the cheek kiss at the end really killed me from cuteness! I binge read the whole manga and it really surprised me with how good the plot is! Also Hanako and Nene are so stinking cute!
No. 74194
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I'm enjoying the third season of Psycho Pass so much. I wasn't expecting it to have such high quality, and the 45 min episodes allow for a more fleshed out story.
No. 75242
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Nothing can convince me this character wasnt made by some pedo with a gag-fetish.
"she wears it out of choice or otherwise she will bite people" is such a ridiculous excuse
No. 76824
>>76784My interpretation is that it’s about not piegeonholing yourself with the expectations of life.
Watashi looked at his University life with “rose-tinted glasses,” expecting he would get a girlfriend and circle of reliable friends when in reality nothing goes the way he expected. Every time a new cycle begins it ends in disaster because he never gets what he wants. BUT he did make friends and didn’t notice, because he labeled them as weird or jerks instead of appreciating the time they spent with him.
At the end of the series Ozu appears as a normal human because the viewer is seeing him as he actually is, instead of the demonified version Watashi, the unreliable narrator, described him as.
No. 76847
>>76784I agree with the other anons interpretation but adding to that I think it's about enjoying the ride instead of only focusing on (often unattainable and romanticised) goals.
Watashi ends up feeling like he wasted his years in university no matter what path he chooses because he refuses to enjoy what happens along the way. Even though he experiences all sorts of things he keeps thinking his actual university life hasn't even started yet because it doesn't fit his perfect image. He spends years basically waiting for that life to start so he can finally enjoy it and then before he knows it it's already over.
So to me in addition to being about those expectations it's about living in the moment and appreciating what you have right now instead of wasting your life pining for a future that may never come.
No. 80510
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I know I'm late to the party because for some reason I refused to watch it while it was airing but… holy shit Beastars is so good. I haven't marathoned an anime since 2013 but I watched this in one sitting. I read some reviews online afterwards and wow, did people really hate Haru that much? I thought she was a well made character and I found her not hard to like at all
No. 81188
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finished kuuchuu buranko today and enjoyed it a lot more than i thought i would! the mcs designs got me interested since theyre such clusterfucks
No. 83253
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You guys should check out Dorohedoro (has nothing to do with the anime called Dororo)
It's really weird but has a strong cast. Noi is best girl. The manga-ka is a woman and it shows imo
Right now I think it can only be pirated but it should be out of Netflix jail in a couple of months…
No. 83255
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Adding a nice gif of Nikaido from Dorohedoro just 'cuz.
I'm the one who brought up Beastars
>>62874 four months ago and it seems like many of you guys liked that series.
Netflix is doing a good job on licensing quality 3D anime. (also FYI Beastars is getting a second season in 2021)
No. 83768
>>83253Y E S I fucking love Noi. I want a threesome between her and (head spoiler). Please if you liked it, consider reading the manga.
I've always beign less than a casual at watching anime or reading manga. But Dorohedoro is my shit and I'd love any recomendation similar to this.
No. 84404
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idk if this belongs here? but if they ever make a live action version of part 2 of jojo, i hope chris pine somehow gets casted as joseph.
he has such a joseph face.
No. 84411
>>83253The animation style is nice from that screenshot.
>netflix jailUgh why cant all anime just stay on crunchyroll?? i hate all these streaming services fighting for shit i wanna watch. I do want to check this out.
No. 106641
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Haibane Renmei is such a calming and unique anime to me. It makes me feel nostalgic for the countryside I grew up in.
No. 106766
>>106706If you go watch a
Trigger movie expecting some high art big brain story then you're doing it wrong. They're more specialized in style, energy and visuals than writing compelling character arcs and stories. You really need to take it as it is.
No. 107434
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Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne
A private investigator who takes all kinds of cases no matter how big or small, is an immortal being hunted down by another immortal assassin at the behest of a hermaphrodite who is guardian of the Yggdrasil tree where “time fruit” falls down from the sky and sometimes turns women into immortals and men into angels (not the good kind).
It is only six episodes long and has a lot of lesbo sex if you’re into that I’m not but it’s still a good anime and it also deals with a lot of mythology.
Edit - fixing autocorrect
No. 108094
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So none of this is really recent, but thought I'd throw these recs up because I feel like farmers would appreciate them.
