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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

File: 1717695305336.jpg (644.33 KB, 1200x1500, Tumblr_l_12862641040744.jpg)

No. 389666

A thread for farmers who enjoy cute anthropomorphized animals but hate the zoophilia and fetishes that seems undetachable from the furry community at large.
Forbidden content include:
-Fetishes such as lolisho (cub porn), vore, and the general sexualization of animal parts
-Political bullshit
Feel free to add more

No. 389669

retarded thread

No. 389672

>wholesome furry
just call it cute animal art thread.

No. 389674

how about no

No. 389678

File: 1717696274335.jpg (27.63 KB, 563x722, 4fef7b62c868a8e0bff37a67ac64ff…)

Nice! thank you for the thread anon. Is kemono-styled art okay here?

No. 389687

Did you have to use the word furry?

No. 389709

File: 1717697860636.jpg (186.41 KB, 880x1200, rat.jpg)

Of course. Any non-fetishy depiction of cartoon animals is welcome no matter the origin. >>389672
Believe me, I hate the furry fandom with a passion but anything with talking animals is considered furry to the modern internet. They invaded everything from old Disney movies to cereal mascots. Even toddlers shows are plagued with fetishists. If you enjoy anthro characters in any capacity and don't call yourself a furry, you're seen as closeted so I kinda got tired of denying the furry allegations.

No. 389716

File: 1717698267233.jpg (249.65 KB, 736x1095, 4c0dc518995dfc91add765b536e206…)

Cool thread! Anyone here remember Redwall? I love the idea of mice having their little medieval kingdoms

No. 389740

File: 1717700022097.jpeg (288.75 KB, 2048x1546, IMG_7750.jpeg)

Great thread idea Nona! I love furry content too but hate the community. The fetishization and gendieism make it so hard to bear with. I’ll share some of my stash.

No. 389747

File: 1717700205213.jpg (604.26 KB, 1280x1763, tumblr_5756b279f2b2248b27e3296…)

i really like kemono fursuits

No. 389751

File: 1717700672552.gif (1.29 MB, 640x638, 0c1cdda56a16832ccbe0dafc875398…)

No. 389759

The op pic is cute, I'm interested in what wholesome furry means? Because if it's that type of fairytale cute art then I'm ok with it. Same with >>389709 it's very pretty

No. 389766

I am so happy that this thread exists, bless you op. Literally just earlier today I was reminiscing about this picture book I had as a child and managed to find the full thing online.
Idk if they're anthropomorphized enough for this thread but there's just something about this art style that really captures my heart in a similar way to how Ghibli/Miyazaki films always have.
Little Mouse on the Prairie - by Stephen Cosgrove: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nJwUt6czcI

No. 389778

It kinda looks inbred. Like a chihuahua, but it's supposed to be an australian shepherd. Uncanny.

No. 389780

File: 1717704654256.jpg (752.53 KB, 635x900, d5e5fb86443a761b5ba08c7e6ecf71…)

No. 389781

File: 1717704836788.jpg (158.71 KB, 736x980, 1000008367.jpg)

No. 389782

File: 1717704875258.png (368.69 KB, 1002x953, main_img.png)

No. 389799

File: 1717706274116.png (869.76 KB, 1280x1354, tumblr_3d6034cfe87949fa7689c53…)

Thank you OP, I was hesitant of making a thread like this since I do appreciate neat furry/kemono content but don't want to get bashed or attract degenerates

No. 389807

File: 1717706889328.jpg (643.66 KB, 1280x1700, F6EQKJwaUAAbt6j.jpg)

No. 389816

File: 1717708157470.jpg (66.25 KB, 564x564, 1.jpg)

good thread

No. 389817

File: 1717708206105.png (139.29 KB, 700x450, 3.png)

No. 389819

File: 1717708296797.jpg (542.53 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nezt944DMK1rsojgfo1_128…)

No. 389847

File: 1717709809141.jpg (68.45 KB, 800x800, jazz.jpg)

Fuck the haters. Great thread idea

No. 389903

That is exactly what wholesome furry is, it's furry characters but not for sexy reasons

No. 389942

File: 1717726452628.jpg (337.43 KB, 1280x895, tumblr_155608cd27089d88c70210f…)

I'll dump some of my favorites here. These are by Nsmmm on tumblr

No. 389944

File: 1717726488975.jpg (140.38 KB, 1034x428, tumblr_orgisnO99t1rd467bo1_128…)

No. 389952

File: 1717726896661.jpg (182.82 KB, 1034x428, tumblr_oy0s1hajvi1rd467bo1_128…)

No. 389960

I loved Redwall so much growing up. I like anthro animals in general and stories based around animals, but furries really have tainted it. I feel like "furry" characters and stories tend to have a very specific look, and I don't call every media with an animal cast furry. I might be a minority in that sort of defining of it though. Like I don't consider Redwall furry, but if it came out nowadays I imagine a lot of people might.

No. 389963

Love the thread idea

No. 389967

File: 1717730050681.png (3.81 MB, 1508x1513, Screenshot 2024-06-06 201242.p…)

No. 389983

File: 1717735204371.jpg (90.19 KB, 510x680, 085fcc846d2219388710d18a8726fd…)

love the thread idea

No. 389986

File: 1717736721836.jpg (371.67 KB, 1205x1600, yagithegoat.jpg)

tumblr is great for cute furry art

No. 389990

File: 1717740089095.jpg (93.88 KB, 736x1177, 1708449600216.jpg)

No. 389994

Cute thread idea but the title is gross, "wholesome furry" is like saying "non-sexual fetish" it's still inherently sexual. You should have called it "anthropomorphic animals" or something instead. It's still early, maybe remake the thread with a different title?

For the record, liking cute anthro animal designs does in no way equate to being a furry. Fairy tales all over the world have always had talking animals etc, it's a normal thing that has existed long before furries ever did. Furry is a community identification word, if you're not in that community you're not a furry. Just like if a dad watched and enjoyed MLP with his daughters to bond with them he's not suddenly a brony just because he's an adult male. Or like being GNC doesn't make you trans just because they keep insisting you must be a closeted troon.

No. 389995

File: 1717741659774.png (2.3 MB, 1592x2048, FJwPc7daQAQbKoG.png)

No. 389996

File: 1717741723801.jpg (142.58 KB, 917x873, FgBwccRaEAAyq9o.jpg)

No. 389997

File: 1717741791029.jpg (157.79 KB, 1616x1616, FQjeHwraMAA1aH3.jpg)

No. 390000

File: 1717742288234.jpg (480.05 KB, 1374x1502, FMR-ViVVEAEO0-C.jpg)

No. 390008

File: 1717744759472.jpg (713.92 KB, 1288x2184, GOrewUOakAAip_8.jpg)

Cute! I love symbareangoramon, I wish there were more "princely" furry characters.

No. 390021

File: 1717748957184.jpg (78.17 KB, 736x736, ladyandtramp.jpg)

Unfortunately, if you enjoy anthro characters in any capacity, the internet will gaslight you into thinking you're a furry. The furry fandom is extremely disingenuous and insist that there's nothing inherently sexual about their community despite the contrary being obvious the moment youth dip your toe into their space. Probably so they can lure more children in. I rerember when I was still on Twitter, I saw furries fantasizing about children watching "puss in boots:the last wish" and making their first furry artworks. It's gross. And tiresome.

No. 390024

>if you enjoy anthro characters in any capacity, the internet will gaslight you into thinking you're a furry.
The only one here trying to gaslight people into being a furry currently is you by saying things like
>"I kinda got tired of denying the furry allegations."
You've already accepted the label for some reason, accepting that liking cute animals means you ARE also a degenerate fetishist in denial instead of just going "no, actually I'm not".

No. 390025

File: 1717750380403.jpg (415.48 KB, 2048x1448, FP-lCKuXoAcR0dK.jpg)

I hope this thread doesn't devolve into fighting over whether or not it's okay to call it "furry." Idgaf what you call it, just show me pictures of funny animal characters

No. 390028

>I hope this thread doesn't devolve into fighting over whether or not it's okay to call it "furry."
I hope it does, because furry is specifically a group of sexual degenerates and anthro art isn't the same as furry art.

No. 390030

File: 1717751349259.jpg (414.3 KB, 801x1044, GOV2RUmaoAAAhl0 nagabe.jpg)

No. 390031

File: 1717751373422.jpg (519.47 KB, 750x1019, 07-Rudolf-Mates--illus.-for-A-…)

No. 390032

File: 1717751530825.jpg (206.04 KB, 2008x2048, FgmrYUcakAAunSf yashiro_nanaco…)

No. 390033

File: 1717751637876.jpg (1.47 MB, 1920x1097, 1532028540.kuroblood_海报04.jpg)

No. 390046

File: 1717754711018.jpg (144.06 KB, 720x864, 20230211_121431.jpg)

If I make another thread like this, I won't use the word "furry". Let's leave it at that.

No. 390050

File: 1717755442275.jpg (103.4 KB, 978x1323, 20230215_104205.jpg)

Is it old puppychan art?(obvious coomer furshit)

No. 390085

>"wholesome furry"
>"sexual content not allowed"
These are directly contradicting statements. What's next, making a thread called "wholesome pedo thread, no sexual content allowed" like do you not hear yourself? do you not know what a furry is???

No. 390089

File: 1717762495288.jpg (240.32 KB, 1403x1403, bunnies.jpg)

rt0no has to be one of the best out there for wholesome furry art.

No. 390090

Did you not look through the thread pics first

No. 390099

File: 1717765271053.jpeg (213.08 KB, 1913x1623, EWh4tr2UwAA8lNl.jpeg)

Thanks for sharing this. I used to post there but it was pretty inactive.

No. 390107

File: 1717767808521.jpg (314.5 KB, 1500x1305, 3d7ca717dd90b429f312ce41333828…)

Same here! He's pretty handsome and looks like a fusion of King Kazma and Lopunny. I would too love for more "princely" furry/kemono characters or ones that give off "bishounen" and "ikemen" vibes. I also love Diarbbitmon as well.

No. 390159

File: 1717783018471.jpeg (151.18 KB, 1127x2048, EVNF6mbVAAIHjCI.jpeg)

No. 390160

File: 1717783045406.jpg (169.83 KB, 929x1156, EUs4RXCU4AAvGPf.jpg)

No. 390161

File: 1717783077233.jpeg (472.68 KB, 2048x1882, EUs4RXCU0AAI-I_.jpeg)

No. 390173

Why is this here?this specific artist draws NSFW…

No. 390215

all furfags draw nsfw on the side. kekeflip draws nsfw on the side. as long as the art isn't nsfw or sexual in nature it's okay.

No. 390264

File: 1717794204492.png (1.06 MB, 800x1280, 10da4ed9b4d760b84db89c52a5def4…)

Yes her old stuff was charming
Same, i am responsible for a good number of images there and in other /img/ threads kek

No. 390265

File: 1717794428112.png (2 MB, 1700x2000, 21217598_DmeJ5caixVPMY0W.png)

(obvious coomer furshit)

No. 390271

File: 1717795482538.jpg (42.89 KB, 564x554, 11212.jpg)

what if we just agreed to call the next thread "cute anthro art" or something so we could stop fighting in the cute animals thread

No. 390274

File: 1717795636964.jpg (1.19 MB, 3888x3464, GHm8_kSXUAAdk8r.jpg)

Diarbbitmon is so cute too! Giving him a mega that looks handsome rather than like a typical knight or warrior humanoid design was fantastic. I love that artist's passion for the angoramon line.
A lot of the anthro-looking digimon are super charming to me, in general.