Asobi Asobase is about a trio of middle schoolers creating a club about "pastimes" which is just an excuse to bullshit with each other and try different games (from board games to goofy schoolyard stuff). It's fucking hilarious. The animation showcases some crazy facial expressions, especially from the character Hanako, and it's very true to life. These aren't little girls being perfect and "moe," they're actually somewhat bratty and selfish, but at their core they love each other and are just kids doing stupid, random kid stuff. There are some moments of sex-related talk but it was done in a genuine way, like comparing boob size and pretending to know about sex when they actually have no clue, and it wasn't exploitative at all (no needless panty shots). Which was awesome! I also think this show has one of the best portrayals of a gross neckbeard white knight I've ever seen, in the form of Olivia's brother LOL. It feels very relevant to our times and a good amount of women here will likely relate to the characters.
Another one I've been enjoying is Flip Flappers, which is basically a magical girl anime but done in a more adult way. It's not Madoka levels of dark, but it deals with two girls visiting a magical world called Pure Illusion where they attempt to collect fragments of "amorphous" which are supposed to grant their wishes. Every episode they end up in a different world, from a Mad Max-style wasteland to a cyberpunk robo city and psychedelic rainbow bunny land. As they explore more they find out what this magical world really is and why their own organization and a rival group are trying to collect the fragments. The animation is really beautiful and colorful with some truly hype action scenes. Sadly this show does have "fan service," with unnecessary butt shots and questionable manhandling of the characters by a stupid robot. It's entirely out of place in a show that is otherwise centered around the girls' personal growth, but the best I can say is that it's at least not the worst I've seen. If you can ignore the weird sexualization sprinkled in, it's a unique show with an intriguing plot and stylish presentation.
No. 108108
>>108094Yes! Asobi asobase's the shit! As someone who avoids anime w/ schoolgirls most of the time because of cringy scrote pandering, this one isnt like that at all. All the jokes are hilarious and over the top on purpose. And OP is right, the characters are actually relatable and not unrealistically uguu~ Overall it's just a super silly and fun show!
Can anons here recommend shows really similar to this?
No. 108123
Two really good ones on Netflix rn:
A 29 year old mangaka has the ability to time travel short amounts of time to prevent small accidents and such. One day he somehow sends himself back to 5th grade and uses his ability to solve some old kidnapping/murder cases of some kids his age that died back then. He ends up going from a loner kid/loner adult to befriending the kids who were supposed to be abducted and killed, they stick with him into adulthood and he even saves one of the girls from an abusive home as well, and also catches the killer in the end. There's a live action on there as well, but the ending is different because the anime ending wasn't exactly filmable ig. Mysterious, cute and creative. Also the MC's mom is based af.
>Japan Sinks 2020
Set this month in Japan, based on an old 70s scifi novel called Japan Sinks. Basically, a giant pocket of magma umder Japan collapses and the archipelago sinks into the sea over the course of a few days. You follow a family of 4 as they try to find a way out while encountering horrible shit along the way, like bodies falling from the sky and poison gas. Amazing characters, especially Kite and Go. Extremely feely though, I cried real tears. Oh, and it uses classical music instead of suspenseful or harrowing music for the graphic parts, but not in a tacky way. Very very well done.
No. 108132
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>>108094ah, i see you're a woman of taste
No. 108143
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>>108108I loved asobi asobase too and I read a manga that is sort of similar (but there is no girls being dumb) it's My Neighbor Seki, it's about Seki, a boy who keeps doing random things in class like trying to make ripped jeans or polishing his desk or bringing cats to class. And the girl who sits next to him and is distracted by his nonsense. I think it's similar because they're both over the top with the random pastimes.
Also to everyone I want to recommend Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan, it's a hilarious anime about a psychic boy and his crazy friends, I'm sure it's been talked about already but I have to mention it again
No. 108151
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>>108108Maybe Hinamatsuri? It's about a Yakuza who gets stuck with a psychic alien girl. A lot of quick jokes and reaction faces remind me of Asobi Asobase.
No. 108190
>>108106Haha, agreed! Definitely plays with your expectations (and what you get is so much better than what the opening implies). The ending song is perfect.
>>108123Loved Erased! A really good thriller with better tension than most mainstream horror movies tbh. I liked that it had an adult (mentally if not physically) MC too, who starts out kind of listless and depressed but becomes better thanks to the people around him.
No. 108348
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Horimiya is getting an anime and I’m SO FUCKING HAPPY!!! Most shojous don’t do much for me, but there’s something about Horimiya that I just love so much and I’m so so so happy that it’s finally getting an anime.
No. 108388
>>108348Horimiya is a shonen manga anon
I wish I could be hyped, I really enjoyed it up till a while ago but the main characters have been stuck in the winter of their third year forever and the
abusive aspects of Hori and Miyamura's relationship being constantly played for laughs makes me uncomfortable
No. 108396
>>108388Oh shit is it?? lol I always considered it as shojou since romance is such a big part. I actually haven't read it since
Miya proposed?? to Hori but yikes
No. 108397
>>108396It's published in GFantasy, technically it's a shonen magazine even if many of its mangas have big female fandoms (Kuroshitsuji and Pandora Hearts for example)
and you didn't miss much anon, storywise the plot hasn't progressed at all since that moment, it's mostly been silly slice of life moments and jokes about how Hori wants to abuse Miyamura because he doesn't abuse her enough
No. 108410
>>108406Watching it back then was super fun because of all the shitty and hilarious theories but I was talking about it with rl friends and anons on /a/ so I managed to avoid retarded fans on social media. I hope you haven't seen any sort of spoilers ever because the plot twists are what made it the most fun for me.
>>108408>not even the animation can save this disasterYou're saying this like the animation is always great, there were scenes for the TV version that looked like shit to the point where it's also part of the fun. No idea if anything was improved for the BD/DVD releases.
No. 108411
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>>108406I loved it. There was a bit of janky animation now and then, but for the most part I found the skating scenes beautiful, fluid and fun to watch. Nice music and enjoyable characters. The romance was really cute and supportive, not just insta-love or forcing the characters together for the sake of fans (if anything they kept it low key).
Kind of hard to compare it to other shows… I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but it's mostly traditional sports anime with a bit of slice of life romance, I guess.
No. 108420
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>>108406It's great tbh. Not only did it get me into figure skating (I'm more into it than YOI now), as far as sports anime go, it's really good. I've seen and read a lot of sports series cause I enjoy them, and the main advantage it has is that it's mostly about elite adults, not teenagers. So you don't get that repetitive, game-after-game plotline like in baseball anime or w/e, the competitions have high stakes and it's more meaningful. It's also just a cute, fun romcom with legit one of the best executed plot twists I've seen in anime. The animation gets really bad at times, but when it's good it's gorgeous, and the OST is awesome too.
Anyway thanks for the reminder that I'm mad as hell about it's wasted potential, it should have a movie and s2 by now.
No. 108421
I'm on a Gantz kick and watched Gantz: O. I think they did a good job trying to condense the plot but the animation really makes me wish the series would get an anime reboot so it can include all the characters.
>>108406 I liked the first half and then it kind of drops the ball on the secondary characters (some which I liked way more than Yuuri & Victor) and rushes the ending. The soundtrack was great though. It's weird that the movie is in developmental hell because everyone's going to move on from the series by the time it ever comes out.
No. 108731
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Can someone please recommend me a good romance anime? Or it doesn't have to be purely centered around romance, but something where it's a major component? Just looking for a show that's respectably sweet, mature and/or engaging. I've heard Kaguya-sama: Love Is War is cute. Opinions?
Here are some I've liked for reference and for other farmers interested:
>Fushigi Yuugi
Younger characters, but I thought it actually did a good job of showing the couple grow together and develop real feelings. One of the first shows I watched as a kid and imo it holds up.
>Yuri on Ice
Sweet, supportive, just enough drama that felt natural without becoming overblown.
>Kamisama Kiss/Hajimemashita
LOVED it, very funny and charming, unique premise, strong female lead with lots of romantic moments. I guess I kinda dig the grudging partners to friends/lovers trope.
>Chouyaku Hyakuninisshu: Uta Koi
Really enjoyed this one as well. Super cool that they took historical love poems and turned them into short stories, essentially. Artistic, romantic, both funny and dramatic. Excellent overall.
>Fruits Basket
I watched the original anime a long time ago. I remember disliking the bland, passive Mary Sue lead everyone magically fell in love with, but it was decent enough.
>Revolutionary Girl Utena
Lots of weird shit and symbolism (which was mostly a plus), and I was down with warrior women against a bunch of chauvinistic assholes. I feel like the romance between Utena/Anthy could've been more pronounced though.