No. 390275

File: 1717795653009.jpg (54.18 KB, 563x775, 2.jpg)

No. 390278

File: 1717796236585.jpg (45.55 KB, 738x1000, d42bb485d34cd22084b8c63069e7b0…)

Kinda funny how most women are super in denial about being furfags while men just give up and call one another a furry the moment they find some character like Lola Bunny cute

No. 390279

I have a fucking fursona

No. 390281

File: 1717796657502.png (358.17 KB, 899x899, tumblr_76468e503ae90094dae55cb…)

I haven't drawn mine in ages

No. 390283

File: 1717796768075.jpg (662.59 KB, 3024x4032, 4bcb9f6658c216994e282e78f428e4…)

I used to have one

No. 390284

So it’s true! all farmers are hyenas! Me too

No. 390288

File: 1717797476130.jpg (946.42 KB, 1500x1500, GGyWn8qWwAAaEK_.jpg)

No. 390315

File: 1717803387332.jpg (235.47 KB, 727x1200, E3PH2WqX0AQ8Y_d.jpg)

No. 390316

File: 1717803431541.png (80.99 KB, 770x899, E3rIJzsVEAYsXJ9.png)

No. 390322

I remember I got a hat as a gift when I was a teen, the girl makes fursuits, but that was basically the first kind of fursuit thing she has ever made. So I asked her what animal it was and she told me "anything you want lol" so I made my fursona with lots of imagination kek.

No. 390323

File: 1717807662942.jpg (801.71 KB, 2101x1754, 1707943978.donutella_valentine…)

Same here lol.
Female furries who don't buy into moidery or gendie-ism are very special to me. I love seeing women have fun being autists.

Aw, that's super sweet nona! Do you still use the same fursona?

No. 390327

I actually want to redesign it because I have a better idea of what I think it is nowadays than when I was in uni kek.

No. 390329

File: 1717810544627.jpg (413.26 KB, 1600x1600, cats.jpg)

so true anon i wish i could live in her world

No. 390331

i love this!!! who is the artist??

No. 390332

This is cute, I wish this artist would make one for Gallade

No. 390347

File: 1717814936810.jpg (124.61 KB, 960x600, FovcgpxWYAMTIkT.jpg)

I'm still sad this figure got canceled. Hope it gets picked up by another figure company.

No. 390368

File: 1717820595294.jpg (280.57 KB, 1063x885, beatrix potter mice.jpg)

No. 390370

File: 1717822937079.jpg (332.78 KB, 989x1024, 6514cd1a0c57fef51e8530f7b972c1…)

Love Beatrix Potter so much

No. 390371

File: 1717823025215.jpg (243.18 KB, 1024x1024, 7330de92ba22e21bf7e20f7d7b1aba…)

No. 390429

File: 1717841354866.jpg (333.93 KB, 1600x1600, FLmHL_GaIAACrSK.jpg)

No. 390430

File: 1717841577612.jpg (410.42 KB, 1600x1600, FEJE-18agAAEKYw.jpg)

No. 390446

WTFFFF im so sad this was cancelled

No. 390447

tom kitten was my fave his fat misbehaving self…

No. 390451

File: 1717848344670.jpg (167.42 KB, 904x1280, 1421932473.mucknagabe_tumblr_n…)

No. 390530

File: 1717864318305.jpg (480.49 KB, 1258x1288, __original_drawn_by_kokudou_ju…)

No. 390699

File: 1717894648951.jpeg (208.52 KB, 1474x2048, E0USapmVkAU1MNK.jpeg)

No. 390700

File: 1717894690820.jpeg (239.29 KB, 1474x2048, Eyws21-VEAI7p3E.jpeg)

No. 390702

File: 1717894739910.jpeg (287.15 KB, 1474x2048, EzJrMuWUYAct9wV.jpeg)

No. 390703

File: 1717894778048.jpeg (159.57 KB, 1474x2048, FGemhqIUcAIC90i.jpeg)

No. 390774

>Kinda funny how most women are super in denial about being furfags
Liking cute antro art doesn't make someone a furry dumbass, men wanting to fuck anything and defining their life around it is not new nor comparable

No. 390935

File: 1717971339049.jpeg (540.04 KB, 1460x2048, Edr8f4IUYAAS3fc.jpeg)

No. 390939

Case in point(lolicon furshit)

No. 390951

File: 1717975219094.jpg (69.06 KB, 1080x1350, c2.jpg)

Ayrt and i get it, the furry community is horrible and was coomerish from the start but i personally don't care about getting called one for liking anthros since i'm not a pedo or a zoophile, i just find it funny seeing people defend themselves and argue in lolcow out of all places from getting called one, people here aren't gonna change their minds.

No. 390956

Sucks that this artist is a lolicon(obviously)

No. 390961

Usual jp artist(lolicon furshit)

No. 390967

Quit posting his shit then, please. It's pretty gross

No. 390972

File: 1717977767971.png (1.05 MB, 1072x1028, ddawgeb-67dc51bd-a203-4fa3-86a…)

Loved seeing this artists work back when deviantart was still alive, i remember her being a tif but i think she detransitioned

No. 390973

File: 1717977853923.png (1.67 MB, 1242x1422, ddc22lw-92a0d7d4-b187-4055-86c…)

No. 390974

File: 1717977926313.png (1.01 MB, 960x1118, de74k48-669d46b9-a5be-4d1b-910…)

No. 390986

File: 1717981353334.png (406.05 KB, 1280x1280, image_2024-06-09_210214380.png)

kiwi sniper

No. 390991

Yeah bad feel from these.

No. 390996

File: 1717985550697.jpg (2.33 MB, 4724x2480, 85811621_p12.jpg)

No. 391000

We can tell. Fuck off with this shit

No. 391001

File: 1717985937658.png (156.41 KB, 504x714, 1701240660745099.png)

No. 391004

File: 1717987897617.jpg (263.97 KB, 1269x1634, 88efce3bd502c70c5aabe9c0ab6e5f…)

Couldn't the farmhands just delete the replies instead of redtexting everything?

No. 391026

File: 1717993285438.jpeg (193.04 KB, 1020x870, D043265U8AA7yB_.jpeg)

Rare instance of good furrification art

No. 391027

File: 1717993333830.jpeg (189.8 KB, 980x910, D043265U4AATC_Q.jpeg)

No. 391035

File: 1717996741807.jpg (367.23 KB, 1050x812, 20240604_102711.jpg)

I can't wait for Fuga 3

No. 391037

File: 1717997462697.jpeg (113.18 KB, 720x852, IMG_7292.jpeg)


No. 391039

File: 1717997538237.jpeg (79.6 KB, 720x693, IMG_7291.jpeg)

and this one

No. 391043

>Obvious coomer furshit
Jannies lay off the crack and get your eyes checked please

No. 391055

File: 1718002079801.png (1 MB, 855x1276, Kobolds.png)

No. 391158

these are so nostalgic, they make me miss my friend and my hometown…

No. 391159

very cute, i love the texture, who is the artist?

No. 391237

File: 1718056439483.jpg (337.08 KB, 673x670, deu4hfw-2d22ef18-5ba1-4692-9a1…)

Mellowcollie, her lioness fursona is cool

No. 391245

File: 1718059189929.png (3.7 MB, 1384x1709, 1674381692052.png)

I hate furries with a burning passion but I think she's cute and relatable.

No. 391246

File: 1718059257068.gif (91.09 KB, 680x773, 1674102113070.gif)

No. 391278

Who this?

No. 391279

Wtf they're perfectly matched

No. 391313

File: 1718075033985.jpg (437.32 KB, 1280x1441, FrxSEiTX0AQBxdr.jpg)

No. 391317

Flora latour from tamers12345

No. 391318

File: 1718077197289.jpg (448.49 KB, 1268x1574, GPo76bbXEAAqT9t.jpg)

No. 391513

File: 1718124183783.jpg (299.25 KB, 1191x1684, tumblr_pgr5bmf7JG1viwk0eo2_r1_…)

No. 391514

File: 1718124246713.png (304.41 KB, 636x900, tumblr_ogqrc5V3OL1rcw5bwo1_128…)

No. 391523

File: 1718125189878.png (722.29 KB, 630x630, Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 13-59…)

No. 391623

File: 1718156566287.jpg (40.03 KB, 510x600, 4e61ec078c4d51dd55f8a801622d54…)

No. 391624

File: 1718156596882.png (1.99 MB, 1400x1450, ddd9n8l-faca7c4e-a416-4bb5-a49…)

No. 391625

File: 1718156618599.jpg (115.86 KB, 1024x768, pessimism_by_ev_oo_dckxlkf-ful…)

No. 391626

File: 1718156663766.jpg (151.16 KB, 1024x768, kiyttani_speedpaint__link__by_…)

No. 391630

File: 1718157260563.gif (607.88 KB, 480x360, bani.gif)

No. 391634

File: 1718157745186.png (1.45 MB, 968x1190, dcero6x-4dd5d15a-6606-41c8-a8e…)

No. 391645

>tranny colors
Not wholesome

No. 391646

It's clearly ancient pre-gendie art. You sound like a troon declaring sylveon is trans just cause of its palette.

No. 391650

You are so retarded kek

No. 391658

I love how everyone drew ears like that at the time

No. 391872

File: 1718224205264.jpg (228.62 KB, 900x850, tumblr_05844823f24f63a3d0d5042…)

No. 392167

File: 1718314966717.jpeg (113.08 KB, 988x1200, FkTS_IHWYAMPYfp.jpeg)

No. 392259

jesse breakingbad fursona

No. 392383

File: 1718385072133.jpg (714.35 KB, 3522x3473, GObCNnfakAAb-n5.jpg)

No. 392485

File: 1718403245876.jpg (93.79 KB, 564x831, 33c075b31b0178a9d249a325a2a9c0…)

No. 392486

File: 1718403443163.jpg (97.75 KB, 432x760, Artdoll_furry_rat_trolldoll.jp…)

No. 392487

File: 1718403551336.jpg (84.94 KB, 540x611, Screenshot_20230411-133941_Ins…)

No. 392489

I get what the op was saying, but I agree. Stuff like Redwall, tales of Beatrix Potter, and Winnie the pooh/100 acre wood characters I don't consider furry. I don't even consider that Disney robinhood movie furry. They're just stories that have anthropomorphic animals.

No. 392516

File: 1718414229036.jpg (108.25 KB, 1430x1102, C_o240uVwAEBDzV.jpg)

Adorable! I always think Maid Mirian, Roxanne and Gadget are super cute. I really missed when Disney does hand-drawn animations in their films. There was so much soul and charm to them.

No. 392517

File: 1718414282076.jpg (409.78 KB, 2090x1406, GH-nVsra0AAmxir.jpg)

No. 392519

File: 1718414341100.jpg (196.67 KB, 1276x1086, DFqQ1EoUQAArDxW.jpg)

No. 392520

File: 1718414377150.jpg (139.5 KB, 1565x1789, GDZpTaZaQAAq9Nk.jpg)

No. 392603

I loved Gadget so much when i was kid. She was my fave on the team.