No. 108739
>>108731you have good shoujo taste anon. kamisama is goat. and with furuba, although i truly love tohru, i can see why many think she's a mary sue. i even thought so in my first read/watch through but now she's one of my favorite MCs kek. fruits basket will forever be my fav manga.
as for kaguya, i personally dislike it. idk why, lots of people enjoy it but i find the main couples antics to be frustrating and annoying rather than endearing. and from what i remember of the first dozen chapters i read, the male character would always outtease the female character and i was just over the trope of hard ass serious woman character falling
victim to doki doki feels. lots of scrotes like it too and whenever a romance manga has a huge scrote fanbase i tend to avoid it kek.
as a shoujo queen a few recs i can give you are:
kimi ni todoke- about a shy creepy looking girl finding a friend group and boyfriend, overwhelming cuteness and so many memorable scenes that give me chuckles to this day
toradora- tsundere chick and scary looking dude getting together. a bit tropey and bent towards scrotes but still a treasure
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi- girl is spirited away and works at youkai hotel for oni boss (was kinda boring imo)
lovely complex- short guy and tall girl pairing with great jokes and characters, amazing manga as well. in my top 5
gekkan shoujo to nozaki kun- the funniest shit you will ever read or watch, romance development is shite and played for laughs tho. do not expect couple progress
ore monogatari- 'ugly' beefcake guy and cute girl fall in love and its overall cute shit
akatsuki no yona- korean inspired setting with a princess and harem of fighters and bodyguards who wander her stolen kingdom (manga is better tho, one of the best shoujos to date)
blue spring ride- about a girl and guy who reconnect after being childhood lovers desu. cant remember much about it but it was a general good watch
tsurezure children- oneshots of couples in a simple and cute art style. very tropey but fitting, some couples will have more appeal than others
No. 108740
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>>108739samefagging but if you like utena, watch mawaru penguindrum. i like the latter better because it was easier to digest in places and overall just gave me a better watching experience. it deals with deep material and concepts without going too far in edgy territory, its a very fitting watch for the 2010s. to this day i have never cried more during an anime, idk why but this shit gets me sobbing forreal
No. 108744
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>>108739>ore monogatariShit I knew I was forgetting something, this show really was adorable. I literally laughed so hard I cried during this scene. I've also seen Nozaki-kun and I agree, it was great when it came to comedy/slice of life stuff but such a letdown in the romance department.
Anyway, thank you so much anon! So many great recs I'm excited to check out. It's a shame to hear Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi was dull because I like the sound of the story (I dig youkai and folklore in general). Will probably try Kimi ni Todoke first because you speak highly of it and I like that the girl is a weirdo for a change, haha. I'll also check out Mawaru Penguindrum, it looks beautiful and emotional. I've wanted to see more of Ikuhara's stuff but wasn't sure where to start.
I may have judged Tohru too harshly when I first read/watched Furuba. Honestly I think a lot of the things I disliked about her were shortcomings I also hated in myself (being a doormat and getting taken advantage of, for example) so there could very well have been personal aspects coming into play. And thank you for the opinions on Kaguya, will be giving it a pass based on your input!
No. 109655
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So I have this anime scene in mind that I can’t remind its source and it’s driving me mad.
Short story long, there are three characters: mc, mc’s romantic interest and fucker. Fucker hooks up or something with mc’s romantic interest and tells mc that she has a mole on her right/left ass cheek, mc punches fucker. Next scene she’s in swimsuit or underwear and they show the mole.
It’s probably a shit show but I need to remember please help me
No. 109756
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Anyone watching new stuff in the fall season? Hypnosis Mic anime is airing for my fellow fujos.
No. 109781
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>>109756+1 for Hypmic, I need something silly to watch and started downloading the first episode
No. 110994
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Anyone watching new Higurashi? I was so hyped initially when I saw that remake is being released, since I barely remember the original except for a fact I liked it these 13 years ago and also it was a great opportunity to introduce my bf to it, and now turns out it's actually a sequel… which is great but i'd have to rewatch the first anime or play original games to fully enjoy it. Looks nicely done so far though, I'll miss the original opening though!
No. 110999
>>110994Honestly, I hate remakes. I feel like 90% of the time when a show is remade, it loses the magic that the first one had, especially with a different art style. Higurashi is such a classic thriller anime, I can't help but feel that viewers are missing out on something fantastic if they choose to watch the new over the original.
Not saying anime is on the same level as old disney films, but I guess the best way to explain what I mean is someone who's never watched Cinderella choosing to view the live action over the original animated film. I dunno, I hope I'm making sense. I understand that the opinion is extremely subjective.
No. 111030
>>110999I agree with you. I hate remakes. Half the time it definitely loses its magic and charm. And people are so autistic lately that whenever someone old is brought back, the new fans are nearly intolerable.
Why cant they just make new shit. Leave me with my good and crap anime and remember how it used to be.
No. 111053
>>111027It's not a remake, it's a sequel, I've even written that in my first post about it lol
Anyway I've started VN yesterday and it's better than I remember anime to be! More flavor and internal monologues of the protag, makes the story more immersive, thanks for recommending. If anyone is interested, first chapter is free on GOG and Steam.
No. 111142
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Has anyone started watching this? As an oldtimer Inuyasha fan, I'm afraid that the canon will be "ruined" for me. Especially if it turns out that Rin is the mom of the Sesshoumaru twins. Disgusting.
No. 111281
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Kagome and Inuyasha's daughter. I haven't watched any episodes yet but her design is making me want to.
No. 111477
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>>108740I've finally gotten around to watching Penguindrum. Only on episode 8 so far but it's perfect! Very engaging. First episode was cute, seemed interesting enough, then immediately once it got into the stuff with Ringo
being a stalker it became far darker (but still cute!) and more interesting. Should've guessed it would take a turn considering how much depth Utena has. Honestly as crazy as she is I was with Ringo because of her sad family issues until this last episode where she almost
became a rapist. Jesus. Shouma is a cutie (way better than Tabuki) and I hope everything turns out all right. I like Kanba too but he's still sort of an unknown right now. Seems like his arc is just getting started. The humor is nice, I feel like they added just the right amount without it taking away from the drama. I've especially enjoyed all the crazy shoujo fantasies Ringo has! Very interested to see how it all plays out and how some of the more mysterious aspects resolve.
I also love the penguin queen/entity's design.
No. 111490
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>>109756Watching Hypmic for silly anime rapbattles and women taking over the japanese goverment.
What did everyone think of the first two episodes?
I think it's dumb as fuck, incest vibes with the brothers, no sign of society being different other than men threatening others with mics…the songs are seriously fun to listen to though.
No. 111889
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Why is Rem from Re:Zero so popular? I haven't watched the anime yet, but everyone seems to absolutely love her and she's the most favourited female character on MAL iirc. She's definitely cute and her hair colour is a beautiful shade of blue, but I can't help but wonder why she's so popular. It's intriguing me enough to want to watch the anime.
No. 111925
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Hmmm I normally wouldn't touch anything isekai with a 10 foot long pole, but I just started watching Ascendance of a Bookworm. I'm pleasanly surprised. It's wish fulfillment for people who like to imagine being creative and resourceful in an alternate universe? The MC, formerly a librarian, is reborn as a sickly girl in a world without books. She has to be really inventive to figure out how to get book production starting again, beginning with paper stock… I recommend it to other weebnons!!!
No. 111946
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>>111490Still watching
It's a fucking mess but the magical rapper stando battles sort of makes up for it. I wonder if there will be an actual plot. Doppo is moe
No. 112215
>>112088Phew. For a while there I was expecting
SasuSaku all over again.
No. 112222
So it ended with her at 11 going to the village to learn to be around humans Kaede says the well was sealed for 15 years and all of them are 14. What freaks me out is how shippers trying to twist this around saying no it's a mistranslation she older, and worse is saying she was totally 17 and it's ok cause that's when Sango had kids!!! Like for 1 Sango wasn't raised for almost 5 years by Miroku from 8 years old. And second Miroku and Sango are way closer in age. And still Rumiko isn't down with the ship. She even makes it a point to have the group disgusted with Miroku when he'd casually asked a kid his usual line and she held onto that until she was a teen and they were reunited with her in love with him. She's not down with the child grows up and goes with mentor/elder/whatever.
No. 112275
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>>108108Joshikousei no Mudazukai is another series in a similar vein to Asobi Asobase. I'd reccommend it, although I'd moreso reccommend the manga over the anime.