No. 392681

File: 1718491229641.jpg (93.03 KB, 1000x1034, CgbDPjNVIAAlUEs.jpg)

No. 392685

File: 1718491972421.jpg (161.75 KB, 1920x1080, c21req6mf1l11.jpg)

No. 392686

File: 1718492074931.jpg (4.27 MB, 2753x3878, 104997834_p0.jpg)

No. 392875

File: 1718558990634.jpg (395.09 KB, 2048x1966, bedtime.jpg)

No. 393040

File: 1718602332531.gif (6.41 MB, 1280x758, 69b1eacc659d933c6843a14147efd3…)

No. 393117

Oh what a blast from the past… Their channels were so gorey for no reason too

No. 393353

File: 1718706060146.jpg (320.89 KB, 1440x1800, kallielef.jpg)

No. 393354

>I feel like "furry" characters and stories tend to have a very specific look, and I don't call every media with an animal cast furry. I might be a minority in that sort of defining of it though.
Nona furries are the small minority, most normal people still have never even heard the word "furry". Furries (and OP of this thread probably since she defines herself as one) want you to think disney or hello kitty is furry art simple because there's an animal depicted in it, and that's both incorrect and dumb. I honestly think calling most art in this thread furry is the same as saying "genderless" pokemon are nonbinary icons and trans. It just assumes you buy into the community/ideology even though the creators didn't even know trans/furry existed and thus it has literally no fucking connection to it at all.

No. 393374

File: 1718718868398.png (247.32 KB, 850x650, animl crossign by CASIN0S on D…)

I have a lot of her art saved. I miss you nicole

No. 393375

agreed. a normal person would've called the thread "cute animal art" or somethibg. there was noneed to call it furry, only furfreaks insist that animal crossing is furry. this thread should be renamed

No. 393376

What's wrong with women furries? It's a pretty huge fandom. The vast majority are sane about it. I like em

No. 393385

it never crossed my mind furry is inherently fetishistic until now, there sure are coomer degenerates, yeah like everywhere. but some people just use the word as a synonym for anthropomorphic animals without thinking too much about it.

No. 393387

i remember her. wtf happened

No. 393405


No. 393549

Furry just = any anthro to me. IDK what it is with some nonnas on this site and thinking that fur innately means some sexual shit.

No. 393553

He kind of looks like the guys that hang out outside the gas station if they were rabbits.

No. 393638

Furry is a fetish thing. Just because some women are now trying to "innocently" use the fetish label for themselves doesn't mean it's not about a fetish. It's like when tifs are calling themselves "gay faggots" and insist it's not bad to call someone a gay faggot - it just wasn't ever for them to begin with and they should just stop trying to force it.

No. 393639

>Furry just = any anthro to me. IDK what it is with some nonnas on this site and thinking that fur innately means some sexual shit.
That's honestly highly unusual nona. Just a heads up in case you aren't aware; if you tell people you like furry stuff they WILL assume it's sexual. Not just on this site, but in general. Even if they don't say something like "you're into beastility?! gross!!!" they will note you as odd and into weird animal kink stuff in their head and likely avoid you.

As proof, note how this thread has "wholesome" in the title to differentiate it from the normal sexual furry art.
>the zoophilia and fetishes that seems undetachable from the furry community at large.
is even in self-described-furry-OP's initial post.

No. 393649

Fucking thank you kek. To add to this my father in law, 60 year old doctor who doesn't use the internet hardly at all, even knows a furry is a sexual weird thing.

No. 393657

kek is that the nesquick rabbit

No. 393699

>To add to this my father in law, 60 year old doctor who doesn't use the internet hardly at all, even knows a furry is a sexual weird thing.
I heard a middle aged woman talk about how furries being a sex thing was a semi-known thing in the 80s(?) ish, it's not as new and online as (us younger) people think. Her kid had gotten into "innocent" furry stuff online and she was like "hell naw" because she knew exactly where that road led.

No. 393717

File: 1718813491020.jpg (4.84 MB, 3712x2282, gettehld.jpg)

She vanished online for a while and deleted her old art but i managed to catch some of it. I made a collage to not flood the thread, because i can't pick one piece. It's wonderful, i'm thankful she ever posted it online.

No. 393768

>That's honestly highly unusual nona. Just a heads up in case you aren't aware; if you tell people you like furry stuff they WILL assume it's sexual. Not just on this site, but in general. Even if they don't say something like "you're into beastility?! gross!!!" they will note you as odd and into weird animal kink stuff in their head and likely avoid you.
Kek I never have reason to bring this stuff up but alright good to know. Enough nonnas seem to believe furry to be innately sexual in this thread that I'll believe I run the risk of a misunderstanding.
Is kemono also innately sexual?

No. 393827

How is calling most of the art here furry "incorrect" when most of the artists here call themselves one or interact with them? Stop clogging the thread with your autism.

No. 393828

File: 1718833696771.jpg (164.27 KB, 1280x1450, __grandma__by_graypillow_dhiis…)

No. 393829

File: 1718833797096.jpg (137.02 KB, 1289x914, media_GQUBOA_aQAAfnvx.jpg)

No. 393835

File: 1718835710990.jpg (55.64 KB, 294x450, 9780142501542.jpg)

Haha yes Redwall books were THE books of my childhood. What were your favorites? Sometimes I want to revisit them but I'm worried they won't live up to the epics they were in my childhood mind.
Would love to see Redwall fanart in more modern styles/styles with some Eastern artist sensibilities like >>390429 and >>392686 .

No. 393889

i love this snake design she is adorable!!!

No. 393931

File: 1718892374956.jpg (205.79 KB, 1080x1080, 8384368146167836548.jpg)

This is the only place I can think to ask but what do nonnas think of these chinese kig fursuits? They're getting popular but they look really ugly to me besides the boy ones and even that's a 50/50.

No. 393946

Digimon nonnies please be my friend. I hope we're mutuals on Twitter or something. The moids in the fandom are insufferable but it makes me happy knowing there's some based women out there somewhere.

No. 393955

File: 1718903873382.jpg (38.94 KB, 500x477, 110510_p0.jpg)

No. 393956

i like kemono fursuits a lot. I think they mog those ugly balto westoid fursuits that must all be crusty and smelly from being worn by faggots.

No. 393957

File: 1718903920110.jpg (53.71 KB, 1461x965, media_GP5m9XxbIAAbXDz.jpg)

No. 393962

File: 1718904466640.jpg (124.57 KB, 813x1000, media_GOw-gBmaMAQQMy6.jpg)

No. 393963

File: 1718904506399.jpg (59.66 KB, 564x564, 6e111b1791a983680768b0fa08d7c6…)

Not really a big fan of the anime chin in some of these

No. 393965

File: 1718904683050.png (2.39 MB, 1080x2025, Screenshot_20240523-104803.png)

No. 393969

File: 1718904925851.jpg (57.74 KB, 564x750, c886a6c49bbd8a2f52310b2d617f29…)

Some western fursuits can be cute like picrel for example, if any of you have more feel free to dump away i like to see them

No. 393971

File: 1718905078490.jpg (45.66 KB, 474x757, 58cbb3dca63337bc0f7748b22724ee…)

No. 393974

File: 1718905300669.jpg (35.9 KB, 564x975, 4d7a78a0b16d68a7a4e11cf7346d13…)

this one is a weird hybrid between east and west and looks gross
this one is decent. still nowhere near as good as a good kemono though
i don't like these, and the are not kemono. they're just weird chinless (as another anon said) mobile-anime-game styled suits. kemonos reign supreme.

No. 393976

File: 1718905414585.jpg (67.51 KB, 564x827, de7ca58f45cafea9164eefcfe04243…)

semi-realistic suits are cool too

No. 393977

File: 1718905462750.jpg (84.79 KB, 564x978, f7dcdb68bd7043a4c7c066a21c8889…)

No. 393986

That dog looks like a bug sorry girl

No. 393990

File: 1718906731298.png (149.03 KB, 1200x799, e.png)

>the are not kemono. they're just weird chinless (as another anon said) mobile-anime-game styled suits. kemonos reign supreme.
Based and true. I wish they would come up with a new name for it instead of grouping them with kemono, I can't find any actual kemono suits now.

No. 393995

File: 1718907953097.jpg (76.46 KB, 564x1002, dea5d7379c6e6d143132a12bcce205…)

yeah, and she's still cuter than the one you posted. western mascot fursuits a shit.

No. 394097

Post more kemono

No. 394120

File: 1718937844547.jpg (359.98 KB, 1708x2562, httpsimage.tmdb.orgtporiginalw…)

Does anybody else used watch this show on disney junior back then? The characters are so cute

No. 394121

That dog is nowhere near as cute or skillfully made as that brown thing above it whatever it is.

No. 394122

fursuits and kemono should have their own thread

No. 394123

They both look like fetish characters men would wank off to

No. 394131

File: 1718940066054.jpg (71.84 KB, 640x640, Doll © Hasbro, 1966 3.jpg)

Why the fuck was anon banned for this? The dog girl showing too much… fur?

No. 394132

File: 1718940147252.jpg (46.34 KB, 420x595, Doll © Hasbro, 1966.jpg)

No. 394140

File: 1718941141069.jpg (1.38 MB, 2346x3448, From Perfect Selection Mine 99…)

No. 394141

File: 1718941523504.jpg (70.69 KB, 533x800, @ri_n - 31.12.2023.jpg)

No. 394143

File: 1718941760476.jpg (2.49 MB, 2923x4096, @whipcreamtea - 26.07.2023.jpg)

No. 394152

File: 1718944933843.jpg (229.62 KB, 720x1074, Screenshot_20240620_233140_Ins…)

I occasionally get fed posts from this woman on insta. She makes crazy realistic fursuit heads. I'm posting the pig bc it's my favorite, but she's done plenty of other animals as well. Including many cats. Honestly they are a bit off putting as they are only partials and are hyper realistic, but she has incredible skill. And while I can't confirm if she's a woman I don't believe a man could create something so cute, sorry. Honestly I see the appeal of fursuits, mainly from a craft perspective. I love crafts and crafty things and some fursuits designs just look so fun. But I have no desire to wear them. I've honestly thought about making fursuits for the simple thought I could make good money and have fun creating, but all that fur is honestly a nightmare to work with and maintain. I don't even understand how the people wearing them even clean them.

No. 394154

File: 1718945009075.jpg (167.97 KB, 720x986, Screenshot_20240620_233111_Ins…)

And here's a ragdoll cat

No. 394159

Same, they look so fun to make, and I think I’d be good at it. I will seriously think about starting it when I move to a bigger place. For me though I hate thinking about the sheer amount of material needed to make them and how it’s all plastic.

No. 394167

Making fursuit heads is tough but its a lot of fun, I'd totally reccomend it if it sounds interesting to you. There are even lots of people who sell pre-made bases for you to work on. I've made a few heads, not pro-quality, but I really enjoyed making each and every one of them even if I don't go to cons or anything.
The microplastics are an unavoidable issue though, with how much you're gonna be trimming the faux-fur… you should wear a mask just to keep from inhaling it. You could maybe try to keep the work in one room and vaccum/displose of the plastics in a container to keep them from spreading to minimize the damage.