No. 112437
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>>111477I finished Penguindrum. About 3 eps from the ending I was all, "Psh I ain't gonna cry, I'm fine, everything is coming together nicely what's the problem?" Then the ending came and girl I struggled lmao
It was bittersweet. I thought it was very satisfying and hopeful, but still, shiiiit. (Also the music is really touching and I think makes it even worse/better.) I was happy the series gave a bit more insight into Himari's life and not just the boys'. I kind of wish it went further into the terrorists' motives and why they ended up pulling the kids into things, but I know the focus was on them coping with a terrible "legacy" and finding their own sense of family afterwards. It was beautiful and just the right message I wanted/needed to hear in these crazy times. Thanks again
No. 112571
>>112088>>112222Kek of course the fandom darling ship would become canon silly
nonny, idk why y'all this mad about it
No. 112605
>>112598Not that it looks like it changes much but the CDs have a satire label and weren't written by RT.
I really hope they showed Rin for a different reason. To reveal she is the mother in a tweet seems a little lackluster given the hype around it.
No. 112623
>>112614She never said that? As far as I know she made no comment about that CD release, tho I suppose she must had know something, seeing as it was released with the manga.
But apparently that same writer is the one writing in yashahime now lol
No. 112673
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These were drawn by the animation director.
No. 112685
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>>112678More like I've just been paying attention. And I didn't even say if I liked it or not so way to go with the retarded accusations. I just know when to let the fuck go.
No. 112714
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Hetalia to return Spring 2021
No. 112718
>>112716I'm so excited too! I shared a post about it and I'm taking to old friends I met through Hetalia cosplay haha. The art style def got so much cuter in the later seasons.
>>112714 it's already being dragged on twitter. Taking this dumbass show so seriously is so funny
No. 112726
>>112721Omg I remember I saw some cold wars rusame comic that was so ~angsty~, ah taste really gets better with age lol
>>112718Agree, it's a extremely silly gag comedy show about bishonen personifications of countrys, it's meant to be as mind numbing as a marvel movie, like hate it all you want but it was never meant to be something groundbreaking nor did it ever took itself seriously.
I really hope we get more south Italy time! And more merch I finally have enough money to buy cute stuff
No. 112744
>>112714Manifesting works…
I missed this show so much despite all its faults. Fingers crossed it's new fandom is gonna be as full of idiots as the og one. Hetalia fandom was the funniest one I had the chance to participiate in.
No. 112755
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So apparently Clamp is doing some one-week countdown and it's Tokyo Babylon related! Like all the tumblr spergs, I pray we may get an actual TB anime. Fingers crossed (even though it will probably be some bullshit merch or another Clamp in Wonderland music video) lmfao
No. 112778
>>112776he doesn't want to bang Hokuto (the girl twin), only Subaru and even then there is more to that. The manga has nice depiction of grooming and how it changes
victims forever, as well as plenty of heartbreak, drama as well as 90's Japan social issues presented Clamp style. I would recommend giving tje manga another shot, however it's understandable if it's just not your thing. The story has much more to offer than it seems from your description.
If there is anime, I cannot wait for the twitter/tumblr retards screeching that SeiSub ship is
pRoBlEmAtIc like it's not the whole story's point.
No. 113125
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>>112756as seen in post above, yes we are getting Tokyo Babylon anime! It's called Tokyo Babylon 2021 and will be produced by studio GoHands.
Now PLEASE, can we get the final volume(s) of X/1999 published as well… it's high time
No. 113145
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>>113136I've never heard about this studio before and now I've read opinions that it's controversial due to being responsible for some sucky anime.
I can honestly say that I am trying to remain cautiosly optimistic. I DO NOT like that Sakurazuka looks like a dweeb instead of a 30 year old handsome dude. I know his current looks are closer to his actual age but the original design is too iconic too change it.
On second thought, maybe it will work better for new viewers to go with his Affable Evil personality? He does look much more innocent No. 113170
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interview with Takahashi confirming any and all bullshit with Yashahime is on the anime staff. She's pulling a R.R. Martin should it be a trash fire she can just write her own down the line.
No. 113217
I'm really enjoying Arakawa Under the Bridge. A few comedy anime that I loved are Rental Girlfriend, Aho Girl, Ao-Chan Can't Study, Princess Jellyfish, and You're Being Summoned Azazel-san. Serious ones are Made in Abyss, Promised Neverland, Mononoke, Noragami, and Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for spirits.