No. 394187

this is so charming

No. 394350

File: 1719009199318.jpg (212.64 KB, 695x1107, CATS GALORE Vintage cat postca…)

No. 394353

File: 1719010358671.gif (79.41 KB, 606x850, __drawn_by_ikeuchi__8717a798c4…)

No. 394357

File: 1719011231272.jpg (167.08 KB, 1800x1498, yorozu1217_2020-10-11_13153801…)

No. 394361

File: 1719011792341.jpg (2.51 MB, 2774x4631, 3f527c04961092ade408e53461888b…)

No. 394363

File: 1719012115338.jpg (252.56 KB, 1536x2048, 30clock_3096_2024-02-14_175770…)

No. 394367

File: 1719013274382.jpg (494.32 KB, 2077x3073, @im_a_spacebar - 29.07.2023.jp…)

No. 394374

So cute, sometimes anthros look so weird with human hair so I love when they have hair like this.

No. 394379

File: 1719018320701.jpg (47.13 KB, 564x564, meowny VK - Masyunya.jpg)

No. 394380

File: 1719018655445.png (310.71 KB, 1280x811, coeurcore tumblr_e8e81177fcdc2…)

No. 394524

File: 1719088987294.jpg (378.29 KB, 1300x1858, suzumori521 yuba-chan tumblr_b…)

No. 394525

File: 1719089357227.jpg (353.69 KB, 1200x1870, suzumori521 yuba-chan tumblr_c…)

No. 394527

File: 1719089696511.jpg (156.53 KB, 1200x1184, suzumori521 yuba-chan tumblr_3…)

No. 394646

ough shes so creepycute i love

No. 394672

File: 1719145083433.png (2.16 MB, 2048x1074, image (3).png)

No. 394677

File: 1719146191883.mp4 (535.91 KB, 1280x720, WvmlJQw7-4TWbbht.mp4)

No. 394800

File: 1719175321732.jpeg (232 KB, 2048x876, EyqOD-4U4AIvQFa.jpeg)

I love this artist. Their works are gorgeous

No. 394801

File: 1719175378465.jpeg (2.02 MB, 2417x1024, EnLEUpqVEAAr92i.jpeg)

No. 394809

File: 1719177118445.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1936x826, ExiajMoVcAAp8-B.jpeg)

No. 394813

File: 1719178048825.jpeg (330.7 KB, 2048x1152, FLTcYRDaUAARELZ.jpeg)

No. 395062

File: 1719266999417.png (737.06 KB, 1280x1129, DuBoUzKVYAAQFbP.png)

Sorry for incoming Claire spam. She's just so friggin cute even though she's wood elf but still passes off as an anthro cat.

No. 395063

File: 1719267083691.png (1.42 MB, 2000x2000, Dtid6oFU0AAwkGu.png)

Of course, there are some lewd shit of her so I edited these out.

No. 395064

File: 1719267152597.jpg (536.3 KB, 1600x1400, Dtid7pKU0AI-gdb.jpg)

No. 395065

File: 1719267224251.png (602.33 KB, 2000x1200, Dtid7PCV4AE_s-n.png)

No. 395066

File: 1719267275693.jpg (422.2 KB, 2500x2300, D09bIvUV4AACczq.jpg)

No. 395067

File: 1719267341598.jpg (135.71 KB, 2150x1100, EGhdFnjVUAE8mDB.jpg)

No. 395069

File: 1719267397635.jpg (948.56 KB, 3000x1500, Dy90xmqUUAAbjEU.jpg)

No. 395070

File: 1719267446813.jpg (134.99 KB, 1800x800, Eh8PoRAUcAAnJ5P.jpg)

No. 395071

File: 1719267499959.jpg (277.37 KB, 1900x1600, EVE90rxU0AIJMvy.jpg)

No. 395072

File: 1719267565192.jpg (157.26 KB, 1280x754, Dti-8anVYAAYOSF.jpg)

No. 395073

File: 1719267613115.jpg (174.6 KB, 1063x855, Dti-81UU0AApncv.jpg)

No. 395122

File: 1719284995093.jpg (307.1 KB, 1382x2048, 30clock_3096_2023-09-29_170771…)

No. 395123

File: 1719285107740.jpg (199.98 KB, 1068x2048, 30clock_3096_2022-10-22_158379…)

Drawing a cat and claiming it as a diff species is funny af to me but it explains why she doesnt have a tail.

No. 395124

File: 1719285169641.jpg (818.51 KB, 4096x1746, im_a_spacebar_2023-09-12_17016…)

No. 395151

File: 1719302460010.jpg (24.34 KB, 738x415, images-1.jpg)

Wait so… She's canonically not a cat?? That's not her brother?? There's an official comic of The Summoning?? So many questions.

I love that cartoon short btw, I wish they had made it into a full fledged series, so sad.

No. 395957

File: 1719527896863.jpeg (163.91 KB, 800x1280, DU6fb0GVwAAgs-P.jpeg)

No. 395958

File: 1719528079978.jpg (153.08 KB, 870x1200, 1d8dc57fe6c39ac218ae799c2b845f…)

No. 395960

File: 1719528248148.jpg (181.05 KB, 1864x2048, c3a18f83d0d90c3e7a5251277c07a1…)

No. 395961

File: 1719528273642.jpg (51.63 KB, 536x659, e815a643898b720a07b7afb94f7c46…)

No. 396000

File: 1719540167346.png (712.54 KB, 960x1280, 1634742532.aaa1357932_ran.png)

I didn't know that puppychan drew touhou fanart! her ran and chen are super cute.

No. 396079

No. 396081

File: 1719567533760.jpeg (174.55 KB, 828x1159, IMG_0018.jpeg)

Annoying hooded crows by Alaiaorax

No. 396097

File: 1719576773985.jpg (48.23 KB, 511x584, tom23.jpg)

Growing up, I always adored Beatrix Potter. My favorite story is The Tale of Tom Kitten.

I was also one of those kids who wanted a tail. I really wanted cat features. Furries ruined that for me, but I'm glad to see a comfy thread like this pop up. A lot of the art is adorable.

No. 396227

File: 1719625920706.gif (2.66 MB, 498x490, maureen.gif)

i essentially kinned him as a child… totally feel you on wanting cat features, so much of my parents' old photo albums of me as a little toddler/kid are pictures where ive drawn on whiskers with my mothers eyeliner… i spent hours and hours daydreaming about being able to transform into a cat as an animagus when i read harry potter, by far the most appealing thing about those books for me.
picrel, i understand her…

No. 396586

File: 1719744373425.jpg (244.49 KB, 1620x2048, 2000s.jpg)

Furries are people who never grew out of their childhood make-believe so it's now warped in their adult and porn-influenced sexuality.

No. 396587

Nonas how about we make up our own word for people who like cute anthro stuff but explicitly hate furries and the sexualized shit?

Any time someone says they're a furry but hate the sexual stuff I roll my eyes and it reminds me of how my female boss once insisted she had a "handbag fetish" because that was her favorite fashion item. Ma'am I don't think you understand what you are saying kek

No. 396588

what about that art is "wholesome"? it's ugly as fuck

No. 396598

File: 1719748432537.jpg (1.09 MB, 2048x2897, Tumblr_l_6978194165080.jpg)

The new Gen suck but I love this.

No. 396599

File: 1719748615681.jpg (1.15 MB, 2048x2897, Tumblr_l_6982226220808.jpg)

No. 396600

File: 1719750206101.jpg (978.86 KB, 2048x2897, Tumblr_l_6996040199973.jpg)

No. 396602

File: 1719751005304.jpg (1013.6 KB, 2048x2897, Tumblr_l_7000471092160.jpg)

Last one. I'll spare you the boy.

No. 396617

File: 1719757790638.png (8.69 MB, 2048x2335, 7272.png)

No. 396625

File: 1719761537923.jpeg (196.29 KB, 1006x913, IMG_1350.jpeg)

No. 396627

File: 1719761568706.jpeg (130.84 KB, 736x681, IMG_1351.jpeg)

No. 396629

File: 1719761807750.jpeg (207.29 KB, 720x717, IMG_1352.jpeg)

No. 396630

File: 1719761837025.jpeg (328.3 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_1354.jpeg)

No. 396634

File: 1719762349051.jpeg (3.5 MB, 5181x3454, IMG_5251.jpeg)

I love everything Beatrix potter. It makes me happy knowing she is a bong. I want to visit where she grew up and was inspired to write her books. (I adore Peter rabbit and have a small book that is from 1970, I found in a charity shop, I also have coins and other trinkets!) she is perfect for this thread

No. 396635

File: 1719762405520.jpeg (834.94 KB, 1170x520, IMG_5253.jpeg)

No. 396806

File: 1719818439441.jpg (59.97 KB, 640x674, post244636083_2940676772852563…)

Either way every farmer in this board and most people online will still see you as one of us and make fun of you for it. Kek, lmao!(bait)

No. 396808

File: 1719818616748.png (106.54 KB, 310x592, 041937.png)

No. 396812

ew, why do you sexually abuse your pets that's disgusting(bait)

No. 396819

File: 1719823813915.jpg (247.79 KB, 813x1000, 20230509_094519.jpg)

So what? It's cute and non sexual. Not everything tagged as furry is bad. Sometimes it just means "anthropomorphized animals".

No. 396929

File: 1719863289592.jpg (38.45 KB, 640x800, post294372875_554132676175475_…)

I don't, stay mad.

No. 396930

File: 1719863349639.jpg (58.02 KB, 640x483, post187710055_131640452354177_…)

No. 396934

Nonny I loved this artist too, it’s a shame she disappeared and deleted her art. I always search up her handles hoping I can find some of it archived. Do you have more of her art saved?

No. 396939

Even if this is bait i agree with you, cute artwork btw anyone knows who the artist is?

No. 396950

File: 1719868609617.jpg (51.84 KB, 640x783, post440474249_830506605762230_…)

Thank you nonna. The artist is Lux.jii on instagram.

No. 396952

File: 1719868715965.jpg (165.54 KB, 938x1236, d7c319526c60d4b4f8fa1b3c58767c…)

No. 396953

This is so cute. The family portrait is just missing Sylvester and Mio/Mao.

No. 396962

Oh lord theyre adorable

No. 397082

File: 1719905245070.jpeg (344.42 KB, 1621x2048, FQchfKzaQAM326W.jpeg)

How about anthro appreciator? Furry just sounds too cringe for me and seems more tied to animal characters with fur.

No. 397085

File: 1719906140123.jpg (228.15 KB, 1233x1233, 20240126_115050.jpg)

how about no(cropped lewd furfag art)

No. 397091

File: 1719908431897.jpg (68.83 KB, 713x553, tumblr_o3471l3qHm1r2xzp4o3_128…)

No. 397092

File: 1719908469048.jpg (61.54 KB, 575x609, tumblr_o3471l3qHm1r2xzp4o5_r2_…)

No. 397093

File: 1719908527057.gif (39.99 KB, 400x507, tumblr_o3471l3qHm1r2xzp4o1_400…)

"She’s a Croatian Sheepdog in Croatian folk clothing, specifically from the area of Podravina. That’s pretty much it."