I'm always looking for new things, but certain animation styles rub me wrong, and especially bad when it's cell shading.
No. 113244
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>>113158Yurucamp! It’s about highschool girls who like to go camping. Informative and very relaxing to watch. I’ve reread the manga more times than I can count during my commutes to and from work, and love to rewatch the anime when I have nothing else I feel like watching. It’s probably my favorite sol of all time. Truly makes me want to try out camping (and winter camping too).
No. 113246
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thanks netflix
No. 113295
>>113283I second
>>113291 You are very lucky if you never were in the unhealthy mental state of the protagonist. I found her scary relatable and was glad I am no longer this kind of person. Being a lonely teenage girl with heaps of mental health issues is hell, especially when you grow up in a culture that tells you that there is only one right type of a woman and therefore you must hate girls that are not like you (bullying also doesn't help matters)
No. 113785
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Late to the party but I watched Pet recently. I want the manga to get translated so bad because the anime was really interesting but it didn’t have a big budget. It’s hard to talk about without ruining spoiling the story but the series is a rollercoaster.
No. 113813
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>>113192I'm ntayrt earlier but I started watching this because it sounded cute and I'm enjoying it. The bright colors and art style are really endearing, I like all the fishing talk and I now have a crush on this dude and his super deep voice kek (the duck is a plus). Thanks for the rec.
No. 113819
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>>113805Yeah, it aired earlier this year and it covers the whole manga.
No. 113826
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I just finished watching Tsurune because I’m a fan of kyoani’s works and wow… no wonder this series basically dropped off the face of the earth soon after release lol. It had good moments (eg adults are also just faking it til they make it, how you can be with someone one day and then they’re dead the next) but so much of it felt like it built up for… not a lot of payoff. I guess since kyudo is subdued, a subdued sort of anime is only fitting? I really wish we got more of Shu, he was so cute. I was excited for the twins too, because I tend to like smug characters on a high horse, but then they quickly became a disappointment because they just became a one trick bullying pony. One of the twins getting target panic at the end seemed like a good segway into some character development and then it… ended. A movie was just announced and I’ll probably watch it eventually.
I wasn’t hoping for or expecting another Free, but man Tsurune was really lackluster even as a standalone to me.
No. 113828
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how do you guys feel about the journey of elaina airing this season?
No. 113830
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>>113826I agree with you. I barely saw anyone talk about it as it was airing so there wasn't much hype at all. It was visually gorgeous as always with KyoAni though, and my extra weeb side liked learning about a more traditional Japanese sport and seeing the cute guys in costume.
No. 113880
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Just struggled through Yuri on Ice. The first 3 episodes were so good but after that it got so mushy and fanservice-y I could barely pay enough attention to it to follow the plot.
The premise is definitely interesting and music was gorgeous, but the main characters were awful. I would love if the series centered around the other Yuri, he seemed to have so much more depth and determination than main MC.
No. 113898
>>113880 I dropped it after all the stupid drama started with Victor's dog, it was turning into a gay Hallmark movie instead of a sports series. I hope the movie never gets out of development hell.
>>113889ngl I bought two cards of Phichit because he was the best character
No. 113944
>>113909Yurio is 15 though. But watching it back then made me think they made the anime for adult women and tried to make Yurio attract the teenage girl audience,idk.
>>113908Watch old sport anime shojo manga, it's even more full of dramatic bullshit and fun. It's gonna be easier finding episodes online if you're French or Italian though.
No. 114185
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Continuing on my Kyoani kick, I just finished Hibike! Euphonium. I started watching it years ago when it first came out with my friend and we agreed not to watch it without each other, but I got fed up with waiting so I just went ahead and watched it all myself lol. Pretty good series, I really enjoyed it. Taki was cute as hell, and Asuka is the best girl out of them all.