No. 397164

File: 1719942018741.png (361.2 KB, 822x975, 404874a5f722b6740406c0617de359…)

No. 397176

No(pointless infighting in a wholesome thread)

No. 397199

File: 1719950938458.png (181.96 KB, 460x650, 71597046_p0.png)

No. 397210

Isnt this the series where adult men are using the characters to lure children into becoming porn addicted gooners? Pedopunk or something?(derailing wholesome thread)

No. 397212

what the fuck are you talking about

whos the artist?

No. 397214

What the fuck are you on about? do you mean elsagate? And no undertale and deltarune has nothing to do with it

No. 397215

sure is. deltarune and undertale is tranny sex pest shit and doesnt belong outside its containment thread tbh(derailing)

No. 397217

File: 1719955952602.png (326.53 KB, 615x570, 72176952_p0.png)

No. 397230

No. 397295

File: 1719984691575.jpg (188.22 KB, 400x532, 20240607_081851.jpg)

No. 397297

Reminds me of the paper mario style

No. 397314

File: 1719993654932.jpg (220.76 KB, 1400x1217, CUWCHgLUAAAAl3F.jpg)

No. 397320

File: 1719996097296.jpg (82.06 KB, 1024x1024, F0sgedpWIAAM3r5.jpg)

(troons arent wholesome)

No. 397323

File: 1719997543923.jpg (1.83 MB, 3000x769, century_wide_3000.jpg)

No. 397325

Nta but to be fair, if furries can be wholesome then troons should be too. They're equally deranged groups.

No. 397326

Samefagging but this is so funny because not only are troons gross and not capable of being wholesome, it's a fucking ugly drawing to begin with

No. 397327

>How about anthro appreciator?
It would be shortened to just anthro so idk if that's good or bad?
>how about no
Cope, seethe and dialate furfag.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 397332

File: 1719999507010.jpg (Spoiler Image,349.85 KB, 1294x2048, F_4kTm-bQAA9Gnb.jpg)

>wholesome furry thread(not wholesome)

No. 397337

File: 1720002924152.jpg (1.69 MB, 1620x2025, __susie_and_noelle_holiday_del…)

Shouldn't it be the lesbian flag instead? Also, just because Noelle has horns doesn't make her trans the same way like Toriel who's a mother with a biological son.

No. 397352

File: 1720012140717.png (701.61 KB, 2018x2456, a7e8671f12b7f285e4ef02adc9a39e…)

No. 397362

Yes! Odd Taxi!

No. 397364

File: 1720017420876.gif (329.99 KB, 220x124, cadeyup.gif)

Finally they got this autist out of here. The virgin uwu wholesome "anthro appreciator" closet furry vs the unabashed furstacys in the glamfur thread.

No. 397367

you realize they banned the actual furries too right kek >>397085(ban evasion)

No. 397374

File: 1720021184771.png (1.02 MB, 1100x1494, 1ec0ae3af85db68adc3b4a75ff55fd…)

Very good anime!

No. 397379

It was obvious from the cropped one this was coomshit

No. 397400

File: 1720031250472.png (888.06 KB, 750x1000, 871170fdfdf0cfd35efe6e842d761f…)

the porcupine guy from this anime is cute

No. 397408

File: 1720032323574.jpg (128.34 KB, 936x1054, tumblr_4c5e94b6c0854cbf99584b5…)

I would still prefer "anthro appreciator". Dunno why it triggers you so much. It's like saying you're a weeb/weaboo for liking anime.

No. 397486

File: 1720048419175.jpg (78.97 KB, 630x591, a6b79e3fb775e139e13e0f79b9a324…)

Kek she was annoying, also good idea let's post some glamfurs and 2000s furries.

No. 397487

File: 1720048540534.png (258.36 KB, 434x651, 3c9600dd5fdbd88f93b4dc052d784d…)

No. 397494

File: 1720049991490.jpg (44 KB, 492x750, flower_field.jpg)

No. 397496

I support this family

No. 397638

File: 1720080105595.jpg (103.79 KB, 910x1142, danny.jpg)

I like him

No. 397640

File: 1720080568318.gif (1.98 MB, 450x329, Mary Ellen llen.gif)

Thread's opinion on Tracy j. Butler? I like her arts.

No. 397641

File: 1720081105741.jpg (110.56 KB, 1063x752, after_a_long_day_by_sherwoodwh…)

101 dalmatian street was a cute show. Too bad it attract weird coomers.

No. 397652

>Finally they got this autist out of here.
There's far more than one furfag-hater itt anon. This thread was created because we hate furries and their deranged sexual shit.(still derailing/infighting)

No. 397660

File: 1720086768949.png (867.87 KB, 1806x1546, fluttershy.png)

No. 397662

File: 1720086808186.png (1.34 MB, 1102x1412, mlpone.png)

No. 397663

File: 1720086856787.png (2.76 MB, 2200x3000, aj.png)

No. 397665

File: 1720087168803.jpg (1.02 MB, 900x900, 20220609_185920.jpg)

No. 397667

File: 1720087335101.jpg (378.6 KB, 1061x1278, [20-09-23] 1308783948143583233…)

No. 397668

File: 1720087353943.jpg (531.12 KB, 2048x1827, 20210728_200702.jpg)

No. 397669

File: 1720087387970.jpg (300.39 KB, 1284x1500, [21-01-20] 1351900075132239872…)

No. 397670

File: 1720087426021.jpg (110.41 KB, 700x683, [20-02-28] 1233417840473980928…)

i hate disney for not making another goof troop movie or cartoon

No. 397672

File: 1720087698191.jpg (47.43 KB, 511x535, [17-11-04] 926822116573319174_…)

whats your fav animal disney movie nonnies? the three mouseketers is still my favourite disney movie ever, and i also love lady and the tramp, both the first and the sequel. I miss their animal movies so much, CGI humans are so soulless and ugly.

No. 397676

The Rescuers + The Rescuers Down Under (not as good but still fun). I love Bianca and Bernard and the tiny animals in the rescue society is so cute. Also the little girl being saved in the first one always makes me emotional.

No. 397678

File: 1720091024627.jpg (29.36 KB, 736x414, 1000004682.jpg)

The Rescuers Down Under was one of my favourite movies as a kid! Joanna was hilarious but any scene where she tried to eat the eggs would make me hungry for some reason kek

No. 397729

File: 1720113236063.png (404.55 KB, 1200x1200, GQ_mGzqXwAASBG9 @MtwMnr.png)

No. 397895

File: 1720140823699.jpg (53.86 KB, 811x744, 0be8e45ebe477a586cd67d12aa0ca6…)

No. 397899

File: 1720141558532.gif (3.38 MB, 540x580, bcd6a685beb8d94a676ed0c4e9fed1…)

What about 3d animal disney movies?

No. 397921

File: 1720151832514.jpg (97.69 KB, 872x1000, [18-07-03] 1014005394828509184…)

i really hate 3DCGI animation tbh i cant watch any of the newer disney movies

No. 397942

File: 1720157635628.gif (376.36 KB, 519x394, winniethepooh.gif)

More of a franchise but Winnie the Pooh has always been a Disney favorite of mine's since childhood. It's cute, comfy and cozy.

No. 397959

File: 1720162681790.jpg (88.21 KB, 600x851, 1922-600x0.jpg)

Fair enough, i also miss 2d animation. Very rarely there's something new that's not from Japan but it always flops and goes unnoticed like picrel.

No. 398079

File: 1720196543390.jpg (178.35 KB, 1974x2324, D16hRAiUgAIJ6oQ.jpg)

lupisvulpes did nothing wrong

No. 398080

I find the "not knot" scene genuinely funny kek

No. 398098

File: 1720199655640.png (223.13 KB, 658x801, ERbUj13WoAArVs4.png)

I feel like twitterfags just wanted any reason to cancel her because they were jealous of her art and had petty quarrels with her. I'm so sad that she wiped everything, I really wanted to make her fanart. I hope she comes back one day and finally gets to make her own series with her characters.

No. 398111

the pickmes and tifs reacted as if she murdered a kitten or something. when the only thing she did was being a lady with her own beliefs.
it's sad that she sold off all of her characters

No. 398137

Man I remember participating in one of her contests and applying as a coloring artist for the show she was planning to make (404 something). She got cancelled because she wouldn't draw things with tranny and gay flags in them (kinda shitty for the gay flags) but I mean she can choose what to do and not to do. The real shitty thing she did was not paying any of the people who worked on Audience with her and not letting some of the volunteers make decisions on the plot like she had agreed.

No. 398161

File: 1720217811753.jpg (473.46 KB, 1280x905, tumblr_oyaejegLpH1qcsc7lo1_128…)

No. 398163

File: 1720218682319.jpg (716.83 KB, 1423x1423, eli spencer.jpg)

I'm not a full on furry but I love Eli Spencer's work so I wanted to share with anons here.

No. 398164

I like this

No. 398172

File: 1720222655203.jpg (94.59 KB, 600x600, __pac_man_and_klonoa_kaze_no_k…)

Klonoa! More Klonoa! Wahoo!

No. 398231

File: 1720241635470.jpg (235.19 KB, 905x1280, ac60baff0802ec6d0bf7567bebae3b…)

No. 398489

File: 1720320146807.png (285.36 KB, 667x675, 1.png)

They're so cute nonas

No. 398490

File: 1720320176190.jpg (409.52 KB, 1358x2048, 1e6c174ad9db0c1edc0a4dca528f94…)

No. 398564

File: 1720354788560.jpg (653.48 KB, 621x875, 13763889_p0.jpg)

No. 398565

File: 1720354884450.jpg (74.18 KB, 500x323, 27086762_p5.jpg)

No. 398566

File: 1720355054068.png (244.54 KB, 900x708, 46334488_p28.png)

he looks so fat and retarded in this drawing

No. 398567

File: 1720355080442.png (67.11 KB, 600x800, 40969526_p12.png)

No. 398569

File: 1720355314533.png (1.21 MB, 900x1200, 64119962_p0.png)

No. 398577

File: 1720357585827.png (183.8 KB, 1000x1092, 43146254_p0.png)

No. 398757

File: 1720388003883.gif (9.97 MB, 921x713, __frisk_toriel_and_asgore_dree…)

No. 398773

File: 1720391829303.gif (3.1 MB, 327x398, stupid_rat_ddr.gif)

No. 398775

File: 1720392163847.png (544.74 KB, 1197x1176, 1000004462.png)

No. 398783

File: 1720393890983.jpg (37.52 KB, 715x481, 1000047545.jpg)

this is so cute anon wtf I love Undertale now

No. 398808

I love this big doofy smile kek

No. 398840

No. 398841

File: 1720419878589.jpg (178.5 KB, 1110x1517, lee-yewon-980-2.jpg)

No. 398842

File: 1720419960000.jpg (222.13 KB, 1920x1358, lee-yewon-672.jpg)

No. 398843

File: 1720420423026.jpg (637.61 KB, 1857x2212, Kopa_Nishikida_2024-04-11_1778…)

No. 398875

File: 1720442701518.jpg (154.12 KB, 1280x866, gettehldd.jpg)

No. 399270

File: 1720510523395.jpeg (118.42 KB, 1326x1084, DRRBskyW4AAhGUj.jpeg)

The fact that she's 12 just makes it worse for moids who lust over her

No. 399765

File: 1720608265487.jpg (162.91 KB, 1267x1920, tumblr_c5122c3d804b779e6538e84…)

No. 401029

File: 1720848950957.jpg (220.2 KB, 1920x1080, MV5BYWIwZWI5NTUtMjViOC00ZTQ1LT…)


Adorable crossover I absolutely love Susie!

No. 401331

File: 1720938623243.png (688.2 KB, 900x843, 1636677886.sherwind_81.png)

No. 401332

File: 1720938666899.png (799.88 KB, 900x768, 1619306964.sherwind_50.png)

No. 401334

File: 1720939459610.jpg (81.07 KB, 710x1413, 340bc2f20c7df64235c79a4ab1f1ac…)

Distinct lack of cows in this thread

No. 402483

File: 1721195703887.jpg (854.48 KB, 1280x1604, nataliatrepenok.jpg)

No. 402506

File: 1721201804007.jpg (196.97 KB, 720x720, Screenshot_20240716_005934_Ins…)

No. 402553

File: 1721217783803.jpg (316.03 KB, 1279x1279, 748c275c11465e6f6849bcf2c5c685…)

No. 402554

File: 1721217815480.jpg (1.07 MB, 2048x2048, tumblr_26e9f8a27e4e50442b122d0…)

No. 402592

File: 1721228268657.jpg (1.4 MB, 1728x1914, TGC001-COVER-IMAGE.jpg)

Came into thread for this tbh. She's has to be my favourite artist ever. A very admirable woman in general too. Always loved this particular little mouse

No. 402594

File: 1721228303094.jpg (361.45 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)

And this one

No. 402599

File: 1721228737909.jpg (56.93 KB, 736x736, 1000005341.jpg)

No. 402610

File: 1721230328701.png (1.79 MB, 1350x1080, 1686747191.hushedtr4nquility_w…)

No. 402974

File: 1721308461062.jpeg (698.11 KB, 1483x2048, xd2lJ0o.jpeg)

No. 403342

File: 1721384618041.png (615.12 KB, 647x900, KO9tWRm.png)

No. 404418

File: 1721721278833.png (1.19 MB, 2000x1600, 1706150738257.png)

Here's this from the doodle thread. I absolutely love the lolita cow.

No. 404873

File: 1721850329114.jpg (66.5 KB, 640x714, 8fb05d8f262ef9157fefc641ea1e7f…)

I have a collection of cute pics with the same vibe.

I love animals who look like olden time villagers.

No. 404874

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No. 404877

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No. 404879

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No. 404880

File: 1721851031196.jpg (107.04 KB, 736x980, a3c406ebf313a3e49b56a81dcc42dc…)

No. 404882

File: 1721851124997.jpg (68.5 KB, 540x714, 504ef643e9ee0e460ecd34cbd6a7a5…)

No. 404883

File: 1721851309234.jpeg (86.65 KB, 400x583, tumblr_p4zc71EFLr1si21d1o9_r1_…)

No. 404885

File: 1721851427011.jpeg (70.89 KB, 400x552, tumblr_p4zc71EFLr1si21d1o7_r1_…)

No. 405107

File: 1721945836463.jpg (41.27 KB, 558x784, c017a6aa4aeb961d679263ffd53739…)

No. 405108

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No. 405505

File: 1722117643089.jpg (128.13 KB, 1200x1200, 616a2822abd3efac21a0a9174196f6…)

No. 405506

File: 1722117711915.jpg (90.02 KB, 736x1146, cb242b53ee68ba648b1d731baba657…)

No. 405507

File: 1722118237356.jpg (54.05 KB, 750x877, 9f024f09accea08e66fcbee4d8653c…)

Ngl, i thought she was a young adult or something myself. That short was great.

No. 405519

File: 1722119607358.jpeg (199.65 KB, 1403x1403, 25FE6746-FE60-4E91-A5E7-03FE58…)

No. 405522

File: 1722120051972.jpeg (46.89 KB, 564x302, 67c41d7de2fd12982e15a73fe7a3c1…)

I loved Redwall as a child. I'm thinking about re-reading all the books again sometime.

I love the wholesome antho characters of kids' picture books. Maybe it's nostalgia, but it's cozy. For instance, Franklin or Little Bear. (sorry for small picture quality)

No. 405523

File: 1722120347002.jpeg (136.83 KB, 818x1000, 713UvV9a30L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

Another kids book example is Mrs. Bindergarten series of books. Each student is a different animal for each letter of the alphabet, so you get all kinds of cute and uncommon anthro characters. Like a quokka or uakari (type of monkey).

No. 405526

I remember wholesome scenes, but also a lot of war, cruel murders, and some dude hypnotizing a whole village to steal all their shit kek

No. 405529

File: 1722121527134.jpeg (253.2 KB, 1242x1222, 0A79C43C-74E1-4FA7-9B1B-0C9E67…)

this artist is my personal cow but her anthro art is nice

No. 405530

File: 1722121551974.jpeg (201.16 KB, 1242x1049, 15B017DF-3FFB-41BF-BB63-3FA786…)

No. 405538

Give us the deets nona, im curious

No. 405544

File: 1722125090128.jpg (65.66 KB, 724x1024, feb38a6fd846de1139d1a93fed625c…)

No. 405788

File: 1722202265803.jpg (688.35 KB, 1859x1948, FrogandToad.jpg)

No. 406818

File: 1722610309479.jpg (219.78 KB, 1068x1500, 81bNMY6To9L._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

No. 406819

File: 1722610337992.jpg (184.16 KB, 1068x1500, 81J3SviXKIL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

No. 406820

This level of anthro is gross to me sorry

No. 406823

File: 1722611176192.png (252.24 KB, 1243x634, furry_vs_kemono_by_loulouvz_dc…)

Western furry/anthro is more gross tbh

No. 407118

You're talking about other books right? I don't remember any of that in the ones I mentioned.

No. 407336

File: 1722789900337.jpg (83.57 KB, 736x736, 1000049782.jpg)

Dogtsune Miku

No. 407680

File: 1722942361144.jpg (229.48 KB, 1317x900, EX-k2PfU8AANhpm.jpg)

No. 407753

File: 1722967427165.jpg (98.45 KB, 640x640, post403898197_1056285608858042…)

No. 407755

File: 1722967843827.jpg (71.93 KB, 640x800, post412354209_229748060069519_…)

No. 407770

File: 1722971058707.jpg (369.01 KB, 1500x1501, GTlROaCaEAAQQwm.jpg)

No. 407789

File: 1722975628646.jpg (107.14 KB, 843x1124, 3499e1128564a497c0e48881a429b1…)

No. 407813

File: 1722983459890.jpg (279.47 KB, 1010x1622, GUSsrmSa8AA1auW.jpg)

No. 407818

File: 1722984243894.jpg (47.55 KB, 442x650, t3ekpq02zu421.jpg)

No. 407844

File: 1722997249315.png (463.88 KB, 1000x998, 822f98d512dd0a8f251e36be4b09e9…)

No. 407845

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No. 407846

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No. 407849

File: 1722998640993.jpg (56.48 KB, 843x678, dafb51115179429eb2de2988b287f5…)

No. 407850

File: 1722998776226.jpg (58.22 KB, 843x697, 5106333f8205c6e56712ae67e29ec0…)

No. 407851

No. 407852

File: 1722999176817.png (449.66 KB, 856x895, media_GQ84rrqbwAAaaEU.png)

No. 407855

Youtube has a lot of mostly-sfw furries, especially the animation meme community

No. 407857

File: 1723000233315.jpg (113.99 KB, 1024x1230, beastars_x_arashi_no_yoru_ni_b…)

No. 407858

File: 1723000257668.jpg (190.63 KB, 1280x944, 1610497554.okadu_anyn_beastars…)

No. 407989

File: 1723051781630.jpg (86.61 KB, 850x655, __original_drawn_by_grintasia_…)

No. 407991

File: 1723052085481.jpg (126.15 KB, 850x1480, __original_drawn_by_grintasia_…)

No. 407993

File: 1723053007704.jpg (98.71 KB, 657x680, __original_drawn_by_grintasia_…)

No. 408115

File: 1723079588049.jpg (79.11 KB, 1464x1054, 20240808_024703.jpg)

No. 408140

File: 1723087967908.jpg (369.79 KB, 1400x1038, F-wbDk3WwAAANcd.jpg)

Omori x Pokemon anthros

No. 408221

File: 1723120071025.jpg (364.74 KB, 1213x1797, 1c768d4d355523b086b242a9b53242…)

Ryoko kui does it best

No. 408230

File: 1723122271937.jpg (154.34 KB, 720x900, 8802c2caf0b448f9a85d39ecb69e2a…)

Source: @celesse ,tumblr.

No. 408231

File: 1723122316322.jpg (188.73 KB, 720x900, 10b0865786f13df6849c472b9052d8…)

No. 408236

File: 1723122647574.jpg (174.29 KB, 720x900, 59d29de41f123291d242d0e08e1382…)

No. 408263

File: 1723128892480.jpg (697.97 KB, 1280x1658, tumblr_nb5m1o2fjf1r1o8dto1_128…)

No. 408279

Took me a while to notice that the tree has hands and a face.

No. 408796

File: 1723320849082.jpg (122.43 KB, 1008x1200, 1722303598050.jpg)

No. 409199

File: 1723424570330.jpg (78.7 KB, 850x1088, __drew_dislyte_drawn_by_ddyun_…)

No. 409200

File: 1723424606325.jpg (39.76 KB, 736x736, 46b254e0ceb6fe64441627af0a5752…)

No. 409365

File: 1723478724916.png (33.12 KB, 324x545, sonicmakercat.png)


I remember playing this game a bit as a kid. It's really cute and nostalgic. I was unsure on which thread to post this but I think this is the best one in the end.

No. 410211

File: 1723693444367.jpg (1.09 MB, 1280x1203, 102726605_p2.jpg)

No. 410856

File: 1723888718999.jpg (161.93 KB, 1275x717, tumblr_35f00ddb640248f88b23a5a…)

No. 412876

File: 1724447342391.jpeg (196.88 KB, 1626x1186, 76A45676-CE9C-48FA-B079-E0EA32…)

No. 412878

So cute. Reminds me of Hetalia Russia

No. 413659

File: 1724700881075.jpg (122.68 KB, 600x600, 82704688_p27.jpg)

No. 413710

File: 1724712458175.jpg (66.53 KB, 732x1080, f4f62a1c38fd82438399fe62e84482…)

Hard to find good anthro cow art

No. 413726

File: 1724714877803.png (2.16 MB, 1100x1081, 99569188_p0.png)

No. 413833

File: 1724744977572.jpg (631.75 KB, 1198x1392, Tumblr_l_3172644925557.jpg)

@bedupolker ,tumblr

No. 413834

File: 1724745004297.jpg (1.75 MB, 2048x2246, 5352b80cec84e1e99a0f619ec7c102…)

No. 413835

File: 1724745067005.jpg (295.43 KB, 1280x1306, aca6b0eb6af923fafe30a76bec37a8…)

I think these are painted traditionally.