The series was really doing it for me, I’ll take that gay baiting shit kyoani was giving me. The lighting, especially that scene in the first or second episode where Reina pushes back her hair while the lights from cars passing by illuminate her from behind was heavenly. There were a lot of good moments, and I really, really appreciated Asuka’s storyline. I didn’t think she was going to be such a major character, and I really liked her constantly being teasing and illusive about things. Some storylines were kind of weird like Mizore’s possessiveness of Nozomi, but I’ve read one of the movies focuses on them and their relationship, so that’s fine I guess. The shit that really started making the entire series go downhill for me was Reina’s crush on Taki. I liked Reina in the beginning- the cool, talented beauty who is actually a little silly, who has her own goals and is determined to achieve them. But that whole episode when she’s mad at Kumiko for not telling her about his wife, and then even admitting she freaked out when finding out he had a wife? How can you ruin a character so fucking fast? The whole episode disgusted me. The small snippets they show of Taki concerning his wife (when he speaks to her photo, when he runs into Kumiko during the typhoon and speaks a little about her, Hashimoto saying Taki straight up left the music scene after she passed) really shows just how much he loved and adored her… But then Kumiko has to say “Well it’s gonna be mean of me to say, but he doesn’t have a wife anymore. I’m rooting for you.” Rooting for what?! Reina going after your teacher?! What the fuck kyoani. Age aside, it was just straight up disrespectful and disgusting to Taki lol. Reina even pries out the location of his wife’s grave and I thought “ok so this is the end of this crush” but then confesses to him TWICE after nationals. It’s gross. Sorry for sperging but it completely ruined her character for me.
Crunchyroll doesn’t have any of the movies for some reason so I guess I’ll watch them off some shifty website lol. I’m looking forward to the third season that’s apparently in the works.
No. 114200
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So, I binged the 5 episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen that are out and it certainly is a shounen. It's not like I expected anything special, though. It's just a nice bit of mindless fun.
No. 114216
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>>114200Yeah it's a pretty typical shounen but with a slightly darker aesthetic and the anime's had pretty good direction/animation so far. Excited to see what happens
No. 114502
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Anybody remembers No.6? I stumbled upon the opening on youtube today after forgetting this anime even exists. For a moment I thought it was just a fever dream of mine but nope.
I am a bit sad now they didn't make another season of it between now and when it was released, I loved it so much.
No. 114505
>>114502That was my shit in middle school, I ever read the translated version of the original novel. I was absolutely and insanely assmad about the ending though, and I still don’t know WHY
nezumi left. Like I wouldn’t have been so mad if it felt logical, but there was like no explanation and felt really cheap.
No. 114583
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>>114502I watched maybe 5 animes in total but this I loved so much, everything about it was just perfect, especially Nezumi's voice…
No. 115534
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Recently rewatched Digimon Tamers for the first time since childhood, in Japanese this time. I was surprised at how well it holds up even as an adult, then looked up who wrote and I'm not so surprised anymore.
No. 115871
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I've been on a Yokai Watch kick and just want to share my feelings since this franchise flopped real hard in the west.
It's a really fun game/anime and I recommend it if you just want to relax. The yokai have their own personalities like Digimon and the games have a sense of exploration that I think modern Pokemon lacks. I felt like I was a kid again exploring Japan for the first time.
No. 116891
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Yashahime is losing steam hard in the fandom. Sunrise is so desperate to keep the twins mom ambiguous and keep hinting at the og cast with barely interaction, that the story is just dead. Which is causing people to drop it and we've not even hit 12 episodes yet. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets canceled or demoted to spin off rather than true sequel. Latest Episode was toted as an InuKag and it was just a flashback of them giving their baby daughter to Miroku's demon pal because they are maybe being attacked by Sesshomaru then back to the girls
No. 118678
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>>118657Completely dragging it out, and it's becoming a bit of a meme rn. No one gives a fuck about the plot and are getting annoyed that Moroha the inukag kid is being completely shafted for the mary sue twins. The art style makes everyone look 12 here's Sango for example, mind you this is suppose to be post having children on the right. Next episode is suppose to be their new moon phase from hat it looks like. So Towa the white hair one is gonna go brown haired. We still haven't moved ahead in the plot whatsoever regarding Rin in the tree.
No. 120679
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i know this is some pathetic shit, but i cant watch the attack on titan anime any further even though i love the manga, and the anime animation is really amazing so far imo, only because the mappa anime design for zeke looks like a skinnier carbon copy of the man that tried to lock me into his apartment when i was 18, and thats all i can think of when i see him on screen. idek know why, the wit design and the maga design don't activate the same visceral disgust. and this is only the first few episodes where zeke is not even that prominent a character yet, he will have so much more screen time later on. and i think some of the new mappa character designs actually look a lot better than the old ones.
No. 120908
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I know I am very late to this but wow Attack on Titan is amazing and deserves all the hype. An easy 10/10 masterpiece to me that