No. 413860

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No. 413861

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No. 413863

File: 1724748512092.jpg (108.35 KB, 990x990, 119987610_1041097439679617_659…)

No. 413864

File: 1724748534253.jpg (43.44 KB, 676x676, 137080872_525670691724538_7001…)

No. 413865

File: 1724748599948.jpg (44.19 KB, 676x676, 136978253_427424305049522_1613…)

No. 414237

File: 1724865441034.png (1.07 MB, 2048x1467, tumblr_440e2917dc029cf6c55af72…)

No. 414315

File: 1724878586621.png (405.31 KB, 900x760, tumblr_ea50e203ebc8cea71b998bd…)

No. 414608

File: 1726040676274.jpg (118.37 KB, 861x905, 20240909_090430.jpg)

No. 414790

File: 1726094059781.jpg (279.18 KB, 1550x2048, __symbareangoramon_and_tsukiyo…)

No. 414791

File: 1726094092324.jpg (217.47 KB, 1750x2100, __symbareangoramon_digimon_dra…)

No. 415237

File: 1726222478349.jpg (74.73 KB, 717x978, GWq-3iuXEAA6NpS.jpg)

No. 415331

File: 1726260308257.jpg (404.16 KB, 1100x1200, cute.jpg)

No. 415374

File: 1726284437182.jpg (248.85 KB, 2048x2048, 80scdm_twitter.jpg)

No. 415611

File: 1726374920062.jpeg (509.55 KB, 2048x1767, C52BE1BB-B5C1-4900-98BF-5EBDFF…)

that’s because it literally is russia lol

No. 415612

File: 1726374962644.jpeg (267.71 KB, 1145x606, DF83F9AF-3EBC-4F47-A15C-204D44…)

No. 415696

Meowrisa Kirisame

No. 415746

File: 1726437325799.webm (190.8 KB, 640x640, 1724612757071165.webm)

No. 415751

File: 1726438137555.jpg (110.1 KB, 735x1024, 807dc22eb768fb4610a24538674e21…)

Gotta love cute ac fanart

No. 415861

Oh kek. Should have known. They're all so cute. Especially Alfred. Are they wolves or foxes?

No. 416202


No. 417658

File: 1727066987489.jpg (845.97 KB, 595x959, 53621492_p0.jpg)

No. 417660

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No. 417661

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No. 417662

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No. 417663

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No. 417664

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No. 417665

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No. 417666

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No. 417667

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No. 417668

File: 1727067615201.jpg (1.37 MB, 1592x2232, 67899445_p12.jpg)

No. 417669

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No. 417670

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No. 417671

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No. 417672

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No. 417673

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No. 417674

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No. 417675

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No. 417676

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No. 417677

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No. 417678

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No. 417680

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No. 417681

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No. 417682

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No. 417683

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No. 417684

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No. 417685

File: 1727068425816.png (853.58 KB, 1141x1600, 106944083_p25.png)

No. 417686

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No. 417687

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No. 417688

File: 1727068576458.png (1.34 MB, 1141x1600, 106944083_p68.png)

No. 417846

File: 1727122261620.webp (254.5 KB, 1080x1527, P_-Z2mfYDYIn7U7p9FnvZGlYKsaaNy…)

No. 418544

File: 1727326086137.png (192.13 KB, 900x1300, tumblr_p3d2fi1i9s1rhzwmzo4_128…)

No. 418545

File: 1727326133675.png (179.84 KB, 600x1000, tumblr_p9rbr83rFf1xu1ubbo1_128…)

No. 418761

File: 1727422698021.png (269.91 KB, 800x1300, tumblr_p44thzMs0d1rhzwmzo2_r1_…)

No. 418762

File: 1727422755508.png (179.68 KB, 600x900, tumblr_pds9yqRont1xu1ubbo8_128…)

No. 418763

File: 1727422794266.png (335.7 KB, 843x1280, tumblr_pf89sogBCE1xu1ubbo2_128…)

No. 418764

File: 1727422851277.png (215.57 KB, 1000x1000, tumblr_pa4305BppJ1xu1ubbo1_128…)

No. 424793

File: 1729112822300.jpg (784.86 KB, 3920x2085, 1515556585_NoWater11.jpg)

No. 425172

File: 1729251813973.jpg (125.31 KB, 1168x1415, FGOixChUcAEZyL1.jpg)

No. 425275

File: 1729289379651.jpg (88.45 KB, 471x794, tumblr_nc7xlrSvyA1rstjv3o1_540…)

No. 425276

File: 1729289525989.png (2.15 MB, 1226x1783, desubox.png)

No. 425284

You can tell the artist didn't flip the canvas while they were drawing this

No. 425293

I flipped it and it still looks good. Insane amounts of detail.

No. 425400

File: 1729335653171.jpg (63.11 KB, 564x705, 79f403ab48ea23f21f7e4dce575312…)

No. 425401

File: 1729335997949.jpg (47.39 KB, 480x640, 9890ccfe4f9e55dddeee8de5369932…)

No. 425517

File: 1729377632261.jpg (53 KB, 297x400, shin17.jpg)

No. 425525

File: 1729378669198.jpg (542.55 KB, 1056x1280, 1645468327.ladyshalirin_hjaqav…)

No. 425526

File: 1729378703208.jpg (156.04 KB, 1103x1920, muzinabu.jpg)

No. 425682

File: 1729440595746.jpg (218.87 KB, 1200x1026, EJK9f-OU8AAsMeJ.jpg)

No. 425909

File: 1729509415005.jpg (232.54 KB, 716x1024, fantastic-mr-fox-2-poster_1024…)

I love this movie so much. I still have the toy I got from a McDonald's Happy Meal years ago kek

No. 425961

File: 1729532082892.jpg (252.06 KB, 3508x2480, 913ac9ed3aba370b7ce064b5532be2…)

I like this movie too. It's an autumn classic.

No. 425974

File: 1729534756334.jpg (2.63 MB, 1447x2048, 1000015778.jpg)

I used to watch this movie on repeat like a little autist

No. 427262

File: 1729933436344.jpg (694.81 KB, 2048x1536, 1651447288931.jpg)

No. 427474

File: 1730007379079.jpg (30.99 KB, 563x676, eb963f792ea9f0812c91e20ec0b52d…)

Fantastic Mr Fox happy meal toys were a thing???

No. 427475

File: 1730007409416.jpg (89.39 KB, 1000x560, media_F_8ZkieaEAADuf4.jpg)

No. 427476

File: 1730007431553.jpg (160.44 KB, 1024x656, media_E4QVO06UcAAkN2D.jpg)

No. 427477

File: 1730007466294.png (413.84 KB, 832x832, media_FmC6pVqakAE8-CX.png)

No. 427478

File: 1730007700369.jpg (83.77 KB, 600x900, 67b459c3c9c8c276fbae63e102ecdb…)

No. 428183

File: 1730247998403.jpg (659.16 KB, 709x1000, 1620554229.hachikun_boar.jpg)

No. 428202

File: 1730259809422.jpg (819.12 KB, 1414x2048, GT-pF9Xb0AANM4R.jpg)

Really loving this artist's stuff lately (inuneko_byo_in on twitter)

No. 428203

File: 1730259831245.jpg (955.59 KB, 2048x1684, GRuv76vboAAOGdy.jpg)

It all has this really nostalgic childhood vibe to me.

No. 428204

File: 1730259853422.jpg (901.47 KB, 1959x2048, GQmcEMkakAUPL-d.jpg)

No. 430059

File: 1730877908904.jpg (153.83 KB, 1024x799, FERXmRBXwAE8hQ3.jpg)

No. 430065

File: 1730878594691.jpg (193.63 KB, 1511x1032, FrsAliSX0AMDYwW.jpg)

No. 430072

File: 1730880260282.jpg (204.84 KB, 1220x1522, FssemfKaEAAjc6z.jpg)

No. 430080

ive never felt the urge to hug a fursuiter before, this is so insanely cute

No. 431216

File: 1731283170662.jpeg (167.77 KB, 1336x1571, 1731256871272.jpeg)

I found the source for the artist behind the nun cow, she's a furry, i'll dump some of her art here

No. 431217

File: 1731283424385.jpg (316.9 KB, 2048x1678, media_FpVvPwLWcAA05qH.jpg)

No. 431221

File: 1731283798620.jpg (207.16 KB, 2048x1454, media_Fqj3WzFWAAItVQl.jpg)

Jesse Pinkman

No. 431223

File: 1731283839441.jpg (442.83 KB, 2048x1342, media_FZ0m8LNWIAI8SzY.jpg)

i think she has a thing for nuns tbh

No. 431224

File: 1731283881524.jpg (251.72 KB, 2048x1680, media_Ftf8VqSWAAAw302.jpg)

No. 431225

File: 1731283946534.jpg (776.05 KB, 2006x2048, media_FasCk_2XgAMq9CU.jpg)

No. 431229

File: 1731284101384.jpg (627.91 KB, 2048x1650, media_FasCk_1XkAEtcwG.jpg)

Cow and goat ocs, cute

No. 431230

File: 1731284131758.jpg (425.99 KB, 1654x2048, media_FujXPSwWwAAuLN5.jpg)

No. 431232

File: 1731284358882.jpg (287.91 KB, 1673x1553, media_Fz5bKXFXgAE9bOS.jpg)

No. 431731

File: 1731457334859.webm (1.63 MB, 1280x720, cute stop motion.webm)

No. 431739

I wanna squeeze her

No. 431742

This is how furry nonnies look in my mind

No. 433130

File: 1731889204442.jpg (591.57 KB, 2047x2048, media_Gcme9EzW4AAHT9R.jpg)

No. 433140

Aww this reminds me of a post a anon posted here about her mom breaking in her apartment and making her food kek

No. 438893

File: 1733596194165.jpg (55.36 KB, 736x634, 1000017635.jpg)

No. 438895

File: 1733596712133.png (259.16 KB, 750x650, 51629.png)

Everyone itt needs to play Tail Concerto, it's the ultimate wholesome furry game.

No. 438988

This is so fucking cute

No. 439765

File: 1733871524009.jpg (227.38 KB, 1800x1980, fe1be8dd023d745c7d93238efdaf3f…)

No. 439767

File: 1733871551040.jpg (244.21 KB, 2000x1481, 2b32c459ce95b44a4dcb2f28909ef3…)

No. 439843

File: 1733914351043.gif (1.31 MB, 720x616, FWqLBilYB9XMT6Xj.gif)

No. 440036

File: 1733998875392.jpg (589.29 KB, 4096x1118, E1REZtiVEAULKiR.jpg)

No. 440037

File: 1733998972927.jpg (625.87 KB, 2549x3541, EuavRORUcAkHS4E.jpg)

No. 440038

File: 1733999043433.jpg (956.66 KB, 2549x3541, E3-rD8LUUAMzp66.jpg)

No. 440063

No. 441052

File: 1734370662161.jpg (133.79 KB, 1200x897, EizPERFXgAAuTEj.jpg)

No. 441103

Aaaw this is adorable

No. 441439

File: 1734492123145.jpg (412.73 KB, 780x1010, GWOSFy_a0AAoSaO.jpg)

No. 441440

File: 1734492198439.jpg (312.15 KB, 1000x799, GZ23DJbaEAIJ173.jpg)

No. 443243

File: 1735320609282.jpg (751.68 KB, 1186x1649, FmmgcRQagAA-1sR.jpg)

No. 443246

File: 1735321326934.jpg (475.25 KB, 1280x1625, Art_of_Tatsuyuki+Tanaka_15.jpg)

No. 443247

File: 1735321653369.jpg (186.63 KB, 1280x925, tumblr_3fd1d3662724441697866e6…)

No. 443261

File: 1735325880465.jpg (604.73 KB, 1448x2048, Gc7eB7qboAArCvs.jpg)

No. 443262

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No. 443263

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No. 443265

File: 1735326012568.jpg (282.03 KB, 1448x2048, GcqqUoiacAAW2JT.jpg)

No. 443266

File: 1735326043642.jpg (296.04 KB, 1448x2048, GcqqUokaoAAHLnM.jpg)

No. 443334

this looks like shotashit

No. 443359

It's not. Characters are from Homicipher which neither of them are shotas.

No. 443417

I've never seen his anthro art before and have no idea what this character is from, but Tatsuyuki Tanaka's art is always immediately recognizable. I love his sense of proportions and color.

No. 444566

File: 1735742045811.jpg (2.7 MB, 1748x2667, Tumblr_l_22445301372616.jpg)

No. 446225

File: 1736231589019.jpg (680.23 KB, 2048x1658, tumblr_9ac6677080b0e981752e836…)

No. 446534

I love creepy furry ladies like this, we need moar

No. 447715

File: 1736646586025.jpg (282.21 KB, 1680x1319, Homicipher_catadamiandmrhood_z…)


Homicipher mentioned, love that game. Fox scarletella being too tall for the heart hands duo is cute

No. 447722

File: 1736647511931.jpeg (544.34 KB, 1627x1845, F1vTLmiaMAEZuVP.jpeg)

No. 447724

File: 1736647551370.jpeg (238.34 KB, 1493x2048, FVZRMlFaMAAruJJ.jpeg)

No. 447725

File: 1736647581010.jpeg (298.39 KB, 1500x1500, F5P_KkuasAAR-xM.jpeg)

No. 447726

File: 1736647630337.jpeg (95.39 KB, 1000x1000, FxgjebGaIAkCCEv.jpeg)

No. 447727

File: 1736647666467.jpeg (237.75 KB, 1625x1895, GWpiU0-a8AAERHM.jpeg)

No. 447748

Really cute

No. 447829

File: 1736675478434.png (1.48 MB, 2006x2833, FC4JIuVaIAALTkO.png)

No. 447830

File: 1736675710171.jpeg (417.98 KB, 3018x2968, FMNmxj0WUAQDDyi.jpeg)

No. 451364

File: 1737510676875.jpg (126.71 KB, 900x1200, 1000009440.jpg)

Charming Tails is so cute!

No. 451371

File: 1737511983297.jpg (19.8 KB, 400x367, 1000009436.jpg)

No. 451374

File: 1737512354288.webp (111.22 KB, 1200x901, 1000009432.webp)

No. 451376

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No. 451378

File: 1737513798806.jpg (38.22 KB, 500x500, 1000009433.jpg)

No. 451379

>>451378 yes nonna!! i love animal figurines. these are so cute.

No. 451380

File: 1737514425739.jpg (32.02 KB, 570x570, 1000009434.jpg)

No. 451413

File: 1737518904604.jpeg (81.03 KB, 512x512, IMG_3711.jpeg)

These are so cute! I own picrel. I want to find more of them!

No. 452881

File: 1737797231122.jpg (532.85 KB, 750x504, GiDEouWbMAAsFsJ.jpg)

No. 453566

File: 1737907714941.jpg (65.9 KB, 600x563, Crash.Bandicoot.600.1087393.jp…)

No. 454595

File: 1738103958304.jpg (129.04 KB, 1071x1146, 20250128_104027.jpg)

No. 455527

File: 1738343884231.jpg (307.68 KB, 1220x1500, 9e9aeea6b2c99e171591c89d431f9c…)

Omg so adorb
Nice art style

No. 455537

Asoi's furry art is a blessing

No. 455583

File: 1738356038395.jpg (614.93 KB, 2000x1631, bafkreifpqq6yfrsdbkjhhj7kp6yla…)

No. 455626

File: 1738361346989.jpg (234.24 KB, 1019x1500, 104375385_p19.jpg)

They're so cute together

No. 455632

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No. 456058

File: 1738463570637.jpg (331.96 KB, 1500x1500, GBud2EwbMAEXWDZ.jpg)

No. 456434

File: 1738554098589.jpg (129.04 KB, 736x562, 1000001172.jpg)

No. 456435

File: 1738554693664.jpg (208.85 KB, 1200x1142, Fc6pcMaakAARfIp.jpg)

No. 456436

File: 1738554715639.jpg (248.92 KB, 1200x1143, FEoexptWYAIhQTk.jpg)

No. 456437

File: 1738554739445.jpg (192.3 KB, 850x1200, FAH2LVWVkAwWryV.jpg)

No. 456438

File: 1738554766837.jpg (191.33 KB, 1200x783, FQimaFDaQAEuAKI.jpg)

No. 456459

File: 1738569539439.jpeg (148.91 KB, 758x1000, GizLQ4XW0AA_42F.jpeg)

No. 457067

File: 1738712337595.jpeg (348.67 KB, 1700x1793, IMG_7504.jpeg)

No. 457487

File: 1738847689445.jpg (262.11 KB, 2048x1617, GjA-vt_a4AAS9hE.jpg)

No. 457677

File: 1738907466069.jpg (465.29 KB, 550x651, GjF9MOObIAMVnAv.jpg)

No. 457733

File: 1738918983041.jpeg (91.04 KB, 645x679, E2AA1751-7AC7-43BD-81A8-F26F9D…)

No. 457734

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No. 457735

File: 1738919103242.jpeg (147.47 KB, 736x936, 884807EB-7133-4019-AD25-51AA76…)

No. 457739

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No. 457740

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No. 457745

File: 1738919663640.jpeg (317.1 KB, 1036x1200, 088BDB70-F928-400E-876A-1B1A3C…)

No. 457748

File: 1738919730415.jpeg (119.39 KB, 500x704, F5EC6767-A378-4487-8E09-3FF9C1…)

No. 458306

File: 1739055962557.jpg (31.28 KB, 477x357, Yukirirry.JPG)

No. 459142

File: 1739282014820.jpg (115.74 KB, 878x1184, __heng_nine_sols_drawn_by_yyan…)

No. 459143

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No. 459144

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No. 459146

File: 1739282166837.jpg (294.33 KB, 2118x1703, __yi_heng_shuanshuan_and_kuafu…)

No. 460365

File: 1739548937300.png (506.67 KB, 717x855, sweaters.png)

I've been looking at knitting books from the 80's and 90's on the internet archive. "The Tap-Dancing Lizard" has these beautiful drawings interspersed with the patterns

No. 460580

File: 1739617457540.jpg (177.79 KB, 1159x689, cool_blue_by_zetalie_dgmme9v-p…)

I really love early 2000's anthro art style. A lot more stylized rather than the disney-cartoon type

No. 460582

File: 1739617504978.gif (1.34 MB, 390x694, dgdmqxd-c31d4485-cff4-42ae-844…)

No. 460601

this is so fckin cuteeee

No. 461751

File: 1739951981907.jpg (115.69 KB, 764x1080, 20250216_162038.jpg)

No. 461752

i wish i had this drip

No. 461765

File: 1739955386235.jpg (55.56 KB, 342x350, shifhic2.jpg)

takes me back

No. 461766

File: 1739955512126.jpg (110.4 KB, 576x576, 1526773688676.jpg)

now i miss the glamfur thread. i was the one who uploaded most of the pics. they're in a photobucket account i no longer have access to. i think i saved them on my gmail cloud though.

No. 461769

File: 1739955874524.png (173.42 KB, 400x500, 1570246987522.png)

No. 461875

File: 1739999344046.gif (118.35 KB, 742x406, 1557758360590.gif)

i love that thread, im so mad genderspecial zoomies discovered it

No. 461882

File: 1740002378013.jpg (135.08 KB, 939x500, florencia-alcaide-boceto-conce…)

No. 461883

File: 1740002403712.jpg (100.29 KB, 752x400, florencia-alcaide-panchito-con…)

No. 461884

File: 1740002444098.jpg (240.17 KB, 950x700, 31692795_p9.jpg)

No. 461887

I stared at this pic for so long. It's so comfy and nostalgic

No. 461889

File: 1740003442503.jpg (250.48 KB, 587x936, 1629157196332.jpg)

blue's clues fursona! so cute!

No. 461949

File: 1740030925424.png (180.27 KB, 500x397, three_caballeros_team_by_idoln…)

I wondered why they weren't in Kingdom Hearts even though they're very loved in Japan.

No. 462010

File: 1740050412766.jpg (86.06 KB, 1004x752, furry.jpg)

No. 462274

I love thisss

No. 463938

No. 464032

This thread was a much-needed breath of fresh air. What do y'all think of Nirami? She was a huge inspiration for me in her early animation days

No. 464072

This is funny because maple town was an American knockoff to a Japanese product

No. 464075

I didn't know that.

No. 464328

File: 1740621775784.jpeg (417.11 KB, 1181x1748, IMG_8078.jpeg)

No. 464379

File: 1740643549493.jpeg (182.67 KB, 735x569, 6A1C865D-1DBE-4788-84C1-C64C79…)

No. 464426

Huh? It is an anime. I don't know how much the eng dub differentiates from the original, but the animation was definitely from japan.

No. 464655

File: 1740691719204.gif (999.89 KB, 499x281, 5649B2D5-4429-4DF1-9BF3-7AD66A…)

No. 464997

No. 466309

File: 1741043425958.jpg (163.49 KB, 800x600, neoscreen1.jpg)

No. 466318

File: 1741047171883.gif (1.75 MB, 245x179, tumblr_o12z8dfNWA1r717c6o8_128…)

No. 466319

File: 1741047199749.gif (1.26 MB, 245x179, tumblr_o12z8dfNWA1r717c6o5_128…)

No. 470515

File: 1742054170496.jpg (957.39 KB, 1558x2048, 20250314_233746.jpg)

No. 471889

File: 1742371378482.jpg (107.48 KB, 945x818, media_GLeJXdxakAIxnBF.jpg)

No. 471894

why does shoyru have hair

No. 471896

File: 1742372273894.jpg (112.58 KB, 720x560, 11313122_p0.jpg)

I don't want to be that person but this is not furry/anthro but kemonomimi. Though I think it should be allowed in this thread since it's slow.

No. 471936

File: 1742384713835.jpg (126.51 KB, 812x903, ponyaneko.jpg)

No. 471937

File: 1742384785595.jpg (182.84 KB, 852x1080, GmWI2D2aUAAfWsh.jpg)

No. 471938

File: 1742384834000.jpg (112.36 KB, 1291x1076, GimvEtObYAMuElb.jpg)

No. 471940

File: 1742384931233.jpg (108.19 KB, 1202x832, GhaKw4Ca4AAH3vF.jpg)

No. 474534

File: 1742898584569.jpg (687.51 KB, 1200x1580, mv_img01.jpg)

The series I'm looking forward the most for spring.

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